58 JESE 2 (1) (2022) Journal of Environmental and Science Education https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jese Improving Honest Attitude and Learning Outcomes Human Excretion System using Discovery Learning Siti Nursaadah 1*, Mulyadi HP2 1SMP 5 Semarang, Indonesia 2LPMP, Central Java, Indonesia DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/jese.v2i1.50656 Article Info ________________ Received 6 October 2021 Accepted 22 April 2022 Published 26 April 2022 ________________ Keywords: Honest Attitude, Learning Outcome, Discovery Learning ____________________ *Corresponding author: Siti Nursaadah SMP 5 Semarang E-mail: stnursaadah1970@gmail.com Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the improvement of honest attitude and learning result of human excretion system material using the discovery learning model in class VIII H SMP 5 Semarang semester 2 of 2018/2019. This research is a classroom action research. These research subjects are all students of class VIII H SMP 5 Semarang consisting of 32 people. This research was conducted with pre- cycle, cycle I, and cycle II stages. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of documentation techniques in the initial conditions, observation techniques, and test techniques in the first cycle and second cycle. Data analysis techniques by comparing the variables of honest attitude and learning outcomes in the initial conditions with conditions in the first cycle and second cycle. The results showed that there was an increase in students' honesty in the pre-cycle stage (73.68%), the first cycle (82.81%), and the second cycle (88.28%). There was an increase in learning outcomes before the action (pre-cycle) (59%), cycle I (79.86%), and cycle II (87.06%). Improving students' honesty and learning outcomes becomes a consideration for teachers to use discovery learning models and becomes information material for schools to prepare media or learning materials for discovery learning models. ©2022 Universitas Negeri Semarang p-ISSN 2797-0175 e-ISSN 2775-2518 mailto:stnursaadah1970@gmail.com mailto:stnursaadah1970@gmail.com Nursaadah, S. et al. / Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2 (1) 2022 59 INTRODUCTION Education is a basic right for everyone, regardless of social class, race, political choice, belief, as well as physical and mental differences A process that systematically brings children and certain groups of children at the same age, into a natural environment where children generally play and learn. Thus, education is an effort to improve the quality of educational programs for all students, with the right form of service (based on needs, uniqueness, and individual characteristics) to ensure their success. (Rukajat, 2018). In Indonesia, the curriculum changing which was originally KTSP was later replaced with a new curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum, which caused many pros and cons in the community and even experts. Regardless of the pros and cons, the 2013 curriculum has the notion of a competency-based and character- based curriculum, which can equip students with various attitudes and abilities in accordance with the demands of the times and technological demands. Of course in the 2013 curriculum there are advantages and disadvantages, one of the most basic shortcomings is the teacher's lack of understanding in delivering learning materials with the new curriculum. While the advantages of the 2013 curriculum are that students are required to be active, creative and innovative. Apart from having advantages and disadvantages, in fact that in the curriculum there are changes in terms of strategies, models, and demands a change in learning system that is adapted to the demands of the 2013 curriculum. A teacher is someone who deals directly with students in learning so that it has a direct influence on the success of students in completing learning tasks. Surapranata (2016) states that 30% of the learning success factors for students are determined by the teacher. The general learning guidelines that regulate the learning models used in the 2013 curriculum, namely: (1) Project Based Learning; (2) Problem Based Learning; (3) Discovery Learning; (4) Inquiry Learning. In addition, the 2013 curriculum emphasizes thematic learning. Thematic is defined as “related to the theme” and “theme” itself means “the main idea; the basis of the story (which is talked about, used as a basis for composing, changing poetry, and so on)”. The quality of education in Indonesia that affects student achievement is influenced by three factors, namely internal factors (psychological factors, honest attitudes, etc.), external factors (process skills), and learning approach factors (Priansa, 2015). Honesty is a character that is considered to be able to bring the Indonesian nation into a nation free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (Kusuma, 2011). The depletion of honesty can cause many problems in this country, it can even be said that honesty is one of the main joints that can support the upholding of the joints of life. For example, students who are dishonest cause them to cheat (Aunillah, 2011). Based on development indicators, honesty behavior is one of the good characteristic that has no definition, namely one of character values based on efforts to make himself a person who can always trusted in words, actions and work both towards himself and others, There are many things that do not support the achievement of learning outcomes such as the lack of honest attitude of students in learning, which is still relatively low, some basic competencies as learning objectives that have not been able to be achieved in accordance with the minimum completeness criteria standard (KKM) which is expected, so it is necessary to make concrete efforts or steps to improve honesty in students. Honesty in the learning process greatly affects learning outcomes, the habit of cheating, imitating the work of friends, plagiarizing friends' assignments, unwilling to think for themselves, only depending on other’s work, it makes many students to be lazy to study. It is hoped that by the improvement the honesty of students in learning, it will significantly increase the achievement of learning outcomes, which is automatically tobe good. Based on secondary data obtained from the list of student scores that the 2017/2018 human excretory system material showed results where as many as 70% of students got scores below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The low ability of students is an indication of weaknesses as well as learning difficulties, which in this case are weaknesses and difficulties in learning to understand the material about the function and location of the excretory organs in humans. Therefore, the VIII grade science teacher identified the cause of the VIII H grade students "failing" in understanding the material, which was related to the difficulty in recognizing the main thoughts or main ideas in the previous Nursaadah, S. et al. / Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2 (1) 2022 60 material in addition to their low interest and motivation in learning science. Based on the above problems, an effort to minimize the problem of student learning outcomes in learning human excretory system material is to develop students' honesty. The discovery learning model is used by researchers because of various considerations, namely because the problems that occur in the classroom are quite complex and require researchers to use the model. The discovery learning model is a learning model that is able to lead students to realize what they have learned during learning. Learning with discovery learning is an important component in the constructivist approach that has a long history in the world of education. The idea of discovery learning arises from the desire to give students a sense of pleasure in "finding" something by themselves, by following in the footsteps of scientists. This method is a component of educational practice which includes teaching methods that promote active learning, process-oriented, self-directed, self-seeking and reflective. The advantages of discovery learning learning model compared to other learning models are to encourage students to think scientifically, creatively, intuitively and work on their own initiative, fostering an objective, honest and open attitude. Therefore, the researcher took the discovery learning model to solve the problem of understanding the concepts that occurred in thematic learning. Based on the above background, the authors are interested in conducting further research on improving honesty attitudes and learning outcomes of human excretory system materials using the discovery learning Model in Class VIII H Students of SMP 5 Semarang Semester 2, academic year 2018/2019." METHOD This is classroom action research whereas the subject of this study is the VIII H students of SMP 5 Semarang, semester 2. The academic year 2018/ 2019. The research was carried out in activities with pre-cycle stages, first cycles, and second cycles. Data collection techniques were carried out using documentation study techniques in the initial conditions, observation techniques and test techniques in cycle I and cycle II. The data analysis technique is to compare the honest attitude in doing the task, the average value of learning outcomes of Natural Science material excretion in humans in the initial conditions with conditions in cycle I and cycle II. After comparing the initial conditions with the conditions in cycle I and cycle II, then continued reflection to determine follow-up. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This research consists of pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II. At the time of the pre-cycle the teacher had not used the discovery learning model and was then given a test question to measure students' cognitive abilities. Next, the action was taken in the first cycle where the teaching and learning process used the discovery learning model by giving the task to students to draw the organs in the excretory system then pasted on the worksheet and then given a test question. Then in the second cycle of the teaching and learning process using the discovery learning model, students were given the task of looking for pictures of organs and their functions on the internet and then pasted on a worksheet and then given the same test questions as pre-cycle and cycle I. Honesty attitude was obtained by observing during the learning process. Table 1. Improving Students Honesty Attitude No. Honest Attitude Indicator Before Action (Pre cycle) (%) After Action Cycle I (%) Cycle II (%) 1. Do not cheat on the test 69.5 82.81 88,28 2. No plagiarism 74.2 82.81 89.06 3. Express feelings as they are 75 83.59 87.50 4. Hand over the found items to the authorities 74.2 83.59 89.06 5. Generate reports based on data 74.2 82.81 87.50 6. Admit your shortcomings or mistakes 75 81.25 88,28 Average 73.68 82.81 88,28 Nursaadah, S. et al. / Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2 (1) 2022 61 Table 2. Improving Student Learning Outcomes Observed aspects Before Action (Pre cycle) After Action Cycle I Cycle II Average score 59 79.86 87.06 Students who meet the KKM (≥ 79) 6 (18.75%) 25 (78.12) 31 (96.86%) Figure 1. Improving Students Honesty Attitude Figure 2. Improving of Student Learning Outcomes This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out in order to improve the quality of cognitive learning outcomes and honest attitude of class VIII H SMP 5 Semarang through the application of discovery learning models. This classroom action research was carried out in two cycles and each cycle consisted of two meetings. Based on observation data in class VIII H of SMP 5 Semarang, it shows that before the action (pre- cycle) it was found that there was still a low level of honesty and student learning outcomes in science learning which were shown based on indicators, namely students who did not cheat in doing assessments of 69.5 %, students who do not become plagiarized are 74.2%, students express feelings as they are 75%, students submit items found to the authorities at 74.2%, students make reports based on data by 74.2%, and students admit the shortcomings or mistakes they have by 75%. The average percentage of honest attitude indicators obtained in the pre- cycle is 73.7% which has not reached the performance indicators specified in this study, which is 85% (see Table 1 and Figure 1). While learning outcomes were observed from the individual test scores of students who met the KKM, students whose scores met the KKM were only 6 students (18.75%) with an average score of 59 out of 32 students. The KKM score in science subjects at SMP 5 Semarang is 79 so that the average student test scores have not reached the performance indicators. While learning outcomes were observed from the individual test scores of students who met the KKM, students whose scores met the KKM were only 6 students (18.75%) with an average score of 59 out of 32 students. The KKM score in science subjects at SMP 5 Semarang is 79 so that the average student test scores have not reached the performance indicators. While learning outcomes were observed from the individual test scores of students who met the KKM, students whose scores met the KKM were only 6 students (18.75%) with an average score of 59 out of 32 students. The KKM score in science subjects at SMP 5 Semarang is 79 so that the average student test scores have not reached the performance indicators. Based on the observation data in the first cycle, it showed an increase in achievement indicators, namely students who did not cheat in doing the assessment by 82.81%, students who did not become plagiarized by 82.81%, students expressed their feelings as they were 83.59%, students submitted the goods found to the authorities were 83.59%, students made reports based on data by 82.81%, and students admitted their shortcomings or mistakes were 81.25% (see Table 2). The average percentage of honest attitude indicators obtained in the first cycle is 82.81% which has not reached the performance indicators specified in this study, which is 85%. This is caused by several shortcomings in the learning process in cycle I. on Figure 2, the 0 50 100 Tidak menyontek dalam mengerjakan penilaian Tidak menjadi plagiat Mengungkapkan perasaan apa adanya Menyerahkan barang yang ditemukan kepada… Membuat laporan berdasarkan data Mengakui kekurangan atau kesalahan yang… Rata-rata Siklus II Siklus I Pra Siklus 59 79.86 87.06 6 25 31 Pra Siklus Siklus I Siklus II Average Admit your shortcomings or mistakes Generate reports based on data Hand over the found items to the authorities Express feelings as they are No plagiarism Do not cheat on the test Cycle I Pre Cycle Cycle II Pre Cycle Cycle I Cycle II Nursaadah, S. et al. / Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2 (1) 2022 62 increase is also found in student learning outcomes, namely there are 25 students (78,86). The existence of deficiencies that occur in learning activities in the first cycle does not affect students' cognitive learning outcomes but for honest attitudes it has not yet reached performance indicators. Based on these deficiencies, the teacher made improvements in improving the quality of the learning process in cycle II by improving the quality of the learning process based on the results of reflections carried out in cycle I. Learning outcomes (output) were influenced by the learning process and the learning process was influenced by input (Sari & Amalia, 20210; Ni’mah & Wardani, 2021). The completeness and readiness of the elements contained in the input component will determine the quality of the learning process. The input elements in this case teachers and students must be ready to be able to present a high-quality learning process. Teachers are mentors and motivators for their students. and students are learning subjects who need teacher guidance in building and developing their potential. With the readiness and motivation of teachers and students in learning activities, it can encourage a quality learning process so that it can produce quality outputs in the form of quality learning outcomes as well. Based on the observation data in cycle II, it showed an increase in student learning outcomes who met the KKM score, as many as 31 students (96.86%) with an average value of 87.06 out of 32 students. Students who do not cheat in doing the assessment are 88.28%, students who do not plagiarize 89.02%, students express their feelings as they are 87.50%, students submit items found to the authorities by 89.06%, students make reports based on data amounted to 87.50%, and students admitted their shortcomings or mistakes were 88.28%. The average percentage obtained in the second cycle is 88.28% which has reached the performance indicators specified in this study, which is 85%. Based on classroom action research, it is known that there is an increase in achievement indicators in cycle I and cycle II. The science teacher who took part in this study stated that learning by using the discovery learning model, students were more enthusiastic in learning science and learning in the classroom felt more fun so that it resulted in an honest attitude and student learning outcomes could increase. This is in line with the research that has been carried out by Rosarina (2016) that by applying the discovery learning model is an alternative to improve student learning outcomes. This increase is seen from the percentage of completeness in each cycle. Students who were declared complete in the first cycle based on the test results were 7 students (26.92%), the second cycle became 17 students (65.38%) and the third cycle 23 students (88.46%). Research by Eko Wahjudi (2015) showed that with the classroom action research method through two cycles, data obtained an increase in student learning outcomes in class IX-I SMPN 1 Kalianget from an average value of 85.32 to 98.61, and from student involvement in learning also increased. from 86.57% to 97.22%, while learning activities in student engagement group activities have increased from 86, The implementation of character education aims to instill in students the importance of core ethical values such as honesty, responsibility, justice, respect for oneself and others (Pala, 2011), suggesting that schools with high implementation of character education tend to have academic values. which is higher than schools with low implementation of character education (Benninga, et al., 2003). CONCLUSION There is an improvement in students attitude and learning outcomes by using the discovery learning model on the human excretion system for class VIII H students of SMP 5 Semarang semester 2 of 2019. Discovery learning model is an alternative to develop the character of the honest attitude and learning outcomes of the human excretory system material. The results of this study can be used as a reference for for students, this research is expected to improve honesty and learning outcomes of the human excretory system. Practically, this research can be used as input or consideration for teachers or teaching staff to use the discovery learning model in the learning process, because it has advantages in terms of understanding concepts. Applicatively this research can be used as information material for schools to prepare media or learning materials, especially regarding the discovery learning learning model. REFERENCES Aunillah, N.I. (2011). 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