49 JESE 2 (1) (2022) Journal of Environmental and Science Education https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jese Development of Interactive E-Books containing Virtual Laboratory to Improve Students’ Motivation Learning Viola Yorika Ramadhani1, Miranita Khusniati1* 1Science Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia 50229 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/jese.v2i1.53125 Article Info Received 28 December 2021 Accepted 22 April 2022 Published 26 April 2022 Keywords: Interactive E-Book, Virtual Laboratory, Learning Motivation *Corresponding author: Miranita Khusniati Universitas Negeri Semarang E-mail: miranita@mail.unnes.ac.id Abstract This study aims to analyze the characteristics, validity, and ability of Interactive E-Book media containing Virtual Laboratory in fostering learning motivation and to find out how the cognitive learning outcomes of students. The design of this research is Research and Development, using modified steps according to Sugiyono. Analysis of potential problems seen from the low motivation to learn of students, which is supported by the lack of innovation in learning media on global warming at SMP N 4 Semarang. In this study, an interactive learning media on global warming material was developed in the form of an E-Book with an application format so that it could be accessed flexibly via mobile phones. The Interactive E-Book was declared very valid with an average validation of 92.94% from media validators and 89.87% from material validators. Then a trial was conducted to determine the readability of the media. The results of the media readability research from students obtained an average of 88.92% with very good criteria. The ability of Interactive E-Books to increase students' learning motivation was measured using a learning motivation questionnaire, there was an increase in the high category. In addition, the increase in learning motivation is also supported by the cognitive learning, average pretest score was 51.78 while the posttest score was 85.56. Based on the description, it is concluded that the Interactive E-Book is valid to be used as a medium in learning activities and is able to improve students' learning motivation. Β©2022 Universitas Negeri Semarang p-ISSN 2797-0175 e-ISSN 2775-2518 mailto:miranita@mail.unnes.ac.id Ramadhani, V.Y. et al. / Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2 (1) 2022 50 INTRODUCTION Science learning in junior high schools in the 2013 curriculum is carried out in an integrated manner, where the Physics, Biology and Chemistry materials are packaged in one particular theme. Integrated science learning is expected to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. This integration is in order to obtain more meaningful, fun learning with the demands of the 2013 curriculum (Hayati et al., 2019). To find out and explain the natural events of science learning, it takes a strategy that can be applied by teachers to students in the learning process, of course, plays a very important role for successful learning. The level of success of the learning carried out can be determined through the learning process and student learning outcomes (Wipasith, 2015). Changes as a result of the learning process are shown in various forms, such as changes in attitudes, behavior and changes in other aspects of individuals who carry out learning activities (Rohwati, 2012). Learning accompanied by motivation from students are two things that are interconnected and influential in the learning process (Rohman & Sayyidatul, 2018). The relationship that occurs between learning motivation and learning outcomes is a positive relationship, which means that the higher the learning motivation of students, the higher the learning outcomes obtained. Motivation is a change in energy in a person which is characterized by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve certain goals. According to Hamalik (2004), as quoted by Surahmadi (2016), the success of the process and student achievement is strongly influenced by learning motivation. Umar et al., (2016) in learning science there are several factors that can affect the motivation of students. Factors that are often encountered are the use of learning methods and media applied by teachers to students in the learning process. Learning media are all tools or objects used in teaching and learning activities with the aim of facilitating the delivery of learning information from sources (teachers or other sources) to recipients (students and learning residents) (Rohwati, 2012). One of the learning media that can be used is E-Book. E-books are an alternative science learning media on smartphones supported by interactive content, so that they can attract the attention of students to be encouraged to learn (Hasbiyati & Khusnah, 2017). With the existence of an e-book, it should also be balanced with innovation or presentation of a good, attractive, and motivating display for students in operating it so that learning objectives can be achieved (Ghofur & Kustijono, 2015). According to Eskawati & Sanjaya (2012) states that the maximum utilization of learning resources or media will improve the quality of learning. The results of the initial study at SMP N 4 Semarang, the reference textbooks used were only printed package books from the government. The learning media used to support learning activities are in the form of digital teaching materials or power points which are explained by the teacher with the help of bandicam screen recordings. Based on the researcher's observations, the digital teaching materials and power point used are less attractive because the display presented is almost the same as the printed textbook that has not been developed. This makes students only pay attention to both digital teaching materials and power point explanations uploaded by the teacher on the YouTube page In addition, the involvement of students is not directly involved in learning so that the activeness of students is also not channeled properly. The teaching materials and media are actually complete, but several aspects need to be developed to make it more interesting. Teaching materials or media do not only contain text and images, but are also equipped with interactive content offerings that are suitable for learning materials and ability test exercises to measure students' understanding of the material being studied. This should be applied so that students are more interested in learning and maximally in achieving learning objectives. Looking at the supporting conditions for learning, the results of cognitive learning are obtained daily test scores, there are more than 50% of class VII students who get scores below the KKM, which is 73. This can be influenced by students' learning motivation towards science learning which still needs to be improved. From the results of online interviews with students of SMP N 4 Semarang, almost 50% of the 32 students consider science subjects to be less attractive so they are less enthusiastic about participating in learning or completing assignments to exceed the time limit set by the teacher, especially during the pandemic. it is felt that students are quite bored with the online system and there is minimal opportunity for students to be more active. In addition, the lack of enthusiasm for learning can be seen from Ramadhani, V.Y. et al. / Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2 (1) 2022 51 attendance in virtual classes between 40% -70% of 32 students and there is no interactive learning media about global warming material in digital form at the school. Based on the description of the background, it is necessary to develop learning media to foster students' learning motivation so that the process and learning outcomes aimed at can be improved. In this study, a learning media in the form of an e-book was developed with an interactive display in the form of an application. The application will have to go through the installation process first before being used, both on Android which can later be accessed anywhere and anytime. The developed learning media is named Interactive E-Book, with the aim of increase students' learning motivation. Characteristics of Interactive E-Books display multimedia content in the form of text, images, animations, videos with information features, instructions for use, materials, games and songs, as well as evaluation questions that can be obtained directly from the results. In addition, this application is also equipped with experiments through virtual laboratories so that learning becomes more active and attracts the attention of students to conduct further investigations related to the material being studied, as well as equipped with student worksheets. METHOD The sample in this study was taken by purposive sampling technique, namely students of class VII B SMP N 4 Semarang. The research design used in this research is research and development, with a modified research and development model by Sugiyono. The modification is done by reducing two steps, namely the second product trial and the second product revision. These two steps were not carried out due to time constraints and conditions that were still in the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sugiyono's research and development model used in this study includes: (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) product trial, (7) product revision, (8) final product. Descriptive analysis of the validity of the Interactive E-Book media containing Virtual Laboratory was carried out by researchers based on the assessments and suggestions given by the media and materials expert validators. The scoring score obtained is then analyzed using the formula: 𝑃 = 𝑓 𝑁 Γ— 100% (1) Information: P: Percentage of score obtained f: Total score obtained N: Total maximum score (Sudijono, 2009) The results of the percentage scores obtained are then converted into the validation assessment criteria in Table 1. Table 1. Validity Assessment Criteria Percentage Criteria 81.25%