item: #1 of 264 id: jee-1002 author: KV, Unnikrishnan; K, Dinesh title: Sources of Information and their Role in Influencing the Decision-Making Process among the Brackish Water Cage Farming Community in Kerala date: 2023-04-20 words: 4594 flesch: 74 summary: Farmers' responses on the sources of informa�on u�lized by them for prac�cing cage culture were collected. The various sources of informa�on u�lized by farmers were ranked based on the frequency distribu�on of different informa�on tools. keywords: a(3; adop; aquaculture; brackish; cage; culture; cumula; decision; e n; e r; educa; extension; family; farmers; farming; fisheries; frequency; informa; journal; kerala; m e; making; media; n t; n(1; number; o n; onal; page; research; role; score; sources; st(2; study; t e; technology; training; water cache: jee-1002.pdf plain text: jee-1002.txt item: #2 of 264 id: jee-1004 author: VARANI HOUSE, Rashmi Ravindranath; T. S. RAJEEV; P, Reeja George; Safeer M. Saifudeen title: Analysis of Profitability of Commercial Dog Breeding Ventures in Thrissur and Ernakulam Districts of Kerala date: 2023-04-20 words: 3514 flesch: 73 summary: A moderate posi�ve associa�on was found between the number of puppies born and the profitability of commercial dog breeding units. The study concluded that the profitability of commercial dog breeding units in Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala was significantly correlated with number of years of experience in dog breeding, number of adult animals reared, number of puppies born, labor cost, veterinary expenses and level of adop�on on scien�fic dog management prac�ces. keywords: adop; analysis; animal; associa; associated; breeders; breeding; ces; commercial; correla; cost; districts; dog; dogs; e n; enterprise; ernakulam; experience; factors; fic; findings; journal; kerala; level; management; number; page; prac; profitability; puppies; scien; study; thrissur; units; ventures; veterinary cache: jee-1004.pdf plain text: jee-1004.txt item: #3 of 264 id: jee-101 author: Thasneem, S; Seema, B title: Technology Utilization of Banana in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala date: 2017-04-16 words: 2044 flesch: 56 summary: Hence an attempt was made to assess the adoption of selected KAU practices on banana cultivation by commercial banana growers. About 44 per cent had of respondents were aware about spacing, but only 35.6 per cent adopted it. keywords: adoption; agricultural; aware; awareness; banana; cent; cultivation; district; extension; farmers; growers; kau; kerala; level; majority; planting; practices; production; respondents; spacing; study; suckers; technology; thiruvananthapuram cache: jee-101.pdf plain text: jee-101.txt item: #4 of 264 id: jee-103 author: Jayanthi, M.; Asokhan, M. title: Constraints Faced by m-Kisan Users date: 2016-11-21 words: 1042 flesch: 50 summary: The objective of the study was to find out the constraints faced by the farmers while accessing mobile agricultural extension services. Other than mobile phones, other ICT tools suffers from the problem of feasibility for the poor in geographically disadvantaged areas because of lack of enabling environments such as infrastructure and capital. keywords: agricultural; blocks; cent; constraints; extension; farmers; ict; india; information; kisan; lack; mobile; phones; price; respondents; services; users cache: jee-103.pdf plain text: jee-103.txt item: #5 of 264 id: jee-1049 author: Shyam Suraj S R title: Socioeconomic Status and its Association with Economic Motivation among the Dairy Entrepreneurs of Kerala date: 2023-04-20 words: 5554 flesch: 69 summary: Regression analysis showed that while milk produc�on and household assets were posi�vely related; experience and sales to dairy coopera�ves were nega�vely related to the economic mo�va�on of the dairy entrepreneurs. Majority of the entrepreneurs had medium level of economic mo�va�on; and among the socioeconomic variables, experience in dairying and milk sales to dairy coopera�ves had significant and nega�ve rela�onship; while milk produc�on and household assets had posi�ve rela�onship with economic mo�va�on. keywords: animals; assets; average; coopera; dairy; dairying; day; e e; e n; e s; e t; economic; economic mo; educa; entrepreneurs; fodder; h e; higher; highland; income; journal; kerala; lowland; majority; medium; midland; milk; n d; n t; n=80; o n; onal; page; produc; r e; regions; sales; socioeconomic; state; t h; table; variables; ves cache: jee-1049.pdf plain text: jee-1049.txt item: #6 of 264 id: jee-105 author: Jamal, Qudsiya; Shanthasheela, M; Vasanthapriya, S title: Knowledge Level of Sugarcane Growers on Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) date: 2017-04-16 words: 1260 flesch: 45 summary: Further, it was observed from the technology wise knowledge level that respondents had less knowledge about intercultural activities, fertigation interval, dripper spacing and spacing between plants compared to the other components of SSI. Overall knowledge level of the respondents keywords: cent; field; growers; initiative; irrigation; knowledge; level; nadu; project; respondents; ssi; sub; sugarcane; sustainable; tamil; technology; water; wise cache: jee-105.pdf plain text: jee-105.txt item: #7 of 264 id: jee-1054 author: D PUTHIRA , PRATHAP title: FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: EDITORIAL date: 2022-07-24 words: 4 flesch: 97 summary: Pages 2021-1 FInal.cdr keywords: pages cache: jee-1054.pdf plain text: jee-1054.txt item: #8 of 264 id: jee-1060 author: Anikha S Kumar; Shaijumon C S title: Impact of Agricultural Extension Institutions on Farm Efficiency among Rice Farmers in Kerala, India date: 2023-04-20 words: 5492 flesch: 76 summary: Thus the objec�ve of this study is to measure the role of agricultural extension ins�tu�ons in technical efficiency of produc�on by focusing on the rice farmers of Kerala, India. METHODOLOGY Alappuzha district is one of the major rice producing districts in Kerala with 32 per cent of the rice produced in Kerala coming from the District (Government of Kerala, 2021). The criteria of selec�on were that, the sample farmer should be the one who gets extension services from these ins�tu�ons at least once in a week. keywords: agricultural; analysis; area; e c; e n; e r; efficiency; extension; extension services; farmers; h e; iden; informa; ins; journal; kerala; l t; lack; n c; n d; n g; n s; n t; o n; ons; organiza; page; produc; programmes; research; rice; s e; s s; s t; scores; services; sfac; significant; sta; study; t e; technical; tu �; vity cache: jee-1060.pdf plain text: jee-1060.txt item: #9 of 264 id: jee-111 author: Regunath, Namitha; kumar, N Kishore title: Farmers’ Perception on Innovations in Technology Dissemination (ITD) Methods date: 2017-04-16 words: 1493 flesch: 37 summary: The present study was conducted in Kannur district of Kerala to identify the perception of farmers on ITD methods implemented by different agricultural institutions in Kannur district with special reference to Kannur Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK). Perception of farmers on ITD methods were categorized into low, medium and high based on mean and standard deviation. keywords: agricultural; approach; dissemination; district; effective; extension; farmers; index; individual; information; innovations; institutions; kannur; knowledge; kvk; level; methods; new; perception; public; respondents; technologies; technology cache: jee-111.pdf plain text: jee-111.txt item: #10 of 264 id: jee-1127 author: D, PUTHIRA PRATHAP title: From the Editor's desk date: 2021-06-30 words: 460 flesch: 47 summary: While discussing the bo�lenecks faced by smallholder farmer groups in the arid and semi-arid lands to raising produc�on and produc�vity, Kamanga (2014) had listed the following areas: 1. Limited to no access to inputs: improved variety seeds, informa�on, crop protec�on inputs, and financial services; 2. Limited skills and knowledge in good agronomic prac�ces required to exploit the full poten�al in improved inputs (par�cularly seeds); As per FAO, 'Family Farming', which includes all family-based agricultural ac�vi�es, is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture produc�on which is managed and operated by a family and predominantly reliant on family labour. keywords: agricultural; family; farming; farms; knowledge; limited; produc; world cache: jee-1127.pdf plain text: jee-1127.txt item: #11 of 264 id: jee-1129 author: Yoosuf, Safna Vatakke Kandy Meethal; B Seema title: Attitude of Beneficiary farmers towards the Service Delivery System of Agro Service Centres in Kerala, India date: 2023-08-19 words: 3277 flesch: 37 summary: Eleven independent variables for farmers, such as age, education, farming experience, size of land holding, resource utilization, annual farm income, change proneness, information source utilization, decision making ability, extension agency contact and risk orientation were selected, and correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the significance of the attitude of beneficiary farmers towards ASCs with the selected independent variables. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Attitude of Beneficiary Farmers towards ASCs The attitude of beneficiary farmers towards the services of ASCs was measured using an arbitrary scale developed for the purpose, and based on the scores obtained and the data score range, the respondent farmers were categorised into three groups, such as farmers with an unfavourable attitude, a mediumly favourable attitude, and a highly favourable attitude. keywords: agricultural; agro; agro service; ascs; attitude; beneficiaries; beneficiary; beneficiary farmers; centres; delivery; districts; education; extension; farmers; farming; favourable; favourable attitude; income; information; kerala; orientation; positive; relationship; risk; service; service centres; service delivery; significant; study; system; table; utilization; value cache: jee-1129.pdf plain text: jee-1129.txt item: #12 of 264 id: jee-114 author: Lakshmy, Athi; Rao, S.V.N title: Adoption of Improved Strain of Backyard Poultry date: 2017-09-20 words: 2025 flesch: 64 summary: Barring about a quarter of respondents, the rest had an experience of at least six years in rearing backyard poultry. Therefore, the animal husbandry sector should not only stop with supply of hybrid strain of birds but it also should aid the supportive services like vaccination, feeding, housing, marketing of these birds in order to encourage backyard poultry farmers. keywords: adoption; age; backyard; backyard poultry; birds; byp; cent; education; farmers; giriraja; improved; improved strain; non; number; poultry; puducherry; rearing; reasons; respondents; strain; study cache: jee-114.pdf plain text: jee-114.txt item: #13 of 264 id: jee-115 author: Philip, H. title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2016-11-21 words: 363 flesch: 58 summary: Further, in one of his recent articles, Mark Bell, the academy’s Director, has identified three elements required for the success of ICTs for agricultural extension and advisory services. This guide has been based on interactions and discussions with more than 1,000 farmers, extension and development workers in more than 25 countries. keywords: academy; agricultural; audience; extension; help; information; message; people cache: jee-115.pdf plain text: jee-115.txt item: #14 of 264 id: jee-117 author: Bashir, Bimal Puthuparambil; N, Narmatha; K M, Sakhtivel title: Subject Matter Specialists and Organizational Effectiveness of Krishi Vigyan Kendras of Tamil Nadu and Kerala date: 2017-04-16 words: 2760 flesch: 44 summary: Out of the total 30 Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Tamil Nadu, 19 are hosted by State Universities / Deemed Universities and 11 are hosted by Non-Government Organisations (NGO), whereas out of 14 Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Kerala, 11 are hosted by State Universities / ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) institutes and three are hosted by Non-Government Organizations. Untitled-1 5642 Subject Matter Specialists and Organizational Effectiveness of Krishi Vigyan Kendras of Tamil Nadu and Kerala Bimal P Bashir1, N. Narmatha2 and K.M. Sakhtivel3 ABSTRACT The study was undertaken with the objective of determining the socio-personal characteristics of Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) and their relationship with organizational effectiveness. keywords: agricultural; cent; effectiveness; extension; high; job; journal; kendras; kerala; krishi; krishi vigyan; kvks; level; linkage; matter; matter specialists; nadu; organizational; organizational effectiveness; respondents; satisfaction; significant; sms; specialists; stress; study; subject; tamil; team; variables; veterinary; vigyan; vigyan kendras; work cache: jee-117.pdf plain text: jee-117.txt item: #15 of 264 id: jee-1171 author: D, PUTHIRA PRATHAP title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2023-02-14 words: 433 flesch: 36 summary: Invest in 'last-mile infrastructure' innova�on: Closing the coverage gap will require con�nued innova�on in terms of energy, cell towers, and other infrastructure -innova�ons such as Google's Loon, Elon Musk's Starlink or Greg Wyler's One Web. In a recently published paper in Nature Sustainability, Mehrabi et al (2021) had reported that substan�al gaps s�ll exist in the availability of, and access to, data services for the world's farming popula�ons, especially the smallholders and have outlined the following recommenda�ons for for governments, agricultural development organiza�ons, funders, entrepreneurs and academics. keywords: access; agriculture; data; farmers; farming; infrastructure; innova; ons; use cache: jee-1171.pdf plain text: jee-1171.txt item: #16 of 264 id: jee-118 author: Nath, Dipak; Jain, P.K; Talukdar, R.K; Hansra, B.S title: Constraints Encountered by the Beneficiaries of Krishi Vigyan Kendra in North Eastern Region of India date: 2017-04-16 words: 1168 flesch: 44 summary: METHODOLOGY The objective of the study was to find out the constraints encountered by KVK beneficiaries and invite suggestions to address those constraints. The study revealed that unavailability of labour, unavailability of good quality seed and other inputs, unavailability of information about pest and disease management at right time,(inability to purchase modern agricultural implements and lack of capital were the major constraints. keywords: activities; agricultural; beneficiaries; constraints; eastern; extension; farmers; financial; india; inputs; kvk; kvks; labour; north; region; respondents; seed; study; suggestions; table; unavailability; vigyan cache: jee-118.pdf plain text: jee-118.txt item: #17 of 264 id: jee-119 author: Thomas, Allan; Thomas, Usha C.; Kishore Kumar, N title: Biodiversity Implications of Riparian Home-gardens: the Case of Chalakkudy River Based Agro-Ecosystem in Kerala date: 2017-04-16 words: 2555 flesch: 53 summary: (2012) reported that high diversity and low concentration (density) of dominance in different home-garden categories may be due to variations in anthropogenic pressure in different home gardens. Species Richness and Aboveground Carbon Stocks in the Home-gardens of Central Kerala, India. keywords: agricultural; agro; banks; biodiversity; case; chalakkudy; diversity index; ecosystem; gardens; high; home; homegardens; index; kerala; left; lower; lower reaches; mean; middle; number; reaches; region; right; riparian; riparian home; river; shannon; species; study; table; upper; value; wise cache: jee-119.pdf plain text: jee-119.txt item: #18 of 264 id: jee-1198 author: D PUTHIRA , PRATHAP title: From the Editor's Desk: EDITORIAL: 33(4) date: 2023-04-20 words: 487 flesch: 51 summary: Data Retention and Availability: The length of the existence of farming data in an ATP's system needs to be defined clearly, as well as how the data will be treated a�erward (i.e., removed, returned, or destroyed). The farming data with ownership concerns is mainly raw data that helps in decision-making. keywords: access; atp; data; extension; farmers; farming; ons; ownership; raw cache: jee-1198.pdf plain text: jee-1198.txt item: #19 of 264 id: jee-120 author: Naveenkumar, M.R; Radhakrishnan, T title: Performance of a Farmer Interest Group in Tamil Nadu date: 2017-09-20 words: 1459 flesch: 52 summary: From the field interaction with FIG members it was implicit that majority of the growers who participated in every extension oriented programmes had gained knowledge and adopted new technologies which might have influenced the responses. Hence, an attempt was made to study the “Performance” of FIG by carefully investigating the previous activities of Old Ayakudi guava FIG. keywords: category; exploitation; farmers; fig; group; interest; level; market; marketing; members; number; orientation; percentage; performance; resistance; responsibility; sharing;; study; support; table cache: jee-120.pdf plain text: jee-120.txt item: #20 of 264 id: jee-1246 author: Kawsher Ahmed; M Zulfikar Rahman; M Golam Farouque; M Asaduzzaman Sarker; Md. Rayhan Sojib title: Role of Government and Non-Government Organizations in Boosting Agricultural Production towards Meeting Household Nutrition as Perceived by Rural Women date: 2023-08-19 words: 4437 flesch: 49 summary: The challenges of geographical inclusive education in rural Bangladesh. Distribution of Respondents Based on their Perception of Role Played by GOs and NGOs to Boost Agricultural Production towards Meeting Household Nutrition Categories of Perception (Unit: score) Rural women (n=110) keywords: agricultural; agricultural production; alam; areas; bangladesh; challenges; change; characteristics; climate; data; demand; development; education; extension; findings; food; government; high; highest; household; household nutrition; information; journal; level; low; meeting; moderate; ngos; non; nutrition; order; organizations; perception; pfi; policy; problems; production; proportion; quality; rank; research; respondents; role; rpi; rural; rural women; satisfied; scale; services; study; support; table; training; unknown; upazila; women cache: jee-1246.pdf plain text: jee-1246.txt item: #21 of 264 id: jee-1306 author: D PUTHIRA , PRATHAP title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2023-08-19 words: 417 flesch: 32 summary: School farm work: Partly production for income; practice as a drill for skill development according to extension recommendations. School farm to serve as a demonstration plot for the community. keywords: agricultural; approach; education; extension; farm; school; service; teaching; work cache: jee-1306.pdf plain text: jee-1306.txt item: #22 of 264 id: jee-132 author: T R, Sridevi Krishnaveni; Balasubramaniam, P; Anusuya, A; Vasanthapriya, S title: Extent of Awareness of Distance Learners of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University date: 2018-09-02 words: 2217 flesch: 42 summary: As far as course effectiveness is concerned majority of the respondents felt satisfied with every aspect of the course like syllabus, course outline, course content, course material, PCP and administration. Several types of courses are being offered at TNAU in distance mode and certificate course is one among them. keywords: age; agricultural; awareness; behavior; cent; certificate; course; distance; education; effectiveness; evaluation; information; landscaping; learning; level; majority; material; medium; mushroom; positive; relationship; research; respondents; rural; significant; status; teaching; tnau; variables; vermicomposting cache: jee-132.pdf plain text: jee-132.txt item: #23 of 264 id: jee-134 author: Narasimhalu Naidu, J. Yoga; Philip, H; Asokhan, M.; Balasubramanian, R; Duraisamy, M.R title: Constraints Faced by Stakeholders under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) date: 2017-09-20 words: 1953 flesch: 49 summary: The major constraints faced by ATMA extension functionaries in Andhra Pradesh were lack of financial support for ATMA, non-appointment of separate chairman (other than collector) at district level and lack of supporting staff such as computer operators at block. In order to promote technical leadership for ATMA a separate chairman position to ATMA programme should be appointed. keywords: activities; agency; agricultural; andhra; atma; block; cent; constraints; development; districts; education; extension; farmers; functionaries; inputs; lack; level; management; officials; pradesh; research; respondents; separate; stakeholders; state; technology; trainings; zone cache: jee-134.pdf plain text: jee-134.txt item: #24 of 264 id: jee-138 author: Nisha, R.; Asokhan, M title: Improving the Participation of Tribal Women in Developmental Programmes date: 2017-09-20 words: 1101 flesch: 48 summary: Tribal society is normally conceptualized as clan-lineage based segmentary system characterized by mechanical solidarity. Many tribal development programmes are being implemented in the state of Tamil Nadu, wherein participation of tribal women is, in general, low compared to tribal men. keywords: constraints; developmental; district; education; facilities; lack; nadu; nilgiris; participation; population; problems; programmes; social; study; suggestions; tamil; tribal; women cache: jee-138.pdf plain text: jee-138.txt item: #25 of 264 id: jee-142 author: Prabha, Duraisamy; Arunachalam, R title: Farmers’ Preferences for Mobile Agro Advisory Services date: 2017-12-07 words: 2128 flesch: 56 summary: It is clear that 100 per cent of the respondents preferred only text based messages, followed by nearly three-fourth (72.50 %) of the respondents preferred text messages with pictures, 68.50 per cent preferred as text to be supported with video, 65.00 per cent preferred as text to be supported with audio. They stated that they were very much willing to receive technical messages on seed varieties, cultivation techniques, marketing, application of fertilizers, weather forecast and crop protection. keywords: advisory; agricultural; agro; cent; crop; extension; farmers; frequency; information; majority; messages; mobile; nadu; preferences; preferred; price; respondents; services; study; table; tamil; technical; text; weather cache: jee-142.pdf plain text: jee-142.txt item: #26 of 264 id: jee-144 author: Hari, Athira; Kishore Kumar, N title: Scenario Analysis of Rice Cultivation in Kerala date: 2017-09-20 words: 1414 flesch: 57 summary: A steady decline in the area under rice cultivation occurred from 1980s onwards. This paper studies the changing trend in rice cultivation and provides the factors leading to shifting of rice cultivation. keywords: agricultural; analysis; area; cultivation; district; factors; farmers; fields; food; hectares; kerala; labour; paddy; problems; production; productivity; rice; scenario; shifting; shortage; state; studies; wild; years cache: jee-144.pdf plain text: jee-144.txt item: #27 of 264 id: jee-146 author: Smitha, K.P.; Anilkumar, A title: Developing a Scale to Measure the Indigenous Wisdom Orientation of Rice Farmers date: 2017-09-16 words: 2358 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords : Indigenous wisdom orientation, Scale construction, Likert’s method, Item analysis, Reliability, Validity 1. Indigenous wisdom orientation was defined for the study as the degree to which an individual is oriented towards the knowledge generated over a period of time by the local community through trial and error and/or deliberate experiments in order to meet their needs. keywords: analysis; correlation; environment; farmers; farming; high; index; indigenous; indigenous wisdom; item; kerala; knowledge; local; measure; orientation; practices; relevant; reliability; respondents; rice; scale; score; statements; study; technologies; total; validity; value; wisdom; wisdom orientation cache: jee-146.pdf plain text: jee-146.txt item: #28 of 264 id: jee-148 author: Prathap, D Puthira title: From the Editor's desk date: 2017-04-16 words: 523 flesch: 53 summary: With the earnest support of Extension Education Society, TNAU, Editorial Board members, Associate Editors, reviewers and authors, I see JEE going from strength to strength, firmly positioning itself within the top five journals in Extension Education, globally. I invite JEE readers to keep in touch with us with questions, comments, and suggestions by emailing at keywords: chief; editor; editorial; education; extension; jee; journal; philip cache: jee-148.pdf plain text: jee-148.txt item: #29 of 264 id: jee-16 author: Jayakumar, N.; Surudhi, M. title: Schooling Background and Academic Academic Achievement of Agricultural Students date: 2016-05-30 words: 3529 flesch: 54 summary: Private school students had secured higher OGPA (8.27) than students from government schools. To study the gender and schooling perspective or background of Agricultural students 2. keywords: 2006; academic; academic achievement; achievement; agricultural; background; batch; better; course; difference; education; english; findings; future; gender; higher; highest; hsc; instruction; intake; level; marks; mean; medium; ogpa; percentage; performance; regular; relationship; school; schooling; significant; stream; students; study; tamil; university; vocational; year cache: jee-16.pdf plain text: jee-16.txt item: #30 of 264 id: jee-160 author: Asharaf, Simi; Sundaramari, M title: A Quantitative Study on Indigenous Medicinal Plants used by Tribes of Kerala date: 2017-09-16 words: 2601 flesch: 51 summary: Adenanthera pavonina L. 8. Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa 11. keywords: acacia; ailments; area; biophytum; caesia; category; citation; consensus; ethnomedicinal; extension; factor; fidelity; frequency; highest;;; icf; idukki; importance; index; indica; indigenous; informants; journal; kerala; knowledge; level; local; maximum; medicinal; medicinal plants; number; people; plants; quantitative; relative; reports; rfc; species; study; table; tree; tribal; tribes; use; value; wild cache: jee-160.pdf plain text: jee-160.txt item: #31 of 264 id: jee-162 author: Jayakumar, Narayanan; Sundaramari, M; Puthira Prathap, D title: Exploring the Psychological Antecedents of Attitude towards Indigenous Wetland Practices date: 2017-09-16 words: 2385 flesch: 42 summary: 5680 Exploring the Psychological Antecedents of Attitude towards Indigenous Wetland Practices N. Jayakumar1, M.Sundaramari2 and D.Puthira Prathap3 ABSTRACT A study was conducted in the North eastern agro-climatic zone of Tamil Nadu, India to analyze the possible impact of the psychological antecedents of attitude towards Indigenous Wetland Practices(IWPs) among the farming community. It is unwise to use Indigenous Wetland Practicesin agriculture, as it does not guarantee for success 14 15. keywords: ability; agricultural; antecedents; attitude; decision; economic; environmental; extension; farmers; farming; gandhigram; index; india; indigenous; indigenous wetland; iwps; knowledge; making; mean; modern; orientation; practices; psychological; scientific; score; self; significant; study; use; wetland; wetland practices cache: jee-162.pdf plain text: jee-162.txt item: #32 of 264 id: jee-163 author: Husain, A. Sakeer; Sundaramari, M; Sreekumar, J title: Relative importance of Farmers’ Characteristics in Predicting their Knowledge about Indigenous Agricultural Practices date: 2017-09-16 words: 2790 flesch: 40 summary: According to IIRR (1996), indigenous knowledge in agriculture may be classified into different types such as information, practices and technologies, beliefs, tools, materials, experimentation, biological resources, human resources, education, and communication. Indigenous knowledge being the knowledge of local people is important in many ways, mainly due to the unique nature of such technologies/practices. keywords: age; agricultural; analysis; communication; crops; economic; extension; farmers; importance; independent; indigenous; influence; innovativeness; kerala; knowledge; level; model; multiple; orientation; participation; practices; rational; regression; relative; selected; social; status; study; table; traditional; variables; wise cache: jee-163.pdf plain text: jee-163.txt item: #33 of 264 id: jee-168 author: Kanagasabapathi, K; Sakthivel, V title: Constraints in the adoption of Indigenous farming practices date: 2017-09-16 words: 1009 flesch: 42 summary: • Regular trials and demonstrations on indigenous farming techniques should be arranged periodically to encourage the farmers to take up valid indigenous farming practices. 5726 Suggestions for Policy makers and Administrators Based on the results of the study, the following suggestions are made. However, a lot of constraints prevent the farmers in adopting indigenous farming practices, that include poor yield, poor marketing facilities, higher production cost and urbanization. keywords: adoption; agriculture; application; constraints; extension; farmers; farming; hills; indigenous; land; marketing; organic; poor; practices; products; respondents; study; system; tribal cache: jee-168.pdf plain text: jee-168.txt item: #34 of 264 id: jee-17 author: Philip, H. title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2016-05-30 words: 421 flesch: 27 summary: Institutions : Adapt organizational structures at all levels to accommodate changes in ICT systems and information management processes. FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Chief Editor In its recent e-publication entitled, ICT in Agriculture - Connecting smallholders to knowledge, networks and institutions, Agriculture and Rural Development Department (ARD) of the World Bank has identified two critical factors for using ICTs such as mobile phones and the Internet in agriculture viz., policy change and collective action among extension agents, research institutions, governments and farmers. keywords: agriculture; ict; icts; information; innovation; institutions; knowledge; processes; rural; use cache: jee-17.pdf plain text: jee-17.txt item: #35 of 264 id: jee-170 author: Janani, P. Bagya; Premavathi, Ramasamy; Sasikala, R title: Marketing Behaviour of Jasmine Growers date: 2017-09-20 words: 1900 flesch: 58 summary: The marketing behaviour of jasmine growers was studied with eleven components namely, mode of packing, mode of transport, place of sales, nature of sales, weighing behaviour, selling in open market, distance of market, payment pattern, reason for selection of market, middle man involvement and opinion about existing market facilities. 5747 Marketing Behaviour of Jasmine Growers P. Bagya Janani1, R. Premavathi2, and R. Sasikala3 ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in select villages of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu in order to know the marketing behaviour of jasmine growers with a sample size of 120 respondents. keywords: agents; area; bags; behaviour; cent; commission; distance; extension; farmers; growers; immediate; jasmine; level; majority; marketing; markets; mode; open; packing; payment; produce; respondents; sale; village cache: jee-170.pdf plain text: jee-170.txt item: #36 of 264 id: jee-171 author: Bhuyan, Maneesha title: Perceived Effectiveness of Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Dairying date: 2017-09-16 words: 1675 flesch: 53 summary: The farm women rated each of six identified ITK practices based on seven parameters on a three point scale and Mean Perceived Effectiveness Index score for each ITK was then calculated. Enormous efforts have been made on validation of ITK practices based on judgment of researchers and in a few cases useful products have been developed. keywords: animals; bility; control; cost; dairy; dairying; effectiveness; extension; farm; farming; idea; index; indigenous; itk; journal; knowledge; mastitis; mpei; ponnusamy; practices; research; score; study; table; technical; women cache: jee-171.pdf plain text: jee-171.txt item: #37 of 264 id: jee-174 author: Koshy, Shely Mary; Kishore Kumar, N title: Attitude of Farmers towards Kisan Call Centres date: 2017-09-20 words: 2055 flesch: 58 summary: KCC extension services avoid the personal extension contact* 3.293 1.090 0.898 III 4 KCC extension service is faster when compared to the traditional extension services 2.960 1.080 0.907 IV 5. KCC extension services had been helpful in building a skilled and knowledge community 2.660 1.054 1.366 XVII 18. keywords: agriculture; attitude; awareness; centre; deviation; education; extension; farmers; favourable; free; information; journal; kcc; kerala; kisan; level; respondents; scale; score; services; statements; temporal; utilization cache: jee-174.pdf plain text: jee-174.txt item: #38 of 264 id: jee-177 author: Jayakumar, N.; Suresh, Anu; Sundaramari, M.; Prathap, D. Puthira title: Understanding Learning Style Variations among Undergraduate Students date: 2017-09-20 words: 2941 flesch: 53 summary: Learning styles are “characteristic cognitive, affective, and psychological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment” (Keefe,1979). According to Cronbach and Snow(1977), learning styles could be used to predict what kind of instructional strategies or methods would be most effective for a given individual and learning task. keywords: academic; achievement; adhiparasakthi; agricultural; arts; association; auditory; best; different; education; engineering; extension; highest; horticultural; journal; kinesthetic; learners; learning; majority; marks; mean; percentage; preference; relationship; science; significant; stream; students; study; style; table; teaching; undergraduate; understanding; unimodal; visual; way cache: jee-177.pdf plain text: jee-177.txt item: #39 of 264 id: jee-182 author: Anbiah, Vigil; Vijayalakshmi, Ranganathan title: Role of Women in Ethno Veterinary Practices date: 2017-09-16 words: 1161 flesch: 47 summary: 5719 Role of Women in Ethno Veterinary Practices S.Vigil Anbiah1 and R.Vijayalakshmi2 ABSTRACT A study was conducted to assess the involvement of women in various components of ethno veterinary practices in Cuddalore and Nagapattinam districts of Tamil Nadu state. Hence a low cost treatment facility to livestock farmers will be of much use and therefore an initiative to assess the role of women in ethno veterinary practices was taken up to know their respective roles in handling medicinal plants and herbs. keywords: animals; cuddalore; districts; ethno; herbal; knowledge; livestock; medicinal; medicine; nadu; nagapattinam; plants; practices; practitioners; respondents; role; tamil; traditional; veterinary; women cache: jee-182.pdf plain text: jee-182.txt item: #40 of 264 id: jee-183 author: M. Sangma, Chigasil; Govind, Santha title: Adoption of Indigenous Dairy Management Practices among Tribal Farm Women date: 2017-09-16 words: 2537 flesch: 57 summary: Keeping this in view, an attempt has been made to find out the extent of adoption of indigenous dairy management practices among tribal farm women in West Garo Hills District of Meghalaya. Indigenous practices Adopted Not Adopted Number Per centage Number Percentage I Selection of Breed and Feeding 1. keywords: adoption; animals; care; control; cows; dairy; dairy management; dry; education; extension; farm; fed; feeding; hills; indigenous; indigenous dairy; journal; knowledge; leaves; management; management practices; milking; number; paste; percentage; practices; pregnant; respondents; salt; tribal; turmeric; women cache: jee-183.pdf plain text: jee-183.txt item: #41 of 264 id: jee-185 author: Kumar, M. Naveen; Palanisamy, S title: Knowledge of Recommended Pesticide usage among Cabbage Growers date: 2018-07-19 words: 1282 flesch: 57 summary: Knowledge about recommended pesticides 97 80.83 3. Recommended pesticides for diamond back moth 71 59.16 7. keywords: cabbage; cent; control; crop; education; extension; farmers; growers; india; knowledge; level; major; nadu; pesticides; pests; seed; study; tamil; usage; use; vegetable cache: jee-185.pdf plain text: jee-185.txt item: #42 of 264 id: jee-187 author: R, Sureshverma; Samuel, G; Sreenivasa Rao, I; Sagar, Vidya; chary, Srinivasa title: Construction of Knowledge Test to Measure the Knowledge on Recommended Groundnut Production Practices date: 2019-03-14 words: 3019 flesch: 57 summary: Also the content validity of the knowledge test was derived from a long list of test items representing the whole universe on recommended crop production package of practices on groundnut. Test item development and analysis. keywords: analysis; answer; biserial; correct; correlation; crop; difficulty; discrimination; extension; farmers; final; groundnut; groups; index; items; knowledge; measure; nadu; point; practices; production; questions; recommended; reliability; respondents; scale; score; test; total; unreached; value cache: jee-187.pdf plain text: jee-187.txt item: #43 of 264 id: jee-189 author: K, Nadhika; Krishnankutty, Jayasree title: Stakeholder Analysis for Farmer inclusive Value chain Development in Mango date: 2017-12-07 words: 2844 flesch: 55 summary: In India, less fibrous sweet fleshy mangoes are mostly preferred 13 Development personnel They are extension workers of institutions such as KrishiBhavan, research stations, University, etc. who provide services to the farmers and other stakeholders 14 Local body members They are mainly involved in political and organizational activities wherein policies regarding various aspects of value chain are formulated by them Stakeholder Analysis for Farmer inclusive Value chain Development in Mango 5801 Interdependencies among the Stakeholders Fig.1: Relationship and Linkage among the Stakeholders Lack of policies for mango sector 8. keywords: analysis; area; chain; challenges; collection; development; district; education; extension; factors; farmers; growers; importance; inclusive; influence; input; journal; kerala; lack; mango; market; muthalamada; negative; opportunities; options; palakkad; positive; processors; produce; quality; relationship; retailers; role; score; sector; stakeholders; statements; strategic; strengths; study; swoc; traders; value; value chain; weaknesses cache: jee-189.pdf plain text: jee-189.txt item: #44 of 264 id: jee-191 author: CN, Anshida Beevi; Rohit, Jagriti title: Constraint Analysis of Livelihood Systems in Coral Ecosystem date: 2019-01-17 words: 2030 flesch: 45 summary: In view of above context the present study was conducted to analyze different constraints to ensure the sustainability of livelihood systems. Hence, it can be inferred that the level of influence of economic constraints to different groups was different according to their perception (Table 2). keywords: analysis; cent; comparison; constraints; different; ecological; economic; extension; farm; group; infrastructural; level; livelihood; mean; n=120; non; people; personal; problems; promotional; ranks; respondents; social; statistics; study; sustainable; table; test; value cache: jee-191.pdf plain text: jee-191.txt item: #45 of 264 id: jee-194 author: Kavitha, S; Anandaraja, Nallusamy title: Kisan Call Centre Services to the Farming Community: An Analysis date: 2018-07-19 words: 2030 flesch: 47 summary: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Benefits of KCC to the Farming Community Farmers are availing many benefits out of KCC services. Use of KCC services for weather forecasting for crops 54 60.00 II 3. keywords: agricultural; analysis; benefits; centre; communication; community; cost; crops; economic; education; extension; farmers; farming; free; information; journal; kcc; kisan; level; mobile; positive; respondents; services; significant; study; table; variables cache: jee-194.pdf plain text: jee-194.txt item: #46 of 264 id: jee-195 author: PR, Anand; M, Kumaran title: Information Seeking Behaviour of Shrimp Farmers and their Perception towards Technology Dissemination through Mobile Phones date: 2017-12-07 words: 3053 flesch: 41 summary: Perception of Shrimp Farmers about Mobile phone as an Information Channel The respondents’ sensitivity towards mobile phone as a potential medium for technology dissemination and forging technology-extension- farmers-input and market linkage was attempted and results are presented in Table-2. The findings show that farmers were of the opinion that mobile phone extension is convenient, rapid, cost-effective and efficient. keywords: 15th; 1st; access; agricultural; app; assessment; behaviour; coast; content; delivery; disease; dissemination; dynamic; east; education; effective; extension; farmers; farming; feed; gap; gui; india; information; input; ivr; journal; majority; management; market; mobile; n=310; perception; phone; provide; quality; respondents; risk; seed; services; shrimp; technical; technology; users; water; west cache: jee-195.pdf plain text: jee-195.txt item: #47 of 264 id: jee-198 author: K, Namitha; B, Seema title: Sustainability of Commercial Vegetable Cultivation : A Multidimensional Analysis date: 2017-12-07 words: 1451 flesch: 19 summary: Trainings help the farmers to get aware and motivated about the economic and social advantages of commercial vegetable cultivation and would have led to sustainability. Perception about feasibility of commercial organic vegetable cultivation had a negative but significant correlation with sustainability. One hundred farmers engaged in commercial vegetable cultivation were selected based on the maximum area under commercial vegetable cultivation. keywords: agriculture; area; category; commercial; cultivation; dimension; district; economic; extension; kau; kerala; level; market; medium; practices; respondents; study; sustainability; thiruvananthapuram; total; vegetable cache: jee-198.pdf plain text: jee-198.txt item: #48 of 264 id: jee-199 author: Karthick, V; Anbarassan, A; Fernandaz, Cinthia title: Adoption of Crop Insurance Schemes in Tamil Nadu date: 2017-12-07 words: 2498 flesch: 49 summary: One hundred and eighty farmers who had adopted crop insurance schemes were selected through random sampling procedure. The respondents were interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire for identifying factors influencing and constraints in adoption of crop insurance schemes. keywords: adoption; adverse; agricultural; area; cent; compensation; constraints; crop; crop insurance; district; education; factors; farmers; insurance; insurance scheme; journal; lack; level; loan; loss; major; n=60; nadu; nais; number; risks; scheme; study; suggestions; table; tamil; wbcis; weather cache: jee-199.pdf plain text: jee-199.txt item: #49 of 264 id: jee-2 author: Chowdary, Koduru Raghavendra; Theodore, Ravi Kumar title: Soil Health Card Adoption Behaviour among Beneficiaries of Bhoochetana Project in Andhra Pradesh date: 2016-11-21 words: 3237 flesch: 49 summary: Suggestions offered by Extension Functionaries The suggestions offered by Extension Functionaries for increasing adoption level of SHC recommendations are as follows: • To create more awareness on benefits of SHC based recommendations. Almost all the respondents were seen to be distributed between medium and high level categories in respect of value attribution to SHC recommendations. keywords: adopters; adoption; andhra; attribution; bhoochetana; card; categories; cent; distribution; extension; farmers; follow; health; high; level; medium; period; pradesh; project; rank; recommendations; respondents; satisfaction; shc; shc recommendations; soil; study; table; value; years cache: jee-2.pdf plain text: jee-2.txt item: #50 of 264 id: jee-20 author: Prashanth, P.; Vijender Reddy, P.; Sudharani, V. title: Designing of Scale to Measure the Attitude of ARS Trainees towards FOCARS Programme of NAARM date: 2016-05-30 words: 3246 flesch: 43 summary: It provides excellent chance to learn innovative concepts through practical experience* 3.85 1.67 Selected 19 Management skills are in born and training (like FOCARS) does not make any difference 4.31 1.18 Rejected 20 It facilitated the ARS scientists to improve their job performance by way of application of learned knowledge and skills in the job situation 3.84 1.06 Rejected 21 Practical sessions are not adequate during the programme to strengthen individual capabilities 4.36 1.46 Rejected 22* Field visits planned during FOCARS are not adequate/appropriate to strengthen the individual capabilities* 3.11 2.49 Selected Table 1. Selected Statements Attitude of the ARS Trainees towards Foundation Course on Agricultural Research Service (FOCARS) conducted by NAARM 5441Designing of Scale to Measure the Attitude of ARS Trainees towards FOCARS Programme of NAARM Sl. Judges’ rating of attitude statements: Cyclostyled copies of all the 60 statements together with 5 point continuum against each statement were personally given / mailed to 50 judges with a request letter explaining procedure of judgement. keywords: 25th; agricultural; appearing; attitude; attitude scale; attitude statements; coefficient; continuum; course; equal; extension; focars; focars training; interval; judges; management; measure; naarm; programme; psychological; reliability; research; respondents; scale; scale values; scientists; skills; statements; thurstone; trainees; training; unfavourable; useful; validity; value cache: jee-20.pdf plain text: jee-20.txt item: #51 of 264 id: jee-200 author: Eswaran, Sathyapriya; Selvin, Rexlin title: Factors Responsible for Paddy Growers’ Diversification date: 2017-12-07 words: 1240 flesch: 42 summary: Regarding social factors, nearly 42 per cent of them expressed both social cohesion and improved social status as the pull factors for diversification, followed by social recognition (21.67 per cent). The Push and Pull factors responsible for diversification of paddy farmers were collected from various related sources and classified as crop production and protection factors, marketing factors, economic factors, postharvest factors Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 29 No. 1, 2017 DOI: 5828 and social factors. keywords: availability; cent; crop; cultivation; diversification; facility; factors; inadequate; marketing; opportunities; paddy; production; pull; push; respondents; responsible; social; study cache: jee-200.pdf plain text: jee-200.txt item: #52 of 264 id: jee-202 author: Govind, Santha; Mani, Kavaskar; Christina, Ajoickam title: Perception of Farmers on Usefulness of Mobile Service in Manipur date: 2018-05-14 words: 2197 flesch: 45 summary: The findings on respondents’ perception on usefulness of mobile service showed that most of the respondents expressed that they were satisfied with the language used by the IASF mobile service in transferring the information. Mobile services are at work in the field of agriculture, mostly 5851 for sharing and obtaining information. keywords: access; agricultural; cent; communication; farmers; findings; general; iasf; information; level; majority; management; manipur; mobile; paddy; perception; phones; practice; respondents; service; study; table; technologies; usefulness; wise cache: jee-202.pdf plain text: jee-202.txt item: #53 of 264 id: jee-204 author: Puthira Prathap, D title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2017-09-16 words: 586 flesch: 39 summary: (3) Local-level influence on research priorities: To improve the criteria chosen in research and then to see they are acted on, producers could sit on the boards of agricultural research institutions. (5) Starting with indigenous practice : A more radical and difficult proposal is that research should take existing indigenous practice as its starting point, seeking to refine this in various ways and then to feed results back into the system. keywords: education; extension; farmers; indigenous; issue; itk; jee; knowledge; research; rural; solutions cache: jee-204.pdf plain text: jee-204.txt item: #54 of 264 id: jee-205 author: Puthira Prathap, D title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2017-09-20 words: 390 flesch: 30 summary: Private extension, earlier thought of as a viable alternative to public extension has not been nuch promising either. 1 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK My dear readers of Journal of Extension Education, The general complaint which we keep hearing is that the performance of public extension services in developing countries such as India, has not been satisfactory. keywords: agricultural; demand; expenses; extension; india; public; reforms; respect; services; system cache: jee-205.pdf plain text: jee-205.txt item: #55 of 264 id: jee-21 author: Murali Krishnan, L.; Philip, H.; Ravichandran, V.; Chinnadurai, M. title: Adoption and Impact of Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices in The Nilgiris District of Western Ghats date: 2016-05-30 words: 2590 flesch: 51 summary: Social impact Table 2 reveals that in the case of social impact, 62.70 per cent of farmers suggested that their participation in social organization Journal of Extension Education5448 Table 2. Impact of Eco Friendly Conservation Practices in The Nilgiris district of Western Ghats (n=118) With respect to impact majority of the farmers opined that the cost of cultivation decreased followed by increased farmers confidence level, improved fertility status of the soil and improved biodiversity in the farm fields. keywords: adoption; agricultural; biodiversity; cent; change; conservation; conservation practices; cultivation; district; eco; eco friendly; environmental; extension; farmers; fertility; friendly; friendly conservation; health; impact; level; majority; nilgiris; orientation; percent; practices; risk; social; soil; status; table; units; water cache: jee-21.pdf plain text: jee-21.txt item: #56 of 264 id: jee-210 author: Kanagasabapathi, K; Sakthivel, V title: Communication Behaviour of Cashew Cultivators date: 2018-07-19 words: 1274 flesch: 46 summary: Keeping this in mind, the present study was taken-up to analyse the communication behaviour of cashew farmers. A sample of 120 cashew farmers were selected from Panruti taluk of Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu using simple random sampling technique. keywords: behaviour; cashew; communication; cosmopolite; cultivation; cultivators; data; development; education; evaluation; extension; farmers; information; input; methods; personal; respondents; rural; sources; storage; table cache: jee-210.pdf plain text: jee-210.txt item: #57 of 264 id: jee-213 author: Bhuyan, Maneesha; Ponnusamy, Kuppusamy title: Gender disparity in access to information and extension services in dairy farming date: 2018-05-14 words: 2029 flesch: 56 summary: Few women respondents (19.2%) were engaged in marketing of milk. This gender disparity brings urgent need to sensitize the dairy farmers/farm women and enable them to have equal access of resources, input and opportunities through appropriately designed extension models for ultimate empowerment of farm women and the progress of the country. keywords: access; activities; animal; cent; contact; dairy; disparity; education; extension; farming; gender; information; journal; jundla; land; majority; milk; occasional; pingli; resources; respondents; role; services; sources; table; villages; women cache: jee-213.pdf plain text: jee-213.txt item: #58 of 264 id: jee-219 author: Aparna, K V; Thomas, Allan title: Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Organic Plant Protection Practices date: 2017-12-07 words: 1243 flesch: 39 summary: N=90 Sl No. Suggestions Percentage 1 Regular and frequent farm visit, diagnostic and consultancy by Krishi bhavan officials 90.44 2 Availability of low cost organic inputs and feasible technologies 88.33 3 Inclusion of more no of classes, demonstrations and seminars about organic plant protection practices 75.22 4 Timely access of organic plant protection inputs 70.22 5 Construction of low cost mini dams or water storage facilities 65.22 Majority of the farmers (90.44%) suggested that regular and frequent farm visits, diagnostic and consultancy by Krishi bhavan officials should be ensured at farm plots with standing crops. No. Constraints Score Rank 1 Lack of extension service to facilitate transfer of technology scientifically on organic plant protection 299 2 2 Lack of crop insurance schemes or facilities to help farmers mitigate the loss through price fall or crop loss as a result of practicing organic practices 220 7 3 Krishi Bhavan not active in rendering support by way of helping farmers with quality inputs and services 234 6 4 Time consuming while resorting to organic plant protection input preparation, storage and application. keywords: adoption; agricultural; availability; constraints; cost; extension; farmers; inputs; kerala; lack; low; non; organic; plant; practices; price; produce; protection; study; suggestions; vegetable cache: jee-219.pdf plain text: jee-219.txt item: #59 of 264 id: jee-221 author: S, Dilip; Thomas, Allan title: Constraints Perceived by Students in School Vegetable Gardening date: 2017-12-07 words: 1427 flesch: 46 summary: Journal of Extension Education It is evident from Table 1 that the major constraints as perceived by students in school vegetable garden were, high input cost followed by lack of student’s participation, lack of teacher’s involvement, non-availability of implements, high labour cost, poor storage facilities and lack of knowledge about gardening etc. Suggestions F % 1 Good quality inputs at required time and amount 126 96.92 2 Alternative arrangements for garden maintenances during summer vacations 117 90.00 3 Providing adequate number of training for knowledge enhancement of teachers and students on agricultural technology and its utilizations by competent subject matter experts 104 80.00 4 Follow up of government schemes/projects with increased outlay in school vegetable gardens 95 73.07 5 Making available of student friendly safe implements to be used for production and protection activities. keywords: availability; constraints; cost; education; extension; garden; gardening; high; implements; important; journal; kerala; labour; lack; major; non; programme; school; score; students; teachers; vegetable cache: jee-221.pdf plain text: jee-221.txt item: #60 of 264 id: jee-222 author: Anwar, Anusha; Rambabu, P; Gopi Krishna, T title: Information Management Behaviour of Rice Farmers under Collective Farming in Kerala date: 2018-07-19 words: 2268 flesch: 36 summary: Further, most of the women rice farmers (82.50%) had medium level of economic motivation, which might be due to reason that majority of women rice farmers had medium and small land holdings and are mostly engaged in agriculture for Table 1. Dimensions of Information Management Behaviour Sl. Journal of Extension Education 5891 CONCLUSION Factors like education, annual income, social participation, extension contact, training received, economic motivation, scientific orientation and market orientation influenced the information input, information processing, information output and overall information management behaviour of women rice farmers. keywords: agricultural; behaviour; channels; collective; dissemination; economic; education; extension; farmers; farming; income; information; kerala; kudumbashree; land; majority; management; market; medium; orientation; participation; rice; rice farmers; scientific; study; utilization; women; women rice cache: jee-222.pdf plain text: jee-222.txt item: #61 of 264 id: jee-223 author: Patil, Manjuprakash; Philip, H; Sriram, N title: Farmers’ Awareness Level about ICT Tools and Services in Karnataka date: 2018-05-14 words: 1711 flesch: 64 summary: Majority of the respondents were aware of mobile advisory services by Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC). Less number of respondents had awareness on mobile telephony by RML and DMI (Dynamic Market Information) keywords: advisory; agricultural; aware; awareness; ber; cent; extension; farmers; ict; information; karnataka; level; market; mobile; num; num ber; respondents; services; study; tools; villages cache: jee-223.pdf plain text: jee-223.txt item: #62 of 264 id: jee-224 author: Sundaram, Parthasarathi; Alauddin, A. Shaik title: Communication Behaviour of Farmers Adopting Rice Fallow Pulse Technologies date: 2018-05-14 words: 1646 flesch: 49 summary: A cursory look at Table 3 shows that, ‘information source utilization’ and ‘information sharing’ were significant in their relationship with knowledge level of pulse growing farmers. Rice fallow pulse is considered as a secondary crop which required less input and management techniques. keywords: adoption; behaviour; communication; crop; distribution; fallow; farmers; information; knowledge; members; pulse; respondents; results; rice; sharing; source; table; technologies; utilisation cache: jee-224.pdf plain text: jee-224.txt item: #63 of 264 id: jee-228 author: Palanisamy, Anbarasan; Bharadwaj, Neelam title: Utilization of Information Disseminated through Mobile Telephones by Farmers in Tamil Nadu date: 2018-07-19 words: 2755 flesch: 41 summary: Market information seeking behaviour 0.242** 11. It was found that Market information seeking behaviour had a positive and significant correlation at one per cent level with Utilization Behaviour because, the farmers with high level of market information seeking behavior were expected to obtain more information, which farmers could apply in changing market conditions which ultimately result in the increased Information Utilization Behaviour of the respondents. keywords: agriculture; behaviour; cent; correlation; crop; extension; farmers; high; information; information utilization; level; light; market; mobile; nadu; phone; positive; produce; respondents; reuters; rml; service; significant; sms; study; tamil; telephones; use; utilization; utilization behaviour cache: jee-228.pdf plain text: jee-228.txt item: #64 of 264 id: jee-229 author: Surudhi, M; Asokhan, M; Arunachalam, R title: Utilization pattern of extension tools and methods by Agricultural Extension Agents date: 2018-05-14 words: 4160 flesch: 50 summary: Extension methods which were used regularly obtained a maximum score of 8, while extension methods which were never used obtained a score of 1.The extension methods based on their mean usage score has been presented in Table 4. Keywords: Extension method; Extension agent; ICT; individual contact method; group contact method; mass contact method INTRODUCTION Agricultural extension has a wider connotation, from providing non-formal – agriculturally related continuing adult education for multiple audiences viz., farmers, youth and community, to raise the production and profitability of their farms (agricultural production performance) and to providing a wide range of agricultural development tasks, such as credit, supplies, marketing and markets (agricultural process development). keywords: agents; agricultural; agricultural extension; articles; calls; cent; contact; contact methods; demonstration; education; extension; extension functionaries; extension methods; farmers; field; findings; freq; frequency; functionaries; group; individual; information; interest; journal; leaflets; mass; mass contact; mean; meetings; methods; office; pattern; popular; programmes; respondents; score; study; table; tools; usage; utilization cache: jee-229.pdf plain text: jee-229.txt item: #65 of 264 id: jee-23 author: Brraj Mohan, A.; Dixit, K.; Singh, Khushyal; Kumar, Vijay title: Small Farm Goat Production in Semi-Arid Region of Uttar Pradesh date: 2016-05-30 words: 2249 flesch: 56 summary: Merely, 11 per cent of the respondents visited government veterinary hospitals Though, poor socio-economic status cannot be ignore for the goat improvement in study village, some policy support is imperative to encourage goat farmers for their overall development. Therefore, introduction of improved technologies of goat farming not only increase the returns but also improve the socio-economic status of goat farmers (Mohan et a1; 2012) Journal of Extension Education5452 Central Institute for Research for Goats (CIRG), Mathura (U.P.), has made extension efforts for transferring the improved goat production practices to the end users. keywords: adopted; arid; average; barbari; cent; economic; extension; farmers; farming; goat; grazing; holding; hours; households; income; india; journal; landless; livestock; majority; marginal; mathura; medium; pattern; production; research; semi; size; small; socio; status; study; total; type; veterinary; village cache: jee-23.pdf plain text: jee-23.txt item: #66 of 264 id: jee-230 author: Theodore, Ravi Kumar; Palanichamy, N Venkatesa; Ravi, V title: Impact Assessment of Mechanical Transplantation in Cauvery Delta Districts of Tamil Nadu date: 2018-09-02 words: 3811 flesch: 53 summary: The reduction or saving in the cost of cultivation automatically resulted in the fall of cost of production by 43.41 per cent in the case of machine planting as compared to conventional planting. The analysis of farmers’ feedback is presented in Tables 3-7. Reasons for Adoption of Mechanical Transplantation The reasons for adoption of mechanical planting method were analysed and the results are presented in Table 3. keywords: acre; adoption; case; cent; conventional; cost; cultivation; delta; districts; economics; farmers; field; government; increase; kuruvai; labour; machine; main; mat; mechanical; method; nadu; net; nursery; planting; production; programme; respondents; rice; seedlings; study; subsidy; table; tamil; total; transplantation; transplanting cache: jee-230.pdf plain text: jee-230.txt item: #67 of 264 id: jee-231 author: Jena, Anupama; Chander, Mahesh title: Improving Livestock Services Delivery by Mobile Veterinary Units in Odisha date: 2018-05-14 words: 2578 flesch: 47 summary: 5857 Improving Livestock Services Delivery by Mobile Veterinary Units in Odisha Anupama Jena1 and Mahesh Chander2 ABSTRACT Mobile Veterinary Unit (MVU), an ingenious way of livestock service delivery at the farmers’ doorstep is being operational under the Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in all the 314 blocks of Odisha. Hence, livestock service delivery is an important area for optimizing livestock production and productivity. keywords: activities; adequate; animal; cases; delivery; diagnostic; district; doorstep; education; efficacy; extension; facility; farmers; health; important; india; journal; kandhamal; lis; livestock; livestock service; mobile; mvu; mvus; number; odisha; poor; providers; quality; service; service delivery; staff; study; suggestions; total; twms; units; veterinary; villages; vss cache: jee-231.pdf plain text: jee-231.txt item: #68 of 264 id: jee-233 author: Paramasivam, Sivaraj; Philip, H title: Role of Mass Media in Changing the Attitude Level of Farmers towards Organic Farming in the Western Zone of Tamil Nadu date: 2018-05-14 words: 1487 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords : Attitude ; Mass media ; Organic farmers 1. Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur districts was selected purposively, as maximum number of organic farmers have registered under the category of individual certified organic farmers. keywords: agricultural; attitude; cent; certified; exposure; farmers; farming; favourable; information; level; magazines; majority; mass; media; nadu; organic; programmes; respondents; role; tamil cache: jee-233.pdf plain text: jee-233.txt item: #69 of 264 id: jee-234 author: Rohit, Jagriti; C.N, Anshida Beevi title: Training Need Assessment on Communication Competencies of Extensionists working in Krishi Vigyan Kendras (Farm Science Centres) date: 2018-07-19 words: 3230 flesch: 59 summary: Agricultural extension is said to be a public service for human resource development of people engaged in agriculture including farmers. Communication competencies assume a greater role in agricultural extension. keywords: ability; agricultural; aids; assessment; communication; competencies; competency; computer; development; education; extension; extensionists; farmers; important; information; internet; journal; kendras; krishi; kvk; level; male; mwds; need; present; presentation; professionals; rank; study; talks; training; use; vigyan; visual cache: jee-234.pdf plain text: jee-234.txt item: #70 of 264 id: jee-235 author: Anbiah, Vigil; Vijayalakshmi, Ranganathan title: Role of Social Media as Communication Channel for Veterinary Extension Workers date: 2018-05-14 words: 1407 flesch: 53 summary: It is concluded that the most important role of social media was the commonality of interest which could be achieved in sharing of knowledge. Lack of broadband services in remote locations was considered as the major constraints in adopting social media as a communication channel for veterinary extension works. keywords: animal; cent; channel; communication; constraints; extension; forum; health; india; management; media; respondents; role; services; sharing; social; technical; time; veterinary; workers cache: jee-235.pdf plain text: jee-235.txt item: #71 of 264 id: jee-238 author: Radhakrishnan, Naveen Kumar; Suganthkumar, P; Philip, H; Asokhan, M; Sriram, N title: Capacity Development of Agricultural Stakeholders in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu – An Analytical Study date: 2018-09-02 words: 1608 flesch: 47 summary: N. Sriram5 ABSTRACT This study was taken up to understand the training gaps and training needs of the agricultural stakeholders such as public, private extension officials and farmers in Tamil Nadu. Training need refers to the focused area in which the respondents desired training. keywords: agricultural; capacity; cropping; days; development; extension; farmers; government; group; interested; majority; methods; nadu; needs; officials; private; public; respondents; season; stakeholders; table; tamil; training cache: jee-238.pdf plain text: jee-238.txt item: #72 of 264 id: jee-24 author: Elavarasi, M.; Ponnusamy, K.A. title: Organic Farming Technologies and Practices Followed by the Farmers date: 2016-05-30 words: 2478 flesch: 55 summary: Journal of Extension Education5458 ecological principles and applying ecological practices to maintain soil fertility, to manage crop and animal health and to keep soil and water in a good condition without the use of chemical inputs. Noorjehan (2004) in a study on extent of adoption of organic farming practices in sugarcane observed that, cent per cent were found to adopt of farm yard manure, green manure, bio fertilizers and bio pesticides. 1-1550 Final.pmd Journal of Extension Education Vol. 27 No. 2, 2015 Organic Farming Technologies and Practices Followed by the Farmers M. Elavarasi1 and K.A. Ponnusamy2 ABSTRACT The study mainly focused on organic farming technologies and practices followed by the farmers for coconut, millets, sugarcane and turmeric. keywords: application; bio; cake; case; cent; coconut; farmers; farming; leaves; manure; millets; mixture; mulching; neem; oil; organic; panchakavya; pest; practices; pungam; respondents; seed; solution; spraying; study; sugarcane; technologies; treatment; turmeric; weeds cache: jee-24.pdf plain text: jee-24.txt item: #73 of 264 id: jee-241 author: Puthira Prathap, D title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2017-12-07 words: 462 flesch: 49 summary: 6. Use Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation: Adopt and expand existing open standards. 5727 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK My dear readers of Journal of Extension Education, Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year! keywords: access; data; design; development; ict; open; principles; projects; scale; use cache: jee-241.pdf plain text: jee-241.txt item: #74 of 264 id: jee-242 author: AO, Vaithiyanath; Samuel, G; Sreenivasa Rao, I title: A study on Extent of Participation and Perception of Farmers on Benefits of IWMP (Integrated Watershed Management Programme) date: 2019-01-17 words: 3001 flesch: 33 summary: Keeping this in mind, efforts were taken to find out the extent of participation of watershed farmers in Integrated Watershed Management Programme and to find out the benefits of Integrated Watershed Management Programme. Relationship between Profile characteristics and Extent of participation Null hypothesis: There will be no significant relationship between profile characteristics of watershed farmers and their extent of participation of IWMP. keywords: benefits; better; characteristics; education; experience; extent; farmers; farming; findings; group; high; hypothesis; integrated; iwmp; level; low; majority; making; management; medium; participation; perception; positive; profile; programme; relationship; significant; study; table; telangana; training; utilization; variables; watershed; work cache: jee-242.pdf plain text: jee-242.txt item: #75 of 264 id: jee-244 author: Kaippilly, Dinesh; E.R., Chinchu; M.T., Geeji title: Attitude and Perception of Local Inhabitants towards Mangrove Ecosystems date: 2018-09-02 words: 1382 flesch: 50 summary: The major objective of the study was to assess the knowledge level of local inhabitants residing in Puduveypu on the ecosystem services of mangroves and their perception on mangrove conservation. Ample percentage of the households (65.3%) had high density of mangrove plants with more than one species in their premises. keywords: area; attitude; coastal; conservation; data; ecological; ecosystem; education; environmental; importance; inhabitants; kerala; level; local; mangrove; people; perception; plants; premises; puduveypu; qualitative; research; respondents; services; study; survey cache: jee-244.pdf plain text: jee-244.txt item: #76 of 264 id: jee-246 author: Udayan, Greeshma; Sarojini amma, Sreedaya Gopinathan title: Extent of Adoption of House terrace Cultivation of Urban dwellers of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, Kerala date: 2018-12-04 words: 1826 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords : House terrace cultivation; Extent of adoption; Urban dwellers; Kerala Agricultural University; Recommended practice; Adopter categories; Kerala. 6008 Extent of Adoption of House terrace Cultivation of Urban dwellers of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, Kerala Greeshma Udayan 1 and G. S. Sreedaya2 ABSTRACT This paper assesses the adoption of recommended practices for house terrace cultivation in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation of Kerala by the urban dwellers. keywords: adopters; adoption; agricultural; category; cent; corporation; cultivation; curve; dwellers; early; extent; house; house terrace; kerala; majority; percentage; practices; respondents; rogers; terrace; terrace cultivation; thiruvananthapuram; university; urban cache: jee-246.pdf plain text: jee-246.txt item: #77 of 264 id: jee-247 author: Chandran, Revathy; Sreedaya, G.S title: Involvement of Farm Women Groups in the Planning, Production and Marketing Aspects of Vegetables in Kerala date: 2019-07-25 words: 1166 flesch: 45 summary: There were two categories of respondents viz, members of farm women groups and the extension facilitators. There were two categories of respondents viz., members of farm women groups and the extension Received : 15-03-2018; Accepted : 26-04-2018 6174 facilitators. keywords: aspects; extension; farm; groups; income; increase; involvement; marketing; planning; positive; production; relationship; respondents; significant; vegetables; women cache: jee-247.pdf plain text: jee-247.txt item: #78 of 264 id: jee-248 author: Jeyabalasingh, Paul Mansingh; Deressa Bayissa, Debella title: Knowledge on Improved Practices of Teff by Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia date: 2018-09-02 words: 2647 flesch: 52 summary: According to previous studies in Ethiopia, low adoption of improved production technologies was attributed to unavailability of improved technologies, unavailability and high cost of required inputs, lack of access to and high interest rates on credit and policies that discourage improved technology adoption such as promotion of state farms (Hailu and Chilot, 1992; Bekele et al., 2000; Getahun et al., 2000). Despite the importance of teff in Ethiopia, yields are remarkably low mainly due to low adoption of improved agricultural technologies. keywords: adoption; agricultural; application; area; cimmyt; crops; data; depth; district; ethiopia; extension; farmers; fertilizer; herbicide; impact; improved; knowledge; land; low; method; number; optimum; perceptions; planting; practices; production; quantity; research; respondents; row; sample; size; sowing; study; technologies; technology; teff; time; transplanting; urea cache: jee-248.pdf plain text: jee-248.txt item: #79 of 264 id: jee-251 author: Balakrishnan, Dhanusha; Paul, Preethu K title: Social Exclusion of Tribal Agricultural Labourers of Kerala date: 2018-09-02 words: 2101 flesch: 55 summary: In the case of political legal exclusion, majority of the females and males of Thirunelly panchayat experienced high level of political legal exclusion, in the Mananthavady panchayat majority belonged to the high level of political legal exclusion and in the Panamaram panchayat also females and males also experienced high political legal exclusion. In the case of Mananthavady panchayat, 90% of the males and females experienced high level of economic exclusion.10% of both males and females experienced low level of economic exclusion. keywords: case; cultural; economic; exclusion; females; geographic; high; high level; legal; level; low; mananthavady; panamaram; panchayat; people; political; respondents; social; socio; thirunelly; tribal cache: jee-251.pdf plain text: jee-251.txt item: #80 of 264 id: jee-252 author: Paul, Preethu K; Sreedaya, G. S.; Balakrishnan, Dhanusha title: Perception of Farmers about a Pilot Extension Project (LEADS) in two Districts of Kerala date: 2018-12-04 words: 1701 flesch: 37 summary: Many of the developmental programmes pin pointed shortfalls like lack of farmer to farmer extension and lack of periodic field visits. 6019 Perception of Farmers about a Pilot Extension Project (LEADS) in two Districts of Kerala Preethu K. Paul1, G. S. Sreedaya2 and Dhanusha D Balakrishnan3 ABSTRACT Lead Farmer Centered Extension Advisory and Delivery Services (LEADS) is a pilot extension system revolving around Lead farmer – Satellite farmer concept on an Agro Ecological Zone basis within a district. keywords: agricultural; approach; district; effectiveness; extension; farmers; implementation; index; kerala; kollam; leads; methods; palakkad; perception; satellite; statements; table cache: jee-252.pdf plain text: jee-252.txt item: #81 of 264 id: jee-255 author: Sitachew, Mulutena; Jeyabalasingh, Paul Mansingh; Debela, Mulu title: Determinants of Rural Women’s Participation in Agricultural Extension Services: Case of Irrigable Vegetable Production in Oromia Region, Ethiopia date: 2019-03-14 words: 3314 flesch: 36 summary: Therefore, this study seeks to assess the factors influencing rural women participation in agricultural extension services employing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Out of the 132 women vegetable producers selected for this study, there were 79 participants and 53 non-participants of agricultural extension services. keywords: access; activities; agricultural; agricultural extension; constraints; credit; development; distance; district; domestic; ethiopia; experience; extension; extension services; factors; farmers; farming; holding; households; irrigable; land; level; likely; mobility; negative; oromia; participants; participation; probability; production; rural; services; sex; significant; source; study; time; toke; variables; vegetable; water; women cache: jee-255.pdf plain text: jee-255.txt item: #82 of 264 id: jee-258 author: Sridhar, P Jai; Parasuraman, P title: Developing a Scale to Measure the Trend in Millet Farming and Attitude of Farmers towards Millet Cultivation date: 2019-08-24 words: 2092 flesch: 44 summary: Despite its importance, some of the areas requiring attention in rainfed farming are lack of reach of improved methods of production and technologies like improved varieties to small millet farmers, lack of organized seed distribution mechanism to supply good quality seeds for small millet crops in accordance with farmers preferences, lack of appropriate post- harvest processing technologies for small millets except finger millets, competition from other market friendly remunerative crops, lack of public procurement and marketing support and lack of available information primarily about small millets, which reduces the ability to introduce policy measures (DHAN Foundation, 2012). The scale developed to measure the attitude of millet farmers would serve to quantify the orientation level of farmers towards changing trend in farming and the data so obtained could be replicated elsewhere to understand the current trend and changing attitude of farmers towards millet cultivation which in turn will help in formulating strategies for encouraging conservation / sustainable farming. keywords: analysis; attitude; correlation; cultivation; farmers; farming; group; index; item; lack; low; measure; millet; millet farming; relevancy; relevant; reliability; respondents; scale; score; statements; study; tamil; test; tiruvannamalai; total; trend; validity; value cache: jee-258.pdf plain text: jee-258.txt item: #83 of 264 id: jee-26 author: Jacob, Reeba; Thomas, Allan; Kishore Kumar, N. title: Analyzing Technology Adoption - The Case of Kerala Home Gardens date: 2016-05-30 words: 1984 flesch: 36 summary: Hence the present study was undertaken with the objective to measure the level of adoption of KAU technologies for the production practices in homegardens and to assess the relationship Journal of Extension Education5464 between adoption quotient and the selected independent variables. Adoption quotient ei = Extent of adoption of each practice pi = Potentiality of adoption of each practice N keywords: adopter; adoption; category; cent; contribution; correlation; curve; different; extension; extent; farmers; farming; homegarden; kau; kerala; level; majority; practices; production; production practices; respondents; rogers; standard; study; technologies; technology; variables cache: jee-26.pdf plain text: jee-26.txt item: #84 of 264 id: jee-261 author: Manoharan, Shanthya; Premavathi, R title: An Analytical Study on Turmeric Cultivation date: 2018-12-04 words: 2253 flesch: 49 summary: 6000 An Analytical Study on Turmeric Cultivation M. S. Shanthya1 and R. Premavathi2 ABSTRACT A study was undertaken to study the characteristics of turmeric farmers and to assess the relationship between characteristics of turmeric farmers and adoption level, in Kodumudi block of Erode district in Tamil Nadu. Fifteen independent variables and one dependent variable were selected to analyze the relationship of characteristics of turmeric farmers with adoption level. keywords: adoption; agency; analytical; area; cent; contact; cultivation; district; education; exposure; extension; farmers; high; level; low; mass; media; medium; nadu; participation; respondents; significant; social; study; tamil; total; turmeric; variables cache: jee-261.pdf plain text: jee-261.txt item: #85 of 264 id: jee-264 author: C, Bhagavathsingh; Mahandrakumar, K; Sriram, N title: Farmers’ Perception towards a Ragi Expert System date: 2018-12-04 words: 1764 flesch: 47 summary: 6037 Farmers’ Perception towards a Ragi Expert System C. Bhagavathsingh1, K. Mahandrakumar2 and N. Sriram3 ABSTRACT A total of 46 statements, that determine the perception of Ragi Expert System, were spread among three main components viz., over all perception, message and technical components. Hence, it is assumed that greater the perception of Ragi Expert System by its users was in terms of satisfaction derived from various components of Ragi Expert System, greater would be the users’ exposure and post exposure activities. keywords: agricultural; complex; components; expert; expert system; extension; farmers; half; ideas; information; management; message; perception; ragi; ragi expert; respondents; satisfied; simple; subject; system; videos cache: jee-264.pdf plain text: jee-264.txt item: #86 of 264 id: jee-265 author: Palani, Suganthkumar; H, Philip title: Adaptation Strategies followed by the Rice Growers to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change date: 2018-12-04 words: 1429 flesch: 47 summary: Variables like annual income, extension agency contact and awareness on crop insurance showed negative correlation at five per cent level of probability Keywords : Climate change; Adaptation strategy; Livelihood; Food security; Tamil Nadu INTRODUCTION Climate change is any significant long-term change in the expected patterns of average weather of a region (or the whole Earth) over a significant period of time, that may have influence on adequate stock and flow of food and cash to meet the basic needs (livelihood), the ability of an individual to have all time physical and economical access to sufficient and safe food for a healthy life (food security). Analysis of farmers perception and adaptation strategies to climate change. keywords: adaptation; awareness; cent; change; climate; correlation; crop; diversification; education; enterprise; extension; farmers; level; measures; positive; probability; profile; regression; respondents; significant; status; study; variables cache: jee-265.pdf plain text: jee-265.txt item: #87 of 264 id: jee-267 author: Paul, Preethu K; Balakrishnan, Dhanusha; Sreedaya, G.S title: Comparative Analysis of Scale of Social capital formed in Kollam and Palakkad districts of Kerala as an Impact of a Pilot Extension Project (LEADS) date: 2019-07-25 words: 1088 flesch: 56 summary: In Kollam district, 68.89 per cent and in Palakkad district, 64.44 per cent of the respondents belonged to the medium category of social capital formation. The study aimed to compare Social capital formed in Kollam and Palakkad districts as an impact of LEADS project. keywords: capital; districts; extension; farmers; formation; group; impact; kerala; kollam; leads; palakkad; project; respondents; scale; social; study cache: jee-267.pdf plain text: jee-267.txt item: #88 of 264 id: jee-27 author: Priya, D. Yavana; Ponnusamy, K.A.; Venkitapirabu, J. title: A Scale to Measure Farmers Attitude towards Value Addition in Maize date: 2016-05-30 words: 1689 flesch: 52 summary: Ability to identify opportunities in the existing situation, confidence to start value addition business by pooling resources, adoption of innovation might be the underlying factors for the famers who liked to involve in value addition. SI.No. Statement SA A UD DA SDA 1 Value addition is the next phase of development in commercial maize cultivation 2 Value addition in maize would fetch more return in present days of living 3 Previous experiences have no association with value addition * keywords: addition; attitude; cent; content; continuum; extension; farmers; favourable; interval; items; judges; maize; median; method; point; psychological; reliability; scale; score; statements; study; table; value; value addition cache: jee-27.pdf plain text: jee-27.txt item: #89 of 264 id: jee-270 author: S, Elakkiya; M, Asokhan title: Participation of Women Members in a Community – driven Development Project date: 2018-12-04 words: 2092 flesch: 46 summary: The extent of participation in this study was operationalized as the degree to which CDD project women members participate in various activities.. To enable project SHG members to sell their products, exhibitions were organized under the scheme Mahalirthittam in Namakkal district. keywords: activities; cdd; community; development; economic; extension; group; help; loans; mean; members; nadu; participation; poverty; project; regulations; respondents; rules; score; shg; social; study; table; vazhvu; village; women cache: jee-270.pdf plain text: jee-270.txt item: #90 of 264 id: jee-271 author: M, Deepika; M, Asokhan; S, Usharani title: Adoption Behaviour of ELS cotton growers in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu date: 2018-12-04 words: 1997 flesch: 49 summary: The present study was taken up to analyse the adoption behaviour of ELS cotton growers in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu. Hybrids (for more than 160 days duration beyond the 20th node on 80-85 DAS) 95.50 0.80 IV Spacing 15 Recommended spacing ( 120 *60cm) 48.50 1.50 V Planting methods 16 Seed rate and Planting one seed/hill (2.5 kg/ha with fuzz) 94.70 4.50 17 Planting under ridges and furrows system 86.40 12.10 18 Planting five rows per acre of non-Bt cotton seeds as refugee crop surrounding the Bt cotton plot 13.60 86.40 19 Planting seeds @4-5 cm deep & covering with soil 81.10 17.40 20 Gap filling in the Bt and non – Bt areas a week after germination 6.80 93.20 VI Inter cultivation and weed management 21 Pre-emergence application of weedicide (Pendimethalin @ 3.3 l/ha 3DAS) 15.20 84.80 22 Hand weeding (45 DAS) 95.50 1.50 VII Irrigation management 23 During germination 94.70 0.80 24 During seedling growth 80.30 0.80 25 During flowering 75.00 0.80 VIII Disease management 26 Field sanitation 90.90 3.80 27 Soil drenching 6.80 84.80 28 Application of fungicides 21.20 5.30 Adoption Behaviour of ELS cotton growers in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu keywords: adoption; application; behaviour; blocks; cent; control; cotton; crop; das; district; education; els; extension; farmers; fibre; growers; journal; kapas; length; level; majority; management; nadu; planting; respondents; study; table; tamil; technologies; technology; vellore cache: jee-271.pdf plain text: jee-271.txt item: #91 of 264 id: jee-272 author: Eliyas, Meenu; Sumathi, P title: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Recommended Package of Practices by Pepper Growers of Wayanad District, Kerala date: 2019-07-25 words: 1298 flesch: 46 summary: The analysis on relationship between the profile characters and the adoption level of pepper growers in Wayanad district revealed that the variables viz., educational status (X2), farm size (X4), area under pepper cultivation (X5), income (X7), social participation (X8), extension agency contact (X9), mass media exposure (X10), innovativeness (X11), trainings undergone (X12), market decision (X14) and market potential (X15) showed positive significant correlation at one per cent level of probability and market perception (X11) showed positive significant correlation at five per cent level of probability. It was observed that the factors viz., educational status, farm size, area under pepper cultivation, income, social participation, extension agency contact, mass media exposure, innovativeness, trainings undergone, market decision and market potential showed positive significant correlation at one per cent level of probability and market perception showed positive significant correlation at five per cent level of probability towards adoption level. keywords: adoption; agency; area; cent; contact; cultivation; decision; extension; farm; kerala; level; market; pepper; positive; significant; size; study; variables; viz; wayanad cache: jee-272.pdf plain text: jee-272.txt item: #92 of 264 id: jee-274 author: Raahinipriya, P; Jansi Rani, R title: Marketing Behaviour of Organic Farmers in Karur district of Tamil Nadu date: 2019-07-25 words: 1281 flesch: 45 summary: The study was conducted in Karur district of Tamil Nadu to assess the marketing behavior of organic farmers. Among these eight blocks, Kadavur, Aravakurichi and Kulithalai blocks were selected for the study based on more number of organic farmers. keywords: behaviour; district; farmers; farming; half; information; karur; marketing; nadu; organic; price; produce; respondents; sale; study; tamil; transport cache: jee-274.pdf plain text: jee-274.txt item: #93 of 264 id: jee-275 author: Binsa, B; Sreedaya, G.S Gopinathan title: Constraint Analysis of Farming on House Terraces date: 2019-01-17 words: 1521 flesch: 48 summary: Delphi technique was used for the present study in order to obtain data on the three aspects such as identification of major constraints, breaking them into component constraints and ranking them. 226 V 6 Difficulty in transferring inputs from the ground to house terrace 219 VI 7 Difficulty in getting good quality potting mixture especially with PGPR mix-1 204 VII 8 Seasonal variation 201 VIII 9 Lack of time for house terrace farming activities 187 IX 10 Frequent wetting of ceilings will cause leakage problems and floor would become dirty very fast 158 X 11 Difficulty in getting labour 145 XI 12 Kitchen wastes can’t be converted into organic manure due to the lack of physical facilities and technical knowhow. keywords: availability; bags; bearers; constraints; difficulty; distribution; extension; farming; grow; house; kerala; lack; major; officials; quality; respondents; score; study; table; terrace cache: jee-275.pdf plain text: jee-275.txt item: #94 of 264 id: jee-276 author: Bashir, Bimal P; Thiruppathi Venkatachalapathy, R; K.Mohan, Subin title: A Study on Annual Expenditure and Income from Goat Farming in Kerala date: 2018-09-02 words: 2194 flesch: 63 summary: 5978 A Study on Annual Expenditure and Income from Goat Farming in Kerala Bimal P.Bashir1, R. Thiruppathi Venkatachalapathy2 and Subin K.Mohan1 ABSTRACT A study on goat farmers from three districts of Kerala viz., Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram districts was carried out to study the annual expenditure and income from goat farming under field condition in Northern Kerala. Economics of Different Flock sizes of Goat Farming: Average flock size for the five category of goat farmers based on flock holding were 2.98, 9.75, 27.2, 62.1 and 163.75 respectively (Table 1). keywords: annual; average; category; cost; expenditure; farmers; farming; flock; goat; grazing; iii; income; intensive; kerala; labour; land; large; management; milk; net; rearing; semi; size; small; study; system; table; veterinary cache: jee-276.pdf plain text: jee-276.txt item: #95 of 264 id: jee-279 author: PUTHIRA PRATHAP, D title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2018-05-14 words: 336 flesch: 25 summary: Formulating policies enabling effective communication between research, advisory services, and farmers’ organizations in rural areas SUCCESS FACTOR 2: Capacities: Ensure that service providers are skilled in communication and have a positive attitude to communicate with clients SUCCESS FACTOR 3: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): Facilitate systematic learning from experiences in communication approaches SUCCESS FACTOR 4: Farmers’ organizations: Engage representative farmers’ organizations as partners in communication SUCCESS FACTOR 5: Participatory methods: Use of participatory methods for active involvement of all partners in communication SUCCESS FACTOR 6: Media strategy: Integrating a mix of media in a strategic manner to achieve the desired objectives These aforementioned factors could be kept in mind while we design and implement projects in agricultural communication. The earliest form of agricultural communication should have been when farmers shared information by word-of-mouth. keywords: agricultural; century; communication; factor; farmers; methods; organizations; success cache: jee-279.pdf plain text: jee-279.txt item: #96 of 264 id: jee-280 author: Palanivel, Sanjeevi; Mahandrakumar, K title: Technological Mitigation Strategies to Overcome Drought situations in Tamil Nadu date: 2019-01-17 words: 1081 flesch: 40 summary: The awareness, acceptance and adoption level of farmers regarding technological mitigation strategies are given in Table 1. Professor (Agricultural Extension), Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) Madurai – 625 104 India Meteorological Department (IMD) (2014) had reported that approximately 16 per cent of India’s geographic area, mostly arid, semi-arid and sub-humid is drought- prone. keywords: adoption; agricultural; area; awareness; department; drought; extension; farmers; higher; journal; level; mitigation; monsoon; nadu; namakkal; state; strategies; study; tamil; technological; water cache: jee-280.pdf plain text: jee-280.txt item: #97 of 264 id: jee-283 author: Seby, Salpriya; M.J., Mercykutty; R, Sendilkumar title: Constraint Analysis of Paddy Promotion Programmes under Decentralized Planning date: 2019-01-17 words: 1886 flesch: 37 summary: Among financial constraints, high labour cost, delay in receiving payment for the produce sold to Supplyco, high cost of plant protection chemicals and insufficient financial assistance were the main items. Beneficiaries of Adat panchayat perceived scheme feature constraints as more severe and others as less severe. keywords: arimpur; beneficiary; chelakkara; constraints; development; dimension; extension; farmers; feature; financial; infrastructural; input; knowledge; labour; lack; major; manpower; market; paddy; panchayat; personnel; planning; programmes; promotion; scheme; severe; time cache: jee-283.pdf plain text: jee-283.txt item: #98 of 264 id: jee-284 author: Naik, Raju Parashuram; S, Helen title: Constraints Faced by Agripreneurs in Adopting KAU (Kerala Agricultural University) Technology date: 2019-01-17 words: 1598 flesch: 41 summary: Apart from imparting technical skills, the training modules should include the subject areas like, sources of funds available for starting agribusiness, services of financial institutions, details of government schemes available for agripreneurs, pro-active managerial skills and soft skills required for managing agribusiness, judicious use of available resources, maintenance of records, sharing responsibilities with fellow members, ways of enhancing entrepreneurial competencies, access to real time market information using ICT tools and Constraints Faced by Agripreneurs in Adopting KAU (Kerala Agricultural University) Technology Figure 1. Constraints Faced by Agripreneurs 6078 available technologies on mechanizing agri- enterprises. % % - - 1 Long distance to the market 1.00 1.00 98.00 103 34.33 2 Lack of transportation facilities 0 8.00 92.00 108 36.00 3 Lack of market information 7.00 41.00 52.00 155 51.66 4 Low price for the produce 10.00 26.00 64.00 146 48.66 5 Delay in payments 2.00 7.00 91.00 111 37.00 Composite index 41.53 Constraints Faced by Agripreneurs in Adopting KAU (Kerala Agricultural University) keywords: agricultural; agripreneurs; availability; constraints; cost; extension; financial; high; index; information; journal; kau; kerala; labour; lack; market; marketing; non; production; score; technology; total; university cache: jee-284.pdf plain text: jee-284.txt item: #99 of 264 id: jee-286 author: A, Archana; Selvin, Rexlin; Iqshanullah, A Muhammed title: Technology Utilization Pattern of Cassava Growers on Recommended Cultivation Practices date: 2018-12-04 words: 1389 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords : Technology utilization pattern; Crop improvement technology; Plant protection technologies; Tamil Nadu. High 31 25.83 Total 120 100.00 It could be observed from the table that the majority of the respondents(57.50%) had medium level of technology utilization pattern in cassava cultivation, followed by high level (25.83%) and low level (16.67%) of technology utilization pattern. keywords: 2ml; cassava; cent; crop; cultivation; extension; farmers; growers; improvement; level; lit; medium; nadu; number; pattern; practices; production; respondents; table; tamil; technologies; technology; technology utilization; utilization; utilization pattern cache: jee-286.pdf plain text: jee-286.txt item: #100 of 264 id: jee-29 author: Philip, H. title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2016-05-31 words: 347 flesch: 37 summary: Of late, extension practitioners are employing a range of participatory methods and media - from community radio to video and modern ICTs - to ensure more equitable access to information for farmers and rural communities. Integrating the power of media such as rural radio, mobile phones and ICTs with local knowledge and communication systems can give rural stakeholders, more power to take action and change their lives for better. keywords: communication; community; groups; krishi; local; power; radio; rural cache: jee-29.pdf plain text: jee-29.txt item: #101 of 264 id: jee-292 author: Panjshiri, Khalilullah; Nagappan, Sriram; P, Suganthkumar title: Perceived Level of Importance and Competency of Agricultural Extension Officers in Agriculture and Allied Activities date: 2019-01-17 words: 1093 flesch: 30 summary: 0.477951 16 17 Drought Management / Dry farming 0.404579 17 18 Seed production technologies 0.118596 18 19 ICT applications in Agriculture 0.05067 19 20 Farmers’ organization 0.05611 20 21 Managerial Skills 0.2721 21 From the table, it is found that the first six training needs according to Mean Weighed Discrepancy Score were integrated nutrient management, integrated water management, integrated weed management, agricultural waste management, organic farming, and integrated pest management. A review: Training requirement of agriculture extension officers in Iraq. keywords: activities; agriculture; competency; discrepancy; extension; farming; importance; integrated; level; management; mean; needs; officers; respondents; score; table; training cache: jee-292.pdf plain text: jee-292.txt item: #102 of 264 id: jee-298 author: Binsa, B; Sreedaya, G.S title: Training Need Analysis of Farming on House Terraces date: 2019-07-25 words: 1499 flesch: 61 summary: On the basis of the response of the respondents, priorities based on I, II and III choices could be tabulated and can be identified as training need. By ensuring frequent training programs along with improved techniques, the constraints faced in terrace farming might have been controlled to a great extent. keywords: acs; analysis; choice; etc; farming; house; kerala; need; plant; preferred; preparation; protection; respondents; study; subject; terrace; thiruvananthapuram; training; urban; wards; years cache: jee-298.pdf plain text: jee-298.txt item: #103 of 264 id: jee-3 author: Ofolsha, Mulu Debela; Mansingh, J. Paul title: Determinants of Female-headed Households’ Livelihood Diversification Strategies Choice in Ambo District, Ethiopia date: 2016-05-30 words: 3303 flesch: 54 summary: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Age of household head affects labor availability, fertility behaviors and dependency ratio of household members which in turn 5425Determinants of Female-headed Households’ Livelihood Diversification Strategies Choice in Ambo District, Ethiopia affect the nature and degree of households’ participation in different livelihood activities. Various empirical studies show that different livelihood diversification strategies exist in Ethiopia, even though the forms and people’s participation level may vary which is not an exception for FHHs. keywords: access; activities; activity; agriculture; ambo; area; case; cent; choice; different; district; diversification; ethiopia; extension; family; farm; female; fhh; fhhs; headed; households; income; journal; labour; land; livelihood; livestock; low; major; mean; metasebia; number; options; oxen; participation; potential; poverty; production; ratio; result; rural; significant; size; strategies; study; university; variable; women cache: jee-3.pdf plain text: jee-3.txt item: #104 of 264 id: jee-30 author: Sulaja, O.R; Alex, Jiju P title: Sources of Data for Micro Level Planning from Village Level Institutions: An Overview date: 2016-05-31 words: 1797 flesch: 53 summary: Out of the Sl.No. Category or purpose No. of types of registers in Krishi Bhavan Frequency Percentage 1 Account 19 13 2 Establishment 5 5 3 Social security service based 4 3 4 Comprehensive development 3 2 5 Basic 3 2 6 Project management/ The grama panchayat also has an array of registers that deal with the multiple responsibilities of local body (Table 2). keywords: agriculture; bhavan; cent; complete; data; databases; development; dynamic; frequency; information; institutions; krishi; level; local; micro; nature; offices; panchayat; planning; registers; table; updating cache: jee-30.pdf plain text: jee-30.txt item: #105 of 264 id: jee-300 author: Dineshkumar, Selvaraj; Jeya, R title: Constraints in Adoption of Recommended Cultivation Practices of Medicinal Plant Growers date: 2020-02-07 words: 1398 flesch: 52 summary: METhoDoLoGY In Tiruvannamalai district of Tamil Nadu, Chengam taluk was selected for the study, as it has the maximum area under medicinal plant cultivation compared to other taluks. Treatment with medicinal plants is considered very safe as there is no or minimal side effects. keywords: adoption; area; cent; constraints; cultivation; extension; facilities; growers; industries; lack; major; marketing; medicinal; nadu; plants; policy; practices; price; produce; respondents; study cache: jee-300.pdf plain text: jee-300.txt item: #106 of 264 id: jee-301 author: Muralikrishnan, L; Philip, H title: Attitude of Farmers towards Eco - friendly Farming Practices in The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu date: 2019-07-25 words: 1843 flesch: 49 summary: Eco friendly farming practices is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity (FAO, 1999), The Western Ghats plays a significant role in determining the climate and physiography of India, spreading over six states namely Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa and Tamil Nadu. To solve these issues, adopting eco-friendly farming practices is one of the major solutions. keywords: abilities; adoption; agency; attitude; cent; conservation; contact; district; eco; eco friendly; extension; farmers; farming; farming practices; favourable; friendly; friendly farming; ghats; leadership; level; nadu; nilgiris; practices; statements; table; tamil; values; western cache: jee-301.pdf plain text: jee-301.txt item: #107 of 264 id: jee-303 author: Prathap, D Puthira title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2018-07-19 words: 442 flesch: 53 summary: 1 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK My dear readers of Journal of Extension Education, Recently I had an opportunity to handle a session on ‘Open access journals in empowering extension researchers’ in an International Conference. Implementation of Open access could be the right initiative in this direction, which could benefit research and researchers. keywords: access; jee; journals; knowledge; online; open; researchers; sciences cache: jee-303.pdf plain text: jee-303.txt item: #108 of 264 id: jee-305 author: Suryaja, Vagvala; Thomas, Allan title: Job Satisfaction of Agricultural Professionals in Commercial Banks of Kerala date: 2020-02-07 words: 1743 flesch: 50 summary: Their performance, job satisfaction, quality of work life should be enhanced, which in turn improves the services provided to farmers. Job performance of employees is positively related to job satisfaction and the same is inferred in studies by Nadef (2018) and Patel (1999). keywords: agricultural; bank; banking; cent; commercial; component; eigen; employees; factors; high; job; job satisfaction; journal; kerala; mean; new; pay; people; professionals; promotion; respondents; satisfaction; sector; study; supervision; table; work cache: jee-305.pdf plain text: jee-305.txt item: #109 of 264 id: jee-31 author: Balamurugan, V. title: Learning Experience of Small Farmers in Sugarcane Cultivation date: 2016-05-31 words: 1333 flesch: 35 summary: LEARNING EXPERIENCE In this study, learning experience was operationalised as a service of learning activities performed by the respondent to learn the selected sugarcane technologies. keywords: activities; agricultural; application; channels; experience; extension; farmers; fertilizer; information; learning; localite; mass; media; personal; small; sources; study; sugarcane; technologies; technology cache: jee-31.pdf plain text: jee-31.txt item: #110 of 264 id: jee-311 author: Sreelakshmi, C; Thomas, Allan title: Techno-Socio-Economic Dimensions of Specialized Home Gardens date: 2019-03-14 words: 2720 flesch: 33 summary: However, sustainability was a mutual concern for both Agricultural Officers and specialized home garden farmers. Under Socio-cultural dimension, social acceptability was unequivocally considered important by both agricultural officers and specialized home garden farmers. keywords: agricultural; agricultural officers; categories; dimensions; economic; extension; farmers; garden; garden farmers; generation; home; home garden; important; labour; mean; officers; potential; rank; resource; respondents; results; socio; specializations; specialized; sustainability; system; technology; total cache: jee-311.pdf plain text: jee-311.txt item: #111 of 264 id: jee-312 author: Jeyarajan, Vasanthakumar title: Sustainability of Participatory Technology Development & Transfer Approach for Sugarcane Farmers date: 2018-09-02 words: 1868 flesch: 41 summary: The problems that required immediate attention were identified: (i) Selection of Sugarcane varieties suitable to brief Table 2. No. Village Theme of Experiment 1 Athukkudi Selection of Sugarcane varieties suitable to brief drought condition 2 Methods of Land Preparation 3 Water Management 4 Management of Early Shoot Borer 5 Use of Organic Manure 6 Thiruvali Selection of Sugarcane varieties suitable to wetland condition 7 keywords: adoption; borer; condition; development; experiment; farmers; incidence; keelaiyur; management; participatory; preparation; problems; sandy; selection; soil; sugarcane; suitable; technologies; technology; thiruvali; transfer; varieties; village; water; yield cache: jee-312.pdf plain text: jee-312.txt item: #112 of 264 id: jee-32 author: Karuna Jeba Mary, M.V.; Ravichandran, V.; Sujeetha, T.N. title: Income Generation Pattern of Self Help Group (SHG) Members date: 2016-05-31 words: 1756 flesch: 52 summary: With regard to group based activity, napkin preparation (13.63%), curry leaf powder preparation (11.36 %) foot mat preparation (9.09%) and areca plate preparation (8.18%) were the major income generating activities found in the study area. Further, attempt has 5383Income Generation Pattern of Self Help Group (SHG Members been made to analyze the involvement of women in income generating activities in those groups and to identify how the members of SHGs have been financially self-sustainable. keywords: activities; agricultural; credit; cultivation; development; district; economic; enterprises; generating; group; help; income; individual; making; members; nadu; number; paddy; powder; preparation; respondents; self; shgs; study; table; tamil; theni; women cache: jee-32.pdf plain text: jee-32.txt item: #113 of 264 id: jee-329 author: Nallaraju, Amaladeepan; Pushpa, J title: Profile Characteristics of and Constraints faced by Banana Growers date: 2019-01-17 words: 1324 flesch: 59 summary: Hence, there was a need to study the socio-Economic characteristics of banana growers and the constraints faced by them in Banana cultivation in order to enhance the productivity of banana in Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu. Among them, two villages were selected from each block, where the area under Banana cultivation was predominant. keywords: acres; banana; characteristics; constraints; cultivation; economic; education; extension; farmers; growers; high; inadequate; level; low; medium; nadu; socio; study; tamil cache: jee-329.pdf plain text: jee-329.txt item: #114 of 264 id: jee-33 author: Jayakumar, N.; Surudhi, M. title: Gender Equality in Agricultural Education date: 2016-05-31 words: 2870 flesch: 51 summary: The number of women in higher agricultural education as compared to men is lowest in precisely those regions where women constitute the majority of food producers (UNESCO, 2000). To study the medium of instruction of female students and the type of school attended for their Higher Secondary Course (HSC). keywords: academic; achievement; agricultural; analysis; better; course; development; difference; education; english; equality; extension; female; female students; gender; growth; higher; hsc; instruction; journal; marks; mean; medium; ogpa; percentage; private; rate; representation; school; secondary; students; study; table; tamil; women; world cache: jee-33.pdf plain text: jee-33.txt item: #115 of 264 id: jee-330 author: Prathap, D Puthira title: From the Editor's Desk date: 2018-09-02 words: 346 flesch: 26 summary: Extension professionals should have information about what, where, how and when extension programmes are delivered and how successful these programs are. Suvedi & Ghimire (2015) had identified the core competencies for extension professionals in developing countries: Programme planning and Implementation : Extension professionals have to plan programmes within their organizations, while facilitating their clients to do the same. keywords: extension; process; professionals; programme; skills; stakeholders; technical cache: jee-330.pdf plain text: jee-330.txt item: #116 of 264 id: jee-332 author: SINGH, Surinder; Hansra, B.S title: Impact of Self-Help Group Formation on Social Indicators of Sustainability date: 2019-03-14 words: 1749 flesch: 38 summary: In case of non- members, majority of vegetable farms (44.67) were moderately sustainable followed by least sustainable (30.00 per cent) The vegetable farms of members were exhibiting higher social sustainability due to higher knowledge, higher adoption level of technologies at farms, involvement in community activities and more extensive contacts with change agents. Study revealed that the social sustainability of vegetable growers who were members of self-help groups was significantly higher when compared to non-member farmers Keywords: Social sustainability; Social indicators; Vegetable farms; Self-help group; Himachal Pradesh Received : 12-09-2018; Accepted : 31-10-2018 1. PhD Scholar, School of Agriculture, IGNOU, New Delhi and 2. keywords: adoption; cent; community; extension; farmers; farming; farms; group; help; higher; indicators; knowledge; level; majority; members; non; pradesh; self; social; sustainability; sustainable; vegetable cache: jee-332.pdf plain text: jee-332.txt item: #117 of 264 id: jee-333 author: Kappen, Daisy C; Dinesh, K; Divya, N D title: Constraints in the Adoption of Cage Aquaculture Practices in Ernakulam District, Kerala date: 2019-07-25 words: 2550 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: Cage Aquaculture; Constraints; Seabass; Kerala 1. Constraints in Adoption of Recommended Technologies for Improved Freshwater Fish Farming. keywords: adoption; aquaculture; cage; cage aquaculture; constraints; cost; cumulative; district; economic; education; extension; facilities; farmers; farming; feed; fish; frequency; journal; kerala; lack; major; nss; practices; score; seabass; seeds; state; technical cache: jee-333.pdf plain text: jee-333.txt item: #118 of 264 id: jee-336 author: C, Sreelakshmi title: Risk Assessment in Specialised Home gardens of Kerala date: 2018-12-04 words: 1810 flesch: 52 summary: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Production risks An overall analysis of production risks among the specialised home garden farmers reveals that 40 percent face low risk, 51.6 face moderate risk and 8.3 per cent face high risk. Here 11.7 per cent face low risk, 63.4 per cent have moderate risk and 25 per cent have high risk. keywords: analysis; assessment; cent; different; distribution; environmental; extension; farmers; financial; gardens; high; highest; home; human; kerala; legal; low; marketing; moderate; production; resource; respondents; results; risk; specialisations; specialized; study; table cache: jee-336.pdf plain text: jee-336.txt item: #119 of 264 id: jee-337 author: Sivaraj, Paramasivam; Philip, Henry; Venkata Pirabu, Jegadeesan title: Marketing Behavior of Certified Organic Farmers in Tamil Nadu date: 2019-03-14 words: 1881 flesch: 58 summary: India produced around 1.35 MT (2015- 16) of certified organic products which includes all varieties of food produces namely sugarcane, oilseeds, cereals and millets, cotton, pulses, medicinal plants, tea, fruits, spices, dry fruits, vegetables, coffee etc. Research Article Journal of Extension Education Vol. 30 No. 1, 2018 DOI: 6141 The scope of organic farming in India has been tremendously increasing day by day. With this background, a study was conducted among certified organic farmers in Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur districts of Tamil Nadu to find out their marketing behavior in selected dimensions METHODOLOGY Ex post facto research design was used in this study to suit the objectives and type of information needed. keywords: bags; behavior; cent; certified; coimbatore; education; extension; farmers; farming; harvest; iii; marketing; nadu; organic; pattern; produce; sale; selling; study; tamil; transport; value cache: jee-337.pdf plain text: jee-337.txt item: #120 of 264 id: jee-338 author: Venkatesan, Shanjeevika; Indumathy, K; Murugan, P.P title: Constraints Faced by the Rural Youth in Farm Activities date: 2019-03-14 words: 875 flesch: 53 summary: In recent years the participation of rural youth in agriculture is declining. A study was conducted in nine villages of Vaniyambadi taluk in Tamil Nadu to assess the constraints faced by rural youth in farm activities. keywords: activities; agriculture; areas; constraints; education; extension; farm; income; journal; lack; participation; rural; study; technical; youth cache: jee-338.pdf plain text: jee-338.txt item: #121 of 264 id: jee-34 author: Sriram, N. title: Effectiveness of Hub and Spoke Model for Dissemination of Innovative Farm Technologies to the Farming Community date: 2016-05-31 words: 1581 flesch: 53 summary: Nazreen (2008) also reported that there was significant knowledge gain among the respondents in his study on effective agricultural information delivery system. From Table 2, it could be observed that out of fifteen characteristics taken for the study, three characteristics namely educational status (X2), farming experience (X5) and contact with extension agency (X10) exhibited significant and positive correlation with knowledge gain at five per cent level of significance. Further, Mahindra and Mahindra also established hub and spoke centres with help of TNAU interventions by linking Samridhhi centres to spread the farm specific information at farmers door step and to study its effectiveness in terms of knowledge gain. keywords: agency; cent; contact; dissemination; effectiveness; exposure; extension; farmers; farming; gain; hub; information; knowledge; knowledge gain; mahindra; model; respondents; significant; status; study; technologies; treatment cache: jee-34.pdf plain text: jee-34.txt item: #122 of 264 id: jee-340 author: Victor, Reshma A; A, Anilkumar title: Emotional Intelligence of Agricultural Officers of Kerala State Department of Agriculture date: 2020-08-16 words: 1900 flesch: 46 summary: Research has revealed that, a person with high emotional intelligence can manage their negative emotions and stress in a better way. The officers who had high emotional intelligence manage their negative emotions in their workplace and report fewer psychological problems with high level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. keywords: agricultural; cent; department; emotional; emotions; farmers; high; intelligence; kasaragod; kerala; level; medium; officers; respondents; significant; skills; social; state; study; thiruvananthapuram; thrissur; viz cache: jee-340.pdf plain text: jee-340.txt item: #123 of 264 id: jee-343 author: Renjini, M U; Radha, T title: A Study on the Involvement of Farmers in Agripreneurship in Kerala date: 2019-08-24 words: 1733 flesch: 51 summary: Regarding the type of agripreneurship activities among the selected respondents, 46 per cent of the respondents take part in agripreneurship activities. Through the study, the extent of involvement of selected farmers in various agripreneurship activities, factors influencing their involvement and future expectations were analysed in detail. keywords: activities; agribusiness; agriculture; agripreneurship; cent; coconut; cultivation; data; entrepreneurship; factors; family; farmers; farming; involvement; kerala; n=50; number; particulars; percen; respondents; study; table; years cache: jee-343.pdf plain text: jee-343.txt item: #124 of 264 id: jee-344 author: Victor, Reshma A; Anilkumar, A title: Job Stress of Agricultural Officers of Kerala State Department of Agriculture: A Psycho–Personal Analysis date: 2019-08-24 words: 1089 flesch: 50 summary: Kruskal - Wallis test was done to find whether overall job stress and job stress dimensions of Agricultural Officers vary among the three districts. It could be observed from the table that overall (8.737) there was significant difference in job stress of Agricultural Officers in three districts. keywords: agricultural; department; district; job; kasaragod; kerala; level; officers; overload; role; significant; state; stress; study; thiruvananthapuram; thrissur cache: jee-344.pdf plain text: jee-344.txt item: #125 of 264 id: jee-345 author: M, Kumaran; M, Sundaram; Mathew, Shijo Mathew; PR, Anand title: Socio-personal contour, information flow and productivity of brackishwater aquaculture systems - An Appraisal date: 2019-03-14 words: 3551 flesch: 42 summary: of days employed in aquaculture 212 ± 49.95 210.68 ± 76.28 295 ± 16.78 216.8 ± 64.4 14 Farm infrastructure & biosecurity 6.26 ± 1.22 4.0 ± 1.59 2.0 ± 0.0 2.5 ± 1.3 15 Training attended on aquaculture 86.67 50.00 0.00 61.90 16 Cropping intensity One 22.22 13.64 100 5.95 Two 75.55 86.36 0.00 64.05 Majority of scientific shrimp farmers in WB (93.33%) and traditional farmers in KL (83.30%) had their own farms whereas majority of scientific farmers in KL (68.18%) and all the bheries in WB were leased farms. Scientific shrimp farmers need technology information constantly to minimize the risk factors in the production cycle. keywords: access; aquaculture; bengal; better; brackishwater; case; characteristics; cost; data; economic; education; extension; family; farmers; farming; farms; feed; income; information; inputs; journal; kerala; levels; majority; mode; personal; production; productivity; profile; respondents; scientific; seed; shrimp; size; socio; states; stocking; systems; technology; traditional; west; years cache: jee-345.pdf plain text: jee-345.txt item: #126 of 264 id: jee-346 author: Tamil Selvi, P; Balasubramaniam, P title: Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu date: 2019-08-24 words: 2025 flesch: 45 summary: This might be the reason for medium (38.66 %), followed by low (32.67 %) and high (28.67 %) level of adoption in recommended crop cultivation practices. From Table 1, the overall adoption level showed that, the majority of the respondents were having medium level (39.67 %) of adoption followed by low level (32.33 %) and high levels (28 %) of adoption of recommended crop cultivation practices. keywords: adoption; application; block; centage; crop; cultivation; farmers; krishi; kulithalai; kvk; level; major; measures; method; n=150; nadu; number; paddy; practices; respondents; study; tamil; techniques; thogaimalai; trainings cache: jee-346.pdf plain text: jee-346.txt item: #127 of 264 id: jee-348 author: Lonappan, Blossom Kappilputhenpura; Jose, Shilpa; Kappen, Daisy C title: Food Consumption Pattern among School Going Children in a Rural Area of Kerala date: 2019-07-25 words: 2565 flesch: 60 summary: No. Categories Number Percent (%) 1 Foods preferred Ready to eat Homemade 7 93 7 93 2 Reason for the preference Convenience Taste 4 96 4 96 Journal of Extension Education 6161 preferences is the selection of food items from choices available among acceptable foods. The economic status of the families and the local availability of food items are the two important factors which influence the frequency of use of various food items Table 4. Frequency Consumption of Various Foods Sl. keywords: cent; children; consumption; details; education; families; food; frequency; fruits; habits; high; income; information; items; journal; kerala; level; low; majority; milk; number; nutritional; pattern; preferences; preferred; rice; rural; school; socioeconomic; status; study; subjects; vegetables cache: jee-348.pdf plain text: jee-348.txt item: #128 of 264 id: jee-349 author: Sundaran, Dhanush; Murugan, P.P title: Constraints faced by the Tribal Youth in Vocational Preference date: 2019-03-14 words: 1412 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: Tribal youth; The Nilgiris district; Constraint; Tamil Nadu Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 30 The constraints faced by tribal youth in vocational preference were collected and percentage analysis was used to describe the results. keywords: cent; constraints; credit; development; different; district; income; journal; lack; land; majority; nilgiris; opportunities; problems; study; training; tribal; tribal youth; youth cache: jee-349.pdf plain text: jee-349.txt item: #129 of 264 id: jee-35 author: Sujeetha, T.N.; Ravichandran, V.; Karuna Jeba Mary, M.V. title: Participation of Self Help Group Tribal Women in Economic and Social Developmental Activities date: 2016-05-31 words: 1206 flesch: 46 summary: Karuna Jeba Mary3 ABSTRACT A study was taken up among the tribal women in the Nilgiris district mainly to assess the extent of participation of tribal women SHG members in various developmental activities. Thus this paper has revealed in depth the results of the extent of participation of SHG tribal women in the Nilgiris district. METHODOLOGY Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu was purposively selected because it is one of the districts where the percentage of tribal population is higher and the tribal SHGs are actively functioning. keywords: activities; commercial; developmental; economic; entrepreneurial; help; mean; members; participation; scores; self; shg; shgs; social; total; tribal; women cache: jee-35.pdf plain text: jee-35.txt item: #130 of 264 id: jee-350 author: Emmanuel, Adejo Patrick; Ibrahim, M.K; Ogurinde, O.A title: Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performances of Students of Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria date: 2019-07-25 words: 1929 flesch: 44 summary: 6152 Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performances of Students of Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria P.E. Adejo1, M.K. Ibrahim2 and O.A. Ogurinde3 ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research study was to examine the effects of social media on students’ performances in Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University, Nigeria. Research findings showed that there was a positively significant relationship between the time spent on social media and academic performances of students. keywords: academic; agriculture; anyigba; faculty; kogi; media; messenger; networking; nigeria; performances; relationship; research; respondents; sites; social; state; students; study; table; time; university; usage; use; whatsapp cache: jee-350.pdf plain text: jee-350.txt item: #131 of 264 id: jee-351 author: None title: jee-351 date: None words: 490 flesch: 33 summary: Success factor 4: Access and participation:  Collaboration and knowledge sharing in agriculture should be fostered via communities of practice, in order to showcase and promote models, methodologies and good practices, so as to achieve effective and equitable use of ICTs for sustainable agriculture and rural development.   Success factor 1: Content:  Dissemination of information may be constrained if the nature of information does not match farmers’ needs. keywords: access; agriculture; development; digital; factor; ict; information; internet; local; new; rural; success cache: jee-351.htm plain text: jee-351.txt item: #132 of 264 id: jee-352 author: Lakshmi, S; Sundaramari, M title: Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) on Paddy Cultivation in Palakkad District of Kerala date: 2020-02-07 words: 2886 flesch: 49 summary: No. Impact of MGNREGS on Agriculture Scoring pattern Total Score Rank 5 4 3 2 1 1 Cropping pattern has changed 40 38 22 16 4 454 4 2 Area under cultivation has increased 8 30 42 32 8 358 8 3 Water availability for irrigation has increased 58 34 18 8 2 498 1 4 Duration of water availability in a year has increased 24 40 36 14 6 422 5 5 Access/proximity to irrigation sources has increased 14 40 56 8 2 416 6 6 Number of irrigation sources has increased 30 60 16 8 6 460 3 7 Reduction in fallow land 50 42 20 4 4 490 2 Increased Water Availability for Irrigation Based on the the perception of farmers, the most important impact of MGNREGS was increased water availability for irrigation. CoNCLUSIoN The major positive impacts of the scheme as reported by paddy farmers in Palakkad district include increased water availability for irrigation, increased number of water resources and reduction in fallow land. keywords: activities; agriculture; area; availability; constraints; cultivation; district; employment; farmers; impact; increased; irrigation; kerala; labourers; land; mgnregs; paddy; paddy cultivation; paddy farmers; palakkad; rate; rural; scheme; score; statements; study; wage; water; works cache: jee-352.pdf plain text: jee-352.txt item: #133 of 264 id: jee-357 author: Kumar, D Vignesh; Janaki Rani, A title: Adoption Behavior of Paddy Farmers on Soil Health Card Recommendations date: 2019-03-14 words: 2006 flesch: 53 summary: No Macro nutri ents Exact application Excess application Deficient application Before After % differ ence Before After % diffe rence Before After % diffe rence 1. No Macro nutri ents Exact application Excess application Deficient application Before After % differ ence Before After % diffe rence Before After % diffe rence 1. keywords: adoption; application; behavior; card; cent; complex; deficient; exact; excess; extension; farmers; fertilizers; health; introduction; level; micronutrients; paddy; quantity; recommendations; rence; respondents; shc; soil; table cache: jee-357.pdf plain text: jee-357.txt item: #134 of 264 id: jee-358 author: None title: jee-358 date: None words: 401 flesch: 33 summary: The structure for agricultural technology generation has markedly changed in many countries. The most common drawback attributed to public extension systems is that the focus has been predominantly on transferring production technologies of major food crops with little attention given to the market potential of high-value crops.   keywords: agricultural; cent; development; expenditures; extension; farmers; production; public; research; technologies cache: jee-358.htm plain text: jee-358.txt item: #135 of 264 id: jee-36 author: Janani, S.; Palaniswamy, A.; Balarubini, M. title: Relationship Between Knowledge Level and Characteristics of Pulses Seed Growers date: 2016-05-31 words: 1891 flesch: 50 summary: It could be concluded that the variables experience in seed production, social participation, urban contact and information seeking behaviour were significantly and positively correlated with the knowledge level of pulses seed growers. The variables namely experience in seed production (X7), social participation (X9), urban contact (X10) and information seeking behaviour (X11) had shown positive and significant association with knowledge level at one per cent level of probability. keywords: age; behaviour; blocks; cent; characteristics; coimbatore; crops; experience; extension; farmers; growers; information; knowledge; level; orientation; participation; positive; production; pulses; relationship; seed; significant; social; study; variables cache: jee-36.pdf plain text: jee-36.txt item: #136 of 264 id: jee-364 author: Hassan, S Nazreen; Kumar, Aravindh title: Trends and Technological Skills Assessment of Flower Cultivation in the Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu date: 2019-08-24 words: 1921 flesch: 57 summary: An attempt has been made to find out the trend in flower cultivation with the specific objective of finding out the Technological Skill in cultivation of flowers in the southern districts of Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu. There was a remarkable increase in flower cultivation in the districts of Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu. keywords: area; assessment; constraints; cultivation; districts; farmers; flower; growers; jasmine; kanyakumari; lesser; major; nadu; nerium; production; rose; seed; southern; tamil; tirunelveli; years cache: jee-364.pdf plain text: jee-364.txt item: #137 of 264 id: jee-367 author: Puthira Prathap, D title: From the Editor's Desk - 30 (3) date: 2019-03-14 words: 441 flesch: 46 summary: : Adopting new ICT solutions will require farmers and other value chain actors to change their behaviours. Those extension practitioners who use ICT tools to improve the marketing ability of the farmers need to consider the following questions before formulating a strategy (USAID, 2013), it was felt: Value - is there a demonstrated value-add to users of the proposed ICT solution? keywords: agricultural; extension; farmers; ict; market; marketing; solution; users; value cache: jee-367.pdf plain text: jee-367.txt item: #138 of 264 id: jee-37 author: Thangaraja, K.; Sasikala, R. title: Marketing Strategies Evolved by Entrepreneurs in Marketing the Coffee Products date: 2016-05-31 words: 3813 flesch: 50 summary: Feedback mechanism reported by coffee entrepreneurs were: quality analysis report received from the export organization, physical analysis, cup test, personal contact through phone, e-mail and also personal letters. Hence, there is a need to identify the strategies adopted by coffee entrepreneurs in marketing the coffee products. keywords: analysis; anonymous; arabica; area; aroma; attributes; beans; cent; chicory; coffee; conjoint; contact; current; customers; demand; entrepreneurs; importance; india; market; marketing; mixing; months; new; packing; personal; powder; price; product; promotional; quality; ratio; relative; roasting; robusta; season; seeds; service; size; strategies; supply; taste; utility; value; variety cache: jee-37.pdf plain text: jee-37.txt item: #139 of 264 id: jee-371 author: P J, Boniface; A M, Jose; Husain, A. Sakeer title: Training Needs of Farmers and Agricultural Extensionists on Selected Information Technology Enabled Systems for Agriculture date: 2019-08-24 words: 2637 flesch: 38 summary: Of the five selected ITES, the most top rated training need of agricultural extensionists was the availability of agricultural portals and its contents (index 61.67), which may be because, the agricultural extensionists were well aware of the potential and scope of agricultural portals in empowering them for their agricultural information dissemination. Similarly, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance value (W) was significant at 1 per cent level for web browsing (0.222**), agricultural portals (0.308**), agricultural expert systems (0.143**), digitized databases (0.157**) and online agricultural trading (0.125**) with respect to agricultural extensionists too. keywords: agricultural; agricultural extensionists; browsing; case; cent; computer; databases; different; digitized; district; expert; extensionists; farmers; index; information; internet; ites; kerala; majority; needs; online; portals; study; systems; technology; thrissur; trading; training; university; use; web cache: jee-371.pdf plain text: jee-371.txt item: #140 of 264 id: jee-377 author: Ikehi, Michael Ejime; Onu, Francis M.; Ifeanyieze, Florence O.; Paradang, Patrick S.; Nwakpadolu, Mmachukwu G.; Ekenta, Lilian U.; Nwankwo, Clara U. title: Survey on Sample Sizes of Postgraduate Theses in Agricultural Education and Extension in Universities of Nigeria date: 2019-08-24 words: 3486 flesch: 46 summary: Furthermore, the changes in the number of sample size is not systematically progressive in percentage suggestion according to population size; the higher the population size, the low the percentage value suggested to obtain as the sample size. This study thus recommends the use of statistical formulas for generating sample sizes to ensure reliability of data available on postgraduate theses and subsequently journal articles. keywords: agricultural; average; confidence; data; design; education; entire; error; extension; farmers; formula; fst; generating; journal; level; margin; methods; nigeria; percentage; population; postgraduate; reliable; research; results; sample; sample size; sampling; size; statistical; studies; study; survey; table; taro; theses; universities; university; yamane cache: jee-377.pdf plain text: jee-377.txt item: #141 of 264 id: jee-378 author: Munawer, Waheeda; Vinayagam, Senthil; Reddy, D Ragunatha title: Participatory Management Process in Natural Resource Management (NRM) by Women Groups date: 2019-08-24 words: 2054 flesch: 47 summary: Influence of Profile, Supportive, Structural and Functional Characteristics on Participatory Management Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to determine the influence of the profile, supportive, structural and functional characteristics in predicting the participatory management of women groups towards participatory approach in NRM activities. The distribution of respondents according to their involvement in different stages of NRM activities (Table 1) revealed that majority (38.75%) of the women in groups were involved in ‘high level’ during pre-watershed stage. keywords: activities; characteristics; extension; functional; government; group; high; level; management; natural; nrm; participation; participatory; process; profile; resource; respondents; stage; structural; study; supportive; total; watershed; women cache: jee-378.pdf plain text: jee-378.txt item: #142 of 264 id: jee-379 author: Radhakrishnan, P; Murugan, P.P title: Problems Faced by Rural youth in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu date: 2019-08-24 words: 1351 flesch: 43 summary: No Problems Respondents Percentage Rank 12 Lack of village information centers 168 84.00 XI 13 Lack of knowledge about ICT 143 71.50 XIII 14 Scarcity of labour 181 90.50 VII 15 Lack of awareness about government schemes 171 85.50 X Multiple responses* Problems Faced by Rural youth in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu 6248 income generating activities, 95.00 per cent of the respondents revealed that formation of rural youth clubs will develop their skill, knowledge, and act as motivation. Rural youth are migrating from rural to urban areas due to unemployment opportunities and non remunerative income from rural areas. keywords: agriculture; coimbatore; district; extension; facilities; farm; inputs; irrigation; lack; marketing; nadu; price; problems; respondents; rural; study; suggestions; tamil; village; water; youth cache: jee-379.pdf plain text: jee-379.txt item: #143 of 264 id: jee-38 author: Venkatesan, P.; Vijayalakshmi, P. title: Training Needs of Farm Women Towards Entrepreneurial Development date: 2016-05-31 words: 2947 flesch: 45 summary: The study revealed that majority (45.83%) of the Farm women had medium training need and 30.83 per cent of them had high training need in case of homestead vegetable production. As regards to their training needs in livestock & poultry rearing, the majority (49.17%) of the Farm women had high training needs compared to 35.00 per cent of them having medium training needs. keywords: agricultural; cent; contact; edps; establishment; extension; facilities; farm; farm women; high; high training; higher; homestead; income; knowledge; lack; livestock; low; majority; medium; needs; nursery; poultry; production; rearing; respondents; training; training needs; vegetable; women cache: jee-38.pdf plain text: jee-38.txt item: #144 of 264 id: jee-380 author: Mohammed, Ibrahim title: Analysis of FARO 44 Rice Technologies Adoption among Farmers in Nigeria date: 2020-02-07 words: 3032 flesch: 61 summary: It is concluded that male farmers attached more value to adoption of production technologies than processing technologies while female respondents had adopted most of the processing technologies than production technologies. Moreso, recommended spacing of 20 cm by 20 cm had the highest percentage (74%) of adoption from the male respondents while Solito (post emergence herbicide) had the highest percentage (28%) of rejection from female respondents. keywords: adoption; agricultural; analysis; application; constraints; cost; department; economic; education; eigen; evaluation; extension; factor; fadama; farmers; farming; faro; female; fertilizer; high; ibrahim; level; male; mean; nigeria; poor; processing; production; project; research; respondents; rice; score; state; study; technologies; trial; value cache: jee-380.pdf plain text: jee-380.txt item: #145 of 264 id: jee-39 author: Sundaram, Parthasarathi; Ganesan, R title: Association and contribution of profile characteristics of block level officials and their role performance in the reorganized extension system date: 2016-07-16 words: 1698 flesch: 43 summary: Correlation and regression analysis were employed to find out the association and relationship between role performance and independent variables. The findings of the association and contribution of role performance with the profile characteristics of officials is discussed below. keywords: aos; association; characteristics; climate; contribution; experience; extension; job; level; officials; organizational; performance; positive; profile; role; significant; variables cache: jee-39.pdf plain text: jee-39.txt item: #146 of 264 id: jee-391 author: Taher Hasan, Ali Ahammad; Chaudhuri, Sabuj Kumar title: Erosion of Traditional Seed Supply System in Murshidabad District of West Bengal date: 2020-10-13 words: 1789 flesch: 60 summary: In case of traditional rice farmers receive seeds through selling, borrowing, gifts from fellow farmers and exchange among themselves. This study aims to explore the erosion of traditional seed supply system (TSSS) in Murshidabad district of West Bengal with reference to the erosion of rice diversity in the district. keywords: bengal; biodiversity; community; conservation; district; education; erosion; farmers; food; knowledge; murshidabad; rice; secondary; seed; selection; storage; study; supply; system; table; traditional; tsss; varieties; west; years cache: jee-391.pdf plain text: jee-391.txt item: #147 of 264 id: jee-393 author: Kharole, Manjusha Manohar title: Relationship Analysis between Socio-Economic Variables and Job Performance of Accredited Social Health Activists in Maharashtra date: 2021-10-03 words: 1063 flesch: 47 summary: It is therefore Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 32 No. 3, 2020 DOI: 6577 imperative to study the relationship between socio-economic variables and job performance of ASHAs. It is in this context that the study was undertaken with the following specific objective: To study the relationship between socio-economic variables and job performance of ASHAs. keywords: age; analysis; ashas; correlation; economic; education; experience; health; independent; job; performance; relationship; socio; study; variables; variation cache: jee-393.pdf plain text: jee-393.txt item: #148 of 264 id: jee-394 author: None title: jee-394 date: None words: 593 flesch: 36 summary: Farmer-led research, which is also sometimes called farmer participatory research, is an approach where farmers and researchers work together , from the design of the project, to meet the diverse needs of different categories of farmers. In the late eighties, Biggs (1989) had come out with four approaches to farmer participation: ü Contractual: Scientists contract with farmers to provide land or services. keywords: approach; experimentation; farmers; participatory; project; research; scientists; sugarcane; technologies; water cache: jee-394.htm plain text: jee-394.txt item: #149 of 264 id: jee-4 author: Paramasivam, Sivaraj; Philip, H title: Climate Change Impact on Paddy Farming in Erode and Tiruchirapalli Districts of Tamil Nadu date: 2016-07-16 words: 2278 flesch: 62 summary: Findings revealed that paddy farmers perceived climate change impacts include five major components viz. Agriculture is the most vulnerable sector to climate change as it is inherently sensitive to climate variability and climate change is going to impact on Indian agriculture in different ways both directly and indirectly Agriculture is inherently sensitive to climate conditions and is the most vulnerable sector to the risks and impacts of climate change (Sagun, 2009). keywords: agro; average; basin; change; climate; climate change; climatic; crop; districts; erode; farmers; farming; impact; infestation; kalingarayan; leaf; mean; mean score; n=100; nadu; nature; occurrence; paddy; pest; ponnaniyar; respectively; score; table; tamil; temperature; tiruchirapalli; water cache: jee-4.pdf plain text: jee-4.txt item: #150 of 264 id: jee-405 author: Meethal, Safna Vatakke Kandy; Seema, B title: Performance Effectiveness of Agro Service Centres in Kerala date: 2020-02-07 words: 1872 flesch: 39 summary: This study will help in revising the modus operandi of Agro Service Centres and thereby act as an impetus for the establishment of more Agro Service Centres and productive functioning of the existing Agro Service Centres. 6269 1 PG. Scholar, and 2 Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala- 695522 Received : 09-08-2019; Accepted : 30-08-2019 Research Article Journal of Extension Education Vol. 31 No. 2, 2019 DOI: Performance Effectiveness of Agro Service Centres in Kerala Safna Vatakke Kandy Meethal1 and B. Seema2 AbstRACt Agriculture is the back bone of Indian economy. keywords: agro; agro service; ascs; category; centres; delivery; effectiveness; farmers; high; index; information; pei; performance; performance effectiveness; service; service centres; table; value cache: jee-405.pdf plain text: jee-405.txt item: #151 of 264 id: jee-406 author: M, Geethu A; Bindu, Podikunju title: Attitude towards the Vocational Training Programmes of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kollam, Kerala date: 2020-08-16 words: 1245 flesch: 54 summary: Preferred attitude of farmers is an essential component for the better fulfilment and success of KVK training programmes. Keeping this in view, an effort was made to determine the level of attitude of the trainees towards KVK training programmes. keywords: attitude; farmers; kendra; kerala; kollam; krishi; kvk; level; positive; programmes; respondents; statements; study; table; trainees; training; vigyan; vocational cache: jee-406.pdf plain text: jee-406.txt item: #152 of 264 id: jee-408 author: Dkhar, Deinichwa; Thomas, Allan title: Content pattern Analysis of Selected Parameters in Social Science Post-Graduate Theses date: 2020-02-07 words: 3159 flesch: 49 summary: However no significant differences (both at 1% and 5% level of significance) were observed for content parameters such as number of words in title of theses and the number of words in the abstract of theses across the three disciplines of study Content pattern Analysis of Selected Parameters in Social Science Post-Graduate Theses 6292 Distribution of Social science theses based on years and types of sources References based on years The social science PG theses are enumerated and classified based on years and types of sources and its results are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. In agricultural Extension, 25.00 per cent of the theses had used percentage analysis followed by correlation (24.27%), mean (18.38%), quartiles (10.29%), frequency and standard deviation (5.88%), others (5.15%), ANOVA (4.41%) and regressions Table 4 Classification of Social science theses based on Research design used Sl. keywords: abstract; agricultural; analysis; cent; community; content; design; economics; education; extension; graduate; methods; min; number; parameters; pattern; post; references; research; science; significant; social; sources; statistical; study; table; theses; title; value; words cache: jee-408.pdf plain text: jee-408.txt item: #153 of 264 id: jee-409 author: None title: jee-409 date: None words: 591 flesch: 6 summary: With this in mind, the Doubling the Farmers’ Income (DFI) Committee of Government of India (2017) has identified the following major sources of growth:










The Committee has also remarked that the agricultural extension system at present has been primarily concerned with the first two sources and has offered the following definition for Agricultural Extension:


“Agricultural Extension is an empowering system of sharing information, knowledge, technology, skills, risk & farm management practices, across agricultural sub-sectors and along all aspects of the agricultural supply chain, so as to enable the farmers to realize higher net income from their enterprise on a sustainable basis”

 The role of agricultural extension therefore, needs to align with the current realities faced by the farmers and face the challenges in achieving the goal of doubling the farmers’ income by the year 2022. This issue of JEE contains articles on diverse topics including sample sizes of postgraduate theses , training needs of farmers & extensionists and job stress experienced by agricultural officers.

 Do send your feedback on these papers to


D Puthira Prathap

Chief Editor


keywords: agricultural; align; extension; income; left; p>