Pages 2021-4.cdr INTRODUCTION Commercial dog breeding in Kerala has of late proved to be highly rewarding on account of the unprecedented event that made history, the COVID-19 pandemic. This situa�on resulted in an escalated demand for puppies and a shortage in supply of the same because of lockdown a n d w o r k f r o m h o m e s i t u a � o n s . Tradi�onally, dog breeding has not found a place among construc�ve ventures that have a likelihood of profitability and the poten�al to create jobs. The market for companion dogs has been flourishing, and this has resulted in a shi� in the scene w o r l d w i d e . T h e r e i s a b u i l d i n g acknowledgment of dog breeding as a lucra�ve venture and a reliable source of income. Other than puppies and stud service, commercial dog breeding was not envisaged as an enterprise that would supply meat or other material products. Unlike livestock farming, the produc�on process in the dog breeding sector is 6700 Research Article Journal of Extension Educa�on Vol. 33 No.4, 2021 DOI: h�ps:// Analysis of Profitability of Commercial Dog Breeding Ventures in Thrissur and Ernakulam Districts of Kerala 1 1 1 2 Rashmi Ravindranath , T. S. Rajeev , P. Reeja George and Safeer M. Saifudeen ABSTRACT Kerala's commercial dog breeding enterprise is a promising one with the poten�al to reduce youth unemployment and provide a livelihood. However, the state lacks authen�c informa�on on factors affec�ng profitability of commercial dog breeding business. The present study was conducted to iden�fy the associa�on between factors that affect profitability of commercial dog breeding in Kerala. The study was conducted using an ex-post facto research design on 60 commercial dog breeding units selected randomly from Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala. Data collec�on was done using a pretested-structured interview schedule. Study revealed that years of experience, number of dogs reared, number of puppies born, cost of veterinary care, level of adop�on and labour cost were correlated with profitability of commercial dog breeding enterprise. Keywords: Dog breeding; Profitability; Factors; Kerala 1. Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala and 2. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Kerala Received : 25-04-2022; Accepted: 15-01-2023 complex and it cannot be delineated into h o moge n e o us a ge , we i g ht, o r b re e d categories to ease the study. The profitability of any enterprise depends on the scien�fic organiza�on of factors that affect the cost incurred and returns obtained. Like any other business enterprise, animal breeding and associated ac�vi�es are undertaken by ordinary folk to enhance their livelihood opportuni�es, all of which have assumed greater relevance in the post-COVID riddled economic situa�on of today. Thus, the trade-off principles of profitability operate in this sector. A comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect the profitability of animal- based produc�on units would be crucial to the success of these ventures. METHODOLOGY I n o rd e r t o s t u d y t h e f a c t o r s affec�ng the profitability of commercial dog breeding units in Kerala, two districts, Thrissur and Ernakulam, were purposively selected because these districts had the highest number of purebred dog li�ers registered with the Kennel Club of India. The sampling frame for both districts was p r e p a r e d s e p a r a t e l y u s i n g t h e k e y informants, such that 70 and 67 breeders w e r e i d e n � fi e d f r o m T h r i s s u r a n d Ernakulam districts, respec�vely. From these lists, a sample of 60 commercial dog breeders was selected randomly. Key i n f o r m a n t s i n c l u d e d v e t e r i n a r i a n s , members of the Kennel Club of India, and commercial dog breeders. Data collec�on was done using a pretested-structured interview schedule along with direct non- par�cipant observa�on in order to ensure t h e r e l i a b i l i t y o f d a t a . A Pe a r s o n ' s correla�on analysis was done to iden�fy the independent variables that were associated with the profitability of the enterprise using SPSS version 26. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A correla�on analysis was done to iden�fy the independent variables that were related to the profitability of the enterprise, the dependent variable. The study also finds the extent and nature of the correla�on using Pearson's correla�on coefficient (r). Years of experience in dog breeding, number of adult animals reared, number of puppies born and labor cost were posi�vely associated with profitability at a one per cent level of significance. Veterinary expenses and the level of adop�on of improved prac�ces were also associated with profitability of commercial dog breeding at a five per cent level of significance. Age of the respondents, number of breeds reared, feed cost, total fixed cost, and level of knowledge were non- significant. 6701 Analysis of profitability of commercial dog breeding ventures in Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala Sl. No. Independent variable Pearson’s correla�on coefficient (r) p-value 1. Age of commercial dog breeder .017 ns .896 2. Years of experience in dog breeding .880** .000 3. Number of adult animals reared .465** .000 4. Number of breeds reared -.027 ns .835 5. Number of puppies born .539** .000 6. Veterinary expense .324* .011 7. Feed cost .124 ns .344 8. Total fixed cost .168 ns .198 9. Labo r cost .388** .002 10. Level of adop�on .245* .030 11. Level of knowledge .209 ns .109 6702Journal of Extension Educa�on Table 1. Rela�onship between Independent Variables and the Profitability of Commercial Dog Breeding (n=60) * Significant at 5 per cent level ** Significant at 1 per cent level ns - not significant Associa�on between Years of experience in Dog breeding and the Profitability of Commercial Dog Breeding units This study revealed a significant a s s o c i a � o n b e t w e e n t h e y e a r s o f experience of the commercial dog breeder in dog breeding and the profitability of the enterprise (r = 0.88, p < 0.001). A strong posi�ve associa�on was found to affect the profitability of the commercial dog breeding units. Profitability rises in tandem with years of experience in dog breeding. Prior experience in dog breeding ac�vi�es can thus prove to be crucial for aspiring dog breeders. This experience can be ensured by conduc�ng hands-on training sessions or workshops by veterinary universi�es, voca�onal schools, and kennel clubs so that v e t e r i n a r y s t u d e n t s a n d i n t e r e s t e d individuals can get first-hand experience of managing the kennel ac�vi�es in a kennel. Before taking care of their kennels, poten�al breeders can be offered the choice of working as appren�ces in kennels so that they garner valuable experience that could be decisive for the success of their future entrepreneurship. Similar findings were reported by Ombasa (2017), Ishola (2016), and Schutjens and Wever (2000). u 6703 Associa�on between the Number of Adult D o g s r e a r e d a n d P r o fi t a b i l i t y o f Commercial Dog breeding units The number of adult dogs reared in the commercial dog breeding units was significantly associated with the profitability of the units (r = 0.465, p <0.001). A moderate posi�ve correla�on with Pearson's correla�on coefficient (r) equal to 0.465 was found with a highly significant p-value (less than 0.001). Rearing the breed with higher demand, an excellent pedigree and breed characteris�cs are strategies that dog breeders could employ to ensure higher returns. However, this needs to be supported by a favorable market study. Ishola (2016) in his study reported that the total number of dogs in a kennel was not significantly correlated with the profitability of dog breeding ventures in Nigeria. This contradictory finding may be b e c a u s e c u s t o m e r p re f e re n c e s a n d seasonal fluctua�ons caused varia�ons in the pricing of puppies in the country of the aforemen�oned study. Tester et al. (2019) reported that herd size management played a no�ceable role in the profitability of beef cow produc�on. The study also reported that there was a slight loss in revenues in keeping the herd size stable. The Correla�on Coefficient between the N u m b e r o f P u p p i e s b o r n a n d t h e Profitability of Commercial Dog breeding Units The number of puppies born and the profitability of commercial dog breeding units was found to be highly significant (r = 0.539, p < 0.001). A moderate posi�ve associa�on was found between the number of puppies born and the profitability of commercial dog breeding units. The primary income of a commercial kennel is from the sale of puppies, and it is therefore clear that an increase in the number of puppies born coupled with a low mortality rate could boost profitability. Breeders must explore strategies that could increase the total number of puppies born every year by i n c re a s i n g l i � e r s i ze t h ro u g h b e � e r selec�on and rearing of more breedable dogs. Murat et al. (2018) also reported similar findings, asser�ng that increasing the number of puppies born and lowering the cost of produc�on could improve the profitability of commercial kennels. Lima et al. (2020) observed that the li�er size of go a t s a n d t h e p ro l i fi c a c y ra t e we re s i g n i fi c a n t f a c t o r s t h a t r a i s e d t h e profitability of goat farmers. Associa�on between Veterinary Expenses and Profitability of Commercial Dog Breeding Units The findings of the present study revealed that veterinary expenses had a moderately posi�ve correla�on with the profitability of commercial dog breeding units (r = 0.324, p < 0.011). Providing i m p ro v e d h e a l t h c a re f a c i l i � e s a n d Analysis of profitability of commercial dog breeding ventures in Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala 6704Journal of Extension Educa�on employing the most up-to-date treatment and diagnos�c techniques could have resulted in the be�er health of animals, with consequent posi�ve implica�ons for produc�vity. Many infec�ons can be avoided by regular vaccina�ons and deworming. Because dogs are monocyclic animals, heat detec�on in bitches is a cri�cal aspect of the profitability in commercial dog breeding units. A lost cycle would have enormous economic repercussions. It is h e r e t h a t t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f u s i n g innova�ve scien�fic tools such as hormone assays and exfolia�ve vaginal cytology predic�ng the �me of breeding and confirming pregnancy would improve b r e e d i n g e ffi c i e n c y. Lo s s e s c a n b e minimized by early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The above factors might have contributed to the moderate associa�on b e t w e e n v e t e r i n a r y e x p e n s e s a n d profitability of the venture. Ishola (2016) endorsed the findings of this study with his opinion that a bitch becoming pregnant at every ma�ng was a factor that affected the profitability of the dog breeding industry. Associa�on between Labour Cost and Profitability of Commercial Dog breeding Units L a b o u r c o s t s i n c u r r e d o n commercial dog breeding units were moderately associated with profitability (r = 0.388, p = 0.002). Close surveillance of the bitch during the peripartum period has been reported to be an important factor in the stress management of bitches. Human i nte r ve n� o n s to re d u ce s t re s s we re iden�fied as one with significant preven�ve and cura�ve effects. Human presence and close contact have been reported to promote the welfare of dogs by reducing their anxiety, as domes�c animals are very a�ached to their human The present study revealed that ac�vi�es in commercial kennels were carried out by the breeder and his family members themselves. Saitone et al. (2020) also documented that labor costs increased with the number of animals reared. Arno� et al. (2014) men�oned that minimizing the variable cost, opera�onal cost, and labor cost would maximize profitability. Associa�on between the Level of Adop�on of Scien�fic Dog Management Prac�ces and Profitability of Commercial Dog breeding Units A d o p � o n o f s c i e n � fi c d o g management prac�ces would contribute to the welfare of the dog, besides enhancing the quality of puppies produced. The level of adop�on of scien�fic dog management prac�ces was weakly associated with the profitability of the venture (r = 0.245, p = 0.030). Similar findings were reported by Finlayson et al. (2012), who observed that profitability of livestock farms and adop�on of improved prac�ces were significantly associated. A system agency concerned 6705 with recognizing and grading kennels based on their adhesion to scien�fic management procedures could be crucial in promo�ng animal welfare while also ensuring an income from elite kennels. Kerala, being the most literate state in the country, has a community that tends to adopt more scien�fic prac�ces into their business (Shah, 2013). Foltz and Chang (2002) reported that educated farmers tend to adopt newer, more produc�ve technologies on their farms. Since all the commercial dog breeding ventures were profitable, profit- oriented technologies or prac�ces could be adopted to a greater extent. Ombasa (2017) opined that the government should invest in current breeding technologies and pass on breeding knowledge to dog breeders for adop�on. CONCLUSION The study concluded that the profitability of commercial dog breeding units in Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala was significantly correlated with number of years of experience in dog breeding, number of adult animals reared, number of puppies born, labor cost, veterinary expenses and level of adop�on on scien�fic dog management prac�ces. Factors like age, number of breeds reared, fixed cost, feed cost, and level of knowledge of scien�fic dog management prac�ces w e r e n o n - s i g n i fi c a n t a n d w e r e n o t correlated with the profitability of the v e n t u r e . T h e s t u d y s u g g e s t s t h a t commercial dog breeders should seek addi�onal informa�on through specialized training and workshops to improve their financial skills in areas such as labor management and veterinary expenses. Finally, the study also recommends that commercial dog breeders should mobilize enough breeding resources through credit or equity. They must also gain experience and enhance their abili�es through proper training. The findings stress the need for further research in this line to equip entrepreneurs to carry out a successful business. REFERENCES Arno�, E. R., Early, J. B., Wade, C. M., & McGreevy, P. D. (2014). Es�ma�ng the economic value of Australian stock herding dogs. Animal Welfare, 23(2), 189–197. Finlayson, J. 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