5768 Constraints Faced by Stakeholders under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) J.yoga Narasimhulu Naidu1, H. Philip2, M. Asokhan3, R. Balasubramanian4 and M. R. Duraisamy5 ABSTRACT Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) is a registered society in India with key stakeholders enmeshed with various agricultural activities for sustainable agricultural development in the state, with focus at district level. It is a hotbed for integrating research, extension and marketing activities and decentralizing day-to-day management of the public Agricultural Technology Development and Dissemination System. The present study was carried out in Andhra Pradesh state to explore the constraints faced by the extension functionaries at each level of decentralized management. Moreover, constraints perceived by the farmers with the support of ATMA in realizing their needs were also studied. Keywords : ATMA, Agricultural development, Stakeholders, Constraints, Andhra Pradesh. In India, the public extension system was working at state level by integrating research, extension and marketing activities for the development and dissemination of technology to the farmers. During 1998 to 2005, extension reforms in India were pilot tested in 28 Districts in seven States. This successful experiment served as a basis to launch the Scheme “Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms” in the year 2005-06 which is called Agricultural Technology Management Agency 1.Ph.D., Scholar, Dept. of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 3, 2.Director of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3, 3- Professor and Head, Dept. of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3, 4. Professor & Head, Dept. of Market Extension, Directorate of Extension Education , Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3 and 5. Professor and Head, Department of Physical Science and Information Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3. Received : 10-02-2017; Accepted : 08-04-2017 (ATMA). It was revamped, expanded and strengthened comprehensively in the year 2010. Coverage of the scheme was increased in a phased manner. It is currently operational in 639 districts allover India and the remaining uncovered rural districts are also proposed to be covered. In Andhra Pradesh, the ATMA was functioning in all six Agro climatic zones viz., North coastal zone, Godavari zone, Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2016.4.28.5768-5774 5769 Krishna zone, Southern zone, scarce rainfall zone and High altitude & tribal areas zone covering all the 13 districts of the state. Objectives of ATMA in bringing sustainable agricultural development can only be achieved through effective Researcher-Extension-Farmer linkage, synergy between public and private agencies in technology dissemination and funding activities like receiving funds and spending on projects. Therefore, the critical analysis of this objective achievement process is crucial to seek the problems of the stakeholders involved in ATMA in the districts. Hence, an effort has been made to identify the constraints faced by extension officials. A similar attempt was also made to study the constraints perceived by farmers under ATMA. The constraints perceived and suggestions offered would be useful in implementation of the ATMA programmes effectively. METHODOlOGy For the present study, Andhra Pradesh state was selected purposively since the state was bifurcated during 2014 and there is need for research studies on agricultural planning and development through extension reforms. There are 13 districts in the state with ATMA functioning in all the districts. Among 13 districts, two districts from different agro-climatic zones i.e., one from Scarce rainfall zone and the other from Godavari zone were selected purposively to study the ATMA operations in different agro- climatic zones. Two mandals / blocks from each district were selected based on activities of ATMA concentrated at block level. Three villages were selected randomly from each block making a total sample of 12 villages. ATMA with Governing Body (GB) and Management Committee (MC) at district level along with Block Technology Team (BTT) and Farmer Advisory Committee (FAC) at block level performed the extension activities. About 60 members were selected randomly as respondents from those groups for identifying the constraints faced by the extension functionaries under ATMA. Besides, 120 farmers were selected through random sampling method at the rate of 10 farmers from each village for studying the constraints perceived by the respondents in availing services from ATMA. A pretested semi-structured interview schedule was prepared for collecting the data from both extension officials and farmers. Focus Group Discussion with the extension officials and personal interview with farmers was adopted for collecting the required information. Simple per cent analysis and ranking methods were used to draw inferences. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Constraints faced by Extension Officials in performing Extension Activities The constraints perceived by different stake holders under ATMA are given in Table 1. Extension officials Constraints Faced by Stakeholders under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) 5770 while performing extension activities under ATMA faced inadequate financial support. This was considered as one of the major constraint as perceived by 100 per cent of respondents. As compared to other states there was financial support mostly through one or two schemes only in Andhra Pradesh state. Another major constraint reported by 100 per cent of extension officials was lack of separate chairman with technical background in agriculture at district level. Lack of computer operators at block level was a major constraint to the block level functionaries as suggested by 100 per cent of the respondents. At block level, where the information collection and pooling takes place, computer operators were lacking. Lack of sufficient Deputy Project Directors (DPD), delayed approval and release of funds and lack of sufficient guidelines for block action plan were the other major contrains. Constraints Perceived by Farmers Under ATMA ATMA in partnership with Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) offers trainings to the beneficiaries regarding latest technology and practices. Even if farmers, after attending training programmes desire to adopt those technologies, there is unavailability of the required production inputs at the farmer’s doorstep. This was perceived as a constraint by majority (97.50 per cent) of the respondents. An overwhelming majority (95.83 per cent) of respondents noticed that, at farmers level there was still a demand of trainings over improved technologies which are being practiced by neighboring districts and states. ATMA follows participatory approach method for delivering its activities with its body comprising farmer representative members and groups. However the voice of those representatives is being neglected by the Table 1. Constraints Perceived by the Respondents Sl.No. Constraints Frequency* Percentage Rank A. Constraints faced by Extension Officials in performing extension activities (n=60) 1. Inadequate financial support under the ATMA scheme 60 100 I 2. Additional staff requirement - a) Lack of Separate Chairman at district level b) Lack of Deputy Project Director c) Lack of Computer operators at block level 60 59 60 100 98.33 100 I II I Journal of Extension Education 5771 3. Approval and release of fund is delayed 59 98.33 II 4. Lack of guidelines for block action plan 58 96.67 III 5. Lack of prior information on work plan 58 96.67 III 6. Lack of tablets and hand held projectors for Block Technology Team 57 95.00 IV 7. Lack of trainings to block level team regarding ICT tools 55 91.67 V 8. Block level Technology Team jurisdiction is more 53 88.33 VI 9. There is no separate amount for transport and daily allowance 51 85.00 VII 10. Red Tapism 49 81.67 VIII 11. Lack of delegation of authority to the block level functionaries 47 78.33 IX 12. Less time for review 46 76.67 X 13. Panchayat body is not being involved under ATMA 46 76.67 X 14. Farmers showing lack of interest in attending Polambadi (farm school) 44 73.33 XI B. Constraints perceived by Farmers under ATMA (n = 120) 1. Unavailability of production inputs at the farmer’s doorstep 117 97.50 I 2. Lack of trainings on improved technologies 115 95.83 II 3. Voice of farmer representatives have been often neglected 111 92.50 III Constraints Faced by Stakeholders under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) 5772 4. No proper planning in input distribution 103 85.83 VI 5. No training programmes on ICT and its application 101 84.17 V 6. Less exposure visits outside the state 98 81.67 VI 7. Political hindrance affecting the selection of beneficiaries 95 79.17 VII 8. Poor R-E-F linkage 87 72.50 VIII 9. Less demonstrations on farming system research 85 70.83 IX 10. Lag in information dissemination 79 65.83 X * Multiple responses extension officials. This was considered as one of the constraints by 92.50 per cent of the respondents. About 85 per cent of the respondents perceived that distribution of inputs to the beneficiaries was unplanned. Almost 84 per cent of the respondents believed that it is not only the extension functionaries who require trainings on ICT tools, but also the beneficiary farmers. Suggestions given by the Respondents for Successful Implementation of ATMA programme In order to promote technical leadership for ATMA a separate chairman position to ATMA programme should be appointed. This step will help in achieving departmental as well as ATMA goals with supplementary time for reviewing, identifying problems, finding Table 2. Suggestions given by the Respondents Sl.No. Suggestions Frequency*(%) Rank A. Suggestions offered by Extension functionaries (n=60) 1. Separate chairman to ATMA programmes at district level 60 (100) I 2. Additional staff required a) Deputy Project Director officer cadre b) Computer operators 58 (96.67) 60 (100) II I Journal of Extension Education 5773 3. Timely approval and release of funds 57 (95.00) III 4. Simplify the bureaucratic procedures 55 (91.67) IV 5. Trainings on ICT tools should be given for extension functionaries 53 (88.33) V 6. Separate guidelines for Block and Village Action Plan needed 47 (78.33) VI B. Suggestions offered by Farmers (n= 120) 1. Make the required inputs available at the farmers convenience 117 (97.50) I 2. Offer trainings on improved technologies 111 (92.50) II 3. Require more demonstrations on farming system research 103 (85.83) III 4. Need more number of exposure visits (other than own district) 101 (84.16) IV 5. Trainings on ICT tools should be given for farmers 97 (80.83) V 6. Strengthen the R-E-F linkage 88 (73.33) VI 7. Fortify the feedback mechanism 85 (70.83) VII * Multiple responses alternatives and implementing strategies as suggested by 100 per cent of the respondents. Majority (97.50 %) of the farmers suggested that production inputs were not available to the farmers during the cropping season. Therefore government should make efforts in offering the inputs according to the farming situations of the farmers. Farmers should be provided with adequate trainings on improved technologies developed within and outside the state as proposed by 92.50 per cent of the respondents. The major constraints faced by ATMA extension functionaries in Andhra Pradesh were lack of financial support for ATMA, non-appointment of separate chairman (other than collector) at district level and lack of supporting staff such as computer operators at block. The major constraint perceived by the ATMA farmers was non-availability of production inputs to the farmers which needs to Constraints Faced by Stakeholders under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) 5774 be addressed seriously by the ATMA officials. If the constraints considered by extension functionaries and farmers are not immediately addressed it might affect the overall success of the ATMA scheme in Andhra Pradesh. The constraints are related primarily to administration and management aspects and this need to be rectified for formulation of effective planning and strategies by ATMA. REFERENCES Bortamuly, D., & Khuhly, B.L. (2013). Constraints faced by block level extension functionaries in facilitating commodity interest groups and farm schools under ATMA in NE Indian states. Journal of Academia and Industrial Research. 2(5), 291-294. Kumar, K.A., Eswarappa, G. & Manjunatha, B.N. (2011). Constraints faced by stakeholders in implementation of agricultural technology management agency programme. Karnataka Journal of Agricurtural Sciences. 24 (2),255- 257. Journal of Extension Education