5850 Perception of Farmers on Usefulness of Mobile Service in Manipur Santha Govind1, M. Kavaskar2 and Ajoickam Christina3 ABSTRACT The revolution in mobile communication is providing a lifeline to agricultural communities around the developing world. Mobile phones significantly reduce communication and information costs. Mobile phones also provide new opportunities for farmers to obtain access to agricultural information, such as market prices, weather report, and agricultural techniques in various formats. Hence, keeping this in mind, a study was taken up to assess the perception of respondents on the usefulness of technologies transferred through mobile service functioning in Bishnupur District of Manipur. A sample of 120 registered farmers belonging to Intelligent Advisory Service for Farmers (IASF) mobile service was selected by using proportionate random sampling technique. Data were collected with the help of a well structured and pre tested interview schedule. The data collected were scored, tabulated and analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. The findings on respondents’ perception on usefulness of mobile service showed that most of the respondents expressed that they were satisfied with the language used by the IASF mobile service in transferring the information. Keywords : Mobile service; SMS; Perception; Paddy farmer; Manipur Journal of Extension Education Vol. 29 No. 2, 2017 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2017.2.29.5850-5856 1.Professor, 2. Asst.Professor, & 3- PG Scholar, Dept. of Agrl.Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, 608 002 Received : 12-09-2017; Accepted : 20-02-2018 INTRODUCTION Today, in India, mobile phones are being used by farmers, not only as a person to person voice communication medium, but also, to provide access to information through short message service (SMS), multimedia message service (MMS) and access to the internet. Mobile phones significantly reduce communication and information costs. Poor communication facilities lead to limited access to information and this can lead to loss of income. Mobile phones also provide new opportunities for farmers to obtain access to agricultural information, such as market prices, weather report, agricultural techniques in various formats like audio (voice), videos (internet) and text (SMS). The revolution in mobile communication has already begun to benefit farmers, even in remote regions of the world. Mobile services are at work in the field of agriculture, mostly 5851 for sharing and obtaining information. Across the developing world, there are programmes that give farmers access to research and best practices, weather information and market prices via SMS, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or call centres. Hence, keeping this in mind, a study was taken up to assess the extent of utilization of information disseminated through mobile service. METHODOLOGY The study was taken up to assess the extent of usefulness of information disseminated through mobile service. The present study was conducted in Bishnupur District of Manipur state during 2015. The study was taken up in four villages of Bishnupur block which were selected based on the highest number of registered farmers under Intelligent Advisory Service for Farmers (IASF). A sample of 120 registered farmers under IASF mobile service was selected by using proportionate random sampling technique. Data were collected with the help of a well structured and pre tested interview schedule. The data collected were scored, tabulated and analyzed using statistical tools viz., percentage analysis, cumulative frequency method. Perception in the study referred to the extent to which the respondent perceived the information communicated through the mobile service as useful or otherwise. The selected subject matter, paddy and other general information was included in consultation with the co-ordinator of IASF, subject matter specialists and other NGO personnel involved in IASF mobile service. Perceived usefulness of information through mobile service was measured under two dimensions viz., 1.Recommended technologies were useful and 2. Not useful. Further, their perception on mobile service was also assessed against ten specific technologies and eight general items. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Practice-wise Perception of the Respondents on the usefulness of recommended Paddy Technologies Majority (61.67%) of the respondents had high level of perception on usefulness of recommended paddy technologies. In order to have an in depth idea about the perception on the usefulness of the specific paddy technologies of the respondents, practice wise perception of respondents was worked out and the results are given in Table 1. It could be observed from the data that out of ten paddy technologies, majority of the respondents (90.00 per cent) perceived the information on selection of varieties as useful followed by information on pest management (76.68 per cent) and nutrient management (63.33 per cent) as useful. The possible reason for better perception on selection of varieties, pest management and nutrient Perception of Farmers on Usefulness of Mobile Service in Manipur 5852 management in paddy could be due to the regular use of mobile phones and also due to obtaining timely information for taking up the operations without delay. It could be observed from the same table, that all the four technologies viz., weed management (63.33 per cent), disease management (60.00 per cent), marketing information (56.68 per cent) and time of sowing (53.33 per cent) were perceived to be useful by majority of the respondents. The probable reason could be that the mobile service provides solution to all technical problems of farmers pertaining to weed management and disease management. Further, it also provides need based and timely information on marketing and time of sowing and there is no distortion of information provided through mobile service. Table 1. Distribution of Respondents according to their Practice-wise Perception on Usefulness of Recommended Paddy Technologies (n=120) Sl.No. Subject Matter Number Percentage 1. Selection of varieties 108 90.00 2. Time of sowing 64 53.33 3. Nursery management 56 46.66 4. Nutrient management 76 63.33 5. Weed management 76 63.33 6. Pest management 92 76.68 7. Disease management 72 60.00 8. Seed production technique 40 33.33 9. Marketing information 68 56.68 10. Post harvest management 44 36.68 Further, it could be noticed from the same table, that a little less than fifty percent (46.66 per cent) of the respondents had perceived the information to be useful on nursery management (40.00 per cent) and post harvest management (36.68 per cent) to be useful. The reason could be that the information on nursery management and post harvest management is reaching the farmers in time. As majority of the farmers belonged to high level of innovativeness they were eager to get additional information. Further, the farmers might have felt that the information received through mobile was very clear, easily understandable and the information transferred through mobile service network as appropriate and reliable. Journal of Extension Education 5853 Information on seed production technique (33.33 per cent) was perceived as useful by less percentage of respondents. The possible reason may be some of the information relevant to utilization of seed production techniques at the field level is not being transferred through mobile service. It could be observed that almost two-fifths of the respondents (39.17 per cent) and medium level of perception on the usefulness of the recommended general information, followed by 35.00 per cent with high level and 25.83 per cent with low level of perception. Practice-wise Perception of the Respondents on Usefulness of Recommended General Information Eight practices were selected for assessing the perception of the respondents on the usefulness of recommended general information. Results regarding the practice wise perception of the respondents are furnished in Table 2. It could be observed from Table 2 that majority of the respondents (70.00 per cent) perceived the information on latest technologies in agriculture as useful followed by weather information (66.68 per cent) and information on training programmes (63.33 per cent). Due to the vagaries of monsoon, the farmers might have perceived the information about weather condition as more useful. Further, the information on government schemes and latest technologies are helpful for improving the livelihood of the farmers and hence the respondents might Table 2. Distribution of Respondents according to their Practice wise Perception on Usefulness of Recommended General Information (n=120) Sl.No. Subject Matter Number Percentage 1. Latest technologies in agriculture 84 70.00 2. Information on government schemes 60 50.00 3. Information on training programmes 76 63.33 4. Availability of agricultural inputs 32 26.68 5. Weather information 80 66.68 6. Crop insurance 24 20.00 7. Value addition 33 27.50 8. Marketing information on other commodities 68 56.68 Perception of Farmers on Usefulness of Mobile Service in Manipur 5854 have felt that the information provided on these technologies was reliable and accurate. Further, it could be seen from the same table, that majority of the respondents (56.68 per cent) had perceived the information on marketing information on other commodities as useful followed by information on government schemes (50.00 per cent). Most of them might have utilized the information on these technologies. Hence, the respondents would have perceived these technologies as useful. A little more than one-fourth (27.50 per cent) of the respondents perceived the information on value addition and availability of agricultural inputs (26.68 per cent) as useful. Further, only 20.00 per cent of the respondents perceived the information on crop insurance as useful. It may be due to lack of knowledge and awareness on these technologies. Perception on Usefulness of Mobile service The results on distribution of respondents according to their perception on usefulness of mobile service are given in Table 3. Preferred Language Most of the respondents (95.00 per cent) expressed that they are satisfied with the local language used by the IASF mobile service in transferring the information. This finding is in line with the findings of Zanello (2011). Table 3. Distribution of Respondents According to their Perception on Usefulness of Mobile service (n=120) Sl.No. Statement Number Percentage 1. Accuracy of information 72 60.00 2. Reliable 78 65.00 3. Provides complete information 30 25.00 4. Motivate to adopt 80 66.67 5. Message is understandable 90 75.00 6. Use of simple words and sentences 69 57.50 7. Increase productivity 100 83.33 8. Solve farmers’ problems 94 78.33 9. Knowledge gained 77 64.16 10. Saves time and cost 90 75.00 11. Preferred language 114 95.00 Journal of Extension Education 5855 Increase Productivity Almost all the respondents (83.33 per cent) agreed that the information transmitted through mobile service increased their productivity. This finding is in line with the findings of Rizvi (2010). Solve Farmers’ Problems Nearly eighty per cent (78.33 per cent) of the respondents opined that the IASF mobile service could solve farmers’ problems by means of providing meaningful information on specific problems. In the IASF mobile service, the information right from the selection of seed to post harvest management are updated regularly and comprehensive in nature. This finding is in line with the findings of Kennedy (2013). Message is Understandable A vast majority (75.00 per cent) of the respondents reported that the information was under with the understandable. This might be due to the fact that IASF mobile service contained sequential presentation of message or information in simple sentences and in local dialect. This finding is in line with the findings of Aker and Mbiti (2010). Provides Complete Information Only one-fourth (25.00 per cent) of the respondents stated that the information provided was complete. This finding is in line with the findings of Jagun et al. (2007). CONCLUSION Medium to high level of perception on usefulness of paddy technologies was observed among majority of the respondents. Hence, the organisations concerned with transferring agriculture and allied technologies through mobile service need to realise the potential of mobile service for the speedy dissemination of information to farmers. Further, the findings on perception on usefulness of few paddy technologies viz., nursery management, post harvest management and seed production technique was found to be low. With respect to the findings on perception on mobile service, three-fourths of the respondents expressed that the information was incomplete. Hence, efforts should be made to disseminate complete and precise information on all aspects of crop and related information for harnessing the possibilities of utilizing the information, The mobile service authorities need to take extra care to streamline the system so as to prepare relevant content for maximum utility by the end users. REFERENCES Aker, J.C & Mbiti, I. (2010). Information from markets near and far : Mobile phones and agricultural markets in Niger, American Economic Journal of Applied Economics, 2 : 46-59. Aloyce, M. (2005). CT for improved crop Perception of Farmers on Usefulness of Mobile Service in Manipur 5856 marketing in rural Tanzania: Project Summary: 1-30. Jagun, A., Herks, R & Whalley, J. (2007). 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