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Journal of Extension Education
Vol. 27  No. 2,  2015

Adoption and Impact of Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices in
The Nilgiris District of Western Ghats

L. Murali Krishnan1, H. Philip2, V. Ravichandren3 and M. Chinnadurai4

The study was under taken to find out the relationship between the profile of the farmers

of The Nilgiris district and the impact in their adoption of Eco Friendly Conservation Practices.
The study revealed that educational status, risk orientation, training undergone,
progressiveness, self reliance,  innovativeness and contact with extension agency were
found to have positively contributed to the adoption of Eco Friendly Conservation Practices.
With respect to impact majority of the farmers opined that the cost of cultivation decreased
followed by increased farmers confidence level, improved fertility status of the soil and
improved biodiversity in the farm fields.

Commercial agricultural practices plays
major threats and challenges to human and
animal health as well as to our ecological niche
of  The Nilgiris biosphere reserve in various
dimensions. These non eco friendly
agricultural practices have increased
agricultural productions but resulted in the
rapid erosion of crop and livestock diversity,
loss of inherent soil fertility, break down of
biological pest regulation, soil erosion,
salinization and environmental problems. Due
to increased use of expensive and poisonous
chemicals fertilizers and pesticides which
finally made the farmers poorer and more
dependent on markets and outside agencies.
(R. J. Daniels, 1996).

Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices is a
comprehensive system of widespread
introduction of eco-friendly conservation
which could be justified through the following
arguments: (i) Eco - friendly conservation

1-Ph.D. Scholar,  Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, 2-Director of Extension Education,
TNAU, 3-Dean, Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Pollachi and 4-Director, CARDS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore-641003.

practices offer the possibility of long term
sustainability (IFOAM. 2000). (ii) Eco-friendly
agriculture is affordable for resource poor
farmers (iii) Problem of farm unemployment
could be minimized through ecological based
alternate livelihood activities. (iv) The Nilgiris
biosphere reserve’s traditional farmers have
a long heritage of farming with traditional
wisdom, which acts as the basis for ecological


The Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu was
purposively selected due to the prevalence of
wide biodiversity. All four blocks was taken
for this study. The samples of 80 farmers were
selected from each block. Totally, 320
respondents were selected from the district.
The respondents have been selected based on
the simple random sampling technique with
the support of the state department of

5445Adoption and Impact of Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices in
The Nilgiris District of Western Ghats

agriculture. Post stratification work was done
to categorize the farmers in to adopters of Eco
Friendly Conservation Practices (118) and non
adopters of Eco Friendly Conservation
Practices (202). The data were collected using
a pre-tested interview schedule.

1. (X1) Age 0.064 -0.008 0.032 -0.250
2. (X2) Educational status 0.619** 0.103 0.015 7.023**
3. (X3) Occupational status 0.298** -0.047 0.019 -2.528**
4. (X4) Farming experiences -0.063 0.030 0.033 0.931
5. (X5) Farm size 0.025 -0.043 0.029 -1.465
6. (X6) Annual income -0.059 -0.038 0.026 -1.449
7. (X7) Social participation 0.606** 0.019 0.020 0.927
8. (X8) Economic motivation -0.610** -0.125 0.026 -4.764**
9. (X9) Risk orientation 0.462** 0.102 0.039 2.600**
10. (X10) Scientific orientation 0.583** -0.030 0.032 -0.951
11. (X11) Information seeking behaviour 0.523** 0.074 0.037 1.983
12. (X12) Training undergone 0.583** 0.130 0.034 3.875**
13. (X13) Progressiveness 0.536** 0.103 0.035 2.958**
14. (X14) Perception on environmental

degradation 0.448** -0.002 0.043 -0.041
15. (X15) Perception on environmental

conservation 0.644** 0.040 0.031 1.273
16. (X16) Innovativeness 0.699** 0.055 0.025 2.250*
17. (X17) Self  reliance 0.730** 0.104 0.024 4.381**
18. (X18) Contact with extension agency 0.566** 0.028 0.012 2.315*
19. (X19) Socio cultural linkage -0.606** -0.061 0.028 -2.199*
20. (X20) Leadership abilities 0.646** 0.039 0.032 1.197


It could be observed from the Table 1 that
educational status,  risk orientation,  training
undergone, progressiveness and  self reliance
of farmers exhibited positive and significance
relationship at one per cent level of probability.

Table 1.
Association and Contribution of Profile Towards the Adoption

of Eco Friendly Conservation Practices

R2 = 0.849 F = 61.50 Constant = 0.297
*P < 0.05- Significant at 5 per cent level;**P < 0.01 Significant at 1 per cent level; NS–Non-
significant; NA-Not applicable



Profile characteristics


(‘b’ value)

of b

Journal of Extension Education5446

The other variables like innovativeness and
contact with extension agency had positive
and significant relationship at the five per cent
level of probability.

It could be further observed from the Table
1 that occupational status and economic
motivation level of the farmers had negative
and significance relationship at one per cent
level of probability. The variable socio-cultural
linkage of the farmers had  negative and
significance relationship at the five per cent
level of probability.

The regression results revealed from Table
1, indicated that all the selected twenty
variables acted as cause to bring 84.90 per
cent variation in adoption of eco friendly
conservation practices. The prediction
equation fitted for adoption of Eco Friendly
Conservation Practices.

Adoption of  Eco Friendly Conservation
Practices in The Nilgiris district of Western
Ghats in (Y) = 0.297 - 0.008 (X1) + 0.103 (X2)
- 0.047 (X3) + 0.030 (X4) - 0.043 (X5) - 0.038
(X6) + 0.019 (X7) - 0.125 (X8) + 0.102 (X9) -
0.030 (X10) + 0.074 (X11) + 0.130 (X12) +
0.103 (X13) - 0.002 (X14) + 0.040 (X15) +
0.055 (X16) + 0.104 (X17) + 0.028 (X18) -0.061
(X19) + 0.039 (X20)

This revealed that an one unit increase in
(X2) educational status, (X9) risk orientation,
(X12) training undergone, (X13)
progressiveness, (X16) self reliance, (X17)
innovativeness, (X18) contact with extension
agency, ceteris paribus would result in an
increase of 7.023 units,  2.600 units, 3.875,
units, 2.958 units, 2.250 units, 4.381 units

and 2.315 units in overall adoption of eco
friendly conservation practices respectively.
Also, it is revealed that an  one unit increase
in (X3) occupational status, (X8) economic
motivation, (X19) socio cultural linkage,
ceteris paribus would result in a decrease of
2.528 units, 4.764 units, 2.199 units of
adoption of Eco Friendly Conservation

It could be further observed from the table,
that among the 20 variables,  educational
status, risk orientation, training undergone,
progressiveness, self reliance,  innovativeness
and contact with extension agency were found
to have positively contributed to the adoption
of Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices.

The educated farmers because of their
perception would have adopted the eco
friendly agricultural products are facing
marketing problems. So, the risk bearing
abilities would help the farmers to adopt the
Eco Friendly Conservation Practices.

Direct impact

Table 2  infers that with respect to direct
impact, nearly one- fifth (18.63%) of
respondents reported that increase in yield.
Also, nearly half (43.22%) of  the respondents
reported that increase in income and 77.11
per  cent of the  farmers indicated that the
cost of cultivation decreased.

The Eco Friendly Conservation Practices
naturally do involve less cost of cultivation.
However, the increased net income by reduced
cost of cultivation was reported by the majority
of the respondents. And so, the Eco-Friendly

5447Adoption and Impact of Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices in
The Nilgiris District of Western Ghats

Conservation Practices were more profitable
though in the low yield condition.

Indirect impact

Personal impact

From  the Table 2, 71.18 per cent of farmers
suggested that their confidence level had
increased, followed by 3.40 per cent of farmers
perceived no change in the confidence level,
and  25.42 per cent of farmers opined that
the confidence level  had decreased.

Further, 57.63 percent of farmers
suggested that the exposure to media sources
had been increased, followed by 6.08 percent
of farmers perceived no change in the
exposure and 35.59 per cent of farmers opined
that the exposure to media sources had been

Awareness campaigns on the benefits of eco
friendly conservation practices should be
organized and there should be proper publicity
and propaganda through mass media about
the importance of Eco Friendly Conservation
Practices in The Nilgiris district.

Table 2 further infers that in the case of
personal impact, 46.61 percent of farmers
suggested that the  farmer’s food and nutrition
status  had increased followed by 34.75
percent of farmers perceived  no change in
the farmer’s food and nutrition status and
18.64 per cent of farmers opined  that the
farmer’s food and nutrition status  had

Majority of the farmer’s food and nutrition

status has been increased with the support
of the increased concentrations of antioxidants
and nutritional values in vegetables, fruits,
grains, and dairy products.

Table 2 suggested that, 72.03 percent of
farmers suggested that the farmer’s health
condition had improved, followed by 16.95
percent of farmers perceived no change in the
farmer’s health condition and 11.02 per cent
of farmers opined  that the farmer’s health
condition had declined.

The health status of the farmers has
increased due to decreased health hazards in
food chain because of their preference is very
high for the eco friendly farm products.

Table 2 indicates that in the personal
impact, 68.64 percent of farmers suggested
that the farmer’s decision making capacity had
improved,  followed by 6.78 percent of farmers
perceived  no change in the farmer’s decision
making capacity  and 24.58 per cent of
farmers opined  that the farmer’s decision
making capacity had declined.

Majority of the farmers decision making
ability were found increased in the eco friendly
conservation practices. As these practices
produce significantly higher yield under
drought conditions, it has high market price.
These factors enhance the decision making
ability of the farmers.

Social impact

Table 2 reveals that in the case of social
impact, 62.70 per cent of farmers suggested
that their participation in social organization

Journal of Extension Education5448

Table 2.
Impact of Eco Friendly Conservation Practices in

The Nilgiris district of Western Ghats (n=118)

  No. % No. % No. %

 I Direct impact

1. Yield 22 18.63 6 5.1 90 76.27

2. Income 51 43.22 3 2.54 64 54.24

3. Cost of cultivation 21 17.79 6 5.10 91 77.11

II Indirect impact

A Personal impact

1. Confidence in eco-friendly cultivation 84 71.18 4 3.40 30 25.42

2. Opportunity to know about development activities 38 32.20 52 44.07 28 23.73

3. Exposure to media sources 68 57.63 8 6.08 42 35.59

4. Consultation by fellow farmers 48 40.68 27 22.88 43 36.44

5. Food and Nutrition 55 46.61 41 34.75 22 18.64

6. Health condition 85 72.03 20 16.95 13 11.02

7. Decision making capacity 81 68.64 8 6.78 29 24.58

B Social impact

1. Participation in social organization 74 62.70 6 5.10 38 32.20

C Economic impact

1. Investment in savings 56 47.46 41 34.74 21 17.80

2. Purchase of agricultural implements 25 21.19 71 60.17 22 18.64

3. Purchase of vehicles 28 23.73 72 61.02 18 15.25

4. Livestock and poultry ownership 66 55.93 30 25.43 22 18.64

D Environmental impact

1. Soil fertility 87 73.73 16 13.56 15 12.71

2. Improvement in water level 88 74.57 6 5.10 24 20.33

3. Biodiversity conservation 80 67.80 24 20.34 14 11.86

No changeSl.

Impact Increased Decreased

had increased, followed by 5.10 per cent of
farmers perceived no change in  the
participation in social organization and  32.20
per cent of farmers opined that the
participation in social organization had

In the Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices,
the social motivation factor helps to  improve
the decision making ability and increased
Participatory Technology Development (PTD)
practice. So, through the trainings, motivation
and campaigns, change agents  can improve

5449Adoption and Impact of Eco-Friendly Conservation Practices in
The Nilgiris District of Western Ghats

knowledge and skill on eco friendly
conservation practices.

Economic impact

From  Table 2 it could be seen that, 47.46
per cent of farmers suggested that their
investment in savings had increased, followed
by 34.74 per cent of farmers perceived no
change in savings and 17.80 per cent of
farmers opined that the savings had

The savings of the farmers had increased
due to less expenditure towards usage of
external inputs.  Practicing intercropping
increases effective utilization of land, reducing
the weed growth and providing additional

It could be further observed from the Table
2 that 55.93 per cent of farmers suggested
that the purchase of livestock and poultry
ownership had increased, followed by 25.43
per cent of farmers perceived no change in
the purchase of livestock and poultry and
18.64 per cent of farmers opined that in the
livestock and poultry ownership had

The increased livestock and poultry
ownership helps to support the Eco Friendly
Conservation Practices and the possibility of
effectively converting all the available crop and
solid waste recycling into various types of
composts and manures to sustain the soil
fertility and production. It reduces the
indiscriminate application of inorganic
fertilizers and the less application of external
organic manures.

Environmental impact

In the case of environmental impact, 73.73
per cent of farmers suggested that the fertility
status of the soil has improved followed by
13.56 per cent of farmers who perceived no
change in the fertility status of the soil and
12.71 per cent of farmers opined that the
fertility status of the soil had been decreased.

Majority of the farmers inferred that the
Eco Friendly Conservation Practices prevent
soil, nutrient depletion and increase soil
health by less usage of chemical fertilizers.

Table 2 further infers that in the case of
environmental impact, 74.57 per cent of
farmers suggested that the ground water level
was increased in the farm level followed by
5.10 per cent of farmers perceived no change
in the ground water level  and 20.33 per cent
of farmers opined that the ground water level
had decreased.

Majority farmers suggested that the ground
water level increased with the adoption of  eco
friendly soil and water conservation practices.
It also helps to improve the efficiency of
irrigation water.

It could be observed from the Table 2 that
67.80 per cent of farmers suggested that the
biodiversity of the farm had improved with
the result of a number of indigenous species
cultivated in the field level, followed by 20.34
per cent of farmers perceived no changes in
the biodiversity of the farm and 11.86 per cent
of farmers opined that the biodiversity of the
farm had decreased.

Journal of Extension Education5450

Majority of the farmers suggested that the
bio diversity of the farm increased with the
increased impact of floral diversity, faunal
diversity, habitat diversity, landscape, soil
organic matter improvement, soil biological
activity, soil structure, soil erosion, reduced
nitrate leaching and  pesticide residues,
nutrient use efficiency, water use and energy
use efficiency.

Eco friendly conservation practices like
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM),
Integrated Farming System (IFS). Eco-Friendly
Conservation Practices helps  to control pests,
use of pest resistant varieties, preservation
and conservation of household waste,
increases the usage of bio-fertilizer, farm yard
manure and compost as the best soil microbial
activity .


Educational status, risk orientation,
training undergone, progressiveness, self

reliance,  innovativeness and contact with
extension agency were found to have positively
contributed to the adoption of Eco-Friendly
Conservation Practices. With respect to
impact, majority of the farmers opined that
the cost of cultivation decreased followed by
increased confidence level, improved fertility
status of the soil and improved biodiversity
in the farm fields.


IFOAM. 2000. Organic Agriculture and Fair Trade:
Two Concepts Based on the Same Holistic
Principal. Online report. International
Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.
Germany. Available at:  www.ifoam.org.

R. J. Daniels. 1996.The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve:
a Review of Conservation Status with
Recommendations for a Holistic Approach to
Management (India).