5823 Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Organic Plant Protection Practices K.V. Aparna1 and Allan Thomas2 ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala with a view to identify the constraints faced by farmers during adoption of organic plant protection practices in vegetables. The three major constraints faced by farmers were crops being affected by drought, lack of proper and timely extension services for transfer of organic technologies and organic produce fetching non-remunerative price. The major suggestions for refinement were regular and frequent farm visits, diagnostic and consultancy by Krishi Bhavan officials and mechanisms to ensure premium price for products derived through organic practices. Keywords : Organic plant protection practices; extent of adoption; constraints; suggestions Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 29 No. 1, 2017 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2017.1.29.5823-5826 1. PG Scholar and 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani- 695 522 Received : 02-10-2017; Accepted : 16-10-2017 The side-effects of the modern agricultural chemicals and machines raise serious questions about the overall benefits of the new technology (Oelhaf, 1978). Chemical fertilisers and pesticides pollute our air and water. Agricultural chemicals, including hormones and antibiotics leave residue in food that may cause cancer or genetic damage. Soil and energy resources are being depleted. The un-sustainability of modern agricultural practices through its unscrupulous use have led farming communities world over to look for alternatives. The majority of these alternatives call for a back to nature policy, a return to traditional, eco-friendly practices. Organic farming is one among them. Organic farming over the last few decades has proved to be successful; but the differences in culture, ecology and geographical factors necessitate adoption of situation- specific principles and techniques. Many reports recommend popularisation of biofertilisers and green manures; to initiate a ‘Green manure perennial planting Programme’; mechanical plants for manufacture of compost in Corporations and Municipalities, minimisation of use of insecticides; and to take up biological and mechanical control of rodents (Nair, 1981). The study by Balachandran (2004) reported the non-availability of organic plant protection formulations and 5824 adequate quality organic manure which forced farmers to choose the chemical option, much to their dislike. Therefore constraints faced by the farmers using organic plant protection practices need to be identified and solutions to overcome the constraints as perceived by the farmers need to be probed. This paper is an attempt in that direction. METHODOLOGY The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala involving 90 small and marginal vegetable growers. From the eleven blocks of Thiruvananthapuram District, three blocks having maximum area under vegetable cultivation were selected. Perumkadavila, Nedumangad and Parasala were the three blocks selected for the study. From each block one panchayat having maximum area under vegetable cultivation was selected in consultation with agriculture department officials. Kunnathukal, Chenkal and Nedumangad were the three panchayats selected for the study. From each panchayat, 30 vegetable farmers were selected. Thus a total of 90 farmers formed the sample. A well structured open ended interview schedule was used for data collection from the farmer respondents. The results were analyzed with the help of different statistical tools such as frequency, percentage and rankings. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The constraints faced by the farmers using organic plant protection practices with more focus on vegetable cultivation were identified, documented and ranked. The results are presented in Table 1. The primary constraint experienced by the farmers at the time of interview was that the crops were severely affected by drought. Lack of extension service to facilitate transfer of technology scientifically on organic plant protection was ranked second . Other major constraints that followed were, ‘produce fetching same price or even more than that of the produce obtained through inorganic practices; time consuming while resorting to organic plant protection input preparation, storage and its application; organic practices are labour intensive and non availability cum high cost of labour; krishi bhavan was not active in rendering support by way of helping farmers with quality inputs and services; lack of crop insurance schemes or facilities to help farmers mitigate the loss through price fall or crop loss as a result of practicing organic practices and lack of motivation resulting from low price for organic produce, in the decreasing order of importance as perceived by the farmers. Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Organic Plant Protection Practices 5825 Table 1. Constraints faced by the Farmers in the Adoption of Organic Plant Protection Practices N=90 Sl.No. Constraints Score Rank 1 Lack of extension service to facilitate transfer of technology scientifically on organic plant protection 299 2 2 Lack of crop insurance schemes or facilities to help farmers mitigate the loss through price fall or crop loss as a result of practicing organic practices 220 7 3 Krishi Bhavan not active in rendering support by way of helping farmers with quality inputs and services 234 6 4 Time consuming while resorting to organic plant protection input preparation, storage and application. 292 4 5 Low effectiveness and slow action of organic plant protection chemicals 120 10 6 Lack of knowledge and awareness about organic plant protection practices 114 11 7 Non availability of subsidies and credit for organic inputs 174 9 8 Crops affected by drought (at the time of interview) 303 1 9 Organic produce fetched same price or even more than that of the produce obtained through inorganic practices 297 3 10 Lack of motivation resulting from low price for organic agricultural produce 181 8 11 Organic practices are labour intensive/non availability and exorbitant cost of labour 240 5 Journal of Extension Education 5826 The top five suggestions to overcome the constraints as perceived by the farmers and subsequently finalized through focus group discussions are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Distribution of Respondents based on suggestions from Farmers. N=90 Sl No. Suggestions Percentage 1 Regular and frequent farm visit, diagnostic and consultancy by Krishi bhavan officials 90.44 2 Availability of low cost organic inputs and feasible technologies 88.33 3 Inclusion of more no of classes, demonstrations and seminars about organic plant protection practices 75.22 4 Timely access of organic plant protection inputs 70.22 5 Construction of low cost mini dams or water storage facilities 65.22 Majority of the farmers (90.44%) suggested that regular and frequent farm visits, diagnostic and consultancy by Krishi bhavan officials should be ensured at farm plots with standing crops. ‘Availability of low cost organic inputs and feasible technologies should be provided at the right time in required quantity and quality’ was the second popular suggestion as perceived by 88.33 per cent of the farmers. Inclusion of more number of classes, demonstrations and seminars about organic plant protection practices; followed by farmers right to have timely access to organic inputs and the construction of low cost mini dams or water storage facilities like technologies developed and popularised by Regional Agricultural Research station (RARS), Ambalavayal were the other suggestions for refinement as perceived by the farmer respondents. REFERENCES Balachandran, V. (2004). Future in the Past : A study on the status of organic farming in Kerala. Discussion paper no. 82. Kerala research programme on local level development. Centre for development studies, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala, 110p. Nair, J. M. (1981). Report of the One Man Commission on the problems of Paddy cultivators in Kerala. Govt. of Kerala. Oelhaf, R. C. (1978). Organic agriculture. Allanheld, Osmun & Co. Publishers, Inc. USA. Constraints Faced by Farmers in Adoption of Organic Plant Protection Practices