6083 Profile Characteristics of and Constraints faced by Banana Growers N. Amaladeepan1 and J. Pushpa2. ABSTRACT This study explored the socio-economic characteristics of the banana growers and the constraints faced by them in banana cultivation in Thoothukudi district of TamilNadu. The major constraints faced by them were, non availability of labour during cultivation time, inadequate irrigation facility, heavy damage by wind, high labour wages and fluctuation in market price. Keywords: Socio-Economic Characteristics; Constraints; Banana growers; Tamil Nadu Received : 27-08-2018; Accepted : 24-12-2018 1. PG Scholar and 2. Professor & Head. Department of Social Sciences, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Vallanadu, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu, India. In India, Tamil Nadu is the leading producer of banana at 43,31,650 tonnes with a share of about 14.87 % in the overall production of banana (APEDA, 2015 -16). Though Tamil Nadu ranks first in production of banana, productivity is less compared to the other leading banana producing states in the country. Hence, there was a need to study the socio-Economic characteristics of banana growers and the constraints faced by them in Banana cultivation in order to enhance the productivity of banana in Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted in Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu. In Thoothukudi district, two blocks viz., Srivaikundam and Alwarthirunagiri were selected for this study where the area under banana cultivation is predominant. Among them, two villages were selected from each block, where the area under Banana cultivation was predominant. From these selected four villages, 120 farmers growing banana were selected by applying proportionate random sampling method. The respondents were interviewed individually with the help of a well structured interview schedule to assess the socio-economic characteristics. Then they were asked to mention the constraints that limited the adoption of cultivation technologies of banana growers. Finally, the results were analysed and interpreted. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Socio-Economic Characteristics of Banana Growers In Social science research, it is essential to analyse the characteristics of farmers which Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 30 No. 2, 2018 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2018.2.30.6083-6087 Research Article Journal of Extension Education Vol. 30 No. 1, 2018 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2018.1.30.5996-5999 6084 will give a basic and clear understanding about the background of farmers. The Socio-Economic characteristics of banana growers are given in Table 1. Table 1. Socio-Economic Characteristics of Banana Growers (n=120) Sl.No Category Number Percentage I. Age: 1. Young 7 5.83 2. Middle 27 22.50 3. Old 86 71.67 II. Educational Status 1. Illiterate - - 2. Functionally literate - - 3. Primary school education 6 5.00 4. Middle school education 48 40.00 5. Secondary school education 22 18.33 6. High school education 26 21.67 7. Collegiate education 18 15.00 III. Occupational Status 1. Farming alone 71 59.17 2. Farming + wage earners 28 23.33 3. Farming + business 19 15.83 4. Farming+ services 2 1.67 IV. Family Type 1. Joint family 48 40.00 2. Nuclear family 72 60.00 V. Farm Size 1. Marginal farmers <2.5 acres 33 27.50 2. Small farmers (2.51 – 5.0 acres) 41 34.17 3. Medium farmers (5.01 – 10.00) 25 20.83 4. Big farmers (>10 acres) 21 17.50 VI. Area under Selected Crop (Banana) 1. < 2.5 acres 47 39.17 2. 2.5 -5.0 acres 37 30.83 3. 5.01- 10.0 acres 21 17.50 4. >10.0 acres 15 12.50 Journal of Extension Education 6085 Profile Characteristics of and Constraints faced by Banana Growers Sl.No Category Number Percentage VII. Farming Experience in Banana Cultivation 1. Low 43 35.83 2. Medium 66 55.00 3. High 11 9.17 VIII. Information Seeking Behaviour 1. Low 36 30.00 2. Medium 48 40.00 3. High 36 30.00 IX. Social Participation 1. Low 6 5.00 2. Medium 105 87.50 3. High 9 7.50 X. Innovativeness 1. Low 9 7.50 2. Medium 68 56.67 3. High 43 35.83 XI. Scientific Orientation 1. Low 33 27.50 2. Medium 72 60.00 3. High 15 12.50 XII. Risk Orientation 1. Low 21 17.50 2. Medium 68 56.67 3. High 31 25.83 XIII. Progressiveness 1. Low 43 35.83 2. Medium 35 29.17 3. High 42 35.00 XIV. Credit Orientation 1. Low 24 20.00 2. Medium 41 34.17 3. High 55 45.83 XV. Economic Motivation 1. Low 33 27.50 2. Medium 50 41.67 3. High 37 30.83 6086 Sl.No Category Number Percentage XVI. Annual Income 1. Up to Rs. 50000 2 1.67 2. From Rs.50000 to 100000 20 16.67 3. Above Rs.100000 98 81.67 From Table 1, it could be observed that, majority of the banana growers were old aged, had middle school education, had farming alone as their occupation, small farmers, had cultivated banana in less than 2.5 acres, had medium to high level of information seeking behaviour, had medium level of experience in banana cultivation, medium level of social participation, medium level of innovativeness, medium level of scientific orientation, risk orientation and economic motivation, had low level of progressiveness, had high level of credit orientation and had an annual income of more than one lakh rupees. Constraints Faced by the Banana Growers in Banana Cultivation Constraint analysis is becoming one of the important components of research. Without analysing the constraints, it is impossible to diffuse the needed technologies among the farming community. The constraints faced by the banana growers are given in Table 2. Table 2. Constraints Faced by the Banana Growers in Banana Cultivation (n = 120) Sl.No. CONSTRAINTS Number Percentage 1. Non availability of labour 97 80.83 2. Inadequate irrigation facilities 95 79.17 3. Heavy damage by wind 85 70.83 4. High labour wages 80 66.67 5. Fluctuation in market price 64 53.33 6. More distance of market place 24 20.00 7. Inadequate credit facilities 11 9.17 8. More incidence of pests and diseases 10 8.33 9. Lack of storage facilities 8 6.67 10. Inadequate extension support 6 5.00 11. Lack of technical guidance 4 3.33 12. Non availability of inputs in time 3 2.50 Journal of Extension Education 6087 From Table 2, it is concluded that non availability of labour during cultivation time was the major constraint reported by 80.83 per cent of the respondents. This might be mainly due to hundred days employment programme (MGNREGA) followed by 79.17 per cent of the respondents who reported that inadequate irrigation facility as a constraint for them. Nearly three-fourths of the respondents (70.83 %) expressed heavy damage by wind as a major constraint. The result is in accordance with the findings of Poonam (2010) who had also reported that heavy damage by wind, fluctuation in market price, inadequate irrigation facilities and non-availability of input in time were the constraints faced by the Banana growers. From the findings derived in this study, certain broad implications have been brought out in formulating strategies for the benefits of banana growers. The study revealed that the banana growers differed widely in their profile. It is essential to enhance the adoption level of the banana growers through proper demonstration and training. The study revealed that the major constraints in banana cultivation were heavy damage by wind, inadequate irrigation facilities and non availability of labour for intercultural operations. Hence, it is recommended that extension personnel need to take steps in popularizing casuarina cultivation to protect banana crop from heavy winds. REFERENCES APEDA. (2016). Indian Production of Banana. http://www.agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/ India%20Production/India_Productions. aspx?cat=fruit&hscode=1042 NCAER. (2015). India’s Banana Scenario - A research paper prepared under the project Agricultural Outlook and Situation Analysis Reports. New Delhi: National Council of Applied Economic Research. Pauline, D. A. (2014). A Study On Value Chain of Banana In Tamil Nadu. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Poonam. (2010). A Study on Adoption of Recommended Banana Production Technology among the Farmers of Durg District of Chhattisgarh State. Unpublished M.Sc.(Ag.) Thesis, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur. Thasneem, S & Seema, B.(2016). Technology utilization of Banana in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala. Journal of Extension Education, 28(2). Profile Characteristics of and Constraints faced by Banana Growers