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Journal of Extension Education
Vol. 27  No. 1,  2015

Effectiveness of Hub and Spoke Model for Dissemination of
Innovative Farm Technologies to the Farming Community

N. Sriram*

Hub and Spoke Model was established for dissemination of the innovative farming

technologies at farmers’ doorstep.  The study was conducted to measure the Effectiveness
of Hub and Spoke Model for dissemination of innovative farm technologies at
Tiruvannamalai district of Tamil Nadu. The respondents were selected by adopting
purposive random sampling technique. A sample of 75 respondents from five villages of
Polur block was selected for this study. The hub and spoke model was established and
the knowledge gain of the subjects both at the pre and post exposure stages were collected
using teacher made knowledge tests respectively.  The data were collected using a well
structured and pre-tested interview schedule. The data were analyzed by using appropriate
statistical tools. The percentage of knowledge gained before the exposure to treatment
was 40.20 per cent and after exposed it was 76.70 per cent.  The mean knowledge gain
is 36.50 per cent. The ‘t’ value 19.93 per cent indicates that the knowledge gained by the
respondents was found to be significant at one per cent level. It was identified that
there existed a significant differences in the effectiveness of the hub and spoke services
in imparting knowledge.

*Assistant Professor (Agricultural Extension), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Salem

The Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) can generate new opening
to bridge the gap between information haves
and information have-nots in the developing
countries. Farmers have enthusiasm to obtain
knowledge, particularly in the field of modern
agriculture to become psychologically strong
and conducive with necessary capacities to
adopt modern methods of agriculture. In India,
it is very difficult to contact each and every
farmer in limited time to communicate latest
agricultural technology. To diminish this
difficulty, various mass media are certainly
most effective avenues to convey information
to the broad means of people, particularly to

the huge illiterate segment of the farmers.
Mahindra Kisan Mitra initiatives by Mahindra
Tractor company, the company has
established hub and spoke centre which links
Samriddhi and Mahindra Kisan Mitra to
further strengthening its service to farming
community with power of information
communication technologies.   The study was
conducted with objective to measure the
effectiveness of hub and spoke model for
dissemination of innovative farm technologies.
The ‘hub’ is at the center and each of the
‘spokes’ extends outward from the center. The
hub connects ‘remote’ offices in other cities.
The remote offices are the ‘spoke’ sites. Each

5395Effectiveness of Hub and Spoke Model for Dissemination of Innovative
Farm Technologies to the Farming Community

of the remote sites connects to the main ‘hub’
site. Mahindra and Mahindra has established
its first Samriddhi centre in Tamil Nadu at
Polur, Tiruvanamalai to provide agro advisory
service to the farming community in addition
to the farm machinery solution. Further,
Mahindra and Mahindra also established hub
and spoke centres with help of TNAU
interventions by linking Samridhhi centres to
spread the farm specific information at
farmers door step and to study its
effectiveness in terms of knowledge gain.


The study was conducted at Tiruvanamalai
district of Tamil Nadu.  Polur block of
Tiruvannamali district was considered as the
study area and from that block five villages
were selected as suggested by the sponsoring
agency. The respondents were selected by
adopting purposive random sampling
technique. A sample of 75 respondents from
five villages of Polur block was selected for
this study.  The hub and spoke model was
established and the knowledge gain of the
subjects both at the pre and post exposure
stages were collected using teacher made
knowledge tests respectively.  The data were

collected using a well structured and pre-
tested interview schedule. The data were
analyzed by using appropriate statistical tools.
One group is pre tested and exposed to the
treatment, and then post tested. This is called
a one-group pre test-post test design because
the two tests are administered to the same


Knowledge gain of project farmers on
paddy cultivation

Knowledge gain has been operationalised
as the body of understood information
possessed by the respondents on cultivation
of paddy farming after hub and spoke
intervention. The knowledge gain of the
respondents was studied and the findings
were presented in this section.

A glance at Table 1 pointed that there exists
significant difference between before and after
exposure of the treatment.  The percentage of
knowledge gained before the exposure to
treatment was 40.20 per cent and after
exposed it was 76.70 per cent. The mean
knowledge gain is 36.50 per cent. The ‘t’ value
19.93 per cent indicates that the knowledge

Table 1.
Distribution of Mean Knowledge Gain due to the Exposure of Treatment   (n=75)

S.No. Particulars Means Per cent ‘t’ value
1. Before exposure 9.65 40.20 19.93**

2. After exposure 18.41 76.70

3. Mean knowledge gain 8.76 36.50

** Significant at 0.01 per cent level.

Journal of Extension Education5396

gained by the respondents was found to be
significant at one per cent level. It is identified
that there existed a significant differences in
the effectiveness of the hub and spoke services
in imparting knowledge. The reason might be
the exposure of spoke services through
different communication methods via
computers, mobile phones, distribution of
booklets, posters, and training.  Hence,
majority of the respondents gain significant
knowledge gain due to hub and spoke
intervention. Nazreen (2008) also reported that
there was significant knowledge gain among
the respondents in his study on effective
agricultural information delivery system.

From Table 2, it could be observed that
out of fifteen characteristics taken for the
study, three characteristics namely
educational status (X2), farming experience
(X5) and contact with extension agency (X10)
exhibited significant and positive correlation
with knowledge gain at five per cent level of
significance. It is quite natural that
educational status, farming experience and
contact with extension agency increases the
level of knowledge gain.  The educational
status, farming experience and contact with
extension agency have influenced the
respondents to gain more knowledge.  The
other variables had non-significant

X1 Age -0.082
NS 0.060 0.021 1.517 NS

X2 Educational status 0.250* -0.090 0.170 2.523**

X3 Family type 0.000
 NS 0.000 0.000 0.000 NS

X4 Occupational status 0.000
 NS 0.000 0.000 0.000 NS

X5 Farming experience 0.246* 1.582 0.318 0.954

X6 Farm size -0.119
 NS -0.138 0.304 0.106 NS

X7 Annual income -0.115
 NS -1.092 0.468 0.360  NS

X8 Farm power possession -0.275
 NS -0.712 0.183 0.383 NS

X9 Social participation -0.119
 NS -0.146 0.094 -0.115 NS

X10 Extension agency contact 0.118* 0.527 0.306 1.905*

X11 Participation in extension methods -0.211
 NS -0.319 0.095 -1.306 NS

X12 Innovativeness -0.198
 NS -0.132 0.066 1.210 NS

X13 Awareness about the training centers -0.044
 NS -0.122 0.188 0.996 NS

X14 Perceived effectiveness of the training program -0.279
 NS -0.256 0.165 -1.112 NS

X15 Perceived attributes 0.302
 NS 0.127 0.062 1.392

Table 2.
Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis of Independent Variables

towards Knowledge Gain


Variables ‘r’



R2 = 0.5133     ** = Significant at one per cent
F   = 1.849          *  = Significant at five per cent

5397Effectiveness of Hub and Spoke Model for Dissemination of Innovative
Farm Technologies to the Farming Community

relationship with dependent variable.   The
findings are in conformity with the findings
of Fernandaz (2002) who found that the
variable educational status had shown a
positive relationship with knowledge gain of
the respondents.   As shown in the Table  2
the R2 value is 0.5133, which means that the
fifteen variables together contributed 51.33
per cent of variation in the knowledge gain of
the respondents.

It could be seen from the Table  2 that the
variables educational status and extension
agency contact had shown positive and
significant contribution towards knowledge
gain of respondents at one per cent level.
Here, one unit increase in educational status
of the respondents would result in 2.523 units
increase in the knowledge gain of the
respondents, In the same way one unit
increase in extension agency contact of the
respondents, would result in 1.905 units
increase in the knowledge gain of the
respondents.  Extension agency contact was
found to have positive and significant
association with knowledge gain of the
respondents. This finding explained that more
contact with extension agency would enhance
the knowledge gain of the farmers. Extension
agencies help the farmers to become aware of
the latest technologies.  This finding derives
support from the finding of Rajakumar (1981)
who reported that extension agency contact

showed a significant association with the
knowledge gain of the respondents.


The percentage of knowledge gained before
the exposure to treatment was 40.20 per cent
and after exposure was 76.70 per cent.  The
mean knowledge gain was 36.50 per cent.  It
shows that the treatment were effective in
imparting knowledge.  Hence, It could be
concluded that the hub and spoke model may
be established in all the rural areas with power
of information communication technologies for
effective transfer of farm technologies to
farmers at doorstep for accelerating the
farmers’ production, productivity and
livelihood status.


Fernandaz, Cinthia. 2002.  Hands on Training to
Farmers Computer Use- A Feasibility Study.
Unpub. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, TNAU, Coimbatore.

Nazreen, S. 2008. Effective Agricultural
Information Delivery System–An Action
Research among Farmers. Unpub. Ph. D.
Thesis, Kerala Agricultural University,
Thrissur, Kerala.

Rajakumar, N. 1981. An Evaluation Study of Soil
and Water Management Scheme in Madurai
District. Unpub. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, AC & RI,