6223 Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu P.Tamil Selvi 1 and P.Balasubramaniam 2 ABSTRACT In an agricultural country like India, training of farmers is a laborious task and requires a heavy investment in training infrastructure to reach most of the farmers on a regular basis. Trainings are conducted in Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) at various levels for which the programmes are designed based on the farmers problems their needs and interests. Altogether, 300 respondents were selected for the study through random sampling method to assess the effectiveness of trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK). Majority of the trainees were having medium level of adoption of recommended technologies followed by low level and high levels of adoption of recommended crop cultivation practices in major crops. Keywords: KVK; Training; Effectiveness; Crop Production; Cultivation practices; Impact; Adoption; Tamil Nadu. 1 PhD Scholar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and 2 Professor (Agrl. Extension), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. INTRODUCTION The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) had launched a major programme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) or farm science centre, which is a science/ technology led, farmer centric institution, established with the purpose of providing knowledge and skill training to the farmers, rural youth and field-level extension workers. It should be recognized that agriculture varies from one area to another, even from one field to another. Training programmes therefore, should be fitted to the local conditions. The specific objective of this study is to study the adoption level of farmers trained on crop cultivation practices in major crops at ICAR-KVK in Karur district of Tamil Nadu. METHODOLOGY The study area, viz., Karur district of Tamil Nadu consists of five taluks and eight blocks viz., Kulithalai, Thogaimalai, Krishnarayapuram, Tharagampatti, Arava kurichi, K.Paramathy, Thanthoni and Karur. Out of eight blocks of Karur district, two blocks were purposively selected for this study, as maximum numbers of trainings have been conducted by ICAR-KVK, Karur in these blocks. In Thogaimalai block, 88 training programmes and in Kulithalai block Research Article Journal of Extension Education Vol. 31 No. 1, 2019 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2019.1.31.6223-6229 Received : 16-11-2018; Accepted : 27-11-2018 6224 66 training programmes were conducted. For the selection of respondents, a list of trainees from Kulithalai and Thogaimalai blocks were prepared with the help of KVK. Altogether, 300 respondents were selected for the study through random sampling method. In the present study, adoption has been operationalized as the extent to which the farmers have adopted the recommended cultivation techniques in the study area, which would indicate the effectiveness of the trainings. By having discussionswith the extension officials , major techniques in major crops were selected on which the adoption level of the respondents was studied. The respondents were narrated about these practices one by one, each time enquiring whether they have adopted the practice in the previous year. The response “Adopted” was given two score and “Not adopted” was given one score. The scores for all these items were added up for each respondent and adoption score was arrived at. Based on the score obtained by the respondents, they were classified as low, medium and high categories on overall adoption levels using cumulative frequency method. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Rogers and Shoemaker (1983) had defined adoption as a decision to make full use of an innovation as the best course of action available. The adoption level of farmers are presented here. Adoption level of Recommended Practices through Trainings Imparted by KVK Table 1 shows the overall adoption of recommended crop production technologies by the KVK trained farmers in the two blocks. It is revealed from Table 1, that medium level of adoption was observed in both the blocks. In Thogaimalai block, the major crops cultivated are paddy, sorghum, black gram and ground nut. The farmers are cultivating less number of crops, due to frequent monsoon failure and inadequate availability of water. This might be the reason for medium (40.67 %), followed by low (32 %) and high (27.33 %) levels of adoption in recommended crop cultivation techniques in Thogaimalai block. This finding is similar to that of Govind (1992). In Kulithalai block, the major crops are banana, paddy, sugarcane and black gram. Timely availability of water is the main reason for cultivating annual crops like banana and Table 1. Overall adoption Level of KVK trained Farmers in relation to Recommended Crop Production Technologies Sl.No Category Kulithalai block (n=150) Thogaimalai block (n=150) Total (n=300) Number Per cent Number Per cent Number Per cent 1 Low 49 32.67 48 32.00 97 32.33 2 Medium 58 38.66 61 40.67 119 39.67 3 High 43 28.67 41 27.33 84 28.00 Journal of Extension Education 6225 sugarcane in major areas and other crops like pulses, oilseeds and vegetables are cultivated in small areas only. This might be the reason for medium (38.66 %), followed by low (32.67 %) and high (28.67 %) level of adoption in recommended crop cultivation practices. This finding derives support from the finding of Patel (2004). From Table 1, the overall adoption level showed that, the majority of the respondents were having medium level (39.67 %) of adoption followed by low level (32.33 %) and high levels (28 %) of adoption of recommended crop cultivation practices. Practice-wise Adoption level of Recommended Crop Cultivation Techniques The findings on practice-wise adoption of recommended crop cultivation techniques in crop production, horticulture, plant protection and animal science are given in Table 2. It could be inferred that all the training programmes would have created positive impact on the respondents and therefore they continue to adopt the practices given in KVK trainings. Further, to have a better understanding practices adopted by the farmers, the practice-wise adoption of the selected four types of trainings are presented in this section. Majority of the respondents (87.33%) adopted SRI method of paddy cultivation, followed by seed treatment technique in paddy (82.33 %), gypsum application in groundnut (80.33%), cono weeder operation in SRI paddy cultivation (73.67 %), Pseudomonas fluorescens treatment in paddy seeds (64 %), bio fertilizer application in black gram (48.33 %), pulse wonder application in pulses (37 %), seed treatment in groundnut (32 %), groundnut rich application for groundnut (27.67 %), usage of leaf colour chart (13.67 %) and fixing bee hives (6.67 %) in sun flower field. Table 2. Practice Wise Adoption Level of Recommended Crop Cultivation Techniques (n=300*) Sl. No Practices Kulithalai block (n=150) Thogaimalai block (n=150) Total (n=300) Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage I. Recommended Cultivation Practices in Major Agricultural Crops 1 Seed treatment in Paddy 131 87.33 116 77.33 247 82.33 2 Pseudomonas fluorescens treatment in Paddy seeds 110 73.33 82 54.67 192 64.00 3 SRI Paddy cultivation 139 92.67 123 82 262 87.33 Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu 6226 Sl. No Practices Kulithalai block (n=150) Thogaimalai block (n=150) Total (n=300) Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage 4 Usage of Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) 18 12.00 23 15.33 41 13.67 5 Cono weeder operation in SRI paddy cultivation 127 84.67 94 62.67 221 73.67 6 Bio fertilizer application in black gram 89 59.33 56 37.33 145 48.33 7 Pulse wonder application in pulses 61 40.67 50 33.33 111 37.00 8 Seed treatment in groundnut 39 26.00 57 38 96 32.00 9 Gypsum application in Groundnut 101 67.33 140 93.33 241 80.33 10 Ground nut rich application for groundnut 24 16.00 59 39.33 83 27.67 Fixing Bee hives in sun flower field 4 2.67 16 10.67 20 6.67 II. Recommended Cultivation Practices in Horticultural crops 1 Quality sucker selection in banana 132 88.00 55 36.67 187 62.33 2 Micro nutrient application in banana 96 64.00 78 52 174 58.00 Journal of Extension Education 6227 Sl. No Practices Kulithalai block (n=150) Thogaimalai block (n=150) Total (n=300) Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage 3 Vegetable seedlings raised by protray method 91 60.67 130 86.67 221 73.67 4 Vegetable special application for vegetable crops 49 32.67 42 28 91 30.33 5 Coconut tonic application in coconut 21 14.00 37 24.67 58 19.33 III. Recommended Plant Protection practices in Major crops 1 Control measures for rice leaf folder 67 44.67 37 24.67 104 34.67 2 Control measures for bacterial leaf blight disease in paddy 17 11.33 22 14.67 39 13.00 3 Control measures for red hairy caterpillar 49 32.67 112 74.67 161 53.67 4 Control measures for shoot and fruit borer in bhendi 17 11.33 38 25.33 55 18.33 5 Fixing light traps against sucking pests 43 28.67 69 46 112 37.33 IV. Recommended Animal Husbandry Practices 1 Assessing the good breed character in dairy cows 47 31.33 85 56.67 132 44.00 Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu 6228 The reasons for adoption of this method of cultivation (SRI Paddy cultivation) may be due to time saving, less labour requirement for weeding, cost of inputs reduced and the main contributing factor was the increased production which made it possible to adopt this practice. In horticulture related trainings, nearly three fourths of the respondents (73.67 %) adopted vegetable seedlings raised by protray method, followed by quality sucker selection in banana (62.33 %), micro nutrient application in banana (58 %), vegetable special application for vegetable crops (30.33 %) and coconut tonic application in coconut (19.33 %). The reason for adoption of protray method of nursery raising practice could be reduction in cost of cultivation through saving in labour, inputs and to get healthy and vigorous vegetable seedlings. In plant protection related practices, more than half of the respondents (53.67 %) farmers adopted control measures for red hairy caterpillar followed by fixing light traps against sucking pests (37.33 %), control measures for rice leaf folder (34.67 %) and control measures for bacterial leaf blight disease in paddy (13 %). In Animal husband related trainings, majority of respondents (79 %) adopted cultivation of Multicut fodder grass practice, followed by correct milking method (65.33 %), assessing the good breed character in dairy cows (44 %), preventive measures for occurrence of bloat in dairy cows (24.67 %) and azolla for dairy cows (15.67 %). Overall, in the two blocks, majority of the respondents possessed dairy component. Fodder scarcity is the main problem in summer season. Keeping this in view, KVK had provided more number Sl. No Practices Kulithalai block (n=150) Thogaimalai block (n=150) Total (n=300) Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage Number of respondents adopted Per centage 2 Preventive measures for occurrence of bloat in dairy cows 26 17.33 48 32 74 24.67 3 Correct milking method 78 52.00 118 78.67 196 65.33 4 Cultivation of Multi cut fodder grass Variety 107 71.33 130 86.67 237 79.00 5 Azolla for dairy cows 19 12.67 28 18.67 47 15.67 (*Multiple responses obtained) Journal of Extension Education 6229 of training on fodder management techniques. This might be the reason for more adoption of multicut fodder cultivation technique in both the blocks. CONCLUSION In both the blocks, the farmers were aware about recommended crop cultivation practices in paddy, blackgram, groundnut, banana and vegetable crops through KVK trainings. But they could not adopt them due to non-availability of critical inputs like quality seeds, bio fertilizers, crop boosters etc. Hence, the KVK should arrange the availability of critical inputs in timely, it would help to increase the adoption level of farmers. In Thogaimalai block, the farmers are cultivating less number of crops, due to frequent monsoon failure and inadequate availability of water. In order to be effective, KVK must advise the farmers to make changes in the cropping pattern and to prepare for contingent plans according to water availability, and should offer training programmes on water management techniques. This will help the farmer to cultivate more number of crops by using less quantity of water. REFERENCES Govind, S. (1992). Integrated Pest Management in rice: Achievements and opportunities. Unpublished M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, TNAU, Coimbatore. Rogers, E.M. & Shoemaker, F.F. (1971). “Communication of Innovations – A Cross Cultural Approach”, The Free Press, New York. Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu