wrapper.cdr 6401 Attitude towards the Vocational Training Programmes of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kollam, Kerala A. M. Geethu1 and Bindu Podikunju2 AbstrACt Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) are one of the most vital establishment pledged for the dissemination of farm technology in the grass root level. The present study was conducted at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kollam, Kerala with 75 respondents, 15 each from five major vocational trainings organized at the KVK during the last five years. The trainees were personally interviewed with a well-structured and pre tested interview schedule. The present study on attitude of respondents revealed that more than half of the total beneficiaries have higher positive attitude towards the KVK. Keywords: Attitude; Krishi Vigyan Kendra; Vocational training; Kerala Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 31 No. 4, 2019 DOI:https://doi.org/10.26725/JEE.2019.4.31.6401-6404 1 PG. Scholar, College of Agriculture, Vellayani-695523 and 2 Assistant Professor, Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Kollam, Kollam-691531 Received : 13-08-2019; Accepted : 14-02-2020 INTRODUCTION Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), an innovative science based institution encompasses the all-round development of people in its effective dimensions of economic, social and agricultural scenario and was established to impart vocational skill training to the farmers and field level extension workers. According to Ajrawat and Kumar (2012), KVK is capable of making significant changes in the socio- economic status as well as the level of knowledge among the different classes of trainees. The training and guidance provided to the trainees play a key role in effective technological change and management orientation. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Sadanandapuram, Kottarakkara under Kerala Agricultural University functions as the bonding organization amidst the university and stakeholders in agriculture, chiefly the farmers in Kollam district. In extension research, attitude of a person or group regarding any programme is of cardinal concern. Preferred attitude of farmers is an essential component for the better fulfilment and success of KVK training programmes. Keeping this in view, an effort was made to determine the level of attitude of the trainees towards KVK training programmes. 6402 METHODOLOGY The present study was carried out for the vocational trainees of KVK Kollam, Kerala. 15 trainees each from 5 major vocational trainings were selected. The information of each respondent was collected with the help of pre tested, structured interview schedule by personal interview.The scale consisted of fifteen statements (items), each statement has four alternative answers. The respondent has to tick one of the alternatives to each statement. The scores assigned for positive statements were 4 for strongly agree, 3 for agree, 2 for dis agree and 1 for strongly disagree. The scoring is reverse for other selected negative statements. The summed up value gave the total score of the individual farmer for attitude towards various activities of KVK. Thus, the Scores ranged from 15 to 60. To assess the level of achievement, the respondent were categorized as low, medium and high based on mean (X) and standard deviation (SD).The collected data were analysed and interpreted in the light of the objectives with appropriate statistical tools like percentage, rank, mean and standard deviation. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The data (Table 1) revealed that majority of the beneficiary farmers, (68%) had higher positive attitude towards the KVK activities, 38 per cent of the respondents had medium level of attitude while there were no one having less favourable attitude toward KVK activities.This was perhaps due Table 1. Distribution of Respondents based on Attitude Frequency Percentage Low(15-30) 0 0 Medium(31-45) 24 32 High(46-60) 57 68 Table 2. Attitude of Beneficiary Farmers towards Various Activities of KVK Sl. No. Statements MWS Evaluation Rank 1. The trainers deal with something not required by farmers - 3.44 SDA 4 2. The course content in KVK programmes is well designed + 3.57 SA 1 3. KVK training programmes help to increase agriculture production+ 3.41 SA 5 Journal of Extension Education 6403 to positive impact of KVK activities. Similar results were reported by Jain (2013). The attitude of trainees of Krishi Vigyan Kendra was also measured using MWS (Mean Weighted Score). There were 15 statements taken to assess the attitude of respondents depicted in Table 2. ‘The course content in KVK programme is well designed’ was on the top according to relative importance in the scale for the beneficiary farmers. Other Sl. No. Statements MWS Evaluation Rank 4. There is no adverse effect if the KVK is closed - 3.52 SDA 2 5. KVK provides unique opportunity for all + 2.16 A 9 6. The training programmes are in accordance with season and time + 3.09 SA 8 7. The training methods followed at KVK are not in accordance with the course content - 3.4 SDA 6 8. Training facilities are accessible to selected farmers - 1.89 A 10 9. KVK maintained poor coordination with the other organizations engaged in the farmers training - 1.75 A 12 10. KVK conducts well-attended training programmes both on-campus as well as off-campus + 3.50 SA 3 11. The farmers get all sorts of technological help from the KVK 3.52 SA 2 12. The training approach is not innovative but simply a traditional - 1.90 A 11 13. KVK has very much added to the farmers knowledge about few improved methods of farming + 3.50 SA 3 14. The trainee farmers find answers for their immediate problems through the training + 3.26 SA 7 15. There is no adequate follow – up of the training programmes at KVK - 1.70 A 13 SA- Strongly Agree, SDA- Stronly Disagree, MWS - Mean Weighted Score Attitude towards the Vocational Training Programmes of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kollam, Kerala 6404 important statements for beneficiary farmers were the ‘farmer will be adversely affected if the KVK is closed’, and ‘farmers get all sorts of technological help from the KVK’ The statements on which the respondents showed less favourable attitude include ‘there is no adequate follow – up of the training programmes at KVK’ and ‘KVK maintains poor coordination with the other organizations engaged in the farmers training’. Table 3 shows the correlation of attitude with selected independent variables. From the table it is clear that the independent variables like training rigour, scientific orientation and satisfaction on training showed high positive correlation with attitude. Whereas other independent variables like age, annual income, number of trainings attended were not correlated. Training rigour is the amount of effort taken by the training organizers to ensure that all manipulate-able factors of the learning situation are fine tuned to maximize training effectiveness. With the increase in training rigour, training effectiveness and satisfaction will be increased. CONCLUSION The present study revealed that majority of the trainees of KVK Kollam, Kerala. were having positive or favourable attitude towards the working of KVK. It is recommended that KVK scientists should make adequate follow ups for their training programmes and also ensure that all farmers are aware of the activities of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra. REFERENCES Ajrawat, B. & Kumar, A. (2012) Impact of KVK training programme on socioeconomic status and knowledge of trainees in Kathua district. Journal of Krishi Vigyan 31- 34. Jain, P. (2013). A study on the impact of vocational training conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra on income generation among women in Jabalpur district Unpublished M.Sc. (Ag) thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi VishwaVidyalaya, Jabalpur, 113p. Table 3. Relationship of Attitude with Independent Variables Sl.No. Variables Correlation coefficient 1. Age 0.142 2. Annual income 0.160 3. Number of trainings attended 0.202 4. Training rigour 0.361** 5. Scientific orientation 0.247* 6. Satisfaction 0.301** Journal of Extension Education