5620 A Study on Marketing Behaviour of Rural Youth Entrepreneurs Among Seven Different Ventures S. Janani1, V. Ravichandran2 and T.N. Sujeetha3 Marketing behaviour indicates the mode of selling the products in the market. The agricultural sector contributes to more than one-third of the national income and provides livelihood to about 70.00 per cent of population. It also provides a substantial portion of the country’s export. An efficient agricultural marketing system can be an important means for raising the income levels of the farmers and increasing the consumer satisfaction. Marketing efficiency can be improved in two ways ie., by increasing operational efficiency and through pricing efficiency. The former refers to input-output relationship and focuses attention on reducing costs in marketing factors like transportation, storage, etc. The latter refers to the situation where the seller gets the value of their produce and the consumers receive the value of their money. Marketing of agricultural produce is more complicated as majority of the respondents are unorganized and scattered. Most of them do not have knowledge and skill for marketing of 1 - Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, TNAU, Coimbatore-3, 2 - Dean, Adhiyaman college of Agriculture and Research, Krishnagiri and 3 - Research Associate, e-Extension centre, TNAU, Coimbatore-3 Received : 1-6-2016; Accepted : 28-6-2016 their produce. Further, lack of storage facilities forced them to sell their produce immediately after the harvest at low prices in the village itself to the local traders. In addition, there are inadequate arrangements for grading, standardization, market information, credit availability, storage and transport. Moreover, the agricultural marketing is saddled with a long chain of middlemen between the farmers and ultimate consumers and they take away the lion’s share of the consumer’s price. So, the price of the farm produce is decided by the middlemen. In order to help the entrepreneurs to increase the income and profitability and avoid private merchants and intermediaries, there is a need to study the marketing behaviour of rural youth entrepreneurs. METHODOLOGY The study necessitated the selection of district where the scope for agri-entrepreneurship was more. Hence, Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu was selected for the study. Based on the discussion with scientists of Regional Research Station, Paiyur, Dr. Perumal Research Note Journal of Extension Education Vol. 28 No. 1, 2016 5621 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Elumichangiri, MYRADA Training Centre, Achattipalli, officials of Department of Sericulture, Assistant Director of Horticulture, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Krishnagiri, the predominant rural enterprises in which the rural youth have mostly involved were identified. Accordingly seven entrepreneurial ventures were identified. Thirty respondents were selected from each of the venture. Altogether 210 rural youth were considered for the study. Further, these seven ventures were comparatively studied . FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Based on the details collected, the respondents were categorized into low, medium and high. The overall analysis showed that more than half (66.19%) section of the rural youth entrepreneurs were seen in medium level category followed by low (18.57%) and high (15.24%) level categories of overall marketing behaviour. The category-wise analysis revealed that medium level of marketing behaviour was observed among the seven ventures. The probable reason for this result might be their good knowledge about the marketing trend so as to get good price for their produce. The previous studies revealed that respondents believe being independent will make them more adoptive to the market. The low marketing behaviour might be due to their ineffective advertisement and sales promotion in the marketing. The findings thus revealed that the overall marketing behaviour was medium. There existed differences between the seven enterprises with respect to marketing behaviour of rural youth. These findings are in line with the findings of Karpagam (2012) and Thangaraja (2012) who found that majority of the entrepreneurs had medium level of marketing behaviour. REFERENCES Karpagam, G. (2012) Technology Adoption and Marketing Behaviour of Turmeric Growers - An Analytical Study. Unpublished M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Thangaraja, K. (2012). A Diagnostic Study on Promoting Entrepreneurial Behaviour among Coffee Growers and Strategies adopted by Entrepreneurs. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Thangaraja, K & Sasikala, R.(2015). Marketing strategies evolved by enterpreneurs in marketing coffee products. Journal of Extension Education. 27(1) A Study on Marketing Behaviour of Rural Youth Entrepreneurs Among Seven Different Ventures