Factors contributing to the Success of Aquaculture Field Schools 

G S. Saha1, H K. De1, A S. Mahapatra1 and N. Panda1

 ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) had piloted four Aquaculture Field 
Schools (AFS), a model of farmer to farmer extension, in Odisha and Chhattisgarh states in India. The 
AFS’ are attracting farmers and stakeholders as they provide a platform to share experience and enable 
cross learning. In this research, an attempt has been made to identify the factors that contribute to the 
successful performance of AFS. Data were collected from 166 user farmers, selected randomly from the 
list available with operators. Five variables viz., age of fish farmer, frequency of visit to AFS, duration 
of visit, interaction with the fellow farmers and advocation of advanced technologies of ICAR-CIFA to 
other farmers were observed to be significantly contributing to yield of fish. The Multiple correlation 
coefficient, R=0.48, indicated that there is a significant and positive correlation between the observed 
and predicted value of fish yield.

Keywords: Aquaculture Field Schools; Factors; Farmer; Extension; Odisha; Chhattisgarh

1 ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 752 104

Received : 06-03-2020; Accepted : 05-06-2020

 Research Article
Journal of Extension Education
Vol. 32  No. 1,  2020


 Aquaculture extension services have 
been focussing primarily on transferring 
aquaculture technologies, improving fish 
farming skills and promoting good practices in 
technical areas, such as site selection, farming 
systems and technology, seed production, feed 
management, fish disease and biosecurity, 
water management, harvesting, post-harvest 
handling, marketing and record keeping 
(FAO, 2017). Effective extension service 
has contributed to increased aquaculture 
production and has the potential to contribute 
to economic development of rural fish farmers 
(Tu and Giang, 2002).  


Extension has undergone profound changes 
over time with an increasing scope in terms 
of both contents and recipients (FAO, 2017). 
While agricultural (including aquaculture) 
extension often is narrowly defined as 
“technology transfer”, it should be broadened 
to encompass human resource development 
that focuses on learning and building farmers’ 
self-confidence and their capacities in 
networking, problem solving and decision 
making. Aquaculture extension services should 
be provided to not only fish producers but also 
to ancillary and supporting businesses, such as 
seed producers, feed formulators, net makers, 


harvesting teams, fish traders and other key 
players in the value chain (FAO, 2017).

 Aquaculture Field School (AFS) is a 
school without walls for improving decision 
making capacity of farming community in 
aquaculture. It is a participatory extension 
approach whereby fish farmers are given 
opportunity to make choice in the methods 
of aquaculture production through discovery 
based approach (De et al. 2012 & 2013). 
AFS is composed of a group of farmers who 
regularly meet and share information among 
themselves. Typical group strength is 20-
25. The basic tenets of AFS are: fish farmers 
are experts; the fish farm is a learning place; 
fishery extension worker as facilitator not 
teacher; scientists/SMS (subject matter 
specialist) work with rather than lecture them; 
learning materials are learner centered. The 
principles of farmer field school can be easily 
incorporated in the aquaculture venture 
where the entrepreneurs/farmers after being 
trained by research institute, can train other 
small farmers in that area about the scientific 
practices of  the fish farming. The major 
objectives of the Aquaculture Field School 
(AFS) are to build farmers’ capacity to analyze 
their production systems, identify problems, 
test possible solutions and eventually adopt 
the practices most suitable to their farming 
system. The principle of AFS is similar to that 
of Farmers Field School (FFS) implemented in 
agriculture.  A Farmer Field School (FFS) is a 
forum where farmers and trainers carry out 
collective and collaborative inquiry, debate 
observations, apply their previous experiences 
and present new information from outside 

the community with the purpose of initiating 
community action in solving community 
problems (Minjauw, 2002). 

 The ICAR-Central Institute of 
Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar has 
established four aquaculture field schools 
(AFS), three in Odisha and one in the state 
of Chhattisgarh, to promote farmer to farmer 
extension. The AFSs organizes training 
programmes for farmers with sponsorship 
from Agriculture Technology Management 
Agency (ATMA), Odisha Skill Development 
Authority and other development agencies. 
Field school aims to increase the capacity of 
groups of farmers to test new technologies in 
their own fields and to assess the relevance 
of results to their particular circumstances 
(Braun et al. 2000). There is a need to integrate 
the curriculum of different steps in scientific 
method of aquaculture like where to rear, 
when to rear, how to rear, how to harvest, how 
to market the product etc. These field schools 
cover a wide area where the progressive 
farmers are there and through them the 
technology of fish culture like culture and seed 
production of carp, catfish, and air breathing 
fish, ornamental fish etc. are disseminated. 

 Key strengths of the FFS approach can 
be broadly categorized as: the enhancement 
of human and social capital and a key entry 
point for new practices and technologies 
(Watson, 2008). Within a short span of their 
establishment all the AFSs have proved 
to be the ground for new, meaningful and 
participatory learning about the scientific 
practices in aquaculture. Farmers’ practical 
problems are regularly being analyzed, their 

Journal of Extension Education


capacity enhanced and quality decision 
marking ability strengthened through these 
field schools.

 Since the AFSs are piloted by the 
Institute, it is imperative to know whether 
the AFSs are promoting parallel extension or 
not. It is also important to identify the factors 
that determine success of AFS as a model of 
farmer to farmer extension. The study was 
conducted with these two specific objectives. 
An insight into the functioning of AFS and 
the factors that influences its success would 
be of immense significance for upscaling and 
replication of this model.

 Successful performance of AFS would 
result in improved information access to 
participating farmers. Information exchange 
and skill upgradation that takes place in AFS 
also contribute to enhancing yield as well as 
income of farmers. In this study success has 
been measured in terms of yield levels of 
farmers, which is a measurable and quantifiable 
variable. Direct indicators and physicochemical 
parameters e.g., seed, feed, fertilizer, health 
management etc. do influence yield. However, 
the purpose of this study was to understand 
AFS as a novel approach of extension and 
how this novel approach of extension is 
contributing to enhancing yield. From the 
perspectives of extension advisory to farmers 
who visit AFS to learn technology and share 
information about aquaculture, the variables 
were studied viz. age and qualification of fish 
farmer, primary occupation, frequency of 
visit to AFS, occupation, family size, duration 

of visit, interaction with the fellow farmers, 
advocation of advanced technologies of ICAR-
CIFA to other farmers which are independent 

 Data were collected from a total of 
166 farmers from four AFSs viz. AFS Sarakana 
(80), AFS Bhatpadagarh (35), AFS Durg (24) 
and AFS Baisinga (27) using semi-structured 
interview schedule. Respondents were 
selected randomly from the list of farmers 
being maintained at the AFS by its operator. 
The schedule was prepared after consulting 
experts in the field of aquaculture extension.  
Data were collected by personally interviewing 
the farmers, who visit AFS on a regular basis. 
The survey was conducted during 2016-18. Data 
include age, qualification, primary occupation, 
family size of the farmers, duration of visit to 
AFS, frequency of visit, water area and fish 
yield of visiting farmers, type of fish farming, 
scope for interaction with experienced farmers, 
recommendation for new technology/ practice 
by the fish farmers. 


 By using SPSS, Multiple regression 
analysis was performed with yield as 
dependent variable and eight independent 
variables i.e. age of farmer, qualification of 
farmer, primary occupation, and frequency 
of visit to AFS, duration of visit, interaction 
with the fellow farmers, confidence of the 
facilitator of the AFS, recommendation of 
new technology/practice to other farmers. 
Coefficient of determination (R2) has also 
been worked out to quantify to what extent 
yield is explained by the selected independent 

Factors contributing to the Success of Aquaculture Field Schools


Primary information about the respondents

 Majority (63%) of the respondents 
are visiting AFS since last 4-6 years. In case 
of Baisinga farmers reported to have visited 
it even before the same was rechristened 
as AFS. It was learnt during interview that 
farmers used to visit it for buying fish seeds, 
other inputs and also for consultation with the 
facilitator. The majority of the respondents 
(35%) visit AFS on quarterly basis followed by 
once a year (25%) and once in six months (20%). 
Farmers who visit annually do so for buying 
seeds as they practice 'grow out' culture. 
It was informed by the farmers that they 
visit AFSs for sharing information with their 
fellow farmers. Majority of the respondents 
were small farmers possessing water bodies 
of less than one acre. Around 19% of them 

were having pond area of more than 3 acres. 
AFS is run by the operator who is trained and 
mentored by the institute. As the operator 
himself practices recommended package, it 
is expected that he would disseminate the 
same to other farmers. The data indicate that 
as many as 86% of the respondents agreed 
to have discussed at AFS the pros and cons 
of new practice/recommendation of the 
institute. Others visiting AFS benefit from the 
operator farmer’s experience and receive his 
or her guidance. Eighty five percent of the 
respondents have indicated that they were 
able to gain knowledge from the interaction 
with the fellow farmers at AFS. Yield levels 
reported by 86% of respondents were in the 
range of 1000-1500 kg/acre.

 Fish yield is governed by several 
factors that includes biological, physical, 

Table 1. 
Regression Analysis



t Sig. Correlations





Partial Part

1 (Constant) 632.433 146.397  4.320 .000    
 AGE 5.328 2.304 .172 2.313 .022 .282 .182 .162
 QUALF -14.402 19.992 -.051 -.720 .472 -.029 -.057 -.050
 POCCP 73.826 46.239 .113 1.597 .112 .121 .126 .112
 FRQVIS 9.148 4.206 .159 2.175 .031 .258 .171 .152
 DURATION 26.761 11.477 .172 2.332 .021 .238 .183 .163
 INTERACT 125.923 62.927 .156 2.001 .047 .299 .158 .140
 CONFIDNCE 14.110 83.437 .012 .169 .866 .109 .013 .012
 RECCOM 136.470 64.688 .163 2.110 .036 .244 .166 .147

Journal of Extension Education


infrastructural, technological and farmer’s 
socio-economic conditions.  Extension service 
too influences farmers yield substantially. In 
this research a parallel extension i.e., farmer 
to farmer extension approach was piloted. 
Hence extension and advisory service related 
variables were identified and their relation 
with yield was worked out. In order to identify 
the variables contributing to the success of 
AFS, Multiple regression analysis was carried 
out with eight independent variables i.e. age 
(age), qualification (qualf), primary occupation 
(poccp), frequency of visit (frqvis), duration 
of visit (duration), interaction with the fellow 
farmers (interact), confidence of the facilitator 
of the AFS (confidence), recommendation of 
new technology/practice to other farmers 
(reccom).   Since fish yield of the farmers is 
operationalized as an indicator of success 
of the AFS, the multiple regression analysis 
was performed by taking fish yield as the 
dependent variable. 

Dependent Variable: YIELD

 From Multiple linear regression 
analysis (Table 1), it is revealed that out of 8 
independent variables, only 5 variables viz., 

age of fish farmers (age), frequency of visit 
by the farmer to the AFS (frqvis), duration of 
visit to the AFS since establishment (duration), 
interaction with the fellow farmers (interact), 
advocation of advanced technologies of ICAR-
CIFA to other farmers (reccom) are significantly 
contributing to the yield of fish (Kg/acre), yield.

 The model summary (Table 2) shows 
that the coefficient of determination, R2= 
0.233 which implies that 23% of total variability 
in yield (Kg/acre), the dependent variable is 
explained by 5 independent and significant 
variables namely age, frequency of visit, 
duration, interaction and recommendation. 

 The Multiple correlation coefficient, 
R=0.48 indicates that there is a significant and 
positive correlation between the observed 
and predicted value of fish yield (Kg/acre).

The linear regression equation is best fitted as :

 Ŷ = 632.433 + 0.022age + 0.031frqvis + 
0.021duration + 0.04interact+ 0.036reccom

where Ŷ is the predicted value of fish yield.   

 The FFS approach represents a 
paradigm shift in agricultural extension and can 

Table 2.  
Model Summary

Model R R Square
R Square

Std. Error 
of the 

Change Statistics

R Square 
Change F Change df1 df2

Sig. F 

1 .483(a) .233 .194 260.581 .233 5.976 8 157 .000


Factors contributing to the Success of Aquaculture Field Schools


be viewed as a capacity-building investment 
in the sector of education, information, and 
training. Farmers provide extension services 
to fellow farmers by sharing technical know-
how and experiences or helping them solve 
problems. The effectiveness of farmer-to-
farmer extension is vital to the validity of the 
trickle-down modality observes FAO (2017). 
Farmer-to-farmer extension is a vital aspect 
of participatory extension methods such as 
Aquaculture Field School. The participating 
fish farmers in an FFS develop their skills 
during the FFS activities at the communal 
experimental field/pond, and then adopt 
these practices and techniques on their 
individual fields/ponds and disseminate the 
corresponding knowledge to friends, relatives 
and neighbors. 

 AFS is becoming a one stop solution 
for fish farmers. Frequency of visit, quality of 
interaction, length of association with AFS 
lends credence to the fact. The opportunity 
for discussion on recommended practices 
before adoption facilitate informed decision 
making by the farmers. The study concludes 
that improved extension and advisory service 
made available through AFS has contributed 
as much as 23% of the yield. This once again 
underscores the role of aquaculture extension 
in bridging the yield gap. AFS approach relied 
heavily on non-monetary inputs with technical 
advice and interaction as primary intervention. 
Sharing of experiences with the lead farmer 
at the AFS has brought in confidence among 
them in scientific fish farming. This approach 
of ‘farmer to farmer’ extension with no 

physical input would certainly be sustainable 
in the long run.

Braun, A.R, Thiele G & Fernández, M. (2000). 

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pp. 16

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Farmer Field Schools (FFS): Emerging 
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Journal of Extension Education


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Factors contributing to the Success of Aquaculture Field Schools