Utilization	of	selected	Information	Technology	Enabled	Systems	by	
Agricultural	Extensionists	of	Kerala

P.J.	Boniface1,	A.M.	Jose2	and	A.	Sakeer	Husain3

	 Several	 information	 technology	 enabled	 systems	 (ITES)	 are	 available	 for	 providing	valuable	
information	to	agricultural	extensionists	which	in	turn	would	help	them	to	assist	famers,	and	increase	
crop	production.	The	present	study	was	aimed	at	assessment	of	knowledge	and	extent	of	use	of	selected	
ITES	 among	 agricultural	 extensionists	 of	 Kerala.	 Data	 were	 collected	 from	 randomly	 selected	 60	
computer	literate	agricultural	officers	and	60	computer	literate	agricultural	assistants	of	Kerala	State.	
The	study	revealed	that	knowledge	of	agricultural	extensionists	on	web	browsing	and	agricultural	portals	
was	comparatively	higher.	The	knowledge	of	agricultural	expert	system	and	digitized	databases	was	
found	to	be	very	low.	On	the	other	hand	the	extent	of	use	of	all	the	selected	ITES	was	found	low	among	
the	agricultural	extensionists.	This	points	towards	the	need	of	sensitizing	agricultural	extensionists	on	
the	importance	and	value	of	ITES.

Keywords: IT	in	agriculture;	web	browsing;	agricultural	portals;	agricultural	expert	systems;	digitized	
databases;	online	trading.

	Research	Article
Journal of Extension Education 
Vol. 32  No. 2,  2020

 College of Co-operation Banking and Management, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur,  

2 AMITY School of Economics, ,AMITY University, Panchgaon, Haryana  and 3 Professor and Director, Centre for 
e-Learning, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Received	:	29-07-2020;	Accepted	:	25-09-2020

 Information Technology (IT) plays an 
important role in agricultural production and 
marketing (Thiruniraiselvi, 2009).  Recently, 
India has made rapid strides in the field of IT 
and there is immense scope for its application 
in agriculture. It has the potential to address the 
concerns of farmers effectively, stationed even 
at remote locations. Agricultural extensionists 
require timely information to assist farmers 
which is provided through various Information 
technology enabled systems (ITES). Several 

ITES are available nationwide but how far they 
have reached the agricultural extensionists is 
to be measured.

 Among the various ITES, Decision 
Support Systems (DSS) / Expert Systems 
which function based on artificial intelligence 
is a novel ITES which help the agricultural 
extensionists to provide timely and vital 
information to farmers. Some of the D.S.S. 
in Kerala are the KAU Fertulator (Fertilizer 
calculator for around 140 crops developed 
by Kerala Agricultural University(KAU), 


KAU e-crop doctor (Medicine prescriber for 
various crops developed by KAU), Cassava 
Expert System (developed by Central 
Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), 
Thiruvananthapuram), Oushadham (Online 
diagnostic system for pest and disease 
management in cassava developed by CTCRI)  
and so on. (Husain et al., 2016).  Agricultural 
portals are another category of ITES becoming 
popular.  There are some portals in agriculture 
suited to farmers of Kerala, includes the 
portals maintained by the Department of 
Agriculture, Government of Kerala and 
the one by Kerala Agricultural University.  
Similarly several other IT enabled services are 
available for the agricultural extensonists to 
facilitate their efforts in total like websites, 
databases, m-apps etc. The present  study was 
undertaken with the objective of examining 
the Knowledge and extent of use of selected 
Information technology enabled systems 
(ITES) among agricultural extensionists of 


 For the purpose of the study, the 
State of Kerala was geographically divided 
into three zones viz., North, Central and 
South. The study was confined to three 
districts selected purposively to represent 
each of the zones.  As such Malappuram, 
Thrissur and Idukki districts representing 
north, central and south zones respectively 
were selected.  Malappuram district became 
the first e-literate district in India through 
the Akshaya project launched on 2002, and 
Thrissur district houses the headquarters of 
the State Agricultural University of Kerala 

which had developed various IT tools and 
services for farmers apart from imparting 
trainings to farmers.  Similarly, the farmers of 
Idukki district were engaged in online trading 
especially of pepper and cardamom.  These 
factors were also considered for the selection 
of these three districts, which were expected 
to have more focus on different IT enabled 

 The present study focussed on the 
grass root level agricultural extensionists of 
the Department of Agriculture, Kerala State, 
and includes both agricultural officers and 
agricultural assistants of Krishi	bhavans (grass 
root level agricultural extension unit) of Kerala. 
For the selection of agricultural extensionists, 
the list of computer literate agricultural 
officers and agricultural assistants in the  
Krishi	bhavans of the three selected districts 
were obtained.  From this list 60 agricultural 
officers and 60 agricultural assistants were 
selected at random, constituting a sample of 

 Five platforms of ITES viz., Web 
Browsing, Agricultural Portals, Agricultural 
Expert Systems, Digitized databases, and 
Online Trading were assessed for their 
knowledge and use by the agricultural 
extensionists of Kerala. The personal profile of 
agricultural extensionists, their social profile, 
IT profile, knowledge and extent of use of 
ITES were the major items of analysis.

 A set of characteristics of agricultural 
extensionists such as gender, language 
proficiency, age, educational status, and service 

Utilization of selected Information Technology Enabled Systems by Agricultural Extensionists of Kerala


experience were taken into consideration for 
understanding their personal profile.

 Majority of the respondents (53%) 
were males and the rest (47%) were females.  
A slight majority was noticed in the number of 
male agricultural extensionists over females. 
Age wise segmentation of agricultural 
extensionists revealed that majority (62.5%) 
of agricultural extensionists were middle 
aged with an age range of 36-55. The 
younger generation whose age group was 
less than 36 registered only 37.5 per cent.  
This is quite logical that an individual can 
attain  the job of an agricultural extensionist 
only after the age of 17, when he acquires 
the minimum educational qualification, and 
generally majority get placed after the age 
of 25. This is the reason for less number of 
young extensionists as compared to middle 
aged. None of the extensionists fell in the 
old age category, because of the fact that 56  
is the retirement age in Kerala government 

 While examining the language 
proficiency of agricultural extensionists, 
81.67 per cent of them were able to read, 
write and speak English, while 100 per cent 
were able to read and write English. In the 
case of Malayalam language, 100 per cent 
agricultural extensionists were able to read, 
write and speak. The respondent agricultural 
extensionists were officials of the Kerala State 
government, and were either degree holders 
or VHSE (Vocational Higher Secondary 
Education) Certificate holders, and this is the 
reason behind the high proficiency in both the 

 Educational qualification of 
the agricultural extensionists surveyed 
showed that 30 per cent of the agricultural 
extensionists were Degree holders (Degree 
alone) and 27 per cent postgraduates. This 
indicates that majority (57%) of agricultural 
extensionists were having Degree. The rest 43 
per cent extensionists were VHSE certificate 
holders. Majority of the degree holders 
were Agricultural Officers, who were in 
charge of Krishibhavans (the local agricultural 
development units at gramapanchayath level), 
while the VHSE Certificate holders were 
Agricultural Assistants, who come under the 
control of the Agricultural Officer.

 Majority of the agricultural 
extensionists (45 %) had more than 15 years of 
service experience, as agricultural extension 
worker, followed by 35 per cent with 5-15 
years of experience, and 20 per cent with 
less than 5 years of experience. This is in 
accordance with their age.

 Social variables relevant to agricultural 
extensionists such as innovativeness, research 
organisation contact, social participation and 
mass media exposure were considered for the 
study. The results in this regard are presented 
in Table 1.

 Table 1 reveals that 79 per cent 
agricultural extensionists were in the 
medium range of innovativeness, while the 
rest 21 per cent were highly innovative. 
None of the extensionists  were found 
with low innovativeness, showing a better 
innovativeness level of computer literate 
agricultural extensionists. Table 1 further  
shows that 55 per cent agricultural 
extensionists had contact with research 

Journal of Extension Education


organization which was in the medium range, 
followed by 27 per cent extensionists with 
high research organisation contact. Only 18 
per cent of them was found with low research 
organisation contact.  Thus, the better position 
of agricultural extensionists with respect to 
innovativeness and research organisation 
contact could be effectively used for ITES use 
in agriculture. 

 Majority (58%) of the agricultural 
extensionists belonged to medium category 
of social participation, followed by 33 per 
cent with low social participation. Only 9 
per cent of extensionists were having high 
social participation. This low level social 
participation of agricultural extensionists may 
be the result of the high work load, perceived 
by them, which includes clerical and file works 

Table	1. 
Social	Characteristics	of	Agricultural	Extensionists

Sl.No. Variables Category Number Percentage

1 Innovativeness
Low 0 0
Medium 95 79
High 25 21

Research organization 

Low 22 18
Medium 66 55
High 32 27

3 Social Participation
Low 40 33
Medium 69 58
High 11 9

4 Mass Media exposure
Low 15 12.50
Medium 91 75.83
High 14 11.67

Table	2. 
IT	profile	of	Agricultural	Extensionists

No. Variable Category No. Percentage

1 Computer use
Self 112 93
With help 6 5
No use 2 2

2 Mobile phone use
Smartphone 119 99
Ordinary mobile phone 1 1

3 Training in IT
Attended 64 53
Not attended 56 47

Utilization of selected Information Technology Enabled Systems by Agricultural Extensionists of Kerala


in office and field work. Regarding mass media 
exposure too, majority of the agricultural 
extensionists (75.83%) belonged to the 
medium category, followed by an almost equal 
share of the respondents in low and high 
category (12.5% and 11.67% respectively). 
Thus majority of agricultural extensionists fell 
in the medium category with respect to all the 
social variables under study. 

 The IT profile of the respondent 
extensionists were analysed in terms of their 
use of computer, mobile phone use and 
trainings attended in IT, and the results are 
furnished in Table 2.

 It is observed from Table 2, that 93 
per cent of the agricultural extensionists used 
computer by their own and 5 per cent used 
it with the help of others. Non users of the 
computer constituted just 2 per cent. Thus 
it is clear that an overwhelming majority of 
them were users of the computer. This result 
was obtained consequent to the purposive 
inclusion of computer literate extensionists 
in the sampling frame. Majority of them used 
computer in offices mainly for operating 

SPARK, a software used for uploading their 
salary bills. Some of them utilised the help of 
their colleagues for doing this. 

 With respect to the use of mobile 
phones, it is seen that almost all (99%) 
agricultural extensionists, except one per cent 
of them were using smart phones. Thus with 
the use of smart phones, various purposes 
surpassed the use of computer, and it is 
the trend of this era. As regards to trainings 
attended in IT, it can be seen that 53 per cent 
of the agricultural extensionists had attended 
various IT training programmes. Thus the 
IT profile of the agricultural extensionists is 
found to support the use of various ITES.

Extent	 of	 knowledge	 of	 agricultural	
extensionists	on	various	ITES	

 The analysis of the knowledge on ITES 
was done based on the responses of those 
agricultural extensionists who were aware of 
each of these ITES in agriculture. Thus the total 
respondents in this case varied for different 
ITES as follows: web searching/browsing-114; 
agricultural portals- 96; agricultural expert 
systems-24; digitized databases-26; online 

Table	3.
Distribution	of	Agricultural	Extensionists	based	on	Knowledge	on	Various	ITES

No. Knowledge	




Expert	System



No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

1. Low 32 28 27 28 19 79 21 81 29 43

2. Medium 27 24 24 25 3 13 3 11 17 25

3. High 55 48 45 47 2 8 2 8 22 32

Total 114 100 96 100 24 100 26 100 68 100

Journal of Extension Education


trading.-68. The frequency distribution of 
agricultural extensionists with regard to 
knowledge on selected ITES is furnished in 
Table 3.

 Table 3 reveals that majority (48 %) 
of the agricultural extensionists belonged to 
the high category, with regard to knowledge 
on web browsing. Twenty eight per cent 
belonged to low category, while 24 per cent 
were in the medium category. This shows 
a good knowledge position of agricultural 
extensionists on web browsing.  Almost similar 
is the distribution of agricultural extensionists 
in the case of knowledge on agricultural 
portals too. In this, 47 per cent fell in the 
high category, while 28 per cent fell in the 
low category and 25 per cent in the medium 

 Majority fell in the low category 
with regard to knowledge on agricultural 
expert system(79%) and digitized databases 
(81%). Around 20 per cent of the agricultural 
extensionists only belonged to either medium 
or high category.  Thus, among agricultural 

extensionists, the knowledge of agricultural 
expert system and digitized databases was 
found very low. Mishra et.al (2014) highlighted 
the role of expert system in transferring 
expert driven knowledge instantly at the 
level of farmer’s field.  In the case of online 
trading, majority fell in the low category (43%), 
followed by 25  per cent in the medium and 32  
per cent in the high categories.

 Thus, as regards to the knowledge 
of agricultural extensionists on selected 
ITES, good knowledge was observed in 
the case of web searching/browsing, and 
agricultural portals; average knowledge was 
observed in the case of online trading, while 
poor knowledge was observed in the case 
of agricultural expert system and digitized 
databases. Web browsing is very common 
now a days, and browsing for agriculture 
is no exception. For getting technological 
information on agriculture, the extensionists 
resort to various agricultural portals, and this 
might have improved their knowledge on this. 
At the same time, agricultural expert system 

Table	4.
Distribution	of	Agricultural	Extensionists	based	on	Extent	of	Use	of	ITES






Expert	System



No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

1. Low 74 65 74 77 22 92 24 92 66 97

2. Medium 25 22 19 20 1 4 1 4 1 1.5

3. High 15 13 3 3 1 4 1 4 1 1.5

Total 114 100 96 100 24 100 26 100 68 100

Utilization of selected Information Technology Enabled Systems by Agricultural Extensionists of Kerala


and digitized databases were not that popular 
even amongst agricultural extensionists. 
However, since many of the farmers were 
involved in online trading, the agricultural 
extensionists were also forced to be equipped 
with knowledge on it. 

Use	 of	 various	 ITES	 by	 agricultural	

 The frequency distribution of 
agricultural extensionists with regard to extent 
of use of selected ITES is furnished in Table 4.

 Table 4 shows that 65 per cent 
agricultural extensionists were in the low 
category with respect to web browsing, while 
22 percent in the medium and 13 per cent 
in the high categories. Thus the use of web 
browsing was found to be low. Even though 
the selected agricultural extensionists were 
computer literate, and majority of them had 
knowledge about web browsing, its use was 
restricted by high work load in their office, and 
lack of computer in many of their homes. 

 Similarly, 77 percent agricultural 
extensionists belonged to low category with 
respect to use of agricultural portals, while 
20 per cent in the middle and three per cent 
in the high categories. Here also it can be 
inferred that the use of agricultural portals 
by agricultural extensionists was low. The 
same reason mentioned in the case of web 
browsing is applicable here also. Among the 
selected ITES, the training need of agricultural 
extensionists was  found  high on agricultural 
portals (Boniface et.al, 2019a).  With respect 
to use of the ITES viz., agricultural expert 
system, and digitized databases, 92 per cent 

agricultural extensionists were in low use 
category. Only a very few belonged to medium 
and high category (4 each in both the case of 
agricultural expert system and digitized data 
bases). Thus the use of agricultural expert 
system and digitized data bases was found 
to be very low. Majority of the agricultural 
extensionists possessed low knowledge 
regarding these two  ITES, and this might 
be the major reason behind its very low use. 
Rafea (2002) revealed that net production 
in agriculture increased by 25% using expert 
system which shows the importance of 
agricultural expert system.

 The use of online trading by the 
agricultural extensionists was found to be the 
lowest among all the ITES. The very poor use of 
online trading was due to the lack of necessity 
of  its use by the extension functionaries, as 
it was mainly related to and used by farmers, 
sellers and buyers. Still, there were a very 
few agricultural extensionists, who used this 
ITES, they may be involved in online trading as 
farmers or traders.  

 Overall, it can be easily inferred that 
the use of ITES was low among the agricultural 
extensionists. Of the ITES, the use of web 
browsing and agricultural portals was found 
to be low, while the use of agricultural expert 
systems and digitized databases was very low, 
and that of online trading was extremely low. 
Thus, even though they had knowledge on web 
browsing and agricultural portals, the extent 
of use did not match with their knowledge.  
Besides, it was also observed that 77 per cent 
belonged to low use category with respect 
to agricultural portals whereas, 65 per cent 

Journal of Extension Education


belonged to the low use category in respect 
of web browsing. This points to the need of 
imparting training to agricultural extensionists 
on web browsing and agricultural portals. 

 Further, the low use of agricultural 
expert systems and digitized databases, as 
mentioned earlier was mainly due to their low 
knowledge.  The non-availability of suitable 
ITES and the lack of knowledge on the value 
of the available ITES in these two categories 
also might have contributed to this condition. 

 The study revealed that knowledge 
on web browsing was comparatively higher 
for  agricultural extensionists than other ITES 
such as agricultural portals, agricultural expert 
system, digitised databases and online trading.  
Similarly, the use of different ITES was found 
to be low among the respondents.   This was 
very low in respect of agricultural expert 
systems and digitised data bases. Even, the 
agricultural portals were seen used at very low 
level. ITES, especially the agricultural portals 
and agricultural expert systems/decision 
support systems are tools that can provide 
authentic information, technical support, and 
expert guidance to the stakeholders. Now, 
we have very good agricultural portals suited 
to the state of Kerala like KAU agri info tech 
portal (celkau.in), portal of the Kerala State 
Department of Agriculture(krishi.info), TNAU 
agri tech portal, IRRI’s cereal knowledge bank 
etc., and the first two are available in both 
English and local language, Malayalam. Still, in 
depth knowledge on and use of these portals 
by  the agricultural extensionists were low.  

Similarly agricultural expert systems were 
also not seen explored.  This is an indication 
towards the need for sensitizing and to give 
hands on training to agricultural extensionists 
on various agricultural portals, so as to satisfy 
their information needs, especially in the 
context of the immense practical utility and 
potential of a quality agricultural information 
technology portal. Similar efforts are to be 
made to explore the scope and potential 
of the use of agricultural expert systems. 
The agricultural extensionists are technical 
experts in their concerned fields and they may 
perceive that the ITES, at present does not 
provide much more than what they know and 
what they can refer to by other means. Hence 
a detailed orientation on various available 
ITES and its content and coverage should 
be provided to agricultural extensionists for 
effective utilisation of these ITES. 

Boniface, P.J, Jose, A.M & Husain, A.S. (2019.) 

Training needs of farmers and agricultural 
extensionists on selected information 
technology enabled systems for agriculture. 
Journal	of	Extension	Education	31(1): 6209-

Husain A.S, Ahamed P. & Nithin, K.M. 
(2016). Stakeholder    participatory design 
and      development of an agri info-tech 
portal. Journal	 of	 	 Agricultural	 Extension	
Management 17(2): 25-33

Mishra,S,  & Akankasha Deep, V. (2014).  
“Expert Systems in Agriculture” An   
Overview.  International	Journal	of	Science	
Technology	and	Engineering,  1(5) :45-49

Utilization of selected Information Technology Enabled Systems by Agricultural Extensionists of Kerala


Rafea, A. (2002). Use of computer expert 
system in agriculture.  Extended	Summaries	
of	 International	 Agronomy	 Congress	 on	
Balancing	Food	and	Environmental	Security-A	

Continuing	Challenge.		Nov 26-30, 2002.

Thiruniraiselvi, D. (2009). IT Sector and  
Indian Agriculture, Kisan	World, 36(6):	 29-

Journal of Extension Education