wrapper.cdr 6421 OBITUARY Prof. K A Ponnusamy, PhD., It is with great sadness we inform you of the sudden death of Prof K A Ponnusamy on 17 September 2019. Having served as the Founding Chief Editor of the Journal of Extension Education (Tamil Nadu Journal of Extension Education, then) from 1.1.1990 to 31.12.1990, Dr. Ponnusamy was a key-figure in the Extension Education Society’s activities throughout. He was actively involved in the editing of TNAU Newsletter, Agricultural Education Newsletter and MASU journal (MAJ) as well. Dr KAP, as he was fondly called, was awarded the Gold Medal for significant Ph.D Thesis at IARI and had received a Silver Certificate on “Advanced Management” from the Coverdale Organisation, U.K. Under his guidance, the current Chief Editor of JEE had received the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for outstanding PG Research of ICAR in 2005. He had served in various capacities such as Director of Extension Education at TNAU, National Consultant (Extension Reforms) and MANAGE Facilitator. He had significantly contributed to the restructuring of Master’s and Doctoral Degree Courses Curricula and Syllabi in Agricultural Extension at National Level as a Member of the Subject Matter Area Committee for Social Sciences constituted by ICAR. Dr Ponnusamy had developed new extension methodologies including the ‘satellite model farm approach’, which was incorporated in the ‘Broad based extension system’ under TNADP and had facilitated for the development of SREPs (Strategic Research and Extension Plans) and SEWP (State Extension Work Plan) for Tamil Nadu State, under ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency). The President and members of EES executive council offer condolences to his family and friends.