JEE Chief Editor FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK In 2016, it is estimated that there will be around 2.13 billion social network users around the globe, up from 1.4 billion in 2012. Social network penetration worldwide is ever-increasing. There is a healthy growth of Internet users in India too and by the end of 2015, ten percent of the Indian population will be having an account with any social network Extension personnel in the country use social media tools extensively and the Indian farmers too are not lagging behind in their usage, as several reports say. In this scenario, I thought I should share the proceedings of a workshop organized by the University of Nebraska in USA, recently. The workshop had offered the following tips for communicating farm technologies through social media (Cannon, 2015). · Don’t be afraid of social media: It should be seen as an to opportunity share your perspective about the work your research institution/University is doing. · Start small and simple. Extension personnel and farmers need not focus on getting bogged down with details. They need to begin slowly by choosing one channel or social media platform and work using it, rather than trying three or four at once. · Use creativity: Be creative in your messages sustaining the interest of the farmers · Evaluate available tools. Explore different types of social media and tools within each medium. · Keep your messages visually vibrant with photos, videos and infographics · Maintain professionalism : Keep language and tone in a professional manner. This is more important while using a social networking tool. · Use engaging language: Use words and language that is not coercive, but invites openness and conversation Many extension researchers and development personnel in India, like their counterparts worldwide, are already using social media venues for both professional and personal purposes. I hope the aforementioned tips would help them in using social media effectively and in creating a respectable and positive brand for Extension in the virtual world. This issue of JEE contains nine papers on diverse topics such as ICT, Climate Change impact and tribal issues. I invite the readers to provide their feedback on these papers while thanking the associate editors and the reviewers for continued support.