Pages 2021-3.cdr INTRODUCTION Agroforestry is an integrated land use s y s t e m t h a t c o m b i n e s e l e m e n t s o f agriculture (agro) and trees (forestry) in a sustainable produc�on system (Briggs, 2010). With an emphasis on managing rather than reducing complexity it promotes func�onal bio-diverse systems that balance p r o d u c � v i t y w i t h e n v i r o n m e n t a l enhancement and protec�on. Agroforestry systems are classified as agrosilviculture (trees and crops) or silvopastoral (trees and animals). Systems can combine produc�on of a wide range of products including food, fuel, fodder and forage, fiber, �mber gums and resins, medicinal products, recrea�on and ecological services. Tree species can be �mber, fruit, nut, coppice or a combina�on, and the alleys in between tree rows can produce cereals, vegetables, fruit, forage and animals. Careful selec�on of crop components is required in rela�on to market outlets, local climate, soil, alley spacing, tree height, �ming of plan�ng and harves�ng, tree leaf produc�on and shading. 6632 Determinants Affec�ng the Adop�on of Silvopastoral Produc�on among Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe C.T. Gadzirayi, J. Chimvuramahwe and A. Nhundu ABSTRACT The main goals of silvopastoral produc�on are to increase the quality and produc�on of fodder and promote the conserva�on of soil and biodiversity. Despite its achievements as an approach, it has not been fully prac�ced by small holder farmers. The study sought to determine the factors influencing the adop�on of silvopastoral produc�on in Chikwaka communal area in Goromonzi district of Zimbabwe. Simple random sampling technique was used involving sixty-six respondents. Factors that affect adop�on were es�mated by binary logis�c regression model. Variables that significantly affected the adop�on of silvopastoral were land size, number of ca�le owned as well as household size. The results revealed that uptake level of silvopastoral is s�ll low . Therefore, the con�nuous effort to improve livestock herd under smallholder farmers through silvopastoral, should be taken as a priority to encourage more farmers to adopt the system. Keywords: Silvopastoral; Adop�on; Uptake level ; Farmer; Zimbabwe Research Article Journal of Extension Educa�on Vol. 33 No.3, 2021 DOI: h�ps:// Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Department of Agricultural Economics, Educa�on and Extension, Bindura University of Science Educa�on, Zimbabwe Received: 24-09-2021; Accepted: 13-08-2022 With both ecological and economic interac�ons between trees and crops and livestock, the total produc�vity within these s y s t e m s i s u s u a l l y h i g h e r t h a n i n m o n o c u l t u r e s y s t e m s d u e t o complementa�on in resource capture. This study focused mainly on silvopastoral (trees and livestock) in Goromonzi district of Zimbabwe. Livestock are key components of A f r i c a n f a r m i n g s y s t e m s a n d a r e increasingly viewed as important pathways for rural households to escape poverty (Mandleni, 2011). Low quality and quan�ty of feeds are a major constraint limi�ng livestock produc�vity among smallholder farmers due to climate change. African farmers have fed tree foliage to their livestock for centuries, using wild browse or trees that grow naturally on their farms. New agroforestry systems for feeding livestock have emerged over the last three decades, involving the plan�ng of mostly exo�c species, grown most frequently in hedges along field boundaries or along the contours to limit soil erosion. Trials and demonstra�on farms were established in some rural communi�es of Zimbabwe such as Muzarabani, Mutoko, Mt Darwin, Sadziwa in Manicaland, and Masvingo in a bid to test and promote agroforestry adop�on (Mutambara et al, 2012). The problem is that despite the benefits of agroforestry to smallholder farmers, there has been low and uneven adop�on rate of agroforestry in Zimbabwe's smallholder areas. Several studies that have been carried out in the wards par�cularly on silvopastoral system involving fodder produc�on have shown the trend of farmers adop�ng agroforestry technologies, benefits of agroforestry as well as implica�on of silvopastoral system on livelihood of smallholder livestock farmers. However, li�le informa�on is known about the factors that influence the farmers' decision w h e t h e r t o ve nt u re i n s i l vo p a s t o ra l produc�on or not. This implies that the literature shows glaring gaps that demand u r g e n t a � e n � o n e s p e c i a l l y o n t h e determinants which affect the adop�on of silvopastoral prac�ces. It is therefore important to understand the reasons behind this so as to influence policy makers on the alloca�on of scarce resources to facilitate improvement in adop�on of agroforestry technologies among rural communi�es. G i v e n t h e p r o fi t a b i l i t y o f agroforestry technologies ( Ajayi et al, 2008) a n d t h e i m p a c t t h a t t h e y h a v e o n households, livestock and the environment Kwesiga et al., 2003), efforts are being made to scale up the adop�on of the silvopastoral systems and enhance its acceptability among many more poten�al farmers who could benefit from the system. Results of studies conducted in the southern African region show that farmers do appreciate 6633Determinants Affec�ng the Adop�on of Silvopastoral Produc�on among Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe 6634 agroforestry and its poten�al linkage to food security, livestock improvement and household welfare indicators, but they face some challenges to the widespread uptake of agroforestry including land constraints, property rights, availability of seeds, and knowledge-intensive nature of the systems. A synthesis of the studies on the adop�on of agroforestry in Zambia (Ajayi et al, 2008) revealed that the adop�on of agroforestry is not a direct rela�onship based on the technological advantages of an a g r o f o r e s t r y p r a c � c e a l o n e , b u t i s influenced by several factors. The broad category of the factors are technology- specific (e.g. soil type, management regime), household-specific factors (e.g. farmer p e rc e p � o n s , re - s o u rc e e n d o w m e n t , household size), policy and ins�tu�ons c o n t e x t w i t h i n w h i c h a g r o f o r e s t r y technologies is disseminated (input and output prices, land tenure and property rights), and geo-spa�al such as tree species p e r f o r m a n c e a c r o s s b i o - p h y s i c a l condi�ons, loca�on of village (Ajayi et al, 2008). This study, therefore sought to establish the varia�on of factors affec�ng a d o p � o n of s i l vo p a s t o r a l sys t e m i n Goromonzi of Mashonaland East Province in Zimbabwe. Problem statement Livestock rearing, ca�le, dairy and goats, is quite common and fodder trees for supplemen�ng livestock food during the dry season are very important. During the rainy season, these animals are tethered and their movements restricted. During the dry season, however the animals are le� to graze on free range. This is the �me when t h e g r a s s i s s c a r c e a n d t h e r e f o r e supplementary feeding becomes necessary. There is then great need to encourage the establishment of fodder plots to help meet fodder demands throughout the year and to maintain reserves during dry periods. These systems can also help to maintain the stability and fer�lity of grazing lands. Bought – in commercial supplements to feed animals are so expensive to most rural farmers. In addi�on, some of the feed ingredients are no longer available on the market. Development of the livestock feeding systems that integrate tree fodder is a promising alterna�ve to sustainable supplementa�on during lean period, but despite the well documented advantages, adop�on is s�ll low. Objec�ves The main objec�ve of this study was to establish the determinants on the adop�on of silvopastoral system by communal farmers in Chikwaka area of Goromonzi district in Zimbabwe. Specific objec�ves The specific objec�ves of this study were to: l Iden�fy socio-economic factors that influence smallholder farmers to a d o p t s i l vo p a s t o r a l p ro d u c � o n system. 6635 agroforestry and its poten�al linkage to food security, livestock improvement and household welfare indicators, but they face some challenges to the widespread uptake of agroforestry including land constraints, property rights, availability of seeds, and knowledge-intensive nature of the systems. A synthesis of the studies on the adop�on of agroforestry in Zambia (Ajayi et al, 2008) revealed that the adop�on of agroforestry is not a direct rela�onship based on the technological advantages of an a g r o f o r e s t r y p r a c � c e a l o n e , b u t i s influenced by several factors. The broad category of the factors are technology- specific (e.g. soil type, management regime), household-specific factors (e.g. farmer p e rc e p � o n s , re - s o u rc e e n d o w m e n t , household size), policy and ins�tu�ons c o n t e x t w i t h i n w h i c h a g r o f o r e s t r y technologies is disseminated (input and output prices, land tenure and property rights), and geo-spa�al such as tree species p e r f o r m a n c e a c r o s s b i o - p h y s i c a l condi�ons, loca�on of village (Ajayi et al, 2008). This study, therefore sought to establish the varia�on of factors affec�ng a d o p � o n of s i l vo p a s t o r a l sys t e m i n Goromonzi of Mashonaland East Province in Zimbabwe. Problem statement Livestock rearing, ca�le, dairy and goats, is quite common and fodder trees for supplemen�ng livestock food during the dry season are very important. During the rainy season, these animals are tethered and their movements restricted. During the dry season, however the animals are le� to graze on free range. This is the �me when t h e g r a s s i s s c a r c e a n d t h e r e f o r e supplementary feeding becomes necessary. There is then great need to encourage the establishment of fodder plots to help meet fodder demands throughout the year and to maintain reserves during dry periods. These systems can also help to maintain the stability and fer�lity of grazing lands. Bought – in commercial supplements to feed animals are so expensive to most rural farmers. In addi�on, some of the feed ingredients are no longer available on the market. Development of the livestock feeding systems that integrate tree fodder is a promising alterna�ve to sustainable supplementa�on during lean period, but despite the well documented advantages, adop�on is s�ll low. Objec�ves The main objec�ve of this study was to establish the determinants on the adop�on of silvopastoral system by communal farmers in Chikwaka area of Goromonzi district in Zimbabwe. Specific objec�ves The specific objec�ves of this study were to l Iden�fy socio-economic factors that influence smallholder farmers to a d o p t s i l vo p a s t o r a l p ro d u c � o n Determinants Affec�ng the Adop�on of Silvopastoral Produc�on among Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe Data collec�on A structured ques�onnaire was used to collect data; the ques�onnaire c o n t a i n e d i n f o r m a � o n o n g e n e r a l socioeconomic characteris�cs, agricultural prac�ces related to silvopastoral, factors affec�ng silvopastoral in the community and economic status of farmers. The local language “Shona” was used to conduct i n t e r v i e w s a n d t h e re s p o n s e s w e re recorded and translated into English. The study considered various silvopastoral systems that include fodder trees (Leucaena, Cajanas Cajan, and Sesbania sesban and fruit trees), live fences and sca�ered trees in pastureland. A farmer was considered an adopter if he/she was prac�cing at least one of these systems and non-adopters, if not into any silvopastoral system. The primary data that was used in this study was collected through household interviews. The ques�onnaires were administered to a total of 66 households comprising of two categories of farmers namely silvopastoral adopters, and non- adopters for the purpose of collec�ng both quan�ta�ve and qualita�ve data. The main aim of undertaking the survey was to solicit smallholder communal farmer perspec�ves o n s i l vo p a s t o r a l p ro d u c � o n a n d i t s sustainability. In addi�on, the survey sought to iden�fy socio-economic factors that affect the adop�on of silvopastoral system in the smallholder farming sector. In addi�on to the primary data collec�on ac�vi�es described above, secondary data from previously published studies and tabular datasets as well data from Forest Commission (file records) was collected on the general socioeconomic characteris�cs of the district. Analy�cal tools Descrip�ve sta�s�cs All quan�ta�ve data was captured using SPSS 16 and summarized using descrip�ve sta�s�cs. The descrip�ve sta�s�cs were used to start the discussion on the research hypotheses. Frequency t a b l e s w e r e u s e d t o a n a l y z e t h e demographic characteris�cs of farmers who adopted silvopastoral, and those farmers who never adopted the system. In addi�on, r e a s o n s f o r a d o p � n g o r r e j e c � n g silvopastoral, land size and household size status were analyzed using frequency tables. The Logis�c Binary Regression Model The logis�c regression model was used to determine the variables affec�ng the likelihood of a household to adopt the silvopastoral system. This model was also used to assess the factors affec�ng the likelihood of a household to con�nue silvopastoral or reject the silvopastoral system. The logis�c binary regression model was used to test the hypotheses that s o c i o e c o n o m i c f a c t o r s i n fl u e n c e 6636 Journal of Extension Educa�on 6637 smallholder farmers to adopt silvopastoral a n d c o n � n u e o r d i s c o n � n u e t h e agroforestry system. The logit model was selected because there are no condi�ons to be met by data collected for analysis and the tool is easy interpret. Logis�c binary model was first carried out to analyze the factors that are significant in determining who prac�ced silvopastoral system or not. The model used is represented by the equa�on: this specifica�on, the dependent variable carries 1 if the household is an adopter and 0 = non adopter (adopter = 1, otherwise = 0). * Y = ln ﴾ P /1-P ﴿ =β + β CATTLE + i i 0 1 β EDUCLVL + β MARSTATUS+ β HHSIZE + 2 3 4 β LANDSIZE + β OCCUPATION + e5 6 Where, β is the intercept term, β to β 0 1 9 are unknown parameters to be es�mated and Y* is the adop�on.νi is the error term, βj is the coefficient for the jth explanatory variable Xj, Pi is the probability of household who adopted silvopastoral. A number of goodness of fit models can be applied to test significance of the logis�c regression model. In the model three measures of goodness of fit were adopted. These were Hosmer Lemshow test, Cox and Snell‟s R-Square, Nagelkerke‟s R-square. Independent Variables and their Rela�onship to the Dependent Variables Determinants Affec�ng the Adop�on of Silvopastoral Produc�on among Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe 6638 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Characteris�cs of silvopastoral system adopters and non-adopters The characteris�cs of silvopastoral system adopters and non-adopters are presented in Table 1. Journal of Extension Educa�on 6639 Table 1: Demographic Structure of Households Determinants Affec�ng the Adop�on of Silvopastoral Produc�on among Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe Silvopastoral Produc�on Reasons for Adop�ng and Rejec�ng the Silvopastoral Produc�on Results in the table disclose that m o s t h o u s e h o l d s w h o c o n � n u e d silvopastoral system are doing so mainly because it is a good and sustainable farming method as revealed by a high propor�on of households (43.4%). Nonetheless there are some (39.1%) doing so simply because they a r e e a r n i n g g o o d y i e l d s f r o m t h e silvopastoral system. The remaining figure of farmers iden�fied that the system mi�gates against climate change as trees p ro v i d e s h a d e , fi re w o o d a s w e l l a s stabilizing soil erosion. 6640 The most important reason is that silvopastoral produc�on is labor intensive (50%). This suggests that farmers should move from the cut and carry method to in- situ method of providing fodder to animals in a bid to lessen labor demands associated with harves�ng of fodder. Secondly, some farmers who withdrawn silvopastoral system, did so because they are no longer receiving inputs from both government and N G O s ( 3 0 % ) . W h i l e o t h e r f a r m e r s men�oned that there are no benefits one can derive from silvopastoral system, others highlighted that tree take �me to mature. However, tree species that takes very short period of �me to mature like calliandra, where fodder can be harvested within the period of 12 months, claims to sort out the problem. Addi�onally, to the reason given a b o v e f o r c o n � n u i n g / r e j e c � n g silvopastoral, households were further asked. The table below shows farmers” opinion for con�nuing silvopastoral. Table 3: Farmers Opinion for Con�nuing Silvopastoral System According to farmers' judgment, the central reason for con�nuing silvopastoral system is that of ge�ng high and stable yield as revealed by 50% of farmers that con�nued silvopastoral system. Apart from that, economic viability, mi�ga�ng against climate change as well as soil, water and moisture conserva�on are some of the Table 2: Reasons for con�nuing and discon�nuing Silvopastoral System Journal of Extension Educa�on Table 4: Silvopastoral System Adop�on Logis�c Regression 6641 details for con�nuing silvopastoral system as shown by small magnitudes of farmers. It is inspiring to note that most households t h at co n� n u e d s i l vo p a s t o ra l sys t e m appreciates that silvopastoral system allows farmers to realize high and stable yields (50%). A greater percentage, 83 % revealed that most farmers discon�nue because they p e rc e i v e d t h e s y s t e m a s l a b o r i o u s . According to these farmers the prac�ce requires the farmer to invest a lot of labor in cut and carry of fodder. The farmers suggested that for silvopastoral produc�on to succeed there is need for rigorous trainings of fodder banks, pastures and live fences, and con�nuous support from extension as well as awareness campaigns on how silvopastoral farming mi�gates against climate change. Thus, without these, it will be difficult to sustain silvopastoral produc�on and consequently its cherished goals will not be realized. Another group of farmers suggested that policy frameworks that support the silvopastoral system should not be ignored to up scale the uptake level of this agroforestry system. The policy should be in a posi�on to guide the adopters towards achieving certain targeted millennium development goals which benefit the society, for example achieving food security through relying on agroforestry systems that mi�gate against climate change, thus enhancing farmers to survive despite the s o c i o e c o n o m i c a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l challenges posed by climate change. Factors Affec�ng Adop�on of Silvopastoral system Outcomes for the logis�c regression on silvopastoral system are shown in Table 4. Determinants Affec�ng the Adop�on of Silvopastoral Produc�on among Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe 6642 From Table 4, number of ca�le owned, household land size and household size significantly affect adop�on of silvopastoral system. On the other hand, gender, occupa�on, marital status and educa�on level do not significantly affect adop�on of silvopastoral system. Number of Ca�le Owned The variable number of ca�le owned is significant at 5%. The coefficient of the variable which is posi�ve indicates that households with more ca�le have higher probability of adop�ng silvopastoral system than households with less ca�le. The value of exp (B) is 7.569. This means that a unit increase in the number of ca�le owned increases the odds of that household to adopt silvopastoral system. In other words, households with more ca�le are more likely to adopt silvopastoral system than those with less or no ca�le. Household Size The variable household size is significant at 5%. The coefficient of the variable is posi�ve. This means that households with larger household size are likely to adopt silvopastoral system than households with less labor. The value of exp (B) is 5.164 implies that a unit increase in the household size increases the odds of the household to adopt silvopastoral system. More household members who are ac�vely involved in agricultural ac�vi�es means more labor under silvopastoral system especially under the cash and carry method of collec�ng fodder which is labor intensive. Land Size The variable land size is significant at 5%. The coefficient of the variable is posi�ve. This means that households with larger land sizes are more likely to adopt and c o n � n u e s i l v o p a s t o r a l s y s t e m t h a n households with smaller land sizes. The value of exp (B) is 7.762 implies that a unit increase in the land size increases the odds of the household to adopt silvopastoral system. Socioeconomic A�ributes The results exposed that number of ca�le owned, household land size and household size significantly affect adop�on of silvopastoral system. On the other hand, gender, occupa�on, marital status and educa�on level do not significantly affect adop�on of silvopastoral system. Outcomes revealed that households with more ca�le are more likely to adopt silvopastoral system than those with less or no ca�le. Apart from that, households with larger land sizes are more likely to adopt and c o n � n u e s i l v o p a s t o r a l s y s t e m t h a n households with smaller land sizes. Land size had a posi�ve influence on adop�on of agroforestry prac�ces. As the land size increases, the model advocates that adop�on of agroforestry technologies also increases. This could be because farmers with extra land are likely to use it for experimen�ng new technologies. The findings of this study concur with the results of studies conducted in the southern 6643 African region by Kwesiga et al., (2003) that revealed that farmers do appreciate agroforestry and its poten�al linkage to food security, livestock improvement and household welfare indicators, but they face some challenges to the widespread uptake of agroforestry including land constraints. The results showed that households with larger household size are likely to adopt silvopastoral system than households with less labor. Throughout the household interviews and focus group discussions farmers expressed concern on various ac�vi�es connected with silvopastoral p r o d u c � o n c h i e fl y o n f o d d e r b a n k establishment, collec�on and tree fodder m a n a g e m e n t . T h i s i s b e c a u s e m o re household members who are ac�vely involved in agricultural ac�vi�es means more labor under silvopastoral system especially under the cut and carry method of collec�ng fodder which is labor intensive, hence empowering households who have larger household size to adopt the perceived laborious agroforestry system. Similar findings also noted that families with larger household sizes are more likely to adopt agroforestry system (Muchinapaya, 2012). It came out clear that gender, occupa�on, marital status as well as educa�on level insignificantly affects adop�on of silvopastoral system. This concurs with the findings of Ajayi et al., (2008) who found out that farmer's level of educa�on was not a significant determinant of adop�on of technology. However, this differs to the findings of Mutambara et al., (2012) who found out that the number of years in educa�on had a posi�ve influence in adop�on of agroforestry prac�ces, and this denotes that the more educated the head of household, the more the probability that the household will adopt. This suggests that adop�on of certain innova�ons depends with the type of innova�on under implementa�on, for example agroforestry entails use of indigenous knowledge systems where almost if not all Zimbabwean ci�zens do appreciate the benefits of trees, to include source of fuel wood and shade as w e l l a s c o o l i n g t h e s u r r o u n d i n g environment. In Zimbabwe, each and every year, there is a tree plan�ng day, this enhances awareness on how trees play a significant role in our lives. All these advocates use of indigenous knowledge systems which are different from other innova�ons like use of Informa�on and C o m m u n i c a � o n Te c h n o l o g y w h i c h demands scien�fic knowledge. This implies that each and every Zimbabwean ci�zen do a p p re c i a t e t h e p o s i � ve i n t e ra c � o n s between trees and livestock despite gender differences, type of occupa�on, whether one is married or not, as well as the level of e d u c a � o n a � a i n e d , s o d e s p i t e t h e varia�ons in level of educa�on a�ained, the factors men�oned above insignificantly affect adop�on of silvopastoral systems due to indigenous knowledge systems used by farmers. 6644 Differences in Socioeconomic A�ributes As far as gender is concerned, the re s u l t s re v e a l e d t h a t 6 9 . 7 % o f t h e households are headed by males whilst 30.3% are headed by females. When the data was disaggregated by silvopastoral status, the same picture s�ll persists with most households being predominantly headed by males. This depic�on resonates so well with what is found in rural areas of Zimbabwe whereby headship of the h o us e h o l d i s b e s towe d to ma l e s by t r a d i � o n a l l a w s o r re l i g i o u s b e l i e f s (Muchinapaya, 2012). It arose out clear that, households who never adopted silvopastoral system is 52.4 years, and for those who con�nued with silvopastoral is 40.6 years whereas the households that discon�nued silvopastoral is 40.2 years. However, this tallies with the concept that silvopastoral system is rela�vely labor intensive in terms of cu�ng and carrying fodder for livestock and hence the prac�ce is employed by ac�ve and middle-aged farmers in the communal areas of Zimbabwe. When equa�ng the average number of household members who never adopted silvopastoral system to those who adopted the farming system, households that never adopted silvopastoral have less members (5 people) than households that adopted silvopastoral (6 people). This portrait resonates well with the asser�on that silvopastoral farming prac�ces (fodder collec�on) is labor intensive and henceforth it's undertaken by households that have more people involved in agricultural ac�vi�es, which is in line with the findings done by Thangata (2003) who found that farmers went on to modify a familiarized agroforestry technology in Zomba, Malawi in response to low labor availability. The results disclosed that the average land size of household members who never adopted the silvopastoral system against those who adopted the farming system, households that never adopted silvopastoral have smaller land size (2.9 hectares) than households that con�nued silvopastoral (4.6 hectares). This print resonates well with the asser�on that silvopastoral farming demands more land size for pastures and fodder bank to sustain livestock with abundant supplements and h e n c e f o r w a r d i t ' s u n d e r t a k e n b y households that have larger land sizes ( M u c h i n a p a y a , 2 0 1 2 ) . T h e r e s u l t s harmonize with related literature done by Ajayi (2008) in Zambia who found that land size has a construc�ve effect on adop�on because farmers with more cul�vatable land are more likely to set aside a piece of land for fodder trees without impac�ng much nega�vely on land available to grow food crops or disturbing household food security. From the preceding analysis it can be briefed that there are differences and similari�es in terms of gender, age, 6645 household size and land size between h o u s e h o l d s t h a t n e v e r a d o p t e d s i l v o p a s t o r a l s y s t e m , c o n � n u e d silvopastoral and those that discon�nued the agroforestry system. Uptake level of Silvopastoral It came out clear that adop�on level of silvopastoral system is s�ll low as revealed by 42% of households that adopted the agroforestry system. This agrees with the findings done by Mwase et al., (2015), who found that adop�on of agroforestry prac�ces is s�ll low in Southern A f r i c a . L o w a d o p � o n d u e t o l a n d constraints, household size and ca�le ownership implies that extension agents are of chief importance in changing the mindset of farmers towards adop�ng silvopastroral systems. CONCLUSION T h e c o n c l u s i o n t o a d o p t silvopastoral system or not is mainly strong- minded by the number of ca�le owned, household size and land size. It is concluded that silvopastoral produc�on among smallholder farmers can be sustained if there is an increase in number of ca�le owned by households. Land constraints reduce the adop�on of silvopastoral produc�on by communal farmers. The study established that, the decision to c o n � n u e /d i s c o n � n u e s i l v o p a s t o r a l produc�on is mainly influenced by the educa�on level of the household head, the number of ca�le owned, occupa�on, household size, land size and marital status. The uptake level of silvopastoral system by farmers is s�ll low (42%). I t i s i m p o r t a n t t o c o n � n u e monitoring farmers who have adopted the technology since its incep�on, in order to e n s ure i nte n s i ve s uppo r t fro m b oth government and private stakeholders. In o r d e r t o p r o m o t e t h e a d o p � o n o f silvopastoral system by the elderly farmers, it is advisable to resort from cut and carry method of collec�ng fodder to the in-situ method so as to reduce the labor demands. Fast growing tree species like leaucaena that only takes six months to mature should be used as compared to some species like calliandra that takes the whole year. Apart from that, players who are promo�ng silvopastoral produc�on system like g o v e r n m e n t d e p a r t m e n t s ( F o r e s t C o m m i s s i o n a n d A G R I T E X ) , s h o u l d collaborate with private players and other stakeholders who are promo�ng livestock produc�on in a bid to improve livestock produc�on as the results revealed that an increase in one unit of ca�le results to an increase in adop�on of silvopastoral system. Idle land in the community should be distributed to those households that are interested in silvopastoral produc�on as this leads to an increase in adop�on of the s y s t e m . T h e s i l v o p a s t o r a l p r a c � c e s recommended for farmers should be tailor- made to conforming to the prevalent socio- economic condi�ons of the par�cular community. 6646 REFERENCES Ajayi O. 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