Pages 2021-1 FInal.cdr INTRODUCTION Rice is the staple food crop of Kerala. The heritage of rice cul�va�on in Kerala is way ahead from 3000 B.C (Manilal, 1991; Kumar and Kunhamu, 2021). It is a widely cul�vated yet “scarce” subsistence crop. T h e d r a s � c s h r i n k a g e o f a r e a a n d produc�on of rice due to the shi� from paddy cul�va�on towards less water requiring crops such as oilseeds, pulses, coarse cereals, nutri cereals, co�on, etc. shows the steady decline in cul�va�on of rice (Economic Survey, 2022). Yearly consump�on of rice in Kerala accounts to about 40 lakh tonnes out of which Jaya and Surekha rice from Andhra Pradesh makes up to 22 lakh tonnes of consump�on (Varma, 2 0 1 7 ) . T h e d e fi c i t i n p ro d u c � o n t o 6549 Research Article Journal of Extension Educa�on Vol. 33 No.1, 2021 DOI: h�ps:// Factors affec�ng Yield Gap of Rice in North Kerala 1 2 3 1 N. Sneha , Allan Thomas , M. A. Nishan and B. Seema ABSTRACT Yield gap is an important indicator for any crop. Rice being the staple food, in order to meet the increased demand of rice juxtaposed with an increasing popula�on growth, it becomes important to study the factors affec�ng yield gap that will emerge as the most significant solu�on, which in turn serves to bridge the yield gap. This study was conducted in 7 districts of Kerala during the year 2020-2021 to find out the factors affec�ng the yield gap of rice. Altogether, 105 rice farmers from the districts of Kasaragod, Kannur, Wayanad, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Thrissur formed the sample. Ex-post facto research design was used for the study. The yield gap index derived from the study ranged from 10 to 30 per cent. The results of the Principal Component Analysis revealed that five components namely clima�c factors, biological factors, socio-economic factors, ins�tu�onal/policy related factors and factors related to technology transfer were cri�cally influencing the yield gap of rice. Keywords: Yield gap; Rice; Farmers; Adop�on; Kerala; Biological factor 1 Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum- 695522 2 Communica�on Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy, Thrissur- 680651 3 Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum – 695 522 Received : 07-11-2021 Accepted: 26-04-2022 c o n s u m p � o n o f r i c e i s e x a c t l y t h e significance of this study and where the yield gap a�ribute pronounces its existence. Yield gap in rice i.e. the difference between the poten�al yield and the yield obtained by the farmer in his field stands as a valuable performance indicator for the rice produc�on in the country. Yield gap in crops is a real challenge which needs to be addressed in the interest of enhanced, sustainable produc�on of crops. Yield gap analysis thus, will offer opportunity to improve produc�on, improve infrastructure and policy requirements that will create jobs, increase produc�ve capacity of the people and the agricultural industry. It will show their shor�alls and help to take correc�ve measures necessary to improve produc�on, profitability and renewed interest in rice cul�va�on. In order to ensure that real poten�al of any crop variety is harvested at the cul�vator's field, yield gap is always a prime concern for researcher as well as developmental stakeholders. A gap always sustains between poten�al yield, demonstra�on yield and what is harvested from a farmer's field. Environmental factors, socio-economic factors and non-adop�on of recommended package of prac�ces by farmers can be the reasons for the yield gap of rice (Subba and Subramanyam, 1987). Finding the factors affec�ng yield gap has prime importance in bridging the exis�ng yield gap. METHODOLOGY The rice growing tracts of northern districts of the State of Kerala, viz., Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode, Wayanad, Palakkad, Thrissur and Malappuram were selected for the study. Ex-post facto r e s e a r c h d e s i g n w a s e m p l o y e d . I n consulta�on with the Principal Agricultural Office (PAO) of the district, the panchayat having maximum rice area under cul�va�on was selected. From the selected panchayat, 15 farmers each having a minimum of 50 cents (0.2 ha) were chosen. Thus, simple random sampling technique was employed for selec�ng the 105 farmers from the seven districts with 15 farmers each from the respec�ve panchayat selected for the study. Responses were collected from the rice farmers by employing survey method using a well-structured pre tested interview schedule. Yield gap was the dependent variable of the study. Yield gap of the varie�es c u l � v a t e d b y t h e r i c e f a r m e r s w a s c a l c u l at e d by fi n d i n g t h e d i ffe re n ce between Maximum Poten�al Yield (MPY) and the Actual Yield (AY) obtained by the farmers. The Yield Gap Index (YGI) was calculated using the formulae: YGI = [YG/YP] × 100%, YG= YP-YA Where, YG=Yield Gap, YP= Yield Poten�al, YA= Yield A�ained. 6550 Journal of Extension Educa�on Age, sex, educa�on, farming experience, area under rice cul�va�on, income from agriculture, income from paddy cul�va�on, trainings received, economic mo�va�on, innova�veness, scien�fic orienta�on, market orienta�on, extension orienta�on, level of awareness and knowledge were the independent variables selected for the study. The major factors affec�ng yield gap along with sub components under each factor were enumerated a�er careful review of literature and discussion with experts. They were biological factors, socio- e c o n o m i c f a c t o r s , c l i m a � c f a c t o r s , ins�tu�onal/government policy related factors and factors promo�ng technology transfer (RAP, 2000). The factors were administered to the rice farmers and ranked from 1 to 5 based on their importance in affec�ng yield gap. Principal Component Analysis was done in order to find the most important factors that affects yield gap of rice. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Major rice Varie�es Cul�vated by the Farmers of North Kerala The state of Kerala has around 2000 tradi�onal rice varie�es (Kumari, 2012) which are adapted to a wide range of agro- ecological situa�ons. This includes specialty rice varie�es that denote to the diverse collec�on of tradi�onal rice varie�es that are conserved and cul�vated. However, farmers cul�vate released high yielding varie�es for be�er produc�vity. Hence, an a�empt was made to understand the major rice varie�es grown by rice farmers at large. It is evident from Table 1 that majority of the farmers i.e., 96.19 per cent was cul�va�ng Uma rice variety. Jyothi rice variety was cul�vated by 17.14 per cent of the farmers whereas Jaya rice variety was cul�vated by 2.86 per cent farmers. Some of the farmers were cul�va�ng more than one rice variety. Th e p re fe re n ce fo r h i g h y i e l d i n g varie�es by farmers are a result of economic mo�ves and hence, Uma variety might have been preferred by the farmers. The yield gap data in Table 2 is an indicator where from the popularly grown two varie�es viz., Uma and Jyothi, the yield gap index of Uma rice variety was less than that of those farmers cul�va�ng Jyothi rice variety. Subsistence farmers may adopt growing tradi�onal varie�es of rice only enough to meet the requirements of their household. It is observed that many of these farmers use tradi�onal rice varie�es. The researcher also noted that at least few farmers in districts like Wayanad are gradually returning to t r a d i � o n a l r i c e fo r i t s c o n s e r va � o n importance, be�er taste, requiring less care and non-requirement of toxic chemicals. Ma ny a m o n g t h e m g ro w t r a d i � o n a l varie�es for their personal consump�on or for the taste preferences of special markets. The reasons for the con�nued cul�va�on of tradi�onal varie�es on some rainfed areas are disadvantages during drought and flood (Umezuruike and Francois, 2001). 6551Factors affec�ng yield gap of rice in North Kerala 6552 Table 1. Varie�es of Rice Cul�vated by the Farmers of North Kerala Sl.No Variety No. of farmers adop�ng Percentage 1 UMA 101 96.19 2 JYOTHI 18 17.14 3 NAVARA 1 0.95 4 KANCHANA 1 0.95 5 ASD 16 1 0.95 6 MANURATNA 1 0.95 7 JAYA 3 2.86 8 RAKTHASALI 1 0.95 9 GANDHAKASALA 1 0.95 10 JEERAKASALA 1 0.95 11 MITHILA 1 0.95 12 EZHOME-1 2 1.90 13 EZHOME-2 2 1.90 n=105 Y i e l d G a p o f T h e R i c e Va r i e � e s Cul�vated by Farmers and Factors affec�ng Yield Gap The knowledge about crop yield gap at district, state, na�onal or interna�onal level will help in iden�fying management strategies for sustainable agricultural produc�on to meet future food demand. Yield gap analysis can provide a founda�on fo r d e t e c � n g t h e b e s t m a n a ge m e nt approaches to improve the rainfed rice yield by reducing the gap from the poten�al yield. Boling et al., (2011); Alam et al., (2013); and Stuart et al., (2016) emphasized the possibili�es of increasing rice yields by reducing the yield gap in rice-based farming systems. The yield gap of the rice varie�es measured in terms of yield gap Journal of Extension Educa�on Table 2. Yield Gap and Yield Gap Index of the Rice Varie�es Cul�vated by Farmers Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 Variety JYOTHI KANCHANA NAVARA ASD16 RAKTHASALI Yield Gap (t/ha) 2.39 2.00 0.13 1.50 1.00 Yield Gap Index (%) 29.86 28.57 25.00 25.00 25.00 6553Factors affec�ng yield gap of rice in North Kerala Sl.No Variety Yield Gap (t/ha) Yield Gap Index (%) 1.50 1.64 0.45 0.75 0.39 0.30 0.38 0.50 25.00 20.47 16.67 12.50 12.11 10.71 10.71 8.33 11 12 13 -2 GANDHAKASALA EZHOME-1 MANURATNA 6 7 8 9 10 MITHILA UMA JEERAKASALA JAYA EZHOME etc. Clima�c factors can also influence the crop yield to a great extent as grain sha�ering caused by mild to moderate winds or rains leads to grain loss. An a�empt was made to delineate the factors affec�ng yield gap of paddy varie�es. The results are presented in Fig. 1 and Tables 3 & 4. From Figure 1 it is clear that 36.2 per cent of the variance is contributed by the component 1 followed by 23.5 per cent by component 2, 17 per cent by component 3, 12.4 per cent by co m p o n e nt 4 a n d 1 0 . 8 p e r ce nt by component 5. Table 2 reveals that the yield gap index of Jyothi was the highest among the varie�es cul�vated which is 29.86 per cent. Kanchana variety has a yield gap index of 28.57 per cent. Navara, ASD 16 and Rakthasali varie�es exhibit a yield gap index of 25 per cent. The least yield gap index is shown by Manuratna variety which is 8.33 per cent. The yield gap of varie�es namely Jyothi and Kanchana which is closely around 30 % can be a�ributed to the difference in spacing followed by the farmers in their fields, soil characteris�cs, management prac�ces followed, disease and pest a�acks Figure 1: Variance of the Components as Scree plot 6554 Table 3. Total Variance of the Components of Factors affec�ng Yield Gap It is evident from the Figure 1 and Table 3 that first 3 components viz., clima�c factors, biological factors and socio-economic factors contribute more than 75 per cent of the variance. Principal component Eigen value Percentage of variance Cumula�ve percentage of variance PC1 - Cf 1.812 36.247 36.247 PC2 - Bf 1.174 23.488 59.736 PC3- Sef 0.850 16.998 76.734 PC4 - Ipf 0.622 12.444 89.178 PC5- T� 0.541 10.822 100.000 Table 4. Correla�on between Variables and PCs Sl.No. Variables PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 1. Clima�c Factors (Cf) 0.45 0.448 0.750 - 0.183 - 0.033 2. Biological Factors (Bf) 0.701 0.164 - 0.442 - 0.472 - 0.253 3. Socio-economic Factors (Sef) 0.240 0.830 - 0.296 0.344 0.220 4. Ins�tu�onal or Policy Factors (Ipf) 0.735 - 0.294 0.061 0.496 - 0.352 5. Technology Transfer Related Factors (T�) 0.722 - 0.415 - 0.001 - 0.048 0.551 Journal of Extension Educa�on Table 4 reveals that a�er the PCA analysis, all the five components viz., clima�c factors, biological factors, socio- economic factors, ins�tu�onal/policy related factors and factors related to technology transfer were the influencing yield gap. From the first component ins�tu�onal/policy related factors show high correla�on value of 0.735 followed by Factors related to technology transfer (0.722) and biological factors (0.701). Socio- economic factors show highest correla�on from the second component with a value of 0.83. From the third component clima�c factors has high correla�on value of 0.75. Ins�tu�onal/policy related factors from the f o u r t h c o m p o n e n t s h o w s h i g h e s t correla�on having value 0.496. Factors related to technology transfer shows highest correla�on value of 0.551 from the 6555Factors affec�ng yield gap of rice in North Kerala technology forecas�ng for any planning process (Thomas and Kumar, 2015). Usage of High Yielding Varie�es along with latest produc�on technologies will subsequently alter the alarming hike in yield gap. This finding is in accordance with the study of Joshi et al., (2014), Kumar et al., (2014) and Kulkarni et al., (2018). CONCLUSION Yield gap is an issue to be dealt with seriously taking the subsistence needs of mankind into considera�on. From this study it was evident that 13 rice varie�es are commercially cul�vated by the farmers, in general of which Uma variety is the most popular rice variety cul�vated by farmers. However, Jyothi variety has the highest yield gap, followed by Kanchana rice variety. Reduced yield gap can certainly feed more stomachs. A good understanding about the factors affec�ng yield gap can make a great difference in ensuring food security. It is also evident that clima�c factors, biological f a c t o r s a n d s o c i o - e c o n o m i c f a c t o r s contribute more than 75 per cent of the variance. Regular check of pests and diseases and field management should be given importance which also has much influence. A farmer- friendly policy should be ensured for the rice farmers to realize maximum produc�vity by way of tackling issues related to yield gap which will help farmers to remain mo�vated to con�nue rice produc�on. Extension services should fi�h component. From the above values it is clear that all the components affect the yield gap of rice. Clima�c factors affect the yield gap p re d o m i n a n t l y w h i c h c a n b e e i t h e r predicted or unpredicted. Flash floods have affected the paddy cul�va�on to a great extent in recent years. Regular monitoring and accurate predic�ons of weather and climate parameters can help the farmers a lot to harvest their year-round investments and hard work in be�er returns. We could find that climate and variety became the m o s t i m p o r t a n t f a c t o r s l i m i � n g improvement of rice yield, through specific analysis, making the breeding researches cau�ous to cul�vate much more novel varie�es with stronger adaptability to the complex environment (Ran et. al., 2018). Much of the apparent gap between yields on research sta�ons and farmer's yields can be a�ributed to bio-physical factors, including floods, soil-based issues, insect damages, diseases etc (Lobell et. al., 2009). Integrated Crop Management (ICM) can effec�vely address yield gaps induced b y b i o l o g i c a l , s o c i o - e c o n o m i c , a n d ins�tu�onal constraints (Mondal, 2011). 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