Pages 2021-2.cdr One of the most useful technologies recently implemented in Indian agriculture is drip (micro) irriga�on technology. Drip irriga�on system is a popular method of irriga�on among the sugarcane farmers. Sugarcane is the second most important industrial crop in Tamil Nadu and sole raw material for the sugar industry. It is mainly grown as irrigated crop. During 2019-2020 , sugarcane was cul�vated in 2.14 lakh ha in Tamil Nadu with a produc�on of 211 lakh metric tonnes. The average produc�vity of the state is 99 metric tonnes per ha. (Source: TN policy note 2019-2020). Drip irriga�on system plays a crucial role in fulfilling the water needs of the crop a n d t h i s t e c h n o l o g y n e e d s t o b e d i s s e m i n a t e d a m o n g t h e f a r m i n g community for effec�ve adop�on. Without analyzing the constraints, it is impossible to diffuse the technologies among the farming community. Hence, an a�empt was made to assess the constraints experienced by the sugarcane farmers in adop�on of drip irriga�on technology. METHODOLOGY The present study was conducted in Pa p p i re d d i p a� t a l u k of Dh a r m a p u r i District, a drought-prone district in Tamil Nadu. Dharmapuri district has been administra�vely divided into 7 taluks, 10 blocks and 251 villages. Out of these taluks, blocks and villages, higher produc�on of 6683 Research Note Journal of Extension Educa�on Vol. 33 No.2, 2021 DOI: h�ps:// Constraints Experienced by Sugarcane Farmers in Adop�ng Drip Irriga�on Technology V. Balamurugan ¹, R. Arunkumar ² and T. Sujaivelu³ ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in Pappireddipa� taluk of Dharmapuri District in Tamil Nadu to ascertain the constraints faced by the sugarcane growers in adop�ng drip (micro) irriga�on technology. Altogether, 120 sugarcane growers using drip irriga�on system cons�tuted the sample of the study. The major constraints in adop�on of drip irriga�on technology were frequent clogging in laterals and drippers followed by system damage due to rats and other animals and lack of technical knowledge about maintenance of the drip system. Keywords: Drip irriga�on; Constraints; Sugarcane; Water; Tamil Nadu 1 Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. 2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. 3 Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Received : 22-12-2021 Accepted: 30-07-2022 s u g a r c a n e c r o p w a s n o � c e d i n Pappireddipa� taluk. Hence, this was selected for the study. Out of the 20 revenue villages in the taluk, six villages were selected based on the maximum area under sugarcane cul�va�on with drip irriga�on. A list of sugarcane farmers from each of the selected villages was obtained from the respec�ve Agricultural offices. Altogether, 120 sugarcane growers using drip irriga�on technology cons�tuted the sample of the study. The respondents w e r e i d e n � fi e d a n d s e l e c t e d b y propor�onate random sampling method. A well-structured interview schedule was , used for collec�on of data. An Ex-post- facto research design was adopted for the study. The collected data were arranged, classified and tabulated for suitable sta�s�cal analysis. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Constraints in the Adop�on of Drip Irriga�on Technology An innova�on to become popular among farmers, has to face a lot of difficul�es ini�ally in terms of the farmer's understanding the concepts, developing a favorable a�tude, ge�ng the required inputs and ensuring a good extension service. Unless the constraints are iden�fied and appropriate ac�ons taken, the adop�on level will be less. The results of constraint analysis are given in Table-1. 6684 Table-1. Constraints experienced by the Sugarcane Farmers in Adop�on of Drip Irriga�on Technology Sl.No. Constraints Frequency (n=120) Percentage Rank 1. Frequent clogging of drippers and micro tubes 110 91.66 I 2. Damage to system due to rats and other animals 105 87.50 II 3. Lack of technical know -how about maintenance and repairing of drip irriga�on technology 97 80.83 III 4. Difficulty to maintain proper pressure in the pipes/emi�ers for ge�ng the required discharge 86 71.67 IV 5. Proper follow - up service is not available from installing agencies a�er installa�on 81 67.50 V Journal of Extension Educa�on Sl.No. Constraints Frequency (n=120) Percentage Rank ‘Lateral’ damage during harvest 74 61.67 VI High ini�al cost for installing drip technology 66 55.00 VII Problems of water leakages in the drip system 61 50.83 VIII Spare parts of drip irriga�on technology are costly 57 47.50 XI 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Problems in Uninterrupted power supply 52 43.33 X “Frequent clogging of drippers and micro tubes” was considered to be the first m a j o r c o n s t r a i n t r e p o r t e d b y t h e respondents. Majority of the respondents (91.66 per cent) expressed that frequent clogging in laterals and drippers was the important constraint. Though maximum number of farmers were using good quality irriga�on water, clogging s�ll occurs. Presence of some non-soluble salts causes complete or par�al blockage of drip irriga�on system. Lack of knowledge about the maintenance and repairing is the reason. The findings are in accordance with the findings of Prajpa� et al. (2016). “Damage to system due to rats and other animals”was the second major constraint reported by the respondents. Nearly one-third of the respondents(87.5 per cent) felt rat damage as a serious problem in drip irriga�on system. Sugarcane land is an important habitat for breeding r a t s , a s i t p r o v i d e s a c o m f o r t a b l e environment. Rats migrate from the paddy field a�er harvest and take shelter in the sugarcane field. It cuts the laterals that arrest the flow of irriga�on water, causing cane drying. “Lack of technical knowledge about maintenance and repairing of drip irriga�on system” (80.83 per cent) was the third major technical constraint. Most of the dealers had provided advice only at the �me of installa�on of drip irriga�on system. These findings were supported by the findings of Parmar and Thorat (2016). “Spare parts of drip irriga�on system are costly” and “Problems in ensuring uninterrupted power supply for irriga�on fields” were the minor constraints reported by the respondents. Based on the findings of this study carried out in Pappireddipa� taluk of Dharmapuri District in Tamil Nadu, the extension agencies need to organize campaigns on the ways and means to avoid 6685Constraints Experienced by Sugarcane Farmers in adop�ng Drip Irriga�on Technology frequent clogging in laterals and drippers and to prevent rat damage to the drip system. REFERENCES Parmar, S.D. & Thorat, G.N. (2016). Constraints faced by farmers in drip irriga�on system. Agriculture Update, 11(3), 229-23. Prajpa�, V.V., Kaid S.V., Prajapa�, R.C & T h a k k a r, K . A . ( 2 0 1 6 ) . A d o p � o n behaviour of drip irriga�on technology among the pomegranate growers of North Gujarat, Interna�onal Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 8(22):1443-1447. 6686 Journal of Extension Educa�on Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56