JEE Journal of Extension Education Vol. 27 No. 4, 2015 1- Principal Scientist and Head, 2- Principal Scientist and 3-Scientist, ICAR - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalaru, The North East Hill (NEH) region of India comprises Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim, which have vast physiographical variations, representing six agro-climatic zones. NEH region is one of the richest reservoir of genetic variability and diversity of horticulture crops such as fruits, vegetables, spices, ornamental plants and also medicinal & aromatic plants. To enhance the productivity and profitability of horticulture in NEH region, it is imperative to introduce advanced horticulture production technologies through training programmes targeting both extension personnel such that of Krishi Vigyan Kendras Training Needs of KVK Personnel and Farmers of NEH Region in Horticulture R. Venkattakumar1, G. Senthil Kumaran3 and G.A. Atheequlla2 ABSTRACT North East Hill (NEH) Region has adequate potential for developing horticulture. To enhance productivity and profitability in horticulture in this region, it is imperative to train the farmers. Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), the main outreach arm of ICAR train the farmers on need-based themes. There are 78 KVKs functioning in NEH region. To enhance the expertise of the KVK personnel in horticulture, it is necessary to train them regularly. To train the farmers and KVK personnel in NEH region in horticulture, there is a need to assess their training needs. With this view, a questionnaire survey was conducted with KVK personnel (42) to assess their training needs and the training needs of farmers as perceived by KVK personnel in NEH region. The results of the survey were analyzed to arrive at meaningful conclusions. The results are presented in this paper for sensitizing the training organizations in order to design effective training modules for stakeholders of NEH region in Horticulture. (KVKs) and farmers. Nongtdu et al (2012) suggested that necessary steps should be taken to identify the unfelt needs of the extension personnel of Assam to strengthen their knowledge, skills and attitudes required for performing their job efficiently. Sajeev and Singha (2012); Sajeev, Singha and Venkatasubramanian (2012) emphasized that KVKs have to re-orient their training programmes based on needs of farmers to reduce the existing technological and adoption gap in Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. KVKs act as main outreach arm of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and its constituent institutes. They act as the training centres for transfer of the technology Received : 30 Nov, 2015; Accepted : 11 Mar, 2016 5547Training Needs of KVK Personnel and Farmers of NEH Region in Horticulture with an aim to reduce the time lag between technology generation and their transfer ( KVKs regularly organize training programmes for extension personnel and farmers to orient them in the frontier areas technology development. This fact also necessitates that the KVK personnel have to be trained regularly on need-based themes, so that their expertise can be enhanced. Hence, it is imperative to assess the training needs of the KVK personnel, in order to design and implement effective training modules. The Division of Extension and Training, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) has been involved in training and extension activities of the institute apart from research on popularizing horticulture technologies through innovative extension methodologies. It is the endeavour of the division to keep in tune with the technological requirements in horticulture and the latest developments in the field of information technology and accordingly various training programmes are being regularly conducted in the division ( To design and implement effective training modules to suit the needs of the stakeholders, the Division assess regularly, the training needs of stakeholders such as farmers, extension personnel including that of KVKs and NGOs, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, students, farm women, rural youth etc. METHODOLOGY To assess the training needs of KVK personnel in NEH region and their perception towards training needs of farmers of NEH region, a questionnaire was constructed. The questionnaire was constructed in consultation with the scientists, who have working experience in NEH region previously, so that they can give relevant ideas including the themes/ areas of training based on the prevailing conditions of NEH region such as horticulture crops grown, the issues faced by the farmers and the kind of training programmes needed by the extension personnel serving in NEH region. This questionnaire was administered among the KVK personnel of 25 KVKs of NEH region, who participated in a review meeting of NEH programme of ICAR-IIHR during March 2015. These KVK personnel were contacted in person and the questionnaire were distributed to them. Fifty KVK personnel representing 25 KVKs (two from each KVK) were contacted. Out of the 50, 42 KVK personnel representing 21 KVKs) responded and returned the questionnaire. The responses of KVK personnel from same KVK were considered as single response. Thus, there were responses from 21 KVKs (questionnaires). The responses from these questionnaires were tabulated and analyzed using percentage analysis and average to arrive at meaningful conclusions. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Training needs of KVK personnel of NEH region Protected cultivation, value addition of horticultural produce, mushroom production Journal of Extension Education5548 technology, integrated pest management, integrated disease management, farm mechanization and vegetable seed production were the major training needs of the KVK personnel of NEH region as these needs had percentage more than the overall average value (45.5%) (Table 1). Protected cultivation, value addition of horticultural produce, mushroom production technology, farm mechanization and vegetable seed production are the emerging themes in horticulture owing to the increasing demand for both fresh and processed horticultural products. Hence these themes had better response as training needs by the KVK personnel. The themes in horticulture such as organic Table 1. Training Needs of KVK Personnel of NEH Region in Horticulture (n=21) Sl.No Topics Percentage 1. Protected cultivation 66.7 2. Value addition of horticultural produce 61.9 3. Mushroom production technology 61.9 4. Integrated pest management 57.1 5. Integrated disease management 57.1 6. Farm mechanization 52.4 7. Vegetable seed production 47.6 8. Organic cultivation 42.9 9. Vegetable production technology 38.1 10. Production of medicinal and aromatic plants 38.1 11. Integrated nutrient management 38.1 12. Ornamental crop production technology 33.3 13. Nursery management techniques 33.3 14. Integrated water management 33.3 15. Fruit crops production technology 33.3 16. Canopy management techniques 33.3 Average 45.5 cultivation, vegetable production technology, production of medicinal and aromatic plants, integrated nutrient management, ornamental crop production technology, nursery management techniques, integrated water management, fruit crops production technology and canopy management techniques etc. are routine to the KVK personnel and they might have already undergone training in these themes. Also, they are already organizing training programmes for the farmers on these themes. Hence, the training needs of these themes were less than the overall average value. 5549Training Needs of KVK Personnel and Farmers of NEH Region in Horticulture Training needs of farmers of NEH region as perceived by KVK personnel It could be understood from Table 2 that integrated pest management, vegetable production technology, integrated nutrient management,integrated disease management, nursery management techniques, fruit crops production technology and vegetable seed production are the themes that were perceived by KVK personnel as the training needs of farmers of NEH region, as these themes have percentage more than the overall average (51.5%) (Table 2). Table 2. Training Needs of Farmers of NEH Region in Horticulture as Perceived by KVK Personnel Agriculture, in general, in NEH region is by and large being practiced as natural farming. The advanced production technologies of various crops are adopted by the farmers of this region very recently. ICAR institutes, agricultural colleges, development departments and KVKs apply efforts to disseminate improved production technology of agriculture among the farmers, so that the productivity and profitability of agriculture may be enhanced and thus, the livelihood option of the farmers. This scenario is applicable to horticulture arena too. Hence, the KVK personnel responded that the above- mentioned basic themes in cultivation of horticultural crops as important training needs of farmers of NEH region. Sl.No. Topics Percentage 1. Integrated pest management 71.4 2. Vegetable production technology 66.7 3. Integrated nutrient management 66.7 4. Integrated disease management 66.7 5. Nursery management techniques 61.9 6. Fruit crops production technology 57.1 7. Vegetable seed production 57.1 8. Farm mechanization 47.6 9. Value addition 47.6 10. Mushroom production technology 47.6 11. Integrated water management 42.9 12. Canopy management techniques 42.9 13. Organic cultivation 42.9 14. Protected cultivation 42.9 15. Ornamental crop production technology 38.1 16. Production of medicinal and aromatic plants 23.8 Average 51.5 Journal of Extension Education5550 The themes such as farm mechanization, value addition, mushroom production technology, integrated water management, integrated water management, canopy management techniques, organic cultivation, protected cultivation, ornamental crop production technology, production of medicinal and aromatic plants are emerging or advanced themes in horticulture arena. The KVK personnel perceived that the farmers of NEH region must be trained in basic aspects of horticulture first and then, they may be trained in advanced/ emerging themes. Hence, their response towards the above- mentioned themes has less percentage than the overall average. CONCLUSION NEH region has adequate potential for horticulture development. The productivity and profitability of horticulture crops in this region can be enhanced by disseminating improved production technology among farming community. KVK personnel and farmers of NEH region can be trained in horticultural production technology, so that advanced production technology will be adopted at real farm situations. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that Protected cultivation, value addition of horticultural produce, mushroom production technology, integrated pest management, integrated disease management, farm mechanization and vegetable seed production were the major training needs of the KVK personnel. Similarly, integrated pest management, vegetable production technology, integrated nutrient management, integrated disease management, nursery management techniques, fruit crops production technology and vegetable seed production are the themes that were perceived by KVK personnel as the training needs of farmers of NEH region. Hence, while conducting training programmes in horticultural arena targeting KVK personnel and farmers of NEH region, the above- mentioned themes may be considered, so that the training programmes will be effective producing results under real farm situations. REFERENCES Accessed on 31.10.2015 training/. Accessed on 31.10.2015 Diversity_of_Horticulture/. Accessed on 31.10.2015 Nongtdu, G., Bordoloi, R., Saravanan, R., Singh, R. and Singh, N U. 2012. Training Needs of Agricultural Extension Personnel in Meghalaya. Indian Journal of Hill Farming 25(1):1-8. Sajeev, M V. and Singha, A K. 2012. Capacity Building Through KVKs: Training Needs Analysis of Farmers of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 10 (1):83-90. Sajeev, MV., Singha AK. and Venkata subramanian, V. 2012. Training Needs of Farmers and Rural Youth: An Analysis of Manipur State. India Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 3(2): 103-112.