volume 5, no. 2, 2020 Volume 5, No. 2, 2020 Available online at: journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/FTL/issue/view/651 Iful Rahmawati Mega is a lecturer in the English Education Study Program at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung. She currently teaches curriculum development, teaching English for foreign language, English for specific purposes, and research methods in language teaching. Her research draws on English language teaching process, focus on English language skills, digital literacy, and technology development for language and teaching program. Dody Sugiarto is a lecturer of English Education Study Program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung as well as the head of national and international cooperation affairs. He is interested in English speaking proficiency research and any factors affecting its improvements. The teaching of speaking and dealing with the pre-service teachers’ quality development has always been his concern since 2018. Speaking Skills in Correlation with English Speaking Learning Habit and Self Confidence of Vocational High School Students Iful Rahmawati Mega1), Dody Sugiarto2) STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung, Indonesia 1)iful.rahmawati@stkipmbb.ac.id 2)dody.sugiarto@stkipmbb.ac.id DOI: 10.18196/ftl.5253 Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 173 Abstract The purpose of conducting this study is based on problem identification asking whether there are correlations among English speaking learning habits and self-confidence toward English speaking skills in promoting local tourism and culture of Bangka Belitung. The first-grade students of SMKN 3 Pangkalpinang in the academic year of 2018/2019 majoring in Tourism Travel Business Agent became the population in this study, and it took 50 students as the sample using a purposive random sampling technique. This correlational study used questionnaires and oral tests in collecting the data. The oral test was used to obtain English speaking skill data, while the questionnaires were used to obtain English speaking learning habits and students’ self-confidence data. The data were then analyzed using Simple and Multiple Correlation and Regression. The results of this study revealed that (1) there was a relationship between English speaking learning habit and English speaking skill, (2) there was a correlation between students’ self-confidence and English speaking skill, and (3) English speaking learning habit, confidence, and English speaking skill was simultaneously and positively correlated. In short, this study leads to a recommendation to the teachers and students to be aware of having good English speaking learning habits and high self-confidence to enhance English speaking skills. Keywords: Learning Habit; Self-Confidence; Speaking Skill ============================================================================== Introduction English is an important language that learners should acquire. It is because, as an official international language, English has an essential role in language communication. It connects people in other countries to make a deep conversation as well as creates an instrument in utilizing modern educational technology. In updating the kind of education sciences, English skills should be enhanced well because many sources related to the education field are written and described in English. English as a foreign language has four primary skills; named speaking, listening, reading, and writing. These four skills have different characteristics. Speaking and writing are called productive ability, and they produce communication. Due to the importance of English for the vocational school students majoring in tourism project, the students in the future is hoped to be a tourist guide and entrepreneur in a business travel agent. Thus, English will be the fundamental skill that they provide, especially their speaking ability. It is the reason why this research is necessary to conduct vocational high school students majoring in a tourism travel agent. Because speaking is considered as having a significant role in communication, people make the effort to learn the skill with the aim to be able to communicate with the Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 174 world society (Parupali, 2019). It is in line with a study conducted by Leong & Ahmadi (2017). They explain that appropriate speaking instruction is the learners’ priority and a field needing more attention. This type of research can be beneficial to consider what students need in the process of learning. Speaking ability needs to be advanced as well as practiced. Problems finding in the first- grade students of SMK 3 Pangkalpinang in the process of speaking practice were having difficulties in responding to English conversation. They were also afraid to answer the question in English, lacking self- confidence in sharing the thoughts, feeling nervous when speaking English in front of the class, and lacking motivation in learning English speaking. In the learning process, learners can share their thoughts, answer the questions communicatively, and ask the problems in the form of group discussion. Students may be mastering the ability to speak, but it is only applied in a small group. They do not have high self-confidence when they share their thoughts with the general public. This action makes the learning process on English speaking does not engage the students well. When sharing their opinions, students must increase their confidence. Based on Riani's (2011) research, students with high self-confidence had better speaking skills than those with low self-confidence. She added that self-confidence significantly contributed to the learners’ willingness to communicate in a foreign language. Self- confidence in someone’s force needs to be advanced. According to Burton, Kate, and Brinley (2006), confidence is the ability to take suitable and necessary action in any given situation even when it seems difficult in the perspective of others. The center of all learning is the confidence a person has to perform the task. Self-confidence is an attitude characterized by a strong belief in being able to take charge of your life and your plans. Self-confident people are those who understand their ability to do something, and then continue to do activities of this kind. They do not depend on other people’s approval. Students with high self-confidence do not fear to explore their potential. They are usually successful in the classroom and not afraid to make learning faults. In studying English, students also need to record their learning habits, especially in English speaking learning habits. People who study thoroughly will influence their behavior changes, while knowledge, attitude, and ability. Stimulating children to learn is Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 175 the most important thing. Learning habits that are continually fostered will be beneficial for teachers, parents, and students. Crede and Kuncel (in Gallardo-Echenique, Bullen, & Marqués-Molías, 2016) believed that study habits usually indicate the extent to which students engage in regular study actions characterized by appropriate study routines (e.g., material reviews) that occur in an environment conducive to studying. In line with a previous study by Urh and Jereb (2014), in their discussion, they showed that the study habits of the individual are essential, as the ability to change behavior concerning the needs of the study. However, most students have ineffective learning habits. They only study the English subject when they have tests, and they spend their free time doing nothing. Therefore, schools must have a rule in supporting students’ learning habits. Some schools hold additional English classes in the form of extracurricular activities. The productive learning habit will be better if applied at an early age for the children. It is also correlated to the students’ environment. A great contribution environment influences the habits of children to do positive things. In creating this condition, parents should make the best role to guide the children. The parents have an important role and must engage their children well in leading their habits to build their learning habits upright. From the description of the introduction above, the researcher draws some hypotheses. They are 1) there is a relationship between English speaking learning habits and English speaking skills; 2) there is a correlation between students’ self- confidence and English speaking skill; 3) there is a correlation between English speaking learning habits and self-esteem simultaneously English speaking ability. Literature Review In this part, the researcher gives literature supports as the foundation of the research. The literature is presented in four sub-sections explaining the concept of Learning Habit, Self-Confidence, English Speaking Skill, and some Previous Studies to show what has been found in the past regarding the related variables. Learning Habit The English language can be learned through various learning methods or strategies. People have the best way in the process to absorb foreign language learning. However, the most side to be concerned is the Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 176 self-habit of the learners. The habit consistency as an effort to enhance language skills is one of the essential factors that distinguish success between the learners. According to Anwar (2013), there are two categories of learning habits. They are bad learning habits and good learning habits. By using learning habit and ethics survey developed by Margono (2010) about students’ learning habit at school, students would have good learning habit by applying some indicators: 1) doing homework or tasks punctually, 2) having time for study efficiently, 3) having competence teacher or mentor, 4) having learning objectives, exercises, and requirements. Shortly, it can be concluded that people who have good learning habits have a commitment to themselves to do all essential tasks punctually using effective methods and supported by the teachers, and also they know their final objectives. There are seven learning habit indicators. According to Megasari (in Yustiningrum, 2010), they are first, having learning targets. Every learner must set the goals in the learning process. This target requires students to experience a structured and effective learning process. The second is to arrange a study plan. Every student is educated to be an autonomous person in following the learning process. Students who can arrange the study plans are mentioned as good independent learners. Third, studying materials every day, one of the benchmarks of students’ learning habits, is their consistency in understanding and learning the materials as well as improving their psychomotor abilities, which are certainly done routinely every day. Fourth, repeating learning materials. It is essential to do and can increase students’ proficiency in understanding the materials. Fifth, reading various books has a significant impact on broader students’ knowledge. Sixth, doing assignments or homework provides functional learning abilities for the students. Seventh is making notes. Learners need to have their notes from the learning summaries studied. Indicators of learning habits in this research work as indicators of learning habits in English learning. Students who learn English should 1) have targets that want to be achieved in learning English; 2) arrange English study plans effectively; 3) learn English every day; 4) repeat the English materials; 5) read English book diligently; 6) do the English tasks properly; 7) make English materials summaries. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 177 Self-Confidence In learning English, the learners are required to have high self-confidence in understanding and to improve four English language skills comprehensively. According to Hendriana (2014), building the learners’ self- confidence is needed to provide to actualize his or herself. In line with Anggelis (1997), self-confidence is a belief in someone’s ability to do something in life that begins with self- restraint. Besides, Hambbly (in Totong, 2011) told that self-confidence is someone’s belief to do something calmly, firmly, and lively in front of the public. It is essential to have high self-esteem because there is a belief in being able to do everything and actualize oneself, which begins with self-determination. Self-confidence, which is a factor in students learning success, has several components. They are 1) identity, strong and coherence sense of self; 2) self-concept, special evaluation for self-evaluation; 3) self-esteem, level of compliment that someone has; 4) self- efficacy, someone’s belief on students’ success. These self-confidence components are required as indicators of students’ self- confidence (Roth-Rerbst, Borbely, & Brooks- Gunn, 2008). English Speaking Skill The first way to connect and communicate is through speaking. According to Aye and Phyu (in Zuhriyah, 2017), people need practical English speaking skills in the whole life aspects of this globalization era. Speaking is people’s way of transmitting and sharing thoughts verbally to others. Bahadorfar and Omidvar (2014) stated that if the listeners can comprehend what someone is saying, the speaker is considered as having and excellent speaking skill. Speaking skills has several indicators to be assessed. Speaking skill can be assessed through a rubric assessment called The Competent Speaker. Dunbar, Brooks, and Kubicka-Miller (2006) state that speaking rubric assessment of The Competent Speaker consists of 1) choosing and focusing the topics; 2) delivering the specific purpose; 3) providing suitable supporting materials; 4) utilizing appropriate drafting patterns; 5) using proper language; 6) using a various level, tone, and vocal intensity; 7) using suitable fluency, grammar, and pronunciation; 8) using physically attitude that supports verbal messages. Also, according to Lazaraton (2001), speaking requires active interaction between the speaker and the listener as the process of constructing and sharing meaning involving Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 178 components of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and understanding. From these experts' descriptions, people can master English speaking skills through active interaction with the respondents in delivering or expressing meaning in regarding speaking skill aspects. There are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Previous Related Studies This research article has relevant research, the first previous research entitled Increasing English Speaking Skills through Picture Series Media (Hamid B, 2014). It was classroom action research using three cycles and analyzing data using a qualitative and quantitative method. The final study showed that quantitatively found the students’ speaking skills increased significantly from the first cycle to the third cycle. It can be concluded that students’ speaking skills could be improved using picture series media. For teachers, it is strongly suggested to use picture series media as one of the teaching media in teaching and learning English speaking process. Second, a research entitled The Correlation between Learning Habits and Students’ Learning Achievement analyzed product-moment correlation and presentation (Arifin, 2012). The final results revealed that there was a correlation significant between learning habits and students' learning achievement. The third is research entitled Self-Confidence and Autonomous Learning to Senior High School Students (Pratiwi & Laksmiwati, 2016). This research proposed to analyze the relationship between self- confidence and learning ability to senior high school students majoring in social science. It was quantitative research using self- confidence scale and learning ability scale as instruments in collecting the data and using product moment to analyze the data. The final results showed that there was a correlation between self-confidence and autonomous learning, where the relation of each variable is unidirectional. It means that the higher self- esteem of the student has, the higher of autonomous learning will be. Research Method Design and Sample This research used quantitative research through multiple correlations design. It was conducted at SMKN 3 Kota Pangkalpinang. The first-grade students of SMKN 3 Pangkalpinang in the academic year Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 179 of 2018/2019 majoring in Tourism Travel Business Agent became the population in this study. This major has two classes. Each class contains 25 students, so it took 50 students as the sample using a purposive sampling technique. Instruments and Procedures In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaires and oral test. The oral test was for taking the speaking skill data, while questionnaires were to take learning habits and self-confidence data. Learning habits questionnaire provided seven indicators, with the total number were 30 items, while the self- confidence questionnaire provided four indicators, and the total amount was 40 items. These questionnaires used a Likert scale as well as the speaking test used oral test and recorded the students speaking about Tourism Places in Bangka Belitung province. The component of speaking analyzed five indicators. They are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Data Analysis This research intended to reveal the validity and reliability of the instruments. The validity test used Product-Moment Formula, and the reliability test used Alpha Cronbach for questionnaire instruments. The technique used to analyze the data was Linear Regression Analysis Statistic by using SPSS. The research tests used Product Moment and Multiple Linear regression formula for the hypothesis testing. Before continuing to linear regression analysis, there are pre-requisite tests for the data. They are the normality test that is tested by using the Lilliefors Test and Linearity test. Results and Discussions The data description of these variables explained in the table below. Table 1. Description Data Variables Mean Standard Deviation N Speaking Skill (Y) 79.56 7.733 50 Learning Habit (X1) 78.08 8.136 50 Self-confidence (X2) 82.00 5.813 50 The table describes that the mean score of Learning Habit (X1) is 78.08, Self- confidence (X2) is 82.00, and Speaking Skill (Y) is 79.56. After measuring the description data, the researcher analyzed the pre-requisite tests. The normality test can be shown below. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 180 Table 2. The Result of Normality Test Variables Result Significance Level (5%) Decision Learning habit (X1) Self- confidence (X2) Speaking skill (Y) 0.394 0.064 0.667 0.05 0.05 0.05 Normal Normal Normal From the table normality test above, the score of learning habit (X1) is 0.394> 0.05; self-confidence (X2) is 0.064> 0.05; and speaking skill (Y) is 0.667> 0.05. From the results, the data are in a normal distribution. The next pre-requisite is the linearity test, described in the table below. The table shows that variant X1Y, Freg (38.02) is higher than Ft (4.04) or Freg (38.02) > Ft (4.04), so the regression is significant. As well as Fo (2.20) is lower than Ft (2.22) or Fo (2.20) < Ft (2.22), so the regression is linear. Variant X2Y, because Freg (33.31) is higher than Ft (4.04) or Freg (33.31) > Ft (4.04), so the regression is significant; because Fo (1.63) is lower than Ft (2.08) or Fo (1.63) < Ft(2.08), so the regression is linear. After measuring the requirement test, the research hypothesis result draws in the table below (Table 4). Table 4. Hypothesis Testing Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Correlations B Std. Error Beta Zero-order Partial Part (Constant) 6.519 10.989 .593 .556 X1 .415 .120 .437 3.446 .001 .665 .449 .345 X2 .496 .169 .373 2.941 .005 .640 .394 .294 Table 3. The Results of Linearity Test Pre requirement test Result Ft Explanation X1Y Fre g 38.0 2 4.0 4 The data is significant Fo 2.20 2.2 2 The data is linear X2Y Fre g 33.3 1 4.0 4 The data is significant Fo 1.63 2.0 8 The data is linear Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 181 Table 6. Significant Test Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 1549.390 2 774.695 26.367 .000a Residual 1380.930 47 29.381 Total 2930.320 49 Table 7. Contribution Analysis Variables Relative Contribution Effective Contribution Learning Habits (X1) Self-Confidence (X2) 54.90 % 45.10 % 29.03 % 23.85 % TOTAL 100 % 52.88 % The Correlation between Learning Habit (X1) and Speaking Skill (Y) This first hypothesis explains that the result of regression testing between X1 and Y reveals the computation ̂ = 30.219 + 0.632 X1. The significance of regression shows that Fo is 38.02, and Ft is 4.04 at a significant level of 5%. The regression X1 and Y is significant (Table 3). It can be used to predict the relationship between learning habit, and speaking skill means that speaking skills will enhance 0.632 if the learning habit lifts one score in a constant score of 30.219. From the computation of the single correlation between X1 and Y, the correlation coefficient is 0.665. It is compared to r-table 0.279 (table 4). Due to this finding, there is a positive correlation between students’ learning habits and students’ speaking skills. This correlation reveals the contribution of each variable. The effective contribution of learning habits for speaking skills is 29.03% (Table 7). It describes that 29.03% of student’s speaking skill success is influenced by the learning habits of the students’. This first finding is in line with research done by Mohammad, Sumardi, and Ngadiso (2018) entitled Students’ Speaking Skill in English Table 5. Multiple Correlation Test Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin- Watson 1 .727a .529 .509 5.420 1.877 Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 182 Immersion School (A Case Study). Their study revealed factors that were assumed to affect students’ English speaking skills. They were environment, local accent, vocabulary mastery, English use, preference, and habits. They discussed that habit was another crucial matter in building up students’ English speaking skills. Therefore, in the English immersion program, the school set the situation where students communicate in English, and there was punishment for those who did not use English in their conversations. This step is part of conditioning to push students to use English, despite the low English ability. Indeed, students find a habit useful for increasing their English proficiency. Other findings exposed the strategy for teachers in improving students’ speaking skills. They should make speaking English as a habit (Wahyuni & Basri, 2014). It also relates to the study discussion by Latif (2016). His research found that the contribution of the habit of using English in daily life toward speaking skill was 42.64%. Therefore, the researcher concluded that there was a significant positive correlation between the habit of using English in everyday life and speaking skills of the first-grade students MAPK MAN 1 Surakarta. From all the supporting previous research findings above, various studies figured a correlation needed between habit, learning habit, and speaking skill. Habit stands as an essential factor in the contribution of strong speaking skills. The Correlation between Self-confidence (X2) and Speaking Skill (Y) The second hypothesis finds that the result of regression measurement between X2 and Y showing the computation ̂ = 9.741 + 0.851 X2. The finding result of significance regression Fo is 33.31 compared to Ft is 4.04; because Fo is lower than Ft, it means that the regression of X2 and Y is significant (table 3). As there is a relationship between self- confidence and speaking skills, the mean of speaking skills will increase 0.851 if the self- confidence enhanced one score in a fixed score of 9.741. From the measurement of a single correlation between X2 and Y, it is found that the coefficient of correlation is 0.640, compared to r-table is 0.279 at the significance level of 5% (table 4). This discussion reveals that there is a positive correlation between self-confidence and speaking skills. This correlation has a different contribution. The effective contribution of self-confidence toward Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 183 speaking ability is 23.85%, and it explains that 23.85% of students’ speaking skill achievement is determined by students’ high self-esteem (Table 7). This discussion relates to the study done by Leong and Ahmadi (2017). Their paper aims to establish the need to focus on the factors that influence English language learners' language skills. Their paper reviews explore the body of research on the terms speaking, the importance of speaking, and the characteristics of speaking performance, speaking problems, and the factors that affect speaking performance. According to the literature review, suitable speaking instruction was important for learners and is something that needs more attention. The resulting paper said that one of the factors affecting speaking skill was related to affective ones. Based on the review of the literature of the study, teachers should understand their students’ interests and feelings, improve their learners’ self- confidence, and choose the best teaching method to keep their learners involved in the speaking activity. The paper showed that students who had the higher motivation and lower anxiety could speak quickly and effectively. One of the studies about self- confidence, is the one conducted by Gürler (2015), who found that there was a statistically significant correlation between self-esteem and speaking achievement. The study also informed that by constructing moderate self-confidence, speaking problem can be solved. This finding supports the previous study conducted by Arango (2015), which found that affective domain, as the emotional aspect of human behavior, involves aspects of personality such as emotions, motivation, attitudes, anxiety, personality, and self-confidence. Arango added that confidence, among all, became the most influential to foreign language learning. To be more specific, speaking performance and self-confidence are highly correlated. All of the previous studies above also support the last finding of this research. It describes that students’ self-confidence was highly correlated with students’ speaking skills. The Correlation between Learning Habit (X1), Self-Confidence (X2), and Speaking Skill (Y) The last finding shows that the result of multiple regression computation between X1, X2, and Y is ̂ = 6.519 + 0.415 X1 + 0.496 X2. The result of the significance regression test for Fo is 26.367 compared to Ft is 3.23 at Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 184 the significance level of 5% (Table 6). This result reveals that Fois higher than Ft, so Fo is significant. Then, it can be used to interpret the correlation between X1, X2, and Y. This description means that in every one score increases from learning habits in line with students’ self-confidence, it will increase 0.911 of students’ speaking skills in a constant score of 6.519. Meanwhile, if there is no increase in learning habits as well as self-confidence, every student has the mean of speaking skill 6.519 shown in constant positive value. The computation of multiple correlations revealed that R obtained is 0.727 (Table 5). This simultaneous correlation has a contribution to each factor. The effective contribution is 52.88%. It shows that learning habits and self- confidence are crucial factors that affect the speaking skill. 52.88% of factors that affect the speaking skills of the students occur from students’ learning habits and students’ self- confidence, then 47.12% of the rest was determined by other factors (Table 7). It is in line with previous research that this research proposed to analyze the relationship between self-confidence and learning ability. The final results showed a correlation between self- esteem and autonomous learning, where the relation of each variable was simultaneously (Pratiwi & Laksmiwati, 2016). It means that the higher self-confidence of the student has a more significant of autonomous learning. All the previous studies have been discussed in the last findings, so learning habits and confidence are essential factors in growing speaking skills. The effect is a strong correlation between learning habits and self- confidence at the same time speaking skills. Conclusion The findings and the discussions above fortify that this paper investigates the correlation between learning habits, self- confidence, and speaking skills. It can be concluded that, first, there is a positive and significant correlation between English learning habits and students’ speaking skills. English learning habits make a useful contribution of 29.03% to students’ speaking skills. Second, there is a positive and significant correlation between self- confidence and speaking skills. Self- confidence makes an effective contribution of 23.85% to growing the students’ speaking skills. The last finding shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between learning habits, self-confidence, and speaking Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2020 185 skills, with the effective contribution is 52.88%. Suggestion The teacher should applaud their pupils’ English-speaking effort. It is also suggested that teachers build a good relationship with their students so that they feel comfortable to speak in the classroom and feel eager and enthusiastic to learn English, especially to hone their speaking skill. The teacher also guides the students to have a good learning habit in studying English, together with increasing and building up the students' self-confidence to deal with the increasing students’ speaking skills. This study shows the finding only focus on the aspect of learning habits, self-esteem, and speaking skills. 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