item: #1 of 28 id: jfap-10295 author: Hadning, Ingenida; Yunika, Astri title: Formula Optimization of Feminine Liquid Soap from Garlic (Allium sativum Linn) Extract date: 2021-04-23 words: 2547 flesch: 59 summary: ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml Explanation: F1: liquid soap formula with Na lauryl sulfate 1% b/v F2: liquid soap formula with 5% Na lauryl sulfate b/v F3: liquid soap formula with Na lauryl sulfate 10% b/v F4: liquid soap formula with Carbopol 980 0.1% b/v F5: liquid soap formula with Carbopol 980 0.3% b/v F6: liquid soap formula with Carbopol 980 0.5% b/v Ingenida Hadning , Astri Yunika| Formula Optimization of Feminine Liquid Soap from Garlic (Allium sativum Linn) The preparation of liquid soap formula containing sodium lauryl sulfate produced clear, not-too-thick, and foamy liquid soap. keywords: albicans; allium; brataco; candida; carbopol; color; density; extract; feminine; foam; formula; g g; garlic; hydrogen; jakarta; lauryl; leucorrhoea; linn; liquid; liquid soap; lvl; observation; optimization; organoleptic; pharmaceutical; physical; results; sativum; shape; smell; soap; sodium; study; sulfate; table; test; universitas; water; yogyakarta cache: jfap-10295.pdf plain text: jfap-10295.txt item: #2 of 28 id: jfap-10819 author: Sunnah, Istianatus; Kustiyaningsih, Erna; Oktianti, Dian title: Yellow Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima D.) Extract As Anti-Hypercholesterolemia date: 2021-04-23 words: 2608 flesch: 60 summary: Extract of yellow pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima D.) could reduce total blood cholesterol levels of rats. Data analysis The data was in the form of the difference in total blood cholesterol levels in rats from pre and post-test. keywords: activity; animals; anti; blood; cholesterol; cucurbita; data; day; days; egg; extract; feed; feeding; figure; flavonoids; flesh; group; high; journal; kgbw; levels; maxima; normal; positive; pumpkin; quail; rats; research; results; simvastatin; table; terpenoids; test; total; weight; yellow cache: jfap-10819.pdf plain text: jfap-10819.txt item: #3 of 28 id: jfap-10983 author: Wibowo, Andy Eko; Hatala, Rivaldy Rifai; Edang, Awalludin M title: Antimicrobial Test of 1-(2.5-Dihydroxi Phenyl)-(3-Pyridine-2-Il) -Propanone Compound in Enterococcus Faecalis and Escherichia Coli Bacteria Using a Well Diffusion Method date: 2021-02-26 words: 3252 flesch: 54 summary: The lack of sensitivity of chalcone-derived compounds in inhibiting the growth of gram-positive bacteria was due to the absence of specific receptors (protein molecules that receive chemical signals) for the entry of test compounds into bacterial cells6. Results of antibacterial activity test of 1-(2.5-dihydroxiphenyl)-3-pyridine-2-il- propenone The average inhibition rate of amoxicillin positive control with a concentration of 0.1% was 26 mm. keywords: activity; antibacterial; antimicrobial; atcc; bacteria; chalcone; coli; compound; control; diffusion; dihydroxy; dmso; enterococcus; escherichia; ethanol; faecalis; growth; hexane; il)-propenone; inhibition; media; melting; method; negative; phenyl)-(3; point; positive; purity; pyridine-2; results; solution; study; test; tlc; wibowo; zone cache: jfap-10983.pdf plain text: jfap-10983.txt item: #4 of 28 id: jfap-11001 author: Khotimah, Tsania Khusnul; Krisridwany, Annisa; Orbayinah, Salmah; Harimurti, Sabtanti title: Antibacterial Activity of Fractions from Extract Ethanolic of Hylocereus Polyrhizus Peel Against E. Coli and S. aureus date: 2021-04-23 words: 3071 flesch: 53 summary: After that, a further test was carried out using Mann-Whitney to determine the difference between the control and test groups on S. aureus bacteria. The result was that each test concentration in the n- hexane fraction had an inhibitory power against S. aureus bacteria. keywords: 160mg; acetate; acetate fraction; activity; alkaloid; antibacterial; aureus; bacteria; cell; coli; compounds; concentration; control; difference; dragon; dragon fruit; ethanol; ethanolic; ethyl; extract; flavonoid; fraction; fruit; gram; hexane; hylocereus; inhibition; inhibitory; iwaki; method; negative; peel; polyrhizus; red; red dragon; research; result; s. aureus; saponin; test; yogyakarta; zone cache: jfap-11001.pdf plain text: jfap-11001.txt item: #5 of 28 id: jfap-11640 author: Ningsih, Wida; Arel, Afdhil title: Clove Oil (Syzygium aromaticum) Edible Film Formulation and Antibacterial Activity Test against Streptococcus mutans date: 2021-08-25 words: 4075 flesch: 57 summary: Antibacterial activity testing of clove oil edible film was conducted, employing the blood agar diffusion method against Streptococcus mutans. Edible clove oil film was made by casting method on a mold (26 x 20 cm). keywords: activity; addition; afdhil; agar; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; aromaticum; blood; brataco; clove; clove oil; concentration; dan; difference; diffusion; distilled; edible; edible film; eugenol; evaluation; examination; film; formula; formulation; friability; growth; hours; inhibition; materials; media; medium; menthol; method; mutans; oil; physical; plaque; plt; preparation; results; shrinkage; significant; solution; streptococcus; streptococcus mutans; swelling; syzygium; temperature; test; thickness; tools; value; water cache: jfap-11640.pdf plain text: jfap-11640.txt item: #6 of 28 id: jfap-12159 author: Kiromah, Naelaz Zukhruf Wakhidatul; Miyarso, Chondrosuro; Krisdiyanti, Yayu title: Analgesic Activities of Ethanolic and Methanolic Extract of Ganitri Leaves (Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb): In vivo study date: 2021-08-30 words: 2500 flesch: 58 summary: This research aims to determine ethanol and methanol extracts' impact on decreasing analgesic activity and percent protection. Furthermore, based on the statistical analysis results using ANOVA, it was found that the ethanol and methanolic extracts of the leaves of the ganitri dosage of 400 mg/Kg BW had analgesic activity close to 500 mg/kg BW of mefenamic acid. keywords: acetic; acid; activities; activity; analgesic; cmc; control; doses; eeg; elaeocarpus; ethanol; extract; flavonoids; ganitri; ganitrus; group; indonesia; kgbw; leaf; leaves; mefenamic; meg; methanolic; mice; negative; number; pain; percentage; pharm; plants; protection; research; roxb; study; test; vivo; writhes cache: jfap-12159.pdf plain text: jfap-12159.txt item: #7 of 28 id: jfap-12180 author: Nandita, Sesilia Putri; Kuncahyo, Ilham; Harjanti, Reslely title: Formulation and Optimization of Furosemide Snedds With Variation Concentration of Tween 80 and PEG 400 date: 2021-08-25 words: 3137 flesch: 43 summary: METHOD This study is experimental laboratory research to identify the optimization of the formula of SNEDDS furosemide with various concentrations of Tween 80 and PEG 400 using the simplex lattice design method. The SLD design in the study was made by choosing three combinations and observing the response obtained.7 Preparation of furosemide SNEDDS Formulation of SNEDDS furosemide of 3 mL was put into the vial by taking each ingredient according to run (7 runs). keywords: characterization; component; delivery; design; dissolution; drug; drug loading; emulsification; emulsification time; formula; formulation; furosemide; furosemide snedds; journal; lattice; loading; method; oil; optimization; optimum; particle; peg; percent; pharmaceutical; pharmacy; potential; research; results; self; simplex; size; sld; snedds; study; surfactant; system; test; time; transmittance; tween; value; zeta cache: jfap-12180.pdf plain text: jfap-12180.txt item: #8 of 28 id: jfap-12364 author: Pratiwi, Elasari Dwi; Dewi, Niluh Puspita title: Screening of Phytochemical Secondary Metabolites of Muntingia Calabura: a Potential as Hepatoprotector date: 2022-02-07 words: 2897 flesch: 57 summary: The phytochemical screening results of extracts and Muntingia calabura fractions contained secondary metabolites, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and phenolics. One of the plants used as traditional medicine is Muntingia calabura. keywords: acetate; acid; alkaloids; calabura; chloroform; compounds; ethanol; ethyl; extract; fecl3; flavonoids; fraction; grams; hcl; hexane;; journal; layer; leaves; medicine; merck; metabolites; muntingia; muntingia calabura; phenolic; phytochemical; plate; polar; presence; results; saponins; screening; secondary; study; tannins; test; thick; tlc; water cache: jfap-12364.pdf plain text: jfap-12364.txt item: #9 of 28 id: jfap-12406 author: Aziz, Abdul; Yuliawan, Veggy Nadya; Kustiawan, Paula Mariana title: Identification of Secondary Metabolites and Antibacterial Activity of Non Polar Fraction from Heterotrigona itama Propolis date: 2021-08-25 words: 4836 flesch: 53 summary: The results of phytochemical screening of stingless bee propolis extract contained secondary metabolite compounds, which can be seen in Table 1. Table 1. The total phenolic content of the non-polar fraction, which was less than the crude extract, indicated that some phenolic compounds were present in polar fractions. keywords: abdul; acid; activity; agar; analysis; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antioxidant; aziz; bee; bees; change; coli; color; compounds; concentration; content; curve; drops; extract; flavonoids; food; fraction; gallic; green; heterotrigona; hexane; hexane fraction; identification; inhibition; itama; itama propolis; journal; kalimantan; kelulut; kustiawan; mariana; metabolites; methanol; nadya; non; paula; phenolic; phenolic content; phytochemical; plants; polar; polar fraction; positive; potential; propolis; research; results; sample; saponin; science; secondary; solution; solvent; standard; stingless; study; table; tannins; test; total; total phenolic; value; veggy; water; weak; yuliawan cache: jfap-12406.pdf plain text: jfap-12406.txt item: #10 of 28 id: jfap-12450 author: Permatasari, Desy Ayu Irma; Kurniasri, Novita; Mahardika, Muladi Putra title: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Dexamethasone in Rheumatic Pain Herbal Medicine Using Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) – Densitometry date: 2021-08-25 words: 3890 flesch: 56 summary: This research was used three kind of rheumatic pain herbal medicine sample to identify dexamethasone, the sample code is S1, S2, and S3. Meanwhile, S2- S2a is herbal medicine sample S2 with two replications, and S3-S3a is herbal medicine sample S3 with two replications. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2(1), August 2021 18 Quantitative Analysis Table 4. keywords: analysis; ayu; chemical; chromatography; concentration; dan; densitometry; dexamethasone; flouresence; ftir; functional; herbal; herbal medicine; irma; jamu; layer; medicinal; medicine; merck; method; muladi; novita; obat; organoleptic; pain; pain herbal; pale; pharmaceutical; pro; purple; putra; qualitative; replications; research; results; rheumatic; rheumatic pain; sample; science; solution; spectrum; spot; standard; table; test; thin; tlc; traditional; value cache: jfap-12450.pdf plain text: jfap-12450.txt item: #11 of 28 id: jfap-12451 author: Yusuf, Nurul Arfiyanti; Hardianti, Besse; Rahma, Rahma title: Hair Tonic Formulation of Black Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis) as Hair Growth date: 2021-08-26 words: 3530 flesch: 57 summary: This study aimed to determine the stable hair tonic formula and to investigate the effectiveness of black tea extract hair tonic in rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) as animal testing. Effectiveness Test of Hair Tonic Preparations The hair growth effectiveness test of the formula of black tea extract hair tonic was on male rabbit hair. keywords: 18th; accelerated; black; black tea; camellia; concentration; conditions; control; data; day; days; density; different; effectiveness; extract; extract hair; formula; formulation; gallate; group; growth; hair; hair growth; hair tonic; higher; length; liquid; negative; organoleptic; positive; preparation; rabbits; results; sinensis; sodium; storage; study; table; tea; tea extract; test; tonic; value; viscosity; water cache: jfap-12451.pdf plain text: jfap-12451.txt item: #12 of 28 id: jfap-13023 author: Dewi, Ratna Sari; Permatasari, Desy Ayu Irma; Wardani, Tatiana Siska; Mahardika, Muladi Putra title: Antioxidant Activity Evaluation from Tomatoes’ N-Hexane, Ethyl Asetate, and Water Fraction with DPPH date: 2022-03-07 words: 2236 flesch: 44 summary: The test of antioxidant activity to DPPH radical was conducted on n-hexane, ethyl acetate, water, and vitamin C. Commune Bailey.) showed that it has antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 279.482 µg each. / mL and 280.190 µg / mL. It indicated the ethanol extract of fruit tomato leaves (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, var. keywords: acetate; acid; activity; aktivitas; antioksidan; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; cancer; carotene; carotenoid; compounds; concentration; dpph; esculentum; esculentum mill; ethyl; ethyl acetate; evaluation; extract; flavonoids; fraction; fractionation; free; fruit; hexane; ic50; inhibition; jurnal; lycopene; lycopersicum; mill; ppm; radicals; research; results; test; tomatoes; value; var; vitamin; water; water fraction cache: jfap-13023.pdf plain text: jfap-13023.txt item: #13 of 28 id: jfap-13504 author: Saputri, Muharni; Zebua, Nilsya Febrika; Asih, Fivi Nur; Putri, Ghera Fakhira title: Comparison Between The Suspension and Capsule Preparation from Waste of Avocado Seeds As Antidiarrhea in Induced Mouse date: 2022-02-21 words: 4007 flesch: 56 summary: This study aims to determine the antidiarrheal effect of avocado seed extract suspension on mice induced by Oleum ricini and the optimum concentration of avocado seed extract suspension and capsules with an antidiarrheal effect in white male mice induced by Oleum ricini. The results of this study showed that the administration of a suspension of avocado seed methanol extract at a dose of 800 mg/KgBB had the most optimum effect as an antidiarrheal against white male mice with a stool weight of 0.39 grams and a duration of diarrhea for 74 minutes. keywords: accelerated; americana; antidiarrheal; average; avocado; avocado seed; capsules; cmc; color; column; diarrhea; different; dosage; dose; duration; effect; extract; group; hcl; induced; loperamide; medicine; meter; methanol; methanol extract; method; mg dose; mice; mill; mouse; oleum; optimum; organoleptic; persea; post; preparation; reagent; results; ricini; seed; seed methanol; storage; study; suspension; table; test; treatment; tukey; value; waste; water; weight; white cache: jfap-13504.pdf plain text: jfap-13504.txt item: #14 of 28 id: jfap-13505 author: Saputri, Muharni; Mierza, Vriezka; Putri, Nirwana title: Antimicrobic Activity of IPPU Padang (Ammannia octandra L.f.) Leaves Ethanol Extract against Skin Pathogenic Microbials date: 2022-08-01 words: 2173 flesch: 38 summary: Secondary metabolites which are estimated to inhibit microbial growth are flavonoid alkaloids and tannins,8 but it is known that there has been no research on the activity of ethanol extract of ippu Padang leaf extract against fungi and pathogenic skin bacteria; therefore, researchers are interested in conducting this research. Antimicrobial activity test results Based on Figure 1, B- (Negative blank) does not have a diameter of inhibition for testing all microbes. keywords: activity; aeruginosa; agar; albicans; alkaloids; ammannia; antibacterial; antimicrobial; bacteria; candida; cause; cell; concentration; dermacoccus; diameter; epidermidis; ethanol; extract; flavonoids; fungi; glycosides; growth; inhibition; inhibitory; ippu; ippu padang; l.f; leaves; luteus; method; micrococcus; nishinomiyaensis; octandra; padang; phytochemical; pseudomonas; research; results; screening; secondary; simplicia; skin; staphylococcus; tannins; test cache: jfap-13505.pdf plain text: jfap-13505.txt item: #15 of 28 id: jfap-13755 author: Rumaseuw, Ellen Stephanie; Iskandar, Yoppi; Halimah, Eli title: Hematological Parameters in Subchronic Toxicity Test of Black Garlic Ethanol Extract in Rats date: 2022-02-22 words: 3483 flesch: 56 summary: Black garlic initially resulted in many Japanese people producing black garlic using simple tools such as rice cookers and other heating devices so that black onions can be consumed.7 Raya Bandung Sumedang Km 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java 45363, Indonesia Abstract The community has used black garlic since ancient times for hypercholesterolemic. keywords: aged; analysis; anova; black; black garlic; blood; body; bodyweight; bw satellite; control; control group; control satellite; cysteine; days; development; dose; effect; eli; ellen; ethanol; extract; female; garlic; group; halimah; hematological; increase; iskandar; kg bw; kim; med; negative; negative control; parameters; people; rats; research; satellite group; satellite negative; satellite2000 mg; stephanie; study; subchronic; table; test; toxicity; value; weight; yoppi cache: jfap-13755.pdf plain text: jfap-13755.txt item: #16 of 28 id: jfap-15556 author: Nurinnafi'a, Ahda Maulida Ulufan; Artini, Kusumaningtyas Siwi; Permatasari, Desy Ayu Irma title: Total Flavonoid Content of Lemongrass Leaf (Cymbogoncitratus (DC.) Stapf) Extract and Antioxidant Activity with Frap date: 2022-08-31 words: 2973 flesch: 53 summary: This study aims to determine the total flavonoid content, antioxidant activity, and IC50 value of lemongrass leaf extract (Cymbogoncitratus (DC.) Three replications were made for each analysis, and the average absorbance was then identified Determination of the antioxidant activity of lemongrass leaf extract started with making a FRAP solution by mixing 25 mL of acetate buffer solution, 2.5 mL of TPTZ solution, and 2.5 mL of FeCl3.6H2O solution, then added with aquadest to 100 mL in a volumetric flask. keywords: absorbance; acetate; activity; alcl3; antioksidan; antioxidant; citratus; concentration; content; cymbogoncitratus; cymbopogon; determined; extract; flavonoid; flavonoid content; frap; free; ic50; leaf; leaf extract; lemongrass; lemongrass leaf; merck; method; minutes; ppm; quercetin; radicals; reagent; results; sample; solution; spectrophotometry; standard; stapf; table; test; total; total flavonoid; value; vis; wavelength cache: jfap-15556.pdf plain text: jfap-15556.txt item: #17 of 28 id: jfap-15569 author: Hadi, Ismanurrahman; Hidayattullah, Dadan; Irawan, Ade title: Formulation and Evaluation of Body Scrub Using Flour-Based from Fruits of Indramayu Variety of Cengkir Mango (Mangifera indica L) date: 2022-08-31 words: 2638 flesch: 59 summary: Meanwhile, the flour of Cengkir mango was used as an active component in body scrub formulation. The formulation was divided into 3 groups with different concentrations of mango fruit flour, respectively 35, 46, and 50 grams (F1, F2, and F3). keywords: active; body; body scrub; brownish; cengkir; cengkir mango; color; consistency; evaluation; favorability; favorable; flour; formulation; fragrance; fruit; grams; granule; hedonic; homogeneity; indica; indramayu; journal; mangifera; mango; natural; pharmaceutical; physical; product; results; scent; scrub; skin; soft; stability; study; table; temperature; test; value; variety cache: jfap-15569.pdf plain text: jfap-15569.txt item: #18 of 28 id: jfap-15652 author: Ikponmwosa, Bridget Osamuyimen; Usunobun, Usunomena title: Aqueous Leaf Extract of Chromolaena odorata Attenuates Methotrexate-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats date: 2022-08-31 words: 5310 flesch: 44 summary: Certain herbs have been reported to have the potential to alleviate the side effects of most synthetic drugs.6 Chromolaena odorata, a pantropic herb, possess phytochemicals and antioxidant enzymes that activate defense mechanisms and stress-sensing transcription factors to prevent oxidative damage.7 The dried leaf of Ch. odorata contains active phytochemical substances, such as flavonoid aglycones (flavanones, flavonols, flavones). Collection and identification of plant material Fresh leaves of Ch. odorata were collected from within the locality of Iyamho community, Uzairue, in Etsako Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria, and taxonomically authenticated at the Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology Herbarium, Edo State University, Uzairue, Edo State Nigeria with voucher number EUH/00066. keywords: activity; administration; albumin; alt; analysis; antioxidant; aqueous; aqueous leaf; ast; attenuates; bilirubin; bridget; cat; chromolaena; chromolaena odorata; consecutive; control; damage; days; dose; edo; effect; extract; figure; function; group; hepatic; hepatotoxicity; histopathological; ikponmwosa; injection; intraperitoneal; journal; kg bw; leaf; leaf extract; level; lipid; liver; mda; mean; methotrexate; mtx; odorata; osamuyimen; oxidative; pharmaceutical; plant; protective; protein; rats; reduction; research; science; serum; significant; sod; state; stress; study; total; treatment; university; usunobun; usunomena; values; vitamin; vitamin c; wistar; wistar rats cache: jfap-15652.pdf plain text: jfap-15652.txt item: #19 of 28 id: jfap-15992 author: Kholifah, Eva; Nurazizah, Dewi; Noviyanto, Fajrin title: Antioxidant Activity and Vitamin C Concentration Analysis of Gandaria (Bouae macrophylla Griff) Ethanol Extract Using Spectrophotometry UV Vis date: 2023-03-25 words: 3440 flesch: 53 summary: The color changes to orange + Tanin Sample + FeCl3 Color change + Steroid& terpenoid Sample + H2SO4 + acetic anhydrous The color changes to dark red + Saponin Sample + aqua dest Foam doesn't disappear + Description: (+) Contains the test compound (-) Does not contain the test compound Based on table 3, the results of the phytochemical screening conducted, it is known that the extract of gandaria fruit (Bouea macrophylla Griff) contained secondary metabolites, including alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids, and saponins,5 which states that gandaria fruit contained secondary metabolites including flavonoids, triterpenoids, and saponins. Vitamin C antioxidant test results Concentration (ppm) keywords: absorbance; activity; aktivitas; analysis; antioksidan; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; bouea; bouea macrophylla; color; compounds; concentration; curve; dewi; dpph; equation; ethanol; extract; free; fruit; gandaria; gandaria fruit; griff; ic50; indonesia; kholifah; linear; macrophylla; macrophylla griff; method; phytochemical; plant; ppm; presence; radical; regression; research; results; sample; screening; solution; spectrophotometry; strong; table; tannins; test; value; vitamin; vitamin c; wavelength cache: jfap-15992.pdf plain text: jfap-15992.txt item: #20 of 28 id: jfap-16000 author: Gbolo Zoawe, Benjamin; Nachtergael, Amandine; Tshibangu, Damien S. T.; Misengabu, Nicole M.; Nsabatien, Victoire; Memvanga, Patrick B.; Tshilanda, Dorothée D.; Ngbolua, Jean-Paul K. N.; Mpiana, Pius T.; Duez, Pierre title: In Vitro Biological Activities of Drepanoalpha® Ethanolic Extract, A Justicia Secunda and Moringa Oleifera-Based Phytomedicine Proposed for The Symptomatic Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease date: 2023-03-25 words: 6971 flesch: 50 summary: The rate of reversibility of sickle red blood cells in hypoxic conditions increased with the concentration of DEE or DSCG until reaching a maximum threshold (MMR, maximum reversibility rate), above which the reversibility remained constant, regardless of the increase in concentration. Total red blood cell count (b) SRD: Sickled red blood cells count (c) SI: percentage of sickling induction (e) Anova one-way with posthoc t-tests (Tukey); there were no statistical differences between the treatments cromoglycate - Justicia secunda - Moringa oleifera - Drepanoalpha® A B C D E Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 3(2), February 2023 72 Figure 4. keywords: activities; activity; amandine; anemia; anthocyanins; antisickling; benjamin; biological; blood; blood cells; cell; cell disease; concentration; conditions; congo; contact; control; cromoglycate; damien; dee; democratic; different; disease; drepanoalpha; dscg; dst; effect; erythrocytes; et al; ethanolic; ethanolic extract; extract; fe2+/fe3; february; figure; fundamental; gbolo; hbs; hemoglobin; herbal; inhibition; int; journal; justicia; justicia secunda; kinshasa; lam; leaves; level; management; medicinal; membrane; memvanga; metabisulphite; methemoglobin; min; misengabu; mixture; moringa; moringa oleifera; mpiana; na2s2o5; nachtergael; nacl; negative; ngbolua; nicole; nsabatien; oleifera; patients; patrick; pharmaceutical; phytomedicine; plants; polymerization; positive; presence; proportion; rate; red; red blood; republic; reversibility; samples; sci; science; secunda; sickle; sickle cell; sickling; sodium; study; symptomatic; table; time; traditional; trb; treatment; tshibangu; victoire; 𝑆𝐼0 cache: jfap-16000.pdf plain text: jfap-16000.txt item: #21 of 28 id: jfap-16206 author: Andika, Nadia Aisy; Artini, Kusumaningtyas Siwi; Wardani, Tatiana Siska title: Antibacterial Activity of Abrus precatorius L. Leaves Against Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 Bacteria date: 2023-04-01 words: 4693 flesch: 50 summary: The yield obtained met the requirements of the Indonesian herbal pharmacopeia, which was not less than 7.2%.11 The results of the calculation of the average percentage yield of saga leaf extract, namely the n-hexane fraction of saga leaves of 22.121%, ethyl acetate fraction of saga leaves of 24.401% and water Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 3(2), February 2023 104 Chromatography (TLC) Test Results Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) test was carried out to confirm the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract and the fraction of saga leaves. The yield obtained met the requirements of the Indonesian herbal pharmacopeia, which was not less than 7.2%.11 The results of the calculation of the average percentage yield of saga leaf extract, namely the n-hexane fraction of saga leaves of 22.121%, ethyl acetate fraction of saga leaves of 24.401% and water fraction of saga leaves of 25.861%. keywords: abrus; abrus precatorius; acetate; acetate fraction; active; activity; antibacterial; artini; atcc; blue; ciprofloxacin; concentration; control; data; determination; dmso; ethanol; ethyl; ethyl acetate; extract; extraction; fraction; grams; growth; hexane; hexane fraction; inhibition; inhibitory; internet; leaf; leaves; material; mbc; media; method; mic; minimum; mutans; plant; positive; precatorius; results; saga; saga leaf; saga leaves; shrinkage; solvent; streptococcus; streptococcus mutans; table; test; test results; toluene; tube; wardani; water; water fraction; weak; yield cache: jfap-16206.pdf plain text: jfap-16206.txt item: #22 of 28 id: jfap-16708 author: Dahiru, Mubarak Muhammad; Ahmadi, Hadiza; Faruk, Maimuna Umar; Hamman, Huzaifa Huzaifa Aminu; Charles, Abreme Gahana title: Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant Potential of Ethylacetate Extract of Tamarindus Indica (Tamarind) Leaves by Frap Assay date: 2023-02-16 words: 3448 flesch: 35 summary: Cordero‐Herrera I, Martín MA, Goya L, Ramos S. Cocoa flavonoids protect hepatic cells against high‐glucose‐ induced oxidative stress: Relevance of MAPKs. It can be concluded that Tamarind leaves could be utilized to manage diseases associated with oxidative stress, evidenced by their antioxidant potential credited to the phytochemical content of the leaves. keywords: abreme; absorbance; acid; activity; ahmadi; alkaloids; aminu; analysis; antioxidant; applied; ascorbic; assay; cancer; cells; cellular; charles; compounds; concentration; content; dahiru; damage; diabetes; diseases; eetl; effects; ethanol; ethylacetate; extract; faruk; flavonoids; frap; gahana; hadiza; hamman; huzaifa; indica; induced; journal; leaves; longevity; maimuna; medicine; mubarak; muhammad; neurodegenerative; oxidative; oxidative stress; phytochemical; plant; potential; power; present; progression; research; role; ros; saponins; science; state; steroids; stress; studies; study; table; tamarind; tamarindus indica; umar; zhang; ±0.60 cache: jfap-16708.pdf plain text: jfap-16708.txt item: #23 of 28 id: jfap-8305 author: Prabowo, Ega Hida; Febriansah, Rifki title: The Chemopreventive Effects of The Combination Between Tea Leaf and Mandarine Peel Extract on Breast Cancer Cell date: 2020-07-29 words: 3713 flesch: 61 summary: This study aims to determine the chemopreventive effect of a combination of ethanolic extracts of tea leaves and mandarin peel in silico and in vitro on T47D breast cancer cells. CTM had potential as a chemopreventive agent based on the robust antioxidant activity data on T47D breast cancer cells and molecular docking on the HER-2 protein. keywords: absorbance; activity; antioxidant; breast; breast cancer; cancer; cells; chemopreventive; combination; compounds; ctm; cytotoxic; data; docking; dpph; effects; egcg; extract; febriansah; her-2; ic50; journal; leaf; leaves; ligand; living; mandarin; method; molecular; mtt; peel; position; potential; prabowo; protein; results; rifki; study; table; tangeretin; tea; test; treatment; value; vitamin cache: jfap-8305.pdf plain text: jfap-8305.txt item: #24 of 28 id: jfap-8352 author: Yunita, Erma; Yulianto, Deni; Fatimah, Siti; Firanita, Tirsa title: Validation of UV-Vis Spectrophotometric Method of Quercetin in Ethanol Extract of Tamarind Leaf date: 2020-04-06 words: 3237 flesch: 54 summary: Tamarind leaf extract was macerated with hexane; then, it was re-macerated with 70% ethanol. Preparation of quercetin standard curve The standard curve was created by connecting the standard solution concentration in the series concentration of 4 ppm, 6 ppm, 8 ppm, 10 ppm, and 12 ppm with the absorption results obtained from the measurement using UV-Vis spectrophotometry at maximum wavelength.8 Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1(1), August 2020 13 Determination of my quercetin levels in the tamarind leaf extract Tamarind leaf extract of a concentration of 500 ppm measured its absorbance using UV-Vis spectrophotometry at a maximum wavelength. keywords: absorbance; accuracy; coefficient; concentration; correlation; curve; determination; ethanol; extract; indica; journal; leaf; leaves; levels; linear; linearity; lod; loq; maximum; method; parameters; pharmaceutical; ppm; precision; quercetin; range; regression; results; sample; solution; spectrophotometric; standard; study; table; tamarind; tamarind leaf; validation; value; vis; vxo; wavelength; yunita cache: jfap-8352.pdf plain text: jfap-8352.txt item: #25 of 28 id: jfap-8364 author: Kurniawan, Shirley Candra; Gani, Michael Raharja; Yuliani, Sri Hartati title: Stability Testing of Compounding Capsule Combination between Paracetamol and Tramadol in a Private Hospital Semarang date: 2020-04-06 words: 3551 flesch: 49 summary: The study aims to determine Beyond Use Date (BUD) in compounding capsules combination between Paracetamol and Tramadol samples. Paracetamol content in three different storage conditions Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1(1), April 2020 25 Decreased Paracetamol content There is a decreased Paracetamol content since the physical or chemical characteristics of the compounded preparation can change over time.1 Humidity will be more controlled at room temperature with AC (250C) because AC will absorb humid air in the room. keywords: 250c; capsules; capsules combination; chemical; combination; compounded; compounding; compounding capsules; conditions; content; date; day; degradation; figure; gel; hospital; hplc; journal; mobile; paracetamol; pharmaceutical; phase; physical; preparation; private; retention; rigid; rigid scent; room; samples; scent; semarang; silica; stability; stability testing; standard; storage; study; temperature; testing; time; tramadol; use; white; white cf; white pc cache: jfap-8364.pdf plain text: jfap-8364.txt item: #26 of 28 id: jfap-8377 author: Hadning, Ingenida; Kurnyaningtyas, Putri; Ghozali, Muhammad Thesa title: The Formulation of Lotion Preparations of Betel Leaf Extract (Piper betle) date: 2020-07-29 words: 4120 flesch: 64 summary: This study aims to determine the type and concentration of the suspending agent used to produce lotion preparations from betel leaf extract (Piper betle), which has optimal physical quality. This research aims to determine the type and concentration of suspending agent used to produce lotion preparations from betel leaf extract (Piper betle) which has optimal physical quality. keywords: adhesion; ads; ads ads; agent; arabic; arabic gum; betel; betel leaf; betle; cmc; color; concentration; dan; essential; extract; farmasi; formulation; glass; gum; homogeneity; indonesia; ingredients; jurnal; leaf; leaf extract; leaves; lotion; lotion preparations; observation; odor; oil; oils; organoleptic; pharmaceutical; physical; piper; plants; preparations; process; quality; research; results; shape; skin; study; table; test; tinea; use; versicolor; water cache: jfap-8377.pdf plain text: jfap-8377.txt item: #27 of 28 id: jfap-8401 author: Maulana, Muhammad Luthfi; Ghozali, Muhammad Theza title: Determining Caffeine in Fat-Burning Supplements Using Thin Layer Chromatography-Densitometry and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer date: 2020-04-06 words: 2225 flesch: 59 summary: The second quantitative test result analyzed by using the UV–Vis Spectrophotometer method showed 1st sample 3.22 mg/g, 2nd sample 4.56 mg/g, 3rd sample 2.23 mg/g, 4th sample 11.22 mg/g, and 5th sample 0.26 Rf value of sample No Sample Code Rf Value 1 A (pure caffeine) 0.63 2 HHE (1st sample) 0.58 3 CSHD (2nd sample) 0.59 4 UR (3rd sample) 0.58 5 HHNG (4th sample) keywords: 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 4th; 5th; analysis; burner; burning; caffeine; chloroform; chromatography; concentration; densitometry; fat; layer; method; plate; sample; spectrophotometer; standard; study; supplements; thin; tlc; value; vis; yogyakarta cache: jfap-8401.pdf plain text: jfap-8401.txt item: #28 of 28 id: jfap-9868 author: Pratama, Nofran Putra; Sari, Kurnia Rahayu Purnomo; Marliana, Ririn Irma title: Acute Toxicity Study of the Combination of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. Leave Extracts date: 2021-04-23 words: 3295 flesch: 56 summary: Guideline with five groups of experimental animals, namely normal treatment, aquadest solvent treatment and 0.5 Na- CMC 0.5%, a separate treatment of the ethanol extract of Azadirachta Indica A. Juss., a separate treatment of the ethanol extract of Gynura procumbens (Lour.) The variety of activities performed is the basis for conducting acute toxicity tests on the ethanol extract of Azadirachta Indica A. Juss. keywords: a. juss; acute; animals; azadirachta; azadirachta indica; combination; control; damage; dose; ethanol; experimental; extract; figure; group; gynura; gynura procumbens; histopathological; indica; indica a.; juss; liver; lour; merr; nucleus; observation; oecd; preparation; procumbens; rats; results; study; symptoms; test; toxicity; treatment; weight cache: jfap-9868.pdf plain text: jfap-9868.txt