107 - 125 Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 Riska Sarofah1, Titin Purwaningsih2, Nurhakim3 (1Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia) (2Departement Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) (3Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia) 127 - 143 Collaborative Governance in the Management of Village Owned Enterprises Ponggok Sub District Polanharjo District Klaten Central Java 2016 Kohen Sofi1, Dyah Mutiarin2 (1Master Studies of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) (2Department of Government Affairs and Administration,Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 145 - 161 Government Collaboration in Empowerment? A Collaborative Framework for the Government in Empowering Coastal Communities Yusuf Fadli1, Adie Dwiyanto Nurlukman2 (1Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia) (2Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia) 163 - 177 Coordination of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Tangerang City in Flood Mitigation Tito Inneka Widyawati1, Toddy Aditya2 (1Government Science Study Program, STISIP Yuppentek, Indonesia) (2Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia) 179 - 190 The News of Governor Candidacy on 2017 Banten Gubernatorial Election in Radar Banten (Study of Media Content Analysis) Achmad Nashrudin P (Communication Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia) Journal of Government Civil Society Daftar Isi (Table of Content)  107 Citation : Sarofah, Riska, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim. 2018. “Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017”. Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, 107-125. Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018, pp. 107-125 DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v2i2.1027 Received 5 October 2018 Revised 18 October 2018 Accepted 26 October 2018 Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 Riska Sarofah1, Titin Purwaningsih2, Nurhakim3 1Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia Email: ika.sarofah@gmail.com 2Departement Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia Email: titin.p.widodo@gmail.com 3Government Science Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia Email: nurhakim.umt@gmail.com ABSTRACT The characteristic of a democratic country is implementation of election. In Indonesia it has include in national and local levels. Local elections held simultaneously in 2015, 2017 and 2018. One of the city conducting the election is Yogyakarta City. In the specifically this research explain about electoral governance in electoral integrity perspective. All stages of election which consists of pre-election, election period and post-election. This research use qualitative research method through interview and documentation. The results of this study indicated that electoral governance in Yogyakarta City has integrity in accordance with the principles of electoral integrity applied in the stages of election implementation include pre-election, election process and post-election. In this research are not use all of the indicators to analyse the stages of election. This is because adjusted with the findings of research with information obtained through several sources. The first, at the planning and program, the indicators analyse include the implementation of democratic principles, transparency and accountability. The second, socialization and voter information, indicators analyse include the implementation of democratic principles, transparency and professionalism. The third, campaigns, indicators analyse include transparency, accountability, code of ethics and supervision. The fourth, voting and vote counting, the indicators analyse include democratic principle, professionalism, institutional safeguards and supervision. The fifth, the resolution of election disputes, indicators analyse are ethical codes and accountability. Keywords: Election, electoral integrity, Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta, Electoral Supervisory Committee of Yogyakarta INTRODUCTION Elections is one of the instrument embodiments of the democratic country. Implementation of elections should ensure direct, public, free, fair and fair democratic principles. Elections must also put forward the principle of equality before of law and equal opportunity principle. This principle of equality can be realized if there is active participation in the holding of elections from the public and political parties. Every election process must also be well prepared by election organizers to ensure the success of democratic parties both at national and local level (Harahap, 2016; McAllister & White, 2015; P. Norris, 2012). Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 108 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim The concurrent election 2015, 2017, and 2018 is a form of transitional execution of local election. The purpose of three stages in the local democratic equated the election cycle and the period of governance of the regional head in Indonesia based on the calculation of the tenure of provincial and district/city heads throughout in Indonesia, the Ministry of Home Affairs divided three rounds in local election such as first-round regional elections in 269 area, second year in 101 area, and third year in 172 area. Table 1. The Implementation of The Concurrent Local Election in Indonesia No Local Election Total 1 Province 33 2 City 93 3 Regency 416 Total 542 Source: http://kpu-ri.go.id Based on the above table, the total regions conducting simultaneous elections in 2015, 2017 and 2018 amounted to 542. The implementation of the regional head election must be able to realize the integrity of the implementation and the results of holding the direct election through the strengthening of election organizers (Rinaldo, 2016). The implementation of the simultaneous election in Indonesia, the election supervisory body has compiled the Index of Election Vulnerability with one of the dimensions of the variables of the holding of elections in which it contains the integrity of the organizer, the professionalism of the election commission and the violence against the organizer (Bawaslu, 2017). With percentage as follows: Figure 1. Index of Electoral Vulnerability 2017 Based on Organizing Dimension Source: Electoral Supervisory Agency of Indonesia P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 109Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 Yogyakarta City has a low level of vulnerability whereas its has a high chances of conflict when viewed the results of election in Yogyakarta City 2017 with total of polling place is 794 and the resulted of vote is not more than 2%. Calculation results of polling place (Form C1) of Yogyakarta as follows: 49.7% 50.3% Imam Priyono D Putranto and Achmad Fadly H. Haryadi Suyuti and Heroe Suyuti Figure 2. The Result of Vote in Yogyakarta City 2017 Source: Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of DIY received violation findings during the voting process simultaneously in DIY. Violations occurring in a number of polling places (TPS) dominated by procedural violations and data accuracy. Most violations dominated by invalid permanent voters list as well as the expulsion of polling place Controller (PTPS) by KPPS. The expulsion took place at TPS 1 and 4 GunungketurPakualaman Yogyakarta(Bawaslu, 2017). In addition, the malpractice of the election was also found in the preparation stage of the election which found 1,546 ballots damaged and can not be used in the voting process (Harianjogja, 2017). Table 2. Total of Election Violations in Yogyakarta City 2017 No Type of Violation Total of Violations 1 Administrative 23 2 Criminal 0 3 Etics 3 4 Other law violations 4 Total 30 Source: Electoral Supervisory Committee of Yogyakarta Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 110 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim Based on the above table Election Supervisory Agency of Special Region of Yogyakarta (Panwaslu, 2017) report showed that the total of violations that occurred in the city of Yogyakarta as many as 30. Administrative violations as much as 23, no criminal violation, violations of ethics as much as 3 and other law violations as many as 4. The report showed that the holding of elections in the Yogyakarta City was still encountered many violations. Some violations such as vote inflation, code of ethics, professionalism, accountability, transparency and other procedural issues in Yogyakarta City illustrate that the General Election in 2017 still has many problems. The problems that arise are closely related to the principles of integrity of the election to be achieved by election organizers. The more people witness the election violations the more negative they tend to judge the electoral process(Cho, Y., & Kim, 2016). Election quality can be found through credible and independent election organizers(Ruiz-Rufino, 2018). The demand for election organizers to apply election integrity standards at every stage of the election will ensure the quality of electoral administration. The process of free and fair elections can be a measure for those who will hold power and guarantees for the holding of electoral qualities(Olugbemiga Afolabi, 2017). However, free and fair elections are not sufficient to ensure the quality of elections, as there are other principles including the implementation of democratic principles, codes of ethics, professionalism, institutional safeguards, oversight, transparency and accountability(ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, 2013). The role of the Election Commission and Election Supervisory Committee of Yogyakartais to realize elections with integrity was very important. This will ensure consistency to produce transparency and accountability elections based on integrity aspect. Implementation of indicators of electoral integrity will affect the quality of elections that have implications on the implementation of elections in accordance with the principles of democratics(Edet, Bassey, & Ita, 2016). Reason for choosing the Electoral Integrity indicator in this research was for increase public participation in voter turnout, public involvement in government administration and able to reduce mass protest activity. In addition, election integrity is an important aspect in a democratic system in particular. The consequences of the absence of elections with integrity are very serious, even at a certain point may lead to the delegitimization of elected governments and ultimately trigger the political instability of a State. The electoral integrity indicator is also very comprehensive for analysing election governance(Rahmatunnisa, 2017). This research took focus on the analysis of electoral governance in every stage of the General Election that uses indicators of election integrity in Yogyakarta City. This research is expected to be able to contribute to other regions that will conduct the election. P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 111Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 LITERATURE REVIEW Elections as Democratic Instruments Democracy and elections are two interrelated concepts. All democratic systems are supported through the holding of periodic elections while elections can not succeed in political systems other than democracy(Gutiérrez, 2012).The challenge of democracy also requires a deep understanding of electoral reform, building democratic institutions and strengthening substantive democracy not only procedural(Hamalai L., Egwu S., 2017).Therefore, citizens’ dissatisfaction with the democratic process will pose a threat to the stability and legitimacy of a democratic political system (Donovan & Karp, 2017). Electoral governance is often equated with the actual electoral administration in the process that electoral governance is not just talking about administrative matters. There are several stages in the governance of the election is first, the determination of election organizers, second, the application of norms in the implementation of elections. Third, the settlement of disputes in the election. With this section, electoral governance is not merely about the administration of elections(Medina Torres, 2015). Electoral Governance is an effort to realize the credibility of the election. Electoral Governance”as a set of related activities that involves rule making, rule application, and rule adjudication”. Electoral governance has a function in realizing and maintaining a broad election framework in every election activity where voting and electoral competition. Normatively, based on democratic measures, direct election offers a number of benefits as well as expectations for the growth, deepening and expansion of local democracy: 1. Opening the space of participation. 2. Political competition 3. Actualizing political rights 4. Gain an aspirational, competent and legitimate leader 5. Political legitimation Electoral Cycle Based on the experienced of elections around the world that there issued such as violations at the time of elections, voting, and violence that are widely found throughout the world, it was necessary to establish the context of International standards that must be met by the organizers of the election(Dahana, Rosalin, & Wiannastiti, 2016; Hyde, & Marinov, 2018). An evaluation index has been developed to compare the quality of elections in some provinces or electoral districts within a country (James, n.d.) Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 112 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim The Electoral Cycle is a tool used to understand the preparation of elections and the process of elections. The Election Cycle was developed by the European Commission (EC), The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in responded to understanding the long-term challenges of electoral implementation(ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, 2013). Election Cycle is one of the instruments that ensures that the implementation of General Election is an ongoing and continuous activity. In general, the electoral cycle is divided into 3 periods, including pre-electoral period, electoral period, post-electoral period. Some stages of universally valid election organizers ,namely: 1. Legal framework 2. Planning and implementation 3. Training, education, and election socialization 4. Voter registration 5. Electoral campaign 6. Election day and counting 7. Verification of result 8. Post-election Electoral Integrity Definition of Integrity comes from English as integration which means perfection or whole, besides the word integrity also means from the Latin word “integer” which means intact or complete. Integrity is a mindset and character that conforms to prevailing norms and regulations that are produced through a long process(Pippa Norris & Grrmping, 2017; Sugihariyadi, 2015). Electoral integrity approaches both broadly and narrowly must contain at least universal component of suffrage including free, competitive and fair (Clark, 2017). This concept of integrity emerged to answer two issues, namely political violence in the election and administrative violations committed by the election organizers (Vickery, 2012). Conceptualization related to electoral integrity can be distinguished through 3 things, namely process based approach, concept based approach or combination between them (van Ham, 2015). Concept-based approach defines election integrity as an effort to realize the ideal standard of democracy, while the process-based approach defines election integrity through election stages both pre, period and after election.According to Mozaffar and Schedler in Rahmatunnisa (2017) that process based approach is another term of electoral governance. P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 113Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 An organizer of an election with integrity means having an organizer element that is honest, transparent, accountable, meticulous and accurate in carrying out theirs duties and authorities(Nurrahmawati, 2017). Many challenges faced by electoral management bodies vary widely and differ of many countries in the election. Election organizers are held as institutions that provide accountability both vertically and horizontally during the election process by requesting elites to comply with existing regulations and guarantee the right of citizens to vote during the electoral process (Kerr & Lührmann, 2017). Respecting the principles of democratic elections. 1. Code of ethics 2. Professionalism 3. Institutional safeguards 4. Supervision and law enforcement 5. Transparency 6. Accountability Based on the theoretical framework, researchers used the electoral cycle variables developed by European Commission (EC), The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) as a tool to understand the process of organizing elections (aceproject .org, 2015). In addition Electoral Cycle is also developed by Norris (2016) which explains the steps in the election stage. Variable electoral cycles include pre-election (planning and budgeting, recruitment and election information, data collection and voter registration, campaign), election period (voting and vote counting), post-election (announcement of results, validation and resolution of election disputes). This research uses process-based approach and concept-based approach in measuring election integrity. This approach has advantages in understanding and measuring electoral integrity more comprehensively in considering all aspects from before, during and after polling day. The indicators used in this study are indicators according to The Electoral Knowledge Network (2013) with indicators such as respecting democratic elections, codes of conduct, professionalism, institutional safeguards, supervision and enforcement, transparency and accountability. Therefore, at the end of this study will examine the success of all stages of elections in applying electoral integrity. RESEARCH METHOD This research used the qualitative method. Qualitative research is the methods that explore and interpret the meaning that by some individuals or groups of people are Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 114 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim considered to come from social or humanitarian problems. This qualitative research process begins by asking questions, procedures, collecting specific data from participants, analysing data in a general and special way to interpret the meaning of the data(Sugiyono, n.d.). This research was conducted in Yogyakarta City as one of the cities that held the election simultaneously in 2017. The locations that became the main research object is the Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta and Electoral Supervisory Committee of Yogyakarta. Research used the primary and secondary manifold data. A series of data collection techniques conducted by researchers in this study include interviews and documentation. In the process of obtaining accurate data then the authors perform data collection techniques through in-depth interviews (in-depth interview) with the speakers associated with the object of research. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS Specifically, this article will discuss the governance of local election in Yogyakarta City in 2017. The dimensions used are adjusted to the operational definition in this article, among others, preparation, election period and post-election. The following research findings can be described as follows: Table 3. Description of Research Results Dimensions Variables (Electoral Cycle) Electoral Integrity Indicators Pre-election Program and Budget Planning 1. Democratic Principles 2. Transparency 3. Accountability Voter Information and Registration 1. Democratic Principles 2. Transparency 3. Professionalism Campaign 1. Transparency 2. Accountability 3. Code of ethics 4. Supervision Electoral Period Voting and Calculation 1. Professionalism 2. Institutional safeguards 3. Supervision Post-Election Electoral Dispute Resolution 1. Code of ethics 2. Accountability Source: Processed by Authors P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 115Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 Based on the findings in the field that each stage of the election such as pre-election, election period and post-election can be analyzed using electoral integrity indicator. This study specifically discusses the implementation of local election in Yogyakarta City 2017. In this study did not use all indicators of electoral integrity to analyse the stage of organizing the election. This is because adjusted with the findings of research with information obtained through several sources. The first, in the planning and program stages, the indicators analyzed include the implementation of democratic principles, transparency and accountability. The Second, socialization and voter information, indicators analyzed include the implementation of democratic principles, transparency and professionalism. The third, campaigns, indicators analyzed include transparency, accountability, code of ethics and supervision. The fourth, voting and vote counting, indicators analyzed include professionalism, institutional safeguards and supervision. The fifth, election dispute settlement, indicators analyzed include ethics code and accountability. Program and Budget Planning Details of budget planning process prepared based on the needs at each stage of the General Election. Expenditure components that are regulated include: 1. Total of voters and polling place. 2. Total of organizing personnel, security and involvement. 3. Total of candidate 4. Geographical factors We can analyse the democratic principle in this stage within theimplementation of local election in Yogyakarta City budget drafting process.It come from the Yogyakarta City Budgets which began with the preparation of proposed grant funds by the Commission to be submitted to the Regional Government Budget Team and Commission A of the Yogyakarta City Council. Then will be given input in the form of budget revision to the Commission of Yogyakarta City which proceeds with the signing of NPHD which is also used as evidence that the budget has been legally legalized. Local election budgeting process in Yogyakarta City also involves the community to take part in monitoring the budget that has been planned by the Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta. They proposed a budget of 14.9 billion. It conveyed to the community through the seminar and delivered in detail the spread of budget use to make sure the budget transparency. The distribution of election funds in Yogyakarta City 2017 are the need for the Voting Committee Rp. 6,095,311,250 (41%), Electoral Commission activities amounted Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 116 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim to Rp. 4,473,986,075 (30%), the implementation of campaign activities amounted Rp. 2,829,575,000 (19%), and budget for district election committee of Rp. 1.518.630.000 (10%). Financial accountability by Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City can be seen through report of budget usage/spending of election. In the mayor election of Yogyakarta City managed to save a budget of 31% or Rp. 4.600.000.000 (four billion six hundred million rupiah). This efficiency can be done due to the following factors: Table 4. Efficiency Budget of Election in Yogyakarta City No Reasons of Budget Efficiency 1 The election goes one round 2 Total of Mayor and vice mayor candidate are two 3 Efficiency in terms of spending as it uses e-catalogs 4 Procurement process using e-procurement, it got the best price 5 Salary for election organizer is not use national standard Source: Processed by author Based on the above table the form of accountability that can be observed through accountability report Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta with budget savings of 31% and received full appreciation by Commission A Regional House of Representative Yogyakarta City. Forms of efficiency included the election which only lasts for one round, the candidate pair only amounts twocandidate, the use of e-procurement that can assist in selecting expenditure needs of election administration, and salary election officials are adjusted to Yogyakarta minimum wage standards. Voter Information and Registration The most significant indicators of electoral integrity to get attention to the socialization and voter registration stages include Democratic Principles. We can be analyse that the socialization process existed in the Mayor Election of Yogyakarta City is very diverse and involves various stakeholders. This can be seen from the first, the dissemination of socialization carried out to the lowest level in the community such as village communities. The second, the involvement of students as agent of change in socialization activities. Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City is very successful by cooperating with several universities in Yogyakarta City. In addition to helping the achievement of Yogyakarta City Election Commission students are also believed to provide socialization with the concept of young people today so it is expected to motivate the public to use the right to vote in election in the city of Yogyakarta City. P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 117Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 The third, the involvement of novice voters in socialization activities in schools. This activity is considered to be very less participation in the process of socialization. Several interviews conducted by beginner voters are still very rare that incorporated in the activities of sub-district Electoral Committee and Commissioner of Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta. Some activities undertaken by the Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta to ensure voters have been registered as permanent voters, to ensure the process of voter registration the Electoral Committee use 3 strategy with Monitoring and evaluation the voter data, optimization of voter registration information system and approach the minority group. In ensuring resource professionalism The Electoral Commission is regularly held meetings origination, work meeting and technical guidance to electoral committee. It aims to provide a qualified understanding of the lower level of election organizers so that their performance and knowledge are in accordance with the stages of the General Election. Some of the activities carried out include: Table 5. Capability Development of Electoral Committee No Explanation 1 Working meeting of sub-district selection committee. 2 Working Meeting of the Voting Committee 3 Financial Technical Guidance for sub-district Selection Committee 4 Technical Guidance for Updating Voter Data 5 Technical Guidance of Sub-district Sidalih Application 6 Technical Guidance on Logistics and Distribution Source: Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City Through the table above shows that there should be understanding of the duties and functions of each election organizer. In the process of updating the data of voters need good cooperation between all the committee in sub-district. Coordination will generate reliable data voters and minimize errors on matching the data. National Commission also conducted training for SIDALIH operators related to the use of SIDALIH, then commissioners and SIDALIH operators who have followed the technical guidance then give committee at the sub-district level. The level of professionalism of election organizers in Yogyakarta City can also be analysethrough the provision of socialization and simulation with approaches for minority groups. Local election organizers are required to be able to provide the target of equal socialization. The city of Yogyakarta succeeded in getting the award from the National Commission because it consistently paid attention to disability-friendly electoral process. Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 118 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim Campaign Campaign methods in accordance with the regulations of the Election Implementation include limited meetings, face-to-face meetings and dialogues, general campaign dissemination, installation of campaign props, and other activities that do not violate Campaign and regulatory restrictions. Indicators of electoral integrity used in governance ofthe regional head election are transparency, accountability, code of conduct and supervision. Transparency of campaign implementation can be analyse through campaign marking process made by each candidate pair of Mayor and Vice mayor. The marking of the Yogyakarta City Election campaign in 2017 is implemented based on Electoral Commission Regulation No. 8 of 2015 that campaign fund is a number of fees in the form of money, goods and services used by candidate pairs and/or parties or coalitions of political parties proposing candidate pairs to finance the election campaign. campaign proposed by the candidate pairs may come from political party contributions or other non-binding contributions including individual donations or private law. Figure 3. Campaign Funds Source: Interview Data Based on the campaign fund reporting flow above indicates that the Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta is only a facilitator in reporting campaign funding for each candidate pair as well as political party/coalition of political parties. The Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City seeks to ensure that election participants are disciplined in reporting campaign funds adjusted to the time specified. Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City received campaign fund report from each candidate pair with details of Imam Priyono and Ahmad Fadly candidate pair of Rp. P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 119Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 532.100.000,- (five hundred thirty two million one hundred thousand rupiah) and the pair Haryadi Suyuti and Heroe Poerwadi for Rp.560.000.000,- (five hundred sixty million rupiah). The campaign funds report is then submitted to the electoral commission of Yogyakarta City and accessible to all communities and media. This is to ensure the implementation of the principle of transparency in the campaign fund reporting process of each candidate. Beside that the accountability principle can be measured with the accuracy of the data on campaign finance reports of each pair of candidates who have submitted to the Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta and has been examined by a public accounting firm. Campaign fund reports do not have the problem until the inspection stage by the accounting firm. It can prove that the principle of accountability has been implemented by the participants of the election. Local election fund has also been adjusted to the prevailing rules. In this case, the role of the electoral commission to coordinate with election participants has also been successful in order to make campaign fund reports in accordance with existing regulations. Violations found during the campaign period are the installation of the campaign during the quiet period. Several places are controlled by the electoral committee including the area of Hayam Wuruk Purwanggan, Kricak, Sardjito and Gedongtengen. Electoral Agency Supervisory Committee of Yogyakarta City to control because the billboard design that is installed is not in accordance with the submitted by the successful team of each candidate pair. We analyse that the stages of the campaign have been conducted supervision process by Supervisory Electoral Committee of Yogyakarta City. However, the main problem that arises in the supervision stage is the low level of supervision conducted by the community. Usually, the reports are part of the Supervisory findings. So committee should strive to increase community participation in monitoring process at campaign stage. Voting and Vote Counting Based on the decision of Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City Number 206 / KPU/Kota-013.329631/IV/2017 stipulates the mayor and vice mayor of Yogyakarta City won by candidate number 2, H. HaryadiSuyuti and Drs. HeroePoerwadi, MA. The process of voting in the 2017 election in the city of Yogyakarta has no significant problems but found some events that forced to re-voting some polling stations in the district. Some principles that can be analyzed in the voting and recapitulation process are the democratic principle, professionalism, institutional safeguards and supervision. In the election of the city of Yogyakarta managed to achieve participation of 70%. The election commission has succeeded in achieving the target according to the plan. The Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 120 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim voting process in each polling place must be implemented based on all procedures that have been arranged by National Electoral Commission. All polling place must report by IT-based voting process. The voting process needs to be recorded in the form of an introductory video with the background of the polling place number, the video of the committee chairman and the witnesses of the candidates. The role of witnesses in the voting process is very important and ensures the smoothness of the voting process. Problems that occur in some districts such as Andurajen district, Umbulharjo and Gondokusuman. In Gondokusuman Sub-district the voting in polling place has no problem-related to the valid ballot. The recommendation from the District Supervisory Committee not to reopen the ballot has been agreed upon by all witnesses, PPS and the election supervisory Yogyakarta city is one of the areas that become “pilot project” implementation of IT- based supervision on voting process. The flow of reporting is to record the voting process from the introduction of each witness and PPS to the voting process. Then the video is uploaded on YouTube and directly monitored by Electoral Supervisory Committee. Electoral Dispute Resolution The case of alleged violation of the code of ethics with 3 cases occurred in Yogyakarta City so that the trial was conducted by the Electoral Organizing Committee (DKPP) held at Electoral Supervisory Special Region of Yogyakarta. The case number, in this case, is 60 / DKPP-PKE-VI/2017, 61/DKPP-PKE-VI/2017, 62/ DKPP-PKE-VI/2017. The Chief of Sub-district Electoral Supervisory Agency Special Region of Yogyakarta in 3 sub-district who experienced this problem was as follows: Table 6. Alleged Violation of Code of Ethics of Yogyakarta City in the 2017 Election No Name Sub-district Description Complaints 1 Ari Nupiksojati Chief of Danurajen sub-district Electoral Committee. Violation of the principle of transparency and accountability by not following up on the recommendations submitted by the election supervisory committee to reopen the unauthorized ballot during the plenary recapitulation of the vote. 2 Suwendro Chief of Umbulharjo sub-district Electoral Committee. 3 Setia Edi Ariwijaya Chief of Gondokusuman sub-district Electoral Committee Source: The Honorary Board of the Election Organizers P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 121Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 Based on the above complaints each sub-district election committee denied not follow the recommendations of the supervising committee districts. Chairman of the sub-district election committee has acted openly and transparently in the process of implementation of the plenary recapitulation of votes district level. Some denial is evidenced by the presence of DA2-KWK model form the District Andurajen, Umbulharjo and Gondokusuman. Genesis in Gondokusuman based session held honorary council election organizers actually implement the recommendation of the supervisory committee of districts did not reopen the invalid ballot papers. Disputes over the results of the Yogyakarta City election with a margin of no more than 5% resulted in the pair of Imam Priyono and AchmadFadli submitting a dispute to the Constitutional Court. Several election disputes filed by candidate pair number 1 (28/ PHP.KOT-XV/2017) include: Table 7. Election Dispute Lawsuit Election of Yogyakarta City 2017 No The lawsuit dispute Details of vote count dispute 1 The use of voice mail information (Suket). The use of voice mail in Yogyakarta reaches 1,030 letters. 2 Permanent voter list issues The voters are still registered in the permanent voters list with the dead as many as 468 and moved from Yogyakarta as many as 1149 voters. 3 Sues the decision of the Election Commission of Yogyakarta Number 6/Kpts/KPU-Kota- 013.329631/2017 regarding the determination of recapitulation of the result of vote counting and the election result of mayor and vice mayor of Yogyakarta in 2017. The acquisition of the number 1 vote is 99,146 votes with the difference of 1,187 with pair number 2 with the total 100,333 votes. The issue of DPT greatly affects the sound counting of the difference of almost 967 votes. Source: Interview Result with Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City Based on the above table some of the lawsuit which became the material of dispute report of pair number 1, among others, the use of voice ballot (Suket), the problem of voter list remains and sued the result of recapitulation of polling result. The Permanent Voter List (DPT) becomes the main problem causing the dispute to the Constitutional Court. Journal of Government and Civil Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018 122 Riska Sarofah, Titin Purwaningsih and Nurhakim The trial held in the Constitutional Court resulted in the rejection of all applications filed by pair number 1. Figure 4. Result of Dispute Resolution in The Constitutional Court Source: Constitutional Court After the result of the dispute was adjudicated and it was decided that all requests had been decided by refusing all the claims submitted by candidate number 1. This adjusted to the weakness of the evidence submitted by pair number 1. Therefore, the dispute was successfully resolved by the Constitutional Court based on clarification from the Electoral Commission of Yogyakarta City. CONCLUSIONS Electoral governance in Yogyakarta City 2017 has integrity in accordance with the principles of electoral integrity applied in the stages of election implementation including pre-election, election and post-election process. The First, the process of program planning and budget of local election that has been paying attention to democratic principles through the participation of various stakeholders both executives, legislative and society. The budget process is also carried out openly through dissemination of budget dissemination of election to society. In addition, the financial accountability report of Electoral Governance of Yogyakarta City KPU can also be accessed by the whole community. In the use of this budget also it managed to save 31%. The second, the process of socialization and voter information is carried out by taking into account the involvement of the community to take part in socializing and slipping community activities to make room for the district election committee and the Commissioner in providing socialization. Access to socialization is also done by the commission so that all people of Yogyakarta city get information about the stages of the P-ISSN 2579-4396, E-ISSN 2579-440X 123Analysis of Local Electoral Governance under Electoral Integrity Perspective in Yogyakarta City 2017 election, and the Permanent Voters List. This socialization also strongly considers access for the disability. Participation chooses for the disability increases, it also deals with the professionalism of local election organizers. But in the process of socialization is still very low participation by young voters. The third, the process of campaign implementation in Yogyakarta is very smooth and there are no significant problems. All candidates are able to comply with existing rules in the form of campaign schedules and reporting campaign funds are orderly. However, related to the campaign props are still installed by each candidate until it has entered the calm period of the election. The fourth, the process of voting and recapitulation of votes. In this process in 3 sub- districts experiencing problems are Andurajen, Gondokusuman and Umbulharjo. Problems were found related to the opening of the ballot back to the calculation at the polling station. While the recapitulation process has been at the sub-district level. The consistency of the oversight committee and District Agency Committee in this process is still very far from expected. The fifth, the settlement of local electoral disputes took place in Yogyakarta City with reports of alleged misuse of ballot papers, voters list and vote acquisition. In addition, there is also the problem of alleged code violations committed by the sub-district polling committee at the 3 districts. However, all of these disputes are unsuccessfully proven by the applicant, namely pair number 1. Therefore, local election organizers must be able to improve their performance by observing the good coordination between the Sub-district Committee, the voting committee and electoral commission of Yogyakarta City. RECOMMENDATION 1. Electoral supervisory committee is necessary to develop participatory oversight through community involvement, especially on voting and vote counting processes. 2. There needs to be a common perception in terms of determining a valid ballot. 3. 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