journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 131 voicing the other : patrick sweeting’s perspective in jaipong dancer epata puji astuti department of english letters, universitas sanata dharma abstract jaipong dancer is a novel written by patrick sweeting, which raises the subordination issue of women as the other. in this novel, sweeting represents women as the other in paradox. on the one hand, women are represented as the other who is excluded from the society. on the other hand, women are represented as (the ones who are) strong, exotic and difficult to be overpowered. the problem is how patrick sweeting voices women as the other in his novel and the research questions are (1) how women as the other are voiced in this novel, and (2) how the writer’s perspective is related to the problem of women as the other in the novel. to understand the voicing of women as the other by the writer, the researcher uses postcolonial feminism by gayatri spivak, especially the concept of white men saving brown women from brown men. textual analysis method is used to find out the relations and the form of the writer’s voice in the novel. based on the whole analysis, it can be concluded that women as the other are voiced by the writer as the ones who are strong, exotic and difficult to be overpowered. through his work, the write r who is assumed doing civilizing mission by voicing the issues related to the subordination of women in the third world is, in fact, silencing the voice of the third world women and imprisoned it under the stereotype and prejudice. the perspective which is used by the writer to represent the east is the same as other orientalists’ perspectives. the voice of women in the third world as depicted in the novel is created by the western. key words: voicing, women, the other introduction jaipong dancer is the first novel written by patrick sweeting, an english man who lives for several years in indonesia. this novel raises the issue of a local woman whose proffession is a dancer and her subordination problems. a white man writer talks about a brown woman, and it would be an interesting topic to discuss how the writer represents the east. in the orientalism, the west objectification has a hierarchical power relation, where the west (the self) dominates the knowledge about the east (the other), and their authority represents the east based on western perspective which is full of power interest from the colonizer to the colonized. the west authority in representing the east creates categorization, stereotype, and representation of prejudice. this argument is refused by sweeting. sweeting refuses the prejudice and stereotype, but is this statement reflected in his novel or are there certain interests behind his statement which is generally understood as supporting the east. orientalists represent the east (woman) as the one who is weak stupid, uncivilized, strange, different, and irrational. they need the west (men) who are strong, rational, and normal to release them from their weakness and stupidity. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) epata puji astuti 132 the novel was written in 1950s and took the scene at a migrant village in south sumatra. it tells about a javanese classic dancer whose name is yahyu who has an extraordinary beauty and enchantment in her village. she is an ideal woman, who is called “the exotic” by the west. all the people who see her will appreciate her perfectness. sweeting represents yahyu as a third world woman who is not fully marginalized. as a javanese classic dancer, yahyu is categorized as a dominant woman since she has public access, and class, and is not underestimated like the other third world women. in this novel sweeting represents yahyu as a javanese classic dancer – who in the end of the storybecomes a jaipong dancer. it is interesting to analyze the reason of this change since javanese classic dance has higher hierarchy than jaipong dance. in his novel, sweeting represents third world woman paradoxically. on the one hand, yahyu is represented as the other, insulted woman and excluded from her society because of her unwanted pregnancy. on the other hand, sweeting represents “the exotic” side of yahyu. yahyu who escapes from her house dresses like a beggar with a dirty body, face and hair, but her acts, gestures, and the way of speaking show that she is not an ordinary woman. everyone who meets her can feel that she is a classy, strong and exotic woman. her appearance which is like a beggar cannot hide her exoticness. yahyu as the other, makes not only men, but also all the people fall in love with her. sweeting’s perspective about the third world women can be seen from the relations between yahyu and the white men in his novel. the white men are represented as the one who are powerful and have a big influence on yahyu’s life. the brown men are represented with the physical weakness. jim robinson, one of white men in the novel, has a role as “white men are saving brown women from the brown men”. jim rescues yahyu by marrying her and accepting the baby inside her womb. what jim does is similar to the abolition of sati rite by british colonial in india. the west imagines the modernity as benevolent projects to rescue the third world women from their (primitive) society. the white men feel having responsibility to rescue and speak for the marginalized women. the “responsibility” feeling becomes a unique problem which is then manifested in real actions, but behind it lies another agenda, which is often aimed to assist their own interest. what about sweeting’s perspective in “jaipong dancer” which tries to speak and is generally understood as a support for the third world women and their rights? are there any certain agendas or interests behind it? does he actually justify the west domination? white men saving brown women from brown men: voicing or silencing the colonial presence creates the discourse which discriminate the colonized as the weak, irrational, primitive and mystic. on the other hand, the west views the east as something exotic, interesting and sexy. the west studies the east with certain interests. the western’s writing about the east contains hidden values. then, the discourse which is developed by the west about the east put both of them in binary opposition where one of them surpasses the other. the discourses about the east as the “other” world actually cannot be separated from the interest, authority interest, or ideology interest. gayatri chakravorty spivak brings the influential idea in her essay can the subaltern speak. spivak makes the women the essential variable in her theory. for spivak, colonialism track in the past does not disappear although the independence is officially given but the main life created by the colonial still exists. spivak questions about how the world is represented from the dominant perspective and at the same time is claimed as an action of voicing practice for the third world marginalized people. stephen morton in his book justifies spivak’s position as postcolonial critic who is present for silenced voices as the main focus. those silenced voices are the immigrant working class women with all postcolonial subjects and how the colonial history in the past brings the influence to their life nowadays. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 133 in can the subaltern speak, spivak presents some social phenomena about silencing women voices in india. spivak discusses sati, a tradition of widow burning as the symbol of love and submission of a wife to her husband. when a husband dies, the wife is suggested to follow her husband by burning herself in the husband’s funeral pyre. sati is a form of woman subjection tied to religious tradition which gives a suicide “choice” as her own will. sati is legitimated as a special sign, a standard of religious value for a woman as a good wife. in 1892 british colonial prohibited sati since it breaks the law and is against humanism. at this point, the british colonial rescues the women from brown men oppressor, white men are saving the brown women from brown men. in his book, stephen morton writes: “by representing sati as barbaric practice, the bristish were thus able to justify imperialism as a civilizing mission in which […] they were rescuing indian women from the reprehensible practices of a traditional hindu patriarchal society (morton, 2003, p. 63). in edward thompson’s book with the title sutee, spivak sees another problem behind british colonial presence with his civilizing mission: the problem with this book is, indeed, a problem of representation, the construction of a continuous and homogenous ‘india’ in terms of heads of state and british administrators, from the perspective of ‘a man of good sense’ who would be the transparent voice of reasonable humanity. ‘india’ can be represented, in the other sense, by its imperial masters” (spivak, 1988, p. 101) it is valued as silencing native’s voices who are not able to speak up and define their history of civilization. however, the prohibition of sati by british colonial does not represent white men are saving brown women from brown men, but takes the “freedom choice” of women. mayo suggests that the sati widow believes she will have an equally suspicious end: ‘she escapes a present hell and may hope for happier birth in her next incarnation’ (mayo, 2000, p. 131). mayo emphasizes that through sati, the widows believe that it will avoid them from hell and hope for the happier life in the incarnation. it shows that the widow’s voice still becomes the representation created by western perspective. gayatri spivak warns the postcolonial intellectuals about the danger of their claim for the voices of the oppressed. according to her, an intellectual is not able to claim and romanticize their intellectuality to get the attention from the groups for a pragmatic purpose. that intellectual’s actions for spivak are colonial. according to her, that action hegemonizes the various kinds of oppressed groups. if the intellectual group (researcher, cultural observer, academician, etc.) wants to get involved into the oppressed group, what they can do is to report the reality of subaltern and subalternity which is not represented in social space (spivak, 1988, p. 287). according to spivak, the duty to narrate, report and interpret the problem of oppressed group cannot be separated from the interpreter subjection from certain point of view since the intellectual’s language cannot represent the oppressed group. melani-by citing jaggar’s statement (1998)-explains that the intellectual role to show the bad condition of subaltern’s group is still important by criticizing their position and terms used to speak about subaltern. the correction of the subject’s position is necessary so that the representation of subaltern does not end in silencing (budianta, 2005, p. 101). positioning and voicing the other in relation to women, sweeting presents the other as the one who is capable to show her superiority. although she has a position of an outsider, joining a prostitute group, and experiencing the degradation from a classic dancer into a jaipong dancer with negative stereotypes, sweeting presents the other as the one accepted by the society, getting the sympathy, even becoming the new idol in womanhood. the ability of the other to be accepted by the society becomes sweeting’s way of voicing in the novel. the presence of yahyu is well welcomed and accepted. many women even adore her beauty. her beauty, elegance and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) epata puji astuti 134 soft voice show that yahyu is not an ordinary woman. in addition, her ability to dance classic dance makes other women adore her. in her relation with men, sweeting presents the other as the one who is able to defeat the domination of men by her exotic value. the exoticism which defeats the dominant men is a form of sweeting’s voicing in his novel. sweeting also voices the other by presenting jim, a white man who becomes yahyu helper (white men are saving brown women). the presence of jim is like a goldfield for yahyu. jim, a white man and the owner of tea plantation, wants to accept the baby in her womb. public marriage is yahyu’s will to voice that she is not an excluded woman anymore. it will send yahyu to her previous position, also make her get the honor in her village. jim becomes the access for yahyu to raise her children in a good condition. yahyu voices herself by wounding her beautiful face. she does not want to be beautiful anymore. beauty just brings her suffering. the wound on her face makes yahyu have a choice to say “no” to men. the author voices yahyu by killing hans. by killing hans, yahyu voices her will to be free from hans, a white man who makes her suffer and lose her beloved. after killing hans, yahyu tries to kill herself, but there is no bullet left. she does this action as the voice for her bad fate. in the end, yahyu goes back to dance again but she joins a jaipong dancer group. the author voices yahyu’s representation as being degraded, but she still tries to be independent and gets the money for herself. writer’s position and perspective 1. the representation of women as other the stereotypes built by the west about eastern women are about the discourse of “the scary but seductive dragon ladies of china, the demure geisha of japan, and the sexy belly dancers and mysteriously veiled women form the arab world. the third world women’s stereotypes can be divided into two groups: “china doll” and “dragon lady”. china doll or “geisha girls” is the representation of third world women who are shy, passive and exotic, and “dragon lady” is used to show the aggressive, strong and unfriendly women, as what leong said “an overly aggressive and dominant oriental female”. sweeting presents yahyu as the third world woman who is more extraordinary than the other third world women. yahyu lives in a patriarchal society, where women become the second class after men. when other women just dominate the domestic space, yahyu shows that she is more dominant by having public access. sweeting’s representation is also shown by the profession of yahyu as a classic dancer in which she usually plays the role of sita. sweeting shows that yahyu is an extraordinary third world woman because not all dancers can play the role of sita. the hierarchy of classic dance shows that yahyu is an eastern woman with high values, she is appreciated, admired and loved. in the family, the construction of culture positions women as the second class where their life is only within domestic area (gandhi, 2006: xvi). it means, women are viewed as a low grade. however, it does not happen in yahyu’s family. yahyu becomes the symbol of pride for her family, a classical dancer who is admired by all the people in her village. of course, it increases the values of her family. the representation of yahyu as dragon lady is always presented by sweeting in his novel. yahyu, a strong and powerful dragon lady, should be degraded from her high position and becomes the other – the excluded woman. she becomes the other since she experiences her unwanted pregnancy. yahyu changes into the other who cannot speak. she cannot speak for the eastern norm that is against extra-marital sex. yahyu, who finds her hope in jim, should face the bad fate when she is submitted by hans, a white man who is obsessed with yahyu. yahyu becomes an asset to gain power. the way sweeting represents yahyu as third world woman who is strong, exotic, active and independent, is journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 135 contradictory with the end of her story. in the end, sweeting represents the third world women as an object who can be submitted. 2. writer’s position: voicing that ends with the silencing sweeting’s position can be known from how he responds and voices the subordination issues that happen in the east. yahyu who is reputed to have broken the morality because of extra-marital sex issues should face the subordination issue, that is polygamy. sweeting tries voicing her by making her escape to find her uncle in the goldfield. this voicing articulates the desire of the third world women to be independent. in the end, howeve, yahyu’s voicing ends with silencing because at the end of the novel she never becomes an independent woman. she has been degraded into a jaipong dancer and has lived in the prostitution house, house of young bamboo. another subordination issue discussed by sweeting is the presence of women as the other, excluded from the society. sweeting tries to speak for the east by presenting the other as the one who is exotic and the presence is accepted by the society. on the contrary, this voicing also ends up with silencing. although sweeting presents the other as an exotic woman, she is never a part of the society. she is still excluded. although yahyu is welcome, she cannot stay as a villager because she does not obey the norm. subordination issue is also discussed by sweeting is marriage value. sweeting tries voicing the other by a public marriage planned by yahyu and jim. public marriage is a way to rehabilitate yahyu’s honor. this voicing also end up with silencing because the public marriage planned by yahyu and jim was successfully failed by hans. yahyu cannot show her voice because of hans’ oppression. sweeting’s voicing by presenting jim as white man saving brown woman from brown man also end up with silencing after hans appears as white man who oppresses yahyu’s life. sweeting who is voicing the other powerfully, in the end he is silencing the voice of the other. this silencing becomes the proof of his position that is supporting the west. conclusion women as the other are voiced by the author as strong, hard to defeat and not easily giving up. the author shows “the exotic” powerfully. as the other, the women are able to defeat the white men who have power and authority. the author presents the women as the ones who show the resistance. sweeting, through his writing, which is assumed as the one who carries a civilizing mission by voicing the subordination issues in the third world, in fact silences the voice of the third world women and put it under stereotypes and prejudice. by his authority as the west, sweeting represents the east based on western perspective which is full of power interest from the colonizer to the colonized. his writing, which is assumed to stand for the east because it shows the idea of white men are saving brown women from brown men, is in fact full of imperial values. that imperial value becomes the reason for him to promote feminism as something important and good. it shows that the voice of the third world women still becomes the representation created by the western perspective. references beauvoir, de simone. (1967). the second sex. london : jonathan cape. budianta, melani. (2005). “perempuan, seni tradisi, dan subaltern: pergulatan di tengah-tengah lalu lintas global-lokal” dalam perempuan multikultural: negosiasi dan representasi, edi hayat dan miftahus surur (ed.) (depok: desantara, 2005) chin, j. (1999). mongrel: essays, diatribes, and pranks. new york: st. martin press. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) epata puji astuti 136 gandhi, leela. (2006). teori poskolonial: upaya meruntuhkan hegemoni barat. yogyakarta: qalam. leong, k. j. (2005). the china mystique: pearl s. buck, anna may wong, mayling soong, and the transformation of american orientalism. berkeley and los angeles, california: university of california press. lewis, reina. (1996). gendering orientalism” race, femininity and representation. london: routledge. mayo, katherine. (2000). mother india, ed. mrinalini sinha. michigan: the university of michigan press. morton, stephen. (2003). gayatri chakravorty spivak. london: routledge. p. 63 spivak, gayatri. (1988). can the subaltern speak dalam marxism and the interpretation of culture, cary nelson dan lawrence grossberg (ed.) london: macmillan education ltd. sweeting, patrick. (2012). jaipong dancer. singapore : monsoon books. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 65 the contrastive componential analysis of the english verb “to love” tia xenia english education department, unika atma jaya abstract it has been commonly understood that a word is rich in synonyms; however if those synonymous words are analyzed comprehensively, it shows that they do not exactly denote the same meaning. in order to distinguish one meaning to the other meaning, the features of each synonym are classified to obtain the distinctive features. the aims of this study are to identify the distinctive features of the lexical items that are synonymous with the english verb “to love” and to explain the polysemy of that english verb. the english verb “to love” was taken as the object since it is a basic general english word that appears frequently in everyday contexts. to analyse the data, the researcher listed down the synonyms of “to love”. after that, those synonyms were contrasted to obtain the distinctive features. by comparing the meanings of to love to the distinctive features obtained, the polysemy could be found and explained. this paper shows that there were sixteen synonymous verbs, 29 distinctive features that were classified into seven major features, and six polysemy of the english verb, to love. keywords: meaning, componential analysis introduction words as a language unit refer to some particular meanings that they denote. those are composed of one or more morphemes and smaller components of meaning in order to form different words. since each word conveys a particular meaning, it has the possibility to have more than one meaning for a lexical item. besides, it is also known that a word may share similar meanings with another different word. since a word may have synonyms that share similar meanings, it has to be understood that they are not exactly the same. the example can be seen in the english verb to love. based on the cambridge dictionary, the english verb, to love, means to like another adult very much or to like something very much. by these meanings, the verb to love was noticed to have other synonyms that share similar meanings and some distinctive features can be found to contrast them. since some particular different lexical items may share a certain unit of meaning, the componential analysis is used to discover and organize the semantic components of the words. these semantic components can distinguish the lexical relations, grammatical, and syntactic processes by defining those relations and processes. by this explanation, in order to contrast one lexical item with another lexical item that conveyed similar meanings, the componential analysis can be applied. based on this background consideration, the componential analysis would be conducted to figure out the contrastive meanings of the synonyms of to love in order to obtain the distinctive features between each synonym and the other one. next, the polysemy of the english verb to love could be found. therefore, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tia xenia 66 the aims of this paper are to identify the distinctive features by contrasting the lexical items that share similar meanings with the verb to love and explain the polysemy of the verb to love that will be easily found by looking at its features. it is hoped that the findings of this study would be useful for the language users in which they could see the differences of the verb to love and its synonyms. as a result, it could help them to make use of the verb to love and its synonyms accurately based on the context that they referred. furthermore, this study could inspire them to look at the word critically, in which they realized that each word might denote different meanings as well as have different lexical units that share similar meanings. review of literature in this part, the theories will be divided into two parts: meaning and the componential analysis that will be elaborated in the following parts. meaning to understand it, there are two parts to describe. those are the component of meaning and the types of relationships between the related meanings of the different terms. the component of meaning the meaning of the word meaning still becomes a puzzle. there is no exact definition of the word meaning. it is stated in leech (1981) that semanticists spend a long time to puzzle out the meaning of meaning (p. 1). however, the important thing is that the meaning of words helps language users to understand language since words are composed into phrases and sentences in which those are related to context. as what has been stated earlier that a word may have more than one meaning and the distinctive components that a word has can be found to gain the number of meaning. it is in line with palmer (1976, p. 85) in which a number of distinct components gained from the meaning of a word can give the result of the entire list of meaning from a word. in short, these distinctive components can help to distinguish meanings of a lexical item that may appear in the same semantic field. leech (1981, p. 9) proposes seven types of meaning. those are (1) conceptual meaning that is commonly known as denotative or cognitive meaning, (2) connotative meaning in which it is implied by the feature based on the thing referred, (3) social meaning in which the language used is connected to the social situations, (4) affective meaning in which it is portrayed based on the feelings and attitudes of the speaker, (5) reflected meaning whereby the lexical item is related to more than one sense of the same expression, (6) collocative meaning that is denoted through words that appear in common use with the other word, (7) thematic meaning which denotes how the message is organized. therefore, to determine the meaning, each lexical item that appears in the same semantic field must be contrasted to obtain the componential features. nida (1975, p. 31) states that “meaning of words have meaning only in terms of systematic contrasts with other words which share certain features with them but contrast with them in respect to other features.” the contrastive componential analysis is to find the distinctive features in which each lexical item is contrasted. the term, components, here is classified into two types proposed by nida (1975, p. 32). those are the common component and diagnostic component. the common component is the central component that all lexemes in the same semantic filed share, while the diagnostic component is the distinctive components that can help to distinguish the meaning of lexemes from the same semantic field. the types of relations between related meanings of different terms there are four principal ways in which the meanings of different semantic units may be related to one another (nida, 1975, p. 15). those four principal ways are known as inclusion, overlapping, complementation, and journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 67 contiguity. firstly, inclusion is also called hypernym and hyponym in which the meaning of one word may be included within the meaning of another. the example can be clearly seen in a word like colour. colour may include red and red may include vermilion. secondly, overlapping is also known as the synonym in which it can be said that they are not exactly the same in meaning, but they have a tendency to overlap in meaning. to make it clear, we can take for example the word ill, which is in pair with the word sick. moreover, the word answer is the synonym of reply. thirdly, complementation is normally known as antonym in which the meaning shows certain marked contrasts and often opposite meanings. the examples of complementation are good, which is in contrast with bad, lend the antonym of borrow, and married in the opposite of single. at last, contiguity is the most important for the analysis of the distinctive features of meaning. it presents the related meanings of certain related words. they may share some particular features, for example, the feature of movement may take the related meanings of run, walk, hop, skip, and crawl. componential analysis the componential analysis is used in a semantic study to discover the semantic components of a word. nida (1975) defines componential analysis as “part of the analysis of a text which aims at discovering and organizing the semantic components of the words (p. 229).” aitchison (2003) adds that discovering the smaller units of lexis or minimal components can be done using componential analysis (p. 92). furthermore, the componential analysis is used to distinguish the meaning of lexemes that are in the same domain. to distinguish the meanings, the contrastive analysis in which the lexemes are contrasted each other can be done. by contrasting the lexemes, the distinctive feature can be found. leech (1976, p. 98) states “as a distinctive technique, componential analysis first involved in anthropological linguistics as a means of studying relations between kinship terms, but it has since proved its usefulness in many spheres of meaning”. therefore, the analysis to define the meaning of a word can be done by a set of semantic marking using (+) or (-) as the semantic signs (nida, 1975, p. 131). the semantic sign "+" means that the feature is present, while the semantic sign "–" means that the feature is absent. the best example to understand this is by having the analysis in the human race. this analysis will be clearly shown in table 1. table 1 component of meaning [human] [adult] [male] man + + + woman + + boy + + girl + the semantic domains such as men, women, boy, girl can be distinguished by contrasting each lexeme and later the componential features will be obtained. the componential features for the human race are human, adult, and male. take for example the componential features of man are + [human] + [adult] + [male], while componential features for women are + [human] + [adult] [male]. linguistic basis for componential analysis in the componential analysis, the actual linguistic procedures are employed. according to nida (1975, p. 64), there are four actual linguistic procedures employed in the componential analysis. those are naming, paraphrasing, defining, and classifying. those actual linguistic procedures will be explained in detail as in nida (1975, p. 64). naming is the process in which it is in certain respect similar to reference, even though the perception might be different. in addition, reference is commonly understood as the relation founded between linguistic unit and a referent. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tia xenia 68 paraphrasing is significant in a linguistic function in which the distinctive features of any semantic unit can be discovered. there are two different types of semantic units in paraphrasing. the first one is a core unit and the other one is some expressions that incorporate core units into paraphrases. defining is the process that seems to be similar to paraphrasing. defining becomes the highly specific form of paraphrase and it turns out that this term is not often applied in any language situation. defining itself is in the process of turning the arrangement of combining all paraphrases into one statement based on the particular meaning from the diagnostic components. classifying is never merely a process of putting referents into conceptual piles. it involves three procedures. those are (1) collecting the units that share the same features, (2) separating the units that are different, and (3) deciding the basis of grouping. methodology the type of this study is the semantic study as it is related to the study of meaning and focuses on finding the distinctive features of the verb to love. the aims of this study are to find the distinctive features to distinguish the lexical items which have similar meanings with to love and to explain polysemy of the verb to love which will be easily found by comparing the features and the meanings of to love. in order to reach the research goals of this study, the componential analysis was used to analyse the english verb to love. to analyse the data, a set of procedures was taken. the first step was collecting the synonyms that have related meanings with to love. from the data, 16 (sixteen) synonyms of the verb to love were found. those were taken from both online and offline dictionaries as well as a thesaurus. after collecting the synonyms of to love, the second step was contrasting each lexical item to another to find the distinctive features. when a feature was present in a lexical item, it was given a mark. instead of using semantic signs like “+” or “-”, i used check (√) to mark the features. the third step was finding the polysemy of to love to see the usage in context. polysemy is a word which has more than one related meanings, so to obtain the polysemy of to love i looked at the dictionary to find the meanings of to love itself. after obtaining the meanings in the dictionary, i compared the meanings with the features to figure out the polysemy of to love. findings and discussions in this part, there are two main sections to discuss. the first one is about the findings and the descriptions of the distinctive features of the english verb to love and the other one is about the explanation of polysemy found in the verb to love. the distinctive features of the english verb “to love“ from the data collected, there are sixteen english verbs that are synonymous with the english verb to love. those are cherish, prize, treasure, dig, adore, worship, fancy, like, relish, savour, idolize, admire, revere, dote on, prefer, and caress. those english verbs share some particular meanings. even though they are synonymous and share some meanings, they are not exactly the same. there are some 29 distinctive features that can distinguish them. those will be discussed as the following seven major features. degree of intensity the degree of intensity is the feature that distinguishes the lexical items based on the level of affection. it is divided into three features. those are [high], [medium], and [low]. to cherish, to treasure, to adore, to worship, to idolize, to revere, to dote on, and to caress are the verbs when you want to express love with your full heart. it means that their degrees of affection are + [high]. in contrast, if you want to express your feeling, not in depth feeling, the verbs like to dig, to fancy, to like, to relish, to savour, and to prefer are best expressed. those verbs do not need an indepth feeling of love to express since their degrees of affection are + [low]. the verbs like journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 69 to prize and to admire are classified in a medium degree of affection since those verbs may have the possibility to love something or someone so much or even less. objects we often use love for three: (1) love for a significant other, (2) love for family, and (3) love of things. however, in this part, the lexical items which have related meanings with the verb to love can be distinguished by the objects, which will be divided into three big features, (1) love for human, (2) love for god, and (3) love of things. if we want to express love for a human, a verb like to cherish, to prize, to adore, to worship, to fancy, to like, to idolize, to admire, to revere, to dote on and to caress can be expressed. to idolize, to dote on and to caress are only used specifically for uttering affection addressed only for human. those cannot be uttered for things. moreover, the features that can distinguish those verbs are that love can be expressed for family and for god. to cherish, to adore, to worship and to caress are the verbs of to love which people express their affection for their family members, while to adore, to worship, and to idolize are best expressed for god. to cherish, to treasure, to dig, to adore, to worship, to fancy, to like, to relish, to savour, to admire, to revere, to prefer are the verbs which express love for things like food, or inanimate objects. however, to treasure, to dig, to relish, to savour, to prefer are only used in expressing feeling love of things. those cannot be expressed for people. specifically, to relish and to savour are uttered for expressing interest in things, especially food. to relish is expressed of liking food such as the taste of food, while to savour is uttered for taste and smell in food. to savour itself can be specifically used to express like of experience. in other words, to savour shows the enjoyment of some particular actions or events that some particular persons have experienced. it would be different from the verb to admire. that verb can also be used for expressing love of things but it indicates some particular persons who love other persons’ behaviour. therefore, in general, there are also some lexical items, which express love for human and love for things. those are to cherish, to prize, to adore, to worship, to fancy, to like, to admire and to revere. the differences are that to cherish and to caress are the verbs for uttering love only for family, while to adore and to worship are the verbs for expressing love for both family and god. actions the action feature is aimed to see how people who express their affection treat other persons that are addressed. how people treat someone else in which they also express their love can be explained in five features. those are protecting, caring, kissing in a gentle way, treating with affection, and touching in a tender. however, not all lexical items include these treatments. those lexical items are only expressing love without any action in it. the verbs like to cherish, to treasure, and to caress do not only express affection to someone else but also include some particular action in it. to cherish is a verb, which utters affection with protecting, caring, and treating with affection without kissing in a gentle way and touching in a tender to the addressed persons. to treasure can express affection only for things in which people will also protect and care the things being loved. at last, to caress is used to express love only for human, especially family members, with the action like kissing in a gentle way, treating with affection, and touching in a tender without protecting and caring the addressed persons. functions the feature of function is to indicate that in expressing love, there are some functions embedded in it. another six features that will be the distinctive features of the lexical items that are related to the meanings of to love distinguish those functions. those six features are value, respect, approve, take pleasure, admire, and choose. the function of to prize and to treasure is to value. to prize is to value both human and things, while to treasure is only to value things. to dig has functions to respect and take journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tia xenia 70 pleasure of something. to adore and to admire have functions which are almost the same as to dig. the difference is that to adore functions to respect, take pleasure, and admire someone or something, while to admire has function to approve or agree with something. to worship has functions to respect and to admire someone or something, while to fancy, to relish, and to savour are only for taking pleasure. the difference is that to fancy is taking pleasure in someone’s appearance, like the beauty and the shape of a body, while to relish and to savour are taking pleasure for food like the smell or the taste. to like has the same function as to fancy. the difference is that to like has other function like to approve or agree with something. moreover, to idolize and to revere have functions to respect and admire. however, to idolize functions to respect and admire only for someone or god, while to revere functions to respect and admire not only someone but also things. to dote on is only for admiring someone. to prefer has only one function that is to choose something in which people interested in more. reasons this feature is to identify the reasons why people express their affection. it can be divided into three features. those are the reasons because the addressed people or things are valuable, perfect, and sexually attractive. however, not all lexical items have reasons for expressing their affection. those are uttered purely for expressing what they love. the lexical items that have reasons to love are to cherish, to prize, to treasure, to fancy, to admire, and to dote on. the reason of to cherish, to prize, and to treasure is because the related persons or the related things are valuable. to fancy and to admire are uttered in expressing love because some particular person is considered as sexually attractive, while to dote on is expressing love because the addressed person is considered as a perfect person. degree of unconditionality by taking a look at the degree of unconditionality, we can see the features like higher or lower the degree that may distinguish the lexical items. to cherish, to treasure, to admire, to worship, to idolize, to dote on, and to caress are the verbs for expressing affection that has a higher degree of unconditionality. by uttering those verbs, it means that people love something or someone without condition. they love them just the way they are. no matter how bad the persons are, they will always love them. in contrast, the verbs like to prize, to dig, to fancy, to like, to relish, to savour, to admire, to revere, to prefer are for expressing affection in a lower degree of unconditionality. it means that something or someone that can change their feeling toward what they love may influence interlocutors who utter these verbs in expressing their love. besides, they may be influenced by the time in which as the time goes by their feeling of love what they loved is faded away. styles language is related to styles whether it is informal or formal. almost all of the lexical items of to love can be used in both styles, formal and informal, except to dig and to fancy. to dig is an old-fashioned slang, for example in these sentences (1) hey, i really dig your bag! (2) you dig my words, man?, while to fancy is mainly the uk informal language to show that people are sexually attracted to someone, for example, she could say she fancied him. the polysemy of “to love” from the data, there are six polysemy of to love. those are to agree or approve something very much, to respect something very much, to enjoy or take pleasure on something very much, to feel comfortable on something very much, to like very much, and to want something very much. it means that the verb to love does not only have one meaning, but it may have several meanings based on the context. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 71 the first meaning of to love can be to agree or approve something very much. the example of this is i love your idea. it means that the person does not only like the idea but also agree with someone’s idea. the second meaning is to respect something very much. the examples are if you love revolution, you love black nationalism and show proper respect to everyone: love the brotherhood of believers. from these sentences, the sense is not only to liken but also to show respect for some particular situations or things. the third meaning of to love can be identified as to enjoy or take pleasure on something very much, for example, the kids love feeding bread to the ducks. it means that other than like, the kids also enjoy what they are doing. the fourth meaning is to feel comfortable with something very much, for examples i love my new life here and you will love it there. instead of liking someone, in those sentences, they can be identified that they have had a good and cozy feeling of staying. the fifth meaning is to like something or someone very much, for examples i love your house, she loves the food, i love this car, and i love those kids. it means that the person has felt pleased with something or someone being liked. the last meaning of to love is to indicate that a person wants something very much. the example is i love you to come. it means that the person who invites someone feels pleased if the person being invited come to the invitation. final remarks come to an end, it can be concluded that the english verb to love has sixteen lexical items, which share similar meanings. those are to cherish, to prize, to treasure, to dig, to adore, to worship, to fancy, to like, to relish, to savour, to idolize, to admire, to revere, to dote on, to prefer, and to caress. those lexical items are contrasted one to the other one to obtain the features that will distinguish the lexical items. as a result, there are 29 distinctive features that are classified into seven major features. it means that the lexical items which share related meanings with english verb to love can be distinguished by looking at the distinctive features such as the degree of intensity, the addressed objects, the implied actions, the functions, the reasons of loving, the degree of unconditionality, and the styles of language. after the distinctive features are obtained, the polysemy of to love can be gained. to find the polysemy, the meanings of to love found in the dictionaries are compared to the features that have been found. from the data, there are six polysemy of to love. those are to love to agree or approve something very much, to respect something very much, to enjoy or take pleasure on something very much, to feel comfortable on something very much, to like very much, and to want something very much. by these meanings, it indicates that the verb to love can have more than one meaning. references aitchison, jane. (2003). linguistic. london: hodder & stoughton, ltd. cambridge dictionary. (2018). retrieved from english oxford living dictionaries. (2018). retrieved from leech, geoffrey. (1981). semantics: the study of meaning. second edition. suffolk: the chaucer press. longman dictionary online. (2018). retrieved from merriam-webster. (2019). retrieved from nida, eugine albert. (1975). componential analysis of meaning. paris: the hague. palmer, frank robert. (1983). semantics. second edition. cambridge: cambridge university press. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 faradila oktaviani & sigfrieda a.s. mursinta putri 194 a study on equivalence in the indonesian-english translation of ismail’s selected poems faradila oktaviani & sigfrieda a.s. mursinta putri & faculty of humanities and social sciences, universitas kristen krida wacana abstract this study aimed to find out the translation procedures used by translator and the equivalence applied in the translation result of the poem. this study applied translation procedure theory from vinay and dalbernet (1995) and equivalence theory from nida and taber (1974). the data was taken from ismail’s poems and the translated version by mcglynn. each line of the poem was analyzed in order to find the category of translation procedures used and equivalence which focused on the meaning in the translation result. some suggestions were also given when this study found some inappropriate translations. this study used qualitative method and primary research. the analysis result showed that the translator used some translation procedures while translating. there were single procedures used, such as literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. there were also multiple procedures used, such as modulation and reduction, transposition and modulation, transposition and expansion, literal translation and reduction, and literal translation and expansion. the most translation procedure used was literal translation. there were also found formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence in the translation result. the most equivalence used was dynamic equivalence. keywords: poem, translation procedure, equivalence introduction language is an important thing to do a communication; people can also share their ideas, opinions and emotions using language. translation is an activity that is related into written language. translation does not only cover news, articles, novels, stories, but also other literary works such as poems and songs. poem is a unique literary work. it is usually written figuratively. translating a poem is a quite difficult to do, the meaning and the feeling of the translated poem should be transferred well in order to keep the aesthetic form of the original poem (hassan, 2011). due to this reason, translating a poem needs the right and appropriate method in order to keep the equivalent result when people read the original poem and the translated one. to achieve a good translation, translators have to know the translation procedures. translation procedure is steps or ways to follow before translating sl to tl (nida, 1964). it is important for translators because it helps them translate better and know how to convey the idea and message from sl into tl. not only the translation procedure that should be considered, but also the equivalence of sl to tl is needed. therefore, this study aims to know the translation procedures used by translator and the equivalence applied. this study can show how the translator translates a poem and its translation still conveys the message that the author wants to convey to the readers, give more explanation and description about translation procedures and equivalence, and become a reference to a further research. this study analyzes indonesian poem and the translated version in english. this journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 195 study uses translation procedure theory from vinay and dalbernet (1995) and equivalence theory from nida and taber (1974). this study focuses on the equivalence in the meaning. vinay and dalbernet (1995) state that there are seven translation procedures which are borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. the theory of equivalence from nida and taber (1974) divides equivalence into two types which are formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. formal equivalence is transferring the meaning of source language into target language without adding the translators’ ideas and thoughts. this is more focused on word for word translation. dynamic equivalence is transferring the meaning of the source language into target language that convey the same meaning but does not use the exact phrase or idiom of the sl. this is more focused on thought-forthought than word-for-word. methods this study was qualitative method which was a way to describe and explain things as if it was. this study was also a primary research. the data was taken from poems pantun terang bulan di midwest and adakah suara cemara by ismail. each line in the translation result of pantun terang bulan di midwest and adakah suara cemara were put in data analysis to find out the translation procedure applied. the data would be analyzed based on the theory of vinay and dalbernet (1995). they would be categorized into one or more translation procedure. after analyzing the translation procedure, this study also analyzed the equivalence applied in the target language. the data would be analyzed using theory of equivalence from nida and taber (1974). translation procedure analysis this study found there were some procedures used by the translator. it was divided into two categories, they were single procedure and multiple procedure. the single procedure means that the translator only uses one procedure while translating the poem such as literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. multiple procedure means that the translator uses more than one procedure while translating the poem such as modulation and reduction, transposition and modulation, transposition and expansion, literal translation and reduction and literal translation and expansion. single procedure here are some single translation procedures found in this study. first, the translator used literal translation procedure. (1) sl: sebuah bulan sempurna tl: a perfect moon echols and shadily state that the word bulan is translated into “1) month, 2) moon” (2014, p. 105). the word sempurna is translated into “1) perfect, 2) complete, 3) be given a proper ceremony” (2014, p. 563). from the example above, translator used literal translation procedure where translator translates it word by word but still based on grammatical structure in the target language. the second translation procedure was transposition. here is the example. (2) sl: adakah melintas sepintas tl: is it the fleeting passage in this line, the translator was translating adakah melintas sepintas into “is it the fleeting passage”. the translator used transposition while translating this line, the word melintas as a verb was translated into “passage” as noun and the word sepintas as a noun was translated into “fleeting” as an adjective. the third translation procedure was modulation. (3) sl: lingkarannya di sana tl: an aureole around it the phrase lingkarannya di sana was translated into an aureole around it. echols and shadily state that the word lingkaran is translated into “1) circle, 2) coil, 3) area, 4) surroundings” (2014, p. 390). according to hornby (2015, p. 82), the word aureole means journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 faradila oktaviani & sigfrieda a.s. mursinta putri 196 “a circle of light”. the word di sana in the source language was translated into “around it”. based on echols and shadily, the word di sana is translated into “there” (2014, p. 540). the translator used modulation. the type of modulation is from abstract to concrete. the fourth translation procedure was equivalence. (4) sl: amat gemuruh tl: roll like thunder the translator translated the phrase amat gemuruh into “roll like thunder”. the translator used the connector word such as “like” which can be qualified as simile. based on hornby (2015, p.138) simile means “a word or phrase that compares something to something else, using the words like or as”. in this case, the translator uses equivalence procedure. the fifth translation procedure was adaptation. (5) sl: lereng pohon pina tl: the hillside pines in kbbi, pina means “spreading bush plant, it is also known as pterococcus corniculatus”. pina or pterococcus corniculatus only lives in southeast asia (zeven & wet, 1975). the translator translated it into “pines” in the target language. according to hornby (2015, p. 1109), pines means “an evergreen coniferous tree that has clusters of long needle-shaped leaves”. in this case, the translator used adaptation to translate this line. multiple procedures there were also some multiple translation procedures found in this study. here are some examples. first, the translator used modulation and reduction procedure. (6) sl: pantun terang bulan di midwest tl: full moon in the midwest the phrase terang bulan in the source language was translated into “full moon” in the target language while according to echols and shadily terang bulan is “moonlight” (2014, p. 644). in this phrase, the translator used modulation which was abstract for concrete type. in this case, the translator also used reduction. the word pantun in the source language was not translated into target language. according to newmark (1988), reduction is the process of omitting the element in the translation. the second translation procedure found was transposition and expansion procedure. (7) sl: bukit membisu tl: hills lie mute in this case, the translator used transposition which was the word membisu in the target language as a verb was translated into “mute” in the target language as an adjective. the translator also added the word lie in the target language. this procedure is known as expansion. according to newmark (1988), expansion is the process of adding the element in the translation. the third translation procedure was transposition and modulation procedure. (8) sl: asap yang hancur tl: smoke transforms in this line, the translator used transposition. the phrase yang hancur here is an adjective while the translator translated it into “transforms” which is a verb. the translator also used modulation which was cause for effect. the phrase yang hancur was translated into “transforms” while according to echols and shadily, the word hancur is translated into “1) shattered, smashed, 2) dissolved” (2014, p. 231). this line is still connected to the next line, the translator wanted to inform the reader that the smoke has changed into grayish blue. hornby (2015, p.1607) states that the word “transform” means “make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of”. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 197 therefore, the translator used the word “transforms”. the fourth translation procedure found was literal translation and expansion procedure. (9) sl: biru abu-abu tl: to grayish blue there was an addition of the word to in the target language, while in the source language there was no word ke. the translator still translated it literally. echols and shadily state that the word biru is translated into “blue” (2014, p. 93). the word abu-abu is translated into “gray” (2014, p. 2). so, the translator translated it into “grayish blue”. in this line translator used literal translation procedure. the fifth translation procedure was literal translation and reduction procedure. (10) sl: gemersik daunan lepas tl: of rustling leaves the word gemersik in the source language was translated into “rustling” in the target language. echols and shadily states that the word gemersik is translated into “sound of rustling (of leaves)” (2014, p. 206). the word daunan is translated into “leaves” (2014, p. 150). in this case, the translator still used literal translation although the word lepas was not translated into target language and there was also an additional word “of” which was still connected with the previous line. equivalence analysis this study found that the translator used formal and dynamic equivalence. formal equivalence means the translator transfers the meaning of source language into target language without adding the translators’ ideas and thoughts. dynamic equivalence means the translator transfers the meaning of the source language into target language that convey the same meaning but does not use the exact phrase or idiom of the sl. this study divided then based on part of speech. here are the results of equivalence analysis. nouns (11) sl: seribu burung belibis tl: a thousand of ducks in this line, the translator translated burung belibis (noun) into “duck” (noun). it is also known as “whistling ducks”. this species inhabits all manner of watercourses throughout its range, including lagoons, swamps, mangroves, rice fields, and palm savannas (schwab & suomala, 2004). the translator only translated it into “duck” because this species indeed lives on the lake, so the reader of the target language automatically knows what the author meant. actually, if the translator translated it into ducks, it would be too general because if people find out the word duck in the dictionary, the meaning is bebek. according to charles (2012), the characteristics of whistling duck are similar with the other species of duck which have long neck and slower flight. therefore, the translator still conveyed the same meaning. although the translator transferred the same part of speech but the translator used different word choice. this data is qualified as dynamic equivalence. verbs (12) sl: bersinar agak merah tl: sheds rosy light the translator translated the phrase bersinar agak merah into sheds rosy light. the word bersinar is a verb and translated into “sheds” as a verb too. the translator did not translate it literally. if the phrase is translated literally, it will be “shine rosy”. the translator used “sheds rosy light” instead of “shine rosy” because shine rosy is incomplete, we cannot find out what rosy defines and usually rosy modifies a noun. so, this data is qualified as dynamic equivalence because the translator did not use the journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 faradila oktaviani & sigfrieda a.s. mursinta putri 198 exact phrase but still conveyed the same meaning from source language into target language. other content words (13) sl: lebar dan keruh tl: wide and muddy in this line, the translator also translated the phrase literally. the translator followed the dictionary while translating this text. the word lebar as an adjective was translated into “wide” as an adjective, the word dan as a conjunction was translated into “and” as a conjunction, and the word keruh as an adjective was translated into “muddy” as an adjective. regarding the result of equivalence, this data is qualified as formal equivalence because the translator translated it literally and the structure of the source language is also preserved in the target language. there is nothing changed. from the way that the translator translated this line, it can be understood that the translator was consistent. other word class (14) sl: buat ati tl: for ati this line is qualified as formal equivalence. the phrase buat ati is a prepositional phrase which was translated into “for ati” as a prepositional phrase too. in this case, the translator translated it literally. the translator did not add or omit the word in the source language when he transferred it into target language. the translator also did not change the existing structure in the source language. the implication of translation procedure and equivalence analysis translation procedure is divided into two categories which are single procedure and multiple procedure. the result of this study means there are common procedures used in translating poem, such as literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, adaptation, reduction and expansion. the most translation procedure used in this study is literal translation. the findings are different from the study by abdullah (2014). the most procedure used in abdullah study was modulation. in this study, the translator conveys the idea as close as possible with the original poem. the difference between the commonly used procedure in abdullah’s study and this study is caused by the difference in the way the poems are delivered. in abdullah’s study, the author of the poem delivered the message by putting it between the line. while in this study, the author of the poem was directly delivering the meaning with a little use of figurative language. it implies that the poem which used much figurative language tends to use modulation procedure. meanwhile, the poem which does not use figurative language tends to use literal translation procedure. equivalence is divided into two types which are formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. the most equivalence used is dynamic equivalence. the findings also conform the study by fandi (2014). he analyzed the meaning equivalence in the subtitle of animated movie “monster university”. he used the equivalence theory from nida and taber (1974) and the result of his findings were also dynamic equivalence as the most equivalence used. the translator in fandi’s study and in this study preferred to use dynamic equivalence rather than formal equivalence when they focused on the meaning. it means that dynamic equivalence is the most common type of equivalence in translating poem when the focus is on the meaning. conclusion in this study, the translator maintains the idea and context of the source language although the word chosen is different. the translator translates each line with one or more than one translation procedures. there is single procedure used in the translation process such as literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. there is also multiple procedure journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 199 used in the translation process such as modulation and reduction, transposition and modulation, transposition and expansion and literal translation and expansion. the most translation procedure used in this study is literal translation. there are formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence found in the translation result. the most equivalence used is dynamic equivalence. this study concludes that the translator uses dynamic equivalence because the translator does not want to remove the feeling or beauty of the text. if the translator only uses the word-forword translation, the translation result does not sound natural and can remove the aesthetic value of the poem. overall, both equivalence still convey the same idea although in dynamic equivalence the form is different. the limitation of this study is this study only focuses on the translation procedure and equivalence on the meaning in the target language. in translating poem, the translator needs to know the idea of the poem which is the source language that is going to be translated, the characteristic of the poem and the general understanding that differs from each person’s perspective. for further researches that analyze poem, focus on the equivalence can be done since poem has some elements that needs to be considered, such as the effect, the rhyme, and also the figurative language. references abdullah, muhammad ridwan roji. transposition and modulation analysis on the translation of prayer for rain into do'a minta hujan. thesis. jakarta: universitas islam negeri, 2014. charles, afiya. "dendrocygna autumnalis (black-bellied whistling duck)." the online guide to the animals of trinidad and tobago, 2012. echols, john m. and hassan shadily. kamus indonesia inggris. 3rd edition. jakarta: gramedia pustaka utama, 2014. fandi, donny. translation procedures and meaning equivalence in subtitle of the animated movie “monsters university”. thesis. jakarta: universitas islam negeri, 2014. hassan, bahaa-eddin abdulhassan. literary translation: aspects of pragmatic meaning. uniter kingdom: cambridge scholars publishing, 2011. hornby, a. s. oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current english. (l. hey & s. holloway, eds.). 9th edition. oxford: oxford university press, 2015. newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. new york: prentice-hall international, 1988. nida, eugene a. toward a science of translating: with special reference to principles and procedures involved in bible translating. leiden: brill, 1964. nida, eugene a. and charles r. taber. the theory and practice of translation. 7th edition. netherlands: e. j. brill, leiden, 1974. schwab,donald j. and mark suomala. "west indian whistling-duck (dendrocygna arborea) at the great dismal swamp national wildlife refuge, virginia." north american birds, 2004. pp. 164–167. vinay, jean paul and jean darbelnet. comparative stylistics of french and english: in a methodology for translation. 11th edition. philadelphia: john benjamins, 1995. zeven a.c and j. m. j de wet. dictionary of cultivated plants and their regions of diversity. 2nd edition. wageningen: centre for agricultural publishing and documentation, 1975. vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 ournal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 123 translation of pramoedya ananta toer’s “inem”: enhancement of local-global communication novita dewi; the graduate program in english language studies, universitas sanata dharma abstract translation of a literary work requires the balance between staying faithful to the essence of the original work while creating an artistic, unique, and distinctive piece of work in the translated language so as to evoke the same feelings and responses as the source language. examining a number of translation strategy used in the translation of pramoedya ananta toer’s short story “inem” into english, this study shows that the translation product is to be applauded for two reasons. first, transnational translation of pram’s work, that is rich in local culture, can connect and define both indonesian and english cultures better in order to enhance global-local connectedness. secondly, thanks to the translator, the (recreated) work becomes accessible to readers interested in learning each other’s language and culture. keywords: literary translation, local cultures, global-local connectedness introduction the essence of translation is the equivalent representation of the source language to the target language, in terms of stylistics, references, and linguistic features. literary translation however involves more complex and harder tasks than other translation categories. a literary translator must render the novelist’s thoughts, styles, expressions, and tones without adding, replacing or taking anything away from the source language to the target language. translation, says adewuni, should be seen as an attempt to guess the mind of an author correctly (2006). literary translation thus requires some certain meta-skill to firstly feel for and understand the novelist’s innate thoughts. care must be taken to translate any emotion or impression of the author as to yield the same effects when expressed in words of some other languages. in the words of charles batteux (1713-1780) in his main work published in 1777, principles of literature, “the translator is master of nothing, he must bend with the infinite suppleness to all the variations he finds in his author” (cited in lefevere, 1992: 117). batteux’s conviction is that taste is as important as genius of the two languages. for this french theoretician of literature and the arts, it is the preservation of the original text’s stylistic features that should be pursued first. copying a beautiful painting in his opinion need more time, effort and diligence than creating one. bearing in mind that translated literature is often diffused and distorted; lefevere later (2012) opines that world literature is a refraction rather than reflection of the original work, hence gaining recognition mainly through misunderstandings and misconceptions. following lefevere’s remark, it is important that literary translation function both communicatively and stylishly. as said elsewhere, there is asymmetry of eastwest power-relations and the hegemony of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) novita dewi 124 english as global language that makes translation of literary works never simple but often laden with differing ideologies (dewi, 2017). literary translation into english every so often ignores minor languages including indonesian. not surprisingly, the translations of literature from minor language to another minor language are mostly from english. the wealth of research on literary translation from indonesian into english has shown that numerous translation strategies need to be employed to achieve satisfactory results (e.g. putranti, 2015; kaparang & putranti, 2017; tirtayasa & setiajid, 2018; darta, 2018), thanks to such magnum opus of translation theory from eugene nida, peter newmark, john catford and mildred larson, to the more recent theorists like mona baker and andré lefevere. putranti (2015) claims that the use of synonymy is needed to compensate for the absence of literal translation, given the different idiomatic expressions in english and indonesia. kaparang & putranti (2017) further maintain that newmarkian strategy of communicative translation is important in translating one indonesian novel with a lot of metaphors into english. departing from catfordian linguistic theory of shift at the micro-level, tirtayasa & setiajid (2018) have also proven that pragmatic and stylistic consideration is useful in translating one indonesian poem which is contextually rich and layered in meaning. darta (2018), likewise, examines the politeness strategy used in the translation of one indonesian novel to unravel the powerrelation therein. while the aforementioned studies remain useful references, this present study pays attention more to the cultural implications of transnational translation of literature. it is a preliminary analysis on a number of passages taken from one selected indonesian short story by pramoedya ananta toer entitled “inem”. pram’s works are rich with local cultures. sunarto and others (2017) argue that it is important to introduce local languages and cultures along with their wisdom widely not only at the national but also international level to enhance national and global mobility. therefore, the data source is pram’s short story “inem” which is one of pram’s early works along with 10 other short stories compiled in his cerita dari blora, firstly published in 1950 by. “inem” is translated into english by willem samuels a.k.a. john mcglynn and published by hyperion in 2004. “inem” is a story about early marriage set in a poor area inhabited by people with different social levels that becomes the setting of the story. theoretical concepts literary translation should reflect the depth and meaning of one literary work in one language while preserving its style, pace, and rhythms in the target language. scrutiny of the links between the thought of the novelist and that of the translator is important since literary translation cannot be of literal translation, but interpretative one. it is always easy for literature readers to understand such cultural aspects as customs, practices, and traditions represented in literature written in their own language. a translator therefore has to deliver the knowledge to a reader outside the country who perhaps not familiar with the source language, to say nothing of the cultural peculiarities of it. postcolonial translation seems to be fitting for such purpose. to mention but two, lefevere (1992) and tymoczko (1999) offer translation theory in postcolonial context. they argue that translation is often framed, eurocentric and ideologically manipulated. the translation of non-western texts into english for global audience is loaded with orientalist thinking. they suggest that not only should translation articulate the voice and stance of the translator, it should also make room for its relevance to the target audience. next, it was edwin gentzler (2008: 5) who emphasizes that translation is not a secondary process of transporting ideas across borders, but instead “primary, primordial and proactive process that continually introduces new ideas, forms or expressions, and pathways for change into cultures”. thus, translation has to comply with (1) recognition of the global context; (2) values and perspectives exchanges and (3) cross-border and cultural understanding articulacy. dewi has claimed that translation journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 125 involves interdisciplinary, interlingual, and intercultural activity (2016: 69). translation should function as a negotiation channel to maintain distinct national identities in global cultural context. the essence of postcolonial translation lies on this inevitable global-local cultural border-crossing (dewi 2018). to become a literary translator therefore requires an acquired taste, fortitude, and aptitude. it is not an exaggeration to say that literary translators are but unsung heroes for their names sometimes gain little recognition. the translators remain anonymous, while the author whose work(s) they translated becomes famous. excepting for gregory rabassa the american literary translator from spanish and portuguese to english known for translating gabriel garcía márquez’s one hundred years of solitude and his other works, for instance, very few translators make name for themselves. nobody cares for the translator of thomas mann’s death in venice (samuelsson-brown 2010: 5). if it was not for the works of the late listiana srisanti, the first few series of harry potter would not be available in indonesian version for thousands of fans of j. k. rowling’s books in the country. other examples abound, but it is sufficient for now to say that literary translation has its own theory-practice link in reading, interpreting, and composing a new creation – all have been the tasks handled very well by notable literary translators. to translate literary text, the first of the three translation categories (interpreting, scientific/ technical, commercial/business translation) by samuelsson-brown (2010) is useful. some of the criteria in interpretive translation to meet include: a sense of language, cultural knowledge about the subject of translation, an understanding of a similar work and creative writing skills. the translation of literary works puts more importance on the meaning. therefore, the translator must be adept when moving from one creative style to another. samuelssonbrown then asserts that qualities matter more than qualifications, while listing a number of requirements for a literary translator based on the translators associations of the society of authors (2010: 5-6). the first requirement is the translator’s passion. not only should a translator have a feeling for the language, s/he should be fascinated with it. the translator should therefore has an intimate knowledge of the source language (sl) and of the regional culture and literature, to say nothing of some reasonable knowledge of subjects dealt with in the work. secondly, the translator should be familiar with other works by the author being translated. the third qualification is the hardest, i.e. “the translator must be a skilled and creative writer in the target language and nearly always will be a native speaker of it.” (samuelsson-brown 2010: 5). as it is, the translator should be able to move from style to style when translating different works. fourthly, the original work’s meaning is still the goal to achieve by the translator instead of the accurate rendering of words for words. finally, in order to produce a translated piece that reads well, the translator should be capable of echoing the tone and style of the original work. absence of address terms the english version of the story, using the same title “inem”, appears in all that is gone that comprises of 7 other early short stories by pramoedya ananta toer. the translator needs no introduction because he is a john h. mcglynn, an american editor and translator whose indonesian language is of near-native category with supreme interests in indonesian literature. this graduate of indonesian literature department at the university of michigan at ann arbor is one of the architects of the lontar foundation that promotes indonesian literature and culture internationally by translating major works in indonesian literature. having lived in jakarta since early 1980s, mcglynn is hailed as “the indonesian country editor” for manoa, a literary journal published by the university of hawaii while serving as editor to other prominent literary journals pertaining to indonesian literature. under the name willem samuels, mcglynn also translated pram’s the fugitive, the mute soliloquy, the girl from the coast and many more. despite his flawless translation of “inem”, the translator’s technique of omission and/or addition of honorifics and interjection is journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) novita dewi 126 worth discussing. to begin with how the characters address each other in both versions, several address terms used in the original work either disappear or domesticate in the translated version. honorific is defined by nordquist as “a conventional word, title, or grammatical form that signals respect, politeness, or social deference” ( the courtesy title for the child narrator in “inem” is non-existent, thus: st: “gus muk, aku akan dikawinkan!” (toer, 1994: 39) tt: “i’m going to be married!” (toer, 2004: 31) here the term “gus” before the proper name “muk”, that is also pramoedya’s own childhood nickname, shows that inem locates herself in a lower position than her young master with whose family she lives. culturally speaking, “gus”, a short for “raden bagus” is commonly used to call someone’s son. in general islamic boarding schools in java, the name is given to the son of a school chaplain of the islamic boarding school or “kiyai” (see, e.g. zakiyah, 2018). despite the fact that the term “kiyai” itself in the history of javanese culture has many meanings, i.e. all islamic scholars or religious teachers at islamic boarding schools, the son of a respected teacher, as in the case of pram’s father, is bestowed with “gus” out of respect. it is worth noting that the terms “kiyai” and “gus” had long been a tradition before nahdlatul ulama was established in 1928 – the most famous one being k. h. abdurrahman wahid or gus dur (mahfud, 2010). the english version of “inem” never really mentions the name of the narrator. conversely, readers of the indonesian text need not to wonder what the name of the child story-teller is, as it is mentioned again thus: st: “tujuh belas? bapak si mamuk baru kawin dengan aku waktu dia berumur tigapuluh tahun.” (toer, 1994: 43) tt: “seventeen! my husband was thirty when he married me.” (toer, 2004: 36) social class difference is therefore not seen in the english translation of “inem”, whereas the original short story clearly displays the disparity of thoughts between the narrator’s mother and inem’s mother. inem was presumably a real figure who lived in the house of pram's family (hatley, 1980), and muk’s mother in the short story was inspired by pram's own mother. as mentioned elsewhere, pram’s works reflect anti-feudalistic attitudes (dewi, 2018a). the conversation between the two women of different social strata is naturally left in the translation as if they were equals, as shown by the following passage quoted at length. the day that inem’s mother came to call, inem was in the kitchen, heating water. when mother went to greet her visitor, i tagged along as they convened to the sitting room, where they arranged themselves on a low wooden daybed. it was inem’s mother who opened the conversation: “ma’am, i’ve come to ask to take inem home.” “but why? isn’t it better for her here?” my mother inquired. “you don’t have to pay anything for her to stay here, and she’s learning how to cook.” “i know that, ma’am, but i plan for her to get married after the harvest is in.” “married?!” my mother was shocked. “yes, ma’am. she’s old enough – all of eight now,” inem’s mother said in affirmation. […] “we’re not rich people, ma’am, and the way i see it, she’s already too old. asih, as you know, she had her daughter married off when she was two years younger.” (toer, 2004: 34) to compare with the original, waktu emak si inem menemui ibu, inem sedang memasak di dapur. aku turut menemui emaknya. dan tamu itu, ibu dan aku duduk di bale berwarna merah. “ndoro”, kata emak si inem, “aku datang untuk meminta si inem” “mengapa si inem diminta? bukankah lebih baik kalau dia ada di sini? engkau journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 127 tak perlu mengongkosi dan dia bisa belajar masak. “tapi, ndoro, habis panen ini aku bermaksud menikahkan dia.” “ha?” seru ibu kaget. “dinikahkan?’ “ya, ndoro. dia sudah perawan sekarang – sudah berumur delapan tahun,” kata emak si inem. […] “kami bukan dari golongan priyayi, ndoro. aku pikir dia sudah ketuaan setahun”, kata mbok inem, “si asih itu mengawinkan anaknya dua tahun lebih muda dari anakku.” (toer, 1994: 41) translation of the above passage is clearly another creation. inem’s mother in the english version comes across as confidence and affirmed. the kampong woman shows no hesitation to talk to a person of higher status. the use of “ma’am” to address the narrator’s mother is equal to the word “bu” or “ibu”, hence does not convey subordinate tone as in the term “ndoro”. the translator is also consistent in recounting in english the persona of ibu muk he recreates. the narrator’s mother appears to give up on mbok inem’s adamant intention to marry off her daughter. it is worthy of note that muk’s mother switched the use of “engkau” into “mbok inem” near the end of their conversation. in indonesian culture, addressing people by name is more polite than calling someone “kamu”, “engkau” or even “anda” and “saudara”. since such sensitivity is uncommon in english, the translator recreates the statement. to express a feeling such as doubt, surprise, or anger in english, interjection “well” is useful. the translation of the following statement by muk’s mother is nicely put as follows. tt: “well, if you’ve made up your mind to marry inem off, i can only hope that she’ll get a husband who takes good care of her. […]” (toer, 2004: 36) st: “kalau sudah jadi kehendak mbok inem untuk mengawinkannya, ya, moga-moga inem mendapat laki yang baik yang dapat mengurusnya. […] (toer, 1994: 43) here, the replacement of the word “mbok inem” to “you” is in accordance to the english idiomatic expression. at the same time, the translator maintains the democratic tone of the conversation. reconstruction as translation a discussion on strategy must focus on the translator’s attempt to restructure the sentences in st that may be not idiomatic when translated word-for-word in tt. it would seem that mcglynn, being an avid reader of indonesian literature including pram’s works, takes the voice and stance of the author as postulated by lefevere and tymoczko above. it is the translator’s comprehensive knowledge and understanding of indonesian culture that has given him confidence in reconstructing pram’s work to suit english ears as in, for example, cerita calon arang into the king, the priest and the witch (darta, 2018). what follows is the ways in which mcglynn used restructuring as a handy strategy in the english version of “inem”. first, the use of active sentences in english for the indonesian sentences works very well throughout the translation product. the example is as follows. tt: “it sure will,” she agreed. “they’ll buy me all these beautiful new clothes. and i’ll get to wear a bride’s dress and have flowers in my hair and powder, mascara, and eye shadow. i’m going to like that!” (toer, 2004: 32) st: “alangkah senang. tentu saja! nanti aku dibelikan pakaian bagus-bagus. nanti aku didandani pakaian pengantin, dibungai, dibedaki, disipati dan dicelaki. alangkah senang! (toer, 1994: 39) here, the translator employs catfordian level shift; and it results in the changing of the tone. two declarative sentences [“alangkah senang. tentu saja!”] are rebuilt into becoming one single direct speech [“it sure will”, she agreed] to emphasize the speaker’s eagerness. tone change is important to create a particular impact in tt the way it is similarly sensed in st (tirtayasa & setiajid, 2018: 205). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) novita dewi 128 the second type of reconstruction includes structure shift, i.e. a change in grammatical structure between passive voice in st and active voice in tt (in munday, 2013). the use of prefix “di” in st for all passive verbs is reconstructed in active verbs in tt to some degree of success. in indonesian, “disipati” means to apply an eye lid, characteristic of javanese bridal make-up. the use of an eye lid is aimed at accentuating the eye, correcting the shape of the eye, and giving the impression of eyelash thickness. what appears in tt, i.e. “mascara, and eye shadow” is a free translation to carry the same meaning. next, the word “dicelaki” meaning blackening of the eyebrows and part of the pattern-drawn forehead is however omitted in tt. reconstruction is a useful learning of each other’s language for a nonnative speaker of english and of indonesian alike. thirdly, the translator is aware of the need to reconstruct the original text to fulfill the communicative function in translation. here, as often the case in translating other indonesian literary works, sense is indeed thing of significance in order to maintain both literariness (tirtayasa & setiajid, 2018) and naturalness (putranti, 2015; kaparang & putranti, 2018). cultural words in “inem” are left not translated, hence another evident of recreation as a strategy in translation. they are kebaya the hip-length buttoned blouse (toer, 2004: 39); kain expensive length of batik from solo (toer, 2004: 39); wayang kulit performance (toer, 2004: 40); gamelan orchestra, female tayuban dancers (toer, 2004: 40). it appears that the explanation that follows each word is sufficient to carry the message to the readers who are not familiar with indonesian and its local culture. in so doing, the translator has accomplished his noble undertaking to build global-local connectivity through transnational translation earlier said by gentzler (2008) and dewi (2018). conclusion translation of a literary work requires the balance between staying faithful to the original work and creating an artistic, unique, and distinctive piece of work so as to evoke the same feelings and responses as the original. literary translation is a precise, careful, and thoughtful reading followed subsequently by an equally precise, careful, and thoughtful (re)writing of the literary work. unlike other technical writing, literary translation carries the weight of communicative and aesthetic purposes. this study has shown that the translation of pramoedya ananta toer’s “inem” is an attempt to create another text to carry the egalitarian stance of the author. to achieve this end, the translator reconstructs some parts of the source text to fit in with understanding of the target text reader. the omission of honorifics is a noticeable skill used by the notable translator. by way of reflection, if it is true that reading literature is reading (other) people and reading ourselves, literary translation product examined in this study truly brings the indonesian readers to appreciate more about local culture now shared globally via translation. it is translation that allows such pride of local and national language, literature, and culture to travel worldwide, thanks to the translators –john mcglynn being one of them– who are frequently left invisible. when charles batteux quoted in the beginning of this article talks about the “master of nothing” of a translator, he talks instead about the translator’s possession of everything: arts, genius and diplomacy. references adewuni, salawu. 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vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 125 the stages of the development of thou and ye and its variations according to baugh and cable (1978), the period of renaissance was important because there involved two changes in term of the use of thou and ye. the first change indicated that thou, thy, and thee were disappeared. they stated that in the earliest period of english, the distinction between thou and ye was just in a matter of the number of people being addressed. thou was used to address one person, while ye was used to address more than one person. the related forms of thou were thy, thee, thine, and thyself , while the related forms of you were ye, yours, your,and yourself. single forms are marked by the use of thou, thy, and thee. the plural forms were marked by the use of ye, your, and you. the distinction grew up by the thirteenth century. during this period, thou and its related forms were used to address children and people having lower class (inferior). on the contrary, ye and its related forms were used to address people having higher social class (superior). this distinction was influenced by french forms tu and vous in the way of addressing. then, ye and its related forms were recognized as forms to show either irrespective of rank or intimacy. in the sixteenth century, the singular forms were gone, but they were still used by the quackers. the second change was the replacement of you for ye as a nominative case. the distinction occurred between the nominative ye and the objective you. in the fourteenth century, the objective you was used as the nominative, resulting that there is no distinction in the nominative form between ye and you. the use of you as the nominative then gradually replaced ye. in the end of sixteenth century, ye was only used in specific situations dealing with archaic, religious, and literary contexts (crystal, 1995). in the seventeenth century, you became the accepted form for both nominative and objective form. it signified that thou was disappeared. the variations of thou and you in renaissance system crystal (1995) pointed out that in the shakespeare time, the use of second person pronouns had many variations. you could be used to address either one person (singular form) or more than one person (plural form). but for addressing one person, there were many alternatives in term of using thou/thee. it was used by inferior people to address superior people and was also used among upper class. by contrast, thou/thee were used by superior people to address inferior people, and were also used by lower class to address each other. additionally, it was used in literary works in addressing god and supernatural beings. in special cases, a husband might address his wife as thou, and she reply with you. the preference of using thou and you depended on situations. some situations could break the rule of convention. when it was used to express intimacy and affection, the use of thou was preferred. the use of you was found when it came to the formal situation as well as to show politeness and distance. thou could be used even by inferior to superior to express annoyance and hatred. the use of thou to a person of equal rank who expect to be addressed you could thus be easily regarded as an insult. (crystal, 1995) the use of thou and you in shakespeare’s tragedy of hamlet and macbeth shakespeare’s tragedy of hamlet and macbeth are classified as tragedies. tragedies are kinds of play in which the main character suffers excessive sorrow. accordingly, the tone of situation is serious and tragic started from beginning until the end of the plays. the setting of these two plays is mostly in the royal palace. it signifies that the conversation takes place among the member of royal palace, such as king, queen, noble, prince, soldier, servant, laborer, and so forth. therefore, this discussion focuses on the conversation occurs between them. generally, shakespeare uses thou and you form like what the rule of society expects. the adria indah putranti 126 rule dictated in the society denotes that the use of thou and you expresses power and solidarity. as stated in the literary review, thou is used to address a social inferior, such as servant and laborer. it is also used among lower class and social inferior. thou is also used in addressing god and supernatural beings like ghost and witches. you is used to address a social superior, such as king, queen, noble, prince, and so forth to show respect. it is also used among high class and social superior to show solidarity. the use of these pronominal forms in shakespeare’s plays will be explained further as follows. in tragedy of hamlet, thou is used to address an inferior, such as king claudius to servants and queen gertrude to hamlet, his son. also, it is used among people of low rank, such as among servants and gravediggers. the form you is used among nobles such as king and aristocracy, prince hamlet to prince laertes, laertes to ophelia, and so forth. similarly, in tragedy of macbeth, thou is used to address an inferior, such as lady macbeth to her servant and banquo to his son, fleance, and macbeth to lady macbeth, his wife. the form you is used to address an superior, such as malcom to king duncan (his father) and lady macbeth to macbeth. in tragedy of hamlet and macbeth, there are some scenes in which the main characters have to address supernatural beings. in the beginning of the play, hamlet meets a ghost which introduces itself as ghost of hamlet’s father. the following dialog is the case of the interaction between hamlet and his ghost father. the dialog shows that hamlet uses thou rather than you, as he is accustomed to. hamlet. where wilt thou lead me? speak; i'll go no further. ghost. mark me. hamlet. i will. ghost. my hour is almost come, when i to sulphurous and tormenting flames. must render up myself. hamlet. alas, poor ghost! ghost. pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing to what i shall unfold. (tragedy of hamlet, act i scene v, in a part of platform) the scene shows that hamlet addresses the ghost with thou although the physical appearance of the ghost is his father-like. if it is really his father, hamlet should address him as you but he does not since it is common to address ghost as thou. in another play, tragedy of macbeth, there is also an interaction between main character and supernatural beings. in the beginning of the play, macbeth and banquo meet three witches on the way home. macbeth addresses the witches using you since unlike the singular form there is no alternative to address second person pronoun plural of you. macbeth. speak, if you can: what are you? first witch. all hail, macbeth! hail to thee, thane of glamis! second witch. all hail, macbeth! hail to thee, thane of cawdor! third witch. all hail, macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter (tragedy of macbeth, act 1 scene ii, a camp near forest ) besides addressing supernatural beings, a parent-children relation is taken into account. children use only you with their parents and their parents generally use thou to express their affection toward their children. in tragedy of macbeth, banque addresses his son, fleance with thou and lady macduff addresses her son with thou. a different case takes place between lord polonius and ophelia, her daughter in tragedy of hamlet. it can be seen in the following conversation. ophelia. he hath, my lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me. lord polonius. affection! pooh! you speak like a green girl, unsifted in such perilous circumstance. do you believe his tenders, as you call them? ophelia. i do not know, my lord, what i should think. lord polonius. marry, i'll teach you: think yourself a baby; that you have ta'en these tenders for true pay, which are not sterling. tender yourself more dearly; or--not to crack the wind of the vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 127 poor phrase, running it thus--you'll tender me a fool. ophelia. my lord, he hath importuned me with love in honourable fashion. lord polonius. ay, fashion you may call it; go to, go to. ophelia. and hath given countenance to his speech, my lord, with almost all the holy vows of heaven. (tragedy of hamlet, act i scene iii, a room in polonius’ house) this scene portrays the polonius’ anger toward ophelia since she does not want to obey his father’s advice to keep away from hamlet. it raises assumption that polonius prefers using you rather than thou because of his anger. but in the daily conversation between them, polonius always addresses ophelia using you. it can be assumed that ophelia is regarded as the apple of his father’s eyes so that his father treats her like a queen. no matter how anger his father to her, she keeps being addressed with you. it is like an honor for ophelia. the switch between thou and you in shakespeare’s tragedy of hamlet and macbeth the important case found in shakespeare’s tragedy of hamlet and macbeth is the switch between thou and you. four cases are chosen and highlighted in this discussion. the first case is the conversation between hamlet and horation which is located in the castle. horation is the close friend of hamlet who just comes from wittenberg. hamlet. i am very glad to see you. good even, sir. but what, in faith, make you from wittenberg? horatio. a truant disposition, good my lord. hamlet. i would not hear your enemy say so, nor shall you do mine ear that violence, to make it truster of your own report. against yourself: i know you are no truant. but what is your affair in elsinore? we'll teach you to drink deep ere you depart. horatio. my lord, i came to see your father's funeral. hamlet. i pray thee, do not mock me, fellow-student; i think it was to see my mother's wedding. (tragedy of hamlet, act 1 scene ii, a room of state in the castle) hamlet starts the conversation using you as they are accustomed to in normal conversation. he switches you into thou variation (thee as objective) when the tone of situation changes. he says that horatio mock him although actually he knows that it is not kind of insult. hamlet tries to break the coldness since they haven’t met for a long time. horation also realizes that hamlet is kidding him so he does not feel offended. the second case takes place between hamlet and queen gertrude, his mother. in a usual and normal conversation between them, hamlet uses you to address his mother and his mother replies with thou. the use of thou is common for a mother to show affection to her child. in the following conversation, hamlet’s mother suddenly changes the pronominal form to hamlet. hamlet. now, mother, what's the matter? queen gertrude. hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended. hamlet : mother, you have my father much offended. queen gertrude : come, come, you answer with an idle tongue. hamlet : go, go, you question with a wicked tongue. queen gertrude : why, how now, hamlet! hamlet : what's the matter now? queen gertrude : have you forgot me? hamlet : no, by the rood, not so: you are the queen, your husband's brother's wife; and--would it were not so!--you are my mother. queen gertrude : nay, then, i'll set those to you that can speak. hamlet : come, come, and sit you down; you shall not budge; you go not till i set you up a glass. where you may see the inmost part of you. adria indah putranti 128 queen gertrude : what wilt thou do? thou wilt not murder me? help, help, ho! (tragedy of hamlet, act iii scene iv, the queen's closet) the scene reveals that something happen when hamlet enters his mother’s room angrily to question her about marrying his uncle. in the beginning of the conversation, his mother responds hamlet using thou indicating nothing happens as a normal conversation. then it comes to the point that hamlet’s raising tone of intonation really makes his mother upset. thus she suddenly changes thou into you to address hamlet. when hamlet calms himself, she switches back into thou. therefore, the switch between thou and you is caused by his mother’s anger toward hamlet. the third case is the conversation between hamlet and his ghost father. in act i, hamlet calls his ghost father using thou. conversely, going forward to the act iii, hamlet uses you to address his ghost father. in this scene, hamlet does not seem that he sees ghost, rather he sees his father. the reason of the switching between thou and you is that he is convinced that the ghost is really his father whom he adores very much. the tone of son’s affection towards his father embraces this scene. the scene is depicted as follows. (enter ghost) hamlet : save me, and hover o'er me with your wings, you heavenly guards! what would your gracious figure? queen gertrude : alas, he's mad! hamlet : do you not come your tardy son to chide, that, lapsed in time and passion, lets go by the important acting of your dread command? o, say! ghost : do not forget: this visitation. is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose. but, look, amazement on thy mother sits: o, step between her and her fighting soul: conceit in weakest bodies strongest works: speak to her, hamlet. (tragedy of hamlet, act iii scene iv, the queen's closet) the fourth case happens between macbeth and his wife, lady macbeth. in the usual conversation, macbeth addresses his wife as thou, and she replies with you. in act i scene vii, lady macbeth breaks the rule as what is seen in the following conversation. lady macbeth : was the hope drunk. wherein you dress'd yourself? hath it slept since? and wakes it now to look so green and pale. at what it did so freely? from this time such i account thy love. art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire? wouldst thou have that which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting 'i dare not' wait upon 'i would,' like the poor cat i' the adage? macbeth: prithee, peace: i dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more is none. (tragedy of macbeth, act i scene vii, macbeth's castle) the scene really shows that the tone of situation changes. lady macbeth is angry with macbeth because he is still in doubt whether to kill the king or not. lady macbeth tries to persuade macbeth to murder the king in order to get the throne. the fact that macbeth feels unsure makes her really upset. therefore, she switches you as the usual conversation with macbeth to thou. in the rest of this scene, lady macbeth continuously uses thou whenever she feels upset with macbeth. concluding remarks in the history of english language especially in early modern english, there are a distinction of second person pronouns between thou and you. the pronoun you can be used to address more than one addressee (macbeth to witches, for instance). for addressing merely one addressee, there are many norms related to power and solidarity. the first rule is observed when the addressee is socially equal with the addresser (or it is vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 129 related with solidarity). the use of you form is required to address someone who is not close indicating a neutral and respect behavior. it also can be used by people of high rank to address one another. thou form is used to address someone close indicating either intimacy or insult. the second rule is when the addressee is socially unequal with the addresser (or it is related with power). thou form is used to address an inferior (such as parents to children, prince to servants), while you form is used to address a superior. in shakespeare’s tragedy of hamlet and macbeth, the rules can suddenly collapse. it is due to the fact that shakespeare as found in his plays repeatedly switches between thou and you form. it happens whenever the character includes emotions within conversation so that the tone of situation changes, resulting on the switching between thou and you. references baugh, albert c. and thomas cable. a history of the english language. new jersey: prentice-hall, inc. 1978. print crystal, david. the cambridge encyclopedia of the english language. cambridge: cambridge university press. 1995. print tragedy of hamlet original text. web. 2 june 2014. tragedy of macbeth original text. web. 2 june 2014. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 2580-5878 137 request strategies in indonesian: an analysis of politeness phenomena in text messages jeanyfer & trisnowati tanto & english department, universitas kristen maranatha bandung abstract a lot of linguists have paid a lot of attention to the phenomena of politeness—some said it should be in the area of sociolinguistics, while others believe that it belongs to the domain of pragmatics. the present study focuses on politeness phenomena as a part of pragmatic domain as it aims to see how language, especially indonesian, is used to realize politeness in text messages between people who would like to request a favor, thing, or information. it is believed that speakers use different strategies to achieve their goals when talking to different people. the study utilizes brown’s and levinson’s theory on politeness strategies to examine the strategies used by the speaker when communicating with hearer of different power and distance relations. along with the theory, this study also employs request strategies that are derived from searle’s speech act classifications. the result shows that in terms of strategies, people have the tendency to use negative politeness strategies in communicating with other people that have more power than them, while a mix between negative and positive strategies are used mostly to those they consider peer or lower in power. keywords: politeness strategies, request strategies, speech acts, pragmatics introduction the notion of ‘politeness’ has become a particular interest among linguists in the past three decades despite its controversy on whether it belongs to the domain of pragmatic or merely a sociolinguistic phenomenon. yule (1996) describes politeness as a fixed concept in the form of ‘polite social behavior’ in a particular culture, a concept that is agreed upon by leech (2014) who believes that to be polite to others means to speak in a way that gives benefit to the person we are conversing with. some linguists—amongst them lakoff, fraser and leech—base their theories of politeness strategies on grice’s cooperative principles, saying that they are the cornerstone for politeness as the more one seeks to communicate a message directly to achieve full clarity, the more one moves away from an expression of politeness (el-samir, 2016). meanwhile, brown and levinson take a more sociological approach to the strategies by adopting the notion of goffman’s theory of interpersonal communication: ‘face.’ this theory has been a subject of criticism as it is said not to accommodate the cultures and languages in asia (yule, 2006). even though speech acts are considered to be a universal pragmatic operation (leech, 1983), the uses differ across languages and cultures. as shariati and chamani (2010) put it, it is important to see how language is realized in different languages in order to establish universal features of speech acts. in other words, as pragmatic use of language is journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 jeanyfer & trisnowati tanto 138 universal, one should base this on empirical data taken from different languages. this study examines text-messages taken from the messaging applications whatsapp and line messenger focusing on the language of the speakers when requesting favors, things, and/or information to hearers of different power and distance relations from the speakers. using brown and levinson’s politeness strategies as well as austin’s and searle’s speech acts theories and classifications, the study aims to see the degree of indirectness through politeness strategies in regards of power, distance and degree of imposition between speakers. literature reviews speech act theory speech act theory was first founded by austin in 1962, basing on his belief that the use of language always serves different communicative functions to accomplish certain purposes. these utterances—called speech acts—are divided into three different layers (yule, 1996): locutionary act, in which an utterance is a meaningful linguistic expression; illocutionary act, which bears a communicative force to achieve a particular purpose; and perlocutionary act, which is the effect of the utterance to the hearer. from all three, austin considers that the illocutionary act is the most important as it bears the meaning of what the speaker actually wants to achieve by uttering an utterance. the importance of illocutionary act is also recognized by searle, who further divides it into five sub-categories of declarations (e.g. resign, appoint, fire somebody, etc.), representatives (e.g. suggesting, denying, etc.), expressives (e.g. congratulate, apologize, etc.), directives (e.g. order, request, invite, etc.), and commissives (e.g. promise, vow, etc.) (yule, 1996). searle proposes that all speech acts are indirect to some degree, and it is a matter of understanding the indirectness of an utterance that becomes a problem. as an example, al-marrani (2010) states that a question such as “can you reach the dictionary?” is not merely a yes-or-no question but poses as an indirect request. for the purpose of this study, speech act theory will provide insights on people’s requesting behavior in text messages to different hearers with different power and distance relations from themselves. the speech act of request in accordance to searle’s classifications of illocutionary acts, ‘request’ falls into the category of directives, which is regarded as “the speech acts that speakers use to get someone else to do something” (yule, 1996). this may be conducted directly or indirectly—or, in reiter’s (2000) words, respectively, head act and peripheral modification devices. a head act consists of the main utterance which has the function of requesting and can stand on its own, for instance “can you lend me some money?” on the other hand, peripheral modification devices are optional and serve to mitigate or intensify the force of the requesting move (silfianou, 1999) and are made up of two main groups: internal modifiers—devices that appear within the same request head act (e.g. do you think you can lend me some money?)— and external modifiers, the modifiers appearing in the immediate linguistic context surrounding the request head act, either preceding or following it (e.g. can you lend me some money? i forgot my wallet). some previous research conducted on the use of this particular speech act has focused on either the request head act itself (aribi, n.d.; yang, 2009) or only the modification devices (sattar and farnia, 2014), but there are also researches focusing on both the request head act and the modification devices, like the one conducted by beltran and flor (n.d.). following beltran and flor, the present study focuses on both functions as it is believed to convey more about the relationship between indirectness and the power, distance and degree of imposition among speakers. the concept of ‘face’ the concept of ‘face’ is defined by yule (1996) as the public self-image of a person, journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 25805878 139 referring to the emotional and social sense of self that everyone has and expects others to recognize. people should be considerate of others’ face in order to maintain interpersonal relationship and ensure successful social interaction. brown and levinson (cited in black, 2006) describe the two aspects of face as negative face and positive face—the former being the right to be independent and not to be imposed by other people while the latter being the need to be accepted and to be treated as a member of the same group. based on this concept, the speech act of requests, being a directive, is considered a face threatening act (fta) since in the act a speaker imposes their will on the hearers, and therefore (possibly) threatens the face of the hearers. i believe that this concept also helps me to see the connection between the (in)directness of a request with power and distance relations. brown’s and levinson’s politeness strategies every society has their own culture and norms regarding how people should interact with one another. brown and levinson offer a descriptive analysis of strategies used by the participants to maintain their respective faces in social interaction, which can be summed up into five strategies: 1) bald on-record, 2) positive politeness, 3) negative politeness, 4) off-record, and 5) no face threatening act (fta). save for the last one, all strategies are further divided into smaller sub-strategies (grundy, 2008). grundy (2008) mentions that in analyzing politeness phenomena, one should always consider the following equation: social distance (d) + power differential (p) + ratio of imposition (r) = degree of face-threat to be redressed by appropriate linguistic strategies. thus, this concept will help the researcher in drawing hypothesis for the purpose of this study. as are previous researches, the present study also attempts to identify the strategies used by speakers to reveal how power and distance relate to the strategies used by a speaker. since the data are in the form of written texts, the strategies observed are only the first four mentioned above and the substrategies within the four. strategy five, no fta, is not relevant to this research and therefore is not observed. methodology this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, which is defined by bodgan and biklen (1982) to bring about the descriptive data in the written and oral form from the subjects being investigated. since a qualitative research focuses on words instead of numbers or measures, the data and analysis in this study is conducted in descriptive forms, after which a conclusion is drawn without making generalization. data collection this study is based on the text messages in the messaging applications whatsapp and line messenger, both private and group conversations. the data were obtained through two different methods: 1) through text messages that come naturally between the researcher and other people, and 2) through participants who sent the screenshots of their text messages to the researcher. the second method was employed due to the time constraint for the data collection which did not allow all data to be collected naturally. in terms of ethical issues that may arise due to the nature of the data, the participants have been made aware that their personal messages will be used for the purpose of this present study and they have also given their personal consent. data analysis after the data were collected and selected, they were analyzed using the speech act of request framework and assigned into different strategies based on brown’s and levinson’s theory. the analysis consists of the process of classifying the data into its categories so that a working hypothesis may be formulated from the findings. in analyzing the data, the researchers did several steps beginning with classification journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 jeanyfer & trisnowati tanto 140 of power and distance relations between the speakers. the next step was assigning the strategies used by speakers in requesting a favor, thing, or information while paying attention to the language use of each request—whether they mostly use head acts or employing modification devices in connection to the intended hearers. afterward, the researchers interpreted and described the data to answer the research problem before presenting the conclusion. results and discussion relating to social power between speakers and hearers, request strategies can be classified into three categories as follows: higher-ranking to lower-ranking, equal to equal, and lower-ranking to higher-ranking (blum-kulka in aribi, n.d.). another variable that plays a role in this is the social distance between the speaker and the hearer; the ranking of imposition—either high or low—is also considered. the following table shows the summary of the number of collected data classified according to their social power and distance. table 1 number of data classified according to social power and distance power relation social distance number of data collected +p +d 11 +p -d 12 =p +d 3 =p -d 11 -p +d 8 -p -d 5 total 50 twenty-three out of fifty data collected by the researcher belong to the category of lowerranking speaker talking to higher ranking speaker, while only thirteen are in the category of higher-ranking speaker to lowerranking one and fourteen are of equal power relations. each of the data presents different strategies which will be discussed further below. request strategies used by lowerranking speaker to higher-ranking hearer in regards to power relation, speaker who considers him/herself powerless compared to the hearer tends to employ several strategies, which are also determined by the distance between them in addition to the ranking of imposition (what is required of the hearer). the findings show that when a speaker puts him/herself in a lower position compared to and do not have close social distance with the hearer, he/she tends to employ negative politeness strategy. moreover, speakers of lower-ranking power status opt to use modification devices, both internal and external, in their speech act in order to mitigate the ranking of imposition and to lessen the threatening of the hearer’s face. below is an example: datum 1 jt: selamat sore, pak . maaf mengganggu lagi. saya diminta tolong [name] untuk menanyakan kpd bapak ttg kemungkinan rapat terbatas di hari senin siang apabila jdwl bapak memungkinkan. tp kalau bapak sibuk maka kami akan menyesuaikan lagi. hatur nuhun. the above example is a conversation between a student and her lecturer, talking about the possibility of making an appointment for a meeting. the datum shows that the speaker uses several negative politeness strategies. by using the address term ‘pak’, which means ‘mister’ and is commonly used in indonesian to refer to an older (and more respected) male, the speaker shows deference, effectively putting the hearer in the position of power. the phrase ‘maaf mengganggu’ and the word ‘lagi’, or in english ‘sorry to bother’ and ‘again’ are two other examples of the use of negative politeness strategy—apologizing and hedging. in this case, the speaker again expresses deference and wants be seen as less imposing to the hearer. the sentences following it are a journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 25805878 141 combination of several strategies, namely being indirect, minimizing imposition, and hedging. the use of the plural ‘kami’—‘we’— instead of the singular ‘saya’, the indonesian formal word to refer to oneself, shows that the speaker tries to impersonalize themselves in order that the hearer’s face is not threatened. in lessening the threatening of face, it is also seen that the speaker does not use a head act request strategy; instead, the speaker employs internal modification devices by first rephrasing her question into an indirect speech and adding ‘saya diminta tolong [name] untuk menanyakan kepada bapak’ before the actual question of asking the lecturer’s availability to hold a meeting on the suggested day. another example of the use of negative politeness strategies in talking with a hearer with a higher power and distance relationship is below: datum 8 ds: maaf sebelumnya, pak, berhubung minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir kuliah sebelum uas, dan kami harus menyerahkan soal ujian dalam minggu ini, apakah memungkinkan jika deadline penyerahan abstrak hasil terjemahan dilonggarkan? the conversation above is taken from a text message between a lecturer in one faculty and a dean of another faculty in the same university. the context of the message is the speaker’s proposing about the possibility to postpone the deadline of the submission of a translation project between the two faculties. similar to datum 1, the text begins with a negative politeness strategy of apologizing and followed by the address term ‘pak’ to show deference. the speaker proceeds to give a reason before asking a question, which is also posed as a negative strategy in which the writer tries to minimize the imposition they make to the hearer by saying ‘apakah memungkinkan’—asking whether it is possible to do something. this clearly shows that the speaker hopes not to impose the hearer by the request. these sub-strategies are repeated in most of the data in which the speaker’s social power and distance are lower than that of the hearer’s. different strategies are seen to be used by speakers of lower position but have close social distance with the hearers. the findings suggest that lower-ranking speakers who are close with the hearers tend to mix bald onrecord, positive politeness and negative politeness strategies in posing their request instead of only relying heavily on negative politeness strategies. the presence of modification devices is still seen, as seen in the following text between a worker and her superior at the office: datum 20 jea: eh ko, can i ask u a big favor? gw the bingung nih #curcol kan ini teh yang tema komsel bakal mulai jalan dari septemberdesember, juli agustus teh belum. kalo gw minta tolong koko untuk buat gmn? sy oge buat gt. koko kan selama ini buat, tp masuknya selasa. nah kalo masuknya awalan gmn hahahaha. kalo ga bisa gpp sih. i understand soal ur work komitmen dll. in datum 20, the context of the conversation is the speaker needs the hearer’s help to work on the themes of their church cell group meetings. here, we see that the speaker starts with a hedge ‘eh’ instead of a formal greeting. it shows that the speaker and the hearer are close. another proof of this is the slang word ‘gw’ instead of the formal ‘saya’ to refer to the speaker. however, the speaker also acknowledges that she is in a more powerless position than the hearer by using the mandarin term for big brother ‘ko’ in her text. in her first sentence, the speaker uses bald on-record strategy, request, by mentioning at the beginning that she wants to ask for a favor. however, in the next sentence the speaker switches strategy by giving background information and reason of her imposition, a strategy which falls to the category of positive politeness. this is followed by a negative strategy using hedging in question by adding the informal spelling of the word ‘if’ in bahasa indonesia, ‘kalo’, and ‘gmn’, or ‘how’. the rest of the text is another mixture of positive and negative politeness strategies; ‘saya oge buat gt’ serves as a positive strategy journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 jeanyfer & trisnowati tanto 142 as the speakers suggests that she is also involved in the activity of creating the themes so as not to impose the hearer’s face too much. meanwhile ‘nah kalau masuknya awalan gmn,’ ‘kalo ga bisa gpp sih’ and ‘i understand soal ur work komitmen dll’ are a form of negative strategies used to minimize imposition on the hearer. in the first phrase, the speaker uses ‘nah’, which has no equivalent of meaning in indonesian, as a hedge for her request not to be taken as an order. it is strengthened by the second and third phrases, saying that it is alright if the hearer cannot comply with the request and that the speaker understands that the hearer has other work and commitments to fulfill. the mixture of strategies is also reflected in the uses of modification devices—the speaker uses both internal modification devices by hedging and external ones, by providing background to the request. request strategies used by equal speaker and hearer when the speaker considers that his/her power is equal to that of the hearer’s, the speaker chooses a different strategy in posing requests. this may be due to the fact that there is less risk of threatening the face of the hearer. the findings suggest that the difference in social distance does not significantly change the way peers are communicating with one another, and therefore, the strategies that they use in requesting a favor, things and/or information are quite similar when analyzed through politeness and requesting strategies. datum 26 below is an example of speaker with equal power position but is not close with the hearer, while datum 32 is one whose speaker has equal power to and close with the hearer. datum 26 sf: bu [name] masih inget uas filsafat? aku asa masih kosong bgt. dan di kelas pun cuma ngobrol2 geje gitu. datum 32 mg: ci kmrn lu dpt kado apa? gw butuh buat tuker kado lg the two data show that a question and a statement may serve as directives, specifically in this case, as requests. datum 26, in which the speaker is the hearer’s junior at university, uses a combination of off-record, negative politeness and positive politeness strategies. the speaker indirectly requests an explanation on the hearer’s experience in philosophy class in the form of a yes/no question—thus the data falls to the category of negative politeness strategy. the phrase ‘masih inget’ to ask whether the hearer still remembers about something suggests that the speaker is trying to be pessimistic about the matter, but at the same time it can be seen as a positive politeness strategy namely presupposing common ground that the hearer has also once experienced/taken the exam of said subject. the rest of the text gives explanation as to why the speaker needs the information, using an off-record strategy of being ironic. datum 32 uses a different strategy in terms of politeness strategies, since the speaker is a younger cousin of the hearer. in the data, the speaker opens her request by questioning the hearer about the present she got the other day before indirectly requesting that said present should be given to the speaker. in this case, the first sentence of the text shows the use of rhetorical question (an off-record strategy) because the speaker does not really intend to know what present the hearer got; she only asks to open the conversation so that she may, off-recordly, give hint that she needs the present for her own gift exchanging party. again, as are found in the texts between lower-ranking and higher-ranking people, the request strategy in the two data is peripheral modification devices, especially external modification devices. request strategies used by higherranking speaker to lower-ranking hearer the tendency of speaking less formally and without redress is higher when a speaker puts him/herself in a position of more power than the hearer, which can be seen in the findings of this research. most of the data show people of higher power tend to use bald on-record strategies when speaking to lowerranking hearers (both close and not in social journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 25805878 143 distance) as they recognize that their request will not threaten the face of the hearers, as can be seen in the following two data: datum 40 lt: tolong belikan kado buat cucunya [name] titipkan ke tokonya datum 49 ja: [name] tolong belikan papa tempat obat yg seperti punya [name] buat pagi siang sore. mama cari di ausi ga ada. datum 40 is a text message between an employer and her assistant in which the speaker wants her assistant to buy a birthday present for the grandchild of the speaker’s acquaintance. we can see that the only mitigating device in the text is the word ‘tolong’, translated ‘please’ in english, while the rest uses bald on-record strategy of requesting in imperative forms, ‘belikan’ and ‘titipkan.’ the lack of modification devices shows that the speaker puts herself in a position of power and she believes that her request does not threaten the face of the assistant as it is the assistant’s job to do what she asks for. datum 49 is a request posed by a mother-in-law to her son-in-law, which puts the speaker in the position of power having close social distance with the hearer. the slight difference from data 40 is the fact that the speaker in datum 49 adds a reason behind her requesting the hearer to do something to her. in politeness strategy, giving reason is in the category of positive politeness strategy; in request strategy, this is considered as using external modification device. conclusion due to the time constraints in which the analysis is done, the present study is limited only to examining the speech act of requests in two text messaging applications. it is suggested that future researchers collect data not only in the form of texts but also in the form of recording so that the prosodic nature of the requests may be taken into account as text messages may not reveal the context of situation of the requests. moreover, this study focuses solely on how the speaker poses his/her requests when texting people with different power and distance relations from them without regarding the hearer’s response as a variable. future studies may want to take the responses as a variable, adding turn takings as well as the sequence of request into their analysis since it may give another insight to the context of situation in addition to see whether the hearer shows signs of his/her face being threatened. another limitation is regarding the diversity of the participants from whom the text messages are obtained. while the researcher tries to choose random samples from the population, they are restricted to people residing in the big cities of west java with more or less similar cultural and educational background. the researcher suggests that future research takes a more widespread samples so as to provide a more accurate conclusion. the present study aims to see whether power and distance play a role in determining the (in)directness of a request in indonesian people’s text messages. the results indicate that in communicating with people of higher position or power, a speaker has the tendency to use negative politeness strategies in order to avoid threatening the face and imposing their will on the hearer. they also tend to use modification devices rather than stating their requests as a head act. on the contrary, a speaker of higher social power does not use redress when posing their requests—they use a bald on-record strategy to achieve the purpose of the communication, sometimes adding modification devices such as ‘tolong’— or ‘please’ in bahasa indonesia—to lessen the effect of their commands. what the researcher finds as interesting is that when a speaker considers him/herself equal to the hearer in social power, there is a tendency to mix the politeness strategies instead of employing one category in their request. these speakers also use quite a lot of modification devices as a way of saving the hearer’s (and possibly their own) face when requesting for favors, things, or information. journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 jeanyfer & trisnowati tanto 144 based on the strategy use differences, the researcher concludes that people in indonesia are aware of the differences in social power and distance relations when communicating with other people. it is also drawn that this awareness causes indonesians to employ different politeness strategies to accomplish their goals in their daily communication with people of higher, equal and lower social power from them. the uses of peripheral modification devices in the majority of the data also suggests that indonesians are inclined to opt out from saying their requests directly in order to maintain a good relation with other people in addition to lessen the threats to their faces. references al-marrani yahya mohammed ali and sazalie, azimah binti. “polite request strategies as produced by yemeni efl learners”. language in india. strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. 2010: 165188. issn 19302940. aribi, imen. “a socio-pragmatic study of the use of requests in english by tunisian efl learners”. journal of second language teaching and research. vol.2, no. 1, pp. 87-120. n.d. web. 20 jan. 2018. < /article/view/92/39>. austin, john langshaw. how to do things with words. oxford: oxford university press, 1962. black, elizabeth. pragmatic stylistics. edinburgh: edinburgh university press, ltd., 2006. beltran, elina vilar and flor, alicia martinez. “analysing english native speakers’ use of request modification devices during a role-play activity”. n.d. web. 30 jan. 2018. < o/pdf/1/vilar.pdf>. bogdan, robert c. and biklen, sari knopp. (1982). qualitative research of education: an introduction to theory and methods. boston: allyn & bacon, 1982. el-samir, sausen f. “politenes: a sociopragmatic study”. 2016. web. 10 mar. 2018. . grundy, peter. doing pragmatics. london: hodder education, 2008. kitamura, noriko. “adapting brown and levinson’s ‘politeness’ theory to the analysis of casual conversation”. proceedings of als2k. the 2000 conference of the australian linguistic society. 2000. web. 1 dec. 2017. . leech, geoffrey. principles of pragmatics. london: longman, 1983. _____________. the pragmatics of politeness. oxford: oxford university press, 2014. reiter, rosina m. linguistic politeness in britain and uruguay: contrastive study of requests and apologies. amsterdam/ philadelphia:john benjamins publishing company, 2000. sattar, hiba q. a. and farnia, maryam. “a cross-cultural study of request speech act: iraqi and malay students”. applied research on english language. 2014. vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 35-54. searle, john. speech acts: an essay in the philosophy of language. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1969. shariati, mohammad and chamani, fariba. “apology strategies in persian”. journal of pragmatics. 2010. vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 16891699. sifianou, maria. politeness phenomena in england and greece: a crosscultural perspective. oxford: oxford university press, 1999. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; 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oscillation; liminality; hybridity received: 29 january, 2020 revised: 30 april 2020 accepted: 25 may 2020: doi : 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2392 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. introduction turkey’s cultures are mix of eastern and western culture and traditions because of its special location. this cosmopolitanism is challenged by the oscillation to embrace the east or the west which results in the ambivalence of identity. on the other hand, it is also as the result of the radical modernization that is forced by the elite colonizer (read: the kemalist). eder (2001) explains that the “westernisation” had destroyed 600-year islamic ottoman empire tradition and made turkey a secular country, which was the valuable price as the consequence of turkey’s membership in the european union. additionally, ataturk transformed the religion-based former ottoman empire into a modern nation with a separation of state and religion, such as the restriction of veils in parliament and school, the alteration alphabet from arabic in the turkish language into latin, and the banned of turkish traditional drink, boza. the east-west encounter, the seduction of western culture, as well as the desire to become and imitate the other have led turkey to this high tension. turkey also experiences the ups and downs emotion of anxiety to embrace the forced modernity and the feeling of hüzün because of the loss of the ottoman’s journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 253 past glory. hüzün is the shared feeling of melancholy which brings power and hopes to the turks. a melancholy feeling when the citizens are trapped between two worlds. based on the issues mentioned above, this research tries to discuss two issues namely the oscillation of the east and the west and the complex desire to imitate others. the desire and longing to westernize turkey and the dilemma of the ottoman turks who are searching for their identity in the influence of western values have been captured by orhan pamuk into my name is red (mnr). pamuk captured this feeling through the history of miniature painters in the ottoman miniature guild, which is filled by conflict, jealousy, and murder among the painters. in this novel, pamuk tries to criticise both the modernists and the traditionalists who insist that turkey should have only one single soul. on the other hand, pamuk also gives space and appreciates the process of an individual who is looking for his identity without any claims from the others, which can distract him from his identity formation processes. pamuk (2008) underlines that “it is not a big problem for turkey to have two different cultures and spirits and they should not worry about it because it is not a bad thing” (p. 369). from the quotation above, it can be seen that he suggests us to embrace different cultures and encourages us to invent new cultures. pamuk also wants to remind his readers that turkish forced modernization project had only left a big scar. in his masterpiece, my name is red, pamuk captures the feeling that dominates the city and displays melancholy for the loss of the old traditional miniature painting. this study aims to reveal how modernity—which is represented by the italian renaissance art—has challenged the turk’s life, tradition, culture, art, and identity. my name is red has all aspects, which can sharpen the readers’ awareness on the seduction of modernity. the european tradition can disrupt their culture and traditions and also lead to identity crisis—or even lose it. through this story, we can learn that the turks have orientalised themselves— in other words: orientalism by the oriental— by feeling inferior to the art they make for they believe that the west can bring them to modernity. furthermore, this study is also conducted with the hope to raise the reader’s awareness regarding to the identity degradation as a result of the rendezvous between the eastwest traditions. i hope that the indonesian readers can filter the western traditions and choose which one is suitable to their custom, belief, and culture so that they can still maintain and hold their tradition and identity as indonesian. it is for the reason that, nowadays, i still find many young generations who are reluctant to deal with the valuable indonesian culture and traditions which have high value. conversely, they prefer to have, use, or consume western or american products and perform their traditions. my vision through this research is that young generations will embrace modernity without leaving their tradition and identity as indonesian. methodology in this research, i mainly employ the method of library research. there are two kinds of sources that are used; they are primary and secondary sources. the method applies in conducting the study is qualitative approach. additionally, the primary source is a novel written by orhan pamuk, a turkish novelist, entitled my name is red (2001). to support the primary data, the secondary data are taken from books, pamuk’s non-fictions: i̇stanbul: memories of the city (2006) and other colours (2008), journals, articles, criticisms, interviews, book review, and videos discussing and analysing orhan pamuk and his literary works. the data, then, are analysed to discover the connection between the socio-culture and historical condition and the events portrayed in both novels. the research is conducted in several steps. the first step of this study is to find the topic to be discussed. the second step is to select the literary works that are going to be analysed. the third step is the technical reading of the novels as the fundamental step before turning to further analysis. after formulating the problems related to the topic, finding the secondary sources and the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) catharina brameswari 254 appropriate approach are employed in the analysis. the next step is answering the formulated problems. here, i attempt to apply the theories on orientalism from said and post-colonialism from bhabha, reviews, and criticism from the secondary sources to analyse the primary sources. at last, i conclude the important points of analysis as the result of analysis and give some suggestions to future researchers who want to analyse my name is red. literature review orhan pamuk, the winner of the nobel prize in literature, tries to bring back the story of ottoman past through his tales. batur (2007) adds that the past, as he tells his tales, becomes more like a creative puzzle in the pages of my name is red (p. 9). his work usually invites various scholarly discussions and debates. however, this research focuses especially on the dialogue and negotiation between the east and the west, the high tension between the enchanting art and ottoman traditions, as well as the identity formation process toward a new expected ideal identity. the first research is by feride çiçekoglu (2001), titled “a pedagogy of two ways of seeing: a confrontation of ‘word and image’ in my name is red”, which claims that my name is red is a narrative of the clash between two perspectives. it is about the tale of how the frankish painting disturbs and challenges the islamic miniature tradition and its miniaturists. in addition, this article attempts to pick up clues in the oeuvre for tracing two different ways of seeing eastwest framework in the late 16th century, not as a binary opposition, but as a dialectical trope of word and image. orhan pamuk’s oeuvre also invites some indonesian scholars to discuss it. one of the researchers is albertus bagus laksana. his article entitled “i̇stanbul: melankoli yang mendera” (2013) explores the concept of hüzün in pamuk’s i̇stanbul: memories and the city and my name is red as a deep spiritual loss towards past’s glory and a fear to face the future. here, laksana states that the entire i̇stanbul resident as well as the characters in my name is red, cannot freed the complexity of hüzün from their spiritual and cultural experience. however, he also finds a solution to overcome the complexity of hüzün by combining and living in the two traditions— the east and the west tradition (laksana, 2013, pp. 28-35). moreover, to analyse my name is red, this study will employ edward said’s discourse on orientalism and homi k. bhabha’s hybridity, in-betweenness, mimicry, and ambivalence. those theories help the writer to uncover the predicament of the oscillation between the east and the west. in addition, those also unearth the solutions to overcome the problems which are offered by pamuk’s story. additionally, postcolonial theory is also borrowed to deconstruct the complex and ambiguous desire to imitate others, which is mainly on turkish characters in my name is red. bhabha (1994) criticises colonial discourse by proposing the concept of mimicry. he explains that mimicry is one of the most elusive and effective strategies of colonial power and knowledge (p. 85). lacan reminds us that the effect of mimicry is camouflage (bhabha, 1994, pp. 120-121). the imitation of the colonizer does not mean that the colonized imitates the colonizer identically. bhabha (1994), adapts weber’s formulation, explains this idea: colonial mimicry is the desire for a reformed, recognisable other, as a subject of difference that is “almost the same, but not quite”. the discourse of mimicry is constructed around “ambivalence” because mimicry stays on two different conditions. in order to be effective, mimicry must continually produce its slippage, its excess, its difference, for mimicry is a sign of a double articulation, which “appropriates” the other as it visualises power (p. 86). in line with bhabha, lou (2011) stresses that mimicry lives and exists on the binary opposition; the colonizer and the colonized, or the self and the other (p. 1). bhabha (1994) highlights that desire to be “authentic” through the appropriation of the colonizer is journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 255 the final irony of partial representation (p. 88). through imitating the colonizer, the colonized tries to rewrite his identity in the liminal space by becoming hybrid (p. 120). ashcroft (2007) mentions that generally, hybridity simply means cross-cultural “exchange”. in post-colonial discourse, this term used many times to underline its idea in expressions of syncreticity, cultural synergy, and transculturation (p. 109). in addition, bhabha (1994) adds that hybridity is the resistance of colonial power domination. this “almost the same but no quite” is a weapon to mock the existence of the colonizer. he presents hybridity as a tool to fight against the colonizer when the “uncivilized” culture enters the dominant discourse (p. 114). conversely, pamuk tries to give a new colour to hybridity in his my name is red. he uses hybridity as a room to think about and repress the ambivalence. in the context of turkey, the forced national identity has led the oscillation to embrace the east or the west. based on this, pamuk insists that the turks should choose their identity freely whether they want to be secularists, islamists, or even mix. identity formation process identity is fluid. it is never fixed and it always changes. other culture, tradition, art, or even modern technology will always challenge and influence an identity. turkey is still searching for its “authentic” identity, whether being totally east, being totally west, being nationalist or secularist, or being hybrid. turkey is now still writing their new identity above their islamic ottoman identity that is still visible even though it had already destroyed by the westernization project. the changes of istanbul are the evident on how the turks try to acquire their identity by imitating others. istanbul is a model of “palimpsest that its history cannot be swept clean like a blackboard so that the people might inscribe their own future there” (said, 2003, p. xii). ataturk’s westernization project has abruptly erased a city full of grandeur as well as harmonious multiple cultures, ethnic, and religion of the ottoman empire. this can be seen from the changes of the old istanbul buildings. the new modern apartment buildings replaced the buildings which were demolished by the government. it illustrates and shows how the new turkish identity is overwritten above the old ottoman identity. however, it is ironic because the old identity is still visible under the newer one since there are still the old ottoman buildings and ruins that remain (pamuk, 2006). turkey past important figures, mehmed ii, atik sinan, and murad iii, and the miniature painters in my name is red experience a predicament and the identity crisis which is still gnawing on. even though mehmed ii had conquered constantinople, he still wanted to be the west by way of inviting an italian painter to paint him in the manner of the italian renaissance painting. jardine and brotton (2000) mention that mehmed invited gentile bellini to create “the portrait of mehmet ii” (p. 8). the appropriation of european point of view by the ottoman leader shows turkey’s desire to be the west and the influence on its “new turn toward europe”. they add that his interest to christianity as well as western culture and tradition was because of his mother’s influence (p. 32). the young sultan—who was still twenty-four years old when he captured byzantium— always wanted to know and understand the latest developments in art. in the 15th century, the also invited artists from florence and venice produced medals and paintings for the ottoman sultan (çiçekoglu, 2001, p. 4). though mehmed ii had an interest in western culture, but he also tried to challenge the masterpiece of the byzantine empire. according to stierlin (2002) the ottomans construct a mosque called the fatih camii (the mosque of the conqueror) after capturing constantinople. the mosque was built on the site of the ruined byzantine church of the holy apostles in order to substitute the grand of christian byzantium buildings (pp. 100-101). the fatih chose a christian architect, christodoulos, or better known under his turkish name of atik sinan (sinan the elder). the ottoman’s daily contact with the byzantine masterpieces and the architect’s background who was a christian converted to islam, had strongly influenced journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) catharina brameswari 256 the architecture of the mosque (kuiper, 2010, pp. 200-206). additionally, sinan’s design is the evidence that hagia sophia (western heritage) has given big influence to the mosque. the contested identity and the oscillation in turkey’s identity formation processes become pamuk’s key colours in “painting” his stories. pamuk also blends the capitulation of the byzantine city, the collapse of the ottoman empire, and the nostalgia of istanbul’s multicultural past with the issue about turkey’s contested identity to present the oscillation between self and other in my name is red. borrowing from said’s viewpoint (2003), pamuk delineates how “the other is always presented as a threat and seduction”. farred (2007) also reveals that the fundamental issue in his tales is on the matter of identity (pp. 88-89). pamuk (2006) declares that we can only find our true identity by imitating others. he narrates that when he still wanted to become a painter, utrillo had affected his style of painting. in addition, he stresses that by imitating utrillo he could have his own style and identity (pp. 270-271). it is along with the way pamuk and islamic miniature painters find their true identity by using or imitating utrillo and the frankish style of painting. pamuk, in my name is red, presents the oscillation between self and other. he delineates how the other is always presented as a threat and seduction. pamuk illustrates the oscillation by showing how the miniaturists embrace and imitate the italian renaissance style as well as the sultan who are eager to pose in the manner of the frankish masters. by contrast, the miniaturists are also afraid if the frankish painting leads to the loss of the old painting style. uncle effendi states that the love all sultans and rulers feel for paintings, illustrations, and fine books can be divided into three points: at first, the ottoman sultans want paintings for the sake of respect and to influence how others see them. …on the second point, they commission books to satisfy their own taste because they have learned to enjoy paintings…, while at the same time amassing books, which after their deaths, and ensure the persistence of their renown in this world. …at last, they have a conclusion that painting is an obstacle to securing a place in the otherworld, naturally something they all desire, because painting is believed as an act of blasphemy (mnr, 175). the quotation above shows how the italian painting not only works as a seduction but also as a threat and obstacle for the sultan and even for the miniaturists to enter the gates of heaven…”for our prophet warns that on judgement day, allah will punish…painters and those who make idols” (mnr, 175). shekure, enishte’s daughter, is also still searching for her true identity. she experiences the oscillation between her contempt of the frankish painting her father admires at and her longing to be painted in a manner of that painting style. shekure is both “fed up with those illustrations her father was having the miniaturists make in imitation of the frankish masters and sick of his recollections of venice” (mnr, 152). in the end of the story, she secretly has a desire to have her own portrait in the manner of the italian renaissance style. she stresses that she would be very happy in her old age if she had a youthful portrayal of herself (mnr, 443). her statement indicates how the frankish style seduces her but in the same place also threatens her family safety. this can be seen when the miniaturists’ murderer comes into her house and kills his father. turkey’s identity formation processes are like completing the puzzle, which part can be filled and which identity can be written only by referring or mirroring to the other. pamuk suggests the third space to his readers as a room to mirror the other. this place can be employed to reflect turkey’s new identity. the liminal space is a space to negotiate the everlasting predicament of the oscillation between the east and the west. this room is also a place where someone can use it to give birth to hybridity. moreover, it can also be used as a bridge that connects the two poles and as an alternative solution of this predicament. what is more important here is journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 257 that anything happen in the third space should be enjoyed and celebrated. impartiality as a novelist, pamuk does not choose nor judge one of the sides explicitly. as it is stated in the quotation above, pamuk wants to be a bridge that does not belong to any sides as well as connects both sides and mediates the predicament of the oscillation. he appreciates the process of an individual who is looking for his identity without any claims, which can distract him from his identity formation process. along with the argument above, iyer (2007) underlines that pamuk refuses to settle into one position, which made him the target of both secularists and religious conservatives. additionally, pamuk (2008) also insists that “it is not a big problem for turkey to have two different cultures and spirits” (p. 369) for he claims that imitating the west or the ottoman culture is not the solution (p. 370). through his works, pamuk criticises kemal atatürk’s secular agenda which want to simplify and purify the complex cosmopolitanism by erasing all turkey’s ottoman tradition and banishing otherness. iyer (2007) states that as a consequence of pamuk’s refusal and critique to both sides in his oeuvres, he becomes the target of both secularists and religious conservatives. those groups claim that “turkey should have only one consistent soul” (pamuk, 2008, p. 369). moreover, pamuk’s statement (2008) regarding to the atatürk’s modernization project which mentions the massacre of thirty thousand kurds and a million armenians has pushed a wave of protest to against him (pp. 237, 356). in addition, after using the word “genocide” to describe the massacre, pamuk was brought to prison for three years for publicly denigrated turkish identity and provoking public outcry in turkey (özel, 2007, p. 18). pamuk (2008) states that my name is red is shaped from the mixture of east-west methods, styles, habits, and histories (p. 264). instead of giving any clear solutions to the oscillation in his oeuvre, pamuk stresses how the representatives of both traditions experience tragedy and death in their lives. the murderer in mnr has two victims, elegant effendi, who first opens the story as a corpse, and enishte effendi, the man behind the sultan’s secret book. erdağ göknar (2004), the translator of my name is red, explains in “my name is re(a)d” that olive— the painters’ murderer—both loves and hates the frankish style. he kills elegant effendi, a gilder who is also the follower of the great preacher nusret hoja of erzurum, for being overly interested in islamic painting style and because elegant claims olives’ aesthetic as blasphemous (p. 54). the murderer is afraid if the group of islamic fundamentalist hears that the miniaturists paint forbidden pictures (mnr, 424), nothing will remain even the book-arts workshop (mnr, 23). similarly, master osman—the representative of eastern tradition and the head of the ottoman miniaturist—blinds himself using the needle used by master bihzad to blind himself (mnr, 348). this is as a way master osman used to fight for the italian painting style. moreover, his decision to blind himself is because of his disappointment towards his miniaturists who leave the old tradition and imitate the frankish style. two years after blinding himself, master osman died and stork replaces his position as the head illuminator (mnr, 443). in addition, olive’s reason to murder enishte effendi is because he is being too slavish to western innovation. enishte’s visit to venice has made him enchanted by the venetian painting and it drives him to influence the sovereign to be painted by sebastiano in this manner. his motivation for killing enishte effendi arouses because he knows that the modern painting style will naturally replaces the old islamic painting due to the political and social conditions (göknar, 2004, p. 54). this is in line with enishte’s statement on the day olive kills him that the paintings made by the miniaturists will be easily forgotten and replaced by the new method of painting. however, the loss of the islamic painting “was simply because western ways of seeing and painting were more attractive” (pamuk, 2008, p. 270). kantar (2007) mentions that in the future, “the eastern world will lost” (p. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) catharina brameswari 258 131) for every painter will paint in western style and leave the illumination painting. however, we cannot avoid this because the western ruling elite wants to modernize turkey by replacing the 250-year-persian painting. olive, the murderer, is also experience a tragedy and death in his life. his miniaturist colleagues blind him. additionally, when olive is on his way to galleon harbour to flee to india, hasan attacks and kills him for accusing him as one of the raiders who comes his house at night to kidnap shekure (mnr, 435). he cuts olive’s head in a single stroke by using his red sword (mnr, 439). olive murder’s series shows the eastwest binary opposition. göknar (2004) mentions that the moment hasan kills olive illustrates the binary opposition of body and mind, tenor and vehicle, content and form, and even east and west (p. 55). in the end of his life, olive still describes the scene that he sees from ground level. in this moment of observation, he realizes that seeing has become a variety of memory (mnr, 436). in venetian painting, seeing (perspective) is very important because an object is depicted realistically. while in persian painting, “a miniaturist’s ‘eyes’ are at the tip of his pen and acting before he can think; his hand is acting of his own accord” (pamuk, 2006, p. 150). furthermore, pamuk’s impartiality can be seen more in mnr, which contains the leitmotif of a failed or “missing” book or manuscript (göknar, 2006, p. 37). in my name is red, olive, as the miniaturist who represents western tradition, will do anything to bring the ottoman art to modernity. sultan’s commissioned book, moreover, cannot be finished for olive murders elegant effendi, the gilder. he kills elegant because he is afraid that elegant can put the book in danger by spreading rumours to the followers of nusret huja that the book contains blasphemy. besides, he also steals the unfinished book from enishte effendi after hits enishte’s head using a bronze mongol inkpot in order to keep the sustainability of the islamic painting tradition that is contested by the renaissance style of painting (mnr, 191). after finding the last painting, olive tries to complete the manuscript by presenting his self-portrait. in the end, he fails to make his own portrait, no matter how hard he tries. “imitating the frankish masters, as olive explains, needs certain expertise and the proficiency of the franks will take centuries to attain. besides, if the miniaturists still attempt to attain a style and european character, they will still fail” (mnr, 431). nevertheless, olive’s failure in imitating the italian renaissance style can be one of his ways to fight against the domination of this painting style. his strategy is in the same vein with bhabha’s theory (1998) on almost the same but not quite that the colonized tries to resist the colonizer by imitating their culture, but not totally and precisely, which aims to mock them. this is also similar to gandhi’s thought on “caliban paradigm” that the colonized learns how to curse in the master’s tongue (p. 148). pamuk shows turkey’s imitation and inauthenticity through olive’s self-portrait in the secret book and his statement made to his dear friends. olive warns the miniaturists that if they yield to the frankish painting they might resemble themselves but they will not be themselves. on the other hand, if the painters of the old tradition are still faithful to the old masters they will lose their place as a palace miniaturist (mnr, 420). from olive’s statement above, pamuk (2008), once again, wants to remind us that “slavishly imitating the west or slavishly imitating the old dead ottoman culture is not the solution” (p. 370). pamuk also asks us to live in both cultures and/or to produce a new culture from the combination of those cultures. however, the radical and abrupt modernization that is forced by the elite lead to the ambivalence of identity for a person lives between two identities that alienate him to his true identity. both pamuk and bhabha have similar idea on the concept of hybridity. they highlight that everything is hybrid, we are all hybrid, whether it is from our name or language. in his masterpiece, pamuk reminds us that “nothing is pure” (mnr, 176) in this world. along with what bhabha emphasizes that hybridity, principally, shows that the journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 259 culture of a nation is the result of the interaction between nations, groups, or ethnics of a nation. through my name is red, pamuk asks his readers to respect the multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism around them. in addition, he also invites us to be critical and to deconstruct the postmodern movement of the fundamentalists as well as the nationalists who want to purify and simplify the complexity of the multiculturalism in turkey. conclusion in my name is red, pamuk stunningly captures and paints turkey’s desire to westernize itself and its dilemma whether to preserve their old ottoman tradition or to totally embrace the modernity. the encounter of the ottoman empire and the west has created a desire to appropriate western art, culture, and technology that are seductive. my name is red tries to capture the endless oscillation around the two traditions, between the miniature painting and the italian renaissance painting. however, pamuk also shows that the other (the west) is not only present as a seduction towards the turks, but also as a threat to their tradition. this threat, in addition, has encouraged master osman, nusret hoja and his follower, as well as olive to take action to preserve their traditions. furthermore, the predicament of the oscillation between being enchanted to the west and being drawn to its own tradition that turkish society is undergoing has led to the identity crisis that is experienced by pamuk’s characters and also the ottoman sultans. pamuk’s my name is red discusses and deconstructs the issue on the identity formation as well as a criticism to the ruling leader of their countries. through his brilliant works, pamuk wants to deliver a message to his readers that being a schizophrenic by embracing two identities is fine. embracing western tradition without leaving our national identity and local culture is not a big sin. he also invites us not to leave and forget the past, but keep reminding it and keep it as well as use it as a lesson so that we can be a better nation. he uses ottoman history to look at and criticise the future. through his masterpiece, we are invited to appreciate, respect, and maintain the diversity of cultures, traditions, and religions around us that, nowadays, it seems difficult to be realized. my name is red has all aspects, which can sharpen the readers’ awareness on the enchantment of modernity that challenges the multiculturalism or even disrupts their culture and traditions as well as leads to the identity crisis. additionally, through this novel—which is the mixing of two traditions, styles, and histories—pamuk tries to create the liminal space and to mediate the predicament of the oscillation between the east and the west as well as to bridge the in-betweenness. the sultan’s commissioned book is pamuk’s alternative solution that he offers toward turkey’s predicament of the oscillation. pamuk tries to mediate the complex oscillation as well as release hüzün felt by the ottoman miniaturists by harmonizing the two contradict ways of seeing in the hybrid book. references ashcroft, bill, (2007). post-colonial studies. new york: routledge. batur, pinar. 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(2002). turkey: from the selçuks to the ottomans. köln: taschen. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 1 an analysis of the old man and the sea in christian, universal and buddhist perspectives amporn sa-ngiamwibool school of liberal arts, shinawatra university, thailand abstract religion and literature share universal senses that touch human mind. the old man and the sea by ernest hemingway, a pulitzer-award and-nobel-prize winner, which is full of christianity symbols and allusions, is selected to verify this universality, with three specific purposes which aimed to analyze and draw out: 1) christian symbols and allusions, 2) universal senses of life, and 3) buddhist essence in the novella. the analysis revealed these findings. all symbols and allusions relate to christ. the attempt to fight against inevitable destiny that is a universal and natural order of life touches the mind. the novella implicated two cores of buddhist essence: the four noble truths and the eightfold path. it could be concluded that the line between literature and religion share universality which lies in human mind, regardless of religious beliefs. key words: christian, universal, buddhist perspectives. introduction prior research on the old man and the sea is mostly based on literary and related perspectives. almost all of the studies deal with the life of the author hemingway and the interpretations of the old man and the sea. among those studies were bloom (1999), jobes (1968), bake (1969), stephens et al. (2013), justus (1983), brenner (1983) and murphy (1999). the study of the novella from religious perspectives is scanty and even scantier is a study from buddhist perspectives. the reason for this might be a result of the fact that this novella is based on christianity and people believe that it is impossible to cross the line between the two worlds. in fact, literature and religions come from the same world within our mind. the thin line between these two worlds is in fact a mirage. differences among religions are therefore illusions of reality. one religion might differ from other religions in practices and details but all religions, at least, share social and individual functions. socially, they inculcate social virtues, are agents of socialization and promote social solidarity. individually, they provide mental peace and strengthen self-confidence. from social and individual perspectives, literature shares the same functions as religion. both literature and religion come from the world within us and the world within us is universal. the position of this study is therefore based on the notion that literature and religion share universal senses that lie within us. however, it is necessary to specifically verify this in details. the old man and the sea is selected for the purpose of this study. it is generally accepted that the old man and the sea is a christianity-based novella. numerous christian symbols are embedded in all elements of this novella. it, however, reveals essences which are universal and natural to human mind, regardless of religious differences. this universal novella, therefore, lies beyond boundary and this quality encourages subtle interpretation by readers of other religions to overcome the thin line. the old man and the sea can strengthen the notion that the lines between literature and amporn sa-ngiamwibool 2 religions or among religions are extremely fragile and easily breakable. in an attempt to verify this notion that literature and religion share universality which touches human mind, three research questions are asked: 1. what are christian symbols and allusions in the old man and the sea? 2. what universal senses of life are revealed in this novella? 3. what buddhist essences are implicated in the novella? this study primarily verified the issue that literature and religion are universal with three specific purposes which were to draw out: 1) christian symbols and allusions, 2) universal senses of life, and 3) buddhist essences. this study was a documentary interpretive analysis that integrated literary and religious approaches. the old man and the sea by earnest hemingway, a pulitzeraward and-nobel-prize winner, was chosen as it serves the primary purpose of the study, which aimed to verify the universality of literature and religion. the analysis began with an exploration of christian symbols and allusions which are explicitly stated in this novella, then look at implicit universal senses of nature and life, and finally draw out buddhist essences in this novella. then, the results of the analysis were drawn to conclude the study. results of the analysis the results of the analysis are presented according to the research questions. research questions 1: what are christian symbols and allusions in the old man and the sea? hemingway purposefully refers this novella to jesus christ explicitly and implicitly. explicitly, all christianity symbols and allusions in this novella are related to christ. the protagonist, the old man or santiago, was depicted as christ. to illustrate this, the picture in color of the sacred heart of jesus and another of the virgin of cobre on the wall in his house (hemingway, 1952: 3) relates him to christ. there are so many quotes that purposefully link the old man to christ. for instance, “i am not religious,” he said. “but i will say ten our fathers and ten hail marys that i should catch this fish, and i promise to make a pilgrimage to the virgin of cobre if i catch him. that is a promise.” (hemingway, 1952: 17) implicitly, hemingway created a literary device to link the old man to christ. in christianity, jesus christ is the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world. according to christian theology, christ sacrificed his life for the greater glory of humankind. like christ, hemingway had a plan for the old man to be sacrificed for a greater glory (i.e. honorable destiny). his plan to identify the old man to christ was profound. he suggested the profundity of the old man’s sacrifice and the glory that derives from it by literary devices. he created symbolic parallels between the old man’s sacrifice and christ’s. sacrifice is one of the themes of this novella. the most noticeably symbolic device refers to christ’s sacrifice is crucifixion imagery. in this novella, crucifixion imagery is the most noticeable symbol that reminds readers of christ. the crucifixion imagery recurs in several forms, thereby hemingway purposefully created the imagery to refer to christ. hemingway portrays the old man as christ by symbolic parallels which recur several times. for instance, the old man’s struggling up the hill with his mast across his shoulders brings to mind the image of christ’s march toward calvary. also, the old man’s palm cuts by his fishing line recall the readers of christ’s suffering stigmata. more importantly, hemingway portrays the old man as a crucified martyr like christ. when the sharks arrive, the old man makes a noise similar to that of a man having nails driven. the position in which the old man collapses on his bed also refers him to christ. the old man faces down with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up remind the readers of the image of christ suffering on the cross. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 3 even in the end, on very final pages of the novella, hemingway refers him to the most subtle and transcendental symbolic parallel to christ’s sacrifice or death, the glory of the sacrifice and his resurrection, his greatness through all these characters (the golden lions, the boy, the fish, the old man), themes of the novella and several literary devices. all these are closely related and woven meaningfully to convey the greatness of christ’s sacrifice for mankind and true greatness of mankind. the old man’s sleeping and dreams about the lions the only dreams he has in his life recur several times throughout the story convey transcendental messages. the images of the old man sleeping which occurs again and again throughout the story could not help the readers think of christ’s death which is a loss on one hand but a glory on the other because christ’s death is sacrifice for mankind in taking away sin from mankind. like christ, the old man’s sleep after the loss of marlin the fish, the most glorious creature he has ever fished in lifetime, to sharks is a loss on one hand but glory on the other because the fish proves him as the greatest fisherman. in his sleep, he was dreaming about the golden lions – the only creatures he has dreamt about for all his life – and these golden lions symbolize his glory. this is a transcendental way that hemingway turns loss into glory and defeat into triumph. similarly, this is also a transcendental way that hemingway turns death into life. like christ’s resurrection after death, sleep in this novella symbolically refers to death and the old man’s sleeping and waking up again and again refers to death and renewed life. this renewed life is referred to by other literary devices (e.g. the golden lions, the boy and the fish). the golden lions that always recur in his dreams symbolize his revival. lions symbolize strength and strength means life or revival. similar to the symbolic lions which recur in his dream, the boy is symbolic in the same way and is always linked to the lions. the boy’s youth symbolizes strength and strength means life or revival. more subtly, the boy is always sitting with the old man while he is sleeping and waiting for him to wake up to give him food so that the old man can live and fish. the boy as well as his youth which symbolizes strength, therefore, means life or the old man’s revival. like the golden lions which are the symbols of the old man’s glorious past when he was young and full of physical strength, hemingway presents the boy as the old man’s glorious present. the food that the boy gives the old man is not only for life but also for glory. as a fisherman, the old man is a living legend and the greatest fisherman. fishing is the old man’s life and glory. hemingway presents fishing not as an act of killing but as an act for living. unlike other fishermen, the old man does not fish for commercial purpose but for food. fishing is therefore the act for living, not that of killing. that is why he gains respect from the boy who sees him as the greatest fisherman and prefers going fishing with him to learn from him to going fishing with other fishermen, including his parents. fishing in this novella is therefore a glorious act which is done for living. the act of fishing reaches its full meaning when the old man can prove that he is worth the boy’s greatest respect to him by fishing the biggest and most beautiful fish that has never been caught by other fishermen. it was the boy who gave him food to live and gain physical strength which is needed for fishing a great fish. it was the boy who encourage him to bring back his glorious past in order to prove his greatness which he finally did. the boy therefore symbolizes the old man’s present glory and greatness. to suggest this subtle and transcendental meaning which refers to the greatness of christ more clearly, the fish that the old man can catch is described as the strongest and most magnificent creature in the ocean symbolizes the greatness and the old man can catch the creature when he was extremely weak and very old. since the very first paragraph of the novella, the old man was described as an unlucky fisherman who is cursed to be a complete looser who is waiting for death. every part of his body is extremely weak, except his eyes which are full of mental strength driven by his strong amporn sa-ngiamwibool 4 determination. this is the way that hemingway symbolizes his true human strength that lies in his powerful and determined mind. human mind is true greatness and the boy was invented to symbolize this true strength and respect to him whom he respects more than anyone, even his parents. by the boy’s respect to the old man, he becomes a symbol of greatness of human mind. to illustrate this subtle and transcendental meaning more clearly, hemingway’s portrait of the old man as an honorable one who lives a life to follow the true greatness in his never-yielding heart, symbolized by his never-dying hope, as suggested by the old man code of conduct that “man can be destroyed but not defeated.” despite of his aging and sickness, he still hopes that he can catch the strongest and most magnificent fish one day which he actually does at the end. the greatness of the old man’s heart cannot help bringing the readers to the greatness of christ just as the boy who, in a sense, represents mankind by his youth, looks up to the old man with his greatest respect as the greatest fisherman. the greatness that lie in these symbols – the golden lions, the boy, the fish, the old man himself – cannot help the readers to identify the old man with christ. these are some illustrations that suggest the transcendental greatness of christ in this novella. the transcendental greatness of this novella does not lie only in religious implications but also in universal truth of life and nature as revealed in the findings of the next research question. research questions 2: what universal senses of life are revealed in this novella? a natural and universal truth that all men, regardless of differences (e.g. races, genders and others) are subject to the same eternal law is that all men are mortal. for mankind, life is constructive whereas death is destructive because life ends up with inevitable death. all men try their best to struggle against death and whatever leads to death. therefore, for mankind, any struggles against death are honorable. these struggles in a broader sense are the struggles against nature and the universal law of nature which eventually end with inevitable defeat or death. but these destined struggles are honorable for the reason that they transcend destructive defeat or death to a dignified destiny. these struggles therefore become the greatest honor of mankind. all men, regardless of races and religions, acknowledge the dignified destiny as the most valuable goal in life that is worth struggle for. the old man and the sea reveals this universal sense that all men share. it is a tale of an old fisherman who struggles against inevitable defeat or death. he refuses to give up at every turn even though he acknowledges that his fight is useless. the old man’s struggle against defeat or death touches every one because all men are subject to this same natural law of death. he will be eventually destroyed at the end but never defeats. he is therefore presented as a hero and this heroic quality touches the readers’ mind. every one shares the universal sense that man is born to be destroyed, but not defeated. this novella repeats this universal sense that man should not be defeated although man will be eventually destroyed at the end by this natural law of life because it is human greatness not to be defeated. the old man is exemplified as a model of the struggle. from the outset of the novella, the old man is characterized as someone struggling against defeat, symbolizing by the sail of his skiff which looks like “the flag of permanent defeat.” (hemingway, 1952: 1) he was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the gulf stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. in the first forty days a boy had been with him. but after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. it made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 5 help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. the sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat. (hemingway, 1952: 1) in this novella, the portrait of the old man’s defeat is permanent and inevitable like death. he was considered as the unluckiest fisherman. he is alone and isolated. his only friend is the boy who is later taken away to another lucky boat by his parents. he is very old and poor. he can survive by the food from the boy. even though he has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish and will soon pass his own record of eighty-seven days, he never gives up his hopes that he will catch a big fish one day. he never gives up, no matter what happens to him and this determination eventually leads him to success which turns him from a permanent defeat to an honorable defeat. hemingway purposefully conveys this message in this novella. as the readers acknowledge that, despite of his bad luck or flaw, the old man emerges as a hero. his exhibiting terrific determination, pride, bravery, strength, and moral codes of conduct are the qualities that a hero usually possesses. the qualities, especially strong determination, motivate a hero to greatness. in this novella, the old man’s determination motivates him to greatness. for him, determination becomes the source of the old man’s greatest strength and he killed the magnificent and mighty marlin out of determination. his determination and his capture of the marlin then lead him to his heroic transcendence of defeat. without a sense of determination including other heroic qualities, the old man would have been abandoned the hope to fight for his trophy capture of the most magnificent marlin that stands as proof of his dignified destiny. also, without a sense of determination, the old man would have been able to transcend defeat, or in a broader sense destructive death, to a dignified destiny as revealed through the novella’s code of conduct that man can be destroyed, but not defeated. the old man and the sea portrays a struggle against life and death which is the natural order of all living things. buddhism is a religion that substantially deals with human suffering which is the true nature of life. in this sense, buddhism is universal. it is therefore challenging to explore buddhist essences implicated in the novella as detailed in the result of the next research question. research questions 3: what buddhist essences are implicated in the novella? even though the old man and the sea is full of christian symbols and allusions, a detailed analysis indicates that there are at least two most essential buddhist disciplines which is needed for liberating mankind from human suffering revealed in this novella. they are the four noble truths and the eightfold path. these two most essential buddhist disciplines cannot help remind the readers of universal quality of this novella which is the essence of buddhism as well as described in the details below. the four noble truths the core of buddhist essences is human suffering as described as the four noble truths, consisting of dukkha, samudaya, nirodha and magga. dukkha or human suffering is real, natural and universal. in a lifetime, all men encounter suffering which results from numerous causes (e.g. loss, sickness, pain, failure, the impermanence of pleasure and ageing). in this novella, hemingway’s portrait of the old man is a life of suffering. in the researchers’ view, the only real suffering that he has is a fear of defeat as revealed through hemingway’s code of conduct that man can be destroyed but not defeated. the other apparent sufferings are invented by hemingway to portray to give the impression of how to transcend any suffering in life. seemingly, the old man suffers from loss of family and from contact with the world around him. due to his ageing, he is sick and loses physical strength which is needed for fishing. also, he seems to be in pain and suffers from social isolation and humiliation for not capturing fish for eighty-four days. it is a humiliating failure as a fisherman. also, amporn sa-ngiamwibool 6 due to his ageing, he loses his youth and only pleasure when he sailed out to africa where he met the golden lions. this pleasure exists only in his dream and it becomes the only dream he has in his life. samudaya is a cause of suffering. in this novella, a few causes of the old man’s suffering are his ageing and his pride to capture a big fish as a trophy for his life. ageing is inevitable while pride motivates his life. even though his pride is constructive, it is his cause of suffering as it drives him to struggle alone at sea for eighty-four days. nirodha means an end to suffering. in fact, the old man does not consider ageing as suffering for him but sees it as a normal condition of life. this normal condition of life can be a cause of suffering or an end of suffering itself because there are two kinds of suffering, either real suffering or imagined one. for the old man, ageing is not suffering. therefore, instead of giving up which is a form of self-destruction which will result in a form of suffering, he ends his suffering by fighting against ageing to follow his pride to catch a big fish. he finally captures the most magnificent marlin. he therefore turns his failure to success and the cause of his suffering becomes the end of his suffering. in the end, he ceases to go out to that far as he satisfies himself with the most magnificent marlin and thereby his suffering ends successfully. magga is a path to end suffering and, to do so, one must follow the eightfold path. surprisingly, the path that the old man ends his suffering is almost perfectly consistent with the eightfold path as described in details below. the eightfold path the eightfold path is the way to end human suffering through panna (wisdom or discernment), sila (virtue or morality) and samadhi (concentration, meditation). the eightfold path consists of samma ditthi (right understanding of the four noble truths), samma sankappa (right thinking, following the right path in life), samma vaca (right speech; no lying, criticism, condemning, gossip, harsh language), samma kammanta (right conduct by following the five precepts), samma ajiva (right livelihood, supporting yourself without harming others), samma vayama (right effort; promoting good thoughts, conquering evil thoughts), samma sati (right mindfulness; become aware of one’s body, mind and feelings), and samma samadhi (right concentration, meditate to achieve a higher state of consciousness). this path can be clearly seen through the life of the old man. the way that the old man leads his life can be analyzed by this eightfold path even though hemingway might have no ideas at all about buddhism. this might be a result of the fact that he was concerned about the condition of life which is also the concerns of buddhism. (hemingway’s suicide stands a proof of his concerns about the condition of his life or life in general. the whole story of the old man and the sea exemplifies the condition of suffering that is inevitable for everyone. he suggests an honorable solution for the inevitable defeat. unfortunately, he chose to end his life otherwise.) evidently, hemingway and buddhism look at human suffering as true essence of condition of life and provide practical solutions to end human suffering. because of this, they share some similarities. the old man meaningfully exemplified the eightfold path, either intentionally or unintentionally, as described below. above all, the old man possesses the right understanding of the four noble truths (samma ditthi). the only human suffering (dukkha) that he faces is ageing which is inevitable. he lacks physical strength which is needed and vital for his mission to catch a big fish. he understands the cause of his suffering (i.e. lack of physical strength) rightly. he builds up a stronger determination to achieve his mission instead. additionally, he has the right thinking of the four noble truths (samma sankappa). he follows his right understanding of the condition of his life what is needed for his mission. the purpose he fights against ageing is not to change the condition of his life because he accepts his predetermined vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 7 destiny. instead, he fights against it for an honorable destiny. his thinking is therefore absolutely right. right thinking is conducive to right speech (samma vaca). the old man says only good things about the boy’s parents even though they say otherwise about him. when he talks to creatures at sea, his words are full of understanding, mercy and respect to those creatures around him, even to the sharks that destroy his marlin. also, right thinking directs right conduct (samma kammanta). unlike other fishermen who fish for commercial purpose, which is an evil thought, rather than for food, which is a necessity for survival, the old man fishes for survival. he has respect for fish, especially the marlin. therefore, his fishing comes from the act of loving as revealed in his thought that “i kill you because i love you.” brenner noted the killing as respectful killing: a symbolic character, santiago embodies only virtues that ask for moral approval of him as an idealized papa. he is selfless, thoughtful, courageous, durable, reliable, and, above all else, gentle. ever thoughtful of his "brother" the marlin, at one point he wishes he "could feed the fish" (59), at another is "sorry for the fish that had nothing to eat" (75), and still later deeply grieves when the first shark mutilates the fish's beautiful body (103). he shows no anger toward the fishermen who make fun of him (11). (brenner, 1983: 176) right conduct creates right livelihood (samma ajiva). the old man supports himself without harming others, especially the beloved ones. the boy’s parents see him as a bad luck for not capturing fish in eighty-four day and ordered the boy to leave his boat. even though the boy wishes to stay, the old man asks him to obey his parents. they still become good friends. the old man always returns his good wishes and gratitude to his good friends, giving the best parts of the marlin to them. as a result of a pleasant and decent livelihood he creates, all his good friends are friends indeed and in need. right thinking leads to right effort (samma vayama). the old man promotes good thoughts to conquer evil thoughts that are inherent to human mind. he conquers such evil thoughts by his right thinking, determination and efforts. he acknowledges that his strength is deteriorating and other people in the village look at him as a bad luck for not catching fish in eighty-four day. he never gives up the hope to capture a big fish at any turns. his effort reveals in his determined eyes. right mindfulness (samma sati) helps one to become consciously aware of body, mind and feelings. the old man is portrayed as a perfect example of right mindfulness. two thirds of the novella reveals his high body, mind and feelings awareness of all living creatures around him while he is sailing alone at sea. his right mindfulness reveals in his rare anger and negative reaction to people and things and him. he respects manolin's father's decision that the boy fish with someone else after forty fishless days with santiago. even his dreams are innocuous, filled with mating porpoises and frolicsome, not fierce, lions. he is violent only when killing the attacking sharks. but such actions, in defense of his "brother," sanctify hostility. finally, manolin's adoration shows the absence of any punitiveness in santiago's role as his substitute father. (brenner, 1983: 176) lastly, right concentration (samma samadhi) refers to meditation to achieve a higher state of consciousness. hemingway chose the sea as the scene of this novella purposefully and almost all events happen at sea. the only human being is the scene is the old man. being alone at sea for eighty-four day symbolically refers to meditation which helps improve his awareness of body, mind and feelings. being alone at sea for another eighty-four day or more can be nothing else but meditation to achieve a higher state of consciousness. this right concentration which helps him achieve a higher state of consciousness rewards him with the magnificent marlin. this novella conveys the message that it is worth doing meditation to achieve a higher state of consciousness to be amporn sa-ngiamwibool 8 in the state of the right concentration which is implicitly referred to as the key to the old man’s success in the end. the four noble truths and the eightfold path provide a path to liberation from suffering in life. as revealed in the end of the novella, the old man turns the condition of permanent defeat at the outset of the tale to honorable defeat which liberates him from all life suffering. conclusion above all, the old man and the sea is a christian novella which the author hemingway purposefully refers to christ. several crucifixion symbols and allusions symbolically transcend the old man’s greatness to the greatness of christ’s sacrifice for mankind. in addition, this novella is a tale of human struggles against natural and universal truth which all men are subject to the same eternal law that all men are mortal. any struggles against death are honorable. this novella exemplifies how to transcend death to a dignified destiny. lastly, two most essential buddhist disciplines which are needed for transcending death to a dignified destiny and for liberating mankind from human suffering revealed in this novella and the four noble truths and the eightfold path. even though the author has no intention at all to associate to buddhism, this novella deals with the condition of life so it is inevitably deals with the essence of buddhism. discussion the finding of this study shares similarities and dissimilarities with that of burhans (1960) in that hemingway’s vision of man is tragic. the old man was referred to christ’s sacrifice for mankind as indicated by several crucifixion symbols and allusions. also, this tragic vision of man is consistent with hemingway's suicide (baker, 1969). however, the vision of man in this present study is not completely tragic. the old man in this study symbolically transcends the old man’s greatness to the greatness of christ’s sacrifice for mankind. the result of this study therefore is similar to the finding of justus (1983) that the sacrifice is not a failure but it possesses a sense of greatness. like murphy’s hemingway's gentle hunters: contradiction or duality? (1999), this present study perceives the duality of the old man. this study is similar to the study of brenner (1983) that hemingway's portrait of the old man is that of greatness and virtues which is inspired by nature, like the study of hauser (2006). the meaning of life and death is a great problem but even greater is living a decent life led by greatness and virtues that lie in human mind as simplified by hemingway’s code that “man can be destroyed but not defeated,” which transcends destined defeat to honorable defeat. references baker, carlos. ernest hemingway: a life story. new york: scribner's, 1969. bloom, harold. ed. ernest hemingway's the old man and the sea. philadelphia, pa: chelsea house, 1999. brennner, gerry. concealments in hemingway's works. columbus: ohio state university press, 1983. burhans, clinton s., jr. 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"hemingway's gentle hunters: contradiction or duality?" in hemingway and the natural world. ed. robert e. fleming. moscow, id: u of idaho p, 1999. 165–174. stephens, gregory. et al. ““out too far”: halffish, beaten men, and the tenor of masculine grace in the old man and the sea” the hemingway review. 32 (2), 2013: 77-94. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 1 a study of english proficiency test among the first year university students ignasia yuyun, meyling, naftalia laksana & demus abednego,, universitas kristen krida wacana (ukrida), jakarta, indonesia abstract the study aims at analyzing the english skills in an english proficiency test (ept) shown by students at tertiary level or university students, particularly the first year university students (freshmen). the study centers around the students’ english skills represented in english proficiency test, which are then related to the students’ common problems investigated in this study. the three sections in english proficiency test analyzed in this study including listening, structure and written expressions, and reading. this study revealed reading skill was the major problems faced by the first year of university students, particularly, in reviewing overall reading text. to solve this problem, the cognitive strategies, particularly the top-down reading strategies are suggested to anticipate the author’s purpose, preview the text, think about what one already knows about the topic, skim for main points, etc. an effective reading strategies training which is more focused and explicit should be regularly practiced and enhanced since it can significantly boost reading proficiency and language acquisition. keywords: english proficiency test, university student introduction in recent years, an increasing use of english as international language (eil) has been significantly proved in many fields around the world. this is proved by the use of english standardized testing employed in companies and institutions. they employ english proficiency (toefl and ielts) as one of the requirements in the recruitment process, such as scholarship programs. particularly, in indonesian educational institutions, a lot of educational institutions have been implementing toefl (test of english as a foreign language) to measure the english-language ability of people who do not speak english as their first language and who plan to study at colleges and universities, either as undergraduate or graduate students (phillips, 2003: xiii). additionally, institutions such as government agencies, business, or scholarship programs may require this test (phillips, 2003: xiii). english language proficiency is utilized as a scale to measure the degree of an individual’s relation in the fields of economy, business, politics, society, and education (nallaya, 2012, cited in bekdas, 2015: 14). like other developing countries, indonesia is profoundly controlled by international business for its economic growth, english is deemed to be a prerequisite tool for success in any aspects of life. both the government and the community in general recognize that a high level of english language ability among the workforce is essential (hsu, 2010: 13). in the last few decades, there has been a growing concern for national standards of educational achievement in a competitive global economy. this concern has been reflected in tertiary institutions, the use of english proficiency test for the graduation requirement is then taken into account. to be journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ignasia yuyun, meyling, naftalia laksana & demus abednego 2 in line with the market demand, the universities have been ensuring higher standards of english proficiency among students graduating from indonesian tertiary institutions. to respond global challenge, universities prepare their graduates with english proficiency test. the test result is expected to demonstrate students’ english ability equals the common european framework of reference for languages (cefr) (b1) level or above. english proficiency tests refer to tests that are designed to measure people’s ability in a language. major proficiency tests to fulfill the assessment purpose in this study are the general english proficiency test (gept), the test of english for international communication (toeic), the test of english as a foreign language (toefl), the international english language testing system (ielts), and the cambridge esol exams. all these proficiency tests, except for toeic, have a mixture of receptive and productive components: listening, reading, speaking and writing (hsu, 2010: 15-16) moreover, as academic institutions, universities have been adopting test of english as a foreign language (toefl) which is developed by educational testing service. the toefl test gives students the opportunity to prove they can communicate ideas effectively by stimulating university classroom and student life communication. besides, the toefl test measures how well students use english, not just their knowledge of the language. because it is a valid and reliable test with unbiased, objective scoring, the toefl test confirms that a student has the english language skills necessary to succeed in an academic setting. that is why it is the most highly regarded and widely accepted test in the world. moreover, in this study, the english proficiency test is adopted from the itp toefl which is simplified. it has three sections including listening comprehension, structure and written expression, and reading comprehension. summarized from preparation course for the toefl test (phillips, 2003: xv). firstly, listening comprehension is to demonstrate examinee’s ability to understand spoken english, examinees must listen to various types of passages on a recording and respond to multiple choice questions about the passages (phillips, 2003: xv). in this section, there are twenty-seven skills covered in three parts of listening comprehension section of the toefl test. the first part consists of thirty short conversations, the second part consists of two long conversations, and the third part consists of three talks. secondly, structure and written expression is to demonstrate examinee’s ability to recognize grammatically correct english, examinees must either choose the correct way to complete sentences or find errors in sentences (phillips, 2003: xv). in this section, there are sixty skills covered in two parts of structure and written expression section of the toefl test. the first part consists of fifteen sentences in which part of the sentence has been replaced with a blank, the second part consists of twenty-five sentences in which four words or groups of words have been underlined. here, the examinees are required to choose the incorrect parts. lastly, the reading comprehension is to demonstrate examinee’s ability to written english, examinees must answer multiple choice questions about the ideas and the meanings of words in reading passages (phillips, 2003: xv). in this section, there are thirteen skills covered in reading comprehension section of the toefl test. this part consists of questions about the ideas of the passage, directly answered questions, indirectly answered questions, vocabulary questions, and overall review questions. dealing with the previous study on the english proficiency test, particularly the toefl, yuyun (2012: 34-35) delineated the implied detail questions in reading comprehension are the most difficult question in reading faced by the first year university students in english proficiency test. in other words, the most common problem faced by the first year of university students is in finding information which is not directly stated in reading text. meanwhile, the easiest question is where questions. in this case, the first year of university students do not have any difficulty journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 3 in finding the explicit information from the reading texts. in the context of second language (l2) acquisition, there are some factors affecting l2 learning including personal and general factor (ellis, 1985: 124). the former are to be seen as a reflection of the latter. how the learner respond to the group dynamic of the learning situation or to the teacher and course materials, or how he selects study techniques are determined by age, aptitude, cognitive style, motivation, and personality. however, those general factors that are open to modification can also be influenced by a successful personal learning style. personal and general factors have a joint effect on l2 proficiency (ellis, 1985: 124). nergis (2013: 1) highlighted some possible factors affecting the student’s reading comprehension in a group of homogenous first language (l1). the study revealed the background of learners, depth of vocabulary knowledge was not a strong predictor of academic reading comprehension for english for academic purposes (eap) students. however, it was found that syntactic awareness was a significant predictor of academic reading comprehension in second language (l2) and of the investigated variables, metacognitive reading strategies have much to contribute to academic reading comprehension (nergis, 2013: 1). this findings are in line with prichard’s study revealing factors influencing reading proficiency include one’s background knowledge, text structure, syntax, passive vocabulary, etc. (prichard, 2014: 115). over the past four decades, researchers have identified a number of cognitive, affective, and sociocultural factors as significantly contributing to this variation in second language acquisition (sla) (brown, 2000, cited in nisbet, tindall, & beach, 2005: 100). from this body of research, language learning strategies (llss) consistently have emerged as a particularly significant variable. llss are defined as “specific actions taken by the learner to make learning faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations” (oxford, 1990: 8). stated another way, learning strategies are “measures that students can take to promote their own learning success” (franklin, hodge, & sasscer, 1997, cited in nisbet, tindall, and beach, 2005: 100). through llss do make learning easier in some senses, their purpose is much more significant: strategies make learning deeper, more productive, and more lasting (cohen & macaro, 2007; holschuh & altman, 2008; winne & perry, 2000, cited in oxford, 2011: 13). prichard (2014: 115) also revealed that cognitive and metacognitive strategy use is also influential. cognitive strategies aid in constructing meaning from the text. they are often divided into bottom-up and top-down strategies, both of which are important. bottom-up strategies include focusing on the meaning of each word and reading sentences in a linear fashion to construct the meaning of the text. top-down reading means thinking about one’s purpose, previewing the text, thinking about what one already knows about the topic, skimming for main points, etc. metacognitive strategies are used to monitor the cognitive strategies; in other words the reader checks and evaluates his/her comprehension based on his/her objectives and revises one’s strategies based on this. based on those perspectives above, this study is intended to investigate the english proficiency test results particularly major problems faced by university graduates. thus, this study employed test analysis to analyze the english skills (listening, structure and written expression, and reading) in order to get intended research findings and possible learning strategies to cope with the identified lowest english skill. method the subjects of this study were thirty university students in the first year (freshmen) in a private university in jakarta. this initial data, the ept pre-test, were collected to find the lowest skill in english proficiency test. the additional data were done from the ept posttest from participants who joined the 10-hours training on the lowest skill. moreover, the data collection was done through a test analysis based on the standardized toefl scoring and recapitulated in a cross-tabulation. the data journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ignasia yuyun, meyling, naftalia laksana & demus abednego 4 analysis was conducted as follows: analysing test questions carefully number per number, analysing examinees’ answers carefully number per number and identifying the skills for each number, recapitulating the results of data of each examinee based on the skills available on toefl to analyze the major problems found on the english proficiency test, interpreting the result of analysis is based on the percentage number of the major problems found on the english proficiency test and finally, comparing the result of analysis between the toefl prediction test (the first data) and the toefl post test (the second data) by repeating the first 3 processes. findings and discussions the data was analyzed quantitatively. there were three skills that would be considered in measuring the english proficiency test (ept) including listening, structure and written expression, and reading. based on the pre-test result, most students found that reading skill is the most difficult one. most students consider reading section as the most difficult section in the english proficiency test since reading comprehension involves several processes working together (alderson, 2000; bernhardt, 1991; grabe & stoller, 2014, cited in prichard, 2014: 115). to deal with the reading section in the english proficiency test, the students are expected to apply cognitive and metacognitive strategies. in this extent, prichard (2014: 115) suggested cognitive strategies aid in constructing meaning from the text and metacognitive strategies are used to monitor the cognitive strategies. it means the students check and evaluate their comprehension based on their objectives and revise one’s strategies based on this. the cognitive strategies are divided into bottom-up and top-down strategies, both of which are important. bottom-up strategies include focusing on the meaning of each word and reading sentences in a linear fashion to construct the meaning of the text. top-down reading means thinking about one’s purpose, previewing the text, thinking about what one already knows about the topic, skimming for main points, etc. as seen in chart 1, listening skill has the highest percentage (36%) among student’s correct answers. then, it is followed by structure and written expression (28%) and reading skill (24%). it means that reading skill is the lowest skill in english proficiency test faced by the first year university students. this fact is surprising since the reading skill as a part of integrated skills in toefl plays the important role. the university students are expected to read and understand information from textbooks and other academic materials written in english (yuyun, 2012: 33). in the tertiary level, reading comprehension abilities allow students to access knowledge, understand and elaborate concepts always integrating information from lectures and reference books' content (tavares, 2002). chart 1. comparative percentages of english skills journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 5 in particular, reading skill covers five (5) skills including questions about ideas of the passage, directly answered questions, indirectly answered questions, vocabulary, and overall review. as seen in chart 2, among those five skills, directly answered questions has the highest percentage (40%). then, it is followed by vocabulary (28%), indirectly answered questions (14%), questions about ideas of the passage (10%), and overall review (8%). chart 2. comparative percentages of reading questions dealing with reading skill questions in ept pre-test, the students found that overall review is the most challenging question. this fact is shown in chart 3. the overall review has the lowest percentage (22%). meanwhile, the other questions are around 33-58%. this indicates that students’ lowest reading skill is reviewing the reading text generally. this skill includes determining where specific information is found and determining the tone, purpose, or course (phillips, 2003: 306-309). often in the reading comprehension section of the toefl test, the last question (or two) for a particular reading passage is an overall question, one that asks about the passage as a whole rather than one small detail. the overall review questions are generally not main idea questions; instead, they ask about some other aspect of the passage as a whole. to cope with this problem, the students are expected to use cognitive strategies, particularly, the top-down reading. in this case, the students anticipate the author’s purpose, preview the text, think about what one already knows about the topic, skim for main points, etc. (prichard, 2014: 115). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ignasia yuyun, meyling, naftalia laksana & demus abednego 6 chart 3. comparative percentages of correct answers in reading (pre-test) moreover, it surprisingly reveals that the ept post-test shows the consistent result. as shown in chart 4, the overall review has the lowest percentage (33%) and the other skills are around 59%-68%. this implies that the first year university students are still struggling with reviewing the passage generally. again, the cognitive strategies, particularly, the top-down reading is highly suggested to cope with this reading problem. chart 4. comparative percentages of average correct answers in reading (post-test) after the 10-hours training, the students have improved their reading skills as seen in chart 5. this strategy training helps students improve their reading comprehension. the skill in dealing with the ideas of the passage has the highest percentage (48%) compared to other skills (1-43%). this reveals that the skill in dealing with the ideas of the passage is the most improved skill. meanwhile, the vocabulary skill is the least improved skill. this fact is in line with yuyun (2012: 35) revealing that vocabulary skill is one of the lowest skill in reading comprehension among the first year university students. some possible vocabulary coping strategies (e.g. inferring meaning, ignoring unknown words, journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 7 and dictionary use) are suggested to encourage students to use a dictionary only a limited number of times on their first reading, which encourages them to be more strategic in their dictionary use (prichard, 2014: 120). chart 5. comparative percentages of average correct answers in reading (pre-test and post-test) the strategy training provides the taskbased instruction inducing students to read more strategically. consequently, they have more intrinsic motivation or the need to read strategically. more explicit and focused strategy training may be necessary to get the significant result. notably, effective reading strategy use may be a cause and an effect of proficiency. conclusion based on the main findings above, this study concludes that the major problem in english proficiency test (ept) faced by the first year of university students is reading skill. particularly, in reviewing overall text reading. to cope with this problem, the cognitive strategies, particularly the top-down reading strategies are suggested to anticipate the author’s purpose, preview the text, think about what one already knows about the topic, skim for main points, etc. an effective reading strategies training which is more focused and explicit should be regularly practiced and enhanced since it can significantly boost reading proficiency and language acquisition. references bekdas, buket. identifying factors related to students’ english proficiency levels through a segmentation method. may 2015: web. 2 february 2018. educational testing service (ets). the official guide to the toefl test. new york: mcgraw-hill, 2009. ellis, rod. understanding second language acquisition. oxford: oxford university press, 1985. hsu, hui-fen. “the impact of implementing english proficiency tests as a graduation requirement at taiwanese universities of technology.” educational studies. november 2010: web. 2 june 2017. nergis, ayşegül. “exploring the factors that affect reading comprehension of eap learners.” journal of english for academic purposes. 2013: pp.1–9. web. 1 december the ideas of the passage directly answered question indirectly answered question vocabulary overal review pre-test 33 39 51 58 22 post-test 63 68 67 59 33 33 39 51 58 22 63 68 67 59 33 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 comparison percentage of average correct answers in reading pre-test post-test journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 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2580-5878 (online) dania musoffa, atikasari husna, lutfy fajar h & akhmad multazim 20 man anxiety as reflected in ernest hemingway’s the old man and the sea dania musoffa, akhmad multazim, atikasari husna, lutfy f. hudayah & renovil dramestika,,,, department of english education, universitas ahmad dahlan abstract in modern era, problems occur continuously and it triggers stress and anxiety. this study aims to describe characterization and the anxiety of the main character in ‘the old man and the sea’, a novel by ernest hemingway. this studybelongs to library research that applied descriptive qualitative method with psychological approach. reading and documentation techniques were used to collect the data. to analize the anxiety of the main character, a theory on psychological anxiety by durand and barlow were used. the result shows that: 1) the main character, santiago, is described as a man who is kind, industrious, ambitious, powerful, smart, calm, cheerful, patient, confident and stubborn, 2) the anxieties felt by santiago are generalized anxiety disorder (gad), panic disorder, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (ocd). keywords: anxiety, ernest hemingway, psychological approach background emotion is a feeling that can give more affect to our behavior. it can cause the people recognize many kinds of expressions, for example, sad, angry, happy, anxiety, etc. anxiety is a common feeling that can be felt by human being. it can be signed by sensation of horror or mental stress and followed by withdrawal reaction or escape reaction. it can be caused by bad experience or traumatic events. customs, imitation and memories of the bad experiences are important influences that cause anxiety such as stories, pictures, radio, and tv program, and movie which are terrifying (hurlock, 1980). anxiety may also appear in literary work. one of the authors who write much about anxiety condition is ernest hemingway. ernest hemingway was born in oak park, illionis. he is one of the best selling authors in the united state and around the world. he had written many novels and he had written many books based on his real-life experiences. his father was a doctor and his mother was a singer and music teacher. hemingway’s life was influenced by his father’s life. he was fond of the masculine life of sport and hardship. he rejected the possibility of college education after leaving school. he was involved in the medical grounds for active service in world war i in 1917. he became a newspaper reporter in kansas city. then, he became an ambulance driver with the red crodd in italy. during world war i, together with his success to win a medal, and his unsuccessful love-affair was expressed in his novel a farewell to arms. the old man (santiago), with litle sleep and food, endured much pain. on the third day at sea, he succeeded in drawing the weakened marlin to the surface, and harpooned it. the fish was so big that it could not be pulled into journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 21 the boat, and had to be lashed along side. while santiago was trying hard to pull the fish to the harbour, sharks attacked to eat the fish all night. reaching the harbour, the old man found that only the giant skeletone of the fish left. the novel shows that the old man won the struggle but he also lost what he fought for and won. anyway, the old man’s struggle should be respected. at least, the old man and the sea is a novel which contains a lot of expressions, such as anger, happiness or anxiety expression. the writer is specially interested to investigate the anxiety expression which exists in the “the old man and the sea” by ernest hemigway. the study on characterization has been discussed by abdul hameed panhwar, sanaullah ansari, muhammad hassan khoso (2017). this study reveals the character of edna in kate chopin’s novel by interpreting multilayered personality of edna by seeing the realtionship of edna with other characters and how it impacts edna’s mind. the result proves that edna has controversial inter-personal relationships in which edna is strong-willed and ostentatious, independent, resists societal challenges and familial constraints. this study focused on library research dealing with psychological approach to investigate the character and characterization and also the anxiety of main character to reveal social phenomenon on psychology inside a literary work. character and characterization character may be thought of as behaving in accordance with social expectancies (stagner, 1965). according to subhan (2006), characters in the novel can be divided into two groups. they are main character and minor character. a. character according to subhan (2006), characters in a literary work can be divided into two groups, major or main character and minor character. the major character can further be analyzed into three groups; 1) the protagonist, 2) the antagonist, and 3) the companion. 1) protagonist protagonist character is the main character, the leading actor (actress). he or she is usually the hero/heroine that plays an important role in the story. the protagonist character in the novel can be identified by: a) his/her position in the story. b) his/her frequent appearance in the story. c) the title of the novel simply represents the name of the protagonist. in the modern novel or the absurd novel, protagonist can act evil, grotesque or crazy, a villain, and a rogue. if it happens, the protagonist character would oppose the antagonist character who is good; or in other words, a character having integrated personality and trusted responsible character. 2) antagonist the antagonist in the novel usually refers to the enemy of the protagonist. in the didactic novel, or in the novel in which there is an element of moral teaching, the antagonist character is usually immoral or evil because the protagonist is usually good or true. 3) companion the companion is usually the supporter or the partner of the protagonist. the companion of the protagonist may function as a lover of the protagonist. the companion of the protagonist also plays as an important role in the story. in this research, the researcher presents the major character besides of the minor character. b. characterization according to minderop (2005), characterization means character portrayal. characterization method in the research of literary work is the method that describes the nature of the figures contained in a work of fiction. the way to determine the character in this case is imaginative character and determine the nature character that is different. according to subhan (2005), character in the novel can be divided into two groups: journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) dania musoffa, atikasari husna, lutfy fajar h & akhmad multazim 22 1) flat character a character in the novel is said to be flat when he or she has an unchanging characteristic from the beginning to the end of the story. it means his/her character is strong and monotone personality to show the characteristics himself/herself. 2) round character in contrast to the description of the flat character, a round character is one which undergoes changes in the characterization in the course of the story. the reason is that the character undergoes changes in the characterization in the course of the story. in the same way, a character is said to be round when he/she is bad in the beginning and then becomes good in the middle or in the end of the story. anxiety anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about a loved one or in anticipation taking a quiz, test, or other examination. anxiety problem interferes with the sufferer’s ability to sleep or otherwise function. it is noteworthy that teenagers are particularly susceptible to having irritability as a symptom of a number of emotional problems, including anxiety. anxiety may occur without a cause, or it may occur based on a real situation but may be out of proportion to what would normally be expected. severe anxiety can have a serious impact on daily life. in psychological contributions, durand (2002) says that anxiety as a psychological reaction for the dangers in childhood period. in childhood we may gain awareness that we cannot control all events, which can influence our feeling in the danger. we can actually fail in everything if we are anxious to do. while in social contribution is stress. it is because of individual problems or social pressure in live. there are several types of anxiety, they are: a. generalized anxiety disorder this a common condition. the disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry that is out of proportion to the impact of the event or circumstance that is the focus of the worry. persons with gad may eventually experience other mental disorders, such as panic disorder or major depressive disorder. they may feel restless, fatigued, easily distracted, or have trouble falling asleep. someone with gad also cannot relax and always feel tense and on edge. gad often occurs with other problems such as depression or other anxiety disorder. b. panic disorder unpredictable attacks of anxiety are accompanied by physiological manifestations. people with this disorder often undergo medical evaluations for symptoms related to heart attacks or other medical conditions before the diagnosis of panic disorder is made. attacks may last from minutes to hours. an affected person often lives in fear of another attack and may be reluctant to be alone or far from medical assistance. panic attacks can occur at any time, even during sleep. an attack generally peaks within 10 minutes, but some symptoms may last much longer. c. specific phobia a specific phobia is an extreme or unreasonable feeling of fear or anxiety linked to a specific animal, object, activity, or situation. for a specific disorder to be diagnosed, the person must experience extreme distress and an impairment in normal functioning. specific phobias can begin in childhood. although there are many possible phobic targets, majority of kids and teens fear the same types of objects or events such as height, bugs, or needles. d. social anxiety disorder social anxiety disorder is characterized by an extreme fear of being embarrassed, ridiculed, or humiliated in public. the fear and worry can begin days or even weeks before the social situation. doctors place social anxiety disorder in two categories. one type involves more specific fears that are limited in performance situation, such as having to read aloud in class. the second category is more general, and refers to anxiety that occurs in journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 23 social settings, like lunchtime in the cafeteria, gym class, or parties. the more general form usually begins earlier in life and can last for a longer time. e. post-traumatic stress disorder post-traumatic stress disorder is the result of exposure to a traumatic event. trauma such as physical abuse or rape, interpersonal or community violence, serious accidents, or illnesses may spark posttraumatic stress disorder. post – traumatic stress disorder causes certain types of symptoms. teens may have random flashbacks or recurring dreams, where they feel like they are re-experiencing the traumatic event. they may avoid any event or place associated with the trauma, or feel numb. some teens may feel jittery or irritable, be startled easily, and have difficulty falling asleep. f. obsessive-compulsive disorder (ocd) ocd involves irrational behavior that interferes with normal life. for example, it may take the young person hours to get ready for school and can lead them to be late or miss school. or it may take a lot of time to finish schoolwork because the teen feels as if she has to rewrite an assignment over and over again to get it just right. people with ocd sometimes exhibit ties (like twitches and spasms) and attention deficit hyperractivity disorder (adhd). psychological approach according to warren and wellek (1978), the most important thing of literary work can be seen as good writing if a product of the author has creative “clever” (or gifted or talented) and having mush knowledge and experience”. by using those factors, an author can produce a good literary work which is monumental and able to cross the border of space and time. by “psychology of literature” mean the psychological study of the writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or the study of the psychological types and laws present within works of literature, or, finally, the effect of literature upon its readers (audience psychology. there are some definitions about psychological approach. according to subhan (2005), psychological approach has a view that psychology (the science or study of mind and its processes) can be used to help a literary critic or a literary researcher to explain, interpret, and evaluate literary works. psychology stems from the greek word meaning “mind” and “study”, and the systematic study of mind began, as did most of western philosophy, during the golden age of greece. as greek philosophy thrived, so did psychology, but it was, and remained, a speculative endeavor, heavily dependent upon mystical or religious interpretations. (moskowitz and orgel, 1969) psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind. this definition contains three elements. first, psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation. second, psychology studies behavior, which refer to any action or reaction that can be measured such as the blink of an eyes, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupt in mob. third, psychologies study of the main, which refers to both conscious mental. according to subhan (2003), the psychological study of the writer is as type and as individual. he also concludes that psychological approach can be used to conduct a study about creative process. this writing can conduct a study about creative process. this writing can conduct about the process of making literary work using the psychological approach, writer can find out the way of literary work is made into being by its author. psychological approach can be used to conduct a study about the psychological aspect of the literary works and also in value and role. he also says that the study of psychological types and laws present within works of literature. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) dania musoffa, atikasari husna, lutfy fajar h & akhmad multazim 24 research method this research employed descriptive qualitative method. it applied psychological approach. the primary source of the data was the novel the old man and the sea by ernest hemingway and the secondary data was from other sources like articles, books and internet sources. to collect the data, it used note-taking and documentation technique and to analyze the data, a theory on psychological anxiety by durand and barlow (2006) supported by wellek and warren (1978) was used. discussion character and characterization the main character in this novel is santiago (the old man). the description of characterization. a. kind santiago has a kind character in his life; he can make a good relationship with other people and he can also help the people who need his hand. santiago is kind and compassionate; humility is always shown everywhere. “thank you,” the old man said. he was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. but he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride. (hemingway: 3) it means that santiago has heart which is kind. he always thanks in everything and then always feels lowly. santiago has high empathy. the statement can be seen from quotation below: “the old man looked at him with his sunburned, confident loving eyes. “if you were my boy i’d take you out and gamble,” he said. “but you are your father’s and your mother’s and you are in a lucky boat.” (hemingway: 3) from the quotation above, the researcher knows that santiago is a kind person; he always cares with everyone who loves him. he gives attention to manolin like his child. santiago always gives the best for him. he cares toward the other people. b. industrious santiago is an industrious. he always tries to make his life better. the statement can be seen from quotation below: “some time before daylight something took one of the baits that were behind him. he heard the stick break and the line begin to rush out over the gunwale of the skiff. in the darkness he loosened his sheath knife and took all the strain of the fish on his left shoulder; he leaned back and cut the line against the wood of the gunwale. then he cut the other line closest to him and in the dark made the loose ends of the reserve coils fast. he worked skillfully with the one hand and put his foot on the coils to hold them as he drew his knots tight. now he had six reserve coils of line. there were two from each bait, he had severed and the two from the bait the fish had taken and they were all connected. (hemingway: 18) it means that santiago is always effective and skillful in his work. he uses his mind and his power when he works. in the other statement, santiago also shows how his efforts (work) do. the other statement is to substantiate this argument: you have only yourself and you had better work back to the last line now, in the dark or not in the dark, and cut it away and hook up the two reserve coils. so he did it. it was difficult in the dark and once the fish made a surge that pulled him down on his face and made a cut below his eye. the blood ran down his cheek a little way. but it coagulated and dried before it reached his chin and he worked his way back to the bow and rested against the wood. he adjusted the sack and carefully worked the line so that it came across a new part of his shoulders and, holding it anchored with his shoulders, he carefully felt the pull of the fish and then felt with his hand the progress of the skiff through the water. (hemingway: 19) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 25 from the quotation above, it proves that santiago is an industrious. he works very hard in order to make their life better. he learns everything quickly to make him easy to work. c. ambitious santiago has an ambitious character and he will prove to the other man that he can get fish. he devotes his life to cathc marlin. the statement can be seen from quotation below: “i’ll kill him though,” he said. “in all his greatness and his glory.” although it is unjust, he thought. but i will show him what a man can do and what a man endures. “i told the boy i was a strange old man,” he said. “now is when i must prove it.” (hemingway: 24) from the quotation above, santiago shows that he ambitious to get what he wants. he will get it and prove for the other people. he will get back his greatness and his glory. d. powerful santiago is a powerful man. the statement can be seen from quotation below: “i can remember the tail slapping and banging and the thwart breaking and the noise of the clubbing. i can remember you throwing me into the bow where the wet coiled lines were and feeling the whole boat shiver and the noise of you clubbing him like chopping a tree down and the sweet blood smell all over me.” (hemingway: 2) from the quotation above, the researcher knows that santiago is strong. it can be seen from how santiago kills the fish. he does that powerfully, that make manolin (his friend) overawe for him. the other statement that can give corroboration can be seen in this quotation: the boy took the old army blanket off the bed and spread it over the back of the chair and over the old man’s shoulders. they were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old, and the neck was still strong too and the creases did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward. (hemingway: 2) from that statement, the researcher knows that santiago is strong. he is a powerful man. he can do something which maybe anyone else can’t do. he is an old man who has good power and body. e. smart santiago is a smart person. he always tries to get the best. he has a lot of ways to do his work easily. he never loses way to solve the problem. it can be seen from this quotation: “i may not be as strong as i think,” the old man said. “but i know many tricks and i have resolution.” “you ought to go to bed now so that you will be fresh in the morning. i will take the things back to the terrace.” (hemingway: 8) the other statement that shows santiago is smart is: he let his hand dry in the air then grasped the line with it and eased himself as much as he could and allowed himself to be pulled forward against the wood so that the boat took the strain as much, or more, than he did. (hemingway: 27) from the quotation, the researcher believes that santiago is smart. it can be proven from how santiago solves his problem when he is in problem. he never loses his way and has many tricks. f. calm santiago is always calm when he gets the problem. he can control his emotion. it can be seen from this quotation: “…he seems calm, he thought, and following his plan. but what is his plan, he thought. and what is mine? mine i must improvise to his because of his great size. if he will jump i can kill him. but he stays down forever. then i will stay down with him forever. (hemingway: 22) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) dania musoffa, atikasari husna, lutfy fajar h & akhmad multazim 26 this quotation proves that santiago can be calm when he is in problem, so he can think what he should do well. g. cheerful santiago is an old man who always cheerful. it can be seen from this quotation: everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated. (hemingway: 1) that quotation shows that santiago is an old man, but he is always cheerful. he never shows his problem to the other people although sometimes he is in trouble. h. pateint santiago is a good man. he can be patient when many people make fun of him. it can be seen from this quotation: they sat on the terrace and many of the fishermen made fun of the old man and he was not angry. (hemingway: 1) from the quotation above, the researcher knows that santiago is a patient person. it can be proven when many people make fun of him, he is not angry and he is in face of calmly. i. confident santiago always feels himself is lucky, he always believes that he will get what he wants. he never loses his hope and confidence. it can be seen from this quotation: “may i get the sardines? i know where i can get four baits too.” “i have mine left from today. i put them in salt in the box.” “let me get four fresh ones.” “one,” the old man said. his hope and his confidence had never gone. but now they were freshening as when the breeze rises. (hemingway: 4) the other statements that prove santiago is confident are: “tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current,” he said. “where are you going?” the boy asked. “far out to come in when the wind shifts. i want to be out before it is light.” (hemingway: 4) based from all statement, the researcher believes that santiago is an old man who never loses hope and confidence. he always believes that he will get the best in the other time. he never gives up, and he always tries and tries to get the best. j. stubborn santiago is also a stubborn person. it can be seen from the quotation below: “wake up old man,” the boy said and put his hand on one of the old man’s knees. the old man opened his eyes and for a moment he was coming back from a long way away. then he smiled. “what have you got?” he asked. “supper,” said the boy. “we’re going to have supper.” “i’m not very hungry.” “come on and eat. you can’t fish and not eat.” “i have,” the old man said getting up and taking the newspaper and folding it. then he started to fold the blanket. (hemingway: 6) the other statements: “that’s very kind of you,” the old man said. “should we eat?” “i’ve been asking you to,” the boy told him gently. “i have not wished to open the container until you were ready.” “i’m ready now,” the old man said. “i only needed time to wash.” (hemingway: 6) based on all those statements, the researcher knows that santiago is a stubborn person. he feels inferior when he is helped by people. man anxiety anxiety is a feeling nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about a journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 27 loved one or in anticipation taking a quiz, test, or other examination. anxiety problem interferes with the sufferer’s ability to sleep or otherwise function. it is noteworthy that teenagers are particularly susceptible to having irritability as a symptom of a number of emotional problems, including anxiety. anxiety may occur without a cause, or it may occur based on a real situation but may be out of proportion to what would normally be expected. severe anxiety can have a serious impact on daily life. after reading the novel and learn about theory of anxiety, the researcher finds some types of anxiety that are shown by santiago. some of them are generalized anxiety disorder (gad), panic disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, post – traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), and obsessive – compulsive disorder (ocd). a. generalized anxiety disorder this a common condition. the disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry that is out of proportion to the impact of the event or circumstance that is the focus of the worry. it can be seen in quotation below: “one sheet. that’s two dollars and a half. who can we borrow that from?” “that’s easy. i can always borrow two dollars and a half.” “i think perhaps i can too. but i try not to borrow. first you borrow. then you beg.” “keep warm old man,” the boy said. “remember we are in september.” “the month when the great fish come,” the old man said. “anyone can be a fisherman in may.”( hemingway: 5) the researcher finds santiago’s anxiety when the boy wants to borrow money, he feels worry about it. we can see in sentences “i think perhaps i can too. but i try not to borrow. first you borrow. then you beg.” santiago’s anxiety is the common anxiety. everyone feels like that when borrow something. santiago worries if he can not be responsible for what he does. b. panic disorder this is an unpredictable attack of anxiety accompanied by physiological manifestations. people with this disorder often undergo medical evaluations for symptoms related to heart attacks or other medical conditions before the diagnosis of panic disorder is made. attacks may last from minutes to hours. the researcher finds this anxiety in this quotation: “agua mala,” the man said. “you whore.” from where he swung lightly against his oars he looked down into the water and saw the tiny fish that were coloured like the trailing filaments and swam between them and under the small shade the bubble made as it drifted. they were immune to its poison. but men were not and when same of the filaments would catch on a line and rest there slimy and purple while the old man was working a fish, he would have welts and sores on his arms and hands of the sort that poison ivy or poison oak can give. but these poisonings from the agua mala came quickly and struck like a whiplash. (hemingway: 12-13) in this quotatuion, when santiago sees “agua mala”, he feels panic, and he says bad thing. he worries when he sees it, because it is very dangerous and it is a poison that can hurt human or maybe kill human. c. specific phobia a specific phobia is an extreme or unreasonable feeling of fear or anxiety linked to a specific animal, object, activity, or situation. for a specific disorder to be diagnosed, the person must experience extreme distress and an impairment in normal functioning. it can be seen in this quotation: the sun rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out across the current. then the sun was brighter and the glare came on the water and then, as it rose clear, the flat sea sent it back at his eyes so that it hurt sharply and he rowed without looking into it. he looked down into the water and watched the lines that went straight down into the dark of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) dania musoffa, atikasari husna, lutfy fajar h & akhmad multazim 28 the water. he kept them straighter than anyone did, so that at each level in the darkness of the stream there would be a bait waiting exactly where he wished it to be for any fish that swam there. others let them drift with the current and sometimes they were at sixty fathoms when the fishermen thought they were at a hundred. but, he thought, i keep them with precision. only i have no luck any more. but who knows? maybe today. every day is a new day. it is better to be lucky. but i would ather be exact. then when luck comes you are ready. (hemingway: 11) in that condition, santiago feels anxiety. when the sun is brighter and the glare comes on the water and then, as it rises clear, the flat sea sends it back at his eyes so that it hurts sharply and he rows without looking into it. his experience when the sun is bright that he can’t see it clearly, he always keeps with precision in this condition. he fears he will be sunlucky again. he is in worry, but he keeps his ambition to catch fish. it can be seen when he hopes he will be lucky. d. social anxiety disorder social anxiety disorder is characterized by an extreme fear of being embarassed, ridiculed, or humiliated in public. the fear and worry can begin days or even weeks before the socaial situation. the researhcer finds this anxiety in quotation below: “but remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and then we caught big ones every day for three weeks.” “i remember,” the old man said. “i know you did not leave me because you doubted.” “it was papa made me leave. i am a boy and i must obey him.” “i know,” the old man said. “it is quite normal.” “he hasn’t much faith.” (hemingway:1-2) this quotation means that santiago has bad experience in the past, while he keeps being lucky when he gets what he wants. when he says like that, he realizes that in the next journey, he will go alone without the boy (manolin). actually, santiago has not much faith when he goes alone, because there is no one who can help him. while, usually, he goes with the boy and the boy always helps santiago. in this situation, santiago reallizes that he is an unlucky people, like the others say. so he keeps his decision to go alone without manolin. e. post-traumatic stress disorder post-traumatic stress disorder is the result of exposure to a traumatic event. trauma, such as physical abuse or rape, interpersonal or community violence, serious accidents, or illnesses, may spark posttraumatic stress disorder. this anxiety can be seen in quotation below: “tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current,” he said. “where are you going?” the boy asked. “far out to come in when the wind shifts. i want to be out before it is light.” “i’ll try to get him to work far out,” the boy said. “then if you hook something truly big we can come to your aid.” “he does not like to work too far out.” “no,” the boy said. “but i will see something that he cannot see such as a bird working and get him to come out after dolphin.” “are his eyes that bad?” “he is almost blind.” “it is strange,” the old man said. “he never went turtle-ing. that is what kills the eyes.” “but you went turtle-ing for years off the mosquito coast and your eyes are good.” “i am a strange old man” “but are you strong enough now for a truly big fish?” “i think so. and there are many tricks.” (hemingway: 3) it means that santiago feels he is a strange man, he knows that when he goes alone and he goes far away, maybe he can find some problems. actually he is in doubfulness. we can see in the sentence “i think so”. in this sentence, he shows he unbelieves that he can find or get something, but he keeps trying with his doubfulness. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 29 f. obsessive-compulsive disorder ocd involves irrational behavior that interferes with normal life. usually, the person suffering from ocd uses ritualistic and repeated behaviors to rid themselves of obsessive thoughts and anxieties. in the novel, the sentences that show this anxiety can be seen in quotation below: “i could just drift, he thought, and sleep and put a bight of line around my toe to wake me. but today is eighty-five days and i should fish the day well.” (hemingway: 14) this quotation describes that santiago feels tired and begins to give up, but he realizes that he is still unlucky and does not get anything after eighty-five days. so he always keeps trying to catch fish altough he is very tired. his anxiety is if he goes back without fish. so he does not want to sleep and always keeps in fishing. he thinks that if he sleeps and wastes time he will be unlucky again and not get the fish. conclusion this study concludes that the characterizations of santiago are kind, industrious, ambitious, powerful, smart, calm, cheerful, patient, confident, and also stubborn. santiago is the main character in the novel. he has some anxieties such as generalized anxiety disorder (gad), panic disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, post – traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), and obsessive – compulsive disorder (ocd). however, he never gives up in his life. he gives realistic condition. he has an industrious character to make his life better. references abdul hameed panhwar, sanaullah ansari, muhammad hassan khoso. 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(1978). theory of literature. new york: penguins book. daniel laksono & adventina putranti 70 i can haz stail: a language style of lolcat meme in daniel p. laksono & adventina putranti english letters department, sanata dharma university, yogyakarta & abstract the viral phenomenon of lolcat meme makes many researchers study this internet meme. although its words and sentences are unconventional, people can apply this unconventional english so that the meme became viral. it is even used in other forms of meme such as bible, books, and a musical theater. the fact that the english is unconventional but makes the meme viral is what inspires this study. henceforth, this study aims to find reasons how such unconventional english syntax strengthen the virality of lolcat meme. key words: internet meme, viral phenomenon, unconventional english introduction internet has changed how human interacts with each other. in term of communication, most human use an internet to send messages directly and rapidly. nowadays, people are familiar with communication applications such as whatsapp, bbm, facebook messenger, or line. those applications use an internet connection to send messages in form of texts, voices, and pictures. these methods are famous because internet communications combine the speed and writing as it is called a “written speech” (crystal, 2001: 25). each message is written and read so often as it is being spoken. while those examples of communication method provide speed and writing, internet memes does not provide so. they usually have unconventional english in their writings to express idea. in this paper, the writer analyzes lolcat meme uploaded in this kind of meme is chosen because their appearance in that website is meant as a communication tool. when this meme is uploaded, other users will give comments about it. although many words are unconventional, lolcat meme is one of the famous memes in the internet world. to achieve the goal of this research, the writer sums up into these following two questions: 1. what are the differences between the english used in lolcat meme and the conventional english? while the sentence in the picture above is i haz a cave, the readers’ inner ear will be i has a cave. to understand how the sentences differ from conventional english, the writer uses a theory of syntax. however, as seen vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 71 there that the unconventional form also occurs in its words, the writer uses a theory of morphology whenever it is necessary. the analysis result of morphology is very important to know how a lolcat words is formed in english. the purpose of morphological analysis is explaining that the lolcat word haz is similar to an english word has. when it is proven that haz is actually an english verb has, the writer can reveal the unconventional english syntax in lolcat meme. 2. what is the effect of unconventional english syntax toward the virality of lolcat meme? most words and sentences in lolcat meme are unconventional. however, this meme is famous since it inspires people to create a website (, a book (eric nakagawa in “i can has cheezburger?: a lolcat colleckshun), a musical theater (kristyn pomranz and katherine steinberg, i can has cheezburger: the musiclol!); a musical theater was a part of fringenyc 2009), and a translation of the holy bible (a work done by martin grondin and can be accessed in the curiosity comes up on how such unconventional english affects the virality of lolcat meme. those questions are answered using a stylistic theory with any other additional ones. as the writer experienced while doing this research, some words need to be analyzed using theories which are not included in the framework. it indicates that creativity in lolcat-meme world goes beyond our present linguistic theories. meme and the internet meme is introduced by richard dawkins in 1976 to explain about cultural spreading, human behavior, and development in the society (buchel, 2012: 7). meme means imitation of ideas that spread among human brains. examples of meme are concept, tune, fashion which propagate through advertisement, social media, news, or communication. not all memes or ideas can propagate widely. as a human cannot remember all ideas that he got in a day, only strong memes can survive. the need of a meme is not how good the meme is but how the core idea of it can catch its receiver’s attention (blackmore, 1999: 57). dawkins argue that there are three characteristics which make a meme can survive: fidelity, fecundity, and longevity. fidelity refers to how strong the idea of the meme is. the stronger it is, the more successful it becomes. in other words, fidelity is an ability of a meme to be memorized. in terms of language, fidelity is maintained by digitalizing the sound. the propagation of a meme will have a high fidelity if it is digital. while fidelity refers on how the meme can be memorized, fecundity refers to the rate of a meme is being copied (ritt, 2004: 123). if a meme a is copied five times per minute while a meme b is copied ten times per minute, the chance for meme b to get people’s attention is bigger. it occurs in a language since it strengthens the propagation of memes. through language, memes can propagate in a longer distance and to more brains. imagine a person who wants to spread a meme “she runs away!”. with a shouting in a language, people can hear the meme, react toward it even in the dark. the third characteristic of a strong meme is longevity which refers on how long the idea can stay longer in the memory. the longer it is, the more it is possible to spread. language here exists to help people memorize the meme, as it is troublesome to remember dance steps but remembering “slow, quick, slow, slow” is much easier. using sentences rather than any meaningless noises, people are easy to repeat stories or sentences. that rapid growth of meme becomes much stronger in internet. while speech language provides fidelity and fecundity but can be problematic in longevity, writing system and internet maintain the need of longevity. when a meme is made and saved in a computer, the meme or the idea stays there. if the user uploads it in the internet, anyone can see and copy it as it is. in here, the meme propagates in limitless brain and space. the daniel laksono & adventina putranti 72 meme may stay in a computer in singapore but people from brazil can see it through internet. however, today internet users have a term which is called internet meme. although it is slightly different from original meme since it only indicates humorous situation, the internet meme also provides ideas which is spread using internet as its media. according to bc. branislav buchel, a meme is rapidly spread by means of electronic communication such as e-mail, forums, image boards or chat. they are formed into media objects such as video, pictures, text, or audio recording. lolcat as an internet meme in 2005, an internet meme called lolcat is first appeared in a website called in this study, the writer analyzes lolcat meme appeared in realizing that users can write anything anonymously and even create other language variations, this study aims to say that such variations exists while at the same time they strengthen the virality of lolcat meme. lolcat meme can easily be identified since it always has a picture of cat in it. the cat varies in positions or gestures and amounts. lolcat meme itself is not the only meme exists in the internet. counts that there are around 2.116 kinds of internet meme in the internet ( memes: may 10, 2015). those numbers are still counting as more people could create other memes. surprisingly, lolcat meme is the only meme that has its own website. it is which is built as a dedication of lolcat meme. in this website, users from all around the world share humorous ideas about lolcat meme every day. according to, the website has around 48.000 visitors and 439.800 page views each day ( june 2015). i can haz cheezburger?: the lolcat language although the language appears in a written form, analyzing lolcat language is quite challenging. in aiming to analyze the language using stylistics, the writer started the analysis from morphological and syntactic analysis. the language in lolcat always derives from conventional english which then transformed into something on how the cat would talk (dash,, 23 april 2007). based on the result of study, lolcat language is not only how the message is written but also how it sounds. the writer uses 8 lolcat memes in the website to show that such a phenomenon occurs in the internet world. 1. picture 1 picture 1 consists of 2 sentences: the first which written wut u mean, buggin u? and the second sentence which written iz way over heeer. in this meme, the writer finds something new on how the unconventional words written here are made. for the first sentence, it has a nonstandard spelling feature. in this nonstandard spelling, users implement the pronunciation; the words written in this meme are created as any influences of pronunciation. in here, when a reader reads wut u mean buggin u? his inner ear produces “what you mean bugging you?”. there, a wut word is derived from conventional english word “what”. “what” in english is pronounced /wɒt/, /wɑ:t/, or /wʌt/. for the vowel in “what”, it has a similar sound with a vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 73 word like “cut” /kʌt/. in simple words, letter u sometimes is pronounced /ʌ/. the user then rewrites the letter u because it shares the same vowel. consequently, -hain “what” is replaced, which is finally forms into wut. besides nonstandard spelling, the first sentence also applies logogram to replace “you” with a letter “u” since both of them have the same pronunciation /ju:/. moreover, a clipping feature also occurs by deleting g in conventional english word “bugging” which becomes buggin. as seen above, according to the morphological analysis, the conventional english version of the first sentence is what you mean, bugging you?. in english, this sentence is called a verb clause where one sentence describes another sentence in a same utterance. “mean” is a transitive verb which needs two arguments. “you” as an experiencer, becomes the first argument, while “bugging you?” is a clause which becomes the second argument and also the theme of the sentence. however, the word “bugging” itself is a transitive verb which needs two arguments. hence, the agent of “bugging” is missing. by looking at the second sentence and the picture, the writer can determine what the word is. at the second sentence, the subject is “i”. hence, the subject for the word “bugging” in the meme is “i”, not “we” or “she” or another pronoun. therefore, according to the analysis, the writer concludes that the conventional english sentence is “what do you mean i’m bugging you?” and “what do you mean? am i bugging you?”. this conclusion comes up because in the sentence, there are two verbs: “mean and “bugging”. henceforth, as an interrogative wh question, the auxiliary verbs (“do” and ”am”) and the subject of the second clause (“i”) are omitted. the modification makes the sentence only consists of verbs (“mean” and buggin) and its arguments. for the second sentence, there is an iz word which does not exist in english. with a capital letter of i in iz, the writer finds that it refers to the conventional english word “i”. while reading the word, reader’s inner ear will hear /ʌɪz/ which is quite similar when people utter i’m /ʌɪm/. therefore, letter z in the sentence is an abbreviation of an auxiliary verb. in defining what z refers to, the writer uses data from datum picture 3. picture 3 shows that lolcat meme has an auxiliary verb iz. this auxiliary verb is what then, in picture 1, be attached with “i”. similar to english “i am” which is abbreviated into “i’m”, the words i iz is abbreviated into iz. when a reader reads the word iz, it creates a similar voice with a conventional english auxiliary verb “is”. in english, “is” is pronounced /ɪz/. in here, the writer concludes that iz is a nonstandard spelling using pronunciation implementation of an english auxiliary verb “is”. instead of using “is”, users rewrite that pronunciation (/ɪz/) so that iz is written in the meme instead of “is”. the word heeer is written by repeating the letter e to express feelings. it is applied to maintain the need of writing as talking (crystal, 2001: 34-35). while letter e is repeated, it means a long voice in speaking. writing system like this is usually used in text message to show that the speaker means the word. when the word is not applying repeated letter, it could be refer to conventional english ”her”. to define on what that word really is, the writer sees the word before heeer. there is a preposition “over”, written before heeer. in conventional english, a preposition “over” can form an adverbial phrase to give a particular position. since there are only two subjects (“i” and “you”), the writer concludes that heeer is heer with repeated letter and derived from an english word “here“ instead of “her”. this conclusion comes up because in conventional english, “here” is pronounced /hɪə/. since letter e in english is pronounced in various sounds ([ɛ] as in “elegant”, [iː] as in “evil”, or [ɪ] as in “kid”), the diphthong of that word is be assumed by lolcat users as double e. hence, this pronunciation then is used to rewrite the word from “here” into heer. daniel laksono & adventina putranti 74 therefore, if the words are rewritten using conventional english words, the sentence will be “i is way over here”. according to the purpose of that utterance, the sentence is a declarative sentence because it is functioned as information towards the hearer. syntactically, as a declarative sentence, the subject “i” has a verb “is” which is different with conventional english sentence. to express the simple present form, the verb for “i” is “am” (azar, 2006: 6). however, the pronoun “i”, which is functioned as a subject, has an iz as its verb which is similar with “is”. by modifying its auxiliary verb, lolcat users turn a conventional english sentence “i’m way over here”, into iz way over heer. words “way over” is used to emphasis the considerable extent. 2. picture 2 in picture 2, there is only one sentence placed at the bottom of the picture. a sentence i tink i getz sampler in that picture will be the datum. as written there, tink is derived from an english word “think” which is modified through contraction process by deleting h letter. moreover, the getz word occurs as an effect of pronunciation implementation. getz is borrowed from conventional english word “get” with a -z suffix. ”get” as a verb, is sometimes has a suffix when it is used to describe the action of the third singular person in a simple present tense. the suffix for this word is -s so it becomes “gets”. in phonology, “gets” is pronounced /gets/ because [t] is voiceless. however, the suffix -s is pronounced /z/ when it is after the voiced nonsibilant final segment (fromkin, 2011: 229) such as comes /kʌmz/. on the contrary, in this datum, “gets” is rewritten into getz which, when it is being read, creates inner ear as if the [t] is voiced. the writer concludes that this modification occurs through influences of other voicednonsibilant-final-segment words. sound [z] in other voiced-nonsibilant-final-segment words is then rewritten by lolcat users in this meme. hence, the conventional english version of that sentence will be “i think i gets sampler” and formed in a declarative sentence. as a verb clause, the syntactic style in i gets sampler occurs since the verb “get” has –s suffix to explain “i”. in conventional english, suffix –s is added in a verb if it describes the third singular person in a simple present tense (azar, 2006: 53). 3. picture 3 for picture 3, there are 2 sentences which are used as data in this study. the first phrase is written mustache contest and the second sentence i iz winner?. in the first phrase, it is written mustache contest. the word mustache derives from conventional english word “moustache” with vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 75 a contraction feature by deleting the o letter. it is also an adjective of a noun “contest”. in conventional english word, “contest” is a countable noun. henceforth, it needs an article if it is a singular event. however, in this datum, the article is omitted, leaving the phrase only consists of “moustache” and “contest”. for the second phrase, the writer uses the result as shown in datum picture 1. sentence i iz winner is similar to “i is winner?” where iz is a nonstandard spelling through implementing the pronunciation of an auxiliary verb “is”. from this morphological finding, it is known that subject “i” has an ”is” as its verb. this form is different from conventional english grammar. in its grammar, ”am” is a be form for pronoun “i” (azar, 2006:7). moreover, the article “the” is omitted. “the” in that sentence has a function to refer to a specific winner which is a moustache contest. therefore, according to conventional english grammar, article “the” in that sentence is important. as an interrogative yes/no question, the question in the meme is formed into a sentence. according to conventional english grammar, a yes/no question has a be form which comes before a subject as in a sentence ”am i doing this right?” (azar, 2006: 24). however, in this datum from, “be” in the question comes after the subject. while in conventional english grammar, people will write “am i the winner?”, in, the sentence is modified into i iz winner?. therefore, for the first phrase, while in conventional english people will write “a moustache contest”, lolcat users will write mustache contest. this first phrase is important in this datum because it gives the theme of this picture. as seen in the picture that there is a white cat with black fur right above its mouth, people will simply refer it as a moustache. however, with the caption in the first phrase, readers know that the theme in this picture is not about a moustache but a contest. without this first phrase, readers will now understand the meaning of the second phrase: it will remain unknown what kind of game the cat joins so that it becomes the winner. 4. picture 4 in this picture, the sentence is divided into 3 parts: top, middle, and bottom sentences. the analysis focuses on the top and the bottom sentences. for the top sentence, it is written there, i kno we is in reseshon. the readers’ inner ear will be “i know we is in recession”. in sense of morphology, the sentence applies clippings for deleting the letter w in “know” so it is written as kno. beside clippings, the sentence also applies a nonstandard spelling. it occurs in the word reseshon since it is created through an influence from other similar words. in english phonology, it is known that words which have palatal fricative sounds such as “shogun” /ˈʃəʊɡʊn/, “sheep” /ʃiːp/, or “fish” /fɪʃ/. many “sh” letters in words are pronounced as [ʃ]. in “recession”, however, although the word does not use “sh” letters, its english pronunciation is /rɪˈsɛʃ(ə)n/ which conveys the [ʃ]. users then rewrite letters sh from other words because those letters share the same sound as “recession”. it is different from datum picture 3 where users implement the sound /iz/ into iz. according to the morphological analysis, the conventional english words for that sentence are “i know we is in recession” and it expresses a declarative sentence. in daniel laksono & adventina putranti 76 syntactic level, the top sentence shows differences. “is” is used rather than ”are” as an auxiliary verb of “we”. to indicate the present tense in conventional english grammar, “we” has an “are” as its auxiliary verb (azar: 2006: 92). although ”is” is not written iz as in previous data (picture 1 and 3), how those words connect to each other are still different from conventional english sentence. moreover, there are two possibilities in that sentence because on the word “recession” does not have article or suffix. in conventional english, that word is a countable noun. therefore, if “recession” in that sentence is singular, it should have an article “a” before the word. however, if the word “recession” is plural, it should have a suffix –s after that word. while in conventional english people will say “i know we are in a recession” or “i know we are in recessions”, lolcat users will write it into i kno we is in reseshon. for the bottom sentence, a question is written i can has real toy?. this question form is morphologically correct. however, in term of syntax, the question is formed into a sentence as shown before in picture 3. according to conventional english question form, a modal such as “can” appears before a subject (azar, 2006: 357). on the contrary, in the text above, the modal appears after the subject “i”. another difference appears in the verb of the text. “has” is written instead of “have”. according to conventional english, the auxiliary verb for a first person singular noun is “have”. as shown in several previous data, there is a possibility that an article is omitted. “toy” as a countable noun should have an article to show its singularity. however, in the text, there is no article to show singularity or a –s suffix to show plurality. based on analysis above, the writer concludes that users of lolcat meme write i can has real toy? rather than “can i have a real toy?”. 5. picture 5 there is only one sentence in this meme which is i dont getz it. the word getz in that sentence conveys the same implementation of pronunciation as occurs in datum picture 2. the word getz comes from an english word “gets”. “gets” consists of a morpheme “get” and is followed by –s suffix. its pronunciation is /gets/ because [t] is voiceless. however, as an influence of other voiced-nonsibilant-finalsegment words such as “comes” /kʌmz/, getz is written rather than “gets” because lolcat users rewrite the sound ([z]) into the written word as a feature of nonstandard spelling. from this morphological analysis, it is known that i dont getz it is similar to “i don’t gets it”. as a declarative sentence, the verb is different from conventional english in term of syntax because a first singular person does not have an –s suffix in its verb. since the verb “get” has a –z suffix which is similar to –s suffix, according to conventional english grammar, getz should not be added with a subject “i”. 6. picture 6 vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 77 in this picture, the datum used is the sentence at the bottom of the picture. the sentence on the top is syntactically correct. as written there, don’t use dis kitteh is an imperative sentence. according to, dis kitteh is similar to conventional english words “this kitty” which refers to the cat in the picture (, 18 dec 2011: 8 june 2015). the occurrence of “don’t” indicates the command not to use the kitty in the picture. since the sentence is syntactically correct, it is excluded from the data. the second sentence needs a syntactic analysis without any morphological analysis. that sentence shows an auxiliary omission “is”. as a declarative sentence, there is something missing in the sentence. by looking at the past participle word “broken”, it is known that the sentence is formed into a passive sentence. according to conventional english sentence, a passive form has an auxiliary verb before the verb as in “is gone” or “was burnt”. therefore, for the verb “broken”, there must be an auxiliary “is” before it. however, in the datum above, the auxiliary verb is omitted. the omission also occurs in an article “the”. that article is important to show a specific safety seal and not another safety seal. as a conclusion, lolcat users will write safety seal broken while in conventional english syntax, people will write “the safety seal is broken”. 7. picture 7 although the sentences are written into two parts, they are actually a single complete sentence because the bottom part explains the top part. it is written don’t puts all ur kitteh in one basket. morphologically, that sentence uses logogram for ur which represents “your” since u /ju:/ has similar pronunciation to “you” /ju:/. as the result, “your” is changed into ur. moreover, it also applies a nonstandard-spelling feature in kitteh which synonymous with “kitty” (, 18 dec 2011: 1 december 2014) unlike other data which has a verb with a –z ending (datum picture 2 and picture 6), the imperative sentence in this picture has a – s suffix in the verb puts. henceforth, this sentence differs from conventional english sentence since the subject (“you”), which verb does not need a –s suffix. 8. picture 8 those three lines of phrases consist of two sentences because the second line follows the first line. hence, those two sentences are u play jurassic park wif me? and i be t-rex rahr!!! for the first sentence, it applies logogram and non-standard spelling. the logogram occurs in a word u which represents “you”. both of those words shares similar pronunciation (/jᴜ:/). instead of using “you”, users write it as u. the non-standard spelling occurs in a word wif. the writer concludes that this writing comes up as an assimilation process in phonology. according to victoria fromkin, assimilation is “phonological process that daniel laksono & adventina putranti 78 changes feature values of segments to make them more similar”. (fromkin 2011: 571) syntactically, u in that sentence functions as an agent, with play as a transitive verb. the word jurassic park is a theme while me is a beneficiary. henceforth, wif derives from a conventional english preposition “with” which ending -th is replaced with –f. this replacement is affected by the following voiced bilabial nasal [m] in the following word. the conventional english words “with me” has voiceless dental fricative [ɵ] in “with” is changed into voiceless labiodental fricative [f] because [f] is closer and easier to pronounce before pronouncing voiced bilabial nasal [m] in “me”. this effect is what then lolcat users reuse in the sentence. based on the analysis, the english word for the sentence is “you play jurassic park with me?”. in a syntactic context, the sentence only consists of basic information about who, what, and with whom. links between that information does not occur in the sentence. these absences affect an unknown tense. the sentence could be a present continuous tense or simple future tense. if it is a present continuous sentence, the deletion occurs in the auxiliary verb “are” and suffix –ing which make the sentence becomes “are you playing jurassic park with me?”. however, if it is a simple future tense, modal “will” is omitted. when a modal “will” is added, the sentence becomes “will you play jurassic park with me?”. this double interpretation affects the following sentence. as seen that the sentence at the bottom is i be t-rex rahr!!! the word rahr is an onomatopoeia or a word in which the pronunciation resembles the sound. according to, rahr is onomatopoeia to represent a roaring sound ( , 23 march 2015). this onomatopoeia is used to represent a sound of a big wild animal. since onomatopoeia is not a focus of this study, the part is going to be analyzed is i be t-rex. the ambiguous meaning of the previous sentence affects the interpretation toward this sentence. if the previous sentence is in a present continuous tense, the sentence would be “i am a t-rex”. however, this sentence would be “i will be a t-rex” if the previous sentence is in a simple future tense. based on syntactic analysis from data picture 1 until picture 8, the writer concludes that most pictures have two lines of caption, although some of them have one line or more than two lines. the language in lolcat uses omission, modification, and movement in its message delivered. the omission occurs by deleting subject (picture 1), auxiliary verb (picture 1, 6, and 8), article (picture 1, 3, 4, and 6), and modal (picture 8). in modification, lolcat users change “am” into “is” (picture 1 and 3), “are” into “is” (picture 4), “have” into “has” (picture 4), “get” into “gets” (picture 2 and 5), and “put” into “puts” (picture 7). at last, the movement occurs by putting modals in front of the subject in a yes/no interrogative so a question form changes into a statement. all data results are put in the table below. no. data omission modification movement 1. picture 1  “do” as an auxiliary verb  “i” as a subject  “am” as an auxiliary verb  “the” as an article  change “am” into “is” 2. picture 2   change “get” into “gets” 3. picture 3  “a” as an article  “the” as an article  change “am” into “is”  auxiliary verb “is” comes after the subject to express yes/no interrogative 4. picture 4  “a” as an article is omitted if the noun is singular  change “are” into “is”  modal “can” comes after the subject to vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 79  suffix –s is omitted if the noun is plural  change “have” into “has” express yes/no interrogative 5. picture 5   change “get” into “gets” 6. picture 6  “is” as an auxiliary verb  “the” as an article  7. picture 7   change “put” into “puts” 8. picture 8  if it is a simple present continuous sentence: “are” as an auxiliary verb and suffix –ing.  if it is a simple future sentence: “will” as a modal.  “be” is modified by omitting those parts of speech, sometimes the language does not have any tenses as in picture 8. the most important part in every sentence in lolcat is the message or the head of the sentence. it is proven since the main subject and main verb are written in conventional english. as appearing in all data, no sentences are typed on the face of the cat’s picture. they are typed in the top and/or the bottom of the whole picture. the picture is not covered because it gives a big role in delivering the message. the writer finds that in order to catch the message, readers have to correlate the words with the picture. for an example in a picture 3 where there is a picture of a cat which has black fur right on its mouth. in order to give the humorous situation, the word there (mustache) tries to inform that the fur is a moustache. henceforth, sentences in lolcat meme are meant to describe the picture. since lolcat only has limited space, sentences written there are usually consist of one sentence (picture 2 and picture 5), two sentences (picture 1, picture 3, picture 6, picture 7, and picture 8). there is only one picture (picture 4) which has three sentences. based on this nature, the writer concludes that it is logical that the unconventional english is created because the limited space. however, as an internet product, lolcat meme is not the only meme. as known before that internet meme nowadays are 2,116 (www.knowyourmeme .com/memes: may 10, 2015), lolcat meme has free word variations while other memes have patterned sentences. according to the previous analysis, topic which is talking in lolcat meme varies from declarative, interrogative, and imperative. therefore, concluding that the conventional english appears as a result of limited space is too shallow. the effect of unconventional english syntax towards virality from communication perspective, the writer sees that this language phenomenon does not violate the meaning of transferring the message. although many words are modified, the core idea of a sentence is not changed. as appear in the examples above, words like “contest”, “winner”, or “toy” are quite enough for readers to get the idea of the picture. the modifications, however, create a simple yet free form of using the language itself. regarding the fact that internet is a place where people from all around the world meet and talk, lolcat meme provides each user to transfer any messages in a simple grammar. its easy structure maintains fidelity of lolcat meme since such structure only occur in this meme. it also has to be underlined that finally, users from france can communicate with an american using english without difficulties to memorize that “i” should have an “am” as its auxiliary verb. since more people can apply the idea of this meme, more meme can be promoted in the website. therefore, simplicity and freedom are identities of lolcat meme although it is very http://www.knowyourmeme/ daniel laksono & adventina putranti 80 possible that other internet memes with the same feature will emerge. those modifications, simplifying, and moving make lolcat meme unique, attractive, and easy to be memorized so that more internet users can use lolcat meme. conclusion existing among many other internet memes, lolcat meme has features the other memes does not have; freedom and simplicity. although this meme first appeared in 2005, today it is the only meme that has a website and even the bible version. lolcat meme is the only meme in the internet in which users can use it for communication because users can use any words to express any ideas without difficulties to memorize the english grammar. in using the language, lolcat meme usually manipulate words through clipping, logogram, contraction, and nonstandard spelling. in nonstandard spelling, users even transform the sound into word; make it as how the word is sounded. some unconventional words are widely used as they appear in several memes such as iz or “is” and haz or “has”. syntactically, there are three variations that is applied in lolcat meme; omission, modification, and movement. omission occurs by deleting subject, auxiliary verb, article, and modal. in modification, lolcat users tend to use iz or “is” and haz or “has” rather than “am”, “are”, or “have”. meanwhile, movement usually occurs in a yes/no interrogative question where “has” and “can” precede the subject. those features make lolcat meme survive among other internet memes. they maintain the fidelity, fecundity, and longevity. although some messages could be ambiguous, the virality of lolcat meme proves that such features can be accepted by internet users from all around the world. references blackmore, susan. the meme machine. oxford: oxford university press, 1999. chen, carl. “the creation and meaning of internet memes in 4chan: popular internet culture in the age of online digital reproduction”. habitus. vol. 3 no. 1 (2012): pp. 6-19, 2012. crystal, david. language and the internet. cambridge: cambridge university press, 2001. 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2580-5878 (online) 69 implicitation and deletion in the translation of band of brothers’ subtitle and their effect on the translation quality muhammad fajar aryana, m. r. nababan, djatmika,, master degree program in translation studies, universitas sebelas maret, surakarta abstract the space for the subtitle has been a limited space for translators to accommodate the whole message from source to target language. however, the combination between textual multimodality and the techniques of how to make it more implicit should bridge the gap between message of the target text and the viewers. the viewers can still catch the meaning of the utterance not only based on the text but also from the other modality such as gesture, audio and other audio-visual effect on the scene.this study aims to find out the effect of implicitation and deletion, used in translating subtitle, on translation quality. the translation quality assessment includes the level accuracy, acceptability and readability of the text. this study is also a pilot study for the master degree thesis exploring the translation techniques, in this case implicitation and deletion, which are commonly used in subtitle to make the source text more implicit in the target text. based on the findings of the research, the translators tends to apply implicitation rather than deletion to make the text more implicit. keywords: implicitation, deletion, translation quality assessment introduction in the process of translating the subtitle, there are several rules to which the translator has to relate and consider. those rules have made the translator more limited and bound other than translating any other form of text like novel or book. as karamitroglou (1998) had proposed earlier in his study about a set of rules or standard in subtitling, which covers position of the text; segmentation and the length of the text line; numbers of lines; number of characters per line;duration; etc., the need of simplification or making the subtitle more concised became more and more inevitable. the other related studies connected to implicitation are mostly brought together with the concept of explicitation as the argument toward klaudy’s operational asymmetry (2001) and klaudy and karoly’s theory of explicitation and implicitiation (2005). they did not relate implicitation with the other translation techniques such as deletion and did not connect the discussion further with translation quality assessment. hjort-pedersen dan faber (2010) in their research used legal text translation from beginner translator and found that obligatory explicitation and implicitation as the most occurrences. hjort-pedersen dan faber (2013) continued their research on explicitation and implicitation from three translated legal texts based on three parameters; influence in meaning transfer, authenticity and informative function of translation. sorensen (2010) used five legal texts along with the translation and found that explicitation occurred five times more frequent than implicitation with comparison five texts out of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad fajar aryana, m.r. nababan & djatmika 70 six texts. kruger (2013) conducted research on explicitation and implicitation in the context of scientific and technical translation with cognitive linguistics as the approach. murtisari (2013) found the meaning shifts caused by explicitation and implicitation using relevance theory and scalar typology as the approach. she also found that using those approaches is more accommodative and more consistent on the classification. hariry (2014) concluded that implicitness found in subtitle is more frequent than in dubbing version by comparing and analyzing five different movies. mozetic (2014) identified background, consequence and solution of implicitation and explicitation which were the most frequent techniques used in literature translation in slovenia. he also found that explicitation acts as a shield or cover for beginners to play more safely as translators and which differs them from experienced translator. in this study, it will be presented the concept of implicitation and deletion in their application of translating subtitle and their effect toward the translation quality using pragmatics as the approach. the translation quality assessment itself covers the level of accuracy, readability and acceptability. methods this study is a descriptive and qualitative study because the data are utterances or in other word is a document, multiple, collected based on the purpose of the study and cannot be separated from their context. it is an embedded case study where the writer analyses implicitation and deletion in the subtitle of band of brothers and its translation in indonesian. it can also be categorized into ethnographic study since the writer has to take part in collecting data and information. the information collected in this study is about the translation quality assessment from reliable informants who have background knowledge in translation and are expert to this field. pragmatics has been chosen as the approach to determine which utterances are experiencing implicitation and deletion, since utterances cannot be separated from context and context in conversation is related to pragmatics. the main data source is band of brothers miniseries’ subtitle, its translation in indonesian version and information about translation quality assessment which are collected from the informant or rater. meanwhile, the data in this study are classified into two, the first one is the primary, which are utterances containing implicitation and deletion in band of brothers’ subtitle, their translation and translation quality assessment, and the second one is the secondary data which contains information from other studies or journals related to this study. in collecting the data, criterion-based selection is used to determine the data criteria and informant. the techniques in data collection are document analysis, questionnaire and interview or focused group discussion. document analysis is used to determine utterances in subtitle which are experiencing implicitation and deletion. questionnaire and interview or focused group discussion are used to collect the data about translation quality assessment. data analysis includes domain, taxonomy, componential and also theme analysis (spradley, 1980). result 1. type of implicitation in their previous study, vinay and darbelnet define implicitation as “a stylistic translation technique which consists of making what is explicit in the source language implicit in the target language, relying on the context or the situation for conveying the meaning” (1995:344). then, according to klaudy and karoly (2005:15), “implicitation occurs, for instance, when a sl unit with a specific meaning is replaced by a tl unit with a more general meaning; when translators combine the meanings of several sl words in one tl word; when meaningful lexical elements of the sl text are dropped in the tl text; when two or more sentences in the st are conjoined into one sentence in the tt; or, when st clauses are reduced to phrases in the tt, etc.” from this definition, implicitation can be classified into several types. the first type of implicitation can be defined as an occurrence of a sl unit with a journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 71 specific meaning is replaced by a tl unit with a more general meaning. data eps01d14 st: no, it's all right. we're tommies, we’re being boche. tt: tidak apa-apa. kita teman. tidak sakit bosch. teman in this case has the same meaning with ‘friend’, while tommies means ‘british soldiers’. the translator decided to choose teman which has more general meaning. eps04d106 st: but if i can't see the bugger, i can't bloody hell shoot him, can i? tt: jika aku tidak bisa melihatnya maka aku tidak bisa menembaknya kan? on the first part of occurrence, it is an implicitation which convert the word with a more specific meaning ‘bugger’ into a more general one ‘-nya’. ‘bugger’ is an offensive word to express that a person is a silly and annoying one, while in the indonesian version it is only represented in the word ‘-nya’ which has the same meaning with ‘it’ for undefined object and ‘him’ or ‘her’ if the speaker and the partner already set their common understanding or knowledge to the subject of conversation. on the second occurrence, there is another technique which dropped the swearing word in the source text. this technique is called ‘reduction’ and it affects the accuracy level in the translation quality assessment. if the utterance only consists of implicitation, then the accuracy level will stay on the highest score. since there is reduction on the same utterance, then the level of accuracy will drop one to the lower level. the second type of implicitation is when the meanings of several sl words are combined into one tl word. data eps01d30 st: soon your son will be dropped from the sky to engage and defeat the enemy. tt: putramu akan segera melakukan penerjunan untuk berperang. berperang has the closest meaning ‘to go to war’, while ‘engage and defeat the enemy’ has the identical idea with ‘going to war’. that is why the translator combined the two words into one. eps11d229 st: and then i saw an arm stuck out of the tent and one of the potato masher grenades, you know with stick come out of there. tt: lalu aku melihat sebuah tangan keluar dari tenda itu dan salah satu granat yang mempunyai tongkat, keluar dari tenda itu. ‘potato masher grenades’ which refer to a specific kind of grenade in military field and consists of three words then combined into just one word ‘granat’ or ‘grenade’. the third type of implicitation is when meaningful lexical elements of the sl text are dropped in the tl text. data eps01d12 st: you are hereby transferred out of my regiment. tt: kau dikeluarkan dari resimenku. ‘hereby’ has the same meaning dengan ini in indonesian. in this, case the translator dropped the word ‘hereby’. eventhough the word ‘hereby’ is dropped from the target text, the viewers can still understand that the speaker wants to expel his partner out from his unit. the word which is dropped is just the small part and not really affecting the whole utterance. it is neither affecting the meaning nor the main message of the utterance. eps01d16 st: sorry about your brother, bill. tt: aku turut menyesal, bill in this data, it is not only one element but there are two meaningful lexical elements which are dropped. however, even if the viewers cannot see those elements on the subtitle, they can still get the main message of the text. the utterance on the target text still shows the offering of condolence from the partner to the speaker. eps10d219 st: it’s just if the war is still on in pacific and i could do some good over there. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad fajar aryana, m.r. nababan & djatmika 72 tt: tapi jika perang masih berkobar di pasifik dan aku bisa membantu. implicitation occurs in this utterance by dropping ‘over there’ and there is another technique which changes the meaning of ‘only’ in the word ‘just’ with the word ‘tapi’ which offers the meaning ‘but’ in the target text. the second technique occurs in the beginning of the text is called ‘discursive creation’. it decreases the level of accuracy of the text from the highest level into the second lower level. the fourth type of implicitation is when two or more sentences in the st are conjoined into one sentence in the tt. data eps01d02 st: how far up? how far down? tt: seberapa jauh? seberapa jauh has the meaning ‘how far’. in this case, the translator sees that ‘how far up’ and ‘how far down’ can be simplified but can still convey the meaning of asking ‘how far’. the fifth type of implicitation is when st clauses are reduced to phrases in the tt. data eps05d131 st: he is recovered but it’s going to be a long haul tt: dia akan sembuh, tapi lama lama in indonesian has the same meaning with ‘long’. 2. deletion or omission the deletion of a part or the whole part of the sl text and the message is not conveyed in other part of the tl text. in this technique the meaning of the text is lost as well as the text (molina and albir, 2002) data eps01d10 st: tipper: no, sir, it's here. you're a full grid off. tt: tidak, pak. persimpangannya di sini. as it can be seen from the data, the second utterance, ‘you're a full grid off’, is completely deleted along with the message which the source text meant to carry. therefore, there is no process of meaning transfer in this data because the viewers cannot get a part of the text let alone the full version of the text. eps05d132 st: i’m out of here. i’m going to rheims tt: aku pergi ke rheims without the presence of ‘i’m out of here’, the viewers will not be able to know that the speaker has the willingness to go out of the room and to find out that there is such utterance exists. deletion has been a technique which occupies the lowest level of accuracy, acceptability and readability because the utterance or the text in the source language is completely erased without leaving any single or small part of the source text. from all the data which has been found in this research, there are 25 occurences with first type of implicitation, 8 occurences with second type, 30 occurences with third type, 2 occurrences with fourth type and 1 occurrence with fifth type from overall data in band of brother’s subtitle translation. 3. translation quality assesment the translation quality assessment (tqa) in this study, there are three aspects which have to be considered. these tqa parameters had been proposed by nababan et al (2012:50) earlier which covers accuracy, acceptability and readability. accuracy means the tt has equal meaning or message with the st. a text can be said as the text with high acceptability if it has already conveyed the message (from the st) in accordance with rules, norms and culture in the tt. readability has something to do with the level of understanding and easy-to –read by the reader. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 73 table 3.1 technique translation quality assesment accuracy acceptability readability a la na a la na hr mr lr implicitation 50 17 0 67 0 0 67 0 0 deletion 0 0 19 0 0 19 0 0 19 a-la-na : accurate—less accurate—not accurate a-la-na : acceptable—less acceptable—not acceptable hr-mr-lr : high readabilty—medium readability—low readability from the result of analysis, there are 67 subtitle texts or utterances which have experienced implicitation in the process of translating. from those 67 overall occurences, there are 17 occurences which are categorized as less accurate processes of implicitation. meanwhile, deletion makes 19 occurences in the subtitle translation process. all of them are categorized in the lowest level of accuracy, acceptability and readability. discussion with the findings of implicitation mostly reach the perfect rate in tqa, it can be seen that the reason behind the high rate in tqa is because implicitation mostly doesn’t affect the message from the st, with only few parts of the text which are dropped, and the others are conjoined, combined or replaced with more general unit in the tt. those parts of the text are also mostly not really essential part or have been the common knowledge in the movie. the common knowledge which can assist the reader or audience in understanding the text with implicitation are the gesture of the actors or actresses, the scene, the sound or any other supportive feature in the movie. this phenomenon is what so called multimodality in translation whose theories have been widely explained by several scholars like gottlieb, van leeuwen, kress and diaz cintas. kress in cope and kalantzis [2000:183-184] explained that a text should not be considered as monomodality but rather a multimodality, as the text is connected to the senses of human being. the senses always gets in touch with the surroundings or the worls though the proses of hearing and seeing,that is why it is called multimodality or more than one processes at a time. the same circumstance happens in the level of subtitle in the movie, where more than modal or aspect are correlated and supported on to another. the text is supported by the audio and the gesture of the actors, the visual, to create a better understanding of the situation or scene in the movie. the other 17 occurences of implicitation which reach “less accurate” rate consist of more than one technique in one data or utterance. for instance, one data can consist of two or maybe three techniques. the findings in this study show that those 17 occurences consist of reduction and discursive creation occur together with implicitation in one utterance. these techniques cause the rate in accuracy to drop. deletion, on the other hand, always fills in the lowest rate of tqa because the technique neither renders st into tt nor delivers the message from st to tt. the general reader of the subtitle without any proper background knowledge of st will not be able to realize that there are some parts of st which have been deleted by the translator. implicitation also becomes the preference for the translator in this movie to render the st into the tt without ‘hurting’ the st or making an ill-formed tt. the translator will still be able to convey the message to the reader by reducing, dropping, conjoining or generalizing the st units into the tt. in other words, the tendency of using implicitation in this case is higher than using deletion. since this study mainly focuses on two techniques which have a tendency in making the st more implicit in the tt, it will bring a journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad fajar aryana, m.r. nababan & djatmika 74 better perspective if in the future study there will be a different combination of techniques, such as explicitation and implicititation with a further view of tqa. with that, there will be a clear view whether the translator of the subtitle have a tendency to make his or her text explicit or implicit and whether the explicitation has higher level in tqa than implicitation or vice versa. conclusion implicitation with the occurrence of meaningful lexical elements of the sl text are dropped in the tl text are the type with the most occurrence in overall data. this shows how the translator prefers to have implicitation rather than deletion to maintain the message from the st with 67 occurrences to 19 occurences in the process of translating. deletion is not favorable in the effort of making the st implicit because the tendency to not translate the st or convey the message but rather to delete the utterance completely. the only reason why implicitation has the low accuracy is when reduction and discursive creation are applied in the same utterance as implicitation, other than that implicitation will always have the highest rate for accuracy, acceptability and readability. references arikunto, s. prosedur penelitian: suatu pendekatan praktek. jakarta: bina aksara, 1985. bell, t. roger. translation and translating: theory and practice. new york: longman, inc., 1991. catford, j.c. a linguistic theory of translation. london: oxford university press, 1974. cintaz, jorge diaz dan anderman, gunilla. audiovisual translation. new york: palgrave macmillan, 2009. cope, bill dan kalantzis, mary. multiliteracies: literacy learning and the design of social futures. london: routledge, 2000. hariry, mehdi bagheri. implicitation in dubbing and subtitling. fars: islamic azad university, 2014. hendrastuti, retno. kajian terjemahan metafora yang menunjukkan sikap dalam buku motivasi the secret. tesis. surakarta: uns, 2012. hjort-pedersen, mette and dorrit faber. “explicitation and implicitation in legal translation – a process study of trainee translators” dalam meta: translators' journal, vol. 55,hal: 237-250. 2010. hjort-pedersen, mette dan faber, dorrit. expectancy and professional norms in legal translation: a study of explicitation and implicitation preferences dalam fachsprache 1–2, 2013. karamitroglou, fotios. a proposed set of subtitiling standards in europe. manchester: university of manchester institute of science and technology, 1998. katz, j. j. propositional structure and illocutionary force: a study of the contribution of sentence meaning to speech acts. new york: t. y. crowell, 1977. klaudy, kinga and karoly, krisztina. implicitation in translation: empirical evidence for operational asymmetry in translation dalam across languages and cultures 6 (1), pp. 13–28, 2005. kress, g. and van leeuwen, t.. reading images: the grammar of the visual design. london: routledge, 1996 krüger, ralph. a cognitive linguistic perspective on explicitation and implicitation in scientific and technical translation dalam trans-kom 6 [2] hal:285-314, 2013. krüger, ralph. exploring the interface between scientific and technical translation and cognitive linguistics: the case of journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 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(2) the *afraid cat is hiding under the desk. these types of adjectives are defined as predicate adjectives. these adjectives modifies the subject of the sentence when the subject and verb construction fails to give a complete meaning. predicate adjectives can only appear after copular or perception verbs. the majority of english predicate adjectives begin with the letter a, as in ablaze, abreast, afloat, afire, afraid, aghast, aglow, alert, alike, alive, alone, aloof, ashamed, asleep, awake, and aware. in example (1), the predicate adjective afraid is correctly used right after the linking verb looks in order to describe the cat as the subject of the sentence. however, in example (2) the predicate adjective afraid is incorrectly used because afraid can only occur after a linking verb, not before the noun it describes. in this case, the adjective frightened should be used in order to make the sentence become (3) the frightened cat is hiding under the desk. instead of using the predicate adjective afraid, the sentence uses the attribute adjective frightened. fransisca kristanti 138 with the understanding that adjectives can take comparative forms, the explanation above should also be applicable to the comparative form of adjectives. hence sentences such as (4) the black cat looks more afraid than the white cat. (5) the more frightened cat is hiding under the desk. are considered grammatically correct, whereas (6) the *more afraid cat is hiding under the desk. is considered grammatically incorrect. adjectives are interesting to study due to their variations. therefore, studying adjectives in general will be overwhelming. for the research of adjectives allows many researches, a limitation should be made. in order to make it more contributive it should be more focused. hence, this research sets its limitation only to comparative form of adjectives. numerous comparative adjectives are used in real-life communication, which gives more factual usage of these forms. this research analyzes the comparative adjectives found in the written corpus. for this particular study, the analysis will be limited to the comparative adjectives collected from the british national corpus (bnc). bnc is chosen because it systematically collects both spoken and written real-life texts. the corpus has contents which follow sampling principles and is aimed for research purposes. as a reference corpora, it lists texts from various discourses, thus, resembling real-life communication. furthermore, bnc contains the collection of both spoken and written language in various text types, thus, it represents language variety as a whole. the goal of this research is to identify the distribution of comparative adjectives’ semantic classes based on their syntactic functions, thus this particular study focuses on two objectives. the first objective is to find the semantic classes of the comparative adjectives. by finding the semantic classes, it is expected that a pattern of the most common class of comparative adjectives is revealed. the second objective is to find the syntactic functions of the comparative adjectives. it is expected that the most common function of the comparative adjectives as modifier of noun will be the most frequent finding in this research. this research shall benefit those who are interested in the research of semantics by putting the focus on the semantic classes in which the comparative adjectives mostly occur. moreover, this research provides the distribution of syntactic functions. this research will be more specific and rewarding by only focusing to analyze those who occur most or why they do not occur in certain functions. theoretical review this section focuses on three basic theories which are relevant in achieving the goal of this research. the first theory is on the comparative forms of adjectives. the second theory is about the semantic roles of adjectives. the third theory is on the syntactic functions of the adjectives. 1. comparative adjectives english adjectives can be divided into three degrees of comparison. quirk & greenbaum (1973: 130) present three comparison degrees of adjectives namely absolute, comparative, and superlative. the absolute degree concerns with basic form of adjectives such as old and beautiful. the comparative degree concerns with the comparative form of adjectives such as older and more beautiful. the superlative degree concerns with the superlative form of adjectives such as oldest and most beautiful. since this research focuses only on the comparative adjectives, thus the absolute and superlative degrees shall be disregarded. according to quirk & greenbaum (1973: 131) there are three expressions of comparative forms of adjectives. the first form of comparatives is the inflected forms in which there is an addition of the suffix –er into the adjectives as what happens in older vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 139 and younger. the second form is what quirk & greenbaum address as “their periphrastic equivalents” (131). this comparative form involves the use of more as in more beautiful and more expensive. the third form is the lesser degree which uses less as the comparative form as in less helpful and less capable. downing and locke (2006: 485) give a clearer explanation on the comparative adjectives. there are two types of comparative adjectives namely comparative superiority and comparative inferiority. concerning the comparative superiority, they state that there are two general forms of comparative degrees and one form consisting of the exceptions. the two general forms of comparative adjectives are the inflected forms and the analytic forms. the forms for the exceptions are the suppletive forms. regarding the comparative inferiority, there is only one form which is the analytic forms which involve the addition of less. the inflected forms of comparative adjectives involve the addition of the suffix – er. these inflected forms are applicable for short adjectives consisting only one syllable – with the exception of right, wrong, and real – and two-syllable adjectives end in –y as in happier. inflection can also be applied in disyllabic adjectives ending in –ow, like in narrower, and short adjectives ending in weak syllable such as –le as in simpler. the analytic forms involve the addition of the adverbial more. this formation is applicable to two types of adjectives. the first type is the adjectives consisting of two syllables or more, as in more expensive and more diligent. the second type is those which are already inflected as in more complicated and more lovable. the last form of comparative degree is the suppletive forms. there are limited numbers of adjectives which have the suppletive forms of comparatives. the adjectives which have the suppletive forms are good, bad, far, and old. generally, comparative adjectives are used to compare between two things. however, quirk & greenbaum (1973: 131) state that some forms of comparative adjectives have other uses which have nothing to do with comparison whatsoever. below are two examples to illustrate the statement. (7) i am more than happy about your promotion. (8) the painting is more good than bad. in sentence (7), more than happy does not have a comparative meaning. the sentence portrays a certain kind of feeling that is “not adequately expressed by the word happy” (quirk & greenbaum 1973: 131). furthermore, sentence (8) indicates that the quality of the painting is leaning more towards good than towards bad. these theories will be used as the foundation in analyzing the comparative adjectives. by referring to the theory of adjectives, the validity comparative adjectives found from the data collection shall be analyzed. this shall be useful in eliminating the sentences which contain comparative forms, yet do not carry comparative meanings. 2. semantic classes downing and locke (2006) present the theory of semantic classes of adjectives. according to them, adjectives can be classified into two semantic classes namely descriptors and classifiers. descriptors are adjectives “that describe the referent” (480) and classifiers are adjectives which subclassify the referent. the descriptors express seven types of meaning. the first type of meaning is the one concerning size, weight, or extent such as huge/tiny, heavy/light, and wide/narrow. the second type of meaning is the one related to color. the examples of the adjectives in this type of meaning are green, orange, purple, gray, and crimson. the third type of meaning is the meanings related to time such as young, recent, annual, biweekly, and late. the fourth type of meaning contains evaluative meaning as in good, bad, pretty, nice, horrible, shocking, and awful. the fifth type of meaning is the one describing “an active or passive process” (480) such as enlightening, tired, frightening, fransisca kristanti 140 worn out, and soothing. the sixth type of meaning is related to “general qualities” (480) as in warm, cool, bitter, hard, boring, and bright. the seventh type of meaning is the one related to “a temporary state” (480) which are predicate adjectives such as asleep, alone, awake, and ajar. there are three types of classifiers: restrictive, group-related, and “categoryspecific meanings” (downing and locke 2006: 480). restrictive classifiers restrict the noun referent in its relation to other referents. examples of adjectives that fall in this type are “average, additional, chief, complete, entire, final, following, initial, main, only, particular, primary, public, single, standard” (480) and those referring to either place or time such as old, new, previous, former, right, and left. group-related classifiers refer to certain groups such as nationalities, political group, and religious groups such as american, republican, and christian. finally, “category-specific meanings” (480) classifiers are associated with certain culture, science, and other specific fields. example of these classifiers is nuclear, medical, and parliamentary. 3. syntactic functions syntactically, adjectives can be distributed and function in phrase and clause structures. downing and locke (2006) state that there are five functions that the adjectives realize in phrase structure and two functions that they realize in clause structure. in phrase structure, adjectives can function as pre-modifier in a noun phrase, post-modifier in a noun phrase, head of a noun phrase, complement of a preposition, and modifier in an adjective phrase. adjectives function as pre-modifier in a noun phrase such as in (9) a good friend (10) extreme drought (11) an old book in the following examples, the adjectives function as post-modifiers in noun phrases. (12) something expensive (13) the person responsible the following gives the example of the adjectives as the head of noun phrases. (14) the spanish (15) the young (16) the most sophisticated adjectives function as the complement of a preposition as given in downing and locke (2006: 481) (17) at last (18) for good (19) in short finally, the following are the example of adjectives which function as modifiers in adjective phrases. (20) shocking pink (21) dull red (22) tainted green in clause structure, there are two functions of adjectives. first, adjectives function as subject complements as in (23) the performance was magnificent. (24) her voice is extraordinary. and second, adjectives function as object complements as in (25) i assume the painting expensive (26) they think your remark offensive this is used as the basic theory for the data analysis. the realization of adjectives in both phrase structure and clause structure are analyzed to support the findings. research methodology this part discusses two aspects in the methodology used in this research. first, the data collection elaborates the steps taken to gather the data for this research. second, the data analysis presents the processes done to analyze the data collected. 1. data collection there were three steps done in the process of collecting data. step one was accessing the source, step two was limiting vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 141 the parameters for the query, and step three was submitting the query. this particular research relied on the written data collected from the corpus as the source. first, written utterances containing various comparative adjectives taken from a collection of english corpora in the british national corpus were selected as the source of the data for this research the second step was deciding the number of the sentences used as the data of this research. two hundred characters were chosen for each sentence in the attempt of minimizing the possibility of having fragmented sentences. two hundred sentences were collected. by collecting two hundred sentences, the number of sentences to choose was maximized should there be fragmented or identical sentences. moreover, the possibility of having sentences with comparative form which were not comparative adjectives also becomes the reason of choosing to have two hundred sentences. the third step was submitting the query which met the requirements of this research. firstly, the parameters of the query should be set. thus for the concordance, the context was set for two hundred characters which will be sorted by word for the focus of this research are the lexical units of comparative adjectives. the output set was for two hundred lines with the hope of getting 200 examples of sentences containing comparative adjectives. for his data collection, the collocations box was left intact. secondly, the tags for the search are set into comparative adjectives. fortunately, this tag is provided by the corpora. therefore by clicking “english tags”, a list of english tags appears including the comparative adjectives. so “adjective, comparative (jjr)” was set as the tag for the search. thirdly, bnc was chosen as the data source for the search before submitting the query. two hundred sentences containing comparative adjectives appeared as the result of the search. 2. data analysis there were three focuses in the data analysis. the first focus was distributing the cycles for the analysis. the second focus was analyzing semantic classes of the comparative adjectives. the third focus was analyzing the syntactic functions of the comparative adjectives. there were two stages in the cycle distribution. the first stage was deciding the cycle for analyzing semantic classes of the comparative adjectives. the second stage was deciding the cycle to analyze syntactic functions of the comparative adjectives. to decide the cycle for analyzing the semantic classes of the comparative adjectives, some conditions had to be considered before deciding the number of sentences to be analyzed in each cycle. the consideration was based on the number of the subclasses in the semantic classes. considering the two major semantic classes for adjectives namely descriptors and classifiers have more sub-classes, the number of the sub-classes would be used to determine the number of the sentences in each cycle. there were seven sub-classes of descriptors (size/weight/extent, color, time, evaluative, process, general qualities, and temporary state) and three sub-classes of classifiers (restrictive, groups, and categoryspecific). in order to allow the ten sub-classes to be repeated at least twice and to allow different forms of comparative adjectives to appear, thirty sentences were going to be analyzed for each cycle. on the other hand, even though there are only seven syntactic functions of comparative adjectives, it was decided to analyze thirty sentences for every cycle. this decision was closely related to the goal of this research. in order to identify the distribution of their semantic classes based on their syntactic functions, the analyzed sentences had to be exactly the same. thus, only the ones that had been analyzed for their semantic classes which were analyzed further for their syntactic functions. fransisca kristanti 142 in the first cycle analysis of the semantic classes, six sub-classes were found. the analysis in the second cycle resulted in the finding of five sub-classes in which all were the same with the first cycle. continuing to the third cycle, five sub-classes were found. all five sub-classes in found in the third cycle were also the same with those found in the second cycle. since there was no more new sub-classes found, the analysis was stopped. in the analysis of the syntactic functions of comparative adjectives, three syntactic functions were found in the analysis of the first cycle. the second cycle showed three syntactic functions, two functions were the same as those found in the first cycle and one function was different. in the third cycle, three functions were found. all three functions found in the third cycle were the same as those found in the second cycle. thus, the analysis was stopped after finishing the analysis in the third cycle. results and discussions this part is divided into three areas of discussions. first discussion concerns the finding of the semantic classes’ distribution of comparative adjectives. second discussion is on the syntactic functions distribution of comparative adjectives. third discussion covers the distribution of comparative adjectives’ semantic classes based on their syntactic functions. 1. semantic classes distribution of comparative adjectives the result of semantic classes’ analysis of the comparative adjectives shows that the distribution is dominated by the descriptors. eighty four out of ninety sentences are in the class of descriptors. in other words, 93.33% of the analyzed sentences are descriptors and only 6.67% of them are classifiers. comparative adjectives collected from the british national corpus mostly have the function of describing their referent instead of sub-classifying them. the number of those which describe their referent is almost fourteen times bigger than those which subclassify them. in a more specific analysis, the analysis of semantic sub-classes distribution of comparative adjectives, there are five subclasses of descriptors and one sub-class of classifiers which are identified from the overall data. the five sub-classes of descriptors identified from the data are size/weight/extent descriptors, time descriptors, evaluative descriptors, general qualities descriptors, and temporary state descriptors. the only sub-class of classifiers identified from the data is the restrictive classifiers, those which restrict their referents in its relation to others. it is also noted that some semantic subclasses are absence in the analyzed data. two sub-classes of descriptors and two subclasses of classifiers are not present in the analyzed sentences. the two absent subclasses of descriptors are time descriptors and process descriptors. in the classifiers sub-classes, the two which are absent are group classifiers and category-specific classifiers. the distribution of the semantic subclasses of comparative adjectives is given in the table below. table1. semantic classes distribution of comparative adjectives semantic sub-classes cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 average size/weight/extent descriptors 56.67% 60.00% 70.00% 62.22% evaluative descriptors 23.33% 16.67% 6.67% 15.56% time descriptors 6.67% 6.67% 13.33% 8.89% restrictive classifiers 6.67% 10.00% 3.33% 6.67% general qualities descriptors 3.33% 6.67% 6.67% 5.56% temporary state descriptors 3.33% 0.00% 0.00% 1.11% vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 143 the table shows the semantic subclasses distribution of comparative adjectives from the highest to the lowest. from the table, it is visible that the most occurrences are in the sub-class of size/weight/extent descriptors with 62.22% whereas the least occurrence is in the sub-class of temporary state descriptors with only 1.11%. evaluative descriptors, in the second position, are mostly identified in the first cycle of the analysis. only a third of the number is identified in the third cycle. in the third position, time descriptors are more or less equally distributed in the first, second, and third cycles. general qualities descriptors and restrictive classifiers, in the fourth position, are also almost equally distributed in all three cycles. most of the sub-classes are found in all three cycles except the temporary state descriptors which is only found in the first cycle analysis. 2. syntactic functions distribution of comparative adjectives from the analysis, it is found that the comparative adjectives appear in phrases as well as in clauses. from the analysis of syntactic functions, sixty eight sentences are identified to have comparative adjectives functioning in a phrase level and twenty two sentences are identified to have comparative adjectives functioning in a clause level. 75.56% of the analyzed comparative adjectives function syntactically in a phrase level whereas only 24.44% of them function syntactically in a clause level. the syntactic functions distribution of comparative adjectives is presented in the table below. table 2. syntactic functions distribution of comparative adjectives syntactic functions cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 average pre-modifier in a noun phrase 66.67% 86.67% 66.67% 73.33% subject complement in a clause 30.00% 10.00% 30.00% 23.33% head of a noun phrase 0.00% 3.33% 3.33% 2.22% object complement in a clause 3.33% 0.00% 0.00% 1.11% focusing only to the phrase level, the analyzed comparative adjectives from the collected data show only two out of five syntactic functions. the first identified function is as pre-modifiers in a noun phrase. the comparative adjectives in sixty six out of ninety analyzed sentences are identified as pre-modifiers in a noun phase. it means that this function dominates the syntactic functions distribution with the occurrence of 73.33% of the overall data. the second identified function is as head of a noun phrase. in contrast to the high percentage of the function as pre-modifiers in a noun phrase, this function only appears in two sentences in all three cycles thus having 2.22% of the overall data. three other syntactic functions in phrase level are not present in the collected data. those which are absence are the syntactic functions of postmodifier in a noun phrase, complement of a preposition, and modifier in an adjective phrase. in the clause level, the distribution is dominated by the syntactic function of subject complement. comparative adjectives in twenty one out of ninety analyzed sentences are identified as subject complements in a clause. it means that 23.33% of the overall data show comparative adjectives as the subject complements, leaving 1.11% as object complements in a clause. 3. the distribution of comparative adjectives’ semantic classes based on their syntactic functions based on the findings, each syntactic function of comparative adjectives can take either one or more semantic sub-classes. the results of the analysis of semantic classes and syntactic functions of comparative adjectives are summarized in the table below. fransisca kristanti 144 table 3. semantic classes and syntactic functions distribution of comparative adjectives pre-modifier in a noun phrase head of a noun phrase subject complement in a clause object complement in a clause size/weight/extent descriptors 46 1 9 time descriptors 5 2 evaluative descriptors 7 1 6 general qualities descriptors 3 2 temporary state descriptors 1 restrictive classifiers 5 1 a. comparative adjectives as premodifiers in noun phrases as a pre-modifier in a noun phrase, comparative adjectives can take five semantic sub-classes. those semantic sub-classes are size/weight/extent descriptors, time descriptors, evaluative descriptors, general qualities descriptors, and restrictive classifiers. the distribution in this function is dominated by the semantic sub-class of size/weight/extent descriptors. the example of this type is as follow (27) this pattern of greater flexibility toward outside investigation of human rights abuses is also shown by the sri lankan government’s acceptance.... in the given example, the comparative adjective greater modifies the noun flexibility which comes after it and produce a noun phrase greater flexibility. syntactically, the comparative adjective greater functions as a pre-modifier in this particular noun phrase. seeing from the semantic perspective, the basic form of greater is great. great carries the type of meaning which concern extent. therefore, semantically greater stretches the extent of the word it describes, flexible. the second semantic sub-class, the time descriptors, can be seen in the example below (28) an older book, that is one published before around 1900, will only have black and white plates ... in sentence (28) the comparative adjective older precedes the noun it modifies, book. by adding an article an, the combination forms a noun phrase, an older book. thus it confirms its syntactic function as a pre-modifier in a noun phrase. semantically, older contains the type of meanings related to time since it describes the age of the book. thus older is included in the semantic sub-class of time descriptor in the noun phrase an older book. the third semantic sub-class, the evaluative descriptors, is stated in the sentence below (29) ...a habeas corpus petition was upheld by two lower courts. the comparative adjective lower premodifies the noun court forming the noun phrase two lower courts. based on the meaning of the word low, it might not seem to carry an evaluative meaning. however, downing & locke (2006: 480) state that the adjectives which refer to the ranking system carry evaluative meanings. considering the argument, lower in sentence (29) describe a more inferior rank in the line of courts. therefore, it can be concluded that lower carries an evaluative meaning to the word courts. the fourth semantic sub-class, the general qualities descriptors, is given in the following sentence (30) lucas van leyden is an artist of frailer calibre than durer, ... vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 145 frailer, coming from the word frail, has the meaning of general quality. as in the previous example, the comparative adjective frailer syntactically functions as a premodifier of the word calibre, forming the noun phrase frailer calibre. the fifth semantic sub-class, the restrictive classifiers, is seen in the following sentence (31) ...a further letter arrived ... a further letter in sentence (31) is a noun phrase consists of an article a, and a comparative adjective further followed by a noun letter. it was stated previously that restrictive classifiers restrict the noun referent in its relation to other reverent. in sentence (31) the comparative adjective further restricts the word letter in its relation to other types of letter. further carries the meaning of following which is stated as one of the restrictive adjectives based on the argument of downing & locke (2006: 480) b. comparative adjectives as heads of noun phrases based on the analysis, as a head of a noun phrase, comparative adjectives can take two semantic sub-classes. they are size/weight/extent descriptors and evaluative descriptors. the following are examples of comparative adjectives as heads of noun phrases (32) any benefit enjoyed by the donor or a " connected person " as a consequence of making a gift under gift aid must not exceed the lower of £250 or 2½% of the value of the gift. (33) he recognized the truest limits of the medium in which he worked, never allowed technical virtuosity to have the better. in both sentences, the comparative adjectives are preceded with the definite article the. the combination of an article with an adjective only forms a noun phrase. in sentence (32) the comparative adjective lower thus become the head of the noun phrase the lower as better in the better as seen in sentence (33). however, in sentence (32), lower carries the type of meaning concerning size/weight/extent whereas better carries the type of evaluative meaning. c. comparative adjectives as subject complements in clauses as a subject complement in a clause, comparative adjectives can take the semantic sub-classes of size/weight/extent descriptors, time descriptors, evaluative descriptors, general qualities descriptors, and restrictive classifiers. the first semantic sub-class is the size/weight/extent descriptors as seen in the example below (34) this thematic method is combined in many introductory courses with formal analysis which is closer to the way that many artists describe pictures. the comparative adjective closer has the meaning of extent in the sense of abstract relation concerning the distance of the method of analysis being used. closer also functions as the complement of the phrase formal analysis which stands as the subject of the subordinate clause of the sentence. the second semantic sub-class, the time descriptors can be seen in the sentence below (35) today the survival rate of a person with aids is longer than two years, .... syntactically, longer in sentence (35) functions as a complement to the subject the survival rate. semantically, it carries the meaning of time for it does not refer to distance, but it refers to a period of time. the third semantic sub-class, the evaluative descriptors, is presented in the example below (36) share costs of a show is easier for the participants. fransisca kristanti 146 the comparative adjective easier in sentence (36) contains the evaluative type of meaning as in hard, good, and nice. the adjective easy presents an evaluation to the action of sharing the cost of a show. having stated this, easier gives an evaluative description to the phrase to share costs of a show which is the subject of the clause. thus, easier has the syntactic function as a subject complement with evaluative meaning. the fourth semantic sub-class, the general qualities descriptors, is given in the following sentence. (37) ...a colour plate which is readily available (perhaps having been used in another publication) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned. in sentence (37), it can be seen that the comparative adjective cheaper describe the quality of the subject a colour plate. thus cheaper function as the complement of a colour plate which is the subject of the sentence. semantically, since cheap refer to the quality of the goods which is a colour plate, then cheaper carries the general quality meaning in describing the subject. the fifth semantic sub-class, the restrictive classifiers, can be seen in the following example (38) solo shows and mixed exhibitions are more common, .... the comparative adjective more common in sentence (38) describes the noun phrase solo shows and mixed exhibitions which is the subject of the sentence. this makes the comparative adjective more common functions as a subject complement in this sentence. semantically, the adjective common is a member of the classifiers with restrictive meanings. so, more common is also a member of the semantic sub-class of restrictive classifiers. d. comparative adjectives as object complements in clauses as an object complement in a clause, comparative adjectives take the semantic sub-class of temporary state descriptors. from the data collected, there is only one comparative adjective which was identified to have the syntactic function of an object complement in a clause. (39) ...other things which led him more or less astray. the comparative adjective more or less astray can be broken down into more astray or less astray. in this sense, the word more or less can be categorized as a comparative form of adjective. more or less astray refer to the object him and so syntactically they function as the object complement in the clause (39). semantically, astray is considered as a predicate adjective which is the requirement of a temporary state sub-class. thus in clause (39) more or less astray carries the meaning of the semantic sub-class of temporary state descriptors. conclusion concerning the analysis of syntactic functions, the result reveals there are four functions in which the comparative adjectives appears. the comparative adjectives function as a pre-modifier in a noun phrase, as a head of a noun phrase, as a subject complement in a clause and as an object complement in a clause. related to the distribution of comparative adjectives’ semantic classes based on their syntactic functions, they can take more than one semantic sub-class for each syntactic function. as a pre-modifier in a noun phrase, comparative adjectives can take five semantic sub-classes. those semantic sub-classes are size/weight/extent descriptors, time descriptors, evaluative descriptors, general qualities descriptors, and restrictive classifiers. as a head of a noun phrase, comparative adjectives can take two semantic sub-classes. they are size/weight/extent descriptors and evaluative descriptors. as a subject complement in a clause, comparative adjectives can take the semantic sub-classes vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 147 of size/weight/extent descriptors, time descriptors, evaluative descriptors, general qualities descriptors, and restrictive classifiers. as an object complement in a clause, comparative adjectives take the semantic sub-class of temporary state descriptors. from the findings, it can be concluded that the most predictable semantic class and syntactic function of comparative adjectives. the most predictable semantic class for them is the class of descriptors in general and the descriptors with size/weight/extent type of meanings in particular. as for the most predictable syntactic function of comparative adjectives is the function as pre-modifier in a noun phrase. thus, in the real-life usage of adjectives, the claim that attributive adjectives are the most widely used type of adjective is confirmed. references cook, w. a. case grammar theory. washington dc: georgetown university press, 1989. downing, angela and philip locke. english grammar: a university course, 2006. new york: taylor & francis e-library. quirk, randolph and sydney greenbaum. a university grammar of english, 1973. london: longman. quirk, r., s. greenbaum, g. leech, and j. svartvik. a comprehensive grammar of the english language, 1985. new york: longman. ______. a collection of english corpora. 1 may 2012 . web. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 antonius herujiyanto 36 critical writing: bertold brecht’s the caucasian chalk circle (der kaukasische kreidekreis, 1944) antonius herujiyanto english language education study program, sanata dharma university, yogyakarta abstract having read and had discussion on outstanding literary works of european writers, there comes a conviction that the works have indeed played an important role in changing what so-called the course of literary in europe. they are, indeed, masterpieces which are not simply ones that are done with very great skill. there are, indeed, several aspects to consider before determining what a literary masterpiece is—to mention one, its integrity in the light of social conditions and of aesthetics. a better understanding of the works may be achieved, among others, by looking into and situating them in their historical and cultural context. scrutinizing and analyzing brecht’s the caucasian chalk circle is an experience of developing a kind of heightened critical and analytical faculty. it can be poited that the two main characters of the play, grusha and azdak, are made use by brecht to practice his epic theater in general, and his verfremdungseffekt in particular. they are too “estranged” for us to be able to accept them as heroes. brech, however, manages to highlight the vitality of his central characters. key words: outstanding, aesthetic, cultural context, verfremdungseffek the need to act the new drama correctly— more important for the theatre than for the drama—is weakened by the fact that the theatre can act everything; it “theatricalizes” everything. (brecht, 1931) introduction this paper is an attempt to critically look into brecht’s the caucasian chalk circle.1 the emotive effects, main characters and certain dimensions of the so-called brechtian theater as embodied in the play are the focus of this study and within its scope is drama as text. the decision of favoring drama as text is simply due to practical reasons. the caucasian chalk circle is one of the “classics” of the brechtian repertoire. his other plays which have most established his reputation internationally are the life of galileo (leben des galilei) (first version, 1938); mother courage and her children (mutter courage und ihre kinder) (1939); mr. puntila and his man matti (herr puntila und sein knecht matti) (1941); and the good woman from setzuan (der gute mench von sezuan (1939-41). understandably, it is not easy to describe the principles of the brechtian theater or to define what brechtian theater is, especially that—like anything else—there is no such a thing as lasting indefinitely. a twenty year old brecht, for example, is not the same as a thirty five year old brecht; brecht’s opinion on theater in 1948 could be his “only past opinion” when he was in 1955, one year before his death on 14 august 1956. of course, instead of saying everybody changes, we may also say that everybody develops. it is understandably that in the preface of brecht on theater, john willett writes that it is necessary to give and set brecht’s notes and theoretical writing in chronological order to see how brecht’s ideas evolved, gradually vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 37 forming into a certain aesthetic; that it is also important to look into brecht’s endless working and reworking, his nagging at a particular notion until it could be fitted in: the progress from an embryo to an often very differently formulated final concept as well as the amendments and his after-thoughts (brecht, 1986: xiii). actually, much has been said and written about brecht. his importance as a playwright is universally recognized. inspired by ancient tradition, he nevertheless developed a new technique for his theater, taking practical steps toward refunctioning (umfunktionierung) the so-called old theater. as a result, not only did he develop a new technique, but also introduced certain terms. in ousby’s the cambridge guide to literature in english, for example, brecht is mentioned that he coined the word verfremdung (alienation) to carry his meaning, and that his using of “alienation effects influenced all the major political writers of the post-war english theater from john arden … to … howard brenton” (18). brecht’s fundamental technique or rather his alienation effect (verfremdungseffekt) is not, admittedly, as simple as what one might first think: reminding the spectators that they are watching a play; making the stage machinery visible; having the characters talk or sing directly to the audience, and so on. besides, verfremdungseffekt is only one aspect of what they call brecht’s theater or epic theater. in order to know him better is, unavoidably, to look deeper into all aspects of epic theater. the theories on which this study is built, however, are those of “brecht’s journeys,” from 1918 up to 1956, and particularly those of his “kleines organon für das theater” or “a short organum for the theater” which he wrote from 1947 to 1948. realizing that to follow through all of “brecht’s journey” can mean falling into the trap of brecht’s inconsistencies and ending up with simply following—as the cambridge guide puts it—“the point can be grasped without theory. it cannot be grasped from the theory alone … ” (187), this study will take the compromising path: taking brecht’s theory to a certain extent and using his own practicing a form of theater which is “naïve” and at the same time addressing itself to the audience’s capacity for reflection. this study will only deal with the emotive effects, some dimensions of what so-called brechtian theater and the main characters in his the caucasian circle chalk. synopsis the caucasian chalk circle (der kaukasische kreidekreis) consists of one “prologue” and five acts (“the noble child,” “the flight into the northern mountains,” “in the northern mountains,” “the story of the judge, and “the circle chalk”); narrative chorus of three or four singers in unrhymed irregular verse; and, twelve songs, of which four sung by the singers. there are more than 30 characters in the play. two of the main characters are grusha vashnadze and azdak. the play—written in 1944-5—is a story of young georgian girl, grusha, who saves the infant child of a tyrannical governor during an insurrection or rather a rebellion. this story of grusha and the “high-born child” is made into a play within a play—the scenes are preceded by a scene set in the contemporary world about what may be called “the fight over the valley” where two collective farms from georgia in the former soviet union are in dispute about which one has the better claim to a valley. this simple story of the play— superficially influenced by the communist moral—seems to be sufficient in itself: first, demonstrating the principle that greater productivity constitutes a better claim to the valley than traditional rights of possession and second, when the real mother disputes possession of the child with grusha before the judge azdak, the verdict goes in grusha’s favour because she alone has shown a true motherly nature and it is politically irrelevant. the final moral is that both valley and the child should go to whoever serves them best. to be more explicit, anyway, the play is set in feudal georgia, before the invention of firearms. the prelude shows two soviet antonius herujiyanto 38 collective farms meeting in 1945 to decide which should have a certain valley. they are told the story which constitutes the play proper: the governor of a georgian city is overthrown and killed by a nobles’ revolt. his wife flees, leaving her baby son behind. grusha, a servant girl, takes him and look after him; she escapes to her brother’s in the mountains, where she has to marry a supposedly dying peasant in order to give it a name and a status. when the revolt ends the governor’s wife sends troops to fetch grusha and the child back to city, and sues for the child’s return. with the beginning of the fourth act the story flashes back to the day of the revolt to trace the disreputable career of the “two faces-judge” azdak. he is, in fact, a tramp-like village scoundrel whom the rebellious soldiers appoint him judge. in the last act he tries the case, and settles it by reversing the old test of the chalk circle: the child is given to grusha because she cannot bear the traditional tug-of-war which is supposed to end in the child’s being drawn out of the circle by maternal attraction. at the same time he gives grusha a divorce so that she can return to her soldier fiancé. brecht’s theater theory actually the basis of brecht’s theoretical writing can be seen in his brecht on theater, especially in paragraph 75 of his “kleines organon” where he declares his war against the orthodox theater; he is not happy at all with what so called the pretentious german classical stage (brecht, 1986: 204): and here once again let us recall that their task is to entertain the children of the scientific age, and to do so with sensuousness and humour. this is something that we germans cannot tell ourselves too often, for with us everything easily slips into the insubstantial and unapproachable, and we begin to talk of weltanschauung when the world in question has already dissolved. even materialism is little more than an idea with us. sexual pleasure with us turns into marital obligations, the pleasures of art subserve general culture, and by learning we mean not an enjoyable process of finding out, but the forcible shoving of our nose into something. our activity has none of the pleasure of exploration, and if we want to make an impression we do not say how much fun we have got out of something but how much effort it has cost us. admittedly, many theaters in the world (even up to now) are influenced by aristotle who emphasized the universality and unity of the tragic action, and the identification of spectators and hero in empathy which produces a “catharsis” of emotions: the designs on the spectators’ emotions tend, undoubtedly, to prevent the very spectators from using their head; they are drawn into the “plot” and urged to identify themselves with the characters. in paragraph 26 of his “kleines organon,” brecht writes (brecht, 1986: 187): for such an operation as this we can hardly accept the theatre as we see it before us. let us go into one of these houses and observe the effect which it has on the spectators. looking about us, we see somewhat motionless figures in a peculiar condition: they seem strenuously to be tensing all their muscles, except where these are flabby and exhausted. they scarcely communicate with each other; their relations are those of a lot of sleepers, though of such as dream restlessly because, as is popularly said of those who have nightmares, they are lying on their backs. true, their eyes are open, but they stare rather than see, just as they listen rather than hear. they look at the stage as if in a trance: an expression which comes from the middle ages, the days of witches and priests. seeing and hearing are activities, and can be pleasant ones, but these people seem relieved of activity and like men to whom something is being done. this detached state, where they seem to be given over to vague but profound sensations, grows deeper the better the work of the actors, and so we, as we do not approve of this situation, should like them to be as bad as possible. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 39 he also says in paragraph 27, how wretched stuff such as a few pieces of cardboard, a little miming, a bit of text like those of the theater folk can move the feelings of the audience amazingly. according to brecht, the orthodox theater seems morally and intellectually degrading because it makes it harder for the spectators to understand the world in which they really live. in his the theatre of bertolt brecht, john willett writes “even the world of the past becomes falsified when it is presented to the emotions in this way; psychologically, the classics then come to be played in fancy dress” (170). concerning this, in paragraph 12 of his “kleines organon” brecht says, “… our theatres no longer have either the capacity or the wish to tell these stories, even the relatively recent ones of the great shakespeare, at all clearly: i.e. to make the connection of events credible” (brecht, 1986: 183). then, again in paragraph 34, brecht says, “ … the feelings, insights and impulses of the chief characters are forced on us, and so we learn nothing more about society than we can get from the ‘setting’.” indeed, it is too much of his bitterness that in paragraph 29 of his “kleines organon” brecht feels that he must write, “that is the sort of theatre which we face in our operations, and so far it has been fully able to transmute our optimistic friends, whom we have called the children of the scientific era, into a cowed, credulous, hypnotized mass” (brecht, 1986: 188-189). in his “schwierigkeiten des epischen theaters” or “the epic theater and its difficulties,” brecht says that what the audience sees in fact is a battle between theater and play: the most important thing is not the play’s effect on the audience but its effect on the theater. the goal is how the theater manages to work out the style of production, a style that can lend new force to a whole section of the theatrical repertoire. it is—brecht says further—“the epic theatre is the theatrical style of our time” (brecht, 1986: 22-23). explaining the principles of the epic theater, brecht posits: to expound the principles of the epic theatre in a few catch-phrases is not possible. they still mostly need to be worked out in detail, and include representation by the actor, stage technique, dramaturgy, stage music, use of the film, and so on. the essential point of the epic theatre is perhaps that it appeals less to the feelings than to the spectator’s reason. instead of sharing an experience the spectator must come to grisps with things. at the same time it would be quite wrong to try and deny emotion to this kind of theatre. it would be much the same thing as trying to deny emotion to modern science (brecht, 23). the word “epic” is actually an aristotelian term for a form of narrative that is “not tied to time,” whereas a “tragedy” is bound by the unties of time and place (see, aristotle, poetics (2), 5,4 and schumacher 160-165).2 the basic meaning of “epic” even in brecht’s use of the term is “a sequence of incidents or events, narrated without artificial restrictions as to time, place or relevance to a formal ‘plot’” (willett 171). brecht, in his “the modern theatre is the epic theatre,” writes that the modern theatre is the epic theatre and shows certain changes of emphasis as between the dramatic and the epic theatre (brecht, 1986: 37): dramatic theatre epic theatre plot narrative implicates the spectator in a stage situation turns the spectator into an observer, but wears down his power for action arouses his power of action provides him with sensations forces him to take decisions experience picture of the world suggestion argument instinctive feelings are preserved brought to the point of recognition the spectator is in the thick of it, shares the experience the spectator stands outside, studies the human being is taken for granted the human being is the object of the inquiry he is unalterable he is alterable and able to alter eyes on the finish eyes on the course antonius herujiyanto 40 one scene makes another each scene for itself growth montage linear development in curves evolutionary determinism jumps man as a fixed point man as a process thought determines being social being determines thought feeling reason indeed, in the new system, it is clearly seen how brecht emphasizes the “direct, didactic” aspect of the text; the theater is to be a “theater for instruction”; “feeling” is opposed to “reason.” brecht, then, concludes, “thus to develop the means of entertainment into an object of instruction, and to change certain institutions from places of amusement into organs of public communication” (willett, 1959: 174). from the table above, we can see that the picaresque principles are “narrative” rather than “plot,” and “each sense for itself.” the term “montage,” however, is not a new thing (see also counsell 82-111). as we know, montage was a key concept in many areas of early twentieth-century art such as film, photography, printing. this concept entails juxtaposing disparate images so that each informs and qualifies the other. as we can see from the table above, there are many new things which change the meaning of “epic”: not only do they exclude all idea of entertainment, but also rule out both the traditional conceptions of “catharsis” and “empathy.” what is meant by “epic methods” are, then, the “means of breaking the magic spell, of jerking the spectator out of torpor and making him use his critical sense.” his new principle is called “der zeigende gezeit wird” meaning that the process of showing must itself be shown: presenting songs and subtitles as a deliberate means of interrupting the play; showing the actual mechanics of the work, the musicians and the lights which are accompanied by a deliberate breaking of the tension and disillusionment of the actor; and making sure that the actor must not just sing but show a man singing (willett, 1959: 174). brecht also introduces the term “gesten” meaning that it is the actor’s business not to express feeling but to “show attitudes.” the idea of “gestus” is in fact at once gesture and gist, attitude and point: one aspect of the relation between two people, studied singly, cut to essentials and physically or verbally expressed. as about the fragmentary, meaning the episodic style of acting, brecht explains that it is meant to show a man not as a consistent whole, but as a contradictory, ever-changing character whose unity comes “despite, or rather by means of, interruptions and jumps” (willett, 1959: 175). in his essay “verfremdungseffekte in der chinesichen schauspielkunst,” brecht discusses his famous concept of verfremdung, or alienation and mentions the traditional chinese acting style as a model for actors in epic theater, who seek to make the spectator think about their work by making it “strange.” so, as the bourgeois theater presents events as universal, timeless, and unalterable; the epic, or “historicing,” theater uses verfremdung to render even everyday events “remarkable, particular, and demanding inquiry” (brecht, 1986: 96-97, also see carlson 385). brecht’s term verfremdungseffekt or alienation effect implies two things: first, the breaking of the emphatic link between actor and spectator, and secondly the contradiction he effects between concrete actor and abstract character. in other words, it refers both to the separation of actor from character, or any of the concrete/abstract binaries, and to the audience’s resulting disengagement with the locus. so, the aim of this technique, known as the alienation effect, is to make the spectator adopt an attitude of inquiry and criticism in his approach to the incident (brecht, 1986: 136). one of the problems in dealing with verfremdungseffekt is that we need to mention the other aspects of brecht’s epic theater. so it is unavoidable—now and then—dealing also with those of narrative, making the spectator an observer and arouses his will to action, calling for decisions and a world outlook, argument, the spectator is taught, man is a subject of investigation, vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 41 interest in the course of action, every scene is independent, montage, gesamkunstwerk (the ‘integrated’ or ‘total[ised]-artwork), the gestic split, and even the so-called theater for the scientific age, etc. the various elements of epic theory which brecht writes in his “kleines organon für das theater” or “a short organum for the theater” may then be summed up: the historizing of the present; the verfremdungseffekt; the actor’s distance from his role; the division of the action into individual and dialectically opposed episodes (each with its basic gestus); and the separation of the various arts of the drama for similar mutual estrangement. discussion admittedly, theory and practice do not often work hand in hand. in his the caucacian circle chalk, however, brecht has tried to apply his theater theories although— to a certain extent—we can feel “catharsis” quite strongly emerging from grusha. his consistency with his theories may be seen through his techniques of exposing the role of the singer as well as the characters: breaking the magic spell, of jerking the spectator out of torpor and making him use his critical sense and indirectly convincing the audience that he or she is watching a play. this is done, once again, by presenting songs and sub-titles (of each act) as a deliberate means of interrupting the play. brecht, anyway, wrote the play in the early and middle forties when he was in california.3 it was originally written for the actress luise rainer, since she had played the role equivalent to grusha’s in klabund’s circle of chalk—an anonymus chinese play of about 1300 a.d.—and so, without which brecht’s the caucacian chalk circle would probably never have been thought of (bentley 9). it is, therefore, a kind of naïveté to look into the introductory of the play—about what socalled the “fight over the valley”—as the account of contemporary history of soviet agricultural collectivisation. as we know, its real history is one of coercion and resistance. the fiction—that the play within the play is based on an old folk epic—may only create a framework of convention: the simplifications of the parable-like tale of grusha and azdak, and no more. this can also be seen in the play itself: about how the farmers relinquish and give up the valley, their home, after only the mildest protests. it is weird especially that for most farmers in the world, the loss of their homelands is a matter of life and death and on top of that, for many russian farmers, it means being thrown away into cattle-trucks and forcibly deported to some distant corner of the soviet territory. they should not have given up their land so easily. it is not surprisingly, therefore, that the so-called “utopian prologue” is often judged unconvincing wherever it is performed; it simply has to be omitted in any russian production (speirs, 1987: 161). given that brecht makes use of naïve dramatic forms, we can, indeed, expect that the caucasian circle chalk is rich in emotive effects. the main focus of the play’s emotional appeal is, of course, the maid grusha. during the panic of a palace revolution, for example, she is just so calm deciding to take responsibility for the baby; she is also presented in an attractive light in two scenes where she is first teased an then proposed to by the soldier simon shashava. her attraction resides in a directness and honesty of feeling that seems to be a beneficial consequence of the fact that she is rather naïve and not very quick on the uptake. on the other hand, she is not lacking in good sense especially when she makes clear to simon that she is against any unnecessary heroics as we can see towards the end of act 3 (iii, 169): simon. i see a cap in the grass. is there a little one already? grusha. there is, simon. there’s no keeping that from you. but please don’t worry, it is not mine. when we look back into act 1, particularly towards its end, we can see how grusha finally picks up the abandoned child and goes off with it in search of a refuge. the accumulated emotive effects may be felt, starting right from the preceding scenes: how the child’s mother simply forgets about her own baby; her first concern is about what antonius herujiyanto 42 clothes she will take with her and then her own safety; how the other servants, including the child’s nurse, natella abashvili, are ruthless in putting their own interest first and simply abandoning the child to its fate rather than risk being caught with a child whom the new masters will certainly want to kill; how a group of soldiers carry in on the point of a lance the severed head of the governor and impale in above the palace gate. it even seems that grusha too, after wrapping the child, is going to follow the advice and example of other servants. however, just as she is about to leave, she hears the child— through the voice of the singer—“speaking” to her and asking for her help in (i, 138): “… woman … help me … don’t you know woman, that she who does not listen to a cry for help … will never hear the gentle call of a lover … .” next, we are exposed to how grusha spends the night looking after the child while around her the city is filled with flames and the tumult of civil war: “… she watched the soft breathing, the little fists … till towards morning … .” actually the emotional bond formed between grusha, the child and the audience in the first act is strengthened as the action unfolds. during her journey to the mountains, for example, she encounters one danger after another, each situation throwing her human worth into ever clearer relief. she has to pay almost a half of a week’s wages from her very little money to buy milk for the child and even willing to pay an even more outrageous sum just to have some shelter for the baby at night from the icy winds coming down from the janga tau glacier—brecht strengthens this emotion by at the same time exposing the heartlessness of a pair of aristocratic women refugees. brecht, however, wants to point out that the relationship between grusha and the child is not one of simple saintliness (ii, 143): being exhausted, she decides to leave the child at the door of a peasant cottage. once she sees that the child has been carried into the cottage, grusha sets off in the opposite direction, laughing of her ploy and happy to be free of a burden. so, once again, brech wants to show that grusha still has interests of her own, especially that she has another, older attachment, to the soldier simon. in ii, 143 she says, “… now i must turn around. my sweetheart the soldier might be back soon, and suppose he didn’t find me? you can’t ask that, can you?” this is, in fact, the follow up of what has happened before (i, 133) when she wants to be free to find simon when the war is over: simon shashava, i shall wait for you. go calmly into battle, soldier the bloody battle, the bitter battle from which not everyone returns: when you return i shall be there. ………………………………… i shall wait until the last soldier has returned and longer. when you come back from the battle ………………………………… when you return, when you return you will be able to say: it is just as it was. it is evident, nevertheless, that she can only bring herself to leave the child because it seems in the child’s best interests. she is, however, deeply saddened at the loss of the child … . grusha has, in the end, hardly gone a few steps, and … flees in panic back to the cottage ( ii, 146). brecht also seems to use the conventional dramatic suspense in the play when he makes grusha adopt the child by substituting rags for its fine linen and baptizing it with glacier water (ii, 149); she also has to risk both their lives crossing a primitive bridge with rotten boards and one broken guide rope over a mountain chasm (ii, 151). brecht produces a kind of shock when he suddenly “leaves” the story of grusha entirely only in order to introduce the story of the judge azdak through the singer in act 4. here we can see clearly brecht’s application of montage and verfremdungseffekt. from azdak’s first speech, we can also feel how brecht introduces the character of vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 43 azdak which stands in strange contrast to grusha’s. azdak is a thief, a time-server, a coward, who by a lucky accident is raised during the insurrection to a position of authority. his life is spent in careful adaptation to society's moral standards, going along with the tide, and keeping an eye on the main chance. he is a standing affront, and at the same time a standing reminder of the questionable values on which society is based. there is nothing that can properly be called a self in azdak, nothing consistent or foreseeable in his actions. he is, in fact, insulting and generous, preposterous and humble, ignorant and wise, blasphemous and pious. in act 5, “the chalk circle,” we may see how grusha and azdak are confronted with one another: the disruptive, ambiguous underminer and the calm, shrewd, motherly girl who would rather die than forego her humanity. azdak is called to try the case in which the real mother of the child, the wife of the former governor of the province, claims possession of her son. by a fortune turn of events, the same grand duke whose life azdak saved earlier on has now returned to power, and thus azdak’s contemptible promise to the governor’s wife no longer has any hold over him. azdak proceeds, however, as usual, accepting bribes from the wealthier party, while abusing grusha (and simon) who have nothing to offer him: and this is which brings on the first serious opposition he has to encounter. grusha declares that she has no respect for a judge such as he is, “… no more than for a thief and or a bandit with a knife! you can do what you want” (v, 203). grusha has all our sympathy and indeed, we may guess the end of the play: after the so-called trial of the chalk circle in which each woman is to pull at the child from different sides—and grusha fails to pull for fear of hurting the boy—azdak ceremonially declares that grusha is the true mother since she alone has shown true motherly feelings. this is very obvious: first, it is azdak’s instinctive prompting, that is, a kind of his nature. secondly, he respects—without thought of argument—the virtue in grusha. thus, the fusion of the virtue, that is, grusha’s human and azdak’s inhuman unpredictability brings about the completion: a sort of temporary solution. the narrator, through the singer at the end of the last act, says, “… the period of his judging as a brief golden age. almost an age of justice … that what there is shall go to those who are good for it … .” indeed, it is almost an age of justice: not the golden age but a brief golden age, not an age of justice but almost of justice. final remark looking into brecht’s the caucacian chalk circle, we may point out that the two main characters of the play, grusha and azdak, are made use by brecht to practice his epic theater in general, and his verfremdungseffekt in particular. they are too “estranged” for us to be able to accept them as heroes. brech, however, manages to highlight the vitality of his central characters. it is understandable that speirs in his bertolt brecht points out that the tale of grusha may be said as mainly employing effects of sentiment, heroism—with occasional touches of comedy—to draw the audience into her struggle to behave humanely in a society where the majority of men of all classes are alienated from their own humanity by conflicts of material interest; whereas azdak’s story seems to rely mainly on comedy—with occasional touches of pathos—to evoke sympathy for a rather different, less self-sacrificing approach to the defense of humane values in a hostile world (1987: 167). finally, after scrutinizing the play, it is recommended for a further study in the light of marxism especially regarding, among others, azdak’s behaviour which may be regarded as being dictated at least as much by a human motive as it is by respect for the principles of class-struggle. the study then may be focused and dwelt upon the marxistbased analysis of social relation. antonius herujiyanto 44 notes 1 this study uses the text of brecht’s the caucasian circe chalk from the revised english translation by eric bentley, parables for the theatre, two plays by bertold brecht (harmondsworth: penguin books ltd., 1975) 111-207. 2 see willett, the theatre 171, for a further elaboration concerning aristotle’s poetics and that of schumacher. 3 eugen berthold brecht, who was born on 10 february 1898, was in exile in denmark, finland and usa from 1933 to 1947. in 1957 he returned to europe, and then founded “berliner ensemble” in 1949. he died on 14 august 1956. references bentley, eric. parables for the theatre, two plays by bertold brecht. harmondsworth: penguin books ltd., 1975. brecht, bertolt. brecht on theater. ed. and trans. john willett. london: methuen london ltd., 1986. counsell, colin. signs of performance: an introduction to twentieth-century theatre. london and new york: routledge, 1996. ousby, ian, ed. the cambridge guide to literature in english. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1992. speirs, ronald. bertold brecht. london: macmillan publishers ltd., 1987. willett, john. the theatre of bertolt brecht: a study from eight aspects. london: methuen & co. ltd., 1959. set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon adventina putranti 168 synonymy: a translation procedure to overcome problems of sl and tl cultural differences adventina putranti english letters department, universitas sanata dharma abstract translation is reproducing equivalent message from a source language (sl) text into a target language (tl) text. this concept implies translators’ efforts to maintain message equivalence. on the other hand, the efforts may be hindered by cultural differences. in other words, cultural differences may cause problems in maintaining message equivalence in translation. a common problem found in translation is loss and gain of meaning. to overcome translation problems related to loss and gain of meaning as a result cultural differences, various translation procedures could be applied. synonymy is one of many translation procedures commonly used. this procedure is applied when a translation is not the first literal translation of the sl text. this procedure is usually chosen when translators could not find the one-to-one substitute in the tl. keywords: synonymy, equivalence, loss and gain introduction in its broadest sense, translation is commonly defined as a reproduction of a written message in a source language (sl) into an equivalent message in a target language (tl). this definition, however, implies a complication in the process. when translating a written message into a tl, translators have to consider three aspects. they are equivalence, naturalness, and acceptability (putranti, 2007: 106). equivalence is observed through the accuracy of message transfer. the accuracy here means that the message transferred does not experience any shift of meaning. naturalness is seen from the use of tl expressions as well as tl structure. meanwhile, acceptability is based on whether or not the message transferred into a tl can be accepted by the tl reader’s values and norms. in other words, translation is concerned with not only transferring message written in one language into another language accurately as well as naturally, but also transferring sl message which can be accepted by tl readers with different cultural background. considering such complications, methods are required to overcome the problems. translation methods, according to newmark, refer to how an sl text is translated into a tl (newmark, 1988: 81). in applying the methods, certain procedures must be followed to handle smaller units in a text such as sentences and phrases. in relation to that, this article intends to briefly discuss one translation procedure called synonymy. to focus and limit the scope of discussion, translation from indonesian to english and vice versa is taken as examples. definition and process of translation as said by nida and taber, translation is defined as “reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style” (nida and taber, 1974: 12). what nida and taber mean concerning equivalence implies accuracy of message transfer in terms of form vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 169 and meaning that is expressed in natural tl language and considers tl reader’s cultural background. the term ‘closest natural equivalent’ indicates that finding the ‘exactly natural equivalent’ of the sl in the tl is not always possible. nida and taber’s concept of equivalence is clarified by bassnett. she says that “translation involves the transfer of ‘meaning’ contained in one set of language signs into another set of language signs through competent use of dictionary and grammar, the process involves a whole set of extra linguistic criteria also” (bassnett, 1991: 13). this definition suggests that translation not only is a process of transferring texts from an sl into a tl linguistically, but it also involves extra linguistic knowledge in which tl reader’s backgrounds are considered. what is meant by extra linguistic knowledge is, then, clarified by newmark (1981: 102) who says that equivalence is also related to the fact that “all words have different connotations of situation and/or user’s origin (education, class, profession, dialect, etc.)”. in short, users’ backgrounds are important to consider when talking about equivalent translation. since users’ origin includes various aspects of life, it can be said that users’ origin is related to the users’ cultural background. this assumption is relevant to newmark’s definition of culture, in which culture is defined as “a way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to community that uses a particular language as its means of expressions” (newmark, 1988: 94). the last statement above shows that the use of language cannot be separated from its cultural background. further, nida and taber state that a translation reaches the highest degree of equivalence when “the receptors of the message (tl readers) respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language” (nida & taber, 1974: 24). the concept of responding a translation in a substantially the same manner as the sl readers implies the translators’ effort to find a “one-to-one equivalent” (newmark, 1988: 114) of an sl item in the tl. in the process of translation, such a task is not easy to perform because, according to sapir (1929), as quoted by katan, “language can only be interpreted within a culture” (katan, 1999: 74). what katan says implies that the discussion of sl and tl cultural differences in translation process has become inevitable. unfortunately, bassnett mentions that “sameness cannot exist between two languages” (1991: 30). relating katan’s, bassnett’s, and nida’s statement about tl readers’ response, it can be concluded that tl readers will never respond a translation in “a substantially the same manner” as the sl readers because of the sl and tl cultural background. loss and gain of meaning as a result of sl and tl cultural differences one obvious problem related to cultural differences is when a linguistic item in an sl is not available in the tl, loses, or gains components of meaning in the tl, which bassnett refers as loss and gain of meaning in the translation process (bassnett, 1991: 30). in the case of english – indonesian translation, one example can be discussed. the words ‘kakak’ and ‘adik’, in indonesian, mean ‘siblings’. in indonesian culture, this kind of kinship does not distinguish sex category, but indicates seniority, in which ‘kakak’ is older than ‘adik’. when these two words are translated into english, the closest translation would be ‘brother’ and ‘sister’. the translation, in fact, loses the semantic property of seniority, but gains the property of different sex category, that is ‘male’ for ‘brother’ and ‘female’ for ‘sister’. the example above shows that different cultures may focus on different things (larson, 1984: 137). in indonesian, family relation pays more attention to seniority, and tends to ignore gender identification. on the other hand, in english, words to describe family relation is focused more on the gender. learning from the example, it can be assumed that loss and gain of meaning in translation is inevitable. according to munday, loss and gain of meaning should be considered a means of making decisions when “a ‘sacrifice’ has to be made by a translator” (2001: 27). of course, what munday means by ‘sacrifice’ here would adventina putranti 170 be decisions made by translators to select from the available expressions in the tl that contain the closest meaning to substitute the sl item. referring to nida and taber’s concept of ‘the closest natural equivalent’ and bassnett’s concept of loss and gain of meaning, it can be concluded that a one-toone equivalent of an sl item in the tl is not always available, especially when the expressions translated are culture-bound. the absence of the one-to-one equivalent in the tl may lead to the necessity for translators to apply certain procedures to overcome such problems, which munday refers as ‘sacrifice’ that translators have to make. translation methods and translation procedures according to newmark, translation methods deal with how an sl text is translated into a tl. the scope is the whole texts (1988: 81). translation methods range from word-for-word translation, which is generally out of context, because every word is translated individually without looking at how each word is related with the others in certain context, up to adaptation in which translators are allowed to reinterpret the sl text and adapt it into the tl language and culture. in the adaptation of a literary work, for example, what remains in the translated text is only the plot. the method that is commonly acceptable for tl readers and could still preserve the sl message is communicative translation (newmark, 1988: 45 – 47). the application of translation methods requires certain procedures. what newmark means by procedures is how the words, the phrases, and sentences in an sl text are translated. the basic procedure is, of course, literal translation (newmark, 1988: 68 69). unfortunately, such procedures cannot always be applied considering that there are expressions which are culture-bound and must be handled within the context of cultural differences. among many procedures mentioned by newmark, synonymy is a translation procedure that is commonly used (newmark, 1988: 84). synonymy as a translation procedure newmark uses “the word ‘synonym’ in the sense of a near tl equivalent to an sl word in a context, where a precise equivalent may or may not exist” (1988: 84). further, newmark also states that “a synonym is only appropriate where literal translation is not possible” (1988: 84). in indonesian, for example, the word ‘teman’ could generally be defined as someone who is related to someone else, but has no family relationship. when this word is translated literally into ‘friend’ in english, the meaning becomes more specific, that is, a person who is not related, whom someone knows and likes well (hornby, 1980: 345). the component of meaning ‘someone knows and likes well’ may cause a non-equivalent translation when the indonesian sentence says ‘dia adalah teman sekelasku yang paling kubenci’. literally, the english translation would be ‘he is a friend in my class that i hate the most’. here, a contradiction occurs between the meaning of ‘friend’ and the meaning of ‘that i hate the most’. to avoid such a problem, the word ‘mate’ as a synonym of ‘friend’ can be used. so ‘teman sekelasku’ in that context will be more appropriate when it is translated into ‘my classmate’ because the word ‘classmate’ only refers to ‘a member of the same class’ (hornby, 1980: 151) without regarding the person’s personal relationship with another. the case can also be applied to the word ‘counterpart’ as the translation of ‘teman sejawat’, that is a person who holds a position or performs a function that corresponds to the position or the function of another person in another place. a more idiomatic indonesian expression ‘teman hidup’ closely means ‘spouse’ rather than ‘a friend whom some share his/her life with’. in short, it can be said that translating by using synonymy can be achieved by observing the context of the text to find the closest equivalence. synonymy in translation may also mean using either a more general or a more specific expression in the translation (owji, 2013). owji’s statement is in line with larson’s statement on different focuses in different cultures. larson elaborates that a culture may focus on agriculture, which can be seen in the richness of vocabulary related to that, while vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 171 another culture may focus more on technology, which is reflected in the availability of words related to technology, with more subtle meaning distinction (larson, 1984: 138). the word ‘rice’, for example, can be translated into indonesian as ‘gabah’, ‘beras’, or ‘nasi’. in this example, it can be said that ‘rice’ is a more general expression which refers to different stages in rice production. however, in indonesian, various expressions are used to describe each stage of rice product. referring to larson, this shows that rice is an important focus in indonesian culture. ‘gabah’ is ‘harvested rice’ which is dried already, but still ‘unhusked’, ‘beras’ is ‘rice’ which is already ‘husked’ and ready to cook, while ‘nasi’ refers to ‘rice’ which is ‘cooked’. to avoid generalization in translation, as well as to approach the closest equivalent in translation, translators would not simply translate those different terms into just ‘rice’. instead, they commonly add some words to make the meaning of the word ‘rice’ more specific. thus, ‘gabah’ would probably be translated into ‘unhusked rice’, beras into ‘uncooked rice’, and ‘nasi’ into ‘cooked rice’. besides translating into a more general or specific tl expression, the translation procedure that involves synonymy can also be observed in the translation of the word ‘bathroom’ into ‘kamar mandi’. basically, ‘bathroom’ and ‘kamar mandi’ share basic components of meaning related to their function, which is ‘a place to clean one’s body with water’. however, when observed more closely, a bathroom provides a tub filled with water in which someone can put himself/herself completely in the water (hornby, 1980: 66). on the other hand, ‘kamar mandi’ is not equipped with a tub where someone can put himself/herself in it because, in indonesian, ‘mandi’ is an activity of cleaning the body with water by splashing it on the body (kbbi, 2011: 871) that implies the presence of water container from which someone would take water to splash one his/her body with a tool like a water dipper. thus, from this example it can be seen that the translation applies partial synonymy (quine, 1951 in shiyab, 2007) in which ‘kamar mandi’ and ‘bathroom’ share the necessary components of meaning, which is a place to wash the body, in order to maintain the closeness of message transferred from the sl to the tl. another example is the word ‘dinner’ and its common indonesian translation, ‘makan malam’. ‘dinner’ is usually defined as the main meal of the day eaten at midday or in the evening (hornby, 1980: 242). this definition implies two things. first, dinner is not always eaten in the evening. second, the other meals eaten in the same day (breakfast and lunch) are not main meals. when such a concept is compared to the indonesian concept of ‘makan malam’. it can be immediately seen that ‘makan malam’ is not the literal translation of ‘dinner’. in indonesian, ‘makan malam’ is a phrase consisting a noun head ‘makan’, which means ‘putting food into the mouth to chew, and then swallow’ (kbbi, 2011: 860), modified by the word ‘malam’, which means ‘evening’. the second word in the phrase indicates the time of having meal. it means that ‘makan malam’ is never eaten at the other times in the same day. when the meal is eaten in the morning, it is called ‘makan pagi’. when eaten in the afternoon, it is called ‘makan siang’. the phrase ‘makan malam’ implies the meaning that indonesian people do not categorize the meal they eat based on whether or not it is main or light. indonesian people are accustomed to having three main meals eaten three times a day (in the morning, afternoon, and evening). from this explanation, it can be concluded that ‘dinner’ is not the literal translation of ‘makan malam’ because the semantic property of main meal is not shared. so, it can be said that this is another example of the application of partial synonym. conclusion from the discussion above, some conclusions can be drawn. first, not all sl items can be literally translated into a tl. when literal translation cannot be employed, certain methods must applied. the method applied, then, requires certain procedures. among many translation procedures available, synonymy is an immediate choice. synonymy is commonly employed by observing the semantic properties shared by adventina putranti 172 the sl and tl items. since synonymy is used when no literal translation can be found, the type of synonymy which is well recognized in this procedure is partial synonymy in which the translation is focused on the basic meaning shared by both the sl and tl items. to decide what tl synonym is appropriate to transfer an sl message, the context of the message must be observed. references bassnett, susan. translation studies revised edition. london: routledge, 1991. hornby, a.s. oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current english. oxford: oxford university press, 1980. kamus besar bahasa indonesia edisi keempat. departemen pendidikan nasional. jakarta: pt gramedia pustaka utama, 2011. katan, david. translating cultures: an introduction for translators, interpreters, and mediators. manchester: st. jerome publishing, 1999. larson, mildred l. meaning-based translation. lanham: university press of america, 1984. munday, jeremy. introducing translation studies: theories and applications, london: routledge, 2001. newmark, peter. approaches to translation. oxford: pergamon press, 1981. newmark, peter. a textbook of translation, new york: prentice hall international, 1988. nida, eugene a. & charles taber. the theory and practice of translation. leiden: e.j. brill, 1974. owji, zohre. “translation strategies: a review and comparison of theories”. translation journal. ( 3theory.htm). vol.17 – no. 1. january 2013. last updated on: 05/20/2014. putranti, adventina. “equivalence, naturalness, and acceptability in translation: a brief discussion on english – indonesian translation”. phenomena journal of language and literature. yogyakarta: department of english letters. sanata dharma university. vol. 11 – no. 2. october 2007. pp. 106 – 113. shiyab, said. m. “synonymy in translation”. translation journal. ( 2synonymy.htm). vol.11 – no. 4. october 2007. last updated on: 05/19/2014. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 173 representation of nostalgic memories for home in african diasporic poetry: critical analysis of selected poems of mahtem shiferraw stanley elias department of english literature, universitas airlangga abstract nostalgia for home has been a common subject in african diasporic literature. in past four decades the african continent has witnessed an increase of movements of people leaving their home places to new places around the world. these movements whether voluntarily or forcibly have resulted to displaced communities in the world and diasporic community being one of those communities. this paper critically analyses the representation of nostalgic for home in selected poems in of mahtem shiferraw and how do such nostalgic memories contribute of in (re)defining the identity of the poet. central to the analysis it can be argued that nostalgic memories are reflective and restorative of past experiences of home [land] crafted from diasporic sensibilities. as depicted in the selected poems, namely, “fuchsia”, “synesthesia” and “talk about race” the poet represents both the pleasant and unpleasant past life experiences she has gone through while in africa and later in america. also nostalgic memories re/defines the inseparable forged identity of the poet from reconstructed past as an african in america. however, according to the discussion, the traditional sense of nostalgia is challenged as the poet yearns for the significant moments of home [land] while remaining in the foreign land. keywords: diasporic literature, home; nostalgic memories introduction the epic story of odysseus in homer’s epic poem “the odysseus” can provide best understanding of the term “nostalgia”. the story tells the odysseus final days of hardship in the great trojan war where he went to fight for his people. according to andersson (2011) the seven years that odysseus had spent in ogyia island projects to psychological phenomenon under discussion. during these seven years in ogyia island, the seductive and possessive nymph, calypso offered odysseus immortality. according to homer (1921) in the odyssey, trans, as cited in (sedikides, wildschut and baden, 2004) odysseus rejected the offer because he wanted to reunite with his family in ithaca (his homeland). in the story, odysseus was led by the desire of returning “nostos” (greek) and this desire of returning home (nostos) resulted to psychological pains called algos. consequently, the two greeks roots of nostos and algos led to the coinage of the term “nostalgia” (hofer,1688) which interpretively means the “psychological pains caused by unrelenting yearning to return to ones’ homeland or simply homesickness (hofer, 1688; daniels, 1985; casey, 1987; sedikides, wildschut and baden, 2004:200-201). since its coinage in the late 17th century, nostalgia has undergone several reviews to respond the academic needs in wide range of fields. for instance, it has been viewed as mental illness and an incurable modern condition in the end of 18th and early 19th century (davis,1977), as the longing for journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 stanley elias 174 bygone times or a mode of selective past memories (casey, 1998), as an imaginative enrichment of the emotional aspects inherent to nostalgia during the romantic era (boym, 2001) and as “a form of melancholia caused by prolonged absence from one’s home or country” (simpson, 1989) as cited in (feldbrügge, 2010:27). in similar trend in the 20th century nostalgia was reviewed and redefined to reflect contemporaries of the academia (feldbrügge, 2010). subsequently, nostalgia was used to signal sentimental yearning of any object, event or place in the past (davis, 1977). this paper however follows heavily the svetlana boym (2001) conception of nostalgia. boym (2001) in the future of nostalgia emphasizes on the significance of space to the concept of nostalgia. though boym appreciates the contribution of his predecessors in the area, he stresses that nostalgia is associated with various acts of time and space distanciation from the regulation of nation states to globalization (boym, 2001; legg, 2004). boym identifies that nostalgic memories often gyrate around the lost home and around no place of habitation (legg, 2004; boym, 2001). subsequently, boym proposes two types of nostalgic memories namely restorative nostalgia and reflective nostalgia. restorative nostalgia relates to the memories of place. in other words, legg (2004:100) restorative nostalgia describes memories of geography of belonging and identity forged in a specific landscape of which one is inseparable from it. reflective nostalgia on the other hand appreciates shattered fragments of memories and temporalizes space (boym, 2001). for legg (2004) reflective memories concern with actual and imaginaries places but gives no habitation of one attached to it (them). individuals with reflective nostalgia will wallow on the sense of homecoming though remain in exilic places they are hosted. this paper in particular, critically analyses the spaces of nostalgic memories in of selected poems of mahtem shiferraw’s book fuchsia. it particularly, examines the place of nostalgic memories in connecting the past and present identities of the poet through space and time. this study is built on what safran (1991) argues that for whatever reasons of migration, most migrants suffer from the pains of being away from home, memories of homeland and agony of leaving everything familiar at home. thus, nostalgia becomes the very recurring subject in most d migrant literatures including those of diasporic writers. frequent dwelling of nostalgia in diasporic literature is often entrenched to retained memories of the diaspora’s homeland(s). as of this reason, george (1996) claims provocatively that all fiction of the migrant is homesickness. of a particular note, while nostalgia seems to incline to someone going back to a physical home place as it has been traditionally conceived, recent trends on globalized movements, current place of technologies in our lives and other influences have not only added complexity in understanding of nostalgic memories but also have led fluidity of the “home” conception. in the view of the argument, neelima (2014: 33) responds that nostalgic feelings may not just revolve around going back to one’s home in a tangible, physical sense of the term”. “nostalgic feeling can be a subtle psychological manifestation of a longing to recapture an emotional or spiritual connection and [sic] can also be a mourning of sorts for sentiments that have been dissipated or misunderstood or even disappointed with one’s own failed potential. neelima observation appears to echo the fluidity on the conception of home in the contemporary diaspora where home is not necessarily a physical or tangible place. thus, one may selectively recollect and mourn on memories of the past physical and ideal home. in similar view, as pointed out earlier, boym (2001) explicates that reflective nostalgic memories may revolve around one longing to recapture imaginary home yet still remaining in exilic place is hosted. on the other hand, nostalgic memories in diasporic writings are argued to reconnect the past and present of the writers of the diasporic [migrant] literature. according to journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 175 buikema (2005), (d’costa, 2006) and swamy (2013:5) “the sense of nostalgia is often seen among the dislocated and displaced people in most of the diaspora writings” and contributes to identity re/invention as they try to adjust to new environments. of course, in the process of adjusting to the host place, diasporas come across with convoluted memories of separation from their homeland about people, culture and language. conforming on the foregoing view, the african continent has witnessed the increase of movements of people to other countries in the world due to cultural, political, economic and social upheavals and so forming larger displaced community in the world in past four decades. though my study focuses on the contemporary diaspora, i am aware on the contribution of a historical slave trade and colonialism to the creation of early african diaspora around the world. both of these movements (migrations, mobility and globalization) whether voluntarily or forcibly have resulted to displaced communities around the world including diasporic communities in the mention. in fact, the surrounding circumstances that necessitated the departure of these african diasporic communities from their homelands have influenced the way communities feel about and associate with their homelands. rijsdijk (2015) in nostalgia and the ( re ) construction of south african identity in district 9’ observes that authors who seek continuity with their past always do so through nostalgia. thus, this study aims to offer a critical analysis of the nostalgic memories in the selected poems of mahtem shiferraw book fuchsia in diasporic contemporaries. mahtem shiferraw was born in eritrea, grew up in ethiopia and now lives in united states of america. she is a poet, story composer, visual artist and an activist. she was nominated for best of net in 2013 and her story ‘the river’ entered the final list at glimmer train press open fiction fuchsia is shiferraw’s debut collection poetry book published by university of nebraska press in 2016. the book won the sillerman first book prize for african poets and secured place in african poetry book series. the poems in fuchsia are crafted metaphorically with use of colours which evoke detailed memories of the migrant’s life in different space and time. the poems journey the readers to a convoluted experience of the author while in africa and as well as migrant in america. in the foreword of the book, kwame dawes articulates that ‘it is book of displacements, nomadic life, memories of pleasure, grief, and loss and identity search of the contemporary diasporic communities’. poems in fuchsia interrogate the surrounding environments that might have lead the poet’s departure to america and the latter effects on her identities and belongingness as a part of displaced community but also to other migrants who pass(ed) the same experience. kwame dawes comes again that poems in fuchsia invite us to spaces of ‘home’ through time and geography (shiferraw, 2016:ix). the notion of home is central in the analysis of spaces of nostalgic memories in this study. in terms of methodology and scope of the study, this paper is largely textual analysis based research. i therefore first use close reading to analyze the representation of nostalgia in selected poems of shiferraw namely “fuchsia”, synesthesia” and “talk about race” as depicted through the use of words, symbols and metaphors without considering external factors as advocated under new criticism. this is followed by contextual method. i use this method to find the association of selected poems with contexts in which they are produced. it is in this section where the relevance of shiferraw’s biography becomes into considerations. close reading and contextual methods pave a way to thematic analysis method. guided by the topic under discussion i explore the thematic representation of spaces of nostalgic memories in selected poems from fuchsia. discussion 1. restorative nostalgic memories for home at distant place and time situating “fuchsia” in diasporic sensibilities, shiferraw creatively represents the migrant’s experiences in the spectrum of nostalgic memories of place, time and people. on the surface of the poem of “fuchsia”, the poet recalls and yearns for her childhood and family experiences of her homeland in africa. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 stanley elias 176 through the persona addis ababa signals place where they (her and the family) dwell and comfortably, secure, and emotionally and culturally providing. these lost memories of childhood and of her family are mobilized around addis ababa, one of the physical homeland of the persona. for legg (2004) such memories restore the lost home(memories) of an individual from which the persona is inseparable from. reiterating boym (2001) on restorative nostalgia, legg (2004) adds that memories about the lost home are reconstructed and mobilized to ascribe geography of belonging in a specified landscape. accordingly, addis ababa forges the inseparable identity with the poet in positioned her exilic locale. in “fuchsia” the persona takes readers through an emotional and selective pleasant past memories of her ‘ethiopianness’ in addis ababa as depicted in the following lines. “when i was little, growing up in, addis ababa, my father bought the fattest sheep from street vendors for holidays….” (1-3). in the foregoing lines of the poem, “the poet recalls and yearns for her pleasant past of her childhood while in addis ababa that she cannot have an access with at the moment. the persona longs for varieties of meals from the butchered sheep as of the poet’s traditions like berbere and other spiced cuisines evokes sentimental mourning yet reconstructed past home of the poet. 2. nostalgic memories for home communal living and traditions furthermore, as pointed out earlier in the epic story odysseus in homer’s epic poem, sentimental yearning for home is surrounded to by number of factors similar to what webster (2010) conceives about home[land] that at home there is significant assurance security, comfortability and emotional attachments and sense of belongingness. in the poem of “fuchsia” though the poet metaphorically ends the poem with horrific memories of home, she still longs for the separation of her distanced home communal living and traditions. according to rubenstein (2001) in home matters: longing and belonging, nostalgia and mourning in women’s fiction acknowledges that ‘culturally displaced or exiled people may mourn their separation from home/land, community, language, and/or cultural practices. rubenstein (2001:5)stresses that the displaced communities culturally mourn their separation from home as she boldly use the term; ‘cultural mourning’ to signify an individual’s response to the loss of something with collective or communal associations: a way of life, a cultural homeland, a place or geographical location with significance for a larger cultural group, or the related history of an entire ethnic or cultural group from which she or he feels severed or exiled, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. in the light of rubenstein argument through the persona, the poet in the poem of “fuchsia” orchestrates the lost past memories of communal living of the entire community in addis ababa. of a particular note, communal living which characterizes daily living of many african societies culturally is reflected as they could share the other part of the sheep (head) to the neighbors for them to make soup as represented in the following verses. insides, and knife slashing between slabs of organs, all to be eaten differently—bones of the rib cage deep fried, bleeding texture of kidneys minced into bite-sized shapes and soaked in onion and pepper oil, small blades of the stomach dutifully cut into long strips, and mashed with spiced butter and berbere. even the skin, bloodying fur, will be sold to passing vendors, its head given away to neighbors who will use it for soup. (1-3) the momentous past memories of communal life and the associated traditions in addis ababa trigger emotional attachment of homeland that she is inseparable from while living in america as immigrant. unlike in the host land (america) where the poet lives at present, communal living is a typical african way of living of many african societies from which she mourns and attached with. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 177 3. there is no habitation anymore: nostalgic memories of the shattered homeland on the other hand, the poet represents the nostalgic memories of disturbed homeland that renders no place of habitation. according to boym (2001) such memories are reflective nostalgic and emanate as one tries to reconfigure the shattered memories of homeland that offer [ed] no place of habitation. as of the poem of “fuchsia” a sensual imagery of violence in the end of the poem and memories of death metaphorically represents a convoluted yet alludes important experience of the poet while in addis ababa. for instance the lines, “if you ask how to say “burgundy” in tigrinya, you will be/ told, it’s the color of sheep-blood, without the musty smell/ of death attached to it. it’s also the color of my hair, dipped” (1-3) are allusive of memories and symbolic representation of state of violence in addis ababa, ethiopia. it is historically true the poet’s homeland has episodically experienced intra and interstate wars especially since 1974. according to catlin(1993) poet’s home is known worldwide as the ‘arc of crisis” from which death, injuries and displacements characterize the area since 1974. conforming to boym (2011) and havlena (1992) who argue that nostalgia may be stimulated by memories of hard times or times of turmoil, shattered and fragmented memories in spatial and temporal settings, the poet situates the poem of “synesthesia” in poetic trope of violent, painful and fearful memories of homeland. through the persona’s voices, the metaphorical use of colours journey the readers through convoluted memories of violence, troubles, wounds, restlessness, sadness and the entire post -violence scenery of poet’s home. the following verses provide an exemplification of the violent and painful memories of the poet. white sometimes comes back at odd hours. white are stranger’s eyes drenched in sadness. white is the uniform of doctors, the smell of alcohol and something mad. white is absence. purple comes back as shoes, american shoes. sky and blood under a quiet shadow. the shadow of a young tree planted in memory of a murdered teacher in high school. and the milky paste of over-ripe figs spurting prematurely, spiking insides. purple is warmth in mid-july, when rain hails on corrugated tin roofs and the leaning green arms of lonely corn plants. yellow is crying; it’s a bell, a cathedral in asmara? a school? or the shriek of a mass funeral. yellow is dead. but listen to black. listen to black notes, black heart, listen. black is art. not of the artist, the art of being. the painful art of memory. here’s to remembering (30-31) in the foregoing fragment of the poem of “synesthesia”, the poet alludes the time of crisis, of course the time of violence and instability of her african homes. as pointed out earlier that the poet has eritrean-ethiopian origins, the two nations went through two year long war from may 1998 to june 2000 causing deaths and more than 100,000 causalities. according to tronvoll (2017) the dispute over the border has continued to be the main source of instability in the region of horn of africa until today. through the persona’s voice the poet presents to readers the painful memories of people, place and time. the poet emotionally recalls the time when causalities of violence are being attended by doctors in white uniform, death of people in asmara, eritrea (as people are being murdered in the place and absenteeism of people in the post-violence landscape). consequently, the poet’s neighbor’s houses in abbay are empty with no one living in. as it is depicted in the fifth stanza of the poem of “synesthesia”, there is a grief on people’s face in the place as it is depicted in the first verse of the poem “blue are the waters embedded in my grandmother’s eyes. blue is” (30-31). through persona’s voice the poet orientates readers through chaotic incidents of her african home from different space and time. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 stanley elias 178 4. the past and present experiences being connected through nostalgic memories accordingly, addis ababa and eritrea are significant places that offer forged inseparable identity of the poet on her past and present experiences the while living in another place. the nostalgic memories of the poet’s homeland in africa not only describes the identity of the poet but also maintain and represents experiences of the migrant (poet) in the continuum of africa and america. this confirms davis (1979) hypothesis that nostalgic memories allow people to retain and adjust their identities when they enter new life experiences. therefore nostalgic memories in other words function to protect personal identity against threats of discontinuity as a result of being away from home(bassett). alternatively andersson (2011:29)puts that “ people who face existential disruptions, like moving to a new location, changes in an intrapersonal relationship, occupational crises (e.g. layoffs), loss of family members etc., will be more nostalgic about the past than those who maintain greater continuity in their lives”. in the poems of “fuchsia” and “synesthesia” the poet chooses addis ababa/asmara to associate memories of her past that define her “otherness” as an ethiopian/ eritrean and afro american while in america. of course, it is from her past that leads her “otherness” in the new locale she now resides. following the assertion the poet confirms her “otherness” in the poem, “talks about race” (20). the lines “i am “other”; it is such/an indistinguishable form, beyond the construct of the proper self” (20) defines her identity from reconstructed past as an african in america. for lowenthal (1989) “we are at home in [the past] because it is our home – the past is where we come from”. of a particular note, shiferraw’s poems of “fuchsia” and “synesthesia” also capture and communicate traumatic experience of leaving home through the use of memories colored by nostalgia of time, place and people. consequently, the experience that the poet goes through follows (andersson) who argues that nostalgic feelings lead to complex and emotional memories that rises a certain mood as the poet struggles to immerse herself in the foreign land of multicultural settings. conclusion on the contrary of what hofer (1688) daniels eugene b (1985) and sedikides, wildschut and baden (2004) who argue that nostalgic feelings revolve around one going back to tangible home place, central to this analysis, it can be argued that nostalgic memories may evolve without one yearning to go back to a home place as in “fuchsia” and “synesthesia”. the unusual experience that the poet brings in the ending of “fuchsia” alludes the memories of violence that would have influenced her yearning of inhabitable home. also it can be argued that nostalgic memories in “fuchsia” ar selective past of the lost home that among other things offered emotional security, belongingness and comfortability to the poet once attached with while in addis ababa. but for davis (1997) in yearning for yesterday: a sociology of nostalgia memories of this kind that may not require one to go back to a physical home place offer the migrant or the dislocated with the identity and protect one from disjointedness with her past during moments of adjustments in the exilic environments. thus, it is undisputable fact that displaced individuals deploy nostalgia to connect life experiences of different spaces and time. it can be argued that nostalgia resonates in almost every work of the migrant literature because migrants try to connect dots of their life experiences of different space and time as they inscribe their adjustment to new life experience it can therefore generally be argued that nostalgic memories are reflective and restorative of past experiences of disrupted individual in diasporic sensibilities. as it is depicted in the selected poems, namely, “fuchsia”, “synesthesia” and “talk about race” the poet represents both the pleasant and unpleasant past life experiences she has gone through while in africa and later in america. however, as of this discussion, the traditional sense of nostalgia is challenged as the poet yearns about the significant moments of home[land] while remaining in the foreign land. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 179 references andersson, jimmy. defining nostalgia and its functions: a review. n.p., 2011. bassett, jonathan f. “an experimental test of the discontinuity hypothesis: examining the effects of mortality salience on nostalgia.” journal of articles in support of the null hypothesis 4.1 (2006): 1–8. boym, svetlana. the future of nostalgia. new york: basic books, 2001. buikema, rosemarie. “a poetics of home: on narrative voice and the deconstruction of home in migrant literature.” migrant cartographies: new cultural and literary spaces in post-colonial europe 1986 (2005): 177–187. casey, edward. “the world of nostalgia.” man and world 20 (1998): 361–384. catlin, lieutenant colonel john d. ethiopia: a case study for national and military strategy in the new world order. pennsylvania: n.p., 1993. d’costa, alzena. “anglo-indian nostalgia : longing for india as homeland.” february (2006): 24–25. daniels eugene b. “nostalgia and hidden meaning.” american image 42 (1985): 371–383. davis, fred. “nostalgia, identity and the current nostalgia wave.” journal of popular culture 11.2 (1977): 414–424. ---. yearning for yesterday: a sociology of nostalgia. new york: ny: free press, 1979. feldbrügge, eingereicht von astrid. “nostalgia , home and be-longing in contemporary postapartheid fiction by zakes mda and ivan vladislavi ć dissertationsschrift eingereicht von astrid feldbrügg.” (2010): n. pag. george, rosemary marangoly. the politics of home. postcolonial relocations and twentieth-century fiction. berkely: university of california press, 1996. havlena, susan l. holak and william j. “nostalgia: an exploratory study of themes and emotions in the nostalgic experience".” in na advances in consumer research volume 19, eds. john f. sherry, jr. and brian sternthal, provo, ut : association for consumer research. n.p., 1992. 380–387. hofer, johannes. “medical dissertation on nostalgia.” bulletin of the institute of the history of medicine 2 (1688): 376– 391. legg, stephen. “memory and nostalgia.” cultural geographies 11.1 (2004): 99– 107. web. lowenthal david. “nostalgia tells it like itwasn’t.” in the imagined past,. n.p., 1989. neelima, c. “the place of nostalgia in diaspora writing: home and belonging in the fiction of bharati mukherjee.” international journal of english and literature (ijel) 4.6 (2014): 33–40. rijsdijk, ian-malcolm. “nostalgia and the ( re ) construction of south african identity in district 9.” may (2015): n. pag. web. rubenstein, roberta. longing and belonging nostalgia and mourning in women’s fiction. new york: palgrave, 2001. safran william. “diasporas_in_modern_ societies_myths_of_h (1).pdf.” 1991: n. pag. print. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; 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under the sun, everyone’s skin bounces streaks of light. which do i claim? it is difficult to explain the difference between african & african american the details escape me, thin paper folding the involucre of a burning fire. i am “other”; it is such an indistinguishable form, beyond the construct of the proper self. sometimes i am asked if i am indian, middle eastern, or biracial; i don’t know what to say to these people who notice the shape of the eye before its depth the sound of the tongue before its wisdom the openness of a palm before its reach. and what to those who call me, “african”? don’t they know i can count the years spent back home wishing i knew i was “african”? journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 181 and how to cradle, and contain the disappointment that is rekindled whenever someone does not know my ethiopia, my eritrea. i don’t know how to fit, adjust myself within new boundaries – nomads like me, have no place as home, no way of belonging. “synesthesia” white is a color, black is art. nod to those before you. brown is a sense of being, and dark hovers only beneath the shadows of necks – those who fear it most. here is to fear. red are the tip of shoes of the woman who waited in the bathroom patiently when i was only three – to steal my mother’s ruby earrings. white is the unsafe silence of bathroom walls, and their morbidly cubic nature. white is water running under my feet, the innocent screams of school children at lunch hour. brown is the anomalous texture of curtains from my childhood. brown is also the parched wood of a small coffee-grinder my mother used. brown as in the intimate angles of sharply cut ambasha my grandmother made, flour and water, lemon skin and cinnamon shreds, the dark heads of raisins, while on a cargo plane back to ethiopia, the tired eyes of war-victims and their slow recovery. brown is also the color of my skin, but i didn’t know it then. blue are the waters embedded in my grandmother’s eyes. blue is the whisper of the nile, abbay. blue is the color of the brave. blue are the walls of empty neighbors houses and the insides of their living room. blue is skimmed milk tearing the sky. white sometimes comes back at odd hours. white are stranger’s eyes drenched in sadness. white is the uniform of doctors, the smell of alcohol and something mad. white is absence. purple comes back as shoes, american shoes. sky and blood under a quiet shadow. the shadow of a young tree planted in memory of a murdered teacher in high school. and the milky paste of over-ripe figs spurting prematurely, spiking insides. purple is warmth in mid-july, when rain hails on corrugated tin roofs and the leaning green arms of lonely corn plants. yellow is crying; it’s a bell, a cathedral in asmara? a school? or the shriek of a mass funeral. yellow is dead. but listen to black. listen to journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 stanley elias 182 black notes, black heart, listen. black is art. not of the artist, the art of being. the painful art of memory. here’s to remembering. “fuchsia” it’s a deep purple thought; once it unraveled prematurely and its tail broken, leaving a faint trail of rummaging words. when i was little, growing up in addis ababa, my father bought the fattest sheep from street vendors for the holidays. he would pull its curled horns, part the wet rubber lips to check the sharpness of its teeth, grabbed its tail, separated the hairs in the thick bed of fur. later, he will bring it home, unsuspecting creature, tie it to a pole in the garden, feed it the greenest grass until its sides are swollen and heavy. it will be slaughtered in the living room, kitchen knife cutting in a precise angle through its neck, the blood splattered on the blades of grass gently laid by my mother on the cement floor, one last comfort before its end. come afternoon, it will hang upside down, viscous wet smell emanating from its insides, and knife slashing between slabs of organs, all to be eaten differently—bones of the rib cage deep fried, bleeding texture of kidneys minced into bite-sized shapes and soaked in onion and pepper oil, small blades of the stomach dutifully cut into long strips, and mashed with spiced butter and berbere. even the skin, bloodying fur, will be sold to passing vendors, its head given away to neighbors who will use it for soup. in september, the street shoulders of addis ababa flood with yellow daisies, creating patches of sunlight in rainy days. but every so often, a mulberry daisy is spotted, its head barbarous in a field of gold, dirty purple in its becoming. the first time i saw a plum, it was lying in a pool of swollen mangoes and papayas at a local grocery store, and i held it in my hand, wanting to pierce the luminous nakedness of the skin with my nails and teeth. if you ask how to say “burgundy” in tigrinya, you will be told, it’s the color of sheep-blood, without the musty smell of death attached to it. it’s also the color of my hair, dipped in fire. and the greasy texture of clotted arteries, and the folding journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 183 skin of pineapple lilies, and the sagging insides of decaying roses, and the butterfly leaves of blooming perennials, and spongy strawberries drowning in wine. right before dusk, when the skies are incised with a depression of shades, oranges escaping from one end into the mouth of the horizon, freckled clouds unclog suddenly, giving shape to the pelvis of the sky, its sheep-blood visible only for a second, then bursting into flames of golden shadows. in days like these, when the sun’s tears are fat and swollen, descending obliquely into the city, we say somewhere a hyena is giving birth, and perhaps it is. and then, you ask, what is fuchsia—and there’s a faint smile, a sudden remembrance, an afterthought in hiding, forgotten smells of wild flowers and days spent in hiding, in disarray. and mulberry daisies carried by phosphorescent winds into the warm skin of sleeping bodies; moments spent between here and there, pockets of emptiness— without sound, without reckoning. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akintoye oluwole samuel & ojo george adekunle 131 endangerment of yorùbá individual names: implication on yorùbá true identity akintoye oluwole samuel akinwolesam1 department of linguistics and nigerian languages, ekiti state university, ado–ekiti, nigeria ojo george adekunle department of english and literary studies, ekiti state university, ado–ekiti, nigeria abstract name plays an important role in yorùbá society. yorùbá does not bear names without considering some factors because of its future consequences. although, name is for identification, it also serves as a source of honour and pride, especially for those who are born from heroic and warrior families. people love identifying with such names by bearing the names of the heroes or warriors. these names have been reduced to surnames today. other names are praise namely àmo ̣̀ ke ̣̀, àrìnpè, àmo ̣̀ó, alàní, àkànke ̣̀, and àbe ̣̀ke ̣̀. these names are regarded as archaic today and nobody reckon with them anymore. it is dismal that these names and many others that are associated with deities are gradually going into extinction owing to modern religions. this forms the discussion of this paper. the purpose of the paper is to call the attention of yorùbá scholars to the fact that not only yorùbá language is going into extinction, yorùbá original names also do. the data collection for the paper is drawn from texts and journals on yorùbá names. an interviewed was conducted among the youths and the informants who are between 70 and 75 years old from adóèkìtì were consulted. they are selected because aged people value names unlike the youths who bear names without minding the implication. the jamb admission broad sheet students seeking admission into èki ̀ti ̀ state university, ado ́èki ̀ti ̀, nigeria and the faculties final admission lists sent to the faculty of arts were consulted. the data cover three sessions; 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19. this is possible because the researcher is in-charge of admission process in his department. the paper adopts descriptive approach for the data analysis. keywords: name, corrupt, implication, religion introduction yorùbá pays a serious attention to names. since names have imparted on the moral conduct and future of their children, according to yorùbá belief, they are careful at giving names to their children. names with a positive connotation are adopted while the names with a negative connotation are frown at (ekundayo, 1977). apart from using names as a mark of identity, names are also used among yorùbá people to demonstrate their loyalty and honour to their deities and their progenitors who were at the fore-front of the worship of these deities (ajiboye, 2009). other functions that names perform in yorùbá society are showing the circumstance surrendered the child birth, the family occupations and the situations in the family or in the society during the child birth (akintoye, 2015). these functions make all journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 132 families in yorùbá society to try as much as possible to preserve their families’ names. in spite of these functions, the present generation does not value some of yorùbá names any longer owing to modern religions and civilization. instead, they try to modify the names to suit their new religions and avoid some names that they regard as archaic. some even prefer english names to yorùbá names. the researchers such as adéoye ̀ (1972), odùyọye ̀ (1972), and e ̣kúndayọ̀ (1977) are of the opinions that yorùba ́ adopt names that associated with their deities and occupations as demonstrated below. ògúndọro ̣̀ “the god of iron became wealth” ṣàngóṣèyí “the god of thunder did this” ifáṣọlá “divination created wealth” àyànyẹmi “drumming suits me” ifáde ̣̀ro ̣̀ “divination becomes simple” o ̣̀suntáyo ̣̀ “o ̣̀ṣun goddess is equal to joy” ògúndáre “the god of iron gave a fair trial” there is a total departure from these names by the present generation as stated by ìko ̣̀ tún and aládésanmí (2012), ìko ̣̀ tún (2013, 2014) and akintoye (2015), they prefer such names like jésùtófúnmi “jesus is enough for me” olúwágbàmílà “the lord delivered me” ìtùnúolúwa “the comfort of god” jésùṣọlá “jesus created wealth” ọlọ̀ runyẹmí “god suits me” olúwade ̣̀ro ̣̀ “the lord becomes simple” ọlọ̀ runtáyo ̣̀ “god is equal to joy” olúwádáre “the lord gave a fair trial”. if this continues, there is a possibility for yorùbá names to go into extinction. this is the thrust of this paper. the purpose of the paper is to call the attention of yorùbá scholars to the fact that not only yorùbá language is going into extinction, yorùbá original names also do. the paper adopts descriptive approach for the data analysis. the paper is divided into five sections. the introductory part forms the section one of the paper. section two contains the literature review. section three consists of the research method. section four examines the attributes of yorùbá native names. section five deals with the name change, modifications and avoidance as stigma on yorùbá true identity. previous studies show that many scholars have written on naming in yorùbá society. for instance ogunbowale (1966), daramola and jeje (1967), adeoye (1972), abiodun (1997), and osunnuga (2003) mention that naming is very important in yorùbá culture and it is done with fanfare. akinnaso (1980) explains that yorùbá personal names are drawn from the home contexts. he also says further that personal names with negative and unpleasant connotations are avoided, because a child’s name plays an important part in its development and future career. that being the case, a child may react to a name that has negative social implication in the future. the scholar itemises some contexts that are considered by yorùbá before giving names to their children. adeoye (1972), ekundayo (1977), and babalola and alaba (2003) also categorize yorùbá traditionbased personal names into different groups; names related to the circumstances surrounding the child birth (orúkọ àmúto ̣̀ runwá), names related to the family’s deities, chieftaincy names, reincarnation names, names related to events and festivals in the community, family occupations, praise names and appellative names. ajiboye (2009) argues that the practice of name change or modifications because of christianity is a violation of god’s commandments, disrespect to parents and it can lead to a semantic ambiguity. it is of the opinion that if there will be a desire to change one’s name or parent’s name, one should take a new name that will not bastardize the existing names. ikotun (2012) has a contrary view; he argues that surname change is not new. it has been in existence right from the bible time and it has nothing to do with religion but a personal decision. ikotun (2013) argues that the advent of christianity in yorùbá society introduced new dimensions to yorùbá naming like, the modifications of yorùbá personal names whereby the nps which show the belief in journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akintoye oluwole samuel & ojo george adekunle 133 yorùbá gods are replaced with ‘lord’, hebrew and european names were also introduced into the yorùbá naming system. akintoye (2015) explains that a name marks a period of events and promotes morals in yorùbá society, hence, a yorùbá adage says orúkọ ọmọ ni ìjánu ọmo (the name that a child bears regulates his/her habit). he stresses further that a name is a mark of an identity. there are names that are confined to a particular community, such as akínkúgbé, akíndùtirẹ̀̀ , akínrèlíẹ̀̀ , akíntẹ̀̀ ìnwá, akíngbèsọ́̀ tẹ̀̀ and akínkúòlúlíẹ̀̀ which are only restricted to oǹdó, ìdànrè and ilẹ̀̀ -olújìí (all in south-western nigeria). a name is also a source of pride and honour, especially to the families of those that made exploits in terms of war or politics. people used to be identified with the names of such families in the olden days by christening their children such names with a belief that they would do exploit like the original owners of the names. the names that are similar to them are praise names (orúkọ̀ oríkì) like, àmọ̀̀ kẹ́̀ , àrìnpè, àmọ̀̀ ó, alàní, àkànkẹ́̀ , àbẹ̀̀ kẹ́̀ . these names are regarded as archaic these days and nobody reckons with them anymore owing to modernization. a critical study of the works of these scholars shows that although, many issues have been discussed about naming in yorùbá, attention has not been paid to the fact that yorùbá names are endangered; the arbitrary modifications of yorùbá surnames and avoidance of some yorùbá names regarded as archaic may lead to yorùbá original names going into extinction in the nearest future. methodology the data for the paper were drawn from texts and journals on yorùbá names and the informants who are from adó èkìtì. their ages ranged between 70 and 75 years. they were selected because aged people value names, unlike the youths who bear names without minding the meanings and the implications. the jamb admission broad sheet of the students seeking admission into èkìtì state university, adóèkìtì, nigeria and the faculties final admission lists sent to the faculty of arts were consulted. this is possible because the researcher is in-charge of admission process in his department. the data cover three sessions; 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19. the lists contained the names, date of birth, religions, and the state of origins of the newly admitted students. the data showed that the date of birth of students entering into nigerian universities nowadays falls between 1999 and 2003 and that the personal names adopted by majority of these students were modified. in the sense that the subjects of the names were modified to suit their parents’ new religion while the verb phrases were retained. an interview was also conducted among twenty students who are yorùbá native speakers from ekiti state university, adóèkìtì. these students were randomly picked to know their views on why the youths of today do not like to adopt the praise names. there were divergent reactions from these students. twelve of these students were of the opinion that the names have become old fashion (old school, in their own language). three saw the names as supplementary given to the children by their old grand-parents which the children may decide not to adopt if they grow old. two of the students commented that the names are adopted by the people from the local areas. two of them also said that they liked the names and they would be happy if people called them so. the remaining one student did not see anything wrong with the names only that they did not blend with the modern trends. the outcome of the interview shows that there is a drastic departure from yorùba ́ original names and praise names by the present generation. findings and discussion the attributes of yorùbá names this section discusses the significance of names in yorùbá society. this will enable the readers to see the reason why research works must tend towards naming to forestall yorùbá original names going into extinction. the primary function of naming is for identification purpose. without names, there will be journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 134 misrepresentation among human beings (ogunbowale, 1966). naming goes beyond identification of individuals; clans, families, communities and things generally are recognized by their names. according to adeoye (1972), the super beings or deities have names which enable their devotees to differentiate them from one another and the devotees also adopt names that portray their affinity to these gods and goddesses as itemized below. ògún ògúnyẹ̀ mi “the god of iron fits me” ògúnṣ̀ ọ̀ lá “the god of iron made wealth” ògúnlọ̀ lá “the god of iron is wealth” ògúndánà “the god of iron made a way” o ̣̀ rúnmìlà fáyẹ̀ mi “divination fits me” fáníran “divination has generation” fáṣ̀ èyí “divination did this” fálọ̀ lá “divination has wealth” o ̣̀ ṣun ọ̀̀ sunyẹ̀ mi “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess fits me” ọ̀̀ súndùn “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess is sweet” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ ungbèmí “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess favours me” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ untẹ́̀ yẹ̀ “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess is equal to honour” ṣàngó ṣ̀ àngófẹ́̀ mi “the god of thunder loves me” ṣ̀ àngógbèmí “the god of thunder favours me” ṣ̀ àngótọ́̀ lá “the god of thunder is equal to wealth” ṣ̀ àngòlọ́̀ wọ̀̀ “the god of thunder has respect” in yorùbá setting, according to oduyoye (1972), there were names that were related to positions which were meant only for the families that held such positions in those days. for instance, the royal families are associated with adé (crown), ọlá (honour) like adégoróyè, gbádébọ̀̀ , adéyẹ̀ mi, adétóyèṣ̀ e, adéolú, adégbólú, adélabú, ọ̀ láwùmí, gbọ́̀ lágadé. the warriors are identified with the names that are associated with akin (bravery) and ogun (war) like akínrógunjó, akínrogun, and akíngbógunníyì. the afore-mentioned names have different semantic interpretation from the ones borne by the general populace like. adébọ́̀ lá → a-dé bá ọ̀ lá “he that came to meet honour” adérẹ̀̀ mílẹ́̀ kún → a-dé rẹ̀̀ mí lẹ́̀ kún. ”he that came to console me” adébùsọ́̀ lámi → a-dé bù sí ọ̀ lá mi “he that came to add to my wealth akíntóyè → akin tó oyè “bravery is equal to chieftaincy” akintáyọ̀̀ → akin tó ayọ̀̀ “bravery is equal to joy” akinwùmí → akin wù mi “i like bravery” there are professional names which are only peculiar to the families or clans that engage in the professions as highlighted below (ilesanmi, 1989) àyàngbèmí “drumming favours me” àyànwálé “drumming came home” àyàntọ́̀ lá “drumming is equal to wealth” àyànṣ̀ ọ̀ lá “drumming made wealth ọ̀̀ jélàdé “masquerade has crown” ọ̀ ̀jẹ́̀ níyì “masquerade has honour” ọ̀̀ jẹ́̀ gbadé “masquerade received crown” ọ̀̀ jẹ́̀ gbèmí “masquerade favours me” ọ̀̀ jẹ́̀ tọ́̀ lá “masquerade is equal to wealth” ọ̀ dẹ̀́ ṣ̀ ọ̀ lá “hunting made wealth” ọ̀ dẹ̀́ sanmí “hunting favours me” ọ̀ dẹ̀́ tọ́̀ lá “hunting is equal to wealth” ọ̀ dẹ́̀ yẹ̀ mí “hunting favours me” ọ̀ dẹ́̀ wálé “hunting came home” awóyínká “divination surrounds me” awóníyì “divination has honour” awógbàmí “divination delivered me” journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akintoye oluwole samuel & ojo george adekunle 135 awópégba “divination profits me” abífádé “coming along with divination” amóògùnníyì “making medicine to have honour” ewégbèmí “leaves favour me” ewéjẹ́̀ “leaves are active” ìjílóògùn “wind has medicine” ọ̀ nàdàpọ̀̀ “arts and crafts mix together” ọ̀ nàṣ̀ ílé “arts and crafts opened the house” ọ̀̀ nàbáńjọ̀ “arts and crafts fit him” ọ̀̀ nàgbèmí “arts and crafts favour me” each community has names that are confined to it which no other communities can bear. if the names are found in other areas, the source can be traced back to the original owners of the names. some of these names show yorùbá philosophy, like ìkálẹ̀̀ names. our observation here is at variance with ikotun (2014) who is of the opinion that surnames that are peculiar to a particular area may be found in another area as a result of wars and business activities. the reason for our claim above is that oǹdó, ìdànrè, ilẹ̀̀ -olújìí and ìkálẹ̀̀ still protect their names, such that the names have not migrated to other areas as shown below. ìkále ̣̀ morúwàawọ̀ n “i saw their habit” amùseghọ̀ n ”i know their habit” mámúkúyọ̀̀ mí ”do not reproach me with death” tọmọmeghò ”i consider child” o ̣̀ ro ̣̀ dúùgbàgbé ”word is not easily forgotten” méònújù ”do not think too much” ìlàjẹ éhùúwàyíjọ̀̀ mọ̀ ”there is no habit that is greater that a child” ìyàọ̀ mọ̀ lérè “suffering on a child is rewarding” ọ̀ mọ̀́ jùlówó “a child is better than money” ìwáijómọ̀ “no habit is greater than a child” olówófóyèkùn “a rich man cannot miss a chieftain title” oǹdo/ìdànrè/ile ̣̀-olújìí akíndùtie ̣̀ “bravery struggles for its own” akínbile ̣̀je ̣̀ “bravery did not spoil the land” akíngbùlí “bravery captured the house” akínjàgunlà “bravery fought the battle and survived it” akingbèso ̣̀ tè “bravery did not support treason” èkìtì faluyì “divination has honour” fáṣ̀ uyì “divination made honour” ọlo ̣̀ nilu ̣̀à “a person that has many people has ceremony” aku ̣̀àjọ̀ “a person that has how to organize ceremony” ùsìbàká “the fame is known everywhere” jo ̣̀ lu ̣̀ adé “let god come” o ̣̀ ṣátúyì “deity deserves honour” ìje ̣̀bú-òde o ̣̀ nàbánjọ̀ “arts and crafts gather with him” odùṣ̀ ọ̀̀ tẹ̀̀ “divination never involves treason” kúyẹ̀̀ bá “death digresses” òkúnlúgà “string has fame” e ̣̀ gbá ṣó níkàn “the seer has generation” ṣólẹ́̀ yẹ̀ “the seer has honour” lìjádù (no english translation) líṣ̀ àbí (no english translation) ìje ̣̀ṣà journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 136 arómọ̀ láàrán ”he that arrays a child with a decent cloth” arómirẹ́̀ “he that likes water” ògedèǹgbé “a warrior name” fádáùnsi “divination intervened” òyo ̣̀ ládìgbòlú “having a contact with wealth” ṣ̀ ìyànbọ́̀ lá “run to meet wealth” gbádégẹ̀ ṣ̀ in “put the crown on the horse” adéńrelé “the crown is going home” o ̣̀ wo ̣̀ ajagunnà “a warrior name” àjàná “a warrior name” ọ̀ látẹ́̀ rù “wealth is big enough for load” ọ̀ lágbẹ̀̀ gí “wealth deserves tenderness” names are also a source of honour and pride to the owners. people delight to associate with the popular figures in the society by giving their children the names of these figures with the belief that their children will excel like them. the popularity may be in terms of wealth, academic achievement, and gallant performance in the battle field, political exploit, and royal status. all tribes have these popular figure, for instance, some people bear ab́iọ́̀ lá because of june 12th incident, tinúubú after the heroine, late madam ẹ̀ fúnróyè tinúubú. some even go to the extent of bearing foreign names such as obama, being the first african man to become an american president, osama bin laden, and the islamic notorious terrorist. the families of aforementioned names are highly respected and they occupy prominent positions in the federal and states. what their generations enjoy and they will continue to enjoy are the names that their fore-fathers have built a long time ago. the peculiarity of the names in examples above lies on dialectical perspective, for instance, ìkálẹ̀̀ and ìlàjẹ̀ names are philosophical, in the sense that they showcase yorùbá concepts in ọmọ (child), ikú (death), o ̣̀ro ̣̀ (word), and ìwà/ìṣe (habit). another examples are yorùbá attach a strong importance to child such that nothing can be substituted for it as shown in éhùúwàyíjo ̣̀mọ (there is no habit that is greater that a child), ọmọ̣̀́jùlówó (a child is better than money), and ìwáijọ̣́̀mọ (no habit is greater than a child). no matter how much some women suffer in their matrimonial homes, they may endure it and not pack out just for the sake of their children as shown in tọmọmeghò (i consider the children) and ìyàọmọlérè (suffering on the children is rewarding). yorùbá also believes that whatever one says goes a long way, therefore, they are careful of their utterances. hence, an adage says; “ẹyin lohùn, tó bá bale ̣̀ a á fo ̣̀” (word is an egg, if it drops, it will scatter). if one talks carelessly to a person, such person may not forget forever as shown in o ̣̀ ro ̣̀dúùgbàgbé (word is not easily forgotten) and this can make the person to ponder much on the matter as reflected on méònújù (do not think too much). although eighty percent of oǹdó, ìdànrè, and ilẹ̀̀ -olújìí names have akin as the np, the peculiarities in oǹdó, ìdànrè, and ilẹ̀̀ -olújìí names lie on the verb phrases as highlighted in the examples above. the peculiarities in èkìtì names lie on the nps; ọni (human being), uyì (honour), u ̣̀à (ceremony or habit), ùsì (fame), ọlụ̣́̀ a (a kind of god), and o ̣̀ ṣà (orìṣà) (deity). name formation obeys vowel harmony principle in that [-atr] vowels /ọ̀ / and /ụ̀ / in ọlu ̣̀ a and [-atr] /ọ̀ / and /a/ in o ̣̀ ṣà cooccur with each other respectively in èkìtì dialect. in addition, èkìtì, oǹdó, ìdànrè, ilẹ̀̀ -olújìí, and ìkàlẹ̀̀ dialects operate vowel /u/ word initial as reflected on their names in the examples. ẹ̀̀ gbá names are recognized by the segments lí and ṣó while ìjẹ̀̀ bú names are known with ùgà (fame), odù (divination), ọna’ (arts and craft). these differences make names to be a tool of origin tracing. no matter how long a person or a group of people stays in a particular area, if their names differ from the names common to the immediate neighbours, their origin can be easily traced and they will be regarded as sojourners. they cannot have a sense of belonging in that area neither can they hold traditional chieftaincy titles. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akintoye oluwole samuel & ojo george adekunle 137 names change, modifications and avoidance as stigma on yorùbá true identity this section focuses on the reasons for name modification and name avoidance and the consequences in yorùba ́ society. a plethora of research has shown that language endangerment is of a serious concern to scholars. all scholars are using their research to look for solutions on how to preserve the endangered languages from going into extinction. although, if a language dies will affect culture, the concern that the scholars have for the endangered indigenous languages, like yorùbá, has not allowed attention to be drawn to the fact that yorùbá clan and praise names with orúkọ àmúto ̣̀ runwá (natural names) are also endangered. the reasons are because of the arbitrary name change and modifications to suit religious affection and avoidance of some names regarded as archaic. although the previous studies on naming, like ajiboye (2009), ikotun and aladesanmi (2012), ikotun (2013), and akintoye (2015) discuss intensively on surname change, none of these scholars mentioned the dangers of surname change in yorùbá land. according to ikotun (2014), the advent of christianity introduced western and european address forms in yorùbá land whereby the use of surnames is emphasized was a blessing to yorùbá. what was a blessing then has turned to become harm in yorùbá land in that the yorùbá christian fanatics are modifying the subject nps that portray the faith of their progenitors in their deities in the first parts of their surnames or clan names to suit their new religions. they regard such names as being associated with paganism as demonstrated below. ògúnyẹ̀ mi “god of iron favours me” becomes ọ̀ lọ́̀ runyẹ̣̀̀ mi “god favours me” ògúnjìmí “god of iron shook me” becomes ọ̀ lọ́̀ runforíjìmí “god forgave me” ògúnníyì “god of iron has honour” becomes olúwaníyì “the lord has honour” ògúnníran “god has generation” becomes olúwaníran “the lord has generation” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ untóbi “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess is great” becomes olúwatóbi “the lord is great” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ unlọ́̀ lá “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess is wealthy” becomes olúwálọ́̀ lá “the lord is wealthy” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ unlẹ́̀ yẹ̀ “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess has honour” becomes olúwalẹ́̀ yẹ̀ “the lord has honour” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ undùn “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess is sweet” becomes jésùdùn “jesus is sweet” ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ unládé “ọ̀̀ ṣ̀ un goddess has a crown” becomes jésùládé “jesus has a crown” fáníran “divination has generation” becomes olúwáníran “the lord has generation” fáníyì “divination has honour” becomes jésuníyì “jesus has honour” fálọ̀ là “divination is wealthy” becomes ọ̀ lọ́̀ runjẹ́̀ mbọ́̀ là “god is wealthy” fálohùn “divination has voice” becomes ọ̀ lọ́̀ runlohùn “god has voice” fágbàmílà “divination delivered me” becomes olúwágbàmílà “the lord delivered me” there are other names that are gradually fading out. people do not like to adopt them journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 138 because they are regarded as archaic. such names are praise names. if these names exist as first names and they are embraced at all, it will be in the villages given by the grandparents or uneducated parents. these names are adopted by both males and females as itemized below. males females àmọ̀̀ ó àlàkẹ́̀ àlàní àmọ̀̀ kẹ́̀ àjàní àrìnpé àlàó àbẹ̀̀ bí àtàndá àyínlé àyìnlà àbẹ̀̀ fẹ́̀ àkàngbé àbẹ̀̀ ní some youths detest the above names. ikotun (2013) mentions in addition, praise names like àkànjí, àyìndé àdùke ̣̀, and àdùnní to mention a few, are also not adopted as names for the children who are below the age of 10. there are reasons for the non-use of the praise names. one of the reasons is that mothers and grand-mothers who are below the age of 60 do not know the yorùbá eulogies where the praise names are derived. the few great-grand-parents who know are usually cautioned when they start to recite any of the eulogies such as “àdùnní, ọmọ ẹkùn, ọmọ erin...” (àdùnní, the daughter of a leopard, the daughter of an elephant...). the reaction from parents would be “ọmọ mi ò kìí ṣe ọmọ ẹkùn, ọmọ erin, ọmọ jésù ni” (my daughter is not the daughter of a leopard or an elephant, she is jesus daughter). whatever the reasons, they will do all things possible to make sure that other yorùbá or christian names overshadow the names that are considered to be archaic. the so called names that are brought from heaven “orúkọ̀ àmútọ̀̀ runwá” such as ìgè, dàda, òjó, àìná, o ̣̀ ke ̣̀, òní, àjàyí, táíwò, and ke ̣̀hìndé are also endangered. for instance, many parents do not like their children to be addressed as dàda (a child born with dreadlock). if they notice that their new babies are dàda, they will cut the knots before the baby is mature. some people who do not want to eradicate such names completely usually combine them with other names to form compound names as reflected below. olú-àjàyí adé-òjó òjó-adé adé-àjàyí ọ̀ lá-òní olú-òjó ọ̀ láníyì-ìgè owó-ọ̀̀ kẹ́̀ the above names are also reduced to surnames and commonly adopted by married men while their wives and children adopt the men’s first names as their surnames. at the demise of these men, the natural names will be dropped. people that modify names because of their religious beliefs and demonstration of allegiance to god or avoiding some names in order to flow with the trends of modernization may think that they are justified for that development. whatever their reasons, the fact remains that the demerits it has on the future of yorùbá society are more than its merits. apart from the semantic ambiguity noted by ajiboye (2009), name modifications and avoidance can lead to a complete elimination of the family religious history in the sense that the generations to come will not know the original religions of their progenitors since their fathers did not bother to tell them due to a wrong perception about the family religion. in addition, name modifications can cause confusion in the family; while one part of the family bears the modified names and the other part bears the family original names, it may be difficult for the third party to link the part that adopts modified names to the part that maintains the family’s original names. it can also lead to a low brotherhood interaction in the family because there is already religion dichotomy in the family whereby the fanatics will have low participations in the family’s affairs and also regard other family members as pagans on the ground of religion. these fanatics will definitely indoctrinate their immediate families not to have anything to do journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akintoye oluwole samuel & ojo george adekunle 139 with their family members less they indulged them in their fetish activities. name avoidance can lead to a gradual extinction of the praise names and reincarnation names because with time, there will be a complete repulsiveness for them by the generations to come. as such doing, one part of yorùbá culture is eliminated. conclusion this paper has considered the dangers of misconception of yorùbá individual names on the future of yorùbá true identity. the paper explained that it is not only yorùbá language that is endangered, yorùbá names are also endangered. the paper stated the attributes of yorùbá names in yorùbá society and the claims of the religious fanatics and the name avoiders for that development. the various demerits of name change, modifications and avoidance in yorùbá land were highlighted in the paper. there is a need for yorùbá scholars to use their research works to protect yorùbá names from going into extinction. references abiodun, m. a. 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(2003). “trends in yorùbá names” paper presented at ysan annual conference held at adekunle ajasin university, akungba-akoko, ondo-state. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 137 the function of humor applied in margaret cho’s stand-up comedy: psycho anindita dewangga puri faculty of cultural science, universitas gadjah mada f.x. risang baskara english letters department, universitas sanata dharma abstract this article discusses the function of humor in margaret cho's stand-up comedy entitled psycho. the aims of this research are to explain the humor function applied by margaret cho in creating humor situation in her stand-up comedy. the data in this research are oral data which is transcribed into written form. this study uses a qualitative descriptive method. according to the research in the stand-up comedy entitled psycho, the researchers found that margaret cho tends to use humor function to create solidarity with the audiences. this is dominated by sharing strategy which is often conveyed by cho in her stand-up comedy. keywords: humor, stand-up comedy, pragmatics, jokes introduction humor is closely related to life community. the existence of humor in society is not only used to make people laugh, but also can be used to release a tension. as stated by wijana (2003) in his book entitled kartun: studi tentang permainan bahasa, humor is kind of wordplay which can stimulate people to laugh. it is also in accordance with the definition of humor by ross (1998) that humor is everything that makes someone laugh. as one of the linguistics phenomena, the use and variation humor are growing over time. one type of humor that does exist in society is stand-up comedy. according to the oxford english dictionary (in double, 2014), stand-up comedy is defined as a comedian who acts in front of the audience while telling funny things. stand-up comedy itself appeared since the 19th century in america and europe. america became the pioneers for some famous comics such as sarah silverman, robin williams, christ rock, ellen degeneres, margaret cho, and others. each comic has its own characteristics in delivering its comedic materials. for example, ellen degeneres whose jokes have a topic related to gay and lesbian, george charlin who often touches on a religious topic, and margaret cho whose jokes are about racism, politics, women, and sex. this research uses one of american female stand-up comedy that is margaret cho. the researches choose female stand-up comedy because there has been little research examining stand-up comedy performed by a woman, especially in terms of linguistics. most of the researches conduct research on stand-up comedy performed by male comics. moreover, some researches such as lakoff and goodman (in hay, 2000) said that women have no sense of humor rather than men. they are not suitable for telling humor. margaret cho herself is well-known as a journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anindita dewangga puri & f.x. risang baskara 138 female comic who dare to speak out about racism, politics, women, and all about sexual behavior. she was born on december 5, 1968, and grew up in san francisco. cho's childhood passed by unusual circumstances. she experienced several times sexual violence, abuse, torture against herself, and racism made her poured all her bitterness into the jokes. cho also one of female comics who put criticism and satire in her material bravely. as stated by chun (2004), that cho tends to issue mocking asian in her comedy material. psycho is one of the stand-up comedies performed by margaret cho in 2015. this stand-up comedy contains jokes about police brutality, racism, and violence against women in america. in this stand-up comedy, margaret cho tries to convey her madness and anger into humor. method this research uses a qualitative descriptive method. stand-up comedy employed by margaret cho becomes the object of this study. the main source of this research is the stand-up comedy entitled psycho. the researches downloaded the stand-up comedy video from this research is carried out in three stages (sudaryanto, 1993). first is data collection, the second is data analysis, and the last is the presentation of the results of data analysis. the researchers collected the data by using simak bebas libat cakap technique (kesuma, 2007, p. 44). the researchers downloaded, listened and observed the video without being directly involved in the conversion process. after obtained the video, the data is transcribed as well as adapted to the psycho video subtitle found on in addition, the researchers also divided the stand-up comedy data into three parts: opening, core which was consisted into several bits, and closing. then, each of the sentences on the data is marked by numbers in order to make the researchers easy to analyze the data. this research used a contextual method in which this method promoted speech situation consisting of a speaker, hearer, place, speech time, and all of these were associated with linguistics phenomenon (sperber and wilson, in wijana 2014). according to the bits in the stand-up comedy, the researchers analyze the humor function presented by margaret cho in psycho. the contextual method was used by the researchers to analyze the function of humor. the result of the data analysis was presented in formal and informal methods (sudaryanto, 1993). the obtained data were written into table form by using a formal method, and the explanation of the data is written by using an informal method. the functions of humor humor also has a various function besides aiming to make people laugh. according to hay (2000), humor has three functions that are solidarity function, power function, and psychological function. the solidarity function emphasizes the function of humor to create solidarity between members in a group. there are several strategies in this solidarity function. first, to share by expressing things about the speaker including sharing sensitive things. sharing sensitive things also indicates that a comedian believes to the audience so that it can increase a sense of solidarity. second, to highlight similarities or to share the same experience. according to ziv (in hay, 2000) humor in this strategies aims to share ideas, interests, and other similarities between speakers. third, to clarify and maintain boundaries within a particular group. this strategy strengthens the standard accepted and agreed by the particular group. the last, to tease to strengthen solidarity, express the relationship, and maintain the strength of the teaser (radcliffe & brown in hay, 2000). this can be done by teasing and insulting each other, such as jokes about a relationship, the routine life of an individual, and insulting others who are already known. the power function has several strategies. this type of humor intentionally has the purpose of degrading other people or sending an aggressive message (martineau in hay, 2000). the first strategy is to control for example humor where comedian tries to control the audiences to do something. second, to respond to the existing of the social phenomena. this strategy comes from the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 139 facts that occur and is something judgemental. third, to tease by attacking someone else’s personal or by making criticism for other things. in addition, mocking, looking down on others, and insulting is included in this strategy. the psychological function in humor has several strategies such as to defend by identifying the weakness of the comedian before anyone else does it. every humor that implements this function has the purpose of protecting the comedian from criticism that may come. to cope with a contextual and noncontextual problem. humor in this type serves to overcome problems that arise during a conversation, while humor to cope with noncontextual problems such as problems for survival that are generally felt by humans as living things, such as humor about pain, something that makes depression, and something that frightens. in addition, in terms of psychology according to martin & ford (2006), humor also has a function to release pressure, suffering, disappointment, anxiety, and to convey taboo things that do exist in society. discussion every humor that is raised by the comedian must contain certain intentions or functions. according to the data that were analyzed, margaret cho fulfills the three functions of humor in the stand-up comedy entitled psycho. 1. solidarity function a. to share this strategy can be done by expressing things about the speaker and even expressing sensitive things about the comedian. the aims of this strategy are to make the audience get to know more about the life of the speaker. (bit 4) 103 but i think that, like, it's-it's fierce to be that asian, you know. 104 it's like we're talking about our heritage and it's awesome, you know? 105 but i-i like to sort of feel like exotic, you know? 106 i love... i love white dick. (laughter) 107 you know? i do. 108 i love... i love some white dick. 109 it makes me feel exotic, you know, like i want to put a, i want to put a flower in my hair, like... (laughter) 110 (korean accent): "they remind me of my homeland." 111 love that. 112 white dick is not... you know, it's not too big so it doesn't stretch me out. (laughter) the data in bit 4 above illustrates the use of humor to strengthen solidarity. the context of this utterances is about asians, especially what margaret cho likes as an asian. the sharing strategy is used by cho by telling the audience what she likes, that is a white penis. cho clearly stated that white penis could make her felt more exotic. this is included the humor function to strengthen solidarity by expressing about cho's life including sensitive matters. b. to highlight similarities experiences this kind of strategy can be done by sharing the same experiences in a group. this is also explained by cho in her stand-up comedy. (bit 2) 59 it's weird, that i think that white people, sometimes... 60 i think white people want to tell asian people how they should feel about race because they're too scared to tell black people. (laughter) (pause) 61 you know, we have less melanin, we're not as intimidating, we're less likely to "shut it down." (laughter) the data above reveals on how white people are afraid to talk about race issue with black people. it is actually felt by asians too, how they are afraid to talk about race in front of black people. this happens because of the dark history between asians and black people journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anindita dewangga puri & f.x. risang baskara 140 in america. according to the utterance number 60, it is seen how margaret cho shared the similarities as asian with white people because basically, they are all afraid of talk about race issue with black people. c. to clarify and maintain boundaries within a particular group one of the strategies to keep boundaries or norms in a group is through humor. here is how cho strengthens solidarity by telling that cho as korean has violated the korean culture. (bit 29) 947 and, uh, so, uh, k-koreans are very, uh, they're-they're really against tattoos, it's very taboo for koreans to have tattoos, because during the korean war, everything was destroyed and then rebuilt by organized crime. 948 and the way that the organized criminals always recognized each other was through their tattoos. 949 so it's really controversial. 950 and so i go to the clothing-optional korean spas in los angeles, which are not just clothing-optional. 951 everybody's just naked. 952 you know, everybody's just naked and i'm just naked, with my tattoos, and, you know, walking around and korean people are giving me dirty looks which is hard to tell. 953 it's hard to tell when a korean is giving you a dirty look. (laughter) 954 you know, the... (laughter) 955 so i felt self-conscious. 956 so i went into, like, a sauna, you know, by myself, and i'm just sitting there in the sauna, naked, watching bigscreen tv, just watching golf. 957 and the manager comes in and she's fully clothed and she's like, "uh, could i talk to you out here? it's really hot." 958 and i was like, "okay." 959 and so i was standing outside and she goes, "i hate to tell you this, but you are really upsetting people here with your body. (laughter) the data on bit 29 tells us how korean have certain norms in their society. the use of tattoos in korea is very taboo. it is because tattoos were once a symbol of organized criminals in korea, so koreans never wear tattoos. however, as a korean, cho precisely violates this norm. it became an experience for her when she was in a korean spa in america. she was naked at the spa and many koreans gave her dirty looks, even the manager of that spa asked cho to wear her clothes because her body was filled with tattoos. it was an unpleasant experience for cho because basically there are some rules that must be fulfilled when entering a particular group. d. to tease this strategy is intended to strengthen solidarity in a relationship. usually, people tease one to each other because they have a close relationship one to others. (bit 5) 133 sometimes it's a little bit... like, you know, it's like asian women are too beautiful. 134 like, they're just so beautiful, it's like nobody can compare. 135 you saw... you see good, like... 136 sometimes there's a good couple, like, a beautiful asian woman with, like, a beautiful white man, and, you know, it's nice. 137 but sometimes you'll see, like, a really beautiful asian woman, and she's with the most fucked-up face, broke down, busted white man, and i'm just, like, "bitch, are your eyes that small?" (laughter) the data in bit 5 above describes the solidarity function conveyed by margaret cho by teasing asian woman. at first, cho told the audience that the asian woman was very beautiful and there was no one can match with an asian woman. cho herself was very impressed when there were asian women dating a good white man. however, cho also told the audience that sometimes there were asian women who were actually beautiful but she chose to date white men whose faces were not handsome. the data number 137 journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 141 makes the audience laugh. by saying “bitch, are your eyes that small?” thus, cho taunts that asian woman who has narrow eyes. 2. power function the power function in stand-up comedy emphasizes the power of a comic to be able to control the audience in order to create the goals desired by the comic. in addition, the power function can also be in the form of criticism, satire, or ridicule for others. a. to foster conflict fostering conflict can be done by a comedian by sending an aggressive message or by degrading others. (bit 29) 965 and i-i was a little bit i didn't know what to say. 966 and, you know, the ladies are looking at me and me, finally, i just said, "uh, do you know who i am?" 967 and her eyes went from my enormous bush to my face and she realized. 968 "oh, my god! you're margaret cho! i'm a really big fan! i've been to your shows. i think you're amazing! but you still have to put your clothes on." (laughter) 969 so i was like, "all right, but this is wrong and you are gonna be sorry." 970 then i just walked away. (laughter) (imitates noisy dripping) the context of the bit above is about cho’s inconvenience because officers and all spa visitors at that korean spa give dirty look to margaret cho. it is because they do not like seeing cho’s body full of tattoos. in the utterances number 969 and 970, cho sends an aggressive message in a threatening manner to the manager of the spa because of her unpleasant behavior. it makes the audience laugh in that stand-up comedy. b. to control this strategy in humor can be interpreted as controlling a person’s behavior. it also forces people to do something. here is an example of the power function in cho's standup comedy with a strategy of controlling the audience. (bit 18) 550 girl... girl, when did you see a pussy? 551 what... what happened, though? (asking to the audience) 552 it was my friend's mother. (the audience said) 553 oh, no! (audience groaning) 554 wait... (laughter) 555 wait, why? 556 wait, oh, no, no, yeah, no, no. 557 wait for a second, wait for a second, wait for a second, wait for a second, wait for a second, wait a second. 558 what is it? 559 you ate the pussy? i mean and your boyfriend is like, "oh, god.” (laughter) 560 'cause it's almost like you ate the pussy by proxy. (laughter) in the data above, it can be seen on how cho attempts to create humor on the stand-up comedy by asking the audience directly about the vagina, how was the last time one of the audiences saw a vagina. one of the audiences answered cho's questions, continued by other audiences' laughter because one of that audiences answered that he saw a vagina from his mother's friend. the power function to control others can be seen through bit 18 on how margaret cho as a comic can freely control the audience's behavior to answer her question. the audience answered cho's question without hesitation and it made the other audiences laugh. c. to respond to the existing of the social phenomena sometimes certain social phenomena that arise in society can be used as a material to create humor situation. the function of this strategy is sometimes judgmental according to the fact that occurs in society. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anindita dewangga puri & f.x. risang baskara 142 (bit 25) 810 so we will go and we will teach boko haram a lesson about women and education. 811 so, yeah, i think i want to put together a crew. 812 i want michelle rodriguez. 813 uh, i want ronda rousey. 814 i want... i want the scary japanese bitches from the grudge and the ring. 815 you know, the... (laughter) (pause) 816 i want cagney and lacey. 817 i want ruth bader ginsburg. 818 i want courtney love. 819 you know... (laughter) 820 you know courtney love cannot wait to behead somebody. 821 aah! judge judy. 822 and bruce jenner. 823 it'd be so good, it'd be so good. (laughter) (pause) in this strategy, margaret cho conveyed about social phenomena that had occurred in the society that was boko haram. boko haram had kidnapped for about 250 students from nigerian and all of them are women. margaret cho made this phenomenon as a joke because she really did not want those students kidnapped by boko haram only for their importance. they still had an opportunity to continue their education. the humor material related to this social phenomena was conveyed by cho as a distinctive feature in her stand-up comedy materials. it is because cho is famous as a female stand-up comedian who dares to criticize social and political issues and other matters concerning race and sexuality. d. to tease this strategy can be done by attacking others, taunting, satirizing, and making criticism for others. here is an example of data where cho uses this strategy to make humor situation. (bit 30) 1005 i was on the plane to go to england and i was on the plane and i was walking on the plane and patti labelle was sitting in the first class. 1006 patti labelle sees me and she goes, "oh, hell, no!" (laughter) (pause) 1007 "oh, hell, no! you're gonna stay on your side of the plane cause you crazy!" (laughter) (pause) 1008 then her eyes just followed me for the entire flight. 1009 like like she was in a painting in a haunted mansion. (laughter) the data in bit 30 shows the power function in cho’s stand-up comedy by satirizing others. the utterances number 1005 until 1009 was about cho's journey to england and she met patti labelle. patti labelle is an american artist and singer. she also a black descent. margaret cho brought patti labelle into joke material because of the dark history between korean-american and black people. black people hate korean americans. it is represented in utterances number 1006 and 1007 that showed patti labelle hatred to cho, even labelle insulted cho as a crazy woman. the data in bit 30 also shows on how margaret cho as a comic in the stand-up comedy has the power to create a humorous situation in any way, including by insinuating on how black people treat against korean americans. 3. psychological function the psychological function in conveying humor is closely related to release the tension in a person. a. to defend this strategy aims to create a defense for comics by conveying their weaknesses to protect themselves or free themselves from possible criticism. (bit 12) 343 you know, i'm impressed by it, because of asian women... 344 we've got a lot, but we don't have the ass. 345 i don't have... i-i don't... 346 i have, like, a fold. (laughter) 347 fold, not an ass. 348 i-i just don't have, uh, that part. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 143 349 you know, i have a fat vagina. (laughter) 349 flat ass, fat vagina. 350 that's... that's never gonna be in fashion. (laughter) (pause) 351 there are no songs about that. (laughter) (pause) 352 it's-it's where i carry my weight. 353 you know, i don't... 354 i have no junk in the trunk. 355 i have junk under the hood. (laughter) (pause) the data in bit 12 shows how cho defended by identifying the weaknesses she had. actually, asian women are beautiful but margaret cho does not represent as a beautiful asian woman. it can be seen through the utterances number 345 until 355, where cho explained that she did not have a good buttock but her buttock like a fold that caused her buttock seemed like flat buttock. she also had a fat vagina. this is the strategy that cho had to identify her weaknesses in her standup comedy and it made the audience laugh. b. to release tension releasing tension in psychological function can be done by releasing suffering, pressure, and anxiety that feels by a person. here is an example of how margaret cho uses this strategy in her stand-up comedy. (bit 26) 824 i like thinking about my, my bucket list. 825 like, if i have a bucket list it would be: first, i want to go to india and throw acid in the face of every man who ever threw acid in the face of a woman. 826 that would be great. 827 i'd feel really good! 828 just to wicked witch some motherfucker who did that, it'd just be great. 829 then i want to go to russia, i want to kill every gay-basher that i ever saw on the internet, um... 830 i want to come back here, i want to kill every child molester, every rapist, and anybody who unnecessarily abused an animal. 831 oh, yeah. 832 michael vick's fucking dead. 833 fucking dead. 834 uh, a whole bunch of catholic priests are going down. (laughter) 835 like, jerry sandusky, fucking dead. 836 all the-the fucking people that tried that killed matthew shepard, fucking dead. 837 and i-i are serious. bit 26 above shows how margaret cho released her deepest hatred and desire by pouring it into humor. the utterances number 824 until 836 showed that cho hated a man who was arbitrary to a woman, child molester, rapist, michael vick as a suspected animal torturer, jerry sandusky a perpetrator of rape and sexual violence against children, and criminals who tortured and killed a student named matthew shepard. the utterance number 837 showed cho's response to these criminal cases. humor which material was raised from criminal cases was conveyed as a form of cho's anger toward deviant things that actually happened in this world. c. to convey taboo things a strategy that is carried out in the psychological function of humor is by conveying taboo matters. not everyone can talk about this taboo in a serious scope, therefore another alternative to discuss taboo matters is by using humor. (bit 9) 217 her funeral was hard. 218 it was, it was all comedians there. 219 everybody was crying. 220 it was here in new york city, and everybody was crying, crying. 221 it was a big temple. 222 just everybody, every comedian you know is there, and it was so hard, 'cause we were all crying so much because we had lost our mother. 223 and howard stern delivered the eulogy. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anindita dewangga puri & f.x. risang baskara 144 224 and he was crying, he was crying, which is sad to see... 225 so sad to see him crying. 226 and finally, through the tears, he managed to speak, and he said, (in a deep voice): "joan... rivers... had such... a dry... pussy." (laughter) (pause) 227 "her pussy... was so dry, it was like a sponge.” 228 "and when she would get in the bathtub, all the water would get absorbed in there. (laughter) 229 like... (imitates water whooshing) 230 and joan used to say that if whitney houston had as dry... (laughter) a pussy... as joan... she would still be... alive... today. (laughter) (pause) bit 9 is one of the examples margaret cho uses taboo things in her stand-up comedy. this incident was based on a true story at the funeral of joan rivers, one of the famous comedian in america. howard stern, who was in charge of giving a speech at that time, deliberately mentioned the dry vagina of joan rivers. actually, that kind of joke is very rude if it is expressed during mourning situation. however, stern had a reason why he did it at the funeral, it was because he did not want the attendance to be too sad with joan's death. this taboo thing that was told by cho actually made the audience laugh. conclusion according to the research in the stand-up comedy entitled psycho, the researchers found that margaret cho tends to use humor function to create solidarity with the audiences. this is dominated by sharing strategy which is often conveyed by cho in her stand-up comedy. sharing strategies are carried out by expressing things about cho's life, whether it is sensitive or not. in the psycho stand-up comedy, margaret cho often shared her life story from the first asian family sitcom she starred in, revealing on how her body is fat and contrary to asian women who are famous for their beauty, sharing ideas and opinions about what is on cho’s mind. in addition, through the comedy, margaret cho is able to freely express sensitive things that happen to her so that the audience can get to know cho personally. the function of humor in this stand-up comedy is dominated by solidarity function with sharing strategy as the most used strategy. this humor contains cho’s madness and anger towards her experiences and cases that occur in this world. margaret cho tries to make this tragic situation into humor and share them with the audience so that the audience can get to know various aspects of cho’s life. references double, o. 2014. getting the joke: the inner workings of stand-up comedy. london: bloomsbury. hay, j. 2000. “function of humor in the conversation of men and women”, journal of pragmatics 32, pp. 709-742 kesuma, t.m.j. 2007. pengantar (metode) penelitian bahasa. yogyakarta: penerbit carasvatibooks. ross, a. 1998. the language of humor. new york: routledge. sudaryanto. 1993. metode dan aneka teknik analisis bahasa: pengantar penelitian wahana kebudayaan secara linguistik. yogyakarta: duta wacana university press. wijana, i.d.p. 2003. kartun: studi tentang permainan bahasa. yogyakarta: penerbit ombak. wijana, i.d.p. 2014. wacana teka-teki. yogyakarta: penerbit ombak. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 43 profanity and characterization: a study of translation strategies and their effects on the catcher in the rye fachrina azura, haru deliana dewi, rahayu surtiati hidayat graduate of the english study program, faculty of humanities, universitas indonesia; department of linguistics, faculty of humanities, universitas indonesia abstract this paper investigates the translation strategies used in translating profanity in the novel the catcher in the rye and their effects on the narrator’s characterization. the purpose is to see the effects that certain translation strategies have on characterization, an important literary element. this paper will focus on chapter 25, the penultimate chapter where the climax takes place. this paper uses statistics to examine the number of translation strategies used and the qualitative-descriptive method to examine the effects on the narrator’s characterization. the strategies will be classified based on baker’s (2018) proposed strategies, while nida’s (2012) argument regarding the importance of characterization will be the framework for evaluating the characterization. this paper finds that the indonesian translator overwhelmingly used the strategies of softening and omission. this results in a significantly different characterization of the narrator, in which he becomes less irreverent and more conscious of social norms. keywords: characterization, literary translation, translation strategies, profanity introduction the translation of vulgar and specifically profane language in literary text poses a question for translators: which translation strategy should they use in translating the profanity? this is a difficult question to answer since whichever strategy chosen will affect the text’s literary quality. unfortunately, few studies are conducted on this topic. as a novel that is notorious for its profane language, the catcher in the rye (henceforth catcher), written by jerome david salinger (commonly known as j. d. salinger), is a suitable corpus for such a study. an investigation of the strategies used in the english-indonesian translation of catcher will be useful for other translators, either indonesian or others, in deciding the most appropriate approach for the process of translating catcher or other books with excessive profanity in their prose. the result of this study can also be used as the groundwork for future researchers in examining the strategies of translating profanity in literary texts and how those strategies affect the quality of the text. this study aims to investigate the translation strategies used in translating the profanity in catcher and their effects on the characterization of the narrator. it will do so by asking two questions. first, what are the translation strategies used by the indonesian translator in translating the profanity in catcher? second, does the choice of strategies affect the characterization of the narrator, and if yes, in what way? this study will use the qualitativedescriptive method. first, this study will record all profanities found in chapter 25 and their translation. next, it will analyze the strategies used. third, it will examine whether the same english word is translated consistently by using the same strategy or not. the frequency of how often a term is journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fachrina azura, haru deliana dewi, rahayu surtiati hidayat 44 translated using which strategy will be presented as simple statistics in the form of percentage and a pie chart. finally, it will investigate the effects of said strategies on the characterization of the narrator. previous research on catcher considering that catcher’s language is the major reason for its notoriety, a translator working on translating the novel needs to be careful in choosing the translation strategies applied. this is due to the fact that the excessive profanity in the narrator’s speech is an essential part of his characterization; a clear insight into his state of mind and personality (kaplan 1956; costello 1959; edwards 1983). as such, translating the profanity can pose a challenging task, especially when translated into a language whose cultural attitude toward profanity is different from english. a translator, after all, is not only “linguistic mediators, but also cultural mediators” (aisyah 2013:59). in mediating between the source culture and the target culture, the translator will have to rely on a number of translation strategies. whatever strategies the translator chooses, they will affect the quality of the prose, especially in regard to the characterization of the narrator. unfortunately, there are very few studies that focus on the issue of translation strategies of vulgar language found in catcher and their effects on the text or the characterization. heiserman and miller, jr. (1956), barr (1957), and costello (1959) argued that the main character (holden)’s speech was both typical of teenagers of his time and at the same time individual enough to show the character’s personality, as shown through the main character’s idiosyncrasies of vocabulary and syntax. riedel (1980) and jasaitytė (2015) employed a similar paradigm in their studies. despite examining two different translations and the 35-year gap between their studies, both riedel and jasaitytė found similar results. the former examined the german translation of catcher, and the latter the lithuanian translation. both studies found that in translating the everyday teenagers’ language depicted in catcher, the translators employed similar strategies, mainly omission and softening. this choice of strategies was caused by the translators’ attempts to make the book more acceptable in their respective societies, i.e. german and lithuanian societies. as a result, both riedel and jasaitytė argued that the translations failed to convey everyday teenagers’ language, as the original english edition did. in riedel’s findings, moreover, the main character’s personality underwent a significant change: from the irreverent young man in the english original (kaplan 1956; trowbridge, 1968) to a well-behaved uppermiddle class young man in the german version. however, both studies did not elucidate the criteria for their claim that their respective societies were more conservative than us culture. riedel, additionally, did not provide adequate elaboration for his argument that the german version of the main character is radically different from the english one. this study will address this research gap by providing further support for the argument regarding the effects that the translation strategies employed have on holden’s characterization. this study will do so by using nida’s (2012) claim regarding the importance of maintaining the characterization in translating a literary text. however, this study will not discuss in depth the possible reasons behind the translator’s decisions to employ certain strategies. so far there has been no similar study conducted in indonesian. the closest research on the topic of the translation of profanity is a study on the taboo words in the film 8 mile, a 2002 drama/hip hop american movie about a young rapper, and their subtitle translation to indonesian. surya (2014) found that in translating such words, the translator chose to employ euphemism in order to make the subtitle more appropriate and less offensive for indonesian audience. thus, the motive for the translation strategy chosen is similar to riedel’s and jasaitytė’s findings. however, it is important to note that there are significant differences between translating subtitles and novels. besides the difference in length, subtitles also work together with other elements of the film, such as sounds and cinematography, which provide the audience with other cues for understanding the text. indeed, this interaction between audio-visual elements and subtitle text renders complete translation of speech unnecessary, and in fact journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 45 it should be avoided (díaz cintas and remael 2014:145). in contrast, the readers of a novel fully depend on the words as their means of understanding the text. they rarely have illustrations or other elements to aid them. translating novels, therefore, is significantly different from translating subtitles, and a study of subtitle translation might yield conclusions that may not apply to a study of literary texts translation. due to this lack of studies regarding the translation of profanity in literary texts, a further investigation is needed. theories on profanity and translation hughes (2006:xvii) explains that, “when . . . sacred names, figures, or objects of veneration are invoked in an unsanctioned way, lightly and irreverently, and especially when they are used to swear at somebody or simply out of exasperation. . .” these instances can be referred to as profanity or blasphemy, among others. while profanity and blasphemy are quite similar, the main difference between them is on the intention, “in that profanity is usually regarded as habitual,” while blasphemy “is more obviously intentional or deliberate” (hughes 2006:xvii). profanity, then, can be said as the usage of sacred words irreverently but without malicious intent. the function of profanity, as hughes has stated above, is to show exasperation or to show annoyance at someone (2006). being connected with religion, profanity is naturally culture-dependent. for example, a judeochristian culture will have different views on profanity compared to an islamic one. indeed, islam is the only abrahamic religion to explicitly prohibit profane or obscene words in its texts, while both the old and new testament are vaguer in this issue (palmer 2012). levý argues that translating “. . . is a decision process,” in that a translator is required to choose from a certain number of options (2000:148). in translating profanity, a translator has several options: to translate the profanity as it is, to maintain the expressive quality but not the profanity itself (softening), or to omit the profanity entirely (omission). what option the translator chooses will depend on both linguistic and non-linguistic considerations, such as whether the sentence will flow better or whether the audience will react well. whatever options the translator chooses, they will affect the text, either positively or negatively. baker’s translation strategies baker proposes that one of the strategies that a professional translator can use when dealing with non-equivalence is the strategy of translation by a more neutral or less expressive word (2018:27-30). as baker herself does not give any name to this strategy, this paper will refer to this strategy using the term ‘softening’, a term used by jasaitytė. she added that the purpose of this strategy was for “[t]he reduction of emotional harm and unpleasant effects of the word” (2015:17). as butkuvienė and petrulionė noted, rude or vulgar words are usually translated using this strategy (2010:40). however, choosing this strategy may result in a significant stylistic or expressive loss. omission, as baker explains, can seem drastic, but in some instances omitting a word or expression is harmless, especially if the meaning is not particularly important. at the same time, she suggested that this strategy should only be used as a last resort, since some loss of meaning cannot be avoided when this strategy is employed (2018: 43-45). it should be noted that while a word or expression may be deemed to have relatively unimportant meaning, it may serve a stylistic purpose that is valuable to the text and whose absence may affect the text. the link between cursing and personality to understand why someone curses, jay argues that, “the answer … must make reference to personality factors because an act of cursing is woven into a speaker’s personality” (1999:107). cursing reveals a speaker’s personality, not only through his/her choice to curse but also from the words that s/he uses (jay 1999:107). a person or character who uses excretory words to curse gives a different impression from one who uses profane words. moreover, a person’s personality factors can be used to predict journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fachrina azura, haru deliana dewi, rahayu surtiati hidayat 46 his/her likelihood of cursing. jay states that high emotionality or impulsivity, masculinity, and post-conventional morality, among other factors, are good indicators of a person’s tendency to curse (1999:113-114). regarding profanity, jay shares hughes’s distinction between profanity and blasphemy. he observes that “to be profane means to be secular or indifferent toward religion”; while to be blasphemous is to attack religion intentionally (1999:191). furthermore, he elaborates that a person’s involvement in a religious community shapes his/her attitude towards profanity and blasphemy. a person’s religiosity, or depth-of-religious belief, is nurtured through conditioning in a religious community. through censorship and education over “good” and “bad” language, a person learns the emotional meaning of profanity. the more involved someone is in a religious community, the higher his/her religiosity is. a person with high religiosity “tends to be offended by profanity” and therefore s/he is less likely to utter profanity (1999:108-109,190-192). nida’s importance of characterization nida states that in translating literary works, “…each character must be permitted to have the same kind of individuality and personality as the author himself gave them in the original message” (2012:154). in other words, the characterization must remain visible in the target text. a character that is foul-mouthed, for example, must remain foulmouthed in the target text. the translator should not suddenly turn him/her into a polite person. he also emphasizes the importance of diction as a vital element of characterization. “individuals must be properly characterized by the appropriate selection and arrangement of words,” as nida explains (2012:154). as such, the translator must keep intact the diction assigned to a character by the original author. this link between a character’s diction and his/her personality echoes the arguments presented by jay, as has been explained in the previous section. scope of research despite being a critically acclaimed novel, the catcher in the rye (first published by little, brown and company in 1951) is also a perennial presence in american library association (ala)’s list of frequently challenged book. the book’s vulgar language, which includes excessive profanity in the narrator’s speech, is the main reason cited for its banning from the school curriculum (whitfield 1997; american library association 2013). this controversy surrounding the book may also be the reason why, despite being highly acclaimed, it was only in 2007 that the book was finally translated and published in indonesia. catcher is the story, told from the first person point of view, of holden caulfield. while the setting is never explicitly stated, it can be inferred from information found in the text that the story takes place around late 1940s or early 1950s. the novel begins with holden directly addressing the readers from where he is staying, an institution implied to be one for tuberculosis patients. he then proceeds to recount the events of previous year’s christmas. a sixteen-year-old young man from an affluent family, he is expelled from his boarding school in pennsylvania. this is the fourth time he has been expelled from a school. to avoid facing his parents’ anger upon hearing the news, he returns to and then roams new york city for a few days. the novel consists of him telling the readers his observations regarding various people, events, and random things that he encounters. for the purpose of this study, the main focus will be on the main character, holden, and his narration. his verbal interactions with people and the contexts of the speeches will also be taken into account. the corpus for this study is the original english version of the catcher in the rye, written by jerome david salinger and first published in 1951 in the united states, and its indonesian translation. the english language copy used for this study is the 1991 edition published by little, brown and company. the indonesian translation was published in 2007 by banana and translated by gita widya laksmini. due to time and space limitation, this paper will focus only on chapter 25. the chapter was chosen because of its significance as the penultimate chapter where the climax journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 47 takes place. however, when supporting information is needed, the paper will reference other chapters briefly. translation strategies found in catcher a close examination on chapter 25 of the novel the catcher in the rye and its indonesian translation reveals the following result: figure 1: statistics of translation strategies found in chapter 25 there are 38 words or expressions containing profanity in the source text. they consist of the words ‘damn’, ‘goddam’, and ‘hell’. it is important to note that the author, salinger, used the ‘goddam’ spelling instead of the more commonly used ‘goddamn’. in the target text, however, the majority of them (55% or 21 out of 38) have been translated using the strategy of omission. forty per cent or 15 of these words/expressions are translated using the strategy of softening. only 5% or 2 of them have their translation in the target language. of the two translated profane words, one involved the word ‘damn’ and the other ‘goddam’. both are translated using the same indonesian word, ‘sialan’. according to the online kamus besar bahasa indonesia [the great dictionary of the indonesian language] (henceforth kbbi), ‘sialan’ is a vulgar noun used for swearing. it is derived from the word ‘sial’, an adjective meaning unlucky (2016). although the dictionary defines ‘sialan’ as a noun, in daily usage, the word is also used as an adjective. for example, a person who stumbles on a rock may say, “batu sialan!” and when translated into english, the phrase becomes “damned stone!” in this example, the word ‘sialan’ functions as an adjective to the noun ‘batu’. while the word is considered vulgar, it is not profane in the sense that it is not based on religious expression. despite this, the word can still be considered the equivalent of ‘damn’ and ‘goddam’ due to its vulgarity and terms of usage. the following is an examination of the two instances: table 1: translated profane words example source text target text back translation (1) “but this damn article i started reading made me feel almost worse.” (195) “tetapi artikel sialan yang aku baca ini justru membuat aku merasa semakin tidak karuan.” (275) “but this damn article i’m reading just makes me feel more messed up.” (2) “you can’t trust anybody in a goddam school.” (201) “kita tak bisa percaya pada siapa pun di sekolah sialan ini.” (282) “we can’t trust anybody in this goddam school.” in both instances, the profanity is retained, and so is its position. in example (1), the word ‘damn’ functions as the adjective of the word ‘article’ in the source text. in the target text, the word ‘sialan’ also functions as the adjective of the word ‘artikel’. likewise, in example (2), the words ‘goddam’ and ‘sialan’ function as the adjective of the words ‘school’ and ‘sekolah’ respectively. the above instances are the only instances where the words ‘damn’ and ‘goddam’ are translated. there are seven uses of the word ‘damn’, yet only one is translated into its equivalent. another is translated using the strategy of softening, while the other five instances are omitted in the translation. following is an examination of a few examples of the word ‘damn’. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fachrina azura, haru deliana dewi, rahayu surtiati hidayat 48 table 2: examples of the softening and omission of the word ‘damn’ example source text target text back translation (3) “… it damn near killed me…” (212) “… ini benarbenar bikin aku geli…” (296) “it really amused me.” (4) “… i damn near got killed doing it…” (199) “… aku nyaris mati ketabrak mobil karenanya…” (280) “i almost got killed by a car because of it.” (5) “i felt so damn happy all of a sudden…” (213) “tiba-tiba saja aku merasa begitu bahagia…” (297) “suddenly i felt so happy.” in example (3), the strategy used is softening. the word ‘damn’ in the source text functions as an emphasis. in the target text, this function is taken by the phrase ‘benarbenar’. the profanity is not retained, but the function is. the strategy of omission is used in examples (4) and (5). in the case of example (4), the function of the word ‘damn’ in this sentence is the same as the previous one, i.e. as emphasis, yet in this instance the word is omitted entirely from the target text. similarly, in example (5), the word ‘damn’ again emphasizes how happy holden was. however, the word is also omitted in the target text. based on the samples above, it seems that the word ‘damn’ was translated into its equivalent when the word functions as an adjective. in contrast, when the word functions as an emphasis, the translator either softened or omitted the word. there seems to be no discernible pattern on why certain ‘damn(s)’ have been softened and others have been omitted. as with the word ‘damn’, only one ‘goddam’ was translated, even though the word appeared ten times. two were softened, and the remaining seven were omitted. table 3: examples of the softening and omission of the word ‘goddam’ example source text target text back translation (6) “… and she was dragging this goddam big suitcase with her.” (205206) “… dan ia menyeretnyeret satu kopor yang besar bukan main.” (288) “…and she was dragging one enormous suitcase.” (7) “…and i didn’t even have a goddam handkerchief with me.” (195) “…dan aku sama sekali tidak bawa sapu tangan.” (274) “…and i didn’t bring any handkerchief.” (8) “…and got back on the goddam carrousel just in time.” (212) “…dan naik ke atas komidi putar tepat pada waktunya.” (297) “…and got back on the carrousel just in time.” in example (6), the strategy used is softening. the word ‘goddam’ in this sentence, as an adverb, emphasizes the size of the suitcase (‘big’). in the target text, this function is taken up by the phrase ‘bukan main’, which is an adverb used to describe something that is extravagant (kbbi 2016). examples (7) and (8), meanwhile, are translated using the strategy of omission. both instances of the word ‘goddam’ act as the adjective for the nouns ‘handkerchief’ and ‘carrousel’ respectively. in the target text, however, the equivalents of those words (‘sapu tangan’ and ‘komidi putar’) are left without an adjective. based on the samples above, it seems that just like the word ‘damn’, there is no discernible pattern on the strategy chosen for translating the word ‘goddam’. while the word generally has the same function, which is as an adjective that emphasizes the consequent nouns, the decision whether the word is translated into its equivalent, softened, or omitted seems to be entirely random. regarding the word ‘hell’ and its derivations, they appear for 21 times. however, not a single ‘hell’ was translated to its indonesian equivalent, despite the availability of two possible equivalents for this journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 49 word. the first is its literal translation, ‘neraka’. the second is a loan word from arabic, ‘jahanam’. the online kbbi (2016) defines the word as an adjective, used in an informal discourse, meaning ‘terkutuk’ or ‘cursed’. while ‘neraka’ would be a more direct translation, ‘jahanam’ is more commonly used as profanity. indonesians almost never use ‘neraka’ to swear; they use ‘jahanam’ instead. out of 21 instances of the word ‘hell’, twelve are softened and nine are omitted. table 4: examples of softening example source text target text back translation (9) “maybe he was only patting my head just for the hell of it.” (195) “mungkin ia hanya menepuknepuk kepalaku karena iseng.” (274) “maybe he was only patting my head to mess up with me.” (10) “we had a helluva time.” (197) “asyik sekali saat itu.” (277) “it was very fun at that time.” (11) “i’d be casual as hell.” (205) “aku akan santai sesantaisantainya.” (287) “i’d be as casual as possible.” (12) “what the hell’s in that bag?” (206) “apa sih isi kopor ini?” (288) “what is in this bag?” in example (9), the function is retained, but the profanity is not. according to, the phrase ‘for the hell of something’ means ‘for the fun of something’ (n.d.). it refers to that act of doing something for mere enjoyment, not for meaningful or serious reasons. in the target text, the phrase is translated using the word ‘iseng’, which is an adjective with a similar meaning to the original english phrase. the word, however, is not profane and is a perfectly mundane one. similarly, in example (20), the word ‘helluva’ is a pronunciation spelling of the phrase ‘hell of a’ and is used as intensifier ( n.d.). in this instance, the word functions as the intensifier of the word ‘time’, to describe how enjoyable the time was for the pronoun ‘we’, which refers to holden and phoebe. in the target text, the word is translated into the phrase ‘asyik sekali’, with ‘asyik’ denoting the enjoyment and ‘sekali’ as the intensifier. the function of the word ‘hell’ in example (11) is slightly different. the word ‘hell’ in this sentence is used as an interjection, with the purpose of emphasizing how casual holden wants to be. the target text instead uses a repetitive variant of the word ‘santai’ (‘casual’), which is not profane. in indonesian, a repetitive variant of a word can be used as an interjection in order to emphasize that word. take for example the sentence, “saat liburan tiba, aku bisa bebas sebebas-bebasnya.” translated literally to english, the sentence will become, “when holiday comes, i can be as free as freedom itself.” to emphasize the speaker’s desire for freedom, the word ‘bebas’ or ‘free’ is repeated twice with added prefix and suffix. the derivative word ‘sebebas-bebasnya’ then functions as an interjection to emphasize the root word ‘bebas’. this of course does not conform to english syntactic rules. as with the previous example, the word ‘hell’ in example (12) is also an interjection, to emphasize holden’s insistence in knowing the bag’s content. in the target text, the word used is ‘sih’, a particle used in conversation, especially in interrogative sentences, for added emphasis (kbbi 2016). the particle is untranslatable, so the closest english equivalent will be in a stronger intonation in the word ‘is’. table 5: examples of omission example source text target text back translation (13) “i got excited as hell thinking about it.” (p. 199) “aku langsung merasa bergairah memikirkan tentang hal ini.” (p. 279) “i immediately felt excited thinking about this.” (14) “what the hellya got in there?” (p. 206) “ada apa di dalam kopor ini?” (p. 289) “what’s in this suitcase?” (15) “…and i couldn’t see where the hell she was.” (p. 209) “… dan aku tidak bisa lihat dia ada di mana.” (p. 292) “and i couldn’t see where she was.” (16) “that depressed the hell out of me.” (p. 211) “itu membuatku merasa sedih.” (p. 295) “it made me feel sad.” journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fachrina azura, haru deliana dewi, rahayu surtiati hidayat 50 in example (13), the word ‘hell’ emphasizes how excited holden is. unlike the third softening example, however, the emphasis is omitted from the translation. as a result, there is a different level of intensity of feeling between the source and target texts. source-text holden is very excited, while his target-text self is merely excited. while the sentence in example (14) is very similar to the last softening example, the word ‘hell’ is not translated. this results in another discrepancy of feelings between source and target texts. in the source text, holden is angry, and his profanity shows it. in contrast, in the target text, holden comes across as merely curious and maybe a little annoyed. the word ‘hell’ in example (15) is an interjection to show holden’s frustration and concern. he is walking in the opposite side of the street from his sister, and he worries whenever he cannot see her. in the target text, however, the profanity is not translated; therefore, making holden looks less concerned. as with previous examples, in example (16), the word ‘hell’ is also used for emphasis, to show how much it depresses holden. however, the word is again not translated. the choice of either softening or omission for the word ‘hell’ seems due to the lack of equivalent in indonesian for the word and due to the different syntactic construction between english and indonesian, as seen in the first (9) and third (11) softening examples. the effects of the translation strategies on holden’s characterization the translator’s decision to rely on either softening or omission in translating profanity has brought several consequences, primarily the loss of a key aspect of holden’s personality, as his profanity is one of his defining characteristics. another substantial loss is the loss of urgency provided by the emphasis given by the words. one of the reasons why catcher is such a controversial novel is the vulgar language used by its main character (who is also the narrator), holden, as has been discussed previously in the introduction. holden’s language, however, is not vulgar for vulgarity’s sake. instead, it serves as a clear insight into his personality. the importance of holden’s use of vulgar and slang language to his characterization has been noted by several studies. of primary notability is costello’s (1959) study, which discussed in-depth the use of slang and vulgar language and how it supported holden’s characterization. his study is supported by jay’s research regarding cursing and its link to personality. as jay states, “we do not just utter curse words; curse words are part of our identities” (1999:82). a person’s usage of curse words is as much a part of his/her personality as is his/her extroversion or introversion. as holden’s use of profane language is a key part of his personality, which reflects the 1950s teenage vernaculars (costello 1959:172), the translator should translate the profanity carefully, as some strategies may result in the loss of characterization. as has been discussed above, in translating the profanity, the indonesian translator overwhelmingly chose to either soften (40%) or omit (55%) the profanity. this, of course, resulted in a decidedly different character of holden. unlike blasphemy, profanity bears no malicious intent in its irreverent use of religious-based words or phrases. profanity does not intend to mock religion; it merely takes religion lightly. in spite of this, profanity is still considered a part of vulgar language. a character who disposes these words freely, therefore, presents a different impression compared to a character who uses the same words sparingly. holden, being a selfproclaimed atheist who nonetheless “like[s] jesus” (salinger 1991:99), certainly has no qualms in throwing around the words ‘damn’ and ‘goddam’. as costello has noted, holden used these two words interchangeably to show emotional feelings, either favorable, unfavorable, or indifferent (1959:175). this use of profane language illustrates holden’s disinterest in, but not disrespect to, religion. in other words, holden’s tendency to be profane reflects his low religiosity, as jay suggests (1999:109). moreover, holden’s use of profane words reflects jay’s argument regarding the link between profanity and indoctrination to religious community. jay argues that indoctrination into a religious community teaches children of the emotional meaning of journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 51 profanity, and thus the upbringing shapes their attitude toward profanity (jay 1999:190-192). holden, whose parents belong to different religions and whose siblings are all atheists (salinger 1991:100), is most likely never been indoctrinated into a religious community. therefore, he never learns the emotional meaning and the taboo surrounding profanity, which leads to him using profane words freely. the profanity also serves to illustrate holden’s general irreverence. as costello noted, the author seemed to envision the book “more in terms of spoken speech than written speech” (1959:180). notably, at the beginning and the end of the book, holden directly addresses his readers, using the pronoun ‘you’ and giving them advice. throughout the book, he too keeps talking to the readers in his asides. as holden would never know who his readers may be, his casual use of profane language shows that he has no interest in being polite or present a certain image of himself. when one addresses an unknown audience, one generally tries to stay polite or to avoid being offensive. allan and burridge referred to this action as the effort to maintain or enhance a speaker’s face or public self-image. they also noted that the general expectation is for a speaker to be polite (2006:33). holden, on the other hand, makes no effort to either enhance his self-image or be polite. this indicates holden’s reluctance to conform to social norms, which is supported by his actions throughout the book. his irreverence and reluctance to conform carry over to his interaction with his sister. in this chapter, holden arranges to meet his sister so that he can return the money he has borrowed before he leaves town. phoebe, his sister, shows up late, unexpectedly carrying a large suitcase. holden, who has been worried, immediately asks her what is in the suitcase and insists that he does not need anything. holden’s exact words are, “what the hell’s in that bag? … what the hellya got in there?” (salinger 1991: 206). holden’s use of the word is remarkable considering that his sister is only ten years old. he does not even attempt to use a more acceptable or child-appropriate variant of the word, ‘heck’. this encounter marks the second time holden interacts with phoebe in the novel. their first interaction, in the previous chapter, shows holden behaving the same. phoebe’s unfazed reaction to the profanity serves to show how normal this behavior is for holden. when compared to holden in the target text, a stark difference of character becomes clear. target-text holden swears only twice in the whole chapter, a far cry from his source text self who swears 38 times. the impression given by the target text, with its decision to rely on softening and omission, is one of a relatively more restrained young man. the questions holden asks his sister become more childappropriate, free from profanity. these losses of profanity have resulted in a holden who is more respectful to religion, at least to indonesian standard, and who is less irreverent to social norms. target-text holden addresses his readers relatively more politely and behaves himself in front of his little sister. he is less likely to offend his readers. these are the benefits of the translator’s decision to rely on softening and omission. however, the negative effects overshadow the positive ones. while it can be argued that this sets a better example of behavior in dealing with children, the profanity-free questions lack the easy camaraderie and strong bond between siblings that the original questions imply. moreover, the use of ‘damn’ and ‘goddam’ to show emotional feelings (costello 1959:175) is lost, resulting in a significant loss of clues for holden’s feelings regarding various things, events, or people. holden’s delineation, which riedel stated “is characterized mainly through his language” (1980:198), is less apparent in the target text. the loss of his signature profane language has cost target-text holden his delineation, which is shown through his irreverence towards religion, social norms, and polite behavior or face-saving. in a similar vein, kaplan argued that the author’s use of frequently vulgar language contributed greatly to the clarity of the character’s personality, and that the language is “personal, distinctive, and descriptive of character” (1956:77). the loss of profanity, therefore, is always followed by the loss of holden’s distinctive characterization. by taking away the profanity, the translator has taken away the quality that makes holden himself. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fachrina azura, haru deliana dewi, rahayu surtiati hidayat 52 referring back to nida, target-text holden, then, due to the loss of profanity, is no longer “properly characterized” (2012:154). the “appropriate selection and arrangement of words” (ibid.) salinger assigned carefully to holden is lost. he no longer has “the same kind of individuality and personality as the author himself gave [him]” (ibid.). therefore, the translator’s choice to mainly omit or soften the profanity has negatively affected holden’s characterization, resulting in a different character from what the author, salinger, intended him to be. conclusion an examination of the translation strategies used in translating the profanity in the 25th chapter of the catcher in the rye revealed that the indonesian translator overwhelmingly relied on the strategies of omission and softening, with only two out of 38 instances of profanity were translated into their equivalent. there seems to be no discernible patterns regarding the reasons why certain ‘damn’ and ‘goddam’ were translated, softened, or omitted. as for the word ‘hell’, which was never translated into its equivalent, the choice to either soften or omit the word seemed to be based on syntactic and semantic considerations. this overwhelming reliance on the strategies of softening and omission resulted in a drastically different characterization of the main character and narrator, holden caulfield. his narration and speech become more restrained and lack the emotional expressivity found in the source text. holden changes from the irreverent young man in the source text to a more socially conforming one in the target text. this finding echoes those of previous studies, especially from studies regarding the german (riedel 1980) and lithuanian (jasaitytė 2015) translations of catcher. while it can be argued that softening and omission bring positive effects to the text, such as making the text less offensive to its readers, the negative effects to holden’s characterization outweigh the positive ones. however, due to time and space limitation, the scope of this study was only the profanity in one chapter. thus, the findings are quite insufficient to draw a well-founded conclusion regarding the translation strategies used and their effects on holden’s characterization. further studies regarding the translation strategies used in translating profanity as well as other types of vulgar language in the whole novel and its translation will be necessary in order to draw a definite conclusion. such studies will bring a new perspective in the issue of vulgar language translation, especially in relation to literary text translation. it will also bring practical benefits for other translators in determining the most appropriate approach in translating profanity and/or other vulgar language without compromising important elements of the prose, such as characterization. the author of this study recommends further research to be conducted regarding translation strategies and their use in translating profane and vulgar language, especially in literary translation. examinations of other literary works with significant vulgar language in them, how said language is translated, and the effects of the strategies employed in translating such a language will contribute greatly to the practical application of translating and by extension the quality of the translated versions. references aisyah, halida (2013) ‘cultural understanding in the indonesian translation of the babysitters club’, paradigma, 4(1): 59-71. alan, keith and kate burridge (2006) forbidden words: taboo and the censoring of languages, cambridge: cambridge university press. american library association (2013) banned & challenged classics. available online at [ requentlychallengedbooks/classics] (accessed 5 november 2017) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 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(1.b) how much wage do you get for two-hour working? the two lexemes are used to indicate money paid after working. however, they are used in different conditions. lexeme “salary” in sentence (1a) is used to indicate money paid for monthly working. on the other hand, lexeme “wage” in sentence (1b) is used to indicate money paid for hourly working. the ability to compose a correct sentence with appropriate words and acceptable meaning can be accomplished by mastering meaning relation of lexemes. there are two approaches to investigate lexical relation: semantic field theory and truth conditional semantics (kreidler, 1998: 86). however, this research pays particular attention to examine semantic field theory of headgear in english. kreidler defines semantic field theory as an attempt to classify lexemes based on their shared and differentiating features (1998: 86). for an instance, “man” and “boy” denote the concept of male human journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 37 in english. these two lexemes have similar components [+human] and [+male]. however, they have differentiating components of “man” as [+adult, -child], while “boy” as [+adult, -child]. this analysis is regarded as componential analysis which differentiates features of each hyponym (kreidler, 1998: 88). in general, componential analysis assesses to differentiate features of each hyponym. the term hyponymy is frequently confusing with the term synonym, but the two terms can be basically differentiated by comprehending the two concepts. hyponym is a condition in which a lexeme possesses all components of other lexemes, while other lexemes do not have all components of a lexeme (djajasudarma, 1993: 70). for an instance, “helicopter” and “plane” denote ‘air transportation’ because the two items have shared features [+air] and [+machine]. however, the two items have a clear feature which differentiates each other: “helicopter” is [+propeller], while “plane” is [-propeller]. therefore, it is palpable that lexical relation of “helicopter” and “plane” is not synonym, but hyponym. to conclude, “helicopter” and “plane” are hyponym of means of transportation, “means of transportation” is the superordinate of “helicopter” and “plane”, while, the meaning relations of “helicopter” and “plane” is co-hyponym. there are 24 lexemes expressing headgears. they have similar components and thus, in several cases, it is difficult to differentiate each lexeme. consequently, there are some people who denote headgears as “hat”. furthermore, they use the lexeme “hat” interchangeably to denote any type of headgear. in fact, each item of headgears has certain features which differeniate each other. since the discussion of headgeras in english is interesting, this research aims to: (1) classify the hyponym of headgears in english based on their dimension, (2) examine meaning relations of hyponym and superordinate, and (3) investigate the meaning relations of each cohyponym. to analyze the features of headgear in english, this research employs componential analysis of kreidler (1998: 56). componential analysis is an analysis aimed at determining shared and differentiating features of certain lexemes with co-hyponym. two lexemes or more probably have shared meaning based on their paradigm. the paradigm shows that lexemes are systematically related (kreidler,1998: 58). however, differentiating feature(s) shows the paradigm of a lexeme is different from others. when there are one or more unrelated meanings or features, the phenomenon is called as hyponym (riemer, 2010:135) componential analysis enables a research to expose the reflection, shared meaning, and differences of lexemes considered similarly alike (kreidler, 1998: 105). many speakers have troubles in mapping information because sometimes they do not use specific word with specific meaning. therefore, understanding the concept of hyponym, co-hyponym, and superordinate is essential to lead to another concept of componential analysis. (2.a) there are roses in the vase. (2.b) there are flowers in the vase. from the example of entailment above, it is concluded that “rose” is hyponym of “flower”. “flower” is, respectively, the superordinate of rose. meanwhile, “jasmine”, “tulip”, and “orchid” are the co-hyponym of “rose”. methodology this is a descriptive qualitative research which describes phenomena of a certain context (vanderstoep and johnston, 2009: 35). with this method, the researcher does not have any control on the research variable. thus, she only reports and describes the phenomena. this research employed semantic approach of kreidler (1998) which enabled the researcher to investigate componential analysis of headgears in english. thus, this research could gain different semantic meaning of likely similar lexemes. the data source of this research were corpus of headgears in english. since this research investigated componential analysis of headgears in english, the data were in the form of pictures. to collect the data, the researcher employed observation and note taking journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) haira rizka 38 techniques which enabled the researcher to investigate the phenomena (kesuma, 2007: 43). the collected data were then analyzed by employing textual analysis method. the method was employed to identify and interpret non-verbal signs (vanderstoep and johnston, 2009: 210). in this case, non-verbal sign was in the form of pictures of headgear. furthermore, textual analysis suited the purpose of this research because it enabled the researcher to investigate the perspective of meaning. findings and discussion there are 24 lexemes denoting headgear in english and they are called as hyponym of headgear. people frequently refer a kind of headgear as “hat” since they notice some shared features of the item. however, in the real case, each item denoting headgear has differentiating features. therefore, this research regards this phenomenon as hyponym study and can be analyzed by employing diagnostic meaning of components or smaller-differentiang features (basiroh, 1992, p.15). table 1 shows 24 hyponym of headgers in english. table 1. hyponym of headgear in english (source: no. lexeme picture description 1. balaclava made of soft fabric, usually wool, with flexible shape. worn to fully cover head, face, and neck. 2. beret a round, flat, and deflated headgear, usually made of soft fabric, and worn as an accessory or perfect performance. 3. bonnet a round hat with wide and stiff brim, covering head and ears and tied by a fabric string under the chin. 4. bobble hat a cone hat with round shape, made of wool with a small round ball above the headgear, and worn to give warmth. 5. bowler hat a black headgear of male with rounded crown and hard felt fabric resembling a bowl, and worn to perfect performance. 6. cap soft headgear with a rounded crown and a stiff peak projecting in front. worn to protect from the sun or perfect performance. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 39 7. cloche resembling a chime with stripes and rolled brim ad worn by women 8. fascinator fully decorated with flowers or lace. this headgear does not fully cover head and thus, needle is needed to put it on the head. worn to decorate head and perfect performance. 9. fez resembling a tube, a close-fitting skull cup, and short cylindrical peakless hat made of hard fabric with a tassel attached on the top of the hat. worn to perfect performance. 10. flat cap rounded cap with small stiff brim in front and a bit higher on the top. made of stiff fabric and worn to perfect performance. 11. headscarf a square fabric covering most or all of women’s hair and head, remaining the face uncovered. it is usually worn with various styles. 12. helmet round headgear. protective gear made of hard material and worn to protect head from injuries. 13. hood a triangle hat attaching on a coat or jacket, worn to cover most head and neck. 14. party hat a paper hat resembling a cone and mostly used at party. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) haira rizka 40 15. pillbox small hat with a flat crown in one side, straight upright sides, having no brim, and suited with the head. 16. straw boater summer hat made of stiff straw with wide enough brim and flat crown, decorated with solid or stripped ribbon around the crown, and worn to protect from sun burn. 17. stetson a cowboy’s hat with wide brim and usually made of stiff leather. worn to protect face and head from the sun and wind. 18. sombrero a mexican hat with extra wide brim to protect head, neck, and shoulder from the sun, tied in a chin string, and having a high pointed crown. 19. trapper s a winter hat with earflaps, made of fur, usually bear, to give warmth, and tied up to the crown of the cap or fastened at the chin. worn to protect head and neck from cold. 20. trilby a narrow brimmed hat with an inside foldaway in the top crown. made of stiff fabric. worn to perfect performance. 21. turban a male headdress, particularly sikh, moslem, and hindi men. made of long and soft fabric. tied and wrapped on the head. 22. top hat an extra-long black or grey hat worn by men in formal agenda. made of stiff material combined with plastic. 23. veil a thin and transparent fabric to cover head and face worn by a bride in wedding ceremony. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 41 24. visor crownless hat with simple brim and strap encircling the head and only protecting face from the sun. 1. classifying headgears based on the dimensions co-hyponym relation demands structural hierarchy which classifies lexemes on particular fields (lyons, 1977: 295). this statement underlies the theory of classifying hyponym based on several dimensions. in general, 24 hyponyms of headgears have 4 dimensions, which each dimension consists of shared and differentiating components or features. headgear, in general, has dimension of wearer, material, shape and function. wearer dimension relates to headgear’s wearers, material dimension relates to the fabric or material making headgear, shape dimension relates to the shape of head gear, and function dimension relates to function or benefit of wearing headgear. a. wearer dimension wearer dimension has 2 features [women/men]. some lexemes only have 1 feature, while some other lexemes have 2 features. based on wearer dimension, the features of each lexeme are as follows: 1) bonnet, cloche, fascinator, headscarf, pillbox, dan veil [+women, -men]. 2) stetson, sombrero, trilby, turban, top hat, beret, bowler hat, fez, dan flat cap [women, +men]. 3) balaclava, bobble, hat, cap, headscarf, helmet, hood, party hat, straw boater, trapper, and visor [+women, +men]. the above analysis shows that most of headgears with decoration and accessories like flowers, ribbons, or laces are commonly worn by women, while headgears with simple shape and color are worn by men. on the other hand, headgears with crucial and daily function are worn by both sexes. b. material dimension material dimension or the origin of the item has 7 features: [fabric, straw, wool, plastic, paper, leather, fur]. in general, each lexeme has 1 feature, but there are some lexemes which have more than one feature. based on material dimension, the features of each lexeme are as follow: 1) beret, bonnet, cap, fascinator, flat, cap, headscarf, pillbox, trilby, turban, veil, and visor [+fabric, -straw, -wool, -plastic, paper, -leather, -fur]. 2) cloche and straw boater [+fabric, +straw, wool, -plastic, -paper, -leather, -fur]. 3) balaclava and bobble hat [-fabric, -straw, +wool, -plastic, -paper, -leather, -fur]. 4) trapper [-fabric, -straw, +wool, -plastic, paper, -leather, +fur]. 5) helmet [-fabric, -straw, -wool, +plastic, paper, -leather, -fur]. 6) party hat [-fabric, -straw, -wool, -plastic, +paper, -leather, -fur]. 7) bowler hat [+fabric, -straw, -wool, +plastic, -paper, -leather, -fur]. 8) fez [+fabric, -straw, +wool, -plastic, paper, -leather, -fur]. 9) hood, stetson, and sombrero [+fabric, straw, -wool, -plastic, -paper, +leather, fur]. 10) top hat [+fabric, -straw, -wool, +plastic, paper, -leather, -fur]. from the above analysis, it is palpable that the majority of hyponym of headgear has feature [+fabric] because in general, human body wears item made from fabric. c. shape dimension shape dimension has 4 features [round, cone, rectangle, chime]. several lexemes have only 1 feature, while other lexemes have more than 1 feature. based on shape journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 37 dimension, the features of each lexeme are as follows: 1) hood and party hat [-round, +cone, rectangle, -chime]. 2) turban, headscarf, and veil [-round, -cone, +rectangle, -chime]. 3) cloche [+round, -cone, -rectangle, +chime]. 4) sombrero [+round, +cone, -rectangle, chime]. 5) trapper [+round, -cone, +rectangle, chime]. 6) balaclava, beret, bonnet, bobble hat, bowler hat, cap, fascinator, fez, flat cap, headscarf, helmet, pillbox, straw boater, stetson, trilby, top hat, and visor [+round, -cone, rectangle, -chime]. the above analysis indicates that most of hyponym of headgears have feature [+round] because the shape of headgear adjusts the shape of head. as the result, headgear is comfortably worn. d. function dimension each model of headgears is worn for multiple functions and needs. therefore, from function dimension, hyponyms of headgear have 5 features [protection from the sun, protection from cold, head protection, neck protection, accessory]. some lexemes only have 1 feature while some others have more than 2 features. based on function dimension, the features of each lexeme are as follow: 1) cap, visor, straw boater, and stetson [+protection from the sun, -protection from cold, -head protection, -neck protection, -accessory]. 2) hood, balaclava, and trapper [-protection from the sun, +protection from cold, +head protection, +neck protection, accessory]. 3) helmet [-protection from the sun, protection from cold, +head protection, neck protection, -accessory]. 4) beret, bowler hat, cloche, fascinator, fez, flat cap, headscarf, party hat, pillbox, trilby, turban, top hat, and veil [-protection from the sun, -protection from cold, -head protection, -neck protection, +accessory]. 5) bonnet and bobble hat [-protection from the sun, +protection from cold, -head protection, -neck protection, +accessory]. 6) sombrero [+protection from the sun, protection from cold, -head protection, neck protection, +accessory]. 2. meaning relations between hyponym and its superordinate there are 24 hyponyms of headgears. each lexeme has shared and differentiating features. superordinate have all characteristics of all hyponyms of headgears. on the other hand, each hyponym of headgears does not have all characteristic of the superordinate. the linguistic phenomenon occurs because hyponym is part of superordinate. (3.a) people wear a _________ in winter. (3.b) people wear a headgear in winter. (3.b) people wear a trapper in winter. sentence (3a) needs a lexeme which can complete the sentence, and “headgear” can complete the sentence as shown by sentence (3b). the same case also occurs in sentence (3c). contextually, sentence (3b) is acceptable in meaning and can be substituted by “trapper”. contextually, the features of “trapper” can complete the sentence [+men, +women, +wool, +fur, +protection from cold]. sentence (3c) with the use of hyponym is more informative than sentence (3b) with the use of superordinate. furthermore, the ideas and information brought by sentence (3c) is more specific than sentence (3b). interlocutor will easily comprehend the information because sentence (3c) focuses on a particular object. (4.a) a bride wears ___________ on her head in wedding ceremony. (4.b) a bride wears headgear on her head in wedding ceremony. (4.c) a bride wears pillbox on her head in wedding ceremony. sentence (4a) can be completed with the word “headgear” as shown in example (4b). sentence (4b) with “headgear” is considered acceptable and correct because a bride journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) haira rizka 38 possibly wears a headgear. however, sentence (4b) is less informative because there are many types of “headgear”. interlocutor is probably confused when a speaker brings too general information and hardly maps the ideas. on the other hand, sentence (4c) brings more informative sentence with the use of “pillbox”. “pillbox” can substitute “headgear” because it has particular features [+men, +fabric, +round, +accessories] which fit to complete the information. another reason for selecting “pillbox” is due to its particulate function worn by a bride in a wedding ceremony. from the two previous examples, it can be concluded that lexical meaning of superordinate can substitute its hyponym with appropriate context of a sentence. information completed with superordinate brings less informative ideas than that with hyponym. an interlocutor can easily map the information and specify the idea when the sentence is modified with hyponym because it has specific features owned by a lexeme. on the other hand, superordinate has broad features which possibly creates confusion and misinterpretation. particular hyponym cannot substitute superordinate because a hyponym only has several features of superordinate. therefore, all hyponyms must complete a sentence to substitute a proper superordinate. (5.a) _______ is worn on head. (5.b) headgear is worn on head. (5.c) straw boater is worn on head. sentence (5a) is properly completed with “headgear”, as shown in example (5b), because all types of headgears (hyponym) are worn on head. meanwhile, when the sentence is completed with specific lexeme the information is not properly accepted, and thus, some information is missing. this phenomenon is shown in example (5c). “straw boater” gives narrow information because it is not only “straw boater” worn on head, but also some other types of headgears such as “headscarf, helmet, pillbox”, or “stetson”. therefore, “straw boater” (hyponym) is less proper to substitute “headgear” (superordinate). 3. meaning relations among cohyponym there are 24 lexemes expressing “headgear” in english. they are “balaclava, beret, bonnet, bobble hat, bowler hat, cap, cloche, fascinator, fez, flat cap, headscarf, headscarf, helmet, hood, party hat, pillbox, straw boater, stetson, sombrero, trapper, trilby, turban, top hat, veil”, and “visor”. they are the hyponyms of “headgear”. thus, the relation between “beret”, and the other types, with “headgear” is co-hyponym. lyons posits that hyponym of superordinate always compares ‘sense’ or features owned (1977: 294). furthermore, each hyponym compares shared and differentiating features to indicate distinctiveness of a lexeme. meaning relations of co-hyponym results in slightly complicated concept of meaning because each lexeme has more specific feature which distinguishes them. however, componential analysis enables a linguist to investigate that two slightly similar lexemes have differentiating features. (6.a) a cowboy wears _________ to protect him from the sun. (6.b) a cowboy wears steson to protect him from the sun. (6.c) a cowboy wears sombrero to protect him from the sun. to complete sentence (6a), a lexeme with particular and proper lexeme is needed. “stetson” in example (6b) is the correct answer because it has features which suit the context of sentence. a “stetson” is commonly worn by a cowboy because its features are [+men, +fabric, +leather, +round, +protection from the sun, -accessory]. “stetson” is worn by a cowboy to protect him from the sun, particularly when he is in the field. furthermore, the brim shape of “stetson” enables him to easily move and work. on the other hand, example (6c) does create correct sentence because shape dimension, extrawide brim, and function dimension of “sombrero”, as accessory, do not fit the context. an extra-wide brim does not enable its wearer to easily move, work, or ride a journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 39 horse because it is heavy. thus, “sombrero” with the features [+men, +fabric, +leather, +round, +protection from sun, +accessory] does not meet the requirements to correctly complete the context in sentence (6a). the same case also occurs in example (7a), (7b), and (7c). (7.a) we wear _________ when we down the river by a boat. (7.b) we wear straw boater when we down the river by a boat. (7.c) we wear cap when we down the river by boat. to complete sentence (7a), a lexeme with proper features is needed. example (7b) is correct because the features of “straw boater” [+men, +women, + straw, +round, + protection from the sun] meet the requirements with the context of sentence (7a). since “straw boater” is made of straw and the culture teaches people to wear it, wearing “straw boater” to down a river is appropriately accepted. it enables its wearer to work surround water without worrying being wet. on the other hand, a “cap” which is made of fabric is not appropriately worn to down a river. thus, example (7c) is less accepted. the above examples show that meaning relations among co-hyponym cannot be substituted because each lexeme has differentiating features and semantic meaning. by employing componential analysis, similarities and differences of hyponyms are possibly investigated. furthermore, this analysis enables a linguist to determine the most appropriate lexeme to complete a sentence correctly. conclusion and suggestion componential analysis of headgears in english reveals 4 findings: 1. 24 hyponyms of headgear are classified into 4 dimensions: wearer dimension, shape dimension, material dimension, and function dimension. these 4 dimensions expose the shared and differentiating features of each hyponym. 2. meaning relation of superordinate can substitute its hyponym. on the other hand, a hyponym cannot substitute its superordinate because the characteristics or features of a hyponym do not include all characteristics or features of a superordinate. 3. meaning relation of co-hyponym is not substitutable because each lexeme (hyponym) has differentiating features and semantic meaning. 4. by employing componential analysis, similar lexemes show their differences. shared and differentiating lexemes prove that the 24 lexemes have meaning relation as co-hyponym, and they are the hyponyms of headgear. componential analysis is an interesting topic to investigate. a researcher who is interested in investigating similar topic possibly examines componential analysis of particular-linguistic phenomenon in a particular language. there are still multiple linguistic phenomena of unique hyponym and superordinate to investigate. consequently, the ambiguity of using a language can be minimalized. references basiroh, umi. 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(2009). research methods for everyday life. san francisco: josseybass. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 55 american dreams represented through the color in fitzgerald’s the great gatsby monica federica ghiotto & hirmawan wijanarka english letters department, sanata dharma university, yogyakarta abstract this article aims at observing f. scott fitzgerald’s the great gatsby that was first published in 1925, a novel about a man named gatsby who wants to get his love back by making effort to be a rich person. the prominent color symbols and how the symbols represent the american dream are the main concern of this article. two objectives are set to guide the study of the novel. the first is to explai the color symbols that are prominent in the study, and the second is to analyze how the color symbols represent the american dream. from the analysis, there are three prominent colors presented in the novel: green, white and gold. green that symbolizes the american dream of the better life and happiness can be seein in the green light, the green leather conservatory, the greenhouse, the apple-green shirts, the green jersey, the green card, the green sound, and the green breast of the new world. white symbolizes the american dream of of fame, wealth, perfection, innocence, and success. this color can be seen in the white palaces of fashionable east egg, the white dress, the white windows, the white roadster, the white cards, and the white flannel suits. gold that symbolizes the american dream of material prosperity can be seen in the golden arm, the golden shoulder, the gold-colored tie, and the toilet set of pure dull gold color. key words: american dream, green, white, gold. introduction fitzgerald beautifully employs symbols in the great gatsby. he uses several colors to help emphasize the ideas of american dreams, the dreams of having successful life in america. as stated by maia samkanashvili (2013: 31), symbols are an important and integral part of what makes it a great novel. she said that in this novel fitzgerald was also painter who made his writing very bright, as he mostly uses purecolors, not shades. these colors give the reader greater insight into the characters and their lives. symbolism in the great gatsby reflects what life in the 1920‘s was like through fitzgerald‘s eyes. fitzgerald skillfully portrays the issue of american dreams: how people perceive, behave, and respond to the dreams. everybody has dreams (long held ambitions or ideals) and they certainly try to atchieve them in their own ways. many people dream of achieving wealth, position, prosperity and honor, and those who achieve their dreams are labelled successful. society highly respects and acknowledges those who can achieve their dreams, and this makes people even more enthusiastic about achieving their dreams. during gatsby’s era, america is wellknown as the place that gives everybody abundant chances to fulfill their dreams. degler (1962:274) mentions that between 1820-1920 great waves of europeans flooded american land. he says that 38 million people came to the united states. america had been the goal of those who were bold enough to take a second chance. in the novel fitzgerald identifies the characteristics of americans in 1920s as follows: monica federica ghiotto & hirmawan wijanarka 56 may one offer in exhibit the year 1922! that was the peak of the younger generation, for though the jazz age continued, it became less and less an affair of youth..... a whole race going hedonistic, deciding on pleasure... the word jazz in its progress towards respectability has mean first sex, then dancing then music. in any case, the jazz age now raced along under its own power, served by great filling stations full of money... it was borrowed time anyhow – the whole upper tenth of a nation living with the insouciance of grand dukes and casualness of chorus girls... (1965: 9 19). there ar two points this article is trying to focus: (1) the presentation of the prominent colors found in the story, and (2) how these prominent colors represent the american dream. symbols in literary works a symbol is something that means more than what it is; an object, person, situation, or action that in condition to its literal meaning suggests other meanings as well. according to stanton (1965:32), readers can find symbols in a work of literature by paying attention to the clues that the author gives, for instance by providing conspicuous details, i.e. by describing it more fully than its factual importance deserves, by making it unusual for no apparent reason, by mentioning it in the title, or by some other means. further stanton explains that symbol may be anything from an egg to the story‘s setting: a single object, a physical type of object, a physical substance, a shape, a gesture, a color, a sound, a fragrance. they may represent a facet of human personality, futile ambition, the romanticism of youth and so on (1965:31). similar to the above ideas, guth (1997:189) states that a symbol may come as an image that has meaning beyond itself, which can be in a form of a particular detail, a character, or an incident that has meaning beyond its literal role in the narrative. what readers need to do is to trust the story because when an author wants to mark an object or detail with symbolic significance, he or she will indicate his or her intended meaning, either explicitly or implicitly (rohrberger and wood, 1971:16). therefore, readers‘ willingness and ability in examining every detail in the story is needed to find symbols. in addition to examining details, readers must also notice any pattern or linking between the details that the author gives since it is key to reveal the symbolism. the ability to interpret symbols is indeed essential for a full understanding of a literary text. readers should always be alert for symbolic meanings but, at the same time, should observe some cautions. firstly, the story itself must finish a clue that a detail is to be taken symbolically. the clue can be seen from the emphasis, repetition, or position of the word. secondly, the meaning of the literature symbol must be established and supported by the entire context of the story. this means that the whole context of the story must support the meaning of the word, which is taken as symbol. thirdly, to be called as a symbol is something more than the representative of class or type. fourthly, a symbol may have more than one meaning. it may suggest a cluster of meanings. however, these meaning have to be controlled by the context of the story (arp and johnson, 1998: 289291). classifying symbols into types, myers and simms (1989:198) distinguish symbols into three kinds: (1) the archetypal symbol in which a natural object refers to a limited number of interpretations that transcend cultural barriers; (2), the general symbol which appeals to a smaller audience but which contain more associate meaning; and (3) the private (authorial) contextual symbol which is created in the author‘s imagination and convey any number of meanings in the guiding context. another classification of symbols comes from roberts and jacobs (1991:327). there are two kinds of symbol. the first is a conventional or universal symbol, which can be defined as ―ideas or emotions that the writer and the reader share in common as a vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 57 result of their social and cultural heritage. a conventional or universal symbol, therefore, is likely to be recognized by most people because it has been used commonly as can be conveyed in the word. the second kind of symbol is called private, authorial or contextual symbol. this kind of symbol can defined as ―the object and descriptions that gain their symbolic meaning within the context of the specific work of fiction. thus, a contextual symbol will only occur in a particular literary work due to the fact that this kind of symbol has value only for a particular people, nation, or culture. as a consequence different symbols may have quite different meanings in different contexts. colors as symbols according to zettl, a color can serve as a powerful visual element that acts as a code that provides a deeper level of meaning to those who are able to interpret the signs. consider how much less information a map would provide if it were in black and white— the different types of road would not be so distinguishable, and you may even confuse contour lines for rivers and streams. the simple yet effective use of color provides a visual code that allows us to correctly interpret the image that we are seeing (1999:74). green, for example, may mean nature, fertility, confidence, and desirability. it is usually associated to money, nature, jade jewelry. white means clean, pure, elegant, and accomplishment. wgite is frequently associated to jewelry, snow, flowers, brahman (highest caste), angel. gold means luxury, wealth, royalty, light, luxury, money, and prestige. for example jewelry, pirate treasure, coins, colors of the royal crown and church decorations are represented in gold color (bortoli and maroto, 2001: 15). vaughn-kelso, carothers, and breese (2005: 87-96) state that green represents calming, sympathy, victory, honor, hope, faith, and peace, fertile. grey represents sadness and depression. blue represents sadness, and illusion. pink represents love and feminine. black represents death and mystery. yellow represents jealousy, cowardice, and sickness. white represents pure love, purity, and perfection. brown represents unsettling and materialistic. gold represents comfort, wealth and optimism. silver represents beauty the american dreams the idea of an american dream is older than the united states. it dated back in 1600s when people began to come with all sorts of hopes and aspirations for the new and largely unexplored continent. they focused on owning land and establishing prosperous business, which would theoretically generate happiness. the term of american dream is used in a number of ways, but essentially the american dream is an idea, which suggests that all people can succeed through hard work, and that all people have the potential to live a happy, and successful life. the american dream is an idea which suggests that all the people can succeed through hard work, and that all people have the potential to live happy, successful lives (smith, 2011: 1). the declaration of independence clearly protects the american dream: “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." cullen (2003: 5) adds that the american dream is not a single concept, but rather comprises various ideals that can even be contradictory. the american dream has become a kind of national motto or belief, and this belief has become the hopes and aspirations of americans for generations. matthew warshauer (2003), a professor of history at central connecticut state university, says that american dreams are diverse. in most cases american dreams can be categorized into three categories: dreams of success, dreams of fame, and dreams of wealth. americans focus their efforts on hard work in order to achieve the american dreams. monica federica ghiotto & hirmawan wijanarka 58 the prominent color symbols in the great gatsby 1. green green is very important and it is one of the prominent color symbols that are mentioned many times in the story. the color green is mentioned from the first chapter to the last chapter (16 times). green light is mentioned when the narrator, nick, sees gatsby for the first time and tries to call him but decides not to disturb him, because gatsby looks seriously glancing at something. nick finally figures that it is the green light across, at the end of the dock. i decided to call to him. miss baker had mentioned him at dinner, and that would do for an introduction. but i didn’t call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone — he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as i was from him, i could have sworn he was trembling. involuntarily i glanced seaward — and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock (19). the green light shows the hope that gatsby wants to achieve. it turns out that the green light is the light that comes from daisy’s house, the woman whom gatsby loves. when gatsby finally brings her to see his house, gatsby tells daisy that the he always looks at the green light across the bay, daisy’s house. and when nick and gatsby are going for for lunch, they ride nick’s luxurious car whose conservatory is made of greed leather. “sitting down behind many layers of glass in a sort of green leather conservatory, we started to town” (50). green also means fertile. it can be seen when nick invites daisy for teatime. the day before, gatsby orders his gardener and all the workers to make the house more beautiful and green. gatsby wants everything to look perfect when daisy comes in the tea party. he wants to impress her. green which indicates fertility is also symbolizes the love of gatsby for daisy. just as the greenhouse which has lots of beautiful, fresh flowers, and garden, he hopes he begins his new relationship with daisy. the other green colors which also mean hope can be seen on the apple-green shirt and green jersey. the novel also mention the green sound when gatsby, nick, tom, daisy, and jordan are having lunch at tom and daisy’s house. tom tells everyone to go to the verandah and see outside because that day is really a hot day. i went with them out to the veranda. on the green sound, stagnant in the heat, one small sail crawled slowly toward the fresher sea. gatsby’s eyes followed it momentarily; he raised his hand and pointed across the bay. “i’m right across from you.” “so you are.” (91) the green sound refers to the green water related to the sea. the green means the hope of gatsby to be with daisy even though there is a distance between them. it is shown when he points across the bay and tells that he is right across from the buchanan‘s house, which means that he tries to say that he is already close to daisy. green breast of the new world symbolizes hope for something to happen. nick mentions about the situation when he spends the night in long island. he is thinking about gatsby and he describes the situation in long island where gatsby lives. most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy, moving glow of a ferryboat across the sound. and as the moon rose higher the inessential houses began to melt away until gradually i became aware of the old island here that flowered once for dutch sailors’ eyes—a fresh, green breast of the new world (138). nick describes long island as a fresh green breast. it refers to the whole place in long island, a place where dutch sailor would like to make a new world. from this explanation, it is shown that green here means the hope to have a great opportunity vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 59 to make a settlement in long island in order to get a better life or a better future. 2. white white is mentioned many times in the story. it is closely related to wealth, innocence, perfection and success. white is presented in white palaces, white dress, white windows, white roadster, white card, and white flannel suits. in chapter one, “ the white palaces of fashionable east egg” means something that has been achieved by the buchanan. palaces show the richness of the buchanan. east egg is where the buchanan lives. it is mentioned in the story when nick describes the mansion of the buchanan’s in the east egg. across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable east egg glittered along the water, and the history of the summer really begins on the evening i drove over there to have dinner with the tom buchanans…. (7) white palaces indicate wealth. it is as a big mansion that belongs to the buchanans. tom and daisy are from the upper-class society and they live in luxurious lifestyle. nick describes the mansion of the buchanans again when he goes at their house for the first time to have a lunch together and meet his cousin, daisy. one of the dominant colors of the big and luxurious house is white. white is also mentioned when nick describes the windows inside the house of the buchanans. we walked through a high hallway into a bright rosy-colored space, fragilely bound into the house by french windows at either end. the windows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside that seemed to grow a little way into the house. (9) white dress symbolizes the wealth and success. in the story, it is described when nick comes to the buchanan’s house to meet daisy. he sees daisy and jordan wearing white dresses. “they were both in white, and their dresses were rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house” (9). jordan is an upper class man, a famous golf athlete; and daisy is a successful and rich woman who lives in a big mansion, married a very rich man, and has a perfect life. white dress is again mentioned when jordan talks about daisy when she was eighteen years old. jordan says that daisy was wearing white dress meeting gatsby. she was just eighteen, two years older than me, and by far the most popular of all the young girls in louisville. she dressed in white, and had a little white roadster, and all day long the telephone rang in her house and excited young officers from camp taylor demanded the privilege of monopolizing her that night. ―anyways, for an hour! (58). white dress is associated with perfection, wealth, and fame. and in many other occasions, daisy and jordan wear white dresses. white flannel suits represent gatsby’s wealth. gatsby wears the white flannel suit when he meets daisy for the first time. “an hour later the front door opened nervously, and gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and goldcolored tie, hurried in” (65). he wants to impress daisy with material achievements. 3. gold gold color, first of all, represents power, success, and achievement. it can be seen in the following description about jordan: “with jordan‘s slender golden arm resting in mine, we descended the steps and sauntered about the garden (35).” it was dark now, and as we dipped under a little bridge i put my arm around jordan‘s golden shoulder and drew her toward me and asked her to dinner (62). for a golf athlete, the power of the swing and the success as a golf athlete really depends on the arm. her shoulder and her arms are the key that might lead her to be a famous golf athlete. monica federica ghiotto & hirmawan wijanarka 60 gold-colored tie can be interpreted as the symbol of wealth. gatsby wears it when he meets daisy. he wants to show that he is a high-class man. “an hour later the front door opened nervously, and gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and goldcolored tie, hurried in. he was pale, and there were dark signs of sleeplessness beneath his eyes” (65). gold color can be seen again in gatsby‘s toilet set which is of pure dull gold. his bedroom was the simplest room of all— xcept where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold. daisy took the brush with delight, and smoothed her hair, whereupon gatsby sat down and shaded his eyes and began to laugh (71). according to bortoli and moroto (2001:15), gold is the color used for money and jewelry. the explanations above lead to the conclusion that gold color symbolizes wealth, prestige, and successful life. the color symbols that represent the american dream green, white and gold: the symbols of american dream the first color, green, symbolizes the hope for happiness. for gatsby the green light is the symbol of his hope to be with daisy. refering to adams (1931:214-215), “the american dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” gatsby’s hope is the dream that he wants to achieve, and gatsby has a firm ambition to get what he wants in his life and his love. as stated by smith, for people who believe in the american dreams, anything is attainable through hard work (2003:1). for gatsby, his dream is to be with daisy. gatsby believes that through his hard work he will finaly get what he dreams of: daisy. gatsby was a poor man when he, for the first time, fell in love with daisy. as a man of lowerclass, he realized that he could not get daisy until he met dan cody who taught him a lot how to be a wealthy and high-class man. from then on, gatsby has found a great opportunity in his life. it is described in the story that when gatsby met dan cody for the first time, gatsby was wearing the torn green jersey. in the description of the green sound, green water symbolizes the distance that gatsby must reach in order to pursue his dream. the fact that this distance does not make gatsby give up in his effort to pursue his dream shows his optimism and his selfreliance which, according to emerus (1976: 83) is the base for american dream. it is selfreliance that keeps gatsby’s hope alive. gatsby’s hope, effort, and self-reliance is similar to those of the early settlers of america that had come to long island long before the term of american dream was born. the aspects of the american dream are the pursuit of happiness, self-reliance, and the way to wealth (bouti, 2013:1). the second color, white, symbolizes wealth, one of the most pursued american dreams. warshauer (2003) states that dominantly the americans try to achieve three kinds of american dreams: fame, wealth, and success. white palaces and white windows describe the buchanans’ wealth. daisy is also described wearing a white dress when nick comes to the buchanans‘ house to meet daisy. jordan‘s white dress also represents the wealth, success, and fame. white as a symbol of wealth can also seen through white flannel suit that gatsby wears. considering that wealth, fame, and success are the most pursued american dreams, white can be said as the symbol of the american dreams. the third color, gold, symbolizes wealth, prestige and successful life. gold is mentioned for the first time in the novel to desrcibe jordan baker’s (a famous and successful golf athlete) golden arms and golden shoulder. gold is identical with jordam baker’s success, one of most desired american dreams. gold color is mentioned again in the gold-colored tie. it represents the wealth and the prestige of the present gatsby, a wealthy high-class man, who is completely different from the poor gatsby in the past, when he vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 61 was nobody with no money. in addition, color of the toilet set in gatsby‘s room is gold. all of these things represent material prosperity and success whis is the result of one’s hard work. concluding remark in reading the great gatsby, readers should carefully and critically observe the use of colors. in this brief study, the colors of green, white, and gold prove to be colors that are associated and, therefore, represent the idea of the american dreams. green (the green light, the green leather conservatory, the green-house, the applegreen shirts, the green jersey, the green card, the green sound, and the green breast of the new world) symbolizes hopes or dreams, i.e. the dream of a better and richer land. the dreams or hopes in the story is achieved by hardwork as suggested by the american dream: anything is attainable through hard work. white (the white palaces, the white dress, the white windows, the white roadster, the white card and the white flannel suits) is associated with th idea of the american dream, which is the achievement on success, fame and wealth. gold (the golden arms, the golden shoulder, the gold-colored tie, and the toilet set of pure dull gold color) symbolizes wealth, prestige and successful life. wealth (material prosperity) is one of the ideals that the people pursue most. references abrams, m. h. a glossary of literary terms. 4th ed. new york: harcourt brace jovanovich college, 1981. adams, james truslow. the epic of america. boston: little, brown, 1931. arp, thomas r., and greg johnson. perrine's literature: structure, sound, and sense. 7th ed. fort worth: harcourt brace college, 1998. bouti, suleman. “american dream in f. scott fitzgerald’s the great gatsby”. jurnal inovasi. vol.4. no.1 (2013): pp.1-9. ung repository. web. 2 july 2015. bortoli, mario de, and jesus maroto. “colours across cultures: translating colours in 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eissn 2580-5878 praptomo baryadi isodarus facilitating sounds in indonesian praptomo baryadi isodarus indonesian literature study program, universitas sanata dharma abstract this article presents the research result of facilitating sounds in indonesian. facilitating sound is a sound which facilitates the pronunciation of a sound sequence in a word. based on the data analysis, the facilitating sounds in indonesian are [ə], [y], [w], [ʔ], [m], [n], [ῃ], [ň] and [ῃə]. sound [ə] facilitates the consonant cluster pronunciation in a word. sound [y] facilitates the pronunciation of the sound sequences [ia] and [aia] among syllables and morphemes. sound [w] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [ua] among syllables and morphemes and the sound sequence of [oa] and [aua] among morphemes. sound [ʔ] facilitates the sound sequence [aa] among syllables and morphemes and the sound sequence [oa] among syllables. sound [m] facilitates the pronunciation of nasal sound sequence [n] in prefixes me(n) – or pe(n)whose morpheme base begins with sounds [b, p, f, v]. sound [n] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequences [d] and [t] in the beginning of the morpheme base. sound [ῃ] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [n] in prefixes me(n) – or pe(n)whose morpheme base begins with the vowels [a, i, u, e, ә, ԑ, o, ᴐ], [g], [h] and [k]. sound [ň] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [n] in prefixes me(n) – or pe(n)whose morpheme base begins with sounds of [j, c, s]. sound [ῃə] facilitates the pronunciation of words which are formed by prefixes me(n) – or pe(n)with one syllable morpheme base. keywords: facilitating sound, phonology, indonesian introduction this study discusses facilitating sound in the indonesian. facilitating sound is a sound that serves a function to facilitate a sequence of sounds in a word. for example, among the sequence of sounds [aa] in the word saat ‘moment’ has a facilitating sound [?]. the real pronunciation of a word saat ‘moment’ is [sa?at]. the sound of [?] facilitates the pronunciation of a sequence of sounds [aa]. another example is among the sequence of sounds [ia] in the word siang ‘afternoon’ in which a facilitating sound [y] can be heard. the pronunciation of the word siang ’afternoon’ is [siyang]. the sound of [y] facilitates the pronunciation of the sequence of sounds [ia]. in the oral language, facilitating sound can be identified by the listener. in a written language, facilitating sound is not always described in the form of orthographic alphabet. for example, the facilitating sound [?] in the word saat ‘moment’ [sa?at] and the facilitating sound [y] in of the word siang [siyang] ‘afternoon’ are not described in the form of alphabets. in this paper, facilitating sound in indonesian is discussed in two aspects. first, what sounds are the facilitating sounds in the indonesian? second, what sequence of sounds can be facilitated by the facilitating sound in the indonesian language? this article willl analyze the answers to both questions completely. 102 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 the answers to both questions are important for indonesian speakers to pronounce the sequence of sounds fluently, and to identify where the presence of certain sounds is required. in addition, the answers also remind the language researchers, especially researchers in phonetics and phonology to use the oral language as the primary data even though the language studied is familiar with the written language so that the oral language features can be fully identified. literature review the specific discussion on the facilitating sound in indonesian has not found yet in books of the phonology of indonesian. the books are generally limited to describe every sound and phoneme in indonesian. as a matter of fact, most of the phonology books in indonesian do not explain the facilitating sound through the data of phonetic transcription. for example, in the phonology book by aminoedin (1984), the words biasa ‘orbinary’, tiap ‘each’, kemudian ‘then’ and giat ‘active’ are transcribed phonetically into [biyasa], [tiyap], [kəmudiyan] and [giyat]. there is a facilitating sound [y] on the vowel sequence of sounds [ia] in the phonetic transcription. the absence of the facilitating sound in the phonetic transcription of words containing the facilitating sound can be speculated that all of the data in the phonology books are not based on the oral language. in several books of indonesian morphology by ramlan (1983), kridalaksana (1989), arifin (2007), chaer (2008) and muslich (2008), morpho-phonemic in indonesian is discussed. morpho-phonemic refers to a phonological change in the morpheme due to the assemblage among morphemes (baryadi, 2011: 28). there are a number of affixes having a phonological change due to their interaction with the morpheme base. various phonological changes on several affixes in indonesian have been described in several books of indonesian morphology. however, the functions of the phonological changes in facilitating the pronunciation of sequence of sounds in a word have not been explained. it is because the functional approach in analyzing words formation has not been applied in several books of indonesian morphology. the common approaches used in several books of indonesian morphology are structural approach and process approach. nevertheless, the result of morpho-phonemic studies in several books of indonesian morphology has great contribution in identifying the facilitating sound in indonesian. moreover, the book by kridalaksana (1989) more completely describes the types of the changes of sounds in affixes in indonesian due to the assemblage between affixes and morpheme bases. theoretical framework this section addresses the basic concepts used to discuss the facilitating sound in indonesian. facilitating sound is a sound that serves a function to facilitate a sequence of sounds in a word. the sequence of sounds is two or more sounds that line up linearly in a word. the sequence of sounds in indonesian consists of three consonant clusters, consonant sequence and vowel sequence. “consonant cluster is a sequence of two or more consonants recognized as the same syllable. a sound [pr] in the word praktik ‘practice’ is a consonant sequence. the consonant sequence is also found in sounds [pl] in the word plastik ‘plastic’, [tr] in the word sastra ‘literature’, [str] in the word struktur ‘structure’ (alwi, 2003: 52-53). a consonant cluster is different from a consonant sequence. the consonant sequence is a sequence of two or more consonants recognized as a different syllable. the examples of consonant sequence are [mb] in the word gambar [gambar] ‘picture’, whose sound [m] is in syllable gam[gam-] and sound [b] is in syllable –bar [-bar]. the vowel sequence is two vowels lining up in a different syllable (alwi, 2003: 62-63). the examples of the vowel sequence are [ai] in the word kain [kain] where the sound [a] is in syllable ka[ka] and [i] is in syllable -in [-in]. vowel sequence can be found among syllables such as sound [ai] in the word kaidah ‘rule’ and among morphemes such as the sounds [ua] in the word tujuan [tujuwan] ‘aim’ which means that the sound 103 journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 praptomo baryadi isodarus [u] is in the final morpheme of tuju {tuju} and sound [a] is in the initial morpheme of -an {an}. vowel sequence is different from diphthong. diphthong belongs to a vowel sound. diphthong is in the same syllable. there are three diphthongs in indonesian: /ay/, /aw/ and /oy/ which can be written into ai, au and oi (alwi, 2003: 62). an example of diphthong is the sound [ay] in the word sampai [sampay] ‘arrived’, [aw] in the word pulau [pulaw] ‘island’ and [oy] in the word spoi [spoy] ‘spoi’. research method this research was conducted through three stages of language handling strategies proposed by sudaryanto (2015: 6), namely data collection, data analysis and presentation of data analysis result. the implementation of each strategy was done by using certain methods. this research object was the facilitating sound of the sequence sound pronunciation in indonesian words. the collected data were words containing the facilitating sound in indonesian. the data were collected from two sources, namely indonesian used by the speakers orally and indonesian used creatively by the writers in daily life. in the first source, the use of oral indonesian becomes the data of conversations among students in campus. the data were obtained from the second source which is called introspection data (botha, 1981:67). however, the data should be grammatically validated by other indonesian speakers and kamus besar bahasa idonesia online or the official online indonesian dictionary (2015). the data collection from the first source was conducted using the listening method (sudaryanto 2015: 203), which the researcher listens to the use of the language on the data source. the listening result was then recorded in the data card. the data collection from the second source was conducted using the intuitive method (labov 1972: 9), by generating the researcher’s language competence as the indonesian speaker. in this case, the researcher is an internalist meaning that the researcher as the language speaker becomes a research respondent. the data that had been collected were then classified based on the types of the sequence of sounds which becomes the place where the facilitating sound occur. after being classified, the data were analyzed by using equivalent articulatory phonetic method and sharing method which used interruption method as the interruption method and deletion method (2015). the types of facilitating sound can be determined based on the utterance produced by using the equivalent articulatory phonetic method. the interruption technique is applied by inserting certain sounds in the certain sequence of sounds. the deletion technique is applied by deleting the facilitating sound from a certain sequence of sounds. those techniques were used to prove the fluency of the pronunciation of the certain sequence of sounds. the data analysis was conducted using various techniques and methods which produced rules of the use of the facilitating sound in indonesian. the rules of the use of the facilitating sound in indonesian are presented in two ways: by a formulation in the form of sentences, diagrams and symbols. the first formulation of the linguistic rules is called informal (sudaryanto 2015: 241) or verbal method, while the second formulation is called formal method (sudaryanto 2015: 241) or visual method. from those methods, the informal method was the main presentation method of this research. the formal method was used to strengthen the informal method. the formal method is used to make the linguistic rules visible so that the readability is high (baryadi isodarus 2000: 160). discussion based on the data analysis, the sounds that belong to the facilitating sounds are [ə], [y], [w], [?], [m], [n], [ῃ], [ň], dan [ῃə]. the use of every facilitating sound is discussed below. the facilitating sound [ə] there is no word containing a consonant cluster in indonesian. words that belong to consonant cluster are cognate words from local or foreign language. there is no consonant cluster that makes indonesian 104 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 speakers difficult to pronounce it. therefore, to simplify the pronunciation, the sound of [ə] is often inserted with the consonant cluster. the examples are as follows: (1) krupuk [kərupuk] ‘creckers’ (2) kramas [kəramas] ‘shampoo’ (3) blangko [bəlaŋko] ‘blank’ (4) proses [pəroses] ‘process’ (5) strategis [sətrategis] ‘strategic’ (6) skala [səkala] ‘scale’ (7) status [sətatus] ‘status’ (8) prangko [pəraŋko] ‘stamps’ several words contain the consonant cluster that comes from javanese. the consonant cluster is inserted with letter ‘e’ or sound [ə] after the words become cognate words into indonesian. for example, trampil [trampɪl] ‘skilled’, prawan [prawan] ‘virgin’ and prabot [prabᴐt] ‘furniture’ to be terampil [terampɪl] ‘skilled’, perawan [pərawan] ‘virgin’ and perabot [pərabᴐt] ‘furniture’. the facilitating sound [y] sound [y] is used to facilitate the sequence of sounds of [ia] and [aia] among syllables or morphemes. below are the examples of sound [y] that facilitates the pronunciation of the sequence of sounds among syllables. (9) ia [iya] ‘she/he’ (10) ialah [iyalah] ‘is’ (11) dia [diya] ‘she/he’ (12) pria [priya] ‘man’ (13) siapa [siyapa] ‘who’ (14) dunia [duniya] ‘world’ (15) mulia [muliya) ‘noble’ (16) diam [diyam] ‘silent’ (17) tiang [tiyang] ‘pole’ (18) liar [liyar] ‘wild’ sound [y] is also used to facilitate the pronunciation of the sequence of sounds [ia] among morphemes, which is the morpheme base ending with the sound of [i] followed by suffix {–an} (ramlan 1983: 84; kridalaksana 1989: 185). (19) huni + -an to be hunian [huniyan] ‘shelter’ (20) tari + -an to be tarian [tariyan] ‘dance’ (21) bagi + -an to be bagian [bagiyan] ‘part’ (22) pe+ lari + -an to be pelarian [pəlariyan] ‘escape’ (23) per+ kelahi + -an to be perkelahian [pərkelahiyan] ‘fights’ (24) per+ tani + -an to be pertanian [pərtaniyan] ‘agriculture’ (25) per+ hati + -an to be perhatian [pərhatiyan] ‘attention’ (26) ke+ ahli + -an to be keahlian [kəahliyan] ‘skill’ (27) ke+abadi + -an to be keabadian [kəabadiyan] ‘eternity’ (28) ke+ suci + -an to be kesucian [kəsuciyan] ‘holiness’ sound [y] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of the sequence of diphthong sound [ai] followed by vowel [a] among morphemes whose base ends with sound [ai] and suffix {–an} (ramlan 1983: 84; kridalaksana 1989: 185). here are the examples. (29) urai + -an to be to be uraian [uraiyan] ‘description’ (30) buai + -an to be buaian [buaiyan] ‘crib’ (31) untai + -an to be untaian [untaiyan] ‘strand’ (32) semai + -an to be semaian [səmaiyan] ‘crops’ (33) tuai + -an to be tuaian [tuaiyan] ‘haervest’ (34) ke+ damai + -an to be kedamaian [kedamaiyan] ‘peace’ (35) ke+ sampai + -an to be kesampaian [kesampaiyan] ‘taken’ (36) ke+ pandai + -an to be kepandaian [kepandaiyan] ‘ingenuity’ (37) ke+ ramai + -an to be keramaian [keramaiyan] ‘crowd’ sound [y] can be either used or not to facilitate the pronunciation of sound sequence [ia] on prefix {di-} followed by morpheme base beginning with the sound of [a]. here are the examples. 105 journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 praptomo baryadi isodarus (38) di + ambil to be diambil [diambil/diyambil] ‘taken’ (39) di + angkat to be diangkat [diangkat/diyangkat] ‘lifted’ (40) di + antar to be diantar [diantar/diyantar] ‘escorted’ (41) di + adakan to be diadakan [diadakan/diyadakan] ‘held’ (42) di + angkut to be diangkut [diangkut/diyangkut] ‘transported’ (43) di + arak to be diarak [diarak/diyarak] ‘paraded’ the facilitating sound [w] sound [w] is used to facilitate the sound sequence [ua] among syllables and morphemes and [ua], [oa] and [aua] among morphemes. below are examples of the use of sound [w] as the facilitating sound of the sequence sounds of [ua] among syllables. (44) tua [tuwa] ‘old’ (45) dua [duwa] ‘two’ (46) buah [buwah] ‘fruit’ (47) tuan [tuwan] ‘master’ (48) ruang [ruwang] ‘space’ (49) buang [buwang] ‘discard’ sound [w] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of the sound sequence [ua] in relation among morphemes whose base ends with sound [u] and suffix of {–an} (ramlan 1983: 84; kridalaksana 1989: 185). here are the examples: (50) tuju + -an to be tujuan [tujuwan] ‘purpose’ (51) satu + -an to be satuan [satuwan] ‘unit’ (52) bantu + -an to be bantuan [bantuwan] ‘aid’ (53) per+ jamu + -an to be perjamuan [pərjamuwan] ‘banquet’ (54) ke + satu + -an to be kesatuan [kəsatuwan] ‘unity’ [55] pem+ baru + -an to be pembaruan [pəmbaruwan] ‘renewal’ sound [w] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of sound sequence [oa] in relation among morphemes, whose base ends with sound [o] and suffix {–an} (kridalaksana 1989: 185). here are the examples: (56) per+ plonco + -an to be perploncoan [pərploncowan] ‘initiation’ (57) per+ toko + -an to be pertokoan [pərtokowan] ‘shops’ sound [w] is also used to facilitate the pronunciation of sound sequence [aua] in relation among morphemes, whose base ends with diphthong [au] and suffix {–an} (kridalaksana 1989: 185). here are the examples: (58) himbau + -an to be himbauan [himbauwan] ‘appeals’ (59) pantau + -an to be pantauan [pantauwan] ‘monitory’ (60) perantau + -an to be perantauan [pərantauwan] ‘oversights’ (61) pe(n)+ hijau + -an to be penghijauan [pənghijauwan] ‘greening’ (62) ke+ galau + -an to be kegalauan [kəgalauwan] ‘turnoid’ the facilitating sound [ʔ] sound [ʔ] is used to facilitate the sound sequence of [aa] among syllables and morphemes and [oa] among syllables. the following examples are as follows: (63) saat [saʔat] ‘moment’ (64) taat [taʔat] ‘obidunce’ (65) manfaat [manfaʔat] ‘benefit’ below are the examples of the use of sound [ʔ] which has morpheme base ending with sound [a] and suffix {-an}. (66) per+ jumpa + -an to be perjumpaan [pərjumpaʔan] ‘encounter’ (67) per+ tanya + -an to be pertanyaan [pərtanyaʔan] ‘questions’ (68) per+ nyata + -an to be pernyataan [pərnyataʔan] ‘statement’ the following examples show the use of sound [ʔ] to facilitate the pronunciation of the sound sequence [oa] among syllables. 106 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 (69) doa [doʔa] ‘prayers’ (70) soal [soʔal] ‘questions’ the facilitating sound [m] sound [m] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of a nasal sound in morphemes me(n) – and pe(n)whose initial sounds of the base are [b, p, f, v] (ramlan, 1983: 74). below are the examples of function of the sound [m]. (69) me(n)+ baca to be membaca [məmbaca] ‘reading’ (70) me(n)+ bicarakan to be membicarakan [məmbicarakan] ‘talking’ (71) me(n)+ panggil to be memanggil [məmaŋgil] ‘calling’ (72) me(n)-+ pasang to be memasang [məmasaŋ] ‘installing’ (73) me(n)+ paku to be memaku [məmaku] ‘nailing’ (74) me(n)+ memfasilitasi to be memfasilitasi [məmfasilitasi] ‘facilitating’ (75) me(n)+ fokus to be memfokus [məmfokus] ‘focusing’ (76) me(n)+ foto to be memfoto [məmfoto] ‘photographing’ (77) me(n)+ vakum to be memvakum [məmvakum] ‘vacuuming’ (78) me(n)+ variasikan to be mamvariasikan [məmvariasikan] ‘varying’ as shown in examples number (72), (73) and (74), sound [p] in the beginning of morpheme base will dissolve when it is approached by prefix me(n)because sound [p] is voiceless. here are the examples. (79) pe(n)+ baca to be pembaca [pəmbaca] ‘reader’ (80) pe(n)+ bahas to be pembahas [pəmbahas] ‘discussor’ (81) pe(n)+ bicara to be pembicara [pəmbicara] ‘speaker’ (82) pe(n)+ pacu to be pemacu [pəmacu] ‘booster’ (83) pe(n)+ panah to be pemanah [pəmanah] ‘archer’ (84) pe(n)+ pasang to be pemasang [pəmasang] ‘mounter’ (85) pe(n)+ fokus to be pemfokus [pəmfokus] ‘to make a focus’ (86) pe(n)+ foto to be pemfoto [pəmfoto] ‘photographer’ (87) pe(n)+ vakum to be pemvakum [pəmvakum] ‘vacuumer (88) pe(n)+ vaksin to be pemvaksin [pəmvaksin] ‘vaksin’ the examples number (82), (83) and (84) shows that sound [p] in the beginning of morpheme base will dissolve when it is approached by prefix me(n)because sound [p] is voiceless. the facilitating sound [n] sound [n] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of sound sequence [n] in prefixes me(n)or pe(n)whose initial sound base are [d] and [t] (ramlan 1983: 75). here are the examples. (89) me(n)+ darat to be mendarat [məndarat] ‘landing’ (90) me(n)+ didik to be mendidik [məndidiʔ] ‘educating’ (91) me(n)+ dadak to be mendadak [məndada?] ‘suddenly’ (92) me(n)+ dirikan to be mendirikan [məndirikan] ‘establishing’ (93) me(n)+ duduki to be menduduki [mənduduki] ‘occupying’ (94) me(n)+ tulis to be menulis [mənulis] ‘writing’ (95) me(n)+ tata to be menata [mənata] ‘organizing’ (96) me(n)+ tanam to be menanam [mənanam] ‘planting’ (97) me(n)+ tugaskan to be menugaskan [mənugaskan] ‘assigning (98) me(n)+ temani to be menemani [mənəmani] ‘accompany’ in examples number (94), (95), (96), (97), and (98), sound [t] in the beginning of a morpheme will dissolve when it is approached by prefix of me(n)because sound [t] is voiceless. below are the examples of the use of [n] to facilitate the pronunciation of sound sequence [n] in the beginning of prefix pe(n) 107 journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 praptomo baryadi isodarus whose initial sounds in the morpheme base are [d] and [t]. (99) pe(n)+ duduk to be penduduk [pәnduduʔ] ‘population’ (100) pe(n)+ didik + -an to be pendidikan [pәndidikan] ‘education’ (101) pe(n)+ tulis to be penulis [pәnulis] ‘writers’ (102) pe(n)+ tulis + -an to be penulisan [pәnulisan] ‘writing’ the examples number (101) and (102) show that sound [t] in the beginning of morpheme base will dissolve when it is approached by prefix pe(n)because sound of [t] is voiceless. the facilitating sound [ῃ] in written language, the sound of [ŋ] is written as ng. sound [ŋ] is used to facilitate the pronunciation that is formed by prefixes me(n)or pe(n)with the beginning basic form of vowel sounds [a, i, u, e, ә, ԑ, o, ᴐ], [g], [h] and [k] (ramlan, 1983: 79). the examples are described as follows: (103) me(n)+ atur to be mengatur [mәῃatur] ‘regulating’ (104) pe(n)+ atur to be pengatur [pәῃatur] ‘regulator’ (105) me(n)+ iris to be mengiris [mәῃiris] ‘slicing’ (106) pe(n)+ iris to be pengiris [pәῃiris] ‘slicer’ (107) me(n)+ urus to be mengurus [mәῃurus] ‘take car of’ (108) pe(n)+ urus to be pengurus [pәῃurus] ‘administrator’ (109) me(n)+ ekor to be mengekor [mәῃekɔr] ‘imitating’ (110) pe(n)+ ekor to be pengekor [pәῃekɔr] ‘imitator’ (111) me(n)+ emban to be mengemban [mәῃemban] ‘carrying’ (112) pe (n)+ emban to be pengemban [pәῃemban] ‘carrier’ (113) me(n)+ ekskusi to be mengekskusi [mәῃԑxkusi] ‘excuting’ (114) pe(n)+ ekskusi pengekskusi [pәῃԑxkusi] ‘excutor’ (115) me(n)+ olah to be mengolah [mәῃolah] ‘’processing’ (116) pe(n)+ olah to be pengolah [pәῃolah] ‘processor’ (117) me(n)+ obrol to be mengobrol [mәῃɔbrɔl] ‘chatting’ (118) pe(n)+ obrol to be pengobrol [pәῃɔbrɔl] ‘blab’ (119) me(n)+ garis to be menggaris [mәῃgaris] ‘lining‘ (120) pe(n)+ garis to be penggaris [pәῃgaris] ‘ruler’ (121) me(n)+ himpun to be menghimpun [mәῃhimpun] ‘collecting’ (122) pe(n)+ himpun to be penghimpun [pәῃhimpun] ‘gatherers’ (123) me(n)+ karang to be mengarang [mәῃaraῃ] ‘writing’ (124) pe(n)+ karang to be pengarang [pәῃaraῃ] ‘author’ the examples number (123) and (124) show that the basic form that begins with sound of [k] will dissolve when it is approached by prefixes me(n)or pe(n)because sound of [k] is voiceless. the facilitating sound [ň] in written language, sound [ň] is shown as ny. the sound of [ň] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of words beginning with prefixes of me(n)-or pe(n)whose morpheme base begins with sounds [j, c, s] (ramlan 1983: 77). here are the examples. (125) me(n)+ jaga to be menjaga [mәňjaga] ‘keep’ (126) pe(n)+ jaga to be penjaga [pәňjaga] ‘guard’ (127) me(n)+ curi to be mencuri [mәňcuri] ‘steal’ (128) pe(n)+ curi to be pencuri [pәňcuri] ‘thief’ (129) me(n)+ sidik to be menyidik [mәňidɪʔ] ‘investigating’ (130) pe(n)+ sidik to be penyidik [pәňidɪʔ] ‘investigator’ the examples number (129) and (130) show that basic form that begins with sound [s] will dissolve when it is approached by prefixes 108 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 me(n)or pe(n)because sound [s] is voiceless. the facilitating sound [ῃə] sound [ῃə] is written as nge. sound [ῃ] is used to facilitate the pronunciation of words beginning with prefixes me(n)or pe(n)whose morpheme base contains one syllable (ramlan, 1983: 83). here are the examples. (131) me(n)+ tik to be mengetik [mәngәtik] ‘typing’ (132) pe(n)+ tik to be pengetik [pәngәtik] ‘typist’ (133) me(n)+ cat to be mengecat [mәngәcat] ‘paiting’ (134) pe(n)+ cat to be pengecat [pәngәcat] ‘painter’ (135) me(n)+ pel to be mengepel [mәngәpԑl] ‘mopping’ (136) pe(n)+ pel to be pengepel [pәngәpԑl] ‘mopper’ conclusion facilitating sound in indonesian contains the pronunciation of consonant cluster, vowel sequence among syllables and morphemes, and sound sequence among morphemes. the facilitating sound the pronunciation of consonant cluster is sound [ə]. the facilitating sound of the pronunciation of a vowel sequence among syllables and morphemes are sounds [y, w, ʔ]. sound [y] facilitates the pronunciation of the sound sequences [ia] and [aia] among syllables and morphemes. sound [w] facilitates the pronunciation of the sound sequence [ua] among syllables and morphemes and also the sound sequences of [oa] and [aua] among morphemes. sound [ʔ] facilitates the sound sequence [aa] among syllables and morphemes and the sound sequence [oa] among syllables. the facilitating sounds in the pronunciation of the sound sequence among morphemes are [m], [n], [ῃ], [ň] and [ῃə]. sound [m] facilitates the pronunciation of nasal sound [n] in prefixes me(n) – or pe(n) whose morpheme base begins with sounds [b, p, f, v]. sound [n] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequences [d] and [t] in the beginning of the morpheme base. sound [ῃ] facilitates the pronunciation of sound sequence [n] in prefixes me(n) – or pe(n) whose morpheme base begins with [a, i, u, e, ә, ԑ, o, ᴐ], [g], [h] and [k]. sound of [ň] facilitates the pronunciation of the sound sequence [n] in prefixes of me(n) – or pe(n) whose morpheme base begins with sounds [j, c, s]. sound [ῃə] facilitates the pronunciation of words formed by prefixes of me(n) – or pe(n)-, whose the morpheme base contains one syllable. references alwi, hasan; 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and (b) the four questions of critical paradigm might be implemented for criticizing a political figure with several modifications. keywords: fairclough analysis, critical paradigm, jakarta reclamation introduction homo homini lupus is already a widely acceptable adagio in any domain of social practice and that also includes the domain of politics. similarly, another adagio coined by niccolò machiavelli, the end justifies the means, is also widely acceptable in the domain of social media. departing from the two adagios, it might be described that people, especially those who have or at least who display the thirst of power, will do whatever it takes to grant their desire even if it is at the expense of others. with regard to the statement, there have been many cases that serve as good model for illustrating how the race for power might be very gruesome. one of the cases that has described best the above explanation might be traced to the governor election in jakarta or known as pilkada dki jakarta. the election took place in 2017 with three pairs of candidates in the first round and two candidates in the second round. these candidates were anies baswedan-sandiaga uno, basuki tjahaya purnama-djarot saiful hidayat, and agus harimurti yudhoyono-sylviana murni. the journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 41 election had to be conducted in two rounds because in the first round none of the candidates had met the requirement of unanimous victory. then, the candidates who opened their way into the second round of election were anies baswedan-sandiaga uno and basuki tjahaya purnama-djarot saiful hidayat and this was where the fierce competition for power started. as having been implied in the opening paragraph of this section, people tend to do whatever it takes to deliver their wish especially when it comes to power. as a result, many efforts of black campaign, altogether with hoaxes, overran the media without any clear trace on who had been running these efforts. one of the issues that had been benefitted within this situation was the jakarta reclamation. in one of his campaigns, anies baswedan, one of the candidate pairs, said that he would stop the jakarta reclamation if he had won the election. at the end of the election round, it turned out that anies baswedan-sandiaga uno had won the election by benefitting the issues around jakarta, including the jakarta reclamation. two years have passed but it seems that the case of jakarta reclamation is far from being solved or even stopped. the recent development from the case of jakarta reclamation is that without having been noticed the provincial government of the province of jakarta special capitol has issued the building permit (imb, izin mendirikan bangunan) to around 932 buildings in the reclamation island. looking at this situation, many people who used to support anies baswedan, start to question his commitment to stop the jakarta reclamation. on the other hand, the party that supports him, namely partai keadilan sejahtera (prosperous justice party (hanzel, 2011)), has stated that anies baswedan has fulfilled his promise with regards to stop the reclamation. anies himself has admitted that he has kept his promise to stop jakarta reclamation. the controversy over the jakarta reclamation has intrigued the researcher to conduct a study to see how anies baswedan has been framed in the news items with regard to his consistency in keeping his promise to stop the jakarta reclamation. the importance of conducting the study is that through the framing people might learn and eventually define whether a political figure will be worth to elect or not so that in the future they will not make a political mistake that might bring about a fatal consequence. then, in order to lead the progress in the study, the researcher would like to propose two problem statements. the first problem statement is related to how anies baswedan has shown his commitment to the media with regards to his commitment to stop the jakarta reclamation. through the first problem statement, the researcher is trying to identify how anies baswedan has shown his commitment to the media in relation to his commitment to stop the jakarta reclamation. next, the second problem statement is related to how people might be critical toward a political figure by observing the media frame. hopefully, the discussions on the problem formulation will be able to provide better information on not only the framing of a political figure but also the ways to ensure the worth-selected political figure so that the results of the political contestation might not bring about fatal impact in the future. reclamation, or land reclamation, refers to “gain of land from the sea, the wetland or the other water bodies, the restoration of land use or land productivity that has been degraded by either the human activity or the natural phenomena” (oecd, 2001). similarly, according to the ministerial regulation number 125 of 2018 it is defined that reclamation refers to “heap work in the water area or in the coastal area that alters the coastline and/or the contour of the water depth”. from both definitions, it might be concluded that reclamation is the work of expanding the coastal line by gaining land from the sea in order to open a new area that might be benefitted for multiple purposes such as trade, business, settlement and alike. the main objective of reclamation is to turn a degraded wet area or an ill-benefitted piece of land into a new area that will be more useful and productive and the new are thus might be benefitted for certain purposes such as settlement, industrial area, business and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 42 trades, harbour and alike (administrator, 2016). departing from the objective, the benefit of conducting the reclamation is that the piece of land that might be lost due to the abrasion from the sea might be returned and that new piece of land might be opened in front of the coastline so that there will some sort of “fortress” that protects the coastal line. despite the benefits, the conduct of reclamation has both the positive and the negative impacts (administrator, 2016). the positive impact is that the opening of the new area will improve the social and economic activities since there will be the construction of new settlement that will absorb labours and open small-scale business such as shops and food stalls; on the other hand, the negative impact is that the potential occurrence of flood might increase, the settlement of the fishermen might be displaced and even the environment might be deteriorated. therefore, the conduct of the reclamation should undergo thorough planning and environmental impact analysis in order to minimize the negative impact and increase the positive impact. the model of fairclough analysis strives to identify and link the micro text and the macro context in the society (eriyanto, 2001, p. 285; fairclough, 1995). according to the model, a researcher is urged to see language as the practice of power. therefore, the consequence is that the analysis should be based on how the language is shaped and formed by certain social contexts and social relations. then, the model of fairclough analysis consists of three dimensions, namely text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice (eriyanto, 2001, p. 286). the text should be analysed linguistically by paying attention to the vocabulary, the semantic and the grammar altogether with coherence and cohesiveness that shape the understanding toward the text. these elements are involved in the analysis in order to identify three problems namely: a) ideational, which refers to certain representation that is intended to be displayed in the text; b) relation, which refers to the analysis of the construction between the reporter and the reader; and c) identify, which refers to certain construction from the identity of both the reporter and the reader. departing from the text analysis, the researcher should move into the discourse practice analysis. in the discourse practice analysis, the researcher should focus the attention to how text is produced and consumed since the text is formed by means of a discourse practice. in other words, it is the discourse practice that defines how the text is shaped. then, the relationship between the text analysis and the discourse practice analysis will lead to the sociocultural practice analysis or the third dimension within the model of fairclough analysis. in conducting the sociocultural practice analysis, the main focus of the researcher should be on the assumption that the social context outside the media has a certain influence on the discourse that appears in the media. therefore, newsroom might not be considered as an empty vessel but, instead, newsroom might be highly defined by the external factors. through the intricate relationship, people will understand how the certain cases that have been portrayed might be represented within the media. critical paradigm is an important aspect that should be upheld in the present day especially in dealing with the news items related to terrorism. critical paradigm was first developed in the school of frankfurt during the hitler era (eriyanto, 2001, p. 23). in the era, media were not neutral they were filled with prejudice, rhetoric, and propaganda. at the same time, the german government under hitler’s leadership had benefitted the media as part of their control over the public especially in the efforts to maintain the spirit of warfare. as a result, media were controlled by the dominant party. due to the situation, the school of frankfurt started to contemplate the presence of different powers within the society that might control the communication process. the contemplation thus resulted into the four matters that should always be considered whenever an individual received information: a) who controlled the media; b) why he or she controlled the media; c) what benefits that might be achieved through the gain of control; and d) which groups that had not been journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 43 dominant and that had become the object of control (eriyanto, 2001, pp. 23-24). apparently, the four matters are still relevant to be considered in the present-day context since the critical paradigm believes that media serves as an area in which the dominant group might control and might even marginalize the non-dominant group through the possession and the control over the media. in brief, the birth of critical paradigm has given birth to the two views on the use of media in the social practice known as the pluralist view and the critical view. the pluralist view believes that media is an autonomous entity and therefore the news that the media report describe the reality. on the other hand, the critical view believes that media in overall are influenced by the social structure and the social strength within the society. the importance of being critical in viewing the media, specifically in relation to the news items, thus has been automatically asserted. in other words, the use of critical paradigm becomes very important since, as having been implied from the previous paragraph, media are actually amidst multiple complex and various interests, conflicts, and facts. the content of the media, specifically in the news items, are not automatically present through the mechanism of push and pull between the strong internal and external interest. instead, what the media present might not be the actual reality but the formulation of redactional work that represents the reality through different perspective (mubarok & wulandari, 2018). through such formulation, the news items thus present a new reality that has been added, reduced, revised, omitted and even distorted from the actual reality. as a result, the content of media, specifically the news items themselves, become full of interest. therefore, once again it is very important to implement the critical paradigm in viewing the news items so that people will have more balanced opinion on the given issues. methodology in conducting the study, the researcher will implement the qualitative approach. the goal of implementing qualitative approach within a study is to gain deeper understanding toward the experience of individuals or a group of individuals (wahyuni, 2015, p. 1). then, a qualitative research has five characteristics. first, a qualitative research is descriptive. the data that have been collected are in the form of words or pictures and the written results of the research contain quotations from the data to illustrate and substantiate the presentation. the data might include interview, transcripts, field notes, photographs, videotapes, personal documents, memos, and other official records. specific to the context of the study, the official records that will be selected for the conduct of the text analysis are the news that has been posted by the online news portal. since the study will focus on how anies baswedan shows his commitment to stop jakarta reclamation and how people might be critical toward a political figure during the campaign, several articles are collected randomly from the online news portal that has been considered trustworthy and reputable in portraying certain events especially the political ones namely: (a) warta ekonomi; (b) detikcom; (c) cnn indonesia; (d); (e) sindonews; (f); (g) voa indonesia; (h) idn times; and (i) berita satu. the selection criteria are as follows: a) the articles should display commitment of anies baswedan to stop jakarta reclamation; b) the articles should discuss the issues around jakarta reclamation; and c) the articles should display the response of anies baswedan to the issuance of building permits in the reclamation area. after all of the articles have been collected, these articles will be analysed by means of fairclough analysis. the analysis will focus only on the text analysis. the term text analysis in this regard refers to the process of describing and interpreting the given documents to provide thorough illustration on the events that have been disclosed. under the same spirit, the text analysis has been selected because the researcher would like to disclose the commitment of anies baswedan to stop jakarta reclamation from his statements in the media. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 44 departing from the discussion on the commitment of anies baswedan to stop jakarta reclamation, the researcher will progress to the discussions on how people might be critical toward a public figure during the campaign. the discussion will be based on the results of the discussion for the first problem formulation. in dealing with this kind of criticism, the researcher will implement the theory of critical paradigm in order to encourage people to be critical toward a political figure during the campaign. as having been explained, there are four stages in conducting the critical paradigm namely: a) who controlled the media; b) why he or she controlled the media; c) what benefits that might be achieved through the gain of control; and d) which groups that had not been dominant and that had become the object of control. these stages will be implemented in accordance to the needs of the study; therefore, there is a possibility that not all stages will be completely implemented. results and discussion in this section, the researcher will elaborate the findings in relation to the two problems that have been stated in the introduction. then, the discussions will be based on the two problem statements in relation to the findings. as having been briefly elaborated in the introduction, anies baswedan won the governor election in the province of jakarta special capitol by manipulating the sensitive issues around jakarta and one of these issues is jakarta reclamation. during the campaign, anies promised that he would stop jakarta reclamation if he had been elected as the governor of jakarta (pranandito, 2019; tim detikcom, 2019). after two years of his governance, anies maintains that he has fulfilled his promise on jakarta reclamation (arjawinangun, 2019; pranandito, 2019). even one of the political parties that support his candidacy with sandiaga uno, namely the prosperous justice party, states that the governor of jakarta special capitol, anies baswedan, has fulfilled his promise in relation to jakarta reclamation (tambun, 2019). the statements shown in table 1 confirm that anies baswedan has claimed his fulfilment on the cessation of jakarta reclamation. at the same time, the idea behind the cessation of jakarta reclamation is that the land should be utilized for the greater interest of the people in jakarta. by doing so, the people in jakarta might be equally prosperous. unfortunately, as provided in table 2, many people start to question his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. in fact, most of these people become doubtful toward his commitment since the provincial government of jakarta special capitol has issued the building permit for 932 buildings on one of the reclamation island (pranandito, kilas balik janji kampanye anies baswedan soal reklamasi, 2019). due to this case, many people have been criticizing anies over and over since they argue that reclamation cessation also means moratorium for the building permit in the island (cnn indonesia, 2019). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 45 table 1. statements that support the claim of cessation over jakarta reclamation no statement translation (provided by the researcher) 1 pemprov dki jakarta memulai penghentikan proyek reklamasi ini dengan menyegel 932 bangunan di pulau d pada kamis, 7 juni 2018. mempertegas kebij pemprov dki jakarta memulai penghentikan proyek reklamasi ini dengan menyegel 932 bangunan di pulau d pada kamis, 7 juni 2018. mempertegas kebijakan ini, anies baswedan pada 26 september 2018 selanjutnya mengumumkan pencabutan izin pembangunan 13 reklamasi (arjawinangun, 2019).akan ini, anies baswedan pada 26 september 2018 selanjutnya mengumumkan pencabutan izin pembangunan 13 reklamasi (arjawinangun, 2019). in his opinion, the issuance of the building permit has been in accordance to the existing procedures. “building permit is not about the continuation or the cessation of the reclamation, but building permit is about the permit for the use of reclamation-resulted land by means of building construction. whether the building permit has been issued or not, the reclamation activities have been stopped. therefore, building permit and reclamation are two different matters,” he said in the information that has been retrieved in jakarta, thursday (13/6/2019). 2 “kurang lebih begitu ya. jadi penghentiannya sudah memenuhi janji. nah pemanfaatan lahan itu adalah untuk masyarakat luas. itu duaduanya terpenuhi janjinya,” kata abdurrahaman suhaimi, senin (17/6/2019) (tambun, 2019). “it is more or less yes. so, the cessation has already met his promise. now, the utilization of the land is intended to the public. both of these promises have already been met,” says abdurrahaman suhaimi, monday (17/6/2019). 3 sementara itu, anies baswedan bersikukuh semua kebijakan yang dikeluarkannya sesuai dengan janji kampanye. pertama menghentikan reklamasi dan kedua untuk lahan yang sudah terjadi dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan publik (tambun, 2019). in the meantime, anies baswedan insists that all the policies that he has issued are in accordance to his campaign promises. first stopping the reclamation and second the land that has been opened should be benefitted for public interest. table 2. statements that display doubtfulness on anies’ commitment toward cessation of jakarta reclamation no statement translation (provided by the researcher) 1 walhi menilai langkah anies saat menyegel pulau reklamasi di teluk jakarta tahun lalu tak berpengaruh. sebab, proses proyek reklamasi masih tetap berjalan (pranandito, 2019 ). the indonesian forum for environment thinks that anies’ move when he sealed the reclamation island in jakarta bay last year does not result in any effect. the reason is that the process of reclamation project is still taking place. 2 ray menyebut tindakan anies menerbitkan imb tersebut telah mengecewakan pendukungnya. utamanya, para pendukung anies yang memang menolak reklamasi (cnn indonesia, 2019). ray mentions that anies’ move of issuing the building permit has made his supporters disappointed. especially, his supporters who truly reject reclamation. 3 susan pun mempertanyakan keseriusan anies yang sebelumnya ingin menghentikan reklamasi dan berencana memanfaatkan susan thus questions the totality of anies who previously planned to stop reclamation and to benefit a number of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 46 sejumlah pulau reklamasi untuk kepentingan publik. "ya, itu, kan, berbanding terbalik dengan pertanyaan anies sewaktu debat dia bilang 'apakah segala sesuatu yang berasal dari masa lalu itu harus dilanjutkan?'. dia menanyakan itu ke ahok saat ahok menggunakan perpres 52 tahun 1995 sebagai dasar reklamasi," ujar susan (alaidrus, 2019). reclamation islands for the public interest. “this is totally in contradiction to anies’ question during the debate. he said, ‘should all aspects from the past be passed down?’ he asked that question to ahok when ahok used the presidential regulation number 52 of 1995 as the basis of reclamation,” susan says. 4 "anies dan sandiaga sewaktu kampanye pernah marah, karena penataan teluk jakarta harusnya didasarkan pada filosofi yang sama dengan uu nomor 32 tahun 2009 tentang lingkungan hidup,” kata ronald kepada, rabu (13/6/2018). pasal 1 uu no 32/2009 itu disebutkan, yang menjadi lahan reklamasi ialah warisan bagi masa depan. karenanya, anies saat itu menentang keputusan ahok karena lahan reklamasi teluk jakarta digunakan untuk kepentingan komersial. "waktu itu anies marah, karena tidak ada amdal (analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan) tidak ada perda, kok ada pulau palsu. nah kami sepakat semuanya itu," ujarnya. namun, setelah diterbitkannya pergub pembentukan bkp reklamasi oleh anies, ronald sebagai pendukung tindakan anies saat itu, jelas kecewa (gunadha, 2018). “anies and sandiaga during the campaign once hit the ceiling, because the arrangement of jakarta bay should be based on the same philosophy in law number 32 of 2009 regarding environment,” ronald says to on wednesday (13/6/2018). article 1 of law number 32 of 2009 regarding environment mentions that the reclamation land becomes the future legacy. therefore, anies at that time was against ahok’s decision because the reclamation land in jakarta bay had been benefitted for commercial interest. “at that time anies was angry because there was not any environmental impact analysis, there was not any regional regulation and yet there was a fake island. well, we totally agreed on that matter,” he says. however, after the issuance of the governor regulation on the formation of the board of coordination and management for reclamation by anies, ronald, as the support of anies’ move at that time, becomes clearly disappointed. 5 izin mendirikan bangunan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah provinsi dki jakarta di pulau hasil reklamasi di teluk jakarta dinilai sebagai bentuk kepastian politik untuk pengembang dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. hal ini disampaikan direktur eksekutif wahana lingkungan hidup (walhi) jakarta tubagus soleh ahmadi, minggu (23/6) di jakarta. "pemprov dki sedang memberikan kepastiankepastian politik kepada pengembang untuk melakukan praktik bisnis di jakarta," kata tubagus (cnn indonesia, 2019). the building permit that has been issued by the provincial government of jakarta special capitol in the reclamation island of jakarta bay is considered to be the form of political certainty for the developers in running their business. this statement was delivered by the executive director of the indonesian forum for environment jakarta tubagus soleh ahmadi on sundary (23/6) in jakarta. “the provincial government of jakarta special capitol has been granting political certainties to the developers for running their business practice in jakarta,” tubagus says. looking at this situation, anies started to respond the statements from the people who had questioned his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. through the statements in the following table, anies strives to ensure the public, especially those who have questioned his commitment, that the cessation of jakarta reclamation will be completely executed. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 47 table 3. statements that display anies’ efforts to convince the public about his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation no statement translation (provided by the researcher) 1 menurutnya, penerbitan imb tersebut sudah sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada. "imb ini bukan soal reklamasi jalan atau berhenti, tapi imb adalah soal izin pemanfaatan lahan hasil reklamasi dengan cara mendirikan bangunan. dikeluarkan atau tidak imb, kegiatan reklamasi telah dihentikan. jadi, imb dan reklamasi adalah dua hal yang berbeda," katanya dalam keterangan yang diterima di jakarta, kamis (13/6/2019) (redaksi we online, 2019) in his opinion, the issuance of the building permit has been in accordance to the existing procedures. “building permit is not about the continuation or the cessation of the reclamation, but building permit is about the permit for the use of reclamationresulted land by means of building construction. whether the building permit has been issued or not, the reclamation activities have been stopped. therefore, building permit and reclamation are two different matters,” he said in the information that has been retrieved in jakarta, thursday (13/6/2019). 2 "kini kegiatan reklamasi itu telah dihentikan. semua izin reklamasi telah dicabut. ada 13 pulau tidak bisa diteruskan dan dibangun. ada 4 kawasan pantai yang sudah terbentuk sebagai hasil reklamasi di masa lalu. faktanya itu sudah jadi daratan," tegasnya (redaksi we online, 2019). now the reclamation activities have been stopped. there are 13 islands that may not be developed anymore. there are 4 coastal areas that have been formed due to the reclamation activities in the past. the fact is that these areas have become property,” he said. 3 imb ini bukan soal reklamasi jalan atau berhenti, tapi imb adalah soal izin pemanfaatan lahan hasil reklamasi dengan cara mendirikan bangunan. dikeluarkan atau tidak imb, kegiatan reklamasi telah dihentikan. jadi, imb dan reklamasi adalah dua hal yang berbeda (pranandito, 2019). building permit is not about the continuation or the cessation of the reclamation, but building permit is about the permit for the use of reclamationresulted land by means of building construction. whether the building permit has been issued or not, the reclamation activities have been stopped. therefore, building permit and reclamation are two different matters. 4 semua kebijakan yang kita buat sesuai janji kami, yaitu: 1. menghentikan reklamasi 2. untuk lahan yang sudah jadi dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan publik. itu lah janji kami, dan kami konsisten memegang dan melaksanakan janji itu. bayangkan bila kami tidak menghentikan reklamasi, maka kini sudah akan terbangun 17 pulau, seluas kabupaten sukabumi, di teluk jakarta (pranandito, 2019). all policies that we have made are already in accordance to our promises namely: 1. stop reclamation 2. benefit the land that has been formed for the public interest that’s our promise, and we consistently hold and keep our promise. can you imagine if we do not stop the reclamation there will already have been 17 islands, as wide as the regency of sukabumi, in jakarta bay. 5 anies menjelaskan, saat kampanye dia tak cuma berjanji akan menghentikan reklamasi tapi juga memanfaatkan pulau reklamasi anies explains, during the campaign he did not only promise to stop the reclamation but also to benefit the reclamation island journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 48 yang sudah terbentuk untuk kepentingan masyarakat jakarta secara luas. karena itu ia pada 4 juni 2018, dia membentuk badan koordinasi pengelolaan reklamasi pantai utara jakarta. hasil audit oleh badan ini, 26 september 2018 pemerintahan provinsi dki mencabut 13 izin proyek reklamasi dari sejumlah pengembang karena tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya. sejak itu proyek reklamasi dihentikan (dariyanto, 2019). that had been formed into the public interest of the jakarta society. therefore, on june 4th, 2018, he established the coordinating body of northern jakarta coast reclamation. departing from the audit results of the coordinating body on september 26th 2018, the provincial government of jakarta special capitol revoked the permission of 13 reclamation projects from a number of developers because the developers do not deliver their responsibility. ever since then, the reclamation project has been stopped. 6 terkait imb yang diterbitkan, lelaki kelahiran kuningan, 7 mei 1969, ini menyatakan ada peraturan dan perjanjian antara pemprov dki dengan pengembang yang dibuat sebelum dia menjabat. pada 25 oktober 2016 terbit pergub nomor 206 tahun 2016. pergub itu mengatur soal tata ruang dan tata wilayah di pantai maju. setelah itu lahir perjanjian kerjasama antara pengembang dengan pemprov dki pada 11 agustus 2017, 2 dan 5 oktober 2017 (dariyanto, 2019). in relation to the building permit that has been issued, the man who was born in kuningan on may 7th, 1969, states that there are regulations and agreements between the provincial government of jakarta special capitol and the developers that have been made prior to his governance. in octobers 25th, 2016, the governor regulation number 206 of 2016 was issued. this governor regulation deals with the arrangement of the spatial and the regional layout. afterward, an agreement between the developers and the provincial government of jakarta special capitol was achieved on august 11th, october 2nd and october 5th. 7 anies baswedan mengatakan, pembongkaran pulau hasil reklamasi di teluk jakarta akan menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan yang luar biasa. karena itu, pemprov dki jakarta tidak akan membongkar daratan hasil reklamasi yang sudah dibangun, meskipun proyek reklamasi dihentikan. "kenapa tidak dibongkar? kerusakan lingkungannya hebat sekali. bayangkan, lahan bisa besarnya sampai 350 hektar, itu tanahnya mau dikemanakan bila dibongkar. jadi, kerusakannya akan luar biasa," kata anies dalam program aiman yang tayang di kompas tv, senin (1/7/2019) malam (sari, 2019). anise baswedan said that the dismantling of the reclamation-resulted islands in jakarta bay will cause enormous environmental damage. therefore, the provincial government of jakarta special capitol will not dismantle the already reclamated land although the reclamation project has been stopped. “why it shouldn’t be dismantled?” the environmental damage will be enormous. can you imagine what should be we do if this 350 hectare-width area is dismantled? therefore, then environmental damage will be enormous,” anies said in aiman program aired on kompas tv, monday (1/7/2019) night. unfortunately, his efforts to convince the public that he still holds his commitment on the cessation of jakarta reclamation have not returned in any significant impact. in fact, the situation becomes worse because the state administrative of jakarta has decided that anies baswedan should process the renewal permit for the reclamation of island h in jakarta bay (sari, sk dibatalkan, anies diwajibkan proses perpanjangan izin reklamasi pulau h, 2019).the statements are shown in table 4. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 49 table 4. statements that display the contradiction between the efforts of anies baswedan in showing his commitment on the cessation of jakarta reclamation and the facts that have been found in the field no statement translation (provided by the researcher) 1 pengadilan tata usaha negara (ptun) jakarta mewajibkan gubernur dki jakarta anies baswedan memproses izin perpanjangan surat keputusan (sk) gubernur soal pemberian izin reklamasi pulau h di teluk jakarta. hal itu tertuang dalam putusan ptun jakarta atas perkara nomor 24/g/2019/ptun.jkt yang diputuskan pada 9 juli 2019. "mewajibkan tergugat untuk memproses izin perpanjangan surat keputusan gubernur provinsi dki jakarta nomor 2637 tahun 2015 tentang pemberian izin pelaksanaan reklamasi pulau h kepada pt taman harapan indah sesuai peraturan yang berlaku," demikian bunyi putusan majelis hakim ptun jakarta sebagaimana dikutip dari situs web resmi ptun jakarta,, senin (29/7/2019). dalam putusan tersebut, ptun jakarta juga membatalkan sk anies terkait pembatalan izin reklamasi pulau h di teluk jakarta (sari, 2019). the civil court of justice jakarta has commanded the governor of jakarta special capitol to process the renewal permit on the governor decree for reclamation permit in h island of jakarta bay. this command has been issued on the decision of the civil court of justice jakarta number 24/g/2019/ptun.jkt on july 9th, 2019. “has commanded the defendant to process the renewal perform on the governor of jakarta special capitol decree number 2637 of 2015 on the issuance of reclamation in h island to taman harapan indah company in accordance to the governing regulations,” this is the verdict from the panel of judges in the civil court of justice jakarta as having been quoted by from the official website of the civil court of justice jakarta,, on monday (29/7/2019). in this decision, the civil court of justice jakarta has also revoked the decree issued by anies in relation to the cancellation of reclamation permit for h island in jakarta bay. 2 menanggapi putusan ptun jakarta, anies menyebut pemprov dki jakarta akan terus melawan para pengembang yang akan melanjutkan proyek reklamasi di teluk jakarta. "intinya, kami tidak akan mundur. kami menghormati pengadilan, tapi kami akan terus melawan pengembang yang berencana melanjutkan reklamasi," ujar anies di gor rorotan, jakarta utara, senin kemarin. pemprov dki jakarta, kata anies, akan terus berupaya menghentikan reklamasi di teluk jakarta. karena itu, anies memastikan pemprov dki akan menempuh langkah hukum. "sikap kami tidak berubah, kami akan terus dan kami akan menggunakan jalur hukum juga untuk menghentikan reklamasi," kata anies. langkah hukum yang dimaksud anies ialah mengajukan banding ke pengadilan tinggi tata usaha negara (pttun) jakarta (sari, 2019). responding the verdict by the civil court of justice jakarta, anies states that the provincial government of jakarta special capitol will keep fighting the developers who will continue the reclamation project in the jakarta island. “the main point is that we will not hold back. we respect the verdict of the court, but we will keep fighting the developers who plan to continue the reclamation,” anies said in rorotan sports hall, north jakarta, last monday. therefore, anies ensures that the provincial government of jakarta special capitol will take legal action. “our attitude will not change, we will keep going on and we will take legal action as well in order to stop the reclamation,” anies said. the legal action intended by anies is to propose an appeal to the civil court of justice jakarta. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 50 3 anies menambahkan gedung yang sudah berdiri di pulau reklamasi tersebut sudah sesuai dengan pergub nomor 206 tahun 2016. di samping itu, pengembang telah melakukan putusan pengadilan dan membayar denda. karena itu, kata dia, tidak ada alasan bagi pemprov jakarta untuk tidak menerbitkan imb (madrim, 2019). anies adds that the buildings that have been constructed in the reclamation islands are already in accordance to the governor regulation number 206 of 2016. in addition, the developers have also executed the verdict of the court and have settled the fine. therefore, he says, there is not any reason for the provincial government of jakarta special capitol to not issue the building permit. 4 gubernur dki jakarta anies baswedan mengatakan, bangunan-bangunan yang berdiri di pulau hasil reklamasi statusnya legal. pemprov dki diketahui telah menerbitkan izin mendirikan bangunan (imb) untuk bangunan-bangunan itu. "sekarang pertanyaannya, apakah bangunan di situ (pulau hasil reklamasi) legal? ternyata bangunan di situ legal," ujar anies dalam program aiman yang ditayangkan kompas tv, senin (1/7/2019) malam. anies menjelaskan, sertifikat hak pengelolaan lahan (hpl) pulau reklamasi atas nama pemprov dki jakarta terbit pada 2017. kemudian, pengembang mengantongi sertifikat hak guna bangunan (hgb). penerbitan hgb itu, kata anies, merujuk pada peraturan gubernur nomor 206 tahun 2016 tentang panduan rancang kota (prk) pulau reklamasi (sari, 2019). the governor of jakarta special capitol anies baswedan says the buildings that have been constructed on the reclamation-resulted island have legal status. the provincial government of jakarta special capitol is discovered to have issued the building permit for those buildings. “now, the question is whether the buildings in that area (reclamation-resulted island) are legal or not. it turns out that these buildings are legal,” anies said in the program aiman aired on kompas tv, monday (1/7/2019) evening. anies explains that the certificate of property management rights for the reclamation island on the behalf of the provincial government of jakarta special capitol has been issued in 2017. then, the developers have been provided with the certificate of building use rights. the issuance of the building use rights has referred to the governor regulation number 2016 of 2016 with regards to the city design guide in reclamation island. as having been suggested in the beginning of the section, the discussions will be based on the two problem statements in relation to the findings. each problem statement will be elaborated below. how anies baswedan has shown his commitment for stopping jakarta reclamation as having been implied in the literary review, in order to analyse the statements around anies baswedan and his commitment on the cessation of jakarta reclamation, the researcher will apply the fairclough analysis. the dimension of the fairclough analysis that will be implemented in the study is the text analysis because the researcher would like to focus on the statements around the commitment of jakarta reclamation cessation as part of his political commitment in the campaign. then, departing from the statements that have been gathered around anies baswedan and the issue of jakarta reclamation, there are several points that might be gathered. first, anies baswedan has indeed manipulated the issue of jakarta reclamation as one of his political weapons during the campaign by promising that he shall cease the jakarta reclamation. second, anies baswedan has shown his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation by sealing 932 buildings on island d. third, despite the cessation, the provincial government of jakarta special capitol has issued the building permit for a number of buildings in the reclamation islands. fourth, due to the issuance of the building permit, many people who used to be his supporters now turn out to be his opponents by journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 51 questioning his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. fifth, in response to the situation, anies strives to convince the public that he still holds his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. in his opinion, cessation of reclamation and issuance of building permit are two different things and not to mention, the issuance of the building permit is already in accordance to the legal procedures. seventh, the dispute between anies and the proponents of the cessation becomes more intense due to the decree issued by the civil court of justice, which has commanded anies to continue the reclamation process. looking at the points that have been elaborated above, the attitude of anies baswedan toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation might be described. in the very first place, it might be inferred that anies baswedan is just an opportunistic person. returning to the general election for dki-1, it was almost impossible for anies to get over the other candidate namely basuki tjahaja purnama or known as ahok. therefore, he tried to elicit public attention by manipulating one of the detrimental issues for ahok and one of these issues was jakarta reclamation. not to mention, the popularity of ahok itself was decreased due to the blasphemy accusation that had been charged to him. as a result, the public in jakarta at that time, especially those who hated ahok, started to support anies baswedan and just in a nick of time anies gained significant support. as one might have predicted, with the increasing support that he had, anies baswedan finally won the general election. thus, as he has promised, anies baswedan finally issued his decree that later ceased the reclamation process in jakarta bay. the peak of this issue has been the seal of 932 buildings in island d, one of the islands that have been resulted from the reclamation efforts. at a glance, it is apparent that anies baswedan has already fulfilled his political promise in relation to the cessation of jakarta reclamation. however, this is just the beginning of another problem. indeed, anies baswedan has ceased the jakarta reclamation but several weeks later he has issued the building permit for a number of buildings in the other reclamation island. certainly, this decision has triggered his supporters, especially from the environmental activists to start questioning his commitment on the cessation of jakarta reclamation. even some of his supporters say that anies and ahok are no different since both of them let the process of jakarta reclamation continue. in addition, it might be inferred that anies baswedan does not have a proper understanding in relation to the legal system. this statement might be traced into his decision to use the governor regulation number 206 of 2016. in his opinion, this regulation might be used for issuing the building permit to a number of buildings in the reclamation island since it has already been stipulated by the previous governor namely ahok. on the contrary, ahok states that this governor regulation might not be used as the foundation for issuing the building permit since it does not have strong and sound legal capacity to serve as the legal foundation for the issuance of the permit. this dispute is the beginning of a number of criticisms directed toward anies over his commitment to cease the jakarta reclamation. in response to the criticisms, anies strives to convince the public that he still holds his commitment in ceasing the jakarta reclamation. as having been asserted, he has shown his commitment by sealing the 932 buildings in island d. then, he further states that cessation of jakarta reclamation and issuance of building permit are two different things. with regards to the issuance of the building permit, he asserts that this decision is already in accordance to the procedures since there has been an agreement between the developers and the previous governor and this agreement thus should be executed. last but not the least, it might also be inferred that anies baswedan does not have sufficient understanding on the benefits of reclamation. as the public have understood well, jakarta is lower than the sea level and therefore there should be a kind of fortress that might avoid jakarta from totally being under the sea level. this is where reclamation plays its role: reclamation aims at opening new land to serve as a kind of fortress so that the occurrence of rob flood in jakarta, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 52 specifically, might be decreased and finally eliminated. unfortunately, many people, especially the environmental activists, have gone against this idea because they are afraid that the reclamation might destroy the marine ecosystem around the area in reclamation. once again, since anies is opportunistic, he made use of this issue by turning it into a political charge so that he might gain significant victory over ahok and he did it. in sum, with regard to the commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation, it might be stated that anies baswedan has not shown his genuine commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. in fact, it might be inferred that anies baswedan is opportunistic since he has only manipulated the issue of jakarta reclamation for gaining victory during the run of general election for dki-1. this action suits well into the famous line by niccolò machiavelli: “the end justifies the means.” if one wants to truly fulfil his desire, then he should benefit all the necessary means at all cost. how people might take critical attitude toward the promise of a political figure in order to avoid similar situation, namely being used by a politician in order to win the vote, there are several ways that one might apply. one of these ways is implementing a framework known as critical paradigm that consists of four questions namely: a) who controlled the media; b) why he or she controlled the media; c) what benefits that might be achieved through the gain of control; and d) which groups that had not been dominant and that had become the object of control. however, for the case of anies baswedan and his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation, the questions posed by the critical media approach should be modified. the reason behind the modification is that with regards to political figure the analysis should be beyond the news items since news media might have bias attitude toward the given political figure. by doing so, it is believed that more objective opinion might be made and thus the public might use their vote in a more appropriate manner. as a result, the questions that have been proposed should be changed in order to accommodate the objective of the study. thus, the very first question will be who is portrayed by the media. specific to the topic of the study, the figure that has been portrayed is anies baswedan. indeed, anies has promised that he shall cease the jakarta reclamation once after he has officially won the general election. if one wants to be critical over his promise in the campaign, he or she should identify the urgency of ceasing the jakarta reclamation. furthermore, he or she should also consider whether the cessation of jakarta reclamation will bring about more positive or more negative impacts to the public. if the reclamation brings about more positive impact than the negative impact, then the jakarta reclamation should have never been stopped. moreover, one should ensure as well whether the promise to cease the jakarta reclamation that anies baswedan has made is just a lip service or not. returning to the present situation, it is clear that his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation is just a mere political lip service. then, the second question that might be posed with regards to the topic is why the political figure, specifically anies baswedan, has been portrayed in the media. this statement might be traced back into the struggle for dki-1. at that time, the first round of the general election for dki-1 involved three pairs of candidates namely anies baswedan-sandiaga uno, basuki tjahaya purnama-djarot saiful hidayat and agus harimurti yudhoyono-sylviana murni. in the first round, anies baswedan and sandiaga ugo were underestimated in comparison to the other two pairs of candidates. however, the table turned around when it came to the second round of the general election. anies baswedan and sandiaga uno suddenly gained significant support over his rivalry with basuki tjahaja purnama and djarot saiful hidayat. apart of the strong support from the moslem hardliners, anies baswedan made use of the environmental issue namely the case of jakarta reclamation. in fact, he turned the case of jakarta reclamation into his ultimate political weapon by promising that he shall stop jakarta reclamation once he has been elected officially as the governor of jakarta journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 53 special capitol and thus he started gaining the significant support from the environmental activists. in relation to the recent situations, people can see that he actually has not fully fulfilled his commitment on the cessation of jakarta reclamation since he has issued the building permit for a number of buildings in one of the reclamation islands under the appropriate legal procedures. next, the third question that might be posed is what benefits that might be achieved through the manipulation of a certain issue. the benefit is already clear: gaining significant support from any party that goes against the political opponent. specific to the case of jakarta reclamation, as one might clearly see, anies has manipulated the case by promising that he shall cease the jakarta reclamation and he even further stated that he shall use the reclamation island for the public interest of the people in jakarta. consequently, anies has gained significant support from the environmental activists that protest the efforts of jakarta reclamation. unfortunately, it is too late that these activists have only been benefitted by anies baswedan to smooth his way toward dki-1. indeed, anies has convinced the public that he has fulfilled his promise to stop the jakarta reclamation by sealing 932 buildings from island d through one of his decrees but several moments later he issued the building permit for a number of buildings in one of the reclamation islands under the appropriate legal procedure. this is the reason why the environmental activists have decided to question his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. last but not the least, the fourth or the final question that might be posed is which group that has been manipulated by the action of a political figure. certainly, the group that has been benefitted by the manoeuvre made by anies baswedan in this regard is the environmental activists. indeed, it should be admitted that anies baswedan is a smart and cunning politician since the principle by machiavelli, “the end justifies the means,” has been fully applied by him. in order to expand the number of supports for his vote, he strived to benefit a number of issues and one of the issues was the environmental issue namely the jakarta reclamation. then, he boldly claimed that he shall cease the jakarta reclamation once he has been officially elected as the governor of jakarta special capitol. indeed, anies baswedan finally won the election and he thus has kept his commitment by ceasing the jakarta reclamation. unfortunately, several moments after the cessation anies issued the building permit for a number of buildings in one of the reclamation islands. it is this decision that has made the environmental activists to perceive that they have just been manipulated for his political intention. conclusion departing from the findings and the discussions in the previous sections, several conclusions might be drawn. first of all, anies baswedan has not fully committed to cease the jakarta reclamation. indeed, he has sealed 932 buildings in island d but several moments later he has issued the building permit for a number of buildings in one of the reclamation islands under the appropriate legal procedures. as a result, his supporters, especially those from the group of environmental activists, start to question his commitment toward the cessation of jakarta reclamation. second, by modifying the questions posed in the critical paradigm, people might start being critical toward any political figure, especially the opportunistic figure that will use any means necessary for gaining his political intention done. then, the questions from the critical paradigm that have been modified is as follows: (a) who is portrayed by the media; (b) why the political figure has been portrayed in the media; (c) what benefits that might be achieved through the manipulation of certain issue; and (d) which group that has been manipulated by the action of a political figure. last but not the least, despite the findings and the discussions, the researcher still perceives several limitations within the conduct of the study and one of the limitations lies in the application of the four questions from the critical paradigm that has been modified. therefore, in order to pursue the validity of the four questions, there should be more empirical research on the four questions so that these questions might be finally validated journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jean antunes rudolf zico ma’u 54 and be used for being critical to the political figures especially nearby the time of the general election since there might be many opportunistic political figures that manipulate certain group of people for exerting their political intentions and agenda. references administrator. 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(2015). qualitative research method: theory and practice second edition. jakarta: salemba empat. vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 91 phatic communion in the perspective of language dignity r. kunjana rahardi indonesian language and literature education study program, sanata dharma university abstract the efforts to dignify the indonesian language must not stop at the elaboration of grammatical rules. the indonesian grammatical rules have long been standardized but it is still debatable whether the indonesian language has achieved its dignity or not. as a rule, the dignified language should carry the various functions which cater to several different interests and is learned by the wider audience. the formulation of rules interconnecting with language use as in the pragmatic studies must be promoted. essentially, the linguistic study and pragmatic study of language have the same purpose despite their different manners of doing it. keywords: phatic expression, dignify, language functions, pragmatic phenomena introduction in the monography entitled kelas kata dalam bahasa indonesia (word classes in the indonesian language) written in a bid to fulfill the alexander von humbolt research grant in johann wolfgang goethe university, frankfurt am main, west germany in 1985, prof. dr. harimurti kridalaksana affirmed that the phatic category was a relatively new invention in the indonesian linguistics (2008, p. 120). it was true what the indonesian renowned linguist had said as up to today there has been only a little research on phatic expressions. undeniably, several papers on a similar topic were written. some scientific studies were also conducted in the form of undergraduate thesis, graduate thesis, and dissertations. however, the quantity and quality of the study are far from being considered significant. in anticipating the signs of low interest in the study, in the past one year the writer has been specifically investigating phatic expressions in the language, particularly those in the educational domain. in terms of a small number of references for phatic expressions, it is expected that the research on phatic expressions funded by the research grant from the directorate of research and community services, kemristek, dikti, can be conducted successfully for three consecutive years and reference books on indonesian phatic expressions will soon be published. discussions on phatic expressions are inseparable from the issues of language function and dignity. while kridalaksana said that phatic categories function to initiate, sustain, and assert communication (2008, p. 114), sudaryanto (1990, p. 95) affirms that the intrinsic function of language is to humanize human beings to live with and for others. in the writer’s opinion, to live for and with other human beings, one must be first and foremost able and willing to communicate with others. in the discussions on the language functions which are interrelated with language status, either as a national or official language, the issue of language dignity has become essential journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) r. kunjana rahardi 92 to discuss, because the dignity of a language, or the lack of it, depends highly on and is determined by the beauty and eloquence of the word in serving its functions. in the writer’s opinion, the beauty and eloquence of the language in carrying out the functions are by the clarity and establishment of the language rules. the clear and established rules of language are nonnegotiable in order to raise the dignity of a language. therefore, the prolonged efforts to standardize the language rules through various means, despite rejections and disloyalty from the language users in employing the language rules to produce utterance and to create exchanges, must be stirred up again through more effective strategies. hence, the indonesian language will not be a foreign language in its own country in the future to come. in this brief note, the writer intends to elaborate the pragmatic phenomena, namely phatic function, in the constellation of functions and dignity of the indonesian language. the unclear language rules and its limitation in sustaining the identity of semantic meaning referred to as ‘the fuzziness of grammatical categories’ by leech (1982, p. 25), particularly related to the speaker’s meaning, can be explained through this language study using a pragmatic approach. from phatic communion to phatic communication the term phatic communion was initiated by bronislaw kasper malinowski, a polish anthropologist who undertook an ethnographic work in trobriand islands, melanesia in 1923. from his ethnographic study, the well-known anthropologist introduced two language functions, namely (1) pragmatic function and (2) magical function. the term ‘phatic’ is derived from the verb in greek, which means ‘to speak’, while the term ‘communion’ means ‘the creation of ties of union’ (abercrombie, 1998). further, the term ‘phatic communion’ is understood as ‘establishing an atmosphere of sociability rather than communicating ideas’ (mey, 2008, p. 673). in sudaryanto (1990, p. 33), the term “communion” refers to the “personal encounter phenomenon; a face-to-face encounter between two people.” thus, ‘communion’ is not the same as ‘communication’ which essentially means ‘the transfer of information, ideas, thoughts’, which is referred to as ‘communication of thought,’ by abercrombie (1998). this prominent linguist affirms that language does not merely function as a means to communicate information, ideas, thoughts, but above all, it is a means to place ‘others as equal.’ in the writer’s opinion, the process to make someone equal as others is only possible when the addresser and addressee are able and willing to cooperate and to treat other people as equals. thus, the cooperation to make others equal can only be achieved when there is an ‘encounter’ between them to cooperate. the writer’s opinion is corroborated by abercrombie (1998) that ‘ties of the union’ means union in encounter to build agreements. phatic communion, according to richards et al. (1985, p. 214), is ‘a term used by the british-polish anthropologist malinowski to refer to communication between people which is not intended to seek or convey information but has the social function of establishing or maintaining social contact.’ they assert that the main purpose of phatic communion is neither to ‘seek information’ nor ‘to transfer information’, but it aims to “establish and preserve sociability.” consequently, the english utterance “how are you?” which is translated into indonesian “apa kabar?” is not necessarily meant to seek for the addressee’s ‘information’ or ‘news’. similarly, in an encounter, someone greets ‘sehat-sehat saja bapak!”, the addresser does not necessarily seek information about the addressee’s ‘health condition,’ but it is meant to merely ‘build sociability’ with the addressee. therefore, it would be strange for a university student who addresses the lecturer in a campus lobby by greeting, ‘selamat pagi, pak!’ (good morning, sir!) and is responded curtly by the professor who says, ‘sudah siang kok pagi!’ (it’s noontime already!). journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 93 the javanese rural community is wellknown for their friendliness and they usually exchange pleasantries among neighbors, such as addressing the neighbor who is on her way to the market by saying, “tindak peken, bu!” (are you going to the market?). in the same friendly manner, the phatic expression will be responded with an utterance “injih! monggo! (yes, i am. see you later). therefore, even though the addresser has already known that the addressee is going to the market, the friendly question still needs to be expressed to ‘preserve sociability.’ someone who is not familiar with the importance of sociability will reply rudely, ‘orang jelas-jelas sudah tahu saya mau ke pasar kok malah tanya begitu?’ (it is clear that i am going to the market. why do you need to ask?). it would be strange to respond rudely to questions about his/her wellbeing to establish small talk or to maintain sociability by saying, ‘sehiiittttt! orang jelas jalannya begini kok ditanya sehat-sehat saja!’ (i am sooooooo healthy, you know? can you see that i can walk just fine? why do you ask whether i am healthy or not?) in the previous studies, such as a study by kridalaksana (2008, pp. 119-121), some phatic markers have similar forms as interjections. in an utterance and in a certain exchange, the phatic markers such as ‘ah, eh, halo, ya’ overlap with interjections. some discourse markers are actually phatic markers, such as ‘mbok, deh, kek, tho, ding, dong, kan, kok’, while some others are pure interjections such as ‘aduh, idih, wah, aduhai, wahai, bah, ih, nah, syukur, astaga’. understanding of the ‘clearcut identity’ and ‘overlapping identity’ is important as the clear identity and language structure will have great influence on the interpretation of linguistic forms. in relation to that, as a rule, phatic communion has a communicative dimension, whereas interjection has an emotive dimension. phatic communion is commonly used in spoken contexts and tends to be nonstandard in nature. therefore, phatic communion is signaled by sociolect and regional dialects. further, it should be clear that the linguistic phenomena in the pragmatic domain are not the same as the linguistic phenomena in the linguistic domain. the intrinsic meaning in pragmatics must be interconnected with the pragmatic context, which essentially consists of sets of assumptions (rahardi, 2015), both personal and communal. on the other hand, lingustic meaning is understood dyadically as proposed by buhler and revesz. linguistics does not involve the contextual dimensions in the form of sets of assumptions, which are defined by parker (1986), wijana (1996), and rahardi (2015; 2016) as triadic in nature (triadic meaning). the phatic phenomenon belongs to the linguistic entity with a triadic dimension. understanding the phatic intention as uttered by the addresser is impossible to be done if the focus is only on the linguistic markers. in the javanese language, the form ‘monggo’ or ‘sumonggo’ in the utterance or exchange has various pragmatic meaning interpretations. this happens because the variety of pragmatic meanings is determined by the different assumptions which essentially underlie the contexts. thus, interpreting the intention of ‘monggo’ is not first of all determined by the spatio-temporal contexts which involve the dimensions of time and place (alan, 1986), or the social-societal contexts as elaborated by hymes (1972), but it is determined by the different sets of assumptions being the essence of the pragmatic contexts proposed earlier by rahardi (2016). similarly, in the indonesian language, the forms ‘ayo, lah!’ and ‘lha, ayo lah!’ have different pragmatic meanings. understanding the speaker’s intention or the pragmatic meaning through speakers’ exchanges guarantees the accuracy of interpretation than through the speaker’s utterance. the reasons behind this are the breadth and width of the contexts, both linguistically (co-text) – either linguistic or paralinguistic in nature—and extralinguistically – either social, societal, situational or pragmatic, which will determine the accuracy of interpretation of the speaker’s meaning or speaker’s sense. linguists have not investigated phatic communion in the pragmatic perspective. bousfield (2008) argued that there has been a discrepancy between the study of language impoliteness and language politeness since journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) r. kunjana rahardi 94 fraser (1999) elaborated four major perspectives, namely: (1) the social norm review, (2) the conversational-maxim view, (3) the face-saving view, dan (4) the conversational contract view. it can be concluded that the study of linguistic phatic communion is left behind compared to studies on other pragmatic phenomena and it tends to be deserted by the language researchers. concerns over the low quantity of research on language phatic communion were expressed by kridalaksana (2008) and hammered down by rahardi (2015) that the study of phatic communion is one of the deserted pragmatic phenomena which needs to be promoted. this concern is in line with the previous explanation, in which the issues of phatic communion is closely related to the language functions. the phatic communion in the pragmatic perspective which tends to be deserted is the manifestation of language disfunction which is contradictory to the efforts to promote and optimize the language function to raise the language dignity. ideas of pragmatic universal and phatic universal pragmatics, in the writer’s idea, has two clearcut dimensions, namely specific dimension and universal dimension. the pragmatic specific dimension shows to us that all aspects of pragmatic, such as the scope, the principles, the maxims, and the phenomena must apply specifically and specially. the existence of certain community and culture which is unique and specific in nature will automatically determine the manifestation and identity of the pragmatic form (du bois, 1998). the culture-specific pragmatics brings impetus to pragmatic studies in the culturespecific dimensions (leech, 1983), which leads to the pragmatic studies in the specific dimensions, called sociopragmatics. the fundamental difference between the general pragmatic studies and the specific pragmatic studies in the specific social and societal contexts can be clearly seen. the general pragmatic studies must be based on the situational context which essentially consists of personal and communal sets of assumptions (rahardi, 2015). pragmatics within the social and societal contexts should be based not merely on the situational context but it must also involve the contexts in the social and societal dimensions, referred to as the indexical contexts (in rahardi, 2015). to illustrate, the utterance ‘sampunsampun, mboten sah repot-repot’ (please, no! don’t bother yourself with me’ uttered by a javanese guest is clearly ‘culture-specific’, in which culture is embedded in its meaning. although a guest actually needs water in the hot and humid weather, as a rule, the utterance above is appropriately said to manifest politeness containing the dimension of phatic function. in the general pragmatic study, for instance, in respect to grice’s work on cooperative principles, particularly the maxim of quality, the above function is clearly in contradictory to the grice’s maxim of quality. in grice’s cooperative principles, such utterance is deemed to violate the maxim of quality because the maxim requires someone to say ‘apa adanya’ (be truthful) in order to honor the maxim of quality. in line with the specific and universal dimensions of pragmatics (du bois, 1998), phatic functions evidently have the universal dimensions instead of specific ones. it is argued that it is undeniable that phatic functions are specific in nature because phatic functions are essentially culture-specific set against the specific social backgrounds. that being said, it is confirmed that in its latter dimension, phatic function is culture-specific. in the culture-specific dimension, the manifestation of phatic function in a given society and culture will be different from that in another culture. in a community whose level of survival is low, such expression as ‘silakan dimakan saja semua’ (please eat them all) does not always have a pragmatic force as manifested in its literal linguistic form. it is possible that the contrary happens, that is ‘jangan dimakan semuanya’ (don’t eat them all). this is true in the javanese expression, such as ‘dipun agem kemawon sandalipun’ (please wear the sandals) when the guest enters the living room, which does not necessarily mean to request the guest to keep wearing the sandals journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 95 when entering the living room. on the contrary, what is actually meant is to signal the guests to leave the sandals outside the host’s living room, especially when the living room is covered with beautiful carpet and shiny tiles. rahardi (2006; 2016) mentioned that such society is a community living with a ‘samudana’ (ambiguity, insinuation) cultural background. it is clear that the speaker’s intention in a specific social and cultural context is not sufficiently explained in a more general context, which is defined by leech (1983) as speech situational context. the situational context dimension proposed by leech (1983) does not accommodate the specificity and particularity previously mentioned in rahardi (2016) and consequently, to study the pragmatics within the specific and unique dimensions, a combination of situational and socio-cultural contexts must be prepared, or what is mentioned previously as the indexical contexts. the next question is: where is the universality of the phatic functions? the answer is that first, phatic function is not separated from the linguistic entity. the contexts being constituted to understand the speaker’s intention in the study of phatic functions should be embedded, integrated, and inseparable from the identity of the language itself. such contexts are called contextembedded in language (du bois, 1998). the embedded context in the language is not necessarily the same as the intralinguistic context or internal context commonly understood as co-text. the intralinguistic context or internal context, as a rule, precedes and/or follows a certain language form being understood to find the linguistic and semantic meanings. unlike the co-text identity, ‘integrated’ or ‘embedded’ linguistic contexts are constituted in the linguistic signs, structure, rules, and process of the language. in relation to this, du bois (2008) states that: ‘…rather, it concerns context imbedded in language—contextual implications located in linguistic signs, structures, rules, and processes.’ hence, the javanese language has language forms of utterance in the phatic context such as ‘selamat pagi’ and ‘pagi’ or maybe shortened into ‘gi’, and each has a different implicature, which is defined as context-embedded in language. the emerging language manifestation shows different pragmatic meanings. the form ‘selamat pagi’ implies the ‘normal’ utterance, while the form ‘pagi’ implies an ‘abnormal’ intention, and lastly, the form ‘gi’ clearly implies a ‘very abnormal’ intention. the elaborated linguistic forms and the restricted linguistic forms, which imply the variety of speaker’s intentions, is one of the markers that phatic functions contain universal dimensions. this phenomenon can be found in many languages in the world. in english, the forms ‘good morning’ and ‘morning’ to greet definitely have different speaker’s senses. du bois (2008) confirms that the most fundamental pragmatic universal is that all human language have pragmatics. in relation to that, it is suffice to say that all human languages have phatic phenomena. when pragmatic is culture-specific, phatic functions must also be unique and culturespecific. second, the phatic phenomena have the aspect of context dimensionality. one language applies a different dimensional aspect from another language. to illustrate, in indonesian, there are several words to represent different interpretation of personal deixis. address terms ‘dab’ and ‘cho’ may have similarity in terms of dimensions of social distance. an expression ‘mau ke mana, dab?’ and ‘mau ke mana, cho?’ can be easily interpreted as having the same personal deixis referring to close social distance. compared to the javanese greeting ‘badhe tindak pundi, bapa?’, the differences in the dimensionality interpretation between ‘dab’, ‘cho’, and ‘bapa’ shown in the excerpt above can be found in many languages. speaking of phatic functions, keeping in mind that all languages have certain ‘context dimensionality’ in interpreting the linguistic meaning, as one of the pragmatic phenomena, phatic functions carry the context dimensionality as well. the third is the grammaticality fact. in terms of pragmatic universality, du bois (2008) asserts that ‘a key reason for the pervasiveness and centrality of pragmatic universals is that there exists a prominent mechanism for embedding journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) r. kunjana rahardi 96 pragmatic dimensions within the linguistic structure: grammaticization.’ pragmatics and grammaticality are in fact inseparable and closely intertwined. pragmatics is not necessarily understood as the study of the external structure of language but the study is inevitably related with the internal structure of language. suffice to say that certain linguistic forms determine the language’s pragmatic meaning. however, the contrary is true that the pragmatic force and meaning determine the linguistic forms used by the speakers. the same goes with the phatic phenomena, in which the speaker’s intention in using certain phatic functions will determine the linguistic forms. on the contrary, the linguistic forms used by a speaker determine the phatic pragmatic functions. all languages are identified to have phatic universality mentioned earlier. therefore, it is not automatically said that pragmatic is merely a context-bound, instead of context-free, study of language; and the contexts refer to the extralinguistic contexts. the understanding of the pragmatic issues which is focused on the extralinguistic contexts only will tend to mislead as it tends to oversimplification. to respond to this, du bois (2008) states that “pragmatics in this sense cannot be reduced to extralinguistic, ‘real world’ knowledge, as something outside the domain of language; rather it concerns context embedded in language.” phatic functions in the tapestry of the promotion of language dignity as discussed in the previous parts, a dignified language is among others the one which has clear linguistic rules. the rules are not only intertwined within the linguistic dimensions, but they must also intertwine with the extralinguistics. the clear rules allow language users to enjoy the ease of learning the language. the linguistic rules are codified through standardization. the extralinguistic rules are formulated in the regular concrete use in the society. when these have been done well, the extensive and pervasive use of language will be achieved. this means that the language may express various interests and intentions, functions and purposes. considering the aspects of language dignity, the writer asserts that indonesian is qualified as a dignified language. the indonesian language has clear linguistic rules. the indonesian language carries various different interests and serves many functions, both as a national language and an official language. however, it does not mean that the efforts to dignify the language must end here. as mentioned previously, the study of phatic functions in the indonesian language has not been widely conducted as it is considered a new field of study. it is thus urgent to investigate the matters in depth so that the usage rules of the pragmatic phenomena, i.e. phatic functions, will be discovered soon. it is clear, thus, that phatic functions whose purposes are to initiate, sustain, and reinforce communication among the speakers and addressees are in line with the inherent language functions, namely being men and women for and with others. being men and women for and with others mean being with others in a close encounter or, in the case of phatic functions, ‘communion’. in the communion, communication takes place, even when the communication is not meant to transmit information but simply to break the ice. in respect to this, leech (1983) mentioned the maxim of phatic which governs that someone must avoid the silence. the avoidance of silence, or speaking incessantly is clearly in contradictory to the maxim of quantity which expects the speaker to give as much information as is necessary for their interlocutors to understand their utterances, but to give no more information than is necessary. the violation of the maxim of quantity can be overcome and explained by saying that if the avoidance of silence does not have a specific illocutive purposes, then it merely serves the functions of ‘initiating, reinforcing, and sustaining’ communication. hence, it must be said that it does not violate the maxim of quantity in grice’s cooperative principles. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 97 conclusion as a conclusion, it must be asserted again that the efforts to dignify the indonesian language cannot stop when the linguistic rules are described in terms of linguistic definition. the indonesian grammatical rules have been specified and codified for a long time. nevertheless, the debate remains in whether the indonesian language has truly been a dignified language, or whether it has served so many different functions, or has it catered many diverse interests, or is it studied by a wide audience. in the writer’s opinion, the linguistic rules intertwining with the language use as shown in the pragmatic phenomena need to be promoted continuously. the pendulum of language study which has swung to the linguistic issues related to usage, optimization of language functions, has become the right momentum to dignify the indonesian language more perfectly. references abercrombie, d. (1998). phatic communion in mey, jacob l. (ed.) concise encyclopedia of pragmatics. amsterdam: elsevier. allan, keith. (1986). linguistic meaning. london: routledge & kegan paul plc. coulthard, malcolm. (1995). advances in spoken discourse analysis. new york: rouledge. du bois, j.w. (1998). pragmatic universals in mey, jacob l. (ed.) concise encyclopedia of pragmatics. amsterdam: elsevier. greenfell, l. (1998). nationalism and language in mey, jacob l. (ed.) concise encyclopedia of pragmatics. amsterdam: elsevier. hymes, dell. (1974). foundation in sociolinguistics: an etnographic approach. philadelpia: university of pennsylvania press. kridalaksana, harimurti. (2008). kelas kata dalam bahasa indonesia. jakarta: pt gramedia. leech, geoffrey n. (1983). the principles of pragmatics. oxford: longman group limited. ogden, c. k. dan i. a. richards. (1923). the meaning of meaning: a study of the influence of language upon thought. new york: a harvest book. poedjosoedarmo, soepomo. 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(1990). menguak fungsi hakiki bahasa. yogyakarta: duta wacana university press. set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 111 deviation of enhancing stereotypes through lexicalization and songs in mulan joan sanita english language studies, sanata dharma university abstract this paper investigates the deviation of enhancing stereotypes that takes place in disney film mulan. it attempts to reveal the stereotypes that arise from the film in terms of lexicalization and the songs. also, this study examines the implication of watching this type of movie as it is classified as family genre. the analysis is based on s. jager and f. mayer (2009) film analysis on foucauldian approach of discourse analysis. it connects linguistic discursive practice, non-linguistic discursive practice, and materialization (object). because of the limitation of the space in presenting the data, this paper focuses only on the linguistic discursive practice in terms of lexicalization and four songs represented in the film. the result shows that in terms of lexicalization, the use of word ‘girl’ compared ‘man’ has an implied deal with the case of stereotypes. likewise, the symbol of ‘girl’ as a doll and ‘man’ as a sword symbolized in the film also bring the effect on the stereotypes which are characterized by the female and male characters. then, in terms of songs, the four songs that are sung in the film also convey the stereotypes which can be denoted by the film. keywords: deviation, stereotypes, film introduction mulan was one of disney movies that acquired good reception at the time of its release. this film raises the tale from the other countries, that is, a legendary female figure form china. the story tells about the battle of mulan, a chinese woman who has lots of limitedness in gaining her freedom. here, mulan is described as a rebellious daughter who always confronts problems in the family. as an impact, she is not able and permitted to do things that she thinks right and proper. as its category is a family movie, most people will tend to say that this film is suitable to be watched by all ages (general audiences). likewise, the type of the film which is made as an animation will make parents to become less aware of the contents of the movie. they will presume that animated film is intended for children or teenagers like the animated films in general. moreover, disney, which is known as creator and producer for many children’s cartoons and animations, has a very big impact on the globalization on its films world-wide. the films such as cinderella, sleeping beauty, snow white, and aladdin, are inevitably popular among people of leveled generation and ages around the world. the problem will be tightening when we really pay attention deeply into the story. that is, the implication that is offered by disney through its story and its feasibility to be watched by young generation during this time. the story, which derived from the other culture from the other country, is in fact can lead to different meaning and perceptions. furthermore, the impact of the story perhaps will be misguided of misunderstood by its viewers, especially for the young ages. thus, it is considered important to seek deeper to the implied consequences resulted from the point of view of language, non-discursive, and objectification that is advocated from this joan sanita 112 movie: what is implicated from the movies in terms of enhancing stereotypes and how far can we tolerate this kind of films to be viewed by the young ages. stereotypes stereotypes can be defined as an authorized issue in enabling the maintenance of discrimination over time and across different segments of experience and sociallife (cook and cusack, 2011: 37). this occurrence also can be dissimilar according to the culture, the perception, and the reception of people individually or collectively. most stereotypes are argued to take place firstly by stating to the visual or physical appearance. ethnical, racial, group, individual, men, women, the elderly, and the young are all the factors that may emerge the stereotypes (zebrowitz, 1996 :79). then, it may be followed by the difference in sounds (language, including accent, vocabulary, etc), behaviors, habits, as well as relating with religion and political interest. in this paper, there are at least two stereotypes that are observed. they are cultural and gender stereotypes. cultural stereotypes deal with specific physical or facial features, judge in (personal) beliefs, norms, customs, and low/ high prejudice to certain culture (moskowitz, 2005: 506). meanwhile, gender stereotypes are in line with the social and cultural construction of men and women. that is, to make a judgment in the extent of their distinctive physical, biological, sexual and social functions (cook and cussack, 2011: 20). they basically affect and endorse to each other in social-life construction. the worrisome thing about these stereotypes is that when they already enter to children’s psyche or the so-called ‘children’s trajectory’, with certain internalization that affects them as they were getting older (schneider, 2005: 353). since children watch the movie, any exposure may have a tendency to bring them in misguided role of understanding. therefore, they should be monitored continuously dealing with the input and contact that they live in daily experience. here, the power of media (in this case is movie) is argued as the biggest ‘ills’ for promoting stereotypes among people, not to mention, children as well. lexicalization in the film in this film, there is one marked lexicalization that is done by the characters. that is, the use of lexeme a “girl” in the whole of story. it can be observed that all conversations which take place in the movie use this word consistently throughout the film. it can indicate the estimation of a girl as a powerless human being that has negative connotation. significantly, the word girl is always used to call or name mulan. there is only one big time when she was called as “woman”. that is, this name is given to her when her disguise is revealed by the royal guard. in fact, this calling is also not containing a good sense at all since it is used as a connotative idea followed by the metaphors treacherous snake. this lexeme can be compared directly to the use of word to represent male characters in the film. the word “man” is used to represent the entire male figures in the story. if we compared these two words, “a girl” and “a man”, they definitely bring different sense to the viewer. the word “girl” has the features of young, immature, perhaps also powerless, reckless and innocent. whereas, the word “man” has the features of adult, mature, powerful, and full grown-up. if they are compared mutually from the film, these two lexicalizations offer an obvious idea of gender stereotype. moreover, if we look through the film, there are two objects used frequently in the film and can be stated as the representative symbols of the female and male characters in the film. in this extent, the objects signify the imagery of the story as it uses a symbol to underline some idea of the story. the first is related to the two objects that are presented and compared in the story. they are “the doll” versus “the sword”. in this story, the doll signifies mulan where the sword represents men. vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 113 a doll is usually an image of fragile, young, innocent, and playful thing that essentially deals with a girl or a young woman. likewise, in the song, it is also stated that a woman is like a porcelain doll that represents beauty and fragility. meanwhile, a sword is a symbol of power, dignity, greatness and skill. in this film, the presence of the doll is compared to the sword which characteristically reflects two disparate things as the significance of women and men in the story. songs as the implied message of the stereotypes the other interesting knowledge can be gained from the songs which are represented in mulan film. the lyrics of the song are the depiction of the character’s mind and also can be stated as the significant part of the story. that is, it covers up the idea of the story in a whole. there are four songs which are sung by various characters in the film. the first song is when mulan is prepared to meet the matchmaker, entitled honor to us all (min 00.06). in this song, it can be inferred that women should be pretty, beautiful, innocent, calm, obedient, and the like. the extract of the song can be seen below. ……… -with good fortune -and a great hairdo you'll bring honor to us all [maid] ………. men want girls with good taste -calm -obedient who work fast-paced -with good breeding -and a tiny waist …….. we all must serve our emperor who guards us from the huns the men by bearing arms a girl by bearing sons [maids together] when we're through you can't fail ……… ancestors, hear my plea help me not to make a fool of me and to not uproot my family tree keep my father standing tall [mulan] scarier than the undertaker we are meeting our matchmaker [girls] ……….. please look kindly on these cultured pearls each a perfect porcelain doll [parents] this extract of song describes perfectly how to be a woman in chinese culture. this song represents the “dos” and “don’ts” to be a chinese woman as well as the demands of the society to be the perfect girl in civilization. there are some criteria to be a perfect girl, such as doing a great hairdo, having a good taste, calm, obedient, work fast-paced, giving a good breeding, and having a tiny waist. it is also mentioned that women should serve the emperor by “bearing sons”, compared to men who do it by “bearing arms”. this is somewhat a kind of different culture that happens to men and women in the state of being. from the last lyric, it is also shown how mulan is hopeless and frightened to be failed. she is not confident to prove herself as her family wanted. the second song is when mulan fails to impress the matchmaker and shames her family in the song reflection (min 12.15). in this song, mulan describes her thoughts in a stressful way. she seems reckless and feels so bad for herself and her family. she states firstly, that if she reveals her true self to the others, it will only break her family’s heart and dignity. she does not want to let her family down but the indeed she did it. she joan sanita 114 bares her feelings through this song. here are some lines of the song. [mulan sings] now i see that if l were truly to be myself l would break my family's heart who is that girl l see staring straight back at me? why is my reflection someone i don't know? somehow i cannot hide who i am though l've tried when will my reflection show who i am inside? when will my reflection show who i am inside? the third song is presented when mulan and the soldiers are trained for the army (i’ll make a man out of you min 38.04). this song reveals the exact way of how hard mulan tries to be able to finish the training and try her best to act as a man. it is noted from the lyric that to ‘be a man’ is the thing related to strength, power, endurance, and toughness. in this song, it is also shown how the soldier must follow every single order that is dictated by the captain. here, the expectancy of men’s obedience in the hierarchical system is also shown through this extract line of the song. [shang] ……… did they send me daughters when i asked for sons? ……. mister, l'll make a man out of you ……. you're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue somehow i'ii make a man out of you ……….. [shang] -with all the strength of a raging fire ……….. time is racing toward us till the huns arrive heed my every order and you might survive you're unsuited for the rage of war so pack up, go home, you're through how could i make a man out of you? -be a man [the soldiers] -we must be swift as a coursing river [shang] -be a man [the soldiers] -with all the force of a great typhoon [shang] -be a man [the soldiers] -with all the strength of a raging fire [shang] related to women’s stereotype, the song a girl worth fighting for (min. 47.37) describes overtly how men perceive women and how they want women to be look like or behave. when the soldiers debate of the girls, mulan seems to offer different opinion of a woman that she thinks worth to fight for. however, none of the men agrees with her. the criteria of a worth girl seems to discard all the things that are related to cleverness, power, voice, and the like. the significant lines of the song are presented as below. [ling] that's what i said. a girl worth fighting for l want her paler than the moon with eyes that shine like stars my girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars [yao] [chien po] i couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like lt all depends on what she cooks like “beef, pork, chicken. hmm” …………. my girl will think l have no faults [yao] that l'm a major find [chien po] vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 115 [mulan] how 'bout a girl who's got a brain who always speaks her mind? my manly ways and turn of phrase are sure to thrill her [ling] …………. the impact of the film related to stereotypes it is proposed that mulan’s ideological messages are freedom, right of passage, intolerance, choice, greed, and the brutalities of men chauvinism. it is also argued that mulan, as the lead character of the film, challenges these stereotypes, especially on women (giroux, 1999: 111&117). however, the fact is that, from the findings that have been presented, the issue of stereotypes is not heavily much disproved from the film. from the time duration of 87 minutes, around 70 minutes of the film tells the all kinds of act and language behavior that somewhat enhancing the stereotypes to women and chinese culture. it is only the last 17 minutes of the film where there is a phase of realization of the role of mulan as a heroine. but, again, it is only a little portion of the film compared to the whole narrative which is presented. similarly, if we dig up deeper to the essence of the story, there are some female figures who are presented in the story, such as mulan’s mother, grandmother, and the maids. however, until the end of the story, the viewpoint and the treating of them are still the same from the beginning. it can be seen extensively at the end of the story when mulan’s grandmother met captain shang at the yard. she said “sign me up for the next war.” it implies how much women are still amazed to men’s stuff and felt it affordable to be chased. likewise, it is clearly shown from the story that mulan is actually neglected and even is underestimated by shang after her disguise uncovered. she is treated so badly and her attempt to explain the reason why she did it is not heard at all. even when she was dumped by the royal guard, shang did nothing. her effort to tell shang that the huns are still alive is also in vain until she makes her own effort to save the emperor. however, at the end of the story, mulan still expects him as her lover. she seems thoughtless and does not consider of what he has done to her before. it shows implicitly how women are still weak in the story and mulan, eventually, is still innocent to realize the happening. she cannot prove herself or get recognition as well. if we observe further, this happening is really a big deal for the viewers, particularly the young people who usually watch disney films. their films, which are popular or even being the favorite of the children, are in reality does not convey a proper heading of them. they can make generalization of what is good or bad based on the film which can be misleading. nonetheless, parents typically do not really notice about it since they assert that disney films are safe and indeed intended for children. this presumption makes disney film, in this case is mulan becomes the potential recklessness of its delicate viewers. conclusion in conclusion, mulan contains some stereotypes related to gender and culture. these indication can be confirmed from the film analysis based on jager and maier (2009). on the findings, there are at least some important points to be stressed from disney film mulan. the lexicalization of saying a girl rather than a woman is also significant in implying how females are seen and treated in the film. subsequently, the four songs that are sung by the characters in the film also show the general perception related to women and also men. this is considerably important in showing the tendency to stereotype of the film. in entailing these all things with the impact of the film, it can be stated that mulan somehow conveys the deviation of its viewer to subconsciously permit the stereotypes related to women and culture. this occurrence becomes more disturbing when disney film is mostly being the favorite of the young ages as its viewers. parents also joan sanita 116 typically neglect this issue as they did not realize how much the impact of this tendency in constructing the troublesome compensation that the children will experience in dealing with real life. references cook, rebecca j., and cusack simon. gender stereotyping: transnational legal perspective. pennsylvania: university of pennsylvania press, 2011. giroux, henry a. the mouse that roared: disney and the end of innocence. maryland: rowman & littlefield publishers, 1999. moskowitz, gordon b. social cognition: understanding self and others. new york: the guilford press, 2005. schneider, david j. the psychology of stereotyping. new york: the guildford press, 2005. teun a. van dijk, edited by weiss, gilbert., wodak ruth. critical discourse analysis: theory and interdisciplinary. new york: palgrave macmillan, 2003. wodak, ruth, and meyer, michael. methods of critical discourse analysis: introducing qualitative methods. london: sage publications, 2001. zebrowitz, leslie a. “physical appearance as a basis of stereotyping” (page 79-120) in stereotypes & stereotyping, edited by macrae, c. neil., stangor, charles, and hewstone, miles. new york: the guilford press, 1996. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fransiska rahayu myrlinda 140 samin’s arranged marriage rituals in today javanese’s society fransiska rahayu myrlinda magister ilmu susastra, universitas kristen petra abstract arranged marriage means a marriage in which the parents have chosen and planned to whom their son or daughter would marry with. this form of marriage commonly has perception that it is held only for the needs of their parents without any consideration of their children’s feelings. it results in there is no freedom for either bride or groom to choose their own partner. all the things have been set according to the parents’ will. in arranged marriage, usually they even never have a chance to meet each other before the marriage occurs. on the other hand, arranged marriage does exist and has been believed as a culture for samin people in kelopodhuwur, blora, indonesia. it is held from generation to generation which makes it impossible for the children to deny. it is used by the people in samin community to preserve their identity from extinction. there are lots of unique rituals should be done for samin people in holding this arranged marriage. the identity theory was used to support the reliable data to the research. keywords: rarranged marriage rituals, samin people, identity introduction arranged marriage can be understood as a marriage that is established before a lengthy relationship. it is the opposite of a love marriage where marriage would be considered as the final step to legalize the relationship between the lovers. arranged marriages were very common throughout the world until the 18th century. typically, these marriages were arranged by parents, grandparents or other relatives. the arranged marriage is a negotiation and decision between parents and other older members of two families. the boys and girls were typically told to get married, without a right to consent, even if they had never met each other until the wedding day (broude, 1983, p. 270). in the arranged marriage, the boys and girls do not have power to deny their parents’ desire. it is unacceptable for them to argue about whether or not they agree with the person they are going to marry with. arranged marriages were the norm in russia before the early of 20th century, most of which were endogamy. until the first half of the 20th century, arranged marriages were common in migrant families in the united states. they were sometimes called picturebride marriages among japanese american immigrants because the bride and groom knew each other only through the exchange of photographs before the day of their marriage (goldstein-gidoni, 200, p. 34). these marriages among immigrants were typically arranged by parents, or relatives from the country of their origin. as immigrants settled in and melded into a new culture, arranged marriages shifted to the arranged marriages where parents or friends made introductions and the couple met before the marriage. as time went by, the arranged marriage then journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 141 developed. the marriages among the descendants of these immigrants shifted to autonomous marriages driven by individual's choice, dating and courtship preferences, along with an increase in interracial marriages (leeds-hurwitz, 2002, p. 135). arranged marriages then have declined in prosperous countries with higher social mobility and increasing individualism since there is a negative perception that these marriage happened only for the needs of parents without thinking about the feelings of their children itself. on the other hand, arranged marriages are still seen in countries of europe and north america, among royal families, aristocrats, and minority religious groups such as in marriage commonly happened among the fundamentalist mormon groups of the united states (ghimire et. al., 2006, p. 1200). in most other parts of the world, especially in indonesia, arranged marriages continue to varying degrees and forms, along with autonomous marriages. the existence of arranged marriage in indonesia is still increasing from time to time. indonesia, as an archipelago country, consumes arranged marriage as a symbol of uniqueness around its islands. when arranged marriage is held, rituals are always followed side by side. java, as one of islands in indonesia, conveys the variety rituals of arranged marriage with lots of meanings. since there are lots of indigenous communities which still exist in java, such as tengger, osing, and samin, each of them has its own unique way in running the certain rituals in arranged marriage. the marriage rituals between all those three communities are completely different with the carried meanings on it. besides, those indigenous communities itself usually live outside the common javanese framework (shiraishi, 1990, p. 100). they have kept and carried out their traditional culture as their way of life. among those three communities, samin is the most interesting community to be discussed, especially in the rituals of arranged marriage they held to preserve their cultures and even believes (benda, 1969, p. 210). their existence, especially during their long history of resistance to dutch colonial government policies, is also the unique topic to be known by others. their first movement during dutch colonial government policies in practicing arranged marriage is one of the excellent points in connection to discuss the interrelation meanings between their movement and the rituals they have. ironically, even though samin and their movement could make trouble for the dutch, most people around this community seem to have viewed them negatively. in practicing and maintaining the arranged marriage, for example, they are categorized as being backward or even to be called as primitive people. historically, samin is an indonesian social movement founded by samin surosentika in central java, indonesia around late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. samin people rejected the capitalist views of dutch colonials who forced taxes upon indonesian’s people. samin people rejected to pay tax, since they think that they live in indonesia and dutch does not belong to their country. samin people preferred to resist against the dutch colonial government policies. they do not pay attention on the life of ordinary world. however, samin people maintain to keep their life to be useful not only for themselves but also for others. the feelings of togetherness are the most important part for their lives (king, 1973). samin people consider wealth not as the major aspect that differentiates people. therefore, according to them, to have a lot of money without feeling happy or even grateful for their precious life is a mistake. samin surosentika, commonly known as the founder of samin, around 1890 era started to teach the samin’s belief or usually called as “sikep”. it differentiates the way of life between samin people and others’ common way of living. sikep’s principles later on are used to persuade people to have peace with others. sikep’s principles were used by its people to be their philosophy of life. this philosophy of life is learnt from generation to generation. this philosophy of life itself has the main function which is to teach people as human beings to be kind and treat others according to the correct manners. applying it to the real habitual life means that people should live their life not only for living their journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fransiska rahayu myrlinda 142 own life, such as being rich and wealthy for themselves, but mostly for helping their surroundings too. the changing era from historical to the more modern era does not give any difference to samin people and its beliefs. even with the development of era to the modernism, the samin people still convey what so called as togetherness to maintain their relations to one another by doing the arranged marriage. the rituals held in this arranged marriage are diverse. there are lots of meanings that want to be conveyed by doing arranged marriage for samin people. each ritual of arranged marriage done by samin people signifies different meanings. the most obvious explanation of performing the rituals in arranged marriage held by samin people is to convey togetherness between each other. therefore, it needs sort of background knowledge and understanding on how togetherness is portrayed in samin arranged marriage rituals. this research attempts to examine how samin arranged marriage rituals are held in relation to declare identity of the community. the data in this study was only focused on the result of observation done for samin community in belimbing and klopoduwur, blora. identity in defining what identity is, there are many experts who have been discussed about the meaning of it related to the social context where it belongs. identity is always changing. the changing itself depends on context, experience or space, and even time which give effect on it. in addition, identity is constructed by self and society. epstein said that the meaning of identity represents the process by which the person seeks to integrate his various statuses and roles, as well as his diverse experiences, into a coherent image of self (1978, p.10). weeks (1990) later proposed the idea that identity is about belonging. it can imply the meaning that identity is what people have in common with some people. he also added that identity also can evoke the meaning of what differentiates a person from the others. rew and champbell (1999) also give meaning to identity. identity was viewed as a sign of struggle. they claimed that identity concerns mostly with what you belong to. identity focuses on emotional experiences, including experience of resistance if it is against the beliefs. furthermore, identity also concern with commitments to imagined “tribes” and other communities. moreover, nunan and choi (2010) even divided the meaning of identity into two different aspects; social and cultural identity. social identity is the relationship between the individual language learner and the larger social world. meanwhile, cultural identity implies the relationship between the individual and members of a particular ethnic group. cultural identity mostly shares a common history and language to its members. however, as the debate of the fixed meaning of identity goes on, it is acceptable that there are three key elements related to identity which are context, space, and time when it occurs. hence, this theory is used to know the interrelation between the arranged marriage and identity that the samin’s community wants to be conveyed. javanese culture javanese culture is the culture of the javanese ethnic group in indonesia, a part of the indonesian culture. this theory elaborates the explanation of a javanese’s family condition in their habitual life. it values harmony and social order highly. parents, especially, hold the higher level to be obeyed. they could not be denied. it will be assumed as kualat (get cursed) if the children disobey their parents’ desire (koentjaraningrat, 1990, pp. 140-142). here, it can be stated that the children do not have the authority to overpower their parents. in relation with power, franz magnis suseno argued his idea in the book entitled javanese ethnics and world-view: the javanese idea of the good life that: for the javanese, power means more than the mere ability to impose one’s will upon others. because power is concrete, cosmic force, it never appears in the abstract…. in journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 143 the javanese conception power is therefore not neutral, but “good”, not in the moral sense, but in that it has desirable consequences for the public. real power proves itself through its exercise and through its effects. indications of real power are that its effects are achieved without the use of force; that it flows from itself, without coercion and without visible strain (1997, p. 114). from this statement, we can see how powerful the real power is. it is not limited to the individual, but it gives influence to the surroundings. it conveys the fact that power can be used to manipulate others, since it has “good” effect. power can be achieved without using force, which means in relation between parents and children those who hold more power do not need to force other to obey what they want. the people who have power can control other. for those who do onot have authority to overpower others, they will, without force do every command of those who hold the power. koentjaraningrat added that in the relation between husband and wife, a wife then has to show respect towards her husband (ngajeni) as the husband is always assumed to be older than his wife. the wife’s sphere of interest centres mainly on the household. the husband is the household head, but he mostly has to concern himself with external matters, such as fulfilling the family’s needs ad usually takes little interest in the day-to-day household routine. he only gives his wife a certain amount of money at fixed periods, within which his wife has to run the household for the entire period. the husband is also the only one who can decide everything that his family needs to be done. crawfurd (1820, in winzeler 1982) also added that the position of a wife in javanese’s culture as the representation of javanese women has significance contributions in the economy level. he remarked: ...women are not treated with contempt or disdain. they eat with the men, and associate with them in all respects on terms of equality, as surprised us in such a condition of society...women appear in public without any scandal; they take an active concern in all the business of life; they are consulted by men on all public affairs, and are frequently raised to the throne, and that too when the monarchy is elective... at public festivals, women appear among the men; and those invested with authority sit in their councils when affairs of state are discussed, possessing, it is often alleged, even more than their due share in the deliberations... the javanese women are industrious and laborious beyond all those of the archipelago, but their labour, instead of being imposed upon them by the men, becomes through its utility to the latter, a source of distinction (winzeler, 1982, p. 178). here, we can see that in general the javanese women contribute to the household economy by earning income from wages, trading, and agricultural activities. some jobs, however, women cannot perform, including ploughing, carrying extremely heavy loads, and performing heavy manual labour, such as road work, carpentry, or bricklaying (geertz, 1961). this pattern has remained relatively constant over time. since many javanese women are economically independent, the typical woman has no difficulty in supporting herself and her children as she wish to (geertz, 1961). javanese women also have the right to own and control land. however, hull (1982) added that being a housewife is considered a privilege in java. women who work are thought not to be able to care properly for their children. the husband’s status also increases if he is able to support the family alone. as a husband, he must have the ability to control not only the financial level, but also the family’s structure. as this study focuses on the arranged marriage performed in samin community, there are perceptions in the society that construct children to obey their parents as it is stated in javanese’s culture theory. certain physical attitudes and qualities of children which represent javanese’s culture are used as the marker of the significance roles of parents in performing samin arranged marriage. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fransiska rahayu myrlinda 144 patriarchy patriarchy is commonly defined as “any system of organizational (political, economic, industrial, financial, religious, or social) in which the overwhelming numbers of upper positions in hierarchies are occupied by males” (goldberg, 1977, p. 25). it is a term to describe social systems in which male is the favoured gender, and in which men hold power, authority, and privilege (commonly called as male domination). it reinforced by societal and cultural norms, religious teachings, and the media. this system has been exist in our society for ages that most of the time we seem not to realize it because we see it as something natural and we have never questioned about it before. in family relationship, the concept of patriarchy is seen as male dominance where man or husband has power over woman or wife. “whereas patriarchy refers to hierarchical realities, male dominance refers to male-female encounters and relationships, to the “feeling” acknowledged by the emotions of both men and women that general authority in dyadic and familial relationships, in whatever terms a particular society defines authority, ultimately resides in the male” (p. 37). kamla bhasin added that a man is considered as a head of a household. in the family, he controls the sexuality, work or production, reproduction, and the move of a woman. family also has an important role to teach the next generation with the patriarchal values. in the family, we get the first lesson about hierarchy, subordination, and discrimination. boys learn to force and rule, while girls learn to obey and to be treated unequally (1996, p. 11). patriarchy is still strongly dominating the society nowadays. the arranged marriage in samin’s community conveys the fact that this issue of patriarchy does exist in a javanese’s family, especially in the family relationship and how the arranged marriage rituals occur in their society. data collection the data in this research are taken from the interview with four different married couples who had performed samin’s arranged marriage rituals. the informants are samin’s arranged marriage couples who live in desa klopodhuwur and desa belimbing, sambongrejo, blora. they are differentiated into two groups; the parents and the children and categorized based on their marriage’s durations and the ages. the interview is limited only on the involvement of the parents’ roles in samin’s arranged marriage. the interview, later, is analysed based on the background of samin’s arranged marriage, the pros and cons, the resistance of power, the negotiation, and how samin people value their arranged marriage as their tradition. after the interview had been done, the matrix was made to list specific language used by the parents that show how they exercise power to their children. summarizing the reliable data and making the conclusion were the last processes on doing this research. findings and analysis the marriage practice in samin community, especially in klopoduwur, blora, differs from the common javanese tradition. marriages is done only between the samin members based on adat (customary law) exists there. it is acceptable when people who come from outside the community want to marry the samin people only if those people become samin and obey the law. samin arranged marriage rituals before doing the arranged married rituals, those who are categorized as samin people should obey what so called as the sikep’s principles, the philosophy of life for samin people. the sikep’s principles mainly discuss about the processes how to be a better future husband or wife before, later on, performing the real marriage. listed below are the sikep’s principles: journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 145 demen demen conveys the same connotation as to like something, whereas the action of “like” itself does not always have connection with dealing a feeling of demen. people can like something even if they are only looking at the appearance of a thing. meanwhile, demen can be described as dealing with feelings of love. in connection to samin arranged marriage, this first sikep principle teaches people not only to see their future husband and wife from appearances. they need to love and accept them just the way they are. becik becik, in this philosophy of samin way of life, means that human beings should treat others kindly. later on, as marriage couples, by doing becik, both husband and wife can complement each other. becik is used as a vehicle to live the life of married couples so that they would not do things that disobey the common rules in society. rukun rukun for samin’s community is used as a source of living. rukun means unity in diversity. it is used by samin community to maintain togetherness. when human beings want to have peaceful life with others, especially with their own future husband or wife, it needs to be noted that rukun is a must to have a good relation in a living. in short, it can be said that a married life would not be last long if there is no rukun. seger seger conveys the meaning of satisfaction. in the married life, seger is needed as the expression of fulfilment. this principle can be perceived if only all the efforts are done by the human beings themselves. no matter what kind of condition might be faced, as long as human beings live in the right path, seger is easy to be achieved. waras waras means to avoid doing bad things to others. it has a close connection with being healthy in minds and attitude towards others. it is described as a good manner for human beings so that there is no fight between each other. it is used for samin community to make peace with others. avoiding jrengki, srei, panesten, dahpen, and kemeren jrengki means to be rude to others. jrengki has the same connotation as doing bad things to other. srei means greedy. people who have srei to others commonly have desire to hurt his or her surroundings. panesten conveys the meaning as having desire to make others easily get angry. panesten is the characteristic that ruins a peaceful life. those who are panesten tend to be left behind by others. dahpen is described as a person who likes to be in other’s business. dahpen has the close connection with taking care about other’s business even without being asked. kemeren is perceived as being jealous with others. to avoid jrengki, srei, panesten, dahpen, and kemeren is needed to have a happily ever after married life. to do the sikep’s principles as mentioned above is a must for the samin arranged married. samin people believe that marriage is as sacred as it is a way to achieve good descendants and that is why parents are the one who hold the power of their children. the arranged marriage rituals itself started at the first time when the baby was born. weton (javanese calendar) is the main source of prediction to find the right partner of each person. for samin community, to decide the same weton for samin arranged married rituals is the first process to do. the perfect couples, according to samin, are those who have 22, 26, or 27 as the total of their weton. it is the responsibility of parents to decide and count the weton of their children. the next process of arranged marriage rituals is for the groom’s parents to come to the bride’s family. this process is called as nyuwuk, asking the bride’s marital status and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) fransiska rahayu myrlinda 146 for marriage officially. however, in nyuwuk, the bride has a right to accept or to refuse the marriage proposal. this shows that in samin arranged marriage ritual, a woman has freedom to choose her husband without any enforcement from others. when the groom has grown up, he has responsibility to come and propose his bride. samin people believe that marriage has to be based on love and that is why it is also a must for asking the bride’s permission. this differs from the javanese adat which has many ceremonies and spends high costs. in nyuwuk, there is no asok tukon or mas kawin (bride’s price). samin people believe that asok tukon seems to be buying a woman. in fact, they are considered themselves as podo manungsane (having the same status as human beings). the last process of samin arranged marriage rituals is diseksekno (witness ceremony). based on adat, the task of the bride’s mother is to organize this ceremony (to make them rukun). meanwhile, the task of the bride’s father is to give agreement for their relationship. in diseksekno, samin people do not involve the government. this is because government authority is not seen as superior to parents’ authority. that is why the marriage is considered “legal” even though it is overseen only by parents. the samin sesepuh (the samin elders) need to attend the ceremony as representative of samin community. this ritual differs from ordinary javanese custom in which marriages are performed by naib (a local islam religious representative) or pastur (a local christian religious representative). in diseksekno, the groom has to say sadat (samin profession of faith). the sadat contains the statement that the groom acknowledges the bride as batur urip (a friend for life) and promises to stay together forever and nukulke wiji sejati (bear children). this promise implies the meaning that samin people believe marriage as a sacred ritual and it is only performed once. this ritual differs from ordinary marriage ritual when divorce is categorized as legal for married couples. the identity wants to be conveyed even if today’s society often categorizes this arranged marriage rituals as an old culture, by performing this marriage rituals, it can maintain the community’s existence from extinction. samin people believe that if they perform marriage ritual same as the ordinary ones, as time goes by, their off springs might have forgotten about their existence. by doing arranged marriage ritual, it is also one of the ways for samin community to preserve their cultures. therefore, from generation to generation they keep doing arranged marriage to their children. besides, samin arranged marriage rituals are performed without government involvement. they refuse kawin cara negara (marriage by government rules). in the samin klopoduuwur community today which can be considered as more modern than the old samin community, after their marriage ceremony, the couples report their marriage to the government to get a marriage certificate. in the past, samin people did not report their marriages. as the consequence, their off springs did not have birth certificates or identity cards. they argued if they registered their marriage, the government would record them as the followers or local citizens. conclusion people commonly think that arranged marriage is an old fashion or even called as an old tradition for our society nowadays. people may think that the most important reason for marrying others is because of the unbreakable feelings of love between them. meanwhile, in the arranged marriage usually they know nothing about their future partner even they don’t have any feeling to each other yet before the marriage ceremony happens. it conveys the interpretation that arranged marriage will not achieve any good benefits. on the other hand, from the data observed in this study show that an arrange marriage can also has positive influences a community. samin arrange marriage rituals, for example, convey the meanings that marriage can be used as the symbol bearer of journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 147 community’s existence towards today’s society. they do arranged marriage to protect their community from extinction. even the marriage is performed based on the parent’s arrangement for their children, samin people believe that marriage has to be based on love. that is also the reason why samin arranged marriage rituals are held even at the first time the baby was born. the most important figures in samin arranged married are parents. they do not involve the government, naib or even pastur to legalize the marriage since samin people believe that they are human beings who are not superior to parents. moreover this article can also suggest future researcher(s) to develop it. references benda, harry & lance castles. (1969). “the samin movement”. bijdragen tot de taal landen volkenkunde: 207–216, 218–240. jstor 27861031. broude, g. j. & greene, s. j. (1983). crosscultural codes on husband-wife relationships. ethnology, 22(3), pp. 263280. dennis, rutledge m. (2005). “marginality, power, and social structure: issues in race, class, and gender”. research in race and ethnic relations, vol 12, usa: elsevier ltd. edwards, j. (2009). language and identity: an introduction. cambridge: cambridge university press. epstein, a. l. (1978). ethos and identity. london: tavistock. fairclough, n. (1995). critical discourse analysis: the critical study of language. harlow: pearson. faizal, elly burhaini. (2014). “practicing benevolence, samin tribe endures scorn”. the jakarta post. ghimire, d. j., axinn, w. g., yabiku, s. t., & thornton, a. (2006). “social change, premarital nonfamily experience, and spouse choice in an arranged marriage society”. american journal of sociology, 4(111), 1181 1218. goldstein-gidoni, ofra. (2000). “the production of tradition and culture in the japanese wedding enterprise”. ethnos. 65(1). taylor and francis, ltd. 33 55. issn 0014-1844. nathania astria pangestu & f.x. dono sunardi 20 an incomplete psychological novel: a psychoanalytical analysis of hazel lancaster in john green’s the fault in our stars nathania astria pangestu & f.x. dono sunardi faculty of language and arts, universitas ma chung, malang abstract this paper is a psychoanalytical analysis of john green’s the fault in our stars (2012), aiming at identifying hazel grace lancaster’s, the main character of the novel, self defense mechanisms and core issues as well as their potential causes. in so doing, this paper employs psychoanalysis theory by sigmund freud as its analytical tool. as a literary research, it uses a descriptive qualitative method, where we read the novel thoroughly, focused on the character and characterization of hazel grace and compared and analyzed it along with the theories that are used. the finding of this research is that this novel does contain its main character’s self-defense mechanisms and core issues evidence. the potential cause of the self-defense mechanisms can also be inferred from the character’s development and childhood. and yet, since this novel does not provide any clue or evidence as to how the main character develop her berliore issues, we come to the conclusion that this novel is not a complete psychological novel. keywords: psychoanalysis, self-defense mechanisms, core issues introduction as one of expressions of human beings, literature represents human life. as such, literature can be studied using psychological perspectives (endraswara, 2011). although many critics disagree with the use of psychoanalysis to understand the behavior of literary characters that are not real people with real psyches, some others have successfully defended this with two important reasons (tyson, 2006). those two important reasons are (1) when analyzing literary characters using psychoanalysis, a researcher is not suggesting that the characters are real people but that they only represent the psychological experience of human beings in general; and (2) psychoanalysis aims at analyzing literary representations as illustrations of real-life issues such as when someone analyzes the character’s behavior from the perspective of any critical theory (tyson 2006). because of these two reasons, psychological approach to literary work is valid. the fault in our stars (2012) is one of the bestselling novels written by john green. it tells about a couple that suffers from cancer. the main character of this novel is a seventeen-year old teenager named hazel grace lancaster. she suffers from thyroid cancer. later on in the narration, she meets a boy named augustus waters who also suffers from cancer. they fall in love and enjoy some great times together, but at the end, augustus died. this paper will explore hazel’s life and investigates it as a psychological phenomenon in human’s life in the real world using psychoanalysis. the study sets to achieve two objectives: (1) to identify the self-defense mechanisms of hazel grace as the main character of the fault in our stars and what causes them, and vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 21 (2) to identify the core issues of hazel graze and what causes them. an overview of psychoanalysis it was sigmund freud (1856-1939) who developed psychoanalysis. in freudian psychoanalysis, unconscious mental activities determine conscious psychic activities. rajeevan (2011) wrote that the term psychoanalysis itself has three distinctive meanings. first, it is defined as a school of psychology, which emphasizes the psychic determinism and dynamics and also the importance of childhood experiences in forming one’s adult personality and behavior. second, psychoanalysis is defined as a specialized method for investigating the unconscious mental activities. and lastly, psychoanalysis is defined as a therapeutic method for the investigation and treatment of mental disorders, especially the neurotic disorders. from those three distinctive meanings, the second meaning, i.e. psychoanalysis as a specialized method for investigating the unconscious mental activities, is particularly relevant to this research. here, what we do is analyzing and investigating the unconscious mental activities of hazel, the main character of the fault in our stars. moreover, the first meaning of psychoanalysis above-mentioned is also important for this research. in this case, we try to relate the main character’s childhood experiences with her behavior and mental activities after she grows up. in freudian psychoanalysis, the human mind is divided into three divisions (rajeevan, 2011). the first division is the conscious mind, which is constituted of events, memories, fantasies and the sensations from sense organs along with the feelings and emotions of which human is aware at the moment. the second part is the pre-conscious mind that consists of the past psychic experiences and desires. and the third division is the unconscious mind which consists of those painful experiences and emotions, those wounds, fears, guilty desires, and unresolved conflicts we do not want to know about. out of the three levels, the unconscious mind is the most important level for the discussion of this paper. here, we investigate fears, guilty, desires and unresolved which manifest as self-defense mechanisms and core issues of the main character of the fault in our stars. according to tyson (2006), defenses are the processes by which the contents of our unconscious are kept in the unconscious position. it means that defenses are the processes when, human keeps his anxiety unconsciously in order to avoid knowing what he feels he cannot handle. berger (2004) wrote that there are fourteen defenses, which include: a. selective perception: occurs when someone only hears and sees what he feels he can handle. b. selective memory: occurs when someone modifies his memories by keeping the good memories and forgetting the painful experiences or bad memories. c. denial or disavowal: occurs when someone does not believe some aspects of reality. d. avoidance: occurs when someone stays away from people or situations that are liable to make him anxious by stirring up some unconscious. e. displacement: occurs when someone “takes it out” on someone or something less threatening than the person who caused his fear, hurt, frustration, or anger. f. projection: occurs when someone ascribes the fear, problem, or guilty desire to someone else and then condemning him or her for it, in order to deny that he has it himself. g. regression: occurs when someone returns temporarily to a past psychological state, which is not just imagined but relived. h. ambivalence: occurs when someone has a simultaneous feeling of love and hate or attraction and repulsion toward the same person or object. i. fixation: occurs when someone has an obsessive preoccupation or attachment to something. j. identification: occurs when someone subscribes to a desire to become similar to someone or something in some aspect of thought, value or behavior. nathania astria pangestu & f.x. dono sunardi 22 k. rationalization: occurs when there is an offering of logical reasons or excuses for behavior generated by unconscious and irrational determinants. l. reaction formation: occurs when a pair of ambivalent attitudes generates problems, so one element is suppressed and kept unconscious by overemphasis on the other (its opposite), although it does not disappear. m. repression: refers to the barring from consciousness of ideas, feelings, thoughts, fantasies, and memories. n. suppression: occurs when someone purposefully puts out of his mind and consciousness something that he finds painful. another important term related to psychoanalysis is anxiety. tyson (2006) stated that anxiety is the psychoanalytic terms of several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, and worrying. anxiety occurs when our defenses momentarily break down. anxiety is an important experience because it can reveal our core issues. core issues are issues that define our being in fundamental ways that we carry through life (kathy 2015). there are five common core issues: a. fear of intimacy: the chronic and overpowering feeling that emotional closeness will seriously hurt or destroy us and that we can remain emotionally safe only by remaining at an emotional distance from others at all times. b. fear of abandonment: the unshakable belief that our friends and loved ones are going to desert us (physical abandonment) or do not really care about us (emotional abandonment). c. fear of betrayal: the feeling that our friends and loved ones cannot be trusted, for example, cannot be trusted not to lie to us, not to laugh at us behind our backs, or in the case of romantic partners, not to cheat on us by dating others. d. low self-esteem: the belief that we are less worthy than other people and, therefore, do not deserve attention, love, or any other of life’s rewards. e. insecure or unstable sense of self: the inability to sustain a feeling of personal identity, to sustain a sense of knowing ourselves. hazel grace lancaster’s self-defense mechanisms hazel grace lancaster is the main character of john green’s the fault in our stars. as a round character, whose personality develops from time to time in the novel, hazel, too, unconsciously employs selfdefense mechanisms in order to press her anxieties so that they stay in the unconscious level. reading through the novel, we found several defenses employed by hazel. they are: 1. selective perception the first self-defense mechanism found in the novel that is employed by hazel is selective perception. as a self-defense mechanism, selective perception happens when someone only hears and sees what she feels she can handle (berger 2004). in the novel, there are several textual evidences that support that hazel only hears and sees as well as believes something that makes her feel better. one of such evidences that is substantial read as follows: also, anna is honest about all of it in a way no one else really is. throughout the book, she refers to herself as the side effect, which is just totally correct. cancer kids are essentially side effects of the relentless mutation that made the diversity of life on earth possible. so as the story goes on, she gets sicker... (green, 2013: 49) hazel loves very much reading a novel entitled an imperial affliction, in which anna, the main character, suffers from cancer just like herself. she reads the novel everyday, back to back. from that novel, hazel learns from anna how to comfort herself despite her cancer. anna says things that hazel would love to hear, things that in reality never been told to her by people around her. anna offers some relief that makes hazel grace feel comfortable when she is depressed. anna, for example, believes that children with cancer are not those who suffer illness but they are vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 23 merely side effects of a mutation process that eventually will make the world more beautiful with diversity. 2. denial another self-defense mechanism employed by hazel in the novel is denial. according to berger (2004), denial occurs when someone believes or wants to believe that a problem does not exist or an unpleasant incident never happened. denial, in hazel, manifests in her constant acting that everything about her is fine, despite the realization that she is not. i’m hazel, i’d say when they’d get to me. sixteen. thyroid originally but with an impressive and long-settled satellite colony in my lungs. and i’m doing okay (green, 2013: 5). hazel wants to believe, and wants others to believe, that she is just fine, even though she suffers an incurable cancer that will definitely lead her to her end. by keeping saying that she is fine, hazel denies that she is sick and dying. she lies to herself and others. she keeps saying that she is fine even though she is not. 3. avoidance avoidance is a self-defense mechanism that occurs when someone tries to stay away from people or situations that are liable to make him anxious by stirring up some unconscious experience or emotion (berger 2004). in the fault in our stars, hazel decides to drop out from her school because of her illness. considering this as not enough, she tries hard to stay away from her friends. hazel takes these steps because she feels hurt every time she meets and talks to them. she feels jealous with her healthy and “normal” friends. hazel also does not like the way her friends see her. they see her with pity and treat her like a sick person. as result, hazel chooses to be alone and spends her time reading a book. and i liked kaitlyn, too. i really did. but three years removed from proper full-time schoolic exposure to my peers, i felt a certain unbridgeable distance between us. i think my school friends wanted to help me through my cancer, but they eventually found out that they couldn’t. for one thing, there was no through. so i excused myself on the grounds of pain and fatigue, as i often had over the years when seeing kaitlyn or any of my other friends. in truth, it always hurt. it always hurt not to breath like a normal person, incessantly reminding your lungs to be lungs, forcing yourself to accept as unsolvable the clawing scraping inside-out ache of underoxygenation. so i wasn’t lying, exactly. i was just choosing among the truth (green, 2013: 45). it is clear from the evidence that hazel avoids meeting people who potentially could hurt her. her decision to choose book over people is a manifestation of that particular self-defense mechanism because according to hazel books are not going to hurt her. 4. displacement as a self-defense mechanism, displacement works similarly to avoidance. if in avoidance someone simply tries to stay away from ones or things that hold potentials to hurt him, displacement goes a bit further. in displacement, someone does not only avoid them but also picks something or another person that is less threatening than something or the person who caused his fear, hurt, frustration, or anger (berger 2004). in the fault in our stars, hazel somehow feels threatened by the presence of her friends and parents around her. her choosing books over her school friends and parents does not only suggest her avoidance of them but also her assumption that books are much less threatening to her than her friends and parents. as hazel does not see herself capable of defending herself both in front of her parents and friends, she perceives books as the least “dangerous” thing for her. she likes being alone with her books. anyway, i really did like being alone. i liked being alone with poor staff sergeant max mayhem (green, 2013: 47) nathania astria pangestu & f.x. dono sunardi 24 we see form the evidence that hazel uses displacement, which is a mechanism to replace someone or something that causes fear with someone or something that is less threatening. 5. fixation another self-defense mechanism employed by hazel in the novel is fixation. this defense occurs when someone obsessively attaches to something (berger 2004). the fault in our stars tells how hazel reads an imperial affliction every day. she has been reading the novel many times since she had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. the reason hazel loves an imperial affliction is because the novel tells stories of children with cancer. she particularly likes the main character of the novel, anna, who suffers from blood cancer. unlike the other children with cancer featured in the novel, anna does not start a charity that raises money to fight cancer; anna starts a charity to cure cholera instead. hazel’s fixation to the novel is also caused by her amazement of how the novel ends right in the middle of a sentence. since the novel does not have an ending, she can start to imagine what happens next. and then i started reading an imperial affliction for the millionth time... i know it’s a very literary decision and everything and probably part of the reason i love the book so much, but there is something to recommend a story that ends (green, 2013: 49) hazel’s obsession to reading the same novel repeatedly shows that she develops fixation as one of her self-defense mechanisms. it is likely that this also a result of her insecurity. fixation happens because someone does not feel safe to try new things. that is why they stick to familiar things. that is also why hazel keeps reading the same novel again and again. 6. identification identification as a self-defense mechanism is a desire to become similar to someone or something in some aspects of thought, value or behavior (berger 2004). in the fault in our stars, hazel tries to imitate anna from an imperial affliction. it is so much that hazel identifies herself with anna that she adopts anna’s belief of children with cancer as a side effect of the relentless mutation that will make the world beautiful in diversity. more than that, hazel also imitates anna’s behavior, styles and value. i spent like thirty minutes debating with mom the various benefits and drawbacks of the available outfits before deciding to dress as much like anna in aia as possible: chuck taylors and dark jeans like she always wore, and a light blue t-shirt (green, 2013: 178). what we can conclude from here is that hazel employs identification as her selfdefense mechanism unconsciously. she loves the character of anna so much until she does not realize that she tries to imitate her in several aspects of her life, i.e. her thought, value and behavior. 7. rationalization berger (2004) suggested that rationalization occurs when there is an offering of logical reasons or excuses for behavior generated by unconscious and irrational determinants. in the fault in our stars, hazel tries to give logical explanation for her illogical behavior and act. hazel, for example, states that the reason she goes to support group, a group that help children with cancers like hazel, and allows the nurses there to inject medicine to her is because she wants to make her parents happy. but in fact, unconsciously, she does this because, deep inside her, she still wants to be a healthy person without cancer in her lungs. i went to support group for the same reason that i’d once allowed nurses with a mere eighteen months of graduate education to poison me with exotically named chemicals: i wanted to make my parents happy (green, 2013: 7-8). hazel employs rationalization as one of her several self-defense mechanism to conceal the motives that would arouse anxiety or guilt in her. she always gives more vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 25 logical and acceptable explanation to her behavior in order to keep the real reason hidden. now that we have found and discussed hazel’s self-defense mechanisms that she employs when she faces her anxiety and wants to keep the anxiety unconsciously in order to avoid knowing what she thinks she cannot handle (tyson 2006), the next step is to understand their cause. in psychoanalysis, the cause of self-defense mechanisms can be traced from one’s childhood experiences or several events that trigger him or her to use self-defense mechanisms. in the fault in our stars, hazel is told to have a great, happy childhood until she was twelve. maybe it is because nothing is particularly interesting or memorable from hazel’s early childhood period. the fact is that the novel does not even mention about it. it is almost like a blind spot where the author does not inform anything to us as readers. things, however, start to change when hazel reaches thirteen when she is diagnosed with stage iv thyroid cancer. due to her knowledge that the cancer is incurable, she loses hope and feels depressed. hazel has to undergo several surgeries and chemotherapies, drop out from her schools, stay away from her friends, and spend her time in reading novel about cancer girl. hazel’s suffering does not stop there because her lungs start to fill up with water. this makes her hard to breathe normally for several months. the doctor says she has pneumonia that could possibly lead to her death. her mother and father accompany her during this critical period of her life. one day, when hazel struggles very hard to just take a breath, which makes her thinking that she will die soon, without her mother’s knowing she overhears her mother tells her father how terrified it is for her that she will not be a mother anymore if hazel dies. hazel, who up to that point does not have any fear of death, feels very bad. she thinks if she dies she will leave her mother, make her mother sad. probably her mother is not going to remember her anymore. she does not want to wake up to face the harsh reality but she is alive because her doctor manages to get some of the water out of her lungs. this has become hazel’s first recorded traumatic experience. and since then, she starts to hate her life and herself because during her life, she will only make people hurt and sad. she also starts to have fear of death because she does not want other people to be sad when she dies. she starts employing several self-defense mechanisms discussed above to comfort herself and conceal her anxieties. hazel grace lancaster’s core issues anxiety is one key term in psychoanalysis, because by analyzing it closely we can get some insights into someone’s core issues. luckily enough, sometimes, like when are dreaming in our sleep or when we feel very tired and about to sleep or when we are experiencing extreme feeling of being depressed, our self-defenses momentarily break down, and when it happens, we can have a glimpse of anxiety and brings it up to the level of consciousness (tyson 2006). core issues are more pertinent than self-defense mechanisms because they are more deeply rooted in one’s history of life. some psychoanalysis theorists believe that one’s core issues are mostly defined before he or she reaches the age of twelve. as such, core issues, as the names suggest, function like a true color of one’s personality. no matter what one does, or what one decides to do, it will be heavily influenced by his or her core issues. hazel of the fault in our stars has three major core issues. they are: 1. fear of intimacy fear of intimacy is the chronic and overpowering feeling that emotional closeness will seriously hurt or destroy us and that we can remain emotionally safe only by remaining at an emotional distance from others at all time (tyson 2006). hazel seems to be heavily inflicted by this fear of intimacy that she always tries to maintain a safe emotional distance to anyone around her. i’m a grenade,” i said again. “i just want to stay away from people and read books and think and be with you guys because there’s nothing i can do about hurting you; you’re too invested, so just please let nathania astria pangestu & f.x. dono sunardi 26 me do that, okay? i’m no depressed. i don’t need to get out anymore. and i can’t be a regular teenager, because i’m a grenade (green, 2013: 99). calling herself a grenade, hazel realizes how dangerous she is for others when it explodes. she has an incurable illness and believes that she can die anytime and anywhere. she, therefore, avoids people at all times and tries not to be too close emotionally to anyone of them. in addition, in hazel’s case, there are two reasons as to why she fears intimacy. the first reason is that she is afraid she might get hurt when someone leaves her. the second thing she fears about is the possibility that people might get hurt if she explodes, i.e. dies and leaves them. 2. fear of abandonment according to tyson (2006), fear of abandonment is the unshakable belief that our friends and loved ones are going to desert us (physical abandonment) or do not really care about us (emotional abandonment). in the fault in our stars, hazel is constantly and acutely inflicted by this kind of fear. she is “haunted” by the thought that when she dies she abandons her parents and augustus, his boyfriend. just before the miracle, when i was in the icu and it looked like i was going to die and mom was telling me it was okay to let go, and i was trying to let go but my lungs kept searching for air, mom sobbed something into dad’s chest that i wish i hadn’t heard, and that i hope she never finds out that i did hear. she said, “i won’t be a mom anymore.” it gutted me pretty badly. i couldn’t stop thinking about that during the whole cancer team meeting. i couldn’t get it out of my head, how she sounded when she said that, like she would never be okay again, which probably she wouldn’t (green, 2013: 116117). the citation above is an example which suggests that hazel is afraid that her mother will not become her mother anymore after she dies. when hazel abandons them, i.e. when she dies, her mother and father will never be fine. they will just sit around the house all day, staring at the walls. hazel’s intense fear of abandonment is also expressed in her dreams. one day, for example, she dreams of being alone in a huge lake. through this dream, we know that hazel is afraid of being abandoned and being alone. i woke up the next morning panicked because i’d dreamed of being alone and boatless in a huge lake. i bolted up, straining against the bipap, and felt mom’s arm on me (green, 2013: 301). from two textual evidences above, we can conclude that hazel has constant fear of abandonment. she is both afraid of abandoning people around her and of being abandoned by people around her. 3. low self-esteem low self-esteem is the belief that we are less worthy than other people and, therefore, do not deserve attention, love, or any other of life’s rewards (tyson 2006). hazel often feels herself as less worthy than others. this feeling is much more intensified after her being diagnosed with an incurable cancer. this causes her to think of herself as a nonregular teenager. she is different from others, but not only different because she feels as less worthy than others. [t]here’s nothing i can do about hurting you; you’re too invested, so just please let me do that, okay? i’m not depressed. i don’t need to get out anymore. and i can’t be a regular teenager, because i’m a grenade (green 2013: 99) just like most teenagers, hazel often feels unconfident with herself. this feeling has characterized her form since who-knowswhen. but, as a child with cancer who is different and often looked at with pity by others, she has a more acute realization about her crippling situation. she sees herself as someone of less value than other, normal teenagers. as such she thinks she does not entitled with rights to love and be loved. we can see here that hazel’s fear of intimacy, fear of abandonment and low self-esteem entangle and enforce each other. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 27 having elaborating hazel’s core issues in detailed, we now come to the big question: what causes those core issues. to answer this question, it is required that we carefully look into hazel’s childhood, particularly from the periods before she reaches the age of twelve, and finds patterns of experiences that build up into her core issues. and yet as we can infer from the previous discussion, the novel the fault in our stars does not say anything about the early period of hazel’s life. there is no significant information we can read from the chapters of the novel about how hazel has spent the first twelve years of her life. the first bad childhood experience that was told of hazel, as also been mentioned earlier, is when she is diagnosed with stage iv thyroid cancer. upon knowing that the cancer is incurable, she feels depressed. but, not a single pattern of traumatic experience that can be inferred or traced from hazel’s early childhood to lead us to the cause of her core issues. since the novel does not present any bad childhood experiences when hazel was in the range of age one until twelve years old, the cause of her core issues cannot be found in the novel. conclusion john green’s the fault in our stars has presented to us an interesting case of the main character that can be analyzed using freudian psychoanalysis perspective. analyzing a literary character using psychoanalysis is made possible because literary characters represent real human life. understood this way, literary characters act as imitations of reality. in this discussion, we analyze hazel’s self-defense mechanisms and core issues. we also answer the questions: what causes those self-defense mechanisms and core issues by analyzing the textual evidence from the novel related to hazel’s childhood. the finding of this research is that hazel employs several self-defense mechanisms to defend herself in the face of threats. the mechanisms include selective perception, denial, avoidance, displacement, projection, fixation, identification and rationalization. the research also finds hazel’s core issues, i.e. fear of intimacy, fear of abandonment, and low self-esteem. finding the answers to the question what is the cause hazel’s self-defense mechanisms and core issues is much more complicated and problematic. while we can vest a little confidence in the answer that it was hazel’s most traumatic experience, i.e. when she overhears her mother’s terrified remark about her death, that triggers her to employ the self-defense mechanisms found in this research, we cannot even figure out what possibly cause her core issues. it is due to the fact that our text, the novel the fault in our stars, does not even mention anything related to hazel’s early childhood. the story of hazel as told by the author starts from when she was thirteenth. prior to that, it is simply mentioned that hazel has a happy, normal childhood. there is no clear indication as to why john green as the author does not bother to even mention or refer to his main character’s childhood, except by saying that she has a happy childhood. but whatever the motives are, it makes the novel an example of an incomplete 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displacement in marie therese toyi’s weep not, refugee astelia mihayo literary and cultural studies program, universitas airlangga-indonesia stanley elias department of literature, university of dar es salaam-tanzania abstract with the ever-increasing outbreak of intrastate and interstate wars since the mid-20th century, africa has experienced mass displacement of people which has subsequently resulted in an increase of displaced communities in the world. from these displaced communities, african refugees constitute a significant share of the total displaced people in the globe, which count to 68.5 million people. the present study explored representation of traumas of displacement in marie therese toyi’s weep not, refugee. the study deployed ruth caruth’s tenets of trauma studies in literature. the findings of the study affirm the authors use weep not refugee to explore the significant contribution of displacement to delineate and circumscribe burundian refugees with traumatised and reduced identities in areas of displacement. in most cases, the journey of leaving home and later their lives in refuge of burundians are explicated to be surrounded by tragic experience and reduced identities that ascribe them to burden and non-entity beings. moreover, the authors provide an opportunity for readers to explore displacement and its significant contribution to the constructions of cultural trauma among refugees. because of ethnic war which has led to displacement of burundians to other areas, burundians have to lose some cultural aspects and invent new ones for the sake of cultural adjustment in the foreign land they are hosted. keywords: displacement, reduced identities, trauma introduction with the ever-increasing outbreak of intrastate and interstate wars since the mid20th century, africa has experienced mass displacement of people which has subsequently resulted to increasing of displaced communities in the world. of these displaced communities, african refugees constitute approximately six million of the total displaced people in the globe which count to 68.5 million people. according to brooking (2015), displacement prompts to tension and negotiation arising from shifting zones which eventually causes trauma to individuals. in similar view, mehni, omar, and bahar (2015, p. 95) argue that displacement can be approached psychologically to identify the overwhelming “the psychic defences and normal processes of registering memory traces”. of course the foregoing view foregrounds caruth’s (1995) view that literature is like psychoanalysis hence can be approached to understand memories registered in ones’ psyche. it is in this light this study sets out to examine the representation journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 73 of traumas of displacement of burundian refugees in marie therese toyi’s weep not, refugee. this study examines the significant contribution of displacement to delineate and circumscribe burundian refugees with traumatic and reduced identities refuge. in most cases the journey of leaving home and later their lives in refuge is always surrounded by tragic experience and reduced identities that ascribe them to burden and non-entity beings. thus, the reading of displacement in the novel focuses on the tragic and brutal memories as burundians abandons their natal home to escape persecution. we contextualise our study to caruth’s (1995, p. 153) view that “for the survivor of trauma, then the truth of the event may reside not only in its brutal facts, but also in the way that their occurrence defies simple comprehension” to analyse traumatic experiences ascribed to burundian refugees as they forcibly evacuate the natal home to refuge. caruth (1995, p. 91) recognises trauma as “the response to an expected and overwhelming violent event that is not fully registered neither grasped as they occur but return later in repeated flashbacks, nightmares and other repetitive phenomena”. similar observation is made by nikro (2014) who supposes trauma to embody existential experiences of atrocity and survival, of coping in the aftermath of personal and social disintegration. caruth (1996) proposes further that trauma has moving and sorrowful voice. it also cries and is released through the wound. moreover, as cited in marder (2006, p. 2), she argues that trauma needs us to imagine that traumatic events do not simply occur in time rather they fracture the very experience of time for the person to whom they “happen”. set partly in wirodi and later in burundi, weep not, refugee is narrated in multiple person point of views and different narrative styles. the story is opened by presenting terrifying war memories told in third person point of view (omnisciently) in the refugee camp of mabanu in wirodi. it is the story of kigeme told in flashbacks that moves from different settings to unfold different life experiences she went through. kigeme’s narrative evolves in terms of memory and trauma of her past while in burundi. the narrative is later told in first person from whom kigeme becomes the narrator of her own past. kigeme describes her memories especially as a secondary school girl who had to flee to wirodi for her safety, as a result of war in burundi. unfortunately, on her way to wirodi (exile), she witnesses her mother being raped in the open area and drowned into a river. moreover, she also witnesses her father being chopped into pieces by the soldier, kiroro, who again rapes her and becomes the father of her only son, wache wacheke watachoka. as of the narrative, kigeme regards her telling is of herself and of her fellow burundian refugees whose rights are compromised as a result of war. the narrative shifts as kigeme and wache tell their experiences in mabanu camp in wirodi. in many cases, the life of the refugees in the camp is surrounded with series of disappointments. of many of their rights, food became scarce and hunger became the life experience in the camp. hereafter, the story of wache as a student in wirodi follows. wache explains the educational challenges among the refugees, which ranging from financial support to language problems. besides, he also tells the way the system unfairly places them in the marginalised position and the way it erodes their dignity. in addition, the story of wache returning to burundi in search of his father is unfolded. wache is victimized at near death and decides to go back to wirodi and later as a school dropout who after series of sufferings he is by luck elevates to a business man in wirodi and later in burundi. methodology the study deploys textual analysis method in interpreting displacement as traumatic experience in weep not, refugee. textual analysis is primarily used to critically analyse traumas associated with displacement ascribed to individuals after leaving their natal homes through the use of words, clauses, symbols, metaphors and general language of the novel. therefore, as for critical analysis of traumas of displacement in the text under study, it uses three different but related methods namely, close reading, contextual method, and thematic methods. first, this study places weep not, refugee under close reading method. the assumption under this journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) astelia mihayo & stanley elias 74 method of the text under this study is selfenclosed and self-sustaining enterprise (swingewood and alan, 1972). thus, in order to approach weep not, refugee to find out the ways in which traumas of displacement are represented, we pay close attention to the text itself with no consideration to external factors. the authors also consider rivkin’s (2004, p. 6) argument that close reading explicate the ways in which “literature embodies or concretely enacts universal truth” through language that is interpreted denotatively and connotatively. therefore, through close reading, toyi’s weep not, refugee is read to interpret the meanings of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the text and their inferences in terms of symbolic and metaphoric configuration. secondly, toyi’s weep not, refugee is placed in the contexts that influenced its production. in a point of fact, weep not, refugee is shaped by intrastate and interstate wars of the great lakes region. therefore, the selected text is read with reference to the socio-cultural factors surrounding the production of the text. in a point of fact, here we find the meaningful interaction between internal structures of the text (language of the text) and the context of its production. according to swingewood and alan (1972), literature cannot distance itself from the society and context that created it. thus, weep not, refugee cannot distance itself from the state of violence that characterises great lakes region. as argued by swingewood and alan (ibid), the task of the researcher is to translate the internal structures of the text and the context (society) into public meaning. therefore, the contextual method applied is in line with the close reading. it is in order to associate the text to the insights to scrutinize the portrayal of traumas of displacement. thirdly, the thematic analysis method places other two methods in thematic identification of trauma of displacement. guided by the topic under this study, the authors consider on how characterisation in the novel informs war traumas of burundian people across the great lakes region. analysis and discussion in the foremost, marie therese toyi reinvents the conception of refugee—as it is the title of her novel, weep not, refugee—to literary explicates associated traumas of displacement. meanwhile, the agreed standard definition by the united nations high commissions for refugees (unhcr) identifies someone as a refugee when he or she is forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. according to toyi, a refugee is someone who is “forced to leave a mother-country and who has no right at all, if not the right to be told, what to do, how to do it, how to live, and how to die” (toyi, 2014, p. 155). this is metaphorically signifying the much reduced identities that refugees are ascribed after leaving their natal home. as of the narrative, the authors portray refugee as a signal burden of torture who suffers yet ready to bear all the problems. refugees exist in the margin of the common citizens of the host country and so they should “not weep”. equally to fanon (1967), he identifies “otherness” as the refugees in the narrative that they possess traumatised identities of the colonized self. of a particular importance to the argument are the embedded traumas that the refugees bear. it is that they are deprived their rights to live, the information, and many others as alluded in the following instance; “abuses were heaped on us, and we had to swallow them silently, preferably with a smile on the lips, or were to be taken back to the face of machetes, bullets, and this time trial” (toyi, 2014, pp. 15-16). in most cases, the leaving of home and entering new home ascribed burundian bodies to reduced status that rendered them no defence and had enough humanitarian assistance in the refugee camp as explicated in the following, “we were defenceless because nobody was your relative there; slaves of this new country that was the souvenir, which my mother wanted to keep by calling me mujawaha” (toyi, 2014, p. 16). also the move from burundi to wirodi and being integrated to wirodi community forced burundian refugees to learn new ways of life including language. the learning of new language and loss of french, which they were used to resulted to linguistic dilemma. this linguistic dilemma has eventually culminated to marginalization and mistreatments of journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 75 burundian people in wirodi. of course, displacement is portrayed to significantly contribute to the constructions of cultural trauma among refugees. in the novel, wache narrates on how displacement has led them to linguistic dilemma the moment they become enrolled to school as in the instance below: we were luck to understand this simple french sentence. the rest of what he said was what we came to call fonofono in our school jargon. it was a combination of sounds, with no message to us since we could not understand it……i was born when the use of french had not yet disappeared from the mouth of some refugees, who though that they could still use the language to get a job. later when they saw nothing was coming the turned more to kiswahili (toyi, 2014, pp. 132-133). in the foregoing passage, wache narrates what it can be argued as linguistic dilemma of the displaced bodies that causes cultural trauma as one tries to remember his or her past. in this case, wache recalls the memories of the use of french among family members but because of displacements they had to switch to the use of kiswahili. of the similar view, brooking (2015) argues that the displacement rises questions permeating to shifting zones of contacts in linguistics, culture, and many other aspects. as of this reason, there is always a negotiation of what is used and what is really in the field, which in turn lead to the construction of cultural trauma (ibid). wache’s trauma in this particular case evolves from the fact that he has crossed the borders during the time of crisis and the lost ability to comprehend the language due to crisis. toyi places displacement at the centre of the plot of the narrative. more importantly, displacement is much associated with calamities that displaced bodies encounter. for example, in the prologue of the novel the author portrays the impacts of the recurring civil wars in burundi that among others has caused displacement of bodies mercilessly. as a result of forceful migration, burundian refugees are always in tears and on move for leaving their natal home. according to caruth (1995), traumatised individuals always display obsession of events or images of once they underwent in their lifetimes. in a point of fact, displacement and all of its journeys from burundi signify painful experiences that burundian bodies suffer from. noting this, the author introduces the readers with the journey of leaving home as a traumatic experience as in the following instance, listen and hear the message of trumpets and drums: they announce another war, the nth war. a time for the ground to open and engulf corpses, and or the mountains to bleed again, for the nth time. great lakes of tears of countless refugees on the move since times immemorial, repeatedly starting from scratch works shattered by merciless wars (toyi, 2014, p. 1). in the foregoing paragraph of the prologue of the novel, displacement as a result of civil and interstate wars in the great lakes region has been there since time immemorial. in so, saying it is true that there have been episodes of mass displacement refugees from burundi to areas nearer local, of course in wirodi and other countries. this corroborates ongayo's (2014) findings that since the 1972 around 100.000 people died in burundi and approximately 200.000 causalities and more than this number have been displaced internally or in places nearer local due to violent conflicts that have culminated to civil wars. similarly, an observation is made by takkunen (2017) who argues that burundi alone is estimated to have lost 1000 people and more than 8000 been exiled for political and security reasons and 300–800 been abducted. of a particular importance to these finding is displaced burundian bodies and their journey of leaving home represented as traumatic experience. in most cases, the journey of refugees to wirodi as of the narrative informs survival and escapism from violent conflicts and wars in their home country. similarly, displacement during the time of chaos and civil wars encompasses burden of killings and sufferings. throughout kigeme’s narrative, the author highlights the crisis of humanity as a result of displacement. importantly, while in the refuge in wirodi, refugees have no equal rights as wirodi journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) astelia mihayo & stanley elias 76 citizens. as for kigeme’s narrative, they had no options as their natal home has vomited them out by machetes and bullets and so they had to bear all the sufferings. alluding this particular case, toyi deploys trauma to describe characters’ journey of escapism from violent conflicts and civil wars in burundi as in the following instance; we slept at the gate of the office; there was no safer place for us. the next morning our number increased. margaret and her son clement joined us, claiming that they needed special protection. margaret was a tutsi and her son clement feared for the security of this brave woman who had taken a way just for the survival of her son (toyi, 2014, p. 67). in the foregoing paragraph, the author portrays that in most cases displacement had been for security reason yet it had encompassed crisis of human right at first place. in the paragraph, kigeme transports us to her previous past as she strives to circumvent, being deprived of her life and of her son, wache. in addition to kigeme’s narrative, the author introduces the representation of another narrative through which we can explore the trauma of women during violence and civil wars. margaret had evacuated to wirodi to secure her son who belonged to tutsi, the ‘most wanted’ group in burundi. according to mbonyingingo (2018), the tutsis minority had dominated the regime and the power in burundi. noting the indifference on the war that toyi narrates, mbonyingingo (2018) argues that the war was against tutsi and so they had to flee to wirodi. accordingly, the displacement from burundi to wirodi appears to be reminiscent of many war survivors’ memories including kigeme. again, through wache and kigeme the author represents the displacement to inform recurring memories that the characters try to circumvent. the images of being displaced as refugees is registered to refugees’ psyche as wounds as in the instance “i grew up with a wound, the wound of being a refugee. this wound bled as often as crises emerged” (toyi, 2014, p. 28). wache narrates the way the displacement has resulted to non-entity beings as mehni, omar, baizura, and bahar (2017) assert that being displaced and dislocated in many ways renders one with traumatised reduced identities. in the instance “our country had just vomited us out of its bosom, with machetes and bullets, and the hosts had nothing to love in those fugitives, all poor and hungry looking, with no car, no house, nothing” (toyi, 2014, p. 15). wache explicates on the way refugeeism has reduced their status to nonentity beings who survive under minimal human help both from wirodi and international organs responsible for refugees’ right. the memories of seeking for asylum remind wache times of displacement and crisis of humanity every time when crisis emerged. in similar way, in this instance, “herself an orphan refugee, she had seen her mother raped in the open and drowned in gidi river; her rich father also chopped into pieces and left to the mercy of vultures. by the time she finally succeed to sneak into wirodi, she was carrying in her frail body a double wound of rape and of unwanted pregnancy” (toyi, 2014, p. 5). more importantly, the fact that asylum seeking is traumatising cannot surpass the fact that the whole journey or process of displacement from burundi had incidents that displaced bodies which had to bear. as of the narrative, kigeme got pregnancy as she was fleeing to wirodi. these memories of being raped while rescuing her from civil wars have been registered in her psyche and so keep recurring as flashbacks and thoughts throughout her entire life. situated partly in the distant past, the author uses munuko story to interrogate the traumas and genealogy of displacement pertinent to burundian bodies. munuko was a burundian, a poor boy then, who fled the country in 1940’s after he had failed to pay colonial taxes. central to munuko’s story is trauma of displacement and plight of ruling regime in burundi. munuko had left home in 1940’s when a poor man who could not afford to pay thee heavy colonial taxes sought peace in a selfinflicted exile to anyone of the more tolerant neighbouring countries (toyi, 2014, p. 15). the leaving of home of munuko was not by his consents rather it was due to burdens of journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 77 poverty, which was caused by the colonial ruling regime. here the author provides an opportunity to imagine the genealogy of displacement that seems to have its genesis during colonial times. as of this narrative impositions resulted from the ruling regime set standards for someone to survive or else to seek for self-inflicted exile. on the other hand, munuko who had stayed in wirodi-fasita for some many years became the only hope for kigeme while in wirodi. meeting munuko meant to unchain herself from troubles of displacement and homelessness. munuko is symbolic of rare possibility where displaced bodies manage to ascend to prosperous and privileged position. though, at last kigeme who spends days in search of munuko becomes disillusioned later and opt back for refugeeism in mabanu camp. generally, marie therese toyi’s presents an opportunity to imagine her experience in burundi in form of collective war memories and identity crisis of the war survivors in foreign land. therefore, the reading of weep not refugee corroborates durrant (2012, p. 100) argument that: the novelist must turn himself into the ghost or spirit of his own past and offer himself, in the form of his work, as a collective memory) or more accurately, as the memory of a collective)that his readers must learn to survive or “subsist” on in lieu of a disappeared ancestry. following what durrant argues, marie therese toyi represents her past in form of collective memories from the intra-continental diaspora (nigeria) where she currently lives after fleeing her natal home, burundi, in 2000s. marie therese toyi abandons her natal home few years after twelve years of ethnic wars between hutu and tutsi. importantly, the angle that the author situates herself as a bearer and witness of the ethnic wars between hutus and tutsis as well as diasporic writer, enables her submission of critical representation of the collective trauma of powerless, and displaced bodies in exile in different host countries. according to tembo (2017), the writers writing at distant angle as diasporic or migrant portray among others subjectivities that would be difficult to write in their homelands. building on this foregoing argument, the author uses weep not, refugee as narrational voice and to highlight the vices and human right crisis of powerless, homeless, jobless, and stateless individuals during violence and in the time of displacement. conclusion marie therese toyi uses weep not refugee to explore the significant contribution of displacement to delineate and circumscribe burundian refugees with traumatised and reduced identities in wirodi. through redefinition of refugee’s status, the author metaphorically ascribes burundians with traumatised identities and the life in the margin while living in the areas of displacement. in most cases, the journey of leaving home and later their lives in wirodi of burundians is explicated to be surrounded by tragic experience and reduced identities that ascribe them to burden and non-entity beings. moreover, the author provides an opportunity for readers to explore displacement and its significant contribution to the constructions of cultural trauma among refugees. because of ethnic war which has led to displacement of burundians to other areas, burundians have to lose some cultural aspects and invent new ones for the sake of cultural adjustment in the foreign land they are hosted. of course, the author portrays negotiations of cultural identities of burundian refugees in wirodi and its aftermath of such negotiations that has resulted loss of their homeland cultural values and traditions. what is most important here, the author places displacement at the centre of misfortunes, tragic, and loss experiences that burundian refugees face the moment they evacuate their natal home. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) astelia mihayo & stanley elias 78 references brooking, trish. 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(2014). weep not, refugee. benin city-nigeris: good-book publications. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) daisy ariesta & emanuella christine natalia mau 50 conrad’s efficiency in an outpost of progress daisy ariesta & emanuella christine natalia mau & universitas kristen krida wacana, jakarta abstract this study aims at finding out conrad’s efficiency in an outpost of progress. the efficiency itself means the characteristic of being human which is found in conrad’s an outpost of progress that is directed on how white people should act. the main character of this story is analyzed using the theory of character the theory of author and voice is used to crosscheck the findings in theory of characters. these theories contribute to find out conrad’s voice in the story. this study finds out that conrad is emphasizing the importance of efficiency to white men. this study also supports achebe’s statement toward conrad being a racist. it is because conrad is proud of having the efficiency and is looking down at the other race. keywords: efficiency, joseph conrad, an outpost of progress introduction: marxism, social darwinism, and colonialism the breakthrough of capitalism in the 18th century made capitalism paradigm spread through the 19th century. it was originally started in britain as the first industrial society. by the mid 19th century, most people in britain started to make their living from mining or manufacturing industries as engines started to be improved (lambert, 2017). people in britain have been divided into classes and at this time the bourgeois (middle class people) increase in number. the capitalism was spreading widely because of the merchants. these merchants had begun their international trade through the world. the high demand from the market forced the owner of the production house to monopolize the employees’ wages and production fees in the upcoming time while pressing down the production fees as low as possible. because of this reason too, the rate of exploitation increased. britain was searching for raw materials. britain and the other european countries were lacking of self-sufficiency raw material, and other domestic raw materials were expensive. this matter was taken abroad to africa and asia, and the expedition started. product became a commodity for people. after some time the market was stagnant throughout the country. in order not to experience a big loss over money that could lead into bankruptcy, the merchants had to find a new available market. the thought of selling goods to other country emerged in this state. this became one of the reasons to colonize other countries, not only to get the materials, but also to fix the economy and spread the country’s production (scott, 2011; fulcher, 2004; wayne, 1981). the ideology of capitalism and marxism cannot be separated from colonialism. the idea of capitalism leads to the theory of marxism which both exist because of the market demands. domestic raw materials were expensive at that time so employees’ wages were pushed down to a minimum concerning the profit they would gain. because of this, marxism occurred. marxism is an ideology which stands for proletarians (working class people) in order to make the people, proletarians or the bourgeois, of a country get the equal wages and no one being journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 51 poor or struggle in term of economy (marx & engels, 1969). in other words, marxism wants the equality for a country’s people and the way to make this equality occurs is the citizen has to have the same wages based on their hard working, not because of the power of an individual has (lukacs, 1971). britain is a capitalist country. the reason behind the africa colonialism is because of the natural source that becomes a demand in the market. marxism is used to fight against the inequality that people get when the ideology of capitalism is used. the expedition abroad to africa and asia is not only supported by the market demands for the product which result in colonialism. this ideology is strengthened by the social darwinism. this theory of evolution was proposed by charles darwin and had become the underlying thought on human and race. later, the theory is called darwinism. this theory explains the natural selection that makes the weak species unable to survive against the fully developed species (prien, pitts, & kamery, 2003). this theory was proven by the beaks of the birds in galapagos island that changed it physiology because they were trying to survive and adapt in the different environment (lamichhaney et al., 2015). the term survival of the fittest was popularized by herbert spencer. this term was the reason for social darwinism to rise in the late 19th century. social darwinism is one of the traits of darwin’s theory of evolution though it used human as the subject. they believed that human was also competing in order to survive. this basic thought becomes the justice for the harsh social policies, not only in britain but also in other countries. british concluded that they were the fittest in the competition. their race was superior to the others so it was right for them to rule over the other nations and societies (lewis, 2016). many literary works talked about colonialism as the popular theme amongst society in the 18th century. colonialism itself is defined as a form of domination over another group or country and exploitation of the culture (ashcroft, griffiths, & helen, 2007; horvath, 1972). one of the famous authors in colonialism era is joseph conrad. some of his works that used colonialism as the theme are an outpost of progress and heart of darkness. the setting of an outpost of progress and is asia when britain was colonizing the countries there. ambiguities in interpreting joseph conrad’s implied messages in his works make them become distinctive (snoubar, 2017). although conrad tends to degrade the natives who are african and asian in his works, he also praises them. “… she was savage and superb, wild-eyed and magnificent; there was something ominous and stately in her deliberate progress. …” (conrad, 1899: 101). marlow describes an african woman as savage and superb. as defined by oxford advanced learner’s dictionary (2015: 1332), in general savage means “aggressive and violent” while the connotative meaning of it is “an offensive way to refer a group of people who are not well developed”. on the other hand, conrad also describes the woman as superb which is defined as “excellent or of very good quality” (hornby, 2015: 1518). the word savage obviously has a negative connotation while the word superb is positive. because of the way of his description, conrad is understood as a racist (snoubar, 2017). however, hawkins views conrad as a person who was against colonialism. in conrad’s critique of imperialism in heart of darkness (hawkins, 1979), hawkins says that conrad is actually supporting imperialism. hawkins interprets that conrad needs to make his works accepted by the european. in order to do so, conrad implicitly puts his message between the lines. summarizing the thoughts above, it can be concluded that conrad has his own standards of human which later is termed as “efficiency”. therefore, it is significant to explore and discover conrad’s efficiency in his work, an outpost of progress. this efficiency is mentioned and discussed in snoubar’s joseph conrad's heart of darkness: debunking the two basic imperial clichés. basically, this efficiency refers to the value of being human. this efficiency is supported by social darwinism which is emerged because of darwinism, a theory about evolution, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) daisy ariesta & emanuella christine natalia mau 52 proposed by charles darwin. for example, the bird’s beaks were changed in galapagos island as a response to environmental changes (lamichhaney et al., 2015). this theory is used and adapted by social darwinism, using human as the subject. the “survival of the fittest” phrase then occurred and was popularized by herbert spencer (prien et al., 2003). meanwhile, in kennedy’s conrad, efficiency, and the varieties of imperialism (2012), efficiency is the characteristic for being english. the meaning of efficiency in this study is the characteristic that the author, joseph conrad, wants people to have. this study is expected to give a better critical analysis and understanding towards the issue of inequality in the society. other than that, this paper also aims at clarifying any inequality issues triggered by races and beliefs. there is nothing such as the standard for people, as people have their own unique characteristics which are formed by their surrounding, their race, their belief, and other aspects. methodology the story was read and any possible data for conrad’s ideal efficient character in the form of dialogue, action, or description was taken and noted based on the theory of character, author, and voice (bennett & royle, 2016). the plot, the interplay between one and another, and the event that happen in the story were also considered as the data that supported the characters as they showed how the characters reacted to them. the next step was interpreting the voice of joseph conrad concerning the efficiency based on the three theories (character, voice, and author), using darwinism, social darwinism, and marxism as the ground theories which to slice up the story’s events at that time. finally, the conclusion was drawn and conrad’s value of efficiency was stated to answer the question. analysis an outpost of progress is a part of tales of unrest that includes other five short stories by joseph conrad, it was published in 1898. this short story focuses on three characters which are kayerts, carlier, and makola. the setting of the story is africa. an outpost of progress uses the third person point of view. the opening of the story directly mentions two white men: kayerts and carlier. there is no further description about them other than that kayerts is short and fat and he is the chief of the trading system; carlier is tall and has a large head and a very board trunk perched upon a long pair of his thin legs. makola, a black man, is described quite in details. conrad also tells about makola’s family, his wife and his three children. makola is said to be taciturn and impenetrable, despised the two white men, kayerts and carlier (conrad, 1896: 1). defined by oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, the word taciturn means tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly; while the first meaning of impenetrable is “that cannot be entered, passed through, or seen through”. however, the word impenetrable that is used to describe makola means ”impossible to understand”, as defined by oxford dictionary as the connotation. in the same paragraph, kayerts and carlier are also described as messy persons. near the station they are assigned to, there is a house that has three rooms, two for the white men and the other one for makola. the description of the white men’s rooms shows that kayerts and carlier are careless. there are many of their things scattered on the floor such as halfopen boxes, torn wearing clothes, and old boots. all of their belongings are dirty and conrad emphasizes that kayerts and carlier are round untidy men. once again, makola is said to be the opposite who is, as usual, quiet diligent. kayerts and carlier are assigned to be in charge of a trading station. as the director said while looking at kayerts and carlier from his deck: “look at those two imbeciles. they must be mad at home to send me such specimens. i told those fellows to plant a vegetable garden, build a new storehouses and fences, and construct a landing-stage. i bet nothing will be done! i always thought the journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 53 station on this river useless, and they just fit the station!” (conrad, 1896: 2) the director seems to have no choice other than letting the beginners to be in charge, with the word ‘beginners’ directed to kayerts and carlier. it can be concluded that kayerts and carlier are two useless men, the same as the useless station. they can do nothing except the easy and quite useless tasks. the white men are also touched by the director when the director says that the job is very promising and it is a favor from him to kayerts and carlier. it also means that they are kind of persons that can be easily manipulated. but it is, indeed, just a sweet word for kayerts and carlier, as at the first, the director keeps his eyes on them, but after some times, they are left unassisted in an unknown land. another description for kayerts and carlier which is directly stated is they are perfectly insignificant and incapable individuals. insignificant means not big or valuable enough to be considered important while incapable means not able to do something (hornby, 2015). these two adjectives emphasize the previous description about kayerts’ and carlier’s being useless. these descriptions about kayerts and carlier will later be a problem for themselves as there is a continuation after conrad describes those two white men as insignificant and incapable. …,whose existence is only rendered possible through the high organization of civilized crowds. few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings (conrad, 1896: 2-3). it can be interpreted from this description that although european countries are superior to the others (as they are civilized), they still have citizens like kayerts and carlier. these men think that they live in a comfortable world so that they live carelessly. the outstanding characteristics such as courage, composure, confidence, emotion and principles, belong to the society; not to the individuals. this dark country is a burden for him. “but the contact with pure unmitigated savagery, with primitive nature and primitive man, brings sudden profound trouble into the heart” (conrad, 1896: 3). they don not have any assistance; they only have each other. they are described as ‘useless’ as they walk hand in hand in the dark when passing the grave of the chief. as they are assigned to this dead chief, makola says that the previous chief died because of fever. as the chief, kayerts warns carlier not to be exposed under the sun because the climate in africa is quite extreme. being together makes them cherish each other. “we shall let life run easily here! just sit still and gather in the ivory those savages will bring. this country has its good point, after all!” (conrad, 1896: 3). these words show how ignorant and carefree life is for them. they even clean up their house to be habitable and pretty. kayerts and carlier are just unfit in the world that is full of struggle. but the two men got on well together in the fellowship of their stupidity and laziness. together did nothing, absolutely nothing, and enjoyed the sense of the idleness for which they were paid. … they lived like blind men in a large room, aware only of what came in contact with them, but unable to see the general aspect of things (conrad, 1896: 4). so many works they do, but none of them is necessary. until one day, visitors come. they are surprised by how these strangers speak incomprehensible language but it sounds like the speech of civilized men. they are easy to be pleased and this is one of kayerts and carlier’s weaknesses. they are amazed by a language, just because it is unknown. it seems that the visit from strangers delivers some senses to them. they start to feel uneasy in an unusual situation. kayerts and carlier intend to order makola to ask the strangers to go. makola agrees to send the strangers away but when it is asked by the white men, the black man feels strange. he seems to forget how to speak. kayerts and carlier, however, just think that makola is drunk. day by day, the white men start to realize that makola acts queerly. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) daisy ariesta & emanuella christine natalia mau 54 months have passed. the income of the ivory from kayerts and carlier’s station decreases. these two white men are not doing their job well. instead, they are busy taking care of the natives as if they were their children, something precious. it is described in the story that the natives are losing their splendid physique. they do a very little job and the white men have lost their control over the colored men. so, makola asks twice whether they want the ivory or not. kayerts and carlier want the ivory but they do nothing. until one day, an incident happens. makola is sly. he has been working at that station longer than kayerts and carlier. as the white men say they want the ivory, at the night after the conversation, makola sells his men to the strangers that has come previously in order to get the ivory. after knowing what makola does, kayerts and carlier are shocked. kayerts, who cannot suppress his feeling, shouts to and threatens makola that he will report it to the director. but makola’s anwer is surprising. “you are very red, mr. kayerts. if you are so irritable in the sun, you will get fever and die—like the first chief!” pronounced makola impressively (conrad, 1896: 12). from what makola has said, it seems that the death of the first chief is suspicious and is related to makola. the black man’s action creates hatred in the white men. at first, kayerts and carlier have a good relation with a tribe from the neighboring villages, but when they try to go to the tribe with a canoe, they receive shower of arrows. kayerts and carlier’s mind starts to corrupt. the uneasiness creeps into them. carlier gets sick and the sickness gets worse. nobody is there for them. they are left alone in that station. they start to blame everything. they even fight because of a simple matter. kayerts and carlier are sick of this country and its silence that is swallowing them. they are weak and desperate. in the end, kayerts kills carlier. they are anxious and paranoid. they do not think about others, their own life is the most important one now. due to his panic, kayerts shots carlier. makola, who witnesses the incident, calmly approaches kayerts who is still unstable. makola covers charlier’s death. carlier dies with his right-eye blown up, but makola says that carlier died because of fever. this refers to the cause of the former chief’s death. he died of fever.” kayerts looked at him with stony stare. “yes,” repeated makola, thoughtfully, stepping over the corpse, “i think he died of fever. bury him tomorrow (conrad, 1896: 19). after that incident, kayerts’ mind is full of thoughts. when the director finally comes to meet them, no one comes to greet. and when the director asks the people to find those useless white men, they can only find kayerts’ body. no one says whether kayerts purposely hanged himself or he died in an accident when climbing from carlier’s grave. it can observed that there are some highlight in conrad’s an outpost of progress. by showing kayerts and carlier’s behavior, he wants to tell the weaknesses that the white men usually have. eliminating these weaknesses will be a good thing to do. this weaknesses can be seen in kayerts and carlier. these two white men are careless. not only that, conrad described these two men as a burden, useless men. they did not have the sense of duty. the other weakness is their being dependent on others. conrad has emphasized that africa has given him burdens and he wants other white men to have the same empathy towards africa. conclusion for conrad, white men have a duty to do. this duty should be finished and solved. conrad sees and pities the uncivilized men. making them civilized is one of his justice. he does not want the white men to think that everything is okay because they are white or because their country is strong. a duty is a duty, and white men cannot stay still and live their life carelessly as they have a burden on their shoulders. it seems that conrad feels the duty to be an agent of change (for a better world) by promoting the efficiency in the characters. this duty is indirectly implied in heart of darkness. it is shown by kurtz who journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 55 only thinks about himself without considering the important task that is given to every white man. conrad is emphasizing the efficiency that he is proud of, and is looking down at the other values of the other races. it can be seen from the fate of each main character that has inefficient characteristic. death is the result of those who have insufficient quality. for conrad, the sense of duty is quality that every white man should know and hold, while efficiency is the complementary quality to fulfill the duty. he does not see colonialism as a bad practice. instead, he wants the white men to have the same sense of duty as he does in order to finish the duty of civilization. this statement justifies achebe’s statement that conrad is a racist throughout. the europeans believe that in order to survive in the world that is full of struggle, people should make some changes, like the beak of the birds in galapagos island. in this case, in order to survive, size dose matter. however, the recent research related to the human’s fossil, homo floresiensis in pleistocene cave at liang bua, flores, indonesia, finds out that this homo floresiensis has a smaller body within chimpanzee range, which is different from the other homos. homo floresiensis is found with the complete set of tools such as weapons and other utensils for eating, which is as complete as the previous homo (gagan et al., 2015; brown & maeda, 2009). it can concluded that becoming bigger is not the indicator of being more civilized or more intelligent. references ashcroft, b., griffiths, g., & helen, t. postcolonial studies: the key concepts. 2nd edition. new york: routledge, 2007. bennett, a., & royle, n. an introduction to literature, criticism, and theory. 5th edition. new york: routledge, 2016. brown, p., & maeda, t. liang bua homo floresiensis mandibles and mandibular teeth: a contribution to the comparatie orphology of a new hominin species. journal of human evolution. 2009, pp. 571–596. conrad, j. an outpost of progress. gutenberg, 1896. conrad, j. heart of darkness. university of virginia, 1899. fulcher, j. capitalism: a very short introduction. new york: oxford university press, 2004. gagan, m. k., ayliffe, l. k., smith, g. k., hellstrom, j. c., gagan, h. s., drysdale, r. n., … djubiantono, t. geoaechaeological finds below liang bua (flores, indonesia): a split-level cave system for homo floresiensis? paleogeography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology. 2015, pp. 533–550. hawkins, h. conrad’s critique of imperialism in heart of darkness. pmla. 1979, pp. 286–299. hornby, a. s. oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current english. 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eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 212 the context of languages and pedagogical aspects in teen lit novels cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni & faculty of language, institut keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan (ikip) siliwangi abstract teen-lit is one of the teenage novel genres. teen-lit comes from the word teen and lit which means literature or written works. teenlit novel means written works made by teenager telling stories revolved in teenagers’ life. this research aims at knowing how many and what types of code mixing are found inside the novel, along with the pedagogic aspects in it. the subjects of the research are chick-lit teenlit genre entitled aviredie by alline, grow up! by sucia ramadhani, pertama kalinya! by sitta karina and oppa and i by orizuka and lia indra; and lad-lit teen lit genre entitled hidden agenda by jacob julian, marmut merah jambu by raditya dika, school of chemistry by al dhimas. the research method is qualitative method. the research results show that teen-lit mostly use more of outer code mixing in english as their speech rather than inner code mixing in their mother tongue (indonesia), and mostly contains of social, cultural and moral paedagogic aspects. educators especially english teacher can use this teen lit novels as one of the teaching materials. keywords : pedagogical aspects, teen-lit introduction teen lit or teen literature has been famous genre since the 2000s. the first teen lit novel that came out in the early 2000s was the novel dealova which sold 10,000 copies. because of this light-hearted and sometimes hedonic tales, there has been many clashes between the readers and observers. although teen-lit and chick-lit is not only read by teenage readers, many literary observers say that teen-lit is a low literary and weightless work (, 2016.) in teen-lit mixtures of word codes between indonesian and english are observed. this is meant to fit the context of the adolescent language. teen-lit content that is closely related to adolescent life can be useful as a teaching material in the classroom and introducing adolescents to life. through the fabrication of the existing story, the readers (teenagers) are introduced to various problems and how the characters in the story try to overcome them. indirectly adolescents will recognize various adolescent problems as well as learn how to cope with them. in fact, in the teenage novels there are many inspiring things that can motivate the readers. the aims of this research are to know the number and type of mixed word codes in teenlit novels. the objects of this research are teen lit novels. the research analyzes english sentences in the novels based on suwito’s theory (1985); educational values in the novels (andika, 2010) which include religious, moral, social, and cultural values. conceptual framework code mixing according to nababan (1986: 32) mixed languages are mixing two or more languages journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 213 in a language act (speech act or discourse) without anything in the language situation that requires mixing the language. in such circumstances, only the relaxation of the speakers and or habits is obeyed. based on these statements it can be stated that the mixing of languages is not influenced by the language situation. this is not in line with the concept of mixed codes that exist in kbbi that have been put forward. based on nababan's concept of mixed code, the speech situation does not play an important role in influencing mixed speech. it is precisely the casualties and habits that determine or influence a person in mixing code. auzar and hermandra (2006: 49) make it clear that mixed codes are an activity of mixing two or more languages in a language action. based on several concepts concerning language intervention can be expressed as a mixture of code is the use or use of two or more languages in certain situations. the use of two or more languages can be the form of words, phrases, clauses, phrases, and idioms. the use of such things aims to create a style for a speech. the style or method used is associated with a mixed code, and limits the code's mixed form to the situation and no longer occupies its own functions. type of code mixing according to suwito (1985) if there are two or more languages used interchangeably by the same speaker there will be contact language, so that there is a mixture of code and transfer the code. in such conditions, then there is the event of mutual contact between the language with one language (language contacts) in communication events. code transfer and code mix are always attached to everyday life, especially in conversation with others. by its nature, the transfer of code can be classified into two types namely, the internal code transfer and the transfer of external code. internal code switching is a transfer of code that occurs between regional languages in a single national language, such as javanese and madurese. the external code change is a code transfer that occurs between the original language with a foreign language, for example indonesian with english. the example of inner code mixing is “gua akan muterin lagunya jason mraz”; while the example of outer code mixing is “all right next insan muda.” teen lit etymologically, teen lit is an acronym of two english words, teenager and literature referring to this understanding, teen lit can be interpreted as a segmented reading of adolescents (teenagers) that lifts adolescent life. talking about teen lit certainly cannot be separated from chick lit. chick lit is directed at the market of adult girls 17-26 years, while teen lit is for women who are younger, as old as junior-high school students (, 2005). it is not difficult to recognize them, because there is always a label on the book cover: "teenlit" or "chicklit." in indonesia alone, the teen lit does not arise suddenly. at the end of 1986 the adolescent novel, catch me you kujitak by hilman hariwijaya. this teenage novel tells a teenage boy of high school (named lupus). it was published in december 1986 by pt. gramedia. as many as 5,000 copies were sold in less than one week, and within two months it sold more than 22,500 copies ( the form of teen lit was already known in indonesia, even earlier than the united states. however, at that time it was not yet called teen lit. genres in popular teen lit are chick lit (which tells about the life of young women), and lad lit (which tells about the life of the male youth). educational values the values of education in the novel are as follows (andika, 2010): a. the value of religious education. religion is a consciousness that implicates deeply in the depths of the human heart as human nature. b. the value of moral education. moral is something conveyed by the author to the reader and is the meaning contained in the literary work. c. the value of social education. the word social means matters concerning the public / public interest. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 214 social value is a wisdom that can be derived from social behavior and social life. d. the value of cultural education. cultural values according to rosyadi (1995: 74) is something that is considered good and valuable by a group of people or tribes that would not necessarily be viewed good by other people or ethnic groups because the cultural values limit and provide characteristics to the community and culture . research method this research is done by using qualitative approach. therefore, the results are presented in the form of description of data that have been limited by the formulation of problems and research objectives. the authors chose a qualitative descriptive approach because this study is intended to describe aspects of language as well as education from teen lit novels (the objects of research). the objects of the research are: chick lit: 1. alired "aviredie" by mizan 2. grow up! by sucia ramadhani (mizan publication) 3. first time! by sitta karina et al (gramedi pustaka utama) 4. oppa and i by orizuka and lia indra (haru editions). lad lit: 1. hidden agenda by jacob julian (bukune's publications) 2. pink marmot by raditya dika (media gagas publication) 3. school of chemistry by al dhimas (media gagas publication) results 1. chick-lit oppa and i park jae in and park jae kwon are twin sisters who live separately because their parents decided to split up. park jae in lives with his mother in jakarta while park jae kwon lives in korea with his father. after 5 years, both parents are together again and live in korea, but park jae in feels her family has changed so much that she withdraws and does not want to hang out with family and friends at her school. gradually park jae kwon's bubbly personality melts the hearts of her twin sisters, so they make up and become better sisters toward each other. table 1. utterances in oppa and i no data type 1 “eomma, please deh !” (page 6) outer code mixing 2 “..hanya untuk mengecek perkembangan amusement park di halyuwood” (page 18) outer code mixing 3 “sebuah karakter film animasi terkenal yang dijadikan landmark di halyuwood”(page 18) outer code mixing 4 “kenapa mood jae in bisa tiba-tiba berubah seperti ini?”(page 20) outer code mixing 5 “mengikuti camping di sekolah”(page 21) outer code mixing 6 “kalau saja ayahnya bukan workaholic”(page 22) outer code mixing 7 “jae in sekarang berada di atap yang bisa digunakan sebagai lapangan basket outdoor”(page 34) outer code mixing 8 “melihat jae kwon menyambut high-five dari para gadis yang berteriak girang”(page 35) outer code mixing 9 “eomma tidak tahu anak lakilaki eomma sebegini kerennya”(page 36) inner code mixing 10 “ketua kelas sepertinya tidak cocok mendengarkan lagu girlband apalagi sampai menari seperti tadi”(page 42) outer code mixing 11 “jae in menatap action figure itu selama beberapa saat”(page 45) outer code mixing 12 “tahun lalu ia ditolak mengikuti casting karena dianggap belum cukup umur”(page 49) outer code mixing 13 “ada pertandingan yang masih harus ia kejar, setidaknya sampai ia berani outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 215 membuang image yang selama ini ia jaga”(page 52) 14 “kau tampak seperti zombie” (page 63) outer code mixing 15 “mereka mengadakan pertunjukkan berdasarkan feeling saja”(page 71) outer code mixing 2. chick-lit grow up! fanny and her friends in the "magazine school" were busy preparing new editions for publication. but before the deadline, it turned out there was someone who stole the articles they were working on. after further investigation, they finally found out that the culprit was fanisa, a girl who envied the "magazine school”. they finally forgave each other and "magazine school" club struggled to follow the national school magazine competition. with various struggles and support from parents and teachers at school, this "magazine school" finally won the competition and came out as the first winner. table 2. utterances in grow up! no data type 1 “aku mau nyelesain pekerjaan, soalnya kemarin pulang malam”(page 12) inner code mixing 2 “entar deh”(page 12) inner code mixing 3 “feeling aku sudah dikumpulkan kemarin”(page 13) outer code mixing 4 “ih dia mah telmi!”(page 14) inner code mixing 5 “mungkin kebuang sama mang ujang”(page 15) inner code mixing 6 “walaupun dikasih pr ips banyak banget”(page 16) inner code mixing 7 “ada dua anak laki-laki asyik makan mie ayam sambil ketawa ngakak”(page 16) inner code mixing 8 “kebetulan gua mau ngomong sesuatu”(page 16) inner code mixing 9 “what? oh nooo !” (page 17) outer code mixing 10 “sini deh pada deket”(page 18) inner code mixing 11 “tuh kan bener!”(page 17) inner code mixing 12 “kami enggak bakal menyerah begitu aja”(page 18) inner code mixing 13 “hakikal yang tadinya nenukuju semangat full, kini semangatnya turun drastis”(page 19) outer code mixing 14 “calwa hanya berkata enggak jelas”(page 19) inner code mixing 15 “ya ampun lagi ngapain kalian?”(page 20) inner code mixing 16 “aku senang dengan suasana akrab, gokil dan tentunya kompak” (page 21) inner code mixing 17 “banyak teman sekolah yang nge-fan sama kakak”(page 26) outer code mixing 18 “tau enggak siapa pelakunya?”(page 28) inner code mixing 19 “memakai topi dengan tulisan so bad”(page 29) outer code mixing 20 “mana mungkin fanisa pake gelang”(page 32) inner code mixing 21 “ngarang lo”(page 34) inner code mixing 22 “tega banget!”(page 35) inner code mixing 23 “enggak mungkin shany, dia kan baik banget!”(page 36) inner code mixing 24 “tulisan apa? kita lihat kemaren nggak ada tulisan. ngaco kamu”.(page37) inner code mixing 25 “kamu lebih mihak fanisa daripada kita?”(page 40) inner code mixing 26 “kamu masuk lewat belakang alias nyogok!”(page 41) inner code mixing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 216 27 “dia mendapatkan kunci ketiga yang di-copy dari kunci mang ujang”.(page 42) outer code mixing 28 “awas tuh anak kalau ketemu lagi gua jadiin perkedel!”(page 45) inner code mixing 29 “kenapa tuhan ciptain orang kayak gitu?”(page 46) inner code mixing 30 “alunan lagu dari handphone membuatku melupakan waktu”(page 48) outer code mixing 31 “tadinya aku mau bareng kakak”(page 49) inner code mixing 32 “gua telat gara-gara tugas” (page 50) inner code mixing 33 “kami akan siapkan seperfect mungkin”(page 56) outer code mixing 34 “gua ganteng kan?”(page 58) inner code mixing 35 “setelah selesai mencoretcoret note, aku memikirkan sesuatu untuk lomba”(page 60) outer code mixing 36 “kita urusin lomba majalah”(page 62) inner code mixing 37 “biarin aja”(page 64) inner code mixing 38 “napa tuh si tarie?”(page 65) inner code mixing 39 “i tell one time yeah!”(page 67) outer code mixing 40 “ilmi menoleh kearah tongkrongan fanisa”(page 69) inner code mixing 41 “udah jangan diladenin anak kaya gitu mah”(page 70) inner code mixing 42 “tapi whatever lah itu urusan dia”(page 73) outer code mixing 43 “whatever lah”(page 78) outer code mixing 44 “please deh”(page 79) outer code mixing 45 “anak-anak lagi pada gokil”(page 79) inner code mixing 46 “buatlah se-perfect mungkin” (page 84) outer code mixing 47 “dinda mempunyai pekerjaan double”. (page 90) outer code mixing 48 “jangan kecapean” (page 98) inner code mixing 49 “peace kak !”(page 99) outer code mixing 50 “swear saya mau jadi pengurus”(page 103) outer code mixing 51 “otto hanya menganggukan kepala sambil mengangkat jempol dengan gaya sok cool”(page 110) outer code mixing 52 “ini refreshing terakhir kami”(page 111) outer code mixing 53 “deadlinenya satu hari lagi”(page 115) outer code mixing 54 “aku yang dicuekin jadi geram”(page 115) inner code mixing 55 “oh god,satu langkah lagi menuju kemenangan”(page 133) outer code mixing 56 “ternyata perjuanganku enggak sia-sia meski harus tiga hari dua malam ngedit ini itu”(page 133) outer code mixing 57 “ayahku seperti berteriak saat naik roller coaster saat mengetahui sekolah kami masuk tiga besar”(page 136) outer code mixing 58 “kamu enggak bakal bisa licik-licikin kami lagi”(page 137) inner code mixing 59 “mereka tidak bisa menahan tawa yang sudah full”(page 138) outer code mixing 60 “udahlah kita positive thinking aja !”(page 148) outer code mixing 61 “saking nervous sampai keringatan”(page 149) outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 217 62 “aku masih tidak percaya dengan miracle from god”(page153) outer code mixing 63 “semua itu perlu waktu dan kamipun begitu. grow up!”(page 177) outer code mixing 3. chick-lit what friends are for the story is about 6 girls named d'alexandra fransiska, verlyna ramos prestige, laura lavigne, ayra grace, clara angelina and beferly juliana who are friends and go to a boarding school called titania boarding secondary school and live life as students and try to be friendly with one another. table 3. utterances in “what friends are for” no data type 1 “terlahir sebagai british, dia selalu berglitter” (page 16) outer code mixing 2 “seorang new yorker, friendly” (page 16) outer code mixing 3 “hobinya mengoleksi sneakers dan boots berwarna warni sesuai trend” (page 17) outer code mixing 4 “memiliki jiwa adventure”(page 17) outer code mixing 5 “her lucky color is green” (page 17) outer code mixing 6 “she has lived in la-la land (los angeles) with her family except for now” (page 18) outer code mixing 7 “the pinky girl yang alergi kismis” (page 18) outer code mixing 8 “suara apa itu? ghost?” (page 21) outer code mixing 9 “lyna, what’s up?” (page 21) outer code mixing 10 “what? itu kamar kosong bekas gudang kan?” (page 21) outer code mixing 11 “entar kita lanjutin”(page 22) inner code mixing 12 “mereka berempat terlihat sangat menawan dan very beautiful!”. (page 24) outer code mixing 13 “kenapa kamu bisa dapat segitu?” (page 26) inner code mixing 14 “ternyata feeling lyna benar, suara tangisan bayi terdengar sangat jelas” (page 27) outer code mixing 15 “i don’t know. let get to her” (page 28) outer code mixing 16 “yes i know, she is mrs.flanisca. why?”(page 28) outer code mixing 17 “ooo…enggak apa-apa” (page 30) inner code mixing 18 “aku harus cepetan mandi”(page 32) inner code mixing 19 “tubuhku yang harum cologne jadi bau keringat” (page 35) outer code mixing 20 “tunggu sebentar,aku panggil sir pablo security kita” (page 36) outer code mixing 21 “student, pay attention please” (page 38) outer code mixing 22 “yes,miss.what’s up?” (page 38) outer code mixing 23 “entar aku nangis lagi” (page 40) inner code mixing 24 “kamu tadi pagi enggak mandi?” (page 40) inner code mixing 25 “waw, lavender. i like it, thanks !” (page 41) outer code mixing 26 “laura boring diam-diaman di pesawat”( page 43) outer code mixing 27 “it’s very easy ! the answer is jambu !” (page 44) outer code mixing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 218 28 “yes laura, are you ready?” (page 45) outer code mixing 29 “apaan sih kamu ini”(page 45) inner code mixing 30 “excuse me sir can you help me?”(page 46) outer code mixing 31 “salah satu tempat kunjungan yaitu loving care, so ?” (page 46) outer code mixing 32 “oh god, sungguh kasihan anak-anak ini”(page 47) outer code mixing 33 “by the way, stralet lahir tahun berapa?” (page 49) outer code mixing 34 “star berjanji nggak akan ngecewain mereka berdua” (page 49) inner code mixing 35 “seorang gadis yang terkenal manja dan sombong namun tetap friendly” (page 54) outer code mixing 36 “of course, now choose the clothes baby” (page 56) outer code mixing 37 “padahal aku pengin banget” (page 61) inner code mixing 38 “kalau enggak aku habisin” (page 61) inner code mixing 39 “aku sudah nawarin teh apel ke kamu” (page 62) inner code mixing 40 “aku enggak mau persahabatan kalian hancur gara-gara aku” (page 63) inner code mixing 41 “ih lucu banget!” (page 67) inner code mixing 42 “enggak bisa, dia sudah ada di tanganku” (page 68) inner code mixing 43 “merekan pun janji kelingking lalu ber high five” (page 70) outer code mixing 44 “aku udah enggak sabar nih” (page 72) inner code mixing 45 “please semalam aku bermimpi buruk” (page 79) outer code mixing 46 “teman-teman ayolah ngertiin aku !” (page 79) inner code mixing 47 “it’s not in la la land ! it’s real ! i don’t understand with you all” (page 80) outer code mixing 48 “ngapain enaknya?” (page 80) inner code mixing 49 “boring banget” (page 80) outer code mixing 50 “thanks ! i need you ! “ (page 86) outer code mixing 51 “bersihin tuh air matanya” (page 86) inner code mixing 52 “caranya gimana?” (page 88) inner code mixing 53 “mereka berdua langsung loncat dari springbed” (page 89) outer code mixing 54 “aku dapet yang pink” (page 90) inner code mixing 55 “by the way…” (page 90) outer code mixing 56 “please crank it up ! i love this song” (page 91) outer code mixing 57 “good noon mistress!” (page 93) outer code mixing 58 “kamu ini lari-lari mulu” (page 97) inner code mixing 59 “kita ini capek banget ngejar kamu dari tadi” (page 97) inner code mixing 60 “hanya boleh mengenakan lip glow atau ice lips” (page 98) outer code mixing 61 “best friends aku punya ide” (page 101) outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 219 62 “yummiee..lezatnya aneka jajanan ketika disantap dalam keadaan lapar” (page 106) outer code mixing 63 “aku masih berpikir omongan gadis itu” (page 107) inner code mixing 64 “for my besties, vas happenin?” (page 108) outer code mixing 65 “someone said that she was “out of existance” in new york” (page 108) outer code mixing 66 “i miss you so much ! i surear !” (page 108) outer code mixing 67 “please go back ! back to your ! (page 109) outer code mixing 68 “masalah itu serahin saja sama aku” (page 113) inner code mixing 69 “setelah itu i am back to titania!” (page 114) outer code mixing 70 “masa gitu aja takut?” (page 115) inner code mixing 71 “aku jamin hasilnya fantastic, brilliant dan yang pasti excellent” (page 117) outer code mixing 72 “aku belum jelasin” (page 118) inner code mixing 73 “kamu berhak mendapatkannya cause you’re an early bird” (page 122) outer code mixing 74 “kenapa kamu enggak nasihatin si ayra?” (page 124) inner code mixing 75 “enough is enough. just to the point” (page 132) outer code mixing 76 “if he’s dumb enough for walks away. so you have to be smart enough to let him goes” (page 133) outer code mixing 77 “you make me feel much better. i don’t have to give my tears for that dumb boy” (page 134) outer code mixing 78 “being single doesn’t mean you’re weak. it means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve” (page 134) outer code mixing 79 “i wanna go to an university in uk” (page 135) outer code mixing 80 “friends’ love are one in the different bodies” (page 135) outer code mixing 81 “you’re my best friends that i ever had” (page 136) outer code mixing 4. chick-lit pertama kalinya this novel has 8 short stories related to teenager's first experiences. there are stories about teenagers who always feel selfish and start learning to understand other people, stories about teenagers who study apprenticeship in fashion companies, and stories about teenagers who first held social events and other events. table 4. utterances in pertama kalinya no data type 1 “ia terkesan sok cool walau mulutnya berkomat-kamit cerewet”(page 10) outer code mixing 2 ‘my mom even sent me a friend recquest. that’s a doomsday!’(page 10) outer code mixing 3 “keluh bella yang termasuk dalam barisan miss popular”(page 10) outer code mixing 4 “nggak seperti di film-film, punya guardian angel ternyata nggak asyik”(page 11) outer code mixing 5 “untungnya miss farah guru kesenian mereka adalah seorang hippie”(page 12) outer code mixing 6 “jadinya mau gambar bebek jadinya kodok pun musa pasti dapat excuse dari miss farah’(page 13) outer code mixing 7 “jenar memang terkenal movie freak”(page 13) outer code mixing 8 “maybe you have to start behaving more nicely”(page 14) outer code mixing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 220 9 “it’s a fake start”. (page 14) outer code mixing 10 “save water, save the earth” (page 15) outer code mixing 11 “gua kan bukan geek”(page 16) outer code mixing 12 “eh tapi beneran lho...”(page 18) inner code mixing 13 “gua nggak mau denger apaapa lagi dari lo”(page 18) inner code mixing 14 “karena itu lo jadi ngebelain bella melulu?” (page 18) inner code mixing 15 “gua nggak mau ngeliat lo lagi” (page.19) inner code mixing 16 “joya is hotter than bella”(page.20) outer code mixing 17 “a true friend stabs you in the front”(page.20) outer code mixing 18 “gua nggak pernah suka hang out sama anakanak”(page.20) outer code mixing 19 “gua minta lu berhenti mencela bella bukan karena ngebelain bella” (page.21) inner code mixing 20 “nggak semua orang deplu ditugasin di luar negeri” (page.21) inner code mixing 21 “you silly”(page.22) outer code mixing 22 “gua pengen jadi kui yang lebih baik”(page.22) inner code mixing 23 “page pertama yang ia lakukan adalah memberitahu kedua orang tuanya yang superexcited’(page.24) outer code mixing 24 “selamat ya ! i am proud of you’(page.25) outer code mixing 25 “i think i want to stop this from happening, i want to cut it off!”(page.26) outer code mixing 26 “what do you think?” (page.27) outer code mixing 27 “anika dan yori sama-sama setuju pada kata-kata opposites attract”(page.28) outer code mixing 28 ‘i’ll miss you , you know. i’ll miss everything in here! the food, the atmosphere and especially the people” (page.28) outer code mixing 29 “and what anika? do you think i wont?’ (page.28) outer code mixing 30 “ia merasa begitu excited menerima kabar tersebut”(page.29) outer code mixing 31 “very,but i’m luckier”(page.30) outer code mixing 32 “come on. i am lucky to have you” (page.30) outer code mixing 33 ‘yori the honest, the heartwarming, the most understanding, the sweetest person”(page.31) outer code mixing 34 “you are so cheesy”(page.31) outer code mixing 35 “nah, i’m nuts” (page.31) outer code mixing 36 “mungkin terdengarnya cheesy what so ever” (page.32) outer code mixing 37 “all of a sudden, anika memanggil yori”(page.32) outer code mixing 39 “nik, i know you want it. this is what you have been wanting your whole life!’ (page.33) outer code mixing 40 “i’m proud of her” (page.33) outer code mixing 41 “nggak semua orang memperoleh kesempatan seperti kamu”(page.34) inner code mixing 42 “a few steps ahead and who nows what will happen next?” (page.34) outer code mixing 43 “i will be always be the same yori. i will chase you later” (page.34) outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 221 44 “lena, roommate dari rusia sudah tertidur pulas’ (page.34) outer code mixing 45 “aku paling kepikiran kalau kamu sakit”(page.35) inner code mixing 46 “menurut anika jauh dari cheesy” (page.36) outer code mixing 47 “anika tinggal bersama host mom yang super cool” (page.36) outer code mixing 48 “akan kuminta puppy yang jantan nanti”(page.38) outer code mixing 49 “seandainya badanku lebih kurus pasti aku lebih happy” (page.43) outer code mixing 50 “figur skinny itu” (page.43) outer code mixing 51 “aku yakin sekali iz punya rahasia khusus agar bisa tetap skinny kayak anorexic model”(page.44) outer code mixing 52 “sebagai cewekit girl selera makannya kuli abis!” (page.46) outer code mixing 53 “tahu anaknya terobsesi menjadi se-fabulous diane von furstenberg” (page.53) outer code mixing 54 “hey keyko, if you want to chase your dreams, you gotta do it now!” (page.55) outer code mixing 55 “dia akan bantu kamu,. understood?” (page.55) outer code mixing 56 “pardon? another personal assistant for me?” (page.55) outer code mixing 57 “good luck dear!” (page.55) outer code mixing 58 “ia tipe orang yang straight to the point” (page.56) outer code mixing 59 “wajah keyko yang gampang blushing pun langsung memerah seperti tomat matang” (page.57) outer code mixing 60 “which color would you spontaneously associate with love, vitality, passion and power?” (page.60) outer code mixing 61 “red is the color of love. it’s obvious isn’t it?” (page.60) outer code mixing 62 “we’re done” (page.61) outer code mixing 63 “dua karakter : warm and fiery” (page.62) outer code mixing 64 “please welcome a super fabulous girl. my partner!” (page.65) outer code mixing 65 “padapage aku kebelet ingin update status” (page.67) inner code mixing 66 “aku kepingin facebook-an” (page.71) inner code mixing 67 “kamu kerasan ndak disini?” (page.71) inner code mixing 68 “kamu pasti kepincut mas awan !” (page.72) inner code mixing 69 “mbak mikirin apa?”(page.78) inner code mixing 70 “rumor has it that l is no one without the shiny a” (page.82) outer code mixing 71 “nama lengkap livia juga so-so banget”(page.82) outer code mixing 72 “nggak berarti mereka harus jadi model wannabe ke sekolah kan?” (page.83) outer code mixing 73 “liv bertanggung jawab menyediakan minuman ringan sampai froyo”(page.84) outer code mixing 74 “trey emang cute” (page.85) outer code mixing 75 “ia memakai kacamata bingkai tebal yang membuatnya terlihat 100% nerdy” (page.86) outer code mixing 76 “dasar geek!” (page.87) outer code mixing 77 “back off geek!” (page.88) outer code mixing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 222 78 “you may be the queen bee but be careful with people you think as wannabes” (page.92) outer code mixing 79 “don’t waste my stupid time, liv” (page.95) outer code mixing 80 “backstabber brengsek!” (page.96) outer code mixing 81 “sekarang malah dikacangin abis-abisan” (page.96) inner code mixing 82 “this is a stupid fight i don’t even feel like winning at all” (page.96) outer code mixing 83 “ayumi nggak akan berubah. some people simply don’t” (page.97) outer code mixing 84 “a month passed by and l is happier as a band player than a cheerleader. she’s definitely a survivor. her life with a is a history” (page.98) outer code mixing 85 “here we go again” (page.101) outer code mixing 86 “living in a very fast lane” (page.111) outer code mixing 87 “tempat yang menurutku sangat commoner like” (page.111) outer code mixing 88 “she will definitely freak out” (page.112) outer code mixing 89 “blunt and rude as she always be, but the woman is still my mom” (page.112) outer code mixing 90 “kendra will look striking in chanel” (page.113) outer code mixing 91 “it’s too crowded here” (page.114) outer code mixing 92 “untungnya mamah masih sibuk jadi social butterfly” (page.114) outer code mixing 93 “jadi beritanya buzzing banget di seantero jakarta” (page.118) outer code mixing 94 “what the heck is happening here?” (page.119) outer code mixing 95 “i’m lost in her charm” (page.124) outer code mixing 96 “nggak usah maksain duduk di atas sama aku” (page.126) inner code mixing 97 “aku udah beliin kamu makanan” (page.129) inner code mixing 98 “everything is gonna be okay” (page.134) outer code mixing 99 “main ngibrit keluar kelas” (page.138) inner code mixing 100 “lupain semua diet kamu hari ini” (page.146) inner code mixing 101 “kamu bakal makan hati kalau jadian sama cowok freak kaya begitu” (page.147) outer code mixing 102 “forever will be my most favorite cousin!” (page.149) outer code mixing 103 “shoot ! damn ! “ (page.152) outer code mixing 104 “if only i could move to the afterlife, i wouldn’t be here moron” (page.153) outer code mixing 105 “sai dapat melihat kalau gadis ini sebenarnya super snob” (page.160) outer code mixing 5. lad lit hidden agenda sma budi bakti suffers from a shock after finding a report of financial irregularities in their osis funds. many extracurricular activities do not work well because the funds are frozen by schools. jana tries to investigate, to make the extra-curricular activities run smoothly as usual. table 5. utterances in hidden agenda no data type 1 “sudah kubilang on time” (page.2) outer code mixing 2 “jangan-jangan kau korban bullying di sekolah?” (page.6) outer code mixing 3 “nasib band di kota sangat sucks!” (page.7) outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 223 4 “mardian sosok yang tegas dan good looking” (page.13) outer code mixing 5 “lagian mana mungkin aku pacaran sama situ” (page.15) inner code mixing 6 “aku nggak perlu begituan” (page.15) inner code mixing 7 “aku masih sibuk nyusun laporan” (page.16) inner code mixing 8 “gaya pengajaran pak slamet sangat old school” (page.27) outer code mixing 9 “apaan sih?” (page.32) inner code mixing 10 “mending kita ke mardian yu” (page.42) inner code mixing 11 “katanya mau ngasih alat baru” (page.44) inner code mixing 12 “alex merupakan sosok bad boy di sekolah” (page.46) outer code mixing 13 “kamu ngagetin aja” (page.49) inner code mixing 14 “sudah dibilang datang on time” (page.55) outer code mixing 15 “setiap band harus punya leader” (page.60) outer code mixing 16 “tumben baru nongol” (page.68) inner code mixing 17 “seminar entrepreneur sedang digodok” (page.69) outer code mixing 18 “kamu ternyata kurang update juga ya”(page.72) outer code mixing 19 “ngelamunin cowok disini?” (page.74) inner code mixing 20 “nanti aku kabari”(page.79) inner code mixing 21 “kapan kamu balikin duitku?”(page.81) inner code mixing 22 “karin tertawa garing” (page.85) inner code mixing 23 “diserahi uang sebegitu banyak”(page.86) inner code mixing 24 “lagian percaya kok” (page.99) inner code mixing 25 “aku maafin” (page.103) inner code mixing 26 “kalau ngomongin pekerjaan jangan sama aku”(page.106) inner code mixing 27 “prestise yang didapat pasti beda”(page.107) outer code mixing 28 “semoga saja mereka mau ngeluarin uang segini banyak” (page.109) inner code mixing 29 “biar dia jadi buzzer music kita kelak”(page.196) outer code mixing 6. lad lit marmut merah jambu raditya dika, better known as dika, tells various forms of love story from the simplest love story when he was elementary school to the most pure love story between family members. table 6. utterances in marmut merah jambu no data type 1 “aldi memang dongo”(page.1) inner code mixing 2 “what’s up baby?” (page.2) outer code mixing 3 “tante-tante desperate” (page.3) outer code mixing 4 “aldi secara tidak sengaja bertemu face to face dengan widya” (page.3) outer code mixing 5 “besoknya gua ikutan bikin”(page.5) inner code mixing 6 “mungkin nobita kena aids nggak bakalan dapetin lulu tobing” (page.6) inner code mixing 7 “who are you?” (page.6) outer code mixing 8 “emangnya belom pernah dengar suaranya?”(page.8) inner code mixing 9 “gua pengin widya tahu apa yang gua rasain” (page.9) inner code mixing 10 “seandainya aldi dulu dengerin kata-kata dika”(page.10) inner code mixing 11 “gua bukanlah fashionista” (page.13) outer code mixing 12 “wah kata nyokap gua ketika ngeliatin di garasi”(page.17) inner code mixing 13 “keinginan terbesar adalah pengin punya grup detektif” (page.17) inner code mixing 14 “ditakutin penjahat” (page.19) inner code mixing 15 “kesimpulan : kita cemen” (page.22) inner code mixing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 224 16 “gua pengin ikutan” (page.24) inner code mixing 17 “cupu abis” (page.26) inner code mixing 18 “biar keliatan keren” (page.28) inner code mixing 19 “sok cool” (page.29) outer code mixing 20 “tinggalin aja suratnya” (page.30) inner code mixing 21 “gua punya banyak option disini” (page.30) outer code mixing 22 “kenapa goceng?” (page.31) inner code mixing 23 “gua gambling dan berusaha menggertak” (page.36) outer code mixing 24 “yeah right” (page.38) outer code mixing 25 “well seandainya ada bayu disini” (page.40) outer code mixing 26 “dia juga sering diledekin” (page.42) inner code mixing 27 “lalu it hits me” (page 45) outer code mixing 28 “nyokap jadi semakin parno” (page.46) inner code mixing 29 “kamu perhatiin dong adik kamu” (page.46) inner code mixing 30 “jadi sharing pengalaman” (page.49) outer code mixing 31 “gua gak bisa nemenin di rumah sakit” (page.51) inner code mixing 32 “jawabnya dengan kesotoyan tingkat tinggi” (page.54) inner code mixing 33 “nggak ada tontonan yang membuat excited” (page.61) outer code mixing 34 “i have nothing to do today. wanna go out?”(page.61) outer code mixing 35 “pathetic nggak?” (page.72) outer code mixing 36 “ina adalah anak yang sangat sophisticated” (page.73) outer code mixing 37 “gua lagi having good time sama ina” (page.74) outer code mixing 39 “light pollution” (page.78) outer code mixing 40 “i’m gonna use that joke in my next book” (page.85) outer code mixing 41 “gimana caranya lo bisa ngerasain apa-apa lagi?” (page.87) inner code mixing 42 “by the way, terima kasih” (page.89) outer code mixing 43 “mereka punya nama untuk itu : unrequited love” (page.91) outer code mixing 44 “nothing takes out the flavor of a peanut butter than an unrequited love” (page.92) outer code mixing 45 “kalau sudah naksir, kita nembak si cewek” (page.99) inner code mixing 46 “dengan word of mouth dan promosi yang bagus” (page.113) outer code mixing 47 “pertama brainstorming dulu” (page.117) outer code mixing 48 “dia actually benar-benar menginginkan” (page.120) outer code mixing 49 “selama proses development, cerita ini dikembangkan” (page.123) outer code mixing 50 “i stayed home with my lovely” (page.126) outer code mixing 51 “too much information” (page.127) outer code mixing 52 “i love my girl so much” (page.127) outer code mixing 53 “dogs are more faithful and friendly, that’s why i love my lovely” (page.128) outer code mixing 54 “filmnya gak believable” (page.134) outer code mixing 55 “on the way kesana”(page.147) outer code mixing 56 “i love time warping” (page.148) outer code mixing 57 “that’s a good idea” (page.149) outer code mixing 58 “saling ngegebukin satu sama lain” (page.151) inner code mixing 59 “how do you get in? don’t worry about me” (page.152) outer code mixing 60 “suasana malam menjadi cozy” (page.159) outer code mixing 61 “gua menulis buku ini ditemenin alfa” (page.165) inner code mixing 62 “aku pup di tas empat kali” (page.179) outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 225 63 “ini perfect banget” (page.184) outer code mixing 64 “dia minta ketemuan” (page.188) inner code mixing 65 “wah makasih!” (page.204) inner code mixing 66 “enggak pernah janjian jam 6 pagi” (page.209) inner code mixing 67 “aku pengin kita begini terus” (page. 216) inner code mixing 68 “loncat dari satu relationship ke yang lain”(page.218) outer code mixing 7. lad lit school chemistry marsha is a sister who is in the shadow of her brilliant alisha sister. alisha is clever in all areas except chemistry. it causes marsha to struggle hard to study chemistry. with her four best friends at school, she struggles to get into the chemistry team and befriends all students at school. table 7. utterances in school chemisty no data type 1 “aku nggak pernah senervous ini. gawd !” (page.2) outer code mixing 2 “sorry to say sudah persiapan mental” (page.2) outer code mixing 3 “i have to pee !” (page.3) outer code mixing 4 “this is it ! i have to fight now !” (page.3) outer code mixing 5 “this is exhausting” (page.6) outer code mixing 6 “i’m just a plain vanilla”(page.6) outer code mixing 7 “sounds weird?” (page.6) outer code mixing 8 “speak of the devil” (page.8) outer code mixing 9 “let’s face the reality,this is high school” (page.8) outer code mixing 10 “i’ll tell the world” (page.8) outer code mixing 11 “see you in the class” (page.9) outer code mixing 12 “ridicilously rich and ridiculously genius” (page.9) outer code mixing 13 “let’s have fun” (page.11) outer code mixing 14 “have fun nggak mesti tipsy” (page.11) outer code mixing 15 “membentuk karakter survivor di dirinya” (page.12) outer code mixing 16 “he’s just not my type” (page.13) outer code mixing 17 “those are my girls” (page.14) outer code mixing 18 “shining dengan charm bracelet” (page.18) outer code mixing 19 “why don’t you slap her?” (page.19) outer code mixing 20 “at least you do something” (page.19) outer code mixing 21 “i’ll take in my own laundry” (page.19) outer code mixing 22 “no boys allowed!” (page.21) outer code mixing 23 “time flies best friend” (page.22) outer code mixing 24 “tantri and her fashion knowledge” (page.22) outer code mixing 25 “smart and sophisticated” (page.23) outer code mixing 26 “murid yang pintar identik dengan geek dan nerdy” (page.23) outer code mixing 27 “can’t hardly wait, gals” (page.24) outer code mixing 28 “it’s her time to fix it up” (page.25) outer code mixing 29 “tinggi dan tampangnya average” (page.26) outer code mixing 30 “kalian tidak dapat privilege?” (page.29) outer code mixing 31 “what a bitch!” (page.31) outer code mixing 32 “there’s no problem, i am fine” (page.38) outer code mixing 33 “i’m not a fan of chemistry” (page.39) outer code mixing 34 “are you okay with this?” (page.40) outer code mixing 35 “are you in?” (page.41) outer code mixing 36 “is it a joke?” (page.42) outer code mixing 37 “gross” (page.42) outer code mixing 39 “hot babes” (page.43) outer code mixing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 226 40 “this is for my girls and all the outsiders” (page.44) outer code mixing 41 “kok kamu nge-judge?” (page.47) outer code mixing 42 “boyfriends come and go but bestfriend stay forever” (page.48) outer code mixing 43 “i am so proud of you” (page.48) outer code mixing 44 “this is for fun only” (page.49) outer code mixing 45 “ada yang lebih ridiculous dari ini?” (page.49) outer code mixing 46 “gawd ! she’s really something” (page.50) outer code mixing 47 “hottest jock of the year” (page.51) outer code mixing 48 “you’re so greedy” (page.52) outer code mixing 49 “my boy next door” (page.53) outer code mixing 50 “this is competition” (page.55) outer code mixing 51 “don’t push me too hard” (page.57) outer code mixing 52 “no pain no gain” (page.61) outer code mixing 53 “oh please don’t ask me” (page.62) outer code mixing 54 “pinky swear !” (page.62) outer code mixing 55 “i told ya, feeling terbukti” (page.68) outer code mixing 56 “you’re the best” (page.71) outer code mixing 57 “this guy can’t hide his feelings” (page.72) outer code mixing 58 “i know you love them so much” (page.76) outer code mixing 59 “i’ll wait for you” (page.77) outer code mixing 60 “i love being here” (page.79) outer code mixing 61 “this is my favorite place” (page.80) outer code mixing 62 “this must be my lucky day ! “ (page.83) outer code mixing 63 “what a waste” (page.85) outer code mixing 64 “i name it beautiful loneliness” (page.91) outer code mixing 65 “case closed, that’s it?” (page.94) outer code mixing 66 “this is weird” (page.96) outer code mixing 67 “i’ll be the curly black haired rapunzel” (page.102) outer code mixing 68 “miss know it all !” (page.110) outer code mixing 69 “it gives me such a headache!” (page.113) outer code mixing 70 “you’re not the queen bee” (page.114) outer code mixing 71 “i’ve dropped the bomb” (page.114) outer code mixing 72 “wow it’s so simple” (page.124) outer code mixing 73 “what a hard day” (page.127) outer code mixing 74 “you’re totally alone and lonely” (page.128) outer code mixing 75 “i’ll be very quiet” (page.131) outer code mixing 76 “this is the day” (page.141) outer code mixing 77 “rumor spreads like flower seeds” (page.142) outer code mixing 78 “we’re still best friends” (page.143) outer code mixing 79 “no one can bite my tail” (page.144) outer code mixing 80 “kami menjadi frenemy” (page.146) outer code mixing 81 “this is my turn” (page.152) outer code mixing 82 “it’s awkward” (page.153) outer code mixing 83 “roro menghentikan frozen moment kami” (page.154) outer code mixing 84 “she’s always be a nice teacher for me” (page.156) outer code mixing 85 “do you feel lucky today?” (page.163) outer code mixing 86 “depends on you” (page.166) outer code mixing 87 “i can’t describe what i’m feeling right now” (page.172) outer code mixing 88 “setuju dengan konsep charity” (page.173) outer code mixing 89 “it can be called a social suicide. but i shouldn’t give a shit of what people are saying” (page.174) outer code mixing journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 227 90 “for heaven’s sake” (page 175) outer code mixing 91 “i’ve made a stupid mistake” (page.176) outer code mixing 92 “she wants to be like me” (page.176) outer code mixing 93 “you look so adorable !” (page.178) outer code mixing 94 “i owe her big time” (page.178) outer code mixing 95 “dia punya pride yang sangat tinggi” (page.179) outer code mixing 96 “i’m not happy with the situation” (page.180) outer code mixing 97 “he’s a jerk !” (page.183) outer code mixing 98 “that’s why i love him” (page.185) outer code mixing 99 “thanks for saving me” (page.186) outer code mixing 100 “you have too much control. it’s gonna ruin it all” (page.187) outer code mixing 101 “no matter what we’d be stick together” (page.189) outer code mixing 102 “bite one for good luck” (page.203) outer code mixing 103 “wish me luck !” (page.205) outer code mixing conclusion the following are the findings of the research: no title language pedagogist educational values 1 “oppa and i” 14 outer code mixing & 1 inner code mixing moral, social and culture contains many elements of korean culture and language. suitable for teenagers who love korean culture. but the element of english is not much found. 2 “grow up!” 29 outer code mixing & 34 inner code mixing religious, moral, social and culture in terms of story and pedagogical aspects, good enough. many told about the process of making school magazines. 3 “what friends are for” 53 outer code mixing & 28 inner code mixing social, culture and moral contains enough elements of english as well as western culture. many of his english phrases are incorrect, and contain elements of materialism. 4 “pertama kalinya!” 81 outer code mixing & 24 inner code mixing social, culture and moral the elements of english that are found very much with various aspects of the story. 5 “hidden agenda” 12 outer code mixing & 17 inner code mixing social and moral can be used as teaching materials drug abuse. 6 “marmut merah jambu” 35 outer code mixing & 33 inner code mixing moral, religious, social and culture has a whole component of pedagogical aspects. english element is not too much found, but the story with comedy genre is quite entertaining. 7 “school chemistry” 103 outer code mixing moral, social and culture contains the most english element. teen-lit generally has a fairly good story and can be used as a guide in learning english phrases, depending on the genre, type and story written. the novel might be based on korean theme, everyday life of teenagers in general, or other fiction theme. as an adjunct material for translating the english language expression, teen-lit can be used as teaching journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 cynantia rachmijati & anita anggraeni 228 material to be translated into our mother language. and as a companion for literary courses, teen-lit novels consist of various forms and types of stories that can be analyzed both in terms of language, intrinsic elements, and moral messages so that the pedagogical aspects contained in the story can be a source for discussion in the learning activities . references alwi, hasan dkk. kamus besar bahasa indonesia. jakarta: balai pustaka, 2005. andika,nugroho. analisis nilai-nilai pendidikan novel sang pemimpi. universitas sebelas maret, 2010. anonim. teen lit serial ala sitta karrina, 2005. enlit-serial-ala-sitta-karina/.29 januari 2016 annida online. alumni kkpk melaju ke lini pinkberry. 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(skripsi). tidak dipublikasikan. semarang: fakultas sastra universitas diponegoro, 2007. nababan, pwj. sosiolinguistik: suatu pengantar. jakarta: pt. gramedia, 1986. rohmani,siti. analisis alih kode dan campur kode pada novel negeri 5 menara karya ahmad fuadi.surakarta. basastra jurnal penelitian bahasa, sastra indonesia dan pengajarannya. volume 2 no 1 april 2013 issn 12302-6405, 2013. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani bullfighting and masculinity in jorge gutierrez’s the book of life leendert farrel saimima & sri mulyani universitas sanata dharma, yogyakarta abstract this study is conducted to analyse the masculinity in jorge gutierrez’s the book of life. the study is also conducted to discuss the variety of masculine characteristics within the book of life. the film takes place in a little mexican town called san angel where the protagonist, manolo sanchez, must choose between his family heritage to become the next sanchez bullfighter or to become himself in his own image. the main objectives of this study are to explore the characters’ environmental structure, to distinguish the different characteristics of masculinity between them, and to relate masculinity with bullfighting in the book of life. this study uses gender and film approach. gender approach is used particularly on masculinity since it is the primary discussion in this thesis while film approach is used to aid the researcher to determine where the masculinity is shown in the book of life. the method of this research is conducted through film and script analysis. specific shots and lines from the script are analysed then discussed with the theories regarding masculinity and film. the result shows that manolo’s masculine characteristics predominantly lies on male sex role strain, homosexual masculinity, and imposed environment. meanwhile, joaquin and carlos shares the same masculine characteristics; they dominate the male sex role identity in all four themes and have the same hegemonic masculinity. though their environment is nothing alike, joaquin’s selected environment and carlos’s constructed environment proved to be more masculine than manolo. from these, the relations between the masculine characteristics particularly on pleck’s male sex role identity and bullfighting shows that the various mise-en-scène displays the facial expressions of manolo and carlos frequently on scenes where the activity of bullfighting occurred. the framing language is dominated between ms (medium shot) and ecu (extreme close-up) shot. lastly, the continuity editing in the book of life is more dominant in the 180o rule and shot/reverse shot. keywords: masculinity, gender study, film study introduction this study discusses masculinity in one of famous blood sports: bullfighting. bullfighting is a sport where men dare their life in an arena or corrida and put side-by-side with a bull. their job is to entertain the crowd for a limited amount of time. the peak of bullfighting is when the matadors or bullfighters stabbed the bull to its heart. it is a sport known for its precision kill. other than it is known for being a deadly form of entertainment, bullfighting is known for its male bullfighter. males are suited for this deadly profession since they are wellbuilt, brutal, and the proper model for continuing this practice from generation to generation. relating to men and bullfighting, this study discusses the relation between men regarding what masculinity is and how bullfighting is a part of it. the study is conducted because the book of life can be analysed using gender studies, particularly on masculinity. 82 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) masculinity is chosen due to the presence of diverse perception of what it means to be a man and what makes a man. through this diverse perception of masculinity as well, this study also discusses the different characteristics of masculinity that the characters have and how these characteristics are shown in the book of life. in order to create an appropriate data and results of the analysis, questions are prepared in this section. they are: (1) what are the masculine characteristics that manolo, joaquin, and carlos have; and, (2) how do the masculine characteristics particularly on pleck’s male sex role identity theory identify itself with bullfighting? masculinity theories the theories about man, masculinity, and environment are explained and mentioned in this section. obsessive competitiveness discusses how men competes between one another to confirm their masculinity while male sex role identity and sex role strain relates one another with hegemonic masculinity and homosexual masculinity in terms of how these men are qualified as “real man” or not. lastly, environmental structures describes the situation or environment that a person experienced in developing his masculinity. a. obsessive competitiveness obsessive competitiveness is a part of male stereotype that relates men on their masculinity on a basis of labour division and distinguishing sex roles, thus affecting in everything they do. for example, men hardly have time relating to children because of the inflexible nature of their masculine personalities. because of men’s perception of their personality, assuming superior, reasoned male logic, a child’s emotional needs seem frustrating, annoying and sport is the only way to build character. even as spectators, men vicariously identify with performing athletes in such a way as to strengthen their masculine identities through intelligent observation and by plotting counter-strategy (dubbert, 1979: 4). b. male sex role identity and sex role strain male sex role identity is a concept from joseph pleck that conform the idea of “real man”. to achieve “real man” state, there are four mandatory themes in order to acquire the state. the four themes are: i. no sissy stuff: the stigma of all stereotyped feminine characteristics and qualities, including openness and vulnerability. ii. the big wheel: success, status, and the need to be looked up to. iii. the sturdy oak: a manly air of toughness, confidence, and self reliance. iv. give ‘em hell: the aura of aggression, violence, and daring. pleck also propose male sex role strain, a concept that differentiates itself from male sex role identity. its occurrence exists as a result of men’s inability to achieve the “real man” state and questioned the desirability of male sex role identity (brannon, 1996: 170-172). c. hegemonic masculinity and homosexual masculinity hegemonic masculinity is the cultural dominant ideal of masculinity centred on authority, physical toughness and strength, heterosexuality and paid work placed on top. hegemonic masculinity is placed on top of the “gender hierarchy” structure for its characteristics. homosexual masculinity is a form that includes a range of masculine behaviour which does not fully match up to the macho ideals of hegemonic masculinity. homosexual masculinity is referred to as “subordinate masculinities” due to its unachievable feat in living up to the hegemonic masculinity standards (pilcher and whelehan, 2004: 83-84). d. environmental structures environmental structures is a part of social cognitive theory that is not a monolithic entity disembodied from personal agency. environmental structures are distinguished into three types; imposed environment, selected environment, and constructed 83 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani environment. an imposed environment is an environment where certain physical and sociostructural conditions are thrust upon people whether they like it or not and it is occurred that though they have little control over its presence, they also have leeway to respond and to react towards it. selected environment refers to the notion of potential environment that the people choose to have on their own terms. by choosing a selected set of environments, people have different paths towards development in society. constructed environment is an environment where people constructed social environments and institutional systems through generative efforts. a prime example of constructed environment is children’s symbolic play of role learning (bussey and bandura, 1999: 14-15). film theories this section includes mise-en-scène which explains how a scene or shot carry meanings through specific framing language within that shot and how the settings are made spatial, spacious, and sequential using continuity editing. a. mise-en-scène mise-en-scène is a term originated from the theatre and it refers to staging, or “putting on stage” (benyahia, 2006: 18). in film studies, mise-en-scène often has a vague meaning: it is either used in a very broad way to mean the filmed events together with the way those events are filmed, or it is used in a narrower sense (closer to its original theatrical meaning), to designate the filmed events (buckland, 1998: 8). another definition of mise-en-scène is the theatrical process of staging. it retains the theatrical overtones, meaning to “put into the scene” and designating all that encompassed by the frame (villarejo, 2007: 28). to make it into a comprehensible sentence, mise-enscène is a study of the relation between subject matter style (the relation between what and how). it may focus on the relation between how the cuts from shot to shot relate to the action and dialogue (elsaesser, 2002: 80). there are six elements in mise-en-scène such as setting (set and props), lighting, costume, hair, make-up, and figure behaviour (villarejo, 2007: 29). b. framing language framing language refers to the use of camera’s movement and angle to create a certain image within a frame. every placement of the camera can be analysed in terms of the distances between the camera and its object(s) (villarejo, 2007: 38). there are seven types of framing based on their distances. using the human body as reference point for each designation, they are: i. the extreme long shot, a framing that is taken far from its object(s). the human body is usually unrecognisable in this shot. ii. the long shot, a framing in which the human body is recognisable but small compared to the background. iii. the medium long shot, this shot is taken only from the knees up within a frame. iv. the medium shot, this shot goes all the way from the waist up within a frame. v. the medium close-up, a shot that moves a bit closer from the chest up of the human body. vi. the close-up, the shot that removes most of the human body and left nothing but the face. vii. the extreme close-up, this last shot puts only a mere part of the face such as an eye or the lips. for practical reason, all of the types are abbreviated later in the analysis as els, ls, mls, ms, mcu, cu, and ecu. c. continuity editing continuity editing is used to create a seamlessly continuous space between shots. this creates a sequence among the shots. a sequence will typically begin with a shot which establishes a location for the characters, before focusing upon one or more of them and their actions (butler, 2005: 24). shot/reverse shot, the 180o rule, and the 30o rule contributes to the continuity editing scheme. the 180o rule enables the viewer to maintain a sense of continuous space within a location is to avoid any shots that might apparently reverse the posture of the characters. this is achieved by imagining a line running across the set or 84 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) location, over which the camera cannot cross (butler, 2005: 26). setting/location the imaginary line camera a shot/reverse shot is where the camera focus upon a face, either head-on or to one side, and then to cut to either what they can see or to a shot peering over their shoulder (butler, 2005: 25). the 30o rule is used to ensure that there is a sufficient differences in shots. to maintain a continuous space, the camera is limited as to where its next shot can come from (butler, 2005: 27). the masculine characteristics of manolo, joaquin, and carlos 1. manolo’s masculinity manolo sanchez is the son of carlos sanchez and the last descendant of the sanchez bullfighters. in the book of life, manolo is expected to become the bullfighter his father wishes to be. however, this is against his will. manolo’s constant struggle to overcome his fear led him to construct his masculinity. manolo’s masculinity is developed through two characters; carlos sanchez and joaquin. carlos sanchez. well, fathers do what's best for their children. come along. mijo, i saw how you fought that beast. you made our ancestors proud. manolo. do you think maria was impressed? carlos sanchez. maria and every girl in town. people said i was the greatest bullfighter in our family's history... but it is you, my son, who will be the greatest sanchez ever! they will write songs about you! manolo. and i will sing them! carlos sanchez. wait, what? manolo. i will sing them. carlos sanchez. son, music is not work fit for a sanchez bullfighter. manolo. but i want to be a musician. carlos sanchez. no. you must focus. your training begins at once. your grandpa, luis, taught me when i was about your age. manolo. wait, isn't that when that bull put you in a coma? carlos sanchez. memories. my only son fighting angry, thousand pound beasts. the family tradition continues (gutierrez, 2014: 5). the conversation shows carlos’s disagreement with manolo’s decision. manolo places himself as the “subordinate” male due to his unachievable feat to live up the standard of the sanchez family name. at first, manolo’s decision to become a musician is purely from his own thought from the start. in the book of life, the town of san angel has only one bullfighting family; the sanchez. by becoming the only bullfighting family, carlos sees manolo as the next heir of the sanchez bullfighter and the arena where his family performs their deadly fiesta. from the beginning, manolo has his own interest to play guitar and to sing for maria. the opening of the book of life starts with scenes manolo, joaquin, and maria at their young age playing together and creating havoc in the town hall. manolo and joaquin save the day by joining forces to clean up their mess. one particular mess that they did was releasing a horde of hogs and marching them towards the town hall where general posada, maria’s father, is there to recruit men to protect the city from chakal, the bandit king. this part of mess is taken care by manolo mostly. he grabs a red scarf and taunts the massive hog that is in the middle of the hall. his execution is excellent and carlos sees this as a sign that manolo is capable to become the next sanchez bullfighter. after manolo saves the day, carlos showed him the arena while having a conversation about how manolo could become the greatest sanchez bullfighter, exceeding his father. carlos tells him that if he can become the greatest bullfighter ever, the people of san angel will sing him a song, knowing that this way carlos can persuade manolo to follow the family tradition of bullfighting. however, manolo considers being a bullfighter not as a passion, but as a way to 85 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani enhance his own passion. that is why he wanted to sing the songs that the people of san angel write for him. his father disagrees with his decision and tells him that a musician does not belong to the sanchez traditional bullfighting family and demand manolo to focus on the task ahead. using the theory of environmental structure, manolo faces the struggle of living in an imposed evironment where he has little control over what he is capable to do or not in his life. this early warning gives manolo a look up upon what he will face later in his adult stage later. years passed and manolo becomes a grown man still yearn for becoming a musician. in this part of conversation, manolo is in the town hall singing with the mariachi brothers “i will wait for you” that is meant for maria. right in the ending of the song, carlos yanks manolo and drags him to the arena. carlos is dissatisfied with manolo’s behaviour of not being a proper sanchez bullfighter. after dragging him, carlos puts him in a room where grandma is there knitting her yarn and pictures of the late sanchez bullfighters as well as carmen sanchez, manolo’s late mother, are placed on the wall. carlos then enters the room, grab manolo’s guitar, throw it to the corner of the room, and equip his son with two swords while saying: carlos sanchez. quiet, you lazy bums! you live under my roof. you live under my rules. you will be a matador! manolo. papa, this is my life (gutierrez, 2014: 6). the conversation states carlos’s lack of empathy towards manolo’s decision in life. throwing the sword to the door where the mariachi brothers’ stand proves that carlos is not happy with the presence of other “subordinate” male around him and his son. this implies carlos’s intention to have manolo to learn that being male they need to be rough from time to time. again, this also places manolo in an imposed environment; only this time with a minor struggle. due to his current appearance as an adult, manolo is freely to choose his way of life using selected environment. mariachi band are a group of men that plays music with string instrument such as violin, cello, and guitar. the men play various kind of music and entertain the crowd. in the book of life, manolo chooses this kind of environment since his nature as a son or as a man does not really attached to the whole “gender hierarchy” notion. to prove his state and to hold his own believe, he insists that he could never hurt a bull in front of his own father. he states: manolo. no. killing the bull is wrong. carlos sanchez. here we go again. grandma. kids today, with their long hair and their no killing stuff. manolo. i'm out of here (gutierrez, 2014: 7) for him, killing an animal just for the sake of entertainment and for proving that he is “a true sanchez man” is not worth the kill. this shows manolo’s stand as he lives up to the notion of male sex role strain. in the art of bullfighting, a bullfighter must endure the thrill of “guiding the bull to its death”. the thousand-pound beast will not so easily give up its life to a man, rather not a bullfighter. however, in the book of life, there is no “guiding” like a bullfighter should commonly do. instead, manolo, again, stands firm with his own opinion to not kill the bull, yet this time he states his opinion in the middle of the arena with hundreds of people watching him. this enrages the crowd and they throw stuff at him, even his own guitar that eventually knocks him out due to the impact to the head. carlos immediately wakes the sleeping son with a stern tone. momentarily after waking up, manolo states that: manolo. if being a bullfighter means... it means killing the bull... well, then, i'm no bullfighter. carlos sanchez. no. you are no sanchez (gutierrez, 2014: 8) this assures manolo’s position as the “subordinate” male since he cannot live up to carlos’s male sex role identity in terms of being brute, fearless, and merciless. his father’s statement also automatically establishes manolo in a position of male sex role strain as his acknowledgement to manolo’s lack of desire to become a “real man”. 86 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) unable to live up to his father’s demand, manolo ends up being branded as the weakest member of the sanchez bullfighter. he is the opposite of what a bullfighter’s characteristics should have. though carlos’s persistent lecture on what it takes to be a man bothers him regularly, manolo prepares his cape as he marches on competing with joaquin, who is now the current hero of san angel. joaquin. hey, manolo! no retreat. manolo. no surrender. the hero of san angel returns! joaquin. oh, come on. you didn't think i was gonna miss your first little bullfight, did you? manolo. and maria's here, too! joaquin. have you seen her? i cannot wait to show her these babies. manolo. so, she's back only to see you? joaquin. come on. that's not... manolo. you have your medals, but i have the bullring. we'll see which maria prefers. joaquin. it's a good thing you're finally taking bullfighting seriously. manolo. you should see me in the bullring. that's where i really do my thing now. a true sanchez man. (gutierrez, 2014: 7) this states manolo’s hegemonic masculinity since joaquin is present and he wants to show what carlos has thrusted him upon through training years before. in summary, he did not want to become a “subordinate” male when it comes to competing with joaquin. in this certain case manolo for the first time, as an adult male, displays pleck’s male sex role identity particularly on the sturdy oak theme. the parts where he “really do my thing” and tells joaquin that he is “a true sanchez man” evokes the nuance of toughness, confidence, and selfreliance that every sanchez bullfighters have. when the time comes for manolo to enter the corrida, joaquin is already seated in a podium with general posada waiting for maria’s arrival. manolo welcomed the return of senorita posada by dedicating the corrida to her. after that, the bull marches from the other side of the arena and manolo begins the bullfighting. in his first bullfight, manolo impresses the crowd, carlos, and maria. the crowd cheers to manolo sanchez as he executes the show flawlessly. the peak of his finest execution is when he lures the bull back and forth, round it over and over, then finally creates a pile of dust that when manolo swept it with his cape, the sand which has been carved by the bull’s horn shows maria’s name on it. this action that manolo performs is part of obsessive competitiveness. manolo executes this part successfully and thus building up his masculinity to impress maria. near the end of the match, manolo does not finish what carlos and the crowd expects him to do; kill the bull. seeing maria’s face from the sword’s reflection made him realise that he cannot be as the same as the other bullfighters. the match ended in disappointment and carlos understands that manolo is not the sanchez bullfighter he expects him to become. the day passed and at night general posada holds a grand party to welcome maria back, which turns out to be a disaster and led maria going to her room. in this scene, manolo is accompanied by the mariachi brothers. they cheered him up by helping him get maria through singing. one by one the brothers fail to do so and left manolo for a meal. manolo then steps in and sing “i love you too much” which lulls his surrounding and invites maria to step outside of her bedroom. the moment is set and it may seem that manolo will get her, but in the end, he falls down and becomes unconscious. maria comes down and finds joaquin proposing her. manolo comes into the scene thanks to the support of pepe rodriguez, one of the mariachi brothers. manolo, who is still unconscious, approaches joaquin and they begin to quarrel. maria. did you think it was gonna be that easy? manolo. i… i kind of did. maria. manolo! hold on, i'm coming. joaquin. what are you doing? joaquin. maria… will you… will you marry me? the girls. yes. joaquin. don't worry, your father already said you could. maria. he did… what? 87 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani general posada. who else could protect us from chakal? manolo. what did i miss? joaquin. wait... wait a sec. did he propose, too? maria. no. were you going to? manolo. what? joaquin. well, i proposed first. so, go fight a bull or something. maria. you two are acting like fools! manolo. wait, me too? dali 4. you're so strong, joaquin. joaquin. thanks, i work out a lot. look, i love you, you know that. but how are you going to protect maria if you can't even finish a bull? dali 4. good one, joaquin! manolo. oh, yeah? well, you will never be as great a hero as your father! dali 4. now,. that's just uncalled for (gutierrez, 2014: 11) though at first manolo displays a “real man” state on the conversation with joaquin before, this current conversation shows his sex role strain when he compares joaquin with his deceased father, captain mondragon. manolo’s current sex role strain breaks the notion of no sissy stuff that includes all stereotyped feminine characteristic, such as comparing. manolo’s comparison shows his lack of maturity on finding faults in joaquin’s great feat as hero of san angel. in the book of life, joaquin follows his father’s footstep. as a son, it is natural that he wishes to become just like his father. after the quarrel ends, chato and the other bandits raided the town. manolo, general posada, and maria who are in the town hall receives help from joaquin to made the bandits retreat. chato. retreat! joaquin. and don't ever come back! maria. yeah! you better run away! that was incredible. manolo. yeah, you really are a hero. (gutierrez, 2014: 12) the conversation states manolo’s sex role strain in terms of admitting that joaquin is better than his father and better than himself when it comes to physical strength. thanks to xibalba’s medal of everlasting life, joaquin leaps up to the “gender hierarchy” faster than manolo. manolo’s masculine characteristics does not live up to the idea of men in general. though in certain cases manolo can show his masculinity, when it comes to himself manolo is incapable to become a proper man. even the lad with betterthan-average endowments also suffers if those endowments happen to be in areas not included in the culture’s definition of what is “masculine” – music, for example, or art (pleck, 1974: 10). 2. joaquin’s masculinity joaquin is the hero of san angel and a friend to maria and manolo. in the book of life, joaquin is the son of the late captain mondragon, a friend to general posada and the former protector of san angel from the bandit king. though joaquin does not become a bullfighter, his masculinity proves to be ostentatious than manolo. with the love-andhate relationship between manolo and joaquin for maria’s hand in marriage in the book of life, joaquin presents numerous obsessive competitiveness acts to encourage manolo to seek out his inner masculinity. joaquin. hey, manolo! no retreat. manolo. no surrender. the hero of san angel returns! joaquin. oh, come on. you didn't think i was gonna miss your first little bullfight, did you? manolo. and maria's here, too! joaquin. have you seen her? i cannot wait to show her these babies. manolo. so, she's back only to see you? joaquin. come on. that's not... manolo. you have your medals, but i have the bullring. we'll see which maria prefers. joaquin. it's a good thing you're finally taking bullfighting seriously. manolo. you should see me in the bullring. that's where i really do my thing now. a true sanchez man. joaquin. those are some big shadows we live under, buddy? manolo. huge. joaquin. hey, brother, may the best man win maria. (gutierrez, 2014: 7) in the conversation, manolo’s masculinity is developed and it is already discussed in the 88 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) previous subchapter. through this conversation again, it can be seen that after departing for so long, joaquin shows up with glittering medals covering his whole chest. this shows just how much duty joaquin has accomplished over the years travelling from town to town sweeping bandits away. the medals proved that he fulfils all the necessary needs from pleck’s four themes of male sex role identity to become a man. joaquin’s word to manolo also dares him to become better than before since he proclaimed to joaquin that he is a “true sanchez man”. this puts manolo in the same manly state with joaquin. by using obsessive competitiveness, joaquin encourages manolo to ensure himself that he is a real “manly” man. in the perspective of environmental structure, both joaquin and manolo are in the selected environment. however, joaquin’s selected environment is also a part of constructed environment. in the book of life, the role of hero as protector is crucial since only a hero can save the town from bandits. joaquin’s primary role is to protect and to help to those in need, just like his father. unlike his father, joaquin receives help from xibalba to boost his strength and courage. by giving the medal of everlasting life, joaquin is granted the power of what other men cannot have. this also makes him so strong that he can withstand the immense power coming from the massive hog that he handled head-on back when he was young. another occurrence where joaquin dominates manolo is when he goes on a quarrel with manolo. this time, joaquin bring out manolo’s weakness in front of everyone. manolo. what did i miss? joaquin. wait... wait a sec. did he propose, too? maria. no. were you going to? manolo. what? joaquin. well, i proposed first. so, go fight a bull or something. maria. you two are acting like fools! manolo. wait, me too? dali 4. you're so strong, joaquin. joaquin. thanks, i work out a lot. look, i love you, you know that. but how are you going to protect maria if you can't even finish a bull? dali 4. good one, joaquin! (gutierrez, 2014: 11) the conversation states that joaquin uses hegemonic masculinity and male sex role identity against manolo. joaquin believes that if manolo cannot even handle a single bull he is not certain that manolo can protect maria from harm and this is proved later in the film that he actually cannot protect maria from getting bitten by xibalba’s two-headed snake staff. though it is taunting and breaking the no sissy stuff theme, in joaquin’s perspective, the words that he utters do not have any element of comparing or anything that is considered a part of the theme since he told the truth about manolo’s deficiency on aggression. to joaquin, men are programmed to be “strong” and “aggressive” (pleck, 1974: 42). in the book of life, joaquin is the hero that anyone looks up to. he saves the town from bandits and wakes maria up from her comatose state. everything seems great for the hero until chakal marches towards san angel to repossess the medal of everlasting life. he takes the medal from joaquin with ease and turns him into a mundane man with no superhuman-being like strength. while joaquin is defeated, manolo is granted life by the three rulers of realms; candle maker, la muerte, and xibalba. he accomplishes the task set by xibalba that permits him to live again. later, after manolo returns to san angel, the trio (manolo, maria, and joaquin) along with the people of san angel as well as the whole sanchez family join forces and stop chakal from destroying the town. in the end, he is defeated, but with a sacrifice. manolo sacrifices his life to save the town he holds dear. when the whole town thinks that he has gone, he appears unharmed and rejoices with maria. the reason why he did not die is because of joaquin. maria. joaquin. manolo. you gave me the medal. you were going to sacrifice yourself... for me. joaquin. i thought it might be time... to be a true hero. like you, manolo. maria. are you all right? joaquin. i've never seen more clearly. it's time to cast our own shadows. 89 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani manolo. and write our... our own stories. (gutierrez, 2014: 24) this ends the duel between manolo and joaquin and terminates the loveand-hate relationships between them. from the fight, joaquin realised that he can become a man in his own ways, without any magic medal to help. joaquin’s masculine characteristics predominantly lives up to the notion of tough men. he is aggressive, tough, and has a status that anyone looks up to. this shows that he has what it takes to be a ‘real’ man. from child, he becomes a part of general posada’s men, after noticing that he saved him from a raging hog. over times, joaquin’s masculinity escalades as his mental and body grows from a child to a man. reaching this stage has perfected joaquin’s masculinity that it fulfilled the ‘real man’ state and also constructed manolo’s masculinity and vice versa. 3. carlos’s masculinity carlos sanchez is the father of manolo sanchez and the epitome of the sanchez’s family masculinity, being the last descendant of a bullfighter that actually finishes the bull. in carlos definition of masculinity, men are not suited for sensitive and openness stuff. in the book of life, carlos persuades manolo to become a bullfighter. carlos’s environment is predominantly linked with the constructed society of mexican tradition, primarily in the notion of toughness and bravery. in a scene after manolo saves the day from the angry hog, carlos invites manolo to take a walk through a small alley where they stopped in front of a fence with the setting of the arena and the sunset as the scenery. this scene shows that the corrida is where every sanchez bullfighters prove their supremacy over fear. this particular scene also demonstrates the idea of where this blood sport is considered a tradition and raw strength meet. in the book of life, carlos is predominantly in the constructed environment. the notion of bullfighting as a call and as an honour still lives up in carlos’s life. that is why he encourages manolo to do so. the idea of constructed environment is that through efforts and generative way, the certain idea of what is “masculinity” can be constructed repetitively. another nuance of constructed environment can also be seen when carlos explains to manolo that he is a sanchez. in a room where manolo is dragged by carlos, he performs what any father would do to their child; being in control. carlos sanchez. all the sanchezes are bullfighters! every single one of us. grandma. i was a beast in the arena. a beast! carlos sanchez. it's in your blood. it's your destiny. how many times do i have to say it? manolo. this is not me. this is you. carlos sanchez. my son, joaquin may be the hero of the town but today, you will be the hero of the ring. if, for once, you actually finish the bull (gutierrez, 2014: 6). through the conversation, it is clearly seen that carlos stresses manolo on the importance of bearing the family name. in the system of constructed environment, the notion of masculine men in the sanchez family recognisable from their performance in the arena. the performance that they executed inside the corrida determines whether or not the matador is worth to be called a sanchez or not. carlos’s utterances of “it’s in your blood, it’s your destiny” conforms the idea that masculinity is a heritage and something that manolo should accept willingly. the greatest honour of all sanchez bullfighters is that they are known to be brute and tough. in the book of life, the former sanchez bullfighters are all recognised by their performance in the corrida. take for example luis “el super macho” sanchez. luis is manolo’s grandpa and is renowned for fighting three bulls at once. in a scene that has been discussed earlier where carlos shows manolo the spectacular view of the arena covering the sunset, luis sanchez is mentioned as a reference to carlos’s old memories. this explains why constructed environment is adamant in the sanchez household and it is because they have their own terms of what is “masculine”. another masculine attribute that carlos uses on manolo is the use of obsessive competitiveness that he puts on manolo against joaquin. to make manolo obey carlos, he urges manolo to remember that joaquin is ahead of him in terms of being recognise as a 90 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) hero. while raising a sword and a statement, carlos sharpens his words so that manolo understand that he must become a hero as well. the meaning of hero in here refers to what every bullfighter must do; killing a bull. carlos uses obsessive competitiveness as means of nurturing manolo. fathers buy into the myth of sons being an extension of themselves as they wish to be seen by the world (pleck, 1974: 275). by using obsessive competitiveness, he believes the idea of manolo as an extension of himself like he is the extension of luis “el super macho” sanchez. as any father would want for their children, carlos wanted manolo to become the greatest sanchez bullfighter ever lived. though manolo disagrees with his idea and backed away, carlos lures him back with words that even manolo cannot neglect. manolo. i'm out of here. carlos sanchez. don't you love your family? then go get that bull, mijo. don't dishonour our name. just be a sanchez! grandma. mijo… he no gonna do it. (gutierrez, 2014: 7) the sentence “don’t you love your family?” halts manolo from leaving the room. using family as a medium to get his son back on track shows carlos’s practicality to alter manolo’s rebellious thoughts. since conventionally, strength, silence and being control are the hallmarks of being a father. men are described as being unable to express their emotions, competitive, brutal in the way they use their muscular strength, and incapable of showing intimacy, apart from during sexual contact (salisbury and jackson, 2004: 274). from what salisbury and jackson have mentioned, carlos’s words have sustained manolo enough that he should comprehend it individually and realise that he is a sanchez bullfighter by blood. in the book of life, it is clearly noticeable that carlos frequently reminds manolo to “be a sanchez”. one particular utterance from carlos is when he handed manolo a sword from the edge of the arena for him to execute the bull. he utters “come on, mijo. for me. for our family. be a sanchez!” as a sure and a final warning that manolo should not mess up the corrida along with carlos’s hope. despite of what carlos has said and done to teach manolo the vital meaning of being a bullfighter, manolo did not kill the bull. infuriated by manolo’s performance, carlos denounces manolo as weak, inferior, and unworthy to be called “a sanchez”. carlos sanchez. manolo. manolo. get up! manolo. i'm sorry, papa. carlos sanchez. do not make it worse by apologizing! a sanchez man never apologizes! never! grandma. ever. manolo. if being a bullfighter means... it means killing the bull… well, then, i'm no bullfighter. carlos sanchez. no. you are no sanchez. (gutierrez, 2014: 8) though the conversation has been discussed previously, the following analysis refers to carlos’s act of denoting manolo’s masculinity. the repetitive utterance “be a sanchez” that carlos relentlessly give to manolo is actually an embodiment of male sex role identity that every bullfighter in the sanchez family ever have. it is by then the ultimate teaching that carlos set forth to manolo so that he can become greater than his father, though in the end manolo did not live up to it. the disappointment does not end there. after manolo’s trivial mishap in the corrida, carlos have to hold the burden and the shame knowing that his son fails him in and out of the ring. carlos sanchez. failing in and out of the ring. the whole sanchez family would be so disappointed in you. manolo. please, don't say that. carlos sanchez. listen. you love maria? then fight for her, like a man! manolo. it's too late. joaquin proposed to her already. carlos sanchez. now, that's a real man. grandma. quiet, carlos! manolo, if maria didn't say yes to joaquin... then she said no. carlos sanchez. so, what are you gonna do about it, son? (gutierrez, 2014: 12) 91 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani to carlos, what concerns him is that manolo did not do very well to impress his father as well as his ancestor. the constructed environment that the sanchezes have are meaningless compared to manolo’s selected environment. carlos advises manolo the last time that if he cannot “be a sanchez” in the corrida, at least he can become a man outside the ring he urges manolo to fight for maria. manolo, dwelling in his homosexual masculinity, mutters over the loss of maria to joaquin. while he is being pessimistic about maria, grandma gives him hope and soon after hearing her advice, manolo rushes himself to meet maria and they end up meeting at a big tree just outside of san angel. this is where maria goes to a comatose from getting bitten by xibalba’s two-headed snake staff. manolo, in pain, accepts xibalba’s offer and wakes up in the land of the remembered. xibalba tricked manolo into believing that he can grant manolo’s wish; to be with maria. after knowing that xibalba cheats his way out to become the ruler of the realm, manolo and his family sets out to meet la muerte who is the current ruler of the land of the forgotten. with the help of candle maker, manolo is able to meet la muerte and exposed xibalba’s treachery. after hearing xibalba’s grimy deed, la muerte summons xibalba and persuade him to give manolo a chance to live again. xibalba accepts it under a condition. he and the others are then transported to an arena in the land of the remembered. xibalba challenges manolo to finish all the bulls that the sanchez bullfighters had ever executed all at once. if he succeeded, he will be granted life and if he failed, he will be forgotten. while manolo struggles to defeat the bulls, carlos ends up dead from protecting san angel from chakal. carlos appears in a podium where the sanchezes watches manolo in the corrida. with the whole sanchez family on the same podium witnessing manolo, the match become intense as the bulls round themselves on the other side of the arena and create a gigantic oversized bull that even manolo cannot handle. the massive bull charges itself towards manolo. manolo escapes the raging bull and the bull crashes into the wall, making it out cold. manolo is swept due to the immense aftermath of the bull’s body charging towards the hard wall. he then wakes up with a wound, walks to the sword, and sees his own reflection. the whole sanchez family anticipates the moment that manolo will execute the bull for his life. instead, manolo grabs the guitar lying next to the sword and sings “the apology song” to the bull. though the bull harms him even more, manolo’s resilience eventually calmed the fearsome beast. the bull gives in to manolo’s lullaby and it disappear in thin air. xibalba realise that manolo is not hesitant about killing a bull, but it is about being himself. as manolo finishes with the bull, the whole sanchez family goes to him and cheers for him. carlos did not expect that singing can help manolo overcome the bull. carmen, carlos’s wife and manolo’s mother, tells him that “he is a sanchez”. this is the very word that carlos uttered before to manolo, and now is given to him by carmen. carlos sanchez. but how did manolo do this? carmen sanchez. he's a sanchez. mary beth. xibalba had been wrong. manolo's fear was never bullfighting. carlos sanchez. i told you, a sanchez man never apologizes. manolo. papa, i... carlos sanchez. but you just changed that. i should have been a better father. i am very sorry. manolo. no. you only wanted what was best for me. carlos sanchez. i'm so proud of you, son. manolo. i love you, papa. carlos sanchez. ay, mijo. mary beth. and at that moment, manolo conquered his greatest fear... being himself (gutierrez, 2014: 22). the moving conversation shows carlos’s flaw as a father. he realises that bullfighting is never the answer for masculinity. though fathers in general seem to be perceived as punishing or controlling agents (pleck, 1974: 8), carlos, in the end, accepts manolo’s decision fully without being indecisive about it. in general, carlos’s masculine characteristics are quite the same with joaquin. he is rough and insensitive towards manolo. he may be rude, but that is just how fathers normally do to their sons. the reason is that they want their sons to victor over others, even themselves. the notion of obsessive competitiveness, male 92 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sex role identity, hegemonic masculinity, and constructed environment are all the tools and attributes they need to nurture their young into strong, competent, and resilient in order to be called “man”. masculine characteristics of pleck’s male sex role identity theory and its identification with bullfighting the application of pleck’s male sex role identity theory is discussed here using film theories. in this subchapter, the application of pleck’s theories is analysed using mise-enscène, framing language, and continuity editing. before the analysis continues further, this subchapter merely discusses the relation of how the masculine characteristics particularly on pleck’s male sex role identity theory are identified with bullfighting through series of shots and frames. the researcher only analyses the shots and frames in the book of life that are related with bullfighting and pleck’s male sex role identitiy theory. in the book of life, the first mise-en-scène of pleck’s male sex role identity is a cu shot where manolo faces the angry hog. the cu shot reveals manolo’s facial expression when he taunts the hog that is coming towards him. manolo’s cu shot with the hog’s reflection in his eye (tbol, 2014: 00:14:26). this mise-en-scène focuses on manolo’s face as he sees the hog only by turning his head slightly to the left. the reflection of the hog and the expression manolo is making shows that he indulges the give ‘em hell theme particularly on daring himself to face the hog head-on. as it has been discussed in part a, this mise-enscène is set after joaquin saves general posada from the raging hog that charges towards the town hall. moments after taking the hog’s impact, joaquin looks over to manolo and he begins to taunt the hog. the first taunt goes smoothly and carlos sees this as a sign that he “has the gift.” after the hog incident is over, the first shot of the bullring is shown after manolo and carlos stops their walk at the end of a fence. the initial shot of the arena is set 180 degree to give the sense of continuous space over a location. carlos (left) and manolo (left) looking at the arena with a sunset behind it (tbol, 2014: 00:16:39). this mise-en-scène is the first step for carlos to shape manolo to become a proper man. in this shot, the father-and-son relationship is bonded through hegemonic masculinity that carlos applied to manolo after he witness manolo’s triumph over the hog. in this particular setting as well, carlos talks about the tradition of bullfighting the sanchez family have. the arena scene is the first masculine nuances in the book of life because in this mise-en-scène carlos tells manolo the glory and the honour of being a sanchez bullfighter. in here, the atmosphere of the big wheel theme is shown. by showing manolo the arena, carlos shows him the success of being a bullfighter really is. 93 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani the 180-degree rule from the right to left, following carlos’s hand movement. (tbol, 2014: 00:21:11 00:21:18) the next mise-en-scène is when manolo gets lectured by carlos about the importance of becoming a sanchez bullfighter. in here, carlos shows manolo pictures of sanchez bullfighters hanging on a wall. using the 180degree rule, this time the camera moves side to side (pan) from right to left to give the sense of flowing images in line with carlos’s hand gesture. by using the ms, the 180-degree movement is coherent with carlos’s hand movement and gives the sense of the big wheel theme. the nuance of success and status are reflected in this mise-en-scène when carlos says, “all the sanchezes are bullfighters. every single one of us.” the view of the hanging pictures of sanchez bullfighters showcases the example of what manolo should have become in his life. in this image as well, carlos states his point to manolo about the honour of becoming a sanchez bullfighter. manolo disagrees with carlos’s notion of bullfighting. he believes that killing a bull is wrong and this goes beyond comprehension for carlos. moments before manolo is leaving the room, carlos utters, “don’t you love your family? then go get that bull mijo. don’t dishonour our name.” this gives manolo cold feet as he hands over carlos his guitar and left the room. carlos utters “just be a sanchez.” (tbol, 2014: 00:22:15). as manolo leaves the room, carlos reminds him to “be a sanchez”. this is the notion that has been discussed earlier in part a, where the word “sanchez” refers itself to pleck’s male sex role identity. using the mcu shot, the figure of carlos displays his anxiety and concern towards manolo to obey his command. in patriarchal sense, a social unit (a family or tribe, for example) is ruled by the male head. the patriarch, typically a societal elder, has legitimate power over others in the social unit, including other (especially younger) men, all women and children (pilcher & whelehan, 2004, p. 93). after meeting joaquin, manolo enters the corrida and the bull enters as well. manolo faces the beast and taunts the beast while carlos still exhibits hesitation in his face. clenching his fist while leaning on a fence demonstrates his anxiety and hesitation towards manolo’s first match. carlos clenches his fist in this mcu shot (tbol, 2014: 00:25:06). carlos’s stern look expresses his worries whether the match will end the way he perceived or will it be a total chaos. as the show begins with manolo taunting the bull, the crowd is impressed by his performance. the match goes smoothly that even carlos shows his happiness with a smile. in this scene, manolo develops his obsessive competitiveness because of joaquin’s presence. manolo bites the stem of a rose (tbol, 2014: 00:25:38). 94 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) the scent of toughness is presented in the next mise-en-scène where manolo somersaults a bull that is coming from behind. the somersault enables manolo to evade the bull. this also shows his strength as a sanchez bullfighter. the mise-en-scène evokes confidence in manolo as he bites the stem of a rose from which he carried before the bull approaches him. the mise-en-scène uses cu shot to show manolo’s confidence he goes on taunting the bull. the crowd yells olé for each of manolo’s bold moves against the bull. the peak of the match starts when carlos giving manolo a sword wrapped in red sheets. carlos utters “come on mijo. for me. for our family. be a sanchez!” to manolo in this mise-en-scène. essentially, carlos stresses manolo on “being a sanchez” precisely in this mise-en-scène where raises the sword and gives it to manolo. before the 180-degree shot is applied, the men’s conversation is taken in shot/reverse shot. carlos stresses the sentence “be a sanchez” to manolo (tbol, 2014: 00:26: 16) this technique is used to show the relation and the flow of a conversation between two persons with vice versa perspectives. on manolo’s mise-en-scène, he looks at carlos with an uncertain facial expression. on the other hand, carlos looks at manolo with concern and hope that manolo will not mess up the match. this flow of conversation also uses the 30o spatial view to illustrate that the camera is moving in a pan motion but does not step over the imaginary line. the shot/reverse shot starts with the mcu shot of manolo then goes to carlos with cu shot and ends with ms of the men in 30o shot. the next sequence of the shots illustrates the notion of “the need to be looked up to”. by being strict, carlos diminishes manolo’s homosexual masculinity so that he can ensure manolo’s future as the greatest sanchez bullfighter ever. another notion that is evoked in this mise-en-scène is the presence of being aggressive and violence. the notion presented here are from carlos’s initiative for manolo to become as fierce as the bull, even precedes it. the shot/reverse shot technique between manolo and carlos (tbol, 2014: 00:26:11 00:26:13) manolo faces the bull with a sword (tbol, 2014: 00:26:22). the next mise-en-scène shows the peak of the show where manolo is expected to stab the bull to the heart. in this part, the 180-degree rule is applied but preceding this shot is a jump cut. a jump shot is used whenever a shot is added but does not coherent with the overall shots. before manolo prepares his sword in this scene, a shot of maria’s face is added right before manolo draws his sword onto the ground. this creates a gap between the shots as this eliminates the spatial continuity. 95 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) leendert farrell saimima & sri mulyani the 180-degree shot and cu shot of manolo’s sturdy face as he holds the sword firmly towards the bull’s jagged form (tbol, 2014: 00:26:25 00:26:28) as manolo holds his sword steadily towards the angry bull, the camera pans itself from the right side (the edge of manolo’s sword) to the left (manolo’s face) and from the left side (the tip of the bull’s horn) to the right (the bull’s whole face and spiked thorns). the cu shots add the sense of thrill in the corrida and in the crowd. the next part of the mise-en-scène relies solely on the jump cut that continues from the prior shots. after the 180o shot of manolo and the bull, the jump cut starts with the shot of father domingo and the sisters, carlos, and finally maria until finally comes back to the bull then manolo. manolo’s fearsome gaze on the mcu shot in front of him (tbol, 2014: 00:26:32). by having the mcu shot from the front, it can be seen that manolo’s expression is serious yet uncertain. his masculinity is at stake and many watches him hoping that he killed the bull. this represent the idea of “the need to be looked up to”, aggression, and toughness. in this mise-en-scène, manolo positions himself as the embodiment and the extension of carlos. the four themes of pleck’s male sex role identity is explored in this mise-en-scène. however, not all parts of carlos are there since the next mise-en-scène reveals why manolo spoiled the match. maria’s reflection on manolo’s sword (tbol, 2014: 00:26:37) the reflection of maria’s face on manolo’s sword stops him from doing the thing he displease the most; killing a bull. the ecu shot gives sense to viewers what manolo sees on his sword. the nature of ecu shot is to give the viewers a point-of-view of what the character is seeing. conclusion manolo’s masculine characteristics predominantly lies on male sex role strain, hegemonic masculinity, and imposed environment. the way manolo escapes the imposed environment is through a selected environment that is also a part of constructed environment though is not enough to consider it as “masculine” enough. joaquin’s masculine characteristics dominates the male sex role identity in all four themes. though prefer to be in a selected environment, the environment itself is a part of a constructed environment that acknowledge joaquin’s selected environment. his masculinity also stands out in the hegemonic masculinity most of time. carlos’s masculine characteristics are a part of the old notion of manly man. by being strict to manolo, his masculine characteristics are based upon obsessive competitiveness, pleck’s male sex role identity, hegemonic masculinity, and constructed environment. the various mise-en-scène shows the facial expressions of manolo and carlos predominantly on the scene where the activity of bullfighting is occurred. the facial expressions relate the characters’ feeling and emotions. the framing language shows that the camera’s movement in jorge gutierrez’s the book of life is taken dominantly between the ms and the ecu shot. these give the aura of masculinity in the characters and the focus 96 journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) for the viewer to see what the characters are looking at. the continuity editing shows that the spatial setting in the book of life uses the 180o rule to show the masculine characteristics where the dominant male is cheered by his spectators. shot/reverse shot is also used to give the sense of feedback in conversations and jump shot is applied to give the thrill of bullfighting in the book of life. references benyahia, sarah casey, freddie gaffney, and john white. as film studies: the essential introduction. oxford: routledge, 2006. bird. sharon r. “welcome to the men’s club: homosociality and the maintenance of hegemonic masculinity”. gender and society. vol. 10. no. 2 (1996): p. 120-132. sage. 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( /movie_script.php?movie=the book-oflife). october 1, 2016. villarejo, amy. film studies: the basics. oxford: routledge, 2007. 97 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) bolanle tajudeen opoola & jelili adewale adeoye 66 a sociolinguistic consideration of intermediation in greeting discourse among the yòrúba of south west nigeria bolanle tajudeen opoola & jelili adewale adeoye; department of linguistics and languages, federal university, oye –ekiti; department of linguistics and nigerian languages, ekiti state university, adoekiti, ekiti state abstract existing studies on yorùbá greeting forms dwell on the appropriateness of their use, with respect to time of the year, event, condition, occupation, vocation, context, politeness and content. the studies portray greetings as discourse between two people or parties who are capable of exchanging pleasantries. none of the existing works has discussed intermediation in greeting discourse among the yorùbá people such that greetings that are directed to the second person(s) such as toddlers, extremely sick persons, kings and the bereaved are answered on their behalf by a third party. this paper examines intermediation and the rationale in greeting discourse among the yorùbá people. the data for this study were drawn from participant observation, yorùbá literature texts, and yorùbá home movies. the mutual contextual beliefs theory of pragmatics as proposed by bach and harnish (1979) was adopted for the data analysis. the study established, among other things, that greetings are sacrosanct in yorùbá culture and the answer/reply is obligatory, irrespective of the state, status, circumstance and condition of the person(s) being greeted. it is also shown that intermediation in greeting discourse could be for politeness, incapacitation, authority and educating the young ones. keywords: greetings, intermediation, cultural constraints, situational constraints introduction greeting forms are socio-cultural methods evolved by man to exchange pleasantries and good wishes with a view to advancing friendship, recognition and solidarity in society. from this, it logically follows that greeting is a universal phenomenon, an integral part of human existence and language culture. it is no wonder that there is no culture that does not attest this sociolinguistic/sociological phenomenon. abiodun (2006) observes that greeting is an important means of social interaction, a means of drawing others’ attention and a means of showing recognition for others. besides this, greetings, in certain contexts, are used to show familiarity, endearment and solidarity. akindele (2007) asserts that greeting can be described as the exchange of expression, pleasantries, or good wishes between two people or the group interacting for the purpose of fulfilling social obligation or for the purposes of establishing interpersonal relationship. ekanjume –ilongo (2013) claims that greeting is a way by which people consciously and deliberately make their presence felt by other(s), show attention and suggest a type of relationship or social status between themselves and others. olaniyi (2017) also describes greeting as a collaboration which does not just proceed at random, but obeys certain rules. from these definitions, one can deduce that greetings obey journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 67 certain conventions that are predicated on the exchange of pleasantries. however, cultural differences and divergence cannot be separated from greetings as they come to play in greeting discourse and gestures that follow it. in some cultures, greeting assumes an elaborate form such that it is keenly knitted into other sociocultural aspects of life (abiodun 2006). in yorùbá culture, greetings assume an elaborate form as gestures such as prostration and kneeling accompany the verbal utterances to show respect and regard for elderly people (see daramola & jeje 1967). the yorùbá also believe that every situation, circumstance, condition and event deserves appropriate greeting forms to show their recognition and positive feelings or otherwise about them. on account of this, greetings cut across all walks of life, seasons, times, periods, events, occasions and festivals (ogunbowale 1966 & adeoye 1980). furthermore, yorùbá people maintain that pleasant and unpleasant situations demand particular greeting forms that could be to felicitate with or assuage the sad event that happens to a member of the community. the reason for this is, simply because, the success of a folk or otherwise belongs to the community (abiodun 2006). from this, it is important to note that greeting is sacrosanct in yorùbá culture, and members of the community who do not place value on greetings are regarded as aláìle ̣̀ko ̣̀o ̣́ ‘a person who lacks home training. yorùbá culture emphasises greetings amidst feuds between people, because greetings sometimes serve as another form of dispute resolution. it is a common knowledge among the yorùbá people that if greetings persist over time the feud will disappear between the adversaries. in the yorùbá culture also, greeting one’s adversary first is a sign of maturity and forgiveness. furthermore, there is a cultural and moral obligation on everybody that is greeted to respond/answer no matter the condition or status. that is why an intermediary who understands the norms and the culture of the yorùbá normally keys into a greeting discourse to satisfy the moral obligation imposed on the person(s) being greeted where circumstances do not allow him or her to respond. in this paper, the term “intermediary” refers to a person who greets or responds to greetings on behalf of other people. statement of the problem the yoruba are social beings who use greeting forms to socialise and extend the hand of friendship to people around them (abiodun 2006). thus, greeting is an important aspect of the yorùbá culture such that it forms an integral part of home training as well as reflecting humility (daramola & jeje 1967). it is also regarded as one of the indices for measuring the culture of ọmọlúàbí ‘act of humanism’ in a thoroughbred yorùbá person. however, when the act of humanism is lacking in someone’s character, greetings from such a person are perceived as evil or laced with evil intentions. thus, yorùbá people would say “ìdo ̣̀ bále ̣̀ kì í ṣe ìwà” that is, ‘prostration is not a sign of good character’. nevertheless, yoruba people place a premium on greetings such that there is hardly a profession, situation or event without its own greeting forms (ogunbowale 1966, daramola & jeje 1967 & adeoye 1975) . the penchant for yorùbá greetings is so pervasive that even the dead, on some occasions, are greeted (adeoye 1975). this is why responding to greetings, irrespective of someone’s state of mind, circumstance and situation is obligatory. hence, the role of the third party becomes inevitable in a situation where the person being greeted cannot answer/respond to the greetings for certain reasons. these reasons could be as a result of incapacitation due to advancement in age, or a child/ children who cannot yet respond verbally. this also includes extremely sick people who cannot talk, or have severe pains, or who are incapacitated by the ailments. moreover, sadness and agony may as well prevent the bereaved from responding to greetings. the king on the throne may not have the leisure to respond to greetings because of authority ascribed to the seat by the yorùbá culture. the king normally receives many visitors in a day that makes responding to greetings boring and stressful. in this situation, the intermediary comes in to fulfill this moral obligation of responding on behalf of the monarch to the greetings offered him. similar to this scenario is ifá divination process, whereby the ifá priest usually greets his/her client on behalf of the oracle journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) bolanle tajudeen opoola & jelili adewale adeoye 68 (abimbola 1977). existing studies have limited their scopes of greeting discourse to interactions between two people or groups who are capable of exchanging pleasantries. in this study, we are interested in intermediation in greeting discourse in yorùbá and the rationale behind it. we will show that intermediation in greeting discourse is used to show authority, incapacitation, politeness and educating younger yorùbá people. related works some of the studies that are of interest to the present research works are ogunbowale (1966), daramola & jeje (1967), abiodun (2006), olaniyi (2017) among others. ogunbowale (1966) centres his work on the appropriateness of greeting forms with respect to seasons of the year and events. he claims that different periods of the year deserve different greeting forms and explains that greeting during the raining season is different from that of the dry season. he submits further that morning greeting is quite different from evening and night greetings while the greeting forms for the bereaved are different from those offered to newly-wedded. he adds that anyone who cannot differentiate between these greeting forms will be regarded as a person who lacks home training. he concludes by summarising yorùbá greeting forms primarily into three categories, namely: sentence, prayers and question. in as much as we agree with ogunbowale’s (1966) summation on greetings, we disagree with his opinion with respect to greetings and home training. although greeting forms part of home training, it is not the totality of home training. thus, a person who cannot differentiate between greeting forms and their appropriateness would rather be regarded as a person who lacks the requisite knowledge of greeting forms rather than lacking home training. daramola& jeje (1967) explain greeting forms in relation to culture. they claim that greeting is a fundamental aspect of home training. they opine that gestures that accompany the verbal utterances, such as prostration for male and kneeling for female signify respect for parents and elderly people in yorùbá culture. the scholars also claim that different periods of the year deserve certain greeting forms. they provide greeting forms and the appropriate responses for vocations such as: farming, palm wine tapping, hairdressing, ifá priests, hunting and blacksmith. as significant as the work of daramola & jeje (1967) on greeting forms seems to be, they do not provide the appropriate greeting form for herbalists in their work. in lagos, there are greetings such as : òmìsà ìṣègùn ‘the herbal practitioners’ and the response ewé a je ̣́ ‘leaves will be potent’ as opposed to àbọrú àbọyè ‘general greetings for priest and herbalist’ that is very common to people in the trade. however, it is not unlikely, that the herbalists in lagos state, nigeria, might have developed these greeting forms for identification in their domain which may be strange to herbalists from other states in southwest nigeria. abiodun (2006) examines the sociolinguistic content of yorùbá greeting forms. he argues that yorùbá greeting forms are divided into four, namely: all-purpose forms, prayer forms, panegyrics and the ẹ kú forms. he explains further that the ẹ kú … forms are predominantly used, and the phrase ẹ kú is always attached to the time of the day, period, season, festive, condition and activity. he submits that greetings with reference to either that of activity or events are to be understood within the yorùbá traditional setting as activities or events that have no perceived evil intention and are considered desirable. for all-purpose greetings, he maintains that the term ‘allpurpose’ is borne out of the fact that the greeting forms do not refer to a specific time, event or condition. he categorises all-purpose greetings into two: the question form and non-question form. abiodun (2006) also asserts that prayers form the bulk of everyday greetings which include condition, event, activity, condition and occupation. finally, he discusses panegyrics, which he claims in the yorùbá social context, are not primary used as a greeting form but rather for identification and praise. we agree with abiodun’s (2006) submission on greeting with respect to activities or events, however, we add that there are certain activities that are perceived as evil but still receive greetings in the yorùbá journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 69 setting. the activities that evoke this greeting form ẹ kú iya ‘it is a pity’ may not be desirable but yorùbá people may put forward this greeting to curb the menace or mock the person. furthermore, we agree also with abiodun (2006) on the all-purpose greeting forms and on the question form but for the non-question form, we need to add that ẹ pe ̣̀le ̣́/ ẹ ǹ le ̣́ ‘sorry’ is used differently based on the context, that is why the yorùbá normally say pe ̣̀le ̣́ lákọ ó lábo ‘sorry’ has both positive and negative connotations); that is, context or situation determines the choice of pe ̣̀le ̣́ ‘sorry’ in the linguistic repertoire of the yorùbá speaker, and perhaps they have different meaning. it is important to note that pe ̣̀le ̣́ ‘sorry’ that is used as a greeting form, as observed in abiodun (2006), can also be used derogatorily in a hostile discourse. it can as well be used to assuage pain in a case of injury and can also serve as a form of greeting to show endearment. olaniyi (2017) examines ilorin greeting forms, using the politeness principle. he looks at how the politeness principle can be used to analyse greeting forms such as condolences, departures, arrivals, rejoicing, daily greetings, casual greetings, seasonal greetings and festive greetings. he submits that greeting is part of the culture of the ilorin people and failure to comply is an aberration. he states further that the role of greeting is not only to create warmth, but also to cement communality. he concludes that ilorin greetings are embedded in and constrained by cognition, social principles of communication and the context of use. in this study, we add that politeness in greeting(s) is universal and is entrenched in every culture but the elaborateness differs as different cultures place premium on different aspects of politeness. in french, tu ‘you(sg)’ and vous ‘you(pl)’ depict familiarity and politeness. tu is used for familiarity and endearment between two people and it can also be used freely among peers. vous (you (pl)) on the other hand, is used between superior and the subordinate to show politeness in conversations. however, vous (you (pl)) can also be used for an elderly person who happens to be one’s subordinate to show respect. in yoruba, the use of honorific pronouns clearly shows politeness and the use of kinship terms such as bo ̣̀ dá, sìsìtá, àǹtí, màmá, dádì in certain contexts, shows politeness for people who are less-acquainted with the speaker. however, these kinship terms can also be used for people that one is acquainted with or members of one’s family in order to show respect. in italian language, tu just like in french, is used for familiarity, while lei is used for politeness. theoretical framework this study adopts the mutual contextual beliefs theory (henceforth mcbs) of pragmatics developed by bach and harnish (1979) for its analysis. mcbs are predicated on the assumption that there are contextual and situational knowledge shared by language users who also share the same linguistic competence in an interaction. it is also believed in mcbs that certain extra-linguistic factors such as economic, social and political concerns actually guide the choice of utterance in a linguistic situation. this shared knowledge aids mutual understanding and effective communication between interlocutors in a linguistic discourse. lawal (2003) explains that six important contexts contribute to the meaning of an utterance. they are: linguistic, situational, psychological, social, sociological and cosmological. scholars such as osisanwo (2006) and dada (2012) have provided explanations for the contexts mentioned. for dada (2012), linguistic context is the language itself. in other words, for the effective and meaningful exchange of ideas in a discourse, the interlocutors must share the same linguistic competence. situational context presupposes the settings of the discourse and the condition that surrounds the choice of language in an interaction. the psychological context entails the attitude, feelings, emotions, behaviour and belief of the language user that are brought to bear on his/her use of language. the sociological context deals with the sociocultural, historical, economic, political and religious backgrounds of language users. the social context basically talks about the interpersonal relationship and the social standing of the language users. finally, cosmological context covers the general worldview of the language users. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) bolanle tajudeen opoola & jelili adewale adeoye 70 data collection the data for this research were drawn mainly from participant observation in three south-western states namely: o ỳo ́ , èkìtì and o ̀̀s un. literature texts and home movies also served as veritable sources of data. it is believed that yorùbá culture is homogenous, because yorùbás are descendants of odùduwà. the yorùbá share the same religious belief (traditional religion, and the belief in minor gods), history and cultural values such as dressing, food and greeting (daramola & jeje 1967). thus, the results from the three states should clearly give the readers an insight into what is obtainable in the other yorùbá speaking states. greeting conversations were recorded in the streets, in the hospitals and in the palace. the utterances of the participants were recorded without their knowledge. the recording is limited to greeting conversations alone; other conversations were not recorded. since the people did not know they were being monitored, the recording shows the natural way the yorùbá language is used in their greeting discourse. data presentation and analyses the data in this study are presented and analysed with the mutual contextual beliefs theory of bach and harnish (1979). the data are greeting forms in yorùbá language and their translations. the various contexts of these greeting forms have been discussed earlier in order for us to reconcile the theme, importance and their appropriateness with respect to the settings and context. consider the analyses below: greeting the king in the palace the extract below portrays a typical scenario in a king’s palace. kings are highly honoured and respected in the yorùbá tradition. they are believed to be sitting on god’s throne on earth, which is why they are called ‘aláṣe èkejì òrìṣà’ ‘the second-incommand to the gods or goddess’. thus, with the way the setting is fashioned, the greetings directed at the king are usually answered by the guards or the chief in charge of such duty. let us consider this greeting discourse in a palace: in the discussion, the intermediary is answering for the king as shown in (3-8). the intermediary makes the scenario look like an interaction between the king and the visitor, where the king makes enquiries about the welfare and well-being of the visitor’s family. we also note that the intermediary is proactive in his questions; his speech depicts what the king would have said, even though, he does not know the mind of the king. baba ‘father’ as used in 5, 6, 7, 8 in the extract shows that the king is the father of the community, irrespective of his age, and it culturally shows politeness and respect for the throne. furthermore, the silence on the part of the king or the non-verbal greeting of shaking the horse tail is a sign of authority. apart from the participant observation recorded at the aláàfin of o ̣̣̀̀yo ̣́ ’s palace, drama texts which form parts of the yorùbá literary genre also buttress the point as displayed in arúgbó ilé wa and kòkúmo ̣́ ọmọ o ̣̀do ̣̀ àgbà. famojuro (2006: 25) display a similar scene in her play arúgbó ilé wa: translation a: káábíèsí ooo ‘káábíèsí ooooo’ 1 b: the king 2 c: ààrẹ lo ̣́ ọ fo ̣̀ ọ re ‘ààre said you have spoken well’ 3 ọba ń kí ọ ‘the king is greeting you’ 4 baba ní ilé ń ko ̣́ ? ‘baba said how is your home ?’ 5 baba ní ọmọ ń kọ? baba said how are your children?’ 6 baba ní o ̣̀o ̣̀ de ̣̀ ò dùn bí? ‘baba said hope everything is going smoothly? 7 baba ní ṣé òjò yí ò dé o ̣̀ do ̣̀ yín? ‘baba said hope it did not rain in your place?’ 8 journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 71 translation ọjo ̣́ ọdún àwọn omidan.àwọn ará ìlú n ‘it was the maidens’ day festival, the town dé lo ̣́ ko ̣̀ọkan sí ààfin ọba adégoróyè. people are trooping into the palace of king akígbe ki ọba, kò pe ̣́, kò jìnnà , adegoroye. the chanter is prasing the king ọba bo ̣́ s’ita láti inu iyèwù rẹ in a short while the king came out of his cottage’ gbobo –ilu : káááááábíyèsí oooo. (wo ̣́ n do ̣̀ bále ̣̀) akigbe: ọba ń jẹ yín. ọba ń dá yín lóhùn ọtun: kábíyèsí ó. gbogbo ilú ń ki yín fún ti àjo ̣̀ dún òní, a kú ọdún , a kú ìyèdún . wo ̣́ n ní a óò bá yín so ̣̀ po ̣̀ re ̣̀ láyé o. (ó kọjú sí áwọn ìlú) tóò. baba wa náà kí yín o. wo ̣́ n ní gbogbo wa yóò so ̣̀ po ̣̀ re ̣̀ gbogbo-ilu: àṣẹ o. translation the townspeople: ‘káááááábíyèsí oooo (they all prostrated)’ the chanter: ‘the king is answering you, the king is responding to you’ otun: ‘kábíyèsí ó. the people of the town are greeting you for today’s festival, they felicitate with you. they said more of this festival shall be celebrated in our lives ( he turned to town people). our father also greets you. he said we shall live to witness more of this.’ the townspeople: ‘amen’ in addition, adeniyi (2002:24) in his drama text kòkúmọ́ ọmọ o ̣̀do ̣̀ àgbà, shows a scene where the chiefs are greeting the king and guard is answering for the monarch: ajiroba: kábíèsí, ke ̣́ẹ pe ̣́ fún wa. igba ọdún, ọdún kan kebe: ọba ń kí ọ ọtun: kábíèsí ,olúwa mi ekerin: kí adé pe ̣́ lórí baba, kí bátá pe ̣́ le ̣́sè kebe: kábíèsí ní ẹ gbéra níle ̣̀ translation ajiroba: ‘kábíèsí, may your days be long. two hundred years shall be a stepping stone many more years on the throne’ kebe: ‘the king is greeting you’ otun : ‘kábíèsí, my lord’ ekerin: ‘may the crown dwell on your head for long and the shoes dwell on your feet’ kebe: ‘kábíèsí said you should stand’ the extracts from the two drama texts lend credence to the observations in the palace. from these drama texts, it appears that yorùbá customs and tradition permit intermediation in the palace and it also shows that palace guards have been trained by tradition to respond to greetings for their masters (in the yoruba tradition, most guards are slaves acquired through wars). besides, subordinates in the king’s palace see the monarch as their lord; as a result, the chiefs can also relate the monarch’s greetings to town people. furthermore, the interaction between the intermediary and the town people in the case of the two drama texts and the interaction in aláàfin o ̣̀yo ̣́ ’s palace cited above, apparently shows that the parties shared the same linguistic competence that facilitates mutual understanding of the situation and the response expected in the context. it is this shared knowledge that mandated the intermediary to answer on behalf of the monarch right in his presence while the subordinate being greeted also understands that the monarch is talking through the intermediary. greeting a woman with a toddler (between the ages of 1-4 years) greeting is a sign of affection in the yorùbá culture and the exercise does not exempt anyone irrespective of age, status or class. this further affirms that everyone is recognized journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) bolanle tajudeen opoola & jelili adewale adeoye 72 and cherished in the yorùbá culture. often, when greetings involve two parents, their children are given special attention in their discussion, most especially, when they are present at the scene of the discussion. after the exchange of greetings by parents, the children are always incorporated. in such cases, a toddler strapped to the back of her mother may be greeted to show love and affection. the conversation below represents the scenario of greeting a toddler at the back of her mother: translation a: ìya bólú ẹ kaáaro ̣̀ . ‘iya bolu good morning’ 1 b: ẹ káàro ̣́ mo ̣̀ . ‘good morning ma’ 2 a: ọmọ mi káààro ̣́ ‘my child good morning’ 3 b: ó ní yẹẹsi mo ̣̀ / ó ní ẹ káàáro ̣̀ mo ̣̀ ‘he/she said yes ma/ he/she said good morning ma’ 4 a: bàbá rẹ ń ko ̣́ ? ‘how is your father?’ 5 b: ó ní wo ̣́ n wà dáadáa. ‘he/she said he is good’ 6 a: ẹ bá mi kílé ‘say me well to your people’ 7 b: ẹ ṣeun mo ̣̀ ‘thank you ma’ 8 in the interaction above, one can observe that greeting in yoruba culture is psychological, because mrs. a had greeted mrs. b who happened to be bolu’s mother. however, to show that greeting in yoruba has no age barrier; the baby is incorporated into the discourse. that is why mrs. a extends her greeting to the baby as shown in (3).the greeting in (3) is a way of transferring affection of the mother to the baby. moreover, mrs. a made her greeting with the baby interactive as if the baby would reply as shown in (5). however, the mother (mrs. b) as shown in 4&6 had to fulfill the moral obligation by answering for her baby in order to show politeness. furthermore, the attention of the woman can be drawn to the baby at her back either to adjust the neck or to reposition the baby for convenience before greeting both mother and the baby. in yoruba culture, non-verbal gestures can also be used to greet a baby while the mother will still answer. for instance, an elderly person can wave his hand to the baby at the back of the mother. the mother of the baby in the situation will bow her head a little in recognition of the greeting and say ‘ẹ ṣeun, sir’ thank you, sir. apart from the baby strap at the back, children between the ages of 1-4 who cannot talk vividly can also be greeted while the mother will answer. see the example below: translation a: madam, ẹ kú ọjà o ‘madam, how is the market’ 1 b: a dúpe ̣́ o ‘thank you’ 2 a: èló le ̣̀ ń ta aṣo yìí ‘how much is this cloth’ 3 b: ogorun naira ni o ‘it is n100’ 4 a: ṣe ̣́ ọmọ yín lo ń seré yìí ‘is this your child playing’ 5 b: be ̣́e ̣̀ ni ‘yes ma’ 6 a: omo yin na ti mo ọjà tà ‘your child also has learned the trade’ 7 b: àbẹ́ ẹ̀ ri ‘you can see it yourself’ 8 a: ọmọ mi káàásán, kú ọjà o my son good afternoon, how is the market’ 9 b: ó ní ẹ káàásán mà he/she said good afternoon ma’ 10 a: gbà kí o fi ra súùti ̣̀ take this token to buy sweet’ 11 b: ó ní ẹ seun ganan ma ‘he/she said thank you ma’ 12 from the extract, one can deduce that, apart from greeting the child as shown in line 10, the presentation of gift or candid gesture can also prompt intermediation. in line 11, a offers a token to the child while the mother thanks her/him on behalf of the baby. among the yorùbá, gifts are hardly taken from strangers. as shown in 12, the response may connote acceptance for a person that is wellknown to the parents while the same response may mean a polite rejection of the gift to a stranger. the conversation in extract clearly shows that the interlocutors share the same social background that influences their language use in relation to the context of the discussion. this is actually shown in the mode of the greetings and the politeness involved in journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 73 accepting or rejecting gift from a known and unknown person in the context. greeting an extremely sick person the yorùbá believe that sickness is inevitable and that is why they often say ‘a kì í ró kádún’ which literarily meanings that one cannot be healthy all the year round. thus, greeting as a moral and cultural obligation, does not exempt the sick because they are cherished within the ambit of the yorùbá culture. the conversation below shows a hospital scene where an extremely sick person is being greeted: translation a: ìyá òjó ẹ kú ọjo ̣́ me ̣́ta ‘ìyá òjó it is quite an age’ 1 b: ẹ ṣeun o ‘thank you’ 2 a: ó tó ọjo ̣́ me ̣́ta tí mo rí òjó ‘i have not seen òjó for sometimes now’ 3 b: ara re ̣̀ kò yá àìsàn náà le díe ̣̀ ‘he is sick and the ailment is serious’ 4 a: ẹ pe ̣̀le ̣́, ẹ sì kú ìto ̣́ jú ‘sorry, thanks for the care’ 5 b: ó wà nínú yàrá ìtọ́ jú, ẹ yọ jú si ‘he is in the treatment room, you can go in to see him’ 6 a: òjó pe ̣̀le ̣́ o báwo lará ṣe? ‘òjó how are you and how are you feeling now?’ 7 b: ó ní ará le ‘he said, he is better’ 8 a: àìsàn re ̣̀ yíì lágbára ooo ‘this sickness is severe’ 9 b: kò tí ì so ̣̀ ro ̣̀ láti ìjẹta ‘he has not talked for three days’ 10 a: ọlo ̣́ run á fún ẹ ní àlàáfíà ‘god will grant you quick recovery’ 11 b: àmin ‘amen’ 12 in the conversation, one will notice that mrs. b is an acquaintance of mrs. a. the norm in the yoruba setting is to ask after whoever has not been heard of or seen for some time to know his/her whereabouts. this comes into play when mrs. a who had not seen òjó for quite some time was eager to know his whereabouts from the mother. in the extract, òjó, the son of mrs. b is extremely sick and cannot talk because of the severity of the illness; but the moral obligation mandated mrs a to greet him (òjó), irrespective of whether he could answer or not. mrs. a greeted òjó as shown in line (7) but the mother (mrs. b), knowing full well that the child could not talk due to his sickness comes in between the conversation to fulfill the cultural rite. it is worthy to note that the role of the third party in the discussion is due to incapacitation on the part of the person being greeted. from the conversation in the extract, it is certain that the interlocutors share the same norms and beliefs with regards to extremely sick people. the shared norms and beliefs dictate the flow of the conversation, their world view and feelings towards the members of their community in the situation. greeting the bereaved it is a common belief in yorùbá culture that no mortal can escape death. that is why they normally say ‘àwáyé ì kú kan kò sí gbogbo wa la ó re ìwàlè àsà’(death is inevitable surely every mortal must go to the great beyond). based on this background knowledge, the yorùbá culture values greeting the bereaved, because, no matter how long someone stays on earth, death will surely visit his/her doorstep. thus, when an elderly person dies, people in the society normally pay condolence visit to the children of the deceased and in some cases, the community head or the king may send people to greet the children of the deceased. this type of greeting connotes felicitating with children of the dead, because, they are alive to bury their parent. in such instances, the yorùbá people will greet the children of the deceased ẹ kù àṣe ̣̀yìndè bàbá/màmá (greeting for the death of an elderly person). the burial of elderly people often comes with big celebration among the kids of the deceased. that is why the yoruba will say òkú ọlo ̣́ mọ àṣeèṣetán (the burial of one who bears children never ends). however, in yorùbá culture, whenever a young person dies, such death is referred to as òkú o ̣̀ fo ̣̀ ‘untimely death’ apart from individuals who have come to sympathize the parent of the deceased, selected elderly people may also be sent to greet the parents of the deceased either by the king of a town or by the community head. the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) bolanle tajudeen opoola & jelili adewale adeoye 74 conversation below shows a typical scenario of greeting the bereaved (untimely death). a: ẹ pe ̣̀lẹ bàbá àti ìya àbe ̣̀fe ̣́ 1 a: àwọn ìlú ní kí á ṣe yín ní pe ̣̀lẹ, wo ̣́ n ní a ò ní rí irú e ̣̀ mọ́ 2 c: ẹ ṣeun ẹyin ọdọ ìlú, irú nǹkan búburú báyì kò ní ṣẹle ̣̀ sí wa mọ́ 3 c: a ò ní fi irú e ̣̀ gbá 4 a: àmin oo 5 translation: a: ‘àbe ̀fe ’s mother and father we sympathise with you’ 1 a: ‘the town people sent you their greetings; they said such a sad event will not occur to you again’ 2 c: ‘thank you the youth of our town, such a sad happening will not befall us again’ 3 c: ‘we won’t visit you on account of sad event like this’ 4 a: ‘amen’ 5 the extract shows that three groups of people are involved: the parents of the deceased, a member of their family who is sympathizing with them and the youths sent by the town people. one will notice that the youths direct their greetings to the parents of the deceased as shown in lines 1&2 in the conversation; but the severity of the sadness does not allow the parents of the deceased to reciprocate the greeting. mr. c who understands the gravity of sadness the deceased’s parents are going through quickly keys into the discourse to fulfill the cultural obligation, as shown in lines 3&4. similarly, the home movie titled ‘assignment’ presents a scenario where bísí the daughter of fausat balogun (madam saje ) is gang raped in school by cultists and dies in the process. the friends come to greet the mother who is in seclusion because of the ugly incident. the third party who happens to be the younger sister answers the friends who come to commensurate with the deceased’s mother. this scenario in the film provides another shade of intermediation where the person greeted may be absent at the scene but the third party would stand in for him/her. see the examples below: friend1: ó ṣe ̣̀ṣe ̣̀ pè mí tán ní o ̣̀ sán ọjo ̣́ yẹn ni 1 friend2: àṣé bí ènìyàn ṣe mạ̣́́a ń kú nì yí? 2 friend3: kìí ṣe oníjo ̣̀ gbo ̣̀ n oooo 3 third party: ẹ ṣeun, a kú ọro ̣̀ ènìyàn ọlo ̣́ run kò ní je ̣́ kí á rí irú e ̣̀ mo ̣́ 4 translation friend1: ‘he just called in the afternoon of the incident’ 1 friend2: ‘is this how people die?’ 2 friend3: ‘she is not a troublesome person’ 3 third party (the aunt of the deceased): ‘thank you, god will give us the fortitude to bear the loss; we won’t see such an incident again.’ 4 from the extract, the intermediary is greeting the friends on behalf of the deceased’s mother who went into seclusion after the death of her only daughter. from the examples cited earlier, one can see that the person(s) being greeted are present at the scene of the conversation; but in this particular situation, the person is absent. this shows that greetings can be answered for people in their absence in the yorùbá culture. furthermore, the extracts present sad situations that demand the understanding of some core cultural values of the yorùbá people before greetings can be offered. also, it shows that untimely death has great impact on the psychology and belief of the yorùbá people with respect to the choice of their language use, attitude, feelings, emotions and behaviour. socio-cultural overview from the presentation so far, it is apparent that yorùbá culture does not allow for a vacuum in greeting discourse, such that, whoever is greeted must respond; except for the occasions discussed where a third party responds on behalf of the persons being greeted. it is worthy of note that both the greeting forms and their responses have norms which guide them in yorùbá cultural journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 75 settings that must be shared by the interlocutors and the third party in the discourse. this shared cultural background will enable the interlocutors to understand that greetings must be answered, and where there are lapses, the third party must key into the discussion to fulfill the moral obligation. moreover, the superior and the subject (king and visitor) relationship in yorùbá greeting discourse as exemplified in (6.1) shows the upward and downward flow of information through an intermediary who acts as the vessel. the subject in this communication circle cannot interact directly with the superior without the third party. the schema below represents the communication link. figure 1: the communication link scheme superior intermediary / third party subjects the schema above shows that the direction of greetings flows from the bottom to the top echelon. the interlocutors (king and the subject) cannot interact directly because of cultural constraints. therefore, the intermediary in the discussion circle acts as the image-maker or mouthpiece of the superior to the subjects. one will notice that this type of communication setting differs slightly from vertical communication where information flows downwards and upwards, freely. in the yorùbá traditional setting, information from the top must pass downwards through the intermediary, while information from the bottom must pass upwards through the same link. however, this communication scenario may not be applicable all the times. there are situations where the superior may wish to communicate directly with his subjects, but the occasions are rare. moreover, the role of the intermediary in the greeting discourse between the king and his subject is a sign of authority that is attached to the throne by tradition. apart from the cultural constraints that bring about an intermediary in superior and subject greeting relationship, situational constraints can also be responsible for intermediaries in greeting discourse. in this situation, the communication pattern is horizontal. however, for certain reasons, the person or persons greeted cannot have the luxury to answer. the contexts include: greeting a toddler, greeting the bereaved and greeting an extremely sick person. the toddler is constrained by age, while an extremely sick person has health challenges and the bereaved is constrained by sadness. in these three situations, yorùbá culture recommends greeting, and, for cultural obligations to be fulfilled, the intermediary becomes inevitable. abiodun (2006) explains that one of the social functions of language is referred to as ‘phatic communion’. in yorùbá cultural settings, greeting is used to foster friendship and enhance cordial social relationship. thus, when greeting is directed at somebody and he/she is carried away by what he/she is doing at the moment, the attention of such person will be drawn to the greeting whenever they journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 67 meet again so that he could fulfill the cultural obligations. yorùbá will say mò ń ki yín le ̣́e ̣̀kan ẹ ó gbo ̀̀ ‘i was greeting you but you didn’t respond’. furthermore, days and weeks are no barriers to response in the yorùbá greeting discourse, yorùbá will say mò ń ki yín làná/o ̣̀ se ̣̀ tó kọjá ẹ ò gbo ̣́ ‘i was greeting you yesterday or last week but didn’t respond’. moreover, whenever the attention of the person greeted is drawn to such greeting he/she will apologize, thank the person that greeted him/her and respond to the greeting. however, in a situation whereby situational constraints have prevented or come between the addressee and the addressed in greeting discourse, the intermediation of the third party could be for politeness in case of a toddler, incapacitation in the case of an extremely sick person and the bereaved. for both cultural and situational constraints discussed, the interlocutors must share the same linguistic competence which encompasses sociological, situational and psychological to enhance mutual understanding of the situation and facilitate appropriate response in the contexts. conclusion it has been established in this paper that previous studies have limited the scope of greeting discussions to the exchange of pleasantries between two people, groups and communities. this study seeks to go beyond this. it has shown that greeting discussion does ensue between two people but cultural and situational constraints do hinder direct answers or responses from the person(s) greeted to reply. as a result, an intermediary comes into the discussion to fulfill the cultural and moral obligations as well as eliminate communication gaps. it has also been shown that activities such as greeting for or on behalf of somebody else are ways of transmitting the politeness culture of the yorùbá people to the younger generation. references abimbola, w. 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(1980) orúkọ ló yàto ̣̀ . ìbàdàn: university press ltd. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 43 word formation of photography terminologies akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin & department of english education, universitas ahmad dahlan abstract technology and social media affected the use of word as part of language in certain domain as a means of communication. the research objectives were to find out the types of word formation, the dominant type and the reason of dominancy of word formation of photography terminologies in online magazine it was a descriptive qualitative research concerning on exploring language particularly on word level. data were collected from articles published on online magazine from january to august 2018 by reading, note-taking and check-listing. to analyze the types of word formation, a theory by stockwell and minkova was used and to analyze the meaning of the terminologies, cambridge and oxford dictionaries were used. the result showed that there were 198 photography terminologies found. these terminologies were classified into six types of word formation, namely acronym (12 data), borrowing (3 data), compounding (166 data), clipping (3 data), derivation (3 data) and eponym (1 datum). the most dominant type was compounding. it was very dominant due to its simplicity to form a new word by simply combining two or more words without any change of its elements. this research revealed many photography terminologies that could be used to enrich vocabulary keywords: word formation, photography terminologies, introduction language is always interesting to discuss, whether it is written or spoken form. there are languages in the world and english is one of them. language, including english, is shaped by form of words in arranging the representation of the message from a larger unit to a smaller unit. the larger unit can be in the level of sentences to discourses, while the smaller can be in the level of phrases to words. according to john (2018), sentence is at the top part of the hierarchy, so it is the largest unit which we will be considering (though some grammars look beyond the sentence). at the end of the hierarchy, word is at the lowest level eventhough some grammars go below the word to consider morphology, the study of how word is constructed. the emergences of technological inovation influence linguistic occurrence in making new terminologies as needed in the way of forming words. this matter gets in touch to morphology because the analysis deals with word-structure. according to arronof & fudeman (2011, p. 1), morphology refers to mental system in linguistics branch dealing with word, its internal structure, and how it is formed. the main concern deals with formation process in language that can be analysed in scope of word analysis. an approach to this is usually said as wordformation which relates to process in forming word with various ways depending on its use. it is interesting to explore the current terminologies of photography in word formation process especially in which is according to, the web is one of the great journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin 44 photography websites providing information about photography. the first reason is young people follow a trend of posting pictures on social media like facebook, whatsapp, instagram, and many other social media because social media is rapidly developed in influencing social behavior of sharing picture (kofoed, jette and larsen m.c, 2016). then, the other reason of choosing the topic is that because of the development of technology that increases rapidly including photography, motivate people’s desire to know about how it works properly as beneficial profession to deal with. thus, to fulfill the needs of photographing, they need to know and learn all about photography at least by knowing the terminology itself. in short, this study deals with photography terminology in which it develops greatly recently since the era of social media increases rapidly. this study analyzes the types word formation of photography terminology and which one is dominant. photography is also possible to be a means of communication to deliver messages. photography functions as a communication medium, setting the composition well. it will make it easy for an observer or connoisseur of art photography to capture what the photographer wants to convey through his work. someone is possible to see news by capturing its contents without reading it, or just as curious trigger tool. in this case photo works can also be said as medium that has the use (functional) value and at the same time as an instrument because it is used as a tool in the communication process of delivering messages or ideas from the creator of the photo (soedjono, 2007). morphology word formation is the main topic of morphology in which morphology is the study of forming word. lieber (2009) states that the study of morphology is about to reveal how to form word and the ways of those words are shaped in different types. a word can be form with a single morpheme or combination of morphemes. morpheme is the smallest part of a word which is no longer meaningful if it is divided. o’grady and guzman (2001) state that morpheme is the smallest language unit that brings information about function and meaning. basically, there are two types of morpheme, namely free morpheme and bound morpheme. a morpheme which can be a word by itself is called free (o’grady and guzman, 2001). katamba (2006) states that bound morpheme that only can occur if it is attached to or tied to another morpheme (free morpheme) in occurrence of root, stem or base is called as affix. affixes will be meaningless if it is not tied to free morpheme. katamba (2006) classifies affixes into three classifications based on their positions toward free morpheme as follow: 1) prefix: an affix that is attached before a root, base, or a stem, such as {re-}, {un-}, and {in-}. e.g. un-kind, re-make, inaccurate. 2) suffix: an affix that is attached after a root, base, or a stem, such as {–ly}, {-er}, {-ed}. e.g. kind-ly, play-er, walk-ed. 3) infix: an affix that is inserted inside a root, but infixing is not common in english. word formation according to stockwell and minkova (2001), english word-formation process is divided into ten types. they are neologisms (creation de novo), blending, acronym (initialization & reverse), clipping, derivation (affixation & conversion), eponyms, echoic, reduplication borrowing, and compounding. a. neologism or coinage neologism is a word formation in which a word is coined based on its use in particular. this kind of word formation is created and used in manufacture and commercial field to specifically name a product such as kodak (the name of camera) created by george eastman, and honda (a kind of vehicle), teflon (a kind of kitchen ware). b. blending blending is a kind of word formation that combines two or more existing words to construct or form a new word. stockwell & minkova (2001) state that in blending, parts of two or more existing words are yoked together usually first part of one word and the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 45 last part of the second to make a word that combines the meaning of the two words, for example: urinalysis (urine and analysis), edutainment (education and entertainment) and brunch (breakfast and lunch). c. acronym 1) initialisms according to stockwell & minkova (2001), if the letters that form the acronym are pronounced individually like http (hypertext transfer protocol), such acronym is called initialism. the other examples of initialisms are lcd (liquid crystal display), who (world health organization), and wto (world trade organization). it is clear that in initialisms, each letter is pronounced independently one by one. 2) reverse acronyms stockwell & minkova (2001) state that in reverse acronyms, the creator starts with a word they want as their name such as core (congress of racial equality), nasa (national aeronautics and space administration) in which the letters of core or nasa are not pronounced independently but they are pronounced like common words. d. creation by shortening (clipping) shortening is deleting some parts of a word to make it shorter. stockwell & minkova (2001) explain that shortening can take any part of a word, usually one syllable and omit the rest, like ad (advertisement), phone (telephone), flu (influenza), plane (airplane). o’grady and guzman (2001) state clipping is a kind of word formation that a deletion of some syllables in polysyllabic word happens to make it shorter. the other examples of clipping are quiz (inquisitive), prof (professor), etc. e. derivation 1) derivation by affixation stockwell & minkova (2001) state that derivation consists in making up new words by adding endings to more basic forms of the words. o’grady and guzman (2001) define that derivation is a process of forming word by adding affixes into its base in producing a new word. therefore, the lexical meaning and function change. example: reader = read is added with {–er}. read is a verb then it gets {er} that changes the class or word from verb into noun (the agent who does the action) 2) derivation without affixation derivation is creating a new word from already existing word without changing the form. derivation without affixation is also called as conversion (stockwell & minkova, 2001). stockwell and minkova (2001) add that noun, adjective, adverb and verb look alike and sound alike. for examples are as follow: i sent you a text last night. text me if you need me! the word text in first sentence stands as a noun. on the other hand, the word text in the second sentence stands as a verb. it is clear that there is no change of the form of the word, but there is a change of the word category from a noun into a verb. f. eponym eponym is a creation of words based on names (stockwell & minkova, 2001). they add that eponyms are associated with the real people, imaginary creatures or mythological figures, and places. 1) based on personal name or real people eponym based on real people or personal name is a creation of word based on the name of a real person who invented something. for example, ohm (unit of electrical resistance) is created based on its inventor george simon ohm (german physicist). 2) based on geographical name or place eponym based on place or geographical name is a creation of word based on the name of the place where the thing is invented. for example, cheddar (a village in somerset) is created based on the name of place where the cheese first came. 3) based on imaginary creature (literature) and mythology eponym based on imaginary creature and mythology is a word creation that relates to journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin 46 creatures in literary works and mythology. for example: atlas, the name of figure in greek mythology that was punished by zeus to support the earth on shoulder. g. echoic or onomatopoeia echoic is a creation of word by imitating the sound that the word represents (stockwell & minkova, 2001). this type of word formation is not really productive especially in english. for examples: bang, meow, moo, etc. h. reduplication stockwell & minkova (2001) state that reduplication is a word creation by repeating part or all parts of word. sapir (1921) in katamba (1994) states that reduplication is the repetition of the base of a word partially or in its entirety. for examples: fifty-fifty, brain drain, and dum dum. i. borrowing borrowing is a creation of word by adopting foreign words to be used in the language. katamba (1994) explains that the collection of words (vocabulary) or a language can be increased by borrowing vocabulary from other languages. for example: rambutan (a borrowing word from indonesian) and omellette (a borrowing word from french). j. compounding compounding is a creation of word by combining or mixing two words. stockwell & minkova (2001) state that compounding is the largest word formation and the most important source of new words. o’grady and guzman (2001) state that compounding is a process of combining two or more separate lexical categories such as noun, adjective, adverb and preposition to produce a new word. for examples: nothing, green house, shoemaker, wallpaper, etc. there are various types of compounding. according to carstairs-mccarty (2002), there are five types of compound; compound noun, compound verb, compound adjective, phrasal word and neo-classical compound. 1) compound noun compound noun is combination of words in which the head of construction is a noun. the combination of compound noun can be in several patterns as follow: a) noun + noun: exercise book, cloth hanger b) verb + noun: playtime, washing machine c) adjective + noun : smartphone, whiteboard d) preposition + noun: outdoor, on time 2) compound verb compound verb is combination of words in which the head of construction is a verb. the combination of compound verb can be in several patterns as follow: a) verb + verb: drink-drive, blow-dry b) noun + verb: handwash, daydream c) adjective + verb: clear cut, white wash d) prepositional: overcook, underexpose 3) compound adjective compound adjective is combination of words in which the head of construction is a adjective. the combination of compound adjective can be in several patterns as follow: a) noun + adjective : ore-rich, home sick, heart broken b) adjective + adjective : kind hearted, pure white c) preposition + adjective: overactive, over confident 4) phrasal word another form of compound is phrasal word. carstairs-mccarty (2002) state that the item functions as word but its appearance of the structure is in form of phrase like mother in law. 5) neo classical compound neo classical compound is word formation by combining affixes of latin or greek with other elements to form a new word. the affixes of latin or greek may occur either at the initial position or final position (bauer, 1983). for examples are teleconference and hydrology. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 47 research method this research employed descriptive qualitative method. the data were taken from online magazine according to creswell (2007), the source of data in qualitative research can be obtained through documents and archives, open-ended interviews, subject journaling, participant observation, and casual chatting. thus, in applying for the research, the sources of data were articles in published from january to august 2018 and dictionaries as the source to analyze the meaning of photography terminologies. check-list and note-taking were the instruments of this research. data analysis covers three main points of analysis: the types of word formation process, the meaning by referring to dictionaries, and conclusion. discussion types of word formation out ot ten types of word formation, there are only six types of word formation of photography terminologies found. they are acronym, borrowing, compounding, creation by shortening (clipping), derivation and eponym. a. acronym there are two types of acronyms found in this study; initialism and reverse acronym. 1) initialism initialism is an acronym in which the new word is constructed of the combination of the initial letters of each word and the new word formed is pronounced by pronouncing each letter independently. for examples: a) slr chances are your digital slr will have something similar. (flash: slow-speed sync, february 26, 2018) it can be seen that slr is an acronym and it is photography terminology. morphologically, slr consists of three free morphemes based on the elements constructing the word. slr is a noun that has three constituents or elements constructing this word. they are s (single), l (lens) and r (reflects). slr belongs to initialism acronym because each letter constructing the new word represents one existing word and is pronounced one by one independently. this new word consists of three letters representing three elements of it and has a new meaning representing the three constructing elements. s (single) means only one, l (lens) means transparent material or a piece of glass with curved sides to concentrate or disperse light rays, used independently or singly (as in a magnifying glass) or with other lenses (like in a telescope) and r (reflect) means throwing back without absorbing. in photography terminology, slr is a kind of camera that uses single line lens system to pass the light to two places (focal plane and viewfinder) allowing the photographer to see the object directly through camera screen or viewfinder. b) lcd when you exhale, be sure to aim your breath away from the viewfinder, front lens element and lcd. your breath will fog them up. (year-round photo thoughts, april 2, 2018) it can be seen that lcd is an acronym and it is photography terminology. morphologically, lcd consists of three free morphemes based on the elements constructing the word. lcd is a noun which has three constituents or elements constructing this word. they are l (liquid), c (crystal) and d (displayer). lcd belongs to initialism acronym because each letter constructing the new word represents one existing word and is pronounced one by one independently. the word lcd consisting three letters representing three words has a new meaning representing three words constructing it. l (liquid) means a substance which flows freely but is of static volume, having a consistency like that of oil or water, c (crystal) means highly transparent glass with a high refractive index and d (display) means show (data or an image) on a computer, television, or other screen. in photography, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin 48 lcd is the screen on a camera made of liquid crystal that modulates light to show the image of the object. c) b&w along the options bar at the top of the photoshop workspace, go to image>adjustments>b&w (color be gone, march 19, 2018) it can be seen that b&w is an acronym and it is photography terminology. morphologically, b&w consists of three free morphemes based on the elements constructing the word. b&w has three constituents or elements constructing this word. they are b (black), & (symbol of and) and w (white). b&w belongs to initialism acronym because each letter constructing the new word represents one existing word and is pronounced one by one independently. the word b&w consists three letters representing three words and has a new meaning representing three words constructing it. b (black) means the darkest color owing to the absence of or total absorption of light; the opposite color of white, & (and) means conjunction to connect the words of some parts and w (white) means the color of fresh snow or milk, due to the reflection of all visible rays of light; the opposite color of black. in photography, b&w is a kind of photography in which all kinds of color are removed except black and white. 2) reverse acronym reverse acronym is an acronym in which a new word formed is pronounced dependently as common words not independently letter by letter. in this research, there is only one word categorized as reverse acronym, iso. tripod: to get the best quality capture, you want to use as low an iso as your camera has. (photographic portals january 22, 2018) morphologically, iso consists of three free morphemes based on the elements constructing the word. it is an acronym of international standardization organization. iso is an international organization that standardizes the sensitivity ratings for camera sensors. in technical term of photography, iso refers to the settings of dark and bright. the higher the level of iso, the brighter the image will be. b. borrowing borrowing means adopting words from foreign language. in this research, there are three photography terminologies classified into borrowing words. they are angle, aperture, and portrait. 1) angle will they be on the proper side of the road given the angle of the sun? (backtrack for success, january 29, 2018) angle is adopted from latin angulus which means corner. morphologically, it consists of one free morpheme. in photography terminology, angle means the position or corner from where the image is viewed or captured. 2) aperture if necessary, raise your iso or open your aperture to attain the necessary shutter to freeze the moment. (create captivating creature captures, february 12, 2018) aperture is adopted from latin apertura /apert which means open. morphologically, it consists of one free morpheme. in photography terminology, aperture is the opening of the shutter in a lens that determines how much the light will get in to the sensor through the lens. 3) portrait you need to make a portrait in the bright sun, which dictates it will be contrast. (flash: high-speed sync, february 19, 2018) portrait is adopted from french portraire’ which means portray or depict. morphologically, it consists of one free morpheme. in photography, portrait is a kind of photography that focuses only on capturing the face or head and the shoulder or the object. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 49 c. compounding compounding is a kind of word formation by combining or mixing two or more words to produce a single form of new word. in this study, compounding is the most dominant type of word formation. there are 166 data categorized as compounding. for examples are as follow: 1) action photography one of my photo mantras is “exhaust all possibilities,” and it should be applied to action photography. (pan like a pro, march 26, 2018) action photography is classified into compounding. morphologically, action photography consists of two free morphemes (action and photography). this terminology is constructed by two elements. the elements are noun + noun. action stands as modifier that modifies the head and photography stands as the head. action photography is noun compounding in which the head is a noun. action photography has a new meaning in which the meaning is constructed by its constituents. action means a physical movement and photography is an activity or job of taking photograph or picture or filming. action photography is a kind of photography that which captures or shoots person in action that requires physical ability like fighting and martial art. 2) backlight this image is all about the backlight. (aim for the sun, july 2, 2018) backlight is classified into compounding. morphologically, it consists of two free morphemes (back and light). this terminology is constructed by two elements. they are back and light. the word back stands as a modifier and light stands as the head. back is an adjective and light is a noun. this construction is noun compounding because the head of the elements is a noun. backlight as a terminology in photography conveys meaning which is constructed by its elements. back means position directly behind something or someone and light means agent that stimulates sight and make things visible. in photography, backlight is a kind of light which comes from or is placed at the back side of the object. 3) eye level you can shoot at eye level with your subject. (photographing shorebirds, july 2, 2018) eye level is classified into compounding. morphologically, it consists of two free morphemes (eye and level). this terminology is constructed by two elements. they are eye and level. the word eye stands as a modifier and level stands as the head. eye is a noun and level is a noun. this construction is noun compounding because the head of the elements is a noun. eye level is a formed word that has a meaning. the meaning is also constructed by its elements. eye means each of globular organs of sight in the head of human and animals and level means a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality. in photography terminology, eye level means the position of lens of camera that is in line with the eyes of the object or as high as the object while capturing. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin 50 types of compound no formation sum types of compound examples 1 adjective + adjective 4 adjective super close, super wide, pure black, pure white 2 adjective + adjective + noun 2 noun hyper focal point, hyper focal distance 3 adjective + conjunction + adjective 1 adjective black and white 4 adjective + noun 52 noun ambient light, backlight, continuous focus 5 adjective + noun + noun 17 noun full-frame image, late day light, wide angle zoom 6 adjective + verb 1 verb override 7 neo-classical compound from greek 7 neoclassical compound histogram, tripod, perimeter 8 noun + adjective + noun 1 noun multi-point autofocus 9 noun + adjective + noun + noun 1 noun default close focus distance 10 noun + noun 71 noun action photography, ballhead, camera angle 11 noun + noun + noun 4 noun daylight image, exposure delay mode 12 preposition + noun 2 noun out of focus, outline 13 preposition + verb 1 verb underexpose 14 verb + noun 2 noun shooting position, shooting low total 166 table 2 distribution of compound no types of compound sum of data percentage 1 noun 155 93.4% 2 verb 1 0.6% 3 adjective 4 2.4% 4 phrasal word 0 0% 5 neo classical 6 3.6% total 166 100% journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 51 d. clipping creation by shortening or clipping is a word formation process by deleting or omitting one or some syllables in polysyllabic words to make it shorter. in this research, there are three data classified into creation by shortening or clipping. they are photo, pic, and sync. 1) photo photo is classified into creation by shortening because there is syllable which is deleted or omitted. morphologically, photo represents the whole or complete single free morpheme as a word although it is clipped. photo is a noun which is a shortened form of photograph. the syllable graph is deleted to make it shorter. the meaning of photo remains the same as photograph. the meaning is a picture made using a camera whether printed or in digital form. 2) pic pic is classified into creation by shortening or clipping. pic is a noun as a shortened form of picture. the syllable ture is omitted or deleted to make it shorter. morphologically, pic represents the whole or complete single free morpheme as a word although it is clipped. however, the meaning of pic and picture is still the same. the meaning of picture is a painting or drawing. in relation to photography, picture means an image or photograph made using a camera. 3) sync sync is a shortened form of synchronization and it is a noun. thus, it is classified into creation by shortening or clipping because there are syllables which are omitted or deleted. morphologically, sync represents the whole or complete single free morpheme as a word although it is clipped. synchronization or clipped into sync is the operation or activity of two or more things at the same time. for example: the sync between the flash and the shutter. e. derivation 1) derivation by affixation derivation by affixation is a kind of word formation by giving affixes into its base to produce a new word. a) brightness the image preview your camera displays is great for checking composition, but the brightness of the image varies. (how to use histograms, may 15, 2018) morphologically, the term brightness has two morphemes. the morphemes are bright as a free morpheme and {–ness} as a bound morpheme. bright is an adjective as the base. then, it gets {–ness} as suffix that changes the lexical function. affixes like {-ness}, {-tion}, {age}, {-ency}, {-ence}, {-ity}, etc function as the agent of nominalization in which the word changes its function into a noun (bauer, 2002). the word bright stands as an adjective. bright means the giving out or reflecting light. then, it gets affixes {–ness} that changes the class of word from adjective to noun. brightness means the quality or state of giving out or reflecting light. b) reflection by definition, a reflection creates a mirror image which results in a 50/50 split of the subject matter. (the highs and lows of a horizon, july 9, 2018) morphologically, the term reflection has two morphemes. they are reflect as a free morpheme and {–ion} as a bound morpheme. reflect is a verb as the base. then, it gets {– ion} as suffix that changes the lexical function. affixes like {-ness}, {-tion}, {-age}, {-ency}, {ence}, {-ity}, etc function as the agent of nominalization in which the word changes its function into a noun (bauer, 2002). the word reflect stands as a verb. reflect means throw back without absorbing it. then, it gets affixes {–ion} that changes the class of word from verb to noun. reflection means a thing resulted from the reflected light. in journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin 52 photography, reflection is an image displayed like seen in a mirror or shiny surface. c) photographer i love wildlife photography because there are so many factors that challenge the photographer to create a great image. (create captivating creature captures, february 12, 2018) morphologically, photographer consists of two morphemes. they are photograph as free morpheme and {–er} as bound morpheme. the term photographer is resulted from the word photograph that gets suffix {– er}. affixes like {-ness}, {-tion}, {-age}, {ency}, {-ence}, {-ity}, etc function as the agent of nominalization in which the word changes its function into a noun (bauer, 2002). suffix {–er} functions as the agent of nominalization and the agent or the doer of the action. the word photograph stands as a verb which means an action of taking picture. then, it gets suffix {–er} that changes the function from a verb into a noun indicating the agent or the doer. photographer means the one who does the activity of taking picture. 2) conversion derivation without affixation (conversion) is creating already existing lexical word to be another without making a change to its form which is the form of word remaining the same. however, it represents different lexical item. in this research, there is only one datum categorized as derivation without affixation (conversion), to photograph. don’t squish your subjects together and work in areas with clean backgrounds are just some factors that need to be addressed to get a great wildlife photograph. (wildlife family portraits, april 30, 2018) spring is a good time to photograph young if you want to capture newborns. (wildlife family portraits, april 30, 2018) morphologically, photograph in sentence 1 and photograph in sentence 2 are similar consisting of one free morpheme. the word photograph in sentence 1 functions as a noun. on the other hand, photograph in sentence 2 stands as a verb. it shows that there is a change of the class of word from noun into verb. it means that there is a conversion of the same word. f. eponym eponym is a creation of word based on someone’s name. eponym is very rare to be used in word formation and it is not fruitful. there is only one datum categorized as eponym, silhouette. when i combine the sky photo with the silhouette or landscape, it becomes my “meal.” (mess with mother nature, may 7, 2018) silhouette is an eponym. morphologically, it consists of one free morpheme. it is taken from the name of finance minister of french. he is etienne de silhouette who was forced to make a policy to make things cheaper after the economic crisis due to seven-year war. then, he became popular and the profiles of silhouette were cut from black card, the cheapest way to record a person's appearance. the dominant type there are only six out of ten types of word formation found on articles of published on january to august 2018 namely, acronyms, borrowing, clipping, compounding, derivation and eponyms. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 53 table 3 data percentage no types of word formation number of data percentage 1 acronym 12 6.06% 2 borrowing 3 1.52% 3 clipping 3 1.52% 4 compounding 166 83.84% 5 derivation 13 6.57% 6 eponym 1 0.51% total 198 100.00% table 3 shows the percentage of types of word formation on photography terminologies. it can be seen that compounding type is the most dominant type of word formation. compounding consists of 166 data out of 198 total data. compounding is very dominant covering 83.84 % data. the second position is derivation covering 6.57% (13 data). the third is acronym consisting of 12 data or 6.06%. on the other hand, borrowing and clipping have similar number of data. they have 1.52% or 3 data of word formation. lastly, eponym only has 1 datum (0.51%). in conclusion, compounding is the most dominant type of word formation on photography terminologies consisting 83.84% data or 166 out of 198 total data. the reason of being dominant there are two reasons of compounding being the dominant type of word formation. the first is due to its simplicity and the second is its specific instruction since photography terminologies deal with instruction on how to operate a camera. compounding is very productive in word formation due to its simplicity. omachnu and abraham (2012) state that the main motive of using compounding in word formation is because of the need to express concept in new word representing the concept or idea of its element. that is, why compounding is easier to use than the other types of word formation. compounding is easier so that it is dominant. people can easily combine two or more words to represent a concept or idea and the other people somehow may predict the meaning from the elements constructing the new word. compounding is mostly used because it can specify the instruction or it can make instruction to operate the camera clearer. thus, the instruction can be understood by the photographer easily. conclusion this research reveals six types of word formation of photography terminologies namely acronym, borrowing, compounding, creation by shortening (clipping), derivation and eponym. compounding is very dominant covering 83.84 % or 166 out of 198 data. the second position is derivation covering 6.57% (13 data). the third is acronym consisting 12 data or 6.06%. on the other hand, borrowing and clipping have similar number of data. they have 1.52% or 3 data of word formation. lastly, eponym only has 1 datum (0.51%). compounding is the most dominant word formation type of photography terminologies consisting 83.84% data or 166 out of 198 total data. compounding is the most dominant word formation type of photography terminologies due to its simplicity and its specific instruction. people can express new concept or idea by combining already existing word without any change. it is recommended that readers are encouraged to read more articles to be more familiar with new terminologies on certain domain and writers of published journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akhmad multazim & ermayni sari nurdin 54 articles should consider the provision of more clues on terminologies for the articles. references aronoff, mark & fudeman, kristen. 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(2009). irama visual: dari tukang reklame sampai komunikator visual. yogyakarta: jalasutra. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 1 face management and issues of power, solidarity, and distance: socio-pragmatic influences on literary discourses v. vinod kumar, vijay singh thakur & justin james,, department of english, bharathidasan university, india; college of arts and applied sciences, dhofar university, sultanate of oman; nizwa college of technology, sultanate of oman. abstract literature, in many ways, reflects human societies. literature is mainly a linguistic and aesthetic reflection of how human beings conduct their personal and social lives. the use of language by nature is a social activity. human beings conduct all aspects of their lives through language. in the backdrop of this premise, human communication is, by nature, social communication. furthermore, language is shaped by societies and, in turn, societies are also shaped by the language they shape. the human communication functions and works on the social aspects related to who speaks to whom, when, in what language, where, how, and for what purpose. in all contexts, the sociolinguistic aspects of power principle, solidarity principle, distance, and face management play an influential role in determining the tenor, tone and mode of communication. this paper attempts to examine, analyze and discuss the socio-pragmatic perspectives that shape, guide, and give direction to inter-personal human communication. this analytical discussion of the socio-pragmatic aspects of language use will be carried out through sociolinguistic analyses of dialogic discourses from the magnum opus a suitable boy (asb) authored by vikram seth, which is considered to be an authentic socio-cultural document of india. keywords: face management, power principle, socio-pragmatic influences, solidarity principle introduction linguistics, literature, and human communication have been gravitating towards each other for a long time in order to develop and build meaningful communicative routes. this paper primarily aims at studying how context-bound discursive discourse practices involve operations of power, solidarity, and face management to construct or deconstruct a variety of identities. such an analytical process of literary texts sensitizes and raises our awareness of various discourse patterns in everyday human communication with a view to developing human capacities to examine and judge the inter-personal relationships and human societies carefully based on the personal motifs of characters’ and their sociocultural milieus. incidentally, the use of pragmatic interpretive strategies can afford new insights linked with the nature of literary communication, which are not possible by subjecting it to the traditional structural analysis of literary texts simply because it does not take into account the sociolinguistic aspects that play a pivotal role in shaping the ongoing discourse in human communication. this paper, planned in a socio-pragmatic analytical framework, is organized and presented in the following four parts: (a) the introductory part sets the tone and tenor of the paper. (b) the second part briefly discusses the review of related studies to serve as a journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) v. vinod kumar, vijay singh thakur & justin james 2 theoretical foundation for the analytical discussion initiated and evolved in the paper. (c) the third part is devoted to the sociopragmatic analysis of the dialogic discourses retrieved form asb. (c) the last part focuses on drawing concluding remarks and discussing emerging implications from the analytical discussion and critical interpretations of the findings. review of related studies a scientific approach to textual analysis views the literary text as a carefully crafted and orderly object that contains formal and observable communicative patterns. in this objective approach, the act of close analytical reading of the text becomes the primary focus to understand and appreciate literature and draw inferential chains of interpretation to examine the human connections and relations based on the social principles of solidarity and distance and the principle of power and face management. the first theoretical framework that lends focus and direction to the analytical discussion in this paper is critical discourse analysis (cda). cda, based on the works of fairclough and wodak (1997) and wodak (2000), considers language as a discursive practice and places the primary importance on the context of language use in human communication. cda is based on the central argument that human discourse is tied with, shaped and reshaped by social structure, which includes social class, relative status of the interlocutors, their age, ethnic identity, gender and their socio-cultural milieu, which constrains and shapes interlocutors’ identities, interpersonal relationships, and their knowledge and belief system. cda, to use teun and dijk’s (2010) argument, is a type of discourse analytical research that primarily studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced and resisted by the text and talk in the social and political context (p. 352). this framework triggers multiple levels of discussion of the relationship between power, ideologies, and language use as it is concerned with examining written and spoken texts in order to uncover socio-culturally motivated sources of power structures, dominance and inequality, and biases and prejudices. cda also takes into account how these discursive sources of power are developed, initiated maintained, reproduced and transformed within the parameters of specific social, economic, political and historical contexts. as fairclough (1993) remarks, cda also strives to explore how opaque and non-transparent discourse relationships serve as factors involved in securing power and hegemony which lead to power imbalances, social inequalities, undemocratic practice, and other injustices. in this sense, cda is considered a social science research method, which views discourse and its meaning(s) beyond the level of sentences and involves analyzing, interpreting and critically critiquing social life reflected in the text. the analytical strengths of cda should not be confined to the realm of research alone but be expanded to the teaching of literary discourses in order to enable the students to get engaged with the texts in evolving a multilevel discussion of the discursive sources of power, dominance, role relationships, identities, ideologies, social practices in order to raise students’ awareness of discourse patterns in real life as literary texts are closer to the examples of language in real life use. the second theoretical model of relevance to this paper is the framework of identity construction and performance (icp). against the fixed general notion of identity as a fixed and stable core of self, watson (2006) claims that identity is “an ongoing performative process in which individuals draw on diverse resources for the construction and presentation of the self (p. 509)”. gumperz and gumperz (1997) provide an elaborated view on this stating that, “the issues of gender, ethnicity, and class are customarily taken as given parameters and boundaries within which we create our own social identities (p.1)”. however, the study of language as interactive discourse demonstrates that these parameters are not constant which could be taken for granted but rather are communicatively constructed. therefore, in order to understand the issues of identity and how those issues affect and get affected by social, ethnic and political factors requires a better understanding of communicative processes by which they arise. socio-pragmatic modes of analysis are most suitable for providing a journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 3 proper understanding of the communicative processes. the third theoretical model directly relevant to the concerns of this paper is the face management theory (fmt). this politeness model is propounded by brown and levinson (1987) which is based on goffman’s (1972) concept of face, which is related to each individual’s self-esteem that is manifested in public. every competent member of a society emotionally invests this self-esteem due to its vulnerable nature as the face can be either maintained, enhanced, or lost. therefore, everyone constantly attends to it as a social principle in interpersonal communications. thus, everyone’s face is mutually protected and maintained in the normal course of communication. conversely, in cases of face threats people have the right to defend their faces and in doing so they can also threaten the face of other(s) if needed. the face involves two aspects: (a) positive face is related to the positive face wants of being accepted, liked, approved of by others. (b) negative face is related to the negative face wants of being given freedom from imposition, freedom of choice, and freedom of options by others. every human being creates or builds a public selfimage or face in accordance with the facerelated norms approved by his/her society. thus, goffman (1972) rightly argues that the concept of ‘self’ is an interactive social construct. therefore, the ‘self’ can be viewed as a social or public construct based on the notion of the face in terms of positive social value a person claims individually. a verbal discourse, therefore, turns out to be a collective and cooperative effort or a common pursuit towards maintaining inter-personal faces. according to goffman (2008), face management involves the avoidance process, the corrective process, the aggressive use of face work in view of the face wants and social relationships (pp. 299-310). research methodology the main aim of this paper is to study the operations of the face-saving and facethreatening mechanism involved in the dialogic discourses of characters in asb while constructing and performing different types of identities during their dialogic interactions. in doing that social aspect of characters’ occupation, authority, power, status, ethnic identity, solidarity, distance, and situational factors and how do they influence the management of face while interacting with each other are taken into account in analyzing the dialogic discourses taken from asb. four dialogic discourses with a diverse power structure linked to the participants’ social identities have been extracted from asb and subjected to socio-pragmatic examination and critical analytical discussion and interpretation. the analysis of each dialogic discourse is driven by the basic tenets of icp and cda using goffman’s (1972, 2008) framework of face management and brown and levinson’s (1987) theory of politeness. in view of the analytical discussion, interpretations, and findings, implications on the pedagogy of literary discourses and social and interpersonal interaction have been explored, discussed and proposed. what follows next is a socio-pragmatic analysis and discussion of characters’ face management as deployed and surfaced in asb. socio-pragmatic analysis of identity construction and face management in the dialogic discourses from asb thornborrow (2005) remarks that identity, whether social, institutional or individual is something that is constantly built and negotiated all our lives during interactions with others. identity is multidimensional for the reason that people switch roles at different times and in different contexts, which may shift into different and also sometimes conflicting identities of the people involved. the interplay of both individual and collective identities in the interaction and their face management in the following dialogue can be explored in many ways. dialogic discourse 1 turn 1: mrs. rupa mehra: who is he? come here. come here at once. turn 2: lata: just a friend. turn 3: mrs. rupa mehra: just a friend! a friend! and friends are for holding hands with? is this what i brought you up for? … turn 4: lata: who told you? hema’s taiji? journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) v. vinod kumar, vijay singh thakur & justin james 4 turn 5: mrs. rupa mehra: hema’s taiji? hema’s taiji? is she in this too? … she lets those girls run around all over the place with flowers in their hair in the evening. who told me? the wretched girl asks me who told me. no one told me. it’s the talk of the town, everyone knows about it. everyone thought you were a good girl with a good reputation– and now it is too late. too late. turn 6: lata: ma, you always say malti is such a nice girl. and she has friends like that– you know that– everyone knows that. turn 7: mrs. rupa mehra: be quiet! don’t answer me back! i’ll give you two tight slaps. roaming around shamelessly near the dhobi-ghat and having a gala time. turn 8: lata: but malti– turn 9: mrs. rupa mehra: malti! malti! i’m talking about you, not about malti … do you want to be like her? and lying to your mother. i’ll never let you go for a walk again. you’ll stay in this house, do you hear? do you hear? turn 10: lata: yes, ma … turn 11: mrs. rupa mehra: what’s his name? turn 12: lata: kabir. turn 13: mrs. rupa mehra: kabir what? … he has a name, doesn’t he? what is he – kabir lal, kabir mehra – or what? are you waiting for the tea to get cold? or have you forgotten? turn 14: lata: kabir durrani … turn 15: mrs. rupa mehra: is he a parsi? … a muslim … what did i do in my past life that i have brought this upon my beloved daughter? (asb, pp.181–82) before examining the above dialogue between the mother and her daughter, it will be helpful to look at the context of the conversation. mrs. rupa mehra, on her visit to a friend a day before, was reported and cautioned by her neighbor that she should be careful about her daughter as somebody saw her walking in the company of a young man holding his hand by the side of a river in the previous evening. the dialogue under examination is consequential to this alert. the dominant force of conversation in the above dialogue is rupa mehra’s speech act of questioning and demanding explanation from her daughter lata about her personal relationship with the boy in question in the dialogue. turn management in the dialogue demonstrates how the power and dominance work between the mother and daughter in the indian socio-cultural fabric. a closer look at the turn taking and turn allocation in the dialogue suggests that mrs. rupa mehra took bigger turn lengths of 217 words as compared to lata who was allowed to take only smaller turn lengths of 37 words. mrs. rupa mehra’s interrogative approach (e.g. who is he?, in turn, 1; what’s his name?, in turn, 11; is he a parsi? in turn, 15, etc.); her imperative tone (you’ll stay in this house, do you hear? in turn, 9); her interruptions (be quiet! don’t answer me back!, in turn 7); and her aggressive treatment (be quiet!, i’ll give you two tight slaps., in turn, 7) are socio-culturally motivated choices, which display a discursive source of dominance and power of mother over her daughter. in comparison, lata’s hesitant, submissive and compliant responses (just a friend, in turn, 2; yes ma…, in turn, 10, kabir and durrani…; in turn 14) clearly indicate that she was in a powerless position in relation to her mother. being part of solidarity-oriented indian society, mrs. rupa mehra’s strategies are the marked features of exercising authority, power and dominance over the addressee; her daughter. mrs. rupa mehra is asserting her social parental identity by exercising authority to question, influence, and map out her daughter’s personal relationship which might lead to marriage. lata’s well-formed submissive and complaint short responses suggest the relative formation and presentation of the identity of an obedient daughter. the communicative intentions of the mother and the corresponding submissive responses of the answer with explanation suggest that mrs. rupa mehra assumes that in the capacity of the mother she has socially-sanctioned power and authority to question and demand explanations from her daughter about her personal relationship with the boy in question. on the other hand, lata presupposes that having an inter-caste relationship without her mother’s knowledge is socially at odds. in terms of face management, mrs. rupa mehra, is threatening her daughter lata’s negative face in almost every turn in the dialogue by not giving her freedom (come here journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 5 at once., in turn, 1); by scolding ( is this what i brought you up for?, in turn 3) and by threatening (i’ll never let you go for a walk again….; do you hear? in turn, 9). however, lata is trying her best to save the positive face of her mother in being submissive and respectful through her answer-clarification-explanation and compliance-oriented responses while answering to her mother’s questions. lata’s submissive and compliant efforts are aimed at achieving social and familial coherence, which is influenced by two factors, which are that lata does not want to confront her mother and she wants to maintain her due deference for her mother’s socio-culturally approved parental authority to question, influence and map out her personal relationships including marriage. dialogic discourse 2 turn 1: mrs. rupa mehra: no, (said mrs. rupa mehra vehemently, shaking her needle for emphasis). my daughter is not going to act in any play. no. (she glared at lata over the top of her reading glasses.) … boys and girls together – acting! … turn 2: lata: like in julius caesar last year (ventured lata). turn 3: mrs. rupa mehra: you be quiet (snapped her mother). no one has asked you to speak. have you ever heard of savita wanting to act? to act on the stage with hundreds of people staring? and going to those nightly gatherings with boys – (asb, pp.777-78) rejecting a request is considered a threat to the addressee’s positive face as it violates the addressee’s face want of expected approval. in this dialogue, lata’s request is bluntly rejected by her mother mrs. rupa mehra (in turn 1) for performing in the annual day of her college without any mitigating effort to cover or repair the involved face threat and face loss for the addressee. however, lata’s submissive and indirect approach of persuasion (in turn 2) does not reflect any hurt feeling of losing face her mother threatened her negative face to control and deny her individual autonomy and freedom to participate in the play. on the contrary, lata is attempting to protect and maintain her mother’s positive face by avoiding confrontation and argument when her mother’s view and opinion are at variance with her individual ambition and belief. in this dialogic discourse, mrs. rupa mehra and lata hold most salient cultural identities at a higher level of generalization and abstraction. mrs. rupa mehra represents the identity of a conservative mother of the early twentieth century and lata a modern daughter of the midtwentieth century as per the timeline in the story in asb. according to the established socio-cultural norms of that era, mrs. rupa mehra firmly believed that lata as a young girl of marriageable age must not be allowed to mix with a young boy to avoid her developing a negative reputation which will adversely affect her matrimonial prospects in future. influenced by such social belief, she rejects lata’s idea of acting in a college play. lata’s indirect and polite attempt to persuade her mother to allow her to act in the play suggests that lata testifies her mother’s concerns for lata’s social reputation and it also indicates lata’s approval of her mother’s socially-approved parental authority to question and to influence her children’s personal decisions. mrs. rupa mehra’s solidarity, power, and confidence are clearly evident in her direct encroachment on the daughter’s conversational space through her act of interrupting and snapping. on the other hand, lata’s attempt of mild persuasion aimed at her mother indicates her desire to act in the play to be understood and approved of. this scene in the novel suggests a generation gap and also a shift in the social attitude of modern educated indian youth to construct their identities by asserting and exercising their personal decisions. this direction towards social change entails a change in lata’s perspective and ideology as compared to her mother’s ideology of controlling young children’s personal decisions and actions. according to traditional indian sociocultural milieu, it was a common belief that showing bold and free attitude to life and mingling of young girls with boys in public needed to be strictly discouraged in order to maintain a decent character and clean reputation. in other words, indian culture does not encourage the concept of personal autonomy and collective solidarity is regarded as more important than individual identity and freedom. however, the opposite of this also journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) v. vinod kumar, vijay singh thakur & justin james 6 stands valid for a western culture where the same conversation in countries like america or britain is most likely to be taken as an extremely face-threatening act against the daughter, which is likely to result in a retaliatory response from the addressee. such situations in sociolinguistic literature are considered as an example of, what blum-kulka and olshtain (1984, p.196) argue, crosscultural functional variation. dialogic discourse 3 turn 1: rasheed’s father: anyway … why don’t you have a cup of tea now that you’ve made such an effort to come. i’ll summon rasheed’s friend, and we will talk… turn 2: tiwariji: no, no– no tea, no tea. turn 3: rasheed’s father: but we will all be having it together, tiwariji, it is not poisoned. even kapoor sahib will join us. turn 4: tiwariji: he drinks tea with all of you? turn 5: rasheed’s father: indeed. he eats with us too. turn 6:tiwariji: … but i have just had tea, you know, with my breakfast– i’ve just had tea and also far too much to eat before i left my house. look at me. i must be careful. your hospitality knows no bounds. but– turn 7: rasheed’s father: you aren’t saying, by any chance, tiwariji, are you, that what we are offering falls below your expectations? why don’t you like to eat with us? do you think we will pollute you? turn 8: tiwariji: oh, no, no, no, it is just that an insect of the gutter like myself does not feel happy when offered the luxuries of a palace. heh heh heh! … (asb, p. 659) in this dialogue both the participants, rasheed’s father and tiwariji, are performing face-threatening acts. tiwariji has rejected rasheed’s father’s social offer of tea and threatened the positive face of the host (turn 2). on the other hand, rasheed’s father’s criticised tiwariji’s rejection of his offer which surfaces as an attack on the negative face of the addressee in not respecting the freedom of his choice (turn 3). the intended meaning in most of the conversation in this dialogue is rooted in the ethnic identities of the tiwariji and rasheed’s father. rasheed’s father is a muslim and tiwariji is an upper caste brahmin but both are good friends. however, at the social level, the caste rules of tiwariji do not permit him to accept to eat or drink anything offered by nonbrahmins. tiwariji should have directly and bluntly refused to drink tea due to caste rules without any mitigating attempts to the threat to the positive face of rasheed’s father. however, as rasheed’s father held the status of tiwariji’s friend and also his power of being a wealthy landlord, tiwariji had to mitigate his rejection of his offer of tea by giving an elaborate explanation (turn 6). further, the use of addressee-elevating and self-lowering language by tiwariji is aimed at minimizing the distance that has developed between them by not accepting the offer of the tea on the basis of socially determined caste rules (turn 8). here, the guest is trying to mitigate the facethreatening situation by reducing his own image by using self-humiliating language and then glorifying the hospitality due to the solidarity of friendship and the social status of the host as a wealthy landlord. in view of the mitigating response of the addressee tiwariji, there is a need for an explanation with reference to social norms and the mutual authority of the conversational participants in the social context of india in the 1950s, which is the timeframe of the story in asb. the discoursal situation in this conversational exchange seems to be of an aymmetrical status. to elaborate, being a brahmin, i.e. tiwariji holds more social power over his non-brahmin friend i.e. rasheed’s father. in such a social context of the relative power structure, the ameliorating explanation of tiwariji given to his non-brahmin muslim addressee indicates the shifting trend in the newly independent india. the caste rules seem to be going into the melting pot and the mutual accomodation of the social status of the addressee as a friend and a wealthy landlord moving towards neutralization of rigid caste rules. dialogic discourse 4 turn 1. ustad majeed khan: malti (said ustad majeed khan), carry the tanpura with respect, with both hands. it isn’t the offspring of a cat. what is the matter with you? journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 7 turn 2. malti: (silence; no answer.) (asb, 1265) this dialogic discourse is marked by the traditional relationship of a guru (the traditional reverent concept of a teacher in the indian socio-cultural context) and his disciple (overpolite and respectful student malti). ustad majeed khan’s bitter reprimand (turn 1) uttered for malti threatens her positive face wants of understanding and approving the addresee’s individual liking and desire. malti’s music teacher’s face-threatening act of bitter criticism is performed without any amelioration. the music teacher scolded the addressee for carrying the musical instrument by not using both the hands and thereby failing to treat the musical instrument with respect. malti maintained polite silence to express her apology and also her unconditional respect for her music guru. the guru’s angry reaction is influenced by the indian cultural tradition to treat music as a devotional art and musical instruments as sacred. malti’s act of holding the musical instrument in a casual manner, as an offspring of a cat, was considered by ustad majeed khan as an act of disrespect. ustad majeed khan’s face-threatening act of reprimanding was performed without any circumlocution of mitigation which is likely to sound absurd or eccentric to the readers not familiar with the socio-cultural norm of showing respect to the musical instruments in india. misunderstanding of such speech acts by readers from the different socio-cultural background(s) may result in what flowerdew (1988, p.77) refers to as a ‘socio-pragmatic failure’. concluding remarks and emerging implications in the backdrop of a premise that literature is representative of human societies and human life, this paper has attempted to analyze fictional dialogic discourses from asb in the framework of critical discourse analysis, identity construction and performance framework, and the sociolinguistic face management theory. the analytical discussion of four dialogic excerpts from asb has been initiated and evolved on the basis of the parameters of socially-driven power principle and solidarity principle. identity construction and face management have been examined in the varied socio-cultural contexts of (a) mother and daughter’s argument on the issue of freedom for young girls to develop friendship and intimacy with a boy of her choice; (b) mother and daughter’s talk about the issue of the degree of social freedom for girls to avail; (c) a satirical conversation in an unequal host-guest situation constrained by caste rules, and (d) a guru-disciple exchange of showing proper respect to the musical instrument. it becomes obvious in these situations that the conversational participants create or construct and perform their mutual identities based on the socio-cultural norms of face management. the explanation of face-threatening devices and strategies employed by the interlocutors in the dialogic discourses selected from asb focusses on their structure and functions and also on the individual as well as collective social factors that influenced their use in specific ways. based on the analytical discussion, it can be claimed that the character utterances in the asb prove to be sensitive to the social and cultural contexts in which they are used in accordance with the subjective experiences and value system of the conversational participants. it will not be an exaggeration to claim that the whole gamut of inter-personal communicative discourse is mostly influenced by socio-pragmatic factors and considerations. thus, based on the main tenets of cda proposed by fairclough and wodak (1997, pp. 271-280), it can be concluded that discourse constitutes society and culture; power relations are discursive; the link between text and society is mediated; discourse analysis is interpretative and explanatory; and discourse is a form of social action. in view of the above analytical findings, it can be strongly argued that the real significance and meanings in the indian english fiction or fictional works from other socio-cultural contexts cannot be studied, discussed and appreciated without an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the real social and cultural issues that are involved and integrated into these discourses. this leads to a pedagogical recommendation of developing the context-bound textual, linguistic, and cultural competence in students who study literature in order to prepare them to understand, study and evaluate the patterns of discourse in their right perspectives. using house and kasper’s (1981, p.184) argument that pragmatic aspects of communication, such as politeness markers, are inseparable parts of the foreign cultural journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) v. vinod kumar, vijay singh thakur & justin james 8 system and therefore they should not be borrowed and used as it is and be interpreted by reference to one’s native socio-cultural framework. put another way, an attempt should be made to minimize interference of the native culture in order to prevent ineffective, inappropriate and possibly impolite interpretations of character utterances in the novel or drama. socio-pragmatic interpretations of literary discourses will not only sensitize but also raise the students’ awareness of discourse patterns of real-life communication. furthermore, it may also provide a valid testing ground for the discourse models themselves and also the students will derive a stimulating learning experience through such analytical attempts. acknowledgements i wish to acknowledge that this paper drew heavily on the materials and facilities available at the english language center, nizwa college of technology. i offer my sincere thanks to mr. sultan al-dighaishi, hod, elc, nct for his constant encouragement and support. this note of thanksgiving would be insincere if i fail to appreciate the great help that i received from mrs. lalitha justin, lecturer, elc, nct. references brown, p. & levinson, s. c. 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(2000). does sociolinguistics need social theory? social perspectives on critical discourse analysis. discourse and society, 2 (3), 123-147. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) juvrianto cj 20 speech acts in efl classroom at islamic senior high school (man) 1 sinjai juvrianto cj graduate program of english education, state university of makassar abstract speech act takes a significant role in the whole process of teaching and learning process by the teacher and students. in line with this topic, this study aims to observe more about the use of speech act by the teacher and students in their interactions in efl (english as a foreign language) classroom. this study shows that there are three kinds of speech acts performed by the teacher and students: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. those speech acts are supported by theories of j.l austin who investigated and invented the use of speech act. the result of the study indicates some uses of speech act performed by the teacher and student which is elaborated into extract explaining more about the use of speech act in efl classroom. locutionary act performed by the teacher and students is used when they are conveying an expression without any specific intention within. on the other hand, illocutionary act is committed by them when they are communicating some expressions containing a certain intention to the listener. perlocutionary act is performed by the teacher and students while they are conveying expressions and the listener will show a response and act as feedback to what the speaker says. hopefully, the study will help both teachers and students in the implementation of good communication. keywords: speech acts, teacher and student interaction, efl classroom. introduction the classroom speech acts determine the quality of verbal interaction in the classroom. this provides important information for teachers, whereby they know the typical teaching behaviors they use extensively in communicating with the students. wells (1985) acknowledges that language use is related to the context in which the interaction takes place. the children use more ‘control speech’ as a set of different directives, commitments and declaratives during pretend play, especially when children play with peers. speech act performs when people make utterances such as apology, greeting, request, complaint, invitation, compliment, or refusal. the study of speech act is very importance for us. one of them is to make us comprehend the message discovered in every utterance. in comprehending the message discovered in every expression we hear, austin (1967) introduces the concept of illocutionary acts, and carefully distinguished them from locutionary acts and perlocutionary acts. locutionary acts include phonetic acts, phatic acts, and rhetic acts. phonetic acts are acts of pronouncing sounds, phatic acts are acts of uttering words or sentences in accordance with the phonological and syntactic rules of the language to which they belong, and rhetic acts are acts of uttering a sentence with sense and more or less definite reference. perlocutionary acts are, on the other hand, acts attributed to the effect of uttering a sentence. the study of speech act has been done by a couple of researchers in the different field of communication. the first research related to speech act was conducted by nadar (1998). he journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 21 focused his research on finding out speech acts he found in indonesian learner’s request in english. he found learner’s preference in using certain request forms, terms of addressing, request perspectives, and linguistic devices for internal and external request modifications. the result also seemed to indicate learners’ preference for adopting negative politeness strategy in making their requests. the second research related to speech act was conducted by farisi et al. (2013). they focused their research on analyzing the speech act produced by elementary school teachers and students to facilitate teaching and learning at sdn 10 pringgasela east lombok. from their study, they found that the teachers produced more utterances than students to explain certain thing to the students and asked the them to do or not to do something. it seems that the teachers used such utterances as directives function in which the teachers control and regulate the students. besides, they also concluded that the frequency of teachers’ speech acts implied that the degree of directness in conducting the teaching and learning was high. however, this was considered appropriate since the intention was to benefit the students. the previous studies that have been elaborated above are similar as the writer’s research in the field of speech acts. the difference of the previous studies and this study lies on the sample that will be discovered and focus of the study. the sample of this study is taken from the students of senior high school (man) 1 sinjai and it will focus on speech act occurred in the classroom between students and the teacher. based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conductin a mini research project entitled “speech act in efl classroom at islamic senior high school (man) 1 sinjai.” review of related literature in this part, the writer presents the review of related literature describing the speech act theories, austin’s speech act theories and searle’s classification, speech act’s role in english language teaching and learning, and speech acts in classroom relating to the title of this research. 1. speech act theories the study of speech act is very importance for us to make us comprehend what message that is discovered in every utterance. speech act is also decided by the language ability of a speaker to convey the message in communication if we can understand about the meaning of speech act with clearly. thus, when we speak with other people in the communication or conversation, the speaker not only speaks the source (the utterance have not intention and goal), but also interprets the speaker’s meaning to the hearer. consequently, the speaker can make the hearer understand the meaning of that utterance. speech act is performed in a conversation or dialogue by a speaker and hearers. speech can be studied in a communicative event. to analyze the speech events, it is clearly another way of studying how to understand more of communication than it is said. therefore, we can do with words and identifying some of the conventional utterance forms we use to perform specific actions and we need to look at move extended interaction to understand how those actions are carried out and interpreted within speech event of utterance. 2. speech act’s role in english language teaching and learning on the basis of the speech act theory, some other approaches have been developed, such as leech’s politeness principle and grice’s cooperative principles. the politeness principle implies that people should minimize the expression of impolite beliefs and maximize the expression of polite beliefs. as for the cooperative principle, grice introduces four maxims with sub maxims, which the interlocutors must follow to avoid misunderstanding and be successful communicators. these maxims involve the following: quality, quantity, relation and manner. brown and levinson extend the politeness theory, proposing bold-on record, off record, negative and positive politeness strategies. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) juvrianto cj 22 as the conception and realization of speech acts and politeness principles are different across cultures, language learners definitely need to know certain rules and norms of the target language. otherwise, they may fail in understanding the members of the culturally different society. what is acceptable and normal in their native language may sound rude and unacceptable for the foreign community. thus, a language teacher is required to take these facts into consideration and draw the students’ attention to the cultural differences and the peculiarities of the target language. to illustrate, thanking in indonesian is not as common as in english and often, indonesian people say “thank you” when they are really thankful and when it is really necessary to do. 3. locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts austin reconsiders the senses in which "to say something may be to do something", and suggests that a speaker can simultaneously perform three acts in issuing an utterance: the locutionary act is the act of saying something with a certain sense and reference; the illocutionary act is the act performed in saying something, i.e. the act named and identified by the explicit performative verb. the perlocutionary act is the act performed by, or as a consequence of, saying something. all three acts are usually performed at the same time. austin distinguishes them for the sake of analysis. within the locutionary act austin distinguishes three subsidiary acts: a phonetic act of producing certain noises; a phatic act of uttering certain words belonging to a certain vocabulary, in a certain grammar with a certain intonation, etc.; and a rhetic act of using the sentence with a definite sense and reference (which together are equivalent to meaning). a. locutionary act this component of the speech act is probably the least ambiguous. bach and harnish (1979), commenting on austin’s work, point out that austin distinguishes three aspects of the locutionary act. austin claims that to say anything is: always to perform the act of uttering certain noises (a phonetic act), always to perform the act of uttering certain vocables or words (a phatic act), and generally to perform the act of using that [sentence] or its constituents with a certain more or less definite ‘sense’ and a more or less definite ‘reference’, which together are equivalent to ‘meaning’ (rhetic act). from that division it follows that the locutionary act comprises other three “subacts”: phonetic, phatic and rhetic. this distinction as well as the notion of locutionary act in general was often criticized by austin’s followers. searle even completely rejects austin’s division and proposes his own instead (searle, 1968: 405). searle (1968) warns that austin’s rhetic act is nothing else but a reformulated description of the illocutionary act and he therefore suggests another term, the so-called propositional act which expresses the proposition (a neutral phrase without illocutionary force). in other words, a proposition is the content of the utterance. b. illocutionary acts illocutionary acts are considered the core of the theory of speech acts. as already suggested above, an illocutionary act is the action performed by the speaker in producing a given utterance. the illocutionary act is closely connected to speaker’s intentions, e.g. stating, questioning, promising, requesting, giving commands, threatening and many others. as yule (1996: 48) claims, the illocutionary act is thus performed via the communicative force of an utterance which is also generally known as illocutionary force of the utterance. basically, the illocutionary act indicates how the whole utterance is taken in the conversation. sometimes it is not easy to determine what kind of illocutionary act the speaker performs. to hint his intentions and to show how the proposition should be taken the speaker uses many indications, ranging from the most obvious ones, such as unambiguous performative verbs, to the opaquer ones. for example, it is among which mainly various paralinguistic features (stress, timbre and intonation) and word order should be mentioned. all these hints or factors journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 23 influencing the meaning of the utterance are called illocutionary force indicating devices, or ifid as yule, referring to previous searle’ s work, calls them (yule, 1996: 49). c. perlocutionary acts perlocutionary acts, austin’s last element in the three-fold definition of speech acts, are performed with the intention of producing a further effect on the hearer. sometimes it may seem that perlocutionary acts do not differ from illocutionary acts very much, yet there is one important feature which tells them apart. there are two levels of success in performing illocutionary and perlocutionary acts which can be best explained on a simple example: “would you close the door?” considered merely as an illocutionary act (a request in this case), the act is successful if the hearer recognizes that he should close the door, but as a perlocutionary act it succeeds only if he actually closes it. 4. speech acts in classroom the language plays an important role in the teaching and learning process. it means that for children, school leads to confronting new ways of using and acquiring a certain language. when teaching is designed to accomplish a particular goal of learning, it might be successful with the use of a certain language. the teaching is carried out by language that is known widely as classroom speech act (curtis and o’hagan, 2005: 48). searle (1969) defines speech act as the basic unit of language, the production of a token in the context of a speech act. classroom speech act involves all verbal utterances used as a medium in classroom communication. research on speech acts produced in the teaching and learning process in the classroom has been known as discourse studies or discourse analysis. this research is concerned with the relationship between language and the context in which it is used (mccarthy, 1991:5, seken, 2004:61). cazden (in hickman, 2000) identifies three general functions of language that make communication central in school, specifically in the classroom, which are through language teacher transmits curriculum, controls the communication, and reflects personal identity. considering the views described above, the present study focused on classroom interaction during the teaching and learning process in efl classroom at islamic senior high school (man) 1 sinjai that includes investigation of: (1) types of the speech acts produced by the teachers and students, (2) functions of the speech acts produced by the teachers and students. methodology in this present study, the researcher applied qualitative research. this model was suitable for this research since the source of the data was the teaching and learning activity in naturalistic environment of the classroom. moreover, the data of this research were collected when the teaching and learning process was going on naturally. the researcher made the analysis by observing the linguistic behaviors of teachers and students in a classroom context. this research analyzed the speech acts produced by teachers and students of efl classroom at islamic senior high school (man) 1 sinjai as the subjects of this research. the data were the conversations occurred in efl classroom by the teacher and students. the collected data were analyzed as follows. first the writer recorded the classroom interaction between teacher and students for three meetings. second, the writer transcribed the data which was in the audio form. later on, the writer compared and analyzed the speech acts occurred in the classroom interactions. findings: types of speech acts in the efl classroom this part presents the findings of the research and the discussion of the research findings. the findings of the research are taken from the three meetings observation and cover the description of speech acts in efl classroom at islamic senior high school (man) 1 sinjai. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) juvrianto cj 24 1. locutionary acts locutionary act comprises other three “sub-acts”: phonetic, phatic and rhetic. this distinction as well as the notion of locutionary act in general was often criticized by austin’s followers. in the present data, there are two examples detected in the teaching and learning in efl classroom. extract 1 takes place during the teaching process. when the teacher asked the students whether they bring their dictionary or not, she performed a locutionary act. extract 1: teacher and students’ interaction teacher: hai ella why you look so sad. ini menular ya sakitnya... bukan sakit. kayaknya galaunya alif kemarin menular ke ella hari ini. ((hey, ella, why do you look so sad? this is an infected disease, isn’t it? you’re not sick i think, it is alif who infected ella today.)) student : what happen is you? ((this sentence should be corrected)) teacher : what happen with you bukan is you. what happen with you? ((we say what is happen to you not what happen is you.)) student : yes mom! in extract 1 above, the teacher asked one of her students by saying, “hey, ella, why do you look so sad?”, which is taken from the third meeting of the transcription. the teacher at that time performed an action to asked one of her students named ella about her condition at the day. the expression that she said before contains literal meaning to communicate with her students. the expression which the teacher asked the students about her condition can be categorized as locutionary act. another example of locutionary act can be observed in the following extract: extract 2: teacher and students’ interaction teacher : “how’s life?” students : “i’m fine and you?” teacher : “i’m fine, nice to hear that, i’m very well thank you!” (cough) (errrrr) “rana, please take english book in the library please!” in extract 2 above, the teacher asked about the students’ condition at that time by saying, “how’s life?”. this expression contains communicative meaning as an expression when teacher greeted the students. literally, this expression does not need a reply from the students. this expression can also be categorized as locutionary act. b. illocutionary acts illocutionary act seems to be true that it performs the same way to convey information, but then it is different in its content. it contains the social function of what speaker said. the concept of an illocutionary act is central to the concept of a speech act. although there are numerous opinions as to what 'illocutionary acts' actually are, there are some kinds of acts which are widely accepted as illocutionary, as for example promising, ordering someone, and bequeathing. in the present data below, it will be discovered about the use of illocutionary act in three kinds of examples. the examples are taken from the transcription of teacher and students’ interaction in the classroom during the learning process. extract 3: teacher and students’ interaction teacher : oke, oke.. seat belt, (wow!).. ini saya mau tanyakan nih, kata seat belt, pernah dengar kata seat belt? atau memang pertama kalinya dengar kata seat belt? ((okey, okey. seat belt (wow!). i want to ask you, have you ever heard about the word “seat belt”? or is this the first time you hear about the word?)) students : (some students comment) yes, apa itu seat belt? yes! “yes. what is seat belt? yes!” in extract 3 above, the teacher asked the students whether they ever heard about a particular word. the teacher expressed it by journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 25 saying, “i want to ask you, have you ever heard about the word “seat belt”? this expression contains a social function, in this case is to ask the students to look for it in the dictionary or try to remember it. it can be categorized as an illocutionary act since it contains a particular request for students to do. another example of illocutionary acts can be seen in the following extract: extract 4: teacher and students’ interaction teacher : back to your sit please!...(e..).. fauzan please take your friends book on my table!... student : i’m not yet do it, mom. in extract 4 above, the teacher asked her students to go to their seats by saying, “back to your sit please!”. the expression contains a particular intention as a command to the students to go back to their seats. this can be categorized as illocutionary acts because it has a social function within the expression. furthermore, the teacher said another expression by saying, “fauzan please take your friends book on my table!”. this expression also has a social function in it and used by the teacher to ask one of her students to submit his friends’ assignments on her desk. it can be categorized also as illocutionary act. another example of illocutionary acts can be seen in the following extract: extract 5: teacher and students’ interaction teacher : the first, we will discuss about the word of road. jadi yang akan kita bahas pertama adalah mengenai kata road! ((firstly, we will discuss about the word “road”, so the first thing that we will discuss is about that word!)) student : road! in extract 5 above, which is taken from the first transcription of teacher and students’ interaction in the classroom, we can find that teacher said another example of illocutionary acts by saying, “firstly, we will discuss about the word “road”, so the first thing that we will discuss is about that word!”. the expression is used by the teacher to convey her intention and ask the students that the first thing they will learn is about the word “road”. this expression also contains a social function used to command someone. c. perlocutionary acts perlocutionary acts are performed with the intention of producing a further effect on the hearer. sometimes it may seem that perlocutionary acts do not differ from illocutionary acts very much, yet there is one important feature which tells them apart. it contains also a social function within the expression and act or feedback by the listener as a response to what the speaker says. in the present data below, it is shown the use of perlocutionary acts by teacher in the efl classroom during the learning process. the examples are taken from the transcription between teacher and students and it will be discovered within three examples of illocutionary acts below. extract 6: teacher and students’ interaction teacher : okey, fajrul, gustiawan,.. dillah!, andi nurfadillah, oke, please, come forward.. kata yang kita bahas kali ini adalah safety! ((okay, fajrul gustiawan, dillah! andi nurfadillah, now please come forward in front of the class. the word that we will discuss today is safety.)) students : (they prepare and come to the white board). in extract 6 above, the teacher commands two of her students to come forward in front of the class by saying, “okay, fajrul gustiawan, dillah! andi nurfadillah, now please come forward in front of the class. the word that we will discuss today is safety”. in this expression, the teacher tried to convey a message in her expression. she commands her students to do what she said and her students do what she commands them. this expression can be classified as a perlocutionary act since it has an intention in the expression and there are responses from the listener to do what the speaker says. the students respond what teacher commands by preparing themselves to journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) juvrianto cj 26 come forward in front of the classroom and write on the whiteboard. another example of perlocutionary acts can be seen in the following extract below. extract 7: teacher and students’ interaction teacher : oke, everybody back to your seat please. oke, duduk, duduk. hmm, oke, safe driving for life. ehmm, hmm, hmm.. rizal, nur hairul rizal, please read paragraph one. loud speaker system yah. paham yah? loud speaker system kita’ pakai. safe driving for life paragraph one. rizal i ask you to read not to laugh. silahkan. ((“okay, everybody back to your seat please. okay, sit down please. okey, safe driving for life. (ehhmm, hmm, hmm) rizal, nur hairul rizal, please read the first paragraph!”. “we will use loud speaker system, do you understand it?” “read the first paragraph. rizal, i am not asking you to laugh, read that please”.)) rizal : (rizal began to read the paragraph while the teacher correct the wrong pronunciation of english word) in extract 7 above, which is taken from the second meeting of the recording, the teacher conveys an expression to ask her students to do something by saying, “rizal, nur hairul rizal, please read paragraph one”. this expression contains a particular intention used to command someone. it can be classified as perlocutionary act since it contains a social function to command someone and someone that hears it responds it by doing something. as the previous explanation above, perlocutionary act contains a social function within the expression and act or feedback by the listener as a response to what the speaker says. extract 8: teacher and students’ interaction teacher: berarti rizal bisa, please come forward. tolong maju kedepan dulu. rizal bisa bawa mobil kan? berarti saya minta rizal menjelaskan ke kawan-kawan nih about how to drive a car. silahkan rizal, come forward please. ((it means that rizal can come forward to the front of the classroom. rizal, you know how to drive a car, don’t you? please tell us how to drive a car)). (teacher went to rizal’s seat and asked him to come forward. the classroom situation is crowded) rizal: (come forward in front of the classroom and pretend he was driving car) in extract 8 above, the teacher asked one of her students to come forward in front of the classroom by saying, “rizal can come forward to the front of the classroom”. within this expression, there is a specific intention that she wants her student to do. she said that to command his students to do what she says and as the result, her student gives a response to her by coming forward in front of the classroom and pretending he was driving a car. this expression can be categorized as perlocutionary act since it has a particular intention within the expression and the listener, in this case rizal, performed a response to what his teacher commands him. conclusion teaching english nowadays is a must for a professional english teacher. it is because teaching is the manner to transfer knowledge from teacher to student. in transferring the knowledge, a professional teacher should master a good way to do it. he should know how to manage the classroom and consequently create a prime atmosphere in the classroom. besides mastering those things, a teacher should know how to teach with good speech acts. speech act is everything related to communication that occurred between teacher and students in the classroom, whether it is the way the teachers commanding, explaining something, asking something or managing their students. in this study, the writer explains and observes the speech acts occurred between a teacher and students in efl classroom. the teacher here was performing three kinds of speech acts proposed by austin namely locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. each journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 27 of those speech acts is showed by the teacher while she was teaching in classroom. of the three meetings above, it was found that, while the teacher was greeted the students, she performed a locutionary act due to the fact that her expression did not contain any particular intention within. then, while she asked the student to read some paragraphs in the book, she performed an illocutionary act since the expression contains a certain intention. furthermore, if the teacher asked the students to be quiet in the classroom and the students obey what she said, then she performed a perlocutionary act. different from illocutionary act, perlucutionary act here appeared if the listener shows a feedback as response to what speaker says. this study is addressed to both teacher and students in order to make good perspective about speech acts. hopefully through this mini research, they can perform a good speech act in the process of teaching and learning. references austin, john l. 1967. how to do things with words, clarendon, oxford university press. bach, k., and harnish, r.m. 1979. linguistic communication and speech acts. cambridge, mass.: mit press. curtis, audrey and maureen o’hagan, 2005. care and education in early childhood: a student’s guide to theory and practice. new york. routledge falmer. hickman, s. 2000. social significance of pattern of questioning in classroom discourse. retrived on october. 29 2012. nadar, f.x. 1998. ‘indonesian learners’ requests in english: a speech-act based study’. humaniora. buletin fakultas sastra universitas gadjah mada. no. 9. yogyakarta: universitas gadjah mada. searle, j.r., 1969. speech acts. cambridge: cambridge university press. searle, j. r. 1979. expression and meaning. new york: cambridge university press. wardhaugh, a. 1992. english speech act verbs: a semantic dictionary. london: academic press. wells, g. 1985. language development in the pre-school years. cambridge: cambridge university press. yule, g. 1996. the study of language. cambridge: cambridge university press. set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon f.x. risang baskara 148 facilitating second language acquisition through digital storytelling f.x. risang baskara english letters department, universitas sanata dharma abstract this study was conducted to investigate the experiences of students who used digital storytelling to facilitate second language acquisition with english as a foreign language (efl) students in university. thirty students enrolled in an efl english speaking class in university level participated in this study. presentation scores, notes on preparation and presentation, and teachers' reports showed that the efl students made improvement in their acquisition of the english language after approximately four weeks of instruction and reports were given regarding the role of digital storytelling in that instruction. it was concluded that digital storytelling can enhance students’ motivation and confidence in using the english language to make a classroom presentation and can assist with language acquisition in efl students. keywords: english, presentation, digital storytelling, second language acquisition introduction storytelling is one of the resourceful functions of digital media. moreover, using digital media to tell a story is not only a method to put together thoughts and ideas, but also to share a story with family, friends, and potentially the world. when we apply new technologies and believe its role in the classroom settings, a new form of storytelling has emerged. as such, students are provided with new technological tools. digital storytelling is of vital significance for teaching concepts and information. according to robin digital storytelling is a technology application that is well-positioned to take advantage of user-contributed content and to help teachers overcome some of the obstacles to productively using technology in their classrooms (2006: 709). as meadows (2003) mentions, "digital storytelling makes use of low-cost digital cameras, non-linear editing software and notebook computers to create short, multimedia stories” (189). he also states that digital stories are not quite like any previous form of broadcast material (189). digital stories provide opportunities for student's control of learning process, boosting their learning confidence and learning motivation. according to robin (2008), at its core, digital storytelling allows computer users to become creative storytellers through the traditional processes of selecting a topic, conducting some research, writing a script, and developing an interesting story (220). there are many advantages in using digital storytelling in the classroom such as developing communication skills, practicing to ask and answer questions, expressing opinions, and improving the language and computer skills. considering this fact, technological atmosphere in the classroom should be created for students in order to make them more technologically literate designers, learners, and thinkers. being allowed to have and manipulate language data in multiple media may provide learners with the interaction that they need to acquire a second language. recent years have shown an increase in the interest of using computers for language teaching and learning. with the introduction vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 149 of multimedia computing and the internet, the role of computers in language instruction has become an important issue confronting a large number of instructors around the world (warschauer & healey, 1998). after reviewing the literature, there are many indications that computer technology may provide many benefits for the acquisition and application of english language skills. computer interactions also enhance communication skills and strengthen language through computer support group interactions (bourdon, 1999). therefore, a search for a specific digital storytelling approach and the experiences that efl learners had using the technology to improve their language acquisition in order to see how the computer-based learning guide might meet the needs of those learners. significance of the study this study may help efl learners in university level by providing them a new perspective on the integration of technology into the language learning that may result in a shift in technology use. by attempting to provide a clear picture of what and how to integrate digital storytelling, one can learn about how to facilitate meaningful use of technology into second language acquisition and at the same time, motivate students. in addition, the findings of the study can be of use to syllabus designers and efl instructors. in addition, teacher and syllabus instructors can benefit from the findings of the study and develop a better understanding of the role of digital storytelling instruction. although indonesian educational system has made great attempt in its general educational area, growth in technological supports that facilitate educational advances, have been slower. the use of computer software and hardware has not been fully explored. in addition, no previous study has examined the potential of digital storytelling in facilitating second language acquisition. research questions second language acquisition is a complex topic. many unpredictable variables influence second language acquisition and consequently complicate research on the topic. the research conducted was exploratory and grounded in qualitative methods, yet it was identified three questions that guided the observations, interviews, field notes, and findings. based on the purposes of the study, the following research questions drive the study, 1. do students perceive digital storytelling as a useful tool for learning english? 2. what experiences did the students have using digital storytelling? 3. what can interviews and observations discover about the effect of digital storytelling for efl students in university? setting the setting for this research was sanata dharma university, which is located in yogyakarta, indonesia. in english department, faculty of letters, sanata dharma university, the english language courses designed for undergraduate students emphasize on developing their oral communication skills. students find such courses a challenging task, especially when it comes to speaking in class and assessed by the lecturer. the performance of many students tend to be on the average, with very few of them are slightly above average grades. one of the english language courses that students of english letters department need to enroll is speaking iv. this course is aimed at developing the strategies and skills necessary for effective oral presentations. in this course, the students seem to have boredom and lack of motivation and participation during the speaking course. students may be influenced by lack confidence in participating in class presentations because students’ classroom discussion consists primarily of recent issues and in-depth analysis. lengthy and elaborate presentations are avoided due to poor vocabulary and fear of making mistakes. digital storytelling presentation format is introduced to help student to improve their presentations skills and develop their second language proficiency. at the core of this study was also the creation of a motivating learning environment that would allow students to f.x. risang baskara 150 develop both their speaking and organizational skills and encourage autonomous learning, thus facilitating the students’ second language acquisition process in the classroom. participants there were thirty students enrolled in the efl class at the time of this research project. they were in the fourth semester in their study in the department of english letters, sanata dharma university. the efl course was the speaking iv, and students received their english credit by successful completion of this course. the class was heterogeneously mixed and the english language proficiencies were varied. all of the students were in the tenth grade and between the ages of 19-21. analysis and findings the project took place in the beginning until the end of the semester. the students used pecha kucha, one of the digital storytelling formats, to help their presentation in the classroom. pecha kucha is a simple presentation format where 20 images are shown, each for 20 seconds. the images advance automatically and the presenter will talk along to the images. the presentation format was created by astrid klein and mark dytham of klein dytham architecture in tokyo japan, in february 2003. it was first designed as an event for young designers to meet, network, and display their work in public (pecha kucha, 2013). the presentation format is very concise and effective. it was designed so that it can easily gather the audiences’ attention. presentations are limited to 20 slides, each shown for only 20 seconds (set up to automatically advance), for a total time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. the presentation format requires the presenters to use less words and more relevant pictures and graphics appropriate to the topic (artyushina et al., 2011). by using pecha kucha, the timing that the students have for each presentation was as follows: 6 minutes and 40 seconds for the presentation itself, followed by a question and answer session discussing several issues raised by the speaker (which lasted roughly five minutes). given this timing, 10 presentations were allocated to each lesson; the project was thus completed in 4 lessons, or slightly around four weeks. the presentation was assessed according to the marking grid used in university levels to evaluate oral exams. the speakers were also required to hand in written reports of their preparation and presentations to allow a fair assessment of the amount of effort they had put into this project. after reviewing the informal interview notes, i found that ten of the thirty students (33%) had little prior experience working with computer software before using the pecha kucha format. fifteen of the thirty students actually had access to a computer at home, but they used the computer primarily for internet surfing or to play games. they all reported they did not seem to have a fear of computers. they all seemed to have a desire to work more with computers. the students made comments before they used the pecha kucha program that reflected their confidence that utilizing digital storytelling could improve their language learning. one student replied that he had not used the computer much in his classes, but he had always heard that technology helps students learn; therefore, he was excited about the opportunity to be able to simply use a computer. another said that in his previous high school, the use of technology was more established than teacher-led instruction, so he felt that the lack of technology use that he had experienced in the university seemed “backwards” to him. students realized the importance and value of the use of technology in the learning process in general, and disappointment that technology was not used more often in more or all of their classes was apparent. when the students were observed during their interaction with pecha kucha, there were much other information. students needed to know very little about computers to use the pecha kucha format. students who used the format for the first time completed a pecha kucha guideline that vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 151 familiarized the students with its basic format. all of the students began the preparation at the component of the pecha kucha format. ten of the thirty students showed at least a 20% increase in their first presentation scores. overall, and in only four weeks, the students made an increase of 10.50 points in their second presentation scores. in the follow-up class discussions after each presentation, the students volunteered to answer questions from the audiences. the questions to which they responded only required brief responses, but their voluntary class contributions reflected the confidence that they had gained in their ability to function at least conversationally using the language. when interviewed after their interaction with pecha kucha, only five students retained his original preference of conventional one-to-one teacher instruction in the classroom. other students felt that more time using pecha kucha format might have helped them to increase their presentation scores. by the third week using the program, slowly it was possible to reduce the amount of group time using pecha kucha, and the amount of individual consultation was increased. when the observation records of the students using pecha kucha were analyzed, there were ten of the thirty students, who almost always asked either their peers or teacher for assistance, had reduced the amount of times that they needed additional instruction. the longer they used pecha kucha format, the more comfortable they became with it and the more confidence they gained in their ability to perform the tasks independently and correctly. from the teacher’s report, it was stated that using computers along with teacherdirected instruction could be an essential component for assisting the students to function better in an english language context. it was also stated that helping efl students develop their speaking skills would be a logical instructional starting point, especially when learners have low literacy levels in english or even their native language. it was also essential for the teacher to not only focus on the classroom presentation, but also to include more practice using digital storytelling to assist all students with other skills that are related to speaking skills such as reporting, negotiating, clarifying, and problem solving. it was also necessary to reevaluate the instructional strategies; some said that they intend to include communicative and whole language instructional approaches that may involve the use of digital storytelling. future action planning second language acquisition is an area of study in which the variables are so numerous and unpredictable that it is difficult to isolate any particular method or intervention and accurately determine an effect. nonetheless, a teacher’s professional research goal is to continue to find ways to help students improve their second language acquisition skills. since the recent literature shows some indication that pecha kucha or other digital storytelling formats may be a possible and valuable tool to improve second language acquisition, it was necessary to continue to conduct research in this area. there is also the concept of instrumental and integrative motivation that has been especially influential in the field of secondlanguage acquisition (ullman, 1997). it is also interesting to address the learning style differences that may affect a students’ language learning. perhaps the inclusion of innovative digital storytelling formats should be accompanied with ways to address the individual learner, while recognizing and addressing the learning style in each learner. therefore, the next future research in this area of second language acquisition will certainly address these issues. conclusion even though much remains to be learned about second language acquisition, this study shows that use of digital storytelling can at least facilitate second language acquisition. it seems that students perceived pecha kucha, f.x. risang baskara 152 as one the digital storytelling formats, to make a positive difference in the students’ language acquisition and their confidence in their improved language skills. second language acquisition has potentially great practical importance for educators since reading and writing are influenced by language development. research findings should be of interest to second language materials writers, second language curriculum developers, and classroom teachers in identifying complementary relationships between second language acquisition and the use of technology and multimedia. while this study has focused on the second language acquisition process from the perspective of the language, the learner, and assistance to the learning process, it is important to point out that learning styles and environment of second language acquisition have a remarkable impact on second language learning. this is especially true for efl students. english level is not better than it had been as the result of teaching without respect to the students’ learning styles and without computerassisted. reid (1998) shows that knowledge of learning styles, environment may be used to maximize students’ potential for learning, and that effective management of learning styles even promotes successful language development. a better understanding in what learning style preference among adult students by the finding from the measurements would help determine the strategies or provide design management training sessions, curriculum, instructional strategies, career counseling, and classroom practice and a foundation for efl-related research in the country whose native language is not english. therefore, many other issues regarding students' language learning need to be researched and addressed when finding alternative and beneficial influences on second language acquisition in efl students. references artyushina, g., sheypak, o., & khovrin, a. “developing student presentation skills at the english language classes through pechakucha.” ieee global engineering education conference (educon). 2011. bourdon, c. “easing into esl.” american libraries. vol. 30, 1999: 2-94. meadows, d. “digital storytelling: researchbased practice in new media.” visual communication. vol. 2 no. 2, 2003: 189193. ohler, j. “the world of digital storytelling.” educational leadership. vol. 63, no. 4, 2006: 44-47. pecha kucha. pecha kucha 20 x 20. 2013. retrieved january, 2015, from reid, j. m. (ed.). understanding learning styles in the second language classroom. upper saddle river, nj: prentice-hall, 1998. robin, b. “the educational uses of digital storytelling.” society for information technology & teacher education international conference. march 2006: 709-716. robin, b. r. “digital storytelling: a powerful technology tool for the 21st century classroom.” theory into practice. vol. 47 no. 3, 2008: 220-228. sadik, a. “digital storytelling: a meaningful technology-integrated approach for engaged student learning.” educational technology research and development. vol. 56, no. 4, 2008: 487-506. warschauer, m. & healey, d. “computers and language learning: an overview.” language teaching. vol. 31, 1998: 57 71. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 153 politeness strategies through language power and style-based communication antonius herujiyanto english language education study program, sanata dharma university abstract it is reasonable to highlight that approving the use of intra-lingual and extra-lingual components means justifying the signs of one’s politeness strategies to have appropriate communication. it would be rather different, however, when the scope is within the students’ writing skills. this paper focuses on the student’s implementation of those linguistic components as seen in their work assigned in mass media communication (journalism) class of the english language education study program of sanata dharma university, yogyakarta. not only does the discussion engage with the course objectives such as being able to make use of the language of news and the nature of investigative report, but it also involves the burning question of how politeness strategies portray such an appropriate application of the two linguistic components. analysing the students work is, thus, an unavoidable method to use. this research paper is also grounded on the indonesian indigenous wisdom sarujuk sithik-edhing [committing to win-win solution] of katresnanism theory, contextualizing the students with the pro-active spirit of cultural pluralism as the nature of international journalism. keywords: sarujuk sithik-edhing [committing to win-win solution], katresnanism, language power and style, communication introduction the question whether or not striving to maintain the quality of being whole and complete as one of those research ethical standards to achieve deals with, at least, two factors. the first one is concerned with approving the use of intra-lingual and extralingual components, and the second one is to see it as the signs of one’s politeness strategies to have appropriate communicat ion. according to richard sagor (2005: xi), however, the actions a researcher has decided to take (his or her hypothesis) are not always working as he or she had hoped. not only is the thesis of this paper to maintain the quality of being whole and complete as one of those research ethical standards to achieve, but it is also meant to highlight the concrete implementation of making use of intra-lingual and extra-lingual components: enabling the students [of eespusd] to avoid inappropriate communication. the key term is, therefore, having something to do with the so-called politeness. since the end goal is to brush up on the students’ writing skills, the primary data are but their written work. the focus is on their implementation of those linguistic components as seen in their work assigned in their mass media communication (mmc or journalism) class. the discussion does not only engage with the course objectives such as being able to make use of the language of news and the nature of investigative report, but it also involves the burning question of how politeness strategies portray such an appropriate application of the two linguistic antonius herujiyanto 154 components. analysing the students work is, thus, an unavoidable method to use. this research paper is also grounded on the indonesian indigenous wisdom sarujuk sithik-edhing [committing to win-win solution] of katresnanism theory, contextualizing the students with the proactive spirit of cultural pluralism as the nature of international journalism codes. literary critics and linguists have directly and indirectly given their opinions especially when following the nature of texts. on the one hand those critics depict their arguments based on the theory of criticism [common sense-new historicism]; the linguists, on the other hand, make use of their linguistic knowledge [from that of the mainstreams up to socio-psycho linguistic aspects]. this research is, however, not only meant to highlight the arguments of those experts, but it also points out that we cannot forget to talk about critical approach, linguistic knowledge, and those dealing with socio-cultural, interactional, and strategic competence. the expected list would be, therefore, comprising of writing the results of those procedures and analysing the data obtained. this is precisely the nature of this study: to uncover language power and style-based communication with the focus on the socalled politeness strategies by making use of indonesian indigenous wisdom of katresnanism . the data is taken from the students’ final paper (for their term paper) in many different content courses, but in this paper the work is focused on those of mmcjournalism [mass media communication] class of the english language education study program of sanata dharma university [eesp-usd] yogyakarta. the questions of the study may, thus, be formulated as “how do the students make use of the intra-lingual and extra-lingual components as the signs of their politeness strategies?” and “how do they use their ideas to advance and develop their thesis as demanded by mmc class?” the answers to the questions are originated from those pragmatic ones which are non-political dogma and semantic aspects of those intralingual and extra-lingual components. further clarifications have to be, therefore, embracing the pragmatically and semantically world of writing skills and communication such as styles, grammatical constructions, dictions, bathos, colloquial expressions, contexts, rhetoric, tone, ellipses, and the like. not only does the discussion engage with the course objectives such as being able to make use of the language of news and the nature of investigative report, but it also involves in exposing the nature of scientific paper writing and that of the language (power and) style-based communication. this research paper is grounded on the indonesian indigenous wisdom sarujuk sithikedhing [committing to win-win solution] of katresnanism theory (herujiyanto, 2006, pp. 125-138), contextualizing the students with the spirit of positive thinking in the process of writing a scientific paper for their final test. method collecting the data, [the students’ midterm test (01-11/04/2014) (semester vl & viii), the final one (18-28/12/2014), and their latest assignments (january-march 2015)], the actual actions are to categorize and analyse them in accordance to the spirit of katresnanism’s committing to win-win solution and the polite factors representing the intra-lingual and extra-lingual components in question. the findings deal with whether or not the politeness strategies as reflected in their papers have something to do with intralingual and extra-lingual components and whether or not they used their ideas to advance and develop their thesis. indirectly, the minimum requirement for the writing work which meets the readership in question is accomplished. vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 155 katresnanism approach sarujuk sithik-edhing [committing to win-win solution] is one the aos [cores] of katresnanism theory, accommodating the sincere commitment of respecting everybody else’s concrete actions [altruistically participating] in order to encourage and see that one action would lead to another related action endlessly. all those actions [as seen in the analysis/ discussion] are basically to motivate and create the better situation of communicative processes. in short, it is the spirit of giving and offering (herujiyanto, 2006: 125-138). the word sarujuk sithik-edhing deals with one of those basic concepts of intercultural communication in katresnanism wisdom (herujiyanto, 2006: 125-138). it can be defined as those actions exercising “altruistic acts reminding each of us of critical approach, linguistic knowledge, and those dealing with socio-cultural, interactional, and strategic competence closely related with and to language power and style-based communication.” sarujuk-sithik-edhing is the making of nyengkuyung [the spirit of doing a favour altruistically] and all other “cores” of katresnanism school of thought. discussion besides the sarujuk sithik-edhing with one of those basic concepts of intercultural communication in katresnanism wisdom, the discussion of the students’ work functions to highlight their understanding of the language power and style that deal with the politeness markers in communicative language. this can be easily identified [intralinguistically] and/or should be regarded within the context [extra linguistically] in the sense of having to make use of certain tools to interprete them. implementing the sarujuk sithik-edhing of intra-linguistic elements and extralinguistic elements would, therefore, produce the ideal communication within the society in question. the following is the students’ original work and its edited version: 1. [ah01_020515]: original edited version quality speaking indonesian muslims are minority – indonesian cleric indonesian muslims majority by number, minority by "quality" – cleric an activist of the council of indonesian young muslims scholars and intellectuals [miumi], cleric adnin armas, has said that indonesian muslims have become the minority although they are the majority in the sense of their population numbers in the country. according to him, muslims used to achieve their glory and they were even called as the best people since those friends or societies of prophet muhammad dedicated their life to islam. he also said that such an unexpected situation was due to the inappropriate actions conducted by the muslims themselves. mentioning ...., politically and culturally left behind due to their low quality in many different aspects. an activist of the council of indonesian young muslim scholars and intellectuals [miumi], cleric adnin armas, has said that indonesian muslims have become a minority although they are the majority in the sense of their population numbers in the country. according to him, muslims used to achieve glory and were called the best people since the friends or associates of prophet muhammad dedicated their life to islam. he also said that such an unexpected situation had arisen due to the inappropriate actions of muslims themselves. mentioning ... , politically and culturally left behind due to their low quality in many different areas. antonius herujiyanto 156 2. [ah05_070515]: original edited version indonesian media editor-in-chief: there is no radical term in islam indonesian website editor questions use of term "radical" the indonesian ... to judge other people as the infidels. “according to bnpt chief, radicalism can be divided into two, namely, the good and the bad one,” mahladi said, pointing out that islam did not recognize the term radical but “ghuluw” or religious exaggeration. “instead of radicalism, we have the term “ghuluw” in islam. it means the islamic exaggerated teachings,” he said, explaining that it was important to have the same understanding on the meaning of the so-called radical mass media. “when i met with bnpt chief, saud usman nasution, some journalists asked him for showing the radical contents carried in,” he said, adding that there were only two articles considered as being radical and threatening. mentioning that there were only two items, he questioned why bnpt had not directly asked the media for redrawing them instead of blocking the site. the indonesian ... to judge other people as the infidels. according to bnpt chief, radicalism can be divided into two, namely, the good and the bad one, mahladi said, pointing out that islam did not recognize the term "radical" but instead had the term "ghuluw" or "religious exaggeration". "instead of 'radicalism', we have the term ghuluw in islam. it means exaggerated islamic teaching," he said, explaining that it was important to have the same understanding regarding the meaning of the so-called radical mass media. "when i met bnpt chief saud usman nasution, some journalists had asked him to show the radical content in, but there were only two articles considered radical and threatening," he said. he questioned why the bnpt had not directly asked the media to withdraw them instead of blocking the site. 3. ah06_070515 original edited version indonesian press council: evaluation of media cannot be done one-sidedly indonesian press body chief says media freedom should be upheld the indonesian press council [dpi] has said that some indonesian communities have to shoulder the risks of guarding and maintaining the [press] freedom of expression. this is regarded as the valuable blessings. this is despite the fact that there are still many indonesian [and islamic] websites and media which are still allegedly carrying hatred speeches and spreading up violent messages. according to the chair of dpi, bagir manan, the press freedom of expression should be within the frame of maintaining the public order. the problems are, however, we live in a democratic country with the foundation of law supremacy. the violations against those two principles should be prevented from taking place,” he was quoted as saying by during a seminar entitled “freedom and blasphemy” held in dpi building jakarta on monday (4 may). the discussion was hosted by aji (the association of independent journalists) in co-operation with many other institutions including seapa (the alliance of south east asian press), and dpi. it was attended by many important figures such as seapa chair, eko maryadi, and editor in-chief of, mahladi murni. mentioning the protests against the recent blocking islamic websites, he said that they should have been carried out in accordance to the appropriate procedures without violating against the indonesian laws. the indonesian press council [dpi] has said that some indonesian communities have to shoulder the risks of guarding and maintaining freedom of expression. this is regarded as a valuable blessing. this is despite the fact that there are still many indonesian websites and media which are still allegedly carrying hatred speeches and spreading messages of violence. according to the chairperson of dpi, bagir manan, freedom of expression for the press should be within the ambit of maintaining public order. the problems are however that we live in a democratic country and law is supreme. the violations against these two principles should be prevented from taking place, he was quoted as saying by during a seminar "freedom and blasphemy" held in dpi building in jakarta on monday [4 may]. the discussion was hosted by aji (association of independent journalists) in cooperation with other institutions such as seapa (alliance of south east asian press) and dpi. it was attended by many important figures including seapa chairperson eko maryadi and editor in-chief of, mahladi murni. mentioning the protests against the recent blocking of islamic websites, he said they should have been carried out in accordance with appropriate procedures without violating indonesian laws. vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 157 according to him, the dpi will also keep struggling for maintaining the existing freedom of expression in the country. according to him, the dpi will also keep making efforts to maintain the existing freedom of expression in the country. 4. [ah08_100515]: original edited version indonesia aceh province to train 50 islamic lawyers indonesia's aceh province trains lawyers on islamic codes the islamic shari'a board (dsi) of aceh province has held trainings to 50 provincial lawyers on islamic code in dealing with the islamic aceh criminal code (qanun jinayat) and the civil law islamic aceh qanun jinayat. the aim is to produce islamic lawyers in the province. syahrizal abbas, the chair of dsi, has been quoted as saying by serambi indonesia daily, on tuesday (5 may) that the training would last for three days (up to 7 may). according to him, it needs commitment and understanding to accomplish the goal. the administration of aceh province is in charge of socializing the activities held in one of the only two special provinces [the other one is yogyakarta province] in the country. he also said that dsi wants to make sure that islamic shari’a be really established in aceh. the organizing committee of the training, munawar a djalil, likewise said that it was necessary to hold such activities to make sure that the province has got islamic lawyers with the ability to professionally understand the implementation islamic shari’a and provide the people with appropriate legal aids. according to him, articles 2 and 75 of the civil law islamic aceh qanun jinayat say that it is important for every defendant has got the legal aids needed. it is precisely the reasons of having the appropriate islamic lawyers,” said munawar. the islamic shari'ah board (dsi) of aceh province has held training sessions for 50 provincial lawyers on dealing with the islamic aceh criminal code (qanun jinayat) and the civil law islamic aceh qanun jinayat. the aim is to produce islamic lawyers in the province. syahrizal abbas, the chair of dsi, has been quoted as saying by serambi indonesia daily, on tuesday [5 may] that the training would last for three days. according to him, commitment and understanding are needed to accomplish the goal. the administration of aceh province is in-charge of organizing the activities in one of the two special provinces [the other is yogyakarta province] in the country. he also said that dsi wants to make sure that islamic shari'ah can be actually established in aceh. an official with the organizing committee, munawar a. djalil, said it is necessary to hold such activities to make sure that the province gets islamic lawyers with the ability to professionally understand the implementation of islamic shari'ah and provide people with appropriate legal help. according to him, articles 2 and 75 of the civil law islamic aceh qanun jinayat say that it is important for every defendant to get the required legal help. this is precisely the reason to get appropriate islamic lawyers, munawar said. 5. [ah10_120515]: original edited version indonesian group holds meetings on re-establishing caliphate in 36 cities indonesian islamic group to hold meetings to re-establish shar'iah the indonesian hizbut tahrir [hti] has planned to hold rpa [meetings and marches] to call on its followers and all indonesian muslims to re-establish islamic shar'iah comprehensively under one khilafah in 36 cities all over the country during may 2015. we will hold rpa during the month of may this year. its peak will be held in gelora bung karno stadium on 30 may; it would be attended around 150,000 people,” hti spokesperson muhammad ismail yusanto was quoted as saying by on saturday (9 may). according to him, the events are meant to highlight the mission and vision of muslims in the mid of the current threatening movements of neo-liberalism and neo-imperialism in indonesia. the indonesian hizbut tahrir [hti] has planned to hold rpa [meetings and marches] to call on its followers and all indonesian muslims to re-establish islamic shar'iah comprehensively under one khilafah [caliphate] in 36 cities across country during may 2015. we will hold rpa during the month of may this year. its peak will be in gelora bung karno stadium on 30 may; it would be attended by around 150,000 people, hti spokesperson muhammad ismail yusanto was quoted as saying by on saturday [9 may]. according to him, the events are meant to highlight the mission and vision of muslims amid the current threatening movements of neo-liberalism and neo-imperialism in indonesia. antonius herujiyanto 158 having learnt the hard lessons that the falling of the last islamic khilafah [caliphate] is the beginning of the falling of islamic world, then the re-awakening of islam may only be achieved by re-establishing the khilafah. the khilafah with its comprehensive islamic shar'iah will, indeed, reunite muslims all over the world in facing with many different threats,” he stated. having learnt the hard lessons that the fall of the last islamic khilafah is the beginning of the fall of islamic world, the reawakening of islam may only be achieved by re-establishing the khilafah. the khilafah with its comprehensive islamic shar'iah will, indeed, reunite muslims all over the world in facing many different threats, he said. 6. [ah11_160515]: original edited version it is exaggerated to lift restrictions for foreign journalists in indonesia papua indonesian lawmaker criticizes lifting of restrictions on foreign journalists a member of indonesian house [dpr], sukamta, has criticized the decision made by president joko “jokowi” widodo to revoke the restrictions that prevented foreign journalists from covering papua province. according to him, such an official press ... on stay permit. having implemented the welfare approach which insists on developing the people and their well being, then ... in journalism codes. those journalists had violated journalism codes when the restrictions ... will the east timor case with its referendum be repeated in papua?” stated he. a member of indonesian house [dpr], sukamta, has criticized the decision made by president joko jokowi widodo to revoke the restrictions that prevented foreign journalists from covering papua province. according to him, such an official press ... on stay permit. having implemented the welfare approach which insists on developing the people and their wellbeing, then ... in journalism codes. those journalists had violated journalism codes when the restrictions ... will the east timor case with its referendum be repeated in papua?" he questioned. 7. [ah15_180515] original edited version refusing rohingya muslims, asean leaders have unworthy inner selves indonesia islamist group criticizes countries' refusal to help migrants at sea the spokesperson of the indonesian hizbut tahrir [hti], muhammad ismail yusanto, has said that the refusal and pushing back boats carrying refugees and migrants of rohingya muslims and bangladeshis to the sea by some asean countries has suggested their unworthy inner selves. the natural kind hearted attitudes of the leaders of the countries must have been disappeared. the leaders’ lack of empathy for hundreds of frail and distressed rohingya muslims fleeing persecution in myanmar who were stranded on boats without adequate food, water or sanitation was beyond imagination,” he was quoted as saying through telephone by on saturday (16 may). it is shocking. in the name of whatsoever, they should have helped them. but no. none of them has practically kept their borders open to those vulnerable people. bangladesh, malaysia, and even indonesia have refused them,” he disbelieved it, adding that the indonesian government should have, at least in the name of humanity, provided them with temporary camps. in the past, indonesia had great experiences in giving unpopulated galang islands for temporary camps of thousands of vietnamese refugees. indonesia can do the same things to those rohingya muslims and muhammad ismail yusanto, spokesperson for the hizbut tahrir indonesia [hti], has said that the refusal and pushing back boats carrying rohingya muslims and bangladeshi refugees and migrants to the sea by some asean [association of southeast asian nations] countries suggested their unworthy inner selves. the natural, kindhearted attitude of the countries' leaders must have disappeared. the leaders lack empathy for hundreds of frail and distressed rohingya muslims fleeing persecution in myanmar [also known as burma] stranded on boats without adequate food, water or sanitation, which was beyond imagination, he was quoted as saying, through telephone by on saturday (16 may). it is shocking. in the name of whatever, they should have helped them. but no. none of them practically kept their borders open for the vulnerable people. bangladesh, malaysia, and even indonesia refused them, he disbelieved it, adding that the indonesian government should have, at least in the name of humanity, provided them with temporary camps. in the past, indonesia had great experience of giving unpopulated galang islands for temporary camps for thousands of vietnamese refugees. indonesia can do the same things for rohingya muslims and vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 159 bangladeshis. admittedly, the country is still faced with many problems, but it does not mean having no more senses of humanity. besides, indonesia is the nation with the world's largest muslim population. it is only natural that the country gives their hands to those vulnerable rohingya muslims,” ismail yusanto concluded. bangladeshis. admittedly, the country is still faced with many problems but that does not mean having no sense of humanity. besides, indonesia is a nation with the world's largest muslim population. it is only natural that the country gives its hands to the vulnerable rohingya muslims, ismail yusanto concluded. 8. [ah23_220515]: original edited version muslims in aceh provide rohingya muslims with humanitarian help indonesians in aceh province give humanitarian aid to myanmar migrants the representatives of association of muslim women [salimah] and the da’wah council of pidie, aceh, have visited myanmar's ethnic rohingya muslim refugees who were stranded off in the sub district of kuala cangkoi lhoksukon in north aceh. in the village of sungai keruk, seruway [tamiang sub district], there are 47 rohingya muslims consisting of 12 women and 35 men. in the meantime, the boatloads of more than 500 rohingya muslims, who arrived at kuala julok sub district (east aceh), had been moved to the refugee camps in kuala langsa. the representatives of association of muslim women [salimah] and the da'wah council of pidie, aceh, have visited myanmar's ethnic rohingya muslim refugees who were stranded off in the sub district of kuala cangkoi lhoksukon in north aceh. in the village of sungai keruk, seruway [tamiang sub district], there are 47 rohingya muslims consisting of 12 women and 35 men. in the meantime, the boatloads of more than 500 rohingya muslims, who arrived at kuala julok sub district (east aceh), have been moved to the refugee camps in kuala langsa. 9. [ah19_180215]: original edited version indonesian muslim youth condemns attack on sunnis’ mosque indonesian islamist flays shi'is for attacking sunni village the general chair of the youth wing of muslims unity [pui], rizal arifin, has condemned a group of 30 indonesian shiites for having attacked on az-zikra village [a sunnis’ village] in bogor, west java [on wednesday night, february 11, 2015]. according to him, not only was the attack an insult to the “tolerant” indonesia, but it was also ironical since it had taken place only hours after the closing ceremony of the sixth congress of indonesian muslims (kuii) recently held in yogyakarta [8-11 february]. he also said the attack had hurt all indonesian muslims. their violent actions could not be tolerated. they have hurt the indonesian muslims’ security feelings,” he said, adding that the perpetrators had violated the values of “islamrahmatan lil’alamin’ [that islam is the source of love]. i demand that those behind the attack be arrested and taken to the court. i believe the security forces know what to do,” he stated. mentioning that the islamic council of az zikra was a peaceful and non-provocative institution, rizal arifin clarified that there had been many responses [against the violent actions at az-zikra mosque] expressing their being prepared for conducting any jihad actions against those hurting islam. the general chairman of the youth wing of muslim unity [pui], rizal arifin, has condemned a group of 30 indonesian shi'is for having attacked az-zikra [a sunni village] in bogor, west java [on wednesday night, 11 february]. according to him, not only was the attack an insult to tolerance in indonesia, but it was also ironic since it had taken place only hours after the closing ceremony of the sixth congress of indonesian muslims (kuii) recently held in yogyakarta [8-11 february]. he also said the attack had hurt all indonesian muslims. "their violent actions cannot be tolerated. they have hurt indonesian muslims' sense of security," he said, adding that the perpetrators had violated the values of islamrahmatan lil'alamin' ["islam is the source of love"]. "i demand that those behind the attack be arrested and taken to the court. i believe the security forces know what to do," he stated. mentioning that the islamic council of az-zikra was a peaceful and non-provocative institution, rizal arifin clarified that there had been many responses [against the violent actions at azzikra mosque], which express a readiness to wage jihad against those who hurt islam.\ antonius herujiyanto 160 10. [ah21_210215] original edited version indonesian religious freedom protection bill close to completion indonesia drafting bill to protect religious freedom – minister the indonesian ministry of religious affairs has almost completed drafting a bill on protecting freedom of religion in indonesia, saying that it is meant to share the same perception on what exactly constitutes blasphemy. this way the peace in society can be well kept and maintained. “we have prepared the religious freedom protection bill and are still perfecting it,” the religious affairs minister, lukman hakim saifuddin, said in jakarta as quoted by antara on thursday (19 february). according to him, the bill will enable his office to offer peaceful solutions to the disputes among religious followers as well as to reduce, or rather prevent refusal and blasphemy from being conducted against a certain religion by highlighting the perception on, for example, what exactly onstitutes blasphemy. “the report says, for example, that there have been found many banners refusing shi’a or condemning wahhabi [the follower of muhammad bin-abd-al-wahhab in 18th century arabia or sunni school of islam]. these may be categorized as religious freedom or as blasphemy,” he said, adding that under the proposed law the police would also be better able to distinguish whether somebody had violated the law or human rights when dealing with the socalled religious freedom. mentioning imlek [chinese new year] that took place on thursday [19 february], the minister wished a very happy imlek to chinese indonesians. “it is true that that our societies have been very tolerant. in fact, there are many indonesians from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds also celebrate imlek. they are respecting their chinese indonesian brothers,” he stated. in the meantime, the chair of the council of indonesian young muslims scholars and intellectuals (miumi) chapter jakarta, fahmi salim, said that the proposed law would potentially weaken the fatwa [religious ruling] on misleading islamic sects issued by the council of indonesian muslim scholars [mui]. ”unless being well monitored, the proposed law may interfere in the materials and contents of da’wah [islamic preaching and missionary work] and those prayers at public schools,” he recently said at jakarta al azhar great mosque. the indonesian ministry of religious affairs has almost completed drafting a bill on protecting freedom of religion in indonesia, saying that it is meant to share the same perception on what exactly constitutes blasphemy. this way the peace in society can be well kept and maintained. "we have prepared the religious freedom protection bill and are still perfecting it, the religious affairs minister, lukman hakim saifuddin," said in jakarta as quoted by antara on thursday (19 february). according to him, the bill will enable his office to offer peaceful solutions to the disputes among religious followers as well as to reduce, or rather prevent refusal and blasphemy from being conducted against a certain religion by highlighting the perception on, for example, what exactly constitutes blasphemy. the report says, for example, that there have been found many banners refusing shi'a or condemning wahhabi [the follower of muhammad bin-abd-al-wahhab in 18th century arabia or sunni school of islam]. these may be categorized as religious freedom or as blasphemy, he said, adding that under the proposed law the police would also be better able to distinguish whether somebody had violated the law or human rights when dealing with the so-called religious freedom. mentioning imlek [chinese new year] that took place on thursday [19 february], the minister wished a very happy imlek to chinese indonesians. it is true that that our societies have been very tolerant. in fact, there are many indonesians from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds also celebrate imlek. they are respecting their chinese indonesian brothers, he stated. in the meantime, the chair of the council of indonesian young muslims scholars and intellectuals (miumi) chapter jakarta, fahmi salim, said that the proposed law would potentially weaken the fatwa [religious ruling] on misleading islamic sects issued by the council of indonesian muslim scholars [mui]. unless being well monitored, the proposed law may interfere in the materials and contents of da'wah [islamic preaching and missionary work] and those prayers at public schools, he recently said at jakarta al azhar great mosque. note and final remarks this reasearch is one of the responses to the demand of the indonesian directorate general of higher education and culture ministry stated in its decree no. 152/d/t/2012, dated on 27 january 2012: one of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree is for the student to have produced a paper published in a scientific journal. the findings show that almost every single work [except the last one, ah21_210215] violates the appropriate use of intra-lingual and extra-lingual components. many of them have also denied the conventional signs of one’s politeness vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 161 strategies in conductig acceptable communication. the remedy to such problems has also been carried through class activities: first, the students were divided into small group of three. then they discussed their understanding on the nature of mmc class. they were also to exchange their first draft of their writing work. one of the significant steps were to encourage the students to have their second draft paper consulted with their lecturer. the consultation was mainly dealing with their understanding of the materials discussed. in dealing with the problems of developing ideas, it can be concluded that those using documentation are 75 % [4 -12 groups depending the numbers of the students in a class]; there were also foud that 65 % [3-10 groups] of them had, indeed, acquainted with a cross section of materials. there were 60 % [3-10 groups] engaging in critical, not creative, reading and writing. not only has the approach helped the students feel relaxed in following the activities conducted in the class, but they have also deepened and developed their writing skills. it can also be said that the objectives of the course such as understanding the nature of journalism and creative-feature writing; becoming familiar with cross cultural multidimensionality and world cultures may be achieved mainly through written activities. implementing and establishing sarujuk sithik-edhing [committing to win-win solution] principles have, indeed, helped the students better understand the meaning of critical approaches, linguistic knowledge, and those dealing with socio-cultural, interactional, and strategic competence. they also happened to experience brushing up on their scientific writing skills. acknowledgment the researcher would like to thank dikti of indonesian research and technology and higher education ministry for the 2015 grant of this research [“unsur intralingual dan ekstralingual dalam daya bahasa dan nilai rasa bahasa sebagai penanda kesantunan berkomunikasi (i.e. incl. “politeness strategies through language power and style-based communication”]. a completely different version of this paper was presented in iceri 2015 [the 2015 international conference on educational research and innovation: ethics in high-quality research, may 06-07, 2015 at yogyakarta state university (uny), yogyakarta, indonesia. references ary, donald et all. introduction to research in education. 6th ed., belmont: wadsworth thomas learning, 2002. barry, peter. beginning theory. manchester and new york: manchester up, 1995. g. eason, b. noble, and i.n. sneddon, “on certain integrals of lipschitz-hankel type involving products of bessel functions.” phil. trans. roy. soc. london, vol. a247, april 1955: 529-551. herujiyanto, antonius, “katresnan criticism: the nature and who does it.” llt journal, 2nd ed., vol. 9 (2), august 2006: 125-138, august 2006. ____, “promoting sarjana paper writing skill through katresnanism based approach and althusser’s ‘problematic’: a case study in ccu class of pbi usd yogyakarta.” the international conference on language education, in ugm, gadjahmada university yogyakarta, indonesia. december 06-07, 2013. manlapaz, edna zapanta, ma eloisa francisco, the new anvil guide to research paper writing. pasig city: anvil publishing, inc, 2006. mertler, craig a., action research, 2nd ed., london: sage publications ltd, 2009. antonius herujiyanto 162 sagar, richard, the action research guidebook, california: corwin press, 2005. sim, stuart. ed., the a-z guide to modern literary and cultural theorist. london: prentice hall/ harvester wheatsheaf, 1995. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon lany kristono 130 a deconstructive reading of the trauma in martin aleida’s “tanpa pelayat dan mawar duka” lany kristono english department, satya wacana christian university abstract being one of the most widely discussed turmoil, the 1965 tragedy must have left a cultural trauma to those involved, particularly the victims. as one victim of the event, martin aleida should know better how such a trauma represents itself. therefore, this study would like to examine the trauma in his work “tanpa pelayat dan mawar duka” (“without mourners nor roses”): who suffers from the trauma, how they respond to the trauma, and the ideology underlying the trauma from the perspective of deconstruction. derrida’s deconstruction has been selected as the story contains paradoxes and this study adopts jeffrey alexander’s belief that trauma is socially constructed instead of a result of the event itself. a scrutiny of the trauma in the story confirms alexander’s notion of the trauma and the dominant ideas of the ruling class, including gender power relations, which shape the characters’ attitudes towards their trauma and their interactions. the findings also reflect the solidity of gender power relations. keywords: trauma, 1965 tragedy, paradox, binary opposition, ideology introduction the release and successive controversies over joshua oppenheimer-directed movie, the act of killing, in 2013, which was followed by the look of silence, imply a worldwide attention given to one of the bloodiest turmoil in the indonesian history, the so-called 1965 indonesian communist party rebellion. although the indonesian government has not officially stated their position on the film, the fact that the movie has not been shown in public cinemas (bastian, 1) represents the sensitivity and effects of the tragedy. the discussions on the painful event in the media as well as academic setting within and outside the country preceding its 50th commemoration coupled with the indonesian government’s silence led to expressions of concern, ordeal, trauma, somewhat anger and confusion besides agreements and disagreements. if an event stays for half a century in the memory of other nations who were not part of the event themselves, it must have left a deep, if not a permanent, mark in the memory of those directly or indirectly involved in it. in short, it must be a traumatic experience to them. “traumas occur when individuals and groups feel they have been subjected to a horrendous event that leaves indelible marks upon their consciousness, will mark their memories forever, and will change their future in fundamental and irrevocable ways” (alexander et al., 1). lay trauma theory considers trauma as a result of events themselves (2). the 1965 tragedy does fit this notion as it has not only left a strongly implanted mark in the victims’ memory, but also changed the life of the indonesians as individuals and a nation. at national layer, the disbandment of the indonesian communist party immediately after the purge and the recurrent calls of communism as a latent danger positions communism as a ghost haunting the nation. at individual level, one’s affiliation to a religion is inevitable. legally, vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 131 an indonesian’s identity card explicitly states the holder’s religion. socially (and legally), being an atheist is against the norms and law. alexander aan who publicly declared himself an atheist had to suffer from social and legal sanctions. he was imprisoned for more than 19 months before gaining his freedom on 27 january 2014 (cochrane, 1). at work, he was beaten by a group of colleagues who learned about his posting of his belief on facebook. in prison, some inmates who knew his case also beat him (bulger, 1). hence, the trauma is individual and cultural (alexander, 1). once a victim of the 1965 turmoil himself as he had to serve a one-year imprisonment without trial in 1966 (sulistyo 1), martin aleida acknowledged that the tragedy has left a deep impact on him so that it is a part of his self (aleida qtd. in isa, 4; izzati, 2). in alexander’s terms, the tragedy seems to be a trauma for aleida. this assumption is strengthened, observing aleida’s explanation in an interview with left book review that a little spark related to the turmoil would inspire him to write about the tragedy from the perspective of the victims as he elaborates that it is ‘the destiny of literature’ to defend the victims (aleida qtd. in isa, 5; izzati, 3). he adds that he would always express his memory of the tragedy in his writings to keep the nation’s collective memory of the event (sulistyo, 3). it is therefore interesting to examine how trauma is depicted in his work, who suffer from it, how they respond to such trauma, and the underlying ideology constructing the trauma. aleida’s work “tanpa pelayat dan mawar duka” (“without mourners nor roses”; hereafter tpmd) has been chosen as the object of this study. portraying both the actor and victims of the tragedy, tpmd should provide sufficient information about how the characters are affected by the turmoil; thus, the trauma, how they interact with each other which reflects their response to the trauma. the deconstructive reading of the story is expected to reveal what construct the trauma. barry (71) explains that deconstructive reading “uncovers the unconscious rather than the conscious dimension of the text …” derrida describes it as a reading which “ must always aim at a certain relationship, unperceived by the writer, between what he commands and what he does not command of the patterns of language that he uses … attempts to make the not-seen accessible to sight” (qtd. in barry, 71). therefore, the reading of the story would focus on several deconstructive strategies; i.e. the central tension, shift or break in the tension, paradox, and binary opposition. the decision to do a deconstructive reading of tpmd was rooted in my reading about trauma, which reflects paradoxical concepts of trauma. despite his discussion on lay trauma theory, alexander et. al. (9) assert that events do not cause trauma. shulga proposes that the term trauma simultaneously includes psychological illness, a historical event, and a collection of symptoms. however, both alexander and shulga later express their belief that trauma is not a result of history itself since both walk side by side (alexander et. al., 12) without direct causal relationship (shulga 19). alexander et. al. maintain that lay trauma’s notion of trauma as a result of events is a ‘naturalistic fallacy’ (8). he elaborates that events are not “… inherently traumatic” nor do they, “in and of themselves, create collective trauma because trauma is socially constructed” (8). alexander et. al and shulga’s attitude towards trauma is a contradiction to lay trauma theory. thompson compares trauma representation to writing a new narrative, which is highly contested and polarized (qtd. in alexander, 12). smelser elaborates that the contestation involves how the event should exactly be remembered. he used the memory of hiroshima and nagasaki and the presence of different groups in the american politics, such as veteran’s and peace groups, who are “jockeying” over how the tragedy should be remembered as an example (“cultural trauma”, 2). such a contestation implies multiple interpretations of a text, which fits derrida’s notion that all texts have multiple meanings or interpretations (derrida qtd. in bressler, 1999: 129). as the notions of lany kristono 132 trauma reflect contradictions, the story is also full of paradoxes. paradox in tpmd revolving around “ba”, a supporting actor of the 1965 tragedy, his role in the turmoil, his fright as the political situation changed, death and funeral, tpmd actually portrays trauma and human relationships which are haunted by the memory of the tragedy. therefore, there is a tension between the actors and the victims of the tragedy; i.e. “ba” and the grave diggers whose fathers were allegedly accused to have killed the generals, arrested, interrogated, tortured, and murdered with ba’s help (aleida, 2007: 2). the tension is reflected in the paradoxical title, without mourners nor roses. mourners and roses are parts of a social event called funeral. the absence of mourners including the grave diggers and roses in ba’s funeral is a contradiction to the nature of a funeral. instead of competing to offer their services as they usually did, the grave diggers sat on the red soil behind the frangipani trees, watching the coffin from a distance. their wandering minds recalled the time their fathers were arrested and killed, their land was confiscated because of the dead man’s conspiracy with the armed people (aleida, 2007: 2). as the sad loss of their father leaves an indelible mark in their conscious mind and changes their life reflects their trauma (alexander 1). another paradox reflecting hatred and tension lies in ba’s willingness to have a proper place for his dead body when he died (aleida, 2007: 1), as if he was fully aware there would be those who would not want him to be properly buried, and that they had a good reason for it. he realized that in to his friends he was no more than a bunch of meat which was only deserved to be stoned to death (aleida, 2007: 1,). ba’s haunted mind represents itself in his changed attitude. aleida writes, he pondered more frequently … his uneasiness and fear led him to death (1), which portrays another trauma (alexander et. al. 1). with the shift of time, the tension is also shifted. aleida writes, ke manapun dia pergi, di benaknya terbayang sebuah lubang ancaman. begitu besar dan menakutkan, siap menelannya, menyusul tumbangnya raja tiranis yang berkuasa lebih dari tiga puluh tahun (aleida, 2007: 1). wherever he went, that threatening hole was pictured in his mind. it was so huge and terrifying, ready to swallow him, as the tyrannical king who had ruled for more than three decades lost his throne (aleida, 2007: 1). jatuhnya sang tiran dan perubahan politik yang tak pernah terbayangkan, dari hari ke sehari membuat hatinya semakin ciut, menggigil. dia sadar akan apa yang telah dia lakukan terhadap teman-temannya selama ini. dan betapa mencemaskan kemungkinan dendam yang harus dia hadapi (aleida, 2007: 1). day by day, the fall of the tyrant and the unimaginable political change gradually took his courage and optimism away. his heart was chilling. he was aware of what he had done to his friends. and how frightening it was to think of the revenge he might have to deal with (aleida, 2007: 1). conforming to alexander et. al (8) and shulga(19), tpmd clearly describes that the trauma is a social construction instead of a direct result of the events themselves. ba realizes he has betrayed his friends, and his unforgivable deed should be the root of his trauma. however, it would never be a trauma if the more than three decade-ruling tyrant did not lose his power. in the past, ba often treated his friends, the other artists (aleida, 2007: 4); now he more often spent his time pondering (aleida, 2007: 2). ba changed following the fall of the tyrannical king (aleida, 2007: 1). the shift in time or era portrays the domination of the ruling class. ba used to scare them, now they scare him, creating another paradox. vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 133 binary oppositions in tpmd acting as the time break which shifts the trauma, the time the tyrant lost his throne divides the story into two parts, creating the first binary oppositions; i.e. past/present. since the story depicts the relationship between ba, a supporting actor of the 1965 tragedy, and his victims, the grave diggers, as communicated through the actor’s wife, the other binary oppositions would be actor/victim and masculinity/feminity. the three pairs of binary oppositions are going to be used to dig out the hidden ideology in the story. derrida declares binary oppositions are hierarchical since one element of the pair is always in superior position; thus, privileged; making the other element inferior or unprivileged (bressler, 1999: 125; tyson 254). the privileged member of the pair tells leads to the ideology underlying the text (tyson 254). examining the ways the binary oppositions overlap or have things in common or are not completely opposite will lead to the limitations of the ideology (derrida qtd. in tyson 254). as the story begins by the description of ba’s, one of the actor in 1965 tragedy, fear following the fall of the long-governing tyrant and a long list of his horrendous past deeds, the story puts victim in a more privileged position; and, along with it, present over past and periphery over center. ba’s heartless cruelty is unforgivable that even his kindness means nothing. as ba’s wife admits, she knew exactly her husband’s kindness is nothing compared to his betraying his friends (aleida, 2007: 4). the past considers ba a good citizen who helped the ruling government locate dissidents. however, the past belongs to a tyrant, turning anything positive under a tyrant’s policy negative. this fits the principle of deconstruction that language continually defers meaning and that the meaning language seems to have is determined by other signifiers (tyson, 253); and words as a part of language escape meaning but produce meaning (amani, 2). likewise, rivkin and ryan state that “everything or object and every idea or concept refers to something else to be what it ‘is’” (259). ba, the good citizen of the past turns to be a condemned man for the grave diggers, a forgotten being for those who needed his help in the past, a cruel, but faithful and generous husband for the woman. he may be perceived differently by the grave diggers or his wife and son after the burial. the discussion also reflects that the past and present are never completely opposite. the past will not be called the past without the different present. rivkin and ryan maintain that “one present moment assumes past present moments as well as future present moments; to be "present," a present moment presupposes its difference from other presents” (258). the grave diggers’ hatred towards ba is rooted in his past actions but is only expressed when the political situation has changed as the tyrant abdicated and ba has been forgotten by the armed people (aleida, 2007: 1). without a backup, ba’s “heroic” past behavior seems inhumane, fitting deconstruction’s principle that reality is textual as it is shaped by difference and its dependence on others to be what it is (rivkin and ryan 259). the first binary oppositions, past and present influence the second binary oppositions; namely, actor and victim. actor should be the privileged member of the pair because an actor is active. however, the term victim itself denotes powerlessness; thus, the need to be helped as a result of what the actor does. therefore, victim will be the privileged member of the pair. tpmd shows that actor and victim are not completely opposite. ba, the supporting actor of the tragedy has to bear the predicate of a victim by an unexpected socio-political change (aleida, 2007: 1-2).he used to be in the center when he helped the group with weapon as well as when he was able to treat the other artists and bring tumpeng (rice cone with its dishes served as a part of javanese tradition) to the cultural center on indonesia’s independence day (aleida, 2007: 2,4). as the children of the victims, the grave diggers remain victims. their occupation implies a paradox. they earn their living only when one loses their life. as such, they are never an actor because their survival is facilitated by one’s inevitable surrender to death. lany kristono 134 yet, ba, the actor, is also a victim of those with weapons, who had made use of him to maintain their power before they left him when he was not useful to them anymore (aleida, 2007: 1). his life is also governed by the hidden dominating rules which turn his life into a nightmare along with the fall of the tyrannical king. with the reverse of the dominant ideology, his life is also reversed. he is then a victim of his own fear which is rooted in the social construction of what he had done. his quiet house and the deserted cemetery confirm his position as a victim of the different dominating rules (aleida, 2007: 1-2). as an actor, he had to find his victim in their hiding places. as a victim, he is considered to have extinct. similarly, the grave diggers who were victims are changed into actors by the situation. they have decided to refuse to dig the soil for ba, disabling ba to have his last wish realized; i.e. to have a proper place for his dead body (aleida, 2007: 1). their choice is enabled by the dominant ideology which favors them. as derrida believes, language, with which human beings organize their experience, reflects the implications, associations and contradictions of the ideologies shaping it (qtd. in tyson 272). the past/present and actor/victim pairs also confirms derrida’s notion that the identity of an object and idea is decided by its difference from the other objects or ideas. the discussion reveals that different ruling ideas as signified by the tyrant’s loss of throne alter the hierarchy in the pairs; thus, changing how members of each pair are related and strengthening deconstruction’s belief that meaning is fluid and that truth is always incomplete (qtd. in rivkin and ryan 258). likewise, the absence of mourners and the grave diggers’ determination to object giving service for ba’s last resting place puts ba’s wife in the position of a victim. as one outside the play but is related to one f the actors in the play, ba’s wife plays the role of a victim in the past as well as present. at present, her position is clearly depicted in the cemetery. learning that she was the only mourner in the cemetery puts her in a helpless, desperate situation. as the woman lamented to her dead husband, she felt mostly grieved not because of her husband’s death, but what the man in the coffin did in the past and the effect of his past deeds (aleida, 2007: 2—3). ”ba, tak kusangka,” bisiknya perlahan, … “oh, siapakah yang menyangka bisa jadi begini…?” … memang tak siapapun menyangka. … lihatlah! taman pekuburang sungguh sepi. para penggali kubur yang biasanya berebut menawarkan jasa, tak seorangpun kelihatan” (aleida, 2007: 2). “ba, i have never thought this would happen,” she whispered softly. … “oh, who has ever had an idea that this will happen?” … no one really did. … look! the cemetery was completely deserted. not even one of the grave diggers, who would usually compete to offer their service, could be seen (aleida, 2007: 2). her grief is intensified when she found out that their only son did not return to attend his father’s funeral, leaving her all alone and adding to the anguish she has kept to herself for more than three decades because of what her husband did (aleida, 2007: 3). the grave digger’s offer and empathy complicates her ordeal. putting down a hoe near “ba”’s wife’s, the grave digger explained how he and his friends did not have the heart to see her sad and alone; but at the same time confirmed the need to punish “ba” (aleida, 2007: 4). his comforting words contain a paradox because human beings can only punish other human beings. the grave diggers’ revenge to the dead ba is actually directed to his wife. the third binary oppositions is masculinity/feminity. this pair is represented in the grave digger who offered a hoe to ba’s wife and said that they did not have a choice. having no choice is contrasted to having a choice, in which the later implies a privilege. however, since it is uttered by the grave diggers who were victims of the dead man, having no choice is the privileged member of the pair. derrida argues that the binary oppositions are not always completely opposite (qtd. in tyson, 254). cutting short vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 135 the woman’s empathy to their unfortunate fathers and explanation of her husband’s little kindness, the grave digger said, “kami tak punya pilihan” (aleida, 2007: 4). (“we have no choice”). the statement “having no choice” actually implies choices the grave digger have taken; i.e. to be unwilling to listen to the woman’s plea of her husband, to keep their opinion about ba, and to ignore other possible options. instead, by leaving ba’s wife before she had finished her words (aleida, 2007: 4), the grave digger did not give the woman any choice but to stop pleading for her dead husband. even she has never had any choices in the past and present. although she suffered greatly because of her husband’s choice to support those with weapons, she had never intended to leave her husband. hatinya berkecamuk, tercabik-cabik, manakala teringat pada tahun-tahun yang tak tertahankan, yang harus dia lalui, lantaran perbuatan lelaki yang kini terpaku di dalam peti mati. … kabar tentang pendurhakaan itu datang tumpuk-menumpuk selama tiga puluh tahun lebih, membebani hati wanita yang sekarang berlutut di sisi peti mati suaminya. dia hidup menyendiri, tersisih dari teman-temanya. badannya kurus kering menganggung malu (aleida, 2007: 3). she was restless, her heart broke into pieces, everytime he remembed the unbearable years, which she had go through because of what the man in the coffin did. … the news about the betrayal reached her one after the other for more than 30 years, burdening the heart of the woman who were kneeling next to her husband’s coffin. she led an isolated life, apart from his friends. she was “thin and dry”, bearing the shame (aleida, 2007: 3). the news about her husband must have served like a very unpleasant event which has haunted her and changed her life forever; thus, trauma (alexander et. al. 1). however, even after he husband had died, she had to cope with another form of embarrassment due to the man’s past behavior, despite the grave diggers’ pitying her. even she had to bury her husband herself (aleida, 2007: 4). the revenge, which her husband feared in his later days, and which was a trauma for him (aleida, 2007: 1), has been transferred to her, as if the trauma she suffered when her husband was still alive is not enough. her lonely life seems to be even lonelier. she used to put herself in the periphery, far from her friends who were in the center. she seems to still occupy the peripheral position as nobody has come to accompany her taking her husband to his grave. their adopted son has not come, and neither has the artist her husband used to treat nor the group with weapons whom her husband used to help. the man who has never intended to leave her (aleida, 2007: 4) has left her now, leaving her without any choice but not to leave him while the others, including their son, have chosen not to take him to his grave. in other words, it is she who has never intended to leave her husband. this proves what derrida asserts that one’s conception (what one thinks) precedes perception (what one’s experience through her senses) and how her expectations, beliefs, and values—all of which are carried by language—determine the way she experiences her world (qtd. in tyson 257). conclusion due to language ambiguity, tpmd has deconstructed itself to reveal that all characters suffer from trauma, which characterizes their interactions and response to life itself. since the trauma is socially constructed, the characters’ response and interactions are shaped by the dominant ideology, which is represented by the time shift in the story; i.e. the fall of the tyrant. however, the trauma the female character suffers is not affected by the time shift as she remains the victim who suffers from the trauma resulted from what people around her do and decide to do. the discussion also reveals that as the only female character, she is the only character with no choice. as this reflects the dominant concept of masculinity and feminity, the findings may point to the solid ideology of gender power relations lany kristono 136 hidden in language. no matter how much a text deconstruct itself, this ideology remains. references aleida, martin. “tanpa pelayat dan mawar duka”. kumpulan cerita kompas. 2007. web. september 18, 2015. alexander, jeffrey. “toward a theory of cultural trauma”. in jeffrey alexander et. al. cultural trauma. amani, behnaz. “a deconstructive reading of yasmina reza’s art”. k@ta. 16.1(2014). web. 16 october 2015. barry, peter. beginning theory. chennai: t.r. publication pvt. ltd. 2002. 2006. bastian, abdul qowi. “’the act of killing’ to be released for free online in indonesia”. the jakarta globe. web. bressler, charles e. literary criticism : an introduction to theory and practice, 2nd edition. new jersey: prentice-hall. 1999. bulger, matthew. “the story of alexander aan: an indonesian atheist fears for his life”. humanist network news. web. cochrane, joe. “embrace of atheism put an indonesian in prison”. the new york times. web. 3 may, 2014. 29 september 2015. cultural trauma: an interview. regents of the university of california. 2005. web. 22 may, 2015. isa, ibrahim. “martin aleida tentang tragedi ’65 dan permintaan maaf”. 26 april 2012. blog. 29 september, 2015. izzati, fildzah fatimah. “martin aleida: takdir sastra adalah membela korban.” left book review. xix. (2014). 15 february 2014. web. 18 august 2015. rivkin, julie and ryan, michael (eds). literary theory: an anthology, 2nd ed. ma, oxford, victoria: blackwell publishing, ltd. 2004. sulistyo, bambang. “nama baru untuk bernapas”. gatra. 23 january 2004. web. 29 september 2015. tyson, lois. critical theory today: a userfriendly guide. new york: routledge. 2006. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) carmen romero sanchez-palencia 242 work, unity, and aesthetic plenitude in la peste by albert camus carmen romero sánchez-palencia faculty of humanities, universidad francisco de vitoria, madrid, spain this work is part of the international research project: "anthropology, hermeneutics and living work", laborem-ircom, francia. abstract article information albert camus, and his work, is the perfect example of achievement through personal growth, with a unitary conception of the individual and their relationship with the world and with others. in confronting the immediate, the author offers repose; in the face of the absurd, revolt, and in the face of a meaninglessness he proposes love. his task is advance, our advance, climbing a long ladder that we may also descend, although transformed, no longer as we were the first time. this project will analyse the book la peste / the plague, relating it and the ideas here expressed with the concept of work. work being understood as something beyond mere occupation, or way of making a living, but the endeavours of the subject as an essential component of life. this becomes evident when one seeks to grow fully, in harmony with humanity as embodied by camus’ characters in a situation of collective emergency, in a city in the grip of the plague. the result is a hymn of hope, of momentary triumph not without repeated stumbles, recalling again and again what we are and what we can become. just as in our own lives, the nebulous is the constant companion of victory, which is never entirely complete. keywords: albert camus; la peste; work; unity; humanity received: 29 march 2020 revised: 9 may 2020 accepted: 16 may 2020 doi : 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2502 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribute-sharealike 4.0 international license introduction: life and work the french philosopher, novelist, essayist, journalist, and playwright albert camus was born on november 7th, 1913 in mondovi, in the then french colony of algeria. his father was a descendant of the earliest french settlers in algeria who came to seek their fortune. but before camus was one year old, his father had enlisted in the zouaves, serving in the french army during the first world war where he would die in battle from a head wound. albert, then eight months old, came to know his father through the memories of his mother and a few discoloured, sepia photographs. the inheritance he left was limited to a few entries in the civil registry, some shell fragments, a war cross, and a posthumous military medal (todd, 1997, p. 27). from then on, war and desolation would accompany the author, as with so many artists of his generation, throughout his life and his work, and especially forging his insight into human suffering and his interest for the least fortunate. the family soon moved but without leaving the working-class where they had journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 243 lived. there they lived on the edge of poverty but not in misery: “the family moved from number 17 to number 92 of the rue de lyon, in the heart of belcourt, the working-class neighbourhood in the east of algiers, on the borders of marabout, the arab quarter” (todd, 1999, p. 29). the modest home in which they lived had no running water nor electricity and was rented in the name of his maternal grandmother who would then assume the role of paternal authority and loquacity. this in contrast to his timid, illiterate, and silent mother, catherine hélène, who earned a living cleaning houses and suffered from a hearing ailment due to a childhood illness. nevertheless, her son would always keep her close, inspiring some of this work. his mother never remarried and, while born in algiers, had spanish roots, something which would lead camus to consider spain as his second homeland. he and his older brother lucien had an unfettered and syncretic childhood among simple spanish, arab, italian, and french working people who taught them to true meaning of life. the preferred distraction was the cinema, where films were shown in episodes and young albert would read the words on the screen out loud for his mother and grandmother, who often forgot her glasses. given their precarious economic situation, and thanks to the efforts of his teacher louis germain, albert received a scholarship to continue his studies, first at the institute and then at the faculty of philosophy at the university of algiers. in fact, camus never forgot the help, dedication and efforts of louis germain and years later, in 1957, at the peak of his career, he would dedicate his nobel prize for literature to his teacher. the teacher would also inspire the thought and personality of doctor bernard rieux, the main character of the work analysed, la peste. as a young man he was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and he was hospitalised for a time. although there was then no cure for his illness then, the doctors believed the best medicine was overeating and to avoid both football and the sun, two of camus’ beloved pastimes. and so he moved to the house of his uncle, the butcher gustave acault, where he avidly devoured the books in his library as there was not a single book in his mother’s house. the illness was the beginning of his lifelong individuality and sensitivity, requiring him to retire from time to time throughout his life to rest and restore his health. thus, accustomed to living in the shadow of death, these moments of exile allowed the author to compose his own worlds, weaving together personal stories, truth, beauty, and compassion. in the world of art, everything can be explored, more fully developed, to allow understanding but never judgement. the tuberculosis would help steer his professional career towards literature. at the same time he graduated in philosophy with a thesis about plotinus and saint augustine relating classical greek thought and christianity. the university administration refused, in accordance with the law, to allow him to sit the civil service exam due to his poor health. camus decided to dedicate himself to writing, a career he would combine with other work in journalism and publishing. thus, his art became an ordered system, bringing together emotion, truth, beauty and community. in the words of the author: for myself, i cannot live without my art. but i have never placed it above everything. if, on the other hand, it is because it cannot be separated from my fellow men, and it allows me to live, such as i am, on one level with them. it is a means of stirring the greatest number of people by offering a privileged picture of common joys and sufferings. it obliges the artist not to keep himself apart; it subjects him to the most humble and the most universal truth (camus, 2008b, pp. 239 240). in the mid 1930’s, still living in algeria, camus discovered and recognised the need for literary creation grounded in bearing witness: from then on literature would not be a means of escaping from life: on the contrary, it would permit him to understand, to speak of, and to change life. camus would never regard literature as diversion or an antithesis to reality but its witness (lévi-valensi, 2006, p. 148). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) carmen romero sanchez-palencia 244 with regards to his love life, he was married twice and had many romantic attachments, especially with the actress of spanish descent maría casares. these relations tormented him deeply, the conflicting role of husband and lover, leading him to a complex state that he himself described in his final letter to the actress as a combination of passion and preoccupation (todd, 1997, pp. 752 753). despite his selfdeclared atheism, religious questions were never absent from his mind. he felt profound admiration for christ and although he denied the resurrection, he was convinced of the mystery residing within the human being. three years before his death he would describe his faith as “difficult” (camus, 2008b, p. 242). if it is normally difficult to separate an author’s life from their work, in camus’ case this is virtually impossible given that his works contain his life in some way, enveloping it in each of its pages. his carnets, his posthumously published diaries and his extensive correspondence, show that camus believed that within a true artist authenticity, imagination and action must coexist to the point it becomes impossible to separate the creation from the life: “there is not one talent to live and another to create. the same talent serves both. and we can be sure that the talent that produces but one artificial work cannot but live a frivolous life” (camus, 2008a, p. 1111). behind camus’ simple, fluid prose was hours of work and much rewriting. the original manuscripts are filled with corrections and annotations, as he was never entirely satisfied with the results. this desire for perfection, order, and structure would lead him to plan the entirety of his output from the very start of his career, winning him the nobel prize for literature in 1957. this was a time when everyone, french intellectuals on both the left and the right isolated and repudiated him. how to resume tanase, this particular attitude in a confrontation without nuances made camus the enemy of all. friends who shared his point of view, such as rené char or jean grenier, do not engage in the public debate, and the others break with him more or less openly (tanase, 2018, p. 265). this was evidenced even in the negative commentary in the press about his nobel prize speech. this rejection would last until his premature death in 1960 in an automobile accident, preserving until the end his ideological independence: i had a precise plan when i began my work: i wanted, firstly, to express negation. in three forms: novelistic: this was the outsider. dramatic: caligula, the misunderstanding. ideological: the myth of sisyphus. i foresaw the positive also in three forms: novelistic: the plague dramatic: state of siege and the just assassins. ideological: the rebel. i glimpsed a third phase on the theme love (grenier, 1987, p. 10). it is surprising that someone may program their literary work from the very start of their profession; even more surprising is that they carry it out. camus does so on different planes and using different styles. without mixing genres and uniting the works of each phase as with an invisible thread, the author addresses the same themes using different optics to achieve a formal and existential unity of each phase and within his entire oeuvre. thus, camus’ career can be divided into three different and structured phases, where each can be understood only through the others and so forming an indissoluble and progressive unity where, just as in life itself, there is progress and hope. it is a vision of existence as something continuous, global. the first phase in camus’ work is the negative cycle or the absurd. the second is the positive cycle, revolt. the third, love, is the most imprecise, cut short by his death at the age of forty-six. previously, in his formative years, nature imposed itself over all else. so, in june of 1947, shortly after the publication of la peste, camus outlines and expands his themes and works, identifying five series: no tomorrow. 1st series. absurd. the outsider. the myth of sisyphus. caligula and the misunderstanding. 2nd series. revolt: la peste (and annexes). the rebel. the just assassins (kaliayev). 3rd series. the trial; the first man. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 245 4th series. tortured love: the bonfire. on love. the seducer. 5th series. corrected creations or the system great novel + great meditation + unstageable piece (camus, 2006a, pp.1084 1085). later, in 1950, camus referenced his first three phases with three works associated with greek mythology: “i. the myth of sisyphus (absurd). ii. the myth of prometheus (revolt). iii. the myth of nemesis” (camus, 2008d, p.1093). it is interesting to consider that these phases were preceded by his early writings or first drafts. masson, speaking of a youthful period in almost pantheistic terms, structures it so: during childhood, the gods speak though nature, the sun, the sea, participating in the sacred to achieve harmony with the world, escape indifference and approach the absolute. later, the indifference of the world distressingly imposes itself. finally, the need to overcome the indifference of the world and reach the absolute is achieved only with the collaboration of others and with the support of a maternal figure (masson, 2019, pp. 34, 41). the phases are characterised by their strong dialectic structure or the interplay of contraries, two sides of the same coin reinforced in a game of contrasts: all of his work, philosophical essays, articles and fictional texts, turn on a firmly binary nexus of reality and the ideal, between the absurd and passion for life. two antagonistic poles that “are the two faces of the same coin”, anguish and joy, sun and shadow, tragedy and hope, sea and desert, exile and kingdom, setbacks and success, natal algeria and mortal france (de diego, 2006, p. 11). considering all of this, the present work will analyse one of the author’s great novels, la peste, part of the second phase and focused on the positive. we will primarily dedicate our analysis to the procedure used in the work to reach plenitude and progress; in this way, the work is a uniting social tool and the means for human beings to progress and improve, achieving true humanity and solidarity both as an individual and within a collective. thus, the absurd is overcome. in the words of the author: “but also la peste shows that the absurd teaches nothing. this is the definitive step” (camus, 2006a, p. 955). truth, solidarity and revolt in la peste after five years of work, on june 10th, 1947, albert camus published la peste, a realistic novel which narrates the history of the city of oran in the grip of the plague and whose principal themes are death, solidarity, illness, and redemption. the real oran in fact suffered an epidemic of cholera after french colonisation in 1849, and there is a rich interweaving of truth and fiction. the novel was a great success, selling many copies and admired by critics, interpreted as an allegory of the nazi occupation and the desolation of europe at the time. as we shall see, the novel goes further, its message is not fully understood at the time. the plague that attacks the population can at times act as a cohesive element among people. as camus himself writes in his diary entry of october 23rd, 1942: “la peste has a social and metaphysical meaning. it is exactly the same. this ambiguity is also in the outsider” (camus 2006a, p. 965). finally, two months later he would explore the idea further: i want to express, by means of the plague, the suffocation we have all felt and the atmosphere of menace and confinement we have lived through. at the same time, i want to extend the interpretation to the notion of existence in general. the plague will portray those in the role of reflection, silence and also moral suffering in this war (camus 2006a, p. 979). the work is positive. it speaks of affirmation, of the affirmation of man to the world, born from the desire to give meaning to the “yes” of man to the bleak, hostile world that envelops everything. the book is part of the second series of books dedicated to the revolt of mankind. following the classic model, the novel is structured into five parts preceded by an introduction, illustrating the progress of events in oran and the various protagonists who, in a time of crisis, seek the restoration of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) carmen romero sanchez-palencia 246 the world and of themselves. in his early works, camus combines a subjective discourse with an abandonment of theories in benefit of true submission to objective reality; the transformation of vision into contemplation, seeking harmony in reality (lévi-valensi, 2006, p. 97). in the introduction, camus beautifully almost poetically describes the city of oran, a french prefecture on the coast of algeria; a non-descript, ugly city without spirit or soul where life is bearable only in winter, while the intense, abrasive summer heat makes it almost uninhabitable. it is not difficult for the reader to imagine such as city, and it is testimony to the greatness of the author that he is able to evoke a certain sympathy and affinity for the city despite its limited charms. the beautiful words transform the insipid and bland into something compelling and attractive through a vividly direct, visual, and simple prose. as if by magic, the author transports us to a new world, invisible to us without him. and so literature serves to remake all things new, to give a different orientation to what already is. the literary is transmitted through images, multiplied tenfold in philosophy (camus, 2006a, pp. 800, 936). for example: tree-less, glamour-less, soulless, the town of oran ends by seeming restful and, after a while you go complacently to sleep there. it is only fair to add that oran is grafted on to a unique landscape, in the centre of a bare plateau, ringed with luminous hills and above a perfect shaped bay. all we may regret is the town’s being so disposed that it turns its back on the bay, with the result that it’s impossible to see the sea, you always have to go look for it (camus, 2006b, p. 37). the narrative rests on the following four central characters: the doctor bernard rieux, the parisian journalist raymond rambert, father paneloux, a jesuit priest well-loved in the city even by the non-religious and jean tarroux a lover of writing and creator of the volunteer medical teams of which the four protagonists are members. these are solitary men who must overcome their individuality in order to join a collective, and thus complete themselves. in the novel, women are adored or remembered, present only as abstract thoughts. through shared doubts and pain, deaths, walks, readings, and bathing in the sea the protagonists exchange their beliefs and opinions, fundamental to the understanding of the other, their history, and heritage. rieux is interested in human life, in this case, science serving in the fight against illness and pain. concerned for his patients, he can be regarded as a good man and a good doctor, although he is unfortunately unable to prevent the death of his wife. as for paneloux, as the novel progresses, he evolves from a rigid and dogmatic conception of religion to a more human vision. in his final sermon, he speaks of the plague as a personal challenge in which all without exception were implicated, and thus making essential the kind of religious belief we are offered but do not want, leaping to the heart of the unbearable in order to make our choice. religion in the time of plague cannot be the religion of everyday, leaving no possibility other than to believe everything or deny everything (camus, 2006b, pp. 189 190). tarroux tirelessly seeks peace through hope. asking himself how one can become a saint without god (camus, 2006b, p. 211). holiness, as represented by tarroux, is opposed to christianity in that it implies life without hope. fighting for life knowing the struggle is hopeless but having the courage to continue it as long as possible (gadourek, 1963, p. 124). for this reason, tarroux lives concerned and committed to human existence: tarroux thus concludes that "we all have plague", in that, one way or another we all (directly or indirectly) cause death, and what he seeks is the peace of mind that he has lost, which means having nothing to do with anything that can cause the death of another (sherman, 2009, p. 126). the fourth character is rambert, who cannot bear the idea of remaining trapped in oran, attempting to escape illegally to join his lover. impatient to relive his own history, he will change his mind and attitude, deciding to join the fight against the plague and morally commit himself to the collective struggle and journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 247 thereby, through his real contribution, restoring a chaotic and painful world. the plague follows its natural cycle, developing in spring, virulent through the summer, subsiding in the autumn and dying with the cold of winter, something perceived, beyond the calendar, in the atmosphere and sky itself (camus, 2006b, p. 35). surviving the month of august will not be easy. at its height, the illness sweeps over the entire city: (…) the plague had swallowed up everything and everyone. no longer were there individual destinies; only a collective destiny, made of plague and the emotions shared by all. strongest of these emotions was the sense of exile and of deprivation, with all the crosscurrents of revolt and fear (camus, 2006b, p. 149). only through solidarity, generosity and work can evil be fought, making it necessary to distinguish between heroism and love, the former very easy and, ultimately, criminal, while the latter requires honesty, and is never strong enough to find its true expression (camus, 2006b, pp. 147, 235). work as a factor of alienation or liberation: inclusion and collective progress the relation between work and la peste is addressed by albert camus himself in a natural way. at the start of the narrative, the introduction, there are various allusions to the way the inhabitants of oran earn a living, in a way which makes work and life inseparable: perhaps the easiest way of making a town’s acquaintance is to ascertain how the people in it work, how they love, and how they die. in our little town, (is this, one wonders, an effect of the climate?) all three are done on much the same lines, with the same feverish yet casual air” (camus, 2006b, p. 35). although in the first pages of the book work is described simply as a way to make money, something not exclusive to the people of oran (camus, 2006b, pp. 35-36). gradually, we see a transformation in the habits and life of the city’s inhabitants while still representing all of humanity. that all the various occupations have the same common purpose of earning money is something camus himself associates directly with the modern world: it will be said, no doubt, that these habits are not peculiar to our town; really all our contemporaries are much the same. certainly nothing is commoner nowadays than to see people working from morn till night and then proceeding to fritter away at card-tables, in cafes and in small talk what time is left for living (camus, 2006b, p. 36). evidently, people need time for recreation. the problem is that this time is often reduced to what can colloquially be referred to as “meantime”. that is, in the meantime, when i am not working, not tied or not occupied with other things, i have time to relax, dedicate time to others and so survive until the time comes. far from this notion of “meantime”, work is conceived here as the manner in which human beings live, with work being an essential part of life, along with all the other tasks and plans, many of these being work themselves, although of different forms or type. individual existence has no meaning unless associated with others, expressed in the novel in the collaboration between citizens and the help the characters give to each other. humanity includes us all. work is how we show who we are and wish to be: “rieux remarked that one couldn’t always be alone” (camus, 2006b, p. 73). the young camus was initiated into the specific reality of work through his uncle étienne, a cooper, and with this model he assimilated the idea of the worker as an artisan producing an object. his unfinished novel, the first man, gives testimony to this initiation and the mark it left on him through the character of jacques cormery: for him, an example of real work was cooperage, a lengthy physical effort, a series of skilful, precise actions, by strong and able hands and you saw the result of your labour take shape: a new barrel, well finished, without a flaw, that the worker could contemplate (le marinel, 2009, pp. 899 900). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) carmen romero sanchez-palencia 248 the verb to do is not necessarily a synonym for work, actions without thought or purpose are not proper to human beings, destined for balanced and measured development. according to aristotle, the deployment of our faculties permits us to progress and improve, engaging in our lives as a project that is created and developed: the prudent man is able to deliberate well about what is good and advantageous for himself, not in some one department, but what is a means to the good life in general (aristotle, 1998, p. 275). even in aristotle’s time, work was the basis of social and moral existence, there being no other way to mature or progress socially, although this notion was not primarily focussed on the specific individual as in our day. here, there is an essential difference between nature and human beings. nature is neutral. human beings can never be so. through our acts and our work, we define ourselves; work being a part of the personal labour we perform during the course of our lives. we dedicate many hours to work, and for some perhaps more than we should, which is certainly true when work leads to personal isolation and estrangement from family and friends. work is not slavery but selfgovernment. as another members of the team fighting the plague remarks: the rest of the story, to grand’s thinking, was very simple. the common lot of married couples. you get married, you go on loving a bit longer, you work. and you work so hard that it makes you forget to love (camus, 2006b, p. 89). that we are not neutral means that we have freedom; that we can live according to who we are and what we want. thus, nature ceases to be neutral the moment human beings give it meaning. in work, we experience a triple engagement with meaning, with others, with nature, with transcendence. work is a cohesive element or a restorer of balance, playing the same role in our lives as the plague in oran, unifying the person by giving balance. for camus there is a perpetual interplay of forces between man and the world, seeking the proper balance. and the measure of this balance is justice (mattéi, 2011, p. 134). just as nature ceases to be anodyne when we engage with it, others cease to be strangers, becoming our fellows in our endeavours and giving meaning to human nature as the measure or limit of all things: if the notion of this anti-life is associated with violence and domination, camus gives a response that, far from the existentialism often attributed to him, rests on the concept of human nature as the limit for will and praxis (montero, 2016, p. 193). it is common for us to face various impediments to our work that hinder us from achieving our purposes and goals, which in turn often orient human occupations and thus frustrate our will: lastly, tarrou seemed to have been quite fascinated by the commercial character of the town, whose aspect, activities, and even pleasures all seemed to be dictated by considerations of business (camus, 2006b, p. 51). we often blame time for the gulf between our duty, our wishes, and our actions; something which also appears in the novel: “at oran, as elsewhere, for lack of time and thinking, people have to love one another without knowing much about it” (camus, 2006b, p. 36). the city and the surroundings influence the life of the citizens, alienating or liberating people from their burdens and oppressions. the goal is to do the same, working equally with but options, alienation or liberation, what changes is the attitude of the subject before the chosen option, the intimate: “but, actually, it was a problem whether the change was in the atmosphere or in their hearts” (camus, 2006b, p. 102). alienation excludes any possibility, avenue or route of escape while liberation necessarily invites us to accept without resignation the influencing but by no means determinant context. alienation makes us prisoners of work, of the plague. liberation will not permanently defeat the epidemic, but it will allow us to face it, aspiring to a hopeful outcome. alienation invites us to surrender, to go along, while liberation fires our awareness. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 249 we defend the notion of work as vocation, as union with oneself, with others and with nature, as opposed to the marxist idea of work as alienation. work engages us with the world, reconciles us to others and with our own self. we know and recognise ourselves through our engagement with others: “to know yourself you must act, which does not mean one can define oneself” (camus, 2006a, p. 834). through our profession we discover an unsatisfactory world around us, a world downtrodden by evil and misfortune we wish to fight against. it is precisely in action, in the forceful attitude of collaboration, that we discover our true role. work dignifies, beginning anew again and again: “no, you haven’t understood that it means exactly that – the same thing over and over and over again” (camus, 2006b, p. 146). camus himself, in producing his literary creations, sides decisively with others, forgetting himself and focussing on his work in pursuit of the ideal of beauty, the absolute where form and substance become inseparable. literature is his life, just as medicine is life for rieux, which can only be understood as a unity and not small isolated fields of activity. it is this false dichotomy that, now more than ever our hyper-specialised world, is presented as an infallible method for success. the notion that life is work and work is life does not mean to limit existence to one’s professional occupations. we do much work, in many forms, even when retired or ill we continue to work. personal coherence lies in combining the affective and the rational within the free individual: “i propose to invert the classic formula and that work becomes the fruit of recreation. there is dignity in the small chores we do on sundays” (camus, 2006a, p. 854). in the novel, doctor rieux assumes the duty to protect, to remain with his patients, and to help them on their way. as the character himself states, his mission in life is nothing more than to give opportunities (camus, 2006b, p. 138). first the doctor and then the others put a name to the evil that oran: “it was only a matter of lucidly recognising what had to be recognised; of dispelling extraneous shadows and doing what needed to be done” (camus, 2006b, p. 61). by naming things we accept their existence, we take them on board. this is the point of departure. the manifest fact of the plague makes everyone equal leading the doctor to compassion through absolute liberty: truth is mysterious, always to be conquered. liberty is dangerous, as hard to live with as it is elating. we must march toward these two goals, painfully but resolutely, certain in advance of our failings on so long a road (camus, 2008b, p. 242). from the “absurd” to “revolt” to the “first man”, camus never ceases to place at the very centre of his work the fundamental question of man, his problematic position in an absurd world and to defend his conception of human dignity (corbic, 2007, p. 12). concern about human beings, camus denounces injustice and the artistic inseparability of beauty and community, but not limited to art: “the artist forges a perpetual coming and going from himself to others, midway between the beauty he cannot do without and the community he cannot tear himself away from” (camus, 2008b, p. 240). the plague that grips the city assumes the role of the absurd, the first phase of camus’ work; it is in the second phase that the battle is won. the new plague of israel that leads to human liberation. the plague circumscribes existence; it is oppression, exile, the german domination of europe. it remains hidden and silent, prowling, defeating it one time does not mean final victory. as with evil, it is a tireless foe, waiting patiently to be freely chosen again. there are many plagues which surround us and many rats we can become. as camus states at the end of the novel: (…) for the plague bacillus neither dies nor disappears. it can lie dormant for years and years, in furniture and in linen chests. biding its time in bedrooms, in cellars, in trunks, in handkerchiefs, and in the odd scrap of paper. and the day will come when, to the bane and enlightenment of man, the plague will awaken its rats and send them forth to die in the happy city (camus, 2006b, p. 248). conclusion for camus, creation consists in reliving in some way the lived, ennobling it. the result of this process is called art. many writers, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) carmen romero sanchez-palencia 250 philosophers and poets have written and worked around the ideal of truth, beauty and good. the endeavour of the artist is a work of arduous and profound craftsmanship that will only conclude with the end of the world. the novelty of art is not in the material used nor the message proclaimed but in the form of the telling, the mystery. the novelty of art resides in the specific order of an author’s words, the notes on a musical score or the shape chiselled by a sculptor. the artist knows that the result of the creative process belongs to humanity, although it once belonged to them. we are all co-creators on two essential levels: our existence and our work. but we must be so in a single sense, in a life that includes work and the world, permeating the human self and human endeavour. today more than ever we are prisoners of a multiform reality, expending huge amounts of energy, money and time in magical solutions that promise to resolve our post-modern schizophrenia. these unfortunately only serve to worsen the situation. true hope lies in the unity of the self, in personhood and its multiple occupations, the unity of the world in contemplative love and compassion. all work is called upon to be a work of art; a work that does not belong to us, but both contains and commands us. camus died leaving unfinished what would be his last novel the first man. the 142page manuscript was found in a suitcase he had with him on the day of the fatal accident. with his death went the rebel, the artist who would not bend to the general views of his time nor submit to the political or cultural majorities of the moment. today, some sixty years after his premature departure, we continue to find his work fresh and timely, stamped with his strong personality and creative sensibility. camus was always profoundly concerned with communicating, with writing about questions that bore on human beings, their essence and their rights. his message continues to be as necessary now as when europe was torn by war. today we fight in other wars, with other means and worries, but the interior emptiness remains the same; we need to find the answer to the same questions and anxiously search for meaning. the work of albert camus remains a beacon in the darkness, a starting point of revolt and encounter with the intimate, personal and inalienable self. references aristotle. (1998). ética nicomáquea, madrid: gredos. camus, a. (2006a). carnets 1935 1948, en: camus, a., oeuvres complètes. ii. 1944 1948, pp. 793 1125. parís: gallimard. camus, a. (2006b). la peste, en: camus, a., oeuvres complètes. ii. 1944 1948, pp. 31 248. parís: gallimard. camus, a. (2008a). carnets 1949-1959, en: camus, a., oeuvres complètes. iv. 1957 1959, pp. 997 1307. parís: gallimard. camus, a. (2008b). discours de suède, en: camus, a., oeuvres complètes. iv. 1957 1959, pp. 235-266. parís: gallimard. corbic, a. (2007). camus et l’homme sans dieu, parís: les éditions du cerf. de diego, r. (2006). albert camus, madrid: síntesis. gadourek, c. (1963). les innocents et les coupables. essai d’exégèse de l’oeuvre d’ albert camus, mouton: the hague. le marinel, j. (2009). “travail” en: guérin, j. (dir.), dictionnaire albert camus, pp. 899 901. parís: éditions robert laffont. lévi-valensi, j. (2006). albert camus ou la naissance d’un romancier, parís: gallimard. babe grenier, r. (1987). albert camus. soleil et ombre. parís: gallimard. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 251 mattéi, j.-f. (2011). “l’ étranger entre refus et consentement” en: mattéi, j. f. (coord.), albert camus. du refus au consentement, pp. 127 159. parís: pif. masson, p. (2019). “le sacre du silence” en: auroy, c. y proteau, a. (edit.), albert camus et les vertiges du sacré, pp. 31 41. rennes: presses universitaires de rennes montero, d. (2016). “enfermedad y caída en albert camus”, logos. anales del seminario de metafísica, vol. 49, pp. 189 209. madrid: ediciones complutense, sherman, d. (2009). camus. oxford: wileyblackwell. tanase, v. (2018). camus. traducción de: ana garcía, barcelona: plataforma editorial. todd, o. (1997). albert camus. una vida. traducción de: mauro armiño, madrid: tusquets editores. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ahmad murodi 80 translating procedures of islamic terms in islam between war and peace ahmad murodi e-mail: department of english literature, faculty of literature and humanities state islamic university of syarif hidayatullah, jakarta, indonesia abstract translation has the purpose to make the audience understand the message and information delivered by the author. the result of translation is considered successful if the translated text can provide similar meaning to the original text. the translation needs procedures because the procedure of translation is the step of activity to complete translation. translation procedures (tps) are of utmost importance all throughout the work of translation. religious and cultural principles influence different linguistic items in both languages. this research discusses translation procedures that were applied by the translator in the book “islam between war and peace” created by yakub and comparing the data using arabic and english dictionary. the objective of this research is aimed to know translation procedures were used by the translator especially in islamic terms. qualitative method to produce descriptive data in the form of describing the translation procedures proposed by newmark was used. the data was conducted by reading the source language (henceforth sl) and the target language (henceforth tl) text, classifying the words based on the types of translation procedures proposed by newmark, and analyzing the terms or words by arabic and english dictionary. after analyzing the data, eight types of translation procedures proposed by newmark are found in the translation of “islam between war and peace” book that contains twenty-six data. they are: literal ,transference, naturalization, reduction, addition, notes, paraphrase, and transposition. the translator tries to keep originality and make readers easier to understand what is written in the book. keywords: translation procedure, islamic term, islam between war and peace introduction translation has the purpose to make the audience understand the message and information delivered by the author. the result of translation is considered successful if the translated text can provide a similar meaning to the original text (newmark, 1988). islamic religion and culture dominated the arab world, as distinct from the christian religion and culture that prevails in the english-speaking world. hence, religious and cultural principles influence different linguistic items in both languages. kashgary notes that religious terms were chiefly culturespecific with zero dictionary equivalents (anfal, 2015). the translation needs procedures because the procedure of translation is the step of activity to complete translation. translation procedures (tps) are of utmost importance all throughout the work of translation (nahid, ali, & freshteh, 2013). procedures that are used by the translator would lead to disparity in translation and reflect different ideological views. siregar (2016) states that translation procedures are methods applied by translators when they formulate an equivalence for the journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 81 purpose of transferring elements of meaning from the source text (st) to the target text (tt) (roswani, 2016). this research was expected to help the understanding part of the science of translation, that is the translation procedure, and also expected to lead and open up opportunities for other studies related to the topic proposed by me for example for different languages or sub-topics. the method used in this research is qualitative that tries to find the translation procedure applied by the translator. qualitative research is research that relies on verbal data and other non numeric as the basis for analysis and problem solving under review (farkhan, 2011). the data in this study is the book islam between war and peace by prof. dr. k.h. ali mustofa yakub, ma. published by darus sunnah maktabah in 2016 (yakub, 2016). the data was collected using qualitative techniques and was analyzed using newmark relevant theory. other ways to analyze the data were reading, understanding, classifying, identifying, and analyzing the object of the research, and comparing the data with kamus besar bahasa indonesia (kbbi), arabic and english dictionary. this research aimed to focus on types of translation procedures proposed by newmark and was used by the translator in the book islam between war and peace from source text which is indonesian text into english text. methodology the descriptive qualitative analysis was used as the design of the method in this research that attempted to elaborate on the translation procedures used by the author in translating islamic terms from indonesian into english. in this research, the researcher was the primary data collection instrument because he was the one who gathers information although he may use protocols as instrument data collection (creswell, 2014). several steps were carried out in order to collect the data, firstly, the words that become the documentation is taken from islam between war and peace, secondly the researcher read the content of the book to comprehend the whole content of the book. thirdly, distinguishing the islamic terms by highlighting the words that are included as islamic terms that will be the real data in this research. the technique data collecting used to this research is the bibliographical technique. it means that the data are acquired from written sources (subroto, 1992). this technique is also defined as a documentation technique. documentation technique is a process of data collecting through all kinds of written records (nawawi & hadari, 1992). the written sources can be from books, journals, magazines, scientific papers, legislation and so on. the process of data collecting and analysis is begun by some steps: (1) reading the source and translated text clearly to understand the text. (2) then collecting data. the relevant data are written in the book islam between war and peace. the data are collected by classifying and identifying the cultural terms written in that book. (3) analyzing the translation procedures that had been used by the translator based on newmark’s theory. (4) analyzing the methods of translation that had been used by the translator based on newmark’s theory. (5) comparing the data using kbbi, lisanul arab and webster dictionary since the method of data collecting which is used in this research is bibliographical or documentation technique, the instrument applied of this research is data cards that are taken from islamic terms. the unit of analysis is the entire entity with all associated elements are the focus of study in this study (farkhan, 2011). in order to display the findings of this research, the researcher tabulated the words into their categorization below: journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ahmad murodi 82 table 1. translation procedures no indonesian english translation procedures 1 shalawat (p. 39) shalawat (p. 7) transference 2 salam (p. 39) salam (p. 7) transference 3 masjid (p. 39) masjid (mosque) (p. 7) transference, notes 4 muslim (p. 39-40) muslim populations (p. 7) addition 5 imam (p. 41) imam (leader) (p. 9) transference, notes 6 islam (p. 41) islam (p. 9) transference 7 amin (p. 42) amen (p. 10) naturalization 8 al-qur’an (p. 43) al-qur’an (p. 11) transference 9 hadis (p. 43) hadith (oral tradition) (p. 11) naturalization, notes 10 ayat (p. 43) ayah (verses) (p. 11) naturalization, notes 11 kafir (p. 39) kafer (disbelievers) (p. 7) naturalization, notes 12 musyrik (p. 50) the disbelievers (p. 18) transposition 13 umm al-mu’minin (p. 5556) umm al-mu’minin (p. 24) transference 14 zoroaster (majusi) (p. 56) zoroasters (followers of a persian religion) (p. 25) transposition & paraphrase 15 orang-orang munafik (p. 58) hypocrites (p. 27) literal 16 neraka jahannam (p. 59) hell (p. 27) reduction 17 syahadat (p. 61) reduction 18 ramadhan (p. 61) ramadhan (p. 29) transference 19 haji (p. 61) hajj (p. 29) naturalization 20 baitullah (p. 61) makkah (mecca) (p. 29) literal, notes 21 shalat (p. 63) pray (p. 31) transposition 22 berpuasa (p. 63) fast (p. 31) literal 23 jizyah (p. 54) jizyah (a protection tribute) (p. 22-23) transference, notes 24 zakat (p. 61) zakah (obligatory charity) (p. 29) naturalization, notes 25 ridha (p. 63) reduction 26 doa (p. 64) prayers (p. 32) transposition findings and discussion shalawat shalawat dan salam semoga terlimpah kepada nabi muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم yang menjalin persatuan umat, baik muslim maupun kafir. (page 39) shalawat and salam to the prophet muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم who united the ummah (community), both muslim and kafer (disbelievers). (page 7) the translator preserves the word of shalawat that translated into shalawat. the translator does not translate into the target language in other words that approach, such as peace or the others. perhaps, this is because there is no meaning that approach to the word of shalawat. then, it is feared, if the word of shalawat is translated into other words, it can not represent the meaning of the desired source language to the target language. therefore, the translator takes the manner to preserve the word of shalawat without any change, this manner is called by the procedure of transference. in this translation, the word shalawat is transferred without any changes caused by some factors as mentioned before, but it would be nice if the translator gives some additional information inside of the bracket or footnotes known as translation procedure of notes, so many people or the readers know what journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 83 shalawat is. the whole translation of sentences can be considered as communicative translation because the translator seems to convey the meaning or the message of the source language, so the reader can easily understand the text. salam shalawat dan salam semoga terlimpah kepada nabi muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم yang menjalin persatuan umat, baik muslim maupun kafir. (page 39) shalawat and salam to the prophet muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم who united the ummah (community), both muslim and kafer (disbelievers). (page 7) in this case, the translation is done by applying transference (loan word) has been popular in indonesia and the translation can represent the source language concept. the same as the first datum, the word salam is translated without any changes called as transference procedure, but in this translation, the translator should not give additional information because the word salam is listed in the webster dictionary. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expression, the word salaam is translated into peace that means a keyword and concept in islam, to which the word islam and muslim are lexically related. one of the divine attributes of allah is "as-salaam", and one of the names of paradise is "daar assalaam". the word is also used in greeting, bidding farewell and in concluding the "salaah" (formal prayer) (saleh, 2011) . masjid pada hari selasa, 24 maret 2009, beberapa jurnalis senior dari east-west center, yang bermarkas di honolulu, hawai, amerikaserikat, mengunjungi masjid istiqlal jakarta. (page 39) on tuesday, march 24, 2009, some senior journalists from the east-west center, based in honolulu hawaii usa, visited masjid istiqlal (the istiqlal mosque) in jakarta. (page 7) in that sentence, the translator kept the word “masjid” from the sl and give an explanation inside the bracket. from the data above, the translator used the translation procedure of transferrence and notes, by transferring the word to tl then gave parentheses mark (sign) in the target language. the translator keeps the original word or source text for the word masjid to translate in the target language, it is not very useful for the translator to transfer it because the word masjid is well known to be translated as mosque in the target language. muslim kunjungan ini merupakan bagian darikegiatan seminar persahabatan jurnalis senior,sebuah program tahunan yang dilakukan olehjurnalis senior dari amerika dan beberapa negaradi asia, untuk mengunjungi negaranegaramayoritas muslim. (page 39-40) this visit was part of the 2009 senior journalists seminar fellowship, an annual program carried out by some senior journalists from america and a number of countries in asia, to visit several countries with substantial muslim populations. (page 7) the translator used the translation procedure of addition, because the translator used some additional word such as “population”. this is shown in the usage of “population” which is not included in sl. in addition procedure, the translator gives additional information on sl words to make the translation more clear and easy to understand. the translation considered good translation because the translator uses some additional words to make the translation more clear and easy to understand and also did not look awkward. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ahmad murodi 84 imam setelah berjalan-jalan dan melihat-lihat bangunan dan arsitektur masjid istiqlal, merekadi terima oleh imam besar masjid istiqlal, yang terhormat bapak prof. dr. kh. ali mustafa yaqub, ma, di ruang vip masjid istiqlal. (page 41) after a brief tour to see the building and architecture of masjid istiqlal, the seminar participants were received by the grand imam (prayer leader) of masjid istiqlal, the honorable sheikh prof. ali mustafa yaqub, ma., ph.d., in thevip room of the masjid, (page 9) the data above shows that the translator used the translation procedure of transferrence and notes as the way to translate these islamic terms, by transferring the word into tl then translator used parentheses mark in the target language. in this translation, it should not use additional information or translation procedure in the target language because the word imam is well known and listed in the webster dictionary. in the dictionary of islamic words and expression the word “imam” is translated into leader scholar that means the terms used to refer to a leading scholar or a founder of a school of islamic law, usually in religious subjects, like imaam bukhaari or imaam abu haniifah, etc. and this dictionary also translated the word “imam” into leader and head that means someone who leads the congregational worship or is a leader of the muslim community. islam kemudian mereka berdialog dengan imam besar tentang islam. (page 41) and afterwards they helda dialogue together with the grand imam on the subject of islam. (page 9) the translator used the translation procedure of transference. because the translator used the same word. in this case, the translator did not give an additional explanation or note about the meaning of the word “islam”, because the word “islam” is well known and listed in the webster dictionary, so the translator should not give an explanation. in this translation, it can be considered as a good translation, and it should not use any information about the word islam because it is well known and listed in the webster dictionary. amin semoga allah membalas amal baik mereka.amin (page 42) may allah reward their good deeds.amen (page 10) the translator used the translation procedure of naturalization. in this case, the translator translated the word by modifying the spelling system and adjustment occurs by changing vowel i in the word amin was changed with vowel e into target text and the result translation is amen.the word “amin” is translated into “amen”. whether amin or amen is well known and listed in the webster dictionary, so the translator should not give an explanation. the translation above considered as good translation because the word amin or amen is listed in webster dictionary and the translator should not give any additional information because the word amin or amen is well known and the common use of the translation of the word amin is amen, that is why this translation can be considered as good translation. al-qur’an kemudian, melalui al-qur’an dan hadis nabi muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم, allah swt memberikan panduan kepada kaum muslimin bagaimana menghadapi salah satu dari dua keadaan tersebut. (page 43) therefore, almighty god (who we know in islam as allah swt) provides the muslim people through the holy al-qur’an and the hadith (oral traditions) of the prophet muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلمsome ways to journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 85 face either of those two situations. (page 11) the data shows the word al-qur’an is translated into “al-qur’an”. from the data above we can conclude that the translator used the translation procedure of transference. the translation of the word al-qur’an considered as very good translation because every book in the arabic language can be called qur’an but by giving prefix al that means the only one, or that means al-qur’an or holy book that intended for muslim. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word “al-qur’an” is translated into “the qur’an” which means the exact words of allah revealed to the prophet muhammad through archangel gabriel, and it consists of114 chapters. the word "qur'aan" means reading or recitation(saleh, 2011) . hadis kemudian, melalui al-qur’an dan hadis nabi muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم, allah swt memberikan panduan kepada kaum muslimin bagaimana menghadapi salah satu dari dua keadaan tersebut. (page 43) therefore, almighty god (who we know in islam as allah swt) provides the muslim people through the holy al-qur’an and the hadith (oral traditions) of the prophet muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلمsome ways to face either of those two situations. (page 11) the translator used the translation procedure of naturalization and notes as the way to translate these islamic terms because the translator used parentheses mark (sign) in the target language. the word “imam” is nuetralized red first, and then the translator gave the explanation (oral traditions) in the bracket. in this translation, the translator should not give any additional information for the word hadith because it is well known and listed in the webster dictionary. it considered a semantic translation because it neutralized the word. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word hadis is translated into a prophetic tradition that means a report about the prophet muhammad saying or doing something, or reacting to something (approving or disapproving of it). the authenticity of the report (hadeeth) depends on the reliability of the narrator(s)(saleh, 2011) . ayat dalam al-qur’an banyak ayat yang berbicaratentang perang, dan banyak pula ayat yang berbicara tentang damai. (page 43) in the holy al-qur’an many ayah (verses) speak about war, and many other ayah speak about peace. (page 11) the translator used the translation procedure of naturalization and notes as the way to translate these islamic terms because the translator used parentheses mark in the target language. the word “ayat” is neutralized first followed its pronunciation in arabic, and then the translator gave the explanation (verses) in the bracket. in this translation it looks like the translator using arabic pronunciation for the word ayat become ayah, the translator should not translate the word ayat in sl into ayah, because the word ayah has a different meaning in the target language and the word verse can represent the word ayat in target language and it is well known. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word ayat is translated into sign, verse, proof, and evidence(saleh, 2011). kafir shalawat dan salam semoga terlimpah kepada nabi muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم yang menjalin persatuan umat, baik muslim maupun kafir. (page 39) shalawat and salam to the prophet muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم who united the ummah (community), both muslim and kafer (disbelievers). (page 7) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ahmad murodi 86 the translator used the translation procedure of naturalization and notes as the way to translate these islamic terms because the translator used parentheses mark in the target language. the word “kafir” is neutralized first, and then the translator gave the explanation (disbelievers) in the bracket. the translator should not transfer the word kafir into kafer, because it is not listed in the webster dictionary, the translator just translates the word kafir into disbeliever because it is well known can represent it and listed in webster dictionary. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word kafir is translated into unbeliever and infidel that means someone who does not believe in islam and its teachings (saleh, 2011). musyrik perang melawan orang musyrik. (page 50) battles between the muslims and the disbelievers.(page 18) the translator used translation procedure of transposition, because the translator changed the word “musyrik” as the singular word became “the disbelievers” as plural one. according to the data above, i conclude that the translator did not choose the right word choice for the translation of the word “musyrik” because disbeliever is the right word choice for kafir.and if we look at the word translation and the whole sentence it considered communicative the translator seems to convey the meaning or the message of the source language, so the reader can easily understand the text. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word musyrik is translated into polytheist and pagan that means a person worships more than one god, or associates partners with god (saleh, 2011) . umm al-mu’minin shofiyah masuk islam, lalu menjadi umm al-mu’minin (ibu orang-orang mukmin). (page 55-56) his daughter shofiyah married the prophet صلىاللهعليهوسلم and she converted to islam, and become known as umm almu’minin (the mother of the believers). (page 24) from the data above we can conclude that the translator used the translation procedure of transference because the translator transferred the word umm al-mu’minin as it is. this translation can be considered as a good translation but it would be good if the translator gives more additional information about the word ummul-mu’minin in footnote not in body note because the translation in the body note just shows literal translation for that word. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word umm al-mu’minin is translated into mother of the believers that means this term refers to any of the wives of the prophet. (see the qur'an, 33: 6). they should be shown due respect, and a muslim was not allowed to marry a former wife of the prophet muhammad. the term is based on the qur’anic declaration in chapter33, verse 6. one of the special rulings regarding them is that no one can marry them after the death of the prophet(saleh, 2011) . zoroaster di bahrain dan di daerah timur, banyak tinggal pemeluk agama zoroaster (majusi). (page 56) in bahrain and in the east of the peninsula, there were many zoroasters (followers of a persian religion). (page 25) the translator used the translation procedure of transposition and paraphrase, the translator translated zoroaster that qualifies as a singular into zoroasters that qualifies as plural in the target language, and this is called transposition. the word “majusi” in the bracket of the source language (sl) is journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 87 translated into (followers of a persian religion) in the bracket too for the target language (tl) and so this is called as paraphrase. the translation above has a good translation, but it would be better the translator give more additional information about the word zoroaster in a footnote because it has many spaces to have many words inside it. and if we look at the word translation and the whole sentence it considered communicative the translator seems to convey the meaning or the message of the source language, so the reader can easily understand the text. munafik hai nabi, perangilah orang-orang kafir danorang-orang munafik dan bersikap keraslah terhadap mereka. (page 58) o prophet (muhammad صلىاللهعليهوسلم)! strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites. (page 27) the translator used the translation procedure of literal because the translator translated literally. this because the translator translated the word that has equal meaning in the target language. that translation has the good translation because the word munafik is equivalent to the word hypocrite in the target language. it considered as literal translation because it translated literally the word and the whole translation of sentences can be considered as communicative translation because the translator seems to convey the meaning or the message of the source language, so the reader can easily understand the text. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expression, the word munafik is translated into hypocrite which means someone who pretends to be a believer, while he is not, in order to deceive others (saleh, 2011) . neraka jahannam tempat mereka adalah neraka jahannam dan itu adalah seburuk-buruk tempat kembali.(page 59) and be harsh against them, their abode is hell, and worst indeed is that destination (page 27) the reduction occurs when the translator did not translate the word “jahannam”, there are many kinds of hell, and “jahannam” is one of the kinds, it is not very necessary to translate “jahannam” because the message has been transferred even not in specific. from the data above we can conclude that the translator used the translation procedure of reduction, because the translator reduced the word “jahannam,” because hell means only “neraka”. this translation considered good translation because in the target language there is no level for the word jahannam as in the arabic language. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word “jahannam” is translated into hell that means the place as the punishment for those who reject the truth and fight it (saleh, 2011). syahadat meskipun mereka mengucapkan syahadat, jika mereka tidak mematuhi aturan islam, maka pemimpin muslim diwajibkan untuk memerangi mereka.(page 61) the translator used the translation procedure of reduction, because the translator did not translate the sentence, so the word can not be translated. the word syahadat in that translation can not be translated because the whole sentence is not translated, it would be better if the translator can translate the whole sentence even the message has been transferred. in the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word “syahadat” is translated into the shahadah that means the declaration that one bears witness that there is no deity except allah (and that muhammad is his journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ahmad murodi 88 messenger) . sometimes, it is called "kalimat ash-shahaadah"or "ash-shahaadataan" (the two testimonies') which means testifying that (1) there is no deity except allah and (2) that muhammad is the messenger of allah(saleh, 2011). ramadhan dan para pembangkang zakat juga wajib diperangi, kendati mereka mengerjakan shalat lima kali sehari, berpuasa pada bulan ramadhan dan pergi haji ke baitullah.(page 61) therefore, those muslims who refuse to pay zakat, even though they pray five times a day, fast in the ramadhan, and carry out the pilgrimage to makkah (mecca) to perform the hajj can legally be attacked by the muslim government.(page 29) according to this data, the word “ramadhan” is translated into “ramadhan”, in this case, the translator did not give an additional explanation or note about the meaning of the word “ramadhan”. and also, the translator did not mark the word “ramadhan” using italic writing form, because this word is well known and has been listed in the webster dictionary. from the data above we can conclude that the translator used the translation procedure of transference. the word ramadhan in the source language is transferred in the target language, it would be better if the translator naturalized it become the word ramadan because what listed in the webster dictionary is ramadan. the word translation considered as faithful translation because it transferred the word and the whole translation of sentences it can be considered as communicative translation because the translator seems to convey the meaning or the message of the source language. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word “ramadhan” is translated into “ramadan” which means the ninth month of the muslim calendar which is the month of fasting. this is the month in which the qur'an was first revealed. (see the qur' an, 2: 185)(saleh, 2011). haji dan para pembangkang zakat juga wajib diperangi,kendati mereka mengerjakan shalat lima kalisehari, berpuasa pada bulan ramadhan dan pergi haji ke baitullah.(page 61) therefore, those muslims who refuse to pay zakat, even though they pray five times a day, fast in the ramadhan, and carry out the pilgrimage to makkah (mecca) to perform the hajj can legally be attacked by the muslim government.(page 29) the data shows that the word “haji” in sl translated into “the hajj”. from the data above we can conclude that the translator used the translation procedure of naturalization. in this case, both words (“haji” in sl and “hajj” in tl) are adapted form arabic language “حج”, so we can classify this translation as a naturalization. the translation of the word haji in source language considered as good translation because it has an equivalent word that is hajj. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word “haji” is translated into a pilgrimage to mecca which means the fifth corner-stone of islam which should be performed by every able, adult muslim once in his/her lifetime. it has to be performed in a very specific manner, at the time specified in the month of pilgrimage ("dhul hijjah")(saleh, 2011). baitullah dan para pembangkang zakat juga wajib diperangi,kendati mereka mengerjakan shalat lima kali sehari, berpuasa pada bulan ramadhan dan pergihaji ke baitullah.(page 61) therefore, those muslims who refuse to pay zakat, even though they pray five times a day, fast in the ramadhan, and carry out the pilgrimage to makkah journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 89 (mecca) to perform the hajj can legally be attacked by the muslim government.(page 29) the translator used the translation procedure of literal and notes, because the translator used parentheses mark in the target language. the word “baitullah” is translated literally in the target language then the translator gives an explanation in brackets to clear the transliteration that usually exists in english. while in mojtaba moradi and hossain mohammad sadeghi research (2014), comparing the data for “baitullah” word, all agree using “sacred house” for the translation of the word “baitullah”(mojtaba & hossain, 2014). in this translation, the translator describes the word baitullah in another word, but it would be better if the translator did not use the pronunciation of the arabic language for the word mecca and the translator should delete it because the word mecca can represent the translation and it listed in webster dictionary. shalat sebagaimana islam juga memerintahkan pemimpin negara muslim untuk memerangi para pembangkang zakat, kendati mereka mengerjakan shalat lima kali sehari, berpuasa pada bulan ramadhan dan berhaji ke makkah. (page 63) this includes such muslims as those who refuse to pay zakat (obligatory charity) even though they pray five times a day, fast during ramadhan, and carry out the pilgrimage to makkah (mecca) to perform the hajj.(page 31) the translator used the translation procedure of transposition, because the translator changed the word “shalat” as a noun became “pray” as a verb. the translation of the word shalat in the source language as a noun becomes pray in the target language considered as good translation because the translator tried to make the translation clear and easy to understand. according to dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word “shalat” is translated into formal prayer that means the prayer that one performs, not just says, like the regular five daily prayers, which consists of standing, bowing, prostration and sitting, in a particular manner and order, while reciting certain verbal prayers. this is contrasted with "du'aa'" (supplication) (saleh, 2011). berpuasa sebagaimana islam juga memerintahkanpemimpin negara muslim untuk memerangipara pembangkang zakat, kendati merekamengerjakan shalat lima kali sehari, berpuasa pada bulan ramadhan dan berhaji ke makkah. (page 63) this includes such muslims as those who refuse to pay zakat (obligatory charity) even though they pray five times a day, fast during ramadhan, and carry out the pilgrimage to makkah (mecca) to perform the hajj.(page 31) the translator used the translation procedure of literal, because the translator translated literally. this because the translator translated the word that has equal meaning in the target language, and that word is commonly used in the target language. this translation of the word berpuasa considered good translation because it has an equivalent word that is fast. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, sawm (fasting) in islam, means complete abstention from food, drinks and sexual intercourse from predawn time (about 2 hours before sunrise in normal zones) until sunset (saleh, 2011). jizyah kemudian datanglah seorang walikota aylah yang bernama yuhanah, mengajukan perdamaian kepada rasulullah صلىاللهعليهوسلم dengan membayar jizyah. (page 54) at that time, yohanah, the judge of the aylah region, came to the prophet muhammadصلىاللهعليهوسلم to make peace with him by giving him jizyah (a protection tribute). (page 22-23) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ahmad murodi 90 the translator used the translation procedure of transference and notes, because the translator used parentheses mark in the target language. the word “jizyah” is transferred first, and then the translator gave the explanation (a protection tribute) in the bracket. this translation considered good translation, but it would be better if the translator gives more additional information about the word jizyah in a foot note. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word jizyah is translated into protection tax that means the head tax paid by non-muslim citizens to the islamic state which is responsible for their protection(saleh, 2011). zakat islam memerangi pembangkang zakat (page 61) islam fights those muslims who refuse to pay zakah (obligatory charity) (page 29) the translator used the translation procedure of naturalization and notes, because the translator used parentheses mark in the target language. the word “zakat” is neutralized first, and then the translator gave the explanation (obligatory charity) in the bracket. while in moradi and sadeghi’s research (2014), comparing the data for “zakat” word, there are three different words for the translation of the word “zakat”. shakir translation using “poor-rate”, yusuf ali using “regular charity” and pickthall using “poordue”(mojtaba & hossain, 2014). the same as the previous datum, the translator should give more additional information about the word zakat and not always use the pronunciation of arabic to have a good translation. ridha semoga buku kecil ini dicatat oleh allah sebagai amal shalih yang memeroleh ridha-nya, karena allah maha mendengar, maha dekat, dan maha pengabul doa. (page 64) the translator used translation procedure of reduction, because the translator did not translate the sentence, so the word can not be translated. the same as the word syahadat, the word ridha in this translation can not be translated because the whole sentence is not translated, it would be better if the translator can translate the whole sentence even the message has been transferred. according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word ridha is translated into contentment that means feeling satisfied with whatever one has or befalls him(saleh, 2011). doa semoga buku kecil ini dicatat oleh allah sebagai amal shalih yang memeroleh ridha-nya, karena allah maha mendengar, maha dekat, dan maha pengabul doa. (page 64) hopefully this small book will be counted as a good deed in the hereafter, because allah is the all-hearing, the most-near, and all-accepting of our prayers.(page 32) the translator used the translation procedure of transposition, because the translator changed the word “doa” as a singular word became “prayers” as plural one. the translation shows good translation because the word prayers can represent the word doa. and if we look at the word translation and the whole sentence it considered communicative the translator seems to convey the meaning or the message of the source language, so the reader can easily understand the text. translation typically has been used to transfer written or spoken sl texts into an equivalent written or spoken tl texts (hasan,, 2019). according to the dictionary of islamic words and expressions, the word doa is translated into supplication and verbal prayer that means praying to allah(saleh, 2011). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 91 conclusion eight types of translation procedures proposed by newmark are found in the translation of “islam between war and peace“book that contains twenty-six data. they are: literal: 3, transference: 9, naturalization: 6, reduction: 3, addition: 1, notes: 8, paraphrase: 1, and transposition: 4. eight strategies were used, the commonly found procedures here are notes and transference. semantic translation tries to keep the aesthetic value (the beautiful and natural sound) of the sl text, within the constraints of the tl grammatical structures. references anfal, a. a. 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(2016). islam between war and peace. ciputat: makatabah darus-sunnah. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ari j. adipurwawidjana 140 inventing narratives, inventorying natural resources: colonial economic exploitation in conrad’s malay fiction ari j. adipurwawidjana department of literature and cultural studies, universitas padjajaran, indonesia abstract literary narratives had accompanied global economic exploitation of natural resources since the rise of britain as an imperial force in the late sixteenth century marked by thomas hariot’s a brief and true report of the new found land of virginia (1588), in which hariot narrates, describes, and inventories natural and human resources in virginia to invite economic interest and to justify colonization. the tradition of writing a descriptive overview of conquered lands was then furthered in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by marsden’s history of sumatra (1783) and raffles’s history of java (1817) as british colonial rule extended to the malay archipelago. however, towards the end of the nineteenth century, as economic and political rule inevitably gave way to complex sociocultural interaction, the fiction of joseph conrad set in the archipelago, being novelistic in nature, provides a more dialogic portrayal of british colonial presence, particularly in java and borneo, which goes beyond mere justification for the exploitation of local resources. following the cue from the work edward said in identifying textualization as a mode of colonial intellectual domination and benita parry in revealing the “ghostly” presence of empire in colonial fiction, i would like to argue that conrad’s malay fiction both justifies and problematizes the relationship between british colonial enterprise and the natural as well as socio-cultural environment in the archipelago. keywords: joseph conrad, colonial landscape, malay fiction, subjunctive narrative, impressionism introduction: beginning a narrative after an inventory from the very beginning, conrad’s fiction has provided its readership with the ambivalence and complexities of the colonial condition. his so-called malay fiction is of special significance to us, as the stories are set in those islands to which we belong. now, as its readership has come to include us, it has also presented us in this present time a space in which literary scholarship in archipelagic southeast asia may find a unique role in english literary scholarship. while during conrad’s time, we merely served as characters whose voice conrad determines and often as characters we are mere metaphors for european concerns, now we are able to speak and write back and offer insight to the kind of world conrad’s fiction sees and tells about. this is, again, apparent from the very beginning. the words “kaspar! makan!” begin conrad’s almayer’s folly (1895, p. 7). these two words represent the two aspects of the problem, which stem out of the fact that it is an imperative uttered in malay. first, its serving as the opening of the first novel of a writer that was to be later recognized as a master stylist of modern, or at least modernist, fiction in english is oddly significant. if we consider the ramifications of what it means to be a beginning, as said (1975) elaborates it, the imperative should endow her with authority, that is “the power of an individual to initiate, institute, establish—in short, to begin” (p. 83). however, this imperative is uttered by a malay woman abducted out of her native cultural environment by a british merchant-king, tom journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 141 lingard, who is glorified as the rajah laut, the king of the seas. it is also an imperative directed towards her husband kaspar almayer. thus, it is located in the beginning, but it does not begin the novel as such. it is just there. almayer hears it, but does not attribute any meaning to it. he does not respond to it. in fact, he ignores it, and continues to ponder upon his alienated presence in the islands. these initial words do not have the force of an initiative because it is spoken in a foreign language by a character which is not granted authority in the novel’s colonial context. almayer’s wife is a colonial subject and a displaced woman. in a colonial setting, the words of a malay woman in her native tongue deserve no attention nor are they endowed with any kind of authoritative force. consequently, conrad’s nineteenth-century readers may also ignore them as gibberish. almayer, who dreams of returning home to the netherlands, a home he has never been to, a home of which he is not a native, disregards the imperative because he is elsewhere. his eyes look toward “the pantai,” the estuary of the berau river on the east coast of borneo, either to find home in holland or, more proximately, the promised wealth that lingard, his absent father-in-law—the “gold he had failed to secure, gold the others had secured, […] gold he meant to secure yet […] for him and nina,” his indo-dutch daughter (p. 7-8). however, the novel has become a part of the literary canon. therefore, after two centuries, it has acquired readers, like myself, who is able to understand malay, who are inclined to attribute meaning to those words. they are no longer foreign words. this is the second aspect of the problem. the inclusion of malay words, commonly found in conrad’s fiction, offers a postcolonial reading of conrad’s canonical corpus, which enables us to recognize the “ghostly” presence of empire in colonial fiction, as parry (2005) calls it. for the readers of conrad’s time, the meaningless malay words are merely exploited as a kind of inventory of commodities absorbed into the colonial text much in the same way natural resources are extracted out of its local landscape for the benefit of a global economy. like almayer, the anonymous white man in “the lagoon,” after listening to the story of his malay friend, arsat, continues on his journey. the white man seems to sympathize with arsat’s concerns about how he has forsaken his brother to live with the woman he loves despite the danger of her family’s need to protect their honor. however, afterwards, he goes on his way “in pursuit of [his] desires, […] which [they], men of the islands, cannot understand” (conrad, 1898, p. 283), leaving arsat “[standing] lonely in the searching sunshine, [… looking] beyond the great light of a cloudless day into the darkness of a world of illusions” (p. 297). the white man is also looking forward but towards something else, namely the natural wealth available for exploitation in the islands much in the same way almayer looks out to the sea in search of lingard’s legendary wealth. for the duration of the narrative expounded by arsat, who has exiled himself from his people and homeland to live with diamelen, his love with whom he has run away, the white man seems sympathetic. perhaps, it is because of the tragic sight of diamelen’s suffering a severe fever ending with her death. or, it may also be due to his seeing arsat as an other, a metaphoric figure in the mirror against which he identifies himself, onto whom he projects his own anxieties. while arsat in his exile is cut off entirely from his home, the white man is actually undertaking a journey already planned and mapped out as a part of what the anonymous narrator of “heart of darkness” calls “the interminable waterway” (conrad, 1902, p. 51), which connects london and the natural resources and markets spread all over the world. what almayer, the white man, and marlow (in “heart of darkness,” “youth,” and lord jim) see is an abundance of wealth already inventoried. conrad’s malay archipelago is that of the late nineteenth century. earlier in the century, after his tenure as lieutenant-governor of the east indies, raffles published his history of java (1817) in which he describes in detail the people, culture, and landscape as well as the natural resources. raffles’s elaboration of the environment on java does not find its source purely from his direct observation and experience. he also, as he explicitly states in his book, made use of william marsden’s the history of sumatra published in 1784. both journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ari j. adipurwawidjana 142 marsden and raffles are exponents of the english orientalist tradition, the characteristics and operations of which said comprehensively elaborates in his seminal orientalism (1979). their writing is an attempt to know the orient as the object of western knowledge. such a knowledge is inherently political, for it means “rising above immediacy, beyond self, into the foreign and distant” enabling one to view his surroundings as an object of knowledge, which “is inherently vulnerable to scrutiny…. to have knowledge of such a thing is to dominate it, to have authority over it. and authority here means for ‘us’ to deny autonomy over it…since we know it and it exists, in a sense, as we know it” (said, 1979, p. 32). this tradition of complementing political and economic domination with a scholarly one has begun since england started to build its global empire in the late sixteenth century as exemplified by thomas hariot’s a brief and true report of the new found land of virginia first published in 1588. in this text, hariot not only defends the project of establishing plantations and colonies in the new world against its opponents in england but also invites english subjects to participate in the endeavor. as it describes in detail the people, culture, and natural conditions of the so-called new found land, it performs the act and ability of having knowledge and therefore mastery over the landscape and its inhabitants. thus, marsden’s and raffles’s texts enact and document the act of knowing the malay archipelago. they contribute to the english collective knowledge. they do so to the extent that they significantly enriched the english lexicon. elsewhere i have noted that the oxford english dictionary (oed) includes 191 entries identified as originating from malay languages (adipurwawidjana, 2014). a good portion of that number is traced to those words introduced to the english language by marsden’s and raffles’s texts. the incorporation of malay-derived words into the english lexicon signifies, or at least suggests, that the malay world including its peoples and landscapes, by the time conrad and the characters of his fiction came into contact with it, had already become an integral part of english imagination. thus, here i am suggesting that as marlow in “youth” and lord jim, the anonymous white man as focalizer in “the lagoon,” and as narrator in “karain” look at or towards the natural environment of the archipelago, the landscape and its economic potentials are already inventoried and mapped out, for the characters as well as for conrad’s contemporary readers. the english man in the islands is not travelling blindly. furthermore, conrad’s fiction has also contributed a significant number of words into the english lexical treasury, including the malay words spoken by malay characters— with as well as without gloss. in a way, the inclusion of malay words into english vocabulary mirrors the kind of extraction of local resources to enrich the british economy. francis (2009) points out that the terrain and the commodities available in the archipelago must have already been such common knowledge in conrad’s time that such detail mentioned in passing as buitenzorg as almayer’s birthplace would have been understood as placing him at center of the colonial scholarly discourse as buitenzorg had gained fame as the location of the botanical gardens. it could also be inferred, then, that almayer is the product of the successful colonial attempt to manipulate and engineer local natural resources. a similar motif also occurs in lord jim where stein, jim’s european mentor in residence, collects butterflies. and, it is this image of the re-appropriation of the natural environment that concludes the novel where the butterflies as the natural element of the islands serve as the metaphor for jim the tragic hero himself. the novelistic ambivalent stance towards the colonial project although conrad’s fiction continues marsden’s and raffles’s project of enacting dominance over the islands through scholarly activity, its being fiction—and modernist at that—also opens up a space in which the englishman’s colonial experience is questioned. this space enables us to “move from a misconceived quest of the fictions’ truths to consideration of their invention, reiteration or estrangement of colonialist perceptions and misconceptions,” allowing us to see “these writings as culturally constrained journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 143 and ideologically inflected fabrications that were overwhelmingly received in the imperial homeland as authentic renderings of oh distant geographical locations and social forms” (parry, 2004, p. 107). conrad’s narrative technique does this by creating moments in the narration where the narrated event is stalled. at those moments, spaces are created that enables reflection and questioning. these instances, where the narrative is momentarily taken out of temporality, are created through two main narrative techniques. the first is the creation of such a textual space in which the flow what genette (1980) calls the time of the story (histoire) is interrupted by a recourse to the focal character’s mental processing the event into some meaningful significance. brantlinger (1985) associates this narrative feature with the impressionistic presentation of aesthetic experience characteristic of the modernism of the early twentieth century. the other narrative technique that conrad employs is what fitzpatrick calls the subjunctive narrative “in which significant information is not epistemologically secure” as the “result of the disruption between story and discourse” (2002, p. 245). conrad, or rather his narrator, presents such a dubious presentation of events by using the actual subjunctive grammatical mode, as opposed as employing the indicative. this, then, serves as a means by which the narrative questions history as it is conventionally understood. thus, the call which almayer supposedly hears as mentioned earlier from his wife, the mem putih (that is, literally, “the white mistress” despite her apparent malay heritage, as lingard had promised that “nobody will see the colour of [her] skin” [p. 16]), is an ineffective imperative. within that same moment there exist two events, both out of place and out of time. from the perspective of conrad’s contemporary readers, mrs. almayer’s call is an alien voice within a familiar language. from the point of view of mrs. almayer, kaspar is a body only foreign because it cannot respond to the prevailing linguistic convention: when one is called to dinner, one comes home. but, of course, almayer is thinking of another home. after several paragraphs, almayer does re-cognize the call of “[t]he well-known shrill voice [which] startled almayer from his dream of splendid future into the unpleasant reality of the present hour” (p. 7), that is, as if while he imagines the desired europe—imagined to be past and never to be realized, the malay language no longer holds meaning. he (through the narrator) does start to know malay again, but then immediately disclaims it: “he had a hazy recollection of having been called some time during the evening by his wife. to his dinner probably” (p. 18). he, then, does decide that it is “[t]ime he went home, though;” but not because he is complying with the demand of the call to dinner, for “a man busy contemplating the wreckage of his past in the dawn of new hopes cannot be hungry whenever his rice is ready;” but because “it was getting late” (p. 18)—late in the century. however, now, we are also there. i, as a reader who understands malay, cannot be easily driven into doubt only because kaspar pretends that his cognitive abilities fail as he looks out the estuary out to the sea which connects him to amsterdam in the never-never land he imagines to be far from his exiled birth in buitenzorg (present-day bogor). despite assurance from dain maroola, the character that claims to be the son the balinese king preparing resistance against european rule, that his ability to carry out conversations in english with kaspar almayer will keep the locals from discovering the plot—theirs and, of course, conrad’s; i know as soon i begin reading the novel that he is called to dinner, not “[t]his dinner probably [my emphasis].” the meaning of “kaspar! makan!” is clear. it is only ambivalent for non-malay, nonindonesian speaking readers in europe. therefore, i know from the start that he is already in europe. the other way in which this beginning instance is an out-of-place event is that the narration leaves the present time already initiated by the call to dinner. the image provided to represent the shift to extratemporality reminds us of the nellie in suspended time looking into the estuary of thames towards london, imagining the roman invasion of britain as well as beginning marlow’s story of his penetration of the congolese interior. similarly, in the opening of almayer’s folly, we find almayer, “[taking] no journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ari j. adipurwawidjana 144 further notice of the call. …looking fixedly at the great river that flowed—indifferent and hurried—before his eyes[, when]… almayer’s thoughts were often busy with gold” (p. 7). in lord jim this suspended time is expressed in the subjunctive mode: “perhaps it would be after dinner, on a verandah draped in motionless foliage and crowned with flowers” (conrad, 1900, p. 33). even when an emphatic affirmative statement is conveyed as testimony, it is subjunctive: “oh yes. i attended the inquiry, he would say” (p. 33). (emphases in both quotations are mine). this is the way the anonymous narrator introduces marlow as the narrator of the following part of the story. in such a way, the fictional nature of the narrative becomes explicit. that is, marlow’s telling the story is presented as an event that may happen rather than one that actually does. it bluntly questions the historicity of the white man’s colonial experience by presenting in the subjunctive mood which underlines its being an imagined occurrence based on the biases of eurocentric subjectivity. conrad’s somewhat metafictional habit of leaving the diegetic events at the level of story, to literally stall time by taking the narrative to the discursive level (récit) creates beneficent, benevolent ambiguity, which enables conrad to escape the manichean master-slave dichotomy. as i have elaborated before, from the very beginning, there is no simple colonizing white versus colonized brown opposition. both the former sulu princess and son of the colonial petty bureaucrat alternately take control of the diegetic situation as well as the narrative space in pursuit of treasure that a british global merchant, who has been “swallowed up by europe,” says exists. in fact, as the story progresses various other characters including babalatchi the vizier, nina the heir to both the decaying lingard throne and possibly also to that of the king of bali, and finally abdulla the arab merchant, occupant of the colonial liminal space, and making profit from it. racial identity for almayer is not an advantage, though it may be an excuse for his inability to succeed in business. by the time abdulla takes over (although he fails in getting nina to marry his nephew), almayer is indeed dead. thus, if we buy into the proposition that to begin is to authorize the establishment of a reality, narratorial authoritative voice is never achieved in almayer’s folly. consequently, the novel never really begins just as almayer’s original plot never manifests. in fact, the novel ends with abdulla uttering the traditional islamic supplication in the initiation of any activity. it opens with an imperative, and it closes with an invocation. yet, it never begins. ambiguity is achieved differently in lord jim, as it is in heart of darkness. when one cannot complete what he begins, he passes his narrative duty on to the next person all the way to conrad himself. both jim and almayer are severed from the metropolitan body. however, jim has marlow, who is “willing to remember him at length, in detail and audibly” (conrad, 1900, p. 33) while almayer has no one to vouch for his re-membership, as “europe had swallowed up the rajah laut apparently, and almayer looked vainly westward for a ray of light out of the gloom of his shattered hopes” (conrad, 1898, p. 39). however, even with the well-maintained narrative relay from jim to marlow to the anonymous narrator, the liminal spaces between the transmission of the code allows for slippage, and the story momentarily is lost out of the author’s control. thus, the ambivalence and ambiguity in conrad’s fiction serve as a window in the narrative for us to see the “ghostly” presence of empire in the text. affirming and questioning colonialism chinua achebe claims, in his famous critique of heart of darkness, that conrad is a “purveyor of comforting myths” (2016, p. 16). yet, as cedric watts (1983), a prominent conrad scholar, contends, heart of darkness is in fact a critique of the colonial enterprise. brantlinger, observing the statements made by the two eminent literary figures, suggests that the ambivalent and even contradictory critical responses to the work is due to the fact that “[t]he politics of conrad’s stor[ies] are complicated by [their] ambiguous style,” one which “offers a powerful critique of at least certain manifestations of imperialism and racism, at the same time that it presents that critique in ways which can only be characterized as both imperialist and racist” (pp. 364-365). brantlinger calls this style journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 145 “impressionism,” a term he borrows from frederic jameson (1981), ultimately originating from ian watt’s analysis of conrad’s fictional corpus, referring to “the fragile skein of discourse which expresses—or disguises—[a] ‘schizophrenic’ contradiction as an apparently harmonious whole” (p. 365). this is the general illusionary feature of the rigorous structure of conrad’s fiction and the novel in general. what is clear here is that, whatever attitude conrad’s fiction may have toward imperialism, it clearly represents the problematic complexities of the imperialism when voiced through the perspective of its own agents, whose involvement with the enterprise is much too close and engaged that their view becomes myopic. it also offers the portrayal of these imperial agents also as victims of the oppressive system, which they help to maintain, both deliberately on some level and unconsciously on another. conrad’s style is an important example of this problem because it does not merely tell a story about the ambiguous and ambivalent attitudes which agents of the colonial enterprise have but the text itself as well as its stylistic attributes is an imperial agent whose own narrative structure represents and contains the ambiguous and ambivalent—if not contradictory—elements of the “schizophrenic” mindset. therefore, the novels by the virtue of its own structure and style provide a shaky moral attitude toward imperialism. it is so because it is not above imperialism, and therefore, cannot completely criticize even if it intended to do so. lackey observes that “as scholars constantly observe, unstable knowledge and unreliable perception are persistent themes in conrad’s corpus,” which results in “much confusion on the topic of conrad’s moral vision” (p. 20). lackey echoes brantlinger in his invocation of what ian watt “dubs ‘subjective moral impressionism’” (p. 20). this so-called impressionism functions as a narrative strategy, regardless of its being consciously employed, which allows the narrative to center on individual perception, thus evading the portrayal a comprehensive picture of imperialism while allowing an inconsistent stance toward the atrocities which results from the economic exploitation of human beings. the crux of the matter lies in the difficulty to pin down the narrative voice, which serves as the subject that operates the text as a process, which is also the voice that is in process and therefore fragmented. so, it may easily be concluded that the tendency of modern fiction, as exemplified by conrad’s style, to emphasize individual experience is complicit in the preservation of an oppressive economic system by maintaining a distance between the individual and his socio-economic environment. this over-emphasis on the inner workings of the human mind in a way helps to cause the schizophrenia which its impressionistic style represents. as the narrative perspective preoccupies itself on the internal microcosm, the voice collapses on itself leaving the external, material world to continue “business as usual.” in almayer’s folly, conrad’s first novel, the novel as beginning, an egg, so to speak, breaks; and even in “youth,” “karain,” and lord jim all the king’s men, (or, the father’s, or sailors’ and merchants’) could not put it together again. just as marlow attempts to remember jim— both in the sense of mentally recalling and regaining membership, both novels seek to incorporate the scattered colonial experiences into the controlled structure of the novel genre, under the craft of conrad the masterstylist. however, in the liminal spaces between the pieces there are gaps that present these ambiguities and ambivalences. the presence of these gaps allows the various contradictory statements made by lingard, almayer, marlow, and other characters, who occupy the inner narrative framework—the histoire—of both novels to prevail in the unifying guise of conrad’s (and also the anonymous narrator’s as well as marlow’s) well-crafted style. however, it is this same gap that also allows conrad, the anonymous narrator, marlow, jim, and even almayer (or kurtz) to have enough distance from their involvement in the colonial enterprise to have a glimpse at the obvious injustices that imperialism brings about. the presentation of the narrative instance in heart of darkness which frames the story of the series of events which constitute the diegetic world is clear. this structure, which makes the apparent distinction between actual events and events as they are told journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ari j. adipurwawidjana 146 through a narrative, somewhat brings the narrative to the verge of completely exposing the nature of colonialism in all its aspects: economic, psychological, metaphysical, but seems to be hindered from completing the task just before it seems to be at the very threshold of doing so, similar to the way marlow for some unexplainable reason refrains from telling truth about kurtz to the intended. if we trust jakobson’s maxim that fiction works metonymically (jakobson, 1987), and jameson’s that narratives are socially symbolic acts—from which he derives the notion that all third-world literatures are national allegories, and from which we may make the analogy that all british literatures produced within the history of the british empire are in one way or another imperial (jameson, 1981); we may conclude that the novel by its definitive characteristics must suffer from aphasia and eventually breaks down under the weight of transnationality. then, all indications of a unified structure are in fact illusionary. if we trust jakobson’s suggestion that both modes of figurative language, namely metonymy and metaphor are two types of aphasia, that is the inability to say what one means; we may conclude that , the birth of the global world economy causes consciousness to collapse since, as spivak (1994) helpfully delineates, world shapes language and consciousness, and language structures both world and consciousness. hence, the narrative disorder, however subtle it may be. in this sense, symbolism, such as the butterflies in lord jim or the distorted face of the dead man on the beach in almayer’s folly, serves as a convenient substitute for external reality which expands too fast and too vast to be told coherently and cohesively within the confines of a story. the debate between the critical blocs as represented by achebe and watts at least directs our attention to an important revelation: marlow's story may not particularly even be about colonialism in africa or the indies but rather in england or holland because the heart of darkness is ultimately attributed to london (and by extension also amsterdam) rather than kurtz's station or even the aberrative and irregular totally fictional patusan, sambir, or other colonial outposts. this may also have something to do with the minimal and onomastic use of proper names for the characters, for even characters (especially female ones) involved in central episodes and themes (kurtz's native mistress, the intended, in heart of darkness; jewel, tamb’ itam, tengku allang, dain waris in lord jim) are more symbols than persons, figures than individuals. however, the symbolical functions associated with female and malay as orientals differ from those linked to european male ones. the former in fact serve as attributes of male characters while the latter are expressed in terms of their role in the corporate enterprise. this presentation of characters as mere symbolical figures, according to baldwin (2005), is indicative of the dehumanization of these characters. while the dehumanized presentation of non-white and female characters portrays them as sub-human but super-textual beings, that of the white, male characters convey them as mere functions (though powerful functionaries) of the colonial economic system. thus, the struggle is evident in a description which alternates between ‘non-men’ and ‘men,’ between “shadows,” “shapes,” and “men” [my emphases]. … while many have noticed that conrad’s africans [and women] are reduced to a less than human state, fewer have noticed the same imagery of hollowness connects these victims to those who dehumanize them, the sundry agents of the company. (baldwin 188) that is to say, the oppressors are as dehumanized as the oppressed, despite the fact that they are more powerful and more at an advantage in imperial hegemony, which the narrative structure itself represents. then, the main issue, at least for the purposes of this paper, does not seem to be events of the colonial effort of corporations of global trade. it is not about what is being presented or represented, or how colonial or anti-colonial conrad’s fiction is. it is not even about, as deleuze and guattari (1987) state, “what it means?” or any other kind of what. it is rather about “how does it work?” or, by the same token, how it does not and cannot work. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 147 the main issue is the limited capacity of narrative representation and human perception before the vastness of what human activity has achieved. on at least three occasions in heart of darkness conrad (through the anonymous narrator or marlow) presents the problem of perception and interpretation of physical experience and material events. the first is when the anonymous narrator advises the reader on how to interpret marlow's story— more of a warning that marlow's story is not characteristic of the usual “yarns of seamen [which] have a direct simplicity, the whole meaning of which lies within the shell of a cracked nut” (conrad, 1902, p. 55)—in that “the meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these misty halos that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine” (conrad, 1902, p. 55). this hints at a contextual reading of particular episodes as well as the story as a whole. this also implies that marlow's tale is to be interpreted with consideration of the overall plot (more immediately this would probably mean the preceding and the following episodes), the context in which it was told, namely the circumstances on the nellie, as well as the history of colonial conquest in general. thus, the narrator is suggesting the reader to look for textual clues presumably provided throughout the tale. in a sense, it is a plea on the part of the text so that the interpretive act of the readers may discover the bread crumbs it leaves behind for it cannot by its own power escape the lure of conquest and imperialism. the second occasion on which the problem of perception and interpretation arises is when marlow notices “[s]ticks, little sticks, ... flying about--thick: they were whizzing before my nose, dropping below me, striking behind me against my pilot-house” (conrad, 1902, p. 124). it seems that after only a while that marlow realizes that the sticks are in fact “arrows, by jove!” another similar example is when marlow through his telescope the round knobs he sees set on poles are “not ornamental but symbolic” realizing that the knobs are in fact shrunken heads (conrad, 1902, p. 142). this suggests that perhaps even the stylistic features of the whole novella may have a considerable contribution to its meaning. such moments of delayed perception also occur in conrad’s malay fiction. in lord jim, the event in which marlow first meets jim, a misunderstanding is presented, in which jim hears a derogatory remark made by some unidentified man about a dog as marlow’s sarcastic insult directed at jim. despite marlow’s insistence that he is not the one who has made the comment, let alone directing it at jim as a verbal offense, jim asserts that he does hear it. marlow cannot deny the fact that he is there, and has been paying attention to jim as the one being judged for the patna incident. while marlow does not make the comment which equates jim to a “wretched cur” (conrad, 1900, p. 74), he has, he admits, been somewhat making judgements about jim. in fact, in general the structure of conrad’s malay fiction (and “heart of darkness”) discussed here takes the form of a kind of reflection about european presence in the archipelago. “karain,” even, is subtitles as “a memory.” the story is driven by the question: “what happened? whatever could have happened?” (deleuze & guattari, 1987, p. 192). the question places the narrative moment in a state of unknowing of events that have already passed and only knowing of the present moment as an undeniable state covered in doubt. thus, “karain” is a story of the anonymous white narrator trying to remember karain as a figure deserving of his remembering him. “the lagoon” is a story of the white man returning to revisit a past encounter, though he ultimately leaves to pursue economic advantage. “youth” published in the same collection of stories as “heart of darkness,” like “heart of darkness” is a story of men involved in colonial economic enterprises attempting to recount their past deeds in evaluation of the present situation. as bignami (1987) suggests, the european characters of conrad’s malay fiction seem to have the need to justify their presence in the islands. all, like lord jim, are ultimately stories which judge with doubt the complicity in the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) ari j. adipurwawidjana 148 morally questionable colonial project, as all of them also narrates figures dismembered from their respective communities and humanity in general seeking to redeem themselves through the act of remembering. conclusion donovan (1999), with reference to notions proposed by ahmad (1994) remarks that conrad corpus, particularly pertaining to his malay fiction, is an example of what may be understood as “sites of contention between opposed ‘discourses’ of colonialism, and their ideas deemed self-contradictory or paradoxical” (p.33). the emphasis on the outof-time, subjunctive narrative instance and the delayed perception of the characters provide a space within the text, which does not only allow for the formulation of justifications for the imperial enterprise but also for selfcriticism as well as a space into which the reader may take part in further keep the gates of a colonial worldview, or dismantling them. more importantly, for us, conrad’s 21stcentury readers from these islands, i insist, that the narrative spaces that conrad’s malay fiction clears offer a site for our scholarly perspectives to the landscape that conrad tells about, which is that we actually inhabit. conrad’s narrative technique plainly exposes that how the narratives are in fact inventions based eurocentrically biased perspectives, and in so doing, dismantles the confident inventorying of the landscape of the archipelago in the service of the imperial desire to exploit its resources. thus, conrad’s malay fiction has paved the way for us to remember ourselves of our own history and geography from our own eyes. references achebe, c. 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(n.d.). in merriam-webster collegiate dictionary. retrieved march 3, 2019, from https://www.merriam-webster. com/ dictionary/wild https://www.merriam-webster/ journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 111 death penalty in the jakarta post and the jakarta globe editorials: neutral or loaded? assertive or timid? siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri english department, universitas kristen krida wacana abstract coming under the spotlight of the world news due to the death penalty verdict against eight drug traffickers announced early 2015, indonesia made the world pleaded to not proceed the execution. it is interesting to see how the press media viewed this controversial issue and manifested them into linguistic features in their opinion. this paper reported views about the issue from the perspective of english newspapers. aiming to identify the level of neutrality, certainty and assertiveness in presenting perspective, this study employed mainly qualitative method focusing on the discourse. the analysis was focused on (1) how the participants of the event were referred to, (2) lexical choices used to portray events, players and policies, and (3) modality values, orientation, manifestation and value of modality. editorials on the issue published in selected english newspapers were collected. by applying van dijk’s method, the level of neutrality was analyzed. the basis of the modality analysis was halliday’s. both newspaper editorials showed different level of neutrality, certainty and assertiveness. there were formal and neutral choices in naming the participants of the event. the jakarta globe delivered their attitude using loaded words, while the jakarta post used more neutral and formal words in addition to using less modal forms. the study also showed the dominant use of low modality and implicitly subjective modality in presenting perspectives. this implied that the newspapers were not assertive and not strictly speaking metaphorical in delivering their perspectives to the readers. keywords: editorial, lexical choice, modality, discourse analysis, death penalty introduction early 2015, indonesia became the spotlight of the world due to the capital punishment verdict announced against nine drug traffickers: two australians, four nigerians, one filipino, one brazilian and one indonesian. the world, and even the people of indonesia, was divided into arguments: pro and contra to this decision despite international appeals and communications were performed sending pleas to reconsider the verdict. however, these did not affect the verdict as widodo has declared the death penalty “positive” for his country, according to the guardian. it is interesting to see how the media view this controversial issue and manifests them into linguistic features in their opinion, how the language is used as a medium of power. newspapers have the opportunity to expose their readers to their attitudes toward certain issues through their writing, specifically by using specific lexical naming, words, and modality. fowler claims that every day newspapers print one or two separate articles which express their point of view. the articles are distinct from news reporting, features and other regular daily items. this section is variously indexed as leading article, editorial, the sun says, and so on (1991:208). journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 112 according to brown and mott, editorials are ‘columns that expose the policy of the paper’ and ‘reflect local opinion on vital questions’ (1957). henry and tator state editorials are expressions of the broader ideological stance of the newspaper’s owners and managers in which the public are being addressees rather than spectators (2002: 93). therefore, it is assumed that editorial reflects local opinion and the standpoint of the newspaper. literature reviews van dijk’s method of analysis this research is to find out how the participants of the event were referred to, and the portrayal of events, players and policies in the editorial of the newspapers. in order to find out the answer, the author looked at the linguistic elements: naming choices and lexical choices. according to fowler and kress (1979: 200), the difference in naming signifies different assessments by the writer of their relationship with the person referred to and of the formality or intimacy of the situation. the different possibilities for naming choices include extreme formality such as using the complete unabbreviated title of an official, for example, “france’s president francois hollande”; a neutral naming choice, for example, “the president”; less formal that shows closeness to the person referred to, for example, “jokowi”; and naming choices that reflect the biases of the writer, examples of which would be stereotypical or ideologically guided naming choices such as “drug traffickers” or “the nine drug convicts”. the naming choices for the actors employed by the editorial were analyzed to identify “different ideological affiliations” (sykes, 1985: 87). not only the naming choices, but the researcher also looked at the lexical choices used to portray events, players and policies related to the capital punishment for the inmates. it is stressed by fairclough (1989: 116) the ideological significance of lexical choices, and it is also argued that “a text’s choice of wordings depends on, and helps to create, social relationships between participants”. sykes also contends that the choice of different words for referring to the same thing by different speakers reveals “different ideological affiliations” (1985: 87). an example is the choice of “state-sanctioned murder” versus “execution”. modality devices in addition to look at the naming and lexical choices, this research is also to find out the assertiveness of the editorial through the use of modality device. modality values, orientation, manifestation and value of modality were analyzed to answer this problem. modality is a linguistic tool that presents the perspective of the speaker or writer in expressing his/her attitude toward an issue or event. according to downing and locke modality is a linguistic tool which can be employed to express the attitude contained in the proposition taken toward an event (2002: 381). fowler regards modality as the ‘comment’ or ‘attitude’ which is presented explicitly or implicitly in the linguistic stance taken by the speaker or writer (1991: 85). quirk defines modality as the manner used to reflect the speaker’s judgement of the likelihood of the proposition it expresses being true (1985: 219). halliday explains (2004: 146-147), “modality is used to temper, to qualify in some way, our propositions (modalization or epistemic modality) or proposals (modulation or deontic modality).” the type of modality in the clause as an exchange of information (probability or usuality) is referred to as modalization and the type of modality in the clause as an exchange of goods-&-services (obligation or inclination) is referred to as modulation. 1. modalization: epistemic modality modalization communicates any degree of probability (might, may, could…) or usuality (sometimes, usually, always). modalization can be realized in the following ways: with a finite modal operator in a verbal group, with a mood adjunct, with a modal operator and a mood adjunct, with a preposition phrase, and with interpersonal journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 25805878 113 metaphors. the examples are shown further in data analysis section. 2. modulation: deontic modality modulation (deontic modality) regards degrees of obligation (necessity) in propositions and inclination or, as halliday (1994:359) suggests, readiness, which could be seen as including willingness and also ability in proposals. modality types and values in line with modality, another variable in debating is the “value attached to the modal judgment”: high, median or low (halliday & matthiessen, 2004: 128). the speakers express their assertiveness in delivering their arguments through the use of high value of modality since it shows the high level of certainty. below is a summary table of modality value with more complete examples: table 1: examples of modality value (mathiessen, 1995: 506) median outer low high modalization probability she’ll be home now. she’s probably home now. she may be there. she is perhaps there. she must be there. she is certainly there. usuality she’ll be at home on wednesdays. she’s usually at home on wednesdays. she can be there on wednesdays. she’s sometimes there on wednesdays. she must be there on wednesdays. she is always there on wednesdays. modulation obligation you should go home. you’re supposed to go home. you may go now. you’re allowed to go now. you must go home now. you are required to go home now. inclination i’ll go home now. i’m keen to go home now. i can go home now. i’m willing to go now. i will go home now. i’m determined to go home now. orientation and manifestation of modality orientation is “the distinction between subjective and objective modality, and the explicit and implicit variants” (halliday, 1994:357). halliday states, “the explicitly subjective and explicitly objective forms of modality are all strictly speaking metaphorical” (1994: 362). in debating, orientation refers to the speaker’s strategies of expressing modality, or to the extent to which the speaker accepts responsibility for what s/he is saying. these strategies are illustrated in the figure 1 and the intersection of subjective/objective and explicit/implicit modality (orientation and manifestation) are illustrated in the table 2. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 114 table 2: orientation and manifestation (martin et al, 1997: 70) kind of modality congruent realizations metaphorical realizations finite implicitly subjective adjunct (mood) implicitly objective predicator implicitly objective mental clause explicitly subjective attributive clause explicitly objective probability can/could, may/might, will/would, should, ought to, must possibly, probably, certainly, ..... (cognitive :) i guess, i think, i know it is possible... it is probable.. it is certain ... usuality sometimes, usually, always, ..... it is unusual .. obligation necessarily ..... be allowed to, be supposed to, be obliged to, (affective) i’m willing for... i expect .... i want... it is permitted .. it is expected it is necessary ... readiness: inclination willingly, eagerly, ..... be willing to, be keen to, be determined to (verbal group complex) i’d like to ... i want to.... it’d be lovely to .... readiness; ability be able to it is possible methodology this data in this research will look at english newspapers published in indonesia and compare the editorial discourse on a specific issue. based on the understanding that different choices in employing linguistic tools will result in different perspectives, this study aims to investigate how the perspective of news media about the death penalty executed in indonesia in 2015 is represented through the naming choices, lexical choices and the use of modality. the newspapers selected are the jakarta post and the jakarta globe. the jakarta post is selected because, as quoted from, for decades the paper has provided the expatriate and english-reading indonesian communities with excellent coverage of local, national and international events. besides, it is chosen because of “its unbiased coverage of the news” ( the jakarta globe is selected because it is “popular with the expatriate community” (http://www. the objects of this study were thirteen editorials collected from the jakarta post and the jakarta globe online archives. the editorials were related to the death penalty for drug smugglers, and were published between january and april 2015. the editorials collected from their home website were then copied and pasted to ms word for data processing and data analysis. the selected editorials were analyzed based on the naming and lexical choices, and by sorting out the sentences with modal devices. then, the modal devices were journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 25805878 115 classified based on their forms, types and values. further, they were also classified based on their orientation and manifestation. findings and discussion based on the analysis on lexical naming, there are levels of formality in addressing the world leaders, the inmates, the policy and the participants of the events. in addition to that, there are neutral and loaded lexical choices in the editorials. the analysis also finds that nearly half of the modality value is low (47%). further analysis shows that the orientation and manifestation of modality is mostly implicitly subjective (64.93%), and under twelve percent (11.94%) of the total modality are presented explicitly. formal, but loaded with opposition the attitude of being formal but loaded with opposition means that the editorial does not only employ formal naming choices in addressing some of the participants, but also loaded naming choices to refer some other participants. in addition to that, the lexical choices are loaded with opposition to the event. as stated by fowler and kress (1979: 200), the difference in naming signifies different assessments by the writer of their relationship with the person referred to, and of the formality or intimacy of the situation. the extreme formalities are shown, among others, in the use of “president joko widodo”, “australian prime minister tony abbott”, “vice president jusuf kalla”, and “indonesian zainal abidin”. neutral naming choices are also seen in, among others, the use of “the president”, “the international community”, “the execution”, “its decision”, “these individuals”, “the firing squad”, “foreign nationals” and “people on death row”. then, loaded naming choices are seen in the use of, among others, “a victim of his aides”, “drug offenders”, “state-sanctioned murder” and “murderers”. this extreme formality to loaded naming choices is found in the jakarta globe. the lexical choices in the editorial are also loaded with opposition. the choices are, among others, “political strategy”, “political leverage”, “massive international condemnation”, “a barbarous point”, “an awful lot of pleasure”, “unprecedented international fiasco”, “a barbaric relic”, “schadenfreude”, “a stunt – bloody and grotesque”, “the sins of the indonesian government” and “shameful travesty”. below is the example excerpted from the editorial that shows opposition to the execution: a day that no rational, compassionate human being could ever wish for appears to be at hand: the day that 10 fellow human beings, nine of them foreign nationals, are gunned down in a hail of bullets because the indonesian government wants to make a barbarous point. the attorney general’s office, which seems to be taking an awful lot of pleasure in organizing the executions, …. the ago is required to give the inmates 72 hours’ notice about their execution, so it appears that the killings — yes, killings; make no mistake, this is state-sanctioned murder — could take place as soon as tuesday. … why persist with a practice as savage as the death penalty when much of the world cries out against it? what can indonesia gain from this? it is in the president’s power to end this shameful travesty and grant these individuals clemency. so it is to president joko widodo that we beseech mercy for mary jane fiesta veloso; for serge areski atlaoui; for myuran sukumaran; for andrew chan; for rodrigo gularte; for raheem agbaje salami; for martin anderson; for sylvester obiekwe nwolise; for okwudili oyatanze; and for zainal abidin. we stand for mercy, mr. president. will you stand with us? (do the right thing and show mercy, president jokowi – 24 april 2015) journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 116 the editorial above presents its formality through the use of “president joko widodo”, and addressing the inmates by mentioning their full names. however, there are also loaded lexical choices showing the opposition to the event, such as “fellow human beings”, “a barbarous point”, “state-sanctioned murder”, and “shameful travesty”. although the lexical use is loaded with opposition, it can be understood that the editorial is also at opposition to the drug trafficking. this can be seen how in other the jakarta globe’s editorial address the inmates: “drug dealers or traffickers”, “death row convicts”, “drug offenders”, instead of addressing them formally or neutrally. formal and neutral the attitude of being formal and neutral means that the editorial consistently employs extremely formal and neutral naming choices. as stated by fowler and kress (1979: 200), the difference in naming signifies different assessments by the writer of their relationship with the person referred to, and of the formality or intimacy of the situation. the lexical choices also do not portray loaded intention to show opposition to the event. extreme formalities in referring to the country and world leaders can be seen, among others, in the use of “president joko “jokowi” widodo”, “brazilian president dilma rousseff”, “australian prime minister tony abbott”, “france’s president francois hollande”, and “un secretary-general ban kimoon”. this extreme formality is also shown in referring to the people on death row, as seen in the use of, among others, “indonesian migrant worker siti zaenab”, “one convict, filipina mary jane f. veloso”, “drug convict marco archer cardoso moreira”, and “brazilian drug trafficker, rodrigo muxfeldt gularte”. the jakarta post tends to refer the agents formally by mentioning their position, their nationality, and full name. the use of neutral naming choices is also seen in, among others, “the indonesian foreign ministry”, “the saudi kingdom”, “president jokowi”, “the tony abbott government”, “the jokowi administration”, “the dutch and brazilian leaders”, “five foreign nationals” and “two australians”. low formality in naming choices are also seen, among others, in “australia”, “jakarta”, “rousseff”, “manila”, and “jokowi”. this low formality is used in combination with the neutral naming choices in the following parts of editorial mostly after the extreme formality choice is used. here is an example excerpted from the editorial that shows formality: president joko “jokowi” widodo stole the show as philippines world boxing champion manny pacquiao and undefeated us boxer floyd mayweather jr. were gearing up for their “bout of the century” in las vegas on saturday. pacquiao spared time to write to jokowi, asking the indonesian leader to show mercy to his compatriot mary jane veloso, one of the nine death row inmates awaiting execution in indonesia. global pressure has indeed been mounting on jokowi to save the lives of the convicts. un secretary-general ban ki-moon and france’s president francois hollande are the latest world leaders who have appealed to jokowi to reconsider the execution. as brazilian president dilma roussef did, hollande warned jokowi of strained diplomatic ties between jakarta and paris if the latter turned a deaf ear to the international demands…. (unnecessary circus – 29 april 2015) it can be observed the use of extreme formality in addressing the leaders, such as “president joko “jokowi” widodo”, “un secretary-general ban ki-moon”, “france’s president francois hollande” and “brazilian president dilma rousseff”. neutrality is also seen in the use of “the indonesian leader” to refer to the president. the editorial also addresses one of the inmates using her full name. this extreme of formality is shown consistently in other editorials by the jakarta post, both in addressing the leaders and the inmates. below is another example excerpted from the editorial that shows neutrality toward the execution: … journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 25805878 117 one convict, filipina mary jane f. veloso, had her execution postponed at the eleventh hour following an appeal by her lawyers and manila after her alleged recruiter surrendered on tuesday to the philippine police. the other eight drug trafficking convicts — two australians, three nigerians, one ghanaian, one brazilian and one indonesian — … australia may recall its ambassador, as did brazil and the netherlands when their nationals were executed on jan. 18. … what jakarta needs to focus on now is ensuring that all the rights of those still on death row are respectfully observed and the executions as well as the treatment of families are conducted with due dignity. … we should consider them as the norm in diplomatic language. the concerns of all friendly countries related to this case should be considered carefully by jakarta. indonesia should not react harshly to a protocol in international diplomacy. … every country will respond in accordance to threats and act in their own national interests. in the same way australia has disregarded international humanitarian pleas not to turn back migrant boats because the tony abbott government believes it is in its national interest, so too has the jokowi administration acted. … nevertheless, it is a policy that has been made based on the due process available, no matter how imperfect, and thus should be respected. indonesians themselves should step up the war on corruption to better ensure a clean, reliable judiciary. (respect thy neighbor’s law – 30 april 2015 neutrality is seen in the use of nouns to refer the drug convicts: “two australians”, “three nigerians”, “one ghanaian”, “one brazilian”, and “one indonesian”. low formality is also seen in the words referring to the government: “jakarta” and “manila”. in addition, there were almost no “loaded” words found in this editorial. this can be inferred as neutrality of the editorial in viewing the execution. low modality values chart 1: comparative percentages of modality values despite the fact that all modality values are found in the editorials, low value of modality is the highest, almost half of all modality found (see chart 1). both newspapers mostly employed low value of modality. according to halliday and mattiessen (2004: 128), and as quoted in yuyun (2014), the speakers in debate setting express their assertiveness in delivering their arguments through the use of high value of journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 118 modality since it shows the high level of certainty. in other words, high value of modality represents high level of certainty in delivering statements or arguments. therefore, it is inferred that both newspaper have low level of certainty in presenting their propositions and proposals. below are sentences employing low modality value found in the editorials. (1) (i) hopefully there will be a solution to the diplomatic spat (ii) and the two leaders can meet again for another summit in istanbul in october. (“brazil’s red card” – the jakarta post, 24 february 2015) the modality value found in sentence (1) are low as seen in the employment of will and hopefully in clause (i) and of can in clause (ii). (2) (i) we may file a harsh objection with the saudi government, (ii) or perhaps go so far as to withdraw our ambassador in riyadh in a show of anger at the recent execution of indonesian migrant worker siti zaenab, (iii) who was sentenced to death for killing her employer in 1999. (“lesson from saudi arabia” – the jakarta post, 16 april 2015) value of modality found in (2) is low, represented in clause (i) by the use of modal forms may and in clause (ii) by the use of modal forms perhaps. (3) (i) that would include the figure frequently cited by president joko widodo (ii) that 50 people die each day from illegal drug use. (“deal with the drug issue the right way” – jakarta globe, 5 june 2015) as seen in sentence (3), the use of low modality are represented in the modal form would. (4) (i) opponents of the execution of drug traffickers here may be tempted to indulge in schadenfreude (ii) at indonesia finding itself at the sharp end of the stick, (iii) but such a sentiment is both misplaced and perverse. (“death penalty has no place in our society” – jakarta globe, 15 april 2015) sentence (4) above shows the low modality use in the modal form may. orientation and manifestation of modality after analyzing the modality types and modality values, the orientation and manifestation of modality in both newspapers were analyzed. the chart below represents the distribution of orientation and manifestation of modality in both newspapers. chart 2: orientation and manifestation of modality in the jakarta post journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 25805878 119 halliday & matthiessen (2004: 656) state that by the means of nominalization, modality is construed as an unquestionable fact i.e. modality is expressed explicitly with objectivity. as we can see, the chart 2 above shows that the jakarta post mostly employed implicitly subjective modality, reaching almost 60% of modal forms found in the paper’s editorial. therefore, it is inferred that the jakarta post is not strictly speaking metaphorical: they present subjectivity on their point of view indirectly. according to the research conducted by yuyun (2014), the more explicitly objective modal is used in the text or speech, the more assertive or straightforward the speaker is. chart 3: orientation and manifestation of modality in jakarta globe the chart 3 above shows that jakarta globe mostly also employed implicitly subjective modality, reaching more than 70% of modal forms found in the paper’s editorial. as stated by halliday & matthiessen (2004: 656), the ones expressed in nominalization are construed as unquestionable facts: expressed explicitly with objectivity. therefore, it can be inferred in delivering their point of view, the newspaper is not strictly speaking metaphorical: they present subjectivity indirectly. 1. implicitly subjective chart 4: comparative percentages of implicitly subjective modality journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 120 as seen in chart 4, both newspapers mostly use implicitly subjective modality in presenting their perspectives, reaching almost 65% of all modalities found in the editorials. according to halliday & matthiessen (2004), it is inferred that being implicitly subjective means that the speaker is being indirect in stating their subjectivity. below are some examples of implicitly subjective modals employed in the sentences. (5) (i) judging from the statement by the attorney general’s office, (ii) the nine drug convicts on death row may be dead by now or may still be alive (iii) as indonesia continues to defy calls from human right activists and the international community. (“acting in the best interests of indonesia” – jakarta globe, 28 april 2015) from the sentence (5), it is seen that the use of modal forms in “may be dead” and “may still be alive” show the implicitly subjective. the use of may in both phrases show subjectivity on the set of propositions. in addition, it is presented implicitly through the modal operator “may”. (6) (i) he should have learned the lesson (ii) from this unprecedented international fiasco. (“damage is done, so what next?” – jakarta globe, 29 april 2015) the use of implicitly subjective modal forms in sentence (6) is seen from the use “should”. it presents subjectivity of the paper’s editorial by prescribing others to do something. it is also presented implicitly as it is using modal auxiliary form. (7) (i) indonesians will never forget australia’s generous help for the people in aceh and nias, (ii) and we wish (iii) that we could have the opportunity to show the same generosity to australia. (“abbott’s own tsunami” – the jakarta post, 21 february 2015) implicitly subjective modal forms in sentence (7) are seen in the use of will in clause (i) and could in clause (ii). those two modal forms present subjective view of the paper, as they show inclination. they are also implicit as they are not stated directly, but using other pronoun “indonesians” and “we”, which refers to the “indonesians”, to represent the editorial. (8) (i) while australia and other countries might feel compelled to take diplomatic measures, (ii) it should be noted that indonesia’s actions are not prejudiced toward one country or another. (“respect thy neighbor’s law” – the jakarta post, 30 april 2015) from sentence (8) it is seen that the use of implicitly subjective modal forms is represented in modal form might in clause (i) and in modal form should in clause (ii). they show probability which is stated implicitly. the use of implicitly subjective orientation and manifestation of modality in journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 25805878 121 the paper’s editorial showed their subjectivity on their point of view indirectly. 2. implicitly objective chart 5: comparative percentages of implicitly objective modality the chart above shows that the secondhigh orientation and manifestation of modality used in both newspapers is implicitly objective in presenting their perspectives, in which it reaches 23.13% of all modalities found in the editorials. being implicitly objective means the speaker is being objective but indirectly state them. the following are examples of implicitly objective orientation and manifestation of modal forms found in the editorials. (9) (i) whether he enjoys such worldwide publicity, (ii) jokowi has risen to fame unfortunately for a policy that sparks controversy. (“unnecessary circus” – the jakarta post, 29 april 2015) as seen in sentence (9), the modal form unfortunately shows the implicitly objective attitude toward the situation in which jokowi has risen to fame. (10) (i) drug-related deaths are obviously tragic affairs (ii) and nothing to make light of (iii) but even more tragic is the government’s failure to get a grip on reality (iv) and address indonesia’s drug problem in a meaningful way. (“deal with the drug issue the right way” – jakarta globe, 5 june 2015) sentence (10) shows that the modal forms obviously has implicitly objective orientation and manifestation. in delivering their position, the jakarta post and jakarta globe are being implicit in more than 88% of the modalities found in the editorials. on the other hand, their explicitness is not clearly shown as there are less than 12% of the modalities in the editorials explicitly stating their position or proposition. below are the explanations about explicitness found in the editorials of both newspapers. 3. explicitly subjective chart 6: comparative percentages of explicitly subjective modality journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 122 below are some examples of modal forms that are explicitly subjective. (11) (i) on the basis that joko won’t grant any clemency to drug offenders, (ii) we have reasons to believe that there have been no reviews of the cases at all. (“executions go against indonesian interests” – jakarta globe, 26 april 2015) (12) (i) in the same way australia has disregarded international humanitarian pleas not to turn back migrant boats (ii) because the tony abbott government believes it is in its national interest, (iii) so too has the jokowi administration acted. (“respect thy neighbor’s law” – the jakarta post, 30 april 2015) (13) (i) “we think it is important for there to be an evolution in the situation, for us to have some clarity,” international media quoted rousseff as saying on friday. (“brazil’s red card” – the jakarta post, 24 february 2015) sentences (11), (12), and (13) employ the modal elements “believe” and “think” to express their opinions. as stated in yuyun (2016), these modalities are realized as a separated clause, separated from the clause containing the proposition which is ‘technically’ being modalized. these projecting clauses are considered as explicit forms of modality and interpersonal grammatical metaphors. explicit modality shows that the editorial’s opinion is not realized as a modal element within the clause, but is realized as a separate projecting clause. as seen in (11), (12), and (13), it can be inferred that the editorials show their subjectivity in delivering their proposition. 4. explicitly objective chart 7: comparative percentages of explicitly objective modality journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 25805878 123 the followings are the explicitly objective modalities found in the two newspapers editorials. (14) (i) rather, it is a sign of greatness. (“acting in the best interests of indonesia” – jakarta globe, 28 april 2015) (15) (i) with nearly 300 indonesian nationals facing execution overseas, (ii) it is possible that they will follow in the footsteps of siti zaenab sooner or later. (“lesson from saudi arabia” – the jakarta post, 16 april 2015) (16) (i) it is regrettable (ii) that the diplomatic tension occurs (iii) as the two presidents have known each other (iv) since they attended the g20 summit in brisbane last november. (“brazil’s red card” – the jakarta post, 24 february 2015) the modal forms as seen in (14), (15) and (16) show the explicitly objective orientation as seen in the use of “it is a sign of greatness”, “it is possible” and “it is regrettable”. this type of modality is expressed through attribute clause and nominalization. as pointed by halliday and matthiessen (2004: 362) that it is one of the most effective way of creating objectivity. however, there are only less than two percent of this modality orientation found in the editorials. conclusion based on the findings described, this study concludes that there is one attitude from the editorials towards the death penalty executed in indonesia in 2015: they present formality in their writing. however, the jakarta globe shows more opposition by using loaded words compared to the jakarta post which shows neutrality. further, based on the analysis of modality forms, both newspapers are implicitly subjective in presenting their standpoint on the issue. this means that they are not strictly speaking metaphorical: they present subjectivity on their point of view indirectly. references bolivar, adriana. “the structure of newspaper editorials”. in malcolm coulthard (ed.). advances in written text analysis. london: routledge, 1994. pp. 276294. brown, maynard b. and george fox mott. “the editor speaks”. in new survey of journalism. george fox mott (ed.). wisconsin: barnes & noble, inc., 1957. pp. 258-294. fairclough, norman. language and power. new york: longman group limited, 1989. fairclough, norman. critical discourse analysis: the critical study of language. longman group limited, 1995. fairclough, norman. media discourse. london: hodder headline group, 1995. fowler, roger. linguistic criticism. oxford: oxford university press, 1986. fowler, roger. language in the news: discourse and ideology in the press. london: routledge, 1991. fowler, roger. “on critical linguistics”. in texts and practices: readings in critical discourse analysis. carmen caldascoulthard and malcolm coulthard (eds.). london: routledge, 1996. pp. 314. halliday, m. a. k. an introduction to functional grammar. london: edward arnold, 1985. halliday, m. a. k. and ruqaiya hasan. language, context, and text: aspect of language in a social-semiotic perspective. burwood, victoria: deakin university press, 1985. halliday, m. a. k. and christian m. i. m. matthiessen. an introduction to functional grammar. third edition. london: arnold. 2004. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; 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eissn 2580-5878 rr. arielia yustisiana 158 elements of nature as the object of escapism in maya angelou’s “woman work” rr. arielia yustisiana english department, universitas katolik widya mandala madiun abstract the research aimed to discuss the elements of nature in the poem entitled “woman work” written by maya angelou. the speaker of the poem used nature as the object of escapism. the research used some theories to meet the topic of discussion. the basic theories of the research were symbol, imagery and figures of speech. they were two figures of speech as the poetic devices in the poem: personification and apostrophe. they were two supporting theories that dealt with the topic, i.e. nature and escapism. there were two approaches that were used: structural and formalistic approaches. library research is the technique of collecting data. the finding of the research was that the speaker of the poem endowed the elements of nature (which are non-living objects) with human qualities in an attempt to feel less lonely. in the absence of human company, it was the sun, the rain, the snow, dewdrops, the wind, the sky, mountains, oceans, leaves, stones, “star shine” and “moon glow” that were her friends. “woman work” was a very domestic poem depicting the typical routine life of a woman who performed her daily chores effectively and then yearned for a fantastic break amidst the elements of nature to give her strength and comfort. keywords: nature, escapism, symbol, imagery, personification introduction women are always the most discussed topics in all the countries of the world and in the whole history of the universe. some groups talk against women and some other fight for their rights. even now, in few regions of the word, women are living in a very disgusting condition; at the same time other women are enjoying the beauty, adornments and luxury of the world with equal status as men. there are many literary works that depict what women have done dealing with the equality with men and fought for in the family and society; how they survive in their sense of the inferiority; and how they can solve their obstacles with the oppressors when they become the oppressed. literature becomes a means of expressing those things dealing with the experiences of women in living their life. poetry is a form of literary art that uses a beautiful and unique language. a poem is one piece of a poet’s literary works in verse form. according to annas in how the poetry works, a poem is concerned with emotion, it is emotion shaped, controlled, and contained in form. a poem often says something significant; it attempts to achieve beauty. of course, what is significant and beautiful is open to discussion and may change with time and place (1996: 181). reading a poem needs a particular emotion to understand its deep meaning because it is journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 159 concerned with ideas and insights. everyone has their own understanding in order to interprete the meaning of a poem. readers may have found from their reading that they can often enjoy a poem without fully understanding its meaning. before readers say why they like a poem, it is necessary to understand its meaning well. “woman work” is a simple poem written by an american poetess, maya angelou. angelou's identity as an african american, a woman, and an african american woman influences her poetry much. this is true in all the poems included in and still i rise (republished in 2001 as still i rise). the theme of self-identity in "woman work" is especially interesting because the poem allows two related but different interpretations. this research, however, focuses on the elements of nature that are addressed by the speaker in maya angelou’s “woman work”. the elements of nature have implicit meanings and they can direct to the speaker’s escape to the world that she wishes. the character sketch of a woman drawn in this poem is always busy in her household work. all the day she works like a machine in house. she becomes tired and wants to give herself relief from her responsibilities because she is fed up with her monotonous homely life. then, she desires to go in the lap of nature. the speaker expresses her boredom and wants to release it through nature. she asks nature to come and give her joy and change her dull and boring life into a changing life. the speaker expresses her ambition to find refuge in the object of nature. there are some main components of nature in the poem, such as sun, rain, and snow drops. the speaker loves the sunshine and the rain that could purify her. she wants to bury herself under the snowflakes. nature would help her recover her loss of energy. she considers nature as her only well-wisher. nature becomes the object of the speaker’s escapism because she is so tired of her daily courses. maya angelou provides the reader with details of her speaker's workaday world, a world in which every day is like the last day, and relief is found only in communing with nature. angelou's masterful manipulation of words presents two possible scenarios: the speaker is a slave or she is representative of any woman whose daily life is dedicated to caring for others. this research, however, focuses on the elements of nature that become the object of escapism. the following theories are relevant to meet the aims. the first is the theory of symbol, imagery, personification, and apostrophe as the basic theories dealing with poetic device. the second is the theory of nature and escapism. symbol symbol is something that refers to something else. finding out a symbol deals with figurative meaning because it means beyond its real meaning or literal meaning. a symbol is something that is literally itself (for example a shiny, patent leather shoe) and at the same time represents or suggests something else (childish innocence or purity). in other words, a symbol is a literal object or thing that suggests another level of meaning; a symbol may suggest a person, an abstraction, or an idea. a symbol is basically a kind of image, differing from other images in the use to which it is put (kenney, 2005: 75). a symbol in a story may, in fact, harbor multiple levels of meaning. in addition, kenney also claims “it is this attempt that the symbol, while evoking a concrete, objective reality, also suggests an additional ‘level of meaning’ beyond that reality” (1988: 75). the other definition of symbol is stated by kennedy in his book entitled literature: an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama: “a symbol is a thing that suggests more than its literal meaning. symbols generally do not ‘stand for’ any one meaning, nor for anything absolutely definite” (2010: 113). figures of speech figure of speech is an expression in which the words are used in a nonliteral sense to present a figure, picture or image. there are some poetic devices when we want to analyze an english poem more deeply. in figurative language we employ words in such a way that they differ somewhat from their ordinary journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 rr. arielia yustisiana 160 signification in commonplace speech and convey our meaning in a more vivid and impressive manner than when we use them in their every-day sense. figures of speech make speech more effective. they beautify and emphasize speech. figures of speech are organized into different categories such as metaphor, similes, irony and are used as a poetic device. figures of speech use word association to convey emotion and mood often in a nonliteral sense. figures of speech add adornment, beauty, colors, elegant variation, embellishment, embroidery, emphasis, exclamation, flourish, floweriness, irony, lushness and add luxuriance to the english language and often used by famous poets as a poetic device. according to cheuse in literature craft and voice, figures of speech are a technique of using language to describe one thing in terms of another, often comparing two unlike objects, such as the sun and the face of the beloved, to condense and heighten the effect of language, particularly the effect of imagery or symbolism in a poem” (2010: g-6). it means that figures of speech are words or phrases that have connotative meaning. the figures of speech itself can be described in terms of technique of using language which is aimed to either strenghten the effect of symbolism and imagery or explain a concept. it is not easy, though, to understand expressions using figures of speech. it is because expressions have figurative meanings and each expression may have more than one interpretations. figures of speech are commonly used when a speaker or writer wants to say something in different ways. holman states as follows: figure of speech is two of major kinds: rhetorical figures, which are departures from customary or standard uses of language to achieve special effects without a change in the radical meaning of the words; and tropes, in which basic changes in the meaning of words occur (2006: 203). furthermore, figures of speech or rhetorical figure is in the form of a single word or phrase. it can be a special repetition, arrangement or omission of words with literal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning based on the literal meaning of the words. there are some kinds of figures of speech. they are simile, metaphor, hyperbole, oxymoron, metonymy, personification, apostrophe, and synecdoche. personification personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes. the non-human objects are portrayed in such a way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings. for example, when we say “the sky weeps” we are giving the sky the ability to cry, which is a human quality. thus, we can say that the sky has been personified in the given sentence. as a literary device, personification is the projection of characteristics that normally belong only to humans onto inanimate objects, animals, deities, or forces of nature. these characteristics can include verbs of actions that only humans do or adjectives that describe a human condition. the characteristics can also be emotions, feelings, or motives given to objects incapable of thought. for example, if someone said, “the trees whispered their discontent,” this would personify the trees both as able to whisper and of feeling unhappy. according to baldick, personification is a figure of speech by which animals, abstract ideas, or inanimate things are referred to as if they were human (1991: 166). to understand personification better, consider the following example (taken from l. m. montgomery’s “the green gables letters”): “i hied me away to the woods—away back into the sun-washed alleys carpeted with fallen gold and glades where the moss is green and vivid yet. the woods are getting ready to sleep—they are not yet asleep but they are disrobing and are journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 161 having all sorts of little bed-time conferences and whisperings and goodnights.” the lack of activity in the forest has beautifully personified as the forest getting ready to sleep, busy in bed-time chatting and wishing good-nights, all of which are human customs. furthermore, barnet states that personification is a kind of figurative language in which an inanimate object, animal or other nonhuman is given human traits (2005: 1541). but time did beckon to the flowers, and they by noon most cunningly did steal away. (herbert) herbert attributes a human gesture to time and shrewdness to flowers. of all figures, personification most surely gives to airy nothings a local habitation and a name. apostrophe apostrophe is addressing someone that is absent or dead or something non-human as if that person or thing is present and alive, can reply to what is being said. it occurs when a speaker breaks off from addressing the audience (e.g. in a play) and directs speech to a 3rd party such as an opposing litigant or some other individual, sometimes absent from the scene. often the addressee is a personified abstract quality or inanimate object. in dramatic works and poetry written in or translated into english, such a figure of speech is often introduced by the vocative exclamation "o". poets may apostrophize a beloved, the muse, god, love, time, or any other entity that cannot respond in reality. according to baldick, apostrophe is a rhetorical figure in which the speaker addresses a dead or absent person, or an abstraction or inanimate object (1990: 15). in literature, apostrophe is a figure of speech sometimes represented by exclamation “o”. a writer or a speaker, using an apostrophe, detaches himself from the reality and addresses an imaginary character in his speech. moreover, as a form of direct address to an inanimate object, apostrophes serve to further poetic imagery and often emphasize the emotional weight of objects in our everyday world. greenblatt (2006: 429) gives an example of apostrophe derived from john donne’s poem entitled “the sun rising” “busy old fool, unruly sun, why dost thou thus, through windows, and through curtains, call on us? must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run? saucy pedantic wretch,” the poet addresses the sun in an informal and colloquial way as if it were a real human being. he asks the sun in a rude way why the sun appeared and spoiled the good time he was having with his beloved. imagery imagery is language that evokes sensory images. baldick states that imagery is a rather vague critical term covering those uses of language in a literary work that evoke senseimpressions by literal or figurative reference to perceptible or concrete objects, scenes, actions, or states, as distinct from the language of abstract argument or exposition (1990: 160). the word ‘imagery’ is derived from the word ‘image’ that means a pictorial likeness, literal or figurative, that illustrates idea, object, or action by appealing to the senses. an image is a concrete representation of a sensory experience or object. a literal image refers to something that can be seen, felt, touched, heard, or smelled: an orange, a river, a blue bird flying across the sky. these kinds of images may also be called sensory details—descriptive details that evoke a response from the sense. literal images are often infused with meanings that go beyond their literal meaning; in some works lines of imagery—or patterns of repeated images—may be identified. imagery is not decoration; rather, it is integral to a story’s meaning in a poem or other literary works. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 rr. arielia yustisiana 162 in addition, kennedy in his famous literary book entitled literature: an introduction to fiction, poetry, drama and writing states that the term image suggests a thing seen, when speaking of images in poetry, we generally mean a word or sequences of words that refer to any sensory experience (2010: 1916). an image may occur in a single word, a phrase, a sentence, a stanza or an entire poem. to speak of the imagery of a poem—all its images taken together—is often more useful than to speak of separate images. indeed, some literary critics look for much of the meaning of a poem in its imagery, wherein they expect to see the mind of the poet more truly revealed than in whatever the poet explicitly claims to believe. images are powerful things. a poem, however, must build its pictures from words—no mean feat. by taking note of its imagery, and watching how the nature of those images evolves from start to finish, the readers can go a long way toward a better understanding of the poem. nature nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, or material world or universe. "nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. the study of nature is a large part of science. although humans are part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other natural phenomena. according to rothenberg, the word nature is derived from the latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant "birth". natura is a latin translation of the greek word physis, which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord (2011: 23). the concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of the original notion; it began with certain core applications of the word physis by presocratic philosophers, and has steadily gained currency ever since. this usage continued during the advent of modern scientific method in the last several centuries. within the various uses of the word today, "nature" often refers to geology and wildlife. nature can refer to the general realm of living plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects–the way that particular types of things exist and change of their own accord, such as the weather and geology of the earth. escapism escapism is the avoidance of unpleasant, boring, arduous, scary, or banal aspects of daily life. it can also be used as a term to define the actions people take to help relieve persisting feelings of depression or general sadness. escapism is the tendency to seek, or the practice of seeking, distraction from what normally has to be endured. however, many challenge the idea that escapism is fundamentally and exclusively negative. industries have sprung up to foster a growing tendency of people to remove themselves from the rigors of daily life— specially into the digital world. many activities that are normal parts of a healthy existence (e.g. eating, sleeping, exercise, sexual activity) can also become avenues of escapism when taken to extremes or out of proper context; and as a result the word "escapism" often carries a negative connotation, suggesting that escapists are unhappy, with an inability or unwillingness to connect meaningfully with the world and to take necessary action. c.s lewis (in pratchett, 2012: 276) was fond of humorously remarking that the usual enemies of escape were jailers; and considered that used in moderation escapism could serve both to refresh and to expand the imaginative powers. similarly, j.r.r tolkien (in pratchett, 2012: 286) argued of escapism in fantasy literature as the creative expression of reality within a secondary (imaginative) world, (but also emphasized that they required an element of horror in them. pratchett (2012: 329) considered that the 20th century had seen the development over time of a more positive view of escapist literature. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 163 approaches two approaches are used to support the analysis. the approaches intended to include structural approach and formalist criticism. structural approach is applied in this research because this kind of approach is very effective for analyzing a poem which has some poetic meaning of the words. structural approach concentrates on each constituent of the construction. by understanding the meaning of the words, the truth can be discovered. d’haen states that structural approach is producing relevant results by looking in places where one would not look without being urged by sturdy model (2014: 143). in other words, the structural approach is used to get the mastery over the structures. it concentrates on each word to get the detailed meaning. formalist criticism regards literature as a unique form of human’s knowledge that needs to be examined in its own terms. the natural, sensible starting point is the interpretation and analysis of the works of literature themselves. to explore the intense relationship within a poem is done by close reading, a careful step-by-step analysis and explication of a text. the formalist criticism which is now called as the new criticism or formalistic approach is defined by guerin as the assumption that a given literary experience takes a shape proper to itself, or at the least that the shape and the experience are functions of each other (2005: 83). it means that the formalist criticism is concerned primarily with the work itself. the form and content cannot be meaningfully separated since the various stylistic elements of literary work influence each other. the most suitable method of research used is descriptive method. punch explains that descriptive method is setting out to collect, organize and summarize information about the matter being studied (2000: 38). hence, this method is aimed to describe the elements of nature as the object of escapism in the poem “woman work” written by maya angelou. the primary data that are used in the research are lines that describe elements of nature and the implicit meaning hidden in each symbol. therefore, the most suitable method of collecting the data is the library research. george states that library research involves identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or personal/expert opinion on a research question; necessary component of every other research method at some point (2008: 6). it means that some materials in the form of printed media are needed in order to support the analysis. moreover, the data are also collected from some literary sites in the internet to support the analysis. “woman work” “woman work” by maya angelou is about a woman’s chores and jobs throughout the day. the first stanza begins with a list of chores which is written in a fast pace and overwhelming sense of busyness and stress. it seems that the speaker cannot even take a rest for a moment because of her responsibility for finishing her chores. it also shows that the speaker and her family are poor and do not own much. while the second, third, fourth and fifth stanzas slow down to show a resting period in the woman’s day. the woman feels that nature is important to her because it is the only thing in her life that does not add any stress and is an outlet for the busy day. woman work i've got the children to tend the clothes to mend the floor to mop the food to shop then the chicken to fry (5) the baby to dry i got company to feed the garden to weed i've got shirts to press the tots to dress (10) the cane to be cut i gotta clean up this hut then see about the sick and the cotton to pick. shine on me, sunshine (15) rain on me, rain journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 rr. arielia yustisiana 164 fall softly, dewdrops and cool my brow again. storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind (20) let me float across the sky 'til i can rest again. fall gently, snowflakes cover me with white cold icy kisses and (25) let me rest tonight. sun, rain, curving sky mountain, oceans, leaf and stone star shine, moon glow you're all that i can call my own. (30) the setting of the poem is the south. the first clue to the setting is “the chicken to fry.” fried chicken is a popular dish more common in the south. the next clue to the setting is “the cane to be cut.” cane refers to sugar cane which can only be grown in hot climates like the southern united states. the last clue is “the cotton to pick.” similar to sugar cane, cotton is only found in warmer climates. moreover, the research focuses on the woman who wants to try to escape from her restless routine chores. the sense of escapism leads to the nature. the speaker feels that the elements of nature that are able to heal her tiredness, boredom of routine work and loneliness. the elements of nature as the object of escapism in maya angelou’s “woman work” regarding with the tone of the poem, it is very unique because the speaker feels tension and depression in the first stanza. she speaks without paces that are nearly like she is in hurry and regardless her tiredness, she keeps doing her responsibility to finish all she has to do. consider the following stanza: i've got the children to tend the clothes to mend the floor to mop the food to shop then the chicken to fry the baby to dry i got company to feed the garden to weed i've got shirts to press the tots to dress the cane to be cut i gotta clean up this hut then see about the sick and the cotton to pick. there are no commas or even full stops in every line of the stanza, except the last line of the stanza showing that the speaker has just finished her chores. the woman is given a list of chores to do which tire her out and create more stress in her life. in poetic fashion, the lengthy verse rhymes all the way through, in a general aabb fashion, creating a fast-paced rhythm likely designed to mirror the fast pace of the woman’s life. from the content of the list, we can infer that she is a mother, housekeeper, cook, hostess, gardener, nurse, and slave as well, working in fields to harvest cotton and sugarcane, suggesting that the setting of the poem is in the united states of america, or in british north america (likely the united states, considering the author’s heritage). immediately, the reader is given the strong impression of a weary woman, aged beyond her physical years, and dealing with a difficult life and situation within the confines of her slaver’s home and business. the speaker of the poem is a hardworking woman and probably a single mother. readers also know that she is poor because she mentions her hut, the manual labor that she is forced to do, and that nature is the only thing she owns. in the poem, nature is personified as a human being. for the speaker, nature is able to calm her. besides, nature is also able to let her rest and rejuvenate her for the next day. nature symbolizes her freedom and rejuvenation because it can help her recharge her soul and body to do her responsibility day by day, month by month, and year by year. another strong figure of speech in the poem is apostrophe. the speaker addresses some inanimate objects, that is, the elements of nature in order to strengthen her emotional state of tiredness. it seems that she speaks to the nature in order to relieve all the burdens, her stress and tiresome work she has to cope journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 165 with. the two dominant figures of speech are used spontaneously when the speaker tries to speak to the nature. the use of the poetic device known as personification is of special significance. the speaker endows the elements of nature (which are non-living objects) with human qualities in an attempt to feel less lonely. in the absence of human company, it is the sun, the rain, the snow, dewdrops, the wind, the sky, mountains, oceans, leaves, stones, “star shine” and “moon glow” that are her friends. consider the second stanza below: shine on me, sunshine (15) rain on me, rain fall softly, dewdrops and cool my brow again. the shortness of each line in the stanza stands in noticeable contrast to the lengthy and demanding list that constitutes the first stanza, and gives the second one a more calmed atmosphere. the second stanza is heavily laden with natural imageries. it invokes images of sun, rain, and dewdrops. the woman seems to be petitioning to the natural world, but she is not asking for anything more than for it to do what it is supposed to do. she is yearning for the world to deliver her phenomenon that is entirely natural. the speaker calls the elements of nature as she thinks that nature is her true companion. she addresses the sunshine to shine on her, the rain to rain on her, the dewdrops to fall softly on her, and cool her brow so that she may feel calmness in her own self. successively, the third stanza continues the speaker’s yearning to the nature: storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind (20) let me float across the sky 'til i can rest again. the third stanza follows a similar theme to the first one, with slightly rougher imagery. this time, the speaker invokes a “storm” that will take her away from where she is; to “float across the sky” and not to stop until she finds rest. in this stanza, it is rest she yearns for, a rest that is well-framed by the first stanza and its list of demanding and, in some cases, insulting things to do. in both stanzas, the word “again” concludes the thought. this is an important repetition that highlights nostalgic peace. she is remembering the last time she was able to rest, and the last time her brow was cool. when she thinks about this state of being, she recalls it as being natural, and yearns for it once again, associating it with imagery of the natural world, the world as it is supposed to be. by emphasizing nature, the speaker emphasizes the unnatural, another reference to her presumed slavery, or even to the fact that she has an enormous list of tasks for which it hardly seems that there are enough hours in the day. she really wants “storm” to blow her away from her tiresome work she has to do. additionally, the next stanza uses winter as a frame for discussing the idea of peace. consider the fourth stanza below: fall gently, snowflakes cover me with white cold icy kisses and (25) let me rest tonight. the approach the speaker takes is to describe the wintry season as a quiet, peaceful time to convey the idea of a comfortable cold that allows her to feel restful. word choice is crucial here — “gently,” “snowflakes,” “white,” “kisses,” and “rest,” coupled with the perfect syllable and rhyming match on the second and fourth line, create an atmosphere of peace and rest. in the fourth stanza, once again she addresses another different nature, that is, “snowflakes” that visualizes the quiet white winter season that can bring her to the coldness of her soul after she goes home from wandering to her world of freedom. again, the speaker is yearning for a break from the life that is described in the first stanza and seems to never quite let up. the simple yearning for cool and white, for kisses of any kind, helps to create an image of this weary mother whose mind is filled with beautiful images, and whose life seems to deny them to her. the difficulties of motherhood and the pains of her predicament are made abundantly cleared through stanzas that do not discuss them at all, but rather focus on what her life makes her dream of instead. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 rr. arielia yustisiana 166 furthermore, the natural imagery comes to a head in the final stanza of poem, consider the following: sun, rain, curving sky mountain, oceans, leaf and stone star shine, moon glow you're all that i can call my own. (30) the elements of nature are used to great effect, as the speaker considers that the only things in the world she can think of as belonging to her are the natural phenomena that surround her. this seems to confirm the theme of slavery suggested in the first stanza, that is, the speaker is, after all, a mother, and so surely she should consider her child to be something that belongs to her. it is incredibly peaceful imagery used to indicate such a powerful and revolting aspect of history, and serves to give that message a unique and memorable means of approaching the reader, and of staying with them each time the natural world does something wonderful. she speaks of “sun”, “rain”, “curving sky”, “mountain”, “oceans”, “leaf”, and “stone”. her repetition of these outdoor scenarios come into great effect because out of all the things she may mention she mentions the freest, broadest places such as the ocean and mountain. she mentions areas where one can get lost and free; giving us an insight into her conscience. the poetic devices that are used to beautify the poem are imagery, symbol, and two main figures of speech, that is, personification and apostrophes. the first stanza visualizes a picture of all the tasks the speaker must complete. in the second through fifth stanza, she uses seasonal examples which display a calming end to the speaker’s day. while in stanzas two through five, personification and apostrophes are used. the speaker talks to nature as if it is a person. she addresses the elements of nature as the plead to give her just a moment of relaxation and escapism because of her tiring and boredom work she has done. she also claims that she owns nature which displays the deeper connection she has with the environment around her. this poem shows the struggle of a woman who does not have a lot. it shows the struggle of having so much to take care of; and the struggle to maintain a home. her lines such as “star shine, moon glow you’re all that i can call my own” show that she is a struggler. she does not have all the riches and nice things so she must resort to the nature surrounding her. this poem allows us to feel the amount of pressure and stress that is never recognized. therefore, the speaker uses nature as her object of escapism because she understands that she is not able to go anywhere. the poem allows us into the mind of a dreamer and the outlet nature provides. conclusion the poem looks at the idea of a woman demanding freedom from various chores that tie her down. overburdened by work, the woman turns to nature for deliverance. this is indicated in the very last line of the poem where the narrator says, “you’re all that i can call my own.” in other words, the speaker seeks refuge in nature to escape the drudgery of her life. “woman work” is a poem about a black working woman set in the southern states of the u. s. a. in the poem, the woman is very busy, as she lists all her chores in the first stanza. all this working makes her tired and she cries out to the elements to take her away from the frustration. the main theme in 'woman work' is work. we know this because of the long list of household jobs she's got to do in the first stanza. another theme in the poem is loneliness. we can see this by the fact that she only mentions her children and not her partner/husband, if she has one. the message that the poet is trying to get through to the reader is that life can be horrible, and you have to do anything to survive. the way that the poet has written this poem is on purpose. the first stanza makes the reader feel as though the woman is overworked because of the long list of chores. note that the poet has not used any commas in the first stanza. this makes the pace intense and arouses a feeling of breathlessness and exhaustion in the reader. the lines being short and quick also add to this. we know that this woman is from the us because she uses a southern dialect: 'gotta', 'cane', 'cotton to pick', journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 167 'chicken to fry'. this capture's the woman's voice, so it's as if she is talking to us. the next four stanzas are four lined stanzas. this slows the pace right down. the purpose of this is so that it reflects what the woman is actually saying: 'fall gently, snowflakes cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight.' the use of the comma is here to slow it down. 'fall gently' is something that makes it feel more relaxed and calm. the four lined stanzas have a regular rhythm, which conveys comfort and security. the title 'woman work' is chosen because that is what the whole poem is about. the work that she is doing in the poem is for women only. there are examples of figures of speech in the poem: “storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind” “cover me with white cold icy kisses... .” she wants the wind to blow her away from all the stress and work, and the snowflakes to cool her down with their 'kisses' and make her feel relaxed. the poet evokes a strong feeling of desperation in this poem: 'storm, blow me from here' she is desperate because she calls upon the elements to whisk her away, which is not possible. the poet also creates a lonely atmosphere in the poem; “sun, rain, curving sky... you’re all that i can call my own.” the things that she calls her own are not human. thus she has nobody to talk to. references annas, p. j. how the poetry works. cambridge: cambridge publisher ltd., 1996. baldick, c. the concise oxford dictionary of literary terms. oxford: oxford university press, 1990. barnet, s. an introduction to literature: fiction/poetry/drama. boston: harper collins colle, 2005. cheuse, a & delbanco, n. literature craft and voice. new york: mc graw-hill, 2010. d’haen, t. the routledge companion to world literature. new york: routledge, 2014. george, m. w. the element of library research: what every student needs to know. princenton: princeton university press, 2008. greenblatt, stephen. the norton anthology of english literature ed. 8, vol. d. new york: norton, 2006. guerin, w. l. a handbook of critical approaches to literature (5th ed). new york: oxford university press, 2005. holman, c.h. & harmon, w. a handbook to literature (10th ed). new york: macmillan publishing company, 2006. kennedy x.j and dana gioia. literature: an introduction fiction, poetry, drama and writing. new york: longman publishing ltd., 2010. kenney, william. how to read and write about fiction. new york: simon and schuster, inc., 2005. morris, r. the language of poetry. london: longman, 2002. pratchett, terry and stephen briggs. the discworld companion. new york: amazon publisher, 2002. punch, k. f. developing effective research proposals. london: sage publications, 2000. rothenberg, david. survival of the beautiful: art, science and evolution. london: bloomsbury, 2011. popkin, michael. active parenting: teaching cooperation, courage, and responsibility. san francisco: harper san francisco, 2987. tan, amy. the bonesetter’s daughter. new york: g.p. putnams, 2001. 1 vol. 22 no. 1, april 2022, pp. 1-14 doi: 10.24071/joll.v22i1.2355 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. investigating the role of conceptual metaphor in the representation of the syrian human crisis in british newspaper articles: a cognitive approach saadeya salem, nihad m. mansour, inas h. hassan, riham a. debian,, college of language and communication /arab academy for science, technology and maritime transport; institute of applied linguistics and translation /alexandria university, egypt abstract article information this paper investigates the representation of the syrian human crisis through the conceptual metaphor of the “other”. it particularly examines how conceptual metaphor plays a role in the representation of the syrian human crisis in british newspaper articles. it also highlights the use of “us” vs. “them” dichotomy in the representation of both groups in the selected newspaper articles. utilizing lakoff and johnson’s (1980) conceptual metaphor theory (cmt) and cross-domain mapping, along with van dijk’s (1995) ideological square (is), the paper examines the use of conventionalized and novel conceptual metaphors in the representation of the syrian human crisis in british newspaper articles. 100 newspaper articles about the crisis are collected from three british newspapers (the guardian, the daily mail and the daily telegraph) between 2014 and 2016. the paper concludes with a discussion of how these newspapers make use of conceptual metaphor to portray syrian refugees as threat, objects, water, animals and illness/disease. moreover, the use of “us” vs. “them” dichotomy indicates social distance and contributes to the representation of syrian refugees as the “other”. words like “immigrants” and “asylum seekers” are also used in addition to “refugees” to refer to syrians. the oscillation between these labels highlights the strategy mainstream media follows to strip syrian refugees from the official rights identified by the united nations. keywords: conceptual metaphor, cross-domain mapping, syrian refugees, immigrants, the other received: 12 january 2020 revised: 30 december 2021 accepted: 16 january 2022 introduction conceptual metaphor theory (cmt) was introduced to the field of cognitive linguistics in 1980 as george lakoff and mark johnson published the first edition of their book metaphors we live by. lakoff and johnson (1980) explain that cmt, unlike the traditional journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) saadeya salem 2 view, considers metaphor to be mainly a part of thought and action and partially a part of language (p. 153). they also stress that the nature of the human conceptual system is profoundly metaphorical and that metaphor defines and structures human thought processes (p. 3). similarly, johnson (1987) emphasizes the pervasiveness of metaphor as a structure of human thought used to understand the world figuratively. in this perspective, metaphorical concepts are omnipresent in our lives often without us ever recognizing their ubiquitous influence. metaphors are lurking inconspicuously in the discourse of all kinds of human interactions. lakoff (1993) notes that metaphor, in cmt, is defined as “a cross-domain mapping in the conceptual system” (p. 203). he explains that metaphorical expressions refer to a set of linguistic expressions (a word, a phrase or a sentence), which form the surface structure of cross-domain mapping. a typical conceptual metaphor involves two domains, namely, a source domain, which is concrete in nature; and a target domain, which is abstract in nature. the correspondences formed between the domains are known as mappings. the mappings are constructed in the mind first, and then they are directed from the source domain to the target domain. metaphor’s meaning is constructed by transferring features from the source domain, which embodies coherent knowledge or experience to the target domain through linguistic expressions. conceptual mappings have a fixed structure as: “target-domain is sourcedomain or target-domain as sourcedomain” (p. 207). conceptual metaphors are embodied in physical experiences as a means to describe and explain abstract concepts by mapping two semantic domains. to help us understand abstract concepts in terms of concrete ones, metaphors suggest an inexistent equation between the target and source domains. these mappings are partial and create gaps making metaphor particularly susceptible to ideology. deignan (2005) argues that it is through these gaps that ideology percolates into metaphor, making it a subtle but powerful means of conveying ideology. lakoff and johnson (1980) stress that a metaphor is only partial in nature because comprehending one concept in terms of another one only highlights the aspects that correspond with the topic and inevitably hides other inconsistent aspects of that concept (p. 10). the core of cross-domain mapping is that when language users use more than one source domain to comprehend one single target domain, they interrelate different source domains. some source domains map some specific aspects on the target domain of a metaphor, and other source domains map some other aspects on the same one. thus, the choice to use one metaphor over the other depends on the aspects of a certain topic we wish to highlight. deignan (2005) notes that the metaphorical gaps resulting from partial mappings are filled with the biased and shared knowledge of a given community. also, the partial picture frequently used metaphors presents can contribute to a shared, biased perception of reality. thus, simultaneously highlighting and hiding aspects of reality from group members limits their vision and view of that reality. (p. 24). conceptual metaphor has an ideological function that makes realities simpler and creates feelings of unity and belonging (kövecses, 2002, p. 90). van dijk (1995) stresses that ideologies are socially shared and used by groups and their members, and that they are extensively present in language. accordingly, they should not be perceived in terms of ‘right’ and ‘wrong;’ instead they should be evaluated and understood in terms of effectiveness in promoting a particular group’s interests. the term ideology does not have one definitive or inclusive description. however, there are components of ideology that seem to be prevalent. group ideologies, for example, are often polarizing, which creates a strong sense of ‘self’ versus ‘other’ and of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ and are often shared and distributed through mass media and national rhetoric. this is referred to as by van dijk (1995) as the ideological square. the polarization between “us” and “them”, according to van dijk (2006), is done by designing the discourse by establishing two opposing groups: the ‘us’ group and the ‘them’ group. this can be further enhanced by journal of language and literature vol. 22 no. 1 – april 2022 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 3 simultaneously assigning good qualities to the former and bad qualities to the latter which establishes ‘positive self-presentation’ and ‘negative other-presentation’. the former emphasizes morality, power and superiority, while discrediting the opponent (i.e. the other) simultaneously by throwing the blame on them for the bad conditions. moreover, ‘implicit-fallacious-argument’ (p. 378) is a strategy employed to relate the opponent (i.e. the other) to the enemy in order to discredit the opponent and represent them negatively. similarly, the latent ideology hidden in the metaphorical gaps enables newspapers to use pejorative language in the representation of immigrants and refugees. analyzing british newspaper articles about the syrian crisis reveals metaphorical structures that are used to amplify fear of migrants and highlights the ways metaphor promotes a destructive ideology that frames refugees as the ‘other’. reinforcing and strengthening deeply-rooted and exclusionary stereotypes help to construct inand outgroups that define communities in terms of “us” vs “them”. this is particularly effective in communicating the idea that “they”, in this case immigrants and refugees, are a threat to “us” and “our” way of life. both groups are under the spotlight and being presented under similar circumstances. given the universality aspect metaphor enjoys, as evidenced by corresponding linguistic metaphors, it is safe to say that groups, which share conceptual metaphors (and therefore social practice) are also likely to share knowledge, beliefs and bias. the representation of the syrian refugee crisis in the media depends mainly on the ideological views of the newspaper, news reporters, journalists and media agencies, who frame events according to their political agendas. describing refugees in the media as "flooding", "flocking" and "swarming" to europe can have political ramifications on whether a country will support and accept refugees or not and can influence the public’s perception of syrian refugees. moreover, the topic of refugees as part of the broader discourse on immigration can be perceived as an issue of “us and them” dichotomy. in this respect, the image of refugees can be associated with the image of the cultural/ religious “other”. refugees seek shelter and financial support; thus, they are attributed the features of a public enemy, who disrupts peace and social homogeneity. thus, psychologically, in order to uphold the better image of the ingroup and foster positive self-esteem, locals provide the image of refugees with negative qualities enhanced by images distributed and reflected by the media. newspapers, for instance, perpetually use ‘migrants’ instead of ‘refugees’ to describe syrians implying that they may have had the choice to freely leave their country. kushner (2003) points out that most western countries, who are opposed to refugees entering their societies have adopted the strategy of classifying them as something different “to have a linguistic tool to legitimize the control of the scale of influxes” (p. 265). if media chooses to portray syrians as migrants, then politicians and the public may become less motivated to offer financial support or otherwise. this portrayal may also lead the public to believe that syrians are not leaving syria out of fear but rather in search for a better life or a better paid labor. they may also lead the public to feel threatened by refugees who need to find jobs and homes. the fear of refugees adds more pressure to the country’s economy, politics and social standing. these feelings contribute to the discourse relating to giving syrians the attributes of the “other” creating a sense of “us vs them”. newspapers amplify this fear by distributing images of refugee camps on the border, reporting on refugees’ attempts to cross the borders and using pejorative language to portray refugees as a threat. recently, several studies investigate the ways in which immigrants and refugees are represented in newspapers, news stories and media shows. the topics they focus on vary between immigration policy, national security, social and economic stress and racism. the methods of investigation and analysis also vary between content analysis (e.g. esses, medianu & lawson 2013; medianu, sutter & esses 2015), visual analysis (e.g. wright 2010), critical discourse analysis (e.g. teo 2000; erjavec 2003; khosravinik 2010; wright 2014; journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) saadeya salem 4 lippi, mckay & mckenzie 2017) and corpus based analysis (e.g. baker & mcenery 2005; gabrielatos & baker 2008; baker et al 2008). some investigate the metaphors sustaining media discourse on immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees to outline patterns of racism, prejudice and xenophobia (e.g. kitis & milapides 1997; santa ana 1999; el refaie 2001; parker 2015). based on the exploration of the previous studies on immigrants and refugees, there is a lacuna in studies investigating the conceptual metaphors underlying the mainstream media discourse on syrian refugees in british newspaper articles. combining the cognitive approach with a critical discourse approach to highlight the politics of the media representation of the syrian refugees as the “other” has been a recurrent topic in recent studies conducted on the issue. still, examining that topic in terms of conceptual metaphor has been limited. therefore, this study addresses this lacuna by carrying out an investigation of the conceptual metaphors underpinning the media representation of the syrian crisis in terms of immigrant, asylum seeker and refugee as the “other”. methodology the dataset comprises 100 newspaper articles collected from 3 british newspapers: the guardian, the daily telegraph and the daily mail from 2014 to 2016 as presented in table (1) below. table 1: the 3 selected british newspapers newspaper ideological orientation / type number of articles word count the guardian liberal / broadsheet 50 53747 the daily telegraph conservative / broadsheet 33 53815 the daily mail conservative / tabloid 17 27911 the three newspapers hold ideological tendencies ranging between liberal and conservative to highlight the politics and strategies of representing syrian refugees as the “other”. they are published daily and are available both in print and online versions, which allows for the retrieval of articles from the newspaper’s website. the selected articles are published between 2014 and 2016. although the crisis started in 2011, it reached a peaking point towards the end of 2014. thus, the volume of the newspaper articles covering the crisis, condemning the atrocities of the war and/or offering analyses and solutions began to increase. the articles are collected through searching the newspapers’ website. key words ‘syrian’, ‘refugees’, ‘crisis’ are used to search for the articles. newspaper selection also depends on readership statistics done by the publishers audience measurement company (pamco), which manages audience measurement for the published media industry. the (2017) monthly readership of uk’s newspapers both in print and online in millions are illustrated in table (2) below: table 2: pamco monthly reach for (2017) uk’s newspapers in millions. newspaper monthly readership (print and online) in millions the daily mail 31,215 the guardian 24,823 the daily telegraph 23,692 procedure to build the corpus for analysis, the text for each of the 100 articles is converted to plain text, and uploaded onto the concordance software, antconc to create a 100-file corpus for quantitative analysis to identify instances of metaphoric constructions associated with migrants and refugees. three distinctive data sets are created to separate the articles collected from each of the three newspapers (the guardian 50-file, the daily mail 17-file and the daily telegraph 33-file). several queries are run for the analysis including: word list, n-grams and collocates. lakoff and johnson’s (1980) conceptual metaphor theory and cross-domain mapping are applied to find the superordinate and subordinate source domains that are mapped onto the target domain refugees. van dijk’s (1995) ideological square is also applied to journal of language and literature vol. 22 no. 1 – april 2022 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 5 identify positive self-representation and negative other-representation instances. data analysis and results lakoff and johnson (1980) find that domains are realized at different levels based on taxonomic relations as superordinate domains and subordinate domains. for example, conceptual metaphors like: problems are obstacles, states are locations and people are travelers, are all subordinate metaphorical domains to the superordinate metaphorical domain life is a journey. a phrase like ‘we are going our separate ways’ also conceptualizes love as a journey and falls within the superordinate metaphorical domain journey. this shows that journey is highly pervasive and conventional in language and is involved in diverse conceptualizations of target domains. thus, users quickly grasp how journey conceptualizes various target domains and quickly pick up and understand the reference or mapping. kövecses (2010) uses the term “conventionalized” to refer to a metaphor that is deep-rooted in language use (p. 34). metaphor is used subconsciously in everyday interactions, which permits us to assume that conventionalized conceptual metaphors or mappings are easy to grasp. mappings in novel metaphors can still be conventional but the linguistic expressions used to convey the idea are unconventional. novel metaphors are extensively used by those who seek to find new, creative and innovative ways to manifest their ideas. conceptual metaphors, being conventional, deeply rooted and well established in the mind are not conceived or thought of as metaphors, and thus they have the potential and ideological advantage of affecting and shaping beliefs and actions without being recognized. conceptual metaphor of the “other” in the 100-file corpus, five conceptual metaphors emerged. all five metaphors appeared in all three newspapers. this shows how conventionalized and widespread they are. each conceptual metaphor comprises a number of linguistic expressions, which indicate its conventionality. table (3) below shows the count for each of the five conceptual metaphors based on the number of the linguistic expressions they comprise. it also shows the prevalent framing of each conceptual metaphor. table 3: five conceptual metaphors found in the 100-file corpus. conceptual metaphor count frames refugees as: refugees are a threat 45 a security hazard refugees are objects 40 less than a human refugees are water 32 uncontrollable, destructive force refugees are animals 30 sub-human refugees are an illness/disease 27 a problem in table (3) above, the count for each conceptual metaphor is based on the occurrence and presence of the linguistic expressions in the dataset rather than their frequency. a linguistic expression (a word, phrase, sentence) is the surface realization of cross-domain mapping (lakoff 1993, p. 203). they are considered the path across the source domain to the target domain. the presence of the linguistic expression indicates the presence of the conceptual metaphor, regardless of how many times it is repeated. the same expression can be mapped onto several metaphors, which is the core of crossdomain mapping. also, some subordinate conceptual metaphors are generated from the cross domain mapping of the superordinate metaphors. refugees are a threat this metaphor frames refugees as a threat to national security. it generated the subordinate conceptual metaphor refugees are a security concern, which compares refugees to and identifies them with real-life journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) saadeya salem 6 threats and dangers like terrorists, criminals, rebels … etc. this serves to highlight the aspect of danger refugees pose to the hosting countries they enter. using this metaphor forms a connection between refugees and what is known and experienced by the public. in excerpts (1) and (2) below, using the words “state of emergency”, “growing tension”, “clashes” serve to paint a vivid picture of what sorts of threat refugees pose to the country in the mind of the reader. reporting the arrival of “riot squads” and “police officers” to where refugees are serves to amplify the sense of fear and threat in the minds of the public. ex (1): "our main goal is to maintain public life and order," he said. "a hundred metres from the train station one should not notice that we have a sort of state of emergency.” (samaa, 2015). ex (2): “amid growing tension and two nights of clashes between police and refugees, two extra riot squads arrived on the island while 60 more regular ordinary police officers were also sent.” (hall, squire & holehouse, 2015) excerpts (3) and (4) below focus on showing how refugees can have terrorists among them who take advantage of the state of panic and the large number of refugees. frequently writing about how they are trying to break into the country and threaten its safety and security establishes it as a fact that security agencies need to counter and stand against. in these excerpts, refugees are compared to and identified with real-life threats and dangers like terrorists, criminals, rebels … etc. this serves to highlight the aspect of danger refugees pose to the hosting countries they enter. using such metaphors establishes a connection between refugees and what is known, experienced by the public. ex (3): “'we have repeatedly seen that terrorists ... have slipped in camouflaged or disguised as refugees. this is a fact that the security agencies are facing.'” (wilkes & akbar, 2016) ex (4): “more than four in ten (44%) britons now believe that the uk should close its borders to refugees entirely.” (nardelli, 2015) the number of linguistic expressions generated in the conceptual metaphor refugees are a threat indicates how conventional it is in the dataset. the frequent emergence of this metaphor suggests that it is a conventional way to perceive, think and talk about refugees and the current syrian refugee crisis. it also suggests that by viewing refugees as a threat and showing that they are a danger to the safety and security of the country, they are being represented in a negative light. explicitly likening refugees to criminals who break into places and terrorists who attack people and destroy countries or rebels and riots who create a state of emergency contributes to the use of pejorative language to represent refugees. this in turn feeds back into the representation of syrian refugees as the “other”. refugees are the threat which targets “our” borders and “our” countries. refugees are objects when refugees are framed as objects, they become much easier to dismiss. referring to refugees as objects completely strips them of minds, personalities and desires. they are no longer classified as people; they are merely physical and material objects which need to be dealt with. this metaphor reduces refugees to a less than human status. it generated two subordinate conceptual metaphors. the first one is nations are a container / a warehouse. the following excerpts exhibit that the conceptual metaphor refugees are objects is constructed primarily through the use of words that represent movement. ex (5): “since the beginning of the conflict, the uk has received about 3,800 syrian asylum seekers. the next group of refugees are expected to arrive in april.” (press association, 2014) ex (6): “home office reveals 1,602 people have been resettled so far under plan to accept 20,000, with only 33 housed in london.” (addley, & pidd, 2016) journal of language and literature vol. 22 no. 1 – april 2022 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 7 ex (7): "… council housing and stepping up removals would tackle the crisis.” (holehouse, 2015) the linguistic expressions representing movement and transport suggest that refugees are perceived as less than human beings. they are stripped of the “human” element and are thought about and talked about in terms of physical objects. these objects are taken, received, expected, moved, removed, coming, housed, handled, tackled and dealt with. objects as a source domain is exceptionally concrete and rich in its linguistic expressions. a conceptual metaphor with objects as its source domain is considered to be highly conventionalized and deeply rooted in our conceptual system. the pervasiveness of this source domain in everyday life is a major factor that establishes its conventionality in everyday language. still, viewing refugees as objects and dealing with them accordingly also contributes to the use of pejorative language to represent refugees in a negative way. an aspect that can also be mapped onto the conceptual metaphor refugees are objects is the fact that objects are countable and can be assigned a definite number. in this way, refugees, since the word is a countable noun, are perceived in terms of numbers and figures as illustrated in the excerpts above. this contributes to the framing of refugees as less than a human as well; they are reduced to numbers and figures. in doing so, countries, officials, and politicians strip refugees of the “human” element when they talk about them as mere numbers and figures. in the excerpts sampled above, each time refugees are mentioned, a number or a figure is also mentioned. this dehumanizing strategy serves to paint a picture in the readers’ mind about the magnitude of the crisis at hand which adds to the burden, fear and pressure. this, in fact, puts the refugee crisis under a magnifying glass by assigning big numbers and figures. a different aspect that can also be mapped onto the conceptual metaphor refugees are objects is the fact that objects are transported and moved over time and distance. this aspect can probably give rise to a subordinate metaphor that can be expressed as seeking refuge is a journey suggesting that refugees share the aspect of movement over time. the word “journey” appeared 85 times in the 100-file corpus. this, in fact, is significant as it indicates that the conventionality of the journey source domain in language has not been excluded from the debate and discussion about the syrian refugee crisis. the excerpts below illustrate this metaphor ex (8): “… opening the door to more refugees could act as an incentive to more people to try to make the perilous journey across the mediterranean.” (chorley, 2015) ex (9): “… a move some fear will encourage more to attempt the journey to europe.” (tomlinson, 2016) ex (10): “… it was important to discourage them to make the dangerous journey across the mediterranean in the first place.” (akkoc, & wilkinson, 2015) ex (11): “hundreds marched through farmland and waded chest-deep across an icy river, desperate to continue their journey before the weather got even colder.” (graham-harrison, 2015) ex (12): “the perils of this journey have been recently illustrated by boats that have sunk in the seas of southern europe.” (gentleman, 2015) since the mapping between the source and target domains is only partial in nature, the only aspect that can be highlighted in this subordinate metaphor is the dangers and risks journeys entail in reality. this can actually give rise to yet another subordinate conceptual metaphor expressed as refugees are travelers highlighting the hardships travelers encounter during a journey. words like “perilous,” “dangerous” and “desperate” act like linguistic expressions which often collocate with the conceptual metaphor journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) saadeya salem 8 refugees are water the third conceptual metaphor that emerged in the 100-file corpus is the conceptual metaphor refguees are water. water is a widely productive source domain. this conceptual metaphor compares refugees and the syrian refugee crisis with water, which is a highly conventionalized source domain in language with many mappings. this metaphor frames refugees as an uncontrollable and a destructive force. four subordinate conceptual metaphors are generated, making it the most productive conceptual metaphor when talking about and discussing refugees. syrian refugees cross the mediterranean sea to reach europe. they came in “waves” that cannot be stopped or controlled. the following excerpts illustrate how the highly conventionalized conceptual metaphor refguees are water is used by the media to incite fear. ex (13): “the flow of migrants and refugees through slovenia continued unabated as drone footage shows hundreds of migrants crossing farmland on foot near the border with croatia […] slovenia has complained it lacks manpower and equipment to handle the influx of tens of thousands of people crossing through the country.” (shahrestani, & ap, 2015) ex (14): the guardian: still the refugees are coming, but in europe the barriers are rising “… to ward off disaster last week, but the number of refugees flooding into the country. hopes that winter would slow down the flow of refugees and allow europe to plan a response.” (grahamharrison, 2015) ex (15): the daily telegraph: hungary says migrant influx to europe must be stopped altogether “hungary’s prime minister on friday said that the flow of refugees and migrants pouring into europe must be halted altogether, not just reduced, and called for new border fences to be built in northern greece. […] against the unprecedented influx, called for the building of what he called a european defence line on greece’s borders with bulgaria and macedonia.” (squires, 2016) ex (16): the daily telegraph: britain 'failing to resettle syria refugees' “thus far the overwhelming burden of the refugee crises has fallen on countries neighbouring syria […] who are now struggling to cope with an influx of more than four million people.” (sherlock, 2014) in the excerpts above, the uncontrollable aspect of water and the inevitability with which it moves from one place to another are mapped onto refugees. this aspect creates a subordinate metaphor refugees are an uncontrollable movement of water. the only way to stop water or control it is by interfering with its movement by building dams or diversions. similarly, the only way to stop the “influx” of refugees, who are “pouring” into europe is by building a “border” or a “defence line”. like water, refugees are an unstoppable “flow” and irregular “waves” that keep moving. also, the magnitude with which water is measured is also used to measure the flow of refugees. refugees are presented with numbers counted in hundreds of thousands and millions, which is an “overwhelming burden” for hosting countries. the second one is water as a threat to the nation in which water itself is refugees as shown in examples (17) and (18). ex (17): “turkey has said it is bracing itself for a wave of tens of thousands of refugees. what was initially a trickle turned into a flood last summer.” (wilkes & akbar, 2016) ex (18): “we will not allow israel to be submerged by a wave of illegal migrants and terrorist activists.” (tait, 2015) the above examples view refugees as a threat equal in power to tides or floods. the destructive power floods of water possess is mapped onto the refugees coming across the mediterranean sea. mapping this aspect onto refugees portrays them as a threat that needs to be stopped and confined. journal of language and literature vol. 22 no. 1 – april 2022 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 9 the third subordinate metaphor consists of two parts: a nation is a container that holds a fluid and a mass of people is a fluid. ex (19): "… the uk is 'full', and that those arriving on our shores are a drain on our economy.” (press association, 2016) ex (20): “among the thousands of migrants pouring into europe, he added, are criminals, terrorists and foreign fighters.” (sandbrook, 2016) these excerpts illustrate the threat by expressing that the container is becoming full or is spilling its content as fluid is insistently “pouring” into it. in the first example, the nation/container – in this case, the uk – is filled with fluid/refugees beyond its limits. interestingly, refugees overflow and drain the nation in the same sentence, which stems from mapping two ironically contradicting aspects of water. refugees are animals this metaphor also reduces refugees to be sub-human, who are stripped of their rights. words such as “flock” and “flee” are often used when referring to the numbers and behavior of refugees as shown in ex (21) below: ex (21): the guardian: europe has turned its refugee crisis into a morally disastrous hunger games “if refugees and migrants flock to the capital or the main cities and the situation becomes visibly unsustainable, no national government would allocate them to specific districts with a prohibition to cross district boundaries.” (maes, 2015) two subordinate conceptual metaphors are generated. the first one is refugees are jungle-animals. this subordinate metaphor is quite interesting considering the fact that refugees are foreigners who inhabit a foreign place and a foreign notion to france and britain who do not have any jungles. ex (21): “refugees and migrants in the jungle … impossible to sneak onto a truck in or near calais.” (mulholland, 2016) this example indicates that the jungle represents refugees, and therefore, all the inferences of jungles are mapped onto refugees. the jungle metaphor refers to the actual physical space that is perceived as dangerous and uncivilized and also refers to the refugees inhabiting it. the second subordinate metaphor is refugees are a swarm. this one is used by british prime minister david cameron in a speech from 2015 in which he called the refugees entering britain a “swarm” that needed to be stopped, as shown in excerpts (22) and (23) below: ex (22): “prime minister says working with french will help dissuade 'swarm of people coming across the mediterranean' to reach calais.” (holehouse, 2015) ex (23): “britain will deport more migrants to deter the swarm of people who crossed the mediterranean to reach calais, david cameron has said.” (holehouse, 2015) these examples indicate that in mr. cameron’s statement, refugees are described as a “swarm” of insects that is crossing the mediterranean to europe. this particular linguistic expression was instantly criticized for being dehumanizing because this use of the word is not conventionalized. this makes this metaphor a truly novel metaphor as shown in examples (24) and (25) below: ex (24) “the refugee council said the phrasing was awful, dehumanising language from a world leader, while labour leadership candidate andy burnham called it nothing short of disgraceful.” (taylor, wintour & elgot, 2015) ex (25): “cameron calling calais migrants a "swarm" is nothing short of disgraceful.” (taylor, wintour & elgot, 2015) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) saadeya salem 10 here, “swarm” is used by the british prime minister, a man of power and authority. moreover, unlike “flock”, there is no example in which “swarm” is used positively. all examples highlight its negative and pejorative use. looking at the differences between “swarm” and “flock”, a swarm is something that cannot be contained or controlled. refugees are an illness / disease this metaphor views refugees as a problem that requires fixing. in this metaphor features of illness and disease are mapped onto refugees. the media frames the crisis as a contagious disease that is spreading, and infecting countries as shown in excerpts (26) and (27) below: ex (27): the guardian: the guardian view on the syrian crisis: if we can’t tackle the cause, at least we should deal with symptoms ex (28): “no one wants, or seems able, to deal with the root of the syrian problem the assad regime but now we are not even dealing with the symptoms.” (editorial, 2014) the conceptual metaphor generated the subordinate conceptual metaphor refugees are an incurable disease as shown in excerpts (29) and (30) below: ex (29): for example, “and in all this toxic mix, islamic fundamentalism is spreading like a cancer” (sandbrook, 2016) ex (30): “what appears on our tv screens as a sudden emergency is really the culmination of years of failure to confront syria’s bloody collapse. this, sadly, is symptomatic of a more profound myopia in european security policy. not only britain is responsible for european paralysis.” (editorial, 2015) these examples indicate that the disease is infectious and toxic; therefore, drastic measures need to be taken to stop it from spreading. one of these measures, is to try and confront the source of the disease – syria – and relief it. “us vs hem” in the representation of “them” in the 100-file corpus, two aspects emerged as means of representation. the first is what each newspaper uses to refer to syrians. table (4) below lists the labels used in newspaper articles to refer to syrians. each one of these labels has its own definition according to the un. the oscillation between them is a strategy employed by politicians and newspapers to represent syrian refugees as what they are not. referring to them differently is problematic since international laws in the (1951) geneva convention protect refugees and it distracts people from the legitimate protection refugees need. table 4: frequency of the labels used to refer to syrians in the 100-file corpus. word total count the guardian the daily telegraph the daily mail refugee(s) 1667 744 604 319 migrants(s) 587 179 245 163 asylum seeker(s) 437 177 162 98 immigrant(s) 58 35 15 8 in table (8) above, the oscillation between the labels is clearly shown by the frequency of the words in the dataset. the guardian uses “refugees” more to refer to syrians in an attempt to establish their status and rights. holding a liberal ideological standpoint, the guardian approaches the crisis primarily in terms of “refugees” and adopts more of a humanitarian discourse. the daily telegraph and the daily mail, on the other hand, use “refugees” less in an attempt to revoke the status and rights refugees are entitled to by the un. the daily telegraph extensively uses the word “migrants” to label syrians in its discourse. this is probably to promote a depiction in which syrians are journal of language and literature vol. 22 no. 1 – april 2022 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 11 viewed as opportunists who are taking advantage of the crisis to enter the eu and the uk in search for a better life and improved living conditions. given the fact that the daily telegraph is a right-wing conservative newspaper, it primarily views syrians as “migrants” and thus ingraining the view into the readers’ mind and justifying the ways in which the government handle the crisis. the second aspect of the representation of “them” is the use of pronouns and determiners to refer to the in-group vs the ones used to refer to the out-group following the ‘in-group-out-group division’ (van dijk, 2000). tables (5) and (6) below list the frequency of out-group and in-group pronouns and determiners that are found in the dataset. table 5: frequency of out-group pronouns in the 100-file corpus. pronoun total count the guardian the daily telegraph the daily mail they 772 273 383 116 them 291 98 145 48 those 234 102 75 24 these 113 62 27 57 their 521 238 178 105 table 6: frequency of in-group pronouns in the 100-file corpus. pronoun total count the guardian the daily telegraph the daily mail we 782 299 362 121 us 130 47 71 12 our 234 87 90 57 while the words “we” and “our” might routinely go unnoticed due to their frequent use, when analyzed in these newspaper articles, the power of these unassuming words can be observed. words like “we” and “our” are used to construct a demarcation – a line between us and them favoring the in-group. this construction is particularly well suited for stoking fear of particular groups. van dijk (1995) asserts that ideologies are “socially shared and used by groups and their members” (p. 22), and that group ideologies are often polarizing, creating a strong sense of “us” vs “them.” the higher frequency of “them” and “us” in the daily telegraph indicates that stronger polarization is created in the discourse about the syrians standing at the border and attempting to enter the country. the guardian comes second in the use of both words. the difference lies in the fact that the context in which the polarization is created is more positive and takes the tone of sympathy and compassion. moreover, the higher frequency of the determiner “those” in the articles collected from the daily telegraph is also significant in showing social distance according to van dijk’s (1995) ideological square. conclusion all the linguistic expressions underlying the five conceptual metaphors found in the dataset seem to be highly conventional, and thus can be overlooked. the only exception is the use of “swarm” as a surface structure in the conceptual metaphor refugees are animals, which makes it a novel metaphor. metaphors simultaneously highlight and hide elements of the source domains in an attempt to eliminate individual experiences of refugees. they dehumanize them, and turn them into what they are not. this dehumanization process refutes the human rights, individual experiences, and feelings of refugees and defends and possibly justifies the cruel treatments they encounter. these metaphors play on people’s fears and emotions. the metaphors analyzed in previous studies are still being used and have become even more conventionalized. they are racist, dehumanize refugees and give them a less-than-human position. metaphor serves as a strategy to convey subtle yet powerful messages about certain events and individuals. the conceptual mappings created in the mind through cognitive processes help reveal a lot about the ideology and politics media outlets, especially newspapers, wish to establish, convey and spread to the public. the ideological standings and orientations in the media seep through metaphor and find their way into the public’s minds influencing their journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) saadeya salem 12 acceptance and perception of events and the people involved in them. racist, biased language in the media, even if it is scrutinized and criticized openly, can still be employed to validate and reinforce existing racist views. describing refugees in terms of the source domains of threat, objects, water, animals and illness or disease, means that we also think about refugees in terms of these source domains. the representation of syrian refugees in the media is accomplished through both positive and negative framing of us, positive and negative framing of them, and metaphorical constructions that equate refugees with danger, objects, animals, floodwaters, and illness/disease. politicians already know that the most effective way to make people cooperate and function like a group is to single out an enemy and claim that this enemy ‘they’ is a threat to ‘us’. that is why, if it is left unchecked, media power leaders could potentially reach hegemony – complete command over what people see, read, hear and eventually think. language, both in the media and in everyday life, alters mind structures and when links are created they can become unbreakable. it is unlikely that audiences will find an ulterior motive behind words such as “we” or “our”, and yet, these serve as building blocks for a metaphor that constructs refugees as dangerous “others” threatening “our” country and “our” way of life. references baker, p. & mc.enery, t. 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ii. identifying some language specific interjections and their functions as being used by the yoruba people of the southwestern nigeria. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel adebayo omotunde & samuel oyeyemi agbeleoba 80 a brief review of literature on interjections there is no single encompassing and generally accepted definition of interjections in the literature probably due to their “multifunctional property” and “heterogeneity” (mao, 2017:41). the above assertion has been earlier revealed by norrick (2009:867) when he writes that: giving an exhaustive and detailed definition of interjection is not a simple linguistic exercise since they do not only appear as “single words” but also in the form of “sounds”, “phrases” as well as “utterances”. nevertheless, some scholars have given definitions of the term. leech (1989:215) writes that “an interjection is the grammatical term for an exclamation word such as ‘oh’, ‘ah’ and ‘wow’. crystal (1995:207) avers that “an interjection is a word or sound thrown into a sentence to express some feelings of the mind”. hismanoglu (2010:18) opines that the term “interjection arises from the latin inter meaning ‘between’ and jacer meaning ‘throw’. they are words and constructions with no real linguistic value but we generally employ them to express feelings or state of mind in daily life situation”. in order to give a more illuminating view of what interjection means, ameka (2006:743) says that “interjection may be defined using formal, semantic or pragmatic criteria”. he goes on to briefly explain what each of the criteria is all about. ameka’s “definition” is almost equivalent to “the nature of interjection” approach used by goddard (2014:4-6) in shedding light on what interjections really mean and cover. using the formal criterion, ameka (2006:743) sees a typical interjection as a lexical item that: i. conventionally constitutes a nonelliptical utterance by itself; ii. does not enter into construction with other words classes; iii. does not take inflections or derivational affixes; and iv. is mono-morphemic. point (ii) above agrees with the position of broughton (1990) that interjections do not have grammatical linkage with other classes of words and they normally occur in isolation. in defining interjections semantically, the scholar declares that interjections are “conventionalized linguistic signs that express a speaker’s current mental state, attitude, or reaction towards a situation”. also from the pragmatic point of view, ameka writes that interjections are “context-bound linguistic signs. that is, are tied to specific situations and index elements in the extra-linguistic context. they cannot be fully interpreted unless they are situated in the appropriate discourse”. this simply means that context influences how interjections are interpreted. in essence, the notion of pragmatic competence is equally relevant in interpreting interjections. apart from definition, ameka (2006) identifies some characteristics of interjections of which phonological and morphological anomalies are part. he classifies interjections into two using the criteria of form and function, namely the form of the interjection and the communicative function of the interjection. he further classifies the form of interjection into two which are primary and secondary interjections. taavistsainen (1993:574) declares that primary interjections consist of one word and they do not enter into syntactic constructions”. in terms of function, ameka (2006) avers that interjections can perform expressive, conative and phatic functions. reflecting on the function of interjection, taavistsainen (1993:574) writes that interjections “express a speaker’s state, action or attitude and communicative intentions”. olateju’s (2006) work titled “’oh!’ as a marker of information management in ola rotimi’s our husband has gone mad again” investigates the functions performed by “oh” in the drama text from the perspective of discourse analysis. however, the paper does not investigate “ah” and other yoruba language specific interjections. in his own contribution to the study of interjections, goddard (2014:6) classifies interjections into three which are formal, semantic and contextual. apart from the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 81 above, goddard contributes to the research on interjections by using what he calls natural semantic meta-language (nsm) to analyse “surprise” related interjections in english such as wow! gee! gosh! etc and “disgust” related interjections in english such as yuck, ugh etc. mao’s (2017) paper perhaps provides the most current insight into the study of interjections though he narrows his work to only “emotive” and “expressive” interjections. in order to make his work unique, he categorises primary interjections into universal emotive interjections, specialized emotive interjections and grammaticalized primary interjections. one significant assertion made by mao (2017:45), which we fully align with in this work is that “emotions behind universal primary interjections are optional in such a wide range that the item (e.g. oh) would have various interpretations in different situations”. this translates to the fact that context influences the emotive and informative content of interjections. nforbi, konesso and moko’s (2016) paper is equally significant in that the work explains the various ways through which english interjections like wow! hey! oops! and ouch! can be correctly taught to students and how they can use them properly in context. using insights from different sources like course books, textbooks, articles and oral sources, the paper gives copious examples of english interjections and their meanings. all the works examined in this section and other related ones which are not mentioned, no doubt, have shed light considerably on interjections. however, none has paid attention to the various functions that universal emotive interjections oh, ah perform in an extended literary discourse written by a non-native speaker of the english language. also, none of them has investigated the yoruba language specific interjections in the texts chosen for analysis. furthermore, other common yoruba language specific interjections apart from the ones in our primary text have not been functionally analysed. it is the above gaps that this paper wishes to fill. sources of data for the study the data for this work is derived from two sources of which the first one is wole soyinka’s alápatà àpáta (2011). the choice is based on two major considerations. the first is that the play is replete with universal emotive interjections (oh, ah, etc) which perform different functions of which some might not have been identified in the literature. the text is equally chosen because it contains three (3) examples of language specific interjections (haba! yee! yeeparipa!) which would be used as an avenue to present other language specific interjections in the yoruba language spoken in the southwestern part of nigeria. these other language specific interjections are identified through personal observations and overheard conversations. works of drama are generally appropriate to investigate the types and functions of interjections because the dialogues in them are close to naturally-occurring speeches. method of data analysis for the data extracted from alápatà àpáta, the relevant excerpts containing specific interjections were grouped under their appropriate functions based on the context of the utterance. this agrees with the position of mao (2017:45) that emotions behind interjections are “optional in such a wide range that one item (e.g. oh) would have various interpretations in different situations. consequently, context is strongly bound with the vocal units”. in addition, the researchers are able to state the functions of the yoruba language specific interjections in context because they are highly competent in the language due to the fact that they are the native speakers of the language. in other words, they rely on native speaker’s judgment. in analysing or identifying the functions of interjections in the text, two examples were used to illustrate each point. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel adebayo omotunde & samuel oyeyemi agbeleoba 82 functions of universal primary interjections in the text “a-ah”, “o-oh”, “oh-ho” are used to indicate sudden realization or remembrance of a fact or point the above are primary universal interjections used sometimes in discourse by the current speaker to show that he/she has just remembered a fact or point that is relevant to the discourse. they are equally used to indicate that the ongoing discourse has triggered a point or certain idea that is either remotely or genuinely connected with the current topic. in this situation, it does not necessarily mean that it is the last speaker’s speech that triggers the point, the fact or the idea that suddenly comes to the speaker who uses any of the above interjections. in this situation, it is not necessarily that it is the last speaker’s speech that triggers the point. sometimes, it is the event, that is, the nonlinguistic situation that triggers the fact that is realised or remembered by the current speaker. below are the examples from our data: 1st farmer: are you no longer a herbalist? 2nd farmer: what kind of question is that? of course, i still practice my father’s trade – just like your brother. 1st farmer: you no longer know a madman when you see one. 2nd farmer: (turns slowly and stares more carefully at alaba) o-oh (p. 24). in the above excerpt, the object of discourse is alaba, the main character. because of the way he sits in the same place every time and every day, different characters in the play describe him in different ways. a critical look at the dialogue above reveals that the 2nd farmer uses “o-oh” to indicate that he has just realised that alaba is a madman based on the preceding comments of the 1st farmer. alaba: ah well, i don’t know who else can help you. my advice would be – wait right here until those workers start passing on their way to work…. senior boy: but that means we’ll be late to school, sir. painter: (really agitated) ha, mo gbe, supercharge will call it double delinquency and give me double punishment, lateness and failure to complete assignment. alaba: supercharge? who is that? (pupils splutter, stammer, look at each other) ohho, so that’s what you call your teacher. painter: baba, please, don’t tell him. (p. 72) in the above excerpt, painter (a student) calls one of his teachers a nickname – supercharge, forgetting that alaba (teacher’s friend) is there. the name “supercharge” is strange to alaba whereupon he wishes to know the person. however, the behaviour of the two students (senior boy and painter) which is adequately captured in the stage direction typed in italics above leads alaba to sudden realization that “supercharge” is teacher’s nickname, hence, he uses “oh-ho” interjection before the main comment. “oh-yes” for making emphatic positive response or to indicate total agreement in this situation, the current speaker uses the interjection above to show emphatic positive response to the previous speaker’s speech or to show total agreement with the last speaker’s utterance. below are instances from our data. investor: let’s do that. i mustn’t miss my plane. prospector: no sweat. just the matter of leaving that deposit. refundable within two weeks. investor: oh yes, as soon as i get back i’ll do an electronic transfer (p. 14). in the excerpt above, investor uses “ohyes” to show total agreement with his interlocutor on the issue of “leaving the deposit”. in other words, the investor emphatically agrees that he will settle the issue of money involved in the transaction under discussion through an electronic transfer. alaba: you don’t know my oriki? well, you know what oriki is at least. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 83 senior boy: oh yes sir. it’s a kind of praise name (p. 76). “oh yes” is used above by the senior boy as an emphatic positive response to the question. “oh” and “ah” for expressing surprise in the text under consideration, “oh” and “ah” are used to express surprise in respect to the last speaker’s contribution to the ongoing discourse. this means that the information passed across by the previous speaker is a totally new and unexpected one. the excerpt below is used to illustrate the point. 2nd student: hey, hey, are you sure of what you are saying? 1st student: how do you think i got to know the place so well? it was his shop i selected for my master’s dissertation abattoirs and ruminants as dialectical paradigms. 2nd mechanic: oh, you know him that well? (p. 50) in the text above, 1st student is describing the place where alaba (the main character) sells suya. he goes further that he writes his master’s dissertation on alaba’s shop. the information sounds so impressive to 2nd mechanic that he makes the statement in which “oh” conveys surprise taking the context of the utterance into account. alaba: you are all welcome mother: actually, baba, we came to you for advice alaba: me? ah, (sits up) i hope nothing serious. are you sure i can help? (p. 117) in the situation above, mother and her daughter came all the way from lagos to see alaba. mother reveals that they have come to him for advice. the interjection “ah” as used in the context signifies surprise. “oh” and “ah” for conveying emotion of delight and admiration during interaction, one of the interlocutors may say or do something which delights the listener or which the listener really admires. in order to express this emotion, interjections “oh” and “ah” may be used alone or used to accompany utterance which matches the emotion as evident in the following illustrations. alaba: teacher, every handing-over note makes mention of him. in fact, the last president – that was all he set down in his handing-over note: whatever you do, he wrote in his presidential green ink – i have just one advice to give you – don’t tamper with the suya section of the kitchen. teacher: (declaiming) oh, destiny, thy name is wonder! who would have thought that this crossroad of our humble villages would produce the chief meat carver and suya specialist, not just to one head of state, but to his successor; ah well, he is of good pedigree. the nation owes you (pp. 42-43), in the above selection, alaba is narrating to teacher how one of his former apprentices described as “the head of the meat section of the presidential kitchen” was recommended to be retained by the outgoing president. teacher’s emotional response to the above information is that of delight expressed with the use of “oh” before the main information. teacher: you must forgive us. sometimes we don’t know what we have until the callus over our eyes is peeled off by others. the royal father must have heard what you did to the soldiers, that’s why they trooped out to pay their respect. friend: thank goodness even the royal fathers know when to set aside their pretensions and come and render homage where homage is due. farmer: a-ah, you should have been here that day. those soldiers came here like cowards under dark. they surrounded the rock. we all fled into the bushes. the weapons they brought! then they saw alapata, sitting quietly in his usual place. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel adebayo omotunde & samuel oyeyemi agbeleoba 84 he did not blink. one look at him and they scattered (p. 171). the characters above are praising alaba for some of his exploits in the village which they ignorantly believe is the main reason for the coming of the royal fathers to alaba’s place of residence. the farmer, in his attempt to glowingly recount what alaba does to the soldiers, starts with interjection aah which contextually passes across emotion of extreme admiration. “oh” to pass across emotion of disappointment or lack of interest in something said by the interlocutor in this function of interjection, the previous or last speaker says something or gives information that is contrary to what the current speaker expects or information that is not of his/her interest. this is illustrated as follows: painter: only the accents remain – on the letters alaba: well, your work is nearly done then. congratulations senior boy: but that’s the trouble sir. our boy big arse’o here doesn’t know where the accents go alaba: oh, you don’t? (p. 65) alaba, in the above passage, expresses disappointment initially with the use of “oh” at the inability of the painter to put accents on the signboard that teacher asks him to make for alaba. in other words, alaba expects the painter as a senior secondary school boy to be able to put accents on words. however, the inability of the boy to do so becomes a source of disappointment rendered through the primary universal emotive interjection “oh”. alaba: i keep saying that i’m a retired man but just see what fate has been keeping in store for me…. always on call, one way or the other even without my knives and apron. i am beginning to think it’s on account of this rock. no matter what, i accept my fate. so, what is your problem? daughter: (suddenly bursts out) alapata sir, it’s my husband! alaba: oh, that kind of problem? what’s the matter with him? (p. 120) although alaba is a retired butcher in the play, people come to him to seek advice on various issues. at a point, two women come from lagos, saying that they want to discuss a particular problem with him whereupon he asks them the nature of the problem. alaba cannot hide his disappointment which is visible in the interjection “oh” before the main comment. this function of “oh” has probably not been investigated in the literature. “oh” and “ha” for expressing desperation desperation in this context has the meaning of extreme anxiety, fear or despair. the “oh” and “ha” interjections are normally used when the last speaker says or does something that is likely to have negative effect on the current speaker. the interjections can also be used by the current speaker when the last speaker talks or acts in such a way as to indicate that the plight of his/her or interlocutor is not of concern to him/her. the following are examples from our text: alaba: …but i did not need to pass an exam to become london butcher or expert in suya. instead, london came to me; not just london, the whole world. look at those postcards if you don’t believe me. none of them ever asked me about akiset. painter: oh, i’m going to fail, i’m going to fail (p. 69). in the above, teacher (alaba’s friend) asks painter to design a signboard that reads: abà àlàbá alápatà rt. d. butcher emeritus maestro di suya alumnus butcherus, queen victoria secondary (p. 61). the yoruba language accents, being a tone language, have to be put on some words in order to realise their correct meanings. painter does not know how to put accents on words because he is not a yoruba person whereupon he solicits the assistance of alaba. alaba responds that he does not journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 85 know what accent (which he pronounces as akiset) means and nobody has asked him about it before. it is this information that prompts painter to exhibit emotion of desperation through “oh” before the main information. alaba: ah well, i don’t know who else can help you. my advice would be – wait right here until those workers start passing on their way to work. senior boy: but that means we’ll be late to school, sir. painter: (really agitated) ha, mo gbe. supercharge will call it double delinquency and give me double punishment; lateness and failure to complete assignment (p. 72). “ha” as used by painter above passes across emotion of desperation because of fear and anxiety of what supercharge (teacher) will do to him for his “lateness and failure to complete assignment”. this function of interjection has probably not been identified in the literature. “oh” and “ah” for making emphatic negative response this is a situation where the current speaker strongly passes across the message that he/she does not agree with the last speaker’s idea, point of view or line of reasoning. on the above point, olateju (2006:59) writes that “in emphatic negative response, oh with no could form a sequentially constrained pair in which the speaker’s emphatic negative response will be seen as officially absent if not pronounced”. the following are examples from our data: teacher: a head to head, heart to heart talk first, the military assault, then the royal fathers, and …see how people have read both? even my own head is spinning. as our man wrote centuries ago, there is a tide in the affairs of men…this is a high tide in the affairs of orita mefa. my master plan is back on track, if anything, bigger than ever. alaba: (retreating) ah, no no, teacher, no. your plans are big. too big for me. i know they are clever because you’re a clever man. you think big. but all your ideas do is get me into trouble. i want my retirement. (p. 177) teacher, in the context of the play, is alaba’s advisor and chief planner. however, alaba believes that teacher’s recent plans and pieces of advice have only brought him trouble and headache, even with the town’s royal fathers. hence, we believe that the use of “ah, no no” by alaba is to emphatically make it known to teacher that he does not want any of his (teacher’s) plans at that point in time. daanielebo: palm wine? i am offering you champagne, nothing lower than crystal – morning, noon and night. alaba: ah no, teacher – that’s my own “father”. if you like, my mentor, since you seem to know about him already – he made me try that stuff once, and it gave me headache for days. (p. 137) “ah no” is used above by alaba to indicate emphatic refusal of daanielebo’s offer of champagne on the ground that it gives him a headache. “ah” for indicating caution or warning it is possible when conversations are going on for one of the interactants to use the interjection “ah” to caution or warn his/her interactant. this may be for the benefit of the speaker, his/her listener or even the third party. however, it is the verbal message that follows the interjection that will reinforce or give full weight to this function of interjection just like others. the following are examples from our data: daanielebo: what is there to be confused about? don’t we all pray that we should be greater than our fathers? alaba: true, true. and èdùmàrè granted that prayer. for both of us. daanielebo: no. for you, yes, you became more famous than your father but in my case…. alaba: ah, gomina, don’t commit sin o. don’t commit sin. òrúnmìlà is listening. don’t be ungrateful (p. 135). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel adebayo omotunde & samuel oyeyemi agbeleoba 86 in africa, children always pray to surpass their parents’ achievements. in the case of the characters above, alaba reiterates the fact that both of them are already greater than their fathers in that alaba is known throughout the country as the best suya maker even up to the office of the president. daanielebo, on his own, is an executive governor. when daanielebo wants to deny the fact that he is already greater than his father, alaba uses the interjection “ah” which in the context of the utterance that follows is meant to caution or warn daanielebo against saying something that can offend òrúnmìlà (god). daanielebo: he undermines me. he seduces my loyalists. he is so evil, even satan shrinks from his presence. i want to surpass him. i want to beat him at his game. i want to floor him, malice for malice, evil for evil. alaba: (sits bolt upright, staring at him in disbelief for several moments) you want to be more evil than – that your father? daanielebo: you heard me. i want to be the greatest. i have sold my conscience now i want the ultimate. alaba: ah, my great brother, i don’t advise it. that will be the real great grandfather of all headaches (p. 139). daanielebo in the above declares that he wants to surpass his father in devilish, dubious and diabolical acts upon which alaba cautions or warns him with the initial use of the interjection “ah” and the utterance that follows lends more weight to the caution or warning. the above are some of the functions of the universal emotive and primary informative interjections in the text. the next section discusses the functions of language specific interjections found in the text which are haba, yeeparipa,and yee. functions of language specific interjections in the text “haba” this is a disyllabic interjection which originated from the hausa language. the meaning varies according to the context in which it is used. generally, it may show emotion of surprise. in some cases, it may be informative in that it can pass across the following information if used in context or used alone as a response to the last speaker. a. what you have said was unbelievable (surprising) b. the issue is not as serious as you have taken it. “haba” is used three times in the text. two of these are: alaba: this matter requires serious thought. it is delicate. 3rd okada: we know baba. you’re our only hope. alaba: if the problem is of this earth, then to earth belongs the solution. 3rd okada: our views exactly, baba. alaba: (eyes shut, heavy concentration. a beam breaks across his face) haba, i did not even need my thinking cap for that. this is no problem at all. crash helmet you say, the government says you must wear crash helmets? (p. 150) in the above, three (3) okada (motorcycle) riders approach alaba to help them solve the problem of government policy that all okada riders should have crash helmets. in alaba’s last conversational turn above, the interjection “haba” contextually means something like “the problem is not as serious as i have taken it to be”. this function of “haba” is almost the same thing as that of “sudden realization” of the universal primary emotive interjection “oh”. oluwo: stop! stop right there. this court has just one question for you. just where did you get the chieftaincy title of alápatà of àpáta? alaba: (light slowly downing) the alápatà? of àpáta? ah-ah. is that my crime? asipa: is what your crime? can you think of a more heinous crime? the oluwo asked you – who gave you that chieftaincy title? alaba: (slowly clambering back to his feet) haba, my royal elders. it is the name i was given. the akiset was a akisident so i journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 87 tried to make the best of the situation (pp. 163-164). the traditional ruler of the town and his chiefs accuse alaba of giving himself a chieftaincy title (alápatà of àpáta) which of course is the result of wrong placement of an accent on alápatà. in fact, when the chiefs arrive at alaba’s residence, they roundly abuse him. so, when he eventually learns that his crime is that he has given himself a chieftaincy title, he utters “haba” to show his surprise and incredulity. in other words, he expresses surprise that the royal father and his chiefs could leave the royal palace, come to his residence and accuse him of something which he believes is very trivial. he explains to them that the accent (akiset) which confers the chieftaincy title on him is only an accident (akisident) or not intentional. “yéèpàrìpà” just like “haba” above, this is also a language and culture specific interjection. “yéèpàrìpà” is an interjection strictly used among the yoruba people of the southwestern nigeria. it is both informative and emotive. in the yoruba society, when oro (cult) members walk the street, they use “yéèpàrìpà” to warn all those around to stay indoor as it is forbidden for anybody to see them. that is, it is only the initiates that can see members of the cult. in another sense, “yéèpàrìpà” is used by initiates when they see or hear non-initiates say or do something that only the initiates are supposed to say or do. in this case, “yéèpàrìpà” means “an abomination has been committed”. however, when this interjection is uttered in a “non-cult initiate context”, it is simply informative – that the utterer has run into a serious trouble or has come across something that is lifethreatening. it may equally mean that something bad has happened or about to happen to another person that is close to the utterer of the interjection. this interjection occurs thrice in our data. it is presented below: painter: but baba, this looks like guess work to me. senior boy: we might as well as a babaláwo to consult ifá for us. alaba: yéèpàrìpà! shut your mouth you senior dunce, your ears are so stuffed; you can’t even recognise a do-re-mi if it was played on dùndún drums. and you, kanuri boy, what do you know of ifá? you think you can just take ifá’s name in vain? (p. 81) alaba uses “yéèpàrìpà” above to mean that “an abomination has been committed by the senior boy for mentioning ifá (which is a revered means of consultation and divination in yoruba society). in this case, alaba means to say that a boy as young as the senior boy should not use the expression “consult ifá”. the above is a specialised language specific primary interjection which probably has not been researched into before. daanielebo: (looking down on the boy whose back is turned to him. stops) that one is just a child. he’s nothing. figure in red: is no ordinary child. it’s not even a child, it’s his àǹjònnú. with a broom. anjonnu olowo! this is beyond my powers o. daanielebo: stop! you can’t leave me alone here. move one step and you are sacked. figure in red: i resign daanielebo: security, protect your governor! policema: (picking himself up) yessir. i’ll radio for reinforcement. (takes off at full speed). daanielebo: (boy turns. daani sees his face for the first time) àǹjònnú olówó, the demon of the rock! yéèpàrìpà! (dives headlong over the rear of the rock) (p. 145) in the above excerpt, daanielebo (an executive governor) and his security aides come to alaba’s house in order to forcefully take over the rock in front of his house with the belief that it contains something of real substance. when they get there, one of daanielebo’s security aides (figure in red) notices a boy who unknown to him (figure in red) and the policeman is alaba’s son. however, the boy has had his face painted and he is holding a broom with the intention of sweeping the front of the house. the fearful appearance of the boy coupled with the broom he is holding makes journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel adebayo omotunde & samuel oyeyemi agbeleoba 88 the security aides believe that the boy is an àǹjònnú (elf or imp) whereupon they take to their heels leaving daanielebo to take care of himself. when daanielebo himself sees the boy’s appearance, he utters yéèpàrìpà believing that what he is looking at is àǹjònnú olówóthe demon of the rock he has come to take over. in yoruba worldview, no “ordinary” person sees an àǹjònnú and survives. hence, “yéèpàrìpà” in the context is both emotive and informative. it passes across emotion of fear as well as giving the information that the utterer is in real trouble or danger of losing his life then or later because of something he has seen, done or heard. “yéé” this is another language and culture specific interjection mainly used among the yoruba people. it is a specialised emotive interjection. when somebody utters this interjection, it specifically carries the general meaning of “i am in trouble”, “i am ruined”, “i am finished”, “this is really a sad occurrence”, etc “yéé” is different from “ye” which merely expresses surprise or bewilderment. “yéé” occurs once in our data. senior boy: but that means we’ll be late to school, sir. painter: (really agitated) ha, mo gbé. supercharge will call it double delinquency and give me double punishment, lateness and failure to complete assignment. alaba: supercharge? who is that? (pupils splutter, stammer, look at each other) ohho, so that’s what you call your teacher. supercharge. painter: baba, please, don’t tell him. alaba: don’t tell him? why not? both: baba please…in the name of god…ah, yéé, we are surely finished, etc, etc. (p. 72) in the above, painter and the senior boy mistakenly reveal the nickname they call their teacher, which is “supercharge” in the presence of alaba who incidentally is a friend of teacher. when alaba insists on telling him, both of them use the specialised emotive interjection “yéé” to mean that they are in trouble. “págá” and “pagidari” apart from the above, other notable language specific interjections in yoruba language and culture are “págà” and “pagidarì”. “págá” generally, means that something unpleasant has happened (bad news). for example, if somebody dies, somebody misses a great opportunity, a game escapes from a hunter or escapes from his trap or snare, etc, the person that suffers the loss or the person that is affected may use the interjection “págà" (two syllables). in essence, "págà" captures a wide range of situations. “pagidarì” is an interjection used only in a very restricted situation. it generally means somebody of importance, a weighty or a very influential person has died. when “pagidarì" is uttered in yorubaland, a competent speaker of the language will not ask “what has happened?” but rather “who has died?” in other words, "pagidarì" is not a universal interjection. the full form of this interjection is "pagidarì igí dá" (pagidarì a mighty tree has fallen). conclusion this paper discusses various communicative and emotive functions of two universal primary interjections which are “oh” and “ah” in the context of their usage. the work is significant in the sense that the text which serves as our source of data is written by a non-native speaker of the english language. this is an indication that “oh” and “ah” are universal interjections rather than english language specific. furthermore, for the simple fact that the interjections are made to perform different functions in context as revealed in the interactions of the character shows that the writer or author of the text for analysis is competent in the use of these universal interjections. the author has contributed to scholarship by identifying additional emotive or informative functions which “oh” and “ah” can perform in the context other than the ones identified by olateju (2006), hismanogalu (2010) and nforbi et al (2016). in other words, we have discovered that “oh” and “ah” can convey emotive and informative journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 89 functions of desperation, disappointment or lack of interest and caution or warning which have probably not been identified in the literature before. however, the most important contribution of this paper to scholarship is in the analysis of the functions of “haba”, “yeeparipa”, “yee”, “paga” and “pagidari” which are all language and culture specific. apart from “haba” which has its origin in hausa language, all others are yoruba language and culture specific. they are all informative interjections. references ameka, f. k. 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2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 102 it is interesting to conduct a study observing something in real life where people, in this case lecturers, really apply politeness strategy in their daily interaction, especially with their students. the lecturer-student relationship is often understood as an asymmetrical relationship. however there are several lecturers who apparently tend to be relatively close to their students. the lecturers can possibly place themselves as a friend or learning assistant for the students. by becoming so, the students tend to be more active to participate in the discussion since the learning-teaching style today is more student-oriented. it is in line with the statement from maypole and davies (2001) that student-centered learning is defined as a fact that knowledge is produced when students are the key initiators and architects of their own learning and knowledge making rather than passive ‘vessels’ who receive the transmission of knowledge from ‘expert’ teachers (as cited in barraket, 2005, p. 65). to be more specific, this linguistic study selects “introduction to english literature” lecturers as its sample. moreover, this subject also turns out to be crucial for the students since it becomes the fundamental element for them to, further, study literature in the english letters department. through the perspective of politeness, this research aims to reveal how the lecturers, examined by means of the language expressions that they use in their instructions, put themselves in their relationship with the students. politeness during the interaction, people encounter different people from different age, gender, and social class. this condition affects the use of language by the speaker. for example is the language of parents and children. parents may order their children to behave or be quiet. they usually use certain expression such as: “behave!” and “be quiet!” on the other hand, the language of a teacher and students is different. when a student asks for permission to his teacher, he or she will say, “excuse me, ma’am, may i wash my hand?” these differences, then, are called politeness strategy. according to yule (1996), politeness is defined as a way to show awareness of another person’s public self-image (p. 60). to support yule’s statement, cruse (2006, p. 131) states that politeness is a matter of minimizing the negative effects of what one says on the feelings of others and maximizing the positive effects. 1. face the main concept of politeness approach is face. yule (1996, p. 60) defines face as a public self-image of a person. it refers to that emotional and social sense of self that everyone has and expects everyone else to recognize. in order to reach successful social interaction, people should be aware of another one’s face. in line with yule’s definition, face is the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume he or she has taken during a particular contact (goffman as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 39). in holtgraves' book, ‘face’ is divided into two parts. first, negative face is the right to get freedom of action and freedom from imposition, while, positive face, the second one, is the need to be appreciated by others, and to maintain a positive self-image (2002, p. 39). for example, when someone asks to get a pen from someone else, if he applies negative face, he says “could you lend me a pen?” on the other hand, if he wants to show his positive face, he can say, “how about letting me to use your pen?” in everyday conversation, a person often expects that their public self-image will be respected or the so-called face wants. yule (1998, p . 61) explains that if the speaker says something to lessen the possible threat from another’s face, it is called a face saving act. a. face-threatening act (fta) the threat that is given to another individual’s self-image is called facethreatening act or fta (yule, 1996, p. 61). this act avoids the freedom of actions (negative face) and states someone’s wish to be wanted by others (positive face). in an attempt to avoid fta, the interlocutors use journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 103 specific strategies to minimize the threat according to a rational assessment of the participants’ face risk. off record off record (indirect) takes some pressure off of the speaker. the utterances in off record are indirectly addressed to the other (yule, 1996, p. 63). it precises the fact that the meaning of an utterance is interpreted up to the hearer. the fta performs off record, typically through the deployment of an indirect illocutionary act which has more than one interpretations and, thus, allows presumptive deniability on the part of the speaker. it happens when the intended recipient takes offence at the face threat inherent in the utterance. brown and levinson (1987) in holtgraves' book categorize the off record sub strategies based on gricean’s four maxims, especially the ones that are violated. firstly, violation of the quality maxim results in sarcastic irony, metaphor, rhetorical question. violation of the manner maxim, as the second one, causes euphemisms and vagueness. third, violation of quantity maxim can result in understatement or overstatement. while the last one, the violation of relation maxim can occur in variety condition (as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 44) in conclusion, a person can do off record and leave it up to the addressee to decide how to interpret it. the hearer cannot know with certainty that a hint has been broached; the speaker can credibly claim an alternative interpretation. here, the threat to face is very high. inviting conversational implicature and being vague or ambiguous are the sub strategies of off record. on record in contrast to off record statement, on record means expressing something directly toward the speaker (yule, 1996, p. 63) i. bald on record in this strategy, fta is performed. bald on record represents attachment to grice’s maxims and hence, the form is maximally efficient communication (brown & levinson as cited in holtgraves. 2002, p. 42). to do so “baldly” entails phrasing it in direct and honest terms with no attempt to soften the face-threatening thrust. the bald on record does nothing to minimize threats to the hearer's face. here, there is no attempt to acknowledge what the hearer’s face wants. this strategy usually uses imperative form. ii. face saving act the utterances or actions to lessen the threat of another’s face are called face saving act, a face saving act which is oriented to the person’s negative face is called negative politeness. whereas, a face saving act concerned with the person’s positive face— one tending to show solidarity and emphasizes that both speakers want the same thing and they have a common goal—is called positive politeness (yule, 1996, p. 62). positive politeness positive face refers to every individual’s basic desire for their public self-image to be engaged, ratified, and appreciated by others. the fta is done by utilizing strategies which are oriented towards the positive face threat received by the hearer. the essence of this strategy is the staking of a claim for some degree of familiarity with one’s interlocutor (holtgraves, 2002, p. 46). the positive politeness shows that the speaker recognizes the hearer has desire to be respected. it also confirms that the relationship is friendly and it expresses group reciprocity. this type of strategy is usually found in some groups of friends or where the people in a social situation know each other fairly well. here, the threat to face is relatively low. it usually tries to minimize the distance between them by expressing friendly statement and solid interest in the hearer’s needs. according to brown and levinson, there are three strategies which are included in positive politeness. they are claiming common ground, conveying that the speaker and the hearer are co-operators, and fulfilling the hearer’s want for something. negative politeness the negative politeness also recognizes the hearer's negative face (desire for autonomy) (holtgraves, 2002, p. 44). however, it also admits that the speaker is journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 104 imposing on the hearer. this is the most common and linguistically diverse strategy. negative polite constructions contain negative face by demonstrating distance and wariness. the negative politeness focuses on minimizing the imposition by attempting to soften it. the sub strategies of negative politeness include being conventionally indirect. it can be performed by questioning or asserting felicity condition underlying the act. thus, to request another to shut a door, one can say, “will you shut the door?”, “can you shut the door?”, “i want you to shut the door”, and so on. negative politeness also can be done through not presuming or assuming anything regarding the hearer’s belief or desire. the primary means for this strategy is through the use of hedges. here are two examples of hedges: “i think abortion is wrong, by the way…” and “i’m sorry to bring this up, but…” the other sub-strategy also involves an attempt to lessen threat. it includes not only conventional indirectness, but also conveying of pessimism. “would you open the window?” as well as “you don’t have any spare paper don’t you?” are the examples of the sub-strategy. the next strategy is to communicate explicitly that one does not want to weight upon the other. for example, “i don’t want to bother you, but…” this strategy shows that a person does not want to be a burden for others. it shows one’s respect to another. the final sub-strategy of negative politeness is to simply go on record as incurring a debt (e.g., “i’d be eternally grateful for your help”). holtgraves (2002) states that this strategy gives directness to the speaker, but the speaker gives more emphasis on his or her feeling (pp. 44-46). b. no face threatening act (no fta) here, the speakers entirely avoid performing the fta, t o t a l l y avoiding threat to another’s face. speakers choose this strategy when they estimate the threat to another’s face is extremely high. in other words, this strategy results in silence. the speaker tends not to say anything (yule, 1996, p. 62) for example, there is someone who wants to borrow a lawnmower from his neighbor. if he does not know his neighbor, he may decide to choose the negative pole of rational decision (not to do the fta at all), which logically result in never borrowing the lawnmower at all. of course, if he is desperate, he can secretly “borrow” the lawnmower without asking and without the addressee knowing. in the end, this strategy is showing someone’s intention to do something by him or herself without saying anything to others. figure 1. politeness strategy from brown and levinson (1987, p. 316) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 105 2. the interpersonal-determinant politeness brown and levinson (1987) state that the seriousness of an fta which may affect choice of politeness strategies involves the interpersonal-determinant factors (p. 319). in addition, it is known from their theory as well that there are three categories of interpersonal determinant factors. first is the social distance, second one is the relative power and third, the last one is the absolute ranking of impositions in certain culture as briefly described below. a. social distance brown and levinson say that distance is a symmetrical social dimension of similarity or difference within which speakers and hearers stand for the purpose of an act (1987, p.320). as it is known that the communication between friends is more informal since there is no great social distance. while on the contrary, the higher social distance triggers higher degree of politeness of the participant. yule (1996) classifies it into two different strategies. the tendency to use positive politeness form, emphasizing closeness between speaker and hearer, this can be seen as a solidarity strategy. while the tendency to use negative politeness form, emphasizing the hearer’s freedom which is seen as deference strategy. it is impersonal as if nothing is shared between the interlocutors. this strategy is also called formal politeness (p. 66). b. relative power brown and levinson (1987) classify the sources of power into two. they are material control (over economic distribution and physical force) and metaphysical power (over the action of others) (p. 321). this explanation can be clearly seen in the given example by brown and levinson (1987). when a boss asks for permission to his or her employee, he or she just says, “mind if i smoke?” or to be direct (bald on record). on the contrary, when the employee asks for permission to the boss, he or she applies high degree of politeness by saying, “excuse me, sir, would it be alright if i smoke?” (as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 80). c. absolute ranking of imposition in the certain culture impositions can still situationally vary in value, according to brown and levinson (1987, p. 321). brown and levinson categorize impositions two ranks called rank of order of imposition requiring services and rank of order of impositions requiring goods (including information). these impositions cause ftas. the greater the ftas, the greater the imposition of the act is. this is when the speaker uses highly standard politeness strategies in his or her speaking. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 106 politeness strategies applied by the lecturers of introduction to english literature subject this part presents that the lecturers apply several types of politeness strategies in delivering their instructions. the writer finds out that there are four types of politeness strategies applied. they are bald on record, positive, negative politeness strategy, and off record. in total, there are thirty-one utterances of politeness strategies in giving instructions. in order to gain better comprehension of the data that the researcher has got in this research, the writer provides a table so that it becomes more wellorganized and understandable. the table presents the types of politeness found in the lecturers’ instructions, the occurrences or how many times a certain type is applied, and the percentage of each type’s application. table 1. politeness strategies applied by the lecturers of introduction to english literature no type of politeness occurrence percentage 1 bald on record 8 26% 2 positive politeness strategy 15 48% 3 negative politeness strategy 7 23% 4 off record 1 3% total 31 100% as stated earlier that there are four types of politeness strategies applied by the lecturers. eight of them are bald on record strategy or 26% in percentage. for positive politeness strategy, it appears fifteen times— 48% out of 100% in percentage. seven utterances contain negative politeness strategy or 23% in percentage. while for the other one is classified as off record strategy that in other words, it is 3% in percentage. however, firstly, the writer analyzes each of the strategy in order to get a close understanding of each strategy. 1. bald on record bald on record is categorized as the least polite strategy (completely absence of politeness). this strategy aims to reach maximum efficiency of communication (holtgraves, 2002. p. 42). in other words, this type is applied when a person or speaker wants to directly convey his or her point to the interlocutor in order to optimize their communication efficiency as mentioned before. they do not have to add some hedges before they really deliver their intention; they just directly say what they really want to say. in this research, there are two utterances containing bald on record. here are some of the following situations when the lecturers apply bald on record strategy. 8/55/ lecturer a/bld/power lecturer a : all right, even when we talk about uncle james, it is very serious by the end. he was really scared, you know scared, but you know the laugh. why? why? (…) yeah it is against what happen in our daily experience right. that is why so we, we have found the reason. next, is the point clear? yeah, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 102 so sense of proportion has been violated. and then next, back to uncle. you know his uncle, so what do you think, as i said to you earlier, right? he didn’t pretend, he was really scared, you know. from the expression on his face, he was really scared. (…) we burst into laughter, right? why? why? earlier we talked about sense of humor. now, we are trying to see other characters. why? students: (silent) lecturer a : yeah, still silent. two minutes with your neighbor. discuss it again. discuss it again with your neighbors for two until five minutes. so, why we couldn’t help laughing, why? lecturer a, in his utterances of giving instruction, applies bald on record strategy. this strategy comes up after he asks the students the same question for more than one time, but his students still do not even join into the discussion—lecturer a’s question remains unanswered. the silence of his students triggers the lecturer to give a direct instruction by finally applying bald on record in order to gain direct result from his students. he delivers his instructions directly and without any ambiguity. bald on record strategy, which takes form of an instruction or imperative sentence during the discussion, actually represents the directness of an instruction. in addition, the word “please” in a bald on record strategy can also be used as a mitigation device to soften the demand. it is stated at this example below. 7/83/lecturer c /bld/power lecturer c : it always starts with “when” (…). okay, up to this point, do you have any question? all right, if you have no question, then i guess it is already over for today. so, tomorrow we will meet again, please, bring the short story. students: okay. lecturer c : thank you so much. 2. positive politeness strategy the positive politeness basically shows the fact that the speaker recognizes the hearer’s desire to be respected. it also confirms that the relationship is friendly and it expresses reciprocity. in other words, this positive politeness strategy shows intimacy between the interlocutor and the speaker as it happens in a group of friends or a group of people knowing each other well. in this research, there are fifteen utterances of giving instructions that contain positive politeness strategy. the analysis of this strategy is represented by several examples from the lecturers’ instructions. 1/1/lecturer b /pstiv/distance lecturer b : so, these are two stories. a jury of her peers by glaspell and the second short story is sweet potato pie. so, we’re going to read this one first: sweet potato pie. a jury of her peers is short story version of susan glaspell’s trifle. so, after she wrote the drama trifle, the play trifle, she wrote the short story version entitled a jury of her peers. later on, we will try to identify the difference that you can find as readers how the short story differs from the play version, okay? but, before we go to that one, we are going to read sweet potato pie. (deliver the short story to the students). is ten minutes enough for you, students? is ten minutes enough for you? all right i’m going to let you read for 10 minutes. after that, we are going to read the other. we’re going to take turn with this. students: (students read the short story) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 103 in the conversations above, lecturer b shows the sense of togetherness. the word “we” indicates that they have the same purpose and same goal in that class. the focus of the discussion is not only the students, but also the lecturer. the lecturer participates and involves herself in the discussion. based on brown and levinson (1987), she applies the second sub-strategy from positive politeness strategy. it is to claim the association by virtue of the fact that speaker and hearer are, in some sense, are cooperator (brown and levinson as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 47). the other inclusive term “let’s”, since “let’s” actually involves both “you and i”, also becomes the marker of this second substrategy of positive politeness. lecturer a counts himself in so that he makes his relationship with the students in line. 2/1/lecturer a/pstiv/distance lecturer a : now let’s focus on the two plays. yeah, the two plays. jessica agustia. jessica? so where is she? come late? okay, amelia indiravani? amelia? yeah, do you still remember the tittle of the plays? even you have forgotten too? yeah, the tittle of the plays? you do not remember of them? how come?! students: (mumbling) brown and levinson (1987) have mentioned that the speaker and the hearer are, in some sense, co-operators. lecturer a, as well as lecturer b, use the word “let’s” and “we” in their instructions to show this sense. basically, the words “we” and “let’s” are known to give the sense of togetherness in an action and inclusivity. in this case, it shows the fact that the lecturers apply positive politeness strategy. the participants of that conversation are not just limited to either the speaker or the hearer only, but both of them are all involved. betty (1996) states that “let’s” means i have suggestion for us (p. 169). it conveys that, as if the action is being done by both of them. positive politeness strategy can also be indicated by sharing a certain common ground. lecturer b, in her teaching, also applies this sub-strategy. these two utterances below show lecturer b’s intention to build the same understanding about buddy’s characterization with her students before trying to start the discussion. 12/133/lecturer b/pstiv/distance lecturer b : okay, because your brother is going to look like a porter and you do not want that to happen, okay… so, now from this occurrences, can you find the character, the characterization of buddy…? he used to be a poor boy and he was finally able to overcome the obstacles by becoming a professor, right? he visited charlie, his big brother, and he still ate sweet potato pie and it was not a fancy food for professor, but he ate that anyway. he was angry when his brother told his students that he was a friend of himself, not as a brother. so, what kind of characterization? okay? yeah? student 1: down to earth? lecturer b : down to earth? okay… in this case, lecturer b does the so-called grounding. it is accomplished, according to brown and levinson, by conveying the idea that the speaker and the hearer are connected by something in common (1987, p. 46). from the two examples, lecturer b makes the common ground by simplifying it—she encourages her students to imagine the things happening in their real lives and then make it as the illustration of the story. lecturer b tries to build the same point of view with the students. in the end, the grounding finally enables her students to feel the condition and comprehend the story better. besides the common grounding discussed in the preceding paragraph, positive politeness strategy also can be seen from the in-group markers. this notion, then, is supported also by brown and levinson (1987). they mention that group membership journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 104 may be emphasized by using various in-group markers such as familiar address terms such as mate, pal, luv, and guys (p. 46). however, in order to support the theory proposed by brown and levinson (1987), the observer also cites a quotation from yuka’s article entitled “positive politeness strategies in oral communication” (2009). she, as an associate professor in takasaki city university, states that some of the typical examples of positive politeness strategy are complimenting, joking, responding emphatically, and using nicknames (p. 60). the use of familiar ingroup markers are shown below. 6/29/lecturer b /pstiv/distance lecturer b: okay, thank you. vero. mentioned something about poverty here. all right, if you notice the subject, the subject of the story is…, it has something to do with poverty. all right, i need one more student to explore more about this subject: poverty. how does the writer— explore about the buddy’s poverty in the short story? whom do you choose, vero? vero: dira lecturer b : dira, poverty. the subject of poverty in the story. in the utterance, lecturer b gives instructions to her student, named dira, to explain more about poverty in the story. in doing it, lecturer b calls his names by the first name directly. in this case, calling her student’ nicknames signifies that she applies positive politeness strategy in her instruction with the usage of familiar verbal marker. in addition, in the next utterance, she applies “guys” when she instructs her students to stop. this also indicates another familiar address term. these findings are proven to be in line with the statements stated by brown and levinson (1987) in their book and yuka in her article. 7/33/lecturer b/pstiv/distance lecturer b : okay, guys, can you stop there for a while and explore what does shared cropper mean? what does shared cropper mean? what kind of farmer is a shared cropper. shared crop? dira: they have farm, but it appears they only harvest from the owner’s farm and divided the… lecturer b : yeah, the crop. 3. negative politeness strategy negative politeness strategy is performed when the speaker considers the negative face of the hearer. in other words, the speakers try to give freedom toward their their hearer. therefore, this gives an effect on the indirectness of giving an instruction. there are five sub-strategies proposed by brown and levinson (1987). in this research, the writer finds three sub-strategies from seven utterances applying the negative politeness strategy. four of them are selected to be discussed in this part to represent the applied strategy. the most-applied sub-strategy of negative politeness is the indirect one. there are several features which mark this strategy. first, it can be performed by asserting or questioning the felicity condition underlining requests. second, the utterance containing the request-based form (holtgraves, 2002, p. 45). below are some utterances when the lecturers apply the negative politeness substrategy by being indirect when conveying their instructions. 2/31/lecturer c/ngtiv/distance lecturer c: (…) now, then, you can compare that why are the speaker calls 16 as sweet, but then, 70 age, it might be not sweet. what is the opposite of sweet? bitter 70 age or hard 70 age, so whatever they called means anything. but, the speaker starts to think of that age journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 105 when he starts to lose a bit by bit the sweetness of life. all right, now you have question number two and then also question number three-a for stanza two, yeah. i would like you, then, to discuss those questions, question number two, then question number three-b, and then question number five-a. okay, number two, number three-b, and number five, then i would like some of you offer your opinion. okay, good. students: (students do discussion). observing the example above, the researcher finds that in delivering her instruction, the lecturer applies mitigation device to decrease the effect of face threatening act caused by direct instruction. in this case, rather than using the expression “i want you to…”, she tends to apply “i would like you to…” which is generally considered to be more polite. the other negative politeness strategy is by showing the sense of pessimism. it is shown in the utterance below. 4/33/lecturer c /ngtiv/distance lecturer c: (…) maybe i will ask some opinion from (read the attendance list), aulia…. yeeah, why these drastic changes in time do you think? aulia: to show that the relationship between grandfather… and the grand daughter is like the relationship between two years and three years old child… hehehe because child, children only…. first of all, according to ariel (2008), as an utterance of a sentence, pragmatics aspect gives the implicit meaning of a sentence, while grammar aspects display the explicit meaning of it (p. 433). it can be concluded that pragmatics and structure are related to one another. this relation can be seen through the politeness phenomena. seen from the grammatical aspect, the sense of pessimism in the instruction above is portrayed by the usage of “maybe” and “will”. the word “maybe” has only less than 50% sure of certainty (azar, 1999, p. 176) and the word “will” is applied when the speaker makes a prediction in the future (azar, 1999, p.52). the pessimism is also categorized as the sub-trategy of negative politeness stated by brown and levinson (as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 45). another sub-strategy found in this research is involving attempts to lessen threat toward the interlocutor. in this sub-strategy, the speaker not only adds the sense of pessimism in his or her indirect instruction or request, but he or she also shows doubtfulness in their request or instruction. the use of subjunctive is one way to do this strategy. 9/59/ lecturer a/ngtiv/distance lecturer a : all right. so, have you got the answer now? come on, albet. so why? what has made us burst into laughter when we go to that scene, yeah, come on? student: (silent) lecturer a : so would you please return the attendance list, please? attendance list. yeah, why? lecturer a indirectly gives the instruction to his students to bring back the attendance list. then, he applies the subjunctive “would you…” that goes together with the word “please”. this form gives the sense of freedom to the hearer which, then, becomes the main point of negative politeness strategy. in addition, lecturer a does not want to threat his students’ negative face, he conveys his point indirectly and is pessimistic. if, for example, the student cannot make it because of a certain reason, lecturer a does not mind, too. this leads lecturer a to choose negative politeness strategy in giving his instruction. the phrase “would you…” adds the sense of freedom to the hearer which is actually the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 106 essence of negative politeness strategy. however, although the core of it is the sense of the hearer’s freedom, in this case, the student does not have any other options, but to do what his or her lecturer asks for. departing from that fact, this research is directed to another discussion that is explained later in the next section. 4. off record off record is categorized as the most polite strategy. when people apply this strategy, they avoid threaten the hearer’s face. because of the ambiguity in the meaning, the utterance can finally result in having double or even multiple meanings. “i work in such a jail!” is one of the examples. the person saying this sentence can be understood as a person who works in a building that the doors are totally locked during the office hours. another perspective may be metaphorically interpreted as a condition in which the worker is somehow under pressure since his or her boss stresses him or her out. in brief, the meaning of a certain expression applying off record strategy can be interpreted up to the hearer. this strategy adopts the gricean’s maxims for categorizing the types (brown and levinson’s as cited at holtgraves, 2002, p. 43). it is grouped based on what maxim is violated, such as maxim quality, quantity, relation, and manner. the researcher finds one utterance of off record strategy coming from lecturer a. he applies this strategy when he gives instruction to the students to answer his question. 7/45 lecturer a /ofrd/distance lecturer a : (…) i think in drama, there is no narrator, right? in drama, there is no narrator. it is different from the short story we read the other day, why, come on. you are sastra students, you know, you should be able to explain it to you friend studying in different department. why? come on. what’s amusing? all the characters are serious on the stage, but the audience, you know, yeah, keep laughing. yeah? yeah, come on, come on. why? sorry, silence is not golden anymore. students: wesss… (amazed). lecturer a : so, did you hear me? students: yes. (together) in this case, lecturer a violates maxim of quality through his statement “silence is not golden anymore” which is a form of sarcastic metaphor as another kind of off record strategy. people know that the right proverb is “silence is golden”, but in this case, lecturer a talks conversely to create a sarcastic expression. this expression is created to give an instruction to the students which equals to, “come on, say something and be active,” for example. in other words, lecturer a states the phrase because he is triggered by his students’ silence and so it also may represent his annoyance at his students. overall, he states that metaphorical expression in order to satirize his students. the factors influencing lecturers’ politeness strategy in giving instructions lecturer–student relationship is an asymmetrical relationship. this phenomenon is also noticed by cazden (1988). she finds that in typical classroom, teachers have the right to speak at any time and to any person; they can fill any silence or interrupt any speaker; they can speak to a student anywhere in the room and in any volume or tone of voice. no one has any right to object (p. 54). it can be proven from the fact that teacher or lecturer always becomes the one who controls the conversation or any decision inside the class. in other words, the lecturer is a person who has an authority upon his or her students. moreover, there are many different ways for each lecturer to interact with their students, for example lecturers may use question, command, request, and information along their interaction with the students. giving instructions, in this case, can be used as the framework to analyze how the lecturers behave toward their students. the instructions of each lecturer become the representation of their intention to construct a certain type of relationship with the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 107 students. tsui states that instruction is usually given by a person who has the right to get the addressee to comply or obey. this right is usually due to the power or authority that he has over the latter. in addition, the right also may be due to the work setting in which who is to do what is clearly defined (1995, p.129). in this research, the writer finds that each lecturer applies a certain type of politeness strategy in delivering his or her instructions. the strategies are categorized in the range of the most direct instruction, which is bald on record, to the most indirect type that is off record strategy. by means of interpersonal determinants of politeness proposed by brown and levinson, the writer analyzes each lecturer’s intention thoroughly. the interpersonal determinant of politeness depends on three variables: the degree of imposition, the social distance, and the relative power of the hearer over the speaker. based on the theory, the greater the realized face threat of the to-be performed act (the weightiness of the threat), the greater the probability that a speaker will opt for a more polite strategy (holtgraves, 2002, p. 47). the factors that influence the lecturers’ politeness strategies are shown below. 1. social distance distance is a symmetrical social dimension of similarity or difference within which speaker and hearer stand for the purpose of this act. the reflex of social closeness is, generally, noticed by giving and receiving of positive face (brown and levinson, 1987, pp. 320-321). in thirteen utterances of giving instructions, lecturer b applies positive politeness strategy. based on the perspective of interpersonal determinant politeness proposed by brown and levinson (1987), the greater the realized face threat of the to-be performed act (the weightiness of the threat), the greater the probability that a speaker will opt for a more polite strategy. due to the fact that lecturer b, as the one having authority in the class, she has the right to speak directly, especially when instructing. however, the result of this research shows that lecturer b prefers to apply positive politeness strategy rather than bald on record which is in the form of direct instruction. positive politeness strategy emphasizes on claiming for some degree of familiarity. in this case, lecturer b tries to decrease the distance by decreasing the weightiness of her direct act. this strategy implies that lecturer b has an intention to decrease her distance with the students. this is in line with yule (1996) who states that the tendency to use positive politeness form, emphasizing closeness between speaker and hearer, can be seen as a solidarity strategy (p. 66). in order to construct more detailed explanation about lecturer b’s intention, here are some utterances from lecturer b’s instructions. 1/1/lecturer b /pstiv/distance lecturer b : all right, i’m going to let you read for 10 minutes. in this first utterance, lecturer b instructs her students to read for 10 minutes. she shows her intention to lessen the weightiness of her direct act through the positive politeness strategy. the phrase “going to” adds the sense of optimism which is one of the characteristic of politeness strategy. azar states that “going to” is used when someone has an exact plan in the future (1999, p. 52). the utterance proves that lecturer b avoids to use her power through the direct instructions or bald on record strategy. her attempt to decrease the distance is also reflected by the application of familiar addressee terms which are commonly used by a group of people with close relationship. it is captured in this utterance. 7/33/lecturer b /pstiv/distance lecturer b: okay, guys, can you stop there for a while and explore what does shared cropper mean? journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 108 the utterance represents how lecturer b positions herself in the relationship. as the one with authority, actually she does not need to instruct her students by using their nick name or familiar verbal marker. she is permitted to do it directly without any hedges, but in fact, in her lecture, she applies this strategy related to her attempt in decreasing the distance. this assumption is also strengthened by the use of certain pronouns showing the fact that lecturer b involves herself in the instructions. 8/61/lecturer b /distance lecturer b : we’re going to juxtapose or, you know, menyejajarkan, juxtapose the setting of buddy’s apartment, buddy’s place with charlie’s apartment. can you find the one? the word “we” in these utterances highlight the participants. in an asymmetrical relationship like this, the relation is clear between the commander and the doer. the action is always done by the ones commanded so that it affects the form of sentence used by the speaker. asymmetrical relationship lets the speaker to use direct expression, that in instruction, it is identical with imperative sentence (“do x!”). conversely, in this case, lecturer b removes the boundary by saying “we” when she instructs her students and so she involves herself into the activity. the last characteristic that displays lecturer b’s attempt in decreasing her distance toward the students is grounding. grounding is a strategy when someone tells about background knowledge toward his or her hearer in order to have the same perspective or understanding on the discussed topic. this strategy helps the speaker to establish the fact that they share the same interest upon something. 10/91/lecturer b /pstiv/distance lecturer b : then, you had a sister or a brother who was a cab driver and brought that black plastic bag for you, behind you. behind. not with you, but behind. you feel odd, right, but why? can you tell me why? however, in addition, the datum proves that lecturer a also has an intention to become closer with his students by applying positive strategy. 2/1/lecturer a/pstiv/distance lecturer a : now let's focus on the two plays. the word “let’s” emphasizes the sense of togetherness. “let’s” or “let us” emphasizes that the doer is “us”, not only limited to the speaker or hearer, but both of them. betty states that “let’s” means i have suggestion for us (p. 169). it conveys that, as if the action is being done by both of them. in the end, it can be said that the lecturer having intention to decrease his or her social distance is reducing the weightiness of his or her act in giving instructions. the lecturer reduces his or her weightiness through the positive politeness strategy. on the other hand, the researcher also finds the intention to make a distance with the students through the application of negative politeness strategy. negative politeness strategy is a strategy that appreciates the hearer’s negative face, desire for autonomy (holtgraves, 2002, p. 44). the tendency to use negative politeness form, emphasizing the hearer’s freedom which is seen as deference strategy. it is impersonal as if nothing is shared between the interlocutors (yule 1996, p. 66). this strategy is considered as a polite strategy related to the indirectness. yule conveys that indirect speech acts are generally associated with greater politeness (1996, p. 56). from the perspective of interpersonal determinant politeness, her intention to be more indirect to her students when giving instruction is caused by social distance. as the one with authority or power, her strategy to apply indirect speech act or negative politeness in giving instructions is increasing the weightiness of an act. the increasing of the weightiness affects the increasing of social distance (holtgraves, 2002, p. 48). journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 109 in lecturer c’s instructions, the researcher finds the negative politeness strategy. from seven utterances of her instructions, four of them are negative politeness strategy, specifically being conventionally indirect. brown and levinson (1987) state that conventional indirect forms can be performed by questioning such as: “can you shut the door?” and “would you shut the door?” in other ways, it can also be performed by asserting felicity conditions in the form of performative sentence such as: “i want you to shut the door” and “i would like you to shut the door” (as the more polite form of “want”) (as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 44). the type of lecturer c’s instructions indicates that she determines to apply conventional indirect form by asserting the felicity conditions underlying the acts. below are the utterances of instructions given by lecturer c. 1/19/lecturer c/ngtiv/distance lecturer c : now, i’d like you to look at your handout. then, you have the poem “pollen”. the tittle of the poem is “pollen” and pollen is a proper name. lecturer c delivers her instructions by using performative sentences in the polite form. although being the one with the authority, this strategy implies that she still shows respect toward her students. related to the interpersonal determinant politeness theory, lecturer c’s utterances are affected by the variable of distance. it is proven by her indirect utterances in giving instructions. the indirectness of an utterance is always equal with politeness. the increase of weightiness (that people would likely be polite) is associated with the increasing distance between the speaker and hearer (brown and levinson, 1987). however, in the other one of her utterances, lecturer c also applies conventional indirect expression, but in the form of questioning. 6/81/lecturer c /ngtiv/distance lecturer c : can you give me an example of things that are repeated in the first stanza? anything repeated there? once again, in this utterance, lecturer c tends to be indirect. this indirectness proves that lecturer c does not want to threat her students’ face by being direct in giving instructions. additionally, lecturer c is also conveying the sense of pessimism in another instruction as shown below. 4/33/lecturer c /ngtiv/distance lecturer c: maybe i will ask some opinion from… aulia (while looking at the attendance list). the sense of pessimism is portrayed by the usage of “maybe” and “will”. as discussed in the previous section, the word “maybe” has only less than 50% sure of certainty (azar, 1999, p. 176) and the word “will” is applied when the speaker makes a prediction in the future (azar, 1999, p.52). it means that the prediction itself can be either wrong or right. the pessimism is also categorized as the sub strategy of negative politeness stated by brown and levinson (as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 45). lecturer a, in this research, also applies negative politeness strategy when he asks his students to return the attendance list. he uses subjunctive in order to convey the pessimism regarding the appropriateness of the act to be performed (holrgraves, 2002, p. 45) 9/59/ lecturer a/ngtiv/distance lecturer a : would you please return the attendance list? please, the attendance list. by applying this strategy, actually lecturer a, who has an authority, tries to appreciate his students. the negative politeness indicates that lecturer a has awareness toward his students’ negative face. so, despite being direct, lecturer a applies negative politeness strategy to be more polite. another politeness strategy considered to be journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 110 the most polite one is applied by lecturer a. it is called off record strategy. 7/45 lecturer a /ofrd/distance lecturer a : yeah? yeah, come on, come on, why. sorry, silence is not golden anymore. he presents the sarcastic expression by uttering the phrase “silence is not golden anymore”. the form of its indirectness indicates politeness. to support it, yule ever states that indirect speech acts are generally associated with greater politeness (1996, p. 56). this indirectness, then, is contrast with his authority as the one who has right to speak directly upon his students. in this research, the researcher does not find any condition related to the imposition rank which affects certain politeness strategy. since the lecturers have greater authority than their students, the power variable in this case is settled. so, the one that affects the lecturers’ instructions is distance variable and in brief, the positive politeness strategy represents the lecturer’s intention to build closer relationship with the students. the reflex of social closeness is, generally, noticed by giving and receiving of positive face (brown and levinson, 1999, pp. 320-321). while negative politeness and off record strategy represent a social distance between the interlocutors. based on the perspective of interpersonal determinant politeness proposed by brown and levinson (1987), the greater the realized face threat of the to-be performed act (the weightiness of the threat), the greater the probability that a speaker will opt for a more polite strategy which is negative politeness strategy. 2. relative power bald on record, based on the politeness strategy of brown and levinson (1987), is classified as the least polite strategy or the complete absence of politeness (holtgraves, 2002, p. 42). the strategy represents maximally efficient of communication, yule (1996) adds that bald on record is associated with speech events where the speaker assumes that he or she has power over the other. tsui, in line with yule (1996), states that instruction is usually given by a person who has the right to get the addressee to comply or obey. this right is usually due to the power or authority that he has over the latter. in addition, the right also may be due to the work setting in which who is to do what is clearly defined (1995, p.129). in this research, the writer finds that lecturer a has an intention to emphasize his position as the one who has authority through his direct instructions or bald on record strategy. based on brown and levinson (1987), it is classified as metaphysical power (over the action of others) (p. 321). these occurrences can be observed by the application of interpersonal determinant theory proposed by brown and levinson stating that politeness strategy depends on three variables—they are power, social distance, and imposition rank. thus, speaker’s power over hearer increase, the weightiness off the face threatening act diminishes (brown and levinson, 1987. p. 322). in addition, brown and levinson (1987) states that positive politeness is assumed to be less polite than negative politeness. it signs closeness between the interlocutors, while negative politeness indicates a polite attitude (as cited in holtgraves, 2002, p. 43). from the theory, it is proven that lecturer a, as the speaker, has an intention to show power to his students. in most of his utterances of giving instructions, lecturer a does not either increase his weightiness of an act by being polite in the form of negative politeness strategy or decrease it by applying friendly strategy (positive politeness strategy). in fact, lecturer a tends to apply the bald on record strategy in order to show his authority. the directness of his instruction points out the maximum efficiency of his order which is frequently used in the formal context by the one who has authority. his students can interpret his instruction directly without having any ambiguity. unlike the other two lecturers having been discussed, lecturer a applies bald on record more frequently when he gives instructions. from his eleven utterances in giving instructions, seven utterances are categorized as bald on record. the utterances journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 01 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 111 as well as the detail explanation from each strategy is presented as shown below. 1/1/lecturer a/bld/power lecturer a : now, let me… attention, please! thank you. throughout his lecturing session, lecturer a also tries to make his instructions more polite. in this utterance, lecturer a adds the word “please” to make his instruction more polite. yule states that “please” is used to soften the demand and it is called mitigation device (1996, p. 63). in addition, yule also emphasizes that bald on record are associated with speech events where the speaker assumes that he or she has power over other (1996, p. 64). the form of his utterances points out that the instructions are delivered in the form of imperative as captured in these utterances. 3/15/lecturer a/bld/power lecturer a : no coaching, don’t tell him. don’t tell him, no coaching. all right, you fail. he applies an imperative form of an instruction. it is a sentence that contains a verb directly followed by an object. lecturer c, in this research, also applies the mitigation device in one of her instruction. 7/83/lecturer c /bld/power lecturer c : so, tomorrow we will meet again. please bring the short story. in this utterance, lecturer c states directly toward her students to bring the material for next discussion in her class. the strategy indicates that, as a lecturer, she has an authority or power to instruct her students to do something. this is due to the fact that an instruction is usually given by the one who has authority. after all of this discussion, it can be concluded that lecturer a has an intention for showing his power. it can be seen from the use of bald on record strategy that dominates his utterances. he avoids ambiguity by saying his intention straight to the point in order to receive direct result from his students. his intention is neither to increase nor to decrease the weightiness of the instructions act. it reveals that lecturer a tends to apply grice’s maxim of quantity, being as informative as required (holtgraves, 2002, p. 24). to sum up the result of this research, below the table containing the number of utterances from each lecturer and the interpersonal determinants are presented. table 2. number of utterances lecturer/ politeness strategy lecturer b lecturer c lecturer a positive 13 2 negative 6 1 bald on record 1 7 off record 1 table 3. interpersonal determinant lecturer/ variable lecturer b lecturer c lecturer a power √ distance (+ /-) √ (-) √ (+) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) teofilus natanael & adventina putranti 112 imposition from the tables above, it can be seen that each politeness strategy is identical with certain interpersonal-determinant politeness in the context of asymmetrical relationship. the lecturer who applies positive politeness strategy tend to decrease the distance (√ (-)), while the one who applies more negative politeness strategies in giving instruction, increase the distance (√ (+)). in addition, the lecturer with domination of bald on record in his instructions emphasizes his power toward the students. conclusion from the discussion above, it can be concluded that the lecturers of introduction to english literature apply different politeness strategy depending on their intention in building relationship with their students. lecturer b, who tends to be more informal or friendlier, applies positive politeness strategy the most. meanwhile, the other two lecturers of this subject apply more negative politeness and bald on record strategy to deliver their instructions which emphasize the social distance and different power between the lecturers and students. lecturer c tends to use negative politeness strategy toward her students to show distance. on the other hand, lecturer a applies bald on record strategy which indicates authority. references ariel, mira. 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(1996). pragmatics. hong kong: oxford university press. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 10 the image of climate crisis in media: a conceptual metaphor analysis muhammad adam & wahyuni, faculty of letters, universitas balikpapan, indonesia abstract the climate crisis has now become the world problem and a big environmental issue and has drawn the attention of governments and media. the impact of the crisis can be reflected on how media describe the crisis using metaphors. the way media use the language metaphorically to describe the climate crisis is the focus of this study. using conceptual metaphor analysis, the researchers aim to identify the source domains of climate crisis metaphor which deliver the sense of urgency message related to climate crisis. the source of data is news articles from the guardian online news website which discuss the climate crisis. the result shows that various source domains are used to describe the climate crisis in metaphor: climate crisis is described as a war, as an object in motion, directionality, a vehicle, a destination, a political ideology, a wrestler, a chemical substance, and as a natural disaster. although climate crisis is, one of them, described metaphorically as a destination where sooner or later without a drastic action, eventually the world will arrive there, but it implies an unwanted destination that should be avoided or else, turning back or stop towards the destination, and with the highest finding where climate crisis is described as a war to fight and to combat, it shows that climate crisis is a real threat to our world which everyone should take action to fight. this study shows that although the unintended entailments occurred, the source domain of war and destination deliver the sense of urgency of the climate crisis. keywords: climate crisis, metaphor, source domain, media language. introduction the increasing global temperature has been reported to reach its highest in 2018; on wmo statement on the state of climate change in 2018 (2019), the year 2018 was the fourth warmest on record. on another report released by united nations environment program (unep) on its emission gap report 2018 states that in addition to increased temperature, 2018 has experienced numerous other climate-related extremes, including devastating storms, floods, heat waves, and droughts; causing thousands of casualties and huge economic losses for citizens, companies and states. both of those reports show the high and critical level of urgency for all countries to prevent a worse climate crisis. the climate crisis and the urgency to handle this global issue have raised attention from international organizations, countries and media to take part in each relevant effort to raise awareness and to have everyone on board to prevent a worse impact, even from the language used to refer to the crisis. the first scientific term used to refer to the change of the climate condition was introduced by broecker, w.s (1975) which discussed the effect of the carbon dioxide to the change of climate and used global warming, but the political influence has gradually changed it to a softer term ‘climate change’. after seeing the impact of the crisis to the change of the climate, various media advocate the urgency of this issue and use the climate crisis, or climate emergency terms instead. thus, media plays an important role in sharing the information of journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 11 how urgent the situation is and to persuade as many readers to take action, and for that, using impactful metaphor to describe the climate crisis will provide that state of urgency. impactful metaphor refers to the high impact of its vivid description in describing an abstract concept using a more concrete concept. it is also the reason why this paper uses the climate crisis title instead of climate change, to share the urgency of the issue. this paper focuses on analyzing the way media use the language particularly metaphor to describe the climate crisis. whereas the aim of this paper is to identify the source domain of metaphor used to describe the climate crisis and to reveal the underlying concept from source domains that are used to compare the climate crisis with. metaphor in this paper is defined as the use of an expression from a more concrete field of discourse to speak about an abstract concept to be able to provide a better mental and cognitive picture, for example saying metaphorically “leave me alone before i erupt” will send a clear intended message than just saying : “leave me alone before i get angry” the phrase “before i erupt” on the first example is a metaphorical expression which delivers a more vivid description of what will happen, and is more impactful than the later to the hearer, since it builds a mental image based on the knowledge of how concrete concept of “erupt” is. in this example, erupt is the source domain and anger is the target domain of the metaphor. further elaboration will also be given on the mapping of source domain-target domain to describe image schema of the source domains to see the persuasive impact of particular metaphor and the potential unintended entailments followed. thus, the analysis will not only limit to the surface linguistics aspect, but also to reach the conceptual level of the source domain. news articles from the guardian news online web site on climate crisis topic were analyzed in this paper, and as identification of metaphor is an important aspect in conceptual metaphor analysis, thus, the metaphorical identification procedure (mip) introduced by praglejazz group (2007) is used which is described in detail in the next section. then, after the metaphor was identified, the researchers examined the source domain to identify the literal field of discourse. further analysis was also conducted to have an in-depth analysis of image-schema mapping behind the conceptual metaphor as well as the unintended entailments of source domains. methodology this paper analyzes the metaphor used to describe climate crisis in media discourse, the conceptual metaphor theory provides a framework to analyze the ideology behind the metaphor used in various discourses. lakoff and johnson (1980, p. 6) view that metaphor is not just a matter of language, but beyond that, metaphor is a conceptual cognitive process and it is the result of the mapping of source domain to target domain. kovecses (2010, p.4) further elaborates on the terms of source domain and the target domain in conceptual metaphor. the source domain is the more concrete domain as a comparison to the target domain which is more abstract. therefore, by using a more concrete target domain, reader/hearer will easily grasp the abstract concept. take an example of source domain and target domain mapping life is journey as shown in figure 1 below. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 12 figure 1 : life is journey mapping consider the line from robert frost’s poem below: …“two roads diverged in a wood, and i took the one less traveled by,…” (frost, 1916) figure 1 is the illustration of life is journey metaphor. the mapping can trigger many metaphorical expressions and is extended to pictorial metaphor and other multimodal metaphor. many inspirational quotes describe a long road, a cross-road, or a winding road picture. one of them is the famous poem by robert frost “the road not taken” which describes a choice in life using a journey source domain. using the conceptual metaphor framework, the identification of target domains that are used to metaphorically speak about the source domain climate crisis can be carried out. kövecses (2003) affirms that metaphor is seen as a composition of ten components that interact, namely: (1) experiential basis, which motivates the choice of particular sources to map into particular targets (2) source domain (3) target domain (4) relationship between the source and the target is that a source domain can apply to several targets and a target can attach to several sources (5) metaphorical linguistic expressions are the result of the particular pairings of those domains (6) there are basic conceptual correspondences, or mappings, between the source and target domains, source domains often map materials onto the target beyond the basic correspondences and these additional mappings and may result (7) entailments or inferences and (8) blends. (9) conceptual metaphors often materialize in nonlinguistic ways, that is, not only in language and thought but in social reality (10) conceptual metaphors converge on, and often produce cultural models, that is, holistically structured conceptual units. refers to point 7 above that entailments and inferences are some components that compose the metaphorical expressions, it is therefore unavoidable for the unintended entailments might appear from the mapping of source domain to target domain. these entailments and inferences are also analyzed in the second sub-section of the finding. to identify metaphor, metaphor identification procedure (praglejazz group, 2007) is used as follows: (1) read the entire text–discourse to establish a general understanding of the meaning. (2) determine the lexical units in the text– discourse. (3) (a) for each lexical unit in the text, establish its meaning in context, that is, how it applies to an entity, relation, or attribute in the situation evoked by the text (contextual meaning). take into account what comes before and after the lexical unit. (b) for each lexical unit, determine if it has a more basic contemporary meaning in other contexts than the one in the given context. basic meanings tend to be —more concrete; what they journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 13 evoke is easier to imagine, see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. basic meanings are not necessarily the most frequent meanings of the lexical unit. (c) if the lexical unit has a more basic current–contemporary meaning in other contexts than the given context, decide whether the contextual meaning contrasts with the basic meaning but can be understood in comparison with it. (4) if yes, mark the lexical unit as metaphorical. the function of metaphor itself is not only as poetic devices but beyond that, there are many functions of the use of metaphor. murray and moon (2003, p.5) agree that metaphor is important not only for poetic devices but also for explaining, clarifying, describing, expressing, evaluating, and entertaining. they affirm that: there are many reasons why we use metaphors in speech or writing: not least, because there is sometimes no other word to refer to a particular thing. but where we have a choice, we choose metaphors in order to communicate what we think or how we feel about something; to explain what a particular thing is like; to convey a meaning in a more interesting or creative way; or to do all of these….(murray and moon, 2005,p.3) furthermore, littlemore and low (2006,p.9) state that metaphor also serves an evaluative function such as toning down an extreme position, or flagging the irony in a statement. this is also the case in climate crisis metaphor; the intention is to persuade readers to be aware of the impact and to join the action to prevent any worse impacts of climate crisis. there have been several previous studies on how climate change and climate crisis are described through metaphor. one of them is conducted by niebert and gropengiesser (2013) that conclude metaphors “as a bridge between experience and scientific concepts” which is essential to understand climate change and find the conceptions of global warming between students and scientists to have the same schemata. whereas woods, r., fernández, a., and coen, s. (2012) analyze 122 british newspaper articles published using a religious metaphor between summer 2003 and 2008 and they conclude that the articles use religion as a source of metaphor to denigrate climate change in two ways: (1) undermining its scientific status by presenting it as irrational faith-based religion, and proponents as religious extremists intolerant of criticism; (2) mocking climate change using notions of sin, e.g. describing “green” behaviors as atonement or sacrifice. in another study, nerlich (2012) discusses how the lexical compound low carbon in general and the metaphor low carbon future in particular came to prominence in policy discourses, especially in the uk, and how they were used to frame expectations of a prosperous low carbon future. the study of different functions of metaphors in two texts about anthropogenic climate change from different genres is conducted by deignan (2017) who argues that in the popular text, analyzed metaphors tend to have the function of entertaining and dramatizing, and introducing and concluding, as opposed to their informational (ideational) function in the research article that was analyzed and further finds that the young people’s use of figurative language is compared with that of researchers and educationalists. van der hel, s., hellsten, i., and steen, g. (2018) are specific to “tipping point” metaphor of climate crisis, affirm that the term can become a multi-purpose bridge between science and the news media, describing how its meaning and use are diversified in the interaction between these two domains. within the scientific domain, the metaphor develops from a rhetorical device conveying a warning of drastic, irreversible and dangerous climate change to a theoretical concept driving empirical research. they agree that the tipping point metaphor is a highly versatile concept and expression, allowing it to be used for various communicative purposes by distinct stakeholders in different contexts. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 14 those previous studies focus on various different aspects of climate crisis source domains. this paper, apart from identifying the source domain and the underlyingconcepts of mapping, also discusses the unintended entailments and socio-cultural context inferred from particular source domains found. finding and discussion the source domains of metaphor describing climate crisis used by media reflect the conceptual way of the image of the crisis in a more concrete term. the source domains are identified by a careful examination of the metaphorical expressions. there are 17 metaphorical expressions of climate crisis with nine source domains as listed in detail in table 1. table 1 – the metaphor of climate crisis and its source domain news no. source domain news 1 animals failing to adapt to speed of climate crisis, study finds (watts, 2019) object in motion news 2 the speed of climate disruption is outstripping many animals’ capacity to adapt (watts, 2019) object in motion news 3 ..caused by the escalating climate crisis while the rest of the world suffers…(carrington, 2019) directionality/going up news 4 hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren across the world have gone on strike in protest at the escalating climate crisis. (taylor, 2019) directionality/going up news 5 added to that, the south atlantic is a hotbed of geomagnetic activity–something many experts believe is a factor driving the climate emergency. (maceacheran, 2019) vehicle news 6 “at a time when civilization is accelerating toward disaster, climate silence continues to reign across the bulk of the us news media,” (the guardian, 2019) a destination news 7 “the 21st century will be characterised by our success or not in wrestling with these huge challenges. if we carry on as we are, i fear biodiversity will continue to decline in this country.” (watts, 2019) a wrestler news 8 “this crisis should be a catalyst for states to fulfil long ignored economic and social rights, including to social security and access to food, healthcare, shelter, and decent work,” the report said. (carrington, 2019) a chemical substance journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 15 news 9 as well as investing billions in reinforcing cities against climate disasters, we should support those feeling its impact right now (antequisa, 2019) other natural disasters news 10 for many people, even a small rise in temperatures will be catastrophic (the guardian, 2019) other natural disasters news 11 the world is increasingly at risk of “climate apartheid”, where the rich pay to escape heat and hunger (carrington, 2019) a political ideology news 12 the town fighting the climate crisis to stay afloat, one hurricane at time (graff, 2019) a war news 13 the guardian joins a major media initiative to combat the climate crisis (the guardian, 2019) a war news 14 bhp boss announces $us400m plan to combat 'indisputable' climate crisis (australian associated press in the guardian, 2019) a war news 15 the chief executive of the world’s largest mining company has endorsed drastic action to combat global warming, (australian associated press in the guardian, 2019) a war news 16 it was not enough to combat the looming threat of mass extinctions and major sea rises. (australian associated press in the guardian, 2019) a war news 17 the climate crisis is our third world war. it needs a bold response (stiglitz, 2019) a war there are also same source domains with different linguistics expressions : the source domain object in motion, a war, and natural disasters which although the source domain is similars, there are differences in the level of linguistics expression. each of the source domains is discussed in the following detail: a (fast) object in motion and directionality (up movement) the comparison of climate crisis as a fastmoving object creates a sense of urgency which human being needs to race with, as seen from news 1 and news 2: news 1 “animals failing to adapt to speed of climate crisis, study finds”(watts, 2019) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 16 news 2 “the speed of climate disruption is outstripping many animals’ capacity to adapt”(watts, 2019) the use of the metaphorical expression speed of climate crisis in news 1 compares the crisis as a moving entity with a very high speed and will affect how animals adapt to its speed. this metaphor describes vividly the level of climate crisis and presents a perfect conception of the crisis. it also implies that animals and human beings are racing against the climate crisis. the sub-target domain of the metaphor in news 2 refers to the indicators used to measure the climate crisis, which is based on the report of world meteorological organization (wmo) (2019), seven state-ofthe-climate indicators include surface temperature, ocean heat content, atmospheric carbon dioxide (co2), ocean acidification, sea level, glacier mass balance, and arctic and antarctic sea ice extent. additional indicators are usually assessed to allow a more detailed picture of the changes in the respective domain. these include in particular but are not limited to precipitation, ghgs other than co2, snow cover, ice sheet, extreme events and climate impacts. whereas the sub-target domain of the metaphor above refers to the high rate of increasing temperature, as can be seen from the context following the news story: “previous academic work has shown that species respond to warming temperatures by earlier timing of biological events” (watts, 2019) specific to news 1, the entailments followed are that humans and animals are racing against the increasing temperature, and the studies show that animals, in particular, seem lost in the race. the conception of the impact of climate crisis as a fast-moving object is an effective metaphor to describe the fast increasing impact or indicators of the change of climate condition. this provides a sense of urgency with an entailment that if the speed is progressing, then humankind and animals will be lost, which can be conceptualized as the exposure to the worse impact of the climate crisis. whereas directionality is similar in terms of the movement made, escalating implied a fast movement to the upper position, which implied the increase of the rate of climate crisis impact. nevertheless, the use of escalating to collocate directly with the phrase climate crisis provides an image-schema of a fast-changing condition, in this context, the fast-changing climate condition. news 3 “..caused by the escalating climate crisis while the rest of the world suffers…”(carrington, 2019) the metaphor of directionality with up and down image-schema is common source domain to talk about the fluctuation number of a certain thing, where increasing is understood as going up with the metaphorical expressions such as rising, soaring, or escalating as seen in news 3 and news 4, whereas decreasing is understood as going down which is commonly expressed metaphorically as dive down or fall. this type of metaphor is classified by lakoff and johnson (1980) as orientational metaphor, which maps that more is up and less is down. kovecses (2010) also affirms that upward orientation tends to associate with positive evaluation, whereas downward orientation is the opposite. in the metaphor in news 3, although escalating suggests an upward orientation but the inference and entailments suggest a negative evaluation since it refers to an impact of climate crisis. vehicle and destination the use of vehicle source domain is common to many target domains. the embodied experience of vehicle in terms of a means of transporting from one point to a destination point provides a concrete mental image schema to any abstract concept as target domain. as seen from one metaphorical expression: news 5 “added to that, the south atlantic is a hotbed of geomagnetic activity something many experts believe is a factor driving the climate emergency” (maceacheran, 2019) journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 17 in the metaphor above, the geomagnetic activity happening in south atlantic is understood as a fuel to the climate emergency which is understood as vehicle. this provides a movement process image schema based on our experiential and cognitive concept of vehicle towards a particular direction. furthermore, the particular verb driving used in the metaphorical expressions also implied the same. whereas still from the same semantics field which can bring a related image schema is the use of source domain destination, as seen from news 6 below: news 6 “at a time when civilization is accelerating toward disaster, climate silence continues to reign across the bulk of the us news media,”(the guardian, 2019) the metaphorical expression above provides conception that the climate crisis disaster is waiting at the end of the line and human being is driving or riding fast toward it, using the verb accelerating provides a mental picture that the level of crisis is so high. another point to highlight is from the metaphor in news 3, the entailment puts climate crisis as an active agent, different from news 6 above, which puts climate crisis as a passive agent and human being as the active one, which is better since the focus is in the human actions toward climate crisis. impact of climate crisis as a wrestler to wrestle against sports metaphor is one of the common source domains, which are commonly used in political, economic and other abstract concepts. wrestling is one of the types of sports metaphors. the relevance of sports metaphor in an abstract source domain is, the biggest entailment that could raise from a sports metaphor is the winning or losing, which can also be seen in news 7 which describes the climate crisis as something to wrestle against: news 7: “the 21st century will be characterised by our success or not in wrestling with these huge challenges. if we carry on as we are, i fear biodiversity will continue to decline in this country.”(watts, 2019) the metaphor above shows the use of metaphor to consider the climate crisis as an animate and a living human, particularly a wrestler that needs to wrestle against to be able to maintain the biodiversity; otherwise the decline of the numbers of diversity might happen. if the climate crisis is the wrestler to be against with, this metaphor entails that the winning of the wrestling game is when human beings or the government is able to prevent a worse impact of climate crisis which eventually can maintain the biodiversity. whereas the opposite result, losing the wrestling game means the decrease of biodiversity which cause by a worse climate crisis. although the news 7 above still entails a winning or losing entailment, wrestling has another entailment than just normal sports, as wrestling involves a huge power and a big enemy. thus, the metaphor implied the need of extra power and energy to prevent a worse climate crisis. climate crisis is a catalyst one example of novel metaphor is the use of the word catalyst which comes from the chemistry field of discourse. catalyst is a type of substance and is defined in webster online dictionary (2019) as “an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action”. the simple explanation from the technical definition is that catalyst acts as an accelerating agent of a process as used in the metaphor below: news 8: “this crisis should be a catalyst for states to fulfill long ignored economic and social rights, including to social security and access to food, healthcare, shelter, and decent work”(carrington, 2019) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 18 the metaphor entails that the climate crisis acts as a reminder to the government to improve and to speed their action in providing a better life for its citizens. there is a sense that climate crisis in this metaphor is viewed conceptually as a benefit for economic and social rights improvement. therefore, the characteristics of catalyst in this metaphor entail a counterproductive sense to the action of preventing a further worse impact of the crisis if the characteristic of catalyst as an important agent in a chemical and industrial process is also interpreted by readers. there can also be a misinterpretation to the intended entailments of the metaphor, especially for readers with no previous knowledge of the concept of catalyst. climate crisis is other natural disasters the metaphors from this source domain are within the same domain i.e: natural disaster. the climate crisis is described in the language as how other natural disasters are described; this will provide a concrete image on the impact of climate crisis as in news 9 and news 10 below: news 9 “as well as investing billions in reinforcing cities against climate disasters, we should support those feeling its impact right now”(antequisa, 2019) news 10 “for many people, even a small rise in temperatures will be catastrophic” (the guardian, 2019) climate disasters and catastrophic refer to the impact of climate crisis on the environment and human’s lives. the conceptual framing from both metaphors entailed such a huge impact which might occur as the impact of climate crisis. in particular to news 10, which used the metaphor in syntactical form as an adjective in a predicate function, has also brought the importance of the metaphor in the sentence, as it is assigned to directly describe the impact of the rise of the temperatures. the catastrophe as a metaphor itself has been used in media discourse to describe a huge disaster as a result of something, one of the discourse is in the field of finance and economy as studied by dalalau (2013) who finds business press articles used metaphor to describe the financial crisis with one of them using catastrophe. political ideology the use of particular political ideology apartheid to collocate with climate crisis is also an example of novel metaphor, which means that the metaphor is not conventional and is not commonly used. this particular metaphor can be less effective in delivering the climate crisis message, as it will bring unintended entailments which are associated with the apartheid ideology itself. news 11 “the world is increasingly at risk of “climate apartheid”, where the rich pay to escape heat and hunger caused by the escalating climate crisis while the rest of the world suffers,…”(carrington, 2019) although the use of this metaphor is intended to express how climate crisis might make a gap between the rich countries and the poor people in the impact of the crisis due to the different financial resources to handle the crisis; nevertheless, the connotation of the apartheid shall bring a negative association to the climate crisis itself, and readers might perceive the crisis as the active agent or the actor. under article 7 statute of the international criminal court (icc) the crime of apartheid is included as a crime committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population. an in-depth analysis to news 11, the climate apartheid mentioned above is the division between the rich and the poor in facing the climate crisis, it implies that the rich has all of their resources to escape from the risk of the climate crisis impact, whereas the poor countries will be impacted. the socio-political connotation behind the metaphor might be counterproductive to the campaign. the conceptual correspondence between source journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 19 domain to target domain lies on the conceptions of the civilian sociological differences and strata, but is not intended to entail any socio-political concept which can be associated with an ideological attack against particular population. war source domain the use of war as the source domain of climate crisis metaphor has also been highlighted by the study conducted by flusberg, s. j., matlock, t., and thibodeau, p. h. (2017) who study the role of metaphorical framing in shaping attitudes toward climate change. they find that when it comes to choosing a metaphor to talk about climate change, the war metaphor is consistently more impactful than the race metaphor. the result of this study also finds the concept of a war used as the source domain to speak about the climate crisis and the impact of it. the variations of the words used are fighting as seen in news 12 and combat in news 13 to news 16. whereas in news 17, ‘third world war’ is used by stiglitz (2019) who writes the opinion and uses it as the title of the article as the analogy of climate crisis if no significant and drastic actions are taken. those variations in lexical level as well as in syntactical level of war metaphor to describe the climate change shows that war metaphor is one of most conventional metaphors to describe the climate crisis. all of those war metaphors to speak about climate crisis are similar in terms of sending the message that climate crisis is an enemy to fight. atanasova,d and koteyko,n (2015) find that the guardian online employed war metaphors to advance pro-climate change arguments. war metaphors were used to (1) communicate the urgency to act on climate change and (2) conceptualize climate change politics. nevertheless, there is an important aspect to consider when using the source domain war to talk about climate crisis. the entailments followed are the climate crisis and its impact is something that is really huge and can only be handled by the power of institution or the power of government with sufficient resources as if to fight in a real war. this entailment is, of course, unintended, but as gibbs (2010) affirms that a wide variety of factors influences the cognitive effort and cognitive effects associated with metaphor interpretation. there are personal, linguistic, and sociocultural factors that shape the effort put into understanding a metaphor. thus, for some people in a conflict region, their image-schema to the source domain of war metaphor will be influenced by their experiences, and might eventually perceive the effort to deal with the impact of climate crisis as something painful. the further discussion on these unintended entailments is presented in the next subsection. conceptual mapping and unintended entailments of climate crisis metaphor as previously discussed on the literary framework section that mapping and entailments are two of few components in conceptual metaphor and in order to provide a broader view on how a source domain can be used to speak about the climate crisis, we provide an example of the image schema of source domain-target domain mapping and example of entailments. ahrens (2002) defines mapping principle (mp) as image-schemas that map for a certain conceptual metaphor, including the underlying reason why a particular target has selected a particular source domain. the twelve metaphorical expressions above have various impacts of persuasion on the level of delivering the state of urgency of climate crisis in terms of the number of characteristics transferred from the source domain to the target domain. we agree that the more characteristics of source domain are transferred to the target domain, the more persuasive the metaphor and the more impactful in sending message on the urgency of climate crisis. whereas when the properties of source domain have negative conceptions, it will also affect the interpretation of the climate crisis as target domain. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 20 we present the comparison of all properties transferred from source domain to target domain in figure 2 below: news 5 “at a time when civilization is accelerating toward disaster …”(maceacheran, 2019) figure 2 –source domain characteristics mapping to target domain above is the schematic transfer of source domain destination to target domain climate crisis with sub-target domain impact of climate crisis. from four characteristics or properties of destination, all of them are transferred to the target domain, and the conceptual correspondences mapped are: 1. the disasters which understood as arrival point, 2. the human unfriendly environmentally behavior which is understood as the vehicle, 3. the high increase of all indicators of climate crisis understood as the speed and 4. the human being is understood as the travellers. therefore, the metaphorical expression above has successfully carried the message of impact of climate crisis, by mapping as many characteristics from source to target without any unintended entailments. whereas in figure 3 below, there is an unintended entailment which may follow: journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 01 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 21 figure 3 – unintended entailments from source domain news 7 “this crisis should be a catalyst for states to fulfill long ignored economic and social rights, including to social security and access to food, healthcare, shelter, and decent work,”(watts, 2019) the source domain catalyst can be used to speak metaphorically about climate crisis with the following mapping principle: mapping principle: climate crisis is understood as catalyst because catalyst is a speed up agent on a chemical process , while the impact of climate crisis on government actions are abstract entities that are might speed up to fulfill economic and social rights. from the metaphor, there will be an unintended entailment that followed, as the source domain implied the catalyst as an important process in chemical and industry, and then this entailment could be mapped onto the target domain. kovecses (2005, p.128) reaffirms that source domain can potentially lead to a number of metaphorical entailments. this entailment is related to an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action, therefore, this entailment puts the climate crisis as an active agent instead of the impact of the human’s behavior. this, too, can happen on the news 11 which uses apartheid as source domain, by talking the climate crisis as climate apartheid, in a specific region, with that particular sociopolitical experience; it is hard to avoid the unintended entailments. therefore, it is also important to highlight and to focus on the unintended entailments of a metaphor in source domains on the studies of source domain of metaphor particularly when the metaphor is used to advocate an important issue and is intended to persuade people. from 17 metaphorical expressions on climate crisis discussed in this paper, in majority they have sent a message of urgency and a drastic action should be taken to avoid any worse impact of climate crisis to our world and to human beings. nevertheless, some findings also show the inevitable unintended entailments from the source domain, especially in a particular socio-political context of readers are also implied. the 17 metaphorical expressions also show that some are novel metaphors, which means creative, where the speaker uses their experiential knowledge to create the metaphors by using their previous knowledge and experience of specific field to correspond the shared conceptual properties of source domain into the target domain of climate crisis. conclusion and suggestion the image of climate crisis and its impact through the use of metaphor can be seen from journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad adam & wahyuni 22 various source domains used by media and strive to show the urgency of the action to prevent any worse condition. the use of metaphor is to persuade readers, particularly the policy makers to take drastic actions. the various source domains found during the analysis has the same message on giving the image of the high sense of urgency of climate crisis. we conclude that from nine source domains of climate crisis metaphor, the source domain of destination and war give more impactful sense of urgency by using particular metaphorical expressions. nevertheless, some novel metaphors (nonconventional metaphors) could bring unintended entailments which could be counterproductive to the campaign of climate crisis, especially the source domain of catalyst and apartheid. we recommend that climate crisis should not be metaphorically expressed as an active agent, but the environmentally unfriendly behavior of mankind should be put on the spotlight and the action done to prevent that should also be promoted more. this is to avoid unintended perception of climate crisis as the subject of the disaster cause, instead of focusing on human’s activity as the subject. therefore, further studies should be conducted to analyze the good metaphor with bad entailments, or the bad metaphor with good entailments particularly the metaphors used to describe climate crisis and other environmental damage. references ahrens, k. 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(accessed on july 19, 2019). https://www/ http://e/ journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) naftalia laksana & siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 76 an error types analysis on youtube indonesian-english auto-translation in kok bisa? channel naftalia laksana & siegfrieda a. s. mursita putri & faculty of humanities and social sciences, universitas kristen krida wacana abstract this study investigates the error types that commonly occur in the translation produced by youtube auto-translate. this research uses error classifications from vilar et al. (2006). the data were fourteen videos from “kok bisa?” channel. the source text and target text from youtube auto-translate were aligned and analyzed in terms of the error types. this was a mixed quantitative and qualitative study and a primary research. the result shows that the most frequent error types are wrong lexical choice, bad word form, missing auxiliary word, short range word level word order and extra word. the other error types rarely occur in the translation. keywords: translation error, error types, youtube auto-translate introduction language is fundamental to the communication in this world. there are many different languages in this world. therefore, translation is needed to connect people with different language. one of the forms of translation is subtitle. subtitle is to help the audience understand the content of the video or movie. youtube, as the second most popular website (gray, 2017), provides translation in a form of subtitle, it is named youtube auto-translate. this study aims to investigate the error types commonly found in the youtube auto-translation. this study analyzes the translation from indonesian to english. this study uses the error classifications from vilar et al. (2006). the error classifications from vilar et al. (2006) consists of four main classifications which are punctuation, missing word, word order and incorrect words. missing word is divided into missing content word and missing auxiliary word. word order is divided into word level and phrase level. each level is divided again into short range and long range. incorrect word is divided into extra word, bad word form, untranslated and bad word sense. bad word sense is divided into wrong lexical choice and bad disambiguation. in this study, punctuation is not analyzed. therefore, there are eleven error types used to analyze the error types. this study can show the weakness of machine translation and help to improve the quality of machine translator. method the study was qualitative and quantitative study. this is also a primary research. the data were fourteen youtube videos from kok bisa? channel. kok bisa? channel is an indonesian educational channel which discusses many topics starting from technology, biology, history, physics and many more. this study chose fourteen videos because it was 10% of all videos published in the channel until september 2017. the source text and the target text were aligned in a table and analyzed in terms of the error types. the result of the analysis was presented in percentages. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 77 error types analysis this study analyzed the error types commonly found in youtube auto-translation from indonesian to english. this study also analyzes the emphasis of the translation, whether the translation is source language emphasis or target language emphasis according to newmark’s v diagram (1988). this study also analyzes whether the error is single error or multiple error. single error is the error that happens individually. it is not caused by another error and does not cause other error. meanwhile, multiple error is the error that causes another error. it means the errors are related to each other. here is the result of the error types analysis. error type percentage missing content word 3.99% missing auxiliary word 19.93% short range (word order in word level) 9.52% long range (word order in word level) 2.10% short range (word order in phrase level) 1.88% long range (word order in phrase level) 0.44% extra word 8.97% bad word form 21.93% untranslated 4.43% wrong lexical choice 24.14% bad disambiguation 2.66% total error 100.00% table 1. error types analysis result from the result, it is seen that the most common error types are wrong lexical choice, bad word form, missing auxiliary word, short range word level word order and extra word. the other error types rarely occur in the translation from youtube auto-translate. here are the examples of the most common error types. wrong lexical choice this is the most commonly found error type in the translation produced by youtube auto-translate. this error happens when the machine translator chooses the wrong word choice for the target text. (1) st: padahal, saat cornelis de houtman pertama kali berlayar ke nusantara tahun 1596, belanda hanya bertujuan untuk berdagang rempah-rempah. tt: in fact, when cornelis de houtman first sailed to the archipelago in 1596, dutch only intended to trade spices. (tg12) in this sentence, the word “nusantara” which refers to indonesia was translated into “archipelago”. archipelago means an extensive group of island. the word archipelago in the target text is not explaining enough the intention of the word “nusantara”. therefore, it is considered as wrong lexical choice. it is also a single error, it does not influence other error and is not influenced by the other error. the error happens only to the word “archipelago”. this sentence is translated in source language emphasis, because the target language is following the lexical meaning of the source language. in this case, the machine translator does not deliver the context of the sentence. it makes the translation of “nusantara” becomes “archipelago” which means a which has lexical meaning “a group of islands”. bad word form this is the second most common error found in youtube auto-translation. this error happens when the word has incorrect morphological form. (2) st: “meskipun belum ada angka pasti…” tt: “although there are no exact figures…” (tn4) this sentence has two errors. both errors are classified as bad morphological form. the first error is in the auxiliary verb that should be singular verb. since the sentence says “no exact figure”, the verb should be singular verb. it is the same as “no one” and “nothing” which counts as singular. this error possibly occurs because of the error in the word “figures” which should be singular too. it should be singular because the sentence says “no exact figure” which means “there is no figure”. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) naftalia laksana & siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 78 therefore, there errors are multiple error because it is related to each other. this is also a source language emphasis because the lexical choice in the target text is following the lexical choice in source text. it means it does not change any lexical choice or the form of the sentence to convey the context of the sentence. the target text only follows the source text. missing auxiliary word this is the third most common error found in the translation produced by youtube autotranslate. this error happens when the sentence is missing an auxiliary word. (3) st: mungkin kita benar-benar sendirian di galaksi ini. tt: maybe we really alone in this galaxy. (te33) in this sentence, the target text is stating a subject “we” and adjective “alone” without the auxiliary verb. this sentence has to be completed with auxiliary verb “are” since the subject is “we”. therefore, this error is classified as missing auxiliary word. this error occurs because the target text is only translating the word in the source text. it does not focus on the target text grammatical structure, but it focuses more to the form of source text. due to that reason, the target text does not have the auxiliary verb which is actually important in english. short range word level word order this is the fourth most common error found in the translation produced by youtube auto-translate. this error happens when the sentence has wrong word order but only in word level and short range. short range means that the word just should be moved not far away from the original place or within the same chunk. (4) st: fakta uniknya, belanda sendiri sekarang menggunakan jalur kanan, bukan jalur kiri. tt: the fact unique, netherlands itself is now using the right lane, not the left lane. (ti21) the error in this sentence is in the word “fact” and “unique”. the order of those word should be switched. it should be the adjective first, then the noun. therefore, this error is classified as short range word level word order error. this is also an error that is caused by following the same word order as the source text. this is source language emphasis. it focuses on the source text. the error in this sentence is single error. it does not cause other error in the sentence. extra word this is the fifth most common error found in youtube auto-translation. this error happens when there is an extra word which is actually not needed in the sentence. (5) st: dalam 500 tahun tempat-tempat yang kita kenal sekarang akan kembali ke kondisi semula sebelum dibangun oleh manusia tt: in 500 years places we know it today will return to its former condition before it was built by humans (td25) in this sentence, there is a word that is actually not needed. the word “it” is not needed in this sentence. the word “it” here refers to the subject which is “places”. meanwhile, the subject is already stated in the sentence. it means the pronoun “it” is not needed. this error is classified as extra word. this translation is source language emphasis because the lexical choice is following the source text. it does not change the form to deliver the context, but it just follows the source text’s form. the error in this sentence is a single error. it does not make other error and is not affected by other error. in the translation of the data taken, the translation is only source language emphasis. it possibly happens because it is a translation done by machine that only identifies the lexical meaning of the word. youtube auto-translate is translating the text in source language emphasis. target language emphasis occurs when a translation is focusing on delivering the context without following the form or the lexical choices of the source text. in target text emphasis, the target text often uses different journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 79 lexical choice in order to convey the context of the sentence. in the translation of the subtitle in the videos, there is no translation with target language emphasis. there are some error types that occur in youtube auto-translate. however, the percentage is not high. here are the examples of those error types. (6) tt: tapi kok internetnya bisa cepet, ngga lemot? st: but how can internet cepet, guns slow? (th27) the word “cepet” in the source text remains the same in the target text. it should be translated into “fast”. however, the word “cepet” in this sentence is not translated. therefore, it is classified as untranslated error type. (7) st: atau mungkin kita belum bertemu kehidupan lain karena kita adalah kehidupan yang pertama. tt: or maybe we have not met life because we are the first life. (te32) this sentence is missing one word. in the source text, there is the word “lain” which describes the noun “kehidupan”. but, the target text only has the word “life”. the target text is missing the word “other”. therefore, this error is classified as missing content word. (8) st: oleh karena itu seperti layaknya pohon bangunan super tinggi dapat berayun ketika diterjang angin kencang tt: therefore like a tree super tall buildings can swing when buffeted by strong winds (tn10) this sentence has an error that classified as bad disambiguation error. the bad disambiguation error in this sentence is in the word “tall”. the word “tinggi” can be translated into “tall” and “high”. however, for this context, the word “high” is more suitable to use because it is talking about building. it shows that the translation for this sentence did not produce a correct translation for a source word that has multiple meaning. (9) st: dan kemudian, terbentuklah black hole tt: and then, formed black hole (tb24) in this sentence, there is a problem related to word order. the word formed should be in the end of the sentence. besides, it also needs the auxiliary verb. the word order error occurs in a long range because the word “formed” has to be moved to the end of the sentence. therefore, this error is classified as long range word level word order error. (10) st: kemudian, secara tidak sengaja peneliti di sheffield and warwick university di inggris berhasil memecahkan pertanyaan ini. tt: then, inadvertently researchers at sheffield and warwick university in the uk this question successfully solved. (tk12) in this sentence, there is a problem with the word order but in the phrase level. the order of phrase “this question” has to be switched with the phrase “successfully solved”. therefore, this error is classified as short range phrase level word order. the least frequently occurred error type is long range phrase level word order. there is only 0,44% of all errors classified as this error type. here is the example of this error type. (11) st: ada objek misterius dibalik langit tersebut tt: there the sky behind mysterious object (tb3) this sentence has a problem with word order in phrase level. the phrase “mysterious object” has to be moved before the word “behind”. meanwhile, the phrase “the sky” has to be moved after the word “behind”. this is classified as a long range phrase level word order error. besides, this sentence also needs auxiliary verb. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) naftalia laksana & siegfrieda a.s. mursita putri 80 below is the chart of the error types analysis result. chart 1. error types analysis result from the analysis, it is found that the most frequent error is wrong lexical choice and bad word form with the percentage more than 20%. then, missing auxiliary verb error also frequently occurs with the percentage more than 15%. next, short range word level and extra word are in the middle with the percentage less than 10% but more than 5%. the error types that rarely occur in youtube auto-translate translation of “kok bisa?” channel’s videos are untranslated, missing content word, bad disambiguation, long range word level word order, short range word level word order and the least frequently occurred error type is long range phrase level word order. the implication of the error types analysis the result of the error analysis is in line with the result from the previous study. the previous study by ghasemi and hashemian (2016) was analyzing the error types found on the translation from google translate. it used an error analysis method by keshavarz (1999). there were six error types used in the previous research to classify the error types. the result showed that the most common error is lexicosemantic error type. in this study, it was also found that the most common error is in lexical choice. it shows that machine translator has a weakness in the lexical level. the previous study also found that machine translation also has problems in the tenses. it confirmed the findings of this research that shows that bad word form is also an error that frequently occur in the youtube autotranslation. bad word form is an error of morphological form which can be caused by the wrong tense used. the previous study also confirmed that machine translation has problem in word order. from the previous study by koponen (2010), it was found that the most typical errors are mistranslating an individual concept and omitted relation. this study also shows the similar error types. the most frequent error type in this research is wrong lexical choice. it is included in the category of incorrect words. incorrect word is an error when a lexicon is translated incorrectly. it is the same as the mistranslating an individual concept in the study from koponen (2010). it proves that the most common error type in machine translation is when a single lexicon is not translated correctly. meanwhile, omitted relation is when the target does not convey the source text because of morpho-syntactic errors. it is in line with the result of this study which shows that bad word form error is also commonly found in the translation result from youtube auto-translate. bad word form is an error type that is caused by a bad error types analysis result missing content word missing auxiliary word short range word level long range word level short range phrase level long range phrase level extra word bad word form untranslated wrong lexical choice bad disambiguation journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 81 morphological form. it shows that morphological error is also commonly found in machine translation. the most common error found in this study is similar to the most common error in the study conducted to google translate. it shows that the problem occurred in machine translation is similar although the machine translator is different. besides the commonly found error types, this study also found that the errors found are mostly single error. the errors are not related each other. it means the error in the machine translation mostly does not happen because of another error. it occurs individually. this study also found that the translation is source language emphasis. it can also be the reason behind the errors. there is some word for word and literal translation found in the translation. these methods are included as source language emphasis. this can cause an error in the translation because the word for word and literal methods are usually used to translate a difficult text. then, the result of the word for word and literal translation should be reorganized and rewritten in accordance with the context. however, the word for word and literal translation in the translation produced by youtube auto-translate is not revised again to meet the context and grammatical structure. this causes errors in the translation result. the result implies that machine translators have similar common errors. the result also proves that the weaknesses of machine translators are in lexical choice and grammar. it also implies that machine translation is source language emphasis because the common error found in youtube autotranslate and google translate is similar. it means the factor causing the error also can be similar. conclusion there are some error types that are commonly found in youtube auto-translation. the first is wrong lexical choice. the second one is bad word form. the next is missing auxiliary word. it is followed by short range word level word order and extra word. the other error types are also found in the translation from youtube auto-translate, but they rarely occur. the translation from youtube auto-translate is source language emphasis. the errors found in the translation from youtube auto-translate are mostly single errors. machine translators have similar common errors. the weakness of machine translation is in lexical level and grammar. the factor behind the error can also be caused by the source language emphasis. for further research, it is suggested to analyze the source of the errors found in the translation produced by youtube auto-translate. references bojar, ondřej. “analyzing error types in english-czech machine translation”. the prague bulletin of mathematical linguistics. april 2011: 63-76. ghasemi, hadis & hashemian, mahmood. “a comparative study of google translate translations: an error analysis of english-to-persian and persian-to-english translations”. english language teaching. february 2016: 13-17. gray, alex. “these are the world’s most popular websites”. world economic forum, 10 april 2017. web. 5 january 2018. koponen, m. assesing machine translation quality with error analysis. thesis. helsinki: university of helsinki, 2010. newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. new york: prentice-hall international, 1988. set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 103 on ethnic jokes in indonesia i dewa putu wijana faculty of cultural sciences, gadjah mada university abstract this paper aims to describe various scripts opposed in ethnic jokes found among diverse ethnic groups in indonesia. by examining carefully the humorous discourses extracted from humor collection, english lesson, linguistics text books, and jocular discourses ever heard as well, it is found that several scripts which are often opposed by the joking creators are language distortion, dumbness, stinginess and deceitfulness, and cunningness script. ethnic jokes found amid various indonesian ethnic groups essentially constitute a wealthy source to promote a harmonious multicultural society in indonesia key words: joke, humor, ethnic, discourse introduction in any society joking activities play an important role because of its function to release human beings from various tensions that they face with in conducting their daily activities. without jokes, people are trapped in boring routines that tend to bring many kinds of suppression in human life. in spite of its amusing characteristics, humors that appear in various genres are effective tolls to develop collective consciousness among groups of people, as implicated by the following quotation: laughter can be used to express an unending variety of emotions. it is based on guilt-free release of aggression, and any release make us perhaps a little better and more capable of understanding one another, our self and life (grotjahn, 1957: viii-ix, see also raskin, 1984: 9). indonesia is a state populated with various ethnic groups that do not share common backgrounds. they are separated by various cultural identities, such as religion, language, race, belief, etc. accordingly, to build mutual solidarities, trusts, and understandings among those ethnic groups is considered indispensable. the indonesian state and nation must be developed and strongly stand on the basis of multicultural spirit. the spirit of multiculturalism can be evoked by many different ways. one of which is by deep understanding of the life, attitudes and behaviors of those ethnic groups together with their own specific characteristics. because everything that concerns human cultures are reflected in linguistic practices, investigations on many kinds of humorous discourse can be used to achieve this purpose. based on this assumption, this brief paper will try to analyze types of ethnic jokes found in many regions in indonesia. to gain better understanding, comparisons are carried out by using discourses of the same types found in various foreign ethnic groups. although discourses, either oral or written, containing ethnic jokes can easily be found in the use of indonesian and local languages in indonesia, the linguistic studies on such materials are considered rare. most of the studies related to jocular discourses in indonesia focus their study on play on words (puns) exploited by their creators to arouse comic effects. among those are studies done by wijana (1995), wijana & rohmadi (2006: 55-76). unlike those previous studies, this i dewa putu wijana 104 paper will approach types of ethnic jokes found in indonesian societies by using script based theory pioneered by raskin (1984: 99) and applied by noerhadi (1989: 189 ), soedjatmiko (1991: 5-12) and wijana (2015: 1-16) to analyze other types of discourses, indonesian cartoons and american literature, indonesian political humors respectively. theoretical framework script based opposition theory departs from the main hypothesis that a text can be characterized as a single-joke carrying text if both of the following conditions are satisfied: a. the text is compatible, fully or in part with two different scripts. b. the two scripts with which the text is compatible are opposite in a special sense. (raskin, 1984: 99) a text in this matter can be sufficiently defined as the most complete and abstract linguistic unit of either oral and written (kridalaksana, 1993: 212). meanwhile, brown and yule (1989: 6) define a text as a technical term to refer to the verbal record of a communicative act (see also wijana, 2014: 296), which means that script is all semantic information that is attached to the word or that are possibly evoked by it. any script is a representation of the native speaker’s knowledge about the world in which he lives and interacts with others. accordingly every speaker internalizes such a kind of common sense by which he can understand certain routines, standard procedures, or basic situations which occur every day in his society. beyond the common sense, he also has individual scripts determined by his subjective experiences and restricted scripts that he shares with his family, neighbors, play mates, colleagues, but not with the whole speech community members (raskin, 1984: 81). by this description, a script is essentially not different from “context” outlined by sperber & wilson (1986: 15-16) which is used by the speakers of any language to interpret utterances. for example to understand the following ethnic jokes (translated from santoso, 2009: 44) a speaker should know a lot of things instead of just understanding the language structure: (1) stereotypes of people from minang, jogya, and bali. it is said that these three indonesian ethnics tend to lose in every marathon competition. first, people from minang will make a moment stop at every intersection and strategic places because marathon is also used to conduct z survey and feasible study to open padang restaurant. second, the javanese marathon runners will run very slowly every time they passes a crowd of people because they must bow while saying ‘kula nuwun’ --‘excuse me’, and shaking hand with the people on the sides of the road. third, the balinese runners will stop when they pass through every spooky places and big trees to pray. (2) there was once a sundanese gadjah mada university student who wanted to go to a toilet. unfortunately the toilet door was locked because there was already someone inside. because of the urgent need, he could not stand any longer, and loudly shouted ‘atos?’ --‘finished?’ however, the person inside who was from yogya was forced to answer it with embarrassment, ‘ora, empuk kok’ --‘no, it is soft’. the other students who watched the incident were burst to laughter because they understood that ‘atos’ in sundanese means ‘it’s finished/it’s done’, but, in javanese, it means ‘hard’. to fully comprehend (1) and (2), anyone should not merely know the meaning of words and phrases, and types of sentences which construct the discourses, but more importantly they must also be familiar with the attitudes and behaviors of those ethnic groups in interacting with each other in indonesian social life. by proper comprehension, then someone can identify the scripts that want to be opposed by the joke creators. in (1) the creator intends to oppose the script of minang people business instinct, javanese politeness, and balinese religiousness and the behavior of indonesian people in general that will not do such kinds of behavior in the marathon competitive situation. in (2), the creator wants to expose a language distortion script between a javanese and a sundanese as a reflection of indonesian multilingual situation in which the two ethnics often laugh at each other when the vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 105 lexical units of those languages are contrasted. in the contrasted version of (2), a sundanese are told to ask a javanese to take a stone or any kind of a hard object by saying ‘cokot!’ that means ‘take it!’, and objected by the javanese because that expression means ‘bite it!’ in his/her native language. using a large sample of ethnic humor discourses taken from various ethnic group, raskin (1984: 181-221) finds many kinds of scripts exploited by the creators to make humorous texts, such as script of language distortion, script of dumbness, script of stinginess, and script of cunningness. without denying some particularities, there must be universals in joking practices. as such, it can be assumed that those kinds of scripts also exist in indonesian ethnic jokes. methods of investigation all data presented in this paper are extracted from humor collection written in indonesian or found in english lesson books and ethnic jokes that the writer has ever heard up to now. the selection begins with a process of sorting to get ethnic script humorous discourses, and setting them aside from the non-ethnic ones. however, the classification is often not easy to carry out because of the slight differences among the joke scripts. the ethnic jokes are then translated into english. indonesian and local language elements, such as words, phrases, and longer linguistic expressions which are considered very important in arising humorous situation are sometimes deliberately not translated. further, the ethnic joke discourses are classified according to the scripts used as the basis of their joking creation. as a comparison, the description is completed with foreign ethnic jokes extracted from humor linguistic text books. research findings a careful investigation towards the data collection finds several scripts commonly exploited to create ethnic joke discourses. those scripts are analyzed in 1 to 4 below: 1. language distortion script language distortion jokes are generally based on differences of linguistic performance between two or among ethnic groups in a society. the majority of the ethnics consider that the minority groups perform a strange linguistic behavior. the linguistic features of the minority are considered less prestigious than the forms used by the majority. usually this types of joke play upon phonological variations of dialects that belong to the same mutually intelligible language or lexical confusions between two languages, such as shown in (2) above. for example in indonesian society, balinese and acehnese are two ethnics that cannot pronounce voiceless dental or alveolar stop /t/. they usually pronounce this sound as voiceless palatal stop /ţ/. for the majority javanese, the balinese and acehnese strange linguistic performance can be the target of their joking creativities. the following (3) is a humorous discourse based on this language impediment: (3) + what is the different between /t/ of the balinese and the acehnese? the balinese /t/ is tourists, but the acehnese /t/ is terrorist. javanese living in bali also often becomes a joking target because of their inability to pronounce voiced stop consonants, such as /b/, /d/, and /g/ occurring in the word finals either when they speak balinese, javanese, or indonesian as well. they tend to pronounce these sound as /p/, /t/, and /k/ respectively. the javanese speaking banyumas dialect can pronounce words end with /b/, /d/, /g/. however the banyumas javanese also becomes a joking target for their incapability to pronounce /o/ (unround lower middle back vowel) because this sound is pronounced /a/ in banyumas dialect. people from madura often become a target of language distortion joke because of reduplication and repetition system of their language. this ethnic expresses ‘tong-potong’ ‘cut repeatedly’, ‘tu-satu’ ‘one by one’, ‘ju-baju ‘shirts’, while the indonesian majority say ‘memotong-motong’, ‘satu-satu’, ‘baju-baju’. indonesian people insult the maduranese as improper people to choose as march leaders i dewa putu wijana 106 because they will give command ‘tu-satu’, ‘wa-duwa’, ‘ga-tiga’, ‘one…one, two…two, three…three’ instead of the standard command ‘satu-satu’, ‘dua-dua’, and ‘tigatiga’. the indonesian and the javanese pronounce /u/ as [u] when this sound occurs in the final closed syllable, such as ‘atur’ ‘order, regulate’, while the maduranese realize it as /o/, ‘ator’. ‘ra diatur’ ‘is not ordered’ in javanese corresponds to ‘ra diator’ in maduranese. therefore, ‘mangan ra diatur’ ‘do not eat regularly’ correspond to ‘mangan ra diator’ that phonetically coincides with ‘to eat a radiator’. indonesian people who come from batak (north sumatera) are often laughed at by other indonesians because of their less proficiency in pronouncing unrounded central middle vowel /ә/. they always pronounce this vowel as unrounded front central vowel /e/. meanwhile, holmes (1992: 134) exemplifies the following anecdote to explain the difference between british english and new zaeland english in which the pronunciation of ‘dad’ ‘father’ is similar to ‘died’ ‘passed away’: (4) a british visitor to new zaeland decided while he was in auckland he would look up an old friend from his war days. he found the address, walked up the path and knocked on the door. ‘gidday, said the young man who opened the door, ‘what can i do for you’ ‘i’ve called to see me old mate don stone’, said the visitor. ‘oh he’s dead now mate’ said the young man. the visitor was about to express condolences when he was thumped on the back by don stone himself. the young man had said ‘here’s dad now mate, as his father came in the gate. 2. dumbness script dumbness script jokes are created on the basis of accusation of some ethnics of being stupid, less educated, and less intelligent, etc. the people belonging to the accused group are often told to behave strangely from the view point of the accusers because they do not perform such a stupid behavior in the same situation. in indonesian society, people from madura are considered less intelligent than other ethnics. accordingly, people who belong to this ethnic group are used to become a figure of jocular discourse developed on this kind of script, as shown by (5) below (5) a maduranese man was asked to measure the height of a flag pole. all people watching how the maduranese did the job were very surprised because he measured it by climbing the pole without first lying down it. this was totally different from what common people usually did. the reasons was because he wanted to measure the height of the pole instead of its length. people from ambon are also often alluded to and stigmatized as less intelligent people. in discourse (6) they do not know that the film title “ten commandments” (a colossal film stared by charlton hesston) cannot be changed into “two commandments” to make its playing time shorter because he does not have a lot of time to watch. this is told by warkop, a popular comedian group in the middle of the seventies, about an ambonese male in front of ticket counter with his strong accented indonesian. (6) “eei… sepuluh perintah terlalu lama, beta mau 2 perintah saja” (oh..ten commandments are too long, so i want to buy two commandments only). among russian ethnic groups, ukrainians are considered stupid minority, and often to be a target of dumbness based script humorous discourse, as shown by (7) extracted from (raskin, 1984: 186): (7) + how many ukrainians does it take to charge a light bulb? five. one to stand on the table and put the bulb in and four to turn the table. jewish are always scripted clever or genius, but polish are described stupid and dumb for they never use their brain, as seen in (8) taken from raskin (1984: 187): (8) a patient in hospital is offered a choice of two kinds of brains for his brain transplant. “we have jewish brains,” he is vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 107 told at $ 5,000 and polish brain at $ 10,000.” how come the polish brains are twice as much as the jewish brains?” he asks in amazement. “well, sir, the polish brains are brand new. they have never been used.” 3. stinginess and deceitfulness script jokes belong to scripts of this type are created from the facts that several ethnic groups have a specific trait of being more economical or more generous compared to others. arabs are often to be the joking target as people with such characters. meanwhile, because of their profession or livelihood as traders, chinese are often insulted as people who are full of deceitfulness. consider (8), (9) and (10) below. discourse (8) and (10) are translated from their indonesian version found in jamboel (2012: 73-74) and (9) are precisely extracted from priyasudiarja and purwaningsih (2011: 27) without any modification. in (8) the stinginess is represented by only one out of three requests fulfilled by the genie. this discourse entrusts that treating a woman is much more difficult than constructing a building on the mountain top. in (9) the stinginess is combined with the play on idiomatic and literal meaning of take and give. in (10) the stinginess script, is presented together with many kinds of script own by other races. (8) an archaeologist and a magic lamp genie. an archaeologist was digging the ruin of an old civilization around an archeological sites. when he found a magic lamp, he directly rubbed the lamp, and suddenly appeared a genie. “bless you, you have freed me, and as a return you may ask for one request.” “oh, where are the other two? because, there used to be three requests to demand, right?” said the archeologist. “oh, no, you must be watching television too much. i will just grant you one request, and you can object it in case it is very difficult to realize. “now, say what you want,” said the genie confidently. ”hmm, up to now i just want to reach the top of semeru, but i am not strong enough to walk up there. so, please help me make an escalator that goes up and down from the bottom to the top.” the archaeologist replied. “what??!!!”, the genie shouted loudly. “your request is absolutely impossible. it will cost for trillions rupiah, for millions of cement sacks, hundred thousands of workers, and years of constructing time. damn you, make another option!” the archaeologist felt very disappointed because the genie could not realize what he had asked for. then he thought a while, and finally said. “all right then. this is very simple request. i just want to understand a woman felling, make her happy, and especially make her obedient to me. now, the genie turned very confused, and with very pity looking, he finally said, “what color of holder do you want for your escalator, red or blue?” (9) a stingy rich man there was a rich man in nasreddin’s village. even though he was rich, nobody really liked him because he was very stingy. one afternoon, he went to a river bank for a walk. while walking, he was playing with his coins just to kill the time. losing concentration, he dropped the coin into the river. he got so disturbed and tried hard to get the coin back. he didn’t manage to keep his balance, so he fell into the river. since he didn’t know how to swim, he was about to get drown. the villagers gathered around the river bank, trying to save him. “give your hand! give your hand!” the people shouted. miraculously, the man didn’t want to extend his hands. at that time nasreddin happened to pass by. “nasreddin, you should do something. hasan, the rich, has fallen into the river. he is going to get drown, but he doesn’t let us save him,” one of them told nasreddin. “let me try,” nasreddin replied. he went to the bank of the big river immediately and rolled up his sleeves. hasan, hasan, take my hand! nasreddin shouted to the drowning man. to this the man immediately extended his hand and grabbed nasreddin’s arm. now nasreddin and the others were able to pull the man out of the water. i dewa putu wijana 108 “how could you make it, nasreddin?” one of the villagers asked. “it’s easy. he is quite stingy, right? he is not used to giving to others. he is better at taking than giving. so use the world ‘take’ not ‘give’. nasreddin replied calmly. the people nodded their heads, indicating that they understood. they know that the stingy person never give but take something. (10) ten commandments. it was said that the 10 commandments were not for the israelis, but for other people as well. however, just other people rejected them. this is the story… an angel went to italia. angel: hey, you are italians. do you want a god commandment or not? italians: what is the commandment? angel: do not kill! italians: oh, sorry we are mafia, killing is our activities. then the angel flew to russia. angel: hey, you are russians, do you want god commandment? russians: what is it about? angel: pray to your god! russians: sorry, we are atheists. we do not believe in your god. angel: hey, you are chinese people, do all of you need a god commandment? chinese people: what is that about? angel: never tell a lie. chinese peoples: sorry, we are traders. so, we must cheat. the angel became very frustrated, and finally flew to israel who were stubborn. who knows, they would accept it. angel: hey, you are israelis, do you want a god commandment? israeli: do we have to pay for it? angel: no, it is free. israeli: ok, we take 10. 4. cunningness script although maduranese people in many cases are regarded as people who are full of dumbness, in some jocular discourses this ethnic group is alluded to people whose cunningness can solve various of problems of their daily life in their own unique and tricky ways. other ethnic groups usually do not take such ways in case of facing with such situations. the following (11) extracted from buchari (2006: 10) shows how a maduranese orange seller answers the complaining costumer about the sour taste of oranges she has bought. in this discourse homonymic javanese word ‘pentil’ ‘pinch’ is clashed with ‘pentil’ ‘nipple’. (11) abunawas sold oranges following his friends invitations, abunawas sold oranges in tanah merah bangkalan market, madura. early in the morning, abunawas had got to that busy market. and not long after, his merchandises were crowded around by costumers. costumers: how much is this orange a kilogram? abunawas: five thousands. costumers: how come these very little oranges cost that high? abunawas: it is not bad, ma’am. it is better that my orange is as big as a pinch (pentil) than the nipple (penthil) is as big as an orange. having heard abunawas’ answer, the female costumer was gone. she did not buy abunawas’ orange. afterwards another female costumer came. costumer: are these oranges sweet? abunawas: sure, ma’am. these oranges are from madura. costumer: give me two kilograms. can i get a lower price? abunawas: sorry ma’am, this is fixed price. even though you buy one hundred kilograms, the price will be the same. the costumer bought two kilograms and then she was gone. however, two hours later she came back, and protested abunawas with an angry voice. costumer: you said that these oranges were sweet? and, why are they sour? you cheated me. abunawas: oh ma’am, i do not live inside the oranges. so i cannot differentiate them one by one. which orange is sweet and which orange is sour? costumer: i am protesting it. i am very disappointed buying two kilograms. vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 109 abunawas: you just bought two kilograms. i bought 1 truck, but never make a protest. among the world ethnics, jewish people are well known of their cunningness. the following (12) and (13) are humorous discourses taken from raskin (1984: 192193) which represent how cunning and tricky the jew is: (12) a jew and a gentile have an automobile accident: their cars collided at an intersection. they call the police and wait for them to arrive. neither is injured but both are shaken. the jew takes out a flask with vodka and offers it to the other. the man gladly accepts and takes a sip. then he returns the flask to the jew with thanks and says, “now help yourself.” “oh no,” says the jew. “i’d better wait for the police to establish now who is the guilty party.” (13) there was a jew in town whose favorite occupation was betting. once he insisted on an audience with the governor because he had some very important news to report. the governor was incredulous but decided to see him. “your excellency”, said the jew. “i am afraid i have bad news for you. you are developing a huge boil on your behind, and has to be taken care of immediately.” “this is ridiculous,” respond the governor. i have nothing of the kind. “i will bet you 5 rubles that you do.” “well,” said the governor, just to punish you for your imbecility.” he lower his trousers, and sure enough that no boil in his behind. “wait a second!” said the jew. “i don’t understand. i know that you do have a boil there. may be it is very small. come to the window –there is more light there. no, you are right, there is no boil.” and he paid the governor the 5 rubles. “now, what do you do this thing for?” asked the governor indignantly. why do you waste money like that?” “oh no your excellency,” said the jew. “i never waste money.” “but this stupid bet! you just threw away 5 rubles.” “no, your excellency, i just made 5 rubles. “what do you mean?" i bet somebody on the street that he would see the governor bare ass in this window. conclusion any humorous discourse which concerns ethnic jokes is commonly created on the basis of scripts oppositions. the universal scripts that are used to oppose are language distortion, dumbness, stinginess or deceitfulness, and cunningness. in humor creation, one kind of script is often and easily mixed with the other. in language distortion script, the languages of the minority groups are treated as less prestigious or not standard than those used by the majority ones. at the same time the minorities are also alluded to behaving more stupidly, more economically, dishonestly, more trickily, etc. because the majority will not perform such behaviors if they face the same situations. in order to be able to live in harmony, every ethnic group should have good understanding about every ethnic group’s behavior because every behavior has its own strength and weakness. each ethnic group must be able to corporate in synergetic ways. accordingly, all ethnic groups should accept those differences with tolerance. for this matter, ethnic jokes discourses constitute a wealthy source which can broadly inform ethnic behavioral differences which in turn will become an important instrument to develop indonesia as a harmonious multicultural society. references brown, gillian & george yule. discourse analysis. cambridge university press, 1989. holmes, janet. an introduction to sociolinguistics. london: longman, 1992. jamboel, big. 2012. humor gaul santai abis. yogyakarta: rumah ide, 2012. kridalaksana, harimurti. kamus linguistik. jakarta: gramedia pustaka utama, 1983. i dewa putu wijana 110 noerhadi, toety heraty. “kartun dan karikatur sebagai wahana kritik sosial”, majalah ilmu-ilmu sosial. xvi. no. 2. 129—155., 1989. priyasudiarja, yusup & y. sri purwaningsih. nasreddin’s funniest stories. yogyakarta: pt mizan pustaka, 2012. raskin, victor. sociolinguistic mechanism of humor. dordrecht: d. reidel publishing company, 1984. santoso, hery. gadjah mada bercanda: humor, hikmah & kisah unik dosen ugm. yogyakarta: pustaka rasmedia, 2009. soedjatmiko, wuri. aspek sosiolinguistik dan kultural dalam humor. kertas kerja pertemuan linguistik lembaga bahasa atma jaya jakarta, 1991. sperber, dan & deidre wilson. relevance: communication & cognition. oxford: basil black well, 1986. wijana, i dewa putu. 1995. wacana kartun dalam bahasa indonesia. disertasi doktor. program pasca sarjana universitas gadjah mada, 1995. wijana, i dewa putu & muhammad rohmadi. sosiolinguistik: kajian teori dan analisis. yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar, 2006. wijana, i dewa putu. bunga rampai persoalan sosiolinguistik, sosiolinguistik, dan pragmatik. yogyakarta: a com. press, 2014. wijana, i dewa putu. humor politik di indonesia. unpublished working paper, 2015. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 christien tiyuni tirtayasa & harris hermansyah setiajid 200 translation shifts in goenawan mohamad’s poem collection “on god and other unfinished things” (with special reference to poem 33) christien tiyuni tirtayasa & harris hermansyah setiajid & department of english letters, universitas sanata dharma abstract it has been acknowledged among translators that translating literary texts poses some difficulties. the translators have to make a decision among other choices related to diction. not only diction, the inherent literary elements must also be rendered adequately in order to achieve “literariness”. although the debate whether maintaining literary elements in a way that does not deviate from the source text or creating the elements anew is far from over, it is also worth noting that the essence of translation activity is not creating an original text, but it is a re-creation of meaning, a result of translators’ interpretation. researches on literary translation are mostly about to what extent the translation is able to deliver a ‘similar’ literary value, the strategies applied by the translators, and how the target text readers respond to the ‘new creation’ of such texts. the elaboration of how the literary translation undergoes changes or shifts is not quite an issue in the field of literary translation research because it is considered ‘too linguistic’. however, in light of the prague school tradition which examines shifts not only on surface level, but also on discourse level, the discussion on the shifts occurring in literary translation is worth conducting. this paper tries to take a look at the translation shifts occurring in the english version of goenawan mohamad’s poem collection entitled “on god and other unfinished things” which is translated from bahasa indonesia “tuhan dan hal-hal yang tak selesai”, especially poems 33 by comparing the literary elements in bahasa indonesia and english versions. the analysis departs from category shift in micro-level analysis to the semantic, textual, pragmatic, rhetorical, and stylistic components. the result shows that there are some significant distinctions concerning the linguistic and non-linguistic discrepancies found in gunawan mohamad’s poems and their english translation. keywords: literary text, translation shift introduction translation shift is introduced by j.c. catford (1978) who sees translation (or language) as communication which should fulfill its core function: delivering the message successfully to the readers (p. 73). in the process, the translation undergoes some changes (or, shift) in its target text. the shift according to catford is the “departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from sl [source language] to tl [target language]” (p. 73). the term formal correspondence refers to nida’s division of equivalence types, i.e. formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence (1971, p. 4). therefore, when a translation undergoes shifts in its sl, it means that it is no longer formal equivalence, but it tries to move closer to the target language, which is called dynamic journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 201 equivalence. literary translation, of course, is not on the level of formal correspondence, since it needs a recreation of meaning resulted from the translators’ interpretation. the translators having a background which inevitably influences his perception to the text being translated will, of course, “shift” the elements in the text according to their native culture. lefevere (1992) affirms that “[literary] translation can teach us about the wider problem of acculturation, the relation among different cultures that is becoming important...” (p. 12). acculturation here also refers to language, a language acculturation, or shift, in catford’s term. lefevere further suggests that translators “need to learn to proceed from the top down, that is, from the culture to the structure of that text to paragraphs, lines, phrases, and words...” (p. 13). the elaboration of the micro-linguistic level will cater us the description of the translation shift. the paper tries discuss goenawan mohamad’s poem collection entitled “tuhan dan hal-hal yang tak selesai” which is translated by laksmi pamuntjak into “on god and other unfinished things”. goenawan mohamad (or, gm) is notoriously well-known for his extensive knowledge on literature, politic, religious, social as well as economic aspect of life as seen in his “catatan pinggir”, a weekly feature in tempo magazine. his poem collection was published in 2007 by katakita, jakarta, so was the translation. the book consists of 99 selected poems, discussing things which are actually not related to god, but gm cleverly swerves them into godmatter, a skill of gm’s own. the paper focuses on poem 33 talking about pasternak (literature), cities (social condition), and sacred books (religion). the three categories represent gm’s extensive resource. the comparison between gm’s poems and pamuntjak’s translation will observe the shift and test whether the translation is able to cater gm’s original message or it goes straying into other than gm’s intended meaning. shifts in literary translation translation shift analysis catford (1978) divides translation shift into two: level and category shift (p. 73). level shift is related to “something which is expressed by grammar in one language and lexis in another.” (munday, 2008, p. 60). meanwhile, category shift is specified into structure, class, rank, and intra-system shift (catford, 1978, pp. 76-81). although catford’s theory of shift is criticized for being too linguistics and sometimes quite inoperable because he invented examples, not really taken from authentic texts, therefore decontextualized, it is still helpful for identifying some changes occurring in the target text. a model for analyzing translation shift based on catford’s theory has been proposed. the model is constructed by al-zoubi and alhassnawi (2001) in their paper “constructing a model for shift analysis in translation.” alzoubi and al-hassnawi state that the lack of macro-linguistic analysis in catford’s theory prevents it from going deeper into “semantic, textual, pragmatic, rhetorical, and stylistic component.” (pp. 10-16). added to microlinguistic analysis as in catford’s theory, the model sees the shift occurring in the target text more holistically. this in line with what actually catford means about “departure from formal correspondence in translation” (1978, p.76). formal correspondence, according to catford, is “any tl category (unit, class, element of structure, etc.) which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the "same" place in the "economy" of the tl as the given sl category occupies in the sl” (1978, p. 27). thus, he suggests that measuring translation equivalence does not stop at finding level and category shifts, but it should also consider textual equivalence, or “any tl text or portion of text which is observed on a particular occasion.” (1978, p. 27). literary translation as mentioned previously, literary translation should emphasize on the “pursuing journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 christien tiyuni tirtayasa & harris hermansyah setiajid 202 of coherence through the creation of unitary, stable representations of characters and events” (barbaresi, 2002, p. 131). the difference of literary text and other text types puts under special treatment of analysis. what is pursued is not only on the linguistic level but also on the style, or extra linguistic level. the literary translation, as affirmed by barbaresi (2002), should pursue adequate representation of the literary elements in the st. although there is possibility that the “representation” also undergoes changes, or shift, the translation should not go stray farther from the st. nevertheless, since the translation is not created in vacuum but in a social milieu, the translator cannot free themselves from social and cultural influence around him. both the st writer and the translator are “born into a certain culture at a certain time...they can write within the parameters set by that culture or they can try to bend them or go beyond them.” (lefevere, 1992, p. 86). in light of this paradigm, it can be understood if the shifts that occur in the translation happen solely for the sake of catering the fluid rendition of the st to the tt readers. shifts in the translation of goenawan mohamad’s poems 33 the following discusses somewhat at length the various types of shifts found in gm’s translated poems. the discussion is presented part by part, followed by elaboration of the types of shifts in each poem. no source text no target text 1/s t/ p33 / s1 rasa syukur adalah sebuah momen etis. ia tak menuntut konsep. seperti puisi. itu sebabnya boris paternak memberi kita suatu definisi, atau satu jawaban, tentang apa itu puisi, dengan empat baris yang padat: 1/ tt / p3 3 / s1 being grateful is an ethical moment. just like poetry, it has no need for concept. thus, boris pasternak, with his definition of poetry, single and compact: the first stanza in the poem number 33 indicates there is a class shift, syukur (noun) translated into “grateful” (adjective), and structural shift, boris pasternak memberi kita suatu definisi (s+p+d+o) translated into “boris pasternak, with his definition of poetry” (s+op) with no predicate. beside those two category shift, we can also see an expression shift (i.e. change of certain expression). the translator changes the word empat with “single”, indicating that it has become a common practice that a stanza consists of four lines, thus called “single”. the sound of “single and compact” also suggests the fluidity of the poem, compared to, for example, “four-line, compact stanza.” no source text no target text 2/st / p33/ s2 siul yang jadi matang di saat sekejap kertak suara es di angin kedap malam yang mengubah hijau jadi beku duel suara bulbul dalam lagu 2/t t/ p33 / s2 it’s a whistle blown ripe in a rice, it’s the cracking of ice in a gale, it’s a night that turns green leaves to ice, it’s a duel of two nightingales. datum no 2/tt/p33/s2 indicates that there are three category shifts found, structural, class, and rank. in the st, the structure is varied, while in the tt it is uniformed: s+p+o. the repetition style in the tt compensates the different rhyme aabb in the st and abab in the tt. by maintaining the rhyme, however, the translator sacrifice a certain meaning, i.e. beku translated into “ice” to pursue rhyming pattern aa for line 1 and 3. this also highlights the expression shift (change/omission of certain expression) as in duel suara bulbul dalam lagu into “it’s a duel of two nightingales”. the omission of suara and lagu in the tt suggests there is a serious change of meaning. the tt only refers to the “duel of nightingale’s voice”, while in the tt there is a sense of physical duel is happening between two nightingales. nevertheless, such change of meaning is compensated by the rhyme of “gale” in line 2 and “nightin-gale” in line 4. the interpretation of hijau into “green leaves” shows the translator’s boldness to go beyond what is stated. in fact, there is a strong journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 203 indication that the translator, perhaps forced by a more urgent task to make the poem fluid, translates somewhat differently from the st. it is interesting to note that the translator, she herself a writer, tends to give a rather free rendition to the tt in terms of the diction and style. no source text no target text 3/s t/ p3 3/ s3 siul suara beku yang retak di permukaan sungai, malam yang berubah warna, merdu burung di antara pohon—hal-hal yang mempesona, tapi segera akan hilang, dan sang penyair tahu betapa tak ternilainya itu. 3/t t/ p33 / s3 whistle, the crack of deep freeze on a river’s surface, night that changes colour, the dulcet tone of birds amid trees – enthralling, though ephemeral, the value of which the poet knows too well. the stanza three of the poem furthers emboldens translator’s style by modulating the point of view. the st employs unspecified things first, hal-hal, while the tt already gives a headstart by mentioning hal-hal (“the things”), which are then referred anaphorically. hal-hal which is plural is also translated into singular noun “value”, an intrasystem shift. it is interesting to note, however, that both gm and the translator seems to interchange their diction (rumor has it that the translator translated the poem with a close supervision from gm). in stanza two and three, gm employee the word “es” and “beku”, referring one thing, siul, so does the translator use the word “ice” and “freeze” twice referring to “whisper”. no source text no. target text 4/s t/ p33 / s3 tak mengheranka n bila ia menolak mendukung sejarah dan akidah, arah nasib yang tak bisa diubah dan ajaran yang jadi kekal. 4/t t/ p33 / s3 hardly astonishing, then, is pasternak’s refusal to throw his weight behind history and the creed, fate’s stubborn course and teachings cast in stone. in datum number 4/tt/p33/s3, the translator seems to shift the style from denotation to idiom. ajaran yang kekal is translated into “teachings cast in stone”. “cast in stone” is idiomatic expression showing a longevity or perpetuality of an action. the other style shift found is the translation of mendukung into “throw his weight behind”, another denotation to idiom. the shift style applied here highlights the translator’s choice to be more subtle than the tt writer in conveying certain idea. the blunt style of gm, however, seems wrapped in idiomatic expression which is softer and more obscure. no source text no. target text 4/s t/ p33 / s3 tak mengherankan pula bila ia dikutuk partai yang mengungkung bagaikan gereja dan para pendukung kesusastraan model soviet yang takwa. 4/t t/ p33 / s4 neither is it surprising that he was denounced by party that imprisoned his words the way of the church and the devout exponents of the soviet model of literature. the number of stanzas in poem 33 differ starts from this stanza. the translator divides stanza 3 into two stanzas, beginning with this part. there is a shift in the form of addition of certain expression and style shift of generalspecific. the st goes on further by adding the word “word” for the translation mengungkung – “imprisoned his words”. this also shows the occurrence of style shift of changing the general to specific description. partai yang mengungkung implies the imprisonment of not only physical but also psychological being. meanwhile, its translation “party that imprisoned his words” shows the detail of what is being forbidden. there is a changing tone both by gm and the translator. gm’s tone is changing every stanza after stanza, from being obscure to being clear, and vice versa, so is the translator. the tone maintenance here indicates the translator’s faithfulness in journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 christien tiyuni tirtayasa & harris hermansyah setiajid 204 subscribing to the tt writer (although oftentimes it sacrifices a degree of meaning). no source text no. target text 6/s t/ p33 / s4 ia tahu posisinya. 6/t t/ p33 / s5 he knew where he stood. there is no shift found in this stanza. no source text no. target text 7/s t/ p33 / s5 sebelum ia diberangus, dalam novel dr. zhivagonya ia cantumkan sajak hamlet. ia memakai tokoh lakon itu sebagai metafor, di saat harus memilih bertindak atau tak bertindak, hidup atau mati, to be or not to be. 7/ tt / p3 3/ s6 in his banned novel, dr. zhivago there is the poem “hamlet,” which uses the shakespearean character as a metaphore for taking or not taking action, life versus death, to be or not to be. level shift is found in the tt translation, indicated by the lack of time aspect. the word sebelum in the st is not conveyed in the st so that the sequence of event is missing. there is also a rank shift in the form of condensing two sentences into one sentence. no source text no. target text 8/s t/ p33 / s5 tapi pasternak juga menggabungka n kebimbangan hamlet dengan rasa gentar yesus di taman getsemani, ketika tahu nasib apa yang menanti. 8/ tt / p3 3/ s6 yet pasternak also melded hamlet’s vacillations with christ’s trepidation in the garden of gethsemane, the moment the latter knew what fate awaited him. in datum 8/tt/p33/s6, the name yesus is changed into “christ”, last name is more familiar mentioned in the target language to suggest a respect or distance. in the source language, the common calling for people is their first name. thus, the tone is shifting from calling someone his or her first name to indicate intimacy to distancing oneself from others by calling their last name. no source text no. target text 9/s t/ p33 / s5 di ambang pentas, sebelum layar dibuka, hamlet berbisik: jauhkan cawan ini dari diriku, abba, bapaku.” 9/t t/ p33 / s6 on the verge of the stage, before the curtain was drawn, hamlet whispers: “abba, father, if it be possible / let this cup pass from me.” there is no shift found in this stanza. no source text no. target text 10/s t/ p33 / s6 ia sendirian. ia seakan-akan noktah yang gamang dalam keluasan sejarah yang sedang ditegakkan. di sekitarnya mengepung orang-orang “farisyi,” katanya. dengan kata lain, di sekitarnya hingar suara kecaman orang-orang yang merasa paling patuh kepada akidah agama atau ideologi negara. 10/ tt/ p33 / s7 he was, like a frail dot in the vastness of history becoming, alone. “alone among the pharisees i stand.” he said. he was surrounded, in other words, by the clamour of self-righteous admonitions, people who thought themselves truest and purest, by din of their adherence to religious creeds or state ideologies. this stanza undergoes category shifts, which are rank and system. rank shift also occurs in the condensation of the sentences from four sentences to three sentences. intrasystem shift is indicated by the change of voice from active (st) in passive (tt). di sekitarnya mengepung orang-orang “farisyi” is translated journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 205 into “he was surrounded...” again, there is a tone shift from specified into not-specified as in keluasan sejarah yang ditegakkannya which is translated into “the vastness of history”. the tt seems lack of the effort described in the st. what happens with “the vastness of history”? what’s wrong with “the vastness of history”? such questions might arise. the interesting part of the stanza is the translator’s borrowing the word “din” which means “religion”. by employing the word “din” the translator intends to posit the readers in arabian environment because the tt writer also borrows the word akidah. no source text no target text 11/ st/ p33 / s7 pramoedya ananta toer, mirip seorang “farisyi,” ikut menuduh novel dr. zhivago yang dilarang itu sebagai telah memfitnah revolusi rusia. tapi bisakah pasternak, seorang penyair, tak memilih suara siul dan bunyi bulbul? 11/t t/ p33/ s8 pramoedya ananta toer, himself resembling a “pharisee,” had joined in denouncing the banned novel as a defamation of the russian revolution. and yet, how could he have not, pasternak the poet, chosen the sound of whistle and nightingales? the rank shift is indicated by the change of yes-no question into question word interrogation. gm leaves his poem with a question to be answered by yes or no, while the translator seems to ask more intensely and demand answers which are not only yes or no. such tone change somewhat gives impact to the end effect of the poem. the effect shift here refers to what is expected by the readers at the poem’s end. the tt writer seems to end his poem simply by inviting the readers to ponder over the question, be it yes or no. meanwhile, the tt translation demand, or rather, insists the readers to not end simply by pondering over yes or no, but more on forcing them to give tangible answers. translating bisakah pasternak... into “how could he have not...” suggests the translator’s adamant invitation to the readers to think harder, rather than producing yes or no answer. concluding remarks the shifts occurring in the translation of poem 33 in “on god and other unfinished things” consists of category, ranging from structure, class, rank, intra-system, and other expression shifts, encompassing style, change/omission of certain parts, point of view modulation, and specification. the various types of shifts occurring in the translation of poem 33 proves that what matters most is the fluidity of the translation, putting the target-text naturalness over the meaning. the existence of translation shift in the poem strengthens the the idea of the importance of target-text-friendly rendition in literary translation since the literary text is different from other text types, be it operative, expressive, or informative as categorized by reiss. the literary translation, or expressive text, needs more than literal and minimal transfer. the change and maintenance of certain expression in literary translation aims at providing target readers an aesthetically acceptable translation. references al-zoubi, m. q.r. & ali rasheed al-hassnawi. “constructing a model for shift analysis in translation”, translation journal. vol. 5, no. 4, october 2001, pp. 1-22. barbaresi, l.m. “text linguistics and literary translation”, in translation studies perspectives on an emerging discipline, cambridge: cambridge university press, 2002. catford, j.c. the linguistic theory of translation.oxford: oxford university press, 1978. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 christien tiyuni tirtayasa & harris hermansyah setiajid 206 levefere, a. translating literature. new york: modern language association, 1992. nida, e. & taber h. the theory and practice of translation. london: e.j., brill. mohamad, g. on god and other unfinished things. translation by laksmi pamuntjak. depok: katakita, 2007. mohamad, g. tuhan dan hal-hal yang tak selesai. depok: katakita, 2007. munday, jeremy. introducing translation studies. london: routledge, 2001. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi 332 ideological commitment in modern african poetry: redefining cultural aesthetics in selected poems of niyi osundare’s the eye of the earth and village voice raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi & department of english language and literature nnamdi azikiwe university & university of nigeria, nsukka, nigeria abstract article information in this study, ideological commitment to cultural norms is a standpoint that has led to the development of modern african poetry. the modern african poet is seen as an advocate for cultural prowess and transformation and as such naturally adopts this african traditional antecedent in his poems. several critical studies on the two collections have focused on the stylistic and literary values of osundare’s craft without appropriate reviews on the poet's use of cultural forms to reflect his ideological stance on pertinent issues affecting the society. the descriptive qualitative content analysis method was used to show how the selected poems reflect homi bhabha’s postcolonial theory of hybridity as expressed through the shifting of cultural margins in the society, thus, illustrating the use of cultural art forms as a means of appreciating nature and exploring issues of exploitation and marginalization. the study also examines the influence of the traditional yoruba african culture on the poet with an adequate focus on the content and devices of orature, proverbs, riddles, parables, humor, satire, and traditional forms of language. the study submits that the poet adequately incorporated the ideals of culture and its elements in his enduring craft showing his allegiance to his folk cultural patterns. keywords: cultural aesthetics; orality; poetry; ideological commitment received: 3 may 2020 revised: 24 may 2020 accepted: 9 june 2020 doi: 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2579 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-share alike 4.0 international license. introduction poetry has become a tool for recounting and recreating the history and the cultural experiences of a people. it has served as a medium of interrogating the cultures of multiliterate societies, thereby, bearing the aesthetic burden of the african poet. while van damme (2000) sees “aesthetics” generally as a given culture's views on "beauty" or related qualities (p. 8), poets make use of aesthetic elements and art forms as a medium of expression in communicating social, political, and cultural issues. being a cultural dependent term, its influence on african society lies in the stylistic form and technique of modern african poetry. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 333 modern african poetry as okunoye (2004) notes is in relation to european literary traditions, which provide the paradigms, conventions, and critical principles that are either appropriated or negated in defining the identity of new literature (p. 776). this implies that the modern african poets in relation to european literature embody aspects of the african principles in the creation of african poetry. modern african poets are preoccupied with cultural issues, as a means of awakening the socio-cultural consciousness of their societies, concerning various pluralist ideals of indigenous aesthetics. such poets have resourcefully established the direction to the experimentation of poetry enriched with traditional modes and aesthetics, for artistic pontification to develop a sense of communal heritage. thus, ojaide (1996) notes that the modern african poetic aesthetics possesses the realities of africans through the use of images, proverbs, indigenous rhythms, verbal tropes and the concept of space and time to establish a poetic form (p. 30). the modern african poet weaved his themes around the sensibilities and ethos of the african people, employing the use of varying communicative tools, techniques, and models of language peculiar to the african belief system and style of writing. poets like tanure ojaide, niyi osundare, masizi kunene, and ezenwa-ohaeto are afrocentric poets who have infused the dialectics and aesthetics of cultural forms in african poetry, not only to promote the neglected and despised cultures of africans but also to portray the sociopolitical situation in the society using traditional archetypal symbols. they use their poems to emphasize and re-echo the relationship between man and his environment, man and his fellow man and man and his gods. their use of cultural forms was set at demystifying poetry, which brings it down to the grass-root to aid easy understanding. in recent times, orality has featured as one of the foundations of indigenous transmission of the literary and cultural values of africans. it has served as a wealthy resource for the modern african poets. through orality, modern african poets have engaged in the utilization of cultural resources and identity to express themselves unequivocally. this development in modern times has served as the basis for scholarly transcendence in critical discourse, and as the “creative principles that govern the form of contemporary nigerian poetry” (odinye, 2019). a range of views on orality emphasizes the dualistic quality of art, sustained in writing. ong (1930) in orality and literacy gives primacy to preliterate forms of a people’s heritage against the backdrop of printing. his reference to literacy shows the implication of orality today. he acknowledges the immense position orality holds while lending credence to literacy, as the factor behind its emergence in print. he highlights the importance of orality to the cultures and traditions of people because, despite the advent of literacy, which gave rise to technology, orality cannot be completely eradicated. afolabi (1998) in orality and memory in african poetry asserts that orality has a core relationship between memory and literacy because the modern african poet like the traditional griot owes a lot onto the memory and oral traditions. this is because without memory the creative artist dries up like an oasis in the desert of imagination. the poet thus combines the attributes of both the oral and written through the creative negotiation of oral elements like proverbs, riddles, parables, etc. to vambe (2004), “the use of orality in africa is an attempt by her writers to gain aesthetic independence from western traditions involved in the revitalization of traditional african cultural modes” (p. 36). african poets resorted to their oral cultures to create a sense of belonging and identity against imposed eurocentric traditions. such poet includes christopher okigbo who was reputed for maintaining the culture of his/her society; kofi awoonor, who concerns himself with african folk traditions as suggested in the title of his collection, rediscovery and other poem; jared angira and okot p’bitek, who use oral textual features to reflect the african culture through proverbs and songs. niyi osundare’s poetry embodies various aspects of yoruba culture and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi 334 mythology. this is felt in the manner in which the poet weaves the yoruba oral feature inherent in okiri. through a conscious and systematic handling of the tradition of yoruba cultural art forms, he underscores the exploitive attributes of the post-colonial leaders. he makes use of traditional lyrical poems usually sung to the accompaniment of a traditional instrument. his poems are satirical, ironical, humorous, and bitter. his language explores artistic aspects of the african culture enlivened with graphological structures, repetition, proverbs, and capital letters for emphasis and breathspace pauses. african cultural aesthetics entail those rudiments of traditional rhetoric and philosophies evident in literary works of african heritage. they include elements of orature, language, traditional metaphors, symbols, and images. these cultural forms are in some selected poems of niyi osundare’s the eye of the earth and village voices. previous studies on osundare’s modern african aesthetic inclination have often reflected the stance of the poet as an individual endowed with the poetic ennoblements to advocate for the plights of his people/masses, their environment and effectively soothe the consciousness of his heritage from linguistic/stylistic, semiotic, materialist, literary, political and socio-cultural standpoints. osundare’s poems significantly portray the relationship between the oppressed in nigeria as represented by the masses and the oppressor's reactive temper towards political leadership in village voices. he considers his poetry a serious affair, and as such uses it as a socialist tool in eradicating unequal power structures that exist in the society. consequently, he reaffirms his strong belief in collectivism by advocating for a balanced socio-economic atmosphere for the people. osundare draws extensively from the yoruba tradition to create a unique pantheon distinct from the first generation of nigerian poets. some of the yoruba oral poetic forms he used include oriki (praise chant), ekun iyawo (bride chant), ijala (hunter's chant) etc. his poetic use of these traditional accessories ascribe to his allegiance and obligation to the african society. killam (2003) elaborates on osundare’s poetics by noting that, he combines the meditative with the rhetorical and displays a wide range of topics that reflects european cultural influence on his poetry as well as the abstractions of love, pride, humility, honesty, cowardice, misery and corruption. his poems address themes of corruption, poverty, bad leadership, culture and tradition, and the effects of colonialism in africa. he is much aloof towards the practices of the euromodernist poets who took over the legacy of europeans concerning himself with the sociopolitical and socio-economic change in the country… his principal concern was with larger issues of nigerian public life as it affects the society (p. 136). in other words, the poet deals with multifaceted issues of social, humanist, economic, and political discomfitures dominant in his native society distinct from the research focus, which investigates culture through hybridity. lending credence, saleh (2003) submits that osundare combines and juxtaposes the rustic and rural, the profane and the urban, the verbal and the non-verbal resources of language to produce an artistic creation of the contemporary nigerian society and experience (p. 13). this portrays osundare as a cultural activist who uses poetry to explore the experiences of the nigerian society. similarly, anyokwu (2011) sees osundare as “both a mythopoet and a mythoclast universalizing his yoruba metaphysics as an alter/native mythico-historical template” (p. 8). anyokwu (2013) further lends credence to the notion of symbolism and sound imagery in his poem that, “osundare’s reliance on sound imagery and sound symbolism is in part informed by the prevailing artistic/literary temperament of his immediate nigerian and african predecessors such as wole soyinka, christopher okigbo, j. p. clark-bekederemo, and micheal c. j. echeruo ….” (p. 2). moreover, anyaokwu (2015) in his recent study of osundare’s poem adds that in terms of voice, the poet … loves to pride himself as a peoplepersona by presenting a public ‘i’ which metamorphoses into ‘we’. this journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 335 whitemanesque sense of people-persona runs through osundare’s poetry…. (p. 10). from a stylistic viewpoint, both aminu and oluwagbenga (2017) in their grapholexical analysis of village voices submit that, “niyi osundare uses italicised lexical items … stylistically it shows unfamiliar words, especially the yoruba delicacies and earthen effigy” (p. 3). in other words, the poet projects the notion of style, examining the word functions and of the yoruba speech that are unknown to their audiences. however, adegoke and adebayo (2015) investigate the poet’s use of local metaphors in village voices. they inform of his style and affinity with his heritage, incorporating socially driven and satiric themes, which cast aspersions on man’s weaknesses by the use of metaphors; “metaphors that are firmly rooted in the culture and environment of the yoruba people to which osundare has invited his audience or readers to the common concepts of capitalism, laziness, passing of time…” (p. 278). more so, ilori (1986) broadly argues that osundare details in the eye: an exuberant voyage of memories of a youth on earth pilgrimage, discovering anew – away from the encumbrances of his western education – the soul of his own society. the pilgrimage is a dramatic performance of webbed metaphors and idioms. the characters are earth’s essences (rocks, rivers, rain, harvest, and drought) clothed in plural symbols. because it derives from all of this, the language is venous, expanding into myths, riddles, puns, hyperbole, and humor. ceaselessly, osundare invents a tapestry of words wombed in the active life-force society (p. 1). ilori’s view differs from aminu and oluwagbenga (2017) as their assessment of osundare’s work focuses on his style, while ilori concentrates on the evocative educational experience of the poet whose influence in foreign land shaped the literary direction and endow of his craft. dare (2005) examines the presence of sex organs and sexual dictions in the poet’s choice of words that are taboo and sensitive in public places. he notes that, “osundare uses words and expressions that are severely tabooed in public discourse. examples are: penis, cunt (virgina), testicles, hips, orgasm, and breasts. (p. 3). this implies that the lexical-based investigation into his craft is without elements of vulgarized word usage as sensitive as it affects human sensual perception. nwagbara (2013) veers away from dare’s view. he informs about the poet’s main concern as reviving and resuscitating the natural environment, especially in the eye, where “the reconstruction of nigeria’s natural world, which faces despoliation and commodification, including a call to save the earth from inept practice that inheres in (global) capitalism” (p. 197), calls for serious national and world concern. similarly, diala (2006) corroborates nwagbara’s standpoint that the turning point in the eye, rests in the illustration of a fresh but new theoretical philosophy of the cyclical nature of history that contrasts with the postcolonial state (p. 385). he further posits that the poet’s culture creates a lasting influence in his enduring crafts and helps to understand its influence in postcolonial african literary discourse: in varying ways, osundare’s indigenous culture has provided models he appropriates in responding to the many legacies of colonialism, especially in his conception of and in confronting the aberrations of the postcolonial state (p. 385). diala’s view is very significant to this research as it helps envisage the establishment of a debatable but critical direction and inquiry into the study of postcolonial hybridity and cultural criticism, particularly in the chosen collections of poetry many more which have not been studied. bamigboye (2019) argues generally (in the light of his collections) that "although a lot has been written about the literary style and content in osundare’s poems, the consistent nature and size of his literary output nevertheless place him in a conspicuous position not to be ignored by curious scholars in the field of stylistics and literary criticism”(p. 1018). nevertheless, bodunde (1997) explores the materialist vision encapsulated in osundare’s craft, the eye. in journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi 336 his view, he argues against the romantic convention inherent in the poems that, “… osundare’s depiction of nature, symbolized in the metaphor of earth, departs from the romantic interpretation. embodied in the typical romantic epiphanic naturism is nature’s capacity to communicate to human instinct and hence provoke meditation” (p. 82). ultimately, doki (2009) submits that, “osundare is concerned both with reality and the connection between the individual and environment” (p. 68). thus, osundare’s poetry, therefore, richly embodies certain traditional oral expressions, which reflects the worldview of the yoruba people and the environment. arguably, osundare’s poems adumbrate the traditional lore and indigenousness of the rural/rustic heritage of the agrarian people, who speak clearly without blemish. he uses the rural and rustic linguistic paradigms in his collection to depict the idea of poetry that embodies all aspects of the individual character. he makes use of the form, style, themes, and language of his immediate society to convey his message. thus, from humanist, ecological and stylistic perspectives, the physical environment, man, nature, and local language resources all appear to have enhanced the overall form and content of his poetry. the review of scholarship shows that there is a need to investigate the cultural aesthetic aspect of osundare’s poems from the perspective of postcolonial hybridity, which has not been explored by any researcher. methodology this study was by means of the descriptive qualitative method (miles, hubman, and saldana, 2014). the choice of works was in response to the topic of research. the works have a study population of two carefully chosen poetry collections. the procedure for data collection for this study is by library material: scholarly textbooks, journals, conference papers, and printed mass media. for data analysis, the study also adopts the analytical and critical method in interpreting and analyzing the selected poems. ashcroft, griffiths, and tiffin (1995) describe the postcolonial theory as one involving migration, slavery, suppression, resistance, race, gender, place, problems of global culture, and the relationships between cultures and global forces preceding colonization (p. 2). this colonization process ultimately affects the subalterns with its act of marginalization and oppression. postcolonialism thus creates an avenue for the oppressed to have a voice by reproducing discourses of exploitation and equating the imbalanced binary relationship between ‘them’ and ‘us.’ for postcolonialism, culture is a focal point of reference. it stands at the forefront of literary discourse, bringing to limelight new interpretative perspectives of literature from a cultural dimension. young (1995) affirms that it plays a unique role in the growing cultural discourse of contemporary political, social, and historical analysis of a people (p. 7). culture is a significant factor that defines this literary theory, as well as an essential point that distinguishes postcolonialism from its predecessors (imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism). according to the post colonialists, it may be easy to break away from the colonialists politically and economically, but it is extremely challenging to neglect the significant control of culture on the colonizers. thus, the need for decolonization may become urgent. in postcolonial discourse, the idea of culture cannot be discussed without recourse to hybridity, which is of utmost significance to this research. the term ‘hybridity’ has become one of the recurring ideas in postcolonial cultural criticism. hybridity is a cross between two separate races or cultures. in this discussion, hybridity studies the effect of the mixture upon identity and culture. raj (2014)notes that: hybridity is a cultural transactive creating a temporal interactive sequential between the colonizer and the colonized bestowing a conciliation inestimably concussive beyond the managed identity of the dominant. (p. 125) journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 337 hoogvelt (1997) corroborates this view that hybridity gives room for “a kind of superior cultural intelligence owing to the advantage of in-betweenness, straddling of two cultures and the consequent ability to negotiate the differences” (p. 158). raj further clarifies that hybridity emerges in the context where the colonial authority attempts to transform the identity of the other compassing within a “singular universal framework” but unsuccessful in his endeavor eventually fabricating something new but familiar (p. 125). indeed, hybridity would permit the “creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zones produced by colonization” (ashcroft et al. p. 20). bhabha (1996) describes the shifting of margins in the significance of cultures, which illustrates how individuals acquire value systems and norms of other societies. in reality, all cultures turn out to be hybrid, through this; the characters can accommodate the value systems of a particular diverse society culturally, politically, socially, and otherwise. this study, however, uses the postcolonial theory of hybridity, to illustrate the use of cultural art forms as a means of identity in poetry to include orature, language, traditional images and symbols and cultural concerns of hybridity and communalism, as a means of exposing issues of oppression, subjugation and cultural assimilation in the society. in other words, the contextualization of hybridity in the african scenario may be based on the language resources and devices altered to suit the local setting; that is, “to take the european language to suit it to the african surrounding” (emenyonu, 1991). results and discussion the eye of the earth and village voices are unique in their perception of man, his environment, and natural elements. osundare celebrates the tradition and culture of his people with the maximum focus on nature. alu (2008) describes the eyes of the earth as “one which celebrates the work of the culture of a people with special emphasis on the reverence of nature” (p. 70) more so, addo (2015) remarks that, the eye of the earth “presents various themes ranging from the threat to the earth by man's irresponsible actions to the celebration of the earth as a repository of wealth and inspiration” (p. 28). ngumha (2011) adds that: osundare, in the eye of the earth assumes the role of shamanic rainmaker not only for the material good of the planting and foodgrowing ikere community but also for the symbolic salubrious enrichment of the citizens of the universe whose ultimate well-being depends on the fertility of the earth (p. 126) his use of the african oral tradition projects the african modern experiences in its unadulterated form. osundare made use of certain features of cultural aesthetics like orality, which exploits the use of proverbs, riddles, and performance, the figurative use of language, idiomatic expression, images, symbols, rhetoric, praise names, songs, and chants signifying the rich heritage of the yoruba people. the thematic range of yoruba culture and the preoccupation of the poor and downtrodden may fall within the collections villages voices and the eye of the earth. while the eye of the earth is reflective of nature and other physical components of the earth, village voices expresses concern over the exploitation and uneven distribution of resources by the leaders. about osundare’s poems, elgeezeery (2013) notes that, “he employs the oral yoruba traditions to widen the scope of nigerian poetry readership” (p. 62). ultimately, osundare (2005) declares in my poetry posits thus, “my poetry is strongly influenced by yoruba poetics. mine is a figured fancy, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, metonymy and other figures of speech populate the lines as fishes do a fertile river” (p. 55) in “the rocks rose to meet me,” the persona who is a returnee to his homeland after a long time presents an image of two powerful kings in the guise of “olosunta” and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi 338 “oroole” as two imposing rocks, which rose from their thrones to welcome him into their presence. the poet stands before the rock just like okigbo stood at heaven’s gate before mother idoto. the poet says: you have been long, very long and far unwearying wayfarer, your feet wear the mud of distant waters your hems gather the bur of the farthest forests (p. 13) the poet celebrates the rock of olosunta, which is worshipped by the people of his hometown, especially during the olosunta festival. his description of olosunta as the “lofty one whose eyes are/balls of winking sun” (line 9, 10), lends credence to the fusion of figurative elements used to define his craft. more so, the reverence and esteemed status of olosunta as depicted in his craft substantiates our claims to orality: the rocks rose to meet me like passionate lovers on a long-awaited tryst their peaks cradled in angel’s mists (p. 13) by celebrating the rock of his town, osundare is not only re-enacting the love of nature and the wealth it brings to the ikere people of ekiti state but also, projecting the rich cultural heritage of his people to the world. osundare’s cultural commitment is prominent in his profound use of poetic epithets, which are literary devices usually indicative of the artistic and formulaic language of oral poetry, which help in the proper handling of the oral thought process. an illustration of this poetic epithet below: palm bound, scalp-toothed the squirrel pierces the tasty iris of stubborn nuts; probers; those who marvel the canine fire in your mouth let them seek refuge in the fluffy grace of your restless tail (p.14) “the rock rose to meet me” is a homecoming kind of a journey back and forth into a receding past. the rock celebrated, “oroole,” is a sibling of esiade; it occupies a central place in the cosmic consciousness of ikere people. with thunderous drumming and dancing, the rocks are worshipped and frequently and appeased with rare gifts. the poet, by celebrating the rocks in his hometown, displays his love for natural resources. in “forest echoes”, the poet uses the “oriki” praise chants as a tribute to the earth. the okiri, as ayinde (2012) notes, “goes beyond mere praises and is a good source of history” (p. 89). the praises in honor of the earth reinforce the concept of orality. the forest trees like the tough iroko (oganwo) and ayunre get much praises according to their strength and fruitfulness. the poet further talks about the forest of ubo abusoro where he recounts good old memories depicting the progressive condition of the forest. now he laments bitterly about the wanton destruction of economic trees. the natural elements form part of the rhetorical account in his poem. he describes the palmwine tree as a conqueror of rainless seasons/mother of nuts and kernel/bearer of wine and life: this is oke ubo abusoro the distant forest, which shames the lazy leg where the oro tree hawks lofty fruits this is ubo abusoro where my first faltering steps broke the earthworm on the part of dawn (p. 5) odinye (2019) envisages that the poet’s intentional use of the yoruba name for these trees, iroko, oganwo, and ayunre depicts the traditional consciousness of africans to explore our cultural beliefs in literary works. osundare further praises the forest trees saying: iroko wears the crown of the forest town’s rafter, roof of the forest oganwa wears the surrogate crown of height and depts. oh ayunre feather tree of the forest (p. 6) journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 339 in “the rocks meet me,” the poet also uses the praise epithets by showering praises on the rocks. this was intended to make poetry appeal to his local african audience. an example of a local riddle in the poem goes thus: “but how to dig the gold/without breaking….” (line 16). osundare also made use of praise names and wise sayings as perpetuated in yoruba communities especially by elders. this use of wise sayings here is to buttress an idea of wasted labor. the poet made copious use of allusions to ‘olosunta’ rock in ikere, ekiti state. he personifies the rocks in the poem. osundare uses these praise techniques in his poems as an outstanding indication of the african ideological consciousness and cultural forms evident in their way of life. hence, his reference to earth, trees, gods, person, and place in his poetry symbolizes the beauty of the yoruba culture. african mythic ideation of the first rain being an instrument for purification of the land from evils, meet apt portrayal in the “first rain”. in this poem, the poet expresses his joy that the rainfall would make the earth “breath again”. when the first rain has just clipped the wing of the huge dust a cooling warmth embraces our searching soles as the land vapour rises like a bootless infantry and through her liberated poles our ear breathes again (p. 29) in village voices, the poem “the brides song” reflects the significance of traditional values and morals instilled in the african child. the bride praises ‘baba’ a symbol of father for the upbringing she received and therefore, promises to be a virtuous woman. baba, thank you today for the kindness of many years gone i am now to my husband the son of efuruowo whose ground owner of the powerful machete (p. 42) in village voices, osundare makes use of proverbs in the poem “akintunde come home”. he admonishes akintunde to come home to behold the deplorable state of things in his home. akintunde, come for though a man’s penis is small he will not borrow a bigger one to fill up his wife’s nagging mouth (p. 3) in “advice”, the poet uses images drawn from the african culture to inform people about the consequences of telling lies. the illustration of yam and farmer describes the fraudulence of the farmer and the politicians, who make phony promises and pillage public funds. in “land of unease”, osundare uses the lopsided nature of the five fingers to show the irregular distribution of resources. he laments: the land never knows peace where a few have much and many none at all (p. 45) performances are products of orature, whose portrayal meet the rhythm of music and drumbeat. osundare directs that the poem “the rock rose to meet me” should be chanted with ‘agba drum’ (traditional drum usually made from the hide and skin of animals) throbbing in the background. the poet shows interest in oral performance poetry with instruments for its orchestration. the “rain songs” in the collection are highly lyrical, interspersing with musical aids such as the flute, and rain drum in “let earth’s pain be soothed”, osundare evokes a world of plunder and destruction of the earth and its resources. nature is angry with the man for his destruction of the earth and as a result, the skies refused to send down rain. this brings about drought, hunger, and starvation. through his use of language, osundare, demystified language using the cultural inclinations of the yoruba people so that everyone can easily understand meanings. the technique employed by him is the use of the literary traditional motif to produce the common person’s poetry. chuma-udeh (2011) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi 340 asserts that the “common man’s poetry is aimed at totally demystifying poetry and bringing it to the level of the grass-root…they write in the language the common man understands” (p. 100). poets like osundare, write for the common man by embellishing stories, narratives and realities of the people with oral traditional technique to make poetry not just accessible but also comprehensible. the use of metaphorical phrases laced with traditional symbols is evident in the poem, “forest echoes”. the trees iroko and ayunre were personified with the various roles they carry out in the forest. let iroko wear the crown of the of let ayunre play the clown of the fireplace but let no tree challenge the palm mother of nuts and kernels (p. 7) the traditional symbol of mortar and pestle illustrating a bountiful harvest that accompanies the abundance of food is depicted in “harvest call”. the wooden form of mortar and pestle used in traditional african society to pound, engage in a simultaneous tussle that leads to the production of food. the poet says: the pestle fights the mortar the mortar fights the pestle a dough of contentious smoothed down the rugged anger of hunger (p. 18) the poem “let it rain” illustrates the use of refrains, repetition of phrases, lines, and structures to reference the lyrical tone of the song. thus, the sky carries a boil of anguish/let it burst/let it rain (lines 1, 2 and 16). this is employed for rhythmic and lyrical effect. the refrain “let it rain” is used to reinforce the lyrical tone of the songs employed in the poem. the repetitive use of the chorus is evident in a cultural setting, an indication of emphasis. the poet also made use of proverbial saying like “that parched throats may heal her silence/ that corn leaves may clothe the hills.” in the poem, “let earth pain be soothed” the title shows that earth is personified as an individual who undergoes a period of pain, but with the arrival of the rain, the pains become soothing. there are a series of personification used in the poem: “the sky carries a boil of anguish/clouds journey over trees/cradle of green/the earth may heal.” besides, an example of hyperbole/exaggeration is, “the sky carries a boil of anguish,” while an example of simile reads, “a prostrate like famished horses.” other features that portray the poet’s ideological commitment to culture are portrayed in the use of traditional grammatical parallelisms, similes, metaphor as well as indigenous features of drums; dancing feet, and melody fully portraying the african culture. cultural concerns in the poems under analysis typically involve issues of hybridity relative to local language devices, communalism, and the historical consciousness of his african society. the poet writes to uplift the suppressed african culture by colonial conquest. he makes use of hybridity, which highlights the juxtaposition of two cultures in terms of language resources, thereby, revealing the influence of one culture over the other. his apt use of witty aphorisms and traditional yoruba phrases to create highly potent poetry accentuates this discursive claim to hybridity. osundare also depicts the hybridized nature of some african values which are not truly rooted in the african culture neither are they truly rooted in the european culture. he acknowledges the fact that most africans living in diaspora are culturally displaced and hence needs reorientation and re-adjustments. this, he represents, in the poem “the rock rose to meet me,” where the persona stands aloof and distant from the culture of his people. the persona is depicted as a sojourner who has traveled to many countries and has finally returned home before the rock to worship it in a rendition of praise during the olosunta festival. this reverence for the rock shows his commitment and allegiance to his root. the poetic persona as a hybrid of both european and african artistic essence, thus: your feet wear the mud of distance waters your hems gather the bur of farthest forest (p. 14) these lines show the distant nature of the returnee as every part of his body is almost certainly unidentifiable, bringing the nature of journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 341 his identity into question. similarly, in village voices the poem “akintunde come home” presents a prodigal son who requires reconciliation with his home because his community needs his presence to bring them out of hunger, exploitation, and ruin: come back here where the walls are mud and meatless meat quiet the howling stomach (p. 4) akintunde’s devotion to his immediate community is tested by the sudden call from his ancestral home. he is portrayed as a hybrid whose cultural identity is uncertain because he voyaged to other countries. hybridity, however, may reflect the mixture of traditional african language; riddles, and proverbs with the english language. osundare made vivid use of hybridized language in the poem. besides, the foreseen expression is written in the english language but with a traditional riddlelike creation symbolizing africaness: olosunta spoke first the eloquent one whose mouth is the talking house of ivory olosunta spoke first oroole came next (p. 13-14) in “let earth’s pain be soothed,” osundare employs abundant use of proverbs and riddles side-by-side with the european language. he expresses his themes of hunger, starvation, and thought in proverbial language: our earth has never lingered so dry in the season of failing showers clouds journey over trees and ore hills misery with their liquid treasure (p. 28) by this rendition, the poet portrays the extent of dryness of the land, which comes as a surprise. this dryness in a season where the rain should have poured forth is interpreted as misery. he juxtaposes that with a refrain that, “the sky carries a boil of anguish/let it burst” (line 1 and 2). subsequently, osundare hybridizes the european and the african culture by mixing traditional contents with western language in “forest echoes”: this is oke ubo abusoro, the distant forest which shames the lazy leg where the oro tree hawks lofty fruits (p. 5) the poet also uses an admixture of the african proverb with western lingual codes. thus: those who marvel the canine fire in your mouth let them seek refuge in the fluffy grace of your restless tail (p. 15) from the foregoing, it could be seen that the poet made use of the african traditional style of writing influenced by orature and still created a perfect hybrid with both european and african forms of expression. an intriguing aspect of the cultural inclination in osundare’s work is the idea of communalism. osundare demonstrates that culture is communal and not individualistic because a member of the society cannot exist without the other. hence, community harmony is felt in the collective response in the poetic rendition through chants and drumbeats. this communal heritage is evident in the interweaving of language, especially in the pronoun ‘they’ and ‘our’. members of the society bear the burden bestowed on them in unison; they share the same passion and pain together as it pertains to the state of the community. the stylistic effect of osundare’s poetry is evident in the use of graphological structures, repetitions, and breath-space pauses common in oral performances. the poet also employs the use of rhetorical questions, traditional yoruba names, axioms, the nigerian pidgin english, all emphasizing his love and allegiance to his cultural identity. the form of his poems is traditional, wealthy, and inventive. conclusion our analysis of some selected poems of osundare reveals the artist as committed to the psychological, political, social exigencies of his people and their cultural milieu. with his dedication to upholding the right ideals of his society, he has chosen to be the mouthpiece of many silent voices, speaking boldly against journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) raphael chukwuemeka onyejizu & frances uchenna obi 342 various vices inherent in the society. through his humanist and socialist models, he utilizes various traditional artistic elements by appropriating the lyrical qualities of traditional african verbal art. he combines humor, satire, and traditional aspects of language artistically reproducing and recreating a poetry that accentuates the culture of the yoruba people; 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(1995) colonial desire: hybridity in theory culture and race. rutledge: london. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 103 a reading of the third “vespers” by louise glück muhammad dirgantara esa valentino am master of arts program in humanities, university of chicago, u.s.a. abstract this paper presents a reading of the third “vespers,” a poem by louise glück collected in the wild iris, a book of poem sequence spoken by four different voices, dealing with the fact of human existence in the world, especially in terms of human existential suffering. to this date, this award-winning book has been considered by many to be among the poet’s greatest achievements. this being the case, there have been so few detailed readings of the 54 poems constituting the book, however. most of the existing scholarships on the poems are topic-centered rather than poem-centered. this article attempts to make its contribution to this by presenting a close reading of one of the poems, which is especially central to this polyphonic book both thematically and structurally. assuming the critical premises and the analytical procedure of helen vendler, whose focus is on a poem’s intrinsic elements and its relations to its thematic features, the paper discusses the third “vespers”’s theme as expressed by both its obvious and minute features. by analyzing the poem’s title, body, internal structure, diction, tense, mechanic, rhythm, syntax, and imagery, the paper concludes that the poem expresses and dramatizes, through the obvious and minute details, the perennial theme of human’s pining for explanation about his/her discontent, which in the cosmos of the poem is directed to god, and its attendant feelings of doubt and conviction as a result of having to come up with his/her own answer as the one who holds the definite answer stays silent. keywords: the wild iris, louise glück, “vespers”, content, forms introduction the wild iris is a poem sequence consisting of 54 free-verse pieces. these poems are spoken, in turn, by four different voices, namely a human speaker, various vegetation, an anthropomorphic god, and an objective speaker, deal with such perennial themes as mortality, suffering, and pining. the book is among glück’s major achievements as many have noted. it is also one encapsulating her familiar poetic traits: the mythical, evident in her reworking of the myth of eden; the dialectical, in her three-part structuring of voices; and the detached tone, in her speaker’s—to borrow from a certain auditor of glück’s harvard reading (as cited in vendler, 1980, p. 305)—“unearthly” observations of human suffering. as such, it is unsurprising that many critics have invested their time and thought to characterize and categorize the 1993-pulitzer-prize-winning book since its publication in 1992. many, like linda gregerson (as cited in bloom, 2010, pp. 109121), have discussed the nature and effects of the tripartite voices. also many, like daniel morris (in the first part of the “sower against garden” in the poetry of louise glück), have traced the speaker’s emotion/thought trajectory and the sequence literary sources. however, although such studies have indeed contributed much to our general understanding of the sequence, they left a lacuna: because they were concerned mainly with topical questions, the arguments were conducted at the expense of the individual poems minute details. within such studies, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad dirgantara esa valentino am 104 each poem serving as illustration never got its due as a single whole. here is gregerson making a point on the anthropomorphic voices of the non-human speakers: god and the flowers speak with the voice of the human; the human writer has no other voice to give them. the flowers sense, or describe sensation, in unabashedly human terms: “i feel it / glinting through the leaves,” says the shaded vine, “like someone hitting the side of a glass with a metal spoon” (“lamium” 5). they measure aptitude by contrast or analogy with human aptitude: “[t]hings / that can’t move,” says the rooted tree, “learn to see; i do not need / to chase you through / the garden” (“the hawthorne tree” 18); “i am not like you,” says the rose, “i have only / my body for a voice” (“the white rose” 47). god speaks in the voice of an earthly parent who has reached the end of his tether: “how can i help you when you all want / different things” (“midsummer” 34); “do you suppose i care / if you speak to one another?” (“april” 20). (as cited in bloom, 2010, p. 120). assembling textual evidence from four different poems, she makes a strong case to her points. nevertheless, her focus on the nature of the voices forces gregerson to foregone the minutiae of the poems she quotes from: there is no mention, for example, of the poem’s employment of structures, rhythm, or rhetorical devices. oddly enough, this is also the case with morris’s part-second reading of the wild iris, the one in which he ostensibly intends to provide a poem-by-poem closereading of the poems. take, for example, his entire analysis of the third “vespers”: set in august, the third “vespers” exudes an elegiac quality as it describes a late point in the gardening season, as well as, by analogy, lateness in the sequence of lyric meditations. a commentary on her ambition to transform the literal environment into a symbolic landscape throughout the wild iris, the poem takes a retrospective glance at the volume’s overarching metaphor of the self when imagined as a speaking flower. unlike the shakespearean sonneteer who refused to compare his beloved to a summer’s day, the speaker proclaims that she “compared myself / to those flowers” of august (wi 38). we would suspect that, because the speaker acknowledges she has accepted “perishable bliss” as the necessary sign of human difference from god, she would be celebrating the creation of a lyric opening and the temporal interval necessary for storytelling through “foreshadowing,” but not here. instead, the speaker laments her suspicion that by “study[ing] the hawkweed, / the buttercup,” her representations of nature are redundant and superfluous, because nature is already a symbolic representation of god’s grandeur. “you [god] already know / how like your raiment it [nature] is” (wi 38). lines such as, “i am uniquely / suited to praise you. then why / torment me?” and “is pain / your gift to make me / conscious in my need of you[?]” register the persona of job at his lowest points, a scapegoat whose pain is unredeemed. this “vespers” refers back to the sixth “matins,” which portrayed the gardener as isolated from other human beings and, therefore, as worse off than the “sick rose,” which could at least share its misery by spreading contagion to other members of the species. (2006, pp. 221-222). here, morris traces the human speaker’s emotional development up to this point of the sequence; summarizes the poem’s content as basically a meta-poem, viz. a poem about poem and elaborates what he means thereafter. he also touches on the poem’s theme as he positions it in the intertextual networks of the wild iris’ prayer sequence and western literature. with all these, morris has finished touching the generalities. however, just as we expect him to go further into details, his reading is finished: there is no mention of the poem’s internal structure or the contrastive dictions of the poem’s beginning and ending. to redress this, i aspire to initiate a poemcentered study on the wild iris. in other words, i intend a study of poetry in its entirety, with detailed attention not only to the themes as expressed by the obvious features, but also as expressed by the various minute aspects. from a consideration of space, time, and journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 105 knowledge constraints, however, on this occasion i present only a reading of the third “vespers”, a poem (together with the other ‘prayer poems’ in the sequence) which occupies structural and thematic centrality, as helen vendler (1995, p. 16) and morris (2006, p. 201) have noted. methodology the recent trend in the field of literary study has been to focus on the question of how external determinants shape literary works and in turn how literary works bear records of those external determinants. in the view of many, this trend has shed light on how canonical texts help shape the structure of power in the real world by misrepresenting the others (be that in gender, class, race, west/east, or sexuality terms), paving the way for alternative representations. the present study, by choosing to employ vendler’s critical methodology, does not follow this trend. this choice does not make the study obsolete, too narrow, or naïve, however, as some would argue. despite these charges, paying close attention to features of literary works in strictly literary terms continues to be important. vendler, one of the most prominent critics espousing this view especially in the context of studying a poem, writes: to understand a poem it’s necessary above all to understand its functional stylistic elements; when a scholar—without a profound knowledge of the poet’s work— swoops in on a single poem to illustrate an ideological point, he or she tends to falsify both the poem and the poet in question. (2015, p. 4). intrinsic mode of reading promises an understanding and appreciation of the features (“functional stylistic elements”) of literary works. premises there are several premises adopted here. first, i took as true that a poem consists of mutually important and intertwined content and forms: “form is content-as-arranged; content is form-as deployed” (1997, p. 14), as vendler memorably put it. they are mutually entwined, for instance, in the occurrence of what is called verbal mimesis, where the form imitates, and thus, reinforces the content. content-wise, i also followed vendler in assuming that the content of a poem is generally human feelings. “it is feelings that are represented by poems, not meaning,” she asserted (2003). meanwhile, form-wise, i believed that in a poem, not all formal features carry the same weight of significances. in the introduction to her close reading of all 154 shakespearean sonnets, vendler wrote, “i wanted to delineate whatever a given sonnet offered that seemed aesthetically most provocative: if there is an interesting change of address, it will be remarked, while a predictable change of address may not be commented on at all” (1997, p. 12). consequently, in discussing a poem, it is justifiable—if not ideal—that one should focus on features with major significances only. next, i assumed (contra deconstruction) that every poem has a fundamental gestalt; no poem, in other words, is without a central significance and coherence. vendler betrayed this assumption when she stated that while it is true that stephen booth had given a massive contribution to the study of shakespeare’s sonnets, he had also committed a “too ready surrender to hermeneutic suspicion” (1997, p. 13). she considered booth has failed to decide which of the many overlapping structures he had identified in each sonnet was its “fundamental gestalt” (ibid). second to last, i assumed too that every choice implicitly made by the poet is a motivated one. to understand a poem, the import of the poet’s choices must be construed, even if only conjecturally. this assumption is most clearly expressed in vendler’s response to andrew butterfield’s unfavorable review of leo steinberg’s last supper. vendler wrote, “[t]he obligation of a critic [is] to mediate, through an informed subjectivity, the totality of the artwork as [s/he] intuits its reasons for being as it is” (1996). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad dirgantara esa valentino am 106 finally, i took as true that contexts (be it intertextual, historical, or biographical) are relevant, as long as it throws light, decorously, on the poem’s meaning. ostensible throughout entire body of critical writings, vendler incorporated contextual information when necessary to support her aesthetic readings. for example, in her reading of adrienne rich’s “mother-in-law”, vendler drew from rich’s biographical facts (a woman, a lesbian, a daughter-in-law, a widow, a younger generation, a mother, a person living alone) to support her decision to identify the speaker as the poet herself (2010, pp. 214-217). procedure vendler’s analytical procedure, most apparent in her shorter analysis as can be found in dickinson (2012) and the art of shakespeare’s sonnets (1997), can be grouped into two steps. first, she would analyze the surface aspects of the poem’s title, body, and internal structure3 in order to formulate the poem’s content/theme as well as to establish the poem’s ‘mise-en-scéne’ (personae and settings).2 secondly, she would continue to analyze and interpret the poem’s minute yet significant formal elements (tenses, diction, mechanics, syntax, rhythm, , and imagery) with regards to the theme already formulated in the first step. although in its written form vendler’s analysis does not always come in this order as she is not only concerned in writing logically but also beautifully, the underlying order is such. in the present paper, i follow this two-step analytical procedure faithfully. first, i analyze the third “vespers”’s title, body, and internal structure to formulate its content/theme and ‘mise-en-scéne’. secondly, i analyze its formal aspects and interpret them in relation to the theme. discussion as the twenty-line colloquial-sounding poem is quite short, here i quote it whole: vespers more than you love me, very possibly you love the beasts of the field, even, possibly, the field itself, in august dotted with wild chicory and aster: i know. i have compared myself to those flowers, their range of feeling so much smaller and without issue; also to white sheep, actually gray: i am uniquely suited to praise you. then why torment me? i study the hawkweed, the buttercup protected from the grazing herd by being poisonous: is pain your gift to make me conscious in my need of you, as though i must need you to worship you, or have you abandoned me in favor of the field, the stoic lambs turning silver in twilight; waves of wild aster and chicory shining pale blue and deep blue, since you already know how like your raiment it is. (glück, 2014, p. 280) obvious features to begin with, poem’s title comes from the pie word ‘wes-pero’ (evening, night) which descended to the greek’s ‘hespero’ and latin’s ‘vespera’ (evening), and further descended into the old french ’vesper’ (evening, nightfall). from there, the word entered the english language first in 14th century, initially only carrying the meaning of “evening star.” in 17th century, however, the sense “evening” and “evening prayer” also catered themselves also to the word. in specific, this prayer specifically points to the liturgical tradition of catholicism, vespers (or evensong) being one of the seven canonical hours of the catholic daily mass prayer (the other being prime, terce, sext, nones, compline, lauds/matins) (vespers). in the poem’s title, both the original sense of “evening” and the later sense of “prayer” are relevant. the first reveals that evening is the time when the poem is uttered while the second reveals that the poem is a prayer: a one-way conversation between a human being to his/her god. meanwhile, the religiousassociated sense suggests a possible link to a body of devotional poetry closely associated with christianity. however, such link cannot be ascertained yet as the theme becomes clear journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 107 only in the body of the poem, to which i now turn. one question immediately arises upon reading the poem’s body: how to denote the speaker: he or she? the poem does not provide any answer, but a consideration of the poem in the context of the wild iris as whole does, specifically the evening prayer poems. in the first “vespers”, the speaker says: once i believed in you; i planted a fig tree. here, in vermont, country of no summer. it was a test: if the tree lived, it would mean you existed. […] [h]ere, we barely see the hem of your garment. i have to discipline myself to share with john and noah the tomato crop. (glück, 2014, p. 278) there are two things of note here. first, as with the speaker, glück had also lived in vermont. second, the john and noah are names of glück’s husband at the time she was living in there, and of her son. therefore, the justification to identify the speaker with the poet herself is indeed strong. to further ascertain the fact that the proper names really refer to glück’s husband and son, and not to biblical figures, i append a quotation from another poem, “heaven and earth”, spoken by the human speaker: john stands at the horizon: he wants both at once, he wants everything at once. […] how can i leave my husband standing in the garden dreaming this sort of thing, (glück, 2014, p. 274) here, john refers to the poet’s husband and that, by association, noah refers to her son. the speaker of the poem is glück’s herself, hence, a female. that established, now i turn to the poem’s meaning. in the first sentence, the human speaker states that she knows god loves the other creations more than he loves her. she then continues in the second sentence with a case-making for her questioning of god’s act: although, after comparing herself to other creations (sheep, chicory, aster), she is sure that she is better than them, god still loves her less. this second sentence combined with the first, the implication becomes obvious: the speaker believes that this ‘unconditional love’ from god to other inferior creations must be the source of her suffering. this is even more evident as soon as the explicit question, half serious, half rhetorical, which is the turning point of the poem, appears: “then why/ torment me?” descending from the climax, in the fourth sentence the speaker imparts her on-going activity: presumably from a feeling of dissatisfaction, she compares herself again with the other creations. first, she compares herself to new kinds of vegetation, hawkweed and buttercup (both poisonous and inedible plants), which seems to her to be content with their undisturbed and painless state. next, although only implicit, she then compares herself to creatures she already observed earlier. as a result of these comparisons, the speaker comes up with two alternatives for god’s rationale: one, she suffers because god gives pain to make her realize her need of him; the other, she suffers because god has abandoned her in favor the other creations. when this meaning is pared down, the internal structure of the poem becomes visible: the third “vespers” is structured on the three comparisons (both implicit and explicit) that the speaker does on herself and the other creations regarding their relationship with god. it is represented as follows: table 1. the internal structure of the third “vespers” sentence comparisons the speaker’s conclusions order other creations 1st, 2nd, 3rd 1st (in line 5-9) beasts/sheep, aster and chicory god loves the other creations more (in line 1-5). she is better than the other creation (in line 5-9). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad dirgantara esa valentino am 108 as a logical extension of this conclusion, she asks god: “then why/ torment me?”(in line 9-10). 4th second (in line 10-11) buttercup and hawkweed god gives pain to make her aware of her need of god, since unlike the seemingly content buttercup and hawkweed, she does not have a protective system (in line 12-15). third (implied) lambs, chicory and aster her pain comes from the fact that god’s abandons her in favor of the other creations (in line 16-20). for one, the above paraphrase and structure flesh out the poem’s settings and personae. in the pasture/garden-like autumnal cosmos of the third “vespers”, in addition to god and human, there are other personae too. they are the other creations, namely the animals (“beasts”/“sheep”/“lambs) and vegetation (“chicory and aster”, the poisonous “buttercup” and “hawkweed”). the paraphrase tells us too that within this hierarchical cosmos (at least according to the speaker) being abandoned by god equals pain. as a result, while god the creator presides over all, all creations compete to be the apple of his eyes. the paraphrase and structure also reveal the central theme of the poem. as these show, the poem centers on the speaker’s pining to know the reason why god, despite all her selfperceived qualities (which she deems superior compared to the other creations’), let her suffer. pining, then, is the theme. that glück decided to take up this perennial theme here, one that the anonymous writer of job, and poets such as herbert and dickinson have also taken up is made even more convincing by the fact that pining is indeed one of the major themes in the wild iris. in his reading of the poem, morris also saw the resemblance of the speaker of the third “vespers” to job. however, he found a different thematic import: instead of focusing on the pining, he contended that theme is the suffering itself (2006, pp. 205206). this i must differ from: although the feeling of suffering is closely related to the poem, and although it is also one thematic preoccupation of the sequence as whole, this poem does not preoccupy itself with analyzing and expressing suffering. as i hope my reading shows, it is the pining to find explanation for the speaker’s suffering that the poem is about. finally, a surface reading of the poem’s body shows that alongside pining, there are two others attendant feelings: the antithetical feelings of conviction and doubt the speaker feels with regards to her superiority over the other creations. these feelings—evident when the speaker begins the comparisons—are the direct consequences of her pining: since god offers no answer, she is left to her own device to come up with her own explanation, resulting in answers at once convincing and unconvincing; and they act to highlight the extent to the speaker’s pining. all these are revealed by the poem’s obvious features. however, there is more to the doubt, conviction, and pining of the speaker in third “vespers” than what first meets the eyes. minute features when given a closer look, the poem opens so many dynamics between its theme and forms. the tenses and the present action of the speaker, to start somewhere, reveal the events before the poem was set into motion. initially, the speaker felt content with her state, implicit in the fact that poem as such exists in the first place (had she been always content, the poem would have not existed as she would not have any reason to propel her into speech). on top of that, her present accusation of god having abandoned her (“have you abandoned me”) suggests also that there was a time when she was not abandoned, meaning a time when she was content. after this initial state, the status quo was disturbed: torment, pain, and discontentment came. the use of present tense in the following part (which does not only indicate that what happens is happening only just now, but also suggests that it has happened, repeatedly, before) confirms this: then why journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 109 torment me? […] is pain your gift to make me conscious in my need of you she did not immediately speak the third “vespers”, however. instead, she first asks god for an explanation. that she did this is implicit in what she does now: the act of looking for an answer entails the condition of having a question, and the act of answering one’s own question implies that one’s initial effort at asking other—in her case, asking god—came to no avail. only after her question was met with constant silence did she begin to speak the poem. represented graphically, this antecedent scenario is as follows. contentment discontentment/pining asking god  looking on her won  third “vespers” how does this relate to the theme? by displaying her emotional journey, from losing her initial content state to her present discontent without knowing why, from futilely asking god to desperately resort to an equally vain effort of comparisons, the antecedent scenario gives more weight and volume to the speaker’s pining, and thus, make it more believable. a similar emphatic effect is also produced by the expression of the conviction-doubt dynamics experienced by the speaker in relation to the answer to her pining and also to her sense of superiority over the other creations. with regards to the former, this dynamic is expressed in the poem’s denotation, mechanic, rhythm, and syntax. in the beginning of the poem, conviction and doubt are both present: more than you love me, very possibly you love the beast of the field, even, possibly, the field itself, in august dotted with wild chicory and aster: i know. here the conviction-expressing intensifiers “very” and “even”, which are then counterbalanced by the doubt-expressing hedge “possibly”—appearing twice with a greater intensity in the second)—tell us as much. nevertheless, conviction seems to have the more weight at this point. for one, the poem starts headily with the thoracic “more than” (/ x), which gives a strong rhythmical emphasis when it is put in the beginning of a poem.4 also in this part, there is the strong and short assertion of “i know”, which is further reinforced by the use of colon (“:”), indicating not only that what comes before it is what the human speaker knows, but also that what comes after the colon gets the more emphasis. this propensity to conviction is even more ostensible in the next sentence: i have compared myself to those flowers, their range of feeling so much smaller and without issue; also to white sheep, actually gray: i am uniquely suited to praise you. the conviction in her speech is exponentially emphasized. there is her use of the emphatic adverb “uniquely.” there is also, the colon “like a sign on the highway, announcing that something important is coming” (“semicolons, colons, and dashes”, n.d.), underlining the statement of superiority that follows it; hence, a bolder mark of conviction. and then, there is her use of subtle intensification. in the phrases she uses to modify the “[flowers’] range of feeling”, she moves from “so much smaller”, which is a less derogatory label, to “without issue”, a completely derogatory one, betraying how much she thinks of the flowers as insignificant, and at the same time, showing how convinced she is of her superiority.5 continuing the increasing conviction, her feeling is brought to the climax when all doubt vanish in the rhetorical question of the third four-word sentence. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad dirgantara esa valentino am 110 however, after the climax comes the descent: in the last and longest sentence of the poem (which sits in stark contrast with the brevity of the previous sentence, corresponding to the speaker’s dramatic change of inner state), doubt abruptly reappears. the two independent clauses making up this part (“is pain […]” and “have you […]”), expressing the possible reasons god torments her, are joined with the conjunction “or”, pointing to the alternatives, and thus, doubt faced by the human speaker. in contrast, the anomalous full stop at the end of the sentence in place of a question mark shows her conviction. now, therefore, the two antithetical feelings come into a perfect balance, which is quite like the speaker’s state at the beginning of the poem. the question form shows her doubt; the period her conviction: she is questioning, but not really questioning; she is in doubt, but also quite sure. this mixture of feelings at the end of the poem’s little dramatic arch highlights the speaker’s pining. meanwhile, the drama of conviction and doubt in relation to the speaker’s sense of superiority over the other creations is enacted by the poem’s connotations, rhythm, and imageries. there is a suggestive pattern of lexical contrast emerging as the third “vespers” progresses which corresponds to the speaker’s feelings. in the beginning, as a result of the first comparison she has done to look for an answer, she is sure of her superiority. aside from the meaning of her statement, this is evident by the nouns she chooses to denote as well as the adjectives she uses to label the other creations. for the animals, at the start she chooses the word “beasts”, a blatantly pejorative word. then, as the poem moves and almost reaches its climax, she modifies the noun to “sheep”, a more positive (as well as more specific) word than the first, signaling her growing doubt. it still, however, carries a negative value in that it suggests “a timid defenseless creature” or “one easily influenced or led” (sheep [def. 2.]). her correction of the adjectival modifier for “sheep” from one carrying positive value (“white”) to one carrying a clearly negative one (“gray”) similarly expresses this. after the turning point of the poem, however, her conviction disappears, and doubt reigns over her: at first labeling the animals as “beasts” and “sheep”, here, in a striking contrast, the speaker finally denote them as “lambs” with its association with “dear” and “gentle” (lamb [def. 2.]) and “innocence” (ferber, 200, p. 191) as well as with the religious tradition of christianity (christ is referred as the lamb of god).6 on top of that, the noun’s modifiers are also transmuted from the patronizing “actually gray,” suggesting dullness in addition to her firm conviction (to the point of assuming such tone to god), to now the admiring “silver” and “stoic.” lastly, the mesmerizing visual imagery the speaker uses to describe the lambs’ color under the evening light bestows a lustrous beauty. alike import from a comparable imagery is also found in another poem from the wild iris, “love in moonlight.” only, here, it is moonlight—twilight’s kin—which bestows beauty: outside, a summer evening, a whole world thrown away on the moon: groups of silver forms which might be building or trees, the narrow garden where the cat hides, rolling on its back in the dust, the rose, the coreopsis, and in the dark, the gold dome of the capitol converted to an alloy of moonlight (glück, 2014, p. 261) a parallel arch can also be observed in the context of the vegetation (and the field). in the beginning, the speaker uses the verb “dotted” to link “field” with “chicory”/“aster”, a word which carries a negative value. the image produced by such a phrase, i.e. a field occupied by thriving speck-like chicory and aster in an otherwise spotless green expanse, is a far cry from an image one usually associated with beauty. a diptych of this image and the image of beauteous moonlight discussed above makes it clear that the former, in contrast with the moonlight image, is used to suggest the unbeautiful. “chicory” and “aster” are also modified by the adjective “wild” which neutrally means “living in a state of nature and journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 111 not ordinarily tame or domesticated,” but can also mean “not subject to restraint or regulation”, “marked with turbulent agitation”, “uncivilized”, and “barbaric” (wild). these two emphasize the meaning of the speaker’s obvious utterances about her superiority. however, after the initial sentiment, unlike the progress seen with regards to the animal, here, there is no middle transitory ground. instead, following the highpoint of the poem, the vegetation is fully elevated as the speaker completely doubts her superiority. now, she describes the flowers as “shining”, and even more striking, as resembling god’s “raiment”, a superlative label in the poem’s cosmos. similarly, when the same part is considered in the larger picture of imagery, that the speaker has completely lost her confidence is clear: “waves of wild aster and chicory shining/ pale blue and deep blue.” ocean waves and flower beds are conflated here, resulting in an image which is visually beautiful, an image of flowers transformed into symphonic bluish waves exhibiting their different shades. on top of that, the color chosen (or the blue flowers chosen for that matter)7 and twice repeated to a euphonic effect, first in the iamb of “pale blue” (x /) and then in the anapest of “and deep blue” (x x /) also adds to intensify this quality. by the end of the poem, when seen in the context of its connotations and imageries, the speaker has experienced an emotional journey from a complete conviction to total doubt with regards to her superiority. here one can argue that when seen from a different angle, this doubt is a conviction, not on her superiority but on the other creations’ superiority. if this is the case, then, it is a strong justification for god’s to abandon the speaker, and hence, the answer to her pining. however, when considered against the poem as whole, particularly the significance of the poem’s denotation, mechanic, rhythm, and syntax already discussed above, this is clearly not the case. the commingling of conviction and doubt, as well as the journey from the former to the later, instead, accentuate the speaker return to her former state of not knowing god’s rationale, of pining. in the end, she comes full circle to what she was right before the poem began: from discontent to discontent, from pining to pining. conclusion as we have seen, the third “vespers” is a poem about pining and its attendant feelings of doubt and conviction. in particular, here the pining is to know the reason for her discontent. this theme is revealed both by the obvious features and by its various minute features. vendler espouses that there are so much more to a poem than the immediately perceivable features; the details, too, are significant in that they can emphasize, modify, extend, and/or meaningfully contradict the imports gained from the obvious features. combined, both of these facets make up the interconnected whole which is the sum of a poem, as we have seen in the case of the third “vespers” with its convinced, doubtful, and pining speaker. notes 1. vendler did a somewhat balanced analysis of general topics and of specific poems in “flower power”, a review of the wild iris in the new republic (later collected in soul says). however, the nature of her medium precluded her from going into enough details. her review, furthermore, did not include any mention of the third vespers. 2. although vendler never discussed this division, nor mentioned the terms “obvious” and “minute”, these are implicit in her critical writings. 3. in a. r. ammons’ poem of finding moral lesson in nature (as quoted in vendler, 2010, p.372), “the city limits”, there apparent the logical ‘when this – then that’ pattern organizing the whole poem. when seen through this structure, nothing in the poem is left out; everything falls into places easily. it is this kind of organizing pattern that this study called the internal structure of a poem. vendler offers the only definition i know of this concept when she defines it as “the intellectual or logical shapes into which its thoughts are dynamically organized” (2010, p.86). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) muhammad dirgantara esa valentino am 112 4. a well-known example of the case is the beginning of john donne’s “holy sonnet 10.” 5. this technique has often been used to serve the same purpose. a passage from camille paglia unfavorable view of marjorie garber’s book, where she makes a point about garber’s lack of substation, can serve as an example: the remarks about madonna, attributed to another academic, are fragmentary and distorted; the description of michael jackson doesn’t move us beyond entertainment tonight; the passing sentences about prince, about whom garber clearly knows nothing, are quotes from published sources. the female illusionist jim bailey is barely mentioned, and the brilliant jimmy james not at all. (1992, p. 99). the movement from “fragmentary and distorted” to “doesn’t move us beyond” to “the passing sentences” to “published sources” to “barely mentioned”, and finally to “not at all” demonstrates the use of a similar technique, though in a more elaborate manner. 6. a similar technique can be found in “sonnet 144” by shakespeare, as vendler (1997, p. 606) has shown us. 7. blue itself has been associated with heavenly qualities (farber, 2007, p. 31), one of which is beauty. references ferber, michael. (2007). a dictionary of literary symbols. 2nd ed. cambridge: cambridge university press. gregerson, linda. (2010). “the sower against garden” in contemporary poets. ed. harold bloom. new york: bloom’s literary criticism. glück, louise. (2014). poems: 1962-2012. new york: farrar, straus and giroux. lamb [def. 2.]. (n.d.). in merriam-webster collegiate dictionary. retrieved march 3, 2019, from morris, daniel. (2006). the poetry of louise glück: a thematic introduction. columbia: university of missouri press. paglia, camille. (1992). sex, art, and american culture. new york: vintage books. “semicolons, colons, and dashes.” (n.d.). the john a. dutton e-education institute. retrieved april 25, 2019, from styleforstudents /c2_p5.html sheep [def. 2.]. (n.d.). in merriam-webster collegiate dictionary. retrieved march 3, 2019 from vendler, helen. (2012). dickinson: selected poems and commentaries. cambridge: harvard university press. ——. (2010). poems, poets, poetry: an introduction and anthology. 3rd ed. boston: bedford/st. martin’s. ——. (1980). part of us, part of nature: modern american poets. cambridge: harvard university press. ——. (1995). soul says. cambridge: harvard university press. ——. (1997). the art of shakespeare sonnets. cambridge: harvard university press. ——. (2015). the ocean, the bird and the scholar. cambridge: harvard university press. ——. (1996, october). “the booby trap.” the new republic, pp. 33-37. ——. (2003, january). “yeats and form.” lannan podcasts. lannan library. retrieved from http://www.lannan. org/ events/helen-vendler vespers. (n.d.). in online etymology dictionary. retrieved march 3, 2019, from ?term=vesper wild. (n.d.). in merriam-webster collegiate dictionary. retrieved march 3, 2019, from https://www.merriam-webster. com/ dictionary/wild http://www.lannan/ https://www.merriam-webster/ journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 199 a critical discourse analysis of selected utterances of state actors on the 2019 xenophobic attacks on nigerians in south africa damilola oluseyi fafiyebi department of english and literary studies, ekiti state university, nigeria abstract article information the study examined the discourse strategies employed by state actors in expressing their views on the 2019 xenophobic attack in south africa. the objective is to examine how this group of people explores the provisions of critical discourse to shape and pattern their communicative intention. the data employed for the study were sourced from selected online media sources between september and november 2019. the study employed the critical discourse analysis (cda) approach with a particular focus on the discourse historical approach framework proposed by wodak (2001) as its theoretical springboard. the study established that different state actors from each of the countries under scrutiny engage in positive self and negative others presentation. this showed that from their discourses, it can be deduced that the state actors were all out to launder the image of their respective countries on the one hand and that of the kith and kin on the other hand. keywords: xenophobia; state actors; critical discourse analysis; discourse strategies received: 29 january 2020 revised: 23 april 2020 accepted: 4 june 2020 doi : 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2394 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. introduction the word ‘xenophobia’ is derived from a combination of two ancient greek lexical items ‘xeno’ meaning strange and ‘phobos’ which means fear. thus, xenophobia can be described as a strange feeling of fear resulting in the breakdown of law and order. it is an act that tends to cause human beings to behave irrationally. the phenomenon was first manifested in the denigration of foreigners as barbarians by greek citizens. the greek were of the belief that other people and culture were inferior to the greek way of life and that other nationals were only fit and meant to be slaves. cooperation, as well as cross-cultural interchange of ideas, has always been the order in every normal human assembly. the encyclopedia britannica also described xenophobia as an extreme fear or apathy towards strangers. xenophobia as an antisocial act is characterized by a negative perception or attitude towards strangers. it is a kind of emotional and psychological disorder that makes people feel seriously unsafe in the midst of strangers. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) damilola oluseyi fafiyebi 200 this feeling can be described as the resultant effect of a feeling of inferiority. kollapan (1999, p. 40) argued that xenophobia as a phenomenon comes with unimaginable violence and physical abuse. it can be described as an anti-social tendency in which groups of people constitute a threat to the existence or survival of others. xenophobia as an anti-social act, especially as witnessed in south africa recently has left tears and destruction in its trail. he further explained xenophobia as being more than an attitude but as a practice and an activity. a major feature of the recent xenophobic attack against foreigners in south africa is that it was not just targeted at foreigners. it was masterminded by black south africans against ‘black’ foreigners. therefore, looking at this social menace from a scholarly perspective, we can explain xenophobia as a political struggle for the attention of the state. it is a fight over who has the right to enjoy the perks of statehood. it is triggered by the feeling that ‘strangers’ are benefiting more from the state at the detriment of the citizens. harris (2000, p. 50) identified three hypotheses that surround xenophobia. he identified the scapegoating hypothesis, the isolation hypothesis, and the bio-cultural hypothesis. the scapegoating hypothesis situates xenophobia in the context of social changes. under this hypothesis, hostility towards foreign nationals is fueled by the struggle for limited resources and limited employment opportunities. the resources include basic amenities like housing, healthcare, and education. it is a reactionary tendency that makes the people transfer their frustration to foreigners. this frustration is a result of failed expectations from the state. this is premised on the fact that successive governments have made certain promises to the people and have not been able to fulfill those promises. these failed expectations then open the eye of the masses to the unequal distribution of state resources, which in turn triggers violence. the resulting violence is, however, targeted at foreigners because they are considered as the main competitors for the available resources. this is notwithstanding the fact that these foreigners are in the minority because morris (1998) affirmed that if the majority finds itself in a perilous economic situation, there is a tendency for it to feel threatened by the minorities especially if they are foreigners. the scapegoating hypothesis therefore concludes that foreigners are blamed and made the scapegoats for the woes of the citizens thereby becoming easy targets of the citizens’ fierce anger, hostility and aggression. the isolation hypothesis is based on the view that a group of people with no positive history of incorporating or interrelating with strangers may find it difficult to sustain any interpersonal relationship. the isolation hypothesis advanced by harris (2000, p. 52) describes the south african xenophobic experience as fallout of the people’s apartheid experience. morris (1998) argued that the apartheid experience in a way segregated south africans from the rest of the world, most especially africa. during the apartheid era, south africa had to contend with various international sanctions that ended up isolating them from the rest of the world. the isolation hypothesis suggests that for the south african, the world constitutes the unknown. it is, therefore, instructive that south africans are finding it difficult to accommodate foreigners in their country. the bio-cultural hypothesis can be summarised as a prelude for the scapegoating hypothesis. morris argues that foreigners are singled out for xenophobic attacks as a result of their cultural differences, which are immediately noticeable. it is noteworthy to say that nigerians become easy targets here because of their language, physique, and dressing. in terms of language, nigerians are often unable to speak any south african indigenous languages, for dressing; they have a unique dress style that marks them out as nigerians even among the rest of the world while their hairstyle and intonation also tend to give them away. this hypothesis can be supported by the use of the identification method employed by the internal tracing unit of the south african police. this unit is saddled with the responsibility of finding out if an offender is a south african native or not. in carrying out its duties, the unit identifies biological and cultural features such as hairstyles, accents, intonation, vaccination marks, dress and individual physical appearances are interpreted as signifiers. they journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 201 point out differences with which foreigners are immediately identified. attempting a critical discourse analysis of state actors in the xenophobic attacks against nigerians in south africa is an attempt to examine the discourse patterns and strategies employed by state actors as major players in shaping and influencing public opinion. sociolinguistics is commonly regarded as a field of language inquiry that investigates the language usage of particular human groups and relies on data sources and analytical paradigms quite distinct from those employed by core linguists (gumperz 1982, p. 9). critical discourse analysis as a branch of sociolinguistic study is premised on the belief that text and talk are important tools for maintaining and granting legitimacy to the oppressive tendencies and class inequalities that are a feature of the human society. as expressed by halliday and hassan (1989), language is meta-functional; it serves textual, ideational and interpersonal purposes. this means that language is a logical combination of a lexico-grammatical system that has been employed to perform a particular function. in other words, language is a process that employs linguistic properties to produce a piece of meaningful discourse. halliday and hassan (1989) opined that for us to be able to interrogate and comprehend a communicative event, there is the need to be able to interpret the text in terms of its meta-functions. cda considers how language, either spoken or written enacts social, cultural, and ideological perspectives (gee 2005:1). discourse analysts therefore look for answers to the question of language use by examining social, economic and political discourses. critical discourse analysis does not only study text and talk but also the context that gives rise to the discourse under consideration. cda is therefore considered a tool for disclosing the discursive nature of many modern day social, political, economic, and cultural transformations. as discourse analysts, we should be able to understand the context and the participants involved in the discourse and the period of the discourse. since discourse is a kind of exchange between participants, we should understand the role of and relationship between each of the participants. we are equally expected to understand the function or the objectives of the discourse under study. language performs three important functions: the ideational function of constructing representations of the world, the interpersonal function of constituting social interactions, and the textual function of creating cohesively structured texts and communicative events. this no doubt supplies the needed ingredients for critical discourse analysis, which engages both with the way language is used to construct and disseminate discourses. cda is a type of discourse analytical research that is interested in studying the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are reflected, produced, reproduced, and resisted by the instrument of text and talk in the social and political context fairclough and wodak (1997, p. 80). discourse plays an important role in the expression and reproduction of institutional, personal, social, economic or political ideologies. critical discourse analysis seeks to take a standpoint with the aim of understanding, exposing and resisting social inequality (vandijk 1997, p. 10). fairclough & wodak (2002, p. 95) argued that the aim of cda is to provide a critical perspective for human communication through conversation analysis, rhetoric, stylistics, sociolinguistics, ethnography, or media discourse analysis. cda as a linguistic craft, therefore, becomes necessary because the analysts are more or less aware of their roles not just as passive members of the society but as valuable linguistic surgeons who have the duty of interpreting language use based on the context of usage. cda is equally of the view that there is a strong link between language and society and that such a connection should not be ignored but annexed for appropriate understanding and interpretation of language use. it is agreed that cda subsumes a variety of approaches towards providing a social and theoretical analysis of discourse (van dijk, 2007). in the light of the foregoing, the present study will adopt wodak’s discourse historical model as its analytical framework. this model is apt for this study because in the words of wodak and meyer (2001), it is designed to address discriminatory and political discourses in which language users tend to journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) damilola oluseyi fafiyebi 202 argue for or against particular views, concept or ideas. this is supported by the claim that the discourse historical method was employed in a study that examined discrimination against immigrants from romania and in a study on the discourse on nation and national identity in austria (wodak et al. 1999). the discourse historical approach, as applied in the studies under reference, suggests that discourses on national issues and national identities normally employ four different macro strategies: constructive strategy, preservative strategy, transformative strategy, and destructive strategy. the constructive strategy creates national identities, views, and beliefs. the preservative strategy is deployed in consolidating the views already created while the transformative strategy aims at changing national identities. the destructive strategy seeks to dismantle national identities in the mind of language receivers. based on the foregoing, the discourse historical model seeks to answer five important questions that are the heartbeat of the model. they are listed as follows: a) how are discourse participants, concepts, institutions referred to linguistically? b) what are the qualities, traits that are attributed to the identified individual? c) what are the means through which arguments and argumentations are constructed to justify the discrimination, victimisation, oppression of the other group? d) from what point of view or perspectives are the attributes, discriminations and oppression expressed e) are the respective utterances employed implied, stated indirectly, intensified or mitigated by means of polite utterances? according to wodak and meyer (2001), these questions are specifically designed to unravel the discursive strategies employed in discourse. as expressed by the questions highlighted above, the discourse historical model seeks to answer questions regarding the nomination or referential terms, presentation of discourse participants, argument construction, discourse framing as well as the mitigating force employed in a piece of discourse. ademilokun (2018, p. 165) explained nomination as the discursive construction of social actors, objects, processes and actions. it is the presentation and representation of participants, events, individuals or situations that embody a piece of discourse. it may be represented with nominal phrases, pronominals, verbs and adjectives. it is the referential representation or categorization of discourse participants as in-group or outgroup participants. joseph (2006, p. 345) explained that this representation is carried out through personalization or depersonalization of individuals or groups by means of descriptive metaphors and other figures of speech. arthemis & monika (2010, p. 15) says that nominal items can either be referential or argumentative. they explain that while referential nominal elements are deployed in producing subjects that possess certain attributes, argumentative nominal elements are deployed in expressing the implication of the attributes of the subject. joseph (2006:345) describes nominalisation as a discourse strategy employed to create identity. he opines that speakers and writers single out individuals, nations or concepts as important discourse features. nominalisations is inseparable from language because it assigns names, labels and other forms of linguistic identity to discourse participants. discourse inquiry into nominalisation is concerned with how the meanings of utterances are interpreted, not just following idealized word senses and rules of syntax but in the context of who is addressing whom in what situation and how speakers themselves are read. nominalisation, therefore, explains the personality construct conveyed by the speaker and interpreted by the addressee. in a view expressed by reisigl and wodak (2009, p. 90), predication is concerned with the positive or negative qualification of all the elements that make up a piece of discourse. predication is concerned with labeling social actors either positively or negatively. it is employed with the aim of passing appreciative or non-appreciative comments on objects, phenomena, processes, and actions in a discourse. it is often done by evaluating the attributes of the target discourse actor(s). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 203 argumentation, as a general notion, is concerned with the methodological presentation of our reasoning. specifically, it is interested in the process of arguing in favour of, or against, a point of view, a course of action or an opinion. ademilokun (2018, p. 160) described argumentation as the effort to provide justification or condemnation for stated claims. argumentation is often generated from the topic and tends to provide the link between the discourse theme with the identification of particular subject and the conclusion (ademilokun 2018, p. 161). this examines the means through which discourse participants justify the exploitation, exclusion, discrimination or inclusion of others as the case may be. amossy (2018, p. 262) explained that the main objective of argumentation is to disclose the mechanisms and internal logic of situated discourse through the way it constructs patterns of reasoning and puts them into words in a given generic and institutional framework. practically, it unveils the way underlying arguments and argument schemes are embedded into words in order to act upon an audience, orient collective decisions and action, oppose conflicting stances, or simply reinforce pre-existing choices and points of view. discourse framing is the expression of the viewpoints of discourse participants. wodak and meyer (2001) opines that framing focuses on the perspective through which the arguments making up a discourse are constructed. this is achieved through reporting, narrating or quoting events or utterances. it should be noted that the quoted or described events may be positive or negative but they are considered appropriate as long they satisfy the framing need of the speaker. wodak & meyer (2001) described mitigation strategy as focusing on the locutionary force employed by the speaker. mitigation strategies equally examine the deployment of language resources to achieve politeness in discourse. it is an attempt to mitigate the force of discriminatory or weighty utterances. caffy (2006, p. 246) described mitigation as adiscourse strategy in which speakers attenuate one or more aspects of their speech. in mitigation, something which is somehow expected, is substituted, sidestepped, disguised, or simply deleted and left unsaid by the speaker, out of manners, cautiousness, or modesty: it is up to the hearer to reconstruct it inferentially. the modern world is characterised by struggles, a collapse in spatial difference, discriminations and various ideological conflicts among different groups (hall 1996). these differences are manifested in a steady rise in societal maladies including nationalism and xenophobia wodak and meyer (2001, p. 720). as a result of this, it becomes important to carry out an examination of communicative acts which shaped human actions and inactions with the intention of providing an understanding of the strategies deployed by these participants in passing their messages across. methodology many african countries were caught in the south african xenophobic incident. the study focuses on the comments of nigerian and south african participants because the two countries were at the centre of the xenophobic attacks. as a result of this, various state actors have been involved as discourse participants who will make various evaluations either for or against the phenomenon. predication as a discourse strategy presents an attempt to review a particular situation and explain the various factors around it. this study utilises excerpts extracted from the discourse of political state actors in nigeria and south africa. this is because the speakers are discourse authors whose language unites or divides the people. the data were extracted from online news sources. the samples were purposively selected from a pool of news items that were published online between the 19th of august and 20th of september 2019. the samples were purposively selected during this period because the season was characterised by diplomatic tension between south africa and some african countries, especially nigeria, with state actors from the two countries offering various explanations about the attacks. the data choices were informed by the relevance of each of the samples towards achieving the objective of the study. it is also journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) damilola oluseyi fafiyebi 204 instructive that news items published online often reach a larger audience. the utterances of state actors in national issues like the subject matter of this article often determine the intensity of national issues. the samples were downloaded from the online news platform of the punch, vanguard, tribune, the nation, premium times, daily post and the cable. the news media were selected because they offer a rich avenue for state actors to express their views on socially sensitive issues. the analytical framework for this study is critical discourse analysis. this framework is considered appropriate because of its importance in deepening the interrogation and explanation of the roles of language as a defining tool in human affairs, conduct and social processes generally. results and discussion this section of the study is designed to present and analyse the data selected for the study. the springboard for the analysis will be the discourse historical approach (dha) proposed by ruth wodak. as a result of this, the analysis will examine the exploration of the discourse strategies of nomination, predication, argumentation, framing and mitigation in the discourse of state actors in the xenophobic incident in south africa. nomination the xenophobic discourse which is the source of the data for this study can be tied around certain causal agents. the crisis no doubt features human and institutional participants that are expressed through different nominations either to advance or defend an argument. the following section examines the discourse strategy of nomination as employed by certain state actors in shaping the xenophobic event. excerpt 1 (daily post online, 11 sept 2019) i doubt they would try this if sheu shagari, obasanjo or jonathan were still president or if gen murtala mohammed gen obasanjo, gen babangida or gen sani abacha were still head of state. excerpt 2 (daily post online, 11 sept 2019) why am i not surprised? it is only when the father of a house is weak that strangers beat his children and treat them like filth. it is only when the president of a nation is a coward that foreigners butcher his people and treat them like flies. in the excerpts presented above, the speakers present examples of nominal nomination. this is because every human activity centres round persons, institutions and objects. in the latest xenophobia issue experienced by nigerians, state actors employ nominal nominations for criticism. in the excerpts, the speaker presents an indirect contrast between the sitting head of state and past heads of state in order to carry out a comparison of the individuals. the speaker in data sample 1 focuses on the expected role of a head of state. being a former minister in previous governments, it can be argued that the speaker quite understands the role of a head of state in an issue as sensitive as the south african xenophobic occurrence. it should be noted that the xenophobic occurrence in south africa is one that presented state actors the opportunity to put expression to their political sentiments. it was an opportunity for them to present certain subjective viewpoint. this they do by either direct or indirect positive presentation of self and negative presentation of others. excerpt one for example, employs proper nouns with concrete reference as an indirect invitation for the people to compare the supposed action of present and past leaders in relation to attacks on their subjects. the excerpt here is intended to present the president in bad light and sing the praise of his predecessors. the aothor of this data excerpt, being a leading opposition politician employs nomination to call attention to the leadership qualities of the president. the data excerpt is deployed to make nigerians realise the incompetence of the current holder of the office of the president. even though the speaker did not mention the name of the sitting president, the excerpt is a direct indictment of the president’s ability to protect the interest of nigerians as observed in excerpt journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 205 2. in this excerpt, the speaker uses certain figures of speech to paint a picture of the nigerian head of state, the nigerian people as well as the south african populace. the nigerian president is described as a father, who being the head of a family, is expected to do everything within his powers to protect his children against either internal or external aggression. the speaker argues that the president has failed in his duties by allowing south africans who he described as strangers to maltreat nigerians. he further captures the degree of the maltreatment of nigerians by using the nominal expression ‘filth’ and the verb ‘butcher’ to paint a gory picture of the extent of their suffering. the speaker equally voiced his low perception of the president’s leadership abilities with the adjective ‘weak’. this lexical item presents the president as unable to rise to the defence of his people and appears to fold his hands while other nationals kill and maim his people. excerpt 3 (daily post online, 11 sept 2019) we can’t stop the xenophobic attacks. the truth is that we are an angry nation. what is happening cannot be prevented by any government excerpt three also employs nomination to present a picture or nature of xenophobia. it is noteworthy that the social malady of xenophobia is precipitated by anger against foreigners. the speaker of the excerpt under study confirms the opinion that xenophobia is built on anger and that the two cannot be separated. the excerpt deploys referential lexical items that capture the talking point(s) of the situational context of the discourse under review. first and foremost, the speaker understands the fact that certain proactive measures are expected of the government as obligations towards the people; foreigners inclusive. the speaker in the excerpt above presents a picture of someone who is not sensitive to the plight of nigerians and other foreign nationals who were the target of the xenophobic upheavals. the utterance in excerpt 3 employs attributive nomination in showing the negative tendencies of south africans as well as the inability of the south african government to stem the tides of the attack. the speaker here is a state actor who is saddled with the responsibility of protecting lives and properties of everyone in south africa irrespective of their nationality. predication as stated earlier, predication is a discourse strategy that employs nomination as a means to an end. it is often employed to enhance self and a negatively represent the other party. the major objective of predication is to draw public sympathy to self and attract condemnation to others. like every social occurrence, the xenophobic attacks involved various situational evaluations with the aim of attracting justification to self and criticism to others. instances of predication in the various discourses that trailed the xenophobic attack are presented here. excerpt 4 (the nation online, 5 sept 2019) over the past few days, our country has been deeply traumatised and troubled by acts of violence. high unemployment and widespread poverty have been cited as possible triggers for the recent disturbances and attacks on immigrants, but some officials say the riots might be the work of criminal syndicates. excerpt 5 (daily post online, 11 sept 2019) we decimated your white boar masters in the killing grounds of zimbabwe, namibia, angola and mozambique when you were still their slaves. we fought them and their surrogates in the field of battle for your sake and in the end we prevailed and you gained your freedom excerpt 6 (3 sept 2019) the south african judicial system is very lenient with certain types of crimes, so if somebody commits a crime now, the system will grant him bail immediately. the samples identified here are attempts to further evaluate the xenophobic occurrence from different perspectives. excerpt 4 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) damilola oluseyi fafiyebi 206 presented above is credited to a major south african state actor, in the person of the president of south africa. the excerpt employs nomination as a predicative tool by deploying certain lexical choices that foreshadow what xenophobia entails in its entirety. for example, in sample 4, lexical choices like traumatised, violence, unemployment, widespread poverty and attacks all combine to capture an event that is completely negative, and inhuman. the data presented here indirectly acknowledges the fact that the south africans are complicit in the attack. as the leader of the government of the day, the speaker admits that his administration is deeply pained by the acts of violence that had trailed the attacks. this however did not in any way absolve his government of the immediate cause of the xenophobic attack. as observed in the excerpt, “high unemployment and widespread poverty have been cited as possible triggers for the recent disturbances and attacks on immigrants.” the utterance is expected to justify the attack by providing a discourse justification for the actions of the irate south african youth. apart from citing unemployment as the reason for the attack, the speaker goes on to blame the xenophobic outbreak on certain criminals who may be out to cause trouble for his government. on a general note, the excerpt identified here is the attempt of the speaker to attract justification to his government. in excerpt 5, the speaker presents an historical perspective to the discourse on the xenophobic fracas. the speaker makes a linguistic attempt to describe the addressee as having benefited from the large heartedness of nigeria in the past. it is an indirect discourse pattern where effort is made, with the instrument of communication, to interrogate the historical background of discourse participants in order to present a negative picture of the addressee and portray the speaker in a very positive image. in the excerpt under analysis, the speaker, apart from presenting a fact of history, indirectly draws the attention of both the addressee and the reading public to the ability of nigeria and nigerians to defend themselves in the xenophobic incident. this is done by reminding the addressee of the exploits of nigeria and nigerians against external aggression all in a bid to liberate south africa and south africans from the bondage of apartheid. excerpt 6 is an excerpt of the comment of the representative of the nigerian government in south africa. the excerpt is a clear attempt to call out the south african government nay the failure of the south african judicial system in curtailing the criminal tendencies of south africans. the data sample is the speaker’s attempt to advance a reason for the continuous xenophobic attacks. the identified complacency clearly presents the government of south africa and the judiciary as accomplices by allowing criminals to walk the streets free. framing framing as a discourse strategy employs a methodological presentation of a situation from the perspective of the speaker. in this strategy, the speaker identifies a topic from which arguments are generated for or against a viewpoint. the following data excerpts exemplify various instances of framing. excerpt 7 (the nation online, 6 sept 2019). nigerians are harming our young people. i would appreciate if the nigerian security agencies would help us to address this belief and the reality that there are many persons from nigeria dealing in drugs in our country. framing as stated earlier, is another attempt to link certain occurrences with contextual situations. the first lexical item in excerpt 7 nigerians immediately draws attention to the fact that the nigerian citizens will be the topic for the argument to be advanced here. it is therefore instructive to note that the succeeding lexical choices as well as the sentences did not deviate from this objective. in the excerpt under review, the speaker advances an argument which identifies insecurity in nigeria as being remotely responsible for the xenophobic attacks. being an expert in international relations between the two countries, the speaker is in a vantage position to comment on journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 207 the perceived happenings in nigeria that may be affecting south africa and south africans. the central topic in excerpt 7 is insecurity. this speaker is of the opinion that insecurity in nigeria is responsible for the xenophobic outbreak. the data excerpt is an attempt to negatively present nigeria and her security apparatus. excerpt 6 is made up of three sentences with a pattern of progression typical of an argument. this is observed in the opening sentence that claims that young south africans are exposed to danger from nigerians. the second and third sentences are a direct invitation to the nigerian security agencies to address the concern of south africa by being more alive to their responsibilities and ensure adequate security of citizens’ lives and properties. there is also evidence that the author of the text is indicating the fact that the nigerian government is not alive to its responsibilities. this can be seen in the following excerpt. excerpt 8 (the nation online, 6 sept 2019). i believe that nigerian nationals are involved in human trafficking and other abusive practices. this kind of assistance of ensuring that such persons do not come to our country will be of great assistance to our nation. like the first excerpt, this is a also a personal perspective against nigerians that is introduced by stating a personal belief which accuses nigerians of human trafficking and other abusive practices. like the first sample, the second excerpt is designed to negatively present others and positively present self. the speaker presents his view of the source and causes of the attacks from the south african perspective. excerpt 9 (punch online, 7 sept) we are on high alert monitoring the violence that erupted in the week leading to the death of foreigners and destruction of their properties…we arrested more suspects who had been looting shops in the guateng province… seventy-four (74) persons were arrested in katlehong on thursday bringing the total number of arrests since the violence broke out to 497. in excerpt nine, the speaker presents numerical evidences to support the argument advanced. the xenophobic attack is believed to have been allowed to fester as a result of the uncaring attitude of the south african authorities. the excerpt under consideration however seeks to counter this believe. the speaker provides an argument that immediately agrees that foreigners had been attacked and have had their properties destroyed. the second statement in the excerpt is an effort to present the south african police as proactive and alive to its responsibilities compared with the excerpt in samples seven and eight where the speaker presented the nigerian government as having failed in its duty to ensure adherence to immigration laws. the author of the excerpt then supports her claim by providing concrete evidence in terms of numbers: 74 persons were arrested in katlehong on thursday bringing the total number of arrests since the violence broke out to 497. while the south african government is making efforts to prove its pro-activeness in the xenophobic outbreak, its nigerian counterpart also sets out to assure its citizens of the fact that justice will be served. the following excerpt captures this viewpoint. excerpt 10 (punch online, 7 sept) let no one be left in any doubt, we will seek and we will obtain by whatever means available, due compensation for all that had been lost. we are committed to a sustained and special effort to see that the ends of justice are met for all our people who have suffered. we have heard the cries of our citizens, and we have witnessed their devastation. we will mourn for the dead and cry for the lost, but we will not stop there. like text nine, this sample focuses on action. in other words, it explores the theme of action in advancing its argument. in order to make the argument more explicit, the author employs the second person plural pronoun. this lexical choice produces a sense of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) damilola oluseyi fafiyebi 208 inclusion in the mind of the addressees. it is noteworthy that many nigerians had suffered huge material losses, with properties worth millions of money either lost, stolen or vandalised. in the aftermath, the nigerian government had requested for compensation for its citizens while the south african government had not been positively inclined towards granting the compensation. the use of the verb ‘witnessed’ as used in the sample presents the speaker as having first-hand information regarding the loss suffered by the nigerian victims of the xenophobic attack. the excerpt therefore can be described as the evidence that the author identifies with the grievances of nigerians and seeks to assure them that appropriate action. argumentation argumentation is a discourse strategy where the speaker tries to argue for the truthfulness or otherwise of certain viewpoints. it is an attempt to provide justification for beliefs that a speaker has. for ademilokun (2018, p. 152) arguments are often built around topics from where general ideas are generated to advance the course of the argument. examples are given below. excerpt 11 (daily post online, 11 sept 2019). if anyone still thinks that the ruling anc party, the sa government and president cyril ramaphosa himself are not complicit in this matter then that person is plain dumb. excerpt 12 (vanguard online, 18 sept 2019) to make meaningful progress, africans must be encouraged to treat one another as brothers and sisters, in love and unity… building peace is a task for every one of us… it is a seed we plant and nurture for it to grow and bear fruits in our families, countries and the world at large. the excerpt presented above expresses the author’s view about the role of the south african president and his government in the xenophobic outbreak. the general belief, especially among nigerians and other foreign nationals in south africa is that the government did not do enough to check the destructive tendencies of the rampaging south african attackers. the excerpt under analysis is a single sentence utterance. the sentence structure in this excerpt is compound complex sentence. in the selected data, the speaker cast aspersion on the person of the south african president. this is achieved by direct reference. being the centre of the argument, the president is indirectly described as not living up to his responsibilities. the failure of the president can also be described as the failure of his government. in excerpt 12, the speaker selects admonition as the discourse topic. the excerpt is a reminder of the fact that xenophobia as a social ill signifies the complete breakdown of sanity, law and order. this means that peace becomes a mirage. in the light of this, the author admonishes on the need for people to relate embrace. the text is loaded with lexical items that explain the author’s view on the nature of peace in south africa. words in this category are nouns and pronouns which include meaningful progress, brothers, sisters, love, unity, etc. peace as a necessity for human existence is described as a seed that requires constant nurturing. other excerpts equally acknowledge the opinion that the xenophobic occurrence is a resultant effect of the breakdown of peace. consider the following excerpt. excerpt 13 (tribune online, sept 5, 2019) this attack is a shame on the black people, we all need to come together and see ourselves as one. we must erase the ongoing xenophobic killings in africa, we only have artificial boundaries. we are all the same whether nigeria or south africa. we must not also forget so soon that nigeria helped sa to fight the apartheid regime that helped her to becoming a democratic country in 1994. the attack on one another is mere ignorance and unacceptable. the author of excerpt 13 is a foremost traditional ruler who also employs the topic of journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 209 history, unity and admonition in advancing the subject matter for the expression of his perspective. the text explains the need for unity which requires africans to come together and live with one another in peace. unity as presented in this excerpt ensures that the entire african race sees one another as one indivisible group without physical, social or economic boundaries. just as observed in excerpt five, the example under analysis also draw its argumentative basis from history. this is seen in the allusion to the historical role played by nigeria in the fight to liberate south africa from the shackles of apartheid. the author thus seems to expect the people of south africa to always call to mind the good deed done to them both by nigeria and nigerians and repay those good deeds with brotherly love. mitigation mitigation is a discourse strategy that is used in order to intensify or reduce the force of an expression. ademilokun (2018, p. 163) quoting huddleston (2002, p. 54) concluded that expressions that have deontic meaning are often used to influence actions and situations. framing as a strategy is informed by the need for discourse politeness. in the words of brown and levinson (1987), discourse politeness is the identification of the fact that certain use of language may hurt our addressees. it therefore requires the infusion of lexical items meant to slightly modify the weight of an expression. few examples identified in the samples selected for this study are presented here. excerpt 14 (the nation, 5 sept 2019) the nigerian government must go ahead to press for compensation on the attacks and destruction of the businesses of nigerians in south africa. excerpt 15 to make meaningful progress, africans must be encouraged to treat one another as brothers and sisters… the deployment of the modal auxiliary verb ‘must’ as observed in the excerpts presented above intensifies the opinion advanced in the text. in excerpt fourteen for example, it is employed to further emphasise the urgency attached to the opinion of the author that the government of nigeria should be willing to yield to the yearnings of the people. in the excerpt, the author sends a strong message to the government of nigeria regarding the monumental loss suffered by nigerians in the attack. in excerpt fifteen, the adjective ‘meaningful’ and the modal auxiliary verb ‘must’ both combine to show that the cooperation needed to drive development is lacking in africa and among africans. africa should not only think of progress but should think of real progress that is characterised by sincere brotherliness. other parts of speech that serve the purpose of discourse mitigation are presented in the following excerpts. excerpt 16 we call for immediate suspension of the south african business outfits and their activities in nigeria as we may not guarantee their safety in the old eastern region of nigeria. excerpt 17 the ohanaeze ndigbo youth council worldwide advised nigerians in south africa to defend themselves or come back home. in excerpt sixteen, the author employs the time adjective ‘immediate’ to also show the urgency required of the nigerian government to move against south africa. the use of the verb ‘advised’ in the second excerpt serves to lighten the threat that may be contained in the utterance. the excerpt is a request that could threaten the self-esteem of the party to whom the advice is directed. the excerpt is issued by a cultural pressure group and if the lexical item ‘command’ had been used, the addressee might have felt insulted. a call like this is important and understandable because the period under study was characterised by calls on the government by different groups for various reasons. the verb serves the purpose of introducing mildness into what could have been a harsh request. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) damilola oluseyi fafiyebi 210 conclusion this study has explored the discourse strategies employed by state actors in relation to the xenophobic attack against foreigners in south africa. the study is hinged on the believe that at a period like this in world history, an event like the recent xenophobia in south africa will affect international cooperation among the two economic powerhouses of africa. it is equally believed that the event will provide a platform for state actors from the countries to voice their opinion. an examination of the discourse strategies employed in the study revealed that events like the xenophobic attack cannot be completely separated from politics. this is because as observed in the study, state actors explore the provisions of language and the situational context provided by the attacks to create discourse situations required to foster mutual co-habitation. the choice of the discourse historical approach (dha) to the study of critical discourse analysis as proposed by ruth wodak informed the need to carry out the analysis using the discursive yardsticks of nomination, predication, argumentation, framing and mitigation as outlined by the model. because the subject matter of the study involved two countries, the instances of nomination observed in the study were used to refer to individuals and groups who had one role or the other to play either before, during or after the xenophobic malaise. in terms of the argumentative pattern of the discourse, the study identified two important discourse features. the study established that different state actors from each of the countries under scrutiny engage in positive self and negative others presentation. this showed that from their discourses, it can be deduced that the state actors were all out to launder the image of their respective countries on the one hand and that of the kith and kin on the other hand. secondly, the study showed that nigerian state actors draw more from the fact of history by reminding the south african people and their government of the terror of their past experiences inflicted through apartheid as well as the role played by nigeria in their liberation. this finding further reinforces the argument that for a people to make progress politically, economically and socially, there is always the need to evaluate and re-evaluate their past. the use of the mitigation discourse strategy as observed in the study finally revealed the fact that the state actors identified the need to curtail the spread of a social ill like xenophobia and bring ensure that its perpetrators are made to answer to justice. references ademilokun, m. a. 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'our fellow africans make our lives hell': the lives of congolese and nigerians living in johannesburg. ethnic and racial studies, 21 (6), 1116—1136. van dijk, t. (1997) discourse studies. a multidisciplinary introduction. london: sage. van dijk, t. (2002) multidisciplinary critical discourse analysis: a plea for diversity. in wodak, r & meyer, m. (ed) methods of critical discourse analysis, 95-180. london: sage. wodak, r. & meyer, m. (2001). methods of critical discourse analysis. london: sage publications. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 261 contradictions and inconsistencies in human nature: evidence from yorùbá proverbs timothy adeyemi akanbi department of linguistics and nigerian languages, ekiti state university, nigeria abstract article information yorùbá proverbs, and by extension, proverbs in every culture and clime, show the beliefs, philosophy, traditions, and norms of every society. there is no community or society where proverbs are not in use. proverb is a phenomenon that aligns with the wisdom of people living within a community. the yorùbá race holds proverbs in high esteem. they see it as a culture that cuts across all the strata of the society. for every deed, action or interaction, there is always a makeready proverb that matches it. this paper examines yorùbá proverbs but in a different perspective. it looks at the seeming contradictions observed in yorùbá proverbs and brings to the fore the implications of such contradictions. the paper also examines the paradox of these contradictions and affirms that the nature of man calls for the different proverbs that match the behaviors of people. the paper also asserts that this phenomenon is to exemplify the dynamics, functions and usages of language in general and of the yorùbá language in particular. the paper concludes that the seeming contradictions observed in yorùbá proverbs portray the nature of inconsistencies and contradictions in man. the paper, therefore, opines that it is not that proverbs are contradictory on their own, but that the proverbs portray unpredictable behaviors that are found in human nature. keywords: proverbs; human culture; contradiction received: 29 january, 2020 revised: 4 may, 2020 accepted: 17 may, 2020 doi : 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2393 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribute-sharealike 4.0 international license introduction proverb is a social phenomenon that cuts across all the cultures of people all over the world. there is no social setting of human beings where proverbs are not found. proverbs can be regarded as one of the aesthetics of language. when a proverb is said, it portrays the beauty of the language. yorùbá are the people who relish in proverbs and appreciate the genre so much. hardly can an elderly person utter few sentences before bringing in proverbs to buttress his/her point. the yorùbá believe that it is the wise that say proverb. that is why proverb is said to be the sayings of the wise. buttressing the value yorùbá people place on proverb, olatunji (1984, p. 170) says: the yorùbá value proverbs very highly, for they are considered to be the wisdom lore of the race. and because the proverbs are considered to be traditional and originate journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) timothy adeyemi akanbi 262 from the observation of natural phenomena and human relations, old people are regarded as a repository of proverbs. anyone who does not know or who cannot understand the application of proverbs is regarded as unwise. therefore, because of the belief that everyone should have the understanding of proverbs in yorùbá society, hence, the saying ‘bı́ òwé bı́ òwe là ń lùlù ògı̀dı̀gbó, ọlọ́gbọ́n nı́ ı́ jó o, ọ̀mọ̀ràn nı́ ı́ mọ̀ ọ́’ translated loosely to mean that ‘the war drum is characteristically beaten in the form of proverb, it is the wise that dances to it and it is the informed that knows the meaning.’ proverb is part of the philosophy of the yorùbá people. it shows their belief, philosophy, and tradition. this is the reason, finnegan (1994, p. 34) opines that “proverbs serve as insight into the philosophy of the people. grobler (1994, p. 93), also claims that “proverb consists of a people’s accumulated wisdom formulated out of years of experience and practice.” fasiku (2006, p. 25) claims that “proverbs serve as a linguistic confirmation of the totality of a people’s world-view and the epistemic cognition of this world-view.” abiodun (2018, p. 60) while writing on proverbs makes the following observations: òwe jẹ́ àkojọpọ̀ afọ̀ tàbí gbólóhùn tí ó ṣàfihàn ìrírí, ìgbàgbọ́, èrò, ìtàn, ìṣe àti àkòónú ohun wọ̀n-ọn-nì tó jẹ mọ́ àwùjọ àti àyíká. òwe jẹ́ irúfẹ́ afọ̀ tó fi ọgbọ́n ìjìnlẹ̀ àwùjọ hàn nípa àyíká wọn, àṣepọ̀ wọn àti àfojúsùn wọn. proverbs are the collection of statements or sentences that show the experience, beliefs, thoughts, stories, acts, and contents of those things that relate to the society and its surroundings. proverbs are the sayings that show the depth of societal wisdom, their interaction and focus. fayemi (2010), while commenting on proverb as part of the yorùbá philosophy, believes that proverbs are the axiomatic regimentation of formal logic in african philosophy. therefore, for anyone to know what the philosophy of the yorùbá people is, he must know of their various proverbs. it is in yorùbá proverb that we understand their beliefs, norms, culture, tradition, and social activities. as has been noted by scholars, proverbs can be used to resolve conflicts, to give warnings to people, to advice, and to caution, among many other things (adegoju 2009, daramola, 2004; salami, 2004 and asiyanbola, 2006). because of the multidimensional usages of proverbs, fakoya (2007) opines that “it may be said that africans (and yorùbá especially) employ them (proverbs) in conversations to accomplish acts that ordinary words cannot realize.” many scholarly works have been done on yorùbá proverbs. but each of these works has a different focus. for instance, abiodun (2000) sees proverb as the prerogative of the elders. he argues that the young do not normally say proverbs where there are elders. if he has to say proverb at all, he must acknowledge the elders that are present. the implication of this is that yorùbá believe that elders are the custodians of proverbs because they are regarded as wiser than the young. olumuyiwa (2012) and akanbi (2015a) wrote nearly similar papers on yorùbá proverbs. however, while olumuyiwa (ibid.) looks at the interrogative aspect of yorùbá proverbs, akanbi (2015a) looks at proverbs in the perspective of its syntactic structure. olumuyiwa argues that some interrogative proverbs are rhetorical in nature, and that it is the individual that gives answers to the questions manifested in such proverbs. he concludes that the answers given may vary; depending on the angle the person views the question. the focus of akanbi (2015a), even though similar to that of olumuyiwa, (since both papers are syntactic based), is in the structural analysis of proverbs. akanbi (2015a) argues that yorùbá proverbs have syntactic patterns they follow. he thereafter brings out among other types, four construction structural types on which yorùbá proverbs are premised. these are (i) interrogative structure type proverbs (ii) focus construction structure type proverbs (iii) relative clause construction structure type and (iv) subjunctive clause construction structure type. akanbi (2015a) concludes that journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 263 the various syntactic structures that are followed by yorùbá proverbs bring out the aesthetic value of the proverbs. it also shows, according to him, that yorùbá proverbs are not just wound together haphazardly but in a grammatically patterned form. in the work done on proverbs by akanbi (2015b) he looks at some yorùbá proverbs that are said in a sexually explicit manner. even though yorùbá people frown at utterances that are vulgar in nature, yet no one raises eyebrow when a person says proverb in this vulgar manner. he concludes that using sexually explicit yorùbá proverbs …should not be regarded as violating the restriction on taboo words but should be seen as driving home a point of argument in a way that the hearer will grasp the import of what is said in an understandable manner without frowning on the sexually explicit manner in which the proverb is rendered. all these and many more scholarly works have contributed immensely on the significance of yorùbá proverbs in academic ways. however, the focus of the aforementioned scholars and many others has not been on the clearly observed contradictions found in yorùbá proverbs, which of course portrays the nature of human beings; and this, exactly, is what this paper focuses and discusses. the theoretical framework that we observe suitable for the analysis of yorùbá proverbs selected in this work is the one proposed by lado (1957) known as the contrastive analysis. this framework is adjudged better than that of liepzig glossing rules common in linguistics, which in our view is more appropriate when working on the analyses of syntax, phonology, or semantics of a particular language. lado’s framework is appropriate in that it is one that compares and contrasts two phenomena. however, while lado’s theory is basically concerned with how two languages and cultures can be compared and contrasted in terms of their similarities and differences, we shall use it, not to compare two languages, but two different sayings that appear contradictory. the main concern of this paper therefore is to observe how two contradictory positions can converge and then arrive at a positive phenomenon from out of it. our interest is also to find out why would the yorùbá have two contradictory sayings in term of proverbs and still be able to show that the proverbs are germane in the day-to-day activities, manner and behaviour of the people. methodology the data used for this work were collected from two main sources, the primary source and the secondary source. the primary source contains the recording of proverbs as said by the elders in the society. the various recordings were done during community meetings, settlement of rift between two or more people and those that are said during contest of ayo game. the proverbs were recorded incognito without allowing those involved to have the awareness of the recordings. the secondary source considers the proverbs lifted from various yorúbá literature books both prose and poetry. other secondary sources include proverbs found in books like primers, yorùbá story books and books on collection of proverbs. all there were consulted. some of the proverbs relevant to the paper were then culled out and gathered for analysis. results and discussion we shall consider twelve (12) pairs of yorùbá proverbs among many others which we view as contradictory in this section. the reason for selecting the twelve proverbs is based on the view that they are representative of the other contradictory-like proverbs that are not put here but are still found in yorùbá language. the twelve selected proverbs cut across the various socio-cultural settings of the yorùbá people. following asiyanbola’s (2007) method of translation, we shall translate the proverbs into english in the form in which their meaning and essence are not lost. two modes of translations as seen in olorode (1987) and adegbite (1988) are normally employed in translation. they are a parallel word-to-word translation (pwt) which goes along the line of liepzig glossing rules; and the normal sentential translation into english (nst). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) timothy adeyemi akanbi 264 these two modes of translations are normally adopted to enable the readers have a thoroughly clear understanding of yorùbá sentences translated and presented in english. we shall make use of the normal sentential translation for the proverbs selected in this paper. this will be done so as not to confuse the readers in getting the literal meanings of the proverbs chosen for our analysis. in translation, two approaches are normally employed. translation can be either word-for-word versus sense-for-sense. sense-for-sense translation is defined by rabin (1958) quoted in baker et al. as a process by which a spoken or written utterance takes place in one language which is intended and presumed to convey the same meaning as a previously existing utterance in another language. it thus involves two distinct factors, a ‘meaning’, or reference to some slice of reality, and the difference between two languages in referring to that reality (rabin, 1958, p. 123). this paper will make use of the latter approach in translating the proverbs to the english language. as mentioned above, twelve proverbs are selected for analysis in this paper. in selecting the proverbs for analysis, there are no criteria followed, neither is there any reason why the proverbs used for analysis were chosen as against those not chosen. in the body of the paper, each proverb is taken at random. the proverbs are selected in pairs; the (a) proverbs in the data are negated by their (b) counterparts. though, there are some of the proverbs that have more than two contradictory variations, we have limited ourselves to using two of the variations for proper analysis. in the proverb numbered as (1) below, the one in (a) is giving information about interaction among people within a community as it regards to invitation to meal. it is the opinion of the yorùbá that when one is invited to meal, it is not due to lack of what to eat on the part of the person being invited but it is an act of socialization; a kind of phatic communion or interaction. the second proverb in the pair does not take cognizance of this fact. the data is presented. 1. a. dı́dùn lódùn tá ǹ bá ọ̀rẹ́ jẹ̀kọ, tilé ogé tóge é jẹ it is for the sake of interaction and friendliness that one eats with a friend, the food in one’s home is enough to satisfy. b. a� jọjẹ kò dùn bẹ́nı̀kan kò nı́ eating with an acquaintance is not proper, if one does not have food in his own home. contradiction in the proverb above is evident. first in (a) the proverb is soliciting for friendliness and togetherness with one’s neighbors or acquaintances; the second proverb is advocating getting one’s own food before joining the other person in taking meal. a person who does not have food at home before joining the other person in taking meal is counted as a covetous person. therefore, he will not be normally welcomed by the neighbors at another time he comes to their house. the implication of this is that the cord of friendliness cannot be strengthened and strong if such activity is one way and not the other way round. however, the contradiction in the proverb is pointing to the fact that there are those who always want to receive but not wanting to give out. it is for such people that the proverb aims at. this is to show the inconsistency in human behavior. the proverbs in (2) also show a kind of antithesis in human behavior. while the (a) proverb is insinuating that people do not reveal their intention to others, the second proverb in (b) is emphasizing openness. consider the two proverbs. 2. a. màrı̀wò kı̀ ı́ wı́ fúnra wọn tẹ́lẹ̀ kı́ wọ́n tó ó yọ mariwo1 does not tell each other before it grows out. b. ọ� rọ́ hanniyan hànnı̀yàn, èèyàn la fi ı́ hàn the matter that should be exposed must not be kept secret yorùbá believe that many people like to keep issues or to themselves. by so doing, whatever achievement they made will journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 265 manifest suddenly. this, they do, in order to forestall the achievement being truncated or frustrated by ‘evil’ people. the other proverb in 2(b) goes against this kind of behavior. this type of proverb is advocating that it is not all the time that it is good to do things alone, there are matters that one must just let other people know about and make use of their wisdom through their contributions and advice. thereby, doing so will enhance the total success being achieved. therefore, it is not the proverbs that are contradictory per se but the way human beings view situation. the semantics of the proverbs in (3) comes close to those in (2). however, while the proverbs in two have to do with neither suspicion nor lack of confidence in the other person, the one in 3(a) is done because of suspicion of the other person’s supposed evil intentions. in (2), we have a situation where one person is trying to surpass the other in a way to elicit surprise; (3) is a case of suspecting the other fellow as having bad motive towards one’s progress. we consider the proverbs. 3. a. bánúsọ má bènı́yàn sọ, ènı̀yàn ò fẹ́ni fọ́rọ̀ à forı́ ẹni keep your matters to yourself because human beings do not wish others well. b. i�sı́n wò, ı̀kòrò wó, ohun a bá jı̀jọ wò, gı́gún nı́ ı́ gún the matter that is considered in unison normally ends well. as a matter of fact, it is not everybody in a society that wishes the others well, though they may appear superficially as if they have interest in the progress of others. there are those whose minds towards their fellowmen are evil, hence the proverb in (3a) under consideration. the belief is that when one tells others what he intends doing that can result in progress for him, there is every likelihood that evil people in the society may want to hinder such progress. since there is no tag on people that shows who a person is, the best is to keep one’s plans to himself/herself. but the other proverb in (3b) is a negation to this kind of attitude. in (3b) there is a belief that when you allow others to know your plan, their contributions may enhance and hasting the success of such plan to have a productive outcome better than when it is a lone consideration. we now consider the proverbs in (4). 4. a. bı́ ẹyẹ kò bá nı́ fı́n ẹyẹ nı́ràn, ojú ọ̀rún tẹ́yẹ ẹ́ fò láı̀ fapá kan ra. if birds will live in harmony, the air space is enough to fly without the wings touching the other. b. ọba kı̀ ı́ pé méjı̀ láàfin, ı̀jòyè lè pé mẹ́fà láàfin the palace cannot take two kings; chiefs can be as many as six in a place. the pair of proverbs in (4) is also another contradictory set. the one in (4a) is insinuating that there is enough space that could contain as many numbers of people as have interest in living together. therefore, except somebody is trying to foment trouble that is when he would say that he has no sufficient space to accommodate others. the second proverb (4b) is an antithesis of (4a). the king’s palace is always very wide, big and spacious, yet only one person (so to say, and that is the king) can stay there. chiefs do not normally live in the place; they only come there to hold meetings with the king. the palace (as big as it is) could not contain two kings at a time, or else, pandemonium will set in. the implication of this is that no matter how spacious an abode can be, there could still be conflict if more than one person is there without mutual agreement among themselves. another proverb to consider is the one in (5). 5. a. ẹni tóbá dami sı́wájú, yóò tẹlẹ̀ tútù he who pours water in front will match on wet ground. b. ẹnu kò le gba dòdò, kó tún gbòdodo one cannot receive without playing along the proverbs in this pair have to do with social interaction where taking and receiving bribe is rampant. there is no doubt that this practice is very common in some societies. the first proverb (5a) is sort of admonishing giving and receiving gratification. the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) timothy adeyemi akanbi 266 underlying meaning here is if one wants to curry the favor of another person, he/she must be ready to grease the palm of the person in charge; without which one cannot be able to court any favor. therefore, in a subtle way, there is an advice to give gratification. however, the second proverb (5b) is surreptitiously advising against what the proverb in (5a) is advocating, albeit, in an indirect way. the point being made in the proverb in (5b) is that gratification is not good. the reason for its not being good is that it will not allow the receiver to hold on to the truth. when one receives bribe, he will pervert judgment, he will compromise, and he will not be able to hit the nail on the head in terms of saying the truth when the need arises. in the data numbered as (6) below, the proverbs in (a and b) are opposite in their semantic interpretation. while in (6a), we have a situation where pride is condemned; (6b) appears to encourage pomposity. 6. a. àgbá òfìfo ní í pariwo, èyí tó lómi nínú kì í dún empty barrel makes the loudest noise, the one that has content does not make noise. b. alára ní í gbára á ga, adìyẹ ń bẹ̀rẹ̀ kó tó wo pálọ̀ if you do not praise yourself, nobody will praise you it is pertinent to say that each view expressed in the two proverbs is correct and normal. in most cases, a person who has nothing is the one that will boast much in order to intimidate those who might want to look down on him. but the danger inherent in this type of attitude is that when the status of such a person is known, he becomes degraded and demeaned. however, the other proverb in (6b) views the matter in a way that if one does not praise himself, he might not see anybody to praise him. nevertheless, if one will praise himself, he must have something worthy of praise so that he will not be looked down upon when the chips are down. the data in (7) below expresses another contradictory view, we consider the proverbs. 7. a. ẹni tí à ń gbéyàwó bọ̀ wá bá, kì í gbórí ògiri garùn he to whom a wife is coming should not be peeping through the wall. b. ojú àwo làwo fi í gbọbẹ̀ be at the point of distribution, don’t allow anyone to represent you. the essence of the proverb in (7a) is to discourage anxiety. once something is meant to be given to one, he needs not be anxious about the thing. since the wife is coming to the home of the husband, why will the husband stand on a dilapidated wall and be peeping? no need for such a suicidal attitude. whatever the husband would want to see in his wife can be seen when she arrives at home. however, the other proverb in (7b) is antithetical to that in (7a) in that (7b) is advocating one to be there. a kind of see it even if it is still far. in other words, if one does not want anyone to cheat him, he must be there, at the point of action. we take other proverbs for consideration. 8. a. akọni kì í gba idà lẹ́yìn a warrior does not receive a wound on the back b. mọ̀jà mọ̀sá niyì akı́kanjú, akı́kanjú tó mọ̀jà tí kò mọ̀sá ní í bógun lọ to fight and run is the beauty of bravery; a brave person who knows how to fight but does not know how to retreat will perish in the battle. the proverb in (8), like others is antithetical and paradoxical. in (8a), the warrior is enjoined not to run away from the battle front. the proverb suggests that a brave person will have to fight, and die in battle, if needs be. the proverb also insinuates that it is a shame for a warrior to receive wound (either through gun or arrow) at his back side. what the proverb is aiming at is to instill courage in a warrior. however, the proverb in (8b) looks at the issue from another angle; an angle which contradicts what the meaning is in (8a). the meaning of the proverb in (8b) is not to terrify or intimidate a fighter but it is to journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 267 advise that he who fights and run lives to fight another day. the proverb, therefore, is a piece of advice that if the battle is not won today, it could be won another time. there is no need dying in battle if there is a way of escape. we consider another proverb in (9) that appears contradictory. 9. a. inú lokó ẹyẹ ń gbé the penis of a male bird is hidden inside it. b. a kì í fi ọwọ́ tí ń dunni bọ abẹ́ aṣọ one does not hide his problem from those who will solve it. the proverbs in (9) have to do with human problems. in (9a) it is being advocated that one’s secret should be kept to oneself while the other proverb in (9b) advises that one’s problem should not be kept secret because doing so will make solution to elude the one that has the problem. even though the two proverbs appear contradictory, they serve some benefits to whoever that will adhere to them. the proverb in (9a) implies that one does not allow others to know about his or her problem, because ‘ojú la rí ọ̀rẹ́ ò dénú; gbogbo aláàmù ló dakùn délẹ̀, a ò mèyí tínú ń run. that is to say “only the facial appearance is seen, we do not see what is in the mind and that it is all lizards that prostrate, we do not know the one that has belly ache.” if one allows others to know his problems, they might turn around to use it against him or make jest about it. while it is commendable to do that, the proverb in (9b) is advising against such attitude. the proverb is advocating openness. it is an advice that what constitutes a problem to a person should be made known to those who can solve it. we consider the proverbs in (10). 10. a. ojú olójú kò jọ ojú ẹni another person’s eye is not like one’s own. b. ojú kan ní í bímọ, igba ojú ní í wò only one person bears a child, many people nurture him/her to maturity. the proverb in (10a) indicates that matters are viewed in different perspectives. in other words, others will not border about a matter like the person concerned. this means that one cannot rely on the judgment of others to reach a logical conclusion about a matter. while the proverb gives advice, it also gives warning to people that are too trusting not to completely believe the judgment of others without verifying the matter him/herself. however, the (10b) proverb appears to contradict that of (10a). the implication of the proverb in (10b) is that allowance should be given to others to have a say in a matter that concerns oneself. the yorùbá people say àgbajọ ọwọ́ la fi ń sọ̀yà, àjèjé ọwọ́ kan kó gbẹ́rù dórí. that is to say “it is the combination of all fingers that beats the chest, just one hand does not put a load on the head.” the proverbs in (11) discuss another issue. 11. a. bí òwe bá jọ òwe ẹni ta ò bá lè sọ̀rọ̀, ẹ̀rù ìjà ló ń ba ni. if a discussion relates to one’s matter and we do not talk, it is due to cowardice. b. yíyó ẹkùn bí i tojo kọ́. stillness of a tiger is not due to fearfulness. the two proverbs in (11) also show the dynamics of language. the proverb in (11a) expresses fearfulness while that in (11b) counters fearfulness. the proverb in (11a) depicts a situation where a person would not talk in spite of the fact that he or she is being threatened. but in the other proverb (11b), the stillness of the tiger is not a result of cowardice but a result of looking for how he can accomplish what he is aiming at. in (12), the proverbs look at wisdom in disseminating information. consider the two proverbs. 12. a. a kì í ti ojú oníka mẹ́sàn án kà á. one does not talk of expressing a person’s weakness in his presence. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) timothy adeyemi akanbi 268 b. pọ̀nún là á ṣẹ́fọ̀n bí ó bà ṣomi kó ṣomi bí ó bà ṣẹ̀jẹ kó ṣẹ̀jẹ́ say it as it is, whatever be the consequence does not matter. the two proverbs in (12) are antithetical. the one in (12a) is advocating circumventing talking on issues that could bring acrimony, especially in the presence of the affected person. it advocates that a person should not be frivolous in talking so that unity and not disunity will be engendered. the proverb in (12a) therefore, is insinuating that even if the weakness of another person be mentioned, it should not be at his presence. but the other proverb (12b) would rather want issues to be confronted headlong. in other words, proverb in (12b) is advocating saying it as it is or that one should hit the nail on the head. when this is done, in line with the proverb, heaven will not fall. and even if heaven falls, the truth has been disseminated. conclusion we have demonstrated in this paper through some selected yorùbá proverbs that language is dynamic. we have also shown that yorùbá proverbs are not of one face, they are multifaceted. what seems to be positive will always have its negative counterparts. however, it needs be said that the contradictory nature of the proverbs presented for analysis, and others like them, does not suggest that yorùbá has contradictory and inconsistent philosophy or world-view. the apparent ‘contradictory proverbs’ are the apt reflection of the contractions and inconsistency in human nature, human activities, human general disposition to life and to the environment. it also shows the contradictory nature of the world at large. one can therefore conclude that yorùbá proverbs are not contradictory; rather, they show the yorùbá power of observation and analysis of human nature and human affairs. it is humans that are contradictory and inconsistent; and yorùbá are capable of describing them in proverbs; thus, the proverbs are ‘mistakenly’ regarded as contradictory. it can also be said that proverbs are content dependent; each proverb is understood or semantically interpreted based on the context or situation that gave birth to it. when the yorùbá observe a situation, they coin a proverb that describes what they observed. should a contradictory situation arise, they coin a new proverb to describe the contradictory observation without discountenancing the earlier one. ability to do this shows the wisdom of the people and how pragmatic the language is. the paper also shows that there is no situation that does not have a proverb that supports or negates it. it is on this premise that the yorùbá say ẹnu tí aráyé fi pe adégún náà ni wọ́n fi ń pe adéògún (the same mouth that commends is the one that condemns). it is also pertinent to say that tibi tire la dálé ayé (the world is a mixture of good and bad) and that ohun tó kọjú sẹ́nìkan, ẹ̀yìn ló kọ sí ẹlòmíràn (what is positive to one is negative to the other). this paradox of contradiction also shows that for every situation yorùbá always find a proverb that matches it. it is also to be said that this phenomenon of seeming contradictions in yorùbá proverbs shows the aesthetics of the yorùbá language and by extension, all languages. references abiodun, m. a. 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"ideology and ostensiveinferential communication”. international journal of pragmatics. tokyo: pragmatics association of japan. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 45 the contrastive and contextual analysis of the verb run arina isti’anah english letters department, sanata dharma university, yogyakarta. abstract words become the source for understanding the meanings of language. in relation to the study of meanings, this paper attempts at presenting the contrastive and contextual analysis of the verb run. the contrastive analysis is conducted in order to find the distinctive features of the word run and its synonymous words. after finding out the features differentiating the verb run, the contextual analysis is conducted. the contextual analysis displays the features which take place in the verb run in various fields. based on the analysis, run has features of “manner”, “agent”, “situation”, “distance” or “duration”, “direction” and “purpose”. the feature agent dominates the feature of run in the contexts which equals 28%. the context of initiating the action causes the appearance of the feature agent. the feature distance or duration appears the least in the context of regular activity. the occurrence of the same feature in different contexts proves that a word shares the same feature in the different context, in other words, overlapping features happens. key words: semantics, contrastive, contextual introduction language cannot be separated from human beings since it connects people. by language, people can direct the ideas in their mind. language consists of its elements due to its primary function in communication. the elements found in a language are sounds, words, phrases, clauses, sentences and texts. its element in the language is not a simple one because it contains the rules which are quite complex. as the example, in studying the sound of language, the processes how the sounds are produced, what speech organs involved are also observed. the study of words is also prominent in language study. it involves the properties of how the words are composed and related to others. when words come to the real context, the meaning of the words will be more obvious. this paper attempts at analyzing the contrastive and contextual analysis of the verb run. by doing the analysis, it is expected that the readers of this paper can see how a word has various features and meanings. therefore, their knowledge in language will improve. this paper also presents the meanings of the verb run in the real context, meaning that the verb is taken from various fields. however, before going to the analysis, the theories of semantics, componential, contrastive and contextual analysis are elaborated so that the core of the analysis can be absorbed better. the theory of semantics becomes the background why this paper is worth studying. the understanding of componential and contrastive analysis illustrates how a word is composed by its features. the contextual analysis understanding shows how a context can enact the different meaning, but is possible to have the same features. 1. semantics words are found in the dictionary so that it becomes the source to find the meanings. however, human beings are also capable to describe the meanings of words since human arina isti’anah 46 beings are the language users. fromkin (2000) says, “to understand a language we need to know the meaning of words and the morphemes that compose them (151).” therefore, words are the element of a language which cannot be denied. words enable things and ideas to define. furthermore, fromkin (2000) says that we also must know how the meanings of words combine into phrase and sentence meanings. finally we must interpret the meaning of utterances in the context in which they are made (151). based on that statement, the knowledge of word meanings are the foundation in interpreting meanings in the greater contexts. therefore, the analysis of the contrastive and contextual analysis of run is fruitful. finch (2005) argues that semantics deals with the ways in which words acquire meanings (136). words are the tools to describe meanings, even though in certain case contexts are also important in order to describe the meanings. semantics can be concluded as the study of the linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences. many people assume that semantics only deals with meanings of words. however, there are some types of semantics as proposed by fromkin, namely lexical semantics and phrasal or sentential semantics. lexical semantics deals with the meanings of words and the meaning relationships among words. phrasal or sentential semantics concerns with the meaning of syntactic units larger than words (152). people can find the meanings of words easily from the dictionaries. however, as suggested by fromkin (2004), human beings are walking dictionaries because they know the meanings of thousands of words. therefore, words meanings are part of one’s linguistic competence. the term lexicon is the mental storehouse of information about words and morphemes (152). 2. componential analysis the meanings of words have properties namely semantic properties. fromkin (2004) argues that the presence of one semantic property can be inferred from the presence or absence of another (155). as the example is the word father. some properties are found, such as “male”, “mature”, and “animate”. those features are necessary to define in order to find the distinctive meanings of the synonymous words. the features are also needed to conduct in order to find the same features of other words. when father is compared to boy, both of them have distinctive feature of “mature”, and similarity in “male”. siewierska in katamba (2009) states that classical componential analysis involves comparing a set of words in a semantic field in pairs and distinguishing between them in terms of a set of binary features (195). a very simple example is below. man : + male, +mature woman : -male, +mature boy : +male, -mature girl : -male, -mature the componential analysis above shows how words share the distinctive features. binary features can be applied well in such words. the analysis above obviously shows how a word is composed by its feature in the sense of /+/ or /-/. however, in the synonymous words like run, catch, escape, and gallop will face difficulty if they are analyzed using binary features as above mentioned. therefore, the contrastive analysis is needed. 3. contrastive analysis nida (1975) says that for the analysis of distinctive features or components of meaning, the relation of contiguity is decidedly the most important. it is said so because contiguity represents the relations between closely related meanings occupying a well-defined, restricted semantic domain, and exhibiting certain well-marked contrasts (18). some synonymous words such as run, gallop, catch and escape have contrastive features. even though the meaning seems the same, each word has different important feature which differentiate one another. each meaning is distinctly set off from other related meanings by at least one important feature (nida, 1975:18). the vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 47 words run, gallop, catch and escape constitute such a cluster of contiguous meanings. those words have the same features in the angle of body movement, but different in the sense of purpose, for instance. however, the relation of contiguity does not apply to the words run, gallop, catch and escape. what can be applied are the meanings of those words which are related. it means that they share certain common features and constitute a single semantic domain. nida (1975: 32) clarifies that in examining and describing of the semantic components, to unite meanings as different senses of the same lexical unit and to separate them as distinct meanings are needed to involve. therefore, the contrastive analysis is prominent. in the discussion part later, the contrastive analysis is conducted to the same lexical unit of the verb run. the features composing the verb run are also found. 4. contextual analysis the obvious feature of the relation of meaning is the tendency for meanings to overlap (nida, 1975:16). it cannot be denied that the meaning of a word only does not stand itself. when the same word occurs in the different context, the feature of the meaning also appears. nida (1975: 138) suggests that in concerning the contextual meaning of the verb run, the classification and analysis are those which are nonidiomatic uses. therefore, this paper only focuses on the contextual analysis of the verb run which does not constitute the idiomatic expression. some sources are involved in the contextual analysis of the verb run. the sentences are found in the academic articles, short stories, news and books. by involving various fields, the better understanding of the contextual analysis is expected to achieve. after presenting the contextual meanings of the verb run, finding out the feature of its context is conducted. by doing so, the percentage of features of the verb run in the context can be concluded. the percentage will show how the semantic feature overlaps in meanings. discussion nida (1975) says that one aspect of language which complicates the study of meaning is that even a single meaning of a term may include enormous range of referents, meanings objects to which such a form refer (13). the verb run may refer to quickly movement by legs. it may also be related to human or animals as the objects who do the activity. that illustration show how a word may create various referent, and therefore meanings. the following parts present and discuss the contrastive and contextual analysis of the verb run. each part exhibits the table of either contrastive or contextual analysis of the verb run. 1. contrastive analysis of run in relation to the verb run, some words are assumed to have similar meanings. even though the meanings are similar, there are some distinctive features which differentiate one word to another. finding out the distinctive features of the verb run is important to conduct so that the readers can see how a word is composed by its features. the semantic features also differentiate the meanings even though two words are assumed as closely related. table 1 below shows the distinctive features of the verb run and its synonymous words. arina isti’anah 48 table 1. the distinctive features of the verb run no words distinctive features manner agent situation distance or duration direction purpose 1 escape quickly, careless human, animal dangerous situation long from somewhere to get out of certain situation 2 catch quickly human & animal sudden short, long in particular to get something 3 gallop fast, quickly horse plain long forward movement plain 4 race fast human against someone long, short particular sport, competition 5 rush quickly human hurry short go somewhere go or do something 6 sprint very fast human hurry very short particular sport, get something 7 jog slowly, steadily human plain short somewhere exercise 8 scamper quick child/ animal plain very short no particular playful, frightened 9 spurt quickly human & animal start move, regular step short go somewhere plain 10 trot slowly horse, four legs animal regular step short go somewhere plain 11 tear quick human dangerous, careless long go somewhere drive the table above shows that those synonymous words are distinctive in the angles of manner, agent, situation, distance, direction and purpose. nida (1975) says that the meanings of words which share certain features with them but contrast with them in respect to other features (32). the situation of the word escape is in dangerous situation, whereas in the word catch the situation is sudden. in the sense of direction, escape derives from somewhere, while catch goes to particular direction. in the purpose feature, escape aims at getting out of certain situation, while catch aims at getting something. when those words are analyzed using componential analysis, it will be as follows. escape : + dangerous, + get out of certain situation catch : dangerous, get out of certain situation however, the componential analysis of those two words is not determined as the most appropriate one. since, the features found in the verbs escape and catch are various, therefore the contrastive analysis is seen as the best approach. when the words escape and catch appear in the contexts as in (1) he didn't attempt to touch her again, but he stood squarely in front of her, thwarting her attempts to escape (2) we saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey, the understanding of the semantic features which the words have can be done. the vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 49 feature of “purpose” is seen obviously. sentence (1) indicates that the feature “purpose” is to get out of something or certain situation. whereas, sentence (2) indicates that the feature “purpose” is to get something. the illustration above shares the idea that the meaning of synonymous words can be broken into several features. finding out the features is important so that the understanding of the words can be fulfilled. as nida (1975: 111) says that the semantic units share greatest number of common components and differ from another in the smallest number of diagnostic components. the contrastive features presented above exhibit how the small diagnostic components can differentiate the meaning of one word to another. 2. contextual analysis of run after analyzing the contrastive features occur in the word run and its synonymous words, it is necessary to find out the meanings of the word run in context. by conducting the contextual analysis, the overlapping feature occurs in the context can be seen obviously. the table below shows the contextual analysis of the verb run. nida (1975) has defined the contextual analysis of the verb run. however, nida does not provide the feature of the word in the context. therefore, the table below is the improvement of nida’s analysis of the verb run. table 2. the contextual analysis of the verb run by nida (1975: 141-143) no contextual meaning example features 1 movement in space through the use of the limbs, and with successive instances in which no foot touches the ground a. he ran to the house b. he ran the horse around the track c. he scored a run in the third riding direction 2 internal or movement of related parts a. the motor is running b. the clock is running fast manner 3 vehicular movement on schedule a. the train runs every hour b. the ferry runs between staten island and the battery manner 4 movement of a liquid or dry mass a. the water is running out of the faucet b. the color is running situation 5 extension a. the grain of the wood runs crossways b. he ran the strap around the box purpose 6 general functioning a. the office runs well b. he ran his business poorly manner 7 continuous series of step like actions a. her stocking is running b. she has a run in her silk hose purpose 8 movement in space, not necessarily as in no.1 a. he built a chicken run b. she runs with a touch crowd agent 9 occurrences of special classification a. relating to election to office: he’s running for election b. relating to publication: they ran the edition on an offset press c. relating to financial operations: the run on the bank was disastrous d. relating to contents: the minutes run as follows. e. possible figurative meanings: they run the blockade f. miscellaneous: the rope ran through a pulley. purpose in nida’s analysis of the verb run, not all distinctive features appear. the occurrence of distance or duration is not seen in the feature column. below is the summary of features of run in the context. arina isti’anah 50 chart 1. semantic features found in the context (nida, 1975: 138) the chart above displays that nida’s contextual analysis of the verb run is dominated by the features of manner and purpose. however, what nida’s conducts is not complete yet. therefore, the table below shows the contextual analysis of the verb run which is found in some fields such as short stories, news and articles. table 3. the extended contextual analysis of the verb run no context meaning example features 1 authority to control a business duncan and avis mckelvie, who run the puffin dive school in oban, have a very sensible attitude towards diver training. agent 2 ability to drive it is fully comprehensive and covers the mobility supplement holder and two drivers nominated by the holder, so you don't have to be a driver to run a motability car agent 3 technology to operate these are machines that run on ibm software and in other ways appear similar to the equipment of the market leader. agent 4 urgent situation to challenge but when they do arise, police and military planners are caught on the horns of a dangerous dilemma: do they smash in quickly and run the risk of death or injury? situation 5 one’s regret to be responsible he never thought i was fit to run a shoe shop. agent 6 certain situation to face a problem public enterprises run little risk of bankruptcy, and if targets are not met, governments usually step in to cover deficits. situation 7 schedule to take place the event kicks off tuesday and runs through friday. distance or duration 8 one’s opinion to be responsible of a job "the platform he is going to run or announce on wednesday will tell us what his program is, but whether it's sepp blatter or somebody else, i hope the president of fifa understands the massive image problem that fifa has and has to go about pro-actively fixing it," murray told the newspaper in an interview from zurich. purpose 9 movement to move quickly and will you excuse me if i run and jump and do handsprings? manner 10 certain situation to continue a process we are running recovery operations. agent 0 1 2 3 vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 51 11 computer program to perform there are a lot of activities on the web. live streaming of the rallies are carried on internet channels manned by mainstream media companies, while political sites such as the online citizen (toc) run live commentaries of the rallies throughout the night. manner 12 buses’ movement to operate on both corridors, transjakarta buses run until 11:30 p.m. distance or duration 13 law policy to occur the amnesty will run throughout june, july and august, the trust said. distance or duration 14 business to face a situation "the problem is in a normal business, if you run into trading difficulties, you can circle the wagons, you can close some branches that are not profitable, you can get rid of staff and just generally cut the overheads," he said. situation 15 fiction to open together they run a cafe for a varied fairytale clientele. agent 16 adventure to move in the lower place hester bade little pearl run down to the margin of the water, and play with the shells and tangled sea-weed, until she should have talked awhile with yonder gatherer of herbs. manner 17 playful to start forth peeped at her, out of the pool, with dark, glistening curls around her head, and an elf-smile in her eyes, the image of a little maid, whom pearl, having no other playmate, invited to take her hand and run a race with her. purpose 18 one’s decision to leave a belief certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this jew my master. direction 19 mystic to ask someone to move the fiend is at mine elbow, and tempts me, saying to me, ‘gobbo, launcelot gobbo, good launcelot,’ or ‘good gobbo,’ or ‘good launcelot gobbo, use your legs, take the start, run away.’ direction 20 belief to find a faith run to my lord of suffolk; let him know purpose 21 body interaction to leave someone chignell tightened his grip on her arm as though he expected her to run away purpose 22 performance to play this film will run and run manner 23 exhibition to hold i just run local affairs for a dozen or so missions agent 24 physics to move planet x will also run on apple quadras now and support apple monochrome displays direction 25 politics to move from a place we are told that unless we make peace with these noblemen, candidates are to be run all over the country direction 26 film to display at first, the two parts of the film are simply run in parallel, not fully joined, in a form known as a ‘double-head’ manner 27 politics to take place yet, one of the catchwords that has been widely heard in washington and elsewhere during the run up to the war has been the need to create a democratic environment in the middle east after the war is over. situation 28 education to be controlled run by the open college of the arts in association with the trust, ‘the art of garden design’ aims to introduce the principles of good, small-scale garden planning through a series of practical activities. agent 29 habit in the past to move and they used to run from here to harwich situation 30 ability to control one such black hole could run ten large power stations, if only we could harness its power. agent arina isti’anah 52 31 computer to operate you need dos version 2.0 or higher, with 512 kb of ram and an ibm compatible computer to run the program. purpose 32 company to make since scotvec personnel could not respond to requests from all centers to run staff development events for them, each workshop was developed as a pack of information, examples and activities for participants together with extensive support material so that centres or regions can themselves organise and run the events. purpose 33 exhibition to take place ‘the power of the mask’ will run from august to the end of october this year and there will be lots of associated events and activities. distance or duration 34 rules to use bearing in mind the number of private nursing homes that spring up and erm, er, i mean the sort of privately run places er, presumably the local authorities have to give them a license to run, but is there no way that it, can the fire service, can our officers go and make an inspection? purpose 35 dangerous to get out of a place she struggled not to run screaming from the office, seeing the trip ahead, knowing what would happen, that desire, that overpowering excitement flaring up between them in a hotel bedroom somewhere on the other side of the world, dragging her deeper into a relationship that was already tearing her to pieces. direction 36 finding out a place to reach meanwhile back on the ward, doctor beri's bleep goes again…this time it's a call to casualty…and the weary house physician has to run half a mile from one end of the building to the other…along the new corridor linking the old part of the hospital with the new. purpose 37 sport to move both england stars started their careers at acklam park, middlesbrough, and youngsters, aged nine to 14, can now learn to run with the ball and line up for line-outs with the rugby union course on the same turf. manner 38 competition to play hateley was one of several players banned from ibrox until yesterday in the wake of last saturday's defeat from celtic that brought to an end rangers' run of 44 games without loss. agent 39 sport to leave a place latham and andrew jones put on 127 for the second wicket before the opener was run out when his partner failed to respond to a call for a run. direction 40 business to control a business it is not a simple case that we can run along, sell a few houses, get the capital receipts and suddenly we can go off and have a wonderful program and replace the assets which we have sold and… agent the features which occur in the contextual analysis above can be summarized in the chart below. the numbers presented below correspond in percentage (%). vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 53 chart 2. semantic features found in the context (extended) the table above shows that “agent” appears most as the semantic feature of run found in the context. “agent” appears as 28%. after “agent”, “purpose” is the next feature which equals 20% in the context of run. “manner” and “direction” have the same percentage, 15%. “situation” is the feature which is found as 12%. the last feature which appears the least is “distance” or “duration” which equals 10%. table 3 above displays that the same features can appear in different contexts. the contextual meanings of a word cannot be separated from the contrastive features. each context represents the feature of the word has. the feature characterizes the meaning since different feature can also define a new meaning. in the examples no.1 and 4, run has “agent” and “situation” as the contrastive features. run in no.1 means to control a business in the context of authority. whereas, run in no.4 means to challenge a risk in the context of urgent situation. in meaning no.1, “agent” is assumed as the feature since to control a business needs an “agent”. in other words, “agent” is the feature which characterizes the act of running. in meaning no. 4 which means to challenge a risk, “situation” is argued as the features which corresponds the meaning. run can mean to challenge when the typical context underlying the feature is “situation”. we cannot substitute the feature “agent” in the meaning no.4 because it will change the meaning. the same contrastive feature may also appear in different context. the example is found in meanings no. 2 and 3. both share the same contrastive feature, “agent”. however, the meanings are different. the meaning of no.2 is to drive, while no.3 is to operate. it is because of the different context the verb run takes place. the context in no. 2 is ability and no.3 is technology. the “agent” is concluded as the feature representing the meaning due to the fact that both contexts need the “agent” to construct the meaning. the “agent” in no.2 is animate, a human who is able to drive. whereas, the “agent” in no. 3 is inanimate, meaning a machine which is able to operate. it can be assumed that even though the same feature appears in the different contexts, the meanings of a word will be distinctive. therefore, we can say that context may determine the distinctive meaning of a word. in meanings no. 30 and 40, they share the same feature, “agent”. the context is different because meaning no.30 has ability and no.40 has business as the contexts. however, they have the same meaning, to control. sentence no.30 is said as having ability context due to the fact that it is because of the “agent’s” ability. the meaning to control refers to what the “agent” does as the ability which marks the context. sentence no.40 has business as the context since the meaning to control refers to business which the “agent” rules. therefore, the similar meaning may appear in the different context when they share the same feature. the different context with the same feature can also create the similar meaning. this situation can be found in meaning no. 35 and 39. the context of meaning no.35 is dangerous and context no.39 is sport. they share the same feature, “direction”. it is chosen as the feature because the meaning is to leave or get out of a place. the context dangerous in meaning no.35 initiates the agent to get out of a place. “agent” is not assumed as the feature since it does not mark the meaning. since the meaning is to get out of a place in dangerous situation, therefore “direction” is seen as the appropriate feature. the similar meaning occurs in sentence no.39 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 arina isti’anah 54 even though the context is different. the context of meaning no.39 is sport since the circumstance triggering the agent to move. it also explains that meaning can be similar in the different context. however, the semantic feature which corresponds the word also influence the definition of the word being analyzed. nida (1975: 141) already presents the contextual meaning of the verb run. the meanings presented by nida also overlap with the meanings displayed in table.4. as the example, nida defines that run can mean vehicular movement on schedule which has “manner” as the feature. the example of sentence is found in table 3, no.2. in table 3, no.7, we can also find the context of schedule. the feature is “direction” or “duration”. the meaning is also different because in meaning no.7, run means to take place in particular schedule. even though the features shared by no.2 and no.4 are different; people can see the similarities in the occurrence of run which is scheduled. conclusion the meanings of the verb run can be derived from its features and contexts. the same context can cause the different meaning even though the features are also the same. the similar meanings can come from the different context and features depending on what core are marked. the same features do not guarantee the same meanings since the context also takes an important role in finding out the meaning. the overlapping features is found in the contexts due to the fact that the verb run has some features. based on the analysis, the verb run has semantic features of “manner”, “agent”, “situation”, “distance” or “duration”, “direction”, and “purpose”. when the verb run occurs in various contexts, the features also appear. in the context, “agent” is the most feature which appears, 28%. “purpose” is the next feature found in the context, 20%. the semantic feature “manner” and “direction” have the equal percentage in the context, 15%. “situation” and “distance” or “duration” appear as the last two features of the verb run in the context which equal 12% and 10%. it can be summed up that a word is composed by its features. when a word takes place in various contexts, the feature composing the word is also found. references curse, d. alan. meaning in language: an introduction to semantics and pragmatics. new york: oxford university press, 2000. finch, geoffrey. key concepts in language and linguistics. new york: palgrave macmillan, 2005. fromkin, victoria a. an introduction to language 4th edition. victoria: south wood press pty ltd., 2000. katamba, francis et al. english language: description, variation and context. new york: palgrave macmillan, 2009. nida, eugene. componential analysis of meaning: an introduction to semantic structures. mouton: the hague, 1975. novita dewi 10 the quest for freedom in tennessee williams’ the rose tattoo and sweet bird of youth novita dewi english language studies, sanata dharma university abstract this paper examines the interface of economic hardship, sexual repression, and fear of aging in tennessee williams’ plays of the 1950s. set in modern capitalist society of america, the rose tattoo (1955) and sweet bird of youth (1959) depict the characters who are thwarted in their search for freedom that can be equated with the celebration of material prosperity and eternal youth. using eric fromm’s view of freedom-as-frightful in modern society, the discussion will reveal the entrapment of self-deception in the characters’ unrealistic hope to stay young and productive in a commercialised society where sex is a commodity. keywords: economic hardship, sexual repression, fear of aging introduction numerous critics have labelled tennessee williams an erotic writer and a disciple of d. h. lawrence because of his intense preoccupation with sex in most of his plays. hirsch (1979: 4), for example, says that williams was a “confused moralist”, who believed that sex was something like “grace”, and at the same time “impure”. in discussing sweet bird of youth, falk (1961) contends that williams’ creativity began to decrease with the appearance of this sexually obsessive play. conversely, bigsby (1984) argues that the artistic impulse in williams’ early works did not wane, but instead, sexuality became a creative energy in his later plays. in particular, siegel (2005) claims that sexual repressions in some plays are but manifestations of disturbing mother-son relationship. however, in focusing only on sexual themes, a great deal of williamsian scholarship has overlooked the wider social implications that give rise to sexual expression as well as repression. the sexstereotyped characters in williams’ plays are all absorbed in a pursuit of freedom, and this aspect has not been well documented. throughout his plays, williams portrays characters whose sex drive is born largely out of their desire to free themselves from other restrictions. psychoanalysis assumes that the urge for sexual action is inextricably linked to the drive for power which is often synonymous with freedom (benson, 1974: 211). thus freedom is related to the ability to achieve one’s goal, one’s happiness, and one’s pleasure; and sex is only one instance of expression and fulfilment on the road to success. in the modern capitalist society which forms a backdrop for williams’ plays, freedom is often materialized in the accumulation of wealth and power (potency). it is not difficult to understand the dominant mood in williams’ characters in their search for freedom, as it is but representation of american principle deeply taken root in society since the day of the pilgrim fathers (kennedy, 1993: 67). having left their country for religious freedom, the early european settlers found in the new world not only “the city on the hill”, but also a paradise on earth with unceasingly vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 11 abundant wealth for whoever worked hard. this optimism grew stronger about two centuries later by the statement set forth in the declaration of independence: “that all men are equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (cited in blum, 1993: 908). this liberating statement, evolving out of the freedom aspirations of the early settlers, has formed the basis for an ideology involving freedom. freedom in modern america has come to mean freedom in every respect. hence, a myth has developed that in this free, rich, and strong country, any hardworking individual is sure to succeed in life. it was only in the 1920s and culminating in the depression of the thirties that americans began to realize that they had been building a false heaven. it was not until the depression that the myth of the american dream operated paradoxically – both as an agent of progress and as a force of destruction. the considerable advancement in business and industry in the twenties had created a materialistic and alienated society who cherished enterprise, comfort, commercialism, and individualism. celebrities like sportsmen and hollywood stars were american heroes and heroines; and the middle-class were avid consumers of advertise products with which they emulated their idols: “ingredients of the good lifehealth in orange juice, cleanliness in soap, popularity in deodorants, romantic love in voguish clothes” (blum, 1993: 639). such concern for physical appearance, accordingly, helped explain the changing attitude of the americans towards sex. the availability of tabloid, magazine, film, and other media to delight people especially the youngsters with cheap sensationalism pertaining to sex quickly encouraged promiscuity. people wrongly interpreted freudian psychoanalysis as license for sexual freedom. such is society’s rebellion against the puritanical views of sex. meanwhile, some nonconformists loathed the futility and emptiness of the business world. they expressed their disappointment with the materialistic society through art as by means of protest music they named “jazz”, hence the term also used by f. scott fitzgerald to characterize literature of the jazz age that was rife with themes of alienation. to mention in passing, fitzgerald’s own novel tender is the night, like most of williams’ plays, depict the correlation between sexual potency and class prerogatives (bigsby, 1986: 86). the appearance of sexually subversive literary works here showed people’s anxiety and discontent of the troubled times whereby their dreams were inevitably shattered by economic disaster. williams wrote about a society whose faith in the unlimited freedom to strive for the material success was dashed by the harsh realities in the modern world. the work ethic of the nineteenth century, i.e. there is a moral, religious value in working hard was distorted in modern american capitalism (greenfield, 1982: 8). being brought up to believe that their country is a fountain of wealth, the americans were hardly prepared to face the truth: queuing for bread, homelessness, unemployment, and various calamities. “poverty, stagnation, pessimism, imperfection”, says choudhuri, “were unamerican words” (1979: 35). with the great depression, however, americans had to enlist these words into their vocabulary whilst admitting that there were indeed limits to success. this paper will explore the varied notions of freedom sought after by the characters in williams’ the rose tattoo (1951) and sweet bird of youth (1959). selection of the two plays is under an assumption that the period between the 1940s and late 1950s marks the peak of williams’ creativity and achievement. in memoirs, the playwright admits that after this period, came his turbulent years, especially during the sixties, where he was under treatment for paranoia and depression (williams, 1975: 208). besides, variations in search of freedom are most clearly displayed in these plays. the discussion that follows will focus on how the characters are struggling to gain their freedom, but are often failed in their attempts given the uncontrollable social and psychological novita dewi 12 forces. a rough division of three types of freedom in the two plays will be made: (1) freedom from socioeconomic pressure, (2) freedom from sexual repression, and (3) freedom from the fear of aging. freedom from socioeconomic pressure “to be free is to have achieved your life”, says williams in his memoirs, “it means the freedom of being” (1975: 230). in the “foreword” to sweet bird of youth, the playwright also speaks of writing as his sanctuary – an escape from his troubled years as an effeminate boy of 14 in search of freedom to be what he wants to be. recently, kolin (2014) shows that williams’ correspondence with truman capote about his doubt about casting for the rose tattoo may shed light on his gay relationship. for williams then, freedom is the attainment of self-identity. just as the celebration of freedom is central to williams’ life, so do the characters in his plays struggle in their journey for self-hood or, as jackson puts it, “pursu[ing] their odyssey” (1966: 86). indeed, the characters’ struggle to claim who they are cannot be separated from the fact that they were all born into the materialistic grasping society of america. written against the background of the 1930s great depression, his plays portray the ways in which ideology surrounding the notion of success had elevated material prosperity and had marginalized the weak, the rejects, and the ostracized of society. to begin with serafina delle rose in the rose tattoo, this italian-descent woman is cast like any other southerner women typical of williams’ female characters with their high aspirations of being upwardly mobile. set in a sicilian village on the gulf coast between new orleans and mobile, the play focuses on serafina, who terribly shocked by the death of her husband rosario, leads a life of selfindulgence. she isolates herself in her room, mourns over the dead husband whose ashes are kept in an urn against the law of the catholic church; and becomes overprotective to her daughter. the moment she discovers her husband’s infidelity, she gives up the three-year devotion and falls in the rams of a trucker whose body resembles her husband’s. bewildered by her own hypocrisy, she finally gives consent to her passion-burnt daughter to meet her boyfriend in a hotel room. married to an italian nobility at the age of 14 to lift her social status, serafina feels fortunate not to work like other peasant girls saying “i married a baron when i didn’t have shoes!” (williams, 1955: 84). rosario with his baron status, nevertheless, does very little to upgrade their economic situation for which reason they left for america: serafina: tonight is the last time he does it! tomorrow he quits hauling stuff for the brothers romano! he pays for the 10-ton truck and works for himself. we live in dignity in america, then! own truck! own truck! own house! and in the house will be everything electric! stove – deep-freeze-tutto! (williams, 1955: 7) in keeping with the economic demand, serafina is willing to take up sewing for additional income as part of her effort to pursue her dream – freedom from want. she is fast, serious seamstress except for the days when rumours about her husband’s affair reaches her and increasingly becomes unbearable. she can finish estelle hohengarten’s order for the rose-coloured silk shirt in one day for twenty-five dollars, five times as much as the normal cost. under emotional pressure and complaints of anxious neighbours, serafina can complete their daughters’ graduation outfits. she, too, can recognize the customer who does not give her sufficient payment for the work and fight for her rights. she can finish flora’s blouse under time and emotional pressure in order to cash on more money. serafina is money-conscious; and for her business is business, hence her insistence to charge alvaro’s phone call despite the young man’s charm. life is hard for alvaro mangiacavallo the truck driver to whom serafina is attracted. he is the breadwinner of a family consisting of three dependants: a spinsterish sister, a vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 13 gambling crazed grandmother, and a jobless brother – all with bad drinking habits. alvaro’s daily earnings hardly makes both ends meet, while his boss can legally cut off his wage or even fire him at any time. williams clearly depicts the cruelty of american industrialized society. to alvaro, then, serafina is a god-sent-angel to release him from his financial as well as sexual burdens, for she is the “sensible older lady” who has “a well-furnished house and profitable little business” (williams, 1955: 5). likewise, alvaro is the sexual liberator for serafina who “can’t swallow [her] heart” (williams, 1955: 7). their relationship is that of a business transaction. in mercantile society as such, complementary profitable business can be seen as an instrument to freedom. in sweet bird of youth, economic pressure is also the motive. although goldstein (1965: 33) argues that williams’ chief concern in this play is not greed but desire for eternal youth, the quest for youth itself is closely related to greed. referred to as “glossy shocker about sex and politics” (hirsch, 1979: 60), the play tells of princess kosmonopolis aka alexandra del lago, a retired actress and her gigolo chance wayne, a 29-year-old actor with slim chance of success. both cannot accept growing old because their livelihood depends on age and appearance. youth in industrialized america is a commodity while age is unproductive and therefore devalued. chance’s dream of freedom is to lead a good life with pleasure and gaiety for which reason he avoided “the goddam routine, discipline” of the military service (williams 1959; rpr. 1978: 46) and prefer to move from hotel to hotel to entertain lonely women. scene 2 of the play, for instance, opens with the princess signing a cheque for chance’s love making. in commenting on the futility of industrialized society, the play includes smuggling and blackmailing in the narrative. chance blackmails the princess over her involvement in the drug trade, although the motive of his threats is pave his way to the film world. believing that success is purchasable, he says: patroness! agents! producers! she hasn’t been seen much lately, but still has influence, power, and money – money that can open all doors. that i’ve knocked at all these years till my knuckles are bloody (williams, 1978: 75). neither chance nor princess kosmonopolis realize that their talents are limited. they both are accustomed to earning money easily by selling their bodies. now that their assets begin to decline, they are not ready to change professions for they have neither skills nor determination to try their hands at different jobs. given that change and novelty become the rule of the game in a competitive society, the lack thereof hampers their road to economic freedom. princess: stars in retirement sometimes give acting lessons. or take up painting, paint flowers on pots, or landscapes. i could have painted the landscapes of the endless, withering country in which i wandered like a lost nomad. if i could paint deserts and nomads, if i could paint…hahaha…(williams, 1978: 33). thus, to varying degrees, the characters in the rose tattoo and sweet bird of youth are crushed in their ambitions to pursue their freedom. in times of economic depression, they become weak, vulnerable, and easily frustrated. in their description of the entanglement between personal problems and economic imbroglios, williams’ plays show that the american pursuit of happiness, in this case money, has destroyed the social actors. the next section is to further discuss how these social actors also strive to pursue freedom by means of money’s complimentary object named sex. freedom from sexual repression in freud on broadway, siever (1970) claims that sex is neither daring nor shocking a theme in a play by the thirties because of the changing attitude of the americans. the rose tattoo was set in the preceding decade, but sexual freedom is the theme at the heart of the play. the female characters in the play come across as preoccupied by sexual novita dewi 14 anxiety. aphrodisiacs are purchasable from assunta; and the fattuchiere is on her way to her clients who need sexual therapy. estelle hohengarten has a rose tattoo and a rosecoloured shirt made to cherish her passion with rosario the man she is flirting with. the conversation between bessie and flora is rich in sexual connotations with which, according to spoto (1985: 171), one important audience at the opening night of the rose tattoo, mrs. edwina dakin, was reportedly embarrassed by the blatant talk of sex and love-making in the play. like mother like daughter, rosa delle rose is depicted as a young girl who cannot wait to jump at the first opportunity to make love with her boyfriend. it would seem that for these women, celebrating sexual freedom is the order of the day. serafina used to express her sexual yearnings by means of her union with rosario. in the play the sanctity of the union is metaphorically presented through children’s playing, goat chasing, and intrusion of the unwanted strega. only serafina’s husband can release her tension and make her feel alive: “oh, it’s so wonderful, having two lives in the body, not one but two! i am heavy with life, i am big, big, big with life” (williams, 1955: 9). she is so sexually driven that she is able to precisely count as much as 3,480 times of love making since the day they were married. the need of freedom from sexual repression is even heightened when serafina becomes a widow, but she insists on maintaining her purity until she meets alvaro. having confessed to father de leo that she does not need any friends, she withdraws herself and lives like a recluse in her room with the dummies. she maintains that the dummies make her companions for the mannequins do not argue or disrupt her to do what she wants. what she needs is someone like assunta who sometimes comes to visit to listen to the widow’s outpouring of romantic stories about rosario. serafina is seen so furious when two nit-wits, flora and bessie talk dirtily about male-female relations in her “catholic house” where she sets a shrine of rosario’s ashes and a burning candle before the statue of the virgin mary (williams, 1955: 36). as sensually as her mother is, rosa delle rose is seen as “sort of wild” by her american boyfriend sailor, jack hunter (williams, 1955: 41). in agreement with henry hopkin’s observation, falk (1961: 98) says that williams often contrasts the cool anglosaxons with the sexually exciting italians in his plays. when serafina locks up rosa’s clothes to prevent her from going out with jack, the 15-year-old girl, much to the surprise of the neighbours, stands naked at the window calling out any passers-by for help. added to this rebellious act that does not work well, rosa puts mercurochrome on her wrist to fool her mother into thinking that she hurt herself. to portray the warm-blooded rosa, williams has this character perform some seductive overtures such as dancing too close to jack, teaching him the word “bacio”, and “raining kisses upon him till he forcibly removes her face from his” (williams, 1955: 46). accentuation of her wild portrayal is clear in act 3 scene 2 when she tries to seduce jack who is too love-sick to conquer rosa’s wild impulse. jack [breathlessly]: in all my life, i never felt nothing so sweet as the feel of your little warm body in my arms…[he breaks away and runs toward the road. from the foot of the steps he glares fiercely back at her like a tiger through the bars of a cage] (williams, 1955: 132 – 3). rosa is thus the instigator to incite jack’s repression. when she confronts the young sailor that sexual intimacy does not mean too much to him, jack has this to say: look! look at my knuckles! you see them scubs on my knuckles? you know how them scubs got there? they got there because i banged my knuckles that hard on the deck of the sailboat (williams, 1955: 130 – 1). jack is worsened by the promise he has made to his mother not to yield to sexual desire. “i – feel like a – heel”, he regretfully says, “i feel like a rotten heel!” (williams, 1955: 126). his strict mother hampers his way to freedom. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 15 in comparison to jack’s, alvaro’s road to freedom from sexual anxiety is much smoother. to alvaro, sex is “the one that every man’s got, his biggest expense” (williams, 1955: 106). as it happens, this clown-faced truck driver meets a woman who is willing to cover the expense, in return, alvaro offers her “love and affection” because he does not have anything else to trade with “on hot or cold days in his lonely world” (williams, 1955: 94). alvaro manages to convince serafina about her late husband’s infidelity, i.e. his flirtation with estelle. to get even, serafina pursues her freedom with the newly found lover. alvaro pretends to leave serafina’s house after dinner to avoid the neighbours’ suspicion only to come back not long after to have sex all night with the hostess. alvaro’s presence, to some extent, also liberates rosa’s repression. baffled by her own hypocrisy, serafina allows rosa to date jack. the bed is mythologized as the mark of sexual happiness in the rose tattoo. similarly, the setting that opens and ends sweet bird of youth is also a bed in a hotel room. but in this play, the bed symbolizes the sexual desperation of the characters. accused of giving his girlfriend heavenly finley a venereal disease, chance is under threat of castration from heavenly’s father, boss finley, the powerful businessman in st. cloud. the playwright paints a dark picture of sex by also bringing into his play ovariectomy, abortion, incest, impotency, obsession with chastity, hypersexuality, nudity, the mistress, the courtesan, the prostitute, and the gigolo. had williams written the play in the late 80s, he would have included aids and hiv as well. praising sex in hymns, the characters all sing a false note. in their search for freedom, the characters are thwarted because their version of freedom is proved fallacious. princes kosmonopolis construes life as synonymous with unceasing, purchasable sexual journey. in act 1, scene 1, she reveals that she once married to “a great merchant prince” who taught her how to deal with money” (williams, 1978: 41). she applies this business sense to making sex a transaction: given that age gradually deteriorates her; and she cannot live without sex, she buys it from gigolos. added to her sexual needs is the princess’ frequent and regular intake of oxygen which is metaphorically associated with her struggle to breathe the air of freedom: princess: no mention of death, never, never a word on that odious subject. i’ve been accused of having a death wish but i think it’s life that i wish for, terribly, shamelessly, on any terms whatsoever. when i say now, the answer must not be later. i have only one way to forget these things i don’t want to remember and that’s the act of love-making. that’s the only dependable distraction so when i say now, because i need that distraction, it has to be now, not later. (williams, 1978: 41) like the princess, chance takes sex as the highest priority in life: “maybe the one i was truly meant for, love-making…” (williams, 1978: 45). believing that he was born to make love, chances challenges heavenly’s father whom the younger man accused of being sexually jealous and speaking the language of hatred. however, chance fails to save his emotionally and physically neutered girlfriend. having been infected with disease by chance, heavenly is too freakish to stand up to her father as to get “married for love” the way her father did (williams, 1978: 63). thus, almost all characters are portrayed in their futile entanglement with sex. as for boss finley, his self-proclaimed mission is to save the southerners’ purity in race and religion. this character’s puritanical hypocrisy is depicted first, by his keeping of a mistress miss lucy who turns her back on him when scrawling graffiti in ladies room about finley’s impotency after she gets a diamond ring. in today’s context, schultesasse (1999) likens finley’s priggish morality to the americans’ demand for clinton’s impeachment after his affair with monica lewinski. second, boss finley becomes even more sexually repressed because, unconsciously, he is attracted to his own daughter who brings him back the memory of his dead wife, hence some critics’ claims of the play’s theme of incest (e.g. d. williams novita dewi 16 and mead, 1983: 221; bigsby, 1984: 154). to escape from sexual repression, finley expresses what chance called “sex envy” (williams, 1978: 53) by his sadistic attempts to emasculate others including his children. for instance, he overprotects not only heavenly but also tom junior his son. angered by his father’s fake morality, the frustrated tom perversely sows his wild oats. tom becomes a womanizer to whom chance can give “the price of any whore in st. cloud” (williams, 1978: 90). by way of conclusion, the rose tattoo and sweet bird of youth give us portraits of the losers in their pursuit of freedom to satisfy their bodily hunger. through these plays, williams laments the restless seekers of physical gratification in american commercialized society where sex is often bought and sold. the characters exaggerate and see the horrors of sex deprivation; and they are often trapped in their false hope of obtaining eternal youth, which is regarded in society as being indispensable for sexual fulfilment. it is to the quest of eternal youth that the next section now turns. freedom from the fear of aging the fear of aging is an adamic trait that becomes a common attitude of the americans whose myth of the new eden on earth allows them to cling to the belief that everything is perpetual: america was supposedly the location of the mythical fountain of youth and eternal life. and the worship of young life in a young continent is traditional and psychologically acceptable (pradhan, 1978: 52). the denial of age reflects the human beings’ reluctance to face the passing of time as shown in the characters of the two plays under discussion. they are all helpless to defeat, to use chance wayne’s words, “the enemy of time” (williams, 1978: 110). time is an incomprehensible concept for the characters in the rose tattoo. confronting assunta the herb seller, serafina says: “no, the clock is a fool. i don’t listen to it. my clock is my heart and my heart don’t say tock-tick, it says love-love!” (williams, 1978: 8). denying that time does pass by, serafina only admits the existence of the days of the pass, i.e., the days of romance with rosario. the present reality is a threat to her. she prefers dying to aging due to her conviction that youth can be separated from physical beauty. serafina thus neglects her appearance and ignores men upon the death of her notso-loyal husband. like other williamsian female characters, serafina equates cessation of her sexual fulfilment with death itself. she hides herself in the sewing room and has no intention to live until she finds a new life in alvaro the born-again rosario. critics have observed the symbolic meaning of the mannequins in her room where one dummy is clad in a colourful bridal gown, the other in a sombre and gloomy outfit of a widow. boxill (1987: 125), to mention one, concurs that williams uses this symbolism to reinforce the passion-death conflict between eros and thanatos. meanwhile, for rosa delle rose, time is chasing her. like her mother, rosa does not believe in a second chance when jack refuses to intimate physically with her. the young girl says: “no, but – i think it could just happen once, and if it don’t happen that time, it never can – later…” (williams, 1955: 130). although in the end serafina gives rosa permission to go out with jack, she fails to give her daughter a wrist-watch for graduation gift. the playwright uses this iconic item to symbolise the desire to escape from time. in sweet bird of youth, princess kosmonopolis’ dream is to stay young forever and presentable to live in the film world. age and appearance, among other things, are two significant assets to her career. accordingly, she is aware that “the legend of alexandra del lago couldn’t be separated from an appearance of youth” (williams, 1978: 32). she reveals to chance how disappointed and terrified she is upon noticing that the camera scarcely conceals the disappearance of youth from her face. although she is capable of anticipating and admitting the end of her career, her excitement upon receiving the vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 17 happy news about the box-office record of her movies can barely overcome her anxiety. in contrast to the princess who is quick to realize her inability to defeat time, chance wayne is made blind by his own dream of success. he is reluctant to admit that something is indeed lost in him, taken away by time. “beauty! say it! say it!”, the princess tries to convince him, “what you had was beauty! i had it! i say it with pride, no matter how sad, being gone, now” (williams, 1978: 44). despite his fear, chance continues to chase his freedom. his one ridiculous attempt, for instance, is to take chance in a talent-scouting. in his 29, chance is not young any more for an artist, to say nothing of the fact that he once failed to recite part of his lines. obsessed by his ambition to become an actor, he is being unreasonable: no talentscouter talent scouts her/himself, hence his plan to entitle his film “youth”. chance takes every chance to prostitute himself to anyone who can help him chase his dream. as for heavenly finley, she also tries to escape from the ghost of growing old. she comes across as very depressed and withdrawn. this love object of chance is crippled by the ovariectomy operation that is a shocking threat to her womanhood. she says: i felt worse and embarrassed when i found out that dr. george scudder’s knife had cut the youth out of my body, made me an old childless woman. dry, cold, empty, like an old woman. i feel as if i ought to rattle like a dried-up vine when the gulf wind blows… (williams, 1978: 65 – 6) here we see that heavenly joins the parade of those who are in fear of old age, because such is seen as being unproductive. thus, they make their best efforts to invest themselves in an unrealistic hope as well as a trap of selfdeception to remain young. nevertheless, as argued by tejaswani (2013), heavenly and chance strengthen their love to each other through time. in sum, the rose tattoo and sweet bird of youth present the american imagination of eternal youth through the characters who cannot accept growing old. old age hampers their access to such physical pleasure as sex. they hold on to the illusion of eternity so strongly that they become desperate when the real world is not what they believe to be. both plays reflect modern society where there is a quest for youth, hence the denial of age and death. conclusion the rise of modern capitalist society opens up door for the expansion of people’s personal freedom, but at the same time it may result in economic competition alongside its impact namely social inequalities. in beneath the mask, christopher monte (1987: 432) borrows the view of eric fromm on “freedom as frightful” in modern society as follows: the existence of contemporary people is marked by aloneness, fear, and bewilderment. their freedoms are not satisfying, they are frightful. though each is totally an individual, contemporary persons are also sometimes totally isolated. in short, contemporary people do not cherish their own individuality, their own independence. they flee from their own freedom. this paper has shown that tennessee williams writes about the american society whose faith in the unlimited freedom to strive for material and physical success was dashed by the harsh realities in the modern world where youth and good look are commodities. williams’ characters mostly belong to a less financially favoured class who can be easily defeated in their search for freedom that can be equated with the celebration of material prosperity and eternal youth. thanks to the great depression that the modern society operates under a system whereby this credo is put into practice: grab the money honestly if you can, and dishonestly if you have to. in the rose tattoo, serafina delle rose’s husband was killed when he smuggled drugs under his banana truck. her new object of interest alvaro mangiacavallo fought with a salesman, got sacked by his boss, and simplified his economic problem by clinging to the more financially stable woman. in novita dewi 18 sweet bird of youth, chance wayne complains that the korean war and economic disaster hampers both his career prospect and sexual freedom. thus, freedom spells fear for the characters who share the wish to liberate themselves. this paper has also shown that their search for financial freedom is corollary to their natural and inborn impulse, i.e. sexual starvation from which they try to escape to no avail. in their struggle to free themselves from sexual repression, the female characters appear stronger yet victimised and condemned in male-constructed society (jackson, 1966; scanlan, 1978; timpane, 1989, etc.) lou benson is right to say that women are expected to be (sexually) attractive in order to be identified as woman (and thus she becomes an object of men’s desire); on the contrary, if she is not sexually desirable, she is regarded as merely a thing (1974: 51). finally, it has also been discussed that the quest for freedom is indeed frightening because of what amanda wingfield in williams’ most famous the glass menagerie calls “tyranny of time”. the characters in the two plays discussed are preoccupied with the quest for youth, but time waits for nobody. old man like boss finley conceals his aging and weakness by having a mistress. older women like serafina delle rose and princess kosmonopolis nurture their illusion of eternal youth by spending as much time as possible with younger men like, respectively, chance wayne and alvaro mangiacavallo. meanwhile, the young women in these plays are depicted as being impatient to get the men they fall in love with. it should be noted that women need marriage to survive is the most pervasive theme in american drama of the 20s and 30s (bonin, 1975: 2) that still echoes in both plays. whether the playwright intended or not, a pattern emerges: the male characters evade their problems instead of facing the ruthlessness of life or simply makes a quick, practical solution; whereas the female characters tend to hold fast to their romantic southern beliefs that value family life although they have to live in falsification. these women are unlikely to succeed in their search for freedom, but they do not escape in cowardly fashion like the male counterparts. berkowitz (1992: 96) contends that williams typically ends his play with “the happiest available” if “the happiest imaginable” is not possible. as it is, williams speaks of the socio-psychological problems that continue to exist even in today’s society where people grapple with their search for freedom in a false heaven by means of wealth and sex. references benson, lou. images, heroes, and selfperceptions. new jersey: prentice hall, 1974. berkowitz, geraald m. american drama of the twentieth century. london: routledge, 1997. bigsby, c.w.e. a critical introduction to twentieth century american drama 2, london: metthuen, 1984. blum, john m et al. eds. the national experience: a history of the united states. new york: wadsworth publishing, 1993. bonin, jane f. major themes in prize-winning american drama. new york: rowman & littlefield, 1975. boxill, roger. tennessee williams. hamburg: metthuen, 1987. choudhuri, a.d. the face of illusion in american drama. atlantic higlands: humanity press, 1979. falk, signi. tennessee williams. new york: twayne publishers, 1961. goldstein, malcolm. “body and soul on broadway” modern drama 7.4 (1965): 411-421. project muse. 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style in shaping ruth’s characteristics and behaviors. two problems were formulated to limit the study. the objectives of this research are to answer: (1) how luling young showed the authoritarian parenting in the novel, and (2) how the authoritarian parenting shaped ruth young’s characteristics. the first analysis of the study shows that as an authoritarian parent, luling young is low on affection, high on behavioral control and high on psychological control. luling rarely communicates well and shows physical affections towards ruth. she is also highly demanding and controlling in ruth’s life. besides, she is quick-tempered over small problems and sometimes shows love withdrawal. those acts of authoritarian parenting style influence ruth’s characteristics. the first effect is ruth’s internalizing behaviors. due to the combination of luling’s low affection and high psychological control, ruth has anxiety, is fearful, suicidal and skeptical of her mother. those are happened because the restriction and oppression which are given by luling affect ruth’s mental state. the second outcome is ruth’s externalizing behaviors which come from a combination of high behavioral control and high psychological control. ruth becomes hesitant in talk, explosive-tempered and suicidal. therefore, luling young’s practice of an authoritarian parenting influences the characteristics-shaping of ruth young. keywords: authoritarian parenting, characteristic shaping introduction family is the base for people to learn about human and life since their birth before they step out into larger extent which is society. being small, helpless and absolutely dependent on someone else to survive, babies must be fed, clothed and comforted. they also have to be taken care of in order for them to develop into independent adults with personalities of their own. those all happen in a family. a family holds the main role to explain the importance of two variables in children’s personality development which are nature (hereditary) and nurture (environment) (popkin, 1987: 33). thus, parents are surely related to the nature (hereditary) factor of their children. additionally, parents are also responsible for nurture (environmental) factor since family is a strong foundation to the children before they face the society. the children go through their first steps along with their home surroundings, upbringings, nurturing and experiences from their parents. almost all of the children’s early environmental influences come from their journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 147 family, especially the parents. for that reason, the kind of atmosphere that exists in the family’s daily living really matters. david streight in his book parenting for character (2008) stated that parents, as a family, have the role and power to create their children’s future where kindness, fairness, and consideration of others are the norm. those can be created through parenting system because parents have the positions to assert power in the course of their style of parenting which later can shape how their children turn out to be. there are three models of parental control as stated by diana baumrind which is quoted by aunola and nurmi in the article titled the role of parenting styles in children's problem behavior (2005). they are permissive, authoritarian and authoritative parenting. luling in the novel the bonesetter’s daughter performs authoritarian style of parenting. compared to the other two, authoritarian parenting style is more controlling and demanding. the parent attempts to control, shape, and evaluate their child’s behaviors and attitudes according to a set standard of regulation, usually an absolute standard by a higher authority. the parent values obedience as a virtue, and favors disciplinary as forceful measures to control self-will at points where the child's actions or beliefs conflict with what she thinks is right conduct. she believes in keeping the child in his place. she regards the preservation of order and traditional structure as a highly valued end in itself. children are expected to obey the parents’ strict rules. failure to follow such rules usually results in punishment. authoritarian parents don't explain the reasoning behind these rules and say "because i said so," instead. these parents are obedienceand status-oriented, and expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation (baumrind, 1966: 890). in their article, kaisa aunola and jarierik nurmi discuss the relation between parenting styles and the outcome behaviors from children. this article has 2 variables to show the causes and effects of each parenting style which will be used to analyze the data in this study. the first variable is called parenting style dimensions which are the parent’s acts and consist of parental affection/warmth, behavioral control and psychological control. those dimensions are the causes of the next variable. the second variable is the children’s problem behaviors which are in the form of externalizing and internalizing behaviors in children (aunola and nurmi, 2005: 11441145). aunola and nurmi (2005) stated that parental affection/ warmth, behavioral control and psychological control are three parenting style dimensions. parental warmth/affection shows through the parent’s affection such as their responsiveness, involvement and supportiveness to their child. it also refers to parent and child interactional warmth and bond. diana baumrind in parenting for character (2008) stated that the difference between each parenting style is the issue of power assertion. parents must at times use their positions of authority to assert power. to prevent harm, they must do what they can do to control the child’s behavior. there are two different kinds of power assertion; those are behavioral control and psychological control. parental behavioral control consists of the maturity demands, monitoring and limit setting from the parent to the child. it includes the regulation of the child’s behavior through firm and consistent discipline. the last, psychological control is the love withdrawal and guilt induction by the parent. they control the child’s emotions and behaviors through psychological means (aunola and nurmi, 2005: 1144-1145). each of those three dimensions is divided into a measurement of low and high level. the combination of parenting style dimensions influences the child development. while the authoritative parenting is characterized by high level of both parental affection and behavioral control and permissive parenting is characterized by low level of both parental affection and behavioral control, authoritarian parenting has low parental affection, high behavioral control and high psychological control. if some of those parenting style dimensions are combined, they resulted in two types of children problem behaviors. the first kind of the problem behavior is internalizing behavior in the form of children’s withdrawal, fearfulness, selfconsciousness, inhibition and anxiety. the negative emotions of the children are directed journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 clara acitya ose lengari & dewi widyastuti 148 at themselves rather than others. it is caused by the excessive and overly strong selfregulations. actions of every parenting style are imprinted in children’s psychological state. externalizing behavior, by contrast, is when negative emotions are directed against others as anger, aggression and frustration. children with externalizing behavior have underdeveloped self-regulation abilities which lead to uncontrolled behaviors (aunola and nurmi, 2005: 1144-1145). according to the novel, luling young applies the authoritarian parenting style. this study will later explain the act of authoritarian parenting which has low level of affection, high level of psychological control, and high level of behavioral control which is performed by luling to her daughter, ruth. luling young’s authoritarian parenting 1. low affection the first identifying mark of authoritarian parenting is the low level of affection. parental affection can be shown through the parent’s care such as their response, concern and support to their child. they can also give warmth and attention to show their love to their child. a high level of affection means a positive relationship between the parent and child. it can be seen by the actions of telling their child that parents appreciate what their child tries or achieves and showing that the parents love their child. meanwhile, one of the characteristics of authoritarian parenting is the low level of affection. according to diana baumrind in parenting for character (2008), authoritarian parents are demanding, but unresponsive. they lack warmth, tenderness and show little concern for their child’s perspective. luling young throughout the bonesetter’s daughter shows the act of low affection to ruth young. it was a nice thought, but ruth rarely exchanged embraces with luling. when she tried, her mother's shoulders turned rigid, as if she were being attacked (tan, 2001: 31). ruth has this thought when she is in a conversation with agapi agnos, her client. the statement that ruth’s mother has been angry and depressed all her life appears between their conversation about the elderly relation with inattention and anger which lead to depression. hearing that, agapi suggests ruth to get her mother a thorough checkup and give her mother a great big healing hug. ruth then has a thought in reacting to those words. she admits that she hugs her mother once in a blue moon. it shows that luling as a mother never expresses her love physically and directly to ruth. “news from the gods,” luling murmured. “i won ten million dollar! open and see.” luling beamed, then added, “i win all for you.” ruth felt a twinge in her chest. it quickly grew into an ache. she wanted to embrace her mother, shield her, and at the same time wanted her mother to cradle her, to assure her that she was okay, that she had not had a stroke or worse. that was how her mother had always been, difficult, oppressive, and odd. and in exactly that way, luling had loved her. ruth knew that, felt it. no one could have loved her more. better perhaps, but not more. “thanks, ma. it's wonderful. we'll talk about it later, what to do with the money. but now we have to go. the doctor said we could still come at four, and we shouldn't be late.” luling turned crabby again. “you fault we late” (tan, 2001: 38-39). the quotation above happens when ruth tries to find luling’s lost purse. it turns out that it is under a pile of new issues of magazines. knowing luling never reads any printed media, she asks the reason why there are dozens of magazines. luling then answers it with handing an oversized envelope and telling that she wins ten million dollars for ruth. the non-authoritarian parents commonly tend to express their happy feeling directly with being excited, asking further story and physical affection. however, the way ruth reacts to the news by wishing she could hug her at the moment shows that both of them are uncomfortable in engaging physical contacts to show their affection to each other. when ruth only thanks her, moves on to another topic, and luling gets back to be journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 149 cranky, it shows that there is a lack of motherdaughter’s warmth which is shared between them. by using chinese words, luling could put all kinds of wisdom in ruth's mind. she could warn her away from danger, disease, and death. soon she felt familiar hands brushing over her head and neck. her mother was lifting her, murmuring tenderly, “ai-ya, how could you be so foolish? look at you.” she then saw her mother's face, the tears streaming down her cheeks, falling on her own face like wet kisses. her mother wasn't angry, she was worried, full of love. and in her amazement, ruth forgot her pain (tan, 2001: 47-48). six-year-old ruth gets into an accident because she wants to rebel against her mother who prevents ruth to stop befriending her only friend and not to play in the slide. luling firmly warns her many times not to play with teresa because luling thinks she is full of germs, but ruth insists to befriend her. one day, for the act of rebel, ruth throws herself down the slide with head first and arms straight out which is considered as the only position that only the bravest and wildest boys will take. she falls into the sand with face first, bumping her nose, bending her glasses and breaking her arms. instead of being angry, luling gives her affection in this event by showing that she is worried about ruth’s condition. out of all of the moments when luling shall give affection, this is the only moment where both ruth and luling show their mother-daughter love to each other. low affection can also be seen in the way luling solves the problems that happen between her and ruth. while authoritative parenting style that has high affection is always warm and understanding the child’s perspective according to diana baumrind (2008), authoritarian parenting makes no effort in communicating. the arbitrariness and rigidness of imposing demands of authoritarian parents make the relationships between them and their children distant, hence the low affection feeling which is felt by the children. in every problem, as a parent, she actually can teach ruth how to handle and solve them. in the novel, luling does not try to be close to ruth by handling even a small problem between them calmly. instead, all that luling does are get mad and threaten ruth to end her (luling’s) own life. "you wish i dead? you wish no mother tell you what to do? okay, maybe i die soon!" (tan, 2001: 32) "you think she right, i wrong?" as had happened throughout ruth's childhood, luling’s fury escalated until she could barely speak, except to sputter the old threat: "maybe i die soon!" (tan, 2001: 33) “if i could change fate, i would rather kill myself than suffer without you. . . ." (tan, 2001: 53) and then luling erupted with the ultimate threat: "maybe i die soon! then everybody happy!" (tan, 2001: 68) experience had taught her that her mother worried too much even when she had no reason to worry. if there was something really wrong, her mother would scream and pound her chest like a gorilla. she would do this in front of lance and dottie. she would dig out her eyes and yell for the ghosts to come take her away. and then she would really kill herself. this time for sure. she would make ruth watch, to punish her even more (tan, 2001, p. 83). "why i have daughter like you? why i live? why i don't die long time 'go?" luling was huffing and snorting. ruth thought she looked like a mad dog. "you want i die?" (tan, 2001, p. 98) those quotations happen every time luling quarrels with ruth. conflicts are actually important experiences for children to express their own needs and opinions. children can be taught about how to win/lose and when to retreat. quarrels can be solved with an explanation of rules of behavior. they can also teach children that though there are two different opinions between them, the parents still love their children. the nonjournal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 clara acitya ose lengari & dewi widyastuti 150 authoritarian parents face the problems between their children with telling their children about what is right and wrong, saying sorry if the parents are the ones in fault, and correcting the children’s wrong perspectives. those actions are the reflections of high level of affection because parents want their children to balance between their attitudes and arguments, thus shaping the characteristic of their children to be open-minded. however, in this novel, luling chooses to solve the problems terribly. the act of her wanting to end her life whenever a quarrel takes place makes ruth feel like she is not loved by her mother. this habit of luling also makes ruth distant from her by limiting the things she tells to luling because ruth knows luling sweats the small stuffs. the low affection of luling towards ruth is shown through the speech, reaction and direct comments of luling. the level of affection is categorized as low because throughout the whole novel, luling shows her affection explicitly only few times which have been mentioned above. meanwhile, luling makes herself to be distant with ruth by showing low affection in solving their problems with her threat to kill herself. there are low levels of connectedness, interactional warmth and closeness on their motherdaughter relationship. the low affection as a parenting style dimension does not directly have effects on ruth’s behaviors. in order to discover the effect on ruth, this dimension is combined with other dimensions of parenting system which are explained in the next parts. 2. high behavioral control behavioral control that the parents have for their children consists of the rules of child’s behaviors. those rules can be performed whether firmly with consistent discipline or loosely without strict supervision. this dimension can be in the forms of maturity demands, monitoring and limit setting which are performed by the parents. another characteristic of authoritarian parenting system is having high behavioral control (aunola and nurmi, 2005: 1145). behavioral control can be expressed with parent’s statements that there are rules in their family. parents also warn their child when the child violates the rules by being angry. behavioral control can be regarded as monitoring or supervising of parents. it is open and immediately understandable. children understand and respond properly to behavioral control, especially when it is accompanied by explanations. parent’s demands, limit setting and maturity command are shown with or without reasoning about rules and the consequences of misbehavior. in high level of behavioral control, the misbehavior of the child can lead to clear consequences and parental willingness to confront a child who disobeys. the controlling and demanding attitudes of the parent also show that the parent’s behavioral control is high. this study highlights the analysis of luling’s high behavioral control towards ruth throughout the novel. ruth, who was watching television, noticed after a while that her mother was staring at her. "why you not do study?" luling asked. she had made ruth practice reading and writing since kindergarten, to help her be "one jump ahead" (tan, 2001: 51). her mother took ruth's televisionwatching as a sign that she had nothing better to do. the only time her mother didn't bother her was when she was doing her homework or studying for a test (tan, 2001: 76). "last year, report card, you get one satisfactory, not even good. should be everything excellent. tonight better study more." "but that was in pe!" ruth wailed (tan, 2001: 78). hall and okazaki (2003) identifies that an authoritarian parent expresses higher expectations for the grades that their child earns on schoolwork. they are less satisfied with grades of b’s and c’s than the other parents are. getting good intellectual performance and achievement are considered as parents’ responsibility on their child, so authoritarian parents also help the children to reach the child’s good school achievements. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 151 for example, parents may set aside a specific time for the children to do homework and restrict the amount of time they spend watching television (2003: 85-87). based on the quotations from the novel, luling applies the high behavioral control which is also considered as disciplinary actions and monitoring. it can be seen that ruth is firmly demanded to do very well in academic matter. luling requires ruth to be excellent and even one step ahead all of her friends. she strictly states that she must get all scores to be excellent, not letting her loose to have even one satisfactory score though it is just in physical education class which does not require sharp mind. luling also considers watching television as something meaningless. luling expresses it by continuing making conversation with ruth every time she watches tv, opposite to what she always does during ruth’s reading and studying. luling applies a controlling behavioral action through this action because she demands luling to ace every subject in the school and forbids her to watch tv. she knew her mother was sneaking looks at what she had written, because one day she asked ruth, “why you like this song ‘turn, turn, turn’? just ‘cause someone else like?” another time her mother sniffed and said, “why smell like cigarette?” ruth had just written about going to haight-ashbury with friends and meeting some hippies in the park who offered them a smoke (tan, 2001: 97). at the age of fifteen, ruth rebels by stealing luling’s savings which are hidden all over the house. she uses the money to buy make up, movie tickets, cigarettes and weeds. ruth does all that because she thinks that she deserves the money after all the lawn-mowing, dish-washing and luling’s yells. ruth always writes in her diary which she hides. despite her efforts to hide it around the house, luling always manages to find the diary and read it. if she accused her mother of reading her diary, luling would become evasive, never admitting that she had done so, while also saying, “a daughter should have no secrets from a mother” (tan, 2001: 97). luling shows that she is controlling by searching out ruth’s daily life. she wants to know what ruth is up to at the moment, every day. firstly, ruth who is annoyed because she is given limited personal space tries to rebel against it. she starts to hide her diaries around but it is useless. in this condition, good communication should be a great approach to control and keep up with children’s present condition. however, luling’s way to do so is by reading ruth’s most personal book. instead of being well-communicated between the two, ruth becomes more and more uncomfortable in sharing her thoughts. based on baumrind (1966), restricting the child’s autonomy is the characteristic of authoritarian parenting besides keeping the child in place and assigning household responsibilities (baumrind, 1966: 890). in luling’s actions, it can be seen that she disciplines and monitors ruth’s behaviors firmly. she also demands on good academic achievements. those acts of high behavioral control are the indicators of an authoritarian parenting according to aunola & nurmi (2005). 3. high psychological control psychological control consists of parents’ action in response to guilt and expressing disappointment to their child. it is performed by the parents in the form of controlling the child’s emotion and behavior through psychological means. the parents can withdraw their acts of love or induce guilt after the violation of regulations. it undermines a statement of “i believe a child should be aware of how much i have done for them,” “i let my child see how disappointed and ashamed i am if they misbehaves.” luling applies a high level of psychological control to ruth which is explained below. and then came rambling about who told the secret, without saying what the secret itself was, followed by more rambling about how the person had died horribly, why this had happened, how it could have been avoided, if only such-and-such had not occurred a thousand years before. if ruth showed impatience in listening to any of this, luling became outraged, journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 clara acitya ose lengari & dewi widyastuti 152 before sputtering an oath that none of this mattered because soon she too would die anyway, by accident, because of badluck wishes, or on purpose. and then the silent treatment began, a punishment that lasted for days or weeks, until ruth broke down first and said she was sorry (tan, 2001: 7). after finding a script which is written in chinese by her mother a long time ago, ruth tries so hard to decipher it. it takes a very long time for ruth to translate that. realizing that, she then imagine how mad ruth would be in knowing that ruth finds it hard to read chinese. ruth would be scolded for not studying chinese hard enough when she was little. the quotation above tells about luling’s habit of having a quick temper that ruth knows so well because it happens so many times. ruth knows beforehand that if she tells her mother that she has difficulty in translating the chinese script, luling will snap and bring unrelated problems between her scoldings. it states that luling also shows the punitive act of psychological control by love withdrawal. luling fumes and does the silent treatment for days or weeks. baumrind (2008) stated that to get their child to behave and to preserve their hierarchical authority, the authoritarian parents use threats, punishments, criticism and guilt induction rather than moral explanations, negotiations or reasons. in the novel, luling does it until ruth gets the point of her mother’s sanction. ruth then ends the punitive psychological control with her initiative of apologizing for her fault. luling always criticized any edges that touched the sidewalk. she also complained about the yellow urine spots, made by the dog from across the street. when she went away to college and came home to visit, her mother still asked her to complain to the man across the street almost as soon as she walked in the door. ruth usually procrastinated, and luling nagged about more and more yellow spots, as well as ruth's laziness, her forgetfulness, her lack of concern for family, on and on (tan, 2001: 31). luling stared at her, silent for five full minutes. then she burst like a geyser: “you wish i dead? you wish no mother tell you what to do? okay, maybe i die soon!” luling found out and became apoplectic. “you think she right, i wrong?” as had happened throughout ruth's childhood, luling's fury escalated until she could barely speak, except to sputter the old threat: “maybe i die soon!” (tan, 2001: 32-33) on page 31, ruth seems so tired of being ordered around when she is in the house. luling always forces ruth to mow the sevenby-seven foot square lawn, scolds ruth for the dog of the neighbor’s urine spots, tells ruth off because of her forgetfulness, her laziness and her lack concern of the family. it is a psychological control because luling keeps nagging to ruth about the yellow urine spot which is caused by the neighbor’s dog. ruth has already tried to solve it by complaining to the neighbor, but luling keeps repeating her command to speak to the neighbor about their dog’s problem. luling’s naggings on this problem become wider to the naggings about ruth’s being lazy, forgetful and lack of family concerns. encouraged by her friend, ruth feels distressed to be treated as if she were a six years old. luling’s reaction which is shown in quotation from page 32-33 after ruth’s speaking up is also a high psychological control. it shakes ruth because luling threatens to take her own life. this reaction can be counted as a love withdrawn because luling threatens to leave this world which can make ruth feel guilty and alone. it leads ruth to believe that a parent’s love is being withdrawn. when ruth was a teenager, her mother had once run off in the middle of an argument, declaring she was going to drown herself in the ocean. she had waded in to her thighs before her daughter's screams and pleas had brought her back (tan, 2001: 75). one day when ruth is in the beach, she has a flashback when her mother carries out her threat for all this time. the same reason is applied about luling’s high psychological control and love withdrawal in the quotation above. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 153 “why i have daughter like you? why i live? why i don't die long time ‘go?” luling was huffing and snorting. ruth thought she looked like a mad dog. “you want i die?” (tan, 2001: 98) luling states that when she catches ruth smoking inside the house. being hard-headed, ruth defends herself by saying that she is an american who has a right to privacy and pursues her own happiness, not her mother’s. luling responds once again with threatening ruth that she wants to die if ruth does not want to obey her. this is a high psychological control because, once again, luling’s threat of suicide distress ruth mentally. luling’s applying high psychological control is also considered as harsh punitive actions by parents to the child. based on diana baumrind’s (1966) theory, authoritarian parenting demands obedience with what the parent thinks is right. in this case, luling requires obedience in everything that she asks for ruth. based on the analysis, the guiltinduction from luling to ruth in the form of familiarizing the death threat is on high level since ruth’s early age. she always uses it as a ‘weapon’ in all of their arguments which are mostly caused by the unfulfilled wills of luling. it is a harsh punitive control with high level of psychological control because it is related to the psychological or mental of the children. luling young practices an authoritarian parenting to her daughter, ruth young. there are three parenting style dimensions that are used. they are parental affection, behavioral control and psychological control. an authoritarian parenting system is indicated by the low affection, high behavioral control and high psychological control. throughout the bonesetter’s daughter, luling is considered as practicing authoritarian parenting because in raising ruth she is low in affection, high in behavioral control and high in psychological control. those three dimensions are then combined with each other to discover the outcomes of the authoritarian parenting which is received by ruth young that influences her characteristics. authoritarian parenting’s effects on ruth the three dimensions of parenting styles which are parental warmth/affection, behavioral control and psychological control are used to discover the effects on ruth’s characteristics in this study. the combinations of either two or three of those dimensions result in internalizing and externalizing behaviors from a child according to aunola and nurmi (2005: 1144-1145). 1. internalizing behaviors internalizing behaviors as the children outcome of parenting style is associated with psychological control. it comes in the forms of depressed mood, anxiety and fearfulness. aunola and nurmi (2005) stated that parental affection prevents internal distress more when it is combined with a high level of psychological control. however, in luling’s practice of parenting, she has low level of affection and high level of psychological control towards ruth. it means that the combination results in the internalizing behaviors of her daughter. throughout the novel, the effects that happen to ruth are anxiousness, fearfulness, suicidal thoughts and trust issue. and ruth knew she was referring to the nursemaid who had killed herself when her mother was a girl. ruth had had nightmares about that, the ghost with long hair, dripping blood, crying for revenge (tan, 2001: 13). and because the subject of the curse often came up when luling was displeased with ruth, as a child ruth thought the curse and her father's death were related to her. she had recurrent nightmares of mutilating people in a brakeless car. she always tested and retested her brakes before heading out in the car (tan, 2001: 60). luling always has a superstitious mind. she also expresses her beliefs in most of her conversations with ruth. that is especially done when they are quarreling over luling’s regulations which are violated by ruth. the journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 clara acitya ose lengari & dewi widyastuti 154 statements that ruth is cursed and her father passed away because of a curse are always said by luling. she also talks to and about precious auntie, her biological mother who passed away a long time ago, to ruth. those repetitions make an impression to ruth’s mind which becomes a problem to her psychological state. the fear hits ruth in her unconscious mind, resulting precious auntie to come to her nightmare as a child. the concept of curse also haunts her mind until the present day for she is always anxious and fearful about having a car accident. and just like that, ruth had been upended, flung about, was unable to keep her balance. luling's threats to die were like earthquakes. ruth knew that the potential was there, that beneath the surface, the temblors could occur at any time. and despite this knowledge, when they erupted she panicked and wanted to run away before the world fell down (tan, 2001: 32). since childhood, ruth had thought about death every day, sometimes many times a day. she thought everyone must secretly do the same, but no one talked openly about it except her mother. she had pondered in her young mind what death entailed (tan, 2001: 75). the phenomenon of luling familiarizing ruth with death and suicide since she is young is considered not good in parenting. according to an article titled suicide in children ̶ what every parent must know by eileen kennedymoore ph.d. from, most kids have heard about suicide since they are 8 or 9 years old. however, if a parent wants to bring up the topic, they should correct the misunderstanding and explain that suicide is never a good answer because it is actually a permanent answer to temporary problems. they should teach their child that their life is precious and the parent is willing to help in any of their child’s problems. in the novel, the fact that luling applies a method of repetition about suicide makes ruth imprinted that concept on her unconscious mind about the decreased value of living. as a result, ruth has a suicidal thought since a very early age, eleven. she starts to think that suicide is the only way out of her heavy problem. she always thinks that death is the way to get out of the big problems. the quotations show how often ruth thinks about death which is abnormal for child around her age. didn't mom ever realize, ruth now mused, how her demands for no secrets drove me to hide even more from her? (tan, 2001: 97) they could not trust each other. that was how dishonesty and betrayal started, not in big lies but in small secrets (tan, 2001: 97). the quotations show ruth’s reactions of her privacy violation when she was 16 years old. knowing that her mother reads her diary because she keeps bringing up about stuffs she writes in the diary, ruth who is given limited personal space tries to rebel against it. she starts to move around her diaries but it is useless. larry p. nucci in the sub-chapter entitled maintaining communication: a 2-way street of a book parenting for character (2008) stated that the children are generally more willing to disclose their personal information to the less intrusive parents, even when it concerns involvement in drinking or sexual behavior. parents with higher level of monitoring and controlling the personal domains results in higher levels of depression and negative behaviors in their children. it also makes the children form greater efforts toward their personal secrecy. ruth dislikes how her mother tries to keep their two-way communication by violating her privacy. instead of being well-communicated between the two, ruth becomes more and more uncomfortable in sharing her thoughts. she then has a trust issue for her mother. this trust issue towards her mother pressures ruth and makes her write unpleasant things for her mother which nearly kills her mother. it is explained in the next chapter of this study. 2. externalizing behaviors the combination of high behavioral control and high psychological control causes externalizing behaviors. aunola and nurmi (2005) stated that a high level of maternal behavioral control decreases their child’s journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 155 external problem, but only if combined with a low psychological control, and that the positive impacts of behavioral control vanish if mother show a high level of psychological control at once. it has no impact if it is combined with high level of psychological control (2005: 1155). the effects of luling’s combination of high behavioral control and high psychological control in ruth’s externalizing behaviors are hesitant in talk, explosive-tempered and suicidal. ruth wanted to know right away, but she could not ask her mother. she knew from experience what happened whenever she asked her mother to render chinese characters into english (tan, 2001: 7). so ruth did not ask her mother (tan, 2001: 8). the quotations are a reaction from ruth when she wants to ask her mother to help translating luling’s story in chinese. the 46 year old ruth still remembers well about her mother’s high psychological control which has been explained before in this study. she becomes terrified to ask her mother for a favor because she is scared to be scolded for what she has not been done in the past. as a smart woman, ruth learns and remembers her mother’s reaction to her behaviors in the past. ruth is quick to decide her choice about not asking her mother for things she does not understand, in this case luling’s manuscript that is written in chinese. she then settles on finding a translator to translate it into english. throughout the novel, ruth also mostly keeps her words in her mind when conversing with her mother to prevent her mother’s unwanted responses. stop!!! private!!! if you are reading this you are guilty of trespassing!!! yes! i do mean you.! the week before ruth wrote those fateful words, she and luling had been escalating in their torment of each other (tan, 2001: 98). “you talk about killing yourself, so why don’t you ever do it? i wish you would. just do it, do it, do it! go ahead, kill yourself! precious auntie wants you to, and so do i!” (tan, 2001: 99) she had cried while writing the words, full of anger, fear, and a strange freedom of finally admitting so openly that she wanted to hurt her mother as much as her mother hurt her (tan, 2001: 99). that was why ruth hated it whenever she and art argued. she tried hard not to get angry. but sometimes she reached a breaking point and erupted, only to wonder later how she had lost control (tan, 2001: 9). ruth has a flashback about her sixteen year old self where she hides her diary, which is full of her writing about her daily activities, around the house. knowing her mother can always find its hiding place, ruth deliberately writes hurtful words which are mentioned on the quotations above that are addressed to luling. ruth becomes explosive when she is faced with big problems. she is not instantly angry on every trouble in front of her. her anger gradually arises over time. in ruth’s manner and reaction, it can be seen that ruth has an explosive temper because of her mother. from the quotations, it shows that the privacy issue over a diary happens for some time. the sentence “the week before ruth wrote those fateful words,” (tan, 2001: 98) shows that ruth restrains her rage for a week before finally writing a message for her mother to commit suicide. as an adult, ruth also represses her anger towards small problems. she expresses it when she thinks they are too much for her. this effect shows that luling’s arbitrary power results in ruth’s restricted expression of her own thoughts and emotions which is symbolized by her diary. this combination of limitation and high power assertion makes ruth rebel against her mother by expressing her repressed anger. i want to die, she moaned to herself. die, die, die. first she cried a lot in the bathroom, then sliced her wrist with a dinner knife. it left a row of plowed-up skin, no blood, and it hurt too much to cut any deeper. later, in the backyard, she found a rusty tack in the dirt, poked her fingertip, and waited for blood poisoning journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 clara acitya ose lengari & dewi widyastuti 156 to rise up her arm like liquid in a thermometer (tan, 2001: 83). ruth once runs into a misunderstanding which involves her neighbors. she asphyxiates and feels nauseous whenever meeting them. she then decides to commit suicide as wanting to get out of her problem. she tries to die from blood poisoning and drowning. berkowitz (2008) stated that the marital behaviors of parents will surely imprint themselves on the children’s moral memories. based on the previous explanations, it can be seen that ruth’s reaction which is a suicide attempt happens because of her mother’s act of familiarizing the suicide and death every time both of them are in a quarrel. that act results in an impulsive act of ruth attempting to suicide because she feels hopeless, unhappy and distressed. internalizing behaviors are child’s problem behaviors in the forms of child’s depressive symptoms. ruth shows this through her characteristics of anxious, fearful and suicidal. in contrast, externalizing behaviors are negative problem behaviors in the form of uncontrolled behaviors. during and after the authoritarian that she receives, she becomes quiet when she is conversing with her mother and thoughtful when she is conversing with other people. ruth is explosive for big problems and also suicidal. conclusion the analysis on luling in amy tan’s the bonesetter’s daughter shows that she performs an authoritarian parenting in raising her daughter, ruth. it can be seen through her action of being low in affection, high in behavioral control and high in psychological control which fit the three dimensions that the authoritarian parents have. she shows so little of physical act in expressing her love to her daughter. the high behavioral control is shown through the strict habit-forming of being organized and performing well academically. lastly, the high psychological control by luling can be seen in her act of harsh punitive action in the form of threatening ruth to kill herself when they are bickering. when luling’s low affection, high behavioral control and high psychological control are combined, there are two types of outcome as the results which can be seen in ruth. the first is internalizing behaviors in the form of ruth’s being anxious, fearful and suicidal. the second is externalizing behaviors in the form of ruth’s being hesitant in talk, explosive for big problems and suicidal. the study leads the researcher to conclude that parenting style does change children characteristics because it shapes a child to have particular qualities whether they are good or bad. references aunola, kaisa & jari-erik nurmi. the role of parenting styles in children's problem behavior. 2005. child development, 76(6), 1144-1159. retrieved from baumrind, diana. effects of authoritative parental control on child behavior, 1996. child development, 37(4), 887-907. baumrind, diana, marvin w. berkowitz, thomas lickona, larry p. nucci, marilyn watson & david streight. parenting for character: five experts, five practices. portland: council for spiritual & ethical, 2008. hall, gordon & sumie okazaki . asian american psychology: the science of lives in context. washington, d.c.: american psychological association. 2003. kennedy-moore, eileen ph.d. (n.d.). suicide in children what every parent must know. retrieved from https://www. -friendships/201609/suicide-inchildren-what-every-parent-must-know (on 10 may 2018). journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 157 popkin, michael. active parenting: teaching cooperation, courage, and responsibility. san francisco: harper san francisco, 1987. tan, amy. the bonesetter’s daughter. new york: g.p. putnams. 2001. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 tatang iskarna 184 the relation between christianity and colonialism in ngugi wa thiong’o’s the river between tatang iskarna department of english letters, universitas sanata dharma abstract this article is aimed at describing how the relation between christianity and colonialism is constructed in the river between (1965), a novel by ngugi wa thiong’o. using postcolonial approach focusing on the analysis of the characters and conflicts, this study reveals the mutual relation between christianity and colonialism. christianity becomes the ideological apparatus to build a colonial myth, doctrine, or perspective, while christian missionaries gain the colonizers’ support from the colonial administrators. their antagonistic relation can be explored through the natives’ re-reading of the bible to review the colonialism and get rid of the colonial bondage. as postcolonial literature, the river between offers counter-discourse against colonialism. however, some parts of the text are still slipped in the colonial hegemony. keywords: christianity, colonialism, postcolonialism, ideological apparatus, counter-discourse introduction amongst historians, anthropologists, culture researchers, or missionaries there is a debate on whether or not christianity has relation with colonialism. there are some perspectives on this debated relation. christianity in some colonial cases is viewed as the religious arm of colonialism because both of them have almost the same mission which works side by side, that is to improve the noneuropean world. missionaries change the pagan or heathen into christian convert, while colonizers alter the primitive into the civilized (bevan, 2016 para. 2). however, christianity cannot be associated with colonialism because christianity actually has existed for centuries before european colonialism emerged. besides, the interaction between christian missionaries and the colonized people is not influenced by geographical or ethnical factors. it is not similar to the rational europeans’ mission to civilize the primitive africans or asians. missionaries do not have anything to do with the worldly ambition of power as the colonizers do. christianity spreading is purely the commandment of god as written in the bible (sidjabat, 1964:24) in some colonized african countries christianity is supposed to be the religion of the colonizer. it is associated with oppression and violence (arntsen, 1997, para.3) as it is portrayed in african literary works, such as achebe’s arrow of god (1964), thiongo’s’s the river between (1965), or p’bitek’s song of lawino (1966). however, it is also viewed as the religion of solution. schools, health clinics, and churches founded by the christian missionaries are the centre for improving the life of the native and colonized african people. in some english literary texts, the africans are often described as the unengaged and uncivilized people group. they are presented as primitive, immoral, irrational, and superstitious heathens who need to be civilized and educated (guth, 1981:549; kohn, 2012 para.2). these texts unconsciously often journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 185 develop colonial discourse that the civilizing project is the glorious burden that the european people do to the rest of the world, especially africa. the english literary works, such as defoe’s robinson crusoe (1719), conrad’s heart of darkness (1899), kippling’s south africa (1903), green’s journey without maps (1936), or cary’s mister johnson (1939) reinforce this colonial discourse. along with the rise of the consciousness of the colonial oppression and the national movement of resistance against the colonialism, some african writers produce counter-discourse literary works which in some ways encourage the readers to resist the hegemonic colonial discourse built by the europeans. african writers, such as chinua achebe, wole soyinka, nadine gordimer, j.m. coetzee, ngugi wa thiongo’s, and okot p’bitek, in their works present christianity in cooperation with colonialism as the projects that actually do not bring improvement but destruction. the encounter between the christian european and traditional african culture brings about some problems, such the vanishing of the african native culture, racism, exploitation, and unequal relation, that is domination and subordination (khapoya, 2012:125). african people have various experience when they have relation with the european colonialism. so, it is such a worth discussing to study one of the african literary texts, that is the river between (1965) written by ngugi wa thiongo’s, to probe the relation between christianity and colonialism. this study will enrich the readers’ perspective in understanding the relation between christianity and colonialism from the african writer’s view. in order to get the study focus, the following questions are going to be answered. the first is “what is the relation between christianity and colonialism as constructed in the river between?”, and the second is ‘how is the river between viewed as a postcolonial novel offering counterdiscourse against colonialism through this relation? christianity from colonial and postcolonial perspectives to answer the above questions, it is necessary to review what christianity is and how it is viewed from postcolonial perspective. besides, colonialism must be also discussed from two perspectives, colonial and postcolonial. christianity can be essentially and theologically a belief and spirituality and politically an ideology. colonialism in europeans’ perspective can be a civilizing project to improve the life of the primitive world and the act of exploitation and domination of people group’s territories by others. generally most dictionaries define christianity as a religious belief based on the life and teaching of jesus christ. five gospels and the book of acts declare that this belief is first embraced by the jewish people and some gentiles in jerusalem who believe that jesus christ was the real messiah who saves the human beings falling into sin. it is then spread to asia, and europe. from europe, christianity is spread to the end of the world. according to thiessens, christianity is based on some principles. the first is that human beings must believe in the one god almighty, the creator of human being and the universe (1997:113). the second is that human beings fall into sin and need salvation (1997:231). the third is that the salvation is gained from jesus christ who died on the cross and shed his blood as the substitution of sacrifice to punish the sinful human beings (1997:303). god founds a church, the fellowship of christian believers, through which he gives providence and commands to preach the gospel and to make all nations jesus’ disciples with the power of the holy spirit (1997:473). the fourth is that the bible is the word of god and used as the orientation of christian life (1997:65), and there is the resurrection of the body, eternal punishment, and eternal life (519). christianity has a missionary duty. this duty is to spread the gospel of salvation and to make the nations jesus’ disciples. it is marked by the project of evangelism. jesus sent his disciples, and his disciples sent to other disciples from one generation to the next to spread the good news of the salvation in jesus journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 tatang iskarna 186 (peters, 2006:39). every christian has responsibility of preaching the gospel to every human being (schnabel, 1967:451). this mandate is clearly declared in the book of matthew 28:19-20, mark 16:15, and acts 4:31. as a missionary belief, christianity develops from jerusalem, syria, turkey, greece, italy, and most parts of europe. from europe, it spread to asia, africa, australia, and america (schnabel, 1967:33-110). the evangelism continues in the era of colonialism. conversion from heathen to a monotheist is the important element of civilizing the colonized people. this conversion project is called civilizing mission (kohn, 2012, para.2, khapoya, 2012:106-107). christianity becomes the civilizing force during the colonialism project (guth, 1981:549). christianity is used to teach the colonized africans to submit themselves to the europeans as they are considered as the heathen needed to be converted. embracing traditional belief and values is similar to sinful behaviour. all their norms and habits should fit the christianity and european culture. christianity tends to be the belief which promotes oppression and political tyranny (arntsen, 1997, para.7). christianity becomes one of the european cultures. it is not a religious belief, rather it is a part of colonial structure. jesus, as wolf schmidt s.j. states, is forced to be the european white, in fact he is not (arntsen, 1997, para.4). in the hands of the colonizers, christianity is employed as theological reference to reinforce the polarization the civilized european society and the native african people (said, 1978:12). orientalism, a colonial view of how to define non-european as uncivilized, irrational, and exotic heathen in binary comparison with the european as civilized, rational, and modern believers (said, 1978:18), is actually a secular discourse which originally derives from christianity. the binary opposition between the european and non-european is maintained and is used as religious discourse of the believer and the heathen which is reconstructed repeatedly. orientalism is a modern discourse of christianity (said, 1978:121-122). the relation between christianity and colonialism some missionaries believe that colonialism project is almost the same as the evangelism. colonialism, as jan h. boer states, is a divine mandate organized and planned to free the colonized from the spiritual and social-economic bondage (falola, 2001:33). christianity and colonialism should be one package, that is missionaries convert the colonized and colonizers civilize the colonized (gray, 1982:71). christian missionaries provide schools, hospitals, and church to form a colonial perspective so that the colonized people can be submissive. it is such an indirect method of domination (ashcroft, 2007:127). christianity can be used as an ideological instrument to build a myth, perspective, or doctrine that make colonized people submit to the colonial power (loomba, 2005:32-33). althusser (2001:1484) also states that religion can be the ideological apparatus to dominate other people. ideological apparatus represents imaginary inter-individual or inter-group relation which is drawn to the real condition. this imaginary relation is built to control other people. the example proposed by althusser is the domination of a christian priest to his congregation on behalf of the teaching of christianity as the ideology. for the colonizers, the bible can be a strategic tool of colonizing the native people. it can be used to expose the sin of the primitive heathens. as they are sinners and heathens, they deserve to receive violence and oppression as the representation of the punishment of their sins. the arrival of the bible’s teaching replaces the native rules and norms, so the local and traditional artefacts of the colonized people are nothing more than superstition. moreover, they are not considered authentic (surghitarajah, 2005:6263). christianity takes advantage of colonialism. colonial administrators, traders, and military contribute and provide fund and protection to the christian missionaries. the colonial government also builds infrastructure, especially road access to the remote area of the africans. colonialism journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 187 becomes the vital element of christianity (okon, 2014:199). however, bible can be used by the colonized to resist against colonialism. the spiritual idea in the bible is applied practically and adjusted critically to the local values. for example, the story of the slavery of israelites in egypt can become the starting point to resist against colonialism (surghitarajah, 2004:7576). christianity can also be used by the colonized as a tool of social and economic access. adopting christianity is not being a pure and faithful christian but gaining access to the colonial superiority and modernity (berkhof, 2014:367). “it became fashionable to be called a christian … all new ideas including christianity are acceptable when the africans see that they are obviously useful (ekechi, 1971:104) discussion 1. the relation between christianity and colonialism in the river between the river between tells a story of kikuyu people who live in makuyu and kameno hills. the two societies are separated by a river named honia. having been influenced by the arrival of the british colonizers, makuyu people adopt british culture including christianity. joshua lead the makuyu people and become the kikuyu christian priest who always urges the kikuyu people to embrace christianity and leave their traditional belief because it is a kind of sinful ritual. kameno people still maintain the traditional values and belief. they worship some gods who protect the village. chege, the kameno chief, and his son, waiyaki, struggle to free the kikuyu from the colonial bondage. however, chege sends waiyaki, the kameno prospective leader, to christian mission school for the purpose of learning the strategy of the british colonizers in dominating the native land. on the way of his study, waiyaki admits the importance of adopting british education and appreciate christianity as it teaches good things. waiyaki founds a school for the native kenyan after most of the kenyan students are cast out from the mission school because of their parents’ practice of traditional circumcision. the story ends tragically when waiyaki is punished by the traditional custom council because of his love relationship with a christian kikuyu girl from makuyu and his interest in british education. the mutual relation between christianity and colonialism can be observed through the characters of british colonizers and the local and british christian missionaries in interacting with the native kenyans. after the invasion of the british military and the founding of the colonial administrative centre, siriana mission is built. around the administrative centre, missionaries also build churches, health clinics, and mission school. the schools and health clinics become the effective place to introduce christianity to the native kikuyu before finally they embrace christianity and worship god in churches. the missionaries make many kikuyu christian disciples. one of them is joshua, a kikuyu native who lives in makuyu. only in short time, most of kikuyu people in makuyu embrace christianity. joshua is the first person who dedicates and submits to christianity under the supervision of livingstone, a british missionary. he declares that he has found a real god which is the god of christian people and quit his traditional belief: in siriana he (joshua) found sanctuary and the white man’s power and magic. he learnt to read and write. the new faith worked in him till it came to possess him wholly. he renounced his tribe’s magic, power, and ritual. he turned to and felt the deep presence of the one god (thiong’o, 1965:29) joshua also tells kikuyu people that jesus is the real saviour as prophesied by many prophets, one of whom is isaiah, hundred years before jesus was born. joshua becomes the fundamental christian whom can be used effectively by the missionary to introduce christianity to kikuyu people. he states that those who reject jesus can be called children of darkness and go to hell: journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 tatang iskarna 188 isaiah, the white man’s seer, had prophesied of jesus. he had told of the coming of a messiah. had mugo wa kibiro, the kikuyu seer, ever foretold of suc a saviour? no. isaiah was great. he had told of jesus, the saviour of the world. those who refuse him are the children of darkness; these sons and daughters of the evil one, will go to hell; they will burn and burn for ever more, world unending (thiong’o, 1965:29). joshua’s teaching spreads in the makuyu lands. many kikuyu people are converted to christianity and leave behind their traditional religion. this binary opposition built by the missionary and joshua that christianity worships real and living god and kikuyu traditional religion teaches to worship satan become the starting point for the missionary and colonizers to make the kikuyu people internalize the british culture and submit to the colonial power. in this case, christianity becomes the ideological apparatus (althussers, 2001: 1484; loomba, 2005:3233) to build myths, doctrines, or perspectives to conquer the kikuyu people to submit to the british colonial rulers. the important doctrine which is prominently taught to the kikuyu people is about how to respect and submit to the government, in this case british colonial rulers. joshua advises the kikuyu people to what the british ruler orders to do for the sake of the obeying the god and his words in the bible. when some kikuyu people reject to pay tax and work as a colonial plantation labour, joshua commit to support the british policy: joshua did not mind this (the tax). he himself knew what a government was, having learnt about this from livingstone. he knew it was his duty as a christian to obey the government, giving unto caesar the thing that are caesar’s and to god the things that are god’s. that was what he wanted every christian to do. and was the white man not his brother? (thiong’o, 1965:33) in church, joshua always preaches the bad condition of the kikuyu people who still believe in false gods of darkness. joshua quotes some verses which are given to israelites who leave god almighty to describe the situation of the kikuyu people: for all have sinned and come sort of the glory of god (thiong’o, 1965:84) “hath a nation changed their gods which yet were no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit” (thiong’o, 1965:85). for this reason, joshua invites kikuyu people to come to church and worship the real and true god, god who is worshipped by the british people and to ignore the old traditional way of worshipping false gods: therefore, brothers and sisters, i tell you today, come to jesus. stand by him…remember life here on earth is one of trials and of hardship. satan will come to you at night, in your own house, in your field, or even in church here, and he will whisper to you calling back to the old ways (thiong’o, 1965:85). joshua asks the kikuyu people that they should not compromise with the old belief. as a christian he will not stand in two sides between christianity and pagan because jesus has given his life to redeem the human beings by hanging on the cross with full commitment and sacrifice: my brothers and sisters, there is no compromise. our lord did not compromise when he hung on the cross. he did not mix two ways but stood by the light. (thiong’o, 1965:86) christianity as ideological apparatus through education has an important role to quieten kikuyu people in order that they do not resist and rebel when their lands are invaded and dominated. this can be analyzed through the characters of waiyaki who is sent to siriana mission schools: for waiyaki was a greater menace than the people realized. he was in league with the white man, who had brought a secret religion to quieten the people while the journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 189 land was being grabbed by their brothers (thiong’o, 1965:147) joshua also convinces kikuyu people that there are some rituals that should be banished from makuyu and kameno, one of which is traditional circumcision. joshua thinks that this ritual is from satan and not in accordance with the teaching of christianity. joshua’s proposition about the danger of circumcision comes true when his own daughter who experiences circumcision as the sign of her being adult dies because of the infection from the circumcision. joshua associates the circumcision ritual with the devil’s work: to him muthoni had ceased to exist on the very day that she had sold herself to the devil. muthoni had turned her head and longed for the cursed land. lot’s wife had done the same thing and she had been turned to stone, a rock of salt, to be forever a stern warning to others. (thiong’o, 1965:54) the other mutual relation between christianity and colonialism can be detected through the infrastructure building, such as road or railways as the access to spread the gospel to the remote areas in kenya: “see them, the butterflies”…”they are there beyond the ridges, putting up many houses and some taking the land”…”nairobi was already flourishing, and the railway was moving across the country in the land beyond where not many from the ridges had been. the white man cannot speak the language of the hills and knows not the ways of the land. but the white man had come to siriana, and joshua and kabonyi had been converted. they had abandoned the ways of the ridges and followed the new faith” (thiong’o: 1965:7) when the kikuyu lands are dominated and conquered, the british colonial administration build a post with its rules and culture. the administrative post usually is accompanied by christian mission with its schools, clinics, and churches. the missionaries are protected with british colonial administration and military: for the whole of that year things had not gone well with joshua. people at kameno were becoming restless and believed that it was joshua who responsible for the white men who these days come to the hills. there were rumours that a government post would soon be built at makuyu and that the hills would be ruled from there (thiong’o 1965:31). christianity in the above cases can be used as a cultural tool to conquer the native kikuyu people. however, christianity can also be used as the base of the critical thinking against colonialism. the education that waiyaki takes makes him aware of and sensitive to the oppression imposed by the british colonizers. waiyaki’s interpretation on the bible teaching makes him aware that he should not hate christianity but the colonial behaviour of the british people: to waiyaki the white man’s education was an instrument of enlightenment and advances if only it could be used well….learn all the wisdom and all the secrets of the white man, but do not follow his vice (thiong’o, 1966:119). to waiyaki, christianity is not false religion. many truths of this belief can be applied and be beneficial to the kikuyu people. christianity should be re-interpreted and its colonial hermeneutic of this teaching needs to be evaluated. all the wicked interpretation should be abolished: for waiyaki knew that not all the ways of the white man were bad. even his religion was not essentially bad. some good, some truth shone through. but the religion, the faith need washing, cleaning away all the dirt, leaving only the eternal (thiong’o, 1966:119). chege, waiyaki’s father, also suggest that waiyaki should learn the good and beneficial things from christianity but doest not have to follow the british people conduct. christianity should change waiyaki’s attitude journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 tatang iskarna 190 to give more love and commitment to his kikuyu people: go to the mission place. learn all the wisdom and all the secrets of the white man. but do not follow his vices. be true to your people and the ancient rites (thiong’o, 1965:20) having been educated in christian mission school, waiyaki is aware of the condition of his people. kikuyu people are oppressed and should be set free from the colonial bondage. education from christian school is the way to solve this problem. this education will make people aware of their condition. the solution offered by waiyaki is that the kikuyu people should be independent, build their own school, and have their own native teachers. christian teaching also contains how people should love each other and be set free from the bondage. 2. the river between as the postcolonial literature in some books on literary theories and practice, the river between is classified as a postcolonial novel, in the way that this writing presents and gives critical reviews on the relation of the colonized and colonizers with its complicated relation (boehmer, 2005:5). this novel also reveals the local reading and views on the arrival of british colonizers and missionaries which is different from the european centre (ashcroft, 2002:2) in the way that the arrival of christianity and colonialism bring about some social problems amongst the african natives. this work has strong relation with the national movement of african freedom and nationalism (innes, 1990:1131). the rise of the local culture, social change, and local conflict caused by the european encounter (king, 1990:1114-1115) becomes the prominent characteristic of this novel. as postcolonial literature the river between offers the counter-discourse reading of the british civilizing mission of colonialism and conversion project of the british missionaries. the arrival of colonialism is not viewed only as the civilizing force but also perceived from the perspective of racism and exploitation which is attached to it (makaryk, 1993:155-156). analyzed from the postcolonial view, the construction of the christianity and colonialism told in this novel shows the plural and different comprehension and change in paradigm (barry, 2002:199) amongst the africans. this novel also describes some traces of the relation between the colonized and colonizers and its huge social impact (foulcher and day, 2008:3). finally, the operation of the colonial hegemony can be detected through the close reading of the novel (faruk, 2007:17) even though this novel is classified as anti-colonial novel. the river between shows the colonialism as the representation of racism and a proof of how africans are described negatively as primitive and inferior pagan (fanon, 1967:810). the relation between the colonized kikuyu and british colonizers is nothing more than the relation of oppression, intimidation, and exploitation (cesaire, 1972:6). in this novel it can be observed how the british colonizers build a discourse in which the kikuyu people are described as a lazy, poor, stupid, and savaged group of people (memmi, 1965:71). this novel presents christianity as a religious belief which applies binary opposition view on the african native and its traditional belief. christianity is considered to be the light and the kenyan traditional belief with its false gods to be the darkness as it is expressed by joshua: he (joshua) realized the ignorance of his people. he felt the depth of the darkness in which they lived. he saw the muddy water through which they waded unaware of the dirt and the mud. his people worshipped marungu, mwenenyaga, ngai. the unerring white man had called the kikuyu god the prince of darkness (thiong’o, 1965:29) christian view is so strict that the local ritual such as circumcision as the sign for the maturity of kikuyu people is not tolerated. joshua has told his daughter, nyambura, on this matter. it is a kind of pagan habit: for nyambura had learnt and knew that circumcision was sinful. it was pagan rite journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 191 from which she and her sister had been saved. a daughter of god should never let even a thought of circumcision come to her mind. girls of their age would be initiated this season. had her father, joshua, not been a man of god, he, no doubt, would have presented them both as candidates (thiong’o, 1965:23). in church and his preach joshua always tells kikuyu people that this traditional ritual is satanic and sinful: and joshua’s followers gathered. they talked and sang praises to god. muthoni was an evil spirit sent to try the faithful. it was clear to all that nothing but evil could come out of adherence to tribal customs. circumcision was whole evil (thiong’o, 1965:58) beside its binary opposition view, the coming of the christianity brings about social problems. kikuyu people are divided into two groups, the one who live in makuyu and the one who live in kameno. these two societies are separated by honia river. the clan and family bond is cut off and broken by this new religion. joshua as the christian fanatic is willing to cast away her daughter muthoni who involves in traditional circumcision ritual. when muthoni dies from the infection, joshua does not show his sorrow emotion. he even is angry with muthoni’s decision and considers her as the devil’s child: joshua heard of the death of muthoni without a sign of emotion on the face. to him, muthoni had ceased to exist on the very day that she had sold herself to the devil (thiong’o, 1965:53). most of the traditional customs in kikuyu lands vanish since the arrival of christianity. the destructive effect of this new religion on the local culture can be felt by kikuyu people. the worship of the ancestors is removed, the ritual of the traditional succession is replaced by the church, or the respect to the elders is not practiced anymore as the leadership is in the hand of the christian priest, not the tribal chief. however, this novel reveals the positive impact of the arrival of christianity. christian education in mission school becomes the model of civilizing the kikuyu and the starting point of the awareness of their oppression. education can be used as a tool to unite all tribes in kikuyu lands. it is not the oppressive british people’s behaviour that the kikuyu people pay much attention to but its christian teaching. the ending of the story also shows the ambivalence of the anti-colonial attitude of the novel. the main character or the hero, in this case waiyaki, must be banished from the kikuyu land by the kikuyu custom council. he is not allowed to develop the education amongst the kikuyu people. he is punished because of his relationship with christian kenyan girl and his attitude which is viewed as a betrayal toward the kikuyu culture. on the one hand, this novel gives critical view on the colonialism and christianity, on the other hand it seems to take side on the christianity. it is possible that colonial hegemony still operates side by side with the discourse of anticolonialism. conclusion the river between is a novel which contains the construction of the relation between christianity and colonialism. from postcolonial view, this novel shows how christianity is used as the ideological apparatus to build a myth, doctrine, and perspective to make the colonized kikuyu people submit to the colonial power. in response, british colonial administrator provides support to the christian missionaries. native evangelists and local christian preachers who have internalized christianity are used to convince their people to leave behind their traditional religion and customs because they are associated with the devils. bible is interpreted in such a way that obeying the colonial government is advised for native christians. colonial hermeneutic of the bible becomes the base of the relation between christianity and colonialism. the british colonial administrators build roads and railways to access the remote countries which are not yet engaged by the missionaries. journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 tatang iskarna 192 security and protection are given to the christian missions. funding and land are also provided. however, the awareness of the independence movement from the colonial bondage derives from the christian education. waiyaki, the hero of this novel, encourages the kikuyu people to view critically the british colonialism and solve the social problems concerning with the undeveloped lands of kikuyu and the broken inter-group relation using education he gets from mission school. the key to solve the social and economic problem of the native kikuyu is the education. using local hermeneutic of the bible, waiyaki initiates to respect the christianity but ignores the oppressive behaviour of the british colonizers. the river between offers counterdiscourse against colonial hegemony through the representation of the british oppression to the native kikuyu. besides, the arrival of the christianity becomes the source of broken relation amongst the families, clans, and neighbours of kikuyu people. however, in this novel it is christianity and its education which play significant roles in making the colonized kikuyu aware of their condition and problems. it indicates that the colonial hegemony is not at all rejected and resisted. references althusser, louis pierre. “ideological apparatus state”, the norton anthology of theory and criticism, ed. vincent b. leitch, new york: w.w. norton and company, 2001. ashcroft, bill, gareth griffiths, and helen tiffin. theempire writes back: theory and practice in postcolonial literature, london: routledge, 2002. barry, peter. beginning theory: an introduction to literary and cultural theory. manchester: manchester university press, 2002. berkhof, h. sejarah gereja. jakarta: bpk gunung mulia, 2014. bevans, stephan, “new evangelical and mission”. divine word missionary magazine. summer, 16 septermber 2016. web.http://www.secondenlightenment. org/christian %20complicity.pdf bohmer, elleke. colonial and postcolonial literature. oxford: oxford university press, 2005. cesaire, aime. discourse on colonialism. transl. joan pinkham. new york: monthly review press, 1972. falola, toyin. violence in nigeria: the crisis of religious politics and secular ideologies. new york: university rochester press, 2001. fanon, frantz. black skin, white masks, ed. 10, transl. charles lam markmann, london: pluto press, 1967. faruk. belenggu pascakolonial: hegemoni dan resistensi dalam sastra indonesia. yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar, 2007. foulcher, keith and tony day. ed. sastra indonesia modern: kritik poskolonial. jakarta: yayasan obor, 2008. gray, richard. “christianity, colonialism, and communications in subsaharan africa”, journal of black studies. vol. 13, no.1, 1982: pp. 59-72. guth, hans p. the literary heritage, toronto: d.c. heath and co, 1981. innes, c.l., “african literature in english”. encyclopedia of liteature and criticism. ed. martin coyle, london: routledge, 1990. iskarna, tatang, relasi antara agama kristen dan kolonialisme dalam tiga karya poskolonial affrika. disertasi. yogyakarta: universitas gadjah mada, 2018. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; 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"colonialism". the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (summer edition). edward n. zalta (ed.), 12 august 201 m2012/entries/colonialism/>. loomba, ania. colonialism/postcolonialism. london: routledge, 2005. memmi, albert. the colonizer and the colonized. boston: beacon press, 1965. okon, etim e., “christian mission and colonial rule in africa: objective and contemporary analysis”. european scientific journal. vol.10, no.14, 2014. said, edward, orientalism. new york, vintage, 1978. schnabel, eckhard j., rasul paulus sang misionaris: perjalanan, strategi, dan metode misi paulus. yogyakarta: penerbit andi, 2008. sidjabat, w.b. panggilan kita di indonesia dewasa ini. jakarta: badan penerbit kristen, 1964. sugirtharajah, r.s. the bible and the third word: precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial enconter. cambridge: cambridge university press, 2004. thiessen, henry c. teologi sistematika. malang: gandum mas, 1997. thiong’o, ngugi wa. the river between. chicago: heinemann, 1965. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 63 dignifying children through inclusive children’s literature fransisca kristanti english letters department, sanata dharma university, yogyakarta abstract children with disabilities are often considered less capable than those without disabilities. in indonesian children’s literature, disability is under-represented and the need to start representing disability in indonesian children’s literature is pressing. inclusive books imposing on the development of empathy leads to actions in dignifying children of all types, with or without disabilities. some inclusive children’s literature worldwide set good examples of dignifying children. this paper tries to elaborate the urgency of having accessible inclusive children’s literature in indonesia by collecting and presenting examples of inclusive children’s literature around the world which represents disabilities as diversities in society. keywords: inclusive children’s literature, disability, empathy, dignity introduction even though more inclusive schools are emerging throughout indonesia, the opportunity to interact with people with disabilities in common social interaction is not available to everyone. some people have limited or even zero access to the interaction with people with disabilities. therefore, when they find themselves in a situation which requires interaction with people with disabilities, most people find difficulties in behaving appropriately, and sometimes tends to be discriminatory. creating accessible materials for people to understand more about disabilities is a way to minimize this. the earlier stage of life people is exposed to these materials, the more possibilities people will understand that disability is a part of reality, thus making it ordinary. children’s literature is a way of engaging children with the notions and representations of difference and diversity. however, the lack of qualified children’s literature incorporating characters who experience disabilities is evident in indonesia. therefore, this paper tries to present the urgency of having accessible inclusive children’s literature in indonesia in the attempt to promote empathy which leads to the treatment of dignity towards others. inclusion and dignity disability is under represented in indonesian children’s literature and the need to start representing disability in indonesian children’s literature is pressing. utilizing technology, the result of the search engine when using the keywords buku (book), cerita (story), literatur (literature), anak (children), inklusi (inclusive), spesial (special), and istimewa (special) shows that there is no – or at least no internet result of – indonesian children’s literature narrating about people with disabilities. the result shows one limitedly published book titled kita bisa bersahabat, rin! (krismariana and thomdean, 2007) brings the issue of multiculturalism and religion between children of different backgrounds, islam and christians, javanese and chinese. this finding illustrates that indonesian society concerns on the fransisca kristanti 64 discussion of tolerance in the discourse of multiculturalism and religion. other findings show titles like model implementasi pendidikan inklusif ramah anak (kustawan and hermawan, 2013), buku ajar penanganan anak usia dini berkebutuhan khusus (wiyani, 2014), mari memahami dan melindungi anak melalui inklusi sosial (yuditia, liandarwati, and palupi, 2015), seri explorasi dan bermain untuk: anak berkebutuhan khusus (pramudyawati and arrizqi, 2014), and some other books with similar topics. these findings illustrate that the responsibility of formulating approaches to children with special needs lies in the hands of adults. the condition is alarming due to the fact that people with disabilities are a part of the society. disability leads to many negative consequences such as discrimination in the area of economy, education, profession, participation, and facility. people with disabilities are often regarded as second-class members of the society who are unable to function “normally”. this often leads to the idea of putting extra efforts when interacting with people with disabilities which later creates different experiences for both parties, the disabled and the “normal”. the environment in which the person live brings a serious impact on the experience and the degree of disability. world health organization’s report (2011) claims that the environments which are inaccessible for people with disabilities are responsible in creating disabled experiences. these inaccessible environments create barriers to participation and inclusion. examples of the inaccessible environments include “a deaf individual without a sign language interpreter, a wheelchair user in a building without an accessible bathroom or elevator, a blind person using a computer without screen-reading software,” (who 2011: 4). the lack of supporting environment is the result of the society inability to empathize with people with disabilities. mcdonald and messinger (2011) states that the ability to empathize has a serious effect on relationship quality by being the facilitator of maintaining meaningful relationships. even though freud (1958) and piaget (1965) suggest that young children are cognitively unable to experience empathy due to their egocentricity, more recent studies suggest otherwise. zahnwaxler et al. (1992) claims that very young children are capable of displaying some variety of rather sophisticated behavior related to empathy and are capable of displaying cognitive empathy when reaching early childhood (wellman et al., 2001). therefore, it is important to develop empathy in early childhood to have empathetic adults who will take actions in increasing supporting environment, specifically for people with disabilities. empathizing with people with disabilities is a first step to maintain dignity. it is important to extent the right to be treated with dignity to children. miller in govindarajan (2015) presents the benefit of treating children with dignity as follow. “people whose integrity has not been damaged in childhood, who were protected, respected, and treated with honesty will be – both in their youth and adulthood – intelligent, responsive, empathic, and highly sensitive. they will take pleasure in life and will not feel any need to kill or even hurt others or themselves.... they will not be able to do otherwise than respect and protect those weaker than themselves including their children, ...,” (6). thus, dignity is closely related to the practice of empathy. exposing children with empathy towards others with disabilities can be done in various way, from formal exposure in educational fields to informal exposure by means of stories. a study by strayer and roberts (1997) shows that stories have great influence in developing empathy. when children are exposed to stories, they placed characters from the story physically closer to themselves. this finding suggests empathy may motivate a desire for increased interpersonal closeness which later leads to the treatment of dignity. inclusive children’s literature children’s literature, literature written for children, is written for many different vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 65 purposes. some of the purposes are to entertain and to assist children in comprehending the world they live in. it is also written to introduce new things, including cultures, people, ideas, events, or characters which are relatable to the young people in the process to better understand themselves. some children’s books illustrate characters from different backgrounds to promote tolerance and some others portray characters with disabilities for helping readers to learn, understand, and relate to people with disabilities, and for helping those with disabilities to have a habit of reading for pleasure about characters like themselves, thus comes the term “inclusion”. the definition of inclusion is more widely used in the area of education than in the area of literature. first introduced by vygotsky in his theories on methodology in special education and psychology, the methodological framework is elaborated in practical implementation of inclusive education for those with dysontogenesis, a deficient development (in comparison to normal individual development). according to this theory, practicing positive-oriented approaches meaning applying a favorable societal perspective on children with disabilities. strengthening and empowering the individual skills of children with disabilities are preferred over stressing on their weaknesses. vygotsky considered disability as a “social aberration” (1993: 66), while acknowledging biological condition at the same time. he considers social aberration develops from children’s changing social and environmental relations which leads to disturbances in their social behavior. the disability itself is distinguished between primary disability, which is referred as physical impairment, and secondary and tertiary disability, which concerns more on cultural distortions of social condition of mental functions. it is crucial for children with primary, secondary, and tertiary disability to socially interact with other children. the main responsibility of the adults is to lead the child into the general culture and to include them in the socialization with other children. therefore, inclusive education requires the full inclusion of all children without segregation (lindsay, 2003). in the area of literature, the term inclusion is not specifically elaborated in theories. however, taking vygotsky and lindsay’s definition of inclusion in education, inclusion in literature can be formulated as making the work of literature accessible to people with additional needs and/or including disability or disabled characters within the story. in a booklet for disability equality in english primary schools (deeps) project, beckett and barrett’s (2008) discussion area of inclusion literature covers specifically on children with disabilities. the project was aimed to help teachers to assess the inclusiveness of children’s books for their classroom use. the formulation of the term “inclusion literature” derives from the formulation of inclusion in education. having inclusion literature is a way to “improve nondisabled children’s understanding of disability” and “help them to develop positive attitudes towards disabled people,” (beckett and barret, 2008: 1). in modern children’s literature, the representations of disabilities are often associated with bravery. ayala (1999: 112) found that 63% of the inclusive children’s books portray characters with disabilities as “brave little soul”, while 10% portray them as “victims” or “outcasts” and 20% portray them as “fully functioning members of society”. furthermore, prater (2003: 47) writes that “today, authors include characters with disabilities to (a) focus on the life of an individual with a disability, or (b) tell a story that happens to include an individual with disability. in the first case, fictionalised or true characters may serve as a role models and/or as bibliotherapy .... in the latter case, the authors’ intent is not necessarily to provide role models or teach about disabilities, but to represent the diversity in society.” inclusive children’s literature can be understood as literature written for children which illustrates disabilities as inevitable part of society. the idea is to set the new standard of “normality” by presenting diversity as a common situation in our fransisca kristanti 66 society. children identify with characters who are like themselves. therefore, stories should present them with a wide range of powerful and competent characters from different backgrounds who represent real people. inclusive children’s literature around the world inclusive children’s literature is not uncommon around the world. more and more inclusive children’s literature is written to “represent the diversity in society” (prater, 2003: 47) to promote empathy and uphold dignity. this part presents some recommendations of accessible inclusive children books around the world illustrating characters with physical and non-physical impairments which can be used to promote empathy and to dignify children. inclusive children’s literature illustrating physical impairments visual impairment quite a number of inclusive children’s literature are written to illustrate people with visual impairment. one of the earliest inclusive children’s book which is published is the seeing stick by jane yolen and daniela terrazzini in 1977. the book tells the story of a blind chinese princess who never saw the world through her eyes. no magicians nor physicians could cure her until one day a wise, blind, old man taught her to see with the tip of her fingers. the seeing stick tells the readers that there is more than one way to see the world. another example is the sound of colors by jimmy liao, published in 2006. the story revolves around a girl who lost her sight some time ago. this young, blind girl traveled from one subway station to another, imagining she was going from one wonder to another. her mind took her to all wonderful places she could imagine. both the seeing stick and the sound of colors presents beautiful illustrations full of colors. readers are taken to experience the colors from the characters’ perceptions. however, another story titled the black book of colors (cottin, faria, and amado, 2008) did more than just relying on the storyline. this book promotes empathy for the visually impaired by strengthening readers’ sensitivity of identifying colors beyond visions. a very simple story in which a narrator, thomas, described how he perceived colors as a blind kid. he narrated the taste of red, the feeling of black, the sound of yellow, and the smell of green. the striking features about this book is that the story is printed in black and white. the words are printed in white on black and the illustrations are printed in black on black. this book also uses braille in the narration, allowing readers to learn braille and to have a little experience empathizing with the blinds. the illustrations use raised lines, black on black. readers are able to use their sense of touch when going through the illustrations. hearing impairment the moses series are good examples of inclusive children’s books related to deafness. millman’s (1998) moses goes to a concert tells about a young deaf student who met a deaf percussionist in an orchestra concert during his school’s field trip. the character learnt how to feel the vibrations of the music, and had the opportunity to play different percussion instruments. in moses goes to school (millman, 2000), the story revolves around moses’ school activities with other deaf students from diverse ethnics. the interaction was illustrated naturally in different social settings. both books illustrate american sign language (asl) and asl hand alphabet, allowing the readers to learn asl. another accessible book is leila ruddi allaya (kaadan, 2011). the book was awarded the “best fiction book for children with special needs” in 2011 from the anna lindh foundation. it tells about a girl living in a high orange tower, similar to rapunzel, waiting for her prince to come. the character of leila was portrayed as an empowered protagonist who spoke her own language. it was the prince, sami, who had to struggle to communicate to her and finally had the realization that they spoke different language. along with the realization came understanding and communication. the characters of these books are portrayed as empowered individuals who have their place in the world. these books teach readers that there are many ways to communicate, even vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 67 when we have different ways of communication. other physical impairments. noi (mazzoli and possentini, 2014) is a beautiful italian story of phillip, a boy with face disfigurement, a deformed eye. this is one of the rarest topics in children’s literature. phillip was the object of bullying by his peers. he was an outsider and spent most of his time in fear of the bullying, until he befriended with other outsiders and they found a safe place in each other’s. this book sums up human tendencies to judge others based on looks as we often draw false conclusions. another inclusive children’s book draws the topic of paraplegia. lola la loba, lola the wolf, (taboada and wensell, 2011) tells the story of a wolf who lost her ability to walk after an accident. the story teaches readers how to be independent without being too proud. the character was having a journey of learning how to make choices on her own, but humble enough to accept help when needed. there are more titles of inclusive children’s literature which illustrates physical impairments. however, due to the inaccessibility to the full story which leads to the lack of information, this paper will not elaborate them in the recommendation. inclusive children’s literature illustrating non-physical (social and mental) impairments there are many aspects of social and mental impairments, from autism to attention deficiency, from down syndrome to selective mutation. the variety of topics in this category is diverse, thus the examples of the literature for this part are not subcategorized. some accessible books promoting the topics of non-physical impairments are as follow. el cazo de lorenzo (lorenzo’s saucepan). the story of lorenzo and his saucepan was written by isabelle carrier and published in 2010. the unique story with metaphorical message is very amusing for readers. even though the disability was not clearly defined in the story, but it was clear that lorenzo was not like everybody else. the story started when lorenzo got hit by a saucepan in the head. he has never been the same ever since. he had to drag the saucepan around with him whenever he went. the saucepan often became the reason for the difficult situations he found himself in. all his good quality was overlooked by people because they focused on the saucepan that lorenzo dragged around. eventually, he was able to make peace with himself and managed to use the saucepan for his benefit. this quirky story is brilliantly written by unspecifying the impairment that the character possesses. this extend the relevance of the character to many children, with or without impairments. therefore, different readers can get different experience after reading the book. hi! i’m ben! ... and i’ve got a secret (bouwkamp and tesnar, 1995) bouwkamp illustrates a character with down syndrome in this story. the story started by the introduction of a 3-year-old boy named ben, who asked readers to guess his secret. the description that ben gave about himself was similar to other kids. he liked what other kids liked and did what other kids did. yet, he described himself as “special” for, unlike other kids, he needed extra help in doing things and he found it difficult to talk fluently. this story describes down syndrome by representing it positively. the character has a loving family who supports him. this book is great in helping children relate to someone who is different from themselves. the illustrations of common experience promote understanding that even though people are different, they actually have a lot in common, thus it is quite possible that they can be friends. leo the late bloomer (kraus and aruego, 1971). this book is about leo, a little tiger, who did not progress as fast as others in his age. leo was not able to do things as others. he fransisca kristanti 68 was not able to speak, read, write, or draw, and it made him very sad. his family was also sad because he was not as they expected. it took a very long time until leo was finally able to speak, read, write, and draw. it took a lot of efforts from him and from his family. in the end, he was able to what others could. this book teaches readers that it is alright not to have a different pace of learning. it shows that people will be capable in their own time. conclusion inclusive children’s literature is significant to uphold children’s dignity in a way that this literature enables them to learn about their place in the world. promoting inclusive children’s literature is highly important regarding the positive effects it brings on all children’s character. indirect contact with disability through children’s literature can be highly influential in developing children’s positive attitudes towards people with disabilities and towards themselves. if intervention as simple as reading inclusive literature to children can bring a lot of benefits and be so influential, it would be highly beneficial to put inclusive children’s literature in indonesian collections of children’s literature. references adioetomo, s. m., d. mont, and irwanto. “person with disabilities in indonesia: empirical facts and implications for social protection policies (official report of tim nasional percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan)”, 2014. ayala, e. c. “poor little things and brave little souls: the portrayal of individuals with disabilities in children’s literature”, reading research and instruction, 39 (1), 103-117, 1999. beckett, a. and s. barret. “inclusion literature: a guide to books for disability awareness (booklet of deeps project)”, 2008. bouwkamp, j. and d. tesnar. hi, i’m ben! and i’ve got a secret. rochester hills: band of angels press, 1995. carrier, i. el cazo de lorenzo. barcelona: editorial juventud, 2010. cottin, m., r. faria, and e. amado. the black book of colors. toronto: groundwood books, 2008. freud, s. civilization and its discontents. new york: doubleday anchor books, 1958. govindarajan, m., s. natarajan, and v. s. senthilkumar. professional ethics and human values. delhi: prentice-hall of india pvt. ltd, 2013. kaadan, n. leila ruddi allaya. damascus: box of tales publishing house, 2011. kraus, r. and j. aruego. leo the late bloomer. new york: simon & schuster books for young readers, 1971. krismariana, c and thomdean. kita bisa bersahabat, rin!. yogyakarta: sahabat gloria, 2007. kustawan, d and b. hermawan. model implementasi pendidikan inklusif ramah anak. jakarta: luxima, 2013. liao, j. the sound of colors. new york: little, brown books for young readers, 2006. lindsay, g. “inclusive education: a critical perspective”. british journal of special education, 30 (1), 3-12, 2003. mazzoli, e. and s. m. possentini. noi. bologna: corso bacchilega editore, 2014. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 69 mcdonald, n. and d. messinger. “the development of empathy: how, when and why”. free will, emotions, and moral actions: philosophy and neuroscience in dialogue, 2011. millman, i. moses goes to a concert. new york: frances foster books, 1998. millman, i. moses goes to school. new york: frances foster books, 2000. piaget, j. the moral judgement of the child. new york: harcourt, 1965. pramudyawati, n. and n. p. ar-rizqi. seri explorasi dan bermain untuk: anak berkebutuhan khusus. yogyakarta: penerbit pohon cahaya, 2014. prater, m. a. “learning disabilities in children and adolescents literature: how are characters portrayed?”. learning disability quarterly, 26 (1), 47-62, 2003. taboada, a. and u. wensell. lola la loba. puerto rico: ediciones sm, 2011. vygotsky, l . the collected works of l. s. vygotsky vol. 2: the fundamentals of defectology (abnormal psychology and learning disabilities. r. w. rieber and a. s. carton (eds.). new york: plenum press, 1993. wellman, h. m., d. cross, and j. watson. ”meta-analysis of theory-of-mind development: the truth about false belief”. child development, 72, 655-684, 2001. wiyani, n. a. buku ajar penangangan anak usia dini berkebutuhan khusus. yogyakarta: ar-ruzz media, 2014. world health organization and the world bank. world report on disability, 2011. yolen, j. and d. j. terrazzini. the seeing stick (reprint ed). philadelphia: running press kids, 2009. yuditia, r., y. d. liandarwati, and p. palupi. mari memahami dan melindungi anak melalui inklusi sosial. surabaya: samitra abhaya kppd, 2015. zahn-waxler, c., m. radke-yarrow, e. wagner, and m. chapman. “development of concerns for others”. developmental psychology, 28, 126-136, 1992. set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 173 learning valuable things from words of poverty in v.s. naipaul’s miguel street suryo sudiro universitas teknologi yogyakarta abstract in addition to consisting of an interesting story, a novel may consist of lessons to learn. v.s. naipaul’s miguel street reflected realities of people in trinidad. the cynical words in the novel tell how people live in poverty. it is not only a story of past events but also a valuable text to see and learn actual realities of education. there are two lessons that readers can learn from the words. first, what adult people do are lessons for the teenagers. when the adult show bad characters teach how to do bad conducts, the teenagers will easily see and do the same things. when the adults resort to violence in their families, the teenagers will resort to the same things outside homes. when the adults drink alcohol and consume drugs, the teenagers will try and do the same, or even, worse. they will run out of their homes and find other places to live. the matters will deteriorate when the teenagers do not have proper education. it is a threat of character education. second, there are always heroes in communities. parents are some of them. the heroes provide poor children and teenagers with proper education. they show that there is always a valuable thing to do in poor condition. it shows that poverty does not only supply threats of character education but also opportunities of it. the schools should conduct good education. the schools should educate mind and heart. keywords: learning, reading, reality, proper education, mind, heart introduction words are powerful to articulate what a speaker thinks and what a speaker wants to say. when producing words, a speaker expresses the experience that he has in his mind. the experience that he shares strengthens the meanings. the meanings can be valuable to others when they represent important interest of human beings. the words can be arranged in a story. a literary work is not only a book of beautiful words, but also a book of history and knowledge. a reader can feel amused when reading a literary work. also, he can find good things to know in the work. an author of a literary work tells a story of his imagination and expression, and in the same time he records what happens at the time he writes the story. a novel, as a literary work, is not only a book to get the beautiful words and amusement inside, but also a book that has a lesson to learn. from a novel, a reader can have what really happens in a specific time. then, the reader can use the story as a reference to compare to a real condition. as a result of it, a reader can make an analysis on something that he concerns. an interesting concern of many others to see in a work is how character education of older people is learned by the teenagers and children in the setting of place. when creating good, useful and valuable characters become and objective of education, educators spend a lot of time to talk about the principles, definition, and suryo sudiro 174 effectiveness. in addition, it is important to consider the strategy and the factors that support and burden the strategy. we should pay an intensive attention to the relation of poverty and schools. poverty is one of many threats and opportunities of education. it will make schools inconsistent with their primary purpose. the primary purpose of an education process at school is to make students know how to make a life, not how to make a living (postman, 1996). however a school must turn into a purpose to the economy of their community when poverty rises. poverty that is related to how people regard money and happiness is an urgent point to consider. it is difficult to talk about good character to people who seldom see good things in their lives. there must be certain and specific actions to resolve the problems, and there must be certain person who can become distinct character to change the condition. reading a text and writing an interpretation even though in literary studies, the debate on literature’s main function has been going on till today, it is pleasant and relieving to find what bressler (1994) wrote in his book when giving a comment on the two opposing sides of critics, tracing their arguments to plato, many contend that literature’s primary function is moral, its chief value being its usefulness for hidden or undisclosed purposes. but others, like aristotle, hold that a work of art can be analyzed and broken down into its various parts, with each part contributing to the overall enjoyment of the work itself. for critics, the value of a text is found within it or inseparably linked to the work itself. (1994: 12) when reading a literary work, a reader does his or her activity on two questions. the questions refer to if literature is merely a fun reading, or if it is also a reading activity to study and learn from the work. i myself choose the latter although i also feel necessary to examine the intrinsic elements of a work. i must recall what newton (1988) concluded to say in his book that in any case anyone who retains an interest in literature has no option but to vote. it shows that a reader is given an authority to do something with the text in literature. this study is an effort to observe how an author tries to show the condition of his society. i choose to think the same as what wolfgang iser thought. he said, at the same time it must be pointed out that a text can only come to life when it is read, and if it is to be examined, it must therefore be studied through the eyes of the reader… (iser in newton, 1988: 227) i can find that a reader has a big role to create another valuable work derived from a work or a text. a reader’s creation may also become one of the possible realizations of a text (iser in newton: 1988). i choose to do like what iser suggested to do. i read a novel, miguel street written by v.s. naipaul and firstly published in 1959. then, i highlight what i find from the novel. after presenting my findings, i am going to write my interpretation as a realization of a text. in addition to reading the text as a reader, i am also willing to be a good teacher with things to discuss with my students. teaching students in classrooms means using valuable things to present precious things to the students to know and do. it needs teachers’ creativity and development. the creativity includes how to get valuable references. the references also show how teachers develop their teaching materials. one of many good references is a literary work. for teachers, a literary work can become a good book to learn the intrinsic nature of the work. it can also become a book of life issues to discuss in the classrooms. the teachers can focus on the literary elements of the work, or on the issues brought by the vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 175 author in the work. even many teachers use a literary work to do both. when focusing on the intrinsic nature of a literary work, teachers have their students see the setting, characters, tone, and style etc. the students will present their reading and show how they understand the work by detailing the literary elements. it is good activity of reading. the students can understand the meaning of the words in a literary work and show how the words support the work. in the other side, a literary work can provide the teachers and students with life issues. when using the work this way, the class can become a reading class and a writing class. firstly, the teachers give a set time to the students to read and understand the work. then, the students write how they understand the work. they can use a specific critical theory to analyze the work. therefore in this article, i show that in a novel, miguel street written by v. s. naipaul, there are many people who live in poverty deal with other people in their neighborhood. the vocal points are the words, poverty, and education. their words and their daily interaction tell how they live in poverty. education is another interesting part of life to observe in the novel. after reading the novel, i try to find some data regarding the same or similar matters in real society, especially in indonesia. then, i will show how character education is something to see more because of its urgency in our society. miguel street: the words and poverty miguel street is a novel that tells us about a different place in the world. it is different from the place where people speaking english such as the united states of america, england, australia and some other countries where english is spoken in education standard ways. miguel street is in port of spain, trinidad. the author, v.s. naipaul attempted to tell us other world and in the same time, he mentioned some enjoyment which was standardized by the first world, prosperous countries. in the novel he used words coca-cola, pepsi-cola and cambridge school to represent the higher level standards of life. the story shows limited economic opportunities and aborted ambition. although he wrote all condition with humor rather than sadness, readers still feel the sadden situations. the characters lauged at the others and naipaul attempted to make readers think that they were stupid. it is shown in the dialogue. what you making, mr. popo? i asked. popo would always say.”ha boy! that’s the question. i making the thing without a name (p. 17). the english which is used in the dialogue strengthens the notion of restricted sociocultural condition. in their dialogues, the characters use a distinct nonnative english variety that is different from the standard english of higher class people. the author wanted to show us that the characters are uneducated and poor. because of the poor condition, they have just a small and easy hope. we can read it in the novel. after midnight there were two regular noises in the street. at about two o’clock you heard the sweepers; and then just before dawn, the scavenging-carts came and you heard the men scraping off the rubbish the sweepers had gathered into heaps. no boy in the street particularly wished to be a sweeper. but if you asked any boy what he would like to be, he would say, i going be a cart-driver. ……………..………. there was certainly a glamour to driving the blue carts. the men were aristocrats. they worked early in the morning and had the rest of the day free. and then they were always going on strike. they didn’t strike for much. they struck for things like a cent more a day; they struck if someone was laid off. they struck when the war began; they struck when the war ended. they struck when india got independence. they struck when gandhi died. (p. 36) suryo sudiro 176 the states in the story are mixed and they regard the states as their world. almost all words in the story tell us that they live in cynical, funny and pessimistic atmosphere. miguel street is an example of trinidad society. it tells about indian and black residents drawn from trinidad’s urban lower class that usually faces unpleasant condition as what naipaul wrote some words of elias, a character in miguel street. elias began saying, “but what the hell you expect in trinidad? you got to bribe everybody if you want to get your toenail cut”. (p. 44) even in more cynical words when elias knew that the boy (naipaul) sat in cambridge senior school certificate and he saw the boy wearing the uniform of a job in the customs. he said “what your mother do to get you that?” he shouted (p. 44). the words in the two dialogues show that with the cynical words, naipaul was trying to describe the big social relation problems that occurred to the characters in his society. the social problems were shown in their daily life interaction, the way they make their living, and how they attempted to have education. a story that tells how difficult people in miguel street get education is “his chosen calling” that tells how a character tried hard to achieve more valuable and prosperous life through education. it is read in what naipaul wrote in one of the pages, “so you don’t want to be a cart-driver? what you want to be then? a sweeper?. elias spat neatly into the gutter and looked down. he said very earnestly, “i think i going be a doctor, you hear.” if boyee or errol had said something like that, we would all have laughed. but we recognized that elias was different, that elias had brains……………..……….we all felt sorry for elias. his father brutalized the boy with blows, but elias never cried, never spoke a word against his father……………..……….elias began going to school at the other end of miguel street. it didn’t really look like a school at all. it just like any house to me, but there was a sign outside that said: titus hoyt, i. a (london, external) passes in the cambridge school certificate guaranteed……………..……….the year before his mother died, elias sat for the cambridge senior school certificate. titus hoyt came down to our end of street. ‘that boy going pass with honours,” titus hoyt said. “with honours……………..……….we saw elias dressed in neat khaki trousers and white shirt, going to the examination room, and we looked at him with awe. errol said “everything elias write not remaining here, you know. every word that the boy write going to england.” it didn’t sound true. “what you think it is at all?” errol said. ‘elias have brains, you know.” ……………..………. elias’s mother died in january, and the results came out in march. elias hadn’t passed. (pp. 37 – 39) elias kept taking exams but he failed and failed again. people talked about how he struggled. they supported him, but they also felt pity. then he felt frustrated. he finally got back to the common idea of boys of miguel street, a cart-driver, the street aristocrat. when he was driving a scavenging cart, he said cynically to the boy, “no theory here.” “this is the practical. i really like the work.” (p. 45). nevertheless, there is always something to change the condition. the crucial point to read is a story that tells how the boy left miguel street. naipaul wrote, my mother said, you getting too wild in this place. i think is high time you leave? “and go where? venezuela? i said. “no, not venezuela. somewhere else, because the moment you land in venezuela they go throw you in jail, i know you and i know venezuela. no, somewhere else.” i said, “all right. you think about it and decide.” my mother said, i go go and talk to ganesh pundit about it. he was a friend of your father. but you must go from here. you getting too wild.” i suppose my mother was right. without really knowing it, i had become a little wild. i was drinking like a fish, and doing a lot besides. the drinking started in the vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 177 customs, where we confiscated liquor on the slightest pretext. at first the smell of spirits upset me, but i used to say to myself, “you must get over this. drink it like medicine. hold your nose and close your eyes.” in time i had become a first class drinker, and i began suffering from drinker’s pride. (p. 215) no matter how a mother behaves daily, but a mother is a mother. the boy’s mother made the boy leave miguel street. she did not like the wild way her son lived in the community. she wanted to save her son by sending him to a better place. in the better place, she expected bigger opportunities to her son to have better characters. in addition she attempted to send her son to have better education. naipaul wrote about two months later, my mother said,”you must come with me next week. we going to see ganesh pundit.”……………. he was a minister of something or the other in the government………….we went to his big house in st clair and we found the great man, not dressed in dhoti and koortah, as in the mystic days, but in an expensive-looking lounge suit. (p. 216) the boy’s mother asked for help to ganesh pundit. she did not think to let the boy stay in miguel street. she pushed the boy to study anything but not in trinidad, and the boy agreed with her mother. with the help of ganesh pundit, her mother sent the boy to england. miguel street and what happens in indonesia in realism style, miguel street shows the reader what really happens in trinidad. dolly zulakha hassan (1989) said that miguel street, then, presents a gallery of people who are frustrated in their efforts to make something of themselves in trinidad, but who, nevertheless, are characterized by their vitality and resilience, and imagination (1989: 112). the poorness and sadness are not the merely things to show, but the author also attempts to tell a story of hope and ideal. to tell more about the attempts of the characters to change their lives, he wrote in some specific pages some story that tells how people want to get a proper education, but it is not easy to get it. even, some people faced impossibilities. miguel street gave me two important lessons. the first, in their poor condition, the adult characters in the story becomes “teachers” for the boys living surroundings. they realize that they live in poor condition, but unconsciously they feel that the way they live was the best for people like them including for the boy and the other boys in miguel street. in my opinion, the boy and the other boys in miguel street represents teenagers who live in similar conditions in the world. miguel street described how teenagers live with people who behave badly. they learn the bad habits every day. they read the real text in their daily real lives. they easily imitate what the adults do in his community. they see how a father blows his son and daughter, and the violence is recorded in their mind. they see how a husband knocks his wife out and when many husbands do the same, they think that it is a common and natural thing to do. in indonesia, it happens in the real life. the following is a summary of news that may represent the big number of violence cases: bunuh anak gara-gara piring, soleha divonis 12 tahunpenjara diringkas dari senin, 16 februari 2015 | 17:32 wib jember, soleha (39), warga desa yosorati, kecamatan sumberbaru, jember, jawa timur, yang menjadi terdakwa kasus pembunuhan terhadap anak kandungnya sendiri, iin (18), divonis 12 tahun penjara oleh majelis hakim pengadilan negeri jember, senin (16/2/2015). dalam putusannya, majelis hakim yang diketuai nur kholis menilai, soleha terbukti bersalah membunuh anaknya suryo sudiro 178 sendiri pada tahun 2012 silam. “terdakwa melanggar pasal 44 uu no 23 tahun 2004 tentang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (kdrt). sebagai seorang ibu, soleha melakukan kekerasan terhadap anaknya hingga mengakibatkan meninggal," terang nur kholis seusai persidangan. seperti diberitakan beberapa waktu yang lalu, soleha tega menghabisi nyawa anak kandungnya sendiri iin, lalu membuangnya ke septic tank. ironisnya, motif pembunuhan itu cukup sepele, yakni karena korban menjatuhkan piring hingga pecah (, 2015). in indonesia, violence happens in families. we must consider the cases not only gender sensitive cases but also human relation cases. the victims are not only women but also children. even, the very frightening condition, it may happen between a mother and a daughter. it may happen daily in a community, and when violence occurs habitually, the value will be transparent and susceptible. easily, it will be learned by teenagers. it is a threat for their character education. it will shape bad characters in them. they will easily internalize or absorb the idea of the characters. afterwards, they will unconsciously do the same things. then, the teenagers will go to street. the parents will wait for the other bad characters shown by their boys and girls. there is nothing that they can do but to be angry. the parents do not give enough time to talk about better things to do, and then the new violence occurs. homes are not good places for the teenagers. the teenagers will find better and more comfortable places. then, they will then run to the places that may give them different situation. they will learn from people in the places. they will do what people do in the places. they will eat and drink what people eat and drink in the places. it will happen every day. when things are out of control, many legal cases involving teenagers occur. the cases happen since the teenagers feel free to do anything that they like. they may see bad things outside homes. they have a lot of choices to do. they only need to choose to do one thing and feel happy. the condition will make them grow up and wild. they will waste their money, time, and life. they will commit crime easily. the following news is only an example: kamis, 20/02/2014 08:54 wib polisi: sebelum beraksi geng tengky boys tenggak miras dan pakai narkoba – edward febriyatri kusuma detiknews jakarta polisi telah menetapkan sebelas tersangka terkait keributan yang dilakoni geng tengky boyz. sebelum beraksi pelajar-pelajar tersebut minumminuman keras terlebih dahulu. "mereka murni menamakan tengky boys anak-anak di bawah umur yang melakukan kenakalan dan dalam aksinya mereka menggunakan narkoba dan minuman keras supaya berani," ujar kapolsek pondok gede, kompol kunto wibisono kepada detikcom, kamis (20/2/2014). di setiap aksinya para pelaku selalu melakukan aksi kekerasan untuk merampas harta benda orang lain. mereka pun melakukan aksinya secara bergerombol. "mereka juga tidak segan-segan melukai korban yang melakukan perlawanan," ujar kunto. menurut kunto mereka hanya melakukan kenakalan remaja biasa. "kami juga menyampaikan di wilayah polsek pondok gede tidak ada geng motor atau geng amerika," ungkapnya (detiknews, 2014). when teenagers are close to alcohol and drugs, other bad conducts will be easily committed. they will do the bad conducts together with their friends. alcohol and drugs make them wilder. they will not have control on themselves. then the police and law will take the control on them. however there is always hope in life, even in the poorest life condition. i can read it in the second lesson that i can get from vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 179 miguel street. it is the moment when the mother determined to send them out from miguel street. it occurs to me that there is an opportunity for someone to become a hero in his or her community. the hero can come up with a good decision to change a bad condition to be a better one or at least the decision may become a new hope. in the story, the mother believed that a change must be done radically. she wanted her son to have better an environment and school. she put a hope on a new place and education. she realized what her son needed to have for his life. even, she did not care what subject that her son wanted to take, but she was very sure that her son had to be out of the wild condition in her country and she was willing to sacrifice to make it happen. it is not only in the story but it is real. in families, parents should have the same will as what the mother has in miguel street. education should become one of the first priority needs to meet. they should have distinguished determination to provide good education for their sons and daughters. they should work hard to send their children to good schools. in a real society, there are people who take this opportunity to become heroes. they are willing to sacrifice their lives for humanities. there are many people who dedicate their lives to providing education for poor children. they are heroes for others. they are valuable people who do valuable activities for humans’ sake. the following is a real news case; senin, 23/06/2014 12:38 wib tampung anak jalanan, sekolah darurat kartini jadi percontohan dunia taufan noor ismailian detiknews jakarta dua guru kembar pemilik sekolah darurat kartini di ancol, sri rossyati dan sri irianingsih mendapat kunjungan dari 7 ordo fransiskan dari beberapa negara. kedatangan tersebut tak lain karena mereka terkesan dengan pengelolaan pendidikan untuk anak jalanan yang diberikan oleh ibu guru kembar tersebut. 7 negara ordo fransiscan yang berkunjung diantaranya dari usa, brazil, jerman, mozambik, meksiko, slovenia, dan 1 perwakilan dari indonesia. perwakilan ordo fransiskan dari brazil, joe rozansky/ofm sungguh terkesan dengan usaha keras yang dilakukan kedua guru kembar terhadap pendidikan anak jalanan. "ini sekolah yang sangat bagus, sungguh inisiatif yang bagus yang dilakukan ibu guru kembar untuk mengatasi kemiskinan kota. di brazil memiliki permasalahan yang sama tentang anak jalanan, ini sangat menarik, bisa dicontoh," kata joe rozansky di sekolah darurat kartini, jalan lodan raya, ancol, pademangan, jakarta utara, senin (23/6/2014) (detiknews, 2014) again, the news shows how people can do something for other people. sri rossyati and sri irianingsih provide free school for poor children. when their parents cannot afford the school fees for their children, sri rossyati and sri irianingsih dedicate their lives to giving free education for the children. what they do may become an example for other next heroes of human beings. the character education education should consider any situations as opportunities in character education. the educators should learn the threats and subsequently see the factors that may provide students with better condition. education should make schools good places to be. the schools should present real morally right characters to learn. schools should become comfortable and free from worry and pain places. the teachers, the educators, should become adults that will not show any violence. they should be able to show how to solve any problem and conflict with negotiation and legal actions. they should become characters that behave well. education should provide all good aspects needed by students for their lives. schools and the educators who are involved should not only focus on knowledge but other necessary aspects such as emotion and suryo sudiro 180 behavior. comparini (2011) wrote in the jakarta post: the renowned italian psychologist and pedagogue mario polito, for instance, in his book educare il cuore (to educate the heart), criticizes a system focusing on factual knowledge but lacking on emotional and behavioral aspects. because this kind of school is not supporting the formation of good persons and a better society, “…therefore this school is useless. it is useless for life as it is useless for mankind”. the enumeration of problem areas and contradictions existing in school education could be very long. the subject is very complex and can be only sketched in this short context. what can be done is to try to draw, from the mentioned aspects, common factors that could help to build better schools with better education. one of these could be that a good school education, especially for young pupils, respects children’s needs and their evolution stages. moreover, more space should be given to formative teaching, including emotions’ education, to support both individual and social wellbeing. (the jakarta post, 2011) schools should provide rational lessons for students’ mind and examples of good conducts for their heart. henceforth, education can become a valuable system to encourage students to perform good characters. in indonesia, character education is conducted to show good values to students. the values are shown with examples. according to pusat kurikulum departemen pendidikan nasional 2010, some good values that can be shown to students are being religious, being honest, being tolerant, being disciplined, being hard-working, being creative, being independent and the other good conducts supporting students’ lives. it is not very easy to share the good conducts to students when the teachers face the reality. when a teacher is teaching students who come from happy families and neighborhoods, he will not need to try to find other references but the students’ families and neighborhoods. the teacher only needs to make the students remember what their parents do at home. however it is not very easy for teachers who teach students coming from broken home families, poor families and families who live in slum places. the students do not have good examples at home. they will easily get the opposite condition of what their teachers try to show. in this case teachers must fight against realities. their explanation must be stronger than what their students easily have from their neighborhoods and families. at least what the teachers can do is to make better environment at schools. the schools must be better homes for students. no violence shows and nobody bullies others. the students must be respected humans. they must be given responsibility to take care of their schools’ conducive and peaceful situation. conclusion reading a literary work is not only reading the intrinsic nature of the work but also reading the lessons that i can also find in reality. a novel teaches the readers. it may show a story in a specific place and time. then, the readers can use the story as a reference to see a reality. miguel street teaches the readers some lessons as follows: 1. adult people can become teachers for the teenagers that live surroundings. in a poor community people live in a slum situation. the adult people easily commit violence to their wives or husband, and their daughter and sons. the teenagers see that as a lesson that they can also do to others. it is a specific threat for character education. 2. when the teenagers do not have any comfort their homes, they will run away and find the comfort outside homes. they will do anything that is possible to do. they will be familiar with alcohol and drugs. they will commit crime easily after drinking alcohol and consuming drugs. 3. in a poor condition parents should have good determination to send their children to schools. they should dedicate their lives vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 181 to giving an opportunity for their children to get education. they should save their children from the social problems of poverty. 4. in addition some people take their opportunities to become heroes for other people. they provide free education for poor children. other people in other places can take the actions as example. this case may become a good lesson in character education. 5. education has an opportunity in character education. it should conduct schools that become better places for students. education or schools are suggested to provide students with rational lessons to students’ mind and good character examples to their heart. 6. teachers have a significant role to succeed character education schools. they must give good conducts to their students. they must keep the comfortable situations at schools. references bressler, charless e. literary criticism: an introduction to theory and practice. new jersey: prentice hall, 1994. bunuh anak gara-gara piring, soleha divonis 12 tahunpenjara. 16 feb 2015. kompas. com, 2015. comparini, giovani. good schools educate minds and heart. 24 dec 2011. jakarta: the jakarta postpartment, 2011. hassan, dolly zulakha. v.s. naipaul and the west indies. new york: peter lang, 1989. ismailian , taufan noor .. tampung anak jalanan, sekolah darurat kartini jadi percontohan dunia. 23 juli 2014. jakarta: detiknews, 2014. kusuma , edward febriyatri. polisi: sebelum beraksi geng tengky boys tenggak miras dan pakai narkoba. 20 feb 2014. jakarta:, 2014. naipaul, vs. miguel street. new york: vintage international, 1959. newton, k. m. twentieth – century literary theory. london: macmillan education, 1988. postman, neil. the end of education. new york: vintage books, 1996. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 set cover luar phenomena vol 15 no. 2-bitmapcon vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 117 the meaning of green light in the great gatsby based on consumerism perspective: umberto eco’s semiotic study maria vincentia eka mulatsih english language education study program, sanata dharma university abstract one of recent problems in our country is the habit of being consumerist – buying things which are not needed to update the trend. some people think that it is not a big problem, but some do not. avoiding its negative effect is the answer to this problem. this can be done through learning past experiences in the literary works, in this case fitzgerald’s novel. the great gatsby depicts not only love but also consumerism. through analyzing the sign of green light using umberto eco’s semiotic theory, we can see the bad effect of consumerism in the past and anticipate it for our future by applying its oppositional structure. the sign of green light is not merely an orgiastic feature. it is a tool for fitzgerald to ‘fight’ consumerism effect. keywords: green light, opposition, consumerism introduction the great gatsby is a literary work which is able to represent the change of american way of thinking in the twentieth century (cady, 1956: 531). in that century, after world war i, industrialization led to the great consumption. a lot of companies had its surplus and it forced the companies to sell products soon. their advertisement expanded its wing to credit system. finally, american bought things which were not actually needed. this was the beginning of great mass consumption which tended to consumerism (william, 1996: 159). applying eco’s theory, this consumerism is the context to gain the meaning of green light. eco states that a chair will have its meaning when it is put in a room (eco, 1976: 72). “chair” is the green light as the object of the study and “room’ is consumerism as the environment or concept of the object. the concept of consumerism is defined by several experts (buskirk, turner, pendergast, miles, etc). miles’ definition is appropriate in this study. he states that consumerism itself is a broader study than the process of purchasing and consuming some goods or service. it is full of complexities that lie behind the act of consumption. consumerism is a way of life while consumption is an act (miles, 1998: 4). this study disucuss the value that lies behind the act of consumption as its complexity of consumerism. first, the act of consumption as the context of green light. there are several things to be consumed: drink, jewelry, clothes, and cars. the characters in this novel used to drink a lot of liquor and to fulfill their need, some provided a juice machine: we drank in long, greedy swallows (fitzgerald, 1925: 118). maria vincentia eka mulatsih 118 every friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in new york—every monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves. there was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler’s thumb (fitzgerald, 1925: 39). not only drink, clothes and jewelry were over consumed too. clothes were provided not only for one season but for three seasons. a piece of women clothes cost for two hundred and sixty-five dollars (fitzgerald, 1925: 172). the ornaments such as jewelry cost three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. the interesting part, however, is the characters’ pride of having expensive clothes and jewelry. he took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel, which lost their folds as they fell and covered the table in many-colored disarray. while we admired he brought more and the soft rich heap mounted higher—shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaids in coral and apple-green and lavender and faint orange, with monograms of indian blue. suddenly, with a strained sound, daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily. “they’re such beautiful shirts,” she sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds. “it makes me sad because i’ve never seen such—such beautiful shirts before.” (fitzgerald, 1925: 93-94) “my dear,” she cried, “i’m going to give you this dress as soon as i’m through with it. i’ve got to get another one tomorrow. i’m going to make a list of all the things i’ve got to get. a massage and a wave, and a collar for the dog, and one of those cute little ash-trays where you touch a spring, and a wreath with a black silk bow for mother’s grave that’ll last all summer. i got to write down a list so i won’t forget all the things i got to do” (fitzgerald, 1925: 37). then he went into the jewelry store to buy a pearl necklace—or perhaps only a pair of cuff buttons—rid of my provincial squeamishness forever (fitzgerald, 1925: 181). having luxurious goods became the basic need of high class people. besides that, the characters in this novel also bought very expensive cars or wagons. cars and yachts, however, were not used as transportation means. they were bought for the characters’ prestige. i’d seen it. everybody had seen it. it was a rich cream color, bright with nickel, swollen here and there in its monstrous length with triumphant hat-boxes and super-boxes and tool-boxes, and terraced with a labyrinth of wind-shields that mirrored a dozen suns. sitting down behind many layers of glass in a sort of green leather conservatory, we started to town (fitzgerald, 1925: 64). “i adore it,” exclaimed daisy. “the pompadour! you never told me you had a pompadour—or a yacht.” (fitzgerald, 1925: 95) american life style was described as extravagant. conducting and having great parties was enjoyable for characters. parties were a place where people met and showed their pride or their houses. therefore, good preparation was necessary and it meant spending large amount of money. by seven o’clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five-piece affair, but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos, and low and high drums, the last swimmers have come in from the beach now and are dressing up-stairs; the cars from new york are parked five deep in the drive, and already the halls and salons and verandas are gaudy with primary colors, and hair shorn in strange new ways, and shawls beyond the dreams of castile. the bar is in full swing, and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter, and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 119 the spot, and enthusiastic meetings between women who never knew each other’s name (fitzgerald, 1925: 40). on week-ends his rolls-royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. and on mondays eights servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with mops and scrubbing brushes and hammers and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before (fitzgerald, 1925: 39). across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable east egg glittered along the water (fitzgerald, 1925: 5). their house was even more elaborate than i expected, a cheerful red-and-white georgian colonial mansion, overlooking the bay (fitzgerald, 1925: 6). he came down with a hundred people in four private cars, and hired a whole floor of the seeibach hotel (fitzgerald, 1925: 77). buying luxurious goods was the habit of rich people in the great gatsby. there were polo ponies, stable, gold pencil, gold toilet set for some characters. they had spent a year in france for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together (fitzgerald, 1925: 6). he’d brought down a string of polo ponies from lake forest. it was hard to realize that a man in my own generation was wealthy enough to do that (fitzgerald, 1925: 6). “i’ve heard of making a garage out of a stable,” tom was saying to gatsby,” but i’m the first man who ever made a stable out of a garage” (fitzgerald, 1925: 119). his bedroom was the simplest room of all—except where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold. daisy took the brush with delight, and smoothed her hair, whereupon gatsby sat down and shaded his eyes and began to laugh (fitzgerald, 1925: 93). “go ahead,” answered daisy genially, “and if you want to take down any addresses here’s my little gold pencil.” (fitzgerald, 1925: 107) all the data above reveal the depth of consumption. each character’s act of over consumption leads to consumerism although the aims which underlies their consumerism are different. applying eco’s semiotic method to reveal the different value of each character is useful to know the oppositional group. eco isolated fourteen structures from popular work james bond: fourteen such structures: four point to oppositions between four characters (bond-m; bond-villain; villain-woman; woman-bond); the others constitute oppositions between values that find their personification in the four different characters (free world-soviet union; great britain-non anglo saxon countries; duty-sacrifice; cupidity-ideals; lovedeath; chance-planning; luxurydiscomfort; excess-moderation; perversion-innocence; loyalty disloyal ty) (bondanella, 1997: 62-63). the structures above are based on the positional and oppositional relations. eco himself states that code system is a structure (i) which every value on it is decided from its position and difference and (ii) which appears when different phenomena do not reverse to the same relation system (eco, 1976: 275). because of that, it is important to know the position, opposition, and difference in the same internal system. furthermore, value is defined based on how it is put in contrast with other elements. oppositional value behind consumerism there are two main parallel groups in a relation between characters based on the value which is believed by characters. the first group consists of nick, gatsby and wilson who were consumerists to achieve their own dream. the second group consists maria vincentia eka mulatsih 120 of tom, daisy and myrtle. they consumed all luxurious goods for their pleasure and joy. between those groups there is an oppositional relation. although the characters in the first group also consumed, the act of consumption was not only for themselves. meanwhile, the characters in the second group tended to consume in a large number, very expensive and exaggerated things for only their own pleasure, joy, and happiness. the big opposition between nick – gatsby and tom – daisy is based on the motif. gatsby consumed because of his love to daisy; tom consumed for the sake of his individuality. the death of gatsby is the defeat of the consumerism system that bet gatsby. this was caused by his inability to be corrupt like others and it made gatsby a member of the minority. it is clear that consumerism was generally done by the american wealthy society in 1920s and it led to individualism and materialism which was the opposition of the poor which in this novel was described as a class that prioritized morality. figure 1. oppositions in the structure gatsby, nick & wilson consume (value oriented) achieve dream death versus versus versus versus tom, daisy & myrtle consumerism pleasure-individualism life the last opposition between gatsby’s group and tom’s is life and death. in this case, the general description was consumerism and individualism which developed fast and became the goal of the majority in the 1920’s. the development of consumerism and individualism in this novel could defeat the characters which did not follow the main stream of consumerism and individualism. gatsby and tom had their own idealism and their own way of thinking that represented two strongholds in that era. gatsby represented the minority group which opposed to consumerism value for individual comfort. the majority was represented by tom. the death of gatsby-wilson and the life of tom-daisy mean the fight of both groups that results in the defeat of the minority which did not value individualism and materialism in that era. another proof of the decandency of moral value and the decrease of individualism in the great gatsby can be seen in the followings: it was all very careless and confused. they were careless people, tom and daisy— they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made…. (fitzgerald, 1925: 180-181) “well, the fact is—the truth of the matter is that i’m staying with some people up here in greenwich, and they rather expect me to be with them tomorrow. in fact, there’s a sort of picnic or something.” (fitzgerald, 1925: 170) “let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.” (fitzgerald, 1925: 173) the first quotation shows nick’s point of view toward tom and daisy, that they are clumsy and money oriented. the second and the third quotations are the comments about gatsby’s death. in this novel everyone except nick did not pay attention to gatsby’s funeral. they only prioritized their own business. the poor can represent the empathy as described in the character of gatsby’s father: it was gatsby’s father, a solemn old man, very helpless and dismayed, bundled up in a long cheap luster against the warm vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 121 september day (fitzgerald, 1925: 167168). gatsby’s father was so simple a man, but he knew gatsby, his ambition, and his way to achieve his dream well. the moral value in gatsby’s father opposed individualism. this is analogous with the rich versus the poor, which implies individualism versus moral orientation. through extravagant description, we can discover deep meaning beyond the narration. this is clarified by nick’s personality change. nick in the beginning of story always pays attention to his own appearance. then he changes into someone who does not pay attention to someone else’s appearance, but pays full attention to someone’s personality. he pays more attention to someone’s point of view on spending their life time. nick also said that gatsby did not realize that his dream was far away behind him when the darkness of america occurred: and as i sat there brooding on the old, unknown world, i thought of gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of daisy’s dock. he had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. he did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night (fitzgerald, 1925: 182). there are three things: green light, blue lawn, and the dark fields of the republic. green light which is known by gatsby and nick can not be associated to daisy any more. it can represents the view of gatsby and nick. blue lawn can represent high class society, which gatsby wants to enter, and which is full of consumerism, individualism and materialism. the dark fields of republic signify the large area of america covered by the darkness. if we trace back to the era before the great gatsby, wi will come to the era before world war i when industrialization – individualism took place. through gatsby and characters, fitzgerald tried to deliver his thought of fighting the main stream. he traced back to the previous era but unfortunately could not avoid the present era which tended to individuality and consumerism: gatsby believed in the green light. the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. it eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms father…. and one fine morning---(fitzgerald, 1925: 182). one new generation will return to the past and decrease the bad effect of industrialization, which are individualism, consumerism, and materialism. they beat the main stream: so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past (fitzgerald, 1925: 182). the combination between green light and the phrase “boats against the current” explains the view of better situation before industrialization, individualism, consumer ism, and materialism emerged, in which nick believed. although gatsby was dead, the spirit of fighting consumerism and individualism still existed. america should not reach american dream by ignoring humanity at that time. consumerism cannot be separated from the aim of each character to consume. the difference in the aims makes the difference in the core value of consumerism. there is a strong tendency of the society to consume. this leads to high life style and moral degradation: to be more materialistic and individualistic. the priority of most characters in this novel was the achievement of physical (not mental) pleasure by consuming luxurious goods. this was proven by blake when he compared it to european people who were socialists: hoover compared the flourishing american economy with its faltering european counterpart and attributed american success to “the american system of rugged individualism” as contrasted with “a european philosophy of diametrically opposed doctrine-doctrines of paternalism and state socialism.” (blake, 1963: 484) maria vincentia eka mulatsih 122 fitzgerald seemed to predict the degradation of moral value, the tendency to physical things for joy, and the individualism which scraped america. blake also stated that the development of industrialization increased individualism and peaked to great depression: but this noble dream was shattered under the savage assaults of the great depression. by 1932, the voters had lost their faith that the nation could be saved through the magic of rugged individualism (blake, 1963: 484). the degradation as a cause of consumerism is also stated by pendergast. he argues that materialism gave contribution to the decrease of cultural life and social customs in prelapsarian past. consumption has bread materialism and it should have been viewed as a negative component of the growth of capitalist prosperity (1998: 25). apart from scrimgeour’s opinion (1966: 76) that criticizes the objectivity of nick carraway as the narrator, it is clear that there is similarity between the main character gatsby and nick. it strengthens the point that fitzgerald used gatsby and nick to deliver his point of view toward consumerism that led to individualism. the green light is viewed as a past perspective against the bad effect of consumerism. conclusion the act of consuming things, which should actually be done based on primary need, was described exaggeratedly in this novel. most characters prepared for their best appearance, ignoreg others’ presence, and underestimated others. one was not recognized because of one’s personality or achievement, but because of one’s appearance. the competitiveness among characters were also obvious. characters were forced to be individualists and egoists. the orientation was not the values but the material things. of consumerism. the worst effect of consumerism in this novel was that all characters except nick sacrificed gatsby. although he had sacrificed all his belongings to others including daisy, other characters ignored him. on his funeral, no one was there except nick and his father. from the discussion on the meaning of green light, we can see that there was a movement to criticize consumerism (although the main character could not avoid it). he consumed based on the value of love that he believed. appearance is not the most important thing. it is only a way to achieve valuable things. it does mean that to associate the green light with american dream is not less worthy as stated in the book of rule (2009: 1). finding out the meaning of green light can be related to recent problems, as eco said that we could take one of the branches of the compositional meaning tree to find out what we need. additional information is taken from burnman (1952: 7), that green light is a representative of ‘go ahead’. the symbol of green light can have different meaning due to its branch of compositional tree. based on the explanation above, green light is an opposition toward the current of consumerism. from this, we learn that we do not need to consume very expensive things only to get people’s attention. it is better to appreciate one’s positive side, and to prioritize humanity. avoiding the main stream which we is not good for us will lead us to great thing. references bondanella, peter. umberto eco and the open text: semiotics, fiction, popular culture. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1997. burnam, t., the eyes of dr. eckleburg: a reexamination of" the great gatsby". college english, 1952. vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 123 cady, edwin harrison, eds. the growth of american literature. volume two. new york: american book company, 1956. corey, lewis. the decline of american capitalism. new york: corici, friede publisher, 1934. eco, umberto. a theory of semiotics. bloomington: indiana university press, 1976. fitzgerald, f. scott. the great gatsby. new york: charles scribner’s’ sons, 1925. miles, s., consumerism: as a way of life. new york: sage, 1998. pendergast, t. “consuming questions: scholarship on consumerism in america to 1940.” american studies international, 1998: 23-43. rule, l. a., “approaches to teaching fitzgerald's the great gatsby edited by jackson r. bryer and nancy p. vanarsdale.” the f. scott fitzgerald review, vol. 7 no. 1, 2009: 155-158. scrimgeour, g. j., against" the great gatsby". criticism, 1966: 75-86. williams, robin m., american society a sociological interpretation. second edition. new york: alfred a knopf, inc., 1966. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anastasia ratnaningsih 30 indonesian online news: where does the bias go? anastasia ratnaningsih faculty of languages and literature, petra christian university abstract the shift from printed articles to online articles makes online news even more important for us. this saying is also applied in indonesia, as people in indonesia have started to turn toward online news rather than printed ones. due to the interest indonesians have gathered toward online news, it is important for online news to be as objective as possible, as it becomes a primary source of information and the latest updates. for this reason, this research delves into the world of indonesian online news to see how objective it is. this research uses as its subject of research, and propaganda model becomes the primary theory with critical discourse analysis (cda) as its framework. propaganda model uses ownership, advertising, sourcing, flak, and fear as aspects used to measure the mass media, in this case indonesian online news. this research also uses ideology where power comes into play. through propaganda model, ideology, and cda, this research finds out that despite of the objectivity that is supposed to exist in indonesian online news, in this research is, only subjectivity and bias can be seen from it. the bias and subjectivity stem from various aspects. through propaganda model, this research finds out that those aspects are ownership, sponsorship, personal beliefs, and profit. despite the fact that is supposed to be neutral, there is little neutrality in their articles, as their articles are generated based on the bias made by the aspects mentioned. although this research only uses, becomes an example of how little objectivity indonesian online news has. being the source of information, it is expected to be objective and neutral. however, instead of being neutral, indonesian online news is biased with certain factors affecting the way the news is written. instead of having accurate and objective online news, it is written with bias and in non-neutral way. keywords:, cda, propaganda model, bias introduction news today is not like it was before. long ago before the internet, printing press, and other readable materials came into existence, relying news was like an endless chain of journey and hard work. news, similar with french’s nouvelles and german’s neues, is defined as new piece of information that is delivered to others, delivering the latest information as soon and as early as possible (stephens 1988: 13). for years the world relied on newspaper for the latest information, and it stayed that way for a while. everything changed when technology became more innovative with the invention of television, cellphones, radio, computers, laptops and other technological things. as technology keeps progressing day by day, many turns to news source that is easier for them to reach, and that is no other than online news. with many people having access to the internet easily these days, it is not a surprise anymore that many of them prefer to look at the latest news online rather than through television or radio. with many people accessing their latest information through online news, it is necessary to understand what online news is. from the explanation above, it can be assumed that online news is an article retelling a certain journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 31 event/incident through online means such as websites, comments, and so on. according to de wolk, online journalism is “quality news or information posted on the internet (particularly the world wide web) (2001). according to pavlik, the term is contextualized journalism. it means that the media written online can be presented better due to the various technological development that can be used for the news presentation instead of using the traditional paper and printing (pavlik, 2001: 217). as it can be seen, there are various definitions of online news. however, these definitions agree with one thing, and that is the fact that online news is presented in a virtual reality that cannot be accessed physically, from world wide web to application. seeing how online news is starting to become a part of the modern lifestyle, it is important to understand that online news is indeed important in indonesia. rizki ubaidilah told/stated his opinion regarding online media through kompasiana: “media online kini telah menjadi salah satu media komunikasi yang mulai mendapat banyak perhatian dari masyarakat. keberadaannya juga mulai menjadi favorit bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.” (ubaidilah, 2016) “online media has become one of the means of communication that is taken seriously by the society. it has also become one of society’s favorite place to look up for.” (ubaidilah, 2016) ubaidilah emphasized that online news can be enjoyed by any class in the society. a simple real-life example can be taken from line application. line is a social media that is used for one-to-one or a group conversation in the cellphone. however, line has another section in its application entitled line news. in line news, articles from various websites are provided. with just a click, line users can read the article from the website. this is an extremely simple example, but it is an example that is done by many people. according to a survey done by jakpat in 2016, there are 30 million line users in indonesia, and 86% of them are active users (jakpat 2016). 30 million people are line users, meaning that 30 million have access to line news with just a simple swipe and click. 30 million might not be nothing compared to the number of population in indonesia, but it is no small number. moreover, this is only line application. there are other applications such as bb, babe, and others. all of the news in the applications also has their individual websites, meaning that people can go directly to their websites without having to use application as its medium. this is how influential technology is, and seeing the influence technology has, it makes sense for news to appear online. this is why online news are important, especially in indonesia. it has been established that indonesian online news is the perfect information giver for our society today. it gives the latest information, and is easy to be accessed for the current generation whose technology has dominated many aspects of their lives. however, this where things come into play. as the information giver for society in indonesia, it is important for online news to deliver news the way it is. the news should be delivered according to how the event actually happened without any interference (warren 1999: 203). this means that no matter who the reporter is friend with, no matter who owns the publishing company, no matter who funds the company, the news should be reported objectively. the news delivered should be honest, unbiased and isolated from any side (calcutt& hammond 2011: 97 – 114). unfortunately, there is no such thing as neutral media. newton said that media is always biased because journalists are unable to present all the facts about in the news, selecting facts considered necessary for them (as cited in goodin and reeve 1989). because of that, finding an unbiased media becomes hard to do or maybe impossible. however, sometimes we do not realize the bias in media because they are not implicitly stated in the news. this is where the research comes into play. this research would like to see the reason why online indonesian news is biased. there is always a reason behind their bias, and the researcher would like to find out what the reason of the bias. the researcher would also like to find the subtlety of the bias and see how journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anastasia ratnaningsih 32 clever media insert their bias within their news. to discuss biases in newspapers, this paper employs critical discourse analysis using propaganda model as the framework. the researcher also used propaganda model that was proposed by chomsky and herman. propaganda model is used to read the elements of ideology in, and ideology within the subject is read through propaganda model. first, the researcher found the elements of propaganda model in a specific online media portal. after finding the elements of propaganda model, the researcher tried to find out how ideology and power/relations come into play in the bias within online indonesian news. the online media that is chosen for this research is the portal is the primary subject of this research that represents all online indonesian news. the researcher used due to the fact that the parent company (kompas) has existed in indonesia since 1965. it has survived soekarno era, soeharto era, and continues to remain steady in the modern era. the circulation of its newspaper is around 500,000, and 66% of that number circulated in greater jakarta in 2014 (kompas 2015). being a publishing company that has been around for 52 years with its newspaper circulation reaching over half a million, kompas becomes the pioneer of media that is continued to be trusted by the people. as one of the oldest publishing company that is considered to be trustworthy by society, it is necessary to see whether kompas is unbiased or not when it comes to delivering their online news. theories there are many definitions of ideology, but the one that is used in this research in its analysis is done by karl marx. marx argued that ideology is just a false consciousness that is planted by the ruling class (superstructure) to control working class (base) (marx 1978). despite of its being proposed in the 80s, it still can be applied today. marx’s ideology can still be seen today in the work force. employees (base) work for their employers (superstructure), and employees are given the ideology that they should obey their employers no matter what. such ideology becomes an ideology that is considered as normal and acceptable today. if we use critical discourse analysis and propaganda model, we can see how ideology affects indonesian online news. cda allows this research to understand the hidden meaning behind the online news published, and propaganda model is used to measure whether the ideology affects indonesian online news or not. another theory that is used to analyze news deliverance and read the ideology in is propaganda model. proposed by noam chomsky and edward s. herman in manufacturing consent, propaganda model is a theory stating that news deliverance is not objective (1988). in fact, news deliverance is affected by 5 factors called 5 filters of mass media. those factors are ownership, advertising, sourcing, flak, and anticommunism or fear. in the book manufacturing consent, chomsky and herman explained the history of ownership and the need of huge amount of investment for media companies. the book explained that in the first half of the nineteenth century, the media managed to unite the working force, forcing the investors and business owners to meet their demands. to retaliate this, the government pushed a huge amount of taxes for publishing companies, and the machinery to produce the newspapers or magazines were sold at a ridiculous amount of price (pp. 3 – 5). investors were needed to meet the total amount of asset necessary to publish the newspapers and magazines. the chart provided on page 9 shows the holding powers within media corporations in 1986. of course, such traditional is applied not only in america but also in many parts of the world. being largely dependent upon investors and owners, it makes sense for publishing companies and newspaper publishers to be careful with what they are writing about. with one little move, the publishing company can lose the assets needed to stand. as chomsky and herman has said: “they [media firms] are journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 33 controlled by very wealthy people or by managers who are subject tosharp constraints by owners and other market-profit-oriented forces” (p. 14). sometimes investors are not enough to cover production costs in publishing companies. the goal for the business is to earn as much as they can while let go as minimum as possible. this is where advertisements come into play. before advertisements arrive, publishing companies only depend on the price of newspapers to cover the costs and other spending. however, by using advertisements, companies can lower the price of their products while earning more than they used to. the book took the example of the collapse of daily herald, news chronicle, and sunday citizen in great britain during the 1900s (p. 15). sunday citizen only gained one tenth of the net advertising avenue of sunday times. although daily herald’s audience is more than those of guardian, the one who is standing until now is guardian. as it can be seen, advertisement plays a big role at providing income for media corporations. by gaining income from advertisement, media corporations can lower the price of the products, gaining more readership and viewers. more audience means more income. combined with the income from advertisement, the total income would be doubled than those who publish without or with little advertisements. this is why being on the “good side” of advertisements is important for media corporations. losing advertisements means losing income, and that is what media corporations would like to happen the least. it is important for all media corporations to cover important issues or issues that can gain readership the most. the rivalry among media corporations is a serious issue, therefore catching up with each other on the “hottest” topic becomes a fairly common sight to see in the media. however, that becomes one of the main problems in media corporations. human resource is not unlimited, and they cannot be in all places at the same time. that is why it is important for journalists or reporters to have sources in several places. by having sources, news writes do not need to be at the location of the event. they can contact their source and ask the source regarding the event that happened. the person giving the details regarding the event becomes the primary source of the published news. having source gives lots of benefits. having sources makes it more efficient at gaining the latest information, and it cuts the cost of investigating news. once again, the benefit becomes the downside in delivering news. again, sometimes the media needs to be on the good side of their sources in order to hold their sources until the end. chomsky and herman used the example of using defense department as the media source. defense department once refused to participate in a discussion because experts from center for defense information were planned to appear on the program (p. 22). although this is an example of one issue only, it shows how big the control of sources is, especially if the source is an influential source. according to chomsky and herman, flak is the negative response the media received (p. 26). the response can be in many forms, from letters, protest rally, to press conference. no matter what the form is, the goal of flak is go against the news that is published by the media. an example in indonesia is the flak against news written regarding the case of sidoarjo mud flow that happened in 2006. the mud flow happened in drilling location owned by pt lapindo brantas. the victims of the mud flow protested by marching from sidoarjo to jakarta in 2012. the protest rally became one of the hottest topics during that time. from newspaper to tv news, almost every media (except those belonging to bakrie) reported the protest rally. however, later on, in a talk show that aired in tvone (which belongs to bakrie who also owns pt lapindo brantas), a lapindo victim mud flow apologized to bakrie, crushing the 25-day rally into something futile. sidoarjo mud flow is a perfect example of how flak works. media corporation belonging to bakrie avoided the topic of sidoarjo mud journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anastasia ratnaningsih 34 flow negatively, while other media reported it. bakrie’s group responded to media report by the talk show which put bakrie in a positive spotlight, although tvone’s independency was questioned by the society at that time (daniel h.t. 2014). of course, not all flaks become a huge issue just like lapindo mud flow. however, the example given above shows that flak is something that should not be underestimated. the last filter is the concept of fear/anticommunism. so far, communism is regarded as something evil that should be avoided at all cost: “communism as the ultimate evil has always been the specter haunting property owners, as it threatens the very root of their class position and superior status. the soviet, chinese, and cuban revolutions were traumas to western elites, and the ongoing conflicts and the well-publicized abuses of communist states have contributed to elevating opposition to communism to a first principle of western ideology and politics.”– (chomsky and herman, 1988: 29) such thing is also applied to indonesia. for many people in indonesia, the concept of communism is something that brings back negative feelings. an example of such thing is sri bintang stating that pdip (political party) should be disbanded rather than hti because she thinks pdipd believes in the concept of communism (simanjutak 2017). indonesian ulema council (mui) made a statement saying that moslem organizations should educate their members regarding the danger of communism (kurniasari, 2017). communism nowadays is regarded as the evil of society that should be avoided at any cost. and yet, nobody until now understands what kind of communism that should be feared. such fuzzy concept of something “evil” is the main issue here. the concept of communism here is unclear, and yet people fear it. using a fuzzy concept of “something evil” or “fear” as the main enemy is an effective tool for biased news deliverance. media, having the need to be necessary by the society, have no choice but to go with the flow of society’s idea. going against the society would lose audience, which means the loss if profit. rather than losing profit, media would rather gain more even if they have to go with the flow of society’s concept – a fuzzy concept of fear that is detested by all. there are several books and journals that can be used to learn about media and the bias within. an overall understanding of media can be read in media essentials: a brief introduction (2018) by richard campbell, richard martin, and bettina fabos. the understanding of media bias can be read in tully’s, vraga’s, and smithson’s journal titled “news media literacy, perceptions of bias, and interpretation of news” (2018). media bias in other countries can be seen from “media bias in china” by wu (2018). however, a complete understanding about indonesia’s media and the problems within are thoroughly explained by dudi sabil iskandar in his book titled keruntuhan jurnalisme (2015). methodology the nature of this research uses nonempirical data, interpretation, and the understanding of social issue surrounding indonesia. the nature of the research makes it unable to use the traditional means of quantitative research. flick (2014) stated that society makes it unable to interpret through data only, as it grows with other factors that cannot be measured by number. as this researcher has a similar condition described by flick, the research uses qualitative research as its methodology. the data were collected through several steps. the first step was understanding the nature of the research, the topic, and their relations with the theories. after that, the researcher gathered the data by searching news related with jakarta governor’s election in 2017 by using google. the terms used for google are “ahok kompas,” “anies kompas,” and “pemilihan guberbur jakarta 2017 kompas” (jakarta’s 2017 governor election). other key terms the researcher used are “oppo kompas,” “uph kompas,” “ kompas,” “unilever kompas,” and “promosi “kompas.” the researcher took random news regarding the governor election and journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 35 sponsorship. however, the researcher made sure that the articles were published in 2017 for the governor election. other articles were taken randomly at random years. capital and ideology before we go further in analyzing, let us take a look at history of kompas overall. it all started when general ahmad yani expressed his wish to publish a newspaper that is neutral and independent. his friend frans xaverius seda, pointed p.k. ojong and jakob oetama (who published intisari during that time also) as the start of the desired newspaper. meanwhile, in 1964, soekarno pushed partai katolik to create a newspaper that can rival those of pki’s. because of that, some people from intisari were recruited to create the newspaper. p.k. ojong and jakob oetama had a meeting with leading catholic figures, and all of them agreed to build yayasan bentera rakyet for the newspaper (dhakidae 1991: 230 – 254). even though the newspaper’s aim was to rival pki’s media, some leading catholic figures including jakob oetama preferred to be neutral due to the heated political situation during that time. nevertheless, they followed the instruction that was given to them (oetama as cited in ishwara, 1980). however, the publication of the newspaper entitled bentera rakyat was not easy. pki was unwilling for the newspaper to be published, but bung karno gave them the permission to be published. however, permission from panglima militer jakarta could only be gotten if the institution could get 5000 signatures of future subscribers. to get them, the journalists went to flores because the majority of people living in flores were catholics (dhakidae 1991: 237 – 244). however, the name of the newspaper was changed from bentara rakyat to kompas by soekarno (kompas). when 30 september movement happened, kompas mysteriously stopped publishing and started publishing again in 6 october 1965. kompas, now under a media conglomerate named kompas gramedia group, continues on. p.k. ojong passed away on 31 mei 1980. in 2006, agung adi prasetyo became the ceo of kompas gramedia group. however, on 10 august 2015, lilik oetomo replaced prasetyo as the ceo of kompas gramedia group. lilik oetomo is the president pt grahawita santika. many believed that agung resigned because kgg leans toward business and property instead of media now, and it can be seen from lilik oetomo’s rise as kgg’s new ceo (ramli 2017). according to 5 filters of mass media, ownership plays a big role at the writing and deliverance of news. although the owners of kgg shares are unknown, the history of kgg above can show how ownership does affect the news. if we take a look at the history, catholics and christianity play a big role at building the foundation of kgg. moreover, the fact that p.k. ojong was a chinese descendant should be taken into consideration. seeing how the majority of kgg owners are catholics, it makes sense for to deliver neutral to positive news regarding ahok. below are examples of titles of the news published in “sudah bermaafan, bamus betawi berterima kasih kepada ahok” (12/6/2017) “survey smrc, 76% warga jakarta puas akan kinerja ahok” (12/4/2017) “isi waktu sel tahanan, ahok olahraga bergelayut” (16/5/2017) “tiga ahli pbb desak indonesia bebaskan ahok” (22/5/2017) “populi center: agus-sylvi 21,8%, ahokdjarot 40%, anies-sandi 30,3%” (6/2/2017) “ending in truce, bamus betawi expresses thanks to ahok” (12/6/2017) “smrc’s survey stated that 76% of jakarta citizens are satisfied with ahok’s work performance” (12/4/2017) “ahok spends time exercising while in jail” (16/5/2017) “three un experts urge indonesia to release ahok” (22/5/2017) “populi center: agus-sylvi 21,8%, ahokdjarot 40%, anies-sandi 30,3%” (6/2/2017) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anastasia ratnaningsih 36 those titles are news about ahok taken randomly at various times, starting from him nominating himself for jakarta governor election to him being jailed for the accusation of religion blasphemy. out of 5 news items, only 1 news item gives a neutral impression, and that 1 news item does not create a negative image for ahok. according to hewstone, one might side to a certain group due to the fact that the person is a part of the group itself. hewstone explained further that a person who shares an attribute with another person (ingroup), both of them have the tendency to favor positive behavior and tries to give an excuse for each other’s behavior (1990: 311 – 335). if we look at kgg’s history and ahok’s background, it can be understood why the news in has the tendency to favor ahok. the founders of kgg were mostly catholics, sharing the belief of christianity with ahok. ahok is also a chinese descendant, the same with the late p.k. ojong. when people think that sides with ahok, that is no longer a “conspiracy theory;” it is a fact that they favor ahok. however, does not express their positive opinion regarding ahok explicitly. after all, there are many rivalries within the media business, including the ones done online. the group needs to generate profit, even when they have to “deny” what they believe in. this is according to the definition of capitalism, where the overall goal of a system is to bring profit (scott and marshall 2005). if were to stay true with their ideology regarding ahok, they would not be able to generate profit from the opposing party. that is why kompas still writes neutral news regarding ahok such as “polisi: buni yani tidak lihat video lengkap pidato ahok di kepulauan seribu”, “akan dieksekusi, ahok kemungkinan dipindahkan ke lapas ini...”, and “acta nilai ahok batal banding sebagai strategi untuk ajukan pk”. tried to bring audience from both sides click on their news and so that they can bring more profit for the group. generating profit also seems to be the main goal for advertisements in by the time this paper is written, there are 6 advertisements that dominated in desktop and mobile version. the advertisements come from, oppo, sekolah pelita harapan (sph), and unilever. below is the table that contains the news and the sponsors of the advertisements: table 1. news and sponsors list sponsors news “persiapkan libur lebaran dengan promo cicilan 0% dari” (6/6/2017) “pepare your eid-al-firt holiday with’s promotion with 0% interest” (6/6/2017) oppo “penjualan perdana f3 pecahkan rekor oppo di indonesia” (15/5/2017) “oppo a57 resmi dijual di indonesia, usung kamera "selfie" 16 mp” (27/4/2017) “salip oppo, huawei vendor smartphone nomor satu di china” (26/04/2017) “video 23.000 ponsel oppo dipreteli dan digilas untuk dimusnahkan” (20/05/2017) “f3’s initial sales broke oppo’s sales record in indonesia” (15/5/2017) “oppo a57 with 16 mp “selfie” camera officially sold in indonesia” (27/4/2017) “surpassing oppo, huawei becomes number one phone in china” (26/04/2017) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 37 “leaked footage of 23.000 oppo cellphones being crushed” (20/05/2017) pelita harapan school “sekolah di dalam mall, konsep pendidikan baru di bogor” (14/05/2017) “pelita harapan rangkul siswa kurang mampu” (17/11/2009) “uph college, terobosan baru dunia pendidikan indonesia” (13/10/2009) “drama musikal klasik di karawaci dan usmar ismail” (15/3/2008) “school in mall: a new education concept in bogor” (14/05/2017) “pelita harapan embraces underprivileged students” (17/11/2009) “uph college, a new breakthrough in indonesia’s education system” (13/10/2009) “classical music drama in karawaci and usmar ismail” (15/3/2008) unilever “unilever optimistis pertumbuhan bisnis lebih baik pada 2017” (11/01/2017) “unilever komitmen terus tingkatkan investasi di indonesia” (6/06/2017) “35 tahun melantai di bursa, aset unilever tumbuh 110 kali lipat” (11/01/2017) “gandeng tokopedia, unilever melebarkan sayap ke dunia digital” (21/02/2017) “unilever optismistic regarding business growth in 2017” (11/01/2017) “unilever committed to improve indonesia’s investation” (6/06/2017) “35 years in stock exchange, unilever’s value increases 110 times the original value” (11/01/2017) “univeler expands its wings into the digital world by partnership with tokopedia” (21/02/2017) on the news about the sponsors above, it can be seen that none of the news regarding the sponsors are written negatively. the only news where the sponsor wasn’t put into the spotlight is the news about oppo where huawei surpassed oppo in china, and that news was based on survey and sales count.’s preference to oppo can also be seen in the last news of oppo’s, which is a quip for samsung. such treatment for advertisements is in accordance to the 5 filters, where the news should treat the advertisers carefully in order not to lose sponsor and profit. even when the journalist has to quip another product indirectly, he has to do so for the sake of profit. when we see the analysis done, we see that leans towards profit and generating income. despite the fact that kgg is siding with ahok, they are not able to let go of the fact that they need to generate income. they think they need to create profit, and this leads to news “sucking up” to both pro and anti-ahok. this is in accordance with marx’s statement of ideology where we think that a system is “right”, and we need to be in accordance with that system. in this case, the system kgg upholds is the profit-oriented system that revolves around money. the idea of “generating income as much as possible in every way possible” becomes the ideology that is accepted by the working class in kgg, even if they have to throw away their beliefs and time for it. journalists who do not agree with kompas have no choice but to write positive news regarding ahok and vice versa. it is the nature of employer-employee relationship that needs to be obeyed by the working class in kgg. because of that, the journalists and reporters have no say about the news they wrote. they do as they are told and write what they have been told to write. moreover, the working class in kgg accepts such system. they believe that keeping silent and do whatever they are told as their truth. they accept it as a daily part of their lives instead of rebelling against such system. the news journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anastasia ratnaningsih 38 published in is a silent proof of the working class’ obedience. if they rebelled to the system who believes that generating income and keeping silent is correct, why would the articles be published in production and ideology the golden rule to please source is to make sure that the leading figures the source admires are not written negatively. however, when a media writes about two different political figures, that is where the conflict in writing comes in. sometimes it is hard to know which political figure is favored by which source, especially if a media corporation has different sources. to make it more complicated, different sources mean different favored political figures. the best approach for such problem is to write the news as neutral as possible. however, it is a fact that being neutral is impossible for media. if a media cannot be neutral, what should be done in order to look as neutral as possible? before we delve further in people’s reaction regarding, let us take a look at the news that were published by about anies and ahok on table 2: table 2. news titles in ahok anies luhut ingatkan anies-sandi bakal dituntut pengembang reklamasi (23/05/2017) luhut reminds anies-sandi regarding the development of jakarta bay’s reclamation (23/05/2017) “teman ahok” puji ketegaran ahok dan keluarga (23/05/2017) “teman ahok” praises ahok and his family’s resilience (23/05/2017) prabowo optimis anies-sandie menang pilkasa dki (19/04/2017) prabowo is optimistic anies-sandie will win the jakarta governor election (19/04/2017) tawa ahok-djarot… (19//04/2017) ahok-djarot’s laugh… (19//04/2017) hidayat nur wahid: kemenangan aniessandi adalah kemenangan akal sehat (11/06/2017) hidayat nur wahid: anies-sandi’s victory is the victory of sagacity (11/06/2017) sudah bermaafan, bamus betawi berterima kasih kepada ahok-djarot (11/06/2017) “ending in truce, bamus betawi expresses thanks to ahok” (12/6/2017) luhut minta anies-sandi tanggung jawab jika jakarta tenggelam karena stop reklamasi (8/05/2017) luhut demand anies-sandi’s responsibility if jakarta bay sinks due to the halt of land reclamation (8/05/2017) pendukung ahok bawa 10.000 balon ke balai kota (8/05/2017) ahok’s supporters bought 10.000 balloons to town hall (8/05/2017) anies: kirain sudah bebas banjir (16/02/2017) anies: i thought jakarta is already free from flood (16/02/2017) ahok tidak ingin banjir di jakarta seperti sinetron yang berkepanjangan (16/02/2017) ahok does not want jakarta flood to stay in the long run (16/02/2017) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 39 the titles of news compiled above are an example of’s approach to look as neutral as possible. they do not explicitly state that they do not favor a certain political figure. in fact, always writes the news in both sides. however, they implicitly state it through another person’s statement or the statement of the person itself. if we compare news published regarding anies, they do not sound as pleasing as the ones published regarding ahok. after all, luhut kept reminding anies regarding reklamasi, and anies gave an impression of an unpleasant person when he quipped ahok in news number 5. although prabowo claimed to be optimistic, the fact that anies is in one faction with prabowo can no longer be hidden, and not many people like it. hidayat nur wahid claimed that anies’ victory is the victory of moderate moslem, but such statement only gives a reverse effect, as the statement made many people find out that anies is suspected to be a radical moslem. the tone in ahok’s news is different from the one in anies’. in ahok’s news, ahok and his family are portrayed as saints because they are able to stay strong despite of the turbulences they are going through right now. although ahok lost the election, he still sounds like a positive person because he laughed despite of the result of the election. ahok also looks like a forgiving person with charisma, as he made the organization that despised him thanked him. he also has “fun” followers because they bought balloons to the town hall (despite the fact that it is actually a protest rally). unlike the opposite political party, ahok seems like a responsible person who does not quip others easily as he does not blame others for the flood in jakarta in february. through words and framing, managed to conceal their favored political party and made themselves look neutral. they do this because they tried to please their sources as much as possible. by making themselves “neutral”, cannot be accused of being subjective by both the sources and the readers. of course, making themselves “neutral” does not mean that nobody protests against kgg. in fact, kgg received many flaks because of the news they wrote both in and newspapers. one example of flak was when a group of fpi members went to kgg’s headquarters at the end of june 2016. they protested that kgg always put the moslems in a negative spotlight. however, it was later on revealed that most of the research done by the fpi members were inaccurate (shofwan 2016). however, flaks appeared again when started delivering positive news regarding ahok. this time, most of the flaks were in the form of online opinions. just write “kompas pro-ahok” in google search, and you will find such titles in the result: “antara fakta dan berita palsu soal demo 4 november, ahok, kompas tv, dan lainnya” (bbc) “sombongnya kompas cetak tantang banjir di jakarta” ( “artikel yang kontra terhadap aksi 212” ( “between facts and hoaxes on 4 november’s protest: ahok, kompas tv, and others” (bbc) “kompas’ arrogance regarding jakarta flood.” ( “article that contradicts with 212 action.” ( the first news tried to clarify whether kompas tv reporter was the one who provoked the 4 november rally and turned it into a riot. the second article criticized kompas and the news they published regarding the flood in february, and the last article listed and its group as one of the media who was against the 212-peace protest. the examples of flaks given above are examples of the balance for the bias that is presented by and its group. by going against the implicit bias that is presented by, the flaks become another way for the society to see the bias that are hidden within the news of and other kgg media. although the flaks are considered as negative response by and kgg, in another way it becomes the gateway of truth for society, as it presents the hidden bias and kgg tries its best to hide. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) anastasia ratnaningsih 40 the reason why and kgg are criticized often is because of the bias it has towards ahok. ever since the case of religion blasphemy ahok is accused of doing, not many moslem sympathize with ahok. fpi’s ulama in jakarta shows this when he testified in one of ahok’s trials. the reason why he does not sympathize with ahok is the fact that ahok did blasphemy toward his religion (islam) and that ahok is too frank with people (siswanto as cited in riana 2017). it can be understood why people do not favor ahok’s frankness and quirky ideas during his time as a governor (recording and releasing videos of meetings in youtube and others). what ahok did is different from the rest. this is the first time in modern time where indonesia has a political figure that is different from the rest. this resulted in many people fearing ahok, seeing him as a change that is not prepared to be accepted by many people. for this reason, people treat ahok as “fear”, something that needs to be rejected and removed no matter what. because of this, many people protested against and kgg. when a media is biased towards the “fear” of society, it would be rejected and criticized. conclusion from the analysis above, we can see that is indeed biased toward its beliefs. leans toward catholics, christians, and other ideas that are not in the same wavelength with many people. this is due to the system kompas gramedia group was built upon. it was started by a catholic political party with most of its members being writers of a catholic magazine. even though time has passed on, the root of its foundation has seeped in so deep to the point where it becomes the bias of kgg. however, they do not show their bias explicitly. they hide their bias and implicitly presents it through implicit meanings within their news. those who are not aware of the bias will not be aware which side and kgg favors. at the same time, and kgg are demanded to follow the demand of their ideologies. they are trapped with the ideology of profit, where it is necessary for them to gain readership as much as possible no matter what. they also need to please their source by having the need to be as “neutral” as possible. there is also the problem of flaks where, if the case becomes serious, can make and kgg lose readership. in fact, it has been done so through the protests done and the online opinions written regarding the group, especially now that many believe that kgg is biased toward “the fear” (ahok). demanded to produce profit and gain trust from their sources, kgg is willing to throw away the rooted system it has and is slowly leading toward the path where profit becomes the most important aspect of all. in here we see a clash of ideologies, one being a system that has been implemented since a long time ago, one being the false ideology that turns profit into god. the working class of and kgg also become the victim of this, since the false ideology is pounded into their heads. now, sacrificing personal beliefs and time for the sake of news we do not agree becomes something that is considered as normal, and there is no resistance regarding such life. although this research only uses and kgg as its subjects, this is something that should be taken seriously. is a part of kgg, one of the largest media corporations in indonesia. moreover, it has been standing since 1965, and many people turn to and its 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2580-5878 (online) gholam abas nafisi, mohammad ali davood a.f. & ali sar yaghoubi 56 no iranian that reads tārīkh-i bayhaqī (bayhaqi's history) book and is not influenced by the honesty of the author and great historian and does not feel to be close to him. there is no one who reads the life story of hasanak the vizier and does not blow in tears with the weeping of the author’s pen. the strong cultural and literary link between iranians and countries like afghanistan and tajikistan is such that centuries of separation have not been able to disassociate their hearts, because no one can erase the love of the great people like rudaki, rumi, abu reyhan biruni (al-biruni) and abusa'id abolkhayr from the heart of people of these lands. therefore, in order to revive this cultural and historical affinity of people who share many common grounds and have loved the works of their great authors for centuries, an effort should be made to analyze and remind these respected commons to provide the ground for the affinity of the persian speaking people and benefit from the richness of this reviving culture that has been cultivated for centuries among these nations, and not to let the geopolitical and political separations of the nations lead to their cultural and literary separations. contemporary tajik poetry content tajik poets, following the example of bidel’s poetry, and enjoying the rhetorical figures of indian poetry style, moved towards imagism in poetry. although some poets like muhammad naqib khan tugrul ahrari (1865 1919) considered themselves fascinated by abdul qadir bidel dehlavi and, as their poems show, followed him, but despite their talent, they did not succeed much because of mere imitation of bidel's poetry. in this regard, sadriddin ayni says “tugrul imitates bidle, but like many of bidle ’s imitators, he has not succeeded in this pursuit. the talent of tugrul was very complete and his imagination was capable of ascension. if he has not captivated his taste in imitating bidel, and he knew himself well, he would have excelled in his own time” (ayni, sadriddin, 2016, pp. 41-409). zafarkhan jowhari is another tajik poet who imitated bidel and sadriddin ayni has spoken of him (ayni, sadriddin, 2016, p. 109). in addition to the effect of bidel's poetry, tajik poetry has been influenced by russian romantic poets, too. nevertheless, they still enjoy the ancient persian poets and one can see the rhetorical figures such as metaphor, simile, conflict, pun, iham, proverb, husn-i ta'lil, and figures that are well-known today such as imagery and paradox in their poems. tajik poetry, in comparison with afghan poetry, has been less associated with iranian contemporary poetry. tajik poetry is very close to the dialect of the native people. in the works of poets such as mū’min qanoat, bozor sobir, loiq sher-ali, and gulrukhsor safieva, you see a language spoken by the people on the streets. in these poems, we encounter words that are only available in the tajik dialect (mojib mehrdad: december 6, 2009). according to tajik scholars, the first persian she'r-e now (new poetry) in central asia was written by sadriddin ayni. when tajik poetry was experiencing turbulence and indolence, few young people entered the field and created a new path for their language and culture, contrary to the current destructive stream. these were mū’min qanoat or the “nima of mian roodan”, who initiates this trend, and the bozor sobir and loiq sher-ali who followed him. these are the first people who breathed a new life in the dead body of the tajik poetry and created hope for people who were drowning in a foreign culture. replying to those who called the persian language three different names with wrong intentions, mū’min qanoat says either you call it farsi or dari say what you say or you call it the good words of coquetry say what you want for me, it is only the mother tongue this is like the breast milk there is no other thing to liken it to since it is the mother's love. bozor sobir also expresses his objection to the current situation with language. his “zaban madari” (mother tongue) poem expresses the painful history of the tajik people. whatever it had in this world, it lost it had balkh and bukhara, it lost it had a great tradition and the court of justice, it lost journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 57 it had the throne of saman, it lost ... the young poetry of present tajikistan breathes with full glory in the persian language territory, and it has a great contribution to this process. poets such as siavash, rostam, farzaneh khojandi, ali ajami, soroush esfandiar, dara nejat and others are known by their works in the entire persian language territory. on the other hand, tajiks also know the poems of poets such as bahmani, monzavi, salman harati, ali moalem, and najme zare in iran, and parto naderi, sami hamed, qahar assi, seyyed reza mohammadi, sharif sa'idi and others in afghanistan. this reveals a promise for the re-establishment of a major language territory. language and literature as the identity of tajik people in the introduction to the book “sample of tajik literature” on the importance of the work of sadriddin ayni, dr. ali-asghar sherdost writes “sample of tajik literature was the tip of the iceberg, although prepared in a hurry and quickly, it was able to silence the tumult of the mob that was going to deny the national, ethnic, and cultural identity and the ethnic language of tajiks, and bring them to their knees. that's why tajiks still consider the “sample of tajik literature” as the proof of their identity and they appreciate it and are proud of it (ayni, sadriddin: 1385, p. b). sadriddin has a long tarji-band that is full of curses, curses on the oppressors who gain power by slaughtering people and commit numerous crimes to keep their power. this throne, instead of bringing peace and security, causes the nation to be miserable. in this poem, sadriddin curses the oppressors from the bottom of his heart and fully expresses his hatred. such curses and complaints of the time clearly indicate that the noble tajik people have gone through many hardships and lost many lives for the sake of their love and interest in the language of their ancestors, i.e. persian language. as a result, now that they have found a small relief and have survived the former soviet communist regime by the independence of the tajik countries, and have been able to establish relations with their neighboring countries who speak the same language, it is not unlikely that they will need to communicate with the people who have spoken their language for a long time in order to rejoin their historical past, and benefit from the eternal sea of persian language and literature (sherdost, 2010). bozor sobir the professor bozor sobir, along with mū’min qanoat and loiq sher-ali, were the founders of the literary-cultural movement after years of forgetting and silence among tajiks. the obvious difference between bozor sobir and others is that when other poets talk about their homeland, they also a little consider the soviets, while bozor sobir wanted to draw the true borders of his country begun at the start of alienations for the tajiks in his poetry. in his poem, he does not speak of any country but tajikistan, and tajikistan appears with another manifestation. the beautiful nature of tajikistan has less found its true and elegant appearance in other poetries than in his. in tajik poetry, these figures are referred to as wisdom symbols and glorious and liberating myths for future generations. bozor sobir's poetry was written in the same language of tajik poetry at that time. tajik poets have paid less attention to the language itself and its structure in their poetry. the images are so simple that they cannot be easily detected in these poems. tajik poetry is more reliant on emotion and content and the poet forgets the language when writing the poem. tajik poetry is epic. tajik accent is naturally rigorous and is the most favorable bed for epic poems. the poems of sobir are tremendous, especially when he wants to make a show. in tajik poetry, you see very old words along with informal words. it is hardly possible to disclose the boundaries of formal and informal languages in these poems. this fact is both evident at the lexical and the syntactic levels. the love poems of bozor sobir are unique. in his poems, the beloved sometimes has a natural manifestation, or in other words, it is a journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) gholam abas nafisi, mohammad ali davood a.f. & ali sar yaghoubi 58 part of tajikistan's beautiful and diverse nature or vice versa, nature appears in the form of a beloved in his poem. in his poems, we see impressive images that are completely new and defamiliarize our aesthetic sense, and art has no duty but eliminating the dust of familiarity from the eyes of the beholder: remained like an anonymous island in the midst of the sea of ancient memories the homeland, my love, your youth the homeland, my love, your youth (fire leaf, 1984, p. 11). bukhara is a sore wound in tajik poetry, a separated part of tajiks’ body that they always look at it with regret: the land of my poetry is not a grave of words it is the durability of the mountains and deserts of my homeland my alive native language is the language of spring thunder and rain my lips are opened to poems by springs and my heart by cascades not line by line, but stream by stream to my book has reached the water of the sea of zarfeshan (kofi site, 2009). loiq sher-ali professor loiq sher-ali is a major tajik poet that had a new perspective. with his innovations is rhyming schemes, and with his social-political-literary thoughts, he created a new era in tajik literature. he attracted the attention of literary people by writing the poem of “the name” published in 1959 in the influential literary magazine of “red east”. in loiq’s poems, one can see the grief of loneliness and the perplexity of his countrymen. the adventures that he had throughout his life have been very effective in expressing his feelings. when he contemplates on his past, he is worried about it and says: my childhood passed in solitude by harvesting and harvesters with a handful of clusters it passed across the field attention to nature, mountains, and the sea are observed in the poems of other tajik poets, too. sometimes the poet, by comparing himself to one of the manifestations of nature, expresses the words as if he is talking to a living creature (personification). in this conversation, the poet reveals his intention to express his inner feelings, as if he does not find someone to talk to. the themes of loiq’s poetry are diverse, from personal issues to social issues, to return to the past and to be proud of historical and contemporary characters, descriptions of the land and the peasants, etc. the poetry of loiq is first of all about human self-knowledge, which is in search of himself, his origin, his past, and the perception of his life and time, and it is because of this effort for selfknowledge that the poet talks about the ancient history of the nation and its great scholars and scientists, and recounts the current problems and sorrows of the nation (all poems, 2004, p. 5). loiq’s poetry links the contemporary poetry and the past tajik persian poetry. generally speaking, loiq is a traditionalist, but his new poetry is the common language of the people of his time. this is why he is popular among his compatriots. while adhering to the principles of traditional poetry, he has written many poems in the new style. his poetry expresses his talent and innovation so that with the use of appropriate rhetorical figures, he has been able to distinguish his poetry from other poets of his time. new poems of loiq, which has played a significant role in the evolutionary process of tajik contemporary poetry, is mostly influenced by the nimayi poetry of the poets of iran. nevertheless, he believed that nimayi poetry would not have a future in tajikistan since the taste of the tajik people would not be satisfied by the rhymeless nature of new poetry. loiq’s new poetry is not written completely in accordance with the principles of nimayi poetry. he mostly writes charpareh and changes the length of the hemistiches, bringing his poetic thoughts to his audience. the iranian nimayi poets who had significant supporters in tajikistan include nader naderpour, fereydoon tavaloli, forough farrokhzad, khanlari, sayeh, and journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 59 kasraei. present poets of tajikistan have benefited greatly from their poems. although loiq is inspired by the poems of the poets of iran, his creativity and art are completely visible in his new poems. about the inspiration of loiq sher-ali, professor alam jan khajeh morad says “the inspiration of loiq by other poets of the twentieth century in iran has not been uniform in different periods of his poetry writing. in creating a series of his poems called “madar nameh” (the book of the mother) he was creatively influenced by iraj mirza, and in writing ghazal by rahi mo'airi, shahriar, simin, akhavan-sales and the like. the poem of “kaveh weeping on the death of his seventeen sons” by loiq reminds you of the akhavansales’s poem of “for this sadness, not only my eyes shed blood”. however, unlike the current poetry of tajikistan, which in its entirety engages in national issues, loiq's poetry is not free of individual concerns and philosophical thoughts. loiq sometimes writes about love, with its earthly and everyday meaning, human life and relationships, and life and death. he considers death a reason for rebirth and motivation of dynamism in the ongoing route of life (elegy of death, p. 35). loiq's poetry is content oriented, like the poems of mū’min qanoat and bozor sobir, a poem that is filled with love for tajikistan and the historical pains of its people. loiq is powerful in writing ghazals, too, and his contemporaneous poets have used classical forms less than him and have been less successful. he has written ghazal, dobayti, ruba’i (quatrain) and charpareh, and there are undoubtedly spectacular samples among his works, which are rare in tajik poetry and especially in these formats. however, loiq has shown his capabilities in do-bayti and ruba’i more than other formats. his ruba’is cover the subjects of worldliness, caring for happy moments (carpe diem), and everyday romantic issues. as the love of a mother, he has well-developed the torn-apart homeland and the hope for a reunion of culture in this short format. no other contemporaneous poets equate him in terms of quantity and quality of writing do-bayti and ruba’i. many of these do-baytis and ruba’is are retold by tajiks and are sang in ceremonies. gulrukhsor safieva gulrukhsor is the most famous female poet of tajikistan. this reputation is due to both her sweet poetry and her multifaceted character as a poet, novelist, and politician. ms. gulrukhsor safieva is a popular tajik poet that published her first poems in 1962 in literary magazines. she continued to work in the press as the head of the press office of the central committee of tajik komsomol and the editor of the pianar newspaper in tajikistan and was promoted to the secretariat of the tajik writers' association. “shelter in the shade”, “green women of spring” and “hardships of death” revealed another literary aspect of gulrukhsor and introduced her as a successful novelist to the contemporary tajik novelists and novel readers. the poetry books of gulrukhsor were published one after the other and each one more successful than the previous one. she introduces hafez and bidel as her first degree masters and considers her poetry more closely related to the poetry atmosphere of these two great poets. so far, two cassettes of poetry reading have been published with the voice of gulrukhsor: “alone woman's streets” and “tears of typhoon”, which still have a lot of popularity among tajik poetry lovers (surah mehr, no. 57). theme and content in tajik poetry, you see very old words along with informal words. it is hardly possible to disclose the boundaries of formal and informal languages in these poems. this fact is both evident at the lexical and the syntactic levels. the hardships of the life have made tajik poets, who have had many cultural, historical and national concerns, to use all their energies to express their unspeakable words in a simple way. this is why, according to mojib mehrdad, “the tajik poet, when speaking of his historical pains, uses the language recklessly, and he does not fear that this poem lacks an artistic aspect and anything that gives it an artistic journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) gholam abas nafisi, mohammad ali davood a.f. & ali sar yaghoubi 60 value. tajik poetry is a sensual poetry, one that blends the nature of the homeland and the cultural-historical homeland with nostalgia, quarrel, and complaints to make the body of tajik poetry. the tajik poet always feels a vindictive and envious enemy waiting behind the gates of his culture. he has inherited this feeling from his risky history” (tajikam, may 29, 2010). tajik poetry is full of awakening themes, and the poets were willing to maintain their enormous culture at any cost to escape the domination of foreigners. therefore, “during these years, the tajik poet sees that his culture, which has great scholars like ferdowsi, maulana and saadi, is ill-treated, his only homeland is divided, his great language loses its authority, and he can do nothing” (ibid.). nonetheless, tajik poetry has a beauty that influences persian speakers. as the tajik poet mojib mehrdad says “tajik poetry has beauties that have a special refreshing and sweet taste for the persian speakers. tajik poetry, unlike the poetry of iran and afghanistan, is the poetry of content, i.e poets pay attention to the theme in each poem, instead of dealing with transient moments and shortcuts and transient inspirations. although we see this style in iranian poetry in the works of nima and his successors, and in the poetry of afghanistan in the works of poets such as vasef bakhtari, latif nazemi, parto naderi and siah sang; akhavan is the epic writer and storyteller. however, tajik poetry, unlike the poetry of nima and akhavan, have become content-centered in accordance with russian poetry and poets such as pushkin, lermontov, sergei yesenin, mayakovsky, akhmatova, and mandelstam, since tajik poets had an organic link with the russian poetry through the russian language, in which they were all fluent. for this reason, whether mū’min qanoat, bozor sobir or loiq sher-ali, all have written poems like the bronze horseman by pushkin, letter to my mother by sergei yesenin, a cloud in trousers by mayakovsky, etc. (ibid.). what is repeated throughout the poems of all the poets of tajikistan, alongside the expression of the suffering of the separated homeland, and the lost history, especially in times of the russian rule, is the matter of love for mother, which is one of the central themes of tajik poetry. mother is very much honored by the tajiks. tajiks consider their homeland the same as a mother and their mother as tajikistan and consider no difference between the two. tajik poetry, from the perspective of the persian speakers of iran and afghanistan, is weak in terms of language usage, which is quite right, but the problem arises because iranians are less familiar with the syntactic structure and the wording of the tajik dialect resulted from forced geographical separations. this problem particularly occurs when tajiks remove any gap between their informal language and their literary language in previous generations. if we are familiar with these issues, many of these phonetic and syntactic weaknesses would not come up to us as flaws and will double the pleasure we receive by reading these poems. in any case, what is certain is that the poetry language of the second and third generations, using the possibility of new communication with persian sources and other persian speakers, has come closer to the standard persian language. however, the specific sweetness of reckless use of the language, which was mixed with rich native resources in previous generations, is less pronounced in the language of the new generation of poets. tajiks have encountered many injuries through especially those inflicted on them by the rule of the communist party, who intended to take away their identities and to eliminate their thousandyears-old culture and literacy. this has made tajik poets, who have had many cultural, historical and national concerns, to use all their energies to express their unspeakable words in a simple way. this is why, according to mojib mehrdad, “the tajik poet, when speaking of his historical pains, uses the language recklessly, and he does not fear that this poem lacks an artistic aspect and anything that gives it an artistic value (wonderful climate of tajik poetry, october 2009). the decline of tajik poetry about the superiorities and weaknesses of contemporary tajik poetry compared with the poetry of other persian poets, qanoat says “iranian scholars also say that the current poetry of tajikistan is superior to the poetry of other persian poets in terms of its theme, meaning, and realism. there is a defect in tajik poetry, however, that is related to the rules of persian poetry, namely, prosody, rhymes, rhetoric, and perspicuity. perhaps our poets journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 61 have benefited less from these language arts. that is because in their poetry, purpose and meaning are realistic, but the decoration of that particular meaning is not the same meaning, that is why the rhetorical figures are somewhat weak and old”. tajik poetry requires a thorough review. however, according to qanoat “tajik poetry requires a comprehensive review after the independence of tajikistan ...” dr. sherdost has divided the themes of tajikistan poetry in the “perspective of poetry of tajikistan” book as follows: a. poems that have a historical-national background and they talk about the history of the tajik people, their culture and native language, and relations with iran. in some of these poems, the poet searches for his lost identity with the help of the historical memory. those patriotic poems written in praise of tajikistan or iran are also in this group. b. mother and wife are also commonly-used topics of contemporary tajik poetry. almost every tajik poetic book has some poetry on these subjects. some poets, such as loiq sher-ali, have a poetic collection on this subject. c. childhood is also a constant theme of the works of every poet. the focus of contemporary tajik poets is on the same issue, too. d. war and peace are other themes of tajik poetry. since tajikistan, like other soviet republics, itself was part of a country that was one of the main fronts of the world war, many of its poets have written poems about the devastation of the war, the heroism of the soviet troops, and the propitiousness of peace. many of the featured poems are written on the same subject. “the angel of stalingrad” by mū’min qanoat is one of them. e. tajik poetry also has a lot of romance. love in tajik poetry like the poetry of most nations of the world is a feature that most poets have written about. f. nature is one of the old themes of persian poetry. following this tradition, the contemporary tajik poets have also depicted nature in their poetry. g. the political-social themes of tajik poetry can be explored in two branches: the period before the collapse of the soviet union and the post-independence period of tajikistan. in the first period, poems are full of praise, while the protest is formed in the second period, of which bozor sobir is the most prominent representative. based on the works studied, bozor sobir has poems in praise of the soviet union in the first period. although there is protest poetry in the first period and praise poetry in the second, they have no definitive nature. h. although the ethical advice is an old theme in persian poetry, it is presented in contemporary tajik poetry both traditionally and in other ways. i. due to the conditions, the religiousmystical poetry is still weak, but due to its remarkable start, we will see the flourishing of this branch in the future” (sherdost, ali asghar, 2010, pp. 83-84). recalling the magnificent history of the tajik people and the oppression that tajiks have come across in history is the source of many poems. among tajik poets, one cannot find anyone who has not written poems about it. we will find some spectacular examples in the works of the sobir bozor. in several poems, sobir speaks of the glory of the samanid era and the grief of his oppressed people. in a poetry, we find the poet at the side of the bukhara wall, putting his lips on the lips of the cracks of the wall, stroking its shoulders, and writing a grieving poem (ibid, 83-85). after the independence of tajikistan, culture and literature were also liberated from an ideological fence. contemporary poets have no more limitations in the open atmosphere and the literary environment filled with ups and downs. the poetry of independence era moves back to its root, foundation, and initial origin, and great poets such as rostam, siavash, khojasteh sayyad, farzaneh, soroush, esfandiar, afagh, azar, vares, dolat rahmanian and dozens of others bear the great duty of being a poet, who tie together the past and present of persian tajik poetry is in central asia. sadriddin has a long tarji-band that is full journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) gholam abas nafisi, mohammad ali davood a.f. & ali sar yaghoubi 62 of curses, curses on the oppressors who gain power by slaughtering people and commit numerous crimes to keep their power. this throne, instead of bringing peace and security, causes the nation to be miserable. in this poem, sadriddin curses the oppressors from the bottom of his heart and fully expresses his hatred. here is the last clause of the tarjiband: oh god! destroy that house of oppression oh god! bury that court of oppression oh god! that throne that made us miserable shatter it and raise it to the ground such curses and complaints of the time clearly indicate that the noble tajik people have gone through many hardships and lost many lives for the sake of their love and interest in the language of their ancestors, i.e. persian language. bozor sobir has a poem in which there are references to the history of its ancestral land, it has images that affect the reader: like the blood of the homeland from the neck of nizam al-mulk drop by drop we dripped the fluctuating history of the tajik people is more reflected in the works of loiq sher-ali and bozor sobir. in the poems of these two, the bitter fate of the samanids is depicted for the readers dolorously. in the following poem, bozor sobir addressed himself, whose tone is very sad. on the other hand, the sarcastic tone of the poem is obvious. the cry and adjuration of bozor are well heard between the lines of this poetry: ... shame on me, shame on me, shame on me ... i was before but i was not or what was i ... my face is in that sad image that pours sadly from sistan’s minarets and towers my grief is in those stones that are silent and crying in the tomb of rudaki and samanids i made bamian i processed kafian i lost kafian the throne of dara was in my way, i ruined it the treasure of qarun was in my hand i wasted it i considered it a piece of straw and a bunch of dirt shame on me, shame on me what have i done i expelled avicenna from the honorable bukhara i threw al-tirmidhi in the amo river last night i shed the blood of nizam al-mulk even i shed the blood of our land ... gulrukhsor also refers to the resistance of tajik people against the life events, and uses the word of taj (crown) to show the immortality of the tajik people: fate has overthrown many kings with crowns and has made kings beg the beggars so many qaruns has spoiled their life but tajik peoples have always worn the crown they have been looted many times but never looted others (selection of poems by gulrukhsor, p. 57; landscape p. 90). tajik poetry stylistics and aesthetics the review of contemporary poetry in tajikistan, will not categorize the poems written in this era as classified in typical stylistics of iran into the style of poets based on the place they lived in. although many scholars believe that the classification of different poetic styles in iran was not based on a correct method, they themselves did not provide the method they considered correct. due to the political and historical changes that took place in tajikistan in the contemporary century which was going to eradicate the persian language, poetry did not find good conditions to follow its normal course and flourish as in iran. therefore, the categorization of poetry periods in tajikistan journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 63 and afghanistan are remarkably different from the situation in iran. this is because the style of poetry in contemporary tajik literature have not followed a correct course. if we want to give a correct definition of the style of this period, we should say that we can find the trace of every style in tajik contemporary poetry. that is because the fighting poets, in order to save their persian poetry and language they have used the word to express their goal which was the struggle to keep the persian language alive, regardless of the texture of the words and use of rhetorical figures. as a result, poetry has sometimes been transformed into slogans without any specific features. many of the poems of this period are written in the same old forms of qasida (ode), ghazal, masnavi, do-bayti, qit’e, and sometimes musammat. we will describe each of them separately. qasida this form, which has been used extensively in ancient poetry, has not attracted much attention in contemporary tajik poetry. as a result, no qasida writing poet has emerged in tajikistan during this period. as bidel says: neither ghazal nor qasida will remain after us only two or three drops of tears from the pens will remain in addition to the factors that made the poetry of tajikistan stay away from qasida, one of the other factors was the language after the october revolution of this country, which attributed the perfection of the language of poetry to the bourgeoisie and reactionary, and qasida could not survive such circumstances. however, there are some long poems by some poets that can be considered as some kind of qasida. the political qasida by loiq with the following beginning lines is one of them: the land of stones, and we have no fortress every one of us a warlord, and we have no leader ... (a selection of poems by loiq, 1995, p. 179). conclusion from the review and comparison of the themes of contemporary poetry of afghanistan and tajikistan, it is concluded that the persian poetry of afghanistan is far superior to tajikestan poetry in terms of sophistication and consistency of the word and the use of rhetorical figures in the classical style. and the works of iranian poets are far superior to that of the two persian-speaking neighboring countries. these superiorities have been made due to their specific political and geographic conditions. because over the past century there has been more unrest in those countries, and the opportunity for cultural, literary, etc. development is only obtained when the people of the country are at peace over the years. this peace has been less available in afghanistan and tajikistan. moreover, the distancing of these countries from the iranian persian language and their particular conditions have caused the dialects to differ, and this difference is more evident between the language of the tajik people and iranian people. obviously, tajik and afghan dialects are different, and there are words and phrases in these languages that are less available in the iranian vocabulary. for instance, there are words specific to the people of tajikistan that either do not exist in the language of iranians or they have a different meaning. the names of the new instruments are different in iran, tajikistan, and afghanistan. ghazal tajik poets have tried to keep the form of ghazal alive in every situation. in the ghazals of first-generation poets, the lyric, classical, and political languages were parallel. the ghazal of “tajik song” by sadriddin ayni is one of them. some of the ghazal writers of this era, along with political poetry, have tried to improve lyric ghazal (real ghazal), too, and relying on the rich persian ghazal history, and being influenced by the indian style, they have created beautiful, yet simple ghazals. the impact of bidel's style on tajik poetry, especially in ghazal, is sometimes quite obvious. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 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2580-5878 (online) 41 the questioning of the concept of masculinity in joyce lebra’s the scent of sake sindhy sintya mianani & elisa dwi wardani & department of english letters, universitas sanata dharma abstract gender is the social construction of elaborating sex, which is supposed to be distinguished from the biological categories of being male or female. gender is said to be a very complex phenomenon and one has to acquire it through the process of socialization. sex itself determines gender, while gender determines gender roles, whether it is masculinity or femininity. this study discusses joyce lebra’s the scent of sake as a novel which portrays a violation to the concept of masculinity recognized in japanese male gender roles, or also known as daikokubashira, through the analysis of its male character, jihei. the discussion consists of the analysis of how jihei is depicted as an unmasculine man in the novel. then, followed by the discussion on the reason why jihei’s unmasculine characteristics are considered as a form of violation to the concept of masculinity recognized in daikokubashira. the results of this study shows that jihei is depicted as a man whose characteristics reject the masculine qualities expected by society. thus, they are also said as questioning the concept of masculinity recognized in daikokubashira. hence, it can be said that joyce lebra’s the scent of sake portrays and encourages masculinity as a mandatory characteristic which is supposed to be possessed by men, especially in patriarchal culture, but it also counts as a double-edged sword for them. keywords: questioning, masculinity, ‘daikokubashira’ introduction elaine showalter in feminism and literature states that the term gender is used to mean the social cultural and psychological constructs imposed upon biological sexual difference (1990: 197). it is the social construction of elaborating sex, the innate state of being female or male, and is said to be a very complex phenomenon. to acquire gender, one must identify it through a process of socialization and also a reflection on the existing power relations between women and men. in line with showalter, devor (1998: 10; 23-29) adds that sex determines gender, and gender determines gender roles, whether it is masculinity or femininity. masculinity, according to stets and burke in femininity/masculinity, is “the degree which a man sees himself based on what it means to be a man in society”, while femininity is found in women who are “investing the domestic role and being passive, cooperative and expressive.” hence, masculinity and femininity are rooted in the social, or one’s gender, rather than the biological, or one’s sex (1998: 3). when talking about gender roles, whether it is masculine or feminine, it is inevitable to separate the notion of gender stereotypes. a gender stereotype consists of beliefs about the psychological traits and characteristics of men and women, as well as the activities appropriate to men or women. gender roles are defined by behavior and influenced by beliefs and attitudes about masculinity and femininity accepted in the society. therefore, gender roles furnish the material for gender journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani & elisa dwi wardani 42 stereotypes. women are supposed to be feminine and men are supposed to be masculine. while one cannot maintain his/her gender roles, it is considered as a violation towards the values. this violation from the masculine paradigm, is a result from the devaluation of men gender role, or masculinity. such violation occurs when men harm themselves, harm others, or are harmed by others because of destructive norms related to the idea of masculinity. since masculinity itself also represents the primary values and standards that define, restrict, and negatively affect men’s lives. masculinity also refers to the beliefs about the importance of men adhering to the culturally defined standards for male behavior. as the result, such devaluations are followed by negative critiques of oneself or others when conforming to, deviating from, or rejecting stereotypical gender role norms of the idea of masculinity (o’neil, 2016: 13). joyce lebra’s the scent of sake is a good example of how the concept of masculinity becomes a double-edged sword towards its male character, jihei. taking the setting of tokugawa period in japanese, the scent of sake tells a story of a young woman named rie omura who marries a mukoyoshi named jihei who is chosen by her parents to secure and expand their family business relation. though jihei is outwardly in charge of the house of omura and the white tiger, rie is the brain behind the operations and often makes important and risky business decisions. thus, leaving jihei no roles for himself as the head of the omura house and white tiger. jihei’s characteristics as forms of rejection towards masculine qualities according to eckert and mcconell-ginet, gender is the social construction of elaborating sex, the innate state of being female or male (2003: 10). it is influenced by “the social categories of male and female. these [social] categories are distinguished from one another by a set of psychological features and role attributes that society has assigned to the biological category of sex” (helgeson, 2012: 3). masculinity or instrumental behavior is the accepted gender role for male, while femininity is the accepted one for female (devor, 1998: 28). masculinity itself means “the set of social practices and cultural representation associated with being a man” (pilcher & whelehan 2004: 82). while femininity is “investing the domestic role and being passive, cooperative and expressive behavior” (stets & burke, 1998: 1). moreover, parsons and bales, quoted in helgeson’s psychology and gender, state that there is a relation between superior power and instrumentality and a relation between inferiority and expressivity. they believe that the distinction between the men and women role was both instrumental/expressive as well as a superior/inferior power (2012: 60). below is a table of selected instrumental and expressive behaviour based on broverman and colleagues’ research taken from helgeson’s gender and psychology on people’s perception about masculine and feminine traits. the list prescribes the ideal traits of man and woman that lead to typical stereotypes of man and woman. feminine masculine not at all aggressive very aggressive not at all independent very independent very easily influenced not at all easily influenced not at all competitive very competitive not at all skilled in business very skilled in business feelings easily hurt feelings not easily hurt has difficulty making decisions can make decisions easily almost never acts as a leader almost always acts as a leader not at all selfconfident very self-confident not at all ambitious very ambitious unable to separate feeling from ideas easily able to separate feelings from ideas journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 43 thinks women are always superior to men thinks men are always superior than women since masculine and feminine qualities shown in the table are the expected traits based on people’s perceptions, it means that those qualities are constructed and not always essential in one’s characteristics. hence, it can be said that those masculine and feminine qualities are in line with butler’s statement that “there would be no true or false, real or distorted acts of gender” (in storey, 2008: 162). in this study, the desirable masculine qualities suggested by broverman’s research is compared the concept of daikokubashira as known in japanese society during the tokugawa’s era. the two concepts of masculinity suggested by both resources share common ground in the sense that men are required to be strong, powerful, reliable leaders, protectors, and providers of the family. such an issue is also found in lebra’s the scent of sake, especially in the character of jihei. since the concern of this study is a male person, the masculine qualities will be used as a guide to categorize jihei’s characteristics whether they are considered as in line with or rejecting the masculine qualities. the character of jihei is a device employed by the author to throw doubts at the perceived masculine qualities prescribed in the table above. the first masculine quality challenged is the quality of being “very skilled in business”. jihei is not very skilled in managing sake business. he never offers solution to overcome the white tiger’s business issues despite its apparent looming bankruptcy. it contradicts with the quality of being very skilled in business because as seen from the table, society tends to expect that men are skilled in business. jihei who originally comes from a brewery house is selected by the omura house to be the mukoyoshi because he presumably has it learned from his family. further they also hear that “he has been apprenticed to the ohara house, so [they] know that he has had excellent training, and the report we hear are good” (lebra, 2009: 6; 23). another masculine quality challenged is the quality being able to “make decisions easily” as closely related to the quality of being “very self-confident”. jihei is a businessman who is pretty hesitant in most of the white tiger’s business decisions. instead of saying what his opinion is, he only “pulls his eyebrows” (lebra, 2009: 184). this characteristic contradicts with the ‘manly’ quality of being decisive since jihei is depicted as a man who is way too cautious and timid when it comes to business deals. it is seen from the way he refuses to increase the sake shipment to edo because he thinks it is too risky. jihei always “refuses any forward move by white tiger” (lebra, 2009: 26). he doesn’t want to take any risks because he is too afraid of facing financial loss and thinks that a brewery house should only focus its business on sake. through his way of doing business jihei shows himself as not very competitive, not very aggressive, and not very ambitious, thus throws further doubts towards the listed manly qualities in helgeson’s table. jihei’s reluctance to make the white tiger as the number one sake brewery house in japan is seen in his negative responses to his wife’s suggestions to start buying ships for the white tiger, buying sake from smaller brewery house and selling kura as ways to expand and vary their business. jihei would rather do his business conventionally maintaining the good quality of the sake to keep the customers satisfied while also managing the lending money business to balance their finance, instead of making transactions some kuras or any other kind of business (lebra, 209: 161). on the other hand, everything in the house “gets decided by [rie], his father and kin” (lebra, 2009:33). he does not show good leadership or strong dominance in the family which brings into question of the said manly quality of “men are always superior than women” in hegelson’s table. during the tokugawa era, the japanese ie, or family system, which was influenced by confucianism, required a father, or the head of the house to control and support the economy for the well being of their entire family members as well as to be responsible for finding the marriage partners for the heirs to preserve family property and maintain the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani & elisa dwi wardani 44 family line (kawamura, 2011: 7-8). as the one who is supposed to decide for the family’s matters, jihei has certainly failed because his wife is the one who makes the decisions and decide who their children will be married to. for instance, when their heir, yoshitaro, is in the right age to get married, rie is the one who arranged the o-miai with the most perfect and suitable daughter of the tamiyas named tama while jihei just agrees to it. “the sawada family are not brewers, the tamiyas are. your bride must come from a brewing house.” she looked at jihei, who pulled at his eyebrows and looked at rie, then back at yoshitaro. jihei cleared his throat. “yes, yoshi. as i’ve told you, individual preferences are a private matter. they aren’t concerned with marriage. i believe the tamiya daughter would be a good match for us. a good house.” he glanced at rie again (lebra, 2009: 189). also need to be considered, jihei is also easily influenced by his wife. it is seen from the way he doesn’t object all of the business decisions made by rie. when, rie suggests that they should try to get access to a well in nishinomiya, jihei refuses her idea. eventually, he gives in to rie’s ideas. it is shown in the excerpt below. rie tapped her fan against her shoulder. “ …..maybe we should focus on getting the access to the well so we can use it for the next year’s brewing. then maybe we could sell some to other brewers.” “this would be a bold move, wouldn’t it?” jihei protested. rie sighed and looked at her father, then at kin. “arent we moving too fast?” jihei protested again. rie sighed again, louder this time “not to move tomorrow would be too slow. we’d lose our advantage.” kin nodded. jihei glared at her (lebra, 2009: 145-146). the qualities discussed are closely related to jihei’s status as the mukoyoshi. being a mukoyoshi is actually rejecting the men’s masculinity since the status of a mukoyoshi in feudal japan was low and lightly regarded. in addition, there also seems to be a paradigm against mukoyoshi by both genders in the feudal japan society. in the case of male gender, the idea of mukoyoshi tends to downgrade the image of men in feudal japan as well as acts as a shortcut to success or fame, though it depends on the household, while for the female gender as it is their only chance at equality or validation or recognition (onogwu, 2015: 146). jihei, the second son of the okamotos who originally comes from a smaller brewery house, is in no place to inherit an ie. by becoming a mukoyoshi, he will inherit a household and other benefits. jihei then rises to be the head of the white tiger when the marriage took place. however, after being a mukoyoshi in omura’s house, jihei becomes a victim of discrimination. he is the last person in the household to receive courtesies while being hassled about his obligations as a mukoyoshi of the omura house. jihei feels as if he is ……eternally on inspection, judged. he had to be cautious at home, always on guard. the house was growing more and more oppressive. …..he felt overshadowed by kinzaemon and kin, with rie ready to catch him in an error of some kind (lebra, 2009: 36). the patriarchal structure in the japanese society expects that men should be the one who works and connects to the worlds. feudal japan forbids women’s full participation in work outside the house is fully deployed to the advantage of rie. as women are expected to be fit only as housewives with little or no connection to the social world, jihei is being exploited by rie. by “[demonstrating] so little ability”, jihei becomes the excuse of every decisions made by rie (lebra, 2009:73). in this case, jihei is, in fact, but a ceremonial head of the family as rie is the de facto authority of the house. thus, it is considered that jihei rejects the quality of almost always acts as a leader and not at all easily influenced as well as think men are always superior than women. in addition to that, jihei is characterized as an irresponsible man. jihei’s irresponsibility is journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 45 seen from the way he mentions that in his own family’s sake brewery house, he “was trained as a child too….. there wasn’t pressure on [him]” because his older brother would succeed his father (lebra, 2009: 23). in addition to that, he also neglects his obligation as the head of the white tiger by outspending time in geisha houses and by absence from the sake brewers association’s meetings since he feels that everything is controlled by rie despite rie’s parents expectation that he will be able to make the white tiger’s rank rise since he comes from a brewery house too. it is clearly stated in the beginning of the novel when rie’s parents selected him as the mukoyoshi for rie. “[rie’s] father and [rie’s mother] are especially interested in the okamoto son, jihei. he has been apprenticed to the ohara house, so [they] know he has had excellent training, and the reports [they] hear are good” (lebra, 2009: 6). rie’s parents want jihei for their daughter because jihei is considered as a well-trained businessman in the hope that he can succeed them in the future. moreover, jihei’s irresponsibility is also due to his frustration about his big responsibility and obligation at the white tiger and his disappointment as a mukoyoshi in his wife’s family of the absence of a male heir. however, after being a mukoyoshi for the omuras, jihei thinks that he has done his best as the next successor who will represent omura house and the white tiger. unfortunately, rie thinks that all he has ever done is causing financial loss to the omura house because jihei’s behavior is seen as “the most obvious of his weaknesses” that “embarrass or dishonor the house” (lebra, 2009: 198). throughout the story, jihei is depicted as very dependent on rie and his son yoshitaro when it comes to their business. one of jihei’s irresponsible behaviours is caused by his drinking problem. due to his addiction to heavy drinking, he is not able to work properly as the head of white tiger (lebra, 2009: 184). jihei’s dependence also can’t be separated from the fact that jihei is a mukoyoshi, which affects the relationship between jihei and rie since the status of a mukoyoshi is perceived to be lower than his wife who originally inherits the family business. rie is “intimidating jihei. . . because a mukoyoshi often feels a stranger in his new home because his position is not so different from a bride’s” (lebra, 2009: 44). jihei also thinks that being a mukoyoshi of the omura house “ [is] something no one could envy, no matter how wealthy and important his adoptive house” (lebra, 2009: 138). jihei’s relationship with rie justifies parsons and bales’s statement that there is a relation between superior power and instrumentality and a relation between inferiority and expressivity. also, the distinction between the men and women role was both instrumental/expressive as well as a superior/inferior power (2012: 60). jihei is also an unfaithful husband. not only that he is unfaithful to his wife, jihei is also disloyal to the white tiger. as a husband who is supposed to be loyal to his wife, jihei does not share this characteristic. he spends most of the night at kitaya or sawaraya philandering with geishas named o-toki and o-yumi. to make things worse, jihei also attempts to ruin the white tiger’s sake by getting the sake to turn sour. jihei does this because he feels unappreciated as the head of house. it is clearly stated from what he thinks about his position in the house. the house was growing more and more oppressive. it was like a cage, a trap that brooked no escape. they had no appreciation for his talents……the sawaraya was his refuge. here they treated him with the respect befitting the heir to the omura house, one of the largest and most prestigious in the city (lebra, 2009: 36). in addition to that, jihei also thinks that his obligations as the head of the head are too suffocating. it can be seen from the excerpt mentioned below. jihei put his hands to his face, resting his elbows on the table. huh! obligation, obligation! this was all he’d heard ever since he had married into this family. . . it was suffocating, this network of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani & elisa dwi wardani 46 relationships and obligations that entwined around him, an intricate spider’s web. there was no escape, no relief, other than the sawaraya or kitaya, to a geisha’s understanding ways (lebra, 2009: 138). to vent out his frustration that he has no authority in the house, jihei then sets a plan to ruin the white tiger’s sake. he plans to cut back the sake production by making the sake sour. his revenge is revealed when he talks with o-toki, a geisha at the sawaraya. “ah, what happened about your plan to cut back on your wife’s production increase?” she glanced at jihei. “oh, it worked better than i thought. actually, i thought only one kura would go sour, but all three did. the whole cellar was spoiled. couldn’t be helped.” he closed his eyes and smiled at the thought of his successful revenge against rie (lebra, 2009: 177). since rie is always meddling with the house matters, jihei feels intimidated. rie’s mother sees jihei’s behavior as “the result of [rie’s] constant involvement in the affairs of the house. maybe [rie] is intimidating jihei . . . it may be difficult for jihei to accept suggestions from a woman” (lebra, 2009: 44). further, when jihei is unable to show his role in the house, he feels frustrated. as rie always “[pushes] him so hard” regarding his responsibility and his obligations as house head, while he doesn’t have any authority and “any role for himself” because rie is the brain of the house. he also feels that he is not appreciated as a man because rie hardly understands and always so unresponsive to what a man needs (lebra, 2009: 197). renunciation of the “daikokubashira” the idea of masculinity in feudal japan is well introduced through the concept of daikokubashira. daikokubashira is an expression used to refer to the figure of an ideal male as a breadwinner who supports the house as the head of the family. daikokubashira symbolizes reliability, strength, and stasis, wealth and authority (gill, 2009: 144). during the tokugawa era, or also known as the edo period, the feudal japanese were influenced by confucian ideals. they expected men to be aggressive, independent, dominant, competitive, confident, and analytical. all of these traits were needed to lead a household and manage the family’s estate. men were expected to be leaders, risk-takers, decision makers, and profoundly loyal to his lord and emperor. the characteristics mentioned are based on the well-known expression of japanese masculinity, daikokubashira. according to gill, daikokubashira literally means a big black central pillar which holds up a house. this term is also used as a metaphorical expression of an ideal male as a breadwinner in the same manner as the central pillar which supports the house. daikokubashira itself symbolizes reliability, strength, and stasis, wealth and authority (2009: 144). tracing back to its historical background, the image of daikokubashira, or male breadwinner, was originally projected into the family into the figure of a father as the head of the house who controlled and protected the rest of the family members after the government’s policy that the emperor of japan as the daikokubashira who had brought up and educated the nation as his sons and daughters. this policy was necessary for the establishment of ie. in other words, the concept of daikokubashira was exploited to reinforce the ideology of the nation state under the emperor. hence, the term began to be used only to refer to the figure of a father up to this day (yamada, 1993: 56, 59). in japan, a father is usually described as setai nushi or shujin which means head of the home, koshu which means head of the ie, and taisho which means chief or leader. all of these addresses reveal the status of a father as the leader of the family who mediates his family to the outside world. his symbolic role as a daikokubashira is based on the image of daikoku-sama, the shinto god who brings good fortune, guardian of the well-being and success of the ie. by adapting the image of daikokusama, a father is expected to bring the good fortune within his family as well as to be the journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 47 guardian of the house (jeremy and robinson, 1989: 39). during the tokugawa era, a father as the breadwinner or daikokubashira of the family was expected to support the family through his economy activity by having connections outside the house. without his support, the household would collapse. this idea very vividly conveys the importance of the presence of a father or the daikokubashira as the head as the house to be the one who is responsible for his dependent wife and children. in return, he is free to devote his physical and emotional labour to his work. thus, it becomes the standard for men of entering the mature manhood (matsunaga, 2000: 150). in addition to matsunaga’s opinion, dasgupta adds that “the daikokubashira archetype is not the empirical reality but a standard to which all japanese men aspire to be.” it is because when a man becomes the head of the house, he will have certain privileges, like being allowed to take the first bath, being served first at meals, being waited upon. all of these are seen as the strategies which are used to retain and uphold the structures that legitimize, enforce and perpetuate their authority over women (2005: 168). in lebra’s the scent of sake, although jihei succeeds kinzaemon as the daikokubashira of the omura house, jihei does not have the qualities of what a daikokubashira should be. while daikokubashira itself symbolizes reliability, strength, stasis, wealth, and authority, jihei does not show these qualities. it can be seen from the previous discussion how jihei’s characteristics lack the desirable masculine qualities. before looking at the metaphorical meaning of daikokubashira, it is better to look at the literal meaning of daikokubashira first. as mentioned before, it means the big black central pillar supporting the house. in general, daikokubashira or the central pillar is bigger than any other pillars in the house. the pillar generally has the most important function of supporting the load of a roof in a traditional japanese house. on the other hand, the metaphorical meaning of daikokubashira is the male breadwinner of a family, usually the figure of a father. daikokubashira, which is placed at the center of the house, at one time will be blackened with age and smoke from the hearth. it means that the male breadwinner is expected to become wiser through life experiences in the same manner as the pillar which is blackened over the years. jihei as the head of the omura house is expected to have the characteristics that symbolize this big black central pillar which blackens over the year. however, none of the daikokubashira characteristics mentioned earlier is found in jihei. first, since jihei’s characteristics of being dependent is said to be not in line with the quality of very independent, jihei fails to become a symbol of reliability and authority. as daikokubashira itself literally means a pillar, he is actually expected to be able to support the house and the family (onugwu, 2015:148). jihei does not share this quality. it is because jihei relies on his wife and his son to manage the omura house and the white tiger’s business as he can’t work properly due to his heavy drinking habit. as mentioned earlier, a daikokubashira is usually the figure of a father or the head of the house. by being the head of the house, a father “wields so much power that he takes unilateral decisions most times. moreover, his opinions on any matter are strictly adhered to. an expression of a contradiction or otherwise is viewed as a threat to the group harmony and well-being of the ie” (onugwu, 2015: 141). however, because of jihei’s status as a mukoyoshi, he is put in the lower position than his wife. because of that, he is being looked down by his wife. in addition to that, his inability in business makes him unable to make any decision for the white tiger as well as the omura house. second, jihei’s characteristic of being hesitant and uncompetitive, his figure betrays the masculine qualities of being very selfconfident, very competitive, very aggressive and very ambitious. by not showing these stereotypical characteristics, jihei also undermines the daikokubashira as the symbol of strength. daikokubashira as the pillar journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani & elisa dwi wardani 48 supporting the house is expected to be strong enough to hold up the house. as mentioned earlier, the house is interpreted as a family. by being the breadwinner of the house, a father is expected to have the strength of holding up his responsibility, mainly financial responsibility, as the pillar for his family (kawamura, 2011: 7). in the scent of sake, jihei is seen as businessman with so little acumen which causes him to resist any suggestion which could bring benefits to the white tiger. hence, because of his inability to hold up his responsibility as the daikokubashira of his family he is said to have no strength. third, by having the characteristics of being disloyal jihei as a character haggles for the expected masculine quality of having sturdy feelings, or toughness. his failure to accept his wife’s despise which owes to his status as a mukoyoshi of the house shows that he fails to stand as a symbol of stasis as the concept of daikokubashira requires. his frustration drives him to devise a destructive way of life, such as excessive alcohol drinking and frequenting geisha houses, partly as form of revenge to his wife and family, which in the end proves that he is not a tough man. fourth, jihei’s low business skill is a disruption to the concept of daikokubashira which also stands as a symbol of wealth. being the daikokubashira means that a father should be able to provide the family’s financial needs. by being able to do so, a father is said to be able to bring his family wealth. jihei’s inability to overcome the financial issues of the white tiger makes his family face the threat of bankruptcy. by having jihei as a character who lacks expected masculine behaviors as listed by helgeson, the novel rejects the concept of masculinity valued in daikokubashira. in joyce lebra’s the scent of sake, masculinity is perceived as indeed a mandatory characteristic of a man in a patriarchal culture. it also conveys the idea that masculinity in patriarchal culture can encourage men to be able to strive for validation and approval which may result either in enhancing or devaluating themselves. thus, presenting a weak male character in the novel can be seen as a renunciation of the idea of desirable masculine characteristics in a japanese society. jihei shows that keeping up with the standardized qualities of manhood in a japanese society or family can be overwhelming and frustrating. not only the women are unappreciated, but the men are also oppressed by the idealization of masculinity. conclusion broverman’s list of expected masculine and feminine characteristics agrees with the japanese daikokubashira which demands a man to behave accordingly if he is to gain respect from his family and society. jihei’s unmasculine characteristics as presented in the novel are considered as a renunciation of the concept of masculinity suggested by daikokubashira because his character fails to stand as a symbol of reliability, strength, stasis, wealth and authority. the fact that jihei does not live up to the concept of masculinity recognized in daikokubashira betrays the general expectation of an expected masculinity suggested by broverman’s research. thus, joyce lebra’s the scent of sake portrays that masculinity is indeed a mandatory characteristic of men in a patriarchal culture such as japanese culture, but more importantly, it also counts as a double-edged sword for men, which deems men as victims of a patriarchal culture. references dasgupta, romit. “salaryman doing straight: heterosexual men and the dynamic of gender conformity” in genders, transgenders and sexualities in japan. eds. m. mclelland & romit dasgupta. london: routledge, 2005. devor, holly. “becoming members of society: learning the social meaning of gender” in gender images: reading for composition. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 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2580-5878 (online) samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi 92 leadership debacle and socio-political flux in post colonial africa: a discourse-stylistic analysis of wole soyinka’s a play of giants and king baabu samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi,, olasehinwa/, department of english studies, adekunle ajasin university, nigeria abstract after many years of freedom from colonial domination, african nations are still far from sociopolitical and economic stability. post colonial african nations are still battling with socio-political and economic difficulty arising from leadership ineptitude and military dictatorship. even though democracy has gradually replaced military dictatorship in most of these nations, the success of the democratic experiments have suffered huge setback and these have negatively impacted on the lives of the average citizens. scholarly interests in the political and economic crises in africa have been from a wide range of fields and theoretical perspectives including language and literature. existing works, however, have not adequately explored its representations in the rich literary resources of the continent in spite of its role in record keeping and as the conscience of the society. this is the gap which this study fills. the present study, which adopts discourse-stylistics as theoretical ground, examines leadership crisis vis-à-vis socio-political flux in selected plays of wole soyinka. the paper identifies and describes the features of style in relation to their discourse value and how these have helped in achieving the overall satirical import of the plays. two of soyinka’s socio-political plays namely; a play of giants and king baabu were purposively selected for the study. through artistic creativity and deployment of language as an ideological satirical tool, soyinka presents the pitiable picture of the african socio-political system and the ridiculous image of the leadership in africa. as revealed in their poor command of the english language, soyinka mocks post colonial african leaders as uneducated, immoral, intellectually bankrupt and pathologically deficient despots. he paints a pitiable picture of the socio-political realities and leadership ineptitude in african nations through the use metaphor and symbolism. keywords: leadership problem, wole soyinka, a play of giants, king baabu. introduction for quite a long time, most african states were under colonial rule; however, with the wave of political independence that started in the middle of the 20th century which climaxed in the fall of apartheid in south africa in the late 90’s, african states can breathe an air of freedom from colonialism. unfortunately, after many years of self-rule, when one would have expected to see african nations that are socially reliable, politically strong and economically prosperous; the continent is being faced by leadership, sociopolitical, economic and security challenges that have negatively impacted on its development. post-colonial africa has continued to suffer under internal colonialism. successive leadership of postcolonial african states (civilian and military), have criminally mismanaged their nation’s affairs and resources. corruption and ineffective leadership have impacted journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 93 negatively on the democratic stability and the economic development of african nations. more worrisome is the fact that in spite of the human and natural endowment which should have placed african nations on enviable pedestal leadership ineptitude and corruption have left the continent floundering hopelessly in the midst of socio-political and economic difficulty. post-colonial africa is a continent where cases of abuse of human rights, political killings, man’s inhumanity to man, moral decadence, lawlessness, violent crimes, sectarian and ethnic violence etc, are commonplace. another major problem of post-colonial african nations is military dictatorship. for quite a long time, most independent african nations were under military dictatorship. even though africa has not totally overcome the ills of undemocratic rule, it is gratifying to note that in recent years, forceful seizure of power through military coups has become unpopular not only in africa but also across the globe. events in the post-cold war era have made democracy a much more appealing option of governance. however, the success of democratic experiment in most african nations, such as nigeria, uganda, burkina faso, zimbabwe, etc, has been frustrated by leadership ineptitude, electoral malpractice, disregard for due process, manipulation of the constitution for personal purposes and self-perpetuation in office. [see adejumobi, 2004; adeola, 2007; afegbua and adejuwon, 2012; ebegbulem, 2012; al-moghales and hezam 2015] undoubtedly, the magnitude of the sociopolitical situation in african nations, its impact on the economy and the lives of average citizens have accounted for the interest of scholars from diverse fields. in the domain of language and literature to which this study belongs, there are a number of extant scholarly inputs. however, most works on the analysis of literary texts, especially wole soyinka’s plays have largely concentrated on their literary features at the expense of their linguistic and discourse resources and their pragmatic import. for example, akogbeto and houessou (2014) focus on language and dictatorship in a play of giants. the paper examines how soyinka employs effective use of language to spotlight characters in a manner that helps readers to know more about their personalities and their ideological dispositions. adeoti (2006) examines the various mutations of post-colonial dictatorial leadership in africa in selected plays of wole soyinka. also, al-moghales and hazem (2015) concentrates on issues related to antidemocratic tendencies or political manipulation by leaders who attempt to perpetuate self in power as dramatized in soyinka’s king baabu. the paper examines the play as a call to protest which aligns with soyinka recommendation as the only means to bring about a positive change and to curb the authoritative power and the dictatorial tendency of the military. afolayan (2017), which focuses on the crises between ideology and (social) vision in wole soyinka’s a play of giants and king baabu, centres on the pervasive atmosphere of cruelty, violence and the bleak vision in africa political landscape. the paper examines the centrality of ideology to texts of social engagement in the postcolonial africa and assesses the social relevance and the ideological slants in the selected texts. the paper concludes that the texts are socially relevant but expressed some reservations on soyinka’s failure to prescribe the solution to the nagging problem of leadership in africa. the present study, which adopts discoursestylistics analytical approach, (opara, 2005, cited in yeibo, 2011, p. 197) examines leadership crisis vis-à-vis socio-political flux in wole soyinka’s a play of giants and king baabu. this is with the aim of accounting for the discursive and stylistic elements engaged for caustic social and political criticism of the absurdities in african societies. methodology soyinka’s a play of giants and king baabu mirror african institutions and society as a typical social environment where humanity is debased and dehumanized. they are satire on the absurdities in african society and dictatorial leadership. for him, african society is a chaotic one where dreams and aspirations journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi 94 of people remain unrealized. it is a continent where corruption is endemic, where moral decadence is pervasive and where political problems are perennial. as a writer, who is committed to the reconstruction of his society which is so deeply engulfed in myriads of socio-political, cultural and economic problems, soyinka believes that the african challenges require visionary leadership to tackle them. according to him: no, africa doesn’t need philosophers to rationalize her impregnable bunker of dehumanisation. it needs a visionary who can craft a vision of all-round progress, tap into the continent’s incredible natural wealth and engage its resilient people to birth a new continent (soyinka 1983, p. 45). thus, literature becomes an ideological tool for the emancipation of the society. soyinka uses satire as a medium for both instruction and entertainment. he satirizes the absurdities of his society, thereby making political enemies of power-drunk leader. a thorough analysis of selected texts shows that soyinka attacks the individual villain (like king baabu and the giants) and the system (african society) that produces them. soyinka selects african leaders as satiric targets and then denounced them, using satirical devices such as wit, proverbs, irony, sarcasm, etc. in king baabu, and a play of giants, soyinka uses the eponymous characters of king baabu, and the four african leaders (the giants) as caricatures and symbols to explore his theme of man’s inhumanity to man. a play of giants, is a play on power, contradictions, foolery, political intrigues and manipulations. it is a display of the height of ignorance, use of brute force, manifestation of evil, corrupt leadership, voodoo practice and flagrant abuse of power in governance. african leaders have metamorphosed into inexplicable “giants” through the use of force and violence characterized by persecution, oppression, victimisation, intimidation, propaganda and worst of all, voodoo. kamini, gunema, kasco and tuboum are notorious african dictators on special delegation to the united nations. on the entourage of kamini are the chairman of the central bank of bugara, the bugaran ambassador to the united nations, a personal aide – gudrum and a scandinavian female journalist. kamini displays a totally ignorance of simple economic principle as he orders his country’s central bank chairman to go about printing new bugaran currency. the response of the chairman that this will worsen the value of the already depreciating currency, making it more valueless than toilet paper infuriated kamini who ordered his special task force to “take this coat-and-tie kondo inside that toilet room there and put his head inside the bowl...” (a play of giants). in another display of brutality, kamini subjected the bulgarian sculptor working on his statue to torture. following the attempt of the sculptor to explain to gudrum, kamini’s aide, that the statue would not be ready by the following day as requested because the statue is yet to be perfected. he explained that the statue in its form, it would only be fit for the chamber of horrors. the sculptor is so brutally tortured that he narrowly escapes death. characteristically, kamini lied that the sculptor had fallen from a ladder and he had taken a good care of him. also, king baabu, a play which focuses directly on the twilight world of military tyranny in africa, summarizes the second coming of military rule, including the preceding era. alongside its pathetic tragic pathos is a painful satiric indignation against a despotic order presided over by a selfimposed and irredeemably corrupt ruler. according to soyinka, baabu is “a village idiot who harbours a masochistic and banal conception of power in the garment of a giant but his monstrosity is so striking that he alone occupies the gallery of ridicule and disgrace” (soyinka 1984, p. 24). in a way, the brutal general basha bash, who later metamorphosis into a ‘monarchical democrat’ as king baabu, is a bundle of monstrosity who typifies despotic african leaders that have dominated africa’s political landscape for most of the continent’s post-independence years. as presented in the play, king baabu’s power is monolithic and he brooks no opposition. it is, however, unfortunate to note that no dictatorial rule can survive without some journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 95 internal collaborators. as can be seen in the selected plays, the connivance of the educated class with the despots is evident in the activities of batey, in a play of giants, and tutor, in king baabu. it is also evident in the composition of the scar (the supreme council for advanced redemption) which is the highest decision-making body and some individuals who represent civil pressure groups. these individuals are part of the corruption and overall conspiracy against the masses. again, these despotic rulers would not have remained long in power but for the resolute interests of western powers like britain, belgium, france, and west germany who sustained them in power. thus, soyinka accuses the capitalist west and the socialist east of prosecuting their own selfish socioeconomic and political agenda by promoting unpopular regimes in africa. accordingly, ‘all the big powers’, in tuboum’s view, ‘make trouble’ (soyinka 1984, p. 43). they exploit the weakness of african leaders and manipulate them to propagate political instability and perpetrate africa’s economic dependence. a look at the objective of this study which is, to account for the discursive and stylistic elements engaged in selected texts and their pragmatic import, would reveal that it is not what a single theory can successfully achieve. also, the data for this study are utterances of the dramatic personae from the selected texts. they are basically linguistic structures that are larger than sentences or clauses with definable communicative functions. thus, interpreting the communicative intentions and the ideological functions in this kind of interactions can only be effectively achieved by looking at a vast range of variables (linguistic, contextual etc). it is for this reason that this study adopts the discourse-stylistic approach for the analysis of data. according to stubbs (1983, p. 1) ‘discourse’ is concerned with the “organization of language above the sentence or above the clause, and therefore to study larger linguistic units, such as conversational exchanges or written texts”. brown & yule (1983, p. 1) define discourse as ‘language in use’. discourse could be spoken or written form of language which include a long talks, discussions, sermons, etc which are purposedriven. the adjective ‘stylistic’ relates to a particular style or way of doing things. in the context of this study, it relates to the pattern or strategy in which facts are presented to achieve a specific purpose. the discoursestylistic approach adopted for this study involves the deployment of both discourse analysis and stylistics in the analysis of data. discourse analysis is concerned with the linguistic analysis of naturally occurring connected speech or written discourse. it is an analysis of language use in social contexts. as an important tool of language study, discourse analysis investigates how language, meaning and society interrelate. stylistics on the other hand involves the analysis of style; hence, scholars have discovered that it is quite difficult, somehow impossible, to define stylistics without recourse to style. enkvist et al (1971, p. xi) defines style as “an individual and creative utilization of the resources of language which his period, his chosen dialect, his genre and his purpose within offers him”. odebunmi and adeyemi (2006, p. vii) see it as “the identifiable recurrent pattern that characterises the work of a person, a people, a period, a profession, etc and it distinguishes it from the work of another person, people, period, or profession respectively”. stylistics, the (linguistic) study of style (leech and short, 1981), is “concerned with identifying, describing and explaining whatever is striking and recurrent in the written or spoken text. it studies the peculiarities that characterise the language use of an individual, a group of people, a domain of language use etc ” (olajide 2003, p. 103). for enkvist et al (1971, p. 27), stylistics is viewed from three perspectives. first, it can be regarded as an autonomous discipline when it draws freely and eclectically on methods from both linguistics, and literary study. it can also be seen as a sub-department of literary studies when it draws only occasionally on linguistic methods. third, stylistics can be viewed as a sub-department of linguistics [linguistic stylistics] when dealing with the peculiarities of literary texts, and non-literary varieties of language (or registers). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi 96 discourse-stylistics is therefore an analytical approach that involves the use of both discourse analysis and stylistic methods in the analysis of data. as an approach to language study, discourse-stylistics is a discourse-based stylistic analysis which examines the form and function of discourses in specific social, cultural or historical contexts. the concept of discourse is believed to have originated from the fact that language operates within a pragmatic context and that it is important to consider this to effectively account for its communicative value. according to opara, (2005), cited in yeibo, (2011, p. 197), the discourse-stylistic approach is categorised under the functional linguistic tradition which involves identifying, describing and explaining specific stylistic features in selected text or discourse situation. opara further explains that the model “is concerned with the analysis of communication to reveal its function, using various tools of interpretation including textual peculiarities. such analysis enables us to appreciate style”. as a model, it is descriptively adequate to interrogate our data, hence; will enable us to account for the discoursal and stylistic features of selected texts. results and discussion the two plays selected for analysis in this study centre on the socio-political problems in african states. soyinka believes that the major problem confronting african nations is systemic leadership failure. his main literary purpose in the selected texts is to ridicule the leadership while blaming them for the problems in africa. he employs satire to castigate the leadership for their contribution to the socio-political problem in african nations. this section focuses on the discourse elements and the stylistic features deployed by the playwright to achieve his literary purpose in selected texts. particular attention is paid to the identification and description of the features of style in relation to the discourse value and how these have helped in achieving the overall satirical import of the plays. poor command of the english language the use of language by the playwright in the selected plays is noteworthy. soyinka deploys language as a stylistic tool to achieve political caricature. through this device, he presents the pitiable picture of the african socio-political system and the ridiculous image of the leadership in africa. the first stylistic feature of language use in the plays is the poor command of the english language by the central character and the supposed symbol of african leaders in the plays, kamini and king baabu (basha bash). soyinka’s employs this device to reveal the sociocultural identity and the educational backgrounds of these dramatic personae in the plays. he uses language to uncover not only the poor educational background of the military/political gladiators in africa, but also their poverty of ideas and the corruption in the system. their poor command of english is juxtaposed with their intellectual bankruptcy as revealed in their poor sense of political economy. soyinka seems to wonder why africa parades such poor quality of leaders. he seems to wonder, and by implication, question how people like kamini (idi amin) and king baabu (sanni abacha) rose to the height of their career and to the exalted position of heads of state in africa. here are a few extracts for consideration. relevant poor utterances are emphasised in bold face. extract 1: kamini: i said go back and get cracking with government mint, when i return, i want to see brand new currency notes in circulation, not hearing all this grumble of shortage of money and so on and so forth. chairman: but your excellency, that is why we came to seek this loan in the first place. now that we haven’t got it, there is nothing to back the new currency with. kamini: what the man talking about? you short of good currency paper at government mint? journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 97 chairman: i’m trying to explain. your excellency. even now, at this moment ournational currency is not worth its size in toilet. if we go ahead and print more, it would… kamini: what? what you say just now? chairman: your excellency? kamini: i say, what you talking just now about bugara currency? (a play of giants, pp. 6–7) extract 2: kamini: gudrum very good friend of african leaders. she writing book about me with many photographs. she calling it, the black giant at play. it shows kamini very jovial family man. big uncle to everybody in the country. (a play of giants, p. 2) extract 3: basha: if i hearing you right, you say we going to die paupers. now how that possible when this very moment we moving into all this new and sumptuous bordello, and with blood of former occupant making that special design on wallpaper, all mixed up with spatter of grey matter from his brains… now we have his mansion, i wearing his general’s stars and stripes and long service medallions on personal orders of my commander-in-chief, field-marshall potipoo, and now you trying to tell me we still coming to die paupers? (king baabu, p. 6) extract 4: basha: you fooling yourself. my commander-in-chief, general potipoo, knows that i am loyal to the death of a thousand cuts. ask potipoo name you one officer on whom he place absolute trust and confidence and he name basha bash (king baabu, p.8) table 1 presents an analysis of some examples culled from the extracts above. they are presented against their corrected version. as can be seen in table 1, both kamini and basha have fundamental problem in their language use. their language use is fraught with common errors of mastery of the english language (typical of second language situation) because they have not mastered the basic rules of the language. in spite of their status as the heads of state, the language use of kamini and king baabu is replete with errors of imperfection such as tense error, omission of auxiliaries/verbs, omission of preposition etc. the problem of poor mastery of the english language is no doubt, a direct result of the poor educational background of these leaders which soyinka exploits as strategy to achieve political and leadership caricature in the selected texts. that the major characters in the selected plays have poor educational background is soyinka’s deliberate strategy to reveal the intellectual weakness of african leaders. the ideological slant here is that african leaders are weak intellectually because of their low level of education. right from the beginning of the plays, the readers are not left in the dark on the level of education and the military background of king baabu and kamini. in a play of giants, soyinka presents the reader with the pitiable image of a leader who could not comprehend a simple economic problem. his poor knowledge of political economy is revealed in his interaction with the chairman of the central bank of bugara (extract 1). the use of force, intimidation and award of self with unmerited highsounding titles as cover-up mechanisms closely related to poor command of the english language is the use of force and labelling of people as perceived enemies (intimidation) by these supposed representatives of african leaders, just as they award themselves high-sounding titles to cover up their inferiority complex. soyinka journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi 98 exposes the link between subversion of people’s rights, abuse of power and the intellectual bankruptcy of leaders in the selected plays. he portrays kamini as a selfish and vain glorious despot in a play of giants. for example, contrary to the directive by the secretary general of the united nations, that all permanent delegation should bring one work of art (representative of their culture), to be placed on a gallery at the united nations, kamini secures the services of a scandinavian sculptor to produce his full portrait in twentyfour hours. like the chairman of bugara central bank who offered a professional advice that money should not be thrown into circulation, kamini assaulted the sculptor by throwing him in a toilet cell for describing the image he has produced as only fit for the “chamber of horrors” (i.e. not fit for exhibition). soyinka exposes a fundamental intellectual weakness that has generated inferiority complex in kamini and king baabu. since they do not have the clout to command respect and obedience by their character, intelligence and achievements, the only available means to achieve these is through force and labelling people as perceived enemies. the use of mediocrity, intrigue and lustful greed for power a critical reading of selected texts shows that soyinka deliberately creates characters to reveal the socio-political malaise in postcolonial africa. soyinka paints a pitiable picture of corruption of african leaders by creating characters who are morally deficient and who lack integrity. the characters represent african leaders/political class are painted as corrupt and morally bankrupt in their engagement in open display of mediocrity, intrigue and lustful greed for power. basha, potipoo and kamini are examples of morally and intellectually bankrupt leaders. bash and potipoo engage in theft of public funds through inflation of contracts as can be seen in the fertilizer deal. maariya engages in unguided “spraying” of money drawn illegally from central bank. she bribes the supposed leaders of labour and interest groups (rout, dope, rent) into supporting her husband’s government. basha abducts representatives of privately owned banks and imprisons them, because they refused to sign an open cheque to fund his “operation fill the stomach” project. kamini ordered the chairman of bugara central bank print bank notes and brutalises him for daring to question his order. the height of moral and intellectual bankruptcy is also seen in the lives of basha and maariya. one does not get to see the form of intimacy and cohesion that a couple should naturally radiate in their interactions. what the reader is confronted with are cases of the use of abusive language and derogatory words to qualify each other. jealousy and lack of trust are openly displayed in their daily interactions. for example, to basha, his wife (maariya) is “an early morning pestilence on a man's peace”, a “she cow” (king baabu 6). to maariya, her husband is an “empty piss-pot” (king baabu 5), a “goat-fucker from the winds of wilderness”, a “dithering apostate”, a “voracious virago” (king baabu 77). through the utterances and actions of maariya, the reader is led into the discovery of the intellectual weaknesses of basha bash. his weaknesses become exposed and magnified as she openly confronts and condemns him about his nature which she detests. extract 6: maariya: i said it, he is so easily satisfied! at least your predecessor in this mansion had brains – the fatty blobs on the wallpaper prove that. you, oh, i despair, when your head is blown open, there’ll be nothing but soap, and not even the kind that foams.... (king baabu, p. 6) in extract 6, for example, maariya laments that her husband is slow and unable to think well. it is implied in her utterance in the extract that bash bash is unambitious (so easily satisfied); unintelligent (no brain) and have nothing to offer or empty (nothing but soap in his head). basha and maariya represent the ambitious african military coup plotters who journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 99 have insatiable thirst for power. they represent the terrible and corrupt power seekers who can do anything get power and to hold on tenaciously to it. extract 7: maariya: there isn’t much time. you have to act while everyone is eating lunch. that means now! it was me who sent you that intelligence report. … the so called mutiny and plan to attack abaloo barracks. i forged it…no, more accurately, i – doctored it. it was just the routine situation report. if i don’t eavesdrop on your cabinet meetings and go through your papers, how would i know the right moment to push you towards your destiny? (king baabu, p. 22) extract 8: maariya: as chief of army staff you are in charge of troop movement. so? you take – troops-your elite-troops – put – downtherebellion! and of course your other duty is to ensure the safety of your commander-in-chief, not so? so you replace the guards – whom you will accuse of being still loyal to that deposed bastard husband of moriya, rajinda, and thereby you – make him – general potipoo – avirtual – prisoner. (king baabu, p. 23) maariya is a crafty, ruthless and an ambitious woman who can do anything to realise her ambition. as can be seen in extract 7, she forged the intelligence report about a mutiny and plan to attack the barracks as a result of which an ongoing state meeting was summarily adjourned. nothing exposes basha as a weak and unintelligent soldier more than maariya’s utterance in extract 8. a civilian teaching a soldier the technique to deploy in executing the coup is abnormal. table 1: examples of poor command of english extracts faulty utterances types of error corrected version 1 what the man talking… i. omission of auxiliary verb is. ii. substituting the demonstrative (this) with the article (the) what is this man talking … 1 what you say just now? omission of the auxiliary verb (did) what did you say just now? 1 you short of good … omission the auxiliary (are) in interrogative sentence are you short of good … 2 gudrum very good … omission of the article (a) gudrum is very good … 2 she calling it substituting the third person singular (calls) with gerundive (calling) she calls it 2 it shows kamini very … omission of the determiner (that) and the auxiliary verb (is) it shows that kamini is very … 3 if i hearing you right substituting the past tense (heard) with the progressive aspect (hearing) if i heard you right 3 now how that possible… omission of modal auxiliary verb (can) and (be) now how can that be possible… 3 i wearing his general’s… omission of auxiliary verb (am) i am wearing his general’s… 4 you fooling yourself omission of auxiliary verb (are) you are fooling yourself journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi 100 4 ask potipoo name you omission of preposition (to) ask potipoo to name you 4 …he name basha bash omission of modal auxiliary verb (will) …he will name basha bash journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 101 again, to cover up his intellectual deficiency, basha surrounds himself with personal aides (soldiers) and civilian collaborators (labour leaders) to perpetuate himself in office. unfortunately, the activities of these aids and civilian collaborators further exposed the weakness of their principal. for example, basha employs the services of tutor and tikim to help launder his image. unfortunately, they further help in exposing his mediocrity and lustful greed for power. similarly, in a play of giants, kamini employs spokespersons including gudrum (an expatriate and kamini’s mistress and personal assistant) and prof batey (a councillor and protocol officer in the service of the mayor of hyacombe) to cover up his intellectual and language deficiencies. it is however, ironical that rather than shielding these deficiencies, they further expose the weaknesses of kamini. the use of metaphor and symbolism a play of giants and king baabu are not only metaphorical; they are also symbolic representations of the socio-political reality in african nations. in the first place, the plays are metaphorical representations of the sociopolitical realities in the nigeria, uganda etc. thus, wole soyinka is posed to exposing to the world, the stark reality with regards to the problem of leadership that has bedevilled africa for so long using metaphor, as discourse stylistic resource. also, basha bash, kamini, the gunema and tuboum are metaphorical representatives of the military junta that took over the corridor of power in african nations for quite a long time. they represent general sani abacha (nigeria) field-marshal el-hadji dr. idi amin (uganda), macias nguema (equatorial guinea) and mobutu sese seko (congo). these military rulers were sit-tight despots who laid siege on their countries for decades. again, basha bash, kamini, the gunema and tuboum are also symbolic. they symbolise the uneducated, stupid and repulsive in their lust for power, vulgarity, loquaciousness. for instance, in a play of giants, one could not see any achievement to merit the titles field-marshal (kamini), benefacio (gunema), emperor (kasco), and general (barra toboum) brandished by these self-styled leaders. in king baabu, general basha bash, who later transformed into a civilian president, king baabu, is a symbol of emptiness and mediocrity. furthermore, in order to make the satire grotesque, wole soyinka creates characters and assigned them symbolic names. for example, “baabu” which means “nothing” in hausa, reveals the emptiness, mediocrity of basha bash. biibabae (basha’s son and heir apparent) which translates to “like father like son” in yoruba, is another version of rottenness, sadism and cruelty as can be seen in his torture of the “rebel” captured by fatasimu. the height of wole soyinka’s symbolic representation in characterisation is seen in the way he associates some names (potipoo, potiplan and potiplum) with faeces as can be seen in the first two syllables “poti” (potty) of these names. “potty”, meaning stupid, crazy, foolish is pronounced as “poo” (a plastic chamber pot mostly used for defecation by children). conclusion so far, this study has focused on the analysis of two selected plays of wole soyinka –a play of giants and king baabu. it examined the significant stylistic features that enhanced the overall communicative import of the playwright. the plays which are metaphorical and symbolic representations of the sociopolitical reality in african nations, satirises the absurdities of african society and dictatorial leadership. soyinka deploys language as an ideological stylistic tool to achieve political caricature in the selected plays. he paints the pitiable picture of the african socio-political system and the ridiculous image of the leadership in africa. as a stylistic device, soyinka presents the major characters (kamini and basha bash) as pathologically deficient. their poor command of the english language is a stylistic device to reveal their low educational and socio-cultural background with the attendant low intellectual capacity. soyinka creates these journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) samuel alaba akinwotu & fatai saliu ekunnusi 102 characters to reveal the socio-political malaise in post-colonial africa and intellectual bankruptcy of african leaders. basha, potipoo and kamini, maariya are symbols of morally and intellectual bankruptcy of the ambitious african military leaders who have insatiate thirst for power and who can do anything get power and to hold on tenaciously to it. in king baabu, and a play of giants, soyinka uses the eponymous character, king baabu, and the four african leaders (the giants) as caricatures and symbols to explore his theme of man’s inhumanity to man. having explored the discursive and stylistic elements in selected plays, this study has provided further insight into the literary creativity, historicity and socio-political relevance of wole soyinka plays. references adejare, o. 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established function of motivational strategies to impose superficial cohesion on a learner group without catering for chaotic, emergent and dynamic individual motivational factors. given the heterogeneity, dynamicity, and nonlinearity of the motivational factors at individual level, the first implication of the study is that ndmss have the potential to activate identified motivational factors toward an adaptive and autonomous l2 motivation state regardless of their homogeneity or heterogeneity. secondly, ndmss have the potential to enable teachers to recruit the learning energy (i.e. motivation) from every member of the group via a dynamic and nonlinear set of motivational strategies instead of imposing a preset set of motivational strategies to all members of the group to elicit/facilitate/encourage equal performance from a motivationally heterogeneous learner group under the pretext of generating a cohesive learner group. keywords: l2 motivation, nonlinear dynamic motivation-based strategies (ndmss), complex dynamics systems theory (cdst) introduction since a dynamic range of factors (dornyei, 2009; ushioda, 2014) are nonlinearly at work in a language learner (larsen-freeman & cameron, 2008), which differ from one learner to another (de bot, lowie, & verspoor, 2011), it would be unwise to expect a static behavior from every member of the learner group or to adopt a uniform motivational strategy to motivate them within a linear process. to address the dynamicity and nonlinearity of l2 motivation, l2 teaching needs a taxonomy of strategies to facilitate motivation of every member of the learner group. while l2 motivation has been approached from a variety of aspects either at general or local level, it lacks a sharp and rich focus on nonlinear dynamic motivation (bahari, 2019a; cheng & dornyei, 2007; dornyei & ryan, 2015). accordingly, there is a lack of an applicable taxonomy of motivational strategies in keeping with nonlinear dynamic nature of motivational factors to assist teachers in dealing with nonlinearity and dynamicity of motivational factors at individual level rather than group level. based on complex dynamic systems theories and the complexity of the interactive factors at individual level (herdina & jessner, 2002; journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akbar bahari 10 jessner, 2006, 2008), applying a single motivational strategy for all learner group cannot be helpful and each learner should be motivated individually with respect to the identified overall identity. nonlinearity of motivation reflects the unpredictability of motivation state among diverse learner types in terms of the appropriate motivational strategy. under nonlinearity, no predictable and automatic cause-effect relations exist and no causal connections can be made between triggering events and outcomes (byrne & callaghan, 2014). studies confirm the nonlinearity of second language learning and that learning comes in spurts (hohenberger & peltzer-karpf, 2009) without actual coordination (davis & sumara, 2006). since learners’ linguistic and nonlinguistic systems openly and adaptively interact with other subsystems (larsen-freeman, 2015), it is essential to face this unpredictable and variable situation with proportional nonlinear dynamic motivational strategies (ndmss; see bahari, 2019a) to enhance l2 motivation. the central plank of the article is the focus on motivational factors at individual level as a response to the current call of research on intra-individual complexity (serafini, 2017). the emphasis on individual level for identifying motivational factors for nonlinear integration is in keeping with dynamic systems theories which describe the interaction of internal and external factors with respect to motivation as a longitudinal element (dornyei, 2009). this should not be confused with the ideal l2 self which reportedly (csizér & dörnyei, 2005; kormos & csizér, 2008; ryan, 2009; serafini, 2013) has more potential than integrativeness to capture relationships between second language learning and motivational factors. accordingly, the taxonomy of motivation introduces ndmss to facilitate identifying motivational factors at individual level instead of preset motivation strategies applied to the whole learner group while expecting the same output. given the individuality and independence of motivational factors (dörnyei, 2010; segalowitz & trofimovich, 2012) and nonlinearity and dynamicity of individual differences (dornyei, henry, & muir, 2016; dornyei, macintyre, & henry, 2015; ushioda & dörnyei, 2012), it is necessary to address these factors dynamically and nonlinearly. the proposed taxonomic template facilitates identifying and integrating motivational factors at individual level and supplies the teacher with a wide range of ndmss proportional to the identified motivational identity. these ndmss have the potential to create a learner-friendly motivational environment without imposing a single motivational strategy for all learner group regardless of the dynamicity and nonlinearity of l2 motivation. this environment caters for all dynamic and nonlinear motivational factors at individual level while attending to concepts of self-organization, emergence and nonlinearity (van geert, 2011) by benefiting from the interrelated nature of the factors (ford, 1992) instead of adopting cliché static motivational strategies (e.g. award, praise, penalty etc.) to create motivation at group level. the need to revisit motivational strategies studies on human motivation have developed several taxonomic structures (chulef et al., 2001; grouzet., et al., 2005; schwartz & bilsky, 1987; schwartz, et al., 2012) and accordingly l2 motivation studies have produced different models including dornyei’s (2001) motivational strategies and zimmerman’s (2013) motivational regulation strategies which despite their contributions to l2 motivation, have failed to include the concept of nonlinearity and dynamicity of motivational factors in arranging their models. given the general approval of the significance of dornyei’s motivational strategies (gao et al., 2003; li, 2009; ma, 2005) the current study discusses some of its deficient aspects with respect to nonlinearity and dynamicity. dornyei’s (2001) motivational strategies in the language classroom introduces four motivational aspects which in essence represent ways to create motivation as if motivation is a solid and static concept out there which does not exist and some strategies need to be applied to be created, generated, maintained or encouraged regardless of nonlinearity and dynamicity of motivational factors in l2 teaching. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 11 the other deficiency of this categorization is that no strategy is suggested to discover latent motivational factors in l2 learner which can be recruited as a tool to enhance language learning. in addition to the lack of strategies to identify learner’s motivational factor there is no suggestion concerning the way dynamicity and nonlinearity of learner’s motivational factors should be handled. to address this deficiency, a process-oriented model was presented (dornyei & otto, 1998; dornyei, 2001) which took a dynamic view of motivation in a linear process which ranged from preactional stage to actional and postactional stages. regardless of the actual context of l2 classroom where a variety of factors are at work to influence learning and teaching, the main deficiency of this processoriented model is ignoring the nonlinear nature of motivational factors (dornyei, macintyre, & henry, 2015; dornyei, henry, & muir, 2016; ushioda & dörnyei, 2012) and lining up motivational functions and influences without considering their multilateral interactions in an actual context of l2 classroom. another aspect of dornyei’s taxonomy which contrasts the nonlinearity and dynamicity is its call for creating a cohesive learner group to create a strong ‘we’ feeling which leads to mutual support (ehrman & dornyei, 1998); however, given the dynamic nature of motivational factors, experiencing such an optimal situation with truly cohesive motivational factors is quite rare if not impossible. grouping students based on a particular motivational factor observed in one or a few of the learners cannot be generalized and attributed as the cohesive motivational feature. in other words, without motivation diagnosis, motivation compatibility, and motivation integration in advance, we cannot merely group students with nonlinear dynamic motivational factors under the label of cohesive learner group. the term ‘group’ contradicts the concept of cohesion based on nonlinearity and dynamicity. this should not be interpreted as a negative point but rather as a positive and actual reflection of an actual learning context. we cannot expect a cohesive learner group with all members acting with static commitment to complete a task within a second language learning classroom while believing in the nonlinearity and dynamicity of the motivational factors in second language learning. eliciting cohesive behaviors by means of motivational strategies from a learning group should not be confused with discovering latent motivational factors at individual level with respect to nonlinearity and dynamicity which influence second language learning. ndmss move from individual to group at any stage or step of the revisited taxonomy trying to identify the motivational factors, test their compatibility, and integrate them which neither means learner examination in isolation (triplett, 1898) nor creating group cohesion (ehrman & dornyei, 1998) but rather recruiting group dynamics (lewin, 1951) based on the learner’s self-concept (csiz´er & magid, 2014) which needs to be discovered and directed rather than merely created/generated. therefore, the proposed framework sets out to capture the multiplicity of factors involved, their nonlinear impact, and their dynamic nature. what makes the proposed taxonomy a better approach for us to understand l2 motivation is the inclusion of dynamicity and nonlinearity of l2 motivation in different strategies from psychosocio-cultural angles. ignoring the nonlinearity and dynamicity of motivational factors among l2 learners is like expecting/forcing all members of a football team to strike a goal regardless of their positions/capabilities which reflect and represent their actual individual motivational factors. theoretical foundation to provide a dynamically oriented taxonomic structure (hiver & al-hoorie, 2016) ndmss basically draw on complex dynamic systems theory (de bot, lowie, & verspoor, 2007; dornyei, macintyre, et al., 2014; dörnyei, ibrahim, & muir, 2016; hiver & alhoorie, 2016; larsen-freeman & cameron, 2008; thompson & vasquez, 2015; thompson, 2017; serafini, 2017). these strategies are arranged to discover motivational surges at individual level based on the reported influence of motivational operations on the behavior of the individual (lechago, carr, grow, love, & almason, 2010; rosales & rehfeldt, 2007; wallace, iwata, & hanley, 2006). ndmss address the nonlinearity and heterogeneity of the learner’s behavior instead journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akbar bahari 12 of imposing preset motivational strategies regardless of the individual differences. by mentioning/discussing/reinforcing individual motivational factors, ndmss facilitate recruiting all components of the motivational superstructure from identified motivational currents described as goal-oriented surges to other intense motivational experiences (dornyei, henry, et al., 2015). given the nonlinearity and dynamicity of motivation at individual level, it needs to be identified in the members of the learning group. in the proposed model, this is done by mentioning/discussing/reinforcing psychosocio-cultural strategies which enable the teacher to come up with a diverse set of dynamic-nonlinear motivational strategies. following that, the identified motivational factors are examined for compatibility. the main point is that this process is not obsessed by the concept of creating/generating motivation at any cost and instead of eliciting motivational behavior (which is sometimes fake and pretended behavior) from the members of the learner group to form a single cohesive group with a single static motivational feature, ndmss facilitate approaching learners and discovering their dynamic motivational factors from psychosocio-cultural angles. ndmss in practice ndmss are applied at three stages: premotivational stage, motivational stage, and post-motivational stage. the first stage consists of steps in the order displayed in figure 1 starting by potential motivation diagnosis and ending by nonlinear integration. drawing on nonlinearity and dynamicity, even the proposed hierarchy allows a dynamic order which means there is no need to complete all steps in a linear process and the order can change dynamically into a nonlinear process based on the discovered motivational factors at individual level among the members of the learner group. figure 1. pre-motivational stage of applying ndmss. to identify the motivational disposition of l2 learners, the studies suggest the focus on the learners’ motivational self system (csizer & lukacs, 2010; dornyei, 2005, 2009; lamb, nonlinear integration dynamic compatibility potential motivation diagnosis journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 13 2012; thompson & erdil-moody, 2016) and its variations in future studies (csiz´er & magid, 2014; dornyei & chan, 2013; you, dornyei, & csiz´er, 2016) as an important factor in energizing and motivating learning behavior. in diagnosing the motivational factors, we need to identify tedious and boring experiences of the past as well as the attractive and enjoyable experiences of the learners (dornyei, ibrahim, & muir, 2015), dynamic interactions of the learners with the societal context with respect to the anti-ought-to self (alharbi, 2017; huensch & thompson, 2017; lanvers, 2016; liu & thompson, 2018; thompson & liu, 2018; thompson & vasquez, 2015; thompson, 2017) based on reactance theory (brehm, 1966; brehm & brehm, 1981), the ideal l2 self (henry, davydenko, & dörnyei, 2015; waninge, dörnyei, & de bot, 2014) as a dynamic variable which is influenced by continual cognitive-motivational functioning (dörnyei, 2010; dörnyei & ryan, 2015; larsenfreeman, 2015). this step is to make sure that previously discovered motivational factors are dynamically compatible in terms of motivational intensity, motivational imagery and motivational behavior (you & chan, 2015) with respect to gender differences (henry & cliffordson, 2013; you, dörnyei, et al., 2016) that can act together/along each other towards a nonlinear dynamic uniformity. dynamic compatibility of the ndmss should not be confused with ‘cohesive group’ which has been used in the literature. while the former is an attempt to find out the rate of compatibility among motivational strategies in order to sort and categorize them under multiple dynamic motivational strategies, the latter is an attempt to group the learners under a single group which is labeled as ‘cohesive group’ regardless of the nonlinear and dynamic nature of the motivational factor in each and every member of the learning group. the goal is to nonlinearly integrate the previously discovered motivational factors at individual level without trying to form/find a cohesive group. this step draws on group dynamics (lewin, 1951) and the interplay between individual features, the learning environment, future l2 self-guides, motivational behavior, motivational imagery/visualization, and learning styles (alshehri, 2009; dornyei & chan, 2013; kim, 2009; kim & kim, 2011). this needs to be done by highlighting the discovered attractions at individual level and integrating them in consensus with dynamic motivational factors among the members towards a nonlinear dynamic uniformity rather than a static goal. motivational stage of applying ndmss the ndmss are categorized into three constructs (cultural, social, and psychological) and each construct consists of several strategies at individual level (see tables 1,2,3). ndmss are psycho-socio-cultural-oriented strategies adopted from previous studies (boekaerts & corno, 2005; eccles et al., 1998; maehr, 1984; sansone & thoman, 2005; schwinger, steinmayr, & spinath, 2009; sivan, 1986; wentzel, 1999; zimmerman & kitsantas, 2005) based on their efficiency to enhance l2 motivation. these strategies have reportedly self-regulatory potential on the part of the learner (zimmerman, 2013) along with homogeneously/heterogeneously identified motivational factors on the part of the teacher. ndmss can sustain the ongoing efforts of the learners towards an adaptive motivation (wolters, 2003) by exercising the appropriate motivational strategy. the use of learnerfriendly ndmss prevents reactance and oppositional behavior against the imposed inappropriate motivational strategy on the part of the learner (bahari, 2018a). the proposed ndmss can reportedly affect learners’ cognitive engagement (schwinger et al., 2009; wolters & benzon, 2013) as well as interest-enhancement. psychological strategies (pss) psychological strategies are nonlinearly and dynamically strategized to enhance learner engagement, classroom engagement, and autonomous learning (legutke & thomas, 2013). these strategies are recruited and arranged based on the previous studies to create positive changes in learners’ attitudes and motivation (kim & choi, 2006) to lower anxiety in classroom learning (kim, 2005) and to engender self-efficacy among l2 learners (cheng, lam, & chan, 2008) in keeping with nonlinear dynamic l2 motivation. the proposed pss based on previous studies (katz et al., 2014; onatsu-arvolommi et al., 2002) have the potential to enhance self-regulation by identifying and tracking dynamic journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akbar bahari 14 motivational factors at individual level to organize the learning process toward an adaptive type of motivation (e.g. autonomous motivation). accordingly, the learner is encouraged to unlock the potential of psychological factors by having a goal-specific imagery (larmer et al., 2015) along with selfefficacy as a significant psychological factor (rubio, 2014; mills, 2014; schunk & pajares, 2005) in line with his/her nonlinear dynamic motivational factors. given the strong correlation between l2 motivation and language anxiety (cha & kim, 2013), this level proposes learning-teaching readjustment by assigning a psychologically-well-informed teacher for psychological needs and concerns of the learners. the following tables show the psycho-sociocultural strategies with their theoretical bases at individual level which are applied either by mentioning/discussing/reinforcing by the teacher: table 1. psychological strategies psychological strategies theoretical basis concept strategy self-efficacy theory (bandura, 1997) one’s capabilities teachers are suggested to take the following steps to strategize and contextualize every step: first, mention/discuss/reinforce dynamic, nonlinear, and motivating psychological issues at individual level second, encourage/facilitate/scaffold exchanging and introducing psychologically motivating factors at group level for example, to contextualize the concept of one’s capabilities, students’ sense of self-efficacy is strengthened via mastery experiences which is strategized according to the above steps. others’ capabilities self-monitoring strategies self-regulating strategies self-evaluation strategies spatiotemporal complexity of language self-regulated language learning attribution theory (weiner, 1992) the causes of previous success and failure goal-orientation hopefulness agentic persistence purposefulness zone of proximal development self-worth theory (covington, 1998) motivational behavior face-saving behavior goal-setting motivational factors intrinsic and extrinsic motivatin snyder’s hope theory (2002) desire and expectation ambition positive emotions demoralization incompetency despair helplessness social strategies (sss) social strategies enable l2 learners to use l2 for sociolinguistic goals (e.g. expression/ comprehension of social emotions, social thoughts, and social activities in keeping with other studies (e.g., joe, hiver, & al-hoorie, 2017). this is done via project-based learning in the classroom setting with intensified motivation (stoller, 2006) in accord with journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 15 nonlinearity and dynamicity of l2 motivation with respect to sociolinguistic goals. to this end, experiential learning and interaction (legutke & thomas, 2013) in a collaborative effort and performance (beckett & slater, 2005) is encouraged. this is to master language, content, and skill via individual and group activities with respect to learning process (larmer, mergendoller, & boss, 2015) and nonlinearity and dynamicity of motivation (bahari, 2018b). this also provides learners with nonlinear dynamic motivation (bahari, 2019b) while directing the learning process in a dynamic way (kaldi, filippatou, & govaris, 2011) and considering the need to produce tangible products on the part of learners (markham, larmer, & ravitz, 2003) with enhanced sense of self-fulfillment (schmidt, loyens, van gog, & paas, 2007). this level enables learners to share their experiences and understandings as well as to construct meaning by assigning a socially-well-informed teacher to cater for social needs and concerns of the learners. table 2. social strategies social strategies theoretical basis concept strategy social motivation theory (wentzel, 1999) social goal teachers are suggested to take the following steps to strategize and contextualize every step: first, mention/discuss/reinforce dynamic, nonlinear, and motivating social issues at individual level second, encourage/facilitate/scaffold exchanging and introducing socially motivating factors at group level for example, to contextualize the concept of social goal, students’ social goal is strengthened via setting some goals which is strategized according to the above steps. social conformity social autonomy social self-concept social responsibility social relationship social resource/position equity social safety social mastery social management social superiority social self-determination self-assertive social relationship goal orientation theory (ames, 1992) social self-acceptance social mores social affiliation community feeling social recognition well-being self-actualization appearance social events social activities social relationship goals social goals nonlinearity in time and space social supremacy social values theory of social motivation (weiner, 1994) social appropriateness social morality social behavior social competence social efficacy journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akbar bahari 16 social outcomes theory of planned behavior (ajzen, 1988; eagly & chaiken, 1993) social pressure perceived behavior self-regulatory skills cultural strategies (css) cultural strategies require teachers to mediate in a joint activity with learners while trying to understand the learners’ cultural orientation, cultural attitudes, sources of difficulty, and appropriate types of mediation with respect to nonlinear dynamic motivational factors on the part of learners at individual level (bahari, 2018c). this construct proposes learning-teaching readjustment by assigning a culturally-well-informed teacher for cultural needs and concerns of the learners instead of a culturally-prejudiced teacher who preaches anti-cultural views. mentioning/discussing/reinforcing identified cultural strategies creates a mutual understanding between learners with diverse cultural values. table 3. cultural strategies cultural strategies theoretical basis concept strategy young’s (1994) motivation models cultural events teachers are suggested to take the following steps to strategize and contextualize every step: first, mention/discuss/reinforce dynamic, nonlinear, and motivating cultural issues at individual level second, encourage/facilitate/scaffold exchanging and introducing culturally motivating factors at group level for example, to contextualize the concept of cultural events, students’ motivating cultural event is strengthened via describing the cultural event which is strategized according to the above steps. cultural activities l2 culture state of motivation additive bilingualism gardner’s (1985) orientation theory sacred text engagement in culture-related activities culture of learning a foreign language culture of the speakers of a foreign language cultural values of the foreign language maslow’s (1970) hierarchy of need cultural diversity cultural exploration cultural secrets cultural contradictions cultural clashes cultural supremacy post-motivational stage of applying ndmss provides a nonlinear dynamic picture of the steps which should be taken (as far as nonlinearity and dynamicity allows us) to reach the final goal of motivating l2 learners. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 17 figure 2. post-motivational stage of applying ndmss. the identified motivational factors need to be nonlinearly and dynamically addressed to provide l2 learners with required feedback with respect to identified goals, tendencies, preferences, desirability, etc. individual learner differences need to be considered while giving feedback (dörnyei, 2010) which is the focal point of the current study from identifying the motivational factors to the nonlinear dynamic motivational reinforcement. to this end, ndmss-based instructions for teachers (see table 4) provide a number of instructions to provide feedback in an integrative psycho-socio-cultural approach. nonlinear dynamic appraisal aims at processing and organizing identified motivational factors in parallel groups (e.g. psychological motivational factors and social motivational factors) towards multiple dynamic l2 teaching-learning goals (e.g. writing goals for some and speaking goals for some others). as the second step, nonlinear dynamic appraisal serves to activate action control strategies to facilitate the execution process (dörnyei & tseng, 2009). drawing on sociocultural theory (lantolf, 2000; swain, 1997), scaffolding within ndmss encourages language construction through collaborative dialogue which is assisted (basturkmen, loewen, & ellis 2002) and orchestrated by a motivational teacher by creating motivating interactions including triadic interaction (van lier, 2002) as an optimal setting to integrate previously processed motivational factors by scaffolding and preparing them for reinforcement. nonlinear dynamic reinforcement aims at conscious announcement of the identified, appraised, nonlinear dynamic reinforcement scaffolding nonlinear dynamic appraisal feedback journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akbar bahari 18 scaffolded, and feedbacked motivational factors at individual level. the conscious expression of nonlinear dynamic motivational factors at individual level not only reinforces this power in the learner but also creates a sense of self-recognition which is highly significant under the taxonomy of ndmss, where it is discovered and included in l2 teaching-learning. pedagogical guidelines pre-motivational stage: mentioning identified motivational factor at this stage, teachers are suggested to try different psycho-socio-cultural strategies (see tables 1,2,3) for every member of the learning group and identify the motivational identity and related motivational factors in every student. to this end, teachers are suggested to mention/discuss/reinforce dynamic, nonlinear, and motivating psycho-sociocultural issues at individual level. following that teachers are suggested to encourage/facilitate/scaffold exchanging and introducing psycho-socio-cultural motivating factors at group level. to contextualize the introduced concepts, students’ psycho-sociocultural motivating factors need to be addressed according to the suggested steps. accordingly, teachers are suggested to begin with an elicitation rather than reformulation (lyster, 2004) and engage learners in multitasking to give ‘voice’ to the learners’ experience (levy, 2015). this provides the learner with a chance to increase self-efficacy among the learner group, which can be reinforced by encouraging the use of communicative strategies to manage learning problems (nakatani & goh, 2007). accordingly, encourage communicative responses with adaptation, interpretation, paraphrasing and addition of new information rather than meaningful responses. to this end, a single linguistic feature should be addressed at a time (ellis, 2009) to facilitate learning and to avoid unmanageable cognitive load. accordingly, engage learners in strategic planning to internalize l2 structure (seifoori & vahidi, 2012). plan pre-listening activities to activate learners’ script and get to know learners’ motivational features. pss are arranged to encourage metacognitive strategies to build meaning (graham, 2006). to facilitate comprehension process, encourage learners to overcome the compulsion to translate (liu, 2003) and avoid applying l1 segmentation procedures to the rhythmically different target language (cutler, 2001). encourage natural target language reproduction rather than echoing, imitating or slavish mimicry (kim, 2011). encourage the use of language skills instruction strategy to improve skills proficiency (harris, 2007). to increase input in naturalistic settings (flege, 2009), encourage learners to pay attention to pause-bounded units to facilitate listening comprehension rather than syntactic cues (harley, 2000). encourage learners to selectively work on linguistic features which are related to comprehensibility rather than linguistic nativelikeness (saito, 2015). to enhance in-field learning encourage information exchange via location-based learning systems (burston, 2014) and encourage making questions that require evaluation and reaction rather than recall of details. motivational stage: discussing identified motivational factor at this stage, teachers are suggested to discuss the identified motivational factors with other members of the learner group to increase their knowledge about different motivational identities in the classroom with respect to the strategies suggested above (see tables 1, 2, 3). teachers are suggested to approach the cultural contexts and the learning needs of learners (lopes-murphy, 2012) to engage them at second language learning by mentioning/discussing/ reinforcing the identified motivational factors. to avoid demotivation, we need to avoid disparaging social and cultural values, which can make students feel disfranchised (kana’iaupuni, ledward, & jensen, 2010). to develop self-efficacy, encourage second language learners to inhabit an identity of a fluent speaker by imitating body movements (mccafferty, 2008) and encourage global comprehension rather than partial comprehension. since the goal is to process the speech rather than retrieve the information from the long-term memory, visualize and journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 19 enact pronunciation phenomena by the use of instructional gestures (smotrova, 2017). promote new ways of thinking which necessarily involve both forms of mediation operating in tandem. encourage experiential learning and interaction (legutke & thomas, 2013) by mentioning/discussing/reinforcing the identified motivational identity via psychosocio-cultural motivational strategies. accordingly, develop ideal selves along with ought-to selves among learners based on the positive relationship between them and the desire to improve pronunciation in a foreign language (huensch & thompson, 2017). keep encouraging students to see learning as an enjoyable process (zhang, et al., 2016) and mention/discuss/reinforce the identified motivational identity via psycho-socio-cultural motivational strategies. individual learner differences need to be considered while giving feedback (dörnyei, 2010). include social and cultural factors to make learning an important and meaningful task for learners (gay, 2010). post-motivational stage: reinforcing identified motivational factor at this stage, teachers are suggested to reinforce different identified motivational factors for every member of the learning group and benefit from the enhanced motivation for l2 teaching via the suggested strategies (see tables 1, 2, 3). to reinforce autonomous motivation, encourage participation in communicative activities and remove scaffolding in line with real-life listening experience (field, 2007). encourage communicative responses with adaptation, interpretation, paraphrasing and addition of new information rather than meaningful responses. appreciate cultural differences and promote the motivation and agency of individual learners in the classroom context (ushioda, 2013). provide learners with opportunities to manage their emotions, thought processes, and actions (e.g., joe, hiver, & al-hoorie, 2017); and encourage imitation so that learners can use the imitated content for their own communicative purposes (smotrova, 2017). accordingly, develop agency by reinforcing belief in one’s competence (mercer, 2015); encourage leaner autonomy by developing agency (benson, 2007) and develop strategy knowledge to facilitate learning management (ryan & irie, 2014). inform learners that accent is a normal characteristic of l2 speech production (abrahamsson & hyltenstam, 2009) which should not act as a demotivating factor, and encourage learners’ control over learning management to ensure a learner-friendly instruction (mercer, 2015). accordingly, conduct in-depth language counselling to facilitate learner autonomy, strategies and goal (o’reilly, 2012). to enhance in-field learning encourage information exchange via location-based learning systems (burston, 2014), and encourage producing modified comprehensible output via interactional strategies (pica, 2002). to reinforce the identified motivational factors, encourage the use of interactional strategies to facilitate meaning negotiation (swain, 1995). encourage hopeful thinking among the learners to change the present attitudes to shape positive thinking (oxford, 2017) and encourage strategic competence to enhance hope among learners (oxford, 2017). to encourage motivational learning develop growth mindsets among the learners (dweck, 2006) and improve teacher-learner alliance to nullify hopelessness (ehrman, 1998). encourage interactive systems as subcategories of complex systems at different levels (larsen-freeman, 2017) as well as goaldirectedness towards authentic complexity of learning (oxford, 2017), and finally, encourage learner self-regulation over motivation (panadero & alonso-tapia, 2014) by exercising different types of proposed ndmss. the proposed taxonomy tried to address the nonlinearity and dynamicity of l2 motivation from three perspectives. at social level, social cognitive theories (boo, dornyei & ryan, 2015) were adapted to integrate learners’ purposeful relational activity with their ongoing participation in social practices which vary from one learner to another. at psychological level, problem-based l2 motivation and students-oriented learning were emphasized to mediate learner’s psychological functioning rather than mere scaffolding (lantolf & thorne, 2006) with respect to the nonlinearity and dynamicity of l2 motivation. accordingly, at cultural level, with a focus on vygotskian socio-cultural journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) akbar bahari 20 theory along with mediated learning experience, mediated learning experience was provided to meet the needs of learners from different cultural backgrounds (feuerstein et al., 2010) along with social environment to enable learners to formulate relationships between the perceived facts (feuerstein et al., 1997). the previous studies have approached second language learning and motivation either with respect to strategies (dornyei & ryan, 2015; griffiths, 2013; oxford, 2017; quoidbach, mikolajczak, & gross, 2015; schunk & zimmerman, 2012) or as a static factor (moskovsky et al., 2016) or a learnercontext interaction subject (thompson & vasquez, 2015; thompson & erdil-moody, 2016) or introducing influential factors (lyubomirsky & layous, 2013; sheldon, boehm, & lyubomirsky’s, 2013; rusk & waters, 2015). despite approaching the nonlinear dynamic nature of l2 motivation (ushioda & dörnyei, 2012) they have not integrated this critical feature of l2 motivation in a single learning model or a taxonomy of l2 learning strategies. the advantages of the proposed ndmss lie in several revisited aspects of motivational strategies which are used to either solely overemphasize selfregulated organization without assigning an actual facilitative role for l2 teachers or ignore the highly significant concepts of nonlinearity and dynamicity which possess the potential to metamorphose traditionally established l2 teaching-learning and assessment to a large extent. in contrast to the cybernetic model of the self-regulation of behavior suggesting the hierarchical organization of goals where lower goals are less frequently functional compared to higher goals guiding more related behavior (carver & scheier, 1998), ndmss suggest nonlinear-dynamic organization of motivational factors to ensure unlocking the potential of all motives regardless of their position in any proposed categorization. taxonomic structures drive studies both at theoretical level and practical level (digman, 1997; goldberg, 1981). accordingly, the taxonomy of ndmss ensure enhanced motivation at individual level and integrated multiple homogeneous/heterogeneous clusters of energizing motives (fiske, 2004; fiske, 2008) towards dynamic and emergent goals with the least rate of learning anxiety. conclusion drawing on the complex dynamic systems theory as a variation of complexity theory, the present study presented ndmss as a revisited taxonomy for second language teaching. the proposed strategies have the potential to be used for classroom setting and call setting as well as other teaching purposes beyond language teaching. the proposed strategies keep identified motivational factors at individual level in motion to create a motivation-oriented l2 teaching-learning context. accordingly, ndmss provide a truly learner-friendly l2 teaching via a new template of strategies to cater for learners’ emergent and dynamic motivational identity without trying to shape them based on a preset used-for-all strategy. it is against the dynamicity of motivational identity to expect all members of a learner group to show equal output or assess them based on a preset usedfor-all strategy. it is also against nonlinearity of motivational factors to apply static linear strategies and expect a truly diversely motivated learner group where all motivational identities are democratically mentioned/discussed/reinforced. despite the apparent chaotic state of ndmss, they have the potential to meet dynamic motivational needs of l2 learners by producing a nonlinearlydynamically motivated learner, nonlinearlydynamically motivating teacher, and nonlinearly-dynamically motivational classroom. acknowledgments the author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions to improve the paper. he also wishes to thank his wife and daughter, mona and anahita for their support. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 21 references abrahamsson, n., & hyltenstam, k. 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biber, 1986). in the field of linguistics, the two modes are intrinsically distinct in terms of, among others, coherence (bublitz, 1999; actfl, 1988; tannen, 1984) and sentence complexity (malvey, 2017; greene & capella, 1986). the data for those studies are mainly obtained from l1 speakers. on the other hand, in the context of l2 learners, there has been a growing interest in the analysis of how these two modalities are analyzed such as syntactic complexity (nicolau & sukamto, 2016; lintunen & makila, 2014; silva, abchi & borzone, 2010); rigidity of grammar (cao thanh, 2015), and discourse structure (sun & yang, 2011; pu, 2006). regardless of the fact that the data were collected from l1 or l2, sentence complexities journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 2580-5878 maria fe suganob nicolau & katharina endriati sukamto 126 seem to be a more popular topic for discussion. for instance, lintunen and makila (2014) conducted a study based on the analysis of l2 english spoken and written productions of 18 l1 finnish learners with the focus on syntactic complexity. the data consisted of written essays and transcribed spoken productions. in the written part, the students were asked to write an informal essay of 150–250 words while in the spoken part, they were shown a cartoon strip with six frames, and their task was to tell a story based on the cartoon. it revealed that the two modes have their own characteristics, and there are differences between native and non-native language use. hesitations and pauses are not visible in the end result of the writing process, but they are characteristic of non-native spoken language use. seemingly, written language was more complex than spoken language; however, the difference in the level of complexity was greater when a language segmentation unit such as t-unit analysis was used in segmenting the data. another study is by silva, abchi and borzone (2010), who examined the differences between the speaking and writing skills of 1st and 2nd grade spanish-speaking children. children’s writing abilities were evaluated with an oral/written retelling task. the authors considered length, t-units, and syntactic complexity index (sci) for the analysis, and a word spelling task to assess the basic skills of the children. the results showed differences between modalities in text length and t-unit, but not in sci. the transcription processes did not affect the syntactic complexity of the written texts, even when they were shorter. furthermore, the differences between modalities were less important in the 2nd grade. also, the patterns of correlation of length and sci with other tasks that evaluated transcription skills changed when the children got older. feilke (1996 qtd in abchi & de mier, 2017) revealed similar findings that young children (9 to 10 years old) mostly use coordinated sentences in written productions, but tend to integrate more information in subordinate clauses by the age of 14. seemingly, teenagers and adults progressively use more nominalizations, which may be considered as a higher level of syntactic development. taking into account specific measures to assess syntactic complexity (based on hunt’s works), previous studies of spanish written productions have shown an increase in syntactic complexity associated with age and school level (gutiérrez-clellen & hofstetter, 1994). on a more recent finding, malvey (2017) conducted a study on complexity in written and spoken persuasive language tasks of ninth grade students in south-eastern united states. the students were asked to write a persuasive composition and speak about their opinion of high-school students having part-time jobs. the results demonstrated that the students used more complex syntax in their written persuasive language samples than in spoken language samples. on average, the participants made more utterance-level errors in the written texts. this study also shows that there was a significant negative relationship between errors at the word level that the students made and their scores on the writing tests. this means that the higher the students’ writing score was, the lower number of wordlevel errors that the students made in the written persuasive task. in indonesia, a number of international schools are set-up in big cities like jakarta. the majority of the students enrolled in these schools are locals whose first language is indonesian. however, it can be observed that english becomes their lingua franca due to their exposure to the language. such indication can be attributed to their environment, for instance, native english speaking teachers and the medium of instruction used in the both the school and family domains. as stated by crystal (2003: 4), “language can be made a priority in a country’s foreign language teaching, even though this language has no official status. this becomes the language which children are most likely to be taught when they arrive in school.” in this case, students who are studying in bilingual or international schools are presumably better in their performance of english. apparently, at the school site where the data were obtained, some of the teachers commented that the young learners spoke journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; e2580-5878 127 spontaneously and fluently in english but some found it challenging to write their thoughts. to this effect, it is interesting to discover how these l2 young learners are responding to the two modes of language (written and spoken) in their early elementary years. this study aims to find out the research question: what are the patterns of similarities and differences between the written and spoken narratives? it is noteworthy to mention that unlike some previous studies that used two different instruments to collect the written and spoken data (among others, lintunen & makila, 2014; cao thanh, 2015; sun & yang, 2011), in this study the authors preferred to use a single instrument to obtain the two sets of data. it is probably too early to mention that the different genres used in earlier studies might be considered as a contributing factor for the difference between the written and spoken outputs. horowitz and samuels (1987) claimed that while distinct patterns have emerged from these comparisons, the characterizations may partly be due to the genre differences because patterns of discourse such as rhetoric structures, attribution, adversative, covariance, and response, etc. do not work in the same way across readers of various age groups and grades and across text topics. therefore, following pu (2006), in his study we used a single instrument – in this case a series of pictures – for the two modes of language. methodology this section involves a description of the participants and the research methodology that spells out the procedural method of the study. participants the participants of the study were 77 grade 2 students at binus school simprug whose age level ranged between seven to eight years old when the data were collected in the first and second week of february 2017. the participants were all indonesians who spoke indonesian as their first language. however, in their daily activities, they often conversed in english both at school and at home. english became their most comfortable language due to the fact they attended an international school where almost all subject disciplines except for indonesian and chinese were taught in that language. this was also intensified by the composition of the teachers who were mostly native english speakers. in referring to the participants in this study, the authors assigned a pseudonym to each student to safeguard their identity and privacy. for example, for the male students, we used boy 1, boy 2, and so on; and for the female students, girl 1, girl 2, and so on. research methodology the stimulus material was a four-panel comic strip with no written text (see appendix) which was considered appropriate for the age and grade level of the students. this material was used to conduct both the written and spoken narratives of the students to analyze the difference between two modalities. firstly, the participants were asked to do the written narrative task. before they started writing their narratives, an orientation was given to ensure that they understood the task given to them. after which, they were instructed to make their own storyline based on the comic strip with four frames with an emphasis that there was no right or wrong interpretation. this was to condition the mindset of the children that they could explore their sense of creativity in writing a narrative and that no pressure was put on them. subsequently, after 10 minutes, 69 of the total participants (90%) were done with their written tasks. the spoken narrative task was conducted a week after the written one. this was to give space between the introductions of the two modes and to hypothesize that a leeway would not make a big difference between the written and spoken narratives. like the written narratives, the students were instructed to tell something about the comic strips. this time, however, they only used the journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 2580-5878 maria fe suganob nicolau & katharina endriati sukamto 128 spoken modality wherein the data were recorded using an audio recorder. in the attempt to examine the patterns of similarities and differences between written and spoken narratives, pu’s (2006) comparative discourse analysis and hunt’s (1970) t-units measurement were used as the framework of the study. hunt (1970) underscored that a sentence has two (or more) t-units when independent clauses are conjoined (e.g. there was a woman next door, and she was a singer), but a single t-unit when one or more clauses are embedded in an independent clause (e.g. there was a woman next door who was a singer). table 1 presents the t-units to view the complexity of the sentence production (hunt, 1970). table 1. t-units and their corresponding sentence samples t-unit sentence 1 t-unit (1 independent clause) ana ate the apple. 1 t-unit (1 independent clause with extension) ana ate the apple that fell from the tree. 1 t-unit (1 independent clause with a dependent clause) ana ate the apple after she found it. 2 t-units (2 independent clauses) ana ate the apple and she took a nap. findings and discussion generally speaking, the students were able to produce comparable episodes in terms of story elements (e.g. characters, plot, and setting), linearity of the storyline and inference making. the overall structure of the two narratives is quite similar; however, there are identifiable differences observed between the two modalities. the remaining sections of the paper will focus on the emerging similarities and differences of both modalities in terms of their structural discourse and construction. similarities between written and spoken narratives all participants constructed the written and spoken narratives following the basic global structure of the story which is the beginning, middle, and end. the structure was made possible as each frame of the comic strips shows the picture clues. in terms of organization and coherence, the written and spoken narratives are strikingly similar because of the constraint of story frame, such as the speaker’s/writer’s expectations about how stories should be told and the fulfilment of the expectations (tannen, 1993). also, a written narrative usually follows a skeletal description of the fundamental events in their natural, logical and chronological order (toolan, 1988; yu, 2005). in the same vein, although the participants were not able to exactly deduce the thoughts of the ‘mother’ (a character in the comic) as projected in the script, the participants stayed connected with the setting of the story (the school) due to the picture cues such as a backpack that the characters are carrying at their back. this suggests that the visual stimuli constructed a mental representation of what they perceived, and encoded it into a linguistically structured message. in addition, not all episodes were elaborately described in both modalities, yet the students could concentrate on the major events and focus less on the less significant actions and descriptions of the characters. in relation to how the students introduced the narration of the events, they started with the phrase “once upon a time or one day”. when a student was informally asked why she commenced the sentence in such a way, she stated “usually, when i’m reading storybooks, they start with those lines. teacher also mentioned that make believe story can start with once upon a time” (girl 1). according to holowitz and newman (1964: 162), this utterance segment is marked as communicative signal since the sender signals that she/he is about to transmit an idea. consequently, the use of then and and are commonly practiced in order to connect one episode to the next. it can be observed journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; e2580-5878 129 that the organization of both written and spoken narratives displays somehow uniform construction. these are exhibited in the following table: table 2. the use of then and and at the start of the sentence written spoken then the kids arrived to school (girl 26) then they are in school now (boy 4) and they were hearing some noise (girl 3) and they walked and walked (boy 1) then they are really tired and sad. (girl 4) then the mom was going to get something from the laptop (boy 30) and walked until they are at school (girl 35) and the kids don’t like to go to school they like to play ipad all the time (boy 17) despite the identifiable similarities of the two modes, it is also interesting to explore the level of their differences which are discussed in the succeeding sub-topics. differences between written and spoken narratives the differences of the two modalities are focused on the structure of discourse (e.g. hedges, contraction, repair and repetition) and t-units. the discussion below exemplifies the analysis of the sub-topic. hedges the apparent feature of hedges such as i think and maybe are observed in spoken narratives and not at all in the written ones. observe the following: (1) i think the mom told them to go to school. (girl 6) (2) i think the mom is saying goodbye to the kids. (boy 2) (3) i think there is something in the computer. (boy 3) (4) maybe they are lazy and sad. (girl 5) (5) and maybe the said to go to school. (boy 27) the data shows that the students seem to suggest the absence of absoluteness or the varying amount of accuracy of their statements by using hedging devices and displaying uncertainty and reservation. in the case of girl 6, she used hedges (e.g. i think) as a delaying tactic to think of the next words to utter in order to complete her statement. this implies that the student attempts on saving her face in case of any possible falsification of judgments. this solidifies chafe and nichols’ (1986) claim that hedges are often limited only to expressions showing that “the match between a piece of knowledge and a category is less than perfect.” in writing, the writer always has more time for language processing while in speaking, the speaker attempts to give spontaneous and on the spot spoken utterances which gives her/him the freedom to speak without looking back at the structure of grammar and spelling. pu (2006) claims that writers usually plan a clause/sentence ahead before they write it down, and they have time to resolve uncertainly and avoid hesitation before producing a word or phrase. contraction unlike the written narratives, spoken narratives demonstrated a lot of contraction, such as the following: (6) while they’re…while they arrived at school, their mom was working (girl 1) (7) … because it’s very far and their mom always help them (girl 6) (8) they don’t have a car so they want to walk to school. (boy 2) (9) the mom worked and they didn’t tidy their room. (boy 3) the above data suggest that most of the students understood that they should employ more formality in their written narratives than the spoken ones. the instances of using contractions in the spoken mode were journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 2580-5878 maria fe suganob nicolau & katharina endriati sukamto 130 demonstrated since they spontaneously expressed their thoughts without being bothered by the formality of the sentence. further, the need to produce language rapidly to narrate the story might constraint the ability of the students to produce syntactic richness. thus, this current study reinforced the findings of chafe and danielwicz (1987: 9) that “if we put that difference aside, contractions can be regarded as further examples of innovative spoken vocabulary, innovations which the most formal kind of written language avoids altogether, but which more casual writing is more willing to accept.” as also stated by pu (2006: 46), “spoken narratives commonly used contractions, which is a feature much like the use of informal, colloquial vocabulary.” repairs and repetition repairs are evident in spoken narratives. the data revealed that 17 utterances contained repairs which are further categorized in two categories: lexical repair and syntactic repair. in lexical repair, the speaker changes from one lexical item to another. the examples can be seen below: (10) the family… the kids have to go to school. (girl 22) (11) then their mom is playing the computer… laptop. (boy 34) examples (10) and (11) demonstrate that the students repaired the lexical terms (family to kids and computer to laptop) to illustrate specificity with the chosen word. this type of self-repair, according to kormos (1999 & 2000), is made to modify the information provided earlier by the speaker. on the other hand, syntactic repair happens when the speaker changes the tense of the verb such as the following: (12) serah love… serah loved to study. (girl 43) in this case, girl 43 seemed to realize that she should have used the past form of the verb love, since she used past tense for the previous utterances: and they walked until they were in school. they studied. serah love… serah loved to study. as english is not the first language of the student, it seems that the student was able to apply the monitoring strategy (krashen, 1982) in her l2 utterances. the difference in discourse is further observed in repetition which gives away to both spoken and written narratives. table 3 presents the occurrence of repetition in both modalities. table 3. occurrence of repetition in written and spoken narratives written spoken at school they opened the door and they hear tap tap (girl 24) the mommy is typing tap tap tap with her computer (boy 11) they walk in the street very very long (girl 17) while they were walking and walking, they still felt lazy to go to school (girl 26) they were sad and they walk and walk and walk (girl 40) the occurrence of repetition in the written narratives looks interesting. the students used a linguistic device such as onomatopoeia (e.g. tap, tap, tap) to exemplify the sound produced by the laptop whereas in the spoken counterpart, they used only the clause (e.g. playing in the computer – girl 24; worked in the computer – boy 11). this implies that the students show their creative sides in producing colorful components of the vocabulary to amplify their thoughts. in fact, menn and vihman (2011) argued that onomatopoeia often constitute a considerable portion of the initial language development and a focus on this early vocabulary may explain some of the children’s lexicon as they progress towards the adulthood. in a different context, the spoken data as shown in table 3 produced a different viewpoint. the students attempted to repeat a word to highlight its position in the narrative. for instance, “they walk in the street very very long” (girl 17). the adverbial form very is journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; e2580-5878 131 repeated to suggest that the comic strip character has still a long way to travel. interestingly, the message conveyed by the other students (girl 26 and girl 40) are identical, yet they presented it in a different writing structure. this assumption takes place since three out of the four panels of the comic strips show the same activity of the characters which is “walking”. this informational salience in a narrative seems to create a connection which in some way assists the clarity of communication. t-units the syntactic complexity measure focuses on the production of complex sentences shown by the complexity of the t-units. hunt (1970: 189) defines a t-unit as "the shortest unit into which a piece of discourse can be cut without leaving any sentence fragments as residue". each t-unit contains one independent clause and its dependent clauses. dependent clauses, which are connected to the independent clause via subordinate conjunctions (e.g. that, when, if, whether, though, although), function as noun clauses, adjective clauses, or adverb clauses. even if two independent clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction (e.g. and, but, or, nor), the total number of t-units is two, not one. graph 1. overall number of t-units graph 1 shows the comparison between the overall number of t-units of written and spoken narratives. based on lu’s (2010) tunit analyzer, this study reveals that the written narratives have 204 t-units while the spoken narratives have 164 t-units. this can be construed that the students are more comfortable in constructing complete sentences in their spoken narratives. this supports the statement of biber (1986) that “linguistic differences between speaking and writing have been attributed to differing processing constraints and to differing situational characteristics” (23), which in the current finding is attributed to the age and grade level of the students as supported by (abchi & de mier, 2017), limited knowledge of correct spelling (e.g. heer (hear), becuas (because), tierd (tired) and the construction of formal and complete sentences in the written form. in a different context, it can be noted that the spelling of words is incorrect; yet the students were observed to write the spelling that are phonologically the same as the linguistic term it refers to. on the other hand, graph 2 below displays the results of the sentence complexity of t-units between the written and spoken narratives of the students. journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 2580-5878 maria fe suganob nicolau & katharina endriati sukamto 132 graph 2. sentence complexity in t-units graph 2 shows the comparison of the sentence complexity production of t-units between written and spoken narratives. written narratives display from the highest to lowest rank: 1 t-unit (1 independent clause) with 31 occurrences, followed by 1 t-unit (1 independent clause with extension) (15), then by 2 t-units (2 independent clauses) (9), by 2 t-units (2 independent clauses with extension (4), by 1 t-unit (1 independent clause with a dependent clause) (3), and finally 3 t-units (3 independent clauses) (2). on the other hand, the spoken narratives show that the highest rank is occupied by 1 t-unit (1 independent clause) with 51 occurrences, followed by 1 t-unit (1 independent clause with extension) (40), then by 2 t-units (2 independent clauses) (35), by 2 t-units (2 independent clauses with extension (27), by 1 t-unit (1 independent clause with a dependent clause) (23), by 3 t-units (3 independent clauses) (17), and finally 3 t-units (3 independent clauses with extension) (8). the production of sentence complexity is much higher in spoken narratives than in written ones. it can be construed that the developmental learning stage of the students who are still in the process of learning and enhancing their formal sentence construction is a contributory factor. this finding has been supported by abchi and de mier (2017) and gutiérrez-clellen and hofstetter (1994) who claimed that although this phenomenon appears simplistic, the syntactic level is still strongly correlated with school level and age. cao thanh (2015), on the other hand mentioned that spoken language often does not require strict rules, so it is less rigid and more flexible than the written language. newman and holowitz’s (1964) findings though conducted decades ago still observably support the current study that the spoken expression produces a significantly greater number of word-token and more ideas of all kinds (e.g. main ideas, subordinate ideas, and ancillary ideas) in comparison to writing. the speaker’s verbosity and prolixity to the extent of repetition cause the spoken language to become richer and fuller. interestingly, the data in graph 2 also reveals that whether the sentence is a 1 t-unit or 2 t-units or 3 t-units, the sequence follows a pattern from independent clause (e.g. the boy and the girl are going to school) to independent clause with extension (e.g. they school is far from their house.). nonetheless, tunits (individual clauses with extensions) were only apparent in 2 t-units and 3 t-units. on a separate note, the most common coordinating conjunction and is used to link 2 t-units and 3 t-units to demonstrate the complexity of sentences. the written narratives reveal that and connects the two independent clauses which have the same subject. this would mean the anaphora (e.g. they) refers back to the same entity in this journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; e2580-5878 133 case the ‘kids’. in contrast, the spoken narratives show a different pattern. and is shown to link two independent clauses with two different subjects (e.g. kids and mom) and two different activities. pragmatically speaking, the speakers (students) seem to establish a common understanding of the topic with the listener; thus maintaining the spontaneity of the interaction. the samples of sentences are presented below: table 4. and as a coordinating conjunction written narratives spoken narratives the kids are walking to school and they are not happy. (girl 5) the kids are walking and they don’t have a car. (boy 14) the two kids are going to school and the mom is saying good bye. (boy 20) the mom is working and they didn’t tidy the room. (girl 25) further, the coordinating conjunction and does not only function as a connector between independent clause and dependent clause but it also signals as a commencing word to a new episode as seen in table 5. (note: narratives’ spelling and grammar are not edited based on natural data provided by boy 3.) table 5. written and spoken narrative data using and (boy 3) written spoken the children are going to school by them selves. the children are going to school with walking. and they are still walking. the childrens are ready to go to school. and the mother say good bye to the childrens. the childrens say good bye to the mother. and the children walked away far to the school. and then the children are near the school. the children are in the school and the teacher typing the computer for the childrens. the initial position of the conjunction and in the two narrative modes indicates the sequential order of the events. the presence of and also separates one sentence to the other which allows the students to construct simple complete thoughts. likewise, some students pause for a few seconds and repetitively use the word and (e.g. and, and they walk, and till they’ll reach their house – boy 5), in their spoken narratives to indicate that they are thinking for the lexical term or the supporting ideas to utter. this was also supported by the length of their utterances in comparison to the written narratives. in fact, 51 similar instances were observed in both modalities. accordingly, spoken language is normally produced in small spurts (gee, 2011; chafe, 1994). these spurts or chunks of speech are produced between boundaries; one chunk is separated from another by a pause. each chunk consists of situational linguistic material which reflects the speaker’s thought(s) at the time of utterance (sukamto & yanti, 2013). chafe and danielewicz (1987) also mentioned that the speakers try to avoid complex interclausal relations because an elaborated syntax evidently requires more processing effort than speakers can ordinarily devote to it. it might be too early to assume that the linguistic repertoire of the seven to eightyear-old students in terms of conjunction is focused on the most common coordinating connectors such as and and but. statistically speaking during the summer of 2012 review, the corpus of contemporary american english indicated 10,741,073 used of and within its expansive collection. this amounts to roughly 2.4 percent of all words, making and the third most common word in the english language (kokemuller, 2017). journal of language and literature pissn: 1410-5691; eissn: 2580-5878 maria fe suganob nicolau & katharina endriati sukamto 134 conclusion both modalities follow the basic global structure in terms of story elements (e.g. characters, plot, and setting), linearity of the storyline, inference making and coherence because of the limitation of story frames. the students stayed connected with the setting of the story due to the visual stimuli that construct a mental representation of what they perceived, and encoded them into a linguistically structured message. further, the apparent use of the phrase once upon a time or one day indicated the start of the sentences while the use of then and and signalled the next episode of the narration. this solidifies the argument of pu (2006) that despite the differences of the two modes, they still follow the universal characteristics of narrative discourse and human cognition. although the written narratives were observed to demonstrate formality in context, the spoken narratives displayed higher frequencies in using structure of discourse (e.g. hedges, contraction, repair and repetitions) and sentence complexity in tunits. for instance, hedges functioned as delaying tactics of the students to think of the next words or clause to utter allowing more time for language processing. likewise, the use of contractions was due to the rapid production of language to narrate the story that constraints the ability of the students to produce syntactic richness. seemingly, repairs were also apparent to illustrate specificity of the chosen words (e.g. family to kids, computer to laptop) while repetition stemmed from the linguistic device such as the onomatopoeia (e.g. tap, tap, tap) that demonstrated the creative sides of the students in producing colorful components of the vocabulary to amplify their thoughts. in terms of sentence complexity using the t-units, it demonstrated that the spoken narratives outnumbered the written mode. it was also apparent that the 2 t-units or 3 t-units followed a pattern, that is, independent clause to independent clause with extension, which was a product of the participants’ knowledge on spellings and construction of formal and complete sentences. the findings suggest that despite the use of a single stimulus material to compare the written and spoken narratives, there are apparent intrinsic differences between the two modes. these results may hold some implications to the language teachers to heighten the learners’ awareness of the unique linguistic features of each mode and to provide a clear understanding on how these modes work best especially in english language. further, a longitudinal study is recommended to explore how the learners develop narrative structures of the two modes across different cultural backgrounds. as regards to the limitations of this study, future comparative studies among international schools with bigger scale of respondents are suggested to academically comprehend the learners’ competence in both written and spoken language. references abchi, v. s., & de mier, v. syntactic complexity in narratives written by spanish heritage speakers. vigo international journal of applied linguistics, 14, 2017: 125-148. doi:10.2307/34331. american council on the teaching of foreign languages. actfl japanese proficiency guidelines. foreign language annals. 1, 1988: 589–603. biber, d. spoken and written textual dimensions in english: resolving the contradictory findings. los angeles: university of southern california, 1986. bublitz, w. introduction: views of coherence. in w. bublitz, u. lenk, and e. ventola (eds.), coherence in spoken and written discourse: how to create it and how to describe it: selected papers from the international workshop on coherence, augsburg, 24–27 april 1997. amsterdam: john benjamins, 1999. cao thanh, n. the differences between spoken and written grammar in english, in comparison with vietnamese. a tagmemic comparison of the structure of journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn: 1410-5691; 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(2) the attitude of responsibility towards nature; (3) cosmic solidarity; (4) the principle of compassion and care for nature; (5) the principle of no harm; (6) the principle of living simply and in harmony with nature; (7) the principle of justice; (8) democratic principles; and (9) the principle of moral integrity. among these principles, the most dominant principle is the principle of respect for nature. second, the role of the characters in environmental preservation contained in the novel is divided into two categories, namely the role of pro-environment and non pro-environment. keywords: environmental wisdom, environmentalism, eco-criticism introduction nowadays our environment is in crisis and broken everywhere. it is not only physical environment crisis, such as water, soil, air, and climate crisis but also biological environmental and social environmental crisis. the root of the problem stems from the environmental damage caused by human behaviour in an effort to meet the needs of economic life that does not pay attention to environmental balance (susilo, 2012, p. 19). according to arne naess (via keraf, 2010, p. 2), today's environmental crisis can only be overcome by making fundamental and radical changes in human outlook and behaviour towards nature. it takes environmental ethics that guide humans to interact newly in the universe. human awareness to be ethical with the environment has been carried out by several communities of nature lovers, environmental activists, and the government, although not yet fully. one of them like the ministry of environment and forestry (klhk) in the national priority lake rescue coordination meeting and the revitalization of the lake rescue movement ( states that klhk continues to intensify efforts to save lakes, especially for 15 priority lakes journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) rahastri fajar puspasari & wiyatmi 160 that have damaged conditions or threatened. one of the efforts is through strengthening the synergy of lake management between the parties. indirectly, literature has also taken part in building changes in the way of readers reading about the environment through literary works, especially the genre of green literature. green literature is a genre of literary works that has several criteria, namely the language used contains a lot of ecological diction. the content of the work is based on a sense of love for the earth. they are the pain of the broken earth, the expression of anxiety in responding to the destruction of the earth, fighting injustice over the arbitrary treatment of the earth and its contents (trees, mines, water and air, as well as its inhabitants—humans), the idea of liberating the earth from destruction, and its implementation. green literature must be able to influence people's mind sets and attitudes towards the destruction of earth. this is in accordance with the vision and mission of green literature, namely literature that plays a role in awareness and enlightenment that is expected to change the lifestyle of the destroyer into a preserver who cares for the earth (go green) (pranoto, 2014, p. 5). in addition to developing green literature, which is not less important is also developing literary criticism with ecological insight, known as eco-criticism or ecofeminism (warren, 2011; wiyatmi, 2019, p. 17; sukmawan, 2015, p. vi). one of the green literary works that takes up environmental themes is a novel entitled sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth (2015) by pandu hamzah. the uniqueness of this novel is that the characters in the novel by pandu hamzah do not only involve humans as characters to protect the environment, but also involve the role of animals, plants, creatures that exist between, and not (ulu-ulu). the figures are the tree-cutting man, rama djati kusuma, the black (children), mak laksi (30s), octaviany kiara (20s), kinanti (ms. kiara), chevron, government, "ajag" girl (coyote) incarnation, zasu (ulu-ulu creature), angel of happiness, mother of walik bird, and kiara tree. environmental problems in the novel sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth is not only about the felling of kiara tree which is the source of water in the area but also about the changing status of mount ciremai to mount ciremai national park and chevron's plan to exploit the geothermal mount ciremai. the leaders then made various efforts to continue to protect the environmental area on mount ciremai. ciremai mountain is one of mount ceremai mountains which is the highest mountain (3,078 m) in west java province, precisely in kuningan regency and majalengka regency. mount ceremai area has the potential of abundant natural resources, including biological resources, land resources, and water sources. while the functions of mount ceremai area include are (a) for education, (b) vehicle for tourism, (c) catchment area, (d) buffer area, (e) water source, and (f) agriculture, forestry, and plantation cultivation (alviya, 2006, p. 88). based on the description above, it is necessary to do research on the form of environmental wisdom carried out by the characters in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth by pandu hamzah along with the role of the characters in environmental preservation contained in the novel that can be a lesson in environmental ethics for the reader. methodology this research is a qualitative descriptive study using ecocritical theory. qualitative research, as a research procedure, produces descriptive data that leads to the form of environmental wisdom and the role of the characters. both data contained in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth. the primary datum in this study is from the novel sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth by pandu hamzah published by literati in april 2015. the secondary data are the background information on pandu hamzah novel sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth, environmental issues rose in the novel, and environmental research relevant to the topic of discussion. the data in this research are in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 161 discourse from sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth which contains information related to the form of environmental wisdom and the role of the characters in environmental preservation contained in the novel. the techniques of obtaining data used in this study are reading and recording. the researchers read the data repeatedly then take notes some information relating to the formulation of the problem. the researchers also made a marking on the data that shows the existence of environmental wisdom and the role of the characters in environmental care contained in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth. the data analysis technique in this study was a qualitative descriptive technique. it was also carried out in a description, in which the researchers grouped the data according to certain characteristics and categories. there is also a tabulation data from the data form, for example the researchers present the data in tabular form as a result of the categorization of each research objective. then, the data that has been obtained are analysed in accordance with ecocritical theories to describe the environmental wisdom and the role of the characters in environmental preservation contained in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth. the instrument used in this study was the researchers themselves (human instrument). researchers who carry out all activities, ranging from planning, implementing data collection, analysis, interpretation of data, and reporting the results of research. logic and interpretative abilities of researchers are used as a basis for conducting analysis. in this study, researchers used semantic validity and referential validity. semantic validity is used to examine and measure the validity of data relevant to the context of the story, while referential validity is used to ensure the validity of data and understanding based on the reference libraries used. the reliability used in this study is intrarater reliability. this reliability is done by reading and understanding the study material critically and repeatedly until consistent data is obtained. findings and discussion based on research that has been done, the researchers found nine forms of environmental wisdom in the novel, such as (1) respect for nature (48 data); (2) attitude of responsibility towards nature (8 data); (3) cosmic solidarity (22 data); (4) the principle of compassion and care for nature (17 data); (5) no harm principle (5 data); (6) the principle of living simply and in harmony with nature (6 data); (7) the principle of justice (2 data); (8) democratic principles (2 data); (9) the principle of moral integrity (2 data). in addition, the characters involved in this story fall into two categories, namely environmental saviours and environmental destroyers facing each other the form of environmental wisdom in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth by pandu hamzah respect towards nature the most common form of wisdom found in novel is respect for nature. according to keraf (2010, p. 167), respect for nature is a basic principle for humans as part of the universe. this attitude is the basis of all other forms of environmental wisdom because this attitude manifests human consciousness to respect the right of all living things to be, live, grow, and develop naturally in accordance with the purpose of its creator. the awareness was found to begin with the emergence of various principles that underlie the behaviour of the figures that nature and humans have a relationship with each other as an ecological community. kalau dari kiai, aku mengenal istilah habluminallah (berkasih sayang dengan allah) serta habluminannas (berkasih sayang dengan manusia), dari rama djati, aku mengenal istilah tambahan yaitu habluminallam; berkasih sayang dengan alam (hamzah, 2015, p. 41). the principles embedded in rama djati become the basis for good behaviour towards journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) rahastri fajar puspasari & wiyatmi 162 the environment, so that a deep love for the environment appears. the principle was eventually transmitted to the people around and one of them was the tree-cutting man. principle of responsibility associated with the principle of respect for nature is a moral responsibility to nature. it is because ontologically humans are an integral part of nature. this fact gave birth to a moral principle that humans actually have the responsibility for the universe and its integrity, as well as for the existence and preservation of every part and object in the universe, especially living things (keraf, 2010, p. 169). in the novel, the principle of responsibility is shown by the tree-cutting man. the guilty feeling of cutting down the kiara tree continues to haunt the tree-cutting man. the reason is, a week after felling the tree, the spring there dried up. he also had appeared ulu-ulu, which is believed by the public that ulu-ulu will appear to someone who has made mistakes in nature. aku ingin melalui malam ini dengan tenang, meski hati kecilku juga siap andaikata ada perkembangan-perkembangan yang bisa memberiku pencerahan mengenai segala hal yang sudah sebulan lebih ini aku gelisahkan, terutama mengenai ulu-ulu atau apa pun itu, dan juga mengenai dosa yang terus tertorehkan di hatiku karena menebang pohon kiara raksasa itu (hamzah, 2015, p. 80). since he felt guilty, the tree-cutting man was finally compelled to repair the damage he had done. in the climb to mount cierami, he was met by black, ajag girl, sazu, and kiara. that night, in the forest, they talked about the prohibition of the princess geger and decided to replant the kiara tree. the meeting seemed to provide an opportunity for the tree-cutting man to restore the ecosystem that had been chaotic due to the removal of the kiara tree. cosmic solidarity in the perspective of ecofeminism, humans have an equal position with nature and all other living things in this world. this fact arouses human’s feeling of solidarity, continuity with nature, and with other fellow living beings. humans can then feel sad and sick when facing the heart-breaking reality of the destruction and extinction of certain living things (keraf, 2010, p. 171). in the novel, ajag girl who is an incarnations of a coyote along with other coyotes feel a deep sadness after the kiara tree was cut down. “kecewa sekali kami, seluruh penghuni desa ajag berduyun-duyun melihat seolah tak percaya pohon kiara telah tiada. semua menangis. semua hatinya pilu. termasuk aku. bahkan aku tak mau diajak pulang oleh mereka ke desa kami. aku bertekad untuk berusaha menumbuhkan lagi pohon kiara di dekat mata air. dan aku tak akan pulang ke desaku sebelum itu terwujud!” celoteh gadis ajag panjang lebar (hamzah, 2015, p. 138). the sadness arises because the kiara tree has its own meaning for the ajag. kiara trees have a role in the survival of coyotes. then came the sense of continuity that the residents of ajag village felt, so that there was an urge to save the environment. as the ajag girl did, she was determined not to return if she hadn't succeeded in growing the kiara tree again. this is in line with keraf's statement (2010, pp. 171172), that the principle of cosmic solidarity can encourage humans to save the environment, to save all life in nature because nature and all life in it has the same value as human life. the principle of compassion and concern for nature compassion and care for nature are based on the awareness that all living things have (1) the right to be protected, (2) the right to be cared for, (3) the right not to be hurt, and (4) protection and maintenance which are done without expecting anything in return (sukmawan, 2016, p. 24). the memories of each character towards the kiara tree create a journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 163 sense of affection. the tree-cutting man takes care of the kiara tree bonsai because of the feeling of losing his brother. for si hitam, the kiara tree is his escape place if he is scolded by mak lasmi. semua berlangsung lama. terasa begitu lama sampai kemudian emak berhenti sendiri, terduduk di sudut dipan. sekarang justru dia menangis tersedu-sedu, menutupkan kedua tangan pada wajahnya. seperti biasa, kalau sudah begitu emak akan berlama-lama menangis. aku pun perlahan pergi menuju tempat pelarianku di dekat lembah cilengkrang. di sana ada pohon kiara dan di dekatnya ada mata air sejuk tempatku biasa berkumur-kumur membersihkan darah dan luka (hamzah, 2015, p. 100). once, si hitam met an ajag girl who was crying near the stump of the kiara tree. ajag girl feels lost the place to play after the kiara tree was cut down for the benefit of the group. “hei, kenapa menangis? hei!” dia menoleh menatapku sejenak, kemudian tangannya menunjuk pada mata air. “mata airnya kering, mereka menebang pohon kiara, maka mata air ini jadi kering, aku tak bisa bermain-main lagi di sini!” (hamzah, 2015, p. 101). the figure of kiara also has a bond with the kiara tree. her ancestors who had been covered up by his mother turned out to be buried near the kiara tree. the truth was that kiara learned after her meeting with zasu. these engagements eventually led the leaders to restore the existence of the kiara tree that had been cut down. through the journey made by si hitam and ajag girls to find ways how to plant kiara trees, one by one they finally met. kiara tree bonsai, which has been cared for by tree-cutting men, has been a saviour of their memories. kiara tree is a tree that is difficult to plant because the process of planting cannot come from seedlings, but with the intermediary feces of walik bird. the meeting in the forest of the prohibition of the princess geger became the unifier of their goal to restore the kiara tree which was the source of their spring and happiness. no harm principle according to keraf (2010, p. 174), the minimum form that humans can take in protecting nature is not to do actions that harm or threaten the existence of other living things in the universe (no harm). in indigenous communities, this minimum obligation is usually maintained and lived through taboos. taboo is the myth believed by the public. the novel also exposes the myth believed by the public. around mount ciremai, there is a myth about ulu-ulu which is believed to be a supernatural creature that controls water. not everyone can see ulu-ulu because it will appear only to people who have made mistakes to nature, especially those related to water. “kalau menurut almarhum kakekmu sendiri, abah dhamil, ulu-ulu itu justru datang pada orang yang sudah melakukan dosa atau kesalahan sangat besar dan fatal. misalkan kalau ada pendaki yang sompral, berkata sembarangan, melanggar pantangan hutan dan sebagainya, dia suka didatangi ulu-ulu…” (hamzah, 2015, pp. 35-36). rama djati's explanation of ulu-ulu shows that the myth that exists is not just a mere belief. there are some people who think that these myths only told to frighten them, but in reality they are not. this myth can really happen to humans who act ignorant towards the rules when dealing with nature. principle of simple living and harmony with nature this principle teaches us to live balanced and side by side with nature. we are required to use nature sufficiently, not too much. according to keraf (2010, p. 175), the principle of living simply and in harmony with nature emphasizes values, quality, a good way of life, and not wealth, facilities, and material standards. related to this, in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth, there is a journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) rahastri fajar puspasari & wiyatmi 164 character called mak lasmi who does not want her land to be taken over by chevron. mak lasmi has been given the mandate by her husband to continue to look after the house and the land they have. even though mak lasmi was in an urgent situation, she was not permitted to sell her land. “iya, tenang saja. tapi mengapa kau sangat berkeras untuk menolak perusahaan amerika itu, lasmi? bukankah seperti kata banyak orang itu akan menguntungkan? “pertama, saya tak percaya tentang keuntungan itu, ki. kedua, kalaupun menguntungkan saya tak tertarik. karena lahan saya di desa patulungan ini adalah peninggalan almarhum suami saya, kang ridwan. beliaulah penyelamat hidup saya, yang menyayangi saya setelah cinta saya hanya dipermainkan beberapa lelaki. kang ridwan amanat supaya rumah lahan dan lading tempat kami menjalani hidup bersama itu supaya jangan dijual.” (hamzah, 2015, p. 125) her love and gratitude to kang ridwan, her husband, were able to provide a strong determination for mak lasmi to continue to defend her land. the thing done by mak lasmi is not because she is aware of the environmental safety, but rather due to her personal interests. nevertheless, mak lasmi has the same determination as the other community to continue to oppose the geothermal management. mak lasmi still needs the land to continue to survive. mak lasmi is not easily tempted by the lure of more profits, if the management is carried out. she just wants to live modestly and side by side with her fields while remembering the love of kang ridwan. justice principle talking about the principle of justice in environmental ethics, it will inevitably intersect with government regulations governing the environmental policies. the minimum form the government can take is in the form of an invitation to preserve, care for, and preserve nature to its people. the role of the government in this case is very large, because it has the power to direct the community to actively protect the environment. hari ini kata-kata dari sang penguasa justru terdengar lebih manusiawi dari seorang budayawan dan rohaniawan sekalipun: “kita ini kelak akan ditanam kembali ke tanah, maka selagi masih bisa, maka kita banyak menanam pohon demi kelestarian alam milik anak cucu kita” (hamzah, 2015, p. 42). the above quote was made by mr. aang as the kuningan regent in an environmental seminar at bale kambang. he, as a regional official, realized that he had a big role to invite seminar participants to always plant trees for the sake of ecosystem sustainability. democracy principle democratic principles are very relevant in the environmental field, especially in relation to policy making in the environmental field that determines whether good or bad, whether or not damaged and polluted by the environment (keraf, 2010, p. 179). the principle of democracy in the novel sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth appeared to its leaders, when chevron's plan to manage the geothermal potential of mount ciremai. various rejections have been made since the change in the status of mount ciremai to mount ciremai national park. the change is assumed by the community as a silent step and gradually handed over to foreigners to be exploited. “jangan salahkan masyarakat kalau akhirnya mencurigai bahwa tngc adalah sebuah modus silent step atau ‘langkahlangkah hantu’ untuk secara perlahan dan halus menghambarkan ikatan simbiosis mutualisme antara penduduk dengan gunungnya. memisahkan warga dengan lahan tercinta. lantas nanti secara bertahap lahan itu akan diserahkan pada pihak asing untuk dieksploitasi.” (hamzah, 2015, p. 233) suspicion felt by the community then pushed them to continue to express their aspirations of rejection of the management of geothermal potential. to fight for the rejection, the journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 165 community and the gempur ngo, nature lovers, save ciremai activists, and personal sympathizers discuss and find ways for the management to cancel it by continuing to trace the goals and impacts that they will have in the future. moral integrity principle this principle requires public officials to have respectable moral attitudes and behaviors and uphold the morals that secure the public interest. public officials are required not to abuse their power at the expense of society and the environment (keraf, 2010: 182). in the novel sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth there are several abuses of power committed by the government and investors. the kuningan regional government changed the status of mount ciremai to mount ciremai national park which was suspected as a 'ghost step' to be exploited by foreign parties. the government gave permission to chevron to carry out geothermal exploration of mount ciremai. there is also logging done by a television companies to install trembesi trees or television shelters and results in decreased water intensity in the surrounding area. however, the plan was cancelled because the tree-cutting man, who was the intermediary for the purchase of the land, had seen a very large impact due to the felling of kiara trees. then, the tree-cutting man invites haji kuswara sastrapermana (investor) to replant in the cilengkrang valley. selain ditanami pohon kiara pada bulan maret tahun 2013, bukit itu ditanami kembali oleh si lelaki penebang pohon dan haji kuswara sastrapermana, investor yang menggagalkan rencananya membuat shelter televisi di bukit itu, dengan pohon trembesi, pemberian dari yayasan munardo (sekarang danjen kopasus) atas fasilitas dari kepala sekretariat presiden bapak nanang djuana priadi. setelah ditanami pohon-pohon tersebut, mulai terlihat sedikit peningkatan debit mata air di sana (hamzah, 2015, p. 288). they realize that how much power or position they have, cannot act carelessly against nature. the role of characters in environmental preservation in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth by pandu hamzah not pro-environment characters who are not pro-environment in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth were the tree-cutting man, chevron, and the government. in the beginning, the treecutting man did a non-environmental action, namely cutting down a giant kiara tree located in the cilengkrang valley which resulted in a decrease in the intensity of water in the surrounding area. the tree-cutting man is tempted by jakarta money worth tens of millions to become a broker to buy land and cut down a large kiara tree in cilengkrang valley. kurang lebih dua bulan lalu aku menjadi calo pembelian tanah sekaligus menebang sebatang pohon kiara besar karena wilayah tersebut akan dibangun shelter pemancar televisi swasta yang dirintis kang haji kuswara, seorang investor dari jakarta. aku tak menebang langsung, namun mengorderkannya ke temanku, theodorus sandi. lokasinya di perbatasan antara desa palutungan dan pajambon dekat ke objek wisata lembah cilengkrang (hamzah, 2015, p. 39). after logging kiara tree, there was a drought in the spring. the drought indicates an ecosystem imbalance. environmental issues raised in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth not only about cutting down trees but also about the geothermal exploration of mount ciremai by chevron and the government. situasi mulai kacau. ini diperparah dengan tiba-tiba status gunung ciremai diubah oleh seorang menteri nun jauh di sana, yang mungkin menginjak ke gunung ciremai pun tidak pernah, menjadi taman nasional gunung ciremai. keputusan yang aneh journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) rahastri fajar puspasari & wiyatmi 166 karena ditandatangani hanya satu hari saja sebelum menteri tersebut habis masa jabatannya. ketetapan ini membuat warga kehilangan akses terhadap hutan; sumber penghidupan mereka yang telah turun-temurun menjadi sandaram. keputusan ini juga seolah menghina; memposisikan warga sebagai sumber malapetaka dari gunung ciremai dan harus disingkirkan, padahal sebelum status tngc (taman nasional gunung ciremai) itu diberlakukan, ciremai sudah bagus dengan konsep phbm (pengelolaan hutan bersama masyarakat) yang sangat partisipasif dan tidak memiskinkan (hamzah, 2015, p. 231). the takeover of mount ciremai by the government seemed to break the chain of mutualism between people and nature. the concept of phbm is a model of forest management by involving the community which includes community institutions, mechanisms of cooperation within a partnership framework, and conflict management. however, with the change in status to the gunung ciremai national park, the community could no longer contribute to the management of the forest because it would be fully managed by the government. over time, people heard rumours that mount ciremai would be exploited by an american company. the community began to suspect that the change in the status of mount ciremai, which was originally managed by the concept of phbm to tngc, was a manipulation step carried out by the government. “jangan salahkan masyarakat kalau akhirnya mencurigai bahwa tngc adalah sebuah modus silent step atau ‘langkahlangkah hantu’ untuk secara perlahan dan halus menghambarkan ikatan simbiosis mutualisme antara penduduk dengan gunungnya. memisahkan warga dengan lahan tercinta. lantas nanti secara bertahap lahan itu akan diserahkan pada pihak asing untuk dieksploitasi.” (hamzah, 2015, p. 233) in addition to manipulating the status change, the government also manipulates the completeness of the environmental impact assessment. initially, the community was invited to attend socialization from chevron and the government, but instead it was used as an opportunity to lie to the community. pro-environment pro-environmental figures in sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth are the tree-cutting man, zasu, black, gadia ajag, mother bird walik, happiness angel, octaviany kiara, rama djati kusuma, mak lasmi, and kinanti. after cutting down the kiara tree, the tree-cutting man is haunted by ulu-ulu. therefore, the tree-cutting man was suggested by pak fadil to meet rama to find out more about ulu-ulu. the tree-cutting man met with rama djati to ask for further information about the ulu-ulu who had disturbed him. rama explained that ulu-ulu is a forest fighter who maintains and controls the springs. not just anyone can see ulu-ulu, only people who have sinned damage the nature of nature. from rama's statement, the felling man was aware of his mistake, which had cut down a giant kiara tree in the cilengkrang valley. the tree-cutting man realizes his mistake of cutting down a kiara tree only for the installation of a television shelter. in his ascent, he met with zasu, octaviany kiara, the black, and ajag girl in the forest of prohibition of the princess. while surrounding the campfire, they plan to replant kiara trees so that the balance of the mount ciremai ecosystem is restored. harusnya kau melihat pemandangan senja hari kemarin manakala si penebang pohon membawaku dari rumahnya dengan cara didekap khidmat. gadis ajag mengikuti dengan bertatih-tatih karena baru disembuhkan lukanya di kampung halamannya di pedalaman belantara ciremai, si hitam yang berjalan paling depan dan paling semangat membawa cangkul, kiara yang berseri-seri, zasu yang berjalan tegap di belakang mereka dengan rambut yang berkebaran (hamzah, 2015, p. 283). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 167 kiara trees that had been cared for by the treecutting man at home were able to make amends because the tree was hard to find and had a unique life cycle, so it was very lucky for the tree-cutting man to take care of the tree. at first they did not know about the life cycle of the kiara tree, but thanks to the angels of happiness and the mother of the walik, they were finally able to save the last kiara tree in the region. the arrival of chevron, which will manage geothermal potential, makes people feel worried. the community feels that government policies that change the status of mount ciremai to a national park and chevron will exploit geothermal potential, as if separating the chain of mutualism between the local community and its nature (primadhyta, 2015). therefore, various rejections emerged from the. in this novel, people who refuse to be represented by the characters are mak lasmi, kinanti, and octaviany kiara. environmental issues are the basic theme of sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth, historically inspired by conflicts between the communities around mount ciremai and the west java government and pt chevron who plans to explore the mount ceremai geothermal (nugraha, 2015). as a result of this resistance, chevron cancelled its project on mount ciremai, conclusion based on the results and discussion conducted sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth by pandu hamzah, some conclusions can be drawn as follows. first, the manifestation of environmental wisdom found nine principles, including (1) respect for nature; (2) the attitude of responsibility towards nature; (3) cosmic solidarity; (4) the principle of compassion and care for nature; (5) the principle of no harm; (6) the principle of living simply and in harmony with nature; (7) the principle of justice; (8) democratic principles; (9) the principle of moral integrity. second, the role of figures in environmental preservation there are two categories found, among others, non-environmental figures and proliferative figures. both have a difference in the amount of data that is quite far away, the character of the environment is more dominant than the non-environment. prominent figures include, the tree-cutting man, rama djati kusuma, the black, mak lasmi, ajag girl, angel of religion, mother of walik bird, zasu, octaviany kiara, kinanti (mama kiara). whereas the figures who did not proenvironment include, among other things, the tree-cutting man who later based his actions on cutting down trees which was detrimental to nature, chevron, and the government. this shows that pandu hamzah as the writer of sebuah wilayah yang tidak ada di google earth wants to invite the readers to be aware and care about the environment by giving examples through their characters who struggle to restore the balance of the ecosystem and dare to reject what is perceived as detrimental to the environment. references alviya. 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(2019). ekofeminisme: kritik sastra berwawasan ekologis dan feminis. yogyakarta: cantrik pustaka. second edition. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 29 arguments in university-level debating: subjective or objective ignasia yuyun & siegfrieda a. s. mursita putri universitas kristen krida wacana (ukrida), jakarta & abstract this article reports a study on subjectivity and objectivity of arguments in university-level debating. this study aims to identify the level of subjectivity and objectivity of arguments in debating. employing mainly a qualitative method focusing on discourse, the study took a recorded 2015 national university debating championship in kopertis 3 jakarta with british parliamentary debating system as the source of data. hallidayan’s modality analysis was the basis of the analysis. the use of orientation and manifestation of modality and modality metaphor were analyzed to reveal the level of subjectivity and objectivity among debaters in university-level debating. at last, the study shows the dominant use of explicit subjective modality in delivering arguments. this tendency implies that debaters prominently express their points of view to the debate. keywords: argument, modality, objectivity, university-level debating, subjectivity introduction an argument plays pivotal role in debating as it represents debater’s point of view and attempt to persuade others of the validity of his or her opinion (feez & joyce, 1998; shulman, 2004). in delivering arguments, a debater may have various styles (yuyun, 2014). the variety can be shown in the use of words showing the debater’s attitude is so called a modality (feez & joyce, 1998). as halliday explains (2004:146-147), “modality is used to temper, to qualify in some way, our propositions (modalization or epistemic modality) or proposals (modulation or deontic modality).” modalization communicates any degree of probability (might, may, could…) or usuality (sometimes, usually, always). meanwhile, modulation (deontic modality) regards degrees of obligation (necessity) in propositions and inclination or, as halliday (1994:359) suggests, readiness, which could be seen as including willingness and also ability in proposals. besides, a debater may present an argument objectively or subjectively. the distinction between subjective and objective arguments is strictly speaking metaphorically (halliday, 1994: 362). this distinction is then called an orientation which can be explicit and implicit variants (halliday, 1994: 357). in debating, orientation refers to the speaker’s strategies of expressing modality, or to the extent to which the speaker accepts responsibility for what s/he is saying (yuyun, 2010). in regards to constructing implicit arguments (subjective and objective), debaters might use congruent realizations such as finite modals (can/could, may/might, will/would, should, ought to, must), adjuncts (possibly, probably, certainly, sometimes, usually, always, necessarily willingly, eagerly) and predicators (be allowed to, be supposed to, be obliged to, be willing to, be keen to, be determined to, be able to) (martin, et al., 1997: 70). in this case, finite modals are subjective, adjuncts and predicators are objective. ignasia yuyun & siegfrieda a. s. mursita putri 30 on the other hand, in order to construct explicit arguments (subjective and objective), debaters might use metaphorical realizations such as mental clause and attributive clause (martin, et al., 1997: 70). the use of mental clause is expressed by cognitive verbs (i guess, i think, i know), affective verbs (i’m willing for..., i expect ...., i want...), and verbal group complex (i’d like to ..., i want to....). attributive clause can be represented by the following expresessions: it is possible..., it is probable.., it is certain ..., it is unusual .., it is permitted .., it is expected .., it is necessary ..., it’d be lovely to ...., it is possible . halliday & matthiessen (2004: 656) further say a nominalization is one of the most powerful resources for creating grammatical metaphor. it typically consists in the use of a nominal form to express the meaning of a process. processes and properties are reworded metaphorically as nouns – as things. for example, nominalization that could be used to express modality including possibility, probability, likelihood, certainly, unusualness, regularity, typicality, intention, desire, determination, need, obligation, regulation, compulsion and so on. by means of these nominalizations, modality is construed as an unquestionable fact i.e. modality is expressed explicitly with objectivity. derewianka (1990: 76-78) adds that actions are often changed into “things” (nominalised) to make the argument sound more objective and to help structure the text. based on the background above, the present study, employing systemic functional analysis especially modality analysis, aims to reveal the subjectivity and objectivity of arguments in university-level debating. method the subjects of this study were eight debaters in a final round of 2015 national university debating championship (nudc) in kopertis 3 jakarta. moreover, the data collection was done through a video recording. then, the data were transcribed and analyzed using modality analysis (yuyun, 2010). the data analysis was conducted as follows: dividing sentences carefully clause by clause, then, numbering the sentences and each clause, next, coding and classifying modality devices to ease the analysis, and finally, recapitulating modality devices. findings and discussions there are two elements that would be considered in measuring the subjectivity and objectivity of arguments among eight debaters including the total of modality orientation and manifestation. there are four types of orientation and manifestation of modality that occured in debating; they are implicitly subjective, implicitly objective, explicitly subjective, and explicitly objective. implicit subjective modality the realization of modality through the use of modal operators is considered as subjective implicit forms. the debaters employed 165 subjective implicit arguments (34%). the following examples will show how modality is expressed through modal operators (will/would, can, have to, and should). government whip (gw) 35. (i) now, an … believers, none will be the wiser, (ii) nobody will continue to question them. deputy leader of opposition (dlo) 1. (i) the one who can win this debate (2) is the team that can prove (3) why the quality of religion that individual have will increase significantly. in the sentences above, the speakers produced an expression of implicit modality of probability. in other words, the speakers are implicitly expressing the probability through modal operator will. furthermore, some speakers also used modal operator can to make an expression of implicit modality of ability as exemplified in the following sentence. deputy prime minister (dpm) 27. (i) why don’t encourage people (ii) because now is the trend to make people criticize their vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 31 religion (iii) and some people can accept it for example progressive church. the last examples employ modal operator have to and should that were used to express implicit modality of obligation. deputy prime minister (dpm) 47. (i) is this allow the true feeling of people, (ii) because they continue to have, (iii) because the church tells them (iv) you have to forbid the white people, (v) because that’s what god wants you to have. member of opposition (mo) 14. (i) all i can see is that, (ii) you know (iii) what all kafir should die, (iv) that is my first perception and (v) only after a muslim explained to me that (vi) that is not the case (vii) an islam is actually a religion of peace. as seen in chart 1, member of government (speaker #3 of government team) has the highest percentage (22%) in delivering her subjective argument implicitly. then, it is followed by government whip (21%), leader of opposition (14%), member of opposition (12%), prime minister (10%), deputy leader of opposition (9%), deputy prime minister (8%), and opposition whip (4%). it means that member of government (speaker #3 of government team) is the most subjective debater. she emphasizes the subjectivity of her points of view indirectly. it is not an effective way as it remains unclear for other debaters. therefore, more explanation is sometimes required. chart 1: comparative percentages of implicit subjective modality implicit objective modality implicit objective arguments occurred 132 times (27%) in debating. this type of modality was expressed through mood adjunct and predicator. the following sentence was taken from leader of opposition (speaker #1 of opposition team): leader of opposition (lo) 1. (i) problem brought by terry (ii) are actually problems that are really off-layers, (iii) right? 64. (i) we believe that spreading the good value is to introduce god (ii) and we believe that the introduction of god can only be done by the organized religion (iii) because, for example, we do preaching or missionary (iv) and we think that this is really important. really and actually, in the sentence above, were used by leader of opposition to show implicit objective arguments through mood adjunct. while, is to was a predicator, which functioned to show the speaker’s implicit objective argument. 10% 14% 8% 9% 22% 12% 21% 4% 3% 6% 13% 25% 50% 100% pm lo dpm dlo mg mo gw ow implicit subjective implicit subjective ignasia yuyun & siegfrieda a. s. mursita putri 32 the next example was taken from government whip (speaker #4 of government team): government whip (gw) 28. (i) maybe there’s some radical people but at least on a smaller scale. in this sentence, mood adjunct maybe is used to show implicit objective argument. chart 2: comparative percentages of implicit objective modality as seen on chart 2, leader of opposition (speaker #1 of opposition team) has the highest percentage of using implicit objective modality (31%). meanwhile, the other debaters are around 1-21%. this indicates that she tries to deliver her point of view objectively but still indirectly. it is not an effective way though since the debater cannot make his or her point of view appear to be a quality of the event itself because this objectification is not clear. explicit subjective modality the next orientation and manifestation of modality is explicit subjective. the speakers employed 192 times (39%); this was one of the most common employed in the debating. the following sentences were taken from some speakers in debating: prime minister (pm) 2. (i) we think that assuming the existence of god, (ii) and assuming that religion is the best way for us to establish spiritual connection with god. government whip (gw) 47. (i) now, we believe that for decades, (ii) organized religion has done things, (iii) organized religion privatized force, laws and…(iv) discriminate, among each other for their knowledge, ladies and gentlemen. member of opposition (mo) 29. (1) how do you ensure that is aligned with the society’s need, (ii) what we know that there’s always different subjectively by every religion? 16. (i) and if we see the bible and open the book of daniel (ii) or you know what, (iii) the goal is actually same with the destruction of the humanity, (iv) is in order and humanity are all sinful, (v) there are a lot of people are all sinful, (vi) we will arbitrate them from the peace of the earth. 7. (i) now we realize in bible and the quran, (ii) there is a necessary kind of commandment from god (iii) that told you (iv) that you have 8% 31% 1% 20% 21% 9% 5% 6% 1% 2% 3% 6% 13% 25% 50% 100% pm lo dpm dlo mg mo gw ow implicit objective implicit objective vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 33 to safe your fellow teammates, eiger fellow neighbors. these sentences employed we think, we believe, we know, we see, and we realize as subjective modality metaphors to express opinions. here, debater’s modality is realized as a separated clause, separated from the clause containing the proposition which is ‘technically’ being modalized. these projecting clauses are examples of explicit forms of modality and are forms of interpersonal grammatical metaphors. in explicit forms of modality, the speaker’s opinion is not realized as a modal element within the clause (will, would, may, might, etc.) which would be its more congruent realization but is realized as a separate projecting clause (i/we think/believe/know/realize/see) – the less congruent form. moreover, the next examples were from prime minister (speaker #1 from government team), member of opposition, and leader of opposition (speaker #3 and #1 from opposition team): prime minister (pm) 4. (i) secondly, this is not a debate (ii) about whether we want to ban a religion or not. member of opposition (mo) 1. (i) ladies and gentlement, (ii) i believe (iii) that none of us can actually said that a religion, (iv) one religion is right are that one a religion as wrong. leader of opposition (lo) 2. (i) because not all churches, like what prime minister told you, are like that. the verb want, said, and told were used to express the statements explicitly and the subject prime minister shows that the statements are subjective. chart 3: comparative percentages of explicit subjective modality clearly shown in chart 3, as the most dominant participant that uses explicit subjective modality, member of opposition (speaker #3 of opposition team) shows her subjectivity prominently through some mental verbs (we know that..., we believe that..., we realize that...). her prominent subjectivity shows her high assertiveness in delivering arguments (yuyun, 2014). especially, as speaker #3 of opposition team, she is responsible to extend the debate into a new area, introduce a couple of new arguments which make the case on his side more persuasive, and give a thing called 8% 19% 15% 2% 17% 27% 11% 6% 2% 3% 6% 13% 25% 50% 100% pm lo dpm dlo mg mo gw ow explicit subjective explicit subjective ignasia yuyun & siegfrieda a. s. mursita putri 34 "deeper analysis". in this case, member of opposition with her subjectivity and assertiveness has succeed adding something significant to the debate. explicit objective modality the last type of orientation and manifestation of modality is explicit objective. this type of modality is expressed through attribute clause and nominalization. halliday and matthiessen (2004: 362) points out that it is one of the most effective way of creating objectivity. however, no debaters employed this modality orientation in the debate. this implies that all debaters prefer using subjective arguments to objective ones in debating. chart 4: comparative percentages of orientation and manifestation of modality a debater needs a variety of using modality in expressing his/her opinion in debating. in line with this, the debater can employ orientation and manifestation of modality. as seen on chart 4, this present study confirms this point. the result shows, overall, there are 489 devices that occurred in all speakers. explicitly subjective modality is the most common in all speakers with 192 occurrences (39%). the second type that is mostly employed by the speakers is implicitly objective modality with 165 occurrences (34%). the third is implicitly subjective modality with 132 occurrences (27%). eventually, there is no debater using explicit objective modality (0%). as previously mentioned, the dominant orientation and manifestation of modality is explicit subjective modality. this indicates that the debaters try to give the prominence to their point of view and to highlight the firmness of their attitude or belief so as to win the audience’s support and understanding (zhixiang, 2006; yuyun, 2010). by using mental verbs (know, believe, think, realize, see, feel, want, tell, say, try), the debaters explicitly construct themselves as the source of the assessment, and to some extent, place their authority to assess at risk (martin, 1995: 23). in line with this, halliday & matthiessen (2004: 624) stated that explicitly subjective modality is the most effective way that used to give prominence to the speaker’s own point of view since modality represents the speaker’s 34% 27% 39% 0%0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% implicitly subjective implicitly objective explicitly subjective explicitly objective orientation and manifestation of modality orientation and manifestation of modality vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 35 angle; either on the validity of the assertion or on the rights and the proposal. from the explanation above, it is inevitably that this present study reveals the dominant use of explicit subjective modality in delivering arguments. this explicit subjective modality implies that debaters prominently express their points of view to the debate. conclusion based on the main findings above, this study concludes that the debaters are more subjective in delivering their arguments in debating. their subjectivity is prominently seen through the use of mental verbs such as know, believe, realize, see, think and affective verb such as want to. besides, the subjectivity is implicitly shown through finite modals (would, will, can, should, have to, may, might, must). references derewianka, b. exploring how texts work, sydney: peta, 1990. feez, s., and joyce, h. writing skills. narrative and nonfiction text types. melbourne: phoenix education pty. ltd., 1998. halliday, m. a. k. an introduction to functional grammar. new york: edward arnold, 1994. halliday, m.a.k. & matthiessen, c. an introduction to functional grammar. third edition. london: arnorld. 2004. martin, j.r. interpersonal meaning, persuasion, and public discourse: packing semiotic punch. australian journal of linguistics 15 (1995), 33-67. 1995. martin, j. r., et al. working with functional grammar. new york: arnold, 1997. mcgregor, r. analysing and writing arguments 1. exploring and using the language of arguments. melbourne: english club, 2001. shulman, m. thinking critically: world issues for reading,writing and research. ann arbor: the univerisity of michigan press, 2004. yuyun, ignasia. believe me or i’ll loose: a study of assertiveness in a debate setting. thesis. bandung: universitas pendidikan indonesia, 2010. yuyun, ignasia. “a study of arguments in senior high school debate”. jurnal penelitian. november 2010: 109-133. yuyun, ignasia. “a study of assertiveness in a debate setting”. indonesian journal of applied linguistics (ijal). january 2014: 276-288. zhixiang, z. a functional analysis of interpersonal gm in political debates. thesis. yangzhou: yangzhou university, 2006. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) adventina putranti 98 modulation: a translation method to obtain naturalness in target language texts adventina putranti department of english letters, universitas sanata dharma abstract one of the requirements in order to produce equivalent translation is that the translation must sound natural for target language (tl) readers both lexically and grammatically. this naturalness can be obtained through the use of both lexical items and grammar familiar to the tl readers. however, naturalness in translation is not always easy to achieve. one of the causes is the difference in the way the source language (sl) and tl readers express a certain message in their languages. according to vinay and darbelnet (1995) this difference can be overcome by applying a translation method called modulation. modulation is a method in which translators try to maintain naturalness by using various form the message done by changing the point of view. this procedure is usually chosen when translators find that literal translation would result in awkward or unnatural translation. keywords: modulation, naturalness, equivalence introduction it has been understood by translators that translating a text is not just a matter of finding the correct words in the tl, and using the correct tl grammar. an accurate translation may still sound awkward when the translation is done literally. what is meant by ‘awkward’ is that the translation does not sound natural in the language of the target readers. when it happens, different point of view between the sl and tl readers may be one of the causes. in english – indonesian translation and vice versa, the issue of naturalness has also become a complication in the process of translation due to the wide lexical gap that is rooted from cultural differences. to overcome such a problem, a translation method is needed, and this paper intends to discuss a suitable translation method to solve the problem of naturalness as the result of different point of view between sl and tl readers. translation, equivalence, and naturalness nida and taber define translation as “reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style” (nida & taber, 1974: 12). by this definition, the term ‘equivalent’ is more focused on meaning rather than style. it can also be said that translators cannot just pay attention to the accuracy in translating grammatical elements in the texts or in searching for accurate substitutes for the sl words. translators’ priority is to consider whether the translation would be read and understood by the tl readers as it is intended by the writer of the sl text (nida and taber, 1974: 8). nida and taber also mention that “the best translation does not sound like a translation” (nida & taber, 1974: 12). further, they also state that the readers of the tl text must give a response to the text in a journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 99 substantially the same manner as the readers of the sl text (nida & taber, 1974: 24). responding a translation in a substantially the same manner as the sl readers implies that the translators must be able to find a “one-to-one equivalent” (newmark, 1988: 114) of a sl item in the tl. however, not only does the concept of ‘one-to-one’ implies complications in the scope of finding one-to-one substitute of the sl item in the tl, especially when the gap between the sl and the tl is wide, but it also demands the translators’ effort to present a natural tl. these two requirements indicate that naturalness in translation is one requirement in order to produce equivalent message in the tl. thus, it can be concluded that translation is concerned with not only transferring message written in one language into another language accurately, but also obtaining the naturalness of message delivery, so that equivalent translation can be produced. naturalness in translation can be seen in the use of appropriate tl expressions as well as tl structure. according to nida, the word ‘natural’ in translation covers three areas, “(1) the receptor language and culture as a whole, (2) the context of the particular message, and (3) the receptor language audience” (nida in venuti ed., 2000: 136). this means that natural translation can be obtained when the translators also pay attention to the cultural background of the tl readers, the context of the text being translated, as well as the characteristics of the tl readers. considering the coverage, not all translation, then, can be handled literally. by this, it means that, even when correct tl sentence structure and vocabulary are expected to express the sl message in the tl, tl readers would not respond the message in a substantially the same manner as sl readers. a problem commonly occurring is the failure of the translation to transfer sl message due to cultural and mindset differences between the sl readers and the tl readers. these differences are usually reflected in the variety of lexical items and grammar used in one language compared to another. if this happens, the situation may lead to the fact that tl readers will be unable to understand the message delivered in the translation because the translation does not sound natural for the tl readers. when such a problem of naturalness occurs in translating process, an appropriate translation method is required to overcome the problem. according to newmark, translation methods refer to how an sl text is translated into a tl (newmark, 1988, p. 81). in applying a method, translators must follow certain procedures to handle smaller units in a text such as words, phrases, and sentences in order to obtain equivalent translation, in which naturalness is part of the requirements. modulation as mentioned earlier, not all texts can be translated literally. when a sl text is literally translated into another language, in which there is a wide lexical gap, there would be a lot of missing information in tl. this issue is identified by bassnett as ‘untranslatability’. according to bassnett, “untranslatability occurs when there is no lexical or syntactical substitute in the tl for an sl item” (1991: 32). bassnett’s concept about untranslatability is relevant with the issues of lexical gap proposed by vinay and darbelnet, particularly when the untranslatability is related to the absence of lexical substitute in the tl. to overcome this problem, vinay and darbelnet propose one possible translation method called modulation. modulation, according to vinay and darbelnet, is defined as “a variation through a change of viewpoint, of perspective, and very often of category of thought” (newmark, 1988: 88). by this definition, vinay and darbelnet want to convey that, in many cases, tl readers’ different perspectives, viewpoint, and mindset are the causes of the failure of a translated text to deliver the sl message. one indication of the failure is when the translation has been done correctly, but the result is “considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the tl” (venuti ed., 2000: 89). further, vinay and darbelnet state that there are two kinds of modulation. the first is called fixed or obligatory modulation, while the second is free modulation (vinay & darbelnet in venuti ed., 2000: 89) or optional journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) adventina putranti 100 modulation according to munday (2008: 57). fixed modulation is applied when a preferred expression in the tl is more favorable to use rather than literal translation of the expressions. whether or not an expression is more favorable and more idiomatic in the tl is confirmed by a dictionary (vinay & darbelnet in venuti ed., 2000: 89). meanwhile, free modulation can be said as the translators’ unique solutions to reach the highest degree of equivalence in their translation (vinay & darbelnet in venuti ed., 2000: 89). munday, quoting vinay and darbelnet, states that modulation usually occurs at the level of message. meanwhile, changes at grammatical level are recognized as transposition (munday, 2008: 58). at the level of message, modulation is still divided into several categories: concrete for abstract, cause – effect, part – another part, reversal of terms, negation of opposite, active to passive (and vice versa), space for time, rethinking of intervals and limits (in space and time), and change of symbol (including fixed and new metaphor). instances of modulation in english indonesian translation and vice versa in english – indonesian translation and vice versa, modulation is a translation method that can be useful to overcome problems of message transfer considering that there are a lot of cultural differences between the two. the first example in which modulation is required to make the translation sound natural can be found in the translation of the responses for an expression of gratitude ‘thank you’. some possible responses for this expression are ‘you are welcome’, ‘never mind’, ‘any time’, and ‘don’t mention it’. when these responses are translated into indonesian literally, the result will be ‘anda diterima’ (you are welcome), ‘jangan dipikirkan’ (never mind), ‘kapan saja’ (any time), or ‘jangan sebutkan itu’ (don’t mention it). none of the translation mentioned here is natural. in order to produce more natural translation, responses for a thanking expression in indonesian, such as ‘terima kasih kembali’ (thank you back to you), and ‘samasama’ (thank you just the same) are more common, thus more natural. another example is the translation of an active sentence, which, in indonesian, is translated into passive. sentences such as ‘i left my book at home’ and ‘i cut my finger’ will not convey substantially the same meaning when it is translated literally into ‘saya meninggalkan buku saya di rumah’ and ‘saya memotong jari saya’. in the sl sentences, the thematic role of the subject ‘i’ is an experiencer (fromkin, rodman, & hyams, 2003: 193). an experiencer is someone who perceives or experiences something. in ‘i left my book at home’, the subject experienced leaving his/her book at home, in ‘i cut my finger’, the subject experienced being hurt because his/her finger was accidentally injured. when this two sentences are translated into an active voice, the verbs ‘meninggalkan’ and ‘memotong’ imply the sense of deliberate actions. the subject is not anymore an experiencer, but an agent, that is someone who performs an action (fromkin, rodman, & hyams, 2003: 192). to solve such a problem, changing the sl active voice into a tl passive voice, particularly stative passive, would make the translation more natural. tl sentences like ‘buku saya tertinggal di rumah’ (my book was left at home) and ‘jari saya tersayat’ (my finger was accidentally cut) are more natural in the tl. the next example that is also interesting to discuss is the translation of a question ‘what’s your address?’. the question word ‘what’ is used to ask for specific information about something (longman dictionary of contemporary english, 2004: 1877). this sentence is, then, commonly translated into ‘dimana alamatmu?’ (where is your address?). the back translation written in brackets indicates the tl readers perceive the question as asking for location. although the indonesian translation does not literally translate the sl sentence, this translation is natural for the tl readers because of the different perspective. the following example may show how free modulation is applied. in the sentence ‘dengan meminum hanya satu sendok makan minyak zaitun setiap hari, resiko terkena kanker dapat berkurang hingga tinggal 25% saja’, a translator would probably translate it into ‘by taking only a tablespoonful of olive oil a day, the risk of the occurrence of cancer can be reduced up to 75%’. the modulation can be journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 101 seen from the change of perspective about the percentage as the result of the use of verb ‘reduce’. the last example is a metaphoric expression ‘the apple of my eye’, meaning ‘to be loved very much by me’ (longman dictionary of contemporary english, 2004: 60). the common indonesian translation for this expression is ‘jantung hatiku’. ‘jantung’ and ‘hati’ both mean ‘heart’. as mentioned earlier, modulation also covers the discussion of a change of symbol. from the back translation, it can be seen that the two languages use different expressions to symbolize someone important, that is ‘apple’ and ‘eye’ in english, and ‘heart’ in indonesian. conclusion from the discussion above, some conclusions can be drawn. first, literal translation does not always transfer sl message into the tl because literal translation may result in unnatural or awkward translation. second, when literal translation fails to transfer sl message into the tl, untranslatability may occur. untranslatability is usually rooted from the absence of lexical or syntactical substitutes in the tl. the absence of the substitutes may also be caused by different viewpoint, perspective, or category of thought between sl and tl readers. finally, modulation is a translation method that can be applied to the problem, so that the tl text could be more natural. when a sl text cannot be translated into a tl unless modulation is applied, the modulation is obligatory. meanwhile, when modulation works as a translator’s technique to obtain the closest equivalent, it is called free modulation. references bassnett, susan. translation studies revised edition. london: routledge, 1991. fromkin, victoria, robert rodman, & nina hyams. an introduction to language. seventh edition. boston: wadsworth, 2003. longman dictionary of contemporary english. the living dictionary. harlow: pearson education limited, 2004. munday, jeremy. introducing translation studies: theories and applications. second edition, london: routledge, 2008. newmark, peter. a textbook of translation, new york: prentice hall international. nida, eugene a. & charles taber. the theory and practice of translation. leiden: e.j. brill, 1974. nida, eugene. principles of correspondence. in lawrence venuti (ed.) translation studies reader (pp. 126 – 140). new york: routledge, 2000. vinay, jean-paul & jean darbelnet. a methodology for translation. translated by juan c. sager and m.j. hamel. in lawrence venuti (ed.).the translation studies reader (pp. 84 – 93). new york: routledge, 2000, journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 9 the pitfalls of national consciousness as depicted in matigari by ngugi wa thiong’o logamurthie athiemoolam, assoc prof. nelson mandela university, port elizabeth, south africa abstract the paper provides insights into how national consciousness is eroded in post-colonial africa with reference to matigari by ngugi wa thiong’o and the impact of this erosion on the marginalized, largely impoverished masses, who continue to live on the periphery of society. the african elite (bourgeoisie), who are the new rulers after colonialism, become so obsessed with their own material enrichment and their new found power, that the ‘imagined state’, for which so many had fought and sacrificed their lives, becomes a mere pipe dream. it is with this background in mind that the paper intends to examine how the pitfalls of national consciousness highlighted by fanon in his text ‘the wretched of the earth’ find resonance in ngugi’s non-fiction work matigari and the crucial issues that the text raises in terms of how the new rulers abuse their power and the mechanisms that they implement to entrench their authority. through ngugi’s use of the fictional protagonist matigari, we are taken on a journey that unearths the rampant corruption and brute force of the regime as they strive to annihilate any opposition that dare question their abuse of power. keywords: post-colonialism, national consciousness, othering, oppressive regime introduction the colonial era in kenya, like in all other african countries, was characterized by the oppression of the indigenous population by the colonial masters, who not only pillaged the countries of their natural resources, but also reduced the inhabitants to slaves in the countries of their birth. the indigenous population’s dissatisfaction with colonial rule led to the emergence of guerilla ‘freedom fighters’ that waged an armed struggle against their colonial masters. the mau mau movement’s armed struggle in kenya to purge their country of colonialism, for example, is well known the world over. it is this struggle that partially led to the liberation of kenya and the independence of the country from british colonial rule. the period of independence is characterized by a renewed feeling of national consciousness and optimism that the nation will be galvanized thereby ensuring that the people have a sense of belonging to a country that they can refer to as their own. according to ozumba (2014:149) national consciousness could be defined as ‘identifying with the spirit and aspirations of the nation as one soul in possession of one destiny and one identity.’ he further asserts that consciousness forges the identity which in turn drives the spirit of the nation to national greatness. consciousness is an interconnected process that galvanizes people to the ‘metaphysical and physical life of the nation in all its travails because it is in its survival that we gain our survival’ (ozumbza, 2014:150). it does appear as if post-colonial countries in africa experienced challenges relating to the attainment and sustainability of national consciousness due to, amongst other journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) logamurthie athiemoolam 10 reasons, the rupture between the largely bourgeoisie controlled state and the rest of the population. in the text matigari, the protagonist, who had been waging an armed struggle against settler williams, representing the british colonialists, decides to bury his ak47 rifle, gird himself with a belt of peace and return to claim his property after the independence of his country from colonial rule. the novel opens with a utopian dream of kenya as a land of joy, brotherhood and emancipation and the appearance of matigari out of the dense forest with a hope that ‘the last of the colonial problems had disappeared with a descent of settler williams into hell’ (ngugi,1987:3). when he returns to his independent country, however, he finds that very little has changed since the new rulers, comprising largely the african bourgeoisie class, continue to perpetuate the atrocities of the past, thereby ensuring that the marginalized masses remain on the periphery of society. the irony of the hope that he espouses however, constitutes neocolonial kenya. according to fanon (1963:152) the neo-colonial mask is the transmission line between nation and capitalism, ‘rampant though camouflaged’. underdeveloped middle class that emulates the west one of the pitfalls of national consciousness highlighted in matigari is that the african elite, that have assumed power, consist largely of an underdeveloped african bourgeoisie who emulate the west. according to fanon (1963: 149), the national middle class is an ‘underdeveloped middle class’ as it does not offer the masses anything different from the colonial era itself. although it wants to replace the bourgeoisie of the mother country, it has no economic power (fanon, 1963:149). it eventually however turns to the mother country for support and continues to be part of the racket, since it is not ‘engaged in production, invention or building’ (fanon,1963:150). thus the only difference between the two groups, as pointed out by addei (2013:21), is that ‘the white colonial masters have simply metamorphosed into their own natives, the elite few, who have assumed control.’ the ruling elite in the novel tended to adopt the capitalist system slavishly looked to the west for material and military support and was critical of the african philosophy that favoured the community above the individual. it is precisely their abrogation of the focus on the connectedness among africans namely ubuntu, as representing a brotherhood that connects people together, that constitutes one of the pitfalls of national consciousness. the adoption of individualism, which is contrary to african philosophical thought, estranges the masses from the state, as the people in positions of power are only concerned about their own enrichment at the expense of the population at large. this viewpoint on the adoption of individualism as opposed to collectivism is vividly depicted in matigari when the protagonist tells john boy, an african who is the co-director of the anglo american leather and plastic company that he has come to claim his house from settler williams, as he built the house and tilled the fields. in his response to matigari, john boy, representing the newly established african bourgeoisie, describes the country as remaining in darkness because of the ignorance of the people to ‘respect the freedom of the individual, which means the freedom of everyone to follow his own whims without worrying about the others’ (49). he describes white people as being more advanced because of their respect for individualism above the community. the notion of ‘othering’ of the african masses and his cynicism of their worldview is succinctly articulated as follows: but you black people? you walk about fettered to your families, clans, nationalities, people, masses. if the individual decides to move ahead he is pulled back by the others (49). john boy’s viewpoint on individualism is further expatiated on when he quotes the words of the song ‘go your own way and let me go mine, for none of us is carrying the other’ (49.) he supports his view further by claiming that his father sent him to school and ‘ignored the idiots who were mumbling nonsense about sharing the last bean (49)’. it is clear from the journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 11 philosophy which he espouses that he has turned his back on his african roots and worldview. matigari is dumbfounded by his utterance as he remembers how the community rallied together to support john boy financially so that he could pursue his studies at fort hare university. it is clear that now that john boy has enriched himself he has forgotten those who contributed to his success, which leads matigari to say: ‘don’t you remember that you intellectuals are greatly indebted to the very masses that you are now calling idiots?’ (49) the adoption of the colonial lifestyle is further highlighted when the minister for truth and justice at the meeting between striking workers and employers is described as ‘wearing a dark suit with grey stripes, a tie with an emblem of the ruling party, a red carnation hanging from the lapel of the jacket and a white handkerchief peeping out of the breast pocket’ (100-101). aside from his western attire his commitment to the west is confirmed when he describes himself ‘as an african anglophile and proud of it’ (102). he also boasts about his material success that is highlighted by his ‘seven-storeyed house, black mercedes benz, three swimming pools, saunas modeled on those in finland and a house decorated with marble from italy’. it is clear that his notion of success is based on outward material displays rather than on deeper levels of consciousness. this is in line with fanon’s (1963:155) articulation of the undeveloped bourgeoisie as spending large sums of money on outward display such as on cars, country houses and clothing, amongst others. according to fanon (1963) this group measures success based on what they have achieved materially and is ‘quite content to be the western bourgeoisie’s business agent from whom it has learnt its lessons’ (152). in this sense then, as pointed out by fanon (1963:154), they identify with the decadence of the west by taking on the role of the manager for the western enterprise. john boy’s viewpoints are indicative of how different the worldview of the educated african elite is from those of the masses. this entrenches the ‘us’ and ‘them’ syndrome further which militates against the notion of national consciousness as a force that could galvanise the nation together. obsession with power leads to a dictatorship and oppression as the ruling party entrenches its power after years of dominance and corruption it sets up a dictatorship and oppresses the masses, which further leads to an erosion of national consciousness, since the masses feel alienated from the nation and the country as a whole. its power is entrenched through, as asserted by fanon (1963:165), the setting up of a one party state, ‘jostling and bullying people, rousing anxiety instead of reassuring the nation and intimating to the general population that they are in continual danger’. in matigari the party’s obsession with power leads to the banning of books and demonstrations, incarceration of critics and activists and the setting up of a dictatorship. furthermore, all books by marx and lenin are banned, students are detained without trial for having seditious documents, strikes and gatherings are banned by a presidential decree and the president decides to set up a one party state as an opposition party is deemed irrelevant and insignificant. when the rumour spreads amongst the masses that matigari, loosely translated as ‘the patriots who survived the bullets’, has supernatural powers and has come back to free them from oppression like christ, the government responds by indicating that it will not hesitate to clamp down on any religion claiming that christ has come back (84). this unfettered arrogance is further substantiated when the radio broadcast asserts that ‘there is no way that jesus could return without first going to pay a courtesy call on the president’ (84). the fact that matigari, the protagonist, is characterised as a saviour who has returned to liberate the masses from oppression is cause for concern among the rulers as it serves to threaten its hold on political power. hence via the news broadcast the ruling party urges the public to report anyone claiming to be jesus or gabriel to the nearest police station (84). it is clear that through the writing of the novel matigari, ngugi is eager to illustrate how journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) logamurthie athiemoolam 12 the neo-colonial government, represented by the political party in this case the kkk use their power to jostle and bully the workers and dissidents. this is vividly portrayed at the meeting convened by the minister of truth and justice between the workers and employers when the minister declares all strikes against the anglo american leather and plastic company illegal after receiving shares for both him and the president from the directors. in his veiled threats to the workers he warns them that ‘anyone who strikes against the company will actually be striking against the government’, ‘provoking the company will be exactly the same as sticking a finger in the nose of the ruling party’and ‘hurling abuse at this company is the same as hurling insults to the nation’(108). the abuse of power in this way constitutes the hallmark of an autocratic regime determined to instil fear and anxiety among the workers. this clearly constitutes the absolute abuse of power which fanon (1963:165) describes as ‘unmasked, unpainted, unscrupulous and cynical’. through the setting up of a dictatorship and the silencing of the masses the bourgeoisie state has effectively stifled any attempt at achieving any sense of national consciousness amongst the population at large. government intimidates the workers and uses force to restrain the masses the government in matigari sees the marginalized masses as a threat to the stability of the country and tries to restrain them through propaganda, force and intimidation which further affect nation building and the development of national consciousness. according to fanon (1963:182), ‘the incoherent mass of people is seen as a blind force that must be continually held in check either by mystification or by the fear inspired by the police force.’ the family coat of arms adopted by the minister of truth and justice in which a coffee bush is guarded over by two whips below which is the family motto: ‘destroy terrorists’, symbolizes the brute force that has become the hallmark of a failed state devoid of any sense of national consciousness. the workers in matigari are kept in check through intimidation, incarceration and brute force represented by the army and the police. the meeting convened by the minister for truth and justice between workers and the employers to resolve the strikes becomes a forum for sentencing the escaped prisoners and intimidating and incarcerating others who questioned and challenged the minister. at this meeting the minister describes himself as ‘the soul of this government and the nation’ and ‘the torch of development’ (100), thereby emphasizing his role as the unilateral custodian of law and order. in the same breath he commands the workers to end the strike and return to work and requests that the company take back all the workers with the exception of the ringleaders (100). the fact that armed policemen were stationed inside the hall and riot-control police and a unit of the army stood ready for battle outside highlights the government’s tactics to instill fear in the workers so that they would remain subservient and passive. if they were a worker’s government as the minister states, then the deployment of the police force and the army would be unnecessary. according to fanon (1963:171) the government reinforces the machine by ‘ensuring that people are hemmed in and immobilized’ by exhibiting forces to prove to itself and to others that ‘the people are behind it’. it is clear that this strategy is one of intimidation to ensure that the general population remains under its control. the meeting showcases the might of the ruling party namely the kkk with the parrot emblem and the minister together with the party’s mouthpieces sing the praises of the party. the party’s successes are extoled and its agents applauded for their commitment and dedication to the party’s mission and vision. the focus of the party at this forum, as asserted by fanon (1963:171), is to ensure that the government ‘holds the people down’. in this sense then the party and the government are indistinguishable. in order to intimidate and instil fear in the masses we hear through the voice of truth over the radio broadcast that all gatherings of more than five people have been banned by a decree of the president. furthermore when journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 13 discontentment amongst the masses becomes more visible the ‘government becomes harsher and the army becomes the arbiter’ (fanon, 1963:174). at the meeting when students start to sing the song ‘victory belongs to the people’ (122) they are reminded by the minister that since this village was under the control of the chief they should sing from the official hymn-book, songs of a parrot. later when ngaruro wa kiriro, leader of the workers, questions the banning placed on workers’ meetings and matigari inquires about where in the country he could find peace and justice and demands his land back, the minister decides at the meeting that since they have the audacity to brazenly express their feelings they must be deranged and banishes both to mental institutions. when matigari was handcuffed by the police the crowd commenced with the singing of freedom songs associated with the freedom fighters (matigari). in the novel matigari, the protagonist, represents all freedom fighters and the minister of truth and justice represents the corrupt judiciary. the minister immediately passes a decree to ban all songs about the freedom fighters. the absolute power that is vested in the hands of the minister leads him to pass a new law banning all songs about matigari ma njiruungi and all dreams. according to the minister ‘all subversive songs and dreams are banned’ (125). this unilateral law, which is summarily passed at the meeting, highlights the absolute power that the government exerts over the masses. however when the people rose as one to sing the freedom song and moved as if they wanted to free matigari from the room where he was being handcuffed, the police commissioner blew the whistle and there was pandemonium. the brute force is depicted by the manner in which the police force and the army came rushing in and driving the people out with the butts of their guns. later when the riots break out in part 3 of the novel entitled the ‘pure and the resurrected’ and houses are burned, the government uses brute force and gunshots could be heard from all sides. when the president hears about the outbreak of violence amongst the masses he promulgates a new law ‘shoot on sight. shoot to kill’. according to fanon (1963:166) before independence the leader embodies the aspirations of the people for independence, political liberty and dignity. however after independence he becomes the leader of the group of profiteers and exploiters, and judges the ingratitude of the masses harshly thereby prompting him to use brute force to keep them under control. later when both matigari and ngaruro are able to escape from the mental institute supported by guthera, who is forced into prostitution, and the young boy muriuki, the voice of truth through the radio broadcast requests the public to ‘report to the nearest police station anybody found speaking like a madman or dressed in rags like a madman, or anyone with unkempt hair like a madman’s or anyone seen asking awkward questions like a madman or doing things which only a madman would do’ (133). the ludicrousness of the announcement indicates how the state tries to instill anxiety amongst the population at large which creates a degree of instability within the country as a whole. it is clear that the government’s use of force to control the masses, the promulgation of laws to restrict freedom of expression, the incarceration of perceived militants and the intimidation of striking workers creates a very volatile environment thereby estranging the masses from the government even further thereby contributing to the annihilation of national consciousness. the masses perceive themselves as outsiders who do not have a say in the government at large thus leading to their disconnectedness from the state. corruption within the ruling party and the state. the ruling party that assumes power after independence degenerates into a corrupt party as it becomes embroiled in scams involving foreign capitalists. this corruption becomes endemic and spreads like wildfire amongst the members of the party and the government as a whole thereby leaving the country in a state of paralysis. in the meantime the marginalized masses remain frustrated, demotivated and are forced to live on the periphery of society. this, according to fanon (1963:171), leads to an extreme inequality in journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) logamurthie athiemoolam 14 wealth and monopolization as some of the members of the party have a double source of income and demonstrate that they are specialists in opportunism. in this way, as pointed out by fanon (1963:164), they hasten to make their own fortunes and set up a national system of exploitation. the corruption is vividly portrayed in matigari when the two directors of anglo american leather and plastic company, robert williams and john boy, hand over two certificates of shares; one for the minister for truth and justice and the other for the president. they also hand over a cheque to the value of 50 000 shillings towards the special presidential fund for handicapped children. as a token of appreciation for the shares, the minister for truth and justice declares all strikes against the company illegal. fanon(1963) describes the scandalous enrichment as ‘speedy and pitiless’ (167).the shares that are awarded to the minister are a sign of the corrupt relationships between members of the party and the capitalists. according to fanon (1963:165) since the party does not share profits with the people and allow them to enjoy the dues that are paid to it by the big foreign companies, the ‘country sinks all the more deeply into stagnation’. the rampant corruption leads to widespread poverty and dissatisfaction with the ruling party. however the bourgeoisie becomes immune to corruption as privileges multiply and morality declines. this is further exacerbated by, as pointed out by fanon (1963), a largely absent president who closes his eyes to mediocrity and fundamental immorality of the ruling class (165). in matigari, for example, the latter is depicted when the wife of the minister for truth and justice is caught red handed having sex with her driver. yet she was the very same lady who spoke out against promiscuity and the importance of remaining loyal to one’s partner as espoused in the bible. at the meeting with workers the ten commandments are re-inforced by the very party whose members are responsible for breaking most of them anyway. through a focus on such incidences in the novel ngugi aims to make us aware of how deep rooted corruption is and that it has the potential to permeate every level of human existence and of society at large. matigari’s experiences in the post-colonial country have led him to realise that the world is upside down and that ‘in our land today lies are decreed to be the truth and the truth decreed to be a lie’(97). since returning from the forest to the post independent country he has been exposed to corruption in all its guises from material to sexual favours and on all strata in society, from policemen to ministers’ wives and the ministers themselves. these experiences, as pointed out by fanon (1963:172), are reminiscent of postcolonial african countries as ‘scandals are numerous, ministers grow rich, their wives doll themselves up, the members of parliament feather their nests – everyone including policemen and customs officials join in the corruption’. through his experiences matigari has come to realize that in the society that he finds himself in ‘privileges tend to multiply and corruption triumphs while morality declines’ (fanon, 1963:171). in reflecting on his experiences matigari is left bewildered and confused as to how unequal this society is. while the bourgeoisie live in the lap of luxury in their posh suburbs, children are living in abject conditions in derelict cars rummaging in garbage for food. this prompts him to pose the question: ‘where could a person wearing the belt of peace find truth and justice in postcolonial society?’ (ngugi: 16). another question which he ponders over is ‘had anything really changed between then and now’? in his search for responses to the questions he discovers that the ‘expected discontinuity between the colonial and post-colonial times is illusory’ (breidlid, 2005) and that the true liberation of the masses economically, politically and intellectually remains a pipedream. his numerous depressing experiences after returning from the liberation struggle in the forest leads him to question any notion of a ‘new land’. in his search for truth and justice he discovers that ‘a handful of people profited from the suffering of the majority’ and that ‘the few gained joy out of the sorrow of the many’. according to addei et al. (2013:21) the postindependence in africa is plagued by ‘social corruption, autocracy, a foreign dominated journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 15 economy as well as the betrayal of human ideals among others’. in reflecting on the corruption within post independent african countries fanon describes the problem as overwhelming and reprehensible as ‘today the vultures are too numerous and too voracious in proportion to the lean spoils of national wealth’ (171). the gross inequality in society partially ascribed to the blatant corruption and misappropriation of funds serves as an obstacle to national unity and consciousness. the country is controlled by local and foreign capitalists. according to fanon (1963) the mother country and foreign companies do not ‘mask the hold [they have] on the national government (167)’. this is highlighted in matigari when the minister for truth and justice invites delegates from the usa, britain, west germany and france as well as the directors of the anglo american leather and plastics company, represented by robert williams and john boy, to the meeting convened by him to deliberate on the strikes in the country. they are invited since the country, according to him, ‘has a good international image in the west because of its rule of ‘truth and justice’ (100). this is ironic as the policies and strategies that the country has employed to oppress the masses is anything but just. in this way ngugi wants to illustrate that the foreign and local capitalists are as corrupt and unjust as the government. the unfettered support and blind allegiance to the local and foreign capitalists is demonstrated when the all-pervading minister for truth and justice declares a blanket ban on all strikes against the aforementioned company after he and the president receive personal certificates for shares in the company. at the same meeting when matigari requests that the land and the house that he fought for be returned to him he is admonished by the minister for truth and justice, handcuffed, declared to be a madman and banished to a mental institution. it is then that matigari realizes that most of the things that he had fought for, especially the land and the house, still remain in the hands of the imperialists and their african capitalist counterparts. in this sense it is clear that the new regime have ‘annexed the wealth of the country for its own profit’ (fanon, 1963:167). matigari also further realizes that the kenyan elites have betrayed the mau mau struggle by colluding and collaborating with the western capitalists thereby ensuring a return to colonization. what is clear to matigari is that settler williams and his servant john boy, against whom he had waged a war in the forests for so many years, have now been replaced by their sons robert williams and john boy jnr who have formed an alliance to oppress the masses by ‘reaping what they do not sow’ (12). according to fanon (1963:167) the foreign companies and the mother country do not ‘mask the hold that [they have] on the national government’. this is vividly depicted in matigari when we hear via the news bulletin that ‘britain and the european community have given the country a loan of several million pounds for the development of the administration of instant justice [and that] the loan will be used to buy handcuffs, hand and leg chains, uniforms for prison warders, electric fences to help guard the prisons and ropes for hanging those who have been sentenced to death.’ the proviso however is that all the material ‘must be bought from british factories or from other eec countries (132)’. the latter proviso is indicative of the obligating compliance that is expected by foreign capitalists and the mother country from the newly independent state (fanon, 1963:165). the desperation of the government to control the restless masses in matigari leads them to seek assistance from the usa to represent their cause at the imf and world bank. it is clear that the government perceives the use of military force through the support of the usa as the only means of suppressing the uprisings in the country as succinctly depicted in the news broadcast below: ‘…the usa requests the world bank and the imf to give the country a loan for the development and the defence of the rule of law, truth and justice’ (132). journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) logamurthie athiemoolam 16 however the hidden agenda is the obligating compliance highlighted by fanon (1963) on the state to purchase military vehicles from the us with the money received from the world bank. this is clearly illustrated in the follow up broadcast in which the us government indicates that it ‘would be willing to listen with sympathy to a request to supply this country with phantom jets, tanks and attack helicopters (132).’ this is one of the ways in which foreign capitalists, as pointed out by fanon (1963:167), are able to control the economy. the economic hold that capitalists have on the country and the privileges that they enjoy militate against any possibility of galvanizing the nation into a coherent force thereby leading to greater polarization and discontentment amongst the citizens of the country. consequently as a result of the government’s support to foreign capitalists any notion of the advancement of national consciousness in the country as a whole becomes a mere pipedream. the degeneration of the party and disconnectedness from the masses. according to fanon (1963:170) national consciousness is severely impacted as the party creates a screen between the masses and the leader and becomes disconnected from the people. in matigari, for example, the minister for truth and justice speaks on behalf of the president who is largely absent from any gatherings. his pronouncements and decrees are mainly communicated through the media which becomes an organ of propaganda for the national government. fanon (1963:171) describes the party as ‘a skeleton of its former self’ which is ‘falling to pieces’ due to the members’ pursuits of individual interests and private advancements. in matigari the minister for truth and justice is pre-occupied with his alliance with western governments and capitalists for his own personal aggrandizement as depicted by his attitude when he receives the shares from the anglo american company. ngugi’s characterisation of the party in matigari in satirical terms such as the use of the parrot as the emblem of the party, demonstrates the blind allegiance which the party expects from its followers, institutions and organs of the state. those who were present at the meeting included the editor of the newspaper the daily parrotry, a professor of the history of parrotology and a university lecturer who had a b.ed, ma and a phd in the philosophy of parrotology (101). the followers of parrotology sang out of a hymnbook entitled songs of a parrot which had been composed by a group of specialists in the voices of parrots. in addition to the above mentioned institutions ngugi also highlights how the church is drawn into the web of deceit and parrotology through the priest’s prayer in which he requests the lord to ‘still the hearts of the employers and those of the workers so that they may all be satisfied with the decisions arrived at through truth and justice’ (101). the priest’s reference to truth and justice is a clear indication of his close relationship with the minister for truth and justice whom we hear from the priest contributes generously to the church and attends services regularly and religiously. through the use of the extended metaphor focusing on parrots ngugi aims to demonstrate how the post-colonial state is able to control the media and the university to promote the ruling party’s image which is on the decline. ngugi’s use of the parrot as an emblem for the party is very apt as he extends the metaphor to demonstrate how the loyalists, who extol the praises of the party like parrots, are rewarded. this is done at the meeting when the minister of truth and justice announces that all loyalist professors and ‘all holders of ph.ds in parrotology’ are to be promoted and given permanent professorships (103). according to the minister these professors are different from others who are always raising a hue and cry about revolution as they ‘are the ones who know how to obey and abide by the law, how to serve the law’ (103). according to fanon (1963:171) the party’s obsession with making all the decisions on behalf of the people through rewarding blind allegiance and using brute force to keep detractors at bay signifies the collapse of the nation state. in matigari the disconnectedness of the people from the party is further advanced by journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 17 the manner in which the party tries to control the people from the summit by taking their voices away from them. this is aptly demonstrated at the meeting when the minister for truth and justice does not brook any opposition to his decrees and uses brute force to silence the people from singing songs in praise of matigari. he unilaterally bans the songs and summons the military to repress the crowd. the autocratic attitude displayed by the minister for truth and justice at the meeting clearly demonstrates the disconnectedness between the state and the ordinary masses. according to fanon (1963:171) when the party issues instructions from the summit and does not include the people, the people become alienated from the party and in this way any attempt at achieving national consciousness is thwarted and the nation effectively disintegrates into oblivion. hostility towards the ruling party leads to restlessness amongst the masses national unity within the country as a whole, after post colonialism, is negatively affected due to the malaise of corruption and the government’s adoption of despotism as a means of controlling the masses. this leads the general population to becoming increasingly restless and disenchanted with a party that has become a shadow of its former self and to protest against the government’s laws and imperialists’ monopolization of the economy. according to fanon (1963) although the leader urges people to place confidence in him because of what he and the party has done in the past and is continuing to do (168) to mask what is happening in the country, the masses have no illusions of what is happening (169). however they catch on to its propaganda, begin to sulk and turn away from the nation in which they have been given no place and begin to lose interest in it (169). according to fanon (1963) their disappointment with the ruling bourgeoisie and hostility towards them is played out through protests and the revival of a new struggle against what is perceived as an oppressive regime. this new struggle which starts off with the revival of protest songs from the past leads to violent confrontation as they become increasingly disenchanted with the ruling party. the dissatisfaction of the nation with the heartlessness of the regime is aptly summed up by one of the prisoners in the prison where the true story of the land is being told: our country is truly as dry as this concrete floor. our leaders have hearts as cold as that of pharaoh. or even colder than those of the colonialists. they cannot hear the cry of the people. (55). the focus on the leaders’ ‘cold hearts’ and their inability to hear the ‘cry’ of the nation is a clear indication that they have become disconnected from the people and that there is a realization among the people that they do not care, are heartless and ruthless. this reawakening on the part of the nation according to fanon (1963:167) leads to ‘stormy days and restlessness’. towards the end of the novel when matigari drives to john boy’s house to claim the property as his own in the stolen black mercedes owned by the minister of peace and justice’s wife, he was stunned to notice that the ‘whole country seemed to be assembled there’ (163). the space was inundated by cars, soldiers carrying guns and torches and policemen walking around with their dogs. the realization on the part of the state to growing hostility and antagonism to their style of leadership in the novel leads to paranoia on their part as manifested in the unleashing of a large contingent of security personnel to apprehend one person. when matigari was commanded to come out of the house, the assembled crowd all chanted his name in unison and were threatened by the paramilitary shooting unit that if they cheered again they would be shot down ‘there and then’ (165). the use of military force to curb the masses for merely chanting or singing freedom songs is a sign that the state has become antagonistic towards the nation as a whole who depended on it to galvanize the nation together thereby facilitating national consciousness. however instead of instilling a sense of patriotism on the part of the people to the nation as a whole the state has created a schism between them and the people through its aggressive actions and confrontational strategies thereby alienating the people from them even further. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) logamurthie athiemoolam 18 in matigari the rupture between the government and the people leads to the riot that ensues at john boy’s house after the house is set alight. the realization on the part of the people that they are alienated from the capitalist system leads them to chant: ‘bad boy’s house is burning. let’s warm ourselves with it’(166). after the mercedes also bursts into flames and adds to the brightness of the fire, the crowd becomes even more uncontrollable and the children living in the derelict cars take the lead in shouting out that the other houses should also burn and that ‘everything that belongs to these slaves must burn!’ when the call becomes a refrain the rest of the people make torches from the burning house chanting that the ‘property of those robbing the masses must burn and that the culture of parrotology in the land must burn.’(168).the ensuing violence leads to the burning of houses, tea-bushes, coffee-trees and vehicles. as the people demonstrate their anger against the government and burn property they articulate, through their vocal protests, how the government is stifling and suppressing them by their oppressive laws such as detention without trial, the exiling and incarceration of patriots and students in prisons and their imposition of parrotology on the population at large. this outbreak of civil unrest prompts the president (‘his excellency, ole excellency) to promulgate a new law that instructs the security forces to ‘shoot to kill’ (169). the restlessness amongst the masses that degenerate into violent protests leading to the damage to property heralds a new dawn in the nation state as the people realize that they are not prepared to accept the policies, actions and approaches of the ruling party and that they can no longer accept the government’s deception. during this phase of the nation state, characterized by increasing dissatisfaction with the government represented by the party, there is a realization that the state has failed the people thereby signaling a complete disintegration of national consciousness which is the hallmark of a failed state. conclusion ngugi demonstrates through the writing of the novel matigari that the post-colonial state, in many ways emulates the colonial regime in the adoption of capitalism, the creation of a ruling bourgeoisie, the corruption within the state and the exploitation of the masses for personal gain. the marginalization and alienation of the masses from meaningful involvement in the creation of the nation state and the assumption of power on the part of the ruling party militates against any notion of national consciousness that has the potential to galvanize the nation together as a whole. it is clear that the numerous pitfalls of national consciousness identified by both fanon in the wretched of the earth and ngugi wa thiong’o in matigari serve to polarize the nation thereby leading to a schism between the government and the people which serves to thwart any conception of national consciousness amongst the population at large. the attainment of national consciousness hinges on the newly formed state to engage the masses by raising their level of thought through political education so that they can take up their rightful roles in society at large. according to fanon the masses need to be made aware from the very outset that the building of national consciousness is a collective act and that no famous person can take responsibility for everything, ‘but that the demiurge is the people themselves and the magic hands are finally only the hands of the people’ (197). according to fanon for national consciousness to be realized in a newly emerging state after post colonialism collective responsibility is imperative otherwise as highlighted in matigari ‘there is anarchy, repression, the resurgence of tribal parties and federalism’(204). the success of the nation and the development of national consciousness within the newly formed state are dependent on the moving consciousness of the entire population which, according to fanon, is the ‘coherent, enlightened action of men and women.’(204) journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 19 references addei, cecilia, cynthia osei, and felicia annin, 2013. ngugi and post colonial africa: history, politics and morality in petals of blood and matigari. international journal of scientific technology, 2, 9 (2013): 164171. breidlid, anders. “ngugi’s matigari, a nonmaterialist discourse and postmodernism.” the australian journal of trans-national writing 1(2005): 1-9. fanon, frantz. the wretched of the earth. translated by constance farrington. new york: grove weidenfeld, 1963. ngugi wa thiong’o. matigari. translated from gikuyu by wangui wa goro. nairobi: east african educational publishers, 1987. ozumba, godfrey.o. national consciousness, value reorientation and identity: an integrative humanist approach. journal of integrative humanism (2014): 147-155. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 307 translation shift in english into indonesian subtitle of guzaarish movie tira nur fitria department of sharia economics, itb aas, surakarta, indonesia abstract article information this research aims to find out the types of shift and to know the most dominant type of shifts found in the english to indonesian subtitle of guzaarish movie. the method used in this research is qualitative research. the analysis shows that there are two types of translation shifts in the guzaarish movie subtitle. the translation shift is related to the various ways of an expression in the source text has been translated into the target text. the type of shifts found is both level and category shift as 242 data. the level shift shows 93 data or 38.43 %. the level shift occurs when an sl item has equivalent in a tl translation at the different linguistic levels of its own such as grammatical or lexical. the category shift shows total data 149 data or 61.57 %. category shift is related to departures from formal correspondence in translation. the category shift consists of several types, they are structure shift as 80 data or 33.06 %, intra-system shift as 61 data or 25.21 %, rank/unit shift as 7 data or 2.89 %, and class shift as only 1 data or 0.41 %. it shows that the most dominant type of shift in guzaarish movie subtitle is the category shift, especially the structure shift. it usually occurs at all levels. it is indicated by a situation when there are two different languages that have a different structural element. keywords: translation; shift; level shift; category shift; subtitle movie received: 17 may 2020 revised: 11 june 2020 accepted: 15 june 2020 doi : 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2601 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribute-sharealike 4.0 international license introduction before doing a translation, a translator should check and analyze her/his texts comprehensively and ensure that the readers will understand the source text or the source language (nord, 2005, p. 1). the translator can use various techniques to obtain great results. there are 18 translation techniques proposed by molina & albir (2004). one of them is a transposition. transposition technique is usually called as shift (fitria, 2015). both of them can change in sequences. transposition (shift) is how it deals with grammatical changes in translation (fawcett, 2014, p. 37). in other words, a transposition is a mechanism in which parts of the speech alter their sequence when translated (grassilli, 2016). changes or ‘shifts’ often occurs in translation (liz, 2011). the translators can use the shift (transposition) if the translation result which is obtained fits better into the text and allows a specific nuance of style (omar, 2009, p. 199). the term “translation shift” refers to the various ways of an expression in the source text is translated into the target text. it also journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tira nur fitria 308 refers to the departure from formal correspondence in the process of translating the source language to the target language which involves a level shift and category shift (chan, 2004, p. 255). the level shift is linked to one linguistic level of the source language element that is given at a specific level via a target language translation equivalence. the category shift includes shifts in units, structures, and classes. according to hatim & munday (2004, p. 142 in catford, 1969), there are two types of translation shifts, they are level shift (between the levels of grammar and lexis) and category shift (unbounded and rank-bounded). according to baker & malmkjær (2001, p. 229), the level shift is related to the source language item if a linguistic level has an equivalence in tl in a different level, such as in lexis. for example ving in continuous tense is translated to “sedang” or ‘have/has +v3’ is translated to ‘sudah/telah’. meanwhile category shift is related to the departures from formal correspondence in a translation. it occurs at all ranks in translation. typically a situation indicates when there are two different languages which have different elements of the structure. it consists of 1) structure shift. it involves the changes of structure, such as subject-predicate-object is translated into predicate-subject-object. for example, modifier-head (mh) pattern in sl is translated into head-modifier (hm) pattern. 2) rank shift. it changes the rank unit, such as a word is translated into a morpheme, a phrase, or a clause. for example a phrase in sl is translated into noun or vice versa. 3) class shift. it changes the class of words, such as adjectives are translated into nouns or verbs. 4) intrasystem shift. it changes within a system internally when the translation in source and target text/language has the same formal constitution. for example, singular in sl is translated into the tl or vice versa. the shift can occur in any written texts, such as in the movie subtitle. the subtitle is the written translation of the characters which turn on the frame (bleichenbacher, 2008, p. 174). it is usually located at the bottom of the screen. in watching a movie/film, we are usually concerned about the subtitle at the bottom of the screen (fitria, 2020b). it makes the viewers or listeners understand the language by reading the subtitle simultaneously. we can find subtitle in a movie; we often see there are many movie subtitles which are translated into other languages. for example, indonesian subtitle is translated into english, english subtitle is translated into indonesian, or hindi subtitle is translated into english, etc. the movie that will be analyzed in this research is guzaarish movie. it is chosen because guzaarish is a mainstream hindi’s first film which tells about mercy killing full passion and life (tsering, 2020). it was released in 2010. the characters of the film are hrithik roshan with aishwarya rai. this film tells about ethan mascarenhas (hrithik roshan), a famous magician, but for the past 14 years, he had been lying helpless in bed due to a terrible incident on stage. ethan can still think and speak, but for other activities, he must rely on a nurse named sofia d’souza (aishwarya rai). ethan begs her friend a lawyer to grant his death request (euthanasia) in a court. there are several previous studies which concern about translation shift. first, a study is written by tirtayasa & setiajid (2018) entitled “translation shifts in goenawan mohammad’s poem collection “on god and other unfinished things”. this study aims to find the translation shifts in the english version of a poem collection. the next is a study written by sari (2014) entitled “a study of translation shift in bilingual children’s story book “i love you mom”. this study analyzes the category shift in a bilingual children’s storybook. the third is a study written by fridolini (2013) entitled “translation shifts in novel “mansfield park” by jane austen”. this study finds translation shifts and describes the problems in translation. those previous studies and this research have the same focus on translation shift, but there are differences with this research. those studies have different objects of research. the first research focuses on a poem collection, the second study focuses on a storybook, and the third study focuses on a novel, but this research focuses on a movie subtitle. therefore, the researcher wants to study the shift found in the english and indonesian journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 309 subtitles of the movie. here, the research limits the object of research by analyzing one of translation techniques, especially translation shift. this research is entitled “translation shift in subtitle movie guzaarish. the aims of this research are to find out the type of shifts and to know the most dominant/frequent types of shift found in the english to indonesian subtitle movie guzaarish. here, the researcher wants to know there is a translation process of movie subtitles such as shifts from english into indonesian. methodology the method applies descriptive qualitative research. according to willis et al (2007, p. 181), qualitative research is a method in understanding both the human and social behavior that focuses and emphasizes ‘thick’ data. qualitative research is unique in content, focus, and form of research. its process truly requires creativity and often is viewed as a craft (hesse-biber, 2016). the qualitative study methodology is informed by the power of the researcher’s vocabulary and sentences. but, this research also uses quantitative research, but only in counting the percentage to find the percentage types of error and the most dominant type of translation shift. the method of collecting data in this research is document analysis. the documents may be in the form of legal papers, policy statements, editorials, magazines, newspapers, online data, script movie/play, field notes, notes, research reports, etc. (zeegers & barron, 2015, p. 78). playscript or movie subtitle also can be used as document. in this research, the data used is in the form of the subtitle (english and indonesian) which is taken from the movie entitled guzaarish. in the analysis of the document, the qualitative researcher finds data is primary words, although sometimes collects some numerical data in supporting the qualitative evidence (daymon & holloway, 2010, p. 321). the research gets the movie subtitle by downloading the english and indonesian subtitles through the internet in the form of srt file. the writer does not include the hindi subtitle because to make it easier for the researcher and readers to understand the example of data analysis. the method of analyzing data in this research uses three streams of activity of qualitative analysis as proposed by (miles et al., 2014, p. 14). the first is data condensation (reduction). it is used to reduce unimportant data in this research. the key process in reducing data is coding data. coding is the organization of raw data into conceptual strategies and logical structure of the data (edwards & skinner, 2010, p. 134). the form of coding here is “number data-guz-m”. the second is data display. data is shown using a table or chart to make the results of the research understandable. the last is conclusion drawing. here, the research concludes the result of the analysis. results and discussion related to the findings of the research, the researcher finds the types of shift and knows the most dominant type of shifts found in the english to indonesian movie subtitle of guzaarish. the examples are as follow: level shift level shift implies that at one linguistic point, a source language object has a different degree of equivalence translation in the target text/language. level shift can occur when an sl object is equivalent in a tl translation at different language levels, e.g. grammatical or lexical (hatim, 2014). for example: code : 0004-guz-m sl : you’re listening to radio zindagi. tl : anda sedang mendengarkan radio zindagi. code : 0190-guz-m sl : sofia! don’t walk away! l’m talking to you! tl : sofia! jangan pergi! aku sedang berbicara denganmu! code : 0378-guz-m journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tira nur fitria 310 sl : l’m trying to picture your sexy legs. tl : aku sedang mencoba membayangkan kaki seksimu. code : 235-guz-m sl : l am thinking, how would you scratch your nose if it tickled? tl : aku sedang berpikir, bagaimana anda menggaruk hidungmu jika gatal? code : 1514-guz-m sl : the bride isn’t wearing white or a veil,… tl : pengantin wanita tidak sedang mengenakan gaun putih atau kerudung,.. the translation above shows the level shift in english (sl) when it is translated into indonesian (tl). the level shift used in these examples is in the tense form of simple present continuous tense which has the formula ‘s + verb + ing’ which has the direct/indirect meaning ‘sedang’. for example, 1) the v-ing ‘listening’ in the sl has been translated to ‘sedang mendengarkan’ in the tl; 2) the v-ing ‘talking’ in the sl is translated to ‘sedang berbicara’ in the tl; 3) the v-ing ‘trying’ in the sl has been translated to ‘sedang mencoba’ in the tl; 4) the v-ing ‘thinking’ in the sl has been translated to ‘sedang berfikir’ in the tl; 5) the v-ing ‘wearing’ in the sl is translated into ‘sedang mengenakan’ in the tl. code : 407-guz-m sl : now, l’m going to be the greatest magician in the world. tl : sekarang, aku akan menjadi pesulap terbesar di dunia. code : 518-guz-m sl : l’m going to stand in your side, ethan. tl : aku akan berdiri di sisimu, ethan. code : 519-guz-m sl : and l’m going to make you sure he gets what he wants. tl : dan aku akan membuatmu yakin, dia mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya. code : 937-guz-m sl : l am going to call you soon.. tl : aku akan menelponmu segera… code : 1523-guz-m sl : sofia is going to do her first and last duty as my wife. tl : sofia adalah akan melakukan tugas pertama dan terakhirnya sebagai istriku. the translation above shows the level shift in english (sl) when it is translated into indonesian (tl). the level shift used in these examples is in the tense form of simple future tense which has a formula in the nominal form of simple future tense ‘s + to be (is, am, are) + going to + non-verb’ which has the direct/indirect meaning ‘akan’. for example, the verb ‘am going to be’ in the tl is translated into ‘akan menjadi’. the verbal form of simple future tense has the formula of “s + to be (is, am, are) + going to + verb 1” or uses the base form to show a direct meaning ‘akan’. for example, 1) the verb ‘am going to stand’ in the sl is translated to ‘akan berdiri’; 2) the verb ‘am going to call’ in the sl has been translated to ‘akan memanggil’; 3) the verb ‘am going to do’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘akan melakukan’. code : 1208-guz-m sl : what happened? tl : apa yang telah terjadi? code : 1022-guz-m sl : as punishment he asked me rehearse through the night… tl : sebagai hukuman dia telah menyuruh saya berlatih semalaman… code : 0343-guz-m code : 1245-guz-m sl : and never regret anything that made you smile. tl : …dan jangan sesali apapun yang telah membuatmu tersenyum. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 311 sl : you lied to me. tl : kau telah membohongiku. code : 0539-guz-m sl : sir, sofia prepared this soup with lots of love. tl : pak, sofia sudah menyiapkan sup ini penuh dengan cinta. code : 1471-guz-m sl : as the years passed… tl : sepanjang tahun telah berlalu… the translation above shows the level shift in english (sl) when it is translated into indonesian (tl). the level shift used in these examples is in the tense form of simple past tense which has formula “s + verb 2” or uses verb past to show a direct/indirect meaning ‘telah/sudah’. for example, 1) the verb 2 ‘happened’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah terjadi’ in the tl; 2) the verb 2 ‘asked’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah menyuruh’ in the tl; 3) the verb 2 ‘made’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah membuat’ in the tl; 4) the verb 2 ‘lied’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah membohongi’ in the tl; 5) the verb 2 ‘prepared’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah menyiapkan’ in the tl; 6) the verb 2 ‘passed’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah berlalu’ in the tl. code : 0010-guz-m sl : … sofia who has been my nurse for the last 12 years. tl : …sofia yang telah menjadi perawatku selama 12 tahun ini. code : 0240-guz-m sl : l have told you to wear better clothes,… tl : aku sudah bilang padamu untuk berpakaian lebih sopan,… code : 1021-guz-m sl : we have practiced and l totally messed up. tl : kami telah berlatih dan saya benar-benar kacau. code : 1471-guz-m sl : as the years passed, l’ve seen his hair change color.. tl : sepanjang tahun telah berlalu, aku telah melihat rambutnya berubah warna.. code : 0971-guz-m sl : we have tried everything. tl : kami telah mencoba segala cara. code : 0487-guz-m sl : the court has dismissed his plea. tl : pengadilan telah menolak permohonan itu. code : 0851-guz-m sl : he has suffered through 14 long years, your honor… tl : dia sudah menderita selama 14 tahun, yang mulia… code : 0152-guz-m sl : for all that you’ve done for me and for what your willingness… tl : untuk semua yang kau telah lakukan untukku dan untuk kesediaanmu… code : 0997-guz-m sl : here’s a father who has appealed for euthanasia,… tl : ini ada ayah yang telah meminta eutanasia,… the translation above shows the level shift in the english sl is translated into indonesian tl. the level shift used in these examples is in the tense form of simple present perfect tense which has a formula in the nominal form of simple present perfect tense ‘s + have/has + been + non-verb’ which has the meaning ‘telah’. for example, 1) the verb ‘has been’ in the tl has been translated to be ‘telah menjadi’. here, the structure of nominal verb ‘sofia (who) has been’ follows the rule ‘s + have/has + been’. in verbal form ‘s + have/has + verb 3 (participle) which has the meaning ‘telah/sudah’. the other examples show the verbal form: 1) the verb ‘have told’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘sudah bilang; 2) the verb ‘have practiced’ in the sl has been journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tira nur fitria 312 translated to be ‘telah berlatih’; 3) the verb ‘have seen’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah melihat’; 4) the verb ‘have tried’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah mencoba’; 5) the verb ‘has dismissed’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah menolak’; 6) the verb ‘have made’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘sudah membuat’; 7) the verb ‘has suffered’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘sudah menderita’; 8) the verb ‘have done in the sl is translated into ‘sudah lakukan’; 9) the verb ‘has appealed’ in the sl has been translated to be ‘telah menolak’. category shift category shift is related to the departures from formal correspondence in translation. it usually involves the four categories, they are the structure, unit/rank, class, and intra-system (hatim, 2014). for example: structure shift a structure shift occurs when the grammatical form of the sl and tl shifts (hatim, 2014). usually, the most frequent or dominant category shift that appears in translation is structure shift. it usually occurs at all ranks in translation. for example: code : 0387 guz-m sl : all my secrets are in this book. tl : semua rahasiaku ada di dalam buku ini. code : 0221-guz-m sl : radio station has sent a new producer. tl : stasiun radio mengirim seorang produser baru. code : 0168-guz-m sl : on one hand, he speaks about happy life on radio show… tl : satu sisi, ia bicara tentang kehidupan bahagia di acara radio… code : 0177-guz-m sl : “organic food is not healthier”, says a study. tl : ''makanan organik tidak lebih sehat”, kata sebuah penelitian. code : 1472-guz-m sl : .. from jet black to silver grey to snow white. tl : ..dari hitam pekat ke abu-abu perak lalu salju putih. code : 1483-guz-m sl : .. you’ll be the best magician in the world. tl : ..kau akan menjadi pesulap terbaik di dunia code : 0463-guz-m sl : you’re aware that our law doesn’t permit euthanasia. tl : kau sadar bahwa hukum kita tak mengizinkan euthanasia. code : 0788-guz-m sl : our religion does not permit euthanasia. tl : agama kita tak mengizinkan euthanasia. the translation above shows the structure shift in the english (sl) is translated into indonesian (tl). these examples show that there are structure shifts especially in translating the phrase structure of ‘head + modifier’ in english (sl) into ‘modifier + head’ in indonesian (tl). for example, 1) the phrase ‘this house’ has been translated to be ‘rumah ini’ and the phrase ‘this book’ has been translated to be ‘buku ini’. the structure of ‘this book’ is modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation to be ‘buku ini’ which has structure ‘head + modifier”. 2) the phrases ‘radio station’ and ‘new producer’ have been translated to be ‘stasiun radio’ and ‘produser baru’. the structure of ‘radio station’ and ‘new producer’ is modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation is ‘stasiun radio’ and ‘prosedur baru’ which have structure ‘head + modifier”. 3) the phrases ‘happy life’ and ‘radio show’ have been translated to be ‘happy life’ and ‘radio show’. the structure of ‘happy life’ and ‘radio show is modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation is ‘kehidupan bahagia’ and ‘acara radio’ which have structure ‘head + modifier”. 4) the phrases ‘organic food’ and ‘love story’ have journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 313 been translated to be ‘makanan organik’ and ‘cerita cinta’. the structure of ‘organic food’ and ‘love story’ is modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation is ‘makanan organik’ and ‘cerita cinta’ which have structure ‘head + modifier”. 5) the phrases ‘jet black, silver grey, snow shite’ have been translated to be ‘hitam pekat, abu-abu perak, salju putih’. the structure of ‘jet black’, ‘silver grey’, and ‘snow white’ is ‘modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation to be ‘hitam pekat’, ‘abu-abu petak’ and ‘salju putih’ which have structure ‘head + modifier”. 6) the phrase ‘best magician’ has been translated to be ‘pesulap terbaik’. the structure of ‘best magician’ is ‘modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation is ‘pesulap terbaik’ which has structure ‘head + modifier’. 7) the phrases ‘our law’ and ‘our religion’ have been translated to be ‘hukum kita’ and ‘agama kita’. the structure of ‘’our law’ and ‘our religion’ is ‘modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation is ‘hukum kita’ and ‘agama kita’ which have structure ‘head + modifier’. rank/unit shift a rank/unit shift occurs when there is no concept of strict rank-for-rank correspondence between the sl and tl units (word, expression, clause or sentence) (hatim, 2014). for example: code : 0138-guz-m sl : fight like a tigress tl : berjuanglah seperti macan betina code : 0783-guz-m sl : you can’t decide on it through a radio poll. tl : kau tak dapat memutuskan hal itu melalui jajak pendapat radio. code : 1324-guz-m sl : you mean a stranger who doesn’t return home for years? tl : maksudmu orang asing yang tak pulang selama bertahun-tahun? the translation above shows the intrasystem shift in the english sl is translated into indonesian tl. therefore, there is an intrasystem shift especially changing the unit/rank or different grammatical class in the sl is translated into tl such as a word in the sl is changed into a phrase in the tl. for example, 1) the word ‘tigress’ in the sl has been translated to be the tl to be ‘macan betina’. the word ‘tigress’ here as word, then it is translated into ‘macan betina’ which shows phrase. 2) the word ‘poll’ in the sl has been translated to be the tl to be ‘jajak pendapat’. the word ‘stranger’ here as word, then it is translated into ‘orang asing’ which shows phrase. class shift a class shift can occur when a source language item is translated to the target language system into a different grammatical class (hatim, 2014). for example: code : 0116-guz-m sl : l’ve lived the last 14 years with pride. tl : aku sudah menjalani hidup 14 tahun terakhir ini dengan bangga. the translation above shows class shift. the word ‘pride’ in the english (sl) is translated into ‘bangga’ in the indonesian (tl). in sl, the word ‘pride’ is a noun, while in sl, its translation to be ‘bangga’ which refers to the adjective. here, there is a changing of different grammatical class (class word) of a noun in sl is translated into an adjective in sl. intra-system shift an intra-system change can occur when a set of non-corresponding words within the tl system is involved (hatim, 2014). for example: code : 0155-guz-m sl : changing a law is not as simple as changing clothes. tl : mengubah hukum tak sesederhana seperti mengubah pakaian. code : 0256-guz-m sl : “14 years ago, during one of his magic shows..” journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tira nur fitria 314 tl : ''14 tahun lalu, dalam salah satu pertunjukan sulapnya..'' code : 0271-guz-m sl : … but a hypocrite running away from his problems. tl : … tapi hanya seorang munafik yang lari menjauhi masalahnya. code : 0375-guz-m sl : l don’t want my secrets to die with me tl : aku tak ingin rahasiaku mati denganku. code : 0440-guz-m sl : your skirts are like tents… tl : rokmu seperti tenda… code : 0687-guz-m sl : l’d like to tell your listeners… tl : aku ingin memberitahu pendengarmu… the translation above shows intra-system shift in the english (sl) when it is translated into indonesian (tl). those bold words are noun plural. the plural form is usually added by the suffix –s/es in the words. in the sl, those words have been translated to be noun singular form. the indonesian translated words should use reduplication in making a noun plural form in indonesian grammar. as the name implies, this shift occurs in cases involving the internal system of language formation in translation. examples such as the formation of singular and plural words, where each language has a different singular and plural forms. for example, the words ‘clothes’ to be ‘pakaian’, the word ‘shows’ to be ‘pertunjukan’, the word ‘problems’ to be ‘masalah’, the word ‘secrets’ to be ‘rahasia’, the word ‘skirts’ to be ‘rok’, the word ‘tents’ to be ‘tenda’, the word ‘opinions’ to be ‘pendapat’, the word ‘listeners’ to be ‘pendengar’, the word ‘breadsticks’ to be ‘roti batangan’, and the word ‘papers’ to be ‘laporan’. shift (transposition) is related to the location of various word class or parts of speech within a sentence that are switched based on the particular language (fitria, 2020a). according to chan (2004, p. 255), translation shift is related to the various ways of an expression in the source language when it is translated into the target language which involves a level shift and category shift. the level shift occurs if items in target language (tl) at one linguistic level have an equivalent in bs at different linguistic levels. category shift occurs when the translation of a word or phrase deviates from its formal correspondence in the target text. category shifts are further classified into structural shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. below the table analysis of translation shift both level and category shifts found in the guzaarish movie subtitle as follows: table analysis of translation shift in the ‘guzaarish’ movie subtitle aspect translation shift level category shift structure intra-system rank/unit class 80 61 7 1 total 93 149 33.06 % 25.21 % 2.89 % 0.41 % percentage 38.43 % 61.57 % the table above shows that there are two types of translation shifts in the guzaarish movie subtitle. the type of shifts found is both level and category shift as 242 data. the level shift shows 93 data or 38.43% while the category shift shows total data 149 data or 61.57%. the category shift consists of several types; they are structure shift as 80 data or journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 315 33.06 %, intra-system shift as 61 data or 25.21%, rank/unit shift as 7 data or 2.89%, and class shift as only 1 data or 0.41%. it shows that the most dominant/frequent type of shift in guzaarish movie subtitle is the category shift, especially the structure shift. level shift is getting at one linguistic level a source language object having equivalence at a different stage in the target language translation. level shift means switching from grammar to lexis (fitria, 2019). based on the analysis, it shows the level shift of using various tenses. for example, 1) simple present continuous tense. the level shift used in these examples is in simple present continuous tense which has formula ‘s + verb + ing’ which has the direct/indirect meaning ‘sedang’. 2) simple future tense. the level shift used in these examples is in simple future tense which has a formula in the nominal form of simple future tense ‘s + to be (is, am, are) + going to + non-verb’ which has the meaning ‘akan’. in the verbal form of simple future tense has a formula “s + to be (is, am, are) + going to + verb 1” or using the base form to show a direct meaning ‘akan’. 3) the level shift used in these examples is in simple present perfect tense which has a formula in the nominal form of simple present perfect tense ‘s + have/has + been + non-verb’ which has the meaning ‘telah’. in verbal form ‘s + have/has + verb 3 (participle) which has the meaning ‘telah/sudah’. 4) the level shift used in these examples is in simple present perfect tense which has a formula in the nominal form of simple present perfect tense ‘s + have/has + been + non-verb’ which has the meaning ‘telah’. for example, 1) the verb ‘has been’ in the tl is translated into ‘telah menjadi’. here, the structure of nominal verb ‘sofia (who) has been’ follows the rule ‘s + have/has + been’. in verbal form ‘s + have/has + verb 3 (participle) which has the meaning ‘telah/sudah’. category shift is related to the departures in a translation from formal correspondence. it includes shifts in structure, intra-system, rank/unit, and class. in structure shift, there is changing the phrase in the sl which has formula modifier + head’. in the tl, the translation has structure ‘head + modifier”. in the intra-system shift, the plural form in the sl is translated to be singular form in the tl. the plural form usually added by the suffix –s/es in the words. the translated words in the tl usually use reduplication in making a noun plural form in indonesian grammar. in rank/unit shift, the word in the sl has been translated to be the tl to be a phrase or the phrase in the sl has been translated to be into the tl to be a word. in class shift, there is changing of the grammatical class (class word) form sl into the tl. for example, a noun in sl becomes an adjective in its translation. any deviation from formal correspondence or the similarity of linguistic forms in the target text as a result of the translation process is called a translation shift. in other words, the translation shift occurs if the translation of words and sentences in the tl is not a formal (linguistic form) correspondence of words and sentences from the source text. because translators can sometimes find formal correspondence and sometimes not, the translation process can result in a shift in translation or not. shifts can be mandatory if the tl system demands it, or optional if the shift is made for personal referential reasons, such as writing style. conclusion this research is about whether or not the english into indonesian translation of the movie subtitle is correct, but rather an analysis of the shift in the translation of film subtitles in the source language (sl) and target language (tl). the analysis shows that there are translation shifts in the guzaarish movie subtitle. the type of shifts found is both level and category shift as 242 data. the level shift shows 93 data or 38.43% while the category shift shows the total data of 149 data or 61.57%. it also shows that the most frequent/dominant type of shift in guzaarish movie subtitle is the category shift. in the transfer process of translation, a translator usually turns the source language into the target language by paying attention to various adjustments and even shifts. this theory highlights changes syntactically and semantically to produce an acceptable and equivalent translation. linguistically, shifts journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) tira nur fitria 316 can be formed as a result of defining concrete objects and abstract meaning of words of language only applies. in this study there are still many aspects that can be studied by other researchers who read this research, like the type of translation or readability in the translation, so there will be a new study of data in english. this research can still be continued by other researchers who want to study shifting translations. this research can be continued regarding other factors that can affect the quality of translation in movie subtitle or the other topics. references baker, m., & malmkjær, k. 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(2015). milestone moments in getting your phd in qualitative research. kidlington: chandos publishing. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 108 the utilitarian functions and the nature of vehicle inscriptions and stickers in southwestern nigeria. olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede o ̩̀s un state college of technology, e ̩̀sà-òkè, nigeria, ekiti state university, ado-ekiti, nigeria, o ̩̀s un state college of technology, e ̩̀sà-òkè, nigeria abstract this paper x-rays the utilitarian functions and the nature of vehicle inscriptions and stickers in southwestern nigeria. it traces the history of the use of vehicle writings in nigeria in general and the southwest in particular chronicling their long history of usage, and noting that it is a common phenomenon nowadays to come across vehicles, most especially commercial ones, heavily bedecked with an array of colourful inscriptions and stickers of different sizes and in different languages and that the posting of the moving emblems on vehicles has become so prevalent and so widespread that there is hardly an automobile on the highways in south-western nigeria that does not transport them. our study also reveals that vehicle insignia are meant to serve different purposes some of which include construction of religious messages, moral/philosophical messages, group/individual identity messages, warning and cautionary messages, humours, wits, ribaldry, advertising, politics and public enlightenment messages among several others. our study further reveals that inscriptions and stickers serve as formidable communicative tools used to transmit diverse messages to the decoders. keywords: vehicle inscriptions, vehicle stickers, language, nation, heterogeneous society introduction nigeria is undoubtedly a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation. according to gumperz (1972, p. 230), a multilingual society exists: where populations of widely different cultural and linguistic backgrounds live in close geographical proximity, subject to the same political authority , attend the same schools, exchange services and cooperate in many other joint activities by means of not one, but a variety of languages. the heterogeneous nature of nigeria is a consequence of its historical antecedent of contact which dates back to 1553 or thereabouts when the portuguese merchants arrived at the west african coasts for commercial and evangelizing activities (see ajayi, 1965, adeniran, 1978, adetugbo, 1979 and awonusi, 2004). when the british later introduced education into the country, some nigerians were trained as interpreters and began to use english as a medium of interaction. thus, the years of interaction between niger area (later known as nigeria) and europe, first in trading activities and later in the propagation of religious activities, brought the english culture and language closer to nigerians. at the dawn of independence in 1960, hausa, igbo and yorùbá languages were officially recognized as the three major languages for use. the introduction of the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 109 trilingual policy was, indeed, a watershed in the nation’s educational policy as official recognition was given to the three languages. so, in 1977, through the instrumentality of the national policy on education, hausa, igbo and yorùbá became school subjects across the nation’s educational levels. the linguistic situation in the country today presents a multiplicity of languages. research studies put the estimates of indigenous languages between 200 and 500 (see bamgbose, 1971). the multiplicity of the ethnic languages notwithstanding, only three languages are accorded official status by the federal government through the instrumentality of the 1977 national policy on education (later revised in 1998 and 1999). they are hausa, igbo and yorùbá. the three indigenous languages acquire the status of official languages in that they possess integrative force. they were the first to be reduced to writing in the mid-19th century with substantial literatures and they have a considerable national and international coverage of users (see babajide, 2001, pp. 213). furthermore, as contact between the european merchants and the natives on nigeria’s coastal areas such as lagos and the niger delta became more noticeable, the need to evolve a common language that would enhance mutual intelligibility between the natives and the colonialists became necessary. as the white men could not communicate effectively with their host natives in english, the adoption of the nigerian pidgin as a trade language as well as a channel to meet the communication needs of the people of diverse ethno-linguistic origins emerged. the need to adopt nigerian pidgin as a viable linguistic code then was, first, to broaden contact between the white men and the natives and, second, to neutralize the linguistic heterogeneity of the niger delta (see egbokhare, 2001, p. 108). today, due to its role as a popular linguistic form of communication among the multi-ethnic regions of the country, the nigerian pidgin is no longer associated with a low or inferior social status as was the case during the slave trade period. the code has now assumed a wide communicative role as a lingua franca. the code is widely used in the media; it is used for commercial activities as well as a medium in the literary circle. similarly, another speech form known as the arabic language is also in use in nigeria. it is the sixth after english, hausa, igbo, yorùbá and pidgin that can be discussed under the multi-lingual nature of the country. therefore, the plurality of the nation’s linguistic picture is accentuated by the existence of such exoglossic languages as arabic, english and pidgin english alongside the three indigenous languages of hausa, igbo and yorùbá. arabic language, according to adegbija (1994, p. 15), is ‘the vehicle of islam’ because it is the language of muslim religion even though it is not all the adherents of the religion that understand the language. in this paper, we show that vehicle inscriptions and stickers express and exemplify the multi-lingual, multicultural and multi-religious nature of nigeria. some previous studies a few research studies have been published on vehicle writings and their communicative functions (see jordan, 1978, ajani, 1999, chiluwa, 2008, nwagbara, 2008, van der geest, 2009, mgbemena, 2013 and oduro-frimpong, 2013). these scholars, however, hold divergent views on such sociocultural factors like age, sex, status, ethnicity and religion that actually influence the use of inscriptions and stickers on vehicles. for instance, while some attribute vehicle inscriptions to the users’ behavioural traits, claiming that the writings on vehicles are symbolic of, and analogous to, the idiosyncrasies of the users (see jordan, 1978 and van der geest, 2009), others argue that the inscriptions are responses to the users’ experiences of life, their fears, anxieties and other challenges of life and the need to seek god for possible solutions (see chiluwa, 2008 and nwagbara, 2010). in his study of vehicle writings in five west african countries of ghana, burkina faso, ivory coast, togo and nigeria, jordan (1978), for instance, examines what he calls ‘role separation behaviours’ of commercial drivers (when driving and when not on job) as depicted in the vehicle inscriptions. he argues, in his study, that the writings on the vehicles are true reflections of the behavioural attitudes of the drivers (see also ajani, 1999). jordan’s (1978) submission journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 110 may not be completely valid, though it may be true that some vehicle users depict their character traits through the use of inscriptions on their vehicles as we can find in some instances. on the other hand, it may sound reasonable to say that sometimes, some vehicle operators who, possibly, are not the real owners of the vehicles they operate may tend to exhibit a complete antithesis of the behavioural traits of the vehicle owners. for, a vehicle owner may decide to have sùúrù (patience) inscribed on the body of his vehicle as an alias because of his characteristically patient disposition, but may employ a rash and impatient driver operating his vehicle. hence, a commercial vehicle which has the inscription sùúrù (patience) on its body may, surprisingly, be found to be operated by a driver who is anything but patient. in other words, the fact that a commercial vehicle has the inscription sùúrù (patience) on its body, does not strictly imply that the vehicle operator will maintain a patient disposition; otherwise, frequent carnages on nigerian roads, which are majorly caused by sheer impatience on the part of most vehicle operators, would have been a rare occurrence. so jordan’s (1978) strict attribution of the drivers’ behaviour to the inscriptions on their vehicles as if to say that the vehicle inscriptions bear the true reflections of the drivers’ behaviour constitute one of the weaknesses inherent in the study. our assumption is that the user may have either borrowed it for use or may be a driver operating it for commercial purpose. chiluwa’s (2008) study is another research endeavour that studies the religious value of vehicle inscriptions. his study primarily discusses vehicle stickers as a medium for communicating religious beliefs. the study takes a critical look at vehicle stickers as they are used to construct individual and group identities, people’s religious faith and social vision in the context of religious assumptions and practices in nigeria. while discussing the discourse context of religious stickers on selected commercial vehicles in nigeria, chiluwa (2008) observes that religious vehicle stickers are used to express social vision, individual group identity as well as a means of reaffirming faith by religious adherents. in the study, he argues that individuals using the stickers that construct social vision do experience in real life some hard times, but are made to believe that operating in the tradition of the popular positive confession would change their social condition for the better. in the study, too, he remarks that religious stickers are used as a ‘quest for self-identity’ as adherent of certain religious groups in nigeria procure car stickers for the purpose of identification. by sticking the insignia on their vehicles, individual church members are able to identify one another and, consequently, are likely to offer assistance to any of the members in need of help. however, his assertion that ‘members who do not use stickers because they do not own cars are insulated from assistance as they are often neglected or mistakenly ill-treated by their fellow brothers and sisters’ may not be a completely valid statement in that stickers have become so ubiquitous and widespread nowadays that they are not restricted to vehicles alone. in addition, therefore, whether they are used on vehicles or not does not necessarily insulate the users from possible assistance from their fellow brethren. this implies that any member of a religious faith who does not own a car to use the sticker on can, as well, decide to fix the insignia on their bags, bible or quran as the case may be while the same purpose of group/individual identification can still be maintained or achieved. while we may agree with chiluwa’s (2008) argument that stickers communicate group/individual identification of the users, we also want to argue in this study that vehicle inscriptions or stickers provide a rich platform for other domains of discourse than group/individual identity as claimed by chiluwa (2008). as a matter of fact, there are quite a lot of other domains in which vehicle writings can serve communicative purpose. some of these domains are shown in our findings. writing on vehicle inscriptions as a medium of communication, nwagbara (2008), like chiluwa (2008), notes that vehicle insignia arguably represents the single most important factor for ideological change. he argues that the impact of vehicle inscriptions extends journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 111 across the totality of human existence; from cultural transformation to political and ideological change. while we agree with nwagbara (2008) that vehicle inscriptions construct political and ideological ideas, we want to add too that the utilitarian dimension of vehicle inscriptions and writings has never been in doubt. for instance, they have proved to be an excellent advertising tool as more and more companies have realised the potential of this tool and have begun to use it on the vehicles to promote their businesses. we also show in this present study that vehicle inscriptions play important roles in lot of ways other than for political or ideological reasons as they are also employed to enlighten, rebuke, educate and promote different aspects of the socio-cultural values of the society as well as promotion of favourite club sides and advertisements of products, goods and services. similarly, spiritual and philosophical beliefs are also constructed through vehicle inscriptions and stickers. in addition, vehicle writings have, in recent times, become a unique way of expressing core values in organizations. the corporate image of an organization is inextricably linked to its mission statement. in other words, the success of an organization is often tied to how well it does in achieving its mission statement, and the role of vehicle inscriptions in this regard is exemplified by a study on the expression of core values through bumper stickers at goshen college, northern indiana (see evans, pletcher and stolzfus, 2012). the utilitarian functions and the nature of vehicle writings in this section, we present the utilitarian functions and uses of vehicle inscriptions and stickers in nigeria. first, we take a general look at the functions of vehicle inscriptions in nigeria, which is then followed by instances in the use of vehicle stickers and finally those areas in which the use of inscriptions intersects those of stickers. this section will equally take a global look at the utilitarian functions of the inscription and sticker emblems so as to validate our claim that the use of this mobile insignia transcends the nigerian shores. the history of the use of vehicle inscriptions in the country will serve as the starting point for our discussion. the purpose is meant to confirm that the utilitarian functions of vehicle writings in southwest in particular and nigeria in general has had a fairly long history. inscriptions refer to words written in the front of a book or in any part of other objects like vehicles and buildings. they are artistic writings on paints. we can also say that vehicle inscriptions refer to ‘written texts, drawings, images, messages, paintings and photographs, among others which are inscribed on the panel of vehicles’. they are written texts because they constitute a form of discourse the purpose of which is to form a unified whole as well as communicate a certain message (see halliday and hassan, 1976, bloor and bloor, 2004). for instance, bloor and bloor (2004, p. 5) define a text as ‘any stretch of language, regardless of length, that is spoken or written for the purpose of communication by real people in actual circumstances’. similarly, since the inception of automobiles in nigeria, vehicle users have been using inscriptions in the form of artistic paints on their vehicles. graphic artists, popularly called sign-writers, who were skilled in motor painting and graphic art, were usually employed in those days by vehicle owners to paint their newly bought vehicles such as bedford, austin and mercedes benz 911, to mention but a few and inscribe captions of their choices on the bodies of their vehicles, partly for aesthetic purpose and partly for communicative purpose. in the early years of vehicle use in nigeria, inscriptions on vehicles were more of aesthetic than communicative purpose. this is because the few vehicle owners then would go at any length to ensure that their vehicles looked beautiful, colourful and mesmerizing. not that alone, having richly adorned the windscreens, bodies and the inside of their vehicles with different inscriptions, they would also install their vehicles with a pair of big horns that looked like a bugle from which a loud supersonic hoot would sound. funny enough, passers-by that heard the hooting hunk would think it was coming from a locomotive because of the loud and intimidating sound that would come from such automobiles. on the other hand, some pedestrians that heard the hooting honk might, in sheer admiration and excitement, interpret the sound to have meant, mo s̩è̩̩s̩è̩̩ bè̩r̩è̩̩ ayé jíje̩ ni (meaning ‘i have just started enjoying my journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 112 life’). the practice was a means of demonstrating users’ or owners’ social pedigree in the comity of vehicle owners. this practice is still in vogue till date as many vehicle operators, having adorned their automobiles with different inscriptions in varying colours, will also go an extra mile by installing large horns on their vehicles to make such a loud noise that anyone from a far distance can distinctly hear it. the colourfully written inscription texts on vehicles as well as the supersonic horns that were meticulously hung on driver’s side are meant to complement the aesthetic quality of such vehicles. vehicle owners and the general public have now realised that vehicle insignia offer an excellent potential for communication in social situations apart from the aesthetic functions they had earlier associated the writings with. furthermore, as a communicative artefact, inscriptions are of two types: the paint and the metal or gold inscriptions. the former is the type in which oil paint is used to inscribe messages on the body of an automobile. it is a work of art undertaken by sign-writers to capture the realities of human experiences. it is usually in form of graphic and visual artistic patterns. vehicle inscriptions are eloquent semiotic means of encoding certain ideas and concepts to the readers. for instance, quite apart from the type that is artistically embossed on vehicles which convey a wide range of messages, there are still others that are used to display code numbers on each side of a vehicle such as intra-city cabs and minibuses popularly referred to as kórópe, dáńfó and móòlùè̩̩ as well as government utility vehicles for safety, identification and demographic purposes. the number code is issued by every government agency saddled with such a responsibility, and the code is thereafter taken to a sign-writer’s studio who will emboss the number on such a vehicle for various purposes one of which is to determine the demographic trends of intra-city commercial vehicles and government utility vehicles in each state. another category of vehicle inscription is the gold or metal inscription. it is in two forms. the first is used on vehicles to delineate vehicle brands. the labelling of the metal or gold emblem on vehicles usually represents the trade mark of the manufacturers of such automobiles. the labelling is meant to afford prospective buyers of any of the vehicles on display the opportunity to select from the variety of brands available to them. it is no gainsaying that some vehicle users do make a strong preference for a particular brand of vehicles against the others just in the same way as vehicle owners express preference for vehicle numbers belonging to certain states in the federation. such metal inscriptions are those that classify vehicles as either toyota, datsun, honda, primeria, almera, peugeot, audi, volkswagon, volvo, mercedes benz, mazda or jeep (sport utility vehicle suv), each indicating the manufacturing company from which the automobiles were produced. the second type is a rather novel idea. it is referred to as state logo identification insignia. the type is embossed below the number plate of every automobile to indicate the state from which a vehicle was registered. for example, land of honour, heartbeat of nigeria, centre of excellence, sunshine state, confluence state, state of harmony, gateway state, pacesetter state, land of virtue and centre of unity to mention but a few are the slogans embossed on the number plates of vehicles believed to have been registered in èkìtì, edo, lagos, oǹdó, kogí, kwara, ògùn, ò̩ yo ̩́ and o ̩̀s un states and abuja, the federal capital territory respectively. in some cases, too, metal inscriptions on the number plates of vehicles are utilised to inform the public about the social pedigree of the owners of such automobiles. essentially, there are three categories of number plates issued to vehicle owners by the federal road safety corps (frsc). they are: standard, fancy and out of series. the standard is also known as the general type which is the common type issued to any vehicle owner at a regulated cost upon meeting all the requirements stipulated by the motor vehicle administration (mva)department of the federal road safety commission (frsc). the registration fee depends on the state of the federation from which issuance is made. for example, it is generally believed that it is much costlier or more expensive to obtain a vehicle registration number from either lagos state or abuja (the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 113 federal capital) than from any other states of the federation. by this token, it is only those who can afford the high cost of registering their vehicles in either of those two highly urbanised and frequently preferred states that do so. other vehicle owners who cannot afford the high cost will prefer to register their vehicles in other states whose registration fees are not as high. the fancy and out of series types are the customised types. they both attract a higher cost from any vehicle owner who wishes to obtain either of the two types because of their specialised nature. the out of series type of number plate is obtained when owner of a new vehicle decides to customise his/her vehicle registration number. it is very expensive and often bought or used by few vehicle owners. it is only those who belong to a high social class such as the politicians, business moguls, notable ‘obas’, ‘emirs’, ‘obis’, captains of industries and other categories of influential personalities in the society that usually go for the fancy or out of series type. instances of out of series class of number plates include the number plates of notable personalities in the society who have decided to customise their vehicles for the purpose of exhibiting their affluence and influence in the society. oftentimes, it is possible for one to come across private vehicles that convey the out of series number plates like o̩ló̩̩lá-2, yèyélájé, ò̩̩túnba, yèyé oge, adégoróyè, de guv and owónikókó, to mention but a few. they are vehicle insignia specifically peculiar to private vehicle owners, and they are used to depict the social status of the users. moreover, a rather novel dimension to the out of series class of number plates is the one that depicts the business of the vehicle owner. some nigerian business moguls usually specially order for the out of series class. in most cases, they associate the customised number plates with the kind of professions in which they engage. this practice is quite new and recent, and it is done for different purposes ranging from advertisements of products to delineation of social status. for example, ebony funeral ltd is an undertaker company that is widely known in the southwest and beyond. it specializes in arranging funeral activities. the organization offers multipurpose funeral services and burial advisory service which include sales of befitting caskets, organization of pall bearers at burial ceremonies and also hiring of hearse that conveys the coffin. the undertaker company has the two types of out of series number plate on its fleet of vehicles for identification. the number plate that has either the name of the company (ebony) or a gold-plated number like 6ft boldly engraved on the number plate is usually hung on the bumper of the hearse and all other vehicles that belong to the company. the inscription (either ebony or 6ft) on the bumper of the utility vehicles of the company speaks volumes about the nature of business of the company. the fancy type equally is an exclusive type. it is of a high quality and is used by institutionalized bodies such as government agencies, institutions of higher learning, ministries, parastatals and members of diplomatic corps. the instance of few individuals in the society specially requesting for customized number plates from the issuing agency may not be unlikely in a stratified society like nigeria where class and occupation constitute very important sociolinguistic markers. since the study of sociolinguistics covers the relationship between social class and language variety, it is valid to assume that one of the ways in which people construct their identities and status in the society is through the use of the exclusive type of metal inscriptions on the number plates of their vehicles. this type reveals the socio-economic status as well as the profession of the owners of the vehicles on which customized number plates are hung. such customized vehicle inscriptions which are believed to belong to owners of vehicles who occupy high social strata in the society are quite common on the major roads in nigeria. all of these categories are of interest to this paper. the history of the use of vehicle inscriptions in nigeria is shrouded in obscurity. this is because there is no known history of the use of these moving emblems in the country. the scanty literatures on this research study were imprecise about the exact period vehicle inscriptions emerged in the country. for instance, chiluwa (2008, p. 373) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 114 traces the inception of the art of inscribing phrases and sentences on vehicles to the early 70s. according to him, the most common inscriptions on vehicles then bore such writings as ‘goods only’, ‘private’ or ‘goods or owner’s risk’ (see chiluwa 2008, pp. 373-374). while we agree that the examples of vehicle inscriptions cited above used to be some of the few inscriptions on the bodies of vehicles then, we, however, argue here that the use of vehicle inscription actually predates this period. in fact, the history can be traced to the beginning of the use of automobiles in the country. our argument is based on the premises that, first, nigeria is a former british colony, and the british administrators that ruled nigeria before independence were believed to have owned automobiles on which a few inscriptions must have been written. second, when the colonial administrators left the nigerian shores and the country attained political independence in 1960, nigerians too were believed to have had their own vehicles on which they inscribed phrases and sentences that conveyed a variety of messages to the reading public. in other words, shortly after independence, it is assumed that nigerians among whom were budding politicians, small and large scale business entrepreneurs, civil servants and transporters owned their own cars, buses and lorries. it was indeed a period when professional drivers found it fashionable to inscribe catchy phrases on the bodies of their vehicles for aesthetic purpose as a demonstration of their ownership of automobiles in the comity of vehicle users. then, such vehicle inscriptions as: fálànà gbó̩̩ tìe̩ (mind your own business), igi á rúwé (the tree will sprout leaves), àti dádé kìnìún (before the crowning of the lion), kó̩̩rò̩̩ tó dayò̩̩ (before a situation turns joyous), àbùsí èdùmàrè (over-flowing blessings of the almighty god), ‘why worry’, ‘sea never dry’, nagode allah (thank you god), and ‘man go wack’ among other inscriptions were in much use, especially between the 60s and mid is however, interesting to note that those vehicle writings were popular and notable for the profound messages they conveyed to the public. besides, many of those inscriptions depicted the philosophies and the world-views of the owners or operators of the vehicles. another reason that can be adduced for the long history of the art of inscribing words and phrases on vehicles is that vehicle owners in those days used to keep their old, rickety and unserviceable vehicles in front of their houses as relics instead of disposing of them. the vehicles were usually parked in front of their owners’ houses to serve as reminders of their first ownership of automobiles. our findings revealed that most of these decrepit and stationary vehicles parked in front of owners’ houses or at the mechanic workshops used to carry faint and weather-beaten inscriptions with faint registration numbers which bore semblance of the period between 1953 and 1962 when nigeria had three regions of south, west and north. vehicles on which some of those inscriptions were found used to carry such quaint number plates as: we 7449, wd 3612, lw 1940, wc 1212 and wf 3378 indicating registration numbers from abe ̩́òkúta, oǹdó, lagos, òs ogbo and ife ̩̀ respectively. those old and extinct registration numbers were number plates common in the western part of nigeria in the 60s. the orthography of many of the writings on vehicles is another factor which suggests that the history of vehicle writings has been quite long; for, spellings on those vehicles were quaint and suggestive of the type of spellings in vogue before the inauguration in 1977 of the committee on yoruba orthography. examples of such inscriptions include, but are not limited to the following: aiye loja (the world is a market place) instead of ayé lo̩jà, suru logun aiye (patience is the medicine of life) instead of sùúrù loògùn ayé and aro lawa(the crippled will drive it) instead of àárò̩̩ la wà (we are in the morning [of our lives]). some would jokingly say, ‘èmi ò lè wo ko ̩̀ táro máa wà’ (i cannot board a vehicle that will be driven by a crippled driver!). in addition, the vehicles on which some of these inscriptions were found used to serve as mini-kiosks and make-shift ‘restaurants’ where the mechanics in whose workshops the vehicles were abandoned usually kept their working tools, took their meals and even took a nap when there was no patronage. the above facts serve as reasons for claiming that the history of vehicle writings in nigeria predates journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 115 the 70s. however, when commuter buses known as móòlùè̩̩ and dáńfó in the southwest and kelukelu in the east later became another popular means of transportation, more inscriptions that constructed more concepts and larger world views emerged. by the 1970s, vehicle inscriptions quickly gained patronage and prominence, and over the years, have served a wide range of purposes. they provided social commentary on current affairs; they elucidated on social and political events; they reflected the users’ prevailing circumstances as well as espoused political ideologies. they also reflected the users’ personal philosophies and constructed warnings to public safety. they have also become potent media for class placement with varying messages to depict vehicle typology. by the turn of the 60s, vehicle inscriptions had gained unprecedented prominence as they used to serve as nicknames or metonymy for the users. a nickname, according to hornby (2000: 790), ‘is an informal, often humorous, name for a person that is connected with their real name, their personality, or appearance, or with something they have done’. ají̩leye and ají̩leye (1997, p. 195) cited in quercoopome (1987, p. 118) also remark that ‘a nick-name gives an individual a distinct character and makes a person become united in one body with the society’. hornby (ibid) defines metonymy ‘as the act of referring to something by the name of something else that is closely related to it….’ metonymy too involves replacing the name of something with something that is connected to it without being the whole thing. for example, ‘aso rock’ which is the seat of government in abuja, nigeria is synonymous with the presidency just in the same way as the white house is symbolic of the us presidential residence and administrative centre in washington d.c. the point being made here is that inscriptions reveal a lot about the users and the society/culture to which the users belong. in other words, they can tell the public about who the users are. there have been occasions, for instance, when vehicle users/owners were addressed by the inscriptions on the bodies of their automobiles. in some parts of the country in the 60s, for instance, there were instances when vehicle users/owners used to be known and addressed by the inscriptions on their vehicles. they were hardly addressed by their real names, most especially by those who were not closely related to them. instead, the catchy inscriptions on their vehicles were generally taken for the owners’ personal names. in such cases, the inscriptions on their vehicles eventually became their aliases, nick-names or even surnames. it was very common then to hear the public, especially the regular customers or close associates of those vehicle users/owners, saying: mótò sùúrù ni mò ń bá lo̩ sí èkó ló̩̩ la (it is sùúrù’s vehicle that i will board to lagos tomorrow), mò ń lo̩ só̩̩dò̩̩ bàbá iréwo̩lé (i am going to iréwo̩lé’s father). one of the researchers still remembers with nostalgia that in the early 60s, there used to be a famous transporter in his town then who was popularly called bàbá àmò̩̩ó(which was not the real name) because the inscription on his fleet of commercial vehicles which he was using for transportation bore the inscription: t’olúwa ni yó se̩, a. àmò̩̩ó. it is interesting to remark that only a handful of people in the locality knew him by his real name. others, especially those who were not too close to him, knew him by the trade name on his fleet of vehicles. similarly, the owners of the ageless yet thriving transport companies in the eastern part of the country are simply referred to as ekene dili chukwu, ‘the young shall grow’ and ‘abc’ up till now even when the names are not their personal names. the names are just the brand or trade names of those transport companies rather than the real names of the owners. this phenomenon is not peculiar to nigeria alone. in his study of vehicle inscriptions in ghana, for instance, odurofrimpong (2013, p. 3) remarks that: i observed how drivers referred to one another either by the full or an abbreviated form of the inscriptions on their vehicles. as some of them intimated, in most cases, their fellow drivers do not know one another’s actual names. all the drivers i interviewed were known by their vehicle inscriptions only and ‘owned’ such inscriptions because they evolved from their own personal experiences. the above excerpt underlines the fact that most drivers of the vehicles who use inscriptions that later become their aliases or journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 116 nicknames may not have necessarily been the owners of the vehicles they drive. the fact is that most of those drivers may have had very good working relationships with their masters and some of these bosses do allow the drivers to write their preferred inscriptions on the vehicles. it is important to know more about the philosophies behind some of these sayings. some of the messages are words of wisdom; others are of hope, belief, expression of frustration, advice to others, or acknowledgement of god’s blessings and supremacy. the drivers do not just write what they like; the words really mean something to them. sometimes, they emanate from some deep sub-conscious desires. something may have happened to the driver or car owner in the past that finds an expression in the slogan on the vehicle. sometimes, through the efforts, seriousness and dedication of drivers, owners have been able to increase the number of buses in their fleet. so, when one sees inscriptions like ‘honest labour’ or ‘no food for a lazy man’ written on a vehicle, one must think of what lies behind. this, in essence, implies that most of the writings we see are not just there for ornamental purpose, but there is always a philosophy behind such writings. according to oduro-frimpong (ibid), vehicle inscriptions are ‘based on people’s experiences… as these inscriptions are embedded in human interpersonal relationships and on careful reflection, in personal social experience’. another interesting thing about vehicle inscriptions is that sometimes, both the drivers and the artists are illiterate and they write grammar or spelling that is funny when read by the public. the funny aspect is that neither the artists nor the drivers of the automobiles that transport such writings are really aware of the errors inherent in the captions. even when their attention is drawn to the errors, they seem not to care about the negative signal which the deviant grammatical expressions send to the reading public. the illiterate drivers merely drive away gleefully with such grammatically inept inscriptions as ‘god day’, ‘holly ghost’, god time’, ‘nobody know tomorrow’, ‘noting pass god’, ‘god favour’, ‘no king has god’ and a host of other ungrammatical expressions instead of ‘god dey’, ‘holy ghost’, ‘god’s time’, ‘nobody knows tomorrow’, ‘nothing passes god’, ‘god’s favour’ and ‘no king as god’ respectively. interestingly, some of the artists are so gifted and write beautiful fonts that present an eyecatching effect on vehicles. others are poor calligraphers who scribble art pieces that are mere eye-sores. however, modern civilizations, the penchant for social prestige and advancement in science and technology have given birth to the emergence of stickers as another means of communication among vehicle owners. in other words, the use of stickers on vehicles for communicative purpose is a recent phenomenon. it is an outgrowth of advancement in science and technology. a sticker, according to wikipedia (https://en. m.>wiki> bumper, accessed 18th june, 2017), ‘is a type of a piece of paper or plastic, sticky on one side, and usually with a design and a message on the other’. the adhesive material today enjoys unparalleled patronage and popularity in homes, by vehicle owners as well as commercial motorcycle operators popularly called ‘ò̩̣ kadà’ riders. today, vehicle stickers seem to have assumed a ubiquitous status: they are found almost everywhere. they are hawked at the motor parks, motor spare parts shops and along the road sides. the use of stickers on vehicles began to gain prominence and attract high patronage at the early part of the 80s. it received tremendous and unprecedented upsurge in the 80s when the country began to witness a rapid technological advancement in screen-printing technology. the culture of posting sticker on almost every conceivable object is a very remarkable phenomenon these days. almost every tangible object, however small, has a sticker stuck on it. objects such as purse, bag, water bottle, plastic materials, household equipment, motor bikes, tricycles, vehicles and a host of other personal effects now attract the patronage of stickers. vehicle sticker language is often constructed in affective style because the language in which it is constructed affects people’s feelings, enters into their imagination, influences their emotions, and often leaves an indelible impression of profound truth. it is important also to note that considerable variation exists journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 117 around the world as to the context and purpose of stickers. this study reveals that there is a preponderance of use of stickers over that of inscriptions because of a higher patronage accorded the stickers. the reasons for the preponderance of use of stickers over inscriptions by vehicles users are many and varied. as earlier mentioned, modern civilization, and advancement in science and technology have seriously popularized the patronage accorded vehicle stickers. advancement in electronic and print technology has tremendously given an unprecedented impetus to the popularity stickers enjoy among household materials and vehicles. the reasons for the upsurge of interest in the adhesive material are not far-fetched. one of the reasons, for instance, is that they are very accessible. their accessibility makes it very convenient for their patrons to purchase them in substantial quantity and post them on the different parts of their automobiles: the front and rear windscreens or both sides of an automobile. the front and rear bumpers of a vehicle, especially a private vehicle, equally carry the adhesive materials. the ornamental and aesthetic emblems can easily be obtained in spare-parts shops and at the road-side. besides, they are cheap and affordable. as a result of their cheapness, it is common nowadays to come across a large number of automobiles on nigerian roads heavily bedecked with stickers of varying colours and sizes which, not only add beauty and glamour to the vehicles, but also transmit a myriad of profound messages to the readers. similarly, the affordability and accessibility of these moving emblems make them a more common sight than inscriptions because while a vehicle can have only an inscription embossed on it, a variety of sticker emblems can be found on that same vehicle. moreover, vehicle stickers are not only costeffective, but are also less time-consuming to paste or fix and remove unlike the inscriptions that may take a longer time to inscribe on a vehicle. users too need not spend fortunes at the sign-writers’ studios to inscribe messages on their vehicles. instead, they can easily go for the cheap stickers which can be removed whenever the users want to replace them with another one. usually, vehicles are frequently bought and sold, thus necessitating the new owners to remove and replace the old stickers with new ones according to the taste, the profession, the philosophy and religion of the new buyers since vehicle insignia in most cases represent the social, religious and philosophical sentiments of the users. another reason for the preponderance of vehicle stickers over vehicle inscriptions is that they add to the value of an automobile because of the varying colours in which they are printed. vehicle stickers add to the aesthetic beauty of automobiles. they possess a more aesthetic value than sign writings and produce a more eye-catching effect that can hardly be matched by sign writings. therefore, the primary consumers of these vehicle stickers, that is, those who use them on their vehicles, can easily purchase the aesthetic ornaments along the road side at ridiculously low prices, and stick as many as catch their fancy on their vehicles in order to make their vehicles appear mesmerizing and appealing to passengers. vehicle owners, most especially commercial vehicle owners, relish buying a large quantity of these brilliantly beautiful and captivating sticker emblems and post them on their vehicles partly to adorn their automobiles and partly to flaunt their status in the comity of vehicle owners. in some instances, commercial vehicle users, especially the drivers, use a large quantity of stickers with an array of colourful graphics on their vehicles as a measure of their urbane or civilized nature. identification of vehicle registration is a unique feature of stickers on vehicles. this type of insignia is the sticker identifying vehicle registration which is often posted on the inside of most vehicle windscreens as proof of their road worthiness as well as evidence of the fulfilment of the requirements of the federal government to allow vehicles to ply nigerian roads. such identification tag is usually issued by both the vehicle inspection unit (viu) and the federal road safety commission (frsc). vehicle users, both private and commercial, are under strict obligation to obtain the sticker emblems as any owner that fails to obtain the emblems usually has his/her vehicle impounded by either the vehicle inspection officers (vio), the federal road safety corps (frsc) or the police. release of such an impounded vehicle is contingent on payment of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 118 the fine imposed on the vehicle by the authorized vehicle regulatory body. this also makes the number of sticker users to outstrip that of users of inscriptions. lastly and far most importantly is the changing nature of language and cultural values. it is a well-known fact that language and culture are inextricably woven and that both are highly dynamic (see wardhaugh, 1986, hudson, 1996, babá̩ jí̩dé̩, 2004 and akí̩nnà̩ wó̩ nù̩ , 2007). in a dynamic sociolinguistic milieu as we find in nigeria, it is only natural that new vocabularies and novel concepts would invade the contents of vehicle stickers. it is therefore not unexpected that language will continually be responding to the dynamics of the society. finegan (2004, p. 11) underscores the dynamic nature of language and culture when he remarks that ‘human capacity for linguistic inventiveness makes repeated sentences unlikely ….’ finegan’s (ibid) remark is a clear indication that the readiness with which words respond to the dictates of the social environment makes language to be generative and re-creative (see also akí̩nnà̩ wó̩ nù̩ , 2007, pp. 6-7 and omoloso, 2012). for instance, akí̩nnà̩ wó̩ nù̩ (ibid) attests the dynamic nature of language in relation to the changing phases of culture. according to him, when a new idea crops up, the society develops new linguistic concept adopts it and spreads its understanding to other members of the society. this will eventually lead to increase in their vocabulary. most often, changes in linguistic vocabularies do occur as a result of exposure to foreign cultures or external influences. the point being emphasized here is that culture is not static just as language is evolutionary. both language and culture keep evolving as instruments of social engineering. the above excerpt underscores the reason why the youths and semi-educated commercial drivers of nowadays post all sorts of slangs and neologisms that seem unfamiliar to the older ones on their vehicles. this is as a result of the over-bearing influence of foreign cultures on the youth, especially in the area of music. although the writings on the stickers may sound deviant and sloppy, they are just products of western civilization as well as the users’ exposure to foreign music. while noting that the dynamic nature of language affects all ages, ají̩leye and ají̩leye (1997, p. 13), however, strongly believe that the wind of linguistic dynamism is blowing more noticeably on the youths than the old ones. it is not surprising then that slangs and neologisms as well as funny writings are more commonly found in stickers than inscriptions. different messages from the simple to the profound, from the secular to the spiritual, attract higher patronage in stickers than inscriptions. those who use this type of slang and funny expressions on their vehicles, especially the intra-city vehicles, splash those vehicles with different types of the insignia, each conveying its own funny and weird messages. it is not so surprising that intra-city transit buses ‘transport’ this large quantity of stickers about. the fact is that the stickers are in much greater use than inscriptions because they are costeffective, affordable and can easily be replaced with another one. in recent times, vehicle stickers have become a formidable platform for advertising goods and services. such adverts can be posted either on the bumper, on the windscreen or on the body of the vehicle. examples can be found among buses and articulated vehicles carrying the adverts of any of the mobile communications outfits such as, mtn, glo, airtel and etisalat or those that advertise confectioneries and other products. they are a veritable means of advertising, and they are far more effective and less costly than the radio, television or newspaper advertisement because of the far and distant places covered by the vehicles that transport the advertisements. they equally serve not only as identity markers to the users, but also as an effective medium towards evangelizing. since our sense of self is usually delineated along the clines of race, ethnicity/tribe, language, nationality, gender, age, marital/social status and religion, it is to be expected, that every religion should have identity markers that help determine its status and role in the society. adherents of each of the religions in this respect express total allegiance to the sects to which they belong. one of the ways by which journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 119 this allegiance is demonstrated is eloquently and semiotically through the use of stickers on the vehicles. adherents of certain religious denominations often use the emblems on their bags or purses; in homes, on their holy books (either the bible or the quran), on their vehicles or any other object to identify their religious faith and propagate same to the public. it is also a means through which religious bodies articulate their ideas, their religious beliefs and philosophies to the public, thereby making the public see their organizations as being ‘patronizable’. examples of such sticker texts that are posted on the dashboards or bumpers of vehicles include, among several others, celestial family, givers never lack, back to sender, anglican family, baptist family, i am proud to be a catholic, foursquare, winner and i am a member of seventh day adventist all of which refer to the christian faithful. the muslim faithful too use sticker identifiers on their vehicles or other personal effects. such sticker writings include: quareeb, nasfat, bismillahi, s.a.w (the usual praise name for allah). they serve not only as totems or identity markers for the users but also as a popular medium to express wishes and desires for a particular year or season among the christian faithful. for instance, it is not an uncommon phenomenon among churches in nigeria to articulate their watchwords for a particular year on specially designed stickers which the members of such christian organizations buy with zeal and passion and fix same in their homes or on other personal effects like vehicles, bags, purses and other objects. the messages contained in the emblems may include the following: 2012: my year of elevation, 2012: my year of glory, 2013: my year of new song, 2013: my year of divine favour, 2013: my year of laughter, unshakeable 2014, exploits 2014, 2015: my year of faithful worship and 2016: my year of divine presence and rest. such occasional vehicle emblems are many and varied because of the proliferation of religious places in nigeria. they are often bought by the faithful in appreciable quantity and presented as gifts to friends and relations who are not necessarily members of their denomination. the divine messages inherent in the stickers are held sacrosanct by the adherents of the christian faiths because of their implicit belief that the promises contained in the messages have been divinely sanctioned and, consequently, will surely come to pass in their lives. other instances of the use of stickers can be found in the domain of social engagements, that is, those that construct social activities such as wedding and funeral ceremonies. vehicles, especially the private ones, which are used on social engagements, usually carry stickers which bear inscriptions like about to wed, just married, happy married life, x weds y, good night, mama, and celebration of a fulfilled life. this type of stickers can be referred to as occasional stickers because they are relevant only for the occasion for which they are posted. they are later removed from the vehicles on which they are hung immediately the occasion that calls for their use is over. it is to be noted also that the stickers serve both aesthetic and communicative purposes in this context. they not only adorn the number plates on which they are hung, they also communicate the event that warrants their use to the public. moreover, stickers too serve as objects that give expression to philosophical concepts. for instance, the sticker or inscription text that reads bí è̩̩mí bá wà (if there is life) is a profound expression of a philosophical concept. other examples of inscriptions that construct philosophical concepts include, rírò ni tènìyàn (man proposes), e ̩ dá ò lárò pin, igi á rúwé (man should not be under-valued, the tree will sprout leaves), wé̩̩ré̩̩ nis̩é̩̩ olúwa (the work of god is with ease), ojú e̩ní máa là (whoever will be successful in life), ‘remember your six feet’, kó̩̩ rò̩̩ tó dayò̩̩ (before a situation becomes joyous), ìbàjé̩̩ ènìyàn (the derision of a man), ara lamò̩̩ (knowing oneself), oore lópé (doing good is profitable) and several other philosophical inscriptions and stickers that express, in a variety of ways, profound truth about life situations. furthermore, veteran musicians are celebrated on beautifully coloured stickers posted on vehicles by the vehicle users, especially commercial vehicle drivers, partly to express their love and admiration for the musical icons and partly as a consequence of their exposure to the western cultures of which journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 120 music is part. consequently, fans of notable veteran musicians like king sunny adé̩ (k.s.a), ebenezer obey, alhaji sí̩kí̩rù̩ àyì̩ndé̩ barrister, kollington àyì̩nlá̩ , saheed òsù̩ pá̩ , whizkid, davido, tu pac and alhaji wà̩sí̩ù̩ àlà̩ bí̩ pasuma, to mention but a few, abound among commercial drivers in the southwest of nigeria. they are so fond of these musical icons, and they make no pretence of their admiration for them. one of the ways by which they demonstrate this love and admiration is through the use of sticker emblems bearing the portraits of those musical icons. they purchase a variety of stickers that have the full or half portraits of these musical maestros sometimes with their aliases below the pictures and emboss them usually on the front and rear windscreens of their vehicles. for example, a vehicle on which the portrait of alhaji sí̩kí̩rù̩ àyì̩ndé̩ barrister (the late fuji maestro) is posted will most likely have the alias alhaji àgbà (big alhaji) just below the picture. equally, kébé ń kwara (the agile man from kwara), agbo jésù (jesus’ fold) and o ̩ gá ńlá (fújì) (big boss [of fújì]) are aliases with which alhaji kollington àyì̩nlá̩ , lady evangelist tó̩ pé̩ àlà̩ bí̩ and saheed òsù̩ pá̩ respectively are identified among their numerous fans and admirers. the aliases signal, among other things, the ethnic group as well as the religion to which the musicians belong. kébé ń kwara, for instance, indicates that the bearer of the alias is from kwara state while agbo jésù (jesus’ fold) signals that the bearer to which the alias is attached is a christian. alhaji àgbà(big muslim cleric) equally portrays the owner of the alias not only as a muslim but as a devoted and highly venerated muslim because of the qualifier àgbà. the users of the emblems are so proud and enthusiastic about the presence of the images of these musicians as if their entire existence depends on the presence of the musicians’ portraits on their automobiles. the high patronage vehicle stickers enjoy, however, does not imply that the use of vehicle inscriptions has gone into oblivion. the vehicle inscriptions are equally in use although in much less frequency. we still come across instances of the use of vehicle inscriptions that construct deep and profound social, religious, political and philosophical ideas. for instance, some segments of the society like the educational institutions and companies still use inscriptions alongside stickers to project the corporate image of their institutions or companies to the public. inscriptions too are common among móòlùè̩̩(18-seater buses that operate in some cosmopolitan cities) and some other commercial vehicles. but the point we are trying to make here is that although inscriptions are still used on some commercial vehicles, nonetheless, vehicle stickers are in much greater use because the latter are cheaper, more accessible, and are much easier to remove and replace than the former. it is interesting to remark at this juncture that both vehicle inscription and sticker texts share similar characteristics in some respect. one remarkable area in which they both intersect is in the area of politics, especially during election period. it is during this period that inscriptions and stickers become useful communicative tools in the hands of politicians. political inscriptions and stickers on vehicles construct social events and trends. they are considered as a very effective means of getting voters’ support in the same manner as the print or electronic media do, even at a much less cost. in fact, one of the most visually striking ways in which political parties sell themselves during an election is through the use of inscriptions and stickers. many of these emblems are placed on the front and rear windscreens of vehicles used for political campaigns. in some cases too, the entire bodies of vehicles are branded with the portraits of political figures indicating the political parties to which they belong and the posts or offices they are seeking. the branded vehicles move from one place to another, ‘selling’ the candidature of the politicians to the generality of the public. the inscriptions and stickers too come in various forms, one of which is in form of slogans. slogans are devised to persuade and convince; so not surprisingly, political parties use them as part of their persuasive strategies. the varieties of slogans deployed by political parties are in form of inscriptions and stickers. for instance, during the second republic in nigeria’s political history, political figures were celebrated in recognition of their contributions to the birth, growth and journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 121 development of the country. such political icons as dr nnamdi azikwe and chief o bá̩ fe ̩́mi awó̩ lo ̩́ wo ̩̀, though dead, still live in the hearts of their admirers because many of their admirers still keep these stickers and inscriptions that bear their portraits as relics. during the period chief awó̩ ló̩ wo ̩̀ and dr azikwe held sway on the nation’s political firmament, stickers and inscriptions of their political parties were embossed beautifully on a variety of objects to espouse the political ideals of those frontline politicians. those national heroes and statesmen were celebrated even after their demise with a lavish display of their portraits on vehicles and other objects. in the present dispensation, too, stickers and inscriptions have become an eloquent means of political engineering by politicians. in the southwest, for example, two political parties are prominent. they are: the ruling all progressives congress (apc) and the opposition party, people’s democratic party (pdp). each of the two political parties has its own gubernatorial flag bearer. each of the flag bearers, too, has his own slogans with which he is identified by the party faithful. while mr. akeredolu the ondo state present governor is popularly known by his admirers as ‘arákùnrin’, alhaji gbóyèga oyèto ̩́lá of o ̩̀s un state is fondly called ‘ìlérí olúwa’. these slogans briefly but memorably suggest something about the political figures on the inscriptions or stickers that bear their slogans. the slogans of the inscriptions or stickers carry striking characteristics which are constructed purposely to endear them to their readers as well as keep the support of their numerous party faithful. another remarkable area of convergence between vehicle inscriptions and stickers is in the crisp construction of messages on the bodies of vehicles. in this manner, a part of an expression, especially a figurative expression like a proverb, is used leaving out the other part for readers to complete. what this implies is that, a segment or a noun phrase(np) of a sentence is written only for the readers to complete the other syntactic segment or verb phrase (vp). such inscription and sticker texts sometimes constitute what can be termed as jigsaw puzzle aimed at tasking the cognitive domain of the readers. it is only the discerning ones, especially those who are deeply rooted in cultural values and versed in local and figurative sayings that can successfully complete the other segment of the expression. examples of such crisp and compact inscription and sticker expressions abound on vehicles, especially commercial vehicles. often times, such vehicles transport wise sayings across the length and breadth of the region for readers to drink, as it were, from the fountain of wisdom which the vehicles disseminate. such didactic and philosophical sticker and inscription expressions include, ‘human confidence’, ‘the fear of god’, àwòdì òkè (the heavenly eagle), a ̀́árò̩̩ la wà (we are in the dawn of our lives), fálànà gbó̩̩ tìe̩ (mind your own business), ayé lo̩jà (the world is a market place), àti dádé̩̩́ kìnìún (before the crowning of the lion), rírò ni tènìyàn (man proposes), te̩ní bé̩̩gi lójù (the hewer of a tree only has something to regret over), e̩ni a fé̩̩ la mò̩̩ (we know only those who love us),the downfall of a man and ankuri (patience) to mention but a few. the figurative expressions above, apart from the fact that they are wise sayings and thought-provoking, constitute the syntactic segments of some sentences. in addition, the full realization of the constituent parts will read thus: ‘human confidence is vanity’, ‘the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom’, àwòdì òkè kòmò̩̩ pé ará ilè̩̩ ń wò òun (the eagle that perches heavenwards does not realise that those beneath are watching it), àáró̩̩ la wà, o̩ba jé̩̩ kálé̩̩ ye̩ wá (we are in the dawn of our lives, may it please god to let us end well), fálànà gbó̩̩ tìe̩, tara e̩ni làá gbó̩̩ (falana, mind your own business as we mind ours), ayé lo̩jà, ò̩̩ run nilé (the world is a market place while heaven is [our] home), àti dádé̩̩́ kìnìún, kò sè̩̩yìn elédùmarè (the crowning of the lion is not without god’s knowledge), rírò ni tènìyàn, s̩ís̩é ni ti o̩ló̩̩ run (man proposes, god disposes), te̩ní bé̩̩gi lójù, igi á rúwé (the tree feller only dissipates his energy, the tree will [soon] sprout leaves), e̩ni a fé̩̩ la mò̩̩ , a kò me̩ni tó fe̩ni (we only know whom we love; we do not know who loves one), ‘the downfall of a man is not the end of his life and ankuri, magani duniyan (patience is the medicine of the world; that is, patience is needed to survive in the world) respectively. all of these vehicle inscription and sticker insignia constitute a rich source of food-for-thought to the readers. they also act as “philosophical capsules” that capture the users’ experiences (see odurojournal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) olusegun a. faniran, reuben o. ikotun & abiodun oloyede 122 frimpong 2013:1). yankah (2011:15) argues that the vehicle inscriptions and stickers constitute “philosophical summaries” for the drivers. taluah (2012:3) also says that such crisp and compact expressions as we find above are ‘sententious aphorisms, proverbs, puzzles and wise sayings with social and cultural dimensions....’. moreover, they serve as a remarkable medium aimed at enriching the readers’ knowledge about their immediate environments as well as expanding their linguistic and intellectual horizons since proverbs and wise sayings are a part of individuals’ cultural heritage. they are also a very good means of brand recognition. the exposure that a business name and logo will get on vehicle inscriptions and stickers is immense. they ‘transport’ the names and corporate images of any organizations that use the emblems as far as the vehicles on which they are posted can travel to. writings, signs and other semiotic icons on vehicles are now a visible phenomenon on many commercial vehicles in southwest in particular and nigeria in general. at least, one out of three vehicles that trail along the roads and highways of the cities and various regions in the country carry bold writings and stickers which convey diverse forms of meaning in the texts of their messages. as a matter of fact, the patronage which vehicle inscriptions and stickers are accorded in recent times has been quite unprecedented. a few reasons can be adduced to the spate of patronage which vehicle inscriptions and stickers have been receiving among automobile users. first, there has been an unprecedented surge in vehicular activities between the latter part of the 80s till date as a result of the various economic policies of the successive governments in the country towards making almost average income earner own a vehicle. as public servants in the country experience the presence of their various employers through enhanced salaries and emoluments, there is a tendency for them to improve their social status. a visible index of an enhanced social status in this respect is undoubtedly a possession of automobiles. as the number of private vehicles increases on the roads, so is the tendency for other sectors to receive an enhanced status too through acquisition of vehicles. it therefore becomes obvious that more vehicles on the road will likely lead to a greater use of vehicle emblems which express divergent messages. another factor responsible for the upsurge in vehicular activities is not unconnected with the various mass-oriented programmes of the federal, state and local governments across the country one of which is the mass transit programmes of these three tiers of government. in a bid to impact positively on the lives of the citizenry and make them enjoy the dividends of democracy, successive nigerian governments have, at one time or the other, introduced mass transit programmes across the three tiers of government. the various programmes are geared towards ameliorating transportation challenges being faced by the masses. in this respect, each local and state governments and the federal government too have their own mass transit programmes with their corresponding logos and inscriptions boldly displayed on the bodies of the vehicles in their fleet. for the purpose of institutional identification, the utility vehicles that serve the purpose of inter/intra city mass transits of those various governments usually carry not only the logos but also the names of the institutional owners of the mass transit buses. the mass transit vehicles are cross-country commercial vehicles, that is to say they travel across all the parts of the country. some of the intra-and inter-state mass transit vehicles which carry such inscriptions and stickers include, ‘kwara line’, ‘degema local government mass transit’, ‘edo line’, ‘in god we trust’, ‘àjù̩ mo ̩̀ se line’, ‘o mo lú̩à̩ bí̩ scholar bus’ (mass transit commercial vehicles owned by the governments of èkìtì, o ̩̀yo ̩́ and o ̩̀s un states respectively), ‘kogi mass transit’, ‘okene line’, ‘federal government assisted mass transit’, ‘imo transport company’ (itc) and a host of others. the mass transit vehicles greatly enhance the patronage which the inscriptions and stickers have continued to receive in recent times. moreover, the upsurge in religious activities in the last few years in the country has continued to promote the high prevalence of inscription and sticker expressions. in journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 2 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 123 nigeria, christianity and islam are the two prominent religions that attract large followership. various soul-lifting religious activities such as revival and crusade programmes utilize the medium of the inscriptions and stickers in addition to posters, leaflets, handbills or bill-boards to disseminate information about such programmes. but, in spite of the uses of both inscription and sticker texts as a means of communication, the general trend in the use of those emblems indicates that vehicle stickers and inscriptions are in much greater use than either hand-bills or posters. although the scope of this study is limited to the southwest nigeria, it is not uncommon to come across automobiles that carry stickers, inscriptions and state slogans of other states than the states in the southwest. for instance, a visit to any part of the country will reveal the unassailable fact that vehicles which carry the stickers, inscriptions and number plate slogans of other ethno-linguistic groups abound in great numbers in those towns and other less cities. conclusion we have catalogued the history, characteristics and uses of vehicle stickers and inscriptions in southwest nigeria. we argue that vehicle stickers and inscriptions constitute a popular medium of discourse as they construct a vital aspect of the culture of communication among vehicle operators in the southwest of nigeria. we argue also that vehicle inscriptions and stickers are a popular medium of discourse because, for quite a long time now, writings on vehicles have become a form of communication which has acquired clear-cut artistic and linguistic dimensions. as a veritable medium of meaning generation, vehicle insignia have become ready tools in the hands of vehicle users to communicate a variety of messages to the public. we submit also that as more and more vehicles of different shapes and brands traverse the length and breadth of nigerian roads daily so can inscriptions on religion, politics, entertainment, enlightenment, moral values and a host of others be found on the bodies of those automobiles in south-west nigeria. acknowledgement we are grateful to the tertiary education trust fund (tetfund) for providing financial assistance to carry out this research work. references adegbija, e. 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second, the binary symbols and characters prove that the narrative structure of summer and smoke is constructed upon the binary oppositions as proven by the binary quests of soul and body and the binary role transformations between alma and john as revealed by a.j. greimas’ three pairs of actantial model. key words: binary opposition, narrative structure, structuralism introduction in learning a language, children are introduced to concepts and ideas through binary oppositions. as for examples, children cannot conceive the concept of dark when they do not know what light is, and the same goes for good and bad, beautiful and ugly, noisy and silent, etc. this explains the contemporary critics known as structuralists’ belief that “things cannot be understood in isolationthey have to be seen in the context of the larger structures they are part of” (barry, 2002: 39). this may be true since binary oppositions provide a systematic foundation which enables human to understand abstract and seemingly chaotic concepts or ideas more easily by putting the ideas into complementary pairs, such as body and soul, cause and effect, truth and lies, mundane and spiritual, living and existing, etc. therefore, it can be concluded that binary opposition is one of many systems that governs human’s mind to comprehend and derive meaning of concept and idea. binary opposition comes from saussure’s theory on structuralism. according to saussure, binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or meaning; each unit is defined in reciprocal determination with another term, as in binary code. it is not a contradictory relation but, a structural, complementary one (, 2005). in other words, binary oppositions are pairs of related terms or concepts whose meanings are mutually exclusive. vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 83 binary opposition does not only serve in language when it comes to conceptual understanding. many fields of studies use binary opposition as their tool in presenting their ideas. for example, there is famous concept like yin and yang in chinese philosophy, angel and demon in religion like christianity, to show concept of gender there is male and female in biology, etc. this shows that binary opposition is indeed indispensable and fundamental in every field of study including literature. speaking of literary study, there are many strategies which critiques may employ in order to have a critical and significant reading. thus, the discovery of thematic binary opposition within a text may become one of the possible ways in grasping the intended meaning of the literary work or the readers’ choice of interpretation. on the other hand, binary opposition may become author’s way in presenting his/her works. thus, binary oppositions can be considered very useful for both readers and authors. for the authors, binary oppositions help them establish, integrate, and highlight ideas and meanings within their works. for the readers, binary opposition enable them to have a big picture of a literary text as well as to get profound understanding of what is happening in a text. this study focuses on these two objectives: firstly, to identify and analyze the symbols used in william’s summer and smoke to reveal the characteristics of alma and john; and, secondly, to explain in elaborative analysis of the way saussurian binary opposition found in the symbols constructs the narrative structure of williams’ summer and smoke. binary opposition since binary opposition is under the grand roof of structuralism, the understanding of structuralism is paramount. structuralism, as barry puts it, “is the belief that things cannot be understood in isolationthey have to be seen in the context of the larger structures they are part of” (2002:39). in other words, when one studies one literary work from the perspective of structuralism, he/she will aim at answering not what the meaning of that literary work is but how the meaning is produced. to do that, he/she will analyze the literary text by relating it to some mega-structures such as genre, history, or philosophy. simply put, structuralists put great emphasis on how meanings are maintained and established and on the functions of the mega-structure in a literary work (barry, 2002: 41). g. smith states that “binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another” (smith, 1996:383). this concept comes from a swiss linguist, ferdinand de saussure. he suggests that like language which governs human‟s mind, binary opposition is the basic concept which influences human‟s way of thinking. the reason behind this is explained by selden in his book that “the essential point about this view of language is that underlying human use of language is a system, a pattern paired oppositions, binary oppositions (2005: 77). in the phoneme level, for example, linguist comes to the paired system such as nasalized/non-nasalized, vocalic/non-vocalic, voiced/unvoiced, tense/lax. therefore, binary oppositions, like saussure suggests, are the means by which the units of language have value or meaning; each unit is defined in reciprocal determination with another term, as in binary code. it is not a contradictory relation but, a structural, complementary one (fogarty, 2005). binary opposition, however, does not apply only in language use. a structuralist anthropologist, claude levi-strauss, did his analysis on myth by using this linguistic model, which is binary opposition. he calls the unit of myths as “mythemes” which sound familiar as they are like phoneme and morpheme in linguistic study. he bisected the oedipus myth to two underlying grounds i.e. first is over-valuing blood relation (oedipus marries his mother, jocasta) vs. under valuing blood relation (oedipus kills his father, laius), second is between two views of the originality of human beings, i.e. born from earth vs. born from coitus (selden, 2005: 80). anita putri & paulus sarwoto 84 by doing his study on myth, strauss did not put interest in the myth’s narrative sequence but in the structural pattern that provides the myth its meaning (selden, 2005: 80). he points out that this linguistic model (binary opposition) will uncover the basic structure of human mind-the structure that governs the way human beings shapes all their institutions, artifacts, and forms of knowledge (selden, 2005: 80). thus, in structuralists‟ point of view, the meaning of a literary work is not derived from the writer‟s or reader‟s experience, but from the underlying structure consisting of opposing ideas upon which literary work is built. the theory of narrative structures the study of narrative structure is called narratology. it is a branch of structuralism. in closer look, narratology can be defined as “the study of how narratives make meaning” and “what the basic mechanisms and procedures are which are common to all acts of story-telling” (barry, 2002: 223). there are so many important figures majoring in this field of study. however, this study will use a. j greimas‟ three basic patterns that he believes persist in all narrative. greimas‟ theory is chosen since his theory emphasizes not the individual items but the structural relationship between them. this aspect of his theory is fundamentally derived from saussure‟s notion of binary opposition as the basic human conceptual mode. this is proven through his study, semantique structurale (1966), in which he succeeded in compressing vladimir propp’ss thirty-one “functions” of tales into only three pairs of binary oppositions that include six roles: (a) subject/object, (b) sender/receiver, (c) helper/opponent. the three pairs describe the three basic patterns which, as greimas believes, are most likely to repeat in all narratives: (1) desire, search, or aim (subject/ object), (2) communication (sender/ receiver), (3) auxiliary support or hindrance (helper/ opponent) (selden, 2005: 81). wanda rulewicz explains greimas‟ three basic concepts further in “a grammar of narrativity: algirdas julien greimas”. she explains that the subject is the entity who does the action, in this case who desires, who searches, who aims to do something while the object is the entity who becomes the target of desire, the target of the search, and the mark or end of the aim itself. meanwhile, in her explanation on sender and receiver, she puts it as follows, …the sender may be interpreted as the source of knowledge of the subject, and the receiver as the group of people or humanity in general which receives the message (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). furthermore, she points out that sender and receiver may appear and they usually do as abstract notions, and they most often express the motivation of the subject to perform a certain action (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). in other words, sender can be understood as the one who instigates the action of the subject while the receiver is the party that benefits from the action of the subject. meanwhile, for the explanation for the helper and opponent, she states that “those who help the subject in his search are actanthelper, those who provide obstacles on his way opponent” (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). thus, putting this six actants or roles, she uses the story of holy grail. based on her findings on holy grail using greimas theory, the subject appears as knights of the round table; the object as the grail, the sender as god, the receiver as humanity, the helper as saints and angels, and finally the devil and his acolytes constitute the opponent (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). to help see the relationship among the actantial roles better, the three pairs of binary actantial roles then will be organized into a schema, known as actant narrative schema. the followings are the schema as depicted and thoroughly explained by bronwen martin and felizitas ringham (2006: 19): vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 85 sender object receiver helper subject opponent the schema illustrates firstly the relationship in communication, i.e. sender/receiver which according to martin is “based on the desire for an object or on an obligation which the sender transmits to the receiver, inducing the later to pursue it” (2006:19). hence, it can be concluded that the role of the sender is to put the receiver into action, thereby turning the receiver into a subject, the one that do the act of searching or wanting (martin, 2006:19). this explanation as if answers the underlying reason for this arrangement claimed as the pertaining structure in love story. him = subject and receiver her object and sender (hawkes, 1977: 92). symbols representing alma and john, and the characteristics revealed 1. stone angel the stone angel is the most prominent symbol of summer and smoke. its prominence is clearly seen firstly, from its position in the stage. the author himself made special note ensuring its position in the stage: situated on this promontory are a fountain lifted and her hands held together to form a cup from which water flows, a public drinking fountain. the stone angel of the fountain should probably be elevated so that it appears in the background of the interior scene as a symbolic figure (eternity) brooding over the course of the play (williams, 1948:410). from this quotation of the author‘s production notes, a conclusion can be drawn that the stone angel poses significant role in the play. with parallel postures and traits the stone angel and alma share, it is inevitable that the stone angel acts as the symbol of alma herself. in the prologue, alma is depicted as a ten-year-old girl who “as a habit of holding her hands, one cupped under the other in a way similar to that of receiving the water at holy communion” (william, 1948: 411). relating this depiction of alma to the previous quoted author‘s note of the stone angel, reader can see the similar posture. the stone angel also projects the same personality and principles as alma. there are several reasons for this, firstly is because of the projection it has as an angel. alma is also regarded as the angel of the play. this can be seen when nellie reveals what john thinks of alma, “he told me about how you came in the house that night like an angel of mercy (williams, 1948: 454). secondly is the role the stone angel and alma play as comfort provider. the stone angel is always being where she is; showing her stagnancy in providing relief for those who wants to quench their thirst. the same goes for alma since she becomes the one that provides john with serenity when john goes to her for comfort despite his impending marriage with rosa gonzales, saying ―i will go in a minute, but first i want you to put your hands on my face.... [he crouches beside her]. eternity and miss alma have such cool hands (williams, 1948: 446). readers will know that in this scene john put alma and the stone angel in parallelism to show that both provide comfort. another parallelism is seen through alma‘s name. it is said in the play‘s prologue that alma is spanish for soul (william, 1948: 413). the stone angel also has this idea of ―soul. according to chevalier, anita putri & paulus sarwoto 86 there are close links between stone and soul. stones and humans display the twofold movement of rising and falling. humans are born of god and return to god. raw stones come down from heaven and when transmuted rises to the sky (chevalier, 1996: 932). from the explanation above about stone and soul, reader will see the resemblance between the stone angel and alma from the fact that they both act as the bearer of the importance of soul over flesh thus spiritual over physical needs. 2. human anatomy chart the second most noticeable symbol is human anatomy chart. this is because the anatomy chart in the doctor‘s office dominates the scene almost as much as the figure of the stone angel does. its first appearance is in the very last of scene 4. in this scene, alma goes to her next-door crush the dr. buchanan jr. for some medicines that she cannot fall asleep. john then finds that nothing is wrong with alma‘s body instead it is her being ―lonesome‖ that troubles her. by this, john implies that what alma needs is not medicine but love and thus, sex since at the moment john still believes in physical needs as the most important things in life. when the clock tells it is three, alma goes back to her house but only after having been promised to have some riding with john. however, right after alma leaves his house, john goes back to his previous postponed activity with rosa gonzales, [john reaches above him and turns out the light. he crosses to rosa by the anatomy chart and takes her roughly in his arms. the light lingers on the chart as the interior dims out] (williams, 1948: 436). the quotation above shows reader how the anatomy chart stands for john‘s debauchery tendency (his propensity to indulge his senses and physical pleasure). there is no real intention of john to be really with alma as he can just take rosa right after confessing his interest in alma. hence, the anatomy chart in this play stands for john‘s contention in his childhood when he refuses the idea of being sent to college and following his father‘s footprint as a doctor saying ―i‘d rather be a devil, like they called me and go to south america on boat!‖ (williams, 1948: 413). from this statement of john, his inclination to the cavalier way of living is pretty obvious. he believes that it is better to live for the moment, indulging the senses while he can rather than to restraint himself for something that is not yet certain like “eternity” alma believes in. another significant appearance of the chart is in scene 8. in this scene, john gives alma ―an anatomy lecture: john, [with crazy grinning intensity] now listen here to the anatomy lecture! this upper story‘s the brain, which is hungry for something called truth and doesn‘t get much but keeps on feeling hungry. this middle‘s the belly which is hungry for food. this part down here is the sex which is hungry for love because it is sometimes lonesome. i‘ve fed all three, as much of all three as i could or as much as i wanted— you‘ve fed none. (williams, 1948: 448) from the quotation above, it can be concluded that john gives little weight to spiritual matters and spends most of his time and energy fulfilling his physical wants and desires. thus, the anatomy chart in this play also stands for john himself. he who regards worldly and physical pleasures above moral and spirituality gives no room for soul like the anatomy chart itself that is only a picture of human physical being and no soul in it. 3. telescope and microscope the telescope and microscope symbolize the main characters. while alma is represented by the telescope, john is by the microscope. it is in the first scene that they bring up the discussion about these optical devices. a telescope is an optical instrument that enables human to observe extraterrestrial things such as planet, comets, and star. it magnifies the distant objects for human to see. in contrast, microscope is an vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 87 optical instrument that enables humans to examine terrestrial objects that are near but unseen-with-bare-eyes object. like telescope, alma focuses her attention too much to the larger existence called “soul” compared to the “flesh”. it can be seen through her puritan life that she follows strict moral rules and believes in the afterlife things like eternity. on the other hand, john weighs his credence on mortal things, or the body itself rather than thespirit. he shows no concern for norms prevailed in the society while take strong belief in “carpe diem” principle that life is only temporary and thus should be enjoyed as long as the body still permits. microscope also stands for john‘s psychological development. it is when alma asks john about his study of bacteriology when microscope is brought up. upon her curiosity, alma continues prying after john on this topic and brings john to reveal what he sees when he uses microscope and he says “a universe, part anarchy, and part order!” (williams, 1948: 418). anarchy represents john‘s first state of mind in the play, which negligence, indolence, and indulgence are the prevailing qualities within him. these qualities are noted in alma‘s lashing her disappointment on john: alma. most of us have no choice but to lead useless lives! but you have a gift for scientific research! you have a chance to serve humanity. not just to go on enduring for the sake of endurance, but serve a noble, humanitarian cause, to relief human suffering. and what do you do about it? everything that you can to alienate the confidence of nice people who love and respect your father. while he is devoting himself to the fever at lyon, you drive your automobile at a reckless pace from one disorderly roadhouse to another! you say you see two things through the microscope, anarchy and order? well, obviously order is not the thing that impressed you... (williams, 1948: 423) it is clear from the quotation that john indeed does not realize the importance of his job in the first half of the play. he still cannot grasp the meaning of responsibility, devotion or hard-work. all he knows is to indulge himself in all his glory, be the reckless man in town, and the negligent son. however, this state of john‘s mind does not continue to be so. it evolves through his journey of self-realization and this is depicted in the second half of the play. it is after his father‘s death that he takes over his father‘s work. he devotes his time and energy for the sake of humanity, fighting against the epidemic in lyon and stopping the fever. for the first time in the play, john is seen meddling with the microscope ”john is seated at a white enameled table examining a slide through a microscope” (williams, 1948: 455). 4. water lily in chinese lagoon water lily in chinese lagoon represents alma‘s other half. water lily, as chevalier puts it, has the equivalency with the lotus since both grow up from muddy water. as chevalier puts it, water lily is the symbol of “the potential of the individual to realize the antithesis of his/her being” (chevalier, 1996: 608-609). unlike the other symbols, the binary opposition in water lily in chinese lagoon is inherently represented in one entity. this can be seen when the dichotomies of purity and defilement, splendor and filth, beauty and dirt are drawn from this single entity. the conclusion of such dichotomies comes up by scrutinizing the nature of the flower. growing in the muddy water, it is still pure and spotless. hence, the beauty andfilthiness cannot be separated in attempt to define this flower since the dichotomies are parts of it. viewed from this perspective, it indeed represents alma‘s first and second selves; the first self is being the pure and upright minister‘s spinsterish daughter represented by the flower, water lily, while her second self is being a flirtatious seductress represented by the chinese lagoon. in more thorough analyses, the water lily in chinese lagoon also reflects the dichotomy of love and lust. this is drawn by the earlier dichotomy of pure soul and filthy body which in essence the way alma loves anita putri & paulus sarwoto 88 and desires john. her first half loves john with her soul while the second half projects lusts through her crave for the physical connection. thus, it is “water lily in chinese lagoon” that signifies alma‘s second self. in the first part of the play, john points out that alma has a “doppelganger”, a german word for “double”, a second self. however, alma does not know the existence of her second self until she meets john in their adulthood. the second half is actually the mirror image of the first‘s opposite. hence, projecting alma‘s first self which is selfconscious, restrained, and puritanical; her second self will be carefree, uninhibited, and cavalier. the first self of alma also puts so much importance on the spiritual that leaves no room for her sensuality, which is the opposite of her second self who regards her sensuality above the moral or principles the first self upholds. water lily in chinese lagoon is mentioned two times in the play. first in scene 4 when john gives her sleeping pills to let her have some sleep in her restless night. however, in this scene, alma has not frilly realized her second self and just starts tofeel it, as she says “i‘m beginning to feel almost like a water lily. a water lily on a chinese lagoon” (williams, 1948: 436). it is in the last scene of the play when she is about to enjoy the evening entertainment with the traveling salesman, does alma fully realize upon the existence of her doppelganger, as she said “yes, 1 feel like a water lily on a chinese lagoon “(williams, 1948: 462). 5. a stone pieta a stone pieta is michael angelo‘s sculpt of virgin mary with the dead jesus christ on her lap. john‘s attitude suggesting a stone pieta symbolizes john‘s leaving his body and goes for his soul. such conclusion can be drawn from the background information about pieta. pieta, according to merriam webster online dictionary, is “a representation of the virgin mary mourning over the dead body of christ” (webster, 2014). from this definition, it is important to note the fact that what is being mourned over is the act of jesus leaving his physical being. jesus‘ being dead means his spirit is free from this word and its sufferings. hence, john‘s action of pieta also suggests the same thing in essence i.e. to renounce his principles on physical pleasure— self-indulgence. this particular scene can be found in the play when john, in his selfloathing and remorse, goes across to the rectory for alma‘s comfort. john says, “eternity and miss alma have such cool hands. [he buries his face in her lap. the attitude suggests a stone pieta. alma’s eyes remain closed]” (williams, 1948: 446). here, john reveals about his being fed up with his selfindulgence. he refers to his previous summer, when he indulged all his senses senseless and should have been castrated. he regrets it that it leads him to find life meaningless. it emphasizes the turning point in john‘s life when he at the end of the play becomes the one who regards the importance of spirituality and “soul” above the “body” or physical desires and needs. this gesture of john also symbolizes his repentance upon his summer‘s debauchery and larceny. therefore, this particular symbol suggests the polarity of john‘s sin-virtue. 6. summer, firework, firecrackers, fire the title of the play, summer and smoke, does represent the two main characters of this play; ―summer‖ here stands as passion. as “summer ” is put on the entry along with “fire”, it is more strategic to know what fire represents first to achieve the significance of “summer” in the play. chevalier states fire is strongly related to sexuality. he explains that “the sexual significance of fire is linked worldwide with the first technique of obtaining fire by up and down friction, the image of the sexual act” (chevalier, 1996: 381). he also notes that ―fire corresponds to south, the color red, summer, and heart. fire also symbolizes the passions (especially those of love and hate) (chevalier, 1996:379). from chevalier‘s exposition, a link can be drawn fromsummer and smoke based on what he has said. first are firecrackers. it is in the first scene that these two object being vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 89 shown. it is john who tosses down the firecrackers toward alma‘s bench and later acts as a hero shooing the imaginative scoundrels. after this, alma and john are spending the night of 4 of july talking on the bench. john notes alma‘s unease which alma blames it on the firecrackers. this discomfiture of alma actually comes from within herself, i.e. her excitement and passion for john and not at all from the firecrackers. also, along their heated argument upon alma‘s being affected and john‘s being irresponsible, firework is displayed. this shows the “friction” and their passion for each other but are prevented to be together because of the tension and disagreement between them, one with soul but bodiless and one with body but soulless. from the exposition above, it is clear that summer stands for the passion and sexuality of both characters. their disagreement and differences bring them together and put them in contrast and thus shows how actually they crave for what the other has and to give what they have in return. this emphasizes summer as both character‘s passion for each other. 7. smoke smoke, which also becomes one of the entities of the play‘s title, plays an important role in the play. it symbolizes alma‘s soul leaving her body which marks her psychic regression. chevalier discusses “smoke” in two different entries, first along with the entry of “fire” and second is on its own entry as “smoke”. in the first entry, it is put as follows: fire which smokes and devours symbolizes an imagination inflamed, the subconscious, the hole in the ground, hell fire, the intellect in rebellion, in short all forms of psychic regression (chevalier, 1996: 381) while in the second entry, smoke is emphasized as ”soul leaving the body” (chevalier, 1996: 890). the significance of smoke can be seen in scene 11, when alma reveals her true feelings to john, she says alma. one time i said ―no‖ to something. you may remember the time, and all that demented howling from the cockfight? but now i have changed my mind, or the girl who sad ―no‖, she doesn‘t exist anymore, she died last summer—suffocated in smoke from something on fire inside her... (williams, 1948: 456-457). she reveals that she dies of smoke. it shows how she realizes that for all this time she has made a mistake puts imbalanced concerns between her sensuality and spirituality by ignoring her physical needs. thus, smoke here marks the “soul leaving the body” and the death of old alma. she has undergone rebirth through her realization over her sensuality. however, after her soul leaves the body, it means that alma also leaves all her principles along with her soul. that means she no longer sticks to religious values she has always believed in and neither will she stay as a chaste woman as she no longer believes the importance of her soul. take a look in the very last seen of the play, when the travelling salesman asks alma out to spend the night in moon lake casino, and she knows well what is implied by such invitation, she, without showing her usual restraints, immediately accepts it. if seen from this point of view, it can be said that “smoke” here indeed stands for alma‘s transformed self that she overlooks her usual common sense and morals. the transformation can be clearer viewed by comparing the alma‘s now and then. then, alma abode to her principle about good sexual behavior i.e. no premarital sex. however, the current alma as if forsakes all the morals that she can easily partake in the sexual invitation done by a mere passing stranger. if viewed from this perspective, “smoke” binary oppositions revealed by the symbols and characters as all symbols have been identified and elaborated, they will be put into a table to reveal the characters‘ characteristics and dichotomies between them. anita putri & paulus sarwoto 90 symbols the revelation on character’s characteristics binary opposition revealed stone angel vs. human anatomy chart alma: puritan (following strict moral rules and believing that pleasure is wrong), spirituality above sexuality, dignified, angelic/kind, distant/lofty. john: carefree, uninhibited, carpe diem/hedonist (believing that it‗s better to live for the moment, indulging the sense), life above afterlife. puritan – hedonist spirituality – sexuality afterlife – life telescope vs, microscope telescope: it represents alma‗s awareness and large-scaled aspiration, i.e.eternity. the universe she sees is always related to god, the extraterrestrials thus related to human spirits and the hereafter—the divine and more abstract notion. microscope: what he sees is more physically related, thus it marks his focus on his physical being rather than on the spirit. it represents the physical worldly aspect of life. however, there is a dichotomy in what he sees through microscope, i.e. anarchy and order. this dichotomy represents his old and reformed self. the differences can be seen as follows: in the beginning of the play: anarchy: negligent, reckless, lawlessness, self-indulgent. in the end of the play: order : responsible, devoted, restrained, unselfish soul – body divine – worldly abstract – physical anarchy – order: reckless – reliable decadent – honorable water lily vs. chinese lagoon alma‘s first and second half, the self-realization upon her duality. the first self represented by the flower as the emblem of purity i.e. her spiritual self while the second half represented by the muddy water, chinese lagoon, as the emblem of filthiness, i.e. her sexuality and physical need as human being. water lily in chinese lagoon also reflects the dichotomy of love and lust. this is drawn by the earlier dichotomy of pure soul and filthy body which in essence the way alma loves and desires john. her first half loves john with her soul while the second half projects lusts through her crave for the physical connection. purity – filthiness beauty – dirt love – lust stone pieta: dead body vs. living soul john‗s self realization upon his soul, the manifestation of his embracing ―soul‖ and his repentance on his debauchery and decadence. john‗s action of pieta marks the beginning of the reformed john, thus the birth of the new john and the death of old john. death – birth body – soul summer vs. smoke summer: hn and alma‗s passion for each other. it also acts as both characters‗ ―friction‖, the tension and disagreement between them. thus, ―summer‖ represents life— the state of being alive as human. hence, life indeed needs the passion and tension to make it so. smoke: opposite to summer, smoke represents its antithesis, i.e. death. it marks alma‗s soul leaving her body. it means that ―smoke‖ marks the death of alma‗s puritan side, her firstself life – death vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 91 analysis on binary oppositions as the narrative structure of summer and smoke for this section, a.j. greimas‘ theory of three pairs of actantial models is employed in attempt to reveal saussurian concept, binary opposition, as the narrative structure of williams‘ summer and smoke. greimas‘ theory is chosen since his theory is established from the underlying notion that binary oppositions is the bone of structural analysis of stories and thus, the common grammar which all stories springfrom (hawkes, 1977: 89). thus, it can be concluded that greimas‘ theory of narrative structure has been derived from his predecessor‘s fundamental belief. in hawkes‘ review on greimas‘ theory, he says in essence, his work attempts to describe narrative structure in terms of an established linguistic model derived from the saussurian notion of an underlying langue or competence which generates a specific parole or performance, as well as from saussure‘s and jakobson‘s concept of the fundamental signifying role of binary opposition (hawkes, 1977: 87-88). hence, using greimas theory in discerning summer and smoke’s narrative structure will prove the earlier hypothesis that williams‘ summer and smoke’ narrative structure is constructed with saussurian notion of binary opposition. the followings are the elaboration of the binary opposition as the play‘s narrative structure through three pairs of actantial models i.e. subject/object, sender/receiver, and helper/opponent as revealed by the earlier revelation upon the binary oppositions of the symbols and characters. 1. subject/object (desire, search, or aim) subject is the entity who does the action, in this case who desires, who searches, who aims to do something while the object is the entity who becomes the target of desire, the target of the search, and the end of the aim itself (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). in summer and smoke the roles of subject and object are attributed to the main characters alma and john. both the characters are the subject and the object of this play since not only both characters pursue to their second self, but also they represent the missing second half of the other character. all the symbols found in this thesis show this subject-object opposition. the twofollowing illustrations will show how alma is the subject and john is the object and vice versa in the second illustration based on the revelation of the symbols. a. subject = john object = alma firstly, the water lily in chinese lagoon representing alma‘s second half shows alma as the subject and john as the object as alma searches for her other half which is represented by john. she desires what is represented by john, i.e. sexuality and hedonism. as the human anatomy reveals, john is carefree, passionate, and full of vigor. the uptight and morally-strict alma sees the carefree john with interest ever since their childhood. the innocent interest then grows to be more sexual by the time they reach adulthood. as the symbol, “summer” indicates, there is a thick sexual tension between alma and john which comes from alma‘s passion for john. therefore, in this case, john becomes the object since he is the target of alma‘s desire. alma‘s pursuit of her second half represented by the water lily surely correlates to john‘s devotion to pleasure which represented by the human anatomy chart. this pursuit of alma‘s doppelganger is not fruitless as she at the end of the play embraces her sexuality and is able to express it like the symbol “smoke” shows. “smoke” standing for death-rebirth dichotomy of alma‘s spiritual and sexuality marks the end result of alma‘s search of her second self represented by john. for this reason, alma becomes the subject who searches for her doppelganger, who aims to embrace her sexuality, who desires the man acting as her second half and john becomesthe object since he is the target of alma‘s desire and the one that represents alma‘s second half. anita putri & paulus sarwoto 92 b. subject = alma object = john secondly, john becomes the subject while alma is the object. this can be seen on how john also desires alma but in a different motive. he desires her but not in physical way as he is afraid of her soul. as the stone angel reveals, alma is unreachable since she is too refined, dignified, and pious as if she comes from the higher realm where the angels dwell. john is aware of alma‘s sublime characteristics and upbringing that he does not think himself worthy of her. this is clearly depicted in his revelation about his feeling unworthy that he cannot touch her, john. i‘m more afraid of your soul that you‘re afraid of my body. you‘d have been as safe as the angel of the fountain—because 1 wouldn‘t feel decent enough to touch you (williams, 1948:, 449). consequently, john‘s implicit notion about “the angel of the fountain” as being “safe” and thus pure and untouchable reveals how john regards alma the same as one of the angel, pure, safe, and untouchable and thus sacred. he considers her as light in darkness and water for thirst that she comforts him in his remorse upon his past debauchery just like what the symbol stone pieta reveals. this means that actually john is craving for the comfort that is provided by her and the aspect of religious and spirituality that are represented by alma. this can be proventhrough the symbols stone pieta and the microscope since both these symbols mark john‘s realization upon his spiritual side. after realizing the importance of spirituality, john then turns into a different person. he devotes himself to his profession as a doctor and becomes more responsible as he is going to commits to a marriage which previously has been unthinkable. like what the symbol microscope indicates, he then gives up his “anarchy”, the hedonistic negligent lawless way of life to hold onto the “order”, the responsible devoted self. for this reason, john becomes the subject that searches for the spiritual comfort and alma becomes the object since she represents the spirituality and “order” that john aims for. alma and john‘s subject and object roles are strengthened by the idea that each john and alma stands for two different selves; john for the physical while alma for the spiritual self. this theme of divided self is the one that constructs the play asits narratives structure as it reveals the journey of two characters in their selfrealization. 2. sender/receiver (communication) sender can be understood as the one who instigates the action of the subject while the receiver is the party that benefits from the action of the subject (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). it should be noted that senderreceiver roles “may appear and they usually do as abstract notions, and they most often express the motivation of the subject to perform a certain action” (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). it is also important to highlight the correspondence between sender-receiver and subject-object binary oppositions. based on the previous discussion on subjectobject actants, the main characters, i.e. alma and john, are both the subject and object ofsummer and smoke. accordingly, both alma and john become the sender and receiver of this play. as greimas indicates, ―in a banal love story, the following structure pertains: him = subject and receiver her object and sender (hawkes, 1977: 92). according to greimas, the receiver is the one that benefits from the subject‘s action. hence, in the love story, the one that will gain the benefit of the subject‘s search of true love is none other than the subject itself since he/she is the one that gain something from his/her search. however, insummer and smoke, the search is confined to more specific aspect other than love but the characters‘ other half/self. thus, the subject is the receiver, the one that profits from his/her search of self. accordingly, the object, which is described as the one that instigates the actions of the subject, stands as the sender vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 93 since it is the one that stirs up the desire to find their other missing half. in the idea of communication, the act of transferring belief does happen successfully since both characters end in embracing the others‘ belief and finding their missing self. however, this results in their inability to be together because the differences between them are not bridged but prevail. this unfortunate turn of event is caused by the simultaneous change in both of alma and john‘s point of view in life. a. alma = subject and receiver john object and sender acting as the subject, alma searches for her second half, i.e. her sexuality which is represented by john. she desires john and at the same time doppelganger (her second self) which is repressed. by this logic, john becomes the sender since he instigates alma‘s pursuit of self-identity. the symbol human anatomy chart represents this other half that alma has been missing out, i.e. the flesh as the vessel of the soul. the process of communication happens when john gives alma the “anatomy lecture”. john, [with crazy, grinning intensity] now listen here to the anatomy lecture! this upper story‘s the brain, which is hungry for something called truth and doesn‘t get much but keeps on feeling hungry. this middle‘s the belly which is hungry for food. this part down here is the sex which is hungry for love because it is sometimes lonesome. i‘ve fed all three, as much of all three as i could or as much as i wanted—you‘ve fed none. (williams, 1948: 448) however, in the second part of the play, alma finds that john has changed his point of view into her old way of thinking when she herself has abandoned it for john‘s. hence, alma becomes the receiver of john‘s newfound spirituality. john now becomes the sender of propriety and the importance of soul over body andalma becomes the receiver end of this belief. this particular change is marked by thechange of characters in both alma and john. john, at the end of the play, has becomethose who regard spiritual above physical pleasure. thus, the anatomy chart, theemblem of body, turns to be the reminder of the supremacy of soul as the generator ofthe machine, one that makes the body function. this is clearly depicted in scene 11,when john sincerely admits he loses the argument over the anatomy chart. he realizes now that the soul does exist and becomes the “machines’ whole reason for being” (williams, 1948:, 457). thus, john‘s transformed self puts alma in the positionto receive the message, i.e. the importance of morality, spirituality, and propriety. b. john = subject and receiver alma object and sender in this part, the discussion will revolve around john as the subject and thus the receiver of the play and alma as the sender. as the stone pieta reveals, john actually desires alma. he craves for the spiritual comfort alma provides. in the beginning of the play, alma goes into confrontation with john upon the importance of spirituality and responsibility. then, she is the sender of the superiority of the soul over the body, the spirituality over worldly pleasures. the receiver is john who does not believe in the soul and is therefore recklessly wallowing in his self-indulgence. john‘s different point of view regarding priority in life sends alma into lecturing him upon his decadent lifestyle. this is clearly depicted in the first half of the play, scene 1 until scene 6. in scene 1, alma reprimands john‘s recklessness that instead of devoting himself like his father to humanity as a reputable doctor, he pleases himself with selfpartying and self“desecration” as alma puts it. this particular scene shows how alma regards spirituality higher than worldly pleasures. the passion friction binary opposition revealed by summer can also be seen in scene 6. alma reiterates her ideology on the superiority of spirituality that she refuses to enter the casino, which represents the opposite of spirituality. that is how the disagreement happens between john and alma since alma anita putri & paulus sarwoto 94 refuses john the ―connubial felicity‖ that john implies to her. she shows her repugnance to john promiscuity and thus tries to defend herself by highlighting the importance of spiritual love that john is missing out. after the role reversal takes place, however, the transformation does occur in alma‘s belief. she, then, no longer becomes the sender of the importance ofspirituality and morality but turns to be the sender of john‘s previous principle, i.e. body over soul. the role-reversal can be seen through alma‘s impulsiveact of kissing john, [she suddenly leans toward him and presses her moth to his] (williams, 1948: 456) and her revelation of the death of her first self: alma. ... one time i said ―no‖ to something. you may remember the time, and all that demented howling from the cock-fight? but now i have changed my mind, or the girl who sad ―no‖, she doesn‘t exist anymore, she died last summer—suffocated in smoke from something on fire inside her. no she doesn‘t live now, but she left me the ring—you see? (william, 1948: 456 457). this is when the symbol ―smoke‖ highlights the transformation of alma that it stands for alma‘s soul leaving her body which marks her newfound hedonistic self. therefore, alma now takes over john‘s role in the beginning of the play by being the sender of the importance of the flesh as the vessel of the soul as she relays her dialogue with her old self to john: alma. remember i died empty handed, and so make sure that your hands have something in them!‘ [she drops her gloves. she clasps his head again in her hands.] i said. “but what about pride?”. she said, “forget about pride whenever it stands between you and what you must have” (williams, 1948: 457) alma also shows her desperation on their perpetual disagreement on their principles. her desperation is shown through her outburst of emotion as she puts it: alma.......... the tables have turned, yes, the table has turned with avengeance! you‘ve come around to my old way of thinking and i to yours like two people exchanging a call on each other at the same time, and each one finding the other one gone out, the door locked against him and no one answer the bell! [she laughs] i came here to tell you that being a gentleman does notseem so important to me anymore, but you‘re yelling me i’ve got to remain a lady .[she laughs rather violently] ... (williams, 1948:, 1948: 458-459). the never changing relationship despite the role reversal is caused by both alma and john success in influencing one another to develop their characteristics to the others‘ direction. this means that alma turns to be worldlier in her way of thinking and john starts to embrace alma‘s belief which is spirituality-ridden. unfortunately, they both do that in simultaneous time which makes them walk their separate ways again. that is how the communication between them never culminates in agreement that these two characters are unable to entwine their belief and principles. 3. helper/opponent (auxiliary support or hindrance) the helper is those who help the subject in his search while those who provide obstacles on his way are regarded as the opponent (rulewicz, sept 28, 2014). in summer and smoke, it is clear from the characters‘ character development that the two characters, alma and john, act as both helper and opponent to each other. the followings will illustrate how alma and john become not only the opponent but also the helper to each other: a. alma = opponent john helper in the quest of her missing self, alma is exposed to john whose personality and belief which is contrary to hers. the differences between them are so palpably crafted by williams in the very beginning of vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 95 the play through the use of the symbol the stone angel. in the prologue introducing alma and john in their childhood, the stone angel is employed to show alma‘s stance, i.e. the importance of afterlife instead of the physical life—the spirituality over the worldly aspect. hence, it is crystal clear that in the beginning alma stands for the spirituality. however, when she reaches adulthood, she starts to reveal her other need other than spirituality. the symbol water lily in chinese lagoon seems to provide the explanation for alma‘s altercation— the pure spiritual lady who owns sexual desire. thus, in her struggle in finding her second self, the carefree sexual young lady, she is hindered by her own self, the rigid spiritual spinster. being a priest daughter indeed influences her upbringing which is spiritual-ridden but it also becomes the reason why alma vigorously denies her sexual being dwelling inside her since she has been living up to everyone‘s expectation of her to be the priest‘s well-behaved daughter. for this reason, alma acts as the opponent of herself in her quest of her second self. in contrast, john plays a role as the helper in alma‘s quest of her sexual being. different from alma, john stands for the physical, worldly aspect of life. through the symbol human anatomy chart, it is revealed that his concepts of life is to fulfill three kinds of needs; knowledge for brain, food for belly, love for sex (williams, 1946: 448-449). all the needs are physical and unrelated to the divine. that is how his personality is so different from alma‘s. he is carefree, reckless, and self-indulgent; directly in contrast with alma who is prudish, responsible and devout. acting as her antithesis, john also plays the role as helper since he is the one that introduces and shows alma how to let her second self come to the surface. in contrast, john plays a role as the helper in alma‘s quest of her sexual being. different from alma, john stands for the physical, worldly aspect of life. through the symbol human anatomy chart, it is revealed that his concepts of life is to fulfill three kinds of needs; knowledge for brain, food for belly, love for sex (williams, 1946: 448-449). all the needs are physical and unrelated to the divine. that is how his personality is so different from alma‘s. he is carefree, reckless, and self-indulgent; directly in contrast with alma who is prudish, responsible and devout. acting as her antithesis, john also plays the role as helper since he is the one that introduces and shows alma how to let her second self come to the surface. another symbol showing john as alma‘s helper is the symbols smoke. the symbol smoke reveals another binary opposition, i.e. death and birth. the second binary opposition of the symbol smoke sees alma‘s character development into brighter light. it shows progress rather that regression since it means that alma succeeds in releasing her depressed life and she becomes more true to herself as she no longer denies her sexuality. by putting it through this point of view, the symbolsmoke reveals how john helps alma in finding her true self. this is because the smoke is the result of the repressed passion alma feels for john. thus, indirectly, john is the one that triggers alma‘s character fulfillment. b. alma = helper john opponent the recurrent pattern of the first self as the opponent of the second self occurs in john‘s pursuit of self-realization. in the very beginning of the play, williams has put john as alma‘s opposite. the quest of his second self is manifested through john‘s pursuit of alma. serving as the spiritual self, alma indeed shows john different point of view in life. however, john has mistaken his interest in alma, i.e. the spiritual bearer, for his usual sexual pursuit. this misjudgment on his part upon his intention is derived from his own deep dwelling upon physical indulgent. john is depicted as the rebellious young boy whose aspiration is to be a devil, like what everyone has expected from him and to “go to south america on a boat” (williams, 1948:413). as the symbol human anatomy chart also reveals, john‘s mindset upon life revolves around physical fulfillments. his first self has no regard for spirituality; neither moral nor social conventions can curb john‘s hedonistic inclination. he spends his summer anita putri & paulus sarwoto 96 with overtly sexual promiscuity and irresponsible behaviors such as drinking and reckless driving. he has no room for morality and thus acts impulsively without forethought. in his self-remorse then it is revealed thathe actually feels hollow inside. he is hugely indebted in gambling that he has to marry the casino‘s owner‘s daughter, rosa gonzales resulted in two of them planning to go to south america. upon realizing this, he, instead of feeling content that his aspiration is about to be fulfilled, feels remorseful that he despises his pass debauchery. for that reason, the one that hinders john‘s struggle for spiritual self is his hedonistic self. as for the role of helper in the quest of john‘s self-realization, it is none other than alma—the embodiment of spirituality in the play. in his struggle upon finding his spiritual level of being, the higher consciousness, john is starkly juxtaposed with the ever divine alma. she helps john to find his spiritual self by providing spiritual comfort in time of his self-remorse. alma, who is depicted as the angel of the play, indeed acts upon the image of an angel, the all benevolent messenger of god. she provides john the spiritual comfort in time of his selfremorse. as the symbol stone pieta reveals, it is alma to whom john goes for relieving his sorrow upon his summer debauchery. she is the one that provide spiritual solace for john. her effect upon john‘s life can be seen through the conversation between alma and nelly after alma‘s long reclusion: alma. you mean you—spoke well of me? nellie. ―well of‘! we raved, simply raved! oh, he told me the influence you had on him! alma. influence? nellie. he told me about the wonderful talks he‘d had with you last summer when he was so mixed up and how you inspired him and you more than anyone else was responsible for his pulling himself together, after his father was killed, and he told me about... [alma rises stiffly from the bench.] where are you going, miss alma? alma. to drink at the fountain. nellie. he told me about how you came in the house that night like an angel of mercy! (williams, 1948: 454) it is also alma that points out the existence of the spirit, as he puts it “the machines, the whole reason for being” (williams, 1948: 457). alma‘s propagation of the importance of spirituality in life leads to not only john‘s realizing his spiritual being but also the ―order‘ in his life. like what the symbol microscope reveals, previously john‘s life is “anarchic”—without controlling rules of morality or principles to pertain order. even though he graduates with doctoral degree in bacteriology, he never has intention let alone acts upon using his knowledge to help mankind relieve the sufferings caused by diseases. he is too self-absorbed that his aspiration rests in fulfilling his physical pleasures. however, in the end of the play, john succeeds in pulling himself together, i.e. recovering control of his life. he starts contributing to medical world by continuing his father‘s work to fight off the fever epidemic in lyon. from there, he starts building his reputation as the responsible young doctor. he no longer dwells upon his remorse upon the past summer when he mindlessly ignoring his soul. all this reformation is attributed to alma‘s influence. for this reason, alma is the helper in john‘s quest of soul. conclusion the symbols discussed above, along with their revelation upon the two main characters’ characteristics, reveal that the narrative structure of williams’ summer and smoke is constructed upon saussurian binary opposition. the results are shown through greimas’ three basic binary oppositions, i.e. subject/object, sender, receiver, helper/opponent. the results are shown through the following table: 1. stone angel vs. human anatomy chart = spirituality vs. physical 2. alma’s duality  alma 1 = water lily vs. alma 2 = chinese lagoon vol. 16 no. 1 – april 2016 97 3. john’s duality john 1 = “anarchy” vs. john 2 = “order” 4. summer vs. smoke = physical lust/passion vs. divine love/ soul 5. alma’s reformation = smoke  death of soul to the. birth of body 6. john’s reformation = stone pieta death of body to the birth of soul alma’s quest of her body sender summer object john 1 receiver alma 2 smoke helper human anatomy chart subject alma 1 opponent stone angel john’s quest of his soul sender smoke object alma 1 receiver john 2 stone pieta helper stone angel subject john 1 opponent human anatomy chart according to the results, firstly, the binary symbols and characteristics found in the play reveal the dichotomies concerning the importance of soul/body, spirituality/ sexuality, life/death, physical lust/divine love; secondly, the binary symbols and characters prove that williams’ summer and smoke’s narrative structure is constructed upon the binary oppositions as proven by the binary quests of soul and body and the binary role transformations between alma and john as revealed by a.j. greimas’ three pairs of actantial model. as structuralism indicates, instead of focusing on the actual meaning of literary works, structuralists aim at finding on how meanings are maintained and established and on the functions of the mega-structure in a literary work. accordingly, the results show how binary oppositions act as the grammar or in this case the langue of the parole williams’ summer and smoke. the themes of the dramatic text such as the quest of selfknowledge, the pursuit of higher consciousness, the struggle between spirit and flesh are carried through the dichotomies of the symbols and the main characters. references abrams, m.h. a glossary of literary terms: seventh edition. new york: heinle&heinle, 1999. arp, thomas r. and greg johnson. perrine’s literature: structure, sound, and sense. boston: heinle&heinle, 2006. augustten, ayunda. “alma winemiller’s psychological conflict as seen in tennessee williams’ summer and smoke”. thesis. yogyakarta: sanata dharma university, 2004. barranger, milly s. theater, a way of seeing. fourth edition. new york: wadsworth, 1994. barry, peter. beginning theory: an introduction to literary and cultural theory. second edition. new york: manchester university press, 2002. chevalier, jean and alain gheerbrant. translated by john buchanan-brown. the penguin dictionary of symbols. london: penguin group, 1996. chun an, guo. “binary oppositions in paradise lost: a structuralist reading strategy”. kaohsiung journal ninth. web. september 26, 2014. dewi, utari. “a study of character development of alma winemiller and john buchanan in william’s summer and smoke”. thesis. yogyakarta: sanata dharma university, 2000. anita putri & paulus sarwoto 98 fogarty,s, “the literary encyclopedia”. 2005. web. september 26, 2014. reaske, christopher russell. how to analyze drama. new york: monarch press, 1966. rulewicz, wanda. “a grammar of narrativity: algirdas julien greimas”. web.< stella/comet/glasgrev/issue3/rudz.h tm>. september 28, 2014. selden, raman, peter widowson, and peter brooker. a reader’s guide to contemporary literary theory. fifth edition. edinburgh: pearson education limited, 2005. web. september 15, 2014. smith, g. “binary opposition and sexual power in paradise lost”. midwest quarterly. vol. 27 no. 4. p. 383. 1996. webster, merriam. merriam-webster online, merriam-webster incorporated. 2014. web. . september 08, 2014. williams, tennessee. summer and smoke. 1948 in modern american drama. ed. harold bloom. ed. philadelphia: chelsea house publishers, 2005. pp. 409-462. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 229 the translation of politeness strategies associated with power relation in pramoedya’s cerita calon arang and the king, the priest and the witch deta maria sri darta english department, universitas kristen satya wacana abstract translating is not as simple as changing a text form one language into another. it is more complicated, since it involves many aspects including linguistics and culture. yet, translation is a helpfull aid when it comes to the international area. in literature, for example, a literary text owes a help from translation to be world wide acknowledged. this makes the duty of a translator becomes heavier, due to the burden of translating literary text that should be faithfull. this article gives example of the unfaithfull translation of a literary text from indonesian into english, focusing on the translation of the politeness strategies found. the analysis showed that there are several politness strategies deleted or not translated, which made the translated text unfaithfull. while the translation strategies used resulted on different level of accuracy and acceptability. keywords: literary text, politeness strategies, translation techniques, translation quality introduction in line with the definition of translation by newmark “rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text” (5) – we may think that it is simply saying something in other language. yet, it comes up to be more complicated. it is more than just changing the language. the relation between literary text and translation is quite close. through translation, a literary text from a non english speaking country can travel around the world. damrosch argues that “world literature is writing that gains in translation” (281). meaning that the realm of world literature can only be entered by non english literary text if it is translated into english. thus, making translation as interdisiplinary studies. it does not only concern with transferring message or meaning from one language to another. far beyond that, it also transfers the lingusitics aspect that the source language carries to the target language. if the translator fails to do this, there is a consequence should be payed. the translation might spoil or hail the master peace. an example is the analysis done by katrin bandel on the translation of laskar pelangi. she found that the translation version is being polished too much to fit the target culture. now that the rainbow troops (the translated version) has become a world wide known, yet the one who should be addresed as a successfull writer has been hidden in grey area; is it the author or the translator? (249) translator should be faithfull. the problem with literary translation is that sometimes the translator feels free to adapt journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 deta maria sri darta 230 the story. the adaptation usually carries the translated version far from the original story. although the translator argues that the adaptation is for the sake of the acceptance of the story, still the translator is not aware of the danger of the unfaithfull translation to literary text. some possible problems with the unfaithfull literary translation are related to the the interpretation of the texts. when a character is not described as in the original text, it will change the traits of the character, thus changing the identity of the character that was created thoughtfuly by the author. it will also affect the character development, if the reader analyzes it from the translated version. the different traits also create different dramatic effect that the readers get from reading the translated text compared to the original one. another danger is that when it comes to local value that the literary text would like to convey, the readers will not get the real message that the author would like to convey. this article would like to give a brief example of the unfaithfull translation of a literary text. focusing on the speech acts comparison between the indonesian literary text and its english translation. the speech acts analyzed are focused on the acts stated by characters in relation to power. the analysis is done with the help of theory of speech acts, focusing on face threatening acts, and the politeness strategies. the types of speech act that people (in this case the characters) produce are related to the power they have in relation to other people (culpeper 234). culpeper also says that analysing the character’s speech acts helps to reveal her/his characteristics (235). this topic falls under politeness theory, as politeness can be defined as minimizing confrontation in a discourse. politeness strategies are related to ‘face’ (reputation or prestige). this can be a positive face or negative face. any action that hits the degree of someone’s face is called face threatening acts (fta). brown and levinson say that the degree of this fta involves three variables: the social distance (d), the relative power (p), and the absolute ranking (r). this study focuses on the power relation variable, that is on the speech acts by characters having power and no power over the hearers. the speech acts in this study are categorized into the politeness strategies proposed by leech (206 – 207). the first maxim is tact maxim, meaning minimizing the cost to other. second, generosity which minimizes the benefit to self. then approbation maxim which means minimizing dispraise of others. the fourth maxim is modesty that minimizes the praise of self. maxim number five is agreement which means minimizing disagreement between self and others, and the last is sympathy maxim that minimizes antipathy between self and others. since this study falls under translation studies, the translated version of the speech acts are also analyzed. the translation techniques used by the translator are studied based on the translation techniques proposed by molina and albir. in their article there are 18 techniques proposed (509 – 511). the translation techniques covers: 1. adaptation, replacing a st cultural item with one from the target culture 2. amplification, giving details (information) that are not found in st, including footnote. 3. borrowing, taking a word or expression straight from another language, it can be pure (without any change) or naturalized 4. calque, translating literaly from a foreign word or phrase (lexical or structural) 5. compensation, introducing a st element of information or stylistic effect in another place in the tt, because it cannot be reflected in the same place as in the st. 6. description, replacing a term or expression with a description of its form or/and function. 7. discursive creation, establishing a temporary equivalence that is out of context. 8. established equivalent, using a term or expression recognized as an equivalent in the tl. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 231 9. generalization, using a more general or neutral term. 10. linguistic amplification, adding linguistic elements. 11. linguistic compression, synthesizing linguistic elements in the tt. 12. literal translation, translating a word or an expression word for word. 13. modulation, changing the point of view, focus or cognitive category in relation to the st (both lexical and structural). 14. particularization, using a more precise or concrete term. 15. reduction, shortening a st information item in the tt. 16. substitution (linguistic, paralinguistic), changing linguistic elements for paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) or vice versa. 17. transposition, changing a grammatical category. 18. variation, changing linguistic or paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) that affect aspects of linguistic variation: textual tone, style, social dialect, geographical dialect. the translated version is also analyzed its quality by the means of its accuracy and acceptability. this study uses the translation quality assessment proposed by nababan et al in the article pengembangan model penilaian kualitas terjemahan (39 57). in the article, there are three variables used to determine the quality of translation, namely accuracy, acceptability, and readability. each has its own categories, scores and parameters. although there are three variables proposed in the article, this study only focuses on two variables, accuracy and acceptability. methods a. the object is the politeness strategies used by some characters in calon arang based on the power relation they have and the translation of the utterances in the english version. b. the data will be in the form of utterances taken from both texts, the source and target texts. the utterances are spoken by the characters that are limited to the power relation. c. the procedure: 1. finding the utterances based on power relation with the variables of +p+d+r, +p-d+r, -p+d-r, -p-d-r 2. categorize the utterances into the politeness strategies used. 3. find the utterances translations in the english version 4. examine the category of politeness strategies used in the english version 5. analyze the translation techniques used 6. analyze the quality of translation: accuracy and acceptability 7. relate the quality with the techniques used finding and discussion the finding and discussion is divided into two parts, namely politeness strategies and the translation techniques, and the quality of its translation. politeness strategies and the translation techniques the speech acts selected to analyze are those spoken by the characters related to power, thus only 4 combinations of variables. the data are taken from cerita calon arang (cca) and its translation the king, the priest, the witch (kpw). then in each combination of speech acts found are analysed using the theory of politeness strategies as well as the translated version. the analysis then is followed by the translation techniques used by the translator. 1. +p +d +r the examples to the first variable are utterances spoken by a teacher to his or her students and a king to his subbordinates. a teacher to his/her students having the power, distance and ranking above her students, calon arang shouted to his students when they gave opinion that was not pleased her: “diam, kalian!” (cca, 40). in this utterance, calon arang violated the journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 deta maria sri darta 232 aggreement maxim. instead of respecting her student’s opinion, calon arang disregarded his opinion by telling him to shut up. then in the english version, it is not translated. the translator, willem samuels did not translate this utterance. the second example is taken from the utterance spoken by empu baradah to his students. he asked his students to build a house for his daughter: “anakku semua,” ..., “karena anakku wedawati tak mau pulang dari kuburan, aku minta agar engkau semua dengan rela hati sudi mendirikan rumah di pekarangan kuburan untuk anakku.” (cca, 65). here, empu baradah used tact maxim to softly demand his students to build a house for his daugther. he called his students ‘anakku’ (my children) to reduce the feeling of being forced to do a task. he also polished his sentence with the phrase ‘rela hati sudi’ which indicates that he wanted his students to feel unburden. although he knew that he can directly give order. when analyzed in the english version, the utterance is translated into “my children, ..., because my daugther wedawati does not want to return home from the cemetery, i ask for your help in building a home for her within the cemetery ground.” (kpw, 78) the phrase ‘my children’ is still maintained, but the phrase ‘rela hati sudi’ is translated into ‘help’. thus the technique used is generalization. the translated utterance is still categorized under tact maxim although the degree is lessen. a king to his subordinates “penyakit ini harus dilenyapkan. kalau tidak bisa, setidak-tidaknya harus dibatasi. kirimkan balatentara ke dusun girah. tangkap calon arang. kalau melawan, bunuh dia bersama muridmuridnya.” (cca, 30) the utterances above was spoken by king erlangga to his prime minister, after hearing the report about the plague spreaded by calon arang. the king violated the tact maxim by directly giving order to his prime minister. the english version still violated the tact maxim, but the degree is lessen by changing the imperative “kirimkan balatentara ke dusun girah. tangkap calon arang” into statement “i will send troops to the village of girah to arrest calon arang” (kpw, 42). the translation technique used is transposition. 2. +p –d +r in this variable, the examples are taken from the utterances spoken by a husband to his wife, a father to his daugther, a mother to her daughter, and goddess to her worshiper. a husband to his wife the first example here is taken from the utterance spoken by empu bahula to ratna manggali, after knowing that calon arang own a sacred book that help her to spread tha plague: “ratna manggali, adikku! ingin benar aku melihat kitab yang bertuah itu. ingin aku tahu apakah isinya. maukah engkau menolong aku?” (cca, 73) “kalau ibu sedang tidur, cobalah ambilkan kitab itu. aku ingin tahu isinya. engkau mau, bukan?” (cca, 74) the utterance used tact maxim, by calling his wife ‘adikku’ (little sister), empu bahula reduced the burden of his wife to help him. however, this phrase is deleted, ommited or not translated into english, thus making the translation violating the tact maxim since the request was directly stated by empu bahula to his wife. a father to his daugther “wati! wati, anakku manis, di mana engkau? ...” (cca, 62) “mengapa engkau hendak menyedihkan hati ayahmu, wati?” (cca, 64) journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 233 the two sentences above were spoken by empu baradah to his daughter, wedawati. the first sentence used approbation maxim with the phrase ‘anakku manis’ (my sweety). while the second sentence violated the sympathy maxim since empu baradah only concerned with his own feeling. in the translated version, the first sentence was ommited. while the second is translated into a more general sentence: “why do you want to make me sad?” (kpw, 77). this can fall into the category of violating sympathy maxim because empu baradah only still concerned with his feeling. a mother to her daugther compared to the utterances spoken by a father to her daugther, this utterance spoken by calon arang to her daughter tends to be more harsh: “diam, kau anak bayi! jangan bertanya-tanya.” (cca, 37). it was a reply ratna manggali got when she asked her mother where she will go. calon arang threatened ratna manggali’s face by calling her a baby. she violated approbation maxim. this made ratna manggali affraid of her own mother. this utterance was deleted or ommited in the translated version. goddess to her worshiper being worshiped by her followers made dewi durga own power, but she put herself in a close distance to her followers, especially calon arang. she used ‘anakku’ (my child) to call calon arang as seen from the utterances below. “calon arang anakku,” (cca, 13) “katakan maksudmu, anakku.” (cca, 14) “jangan kau khawatirkan sesuatu apapun. aku izinkan kau membangkitkan penyakit. dan banyak sekali orang akan mati karenanya.” (cca, 14) the utterances used approbation maxim. this strategy is used to make her followers worship her more and become dependant to her. the english version of those utterances maintains the approbation maxim by using the phrase ‘my child’, while the technique used is adaptation especially in the third utterance: “calon arang, my child,” (kwp, 18) “what is it you would say?” (kwp, 19) “be still your worried heart, my child. i hereby grant you permission to send forth a plague to attack your enemy.” (kwp, 19) 3. –p +d –r the examples to the third variable are taken from the utterances spoken by prime minister to king erlangga, lendi to calon arang, and calon arang to dewi durga. subordinates to their king when prime minister reported the plague to king erlangga, he used approbation maxim since he put the king as having higher status, even when he knew things more than the king: “ampun baginda,” sembahnya. “patik menghaturkan periksa, bahwa janda dari girahlah yang menerbitkan segala keonaran dan bencana ini.” (cca, 29) that approbation maxim was translated into: “based on my investigations, your highness, it is a woman from girah, a widow with one child, who is the cause of all this chaos and calamity.” (kpw, 41). here the translation technique used is established equivalent to maintain the approbation maxim. students to their teacher having considered to be a subordinate of his teacher, lendi complimented calon arang by calling her ‘kanjeng nyai’. this nickname showed that lendi appreciated his teacher since ‘kanjeng’ means having the highest rank within the community or group. thus, he used the approbation maxim. “apakah yang kanjeng nyai pikirkan?” (cca, 39) “kanjeng nyai! ijinkanlah hamba mengemukakan pendapat.” (cca, 40) journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 deta maria sri darta 234 using particularization technique, the first utterance above was translated into: “what is it you are thinking, teacher?” (kpw, 54). it is still an approbation maxim, but the intensity is lower since the word ‘kanjeng’ was not translated. while the second utterance was not translated or ommited. worshiper to her goddess calon arang, in the purpose of asking help from dewi durga to fullfil her need, used approbation and modesty maxim by putting dewi durga in the higher rank and herself as the lowest, as seen in the two utterances below: “izinkanlah hambamu memohon kasih dari paduka dewi.” (cca, 14) “ya, paduka dewi, berilah hamba izin untuk membangkitkan penyakit buat menumpas orang banyak-banyak.” (cca, 14) calon arang even used the phrase ‘dewi pujaan hamba’ (my idol goddess) to address dewi durga. she did it to exaggerate her admiration to dewi durga: “ampun, dewi pujaan hamba. ijinkanlah hamba membuat penyakit besar-besaran. ...” (cca, 44). this utterance used approbation maxim. it was translated into “forgive thy humble servant, dear durga, and permit me to spread the illness farther. ...” (kwp, 60) by maintaining approbation and modesty maxim with the use of established equivalent. 4. –p –d –r the examples of the variable are taken from the utterances spoken by the wife of empu baradah addressing the empu himself and wedawati addressing her father, empu baradah. a wife to her husband “tuanku sang empu, sepergi tuanku mengajar di pertapaan wisauka, ananda wedawati bertengkar dengan adiknya.” (cca, 48) the utterance above was said by empu baradah’s wife when informing him that wedawati fleed from home. a a wife in javanesse culture, she put herself in lower position to his husband and used modesty maxim by addressing him as ‘tuanku sang empu’. using the technique of variation the modesty maxim is no longer there in the english translation: “you’re probably wondering where wediawati is. all i can say is that she’s gone. she got into a fight with her brother and became so angry she left home.” (kwp, 74). the culture sense in the original utterance is failed to be carried to its english translation. a daugther to her father/mother meanwhile, the modesty maxim in the utterance spoken by wedawati to her father: “ayahanda, “ ... “hamba sudah berniat tinggal di kuburan ini. hamba tidak ingin pulang.” (cca, 64) is carried to its english translation with the use of variation technique: “that’s not what i want to do, father,” said wedawati politely. “i want to live here, in this cemetery. i now know what i must do”. (kwp, 77) although the word ‘ayahanda’ and ‘hamba’ which signaled the modesty maxim in the original text were not translated into english, still the english version is considered having the modesty maxim, by having the capitalized the initial letter of the word ‘father’. however, the english version also violated the tact maxim since wedawati gave high value to what she wanted. to make it easier to read, the finding and discussion on politeness strategies and translation techniques above can be summed up into the table below: journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 235 no variables politeness strategies found in the source text politeness strategies found in the target text translation technique used 1 +p+d+r violating agreement maxim (-) not translated 2 tact maxim tact maxim generalization 3 violating tact maxim violating tact maxim transposition 4 +p-d+r tact maxim violating tact maxim (-) not translated 5 approbation maxim (-) not translated 6 violating sympathy maxim violating sympathy maxim generalization 7 violating approbation maxim (-) not translated 8 approbation maxim approbation maxim adaptation 9 -p+d-r approbation maxim approbation maxim established equivalent 10 approbation maxim approbation maxim particularization 11 approbation maxim (-) not translated 12 approbation and modesty maxim approbation and modesty maxim established equivalent 13 -p-d-r modesty maxim violating modesty maxim variation 14 modesty maxim modesty and violating tact maxim variation to translate the speech acts containing politeness strategies, the translator used six translation techniques. he also decided not to translate several speech acts. his decision of using certain techniques and deleting the speech acts from the translated version resulted on the changes of the category of the politeness strategies used. from the table presented above, a politeness strategy was translated into the same strategy by using several translation techniques, they are generalization, adaptation, transposition, established equivalent, and particularization. meantime, when the technique of variation was used, the category of politeness strategies changed. the quality of its translation the result of the translation can be assessed in terms of its accuracy and acceptability. each variable is assessed and measured its score to determine its quality by using the parameters proposed by nababan et al. the accuracy is measured whether the meaning of word, phrase, clause, sentence or text is translated accurately without any distortion. while the acceptability is measured whether the translation result is natural, familiar and according to the correct norms. each instrument has 3 level of scoring, 3 for the highest score and 1 for the lowest. from the table presented below, it can be infered that the accurate translation occured when the translator managed to translate a politeness strategy into the same category using techniques of transposition, adaptation, established equivalent, and particularization. while in the acceptability category, the used of 6 translation techniques mentioned before resulted on the highest score. this is because the different culture between indonesia and western, where in indonesia, especially in javanesse culture, we have levels of politeness stated by addressing system that can not be found in english. for example, in conventional javanesse culture, a wife will put herself into a lower position to her husband especially when speaking directly to him. she will address her husband as “tuanku” (my lord). it is because in javanesse culture a household is like a kingdom, where husband serves as a king, especially when the husband journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 deta maria sri darta 236 has a certain social status (a priest for example). this way of addressing husband can not be translated into english, since it is awkward. in western culture the position of husband and wife is considered equal and the relation is more romantic then having gradation. the assessment of the translation quality is sum up in the following table: no variables politeness strategies found in the source text politeness strategies found in the target text translation technique used quality accuracy accept ability 1 +p+d+r violating agreement maxim (-) not translated 1 1 2 tact maxim tact maxim generalization 2 2 3 violating tact maxim violating tact maxim transposition 3 3 4 +p-d+r tact maxim violating tact maxim (-) not translated 1 1 5 approbation maxim (-) not translated 1 1 6 violating sympathy maxim violating sympathy maxim generalization 2 2 7 violating approbation maxim (-) not translated 1 1 8 approbation maxim approbation maxim adaptation 3 3 9 -p+d-r approbation maxim approbation maxim established equivalent 3 3 10 approbation maxim approbation maxim particularization 3 3 11 approbation maxim (-) not translated 1 1 12 approbation and modesty maxim approbation and modesty maxim established equivalent 3 3 13 -p-d-r modesty maxim violating modesty maxim variation 2 3 14 modesty maxim modesty and violating tact maxim variation 2 3 conclusion although translating literary text, translator should maintain faithfull to the original text. translating speech acts is not easy; a certain politeness strategy should be translated into the same strategy, which is not always easy. based on the analysis done, some translation techniques are suitable to translate politeness strategies. however, when the translator decided not to translate because he could not find the equal version in the target language, the translated version become unfaithfull, thus the quality is low. speech acts, journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 237 especially associated with power relation between speakers, are culturally bounded. thus, translating them into other languages is complicated, since it involves the understanding of source and target culture. references baker, mona. in other words. routledge, 2011. bandel, katrin. sastra nasionalisme pascakolinialitas. pustaha hariara, 2013. culpeper, jonathan. language & characterization. pearson education, 2014. damrosch, david. what is world literature?. princeton university press, 2003. fahrurrozi, fahrurrozi & andri wicaksono. sekilas tentang bahasa indonesia. garudhawaca, 2016. leech, geoffrey. the principle of pragmatics. longman, 1983. __________. prinsip-prinsip pragmatik. translator: m.d.d. oka. ui-press, 2015. molina, l & hurtado albir, a. “translation techniques revisited: a dynamic and functionalist approach.” meta, 47(4). doi: 10.7202/008033ar. 2002, p. 498512. nababan, m., nuraeni, a., dan sumardiono. “model penilaian kualitas terjemahan”. jurnal kajian linguistik dan sastra, 24, 1. 2012, p. 39-57. newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. pearson education, 2001. nida, e & charles taber. the theory and practice of translation. brill, 2003. toer, pramoedya a. cerita calon arang. lentera dipantara, 2006. __________. the king, the priest, the witch. translator: willem samuels. equinox publishing (asi), 2002. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) aladesanmi omobola agnes 148 colonization and cultural values of yorùbá people: a case of traditional drums in yorùbá land aladesami ọmo ̣́ bo ̣́ lá agnes department of linguistics and nigerian languages, ekiti state university abstract culture is one of the marks by which a community of people of a nation is normally identified. culture is a phenomenon that distinguishes one ethnic tribe from the other. various cultures can be identified among the people that are found in a particular community setting. some cultures can be similar among different people but cultures that differ one from the other are peculiar to people of various tribes. culture and tradition are sometimes used interchangeably. however, these two concepts have some differences. tradition is rooted in religious beliefs of a people while culture is embedded in the social activities and social values of a people. culture is multi-dimensional. among the yorùbá ethnic group of south western nigeria, there are different cultures that can be identified. some of these cultures include but not limited to: tribal marks, mode of greetings, dressing/hairstyle and music in which drums are embedded. the focus of this paper is on the use of traditional drums among the yorùbá. the paper shall examine the origin of drum beating, types of drums and the type of drum beating that is peculiar to each activity and the phenomenon of drum beating in the past and now. the paper discusses the influence the modern technological development has brought into the issue of traditional drums both in positive and negative ways. the paper concludes that this culture is gradually fading away among the yorùbá people and observed that this is due to the fact that not much value is placed on yorùbá culture anymore and this is very inimical to the sociocultural belief of the people. keywords: culture, traditional drums, technology, socio-cultural belief introduction yorùbá people are highly noted for their reference for their gods. religion is a major part of yorùbá culture; it is through this culture that they showcase their respect for their religious beliefs. they give the best instruments and materials in the worship of their gods. one of the most important instruments used in the worship of their god is the drum. drums are vital parts of the cultural heritage of the yorùbá especially the attendant impact on the generational transfer of this heritage territorially. according to merriam webster (1995), drum can be defined as a musical object made up of a hollow-shell or cylinder with a drumhead which can be made up of hard skin stretched over on or both ends and it can be beaten with hands or stick or wire brush. corroborating the above, wikipedia also maintains that in hornbostel sachs classification system, drum is categorized as one of the percussion group of musical instruments. most journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 149 drums are made of animal skins and wood. drums are the basic instruments for most yorùbá music. the act of playing this musical instrument to produce melodious rhythms and tone is called drumming. traditionally, in yorùbá culture, drumming acts as a musical bridge between humans and different deities. deity is called “òrìṣà” in yorùbáland. it provides guidance and intervention in their daily lives. drumming provides a link between the supernatural world and the physical world by acting as a communicative agent that calls down the deity in order to provide assistance and guidance to the worshippers. each deity has a drum attached to him or her. the type of drum used for communication and entertainment varies from one community to another. the yorùbá do not only use their drums for entertainment alone, they use it as a means of communication, praise-sing, announcing declaration of hostility, war, mourning and sober reflections. when the yorùbá hear a certain sound of drum beat, even without getting to the place or places where the sound is emanating from, the sound of the drum would have communicated to the hearers, the message the drum beat is conveying. in yorùbáland, drumming styles differ from one period to the other. for examples, drums are used to announce the emergence of egúngún (masquerades), for social events, for hunters going on hunting expeditions and also drums are used for sober reflection during mourning and also during war. the drumbeat during war sounds hard. for example, “olo ̣́ mọ kìlo f’o ̣́mọ re , òní a ro”. the meaning of this song is summarized in this phrase: “warn your wards, today would be tough”. and for death (dirge) songs; a good example is the one that goes thus: “yépa motirodo lọ pọnmi, yépà motiro sà lọ fọṣọ, ìgbì modélé mi ò be ̣́nìkan ojú mi ń ṣomigbéré”. alas, i went to the sea to fetch water, and to the river to wash clothes on getting home, my loved ones are no more, tears roll down my cheeks uncontrollably. drums are inseparable from yorùbá culture. it is a vital part of yorùbá culture that helps define and give rich values to the culture. on special occasions like carnivals, ceremonies, and festivals, drums are being used. the occasion dictates in yorùbáland the kind of drum to be beaten. they add special effects and styles to culture. drum beats are beauty to the ears. when a praise singer sings and a gifted hand handles the sticks to a drum, the ears of the listener ticks and his or her head swells: wounds are healed and spirits are lifted. in the history of africans, particularly among yorùbá people of south western nigeria, traditional drums maintain a special place. the concept of drumming is practically associated with entertainment in a bit to add to the musical quality of a song in the western culture. a deeper symbolic and historical meaning is being attached to drums in africa, especially in yorùbáland for any manner of ceremony. in other traditional festivals, drums are always included and play major roles. the aggressive sounds of many drums are being used to inspire excitement and passion, also to stirrup emotions in a battle or war. some particular drums emblematize and guard royalty and are often kept in holy abode. a good example of this among the yorùbá is the one called “gbedu” (arowolo, 2010). arowolo (2010) sees culture as an entirety of a set of values and norms, belief system; bequeathed idea which makes up the common bases of generally agreed social action. for a viable and healthy society, culture is very germane. culture can be seen as a custom, tradition practices and behaviour of a specific nation and its people. the history of colonization can be traced back to the 19th century, when africa as a continent and nigeria as a country could not exercise their sovereignty back then. for nigeria, the experience of colonization was a sweet and bitter taste in a man’s mouth just like a yorùbá adage that says “o busósíni lẹ́ nu; ó túnbuyo si; iyo ò ṣe é tudànù, bẹ́ e niisó ò ṣe é po ̣́ nlá”. even after independence in 1960, nigeria only gained independence journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) aladesanmi omobola agnes 150 physically, but still mentally enslaved to the europeans. the colonialist and explorers who exploited africa and nigeria in particular robbed us of our beautiful culture. according to concise oxford dictionary of politics, colonialism is the policy and practice of a strong power extending its control territorially over a weaker nation or people. it came from a latin word “colonia” which simply means a country estate. as a thought, colonialism more often as an attribute of the nineteenth century imperialist who obtained huge tracts of the universe to find derogatory to denote an unwanted sense of attitudes, beliefs, practices, and racial superiority that sprang from this sense. colonization brought about modernization, globalization, and technology. with the raise of in streaming modernization, technology and globalization, our hallowed and most cherished culture is losing its strength, value awesomeness and dignity. hofstede (1997), claims that culture delegate a cumulative deposit of belief, values, knowledge, experience, attitudes, religion, meanings, hierarchies, notion of time, spatial relations, roles, concept of the universe through individual and group striving acquires from the universe, material objects and possessions. adépéjú oti and oyèbọ́lá ayẹni (2013) mention that civilization has brought about an undesirable effect on yorùbá cultural values and the language, making it an endangering specie, a culture that is fast losing space among elitist homes, public, and private institutions. ọládoṣù olúṣégun (2015) posits that it is from trees that behave in humans ways that drums are made of, the trees are recognized to have abhorred different supernatural beings which yorùbá people reverence with “ìpèsè” or “ẹbọ” (offering). he explains further that it is the belief of yorùbá about drums that harbours spiritual habits that they are formed from and these make their use important in the yorùbá community within the religious practise in which they connote. japhet alakam in his article “excellence in style: the uniqueness of yorùbá drums” in vanguard of february (2017) states that before modern civilization infiltrated the culture of many tribes and ethnic communities, the yorùbá people of south western nigeria have fashioned out the way to entertain themselves during traditional festival, chieftaincy coronation, naming ceremonies and all sort of events.” bádé àjàyí (1992) examines the place of the yorùbá talking drum in social mobilization. he presents the yorùbá talking drum as a powerful means of exciting and motivating listeners to achieve specific goals. he also demonstrates how the drummer in his capacity as a mass communicator uses his instrument to mobilize members of the community either positively or negatively. charles a. ellwood, an american sociologist (cited in amponsah, 2010, p. 597) reveals the multifaceted nature of culture when he encapsulated to convey; a collective name for all behaviour patterns socially gained and socially transmitted by means of symbols; hence a name that distinguishes achievement of human sets, not only including such items as language, tool making, art industry, religion, morals, science, law, government and morals, also the material instruments or artefacts in which cultural achievements are included and by which intellectual cultural attributes are given practical result, such as art objects, machines, tools, communication devices, buildings, etc. the crucial part of culture could be found in the cycles embodied in the social traditional groups; that is, in knowledge, value, ideas, beliefs, standards and sentiments and rife. the open part of culture is to be found in the real behaviour of the group, mainly in its usage, customs and institution. the crucial part of culture seems to be values with reference to life conditions been appreciated. the purely behavioural meaning of culture is, therefore inadequate. the accomplished definition must involve the subjective and objective appearance of culture. practically, traditions and customs are summed up in the culture of a human group; but tradition, is essential as a subjective side of culture. (cited in amponsah, 2010,p. 597) bankole (et. al.) noted that among yorùbá people, ìrókò tree is not really peculiar to the journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 151 making of drums. trees like “igi o mo ” and “o pá” owing to their good tone value are the most enumerated when it comes to drum making. however, the spiritual beings in tress are seen as itinerant forces that have their liberty and without a special sacrifice or libations can be cut down. he went further to say that the understanding in the belief linked with the drums posed some effects on their maintenance and treatment. relationship between colonization and culture kasongo (2010) was of the opinion that one could assume that when westernisation was brought into african countries, the secret side of modernisation was materialist concerned. another concept of domination is civilisation: infliction of incoming culture over traditional ethic. similarly igboin (2011) is of the opinion that the traditional machinery of moral homogeneity and practice was disrupted by the colonial rule. the process of moral inculcation was damaged, which resulted in the nonchalance of traditional norms and values through a systematic depersonalisation of the african and paganisation of its quality. instead of the treasured communalism which defined the life of the african, an expending societal construct was made known, which isolate and destroys the organic fabric of the spirit of wefeeling. moreso, falana (2018) said that it is a known fact that cultural change in africa is majorly informed by colonialism. the place of drums in culture drums are found in nearly every culture of the world and have existed since before 6000bc. they have ceremonial, sacred and symbolic association. drums are intrinsic part of african culture; it is an important component of culture which cannot be separated from. according to bankole, in traditional way, drums are meant to be hung, set in the sun when it is not in use, or placed in a reserved place. this gives a relatively arid and an agitated storing place. he also notes that the drum must not be handled carelessly in such a way that can be dropped, thrown, stepped over, sat on or used to curse someone. if this happens intentionally or not, it becomes a serious matter or a sage sin that must be expiated. it is a serious sin as a social custom to àyàn, the god of the drum. in case the drum is broken, it is being buried like a human being in a special ceremony wrapped in a white cloth. this is an indication to the fact that the weight of the outcome is great and the spirit of the gods needed to be appeased, if the spirit of the drum is not appeased, a proper scarifies restitution must be made for the person who broke the drum, else the person will have no rest. history of drums tọ́lá adénlé (2014), in one of his articles, mentions some drummers in recent times who play or carry out their acts of drumming with high dexterity. these include drummers, of late àtáọjà, adénlé i, late shittu ọ̀kánjúà. others are babátúndé ọlátúnjí (1927-2003) and one of the drummers a royal father, late ọba láoyè, the timì of ẹdẹ land. ọba láoyè through his dexterity in drumming with the dùǹdún produced signature tune for the western nigeria broadcasting station. however, this is the first nigeria broadcasting service”. some who may not know the meaning of the tones misinterpreted tìmì to mean “kò sónígbèsè nibi, ẹ lọ sílé kejì” (there is no debtor here, go to the next house) or “bólúbàdàn ba’ kú, tani yó joyè (if olúbàdàn dies, who will replace him). with various works done on the yorùbá subculture of drums, drumming, and the characters involved in its transmission from generation to generation from the days of àyángalú, it is worthy to note the àyàn family line. àyàn family line is the family that majors in the production of assorted kinds of yorùbá drums. they kill animals, tend their skins, tanned it well and prepare the drum faces and tone variation leather strings. history shows that the practices in this family are to prepare them for future drumming journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) aladesanmi omobola agnes 152 activities and make them bold before audience. they are to go and beg for water from next neighbour to feed their newly born child. by doing this, they belief doing it will make the young sharp as he grows to engage in drumming and collect money from people as he plays to eulogize them. though, this act of drums is an important aspect of the cultural heritage of the yorùbá, especially the attendant impact on the generational transfer of this heritage territorially. culture has not been proven scientifically today whether there is a correlation between begging for first water to give to their new baby and being shy or afraid to address audience of and size. the àyàn are known anywhere in yorùbá land as drummers. anyone that bears that name without introduction will be known to be from a drum family. by practice, as this young one grows up including the female ones, the parents prepare small drums for them with which they play along with them when they go for outings or ceremonies. this family, like media today, goes to war with fighters and is protected as they eulogise the fighters with tunes from their super drums. they also pass comments about the situation on the warfront using their drums. when the àyàn daughters are given out in marriage, a specialized drum dùǹdún with ṣaworoidẹ (small bells) is given as a parting gift. drums ranges in size. it can be as tall as eleven (11) feet and it can be as small as putting it under one’s armpit. the size of a drum doesn’t determine the dignity attached to it. the size of a drum determines the sound it produces. thus, every drum has its peculiarity in terms of the sounds(s) they produce. types of traditional drums traditional drums of yorùbáland are numerous. examples include: gángan, dùǹdún, omele, àsíkò, shákárà, gúdúgúdú, bàtá, bẹ̀mb̀ẹ́, gbẹ̀du, àgbá, etc. some are combined to form an ensemble. thus, you have dùndún ensemble, bàtá ensemble, gbẹ̀du ensemble to mention few. gángan gánganis, a two face drum also known as “talking drum”. ológúnjọbí (2016) asserts that in the tradition of yorùbá people, gángan holds a special place. in yorùbá, folklore cannot be set aside. its origin can be traced back to the old ọ̀yọ́ empire in south-western, nigeria. during the coronation of the aláàfin of ọỳọ́, it was introduced as a means of communication. in the yorùbá language, talking drums are used to imitate chant patterns and different tones. it is made of adjustable cords and also made in an hourglass shape, which makes it possible for it to be held under the arm. these cords are used by the drummers to determine the pitch of the drumbeat. the cords and springs has its functions, if they are pulled hard, the sound or tone from the drum would increase and if the cords are softly tighten, the sound will be low. they are used in festivals, wedding ceremonies, modern churches, and carnivals. source (olú ògúnjọbí, 2016) ìgbìn drum ìgbìn drum is a traditional drum affixed to the worship of ọbàtálá. it is made with the dermis of ìgalà (deer). according to ọládoṣù (2015), any deity that has a link with snail (called ìgbín) is always worshipped using the ìgbìn drum. èjìgbò people of ọ̀yọ́ state in nigeria, use this ìgbìn drum during the new yam festival to commemorate the celebration. source ( journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 153 bàtá bàtạ́ is also an important drum used in yorùbáland. it is a double-headed cone-liked shaped drum with one of the cones larger than the other. it is mainly associated with ṣàngó. it is used to pass or carry messages of hope, divination, praise and war. a set of bàtạ́ consists of three drums of distinct sizes. the bàtạ́ are played sitting down with the drum laid horizontally on the knees, which makes the drummer play with both hands. the ìyá ìlù (“mother”) has a detailed cycle with many technique and initiates conversations with the other two drums and it is the largest drum and leads the group playing. ìyá ìlù has garland of bells and bronze caps which often beautifies the edges of the drum called "ṣaworo". it endows the vibrations and sounds made from the drum when the drummer plays the instrument detailed cycles with some techniques as well as a response and occasionally initiating conversations. the ìtótèle is the middle-sized drum, playing long, but less. the smallest of the three playing short is the òkóńkóló, which has simple cycles with occasional conversations and techniques. the bàtạ́ drum has distinct parts which include; “igiìlù” (wooden frame work), leather, “egiìlù” (thick brooms for support), “ọsán” (wire work), “iro” (black substance placed on the drum surface), “búlálà” (drumstick made from leather), and cowries. dùndún dùndún is a cylindrical rope tuned drum with a raw hide skin at ends, most usually cow or goat. a plain straight stick, curved stick with flat head attached at right angles near one end can be played with the drum; depending on the angle which the stick touches and may be used to hit the skin i.e. the drum. source ( be ̣̀m bẹ̣̀́. bẹ̀mbẹ́ is played with hands rather than with sticks. it is common to be accompanied with two bells. it is the most recognized sacred drum used during ọ̀ṣun and ọya festivals. àshíkò among the yorùbá people, àshíkò is another important musical instrument. àshíkò is a cylindrical tapered formed drum with a wide head end and its down end narrowly opened. it’s mainly created with hardwood and goatskin/ hide, tuned by ropes and being played with the hands. they are mostly used in festivals. source (olú ògúnjọbí 2016) journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) aladesanmi omobola agnes 154 importance of traditional drums traditional drums play important roles in every appearance of human life and this range from spiritual to physical to emotional and to social. traditional drums help to define the rich culture of yorùbá. they are great custodians of the rich and beautiful yorùbá heritage. they a used as means of communication; i used for sending messages from one town to another. drums are used as healing therapy. drums have spiritual powers that make it beyond natural; when beaten it moves into the nooks and crannies of a man which touches the body and awakens the soul. it holds a great symbolic and historical meaning. they are good accompaniment for any kind of ceremony such as birth, death, marriages, coronation set, and it goes along with a beautiful dance ritual. it graces and beautifies a ceremony. the vicious sound of these traditional drums stirs up feelings in a battle or war to behest the warriors at the war front to fight and be victorious. the effect of colonization on traditional drums as mentioned earlier, colonization plays an ambivalent role in the life of africans. colonization brought formal education into africa. formal education made people enlightened and these enlightenment was like an eye-opener for african especially nigerians. education brought new innovations and creativity. for example, in the traditional african setting drums were made from trees with animal hides and skin but today polythene materials made from in-organic petro-chemical product have now been adopted to make the strings and cover instead of animal skins. metals and sewers are now used in tightening the face of the drum. the materials used in the production of these drums have made it possible to produce these drums in large quantity and has increased the accessibility of people to these drums, unlike in the pre-colonial days, when these drums were made only by a specific family especially the àyán agalú family; who are custodians of the drums. the bitter part of colonization supersedes the positive part in that colonization has robbed us of the dignity of our culture. nowadays, the awesomeness and sacredness attached to our culture has been replaced with modernization which has blindfolded our youth to the beauty of our culture. in the pre-colonial days, drums cannot be made by just anyone interested in the making of a drum. there is always a rite undertaken before a drum can be made. every drum in the olden days has a deity that is attached to it. it is the same respect accorded the deity that is accorded the drum which is used in worshipping it. there are always seasons attached to each drum, one cannot just beat a drum without a reason and it should also be noted that not anyone can beat these drums. there are designated people who beat these drums; but civilization and modernization has exposed these drums such that they are now beaten anywhere, at any time and by anyone. for example, the gángan drum is beaten in palaces; it has to do with the enthronement and coronation of kings. in the olden days, some powerful kings are woken from sleep using the gángan drums and the ṣaworoidẹ is often used for the enthronement of kings. there is a particular movie titled “ṣaworoidẹ” by mainframe productions; the movie gave a clear explanation of the significance of the ṣaworoidẹ drum. furthermore, the rite involved in the burial of a drum is no longer observed. nowadays, broken drums are discarded without observing the rites attached to it. even sometimes broken piece of drums can be seen burnt in fire. this rite has been earlier mentioned in this paper. in the pre-colonial days, kings were lords and the custodian of our culture. colonization submerged and dismantled the ever vibrant indigenous institutions and replaced it with the foreign rule and culture. the kings used to have chiefs who serve in different capacities to uphold the sanctity of our culture. for instance, these traditional drums are kept sometimes in sacred dwellings which are under the auspices of a particular chief but these days the chiefs are journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 155 more of ceremonial titles and many of them do not even know or respect the rich culture of the land they represent. positively, colonization has really also helped in making drums a source of income because the drums that were used to be housed in sacred dwellings are now found in various places ranging from churches to social gatherings and even for entertainment. a particular musician in nigeria called “lágbájá” is so fond of entertaining his listeners with beautiful tunes using different kinds of traditional drums like the talking drums, dùndún, omele, bàtá, etc. it can be concluded that colonization has helped in commercializing our traditional drums. conclusion drums are mystic in nature. it has supernatural power backing it. no matter how hardened a person’s heart might be when he hears drumbeats, his heart softens. when at warfront or in the heat of a fierce battle, if a drummer begins to eulogize the warriors, the head of the warrior will swell and this makes the warrior want to win the battle. as mentioned earlier, the drummers follow warriors to warfront. colonization introduced the “tàka n súfèé” (it is a type of dance common among the youths) in yorùbá music. the musical instruments are replaced by western instruments, a typical example is the keyboard. colonization brought westernization. it is now being plagiarized or mimicked on organs. most drums have now been synthetized electronically thereby reducing the physical importance and presentation of the original yorùbá musical instruments like gángan, ìyáìlù, omele, and other accompaniments. the voices of these drum are on organ. gángan has its own dress code, presentation, the cultural display, and dancing steps which cannot be seen on organs. women dancing, spraying of money, flowing of agbáda, hairstyle has been adulterated. the cultural values attached to the drum shave been jeopardized. in conclusion, permit me to say that drums can be stolen, it can be duplicated; but it can never be killed. colonization can only change the presentation of drums and resell it back to yorùbáland, our drums are our heritage; we must fight with all that we have to keep our heritage. references adépọ̀jù, oti & oyèbọ́lá ayẹni. 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(1995). new york: lexican publications journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) omolade bamigboye & samuel adebayo omotunde 98 stylistic foregrounding in the socio-political commentary of selected guardian cartoons omolade bamigboye & samuel adebayo omotunde, department of english and literary studies, ekiti state university, nigeria abstract the paper investigates the role of textual foregrounding in the understanding of cartoons in the guardian, a nigerian daily newspaper. to achieve this aim, bally’s stylistics of humor is used as theoretical basis. bally’s theory claims that there is a connection between language and the thoughts and feelings of its user. it also espouses the idea that as human beings, we respond emotionally in one way or the other to how a language is crafted in a particular context and by a particular user. this is especially the case for structures that are deemed humorous. using a purposive data selection method, selected cartoon pieces from the guardian about the 2015 general elections in nigeria were collated, with a view to subjecting them to stylistic investigation. the eight selected cartoons are analyzed methodically, bringing out the stylistic use of foregrounding by the cartoonists. findings reveal that through a shared body of world knowledge and current affairs, the cartoonist and his audience communicate via the short, witty and didactic cartoons in the overall interest of probity, decency, and accountability in the nigerian public place. the artist highlights sensitive information he wishes to emphasize, by bringing such to the fore, through foregrounding. the conclusion and contribution to existing literature is that textual foregrounding, as a stylistic tool, is of immeasurable importance to the cartoonist in the daily execution of his art . keywords: cartoon, foregrounding, stylistics, humour introduction it will not be trite to say that the cartoon page has now become a popular section readers daily look forward to on the pages of newspapers, newsmagazines, periodicals and the like. for moments given to savoring short, crisp and sarcastic bites on socio-political events in the country, cartoonists have consistently made the day of the average nigerian newsreader. their art is delivered in pictorial representations of persons or their acts that are somehow veiled and inferred, perhaps for the purpose of avoiding libelous litigations. indeed, jegede (1999, p. 183) captures the whole business of cartooning as ‘a conundrum, a graphic phantom that does not always signify what it implies, a medium that at once affirms and denies. it possesses pictorial qualities that facilitate the codification of messages in the succinct, subtle or hidden form’. no doubt, this gives the cartoonist and his craft a special place in the constant conflict between the rulers and the ruled− a voice that is far-reaching and at the same time difficult to silence, especially in a third world country like nigeria. the history of political cartoons, especially in the nigerian context, is rich with memorable episodes that caught both local and national attention, as far as politics and the nigerian society are concerned. it is replete with the sarcastic castigation and polite denigration of many a political gladiator or the archetypal nigerian ‘big man’. the fact that journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 99 politics (whether progressive or conservative) is an important part of nigerian life explains the reason it constitutes the major focus on most cartoon sketches in the guardian newspaper. guardian cartoonists have over the years routinely satirized, castigated and admonished politicians and indeed the nigerian public on the negative consequences of politics played not according to the rules of the game and official government policies that are not well-thought-out. the implication, therefore, is that apart from the humor inherent in the sketchy satires of the cartoonist, he inadvertently plays the role of a social crusader and reformer with a view to influencing the state and its agents in the implementation of the social contract it has with the people. cartoons are similar to caricature in a way. according to obasi (2011), cartoons are drawings or a series of drawings that usually tell stories or express messages. also, safra and yeshuan (2007) describe the relationship between caricature and cartoons as using the same artistic medium, particularly to satire perceived ills in society. the editorial cartoon is purposely enacted to relay a part of the opinion of the newspaper for a particular day. in other words, it is used primarily to illustrate the editorial opinion for the day. this is the case through which the expression ‘editorial cartoon’ was derived. however, some cartoons usually appear on the front pages, inner pages or the back pages of various newspapers and magazines. these types of cartoons range from the strips to the pleasure type. ordinarily, much seriousness is not given to these other types of cartoons by the discerning public. they are mostly meant for entertainment purposes, in contrast to editorial cartoons which serve as a humorous form of conveying important editorial messages to the reading public. the distinction between the editorial cartoon on the one hand, and the rest on the other is, therefore, that of authorial purpose. editorial cartoons are not meant to be glossed over. rather, they are presented to either make the reader reason along a particular line, admonish the reader to change or deviate from a particular course, or to stir the reader to perform a particular action. the understanding of these editorial purposes, however, lies in the manner the cartoonist has presented his art to his reader. cartoons cannot be removed from the socio-political contexts in which they are produced, (adeniran, 1984; nnimo, 1984; alimi, 1986; olufemi, 1999; okoabah, 2000). in other words, both the cartoonist and his audience must share some certain level of mutual contextual beliefs or some background knowledge that is taken for granted. this underground information which is known to both the cartoonist and his audience makes it possible for them to understand each other. it is not unusual not to make sense of a cartoon which the surrounding socio-cultural or political context is unfamiliar to the reader. mostly, cartoonists use current affairs or issues that have broad appeals with the public as the subject of their cartoons, olaniyan (1998). they deliberately act on issue78s that are not stale, (emezue, 2012). editorial cartoons, in particular, are often times tied to the prevailing news of the moment which also constitute the subject of editorial opinions. statements and insinuations that may later warrant prosecution or even persecution are routinely made by cartoonists with less anticipation of political or legal backlash from the objects of their satiric innuendoes, who are usually rich and powerful citizens. cartooning as an art form and sociocultural expression remains a valid means of collating a people's life experiences, as well as engineering for them an acceptable social mode through constructive criticisms and applause (medubi, 2008). indeed, leafing through the various editorial cartoons of the guardian newspaper between august 2014 and august 2016 presents detailed chronological documentation of the events leading to the successful conduct of the 2015 general elections in nigeria and its immediate aftermath. in all its depictions and portrayals, the major purpose, one could infer, of this particular editorial cartoons is to present the nigerian socio-political situations in a rather comical manner with an underlying attempt to critique, criticize, and ridicule the shortcomings of both the politicians and the electorate. it also seeks to re-orientate the reader about the values of honesty in leadership, probity in public office and a journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) omolade bamigboye & samuel adebayo omotunde 100 communal feeling of unity and togetherness among the vast and diverse peoples and regions of the nigerian state. over the years and in the chequered history of the nation, nigerian cartoonists have used their cartoons to fight colonialism, military despotism, and such other vices in their usual sarcastic manner, (nwangwu, 1984; jimoh, 2010). the english language has transformed from being a mere colonial legacy to a sustainable lingua franca that holds the various ethnic groups in nigeria together, at least linguistically speaking. it also serves as the major language as far as print and electronic modes of communication are concerned. it is, therefore, not a surprise that most cartoonists make use of english in their daily editorial reprimands and admonitions, with the frequent inclusion of linguistic elements from particular indigenous languages and english words and expressions that have over the years been nativized. the style of cartoon presentation is another important aspect of the art. some cartoonists favor the use of pictorial representation that graphically communicates the intended message to the reader, while some others fancy the conversational style that involves characters who represent particular segments of the society in which the artist lives, or of whom his art is talking about. other semiotic or stylistic elements are employed to adequately add substance and enhance meaning, as far as the particular style or model of artistic presentation the cartoonist chooses is concerned, jewell (2016). also, alimi (1991) observes that cartoons can be stylistically studied and evaluated based on the printing styles, registers, and textual features that abound therein; her argument focusing on the artistic mixture of both graphical and textual properties in the achievement of a ‘social satire’ of the peculiar nigerian situation, (alimi 1991, p. 190). among the findings in alimi’s work is the submission that humor is sometimes contextualized; that is, the reader must infer clues of authorial intent both from the drawings and the text. alimi concludes that its informal style (which is exemplified by the occurrence of the nigerian pidgin english, colloquial forms, loan blends, ellipsis, and telegraphic sentences) characterizes the language of the cartoons in major nigerian newspapers. in a nutshell, the style of depiction of editorial cartoons, whether conversational (involving dialogue between at least two people) or picturesque techniques, together with the macro and micro-linguistic features of the language used, goes a long way in the proper understanding of the message the editorial cartoonist seeks to pass across to the reader. although, like any piece of writing, the meaning inferred from cartoon sketches may be subjective as particular readers may get ambiguous meanings from the coded messages inherent in the cartoons. the subsequent topics in this article will shed more light on the application of some textual resources to the art of the cartoonist, vis-à-vis the subjects of stylistics and humor. the aim of this study is to investigate the application of foregrounding as a stylistic tool in the depiction of editorial cartoons of the guardian newspaper and the understanding of the same by the reader. the objectives of why and how foregrounding is used in the conveyance of the underlying cryptic message of these cartoons, even beyond their humorous physical realizations, both constitute the pivots upon which this article is based. theoretical background the scientific study of style is technically known as stylistics. now authorial style differs as a result of so many factors ranging from the author’s background, the disposition to social issues, temperament, worldview, the genre he writes in, and so on. in other words, the way a piece of writing comes to be is dependent on all these variables and so many more. an author’s style of writing, like any other human activity, is factored on variables which make him the artist that he is, bamigboye (2016). also, stylistics studies authorial style from different perspectives. these perspectives include the notions of style as personality, style as choice among various alternatives, style as deviation from the linguistic norm, style as a relationship between content and form, and so on. although all these perspectives have their strong and weak journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 101 points as well as relevance or otherwise to in particular stylistic investigations, the perspectives from which this paper draws its power are those of style as choice and style as deviation, respectively. the reason for this is that both choice and deviation account for the stylistic value known as foregrounding. stylistics as a field of study has the concept of foregrounding as one of its major features. simply put, linguistic foregrounding is the writer’s act of deliberately aiding readerunderstanding by marking particular words and expressions different from the rest of the text. it is known as the feature of linguistic highlighting, where some textual elements are presented in unusual or different manners that will naturally draw the attention of the reader. the purpose of foregrounding has been deemed to aid proper understanding of a text or to determine the real semantic intentions of the writer or artist. when words or phrases and sentences appear differently (maybe in terms of color, font, size, or character) in a text, the attention they draw is stylistically relevant. it is an attempt by the writer to mean that they should be paid more attention so as to get his actual message. it is a way the writer leads the reader on, in the quest for textual clarity. scholars in the field of style and stylistics have labeled foregrounding as the phenomenon of linguistic highlighting (halliday 1971; simpson; 2004, leech and short, 2007). this departs from kress and van leeuwen’s (2006) description of foregrounding as having to do with multimodal features of colors, images, drawings and the rest. both kress and van leeuwen are more concerned about the interpretative tendencies of the aforementioned variables than in the actual linguistic text. mills (1995, p. 176) refers to it as ‘the positioning of an element in a prominent place in a text which it does not usually occupy, thus drawing attention to it’; while to wales (2001, p. 157), foregrounding means ‘throwing into relief of the linguistic sign against the background of the norms of ordinary language’ i.e introducing a different paradigm against an already established one in the general graphological and orthographical layout of a particular passage or text. indeed this particular stylistic effect is not uncommon in the works of great writers. they have successfully used foregrounding in the dissemination of their authorial meanings over the years. the purposive and intentional use of this stylistic device makes it a fundamental issue in both historical and contemporary stylistics study. the fact that foregrounding can reflect in the textual spread at the phonological, lexico-semantic, graphological and syntactic levels of language description, is a testament to its indispensability in the study of authorial style. although the frequency or degree to which particular authors foreground sensitive aspects of their works differ from one another, it nevertheless still forms a substantial part of many stylistic interpretations of texts. bally’s stylistics of humor comes readily available and attractive for this kind of stylistic analysis. bally (1909) theorized on the subject of stylistics and its application to humor in an elaborate and easily applicable way. according to bally and as quoted in attardo (1994, p. 231), stylistics is ‘a branch of psychology which studies the correlations between language, on the one hand, and thoughts and feelings (sentiments) on the other’ (bally, 1909 p. 5-7). this relationship accounts for the reader or hearer response(s) to what is read or heard. in other words, we respond emotionally in one way or the other to how a language is used by a particular user. this is especially the case for structures that are deemed humorous. bally also discussed the social function of stylistics as it studies the ‘affective value’ of the facts of language. the dexterity or competence of a writer compelling his reader to add emotional value to facts and objective description of reality. in depicting reality through his art, therefore, the artist/writer/cartoonist lays bare the content which is interpreted by the reader. the reader does this interpretation not only with the objective (linguistic) acumen or competence he has, but with added social feeling or emotion attached to it. the argument really is on the reader-reaction to what is written and the way it is written. this emotive aspect of stylistic description informs the notion that ‘any linguistic information embodies in part, the language and in part, aspects of the man who interprets or announces the information’ journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) omolade bamigboye & samuel adebayo omotunde 102 (nnadi, 2010 p. 29). so, emotional (approving or disapproving) reading of texts is a direct effect of a writer’s linguistic dexterity and constitutes the central idea inexpressive stylistics, as espoused by the french linguist, charles bally (1909). methods through a purposive selection method, eight cartoon pieces authored by both obe ess and emanuel onu, were selected from the guardian newspaper. these eight are replete with textual foregrounding and other graphological illustrations required for this study. they also contain thematic contents that bother on the socio-political situation of nigeria towards and immediately after the 2015 general elections. all these adequately satisfy the demands of the present study as is well stated in the sections above. the sketches of cartoon collated for this study are purposively selected because they are replete with textual foregrounding as they run commentaries on the socio-political situation of present-day nigeria. the justification for the collation of these particular cartoons lies in the knowledge that they satisfy the authorial inquest into deployment of foregrounding as a stylistic tool by cartoon artists in their daily strive to run commentaries, pass judgment, satirise human foibles and generally seek an improvement in the way and manner nigerians, both public office holders and citizens alike, conduct themselves in manners that edify the country. it should be noted that in the run-up to the nigerian elections of 2015 and its immediate aftermath, most of the editorial cartoons of the guardian were authored by obe ess. this subsequently accounts for the preponderance of his works over that of d. d. onu. the procedure employed for the evaluation of the selected cartoons involves a careful study of each at the graphological level of stylistic analysis, which bamigboye (2016) refers to aesthetic patterns of written language; the shape of language on the page. although words, expressions, graphetic symbols, unusual fonts, pictorial distortions and other textual abnormalities that call attention to themselves could be used stylistically (at the graphological level only, being the central concern of this paper), bringing out possible authorial intents behind their deployments and the possible stylistic effects they might have on the reader; however, not all stylistic features are mandatory to be employed in particular texts. each cartoon piece is numbered and the stylistic element(s) of lexical choice and/or textual highlighting (foregrounding) examined one after the other. the stylistic questions of ‘why’ and ‘how’ certain choices are made by language users constitute the bases of the intellectual inquiry into the eight selected cartoon pieces. results and discussion the stylistic investigation into how foregrounding has helped the successful delivery of the cartoonists’ art in the selected pieces helped us to register the following results. in this section, we shall discuss the results of the stylistic investigation into how foregrounding has helped the successful delivery of the cartoonists’ art in the selected pieces. also, an overview of the eight cartoons reveals that the most prominent form of stylistic foregrounding employed by the cartoonists is the use of bold fonts, capitalisations, inverted commas, (substituted) acronyms and ellipsis. figure 1. obe, o. (2014, august 8). ‘body language’. the guardian, p. 8. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 103 figure 1, created shortly after the ekiti state gubernatorial elections held, show the style with which the cartoonist captures former governor fayemi’s loss and the reversal of the exorbitant increase of the fees of lagos state university students by the then governor babatunde fashola. aptly titled “body language”, the cartoonist foregrounds the word ‘listened’ to make an inference as to the (possible) reason governor fashola rescinded the somewhat draconian decision. the graphological use of the inverted commas attests to this. perhaps, it is to guard against his party suffering a similar electoral defeat as they did in ekiti. something one can infer from this particular cartoon is the way politicians read the electorate and try to mitigate political misfortune by dancing to the tunes of aggrieved voters, especially when elections are near. change, the campaign slogan of the ruling all progressives congress (apc) and the mantra through which it won the 2015 presidential elections, is foregrounded in figure 2. titled “the wind of change,” it is somehow obvious that the desired results of the change have not been largely felt by the citizenry, judging by the visa applicant’s economic reason for wishing to immigrate to america. figure 2. obe, o. (2016, february 19).‘wind of change’. the guardian, p. 10. the economically debilitating naira (nigerian currency) to dollar (american currency) exchange-rate has taken its toll on many a nigerian middle class family, prompting the panic exodus of thousands to other more viable shores. so, according to the cartoonist, instead of the expected and desired political cum economic ‘change’, what nigerians received was the astronomical currency exchange-rate. a militant group operating in the creeks of the niger-delta region of nigeria is worryingly named the niger-delta avengers (nsa). apart from avenging the alleged years of rot and neglect of their region by successive governments through the illegal refining of crude, it also plans to cripple the nigerian economy by consistently blowing up oil installations across the length and breadth of the country. in figure 3, the police officer questioning the suspect in the cartoon above accuses him of being a member of the dreaded militant group. he (the accused) replies by saying that he was only scavenging the dumpsite close to the oil pipeline because he was hungry. figure 3. onu, d. e. (2016, june 18).‘sign of the times’. the guardian, p. 8. thus, through sarcasm, the cartoonist brings to the fore the economic hardship afflicting the average nigerian occasioned by journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) omolade bamigboye & samuel adebayo omotunde 104 months of unpaid salary. also, he unwittingly challenges the state to do more about the welfare of the citizens the same way it has faced the militants. the metaphor of the ephemeral nature and ultimate ignominious end awaiting those who benefit from quick or easy money is well illustrated in fig. 4. figure 4. obe, o. (2016, january 18).‘easy money’. the guardian, p.8. all progressives congress (apc), the political party which produced the government that has now become the nemesis of many corrupt politicians of the old order, is substituted for an armoured personnel carrier, a military vehicle which is designed to crush any unwanted thing or object of resistance in its path. this comparison is made by the foregrounding of the initial letters of the military-built vehicle, apc. also, the opposition peoples’ democratic party has its acronym read power drunk-driving. the two ellipses in the stutter of the interlocutor jocularly suggest the mutual contempt between the nigerian poor and the extremely rich. consequently, the object of discourse in the conversation of the two interlocutors in this particular cartoon has met his waterloo in the process of enjoying his ill-gotten wealth. in the next cartoon (see fig. 5), the parody of the scandal involving at least two politicians in the run-up to the 2015 general elections is not lost on the discerning reader. figure 5: obe, o. (2015, january 22).‘tale of the unexpected’. the guardian, p. 8. when the nigerian army said it could not lay hands on the certificates of gen. muhammadu buhari, the then presidential candidate of the all progressives congress, the whole country was concerned and the issue generated much of debate in both orthodox and unorthodox media. particular expressions are made bold so that the message of dishonesty in the conduct of politicians is not lost on the reader. this could also be seen in the overtly big and darkened question mark above the taxi customer which addresses the puzzled countenance of many nigerian citizens to the way politicians tell lies unabashedly. again, the use of ellipsis signifies that the customer deliberately pauses and then engages the driver in a dialogue. this is particularly humorous when read against the nigerian socio-cultural context of negative reactions to self-praise. former president goodluck jonathan’s first name is played upon in figure 6. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 02 – october 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 105 figure 6. obe, o. (2015, december 14).‘tale of the unexpected (5)’. the guardian, p. 10. the ‘luck’ in goodluck is changed to ‘lock’, which refers to an appliance used to secure property. money running into billions was allegedly siphoned from the public coffers using the purchase of military hardware as conduit pipe. the foregrounding of the words caged, gagged and blindfolded suggests the seeming helplessness or lethargy on the path of the former president in overseeing and manning the nation’s treasury. whereas a very good lock is supposed to serve the purpose of safeguarding one’s property against burglary, this particular lock has failed in that responsibility. also, the sweat of perspiration continuously dropping from the accused shows his exasperation and helplessness. figure 7. obe, o. (2016, may 2) ‘drama in progress’. the guardian, p. 10. in this editorial cartoon, the use of ellipsis calls the reader’s attention to the hypocritical nature of some nigerians who shelve responsibility for wrongdoing to metaphysical entities. it reflects the judge’s exasperation. the gradual moral deterioration from petty ‘shoplifting’ to ‘stealing public funds’ is also significant. the ‘action’, a euphemistic colouration of corruption, is only blamed on the accused person’s ‘prayer warriors’ who indulge many politicians. figure 8. obe, o. (2016, june 12). ‘balancing act (2)’. the guardian, p. 12 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) omolade bamigboye & samuel adebayo omotunde 106 in the piece above, the political office holder is stunned by the labor leaders’ negotiating skills. this much is graphically captured by the huge blackened exclamatory mark above the bureaucrat. what this demonstrates is that the reader’s attention drift will definitely be caught by the foregrounded elements in the understanding of the piece. the findings in all eight analyses, which are in direct correspondence to the specific objectives of the research, have validated earlier submissions on the incontrovertible nature of the concept of foregrounding as a stylistic tool. the stylistic use of graphologically significant tools (ellipsis, fonting, bold prints, and exclamatory marks) helps the reader to focus on the meaningmaking mechanisms the cartoonist incorporates into his art. although the drawings are the hallmark of this genre, this academic effort, however, focuses on the stylistic features of the text as contributing to the meaning of the cartoons. this is aptly demonstrated by the sheer deployment of these linguistic resources as complementary accessories in the overall business of making sense through cartooning. stylistics, being a bridge between linguistics and literature, requires a degree of subjectivity in its analysis. this is why stylisticians are often referred to as linguistic critics. the analysis that has been provided here, although done based on the theoretical foundation of stylistics of humor as bringing emotions to bear on graphics, nevertheless underscores the researcher’s understanding of the core principle of stylistics as a scientific study and its analysis an inexhaustible one. going by these assertions therefore, the results can claim to be justified on the strength of its commitment to the principles and foundations set out at the beginning of this academic exercise. the theoretical appreciation of foregrounding is further enhanced as well as the application of the tenets of stylistics to any kind of text. in a nutshell, the results are in consonance with the hypothesis put forward earlier and resonate widely with the theoretical foundations upon which the concept of linguistic foregrounding was developed. conclusion going through the analyzed pieces of cartoon, the role stylistic foregrounding plays in the eight excerpts is that of adding to the process of making sense to what the cartoonist says. foregrounding is used to point the reader’s attention to particular words and expressions which ordinarily should trigger a whole lot of condensed information about the current affairs of the country which are stored in the residual memories of people. the cartoonist plays on these particular linguistic features by guiding the reader’s eyes and inadvertently his mind to the real semantic intentions behind the deployment of the stylistic tool known as foregrounding. this finding goes a long way to contribute to the already vast literature on cartoonists and their art. although foregrounding is a major concept in stylistics, there is no doubt that the purpose of any stylistic study such as this could be better served if other stylistic features are also studied therein. this seeming limitation can, however, be addressed by subsequent researchers in the field of stylistics. references adeniran, s. 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speak in english more fluently with not only accurate pronunciation but also with correct word stress. keywords: english, word stress, pronunciation, second language acquisition introduction in most schools in indonesia, from the elementary levels to the high school levels, teaching english pronunciation is all about teaching the english sounds: vowels and consonants. many english learners and teachers believe that to have good pronunciation, they just need to master the individual sounds. indeed, those sounds are very important for the beginner english learners. nevertheless, mastering them does not guarantee that the learners will have good and comprehensible english pronunciation. in the english language education study program, sanata dharma university, there is a subject that is specialized in teaching the learners correct pronunciation. this subject is named pronunciation. it is divided into two levels for the first and the second semester learners: pronunciation practice i and pronunciation practice ii. these courses focus on the pronunciation theory in the first part, followed by pronunciation practice in the second part. in those classes, there are still many learners who produce awkward and incomprehensible english although they have good mastery of the individual english sounds. one of the factors causing them to speak unnaturally is the improper placement of english word stress. this indicates that english word stress also affect the learners’ second language acquisition, particularly in english language learning. therefore, this paper will make an effort to discuss the features of english word stress and its contribution to the learners’ second language acquisition. in addition, problems commonly encountered by the learners related to word stress and some ways to help learners to speak in english with accurate stressing will also be proposed. patricia angelina lasut 164 word stress role on second language acquisition second language acquisition is concerned with the study of the way in which an individual becomes able to use one or more languages which are different from one’s first language. this process can take place in a natural setting or through formal classroom instruction, and, although the degree of proficiency that can be attained is a controversial topic, it can start at childhood or during the adult age (krashen, 1982). the success in second language acquisition depends on many factors. in the case of english language learning in general and english pronunciation in particular, one of the contributing factors is the proper placement of english word stress. before discussing english word stress, it is essential to know what the definition of stress is. stress is the degree of loudness in which we produce a syllable. stress is important in individual words, in phrases and in sentences. by shifting it around in a word, a phrase or a sentence, the emphasis or the meaning will also be different. it is essential to know, though, that the word stressing in all languages are different to one another. there are two opposite types of languages: stresstimed and syllable-timed. according to mackay (1985), a stress-timed language is determined by the stressed syllables, which occur at regular intervals of time, with an uneven and changing number of unstressed syllables between them; whereas syllabletimed language is based on the total number of syllables since each syllable takes approximately the same amount of time. english is obviously a stress-timed language because it has an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. in other words, english is a quantity sensitive language, that is, a language in which syllable weight influences stress placement. in this regard, english differs from languages where no attention is paid to syllable weight and all syllables are treated in the same way by stress rules. indonesian, on the other hand, is a syllable-timed language because it gives nearly equal weight and time for all syllables. therefore, these two languages are very different. unfortunately, many indonesian learners who are learning english seem unaware of this essential difference. consequently, they tend to apply the indonesian stress patterns (syllable-timed) when speaking in english (stress-timed). they do not know that this improper word stressing makes their english speech unnatural and hard to comprehend. english words can be composed of one or more syllables. in all words of two or more syllables, one syllable (stressed syllable) is stronger than the others (unstressed syllables) in the same word. a stressed syllable is louder, longer, clearer, and has higher pitch than unstressed syllables. thus, the combination of stressed and unstressed syllables helps to create the word rhythm in english, which results in various strength, length, and pitch of syllables. gilbert (1994) has explained that syllable stress plays a very important role in english because english speakers appear to store vocabulary with stress patterns. consequently, a mistake in putting the stress can throw a conversation off track, especially if the speaker’s control of english vowel sounds is uncertain. therefore, the more frequently speakers misuse stress, the more effort listeners have to make to understand what they say. common problems encountered by indonesian learners many learners tend to ignore stress patterns of english words because they do not know the importance of syllable stress in english. one common problem would be when they randomly put stress in any one of the syllables in a word, and often such a wrong stress placement mistake can alter the meaning into something that is totally different from the intended meaning. for example, there is a sentence “he is a very important person.” the correct word stress placement should be on the second syllable. so, the correct pronunciation should sound like this: “he is a very important person.” in vol. 15 no. 2 – october 2015 165 fact, many learners who are not aware of the correct stress placement would put the stress on the first syllable. therefore, it becomes “he is a very important person.” in the word “important,” they put the stress on the first syllable, rather than on the second one. therefore, what is heard was not “important” but “impotent,” which obviously will cause embarrassment for the speakers once they are aware of their mistakes, and confusion for the listeners, especially the native speakers, because they usually get the meaning of a word based on its stress pattern. another common problem is that they tend to give each syllable almost the same strength, length, and pitch. it is probably because the stress placement in each indonesian syllable is equally strong, so they treat english words in the same way. they are not aware on how to weaken and reduce unstressed syllables. a very good example is the word “chocolate.” many learners pronounce it as “cho co late,” which is apparently influenced by the stress patterns of indonesian. in english, a very important characteristic that the learners often miss is that vowels in unstressed syllables are mostly reduced to a short central vowel / i /, as the vowels reduced in the second and third syllable of “chocolate.” it is the vowel reduction that makes the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables very clear in english. gilbert (1987: 36) has pointed out that “clarity of the vowel is a particularly difficult concept for many learners since in their languages all vowels are spoken in a full, clear way”. ways to learn word stress listening to and repeating after the model is one way to learn word stress, but definitely is not enough. other ways to learn word stress are by doing word stress pattern building and activities on stress production in terms of syllable strength, length, and pitch. for word stress pattern building, visual effects on the blackboard can be used. when learning a new word, the learners need to figure out its stress pattern as well. learners should try to emphasize stressed syllables by using various visual effects. there are several possibilities and it does not really matter which the learners choose as long as they are consistent. the most common way is to put an accent ( ‘ ) with a different color pen over the syllable that is stressed. for example is the word electric. learners can write it as e‘lectric. next is predicting stress in words. many pronunciation textbooks provide word stress pattern rules. however, it is better for the learners to discover and generate the rules instead of memorizing the rules. learners can generate word stress pattern rules from the words that they have learned and apply the rules to the words that they do not know. in this way, learners are not memorizing the rules but internalizing them. for example, they are given the correct stress placement of these words: terrific, italic and academic; which will be presented like this: ter ‘ri fic, i ‘ta lic, a ca ‘de mic. they are then asked to generate the rule. the answer will be: in words ending in -ic, the main stress comes before -ic. practising varying stress to alter meaning will provide learners the experience of using different stress patterns to get different meanings. it helps learners to be more aware of the effects of stress patterns on meaning. for example, in the words “‘pervert” and “per ‘vert”, it is the different stress patterns, not sounds, that result in the difference in meaning. other words that can be used are subject, record, import, export, etc. as for the stress production, it will be beneficial to learn the characteristics of stressed and unstressed syllables in english using a chart. this chart will help learners to understand how stressed syllables differ from unstressed ones in four features: loudness, length, clarity and pitch. learners need to know these characteristics to be able to produce stress correctly. besides, learners can use this chart to examine which characteristic(s) they do not produce in saying english words with more than one syllable. it makes learners aware of these characteristics as well as identifying their problems in the production of word stress. patricia angelina lasut 166 table 1. characteristics of stressed and unstressed syllables in english (gilbert, 1993: 72) loudness vowel length vowel clarity pitch stressed loud long full high unstressed quiet short reduced low another way to learn is to clap hands or tap on the desk to emphasize loudness of a stressed syllable. these auditory techniques are useful to produce a strong beat in a stressed syllable and a weak beat in an unstressed syllable. they are very effective in helping learners recognize the beat strength in syllables, especially when they are not able to distinguish which syllable is louder than others by hearing words. when learning an english word, the learners can say a word and, at the same time, clap or tap on the desk to emphasize the feature of loudness. learners can also use rubber bands as a visual image for length variation in syllables. learners pull a wide rubber band between the two thumbs while saying a word. stretch it out during the stressed syllable but leave it short during other unstressed syllables. it provides a visual image of the variable length of the syllables as well as a kinesthetic tool that mimics the actual effort involved in lengthening a stressed syllable (gilbert, 1994). hand gestures are also useful to indicate pitch change. the learners can imagine themselves as concert conductors, holding their hands up when the pitch is high and down when the pitch is low. the up-anddown waving gestures provide a visual effect showing learners how pitch changes among syllables. another way is to use backchaining. learners repeat the word by starting with the last syllable and extending backwards to the beginning, which is especially helpful in dealing with a long word with more than three syllables. this technique can help learners say a word with natural rhythm, avoiding the tendency to say a word so slowly as to make each syllable equally clear by attempting to chain it forwards. for example, the backchaining of the word “economics” will be: mics  no mics  co no mics  e co no mics conclusion word stress is an imperative part of second language acquisition and english language learning in particular, both in terms of comprehending spoken english and increasing oral intelligibility. in summary, this paper has discussed the nature of english word stress, its contribution to successful english language learning, the common problems indonesian learners experience when they learn word stress in pronunciation, and some suggestions on ways to learn word stress. hopefully these proposed ways will be able to help the learners to speak in english more fluently with not only accurate pronunciation but also with correct word stress. references beisbier, b. sounds great: 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international approach. longdon: longman, 1996. page 1 page 2 phenomena vol 15 no. 2.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover dalam phenomena vol 15 no.pdf page 1 binder1.pdf (3) artikel 1prof putu (venti) ed-2 (4) artikel 2joan (arina) ed-3 (5) artikel 3 maria (hir) ed-2 (6) artikel 4 adria (arina) ed-2 (7) artikel 5 lany (hir) ed-2 (8) artikel 6 sisca (harris) ed-2 (9) artikel 7 risang (arina) ed-2 (10) artikel 8 herujiyanto (hir) ed-2 (11) artikel 9 patrice (venti) ed-2 (12) artikel 10 venti (arina) ed-3 (13) artikel 11 suryo (arina) ed-2 (14) index (2 des 2015)-1 (14) contributor's notes-2 mitra bestari dan daftar isi-oct 2015.pdf page 1 page 2 set cover luar phenomena.pdf page 1 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jonathan irene sartika dewi max & mardliya pratiwi zamruddin 231 lack of actor in the state address of indonesian president on the 74th indonesia independence day jonathan irene sartika dewi max & mardliya pratiwi zamruddin, english literature study program, mulawarman university, indonesia abstract article information political speech must be perceived critically in order to avoid the misuse of power. applying systemic functional linguistics (sfl) and critical discourse analysis (cda), this paper offered a perspective to understand how power is symbolically exercised through the use of language in jokowi’s state address on the occasion of 74th indonesia independence day 2019. the analysis started by collecting the clauses with high modulation represented by the modal word ‘must’. it appeared as the most frequent modal in the speech text indicating that there is an act of commanding given by the president. however, the high modulated clauses did not give a clear guide on who is the liable actor for the realization of the discourse of an “advanced indonesia”. this phenomenon in language was critical to show that there was a possibility of symbolic violence, which happens because of speaker/writer did not clearly state who was the responsible actor for each specific action required in the discourse of an advanced indonesia. in this instance, his speech opens the possibility of symbolic violence. this was proven by 1) the unidentified accountable actor from the use of the pronoun ‘we’, 2) hidden agent in nominalization in the material process, 3) the use of passive voice with material process, and 4) the process of relational process of attributive used for characterizing indonesia. keywords: actor; cda; sfl; modality received: 2 june 2020 revised: 2 july 2020 accepted: 10 july 2020 doi: 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2632 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribute-sharealike 4.0 international license introduction anytime language is used for communicating, language user is attempting to do something. the actions implied by the use of language, according to gee, vary from informing, persuading, encouraging, requesting, denying, praising, to bonding. the choice made both in writing or speaking forms is the way of acting (gee, 2018, p. 139). gee further says that “we use language to get recognized as taking on a certain identity or role, that is, to build an identity here and now” (gee, 2014, p. 95). this paper discusses a speech delivered by president jokowi in the moment of the 74th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of the republic of indonesia before the joint session of the regional representatives council of the republic of indonesia and the house of representatives of the republic of indonesia. it is the first state address delivered after jokowi won the election for the second period, and on the same journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 232 occasion, he announced the relocation of indonesia capital to east borneo. jokowi constructs the discourse of advanced indonesia in his speech, which goes beyond the use of sentences. discourse, according to hart, is not just a matter of “linguistic practice but a social practice which gives to the formation of the social systems, situations, institutions, and ideologies in which it is embedded” (hart, 2014, p. 3). to use language means to act out a role that is already attached to the person and defined by the social convention among the language users. in such a convention, power relation works circularly. however, power can be made less detectable or misrecognized as a result of language use and symbolic forms. (bourdieu, 1977 in loyal 2017, p. 32). loyal adds that “symbolic power is a power of making people see the social world in a specific way, of creating a vision of divisions that affirms or transforms the vision of the world that social agents posses, and therefore the social world itself” (2017, p. 33). for “the power of language is vested in the act of meaning” (halliday, 1992 in webster (ed.) 2003, p. 375), it is important to track the meanings being created in such political speech. here, hallidayan approach of systemic functional linguistics (sfl) is applied within a critical discourse analysis (cda) perspective, which aims to empower society (wodak, 2000) by the awareness of the way language is used to achieve the goal of the speaker. a former study which has done a similar approach to discover the implication of a political speech is ideologies in hosni mubarak’s and muammar qaddafi’s translated speeches: critical discourse analysis written by arina isti’anah (2012). by comparing the translated speeches of hosni mubarak’s and muammar qaddafi, she reveals the different ideological standpoints of both figures using hallidayan sfl. the finding is that mubarak‘s speech displays the quality of sacrifice, optimism, and appreciation while qaddafi‘s speech displays the tone of provocation, volunteer, and pride. the other study on political speech is done by nova anggraini (2018) entitled transitivity process and ideological construction of donald trump’s speeches. she uses the transitivity analysis to reveal that donald trump constructs democracy view in speeches and from the strong consistency is considered as a persuasive strategy to convince american people to support him in his government. the third research discussing language, power, and ideology is entitled a critical discourse analysis of kim namjoon’s speech written by uswatun hasanah, alek alek, and didin nuruddin hidayat (2019). they analyze types of transitivity processes and tenses in the modality to prove that kim namjoon with her speech tries to create an intimacy with the audience. different from the three previous studies that focus only on the types of the transitivity processes, this research focuses more on the modality as it is combined with certain transitivity process in the speech text. it means that not only the implication of the modalization use that will be scrutinized but also the participants that follow in the process types which then, are considered important to the interpersonal meaning and the realization of the discourse done by the speaker. the findings of this paper reveal how president jokowi exercising the power within the discourse through his choice of language features. his speech opens a possibility of symbolic violence by having no specific actor on the actions described as important issues in achieving an advanced indonesia. methodology the use of text is a social practice (meurer, 2004, p. 87). the state address, in this instance, is a form of social practice. the use of sfl to the discourse serves in revealing the commodity exchange in communication and transitivity is as an ideational source of meaning which provides the ground of interpreting the text in the framework of cda. text, as fairclough states, simultaneously identifies social actors, which has a contribution to the constitution of social and personal identities (2010, p. 75). halliday, as cited in fairclough (2003, p.27), argues that systemic functional journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jonathan irene sartika dewi max & mardliya pratiwi zamruddin 233 linguistics, for instance, claims that texts simultaneously have `ideational', `interpersonal' and`textual’ functions (halliday 1978, 1994). the data of this research was the president’s state address, which was taken from the official website of the office of assistant to deputy cabinet secretary for state documents & translation published on august 16, 2019. the data were given code ‘e’ for the excerpt from each sentence that is taken as the data for this research. this research follows five common features in cda by norman fairclough and ruth wodak compiled by jorgensen (2004, pp. 61-64). first is the view that the character of social and cultural processes and structure is partly linguistic-discursive. second is that discourse is both constitutive and constituted. third, it is said that language use should be empirically analyzed. fourth is that discourse functions ideologically. the fifth is the need to develop critical research, which means that doing cda is not supposed to be politically neutral. as a critical approach, the researcher is politically committed to social change. this research brings the value of emancipatory, which means that this research takes the side of the oppressed social groups. this research was done in some stages from the functional analysis to the interpretation given in the critical discourse analysis framework. the first stage was done with close reading to grasp the overall theme of jokowi’s state address. the second was to count the occurrence of words in sentence rank with a software simple concordance program version 4.0.9. the third stage was done by limiting the functional analysis to the clause appear with the high modulation ‘must’, and the last stage was done by interpreting the findings from functional analysis within the framework of cda. the data of this research was the english version president’s state address which was directly taken from the official website of the office of assistant to deputy cabinet secretary for state documents & translation published on august 16, 2019. the data were given code ‘e’ for the excerpt from each sentence that is taken as the data for this research. results and discussion the discourse of jokowi’s indonesia independence day state address from the close reading, the researchers have gained a general look at the topic of the speech delivered by jokowi in the indonesia independence day 2019. he starts by describing indonesia as an advanced country (negara maju), which is mentioned as the result of the work of many parties. an advanced indonesia is not only the work of the president and the vice president, not only the work of the executive, legislative, or judiciary. in fact, the success indonesia has achieved is also the work of religious leaders, cultural figures, and educators. indonesia’s success is also the work of businessmen, labors, traders, innovators, as well as farmers, fishermen, and micro, small, and medium enterprises (smes) actors, and the work of the entire children of the nation. (jokowi’s indonesia independence day state address, 2019, paragraph 2) then, he continues by defining the challenges an advanced indonesia would face. first is the competition fueled by the industrial revolution 4.0. on technology development across countries (par. 5). the second is the threat to pancasila as indonesia ideology caused by the flows of information that is more open to new ideas that may risk the conduct and manner, traditions, arts, cultures, and local pearls of wisdom (par. 7). third are cyberwar, intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism (par. 8). all of these are seen as an anendangerment to indonesia’s defense and security. fourth is the global trade competition over market and investment. the fifth challenge is ring of fire that causes unpredictable catastrophe and so are other disasters like forest fires and floods (par. 14). he pursues to solve those challenges by offering several prescribed acts that are required to achieve an advanced indonesia. he attempts to touch several major fields that are needed to be maintained to match the purposes. first is in the field of science and technology that should be innovated for ease and speed (par. 16). the second is to manage the need for natural resources by building downstream industries to cut imports (par. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 234 18). the third is the education field, which according to him, needs a massive overhaul prioritizing the vocational high school and developing teacher’s competence to face global changes (par. 22-23). the fourth is the importance of deregulation, which means for debureaucratization, simplifying working procedures and services, and maintaining consistency of regulation. this aspect includes legislative reform, which means to erase incompatible, inconsistent, and overlapping regulations (par. 25). he also says that the performance measurement of legislators must be measured by how much the regulation is made to protect the interest of the people and the nation to make it easy to achieve the goals. besides, he mentions about corruption eradication officers whose performance, in his view, must not be measured by the number of the people sent to jails but from the effort of prevention to state loss potential so that the governance and the system are the matters to be developed (par. 32). the fifth is about the budget realization, which must be measured by the products/services it can provide to people (par. 34). the sixth focus is the adoption of the newest technology to simplify the work of the organization and to cut inefficient and irrelevant apparatus (par. 35). in this historic occasion, while asking for the blessings and grace of allah subhanahu wa’taala and blessings and supports from the distinguished members of the house of representatives and members of the regional representatives council, our national leaders, our national figures, and especially the whole indonesian people, allow me to relocate our capital to the island of kalimantan. a capital not only is a symbol of national identity but also represents the advancement of the nation. this move aims to create economic justice and equitability. this move aims to achieve the vision of an advanced indonesia – indonesia that lasts forever. (jokowi’s indonesia independence day state address, 2019: paragraph 38) all of these solutions, he says, must be supported by all state apparatus without exception. nonetheless, he closes his speech announcing that the capital of indonesia is being relocated to kalimantan island for the capital, for him, represents the advancement of the nation. the functional analysis of jokowi’s indonesia independence day state address the description of the finding only talks about the clause that appears with high modulation. this is meant to limit the interpretation only on the most urgent issues taken in the speech, which are characterized by the high modality that is used the most frequently in the text. the high modulation is represented by the modal word ‘must’ which appears 74 times. the other modulation is represented by the modal word ‘can (17x), ‘will’ (7x), and should (1x). so from the total (99x) modal words that appear, ‘must’ occur at 75% of all types of modal (in bahasa indonesia version, the word parallel to ‘must’, ‘harus’ occurs 81x throughout the speech). lise fontaine (2013, p. 120) quotes halliday and matthiessen (1999, p. 526) emphasizes that modality serves as the resource to see how speakers intrude their own views into the discourse in the way they assess the discourse, judge the rights and wrongs of the situation, or where the people stand on the matter. this data already shows that in this speech, jokowi prefers to use a ‘commanding’ style of speaking even though it is not always clearly heard because it is wrapped in declarative sentences that sound more ‘giving information’ than the direct ‘imperative sentence’. however, in the sfl, where language functions are taken on the semantic level of meaning, those ‘must’s clearly should be considered as ‘command’. the command, if it is seen in the term of commodity exchange, implies the meaning of the demanding of goods and services (eggins, 2004, p. 146). by demanding goods and services, jokowi exercises his power as the country leader. however, the discourse that he builds by doing so must be seen from the other parts of the clauses which are the participants. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jonathan irene sartika dewi max & mardliya pratiwi zamruddin 235 question on the agents ‘we’ in the material process gee (2018, p. 64) notes that subjects often even though not always “name an agent (actor) in action.”the speech delivered by jokowi uses 32x of the pattern ‘we+must+v’ which means the agent in the actions wished to be taken is “we”. as actor ‘we’ is predicated with material processes showing the actions that are embedded to the subject of the clause. table 4. must + material process (active sentence, we as actor) actor (agent) modal material processes goal we must capitalize, face, abandon, devise, adopt, act, do, move, continue, increase, develop, strengthen, mitigate, prepare, muster, achieve, do, expand, improve, safeguard, reduce, widen, simplify, make, carry out, stop, regulate, go abroad on the flow of communication and interaction that are now increasingly easier and more open, the openness, competition, uncompetitive old ways, new strategies, new ways, our contribution, an initiative of collaboration and cooperation, our capacity, unpredictable natural disasters, infrastructure, the courage, capacity of our educator, the large budget allocation on education, stunting cases, access to health services, health quality, de-bureaucratization, working procedures, processes, technology, legislative reforms, new threats, the adoption of technology as the highly modulated clauses that imply command from the president, there are a lot to be acted out by the actor ‘we’. however, the word ‘we’ in english really needs a careful interpretation because it is not directly showing whether the ‘we’ is exclusive or inclusive. the researchers consult the bahasa indonesia version and find out that the ‘we’ applied here is the inclusive (kita) one. putting the inclusive ‘we’ is a way to personate a close relationship between the speaker and the hearer. this is also a way to realize an interpersonal meaning, which means that the president offers himself as part of the action. on the other hand, a country is built by many constituents. apart from the common style of political speech that tries to gain as many as support from the addressees, without clearly stating the party who is responsible for each matter, such manner opens a chance to the misuse of power. e1. we must face competition with creativity, innovation, and swiftness that we have. we must face competition with creativity, innovation, and swiftness that we have. mood residue actor proc: material goal circ: enhancing: manner: means e2. in fact, we must face the openness with vigilance, be it against other ideologies that may harm ideology of the nation. in fact, we must face the openness with vigilance be it against other ideologies that may harm ideology of the nation. residue…. mood …residue actor proc: material goal circ: enhancing: manner: means journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 236 excerpt 1 (e1) for example, the challenge of global competition must be faced by ‘we’. hearers who have no access to the means ‘creativity, innovation, and swiftness’ will not feel obligated to face the competition or just simply refuse to be addressed by such responsibility. the same thing applied to e2, those who have not raised ‘the awareness’ on what is meant by ‘harming ideology’ will not be compelled to do so. hidden actors in nominalization the process of ‘nominalization’ becomes a matter in making discourse. even it is meant to tighten the information, more often it results in obscurity. english morphology allows such derivation forming a verb to a noun. “the verb is the heart and soul of the clause” (gee, 2018, p. 45). while the verb is ‘hidden’ in nominalization, the agent (actor) is also unseen. in jokowi’s speech, the modal ‘must’ also appears in five ranks where the nouns are put as the subject of the main clause. see the table below: table 5. must + material process (active sentence, things as actor) actor (agent) modal material process goal investment, regulations, training centers, quality and culture of our apparatus must provide, push, receive, improve new employment, a sense of security, ease, everyone, full supports the addressees then must be aware of what the ‘hidden clause’ (gee, 2018) implies. in ‘investment’  there should be an investor and in regulation a regulator. if the real actors of the matter are not mentioned, again, there is a chance to those who have the obligation to provide the service, to not obey the command. meanwhile, the rest of the people who have no privilege as investors or regulation makers may put the hope that there will be a realization of the goals in the condition of not knowing the exact provider of new employment and a sense of security. hidden actors in passive voice clauses any use of language deals with an important principle of choice that signals what information a speaker/writer wants the hearer/reader to see as more or less salient (gee, 2018, p. 61). in jokowi’s speech, he choices to the passive voice over the possibility to utter in an active voice. he chooses to put the goal as foregrounded while the actor or agent is backgrounded. the transitivity system, however, allows the grammatical structure to make such focus possible. where the actor is not put in the clause, the subject/topic is the goal. see the table below to see what goals are in the focus to support his discourse of an ‘advance indonesia’: table 6. modal must in passive voice with material process actor modal material process goal must (not) be ignored., be supported., be removed., be synchronized, simplified, and trimmed., (not) be trapped, be eliminated, be upheld, be protected., be changed, be encouraged, be appreciated., be developed., be dedicated, be coupled, be merged., be cut. the mission to participate in building a better world order, all of which, regulations that are not compatible with the recent development, inconsistent and overlapping regulations, we, such regulations, data sovereignty, rights of the citizens for journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jonathan irene sartika dewi max & mardliya pratiwi zamruddin 237 personal data, performance measurement for the legislators, performance measurement for the legislators, strict law enforcement, firm human rights enforcement, management, governance, and system, state budget, simplifying procedures and adoption of the latest technology at works, organizations with overlapping functions, the number of organizations and the number of inefficient and irrelevant apparatus let us discuss some of the statements with these examples: e3. regulations that are not compatible with the recent development must be removed. regulations that are not compatible with the recent development must be removed. mood residue goal proc: material e4. rights of the citizens for personal data must be protected. rights of the citizens for personal data must be protected. mood residue goal proc: material e.5 strict law enforcement must be encouraged. strict law enforcement must be encouraged. mood residue goal proc: material in e3, jokowi states that the “regulations that are not compatible with the recent development must be removed.” again, we see that in ‘regulation’ there must be ‘someone/authority who regulates (regulator)’ which points out to those who are legitimated in law and regulation-making. but since the actor of ‘law-maker’ is not mentioned in the clause, there a possibility to the non-authoritative party to count themselves as the actor ‘to remove’ the regulation. but first, those must take for granted that the incompatible regulation does exist even though there is no rigid measurement of how regulation is seen as incompatible. to this point, the chance to use the symbolic power (pierre bordieu, 1977) in pursuing a group interest by removing a regulation that is seen unmatch to the interest of some groups is possible. we can take the example of a late feud among indonesians on the draft of the law for corruption eradication commission proposed in 2019 which raises many protests among the citizens and results in mass movements across the country. in e4, president jokowi states, “rights of the citizens for personal data must be journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 238 protected.” at the surface, this statement is just fine in the term that the privacy of individuals is not for the public to be consumed. therefore, it must be protected. the question raised from this statement is on the agent who must play the role to protect the data and what data is meant to be protected. in the era of the internet, people use various media to communicate and to consolidate their interests. if jokowi is firm in saying (e5) “strict law enforcement must be encouraged,” then the regulation should be made to not only protect the data, but the greater good of the people as to build an ‘advance indonesia’ must count on the interest of the nation. there must be a fine line to differentiate what data belongs to citizens’ private life, and what data is counted as a threat to the nation. the quest for characterizing indonesia people use language not only to represent society but to construe what an ideal reality should be in their point of view. the grammar of the relational process is a device to give attributes to the things that exist. therefore it is essential to see what jokowi puts as an attribute on the matter he points as important to the discourse of an ‘advanced indonesia’. here on the table, the researchers collect the high modulated clauses, which are combined with the act of attributing. table 7. must + relational process attributive and having carrier process (relational attributive& having) attribute circumstantial we, humanity, the people, our products, our talents, our education, works of the government, works of executive bureaucrats, works of supervisory bureaucrats, be, become respective and ready, vigilant, better than the others, the soul of indonesian foreign policy, vigilant and aware of the risk, dare, able, internationally reputable and acclaimed, responsive and open, ready, resultoriented, the courage cause: to face cyber wars, intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism, to anything that may pose a threat to our sovereignty, to escape the curses of natural resources, to begin now, to flood both regional and global markets, to global changes, to face the threats posed by cybercrimes, including the crime of data misuse; accompaniment: as well as to face threats of other crimes; location: both at home and abroad, which threaten our unity and integrity as a nation our businessmen and stateowned enterprises have the courage cause: to become world-class players. halliday (2004, p. 210) states that “relational clauses serve to characterize and to identify”. by attaching the attribute to the carrier, usually, the speaker means to explicate the character of the carriers. however, with the addition of high modality ‘must’, it changes the whole meaning from merely representing a demanding attitude. instead of declaring the existing condition, jokowi is expecting the carriers to possess the prescribed qualities to achieve the goal of pursuing an ‘advance indonesia’. what jokowi demands to be the characters of an ‘advanced indonesia’ as first is the readiness and attentiveness of the people to the issue of cyber wars, intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism as they threat indonesia’s sovereignty. second is that the economy and education sectors are expected journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) jonathan irene sartika dewi max & mardliya pratiwi zamruddin 239 to be responsive and open to global challenges. these matters are achievable only if those are supported by the way government, executive bureaucrats, supervisory bureaucrats work. all looks to be put in place until an eager listener tries to criticize how those things are possibly implemented. take a look at these excerpts: e7. we must be better than the others. we must be better than the others. mood residue carrier proc: relational: attributive attribute e8. works of the government, works of executive bureaucrats, works of supervisory bureaucrats must be result-oriented. works of the government, works of executive bureaucrats, works of supervisory bureaucrats must be resultoriented. mood residue carrier proc: relational: attributive value in e7, it is ‘we’ as the carrier and ‘better than the others’ as the attribute. if ‘we’ here is the nation of indonesia, the ‘others’ are other countries specifically the neighboring countries. this statement might sound like a given motivation to indonesia to perform ‘better’ as a developing country in competition towards other countries. however, to compete for means there is a rule as the indicator to base our reasoning before saying that we are already better than others or otherwise. if the indicator is not set to clear, this nation is just competing in a wild unruled game. furthermore, in e8, it is said that “works of the government, works of executive bureaucrats, works of supervisory bureaucrats must be result-oriented.” the problem is on the word ‘result’. normally, the result is gained by a work done, and to achieve the expected result, the work must be done in a formulated way that guarantees the result itself. the flow of logic is then violated if ‘result’ is seen as the mean of measurement. it is like saying that if there is no thief caught by the police means that the country is totally safe where in fact the thief is still there making crimes. however, this statement is balanced with jokowi’s previous statement saying “therefore, it is management, governance, and system that must be developed” which sounds more like a commitment that the future government should put effort to make it true. conclusion from the discussion on the findings, the researchers conclude that jokowi actually directs the people to act and behave in accordance with his will in order to support the realization of the ‘advanced indonesia’. this is shown by the use of high modality ‘must’ that appears frequently throughout the speech indicating that he uses the power to instruct the people. his speech, however, is not producing a final meaning for a question is open on what he means as the actor or the agent who is seen as capable to do all the command. it is because, firstly, the inclusive ‘we’ filling a subject position in the clauses with modal ‘must’ gives no clear direction of who is supposed to be accountable on the demanded tasks. secondly, hidden actor in the nominalization and passive voice does not offer a clear command to those who are responsible for the issues stated in the speech. thirdly, the discourse that he builds is also focused to re-characterize indonesia as seen in the use of relational processes of attributive combined with the high modality. halliday mentions that ‘the internal organization of language is not arbitrary but embodies a positive reflection of the functions that language has evolved to serve in the life of social man’ (1976, p. 26). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 240 despite the style of the political speech which does not enable the speaker to explain all matters in detail for its limited space and time, this writing invites the readers to be aware of the choice in the language used in the text. just like bourdieu claims a speech is political if the author has specified the capable actor or a group of actors/agents that commit to carry out the action so that a speech can be defined equivalent to an act (1982, p. 190). every social practice only comes to realization when there is a mutual understanding between the social agents who are both the sender and the receiver of the message. thus, between the transmission of the message, research with systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis presents to bridge the power imbalance between those who rule and the people that are ruled. references anggraini, n. 2018. transitivity process and ideological construction of donald trump’s speeches. 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(2000). “critical discourse analysis: history, agenda, theory, and methodology.” methods of text and discourse analysis (translated by bryan jenner). london: sage publications. introduction methodology results and discussion the discourse of jokowi’s indonesia independence day state address the functional analysis of jokowi’s indonesia independence day state address question on the agents ‘we’ in the material process hidden actors in nominalization hidden actors in passive voice clauses the quest for characterizing indonesia conclusion references 14 vol. 21 no. 1, april 2021, pp. 14 – 23 doi: 10.24071/joll.v21i1.2727 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. locality in humor show entitled “bocah ngapa(k) ya” shofi mahmudah budi utami & muammar kadafi & english literature department & east asian languages and literatures department, universitas jenderal soedirman, indonesia abstract article information this article discusses a humor show which was initially aired on youtube channel entitled “bocah ngapa(k) ya”. this show particularly brings out humorous content with local dialects and exhibits local nuances of the ngapakspeaking community. this phenomenological quality expressed by the ngapakspeaking community as ‘self’ is understood as locality through which it connects the identity of the ngapak-speaking community with a wider audience (global society). however, the locality displayed through such kind of shows can potentially perpetuate stereotyped identity. thus, this article examines locality displayed in a particular humor show namely “bocah ngapa(k) ya” which offers an alternative identity of the ngapak-speaking community. central to the analysis is an argumentation that the depiction of ngapak people in “bocah ngapa(k) ya” subverts their stereotyped identity. the purpose of this study is to reveal hierarchical identities and to present an alternative to view this local identity based on the local context and humor delivery in the humor show. the method employed is cultural studies approach in order to view this cultural phenomenon. through this study, it is found that the locality performed in this humor indicates a contemporary identity for the ngapak people in the current era, which posits ngapak people beyond their prevailing identity. keywords: ngapak; humor; locality; identity received: 7 july 2020 revised: 20 october 2020 accepted: 26 october 2020 introduction the theme of locality becoming an outburst on the youtube platform has been varied in quantity. for example, epen cupen (mop papua) is a representation of the people from east indonesia namely papua; this content introduced eastern indonesian-style humor in 2016. another one is tumming abu which represents humor style from celebes, particularly makassar. beside those two examples, current humor content that brings out locality as a theme in 2018-2019 is entitled “bocah ngapa(k) ya”; this has raised consciousness of the local nuances of the ngapak-speaking community in central java. journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 15 compared to mop papua and tumming abu, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” has been the only content which is screened on tv and has been a weekly show program. it seemed to confirm that this humor which performs locality becomes a popular content. this is also construed that it has been greatly accepted by the indonesian spectacle regardless of its local language. among these two contents mentioned above, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” always uses mixed languages, both local language and indonesian language, which probably makes it popular since it is still understandable. the examples suggest people’s taste in light entertainment and humor content with a particularly local nuance. it leads to presuppositions about the essence of locality within humor, whether the locality that is carried in humor is to obviously elevate local values existing in a particular society, or the locality constructed through the spectacle is a humor set in a hierarchical position. apart from these two presuppositions, the emergence of humor with local nuance has remained to be very popular in society since the outburst of various platforms including youtube. to further investigate locality, this study considers the locality concept drawn by appadurai, who stated that locality is realized through performance, representation, and human action known as ‘cultural space’ (appadurai, 2005; donelly, 2017). at a glance, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” is potential for celebrating the locality of the ngapakspeaking community through the spectacle. following appadurai’s concept of locality, the cultural space manifested in this humor might celebrate the local identity of the ngapak people by exposing ngapak’s culture existing in the community. furthermore, tsakona stated that humorous texts usually involve identities related to ethnics, politics, religion, gender, etc. that can be expressed via electronic media (tsakona, okras and the metapragmatic stereotypes of humor, 2013). in linking this idea, the identity attached to ngapak people can be observed through this humorous text, “bocah ngapa(k) ya”. based on previous research, the identity of ngapak’s people is associated with the image such as marginalised people compared to javanese people in general or particularly javanese people from yogyakarta and surakarta (pawestri, 2019). thus, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” is potential to delineate contemporary identity which is associated with the ngapak-speaking community in the context of current era; that it is probably a counter to the earlier ngapak people’s identity. therefore, this issue is very interesting to be studied more deeply, particularly about the presence of locality in popular culture which is tricky to define when it is located in the context of popular culture. according to raymond williams (williams in prado) popular culture has two criteria: closeness to the audience (because of its relationship with ‘popularity’) and having no distinctive/special character such as those cultures of elite arts and culture; or what williams calls ‘aesthetic inferiority’. thus, the locality seems to actually be contradictory to the concept of popular culture. aside from its attaching characteristic to popular culture, fiske points out that the core of popular culture is how it generates meaning within a social system where a set of allegiances move fluidly (fiske, 2007). following fiske’s idea, the humor show is not merely seen as a product of culture unless this circulation of product can generate meanings within the society. it is more appropriate to view how the humor show makes sense by celebrating a certain group’s identity rather than locating the humor show based on aesthetic quality. the problem of locality is central because this study aims to trace the identity of the ngapak-speaking community revealed through the perception of local nuance in the cultural space. so far, the identity of the ngapak-speaking community represented through the tv shows by such figures including cici tegal and some actors in “tuyul dan mbak yul” series has been positioned as inferior to those people in the city. this issue has been so hierarchical since they are doubly subordinated. first, they are subordinated to those people living in the city and secondly to those who are javanese excluding the ngapakspeaking community (people who speak journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) shofi mahmudah budi utami & muammar kadafi 16 semarangnese, solonese, and yogyanese variety of javanese—they are called ‘mbandhek’-speaking community) (pawestri, 2019). the ngapak-speaking community demographically includes those people who live in the western part of central java covering regions such as kebumen, banyumas, banjarnegara, purbalingga, cilacap, and tegal—therefore, they are also called speaking western javanese dialect (kartika, 2019). based on the language aspect, for example, some lexica and sounds in the ngapak javanese variety do not exist in the mbandhek javanese variety (pujiyatno and poejosoedarmo, 2008). thus, ngapak people are considered different from those of people speaking another variety of javanese. ngapak people use different dialect which has raising tones and highpitched sounds; they speak loudly with clear meaning and simple sentence; also they pronounce clear sounds of the vocal [a], [o], consonant [b], [d], [k], [g], [h], [y], [l], and [w] (kartika, 2019). according to the culture, these two communities are arguably dissimilar; and they are, in such a way, stereotyped to be different. ngapak people tend to be, stereotypically, expressive; that is why most of them are attached to the image of ‘being who they are’ because of the way they speak; they speak the word exactly like what is written (kartika, 2019)—that is why they are characterized as expressive and genuine (pawestri, 2019). this stereotype could be both meant positive as they could be genuine; and negative as they might be rude in some way because of their expressiveness. however, with all these characters/differences and stereotypes, it asserts that ngapak peoples have their own local culture. they express their locality through, particularly, their language. due to its contrasting character, the ngapak-speaking community has been demarcated to those of people from mbandhek-speaking community. thus, the objective of this research is to present findings of the perspective of locality, especially the ngapak-speaking community; and alternative identity offered through the humor content. with the presence of these findings, this research is expected to be able to specifically contribute to the discipline of the humanities and contribute to other scholarship in shaping perceptions and interpretations of cultural phenomenon locally and globally. other than that, this research is worth discussing since there is still a lack of reference toward the study of identity and locality represented by entertainment shows especially in the context of the ngapak community. some previous studies about humor or entertainment shows are present but they are researched from different disciplines including linguistics and literature; one example is the article written by eka noftriana, dwijani ratnadewi, and armeria wijaya (2014) discussing stand-up comedy by raditya dika which uses flouting maxims in the statements of the comic to create jokes within comedy performance. this is particularly about language use in making the content of humor. another research is by a scholar from the university of wollongong named hanae katayama (2009) who examined comedy performance in the u.s and japan based on the commonalities and differences in culture in delivering the comedy. this research is specifically about cross-cultural communication between the comedian performers and the audiences since culture can be a boundary to deliver humorous remarks. within the same scope, yue and hiranandani (2014) investigated crosscultural perception towards humor and being humorous, to primarily examine the difference that relates to humor. more importantly, this research indicated that there are differences, which are culturally bounded, in perceiving humor and being humorous according to participants in hong kong, hangzhou, and vancouver. the participants in hong kong and hangzhou perceived themselves as less humorous than those people in vancouver. besides, jeffrey hall (2017) discussed humor associated with relationship satisfaction; this study was conducted with the journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 17 quantitative method of interviewing respondents in perceiving humor within a relationship. the result of hall's research is that positive types of humor are respected positively and consequently negative types of humor are also respected negatively. another discussion about humor was also researched by hani fatmawati (2013) who focused her study to investigate the construction of humor and to identify the function of the humor within the literary texts. she viewed that humor in the literary works is constructed by the narrator in delivering significant meaning and inviting reactions from the readers; while the function of the humor is to create laughter which is assumed as the reader’s response to the humor. aside from the findings presented earlier, caparoso and collins (2015) indicated that within the context of university or higher education, social stratification delivered through humor still exists and potentially perpetuates the stereotype of a certain group (ethnic or racial group). the investigating humor situated in a university context by caparoso and collins contributes to the view that the role of institution developed the perpetuation of these ethnic-based stereotypes. by this finding, humor can be a latent and pervasive vehicle in this perpetuation of ethnic-based stereotypes. accordingly, due to the previous research do not particularly subsume the locality within the humor; and they also do not discuss specifically the ngapak-speaking community, this article intends to uncover the cultural phenomenon of the ngapak-speaking community within the humor content; how their identity is perceived through the humor; and also how “bocah ngapa(k) ya contributes to present different perception of the ngapak people’s identity in order to counter the prevailing stereotyped identity. methodology cultural studies is mainly centered on how culture is constituted with meanings and representations in the context of human practices (barker, 2002); one of the features in this cultural studies is the subjective dimension of social relations by which complex intersections can be configured and made sense of (pickering, 2008). connecting to this understanding, popular culture as one of the features implied earlier articulates this potential to further understand the complexity of social relations or arrangements in the social worlds we live in. since this research is about the cultural phenomenon in the local community portrayed in the video, it also belongs to the scope of cultural studies. so, it is appropriate to approach the problem of how the humor show as a product of popular culture generates construction through which representation constitutes meanings. moreover, those representations are shared with others, which is crucial to our changing identities or conceptions towards the social worlds (pickering, 2008). cultural studies provides a pattern of signifying practices in constituting the meanings. thus, the process of making sense of ngapak people representation in “bocah ngapa(k) ya” videos will be understood by selecting and grouping texts under the central problem; such as the form or content in the video through its visual depictions, narration, and also the style of humor delivery which draw to the matter of locality. more importantly, this locality is made sense of to potentially consider another conception towards the identity of ngapak people. central to the analysis, this study is framed based on several ideas. firstly, it is focused on the text namely the videos of “bocah ngapa(k) ya"; this is how the displays such as visual text and narration (through dialog) are examined through its cinematography entity and utterances which represent a portrait of the ngapak-speaking community. this step views the importance of displays such as colors, light, characters, and their roles through their utterances that possibly give meaning to the interpretation. secondly, it is focused on humor delivery. particularly, the pattern of a punchline in the humor is identified to further analyze possible journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) shofi mahmudah budi utami & muammar kadafi 18 assumptions that surround this humor. the third step is examining the second level of signification (connotation). here, the focus is on the typical representation of the ngapakspeaking community that is presented from the videos. results and discussion a local context for the ngapak people “bocah ngapa(k) ya” was initially humor content on a youtube channel named “polapike” which sounds very local by the use of javanese language, ngapak variety. based on its title, “polapike” can be translated as “very good” or "extremely good". later on, the title “bocah ngapa(k) ya” is given because it was finally screened on one of the indonesian tv stations. since it has been a weekly program aired on tv, accordingly, the term ‘content’ and ‘show’ can be used interchangeably in referring to this humor. this humor show is typically set as a situational comedy which has similar primary casts from episode to episode, consisting of four characters namely ilham, fadly, azkal, and pak rt. this also showcases local nuance by using javanese language, ngapak dialect in delivering the humor; but sometimes, they speak both ngapak javanese and indonesian language interchangeably. it also has a narrative form which is wrapped in a local theme such as departing from daily matter and being set in a local setting as well. in linking to the above description of the content in “bocah ngapa(k) ya”, overall this humor show delineates a salient notion of ngapak people who embrace their heritage, especially speaking their accent and being close to nature. the following pictures are some shots depicted at the beginning of almost every episode. the videos always start with an aerial view of the countryside. based on these pictures taken from different episodes signify that this humor show affirms the local nuance in the humor; to some extent, these aerial views contextualize the ngapak-speaking community who are mostly tied to their farming culture and closeness to nature. pict.1 pict. 2 pict. 3 all of these depictions at the beginning of the story in the video are deliberately an exposure of their realities. thus, in line with the theme in the humor, the jokes depart from simple matters such as daily activities, daily conversation as natural as it happens in real life: about helping, misunderstanding, and helping with misunderstanding. furthermore, the videos are mostly taken in daylight which may depict cheerfulness and happiness that humor aims to bring out. the narrative form is always put in the context of how people in the countryside are engaged with each other such as being sociable, sharing both difficulties and help, being simple and straightforward, which is also a character of ngapak people (pawestri, 2019). the humor is then delivered through this narrative by using primarily javanese language with ngapak dialect which is associated with their local identity. they also use indonesian language interchangeably in order to be well grasped without losing its entertaining side. journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 19 besides the narrative, the characters acted by the main casts also embody the local character in javanese puppetry, namely punokawan. the characters represented in “bocah ngapa(k) ya” are seemingly adapted from these punokawan characters. pak rt (a person who is elected to be the representative/leader/head in the neighborhood) is presumably close to the character of semar; the three sons adopted by semar can be seen through these three children namely ilham, fadly, and azkal. the roles played by these casts are also nearly similar as played by punokawan although it is slightly adapted here, for instance, the role of pak rt is the one who is trusted and somehow respected as an elder figure; thus, the characterization of semar is represented by pak rt. it is exemplified by this dialog between pak rt and ilham. pak rt: heh, pertandingan karo kampong sebelah, nyong duwe strategi kiye. azkal: strategine keprimen kiye pak rt? pak rt: kaya kiye, nyong arep ngeduna pemain utama disit, azkal, fadli, ilham. ucup : lah nyong kepriwe pak rt? pak rt : untuk sementara ucup urung medun disit. pokoke mudune nunggu nyong prentah. pak rt: well, i have a strategy for our match with the next-door village. azkal: how is it then, pak rt? pak rt: i’d like the major players including azkal, fadli, and ilham to enter the game from the first minute. ucup: how is it going with me? pak rt: i’ll keep ucup to not come on, you’ll enter the game later. just wait for the order to do so. in this scene, pak rt becomes the one who is trusted as the coach for their team. the order given by pak rt seems like he is an elder whose advice should be believed by the younger generation. furthermore, the visualization of pak rt is represented with a bigger posture and acted by a man who is definitely older than these three boys. specifically in this scene, pak rt was sitting among the boys and stayed in the middle. this suggests his position that is respected while he was explaining his strategy for a football match. pict. 4 even though pak rt is not a total resemblance to semar, it embodies a part of his characterization adapted from the figure of semar who plays a central role in javanese culture. this, again, asserts local value inserted in this humor show. through these aspects including cultural and social traits (such as closeness to nature, the use of ngapak dialect, being straightforward or genuine and embodying punokawan’s character) contextualize the ngapak people in the humor. the style of humor based on the humor delivery, the way the casts deliver the humor is by using pun rather than slapstick or body shaming technique. the pun in humor is familiar to give humorous effect; by employing a word that has double or even multiple meanings, so that the audience will respond to it both by thinking and laughing. because the pun sometimes gives a halt to think of its relation with another meaning, it firstly sounds simple but the audiences won’t probably think as simple as it is presented in the dialog. the clips of “bocah ngapa(k) ya”, for example, showcases a sort of misunderstanding between pak rt and ilham about the word “bawahan” which has more than one meaning. this clip tells about pak rt who needs an assistant to help him with the job as pak rt. this scene uses the word ‘bawahan’ which could give two possible meanings namely ‘assistant’ and ‘an outfit (bottom)’. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) shofi mahmudah budi utami & muammar kadafi 20 pict. 5 pict. 6 when one word has possibly multiple meanings, the context is then used to distinguish them. however, this humor intelligently plays with the word 'bawahan’ to give the audience a second to think about the context. then, the role of pak rt here lets the audience put the word in a specific context which means ‘assistant’. later on, the ending of this clip shows that ilham thought that this ‘bawahan’ means an outfit. this misunderstanding is presented through the pun by using the word ‘bawahan’. beside presenting the pun in the humor, this also depicts innocence that might also occur among the society, not only by kids but also by adults. another example is in this clip which exemplifies a dialogue when ilham, fadly, and azkal were studying together accompanied by a private tutor at home. in this scene, these three kids were learning about proverbs in bahasa indonesia. one by one, they had to understand what the meaning of the proverb is. when it came to ilham to grasp one proverb as it says “semut di seberang laut nampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tak nampak” or “ant across the sea is clearly seen while an elephant on the eyelids is invisible”, he undoubtedly answered what he knew about the proverb by answering “it’s a person who suffers from long-sightedness (hyperopia)”. in this scene, the audience might not think of that literal answer; and this innocence by decoding the proverb literally does make sense, but, in fact, it is an unexpected answer. this innocence and unexpectedness are a good combination in the pun; thus, it makes the humor alive. pict. 7 this innocence also exemplifies an image of local people who are mostly stereotyped through film or video; as such ngapak people are attached with this particular image of being innocent and are also tied with their origin of local place. on the other hand, the image of innocence further signifies, more importantly, the character of ngapak people as people who would say what they want to say and are considered straightforward. this meaning extends the identification of ngapak people’s identity by viewing from within and no longer contrasting them with other group’s identity. it strongly suggests that their identity is, through the humor, constituted beyond the earlier stereotype; that ngapak people are adhered with their being local associated in their genuineness character. in correlating with another aspect, in particular, the use of the pun in this humor is always arranged for its punchline. this is arguably considered smart humor because instead of using slapstick or body shaming, it uses a pun to confuse meaning to give a humorous effect. as canestrari and bianchi suggest that there are three main perspectives in dividing humor namely relief, superiority, and incongruity (canestrari & bianchi, 2013) which locates this kind of humor is not merely in giving entertainment (relief) and does not denigrate people’s identity by attaching to stereotypes (superiority). therefore, this journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 21 humor can be seen from incongruity perspective which works on verbal humor presenting ambiguity. by operating this ambiguity with which situation is perceived as a unit provides two alternative interpretations. the ambiguity is served by the pun operated in the humor style by “bocah ngapa(k) ya”; it always provides alternative interpretation in the intended words for the punchline. thus, the humor delivered in the videos elevates the position of the ngapakspeaking community, especially their identity, that they present a smart joke. in addition, this style of humor also asserts that their identity is no longer bound with the hierarchical position. this alternative identity offered by the depictions of ngapak people in “bocah ngapa(k) ya” somehow counters the stereotyped identity of the ngapak speakingcommunity who are always portrayed as inferior (pawestri, 2019). locality in “bocah ngapa(k) ya” from these two clips, it can be argued that the locality shown in this humor is through its innocence of the people in the countryside; and it is expressed through the pun. in line with the issues about locality and identity, it can be said that the locality of a particular region represents a certain group of people. in java, there are various kinds of local people who come from different regions; they are connected through a space within society. a particular space, which is not fixed or flexible, is called social space, in which localization is connected through social relations among the community (nick prio in donnelly, 2017). localities constructed within the social space are potential to produce social products (donnelly, 81). what is understood as a social product, in donnelly's opinion, is a 'construct' rather than a formation; the example is identity. this relates to the locality that is constructed by social space such as television shows or shows on the youtube platform. in this case, the identity of the ngapak-speaking community constructed through television and humor show is being produced and reproduced through repetition—sometimes it is potential to be false as it is taken for granted, such as the ngapak people were identified as inferior to major javanese people; therefore, this 'construct' may lead to a repetitive form to eventually become a 'stereotype'; which is then conceived as 'real'; because the stereotype is the identity constructed from the outside (vickers, 1998; setyaningsih, 2013). otherwise, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” presents identity associated with alternative perspectives in viewing the locality of ngapak people—the identity is viewed from within, based on their cultural and social traits and their style of humor. that is why the identity of the ngapak people is beyond their earlier identity, in order to counter its prevailing stereotype. the repetitive stereotype of the ngapakspeaking community as inferior, depicted in previous electronic media as mentioned previously, perpetuates the ngapak identity under the hegemonic discourse. otherwise, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” tries to subvert this false identity by the depictions of ngapak people’s locality and style of humor; they assert that the prior identity as an inferior is a timeless truth. this alternative of viewing ngapak people’s identity is very crucial to reshape a new understanding of their contemporary identity in this current era. conclusion humor shows in the context of popular culture indicate a reversal meaning to which is previously defined. based on the show entitled “bocah ngapa(k) ya”, the identity of the ngapak–speaking community which was offered previously is no longer stable; but instead, it is potential to counter the prior stereotyped identity and offer an alternative identity for the ngapak-speaking community. the identity of the ngapak-speaking community, which was previously defined based on its binary opposition and through its previous stereotype, is reconstructed by displaying any possibilities for the identity. society is no longer defined based on the identity of other local communities or dominant communities, but they are defined journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) shofi mahmudah budi utami & muammar kadafi 22 based on the existence of the ngapak-speaking community themselves as a local community among others; who are able to see themselves from within—what constitutes themselves as being in the ngapak-speaking community— their locality. in addition, through their locality and the humor delivery, this humor show affirms an alternative to defining the ngapak-speaking community by contextualizing their local existence in these social worlds. their locality perceived through their cultural and social traits suggests their identity in a more factual and contemporary. furthermore, the style of humor which operates word-logic performed in the humor is perceived as incongruity-based humor, which is intelligently marked as dense humor. thus, “bocah ngapa(k) ya” delineates the ability of the ngapak-speaking community to perform such dense humor which posits their community and their identity out of the previous stereotype. therefore, what is represented through this humor show negotiates ngapak’s local identity by giving out an alternative which counters its previous local identity. references allen, m., & r, s. 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2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani 2 contrast to nabokov’s lolita which tells the story about a teen girl, dolores haze, who falls in love with her own stepfather, humbert. it is safe to say that “off to the races” can be assumed as the embodiment of satire or even a parody of nabokov’s masterpiece, lolita. thus, this study attempt to discuss the allusions in lana del rey’s song lyrics entitled “off to the races”. following the issue aforementioned, this study, in terms of methodology and scope of the study, is largely a textual analysis based research. thus, a close reading to analyze the representation of who lolita is as depicted by both lana del rey and vladimir nabokov is mandatory. along with the close reading, this study also attempts to apply julia kristeva’s theoretical view on intertextuality as the reading method to reveal the allusions of nabokov’s lolita to lana del rey’s altered version of who lolita is. intertextuality as term and concept intertextuality is introduced by julia kristeva as a derivation of mikhail bakhtin’s dialogism theory. dialogism theory, according to bakhtin, a text appears as an interaction of distinct perspectives or ideologies, borne by the different authors. bakhtin believes that the relation of meanings within a text is always open and dynamic for it opposes binary opposition as proposed by structuralists. this idea is adapted by kristeva, which she concludes that no original text exists, for a text is said to be a mosaic of other texts (culler, 1977). intertextuality also signifies that a text is made up of other texts whether it is mentioned explicitly or implicitly by its author (mambrol, 2016). given this concept, intertextuality by means applies intersubjectivity, an awareness that within a text exists associations or connections between a text with the other texts, in its reading process. according to ratna (2015), intertextuality comes from the words inter and text, or in latin textus, which is coined to illustrate the relationship between a text to other texts. thus, in its simplest sense, intertextuality is a way of interpreting texts which focuses on the idea of texts’ borrowing words and concepts from each other. with this impression, it can be assumed that, every writer, both before writing his text and during the writing process, is a reader of the texts written before his text. they either borrows from the prior or concurrent texts and discourses in the network through allusions, impressions, references, citations, quotations and connections or is affected by the other texts in some ways. thus, an author’s work will always have echoes and traces of the other texts to which it refers either directly or indirectly and either explicitly or implicitly. it will also have layers of meanings rather than a solid and stable meaning. further, ratna also asserts the idea that when a text is read in the light of the texts to which it refers or from which it has traces, all of the assumptions and implications surrounding those referred texts will shape the critic’s interpretation of the text in question. it is because a network of other texts provides the reader, critic and interpreter with the contexts of possible meanings and therefore it would not be misleading to say that his or her meditation on the meaning of the text at hand is shaped by the quotations from, absorptions and insertions in and transformation of another text or discourse. in addition to ratna arguments, it is said that intertextuality also foregrounds associations between a literary text and the vast cultural network. since modern theories view text as something lacking in any kind of independent meaning, “the act of reading […] plunges us into a network of textual relations. to interpret a text, to discover its meaning, or meanings, is to trace those relations. reading thus becomes a process of moving between texts” (allen, 2000, p. 1). hence, the intertextual analysis requires that the reader/interpreter pursue the intertextual echoes in a text in order to get the text’s meanings. to get a grasp of intertextuality, ones must have the common ground for a very fundamental concepts known as hypogram and pastiche. hypogram is the concept introduced by michael rifatterre (1978) which means a propositional structure of the matrix of a text. a hypogram can be a single word, a journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 3 few words, a single sentence or even a string of sentences. in intertextuality, hypograms functions as the sign used by the readers of a text to give a glimpse of the relation between the text they are reading to other texts. while pastiche is a creative work that imitates another author or genre (allen, 2000). recently, during the post-structuralism era, the original idea of intertextuality is frequently used in the analysis of literary and lyrical texts. while the term is ostensibly simple and refers to the relationships between texts, different scholars also apply intertextuality in some diverse ways. the two methods of viewing intertextuality which are proven useful for scholars include the relationships between musical ideas alongside with the relationships between textual, whether it is to read poetic or lyrical ideas. many scholars, especially earlier ones, employ only one of these two methods. based on the idea of intertextuality and its use by various musicologists, this thesis examines intertextuality as a complex phenomenon because of its dual nature, not in spite of it (price, 2017). intertextuality, later on, becomes a term borrowed from literary criticism and employed in musicology since the 1980s, has replaced the earlier term imitatio, which served to show “the citation by one composer of a musical idea previously used by another composer.” however, imitatio fell out of common use, as it implies a kind of specificity that intertextuality escapes. intertextuality is ideal to “facilitate discussions of musical meaning” and serves as a safer term with regards to uncertain historical evidence. but because of its origins in literary criticism, the exact definition used by scholars in musicological works is at times difficult to pinpoint (price, 2017). in short, a text derives its meaning not from the author’s creation but from its relation to other texts. meaning becomes approximately exists in the network of textual links and can be found between a text and all the other texts, to which the text refers and relates. hence, meaning is said to be embodied within a text and its relations to the other texts. yet, the reader/interpreter cannot get a stable meaning of a text because the meaning is produced in the spaces between the texts and because the meaning is always shifty and elusive. summary of vladimir nabokov’s lolita lolita, written in 1955, is a provocative, scandalous, yet alluring novel by russian author vladimir nabokov. it is a psychological and erotic thriller about a middle-aged man who has such a disturbing affair with barely legal twelve-year-old girl named dolores haze. the novel is narrated by humberthumbert (h.h), who writes his confession while in prison awaiting his murder trial. humbert is a middle-aged european expatriate living in the united states. he is a hyper-civilized european who exemplifies old world culture. he is highly-intellectual and well-educated despite the fact that he is mentally unstable. this amiable and debonair man is also having a depraved sexual orientation where he is absolutely lusting after young girls, who he refers to as the “nymphets.” the novel begins with a forward written by a fictional psychologist called john ray, jr., ph.d. he explains that the novel was written by a man in prison, known by the pseudonym “humberthumbert.” the author died of coronary thrombosis before his murder trial began. ray received the manuscript from humbert’s lawyer. ray acknowledges that the author writes beautifully about his despicable actions and hopes the novel encourages parents to raise their children properly. in addition to that, he predicts the novel will become popular among psychiatrists. when the story begins, it starts with the description on the ways the narrator was raised on the french riviera. his father owned the hotel mirana. as a thirteen–year-old, humbert falls in love with 12-year old annabel leigh, who is the daughter of family friends. the two young lovers almost make love in a beachside cave but get interrupted by two men swimming. humbert never gets to see his beloved annabel again. she dies from typhoid a few months later, which haunts humbert. annabel is humbert’s ideal nymphet. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani 4 humbert moves to paris and london as a young man to receive a literary education. during this time, he remains attracted to young girls and tries to find excuses to be close to them. to satisfy his sexual desires, he visits prostitutes in paris. humbert, then, begins his career as a english literature teacher. for he has become teacher, he tries to quell his perverse sexual desires by marrying valeria. yet, his marriage does not end his obsession with young girls, who remind him of annabel. the two are married for four years until she runs off with maximovich, a russian taxi driver. after his failed marriage, humbert moves to the united states. his uncle provides him with an annual stipend to help him immigrate. first, he lives in new york and writes a book on french literature while working at a university. after a decline in his mental health, he spends several years in and out of mental institutions. he holds a series of odd jobs including going to the arctic on a scientific expedition. after his release from the sanatorium, humbert moves to suburban new england town. he lives as a boarder in the home of charlotte haze, a young widow who resembles a movie star. charlotte dreams of moving up in the world and falls madly in love with the refined, educated, european humbert. she has a 12-year old daughter named dolores, also known as lolita. charlotte is prone to jealousy and views her daughter as a spoiled, bratty pest. humbert falls in love with lolita immediately when he spies her sunbathing. while charlotte falls for humbert, he becomes obsessed with lolita. he spies on her, finds excuses to touch her, and flirts with her. lolita is a typical young girl interested in comics and singers. she wants to be a movie star. he also writes in a diary about his fantasies about the young girl. charlotte sends lolita off to summer camp to begin a romantic affair with humbert. while lolita attends summer camp, charlotte and humbert get married. humbert does not marry charlotte because he loves her, but rather to remain near lolita and be her stepfather. charlotte plans to send lolita to a boarding school after she returns from camp. this announcement causes humbert to consider killing charlotte to have lolita all to himself. while lolita is at camp, charlotte discovers humbert’s diary. she realizes that lolita is the true object of her husband’s affections. after confronting him, she storms out of the house bringing along his diary. however, while running across the street to escape humbert’s anger, she is hit by a car and dies instantly. automatically, humbert becomes lolita’s legal guardian. then humber decides to pick her up from camp. for the next two years, humbert and lolita are travelling around the united states. they stay in motels, visit tourist attractions and all while having a sexual affair. little does humber know that lolita is able to manipulate humbert to give her anything she wants even when she proposes to settle down on a new town. afterwards, humbert and lolita settle in an east coast college town. humbert works as a lecturer at beardsley college while lolita attends a local school until they set off on another roadtrip. during the course of their travels, a man begins following them. after lolita becomes ill, humbert takes ger to the hospital. humbert is furious when he discovers that a man claiming to be her uncle picked her up. humbert searches high and low for lolita within the last two years. he finally finds lolita, who is now married to an engineer named dick, and is expecting a child. humbert also learns that clare quilty, a playwright whom lolita met while in a school play, was the man who took her from the hospital. quilty was her lover until he wanted lolita to pose for child pornography films and she refused. upon hearing this, humbert finds and kills quilty and subsequently is arrested. in prison, he writes his memoir with the stipulation that it can only be published after lolita’s, or now known as mrs. richard f. schiller, death because of childbirth (nabokov, 2000). allusions in lana del rey’s “off to the races” the archetype of nymph, or a nymphet, as vladimir nabokov names it in his personal take on the myth in the novel lolita, can also journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 5 respectfully be traced in lana del rey’s adaptation in her song lyrics “off to the races”. the allusions to lolita in lana del rey’s lyrics to depict nabokov’s protagonist, lolita, on the surface is rather willfully slutty than sexually victimized. this case, if ones were right to assume, is a form of adaptation of the original lolita text. the nabokov references in del rey’s lyrics range from lolita-like speakers who relate personal experiences similar to those of nabokov’s title character to unmistakable references to her name as well as quotations from the novel. on the first stanza of the lyrics, lana del rey mentions “my old man is a bad man”. generally speaking “my old man” is a term given to a paternal figure, however in this lyrics, the speaker calls her love interest by this name. by comparing the first line to the entire plot of the novel, it is safe to assume that the speaker talks about humbert’s deviant behaviour during her days with lolita when he tells lolita that he is “just [her] old man, a dream dad protecting his dream daughter” (nabokov, 2000, p. 98), while lolita blindly trusts his judgement. the following stanza where the speaker addresses her love interest that she does not mind being watched when she swim in “white bikini” while her lover sips cocktail by the pool (rey, 2011). though it is less explicit, del rey, again, borrows from nabokov’s lolita through the usage of the phrase “glimmering darling” (rey, 2011). this phrase refers to humbert when he observes a sleeping lolita, he describes his desire to lolita by “move[s] toward my glimmering darling, stopping or retreating every time i thought she stirre[s] or [is] about to stir” (nabokov, 2000, p. 94). the lyrical borrowings in this songs are not accidental. all of them somehow help to portray the features of the relationship whose story the artist tries to narrate. through this stanza, the evidence that the speaker might refer to lolita is the similarity where nabokov’s lolita goes on a swimming pool in california because she “adored brilliant water” and he will always “settle down in the rich post-meridian shade after [his] own demure dip, and there [he] would sit” (nabokov, 2000, p. 106). yet, del rey’s humbert and lolita also portrays a contrast in which humbert is the epitome of high culture, while lolita is the epitome of low culture indicated from the way humbert merely observing lolita swimming while “sipping on [his] black cristal” and lolita who has a familiarity with chasers drinks (rey, 2011). on the third stanza, the most obvious allusion is given by del rey, for the phrases “light of my life, fire in my loins” has the closest similarity to “light of my life, fire of my loins”, the most iconic introductory line, of which humbert says when he describes the way lolita grabs his heart (nabokov, 2000, p. 1). given such evidence, the following lines also continues with less poetic but more straightforward for they say be a good baby do what i want […] gimme them gold coins gimme them coins (rey, 2011) the mentioned lines show that they surely allude very specifically to the nature of lolita and humbert’s relationship later on in the novel, based on the exchange of money for sex. after getting what she wants, del rey illustrate her lolita to … off to the races, cases of bacardi chasers chasing me all over town 20 'cause he knows i'm wasted, facing time again at riker's island and [she] won't get out (rey, 2011) the lined mentioned illustrate lolita and humbert’s relationship which revolves around the nature of give-and-take. while nabokov’s portrayal of his lolita as the “subject and object of every foul poster” ( nabokov, 2000, p. 97), it illustrates an important point about woman’s place in such consumerism nature. del rey’s lolita portrays this portrait of an insatiable female desire for things such as luxurious alcoholic drink called bacardi. not only that, del rey’s lolita also seems to go after pleasurable activities for she often ask her older lover to take her to “chateau marmont”, “cipriani” and “coney island” (rey, 2011) in exchange of sexual intercourse with humbert. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) sindhy sintya mianani 6 further, the description of lolita and humbert’s relationship also indicates that while humbert in nabokov’s lolita is the one who is obsessed to lolita and always freely advocates whenever and wherever possible, yet the opposite occurrence is depicted in “off to the races”. the fact that lolita in nabokov’s novel is predominantly spoken about and described, not speaking for herself, to the reader, makes her seem a lot like a ghost, rather than a real character. nothing about her is direct, everything goes through a synthesis of humbert’s mind and mouth. her nymphic nature, thus, seems more accurate because just as a nymph she often seems as if she was not really there, having a standpoint and her own voice. in addition, lana del rey’s lolita is depicted as t a child yet also an adult, or an innocent one versus the evil one, as can be seen from the following stanza my old man is, a tough man but he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam and he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul he doesn't mind i have a flat broke down life in fact he says he thinks it's what he might like about me, admires me the way i roll like a rolling stone (rey, 2011). further, the stemming from the rhetoric that the myth of nymphet and its portrayal in the novel present, the male counterpart of the nymphet represents both an active hunter who makes the nymphet exist because he is the one that sees her as a nymphet, and a passive victim who then is obsessed by the nymphet and cannot escape. the designation of roles within this paradigm then directly influences the distribution of power within the two participants. when the male counterparts are mentioned, they are always seen through the perception of del rey’s embodiment of lolita. thus give her the power and the voice to tell a story, and describe people and situations from her perception. such roles distribution thus offers the opposition to the way the story is told in nabokov’s novel, where lolita is the submissive one, the one that is talked about. then, in the last stanza, when the speaker address that [her] old man is a thief (rey, 2011), it implies the alteration of the relationship between lolita and humbert in the hypogram of the text, nabokov’s lolita. in del rey’s “off to the races, throughout the whole story, the unnamed male lover of lolita does not treat her well. yet, later on she continues with saying that despite him treating her the way he does, she is “[going to] stay and pray with him till the end” (rey, 2011). the conflict of feeling the mistreatment from the side of a dominant male character, and at the same time having no other choice than staying with him. it represents an allusion to the conflicted feelings lolita has within herself until she decides to run away from humbert. the theft described earlier may serve as a reference to different experiences of nabokov’s lolita, such as humbert deflowering lolita and depraving her of all including her innocence, personal time and space, and above all her childhood. as shown by the lines i'm gonna stay and pray with him till the end but i trust in the decision of the law to watch over us take him when he may, if he may i'm not afraid to say that i'd die without him who else is gonna put up with me this way? i need you, i breathe you, i'll never leave you they would rue the day, i was alone without you given this premise, these line directly points at the kind of relationship between lolita and humbert, particularly when lolita realizes that she has been manipulated by humbert to fulfil his perverse desire. it is more than apparent that she, deliberately or not, is the man’s little girl, obeying his orders and apologizing in case of not doing so, the submissive one that feels incomplete without the man. this song thus may leave its audience puzzled, since the woman’s position in the story it narrates is very much undermined by the male character’s position and is thus controlled and entrapped by him. journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 7 conclusion according to the discussion aforementioned, the exploration of various spheres of cultural and artistic representations of vladimir nabokov’s lolita is found within lana del rey’s “off to the races” song lyrics. the primary allusions of lana del rey’s lolita lies within the adaptation of the original hypogram, that is nabokov’s lolita, to the rather lustful lolita in the pastiche text, or lana del rey’s “off to the races”. however, del rey alludes these adaptations and reversed the relationship between lolita and humbert, so that the meaning of the song is altered from the original text in the novel. while nabokov’s lolita is depicted as passive, gullible, and exploited, del rey’s version of lolita is the one who is more active, cunning, and manipulating. by doing so, the main idea of intertextuality becomes rather well embodied in lana del rey’s “off to the races”. references adorno, t. 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nature. although the essential conditions are evident, there are some reasons that restrict them, namely racial prejudice, stereotypes, and colonization. conditions to achieve unity in a diversity as proposed by forster will never work unless any forms of colonization are abolished. keywords: a passage to india, colonialism, india, basic human values introduction published in 1924, the novel presents an issue of differences between individuals of the british and the indians in the society. the main characters in the novel attempt to perform social intercourses, but fail in the end. but, forster implicitly provides some essential points, suggesting that human relationship between both races is possible in a diverse society. the optimistic idea of forster implies that human relationship in a diverse society could actually be applied in a real practice. unfortuantely, there are some critics that stand against the idea. luhman (1997) remarks that each individual will never be entirely truthful in the society, that from it an idea of underestimation about the wholeness can be drawn. in other words, there is no actual and genuine relationship between one another, despite their want of avoiding the society. through luhman’s idea, forster’s idea of unity is being opposed because of its obvious impossibility in a real practice. in addition to his negativity, luhman claims that a humanist thinking (like forster’s) is, “metaphysical speculation and wistful thinking.” (p.322). the sociologist implies that the idea of unity is only an abstract idea that has no chance to be applied in the reality; unity in a diverse society is merely a wish without any certainty that it is applicable (as cited in lee, 2000). a passage to india consists of three chapters representing the teleological progression as the story is told in a paradoxical way. the plot is disturbed by a series of digression from the main plot until the end. the beginning tells the reader about aziz but gradually is averted to the story of two newcomers, the englishwomen. the plot is eventually mixed up with a mystical idea of india, which is confusing but intriguing (bennet & royle, 2016). this study uses the theory of narrative voice where the narrative element of the novel is examined to find the message conveyed. the narrative element of a passage to india appears omniscient as it describes various aspects from different perspectives. the omniscient narrative exposes the inner thinking of each character journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 169 and criticizes them. this theory is necessary to understand the occurrences that are being described through the narrative element of the story (sisakht, 2014). nielsen (2004) explains that a story must be narrated by a narrator suggesting that the narrator is separated from the author. but, the study implies that there is a hidden narrator or narrative voice that is vaguely presented in the narrated story. exposing the hidden narrative voice is necessary to discover the suggested message. by examining the narrative voice, the study aims to reveal forster’s visions of unity in a diverse society as presented in a passage to india. furthermore, the theory of human basic values by schwartz (2012) is used to clarify the essential conditions proposed by forster to achieve idea of unity in a divere society. universalism is chosen amongst the other category of values as it deals with crosscultural understanding. this value is relevant for analysing the ideas of forster’s unity as the novel speaks about two different races in one society. considering the diversity of the society, cross cultural value of universalism is the most appropriate tool for drawing out the essential conditions. universalism consists of four sub points namely understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature. they represent the values pertaining to cross cultural understanding. the universalism value encourages each individual to be aware of others, instead of their personal needs. schwartz (2012) suggests that the value of universalism will not be recognized unless people see beyond their primary group. there is a possibility that they focus on themselves when get threatened by the need to accept others (schwartz, 2012). discussion through the narrative voice in a passage to india, forster offers some essential ideas of unity in diversity. the encounter of mrs. moore and dr. aziz in mosque suggests one of the essential conditions to unity, which is understanding. aziz bursts out about his tonga being snatched away by an englishwoman. mrs. moore expresses her opinion over the englishwoman for being a pleasant lady, which appears in contrast with aziz’s. instead of being defensive over the differences, mrs. moore is described as “she listened.” (p.21) and understands if one’s belonging is being stolen. the character of mrs. moore presents a person that embraces an objective principle in any kind of judgement. when aziz expresses his irritation about mrs. calendar snatches away his tonga, mrs. moore ‘listens’ to his opinion, regardless of her different opinion from dr. aziz’. the meeting of mrs. moore and dr. aziz presents one of the essential points of forster’s unity. mrs. moore shows understanding towards aziz’s outburst. she is not being defensive towards aziz just because he is an india, or her opinion is different than aziz. instead she understands the situation that aziz must face that his belonging is snatched away, which is a rude gesture that an englishwoman has done to aziz. the second essential condition for unity proposed by forster is tolerance. when aziz falls ill, his indian friends gather in his house which coincides with mr. fielding’s visit. aziz felt uncomfortable as he does not want to expose his english fellow this atmosphere. aziz thinks that his indian friends behave inappropriately and ask unnecessary questions to mr. fielding. however, mr. fielding sees them as his friends and tolerate their unpleasant behaviour as found in the following citation. “that frankness of speech in the presence of ram chand rafi and co, was dangerous and inelegant. it served no useful end. but they were friends, brothers. that part was settled, their compact had been subscribed by the photograph, they trusted one another, affection had triumphed for once in a way...he passed into region where these joys had no enemies but bloomed harmoniously in an eternal garden, or ran down watershoots of ribbled marble, or rose into domes whereunder were inscribed black against white, the ninetynine attributes of god.” (forster, 1924, p.132). journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 petricella margareta & ira rasikawati 170 the topic of their conversation may not be necessary but unspeakably develops the intimacy in their relationship. aziz’s friends from different occupations and backgrounds interrogate mr. fielding about various of questions. aziz is characterized as a person who wants to please the british, in this case mr. fielding. he is particularly ashamed of the interior of his house that is lacking of everything and his friends’ interrogation. although he sees his friends’ attitude as unpleasant towards the englishman, he still sees the indians as friends. the value of tolerance appears in the character of aziz. the narrative shows how the indian sees the conversation is unnecessary and unpleasant, but eventually aziz realizes that they are friends with differences and tolerates their behavior. however, fielding appears to be indifferent about if aziz is concerned about his indian’s house and focuses on the illness of his indian’s friend. aziz feels the friendship and understanding of mr. fielding. the warmth relationship leads aziz to share his most valuable photograph of his late wife for he trusts the englishman just like his own brother. there is no judgmental attitude in the narrative, even though they do not share similar views towards something but are appreciative and respective towards each other. these virtues potentially nurture the possibility of personal relation in society. other than tolerance, appreciation is also an important condition that is evident throughout the novel. for instance, mrs. moore and miss adela quested are invited by aziz to have a trip to marabar caves. the indians do everything necessary to make the englishwomen comfortable during the trip. “ one is enthusiastic.” (p. 139) about the trip, including the englishwomen, but they decide to join. they appreciate aziz’s hospitality in a foreign country. both of the englishwomen imply one of the essential values of unity. they have shown the value of appreciation because they appreciate aziz’s effort in taking care everything for the trip to marabar caves for them, including the transportation and the accommodation. the appreciation appears to support the chance of unity in a diverse society to really happen in a real practice. mr. fielding who has been supportive to aziz shows sympathetic attitude toward the mistake made by miss quested, the englishwoman, who has been avoided by her own people. his appreciation is as evident in the following quote. “he had a natural sympathy for the downtrodden—that was partly why he rallied from aziz—and had become determined not to leave the poor girl in the lurch. also, he had a new-born respect for her consequent on their talk. although her hardschool-mistressy manner remained, she was no longer examining life, but being examined by it; she had become a real person” (p. 272). forster suggests that the sympathetic attitude to one another can lead to a harmonious life in the society where everyone shows appreciation toward others and understanding of one’s mistake. the last condition suggested concerns with the welfare of all people and for the nature. mr. fielding shows his sympathy to miss adela quested who has been deserted by her people as she stands for righteousness. although the english consider it a must for the indian to take the blame, miss quested takes back her false accusation upon aziz. although mr. fielding dislikes the accusation of miss quested against aziz, he decides to embrace and shelter her. the englishman acts in the belief that one human does not live alone in this world, but side by side with others. the explanation of fielding’s enlightenment shows that an individual does not live alone on this earth but with others. it implies a trait of protection for welfare of all people and nature. it suggests that one individual must think outside their primary group and consider about others, and it is one of the essential points that forster provides through the character of fielding. unfortunately, an ironic truth appears that there is no genuine relation between human in society. one is forced to follow the major mind of the society, which shows there is no actually a personal right. this causes an inevitable clash, because there are rebellious individuals that are as assertive as the fixed and unchangeable mind of the society. the example is when miss quested is deserted journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 2 – october 2018 pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 171 from the society. the possibility of unity in society is probably reduced because of this. the following quote illustrates the narrative voice which represents the confidence and the superiority of the british over indians that mr. fielding and miss quested disagreed with. “remarks that the darker races are physically attracted by the fairer, but not vice versa—not a matter for bitterness this, not a matter for abuse, but just a fact which any scientific observer will confirm” (p. 214). although forster has offered his essential conditions of unity, there are some reasons that prevent them to happen. there are racial prejudices and stereotypes in the society. the english always puts the indians at fault, although they are innocent. they blame aziz for what he does not commit just because he is an indian. these issues can rob the opportunity of unity in a diverse society because as the conditions proposed will never happen unless racial prejudice and stereotypes are driven out. the key to make those essential points possible is to abolish any forms of colonization. the quote that “he is the type we want, he’s one of us.” (p. 23) suggests that the british maintains their superior position, whereas the indians remain the inferior. despite all the effort to establish meaningful relationships, aziz rejects fielding’s attempt to continue their relationship as he believes that their friendship will never work if the colonization continues in this country. no genuine relationships can develop based on the superiority and inferiority of the colonizer and the colonized. conclusion unity in a diverse society sounds impossible, because differences that occur. conflicts happen between the indians and the british each time an attempt is performed, creating clashes that strengthen the impossibility of unity in a diverse society. but forster provides some essential points that ought to be embraced to achieve unity in a diverse society. through the narrative voice, there are four essential points that could be drawn out, namely understanding, tolerance, appreciation, and welfare of all people and for nature. understanding is seen throughout the novel, especially in certain events which show the indians and the british gathered in one place. when mrs. moore encounters aziz for the first time in the mosque, the englishwoman and the indian are conversing post aziz accused her for entering the sacred place with shoes on. aziz apologizes and engages the englishwoman by bursting out the unfortunate event he faced. his tonga got stolen by an englishwoman, whom mrs. moore has a good impression of. although mrs. moore has different opinion towards the englishwoman who snatched away aziz’s tonga, she does not turn defensive. instead, she listens and understands if one’s belonging is being snatched away. similar like understanding, the essential point of tolerance is also seen throughout the narrative element of the novel. the value of tolerance, for instance, is drawn out from the event when aziz’s friends visit him in his house because the man is ill. in the moment, everything goes on well as usual until mr. fielding enters the room. aziz worries excessively because he thinks his house is unworthy for mr. fielding to enter. moreover, his friends are engaging unpleasant conversation that ought to not be talked about to an englishman according to aziz. the indian is quite ashamed over his friends’ behavior in front of mr. fielding. yet, he tolerates their behavior and still sees them as friends. the third essential point is appreciation. the value of appreciation is implicitly shown when aziz prepares everything for mrs. moore and miss adela quested to trip to marabar caves. the british is against the idea by distrusting the indian, but mrs. moore and miss quested appreciates azis’s hospitality. the indian even provides the transportation and accommodation for the englishwomen’s to feel at ease throughout the trip. despite of not being so enthusiastic towards the trip to marabar caves, mrs. moore and miss quested join it because they appreciate aziz’s effort. the last essential point is the welfare of all people and for nature. the value is rather journal of language and literature pissn 1410-5691; eissn 2580-5878 petricella margareta & ira rasikawati 172 hidden between the narrative lines. it is seen when fielding has sympathy towards miss adela quested. she is deserted from the society because of her false accusation towards aziz. although mr. fielding supports aziz’s innocence and dislikes her accusation upon the indian, he is willing to shelter the englishwoman. he gets an enlightenment that one does not live alone in this world, so it is a suggestion that human ought to live peacefully side by side with one another. forster’s essential points of unity are clear and exposed now. but the possibility of those points to be performed is still questionable. the four essential points have a chance, but there are some reasons that prevent them to happen. racial prejudice and stereotypes are performed visibly by the british references bennet, a., & royle, n. an introduction to literature, criticism and theory (5th edition). new york: routledge, 2016. forster, e. m. a passage to india. new york: harcourt, inc., 1924. lee, d. (2000). the society of society: the grand finale of niklas luhmann, 18(2), pp. 320–330, 2000. nielsen, h. s. the impersonal voice in firstperson narrative fiction. narrative, 12(2), 2000: 133–150. schwartz, s. h. an overview of the schwartz theory of basic values. online readings in psychology and culture, 1–20, 2012 sisakht, i. n. analysis of narrative and importance of point of view in novels. international journal of science and research, 3(7), 2014: 181–184. 24 vol. 21 no. 1, april 2021, pp. 24 – 34 doi: 10.24071/joll.v21i1.2901 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. a linguistic analysis of mobile phone companies’ slogans: a case of vodacom and tigo in tanzania peter rabson mziray & bazili evarist bamuhiga & department of language studies, sokoine university of agriculture, tanzania abstract article information this paper presents findings of a linguistic analysis of mobile phone companies’ slogans: a case of vodacom and tigo in tanzania. it specifically aimed at analysing linguistics forms used in constructing mobile phone companies’ slogans and examining the type of illocutionary acts portrayed by the slogans. a total of 25 slogans were collected from online websites of the tigo and vodacom mobile phone companies using documentation method and analysed using content analysis. the findings indicate that slogans from mobile phone companies mostly use sentences and, in some instances, phrases and words. also, the findings revealed that the dominant illocutionary speech acts embedded in the slogans is assertive which intends to change the beliefs of the customer. the other illocutionary speech acts identified are directive which requires the customers to take action in regard to the services and products advertised; and commissive which shows a promise for better services and products for opting customers. conclusively, mobile phone companies prefer to use sentences and, in few instances, paired phrases to construct the slogans. the constructed slogans largely portray assertive acts which are complemented by commissive and directive acts. the complementation is what makes mobile phone companies have more than one slogan for communicating a complete intended message. keywords: slogan; adverts; mobile phone companies; tanzania received: 13 october 2020 revised: 24 november 2020 accepted: 8 december 2020 introduction mobile phone technology is central to digital transformations in tanzania. the market of mobile phone operation in tanzania has been growing both in numbers of subscribers and the operators. mobile phone network operation in tanzania started with only one company which according to mtenzi, chachage and ngumbuke (2008) was mobitel, currently known as tigo. however, currently there are seven mobile network companies in operation namely airtel, halotel, smile, tigo, ttcl, vodacom and zantel with 47,761,520 voice telecom subscriptions (tcra, 2019). all the seven mobile phone companies journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 25 currently operating in tanzania strive at gaining more subscribers by providing attractive packages to their customers. more importantly, several strategies to make the companies known to their customers are used. advertising is one of the leading promotional tools used for introducing the companies to the customers. advertisement is an essential tool in the marketing of the company’s products and connecting the customers to the services and products of the company. jafari and mahadi (2014) describe advertising as a form of business marketing that serves the roles of encouraging, persuading, manipulating or influencing the audience so that they can act or continue acting on the advertised products or services. thus, advertisement bridges the communication gap between the company and its products on one hand and the customers on the other hand. in the absence of advertisement, it would be practically impossible for the targeted customers to be aware of the products and services offered by a given company. it is with this significant role that adverts have become part and parcel of people’s lives. we are surrounded with adverts everywhere in different forms, all intending to win potential customers for services and products. companies present their adverts using different forms of media namely visual, which can be printed or in digital forms, audio and audio-visual communication. any communication is geared at achieving a particular purpose. thus, a communicative purpose is at the heart of any advertisement. to be able to achieve the communicative intent, language plays a significant role. the choice of language to use is of paramount importance for achieving the desired goal i.e. making customers moved to act or continue acting on the services and products. with language at the centre, advertisers carefully select, prepare and produce advertisement texts for attracting attention from and arousing interest to the audience. jafari and mahadi (2014) give two major parts of an advert namely body content and a slogan. what goes to the media for publicizing the company’s products or services is usually a slogan. therefore, much attention and careful choice of language is involved in preparing a slogan text. it is therefore imperative to understand the language employed in slogans that are used to advertise mobile phone companies. slogan language is studied in large scale using many linguistic theories including pragmatic theory. various kinds of products’ slogans have been analyzed such as airline slogans (kurniawan, 2018), tourism slogans (piyapong and siriporn, 2018), and political campaign slogans (amalancei, buzoianu, and buzoianu, 2017) but mobile phone company slogans have not seen much attention linguistically particularly in tanzania. the current study is crucial because it presents the way slogans are used to unveil different illocutionary acts which imply that saying is equals to doing. for example through slogans different actions can be performed such as promising, directing and stating. the study unveils the applicability of the speech act theory in swahili language as it offers pertinent examples drawn from the language. therefore, this study sought to make a linguistic analysis of the selected mobile phone companies’ slogans in tanzania namely tigo and vodacom. the study was guided by two research questions namely: 1) what linguistic forms are used in the mobile phone companies' slogans? 2) what type of illocutionary speech acts are portrayed by the slogans? in a capitalist economy which is largely competitive in nature, selling of the company’s products or services depends on how the company and its services or products are known to the customers. kohli, leuthesser and suri (2007) identify three key components that are used create the identity of the company or brand namely the brand name, logo and slogan. of the three components, it is the slogan that, to a large extent, connects the company with the world surrounding it. slogans serve two major functions that is “creating a company’s awareness and promoting, protecting or changing the image or perception of the brand” (abdi and irandoust, 2013, p. 65). the two are achieved through developing and efficiently using the slogans in marketing the company. a slogan is journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) peter rabson mziray & bazili evarist bamuhiga 26 defined as a phrase or a sentence that captures the heart of advertisement‘s message (applegate, 2005) usually of no more than three to seven words. a slogan as a tool for identifying a company or brand, are normally placed beneath a company’s logo in a series of advertisement (applegate, 2005). being at the heart of advertisement, slogans carry with them meanings which can be interpreted as information, promise, and or encouragement to take action. gouliamoset. al (2013) stress that such slogans’ meanings are usually implicit. therefore, a linguistic analysis of the slogans is important in understanding the language selected and employed to publicize the company or brand as well as uncovering the embedded pragmatic meanings. researches conducted have demonstrated the importance of analysing the slogans both in terms of the language forms employed and the pragmatic point of view for unveiling the implied meaning. kurniawan, (2018) analysed the language of airlines slogans by analysing the syntactic categories, semantic claim and speech acts employed in the airline slogans. the findings indicate that most airlines slogans are phrases which employ ‘we are different and unique’ claim and in terms of speech acts, they are representative speech acts. similarly, prabowo (2018) made a connection of language forms and meaning implied by advertising slogans. he intended to describe the linguistic forms and the implicature found in each slogan of commercial advertisements taken from the time magazine. he reveals in the findings, that slogans were mostly phrases and sentences, and findings indicate that all the analysed slogans had implied meanings which are useful in attracting readers’ attention to buy the advertised products. the linguistic forms of the slogans were potential in exposing the phenomenon of implicature. the above findings indicate that the analysis of the linguistic forms of slogans is essential in understanding the language of advertisement slogans. a linguistic form is defined as “a meaningful unit of language such as an affix, word, phrase or sentence” (berube, 2005, p. 654). therefore, every linguistic level of analysis contains a meaningful unit of analysis which is also termed as a linguistic form. the unit of analysis in pragmatics is a text, in syntax is a word, phrase and a sentence, in phonology is a phoneme and in morphology is a morpheme. however, in phonology and morphology what is physically realized is a phone and morph respectively. therefore in analyzing a linguistic form in such levels, it would be a phone and morph that are identified to represent abstract entities namely a phoneme and morpheme. with this paper, the focus of analysis was at a syntactic level. despite the importance of analysing a linguistic form, the analysis would not be complete without looking at the meaning conveyed by such slogans. chiluwa (2007) views adverts as a type of discourse that performs actions. in order to unveil the actions performed by such adverts a pragmatic analysis of slogans is essential for unveiling adverts as a form of language in action. thus, the investigation of meaning and function of language of adverts is central to linguistic analysis. some studies directly speculated on the pragmatic aspects of the slogans to uncover the implicit message communicated. arrosid and munandar (2018) in their study wanted to understand the most dominant illocutionary acts used in the slogans. from the findings, it was revealed that four types of acts are used in online airline advertising slogans namely directives, expressives, commissives and assertive but the last being most dominant. contrary, chiluwa (2007) found out only representational and persuasive acts are represented in advertisement slogans. the studies indicate that speech acts or meaning implied in the slogans vary from one context to the other. despite the variability of the findings, speech act theory has been instrumental in understanding the speech acts. as a pragmatic concept, speech act helps to understand the functionality of language both in the context of users and the situation. whether written or uttered, language text bears the intention of the producer. austin (1962) and searle (1969) as cited in chiluwa (2007) point out that an utterance or a written expression is viewed as performing some act which can be stating journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 27 something (e.g. opinion), “confirming or denying, predicting, warning, denouncing, christening, promising, thanking or consoling” (p.5). it presupposes that users of language do not simply produce words but use words to accomplish something. austin (1969) descriptively defines a speech act as the meaningful utterance with a certain conventional force bringing about a certain effect. such a descriptive definition entail three aspects of speech act namely locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary speech acts. locutionaryis the act of producing a meaningful utterance or speech following the syntax, phonology and semantics of a particular language. illocutionary act is the intended meaning behind the produced utterance which can be requesting, instructing, directing or promising. perlocutionaryis the conventional or non-conventional effect that an utterance produces to the recipient. in communication process it can be described as a feedback produced for example crying, excitement, buying the advertised product and so on. of the three types of acts, illocutionary act is the most important in understanding the intended meanings of advertisement slogans. this is where we capture the actions performed through words. austin (1962) in chiluwa (2007) distinguishes statements that perform actions (performative utterances) from those that merely report or describe a state of affair (constative utterances). five categories of performative acts were identified by austin namely verdictives, exercitives, commissives, behabitives, and expositives. the classification was later improved by searle (1972) who also came up with five categories of illocutionary acts namely assertives, directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives. searle’s classification is deemed a suitable classification that removes ambiguity in understanding and differentiating the acts. assertives imply stating something and committing the hearer to the truth of the stated utterance. they can be said to be utterances that express facts. they employ verbs such as affirm, conclude, boast, deduce, believe etc. directives are utterances that get the hearer to do something and the propositional content is for the hearer to perform some future actions. they include verbs such as order, command, beg, challenge, request etc. commissives are acts which commit the speaker to some future actions. they include verbs such as promise, offer, swear, vow, guarantee etc. expressives are acts that convey a psychological or mental state of the speaker. verbs such as condole, apologize, deplore, appreciate, welcome, congratulate are used. lastly, declaratives effect immediate changes in the status or condition of an object, situation or the institutional state of affairs. these acts are effectively performed by relying on extralinguistic institutions. for example, in declaring people husband and wife, a church or mosque as recognised institutions are required (acheoah, 2017). methodology the study employed content analysis technique. krippendorp (2004) quoted in cohen, manion and morrison (2007:475) defines content analysis as ‘a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts to the contexts of their use’. the term text broadly represents any piece of language which can be spoken or written that fulfils a communicative intent in a given context. however, the word text as used in this paper represents ‘any written communicative materials which are intended to be read, interpreted and understood by people other than the analysts’ (cohen, manion and morrison, 2007: 475). singh (2006) argues that content analysis is more suitable when records or documents (texts) are used as sources of data. thus, content analysis was selected because the analysed data were extracted from the texts. the analysed data were slogans taken from online websites of the tigo and vodacom mobile phone companies. 20 slogans are in swahili language and 5 slogans are in english. the english language is opted for capturing the international customers especially in the business section of the websites. documentation method was employed in the collection of data, whereby slogans found on the companies’ websites were taken and written down. a total of 25 slogans were extracted from the online websites of the two companies accessed on 26/11/2019 at 14:25 for vodacom ( and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) peter rabson mziray & bazili evarist bamuhiga 28 on 26/11/2019 at 14:54 for tigo ( data were analysed in line with the content analysis’ procedures. content analysis involves coding, categorizing, comparing and drawing theoretical conclusions from the text (cohen, manion and morrison, 2007; berg, 2001). thus the collected data were coded using the following codes: 1=datum number, mps=mobile phone slogan, v=vodacom and t=tigo, example; 1/vmps or 1/tmps). then data were categorized according to the company’; described on the basis of structural grammar and lastly data explanation was done using the speech act theory to uncover the types of illocutionary speech acts portrayed by the slogans. two companies namely tigo and vodacom were purposefully sampled from the 8 mobile phone companies that are operating in tanzania. tigo was selected because it is the first company to provide mobile services in tanzania by then known as mobitel (mtenzi, chachage, and ngumbuke, 2008). vodacom was selected because it is the company that is leading in terms of the numbers of mobile phone subscribers in tanzania. it has 15.67 million subscribers followed by airtel 12. 72 million, tigo 12.57 million, halotel 4.64 million, zantel 1.17 million, ttcl 0.98 million and lastly smile 0.001 million (tcra quarterly december report, 2019). results and discussion a total of 25 slogans (all slogans found in the websites by the time of access) were collected and analysed from the two mobile phone companies in tanzania namely vodacom and tigo. the data were collected and analysed to address two research questions namely: what linguistic forms are used in the mobile phone companies' slogans? and what type of illocutionary speech acts are portrayed by the slogans? linguistic forms of the mobile phone’s slogans from the analysed data, it was found out that the mobile phone’s slogans are framed in three linguistic forms namely; word, phrase and sentence. all the identified linguistic forms in the analysed data are units of analysis in the syntactic level from the smallest (word) to the largest (sentence) unit of analysis. the findings on the linguistic forms of the slogans are summarised in table 1. table 1 indicates the linguistic forms of the analysed mobile phone slogans. the results indicate that sentences dominate as the linguistic form with 19 occurrences out of 25 analysed slogans. this accounts for 76% percent. the second linguistic form is a phrase with a frequency of 5 accounting for 20%. from the findings all the phrases identified are noun phrases. lastly is a word form with only 1 occurrence. from these findings, the choice of sentences as a linguistic form for mobile phone’s slogans is preferable. these findings are contrary to kurniawan (2018) who found out that most airline slogans employed phrases. this indicates therefore, that when it comes to transportation adverts short slogans are preferable compared to services adverts where sentences would be compiling to convey the intended message table 1.linguistic forms of the analysed slogans s/n slogan data type word phrase sentence 1 secure a brighter future with vodashule 1vmps  2 usichukuliepoaukapitwa 2vmps  3 janjarukana uni bando 3vmps  4 yajayoyanafurahisha, ukotayari? 4vmps  5 are you ready to take your business to the next level? 5vmps  6 pinduapindua 6vmps  journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 29 s/n slogan data type word phrase sentence 7 kweli, pesanimpesa 7vmps  8 tanzania mpaka kenya pesanimpesa- money transfer 8vmps  9 songeshanampesa 9vmps  10 lipakwampesa 10vmps  11 hapamalipondionyumbani 11vmps  12 faidikana halal yaamanipesa 12vmps  13 m-kobandiyohabariyavikundi 13vmps  14 m-kobandiyohabariyafamilia na marafiki 14vmps  15 your fully cashless business our efficient mpesa for business service 15vmps  np 16 your competitive business  our all in one sim manager platform 16vmps  np 17 your globally connected business our reliable vodacom network 17vmps  np 18 your business continued relevance our mobile voice and data solution 18vmps  np 19 jipatiekitochi 4g smart yakosasa 1tmps  20 ya kwanza tanzania-home internet kutokatigo 2tmps  np 21 pata gb 78 bure kwamiezi 24 3tmps  22 patahadi gb 3 zakutumiawhatsapp, instagram, facebook natwiterkuanzia sh.1000 4tmps  23 pokeapesauongezewepesa 5tmps  24 tigo pesa nizaidiya pesa 6tmps  25 tigo live it, love it 7tmps  total 01 (14%) 05 (20%) 19 (76%) from the findings, the most employed sentence types are declarative and imperative sentences which have equal occurrence of 9 times each accounting for 47.4% each. only one interrogative sentence has been employed nevertheless the sentence does not aim at seeking information from the customer. it is simply a rhetoric type of interrogative sentence. the two sentences types dominate simply because the companies are interested in revealing the services available (declarative sentences) and directing customers on how to benefit from the services offered (imperative sentences). for example, tanzania mpaka kenya pesa ni mpesa (from tanzania to kenya, money is m-pesa). this slogan indicates that vodacom offers services of money transaction across tanzania and kenya. thus, money transactions can easily be carried out using mpesa services. in line with the services available, another slogan is given as a directive to customers which is lipa kwa mpesa (pay by mpesa). it directs customers to use mpesa services to make payments and any others financial transactions. a summary of the sentencetypes from the analysed slogans is presented in table 2. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) peter rabson mziray & bazili evarist bamuhiga 30 table 2. sentence types in analysed slogans s/n slogan sk 1 sk2 sk3 sk4 1 secure a brighter future with vodashule  2 usichukuliepoaukapitwadon’t take it for granted and miss it  3 janjarukana uni bandobecome alert with uni bundle  4 yajayoyanafurahisha, ukotayari?-the future is exciting, are you ready?  5 are you ready to take your business to the next level?  6 kweli, pesanimpesatrue, money is mpesa  7 tanzania mpaka kenya pesani m-pesafrom tanzania to kenya, money is m-pesa  8 songeshanampesamake it possible with mpesa  9 lipakwampesapay by mpesa  10 hapamalipondionyumbaniit is the home of making payments  11 faidikana halal ya amani pesa -benefit from halal of aman money  12 m-kobandiyohabariyavikundim-koba is a good news for small business groups  13 m-kobandiyohabariyafamilianamarafikim-koba is a good news for families and friends  14 jipatiekitochi 4g smart yakosasaget your kitochi 4g now  15 pata gb 78 bure kwamiezi 24get 78 gb free in 24 months  16 patahadi gb 3 zakutumiawhatsapp, instagram, facebook natwiterkuanzia sh.1000get up to 3 gb for whatsapp, instagram, facebook and twitter at a cost staring from tsh. 1000  17 pokeapesauongezewepesareceive money, get added money  18 tigopesani zaidi yapesatigopesa is more than money  19 tigo live it, love it  total 9 9 1 0 key: sk1= declarative, sk2= imperative, sk3= interrogatives, sk4= exclamative source: researchers, (2020) few slogans employed a phrase form, and all of them used noun phrase. slogans that employed a phrase form are presented in pairs to indicate what the company has and how a customer can benefit from the company. for example, your business continued relevance, our mobile voice and data solution (18vmps). from this slogan, a customer is assured the journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 31 mobile voice and data services offered by the company can help to make his/her business have a continued relevancy. types of illocutionary acts portrayed by the slogans mobile phone slogans were analysed using speech act theory to uncover the type of illocutionary acts portrayed by the slogans. searle’s classification of illocutionary acts was employed to analyse the slogans. the findings are presented in table 3. the findings presented in table 3 can be summarised in terms of percentages as presented in table 4. table 3. illocutionary acts portrayed by slogans. s/n slogan data code type of illocutionary act 1 secure a brighter future with vodashule 1vmps directive 2 usichukulie poa ukapitwa 2vmps directive 3 janjarukana uni bando 3vmps directive 4 yajayo yanafurahisha, ukotayari? 4vmps commissives 5 are you ready to take your business to the next level? 5vmps directive 6 pinduapindua 6vmps assertive 7 kweli, pesanimpesa 7vmps assertive 8 tanzania mpaka kenya pesanimpesa- money transfer 8vmps assertive 9 songeshanampesa 9vmps directive 10 lipakwampesa 10vmps directive 11 hapamalipondionyumbani 11vmps assertive 12 faidikana halal yaamanipesa 12vmps commissives 13 m-kobandiyohabariyavikundi 13vmps assertive 14 m-kobandiyohabariyafamilia na marafiki 14vmps assertive 15 your fully cashless business our efficient mpesa for business service 15vmps assertive 16 your competitive business  our all in one sim manager platform 16vmps assertive 17 your globally connected business our reliable vodacom network 17vmps assertive 18 your business continued relevance our mobile voice and data solution 18vmps assertive 19 jipatiekitochi 4g smart yakosasa 1tmps commissive 20 ya kwanza tanzania-home internet kutokatigo 2tmps assertive 21 pata gb 78 bure kwamiezi 24 3tmps commissive 22 patahadi gb 3 zakutumiawhatsapp, instagram, facebook natwiterkuanzia sh.1000 4tmps directive 23 pokeapesauongezewepesa 5tmps commissives 24 tigo pesa nizaidiya pesa 6tmps assertive 25 tigo live it, love it 7tmps commissives journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) peter rabson mziray & bazili evarist bamuhiga 32 table 4. type of illocutionary acts in the mobile phone’s slogans table 4 indicates that the analysed slogans portrayed three types of illocutionary acts namely assertive (48%), commissives (24%), and directives (28%). these findings indicate that mobile phone companies are interested in making the customers believe in their products and services advertised, take action of either buying the advertised products or subscribe to the services and lastly companies promise a better service or products to their customers if the customers opt to join their advertised products and services. these findings are in agreement with arrosid and munadar (2018) who also found out commissive, directives and assertive to be dominant acts in slogans and assertive act being most dominant. the rest two types of illocutionary acts namely expressive and declaration do not feature in the slogans simply because the companies are not interested in changing the status quo of their customers nor are they interested to express their psychological state towards their services and products. if that is done, it would end up discouraging the customers to opt for the advertised products and services. from the findings, the dominant illocutionary act portrayed by the slogans is assertive (48%). this indicates that mobile phone companies put much emphasises on asserting the customers to buy the advertised products or services by convincing the customers to believe that the advertised products and services are good. out of the 25 slogans analysed, 12 slogans portrayed assertive acts. some examples of the slogans that portray assertive act are 1) ya kwanza tanzania-home internet kutoka tigo (2tmps) the first in tanzaniahome internet from tigo (translation) 2) your globally connected business, our reliable vodacom network (17vmps) declarative utterance acts as one of the indicative device for identifying utterance as an assertion (recanati, 2013).the exemplified slogans above portray assertive act which is expressed in declarative utterances.thus, in this context, assertive act is not attributed to a single word as an indicative device but to an entire expression. generally, it is the communicative intent of the expression that determines the act that is being performed. example number 1(a) with its translation 1(b) aims at making customers believe and subscribe to the internet from tigo since it is presented in the slogan as the first home internet. in other words, if the customer has to choose among the available home internet in the market, the first option should be tigo internet. example number 2 affirms to the customers that if one wants a globally connected business then the internet that is reliable to assure the connectivity is vodacom network. all these aim at attracting certain type of customers to the internet service provided by mobile phone companies in tanzania. the second illocutionary act that feature in the slogans is directive. it is a type of act that requires the addressee to do something. it has appeared the second in terms of frequency of occurrence because when the customer is convinced by the advertised products and services then is expected to take action. the slogans that portrayed directive act are as follows type of illocutionary force number of slogans percentage assertives 12 48 commissives 6 24 directives 7 28 expressives 0 0 declaratives 0 0 total 25 100 journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 33 3) pata had gb 3 za kutumia whatsapp, instagram, facebook na twiter kuanzia sh.1000 get up to 3 gb for whatsapp, instagram, facebook and twitter at a cost staring from tsh. 1000 4) are you ready to take your business to the next level? 5) usichukulie poa ukapitwaa don’t take it for granted to miss it 6) secure a brighter future with vodashule 7) janjaruka na uni bando become alert with uni bando 8) songesha na mpesa make it possible with mpesa 9) lipa kwa mpesa (pay with mpesa) pay by mpesa all the above slogans are directives but perform different sub-acts. example number 6, 8 and 9 indicate ordering. they are more of ordering the customers to take a course of action. for instance, example number 9 lipa kwa mpesa (pay by mpesa) requires the customers to carry out financial payments through mpesa. the order is justified by the linguistic form of the slogan. the slogan begins with a verb lipa (pay) which indicates the whole expression is a command. example 3 indicates invitation, 4 shows asking, 5 shows insisting and 7 indicates challenging. the third illocutionary act is commissive. this type of act commits the speaker to some future course of action. the occurrence of commissive act indicate that the mobile phone companies by advertising their products and services they warrantee their products and services can be reliable but also show how customers can benefit from the companies with multiple bonuses. examples of slogans that have portrayed this act include: 10) yajayo yanafurahisha, ukotayari? (the future is exciting, are you ready?) 11) jipatie kitochi 4g smart yako sasa (get a 4g smart kitochi now) 12) pokea pesa uongezewe pesa (receive money, get added money) example 10 is commissive act as it shows a promise. the customer is promised of a better service in future when he/she joins the company. conclusion the findings from the study have indicates that slogans for advertising mobile phone services and products may take different linguistic forms of which largely falls within the syntactic level of linguistic analysis. however, it has been revealed that the preference is more on sentences. with these findings, it is concluded that sentences are useful linguistic forms in constructing slogans that can convey intended message to the audience. secondly, findings have shown that any slogan that is constructed to communicate a message carries within it an implied meaning. the study has revealed using speech act theory the slogans used by vodacom and tigo companies intend to change beliefs of customers (assertive) and make them take particular actions in regard to the services and products advertised (directive). this is accompanied by promising better services and products for the opting customers (commissive). the study was confined in looking at the illocutionary speech acts portrayed by the slogans to uncover embedded meanings in the slogans; however, other studies can be done to make a comparative analysis of the characteristic features of the slogans from the two companies. finally, this study analysed the linguistic form of the slogans and looked at the implied meaning using the speech act theory. however, other researches can be done to uncover other pragmatic meaning of the slogans. furthermore, other linguistic theories such as functional grammar can be employed to uncover the functionality of the slogans. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) peter rabson mziray & bazili evarist bamuhiga 34 references abdi, s., & irandoust, a. 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2580-5878 (online) chrisna leni & athriyana santye pattiwael 56 translators are then directed to pay more attention on the level of children understanding when translating song lyrics that are intended to be heard by children as the target listeners because children have their own capacity in understanding the lyrics (stolze, 2003). translating song lyrics from english to indonesian is an interesting topic to be scrutinized since both countries have different languages. the translators of songs then have to ensure that the message covered by the source lyrics can be delivered into the target lyrics and also can be made into a singable song lyrics. this dynamic spurs the researcher to conduct this study to capture the process behind the translation of one disney’s popular song entitled “do you want to build a snowman?” by identifying the non-strategic translation strategies in order to know the singability of the lyrics to the music and also the strategic translation strategies which refer to the strategies used by the translator to translate the lyrics by basing on the theory of song translation developed by åkerström (2009) and lefevere (1975). åkerström (2009) proposes ten translation strategies in dealing with song lyrics translation which are divided into two different sub-parts, they are non-strategic translation strategies and strategic translation strategies. the non-strategic translation strategies proposed by åkerström (2009) consist of two categories, namely word count and syllables vs. words. in revealing the strategic translation strategies used by the translator to translate the lyrics, this study combined åkerström (2009) and lefevere’s (1975) theories. there are nine of them in total, namely word for word translation, addition of words, omission of words, use of metaphors, use of rhymes, use of paraphrases, use of english words in the translation, literal translation and interpretation strategy (åkerström, 2009; lefevere, 1975, cited in aji, 2016). furthermore, there are five criteria that should be considered by the translators when producing song translation, namely singability, sense, naturalness, rhythm, and rhyme (low, 2005, cited in siitonen, 2014). the translators of songs need to retain a balance between those five criteria and not emphasize any of them particularly in order to find a successful translation result for the song translation. in dealing with song translation, franzon (2008) also suggests five number of choices that a song translator may have when translating song lyrics. the first option is the translator may leave the song untranslated if it is found that there are spoken dialogues included in part of the song. translating the lyrics but not taking the music into account is known as the second option. it is applied when the translator tends to focus only on the meaning of the lyrics. another option is writing new lyrics to the original music because the translator might take the music of the song as the most important aspect to the translation. the next option is the translator is adapting the music to the translation in order to preserve the meaning. adapting the translation to the original music is the last option. the translator modifies the translation of the source lyrics as function to produce target lyrics that followed the original music of the song. the process behind song translation has been viewed and analyzed from many different perspectives. aji (2016) conducted a study on song translation analysis, in which he randomly chose five translated english disney’s songs to indonesian. in analyzing the translation strategies, the framework of his study was based on lefevere’s (1975) theory. aji found that 5 strategies out of 7 strategies were found to be used by the translator. blank verse translation is the most frequently strategies used in translating those five selected songs. it was commonly used because the translators tend to focus on transferring the meaning of the source lyrics to the target lyrics, while at the same time they tend to ignore the rhyme. maulana also conducted a study (2016) on the translation strategies that used in translating indonesian song lyrics to english. she aimed at identifying what translation journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 57 strategies used to translate the lyrics by using åkerström’s (2009) theory as the framework of her study. in her findings, maulana found out that there were five strategies used by the translator to translate the song lyrics. the most frequently used strategy in translating song lyrics is the use of paraphrase. this strategy is used in order to deliver the meaning of the lyrics clearly. associating with the issues in translating song lyrics that are intended to be heard by children as the target listeners, klingberg (1986) suggests that adaptation can be applied as a particular method in translating for children. it is necessary to be applied by the translator in order to give the opportunity for children to understand the lyrics better. the adaptation can be done by transferring an expression that is presented in the source lyrics with a similar function to the target lyrics (klingberg, 1986). methodology this study was classified as a primary research because the data were directly taken from the collection of disney’s song lyrics by the researcher. this study used qualitative descriptive method in analyzing the data. this method is in line with the idea expressed by fraenkel and wallen (1993) that “descriptive method is a method used to explain, analyze, and classify something through various strategies and survey”. it is suitable for this study because the data were organized in a logical manner in order to provide a detailed and clearer explanation related to the findings. the data used in this study were the group of words in each line of disney’s song lyrics taken from a disney animated feature film frozen, entitled “do you want to build a snowman?” and its translated version in indonesian, entitled “yuk buat boneka salju”. the source lines and target lines of the lyrics were aligned side by side in a table by using microsoft word in order to ease the analysis process. findings 1. non-strategic translation strategies non-strategic translation strategies in song do you want to build a snowman? which refer to the line structure of the lyrics are identified by using the theory of translation strategies proposed by åkerström in 2009. the analysis under this strategy is divided into two categories namely word count and syllables vs words. the analysis are presented and discussed in the following sections. word count analysis word count is a strategy that refers to a comparison of the number of words in the source line and the target line of song lyrics (åkerström, 2009). the selected disney’s song do you want to build a snowman? contains 26 lines from the lyrics. it was found that the number of words in the target lines are fewer than the source lines. the summary of word count analysis in song do you want to build a snowman? along with its translated version is presented in figure 1. the analysis of word count in line of the song lyric is presented and discussed in the following selected example. (1) line 9 sl: i wish you would tell me why! (7 words) tl: jelaskanlah mengapa! (2 words) the example of word count analysis is taken from the selected line shows that a significant decrease of word number appears in this target line 9. it is found that the total number of words in this source line 9 is almost four times longer compared to the target line, as the source line has seven words and the target line only has two words. this fewer words might be related to translator’s decision to maintain the central meaning of the source line, which is “expressing a request for sharing explanation”, at the expense of changing the form in the target line. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) chrisna leni & athriyana santye pattiwael 58 0 5 10 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 n u m b e r o f w o rd (s ) line the summary of word count in do you want to build a snowman? figure 1. the summary of word count analysis syllables vs. words analysis the strategy of syllables vs. words is a strategy that comparing the number of words and syllables in both source lines and the target lines of the song lyrics (åkerström, 2009). the summary of syllables vs. words analysis in song “do you want to build a snowman?” is presented in table 1. table 1. the summary of syllables vs. words analysis line source line target line syllables words syllables words 1 2 syllables 1 word 2 8 syllables 6 words 8 syllables 4 words 3 6 syllables 6 words 6 syllables 2 words 4 8 syllables 5 words 8 syllables 4 words 5 4 syllables 4 words 4 syllables 1 word 6 6 syllables 5 words 6 syllables 2 words 7 7 syllables 6 words 7 syllables 3 words 8 4 syllables 4 words 4 syllables 2 words 9 7 syllables 7 words 7 syllables 2 words 10 8 syllables 7 words 9 syllables 5 words 11 5 syllables 3 words 12 3 syllables 2 words 3 syllables 1 word 13 8 syllables 7 words 8 syllables 3 words 14 10 syllables 6 words 10 syllables 5 words 15 12 syllables 9 words 12 syllables 6 words 16 4 syllables 4 words 17 7 syllables 5 words 7 syllables 3 words 18 5 syllables 4 words 5 syllables 2 words 19 7 syllables 6 words 7 syllables 3 words 20 8 syllables 7 words 7 syllables 4 words 21 8 syllables 6 words 6 syllables 2 words 22 10 syllables 8 words 10 syllables 4 words source line (143 words) target line (69 words) journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 59 table 1 shows that the number of syllables in the source lines and target lines are slightly different in their number. on the contrary, the number of words in the target lines are significantly decreased. the analysis of syllables vs. words is illustrated through the presentation and discussion of the following one selected example. (2) line 4 sl: i never see you anymore (5 words) tl: ku tak pernah melihatmu (4 words) i/ne-ver/ see/you/ a-ny-more/ (8 syllables) ku/tak/oernah/me-li-hatmu/ (8 syllables) the example of line in this syllables vs. words analysis indicates that target line 4 appears to have fewer number of words than the source line. the fewer number of words presented by the target line do not make any change in the number of syllables because the words used in the target line contain a similar number of syllables to the source line. as the result, it can be assumed that the translator made the effort to maintain the number of syllables rather than the number of words. the practice of maintaining the number of syllables might be related to translator’s decision to accommodate the lyric to the music arrangement in a way to make the lyric has the same beat. 2. strategic translation strategies used to translate the lyrics strategic translation strategies refer to the ways that translator used in order to overcome the challenges when translating song lyrics (åkerström, 2009). revealing strategic translation strategies used by the translator in translating the selected song lyrics, this study combined theories of translation strategy in translating song lyrics developed by åkerström in 2009 and lefevere in 1975. this study found that five strategic translation strategies out of nine strategic translation strategies have been used by the translator. the analysis of strategic translation strategies used by the translator to translate this selected song lyrics translation is presented in the following sections. use of paraphrases paraphrase strategy is a strategy when the translator chose to maintain and present the central meaning of the source line to its closest meaning in the target line at the expense of changing the form (åkerström, 2009). the analysis of line translated by using paraphrase strategy is illustrated through the following presentation and discussion of one selected example. (1) line 9 sl: i wish you would tell me why! tl: jelaskanlah mengapa! source line 9 ‘i wish you would tell me why!’ seems to carry the message of expressing a desire to obtain an explanation from someone. it was translated into the phrase ‘jelaskanlah mengapa!’ that expresses a request for sharing information. by comparing both source line and target line in this line 9, it can be found that they are considered to share a similar meaning which is requesting for sharing explanation. considering what the translator did here by preserving the meaning of sharing explanation and state it in different form in target line, it can be concluded that the translator applied the strategy of paraphrasing to translate this line 9. the different form is found because it seems also 23 10 syllables 10 words 10 syllables 4 words 24 7 syllables 5 words 7 syllables 3 words 25 5 syllables 5 words 4 syllables 2 words 26 6 syllables 5 words 6 syllables 2 words total 175 syllables 143 words 161 syllables 69 words journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) chrisna leni & athriyana santye pattiwael 60 that the translator tried to deliver the message by using sentence construction that is easy to understand by children as the target listeners. use of rhymes use of rhymes strategy is known as a strategy that presents a repetition of similar sound ending between a line with another line of a verse (lefevere, 1975, cited in aji, 2016). the analysis of line translated by using rhyme strategy is presented and discussed in the following example. (2) line 7 line 8 line 9 sl: we used to be best buddies and now we’re not i wish you would tell me why! tl: dulu kita bersama kini beda jelaskanlah mengapa! use of rhyme strategy was identified to be applied by the translator for translating three lines, which are line 7, line 8, and line 9. these aforementioned lines show that the utilization of this strategy is in line with the characteristic of triplet rhyme, which is three lines rhymed (kuchtova, 2012), considering that three target lines appear to have a similar sound ending. moreover, it is also identified that the triplet rhyme employed by the translator in the target lines was presented with ‘a-a-a’ rhyme scheme. the repetition of indonesian vowel ‘a’ was applied in the target lines, as can be seen by the existence of the words ‘bersama’, ‘beda’, and ‘mengapa’. therefore, it can be concluded that the translator focused on the sound pattern of the target lines by presenting a similar sound ending in the target lines. interpretation strategy interpretation strategy is known as a strategy that includes the translator’s perspective to the translation. the message carried in the source line is developed by the translator with another possible message to the target line, depending on the context of the source line (lefevere, 1975, cited in aji, 2016). the analysis of line translated by using interpretation strategy is presented in the following selected example. (3) line 18 sl: all these empty rooms tl: aku tanpamu considering that the basic message of the source line refers to physical environment, the translator seemed to perceive the idea of line ‘all these empty rooms’ goes beyond the physical emptiness. it is found that the source line was translated into ‘aku tanpamu’, so that the emptiness here is interpreted as the state of being without companion. the translator seemed to interpret the idea behind the source line differently by connecting the idea to the context of the song and the situation displayed in the music video. it is found that one of the character, anna in the music video feels lonely because of the absence of her sister, elsa. thus, it can be concluded that this line was translated by using the strategy of interpretation since the target line has slightly different meaning from its source line, in which the physical thing is changed into something that related to the relationship of the characters; anna and elsa in the music video. omission of words omission of words strategy is known as a strategy that eliminated any relevant information from the source line to the target line (åkerström, 2009). the analysis of omission of words strategy is presented and discussed through the following example. (4) line 11 sl: go away, anna tl: the example of line in this omission of words strategy shows that the message carried in the source line 11 expresses a request to ask someone to move from one place to another place. this idea was fully eliminated by the translator to the target line. the existence of this eliminated information is in line with the characteristic of omission strategy, therefore it can be concluded that journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 61 the translator might use the strategy of omission of words. this omission case might have relation to the part of music video of this song. it is found that this line was sung in a spoken style as conversation between characters; elsa to anna. therefore, the translator chose to eliminate this spoken line in the target line of the lyric, but it exists in the music video of the song. addition of words addition of words strategy is a strategy when the translator provides extra information in the target line of the lyrics, but the fact shows that the additional information does not exist in the source line (åkerström, 2009). the analysis of line translated by using addition of word strategy is presented in the following example. (5) line 3 sl : come on, let's go and play! tl: mainlah denganku the result of the translation in this line 3 indicates that the translator possibly works by using addition of words strategy to render the source line. the source line is assumed to be having a central meaning that expresses a request to ask someone to play together, yet it does not state who is the person refers to. this idea then was translated by the translator to the target line ‘mainlah denganku’ by adding an extra information which is related to whom the person has to play with. this additional information can be seen by the existence of the word ‘denganku’ in the target line. it is considered that this additional information was provided by the translator in order to cover the unclear message of the source line, which is the subject, in a way to give a clearer information for the target listeners. discussion non-strategic translation strategies the result of the analysis under nonstrategic translation strategies indicates that there are differences between the number of words and syllables in lines of the lyrics. it is found that each target line in 26 lines of song lyrics do you want to build a snowman? appears to have fewer number of words than the source line. the existence of this fewer number of words might be the result of translator’s decisions to pay more attention on the appropriate strategies to translate lines of the lyrics, in which he aims at maintaining the basic meaning of the source line in order to present a similar idea to the target lyrics. however, the translator might also take liberties from the source meaning by incorporating different idea in the target line if there is no ideal word in the target line can fit to the music arrangement. on the contrary, it is found that the number of syllables in the target lines is closely similar to theirs in the source lines. it possibly happens because the translator tends to use words that have similar number of syllables to the source lines. however, the closest number of syllables is suggested to be used when the translator found difficulty in finding words that have similar number of syllables to the source line. the practice of maintaining the number of syllables in target lines, either similar to or closely similar to theirs in source lines aims at making the lyrics stay fit with the music arrangement of the song. it can also be assumed that the translator employed the concept of singability to this song translation, in which he aimed at making the target lines of the lyrics singable. strategic translation strategies the result of data analysis shows that there are five strategic translation strategies out of nine strategic translation strategies used by the translator. those strategies are use of paraphrases, use of rhymes, interpretation strategy, omission of words, and addition of words. the overall strategic journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) chrisna leni & athriyana santye pattiwael 62 overall strategies analysis result paraphrase rhyme interpretation omission addition translation strategies used by the translator in translating lines of song lyrics do you want to build a snowman? is presented in figure 2. figure 2. overall strategic translation strategies analysis result figure 2 shows that the translator used the strategy of paraphrase most of the time (41%). use of rhyme is the second most used strategy (28%). the translator also used the interpretation strategy (18%). the next strategy is by omitting particular words or phrases from the source line (8%). additional of words strategy is also used by the translator (5%). the possible reason that might drive the translator to use strategy of paraphrase most of the time is because the translator decided to keep and present the basic meaning of the source line to its closest meaning in the target line, at the expense of changing the form in the target line. this decision is in line with one of choices the translator might take when translating song lyrics suggested by franzon (2008), which is adapting the translation to the existing music of the song. the translator’s decision to work on this choice then lead the translator not only focuses on the meaning but also to the rhythm of the music in order to make the target lyrics singable. the utilization of rhyme strategy shows the translator not only focused on presenting similar sound ending in the target lines, but he also used words that have similar number of syllables to the source lines in orde to adapt the translation to the music arrangement of this song. next to use of rhyme strategy, the translator also took liberties from the source meaning by incorporating different idea to the target line, as can be seen by the utilization of interpretation strategy. the translator may sacrifice the basic meaning of the source lyrics in order to maintain the singability of the target lyric. furthermore, the translator also utilized the strategy of omission of words, in which he eliminated some source lines that were considered as spoken lines that included in part of the lyrics. next to omission of words strategy, additional information was also provided by the translator in the target line by using the strategy of addition of words. this strategy possibly used by the translator 41% 18% 8 % 5 % 28% journal of language and literature vol. 19 no. 1 – april 2019 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 63 in order to provide clearer information to the target listeners and to adapt the translation of the lyrics to the music arrangement of the song. based on the result of the analysis regarding strategic translation strategies, it can be inferred that the translator tended to translate the lines by using certain strategies that not only focus on the meaning of the lyrics but also the musicality of the song. therefore, the translator translated the lines by using words that have similar number of syllables to the source lyrics in order to achieve a singable song translation. translator’s decision on translating do you want to build a snowman? as song for children “do you want to build a snowman?” is included as part of a collection of disney songs so that one of its intended listeners is children. the translator is directed to pay more attention on the children understanding when he translated the original lyrics into indonesian because children might have limited knowledge in understanding the lyrics. based on the result of the analysis regarding the strategic translation strategies used by the translator in translating the lyrics, it is assumed that the translator realized that this song is not only listened by adults but also listened by children as its target listeners. it is the reason why the translator tends to use adaptation translation to the target lines of the lyrics in order to achieve the translation that can be easy to understand by the children as the target listeners. the translator of this song might encounter problem of dilemma when translating the lyrics. the dilemma is whether the translator should focus on children understanding by utilizing words that are familiar for them or preserve the rhythm of the music. this is because in song translation, it cannot be denied that the singability of the translated lyrics is one of the important aspects that need to be considered by the translator in order to find a singable song translation. the translator’s decision to preserve the rhythm and number of syllables seems to cost the closer adaptation to children aspects. this decisions limit the translator to come as closer as possible to the children’s understanding level, familiarity to the words, and ability to catch the meaning. conclusion there are two main conclusions to be drawn from the result of the analysis. the first conclusion is related to the non-strategic translation strategy. it is found that the translator tends to translate lines of the lyrics with a fewer number of words because he might translate the lines by maintaining or changing the central meaning of the source lines. in terms of number of syllables, source lines and target lines share the similar number. the translator tends to translate the lines by using words that contain similar number of syllables or closely similar to the source lines in order to find a singable song translation. regarding what strategic translation strategies used by the translator, it is found that five strategic translation strategies have been used by the translator, they are use of paraphrases, use of rhymes, interpretation strategy, omission of words, and addition of words. it is probably because the translator aims at adapting the translation to the music arrangement of the song and achieve a singable song translation. this study also brought by-product result that is the translator did not use four other strategic translation strategies in translating lines of the lyrics. those strategic translation strategies are literal translation, word for word translation, use of metaphors, and use of english words in the translation. references aji, krisna bayu. 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(2003). “translating for children world view or pedagogics?” meta, 48(1-2), 208-221. 68 vol. 21 no. 1, april 2021, pp. 68 – 78 doi: 10.24071/joll.v21i1.2809 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. the body of woman and woman’s rights as portrayed in rupi kaur’s milk and honey based on elaine showalter’s gynocriticism priska tarigan, martha pardede & siamir marulafau,, deparment of english literature, university of sumatera utara, indonesia abstract article information in the time of modern writing, women writers are increasingly free in raising the theme of their writing. women are no longer reluctant to write things related to a woman’s body and it’s issue. this research aims to analyze the body of women and woman’s rights as portrayed in rupi kaur’s milk and honey (2014). this research belongs to library research that applied descriptive qualitative method with gynocriticism approach. reading and selecting data techniques were used to collect the data. 28 poems raise the theme of the body of a woman and its issue used as the data in this research. to analyze the body of woman and woman’s rights in milk and honey, gynocriticism theory by ellaine showalter were used. the result of the analysis shows that: 1) woman’s body is described into three aspects, that is objectification of the body, owner of the body, and strength of the body. 2) there are three ways for a woman to embrace their rights. first, a woman is asked to be able to accept and acknowledge herself as she is. second, a woman is expected to love and consider herself precious and equal to a man. third, women must be able to help and to support other women in fighting for their rights. keywords: the body of woman; woman’s rights; milk and honey; gynocriticism received: 18 august 2020 revised: 24 november 2020 accepted: 30 november 2020 introduction in the development of woman literature, woman’s writing style has changed and evolved into three phases from the victorian period until the period of modern writing. it is the feminine, feminist, and female phases. in the feminine phase, woman writers were written under the male pseudonym. in the feminist phase, woman writers questioned the stereotype and challenged the restrictions of woman’s languages. in the female phase, woman writers began to realize and place their female experience in the process of art and literature (showalter, 1979). then, the female phase occurs in the time of modern writing. in the time of modern writing, women writers are increasingly free in raising the theme of their writing. they are no longer reluctant or inferior to write things related to woman's personalities or matters journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 69 related to the physicality of women. women writers also do not consider that writing or literary work that they make just a tool that they can use to fight against men anymore. they see literature as a medium that can be used to explain or tell about women as they are. one of the female writers that belong to modern writing is rupi kaur, she is very clear in expressing her opinions about woman's issues in her works. kaur is a talented writer who is very active in fighting for woman's rights. her poems are mostly raising a theme about femininity and the injustice that women got from various things. she was born to a sikh family in india on october 4th, 1992, and grew up in canada as a canadian citizen. although she lived in canada for most of her life, she never forgets about her culture of origin. kaur’s works were influenced by sikhi culture and woman of color issues is one of her focuses on her poem. her first book titled as milk and honey was published in 2014, it is a poetry collection book. the book is divided into four chapters; each chapter depicts a different theme. it tells about violence, love, abuse, and loss. femininity serves as the main theme of the poems. all of the poems are related one to another; it has the main story to tell that is a woman’s journey of life. the title of every chapter from the book represents the story such as the hurting in chapter i, the loving in chapter ii, the breaking in chapter iii, and the healing in chapter iv. as for that, kaur’s poems can be classified as female phase writing. it can be seen that the female phase is a phase where women are using writing both as a tool to fight for woman’s justice and also as a forum for telling women the way they are. likewise, the poems were written by kaur, telling about women as they are and seem to be brave enough to show the female side that is rarely displayed in literary works. she did not hesitate to show the side of female sexuality in her poem to voice the injustice against women. the research on gynocriticism has been discussed by sogra nodeh and farideh pourgiv (2012). this research are examined about gynocritic creates a cultural locus of female abstract identity in adrienne rich's a wild patience has taken me this far, it’s describing the forces that intersect woman writer’s cultural field to the social setting in which they happen. the result find out that adrienne rich utilizing real female feel in a female space, bring into being the symbolic weight of female awareness. evi jovia putri (2014) conducted a research on short stories wrote by women from different cultural backgrounds. the study wants to show the experiences of women from various backgrounds from five different continents through short stories. it also looks at the culture of patriarchy to underline the writings. the result shows that women writers are trying to present that being a woman was difficult, both as a young woman and as well as a middle-aged woman. it is proven by the failure of male figures in the short stories to understand the thoughts and desires of women. it also shows that patriarchal environments create an obstacle for women to be heard or to be understood. azadeh nouri and fatemeh aziz mohammadi (2015) analyzed the heroine’s internalized consciousness which echoes in their behavior on angela carter’s wolf alice. the result proves that all of the female protagonists in carter’s short stories; such as the company of wolves, and werewolf and mainly in wolf alice have similar characteristics with different conditions, in which they are represented in a very negative light with less than ideal roles. in these stories, the protagonist is a young girl who has many conflicts with love and desire. carter attempts to encourage women to do something about this degrading representation. mojgan eyvazi, mohsen momen, and homa poorkaramali (2017) analyzed three different novels wrote by iranian female writers to show three stages of female writing development in the novels based on eline showalter’s theory of gynocriticism (feminine, feminist and female phase). the novels’ title is hangover dawn (1995) by fataneh haj sejed javadi, my bird (2002) by fariba vafi, and don’t worry (2008) by mahsa moheb ali. the study found that the three of the novels match journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) priska tarigan, martha pardede & siamir marulafau 70 showalter’s models of female writing development. it shows that hangover dawn follows the first stage (feminine phase), don’t worry follows the second stage (feminist phase), and my bird comes to the third stage (female phase). nodeh and pourgiv’s (2012), as well as putri (2014), are focus on analyzing the culture of a woman (the theory of woman culture) in the novel and short stories, while nouri and mohammadi (2015) are focus on analyzing the psychology of woman (psychoanalytical criticism) on short stories, and then eyvazi, momen, and poorkaramali (2017) are analyzing the three phases of female writing development on novels based on showalter’s gynocriticism. gynocriticism itself has four models of analysis, that is biological criticism, linguistic criticism, psychoanalytical criticism, and the theory of woman’s culture. then, since sexuality and the body of women are most talked in the poems and to make the research more effective, this research focuses are on the biology of woman (biological criticism) in milk and honey by rupi kaur. the objective of this research is to explain the body of the woman and the way woman embrace their rights as portrayed in milk and honey. methodology the method used in this research was qualitative because the data in this study are the words and phrases instead of the numbers as statistical calculations. according to djajasudarma (2006), qualitative method is a procedure resulting in descriptive data in form of written text or spoken in language society. in this study, the researcher finds out the answer to the problem of the study to explain the body of the woman and the way women fight for rights as portrayed in rupi kaur’s milk and honey selected poems. the result of the analysis was written in an explanatory paragraph in showing a brief description of the similarities and differences of related exploration. the data of this study were primarily selected poems of rupi kaur’s milk and honey poetry collection book. the poems was selected based on the theory of gynocriticism with biological criticism models of analysis. there are 28 poems used as the data on this research, all of the poems are contains the problem about the body of a woman and the way of woman in embracing their rights through their body. milk and honey was published in 2014. kaur’s milk and honey was the primary data of this research. in this paper, the primary data were the selected poems of rupi kaur’s milk and honey. the writer also uses secondary data to support the primary data. the secondary data were the data from other resources such as gathering from books, articles, videos, webs, and other supporting material that relevant to this paper. in the data selection, the writer will choose the appropriate poems that going to be analyzed. then, the writer will also look into the secondary data, make some notes, or highlighting the related idea from other resources. all those giving notes or highlighting are important in providing the study of the analysis in this paper. in analyzing the data, the writer applied biological analysis from gynocriticism theory by elaine showalter (1997). a theory by richard and alexander (pardede, 2017) also used to help the writer in understanding and analyzing poetry. results and discussion all of the previous studies are analyze stories and novels, most of them are focus on the theory of woman’s culture and psychological criticism. this research is focused on biological criticism in analyzing poetry. the theory of woman’s culture is also used to support the main models of analysis on this study. the researcher aims to find how the body of a woman is portrayed on milk and honey and what should women do to embrace their rights as a woman. this study is analyze poems that related to the injustices received by women and the struggle that was undertaken to break out of the bonds that bind them. it is the problems faced by women related to their body and their struggle to escape from the shackles of culture and society by using their bodies. below is the analysis of the body of woman and the struggle of woman in fighting for rights. the data were journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 71 taken from the selected poems of the four chapters of the milk and honey, they are the hurting, the loving, the breaking, and the healing. the body of woman as portrayed in milk and honey in this section, it is explained how the woman's body is depicted by the poetess in the poems. the woman's body was described in several different ways by the poetess, and the explanation of the description explains further below: objectification of the body of woman this section, explains the female body is used as a sexual objectification by society, especially by men. a woman is considered as an item rather than being treated as an equal gender. women and men have different body shapes, and it is easy for a man to be attracted to a woman’s body. but this interest is only for man pleasure and to satisfy their lust, without being accompanied by the desire to care for and look after the woman. the poetess explained this through several poems. the first poem that shows the sexual objectification of woman is the following poem: she was a rose in the hand of those who had no intention of keeping her in this poem, the word rose uses as a metaphor which means a woman or a beautiful woman. besides, the third person pronoun ‘she’ and the possession ‘her’ which denotes female gender, use by the poetess to emphasizes that the rose on the line is referred to as a woman. then, the use of past tense in the first line of the poem that says she was a rose, has a meaning that that beautiful flower has been damage. or in other words that beautiful woman has been broken because of the hand of a man. it can be seen that the poetess wants to say that woman is treated badly by man. in the line who have no intention of keeping her, kaur explains that man only wants to take advantage of the beauty of women without caring about the conditions of the body that can be damaged if not treated properly. then, the line hand of those in the poems is a metaphor that denotes a man who controls women. a tender and soft language is used by kaur in writing this poem. the poetess also uses the euphemism figure of speech in the line who had no intention. the use of the phrase no intention by the poetess giving a mild expression to the line, which the actual meaning is, does not care at all. it is also found in the poem that the poetess feels disappointed caused by the man’s bad treatment towards a woman. it can be seen in the line had no intention of keeping her. when someone treats us badly then automatically we will feel disappointed. as well as the poetess which shows her feeling by using phrase had no intention in the poem. you have been taught your legs are a pit stop for men that need a place to rest a vacant body empty enough for guests but no one ever comes and is willing to stay this poem talks about two main problems. the first is, woman is a tool to comfort a man and the second is the powerlessness of a woman to disobey a man. first, a woman is treated as a satisfying tool of man’s desires and considers not very valuable by society. it can be seen from the line your legs are a pit stop for men, the metaphor of pit stop uses by the poetess to emphasize that the men who come to her use the woman as a mere stopover. men do not think of the woman as a precious one, they only think of her as a mere place to get rid of their fatigue. it can be known from the phrase a vacant body used in the poem. through the line no one ever comes and is willing to stay, she shows that the men come and leave as they want. the second, woman is taught to always obey man whatever orders are given to her, whether she likes it or not. women have to serve male guests by using their bodies or journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) priska tarigan, martha pardede & siamir marulafau 72 being a pit stop for men. the poetess shows it in the line you have been taught. the phrase have been taught tells that the woman is made to be an obey thing who always follows the orders of men. and the use of present perfect progressive tense in the line you have been taught your legs are a pit stop for men, shows that it has been going on for a long time and still happen until now. in the line a vacant body empty enough, there is a repetition of meaning with different words used by the poetess, they are vacant and empty. the repetition uses to emphasize the woman’s condition and feeling. the woman is not in good condition; she is broken and felt empty. moreover, there is an irony uses in this poem, that is in the line empty enough for guests but no one ever comes and is willing to stay. the use of irony in that line uses by the poetess to criticize the social behavior that assumes a woman’s position is lower than man. this attitude of society discriminates against women because they are born as female. owner of the body of woman this section analyses the poems that express the owner of the female body. the poetess conveys to the reader and all women that they are entitled to themselves. women do not have to always obey and follow what others are told to them, especially in matters relating to their bodies. a woman has complete control over her body and herself. she has the right to do what she likes and not to do what she does not like. the next time he points out the hair on your legs is growing back remind that boy your body is not his home he is a guest warn him to never outstep his welcome again this poem is made by the poetess to remind women about who is the owner of their body. through this poem, men are also reminded by the poetess that he should not interfere with the woman about her body. a woman's body described by the poetess as a house, and the owner of the house is the woman herself. from the line, your body is not his home it says that the woman is the owner of her own body, and a woman’s body is not the man’s home. then, in the line he is a guest, it says that man just a guest who has no right to determine or making decisions on a woman’s body. through the line remind that boy and warn him to never outstep his welcome the poetess wants to encourage women to dare, to be assertive to the man who wants to act like masters over herself. it says by the poetess that woman should reprimand man and reminded him that he is just a guest who could be evicted at any time. through the line he points out the hair on your legs is growing back, the poetess tells that man often do not like woman's bodies that are overgrown with lots of hair. it says that the hair would bother man and they want women to get rid of it. the phrase he points out and the line outstep his welcome is also express the man’s superiority towards woman. it can be known that men think that woman’s body is under their control. men are accustomed to commanding women to do something that they want, and it makes them feel that they are also entitled to the body of a woman. but, this poem is made to remind men that they are not entitled to the body of a woman, it is fully entitled to the woman itself. there is a metaphor used by the poetess in this poem. it found in the line is not his home and he is a guest. the home symbolizes a woman’s body and the guest symbolizes a man. the use of metaphor in this poem is to warn the reader that the position of man in freeing the body of a woman. a man is just a guest in a woman’s body, he should not intervene in the woman’s privacy. the woman itself is the one who is entitled to control her body, whether a man likes it or not. strength of the body of woman this section explains the strength of the female body. it is about the uniqueness of the female body. it seems weak from the outside but it is strong enough inside. it tells about the journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 73 strength of females and what makes them strong in facing the problem that comes unfinished. foucault (1995) said that besides the visible parts, the human body also contains the whole soul both the mind and feeling for what is invisible to the eyes of human instinct. so, this section raises a theme about the strength of women, both physical and also psychological. physically woman is weaker than a man, but there are other strengths of a woman that makes a woman can be stronger than a man. in milk and honey poems, a woman’s strength mostly is psychological. a woman cannot beat a man in the physical strength, but a woman is superior if it comes to heart and soul. women are unique in terms of power; they did not use violence to defeat others. by love, a woman will make others turn their anger into affection. it tells in the poem below. to be soft is to be powerful the poem above uses contrast to strengthen the meaning of the poem and the message that want to convey by the poetess. the contrast is found in the word soft and powerful. the meaning of this poem is a woman with her unique power. women can be strong by being soft and tender. generally, soft is usually connoted as weak and far from strong. however, in this poem, it says that the softness of women both physical and also mental is the greatest strength possessed by women. to be soft is not always to be weak. it is precise with that gentleness that women can break down the hardness of the hearts of their haters. this poem tells that woman is a creature that is strong because of her softness, to be soft is to be powerful. even though physically woman is weaker, but from her soul woman is not inferior to man. woman has enormous strength stored in her heart and soul. with the tenderness that she has, a woman can do great things that cannot be done by a man. it also tells that woman should not feel inferior to a man just because of her physical weakness. to become a doughty woman does not need strong bones and muscles or a big and tall body. a woman can be strong with her kindness. it can soften the hardness of her hatred’s heart and turn their cruelty to become affection and wish to protect. this is a simple and one of the shortest poems in milk and honey. the words in this poem are smooth and soft but have a strong meaning. the meaning of the poem is seen in the lines of the poem, short but powerful. it shows the power with the softness of a woman. through another poem, the poetess says that the strength and the power of women are not in their physical beauty, but it is in their determination beyond anything. it shows by the poetess in the poem below: i want to apologize to all the women i have called pretty before i’ve called them intelligent or brave i am sorry i made it sound as though something as simple as what you’re born with is the most you have to be proud of when your spirit has crushed mountains from now on i will say things like you are resilient or you are extraordinary not because i don’t think you’re pretty but because you are so much more than that just like the three previous poems, this poem also raises the theme of female body strength. specifically, it shows that women’s strength does not lie in their physical, but it is in their spirit and soul, your spirit has crushed mountains. through this line, the poetess shows that women’s souls are extraordinary so it can crush mountains. mountains here are not mountains in the literal meaning. it means the hatred towards woman which has been going on for a long time in society, and woman has crushed it. women can destroy the hatred because of their spirit is strong, so they can turn it into affection and love. the phrases you are resilient and you are extraordinary, highlighted by the poetess to emphasize that women are far more powerful journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) priska tarigan, martha pardede & siamir marulafau 74 than just beautiful. women are creatures that are resilient in their gentleness and extraordinary in their simplicity. their strength comes from their heart and soul which are not easily broken even though they have experienced much suffering. through the line i want to apologize to all women i have called pretty before i called them intelligent or brave..., the poetess emphasizes that woman is not just a soulless flesh who only has a body to praise. women are more than just pretty or beautiful, and it clearly says by the poetess in the line are so much more than that. in this section, it is explained how the struggle and the movement carried out by women to embrace their rights. the movement to support each other and encourage women to love themselves more is the thing most delivered by kaur in her poem. the analysis of how to embrace woman's rights is further explained below: self-acceptance this section analyzes poems that express the woman’s self-acceptance. the poetess conveys to the reader especially women that they should accept themselves under any circumstances. no matter how they look and how their appearance, they must be able to accept it in pride and with an open heart. to reclaim the rights that are taken from them, the first thing women must do is to accept themselves first. accept yourself as you were designed the poem above writes by the poetess to convince women that they are beautiful as they are. wanting to accept and be grateful for what is in them both physically and psychologically is the first step for women to get out of the circle that holds them. recognizing and accepting what they have with an open heart is very important. it will make women easier to love and respect themselves. the poetess in her poem says that to be a complete woman, a woman does not have to have a smooth and beautiful body. the scars on a woman's body are proof that they are tough women, which is a picture that the woman is soft but also strong. it is precisely the ability to endure and the expertise to heal these wounds that makes a woman whole and complete. as written in the poem below: i like the way the stretch marks on my thighs look human and that we’re so soft yet rough and jungle wild when we need to be i love that about us how capable we are of feeling how unafraid we are of breaking and tend to our wounds with grace just being a woman calling myself a woman makes me utterly whole and complete this poem tells about self-acceptance. accepting and seeing all of the flows on ourselves as beautiful things. can see a flaw as a doon, i love that about us. women often feel that the scars on their bodies are blemishes that should not be present. a lot of women crave a smooth and beautiful body without a scar found on their bodies. because of this desire, women end up doing various methods that hurt themselves. therefore, through this poem, the poetess shows that the most important thing for a woman is to accept herself as she is. the poetess clearly states that in the poem, in the line i like the way the stretch marks on my thighs look human. the line tells us that being human doesn’t mean that we cannot have any scars on our bodies. instead, wounds and scars would make us more human. through the poem, the poetess wants to say that not having smooth skin is a very normal thing for a woman. the line we’re so soft shows that woman has a slender body so they can get hurts easily. however, besides being easily injured women are also gifted with the ability to care for themselves and recover from those injuries, tend to our wounds with grace. the line how unafraid we are of breaking, says that being a whole woman is not by journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 75 having no injuries at all. but by accepting the wounds and caring it in the tender will be the evidence of beauty and tenderness of a woman. the line just being a woman, calling myself a woman, also shows that woman doesn’t need to be flawless. just be herself is more than enough to be a woman and to be a whole human, utterly whole and complete. through the poem, it can be known that thee poetess wants to encourage women to be able to see herself as a precious thing. the line rough and jungle wild when we need to be told that woman has huge potential other than her beautiful physicality. rather than crave a beautiful body, women should be proud of their ability to survive in any situation. the language used by the poetess in this poem is soft and beautiful. she wants to touch the reader’s heart with the poem. the phrases and lines such as look human, so soft, how capable, how unafraid, tend our wounds with grace, being a woman, and whole and complete give the readers a positive vibe. there is also a contrast in the line so soft yet rough. the use of contrast here aims to convince women that they are precious, so they have to proud and accept themselves no matter how. self-loving this section analyzes poems that express the efforts made by women to embrace their rights by loving themselves. the poetess, through her poems, says that before a woman demands other people to respect and love her, she must be able to love herself first. because by loving herself, the woman will give an example of how others should behave to her. if a person cannot love herself, how can others love her and treat her well? this contains in the poems below: how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you this poem has a very deep meaning and also has firmness in conveying the message. the poem reminds women to love themselves so others will love them too. through the poem, the poetess also tells women that they have a great responsibility for the treatment of others. if a woman is always feeling inferior and considers herself less valuable than a man, then others will also treat her in a bad way. but, when a woman appreciates and loves herself and shows others that she is precious, others will also treat her as such. the line you teach others to love you means that a woman herself has to make others love them. the poetess clearly says that others will see how a woman treats herself. if a woman even cannot love herself how others will love her. so, they should be able to set a good example for others in treating them. and that will only happen if they love themselves first. in this poem, the direct language is used by the poetess. she also chooses words that are simple and easy to understand. by choosing simple diction and does not use complicated language styles, makes this poem looks like advice to all readers, especially women. when it is viewed from the poetical technique of poetry, this poem is relatively short and also simple. but the simplicity of the poem does not reduce the power of the poem in conveying its meaning. woman for woman the analysis at this point is about women who support each other, or it can be said as a woman for a woman. to be equal to men and get the rights that should be theirs, a woman must be able to support each other. woman's struggle will never succeed if among women there is still a sense of envy and a desire to topple each other. in a study conducted by workplace bullying in 2010, it was found that the level of bullying by woman in the workplace was very high, reaching 71% and more than 90% of the targets were women. from this research, it is known that women often see other women as competitors rather than as sisters who must be supported. women will be jealous of the success achieved by other women, and they prefer to pout other women's success rather than admit it. the poetess also conveys this in the poem below: what terrifies me most is how we foam at the mouth with envy when others succeed but sigh in relief journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) priska tarigan, martha pardede & siamir marulafau 76 when they are failing our struggle to celebrate each other is what’s proven most difficult in being human through foam at the mouth with envy, the poetess says that a woman can be greatly tormented because of envy when they see another woman more successful than her. for some women, the success of other women means a setback for her. then, instead of acknowledging and appreciating the success of other women, a woman often prefers to drop it and hope that success will end quickly. the line but sigh in relief when they are failing, and celebrate each other is what’s proven most difficult proves that many women still have difficulties in supporting other women. they can easily accept the success achieved by men but underestimate the results of women's efforts ( 2019). women will also feel happy when they are considered better than other women, especially if they were compared by man. the poetess then criticizes this concept with the poem she wrote below: you tell me i am not like most girls and learn to kiss me with your eyes closed something about the phrase—something about how i have to be unlike the women i call sisters in order to be wanted makes me want to spit your tongue out like i am supposed to be proud you picked me as if i should be relieved you think i am better than them the poem above is addressed by the poetess to men who often compare one woman to another. it clearly says in the line you tell me i am not like most girls. in this poem, the poetess criticizes the attitude of men who often discriminate between a woman to another, and this is a wrong and disgusting attitude. the poetess uses the phrases something about and spit your tongue out, to express her dislike of the attitudes and words conveys by men to compare women. in addition to criticizing the attitudes of men towards women, this poem also has another message addressed to women. the message is to remind women not to be persuaded by the flattery and praise that men are giving to them. they should know where are the words that can support them and where is the one which only wants their falling. this poem expresses kaur’s hope that women not to trust what men said and thought that they were different and better than other women. in the line like i am supposed to be proud you pick me and as if i should be relieved you think i am better than them, the poetess says that woman should not differentiate herself from other women. women must help and support one another so that they will be able to get up and get their rights. the poetess also reminds women that other women are not enemies they have to be defeated but sisters are obliged to support and embrace. other women’s bodies are not our battlegrounds in this poem, the poetess reminds us that a woman's body is not a battlefield for another woman. the word battlegrounds are used by the poetess to emphasize the message she wants to convey. it is known that women often see other women as a barrier that must be destroyed. then through this poem, women are reminded that that view is wrong. a woman is not a barrier for another woman, not even a shackled that has to get rid of, not our battlegrounds. it can be seen that the poetess hopes that women can support each other and work together to fight for their rights. this is also seen in the poem below: we all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women around us are the poem above shows that by acknowledging and supporting the success of other women, a woman will also move forward and achieve her success. accepting the success of women around them is not a setback for a woman, rather a way to be able to rise together journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 77 against the stigma that has been difficult for women. in another poem, the poetess also says that when a woman is amazed and praises other women the amazing itself is her. for you to see beauty here does not mean there is beauty in me it means there is beauty rooted so deep within you you can’t help but see it everywhere the line it means there is beauty rooted so deep within you shows that what women see in others is a reflection of her own. it is like seeing through a mirror. by being able to see other women in a positive perspective, the woman must have become someone extraordinary first. therefore, from this poem, the poetess says that women will succeed in fighting for their rights when they want to support each other and recognize the greatness of women around them. it can be concluded that to fight for their rights, women no longer have to criticize and fight against men who act badly on women. instead, the struggle can be carried out by women by raising the dignity of women in society. women can fight for their rights nobly and elegantly, that is by recognizing and supporting each other. woman for woman is an act where women stop seeing other women as competitors who must be defeated but begin to see them as sisters that they must embrace. thus, women will be strong and can rise together as a gender that equal to men, they will no longer be ostracized but rather they will be respected as men are respected. conclusion based on the analyzed data, the writer then makes some conclusions about the gynocriticism analysis on rupi kaur’s milk and honey, the conclusion is as follows: this research concludes that the body of a woman in milk and honey is portrayed in three aspects; objectification of the body, owner of the body, and strength of the body. there are also three ways offered by the poetess for woman to embrace their rights, they are, selfaccepting, self-loving, and woman for woman. in the objectification of the body, kaur shows how the woman’s body is used as a tool to satisfy man’s desire. it is also said that woman’s body is liked, but its natural system of the body like menstruation is considered as a taboo in society. in the owner of the body, kaur explains that the master of a woman's body is the woman herself; a woman has the full right to do what she wants and to not do what she does not want with her body. and in the strength of the body, it says that even a woman’s body seem weak in the outside, but women cannot be defeated easily because they have huge power in the inside. women’s powers lie not in their physical but in the soul and heart. in the self-accepting, it says that the way women could get their rights is to accept themselves as they are and be proud of what they have. in the self-loving, it says woman should loving herself as is she is her soulmate. and in the woman for woman, it says that after a woman accepts and loves herself no matter what the circumstances, afterward women must also be able to acknowledge and support other women. in this third point, it says that women have to support other women in fighting for their rights together. references dahya, asha. 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reduplication; retriplication; the yoruba language received: 29 october 2020 revised: 7 january 2021 accepted: 14 january 2021 introduction the yoruba language, a regional code with speakers from within and outside nigeria, belongs to kwa sub-family of african languages. its study, which began in the late 19th century among the free slaves in liberia and sierra-leone, has increased in magnitude, journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 199 reflecting in almost all areas of its linguistics; phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, etc (pulleyblank, 2009). morphology, as the study of the ways words are formed in languages, is characterised by word formation processes of compounding, refashioning, blending, clipping, reduplication, acronymy, and so on (haspelmath and sims, 2010). of all these processes, reduplication has generated tremendous interest among scholars more than all the other processes put together (inkelas & downing, 2015). that the study of reduplication has attracted robust scholarly attention may be a proof of its massive productivity in many languages of the world. according to the world atlas of language structure online (2013), rubino’s survey of reduplication reveals that 85% of the 368 languages investigated attest the feature of reduplication. the atlas further shows that of the 368 languages surveyed, 277 (89%) reflect both full and partial reduplication, while 35 languages (11%) exhibit only full reduplication (inkelas, 2013, p.1). as touching the definitions, features and functions of reduplication in some world languages, it should be stressed again that reduplication is one of the most popularly constructed phenomena in languages of the world. abakah (2015), urbanczyk (2017) and taiwo (2017) are unanimous in their definition of reduplication. they define it as a word formation process in which meaning is expressed by repeating all or part of a word. similarly, collins english dictionary online (2009) describes it as the process, or an instance of redoubling meaning or pronunciation. however, inkelas (2013, p.1) discusses it from the different morphological functions, occurring “at many points on a spectrum from phonologically defined partial reduplication to the repetition of syntactic phrases.” furthermore, xu (2016) reveals that the study of reduplications assumes high dimensions in the 70s, while stressing that recent study even indicates that child and sign languages exhibit reduplication. he discloses that asian languages including indonesian, modern hindi, japanese and other languages, belonging to different language families of sino-tibetan, altaic, miao-yao and tai, as well as most african languages reflect reduplication. xu then describes the features and functions of reduplication across some world languages in terms of totality, plurality, distribution and expression of intensification. however, yoruba, an african language, the focus of this paper, has also been explored along this line. the yoruba language exhibits many of the morphological processes, thereby engaging the attention of some scholars in yoruba linguistics (awoyale, 1989; tinuoye 1991; ola, 1995; awobuluyi, 2000; taiwo 2011 and taiwo, 2014). in the language, reduplication and retriplication (a novel concept introduced in this paper reflecting the triple copying of a morpheme root, stem or base in discourse) have prominent usage. while exploring reduplication features in yoruba, awoyale (1989) shows the profound productivity of full and partial reduplication with great emphasis on its types and functions. in a similar vein, awobuluyi (2000) explores the taxonomy of morphological reduplication in yoruba by listing the formation processes of both full and partial reduplication. but taiwo (2011, 2013) approach the yoruba morphology from the syntactic point of view. according to taiwo, (2017), the preponderant attestation of reduplication process in yoruba makes the language highly significant in the comity of reduplication languages of the world. interestingly, the research of pulleyblank (2009) on yoruba reduplication makes a comprehensive study by drawing inferences from the works of kiyomi (1985); awoyale, (1989), ola (1995), inkelas (2013) and others. he identifies different classes of reduplication in yoruba, such as agentive reduplication, infixing reduplication, distributive reduplication and gerundive reduplication. it should be stressed at this juncture that the morphological process of copying the root, stem or base word in a language can transcend reduplication. put in a different way, the process of reduplication can extend and culminate in triplication, denoting the nominalisation of an agent, or depicting the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) joseph friday-otun 200 continuation or intensification of action in many languages. according to moravcsik (1978, p. 88), in pingelapese, a micronesian language which belongs to the federated state of micronesia, triplication is a productive phenomenon. triplication usage in the language shows that an action is continuous or still happening. for example, in pingelapese, we have wou (to bark), wouwou(barking), wouwouwou (still barking); pap (to swim), pahpap (swimming) pahpahpap (still swimming). in many african and asian languages, the prominence of triplication is as evident as reduplication (ghomeshi, 2004; zeitoun, 2007). according to nadaraja (2006), in english language, tripilication can also be observed, noting that, however, this feature in english language is but more of an exception. she gives some examples such as win, win, win; you, you, you; and tic, tac, toe, (p. 41). however, in this paper, the term “retriplication”, an extension of reduplication, is adopted to represent the feature so as to conform to the euphony of its shoot, “reduplication”. in other words, the adoption of the term “retriplication” is largely in tandem with the phonological and morphological prefix of its antecedent, “reduplication”. this, therefore, is to imply that if the doubling of a root, stem or a word is referred to as “reduplication,” the tripling of such of a word, stem or part of the word could also be referred to as “retriplication”, by prefixing the “re-” to “triplication”. in fact, little or no work has been done on “retriplication”. as already noted, moravcsik (1978) only discusses in passing the phenomenon of triplication (referred to here as retriplication) in some languages. they are mokilese and pingalapese which are micronesian languages and telugu, a south asian language. also, ikeokwu (2002) studies the phenomenon of reduplication in bokyi, a language spoken in cross river state of nigeria. she extended in passing her discovery to the phenomenon of the triple copying of the root stem or base lexicon in bokyi language. in essence, what can be said about reduplication in the literature cannot be said about retriplication because the volume of research or exploration on reduplication worldwide is unprecedented. but as productive as the process of retriplication is in the yoruba and many other african languages, it is grossly unexplored. in this paper, therefore, the study of retriplication alongside reduplication deserves our full attention because of its novelty. while this study is not just set out to explore the concept of retriplication as a morphological process that transcends the process of reduplication, it stands to explore the feature of yoruba retriplication as a process that makes use of reduplication as the springboard of its operation. by implication, reduplication is considered in this article as a precursor to retriplication. hence, the data reflecting the two concepts are presented for analysis. methodology the data for this study were collected from diverse sources using the standard yoruba as the benchmark. the researcher explored both formal and informal sources using six well instructed research assistants in addition. the research assistants were teachers, but students of the researcher in part-time sandwich program (one each in lagos, ibadan, oshogbo, abeokuta, ondo and ado ekiti), covering all the yoruba-speaking states in south-west nigeria. the researcher however elicited data from ilorin, another yoruba-speaking metropolis in the north central zone of nigeria. as part-time students, the research assistants were useful because they resided in those locations and there were contacts and coordination between july and september each year for the period of their study. they were trained on how to collect data from both informal and formal sources, especially through live conversations. the researcher and research assistants made several visits to schools, market places, shopping malls, churches and public occasions in the yoruba speaking cities mentioned above. a huge number of data were collected through which the data for analysis were randomly selected. as a native journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 201 speaker of the language, the researcher personally made a close study of the data and sifted out the yoruba nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives from which most of the reduplicated and retriplicated linguistic elements were derived. the data collected contained lexical categories or word classes that lend themselves to reduplicative and retriplicative analysis. in other words, the lexical items and phrases that can be processed into retriplication as an extension of reduplication form the focus of selection for analysis. in analysing the data, pulleyblank’s (2009) approach of taxonomising the base morphemes alongside their reduplicative forms is applied. a close study of all the data reveals that all the reduplicative and retriplicative morphemes have consonant initials. hence, all yoruba consonant alphabetical order was. used for the organisation of all possible base forms that could be reduplicated and retriplicated. however, the researcher added the idea of presenting some of the live utterances elicited during partiipant observations, containing the use of retriplication for the purpose of exemplification. results and discussion in this section, the data elucidated for the investigation of reduplication and retriplication as observed in the yoruba language are presented, analysed and discussed. the approach adopted for the analysis is the taxonomising model of pulleyblank (2009). consequent upon this, three forms of reduplication and retriplication are identified and explored. the first type, (tables 1-8 and 10), are those that express intensification or emphasis at the level of reduplication on the one hand, and great intensification or emphasis at the level of retriplication on the other hand; the second, (table 9), represents adjectivised comparative reduplication and superlative retriplication. in other words, the base words in this table are adjectives that exhibit attribute or quality at the level of reduplication, and at retriplication express great quality in superlation. the third, (table 11) reflects the descent or ascent family relationship at reduplication and long descent or ascent at retriplicative continuum of nominal kinship. importantly also, some sentences depicting the usage of retriplication at the domains of home, slaughter slab, farm, market, relaxation centre, community meeting place, plastic reparing/sealing centre, and in others are illustrated. it is further discovered and demonstrated in this study that reduplication and retriplication can also operate at phrasal level, and specifically, some yoruba verb phrases are retriplicated. it also comes to the limelight that all cases of retriplication are a resultant function of reduplication, but not the vice-versa. in other words, while all instances of retriplicationevolve from the reduplication process, not all cases of reduplication culminate in retriplication. this is exemplified in table 12, while all the tables are explicated as follows. table1: intensification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. bé hops bé bé hops more bé bé bé hops more and more b. bí give birth bí bí gives birth more bí bí bí gives birth more and more c. bó remove bó bó removes more bó bó bó removes more and more d. bẹ peels bẹ bẹ peels more bẹ bẹ bẹ peels more and more our findings from the table above shows that in (1a), the verb bé (hop) becomes bé bé at reduplication for intensification or emphasis, and becomes bé bé bé at retriplication for great intensification or emphasis. similarly, the words bí‒(1b), bó‒(1c) bẹ‒(1d), are reduplicated for intensification and retriplicated for great journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) joseph friday-otun 202 intensification or emphasis. furthermore, in table (1a-d) the tone of the base verbs are reduplicated and retriplicated in totality. let us see the examples of their usage as bserved in some yoruba contexts of conversation. a. àkèré nán àn bé bé bé kó tó kú toad the hop hop hop that it before die “the toad hopped greatly or seriously before it died” b. abiyamo ni ewúre yen ó bí bí bí productive mother is goat that it give birth give birth give birth “that goat is very productive in motherhood, it gave birth several times” c. egẹ ti a bó bó bó cassava tuber pieces that we remove the back remove the back remove the back yen ti po jù that has plenty more “the soaked pieces of cassava tuber whose backs we removed and removed were too plenty” d. isu yen ti po jù a bẹ bẹ bẹ sùgbón a yam that has plenty more we peel peel peel but we kò lè parí ẹ not able finish it “the yam tubers are plenty, we peeled and peeled, but could not finish them” from the contexts of usage above, retriplication in sentences (a and c) is accomplished for intensification or emphasis in the farm, while retriplication in sentences (b and d) is realised for great intensification or emphasis at home. table 2: intesification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. dí block dí dí block more dí dí dí block more and more b. dú slaughter dú dú slaughter more dú dú dú slaughter more and more c. dúró wait dúró dúró wait more dúró dúró dúró wait more and more d. dà spill dada spills more dà dà dà spills more and more in table (2a), dí (block) is intensified or emphasised to have dí dí as its reduplicative form, while it is intensified in a great way to have it as dí dí dí in its retriplicative form. likewise, (2b)‒dú (slaughter); (2c)‒dúró (wait); and (2d)‒dà (spill) respectively become reduplicated in the fourth column for intensification or emphasis ,and retriplicated in the sixth column for great intensification or emphasis. the examples of the retriplicated verbs above as used in yoruba contexts are as follows: a. awọn ike yẹn n jò lónà tó pọ; a those plastic ones +press leak way that is many we journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 203 dí dí dí ó sú wa block block block it tire us “those plastic containers were leaking in many parts; we blocked and blocked them; we were tired.” b. wọn dú mààlúù tó po, wón dú dú they slaughter cow that is plenty they slaughter slaughter dú títí ojú fi sú slaughter till eye become dark “they slaughtered many cows; they slaughtered and slaughtered until it was dark” c. a dúró dúró dúró sùgbón wọn òn wá. we wait wait wait but they not come “we waited and waited, but they did not come” d. èjẹ dà dà dà lara obìnrin yẹn ní gbà blood spill spill spill at body woman that at when tó bímọ tán. that she give birth finish “that woman bled and bled greatly after being delivered of a baby” as used above, retriplication functions for great intensification or emphasis in sentence (a) at the plastic sealing centre; in sentence (b) at the slaughter slab; in sentence (c) at the community meeting place; and in sentence (d) at the maternity wing of a hospital. table 3: intensification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. fò jump fò fò jumps more fò fò fò jumps more and more b. fé blow fé fé blow more fé fé fé blowmore and more c. fó break fó fó break more fó fó fó break more and more d. fún spin fún fún spin more fún fún f’un spin more and more table (3a‒d) reveals there duplication of the base verbs in the second column in the fourth column, while they are retriplicated in the sixth column.this implies that fò jump‒(3a); fé blow‒(3b); fó break‒(3c); and fún spin‒(3d), are all reduplicated for intensification or emphasis in the fourth column, while they are being retriplicated in colum six for great intensification or emphasis. a. a fò fò fò kí tó that je kí we frog jump frog jump frog jump before teacher before allow that a wọ kíláàsì we enter class “we frog-jumped several times before the teacher could allow us to enter the class” journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) joseph friday-otun 204 b. iná yẹn ò tètè jò; a fé ẹ fé ẹ fé ẹ fire that no quick glow we blow it blow it blow it “the flame did not kindle quickly; we blew it several times” c. won sisẹ ní bi àpáta yen wón fọ ọ fọ ọ fọ ọ they do work at place rock that they break it break it break it “they did a lot on that rock; they broke it several or many times” d. asọ yẹn ti tóbi jù; wọn fún un, fún un, fún un, cloth that has large more they spin it spin it spin it wọn òn rí i fún they not see it spin “the cloth is too large; they attempted spinning and spinning it; they couldn’t” in sentences (a-d) above, it is discovered that retriplication, reflecting intensification operates in different contexts such as, at school‒sentence (a); at home‒sentence (b); at the relaxation centre‒sentence (c); and at home where washing of cloths is taking place‒sentence (d). it also comes to the limelight that in table 3, sentences (b-d), the utterances exhibit phrasal retriplication in the form of v+np syntagm: table 4: intensification and degree of quality base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. gún pound gún gún pound more gún gún gún poundmore and more b. gé cut ge gé cut more gé gé gé cut more and more c. ga tall ga ga tallmore ga ga ga tall more and more in the table above, (4a and b) (column 2) are base verbs, while (4c) is a base adjective. while the base verbs are reduplicated at column four to show intensification of actions, they are retriplicated at column six to show great intensification of actions. however, the reduplication of ga (tall) in (4c)‒ga ga shows a degree of height of something, while its retriplicative form in column six‒ga ga ga reflects a great or high degree of height. let us see their usage in yoruba contexts: a. won gún yán, gún yán gún yán síbè iyán yẹn ò they pound yam pound yam pund yam still pounded that not ká rí awọn àlejò. go round those visitor “they pounded and pounded much yam, but the food could not go round the visitors” b. igi tí wọn gé gé gé tí kò se é gé ni tree that they cut cut cut that not do it cut is aféfẹ nlá ti wó lulè wind wild has fall at down “the tree that was too difficult to cut, has fallen under the wild wind” journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 205 c. ope kan ò lè ga ga ga kó kàn’run. palm tree one not can tall tall tall that reach heaven “a palm tree cannot be so tall to reach the heaven” in the sentences above, it is discovered that the retriplication of intensification is realised at a naming ceremony‒sentence (a); in the farm‒sentence (b); and during a discussion between friends‒sentence(c). furthermore, our findings show that the retriplication in sentence 4(a) (gún yán: pound yam) reflects the syntagm of v+np (gún +yán: pound + yam). but sentence (4c) depicts a proverbial degree of quality. table 5: intensification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. gbá play (of football) gbá gbá play more gbá gbá gbá playmore and more b. gbé lift up gbé gbé lift more gbé gbé gbé liftup more and more c. gbòn shake gbòn gbòn shakemore gbòn gbòn gbòn shake more and more table 5 above also depicts the reduplication and retrplication of base verbs. for instance, (5a)‒gbá (second column) is reduplicated in the fourth column to become gbá gbá and retriplicated in column six as gbá gbá gbá. while the reduplicated form implies an intensity of football playing, its retriplicative counterpart depicts a great intensity of soccer. similarly, (5b) gbé‒lift up and (5c) gbòn‒shake are reduplicated at column four and retriplicated in column six to show great and great intensification of actions, respectively. usage in contexts: a. a gbá gbá gbá síbẹ wọn nàn wá we play play play still they beat us “we played, played and played, yet they beat us” b. eru yen wuwo mo gbé e gbé e gbé mi ì ri i gbé load that heavy i lift it lift it lift i not see it lift “that load is heavy, i tried hard but i couldn’t lift it up” c. ó gbòn gbòn gbòn ní wájú ògá rè; kò rí nkankan wí he shake shake shale at front master his he not see anything say “he was shook and shook seriously before his master; he had nothing to say” sentence (5a) represents a retriplicated use of the word gbá (play football) in an action that took place on a soccer field, while sentence (5b) refers to another retriplication used in the farm where the speaker is informing his father on the heaviness of the load he (the speaker) is to carry home. the retriplication in sentence (5c) refers to the great intensity of the physical shaking of a trainee before her master out of fear on an offence he committed. in essence, great intensification of actions in the discourse underscores retriplication. table 6: intensification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. ha threat ha ha threat more ha ha ha threat more and more journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) joseph friday-otun 206 b. hu sob hu hu sob more hu hu hu sob more and more c. hó boil hó hó boil more hó hó hó boil more and more it is discovered that the base verbs, ha‒threat (6a); hu‒sob (6b); and hó‒boil (6c), are all reduplicated in column four and retriplicated in column six. for instance, ha‒threat (6a) is reduplicated as ha ha, and is retriplicated as ha ha ha, while hu‒sob (6b) ,is reduplicated as hu hu, and is retriplicated as hu hu hu. similarly, hó‒boil (6c), is reduplicated as hó hó, and retriplicated as hó hó hó. as in previous findings, all cases of reduplication are for intensification, while those of retriplication are for great intensification or emphasis. their usage in contexts: a. ilẹ ló ha ha ha títí wọn fi lù bolẹ ground is threat threat threat till they use beat at ground “it was threat that he was seriously issuing and issuing, till they beat him hands down” b. o hu hu hu nígbà tó gbọ kú ọgá ẹ he sob sob sob when he hear death boss his “he seriously sobs and sobs when he heard about the death of his boss” c. omi yen hó hó hó títí tó fi gbẹ tán water that boil boil boil till it use dry up “the water seriously boiled and boiled until it dried up” sentence (6a) is used in an interaction between some discussants who are referring to a boxing bout where the challenger of the contest was beaten hands down despite his boastings before the duel. sentence (6b) reflects the use of retriplication at a forum where an apprentice goes down in tears on hearing about the demise of his trainer, while sentence (6c) indicates the use of retriplication at home, especially, about an event in the kitchen. all the usages of retriplication above represent great intensification or emphasis. table 7: intensification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. jà fight ja jà fight more ja ja ja fight more and more b. jù throw ju ju throw more jù jù jù throw more and more c. jẹ eat jẹ jẹ eat more jẹ jẹ jẹ eat more and more d. jó dance jó jó dance more jó jó jó dance more and more from the table above, base verbs in column two are reduplicated in column four and retriplicated in column six. for instance, (7a) jà‒ fight; (7b) jù‒ throw; (7c) jẹ‒eat; (7d) jó‒dance; are all reduplicated in column four for intensification or emphasis, while they are all retriplicated in column six for great intensification or emphasis. usage in context: a. olúwa ti fi iná jó ogun tí a jà jà jà tí kò sé lord has use fire burn battle that we fight fight fight that not cease “the lord has devoured the battle that we greatly fought and fought, which refused to cease” journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 207 b. òkò ló jù jù jù loju ona titi ó fi sè se stone is he throw throw throw at eye way till he use sustain injury “it was stone that he seriously threw and threw on the way till he sustained an injury” c. wọmbìa giliti! o jẹ jẹjẹ kò yó glutton wanton he eat eat eat not fill/satisfied “a wanton glutton! he ate and ate seriously without becoming filled/satified”. d. ni ibi igbeyawo omo è ó jó jó jó afi bi kòkòrò! at place wedding son his he dance dance dance as like insect “at the ceremony of his son, he danced and danced seriously like an insect” the use of jà jà jà in sentence (7a) reflects the feature ofretriplication at a prayer ground; the feature of jù jù jù in sentence (7b) indicates the use of retriplication on the way to somewhere; the use of jẹ jẹ jẹ in sentence (7c) reveals the feature of retriplication at home; and the use of jo jó jó in sentence (7d) represents the use of retriplication at a wedding ceremony. table 8: intensification base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. kà count kà kà count more ka ka kà count more and more b. ké cry ké ké ké cry more ké ké ké cry more and more c. kù thunder kù kù thunder more ku ku kù thunder more and more as in the previous tables, the base verbs in table 8, column two, are reduplicated in column four and retriplicated in column six. for example, (8a) kà count; (8b) ké cry; and kù thunder; are all reduplicated in column four for intensification or emphasis, and retriplicated in column six for great intensification or emphasis. let us see their usage in the yoruba contexts. a. ebè tán ní ká wá kà rújú; a heap that they say that we come count confuse eye we kà kà kà ó sú wa count count count it tire us “the heaps (in the farm) that we were invited to count were confusing; we seriously counted and counted; we were tired ” b. omọ náàn ké ké ké kí mòmó rè tó dé child the cry cry cry before mother it does arrive “the child cried greatly before his mother arrived” c. òjò yẹn sú gan; ó sì kù kù kù rain that cloudy seriously it then thunder thunder thunder sùgbón kò rọ but not fall ‘that rainseriously thundered and thundered, but did not fall” journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) joseph friday-otun 208 the retriplication in sentences (8a) kà kà kà, is an action that takes place in the farm; while sentence (8b) ké ké ké, and (8c) kù kù kù are referring to actions that take place at home. in table 9 below, the reduplicated adjectives in column four are in comparative structure, while the retriplicated forms in column six are in superlative structure. table 9: adjectivisation by reduplication and retriplication base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. le hard le le very hard le le le very very hard b. gùn long gùn gùn very long gùn gùn gùn very very long c. kúrú short kúrú kúrú very short kúrú kúrú kúrú very very long d. fè wide fè fè very wide fè fè fè very very wide table 10: intensification of adverbs by reduplication and retriplication base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. kíá quickly kíá kíá very quickly kíá kíá kíá very very quickly b. kánmó fastly kánmó kánmó very fastly kánmó kànmò kánmó very veryfastly c. jéjé fastly jéjé jéjé very gently jeje jeje jeje very very gently d. díẹ little díẹ díẹ very little díẹ díẹ díẹ very very little table 11: kinship nominals by reduplication and retriplication base gloss reduplication gloss retriplication gloss a. ọmọ child ọmọ ọmọ grand child ọmọ ọmọ ọmọ great grand child b. ìyá mother iyá ìyá grand mother ìyá ìyá ìyá great grand mother c. bàbá father bàbá bàbá grand father bàbá bàbá bàbá great grand father table 10 contains adverbs which are reduplicated for intensification in column four and retriplicated for great intensification in column six. table 11 reflects kinship terms in the yoruba language. the language makes use of reduplication and retriplication for expression of kinship line in family descent or ascent to the third generation. reduplication versus retriplication it has been revealed from table 11 that reduplication by extension yields retriplication in thenominalisation process. however, it should be stressed that some reduplication depicting nominalisation in the yoruba language cannot culminate in retriplication. let us see the table 12 table 12: reduplication without retriplication base gloss reduplication gloss unacceptable retriplication a. paná quench fire paná paná fire quencher *pana pana pana b. wole inspect house wole wole health inspector *wole wole wole c. jaja eat dog meat jaja jaja dog meat eater * jaja jaja jaja d. jeyin tooth eater jeyin jeyin tooth infection *jeyin jeyin jeyin journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 209 note: all the asterisked retriplicated forms are not accepted in the language. however, their verb form can be retriplicated to yield great intensification or emphasis. importantly too, the fact that tables 1-12 contain reduplicated and retriplicated items confirms our earlier claim that the language has a robust feature of these processes, and this has afforded the speakers the competence of profuse and proficient use of reduplication and retriplication in discourse. phrasal retriplication almost all the retriplicate verbs can be used in phrasal forms. for example, table (1a), as in, bé (hop) can become bé mó mi (hop at me). the phrase can be retriplicated in discourse to become bé mó mi, be mo mi, bé mó mi (hopped at me, hopped at me and hopped at me) to depict great intensification and emphasis. furthermore, table (1b): bí (give birth to) can be phrased, as in, bímo, bímo ,bímo (give birth to, give birth to and give birth to). similarly, table (1c), bó (remove the back of something) can be retricatively phrased, as in, bó ẹgẹ, bó ẹgẹ, bó ẹgẹ (remove cassava back, remove cassava back, remove cassava back). likewise, table (1d) bẹ (peel) can also be used in a retriplicative phrase form, as in, bẹ su, bẹ su, bẹ su (peel yam, peel yam, peel yam). as earlier observed, these phrasal reduplication and retriplication can be structured in the syntagm of verb+noun, which can produce the notation (v+np). although previous studies on retriplication are little or none, the study corroborates earlier studies on reduplication. for instance, the study confirms the findings of moravcsik (1978), tinuoye (1991), ghomeshi, (2004), pulleyblank (2009), inkelas (2013), and others, that reduplication functions mainly for intensification, emphasis, normalisatison and comparative degree. however, it needs to be reiterated that the findings that retriplication functions for great intensification or emphasis, for great kinship nominalisation and superlative degree is novel. it is also necessary to stress that all the retriplicative sentences given after each table are also constructible at reduplicative level, depending on the user’s focus and the context. furthermore, in yoruba discourse, retriplication also performs rhetorical or musical function. on this, a particular yoruba christian song is exemplifying as follows: chorus: iná wá wá wá; fire come come come “fire come and come greatly” wá jo wọn run come burn them consumptively “come to devour them!” ogun ti mo jà jà jà battle that i fought fought fought “the battle that i fought and fought” tí kò sé that not cease “that does not cease ” iná wá wá wá; fire come come come “fire come and come” wa jó wọn run come burn them consumptively “come to devour them consumptively” in the chorus above, retriplication occurs in lines 1, 3 and 5. conclusion in the literature, as noted earlier, the study of reduplication has singly occupied the center stage in phonological and morphological linguistic research. but the phenomenon of retriplication is startling and revealing. this feature in the yoruba language is robustly enriching because it is profusely productive. this is not however to down-play the importance of reduplication process which has been found to be the springboard upon which the retriplication thrives. reduplication (and retriplication), in the words of nadarajan (2006, p. 40), are an "interesting word play which can serve to enrich any language". journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) joseph friday-otun 210 this study has not only presented and described the reduplicates and retriplicates of the base verbs, adjectives and adverbs, it has also demonstrated the usage of the retriplicants in contexts. most of the sentences that follow the tables were observed in real life situations. as earlier said, the sentences exemplifying the base verbs in reduplication and retriplication were observed in different sociolinguistic domains, such as, the farm, home, market, motor park, worship centre and others. the study is a confirmation of the productivity and the robust features of reduplication and retriplication in the yoruba language. more of this study should be replicated to reveal the productivity or otherwise of the feature of retriplication in other languages of the world. references abakar, e. 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(2007) la reduplication en rukaimantuaran. faits de langues: reduplication(2). introduction methodology results and discussion reduplication versus retriplication phrasal retriplication conclusion references 190 vol. 21 no. 1, april 2021, pp. 190 – 197 doi: 10.24071/joll.v21i1.3145 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. finding god in all things through poetry novita dewi graduate program in english language studies, sanata dharma university, indonesia abstract article information poetry is a language of devotion. it is the melody that resonates from one’s pure conscience. being the most important and richest part of our spiritual practice, people read and write poems to help them gain understanding about themselves, each other, and the world around them. examining world poetry, mainly from america, indonesia, and sri lanka which tell about the presence of god, this article attempts to find out how god the creator is present and represented, focusing as it does on the connection between poetry and spiritual exercises. each of the seven poems under discussion is read by considering ignatian spirituality of which the core is “finding god in all things”. the selected poems show that god can indeed be found in three main spots. first, god resides in the universe. the presence of god in nature is a common theme shared by the poets discussed. second, the speakers of the poems find god within themselves. they find god through discretion. third, some of them find the face of god in that of other people because humans are created in his image. the poems open an awareness that god is present in the sufferings of others. in conclusion, poetry serves as a prayer and spiritual exercises that can improve people’s inner compassion and justice. keywords: ignatian spirituality; poetry; prayer; spiritual exercises received: 23 february 2021 revised: 19 march 2021 accepted: 24 march 2021 introduction sacred poetry of all religious traditions generally speaks of faith, that is, bringing the reader closer to the divine. poets of different faiths express their most profound gratitude to the divine throughout the time. studies on the relationship between poetry and spirituality have been abundant, especially about the great poets of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds: jalāl ad-dīn muhammad rūmī the persian sufi poet; the chinese poet t’ao ch’ien known for his buddhist teachings; laotzu the philosopher with his taoist poems, vyasa with the epic mahabharata; christian poetry in the new testament, and many more. the relationship between literature and theology can also be seen in modern poetry inspired by diverse principles in the world’s major religions. according to kubarek, islamic literature began to develop in the 1980s as a counterpoint to secular literature adopting both themes and traditions in the western journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 191 literary works (kubarek, 2016). besides containing moral teachings, poetry also embodies islamic principles and creeds. poetry also occupies an important position in the confucian program and modern chinese poetic thought (han, 2013; shen, 2014; thompson & wei-ming, 1987; yeh, 1988). poets combine contents with the best form whereby the quality of the poems must be accompanied by moral qualities. here the social effect of poetry is emphasized, namely the passion for the perfection of life and the highest good in classical education which was based on confucianism. poetry also played an important role in the political, diplomatic, and cultural spheres in ancient china. in one of his books, the analects, confucius reportedly told his son bo yu that people would not know what to say if they did not study poetry (yan xiao-jiang, 2017). there have also been countless studies on the synergy between poetry and christian spirituality from the classical to contemporary literary works around the world. encounters with god in medieval and early modern english poetry, for example, provides a linguistic analysis of a few well-known poems in english literature (besserman & clutterbuck, 2007). one of clutterbuck’s findings is the nature of dialogue with god in some sacred poems which has so far been neglected by linguistic and literary scholars. the religious poems clutterbuck discussed include william langland’s “piers plowman” (clutterbuck, 2018), john donne’s divine poems, and john milton’s famous “paradise lost” (mcmahon, 2010). another monumental christian religious literary work is george herbert’s the temple published in 1633. this collection of poetry describes the reciprocal relationship between people and god. herbert shows that human is the home of god’s glory; and the human heart is where god resides (hwang, 2018). herbert is one of the classical poets whose works are often studied both literally and in dialogue between arts and theology, especially christian faith. this anglican priest at salisbury cathedral in the seventeenthcentury england is known as the most famous religious poet in english literature, partly because of the simplicity of his choice of diction and the use of metaphors in his poetry. george herbert’s influence is seen in the contemporary poet and anglican priest malcolm guite who published sonnets that neatly follow the liturgical calendar (guite, 2011, 2017a, 2017b). guite’s newest collection of poems entitled after prayer begins with a series of sonnets in response to herbert’s other famous poem “the prayer”. in an interview, this pastor, poet, and lecturer at girton college, university of cambridge acknowledged george herbert’s enormous influence on his creativity. inspired by herbert, guite’s poetry testifies as to how art and faith work together in his life. guite’s poems provide insight and connection to the bible stories in new ways. he also wrote a few scientific studies on poetry and theology such as faith, hope and poetry: theology and the poetic imagination which has received much recognition and appreciation (neumann, 2012; richardson, 2013; twombly, 2013). like guite and the classical writers mentioned above, another contemporary writer, shemaiah gonzalez, argues that poetry is one of the many ways to find god. gonzalez meets god in her daily life through the following four things. first, she calls it “touchstone” – an object that reminds us that god is here, with us, in a very personal way, for example through butterflies, flowers, leaves, trees, and so on (gonzalez, n.d.). god is also present in the second hidden place which is the voice. gonzalez has written numerous articles on silence but has come to realize that god is not only found in silence, but also in lingering noise, even crowds. the third place god is found is in the home when we are doing our daily work. here, gonzalez imitates st. theresia from lisieux who said that the presence of god is felt closest not at the time of prayer, but during her doing household chores. gonzalez has also learned from her mother-inlaw who raised six children, but she was often heard singing while she was working. even the smallest task can be of incarnational value and becomes a way to live and breathe god’s love. finally, this freelance writer from los angeles claims that poetry is the fourth place god can be found. gonzalez found many sources of data on the intricacies of poetry. gonzalez also journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) novita dewi 192 discovered a long history of various poems from various parts of the world which turned into a means of finding god’s presence. suffice it to say for now that contemplative works from time to time talk about people’s (unique) experiences. it is important to discuss an encounter with god wrapped in a literary reality so that others can feel this seemingly personal experience. this article will discuss several poems from various countries that specifically talk about the presence of god. amid hoax and hateful narratives as well as numerous information that further distance us from god’s will, the presence of reflective-contemplative poetry is duly important and therapeutic. poetry opens the complex dimensions of human freedom and intimate relationships with the creator. reading or writing poetry is an important part of daily rituals that is naturally aspirational. poetry is a language of devotion, the richest expression of a spiritual practice. poetry is the echo of a pure inner voice. poetry creates clarity, deepens, and expands continuous exploration into the deepest mysteries of life. in poetry as spiritual practice, robert mcdowell says that every religious person, even an atheist, always looks for spirituality in her/his daily life whether consciously or not (mcdowell, 2008). everyone has a desire for peace and understanding. through poetry, people gain peace and understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them. mcdowell invites us to make poetry an important part of daily rituals, aspirations, and intentions in our quest for meaning, growth, and greater peace in life. thus, for both readers and writers, poetry is beneficial because it generates wisdom, compassion, confidence, patience, and energy to show greater love for the creator and his creations. next, the encounter with a loving god is at the heart of st. ignasius de loyola and his companions (spirituality: finding god in all things, n.d.). based on the belief that god is active in the real world, this spiritual path laid down by the founder of the society of jesus helps us discern god’s presence, i.e., finding god in all things and reaching out to a diverse, gracious yet imperfect world. this spirituality is brought into a broader human context such as pursuing social justice, peace, and dialogue. being contemplative in action means that our active life feeds the contemplative life; and our contemplative life provides information about active life. it is precisely where god is present. activities to open ourselves to god and let him enter into us completely are called spiritual exercises. these activities can be in the form of meditation, chanting prayers, keeping diaries, writing poetry, creating works of art, playing music, even taking a walk to enjoy nature as long as it has one single purpose, that is, to let god speak (george w. traub, 2008). in a quiet inner situation, one can find god anywhere and at any time, just like st. ignatius’ ideal of finding god in everything and everything in god. the goal of this study is thus to identify god’s presence in some selected contemporary poems. the research question is: in what ways the poets discover the existence of god in their respective poems that serve as prayers? methodology the primary data used in this study were seven poems, i.e., “nothing is far”. “sajak tentang kau”, “di masjid besar”, “misal”, “who hides”, “kolam”, and “easter at kentucky fried chicken”. the secondary data were relevant journal articles and books to support the reading of the poems. each poem was read using three simple steps introduced by timpane (2001) that include getting the basic information, speculating the meaning, and interpreting the meaning. firstly, the researcher obtained the lowest level of poetry reading by paraphrasing each poem to make meaning clearer. the second step was speculation: what does the poet mean? the second step was of great importance because it allowed readers (in this case, the researcher) grab the clearer meaning of each poem. the third step was interpretation. here, the poem was read with ignatian spirituality, particularly “finding god in all things” at the back of the researcher’s mind. it was in this final step that the meanings of the poems can be clustered into three main god’s-existencethemes, namely in nature, ourselves, and others as detailed below. journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 193 results and discussion finding god in nature the presence of god around us is clearly seen in the works of robert francis (19011987), a poet from upland, pennsylvania, who was heavily influenced by the more famous contemporary american poet robert frost. written in frost’s freestyle poetry, francis’ “nothing is far” tells of the speaker’s quest to see god in his everyday life. the poem begins with the description of god whose name is never heard by the song of birds or the rustling of the wind but is truly experienced by the poet. that god is present everywhere is clear here: “nothing is far that once was near. /nothing is hid that once was clear. /nothing was god that is not here.” the poem ends with: “here is the bird, the tree, the stone. /here in the sun i sit alone. /between the known and the unknown.” although this vegetarian poet received numerous writing awards during his career, not much is written about francis except that some liken his works with emily dickinson’s in terms of the metaphysical presence of god in nature (nelson, 1977; shaw, 1993; stambuk, 1999). the presence of god in nature is also revealed by several poets from indonesia. in “sajak tentang kau” [a poem about you] written by asep samboja (1967-2010), the speaker of the poem tries to deny the existence of god but becomes helpless because god is present everywhere. the speaker’s attempt to make a poem about “god does not exist” fails because of the continual presence of “ocean foam” and “waves” put off by the “fire of [his] soul” (samboja, 2006b). besides, there is always “the roar of your voice” that the speaker can hear by the sea. the speaker makes his last attempt by burning down his book containing a poem about “god does not exist” only to find that the green grass grows on the ground with burnt ashes, thanks to the rain that comes. both samboja and francis represent anxiety turning into faith about god’s presence. no matter how hard we try to deny god’s existence or to hide from him, he is still present, and he stays close to us. the presence of god in the universe and everything in it is in accordance with the spiritual exercises in ignatian spirituality. as explained in the spiritual exercises handbook, god created human beings and he continues to be present in us with great love. to welcome god’s love, there is nothing more glorious than praising, giving respects, and serving god himself (loyola, 1993). the objects around us become touchstones, to borrow gonzalez’s term above (gonzalez, n.d.) that always make us aware of the presence of god and his immense love. one of the main teachings in ignatian spirituality is directing one’s life as a living being to conform to god’s own purposes and will and thereby praising and glorifying his name (ad maiorem dei gloriam). francis and samboja never saw each other. poets may see different touchstones at different places and times, but their hearts tremble when they see such diverse creations as wind, waves, birds, rocks, flowers, grass, etc. finding god in ourselves that finally god is found in all creations including in the human heart is also proven through asep samboja’s other poem “di masjid besar” [at the great mosque] and “misal” [if] by joko pinurbo. samboja first asks what flowers mean if they are not sweet-smelling or oysters without pearls in them. this short poem ends with “what am i without you in my pulse?” (samboja, 2006a). likewise, in pinurbo’s poetry, god asks “supposing i come to your house” to someone who is fervently praying. the lord continues, “will you come out of your prayer and open the door for me?” (pinurbo, 2017, p. 68). there is a certain meaning assigned to the title of this pinurbo poem written in 2016. the title “misal” literally means “if”. but it sounds like “misa” to the indonesian ears or “mass/missal” in english, namely a book containing texts used in mass or eucharistic celebration in the catholic church throughout the year. known for, among others, for his one-line poem entitled “the night prayer” where he quips “dear god, please accept the birdsong in my head”, pinurbo has made use of the bible as sources of inspiration that never dries up (pinurbo, 2018, p. 41). in his own acknowledgement, his favorite verse is as follows: “in all things give thanks, for this is what god wanted in jesus christ for you.” (1 journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) novita dewi 194 thessalonians 5:18). joko pinurbo obtains his poetic spirituality from the spiritual exercises 23 of the jesuits. readers of his poetry can capture with ease and create meaning for the moral messages in his various poems about events or people’s daily affairs, god’s relationship with humans, and human relations. although they come from different religious backgrounds, samboja and pinurbo both see the doubts of the religious community when carrying out their worship. many of us fall into the trap of thinking that the only places to find god are in churches, mosques, and other places of worship. when we do not expect to find god anywhere else except in sacred buildings, we may miss great opportunities to receive comfort and healing as well as spiritual growth from god himself. in fact, god is so close. the golden quote “god is only as far as prayer” is reflected critically in both “di masjid besar” and “misal”. at this stage, it can be said that the speaker in each poem finds god through discretion. discretion is at the heart of ignatian spirituality. it is through discretion that we touch the deepest part of ourselves, i.e. the space where god speaks to us. as written in proverbs 2: 10-11, “for wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.” discretion is not only necessary to solve big problems, but a means of struggle to follow god in a better way over time. samboja and pinurbo’s works respectively depicts a person who finally found god through a very intimate and personal communication. the next poem is “who hides” written by the sri lankan poet and priest derrick mendis (1936-2016). “i seek your face with longing heart,” says the poet, “please do not hide, be my guide, with me abide” (mendis, 2008, p. 38). at this request, god answers, “through life. i guide you day by day, /draw you gently, when you stray. /with you, beside you, constantly. /tis you, my love, who hides from me”. in “who hides”, it is proven that god never hides. through this poem, the poet attests that god does not need to be sought because we ourselves have often been hiding or avoiding god. for a jesuit like mendis, spiritual exercise is the breath of daily life. in his obituary mendis is described as “a servant of the lord, friend of the poor, fearless poet against the powers-that-be, and, most of all, a humble human being who enjoyed everything and never craved for anything” (jayawardena, 2017). the question why humans hide from god seems to be answered by bakdi soemanto’s poem entitled “pond”. this poem is a monologue of someone who tries to recall the advice given by his lover as they sit together by the pond not to disturb the calm and clear water. the reflection of the sky, leaves, and dust blown away by the wind fall on the pond. the advice continued thus: “don’t disturb, you say /your heart is calm and clear /behold, you say, /the face of god is reflected /also the echoes of his word shake the water surface.” (soemanto, 2007, p. 121). the poet welcomes the advice while sighing, “ah, even our sins /betrayal and our grudges / tear his face.” this poem is in tune with psalm 139: 2 saying “you know when i sit and when i rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar”. even though the poem is multi-interpreted, it captures doubt and regret. god is present in the character’s mind when he realizes his past actions that grieve god. it can be concluded for now that poetry and spiritual life overlap. spiritual life is concerned with overcoming egoism, pride, prejudice, and so on, including insecure feelings about meeting god. poetry can be a spiritual practice or a way of life. these findings agree with the claim made by robert mcdowell above that through poetry, peace, and understanding of oneself, others, and the wider world can be obtained (mcdowell, 2008). poetry is a spiritual practice for finding meaning, maturity, and peace. finding god in others no poem is more vivid about god’s presence in others than the gospel of matthew 25: 35-40. these five important verses contain the teachings of love for caring for the sick, visiting the sick in prison, and giving hospitality to strangers. this is the real practice of justice for fellow people as well as a journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 195 testimony to god’s presence. it was also mentioned previously in matthew 18:20, “for where two or three gather in my name, there am i with them.” jesus taught us to love others as we love ourselves. the theme of “finding god in others" often appears in world poetry from time to time. before discussing the poems chosen in this study, here is an overview of several famous poems that describe the presence of god in other people’s life. mary dawson hughes is famous for her description of god’s presence in her oft-quoted haiku thus: “the finger of god touches your life when you make a friend.” likewise, the work of the evangelist john henry newman is clear: “i sought to hear the voice of god and climbed the topmost steeple, but god declared: ‘go down again i dwell among the people’.” another example, father zosima in fyodor dostoevsky’s the brothers karamazov has this to say: “love all of god’s creation, both the whole and every grain of sand. love every leaf, every ray of light. love animals, love plants, love everything.” zosima assured that humans will feel the mystery of god in everything; and once people understand this mystical wisdom, it is not difficult to recognize the value of the whole world with an all-embracing and universal love. if we believe that humans are created in god’s image, the way we learn about god is to live with love for others. in ignatian spirituality, “everything which god created out of love, must therefore be used and presented to him with great respect and love, to glorify god and love others responsibly and not attached to personal ambition”. this principle is tallied with the message conveyed by the christian pastor, writer, and lawyer lauren adams in her latest book parable of the brown girl: the sacred lives of girls of color. adams’s book is about a young woman of color who is often ignored and disrespected, to say nothing of her often-unnoticed opinions in american society in general. just as jesus himself taught using many parables, adams presents girls of color as the main characters in the story in order to interpret their struggles, dreams, hopes, and dignity. it is in these small and marginalized people that the face of god is seen. among the poems quoted by adams is william blake’s famous 18th century english poet “i sought my god”: “i sought my soul /but my soul i could not see /i sought my god /but my god eluded me /i sought my brother /and i found all three.” by quoting blake’s poem, adams wants to show that god created human beings who are different from one another to love one another. adams picked up the story of weak colored girls who are usually overlooked to show that god has used our weaknesses to prove his power. as saint paul told his church in corinth, “god chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; god chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong; god chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not— to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.” (1 corinthians 1:2729). finally, a poet remembers god as he sees the weak, poor, and suffering in “easter at kentucky fried chicken”. written by subagio sastrowardoyo, a new generation of modern indonesian poet after the 1945 cohort, this poem tells the story of a person who resolves not to eat fried chicken when he sees a baby crying in the arms of a thin woman who is scavenging a trash can in front of the restaurant. he further says: “the coca-cola burns my throat /when i remembered hollowed faces in the dark, /with a halo of green flies.” (sastrowardoyo, 1990, p. 200). known for his urban setting, sastrowardoyo also highlights poverty and injustice that occurred in other parts of the world. then, like the self-sacrificing christ, he continues, “come to me. cut up my body /and enjoy my flesh – the whitest bread/ and my blood the purest of wines /until there is left only my limp skeleton /drooping on the branch.” he ends his poetry thus: eloi, eloi, lama sabachtani – my god, my god/ why hast thou forsaken us?” even though sastrowardoyo’s poem was written several decades ago, the gap between the rich and the poor is but a grim reality that continues to occur today. therefore, this poem echoes the word of god indirectly – i say to you, verily, anything that you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do it for me, as scripted in matthew 25: 46. this is to say that the closer we get to god, the closer we get to our neighbor in need. therefore, on the basis of this love for others, god has been journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) novita dewi 196 recurrently featured in different poems from different parts of the world. conclusion literature reflects human life: success, failure, love, hate, peace, war, forgiveness, and revenge – all unfold imaginatively and creatively. literary works such as the seven poems discussed here convey noble values in addition to their linguistic and artistic resources like language style, metaphor, symbolism, and many more. slowly and thoughtfully made, poems have life in them. the poems studied can help us feel god’s presence, especially where realities in our lives are not as joyful as we may expect. this article has shown that the presence of god in nature is a common theme shared by the poets under discussion. god has left his footprints in nature about which the poets marvel. interestingly, the poets here are not instantly and initially aware of god’s presence until nature speaks to them. it is the spiritual connection with nature that the finding of god by each poet is palpably experienced and shared to the reader. it has also been discussed here that poetry can change one’s perspectives in dealing with problems such as doubts about the existence of god, mild spirituality, reluctance to meet god, and other issues of faith. it has also been shown that poetry opens one’s heart to love all creations. the speakers in the poems find the presence and call of god in the people and circumstances of their everyday lives as in dating, praying, poetry-writing, having meals, etc. from the three findings about the presence of god in nature, oneself, and fellow humans, it can be concluded that poetry is a prayer and spiritual exercises that can improve people’s inner sensitivity and goodness. thus, the concept of poetry as prayer and divine practice is evident in the selected poems discussed herein. it is also proven that ignatian spirituality is a daily spirituality that can be lived by anyone of any national, religious and cultural backgrounds. references besserman, l., & clutterbuck, c. 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(1988). taoism and modern chinese poetry. journal of chinese philosophy. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 181 colonial remains in indonesian fashion blogipelago galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari & english literature department of universitas respati yogyakarta, indonesia abstract article information this article aims to expose the colonial remains in indonesian fashion blogipelago. it analyzes five indonesian fashion bloggers: anaz siantar’s brown platform, claradevi handriatmaja’s luce dale, as well as olivia lazuardy’s, ayla dimitri’s and sonia eryka’s eponymous blogs. since fashion blog exists in the interconnected cyberspace, this article is conducted under the scope of transnational american studies, approached with postcolonial theory. it then uses descriptive qualitative method in interpreting data gained from the aforementioned data, as well as the secondary ones. the finding comprises that the colonial remains are thus vividly apparent through the use of fashion blog formula by writing in english, wearing seasonal fashion, and shooting street photography abroad. this set of formulae helps indonesian fashion bloggers to win the audience over. therefore, the colonial remains in indonesian fashion blogipelago are equally internalized both by the bloggers and the audience. keywords: popular culture; post-colonialism; fashion blog; indonesian fashion blogger received: 22 may, 2020 revised: 12 july, 2020 accepted: 20 july, 2020 doi : 10.24071/joll.v20i2.2611 available at this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license. introduction indonesia is a former colonized nation. portugal, spain, france, the united kingdom, the netherlands, and japan took turns colonizing the archipelago nation for more than 400 years (am & lestariningsih, 2017). this historical background affects the dynamics of the nation. even 75 years after its independence, postcolonial discourse remains inevitable in the nation’s political, cultural, and social life. this nation may be no longer under colonization physically, but its people are still heavily colonized mentally. bressler (2011) states, “the conquerors dominated not only the physical land but also the hegemony or the ideology of the colonized peoples”. indonesians favor foreign qualities more especially coming from the west. american fast-food restaurants keep branching out in every city, hollywood movies sell more tickets than the local ones, more european fashion brands open their stores in indonesian malls, whitening skincare products are always in high demand, and celebrities of foreign-race descendants on national tv channels are massively idolized. the favoritism over imported qualities worsens as the world becomes more and more globalized. the term ‘imperialism’ then comes to mind. while colonization involves both a “concrete act of conquest” and “direct rule” of “native people and the administration of its government, economy, and produce”, imperialism is defined as “a broader form of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 182 authority or dominance” as well as “a larger structure of economic or political hegemony” that “continue after the end of colonial rule” in order “to exert its pressure on the ex-colonies and the “third world”, …stresses the subordinate status of the countries to which it refers”. thus, imperialism “helps to conceptualize both past and present forms of economic and cultural dominance” (hiddleston, 2009, p. 2). moreover, the advancement of technology enables imperialism to formulate digitally anywhere and anytime. the “widening, deepening and speeding up of world-wide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, from …the financial to the spiritual” (held & mcgrew, 2000, p. 2) are mediated by publication and communication sectors. personal computers, tablets, and mobile phones are now used everywhere even in secluded, developing nations where landlines never existed. connected to the internet, ‘brain ware’ or the users of these devices can enter cyberspace or the world wide web (www). in the past two decades, the cyberspace keeps advancing, serving more features each day, from reporting news, offering omnipresent entertainments, facilitating relationships, to starting online shops. in other words, cyberspace has become an inseparable space in people’s daily lives, to the extent that their way of thinking can be shifted. virtual and online interactivities on the cyberspace can have real impact on its users, which nowadays are equally as strong as the tangible ones. for example, online dating can end up in marriage, e-commerce transactions gone bad can lead to bankruptcy, and cyber bullying sometimes drives victims to commit suicide. as described by ohiagu & okorie (2014, p. 95), “non-physical interactions and intimacies” within the cyberspace “distort other boundaries previously existing among them”. because the crisscrossing transfers in the cyberspace are impossible to thoroughly censor, the prevalent values can get tarnished, to be swamped by public taste and temporary trend (adi, 2016). this value shift is made possible due to affect of the free-floating entity on the internet on anyone who uses it. one type of website that flourishes in the cyberspace due to its open-source format and user-created content (ucc) is fashion blog. primarily considered as an online diary, any fashion enthusiast with a computer and internet connection can start blogging about their individual fashion choices. fashion blogs(??) contain real-time articles or posts, discussing individual clothing appropriateness, including, but not limited to, mix-and-matching of colors, patterns, and textures, as well as styling and shopping tips of seasonal items. the focal attraction of every fashion blog post is, mainly but not limited to, still pictures of the bloggers wearing their own daily head-to-toe clothes, called ‘outfit of the day’ (ootd), shot without intervention from editor, stylist, photographer or management. sometimes videos are also featured. the visual element is accompanied by a textual description used to elaborate the blog post title, telling the reasons behind the styling, to advise the styling tips and tricks, to describe the details of the clothing and accessories, as well as to inform where to obtain them. as a form of fashion media, fashion blog is often compared to, or even dubbed as the disruptive innovation of, the fashion magazine, yet its affiliate and hyperlink features resemble a brand-owned website. what greatly differentiates fashion blog from fashion magazine and corporate websites is its comments section. fashion bloggers can share their personal styles to unlimited audiences worldwide, who in turn can give their opinions or questions in the allocated comments section. the comments section thus encourages bloggers and audiences to interact with one another. their crisscrossing interaction creates, according to dean (2010, p. 38), a “blogipelago”. it is analogous as each blog possesses “separateness” requiring both bloggers and audience an “immense effort …to move from one island or network to another” in order to “attend to the variety of uses, engagements, performances, and intensities blogging contributes and circulates”. fashion blog originated in the united states with the creation of she she me and primp in 2001, followed by dfr: daily journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 183 fashion report in 2002 and no good for me in 2003 (rocamora, 2011). more fashion blogs soon emerged abroad. the phenomenon reached france in 2005, with the emergence of garance doré’s atelier doré and danielle meder’s final fashion, then stretched to the united kingdom in 2006, with the presence of susie lau’s style bubble as well as michelle haswell and marie thomson’s kingdom of style. in the same year, a blogging search engine technorati (in corcoran, 2006) estimated two million fashion-and-shoppingrelated blogs dispersed in the cyberspace. the number quickly multiplied when personalstyle community websites, such as chictopia and lookbook were created. in these two sites, indonesian fashion bloggers first appeared, with the likes of cindy karmoko, ario achda, wisnu genu, and jovi adhiguna. indonesian fashion blogipelago grew after their western counterparts have made impacts in as well as gained recognitions from the insiders of fashion industry. blogging henceforth began to be seen as a reputable career. following their western counterparts in establishing independent blogs, e.g., wendy nguyen’s wendy’s lookbook, blair eadie’s the atlantic pacific, adam gallagher’s i am gala, and tina leung’s bagsnob, indonesian fashion bloggers then also moved from free community websites to independent blogs; e.g., diana rikasari’s hot chocolate & mint, evita nuh’s jelly jelly beans, keshia nathania’s banana lace, indah nada puspita’s sketches of mind, as well as tysna saputra’s and aquinaldo adrian’s eponymous blogs. since then, they started making waves across the local fashion industries, receiving frontrow invitations at fashion shows, headlining brand campaigns, being brand spokespersons, and collaborating in releasing capsule collections. in the united states alone, mediakix, a californian-based marketing agency, estimates the marketing capital on fashion blogs to be around $1 billion (berezhna, 2018). this promising financial success tempted more aspiring bloggers to try their luck. the mushrooming effect of fashion blog is encouraging as blogging, predominantly a pastime activity, categorically belongs to popular culture. as popular culture has the power to reflect the needs and wishes of the people, fashion blog then becomes a source of entertainment, information, and even education for their devoted audience. due its existence in the cyberspace, fashion blog can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere for free, making its contents insinuate widely, quickly, and deeply. in addition, fashion blog also is free cyberspace open for public participation for bloggers and audience alike. toffler (1980, p. 282) coins the term “prosumer”, which is a portmanteau of the words: ‘producer’ and ‘consumer’. the lines between producers and consumers are merged and blurred, which is the main characteristic of the web 2.0. fashion blog audience are not merely passive recipients, as they also have the same opportunity to be active producers by posting contents in their own blogs. previously, the blogger-audience relation was examined by l. durmaz (2014) in “the role of social media in the fashion industry: how fashion blogging encourages two-way symmetrical communication”. meanwhile, “the megaphone effect: taste and audience in fashion blogging” by e. f. mcquarrie, j. miller and b. j. philip (2013) highlighted the domino repercussions of fashion blog contents. furthermore, m. titton (2015) wrote “fashion personae: self-identity and enactments of fashion narratives in fashion blogs” to analyze how fashion bloggers formulate their own self-representation, which in turn affect how the audience receive their narrative. it is clearly seen that the needs for a cultural analysis on fashion blogs still exist, especially on their roles to the changing fashion industry during the globalization era. this article thus focuses on the transfer of influence in the globalized world. considering indonesia’s colonial background and the western origin of fashion blog, this research focuses on postcolonial discourse in indonesian fashion blogipelago. as fashion blog is a ucc, indonesian fashion blogipelago speaks volumes about its bloggers. from the perspective of postcolonial studies, this article aims to discover whether there are colonial remains influencing indonesian fashion bloggers during the journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 184 production process, and if so, how they are embedded in the blogs. given that the internet is often assumed as a medium of imperialism to transpire digitally, this article aims to see whether the colonial remains have led to either the success or the failure of the bloggers. since the analysis of popular culture cannot be separated from its audience and with comment section being allocated, these objectives are expected to give a broad depiction regarding the postcolonial state of indonesian people in the cyberspace as well. methodology this article deals with the issue of postcolonial discourse within indonesian fashion blogipelago. there are two types of data, i.e., primary and secondary data. the primary data are taken from witjaksono’s piece in indonesian tatler (2016). the article was chosen because the magazine is a branch of world-renowned lifestyle magazine¸ tatler. there are five indonesian fashion bloggers listed in it, which are, table 1. list of chosen fashion blogs no. blogger blog blog address 1. anaz siantar brown platform 2. claradevi handriatmaja luce dale 3. olivia lazuardy olivia lazuardy 4. ayla dimitri ayla dimitri 5. sonia eryka sonia eryka as these “top-notch online influencers” are the ones that indonesians look up to when seeking fashion inspirations, they are likely to look for inspirations elsewhere. analyzing what inspires the inspirers is thus hoped to provide a comprehensive understanding whether this effort is affected by the fact that indonesians are ex-colonized. supplementary to the aforementioned blogs, other fashion blogs, as well as various sources in books, journal, news articles, and website related with the discussed topic, as secondary data. since the data are in form of textual elements: words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs; as well as visual elements: pictures and screenshots, this non-numerical article employs qualitative method. creswell (2014, pp. 212-4) defines qualitative method as, …a form of interpretive inquiry in which researchers make an interpretation of what they see, hear, and understand. their interpretations cannot be separated from their own backgrounds, history, contexts, and prior understandings. …with these concerns in mind, inquirers explicitly identify reflexively their biases, values, and personal background, such as gender, history, culture, and socioeconomic status that may shape their interpretations formed during a research. the data are collected, clustered and interpreted subjectively, to then being presented descriptively. furthermore, this article uses a deductive approach. it derives from a hypothesis based on a series of facts subjectively assessed from a set of theoretical framework on postcolonialism to arrive at a comprehensive conclusion regarding the realm of indonesian fashion blogipelago. as a type of website on cyberspace, blog becomes a medium for worldwide interactions. this article thus technically falls under the scope of transnational american studies. according to vetrovec (1999, p. 2), transnational american studies describes a condition in which, despite great distances and notwithstanding the presence of international borders (and all the laws, regulations and national narratives they represent), certain kinds of relationship have been globally intensified and now take place paradoxically in a planet-spanning yet common—however virtual—arena of activity. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 185 transnational american studies is a contemporary school of thought. in that sense alone, it is at the very cutting edge of present academic inquiries. with its global reach, it highlights the crisscrossing and never-ending exchanges of information and communication pioneered and/or acquired by the united states. as stated by fishkin (2005, p. 43), the united states is and has always been a transnational crossroads of cultures. …reading thoreau helped inspire gandhi to develop his own brand of civil disobedience, which crossed the pacific to inspire the civil right movement; the idea of dissent through civil disobedience as particularly american resurfaced in asia when tiananmen square protesters used the statue of liberty as a symbol”. the expanse and export of american commodities bring along with them the values and customs of american culture. therefore, the social, political and economic aspects of the world get more and more interconnected among societies and communities. transnational american studies facilitates people in any part of the world experiencing this interconnectedness to scrutinize it. rowe (2014, p. 1) then specifies that, transnationalism’ also refers to american studies done by international scholars outside the u.s., especially scholarship that emphasizes the influence of the u.s. abroad…transnationalism is closely connected with the study of european imperialism and its postcolonial effects in the nations and societies of the western hemisphere. the united states holds a unique position. besides as an ex-british colony, its history of slavery, its mistreatment towards native americans and its invasion of multiple parts of the world are considered as colonial practices. this fact not only provides a bedrock stance to analyze the impacts of american expansion and exportation on a global level, but also puts them as a window to elucidate the repercussions of western colonization. alongside transnational american studies, postcolonial theory is also employed due to its extensive investigation to intercultural exchanges, and its critical search for answers to power relation in various contexts. explained by burney (2012, p. 42), postcolonial theory is used between and across disciplines as a critical tool for deconstructing the underlying layers, structures, and forms that are embedded in the colonial past and postcolonial present. wide-ranging issues relating nationalism, history, socioeconomics, geopolitics, and international relations have all been critiqued through the critical lens of postcolonial theory, deploying its methodology of close reading and discourse analysis. postcolonial critique sees colonization as a continuous process, which begins with the forming of empire in the west up to the aftermaths of colonization on the rest of the world, including the developmental changes throughout the whole ordeals. in the same vein, ramutsindela (2005, p. 1) emphasizes, …the trilogy of history—pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial—implied in the word post-colonialism as an intermixture of events, processes and actors that transcends any form of periodisation. in other words, it acknowledges the continuing domination of postcolonial societies by former colonial masters in one form or another. the hardship of being colonized deeply influenced the ex-colonized. past colonial institutional and educational systems linger, governing their decision makings upon development and modernization. as a result, western remains are still habitually found in the present-day state of the ex-colonies. in addition, postcolonial critique draws “connections among all the domains of our experience—the psychological, ideological, social, political, intellectual, and aesthetic—in ways that show us just how inseparable these categories are in our lived experience of ourselves and our world” (tyson, 2006, p. 417). it can do so both “at the local level of exjournal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 186 colonial societies as well as at the level of more general global developments” (quayson, 2000, p. 4). forms of global developments in the past three decades have been fundamentally leaning toward digital innovations. helton (2002) considers the internet particularly to have transformed the world on the same level as the industrial revolution in the late 18th to early 19th century, where traditional lives were left behind because manual-laborers were replaced with modern machineries. while some of the resulted transformations are technical, some others are significantly cultural. even more so, the internet carries out “political and economic power to exalt and spread the values and habits of a foreign culture at the expense of a native culture” (bullock & stallybrass, 1977, p. 303). the internet thus contributes greatly to the cultural imperialism ubiquitously occurring nowadays. according to shabazz (1999, p. 27), the internet was founded as a “cold war” project by the department of defense to thwart efforts of a soviet surgical strike and subsequent destruction of the information infrastructure. therefore, it is appropriate to say that the construction of the internet was based on political motives. the internet has changed the nature of international relations and diplomacy by rendering the linearity of time and vastness of space as less significant factors. the political implication of the internet is supported by jandrić & kuzmanić (2015, pp. 35-39), arguing that “technology and colonialism are dialectically intertwined”, in the way they deal with extensification as well as exploration of “new frontiers, new challenges, and new perspectives”. the expansion and exportation through the internet mimic colonialism, especially for the ex-colonized. although there is no colonial subjugation, such as “a concrete process of invasion and a practical seizing of control” (hiddleston, 2009, p. 2) over lands, digital imperialism exists because the majority of advantageous space is inhabited and mastered by the west (laric, 2010). from the beginning, the formation of cyberspace has generated a divide within its users even as it has made possible degrees and types of communication hitherto impossible. technological infrastructures, from hardware to software, are developed and made by western nations to then build for and/or in the rest of the world. for instance, o2, vodafone, axis, yandex, and spotify are from european nations, while microsoft, apple, google, facebook, and amazon are from the united states. these networks, devices and services are used globally, the west thus have the upper hand in cyberspace. kim (1998, p. 2) divides the dichotomy of cyberspace based on, ‘core and periphery’ theories, the core consists of “rich” and “industrialized” countries of the “first world,” whereas the periphery includes “poorer” and “rural countries in the “third world” … “information and technology are controlled by core nations and flow is unidirectional, from core to periphery, with little opportunity for peripheral nations to participate in the process”. digital imperialism is the transfer of the remaining postcolonial social relationships from physical lands to virtual cyberspace. during the process of settlement, the colonizer co-habits with the colonized. this dialectical encounter has shaped the power dynamic among them. drawing upon the relation between the olden colonization and digital imperialism, technology inventors, (e.g., bill gates, tim berners lee, steve jobs, and mark zuckerberg), can be considered as present-day equivalent to the ancient seafarers, (e.g., christopher columbus, james cook, alfonso de albuquerque, and amerigo vespucci). this parallelism supports fanon’s theory (2001) that colonizers are the ones who established the colonized territories. prior to their discoveries, cyberspace is “lifeless, empty, non-existent” without the “pre-existing natives”, so “the new savages are sought for and created elsewhere …from peoples who are left behind in the old territories” (jandrić & kuzmanić, 2015, pp. 42-43). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 187 the virtual divide is thus as real as any other social gaps (e.g., wealth gap, racial segregation, and gender inequality). cyberspace is then assumed to be the relocation of the prevailing inequalities. designated by the west, it “serves as a tool of thought and of action” and “a means of control, and hence of domination, of power” (lefebvre, 1991, p. 20), which makes it prone to white supremacy and race-based discrimination (risam, 2013). therefore, the behavior and attitude of its users are easily affected by information and ideas spreading remotely and quickly via the internet. consequently, this cyber domination emits western influences to the rest of the world. while the west is thought of as “the model of ‘developed’ completeness”, the rest refers to the term ‘third world’, “lacking, wanting, incomplete, and underdeveloped”, thus “in need of the wealth and expertise of the ‘west’ to help resolve its many ‘problems’ …the object of the ‘west’s’ pity” (du bois in phillpott, 2000, p. 48). as a conduit of cultural imperialism, nations that possess control over the invention and innovation of technology are accordingly in control over the direction of the world’s resources. this dichotomous disparity between the developed and developing nations allows the west to accumulate power over the non-western societies and their people. as stated by kraidy (2002, p. 359), “audiences across the globe are heavily affected by media messages emanating from the western industrialized countries”. the constant cultural penetration from the west has significance in formulating the sense of self, both in the personal and communal lives of the ex-colonized. under the term “the generalized other”, mead (1967, p. 140) elucidates the self as “essentially a social structure” which “arises in social experience”. the self thus can only be constructed when the person implements the standpoint of ‘the other’ when looking at himself or herself (mead in whittaker, 2008, p. 54). to make matters worse, at the severe degree of colonialization, the colonizers realized that they could benefit more out of the colonized if they were more civilized, educated, and skilled. these improvements were permissible with the proviso they were kept under the desired restrains of the colonization that governed both of them (ibid., p. 86). in view of that, the “colonial difference, cultural or racial, returns the eye of power to some prior archaic image or identity”, the ex-colonized thus “can neither be 'original'—by virtue of the act of repetition that constructs it—nor identical—by virtue of the difference that defines it” (ibid., p. 153). conflicted with the experience of western colonization, the colonized self will either be conceding or opposing to western qualities. as noted by bhabha (1994, pp. 168-9), …the colonial presence is always ambivalent, split between its appearance as original and authoritative and ‘its appearance as original and authoritative and its articulation as repetition and difference.’ it is this ambivalence that makes the boundaries of colonial positionality-the division of self/other and the question of colonial power-the differentiation of colonizer/colonized. this notion of ambivalence confuses the ex-colonized when forming their identity; due to the duality between their own cultural identity and the colonizer's cultural identity. it then leads into the act of mimicry. mimicry refers to the performance of the colonized imitating or mimicking the colonizers and their cultures. however, the colonized are only “almost the same, but not quite” as the colonizers (ibid., p. 131). this postcolonial reality prevails and explains why belatedness becomes a characteristic of ex-colonies. it is because the center of modernity and progress are thought to recline in the hands of the western nations. as the pioneer of fashion blog, what western bloggers display are followed by the worldwide counterparts, to the extent that they have become fashion blog formula. described by cawelti (1977), formula is a set of generalizing the characteristics of large groups of individual works from certain combinations of cultural materials and archetypal story pattern. it is useful primarily as a means of making historical and cultural inferences about the collective fantasies shared by large groups of people and of journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 188 identifying differences in these fantasies from one culture or period to another. results and discussion the fact that fashion blog first emanated in the west renders its formula to be of western characteristics. despite geographical distance, the fashion blog formula can be greatly felt throughout indonesian fashion blogipelago. unwittingly, it is intensified due to the colonial background of the nation. from the textual to visual elements, as well as the clothes shown are all heavily influenced by the west. the colonial remains are thus vividly apparent through the use of language, seasonal fashion, as well as photography. writing in english the vast majority of computerization and virtualization are conveyed in english, since it is the universal lingua franca. as language is the medium of communication that cuts to the visceral depth of the psyche, the use of english is regarded as a vehicle of digital imperialism. fashion blog is a nonauthoritative cyberspace where one has the luxury to construct every feature, including its textual feature. nonetheless, even the nonanglophone fashion bloggers write in english, instead of their mother tongue. to put it in perspective, fashion magazine franchises use the local language, e.g., marie claire indonesia, elle indonesia and harper’s bazaar indonesia are all written in bahasa indonesia. therefore, the use of english as a personal preference of the indonesian fashion bloggers can be said to have been driven by their ex-colonized mindset. they then choose to name their blogs as well as give blogpost titles and descriptions in english, demonstrated as follows. the use of formulaic element is useful as a means of making historical and cultural inferences about the collective conceptions shared by large groups of people differ from one culture or period to another. moreover, fashion blog has a “snowball effect”. its contents that in the beginning only have a little importance can grow into a bigger state of significance because they are being reshared easily both by other bloggers and audience at a fast pace, i.e., “viral” (de brouwer & dekker, 2014, p. 7). by analyzing the indonesian fashion blogipelago, these methodology, theoretical framework, and data collection are able to yield thorough findings regarding colonial remains in indonesian fashion blogipelago and indonesian people in general as ex-colonized. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 189 figure 1. the use of english on sonia eryka eryka is one of the earliest indonesian fashion bloggers. prior to making her mark in indonesian fashion blogosphere, she was a child actress and singer. when she reached teenage years, she created a lookbook account to express her love for fashion. as an actress/singer, she was only known locally. yet as a fashion blogger, she gathered wider recognition. because the website is americanbased, all of her lookbook posts are by design written in english. however, upon establishing her own blog in 2011, she keeps telling her fashion journeys as well as giving fashion tips and tricks in english, (see figure 1). in indonesia, and other countries where english is not the mother tongue, one’s mastery of english is related to their social status. those who speak english fluently are considered to come from affluent families and possess higher intellectuality (onishi, 2010). it results in bahasa indonesia considered as a language of the second class. many indonesian people are even boastful when speaking their own mother tongue in a stuttering manner. the excessive pride in using english seamlessly transmits from the bloggers to their audience, as noticeable in the following figure. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 190 figure 2. the use of english on brown platform since the indonesian beloved fashion bloggers write in english, so do their devoted audience. the comments in the indonesian fashion blogs are mostly written in english, as spotted in one of siantar’s blogpost (see figure 2). although the commenters’ user ids are of indonesian names, none of them write in bahasa indonesia. it shows that the use of english as a colonial remain in indonesian fashion blogipelago is not only strengthened by the bloggers, but also extended by the audience. the ucc nature of fashion blog encourages the indonesian audience to be fashion bloggers too. after witnessing the success that siantar has reached, english becomes their language of choice. regardless of how imperfect their competency might be, indonesian fashion bloggers insist on writing in english, as seen below. figure 3. the use of english on aquinaldo adrian journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 191 there is several tense inaccuracy and grammatical errors easily observed in adrian’s blogpost (see figure 3). he writes “that’s what wikipedia said” instead of “that’s what wikipedia says”; “everybody know” instead of “everybody knows”; “a bomber jacket is a staple, essentials” instead of “a bomber jacket is a staple essential”; “had been existed in fashion scene for a long time, and had been reinterpreted by many fashion designer” instead of “have existed in fashion scene for a long time, and have been reinterpreted by many fashion designers”; as well as “black tassel loafer” instead of “black tassel loafers”. the fact that his english inadequacy does not stop him from wiring in english signifies his belief that english, as a western quality, can somehow position himself above other bloggers in the indonesian fashion blogipelago, and put himself alongside western fashion bloggers. the pervasive use of english has eroding impacts on bahasa indonesia. indonesians study english attributable to its perceivedhigher status. upper-middle-class indonesians also prefer their children to enroll at international private schools, where english is used as the primary language during daily class activities. many children thus only speak bahasa indonesia poorly. in extreme cases, the grandchildren living in a household together with their grandparents cannot even communicate with one another because they do not learn the mother tongue. similar to many native vernaculars in the brink of extinction, it is obvious that the textual element of indonesian fashion blogipelago put indonesian lingua legacy under a serious threat. wearing seasonal fashion there are two seasons in fashion, called spring/summer and fall/winter. collection from each season is introduced twice a year during fashion weeks in new york, london, paris and milan. in february and march, highend fashion brands showcase their fall/winter collection for the upcoming fall, whereas their spring/summer collection for the next year’s spring is presented in september and october. spring/summer collection is sold from january to june, and fall/winter collection can be purchased from july to december. as an instance, 2019/2020 louis vuitton fall/winter show was held on march 5, 2019, while the collection became available to purchase by july 2019. established by western countries in the northern hemisphere, this fashion calendar was not to intend merely to reflect climate factors, but also to generate sales. this system is then spread globally, including in tropical countries that only have two seasons. indonesia is located right in the equator line, thus it only has dry and rainy seasons, with temperatures and humidity more or less constant throughout the year. this geographical location does not stop local fashion bloggers from applying the western seasonal fashion on their postings. spring/summer collection is manufactured with light textiles and is still wearable in indonesian weather. likewise, clothes made of thicker fabrics can be worn during the rainy months. in spite of that, there is no functional need for indonesians to wear clothes primarily targeted for snowy countries. although the average temperature in indonesia ranges from 18.2°c to 40.3°c in 2014 (badan pusat statistik, 2017), local bloggers insist on wearing fall/winter collection, as displayed below. journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 192 figure 4. seasonal fashion on luce dale on the left photo, handriatmaja wears a khaki coat on top of her yellow tulle dress, and wraps a camel shawl around her neck. still with the same color scheme, she opts for a crème with a pair of black wide-legged pants and a black military coat on the right photo (see figure 4). besides the earthy color palette, the layering is a characteristic of fall/winter fashion. to beat the frosty air, at least four layers of clothing are worn at the same time. fall/winter collection thus has more variety to offer with designs using rich materials, making the fall/winter items more expensive (pustetto, 2011). for indonesian fashion bloggers, despite the non-existence of leaves falling and temperature dropping, they will still be getting a whole new wardrobe. not only would they rather sacrifice comfort at the expense of flaunting weighty pieces of weatherproof attire, they also willingly splurge a large sum of money. such act reflects a “conspicuous consumption”, which refers to the habit of taste and consumption (veblen, 1899, p. 33). the value of clothing does not lie in its functionality, but in the social status it bestows or, in tyson’s term, “sign-exchange value” (2006, p. 62). disregarding functionality, indonesian fashion bloggers go to great lengths to flaunt fall/winter clothes in order to gain admiration from their audience, since the collection has western qualities with which they are enchanted. the enchantment over western seasonal fashion is also perceptible from the display of pre-fall and pre-spring. these pre-collections are created to shorten the wait and warm the consumers up ahead of new main collections. this way brands can ensure their retail stores are never left empty, and thus continuously make profits. figure 5. fashion calendar journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 193 as illustrated by dhillon (2018) in figure 5, pre-fall and pre-spring collections last on the shelves twice as long as the biannual main seasonal collections. pre-fall collection is sold in may until october to take advantage of the consumers who have just come home from summer vacation and/or go back to school. meanwhile, pre-spring collection arrives in stores by november and stays through april to capitalize on travelers who aim to escape the cold during christmas and new year holiday. the pre-spring collection is also known as cruise or resort, intended to be sported onboard a cruise ship with destination to resorts in the tropics. chanel was the first fashion brand to create cruise collection back in 1919 for their wealthy consumers who could afford vacationing outside of the usual period on a trip across the globe taking voyages to tropical countries. other western fashion brands immediately followed suit. the western-based fashion bloggers have always been seen wearing the collection, which is then replicated by indonesian fashion bloggers. figure 6. seasonal fashion on brown platform in indonesia, the temperature difference in the trans-seasonal weather, from rainy to dry, or vice versa, is not glaringly contrast. indonesians thus do not need a whole wardrobe change every season. however, the trans-seasonal collections can be seen in indonesian fashion blogipelago. one of them is siantar, clad in gucci cruise 2018 collection (see figure 6). ineptly, her ootd is not photographed in line with the reason why the collection was created (i.e., sailing on a cruise or ‘staycationing’ in a resort. this fact indicates that the collection is not served by indonesian fashion blogger for its functionality, but rather for its sign-exchange value. additionally, it is unfortunate that the stylish realm that indonesian fashion bloggers feel upon wearing seasonal fashion as one of western qualities is enforced by the excolonized mindset. as stated by the likes of fanon, spivak, and bhabha, from the postcolonial perspective, “subversion is encapsulated in mimicry and this seems to characterize contemporary indonesian fashion, intertwined with a degree of ironic self-orientalizing and exoticization in the context of a liquid modernity” (lopez y royo, 2019, p. xxviii). the colonial remain somehow assigns seasonal fashion to be a necessity. while the fashion calendar of brands’ releases their collections for commercial reason, the colonial remain of indonesian people makes journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 194 them easier to be led further into consumerism. shooting street photography abroad fashion blog approaches fashion through a more personal lens. it focuses equally on both the clothes and the wearer. the clothes are worn, styled, shot and curated by the bloggers themselves. this ucc system results in a more organic outcome. fashion blog thus centralizes on what the bloggers truly wear. this personal approach to fashion is emphasized on the ootd photos by the use of street photography. street photography captures spontaneous moments outdoor in public places. fashion bloggers then shoot their ootds on the open-air cityscapes with buildings, stores, cafés, parks, hallways, and bridges in the backgrounds. notwithstanding the system that should have been given bloggers total freedom and control over the content production, indonesian fashion bloggers are still fixated on their western counterparts. therefore, the street photography of their ootds, which could have been taken anywhere actually, are taken abroad, as often seen in lazuardy’s blogposts. figure 7. street photography on olivia lazuardy lazuardy is an indonesian-born fashion blogger based in jakarta. nevertheless, only a handful of blogposts contain photos taken in the city, or even in the country. her ootd photos are almost entirely taken abroad. the streets of new york, paris, milan, and london become recurring locations on her blog (see figure 7). she is either transfixed on the formula of western fashion blogs or fascinated by the urban environments abroad that are more scenic. it can be said that the colonial remain makes her reluctant to take photos in her own country. moreover, the foreign qualities of her ootds are intended to entice a larger audience. this estimation turns out to be accurate as they receive more exposure. for instance, there are more engagements (e.g., likes, comments, shares and subscriptions) on the posts whose photos are shot abroad than the ones shot inside the country. it then can be said that the colonial remain in term of favoring western qualities are equally possessed both by the bloggers as well as their audience. either because indonesian audience first see the western bloggers and assign them as standard or because they are impressed by bloggers who are able to travel the world, the pervasive portrayals of street photography abroad can be obviously seen as a form of colonial remains. ideally, ootd photos are intended to create an impression that these clothes are worn by the bloggers walking around in journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 2 – october 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 195 foreign cities. due to this purpose, the ootds must appear to have been taken organically without too much preparation or editing. the ootds are thus shot in the daytime, taking advantage of natural lighting from the sun. moreover, as the photography in indonesian fashion blogipelago revolves around the bloggers travelling abroad, they are often photographed carrying what they consume, such as coffee. fashion bloggers are often photographed with a cup of coffee on their hand, as a feature purposely caught on camera to appear as if they are just doing their daily routine. however, it is not just any coffee sold at any local shops that they drink from. instead, it is starbucks cups that they are seen holding. figure 8. street photography on ayla dimitri stated by the international coffee organization (2019), indonesia is one of the biggest coffee producers in the world. despite that fact, starbucks is still more favorable over local coffee shops since it is a foreign coffee brand. collectively, indonesia as a society ascribes a higher pride on products imported from abroad, specifically the west. drinking starbucks abroad is thus a matter of social status. being photographed with starbucks coffee has thus become a commodification practice for its signexchange value. featuring the starbucks cup is then imitated by the audience of indonesian fashion bloggers. in the long run, they voluntarily imitate the bloggers by sharing photos with starbucks drinks in their hand, snowballing this colonial remain broader within the indonesian audience. in order to accompany her ootds, dimitri, as seen on figure 8, appends close up photos of her holding a starbucks drink. conclusion analyzed through transnational american studies, the colonial remains in indonesian fashion blogipelago are thus vividly apparent through the use of fashion blog formula initiated by western-based fashion bloggers. when composing their blogposts, indonesian fashion bloggers follow the formula by writing in english, instead of bahasa indonesia; wearing biannual and trans-seasonal fashion; and shooting street photography on the streets of foreign cities. with these formulaic elements, indonesian fashion bloggers are then able to attract the audience. as their success is shown by audience numbers, it indicates that the colonial remains in indonesian fashion blogipelago are equally possessed both by the bloggers as well as the audience. it can be concluded that fashion blog has become a space of digital colonialism. indonesians are still internally colonized; they thus tend to glorify imported qualities journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) galant nanta adhitya & novi wulandari 196 over the indigenous ones. even after its independence, indonesians as ex-colonized are never free from the impact of colonization, thus profoundly influencing the cultural productions. in the cyberspace, excolonized are always the users, and never the inventors. similarly, in the case of fashion, excolonized are always the followers, and never the trendsetters. the fact that fashion blog is a ucc, where bloggers have absolute freedom in creating any content as they like but still adhering to western fashion bloggers, means that colonial remains embedded deeply in the minds of formerly colonized people. acknowledgement the authors would like to extend a feeling of gratitude to universitas respati yogyakarta, especially the faculty of social sciences and economics, for the supports that bring this article into fruition, prof. dr. ida rochani adi, s.u. for the encouragement to explore the world of popular culture in the academe, and laurence joseph splitter, ba(hons monash)., bphil dphil(oxon) for the proofreads to refine this article. references adi, i. r. 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(2016). 5 indonesian fashion influencers that will inspire your wardrobe. indonesian tattler. retrieved from journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) abd ali nayif hasan 1 a contrastive analysis of haplology patterns in modern standard english and modern standard arabic abd ali nayif hasan department of english, college of basic education, university of babylon, iraq abstract phonologically speaking, each word in a language consists of one or more syllables. in both modern standard english (henceforth mse) and modern standard arabic (henceforth msa), a syllable may be followed by an identical one. in this case, one of such syllables is eliminated. this phonological process is referred to as haplology. the present study aims at finding out similarities and differences of haplology patterns between mse and msa. accordingly, a comparison of haplology patterns between such two languages has been conducted. this phonological phenomenon results in the fact that differences are more than similarities of such patterns between both languages. additionally, it appears that all eliminated syllables in mse consist of onset and centre without coda and that they occur only in a medial position. as far as msa is concerned, all elided syllables consist of onset and centre except the syllables [ɂit] and [zil] which consist of onset, centre and coda, and the syllables [un],[an] and [in] which consist of a centre and coda without onset. some of such syllables can occur initially, others medially and that most of them occur finally. such results lead to the conclusions that haplology patterns are mentioned to make pronunciation easy and that elision of some syllables in certain contexts investigates musical rhythm. . keywords: haplology, syllable, elimination, contrastive analysis. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ introduction the purpose of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences between mse and msa haplology patterns. this is necessary and beneficial for those interested in dealing with the phonological aspects especially the elision of a whole syllable in both languages. haplology is a phonological process whereby a whole syllable is elided when two similar syllables occur successively. it is originally related to greek and identified by the american philologist maurice bloomfield in the 20th century (webster, 2008). according to trubetskoy (1969, p. 305), haplology is responsible of naming the nation which is regarded as the cradle of english, namely “england” whose original form is “engla” and “land” where one of the repeated syllables (la)/lə/is eliminated. campbell (2004) points out that haplology is the phenomenon where the repeated sequence of sounds is rendered to a single occurrence. consider the following example in which the syllable /li/ is elided because it is followed by the same one as in “humblely” /hʌmblili/ which becomes “humbly” /hʌmbli/. in the same respect, trask (1996, p. 68) indicates that when the final syllable of a word is similar to the initial syllable of the following word, one of them is omitted as illustrated in journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 2 the following example in which the syllable (ar) /a:/ is omitted: sagar ardo  sagardo. similarly, bussmann (2006, p. 500) affirms that haplology is considered a special type of dissimilation where one of two identical neighboring syllables is eliminated as shown in the following example in which the syllable (ta) /tə/ is elided, e.g. preventative /priventətiv/  preventive/ priventiv/. crystal (2008, p. 224) states that haplology refers to the omission of successive sounds when pronounced at the same place of articulation. consider the following instance where the two final neighboring consonants/t/and/s/are elided since both of them are alveolar, i.e., they are pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches or is near the alveolar ridge: cyclists /saiklists/  /saiklis/. in the same sense, some psycholinguists assert that the term haplology is mentioned to indicate a tongue slip as in: running jump /rʌniη ʤʌmp/  rump /rʌmp/. some adverbs ending with (ly)/li/are preceded by the same syllable(le)/li/. in this respect, trubetskoy (1969, p. 305) points out that the syllable (le)/li/is eliminated as in: gentlely /ʤentlili/  gently /ʤentli/and ablely /eiblili/  ably /eibli/. the examples below show elision of certain syllables: a. mono nominal  monominal (the syllable (no) /nəu/ is elided), b. urine /juərin/ analysis /ənᴂləsis/  urinalysis / juərinᴂləsis/ (/ən/ is elided), c. library /laibreri/  libry /laibri/ (the syllable /re/ is elided). d. february /februri/  febry /febri/ (the syllable /ru/ is elided). e. particularly /pətikjuləli/  /pətikjuli/ (the syllable /lə/ is elided). f. probably /probəbli/  /probli/ (the syllable /bə/ is elided). g. representative /reprizentətiv/  representive /reprizentiv/ (/tə/ is elided). h. authoritative /o:θorətətiv/  authoritive /o:θorətiv/ (the syllable /tə/ is elided) (hornby, 1978). consonants can be elided where a word ends with consonant sounds similar to the initial sounds of the following word. in this case, one or two of the final consonants of the first word are elided as illustrated in the following instances: a. just stay away /ʤʌst stei əwei/  /ʤʌstei əwei/ (/s/ and /t/ are elided), b. safe from /seif frəm/  /seifrəm/ (/f/ is elided), c. from me /frəm mi/  /frəmi/ (/m/ is elided), d. newspaper route /nju:speipər ru:t/  /nju:speipəru:t/ (/r/ is elided), e. part taking /pa:t teikiη/  /pa:teikiη/, (/t/ is elided), f. last time /la:st taim/  /la:staim/ (/t/ is elided), and g. what to do /wot tə du:/  /wotədu:/ (jespersen, 1965, pp. 229–231). some examples are stated to show that haplology is mentioned to refer to the reduction of two consonants different only by voice (haplology with voice assimilation) as in: a. cupboard /kʌbəd/ (/p/ is assimilated to /b/). b. sit down /sidaun/ (/t/ is assimilated to /d/). c. black guard /blᴂga:d/ (/k/ is assimilated to /g/) (ibid). as far as syllable elision in derivative words is concerned, raffelsiefen (1996) affirms that similar onsets in neighboring syllables are not permissible in derivative words as illustrated in the following instances: a. femininize /feməninaiz/  feminize /femənaiz/, b. minimimize /minimimaiz/  minimize /minimaiz/, c. metathesisize /metəθisisaiz/  metathesize /metəθisaiz/, and d. emphasisize /imfəsisaiz/  emphasize /imfəsaiz/. in these examples, the medial syllables such as /ni/, /mi/ and /si/ are elided because they are adjacent to syllables beginning with journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) abd ali nayif hasan 3 the same onsets such as /n/, /m/ and /s/ respectively. there is a relationship between stress, which is defined as the force by which the syllable is uttered, and syllable elision. the word ''probably'' /probəbli/, for instance, is stressed on the first syllable. it is stated that the stressed syllable is more important and interesting than the unstressed syllables especially in understanding and producing words. in rapid speech, speakers are inclined to reduce the contrast in the vowels in the understood syllables. the production of a stressed syllable requires more muscular energy than that of the unstressed one. if a word such as ''probably'' is pronounced slowly and carefully, it'll take a form like ''pro–bab– lee''. but if it is pronounced faster, the medial unstressed vowel seems to be less distinct. accordingly, the syllable /bə/ is elided and the word is pronounced as ''probly''/probli/ (the 8898/why-say-probly and libry instead of probably and library). there is a relation between the internal structure of a word and syllable elision. in this case, morphological haplology is known as a common process of inflection in which an affix is elided when the adjacent part of the stem is homophonous to it (stemberger, 1981, p. 791). according to katamba (2006, p. 57–58), haplology refers to the elimination of one of the similar elements. as far as morphological haplology is concerned, such elements form identical morphs that belong to identifiable morphemes as illustrated in the following examples: a. cats (''s'' plural is attached to the noun). b. the cat's ears (possessive ''s'' is attached to a singular noun). c. the cats' ears (plural and possessive ''s'' co–occurring). d. the oxen's ears (irregular plural combined with possessive ''s''). such examples show that when two similar morphs such as plural and possessive are attached to the noun, they involve the merger of the phonological content of the two morphs. this results in ambiguity as in example (c) above. it should be noted that the ambiguity does not occur in an irregular plural as in (d) above since its phonological form is different from the possessive one. in this sense, stemberger (1981, p. 791) states that morphological haplology is considered as a dissimilated process that interacts with the morphological structure. haplology is referred to as the elimination of similar phonetic or phonological forms in complex words. according to booij (1983, p. 257), haplology can occur in any language whose morphological structure permits creating identical phonological sequences. thus, it can be concluded that morphological haplology is considered to be universal in some sense with language specification in another sense. crystal (2008, p. 150) agrees with bussmann (2006, p. 228) that dissimilation is a phonological process where one sound segment affects the articulation of a neighboring one so that they can become less alike or different. for instance, the sound /r/ in the latin word ''peregrinus'' is dissimilated to /l/ to become ''pilgrim'' in english with some modifications such as: 1. the first (e) changes into (i), 2. the second (e) is elided and 3. the final letters (nus) change into (m). hudson (2000, p. 415) indicates that dissimilation is uncommon but it sometimes occurs in child speech as in the pronunciation of ''chimney'' /ʧimni/ where /n/ changes into /l/ to become ''chimley'' because both /m/ and /n/ are nasal, i. e. they are pronounced when the soft palate is lowered and the air passes through the nasal cavity. another example is that the first /l/ in ''colonel'' /kolənel/ is replaced by /r/. this type of dissimilation occurs between non–neighboring sounds. a special case of dissimilation is haplology where the second of two similar syllables is elided. this can be illustrated in the following instances where the syllable /si/ is elided: a. worcester /wusistə/  /wustə/ b. gloucester /glosistə/  / glostə / (wells, 2000, p. 165). according to angleo and pyles (2005), a syllable is eliminated when followed by an identical syllable. they state examples where journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 4 one of /r/ sounds is omitted as illustrated below: cate(r)pillar, cante(r)bury, rese(r)voir, terrest(r)ial. denham and lobeck (2010) point out that the suffix–''al'' is attached to nouns to form adjectives such as ''person'', ''personal''. when the noun ends with ''l'', the suffix–''al'' changes into ''ar'' as a result of dissimilation as in: module modular. in this case, sihler (2000) points out that such a phonological change results in a decrease of similarity between adjacent segments. haplology in modern standard arabic haplology is a phonological phenomenon whereby a heavy pronunciation of a word is reduced by means of eliminating a syllable so that such a word can be easily pronounced. such an elimination can be initial, medial and final. in addition, sometimes a whole word is elided and what remains is only an affix. initial elision initial elision refers to the elision of a syllable at the beginning of a word as illustrated in the following examples: [tata?ammalu]  [ta?ammalu]. she hopes... . [tataṣaaraҁu]  [taṣaaraҁu]. she quarrels... . in such examples, the initial syllable [ta] is elided since it is followed by the same syllable in the same word (al–hamlaawi, 1988, p. 60). the initial syllable [fa] in the word [fallaahu] is elided as in: [waman yafҁalu ᶍayran ɂallaahu yanṣuruhu]. one who does a good work, god will assit him. it is worth noting that the word [ɂallaahu] is originally [fallaahu] where the prefix [fa] is elided (ibn jinni, 1376h. p. 188). as regards with a regular elision, an initial syllable beginning with a glottal stop such as [ɂit] is elided as in: [ɂittaᶍaðtu] [taᶍaðtu] (al– andulusi, 2002, p. 157). this can be illustrated in the following saying: [taᶍiðtu qawla llaahi daliilan]. i have taken the god's saying a guide. in this example, the initial word [taᶍiðtu] is originally [ɂittaᶍaðtu] where the initial syllable [ɂit] is omitted. in addition, the vowel sound [a] after [ᶍ] changes into [i]. in the same respect, sibawayhi (1982, p. 439) points out that some arabs elide the initial syllable [ɂit] in their saying as in: [taqaa llaaha rajulun faҁala ᶍayran]. a man who has done a good work will believe in god piously. thus, the initial word [taqaa] is originally [ɂittaqaa]. medial elision medial elision indicates that a syllable in the middle of a word is elided as illustrated in the following examples: a. [masistu][mastu]. i have touched... . [ḥasistu][ḥastu] i have sensed. (ibn aqeel, n.d, p. 246). such examples show that the medial syllable [si] is elided. b. [maaɂanta lmarɂu lturḍaa wilaayatuhu]. you are not the man whose government is satisfied. in this example, the word [ɂlturḍaa] is originally [ɂllaði turḍaa] where the medial syllables [la] and [ði] are elided. according to al–sawwar (n.d., p. 366), such an example shows a dialectal phenomenon of standard arabic which is not taken into consideration by the old arab linguists. such a process is common among the arab tribes because they are inclined to lessen the muscular effort in the production of the words they pronounce. c. [qaala taʕaalaa: waqad ᶍaaba man dassaahaa]. allaahu says: and he will indeed fail who corupts it (shakir, 2005, p. 694). the word [dassaahaa], in this instance, is originally [dasasahaa] in which the first [s] is geminated, the second short vowel [a] is lengthened to become [aa] and the third syllable [sa] is elided. as far as regular elision is concerned, the word [yastaṭiiҁu], he can ... , is subjected to two types of elision one of which is the elision of the medial syllable [ta] so that such a word is pronounced [yasṭiiҁu]. the other elided sounds in this word are the short vowel [a] of the second syllable [ta] and the consonant [ṭ] of the third syllable [ṭii]. thus, journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) abd ali nayif hasan 5 this word is pronounced [yastiiҁu] (sibawayhi, 1982, pp. 482 3). d. the medial syllable [na] is elided from verbs when the nominative [n] and emphasis [n] come together as in: [ tukaððibuunani] [ tukaððibuuni] you don't believe me. it is noteworthy that the [n] in the elided syllable expresses the nominative case. the elision of such a syllable makes it easy to pronounce the word (al–jundi, 1965; al–andulusi, 2002, p. 369). e. the medial syllable [nu] in the phrase [banu lҁanbar] and other similar words is eliminated so that such a phrase will become a single word pronounced as [balҁanbar]. this type of elision is mentioned to make the arabs fast in their speech (al–zamakhshari, n.d., p. 155). f. the medial syllable [na] in the phrase [mina lɂasri] from prison, is elided. as a result, the phrase becomes a single word such as [milɂasri] (al–azhari,1325h., p. 29). in the same respect, the medial syllable [la] in the phrase [ҁala lmaaɂi] at water, is elided. accordingly, such a phrase becomes a single word pronounced as [ҁalmaaɂi] (ibid). g. sibawayhi (1982, p. 349) points out that the medial syllable [yuu] in the word [madyuun] in debt, is eliminated so that such a word will become [madiin] since arabs find the pronunciation of [ii] easier than that of [uu]. final elision final elision refers to the elimination of a syllable at the end of a word. arabic language is considered one of the languages where the elision of a final syllable makes the preceding vowel long as illustrated in the following instances: a. the final syllable [ya] in the word [hiya] she is, is eliminated as in: [ɂið hiya] which becomes [ɂið hii] (sibawayhi, 1982, p. 9). it can be noted that, in this example, the short vowl [i] changes into long [ii]. b. the final syllable [zil] in the word [ɂlmanaazil] houses, is eliminated as in: [darasa lmanaazil] which becomes [darasa lmanaa] (ibn yaeesh, 1928, p. 405; al– esterabaathi, n.d., p. 498). c. the final syllable [na] in the word [kallaðiina] is omitted. thus, the word becomes [kallaðii] as in: [qaala taҁaalaa: waᶍuḍtum kallaðii ᶍaaḍu] allaahu says ... and you entered into vain discourses like the vain discourses in which entered those before you... (shakir, 2005, p. 246). d. the final syllable [mu] in the word [yaɂtamimu] is elided so that the word will become [yaɂtami] as in: [waɂammaa biɂaҁmaali lmuᶍliṣiina fayaɂtami] (ibn mandhoor, n.d., p. 297). e. the final syllable [taa] in the word [mataa] when, is eliminated. accordingly, the word becomes [ma] as in: [ɂilaa mataa]? to what time?, which becomes [ɂilaama]. it is affirmed that this type of elision occurs in poetry so that it can investigate the musical rhythm of the word (ibid). f. the final syllable [ni] in the word [yadaani] two hands, is eliminated. thus, such a word becomes [yadaa] as in: [qaala taҁaalaa: tabbat yadaa ɂbi lahab watab] allaahu says: perdition overtake both hands of abu lahab, and he will perish (shakir, 2005, p. 705). g. the final syllable [ka] in the word [qalaaka] is omitted. thus, such a word becomes [qalaa] as in: [qaala taҁaalaa: maa waddaҁaka rabbuka wamaa qalaa]allaahu says: your lord has not forsaken you, nor has he become displeased (shakir, 2005, p. 696). the reason behind such a type of elimination is to investigate the beautiful rhythm and to attract the attention of readers and listeners ( show thread php?t=542777). h. when the speaker stops at the end of a word, he elides the short vowels such as [u], [a] or [i] in addition to the sound [n] which represents [tanwiin] as in: 1. [haaðaa zaydun][haaðaa zayd] ‘this is zaid’. 2. [saaʕadtu zaydan][saaʕadtu zayd] ‘i helped zaid’. 3. [marartu bizaydin][marartu bizayd] ‘i passed zaid’. such a type of omission is mentioned to make the pronunciation easy (anees, 1994, p. 135). journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 6 table 1. transliteration symbols for (msa) vowels and some consonants arabic alphabet symbol example meaning ɂ ɂamal hope أ ʕ ʕilm science ع ð ðahab gold ذ q qalam pencil ق j jamal camel ج ḥ ḥub love ح ᶍ ᶍubz bread خ ṭ ṭiin mud ط ṣ ayf summer ص ḍ ḍayf guest ض ʃ ʃams sun ش y yad hand ي w ward rose و u kutub books الضمة uu fuul beans ضمة طويلة a kataba he wrote الفتحة aa kaatib writer مد طويل i sin tooth الكسرة ii fiil elephant كسرة طويلة diphthongs ay aw bayt mawt house death methodology the present study is mainly concerned with phonology as it is related to analyzing and contrasting the syllables elided in both (mse) and (msa). this linguistic phenomenon can be investigated by surveying the literature of both languages so that data can be collected. the researcher has adopted english and arabic reliable references as well as online ones to find out haplology patterns (elided syllables) in (mse) and (msa). in addition, english phonemic transcription of the examples stated in this paper has been taken from “oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current english”. (msa) transliteration depends on a list of vowels and some consonants. contrasting the elided syllables in (mse) and (msa) shows that there are six similar syllables elided in both languages. additionally, some syllables are elided in (mse) without counterparts in (msa) and vice versa. results and discussion this section is concerned with contrasting the syllables elided in both (mse) and (msa) so that similarities and differences between (mse) and (msa) elided syllables can be conducted. there are six syllables elided in both (mse) and (msa). they are stated and discussed in the following points: 1. the syllable /tə/ the syllable /tə/ consists of the onset /t/ and the centre /ə/. in (mse), such a syllable occurs only medially as in: representative /reprizentətiv/ representive /reprizentiv/. in (msa), the syllable [ta] occurs initially, medially and finally as in: a. [tataɂammalu] [taɂammalu] she hopes ... (initial elision) b. [yastaṭiiҁu] [yasṭiiҁu] he can ... (medial elision) c. [ɂilaa mataa]? [ɂilaama]? to what time? (final elision) 2. the syllable /lə/ in both (mse) and (msa), the syllable /lə/ occurs in medial positions as in: a. english: particularly / pətikjuləli/ /pətikjuli/. b. arabic: [ҁala lmaaɂ] [ҁalmaaɂ] at water. 3. the syllable /nə/ in (mse), the syllable /nə/ occurs medially as in: a. urine analysis /juərin ənᴂləsis/ urinalysis /juərinᴂləsis/. in (msa), the syllable [na] occurs medially and finally as in: b. [tukaððibuunani] [tukaððibuuni]you don't believe me. (medial elision) c. [kallaðiina] [kallaðii] (final elision). 4. the syllable /si/ the syllable /si/ occurs medially in both (mse) and (msa) as in: a. english: worcester /wusistə/ /wustə/. b. arabic: [masistu] [mastu] i have touched 5. the syllable /ni/ in (mse), the syllable /ni/ occurs medially as in femininize /femininaiz/  feminize journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) abd ali nayif hasan 7 /feminaiz/. in (msa), such a syllable occurs finally as in [yadaani]  [yadaa] ‘two hands’. 6. the syllables /nəu/ and [nu] occur medially in both (mse) and (msa) respectively as follows: english: mono nominal /monəu nominl/  /monominl/. arabic: [banu lҁanbar] [balҁanbar]. it is worth noting that the syllables elided in all the examples stated above in both (mse) and (msa) have no coda and that their centres are realized by short vowels except the syllable [taa] in (msa) whose centre is a long vowel. in (mse), certain syllables are elided with no counterparts in (msa) as illustrated in the following examples: 1. the syllable /li/ the syllable /li/ is represented by the two letters (l) and (e) which is medially elided as in: humblely /hʌmblili/  humbly /hʌmbli/. 2. the syllable /mi/ the syllable /mi/ is medially elided as in: minimimise /minimimaiz/  minimise /minimaiz/. 3. the syllable /bə/ the syllable /bə/ is medially elided as in: probably /probəbli/ probly /probli/. 4. the syllable /re/ the syllable /re/ occurs in the middle of the word ''library'' from which it is elided as in: library /laibreri/ libry /laibri/. 5. the syllable /ru/ the syllable /ru/ occurs in the middle of the word ''february'' from which it is elided as in: february /februri/ febry /febri/. 6. the syllable /a:r/ the syllable /a:r/ is realized by the two letters (a) and (r) in the final position of the word ''sagar'' /saga:r/. this syllable is elided as follows: sagar ardo /saga:r a:d∂u/  sagardo /saga:d∂u/ in (mse), some consonants are elided because they are adjacent to identical ones as illustrated in the following instances: 1. /st/ as in: just stay /ʤʌst stei/  /ʤʌstei/ 2. /f/ as in: safe from /seif frəm/  /seifrəm/ 3. /m/ as in: from me /frəm mi/  /frəmi/ 4. /r/ as in: newspaper route /nju:speipə(r) ru:t/  /nju:speipəru:t/ in certain english words, two adjacent consonants are different in voice in that the first one is voiceless whereas the second is voiced. accordingly, the first voiceless consonant is not pronounced, i. e. it is elided or assimilated in the second voiced consonant as in: /pb/ /b/ as in: cupboard /kʌbəd/, hepburn /hebən/. /td/ /d/ as in: sit down /sit daun/, /sidaun/. /kg/ /g/ as in: black guard /blᴂk ga:d/ / blᴂga:d/. such examples are known as voice assimilation. in (msa), certain syllables are elided with no counterparts in (mse) as in: 1. the syllable [ɂit] the syllable [ɂit] comprises the onset [ɂ], the centre [i] and the coda [t]. such a syllable occurs in the initial position of the (msa) words. it is elided as in: [ɂittaᶍaðu] [taᶍaðu]. 2. the syllable [fa] the syllable [fa] occurs in the initial position of some words such as [ɂallaahu] from which it is elided as in: [fallaahu] [ɂallaahu]. 3. the syllable [sa] the syllable [sa] occurs in the medial position of certain arabic words where it is eliminated as in: [dassasahaa] [dassaahaa]. journal of language and literature vol. 20 no. 1 – april 2020 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 8 4. the syllables [la] and [ði] the syllables [la] and [ði] occur at the end of the word [ɂallaði] which can be elided in the following example: [ɂallaði turḍaa] [ɂalturḍaa]. 5. the syllable [zil] the syllable [zil] occurs at the final position of the word [ɂalmanaazil] houses, which can be elided as in: [ɂalmanaazil] [ɂalmanaa]. 6. the syllable [mu] the syllable [mu] is eliminated at the final position of certain arabic words such as: [yaɂtamimu] [yaɂtami]. 7. the syllable [yuu] the syllable [juu] occurs in the medial position of some arabic words from which it is elided as in: [madyuun] [madiin]. 8. the syllable [ya] the syllable [ya] occurs at the end of certain arabic words from which it is elided as in: [hiya] [hi:]. 9. the syllable [ka] the syllable [ka] occurs at the end of certain words from which it is elided as in: [qalaaka] [qalaa]. 10. the syllables [un], [in] and an] the syllables [un], [in] and [an] occur at the end of proper nouns from which they are elided when we stop at them. consider the following examples: [zaydun], [zaydin] and [zaydan] [ zayd]. conclusion the contrastive analysis of haplology patterns in (mse) and (msa) leads to the fact that differences are more than similarities between such patterns. also, it is concluded that all the elided syllables in (mse) consist of onset and centre without coda and that they occur only medially. they are about eleven syllables six of which are similar to those occur in (msa). all the elided syllables in (msa) have no coda except the syllable [ɂit] which consists of onset, centre and coda, and the syllables [un], [an] and [in] which consist of a centre and coda without onset. some of (msa) elided syllables occur initially and medially but most of them occur finally. haplology, as a linguistic phenomenon, is common among human languages especially (mse) and (msa) because people, in general, are always inclined to make their speech brief so that it can be easily pronounced and understood. patterns of haplology are obviously represented in poetry where the rhyme of the poem urges the poet to eliminate a whole syllable or certain sounds so that the poem can be recited with a beautiful musical rhythm. this, of course, attracts the readers and listeners' attention and it makes the words strong and expressive. references alego, john and thomas pyles (2005). the origin and development of the english language. 5th edition. thomson. anees, ibraheem (1994). 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latin america; boom; sociological criticism received: 26 june 2020 revised: 25 september 2020 accepted: 19 october 2020 introduction most of the latin american writers turn the familiar themes and events of their societies into novels. for this reason, their literary works have been unique and identified as a specific style known as the latin american style. jorg mario pedro vargas llosa is one of south america's most significant contemporary novelists, born on march 28, 1936, in peru. when he was 14, his father sent him to army school, which greatly influenced him. in the novel la ciudad y los perros, published in 1963, he illustrated his experience of years of living in army school. he attempted to manifest the violence and corrupted conditions he experienced when he was very young in that novel. the novel, la ciudad y los perros, which reflects his hard days in the army school, paved his way to fame. generally speaking, the golden age of latin america’s literature called “boom” journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) `` nasrin haghighat chaleshtari & ali omidi 2 started from the 1950s and 1960s, attracting the world’s attention to this continent and its literature. in this period, besides llosa, such great writers as gabriel garcia marquez (19582014), carlos fuentes (1954-2012), and julia cortazar (1914-1984) also stand out. although all the boom writers pivoted their work on the revelation of the living conditions of aboriginals of latin america and shedding light on the oppressions they lived through, the works of llosa do not just subscribe to magical realism, the style often considered synonymous with boom and extended to the style of the entire typical writers of this era. unlike marquez, llosa does not mix reality with magic. of course, his works are blended with imagination, but the reality-driven aspects prevail. even for writing the stories, he makes use of real characters so that the genius of the writer is combined with the accuracy of the events that he has witnessed. marcus-delgado (2004, 132) maintains llosa is of the opinion that there is an interaction between literature, politics, politicians, and writers, and his works are not apart from it. in other words, he uses accurate and detailed documentation in the same way that he employs his prolific imagination. this means he mixes reality with innovation to reconstruct the past; he manipulates time with particular creativity to provoke the imagination of the readers because he believes, “it is easier to invent, to produce persuasive fiction if it has the appearance of being realistic” (llosa 1991, 110). as well as enjoying the dramatic aspects of writing style, llosa’s works reflect the political circumstances of the society. he appreciates jean-paul sartre’s ideas that “literature is not and cannot be gratuitous, that it is unacceptable for literature to be purely entertainment” (llosa 1991, 49). in his opinion, a good story can bridge the gap between the story and the readers, which is called “the double spectator” by gorham (2005, 269). in this regard, literature improves life and fills the gaps through creativity and innovation. writing is a kind of freedom of expression. literature should be politically, socially, and aesthetically loaded. llosa also states that we can say literature is seditious since it raises the readers’ awareness of dishonesty and shortcomings. still, it does not mean that “literary text will provoke immediate social upheaval or accelerate revolutions. the social and political effect of a poem, a play, or a novel cannot be foreseen, because they are not collectively made or collectively experienced” (llosa 2001b). in his opinion, it’s challenging for a latin american writer to avoid politics. “literature is an expression of life, and you cannot eradicate politics from life” (the new york times, 2010). llosa was a prominent public intellectual of the left in the 1960s. later on, he was inclined to liberal values and associated with people such as isaiah berlin. he was initially an enthusiastic fan of the cuban revolutionary government of fidel castro and the communist party of peru – shining path. still, he later became disenchanted with their policies, particularly after the imprisonment of cuban poet heberto padilla in 1971, and then became castro critics. in “sabers and utopias,” he doesn’t distinguish between left and right authoritarian leaders such as hugo chávez in venezuela, gen. augusto pinochet in chile and the peronist military dictatorship in argentina. in 1990, he ran for president of peru as the candidate of the right; finally, the very first time after being defeated in the election by alberto fujimori, he left peru for good and has focused on writing. in 2010, the swedish nobel academy praised llosa for portraying “cartography of power structures and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat.” after observing brexit in the uk, he maintains that populism replaced communism recently, and it “is much more difficult to fight because it’s not an ideology, not a system with principles, with ideas that we can refute rationally.” he believes that “no country is really vaccinated against demagogy or populism” (the new york times, 2010). authoritarianism is one of the prominent themes of llosa’s works. in rooda’s opinion (1998, 2), dictatorship after the great war has been the most significant problem of twentieth-century literature in latin america. the dictatorship system and its semiotics in llosa’s works are among the most critical topics capturing the readers’ attention, directing their minds towards such questions as: “what symbols does llosa attribute to such regimes?” and “what socio-political journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 3 consequences does he suppose for such kind of regimes?” the present study attempts to investigate llosa’s works to find the answers to those questions. it also tried to examine the reflections and implications of dictatorship in the most famous works of llosa, including conversación en la catedral (2005), la ciudad y los perros(1966), la guerra del fin del mundo (2008), la fiesta del chivo (2001), la historia de mayta (1986), lituma en los andes (2007a), el hablador (1989), travesuras de la niña (2007b) and quién mató a palomino molero? (, 1987). this research-based on the descriptiveanalytic method by applying sociological criticism. it deals mainly with the social function of literary texts. in this approach, literature is a ‘social document’ or a ‘mirror of society,’ by examining it, accurate and objective knowledge of social relations can be obtained. literature is not only a translation of social reality but can also transform the fact that it has arisen as a result. or, in other words, literature is both a social product and a social force. semiotics of dictatorship in llosa’s works the influence of military dictatorship on latin america and peru can be tracked through studying llosa’s works. cueto (2012) considered “oppressive reality” and “the voice of truth” as the two main themes of llosa’s work. as a realist author, he writes his stories by drawing inspiration from the real world's actual events. in response to juanita, the sister of one of the defenders of the mayta group in la historia de mayta novel, who asked why he did not fabricate the stories he writes, llosa answered: “because i’m a realist, in my novels i always try to lie knowing why i do it, i explain. that’s who i work for, and i think the only way to write stories is to start with history-with a capital h” (llosa 1986, 58). llosa describes dictatorship as an atmosphere that affects all aspects of human life. for this reason, he describes the characteristics of dictatorship through dialogues between the characters of his stories. kristal (1988), in the book “temptation of the word: the novels of mario vargas llosa” reviewed the various llosa’s works. he argues that llosa’s novel has demonstrated the condition of his time. juan e. de castro (2014) noticed the evolution of llosa’s political perspectives and reflected them across his novels. he believes, although llosa’s work has been written in the framework of boom’s literature, his realism distinguishes his novels from magical realism. wolff (2006) reviewed the reflection of trujillo’s dictatorship in latin america’s literature, especially in dominican republic, among four writers including marcio veloz maggiolo, andrés l. mateo, viriato sención, and mario vargas llosa. he believes, in practical terms, those authors rewrote the political stands of trujillo and displayed his dictatorship. in the “talking books with mario vargas llosa: a retrospective” (2020), the usage of literary techniques and political metaphors in the llosa’s word was discussed. the authors of the different sections of the book argue that although llosa presents the political realities in most of his works, employing literary techniques have dramatized his stories to prevent the audience from abhorring the violence of the politics. unlike most of the papers and evaluations on llosa’s works, which are relatively concentrated on his one novel, the authors of the present article have focused on approximately all of his novels. in other words, this procedure could be called a subjectoriented method, in which one specific theme, corruption, for instance, was tracked throughout llosa’s works. the most important signs of dictatorship found in llosa’s works are as follows. people’s submission and frustration in la fiesta del chivo, llosa describes the life of rafael leonidas trujillo, the dictator of the dominican republic, and the impacts of his ruling. the novel envisaged the trujillo authoritarian years by keeping boom tradition with a wide-angle and a zoom lens (menton 2000, 676). in this novel, he represents the life of people who have been metamorphosed and do everything to prove their loyalty to trujillo, the dictator. they may even offer their daughters to the dictator, just like senator augustine, who gifted his 14-year-old daughter, uranita, to him (llosa 2001a, 63). in la fiesta del chivo, llosa attempts to reveal journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) `` nasrin haghighat chaleshtari & ali omidi 4 that due to unfavorable political and financial circumstances of that time, most politicians believed the best solution was empowering a person like trujillo, who was able to provide security and development for the country. the crucial question is how someone like trujillo can exercise his power without anyone being able to stand up to him at all (foley 2008, 12). the answer is that almost all dominicans presumed him as the savior of the people. he brought an end to caudillo wars, removed the danger of a renewed haiti incursion, and employed the elites in the government structure. he also terminated his country's dependency on the united states, which had gained control over dominica’s customs office, affected dominica’s exchange rate stability, and interfered with dominica’s economic affairs. “unlike antonio, the ingenuous, boyishly innocent tavito had been a convinced trujillista, one of those who thought of the chief as a superior being. they often argued about it because its irritated antonio when his younger brother repeated, like a refrain, that trujillo was heaven’s gift to the republic” (llosa 2001, 95). in conversación en la catedral, the same optimism toward odria’s dictatorship can be noticed. in llosa’s opinion, under those deplorable circumstances, the people of peru were convinced that the sole solution for improving the conditions was empowering odria. as llosa writes: “well, that’s why we started the revolution. the lieutenant said good-humoredly. the chaos is all over now. with the army in charge, everybody will toe the mark. you’ll see how things are going to get better under odria” (llosa 2005, 47). however, the readers of la fiesta del chivo clearly understand how trujillo's proponents turned into his enemies over time. there are two reasons why they changed their minds: the first related to the non-fulfillment of their expectations regarding the improvement in their country's socio-political situation. instead of improving, however, their country was on the path of collapse and decline. llosa shows how severely the opponents of trujillo and his authoritarian regime were oppressed. making use of his strong network of spies, trujillo was able to repress his opponents, even those living outside dominica. accordingly, llosa mentions the name of jose almonia as an example. the story is that almonia published a book entitled “a satrapy in the caribbean” and criticized trujillo in that book. guatemala’s government paid all the costs of publishing the book, and its author moved to mexico for the rest of his life. trujillo ordered the head of the army spies to catch and kill almonia because he had threatened the face of the country in which he was grown up. so, he was shot in mexico (llosa 2001a, 73). almoina’s death was an example of the opponents' fate, whose voices are silenced in dictatorial regimes. the second reason llosa cites for turning trujillo's proponents into opponents in la fiesta del chivo was that he hurt many of his close friends. he hurt a lot of people who assisted him one way or another. therefore, a sense of distrust grew among them, and the people around him were always anxious about being suddenly hurt by him. consequently, the best option was to kill him. “ … to convince himself that as long as trujillo lived, he and many other dominicans would be condemned to this awful queasy sickness of constantly having to lie to themselves and deceive everyone else, of having to be two people in one, a public lie and a private truth that could not be expressed” (llosa 2001a, 166). in the novel conversación en la catedral, llosa illustrates a familiar place, lima. all over the story, he has made use of his personal experiences. santiago zavalla, the protagonist of the story, often called zavalita, reminisces llosa’s character when he was in his teen years and worked at a newspaper office. kristal (2011. 37) believed the ruin of santiago’s life is equal to destruction, misery, and degradation of peruvian people. in the novel, a nation's downfall is demonstrated through the ruin of myriad individual destinies. it should be said that the novel was written based on llosa’s personal experiences when he entered a society ruled by general oderia in the 1950s. looking at history, one can find that the novel period is not limited to the years of oderia’s reign because the issues presented in this novel continued until the 1960s and 1970s. in conversación en la catedral, llosa demonstrates how the lives of different classes of people, including ministers, students, journalists, drivers, and even prostitutes, have journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 5 been ruined in oderia’s dictatorial regime. first of all, he deals with the life of santiago zavalla, the hero of this story. santiago is the son of one of the senators, don femin. santiago is always displeased with his own family's compromising role and other members of the social class to which he belongs. and for this reason, he decides to go to san marcos university to continue his studies despite his family’s disagreement. san marcos university was a state university where the poor, rebellious people from lower social classes were enrolled looking to achieve political power. these people found that the best choice under the existing political circumstances was to join marxism and communism. while at the university, santiago joins a secret group. however, because his father’s phone line was surveilled, the police became aware of this secret group. he and the other members of the team were arrested. he has released in less than 24 hours thanks to his father’s political leverage, but the other members were severely punished and tried in court. santiago was highly impressed by this event because he believed his father took away the opportunity of becoming a hero from him. then, he left his father’s house and started working for a newspaper to earn a living. this way, he found the opportunity to become familiar with the living conditions of peru's people and their problems and pains more closely (castro-klaren, 1989). another important topic of conversación en la catedral revolves around the restrictions imposed on political parties' activities to preserve the dictator’s interests. this is due to the fact that the military government put social institutions and political parties under pressure and even banned their activities for extending and enhancing the political power. this is the reason behind the proliferation of clandestine and underground parties under dictatorial regimes. these groups find no considerable outcomes in peaceful actions, and consequently, they resort to violence. an example of such groups is the secret circle shaped by santiago and his classmates. “aida straighten up immediately on the bench. i say that odria is a dictator and murdered and i’ll say it here, in the street, anywhere … a dictator who’d risen to power at bayonet point … had ordered the army to massacre the people of arequipa and now bewitched and had jailed, deported and tortured so many people that no one even knows how many” (llosa 2005, 66). the next significant point is that dictatorial regimes interfere with the elections to achieve their own goals. this interference happens not only through manipulating the results of the election but also through confining the activities of the rival parties. accordingly, the parties that are supposed to be potential threats are not allowed to participate in the elections. in conversación en la catedral, llosa briefly points to oderia’s interference in the election to preclude his rival’s victory: “that was nonsense, senator landa said. montagne never had a chance of winning. he didn’t have the money for a good campaign, we control the whole electoral apparatus” (llosa 2005, 145). it should be noted that such regimes' adverse effects are so extensive that people have no hope in the possibility of improvement in the situation. even if the dictator declines, the future is not promising. this fact can be noticed in a conversation between two army officers after the fall of oderia: “i’ve been waiting half an hour, you lazy bums, periquito said. did you hear the news? a military cabinet, because of the trouble in arequipa. the arequipans got bermodez out. this is the end of odria. don’t be so happy, carlitos said. the end of odria and the beginning of what?” (llosa 2005, 275). even at the onset of oderia’s reign, this disappointment is visible. the society's social and political conditions will never change; only the power is transferred from one person to another: “well, that’s why we started the revolution, the lieutenant said good-humoredly. the chaos is all over now. with the army in charge everybody will toe the mark. you’ll see how things are going to get better under odria. really? bermudez yawned. people change here, lieutenant, never things “(llosa 2005, 47). systematic violence violence can be assumed as the most essential feature of dictatorship. in torresrivas’s opinion (1999, 286), latin american societies have harshly experienced violence in journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) `` nasrin haghighat chaleshtari & ali omidi 6 their political lives. llosa’s works portray extensive violence on different social levels. the central theme of the novel, la ciudad y los perros, is violence. the story is about the school students who attempt to team up to defend themselves against the older students who bully the youngsters. dogs in the story symbolize the senior students. in this novel, the world of dogs is the world of deviation, disrepute, and torture, and the world beyond the school’s borders characterizes a freer, more civilized, and more decent world. however, the students eventually would take the bad habits institutionalized in them through violence and manipulation of the real world out of the school environment. the most crucial point here is that the extreme violence results in widespread fear. according to montes (2011), “despite being a normal response to the constant prevailing aggression, it is, nevertheless, a repressed and hidden feeling, for not corresponding to what in the military institution is understood by a true man.” fear can be used as a weapon for the people who are worried about losing their power, fearing losing the power leads to aggressiveness and violence and this circle goes on in the society as a whole. according to franco (1970), in the la ciudad y los perros, the high school as a whole, along with its ruling system, is the symbol of the society llosa wishes to describe. the groups and parties shaped at the school are the symbols of different groups of the society, and the rules governing the school stand for the laws governing the society. a typical example of violence in llosa’s works has been manifested in the suppression and murder of the mirabal sisters by the trujillo’s regime. in early november 1960, general trujillo, the dominican president, stated that his country encountered two problems: the church and the mirabal sisters. these four sisters were born in the mirabal family. their father was a successful businessman who provided for a luxurious life for his daughters. inspired by her uncle, one of those sisters joined the anti-trujillo movement and studied law at the university. however, since she rejected sleeping with a goat, she could never obtain her degree from the university upon trujillo’s instruction. the other sisters joined the minerbal and were able to unite a significant number of trujillo’s opponents. this union led to the formation of the june 14 movement in the dominican republic, which attempted to overthrow trujillo. trujillo put the husbands of mirabal sisters into prison and tortured them to prevent the wives from carrying on with their political activism, but he failed. on the evening of november 25, 1960, upon returning home from visiting their husbands in prison, patria, minerva, and maria teresa were severely beaten and then suffocated by some unknown people. fabricating the scene of an accident, the assailants threw their car into a valley. from the historians’ perspective, the murder of mirabal sisters was a turning point leading to trujillo's decline because dominican people never believed the stories fabricated about their death in a driving accident (llosa 2001a, 161). in fact, the murder of mirabal sisters is the symbol of violence against women in latin american societies. violence from the top – on behalf of the regime against the citizens – violence from the bottom – in the interaction between community members – is cited in llosa’s works. an example can be found in the tension between the social groups and the government in the tram workers’ strike explained in the novel, conversación en la catedral. of course, this strike was not political in nature; instead, they called for an increase in their wages. this strike, planned by the university students' secret team and the workers’ circle, was suppressed by the regime officers as violently as possible. “the police have pulled the signs off the wall of san marcos, and have erased the letters that said up the strike and down with odria. no students were to be seen on the campus. policemen were clustered together across from the founders’ chapel, two patrol cars parked on the corner of azangaro, a troop of assault guards in the neighboring vacant lots” (llosa 2005, 154). the liberating communism and novice communist journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 7 the pervasive presence of dictatorship in latin america made most people think that communism would be the best way to bring them freedom and democracy. the most crucial armed group against the ruling regime, which llosa highlights in his works, were communists. in the 1950s and 1960s, llosa was a proponent of the left-leaning ideology. in those days, the leftist ideology was very attractive for most latin american people, and the victory of the cuban revolution (1959) made other nations believe that success is possible for them. before the cuban revolution, thinking about revolutionary actions was fanciful and unattainable, something just utopian, not ever possible in a country like peru. “history after moving for so many years like a tortoise, have suddenly become meteor, thanks to cuba” (llosa 2007b, 20). or, as llosa mentioned in la historia de mayta: “until then the idea of revolution was romantic and remote to us, something we took more as an academic idea that could never become a reality in countries like ours” (llosa 1991, 145). in the novel, la historia de mayta, a real communist movement that happened in peru has been portrayed: “no remorse, not anything even like it, says blacquer. it was cuba. the cuban revolution broke through taboos. it killed that superego that ordered us to accept the dictum that’ condition isn’t right,’ that the revolution was an interminable conspiracy. with fidel’s entrance into havana, the revolution seemed to put itself within reach of anyone who would dare fight” (llosa 1986: 144). llosa presents mayta as a person who devoted his entire life to revolution and is active in all parties and groups shaped in the 1950s. he got separated from communism due to differences in opinion. he thought that guerrilla fighting is the best option for changing the circumstances. he believed guerrilla fighting united the real revolutionists because the revolutionary actions represented the sole remedy for the problems rooted in political dysfunction. this vicious circle would be demolished with effort and would be eyeopening for the opponents (llosa 1986, 117). finally, in the revolutionary scale, mayta and his team managed to control one of the small villages of peru for a few hours. they, however, were defeated and arrested by the police. in the 1970s, llosa lost his faith in revolution and changed his mind about the idea that strikes and violence against the existing political system could improve the situation and lead to financial and social reform. this point is clearly illustrated at the end of the novel: “it may turn out that the great revolution of those years wasn’t any of the ones you think it was, juanita interrupts me. becausehave all these murders and attacks produced anything positive? violence only breeds violence. and things haven’t changed, have they? there is more poverty than ever, here, out in the country, out in the mountains, everywhere” (llosa 1986, 51). in the novel travesuras de la niña, llosa shows how the communist movement is paving the way for the revolution out of peru's borders. the founder of this movement is a person called paul, who was exiled from peru because of organizing the strike of san marcos university in oderia’s era: “his had to do with preparations for the revolution that would make peru the second socialist republic of latin america” (llosa 2007b, 18). cuban government awarded 100 scholarships to the leftist, revolutionary party to offer ideological and military training to peruvian girls and boys. these young girls and boys came from various social classes and ethnic groups. after receiving military training, they were sent to peru to do such guerilla actions as stealing the gunpowder of a mine, exploding a bridge, and even planting bombs in a hotel. however, all these violent actions led to the establishment of a military government in peru, instead of improving the situation: “el comercio and la prensa, and apristas and odristas now allied against the government, were accusing belaunde terry of weakness in the face of the castrista rebels, and even of secret complicity with the insurrection. the government had made the army responsible for suppressing the rebels” (llosa 2007b, 50). through suppressing communist parties and forbidding their activities, oderia took control over the situation. after gaining power, oderia started to arrest the opposition party members, including communists and apristas. however, the communists continued their actions illegally and secretly: “i can see now why journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) `` nasrin haghighat chaleshtari & ali omidi 8 you’re so worried about security, senator vivero told washington. because you’re all the redtails left in the country and if the cops come and arrest us, communism will disappear in peru” (llosa 2005, 135). however, those communists, despite what they pretend, lacked comprehensive knowledge of marx’s ideas and society's political situation. they were like blind people who imitate everything and repeat what they hear without thinking about their meaning. this fact was revealed in their statements for the workers; the workers did what they were requested to do without understanding what was said in the speech. that is why they did not expose the location of foreign engineers. “if even one had pointed a finger or nodded his head toward the water tank, shortly agreed, they’d have given us a revolutionary trial and we’d be in paradise by now, isn’t that right, beli?” (llosa 2007a, 117). the same was right about the people of the city. when the militia attacked the city and punished the accused individuals, the people who gathered did not understand anything about what the militia said and believed; the people only were frightened and embarrassed: “the townspeople seemed to listen more than they really listened, to understand more than they really understood” (llosa 2007, 55). according to kristal et al. (2012, 5), llosa abandoned his interests in socialism by the 1980s, and became an outspoken advocate of market economy and democracy. his political allegiances had shifted from fidel castro to margaret thatcher. the mentioned changes can be observed in the novel, lituma en los andes, where the violence from the bottom by the militia was envisaged. corruption corruption can be defined as “the abuse of political power for personal gain.” according to morris and blake (2010, 1) the first thing that often comes into mind with the latin american politics is corruption. every day when you flick through the newspaper pages or listen to the news of this region, you will frequently face scandals of former presidents, senators, politicians, and so on. in most of his works, llosa attempts to disclose the widespread corruption in governmental bureaucracy and even among ordinary people. the interesting point here is that corruption is to be expected under an authoritarian regime, where those in power enjoy impunity and are sheltered from public criticism (whitehead 2000, 107). llosa illustrates the lack of precise distinction between people’s properties and the government’s properties in trujillo’s regime in the novel la fiesta del chivo. llosa states that after the united states imposed sanctions against trujillo, financial chaos pervaded dominica. trujillo’s economic counselors offered him to put the burden of his own companies' losses upon the government because public assets of a country belong to the ruler in dictatorial regimes. (llosa 2001a, 136). another example of trujillo’s regime's financial corruption that llosa mentions in la fiesta del chivo relates to using public properties for giving gifts to people to get their consent and support. this money was given to people to prove that trujillo appreciates their loyalty. the fact of the matter is that dictators enjoy having power more than having money. the only way to enhance power and preserve it is to purchase people’s loyalty by giving them money and gifts (llosa 2001a, 147). in the novel conversación en la catedral, llosa shows that corruption flows at all levels of government bureaucracy, and the prevalence of corruption made it seem natural: “and besides, it wasn’t just mr. lozano who took advantage, ambrosio said. that pair said that on the force everybody on the list took bribes in some way, from the highest down to the lowest. that’s why ludovico’s great dream was to become a regular. you mustn’t think that everybody’s as honest and decent as you are, sir” (llosa 2005, 338). through showing the way people obtain the high positions in the governmental structure in trujillo’s time in la fiesta del chivo, llosa portrays the phenomenon of clientelism across latin america in general and in the dominican republic in particular. llosa shows that assigning people to high positions is not based on their competences and capabilities in this era. instead, they are assigned with the direct order of trujillo to preserve his interests. “he hadn’t earned his journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 9 strips the way they had, by studying, going through the academy, living in barracks, sweating to rise through the ranks. he had his as payment for the undoubtedly dirty services he had rendered to justify his appointment as the all-powerful head of the military intelligence service'' (llosa 2001a, 43). another aspect of corruption of this era is visible in the recruitment of legal experts to modify the laws to legitimize the decisions made by the dictator: “he had also composed the most important institutional and ordinary laws, and written almost all the legal decisions adopted by the congress to legitimize the need of the regime. there was no one like him forgiving, in parliamentary speeches filled latin phrases and quotations that were often in french, the appearance of juridical necessity to the most arbitrary decision of the executive, or for refuting, with devastating logic, every proposal that trujillo disapproved of” (llosa 2001a, 133). machintosh (2011, 76) showed that the novel quién mató a palomino molero? implicitly refers to the distinctions and confrontations of race and class. fremont (1987, 4) argued that the novel envisaged a set of complex conflict and tension. this conflict and tensions exist between races, classes, and sexes. those tensions are the principal barriers to solving the mystery of the murder and color our guilt and innocence concepts. the most crucial issue that llosa deals with relates to the corruption of the judicial system. when the officers were investigating palomino’s death, they faced some questions raised by people. these questions revealed that the people did not trust the robustness of the judicial system: “that you’re covering up because the murderers are big shots'' (llosa 1986, 20). or “well? you going to solve this one, or are you going to cover things up to protect the big guys?” said one of the airmen” (llosa 1986, 30). in this novel, llosa expresses that in a society that is founded upon inequality, justice cannot be achieved. the detectives faced some barriers while they attempted to disclose the secret of this murder. the biggest obstacle was the colonel of the army’s air force, who even did not allow them to interrogate the soldiers: “if that damned colonel mindreau cooperated, things would be easier. he had to have information, files, the power to interrogate the base personnel, and if he wanted to help them, they’d find plenty of clues and then catch the sons of bitches.” (llosa 1986, 18). or on another occasion, he states that “but colonel mindreau isn’t helping us. he won’t let me question palomino molero’s buddies. they must know something. we can’t get anywhere, and it’s his fault. but sooner or later, the truth will come out” (llosa 1986, 18). the most eye-catching point of this novel comes at the end of the story; disclosing the secret of the murder does not lead to a good ending for the detective: “you were so eager to solve the mystery of palomino molero. well, now it’s solved, and i did it for you. so, what do we get for our trouble? you’re transferred to the mountains, far from your heat and your people. they’ll probably find a worse hole for me” (llosa 1987, 115). in the novel, the time of the hero, llosa portrayed another aspect of corruption in the official ranks, namely the unwillingness to unveil the details of one of the students’ death. on the day of military maneuver in the military school, one of the students was killed by gunshot. looking at the bullet strike point, the school officers learned that it could not be an accident; instead, someone had deliberately shot the student to kill him. the school officers tried to cover up this murder and represent it as an accident because unveiling the killing details would harm the school’s fame and credibility. “all right, you’ll read an order of the day at the first formation. now listen closely. the officers and the student body deeply lament the accident, which has cost the cadet's life. that’s the way it should sound. be sure to emphasize that it was due to his own negligence. don’t leave the slightest doubt about that” (llosa 1966, 190). also, the necessary arrangements made to prevent the reality from being revealed at the funeral were expressed accordingly (llosa 1966, 190-191). the role of the united states since the monroe doctrine was initiated, latin america has been treated as a u.s. backyard and a monopole sphere of influence (cottam 1994). sometimes the u.s interference was done using direct military intervention like in panama (1989), journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) `` nasrin haghighat chaleshtari & ali omidi 10 sometimes with the covert operation, military coups (chile in 1973), or economic incentives. it led to this perception that the united states as a superior power can do anything. in la fiesta del chivo, llosa elaborates the united states' role in trujillo’s coming to power and long-ruling. although the united states became aware of trujillo's entire secret details through the cia and knew about all cases of human rights violations, the u.s. did not take any action and was indifferent to these violations. the reason is that because, at that time, the u.s. believed trujillo’s tyrant dictatorship was the guardian of u.s. interests in the caribbean region. in fact, trujillo’s dictatorship was a powerful barrier against the spread and development of communism, which is a vital issue for the u.s.gradually, with the change of political circumstances and due to some other factors. however, the u.s.’s posture changed. in this regard, the us president john f. kennedy planned for deposing trujillo, and for this purpose, the president made use of the cia. “the united states, uneasy about trujillo’s excesses ever since the attempt on the life of the venezuelan president, romulo betancourt, wanted to get rid of him; at the same time, they wanted to be sure he would not be replaced by the second fidel castro” (llosa 2001a, 365). after trujillo’s scandals, such as the murder of mirabal sisters in 1961, the u.s. implicitly indicated its agreement to hatch a plot against him. their most crucial assistance to that effect was providing armaments. a large number of ministers, senators, civilian officials, as well as high-ranking army officers who were aware of the plot against trujillo, were ready to cooperate in different endeavors such as political reform, removing the last traces of trujilloism, opening up the political environment and shaping militarycivilian junta which was supposed to guarantee the peace and order of dominica with the support of the united states, prevent the expansion of communism, and hold a free election (llosa 2001a). trujillo’s regime epitomized the governments in almost all latin american countries that suffered from the united states' interference. the most important effect of this interference is people’s inability to make decisions about the country's domestic affairs because this interference denies people influence over their destiny and puts it in the hands of a foreign power. consequently, the possibility of achieving stability and democracy will fade away in such countries. this notion has been demonstrated in different ways in other llosa’s novels, as well. in the novel, conversación en la catedral, llosa briefly points to the united states’ interference in his country’s affairs. when don cayo occupied san marcos university without informing the minister of public order, he faced a significant amount of objection. colonel espina told him this action results in the dissatisfaction and dissent of foreign countries; the current ruling government (in peru) would not be pleased about this situation because many countries have not yet formally recognized it. “the united states has recognized us and that’s the important things, bermudez said. don’t worry about the president, unplander. i talked to him last night before i made my move” (llosa 2005, 108). another aspect of the united states’ interference in latin american countries was giving loans and grants to the governments supporting the u.s. policies. countries that comply with the united states’ purposes can enjoy the u.s. assistance and support by running a superficial election, even if they are not democratic. in fact, this is the u.s. instrument by which it can bring to power proamerican governments across the region. in conversación en la catedral, llosa demonstrates this idea in a conversation between don fermin and emilio arevalo: “it’s all a matter of loans and credit, don fermin said. the united states is ready to help a government that maintains order; that’s why they backed the revolution. now they want elections, and we have to give them what they want” (llosa 2005, 119). “the gringos believe in formalities, we have to understand them, emilio arevalo said. they’re happy with the general and all they ask is that democratic forms be preserved. with odria as an elected president, they’ll open their arms to us and give us all the credit we need” (llosa 2005, 120). another manifestation of america’s interference, as pointed by llosa, is journal of language and literature vol. 21 no. 1 – april 2021 issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 11 establishing different research centers to expand neocolonialism in latin america. in the novel, el hablador, llosa mentions one of these centers in the amazon area called the summer institute of linguistics. the purpose of this center is to help indians learn english and read the bible. “what exactly is the purpose of the institute? according to its enemies, it is a tentacle of american imperialism which, under cover of doing scientific research, has been engaged in gathering intelligence and has taken the first steps toward a neocolonialist penetration of the cultures of the amazonian indians” (llosa 1989, 56). the opponents of this plan challenge it and pose the question, how would it be possible for the indians to learn english and speak it before learning spanish? generally, it could be said that llosa, just like ordinary people, was sensitive to his native country’s independence from foreign powers. besides showing the dependent nature of all latin american countriesespecially peru, his own country, llosa highlights the critical fact that decisionmaking, implementing the policies, and even the cultural schemes of these countries are controlled and influenced by foreign powers. conclusion large parts of llosa’s works deal with describing and criticizing the socio-political situation of his own country. he believes citizens should not be indifferent to their society’s affairs; instead, he considers active participation in different community matters is one of the citizens' responsibilities. this study reviewed the most pivotal points criticized by llosa regarding his time's sociopolitical situation and the problems existing in the developing countries. for llosa, writing has always been a weapon against despair and tyranny, and his work has always been an attempt to counter the waves of destructive political and intellectual currents. he has been a proponent of individual liberties and democracy in latin america, and his harsh criticism of political officials has created enemies for him, both among socialists and conservatives. the first and the most critical point criticized by him relates to the totalitarianism in latin america’s countries in general and his own country, peru, in particular. dictatorial governments, which have ruled over this region for many years and turned into dogmatic military regimes since the 1950s, greatly influenced the region's political and social developments. one of the most essential effects of authoritarian governments of that time was that they had prevented the freedom of expression. therefore, literature was used as an instrument for expressing the opinions, pains, and suffering of the people. of the characterization of dictatorial regimes and their political impacts in llosa’s works, mention must be made of the harsh suppression of the opponents, torture, escalation of the level of violence, people’s frustration and disappointment, systematic and pervasive corruption, the us intervention, and identifying communism as the sole savior ideology. regarding social consequences, the dictatorial regimes affect people’s social and private relations; they can even influence the relationship between the father and his child and ruin the love between them. generally, llosa attempts to show that dictatorship is destructive because it destroys civilization, symbiosis, and peace in society. in llosa’s opinion, dictatorship, either political or religious, results in the reversion of history and relegates people to barbarian time. even the most elementary problems of human beings could not be solved. thus, through criticizing the dictators, llosa attempts to fight against such regimes and defend democratic goals. this hatred of dictators is rooted in llosa’s personal experiences. references burke, k. 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(2006). rewriting trujillo, reconstructing a nation: dominican history in novels by marcio veloz maggiolo, andrés l. mateo, viriato sención, and mario vargas llosa. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 57 transculturalism as conveyed in kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss selma valeska adriana & ira rasikawati & department of english , universitas kristen krida wacana, jakarta abstract this study presents an analysis of cultural values and the idea of transculturalism as conveyed in the inheritance of loss, a novel written by kiran desai. the novel portrays the euphoria of globalization and the cultural issues faced by indian immigrants in the west. through her main characters – jemubhai, biju, and sai – desai implies her idea of transculturalism. the characters’ journey through the post-colonial era in different cultural settings offers insights into how the characters negotiate the differences between cultures and contexts. this study critically analyzed the characters’ attitudes from the hybridity theory perspective to unravel the author’s voice about transculturalism. the three analysis stages performed were to determine key story elements associated to the transcultural theme, to classify the evidence supporting the theme emerged, and to interpret the findings using the new historicism approach and in view of the hybridity theory. in response to the two questions raised on what cultural values inferred from the characters’ view and what idea of transculturalism conveyed through the author’s voice, this study found that the characters offered differing perspectives on cultural permeation and blending. the author suggested the consequences of resistance to cultural diversity. keywords: transculturalism, hybridity, post-colonialism introduction literature can seldom escape from cultural contexts. significant interests have been devoted to studying the relationship between literature and its cultural contexts to date. in indonesia, the challenge of pluralism has been prevalent due to the integrated cultures (sari, 2017). various cultures, religions, and ethnic groups flourished in indonesia reflect the country’s diversity. the emergence of new cultures is a result of the cultural mixing that occurs in this country (sari, 2017). these new cultures are not inherited from indonesian native ancestors, but they have been part of indonesian cultures. as globalization era begins, more cultures have met and become even more diverse than ever. the idea that cultures meet and develop from its singular state remarks the presence of transculturalism. by studying the transculturalism in the literary work of other cultures, this study was expected to inspire future indonesian writers to raise transculturalism issues into their work as well as to encourage further discussion into the issue within the contexts of literature in indonesia and other cultures. transculturalism is a term first used by fernando ortiz fernandez to denote the notion of converging cultures (jaidka, 2012). transculturalism becomes inevitable as globalization allows cultural interaction which results in cultural diversity. the idea that globalization does involve cultural interaction is further supported by the study of unesco (2009) which implies that globalization is closely related to cultural diversity. in line with welsch (2009) who suggests that the idea of singular culture is no longer relevant, this study raises the topic of transculturalism as journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) selma valeska adriana & ira rasikawati 58 conveyed in literature. desai’s the inheritance of loss confirms the argument of jaidka (2012) that transculturalism can serve as an approach to literature and that literature provides much scope for transcultural studies. english literature has been used to deliver people’s voice since the colonization era (burney, 2012). in line with this idea, the current study analyzed the author’s voice on transculturalism in light of bhabha’s hybridity theory. kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss views transculturalism from the globalization perspective which can be related to colonialism. this portrayal is inspired by desai’s experience as she states that her characters’ journeys are the reflection to her own journey and the idea that she wants the readers to capture of what it is like to live between the east and west (golla, 2012). this study answers two questions concerning the cultural values and the idea of transculturalism in kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss. the first question is, what cultural values are inferred from the characters’ view? while the second question is, what idea about transculturalism is conveyed through the author’s voice? using the evidence that emerged from the characters’ traits, behaviors, and/or action, this study aims to identify the cultural values of the characters. it further describes the author’s voice on transculturalism. cultures are the core point of transcultural literature (jaidka, 2012). the interactions between cultures are supposedly in line with understanding (tamcke, 2013). if these interactions are restricted, tensions may heat up between cultures. many things can occur unexpectedly due to cultural interactions, suggesting the situation we live in today; where cultures meet and get mixed up. cultural interaction suggests that transculturalism is not something that can be done or stopped as it is a reality and part of human life (tamcke, 2013). the fact that colonization occurs mostly in the asian countries does not mean that transculturalism only exists in asia. de salazar (2013) argues that transculturalism is a recent cultural phenomenon that also occurs in ireland, suggesting that transculturalism also exists in europe. when immigrants came, many new languages and cultures influenced irish people’s way of life. de salazar (2013) states that transculturalism has changed people’s way of defining nationality. de salazar reviews the works of two irish writers, roddy doyle and hugo hamilton. roddy doyle produces several short stories with the theme of diversity in ireland (de salazar, 2013). while doyle humorously implies the need of deconstructing as being fully traditional irish is no longer valid, hugo hamilton tells stories about himself facing the confusion of different cultures in his own family (de salazar, 2013). regaining national identity can be achieved by using the work of literature (burney, 2012). in her study, burney argues that english literature has become a voice of the colonized countries since the colonization era. the voice from non-english writers through english literature is considered important as it is a part of regaining their country’s national identity (2012). english itself has become a widely-used language of literature that makes it a cross-cultural product (bhabha, 1994). suzuki (2006) also argues that english literature helps to recollect cultural pieces from the past that are part of a country’s national identity. english and its widespread use have made countries stay connected. therefore, examining literary works such as english novels can serve an approach to view transculturalism through international authors’ voice. suzuki (2006) presents an analysis of globalization and transculturalism in minae mizumura’s honkaku shosetsu. mizumura suggests that japanese literature should be constructed following the globalization era (suzuki, 2006). mizumura and desai share a similarity in that both are immigrants who raise the issue of transculturalism. mizumura (2006) reveals that japanese literature is no longer pure japanese as it has been affected by western values in writing. like other transcultural novels that address a specific issue and time, minae mizumura’s honkaku shosetsu views the situation of post-world war ii when japan has a strong connection with america. through the connection, different cultures – east and west are met. the journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 59 cultural hybridity has become an important part and even an identity in many japanese literary works (suzuki, 2006). kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss is reviewed as a work that portrays the struggle of finding one’s identity in the modern world. some studies have analyzed kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss in the post-colonialism perspective but not through the transculturalism lens. chandramani and reddy (2013) review kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss as a work about the life of immigrants in america. the effect of globalization has brought people to work or study abroad. the immigrant life that kiran desai presents in her story appears to be closely related to hybridization as it involves the crossing of two different cultures. andersson (2014) suggests that hybridization takes place when cultural boundaries are crossed. hybridization can lead to transculturalism as cultural contact occurs. transculturalism consists of the integration of different cultures due to the breaking down of cultural boundaries (grosu, 2012). kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss appears to illustrate hybridization as the characters experience living in a transcultural environment. this study focuses on the analysis of the characters and author’s voice in the story related to transculturalism. it investigates the characters’ view of the different cultures: the west and the east. through the comparison between different cultures, the occurrence of identity crisis is observed. golla’s study (2016) suggests identity crisis is portrayed in the characters of kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss in that they suffer from the post-colonial dilemmas such as mimicry, double consciousness, and ambivalence. kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss shows the euphoria of the globalization and the bitter life of immigrants. kantamma (2017) analyzes the characters of kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss as the subjects to hybridization and identity crisis. a study conducted by najila (2013) suggests that kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss illustrates the colonialism effects in a globalized world. bala (2013) similarly states that the effects of globalization in immigrants’ life are shown in the characters’ struggles. najila (2013) argues that kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss renews the notion of post-colonialism in that the issues experienced by the novel’s characters are related to the past colonization. kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss shows the bitter truth of the present society. racial stereotypes, which lead to discrimination, become discouragement for the immigrants as they try to adapt and live in the west (kantamma, 2017). the literary theories used in the analysis are those suggested by bennett and royle (2016). the theories of author’s voice and character are employed to analyze desai’s idea about transculturalism. aldama (2011) argues that character analysis is one of many literary methods to understand a literary text or the author’s voice. the analysis of the characters’ cultural values and author’s voice centers in the characters’ journey which can be seen through the cultural negotiation experienced by each character. allolio-nacke (2014) argues that transculturalism focuses on cultural transition and cultural negotiation. bhabha’s theory of hybridity (1994) suggests that cultural negotiations in establishing new cultural identities are caused by the situation in which cultures meet and transform each other. this situation is the portrayal of transculturalism which allows people to negotiate in adapting and integrating cultures (kraidy, 2005). this cultural interaction, however, leads to cultural issues (bhabha, 1994) which are often acknowledged as post-colonial dilemmas such as mimicry, ambivalence, and double consciousness (golla, 2016). furthermore, bhabha (1994) argues that these post-colonial dilemmas can lead to an identity crisis. transculturalism is usually described in the light of hybridity (helff, 2012). kraidy (2005) also presents his logic of transculturalism in globalization by using hybridity theory to explain the fact that cultures are now hybrid. he asserts that the cultural issues in today’s world are the transformation from the cultural imperialism to the cultural globalization. this transformation is the relation between journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) selma valeska adriana & ira rasikawati 60 globalization and colonialism in transculturalism (2005). considering that transcultural practices are influenced by the experiences of migration, transculturalism is the most influential concept to describe cultural contact (helff, 2012). in a globalized world, where cultures meet and interact, cultural values are also being shared within the society. cultural values, according to smith and bond (1994), refer to universal statements about what we think is desirable or attractive (smith & bond, 1994, as cited in kim & omizo, 2014). cultural values are also the aspiration and desire that inspire people to behave (trompenaars & hampdenturner, 1998). the cultural values discussed in this study are the generally believed western and indian cultural values. the classification of asian cultural values by kim and omizo’s (2014) include values such as collectivism, interdependence, respecting family members, and harmony. among the american-european or the western cultural values suggested by kim and omizo (2014) identified in the novel are individualism, independence, separateness, and freedom or ‘the sky is the limit’. the characters’ traits, behaviors and/or action are three elements of the characters used to identify the characters’ cultural values. the indian cultural values centered at family tradition (sonia et al., 2006). upholding family is an important indian cultural value (2006), which is in line with the common asian values of collectivism and respect for family members (kim & omizo, 2014). indian people also tend to look modest because they highly appreciate traditional cultures. this implies that indian people still live with the concept of traditional cultures (sonia et al., 2006). other important aspects of indian cultural values are religion, education, and tolerance (sonia et al., 2006). indian people highly respect their religious practices. education is also perceived as important in indian families, which show the influence of colonialism (vadekar, 2002). getting in touch with the british makes indian people consider knowledge or education as its main goal to build a respectful family (2002). however, education is still a problem in india as not all people have access to it (sonia et al., 2006). the western cultural values presented in this study are of the english and the american. hewitt (2009) suggests english cultural values involve independence, privacy, freedom, fairness, politeness, tolerance, being pragmatic and realistic, and respecting personal space. according to kohls (1984), the american cultural values center at the individual desire and development. he classifies thirteen american cultural values that are easily recognized by foreigners – personal control, change, time and its control, equality, individualism and privacy, self-help concept, competition and free enterprise, future orientation, action/work orientation, informality, directness, openness and honesty, practicality and efficiency, and materialism/acquisitions (1984). methodology this study employed a critical qualitative analysis to examine kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss. critical qualitative research is a critique of social and cultural aspects that have limited us to think freely of this world (merriam, 2009). it focuses on the context of literature and highlights the social issues. critical qualitative research may raise questions about the influence and intersections of race, class, and gender. it covers the cause and effect of particular issues in the society (2009). desai’s the inheritance of loss views the intersections between different cultural backgrounds; race and class. these cultural interactions were explained by using the hybridity theory to study situations in which cultural boundaries were crossed. as the novel brings up the memory of the past colonialism in the globalization era (chandramani & reddy, 2013), the new historicism approach is used to unravel the cultural values, issues, and themes of transculturalism related to the impacts of past colonialism. the new historicism is considered as an appropriate approach to examine a literary work from the past reconstruction in present perspective (ukkan, 2002). journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 61 since the novel portrays the cultural diversity and interactions through the characters’ journeys (golla, 2016), this study examined the characters’ struggles in establishing their cultural identity. desai describes her characters narratively and through the dialogues among the characters. links between the characters cultural values and the ideas of transculturalism were studied. the analysis of the characters served as the initial step to understanding the author’s voice. three major steps were followed to analyze the novel. the first step was an analysis of the three characters – jemubhai, biju, and sai. the analysis focused on the characters’ traits, behaviors, and/or action to identify their cultural values. the new historicism approach was employed to identify the characters’ internal conflicts and post-colonial dilemmas which contribute to shaping their cultural values. the second step was classifying the evidence which supports the central themes that emerged in the character analysis. the labels assigned were associated with the authors’ voice on transculturalism. the third step was interpreting the themes and labels identified in light of the hybridity theory and other critics’ arguments. character analysis 1. jemubhai jemubhai, or the judge, is “a retired member of the judiciary.” (desai, 2006, p. 18). jemubhai is a character who refuses to integrate cultures because he desires to establish an english identity. his experience of being an immigrant has changed him to be a westernized person. jemubhai tries to mimic the english people by trying to look like them (p. 174), dress like them (p. 185), and speaks english every day. desai usually italicizes indian words, but the author never italicizes the words jemubhai speaks. mimicry appears to be a post-colonial dilemma which jemubhai experiences to establish an english identity as evident in the following citation: he worked at being english with the passion of hatred and for what he would become, he would be despised by absolutely everyone, english, and indians, both” (p. 126). the character analysis of jemubhai suggests that the cultural values inferred in him are those of the english. intellectualism is a western cultural value that jemubhai tried to achieve when he was studying in cambridge. he worked hard to pass the test and succeed as the first indian student studying in cambridge (p. 124). other values are individualism, independence, separateness, and privacy. individualism and separateness are two western cultural values (kim & omizo, 2014) which are in line with english cultural values of independence and privacy (hewitt, 2009). the values of individualism, independence, separateness, and privacy are recognized in jemubhai’s relationship with his family. after jemubhai’s return to india, he becomes distant and ignorant to his family (p. 174). he thinks that the indians are thieving and ignorant people. he even treats his wife badly only because she is an indian. “in public, he never spoke to or looked in her direction” (p. 176). his distant relationship suggests that jemubhai adopts privacy as his cultural value. it is further supported by the fact that jemubhai never talks to his wife of his life or takes her to his business trip (p, 178). desai portrays the family situation scene that shows us the value ‘separateness’ as seen in jemubhai’s family gathering. desai writes the thought of jemubhai who feels that he is a foreigner while trying to separate himself from the family in the middle of the gathering (p. 173). collectivism and respecting family members are asian cultural values which are in line with the indian cultural value that upholds family. desai writes that jemubhai made a long journey to jettison his family’s prayers, which makes him realized that he has abandoned his family (p. 308). the absence of jemubhai’s interaction with his family implies his distant-being and that he does not contribute to collectivism, respecting family members, and upholding family. jemubhai’s ignorance towards his family suggests that he adopts individualism and journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) selma valeska adriana & ira rasikawati 62 independence. it is further supported by his father’s statement. “it was a mistake to send you away. you have become like a stranger to us” (p. 312). his father suggests that jemubhai has separated himself from the family. saying that his own son is a stranger implies that jemubhai has changed his way of life different from his family. in response to his father’s statement, desai narrates jemubhai’s thought of being a stranger to his own country: the judge could live here, in this shell, this skull, with the solace of being a foreigner in his own country (p. 36). this narration implies that the solace of being a foreigner or a stranger makes jemubhai happy which results from his desire to separate himself from the indians. desai infers that trying to become an english man has made jemubhai gets despised. jemubhai seems to be despised as he disavows his own origin cultures and only allows english cultures to be permeated within himself. jemubhai’s preference for the culture and how he experiences cultural negotiation are displayed in his journey. desai describes jemubhai’s journey to england as an experience that ended painfully as she writes: “many years had passed, and yet the day returned to him vividly, cruelly” (p. 42). desai uses the word ‘cruel’ when describing jemubhai’s memory of his past, suggesting that his experience as an immigrant is somewhat painful. furthermore, desai gives a clue on what happened to jemubhai in the past through his first encounter with the english people: the young and beautiful were no kinder; girls held their noses and giggled, "phew, he stinks of curry! (p. 46) on page 46, desai portrays how jemubhai was treated in england. she explains that no one wanted to sit next to him or even talk to him (p. 46). the fact that people thought of his smell like curry suggests that there is a racial stereotype. desai writes that jemubhai realizes that his skin color and strange english accent are the reason why no one wants to get close to him as written below. thus jemubhai’s mind had begun to warp; he grew stranger to himself than he was to those around him, found his own skin oddcolored, his own accent peculiar (desai, 2006, p. 47). jemubhai was faced with a racial stereotype which makes him felt strange. the racial stereotype portrayed here relates to skin color which makes jemubhai think of his skin color odd. jemubhai’s past is crucial in analyzing his response to transculturalism in that the treatment he has got influences his perspective of culture. jemubhai’s experience of having no acceptance should have given him enough reason to hate the english, but surprisingly, he does not show hatred towards them. in response to having no acceptance in the english society, jemubhai starts adoring the english people. on page 125 desai writes, “he envied the english. he loathed indians” (p. 125). jemubhai prefers the english culture to the indian. he is ashamed of himself as an indian and looks up to the english. the following citation suggests jemubhai’s growing respect for queen victoria and the english. the more he pondered this oddity, the more his respect for her and the english grew” (p. 66) this finding supports the idea proposes by bhabha (1994) that ex-colonized people face a challenge in crossing cultural boundaries, which is an identity issue. bhabha (1994) argues that people coming from ex-colonized countries tend to show adoration towards the colonizers. jemubhai’s identity as an indian is challenged when he comes to england. he starts hating the indians and respecting the english. jemubhai’s rudeness towards the indians is shown after he returns from england, suggesting his hatred towards indians (p. 125). jemubhai tries to look like an english man as seen through his effort to make his skin whiter by powdering his face regularly (p. 173) and applying cologne (p. 40) all over journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 63 his body so he would not be ‘smelly’; a stereotype learned from this story. this evidence serves as an example of jemubhai’s effort to mimic the english people. desai states that jemubhai would always prefer the western cultures and people (p. 126). jemubhai’s preference to english culture suggests that he experiences a sense of ambivalence in that he is attracted to the english and repulsed by the indians. jemubhai’s ambivalence is also shown in his efforts to establish an english identity (p. 126). stories of jemubhai’s nostalgia suggest that jemubhai deals with the issue of identity. although he is faced with transculturalism which allow the english and the indian cultures meet and integrate, jemubhai only allows the english culture to be permeated. the cultural integration therefore never occurs. young (2005) argues that identity crisis is a major issue in globalization era. this issue is what the post-colonial dilemmas lead to (golla, 2016). desai’s description of jemubhai relies mostly on his past. the result of being permeated into one culture, especially if that culture is not one’s origin, is an identity crisis. this study found that jemubhai’s response to transculturalism led him to an identity crisis as supported by the following citation: “he was a foreigner –a foreigner –every bit of him screamed” (p. 173). 2. biju biju is another character of the inheritance of loss that is also an immigrant. different from jemubhai, biju immigrates to find a well-paid job (p. 28). biju is originally a man who hates the pakistanis and adores the americans. desai writes that biju adores people who have harmed india and hates those who have never done. this habit of hate had accompanied biju, and he found that he possessed an awe of white people, who arguably had done india great harm, and a lack of generosity regarding almost everyone else, who had never done a single harmful thing in india (p. 83). biju’s cultural values are those of the indian including respecting or upholding family, interdependence, and respecting religious practices. biju’s action to banish his anxiety of his father’s situation implies that he truly cares for him (p. 236). this suggests that being an immigrant does not make biju become distant to his father. the fact that biju still cares for his father suggests that he respects his family. the value ‘interdependence’ is shown in biju’s dependence on his friend to provide him a shelter (p. 105). biju’s respect for religious practices is evident as he decides to establish himself as a hindi. his preference for indian culture suggests his respect for hinduism. on page 146, desai writes: to biju he said: "beef? are you crazy? we are an all-hindu establishment. no pakistanis, no bangladeshis, those people don’t know how to cook (p. 146). biju decides to work in a place that serves no beef and is hindu-oriented. as a hindi, biju has to respect cows, so he cannot work in a restaurant that serves beef. during the time biju becomes an immigrant in america, he learns the american cultural values such as freedom or ‘the sky is the limit’, individualism, and independence or self-help concept. although biju and his friends are illegal immigrants, they can work and live freely in america (p. 153). biju learns the values ‘individualism and independence or self-help concept’ when he needs a shelter after losing a job (p. 105). being ignored by his friend, nandu, makes him understand that he needs to survive alone in america (p. 105). the initial description of biju that possesses awe to white people supports bhabha’s theory (1994) which argues that crossing cultural boundaries can lead to ambivalence to people coming from excolonized countries. biju’s hatred shows that he has a sense of ambivalence due to the cultural contradiction he faces. the cultural contradiction presented here is the fact that biju is an indian but he possesses awe to people who, according to desai (p. 83), have harmed the indians. desai’s description of the relationship between the western people with journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) selma valeska adriana & ira rasikawati 64 the indian people shows the impact of globalization. desai uses the word ‘harm’ to describe colonization in which the western people are considered as those who have given indians a difficult time as inferred from biju’s ambivalence on page 83. biju’s experience as an immigrant in america makes him learns about the racial stereotype that dark means dirty (p. 193). this stereotype is similar to the one that jemubhai finds in england. biju learns this stereotype due to the treatment he gets from the americans. desai uses biju’s experience to show the racial stereotype of judging people by their skin color. biju’s experience describes the unpleasant situation of indians who become immigrants as desai writes it was horrible what happened to indians abroad and nobody knew but other indians abroad. it was a dirty little rodent secret. but, no, biju wasn’t done. his country called him again” (p. 145). his experience makes biju aware that as an indian, he cannot expect much in america. desai uses the word ‘horrible’ to address the treatment given to the indians in western countries. realizing the horrible treatment, biju starts to miss his home as desai writes about him being called by his country. through biju’s working places, desai illustrates the social hierarchy which reminds us of colonialism. “on top, rich colonial, and down below, poor native” (p. 28). desai portrays the immigrants’ life in america through the illustration of biju’s working places, which are european restaurants. the poor native that she mentions refers to the restaurant’s servants who come from asian and african countries. desai mentions the rich colonial to refer to both the americans and europeans. the description of biju’s working places shows how asian and african immigrants are positioned in america, especially those without legal papers like biju. biju’s journey suggests a different perspective in facing cultural diversity. through biju’s experience as an immigrant, desai shows how stereotypes can affect people’s lives. biju faces difficulty dealing with people’s assumption of him. this experience makes biju wants to come home (p. 105). biju’s response to transculturalism suggests that he prefers to stay loyal to his origin culture which is the indian. similar to jemubhai, biju adopts the concept of a singular culture in response to transculturalism but biju chooses indian culture to be permeated within him. 3. sai sai is a sixteen-year-old orphaned girl who is the granddaughter of jemubhai. she lived in russia until her parents were killed in an accident, causing her moving in with jemubhai in kalimpong, india. sai is another character that is being westernized as stated in the following citation: she was a westernized indian brought up by english nuns, an estranged indian living in india (p. 216). sai becomes westernized because she lives in an english convent, where she learns western cultures and is used to those (p. 36). jemubhai looks at sai and finds that she is similar to him in terms of accent and manners (p. 216). sai adopts several cultural values which are of the western and indian. the western cultural value that sai adopts is autonomous and freedom whereas the indian values are harmony and tolerance. the following statement shows sai’s disposition. if i want to celebrate christmas, i will, and if i don’t want to celebrate diwali then i won’t. nothing wrong in a bit of fun and christmas is an indian holiday as much as any other (p. 169). sai does not show any cultural preference. spielman (2010) argues that sai responds to the cultural diversity differently from the way jemubhai does as she places herself between two different cultures without taking the side to one of them. this study finding confirms spielman’s argument in that sai has accustomed to living between two different cultures without hatred. sai lived with english nuns in a catholic convent before she moves to kalimpong. desai writes what sai has learned in the convent, “…cake was better than laddoos, journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) 65 fork spoon knife better than hands,… english was better than hindi” (p. 36). sai learns that the english cultures are better than the indian cultures, despite the fact that she is an indian. being taught english cultures does not make sai take a side. she has an english accent and western manners because she is used to that. living with her grandfather does not make her adopt the indians’ customs because her grandfather hates those and prefers sai to keep her good western accent and manners (p. 216). sai is also a victim of the post-colonial dilemma that desai creates. desai describes sai as a reflection of the contradictions around her (p. 268). this description suggests that sai is faced with the sense of ambivalence and loss in establishing her cultural identity. living in a transcultural environment; where she experiences the cultural diversity in her country, she starts to feel the loss. on page 329, desai writes, “shame on myself…” she said… who was she… she with her self-importance, her demand for happiness…” (p. 329). sai’s feeling of loss is due to the cultural contradiction that leads to ambivalence. this explains the sense of loss occurs to sai in that she experiences the challenge of living with different cultures. sai accepts the fact that cultures are hybrid in that she does not show any preference to cultures nor take a side. whereas jemubhai and biju show preference to one culture, sai does not. sai allows cultures to be blended as she accepts both the indian and english cultures. gyan, sai’s nepali tutor, claims that sai is the only person who allows cultural blending (p. 170). as the only character that shows no preference for one culture over the others, sai’s perspective implies that she believes in the freedom of following any cultures. sai becomes autonomous as she takes action and judgment based on her belief in freedom. harmony and tolerance are seen in sai’s nature. sai always tries to maintain peace with people although they are against her, especially her cultural perspective. people like jemubhai and gyan have shown a preference for one culture and they are against sai’s cultural perspective. the value ‘tolerance’ is implied through sai’s view of transculturalism, in that she accepts cultural diversity without taking the side of one culture. kiran desai’s voice on transculturalism kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss portrays the situation where cultural boundaries are breaking down and cultural identities are challenged. the characters encounter the situation which allows them to integrate new cultures with their origin cultures. jemubhai, biju, and sai respond to transculturalism differently. jemubhai and biju are being permeated by one culture. that one culture, english for jemubhai and indian for biju, dominates their cultural perspective in that they refuse cultural integration. sai, despite the cultural contradiction around her, is the only character who accepts the idea of transculturalism by allowing cultures to be blended. the description of three characters' journey, especially in adopting cultural values and establishing a cultural identity, conveys kiran desai’s idea of transculturalism. the characters analysis suggests that there are two aspects of transculturalism presented in the novel. these two aspects are the cultural permeation and cultural blending. cultural negotiation occurs within the characters’ journeys in that each of the characters must deal with cultural diversity and its challenge in establishing one’s cultural identity. the result of this cultural negotiation is different from one character to another. jemubhai and biju are two characters who take a side in the cultural permeation, while sai is in the cultural blending. their resistance to the cultural integration suggests that jemubhai and biju are permeated by one culture. jemubhai is permeated by the english culture while biju is by the indian. their response leads to cultural issues recognized by golla (2016) as post-colonial dilemmas which are mimicry, ambivalence, and double consciousness. people who refuse cultural integration can also influence those who do not refuse as seen in sai’s experience. sai’s perspective suggests that she accepts cultural journal of language and literature issn: 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online) selma valeska adriana & ira rasikawati 66 diversity and allows cultures to be blended, but she is accused of having that perspective by people who refuse cultural integration. kiran desai, through her novel’s characters, infers that transculturalism involves cultural negotiation to deal with. from the struggles and dilemmas faced by the characters, desai shows that the feeling of loss due to an identity crisis is the consequence of today’s transculturalism, especially when one lives with the concept of a singular culture and is permeated by one culture. desai’s characters; jemubhai and biju, respond to transculturalism differently from sai. they both prefer the idea of a singular culture which makes them go through double consciousness, ambivalence, and mimicry. sai is the character who embraces cultural diversity and allows cultures to be blended although the cultural contradiction around her makes her questions her own cultural identity. the characters analysis has shown how each character’s view is changed due to struggles and dilemma he/she faces. through these three characters, desai’s implies the idea of transculturalism in establishing one’s cultural identity. she suggests the importance of embracing cultural diversity in changing not only cultures but also people. conclusion the three main characters of the inheritance of loss are faced with the struggle of establishing a cultural identity. their cultural values suggest different aspects of transculturalism – cultural permeation and cultural blending. jemubhai’s journey has westernized him in that he grows hatred to the indians and respect to the english. biju’s journey abroad has made him determined to return to india, maintaining values such as interdependence, respect for family, and religion. sai is the only character who accepts the cultural diversity without showing any preference. she believes in harmony, tolerance, freedom, and autonomy. through the journey of the characters in her novel, desai shows the importance of understanding transculturalism by accepting cultural diversity. she also shows the consequences for those who refuse cultural integration. the inheritance of loss offers a different view of transculturalism, which involves cultural permeation and blending. the characters’ journeys suggest that people can choose to allow one culture to be permeated or different cultures to be blended. the characters’ experience offers a different point of view in perceiving culture, which allows the readers to capture the idea of transculturalism in the novel. in facing transculturalism and establishing self-identity, one need to be engaged in cultural negotiation and embracing cultural diversity. references andersson, j. “of ambivalence, anxiety and acceptance – a postcolonial reading of kiran desai’s the inheritance of loss” (master’s thesis). gothenburg: university of gothenburg, 2014. bennett, a., & royle, n. an introduction to literature, criticism and theory. new york, ny: routledge, 2016. bala, s., & kumar, g. conflicting claims and multicultural ethos in kiran desai's the inheritance of loss. journal of literature, culture & media studies, 9 & 10. 2013. pp. 79-87. bhabha, h.k. the location of culture. london: routledge, 1994. burney, s. chapter two: “edward said and postcolonial theory: disjunctured identities and the subaltern voice. counterpoints,” 417. 2012. pp. 41-60. journal of language and literature vol. 18 no. 1 – april 2018 ssn: 1410-5691 (print); 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