journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a60 (2016) published: 14.03.2016 fei helios nanolab 400s fib-sem ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen * instrument o�cer: doris meertens, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.3910, e-mail: deputy instrument o�cer: maximilian kruth, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.2418, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei helios nanolab 400s fib-sem is one of the world’s most advanced dualbeam™ focused ion beam (fib) platforms for transmission electron microscopy (tem) sample preparation, scanning electron microscopy (sem) imaging and analysis in semiconductor failure analysis, process development and process control. the fei helios nanolab 400s fib-sem combines an elstar™ electron column for high-resolution and high-contrast imaging with a high-performance sidewinderm ion column for fast and precise cross sectioning. the fei helios nanolab™ 400s is optimised for high throughput high-resolution s/tem sample preparation, sem imaging and energy dispersive x-ray analysis. its exclusive flipstage™ and in situ stem detector can �ip from sample preparation to stem imaging in seconds without breaking vacuum or exposing the sample to the environment. platinum gas chemistry is the preferred metal deposition when a high deposition rate and precision of the deposition are required. carbon deposition can be chosen as well. the system additionally allows for spatially resolved compositional analysis using the attached edax genesis xm 4i x-ray microanalysis system. *cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons. (2016). fei helios nanolab 400s fib-sem. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a60. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a60 (2016) 1 system overview figure 1: fei helios nanolab™ 400s fib-sem (photograph by courtesy of fei company). 2 typical applications and limitations of use the con�guration of the fei helios nanolab 400s allows a variety of advanced imaging and preparation techniques to be applied to wide bunch of solid state materials. these techniques include tem sample preparation (normaland backside milling) without breaking the vacuum, stem imaging on thin tem samples, needle preparation for tomography, plan-view preparation and the preparation of lamellas on heating chips for tem annealing experiments. the fei helios nanolab 400s is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments o�cers and the er-c general management. 3 basic electron and ion optics set-up • elstar uhr immersion lens fe-sem column • electron gun with schottky thermal �eld emitter • sidewinder ion column • gallium liquid ion source 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a60 (2016) 4 electron and ion optics speci�cations • electron landing voltage 350 v ... 30 kv • ion landing voltage 500 v . . . 30 kv • magni�cation range 25 ... 650 k • image processor 4096 x 3536 pixel • electron beam resolution @ optimum distance 0.8 nm 30kv (stem) • electron beam resolution @ optimum distance 0.9 nm 15kv • electron beam resolution @ optimum distance 1.4 nm 1kv • electron probe current ≤ 22 na • ion beam resolution coincident point 5 nm 30kv • ion beam current 1.5 pa – 21 na 5 detectors • elstar in-lens se detector (tld-se) • elstar in-lens bse detector (tld-bse) • everhardt-thornley external se-detector (etd) • external secondary electron and secondary ion detector (cdem) • retractable stem detector bf/ df / haadf • electron or ion beam current measurement 6 specimen stages and sample loading • high precision 5-axis motorised stage • xy movements: 150 mm piezo-driven • z movement: 10 mm motorised • tilt: -10° to +60° • rotation: n x 360° (endless) piezo-driven • flipstagetm for integrated tem sample preparation and stem imaging • omniprobetm auto probe 200 in situ sample lift-out system • loadlock for fast sample transfer 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a60 (2016) 7 gas injection system • platinum deposition • carbon deposition 8 energy dispersive x-ray system • edax genesis integration kit • genesis xm 4i motorised sutw detector 4 system overview typical applications and limitations of use basic electron and ion optics set-up electron and ion optics specifications detectors specimen stages and sample loading gas injection system energy dispersive x-ray system 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a78 (2016) published: 28.06.2016 hydrothermal laboratory gfz german research centre for geosciences  contact person christian schmidt, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 331 288 1406, email: abstract: the hydrothermal laboratory is equipped with horizontal and vertical cold-seal pressure vessels for the synthesis of crystals or glasses or to study interactions between minerals/rocks, melts, and fluids at hydrostatic conditions. an advantage is that long-term runs can be done to investigate equilibria between solid phases. this facility, operated by the helmholtz centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences, is open to all academic applicants, both national and international. there is no external steering board. requests to use the laboratory are evaluated based on scientific quality and feasibility of the project. 1 introduction hydrothermal experiments provide essential information to understand geologic processes at the conditions in the earth’s crust, and are also an important tool for the synthesis of materials of interest in chemistry and physics. for this purpose, the gfz operates a hydrothermal laboratory, which is equipped with vertical rapid quench and horizontal cold-seal pressure vessels (figure 1). this facility is used for academic research, largely for experiments from numerous german and international collaborations, but also for in-house projects and for education of students including master’s and doctoral theses. the collaborations are mostly with geoscientists, but also with physicists. consequently, the experiments span a large range of topics from fluid–rock or aqueous fluid–silicate melt interaction to crystal growth rates in hydrous melts or reaction rims to tuning of crystal compositions for nonlinear optics. the hydrothermal laboratory belongs to the infrastructure of the section "chemistry and physics of earth materials" and is not part of the “modular earth science infrastructure” (mesi) of the gfz. requests to use the facility are possible as collaboration projects and are evaluated by the scientist in charge or the collaborating scientist based on the scientific quality and feasibility of the project. the experiments are scheduled depending on autoclave availability and required maintenance work. external users are expected to provide the metal tubing (mostly au or pt) for the capsules to seal the samples.  cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). hydrothermal laboratory. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a78. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a78 (2016) 2 2 typical applications • geosciences (metamorphic and igneous petrology, aqueous geochemistry) • chemistry • physics • phase equilibria • phase diagrams • solubility • element partitioning • reaction kinetics • crystal growth rates • texture development • synthesis of hydrous silicate glasses • melt immiscibility • synthetic fluid inclusions • melt inclusion homogenization figure 1: a) 200 mpa line and rapid quench line, b) 500 mpa line. 3 technical data – specifications 200 mpa line: 6 externally heated cold-seal autoclaves (steel: ats). t-p limits: 800 °c at 200 mpa or 900 °c at 100 mpa. pressure medium: h2o. the temperature can be controlled via internal or external thermocouples, depending on capsule length. maximum capsule diameter: 5 mm. 500 mpa line: 12 cold-seal autoclaves (steel: ats or rene41). t-p limits: 750 °c at 500 mpa or 900 °c at 100 mpa. pressure media: h2o (up to 10 autoclaves), or co2 (2 autoclaves, separate pressure generation unit, to about 400 mpa). the temperature can be controlled via internal or external thermocouples, depending on capsule length. maximum capsule diameter: 5 mm. rapid quench line: 6 rapid quench autoclaves (steel: ats). t-p limits: 800 °c at 200 mpa or 900 °c at 100 mpa. pressure medium: h2o. the temperature is controlled via external thermocouples. miscellaneous equipment for capsule preparation and welding (fine welding machine lampert puk u3) and sample loading, drying, and weighing. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2,a78 (2016) 3 acknowledgements we would like to thank reiner schulz, hans-peter nabein and the staff of the high-pressure workshop of gfz for their extensive and crucial support to maintain and operate the hydrothermal laboratory. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a3 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 mira: dual wavelength band instrument heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: robert georgii, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14986, email: klaus seemann, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14668, email: abstract: mira is a dual wavelength band instrument operated by technische universität münchen tum, which provides neutrons over a wide range of wavelengths 3.5 å < λ < 20 å combining the two beam ports of mira-1 and mira-2. the instruments setup is modular and allows for various di�erent cold neutron experiments such as di�raction, spectroscopy or re�ectometry. 1 introduction the instrument can easily be moved from one port to the other without changing the sample environment. a variety of di�erent setup options can be combined allowing for a fast and �exible realisation of neutron experiments using the options available: • cold neutron di�raction • cold neutron three axes spectroscopy for extreme environments in pressure and temperature • small angle neutron scattering (sans) • re�ectometry • mieze spin echo • 3d-polarimetry polarised neutrons are optional for all experimental setups at mira. using the �nger detector, the instrument has a very low background of less than 0.1 cps. for mira-2 a q-range up to 2.5 å-1 with an q-resolution of 0.01 å-1 can be reached. vertical and horizontal b-�elds up to 2.2 t and vertical b-�elds up to 7.5 t are available. temperatures from 50 mk to 1500 k can be applied using the standard sample environment at mlz. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a3 (2015) figure 1: instrument mira-2 in three axes mode (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications • dynamics of magentic excitations • determination of magnetic structures, especially large scale structures, i.e. helical spin density waves or magnetic lattices • quasi-elastic measurements in magnetic �elds with high resolution • determination of structures and dynamics in extreme environments, like pressure • determination of layer thickness of �lms, for instance in polymer physics • re�ectometry from magnetic multilayers • polarisation analysis 3 technical data 3.1 mira-1 3.1.1 primary beam • neutron guide: nl6-n • dimensions: 10 x 120 mm2 (width x height) • curvature: 84 m • coating: sides m = 2.0, top/bottom m = 2 3.1.2 monochromator • intercalated hpgo ∆λ /λ = 2% • multilayer ∆λ /λ ≈ 3% (5% polarised) • 6 å < λ < 20 å 3.1.3 max. di�erential neutron �ux at sample • 5 · 105 n cm-2s-1 at 10 å • 2 · 105 n cm-2s-1 polarised 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a3 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of mira-1. 3.1.4 analyzer • 2 cavities • 2 bender • 3he-spin �lter 3.1.5 detector • 20 x 20 cm2 2-d psd with 1 x 2 mm2 resolution • 1 inch 3he �nger detector • 20 x 20 cm2 2-d psd, time resolution < 1 ps 3.2 mira-2 3.2.1 primary beam • neutron guide: nl6-s • dimensions: 60 x 120 mm2 (width x height) • coating: sides m = 2.0, top/bottom m = 2 3.2.2 monochromator • horizontal focussing hopg ∆λ /λ ≈ 2% • 3.5 å < λ < 6 å 3.2.3 max. di�erential neutron �ux at sample • 1 · 107 n cm-2s-1 at 4.7 å (2015) • 1 · 106 n cm-2s-1 polarised 3.2.4 analyzer • 2 cavities • s-bender, transmission polariser • 3he-spin �lter 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a3 (2015) figure 3: schematic drawing of mira-2. 3.2.5 detector • 20 x 20 cm2 2-d psd with 1 x 2 mm2 resolution • 1 inch 3he �nger detector • 20 x 20 cm2 2-d psd, time resolution < 1 ps • with low background < 0.1 cps 4 introduction typical applications technical data mira-1 primary beam monochromator max. differential neutron flux at sample analyzer detector mira-2 primary beam monochromator max. differential neutron flux at sample analyzer detector journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a105 (2017) published: 14.02.2017 the variable polarization undulator beamline ue52 pgm nanocluster trap at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. ruslan ovsyannikov, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-17965, email: dr. tobias lau, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-14786, email: abstract: ue52 pgm nanocluster trap is a soft x-ray beamline at bessy ii that delivers an unfocussed low-divergence beam of variable polarization. its characteristics are ideally suited for ion trap studies of magnetic properties. 1 introduction the variable polarization undulator beamline with plane-grating monochromator ue52 pgm nanocluster trap currently hosts the nanocluster trap end station. 2 instrument application beamline ue52 pgm is used to investigate magnetic and electronic properties of a large variety of di�erent samples. because of its beam characteristics, ue52 pgm nanocluster trap currently hosts the nanocluster trap end station, which is set up behind the focal point. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). the variable polarization undulator beamline ue52 pgm nanocluster trap at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a105. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a105 (2017) figure 1: top-view of beamline ue52 pgm nano cluster trap. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a105 (2017) 3 source the insertion device is the elliptical undulator ue52 with the following parameters type apple2 location h09 periode length 52 mm periods/pols 77 n minimal energy at 1,7 gev 72 ev minimal gap 16 mm polarisation linear variable 0° ... +90° elliptical, circular table 1: parameters of insertion device ue52. 4 optical design ue52 pgm is equipped with an elliptical undulator and plane-grating monochromator with refocusing optics. the energy range of beamline ue52 pgm is similar to most soft x-ray beamlines at bessy ii; it covers 82 ev – 1900 ev in horizontal polarization and 115 ev – 1390 ev in elliptical polarization. two gratings with 360 l/mm and 1200 l/mm are in principle available in the plane-grating monochromator. the standard grating that is utilized by all user groups is the 1200 l/mm grating. this delivers a �ux of 1010 to 1012 photons per second, per 100 ma ring current, and per energy bandwidth at 100 µ m exit slit, depending on the photon energy. because the focal point of the beamline is occupied by the permanently installed ue52 pgm coesca end station, ue52 pgm nanocluster trap beamline does not deliver a focused beam, but rather a medium-sized beam pro�le of 0.65 mm × 0.70 mm, with a low divergence of 0.06 mrad in the horizontal and 0.14 mrad in the vertical direction at 700 ev photon energy as shown in figure 2. the low-divergence beam pro�le makes the ue52 pgm nanocluster trap beamline ideally suited for ion trap studies of atomic, molecular, and cluster physics on dilute samples in the gas-phase, where the overlap of ion cloud and photon beam has to be matched over distances of more than 20 cm. this is the main purpose of the beamline (egorov et al., 2015; hirsch et al., 2015; langenberg et al., 2014; niemeyer et al., 2012; zamudio-bayer, hirsch, langenberg, kossick, et al., 2015; zamudio-bayer, hirsch, langenberg, ławicki, et al., 2015; zamudio-bayer et al., n.d., 2013). in this respect, ue52 pgm nanocluster trap beamline is unique at bessy ii, because all other beamlines with elliptical polarization for �exible use at bessy ii feature high divergence beam pro�les with very short distances between the beamline exit port (last valve) due to the installed micrometer focus optics. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a105 (2017) figure 2: typical beam pro�le (fwhm vs. position) at ue52 pgm. the spot size is ~0.6 × 0.7 mm2 with a low divergence of 0.06 mrad (horizontal) and 0.14 mrad (vertical) at 700 ev and 100 µ m exit slit. 5 technical data location 10.2 source ue52 monochromator pgm energy range 85 1600 ev energy resolution > 10000 at 400 ev flux 1012 polarization variable divergence horizontal 0.8 mrad divergence vertical 0.2 mrad distance focus/last valve unfocussed low-divergence beam height focus/�oor level 1412 mm free photon beam available no fixed end station yes table 2: technical data of beamline ue52 nanocluster trap. references egorov, d., sadia, b., hoekstra, r., ławicki, a., hirsch, k., zamudio-bayer, v., . . . schlathölter, t. (2015). an intense electrospray ionization source for soft x-ray photoionization of gas phase protein ions. journal of physics: conference series, 635(11), 112083. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a105 (2017) hirsch, k., zamudio-bayer, v., langenberg, a., niemeyer, m., langbehn, b., möller, t., . . . lau, j. t. (2015). magnetic moments of chromium-doped gold clusters: the anderson impurity model in �nite systems. phys. rev. lett., 114, 087202. langenberg, a., hirsch, k., ławicki, a., zamudio-bayer, v., niemeyer, m., chmiela, p., . . . lau, j. t. (2014). spin and orbital magnetic moments of size-selected iron, cobalt, and nickel clusters. phys. rev. b, 90, 184420. niemeyer, m., hirsch, k., zamudio-bayer, v., langenberg, a., vogel, m., kossick, m., . . . lau, j. t. (2012). spin coupling and orbital angular momentum quenching in free iron clusters. phys. rev. lett., 108, 057201. zamudio-bayer, v., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., kossick, m., ławicki, a., terasaki, a., . . . lau, j. t. (2015). direct observation of high-spin states in manganese dimer and trimer cations by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy in an ion trap. the journal of chemical physics, 142(23), 234301. zamudio-bayer, v., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., ławicki, a., terasaki, a., v. issendor�, b., & lau, j. t. (2015). electronic ground states of fe2+ and co2+ as determined by x-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. the journal of chemical physics, 143(24), 244318. zamudio-bayer, v., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., niemeyer, m., vogel, m., ławicki, a., . . . von issendor�, b. (n.d.). maximum spin polarization in chromium dimer cations as demonstrated by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. angewandte chemie international edition, 54(15), 4498–4501. zamudio-bayer, v., leppert, l., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., rittmann, j., kossick, m., . . . lau, j. t. (2013). coordination-driven magnetic-to-nonmagnetic transition in manganese-doped silicon clusters. phys. rev. b, 88, 115425. 5 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a5 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 spodi: high resolution powder di�ractometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum karlsruhe institute of technology technische universität münchen instrument scientists: markus hoelzel, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14314, email: anatoliy senyshyn, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14316, email: oleksandr dolotko, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14373, email: abstract: the high resolution powder di�ractometer spodi (jointly operated by the karlsruhe institute of technology and the technische universität münchen) is designed for structure solution and rietveld re�nement of crystal and magnetic structural parameters on polycrystalline powders. instrumental speci�cation (design, �exibility, peak shape, resolution etc.) as well as a variety of specialized sample environment equipment implemented for in-situ materials characterisation make the instrument attractive for studies of complex ordering phenomena. 1 introduction the instrument is characterised by a very high monochromator take-o� angle of 155° (standard con�guration). optionally, a take-o� angle of 135° is available. the detector array consists of 80 3he position sensitive detector tubes (300 mm active height) with �xed soller collimators of 10’ horizontal divergence. the multidetector of spodi spans an angular range of 2θ = 160°. each detector covers 2° corresponding to 160°/ 80 detectors. therefore the data collection is performed via stepwise positioning of the detector array to obtain a di�raction pattern of the desired step width (typically 2°/ 40 steps resulting in ∆(2θ ) = 0.05°). the two-dimensional raw data are evaluated to provide di�raction patterns corresponding to di�erent detector heights ranging from 10 mm to 300 mm and variable detector height, accounting for vertical beam divergence e�ects. thus, asymmetric broadenings at quite low and high scattering angles are overcome, while the full detector height in the medium 2θ regime can be used (hoelzel et al., 2012). 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a5 (2015) figure 1: instrument spodi (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). various sample environmental devices enable the characterisation of materials under special conditions: a rotatable tensile rig allows in-situ studies under tensile stress, compression stress or torsion while the load axis can be oriented with respect to the scattering plane. a potentiostat for charging/discharging of lithium ion batteries is available as well as a device to apply high electric �elds on ferroelectrics. 2 typical applications • determination of complex crystal and magnetic structures • structural evolutions and phase transformations under various environmental conditions • static and thermal disorder phenomena 3 research areas • ionic conductors • materials for lithium ion batteries • ferroelectrics, multiferroics • hydrogen storage materials • shape memory alloys • superalloys • correlated electron systems • superconductors • minerals 4 sample environment standard sample environment of frm ii • closed cycle cryostat 3 – 550 k (with 3he insert: tmin = 500 mk) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a5 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of spodi. • vacuum high temperature furnace tmax = 1900°c • cryomagnet bmax at spodi: 5 t • sample changer (six samples, ambient temperature) special sample environment • rotatable tensile rig fmax = 50 kn, mmax = 100 nm • device for electric �elds vmax = 35 kv • potentiostat for electrochemical treatment of materials vmp3 and sp240 5 technical data 5.1 monochromator • ge(551) wafer stack crystals • standard con�guration: take-o� angle 155° ge(551): 1.548 å ge(331): 2.436 å ge(711): 1.111 å 5.2 collimation • α 1 ≈ 20’ (neutron guide) • α 2 = 5’,10’, 20’, 25’ nat. (for 155°) α 2 = 10’, 20’, 40’ nat. (for 135°) • α 3 = 10’ 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a5 (2015) 5.3 detector array • 80 position-sensitive 3he tubes, angular range 2θ = 160°, e�ective height: 300 mm references hoelzel, m., senyshyn, a., juenke, n., boysen, h., schmahl, w., & fuess, h. (2012). high-resolution neutron powder di�ractometer spodi at research reactor frm ii. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 667, 32 37. 4 introduction typical applications research areas sample environment technical data monochromator collimation detector array journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a6 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 stress-spec: materials science di�ractometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht, german engineering materials science centre technische universität clausthal, institute of materials science and engineering instrument scientists: michael hofmann, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14744, email: weimin gan, german engineering materials science centre (gems) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10766, email: joana rebelo-kornmeier, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14710, email: abstract: in response to the development of new materials and the application of materials and components in new technologies the direct measurement, calculation and evaluation of textures and residual stresses has gained worldwide signi�cance in recent years. stress-spec, the materials science di�ractometer, which is jointly operated by the technische universität münchen, the institute of materials science and engineering, technische universität clausthal and by gems, helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht, is located at the thermal beam port sr-3 of the frm ii and can easily be con�gured either for texture analysis or strain measurements. 1 introduction the set-up utilises three di�erent monochromators: ge (511), bent silicon si (400) and pyrolitic graphite pg(002). this selection of monochromators and the possibility to vary automatically the take-o� angles from 2θm = 35º to 110º allows to �nd a good compromise between resolution and intensity for each measuring problem. the gauge volume de�ning optical system of primary and secondary slits is designed with regard to reproducibility of geometrical alignment and sturdiness. both slit systems are linked to the sample table and the detector in such a way that the center of the beam remains the same under all conditions. instead of the secondary slit a radial collimator can be used in front of the detector. samples can be aligned using theodolites and a camera system. in addition, the possibility to scan surfaces of components o�ine using a cmm laser scanner is available at stress-spec. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a6 (2015) figure 1: instrument stress-spec (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications residual stress analysis (hofmann et al., 2006) • industrial components • welds • superalloys • strain mapping • surface measurements from 150 µm possible (šaroun et al., 2013) texture determination (brokmeier et al., 2011) • global textures • local textures • strain pole �gures • fhwm pole �gures structural applications • phase transformation dynamics • spatially resolved phase analysis (e.g. batteries) 3 sample environment • xyz-table capacity 300 kg, travel xy = ±120 mm, z = 300 mm, accuracy ∼ 10 µm • load frame +/50 kn, heatable to 1000°c • full circle eulerian cradle (max. load 5 kg) • ¼ circle eulerian cradle for heavy samples • standard sample environment (e.g. furnace, cryostat) a positioning system consisting of a stäubli-6-axes robotic arm for texture and strain measurements (payload up to 30 kg) can be mounted instead of the standard sample table (see figure 2). it o�ers more �exibility than an eulerian cradle and can be also used as automatic sample changer for texture measurements (randau et al., 2015). 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a6 (2015) figure 2: robot at stress-spec holding a copper tube for combined texture and strain measurements. 4 technical data 4.1 neutron beam • sr-3 thermal neutrons • collimators (‘in-pile’) 15’, 25’, open 4.2 monochromators • ge(511), si(400), pg(002) • 2θm 35° – 110° continuous • wavelength 1 å – 2.4 å; (2.5 å-1 < q < 10.5 å-1) 4.3 possible slit size residual stress • primary slit: automatic continously variable up to 7 x 17 mm2 (w x h) • secondary slit: continuously variable up to 15 mm • radial collimators (fwhm = 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm) 4.4 possible slit size – textures • primary slit: max. 30 x 40 mm2 (w x h) • secondary slit: continuously variable up to 15 mm or open 4.5 detector • 3he-psd, 25 x 25 cm2; 256 x 256 pixel 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a6 (2015) figure 3: schematic drawing of stress-spec. references brokmeier, h.-g., gan, w., randau, c., völler, m., rebelo-kornmeier, j., & hofmann, m. (2011). texture analysis at neutron di�ractometer stress-spec. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 642(1), 87 92. hofmann, m., schneider, r., seidl, g., rebelo-kornmeier, j., wimpory, r., garbe, u., & brokmeier, h.-g. (2006). the new materials science di�ractometer stress-spec at frm-ii. physica b: condensed matter, 385-386, part 2, 1035 1037. (proceedings of the eighth international conference on neutron scattering) randau, c., brokmeier, h., gan, w., hofmann, m., voeller, m., tekouo, w., . . . schreyer, a. (2015). improved sample manipulation at the stress-spec neutron di�ractometer using an industrial 6-axis robot for texture and strain analyses . nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 794, 67-75. šaroun, j., kornmeier, j. r., hofmann, m., mikula, p., & vrána, m. (2013, jun). analytical model for neutron di�raction peak shifts due to the surface e�ect. journal of applied crystallography, 46(3), 628–638. 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data neutron beam monochromators possible slit size residual stress possible slit size – textures detector journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a121 (2017) published: 22.11.2017 treff: re�ectometer and instrument component test beamline at mlz heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science * instrument scientists: egor vezhlev, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 11654, email: stefan mattauch, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10709, email: andreas ofner, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum, technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14677, email: peter link, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum, technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14622, email: abstract: treff is a high resolution polarized neutron re�ectometer and instrument component test beamline resulting in a highly modular instrument providing a �exible beam line for various applications. 1 introduction serving for both purposes – high resolution polarized neutron re�ectometer and instrument component test beamline, treff has been consequently built to provide a modular and �exible set-up. a pyrolytic graphite (pg) monochromator (2) is re�ecting the the lower part of the neutron guide nl5s (1) with a cross section of 29 × 100 mm2 under a �xed scattering angle of 2θm = 90° resulting in neutron beam with two monochromatic wavelengths of of λ = 4.73 å (002) and λ /2 = 2.37 å (004). the second monochromator (5) is redirecting the neutron beam back, parallel to the nl5-s neutron guide direction. both of them are inside radiation shielding housings. a neutron guide element with m=2 supermirrors on the top and bottom faces (3) is placed between the two monochromators in order to *cite article as: heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum et al.. (2017). treff: re�ectometer and instrument component test beamline at mlz. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a121. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a121 (2017) increase the transported intensity in the vertical direction. the second shielding includes the cooled be�lter setup (4) and a beam monitor (6). the be-�lter e�ectively scatters out neutrons with wavelength less than 4.05å, thus serving here as �lter for the λ /2 = 2.37å neutrons. between 2nd monochromator and sample stage the primary beam collimation is realized by two remote controlled slits (8 & 10) with a distance of 1820mm. further a fe-si supermirror can be moved into the beam path as polarizer (7) allowing together with the adiabatic rf resonant spin �ipper (9) polarized neutron experiments. figure 1: schematic layout of treff. the sample table (12) consists of stages for tilt φ (±7°) and χ (±20°) and rotation ω (±180°) with on top translation stages for x (±7 cm), y (±7 cm) and z (±7 cm). the sample may be pre-oriented by a laser. the sample table can carry loads up to 300 kg. the default detector arm for re�ectometry and di�raction is attached to a high precision bearing at the sample table. motorized by a friction wheel scattering angles between -15°< 2θ < 120° are accessible. it can easily be removed to give space for alternative setups, for instance a detector test bench or a neutron depth pro�ling spectrometer. the 2d scintillation detector (16) is mounted at a distance of 1.9 m from the sample position at the end of a �ight tube, which can be �lled with he to reduce air scattering. inside the tube as further components a beamstop (13), a spin �ipper (14) and the polarization analyzer (15) are placed. the magnetic guide �eld reaches to the analyzer position. the beamstop blocks the direct beam at small scattering angles to reduce detector background. it consists of a li polymer with a cadmium stripe for a sharp edge and can be moved inside or outside the beam with a precision better than a detector pixel width. the polarization analyzer is a radial supermirror stack originally designed for hadas (rücker et al., 2000). a mezei spin �ipper consisting of two al coils with perpendicular winding is used to �ip the neutrons in front of the analyzer. the detector itself is a 2d scintillation detector with an active area of 80 mm in diameter, with a pixel size of 0.4 mm and a fwhm resolution of 1.2 mm. at the typical sample to detector distance of 1.9 m it covers an angular range of ∆2θ = 2.4°. treff is operated using the mlz standard control software nicos. scan data is written to plain text 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a121 (2017) �les containing the full instrument setup information and the scan data table. further the detector images per scan point are saved as 256*256 pixel intensity information into separate �les. 2 typical applications the main purpose of treff is to serve as a development and test instrument for new instrument components and methods. major applications are characterization and performance measurements of all kind of neutron detectors, di�raction measurements of the re�ectivity and mosaicity of monochromator crystals and re�ectivity measurements ensuring quality control of supermirror coatings or even neutron depth pro�ling measurements. 3 sample environment standard holders for re�ectometry samples including a vacuum suction holder are available. further an electromagnet (0.3 t without pole shoes, maximum sample height 13 cm, 0.7 t with pole shoes, maximum sample height 5 cm) and the corresponding closed cycle cryostat (t ≥ 3.5 k, maximum sample height 2 cm, including an electric �eld setup for up to 500 v), is available besides other devices from the mlz sample environment pool. 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • located at the neutron guide nl5-s • monochromator: pg(002) double monochromator • wavelength: 4.73 å / 2.37 å (pg 002/004) • vertical sample, horizontal scattering plane 4.2 distances and angles • 1820 mm distance s1 – s2 (collimation) • 400 mm distance s2 – sample • 50 mm x 40 mm (w x h) max. opening s2 • 1910 mm distance sample – detector • -15° to 120° maximum detector angle 4.3 polarisation analysis • fesi transmission polarizer • rf spin �ipper before sample position • mezei type spin–�ipper after sample position • remanent fecov / tin supermirror analyzer 4.4 detector • 2d scintillation detector • active area ø 80 mm • pixel size 0.4 mm • fwhm resolution 1.2 mm 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a121 (2017) references rücker, u., alefeld, b., bergs, w., kentzinger, e., & brückel, t. (2000). the new polarized neutron re�ectometer in jülich. physica b: condensed matter, 276-278, 95 97. 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam distances and angles polarisation analysis detector 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a77 (2016) published: 13.06.2016 fei tecnai g2 f20 ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen  instrument officer: dr. martina luysberg, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany phone: ++49.2461.61.2417, e-mail: deputy instrument officer: dr. marc heggen, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany phone: ++49.2461.61.9479, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei titan tecnai g2 f20 is a versatile transmission electron microscope which is equipped with a gatan tridiem 863p post column image filter (gif) and a high angle energy dispersive x-ray (edx) detector. this set up allows for a variety of experiments such as conventional imaging and diffraction, recording of brightand dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (stem) images, or acquiring elemental maps extracted from energy electron loss spectra (eels) or edx signals.  cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (2016). fei tecnai g2 f20. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a77. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a77 (2016) 2 1 system overview figure 1: fei tecnai g2 f20 transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of fei company) 2 typical applications and limitations of use since the fei tecnai g2 f20 is not equipped with any cs corrector its resolution is limited to 2.4 å in tem mode (point to point resolution) and 1.9 å in stem mode. however, the large tilt angles of the specimen stage (see chapter 5 below) and the eels and edx capabilities make this instrument attractive for medium resolution work, e.g. for analyses of diffraction contrast and diffraction patterns or for determination of the chemical composition on the nanometer scale by electron energy loss spectroscopy, energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (eftem) or energy dispersive x-ray analyses. 3 sample environment samples are investigated either under room temperature or liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of about 10–8 mbar. besides this standard setup, the sample environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. the thermal treatment or the application of external electric or magnetic fields to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ tem holders available through journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a77 (2016) 3 the er-c user services. in general, all types of materials can be investigated which do not harm the microscope and the specimen holders and which obey the er-c's safety rules. 4 technical specifications  electron acceleration voltage 120 kv ... 200 kv  tem – point to point resolution at 200 kv 2.4 å  tem – information limit at 200 kv 1.4 å  tem – objective lens cs 1.2 mm  tem – objective lens cc 1.2 mm  tem – magnification range 25 kx ... 1030 kx  stem – haadf resolution 1.9 å  stem – probe cs 1.2 mm  stem – probe cc 1.2 mm  stem – magnification range 150 x ... 230 mx 5 detectors  gatan ultrascan 1000p (2k x 2k) charge coupled digital camera equipped with a standard phosphor scintillator.  gatan tridiem 863p post column image filter (gif) with fully 2nd order and partially 3rd order corrected prisms yielding a total system energy resolution of 0.65 ev or better at a maximum field of view of 15 µm for imaging and 100 mr for diffraction analyses.  high angle energy dispersive x-ray detector with a resolution of 136 ev or better for mn kalpha radiation. high angle energy dispersive x-ray detector with a resolution of 136 ev for mn k-alpha radiation.  fischione model 3000 haadf detector. 6 specimen stages  double tilt low background holder ± 40 °  high field of view single tilt tomography holder ± 70 °  dual-axis tomography holder ± 50 ° journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a77 (2016) 4  on axis rotation tomography holder 360°  further in situ specimen stages available 7 instrument related publications rieger, t., luysberg, m., schäpers, t., grützmacher, d. and lepsa, m. i. (2012). molecular beam epitaxy growth of gaas/inas core-shell nanowires and fabrication of inas nanotubes. nano letters, 12(11), 5559-5564. imlau, r., kovács, a., mehmedovic, e., xu,, p., stewart, a. a., leidinger, c. … luysberg, m. (2014). structural and electronic properties of β-fesi2 nanoparticles: the role of stacking fault domains. physical review b. 89(5), 054104. friedrich, m., penner, s., heggen, m. and armbrüster, m. (2013). high co2 selectivity in methanol steam reforming through znpd/zno teamwork. angewandte chemie 125(16), 4389–4392. gan, l., heggen, m., cui, ch. and strasser, p. (2016). thermal facet healing of concave octahedral ptni nanoparticles imaged in-situ at the atomic scale: implications for the rational synthesis of durable high performance orr electrocatalysts. acs catalysis 6(2), 692–695. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a8 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 maria: magnetic re�ectometer with high incident angle heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: stefan mattauch, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10709, email: alexandros koutsioubas, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 11674, email: sabine pütter, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10742, email: abstract: the neutron re�ectometer maria with polarisation analysis, which is operated by jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, was designed for the investigation of thin magnetic layered structures down to the monolayer scale and lateral structures. 1 introduction the re�ection of polarised neutrons allows to determine individually the density and the modulus and the direction of the magnetisation vector of buried layers. maria is optimised for layer thicknesses between 3 – 300 å and lateral structure sizes from nm to µm sizes. consequently the instrument is designed for small focused beam and sample sizes of 1 cm2 at λ = 4.5 å (available: 4.5 å < λ < 40 å) in a vertical orientation with a maximum incident angle of 180° and outgoing angle ranging from -14° to 100°. maria provides polarisation analysis in standard operation, where the beam is polarised by a polarising guide (z-geometry; 4.5 å < λ < 10 å ) and analysed by a wide angle 3he-cell. beside the above described re�ectometer mode with good resolution in the horizontal scattering plane, maria can be used in the gisans mode with additional resolution in the vertical direction. the latter mode allows for measuring lateral structures down to the nm scale. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a8 (2015) figure 1: sample position of the instrument maria. on the left with the end of the 4 m collimation base with the vertical focusing neutron guide. in the centre the versatile hexapod combined with a 360° rotation stage below, as sample table. the black box on the right is the detector arm carrying the analyzer system using a in-situ pumped 3he spin �lter (seop) and the 2d-detector (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). at the sample position, a hexapod with an additional turntable (360°) is installed, which can take a load up to 500 kg. in the standard con�guration magnetic �elds are provided up to 1.3 t (bruker electromagnet) and cryogenic temperatures down to 4 k (he closed cycle cryostat). beside this standard setup the complete sample environment of the jcns can be adopted to maria so that magnetic �elds up to 5 t and temperatures from 50 mk to 500 k are available. all parts of maria are controlled by a computer system according to the “jülich-munich” standard based on a linux workstation. this allows a �exible remote control with automatic scan programs, including the control of sample environment as cryostat and electromagnet. 2 typical applications with scattering under grazing incidence we investigate depth-resolved the laterally-averaged magnetisations and the correlations between their lateral �uctuations. with an additionally polarised neutron beam we derive a vector information on the laterally-averaged magnetisation (re�ectivity) and on the correlations between their lateral �uctuations (o�-specular scattering – µm length scale, gisans – nm length scale). in general, maria can be used for measurements of magnetic roughness, the formation of magnetic domains in thin layered structures, lateral structures, etc. (polarised mode) and density pro�les, structures of solid polymer layers, etc. (unpolarised mode with higher intensity). furthermore possible without the need for multilayers investigation of: • diluted semiconductors • in�uence of the substrate • interfaces between oxide materials 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a8 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of maria. additionally the instrument in non-polarised beam mode can be used for re�ectometry and gisans studies of “soft” layers at the solid/ liquid interface by the use of appropriate liquid cells that are available at the beamline. candidate systems for such investigations include polymer brushes, polyelectrolyte multilayers, biomimetic supported membranes, adsorbed proteins etc. for typical applications involving deuterated solvents the dynamic range that can be expected covers 7 order of magnitude. 3 sample environment the optimal sample size for maria is 10 x 10 mm2 with the following parameters: • thin magnetic layers down to sub mono layers • polarisation analysis as standard • layer thickness of 1 – 300 å optimised, but – 1000 å (multi layers) should be feasible • lateral structures of nm to µm • temperature controlled liquid cells for soft matter, accomodating various substrates besides the described cryogenic temperatures and magnetic �elds maria can provide users with a fully equipped oxid-mbe (molecular beam epitaxy).the typical sample sizes are 10 × 10 mm2 and as targets we can provide al, cr, pr, fe, la, nb, ag, nd, tb, sr, mn, ti and co. 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • neutron guide nl5-n: vertically focussing elliptic guide • monochromator: velocity selector • wavelength: 4.5 å – 10 å (polarised) 4.5 å – 40 å (unpolarised) • resolution: 10 % velocity selector 1 %, 3 % fermi chopper • double re�ection polariser • horizontal scattering plane 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a8 (2015) 4.2 flux at sample • polarized �ux: 5 · 107 n cm-2 s-1 for 3 mrad collimation 4.3 distances and angles • 4100 mm distance s1 – s2 (collimation) • 400 mm distance s2 – sample • 50 mm x 40 mm (w x h) max. opening s2 • 1910 mm distance sample – detector • 120° maximum detector angle • gisans option: 4 m collimation length 4.4 accessible q-range • re�ectometry: qzrange 0.002 å-1 – 3.2 å-1 qxrange 6 · 10-5 å-1 – 0.001 å-1 α f -14° – 100° • gisans option: qyrange 0.002 å-1 – 0.2 å-1 4.5 polarisation analysis • 3he-cell 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam flux at sample distances and angles accessible q-range polarisation analysis journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a113 (2017) published: 23.05.2017 the nanocluster trap endstation at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. tobias lau, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-14786, email: abstract: the nanocluster trap endstation at bessy ii combines a cryogenic linear radio-frequency ion trap with an applied magnetic �eld for x-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies of cold and sizeselected trapped ions. applications include atomic, molecular, and cluster ions as well as ionic complexes. 1 introduction with the nanocluster trap endstation, bessy ii hosts a unique experimental setup for x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (xmcd) spectroscopy of size selected and trapped cold ions (hirsch et al., 2015; langenberg et al., 2014; niemeyer et al., 2012; zamudio-bayer, hirsch, langenberg, kossick, et al., 2015; zamudio-bayer, hirsch, langenberg, ławicki, et al., 2015; zamudio-bayer, hirsch, langenberg, niemeyer, et al., 2015; zamudio-bayer et al., 2013). the setup consists of a cryogenic linear radio-frequency (rf) quadrupole ion trap inside a superconducting solenoid for xmcd spectroscopy of size-selected atomic, molecular, and cluster ions ions as well as ionic complexes. nanocluster trap is jointly operated by helmholtz-zentrum berlin, uni freiburg, tu berlin, kyushu university, and toyota technological institute. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). the nanocluster trap endstation at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a113. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a113 (2017) figure 1: view of the nanocluster trap endstation. figure 2: schematic view of the nanocluster trap endstation with sample preparation (cluster source, ion guide/collision cell, and mass �lter) and spectroscopy (ion trap, superconducting solenoid, and re�ectron time-of-�ight mass spectrometer) stages. 2 instrument application the nanocluster trap endstation at bessy ii is used to investigate magnetic phenomena on the atomic scale. it is routinely used in combination with a magnetron cluster source. magnetic spin and orbital moments of size-selected pure and mixed transition metal clusters, molecules, and complexes can be determined. the ion trap can also be combined with a variety of di�erent ion sources (e.g., electrospray ionization (egorov et al., 2015) or laser evaporation) because of a �exible interface to the �rst ion guide. nanocluster trap is currently being upgraded to even more �exible ion trapping schemes and even lower cryogenic (t < 5 k) ion temperature within bmbf project 05k13vf2 hosted at universität freiburg. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a113 (2017) 3 technical data experiment in vacuum yes temperature range 5 300 k detector high transmission re�ectron time-of-�ight mass spectrometer for ion yield spectroscopy manipulator cryogenic linear quadrupole ion trap applied magnetic �eld 0 5 t mass range 10 4000 amu circularly polarized radiation yes table 1: technical parameters of the nanocluster trap endstation. references egorov, d., sadia, b., hoekstra, r., ławicki, a., hirsch, k., zamudio-bayer, v., . . . schlathölter, t. (2015). an intense electrospray ionization source for soft x-ray photoionization of gas phase protein ions. journal of physics: conference series, 635(11), 112083. hirsch, k., zamudio-bayer, v., langenberg, a., niemeyer, m., langbehn, b., möller, t., . . . lau, j. t. (2015). magnetic moments of chromium-doped gold clusters: the anderson impurity model in finite systems. phys. rev. lett., 114, 087202. langenberg, a., hirsch, k., ławicki, a., zamudio-bayer, v., niemeyer, m., chmiela, p., . . . lau, j. t. (2014). spin and orbital magnetic moments of size-selected iron, cobalt, and nickel clusters. phys. rev. b, 90, 184420. niemeyer, m., hirsch, k., zamudio-bayer, v., langenberg, a., vogel, m., kossick, m., . . . lau, j. t. (2012). spin coupling and orbital angular momentum quenching in free iron clusters. phys. rev. lett., 108, 057201. zamudio-bayer, v., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., kossick, m., ławicki, a., terasaki, a., . . . lau, j. t. (2015). direct observation of high-spin states in manganese dimer and trimer cations by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy in an ion trap. the journal of chemical physics, 142(23), 234301. zamudio-bayer, v., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., ławicki, a., terasaki, a., v. issendor�, b., & lau, j. t. (2015). electronic ground states of fe2+ and co2+ as determined by x-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. the journal of chemical physics, 143(24), 244318. zamudio-bayer, v., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., niemeyer, m., vogel, m., ławicki, a., . . . von issendor�, b. (2015). maximum spin polarization in chromium dimer cations as demonstrated by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. angewandte chemie international edition, 54(15), 4498– 4501. zamudio-bayer, v., leppert, l., hirsch, k., langenberg, a., rittmann, j., kossick, m., . . . lau, j. t. (2013). coordination-driven magnetic-to-nonmagnetic transition in manganese-doped silicon clusters. phys. rev. b, 88, 115425. 3 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a4 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 resi: thermal neutron single crystal di�ractometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum ludwig-maximilians-universität münchen technische universität münchen instrument scientists: bjørn pedersen, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14707, email: abstract: the di�ractometer resi, which is operated by the department für geound umweltwissenschaften sektion kristallographie, ludwig-maximilians-universität münchen and the technische universität münchen, is designed for high q-resolution, low background and best �ux usage allowing optimum measurements of weak di�raction phenomena in a large portion of the reciprocal space on single crystalline samples. 1 typical applications structure analysis with thermal neutrons (λ = 0.8 å to 2 å) is complementary to structure analysis with x-rays. the measurement possibilities provided by this instrument are crucial for many scienti�c questions: • structure analysis, bonding theory, electron densities: due to the interaction with atomic cores and the di�raction angle independence of the atomic form factor, it is possible to measure bragg scattering up to high di�raction angles. • real crystals and compounds of interest for material science are often not perfectly ordered. the elucidation of these real structures requires the analysis of the corresponding di�use scattering. the di�use scattering o� the bragg re�ections is normally di�erentially weak and distributed continually (anisotropic) in the reciprocal space. • partially crystalline compounds, like �bre structures, show a speci�c scattering, which is highly anisotropic and continously distributed in the reciprocal space. therefore, di�ractometers with area detectors like resi are best suited for this kind of problems. • structural phase transitions can be accompanied by continuous re�ection shifting. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a4 (2015) figure 1: instrument resi with focusing guide (left), eulerian cradle (middle, front), area detector (middle, back) and single counter (right); (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). • modulated structures show satellite re�ections at “incommensurable” positions. both areas require analysis of large portions of the reciprocal space. • a new class of aperiodic crystals (“quasi crystals”) show dense, but discrete re�ex patterns, where more than 90% of the re�exes are very weak. additionally, due to the fact that quasi crystals often contain two or more transition metals (which are almost isoelectronic), neutrons o�er much higher contrast than x-ray methods. • twinned crystals and multi-domain/multi-phase crystals are often di�cult to measure on single-counter instruments. the area detector at resi allows for easy detection and in many cases separation of re�ections in such systems. the advantages of the high-resolution area detector can be utilised best, if the reciprocal space is not too empty. that means, that resi is optimal for cells of ca. 1000 å3 to ca. 20000 å3. typical crystal sizes range from 5 mm3 to 25 mm3. 2 sample environment dedicated sample environment of resi: • oxford cryosystems cryostream 700 temperature range 100 k 400 k consumption 20 l l-n2/d • oxford instruments helijet temperature range 15 k 100 k consumption 2 l l-he / h sample size 1 x 1 x 1 mm3 max. standard sample environment usable with resi: • closed-cycle cryostat cc, 2.5 k – 300 k • closed-cycle cryostat ccr, 3 k – 100 k using 3he insert, 500 mk – 4 k using 3he/4he dilution, 50 mk – 1 k • vacuum furnace, 340 k – 2100 k • mirror furnace, rt – 1250 k 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a4 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of resi. 3 technical data 3.1 primary beam • beam tube sr-8b • neutron guide length: 12 m, focussing vertical / horizontal section: 70 x 40 mm → 60 x 30 mm • coatings: m = 3 top/bottom; m = 1 side 3.2 monochromators vertically focussing lamella type, �xed take-o� 90° • cu-422, 20’ mosaic, 1 å: 2 · 106 n cm-2 s-1 • ge-511, 25’ mosaic (deformed wafer stack) 1.5 å: 6 · 106 n cm-2 s-1 3.3 secondary neutron guide vertically focussing ellipitical guide-in-guide • length: 1 m • focus 400 mm after guide exit • coating: m = 5 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a4 (2015) 3.4 available goniometers • kappa-goniometer: bruker-nonius mach3 carrying capacity: max 100 g • eulerian cradle huber 420: higher carrying capacity, e.g. for closed-cycle cryostat • huber 2-circle goniometer: with tilting head highest carrying capacity, e.g. for ccr with 3he insert 3.5 available detectorss • mar345 image plate detector: 345 mm diameter, n-sensitive image plate • single counter 3he with optional analyzer for pure elastic scattering 4 typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam monochromators secondary neutron guide available goniometers available detectorss journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a31 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 kws-3: very small angle scattering di�ractometer with focusing mirror heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: vitaliy pipich, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10710, email: zhendong fu, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10716, email: abstract: kws-3, which is operated by jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, is a very small angle neutron scattering (vsans) instrument running on the focussing mirror principle. kws-3 is designed to bridge the gap between bonse-hart and pinhole cameras. owing to its extended q range, optimized �ux, and good wavelength resolution, kws-3 has shown good performance and has become scienti�cally productive to the user community. 1 introduction the principle of this instrument is a one-to-one image of an entrance aperture onto a 2d position sensitive detector by neutron re�ection from a double-focussing toroidal mirror. the instrument’s standard con�guration with a 9.5 m sample-to-detector distance allows performing scattering experiments with a wave vector transfer resolution between 4.0 · 10-5 and 2.5 · 10-3 å-1, bridging a gap between bonse-hart and pinhole cameras. a second sample position at 1.3 m sampleto-detector distance extends the q-range of the instrument to 2.0 · 10-2 å-1 and reaches more than onedecade overlapping with the classical pinhole sans instruments. another “mobile” sample position can be installed to adept sophisticated sample environment between 8 and 2 m sample-to-detector distance according to the requested instrumental resolution. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a31 (2015) figure 1: instrument kws-3 (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). the instrument covers the q range of small angle light scattering instruments. especially when samples are turbid due to multiple light scattering, v-sans gives access to the structural investigation. thus, the samples do not need to be diluted. the contrast variation method allows for highlighting of particular components. small-angle scattering is used for the analysis of structures with sizes just above the atomic scale, between 1 and about 100 nm, which can not be assessed or su�ciently characterised by microscopic techniques. kws-3 is an important instrument extending the accessible range of scattering angles to very small angles with a superior neutron �ux when compared to a conventional instrumental set up with pinhole geometry. thus, the length scale that can be analysed is extended beyond 10 µm for numerous materials from physics, chemistry, materials science, and life science, such as alloys, diluted chemical solutions, and membrane systems. 2 typical applications • high-�ux bridge between bonse-hart and conventional sans di�ractometers • colloid science: mixtures of particles, particles of micron size, silicon macropore arrays • materials science: �lled polymers, cements, microporous media • polymer science: constrained systems, emulsion polymerisation • bio science: aggregations of bio-molecules, protein complexes, crystallisation of proteins • hierarchical structures • multilamellar vesicles 3 sample environment • anton-paar �uid rheometer • stopped �ow cell • sample holders: 4 horizontal x 2 vertical (temperature controlled) for standard hellma cells 404-qx 9 horizontal x 2 vertical (room temperature) for standard hellma cells 404-qx • oil & water thermostats (typical 10 °c – 100 °c) • electric thermostat (rt 200 °c) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a31 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of kws-3. • 6-positions thermostated (peltier) sample holder (-40 °c – 150 °c) • magnet (2 t, vertical) • magnet (5 t, horizontal) • cryostat with sapphire windows • high temperature furnace • pressure cells (500 bar, 2000 bar, 5000 bar) 4 technical data 4.1 overall performance • resolution: δ q = 10-4 å-1 (extension to 4 · 10-5 å-1 possible) • q-range: 1.0 · 10-4 – 3 · 10-3 å-1 at 9.5 m distance 1.5 · 10-3 – 2 · 10-2 å-1 at 1.3 m distance • neutron �ux: high-resolution mode: > 10000 n s-1 high-intensity mode: > 60000 n s-1 4.2 monochromator • mgli velocity selector • wavelength spread ∆λ /λ = 0.2 • wavelength range λ = 10 30 å (maximal �ux at 12.8 å) 4.3 aperture sizes • 1 x 1 mm2 – 5 x 5 mm2 4.4 beam size at 9.5 m • 0 x 0 mm2 – 100 x 25 mm2 4.5 beam size at 1.3 m • 0 x 0 mm2 – 15 x 10 mm2 3 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data overall performance monochromator aperture sizes beam size at 9.5 m beam size at 1.3 m journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a7 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 heidi: single crystal di�ractometer at hot source heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum rwth aachen university, institute of crystallography forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: martin meven, institut für kristallographie, rwth aachen and jülich centre for neutron science at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14727, email: andrew sazonov, institut für kristallographie, rwth aachen and jülich centre for neutron science at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 11764, email: abstract: the single crystal di�ractometer heidi, which is operated by the institute of crystallography, rwth aachen university and jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, is designed for detailed studies on structural and magnetic properties of single crystals using unpolarised neutrons and bragg’s law: 2dhkl sin θ = λ (typically 0.55 å < λ < 1.2 å). 1 introduction because of the large variety of short wavelengths and resolutions, heidi is suitable for studies on a lot of crystalline compounds – many of them of potential interest for energy or data storage technologies – like: • ht superconductors (e.g. cuprates, feas-pnictides) • multiferroics (e.g. manganates) and other complex ferroand antiferromagnetic compounds (e.g. olivines) • ionic conductors (e.g. nickelates) • ferroelectrics (e.g. kdp family) • mixed crystals (e.g. asse compounds) • highly absorbing compounds (e.g. with gd, sm, eu, dy) • frustrated magnetic materials (e.g. pyrochlores) 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a7 (2015) figure 1: instrument heidi (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 applications (in general) • structure analysis • hydrogen bonds • static and dynamic disorder • harmonic and anharmonic mean square displacements • twinning • magnetic structure and order • structural and magnetic phase transitions • incommensurate structures 3 applications (in detail) • studies of atomic positions and bond distances in compounds with heavy and light elements or elements of similar electron shells • temperature dependent studies for determination of phase transitions • studies of order – disorder phase transitions, e.g. h bonds by determination of anisotropic mean square displacements using large q range up to sin(θ)/λ > 1 • structure determination of compounds with highly absorbing elements (gd, sm, cd, dy) with short wavelengths • studies on magnetic phase transitions and t dependencies (ferri, ferro and antiferro magnets, multiferroics) • studies on ht superconductors (e.g. cuprates, feas pnictides) • sample characterisation by pro�le analysis • determination of sample orientation, e.g. for preparation of experiments on three axes instruments • presentation of fundamentals of crystallography and structure analysis for education 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a7 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of heidi. 4 sample environment • closed cycle cryostat (2 k – rt) • mirror furnace (rt – 1500 k) • micro furnace (rt – 500 k) • uniaxial pressure cell (from puma) 5 technical data 5.1 beam-tube • sr-9b (hot source) • flux at sample 1.4 · 107 n cm-2s-1 (λ ≈ 1.17 å) • gain by hot source x 10 (λ ≈ 0.6 å) 5.2 wavelength 2θm ge(311) cu(220) ge(422) cu(420) 20° 0.503 0.443 0.408 0.280 40° 1.168 0.870 0.793 0.552 50° 1.443 1.079 0.993 0.680 5.3 q-range 2θm ge(311) cu(220) ge(422) cu(420) 20° 1.46 1.95 2.12 3.09 40° 0.74 0.99 1.09 1.57 50° 0.60 0.80 0.87 1.27 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a7 (2015) 5.4 optical components • single detector optimised for small wavelengths (sensitivity > 90% at 0.3 å) • analyzer pg(002); optional for studies of purely elastic scattering and background suppression • neutron �lters for suppression of λ /2or λ /3-contamination of the monochromatised beam 4 introduction applications (in general) applications (in detail) sample environment technical data beam-tube wavelength q-range optical components journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a114 (2017) published: 24.05.2017 v6: the re�ectometer at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. marcus trapp, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-43020, email: abstract: v6 is a �xed wavelength re�ectometer dedicated to the investigation of thin �lms and surface structures at solid-air, solid-liquid and free liquid surfaces. the instrument is equipped with polarization analysis for studies of magnetic thin �lms, also in external magnetic �elds and at low temperature. 1 introduction the re�ectometer v6 allows measuring the neutron optical re�ectivities on �at surfaces at grazing angles. the re�ectivity is related to the variation of the refractive index within a depth of about 200 nm, thus structural depth pro�les can be studied at solid-air, solid-liquid and free liquid surfaces. using polarized neutrons magnetic properties and magnetic depth pro�les can be reconstructed in a unique way. for solid samples the angle of incidence is varied by a precise tilting of the sample surface relative to the (�xed) collimated neutron beam. liquid samples can also be measured. in this mode the sample surface is kept horizontal and the angle of incidence is varied by precise and synchronized movement of the monochromator tilt angle, the slit system and the sample stage. the sample-detector distance is variable between 1 m and 3 m. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). v6: the re�ectometer at ber ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a114. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a114 (2017) figure 1: view of v6. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • multilayers (inorganic or organic materials) • liquid and solid surfaces, solid-liquid interfaces • properties of in-plane structured layers 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a114 (2017) 3 instrument layout figure 2: schematic view of v6 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a114 (2017) 4 technical data neutron guide nl 4 collimation 2 cd slits (computer controlled) monochromator pg (002) mosaicity: δ λ /λ = 2% wave length λ = 0.466 nm scattering plane vertical flux 3·104 n/cm2s range of re�ectivities 2·105 (with sample site 10x40 mm) q resolution 2·10−2 nm−1 (depending on collimation) detector 48 3he-detector tubes optionally multiwire psd (180 x 180 mm, resolution 1.5 mm) angular range: 10°(for liquids: 0°2.7°) vertical collimation: 0.01°0.05° angular precision: 0.001° polarized neutrons no instrument options • solid sample mode • liquid sample mode sample environment • sample rotation table (360°) • heatable sample cells for air-liquid and solid-liquid interfaces • high pressure cell (100mpa) for solid-liquid interfaces • vacuum and gas loading cells • langmuir �lm balance table 1: technical parameters of v6. references früh, j., rühm, a., möhwald, h., krastev, r., & köhler, r. (2015). re�ectometry on curved interfaces. physica b: condensed matter, 457, 202 211. jerliu, b., dörrer, l., huger, e., borchardt, g., steitz, r., geckle, u., . . . schmidt, h. (2013). neutron re�ectometry studies on the lithiation of amorphous silicon electrodes in lithium-ion batteries. phys. chem. chem. phys., 15, 7777-7784. jerliu, b., hüger, e., dörrer, l., seidlhofer, b.-k., steitz, r., oberst, v., . . . schmidt, h. (2014). volume expansion during lithiation of amorphous silicon thin film electrodes studied by inoperando neutron re�ectometry. the journal of physical chemistry c, 118(18), 9395-9399. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a114 (2017) köhler, r., steitz, r., & von klitzing, r. (2014). about di�erent types of water in swollen polyelectrolyte multilayers. advances in colloid and interface science, 207, 325 331. koo, j., erlkamp, m., grobelny, s., steitz, r., & czeslik, c. (2013). pressure-induced protein adsorption at aqueous-solid interfaces. langmuir, 29(25), 8025-8030. menéndez, e., dias, t., geshev, j., lopez-barbera, j. f., nogués, j., steitz, r., . . . temst, k. (2014). interdependence between training and magnetization reversal in granular co-coo exchange bias systems. phys. rev. b, 89, 144407. paul, a., teichert, a., krist, t., & steitz, r. (2015). substrate-stress-induced magnetic and nonmagnetic structural correlations in fe/si multilayers. journal of applied crystallography, 48(4), 1023–1033. reinhardt, m., dzubiella, j., trapp, m., gutfreund, p., kreuzer, m., gröschel, a. h., . . . steitz, r. (2013). fine-tuning the structure of stimuli-responsive polymer films by hydrostatic pressure and temperature. macromolecules, 46(16), 6541-6547. 5 introduction instrument application instrument layout technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a59 (2016) published: 14.03.2016 fei helios nanolab 460f1 fib-sem ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen * instrument o�cer: maximilian kruth, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.2418, e-mail: deputy instrument o�cer: doris meertens, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.3910, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei helios nanolab 460f1 is a highly advanced dual beam fib-sem platform for imaging and analytical measurements, transmission electron microscopy (tem) sample and atom probe (ap) needle preparation, process development and process control. for these purposes, the fei helios nanolab 460f1 combines an elstar™ uc technology electron column for high-resolution and high material contrast imaging with the high-performance tomahawk™ ion column for fast and precise sample preparation. the fei helios nanolab 460f1 is additionally equipped with the multichem™ gas delivery system, an easylift™ nanomanipulator, a cooling trap, an inert gas transfer (igt) holder load-lock, a quick loader, a flipstage 3™ , an edx-system and an stem iii detector. this instrument is one of the few dual beam systems which combine an igt holder loadlock with a flipstage 3+™ easylift™ nanomanipulator. typical examples of use and technical speci�cations for the instrument are given below. *cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons. (2016). fei helios nanolab 460f1 fib-sem. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a59. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a59 (2016) 1 system overview figure 1: fei helios nanolab 460f1 dualbeam (photograph by courtesy of fei company). 2 typical applications and limitations of use the con�guration of the fei helios nanolab 460f1 allows a variety of advanced imaging and preparation techniques to be applied to wide bunch of solid state materials. these techniques include tem sample preparation (normaland backside milling) without breaking the vacuum (with flipstage 3), stem imaging on thin tem samples (with stem 3 detector), slice and view operation (automatic), needle preparation for tomography, atom probe sample preparation, plan-view preparation and the preparation of lamellas on heating chips for tem annealing experiments. making use of the igt-loadlock, even samples who are not allowed to be supposed to air can be prepared on any of the previously described ways except needle and atom probe preparation. the fei helios nanolab 460f1 is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments o�cers and the er-c general management. 3 sample environment the vacuum is about 10−7 mbar under normal operating conditions. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a59 (2016) 4 technical speci�cations • electron landing voltage 20 v ... 30 kv • ion landing voltage 500 v . . . 30 kv • electron beam current ≤ 0.1 µa • ion beam current ≤ 65 na • electron source schottky thermal �eld emitter • resolution optimal wd (sem) @ 2 . . . 15 kv < 0.6 nm • resolution optimal wd (sem) @ 1 kv < 0.7 nm • resolution optimal wd (sem) @ 200 v with beam deceleration < 1.5 nm • resolution (stem) < 0.6 nm • ion source gallium liquid metal • resolution (fib) 30 kv < 4 nm • resolution (edx) < 30 nm 5 detectors • etd – everhart thornley detector • tld – through-the-lens detector • ice – in-chamber electron • icd – in-column detector • stem 3+ – stem detector (bf, df, haadf) • md – mirror detector • cbs – retractable backscatter detector • ccd – charge-coupled detector • nav-cam – in-chamber navigation camera 6 specimen stages • flipstage 3 with in situ stem 3 detector • 5 axis all piezo motorised • 100 mm xy motion • igt-loadlock • quick loader 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a59 (2016) 7 multichem gas delivery system • pt, c, w for deposition • teos for insulator deposition • h2o etching gas 8 edx system • team software for measurement and analyses • "octane super" detector • active area: 60mm2 9 miscellaneous the fei helios nanolab 460f1 was funded by the german federal ministry of education and research (bmbf) via the project sable (sable-skalenübergreifende, multi-modale 3d-bildgebung elektrochemischer hochleistungskomponenten) under support code 03ek3543. 4 system overview typical applications and limitations of use sample environment technical specifications detectors specimen stages multichem gas delivery system edx system miscellaneous journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a28 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 kws-1: small-angle scattering di�ractometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: henrich frielinghaus, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10706, email: artem feoktystov, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10746, email: ida berts, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10758, email: gaetano mangiapia, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 54810, email: abstract: the kws-1, which is operated by jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, is a small-angle neutron scattering di�ractometer dedicated to high resolution measurements. 1 introduction kws-1 is dedicated to high resolution measurements (feoktystov et al., 2015) due to its 10 % wavelength selector. this property is interesting for highly ordered or highly monodisperse samples. with the foreseen chopper the wavelength uncertainty can be reduced further to ca. 1 %. the scienti�c background of kws-1 is placed in magnetic thin �lms. magnetic samples will be studied with the full polarisation analysis including incident beam polarisation and polarisation analysis of the scattered neutrons. in front of the collimation, a 3-cavity polariser with v-shaped mirrors is placed. the full bandwidth of 4.5 to 20 å will be covered with min. 90 % (95 % typical) polarisation. a radio frequency spin �ipper allows for changing the polarisation. the polarisation analysis will be realised with 3he-cells which will be optimised for the used wavelength and scattering angle. vertical magnets will be provided to render the magnetic �eld at the sample position. thin �lms can be well studied in the grazing incidence geometry – the method is called grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering (gisans). a newly installed hexapod will allow for positioning the sample with 0.01 mm and 0.01° precision. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a28 (2015) figure 1: instrument kws-1 (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). classical soft-matter systems will be investigated on kws-1 if the resolution is needed. biological samples can be handled due to the detector distance of ca. 1 m, which will allow for maximal scattering angles of q = 0.5 å-1. the mgf2 lenses are used for the high �ux mode with large sample areas, while the resolution stays in the classical sans range. these enhanced intensities allow for real time measurements in the 1/10 second region (typical 1 s). the chopper in parallel allows for studying faster dynamics in the ms range. the so-called tisane mode interlocks the chopper frequency with the excitation �eld frequency and with the detection binning. the precise consideration of the �ight times allows for higher precision compared to classical stroboscopic illuminations. 2 typical applications • grain boundaries • alloys • magnetic structures • flow lines • soft matter and biology (as for kws-2) • complex �uids near surfaces • polymer �lms • magnetic �lms • nanostructured �lms 3 sample environment • rheometer shear sandwich • rheowis-�uid rheometer (max. shear rate 10000 s-1) • anton-paar �uid rheometer • stopped �ow cell 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a28 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of kws-1. • sample holders: 9 horizontal x 3 vertical (temperature controlled) for standard hellma cells 404-qx and 110-qx • oil & water thermostats (range -40 °c – 250 °c), electric thermostat (rt – 200 °c) • 8-positions thermostated (peltier) sample holder (-40 °c – 150 °c) • magnet (horizontal, vertical) • cryostat with sapphire windows • high temperature furnace • pressure cells (500 bar, 2000 bar, 5000 bar) 4 technical data 4.1 overall performance • q = 0.0007 – 0.5 å-1 • maximal �ux: 1.5 · 108 n cm-2 s-1 • typical �ux: 8 · 106 n cm-2 s-1 (collimation 8 m, aperture 30 x 30 mm2, λ = 7 å) 4.2 velocity selector • dornier, fwhm 10 %, λ = 4.5 å – 12 å, 20 å 4.3 chopper • for tof-wavelength analysis, fwhm 1 % 4.4 polariser • cavity with v-shaped supermirror, all wavelengths • polarisation better 90 %, typical 95 % 4.5 spin-�ipper • radio-frequency spin �ip probability better than 99.8 % 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a28 (2015) 4.6 active apertures • 2 m, 4 m, 8 m, 14 m, 20 m 4.7 aperture sizes • rectangular 1 x 1 mm2 – 50 x 50 mm2 4.8 sample aperture • rectangular 1 x 1 mm2 – 50 x 50 mm2 4.9 neutron lenses • mgf2, diameter 50 mm, curvature 20 mm • packs with 4, 6, 16 lenses 4.10 sample stage • hexapod, resolution better than 0.01°, 0.01 mm 4.11 detector 1 • detection range: continuous 1.5 m – 20 m • 6li-scintillator 1 mm thickness + photomultiplier • e�ciency better than 95 % • spatial resolution 5.3 x 5.3 mm2, • 128 x 128 channels • max. countrate 0.6 mhz (τ dead = 0.64 µs) references feoktystov, a. v., frielinghaus, h., di, z., jaksch, s., pipich, v., appavou, m.-s., . . . brückel, t. (2015). kws-1 high-resolution small-angle neutron scattering instrument at jcns: current state. journal of applied crystallography, 48(1), 61-70. 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data overall performance velocity selector chopper polariser spin-flipper active apertures aperture sizes sample aperture neutron lenses sample stage detector 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a2 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 biodiff: di�ractometer for large unit cells heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: andreas ostermann, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14702, email: tobias e. schrader, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10743, email: abstract: the single crystal di�ractometer biodiff, which is jointly operated by the technische universität münchen and jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, is designed to handle crystals with large unit cells and is dedicated to the structure determination of biological macromolecules. the main �eld of application is the neutron structure analysis of proteins, especially the determination of hydrogen atom positions. 1 introduction in biological macromolecules, like proteins and nucleic acids, hydrogen atoms play an important role. hydrogen atoms take part in the substrate binding process and are essential for proton transfer reactions during the catalysis in many enzymes. therefore, the knowledge about the protonation states of amino acid residues in the active centre of proteins is often crucial for the understanding of their reaction mechanisms. however, hydrogen atoms, especially rather �exible ones, are barely detectable in x-ray structure determinations of proteins. on the other hand, hydrogen atoms are clearly visible in neutron crystallography experiments even at moderate resolutions (dmin < 2.0 å). biodiff is the �rst instrument along the cold neutron guide nl1 and is positioned in a distance of about 32.5 m from the cold source (figure 1). using a pyrolytic graphite monochromator pg(002) the di�ractometer covers a tunable wavelength range of 2.4 å to about 5.6 å. higher order wavelength contaminations are removed by a neutron velocity selector. the main detector of the di�ractometer consists of a neutron imaging plate system in a cylindrical geometry to cover a large solid angle. a fast lif/zns scintillator ccd camera is foreseen for additional detection abilities (compare figure 2). 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a2 (2015) figure 1: instrument biodiff with the detector unit on the left side, monochromator shielding (blue) on the right side (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). the main advantage of this instrument is the possibility to adapt the wavelength to the size of the sample crystal’s unit cell while operating with a clean monochromatic beam that keeps the background level low. 2 typical applications the main �eld of application is the neutron structure analysis of proteins, especially the determination of hydrogen atom positions. typical questions in this �eld of interest are: • enzymatic mechanism (protonation states of amino acids) • ligand binding mediated by hydrogen bonds • investigation of the hydration shell of proteins • h/d-exchange pattern as a monitor of structural stability/�exibility 3 sample environment besides standard sample environment biodiff provides: • oxford cryosystems cryostream 700 plus with a temperature range of 90 k to 500 k • closed cycle cryostat 3.5 325 k 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • neutron guide nl1; supermirror m = 2 • monochromator: pg(002) mosaicity: 0.4 – 0.5° • higher order �lter: astrium type velocity selector transmission 87 % for 2.4 å 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a2 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of biodiff. • wavelength range: 2.4 – 5.6 å with selector 2.4 – 6.1 å without selector • collimation by adjustable slits down to ø = 1 mm 4.2 beam properties at the sample position • wavelength resolution at sample position: ∆λ /λ = 2.9 % at 2.4 å • beam divergence (no slits) 0.8° fwhm horizontal 0.7° fwhm vertical 4.3 main detector neutron image plate (cylindrical) • bafbr:eu2+ mixed with gd2o3 • dimensions: radius 200 mm angular range ±152° horizontal ±48° vertical • pixel size (quadratic) 125, 250, 500 µm • readout time (with erasing): 5 min (for 500 µm pixel size) 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a2 (2015) 4.4 auxiliary detector ccd camera with scintillator • zns mixed with 6lif • dimensions: active scintillator area (�at) 200 x 200 mm2 distance to sample 100 mm • 2θ-angle around sample position 0° – 113° • ccd chip with 2048 x 2048 pixels • pixel size: 13.5 x 13.5 µm2 • overall spatial resolution ≈ 300 × 300µm2 (limited by scintillator thickness) • minimum readout time ≈ 1 sec (full resolution); < 1 sec (binning mode) 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam beam properties at the sample position main detector auxiliary detector journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, a140 (2021) published: 08.07.2021 peaxis: a rixs and xps endstation for solidstate quantum and energy materials at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. deniz wong, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13485, email: dr. christian schulz, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 806213485, email: dr. maciej bartkowiak, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 806213485, email: abstract: peaxis (photo electron analysis and resonant x-ray inelastic spectroscopy) is a dedicated endstation installed at the beamline u41-peaxis that o�ers high resolution soft x-ray spectroscopy measurements with incident photon energies ranging from 180 – 1600 ev. the endstation combines two x-ray spectroscopic techniques, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) and resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering (rixs), which are important for probing the electronic structure and local and collective excitations of solid-state materials. it features a continuous variation of scattering angle under uhv conditions for wave vector-resolved studies and a modular sample environment that allows investigation in the temperature range between 10 k and 1000 k. 1 introduction the electronic structure and dynamics of materials determine their fundamental and functional properties which are relevant for technological applications. peaxis (photo electron analysis and resonant x-ray inelastic spectroscopy) o�ers the possibility of probing electronic states of materials by two sought-after x-ray spectroscopic techniques in one single instrument. the instrument is designed for studying solid-state materials by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (rixs) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) and, in addition, allows for the investigation of liquids encapsulated in a sealed *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2021). peaxis: a rixs and xps endstation for solid-state quantum and energy materials at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, a140. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, a140 (2021) cell. the �xed endstation is installed at the beamline u41-peaxis of bessy ii providing monochromatic, linearly polarized light. the endstation allows for measurements with high energy resolution in combination with a continuous rotation of its 5 m long arm about the sample position. scattering angles from 33°-139° are thus covered within the horizontal photon scattering plane which enables wavevector-resolved measurements of solid-state samples over a wide wavevector range and, with peaxis’ sample manipulators, covering a temperature range from 10 1000 k. for sensitive samples, a continuous sample scanning mode is available in order to take measurements with minimal exposure time per surface area while keeping the scattering conditions constant. the instrument is also capable of performing angle-resolved xps measurements thus allowing to probe the electronic structure of material from surface to bulk. in-house developed software (centralized hardware-overseeing server, chaos and augmented data loading evaluation reduction, adler) is available to remotely control the experiment and perform a �rst-level analysis of the raw data. this allows users to have real-time feedback on the acquired data that is critical for remote-access experiments. 2 instrument applications typical applications: • magnetic, d-d and charge transfer excitations in model quantum materials and functional energy materials • dispersive excitations in quantum materials (e.g. plasmons and excitons) • electron-phonon coupling in solid-state materials • reaction mechanisms in battery materials 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, a140 (2021) 3 technical data source undulator u41 horizontal polarization monochromator 800 l/mm pgm energy range 180 1600 ev (xps), 200 – 1200 ev (rixs) energy resolution/ 311 mev 24 mev / 3850 8250 high-�ux (c� = 2.25, slit = 20 µm) resolving power 231 mev 21 mev / 5200 9750 standard (c� = 3, slit = 10 µm) 200 mev 15 mev / 6000 13600 high-resolution (c� = 5, slit = 5 µm) flux at sample 1.4 x 1011 4 x 1012 s−1 (5.7 x 1012 (s−1 x 0.1% bw x 100 ma)) high-�ux mode (@n2 resonance e) focus at sample 12.4 x 3.8 µm2 (hor. x vert.) sample size < 10 x 10 mm2, thickness ∼ 1.5 mm sample 10 330 k (closed cycle refrigerator) low-t manipulator (solid samples) environment 77 1000 k (with special holder) high-t manipulator (solid samples) 77 370 k fluid cell (liquid samples) pressure 10−8 – 10−9 mbar regular operation sample movement speed static, 0.05 mm/s, 0.1 mm/s, 0.2 mm/s number of samples 6 at load-lock sample treatment ar sputtering, annealing, cleaving at load-lock optics 2 vls gratings 200 600 ev and 400 1200 ev detectors andor ikon-l ccd 2048 x 2048 pixels with pixel size of 13.5 x 13.5 µm2 rixs specs phoibos 150 ep xps photodiode or sample current xas beam availability 12 h/day in units of 1 week table 1: technical data of beamline u41-peaxis and peaxis endstation 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, a140 (2021) figure 1: view of the peaxis endstation. 4 acknowledgements the project was funded in part by the german bmbf under förderkennzeichen 05k13ke4. references lieutenant, k., hofmann, t., schulz, c., yablonskikh, m., habicht, k., & aziz, e. f. (2016). design concept of the high-resolution end-station peaxis at bessy ii: wide-q-range rixs and xps measurements on solids, solutions, and interfaces. j. el. spec. rel. phen.. lieutenant, k., hofmann, t., zendler, c., schulz, c., aziz, e. f., & habicht, k. (2016). numerical optimization of a rixs spectrometer using raytracing simulations. journal of physics: conference series. schulz, c., lieutenant, k., xiao, j., hofmann, t., wong, d., & habicht, k. (2020). characterization of the soft x-ray spectrometer peaxis at bessy ii. j. synchrotron rad.. 4 introduction instrument applications technical data acknowledgements journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a83 (2016) published: 09.08.2016 geomagnetic observatories gfz german research centre for geosciences * instrument scientists: jürgen matzka, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 (0)33841 624-18, email: abstract: in this article we brie�y describe the geomagnetic observatories operated or supported by the helmholtz centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences (gfz), their scienti�c and societal use in the light of a global approach, their main data products and their dissemination process, as well as their instrumentation. the geomagnetic observatories of gfz are part of the ’modular earth science infrastructure’ (mesi). 1 introduction the geomagnetic �eld is generated by electric currents in the earth’s core, ionosphere and magnetosphere as well as induced electric currents in the earth’s mantle and oceans. an additional contribution originates from the magnetisation of the lithosphere. geomagnetic observatories are a versatile tool to study these currents and the associated processes in earth and its surrounding space environment. in contrast to variation magnetometers or absolute scalar magnetometers, observatories provide calibrated vector data in an absolute reference frame (matzka et al., 2010). long-term, homogenous time series allow the study of secular variation of the core �eld and of trends in space climate. geomagnetic observatories and geomagnetic measurements from satellites (e.g. esa’s swarm mission, olsen et al. (2013)) complement each other due to their di�erent space/time constellation, e.g. for the characterisation of geomagnetic variations with local time. observatories are in particular important for studying long-term trends and induction phenomena. gfz globally operates geomagnetic observatories and plays an active role in supporting geomagnetic observatories worldwide through cooperation agreements (see figure 1 for a full overview on geomagnetic observatories with gfz cooperation). a focus area for gfz geomagnetic observatories is the south atlantic anomaly, i.e. the area from south america to south africa that is characterised by low, and decreasing, geomagnetic �eld strength. *cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). geomagnetic observatories. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a83. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a83 (2016) 2 data products and their dissemination data are typically given in local cartesian coordinates in a topocentric geodetic coordinate system (geographic north x, geographic east y and vertical down z) in units of nt, and time is given in utc. the data is provided in three di�erent types, representing a progressively improved calibration and quality control: provisional (near real-time), quasi-de�nitive (with about 1 to 2 months delay) and de�nitive (typically 3 to 18 months delay). de�nitive yearly, hourly and minute mean values are distributed through the world data centre for geomagnetism (edinburgh), uk, (abbreviation: wdc, and through intermagnet (, e.g. (st-louis, b. and intermagnet, 2012). intermagnet is a consortium that sets and controls international standards for geomagnetic observatories and organises a peer review of the de�nitive data prior to publication. preliminary mean values are available from intermagnet in near real time (up to a few days delay), quasi-de�nitive minute mean values are typically available on a monthly basis (matzka, 2013; peltier & chulliat, 2010). the international association of geomagnetism and aeronomy (iaga), intermagnet and the wdc for geomagnetism are closely cooperating with users, data providers and also with each other. the free and open access to geomagnetic observational data for scienti�c purpose has a long tradition in the geomagnetic community. commercial data use, e.g. in support of navigating horizontally-drilled oil wells, typically leads to commercial agreements with the customers, e.g. oils service companies. some of the geomagnetic data from observatories operated or supported by gfz that currently do not ful�l intermagnet standards is available through supermag (gjerloev, 2012), which is one of several projects to provide such data from a single website ( data are routinely redistributed, e.g. from intermagnet to the wdc for geomagnetism as well as to supermag. acknowledgement is given directly to gfz or indirectly to intermagnet. download statistics are available from intermagnet. 3 global approach gfz operates the geomagnetic observatories niemegk (established in 1930) and wingst (established in 1938) in germany as well as one each in the british overseas territories st helena (korte et al., 2009) and tristan da cunha (matzka et al., 2011, 2009). an observatory on the azores is in the process of being set up. gfz currently has cooperation agreements with various partners (for a full list see the acknowledgements) regarding the operation of geomagnetic observatories in antarctica, bolivia, brazil, bulgaria, india, indonesia, namibia, portugal, romania, russia, and ukraine. there are various levels of involvement by gfz ranging from providing instrumentation to observatory planning, set up, maintenance, training, sharing of operating costs, data calibration and quality control, depending on the cooperation. niemegk serves as a central observatory and on its premises there are test, calibration and archive facilities as well as workshops and computer infrastructure maintained by sta� specialized on observatory operations to run or support all observatories in our network. the observatory network allows gfz and its partner institutions to close gaps in global coverage or to concentrate on monitoring and exploring regional phenomena of special scienti�c interest, like the south atlantic anomaly, or speci�c high, low and mid-latitude current systems in earth’s space environment. fig. 1 shows a map of the geomagnetic observatories operated or supported by gfz, including those that are in the process of being established. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a83 (2016) figure 1: geomagnetic observatories operated and supported by gfz (red dots) of which, at the time of writing, 13 are intermagnet observatories. the black dots are other intermagnet observatories (see text). 4 instrumentation typically, three instruments are operated in an observatory. these measure (i) the absolute �eld strength, (ii) the absolute direction of the geomagnetic �eld vector, and (iii) variations of certain vector components. in the following, we list what can be considered as standard instruments for geomagnetic observatories and these are typically used at gfz’s geomagnetic observatories. absolute �eld strength is usually measured by gsm-19 or gsm-90 proton or overhauser magnetometers manufactured by gem systems, canada. absolute �eld direction is measured with a �uxgate probe mounted on a non-magnetic theodolite of type theo 010 or theo 020 previously manufactured by zeiss jena, germany. variations are measured by suspended 3-compent �uxgate vector magnetometers of type fge manufactured by technical university of denmark. the variations are logged with 1 hz or faster. the absolute measurements are performed manually on a weekly basis and are used to calibrate the variation measurements to yield the absolute data stream. an absolute accuracy of 1 nt can ideally be achieved. acknowledgements gfz’s sta� members oliver bronkalla, heinz-peter brunke, jürgen haselo�, achim morschhauser, carsten müller-brettschneider, hannelore podewski, stefan rettig, manfred schüler and katrin tornow at niemegk geomagnetic observatory are acknowledged. the cooperating institutes universidad mayor de san anders (bolivia), national institute of geophysics, geodesy and geography (bulgaria), south african national space agency (sansa, south africa), institute of cosmophysical research and aronomy (ikfia, russia), institute of cosmophysical research and radio wave propagation (ikir, russia), indian institute of geophysics (iig, india), national geophysical research institute (ngri, india), geological institute of romania (igr, romania), observatório nacional (on, brasil), institute of geophysics (igf, ukraine), mataram university (indonesia), technical university of denmark (dtu, denmark), alfred-wegener-institute (germany) are acknowledged. kirsten elger is acknowledged for valuable comments that greatly improved the manuscript. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a83 (2016) references gjerloev, j. w. (2012). the supermag data processing technique. journal of geophysical research: space physics, 117(a9). korte, m., mandea, m., linthe, h.-j., hemshorn, a., kotzé, p., & ricaldi, e. (2009). new geomagnetic �eld observations in the south atlantic anomaly region. annals of geophysics, 52(1). matzka, j. (2013). preparation of quasi-de�nitive (qd) data for the observatories narsarsuaq, qeqertarsuaq and tristan da cunha. in p. hejda, a. chulliat, & m. catalan (eds.), real instituto y observatorio de la armada en san fernando (pp. 50–53). matzka, j., chulliat, a., mandea, m., finlay, c. c., & qamili, e. (2010). geomagnetic observations for main �eld studies. space science reviews, 155(1), 29–64. matzka, j., husøy, b. a. w. d. p. l. w. s. c., b.-o., repetto, r., genin, l., merenyi, l., & green, j. j. (2011). the geomagnetic observatory on tristan da cunha: setup, operation and experiences. data science journal, 10, iaga151–iaga158. matzka, j., olsen, n., maule, c. f., pedersen, l. w., berarducci, a. m., & macmillan, s. (2009). geomagnetic observations on tristan da cunha, south atlantic ocean. annals of geophysics, 52(1). olsen, n., friis-christensen, e., floberghagen, r., alken, p., beggan, c. d., chulliat, a., . . . visser, p. n. (2013). the swarm satellite constellation application and research facility (scarf) and swarm data products. earth, planets and space, 65(11), 1189–1200. peltier, a., & chulliat, a. (2010). on the feasibility of promptly producing quasi-de�nitive magnetic observatory data. earth, planets and space, 62(2), e5–e8. st-louis, b. and intermagnet (ed.). (2012). technical reference manual version 4.6, intermagnet. retrieved from (accessed on 10 march 2016) 4 introduction data products and their dissemination global approach instrumentation journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a99 (2016) published: 02.12.2016 bioref: the re�ectometer for biological applications (v18) at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientist: dr. marcus trapp, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-43020, email: abstract: the time-of-�ight neutron re�ectometer bioref is dedicated to the investigation of solidliquid interfaces, in particular for soft matter applications. the possibility to mount a ftir-atr to the sample stage o�ers the possibility of combined in-situ measurements. 1 introduction bioref is a time-of-�ight neutron re�ectometer with strong focus on soft matter applications, in particular at solid–liquid interfaces in the context of biological model systems under physiological conditions, including non-equilibrium situations. the instrument was built in joint e�ort of ruprecht-karlsuniversität heidelberg (rku) and hzb within the “bmbf verbundforschung” funding scheme. unique features of bioref are the chopper system, which allows for focusing on a selected q-range in order to support fast kinetic studies, and the availability of simultaneous in-situ infra-red (ir) spectroscopy measurements. the latter complement the structural information provided by neutron re�ectivity (nr) with information on the molecules’ conformational order. the add-on ir spectroscopy unit allows for the in-situ investigations of si-supported interfaces in atr (attenuated total re�ection) geometry. a bruker vertex 70 infrared spectrometer is installed at the sample position for the very reason. the ir beam enters the si substrate through the inclined top surface (45°) under 90° incidence, is then totally re�ected internally several times at the sample surface (front side) and the backside of the si-substrate before leaving the substrate through its inclined bottom face and de�ected into an external ir-detector. the setup enables combined in-situ (kinetic) nr and ir studies with z-resolved depth pro�les from about 5 – 420 nm total thickness and conformational information on the embedded molecules acquired at the same time. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). bioref: the re�ectometer for biological applications (v18) at ber ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a99. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a99 (2016) figure 1: view of v18. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • solid-liquid interfaces • combined nr and atr-ftir measurements • time resolved nr 3 instrument layout figure 2: schematic view of v18. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a99 (2016) 4 technical data neutron guide nl 3b wavelength 90 hz: 2.0 6.0 å 45 hz: 2.0 10.0 å 25 hz: 2.0 16.4 å wave length resolution constant ∆λ /λ = 1 -5%, 7% 11% scattering plane horizontal range of re�ectivities 1x10−7 with a 50x80 mm2 sample q resolution ∆q/q = 1.4 – 7% and 10 – 15% detector 300 x 300 mm2 multiwire psd detector polarized neutrons no instrument options possibility of combined nr and atr-ir measurements sample environment • rectangular �ow cells (50x80 mm2) • round �ow cells (∅ 60 mm) • hydration chamber table 1: technical data of v18. references kreuzer, m., strobl, m., reinhardt, m., hemmer, m., hauß, t., dahint, r., & steitz, r. (2012). impact of a model synovial �uid on supported lipid membranes. biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) biomembranes, 1818(11), 2648 2659. schwörer, f., trapp, m., ballau�, m., dahint, r., & steitz, r. (2015). surface-active lipid linings under shear load -a combined in-situ neutron re�ectivity and atr-ftir study. langmuir, 31(42), 11539-11548. strobl, m., steitz, r., kreuzer, m., nawara, a., mezei, f., rose, m., . . . dahint, r. (2010). bioref – a time-of-�ight neutron re�ectometer combined with in-situ infrared spectroscopy at the helmholtz centre berlin. journal of physics: conference series, 251(1), 012059. strobl, m., steitz, r., kreuzer, m., rose, m., herrlich, h., mezei, f., . . . dahint, r. (2011). bioref: a versatile time-of-�ight re�ectometer for soft matter applications at helmholtz–zentrum berlin. review of scienti�c instruments, 82(5), 055101-9. trapp, m., steitz, r., kreuzer, m., strobl, m., rose, m., & dahint, r. (2016). bioref ii—neutron re�ectometry with relaxed resolution for fast, kinetic measurements at hzb. review of scienti�c instruments, 87(10). wojciechowski, k., orczyk, m., gutberlet, t., trapp, m., marcinkowski, k., kobiela, t., & geue, t. (2014). unusual penetration of phospholipid monoand bilayers by quillaja bark saponin 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a99 (2016) biosurfactant. biochimica et biophysica acta (bba) biomembranes, 1838(7), 1931 1940. wojciechowski, k., orczyk, m., marcinkowski, k., kobiela, t., trapp, m., gutberlet, t., & geue, t. (2014). e�ect of hydration of sugar groups on adsorption of quillaja bark saponin at air/water and si/water interfaces. colloids and surfaces b: biointerfaces, 117, 60 67. 4 introduction instrument application instrument layout technical data 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75 (2016) published: 31.05.2016 superdeep tests and experiments at 9.1 km and 4 km gfz german research centre for geosciences  instrument scientists: ulrich harms, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 331 288 1085, email: jochem kück, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 331 288 1087, email: abstract: the continental deep drilling program of germany (in german: kontinentales tiefbohrprogramm der bundesrepublik deutschland, abbreviated as ktb) was a scientific drilling project near the town of windischeschenbach, bavaria. the ktb depth laboratory comprises two 9.1 km and 4 km deep, water-filled boreholes in crystalline basement rocks just 200 meters apart from each other. available equipment such as cables, winches, geophysical borehole tools as well as workshops and office infrastructure allows for in-situ tests and experiments at different pressure and temperature conditions. the two stable wells are large-diameter steel-cased and have been geophysically monitored in detail since 1996. 1 introduction in present day, earth system science geological and geophysical investigations on surface with support of modeling allow to chart out the underground of earth. in certain cases however, a proof of concept can only be achieved by sampling and in situ observations at depth which requires drilling into the earth´s crust. a drillhole opens not only the third dimension but through long-term observations also the critical fourth dimension. time dependent properties in the deep underground comprise e.g. temperature, fluid composition and flow, stress, strain, among others. deep and stable boreholes allow also technical test of tools for geophysical, deep marine, geotechnical or high temperature and high-pressure applications. as boreholes are fluid-filled, pressure and temperature stability of instruments can be checked as well as communication along umbilicals or cables.  cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). superdeep tests and experiments at 9.1 km and 4 km. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75 (2016) 2 the deepest accessible test bed into the earth´s crust is today the deep underground lab ktb of the helmholtz centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences. in operation since 20 years, this lab comprises two adjacent deep boreholes of 4,000 and 9,100 m depth. 2 field conditions during the ktb drilling project from 1987 to 1995 two deep boreholes were drilled in south-east germany near the town of windischeschenbach. the so-called pilot hole, ktb-vb, reached 4 km depth while the ultra-deep main hole, ktb-hb, reached 9.1 km depth. the boreholes truncated a stack of paleozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks of leucocratic paragneisses and intercalated metabasic rocks (fig. 1). this crystalline series forms the border between two major tectonic terranes which where amalgamated during devonian to carboniferous times in central europe. brittle postorogenic stacking deformed the rock pile during the tertiary. the metamorphic rock pile is characterized by generally steeply dipping foliation of >60° and a few east-dipping fault zones (emmermann et al., 1997). however, both wells are almost completely cased with steel-pipes down to the total depth; the vb is accessible to nearly bottom hole while the hb is currently not accessible below 6,700 m. the two deep boreholes are very close to each other at a distance at surface of only 200 m. the ktb-hb shows very low deviation of the vertical (<2°) down to 7,400 m, below the deviation reaches higher values (>5°) as is in the entire vb. the platforms surrounding the two boreholes are completely concrete paved and therefore accessible also with heavy vehicles. high temperatures and pressures of t=190 °c at 6700 m depth, p >65 mpa in the hb below 6 km offer ideal test beds for high-tech developments and testing of new scientific and technical methods. figure 1: upper left: aerial photo of ktb site, lower left: sketch of design of the two boreholes and geological profile to the right. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75 (2016) 3 3 technical specifications 3.1 ktb-vb pilot borehole • depth = 4,000 m • maximum accessible depth = 3,970 m • the borehole is cased to 3,850 m, below is open hole • casing diameter (inside) = 108 mm • diameter in open hole section = 152 mm (6") • hole deviation from vertical = strongly varying, maximum of 11.5° at 1,065 m • borehole fluid = rock fluid (saline formation water) • fluid density ≈ 1,020 kg/m3 • ph ≈ 8, conductivity ≈ 86 ms/cm • pressure at 3970 m ≈ 40 mpa • temperature gradient ≈ 28 °c/km • temperature at 3,950 m = 115 °c (239 °f) • distance to ktb-hb wellhead: 200 m 3.2 ktb-hb main borehole • depth = 9,101 m • maximum accessible depth = 6,700 m • the borehole is completely cased to 9,031 m • casing diameter (inside) 0 5,900 m: 312 mm, 5,900 7,785 m: 216 mm • hole deviation from vertical (<2° to 7,400 m) • borehole fluid = rock fluid below ≈ 3,000 m, above increasingly mixed with water • fluid density ≈ 1,020 kg/m3 (average) • ph ≈ 8 9.5, conductivity ≈ 47 86 ms/cm • pressure at 6,700 m ≈ 67 mpa • temperature gradient ≈ 28 °c/km • temperature at 6700 m ≈ 190 °c (374 °f) • distance to ktb-vb wellhead: 200 m 3.3 available downhole tools and infrastructure on-site winches and truck: • mw2000: 2000 m 4-conductor cable for slimhole sondes applications with 3 kn max. pulling force • mw600: 600 m 4-conductor cable for slimhole sondes applications with 1.9 kn max. pulling force • gfz logging truck: 7200 m 7-conductor cable, 200 °c max. • winch unit-2: 3600 m 7-conductor cable, 204 °c max. a slimhole geophysical sonde set covers most typical geophysical logging parameters: • electrical resistivity (dual laterolog) • sonic velocity (two receiver, one transmitter) • natural gamma spectrum: u, th, k (full spectrum sgr) • total natural gamma • oriented caliper & structures (4-arm dipmeter) • magnetic field (magnetometer inside dipmeter) • magnetic susceptibility journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75 (2016) 4 • borehole images (acoustic televiewer) • mud parameters (t, p, resistivity) • fluid samples (pds type) • 3-component borehole geophone chain with 17 stations most tools are rated for 150°c/80 mpa and are operated with the lightweight data acquisition system geobase (antares) consisting of just a laptop and a hand portable tool interface panel. logging data output is ascii and las/lis/dlis. the slimwave geophone chain is operated with wavecontrol (sercel). the infrastructure comprises sheaves in the hb drill rig frame and on a crane at the vb allowing guided access to the wellheads via cables or steel ropes (fig. 2). a fully equipped mechanical workshop and office space are available too. figure 2: a) sheaves cable guidance into the pilot well, b) photo of hb well head, c) drill rig of the hb journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75 (2016) 5 4 data resources during the operational phase of the ktb drilling all technical and scientific digital data collected in the drill rigs and the field laboratory have been acquired in data bank systems. in the mid to late 1990 years they were opened to web access through the ktb information system. furthermore, all field lab reports published during the drilling were published later as open access reports and are available through web resources. data available comprise:  data from internal ktb working groups with geology, tectonics, geochemistry, petrophysics and rock mechanics on all core, cuttings and fluid samples  drilling engineering data with all daily reports from pilot and main well  large scale experiment data such hydrofrac/ seismic or fluid hydraulic experiments  borehole measurement data including all logs registered  measurements in the ktb with seismic and geoelectric tools  geology, geochemistry and petrophysics data from external ktb working groups the data are available for download from the site: this site also provides combined background information on the ktb program. a list of about 2000 published scientific papers is available at: references the ktb field lab reports (1987-1995) with detailed data and method descriptions are available in printed versions in respective libraries. a full overview on all ktb reports can be found via gfzpublic. in addition, all ktb reports from 1987 – 1990 have recently been published as e-reprints by the gfz library (ktb reports 87-1 to 90-8). the strategy to migrate these data into a modern repository has been evaluated in a paper by klump et al. (2015). 5 typical applications and services offered the ktb deep laboratory of the gfz is a primary site for deep borehole geophysical measurements, cross-hole experiments or surface to borehole trials for geoscientific or technical methods and equipment under in-situ borehole conditions. other utilization comprise for example: • testing of deep water instruments or hp-ht (6,700 m, 190 °c, 67 mpa) tools • true in-situ tests of sensors, housings, cables etc. at large depth with high temperature and high pressure (6,700 m, 190 °c, 67 mpa) • test of cables, umbilicals or wireless communication technologies • repeat measurements over several days, weeks and even months • test in just one well or in both wells simultaneously • cable seasoning up to a length of 6,700 m • check, verification and calibration of downhole and deep water instruments in boreholes that are thoroughly documented by many measurements the ktb boreholes and the infrastructure are available for external scientific (and commercial) utilization. due to complex, heavy-duty operations and because of safety regulations all operations will be conducted under the supervision of gfz personnel. tools and instruments of the gfz as described above can be made available according to needs. for scientific purposes only the net costs journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a75 (2016) 6 have to be borne by the external user. the ktb-deep lab of the german research center for geosciences potsdam (gfz) as a worldwide unique facility for a wide range of experiments under in-situ borehole conditions is available for science and research through requests to acknowledgements we would like to thank marco groh, martin töpfer, karl bohn and miel kühr, the staff of the ktbdeep lab, for continuous support. references emmermann, r., and lauterjung, j. (1997). the german continental deep drilling program ktb: overview and major results, journal of geophysical research, 102(b8), 18179–18201, klump, j., ulbricht, d. and conze, r. (2015). curating the web’s deep past – migration strategies for the german continental deep drilling program web content, georesj., 6 (2015) 98–105, journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65 (2016) published: 12.04.2016 aim research intersection: instrument for tra�c detection and behavior assessment for a complex urban intersection deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v., institute of transportation systems * instrument scientists: sascha knake-langhorst, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), institut für verkehrssystemtechnik, braunschweig, germany, phone +49 531 295-3474, email: kay gimm, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), institut für verkehrssystemtechnik, braunschweig, germany, phone +49 531 295-3453, email: abstract: the research intersection as part of test �eld aim (application platform for intelligent mobility) is a �eld instrument for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior for a complex urban intersection in the city of braunschweig, germany. it serves as tool for the purpose of analyzing natural tra�c behavior and phenomena, e.g. in safety related tra�c situations, based on empirically observed trajectories. thus, the facility can be used for a number of applications in the �eld of intelligent mobility services. 1 motivation the test �eld aim (application platform for intelligent mobility) has been built-up by the institute of transportation systems of the german aerospace center (dlr) in braunschweig, germany to support and conduct research and development in the �eld of intelligent mobility services (schnieder & lemmer, 2012, 2014). it consists of di�erent large scale research infrastructure facilities providing a wide range of services covering simulation environments, test tracks and �eld instruments. one of these services is the aim research intersection, which resides on the north-western corner of the inner ring road of braunschweig. it is an instrument for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior for a complex urban intersection. *cite article as: dlr institute of transportation systems. (2016). aim research intersection: instrument for traf�c detection and behavior assessment for a complex urban intersection. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65 (2016) 2 technical description the research intersection is based on a scalable and �exible architecture, which is depicted in figure 1. the diagram shows the basic architecture elements allocated to their respective level of processing going from sensor level to application level. two main subsystems can be identi�ed considering the white boxes. these two subsystems, called multi-sensor system (mss) and senv are responsible for detecting, tracking, and classi�cation of motorized (in the case of mss) and non-motorized (in the case of senv) tra�c participants. in addition, one central architecture element can be found on application level that is called discus. it is responsible for shielding the productive systems from disruptive outside e�ects by serving as well-de�ned gateway for information exchanges between these two worlds as well as processing instance for data aggregation and re�nement, information processing, and system monitoring. the following sections will describe the sensory set-up and give an overview about the inand outputs of the facility. figure 1: functional architecture of aim research intersection. 2.1 sensory set-up the sensory set-up of the multi-sensor system consists of four di�erent installations on poles of stree lighting. figure 2 (left) shows one of them which consist of a pair of mono-cameras, a 24 ghz multirange radar system and active infrared lighting for arti�cial scene illumination. the four pole installations can be found on the four center islands of the intersection with every sensor oriented into the opposite side of the intersection, as displayed in the bird’s eye view on the right. this redundant set-up allows detecting all relevant objects on the inner part of the intersection with a minimum number of occlusion issues. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65 (2016) figure 2: single pole installation of mss (left) and bird’s eye view of all sensor locations (right) in addition, senv is installed on the western and southern pedestrian crossing. there are four installations which are respectively attached on the opposite sides of the crossings. each of these installations consists of a stereo camera system and an infrared lighting unit. figure 3: single pole installation of senv (left) and bird’s eye view of all sensor locations (right). 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65 (2016) 2.2 inand outputs the sensor data is fused and processed to obtain the main output of the research intersection, which are trajectories of the detected tra�c participants. these trajectories hold information about the classi�cation and dimensions of the object as well as its location, velocity and other dynamic state variables. figure 4 shows a visualization of a tra�c scene from the four mss perspectives with augmented object information. these trajectories are produced with a rate of 25hz. they can be processed by online to enable realtime applications. in addition, they are automatically stored in a data base for o�ine analysis purposes with the respective scene videos for manual assessment and validation. 3 project application exampels the research intersection serves as measuring instrument for analyzing natural tra�c behavior and phenomena, especially all types of interaction. one focus of works is the analysis of safety-critical situations and near-misses. a good overview about the activities is given in knake-langhorst et al. (2016, 2015). beyond this, the facility can be used as element of system networks for setting-up cooperative driver assistance systems or automation systems. knake-langhorst et al. (2016) illustrates this approach and shows the possibilities by combining the research intersection with the aim reference track, another aim service. this approach is picked up in eu funded project xcycle of the h2020 mg.3.4 program ( figure 4: visualization of a given tra�c scene from the four mss perspectives with augmented object information. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65 (2016) references knake-langhorst, s., gimm, k., frankiewicz, t., & köster, f. (2016). test site aim toolbox and enabler for applied research and development in tra�c and mobility. transportation research procedia. (submitted) knake-langhorst, s., gimm, k., & köster, f. (2015). aim forschungskreuzung baustein für den aufbau von kooperativer fahrerassistenz und automation. in intelligente transportund verkehrssysteme und -dienste niedersachsen (p. 117-136). braunschweig: aaet automatisierungssysteme, assistenzsysteme und eingebettete systeme für transportmittel. schnieder, l., & lemmer, k. (2012). anwendungsplattform intelligente mobilität eine plattform für die verkehrswissenschaftliche forschung und die entwicklung intelligenter mobilitätsdienste. internationales verkehrswesen, 64(4), 62-63. schnieder, l., & lemmer, k. (2014). entwicklung intelligenter mobilitätsdienste im realen verkehrsumfeld in der anwendungsplattform intelligenten mobilität. internationales verkehrswesen, 66(2), 77-79. 5 motivation technical description sensory set-up inand outputs project application exampels 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, a139 (2020) published: 05.11.2020 cryoexafs: x-ray absorption spectroscopy station with cryogenic or in-beam operando electrochemistry sample conditions at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. götz schuck, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062 14802, email: dr. ivo zisak, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062 12127, email: abstract: the cryo-exafs experimental station at beamline kmc-3 is a dedicated experiment to investigate the short-range environment around selected atomic species and redox behavior in condensed matter by x-ray absorption spectroscopy with cryogenic or in-beam, operando electrochemistry sample conditions. 1 introduction the cryo-exafs x-ray absorption spectroscopy (xas) station at beamline kmc-3 at bessy ii was developed and is operated in a cooperation treaty between the fu berlin, fb physik (prof. holger dau) and the hzb. the endstation is dedicated to xas in a range of about 3-13 kev and is open for general user proposals since september 2016. to operate the cryoexafs station, the other station of the kmc-3 beamline (helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, 2017), the kmc3 xpp station (helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, 2016), must be evacuated and the beamline must be extended to include the cryoexafs station. for this purpose, the cryoexafs station is installed on a moveable table inside of the experimental hutch and can easily be flanged to the kmc-3 beamline. recent progress in the development of the cryoexafs station includes the installation of a 13-element energy-resolving silicon-drift detector (sdd) with rapid data readout (<=1 ms) for rapid-scan and time-resolved applications such as in-beam, operando electrochemistry. the kmc-3 cryoexafs station offers xas experiments in a 5-300 k cryogenic * cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2020). cryoexafs: x-ray absorption spectroscopy station with cryogenic or in-beam operando electrochemistry sample conditions at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, a139. journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, a139 (2020) 2 range (liquid helium cryostat) as well as under in-beam, operando electrochemistry conditions (materials in solution or deposited on surfaces, for example electrodes). both setups are installed in parallel to enable a rapid change from cryogenic to in-beam, operando electrochemistry mode (figure 1). both experiments at this bending magnet beamline are performed with a widened beam focus (several mm2 on the sample) thereby avoiding radiation-induced sample modifications (avoidance of radiation damage). figure 1: scheme of the experimental setup for xas at kmc-3 (cryoexafs) with cryogenic or insitu (operando) ambient-temperature sample condition. two energy-resolving 13-element fluorescence detectors (ge and si) can be used alternatively and facilitate switching between both types of experiments without rearrangements of the experimental set-up. the general station setup (table 1) includes a liquid-helium cryostat (oxford, ca. 5-300 k), detectors (ion chambers, photodiodes) for transmission-mode xas, as well as two retractable large-area energy-resolving detectors (liquid-nitrogen-cooled window-less 13-element ge, canberra; air/water-cooled be-window 13-element si-drift ssd, rayspec) for fluorescence-mode xas (up to ca. 400 kcps), which are operated via xia dxp electronics and can be flanged to the cryostat for in-vacuum operation to yield maximum count rates (figure 2a). motorized y/z sample positioning is available for samples in the cryostat as well as in the in-beam, operando electrochemistry sample cells. fast data acquisition/transfer hardand software facilitates relatively rapid exafs scans, e.g. in ca. 3.0 min to k = 12 å-1, as well as fluorescence data journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, a139 (2020) 3 acquisition (e.g. at fixed energy) with the energy-resolving detectors with 1 ms per point or less for superior signal contrast in time-resolved applications. typical applications for the cryogenic set-up are xas experiments on biological materials (metalloproteins), (diluted) chemical solution samples, and solid-state materials. for the in-situ setup, sample cells and a potentiostat for inbeam electrochemistry are available and typical applications are xas experiments on electrodedeposited metal catalyst films in contact with electrolyte at room temperature (figure 2b). a) b) figure 2: kmc-3 cryoexafs experimental station a) with cryogenic condition utilizing the 13element si-drift ssd (rayspec) that is flanged to the cyrostat, the same ssd is used in b) to acquire data using an electrochemical cell, the i1 ion chamber and i2 photodiode have been removed for this purpose. using the yz-stage, the electrochemical cell can be aligned with the x-ray beam. see also figure 1. 2 instrument application • in-situ characterization of materials under catalysis conditions with low-temperature data collection (freeze-quench approach, klingan et al., 2018; pasquini et al, 2019, bergmann et al., 2020; smith et al, 2017) • operando xas on films for water oxidation reaction (oer) under electrochemistry conditions at room temperature (smith et al., 2017; gonzález-flores et al, 2018) • xas on dilute-solution (1 mm) protein samples at cryogenic conditions (reschke et al., 2019) • rapid-scan exafs (redox transitions and catalytic processes during cyclic voltammetry) • exafs as a function of chemical composition and/or temperature dependent exafs (kesavan et al., 2020) journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, a139 (2020) 4 3 technical data (a) xas experiments at cryogenic (cryostat) or operando (electrochemistry) conditions can be performed in parallel using two energy-resolving detectors. (b) rapid data readout/transfer (e.g. via fiber optics) facilitates x-ray fluorescence data acquisition with the energy-resolving multielement detectors with 1 ms or less per data point in time-resolved applications for superior fluorescence signal contrast. (c) relatively rapid scan capabilities (continuous monochromator scans in a few minutes) enable time-resolved xanes/exafs experiments, e.g., in operando approaches. (d) variable beam focusing allows adaptation to different sample cell dimensions of the user groups. (e) permanent potentiostat facilities and available sample cells can be used for electrochemistry. (f) well-adapted (in-house) software tools are available for online rapid data processing and evaluation during the measurements. (g) further upgrades will increase the user friendliness, rapid-scan speed, accessible low-energy range, fluorescence data quality, and combination of techniques (laser excitation, electrochemistry) for superior cryoand operandoxas experiments: (i) closed-cycle lhe-cryostat (delivered in february 2020) for increased user friendliness and saving of he (no more need for he dewar in the hutch and its exchange). (ii) faster detector electronics (xia falcon, delivered in january 2020) for saturation-free handling of ca. 10-fold increased maximal count rates (~4 mcps) in fluorescence-mode xas with the energyresolving detectors. (iii) ion chambers for 2-4 kev operation (to be installed in 2020) for extension of the lower-energy range in xas to the monochromator limit. (iv) for faster xas measurements, the hardware trigger modus is tested, where measurements are triggered directly from the encoder signal using a digital signal level converter zebra (quantum detectors) purchased in 2020. (v) pulsed opo-laser (purchased in 2020) for excitation of samples in the beam to facilitate new operando experiments. temperature range 5 300 k pressure range the cryogenic setup is in vacuum with the sample in he gas environment. the in-beam, operando electrochemistry setup is under atmospheric conditions. detector 13-element detectors (ge and si) with xia electronics, 3 ionization chambers, si-pin photodiodes, scintillation (photomultiplier) detector manipulators cryogenic and in-situ setup: y,z sample holder compatibility for details, contact the station manager. monochromator si (111) energy range 3 13 kev (extension to 2 kev in progress) table 1: specification of the station. journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, a139 (2020) 5 references bergmann, a., jones, t. e., martinez moreno, e., teschner, d., chernev, p., gliech, m., reier, t., dau, h., and strasser, p. (2018), unified structural motifs of the catalytically active state of co(oxyhydr)oxides during the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction, nat. catal. 1, 711719, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). xpp: x-ray pump probe station at bessy ii, 2, a89, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). the kmc-3 xpp beamline at bessy ii, 3, a123, gonzález-flores, d., klingan, k., chernev, p., loos, s., mohammadi, m. r., pasquini, c., kubella, p., zaharieva, i., smith, r. d. l., and dau, h. (2018) nickel-iron catalysts for electrochemical water oxidation – redox synergism investigated by in situ x-ray spectroscopy with millisecond time resolution, sustainable energy & fuels 2, 1986-1994, kesavan, j. k., mosca, d. f., sanna, s., borgatti, f., schuck, g., tran, p. m., woodward, p. m., mitrović, v. f., franchini, c., boscherini f. (2020) doping evolution of the local electronic and structural properties of the double perovskite ba2na1-xcaxoso6, j. phys. chem. c, 124, 16577-16585, klingan, k., kottakkat, t., jovanov, z. p., jiang, s., pasquini, c., scholten, f., kubella, p., bergmann, a., cuenya, b., roth, c., and dau, h. (2018), reactivity determinants in electrodeposited cu foams for electrochemical co2 reduction, chemsuschem 11, 3449-3459, pasquini, c., zaharieva, i., gonzalez-flores, d., chernev, p., mohammadi, m. r., guidoni, l., smith, r. d. l., and dau, h. (2019), h/d isotope effects reveal factors controlling catalytic activity in co-based oxides for water oxidation, j. am. chem. soc. 141, 2938-2948, s. reschke, b. duffus, p. schrapers, s. mebs, c. teutloff, h. dau, m. haumann, s. leimkühler (2019), identification of ydhv as the first molybdoenzyme binding a bis-mo-mpt cofactor in escherichia coli, biochemistry 58, 2228-2242, smith, r.d.l., pasquini, c., loos, s., chernev, p., klingan, k., kubella, p., mohammadi, m.r., gonzalezflores, d., and dau, h. (2017), spectroscopic identification of active sites for the oxygen evolution reaction on iron-cobalt oxides, nat. commun. 8, 2022, journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a103 (2017) published: 26.01.2017 e9: the fine resolution powder di�ractometer (firepod) at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. alexandra franz, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42926, email: dr. andreas hoser, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42847, email: abstract: the e9 (firepod) is an upgraded �ne resolution powder di�ractometer for elastic neutron scattering, obtaining high quality data sets for rietveld analysis, structure solution and phase analysis under ambient conditions as well as in situ at low / high temperatures, magnetic �elds, gas pressure and various atmospheres. 1 introduction the fine resolution powder di�ractometer e9 (firepod) is an angle-dispersive powder di�ractometer optimized for a �at resolution function with a minimum width of the re�ections at the 2θ-region with the highest density of re�ections. the monochromator is placed at a distance of 11 m from the reactor core, which allows for a large take-o� angle at the monochromator. an evacuated beam tube and a sapphire single crystal �lter reduce air scattering and epithermal neutrons. neutron �ux at the sample is increased by an adjustable vertically focusing ge-monochromator. the detector consists of eight individual denex 3he 2d detectors with 300 x 300 mm active area each and a common radial collimator to reduce background noise. the individual detectors are arranged in a novel setup, at optimized, non-constant distances from the sample. five of the individual detectors can be placed close to the sample in a high intensity conformation. data collection with �xed detector position measures parts of the 2θ-range with increased intensity and without loss in quality. position-sensitive data integration of the debye cones results in a strongly reduced asymmetry of the *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). e9: the fine resolution powder di�ractometer (firepod) at ber ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a103. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a103 (2017) peaks. the 2d-data are directly accessible, allowing the early detection of preferred orientation or spottiness. depending on sample scattering power and volume and the resolution settings of the instrument, full powder di�raction patterns of a quality suitable for rietveld re�nement can be collected as fast as 30 minutes. with small 1 cm3 samples and high resolution, between 1 and 6 hours should be estimated, depending on the scattering power of the sample. scans measuring only a selected angular with �xed detector position can be as fast as 10 minutes per step for good scatterers. figure 1: view of e9. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • crystal structure determination • rietveld re�nement • site occupation factors, e.g. of isoelectronic elements • determination of light atoms (e.g. h, li) • rapid parameterized scans of selected angular regions of the di�raction pattern, e.g. temperature or magnetic �eld strength • non-destructive bulk phase analysis 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a103 (2017) figure 2: schematic drawing of e9. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a103 (2017) 3 technical data beam tube t5 collimation α 1: 10’ or 18’ α 2: 20’ monochromator axially focusing, risødesign, 300 mm height 19 germanium composite plates with re�ecting planes (311), (511), and (711) (511) normal to crystal surface mosaicity fwhm = 17 take o� angle of monochromator 50° ≤ 2θ ≤ 130° 111.7(1)° is used by default wave length λ = 1.3084(2) å from ge(711) λ = 1.7982(1) å from ge(511) λ = 2.8172(2) å from ge(311) & pg �lter flux ≈ 105 n/cm2s range of scattering angles 3° < 2θ < 142° angle resolution 0.33° range of lattice spacing 25 å< d < 0.7 å from ge(711) 35 å< d < 1.0 å from ge(511) 55 å< d < 1.5 å from ge(311) d resolution ≈ 2·10−3 sample size 1 cm3 5 cm3 detector eight area detectors (300 mm x 300 mm) oscillating radial collimator for background reduction polarized neutrons no instrument options variable sample – detector distance for �ve of the individual area detectors sample environment os, of, htf, vm3, vm5, degas, rtsc software caress, bean table 1: technical parameters of e9. references behrens, m., studt, f., kasatkin, i., kühl, s., hävecker, m., abild-pedersen, f., . . . schlögl, r. (2012). the active site of methanol synthesis over cu/zno/al2o3 industrial catalysts. science, 336(6083), 893–897. mayer, h., knorr, k., többens, d., stüßer, n., & lampert, g. (2001). e9: the new high-resolution neutron powder di�ractometer at the berlin neutron scattering center. in european powder di�raction epdic 7 (vol. 378, pp. 288–293). trans tech publications.� 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a103 (2017) naberezhnov, a., koroleva, e., rysiakiewicz-pasek, e., fokin, a., sysoeva, a., franz, a., . . . tovar, m. (2014). phase transitions in nanostructured potassium nitrate. phase transitions, 87(10-11), 11481156. paul, a. k., reehuis, m., ksenofontov, v., yan, b., hoser, a., többens, d. m., . . . felser, c. (2013). lattice instability and competing spin structures in the double perovskite insulator sr2feoso6. phys. rev. lett., 111, 167205. reehuis, m., tovar, m., többens, d. m., pattison, p., hoser, a., & lake, b. (2015). competing jahn-teller distortions and ferrimagnetic ordering in the geometrically frustrated system ni1−xcuxcr2o4. phys. rev. b, 91, 024407. 5 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a104 (2017) published: 26.01.2017 e4: the 2-axis di�ractometer at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. karel prokes, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42804, email: dr. fabiano yokoachiya, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42804, email: abstract: the double-axis di�ractometer e4 is operated by the helmholtz-zentrum berlin. it is suited for magnetic structure determinations and parametric studies on single crystals in a wide range of external conditions. pyrolytic graphite and germanium focusing monochromators o�er two �xed neutron incident wavelengths of about 1.0*106 ncm−2s−1. 1 introduction the instrument is primarily suited for magnetic structure determination under various conditions, which includes magnetic �elds up to 17 t, temperatures down to 30 mk and hydrostatic pressures up to 10 kbar. the application of uniaxial pressure and use of auxiliary methods (e.g. electrical resistivity, ac susceptibility, pyroelectric current measurements) is also possible. the most common application is to reveal spatial arrangement ordered spin structures to study magnetic and/or crystal structure phase transitions and construction of phase diagrams. using the polarized neutrons option facilitates the separation of magnetic contributions from nuclear scattering. the measurement of �ipping ratios allows registration of very weak magnetic scattering. the monochromator shielding contains one beam channel at 2θm = 42.5°. this position corresponds to the incident wavelength of 0.24 nm for the vertical focusing pg(002) monochromator and 0.122 nm for the double-focusing ge(311) monochromator. both monochromators are operated remotely. saphire and pg �lters o�er an e�ective suppression of unwanted epithermal and λ /2 (for pg monochromator) neutrons. before the monochromator position a radial collimator is placed. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). e4: the 2-axis di�ractometer at ber ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a104. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a104 (2017) the secondary �ight path is conical and primarily without collimators that can be placed (with �at monochromator) optionally. motorized slits o�er a possibility to reduce the background. the additional option of polarized neutrons uses a super mirror bender and a π−�ipper. the instrument runs under the system caress; automatic control of temperature and magnetic �eld is provided. an eulerian cradle can optionally be used to access the four dimensional q-ω -space. the instrument is equipped with a position sensitive 200x200 mm2 detector before which an oscillating collimator is placed. the detector is mounted assymetrically so that it covers below the scattering plane about 4 degrees and above about 10 degrees. the coverage in 2θ amounts to about 14 degrees. figure 1: view of e4 with an extensive sample environment installed: the vertical cryomagnet and the dilution refrigerator. 2 typical applications typical applications include: • magnetic structure determination • study of magnetic and structural phase transitions • determination of magnetic phase diagrams • study of critical points as a function of magnetic �eld and temperature • measurement of correlation functions above the ordering temperature 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a104 (2017) 3 instrument layout figure 2: schematic view of e4. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a104 (2017) 4 technical data beam tube r 2 collimation automatic change of α 1 = 40’ radial, open geometrical divergence: 60’ manual variation of α 2 (optional 10’, 20’, 40’) α 3 (oscillating radial) monochromator pg (002) with variable vertical curvature ge (113) double focusing take o� angle of monochromator 2θm = 42.5° wave length λ =0.244 nm (pg) or 0.122 nm (ge) flux 0.95·106 n/cm2s (pg) 0.9·106 n/cm2s (ge) 0.3·106 n/cm2s polarized (pg+bender) range of scattering angles 0° ≤ 2θ ≤ 120° (with con�gurational restrictions related to sample environment) angle resolution depends on setting sample size from 1 mm3 for topic-focused studies detector 2d detector 200x200 mm2 (removable oscillating radial collimator in front), variable distance (700-950 mm) polarized neutrons yes (super mirror bender) please contact the instrument scientist to discuss in advance instrument options polarization analysis (super mirror analysis) sample environment • horizontal magnetic �eld < 6 t • vertical magnetic �eld < 17 t • temperature range 0.03 600 k • hydrostatic pressure 0 10 kbar • 4-circle mode software caress, bean, set of supporting programs to deal with 2d data table 1: technical parameters of e4. references artyukhin, s., mostovoy, m., jensen, n. p., le, d., prokes, k., de paula, v. g., . . . argyriou, d. n. (2012). solitonic lattice and yukawa forces in the rare-earth orthoferrite tbfeo3. nature materials, 11(8), 694-699. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a104 (2017) kraemer, c., nikseresht, n., piatek, j. o., tsyrulin, n., piazza, b. d., kiefer, k., . . . rønnow, h. m. (2012). dipolar antiferromagnetism and quantum criticality in lierf4. science, 336(6087), 1416– 1419. liu, t. j., hu, j., qian, b., fobes, d., mao, z. q., bao, w., . . . broholm, c. (2010). from (0,π) magnetic order to superconductivity with (π,π) magnetic resonance in fe1.02te1−xsex. nature materials, 9(9), 718–720. piatek, j. o., dalla piazza, b., nikseresht, n., tsyrulin, n., živković, i., krämer, k. w., . . . rønnow, h. m. (2013). phase diagram with an enhanced spin-glass region of the mixed ising–xy magnet lihoxer1−xf4. physical review b, 88, 014408. tsyrulin, n., batista, c. d., zapf, v. s., jaime, m., hansen, b. r., niedermayer, c., . . . kenzelmann, m. (2013). neutron study of the magnetism in nicl2 4sc(nh2)2. journal of physics: condensed matter, 25(21), 216008. 5 introduction typical applications instrument layout technical data 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a 134 (2018) published: 05.11.2018 stg-et: dlr electric propulsion test facility deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr) institute of aerodynamics and flow technology * management: dr. andreas neumann, dlr, institute of aerodynamics and flow technology, göttingen, germany telephone: +49 551 709 262, email: abstract: dlr operates the high vacuum plume test facility göttingen – electric thrusters (stget). this electric propulsion test facility has now accumulated several years of ep-thruster testing experience. special features tailored to electric space propulsion testing like a large vacuum chamber mounted on a low vibration foundation, a beam dump target made of low sputtering material, and a performant pumping system characterize this facility. the vacuum chamber is 12.2m long and has a diameter of 5m. with respect to accurate thruster testing, the design focus is on accurate thrust measurement, plume diagnostics, and plume interaction with spacecraft components. electric propulsion thrusters have to run for thousands of hours, and with this the facility is prepared for long-term experiments. this paper gives an overview of the facility, and shows some details of the vacuum chamber, pumping system, diagnostics, and experiences with these components. 1 nomenclature ep electric propulsion rit radiofrequency ion thruster rpa retarding potential analyzer stg-et simulationsanlage für treibstrahlen göttingen elektrische triebwerke 2 introduction for performing maneuvers in space, satellites and spacecraft need propulsion systems. besides chemical or cold gas thrusters, nowadays electric propulsion devices are often employed for attitude control and station keeping. furthermore, the actual developments in electric propulsion for commercial application aim at orbit transfer with electric thrusters, and with this the development goes into the direction of more powerful engines. as the absolute thrust values of electric thrusters, especially of ion propulsion * cite article as: dlr institute of aerodynamics and technology. (2018). stg-et: dlr electric propulsion test facility. journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a134. journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a134 (2018) 2 systems, are rather low these thrusters have to run for much longer times for fulfilling missions, i.e. thousands of hours. with respect to ground testing for these thrusters, a dedicated test facility has to be prepared for such long-term experiments. 3 dlr electric propulsion test facility since the end of 2011 dlr operates a space propulsion test facility specifically designed for ep, the high vacuum plume test facility göttingen – electric thrusters (stg-et). several special features tailored to electric propulsion testing have been implemented. this includes a large vacuum chamber mounted on a low vibration foundation, a low sputtering plasma beam dump target, a performant pumping system, and comprehensive plasma diagnostics. with respect to thruster testing, the design focus was on accurate thrust measurement, plume diagnostics, and on the possibility of performing investigations of plume interaction with spacecraft components like e.g. solar arrays. figure 1: view into the open vacuum chamber of the stg-et facility. 4 facility details 4.1 vacuum chamber the central element of the facility is a 12,2m long and 5m diameter vacuum chamber (neumann, a., geile, c., stämm, s., and hannemann, k. (2015)). figure 1 shows the facility with its door open. for instrumentation and pumping 169 feedthrough ports are available (neumann, a., holz, a., dettleff, g., hannemann, k., and harmann, h.-p. (2011)). the chamber is mounted on sliding bearings for reduction of stress in the chamber walls in case of pump-down and temperature changes which otherwise would deform the vacuum chamber metal cylinder and warp any reference coordinate system. test object and diagnostics equipment are positioned on a stand which is decoupled from the chamber wall. this decoupling ensures less vibration transmission and a well-defined space coordinate system origin. the stg-et is located in close vicinity to other dlr space vacuum test facilities and shares a common infrastructure of cryogenic media, e.g. liquid nitrogen and liquid helium. both media may be used during thruster testing for cooling purposes. journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a134 (2018) 3 4.2 pumping system in order to operate thrusters in a vacuum chamber, powerful pumps are required to keep a low and spacelike background pressure. typical background pressures for ep thruster operation are in the range of 10-4 10-5mbar. as roughing pumps rotating vane and roots pumps are used, followed by turbo pumps for standby operation. like in other ep facilities the dlr vacuum chamber uses cryo pumps when running ep thrusters. up to 18 cryo pumps can be activated when thrusters are running. the standby pressure without thruster running is in the high 10-8mbar range, and the xenon pumping speed is about 276000 l/s. 4.3 beam dump target ion and plasma thrusters generate beams of fast ions that may interact with the facility walls and equipment. these high velocity ions cause sputtering when hitting a target. in ion propulsion test chambers dedicated beam dump targets are used for reduction of sputtering effects. such a component has also been installed in the dlr facility. the beam dump must successfully minimize the possible sputtering and pollution of components, and must be able to dump the heat flux generated by a wide range of ep thrusters including most powerful thrusters. figure 2 shows the stg-et beam dump targets with graphite-coated plates. the windmill-like design with adjustable angles, as used for the deep end of the chamber, was chosen because it leads to a more symmetrical behavior compared to venetian blind designs used in other ep facilities. this beam dump target is water cooled and it can dump up to 25-50kw of heat flux. furthermore, the cylinder walls are also coated with graphite sheets (see figure 2). actually, these sheets are uncooled. figure 2: stg-et beam dump target installed at the vacuum chamber end wall, and the coating of the cylindrical vacuum chamber section. 4.4 thrust balance direct thrust measurement is a basic task to be performed on all types of thrusters. the challenge in electric propulsion is that thrust values are very small compared to the weight of the thruster itself. in case of ion thrusters the thrust-to-mass ratio is in the order of 0.001, or even less if adding the mass of ancillaries. requesting a maximum thrust of the order of 250mn measured with a resolution of 0.1% journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a134 (2018) 4 will lead to a resolution well below 1mn. as such thrusters weigh roughly tens of kg the thrust balance must have a maximum load capability of at least these kg’s. dlr acquired a thrust balance that is an actively compensated inverted double pendulum because this design has proven to be very sensitive (neumann, a., sinske, j., and harmann, h.-p. (2013)). for reaching this high sensitivity an appropriate counterweight is placed on the lower pendulum platform and compensates the weight of the thruster assembly located on the upper parallel platform. the stg-et large vacuum chamber was designed such that thrusters with high thrust, up to several hundred mn, can be tested. a future upgrade for thrusters generating thrust up to 1n is foreseen. accordingly, the thrust balance must be able to measure these values, while being able to carry the weight of large and heavy single thrusters or thruster arrays. figure 3: thrust balance with open lid on one side. a gridded ion thruster is mounted on the balance. figure 3 shows the thrust balance and a gridded ion thruster mounted on it. the balance can carry a single thruster or arrays with a mass of up to 40kg. to minimize hysteresis or other unwanted effects, cables and tubes feeding the thruster are routed in a holder configuration called ‘cable harp’. herein the length of cables and tubes are adjusted so that the distance between their bending points is the same as the distance between corresponding balance bearings. calibration is crucial and the dlr thrust balance has two independent methods for performing this task. one method uses an electromagnetic voice coil calibration, the other is a direct weight gravimetric calibration. the voice coil method uses an electrically calibrated coil to apply a known force to the balance platform. the gravimetric method is based on accurately measured masses for a direct calibration. the balance includes a device that has small weights which can be lifted from a holder. their weight force is applied to the thruster platform by a thin wire guided over a pulley. while the voice coil method is faster, shows smaller variances and allows a larger number of measurement points compared to the weight calibrator, systematic errors may occur. the gravimetric method permits to trace the calibration back to an absolute standard. journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a134 (2018) 5 5 beam profiling besides measurement of thrust monitoring of the ion beam distribution is an important assignment in ep thruster qualification. the stg-et mainly uses three systems for ion current measurement in the ep plume. closest to the thruster exit at a distance of 0.7m a two-dimensional rotational scanner with 15 faraday cups is located. at 1.5m a single plane rotational scanner is able to host different instruments. a retarding potential analyzer (rpa), a faraday cup or langmuir probes can be mounted and can sweep part of a circle down into the backflow. the third system is a flat field scanner with two faraday cups able to scan an area of 3m in horizontal and 1m in vertical direction. figure 4 shows the two rotational diagnostics arms, i.e. the single plane arm and the multi-sensor arm located behind the thrust balance. the maximum scanning speed is 2deg/s for the single plane arm, and up to 10deg/s for the multi-sensor arm. figure 4: beam diagnostics systems. on the left the single plane arm, and in the middle of the photo, the multi-sensor arm can be seen. figure 5: rit10/37 thruster in operation in the stg-et. journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a134 (2018) 6 6 thruster operation for their own testing activities dlr uses an ion thruster. this standard test thruster for facility calibration and diagnostics is a rit10 radiofrequency ion source provided by the justus liebig university giessen. this thruster has reduced diameter exit grids with 37 holes. the grid setup of this so-called rit10/37 produces a narrow, low divergence beam (figure 5). a control system for this thruster was developed by dlr, and the thruster has been used for qualification of the above mentioned beam diagnostics, and for the investigation of facility modifications. 7 conclusion dlr’s ep test facility was inaugurated in october 2011, and started operation in 2012. since then, in the years 2012-2014, the facility infrastructure and pumping system has been upgraded and the beam dump target was installed. the diagnostics system has been adapted to test requirements given by users, and nowadays three beam scanners are available. references neumann, a., holz, a., dettleff, g., hannemann, k., and harmann, h.-p. (2011). the new dlr high vacuum test facility stg-et. in 32nd international electric propulsion conference, iepc-2011093 (pp. 1-6). retrieved from neumann, a., sinske, j., and harmann, h.-p. (2013). the 250mn thrust balance for the dlr göttingen ep test facility. in 34nd international electric propulsion conference, iepc-2013-211 (pp. 1-10). retrieved from neumann, a., and hannemann, k. (2014). electric propulsion testing at dlr göttingen: facility and diagnostics. space propulsion conference 2014, paper identification number 2970582 (pp. 1-10). retrieved from neumann, a., geile, c., stämm, s., and hannemann, k. (2015). dlr’s electric propulsion test facility – the first three years of thruster operation. in 34th international electric propulsion conference and 6th nano-satellite symposium, iepc-2015-b/iepc-59 (pp 1-6). retrieved from journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a74 (2016) published: 25.05.2016 aim mobile tra�c acquisition: instrument toolbox for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v., institute of transportation systems * instrument scientists: sascha knake-langhorst, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), institut für verkehrssystemtechnik, braunschweig, germany, phone +49 531 295-3474, email: kay gimm, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), institut für verkehrssystemtechnik, braunschweig, germany, phone +49 531 295-3453, email: abstract: the aim mobile tra�c acquisition as part of test �eld aim (application platform for intelligent mobility) are �eld instruments for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior based on a mobile and �exible architecture approach. they serve as a tool box for the purpose of analyzing natural tra�c behavior and phenomena, e.g. safety related phenomena, based on trajectories. thus, the facility can be used for a number of applications in the �eld of intelligent mobility. 1 motivation test �eld aim (application platform for intelligent mobility) is built-up by institute of transportation systems of german aerospace center (dlr) in braunschweig, germany to support and conduct research and development in the �eld of intelligent mobility (schnieder & lemmer, 2012, 2014). it consists of di�erent large research infrastructure facilities providing a wide range of services covering simulation environments, test tracks and �eld instruments. one of these services is called aim mobile tra�c acquisition, which consists of three installations to be combined to work as instrument for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior in measuring campaigns. *cite article as: dlr institute of transportation systems. (2016). aim mobile tra�c acquisition: instrument toolbox for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a74. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a74 (2016) 2 technical description the facility aim mobile tra�c acquisition consists of three portable sensor poles. they share their functional and software architecture with another service, the stationary aim research intersection mentioned in institute of transportation systems (2016). the following sections will describe the sensory set-up and give an overview about the primary output of the facilities. 2.1 sensory set-up figure 1 exemplarily shows the technical architecture of a sensor pole. the installation can roughly be divided into the pole itself holding a sensor head and di�erent antennas and a weather-proof cabinet, holding the di�erent processing computers as well as several electric and electronic devices. every pole installation is based on a transportable concrete foundation. figure 1: technical architecture of a sensor pole (exemplary). the �eld of vision of two associated sensor poles can be fused to get a better performance of the detection. the communication for data exchange between the poles is done via wlan. the poles have a remote access because of a lte-connection. figure 2 shows the di�erent sensor poles. one out of two similar poles is shown in front of the main station in braunschweig in the left part of the picture. it uses a stereo camera setup. in the right part of the picture a stand-alone pole is illustrated. in addition to a stereo camera system, mono-cameras, a 24 ghz multi-range radar system and a laser scanner can be found. all the poles possess an active infrared lighting for arti�cial scene illumination, so that the system has the ability to be used day and night 24/7. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a74 (2016) figure 2: mobile sensor poles at railway station and level crossing. 2.2 inand outputs the sensor data is fused and processed to obtain the main output of the mobile tra�c acquisition, which are trajectories of the detected tra�c participants. these trajectories hold information about the classi�cation and dimensions of the object as well as its location, velocity and other dynamic state variables. the closure state of the railway crossing can also be detected. figure 3 and 4 show the corresponding scene videos with augmented object information in di�erent tra�c situations. the two angles of vision are shown in the left and the right side of the picture. figure 3: visualization of a railway crossing tra�c scene with augmented object information. figure 4: visualization of a shared space tra�c scene with augmented object information. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a74 (2016) these trajectories are produced with a rate of 25hz. they are automatically stored in a data base for o�ine analysis purposes with the respective scene videos for manual assessment and validation. 3 project application examples one pole was placed at a railway level crossing in braunschweig-bienrode. there the tra�c behavior was investigated especially referring to red light violations. details of this study can be seen in grippenkoven et al. (2015) and schnieder, grippenkoven, wang, & lackhove (2015). in the future the system can be used to accompany the development of actions to increase the level crossing safety and evaluate speci�c measures. the system consisting out of two poles has been mounted for a test campaign in the front of the railway main station in braunschweig. there the behavior of di�erent tra�c participants like pedestrians, cyclists, taxis and buses and trams can be observed at shared tra�c space. prospectively the interaction between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users can be examined. references grippenkoven, j., gimm, k., stamer, m., naumann, a., & schnieder, l. (2015). fehlverhalten von verkehrsteilnehmern an bahnübergängen mit blinklichtsicherung. signal + dranht, 12, 23-27. institute of transportation systems. (2016). aim research intersection: instrument for tra�c detection and behavior assessment for a complex urban intersection. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a65. lackhove, c., grippenkoven, j., lemmer, k., schnieder, l., & wang, w. (2013). aufbau eines forschungsbahnübergangs im rahmen der anwendungsplattform intelligente mobilität. signal + dranht, 6, 25-28. schnieder, l., grippenkoven, j., wang, w., & lackhove, c. (2015). untersuchung beobachtbaren verhaltens von straßenverkehrsteilnehmern am forschungsbahnübergang braunschweig-bienrode. in 16. symposium automatisierungssysteme, assistenzsysteme und eingebettete systeme für transportmittel (aaet) (p. 138-152). braunschweig, deutschland. (12. 13. feb. 2015) schnieder, l., grippenkoven, j., wang, w., lackhove, c., & lemmer, k. (2015). der forschungsbahnübergang – eine forschungsinfrastruktur zur untersuchung beobachtbaren verhaltens von straßenverkehrsteilnehmern. zevrail, 139, 73-81. schnieder, l., & lemmer, k. (2012). anwendungsplattform intelligente mobilität eine plattform für die verkehrswissenschaftliche forschung und die entwicklung intelligenter mobilitätsdienste. internationales verkehrswesen, 64(4), 62-63. schnieder, l., & lemmer, k. (2014). entwicklung intelligenter mobilitätsdienste im realen verkehrsumfeld in der anwendungsplattform intelligenten mobilität. internationales verkehrswesen, 66(2), 77-79. 4 motivation technical description sensory set-up inand outputs project application examples journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111 (2017) published: 22.05.2017 experimental vehicles fascar®-ii and fascar®-e deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr) institute of transportation systems * instrument scientists: claus kaschwich, dlr, institute of transportation systems, braunschweig, germany, phone +49 531 295-3103, email: lars wölfel, dlr, institute of transportation systems, braunschweig, germany, phone +49 531 295-3600, email: abstract: the main goal of the large-scale research facility fascar® are scienti�c studies and analyses in the �eld of driver assistance and vehicle automation. this includes also studies of human behavior, acceptance studies, test of new assistance systems and automation, as well as user friendliness. fascar® makes it possible to test and analyze innovative systems and developed functions in a simulated or even real tra�c environment. 1 introduction active interventions can make driving safer used incorrectly, however, they can also cause danger. the institute of transportation systems therefore developed driver assistance according to the driver’s requirements and needs. to �nd out if the driver reacts correctly to the intervention of a new assistance system, test rides with a car capable of active interventions are the last logical step of development. these test rides can be performed by using the large-scale research facility fascar®. this article provides an overview of the experimental vehicles fascar®-ii and fascar®-e. 2 technical description the large-scale research facility fascar® consists of two experimental vehicles called fascar®-e and fascar®-ii. the main di�erence between fascar®-e and fascar®-ii is their special area of operation. fascar®-e is developed for testing in real tra�c environment and it has a road approval. fascar®-ii *cite article as: dlr institute of transportation systems. (2017). experimental vehicles fascar®-ii and fascar®-e. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111 (2017) instead, caused by its hardware, can only be driven on test sites, but in exchange it o�ers a higher level of active interventions and a futuristic human machine interface (hmi). 2.1 fascar®-e the fascar®-e is an electric 7th generation volkswagen golf. it is equipped with a 115-hp electric motor. considered all the build in technology its range is approx. 130 km (80miles). its main goal is the research in the �eld of automation in public urban scenarios. for this research purpose the vehicle is modi�ed with additional sensors, a new hmi and a lateral and longitudinal control system. 2.1.1 sensors for environment recognition and vehicle localization fascar®-e is equipped with four laser scanners and three long range radars which are mounted in front and rear bumpers of the vehicle, as well as an inertial measurement unit (imu) with gps aiding. a c2x-system is used for vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communication. figure 1: fascar®-e 2.1.2 human machine interface (hmi) a free con�gurable dashboard display replaces the original instrument cluster, which is mounted in the glove compartment for safety purposes. with this free con�gurable dashboard new hmi concepts can be validated. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111 (2017) figure 2: free con�gurable dashboard display. 2.1.3 lateral and longitudinal control fascar®-e can be controlled by a controller area network (can) interface in longitudinal and lateral direction. for longitudinal control the signals of the adaptive cruise control (acc) are rerouted to be able to accelerate the vehicle with +2m/s2 to -3m/s2 by software. for lateral control the signals of the active park assist are used. especially the use of the original equipment manufacturer’s own systems for lateral and longitudinal control enables the use of this vehicle on public roads. 2.2 fascar®-ii: the fascar®-ii is a volkswagen passat which has a 2.0 diesel engine. it is equipped with the same set of sensors as fascare. hardware di�erences between both vehicles are the lateral and longitudinal control system as well as the hmi. figure 3: free con�gurable dashboard display. 2.2.1 lateral and longitudinal control to achieve a maximum intervention fascar®-ii is equipped with a throttle paddle and a prototype of a brake booster which support full longitudinal control without any restrictions. for lateral control and new hmi concepts a steer-by-wire system is integrated in the vehicle. it allows on the one hand an 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111 (2017) active control of the vehicle wheels without a turning of the steering wheel and on the other hand a turning on the steering wheel without turning the vehicle wheels. this advantage can be used for new hmi concepts, automated security interventions and it enables fascar®-ii not only to be used on test sites, but also in a simulator like the vr-lab (virtual reality laboratory), see figure 4. figure 4: fascar®-ii inside vr-lab 2.2.2 human machine interface (hmi) besides a free con�gurable dashboard display such as fascar®-e, a steering wheel for hmi purposes replaces the original one. it has several free programmable and illuminable buttons, which can be read out by a wireless connection to a pc. figure 5: steering wheel of fascar®-ii. 3 project application exampels the large-scale research facility fascar® was and is used in several projects. this only a short overview of some of the projects fascar was involved in: 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111 (2017) 3.1 interactive the project interactive stands for accident avoidance by active intervention for intelligent vehicles the european research project interactive took the next step towards the goal of accident-free tra�c. interactive developed advanced driver assistance systems (adas) for safer and more e�cient driving. interactive introduced safety systems that autonomously brake and steer. the driver is continuously supported by interactive assistance systems. they warn the driver in potentially dangerous situations. the systems do not only react to driving situations, but are also able to actively intervene in order to protect occupants and vulnerable road users. seven demonstrator vehicles – six passenger cars of di�erent vehicle classes and one truck – were built up to develop, test, and evaluate the next generation of safety systems (heesen et al., 2015). 3.2 haveit the project haveit aimed at the realization of the long-term vision of highly automated driving for intelligent transport. the project developed, validated and demonstrated important intermediate steps towards highly automated driving. haveit signi�cantly contributed to higher tra�c safety and e�ciency usage for passenger cars, busses and trucks, thereby strongly promoting safe and intelligent mobility of both people and goods (flemisch et al., 2011). the signi�cant haveit safety, e�ciency and comfort impact was generated by three measures: • design of the task repartition between the driver and co-driving system (adas) in the joint system. • failure tolerant safe vehicle architecture including advanced redundancy management • development and validation of the next generation of adas directed towards higher level of automation as compared to the current state of the art. 3.3 mobifas the example of browsing the internet with a tablet pc allowed researchers of the institute of transportation sysems to investigate how and under what circumstances control should be handed over from the vehicle to the driver. in case the vehicle is approaching a construction site distraction of the driver can become a problem. in order to safely navigate the vehicle in this situation the driver has to interrupt his or her activities and prepare for taking over responsibility for steering the vehicle. even today every fourth car driver is distracted by the use of mobile devices during his drive. this can have catastrophic e�ects. how can a driver of a highly automated road vehicle be integrated in the driving task in a comfortable, fast and e�ective way? these answers are given by the mobifas project (lapoehn et al., 2016). 3.4 valet parking automation of vehicles provides new opportunities to develop novel concepts for an optimal combination of public and individual transportation as well as the introduction of electrical cars that need coordinated recharging. a typical scenario of such a concept might be automatic drop-o� and recovery of a car in front of a train station without taking care of parking or re-charging. such new mobility concepts require among other technologies autonomous driving in designated areas. the objective of this project is to develop a smart car system that allows for autonomous driving in designated areas (e.g. valet parking, park and ride) and can o�er advanced driver support in urban environments (löper et al., 2013). references flemisch, f., schieben, a., schoemig, n., strauss, m., lueke, s., & heyden, a. (2011). design of human computer interfaces for highly automated vehicles in the eu-project haveit. in c. stephanidis (ed.), universal access in human-computer interaction. context diversity: 6th international conference, uahci 2011, held as part of hci international 2011, orlando, fl, usa, july 9-14, 2011, proceedings, 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a111 (2017) part iii (pp. 270–279). berlin, heidelberg: springer berlin heidelberg. heesen, m., dziennus, m., hesse, t., schieben, a., brunken, c., löper, c., . . . baumann, m. (2015). interaction design of automatic steering for collision avoidance: challenges and potentials of driver decoupling. iet intelligent transport systems, 9(1), 95-104. lapoehn, s., dziennus, m., schieben, a., utesch, f., hesse, t., köster, f., . . . johann, k. (2016). interaction design for nomadic devices in highly automated vehicles. mensch und computer 2016 proceedings. löper, c., brunken, c., thomaidis, g., lapoehn, s., fouopi, p. p., mosebach, h., & köster, f. (2013). automated valet parking as part of an integrated travel assistance. in 16th international ieee annual conference on intelligent transportation systems (itsc 2013) (pp. 2341–2348). 6 introduction technical description fascar®-e sensors human machine interface (hmi) lateral and longitudinal control fascar®-ii: lateral and longitudinal control human machine interface (hmi) project application exampels interactive haveit mobifas valet parking journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) published: 07.09.2016 polar aircraft polar5 and polar6 operated by the alfred wegener institute alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, bremerhaven, germany * instrument scientists: daniel steinhage, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1198, email: logistics: uwe nixdorf, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1160, email: christine wesche, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1967, email: abstract: due to the remoteness and di�culty to access the snow covered polar regions, ski-equipped aircraft are an indispensable tool for polar research. the alfred wegener institute has a long tradition in airborne polar science – starting with the aircraft polar1 and polar2 in 1983. in 2007 the �rst basler bt-67 (polar5) and in 2011 the second basler bt-67 (polar6) were brought into service and replaced polar2 and polar4. they carry a variety of scienti�c equipment for investigation of the lithosphere, atmosphere and cryosphere and all their interactions. beside being deployed for science missions, the aircraft are also part of the dronning maud land air network (dromlan), a logistical partnership to transport equipment and personnel to various stations in dronning maud land, antarctica. 1 polar aircraft polar5 and polar6 since 1983, the alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung (awi) has been operating aircraft for the german scienti�c community. while the �rst four aircraft (polar1 to polar4) were dornier do128, respectively do 228, the newest generation of awi’s polar aircraft, the polar5 and polar6 (figure 1), are basler bt-67. the basler bt-67 is a modern version of the douglas dc-3, which is equipped with modern avionics, turbo-prop engines and a combined ski-wheel gear. *cite article as: alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung. (2016). polar aircraft polar5 and polar6 operated by the alfred wegener institute. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) table 1: facts about the research aircraft polar5 and polar6. polar5 / polar6 registry c-gawi / c-ghgf model basler bt-67 year of commissioning 2007 / 2011 technical parameter length / height over-all m 20.00 / 5.20 wingspan m 29.00 length / width of cabin m 12.85 / 2.34 height of cabin m 2.00 empty weight (wheel) kg 8387 maximum take o� weight kg 13068 engine pratt & whitney (pt6a-67r) engine power (per engine) ps 1281 fuel consumption l/h 570 service ceiling m 7600 mission parameter max. payload (3 �ight h) kg 2500 endurance without payload km 3000 maximum cruising speed km/h 380 number of passenger pax 18 maximum take o� height m 3800 28v dc science power a 550 this allows landing and take-o� from paved, gravel or snow covered surfaces. the fuselage provides space for a variety of scienti�c installations, which can be adapted to the di�erent scienti�c programs. the main facts about both aircraft are given in table 1. the scienti�c community can apply for using awi polar aircraft ( 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) figure 1: polar6, photo: alfred-wegener-institut/r. ricker. 2 science scienti�c equipment is mounted either inside the aircraft or on the wings to investigate the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the cryosphere in the arctic and antarctica. in the following sub-sections, only examples of scienti�c projects using awi’s polar aircraft are presented. 2.1 pre-site survey for a deep-ice core drilling site within the framework of the european project for ice coring in antarctica (epica), a deep ice core should be drilled in dronning maud land (dml). main goal was to drill an ice core that shows a climate record at a high temporal resolution which requires relatively high accumulation and slow horizontal ice movement, e.g. ice divides or summits (steinhage, 2001; steinhage et al., 2001). a presite survey was conducted between seasons 1995/96 and 1998/99 using airborne radio echo sounding (res). overall more than 90,000 km long ice thickness pro�les covering over 1 million km2 of dml were measured (steinhage et al., 2001). the res system (nixdorf et al., 1999) was �xed under the wings of the polar2 aircraft. the res instrument and other scienti�c instruments used on bord of polar2 and 4 were transferred to the successor aircraft polar5 and 6. figure 2 shows polar6 equipped with ice thickness accumulation radar. for the pre-site survey the res system was con�gured in toggle mode, transmitting 60 and 600 ns long bursts with a centre frequency of 150 mhz. the 600 ns pulses were used for ice thickness determinations, and the 60 ns pulses for tracing internal horizons. the awi ice thickness measurements were complemented by six additional �ights conducted by the british antarctic survey (steinhage et al., 2001). a map of the subglacial topography of dml was derived by the subtraction of the ice thickness measurements from a digital elevation model. with the aid of the local subglacial topography and ice thickness measurements, the optimal location for the epica dml deep ice core was de�ned in the region around 75°s and 0°. based on this investigation, kohnen station was inaugurated in 2001 at 75°s and 00°04’e as a logistics base for deep ice core drilling. the ice thickness was determined to be 2750 m in this region (steinhage, 2001), which is very close to the length of the ice core (2774.15 m – wilhelms et al. (2014)). 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) figure 2: polar6 with ice thickness radar antennas (large boards) and high frequency accumulation radar antennas (small housings near wing tips) underneath the wings, photo: alfred-wegener-institut/d. steinhage. 2.2 atmospheric boundary layer observations in march 2013, the aircraft campaign spring-time atmospheric boundary-layer experiment (stable) took place over ice-covered regions of the fram strait to study the in�uence of leads on the atmospheric layer at the air-ice transition. the meteorological instruments measuring the temperature, pressure, wind vector and humidity were mounted on a 3 m long noseboom figure 3. additionally, a radiation thermometer and an infra-red scanner were used to measure surface temperatures. several low-level �ights perpendicular and parallel to the course of the leads were conducted (tetzla� et al., 2015). the results show that the turbulent �uxes, mean variable winds, temperatures and humidity over leads are strongly variable. for further reading on this topic please refer to tetzla� et al. (2015). figure 3: polar5 with 5-hole probe at the noye boom, photo: alfred-wegener-institut/c. lüpkes. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) 2.3 cryovex within the framework of the cryosat validation experiment (cryovex) european space agency’s (esa) airborne sar / interferometric radar altimeter system (asiras) was mounted on awi’s polar aircraft. this system has a similar functionality to the radar altimeter onboard the cryosat-2 (siral – synthetic interferometric radar altimeter). asiras measures in ku-band (13.65 ghz) and was used for the �rst time in 2004 (helm et al., 2007). the cryovex was a esa funded joint project of awi, technical university of dresden, and technical university of denmark in copenhagen. the main goal was to understand the scattering of the asiras signal and, consequentially the development of a signal re-tracker for siral onboard cryosat-2. helm et al. (2007) presented �rst results over the percolation zone in greenland and compared asiras measurements with data derived from laser scanning and single beam laser for validation. within the following years, several �ight campaigns were conducted over antarctica and greenland to gain more experience with the signal processing and hence the development of a re-tracker of the cryosat-2 data. in april 2009, the cryosat-2 satellite was launched and the re-tracker could be applied and re�ned. helm et al. (2014) published digital elevation models of antarctica and greenland derived from cryosat-2 data, using the awi re-tracker. consequently, the work which was done within the cryovex projects was essential for the understanding of the cryosat-2 signal processing. 2.4 airmeth during the joint airmeth (airborne measurements of methane emission) campaign of awi, the institute for environmental physics of the university of bremen and the helmholtz center potsdam german geoscience center (gfz) in 2011, di�erential optical absorption spectroscopy (doas) was mounted on the polar5 aircraft. as nitrogen dioxide (no2) is a toxic trace gas in the earth’s atmosphere and it is produced by the reaction of nitrogen monoxide (no) with ozone (o3). no is produced by the photolysis of no2. source of nox can either be natural processes as lightning, natural biomass burning events, soil emissions or anthropogenic activities as fossil fuel combustion by power plants, industry and tra�c (schönhardt et al., 2015). additionally to the doas onboard polar5, the aircraft-integrated meteorological measurement system (aimms-20) was used during the �ight on 4 june 2011 in the region of ibbenbüren, germany. goal of the project was to observe the pollution plumes from a coal mine with a coal-�red power plant in the near vicinity. the measurements of the airmeth-2011 demonstrated that the onboard system using the doas method is applicable for emission plume detection at a good spatial and temporal resolution. no2 was successfully observed on small spatial scales. for details on the method and further reading it is referred to schönhardt et al. (2015). measurements of methane (ch4) emission over permafrost regions were conducted within the framework of awi and gfz joint airmeth campaigns in 2012 and 2013. 3 dromlan the dronning maud land air network (dromlan) is a non-pro�t project of international partners to provide a more economic, �exible and timely entry into antarctica for them. member states are belgium, finland, germany, india, japan, the netherlands, norway, russia, south africa, sweden and united kingdom. a map of the network in presented in figure 4. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) figure 4: dromlan map with stations of the members. as awi is an active member of dromlan, polar5 and polar6 are used to transport cargo and sta� between the dromlan stations. they also serve a role in potential sar operations in the area. references helm, v., , cullen, r., nienow, p., mair, d., parry, v., & wingham, d. (2007). winter accumulation in the percolation zone of greenland measured by airborne radar altimeter. geophysical research letters, 34(6), l06501. helm, v., humbert, a., & miller, h. (2014). elevation and elevation change of greenland and antarctica derived from cryosat-2. the cryosphere, 8(4), 1539–1559. nixdorf, u., steinhage, d., meyer, u., hempel, l., jenett, m., wachs, p., & miller, h. (1999). the newly developed airborne radio-echo sounding system of the awi as a glaciological tool. annals of glaciology, 29(1), 231-238. schönhardt, a., altube, p., gerilowski, k., krautwurst, s., hartmann, j., meier, a. c., . . . burrows, j. p. (2015). a wide �eld-of-view imaging doas instrument for two-dimensional trace gas mapping from aircraft. atmospheric measurement techniques, 8(12), 5113–5131. steinhage, d. (2001). beiträge aus geophysikalischen messungen in dronning maud land, antarktis, zur au�ndung eines optimalen bohrpunktes für eine eiskerntiefbohrung = contributions of geophysical measurements in dronning maud land, antarctica, locating an optimal drill site for a deep ice core drilling (vol. 384). bremerhaven: alfred wegener institute for polar and marine research. (berichte zur polarund meeresforschung (reports on polar and marine research)) steinhage, d., nixdorf, u., meyer, u., & miller, h. (2001). subglacial topography and internal structure of central and western dronning maud land, antarctica, determined from airborne radio echo sounding. journal of applied geophysics, 47(3-4), 183 189. (ground penetrating radar) 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a87 (2016) tetzla�, a., lüpkes, c., & hartmann, j. (2015). aircraft-based observations of atmospheric boundarylayer modi�cation over arctic leads. quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society, 141(692), 2839–2856. wilhelms, f., miller, h., gerasimo�, m. d., drücker, c., frenzel, a., fritzsche, d., . . . wilhelms-dick, d. (2014). the epica dronning maud land deep drilling operation. annals of glaciology, 55(68), 355-366. 7 polar aircraft polar5 and polar6 science pre-site survey for a deep-ice core drilling site atmospheric boundary layer observations cryovex airmeth dromlan journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a122 (2017) published: 27.11.2017 depas (deutscher geräte-pool für amphibische seismologie): german instrument pool for amphibian seismology alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung gfz german research centre for geosciences * instrument coordinators: ocean-bottom seismometer: mechita schmidt-aursch, awi, am alten hafen 26, d-27568 bremerhaven, germany, phone: +49-471-4831-1234, email: onshore stations: christian haberland, gfz, telegrafenberg, d-14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49-331-288-1810, email: abstract: the german instrument pool for amphibian seismology (depas) provides the infrastructure for onshore, marine and amphibian seismological experiments. it consists currently of approx. 80 ocean-bottom seismometers (obs) and 95 onshore seismic stations. broadband sensors and custombuilt data loggers enable a broad range of shortand long-term deployments to study architecture and dynamics of the earth’s interior. the obs are operated by the alfred wegener institute helmholtz centre for polar and marine research (awi); the onshore stations are managed by the helmholtz centre portsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences. the depas instruments are available upon request for researchers a�liated to german universities or german research institutes within national or international projects. applications for stations are evaluated by an external steering committee. data will be stored in national archives and made available to the public after a waiting period. 1 introduction more than 70% of the earth is covered by oceans and seas hiding submarine structures important for geoscienti�c research, natural hazard investigation and resource evaluation. passive continental margins inherit information about breakup, drift and collision of continents leading to opening and closing of oceanic gateways and hence changing of the thermohaline circulation. these margins are a major source of organic and mineral deposits; but they also carry risks like instable gas hydrates and sub*cite article as: alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung et al.. (2017). depas (deutscher geräte-pool für amphibische seismologie): german instrument pool for amphibian seismology. journal of largescale research facilities, 3, a122. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a122 (2017) marine landslides triggering tsunamis. mid-ocean ridges, mantle plumes, large transform faults and subduction zones witness the evolution of oceanic crust and related magmatic and hydrothermal processes in crust and mantle; but they are also the location of hazards like long-lasting volcanism and devastating earthquakes and tsunamis. seismology o�ers invaluable tools to image these structures and determine their tectonics, either by conducting passive monitoring or by performing active exploration. in both cases, acoustic and elastic waves spreading out from natural (earthquakes, ocean waves) or arti�cial sources were recorded by seismic stations. pure onshore installations are not su�cient to map remote submarine targets, therefore the usage of ocean-bottom seismometers (obs) is essential. similar technical parameters for onshore stations and obs are particularly advantageous for achieving a mixed data set of comparable content and quality. to enable marine and amphibian experiments with homogeneous equipment, the depas instrument pool was established in the year 2005 as a large-scale facility for german seismologists. 2 general information the depas instrument pool contains currently about 80 obs and 95 onshore stations. all stations are equipped with broadband (60 s / 120 s) seismometers and data loggers with a high dynamic range (24 bit / 32 bit). emphasis was laid on rugged materials and low power consumption of the standalone instruments, so they can record in the �eld up to 18 months. a maximum water depth range of 6000 m for the standard obs allows a deployment in most o�shore areas, 12 units are specially designed for experiments in very deep basins and subduction zones, they can operate in water depths up to 7300 m. a compact design and simple mounting procedures of the devices allow users to conduct �eld experiments with a large number of units (see figure 1 and figure 2). the broadband seismometers and recording endurance enable short-term active source experiments as well as long-term passive measurements. a wide variety of methods can be applied to the seismic data: raytracing, full-waveform inversion, local seismicity studies, receiver functions, teleseismic tomography, shear wave splitting, surface wave analysis or ambient noise studies. main research targets are geology and evolution of crust and mantle; thermal structure and magmatic processes in the lithosphere; active tectonics in the crust; occurrence and magnitude of earthquakes; risk assessment of strong motion events and tsunami early warning systems. the onshore and o�shore stations are physically separated; the management of both parts is carried out in close cooperation. the obs are hosted in bremerhaven by the alfred wegener institute helmholtz centre for polar and marine research (awi;; the onshore stations are integrated in the geophysical instrument pool potsdam gipp (gfz german research centre for geosciences, 2016; scientists of german academic institutes can apply online for the use of instruments. foreign academics need a german cooperation partner for their projects. all proposals are evaluated twice per year by an external steering committee and an internal advisory board. depas o�ers a rich service package to the instruments’ users: e.g. preparation of the seismic stations and the auxiliary equipment before the experiment, assistance in cruise planning, contract technician for on-board obs operation, maintenance of the instruments after recovery, software for data conversion. seismic data gathered with depas stations will be archived in international data repositories. data will be kept con�dential at least three years after retrieval in order to give the users enough time to publish the results. after this embargo period, data will be made available to the public. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a122 (2017) 3 ocean-bottom seismometers (obs) 3.1 data loggers send geolon mcs • a/d converter: sigma-delta 24 bit, sampling rates 1-1000 sps, snr > 130 db • 4 channels (3 geophone, 1 high-impedance hydrophone) plus 3 auxiliary channels • engineering signals: temperature, humidity, battery voltage • clock: mcxo, accuracy < 2 ppm, gps synchronization, external antenna at break-out box • data: continuous internal format, stored on internal mass storage 20 gb or 32 gb, convertible to mseed, sac, gse, wav, segy • interfaces: rs232 (communication), ieee1934 (data download) • power consumption: approx. 0.5 w @ 500 sps • weight: 1 kg • operating temperatures: from -10 °c to +75 °c k.u.m. 6d6 • a/d converter: sigma-delta 32 bit @ 250 sps, sampling rates 50-4000 sps, snr > 142 db • 4 channels (3 geophone, 1 high-impedance hydrophone), upgrade to more channels possible • engineering signals: temperature, humidity, battery voltage • clock: mcxo, linearity < 2 ppm, gps synchronization, external antenna at break-out box • data: continuous internal format, stored on removable mass storage up to 2 tb, convertible to mseed and segy • interfaces: ieee802.3 and ieee802.11 (communication) • power consumption: approx. 0.125 w @ 1000 sps • weight: 0.24 kg • operating temperatures: from -10°c to +80 °c 3.2 seismic sensors güralp cmg-40t obs • flat instrument response (ground velocity): from 60 s /120 s to 50 hz • 3 orthogonal sensors, max output ± 4.2 v (single ended) • ground motion sensitivity: approx. 2000 vs/m @ 1 hz (single ended) • power consumption: < 0.1 w @ 5 v • gimbal mounted, levelling up to ± 55° • titanium pressure housing, max. operating depth: 6000 m / 7300 m • weight: 12.5 kg / 13.6 kg • operating temperature: from -5 °c to +50 °c trillium compact obs • flat instrument response (ground velocity): from 120 s to 50 hz • 3 symmetric triaxial sensors; max output ± 40 v (di�erential) • ground motion sensitivity: approx. 750 vs/m @ 1 hz (di�erential) • power consumption: < 0.18 w (normal operation) • gimbal mounted, levelling up to ± 25°, operational tilt range up to ± 2.5° without re-levelling • titanium pressure housing, max. operating depth: 6000 m / 7300 m • weight: 12.5 kg / 13.6 kg • operating temperature: from -20 °c to +60 °c 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a122 (2017) 3.3 hydrophones hightecinc hti-01-pca/ulf and hti-04-pca/ulf • operating frequency: from 100 s to 8 khz • sensitivity: approx. -194 db re: 1v/µ pa (hti-01) / -195 db re: 1v/µ pa (hti-04) • capacitance @ 1 khz: approx. 47 nf (hti-01) / 57 nf (hti-04) • max. operating depth: 7300 m • weight: 1.1 kg • operating temperature from: -3 °c to +150 °c 3.4 instrument carriers k.u.m. lobster • frame and pressure tubes: titanium alloy • floatation: syntactic foam • acoustic release transponder: kumquat k/mt 562 • vhf radio beacon: novatec rf-700a1 or metocean novatec mmb-7500 • xenon �ashlight: novatec st-400a or metocean novatec mmf-7500 • max. operating depth: 6000 m / 7300 m • weight in air: approx. 340 kg / 320 kg • operating temperature: from -5 °c to +40 °c k.u.m. nammu • frame and pressure tubes: titanium alloy • floatation: syntactic foam • acoustic release transponder: kumquat k/mt 562 • vhf radio beacon: xeos xmb-11k or metocean novatec mmb-7500 • xenon �ashlight: xeos xmf-11k or metocean novatec mmf-7500 • max. operating depth: 6000 m • weight in air: approx. 156 kg • operating temperature: from -5 °c to +40 °c 3.5 auxiliary equipment • k.u.m. k/mt 8011m on-board unit for communication with the acoustic release transponders • seimac dr500 or communications-specialists r1000 bearing receiver for localisation of the vhf radio beacons • send (gpr12 and gpd30) or k.u.m. (uhura and dirc) gps systems and breakout boxes for communication with the data loggers 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a122 (2017) figure 1: deployment of a depas ocean-bottom seismometer. main components are annotated. inset: obs after emerging at the sea surface. 4 onshore stations 4.1 data loggers (currently 95 units) earth data pr6-24 digital field recorder • a/d converter: sigma-delta 24 bit, sampling rates 1-3000 sps, snr 140 db @ 100 sps to 96 db @ 3000 sps • 3 or 6 channels plus 4 auxiliary channels • clock: tcxo, accuracy < 1*10e-6, gps synchronization, external antenna, continuous or cycled • data: mseed format or ascii, continuous or time window, stored on exchangeable mass storage 10-40 gb • interfaces: usb, ethernet, rs232 • power consumption: from < 1.8 w (gps cycled) to 2 w (gps continuous) @ 3*100 sps • rugged weather-sealed housing • weight: 3.75-4.3 kg • operating temperature: from -20 °c to +65 °c 4.2 seismic sensors (currently 70 units) güralp cmg-3esp compact • flat instrument response (ground velocity): from 60 s to 50 hz • 3 orthogonal sensors, max output ±20 v (di�erential) • generator constant: 2 x 1000 vs/m (di�erential) • power consumption: 0.75 w @ 12v • waterproof housing • weight: 8.3 kg • operating temperature: from -10 °c to +65 °c 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a122 (2017) 4.3 auxiliary equipment • transport boxes • cables (sensor, battery, gps, monitor, etc.) • limited number of solar panels and solar chargers figure 2: depas onshore station assembled in the lab without outdoor casing and power supply. main components are annotated. acknowledgements the depas instrument pool was initially funded by "geotechnologien", a geoscienti�c research and development programme raised by the federal ministry of education and research (bmbf) and the german research foundation (dfg). additional instruments were �nanced by the helmholtz association of national research centres (hgf) and by gfz and awi. sta� is funded by gfz and awi. references gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). gipp: geophysical instrument pool potsdam. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a64. 6 introduction general information ocean-bottom seismometers (obs) data loggers seismic sensors hydrophones instrument carriers auxiliary equipment onshore stations data loggers (currently 95 units) seismic sensors (currently 70 units) auxiliary equipment journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a102 (2016) published: 21.12.2016 the myspot beamline at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientist: dr. ivo zizak, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 806212127, email: abstract: myspot beamline is used to provide stable beam especially tuned for the myspot experiment. depending on the experiment requirements, di�erent optical devices are used. the schematic view shows two di�erent con�gurations, one tuned for low divergence, and one for narrow energy band width, as required for the scattering and spectroscopy experiments respectively. since the goal of the experiment is to provide several methods at the same time, beamline properties can be tuned to provide the optimal beam for a given combination of experiments. total intensity, divergence, energy resolution, high harmonics suppression, and stability in scans can be tuned to match the requirements (erko & zizak, 2009). 1 introduction the myspot beamline is mounted on the 7 t wavelength shifter at the bessy ii synchrotron radiation ring. the toroidal total external re�ection mirror is placed in the front end, before the main beam shutter. such a location of the mirror provides large photon �ux, improoving acceptance of the beamline in horizontal and vertical directions (erko et al., 2004). in the monochromator of myspot beamline two pairs of crystal-monochromators are used: si (111), λ /∆λ ~5,000 and si (311), λ /∆λ ~10,000 as well as double-multilayers mirror with mo/b4c coating, λ /∆λ ~30. multilayer period is equal to 2 nm. in comparison with crystals, multilayer mirrors providing approximately 50 times higher photon �ux on a sample due to the lower energy resolution. this versatile monochromator allows for di�erent experiments to be performed, choosing the photon �ux and energy band width as needed for experiment: multilayer for �uorescence analysis and di�use scattering, si (111) for di�raction and exafs, and si (311) for high-resolution xanes experiments. the toroidal mirror can be used for vertical collimation the beam or for direct focusing to the sample position. horizontal focus is always at the sample position, and if no slits are used it is 400 µ m large. two setups are schematically shown in figure 2. selection of the option depends on experiment *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the myspot beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a102. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a102 (2016) requirements, in a similar way as the selection of the monochromator. for low divergence needed in small angle scattering experiments, the beam is directly focused without using the second mirror. for high energy resolution it is necessary that the parallel beam passes the monochromator, and in this case the second, focusing, mirror is used to focus the beam at the sample position. the focusing mirror is an 8-segment bimorph cylindrical mirror. if only one mirror is used, the vertical focus size is about 300 µ m large. by �ne-tuning the bending radius of the 8 segments in the second mirror it is possible to correct for the surface errors of the �rst mirror and achieve the focus with the vertical size of only 30 µ m, increasing the �ux at the sample one order of magnitude. however, since the focusing mirror is too close to the sample the beam divergence is mostly too large for di�raction and small angle scattering experiments. figure 1: 3 monochromators of the myspot beamline, left to right: si (111), si (311), mo/b4c multilayer. 2 instrument application the main purpose of the myspot beamline is to provide photons for the myspot experiment. all the beamline parameters can be tuned from the experiment. low divergence application: the second mirror is not used. the beam is focused hirisontally and vertically directly to the sample position. beam size is 400 x 400 µ m2. this creates additional energy band broadening, and cannot be combined with xanes experiment. narrow energy bandwidth: first mirror is used to parallelize the beam, so there is no additional broadening in the monochromator. second mirror is focusing the beam at the sample position. beam size at the sample position is 400 x 50 µ mm2. additionally, a si (311) crystal pair is used for narrow energy bandwidth. unfortunately, this in�uences the total intensity. high �ux option: a multilayer monochromator is used when there is no requirement on the energy bandwidth, like in di�use scattering and �uorescence mapping. the second mirror has three di�erent coatings, which can be used to suppress the higher harmonics to ensure the beam purity for di�erent energy ranges. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a102 (2016) to provide the extreme stability during the energy scans, the monochromator is operated in a servo loop using the feedback from the beam intensity monitor at the end of the beamline. for microfocussing experiments with the beam size down to 1 µ m2, the beam is additionally refocused very close to the sample using single bounce or capillary optics. small distance between the sample and focusing optics provides for the extreme vibration and position stability during the scans, ao that micro-exafs and micro-xanes experiment are possible. see the experiment page for more details. 3 source the insertion device is the superconducting 7 t wavelength shifter 7t-wls-2 with the following parameters type supercoducting wls location periods/pols 3 n table 1: parameters of 7t-wls-2. 4 optical design highly modular optics allows for two di�erent types of beam focusing, and three di�erent energy bandwidths. energy bandwidth is selected by choosing one of three monochromators: multilayer for high �ux, si(111) for moderate �ux and energy resolution, and si(311) for narrow energy bandwidth as required for xanes experiments. two di�erent choices of focusing allow to select between low divergence and small focal spot. minimal focal spot is 400 x 100 µ m, but can be further reduced using capillary optics. refocussing the beam using capillary optics allows for the polydisperse focusing, and can be used even in spectroscopy measurements where the focal spot is not depending of the energy of the focused radiation. figure 2: optical layout of beamline myspot. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a102 (2016) 5 technical data location 3.2 source 7t-wls-1 monochromator si(111) and si(111) crystal monochromator/ mo/b4c multilayer energy range 4 – 30 kev (not all energies are available for all experiments) energy resolution λ e/e depending on monochomator: from 1/500 to 1/8000 flux 1012 – 1013 ph/s, depending on monochromator and optics polarization horizontal divergence horizontal 1 mrad divergence vertica 1 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 400 x 400, 400 x 50, further focusing in experimental hutch distance focus/last valve variable mm height focus/�oorlevel 1500 mm free photon beam available no, beamline dedicated to myspot experiment fixed endstation yes, myspot table 2: technical parameters of myspot beamline. references erko, a., schäfers, f., firsov, a., peatman, w., eberhardt, w., & signorato, r. (2004). the bessy x-ray microfocus beamline project. spectrochimica acta part b: atomic spectroscopy, 59(10–11), 1543 1548. (17th international congress on x-ray optics and microanalysis) erko, a., & zizak, i. (2009). hard x-ray micro-spectroscopy at berliner elektronenspeicherring für synchrotronstrahlung ii. spectrochimica acta part b: atomic spectroscopy, 64(9), 833 848. 4 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) published: 07.06.2017 hfm/exed: the high magnetic field facility for neutron scattering at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. oleksandr prokhnenko, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-43068, email: dr. peter smeibidl, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-43080, email: dr. wolf-dieter stein, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-43079, email: dr. maciej bartkowiak, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-42318, email: dr. norbert stüsser, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 806243171, email: abstract: an overview of the high magnetic �eld facility for neutron scattering at helmholtz-zentrum berlin (hzb) is given. the facility enables elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments in continuous magnetic �elds up to 26.3 t combined with temperatures down to 0.6 k. 1 introduction hfm/exed – the high magnetic �eld facility for neutron scattering figure 1 consists of two main components: the high field magnet system (hfm) and the extreme environment di�ractometer (exed) (lieutenant et al., 2006; peters et al., 2006; prokhnenko et al., 2015; smeibidl et al., 2010). the former is a continuous �eld hybrid magnet, built by the hzb in collaboration with the national high magnetic field laboratory, tallahassee, fl, usa (nhmfl) (smeibidl et al., 2016). the latter is a time-of-�ight instrument optimized for neutron scattering in the restricted angular geometry of the magnet. the facility has been installed in the second guide hall of the berii research reactor and commissioned in the �rst half of 2015. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie . (2017). hfm/exed: the high magnetic field facility for neutron scattering at ber ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) the high field hybrid magnet system the hfm is a "�rst of its kind" hybrid system which is capable of reaching magnetic �elds up to 26.3 t, making it by far the strongest continuous �eld available for neutron scattering experiments worldwide (smeibidl et al., 2016). it is a series-connected magnet system with an outer superconducting coil and two inner resistive coils (bird et al., 2009; smeibidl et al., 2010). the total �eld of 26.3 t is achieved with a 4 mw insert coil set, which has the potential to be upgraded to 8 mw and a total �eld of 31 t. the magnet is designed taking into account the special geometric constraints of performing neutronscattering experiments. as a result, the inner resistive coil provides a conical bore at each end to allow neutron-scattering to detectors up to ±15° o� the �eld axis. the superconducting coil is a 13-tesla, 500-mm cold bore coil consisting of nb3sn cable-in-conduit conductor (cicc) and weights 5 tons (6 tons full cold mass including �anges, joints and piping) (bonito oliva et al., 2008; dixon et al., 2009, 2010). the magnet central bore is horizontal so that it can align with the neutron beam axis. in addition, the magnet system sits on an instrument table so it can rotate ±15° for increased neutron scatteringangle. all cryogenic and electrical utilities port through an upper “turret” for interface with the supply systems (dixon et al., 2015). the main technical parameters are listed in table 1 and a vertical section of the magnet system is shown in figure 2a. central field 26.3 t (31) t bore 50 mm horizontal opening angle 30° power resistive insert 4 mw (8 mw) field homogeneity < 0.5% (15 mm x 15 mm) operating current 20 ka magnetic field of resistive insert 13 t – 18 t (4 mw / 8 mw) magnetic field of superconducting coil 13 t height ~5 m total weight ~25 t cold mass ~6 t table 1: hybrid magnet system operating parameters. operation of the magnet system requires a dedicated technical infrastructure located in the separate technical building for the hfm beside the neutron guide-hall figure 1a. the he-refrigerator system for the cicc coil and the 8 mw power supply as well as the high pressure water circulation required to cool the resistive insert magnet were constructed using standardised industrial components. a specially designed horizontal continuous �ow 3he-sample-cryostat allows combining high �elds with temperatures as low as ~0.6 k. the vacuum container of the cryostat has the shape of the magnet cone (figure 2b). the sample size cross section inside the cryostat is limited to about 13 x 13 mm2. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) figure 1: a) berii reactor, neutron instrument halls and hfm technical infrastructure building at the helmholtzzentrum berlin with the hfm/exed facility. b) photograph of the hfm/exed facility showing the magnet and the exed instrument components around (neutron detectors and guide lifting device). the neutron instrument exed the exed shown in figure 3 is a dedicated neutron instrument optimized to work with the restrictions imposed by the magnet geometry (lieutenant et al., 2006; peters et al., 2006; prokhnenko et al., 2015) [2-4]. to achieve that it utilizes polychromatic (time-of-�ight) technique. equipped with a bispectral extraction system, exed has an access to broad wavelength range. the supermirror guide (m = 1-3) with a cross section 100x60 mm2 (h x w) transfers the neutrons from both thermal and cold moderators to the sample position located about 75 m away from the source (figure 3). before reaching the sample the neutron beam is compressed spatially in both directions by a factor of two by means of an elliptically converging focusing guide section. for applications requiring low beam divergence, the focusing section can be replaced by a pin-hole collimation section with variable apertures. flexibility of the primary instrument is ensured by three alternative systems that are available to create neutron pulses: a curved fermi chopper for very high resolution (neutron pulse width, ∆t ~6 µ s at 600 hz), a straight fermi chopper for high resolution (∆t ~15 µ s at 600 hz) and a counteror parallelrotating double-disc chopper for medium to low resolution (∆t ~125 µ s at 200 hz). a number of single disc choppers (5-120 hz) located downstream prevents the frame overlap and de�nes the bandwidth of interest. the chopper system allows operating the instrument with di�erent wavelength bands, from narrow (~0.6 å) to wide (~14.4 å), centred at the region of interest, and easily trade resolution for intensity. the secondary instrument is equipped with 12.7 mm diameter position-sensitive 3he detector tubes. the e�ective length of the tubes is 0.9 m and position resolution is 1%. the tubes are combined in 4 detector banks that are positioned in forwardand backward scattering to re�ect the geometry of the magnet. the typical sample-detector distance is about 2.5 m. a large aror he-�lled detector chamber allows positioning of two detector panels at 6 m away from the sample avoiding air scattering. technical instrument characteristics are summarized in table 2. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) figure 2: a) cross-section through hfm showing the superconducting cicc coil and resistive insert coils. the cryogenic and electrical utilities enter through the upper supply turret. b) dedicated 3he sample-cryostat that can be installed into one of the magnet cones to combine high �elds with low temperatures. modes of operation in order to enable a broad range of scienti�c applications using unique combination of neutron scattering and high magnetic �elds, exed has several modes of operation which are described below. elastic neutron scattering is represented by di�raction and low-q modes. the former is the main mode at the moment and is used to study single crystal and powder samples in high �elds. the mode is characterized by high resolution in backscattering (∆d/d ≥ 2·10−3) and large dynamic range (0.5 – 100 å). the low-q mode o�ers small angle scattering capabilities. it extends the low q-range beyond 10−2 å−1 using a 6 m-long pin-hole collimation combined with sample-detector distance of 6 m. the latter enables studies of matter on mesoscales in high magnetic �elds such as e.g. vortex state in type-two superconductors. inelastic neutron scattering: a major development took place to complement the instrument portfolio by inelastic capabilities turning exed into a direct tof spectrometer (bartkowiak et al., 2015). the upgrade includes an evacuated detector chamber for forward scattering with a built-in 3he detector array covering 30° inand outof plane and positioned 4.5 m away from the sample, a new focusing guide section that accommodates a monochromating chopper assembly and an inelastic doppler system which is at 2.5 m distance from the sample, the upgraded exed will enable energy-resolved measurements over a limited q-range < 3.25/λ (å−1) and energy range < 25 mev in addition to the existing elastic capabilities. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • quantum magnets and quantum phase transitions • superconductivity • multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials • correlated electrons in 3d, 4f and 5f metal compounds 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) • spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom in transition metal oxides • frustrated magnets • novel states of matter 3 instrument layout figure 3: schematic view of hfm/exed. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) 4 technical data beam tube nl 4a, 75 m long ballistic multispectral guide: a straight section (60 x 100 mm2) with a kink and a 7.5 m long focusing section at the end (elliptically tapered down to 30 x 50 mm2) collimation i) none (standard con�guration with the focusing guide) ii) 6 m long pin-hole collimation (low-q con�guration without the focusing section) wavelength 0.7 < λ < 15 å flux ~109 n/cm2/s continuous �ux range of scattering angles elastic 0 – 30°, 150° – 170° inelastic 0 – 30° range of lattice spacing forward scattering: 1.5 < d < 1000 å backward scattering: 0.5 < d < 7 å d-resolution forward scattering: ∆d/d > 2·10−2 backward scattering: ∆d/d≥2·10−3 sample size <13 x 13 mm2 detector 192 3he linear position sensitive detectors combined in 4 sections, each containing 48 detector tubes of 900 mm e�ective length and 12.7 mm diameter sinstrument options elastic: di�raction; low-q inelastic: direct tof spectrometer (under construction) sample environment b = 26.3 t (b||ki ± 15°) t = 0.6 k – rt software egraph (event recording data reduction) mantid (tof data reduction) chopper speed range 5 – 600 hz (fermi chopper) 5 – 215 hz (double disc choppers) 5 – 120 hz (single disc choppers) sample-detector distance 2.5 6 m table 2: technical parameters of hfm/exed. references bartkowiak, m., stüßer, n., & prokhnenko, o. (2015). the design of the inelastic neutron scattering mode for the extreme environment di�ractometer with the 26 t high field magnet. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 797, 121 129. bird, m. d., bai, h., bole, s., chen, j., dixon, i. r., ehmler, h., . . . zhai, y. (2009). the nhmfl hybrid magnet projects. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 19(3), 1612-1616. 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a115 (2017) bonito oliva, a., bird, m. d., bole, s. t., cantrell, k. r., gavrilin, a. v., luongo, c. a., . . . zhai, y. (2008). development of the superconducting outserts for the series-connected-hybrid program at the national high magnetic field laboratory. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 18(2), 529-535. dixon, i. r., adkins, t. a., bird, m. d., bole, s. t., toth, j., ehmler, h., . . . smeibidl, p. (2015). final assembly of the helmholtz-zentrum berlin series-connected hybrid magnet system. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 25(3), 1-4. dixon, i. r., bird, m. d., bruzzone, p., gavrilin, a. v., lu, j., stepanov, b., & weijers, h. w. (2009). current sharing and ac loss measurements of a cable-in-conduit conductor with nb3sn strands for the high field section of the series-connected hybrid outsert coil. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 19(3), 2466-2469. dixon, i. r., bird, m. d., cantrell, k. r., lu, j., walsh, r. p., & weijers, h. w. (2010). quali�cation measurements of the mid-field and low-field cicc for the series-connected hybrid magnet with e�ects of electromagnetic load cycling and longitudinal strain. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 20(3), 1459-1462. lieutenant, k., peters, j., & f. mezei, j. (2006). monte carlo simulation of the new time-of-�ight powder di�ractometer exed at the hahn-meitner-institut. journal of neutron research, 14, 147–165. peters, j., lieutenant, k., clemens, d., & mezei, f. (2006). exed the new extreme environment di�ractometer at the hahn-meitner-institut berlin. ninth european powder di�raction conference. prague, september 2-5, 2004. zeitschrift für kristallographie, 26(supplemente 23), 189-194. prokhnenko, o., stein, w.-d., bleif, h.-j., fromme, m., bartkowiak, m., & wilpert, t. (2015). timeof-�ight extreme environment di�ractometer at the helmholtz-zentrum berlin. review of scienti�c instruments, 86(3). smeibidl, p., bird, m., ehmler, h., dixon, i., heinrich, j., ho�mann, m., . . . lake, b. (2016). first hybrid magnet for neutron scattering at helmholtz-zentrum berlin. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 26(4), 1-6. smeibidl, p., tennant, a., ehmler, h., & bird, m. (2010). neutron scattering at highest magnetic fields at the helmholtz centre berlin. journal of low temperature physics, 159(1), 402–405. 7 introduction instrument application instrument layout technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a71 (2016) published: 10.05.2016 sims lab potsdam: secondary ion mass spectrometry lab potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences * instrument scientists: michael wiedenbeck, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: + 49-331-288-1484, alexander rocholl, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: + 49-331-288-1497, robert trumbull, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: + 49-331-288-1495, frédéric cou�gnal, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: + 49-331-288-28916, frederic.cou� abstract: secondary ion mass spectrometry (sims) is among the most powerful laboratory tools available to the analytical geochemist. its strength lies in sims’ ability to produce high precision trace element and isotope ratio data on polish sample mounts on total analysis masses as small as 100 picograms. the helmholtz-centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences operates a fully equipped, large geometry sims instrument, which is supported by a comprehensive spectrum of peripheral instrumentation. this facility operates as an open user facility which supports the needs of the global geochemical community. 1 introduction a secondary ion mass spectrometer (sims) uses a �nely focused ion beam to probe a selected sample domain on the polished surface of a solid material. in the case of potsdam’s large geometry instrument, the typical diameters for such probe beams are in the range of 2 to 30 µm. a small percentage of the material eroded from the polished surface of the sample is ionized, and these ions are accelerated into a mass spectrometer where they are separated according to their mass-over-charge ratio. an important characteristic of sims is its high sensitivity compared to other microbeam sampling techniques: the ability to count individual ions results in detection limits in the 10’s of ng/g range for many elements. *cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). sims lab potsdam: secondary ion mass spectrometry lab potsdam. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a71. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a71 (2016) also the fact that ions derived from the sample are separated by their mass-over-charge ratio allows high precision isotopic analyses to be performed on test portion masses that can be as small as 150 picograms. by observing how a signal varies as a function of time, such instrumentation can record depth pro�les with a depth resolution reaching into the low nanometer range. finally, operating either in microscope or in scanning ion imaging mode, the cameca 1280-hr instrument can determine elemental and isotopic maps at a ∼ 2 µm spatial resolution. 2 the potsdam sims user facility the helmholtz-centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences operates a large geometry cameca 1280-hr sims instrument (figure 1), which entered service in november 2013. importantly, the potsdam sims laboratory is supported by a comprehensive spectrum of peripheral instrumentation, including a full range of microanalytical equipment. the sims laboratory is an open user facility that supports the analytical needs of the global geochemical community. scientists from europe and beyond are invited to discuss collaboration opportunities with laboratory members. currently this facility is sta�ed by 3.5 full-time positions. the cameca 1280-hr sims is housed in a unique, purpose-designed laboratory environment. in order to achieve the best possible instrument stability the main electronics chasses are supplied with a �oor-level air cooling system, which also expels heat from the laboratory environment by an extraction hood directly above the chasses. a second air handling system provides air �ow from broad areas at �oor level, allowing the entire air within the laboratory to be exchanged every 3 minutes. a further system extracts cold air from beneath a liquid nitrogen dewar. these design features are able to maintain a stable temperature that remains within a 0.3°c window at all times of operation. the 1280-hr instrument itself is positioned on a low magnetic susceptibility steel frame that is �lled with �ber-reinforced concrete. this 5-ton platform is positioned on four oak blocks, thereby mechanically decoupling the platform from the surrounding laboratory �ooring. the entire system is located in a magnetically quiet region of the institute. figure 1: the cameca 1280-hr instrument. the total length of the vacuum system is 8 meters. the vacuum pressure is between e-6 and e-7 pa throughout most of the system. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a71 (2016) 2.1 instrumentation and upgrades • cameca 1280-hr with dual primary ion sources and 5-trolly multi-collection system • long life liquid nitrogen dewar with cold trap for improved vacuum in the sample chamber • monochromatic led illumination for improved sample viewing • all metal oxygen lines for improved primary ion source performance • resistive anode image digitizing system 2.2 within-laboratory peripheral instrumentation and upgrades • zygo new view 7100 white light optical pro�lometer (figure 2) • nikon eclipse x-y-z motorized optical microscope • vacuum oven for storage of cleaned oxygen ion source • argon sputter-coater for producing high-purity sample gold coats • cold cathode colour imaging system • flatbed scanner for advanced sample imaging • data transfer and back-up system figure 2: the new view 7100 optical pro�lometer (left). example of a data set from the pro�lometer which can determine the geometry of the sims carters with a resolution of 500 nm in x and y and 1 nm in the z dimension. this allows us to determine crater volume and test portion mass of our various analytical methods (right). 2.3 instrumentation available on campus • fully equipped sample preparation facility • field emission scanning electron microscope • field emission and lab6 electron microprobes • dual-beam fib instrument • machine shop, including design capabilities for small parts • broad range of geochemical instrumentation for characterizing the bulk composition of calibration materials 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a71 (2016) 3 applications the primary research focus of the potsdam sims laboratory is high precision isotope ratio determinations on geomaterials. although the cameca 1280-hr can address topics related to nearly all multi-isotopic elements, our work has mainly focused on boron, carbon, oxygen and sulfur. we have also conducted numerous projects devoted to determining the ages of samples based on the u-th-pb radioactive decay system as applied to the mineral zircon. some examples of our research include: • δ 11b characterization of the source of gold-bearing �uids • δ 13c analyses of african diamonds to quantify the isotopic heterogeneity of the earth’s mantle • δ 15n investigation of synthetic diamonds in order to understand the early outgassing history of the earth • δ 18o study of microfossils in order to establish rates of change during ancient global environmental catastrophes • δ 34s of iron sul�des that formed in 3.2 billion year old soils, from this we established the presence of non-marine biological activity at this early epoch • u-pb dating of zircons associated with the vredevort structure in south africa, the world’s largest known meteorite impact crater. thanks to the stability of our lab environment, the potsdam instrument is currently a world leader in terms of analytical precision as applied to isotope ratio determinations at the picogram sampling scale. we have demonstrated analytical repeatability as low as ± 0.09‰ (1sd) on oxygen isotope determinations in both silicate glasses and in zircon. the depth pro�ling capability of the instrument has been extensively used both for determining rates of di�usion of key elements in silicate mineral phases as well as for performing trace element quanti�cations via ion-implant calibration materials. the cameca 1280-hr’s highly �exible imaging system, capable of working in both scanning ion and ion microscope modes, has been used to investigate complex chemical distributions at 2 µm imaging resolution. 4 the helmholtz sims network in cooperation with colleagues at the helmholtz-centre for environmental research in leipzig and the helmholtz zentrum dresden-rossendorf we are developing a network of sims facilities which will be able to provide access to essentially all classes of sims instrumentation. with nanosims and timeof-�ight tools in leipzig, an ion accelerator-based super-sims instrument in dresden-rossendorf and the cameca 1280-hr in potsdam we will e�ectively cover the complete range of ion-based sampling mass spectrometry in terms of spatial resolution, limit of detection and analytical precision. within the network we support the analytical needs of the various partners; mutual support in terms of instrument development, technical assistance for maintenance of the instruments and cooperation in the area of methodological technique validation are also important aspects of this structure. thanks to the highly complementary nature of the various sims instruments, this network within the helmholtz association provides a globally unique analytical platform for the characterization of earth, environmental and engineered materials. web address acknowledgements we thank uwe dittman (sample preparation) for his support, which has been essential for our facility. his e�orts to further perfect our methodologies are gratefully acknowledged. we also wish to thank the institute machine shop for their e�cient and friendly support. 4 introduction the potsdam sims user facility instrumentation and upgrades within-laboratory peripheral instrumentation and upgrades instrumentation available on campus applications the helmholtz sims network journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129 (2018) published: 19.03.2018 e2: the flat-cone di�ractometer at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. j.-u. ho�mann, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, department quantum phenomena in novel materials, phone: +49(0)30 8062-42185, e-mail: ho� dr. m. reehuis, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, department quantum phenomena in novel materials, phone: +49(0)30 8062-42692, e-mail: abstract: the �at-cone di�ractometer e2 at the research reactor ber ii is a thermal neutron singlecrystal di�ractometer for 3d reciprocal space mapping by using four delay-line area detectors (300 × 300 mm2). alternatively it is suitable for powder measurements with medium resolution and broad 2-theta scattering range. 1 introduction the original flat-cone di�ractometer, promoted by d. hohlwein and w. prandl (hohlwein et al., 1986) in 1986, had a banana-type detector. with the next generation of the flat-cone di�ractometer e2 at the research reactor ber ii we now provide a thermal neutron single-crystal di�ractometer to scan a 3-dimensional part of the reciprocal space in less than �ve steps by combining the “o�-plane braggscattering” and the �at-cone layer concept while using a new computer-controlled tilting axis of the detector bank. parasitic scattering from cryostat or furnace walls is reduced by an oscillating radial collimator. the datasets and all connected information is stored in one independent nexus �le format for each measurement and can be easily archived. the software package tvnexus deals with the raw data sets, the transformed physical spaces and the usual data analysis tools (e.g. matlab). tvnexus can convert to various data sets e.g. into powder di�ractograms, linear detector projections, rotation crystal pictures or the 2d/3d reciprocal space. for single-crystal work the multi detector bank (four 2d detectors 300 × 300 mm2) and the sample table can be tilted around an axis perpendicular to the monochromatic beam to investigate upper layers in reciprocal space (flat-cone technique). for powder di�raction studies, the multi detector bank sets on only two positions to measure one powder di�rac*cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2018). e2: the flat-cone di�ractometer at ber ii . journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129 (2018) togram covering a scattering range of 80°. on the other hand every detector can be set on an individual position (with gaps between the detectors) for in-situ measurements. figure 1: flat-cone di�ractometer e2, with the principle geometry axes. (© j.-u. ho�mann, hzb) figure 2: schematic sketch of e2. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129 (2018) 2 flat-cone geometry the �at-cone technique is a special case of the weissenberg techniques which were developed earlier in x-ray di�ractometry using photographic detectors. in these methods a single crystal rotates around the normal vector of the scattering plane, so that we get a �at disc into the reciprocal-space, recorded along straight lines on a cylindrical �lm. if only one line is selected by putting a linear aperture in front of the �lm, then a two-dimensional lattice plane can be mapped on the two-dimensional �lm by coupling the crystal rotation and the �lm translation. the same procedure can be realized with a two-dimensional (electronic) multidetector which is placed along one layer line. for each rotational angle of the crystal a separate measurement has to be made. in comparison, earlier used �lms and linear detector systems have of course a loss in resolution perpendicular to the layer line. on e2 the used two-dimensional detector system can measure a high cylindrical range of the reciprocal space. the sample table is equipped with a special cradle system which allows a turntable (ϕ axis) to be tilted by an angle (0 ≤ µ < 20 °) around the shaft of the lift up system of the detector bank. the detector with its shielding can be tilted by the same amount around the axis which is perpendicular to the direction of the incident beam in most of our experiments. an example to calculate upper layer: with c* vertical, the layer (h,k,x) can be scanned if one inclines the cradle which is parallel to the beam by an angle µ and the detector by lift up the same angle (µ ). the formula in the simplest case is: sin µ = x λ /c with c = 1/c* and the wavelength λ . figure 3: flat-cone geometry in the reciprocal space. 3 typical applications • representation of complex distributions of superstructure re�ections in the reciprocal space using the flat-cone technique (chmielus et al., 2011) • determination of commensurate and incommensurate crystal and magnetic structures (inosov et al., 2009a) • di�use scattering arising from structural and magnetic short-range order (kaiser et al., 2009) • temperature, magnetic and electric �eld, as well as pressure dependent changes of crystal and magnetic structures (lottermoser et al., 2004) • investigations of structural and magnetic phase transitions • in-situ kinetics of chemical reactions (fahr et al., 2001) 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129 (2018) 4 data analysis and formats all data sets are stored into the international standard �le format nexus (könnecke et al., 2015) for easy data exchanges and converting. in order to handle the sample orientations and instrumental geometry a new software package tvnexus (windows 64 application) was developed to transform collected data into the most useful physical space, e.g. 3d-reciprocal space or powder plots (intensity over q), and including all necessary corrections such as e�ciency of the detector pixels and the integration along debye-scherrer cones. the required normalization and merging of data sets are saveable in suitable �le formats, e.g. as needed for other evaluation software packages such as fullprof. the 3d data sets can variously be stored in form of ascii, hdf4 or matlab �les, for use with standard visualization and scienti�c analysis tools. tvnexus can work together with the matlab server. tvnexus is able to visualize and analyze one and two-dimensional intensity distributions. 5 sample environment for measurements di�erent sample environments can be used: temperatures from 30 mk up to 1700 k, vertical magnetic �elds up to 6.5 t, horizontal magnetic �elds up to 2 t, as well as electric �elds and high-pressure. the �at-cone option in combination with a magnet is limited to a vertical magnetic �eld up to 4.5 t and a maximum tilting angle of µ < 11° 6 research areas and scienti�c highlights 6.1 fast ion conductors and battery materials ionic interactions between charge carriers result in complex short-ranged ordered structures, which determine functionality and charging/discharging behavior. closely related are electrochemical reactions in solid state systems (kaiser et al., 2009). 6.2 ferroelectrics ferroelectrics are technologically a very important class of materials. the properties of these materials have a close analogy to spin models. further, new approaches to magnetic systems are applicable (lottermoser et al., 2004). 6.3 magneto-caloric materials a new research focusses on shape memory alloys for room temperature magnetic cooling as well as frustrated and quantum magnets for low temperature e�ects (ustinov et al., 2009). 6.4 novel thermoelectrics narrow band frustrated metals theoretically can break the limits on the �gure of merit achievable with semiconductors (roger et al., 2007). 6.5 multifunctional oxides multiferroics, cmr e�ects, and short range ordering (hohlwein et al., 2003). 6.6 intermetallics and heavy fermion materials complex ordering and changes under �eld and pressure. in�uence of site order/disorder e�ects (inosov et al., 2009b). 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129 (2018) 7 technical data beam tube r 1b collimation 15‘, 30‘, 60‘ (open) monochromator • cu (220) • ge (311) • pg (002) wave length • λ = 0.091 nm [cu (200)] • λ = 0.121 nm [ge (311)] • λ = 0.241 nm [pg (002)] flux 2·10−6n/cm2s (�at pg monochromator without collimation) range of scattering angles -10° < 2θ θ < 107° angle resolution • horizontal resolution: 0.2° 0.1° • vertical resolution: 0.5° 0.1° • pixel size 0.1°x0.1° detector four 2d delay-line detectors (psd 300 x 300 mm2) tilting angle 0° < µ < 18° instrument options • single crystal mode • powder di�raction mode software tvnexus table 1: technical parameters of e2. references chmielus, m., glavatskyy, i., ho�mann, j.-u., chernenko, v. a., schneider, r., & müllner, p. (2011). in�uence of constraints and twinning stress on magnetic �eldinduced strain of magnetic shape-memory alloys. scripta materialia, 64(9), 888 891. fahr, t., trinks, h. p., schneider, r., & fischer, c. (2001). investigation of the formation of the bi-2223 phase in multi�lamentary bi-2223/ag tapes by in situ high temperature neutron di�raction. ieee transactions on applied superconductivity, 11(1), 3399-3402. hohlwein, d., ho�mann, j.-u., & schneider, r. (2003). magnetic interaction parameters from paramagnetic di�use neutron scattering in mno. phys. rev. b, 68, 140408. hohlwein, d., hoser, a., & prandl, w. (1986). collection of bragg data with a neutron �at-cone di�ractometer. journal of applied crystallography, 19(4), 262–266. inosov, d. s., evtushinsky, d. v., koitzsch, a., zabolotnyy, v. b., borisenko, s. v., kordyuk, a. a., . . . büchner, b. (2009a). electronic structure and nesting-driven enhancement of the rkky interaction at the magnetic ordering propagation vector in gd2pdsi3 and tb2pdsi3. phys. rev. lett., 102, 046401. inosov, d. s., evtushinsky, d. v., koitzsch, a., zabolotnyy, v. b., borisenko, s. v., kordyuk, a. a., . . . büchner, b. (2009b). electronic structure and nesting-driven enhancement of the rkky interaction 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, a129 (2018) at the magnetic ordering propagation vector in gd2pdsi3 and tb2pdsi3. phys. rev. lett., 102, 046401. kaiser, i., boysen, h., frey, f., lerch, m., hohlwein, d., & schneider, r. (2009). di�use scattering in quaternary single crystals in the system zr-y-o-n. zeitschrift für kristallographie crystalline materials, 215(8), 437–440. könnecke, m., akeroyd, f. a., bernstein, h. j., brewster, a. s., campbell, s. i., clausen, b., . . . wuttke, j. (2015). the nexus data format. journal of applied crystallography, 48(1), 301–305. lottermoser, t., lonkai, t., amann, u., hohlwein, d., ihringer, j., & fiebig, m. (2004). magnetic phase control by an electric �eld. nature, 430(6999), 541–544. morris, d. j. p., tennant, d. a., grigera, s. a., klemke, b., castelnovo, c., moessner, r., . . . perry, r. s. (2009). dirac strings and magnetic monopoles in the spin ice dy2ti2o7. science, 326(5951), 411–414. roger, m., morris, d. j. p., tennant, d. a., gutmann, m. j., go�, j. p., ho�mann, j. u., . . . deen, p. p. (2007). patterning of sodium ions and the control of electrons in sodium cobaltate. nature, 445(7128), 631–634. ustinov, a., olikhovska, l., glavatska, n., & glavatskyy, i. (2009). di�raction features due to ordered distribution of twin boundaries in orthorhombic ni–mn–ga crystals. journal of applied crystallography, 42(2), 211–216. 6 introduction flat-cone geometry typical applications data analysis and formats sample environment research areas and scientific highlights fast ion conductors and battery materials ferroelectrics magneto-caloric materials novel thermoelectrics multifunctional oxides intermetallics and heavy fermion materials technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123 (2017) published: 29.11.2017 the kmc-3 xpp beamline at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: ivo zizak, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-12127, email: abstract: the kmc-3 beamline is installed at teh bending magnet of the bessy ii synchrotron light source. it provides focused beam of monochromatic x-ray light at energies between 2.2 and 14 kev. it is dedicated to two experiments: x-ray pump probe (xpp) and cryoexafs. 1 introduction the xpp/kmc-3 is a middle range x-ray beamline providing monochromatic light between 2.2 and 14 kev for di�raction and absorption spectroscopy. optionally the monochromator can be easilly removed from the optical path providing focussed white beam at the sample. two permanent experiments mounted in the experimental hutch are dedicated to time-resolved x-ray di�raction and absorption spectroscopy experiments (exafs, xanes). in addition, the beamline equipment comprises an ultrafast laser as a pump source for time-resolved experiments. 2 instrument application the kmc3 beamline is rather versatile and may be used for di�erent experiments, including energy dispersive re�ectometry and di�ractometry. however, the main goal is to provide the monochromatic beam for time resolved di�raction and absorption spectroscopy experiments. typical experiments which can be performed at the beamline are mainly variations or combinations of the two permanent experiments mounted at the beamline: xpp-di�raction and cryoexafs. 2.1 x-ray pump-probe di�raction xpp experiment is run by the joint research group between hzb and university potsdam, prof m. bargheer. 80 cm diameter vacuum vessel is mounted around the focal spot of the last mirror. it encompasses a sample goniometer with a cryostat and slit/pinhole system to precisely tune the footprint *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). the kmc-3 xpp beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123 (2017) figure 1: optical layout of the kmc3 beamline. at the sample. pulsed laser beam is introduced into the beamline before the sample chamber, and can be focussed to the same spot at the sample. di�erent x-ray detectors are mounted outside of the vacuum and can be rotated up to scattering angle of 90◦ (helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, 2016; iurchuk et al., 2016; navirian et al., 2014; roshchupkin et al., 2016; vadilonga et al., 2017). 2.2 cryoexafs cryo exafs is permanently mounted at mobile table, and can be connected to vacuum after the di�raction experiment. having only several two be windows in the optical path allows to perform exafs and xanes experiments down to k-line of sulphur (experimentally not yet veri�ed). however, measurements were already performed (not yet published) on potassium k-edge (3.6 kev) and ruthenium l3-edge (2.8 kev) using user-supplied experimental chambers. standard exafs experiment is mounted in vacuum (optionally he-atmosphere) and works in transmission and �uorescence geometry. the experiment is provided by the cooperative research group of prof. h. dau, free university berlin (görlin et al., 2016; zaharieva et al., 2016). 3 source source characteristics of the bessy ii dipole magnet 13.2 are summarized in the table 1. 4 optical design the optical layout of the beamline is shown in �gure 1. the bending magnet source d 13.1 is sagittaly and meridionaly collimated by the rotational paraboloid mirror m1. it is located at a distance of 16.9 m from the source. the double crystal (dcm) monochromator is located at a distance of 21.9 m from the source. then the beam is refocused by the rotational paraboloid mirror m2 located at a distance of 24.0 m from the source (fig. 1). 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123 (2017) electron energy 1.7 gev magnetic �eld 1.3 t bending radius 4.35 m power (0.3 a, 3×0.41 mrad2) 50 w critical energy 2.5 kev source size σx 0.15 mm (electron beam) σy 0.04 mm source divergence σ ′x 388 µ rad (electron beam) σ ′y 21 µ rad table 1: properties of the dipole d 13.1 source. figure 2: energy bandwidth of the monochromatic beam. figure 3: comparison of the �ux of the white and monochromatic beam in the focal spot. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123 (2017) figure 4: the shape of the focal spot at di�erent positions in the experimental hutch. 4.1 monochromatic beam in normal operation the beamline employs the si monochromator and both mirrors m1 and m2. this can be used for a wide range of experiments providing a monochromatic, tunable x-ray beam horizontally and vertically focused on the sample position. a spatial resolution of about 150 µ m can be achieved in this way over the whole energy range. e nergy resolution is ∆λ /λ ≈ 4525˘5000 depending on the energy (fig. 2). 4.2 white beam in this con�guration only the mirror system without the monochromator are in the optical path. the �rst monochromator crystal is vertically translated out of the beam and m2 is lowered 25 mm to receive the white beam. the exit window, as well as the experimental setup must be manually lowered 25 mm to accommodate the white beam. the energy spectra of the beamline in two modes are shown in the �gure 3. filter di�erentially pumped capton/be windows. (pos. 30 000 mm, experimental hutch). thickness: capton: 25µ m, be 200µ m premonochromator optics paraboloid of rotation si / pt 60nm + rh 5nm optical surface size: 1200×60 mm2 , θ = 0.3º monochromator double-crystal monochromator, angular range -3° 80° crystals: si (111) 30 x 70 mm2 10 mm thick refocusing optics paraboloid of rotation si pt 60 nm + rh 5 nm optical surface size: 1200×60 mm2 , θ = 0.3º diagnostics ionisation chamber for mostab intensity control and feedback standard screen monitor for beam pro�ling slits four-blades slit system s2, not water cooled. (pos. 23 000 mm) two vertical independent tungsten blades, motorized feedthrough. maximum aperture: 60 mm x 20 mm step size 10 µ m table 2: optical components and parameters of the kmc-3 beamline. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123 (2017) 5 technical data the beamline is built in ultra-high-vacuum windowless technique separated from the experiment by 150 µm thick beryllium window. the optical concept incorporates two focusing/refocusing options, which can be used alternatively to provide a large �exibility in terms of desired focal size, energy resolution (fig. 2) and photon �ux (fig. 3) for di�erent experiments. depending on the �ux requirements, experiments can be mounted in focus or at the distance between 1 m and 2 m behind the focus. permanent di�raction xpp experiment is mounted in focus to match the focus of the pumping laser. cryoexafs experiment is mounted 2 m behind the focus to avoid the radiation damages. figure 4 shows the beam cross section at di�erent distances from the focal spot. segment h13 location (pillar) 15.1 source d 13.2 monochromator kmc-3 (fmb oxford) energy range 2.2 14 kev energy resolution 1/1000 1/5000 flux ∼ 1 × 1011 photons/s (see fig. 3) polarisation horizontal divergence horizontal 300 mrad divergence vertical 0.3 mrad focus size (hor.×vert.) 250 µ m × 120 µ m distance focus last valve 200 mm height focus over �oor level 1500 mm free photon beam available fixed end station two alternating stations beam available 24 h/d 6 days/week phone +49 30 8062 14695 table 3: technical data of the kmc-3 beamline. references görlin, m., chernev, p., ferreira de araújo, j., reier, t., dresp, s., paul, b., . . . strasser, p. (2016). oxygen evolution reaction dynamics, faradaic charge e�ciency, and the active metal redox states of ni-fe oxide water splitting electrocatalysts. journal of the american chemical society, 138(17), 5603-5614. helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). xpp: x-ray pump probe station at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a89. iurchuk, v., schick, d., bran, j., colson, d., forget, a., halley, d., . . . kundys, b. (2016, sep). optical writing of magnetic properties by remanent photostriction. phys. rev. lett., 117, 107403. navirian, h. a., schick, d., gaal, p., leitenberger, w., shayduk, r., & bargheer, m. (2014). thermoelastic study of nanolayered structures using time-resolved x-ray di�raction at high repetition rate. applied physics letters, 104(2), 021906. roshchupkin, d., ortega, l., plotitcyna, o., erko, a., zizak, i., vadilonga, s., . . . leitenberger, w. (2016). piezoelectric ca3nbga3si2o14 crystal: crystal growth, piezoelectric and acoustic properties. applied physics a, 122(8), 753. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a123 (2017) vadilonga, s., zizak, i., roshchupkin, d., evgenii, e., petsiuk, a., leitenberger, w., & erko, a. (2017). observation of sagittal x-ray di�raction by surface acoustic waves in bragg geometry. journal of applied crystallography, 50(2), 525–530. zaharieva, i., gonzalez-flores, d., asfari, b., pasquini, c., mohammadi, m. r., klingan, k., . . . dau, h. (2016). water oxidation catalysis role of redox and structural dynamics in biological photosynthesis and inorganic manganese oxides. energy environ. sci., 9, 2433-2443. 6 introduction instrument application x-ray pump-probe diffraction cryoexafs source optical design monochromatic beam white beam technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85 (2016) published: 17.08.2016 neumayer iii and kohnen station in antarctica operated by the alfred wegener institute alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, bremerhaven, germany * observatory scientists: air chemistry: rolf weller, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1508, email: meteorology: gert könig-langlo, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1806, email: geophysics: tanja fromm, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 2009, email: geophysics: alfons eckstaller, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1209, email: logistics: uwe nixdorf, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1160, email: eberhard kohlberg, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1422, email: christine wesche, alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung, phone: +49(0) 471 4831 1967, email: abstract: the alfred wegener institute operates two stations in dronning maud land, antarctica. the german overwintering station neumayer iii is located on the ekström ice shelf at 70°40’s and 08°16’w and is the logistics base for three long-term observatories (meteorology, air chemistry and geophysics) and nearby research activities. due to the vicinity to the coast (ca. 20 km from the ice shelf edge), the neumayer iii station is the junction for many german antarctic expeditions, especially as the starting point for the supply traverse for the second german station kohnen. the summer station kohnen is located about 600 km from the coast and 750 km from neumayer iii station on the antarctic plateau at 75°s and 00°04’e. it was erected as the base for the deep-drilling ice *cite article as: alfred-wegener-institut helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung. (2016). neumayer iii and kohnen station in antarctica operated by the alfred wegener institute. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85 (2016) core project, which took place between 2001 and 2006. since then kohnen station is used as a logistics base for di�erent research projects. 1 neumayer iii station planned under the supervision of hartwig gernandt, neumayer iii station (70°40’s and 08°16’w) was inaugurated on 20th february 2009 as the new german antarctic research base. it is operated by the alfred-wegener-institut (awi) helmholtz-zentrum für polarund meeresforschung and follows the georg-von-neumayer station (1981-1992) and neumayer ii station (1992-2009) as the german overwintering station on the ekström ice shelf in antarctica (gernandt & huch, 2009; gernandt et al., 2007) (in german). neumayer iii station integrates research, operational and accommodation facilities in one building. situated on a platform above the snow surface, neumayer iii station stands on 16 hydraulic foundation slabs that are regularly adjusted to the changes in snow cover (figure 1). a garage below the station o�ers shelter for polar vehicles. the energy consumption is covered by a block heat and power plant, containing four diesel generators (each 150 kw, three are in alternating operation, one serves as an emergency power supply), and a 30 kw wind generator, which is directly connected to the energy system. the energy concept includes the use of the waste heat from the generators for the heating system and melting snow (gernandt & huch, 2009) ( in german). during antarctic winter, nine people live and work at neumayer iii station, consisting of four researchers (two geophysicists, one air-chemist and one meteorologist), one station engineer, one electrician, one radio operator/electronics engineer, one doctor, and one cook. the overwintering team is responsible for the continuity of the data series of the long-term observatories (see section 1.1). in antarctic summer, the station is the base for up to 50 people and serves also as the weather forecast center for dronning maud land, to support the dronning maud land air network (dromlan). figure 1: neumayer iii station. photo: alfred-wegener-institut/s. christmann (cc-by 4.0). 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85 (2016) 1.1 long-term observatories at neumayer iii station since the neumayer iii station follows georg-von-neumayer station and neumayer ii station on the ekström ice shelf, over 30 years of data have been gained. the meteorological observatory program is carried out since 1981 comprising of three-hourly synoptic observations, daily upper air soundings including weekly ozone pro�ling and substantial surface radiation measurements (könig-langlo & loose, 2007). the observatory takes part in the global telecommunication system (gts), the global climate observatory system (gcos), the global atmospheric watch (gaw), the network for detection of atmospheric composition change (ndacc) and the baseline surface radiation network (bsrn). the observed data are transmitted to other antarctic stations, as well as in the gts, to serve as a basis for weather forecasting. the data of the meteorological observatory are freely available via links on the webpage of the observatory ( and on the webpage of pangaea, data publisher for earth & environmental science ( the scienti�c program of the air chemistry observatory is partly established since 1982 and is linked to the meteorological observatory. to assure extreme air purity, the observatory is installed about 1.5 km south of neumayer iii station. the long-term measurements consist of high volume aerosol sampling, in-situ measurements of reactive trace gases together with aerosol physical properties, and whole air samples, to study long-term concentration trends of greenhouse gases. the evaluation of the data is performed at awi bremerhaven and the institut für umweltphysik at the university of heidelberg, germany. the data are available at the world data center for aerosols (wdca) and the world data center for greenhouse gases (wdcgg). the results are published in international journals (e.g. weller et al. (2013, 2011)). for more information, please visit the webpage of the observatory: seismology and geomagnetism are the main topics of the geophysical observatory which have been followed since 1982. the primary objective of continuous seismographic monitoring is to complement the international network of seismographic monitoring stations in the southern hemisphere. of special interest is the detection of local and regional earthquakes within antarctica. the local network comprises three 3component broadband stations, the observatory itself on the ekström ice shelf and two remote stations located on the ice rises halvfarryggen and søråsen, where the ice is laying on solid rock and thus the recording conditions are substantially better compared to a location on the �oating ice shelf. additionally, at halvfarryggen a 15-stations small aperture detection array has been in operation since 1997. network data is transmitted continuously via satellite to awi bremerhaven and are accessible at the data center of the geofon program (, operated by the helmholtz-zentrum potsdam, deutsches geoforschungszentrum (gfz). at the geomagnetic observatory, which is located 1.5 km south of the neumayer iii station, the variations of the earth’s magnetic �eld are continuously recorded, both total intensity and three �eld components. recordings are transmitted continuously to awi bremerhaven and via niemegk observatory (gfz) to the intermagnet data center. approximately 3 km south-west of neumayer iii station the infrasound array i27de is located, which is operated in cooperation with the bundesanstalt für geowissenschaften und rohsto�e (bgr) in hannover and on behalf of the comprehensive test ban treaty organisation (ctbto), vienna. it is part of a global infrasound station network to monitor the international nuclear test ban compliance (for further reading see eckstaller et al. (2007). 1.2 other observatories near neumayer iii station from 2005 to 2014, the perennial acoustic observatory (palaoa) recorded the underwater soundscape in the vicinity of the ice shelf edge. four hydrophones were placed through boreholes beneath the ice shelf. the data were continuously transferred to neumayer ii/ iii via wireless lan (boebel et al., 2006). the observatory was dismantled in season 2014/15. in january 2013, the single penguin observation and tracking (spot) observatory was installed at the ice shelf edge. the goal of this project is to monitor the process of penguin huddles using cameras ( 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85 (2016) 2 kohnen station the kohnen station (75°s and 00°04’e) was inaugurated in 2001 as a logistics base during antarctic summers. it is named after heinz kohnen (1938-1997), who was the head of the awi logistics department. the station consists of eleven standard 20-feet containers sitting on a 32 m long and 8 m wide platform. the platform rests on steel pillars and can be jacked up (figure 2) in order to compensate for snow accumulation. a 100 kw generator provides all power needs for the base and the deep drilling operations. the logistics for kohnen station is based mainly on land-transport facilities. once during a �eld season, a sledge traverse from neumayer iii station supplies kohnen station with fuel, food and scienti�c equipment. smaller amounts of cargo and the majority of the personnel are transferred via aircraft to kohnen station. the station can accommodate up to 20 people. figure 2: kohnen station. photo: alfred-wegener-institut/h. gernandt. 2.1 european project for ice coring in antarctica (epica) during summer seasons 2001/02 to 2005/06, kohnen station was the logistic base camp for a deep ice core drilling project. within the framework of the european project for ice coring in antarctica (epica), two deep ice cores were drilled in antarctica, one in the indian sector close to the italian/ french concordia station (75°6’ s and 123°20’ e) and the second in the atlantic sector at kohnen station. the drilling took place in a 66 m long, 6 m high and 4.8 m wide combined drill and science trench, which was extended by 12.5 m in season 2004/05. in four summer seasons (no drilling in 2004/05), a 2774.15 m long ice core was drilled until the bottom was reached (oerter et al., 2009; wilhelms et al., 2014). the ice core provides high-resolution records of methane, oxygen isotopes and mineral dust back to the age of 150,104 years bp at a depth of 2416 m (epica community members, 2006; oerter et al., 2009; wegner et al., 2015). a synchronization with ice cores from north greenland and antarctica revealed an interhemispheric climate coupling by a bipolar seesaw (for further reading on this topic epica community members (2006)). 2.2 other activities at kohnen station parallel to and beyond the deep ice core drilling, di�erent programs took place at or near kohnen station, including topography and ice velocity measurements using geodetic gps measurements, ground4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85 (2016) based radio-echo sounding, meteorological measurements using an automatic weather station and aerosol sampling with highand low-volume devices (birnbaum et al., 2006; eisen et al., 2006; piel et al., 2006; wesche et al., 2007). additionally, several snow pits and �rn cores were sampled during a 280 km long traverse along the ice divide upstream of the drill site. in season 2005/06, �rn air sampling took place in a cooperation with the university of bern, switzerland (oerter et al., 2009). since 2012/13, the coldest firn (cofi) project uses kohnen as its logistic base. the primary objective of this project is to understand the densi�cation and the air enclosure process of the coldest �rn. to reach this goal several shallow �rn and ice cores were and will be drilled and trenches were excavated in the vicinity of kohnen station and along the ice divide to dome fuji (japanese station at 77°30’ s and 37°30’ e). first results were published by münch et al. (2016). furthermore kohnen station ensures continuous access to the deep borehole, where repeated borehole measurements are carried out in order to study deformation and �ow of the ice sheet. references birnbaum, g., brauner, r., & ries, h. (2006). synoptic situations causing high precipitation rates on the antarctic plateau: observations from kohnen station, dronning maud land. antarctic science, 18, 279–288. boebel, o., kindermann, l., klinck, h., bornemann, h., plötz, j., steinhage, d., . . . burkhardt, e. (2006). real-time underwater sounds from the southern ocean. eos, transactions american geophysical union, 87(36), 361–361. eckstaller, a., müller, c., ceranna, l., & hartmann, g. (2007). the geophysics observatory at neumayer stations (gvn and nm-ii) antarctica. polarforschung, 76(1/2), 3–24. eisen, o., wilhelms, f., steinhage, d., & schwander, j. (2006). improved method to determine radioecho sounding re�ector depths from ice-core pro�les of permittivity and conductivity. journal of glaciology, 52(177), 299-310. epica community members. (2006). one-to-one coupling of the glacial climate variability in greenland and antarctica. nature, 444(177), 195-198. gernandt, h., & huch, m. (2009). neumayer-station iii die neue forschungsplattform in der antarktis. polarforschung, 78(3), 133–136. gernandt, h., naggar, s. e. d. e., janneck, j., matz, t., & drücker, c. (2007). from georg forster station to neumayer station iii a sustainable replacement at atka bay for future. polarforschung, 76(1/2), 59–85. könig-langlo, g., & loose, b. (2007). the meteorological observatory at neumayer stations (gvn and nm-ii) antarctica. polarforschung, 76(1), 25–38. münch, t., kipfstuhl, s., freitag, j., meyer, h., & laepple, t. (2016). regional climate signal vs. local noise: a two-dimensional view of water isotopes in antarctic �rn at kohnen station, dronning maud land. climate of the past, 12(7), 1565–1581. oerter, h., drücker, c., kipfstuhl, s., & wilhelms, f. (2009). kohnen station the drilling camp for the epica deep ice core in dronning maud land. polarforschung, 78(1), 1–23. piel, c., weller, r., huke, m., & wagenbach, d. (2006). atmospheric methane sulfonate and non-seasalt sulfate records at the european project for ice coring in antarctica (epica) deep-drilling site in dronning maud land, antarctica. journal of geophysical research atmospheres,, 111(d03304). 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a85 (2016) wegner, a., fischer, h., delmonte, b., petit, j.-r., erhardt, t., ruth, u., . . . miller, h. (2015). the role of seasonality of mineral dust concentration and size on glacial/interglacial dust changes in the epica dronning maud land ice core. journal of geophysical research -atmospheres,, 120(9), 9916-9931. weller, r., minikin, a., petzold, a., wagenbach, d., & könig-langlo, g. (2013). characterization of long-term and seasonal variations of black carbon (bc) concentrations at neumayer, antarctica. atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(3), 1579–1590. weller, r., wagenbach, d., legrand, m., elsässer, c., tian-kunze, x., & könig-langlo, g. (2011). continuous 25-yr aerosol records at coastal antarctica i: inter-annual variability of ionic compounds and links to climate indices. tellus b, 63(5). wesche, c., eisen, o., oerter, h., schulte, d., & steinhage, d. (2007). surface topography and ice �ow in the vicinity of the edml deep-drilling site, antarctica. journal of glaciology, 53(182), 442-448. wilhelms, f., miller, h., gerasimo�, m. d., drücker, c., frenzel, a., fritzsche, d., . . . wilhelms-dick, d. (2014). the epica dronning maud land deep drilling operation. annals of glaciology, 55(68), 355-366. 6 neumayer iii station long-term observatories at neumayer iii station other observatories near neumayer iii station kohnen station european project for ice coring in antarctica (epica) other activities at kohnen station journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93 (2016) published: 18.11.2016 airborne imaging spectrometer hyspex deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr) remote sensing technology institute (imf) * instrument scientist: claas h. köhler, imf, dlr oberpfa�enhofen, germany phone: +49 8153 28 1274, email: abstract: the remote sensing technology institute (imf) of the german aerospace center (dlr) operates an airborne imaging spectrometer system called hyspex. owing to its accurate calibration, the system is well suited for benchmark reference measurements and feasibility studies for earth observation applications. the sensor also serves as simulator for the upcoming german satellite mission enmap. hyspex covers the spectral range from the visible and near infrared (vnir) to the short wave infrared (swir) and it has been extensively characterised with numerous measurements in the imf calibration laboratory (chb). the hyspex instrument is made available to interested third party users through the user service optical airborne remote sensing and calibration homebase (opairs). 1 introduction in 2011 the imf procured an airborne imaging spectrometer system with the intention to investigate potential earth observation applications for the german satellite mission enmap1. this hyspex system purchased from the norwegian company norsk elektro optikk a/s (neo) features two di�erent cameras covering the vnir and swir spectral domain. both cameras have been extensively characterised at imf in cooperation with the national german metrology institute (ptb). the result is a very well characterised high precision instrument suited for benchmark earth observation applications. owing to its high spatial and spectral resolution, the system is used mainly for feasibility studies of novel remote sensing applications over land and water, and for the validation of satellite measurements. hyspex is also available to external customers and research facilities (see chapter 4). *cite article as: dlr remote sensing technology institute (imf). (2016). airborne imaging spectrometer hyspex. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93 (2016) 2 system overview the following sections describe the individual components of the hyspex sensor system. section 2.1 introduces the spectrometer systems and summarizes the results of extensive characterisation and calibration measurements performed in the calibration homebase (chb, cf. dlr remote sensing technology institute., 2016). since an in depth treatment of the afore mentioned e�orts can be found in lenhard, baumgartner, & schwarzmaier (2015) and lenhard, baumgartner, gege, et al. (2015), the interested reader is referred to these publications for details. section 2.2 is dedicated to the description of the navigation system used for absolute georeferencing of the acquired image data. finally, we conclude with a brief overview of the experimental instrumental setup in section 2.3. 2.1 spectrometer system λ β α diffraction grating mirror focal plane array lenslenslens pixel slit x y y z footp rint o r sw ath figure 1: working principle of a pushbroom sensor: the spectrum of the gray shaded pixel is mapped to the coloured column on the focal plane array. movement along the �ight direction x allows formation of an image through combination of consecutive footprints. the �eld of view β determines the swath width while the instantaneous �eld of view α is related to the size of individual pixels. the spectrometer system consists of two individual sensors: a hyspex vnir-1600 covering the vnir spectral domain and a swir-320m-e for the swir. both imaging spectrometers are pushbroom sensors as shown in �g. 1: the footprint of the sensor approximately forms a straight line subdivided into a number of spatial pixels. the radiation stemming from each pixel is decomposed into its spectral components by means of a grating such that the one-dimensional �eld of view (fov, labelled β in �g. 1) is mapped to a two dimensional (λ , y) intensity distribution in the focal plane. this intensity distribution can be measured using any two dimensional focal plane array (fpa) such as a charge coupled device (ccd) used in typical camera systems. each image acquired by the fpa is called a frame. the second spatial dimension (x or along track) required to form an image is obtained by subsequent acquisition of consecutive lines in combination with a movement perpendicular to the line of pixels spanned by the fov. following this de�nition the spatial dimension y is consequently referred to as across characterise the size of an individual pixel, the angle α is typically introduced as instantaneous �eld of view (ifov) in close analogy to the fov. note that two ifovs (along track & across track) are required to characterise each pixel although �g. 1 lacks display of the latter for the sake of clarity. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93 (2016) 2.1.1 hyspex vnir-1600 the hyspex vnir-1600 features a silicon ccd detector covering the spectral range 416 − 992 nm with 160 channels. this results in a spectral sampling interval of 3.6 nm. the spectral resolution ranges from 3.5 nm at nadir to approximately 6 nm at the outer edge of the swath. the detector is equipped with two 12 bit digital converters, each processing one half of the ccd. the vnir camera features three spectral (hardware) binning modes: 2×, 4× and 8×. here n× binning implies that n spectral detector elements are averaged to obtain a single channel. n× binning reduces spectral resolution by a factor of n in exchange for a higher maximum frame rate, an improved signal-to-noise ratio (snr) and a reduced data volume. the maximum frame rate of the vnir-1600 ranges from 135 hz using 2× binning to 160 hz at 4× or 8× binning. the hyspex vnir sensor maps its total fov of 16.7° onto 1600 spatial pixels. the fov can be increased to 34.5° with a removable fov expander lens. table 1 provides an overview of key geometric characteristics of the vnir camera at two typical �ight altitudes. it should be noted that the vnir-1600 pixels are not square but rectangular in shape owing to the along track ifov being approximately twice as large as the across track ifov. altitude above ground 1000 m 2000 m spatial resolution swath spatial resolution swath along across width along across width [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] mean 0.29 (0.64) 0.17 (0.37) 294 (620) 0.57 (1.28) 0.33 (0.74) 589 (1240) std. dev. 0.03 (0.18) 0.02 (0.05) 0.04 (0.17) 0.06 (0.35) 0.03 (0.1) 0.09 (0.34) min 0.25 (0.44) 0.13 (0.27) 294 (620) 0.49 (0.88) 0.25 (0.54) 589 (1239) max 0.41 (1.22) 0.2 (0.64) 294 (620) 0.82 (2.44) 0.41 (1.28) 589 (1240) table 1: selection of geometric parameters for the hyspex vnir 1600 at two typical �ight altitudes. values in brackets are obtained with fov expander lens attached. in order to correct detector non-linearity and stray light, several measurements were performed in cooperation with ptb within the framework of the euramet project. lenhard, baumgartner, gege, et al. (2015) elaborate on the associated methods and discuss the achievable improvements for the exemplary application of inland water depth retrieval. 2.1.2 hyspex swir-320m-e the hyspex swir-320m-e is equipped with a mercury cadmium telluride (mct) detector with 256 channels distributed over the spectral range 968−2498 nm at a sampling interval of 6 nm and a spectral resolution of 5.6 − 7.0 nm. the detector has a single integrated digital converter with a dynamic range of 14 bit. in contrast to the vnir-1600, the swir-320m-e features pixels approximately square in shape. at 13.2° its total fov is slightly smaller than the vnir-1600 fov, hence leading to a reduced swath width at identical altitudes compared to the vnir camera. in the overlap region of the two swaths each of the 320 hyspex swir pixels covers approximately 4 vnir pixels across-track and two vnir pixels along track. as is the case for the vnir spectrometer, the swir sensor can be equipped with a removable fov expander lens. the expander increases the fov to 27.2°, thus approximately doubling the size of each pixel. the swir-320m-e acquires images up to a maximum frame rate of 99 hz. table 2 summarises several geometric properties of the hyspex swir-320m-e in complete analogy to table 1 for the vnir. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93 (2016) altitude above ground 1000 m 2000 m spatial resolution swath spatial resolution swath along across width along across width [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] mean 0.54 (1.11) 0.70 (1.44) 231 (484) 1.09 (2.21) 1.39 (2.88) 462 (967) std. dev. 0.02 (0.04) 0.04 (0.10) 0.05 (0.07) 0.04 (0.08) 0.08 (0.20) 0.11 (0.14) min 0.52 (1.04) 0.63 (1.31) 231 (483) 1.03 (2.07) 1.25 (2.62) 462 (967) max 0.61 (1.36) 0.82 (1.79) 231 (483) 1.23 (2.73) 1.64 (3.59) 462 (967) table 2: selection of geometric parameters for the hyspex swir-320m-e at two typical �ight altitudes. values in brackets are obtained with fov expander lens attached. 2.2 position and attitude determination in order to provide accurate georeferencing for the acquired data, the hyspex system is equipped with a high precision itracert-f200 coupled ins/gps navigation system manufactured by the german company imar. the itrace features a high precision novatel span gps receiver with an integrated �ber optical gyro based inertial measurement unit (imu). the gps accuracy can be increased with a built-in omnistar receiver for real time kinematic processing. the imar imu is rigidly attached to the sensor assembly on a pav30 stabilizing platform. the latter reduces the in�uence of aircraft motion and wind correction angle on the image data. an integrated kalman filter processes the ins and gps/omnistar measurements online yielding position and attitude at a rate of 200 hz in real time. a calibration �ight over an area with well known reference points is performed after each installation into an aircraft to determine the exterior orientation (i.e. sensor orientation with respect to the navigation system). this process is also known as boresight calibration. the synchronisation of hyspex and navigation data is realised through ttl pulses sent from the hyspex data acquisition unit to the itrace imu. the logged navigation data is interpolated based on the afore mentioned time marks in a post-processing step to obtain camera position and attitude at the time of acquisition for each frame. 2.3 experimental setup itrace rt imu pav 30 swir 320m-e vnir 1600 litton ln200 imu y x z copper weights figure 2: experimental setup of the hyspex sensor system. x is the �ight direction and z is nadir. the experimental setup of the hyspex sensor system is shown in �gure 2. both sensors are mounted facing nadir on the leica pav30 gyro stabilized camera mount. the imar imu used for georeferencing and the litton ln-200 imu aiding pav30 operation are both rigidly attached to the sensor assembly. the hyspex data acquisition unit is installed in a dlr f20 rack (not shown) along with an applanix posav4 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93 (2016) integrated navigation system. the posav4 actuates the pav30 based on the litton imu measurements. speci�cally designed weights have been added to the sensor system to move gross weight, center of gravity and all inertial moments into the operational envelope of the pav30. aircraft guidance during survey �ights is provided by an igi ccns4 system. the experimental setup described above is certi�ed on two dlr research aircraft: a cessna 208 grand caravan (d-fdlr) and a dornier 228-212 (d-cffu). the supplemental type certi�cate for the d-cffu allows the optional inclusion of the 3k camera system described by kurz et al. (2012), thus allowing simultaneous acquisition of high resolution rgb images in addition to the hyspex spectra. the 3k camera data can e.g. be used to infer a digital elevation model from multi-angle observations. two to three operators are required during survey �ights to operate the experimental equipment. 3 data processing data processing is organised in several steps commonly referred to as levels: • level 0: raw data recorded by the hyspex sensor system • level 1a: raw spectra with synchronised navigation data for each hyspex frame • level 1b: at-sensor radiance including navigation data for georeferencing • level 1c: orthorecti�ed at-sensor radiance • level 2a: orthorecti�ed surface re�ectance the content of the products listed above and their respective data formats are described in detail in the hyspex product guide (köhler & schneider, 2015). apart from the level 0 to level 1a pre-processing– which essentially consists in synchronisation of navigation data and hyspex images– the entire processing chain has been implemented in the catena environment (krauß, 2014; krauß et al., 2013) developed at imf . catena allows for non-supervised fully automated image processing based on the accumulated imf expertise in operational data processing for various optical sensors. in a �rst step, the level 1a to level 1b processor converts the raw digital numbers recorded by the sensor to the calibrated at-sensor radiance. this encompasses a system correction for several sensor artefacts such as viewing geometry for each pixel, spectral response for each channel, detector nonlinearity and stray light based on the sensor characterisation described in chapter 2.1. to achieve a very high co-registration accuracy, the individual images recorded by the vnir-1600 and swir-320me sensors are matched onto each other using the brisk algorithm of leutenegger et al. (2011) before orthorecti�cation with the dlr ortho software (müller et al., 2005). details of this level 1c processing step can also be found in schwind et al. (2014). to mitigate the radiative e�ect of gases, aerosols and clouds on the image data, the level 1c data is atmospherically corrected with atcor4 (richter et al., 2011) for the level 2a product. in addition to the processing steps described above, the level 0 product is archived in the german satellite data archive (see kiemle et al., 2014) to ensure permanent availability of the data for future reanalysis. 4 hyspex access through the user service opairs the imf o�ers the hyspex sensor system to third party customers through its iso 9001 certi�ed user service optical airborne remote sensing and calibration homebase (opairs). in close cooperation with the dlr �ight facilities, opairs o�ers end-to-end capabilities from survey planning via campaign management and sensor operation to data processing. additionally, we aim to ensure high data quality through regular measurements of our sensors in the chb. opairs allows users to access the imf expertise accumulated in over 20 years of optical airborne remote sensing during operation of the sensors dais 7915, rosis, hymap and lately hyspex. potential users from abroad might be interested in the trans national access program of the european facility for airborne research (eufar2), which features the dlr hyspex as one of its instruments. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a93 (2016) scientists interested in cooperative surveys with the hyspex sensors (possibly in combination with the 3k camera system) are invited to contact us via further information is also available on the opairs website references dlr remote sensing technology institute. (2016). the calibration home base for imaging spectrometers. j. lrg.-scale res. fac., 2(a82). kiemle, s., molch, k., schropp, s., weiland, n., & mikusch, e. (2014). big data management in earth observation: the german satellite data archive at dlr. in p. soille & p. marchetti (eds.), big data from space, bids’14 (pp. 46–49). publications o�ce of the european union. köhler, c. h., & schneider, m. (2015, 22 may). hyspex product guide (issue no. 1.1). deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt. retrieved from krauß, t. (2014, april). six years operational processing of satellite data using catena at dlr: experiences and recommendations. kartographische nachrichten, 64(2), 74–80. retrieved from krauß, t., d’angelo, p., schneider, m., & gstaiger, v. (2013, may). the fully automatic optical processing system catena at dlr. in c. heipke, k. jacobsen, f. rottensteiner, & u. sörgel (eds.), isprs hannover workshop 2013 (vol. xl-1/w, pp. 177–181). copernicus publications. kurz, f., türmer, s., meynberg, o., rosenbaum, d., runge, h., reinartz, p., & leitlo�, j. (2012, april). low-cost optical camera system for real-time mapping applications. photogrammetrie fernerkundung geoinformation, jahrgang 2012(2), 159–176. lenhard, k., baumgartner, a., gege, p., nevas, s., nowy, s., & sperling, a. (2015, november). impact of improved calibration of a neo hyspex vnir-1600 sensor on remote sensing of water depth. ieee trans. geosci. remote sens., 53(11), 6085-6098. lenhard, k., baumgartner, a., & schwarzmaier, t. (2015, april). independent laboratory characterization of neo hyspex imaging spectrometers vnir-1600 and swir-320m-e. ieee trans. geosci. remote sens., 53(4), 1828-1841. leutenegger, s., chli, m., & siegwart, r. y. (2011, november). brisk: binary robust invariant scalable keypoints. in 2011 international conference on computer vision (p. 2548-2555). müller, r., lehner, m., reinartz, p., & schroeder, m. (2005, may). evaluation of spaceborne and airborne line scanner images using a generic ortho image processor. in c. heipke, k. jacobsen, & m. gerke (eds.), high resolution earth imaging for geospatial information, hannover (vol. vol. xxxvi). retrieved from richter, r., schläpfer, d., & müller, a. (2011, july). operational atmospheric correction for imaging spectrometers accounting for the smile e�ect. ieee trans. geosci. remote sens., 49(5), 1772–1780. schwind, p., schneider, m., & müller, r. (2014, november). improving hyspex sensor co-registration accuracy using brisk and sensor-model based ransac. in c. toth, t. holm, & b. jutzi (eds.), pecora 19 symposium in conjunction with the joint symposium of isprs technical commission i and iag commission 4 (vol. xl-1, pp. 371–376). isprs archive. 6 introduction system overview spectrometer system hyspex vnir-1600 hyspex swir-320m-e position and attitude determination experimental setup data processing hyspex access through the user service opairs journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) published: 25.10.2019 hdf cloud – helmholtz data federation cloud resources at the jülich supercomputing centre forschungszentrum jülich, jülich supercomputing centre * instrument scientists: federated systems and data, jülich supercomputing centre, forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, phone: +49(0)2461 61 2828, email: supercomputing support, jülich supercomputing centre, forschungszentrum jülich, phone: +49(0)2461 61 2828, email: abstract: the hdf cloud is an openstack based infrastructure-as-a-service (iaas) environment operated by jülich supercomputing centre (jsc) at forschungszentrum jülich. it has been installed predominantly to support challenging data use cases within the helmholtz association’s strategic initiative helmholtz data federation (hdf). to this end, it has been connected to one of the central storage resources of jsc, the data �le system that is also available on the high-performance computing systems. 1 introduction the hdf cloud infrastructure is a virtual machine (vm) hosting infrastructure based on openstack (openstack consortium, 2019c). it allows provisioning and management of user-controlled vms with the linux operating system. the terms and conditions for services provided by vms on the cloud infrastructure are regulated by an acceptable usage policy. the main services provided by the infrastructure comprise vms, block storage, networking, and orchestration. details on their availability will be given in section 5. use cases de�ned by the helmholtz data federation (helmholtz association, 2019c) initiative of the helmholtz association of german research centres (helmholtz association, 2019b) as well as selected other use cases are eligible to use the resource. *cite article as: jülich supercomputing centre. (2019). hdf cloud – helmholtz data federation cloud resources at the jülich supercomputing centre. journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) 2 hardware the general base for all nodes of the installation are fujitsu primergy rx2530m4 servers. three of them are dedicated as management servers and equipped with two intel xeon silver 4114 10-core processors and 196 gb of main memory (ram) each. another dedicated server has the role of the network node and is equipped with two intel xeon gold 5118 12-core processors and 196 gb of ram. there are 16 compute nodes for hosting vms, each equipped with 384 gb of ram and two intel xeon gold 6126 12-core processors totalling about 6 tb ram and 384 cores. each of the nodes is equipped with several network interfaces, connecting to the surrounding infrastructure in various ways. first, there is a two-port 40 gb/s interface. only one of the two ports of this interface is connected. secondly, there is a four-port 10 gb/s interface. last, there are three on-board 1 gb/s devices, that are connected depending on the node type. the details of how these interfaces are embedded in the infrastructure will follow in section 3. 3 network figure 1: network connections of the hdf cloud system at jsc. the 40 gb/s ethernet links are used for communication among virtual guests. guest networks on these interfaces are separated using vxlan encapsulation. the storage that supports the virtual block devices is connected with 10 gb/s ethernet. as can be seen in figure 1, storage access makes use of two vlans. therefore, all connections to the storage systems, either for the underlying shared �le system or to the xcst storage system that provides the data �le system (cf. section 4), share the same physical link. this allows for a bandwidth of 10 gb/s per node with an aggregated bandwidth of 80 gb/s con�gured in the infrastructure. communication of virtual guests with the outside world is routed through the network node, which has a 10 gb/s interface reserved for this purpose. floating ips for the virtual guests are within the range– 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) 4 surrounding infrastructure figure 2: access to storage tiers at jülich supercomputing centre the data storage service facilitates data sharing and exchange across compute projects within the jsc supercomputing facility. in order to be able to participate in this data sharing, an active user account is required. in order to enable data sharing with external users, e.g. via a web-service, additional infrastructure is required, which is provided by hdf cloud. portions on the data �le system can be exported via nfs into vms hosted on the cloud infrastructure. this enables the creation of community-speci�c, data-oriented services such as large, webaccessible databases. since the service-providing vms are community-managed they are isolated from the user management of the supercomputing facility. for this reason, all nfs exports are protected with a “uid mapping” that alters the visible data ownership to a single user for read and write access. in particular, �ne grained access control capabilities through the �le system layer itself are limited and need to be implemented on the service layer if required. 4.1 access to the data �le system the possibility to access portions of the data �le system (jülich supercomputing centre, 2019b) from the vms within hdf cloud facilitates the user’s ability to use the same data in both the hpc and cloud environments. this is the �rst time at jsc that additional services can be o�ered on e. g. simulation results. access is granted and setup on a case by case basis and involves administrator action on the storage and cloud side, as well as the vm administrator. technically, access is realized through an nfs export of the data �le system through the cluster export services (ces) of ibm spectrum scale. for security reasons, all access is mapped to a single user and group id on the server side as negotiated with the project. this measure is important, because the user management within vms and on the hpc systems is typically disparate. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) the ces nodes share a network with the openstack installation (cf. figure 1). on the openstack side, this network is only available to administrators, who create virtual ports and assign them to the user projects individually. in turn, these ports can be attached to any vm within the user project, allowing the consumption of nfs shares as shown in figure 2. a prerequisite for the access to the data �le system is the existence of a data project that has su�cient quota in that �le system. users must apply for data projects separately. 5 software and services at the time of this writing, the openstack queens release (openstack consortium, 2019b) is installed on the resources. the deployment method is “kolla-ansible” (openstack consortium, 2019a), allowing for a highly automatized deployment and good customizability. all services are deployed in docker containers. being able to customize container images is important for the integration of the underlying shared �le system, ibm spectrum scale (ibm, 2019), and exploiting its enhanced features in the cinder volume service. the software stack of the openstack installation comprises the following services. 5.1 identity service – keystone keystone is the identity and catalogue service of openstack. it provides adaptors for integrating a variety of backend authentication systems. within the hdf cloud environment, users can authenticate using • jsc’s ldap accounts, • hdf aai through oidc, • eudat aai through eudat b2access. by default, users do not have any resources. for that purpose, authentication must be complemented by authorization. currently, a manual scheme is employed in which administrators manually add users to their respective projects. an automated scheme will be taken into consideration in the future, particularly for the integration with hdf aai. 5.2 compute service – nova the nova compute service is available on 16 compute nodes, the api and other management services of the nova suite of services are available on the three management nodes. currently, we employ the default openstack overprovisioning factors of 16 for the number of cores and 1.5 for the amount of ram. these �gures will be adjusted over time as we gain experience with the typical workloads in the environment. whereas a dedicated allocation of cores would technically be possible, we do not currently support this. again, a �nal decision about this will be taken in case there is any demand. resources are allocated in openstack as �avours. a �avour comprises the • number of vcpus, • amount of ram, • root disk size, • ephemeral disk size, • swap disk size, and • rx/tx factor. all parameters except vcpus and ram are the same for all �avors in our deployment. as shown in table 1, we have �ve categories–tiny, small, medium, large, extra large–describing the ratio of vcpus and ram that ranges from 2:1 to 1:8. the remaining parameters have been �xed to the values shown in table 2. the size of the root disk is low as compared to other deployments, the settings for the additional storages ephemeral and swap disk are zero. all users are advised to use the volume service (cf. section 5.5) for 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) ram vcpus 1 2 4 8 16 .5 gb t1 1 gb s1 t2 2 gb m1 s2 t4 4 gb l1 m2 s4 t8 8 gb xl1 l2 l4 s8 t16 16 gb xl2 m4 m8 s16 32 gb xl4 l8 m16 64 gb xl8 l16 128 gb xl16 table 1: openstack �avours parameter value root disk 10 gb ephemeral disk 0 gb swap disk 0 mb rx/tx factor 1.0 table 2: fixed parameters for de�ned �avours additional storage, in particular for data underlying the service. also, given the availability of data projects at jsc, vm administrators can request their vm to be connected to a corresponding data project in the data �le system (cf. section 4.1). 5.3 network service – neutron the neutron network service comprises a number of services that are deployed on various systems. first of all, the neutron server that provides the api is available on all three management nodes for high availability. the l3 and dhcp agents are available on the network node. these services host the virtual routers and provide instances with ip addresses. in order to connect these latter two services to internal networks and to provide connectivity for virtual routers to the dmz and thus the outside world, the network host also hosts an instance of the open vswitch (ovs) agent. finally, the ovs agent is also deployed on all compute nodes to allow for integrating virtual networks with the vms as well as connecting vms with the storage network towards the spectrum scale cluster export services (ces) as described in section 4.1. 5.4 image service – glance the glance image service is available on the three management nodes. the backend is �le system based, �les are stored on a dedicated ibm spectrum scale �le system, allowing for fast availability of the image at instantiation time. 5.5 volume service – cinder the cinder volume service is located on the three management nodes. the backend is using the gpfs driver. a total volume of several hundred terabytes is available to this service. 5.6 client software two mechanisms to access the cloud resources are available to end users: the openstack horizon dashboard1 and the openstack apis. when using the horizon dashboard, a web-based interface, users can authenticate either through their jsc ldap accounts managed by judoor (jülich supercomputing centre, 2019a), or through federated accounts via the eudat or hdf aai federations (eudat cdi, 2019; helmholtz association, 2019a). federated access is currently not possible when using the openstack apis. the apis can only be accessed with an account in judoor. 1openstack horizon dashboard: https://hdf 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) 6 cloud images a number of default images are deployed and managed by administrators of the hdf cloud installation. it will always be ensured that up-to-date versions of these images are available to all users of the infrastructure. similarly, outdated images will be deactivated and ultimately deleted after a reasonable grace period. this allows for using a recently withdrawn image in case of any problems with the most up-to-date one. an image is only deleted, if no active vm depends on it. the default operating systems currently available are: • ubuntu xenial 16.04 lts • ubuntu bionic 18.04 lts • debian stretch • debian buster • centos 7 the images are downloaded from their respective o�cial repositories (canonical ltd., 2019; debian cloud team, 2019; the centos project, 2019) and provided unmodi�ed. users can use their own images. in the future, we plan to provide newer releases of the above mentioned distributions as appropriate. the metadata associated with the images is optimized for running in the given cloud environment. 7 access end users can gain access to the system and apply for resources by sending an email to the email should contain a problem statement, a justi�cation of the requested resources, and, if applicable, a sketch of the envisioned architecture. the latter part is particularly important, if more than just the hdf cloud resources are involved in a certain scenario. the primary target audience for the service are the use cases de�ned in the helmholtz data federation strategic initiative (helmholtz association, 2019c). following this are other projects or communities funded by the helmholtz association (helmholtz association, 2019b). in the long run, it is envisioned that a resource allocation mechanism will be established that is comparable to the applications for computing time at jsc. references canonical ltd. (2019). ubuntu cloud images. (last accessed: 201909-03) debian cloud team. (2019). debian cloud images. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) eudat cdi. (2019). b2access. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) helmholtz association. (2019a). hdf aai. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) helmholtz association. (2019b). helmholtz association of german research centres. https://www (last accessed: 2019-09-03) helmholtz association. (2019c). helmholtz data federation. information_data_science/helmholtz_data_federation/. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) ibm. (2019). ibm spectrum scale product webpage.�le -and-object-storage. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) jülich supercomputing centre. (2019a). judoor – portal for managing accounts, projects and resources at jsc. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, a137 (2019) jülich supercomputing centre. (2019b). just: large-scale multi-tier storage infrastructure at the jülich supercomputing centre. journal of large-scale research facilities jlsrf, 5(a136). openstack consortium. (2019a). kolla-ansible. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) openstack consortium. (2019b). openstack releases. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) openstack consortium. (2019c). openstack web site – build the future of open infrastructure. https:// (last accessed: 2019-09-03) the centos project. (2019). centos cloud images. (last accessed: 2019-09-03) 7 introduction hardware network surrounding infrastructure access to the data file system software and services identity service – keystone compute service – nova network service – neutron image service – glance volume service – cinder client software cloud images access journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) published: 18.04.2016 evo: net shape rtm production line deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v., institut für faserverbundleichtbau und adaptronik, zentrum für leichtbauproduktionstechnologie * instrument scientists: sven torstrick, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), zentrum für leichtbauproduktionstechnologie (zlp), phone: +49 531 295-3707, email: dr.-ing. felix kruse, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), zentrum für leichtbauproduktionstechnologie (zlp), phone: +49 531 295-3700, email: prof. dr.-ing. martin wiedemann, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt e.v. (dlr), institut für faserverbundleichtbau und adaptronik (fa), phone: +49 531 295-2300, email: abstract: evo research platform is operated by the center for lightweight-production-technology of the german aerospace center in stade. its objective is technology demonstration of a fully automated rtm (resin transfer molding) production line for composite parts in large quantities. process steps include cutting and ply handling, draping, stacking, hot-forming, preform-trimming to net shape, resin injection, curing and demolding. 1 introduction in order to increase fuel e�ciency, the development of light and innovative structural components in the aerospace industry is at all times a fundamental aim which is pushed by the use of �ber reinforced plastics. the demand for a holistic approach in the �elds of composites also drives the german aerospace center’s (dlr) institute of composite structures and adaptive systems. the institute closed the gap between basic research and industrial application by opening the center for lightweight production technology (zlp) in stade and augsburg in the year 2010. its thematic priority is the development of optimized, reliable, productive and, hence, also cost e�ective production processes. the focus is not only on production of large scale part geometries, but also on technologies that allow large production rates for smaller parts, such as typical frames of aircraft fuselages or automotive parts. project evo (endkonturnahe volumenbauteile – net shaped parts in large quantities) addressed this approach and launched an automated production line for rtm-parts. *cite article as: dlr-fa & dlr-zlp. (2016). evo: net shape rtm production line. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) 2 evo plant concept in order to achieve a fully automated production of complex composite parts in high rates, an rtm (resin transfer molding) process most suitable with respect to cycle times and cost. before the actual rtm-process – mainly consisting of resin injection into a closed mold and curing at high temperatures – can take place, the so called preform has to be produced. preforms are consolidated stacks of carbon fabrics that already roughly have the 3d shape of the �nished part. state of the art is production of oversized parts that get machined, inspected and edge sealed as post processes. evo’s approach is to eliminate post processing such as edge sealing and instead perform net shape trimming and quality inspection in line. trimming preforms to net shape before injection has some advantages compared to post processing. tool abrasion can be minimized due to waiving the grinding of a cured composite part, micro-fractures can be avoided and a more robust injection is realized because the preform �ts in the mold’s cavity more precisely, thereby a pre running of the resin around the preform’s edges can be avoided, having a lower risk of dry spots. for a precise trimming, though, it must be ensured that the preforms geometry is very close to that of the cured part, because e.g. in case of a further compaction inside the rtm-mold, the preform’s edges will no longer be net shaped, but somewhat distorted. to prevent that, both draping and hotforming have to be performed very accurate. since the target part has a curved pro�le geometry, all layers must be draped one by one, because otherwise wrinkles and ondulations might occur at the inner layers. evo’s in-situ-ndi detects defects in �ber angle orientation by an eddy current measurement and analyses the preform’s net shape by means of a laser scan. the degree of shear deformation during draping and hotforming can be examined by an “argus” optical measurement. figure 1: cad-overview of evo research platform. 3 sub processes in the following the main sub processes and used machinery is described in main segments of ply preparation, preforming and rtm. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) 3.1 ply preparation ncf (non crimped fabrics) or woven carbon fabrics on rolls get inserted into the process line on magazine racks of 3 rolls each. up to 6 di�erent materials can be processed into one part. material rolls get transferred towards an uncoiling unit and fed towards a cutter. all plies are cut out of the material and stored inside drawers. thus it is not necessary to exchange rolls because of a part layup that contains di�erent material in each layer. individual plies then are picked out of the drawer-storage and placed on a transfer table. technical data: • material storage with exchangeable magazines for 2x3 rolls of 100“ max. width • automatic roll transfer to cutter • zünd-cutter (3200mm x 2700mm) with variable tools for cutting, punching, grinding, plotting • ply-storage with automated drawers, pick and place portal-robot figure 2: cutter, storage and ply handling. 3.2 preforming evo’s preforming segment contains the process steps draping, hot forming and trimming to net shape as well as preform handling and robotic quality inspection. figure 3: preforming segment. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) 3.2.1 pick and drape plies on the transfer table are detected by a camera that forwards the actual position on the table as an o�set to the draping robots picking-program. the robot drapes the ply onto a vacuum assisted preforming-mold and stacks a sub preform. once the sub preform stacking is completed, it is transferred to the consolidation-mold. a dlsr-camera linked to an “argus”-optical measurement system evaluates the draping itself by analyzing the ply’s deformation and is also mounted on the robots head. single plies are locally �xed be electric binder activation. technical data draping robot: • reisrv240-180 on linear axis • vitronic optical detection of ply positioning • fastcurve o�ine programming • �exible, active draping-gripper • argus optical drape analysis • local electric binder activation figure 4: robot with draping-gripper and mold. 3.2.2 hot forming sub preforms as well as the complete preform are consolidated during the hotforming process. a membrane applies vacuum and additional air pressure to the preform while ir-rays melt the textile’s binder particles. the result is a sti� preform. technical data hotforming: • bürkle membrane press • hotforming / consolidation of subpreforms • irheating • 2m x 2,5 m • vacuum and additionally 4 bar air pressure • automatic membrane feeding 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) figure 5: hot forming. 3.2.3 preform handling / ndi as a quality gate, an eddy current measurement detects the local �ber angle orientation throughout 5-6 layers in depth. while measuring every sub preform after each hotforming step, the �ber orientation of every layer can be visualized. the preform afterwards is transferred to net shape trimming. technical data handling / ndi robot • wall mounted reis rvl130 on linear axis • fastcurve o�ine programming • eddy-cus �bre angle measurement • preforminsertion and partdemolding with vacuum grippers • automatic cleaning and sealing of rtm-mold (coming soon) • schunk quick-change system figure 6: eddy current measurement. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) 3.2.4 trimming to net shape a high accuracy portal robot equipped with an ultrasonic knife trims the preform’s edges into net shape. after the residue is collected by a needle gripper, a laser scans the preform’s topology to determine its thickness technical data trimming robot • reis portal robot rlp16 • fastcurve – o�ine programming • em-systeme – ultrasonic knife • renishaw – referencing system • laser – topology scan • laserready safety housing • vacuum assisted mold figure 7: net shape trimming (left) and laser scan (right). 3.3 rtm rtm processes for aerospace applications usually mean cycle times of 4 hours and more. the mold must be prepared with seals and release agent, the preform has to be positioned, the mold is closed and heated up with a pre-de�ned ramp, then held for a given time before and during injection. after injection the mold is heated up to curing temperature and hours later cooled down under de�ned conditions. both, heating times and curing time are the major bottlenecks for the achievable cycle times in an rtmprocess. in order to cut these times to a minimum, evo’s rtm-section uses transportable core molds and �xed shell molds that contain heating circuits. using transportable molds, an isothermal process can be realized. outside the press, in a lifting station, the hot mold is opened and a robot prepares the mold and inserts the preform. it is then transferred into the press for injection. once the resin has reached a certain degree of cure, the still closed mold is transported to a curing oven. thus, the press occupancy time can be reduced from 4-5 hours to only 30-40 minutes. technical data rtm unit • injection unit (1k / 2k, 60 bar max. auto coupling) • press (500t, 2m x 2,5m press table) • water-based mold heating (200°c max) • rtm mold (�xed shell-mold, movable core-mold) • ultrasonic sensors for curing • curing oven (pyrometer controlled, camera, 2 mold-slots) 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a66 (2016) figure 8: rtm-section containing transport system, opening station, press and cure oven (f.l.t.r.). figure 9: two-component injection unit with automated docking system. references grohmann, f., y. und zacharias. (2014). electrical resistsnce heating a method for binder activation in cfrp processing? in eccm16 16th european conference on composite materials. sevilla, spain. (22. 26. june 2014) heuer, h., schulze, m., pooch, m., gäbler, s., nocke, a., bardl, g., . . . petrenz, s. (2015). review on quality assurance along the {cfrp} value chain – non-destructive testing of fabrics, preforms and {cfrp} by {hf} radio wave techniques. composites part b: engineering, 77, 494 501. hindersmann, a. and exner, w. and liebers, n. and opitz, m. and torstrick, s. and ucan, h. (2012). forschungsplattform für endkonturnahe faserverbund-bauteile im automatisierten fertigungsprozess. in deutscher luftund raumfahrtkongress 2012. braunschweig, deutschland. (documentid: 281289) 7 introduction evo plant concept sub processes ply preparation preforming pick and drape hot forming preform handling / ndi trimming to net shape rtm journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a84 (2016) published: 15.08.2016 helges: helmholtz laboratory for the geochemistry of the earth surface gfz german research centre for geosciences * contact persons: friedhelm von blanckenburg, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49(0)331 288 2850, email: hella wittmann, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49(0)331 288 2820, email: jan a. schuessler, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49(0)331 288 28602, email: abstract: new developments in geochemistry during the last two decades have revolutionized our understanding of the processes that shape earth’s surface. here, complex interactions occur between the tectonic forces acting from within the earth and the exogenic forces like climate that are strongly modulated by biota and, increasingly today, by human activity. within the helmholtz laboratory for the geochemistry of the earth surface (helges) of the helmholtz centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences, it is our goal to quantify the rates and �uxes of these processes in detail and to develop new techniques to �ngerprint them over various temporal and spatial scales. we use mass spectrometry to analyze metal stable isotopes, element concentrations, and cosmogenic nuclides to �ngerprint and quantify geomorphological changes driven by erosion and weathering processes. we use these novel geochemical tools, to quantify, for example, the recycling of metals in plants after their release during weathering of rocks and soils, soil formation and its erosion rates, and mechanisms and speed of sediment transport through drainage basins. our research is thus dedicated towards quantifying material turnover rates at the earth’s surface by using geochemical �ngerprints. 1 introduction our goal is to understand in detail the range of processes that shape the earth’s surface. to this end, we employ state-of-the-art analytical tools at the helmholtz laboratory for the geochemistry of the *cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). helges: helmholtz laboratory for the geochemistry of the earth surface. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a84. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a84 (2016) earth surface (helges) that is operated by the earth surface geochemistry group at the gfz german research centre for geosciences (gfz). at the heart of the laboratory are analytical instruments such as a multicollector icp-mass spectrometer, single-collector icp mass spectrometers, an icp optical emission spectrometer, for analysis of dissolved samples, an in-house built femtosecond laser ablation system coupled to the icp-ms or oes for concentration and isotope ratio measurements performed on solid samples, and ultraclean chemical preparation laboratories. to accommodate the helges laboratories, an annex to the existing building was constructed between 2011 and 2013. construction was completed in august 2013 and now more than 200 m2 of laboratory space is available for sample preparation of terrestrial and atmospheric cosmogenic nuclides (10be and 26al) and measurement of stable isotopes of metals and metalloids (e.g., li, mg, si, fe, sr). we perform these analyses in geological and environmental sample materials, such as sediment, rock, river water, soil, and vegetation. two clean laboratories, with laminar �ow workstations, are available for sample preparation of low concentration samples to avoid contamination in order to obtain accurate measurements. in addition to the clean laboratories, several dry and wet chemistry laboratories provide the necessary equipment for preparation of solid and liquid samples. we maintain dry laboratories for mineral separation such as rock crushing and sieving, wet chemical laboratories for �ltration of water samples, microwave assisted sample dissolution and speci�c methods for the separation of quartz for terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide analysis, as well as laboratories for microscopy and micro-analytical work by femtosecond laser ablation. 2 methods 2.1 cosmogenic-nuclide based geomorphology the possibility to measure the rates and dates of landscape processes by terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (e.g., 10be and 26al) is currently leading to an entirely new understanding of the processes that shape the earth’s surface. cosmogenic nuclides are generated when secondary cosmic rays (mainly neutrons) hit molecules in the atmosphere (“meteoric”) or at the earth’s surface (“in situ”). the generated atoms are so rare (only 104 to 108 atoms/g sample) that measurement by a high-sensitivity accelerator mass spectrometer preceded by physical and chemical pre-concentration is required. we routinely use terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides in river sand and rock samples to measure rates of erosion and weathering, from the individual soil pro�le to a continental drainage basin, and the duration of exposure of portions of the earth’s surface. for example, we use these nuclides to quantify sediment transfer through river �oodplains over long timeand large spatial scales, or when glaciers were at their maximum extent. we very recently developed a mass-balance framework in which the ratio of the meteoric cosmogenic nuclide 10be to that of stable lithosphere-derived 9be is employed as an innovative tracer of earth surface processes. we apply this method to small volumes (< 1 g) of �ne-grained sediment and water samples. 2.2 metal stable isotopes we explore the �eld of metal (e.g., fe, li, mg) and metalloid (si) stable isotope fractionation. breaking and binding of chemical bonds leads to minute shifts in the relative isotope ratios of these elements (amounting to less than a permil in an isotope ratio). the analytical challenge posed is enormous, and amounts to measuring the circumference of a football �eld to the precision of the length of a matchbox. these methods are employed to �elds such as the budgets of the earth’s principle geochemical reservoirs, experimental calibration of stable isotope fractionation, and evolution of the earth’s hydrosphere’s redox-state. the emphasis is on calibrating these new tools in settings in which we understand the underlying geomorphic and weathering processes, including the cycling of these elements through plants. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a84 (2016) 2.3 low-level element concentrations in environmental samples to determine �uxes and processes of cycling of elements through the earth surface the determination of major and trace element concentrations is required. as these levels are often very low, for example in the dissolved form in river water or as micronutrients in organisms, dedicated low-level measurement facilities are required. one challenge is to accommodate the large variety in sample matrices in inorganic and biogenic earth surface materials. a second challenge is to be able to measure these a) in natural �uids, b) in the dissolved form after sample decomposition, and c) in solids by a micro-analytical. applications to earth science problems • exploring processes that shape earths surface on di�erent temporal and spatial scales • how fast is soil formed and how fast it is eroded? how rapidly are mountains eroded? • what is the speed of sediment transport? how fast is weathering? • biogeochemical transformations in the earth’s “critical zone” • sediment budgets for large river basins • fingerprinting metal uptake and translocation in higher plants • tracing chert sediment formation with stable silicon isotopes • the role of plants in weathering and cycling of mineral nutrients • ages of earth surface deposits • transfer of dissolved elements in rivers 3 laboratory infrastructure and instrumentation we operate clean laboratories for "non-traditional" (e.g. metal and metalloid) stable isotope and cosmogenic nuclide sample preparation. sample preparation for stable isotope measurements is performed in a metal-free clean room laboratory supplied with �ltered air to avoid addition of environmental contamination to small sample amounts. critical low-blank applications are performed in metal-free laminar-�ow-workstations supplied with �ltered air. diverse sample preparation methods are available. these include hotplate acid dissolution of rocks, soils, plant and other sample types. also microwave assisted sample dissolution and alkali-�ux fusion at 700°c is available. furthermore, an iridium strip heater is available to allow �ux-free fusion of powder samples (from e.g. rocks, soils) to produce homogenous glasses for laser ablation icp-ms analyses of element concentrations and isotope ratios. for the treatment of terrestrial in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides (10be and 26al) on river and rock samples, we perform several puri�cation steps. from sieved samples, minerals are separated by magnetic separation and/or heavy liquids, and silicate and oxide minerals are chemically separated from quartz, mainly employing ultrasonic bath treatment and acid treatment as well smalland large-scale feldspar �otation, in order to obtain pure quartz samples. purity of quartz samples is routinely checked by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (icp-oes, varian 720es). pure quartz samples are then treated in the clean laboratory; we use selective enrichment methods that include, after acid dissolution, element separation by ion chromatography and alkaline precipitation. the selective enrichment of meteoric cosmogenic nuclides is performed using similar clean laboratory methods on �ne-grained sediment or soil samples by a sequential chemical leaching. the measurement of cosmogenic nuclides using accelerator mass spectrometry (ams) is performed within a collaboration agreement with the university of cologne on the german national science foundation (dfg)-funded 6mv ams. during the sample preparation procedure, we add a 9be-carrier that was prepared from a phenakite mineral obtained from a deep mine. 10be/9be(carrier) ratios of the long-term procedural lab blanks are around 10−16, showing the stable low-blank performance of the laboratory. this low laboratory background in 10be, coupled to the possibility to measure sample ratios 10be/9be of 10−15 at the ams, allows the routine preparation of samples from rapidly eroding settings (> 2 mm/yr) or having very young (< 100 years) exposure ages. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a84 (2016) figure 1: helges clean laboratory facilities showing metal-free laminar workstations. 3.1 mass spectrometry we operate �ve spectrometers with an inductively coupled plasma source (icp) for element concentration and isotope ratio analyses of liquid and solid samples with liquid sample introduction systems and laser ablation sampling for micro scale measurements, respectively. a thermo neptune multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (mc-icp-ms) is used for isotope measurements (li, mg, si, fe, sr). concentration measurements are done by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (icp-oes, varian 720es), quadrupole icp-ms (thermo icap-qc), and sector �eld icpms (thermo element2). all icp instruments can be coupled to an in-house built femtosecond laser ablation system (fsla-mc-icp-ms or fsla-icp-oes) for in-situ elemental concentration and isotope ratio measurements at the micrometer scale. mc-icp-ms is a versatile method for high precision isotopic analyses. in an inductively coupled plasma (icp) elements in a sample are atomized and ionized. the plasma ion source of the mass spectrometer allow ionization and analyses of almost all elements in the periodic table – except gases, as the plasma is operates in ambient atmosphere. a variety of sample introduction systems is available, including solution aspiration and laser ablation. our thermo neptune is a high-resolution multicollector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer with a neptuneplus upgrade, consisting of a large interface pump and a jet-cone interface for increased sensitivity. the instrument is equipped with nine faraday cup detectors (eight are moveable), an axial discrete dynode secondary electron multiplier (sem) with rpq for high abundance-sensitivity measurements. in addition, we have a multiple-ion counting system consisting of two discrete-dynodes sem ion counter, mounted at the outermost positions in the multicollector array (l4 and h4). for liquid sample introduction into the mass spectrometer a quartz glass double scott/cyclon spray chamber, a pfa double scott/cyclon spray chamber, or an esi apex ir + spiro membrane desolvator is available. for solid sampling a uv femtosecond laser ablation system can be coupled with the neptune. our neptune is currently used for isotope measurements of li, mg, si, fe, rb and sr (stable and radiogenic). a novel uv femtosecond laser ablation system was custom-build in our lab as a micro-analytical tool for elemental and isotopic analysis of solid materials. most commercial laser ablation systems employing excimer or nd:yag lasers have pulse lengths > 5 nanoseconds (ns). for ns laser ablation, there is enough time for photon energy to disperse in the material as heat during the laser pulse. the ns ablation process is characterized by melting, boiling, and vaporization, a�ecting the accuracy and precision of concentration and isotope measurements. femtosecond lasers ablate with minimal thermal 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a84 (2016) heating to the surrounding area of the crater due to the short laser pulse length compared to the photon relaxation time, i.e., the laser energy can be deposited into the material before it can thermally equilibrate. this predominantly non-thermal ablation o�ers the potential to eliminate fractionation and matrix dependence. femtosecond laser ablation provides less sample heating, no laser–plasma interaction and smaller aerosol particle sizes. these characteristics of the laser ablation process facilitate in situ measurements of stable isotope ratios on solid samples at the micrometer scale. figure 2: mass spectrometry facilities at helges. shown is the inductively coupled plasma multicollector mass spectrometer (thermo neptune mc-icp-ms) and the in-house built femtosecond laser ablation system (gfz fem2). we analyze a wide range of environmental samples for element concentrations, such as rocks, soils, water, and plants. the varian 720-es axial icp-oes is an optical emission spectrometer that allows simultaneous detection and quanti�cation of most elements in solutions at concentrations ranging from a few ppb to hundreds of ppm. icp-oes analyses can be done on solutions or by coupling with our femtosecond laser ablation system on solids for in-situ microanalyses. moreover, we operate two quadrupole icp-ms (thermo icap-qc) and a sector �eld icp-ms (thermo element2) for trace element analyses within the framework of a “low-level” element analytics facility for environmental (water, plants, etc.) samples. scientists can apply for access to all helges facilities (laboratories and mass spectrometers) by directly contacting the authors. acknowledgements we would like to thank all helges sta� members and the technical service of gfz for support during construction, maintenance and routine operation of the helges laboratories. 5 introduction methods cosmogenic-nuclide based geomorphology metal stable isotopes low-level element concentrations in environmental samples laboratory infrastructure and instrumentation mass spectrometry journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98 (2016) published: 28.11.2016 conrad-2: cold neutron tomography and radiography at ber ii (v7) helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. nikolay kardjilov, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42298, email: dr. andré hilger, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42298, email: dr. ingo manke, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42682, email: abstract: v7 has widely been recognized as a versatile and �exible instrument for innovative neutron imaging and has made decisive contributions to the development of new methods by exploiting di�erent contrast mechanisms for imaging. the reason for the success in method development is the �exibility of the facility which permits very fast change of the instrument’s con�guration and allows for performing non-standard experiments. the ability for complementary experiments with the laboratory x-ray tomographic scanner (microct lab) o�ers the opportunity to study samples at di�erent contrast levels and spatial resolution scales. 1 introduction v7 (conrad-2) is an imaging instrument using low energetic (cold) neutrons. the instrument is installed at the end of a curved neutron guide which blocks the direct view on the reactor core. this re�ects in a very low background of high energetic neutrons and gammas. the cold neutron beam provides high attenuation contrast for thin layers of hydrogenous as well as lithium and boron based materials. in this way the visualization of small amounts of water, adhesive and lubricate substances in metal parts can be performed successfully. the wavelength range of the cold neutrons is suitable for phaseand di�raction-contrast imaging like grating interferometry and bragg edge mapping. the instrument is well suited for high resolution imaging due to the high e�ciency of the very thin scintillators used for cold neutrons. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). conrad-2: cold neutron tomography and radiography at ber ii (v7). journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98 (2016) figure 1: view of v7. flight path equipped with containers �lled with he gas for loss free transport of the neutron beam to the sample position (left). sample position equipped with translation, tilt and rotation stages. the detector box with active area of 30 cm x 30 cm is behind the sample stage (right). 2 instrument application typical applications are: • energy research (fuel cells and li-ion batteries) • materials research (hydrogen storage materials, phase transitions in metals and characterization of porous media) • life science (water uptake in plants and water management in soils) • high-tc superconductivity (�ux pinning in superconductors) • magnetism (visualization and analysis of domain networks and visualization of static and alternating magnetic �elds) • cultural heritage and paleontology 3 instrument layout figure 2: schematic view of v7. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98 (2016) 4 technical data neutron guide nl-1a (m=2,3) with beam crosssection: 125 mm (height) x 30 mm (width) radius of curvature: 750 m pinhole changer 1 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm in diameter flight path 10 m �ight path, covered by aluminum containers �lled with he measuring positions position 1 (end of the guide) flux: 2.6·109 n/cm2s @ l/d ca. 70; beam size: 12x3 cm position 2 flux: 7.2·107 n/cm2s @ l/d 170; beam size: 15x15 cm position 3 flux: 2.4·107 n/cm2s @ l/d 350; beam size: 30x30 cm flux: 1.1·107 n/cm2s @ l/d 500; beam size: 30x30 cm double crystal monochromator pyrolythic graphite (002) with mosaicity of 0.8° wavelength resolution: 3 % wavelength range: 1.5 å– 6.0 å velocity selector wavelength range: 3.0 å– 6.0 å wavelength resolution: 10 – 20 % polarizers 2x solid-state benders 4x polarised 3he cells and 2x magic boxes detectors ccd camera (andor, 2048 x 2048 pixels) scmos camera (andor neo) cmos camera (pco 1200h) best spatial resolution 20 µm at �eld-of-view of 13x13 mm sample manipulator rotation table: 0-360° translation table: 0-800 mm lift table: 0-250 mm maximum weight: 200 kg table 1: technical parameters of v7. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98 (2016) 5 microct lab the micro-ct lab supports users of the neutron imaging instrument conrad-2 and gives the opportunity to perform complementary measurements with x-ray imaging techniques. the micro-spot x-ray source produces a cone beam with energies up to 150 kev that allows for a variation of the magni�cation ratio by adjusting the source-detector and source-sample distances. in this way, the �eld of view (up to 10 cm) and the spatial resolution (down to 5 µ m) are tunable. the short exposure times of a few seconds allow for fast preliminary image tests of samples which are dedicated for neutron tomography experiments. the micro-ct lab provides the following experimental methods: dynamic radiography, high-resolution tomography, phase-contrast imaging and laminography. scienti�c topics at the laboratory are: energy research (structural investigations of components of li-ion and alkaline batteries as well as characterization of pem fuel cell materials); life science (water uptake in plants by using contrast agent and investigation of soil contamination by heavy metals); biology (investigation of tooth substance and characterization of dental cements); geology (investigation of mineral morphology and crack propagation in rocks); cultural heritage and paleontology (in close collaboration with the local museums). figure 3: photo of the microct scanner. the main components are labeled. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98 (2016) parameters micro focus x-ray tube hamamatsu l8121-3 voltage: 40 – 150 kv current: 0-250 µa @ small spot 7 µ m 0-500 µa @ middle spot 20 µ m 0-500 µa @ large spot 50 µ m detector flat panel (hamamatsu c7942sk-05) 2316 x 2316 pixels, pixel size: 50 µ m size: 11.5 cm x 11.5 cm magni�cation up to 10 times best spatial resolution 10 µ m at �eld-of-view 10 mm x 10 mm sample manipulator rotation table: 0-360° translation table (along the beam): 60-700 mm translation table (transverse to the beam): 0-100 mm maximum weight: 5 kg 6 3d analytics lab the 3d analytics laboratory supports users performing imaging experiments at the large scale facilities at hzb. the laboratory is used for complex 2d and 3d analyses of tomographic experiments carried out at the neutron imaging instrument conrad-2, in the x-ray tomography lab (micro-ct lab) and at the synchrotron tomography instrument at bessy. the 3d analytics laboratory consists of a cluster of powerful work stations equipped with state-of-art software for tomographic reconstruction and quantitative analysis of 3d data. in addition, innovative software developed in-house is provided to the users. the laboratory o�ers the following options: tomographic reconstruction with innovative mathematical algorithms (parallel beam, cone beam, �ltered back projection, etc.); holotomographic reconstruction algorithms (phase retrieval); complex 3d image analysis procedures, labelling and individual particle size and shape analysis; euclidian distance transformations; watershed analysis and many others. a wide area of scienti�c topics are covered: energy research (e.g. quantitative analysis of particles in batteries, 3d structural analysis of di�usion layer materials employed in fuel cells and batteries); life science (holotomographic reconstruction of the cellular structure of plants and woods); biology (porosity determination of bone and tooth substance); geology (morphology analysis of minerals); cultural heritage and paleontology (materials characterization). references hautier, l., weisbecker, v., sánchez-villagra, m. r., goswami, a., & asher, r. j. (2010). skeletal development in sloths and the evolution of mammalian vertebral patterning. proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the usa, 44(107), 18903-18908. kardjilov, n., hilger, a., manke, i., strobl, m., dawson, m., williams, s., & banhart, j. (2011). neutron tomography instrument conrad at hzb. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 651(1), 47 52. kardjilov, n., manke, i., hilger, a., strobl, m., & banhart, j. (2011). neutron imaging in materials science. materials today, 14(6), 248 256. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a98 (2016) kardjilov, n., manke, i., strobl, m., hilger, a., treimer, w., meissner, m., . . . banhart, j. (2008). three-dimensional imaging of magnetic �elds with polarized neutrons. nature physics, 4, 399-403. manke, i., kardjilov, n., schäfer, r., hilger, a., strobl, m., dawson, m., . . . banhart, j. (2010). three-dimensional imaging of magnetic domains. nature communications, 1, 125. müller, j., hipsley, j. j., christy a.and head, kardjilov, n., hilger, a., wuttke, m., & reisz, r. r. (2011). eocene lizard from germany reveals amphisbaenian origins. nature, 473, 399-403. schröder, a., wippermann, k., arlt, t., sanders, t., baumhöfer, t., kardjilov, n., . . . manke, i. (2013). in-plane neutron radiography for studying the in�uence of surface treatment and design of cathode �ow �elds in direct methanol fuel cells. international journal of hydrogen energy, 38(5), 2443 2454. williams, s. h., hilger, a., kardjilov, n., manke, i., strobl, m., douissard, p. a., . . . banhart, j. (2012). detection system for microimaging with neutrons. journal of instrumentation, 7(02), p02014. witzmann, f., claeson, k. m., hampe, o., wieder, f., hilger, a., manke, i., . . . asbach, p. (2011). paget disease of bone in a jurassic dinosaur. current biology, 21, 399-403. 6 introduction instrument application instrument layout technical data microct lab 3d analytics lab journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118 (2017) published: 23.08.2017 remotely operated vehicle “rov phoca“ geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel * facilities coordinators: dr. friedrich abegg, geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, germany, phone: +49(0) 431 600 2134, email: dr. peter linke, geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, germany, phone: +49(0) 431 600 2115, email: abstract: the remotely operated vehicle rov phoca is a deep diving platform rated for water depths of 3000 meters. the rov is linked to a surface vessel via an umbilical cable transmitting power (copper wires) and data (3 single-mode glass �bers). as standard it comes equipped with still and video cameras and two di�erent manipulators providing eyes and hands in the deep. special emphasis was put on the compatibility of numerous systems with the existing rov kiel 6000 to facilitate the use of both systems on various research vessels with a given team of rov pilots. besides this, a set of other tools may be added depending on the mission tasks, ranging from simple manipulative tools as chisels and shovels to electrically connected instruments which can send insitu data to the ship through the rovs network, allowing immediate decisions upon manipulation or sampling strategies. 1 introduction rov phoca was manufactured by sub-atlantic / forum energy technologies (aberdeen, scotland) and was delivered to geomar, kiel in december 2010. it was funded by the german ministry for education and research (bmbf) within the investment project molab (modular multidisciplinary ocean laboratory). the design of the rov is based on commercially available rovs of the comanche series, and is number 21 in that series. it was customized to speci�cations aiming at a balance between system weight, capabilities of the supporting research vessels and scienti�c demands. in addition, special emphasis was put on the compatibility of numerous systems with the existing rov kiel 6000 (geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, 2017), e.g. identical cable, similar hydraulic system, similar launch and recovery system, �ying mode etc. *cite article as: geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel . (2017). remotely operated vehicle “rov phoca“ . journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118 (2017) the system is generally used in two di�erent con�gurations: one for medium ranged water depths down to 2400 m, and one for shallow water applications down to 100 meters. in case the full dive capacity of 3000 m is required, the deep sea winch of rov kiel 6000 may be used, which, however, requires a certain deck load-carrying capacity of the research vessel due to its size and weight. these options allow the system to be tailored to the deployment mode, keeping its weight to a minimum, both to reduce shipping costs and to permit deployment from small and medium-sized research vessels (e.g. rv ”poseidon”, rv ”alkor”). the rov operates in free-�ying mode, without a cage or tether management system (tms), further reducing the weight of the system. clip-on �oats just above the vehicle ensure that, even without a tms, the cable does not lie on the sea�oor or depress the rov by its own weight. the main tasks of the rov include exploration, documentation and mapping of the sea �oor using its own or integrated cameras (e.g. deepsurveycam, geomar, figure 1a). the two manipulators and a customized tool skid, which may be modi�ed to accommodate di�erent tools, are used for sampling, for example, rocks, fauna, �uids and sediments. furthermore, rov phoca was used to assemble and re-assemble the molab landers (rovelli et al., 2015) and recover long-term sensor records from deepsea bore hole observatories (figure 1f ). rov phoca has been deployed in various environments like the shallow waters of the north sea (vielstädte et al., 2015), the north atlantic o� norway (flögel et al., 2014; rovelli et al., 2015) and iceland, the mediterranean (jordt et al., 2015; schmidt et al., 2015) as well as in the paci�c o� japan. 2 technical data 2.1 rov phoca overview • owner and operator: geomar helmholtz centre for ocean research kiel • commissioned in 2010 • crew: 5 pilots and technicians for normal operations • maximum operation depth: 3000 m • dimensions: length 2.1 m, height 1.85 m, width 1.3 m • weight in air: 2 t, in water positively buoyant or neutral • propulsion system: total 7 x electrical thrusters sbe 250 (sub-atlantic/fet, aberdeen): 4 x vectororiented for horizontal propulsion, 3 x vertically oriented for vertical propulsion • auto functions: heading, depth, altitude • hydraulic pump: 39 lpm at max. 207 bar • hydraulic manipulators: 1 x orion 7p (position controlled) and 1 x orion 7r (rate controlled) (fmc technologies / schilling robotics ltd.) • cameras: 2 x sd colour cameras (kongsberg oe14-366), 1 x hd-sdi bullshark camera (imenco), 1 x digital still camera (imenco), 3 x black & white observation cameras (2 x oktopus, 1 x bowtech) • lighting: 4 dimmable led multi-sealite matrix (dspl), 4 dimmable halogen deep multi-sealite (4 x 250 w, dspl), subsea �ash 110 titanium (imenco) • permanent sensors: ctd (sea-bird), forward looking sonar (kongsberg) the rov system comprises the rov itself, a launch and recovery system (lars), winches and cables as well as one control and power container depending on the con�guration and the capabilities of the supporting research vessels. the system weight including the midwater winch is approximately 30 t. launch and recovery system (lars) the lars is mounted on each vessel’s a-frame by means of a customized adapter. it consists of a frame holding underneath a plate with dampers (figure 1b). an auxiliary winch on the a-frame is used to 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118 (2017) lift the rov into the dampened plate with a lift line and thus stabilize the vehicle against pitch / swing while it is being moved outboard of the vessel and lowered into the sea. when the vehicle is in the water and the auxiliary lift line is unloaded, it is detached from the vehicle which is then free to move forward away from the vessel. the powerand data –transmitting umbilical is threaded through an additional sheave to keep it load-free and clear of the lars system itself. safety and rescue systems in case of power loss to the rov, its positive buoyancy provided by a large syntactic foam block will cause it to slowly �oat to the surface. the usbl transponder which is constantly in battery mode enables the pilots to acoustically locate the vehicle in the water column. in addition, a �asher system (novatech) will start operating when the vehicle is shallower than 10 m, indicating the vehicle position at night. once the vehicle is on the surface, a radio beacon (novatech), which is also mounted on the rov, is activated, allowing the bearing to the vehicle to be determined from the ship. as soon as the rov has been traced either the vessel moves close enough to position the lars above the rov to lift it up, or a fast rescue boat may approach and attach a hook into the emergency lift line which is �xed at the central lift point of the vehicle. winches and cables: the major (midwater) winch of the rov phoca system provides a diving-depth capability of max. 2400 m, with 2700 m total length of the wire. as the winch does not �t into a standard container pattern it needs to be bolted to the ships deck using special steel adapter plates. power connection requires 400 v with 180 a. the winch has a weight of 10.5 t and is transported either as single freight or inside a container. this size and weight of the winch allow the system to be deployed o� medium-sized research vehicles. although rov phoca was intended mainly for small and medium-sized vessels using the midwater winch it is also possible to operate it with a deep-sea winch (rov kiel 6000) and thus reach its maximum operation depth of 3000 m. this con�guration, however, may only be realized on large vessels with su�cient deck strength to support the 30 t winch. the cable on both, the deep-water and mid-water winches is identical. it consists of sheathing composed of three steel-armored layers, protecting the core from mechanical stress and providing a breaking strength of more than 210 kn. the core consists of three single-mode glass �bers for data transmission in both directions. 2 of these �bers are used for rov telemetry, the 3rd �ber may be used for additional scienti�c data links (used for hd camera). three copper wires with 4 mm2 cross-section are used for power transmission. the weight of the cable in seawater is 1 t per 1000 m. when operating in shallow waters a winch with 350 m of buoyant tether is used. the sheathing here consists of aramid with an outer diameter of 28 mm, the core is identical to the above-described cable. when in operation the winch is used as a capstan. containers: control & power van the phoca system includes a 20-foot container which comprises the surface control systems and the power supply and workshop in 2 separate compartments. in the pilot stand, 2 seats for pilots are located in front of a wall of monitors and video screens, displaying all video footage, navigation software as well as the sonar image, ctd control etc. the control “area” includes one pilot console for �ying the vehicle as well as handling cameras and lights. the co-pilot usually operates manipulators and the digital still camera. there is no dedicated spares container for rov phoca. when transported containerized, two 20-foot open top containers have to be rented. in cases where the vehicle, winch and spares are shipped as single freight, one 40-foot truck is necessary. the system weight including the midwater winch is approximately 30 t. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118 (2017) 2.2 sensors and tools 2.2.1 owned by and provided within the rov phoca system • ctd fast cat sbe 49 (sea-bird) real-time probe • sonar ms 1000 (kongsberg) high resolution, forward looking • dvl workhorse navigator 1200 (rd instruments) (for �ne scale navigation) • usbl underwater navigation (standardly ore bats, see below) • cameras (see above) • toolskid containing 2 hydraulically driven drawers in the front • various sampling boxes / bioboxes • 2 manipulators (see above) • pushcores, various setups possible • hand-nets • niskin bottles (2 l) • chisel • shovels and scoops, various • acoustic homer beacon markers 2.2.2 owned by other departments or institutions, operated by rov phoca • bubble box (with cameras for documenting gas bubble size, number and velocity) (geomar & univ. kiel) • bubble catcher (geomar & univ. kiel) • deepsurveycam (tom kwasnitschka, geomar) • echoscope (wtd 71) • gas samplers • various sensors integrated into the rov system e.g. ch4 and co2 sensors (contros) • ocean floor observatories (recovery) (marum, bremen) • temperature probe (marum, bremen) • eddy correlation system • adcp 2.3 telemetry system and navigation data transfer between the vehicle and the topside control van is managed by the sub-atlantic subcansystem which consists of the topside scu (surface control unit) and the topside subcan pc, which communicates with the sub-sea rov electronics pod and the survey pod via can-bus architecture. the topside telemetry logging system rovmon has been developed and customized to our needs by the geomar rov team. it collects incoming data from rov, ship, winch, ctd and underwater navigation systems (usually the ore o�shore usbl broadband acoustic tracking system (bats)). rovmon distributes data to several subsystems like the navigation system, the video overlay and data display clients. the telemetry system can handle tcp/ip, udp and serial connections. the data usually is transferred as nmea strings; if other formats are transferred, these can be converted by specialized front-ends. the con�guration of data logging is declared in advance where protocols, devices (sensors) and exports are speci�ed for the ship and the cruise. the whole data set is written each second in comma separated values (csv) �les. for data security reasons the telemetry system starts a new �le after a given interval. for navigation and coordination with the ship during the dive, we use the navigation software ofop (ocean floor observation protocol by prof. dr. j. greinert, geomar). coordinates and course/ heading 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118 (2017) /speed data from the ship and the rov are displayed on a calibrated map. this navigation screen is also provided to the ship’s bridge via a vnc viewer to coordinate rov’s and ship’s position. 2.4 scienti�c data management the navigation software ofop also includes a protocol function for the scientists to describe the dive and actions like sampling and taking pictures with coordinates and timestamps. after each dive, the scienti�c protocol is converted into an excel �le to provide it to the scientists. the telemetry �les are packed and copied onto the server for public access and post-processing. after each dive, all data sets, protocols, videos and still images (including logo and timestamp) are uploaded on a nas (network attached storage) system inside the control van for public access and backup. figure 1: rov phoca a) with deepsurveycam setup and led light panels mounted on both manipulators, b) launched on the a-frame of rv “poseidon” in the santorini caldera, c) operating a gas sampler, d) taking a pushcore, e) operating the bubble catcher, f ) recovery of a deep sea observatory. (photos: a, c-f ) geomar rov-team, b) j. geldmacher, geomar). 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a118 (2017) 2.5 video system standard cameras on the vehicle include two colour zoom sd cameras (kongsberg oe14-366) on pan & tilt units, one hd-sdi camera (imenco, 720p59.9, on tilt unit), one digital still camera (imenco), and two black and white observation cameras (oktopus and bowtech). the hd video footage is recorded permanently or on demand using an apple macmini with an hdvideocard and tools on air recording software just:in. the hd video is standardly recorded in high quality apple proreslt. other formats or uncompressed recording are possible. the video �les are stored on the macminis’ internal hdd (1 tb) and later copied to the nas. both sd cameras are permanently recorded on visualsoft dvr. the video is recorded in mpeg. the software automatically starts a new �le each 20 minutes to generate smaller sized, thus user friendly �les. the sd material contains an imprinted data overlay including date, time, depth, temperature and pan angle of the speci�c camera. all sd and hd video �les are uploaded into the nas for public access and backup after each dive. the imenco sds1210 digital still camera has a resolution of 12.1 mpixel. still images are taken on request. after each dive, images are downloaded from the camera and logo, date and time are imprinted. images and videos are subsequently uploaded on to the nas server. images and videos without imprint are available on request. at the home institute, data (videos and images) are uploaded onto the onshore proxsys archiving system of geomar. the onshore system contains all mediaand data-material ever collected by rov phoca. conclusions since it was put into operation, rov phoca has been deployed during 10 expeditions o� three different research vessels (rv ”poseidon”, rv ”alkor”, rv ”sonne”) in the oceans around europe. it has accomplished 110 dives summing up to more than 285 hours at the sea �oor. data sampled by rov phoca resulted in the publications listed below. for more details and images of the system, tools etc. please refer to our website: references flögel, s., dullo, w.-c., pfannkuche, o., kiriakoulakis, k., & rüggeberg, a. (2014). geochemical and physical constraints for the occurrence of living cold-water corals. deep sea research part ii: topical studies in oceanography, 99, 19-26. geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel. (2017). remotely operated vehicle ’rov kiel 6000’. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117. jordt, a., zelenka, c., von deimling, j., koch, r., & köser, k. (2015). the bubble box: towards an automated visual sensor for 3d analysis and characterization of marine gas release sites. sensors, 15, 30716-30735. rovelli, l., attard, k., bryant, l., flögel, s., stahl, h., roberts, m., . . . glud, r. (2015). benthic o2 uptake of two cold-water coral communities estimated with the non-invasive eddy correlation technique. marine ecology progress series, 525, 97-104. schmidt, m., linke, p., sommer, s., esser, d., & cherednichenko, s. (2015). natural co2 seeps o�shore panarea a test site for subsea co2 leak detection technology. marine technology society journal, 49, 19-30. vielstädte, l., karstens, j., haeckel, m., schmidt, m., linke, p., reimann, s., . . . wallmann, k. (2015). quanti�cation of methane emissions at abandoned gas wells in the central north sea. marine and petroleum geology, 68, 848-860. 6 introduction technical data rov phoca overview sensors and tools owned by and provided within the rov phoca system owned by other departments or institutions, operated by rov phoca telemetry system and navigation scientific data management video system journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63 (2016) published: 01.04.2016 drilling information system (dis) and core scanner gfz german research centre for geosciences * data scientist: ronald conze, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 331 288 1082, email: abstract: the drilling information system is a modular structure of databases, tailored user applications as well as web services and instruments including appropriate interfaces to dis. this tool set has been developed for geoscienti�c drilling projects but is applicable to other distributed scienti�c operations. the main focuses are the data acquisition on drill sites (expeditiondis), and the curation of sample material e.g., in core repositories (curationdis). due to the heterogeneity of scienti�c drilling projects, a project-speci�c dis is arranged and adjusted from a collection of existing templates and modules according to the user requirements during a one week training course. the collected data are provided to the science team of the drilling project by secured web services, and stored in long-term archives hosted at gfz. at the end the data sets and sample material are documented in an operational report (e.g., lorenz et al., 2015) and published with assigned doi (digital object identi�er) and igsn (international geo sample number; for physical samples) by gfz data services. 1 introduction data management in scienti�c drilling projects such as the ketzin pilot site for co2 storage and programs such as the international ocean discovery program (iodp) and the international continental scienti�c drilling program (icdp) is essential to support two functions: �rstly, the capture of drilling and scienti�c data and secondly, the long-term storage and dissemination of these data. the data capture in scienti�c drilling expeditions takes place in two phases using the expeditiondis. during the drilling phase, drilling, curation, logging, and basic scienti�c data are captured at the drill site. in the post-drilling phase the detailed measurements, descriptions, images and log data for cores and/or cuttings are captured within a laboratory setting and the data subsequently transferred to the long-term data storage system. another component of the dis, the curationdis has been developed to manage the gained sample material from scienti�c drilling expeditions (conze et al., 2007). *cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). drilling information system (dis) and core scanner. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63 (2016) the bremen core repository (bcr, bremen, germany), the repository of the bremen geosciences institute (geob, bremen, germany) and the national core repository of the federal institute for geosciences and natural resources (bgr, berlin-spandau, germany) are currently the main users of the curationdis. it feeds into the iodp sample materials curation system (smcs) as well as into the virtual core repository of the german scienti�c earth probing consortium e.v. (gesep, all these dis versions are �anked by training courses, web services, and speci�c instruments. scienti�c drilling projects can apply for it in a full proposal to icdp (, the core scanner can be rented for a short maintenance fee and the unavoidable shipping costs. 2 typical applications 2.1 methods • drilling and/or coring on land, on ice, on lakes, and oceans • water column sampling, and dredging along the water/sediment interface 2.2 geological settings • hard rock • soft sediments and soils • ice • water/sediment interface 2.3 scienti�c themes in the framework of key societal challenges • climate and ecosystems • sustainable georesources • natural hazards . . . with respect to the icdp main topics such as paleoclimate, deep life, impact structures, volcanoes, faults, element cycles, plate margins. 3 technical data speci�cations 3.1 dis setup • dis server and dis clients (fig. 1) windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, 8.x, 10 32or 64-bit ms access 2010 (part of ms o�ce professional 2010), english, 32-bit • dis server only ms sql server 2008 r2 express (english) sp2 for a single expedition and not more than 3 simultaneous users, 32-or 64-bit ms sql server 2008 r2 developer (english) sp2 for one or more expeditions and more than 3 simultaneous users, 32or 64-bit • others wireless or wired local area network (ethernet) uplink to the internet according to availability (a bgan satellite system for far remote sites on request available) backup storage capacities (about 1 terabyte for a single expedition) dual monitor screens of each dis station color laser printer plain color scanner label printer (should be zebra compatible for qr-codes) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63 (2016) figure 1: typical setting of a dis local area network in the �eld and a laboratory see also: 3.2 core scanner these are line scanning devices for whole round and split hard rock cores and for split soft rock cores, both without liner. the used core diameter range lies between 4 and 22 cm. the maximum length of a core section is 1m. two dmt core scan color (1998-2000), and one dmt core scan3 (2011) are available (see figure 2). figure 2: line scanning devices producing digital core images: dmt core scan color (left), dmt core scan3 (right) see also: especially on a drill site environment, an uninterruptible power supply (ups) should be added. the scanner use voltages between 110 vac and 250 vac, 50/60 hz, the maximum power is about 500 va. the power supply must be separate from the drill rig or other comparable high-level consumers. the devices are robust, dust-protected and can stand even sprinkle water. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63 (2016) they should be placed in a roofed container or house with almost constant light conditions, any spot lights or direct sun should be avoided. 4 typical applications and services o�ered the two typical characteristics of the dis are (1) the toolbox allowing �exible designs for individual drilling projects, and (2) the main focus on data acquisition and documentation. according to this there are typical use cases for the �eld and lab work as well as for the work in repositories, for o�ine and online work. for each scenario the corresponding versions and features can be selected, �anked by training and technical support services. 4.1 utilization and training dis is a community-owned software and tool package available for similar operations. although the system is user friendly and highly adaptable to various applications, introductory courses to the system will be required for new users. a dis training is o�ered and recommended for the project data manager(s) a few months before the start of the actual drilling operations. the training comprises usually �ve full days. technical requirements for the setup are at least one ms windows system and basic licenses for that system and the dis (see 3.1 for more information). 4.2 expeditiondis the expeditiondis is used for one individual scienti�c drilling project. it is typically installed on a laptop using it as a mobile server on the drill site during the drilling operations and in the laboratory and/ or repository in the post drilling phase. the main task is the in-time data acquisition and documentation of the technical drilling operations, and of the recovered sample material together with the scanned images captured by the core scanner. all sample material and samples taken will be uniquely identi�ed and registered by international geo sample numbers (igsns, for the igsn registration, a speci�c tool generates a de�ned set of metadata, compiles these into an xml-�le, which can be send to the responsible allocation agent for registration. registered igsn metadata is publicly accessible via the internet. gfz data services is the allocating agent for all gfzand icdp-igsns. an example for icdp igsns can be found via 4.3 curationdis the curationdis is used for many individual scienti�c drilling projects. it is typically installed on a persistent larger server system in repositories for di�erent kinds of sample material. the main task is to collect and integrate the basic data of the available sample material from expeditiondis systems or from other sources if no expeditiondis has been used beforehand. the curationdis includes a �exible storage management system, and also assigns igsns on inventorying sample material and taking samples (in a same way as described in 4.2). 4.4 evaluation and visualisation dis does not provide speci�c tools for the evaluation or visualization of the data and images beside a few basic graphical logs such as for numerical measurements, sample spots, and the lithological column. print reports for tabular data views can be adjusted for speci�c needs. all data tables and data views can be exported as tab delimited text �les which can be used to import the data into external user preferred tools. beside spread sheet software such as ms excel, origin, igor, other tools such as matlab, wellcad, strater are often used. open access tools such as corelyzer and correlator (see 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63 (2016) also: and psicat (see also: are commonly used for evaluation or visualization tasks. 4.5 dis web services • extended dis (xdis) for certain management reasons, the extended dis interface (x-dis) provides secured remote access to the operational dis. the con�guration of the extended dis interface is part of the corresponding expeditiondis or curationdis. the dis-administrator de�nes which data are shown, which forms, reports, or data views can be selected, and who is authorized to edit (insert, overwrite, delete) which subset of data. • project outreach within icdp within the conceptual design of the icdp web site each project gets the same space and weight initially. each project is described on a project pro�le which derives from the proposals. topics such as news, scientists, press & media, publications, workshop, etc. are updated as they become relevant. most of these topics are public and therefore a big outreach issue (see also: • project data in icdp and iodp, project data are usually con�dential and under secure access for registered science team members only during a moratorium period. this protected area serves as knowledge transfer platform within the science team, and is very useful for selecting samples. the content of the dis data tables are provided as tab-delimited text-�les, excel work sheets, and in some cases also as xml-�les. images are available as jpg-�les in three levels of resolution, beside the original image �les. 5 availability dis and the core scanner are parts of the icdp equipment pool of the operational support group (osg). the tools will be provided to icdp projects as needed. requests are to be made as early as possible (�rst-come �rst-serve policy). the osg usually introduces on-site scientists of individual projects to the use of these devices in special training courses. scienti�c drilling projects granted through other funding sources can also apply for it. depending on available budgets and the actual schedule of icdp operations these tools can be provided under the same conditions and policies. 6 policies and licenses in chapter 12 of the icdp primer 2.0 (harms, 2015) the data and reporting policies are described in detail. these policies are also valid for other scienti�c drilling projects using the dis technology. icdp and gfz scienti�c drilling projects can use the dis with a free license. other projects may need to buy an appropriate license (contact: smartcube gmbh, berlin, germany, acknowledgements the development of the icdp drilling information system was funded by the gfz german research centre for geosciences potsdam, the german research foundation (dfg) and icdp. expeditiondis and curationdis were �nanced by european consortium for ocean research drilling (ecord) and icdp. the database and software development was done by smartcube gmbh, berlin, germany ( also many thanks to the scienti�c drilling sta� members for their e�orts: knut behrends and thomas gorgas. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a63 (2016) references conze, r., wallrabe-adams, h.-j., graham, c., & krysiak, f. (2007). joint data management on icdp projects and iodp mission speci�c platform expeditions. scienti�c drilling, 4, 32–34. harms, u. (ed.). (2015). icdp primer best practices for planning, managing, and executing continental scienti�c drilling projects (second ed.). gfz data services. (with contributions from: behrends, k. ; conze, r. ; francke, a. ; gorgas, t. ; kueck, j. ; lorenz, h. ; pierdominici, s. ; prevedel, b. ;wiersberg, t. ; zimmer, m.) lorenz, h., rosberg, j.-e., juhlin, c., bjelm, l., almqvist, b. s. g., berthet, t., . . . tsang, c.-f. (2015). cosc-1 – drilling of a subduction-related allochthon in the palaeozoic caledonide orogen of scandinavia. scienti�c drilling, 19, 1–11. 6 introduction typical applications methods geological settings scientific themes in the framework of key societal challenges technical data specifications dis setup core scanner typical applications and services offered utilization and training expeditiondis curationdis evaluation and visualisation dis web services availability policies and licenses journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a86 (2016) published: 17.08.2016 stg-ct: high-vacuum plume test facility for chemical thrusters deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt, institute for aerodynamics and flow technology * instrument scientists: martin grabe, deutsches zentrum für luftund raumfahrt (dlr), institute for aerodynamics and flow technology, göttingen, germany, phone: +49(0) 551 709 2476, email: abstract: the stg-ct, operated by the dlr institute for aerodynamics and flow technology in göttingen, is a vacuum facility speci�cally designed to provide and maintain a space-like vacuum environment for researching plume �ow and plume impingement from satellite reaction control thrusters. its unique liquid-helium driven cryopump of 30 m2 allows maintaining a background pressure < 10−5 mbar even when molecular hydrogen is a plume constituent. 1 introduction space vehicles may control their attitude in orbit by means of a number of reaction control thrusters. these typically operate by expanding a gas through a convergent-divergent nozzle, thus converting internal into kinetic energy. thrust is produced by expelling a rather high mass �ow (on the order of grams per second) of gas at a rather low velocity (on the order of a kilometer per second). this type of reaction control thrusters shall be referred to as chemical thrusters to discern them from electric propulsion devices. the plume emanating from a reaction control thruster into high vacuum expands well into the halfspace upstream of the nozzle exit plane and invariably impinges on adjacent spacecraft surfaces. it is thus a source for contamination, parasitic forces and moments, and heat load. the latter two impingement e�ects are discussed in a review article by dettle� (1991). whether or not they are of relevant magnitude to require special attention in the design or operation of a space vehicle is typically decided by means of engineering models of the plume expansion and interaction. these plume and impingement models may be derived from experiments. experiments become mandatory when the necessarily simplifying engineering models are expected to not capture the impingement e�ects with su�cient *cite article as: dlr institute for aerodynamics and flow technology. (2016). stg-ct: high-vacuum plume test facility for chemical thrusters. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a86. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a86 (2016) accuracy or when the applicability of the model is not known. ground-based investigation of free plume expansion requires a vacuum facility able to maintain a suf�ciently low background pressure even during thruster operation. the stg-ct is speci�cally designed to provide and maintain a space-like vacuum environment for researching plume �ow and plume impingement from satellite reaction control thrusters, cf. dettle� & plähn (1997) and dettle� & plähn (1999), but may serve in other applications as well. 2 operation principle figure 1: view into the test section. the essential feature of stg-ct is a liquid helium-driven cryopump with an area of about 30 m2 that almost completely encloses the test section, fig. 1. in the ribbed pipes of the cryowall helium is kept in a boiling state at a pressure of about 1 bar, thus maintaining a wall temperature of about 4.2 k. at this temperature most technical gases (with the exception of hydrogen and helium itself ) have a vapor pressure orders of magnitude lower than 10−10 mbar and are thus condensing to the cryowall. with hydrogen gas present in the test section a pressure less than 10−5 mbar can be obtained by cryopumping. as long as the cryowall temperature is kept low enough to condense the most volatile gas species under investigation, mass �ow rates of the order of grams per second are permissible inside the test section without a signi�cant increase in background pressure. the factor limiting the achievable level of background pressure thus is the energy �ux imposed upon the cryowall and its cooling agent. by design, the cryopump can withstand a continuous heat load of about 500 w (short-duration peak: about 25 kw) and still maintain a wall temperature of 4.2 k. 3 technical description 3.1 construction the test section is a cylindrical room of 10 m3 with a length of 5.25 m and a diameter of 1.6 m, enclosed by the cryowall manufactured from highly heat-conducting copper (fig.1). the outer vacuum vessel (62.2 m3) is made from stainless steel. a multi-layer insulation (mli) protected sheet metal layer and a liquid nitrogen cooled surface fully enclose the inner cryopump and shield it from thermal radiation. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a86 (2016) figure 2: front and side view of the stg-ct vacuum chamber, displaying the front face of the copperwalled test section with access door closed. while the liquid nitrogen (pre-)cooling system is open, stg-ct is connected to a closed helium cycle. liquid helium is stored in a cryogenic storage dewar designed to hold about 3 m3. from there it is pressure-fed to the cryopump, where it evaporates. the cold gaseous helium passes a sequence of electric heaters before it is compressed for storage in pressure cylinders. a liquefaction machine �lls the dewar tank from the gas storage at a rate of about 20 l/h. 3.2 access to the test section for physical access to the test section one front face of the cryopump is equipped with a hinged door 345 mm wide and 700 mm high. these dimensions limit the size of individual pieces of the test setup, but the test section is large enough for a person to climb inside and conduct the �nal assembly there. a venting system is installed to supply fresh air to the test section during assembly. nom. diameter flange system quantity dn50 iso-kf 28 dn100 iso-k 24 dn250 iso-k 4 dn500 iso-k 2 dn630 iso-f 2 table 1: available �ange connections. the outer stainless steel vacuum vessel is equipped with a number of �ange connections distributed over the surface. table 1 lists the available �anges. fittings to other �ange systems and diameters are available or may be manufactured. direct mechanical and optical access is limited by the coldwalls surrounding the test section. the halfshells of the coldwalls are spaced about 30 mm, admitting a narrow-angled �eld of view in the vertical plane parallel to the principal axis of the test section, cf. fig.1. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a86 (2016) 3.3 test cycle phase description duration evacuation the vacuum vessel is closed and evacuated by means of a mechanical pump line (from high to low inlet pressure): • leybold varovac®s 630 f (rotary vane) • leybold ruvac®wau 1000 (roots blower) • leybold ruvac®ra 3001 (roots blower) • pfei�er tph 1500 (turbomolecular pump) to a pressure of about 10−3 mbar. 5 h ln2 cooling pre-cooling of the cryopump, cooling of the radiation shield to a temperature of 78 k. pressure in the test section drops to about 10−5 mbar. 48 h lhe cooling cooling of the cryopump to 4.2 k. pressure in the test section drops to about 10−10 mbar. 6 h experiment duration depends on heat load on cryopump and amount of liquid helium available. 4...8 h warm-up & venting slow radiation-driven warming required to mitigate thermal stresses. 170 h liquefaction may run in parallel to the warm-up phase. 150 h table 2: phases of a typical test run in stg-ct. table 2 summarizes the sequential phases of a typical test run in stg-ct along with the approximate time frame for each phase. it is apparent that the cooling and warming stages limit the minimum turnaround time of the facility to about ten days per test run. the warming step may be shortened in between two consecutive runs if no changes are required to the experimental setup in the test section, but only to as much time as is required to reliquefy the gaseous helium. 4 equipment 4.1 actuators stg-ct is equipped by default with two linear actuators, mounted above and below the cryopump, that run parallel to the principal axis and over the entire length of the test section. each linear motor carries a rotary stage from which a cylindrical rod (∅28 mm) extends into the test section. the rods serve as mounting points for lightweight measurement devices. 4.2 chamber instrumentation the copper surfaces of the cryopump are equipped at various locations with c10 resistance thermometers to monitor the temperature in the range 4 k...20 k. a selection of these temperature measurements can be made available to the data acquisition system of the experiment. the background gas pressure is typically monitored by hot cathode ionization gauges (hp and bayard-alpert). 4.3 sensors and probes which particular sensors and probes are put to use in stg-ct of course depends largely on the purpose of the experiment and the object under investigation. table 3 thus list only exemplarily a number of 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a86 (2016) name description thermocouples ni-crni or ptrh types. pressure transducers various types: • capacitive, • ionizing, • piezo-resistive. pitot-probe measure total pressure (behind normal shock) in hypersonic plumes. patterson-probe measure particle �ux. electrostatic probes detect electrically charged droplets in bipropellant thruster plumes. photo diodes signal light emission e. g. from combustion chamber; also serve as receiver for droplet detection in laser beam attenuation experiments. witness plates simulate spacecraft surface in contamination experiments. quartz crystal microbalance (qcm) quantitative molecular contamination analysis. table 3: some measurement devices employed in plume research. measurement devices previously employed in reseaching thruster plume expansion. for details regarding these techniques and their application refer to dettle� & grabe (2011). 5 application examples of use cases stg-ct is particularly suited for: • contamination analysis with bipropellant attitude control thrusters of the 10 n-class, • realistic molecular contamination of surface samples, • investigation of material degradation through plume impingement, • investigation of material outgassing, • characterization of hotand cold-gas thruster plumes, • characterization plume interference with adjacent surfaces or other plumes, • simulation of cold space environment, • functional tests of low-energy electric propulsion devices. references dettle�, g. (1991). plume �ow and plume impingement in space technology. progress in aerospace sciences, 28(1), 1 71. dettle�, g., & grabe, m. (2011). basics of plume impingement analysis for small chemical and cold gas thrusters. in models and computational methods for rare�ed �ows (chap. 12). von karman institute, rhode st. genèse, belgium: rto/nato. (rto avt/vki lecture series) dettle�, g., & plähn, k. (1997). initial experimental results from the new dlr-high vacuum plume test facility stg. in 33rd joint propulsion conference and exhibit. seattle. dettle�, g., & plähn, k. (1999). experimental investigation of fully expanding free jets and plumes. in rare�ed gas dynamics, proceedings of the 21st international symposium on rare�ed gas dynamics, vol. 1 (p. 607 614). 5 introduction operation principle technical description construction access to the test section test cycle equipment actuators chamber instrumentation sensors and probes application journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68 (2016) published: 09.05.2016 gfz underground laboratory in the research and education mine “reiche zeche” freiberg gfz german research centre for geoscience * instrument scientists: rüdiger giese, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 331 288 1575, email: katrin jaksch, gfz german research centre for geosciences, telegrafenberg, 14473 potsdam, germany, phone: +49 331 288 1518, email: abstract: the gfz underground laboratory is operated by the helmholtz centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences. it is located in the research and education mine “reiche zeche” in freiberg, germany allows testing of geophysical and geotechnical tools and methods in boreholes and galleries. the lab is ideally suited for seismic system components such as receivers and sources for three-dimensional high resolution seismic imaging and tomography surveying. the lab layout of a basement rock block surrounded by galleries around a vertical as well as two horizontal boreholes enables the realization of various underground survey geometries e.g. well-to-well and well-to-gallery. the galleries are equipped with thirty 3-component geophone anchors installed in 1 m and 2 m depths for tomographic measurements or the recording of radiation pattern of seismic borehole sources. 1 introduction the gfz underground laboratory of the helmholtz centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences is utilized for continuous measurements since 1998. it is situated 150 m below surface on the �rst �oor in the research and education mine “reiche zeche” of the technical university of freiberg ( surrounded by three galleries, the site comprises a block of homogeneous high-grade gneiss of almost 50 m width and 100 m length ensuring constant environmental conditions. along the galleries thirty 3-component geophone anchors with a length of one or two meters are installed in a distance of 4–9 m from each other. two horizontal 8 ½” wide boreholes of 20 and 30 m length were drilled at the test site. *cite article as: gfz german research centre for geosciences. (2016). gfz underground laboratory in the research and education mine “reiche zeche” freiberg. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68 (2016) in 2011 the lab has been extended with a 5 m wide borehole chamber (bc) situated 10 m above the galleries from which a 70 m 8 ½” wide vertical borehole has been drilled (fig. 1). the boreholes are open, not cased or cemented and are completely cored. figure 1: perspective view of the gfz underground laboratory. the horizontal boreholes bh1 and bh2 are 30 m and 20 m long (red lines). a 70 m deep vertical borehole bh3 (blue) is located in the center and accessible via a ramp (ramp) and a chamber (bc). thin blue lines mark the rays between a borehole source point at 10 m depth and the thirty 3-component geophones. 2 technical developments high resolution surface seismic sources and di�erent seismic receivers for application in underground constructions works have been tested borm & giese (2003). in-house developed and pneumaticallydriven impact hammers and magnetostrictive vibrators (fig. 2) have been used as sources. the signals of these surface sources are comparable to those from small charges of explosives �red in boreholes. di�erent geophone, piezoelectric and optical receivers have been compared with respect to their signal amplitude, signal phase characteristics and signal to noise ratio. the objective of other experiments was to study the in�uence of near surface conditions, di�erent glues for geophone rock anchors as well as mechanically coupling techniques on the signal quality at the galleries surface and in boreholes. a removable mechanical coupling system for 3-component receivers in boreholes was developed and successfully tested at the gfz underground laboratory. geophone rock anchors were mounted along all galleries to gain su�ciently high resolution for experiments on seismic tomographic and imaging techniques krauß et al. (2014) (krauß et al., 2014). major progress during the development of the control technique for magnetostrictive actuators has allowed the simultaneous steering of signal amplitudes and phases of multiple vibrators. based on this technique two prototypes of phased array borehole sources, spwd -laboratory and spwd-wireline prototype, have been developed and tested in the two 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68 (2016) horizontal and the vertical boreholes of the gfz underground laboratory (jaksch et al., 2010). the measurement results demonstrate the possibility of focusing seismic wave energy in the desired directions. figure 2: pneumatic impulse hammer source pre-stressed against the richtstrecke gallery wall (see fig. 1). 3 scienti�c objectives the development of high resolution 3d seismic imaging techniques for the structural exploration around tunnels and boreholes is currently the main objective of the research activities at the gfz underground laboratory. other geophysical or geotechnical tests like borehole magnetic and electric experiments can be performed in the lab as well. di�erent imaging techniques such as 3-component kirchho�-migration or fresnel-volume-migration (lüth et al., 2005) are tested and modi�ed with respect to their capability to resolve small-scale structures within the gneiss block (fig. 3). the galleries also act as potential seismic re�ectors for seismic imaging. the major challenge of seismic imaging in the underground is the spatial ambiguity of the recorded wave �eld due to limited aperture of seismic source and receiver survey geometry. new imaging techniques are developed to improve the spatial resolution of structural objects. therefore, the measured polarization direction of the threecomponent data is used to determine points of refection and to restrict the migration operator to the region that physically contributes to a re�ection event (fresnel volume limit). thus migration artefacts and crosstalk e�ects from converted waves can be reduced compared with standard migration schemes. the application of a phased array source for directional enhancement of seismic wave energy allows a further restriction of the migration operator and therefore leads to a further improvement of resolution. for the exploitation of the full potential of phased array sources for imaging it is important to study the process of wave generation and wave propagation in space. the con�guration of receivers at the gfz underground laboratory o�ers the possibility to study the radiation pattern of seismic waves around boreholes in the near and far �eld area. recently, experiments to quantify the spectral energy of pand s-waves have been carried out. a further focus of investigation is tomographic inversion techniques. experiments to analyze the application of full waveform inversion methods have been performed to detect and locate changes in rock 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68 (2016) conditions while drill and construction works within the lab krauß et al. (2014) (krauß et al., 2014). an alternative approach to identify changes in rock condition is the application of coda wave interferometry lüth et al. (2014) (lueth et al., 2014). meanwhile several thousands of measurements with permanently �xed magnetostrictive actuators were used to transmit seismic waves through the gneiss block. various seismic chirp and sweep signals in the frequency range from 100 hz to 6000 hz have been applied. the experiments conducted so far have provided a high-resolution geophysical image of a de�ned crustal block that allows conducting further tests in an extremely well-characterized setting. figure 3: example of a fresnel-volume-migration for shear waves to image the surrounding area of the vertical borehole bh 3. high re�ective areas caused by fracture zones are marked by yellowish and reddish colors. 4 technical speci�cations 4.1 boreholes • two horizontal open hole boreholes bh1 and bh2, diameter= 8 ½” (216 mm), bh1 length = 30.6 m, bh2 length = 20.4 m • vertical open hole borehole bh3, diameter = 8 ½” (216 mm), bh3 length = 70 m • 30 1-m and 2-m deep monitoring boreholes, diameter = 44 mm, distributed along the galleries with 4 m –9 m distance from each other 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68 (2016) 4.2 available downhole tools and infrastructure on-site • spwd laboratory prototype equipped with four magnetostrictive actuators and four threecomponent geophones (gs 14l9, 28 hz) for the application in horizontal dry boreholes • spwd wireline prototype equipped with four magnetostrictive actuators and four three-component geophones for the application in vertical �uid-�lled boreholes • two pneumatic impulse hammer sources for the application at tunnel surface • magnetostrictive actuator sources for the application at tunnel surface • seismic borehole receiver tool equipped with four three-component geophone receivers (gs 14l9, 28 hz) and 1 m spacing for the application in horizontal dry boreholes • 30 three-component geophone (gs 14l3, 28 hz) anchors installed in 1 m and 2 m deep steel ropes • winch with 100 m cable for downhole tool application in the vertical bh3 • two carriages equipped with hoisting cranes to transport and apply seismic surface sources on rails installed along the galleries • workshop including tools for mechanical and electrical services • two compressors • internet connection 4.3 typical applications and services o�ered the gfz underground laboratory is a test site for geophysical measurements, singleand cross-hole experiments or tunnel surface to borehole trials. with its combination of galleries and horizontal and vertical boreholes the gfz underground laboratory enables the execution of three-dimensional geophysical experiments e.g. for tool validation and calibration under in-situ rock conditions. in this way it is a complementary test site to other deep crustal lab facilities which allow tool testing under highpressure and high-temperature conditions. the gfz underground laboratory boreholes and the infrastructure are available for external scienti�c (and commercial) utilization. due to complex, heavy-duty operations and because of safety regulations all operations will be conducted under the supervision of gfz personnel. tools and instruments of the gfz as described above can be made available according to needs. for scienti�c purposes only the net costs have to be borne by the external user. various seismic datasets, logs and core scanner data are available from surveys in the gfz underground laboratory for further investigations. the seismic tomography data to krauß et al. (2014) krauß et al., 2014 are published and available as supplementary datasets krauß et al. (2013) (krauß et al., 2013). acknowledgements we would like to thank all sta� members of the research and education mine “reiche zeche” of the technical university of freiberg for their technical support. we also acknowledge the support of current and former members of technical sta� of the section scienti�c drilling of the gfz: kay krüger, andreas jurczyk, marco groh, stefan weisheit, stefan mikulla, and markus reich. references borm, g., & giese, r. (2003). geophysical investigations: integrate seismic imaging system for geological prediction during tunnel construction. in d. kolymbas (ed.), rational tunnelling summerschool: innsbruck, 2003 (pp. 225–234). berlin: logos-verl. (advances in geotechnical engineering and tunnelling ; 8) 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a68 (2016) jaksch, k., giese, r., kopf, m., jurczyk, a., mikulla, s., weisheit, s., . . . krüger, k. (2010). seismic prediction while drilling (spwd): looking ahead of the drill bit by application of phased array technology. scienti�c drilling, 9, 41–44. krauß, f., giese, r., alexandrakis, c., & buske, s. (2013). supplement to: seismic travel-time and attenuation tomography to characterize the excavation damaged zone and the surrounding rock mass of a newly excavated ramp and chamber. deutsches geoforschungszentrum gfz. krauß, f., giese, r., alexandrakis, c., & buske, s. (2014). seismic travel-time and attenuation tomography to characterize the excavation damaged zone and the surrounding rock mass of a newly excavated ramp and chamber. international journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences, 70, 524–532. lüth, s., bohlen, t., giese, r., heider, s., hock, s., jetschny, s., . . . rechlin, a. (2014). tomography of the earth’s crust: from geophysical sounding to real-time monitoring: geotechnologien science report no. 21. in m. weber & u. münch (eds.), (pp. 115–133). springer international publishing. lüth, s., buske, s., giese, r., & goertz, a. (2005). fresnel volume migration of multicomponent data. geophysics, 70(6), s121-s129. 6 introduction technical developments scientific objectives technical specifications boreholes available downhole tools and infrastructure on-site typical applications and services offered journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) published: 08.12.2016 e3: residual stress neutron di�ractometer at ber ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie* instrument scientists: dr. mirko boin, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-43097, email: dr. robert c. wimpory, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-43097, email: abstract: the e3 residual stress neutron di�ractometer operated at helmholtz-zentrum berlin (hzb) is designed for studies in material science and engineering applications. recent upgrade activities have made the instrument faster and more adaptable to di�erent types of measurement. thus, e3 has become more attractive to a broad user community, including industry, and increased substantially its scienti�c output. 1 introduction neutron di�raction provides an attractive tool for investigations in fundamental research as well as for industrial applications. the large penetration depth within the bulk and the strong scattering power of many materials are advantageous features to probe crystallographic properties non-destructively with neutrons. hence, utilizing a di�ractometer allows the study of lattice strains, phase transitions and preferred crystallographic orientations. the neutron wavelength λ , applied for such investigations, is of the order of the interatomic distances dhkl . for polycrystalline engineering materials, for example, coherent elastic neutron scattering at angles of 2θ hkl will occur if bragg’s law is ful�lled: nλ = 2dhkl sinθ hkl (1) where the hkl miller indices denote the selected lattice plane of the crystal and n=1,2,3. . . is the order of the measured lattice re�ection, i.e. the bragg peak. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). e3: residual stress neutron di�ractometer at ber ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) 2 residual stresses the large penetration depth in combination with the choice of a speci�c wavelength o�ers measurements with scattering angles 2θ close to 90° and thus with virtually cubic gauge volumes. residual stress analysis (rsa) with angular-dispersive neutron di�raction is indeed usually restricted to measurements of a single lattice re�ection (depending on scattering angles and detector size), but for many engineering applications this information is su�cient (staron, 2008). the rsa utilizes the impact of stresses inside a component (also applied stresses) on the crystal lattice of the material which leads to elastic lattice strains, i.e. lattice spacing variations, which can be determined by measuring the shift of the bragg angle θ hkl . the lattice strain ε in the direction of the scattering vector, i.e. normal to the re�ecting lattice plane hkl of the specimen’s crystal structure, is the lattice spacing variation λ d over a stress-free reference d0, but is also determined by means of the measured lattice re�ection position 2θ (scattering angle): ε = ∆d d0 = sinθ0 sinθ − 1 (2) thus, the strain can be determined without the instrument’s neutron wavelength, whose value would have to be determined experimentally (and with su�cient precision) in order to transform the measured peak position into a lattice spacing d. due to the access to three mutually orthogonal strain directions ε 1,ε 2,ε 3, even in the bulk of the specimen, one is able to determine the stress state in an isotropic polycrystalline sample in one of these directions i=1,2,3: σi = e 1 + v εi + ve (1 + v)(1 − 2v) (ε1 + ε2 + ε3) (3) the modulus of elasticity e (also known young’s modulus) and the poisson’s ratio v depend on the hkl lattice plane selected for the measurements. residual stress neutron di�raction measurements are an essential tool for a broad range of engineering applications and fundamental research questions. the rsa in welding components, for example, is of great interest, because induced residual stress can decrease their load carrying capacity and/or their lifetime. moreover, with neutrons the access to the interior of samples allows the veri�cation of �nite element models (fem) that are typically used as a prediction tool in many industrial applications. 3 e3 instrument layout the e3 neutron di�ractometer at the ber ii research reactor is designed for angular-dispersive strain and stress analysis of simple geometric samples as well as for industrial applications and heavy and large components of complex shape. the instrument is located at beam port t2 and employs a horizontally bent and vertically focusing perfect single crystal blades si (100) monochromator (wimpory et al., 2008) that supplies neutrons with a wavelength of about 0.1471 nm. the di�ractometer itself consists of two big circles with a diameter of 800 mm each in order to rotate the specimen setup on top (ω) and rotate the detector around the table and along the scattering angles (2θ ) within a range of approx. 35°≤2θ ≤110°. the detector measures scattered neutrons over an area of 300 mm × 300 mm by means of ionization of 3he gas. for the analysis of the captured detector images, the stresstex program (randau et al., 2011) dedicated for stress and texture analyses is available. a schematic drawing of the instrument arrangement is shown in figure 1. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) figure 1: schematic drawing of the e3 residual stress neutron di�ractometer. for sample positioning an x-y-z translation stage with a maximum travel range of 250 mm on each axis (vertically and horizontally) is placed on top of the ω-table. this setup is able to carry loads of up to 300 kg and, thus, makes measurements with large and heavy components possible. figure 2a shows an example of the instrument setup with a 250 x 350 mm2 weld plate. furthermore, a range of equipment is available, such as a goniometer table (χ ) for heavy samples (up to 50 kg) with the ability to tilt the samples by 90° (figure 2b) is used to measure three perpendicular sample orientations without user interaction. the goniometer is also used in conjunction with another rotation stage (φ ) to allow investigations of preferred crystallographic orientations, i.e. texture. e3 is further able to utilize the hzb central sample environment, such as high-temperature furnaces (figure 3a) and cryostats for a total temperature range of 1.5 k to 1800 k in order to perform in-situ material investigations. in addition, two dedicated load frames are available for tension and compression tests with a load capacity of up to 50 kn (hoelzel et al., 2013) and a torsion option for up 12 nm (woracek et al., 2011). the �rst load frame is shown in figure 3b. the neutron beam size can be adjusted horizontally and vertically by a motorized primary slit in a range from 0-10 mm and 0-20 mm respectively. on the secondary side, a resizable matchstick slit or an oscillating radial collimator with a fwhm of about 2 mm are used to de�ne the gauge volume inside the sample. the instrument hardware is driven with the in-house development caress. this program system also prepares scans, acquires and protocols the measured data and provides interfaces to further control sample environment components, such as the third-party devices mentioned above. a summary of the technical speci�cations of the e3 neutron di�ractometer is listed in table 1. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) figure 2: (a) photograph of e3 with x-y-z table on top of the di�ractometer circles for the positioning of a large 40×50 cm2 weld plate. on the left: the motorized primary slit. on the right: the detector housing with an oscillating radial collimator in front of it. (b) application of the goniometer table as a tilt stage in order to access three orthogonal sample orientations for rsa. figure 3: high-temperature furnace setup on e3 (a). a rotatable load frame for tensile and compressive testing (b). 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) beam tube t2 collimation open monochromator / take-o� angle si (100), double focusing / 65° wavelength / flux 0.1471 nm / ~0.5 – 1 × 107 n/cm2/s range of scattering angles 35° ≤ 2θ ≤ 110° fwhm standard powder ~0.3 (at 2θ = 80°) detector position-sensitive 3he area detector 30 × 30 cm2 resolution ∆d/d ≈ 1.4·10−3 sample to detector distance 600 mm to 1300 mm beam size at sample 0..10 × 0..20 mm2 maximum sample size ~0.5 m diameter scan range • max. 250 mm (sample position) • ~35° ≤ 2θ ≤ 110° (scattering angle) instrument options • texture option • variable slit systems • radial collimator sample environment • x-y-z table for max. 300 kg • goniometer table • load frames (tension, compression, torsion) • cryostats and furnaces software stresstex (analysis), caress (instr. control) table 1: technical data of e3. 4 applications the �exible setup allows for a broad range of applications. investigations on welds (hensel et al., 2014; kromm, 2014) and the fem veri�cations (hemmesi et al., 2014) have been mentioned already. below, a selection of further applications is listed: • phase distribution measurements on metastable 304l stainless steel samples exhibiting the transformation induced plasticity (trip) e�ect after tensile and torsional deformation were performed to obtain reference neutron di�raction results for the evaluation of imaging experiments (woracek et al., 2014). • near-surface measurements using a partially emerging gauge volume can be performed on e3. with paying attention to arti�cial peak shifts the gap from neutron in-depth measurements to surface-zone investigations with x-rays can be bridged (r. c. wimpory et al., 2011). • plasma-facing, but also heat-extracting divertor components developed as interlayer materials for the new iter fusion reactor have been studied in order to �nd matrix alloys, �ber materials and an optimal interface design to achieve high mechanical strength and small thermal expansion mismatch for long-term stability (schöbel et al., 2011). • e3 regularly takes part in round robin activities to check and compare against other neutron instruments and other non-destructive and destructive techniques and, thus, develop and o�er reliable concepts for industry-relevant residual stress applications (smith et al., 2010). • single crystal samples have also been measured using a cryo-furnace at di�erent temperature conditions in order to analyze both structural and magnetic phase transition temperatures (chmielus et al., 2010; rolfs et al., 2010). • by supplying reference neutron di�raction results for residual stress and texture applications, e3 takes part in method developments such as the bragg edge imaging concept (boin et al., 2011; strobl et al., 2011). 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) 5 recent upgrade activities in order to meet the growing demand for neutron beam time, e3 is constantly being upgraded. since the installation of a new monochromator in 2007, the instrument has become much faster and more attractive for the user community (r. wimpory et al., 2008). further upgrade activities have signi�cantly increased the range of applications and improved the experiment performance (boin & wimpory, 2014): • a set of perfectly bent si (100) crystals providing a neutron wavelength of 0.1471 nm focusses on the sample. thus, the di�ractometer has become faster and more adaptable to di�erent types of measurement. • a new motor control system and detector electronics have been implemented providing a reliable and modular interface between instrument and the caress control software making the instrument more �exible for applications with third-party devices. • an oscillating radial collimator secondary optic has been implemented to improve the instrument resolution, especially at interfaces and for in-depth measurements of complex-shaped samples. • an open tilt stage to measure three mutually orthogonal strain directions within one sample alignment is available for measurements without user interaction. the same is possible with a new custom-developed stress rig for tension and compression experiments with loads of up to 50 kn (hoelzel et al., 2013). • e3 is now equipped with a new primary slit device to change the neutron beam size without instrument re-calibration (in both vertical and horizontal directions) and, thus, o�ers new types of on-the-�y measurements, such as the in�uence of grain sizes on peak shifts (boin & wimpory, 2014). • a new laser scanner system is to be implemented on the e3 di�ractometer to make instrument (re-) calibration and sample alignment much faster and more precise. 6 summary e3 is part of a complementary suite of hzb instruments (including x-ray and synchrotron di�ractometers) for microstructural material investigations for fundamental and industry-near research. being on a medium-�ux neutron source (ber ii) could be a limiting factor but recent activities have shown that e3 can compete with instruments on higher-�ux sources and thus o�er neutrons for a broad range of applications to an increasing user community. references boin, m., hilger, a., kardjilov, n., zhang, s. y., oliver, e. c., james, j. a., . . . wimpory, r. c. (2011). validation of bragg edge experiments by monte carlo simulations for quantitative texture analysis. journal of applied crystallography, 44(5), 1040–1046. boin, m., & wimpory, r. c. (2014, 1). upgrade activities on the e3 residual stress neutron di�ractometer. in international conference on residual stresses 9 (icrs 9) (vol. 768, pp. 31–35).� chmielus, m., witherspoon, c., wimpory, r. c., paulke, a., hilger, a., zhang, x., . . . müllner, p. (2010). magnetic-�eld-induced recovery strain in polycrystalline ni-mn-ga foam. journal of applied physics, 108(12). hemmesi, k., siegele, d., & farajian, m. (2014, 10). numerical investigation of welding residual stress �eld and its behaviour under multiaxial loading in tubular joints. in residual stresses ix (vol. 996, pp. 788–793). trans tech publications.� 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) hensel, j., nitschke-pagel, t., dilger, k., & schoenborn, s. (2014). eigenspannungen und schwingfestigkeit von geschweißten längssteifen aus hochfesten stählen. htm journal of heat treatment and materials, 69(1), 14-23. hoelzel, m., gan, w., hofmann, m., randau, c., seidl, g., jüttner, p., & schmahl, w. (2013). rotatable multifunctional load frames for neutron di�ractometers at frm ii design, speci�cations and applications. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 711, 101 105. kromm, a. (2014, 10). evaluation of weld �ller alloying concepts for residual stress engineering by means of neutron and x-ray di�raction. in residual stresses ix (vol. 996, pp. 469–474).� randau, c., garbe, u., & brokmeier, h.-g. (2011). stresstexturecalculator: a software tool to extract texture, strain and microstructure information from area-detector measurements. journal of applied crystallography, 44(3), 641–646. rolfs, k., chmielus, m., wimpory, r., mecklenburg, a., müllner, p., & schneider, r. (2010). double twinning in ni-mn-ga-co. acta materialia, 58(7), 2646 2651. schöbel, m., jonke, j., degischer, h., pa�enholz, v., brendel, a., wimpory, r., & michiel, m. d. (2011). thermal fatigue damage in mono�lament reinforced copper for heat sink applications in divertor elements. journal of nuclear materials, 409(3), 225 234. smith, m. c., smith, a. c., wimpory, r. c., ohms, c., nadri, b., & bouchard, p. j. (2010). optimising residual stress measurements and predictions in a welded benchmark specimen: a review of phase 2 of the net task group 1 single bead on plate round robin. proc. of the asme pressure vessels and piping conference 2009. materials and fabrication, parts a and b, 6(pvp2009-77157), 277-301. staron, p. (2008). stress analysis by angle-dispersive neutron di�raction. in neutrons and synchrotron radiation in engineering materials science (pp. 137–153). wiley-vch verlag gmbh & co. kgaa. strobl, m., hilger, a., boin, m., kardjilov, n., wimpory, r., clemens, d., . . . manke, i. (2011). time-of�ight neutron imaging at a continuous source: proof of principle using a scintillator ccd imaging detector. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 651(1), 149 155. wimpory, r., mikula, p., šaroun, j., poeste, t., li, j., hofmann, m., & schneider, r. (2008). ef�ciency boost of the materials science di�ractometer e3 at bensc: one order of magnitude due to a horizontally and vertically focusing monochromator. neutron news, 19(1), 16-19. wimpory, r. c., fuß, t., klaus, m., & genzel, c. (2011, 5). bridging gaps in surface zone residual stress analysis using complementary probes for strain depth pro�ling. in residual stresses viii (vol. 681, pp. 411–416). trans tech publications.� woracek, r., penumadu, d., kardjilov, n., hilger, a., boin, m., banhart, j., & manke, i. (2014). 3d mapping of crystallographic phase distribution using energy-selective neutron tomography. advanced materials, 26(24), 4069–4073. 7 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a100 (2016) woracek, r., penumadu, d., kardjilov, n., hilger, a., strobl, m., wimpory, r. c., . . . banhart, j. (2011). neutron bragg-edge-imaging for strain mapping under in situ tensile loading. journal of applied physics, 109(9). 8 introduction residual stresses e3 instrument layout applications recent upgrade activities summary journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a38 (2015) published: 21.12.2015 nrex: neutron re�ectometer with x-ray option max-planck-institut für festkörperforschung heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum instrument scientists: yury khaydukov, max-planck-institute for solid state research, stuttgart, germany at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14769, email: olaf soltwedel, max-planck-institute for solid state research, stuttgart, germany at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14769, email: thomas keller, max-planck-institute for solid state research, stuttgart, germany at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 12164, email: abstract: the high resolution neutron/ x-ray contrast re�ectometer nrex, operated by the max planck institute for solid state research, is designed for the determination of structural and magnetic properties of surfaces, interfaces, and thin �lm systems. 1 introduction the instrument is an angle-dispersive �xed-wavelength machine with a default wavelength of 4.28 å. a horizontal focussing monochromator gives the possibility to switch between modes “high intensity/ relaxed resolution” and “high resolution/ reduced intensity” and provides a beam especially for small samples (down to 5 x 5 mm2 and below). a beryllium �lter attenuates higher order re�ections. transmittance supermirrors m = 3.5 with a polarising e�ciency of p = 99 % and high e�ciency gradient rf �eld spin �ippers are used for a full 4 spin channel polarisation analysis. the sample is aligned horizontally. by tilting the sample the incident angle is varied. the detector arm can move for gisans horizontally as well as vertically for specular and di�use scattering measurements. neutrons are detected with a 20 x 20 cm2 position sensitive or a pencil detector. an x-ray re�ectometer can be mounted on the sample table orthogonal to the neutron beam. it allows for the in-situ characterisation of sensitive soft matter samples and neutron/ x-ray contrast variation experi1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a38 (2015) ments. figure 1: instrument nrex (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications the instrument provides specular and o�-specular re�ectometry as well as grazing incidence small angle di�raction both in polarised and non-polarised modes. while the specular re�ectivity allows determining the scattering length density pro�les (20 – 1500 å) with nm precession along the surface normal, the o� specular re�ectivity is sensitive to in-plane-inhomogeneity like roughness, (magnetic) domains, vortices in superconductorsand clustersin the µm-range. to probe lateral (in-plane) structures in the order of atom distance (down to few å) at the surface, grazing incidence di�raction is provided. 3 sample environment a closed cycle crystat (down to 3.5 k) and an electromagnet for �elds up to 0.5 t applicable in all three space-directions with restrictions in �eld strength are provided. additionally the standard sample environment (magnets up to 7.5 t and 3he inserts for the cryostat down to 50 mk) are available. to the instrument pool belong a cell for investigations at the solid/ liquid interface and a gastight chamber for experiments under de�ned environmental conditions (arbitrary atmospheres: for example de�ned relative humidity) at the solid/ air interface. 4 technical data 4.1 monochromator • type 7 x 5 hopg crystals horizontal focussing • wavelength: 4.28 å • wavelength resolution: 1. . . 2 % 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a38 (2015) • distance to sample: 2500 mm • higher order �lter: cooled be figure 2: schematic drawing of nrex. 4.2 collimation • vertical slit sizes: 0.2 – 6 mm divergence: 0.05 – 1.4 mrad • horizontal slit: 0.2 – 100 mm 4.3 polarisation • beam polarisation > 99 % • flipper e�ciency > 99 % 4.4 detector • 2 pencil detectors 3he • 2d area detector 3he wire chamber • active area 200 x 200 mm2 • lateral resolution 3 mm • distance to sample 2465 mm 4.5 dynamicaland q-range • specular re�ectivity: 1 : 1 x 10-6 (@ 5 x 5 mm2 sample and full polarisation) • qz: 0.005 0. 5 å-1 • δ qz (0 < qz < 0.2 å-1) < 0.002 å-1 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a38 (2015) 4.6 x-rays • source: cu-kα �xed anode (1.54 å) • monochromator: goebel mirror & double ge-crystal • detector: 0-dimensional nai scintillation counter 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data monochromator collimation polarisation detector dynamicaland q-range x-rays journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) published: 09.06.2016 desy nanolab deutsches elektronen synchrotron (desy) * instrument scientists: heshmat noei, desy, notkestr. 85, d-22607 hamburg, vedran vonk, desy, notkestr. 85, d-22607 hamburg, thomas f. keller, desy, 22607 hamburg, and fachbereich physik, universität hamburg, d-20355 hamburg, ralf röhlsberger, desy, 22607 hamburg, and fachbereich physik, universität hamburg, d-20355 hamburg, andreas stierle, desy, 22607 hamburg, and fachbereich physik, universität hamburg, d-20355 hamburg, abstract: the desy nanolab is a facility providing access to nano-characterization, nano-structuring and nano-synthesis techniques which are complementary to the advanced x-ray techniques available at desy’s light sources. it comprises state-of-the art scanning probe microscopy and focused ion beam manufacturing, as well as surface sensitive spectroscopy techniques for chemical analysis. specialized laboratory x-ray di�raction setups are available for a successful sample pre-characterization before the precious synchrotron beamtimes. future upgrades will include as well instrumentation to characterize magnetic properties. 1 introduction today’s third generation and future di�raction limited synchrotron radiation facilities allow experiments with nano-focused x-ray beams such as single object nano di�raction and imaging (hoppe et al., 2013; pfeifer et al., 2006). these demanding experiments require involved preand post-experimental sample preparation and characterization with complementary techniques. the desy nanolaboratory (desy nanolab) is a facility providing photon science user access to advanced nano-characterization, nano-structuring and nano-synthesis techniques which are complementary to the advanced x-ray techniques available at desy’s light sources. a special focus is on the reproducible transfer of individual nano objects from the desy nanolab microscopes to the beamlines and vice versa. the scienti�c instrumentation of the desy nanolab is being continuously extended. currently, an ultrahigh *cite article as: deutsches elektronen synchrotron (desy). (2016). desy nanolab. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) vacuum (uhv) setup for surface preparation and nanoparticle growth is available that combines surface science techniques such as x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (xps), re�ection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (uhv-rairs) and ultra high vacuum scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy (stm/afm). in addition, an x-ray di�raction laboratory is operational, which allows specular re�ectivity and grazing incidence x-ray di�raction measurements on a routine basis using sealed tube mo and cu x-ray sources and parabolic multilayer optics. a high resolution �eld emission scanning electron microscope (fe-sem) is available for users, as well as a dual electron and focused ion beam (fib) for high precision sample structuring. magnetic sample characterization will be possible in the future by a kerr microscope and a physical properties measurement system (ppms), as well as magnetic force microscopy (mfm). access to desy nanolab instrumentation is possible via submission of a research proposal for a combined access to the desy nanolab and the desy light sources petra iii or flash via door (desy online o�ce for research with photons: within this framework, desy nanolab currently o�ers the instrumentation presented here in the areas of surface spectroscopy, x-ray di�raction, high resolution microscopy and magnetic characterization. 2 surface spectroscopy and sample preparation 2.1 ultra-high vacuum system for sample preparation our ultra-high vacuum (uhv) apparatus consists of a tunnel chamber connected to the load-lock, growth or preparation chamber, re�ection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (rairs), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps), and scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy (stm). this allows carrying out sample cleaning, modi�cation, metal (oxide) deposition and characterization under uhv chamber without exposing it into air. the preparation chamber has the following characteristics: • base pressure of 10−11 mbar, ion getter pump, turbo molecular pump and titanium sublimation pump • sample heating up to 1500 k by thermal and e-beam heating • combined low energy electron di�raction (leed)auger system • electron beam evaporators • sputter gun for sample surface cleaning • thermal cracker for oxygen and hydrogen • 1-inch molybdenum sample holder with an optimal sample size of 10 x 10 mm2 • back-pack sample holders for transferring diverse sample holders to di�erent systems in the uhv lab (stm/afm, xps) • gas dosing system (ar, o2, c2h4, co, h2, ...) 2.2 ultra-high vacuum-re�ection absorption ir spectroscopy (uhv-rairs) we operate an ultrahigh vacuum (uhv) apparatus to which a state of the art vacuum ir spectrometer is connected (bruker, vertex 80v). the powerful design allows carrying out re�ection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (rairs) experiments at grazing incidence on well-de�ned metal and oxide single crystal surfaces in a wide pressure range from uhv to ambient condition and temperature range from 110 k to 1000 k. the unique feature of our ir apparatus is the entirely evacuated optical path to avoid background signals from gas phase species. 2.2.1 speci�cations: • external mct detector for rairs measurements on well-ordered solid surfaces. • internal dtg detector for fourier-transform ir spectroscopy (ftirs) on powder samples. • in-situ measurements at variable pressure range: 10−10 mbar < p < 1 bar. • in-situ measurements at variable temperature range: 110 k (liquid n2 cooling). < t < 1000 k • gas dosing system 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) figure 1: multi method uhv lab as part of the desy nanolab. 2.3 x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) xps is performed by bombarding a sample with mono-energetic x-rays, causing core-level photoelectrons to be ejected from the sample. the binding energy and intensity of a photoelectron peak provide information about elemental identity, chemical state, and concentration within the probed volume. the xps signal arises from two to about twenty atomic layers in depth from the surface, depending on the material, the energy of the photoelectrons concerned, and the electron exit angle with respect to the surface. 2.3.1 information obtained by xps • quantitative chemical elemental analysis of surfaces • chemical or electronic state of each element in the surface • surface contaminations and adsorbates • surface core level shifts • homogeneity of elemental composition across the top surface • homogeneity of elemental composition as a function of depth (pro�ling by ion beam etching) 2.3.2 speci�cations: • variable temperature range: 100 k < t < 1000 k (liquid n2 cooling). • variable pressure range: 10−10 mbar < p < 10−4 mbar. • phoibos 150 2d-dld elevated pressure energy analyzer equipped with di�erential pumping system • laser pointer for sample positioning and alignment • monochromatic x-ray source focus 500 equipped with di�erential pumping system. • flood gun fg 15/40. • mono-energetic al ka • ion source for sample surface cleaning • programmed depth pro�ling sputter gun • fast entry load lock 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) 3 x-ray di�raction the desy nanolab operates two independent x-ray scattering set-ups. one is dedicated to x-ray re�ectivity measurements, the other to surface sensitive x-ray di�raction in a variety of geometries. each measurement station is located inside a radiation proof lead hutch equipped with a door interlock, thereby resembling a typical synchrotron beamline. both di�ractometers can handle relatively large sample environments, which can be as large as 600 mm diameter and weigh up to 50 kg. in this way, the x-ray di�raction stations allow for carrying out experiments, which are very similar to those done at the synchrotron beamline. the symbiosis of experiment control, sample environment and appropriate access to reciprocal space, results in the ability to perform in-situ and operando x-ray scattering studies in the lab. this can be used for complementary studies or to optimally prepare for precious beamtimes at the synchrotron and in some special cases even replace those experiments. additionally, the x-ray stations serve as excellent training sites for students, who get accustomed with setting up and controlling dedicated experiments exactly in the same way as they will have to do it at the synchrotron. re�ectometer di�ractometer anode material mo cu max. power (kw) 3.0 0.05 size e-beam spot (mm2) 12 x 0.4 0.04 x 0.04 focusing 1d 2d x-ray beam size on sample (hxv, mm2) 10 x 0.6∗ 0.25 x 0.25 x-ray beam divergence (hxv, mrad2) 14 x 0.4∗ 5 x 5 distance optics-sample position (mm) 1000 650 photon �ux at the sample position 107 3 x 108 table 1: characteristics of the two x-ray setups. ∗horizontally the beam is unfocused and its size and divergence are determined by a slit between the source and sample. 3.1 re�ectometer the re�ectometer uses a vertical scattering geometry, i.e. the sample surface lies horizontal in the lab frame. five motions, of which 3 rotations and 2 translations are used to align the surface normal in the lab frame. typical θ -2θ scans are performed. two pairs of tungsten slits provide a collimator system on the detector arm, thereby allowing to optimizing the resolution and reducing the background to a minimum. table 1 shows the beam characteristics. figure 2 (left) shows a typical result of a re�ectivity measurement performed on an approximately 15 nm thin iridium �lm grown on a sapphire substrate. the dynamical range of the setup is 7-8 orders of magnitude. 3.2 di�ractometer a large 6-circle di�ractometer allows for several scattering geometries. the most common one used is for samples with a well-de�ned face, such as polished single crystal substrates or thin �lms, with their surface mounted horizontally in the lab frame (lohmeier & vlieg, 1993). in particular, the di�ractometer is suited for measurements with a �xed angle of incidence with respect to the sample surface, which is bene�cial for the signal-to-background ratio when measuring surface sensitive crystal truncation rods. there are two rotations and 3 translations available to align the surface normal of the sample parallel to the omega rotation axis. in figure 2 (right) (1,0) crystal truncation rod data (solid points) of an ir(111) single crystal surface are shown. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) figure 2: left: x-ray re�ectivity data (open symbols) and �t (solid line) of an approximately 15nm thin ir �lm on a al2o3(0001) substrate using mo kα radiation. right:(1,0) ctr of an ir(111) single crystal obtained in air (�lled circles) and theoretical �t (solid line) (vlieg, 2000). inset: rocking scan at l=2.8. a simulation of the experimental intensity variation with di�raction index is shown as well (solid curve). the inset shows a rocking curve close to the minimum of the ctr at l=2.8 and indicates that the di�raction signal from the surface is signi�cantly higher than the background. 3.3 control software and detectors both di�raction set-ups are controlled by the program spec, which is a software distribution coming with di�erent solutions regarding di�erent scattering geometries and angle calculations ( since this program is widespread among the di�erent synchrotron communities, there are many possibilities for hardware integration and control. in parallel, a tango device server is used, which o�ers a great deal of �exibility towards hardware control of apparatus that is not directly supported by spec. since the detector arms are relatively large and the software allows for the implementation of many di�erent hardware solutions, many di�erent types of detectors can be used. currently, the re�ectometer is equipped with a point detector (cyberstar, nai(tl) scintillator) and is foreseen to be also run with a strip detector (dectris, mythen). through the desy photon science detector loan pool, it is possible to obtain other systems, like a 2d pixel photon counter (dectris, pilatus 100k). 4 microscopy & nanostructuring the desy nanolab provides state of the art microscopy instrumentation for real space imaging of materials surfaces adjusted to meet the demands of potential users of the x-ray light sources on the campus. several types of microscopes are available, including a high resolution �eld emission scanning electron microscope (hr fe-sem), a variable temperature ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling/atomic force microscope (uhv stm/afm) permitting a uhv sample transfer within the uhv cluster at desy nanolab, and a high resolution afm for operation under ambient conditions. this equipment is complemented by a dual beam (fib) instrument combining a focused ion beam and an electron beam. the fib permits a sample nano-structuring as, e.g., slicing for transmission analysis using both, x-rays and electrons, and also iterative milling and imaging to obtain 3d tomographic structural and elemental information. furthermore, an optical microscope is available. 4.1 scanning electron microscopy (sem) sem instrument: the hr fe-sem is a fei nova nano sem 450 instrument. its compact shape permits highest lateral resolution in various imaging modes. several detectors sensitive to topographic and chemical contrast 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) permit to obtain complementary information from the sample surfaces. while standard operation is in re�ection, thin sections of a sample, membranes, or small objects on membrane carriers can be analyzed using a retractable scanning transmission electron microscopy (stem) detector. chemical contrast can be obtained by electron dispersive spectroscopy (eds). fig. 3 shows a view inside the sem chamber with the pole shoe and sample holders on top of the sample translation stage. the gas injection needle used for electron beam assisted deposition of metalorganic precursors facilitates to write markers close to regions of interest, which in a subsequent step can be used for re-localization at other nano-instruments. an arbitrary marker shape is possible via a bitmap import, see, e.g., figure 3. figure 3: chamber-view inside the sem with pole shoe, gas injection needle and sample table. ir-ccd camera permits to track the sample position. 4.1.1 speci�cations: • field emission gun with schottky �eld emitter • high voltage 200 v 30 kv, landing energy 20 v 30 kv • beam current up to 200 na • lateral resolution 0.8 nm at 30 kv, with the stem detector; 1.0 nm at 15 kv and 1.4 nm at 1 kv using the secondary electron trough lens detector, (tld–se) and 3.5 nm at 100 v (directional back scatter detector, dbs) • imaging in high-vacuum and low-vacuum is possible • translation stage permitting a lateral sample movement of 110 mm × 110 mm • navigation and pattering software • beam deceleration option to analyze isolating sample surfaces • dynamical tilt • gas injection system to write pt based markers on sample surfaces via electron assisted deposition • plasma cleaner 4.1.2 detectors: • secondary electron (se) everhart-thornley detector (etd) • high resolution through-lens detector for tunable se and be ratio (tld) 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) • lens-mounted concentric backscatter detector (cbsd) • high resolution stem detector for transmission analysis of thin sample slices, membranes, and membrane supported microand nano-objects • x-max 150 eds silicon drift detector for elemental analysis, energy resolution 127 ev @ mn kα (oxford instruments) • low vacuum backscatter detector (lvd) figure 4: desy logo written by electron beam assisted deposition of platinum on a silicon wafer surface. 4.2 variable temperature ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling (stm) / atomic force microscope (afm) 1. uhv afm/stm instrument: the variable temperature ultra-high vacuum stm/afm is an omicron vt instrument connected to the uhv cluster at desy nanolab, permitting a direct sample transfer under uhv conditions throughout the cluster with its preparation, deposition and characterization tools (see section 2.1). it provides atomic resolution in the lateral and vertical dimension. 2. speci�cations: • variable temperature range: 100 k < t < 500 k (liquid n2, option for he cooling) • resolution in vertical z-direction (as speci�ed by the manufacturer): < 0.01 nm • range of tunneling current: 1 pa – 330 na. gap voltage: ± 5 mv – 10 v • true pa current stm • di/dv spectroscopy • beam de�ection afm • qplus sensor based afm using a modi�ed quartz tuning fork • range of piezoelectric stage (x/y/z): 10 µm × 10 µm × 1.5 µm • range of coarse movement of translation stage (x/y/z): 10 mm × 10 mm ×10 mm • optical microscope for probe navigation, resolution < 10 µm) • base pressure: 5 × 10−11 mbar • load lock • in-situ tip exchange • possibility of in-situ evaporation. 3. modes of operation: • stm/afm mode • stm tunneling spectroscopy • high resolution quartz tuning fork afm • magnetic force microscopy (mfm) option 7 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) • electrostatic force microscopy option • kelvin probe microscopy option. 4.3 atomic microscope (afm) 1. afm instrument: the afm is a cp-ii instrument from digital instruments. it provides easy access to nanoand microscale surface topography of conducting and non-conducting materials. fig. 5 shows the instrument inside the home-made acoustic isolation chamber. varies modes of operations permit to obtain additional local surface information as, e.g., mechanical properties, friction forces or the electrical conductivity. 2. speci�cations: • high resolution piezoelectric scanner (lateral scan range 5 µm × 5 µm, height range 2.5 µm), with a lateral / vertical resolution of 0.0013 å / 0.009 å, (digital analogue conversion, dac, as speci�ed by the manufacturer) • large area piezoelectric scanner (lateral scan range 90 µm × 90 µm, height range 7.5 µm) • laser diode and position-sensitive photodetector • optical microscope for laser and sample alignment • microscope stage with translation stage permitting a coarse sample alignment (8 mm × 8 mm) • home-built acoustic isolation chamber • anti-vibration system • proscan data acquisition and image processing software 3. modes of operation: • contact mode • non-contact / intermittent (tapping) mode • lateral-force / friction mode • stm mode. figure 5: afm instrument at desy nanolab. 8 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a76 (2016) 5 instrumentation for microand nanoscale magnetism the past decades have witnessed an enormous progress in the preparation of magnetic nanostructures, together with the development of methods for their characterization. highly brilliant x-ray sources continue to provide a signi�cant impact in this �eld as they allow to probe spin dynamics and electronic correlations on relevant temporal and spatial scales with elemental speci�ty. it is the goal of the instrumentation provided by the desy nanolab to facilitate a thorough understanding of magnetic properties from atomic to macroscopic length scales by o�ering advanced lab-based methods for magnetic characterization in concert with the high-resolution x-ray scattering and spectroscopic methods at the desy photon sources. to realize this, it is planned to equip the desy nanolab with two versatile instruments: a system for precision measurement of physical properties constitutes an advanced and widely-used toolbox for magnetic and transport measurements in modern condensed matter laboratories. it provides options for magnetometry like vibrating sample magnetometry (vsm) and ac-susceptibility, thermal measurements like heat capacity and thermotransport as well as electro-transport measurements like dc resistivity. all these measurements can be performed in external �elds up to 14 t and within a temperature range of 1.9 k – 400 k, thus matching the experimental conditions provided by cryomagnet systems available at petra iii beamlines. an ultra-high sensitivity magneto-optical kerr e�ect magnetometer shall provide laser-based kerr magnetometry and near video-rate kerr microscopy in a single instrument. such an instrument will be a powerful tool for studies in spintronics, magnetoelectronics, gmr/tmr structures, and thin �lm magnetism with spotsizes/spatial resolution as small as 2 µ m which matches the x-ray spot sizes provided by many of the kb mirror systems at petra iii. combined with the coordinate transfer system established in the desy nanolab, it will be possible to address the same sample spots with the magnetooptical techniques of this instrument and the x-ray methods at petra iii. 6 summary in summary, the desy nanolab provides a versatile platform for desy photon science users for in depth sample nano-characterization by spectroscopy, microscopy, magnetism and x-ray di�raction around beamtimes, thereby providing methods complementary to the techniques available at the desy photon science facilities. for the future operation of fourth generation synchrotron radiation sources with highly improved nano-focusing capabilities such a complementary approach will be highly bene�cial. references hoppe, r., reinhardt, j., hofmann, g., patommel, j., grunwaldt, j.-d., damsgaard, c. d., . . . schroer, c. g. (2013). high-resolution chemical imaging of gold nanoparticles using hard x-ray ptychography. applied physics letters, 102(20). lohmeier, m., & vlieg, e. (1993). angle calculations for a six-circle surface x-ray di�ractometer. journal of applied crystallography, 26(5), 706–716. pfeifer, m. a., williams, g. j., vartanyants, i. a., harder, r., & robinson, i. k. (2006). three-dimensional mapping of a deformation �eld inside a nanocrystal. nature, 442, 63-66. vlieg, e. (2000). rod: a program for surface x-ray crystallography. journal of applied crystallography, 33(2), 401–405. 9 introduction surface spectroscopy and sample preparation ultra-high vacuum system for sample preparation ultra-high vacuum-reflection absorption ir spectroscopy (uhv-rairs) specifications: x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) information obtained by xps specifications: x-ray diffraction reflectometer diffractometer control software and detectors microscopy & nanostructuring scanning electron microscopy (sem) specifications: detectors: variable temperature ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling (stm) / atomic force microscope (afm) atomic microscope (afm) instrumentation for microand nanoscale magnetism summary journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a9 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 refsans: re�ectometer and evanescent wave small angle neutron spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht, german engineering materials science centre instrument scientists: jean-françois moulin, german engineering materials science centre (gems) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10762, email: martin haese, german engineering materials science centre (gems) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10763, email: abstract: the horizontal re�ectometer refsans, operated by gems, helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht, was designed to enable specular re�ectometry as well as grazing incidence neutron scattering studies of both solid samples and liquid-air interfaces. 1 introduction by using a polychromatic incident neutron beam and time-of-�ight (tof) wavelength resolution, refsans gives simple access to a large q range. typical re�ectometry curves are recorded using three incident angles to cover the 0 – 2 nm-1 qz domain. in the case of gisans, the tof mode provides direct information about the full penetration curve from a single incident angle. the instrument versatility relies on the one hand on the fact that the wavelength resolution can be tuned between 0.2 and 10 %, on the other hand on the possibility to independently control the horizontal and vertical divergence by means of a complex optic. these two characteristics make it possible to optimally perform re�ectometry and gisans. one can easily switch between these two con�gurations for a given sample and thereby fully investigate its structure without having to alter externally applied �elds or constraints (temperature, chemical environment). for re�ectometry, a horizontally smeared out beam of up to 80 mm width is used in order to maximise intensity. for gisans, up to 13 point beams are impinging on the sample and point focused on the 2d position sensitive detector placed at a distance of 9 m. this setup allows to resolve lateral structures with dimensions up to several micrometer. in all other cases the detector can be placed at any distance 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a9 (2015) figure 1: instrument refsans (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). between 1.5 m and 12 m from the sample, thereby making it easy to control the explored angular range and optimise the resolution/ background intensity trade-o�. 2 typical applications the tof re�ectometry and gisans techniques can be used to characterise thin �lms in general. re�ectometry provides information about the structure along the sample’s normal, while gisans gathers information about the in-plane correlations. typical re�ectometry experiments include: • characterisation of polymer thin �lm structure and their swelling behaviour in presence of various vapors • biological systems such as solid or liquid supported membranes (e.g determination of the morphology and localisation of proteins at interfaces) • metallic multilayers (e.g magnetically active �lms) • coatings gisans complements these measurements and has been successfully applied to polymer thin �lms (lateral correlations e.g in dewetted systems, detection and identi�cation of polymer lamellae in immiscible blends or semicristalline systems), composites, nanopatterned metallic surfaces for which bragg truncation rods have been reconstructed. 3 sample environment the optimal sample size is 70 x 70 mm2. various environments are available: • simple sample changer for three substrates • vibration controlled langmuir trough for liquid-air interfaces studies • magnetic �elds up to 7 tesla • cryostats a heavy load huber goniometer (max. load 200 kg) is normally used to carry the experimental set-up, but it can easily be removed and replaced by custom equipments. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a9 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of refsans. 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • neutron guide nl2b • astrium choppers with wavelength resolution to be chosen in the range 0.2 – 10 % for wavelengths in the range 2 – 20 å. rotation speed up to 6000 rpm • collimation: 2 vertical adjustable slits (0 – 12 mm) separated by 8.68 m • for re�ectometry, the horizontal divergence is maximized by use of supermirrors (m = 2 – 3) 4.2 flux at sample typical values (∆q / q = 3 %): • 1 · 104 n s-1 (incident angle 0.2°) • 3 · 106 n s-1 (at 2.5°) in the wavelength range 2 to 6 å for a 60 x 60 mm2 sample. 4.3 accessible q-range • re�ectometry: qz up to 0.3 å-1 for re�ectivities down to the 10-7 range. • gisans: qy = 9.5 · 10-5 å-1 to 0.18 å-1 (corresponding to distances from 6 µm down to 3.5 nm) 4.4 detector • high performance 2d 500 x 500 mm2 multiwire 3he detector (pixel size 2.7 mm, e�ciency 80 % at 7 å, gamma sensitivity < 10-6) positioned between 1.5 m and 12 m from the sample. the detector is installed in a liftable vacuum tube in order to reach exit angles up to 6 degrees at the maximum distance. 4.5 tof analysis • the data are acquired in list mode, each neutron arrival time and impact position being stored for later analysis. this makes it possible to perform various rebinnings in order to tune the resolution/ intensity trade-o�. 3 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam flux at sample accessible q-range detector tof analysis journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a10 (2015) published: 18.08.2015 sans-1: small angle neutron scattering heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht, german engineering materials science centre technische universität münchen instrument scientists: andré heinemann, german engineering materials science centre (gems) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14534, email: sebastian mühlbauer, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10784, email: abstract: the new small angle scattering instrument sans-1, jointly operated by the technische universität münchen and gems, helmholtz-zentrum geesthacht, has completed commissioning and is in regular user service (gilles et al., 2006). sans-1 is located at the end of neutron guide nl4a in the neutron guide hall west. 1 introduction sans-1 is a standard pinhole sans instrument with both 20 m collimation distance and 20 m sample detector distance, respectively. sans-1 has been optimised by monte-carlo simulations to �t the restrictions in both available space and optimal usage of the provided neutron beam (gilles et al., 2007). a vertical s-shaped neutron guide with extreme suppression of fast background neutrons is optimised for complementary wavelength packages, followed by the selector tower with two selectors for high and low resolution, respectively. adjacent to the selector tower, a collimation system with four parallel horizontal tracks provides vast �exibility: the �rst track is occupied by a neutron guide system, the second track carries the collimation system with additional background apertures on track three. one track remains empty for various future applications such as focussing lenses or a longitudinal spin echo option. two fe/si transmission polarisers have been optimised to cover the whole wavelength band from 4.5 – 30 å. the acentric mounting of the detector tube with around 2.4 m inner diameter allows to use a primary detector of 1 x 1 m2 with lateral movement of more than 0.5 m, signi�cantly expanding the accessible q-range to around qmax ≈ 1 å-1. the primary detector is made up of an array of 128 position sensitive 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a10 (2015) figure 1: instrument sans-1 (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). tubes to provide 8 mm x 8 mm spatial resolution. a second high resolution (3 mm) detector, installed downstream of the primary detector is foreseen for 2016. a tisane chopper disk set-up will be available in 2015 which allows to perform kinetic neutron scattering experiments in the µs regime and simultaneously sets the stage for a later upgrade to a complete time-of-�ight option for sans-1. 2 typical applications the instrument sans-1 is dedicated to study the structure of materials on length scales of 10 to 3000 å. with its polarised beam option, the �exible sample goniometer, the wide non-magnetic sample space and the specialised set of sample environment, sans-1 is particularly adapted for the needs of materials research and magnetism. the precise sample goniometer carries various loads up to 750 kg and ful�lls the rising demand on di�raction experiments at low scattering angles, for instance for studies of superconducting vortex lattices and other large magnetically ordered systems. • precipitates and segregation in alloys • chemical aggregation • defects in materials, surfactants, colloids • ferromagnetic correlations in magnetism • magnetic domains • polymers, proteins, biological membranes, viruses, ribosomes and macromolecules • superconducting vortex lattices • large magnetic structures such as helical magnets and skyrmion lattices 3 sample environment • standard sample changer with 22 positions • di�erent types of high temperature furnaces up to 1900°c • deformation-rig with heating • set of magnets (5 t horizontal, parallel and perpendicular access, 7.5 t vertical) • sample changer with thermostat (-20 +200 °c), 11 positions • di�erent cryostats with optional 3he insert (460 mk base temp. with 5 t magnet, 50 mk with 7.5 t magnet) • polarisation analysis with 3he cell 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a10 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of sans-1. 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • s-shaped neutron guide (nl 4a), 50 x 50 mm2 • mechanical velocity selectors with variable speed 1) ∆λ /λ = 10 % medium resolution 2) ∆λ /λ = 6 % high resolution • wavelength range: 4.5 å – 30 å • tisane chopper setup with µs time resolution 4.2 polarisation • two v-shaped polarisers 4.3 collimation system (source-to-sample distance) • 1 m, 2 m, 4 m, 8 m, 12 m, 16 m to 20 m in steps via insertion of neutron guide sections 4.4 sample size • 0 – 50 mm diameter 4.5 q-range • 0.0005 å-1 < q < 1 å-1 with primary detector • qmin= 0.0001 å-1 with secondary high resolution detector 4.6 detectors • primary detector: array of 128 3he position sensitive tubes with an active area of 1000 x 1020 mm2 and 8 mm resolution. lateral detector movement up to 0.5 m, counting rate capability up 1 mhz. • secondary high resolution detector (3 mm) and an active area of 500 x 500 mm2 to be installed 2016. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a10 (2015) references gilles, r., ostermann, a., & petry, w. (2007). monte carlo simulations of the new small-angle neutron scattering instrument sans-1 at the heinz maier-leibnitz forschungsneutronenquelle. journal of applied crystallography, 40(1), 428-432. gilles, r., ostermann, a., schanzer, c., krimmer, b., & petry, w. (2006). the concept of the new small-angle scattering instrument sans-1 at the frm-ii. physica b: condensed matter, 385-386, part 2, 1174 1176. (proceedings of the eighth international conference on neutron scattering) 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam polarisation collimation system (source-to-sample distance) sample size q-range detectors journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) published: 23.08.2017 remotely operated vehicle “rov kiel 6000“ geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel * facilities coordinators: dr. friedrich abegg, geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, germany, phone: +49(0) 431 600 2134, email: dr. peter linke, geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, germany, phone: +49(0) 431 600 2115, email: abstract: the remotely operated vehicle rov kiel 6000 is a deep diving platform rated for water depths of 6000 meters. it is linked to a surface vessel via an umbilical cable transmitting power (copper wires) and data (3 single-mode glass �bers). as standard it comes equipped with still and video cameras and two di�erent manipulators providing eyes and hands in the deep. besides this a set of other tools may be added depending on the mission tasks, ranging from simple manipulative tools such as chisels and shovels to electrically connected instruments which can send in-situ data to the ship through the rovs network, allowing immediate decisions upon manipulation or sampling strategies. 1 introduction rov kiel 6000 was manufactured by fmcti / schilling robotics llc (ca/usa) and was delivered to geomar, kiel in 2007. funding came from the german state of schleswig-holstein, whose capital city kiel provided the name. the rov was designed and built to speci�cations which aimed at a balance between system weight, capabilities of the supporting research vessels and the scienti�c demands. it is one of the most versatile rov systems world-wide, rated for 6000 m water depth, reaching approx. 95% of the world’s sea�oor. the system may be used in three di�erent con�gurations: one for the deep sea, one for the mid-range down to 2400 m and one for shallow water applications down to 100 m. this allows the system to be tailored to the deployment, keeping its weight to a minimum, both to reduce shipping costs and to permit deployment from even medium-sized research vessels. the rov operates in free-�ying mode, without a cage or tether-management system (tms), further reducing the weight of the system. clip-on �oats on the cable just above the vehicle ensure that, even without a tms, the cable does not lie on the sea�oor or depress the rov by its own weight. the main tasks of the rov include exploration, documentation and mapping of the sea�oor using its cameras (anderson *cite article as: geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel . (2017). remotely operated vehicle “rov kiel 6000“ . journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) et al., 2016). the two manipulators and a customized tool skid, which may be modi�ed to accommodate di�erent tools, are used for sampling, for example, rocks, fauna, �uids and sediments. the rov can also be used to carry out in-situ experiments by, for example, precisely placing experimental chambers on the sea�oor and manipulating valves etc. attached to them. rov kiel 6000 has been deployed in numerous environments such as e.g. the shallow waters of the north sea (mcginnis et al., 2014; rovelli, 2014; von deimling et al., 2011), at mid-ocean ridges with hot and cold seeps (perner et al., 2011, 2010), in the artic region close to spitzbergen (lehmenhecker & wul�, 2012), various region of the atlantic, indian (amon et al., 2017; chen et al., 2015), and paci�c oceans (schmidt et al., 2017). 2 technical data 2.1 rov kiel 6000 overview • owner and operator: geomar helmholtz centre for ocean research kiel • commissioned in 2007 • crew: 8 pilots and technicians for normal operations. • maximum operation depth: 6000 m • dimensions: length 3.5 m, height 2.4 m, width 1.9 m • weight in air: 3.5 t, in water positively buoyant • propulsion system: total 7 x electrical thrusters sbe 380 (sub-atlantic/fet, aberdeen): 4 x vectororiented for horizontal propulsion, 3 x oriented vertically for vertical propulsion, maximum tractive power 530 kg forth/back, 340 kg lateral, 300/380 kg up/down • auto functions: heading, depth, altitude, station keep, displacement, trim • hydraulic pump: 39 lpm at max. 207 bar • hydraulic manipulators: 1 x orion 7pe, position controlled, and 1 x rigmaster, rate controlled (fmc technologies / schilling robotics) • cameras: 2 x sd colour cameras kongsberg oe14-366 mkii, 1 x alpha cam hd video (1080p50) & still camera (with lasers) (subc imaging), 1 x hd camera with io industries flare 2k sdi camera head (running in 1080p25-mode, upgrade to 1080p50 soon) (designed by geomar rov team), 4 x black & white observation cameras (oktopus) • lighting: 2 dspl (deep-sea power & light) hmis (2 x 400 w), dspl 2 hids (2 x 70 w), 8 x dspl dimmable halogens multi sealite (8 x 250 w), one led / �ash light aquorea led (subc imaging) • permanent sensors: ctd (sea-bird), forward looking sonar (kongsberg) the rov system comprises the rov itself, a launch and recovery system (lars), winches and cables as well several containers depending on the con�guration and the capabilities of the supporting research vessels. the system weight in the 6000 m deep-sea con�guration sums up to approximately 67 t. the mid-water con�guration saves decks space during operation and sails with a total weight of approximately 50 t. when operated in the shallow-water con�guration it uses only 4 containers and sails with a total weight of approx. 40 t. launch and recovery system (lars) the lars is mounted on each vessel’s a-frame by means of a customized adapter. it consists of a modular frame holding underneath a plate with dampers (figure 1b). an auxiliary winch on the a-frame is used to lift the rov against the dampened plate with a lift line and thus stabilize the vehicle against pitch / swing while it is being moved outboard of the vessel and lowered into the sea. when the vehicle is in the water and the auxiliary lift line is unloaded, it is detached from the vehicle which is then free to move away from the vessel. the powerand data-carrying umbilical is threaded through an additional sheave to keep it load-free and clear of the lars system itself. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) safety and rescue systems in case of power loss to the rov, its positive buoyancy provided by a large syntactic foam block will cause it to slowly �oat to the surface. the onboard underwater navigation transponder will switch into battery mode enabling still the acoustic detection of the vehicle’s position. in addition, a �asher system (novatech) will start operating when the vehicle is shallower than 10 m water depth, indicating the vehicle position at night. once the vehicle is on the surface, a radio beacon (novatech) which is also mounted on the rov is activated, allowing the bearing to the vehicle to be determined from the ship. as soon as the rov has been traced either the vessel moves close enough to position the lars above the rov to lift it up, or a fast rescue boat may approach and attach a hook into the emergency lift line which is �xed at the central lift point of the vehicle. figure 1: rov kiel 6000, a) front view of the vehicle on deck of rv "sonne", b) deployed with a-frame and lars, c) underwater, d) using the orion manipulator to sample a manganese nodule. (photos: a, c, d) geomar rov team, b) sven sindt). winches and cables: the major deep-sea winch of the rov kiel 6000 system holds 6500 m of 19 mm cable. redundant electrical motors are mounted together with the cable drum and the respective electronics in one high-cube 20-foot container. the winch can be mounted on the working deck either parallel or perpendicular to the ships axis, with a custom pulley system providing the necessary cable feed. this increases the versatility of the system, allowing deployments even from narrow or crowded working decks. a power supply of 400 v with 350 a is required. the winch container has a weight of 30 t and is normally �xed with its own container twist-locks on deck of the ship. in operation, it is additionally strapped down with chains. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) the midwater winch holds 2700 m of 19mm cable. this winch does not �t into a standard container pattern, thus needs to be bolted on the ships deck using special steel adapter plates. the power connection also requires 400 v but with only 180 a. the winch has a weight of 10.5 t and has to be transported as loose single freight or inside a container. the cable on both the deep-water and mid-water winches is identical. it consists of a sheathing composed of three steel-armored layers, protecting the core from mechanical stress and providing a breaking strength of more than 210 kn. the core consists of three single-mode glass �bers for data transmission in both directions. 2 of these glass �bers are used for rov telemetry, the 3rd �ber may be used for additional scienti�c data links (8-channel multiplex, 2 channels used for hd cameras). three copper wires with 4 mm2 cross-section are used for power transmission. the weight of the cable in seawater is 1 t per 1000 m. when operating in shallow waters a winch with 350 m of buoyant tether is used. the sheathing here consists of aramid with an outer diameter of 28 mm, the core is identical to the above described cable. when in operation the winch is used as a capstan. containers 1. the control van contains all surface control systems (scu) where all data to and from the rov are coordinated. two pilot consoles with touchscreens are located in front of a set of monitors displaying all cameras, including the hd-sdi and observation cameras. one screen displays the sonar image, various control software (e.g. for the ctd and the alphac hd camera) and several “controlling” screens with ship’s data, and vnc (virtual network computing) with the recording screens for the sd cameras. an additional screen is used for navigation (ofop, ocean floor observation protocol, developed by prof. dr. j. greinert, geomar), displaying a calibrated map with position of ship and rov, respectively. one space behind the pilot seats is reserved for the scientist who is leading the station work. this scientist follows the dive on the screens and gives directions to the rov pilots on where to go and what to do or sample. another space with a dedicated protocol pc (using ofop) is also available for the scienti�c watch-keeper to record observations and activities. in case integrated tools need to be operated from within the container, there are two more seats available in the rear of the container. these spaces are otherwise used for post-dive editing of the video footage and data. 2. the power van contains the power supply system (transforming ship’s power to 4 kv) and a stocked workshop, o�ering storage of all necessary tools and most spares. 3. the spares container is used for transportation of the lars, and several boxes with large and bulky spares (e.g. spare high voltage converter) as well as rov tools, e.g. pushcores, handnets and other tools as well as accessories and respective mounts. 4. the vehicle container is used for transportation of the rov itself, �oats, consumables and a decks hydraulic unit 5. winch container description see above certi�cation the system has a certi�cate from dnv-gl, all containers are tested according to the container-safety-certi�cation rules (csc). 2.2 sensors and tools 2.2.1 owned by and provided within the rov kiel 6000 system (on demand) • ctd sbe 49 (sea-bird) real-time probe • sonar ms 1000 (kongsberg) high resolution, forward looking • usbl underwater navigation (standardly ixsea posidonia, see below) • dvl workhorse navigator 1200 (for �ne scale navigation) 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) • cameras (see above) • 2 manipulators (see above) • toolskid containing 2 hydraulically driven drawers in the front, adaptable to scienti�c demands of respective cruise (each 60 x 110 x 45 cm (b x l x h)) • various sampling boxes, to be installed in or on the drawers • 2 pallets in the aft section for custom con�guration • pushcores, various setups possible • hand-nets • slurpgun (suction sampler) with 8 sampling containers (2.2 l each) (by kum, kiel) • hydraulic chain saw (constructed according to our demands, integrated into the rov hydraulic system) • niskin bottles • bioboxes (biobarrels) • chisel • shovels and scoops, various • acoustic homer beacon markers (sonardyne), rated for 4000 (4x) and 6000 m (2x) • elevator landers (2 di�erent designs allowing the extension of scienti�c payload) 2.2.2 owned by other departments or institutions, operated by rov kiel 6000 • kips (kieler insitu pump system) (d. garbe-schönberg, university of kiel) • isms (in-situ mass spectrometer) (s. hourdez, station biologique, rosco� ) • hyperspectral camera (ntnu, norway) • marker dropper (awi) • mega cam (mpi bremen) • various sensors integrated into the rov system e.g. ch4 and co2 sensors (contros), temperature probes etc. • stereocamera system (tom kwasnitschka, geomar) • gas and �uid samplers • autonomous: e.g. benthic chambers, pro�lers, eddy correlation systems, diefast, in situ autoclaves • bioboxes (square boxes with sliding lids) 2.3 telemetry system and navigation data transfer between the vehicle and the topside control van is managed by the digital telemetry system (dts) which consists of two surface and four sub-sea nodes, each representing a 16-port module. each port may be individually con�gured for serial (sim; rs232/ rs485), video (vim; sd) or network (nim; ethernet) purposes. the topside telemetry logging system rovmon has been developed and customized to our needs by the geomar rov team. it collects incoming data from rov, ship, winch, ctd and underwater navigation systems. it distributes data to several subsystems like the navigation system, the video overlay and data display clients. the telemetry system can handle tcp/ip, udp and serial connections. the data usually is transferred as nmea strings; if other formats are received, these can be converted by specialized frontends. the con�guration of data logging is declared in advance such that protocols, devices (sensors) and exports are speci�ed for the ship and the cruise. the whole data set is written each second in comma separated values (csv) �les. for data security reasons the telemetry system starts a new �le after a given interval. for navigation and coordination with the ship during the dive, the navigation software ofop is used. coordinates and course/heading/speed data from the ship and rov are displayed on a calibrated map. this navigation screen is also provided to the ship’s bridge via a vnc viewer to coordinate rov’s and 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) ship’s position. most german research vessels are equipped with an ixsea posidonia ultra short baseline (usbl) underwater navigation system. while using our rov, the positioning system is set up in a so-called responder mode (internal trigger by the posidoniatm system). if posidonia is not implemented on a particular vessel (e.g. rv "celtic explorer"), mobile transponders of other underwater navigation systems may be mounted onto the rov and incoming data transferred to the rov’s topside telemetric system (e.g. sonardyne or ore). 2.4 scienti�c data management the navigation software ofop also includes a protocol function for the scientists to describe the dive and actions like sampling and taking pictures with coordinates and timestamps. after each dive, the scienti�c protocol is converted into an excel �le to be made available to the scientists promptly. the telemetry �les are packed and copied onto the server for public access and post-processing. after each dive, all data and protocols are transferred to the nas (network attached storage) for public access and backup. 2.5 video system standard cameras on the vehicle include two colour zoom sd cameras (kongsberg oe14-366) on pan & tilt units, one 2k sdi flare hd camera (presently running in 1080p25 mode, upgrade to 1080p50 is being developed) on a tilt unit, one subc alpha cam digital still camera, which also provides hd video footage (1080p50) on the lower pan & tilt unit and four black and white observation cameras mounted in the front, on top and back of the rov. the footage of both hd cameras is recorded permanently or on demand with apple computers (macpro and macmini) using the tools-on-air recording software just:in. the hd video footage is standardly recorded in high quality apple proreslt. other formats or uncompressed recording is possible. the video is stored on a raid-system with 32 tb storage. both sd cameras are permanently recorded on a visualsoft dvr. the video is recorded in mpeg format. the software automatically starts a new �le each 20 minutes to generate smaller sized, thus user friendly �les. the sd material contains an imprinted data overlay including date, time, depth, temperature and pan angle of the speci�c camera. all sd and hd video �les are uploaded into a nas for public access and backup after each dive. the subc alpha digital still camera has a maximum resolution of 24.1 mpixel. still images are taken on demand. in addition, high de�nition video footage may be recorded (see above). after each dive, still images are downloaded from the cameras with logo, date and time imprinted and images uploaded onto the nas server. images without imprint are available on request. at the home institute, all data (protocols, videos and still images) are uploaded onto the onshore proxsys archiving system of geomar. conclusions since it was put into operation, rov kiel 6000 has been deployed during 21 expeditions o� 8 di�erent research vessels in almost all world oceans. it has accomplished more than 250 dives, amounting to 1404 hours at the sea �oor. data sampled by rov kiel 6000 resulted in more than 55 publications so far. the following is a short list of selected publications based on data sampled by rov kiel 6000. a complete list can be provided upon request. for more details and images of the system, tools etc. please refer to our webpage: 6 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a117 (2017) references amon, d. j., copley, j. t., dahlgren, t. g., horton, t., kemp, k. m., rogers, a. d., & glover, a. g. (2017). observations of fauna attending wood and bone deployments from two seamounts on the southwest indian ridge. deep sea research part ii: topical studies in oceanography, 136, 122 132. anderson, m. o., hannington, m. d., haase, k., schwarz-schampera, u., augustin, n., mcconachy, t. f., & allen, k. (2016). tectonic focusing of voluminous basaltic eruptions in magma-de�cient backarc rifts. earth and planetary science letters, 440, 43 55. chen, c., copley, j. t., linse, k., & rogers, a. d. (2015). low connectivity between ‘scalyfoot gastropod’ (mollusca: peltospiridae) populations at hydrothermal vents on the southwest indian ridge and the central indian ridge. organisms diversity & evolution, 15(4), 663–670. lehmenhecker, s., & wul�, t. (2012). rov-based revolver marker dropper for consistent sea�oor surveying. sea technology, 53(7), 33-35. mcginnis, d. f., sommer, s., lorke, a., glud, r. n., & linke, p. (2014). quantifying tidally driven benthic oxygen exchange across permeable sediments: an aquatic eddy correlation study. journal of geophysical research: oceans, 119(10), 6918–6932. perner, m., hentscher, m., rychlik, n., seifert, r., strauss, h., & bach, w. (2011). driving forces behind the biotope structures in two low-temperature hydrothermal venting sites on the southern midatlantic ridge. environmental microbiology reports, 3(6), 727–737. perner, m., petersen, j. m., zielinski, f., gennerich, h.-h., & seifert, r. (2010). geochemical constraints on the diversity and activity of h2-oxidizing microorganisms in di�use hydrothermal �uids from a basaltand an ultrama�c-hosted vent. fems microbiology ecology, 74(1), 55–71. rovelli, l. (2014). physical and geochemical controls on oxygen dynamics at continental margins and shelf seas (doktorarbeit/phd, christian-albrechts-universität zu kiel). retrieved from http://oceanrep schmidt, k., garbe-schönberg, d., hannington, m. d., anderson, m. o., bühring, b., haase, k., . . . koschinsky, a. (2017). boiling vapour-type �uids from the nifonea vent �eld (new hebrides back-arc, vanuatu, sw paci�c): geochemistry of an early-stage, post-eruptive hydrothermal system. geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 207, 185 209. von deimling, j. s., rehder, g., greinert, j., mcginnnis, d., boetius, a., & linke, p. (2011). quanti�cation of seep-related methane gas emissions at tommeliten, north sea. continental shelf research, 31(7), 867 878. 7 introduction technical data rov kiel 6000 overview sensors and tools owned by and provided within the rov kiel 6000 system (on demand) owned by other departments or institutions, operated by rov kiel 6000 telemetry system and navigation scientific data management video system journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a14 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 reseda: resonance spin echo spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: christian franz, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49.(0)89.289.14760, email: thorsten schröder, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49.(0)89.289.14760, email: abstract: reseda (resonance spin echo for diverse applications), a high-resolution resonance spinecho spectrometer, operated by the technische universität münchen, is installed at the cold neutron guide nl5-s in the neutron guide hall west. the instrument gives access to a large time and scattering vector range for quasi-elastic measurements. 1 introduction reseda (see figure 1 and 2) supports longitudinal neutron resonance spin echo (lnrse, time range from 0.001 to 20 ns for λ = 8 å) and modulation of intensity with zero-e�ort (mieze, time range from 0.001 to 20 ns for λ = 8 å) experiments. at reseda, the analysis of s(q,τ ) provides characteristic parameters, e.g. relaxation time and amplitude of the dynamic processes in the sample investigated. the determination of s(q,τ ) is feasible for di�erent q-values and/ or di�erent temperatures and pressures. nrse experiments require non-depolarising sample environment conditions. for mieze experiments (and in contrast to nrse) the spin manipulation and analysis is realised solely before the sample. therefore, the mieze method enables high-resolution study of depolarising samples, under magnetic �eld and/ or within depolarising sample environments. however, as a consequence of the polarisation analysis before the sample, mieze experiments are limited to a smaller q-range than nrse measurements. next to 3he detectors, a 2d cascade detector with an active area of 20 cm x 20 cm characterised by a spatial resolution of 2.6 mm2 and a time dynamics of the order of a few mhz is available (häußler et al., 2011; schmidt et al., 2010). hence, reseda is in addition suited to (polarised) small angle neutron scattering (sans) applications. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a14 (2015) figure 1: instrument reseda (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications • quasi-elastic measurements: e.g. to determine the dynamics of water in porous media, polymer melts, di�usion processes in ionic liquids as well as magnetic �uctuations in single crystals, powder samples and thin �lms • (polarised) small angle neutron scattering (sans): e.g. to investigate the di�raction pattern of magnetic structures and vortex lattices to choose suited re�ections for a line-width determination • spherical polarisation analysis 3 sample environment at reseda the whole sample environment of the mlz is applicable. depolarising conditions are limited to mieze experiments. • available temperature range: 50 mk (dilution insert, see below) up to more than 1300 k (high temperature furnace, non-depolarising) • maximal pressure: 7 gpa • maximal magnetic �eld: 7.5 t available cryostats: • closed cycle cryostat: (3 k < t < 300 k) • 3he insert: (450 mk < t < 300 k) • dilution insert: (50 mk < t < 6 k) 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • neutron guide: nl5-s • guide cross section: 29 x 34 mm2 • wavelength selection: velocity selector (max. 28000 rpm) • wavelength range: λ = 3 – 12 å • wavelength bandwidth at sample position: ∆λ /λ = 9 – 20 % • polariser: v-cavity (length: 2 m, coating: m = 3) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a14 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of reseda. 4.2 spectrometer • optional polariser before sample: v-cavity (length: 30 cm, coating: m = 4) • length of the spectrometer arms: 2.6 m • two secondary spectrometer arms: sans (mieze) arm and lnrse arm • for polarisation analysis available: v-cavity, bender • detectors: 3he counter or 2d detector (cascade) 4.3 characteristic parameters • flux at sample position: ϕ ≥ 106 n cm-2 s-1 (at λ = 5.3 å) • frequency range of rf coils: 35 khz – 1.7 mhz • maximum scattering angle: 2θ = 93° • maximum scattering vector: q = 2.5 å-1 (at λ = 3 å) • spin echo time range: τ = 0.001 – 20 ns for λ = 8 å • energy resolution: 0.03 µev – 0.1 mev references häußler, w., böni, p., klein, m., schmidt, c. j., schmidt, u., groitl, f., & kindervater, j. (2011). detection of high frequency intensity oscillations at reseda using the cascade detector. review of scienti�c instruments, 82(4), 045101. schmidt, c. j., groitl, f., klein, m., schmidt, u., & häussler, w. (2010). cascade with nrse: fast intensity modulation techniques used in quasielastic neutron scattering. journal of physics: conference series, 251(1), 012067. 3 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam spectrometer characteristic parameters journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a27 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 dns: di�use scattering neutron time-of-�ight spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: yixi su, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10740, email: kirill nemkovskiy, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10779, email: sultan demirdiş, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10717, email: abstract: dns is a versatile di�use scattering instrument with polarisation analysis operated by the jülich centre for neutron science (jcns), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, outstation at the heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz). compact design, a large double-focusing pg monochromator and a highly e�cient supermirror-based polarizer provide a polarized neutron �ux of about 107 n cm-2 s-1. dns is used for the studies of highly frustrated spin systems, strongly correlated electrons, emergent functional materials and soft condensed matter. 1 introduction dns allows the unambiguous separation of nuclear coherent, spin incoherent, and magnetic scattering contributions simultaneously over a large range of scattering vector q and energy transfer e. with its compact size dns is optimised as a high intensity instrument with medium qand eresolution. the general view of dns and instrument layout are shown in figure 1 and 2. new chopper, neutron velocity selector, and position sensitive detector systems have recently been installed at dns. this is expected to largely improve possibilities for single-crystal time-of-�ight spectroscopy with e�cient measurements in all four dimensions of s(q,e). with its unique combination of single-crystal time-of-�ight spectroscopy and polarisation analysis, dns is also complimentary to many modern polarised cold neutron three axes spectrometers. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a27 (2015) figure 1: di�use neutron scattering spectrometer dns (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications with the increased �ux and e�ciency delivered by the frm ii, dns becomes ideal for the studies of complex spin correlations, such as in highly frustrated magnets and strongly correlated electrons, as well as of the structures of soft condensed matter systems, such as the nanoscale con�ned polymers and proteins, via polarisation analysis. the exploration of unusual magnetic properties can also be e�ciently undertaken on single-crystal samples by reciprocal space mapping. in addition to the separation of magnetic cross section from nuclear and spin-incoherent ones, polarisation analysis also allows to distinguish in detail the anisotropy of spin correlations. it has also been well demonstrated that polarised powder di�raction on dns is complementary to standard neutron powder di�raction and may be extremely useful for magnetic structure re�nements, particularly in case of small moments by improving the signal to background ratio. dns also represents a powerful instrument for the soft condensed matter community for the separation of nuclear coherent scattering from often dominating spin incoherent scattering background. the main applications can be summarised: • application of polarisation analysis: uniaxial-, longitudinal-, and vector-pa • magnetic, lattice, and polaronic correlations: geometrically frustrated magnets, strongly correlated electrons, emergent materials • single-crystal and powder time-of-�ight spectroscopy: single-particle excitations, magnons and phonons • soft condensed matters: separation of coherent scattering from hydrogenous materials, polymer, liquids and glasses 3 sample environment • top-loading ccr • closed-cycle cold head • orange-type cryostat • cryo-furnace • dilution 3he/ 4he cryostat insert (∼20 mk) • cryomagnet (self-shielding, vertical �eld up to 5 t) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a27 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of dns. 4 technical data 4.1 monochromator • neutron guide nl6-s • horizontally and vertically adjustable, double-focusing • pg(002), d = 3.355 å • crystal dimensions: 2.5 x 2.5 cm2 (5 x 7 crystals) • wavelength range: 2.4 å < λ < 6 å 4.2 neutron velocity selector • minimum wavelength: 1.5 å @ 22000 rpm • resolution ∆λ /λ : 30 – 40 % 4.3 chopper • chopper frequency ≤ 300 hz • repetition rate ≤ 900 hz • chopper disc: titanium, 3 slits, ø = 420 mm 4.4 flux at sample • non-polarised: ∼ 108 n cm-2 s-1 • polarised: ∼ 5 · 106 – 107 n cm-2 s-1 (polariser: m = 3 supermirror benders) 4.5 detector banks for non-polarised neutrons • 128 position sensitive 3he tubes: ø = 1.27 cm, height ∼100 cm • total solid angle covered: 1.9 sr • covered scattering angles in the horizontal plane: 0° < 2 θ ≤ 135° 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a27 (2015) 4.6 detector banks for polarised neutrons • 24 detection units: polarisation analysis by m = 3 supermirror benders 3he detector tubes, ø = 2.54 cm, height 15 cm • covered scattering angle in the horizontal plane: 0° < 2θ ≤ 150° • qmax λ i = 2.4 å (ei = 14.2 mev): 4.84 å-1 λ i = 6 å (ei = 2.28 mev): 1.93 å-1 4.7 energy resolution • λ i = 2.4 å (ei = 14.2 mev): 1 mev • λ i = 6 å (ei = 2.28 mev): 0.1 mev 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data monochromator neutron velocity selector chopper flux at sample detector banks for non-polarised neutrons detector banks for polarised neutrons energy resolution journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a12 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 panda: cold three axes spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: astrid schneidewind, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14749, email: petr čermák, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 11773, email: abstract: the cold three axes spectrometer panda, operated by jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, o�ers high neutron �ux over a large dynamic range keeping the instrumental background comparably low. 1 introduction panda is situated on the cold neutron beam-tube sr-2 in the experimental hall. the high �ux is achieved by neutron guide elements in the beam tube, a short source-to-monochromator distance, and the double-focussing monochromator and analyzer crystals. options for high energy and high q-resolution are available. with dedicated sample environments for strong magnetic �elds and very low temperatures, panda is ideally suited for the studies of magnetism and superconductivity on single crystals. lattice dynamics and magnetic structures are investigated successfully, too. a polarised neutron set-up using both heusler monochromator and analyzer as well as a sample-space helmholtz-coil set for longitudinal polarisation analysis is available. 2 typical applications magnetic properties • spin-waves • crystal �eld excitations • excitations in low dimensional systems • magnetic vs nuclear scattering 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a12 (2015) figure 1: instrument panda (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). lattice dynamics • phonon dispersion • field dependent phonons general • critical scattering at phase transitions • magnon phonon interaction • soft mode • central peak • di�raction with analyser: de close to 0 high e & q resolution extremely low background 3 sample environment the sample table of panda allows for a variety of sample environments, and may easily be adapted to user speci�c devices. among other, panda disposes routinely operated sample environment for: low temperature: • closed cycle cryostat (3 k < t < 300 k) • variox cryostat (1.6 k < t < 100 k) • 3he insert (0.5 k < t < 300 k) • dilution insert (50 mk < t < 1 k) vertical magnetic �eld: • cryomagnet v5t hmax = 5 t (1.5 k < t < 100 k) • closed-cycle magnet v7.5t hmax = 7.5 t �eld at low and high temperatures available 3he and dilution inserts available 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a12 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of panda. high temperature: • high temperature furnace 300 k < t < 2100 k sample space: ø 50 mm, h = 50 mm typical dimensions for sample space: • ø 50 mm, h = 70 mm, for details contact instrument scientists 4 technical data 4.1 monochromators • pg(002) (d = 3.355 å) 20° < 2θm < 132° 1.05 å-1 < ki < 4.0 å-1 variable horizontal and vertical focussing • heusler (d = 3.35 å, polarised neutrons) 20° < 2θm < 120° 1.1 å-1 < ki < 4.0 å-1 variable vertical focussing 4.2 analysers • pg(002) -130° < 2θa < 100° 1.05 å-1 < kf variable horizontal focussing • heusler (polarised neutrons) -130° < 2θa <100° 1.05 å-1 < kf variable horizontal focussing 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a12 (2015) 4.3 detectors • 1” 3he tube (focussing mode) • 2” 3he tube (collimated mode) 4.4 flux at sample pg monochromator vertically focussed, horizontal �at, no collimation: • 1.9 · 107 n cm-2 s-1 for ki = 1.55 å-1 be filter • 5.5 · 107 n cm-2 s-1 for ki = 2.662 å-1 pg filter 4.5 main parameters • scattering angle at the sample: 5° < 2θs < 125° (moveable beam-stop) • energy transfer up to 20 mev • momentum transfers up to q = 6 å-1 (depending on ki) 4.6 filters for higher order suppression: • pg (l = 60 mm); kf = 2.57 å-1 or 2.662 å-1 • be (closed-cycle cryostat, t ≤ 45 k); kf = 1.55 å-1 • beo (liq.-n2 cooled); kf = 1.33 å-1 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data monochromators analysers detectors flux at sample main parameters filters for higher order suppression: journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a11 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 j-nse: neutron spin echo spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: olaf holderer, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10707, email: oxana ivanova, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10730, email: abstract: neutron spin-echo (nse) spectroscopy is well known as the only neutron scattering technique that achieves energy resolution of several nev. by using the spin precession of polarized neutrons in magnetic �eld one can measure tiny velocity changes of the individual neutron during the scattering process. contrary to other inelastic neutron scattering techniques, nse measures the intermediate scattering function s(q,t) in reciprocal space and time directly. the neutron spin-echo spectrometer j-nse, operated by jcns, forschungszentrum jülich at the heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz) in garching, covers a time range (2 ps to 200 ns) on length scales accessible by small angle scattering technique. along with conventional nse spectroscopy that allows bulk measurements in transmission mode, j-nse o�ers a new possibility gracing incidence spin echo spectroscopy (ginsens), developed to be used as "push-button" option in order to resolve the depth dependent near surface dynamics. 1 introduction the neutron spin echo technique nse uses the neutron spin as an indicator of the individual velocity change the neutron su�ered when scattered by the sample. due to this trick, the instrument accepts a broad wavelength band and at the same time is sensitive to velocity changes down to 10-5. however the information carried by the spins can only be retrieved as the modulo of any integer number of spin precessions as intensity modulation proportional to the cosine of a precession angle di�erence. the measured signal is the cosine transform s(q, τ ) of the scattering function s(q, ω ). all spin manipulations only serve to establish this special type of velocity analysis. for details see mezei (1980). 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a11 (2015) figure 1: sample position at the j-nse instrument, front view (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). due to the intrinsic fourier transform property of the nse instrument it is especially suited for the investigation of relaxation-type motions that contribute at least several percent to the entire scattering intensity at the momentum transfer of interest. in those cases the fourier transform property yields the desired relaxation function directly without numerical transformation and tedious resolution deconvolution. the resolution of the nse may be corrected by a simple division. for a given wavelength the fourier time range is limited to short times (about 2 ps for j-nse set-up) by spin depolarisation due to vanishing guide �eld and to long times by the maximum achievable �eld integral j. the time is proportional to j x λ 3. the j-nse may achieve a j = 0.5 tm corresponding to τ = 48 ns at λ = 8 å. the j-nse instrument (see figure 1 and 2) consists mainly of two large water-cooled copper solenoids that generate the precession �eld. the precession tracks are limited by the π /2-�ippers and the π �ipper near the sample position. the embedding �elds for the �ippers are generated by helmholtztype coil pairs around the �ipper locations. after leaving the last �ipper the neutrons enter an analyzer containing 60 coti supermirrors located in a solenoid set. these mirrors re�ect only neutrons of one spin direction into the multidetector. by the addition of compensating loops the main coils and the analyzer coil are designed such that the mutual in�uence of the di�erent spectrometer components is minimised. 2 typical applications the spin echo spectrometer j-nse is especially suited for the investigation of slow (∼ 1 to 100 ns) relaxation processes. typical problems from the �elds of “soft matter” and glass transition are: • thermal �uctuations of surfactant membranes in microemulsions • polymer chain dynamics in melts • thermally activated domain motion in proteins, which is an important key for understanding the protein function 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a11 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of j-nse set-up, top view. 3 sample environment • circulation thermostat furnace (260 – 360 k) • cryofour (3 – 650 k) • furnace (300 – 510 k) • co2pressure cell (500 bar) other specialised sample environments are available on request. 4 technical data 4.1 main parameters • polarised neutron �ux at sample position 7 å: 1 · 107 n cm-2 s-1 12 å: 6.8 · 105 n cm-2 s-1 • momentum transfer range: 0.02 – 1.5 å-1 • fourier time range: 2 ps (4.5 å) < τ < 350 ns (16 å) • max. �eld integral: 0.5 tm 4.2 primary beam • neutron guide nl2a • polarisation: short wavelength by bent section with fesi m = 3 remanent supermirror coating long wavelength by fesi polariser at entrance of the spectrometer • cross section of guide: 6 cm x 6 cm • max. sample size: 3 cm x 3 cm • collimation: by source and sample size or wire collimators 0.5° x 0.5° 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a11 (2015) 4.3 analyzer • 30 x 30 cm2 coti supermirror venetian blind 4.4 detector • 32 x 32 1 cm2 cells 3he multidetector references mezei, f. (1980). the principles of neutron spin echo. in f. mezei (ed.), neutron spin echo (vol. 128, p. 1-26). springer berlin heidelberg. 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data main parameters primary beam analyzer detector journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a13 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 puma: thermal three axes spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum georg-august-universität göttingen technische universität münchen instrument scientists: oleg sobolev, institute of physical chemistry, georg-august-universität göttingen at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14754, email: jitae t. park, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 13983, email: abstract: three axes spectrometers allow the direct measurement of the scattering function s(q, ω ) in single crystals at well de�ned points of the reciprocal lattice vector q and frequency ω and thus represent the most general instrument type. puma, which is jointly operated by the institute of physical chemistry, georg-august-universität göttingen and the technische universität münchen, is characterised by a very high neutron �ux as a result of the e�cient use of focussing techniques. 1 introduction three di�erent vertical openings and a horizontal slit with a maximum opening of 40 mm de�ne the virtual source, which is two meters before the monochromator. to reduce the primary beam’s contamination by epithermal neutrons, a sapphire �lter can be placed in front of the monochromator. puma has a remote controlled monochromator changing unit which allows to place one out of four di�erent monochromators inside the drum. all of them are equipped with double focussing devices that allow for optimum focussing conditions over a wide range of incident wavevectors ki. the horizontal divergency of the beam can be de�ned using a series of four soller collimators. the two inside the drum, before and after the monochromator, can be remotely changed, whereas the two in the analyzer housing can be changed manually. an eulerian cradle can optionally be used to access the four dimensional q-ω -space. an innovative option of the spectrometer is the multianalyzer/ detector system. it allows a unique and �exible type of multiplexing. using this option a scattering angle range of 16° can be measured simultaneously and �exible q-ω paths can be realised without repositioning the instrument. mapping 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a13 (2015) figure 1: instrument puma (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). of excitations is equally well possible as kinetic single shot experiments on time scales that have not been accessible so far. a unique feature of the instrument is the possibility to perform stroboscopic, time resolved measurements of both elastic and inelastic signals on time scales down to the microsecond regime. using this technique, the sample is periodically perturbed by an external variable such as temperature, electric �eld, etc. the signal is then recorded not only as a function of momentum and energy transfer, but also given a time stamp, relative to the periodic perturbation. 2 typical applications • phonons electron-phonon interaction phonon anharmocities soft mode phase transitions • magnons spin waves in (anti)ferromagnets electron-magnon interaction unconventional superconductors crystal �elds • time resolved/ stroboscopic measurements temperature cycling (excitations during demixing processes) electrical �eld cycling (polarisation processes in ferroelectrics) temperature/ pressure cycling • di�raction; purely elastic signals superstructures/ satellites di�use scattering 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a13 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of puma. 3 sample environment besides standard sample environment, we provide: • closed-cycle cryostates 3.5 – 300 k; – 650 k with adaptable heating device • cryofurnace 5 k – 750 k • paris-edinburgh type pressure cell p < 10 gpa along with the detector electronics required for time resolved measurements, special sample environment for the rapid cycling is available: • furnace for fast temperature jumps (∼ 5 k/s cooling rate; < 620 k; ambient atmosphere) • switchable hv power supply (< 500 hz; +/− 10 kv) 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • beam tube sr-7 (thermal) • beam tube entrance: 140 x 90 mm2 • virtual source dimensions: horizontal: 0 – 40 mm vertical: (90, 110, 130 mm) 4.2 distances • beam tube entrance – monochromator: 5.5 m • virtual source – monochromator: 2.0 m • monochromator – sample: 2.0 (± 0.1) m • sample – analyzer: 1.0 (± 0.1) m • analyzer – detector: 0.9 m 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a13 (2015) 4.3 collimation • remote controlled: α 1: 20’, 40’, 60’ α 2: 14’, 20’, 24’, 30’, 45’, 60’ • manually changeable: α 3: 10’, 20’, 30’, 45’, 60’ α 4: 10’, 30’, 45’, 60’ 4.4 monochromators • crystals: pg(002), cu(220), cu(111), ge(311), size: 260 x 162 mm2; • focus vertically and horizontally adaptable to incident energy 4.5 analyzer • crystals : pg(002), ge(311); 210 x 150 mm2 vertical �xed focus horizontally adaptable to incident energy 4.6 sample table • diameter 800 mm • max. load 900 kg • amagnetic goniometer (± 15°) • z translation (± 20 mm) • optional eulerian cradle 4.7 main parameters • monochromator take-o� angle: -15° < 2θ < -115° • scattering angle sample: -70° < 2θ < 120° (dependent on monochromator take-o� angle) • analyzer scattering angle: -120° < 2θ < 120° • incident energy range: 5 mev – 160 mev • momentum transfer range: < 12 å-1 • energy transfer: < 100 mev 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam distances collimation monochromators analyzer sample table main parameters journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a17 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 antares: cold neutron radiography and tomography facility heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: michael schulz, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14718, email: burkhard schillinger, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 12185, email: abstract: the neutron imaging facility antares, operated by the technische universität münchen, is located at the cold neutron beam port sr-4a. based on a pinhole camera principle with a variable collimator located close to the beam port, the facility provides the possibility for �exible use in high resolution and high �ux imaging. 1 introduction antares o�ers two di�erent detector positions in chamber 2 and 3, which may be chosen according to the requirements for sample size, beam size, neutron �ux and spatial resolution. both chambers o�er abundant space for user-provided experimental systems or sample environment, chamber 2 has a roof elevation for cryostats. chamber 1 is separately accessible for the optional installation of beam and spectrum shaping devices provided by the user. at this position, antares also o�ers built-in options such as a velocity selector, double crystal monochromator, interference gratings, and a be-�lter which are readily available for standard user operation. additionally we can provide access to a 300 kv microfocus x-ray ct setup for complementary investigations with a spatial resolution as good as 1 µm. 2 typical applications the antares neutron imaging facility is designed to deliver radiographs and computed tomography of samples, similar to an x-ray machine. the resulting information is often complementary to 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a17 (2015) figure 1: instrument antares (copyright by b. ludewig). x-ray measurements, with its most important feature the high penetration depth of neutrons in most metals (fe ∼ 4 – 5 cm, al ∼ 20 – 30 cm, pb ∼ 10 – 20 cm) and the high sensitivity for hydrogen. these allow to visualise metal machine parts as well as liquids, sealants and plastics inside of metal parts. liquid contrast agents can be employed for crack and void detection. examples of di�erent techniques and their typical applications are: • standard neutron radiography: moisture in sandstone, o-rings in machine parts, aerospace pyrotechnical components, fuel cells • computed tomography: geological samples, mineral phases, voids in carbon �ber structures (using contrast agents), machine parts, biological samples like e.g. lung tissue • continuous radioscopy: video speed radiography of dynamic processes like boiling in refrigerators or water boilers • stroboscopic imaging: visualisation of repetitive processes with high time resolution: oil distribution in running combustion engines • phase contrast: edge enhancement, aluminium foams, interfaces of similar alloys • energy / wavelength scan: scanning for bragg edges, phase or material identi�cation, examination of welds • polarised neutron imaging: metallurgical homogeneity of ferromagnetic materials, fundamental research on ferromagnetic phase transitions, visualisation of magnetic �eld pro�les • neutron grating interferometry: measurement of the spatially resolved sans or usans signal of the sample. detection of microstructures on length scales of 500 nm – 10 µm, porous materials, magnetic and superconducting vortex lattice domains 3 sample environment standard sample environment can be used at antares: • closed-cycle cryostats cc, ccr: t = 50 mk – 300 k • electro magnet: 0 – 300 mt • cooling water and pressurised air 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a17 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of antares. 4 technical data 4.1 collimation and �ux at the sample position 6 • l/d = 200, 4 · 108 n cm-2 s-1 • l/d = 400, 1 · 108 n cm-2 s-1 • l/d = 800, 2.6 · 107 n cm-2 s-1 • l/d = 8000, 2.6 · 105 n cm-2 s-1 • beam size up to 35 x 35 cm2 4.2 neutron beam optics (optional) • double crystal monochromator: 1.4 å ≤ λ ≤ 6.0 å (1 % < ∆λ /λ < 3 %) • neutron velocity selector: 3.0 å ≤ λ ≤ 8 å (∆λ /λ = 10 %) • neutron grating interferometer: sensitive to length scales 500 nm – 10 µm • beam filters: cd �lter for epithermal imaging be �lter to suppress wavelengths λ < 4 å sapphire �lter to suppress fast neutrons • 3he neutron spin �lter polariser • polarising supermirror v-cavity 4.3 sample table xy-phi-table: • capacity: 500 kg • travel: x = 800 mm, y = 600 mm • rotation table: 360° rotation • additional high precision 5-axes huber table for small samples (< 10 kg) 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a17 (2015) 4.4 detection systems • various detection systems with spatial resolutions as good as 30 µm • camera box with mirror and scintillation screens of di�erent sizes from 6 x 6 cm2 to 40 x 40 cm2, screen thickness from 10 µm to 200 µm, plus x-ray screens • standard detector: andor cooled ccd camera, 2048 x 2048 pixels, 16 bit • fast cooled scienti�c cmos camera: andor neo 2560 x 2160 pixels, 16 bit, up to 50 fps full frame • intensi�ed triggerable istar andor cooled ccd camera, 1024 x 1024 pixels, 16 bit • intensi�ed ntsc video camera (30 fps) with analog frame grabber, mpeg-2 and divx recording • dürrdental image plate scanner for arbitrary imaging plates, focus size 12.5 – 100 µm • fuji bas 2500 image plate scanner, focus size 25 – 100 µm • x-ray and neutron imaging plates • mar345 image plate detector, 345 mm diameter, n-sensitive image plate 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data collimation and flux at the sample position 6 neutron beam optics (optional) sample table detection systems journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a15 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 toftof: cold neutron time-of-�ight spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: wiebke lohstroh, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14735, email: zachary evenson, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14975, email: abstract: toftof, operated by the technische universität münchen, is a direct geometry disc-chopper time-of-�ight spectrometer located in the neutron guide hall west. it o�ers an excellent signal-tobackground ratio, high energy resolution and high neutron �ux. adaptable for a wide range of sample environments, toftof is ideal for investigations of fundamental concepts and challenges in physics and materials science. 1 introduction toftof is suitable for both inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering and the scienti�c questions addressed range from the dynamics in disordered materials in hard and soft condensed matter systems (such as polymer melts, glasses, molecular liquids, or liquid metal alloys), properties of new hydrogen storage materials to low-energy magnetic excitations in multiferroic compounds, and molecular magnets. a cascade of seven fast rotating disc choppers which are housed in four chopper vessels is used to prepare a monochromatic pulsed beam which is focussed onto the sample by a converging supermirror section. the scattered neutrons are detected by 1000 3he detector tubes with a time resolution up to 50 ns. the detectors are mounted at a distance of 4 m and cover 12 m2 (or 0.75 sr). the exterior of the detector housing along with the sample chamber out�tted with the ccr cryostat is shown figure 1. the high rotation speed of the chopper system (up to 22 000 rpm) together with a high neutron �ux in the wavelength range of 1.4 -14 å allows free tuning of the energy resolution between 3 mev and 2 µev. a schematic overview of the toftof instrument is depicted in figure 2. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a15 (2015) figure 1: top view of the ccr cryostat inserted into the toftof sample chamber. the blue panelling visible is the exterior of the detector housing (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). the 60 m primary neutron guide has an s-shape which e�ciently suppresses fast neutron background. this enables the investigation of weak signals. the prototype of a new focussing neutron guide has been installed recently, as alternative option in the last section of the guide system. the existing linearly tapered neutron guide yields a beam spot size of 23 x 47 mm2. using the focussing guide, an intensity gain up to a factor of 3 (wavelength dependent) is observed on a sample area of 10 x 10 mm2. 2 typical applications toftof represents a versatile instrument combining high energy resolution, high neutron �ux (also at short wavelengths), and an excellent signal-to-background ratio. it is perfectly suited for both inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering and scienti�c topics include e.g.: • di�usion in liquid metals and alloys • hydrogen dynamics in soft matter systems such as molecular liquids, polymer melts or colloids • molecular magnetism, quantum criticality in heavy fermion compounds, low energy excitations in multiferroic materials and novel magnetic phases • dynamic properties of energy storage materials, such as solid state hydrogen storage materials, electrolytes for batteries and fuel cells, or gas storage materials • energy-resolved quasi-elastic neutron scattering on proteins, vesicles, and biological materials • kinetic studies of hydrogen binding, e.g. in concrete • aging e�ects in disordered media and low frequency dynamics in glasses • biological activity and functionality of proteins and cells under pressure 3 sample environment standard sample environment: • ccr cryostat (4 600 k) • 3he insertion device (down to 0.5 k) • circulation thermostat furnace (255 – 450 k) • high temperature furnace (300 – 2100 k) • 2.5 t magnet 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a15 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of toftof. sample environment provided by collaborators: • electromagnetic levitator • electrostatic levitator • hydraulic pressure cells (up to 3.5 kbar) • clamp pressure cells (few gpa) 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • neutron guide: nl2a-u • number of chopper discs: 7 • chopper frequency range: 400 min-1 – 22000 min-1 • diameter of chopper disc: 600 mm • cross section of neutron guide at the entrance: 44 x 100 mm2 • cross section of neutron guide, 20 cm in front of sample position: 23 x 47 mm2 • cross section of focussing guide: minimal 12 x 25 mm2 4.2 main parameters • adjustable range of incident neutrons: 1.4 – 16 å • elastic energy resolution: 2 µev – 3 mev • range of energy transfers: -30 mev – 50 mev • integral neutron �ux of the white beam at sample position: 1010 n cm-2 s-1 • angular range of the detector bank: -15° to -7° and 7° to 140° 3 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam main parameters journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a37 (2015) published: 18.12.2015 trisp: three axes spin echo spectrometer max-planck-institut für festkörperforschung heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum instrument scientists: thomas keller, max-planck-institute for solid state research, stuttgart, germany at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 12164, email: bernhard keimer, max-planck-institute for solid state research, stuttgart, germany, phone: +49(0) 711 689 1650, email: abstract: trisp, operated by the max-planck-institute for solid state research, is a high-resolution neutron spectrometer combining the three axes and neutron resonance spin echo (nrse) techniques. 1 introduction the design of trisp is optimised for the study of intrinsic linewidths of elementary excitations (phonons, magnons) with an energy resolution in the µev region over a broad range of momentum and energy transfers. compared to conventional three axes spectrometers (tas), this corresponds to an improvement of the energy resolution of one to two orders of magnitude. trisp also incorporates the larmor di�raction (ld) technique, which allows to measure lattice spacings with a relative resolution ∆d/d = 1.5 · 10-6, i.e. one to two orders of magnitude better than conventional neutron or x-ray di�raction. absolute d-values can be determined by calibrating the instrument against an si standard. the main applications of ld include thermal expansion under pressure and low or high temperature, and distributions of lattice constants (second order stresses). ld thus is unique in a parameter region, where standard methods such as dilatometry fail. 2 typical applications • measurement of the intrinsic linewidths of phonons • measurement of the instrinsic linewidths spin excitations • larmor di�raction is used to determine thermal expansion and second order stresses under pressure and at low or high temperature 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a37 (2015) figure 1: instrument trisp (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 3 sample environment besides the standard sample environment a dedicated dilution cryostat with a base temperature of 6 mk is available. 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • thermal beam tube sr-5b polarising supermirror bender 1.3 å-1 < ki < 7.0 å-1 • velocity selector astrium type, as higher order wavelengths �lter 4.2 monochromator • pg(002) or (004) variable focussing horizontal and vertical 4.3 analyzer • pg(002) variable horizontal focussing • heusler (111) (polarised neutrons) variable horizontal focussing 4.4 spin echo • resonance spin echo, enclosed by mu-metal magnetic screen. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a37 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of trisp. 3 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam monochromator analyzer spin echo journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a18 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 medapp: fission neutron beam for science, medicine, and industry heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: christoph genreith, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14756, email: abstract: the instrument medapp (medical applications), operated by the technische universität münchen, and the respective irradiation position are located at the world-wide unique fast neutron beam tube sr10 to which a uranium converter is attached. thus, the instrument is operated with unmoderated �ssion neutrons and can be used for a broad variety of applications. for selected tasks, an alternative use with thermal neutrons is possible. 1 introduction medapp is an instrument primarily built for the medical treatment of malignant tumours; but the irradiation room (see figure 1 and 2) can also be used for general purposes, e.g. for biological research and technical irradiations. due to their energy spectrum, fast reactor neutrons have the highest biological e�ectiveness of clinical neutron beams used in cancer treatment, comparable only to the e�ectiveness of heavy ions. this advantage comes at the expense of penetration depth in tissue, which due to the relatively low energy of 2 mev limits the application of fast reactor neutrons to near-surface tumours, typically recurrent breast tumours and melanomas. the particularly large beam cross-section of sr10 allows the irradiation of rather large objects, such as groups of cell culture �asks or complete electronic devices. in addition, the fangas (fast neutron gamma spectrometry) instrument, consisting of a movable shielded hpge detector system, can be installed within the medapp irradiation chamber to directly measure gamma radiation emitted, e.g., in (n,n’), (n,2n), (n,p), and (n,α ) reactions and for non-destructive qualitative elemental analysis. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a18 (2015) figure 1: the irradiation room of medapp (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications • neutron medical treatment of malign tumours • biological dosimetry, e.g., irradiations of cell cultures • irradiations of electronic components (also on-line tests) • fundamental physics • in beam gamma spectrometry 3 technical data 3.1 neutron source • converter facility at frm ii: consisting of 2 plates of uranium-silicide (93 % 235u, total 540 g) 3.2 neutron spectrum • fission spectrum: mean energy: 1.9 mev flux: up to 7 · 108 n cm-2 s-1 (depending on �lter used) • thermal spectrum of the d2o moderator (without converter): mean energy: 28 mev flux: ca. 2 · 109 n cm-2 s-1 3.3 collimation • multi-leaf collimator, individually adjustable up to 27 cm x 19 cm. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a18 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of the facilities medapp and nectar (heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum, 2015) at beam tube sr10. 3.4 sample space • max. 40 cm x 30 cm 3.5 detection systems • ionisation chambers for dosimetry in custom-made phantoms • 50 %-hpge detection system shielded with pe, b4c, and pb • custom systems can temporarily be installed by users references heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum. (2015). nectar: radiography and tomography station using �ssion neutrons. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a19. 3 introduction typical applications technical data neutron source neutron spectrum collimation sample space detection systems journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a30 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 spheres: backscattering spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum forschungszentrum jülich, jülich centre for neutron science instrument scientists: michaela zamponi, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10793, email: marina khaneft, jülich centre for neutron science (jcns) at heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 11676, email: abstract: spheres (spectrometer for high energy resolution), operated by jcns, forschungszentrum jülich, is a third-generation neutron backscattering spectrometer with focussing optics and a phase-space-transform chopper. it enables the investigation of atomic and molecular dynamics with an energy resolution of about 0.65 µev in a dynamic range of ± 31 µev. 1 introduction the high energy resolution of a backscattering spectrometer is achieved by bragg re�ection from perfect monochromator and analyzer crystals under angles close to 180°. due to this geometry a primary beam de�ector and a duty-cycle chopper is needed. at spheres, both functions are realised in one by a chopper with de�ector crystals on its circumference. as an additional advantage, the fast motion of the de�ector crystals achieves a phase-space transformation of the primary spectrum, thereby enhancing the usable �ux at the monochromator. a schematic view of this compact spectrometer layout is shown in figure 2. the principal �gures of merit qualify spheres as one of the best of its class (wuttke et al., 2012). count rates and signal-to-noise ratio have been improved by �lling the instrument housing with argon, thereby avoiding air scattering in the secondary spectrometer. another gain in �ux will be achieved by a more e�cient phase-space transform chopper which is in the commissioning phase. the new designed chopper will be more e�cient due to optimised rotation speed and higher re�ectivity and mosaicity of the graphite crystals. the resolution of the small angle detectors have been improved by reducing the azimuth angle range of the analyzers (wuttke & zamponi, 2013). 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a30 (2015) figure 1: view inside spheres: the large array of si(111) analyzer crystals covers a solid angle of about 2.5, which is 20 % of 4 π (copyright by a. heddergott, tum). as a multi-detector instrument with relaxed angular resolution, spheres is particularly suited for studying tagged-particle motion by incoherent scattering. typical applications include for example dynamical processes in polymers and biological systems (gallat et al., 2012). the high resolution and sensitivity of the spectrometer allows to investigate the dynamics of water in con�ned geometry and deep in the supercooled state (doster et al., 2010). the high count rates allow inelastic temperature scans (häußler et al., 2011) and real-time kinetic experiments (léon & wuttke, 2011). further applications are hyper�ne splitting in magnetic materials (chatterji et al., 2008) and rotational tunneling (bator et al., 2013). 2 typical applications • hyper�ne splitting • molecular reorientations and rotational tunneling • dynamic signature of phase transitions • hydrogen di�usion • liquid dynamics • polymer relaxation • protein aggregation 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a30 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of spheres. 3 sample environment • cryofurnace 3...700 k • dilution inset 20 mk • furnace 4 technical data 4.1 primary beam • neutron guide: nl6-s • neutron wavelength: 6.27 å • neutron energy: 2.08 mev 4.2 main parameters • resolution fwhm 0.62 – 0.65 µev • dynamic range ± 31 µev • q range 0.2 – 1.8 å-1 • flux after selector 1010 s-1 • flux at sample 1.8 · 106 s-1 • illuminated area 40 x 30 mm2 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a30 (2015) references bator, g., sobczyk, l., sawka-dobrowolska, w., wuttke, j., pawlukojć, a., grech, e., & nowicka-scheibe, j. (2013). structural, spectroscopic and theoretical studies on 3,4,7,8tetramethyl-1,10-phenantroline complex with picric acid. chemical physics, 410, 55-65. chatterji, t., schneider, g. j., & galera, r. m. (2008). low-energy nuclear spin excitations in ndmg3 and ndco2. physical review b, 78, 012411. doster, w., busch, s., gaspar, a. m., appavou, m.-s., wuttke, j., & scheer, h. (2010). dynamical transition of protein-hydration water. physical review letters, 104, 098101. gallat, f.-x., brogan, a. p. s., fichou, y., mcgrath, n., moulin, m., härtlein, m., . . . weik, m. (2012). a polymer surfactant corona dynamically replaces water in solvent-free protein liquids and ensures macromolecular flexibility and activity. journal of the american chemical society, 134, 13168-13171. (pmid: 22853639) häußler, w., holderer, o., unruh, t., & wuttke, j. (2011). high-resolution neutron spectroscopy at the frm ii. neutron news, 22, 24-30. léon, a., & wuttke, j. (2011). hydrogen release from sodium alanate observed by time-resolved neutron backscattering. journal of physics: condensed matter, 23, 254214. wuttke, j., budwig, a., drochner, m., kämmerling, h., kayser, f.-j., kleines, h., . . . staringer, s. (2012). spheres, jülich’s high-�ux neutron backscattering spectrometer at frm ii. review of scienti�c instruments, 83, 075109. wuttke, j., & zamponi, m. (2013). simulation-guided optimization of small-angle analyzer geometry in the neutron backscattering spectrometer spheres. review of scienti�c instruments, 84, 115108. 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data primary beam main parameters journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a19 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 nectar: radiography and tomography station using �ssion neutrons heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: thomas bücherl, ztwb radiochemie münchen rcm, technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14328, email: stefan söllradl, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14768, email: abstract: nectar, operated by the technische universität münchen, is a versatile facility for the non-destructive inspection of various objects by means of �ssion neutron radiography and tomography, respectively. 1 introduction the images (radiographs, 2and 3-d-tomographs etc.) obtained from probing objects by means of �ssion neutrons often show complementary or additional information compared to the investigation with x-rays, γ -radiation or even cold or thermal neutrons. especially for large objects consisting of dense materials, the deep penetration of �ssion neutrons is well suited for their non-destructive investigation, still beeing sensitive for the detection of hydrogen containing materials. the instrument nectar is controlled using the nicos (see also networked integrated control system (2002)). it is a python based control environment, allowing a simple use for non-experienced users and the development of individual scripts for more advanced users. the acquired radiographs are available in di�erent image formats (e.g. �ts and tif ) and can be processed by most common image processing tools. on demand, reconstruction and visualization software is available on-site for data analysis. the nectar facility shares the available beam time with the medapp facility (heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum, 2015) as both are using the same beam tube sr10. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a19 (2015) figure 1: instrument nectar: the �ssion neutrons are coming from the right, penetrating the sample �xed on the manipulator, and are detected by a ccd-based system (center). a beamstop (left) minimizes scattered radiation. (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 typical applications • cultural heritage restauration and conservation of objects inner structure of large archaeological objects • technology hydrogen storage degradation of glue in timber water or oil in large metallic objects (e.g. gearboxes) • biology water uptake in large wooden samples 3 technical data 3.1 neutron source • converter facility at frm ii: consisting of 2 plates of uranium-silicide (93 % 235u, total 540 g) p = 80 kw 3.2 neutron spectrum • fission spectrum: mean energy: 1.8 mev neutron �ux: up to 8.7 · 105 cm-2 s-1 – 4.7 · 107 cm-2 s-1 (depending on �lter used) • thermal spectrum of the d2o moderator: mean energy: 28 mev neutron �ux: up to 1 · 107 cm-2 s-1 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a19 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of nectar and medapp (heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum, 2015). 3.3 collimation • l/d: ≤ 233 +/− 16 (depending on collimator) 3.4 sample space • max. 80 cm x 80 cm x 80 cm (w x h x t), maximum thickness also depends on material • max. 500 kg • any standard sample environment available mlz and custom environments required for speci�c user experiments can be easily attached (e.g. hydrogen supply) 3.5 detection systems • ccd-based (andor dv434-bv, andor ikon-m-bv, pco. 1600) detection systems with di�erent converters, e.g. pp-converter with 30 % zns and 30 cm x 30 cm x 0.24 cm (w x h x t) available references heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum. (2015). medapp: �ssion neutron beam for science, medicine, and industry. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a18. networked integrated control system. (2002). nicos networked integrated control system. retrieved 11.08.2015, from 3 introduction typical applications technical data neutron source neutron spectrum collimation sample space detection systems journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a25 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 pleps: pulsed low energy positron system heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum universität der bundeswehr münchen instrument scientists: werner egger, lrt2, universität der bundeswehr münchen, neubiberg, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14609, email: abstract: pleps, operated by the universität der bundeswehr münchen, located at nepomuc, is a unique tool for depth pro�ling of defects with positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy using a pulsed positron beam of variable energy. 1 introduction positron lifetime measurements allow to determine type and size of open volume defects (such as vacancies, vacancy-clusters, dislocations, grain boundaries etc., and free volumes in polymers) in a wide variety of materials and provide information on defect-concentration. in combination with a monoenergetic positron beam of variable energy depth-resolved defect analysis becomes possible. 2 typical applications • defect identi�cation in thin layers and layered structures of semiconductors and insulators • radiation induced defects in materials for fusion and �ssion reactors • characterisation of free volumes in polymers and glasses 3 technical data 3.1 beam properties • positron implantation energy: e = 0.5 – 20 kev • beam spot ø ∼ 1 mm • count rate: ∼ 5000 – 10000 cps 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a25 (2015) figure 1: instrument pleps at nepomuc (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 3.2 sample • limited to 5 x 5 mm2 – 9 x 9 mm2 3.3 typical measurement times • < 10 min per spectrum (> 3 · 106 counts in the spectrum) • depth-pro�le: 4 – 5 h (15 – 20 implantation energies, > 3 · 106 counts in the spectrum) • time-window: 20 ns or 40 ns • time-resolution: 260 – 280 ps • peak/ background > 50000 : 1 2 introduction typical applications technical data beam properties sample typical measurement times journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a21 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 mephisto: facility for particle physics with cold neutrons heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: jens klenke, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14771, email: abstract: the experimental area mephisto, the measurement facility for particle physics with cold neutrons, operated by the technische universität münchen, is dedicated to those experiments in the �eld of nuclear and particle physics. 1 introduction since the start of reactor the frm ii provides a cold white neutron beam for long term user dedicated experimental setups. such an experiment is normally planned and built up by external groups but additional help during the commissioning of the experiment at the reactor is necessary. therefore, this work must be organised in close contact with the local instrument scientist. the desired precision is reached inter alia by good statistics which means long term experiments over several reactor cycles. the experimental area mephisto, the measurement facility for particle physics with cold neutrons, is dedicated to those experiments in the �eld of nuclear and particle physics. currently, the experimental area moves from the neutron guide hall west to the neutron guide hall east. the solely used neutron guide sr-4b will deliver a white cold spectrum for experiments. a removeable 11 % velocity selector at the end of the guide will complete the beam line. the mc-simulation for this beam with a dimension of 60 x 106 mm2 proposes a mean wavelength of 4.5 å and a gold capture �ux of 2 · 1010 n cm-2 s-1. the experimental area is 5 x 25 m2, diagonally built-in in the neutron guide hall east. the spectrum shows a shoulder to smaller wavelengths, the maximum of the spectrum is located at 3.3 å. it is planned to install the instrument perc (dubbers et al., 2008) at the mephisto beam line during the �rst years of operation in the neutron guide hall east. this instrument is a precise, bright and 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a21 (2015) figure 1: instrument mephisto. intense source of protons and electrons from the neutron decay. the instrument perc itself is open for external user groups with spectrometers to measure the protons and electrons. 2 typical applications the experiments at mephisto concentrate on induced nuclear reactions of the neutron with atoms or on the free neutron decay with its products. some of the experiment types performed at mephisto: • free neutron decay and spectroscopy of the decay products • spectroscopy of neutron induced �ssion • production of ultra cold neutrons with liquid helium • production of ultra cold neutrons with solid gases 3 infrastructure a removeable neutron velocity selector is placed at the end of the neutron guide. the minimal wavelength is 4.5 å. the resolution of the passing wavelength is 11 %. the selector can be rotated to tune the resolution. a data system based on vme (adc, peak adc, qdc, tdc) is available. for signal forming purpose several nim inserts exist, a list can be requested from the local instrument scientist. also available are spectroscopic ampli�ers and high voltage sources for detectors. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a21 (2015) figure 2: schematic drawing of mephisto. 4 technical data 4.1 neutron beam • end of the cold neutron guide sr-4b (m = 2.5) • cross section of the guide: 60 x 106 mm2 • thermal capture �ux (simulated): 2 · 1010 n cm-2 s-1 • mean wavelength (simulated): 4.5 å • beam height from �oor: ∼ 1300 mm • experimental area: 5 x 25 m2 • maximum at 3.3 å • standard neutron spectrum with shoulder to smaller wavelengths 4.2 beam attenuators • by geometrical attenuation, the beam intensity can by reduced to 20 %, 4 % and 2 % 4.3 polarisation • a bender (vertical direction) is available to polarise the complete cross section of the beam references dubbers, d., abele, h., baeßler, s., märkisch, b., schumann, m., soldner, t., & zimmer, o. (2008). a clean, bright, and versatile source of neutron decay products. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 596(2), 238 247. 3 introduction typical applications infrastructure technical data neutron beam beam attenuators polarisation journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a23 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 cdbs: coincident doppler-broadening spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: christoph hugenschmidt, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49.(0)89.289.14609, email: abstract: the cdbs, operated by the technische universität münchen, located at nepomuc, allows the detection of open volume defects and their chemical surrounding. defect distributions can be imaged in 3d by lateral scanning with the energy variable positron beam. 1 introduction the doppler broadening of the 511 kev annihilation line contains information of the electron momentum distribution at the positron annihilation site in the sample. since the probability of core electron annihilation decreases in open volume defects a narrowing of the annihilation line is observed. for this reason, dopple broadening spectroscopy (dbs) is particularly suited to detect lattice defects in a sample. dbs with the monoenergetic positron beam allows the analysis of defect pro�les, energy dependent 2d imaging of defects, and defect annealing as a function of temperature. in addition, cdbs is applied in order to gain elemental information about the positron annihilation site and hence about the chemical surrounding of defects. 2 technical data 2.1 beam properties • positron implantation energy: e = 0.2 – 30 kev • mean positron implantation depth: up to several µm (material dependent) • beam size: adjustable between 0.3 – 3 mm ø 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a23 (2015) figure 1: instrument cdbs at nepomuc (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2.2 2d x-y-scans • scan area: 20 x 20 mm2 • step size adjustable between 0.1 and 10 mm 2.3 high-purity ge detectors • 30 % e�ciency • energy resolution: 1.4 kev at 477.6 kev 2.4 sample • size optimal size: 6 x 6 mm2, thickness: 0.1 – 1 mm in general: 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.01 mm3 – 20 x 20 x 3 mm3 • optimum 4 samples on one sample holder: < 10 x 10 mm2 • temperature: 100 k – 900 k 2.5 typical measurement times • dbs: ∼ 1 – 2 min / spectrum • dbs: ∼ 8 h full 2d overview scan (with ∆x = ∆y = 1 mm) • dbs: ∼ 1 h depth pro�le (t = 2 min, 30 energy values) • cdbs: ∼ 4 – 6 h / spectrum 2 introduction technical data beam properties 2d x-y-scans high-purity ge detectors sample typical measurement times journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a20 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 pgaa: prompt gamma and in-beam neutron activation analysis facility heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum universität zu köln technische universität münchen instrument scientists: zsolt revay, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 12694, email: abstract: prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (pgaa) is typically used for the determination of elemental composition and concentration of solid samples (ca. down to ppm range). liquids and gaseous samples can also be measured. the instrument pgaa is operated by the institute of nuclear physics, university of cologne and the technische universität münchen. 1 introduction the pgaa method is based on the neutron capture in nuclei of the sample material and the subsequent detection of prompt gamma-rays emitted during deexcitation of the compound nuclei: az(n, γ )a+1z. pgaa is a non-destructive tool for the analysis of major and minor components, especially advantageous for the assay of light elements (unique for h and b) and certain trace elements (cd, hf, rare earths). in the strong neutron beam at frm ii, however, neutron activation can also be performed, and thus many more trace elements can be detected (elements in the 4 – 6 period). 2 typical applications • archaeology and cultural heritage objects (ceramics, coins, metals, conditionally bronze objects) • cosmochemistry (meteorites) • geology, petrology (macerals, sediments) • enviromental research (air pollution, river pollution) • medicine (b, li, cd in tissues, nano-particles for cancer therapy, radiation damage of dna) • semiconductor or superconductor research and industry • analysis of new chemical materials (catalysts, clathrates, crystals) 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a20 (2015) figure 1: instrument pgaa from the direction of the beam stop. on the left-hand side the dewar of the detector can be seen. (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). • reactor physics (shielding material, new fuel element), radiation hardness testing with cold neutrons (chips, scintillators) • fundamental research (nuclear data, low-spin excited states in nuclei, partial and total neutron capture cross-section measurements) • conditionally naa after the pgaa irradiation 3 technical data 3.1 neutron beam • cold neutron spectrum from nl4b (last section of 5.8 m elliptical focussing) with an average energy of 1.83 mev (6.7 å) • two measuring conditions: for large samples with collimation: beam size: 20 x 30 mm2 neutron �ux max.: 2 · 109 n cm-2 s-1 thermal n. eq. for small samples with 1.1 m elliptical guide: beam size: 11 x 16 mm2 neutron �ux max.: 5 · 1010 n cm-2 s-1 thermal n. eq. 3.2 detection system • for the standard pgaa, one compton-suppressed spectrometer is used (60 % hpge detector surrounded by a bgo scintillator and connected in anticoincidence mode). the signal is processed using a dspec-50 digital spectrometer manufactured by ortec. • a new low-background counting chamber has also been installed next to the pgaa instrument for the acquisition of decay gamma spectra after activating the samples in the beam. a 30 % hpge detector is used with a dspec-50 unit. • energy range is from 30 to 12 000 kev. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a20 (2015) figure 2: the shielding arrangement of the pgaa facility. 3.3 measuring conditions • low vacuum (0.3 mbar) possible • sample weight: 0.1 mg – 10 g • max. sample dimensions: ca. 40 x 40 x 40 mm3 • automated measurement for max. six samples in a batch (vertical sample holder with six positions) • solid samples are usually sealed into thin fep bags or other suitable material 3.4 data acquisition and analysis • an in-house software for the automated measurement of up to six samples in a batch run. • evaluation of the spectra and the calibration of the spectrometer (e�ciency curve and nonlinearity) using the software hypermet pc developed in budapest • determination of the elemental composition of samples using the excel macro and excel sheet package prospero • automated data acquisition using dspec-50 is currently under development 3 introduction typical applications technical data neutron beam detection system measuring conditions data acquisition and analysis journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a32 (2015) published: 15.10.2015 fangas: fast neutron gamma spectroscopy instrument for prompt gamma signature of inelastic scattering reactions forschungszentrum jülich, institute of energy and climate research, nuclear waste management and reactor safety instrument scientists: m. rossbach, forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, institute of energy and climate research, nuclear waste management and reactor safety, 52425 jülich, germany phone: +49 2461 61 3114, email: e. mauerhofer, forschungszentrum jülich gmbh, institute of energy and climate research, nuclear waste management and reactor safety, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: +49 2461 61 4094, email: abstract: the fangas instrument has been developed and constructed at the forschungszentrum jülich gmbh for investigation of neutron inelastic scattering reactions using the �ssion neutron beam sr10 at the forschungsneutronenquelle heinz maier-leibnitz (frm ii) operated by the technische universität münchen in garching. prompt emitted gamma rays from excited states of irradiated elements can be used for analytical purposes. 1 introduction at neutron energies of around 2 mev of the �ssion neutron beam sr10 the prevailing nuclear reaction in matter is inelastic scattering, (n,n′γ) with minor contributions from (n,γ), (n,p), (n,2n), and (n,α) reactions. similar to cold neutron pgaa, the promptly emitted gamma rays from (n,n′γ) reactions can be used for chemical quanti�cation of elements, provided a reliable data catalogue for partial and inelastic scattering cross sections is available. building up from earlier work fangas can help to create an extended data base for use of �ssion and 14 mev neutrons for quantitative analysis of large and very large samples. 2 instrument description fangas consists of a set of collimators – stacked layers of pe, b4c and pure pb – to reduce the beam size to a diameter of 50 mm and a well shielded electrically cooled hpge detector (50 % rel. e�ciency, 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a32 (2015) 2.1 kev resolution at 1332 kev) connected to a digital spectrometer (dspec 50). shielding against scattered neutrons and gamma radiation is achieved by 30 cm of pe, 1 cm of b4c and 15 cm of ordinary lead bricks. the sample position during irradiation is 67 cm away from the detector surface. a second measurement position is located 17.2 cm from the detector surface allowing measurement of decay activity from (n,γ), (n,p), (n,2n), or (n,α ) reactions from samples after irradiation (see fig 1). figure 1: fangas set-up with neutron collimator, gamma counting and sample positioning system in the medapp bunker (picture: tu münchen, w. schürmann. also submitted to journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry article ‚prompt and delayed inelastic scattering reactions from �ssion neutron irradiation �rst results of fangas‘(jrnc-d-15-01030)). e�ciency calibration for both positions has been achieved by measurement of calibrated radioactive sources (ptb) and a thermal irradiation of cl (pvc) for the high energy region of the gamma spectrum. the energy distribution of the �ssion neutron beam of sr10 after installation of the neutron collimators has been determined by the metal foil irradiation technique using nuclear threshold reactions and unfolding software staysl pnnl (see fig 2). 3 typical applications • determination of partial and inelastic scattering cross section of pure elements • combination of delayed and prompt spectra (e.g. actinide irradiation and measurement of �ssion products produced, determination of (n,f ) cross sections • determination of elements with very high (n,γ ) cross sections, such as b, cd, gd, etc. in large samples • special analytical tasks where cold neutron pgaa is limited, e.g. p in high purity sio2 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a32 (2015) figure 2: neutron energy spectrum of the sr10 beam line at frm ii with fangas collimators installed. 4 technical data 4.1 neutron source • converter facility at frm ii consisting of 2 plates of 93 % enriched u-235 • two collimators of stacked pe, b4c and pb with total length of 101 cm in the beam line restrict the fast beam to 5 cm diameter. • average neutron beam energy is 2.12 ± 0.08 mev • integrated neutron �ux is (1.01 ± 0.042) x 108cm−2s−1 4.2 detector system • gmx50-83 n-type hpge detector, electrically cooled, 50 % relative e�ciency, 2.1 kev energy resolution at 1332 kev • detector shielding consisting of pe (30 cm) b4c (1 cm) and pb (15 cm) mounted on a steel table with wheels to make the system movable. • dspec-50 spectrum acquisition, maestro and gamma-vision evaluation software (ortec) and hypermet-pc 4.3 sample environment • maximum sample size is 50 x 50 x 50 mm, normally 25 x 25 x 0.5 mm metal foils are irradiated • samples for irradiation are located 548 cm from neutron source position and 67 cm from detector end cap. • small samples can be counted after irradiation at 17.2 cm from detector end cap 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a32 (2015) references ahmed, m., & demidov, m. (1978). atlas of gamma-ray spectra from the inelastic scattering of reactor neutrons. moscow: atomizdat. heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum, t. u. m. (2015). medapp: fission neutron beam for science, medicine, and industry. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1(a18). mauerhofer, e., & havenith, a. (2014). the medina facility for the assay of the chemotoxic inventory of radioactive waste packages. journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 302, 483-488. randriamalala, t., rossbach, m., mauerhofer, e., revay, z., kudejova, p., söllradl, s., . . . genreith, c. (2015). fangas: a new instrument for (n,n’γ ) reaction measurements at frm ii. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a. rossbach, m., randriamala, t., mauerhofer, e., revay, z., & söllradl, s. (2015). prompt and delayed inelastic scattering reactions from �ssion neutron irradiation – �rst results of fangas. journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. 4 introduction instrument description typical applications technical data neutron source detector system sample environment journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a24 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 paes: positron annihilation induced auger electron spectrometer heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum technische universität münchen instrument scientists: christoph hugenschmidt, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14609, email: abstract: positron annihilation induced auger electron spectroscopy (paes) is a newly developed application for surface studies with high elemental selectivity and exceptional surface sensitivity. the instrument is operated by the technische universität münchen and is located at nepomuc. 1 introduction in paes, the emission of auger electrons is initiated by positron-electron annihilation that leads to several major advantages compared with conventional electron induced aes. the main features are: • topmost layer sensitivity • no secpndary electron background at the auger peaks • non-destructive technique paes is part of the surface spectrometer (suspect) which also enables sample preparation in uhv conditions, conventaional aes and xps. examples for paes studies are surfaces with sub-monolayers of foreign atoms, high resolution determination of auger line shapes, element selective surface studies. 2 technical data 2.1 beam properties • positron implantation energy: e = 20 ev • electron energy resolution: ∆e/e < 1 % 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a24 (2015) figure 1: instrument paes, which is part of the surface spectrometer suspect at nepomuc (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2.2 sample • sample size: ø 10 mm • sample thickness: 0.5 mm (0.1 max. 3 mm) 2.3 typical measurement times • measurement time (typical for one paes spectrum): 10 – 15 min 2.4 complementary techniques • electron or x-ray induced aes • xps • stm 2 introduction technical data beam properties sample typical measurement times complementary techniques 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a34 (2015) published: 27.11.2015 fei titan g3 50-300 pico ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen instrument officer: dr. juri barthel, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany phone: ++49 2461 61 9277, e-mail: deputy instrument officer: dr. lothar houben, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany phone: ++49 2461 61 8037, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany phone: ++49 2461 61 1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei titan g3 50-300 pico is a unique fourth generation transmission electron microscope which has been specifically designed for the investigation of a wide range of solid state phenomena taking place on the atomic scale and thus necessitating true atomic resolution analysis capabilities. for these purposes, the fei titan g3 50-300 pico is equipped with a schottky type high-brightness electron gun (fei x-feg), a monochromator unit, and a cs probe corrector (ceos dcor), a cs-cc achro-aplanat image corrector (ceos ccor+), a double biprism, a post-column energy filter system (gatan quantum 966 ers) as well as a 16 megapixel ccd system (gatan ultrascan 4000 uhs). characterised by a tem and stem resolution well below 50 pm at 200 kv, the instrument is one of the few chromatically-corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopes in the world. typical examples of use and technical specifications for the instrument are given below. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a34 (2015) 2 1 system overview figure 1: fei titan g3 50-300 pico transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of christian lüning ( 2 typical applications and limitations of use the configuration of the fei titan g3 50-300 pico allows a variety of advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques to be applied to wide bunch of solid state materials. these techniques include electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels), energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (eftem), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (hrtem), high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (hrstem) with annular detectors for bright-field, annular dark-field, and high-angle annular dark field imaging, off axis electron holography (oaeh), electron tomography (et), and combinations of the previous techniques. the fei titan g3 50-300 pico is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments officers and the er-c general management. 3 sample environment apart from the special case of the utilization of dedicated cooling or heating stages, the fei titan g3 50-300 pico will allow samples to be investigated either under room temperature or liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of about 10–8 mbar. besides this standard setup, the sample journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a34 (2015) 3 environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. the thermal treatment or the application of external electric or magnetic fields to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ tem holders available through the er-c user services. 4 technical specifications  electron acceleration voltage 50 kv ... 300 kv  electron beam current < 140 na  information limit (tem) @ 300 kv < 55 pm  information limit (tem) @ 200 kv < 50 pm  information limit (tem) @ 80 kv < 70 pm  information limit (tem) @ 50 kv < 90 pm  total system drift (tem) < 300 pm min-1 (rms)  resolution (stem) @ 300 kv < 50 pm  resolution (stem) @ 200 kv < 80 pm  combined electron probe and sample drift < 200 pm min-1 (rms)  system energy resolution @ 300 kv & 200 pa < 0.20 ev  system energy resolution @ 200 kv & 30 pa < 0.12 ev  system energy resolution @ 80 kv & 40 pa < 0.10 ev 5 detectors  peltier cooled gatan ultrascan 4000 uhs charge coupled device camera (ccd) with a readout speed of 4 m pixel sec-1 and a format of 4096 x 4096 pixels of 15 microns in size.  gatan quantum 966 ers image filter (gif) with fully 2nd and 3rd order and partially 4th order corrected prisms and a maximum field of view of 17 µm for imaging and 120 mr for diffraction analyses, with additional stem detectors implemented.  fischione model 3000 haadf detector. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a34 (2015) 4 6 specimen stages  double tilt low background holder ± 40 °  high field of view single tilt tomography holder ± 70 °  dual-axis tomography holder ± 50 °  on axis rotation tomography holder 360°  further in situ specimen stages available references barthel j. & thust a. (2013). on the optical stability of high-resolution transmission electron microscopes. ultramicroscopy 134 , 6–17. haider m., hartel p., müller h., uhlemann s., & zach j. (2010). information transfer in a tem corrected for spherical and chromatic aberration. microscopy and microanalysis 16(4), 393–408. uhlemann s., müller h., zach j., & haider m. (2015). thermal magnetic field noise: electron optics and decoherence. ultramicroscopy 151, 199–210. 10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.11.022 urban k. w., mayer j., jinschek j. r., neish m. j., lugg n. r. & allen l. j. (2013). achromatic elemental mapping beyond the nanoscale in the transmission electron microscope. physical review letters 110, 185507. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a26 (2015) published: 19.08.2015 spm: scanning positron microscope heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum universität der bundeswehr münchen technische universität münchen instrument scientists: marcel dickmann, lrt2, universität der bundeswehr münchen, neubiberg, germany, phone: +49 (0)89 289 11770, email: christian piochacz, heinz maier-leibnitz zentrum (mlz), technische universität münchen, garching, germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 12179, email: abstract: the munich scanning positron microscope, operated by the universität der bundeswehr münchen and the technische universität münchen, located at nepomuc, permits positron lifetime measurements with a lateral resolution in the µm range and within an energy range of 1 – 20 kev. 1 introduction the scanning positron microscope (spm) enables the measurement of high resolved 3d defect maps. until today, the spm was operated only in the laboratory at the universität der bundeswehr in munich and was therefore limited by the long measurement times of several days per 2d-scan due to the low intensity of the positron beam produced by a standard 22na source. this disadvantage will be overcome by installing the spm at the high intensity positron beam at nepomuc. therefore, the spm interface was designed and tested successfully (piochacz et al., 2007). this device converts the continuous beam of nepomuc to a high-brightness, pulsed positron beam, which matches the demands of the spm. recently, a sample chamber was connected to the spm interface which enables spatially resolved positron lifetime measurements with a lateral resolution in the range of 0.1 mm. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a26 (2015) figure 1: instrument spm at nepomuc (copyright by w. schürmann, tum). 2 technical data 2.1 beam properties spm / spm interface • positron implantation energy: < 20 kev / < 10 kev • beam-spot < 1 µm / ≈ 0.1 mm • count rate: > 2000 cps / > 4000 cps • time-window: 20 ns • time-resolution: < 250 ps • peak/ background: > 5000 : 1 / > 2000 : 1 2.2 typical measurement times • spm: ≈ 1 day for one 2d-scan (12 x 12 µm2) • spm interface: ≈ 0.5 day for one 2d-scan (1 x 1 mm2) references piochacz, c., egger, w., hugenschmidt, c., kögel, g., schreckenbach, k., sperr, p., & dollinger, g. (2007). implementation of the munich scanning positron microscope at the positron source nepomuc. physica status solidi / c, 4(10), 4028-4031. 2 introduction technical data beam properties spm / spm interface typical measurement times 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a33 (2015) published: 09.11.2015 ue112_pgm-1: an open-port low-energy beamline at the bessy ii undulator ue112 helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie instrument scientists: g. schiwietz, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-15032, e-mail: m. beye, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 806214677, e-mail: t. kachel, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12942, e-mail: abstract: the x-ray optical and mechanical designs of a low-energy high-flux vuvto soft-x-ray beamline for photon energies between 17 and 200 ev (with lower flux up to 690 ev) are presented. 1 introduction the ue112_pgm-1 installation is a low-energy high-flux x-ray beamline with variable (linear and elliptical) polarization. it is a combination of the ue112, a modern apple-ii-type undulator, coupled to a collimated plane-grating monochromator (follath et al., 1997, 1998, 2001). it features high resolving power, high throughput and small spot size at the experiment for x-ray energies between 17 ev and 690 ev. the x-ray beam is focused into a small spot with a diameter of about 80 m, without a significant halo. the focal distance from the last beamline valve is about 1 m and the available target area on the floor is large enough to enable the installation of relatively large experimental setups. thus, the beamline includes no fixed end station and it is optimized for variable modes of operation using very different experimental chambers (typically these are end stations). journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a33 (2015) 2 2 source the insertion device is an apple-ii-type elliptical undulator with the following parameters: location h13 source undulator ue112 polarization linear horizontal, linear vertical, elliptical, and circular period 112.0 mm number of periods 32 minimum energy 4.93 ev table 1: information summary on the insertion device 3 optical design the optical layout of the beamline (all values in the subsequent schema are design parameters, dimensions given in mm) (follath et al., 1997, 1998, 2001) is described in the following. m1 is a toroidal mirror which collimates the light in the horizontal and vertical directions. the plane mirror m2 is used to vary the deviation angle at the plane grating g. vertically, the diffracted light is focused onto the (horizontal) exit slit s by the cylindrical mirror m3. al (150 nm thick) and mg foils (240 nm thick) allow for a suppression of higher order x-rays at e > 73 ev (al) or e > 50 ev (mg). the subsequent refocusing is performed by the mirrors m4 and m5 in the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively. actual measured values of the focus position are given in the instrumentdata table further below. figure 1: the optical layout of beamline ue112_pgm-1. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a33 (2015) 3 4 all-over performance data performance data related to the focal point are given in the following (follath et al., 1997, 1998, 2001; savci & schiwietz, 2013): location 14.2 energy range 17 – 690 ev energy resolution * 30,000 (17-150ev) > 20,000 (150-350ev) flux * > 1012 ph/s (20-280ev) > 2 x 1013 ph/s (50-150ev) polarization variable divergence horizontal 1.4 @ 63.5ev mrad divergence vertical 0.6 @ 63.5ev mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) optimum: ca. 0.08 x 0.08 mm distance: focus-last valve ca. 1068 mm height: focus-floor level ca. 1396.5 mm (1393 mm at the exit of the refocusing chamber) fixed end station no * parameters given for standard grating1 table 2: instrument-data table: technical summary on the undulator/monochromator combination. figure 2: normalized photon flux (wrt. the synchrotron-ring current) at the exit of the beamline ue112_pgm-1 for standard conditions and three different undulator harmonics.1 typically bessy ii runs with a ring current of 300 ma 1 savci a. & schiwietz g. (2013). actual measurements of beamline parameters have been performed in the years 2013 and 2014. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a33 (2015) 4 5 user chambers some selected examples for user chambers attached to ue112_pgm-1:  phoenexs – a (spin resolved) photoemission and near edge x-ray station, operated by hzb.  artof – various angle-resolved time-of-flight systems featuring high resolution and large detection solid-angle, operated by groups of uppsala university and hzb.  coltrims – a system for cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy (coltrims) for electron/ion coincidences in the gas phase, operated by groups of goethe-universität frankfurt.  et – the electron timing chamber (schiwietz et al, 2015) equipped with the retarding bessel box (rbb) electrostatic electron spectrometer, operated by hzb (schiwietz et al., 2015).  liquid or solid flexrixs –end stations with soft x-ray emission spectrometers for rixs (resonant inelastic x-ray scattering) investigations of fluid and solid-state targets respectively, operated by hzb. references follath, r. (2001). the versatility of collimated plane grating monochromators. nuclear instruments and methods in physics, 467, 418-425. follath, r., & senf, f. (1997). new plane-grating monochromators for third generation synchrotron radiation light sources. nuclear instruments and methods in physics, 390(3), 388-394. follath, r., senf, f., & gudat, w. (1998). plane-grating monochromator at bessy ii using collimated light. journal of synchrotron radiation, 5, 769-771. schiwietz, g., beye, m., kühn, d., & xiao, g. (2015). the retarding bessel–box—an electron spectrometer designed for pump/probe experiments. journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 203, 51 59. journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a36 (2015) published: 15.12.2015 research vessel poseidon geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung facilities coordinators: dr. klas lackschewitz, geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, germany, phone: +49(0) 431 600 2132, email: maike heinitz, geomar helmholtz-zentrum für ozeanforschung kiel, germany, phone: +49(0) 431 600 1542, email: abstract: the research vessel poseidon, operated by geomar kiel, is an important research platform for the marine science community. the knowledge gained from ocean expeditions contributes to a better understanding of the biological, physical, geological and chemical processes in the ocean. 1 introduction the r/v poseidon was commissioned in 1976 and is owned by the federal state of schleswig-holstein. at present, the briese shipping company in leer manages the vessel. the r/v poseidon is primarily used for long sea voyages, mainly in the northern atlantic and its marginal seas as well as the black and red seas. it can remain at sea for 24 days without a port call. the cruising range is 7,000 nm. the home port is kiel. a basic overhaul was completed in late 2010. the medium-sized multi-purpose research vessel is suited for all disciplines of scienti�c marine research, in particular oceanography, biology, geophysics, geology and �shery. the research vessel o�ers accommodation for 11 scientists. this multi-disciplinary concept is to ensure that all science disciplines can work on the vessel as optimally as possible, but does not imply that many di�erent disciplines can be accommodated at the same time, which is to remain the purpose of the global vessels. 2 technical data owner: federal state of schleswig-holstein, home port: kiel operator: geomar helmholtz centre for ocean research kiel year: 1976 tonnage: 1105 gt, draft: 4.9 m dimensions: length: 60.8 m, width: 11.4 m speed: 10.5 knots, operating range: 7500 nautical miles crew: 15 people, scientists: 11 people facilities for the scienti�c operation: 4 labs 15-30 sqm, 1 vertical schaft, 1 container slot, various cranes, 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a36 (2015) winches and cables, thermosalinograph, several sounders (deep-sea sounder, multibeam sonar), data acquisition system dship, adcp figure 1: r/v poseidon in the kiel bay. the ship operates with diesel-electric propulsion, i.e. diesel engines drive generators producing electrical current. two generators supply all the power for the on-board network and the propulsion, a third generator is on standby as back-up. the continuously variable and reversible electrical propulsion motor drives the propeller directly. the vessel features a gill bow thruster for lateral movements. the water for the gill bow thruster is taken in underneath the vessel and can be expelled in any direction. r/v poseidon is equipped with a stern gallows, a working crane, a jib boom, and a provisions crane. there is also one boom at midships on the port side and one at the stern on starboard. there are 6 winches for scienti�c operation driven with low-pressure hydraulics. on portside, there is the singleconductor winch (w2) for launching and hauling in devices via a small a-frame. midships on the bridge deck is the heavy duty winch (w3) for the jib boom, and midships stern on the forecastle are both the mooring winch (w4) and the single-conductor towing winch for the large stern a-frame (w6). a �shing net winch (w7) is located midships stern on the main deck. 3 facilities for scienti�c operation all of the laboratories are located on the main deck. network sockets for access to the vessel’s intranet and internet are available in all laboratories. 3.1 scienti�c workstation the scienti�c workstation is located midships in the stern bridge section, immediately next to the stern control stand. this position o�ers good visibility and communication with the nautical crew or during slow pro�ling, e.g. when towing �shing nets or devices requiring simultaneous monitoring of a sounder (12 khz). 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a36 (2015) 3.2 wet laboratory there is direct access from the wet laboratory to the working deck at a relatively sheltered position. the crane track can be extended from the laboratory through the bulkhead onto the working deck. a swan neck allows loose cables to be routed to the working deck and into other laboratories. basic equipment: • 12 khz deepsea and pinger sounder with display • gyrocompass repeater in datavis (data for central data capturing) • mobile ups (uninterruptible power supply) • datavis, direct output of data groups • 2 freezers, -20°c, 236 l, 286 l • refrigerator, 4° c, 360 l • electronic sea chart (repeater) 3.3 dry laboratory on-line data capturing occurs mainly in the dry laboratory. here, the dhcp server for the network is located, the data for central data capturing (datavis) is merged and distributed, the data for the vessel adcp, and in most cases, the ctd (conductivity, temperature, depth) data as well is captured. the temperature in the laboratory is regulated via the air conditioner. basic equipment: • winch display distributor • ups • vessel adcp (75 khz), on-board device and data capturing • dhcp server and e-mail pc • sea chart (repeater) • sounder display, 12 khz deep sea sounder • ctd probe incl. water samplers, deck unit and data capturing 3.4 chemistry laboratory the chemistry laboratory is mainly used to set up systems for marine chemistry work. a small mobile fume hood was procured because a standard fume hood could not be used due to the low ceiling height. the temperature in the chemistry laboratory can be regulated. basic equipment: • sea water connection (aquarium pump); drain basin • connection for mobile fume hood exhaust • refrigerator/freezer combination, 4° c, 170 l, -40° c, 80 l volume • laboratory basin with warm and cold fresh water, sea water • heating cabinet, 50° c – 300° c 3.5 scienti�c storage the scienti�c storage is located below the portside cargo hatch on the intermediate deck. it has an area of approx. 40m2, of which approx. 37m2 can be used since an escape hatch and escape path must be kept free. the storage hatch is �ush with the work deck and must not be opened at sea. in this situation, the scienti�c storage can only be reached via a relatively narrow stairway from the main corridor. therefore, all larger equipment must be placed in the laboratories in the harbour. in addition, r/v poseidon features a number of permanently installed hydro-acoustic systems, including: • shallow water sounder (200 khz) 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, a36 (2015) • navigation echo sounder (30 khz) • deep sea sounder (12 khz) • electromagnetic speed and sat log • multibeam sounder (50 khz frequency range up to 3000m waterdepth) 4 introduction technical data facilities for scientific operation scientific workstation wet laboratory dry laboratory chemistry laboratory scientific storage journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a44 (2016) published: 04.02.2016 fei titan g2 60-300 holo ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen * instrument o�cer: dr. chris boothroyd, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9279, e-mail: deputy instrument o�cer: dr. andrás kovács, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9276, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei titan g2 60-300 holo is a unique fourth generation transmission electron microscope, which has been speci�cally designed for the investigation of electromagnetic �elds of materials using o�-axis electron holography. it has a lorentz lens to allow magnetic �eld free imaging plus two electron biprisms, which in combination enable more uniform holographic fringes to be used. the instrument also has an ultra-wide objective lens pole piece gap which is ideal for in situ experiments. for these purposes, the fei titan g2 60-300 holo is equipped with a schottky type high-brightness electron gun (fei x-feg), an image cs corrector (ceos), a post-column energy �lter system (gatan tridiem 865 er) as well as a 4 megapixel ccd system (gatan ultrascan 1000 xp). typical examples of use and technical speci�cations for the instrument are given below. *cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons. (2016). fei titan g2 60-300 holo . journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a44. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a44 (2016) 1 system overview figure 1: fei titan g2 60-300 holo transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of christian lüning ( . 2 typical applications and limitations of use the con�guration of the fei titan g2 60-300 holo allows a variety of advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques to be applied to a wide variety of solid-state materials. these techniques include high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (hrtem), electron energy-loss spectroscopy (eels), energy �ltered transmission electron microscopy (eftem), scanning transmission electron microscopy (hrstem) with high-angle annular dark �eld (haadf) stem imaging, o�-axis electron holography (eh), lorentz microscopy, electron tomography (et) and combinations of these techniques. investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples with the fei titan g2 60-300 holo is possible after discussion with both of the instruments o�cers. 3 sample environment using dedicated cooling or heating stages, the fei titan g2 60-300 holo will allow samples to be investigated either at room temperature or under liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a44 (2016) about 10−8 mbar. besides this standard setup, the sample environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. the thermal treatment or the application of external electric or magnetic �elds to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ tem holders available through the er-c user services. 4 technical speci�cations • electron acceleration voltage 60 kv ... 300 kv • electron source schottky x-feg • information limit (tem) @ 300 kv < 120 pm • resolution (stem) @ 300 kv < 180 pm • c-twin objective lens 11 mm • objective lens cs (lorentz mode) < 100 µ m 5 detectors • peltier cooled gatan ultrascan 1000 xp charge coupled device camera (ccd) with a readout speed of 4 m pixel sec−1 and a format of 4-megapixel of 14 microns in size. • gatan tridiem 865 er image �lter (gif) with fully 2nd and 3rd order and partially 4th order corrected prisms and a maximum �eld of view of 17 µm for imaging and 120 mr for di�raction analysis and with a 4-megapixel ccd. • fischione model 3000 haadf detector. 6 specimen stages • double tilt low background holder ± 70 ° • single tilt holder ± 70 ° • dual-axis tomography holder ± 70 °, 360 ° • on axis rotation tomography holder 360 ° • liquid he holder 10 – 60 k • further in situ specimen stages available references chang, s. l. y., dwyer, c., boothroyd, c. b., & dunin-borkowski, r. e. (2015). optimising electron holography in the presence of partial coherence and instrument instabilities. ultramicroscopy, 151, 37-45. dwyer, c., boothroyd, c. b., chang, s. l. y., & dunin-borkowski, r. e. (2015). threewave electron vortex lattices for measuring nano�elds. ultramicroscopy, 148, 25-30. migunov, v., ryll, h., zhuge, x., simson, m., strueder, l., batenburg, k. j., . . . dunin-borkowski, r. e. (2015). rapid low dose electron tomography using a direct electron detection camera. scienti�c reports, 5, 14516. 3{10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.11.019}{10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.08.011}{10.1038/srep14516} journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a44 (2016) ozsoy-keskinbora, c., boothroyd, c. b., dunin-borkowski, r. e., van aken, p. a., & koch, c. t. (2014). hybridization approach to in-line and o�-axis (electron) holography for superior resolution and phase sensitivity. scienti�c reports, 4. 4{10.1038/srep07020} system overview typical applications and limitations of use sample environment technical specifications detectors specimen stages journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a42 (2016) published: 01.02.2016 fei titan 80-300 stem ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen* instrument o�cer: dr. marc heggen, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9479, e-mail: deputy instrument o�cer: dr. dr. martina luysberg, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.2417, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei titan 80-300 stem is a scanning transmission electron microscope equipped with a �eld emission electron gun, a three-condenser lens system, a monochromator unit, and a cs probe corrector (ceos), a post-column energy �lter system (gatan tridiem 865 er) as well as a gatan 2k slow scan ccd system. characterised by a stem resolution of 80 pm at 300 kv, the instrument was one of the �rst of a small number of sub-ångström resolution scanning transmission electron microscopes in the world when commissioned in 2006. *cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons. (2016). fei titan 80-300 stem . journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a42. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a42 (2016) 1 system overview figure 1: fei titan stem 80-300 scanning transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of ralf-uwe limbach (forschungszentrum jülich)). 2 typical applications and limitations of use the fei titan 80-300 stem allows a variety of advanced scanning transmission electron microscopy investigations to a wide range of materials. techniques like electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels), energy �ltered transmission electron microscopy (eftem), high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (hrstem) with detectors for bright-�eld, annular dark-�eld, and high-angle annular dark �eld (haadf) imaging, electron tomography (et), and combinations of the previous techniques. the fei titan 80-300 stem is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments o�cers and the er-c general management. 3 sample environment apart from the special case of the utilisation of dedicated cooling or heating stages, the fei titan 80-300 stem will allow samples to be investigated either under room temperature or liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of about 10−8 mbar. besides this standard setup, the sample environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. thermal treatment under vacuum or under gas atmosphere up to 1 bar using a mems-based closed-cell holder, or the application of external electric or magnetic �elds to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ tem holders available at the er-c. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a42 (2016) 4 technical speci�cations • electron acceleration voltage 200 kv ... 300 kv • electron beam current < 140 na • resolution (stem) @ 300 kv < 80 pm • information limit (tem) @ 80 kv < 200 pm • system energy resolution @ 300 kv & 40pa < 0.12 ev 5 detectors • peltier-cooled gatan ultrascan 2k charge coupled device (ccd) camera. • gatan tridiem 865 er image �lter (gif) with fully 2nd and 3rd order and partially 4th corrected prisms and a maximum �eld of view of 17 µm for imaging and 120 mr for di�raction analyses, with additional stem detectors implemented. • fischione model 3000 haadf detector. 6 specimen stages • double tilt low background holder ± 40 ° • high �eld of view single tilt tomography holder ± 70 ° • dual-axis tomography holder ± 50 ° • on axis rotation tomography holder 360 ° • further in situ specimen stages available references cui, c., gan, l., heggen, m., rudi, s., & strasser, p. (2013). compositional segregation in shaped pt alloy nanoparticles and their structural behaviour during electrocatalysis. nature materials, 12(8), 765-771. heggen, m., houben, l., & feuerbacher, m. (2010). plastic-deformation mechanism in complex solids. nature materials, 9(4), 332-336. heidelmann, m., barthel, j., & houben, l. (2009). stripestem, a technique for the isochronous acquisition of high angle annular dark-�eld images and monolayer resolved electron energy loss spectra. ultramicroscopy, 109(12), 1447-1452. luysberg, m., heidelmann, m., houben, l., boese, m., heeg, t., schubert, j., & roeckerath, m. (2009). intermixing and charge neutrality at dysco3/srtio3 interfaces. acta materialia, 57(11), 3192-3198. 3{10.1038/nmat3668}{10.1038/nmat2713} system overview typical applications and limitations of use sample environment technical specifications detectors specimen stages journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a41 (2016) published: 29.01.2016 fei titan 80-300 tem ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen* instrument o�cer: dr. andreas thust, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.6644, e-mail: deputy instrument o�cer: dr. juri barthel, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9277, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei titan 80-300 tem is a high-resolution transmission electron microscope equipped with a �eld emission gun and a corrector for the spherical aberration (cs) of the imaging lens system. the instrument is designed for the investigation of a wide range of solid state phenomena taking place on the atomic scale, which requires true atomic resolution capabilities. under optimum optical settings of the image cs-corrector (ceos cetcor) the point-resolution is extended up to the information limit of well below 100 pm with 200 kev and 300 kev electrons. a special piezo-stage design allows ultraprecise positioning of the specimen in all 3 dimensions. digital images are acquired with a gatan 2k x 2k slow-scan charged coupled device camera. *cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons. (2016). fei titan 80-300 tem . journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a41. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a41 (2016) 1 system overview figure 1: fei titan 80-300 transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of ralf-uwe limbach (forschungszentrum jülich)). 2 typical applications and limitations of use the con�guration of the fei titan 80-300 tem is dedicated to provide optimum performance for highresolution transmission electron microscopy imaging techniques to be applied to solid state materials. the typical setup used for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (hrtem) imaging involves an intentional over-compensation of the intrinsically positive spherical aberration of the objective lens towards a total negative spherical aberration of the imaging system. the negative spherical-aberration imaging (ncsi) technique provides maximum contrast transfer up to the information limit of the instrument yielding bright-atom contrast. the ncsi technique enables on the one hand a more intuitive interpretation of hrtem images in terms of direct structure projections of e.g. structural defects and interfaces. on the other hand, the superior image contrast at minimum delocalisation allows one to quantify individual atomic displacements with picometre precision from a single image to study for example local electric polarisation phenomena. a further technique applied with this instrument is the reconstruction of the electron wave function based on a focal series of hrtem images, which allows one to eliminate nonlinear contrast artifacts and residual imaging aberrations from the experimental data. the fei titan 80-300 tem is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments o�cers and the er-c general management. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a41 (2016) 3 sample environment apart from the special case of the utilisation of dedicated cooling or heating stages, the fei titan 80-300 tem will allow samples to be investigated either under room temperature or liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of about 10−8 mbar. besides this standard setup, the sample environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. the thermal treatment or the application of external electric or magnetic �elds to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ tem holders available through the er-c user services. 4 technical speci�cations • electron acceleration voltage 80, 200, and 300 kv • information limit (tem) @ 300 kv < 90 pm • information limit (tem) @ 200 kv < 100 pm • information limit (tem) @ 80 kv < 200 pm • total system drift (tem) < 300 pm min−1 (rms) 5 detectors • peltier cooled gatan ultrascan 1000p charge coupled device camera (ccd) with a readout speed of 4 m pixel sec−1 and a format of 2048 x 2048 pixels of 14 microns in size. 6 specimen stages • piezo stage extension for ultra-precise sample positioning and linear drift compensation • double tilt low background holder ± 40 ° • high �eld of view single tilt holder ± 50 ° references barthel, j., & thust, a. (2008, nov). quanti�cation of the information limit of transmission electron microscopes. phys. rev. lett., 101, 200801. barthel, j., & thust, a. (2010). aberration measurement in hrtem: implementation and diagnostic use of numerical procedures for the highly precise recognition of di�ractogram patterns . ultramicroscopy, 111(1), 27 46. barthel, j., & thust, a. (2013). on the optical stability of high-resolution transmission electron microscopes. ultramicroscopy, 134, 6 17. jia, c., houben, l., thust, a., & barthel, j. (2010). on the bene�t of the negative-sphericalaberration imaging technique for quantitative hrtem. ultramicroscopy, 110(5), 500 505. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a41 (2016) jia, c. l., mi, s. b., barthel, j., wang, d. w., dunin-borkowski, r. e., urban, k. w., & thust, a. (2014). determination of the 3d shape of a nanoscale crystal with atomic resolution from a single image. nature materials, 13(11), 1044-1049. thust, a., overwijk, m., coene, w., & lentzen, m. (1996). numerical correction of lens aberrations in phase-retrieval hrtem. ultramicroscopy, 64(1–4), 249 264. 4{10.1038/nmat4087} system overview typical applications and limitations of use sample environment technical specifications detectors specimen stages journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a48 (2016) published: 19.02.2016 the pm3 beamline at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. torsten kachel, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12942, email: abstract: pm3 merges the developments of the former bessy i sx700 iii monochromator for elliptically polarized vuv radiation and of bessy ii collimated plane grating monochromators. this way it is possible to achieve circular polarization from a bessy ii dipole in the range 20 2000 ev with high photon �ux, high energy resolution and high stability. 1 introduction pm3 is designed to deliver synchrotron radiation of variable polarization (linear and leftor righthanded elliptical), easily tuneable over a wide range of photon energies. operating in the soft x-ray range, the major part of beamtime is dedicated to the investigation of magnetic materials using magnetic circular dichroism (xmcd) techniques. it is an "open port" beamline meaning that it is not equipped with a permanent experimental station. rather, varying user experiments are connected to the pm3 beamline according to the beamtime schedule. at bessy ii pm3 has been installed in 2001. the accessible photon energies range from about 30 to 2000 ev. the energy resolution of 33,000 @ 64 ev is the best reported for any sx700 type monochromator so far. a signal-to-noise ratio close to the shot noise level, fast "on-the�y" scanning and horizontal beam position control make pm3 one of the most productive dipole beamlines at bessy ii. the high performance of the beamline is re�ected by selected publications: antoniak et al. (2011); luo et al. (2012); manzke et al. (2012); radu et al. (2012); sanyal et al. (2010); valencia et al. (2011). *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the pm3 beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a48. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a48 (2016) figure 1: view of beamline pm3 (with user experiment chamber alice). 2 instrument application typical applications are: • sub-monolayers to multilayers (inorganic or organic) • liquids • ferrimagnets • exchange bias systems • multiferoics • magnetic nanoparticles 3 source the source is the dipole d111. 4 optical design from the layout it is seen that the design is close to the one of a standard bessy pgm. a refocusing mirror is not implemented. the focusing is astigmatic. the vertical focus is located in the exit slit plane at 25500 mm. the horizontal focus lies at 26000 mm. the smallest spot size is observed at 25850 mm. the beam divergences are 2.68 mrad (hor.) and 1.17 mrad (vert. @ β = 4°). the applicability of elliptical polarization is mainly given and determined by the rotation of m1 around the light axis. this principle is described in detail in kachel et al. (2015). 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a48 (2016) figure 2: optical layout of beamline pm3. 5 technical data location 12.2 source d111 monochromator pm3 energy range 20 1900 ev energy resolution 32000 at 64 ev flux 109 1010 ph/s polarization • horizontal • circular divergence horizontal 1.5 mrad divergence vertical 1 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 180 µm x 100 µm distance focus/last valve 350 mm height focus/�oor level 1432 mm free photon beam available yes fixed end station no table 1: technical parameters of beamline pm3. references antoniak, c., gruner, m. e., spasova, m., trunova, a. v., römer, f. m., warland, a., . . . wende, h. (2011). a guideline for atomistic design and understanding of ultrahard nanomagnets. nature communications, 2, 528. kachel, t., eggenstein, f., & follath, r. (2015). a soft x-ray plane-grating monochromator optimized for elliptical dipole radiation from modern sources. journal of synchrotron radiation, 22(5), 1301–1305. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a48 (2016) luo, y., bernien, m., krüger, a., hermanns, c. f., miguel, j., chang, y.-m., . . . haag, r. (2012). in situ hydrolysis of imine derivatives on au(111) for the formation of aromatic mixed self-assembled monolayers: multitechnique analysis of this tunable surface modi�cation. langmuir, 28(1), 358-366. manzke, a., plettl, a., wiedwald, u., han, l., ziemann, p., schreiber, e., . . . kaiser, u. (2012). formation of highly ordered alloy nanoparticles based on precursor-�lled latex spheres. chemistry of materials, 24(6), 1048-1054. radu, f., abrudan, r., radu, i., schmitz, d., & zabel, h. (2012). perpendicular exchange bias in ferrimagnetic spin valves. nature communications, 3, 715. sanyal, b., antoniak, c., burkert, t., krumme, b., warland, a., stromberg, f., . . . eriksson, o. (2010). forcing ferromagnetic coupling between rare-earth-metal and 3d ferromagnetic �lms. physical review letters, 104, 156402. valencia, s., crassous, a., bocher, l., garcia, v., moya, x., cheri�, r. o., . . . bibes, m. (2011). interface-induced room-temperature multiferroicity in batio3. nature materials, 10, 753-758. 4 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a43 (2016) published: 04.02.2016 fei titan g2 80-200 crewley ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons (er-c), forschungszentrum jülich and rwth aachen * instrument o�cer: dr. andrás kovács, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9276, e-mail: deputy instrument o�cer: dr. roland schierholz, institute of energy and climate research fundamental electrochemistry, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1686, e-mail: general management: dr. karsten tillmann, ernst ruska-centre, jülich research centre, 52425 jülich, germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: abstract: the fei titan g2 80-200 crewley is a fourth generation transmission electron microscope which has been speci�cally designed for the investigation of a wide range of solid state phenomena taking place on the atomic scale of both the structure and chemical composition. for these purposes, the fei titan g2 80-200 crewley is equipped with a schottky type high-brightness electron gun (fei x-feg), a cs probe corrector (ceos dcor), an in-column super-x energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (edx) unit (chemistem technology), a post-column energy �lter system (gatan en�nium er 977) with dual electron energy-loss spectroscopy (eels) option allowing a simultaneous read-out of edx and eels signals at a speed of 1000 spectra per second. for data recording the microscope is equipped with an angular dark-�eld (adf) scanning tem (stem) detector (fischione model 3000), onaxis triple bf, df1, df2 detectors, on-axis bf/df gatan detectors as well as a 4 megapixel ccd system (gatan ultrascan 1000 xp-p). typical examples of use and technical speci�cations for the instrument are given below. *cite article as: ernst ruska-centre for microscopy and spectroscopy with electrons. (2016). fei titan g2 80-200 crewley . journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a43. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a43 (2016) 1 system overview figure 1: fei titan titan g2 80-200 crewley transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of fei company). 2 typical applications and limitations of use the con�guration of the fei titan g2 80-200 crewley allows a variety of advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques to be applied to wide variety of solid state materials. these techniques include high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (hrstem) with annular detectors for bright-�eld, annular dark-�eld, and high-angle annular dark �eld imaging, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (eels), energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (edx), electron tomography (et), and combinations of the previous techniques. the excellent analytical research possibilities make the instrument an ultimate solution for studies of the structure and chemistry of materials in high-spatial resolution. the fei titan g2 80-200 crewley is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments o�cers and the er-c general management. 3 sample environment apart from the special case of the utilisation of dedicated cooling or heating stages, the fei titan g2 80-200 crewley will allow samples to be investigated either under room temperature or liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of about 10−8 mbar. besides this standard setup, the sample 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a43 (2016) environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. the thermal treatment or the application of external electric or magnetic �elds to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ tem holders available through the er-c user services. the microscope is equipped with a large ln2 dewar, which holds liquid nitrogen for more than three days for optimum conditions around the sample. 4 technical speci�cations • electron acceleration voltage 80 kv ... 200 kv • x-feg brightness @ 200 kv 1.8x109 a/cm2/sr • symmetrical analytical s-twin objective lens < ∼ 5 mm • information limit (tem) @ 200 kv 110 pm • point resolution (tem) @ 200 kv 240pm • total system drift (tem) < 300 pm min−1 (rms) • resolution (stem) @ 200 kv and 50 pa < 80 pm • astigmatism instability (tem) @ 200 kv < 0.6 nm/min • combined electron probe and sample drift < 300 pm/min • edx system energy resolution (10 kcps) < 136 ev @ mnkα • edx solid angle 0.9 sr • eels system energy resolution @200 kv 0.65 ev 5 detectors • peltier cooled gatan ultrascan 1000 xp-p charge coupled device camera (ccd) with a format of 2048 x 2048 pixels of 15 microns in size. • gatan en�nium 977 er spectrometer with 2.5 and 5 mm entrance apertures, electrostatic shutter and advanced dual-eels spectroscopy modes. • medium angle bf/df gatan stem detectors. • fischione model 3000 haadf detector. • fei on axis triple df1/df2/bf detectors. 6 specimen stages • double tilt low background holder ± 35 ° • high �eld of view single tilt tomography holder ± 70 ° • on axis rotation tomography holder 360 ° • further in situ specimen stages available 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a43 (2016) references du, h., jia, c.-l., mayer, j., barthel, j., lenser, c., & dittmann, r. (2015). atomic structure of antiphase nanodomains in fe-doped srtio3 �lms. advanced functional materials, 25(40), 6369-6373. gan, l., cui, c., heggen, m., dionigi, f., rudi, s., & strasser, p. (2014). element-speci�c anisotropic growth of shaped platinum alloy nanocrystals. science, 346(6216), 1502-1506. 4 system overview typical applications and limitations of use sample environment technical specifications detectors specimen stages 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40 (2016) published: 29.01.2016 the 7t-mpw-eddi beamline at bessy ii  helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie instrument scientists:  dr. manuela klaus, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-15703, email:  dr. francisco garcia-moreno, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-42761, email: abstract: the materials science beamline eddi is operated in the energy dispersive diffraction mode and provides hard synchrotron x-rays in an energy range between about 8 … 150 kev for a multitude of experiments reaching from the in-situ study of thin film deposition over the investigation of liquid phase processes to the analysis of the residual stress distribution in complex components and technical parts. for high temperature experiments or measurements under external mechanical load various devices such as heating stations and a tensile/compression load test rig are available. besides the sample environment for pure diffraction experiments a tomography/radiography setup is provided which allows for combined simultaneous diffraction plus imaging investigations. 1 introduction the eddi beamline started user service in april 2005. it is operated in the energy-dispersive (ed) mode of diffraction employing the direct white photon beam provided by a superconducting 7t multipole wiggler. with an usable energy range of about 8 … 150 kev it is first of all dedicated to the analysis of structural and property gradients in the near surface zone of polycrystalline materials, thin film systems and technical parts and components (genzel et al., 2007). the main advantage of the ed diffraction mode compared with the angle-dispersive (ad) mode is that the former yields complete diffraction patterns (inclusive of the fluorescence lines originating from the elements the investigated material consists of) for fixed but arbitrary positions of both, sample and detector. since each diffraction line 𝐸ℎ𝑘𝑙 originates from another average information depth 〈𝜏ℎ𝑘𝑙〉 the ed mode provides an additional parameter that can be used for the depth-resolved analysis of residual stresses, crystallographic texture and the materials microstructrure, respectively (genzel et al., 2011; apel et al., 2011). together with high flux synchrotron radiation which facilitates time-resolved studies, the two features fixed scattering arrangement plus multitude of simultaneously recorded diffraction lines offer a variety of experimental possibilities in different fields of materials science.  cite as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the 7t-mpw-eddi beamline at bessy ii . journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40 (2016) 2 fig. 1 shows the hutch of the eddi experimental station which in contrast to most of the other facilities at bessy ii is firmly connected to the eddi beamline (cf. chapter 4). the diffractometer system consists of two units in form of a x-cradle segment (5-axes positioner, mounted at the basic θ-θdiffractometer) for light and small samples, and a 4-axes positioner for large and heavy samples. the two-detector setup at the back wall of the hutch allows for simultaneous data acquisition in two different measuring directions, i.e. orientations of the diffraction vector with respect to the sample reference system. figure 1: top: experimental hutch of the eddi-beamline. the inset depicts the 5-axes positioning unit and the laser + ccd camera system for sample alignment. bottom: the two-detector setup at the back wall of the hutch. the radiography/tomography + diffraction measurement option available at eddi is shown in fig. 2. after being partially absorbed by the sample the directly transmitted beam is converted into visible light by a luag scintillator and then mirrored into the optical system of a fast cmos camera. the part of the beam being diffracted by the sample passes the light conversion components without being absorbed and is recorded by a ge solid state detector. this setup enables to perform fast in-situ imaging (radiography/tomography) and diffraction analysis simultaneously at one and the same sample and therefore, to track phase transformations and (micro)structure evolution during dynamic processes such as metal foaming (garcía-moreno et al., 2013). journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40 (2016) 3 figure 2: the radiography/tomography + diffraction setup. the left inset depicts the rotation table, the right inset schematically shows the x-ray path of the transmitted (red) and the diffracted (green) beam, respectively (garcía-moreno et al., 2013). 2 instrument applications due to the features of ed diffraction mentioned above and the very flexible setup eddi is a multipurpose instrument applicable in various fields of materials science. typical applications are:  phase analysis (qualitative and quantitative)  residual stress analysis  texture analysis  microstructure analysis (domain sizes and microstrain)  in situ investigations (e. g. under high temperature or external load)  high spatially resolved measurements (slit widths up to appr. 10 µm possible)  simultaneous measurements with two detectors  simultaneous radioscopy/tomography and diffraction 3 source the insertion device is a superconducting 7t multipole wiggler with the parameters summarized in table 1. the wigglers critical energy is 13.5 kev at 1.7 gev. fig. 3 shows its energy spectrum recorded directly without as well as with different attenuators in the beam by means of a germanium solid state detector (canberra). journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40 (2016) 4 type supercoducting 7t mpw location 5.2 periods/pols 17 n table 1: parameters of 7t-mpw figure 3: wiggler spectrum recorded at the eddi beamline. 4 optical design the overall beamline layout is shown in fig. 4. because the beamline is exclusively designed for ed diffraction, direct use is made of the white beam as emitted by the wiggler. the only optical elements are an absorber mask and two slit systems at different positions of the beamline, which are needed to reduce the beam cross-section. additionally, two filter systems equipped with attenuators of different material and thickness are available to suppress low energy photons in order to prevent sample heating. the samples can be mounted on different positioning units, data acquisition can be performed either using one detector in pure vertical scattering geometry (standard setup) or by means of a two-detector setup (cf. fig. 1) figure 4: optical layout of beamline 7t-mpw-eddi. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40 (2016) 5 5 technical data table 2: technical data of beamline 7t-mpw-eddi. location 5.2 source 7t-mpw monochromator direct beam (white beam) energy range 5 150 kev energy resolution ge solid state detector (canberra): 160 ev (at 10 kev) and 420 ev (at 100 kev) flux 31012 (at 10 kev) and 11010 (at 100 kev) (photons/s at 300 ma through a pinhole of 1x1mm2) polarization horizontal divergence horizontal ± 1.2 mrad divergence vertical ± 0.5 mrad with a double slit system (30μm) δθ ≈ 0.003° mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) focussed beam not possible cross-section: max. 4 x 4 mm2, usually 0.5 x 0.5 mm2 distance focus / last valve focussed beam not possible distance sample/last valve: 6000 mm height focus / floor level 1400 mm free photon beam available yes fixed end station yes experiment in vacuum no temperature range room temperature ... 1100°c (furnace) detector two ge solid state detectors (canberra) resolution: 160 ev (at 10 kev) and 420 ev (at 100 kev) manipulators 5-axes eulerian cradle (for samples up to 1 2 kg) 4-axes eularian cradle (for samples up to 50 kg) hexapod (pi gmbh) tensile-compressive loading device (walter+bai) up to ±20 kn furnace (anton-paar dhs 1100) between 25°c and 1100°c two detector setup possible other sample environments and user sample environments possible radiography/tomography high-speed cmos camera (pco dimax) luag:ce scintillator, white beam optic 4 mm × 4 mm field of view 2 mm pixel size 1000 hz radiography 4 hz tomography furnace (heating lamps or resistive plates) up to 700 °c journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a40 (2016) 6 references apel, d., klaus, m., genzel, ch. & balzar, d.: rietveld refinement of energy-dispersive synchrotron measurements. zeitschrift für kristallograophie 226 (2011), 934-943. garcía-moreno, f., jiménez, c., kamm, p. h., klaus, m., wagener, g., banhart, j. & genzel, ch.: white-beam x-ray radioscopy and tomography with simultaneous diffraction at the eddi beamline, journal of synchrotron radiation 20 (2013), 809-810. 10.1107/s0909049513018670 genzel, ch., denk, i. a., gibmeier, j., klaus, m. & wagener, g. : the materials science synchrotron beamline eddi for energy-dispersive diffraction analysis, nuclear instruments and methods in physics research sec. a 578 (2007), 23-33. genzel, ch., denks, i. a., coelho, r., thomas, d., mainz, r., apel, d. & klaus, m. : exploiting the features of energy-dispersive synchrotron diffraction for advanced residual stress and texture analysis. journal for strain analysis for engineering design 46 (2011), 615-625. 10.1177/0309324711403824 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a55 (2016) published: 04.03.2016 the µmrixs spectrometer at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. annette pietzsch, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone:, +49 30 8062-12919, email: abstract: the µmrixs confocal plane grating spectrometer offers high resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (rixs) spectroscopy in the soft x-ray range between 90 ev and 1000 ev. the small focus of its dedicated beamline allows for spectroscopical imaging at selected sample sites with a spatial resolution of 1 micrometer. 1 introduction the µmrixs plane grating spectrometer consists of two parabolical mirrors with a plane grating in between. the first mirror collects and collimates the radiation from the 1x4 µm2 beamline microfocus on the sample onto the grating while the second mirror focusses the diffracted light onto the detector. the spectrometer houses two laminar grating structures on a common substrate: 1050 l/mm for high transmission and 4200 l/mm for high resolution. the photons are detected by a photonis multi channel pate (mcp) stack in combination with a roentdek delay line detector dld-120. the mcp channel diameter is 25 µm and the top mcp is coated with csi to improve the quantum efficiency of the detektor. the samples are mounted in the solid state experimental chamber directly to a janis st-500 microscopy cryostate which allows for a maximum stability of the sample position. to avoid mechanical instabilities in sample positioning, no sample translation stage is installed, but the whole vacuum chamber can be positioned by a 3-axis huber table vertically and in the horizontal plane. rotation of the sample around the vertical axis is achieved via a rotation of the microscope cryostate. the µmrixs spectrometer is permanently situated at the ue49-sgm beamline while the solid state experimental chamber can be exchanged for the coherent x-ray scattering (cxs) chamber. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the µmrixs spectrometer at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a55. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a55 (2016) figure 1: view of the µmrixs spectrometer. 2 typical applications • rixs with micrometer focus on solid samples • fluorescence yield absorption spectroscopy with micrometer focus • temperature dependent measurements 3 technical data energy range soft x-rays from 90 to around 1000 ev, resolving power better than 2000 sample environment solid samples in vacuum, sample transfer temperature range from liquid helium temperatures to 600 k detectors plane grating spectrometer with mcp stack + delay line detector, gaas photodiode manipulators he cryostate with 4 degrees of freedom, all motorized table 1: technical parameters of the µmrixs spectrometer. references könnecke, r., follath, r., pontius, n., schlappa, j., eggenstein, f., zeschke, t., . . . föhlisch, a. (2013). the confocal plane grating spectrometer at bessy ii. journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 188, 133 139. 2 introduction typical applications technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a72 (2016) published: 18.05.2016 the plane grating monochromator beamline u49/2 pgm1 at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. torsten kachel, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12942, email: abstract: u49/2 pgm1 is one of hzb open-port vuv beamlines. therefore and due to the fact that it delivers highest �ux with very acceptable energy resolution it is the most heavily booked bessy ii beamline. earlier work has largely focused on surface science and catalysis. after shut down of the former u41 pgm an increasing number of experiments on liquids and solutions are carried out. 1 introduction the plane grating monochromator u49/2 pgm1 delivers soft x-ray undulator radiation of linear polarization between 84 and about 1500 ev. high photon �ux combined with high stability and a comparatively small spot size allow for "photon hungry" experiments like e.g. coincidence methods, photoexcitation on liquid jets or clusters. experiments have a strong focus on surface chemistry and surface physics but also serve selected topics in molecular and atomic science. the high demand of these radiation properties is visible by the overbooking in beam time requests and the number and quality of high impact publications by external and in-house users. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the plane grating monochromator beamline u49/2 pgm1 at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a72. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a72 (2016) figure 1: top-view of beamline u49/2 pgm1. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • surface science • catalysis • photoemission • liquids • liquid solutions 3 source type planar hybrid location h15 periode length 49.4 mm periods/pols 84 minimal energy at 1.7 gev 84.4 ev minimal gap 16 mm polarisation linear horizontal table 1: parameters of the undulator u49/2. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a72 (2016) figure 2: photon �ux at beamline u49/2 pgm1. 4 optical design the m1 toroidal mirror m1 collimates the radiation horizontally and vertically. the monochromator pre-mirror m2 together with the exchangeable gratings g build up a standard zeiss p(lane)-g(rating)m(onochromator) con�guration. the cylindrical mirror m3 focuses the dispersed beam onto the exit slit while it leaves the horizontal component una�ected. the refocusing mirror m4 has an arm length ratio of 3:2 vertically. horizontally the incoming collimated beam is focused at 1200 mm. figure 3: optical layout of beamline u49/2 pgm1. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a72 (2016) 5 technical data location 16.2 source u49/2 monochromator pgm1 energy range 85 1600 ev energy resolution 25,000 (85 500 ev) 15,000 (500 1,500 ev) (standard grating) flux 1013 ph/s (85 500 ev) 1012 ph/s (500 1500 ev) (standard grating) polarization horizontal divergence horizontal 2 mrad divergence vertical 2 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 100 µ m x 22 µ m distance focus/last valve 959 mm height focus/�oor level 1417 mm free photon beam available yes fixed end station no table 2: technical parameters of beamline u49/2 pgm1. references sawhney, k., senf, f., & gudat, w. (2001). pgm beamline with constant energy resolution mode for u49-2 undulator at bessy-ii. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 467–468, part 1, 466 469. (7th int. conf. on synchrotron radiation instrumentation) 4 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a54 (2016) published: 03.03.2016 the ue49 sgm ricxs beamline at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. annette pietzsch, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12919, email: prof. dr. stefan eisebitt, technische universität berlin and helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, max-born-institut für nichtlineare optik und kurzzeitspektroskopie im forschungsverbund berlin e.v., phone: +49 30 6392 1301, email: abstract: beamline ue49-sgm is a dedicated high-�ux soft x-ray beamline, spanning the energy range of 95 ev to 1400 ev. its micrometer focus makes it ideally suitable for investigation of small or inhomogeneous samples both with spectroscopic methods and coherent scattering as well as imaging techniques with full polarization control. 1 introduction the ue49sgm ricxs beamline is a dedicated high-�ux-density beamline, which accomodates two permanent experimental set-ups for x-ray scattering: the resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (µ mrixs) and the coherent x-ray scattering (cxs) end-stations. the µmrixs experiment is designed for resonant x-ray raman studies of solid samples under ultra-high vacuum conditions and in the temperature range from liquid he to room temperature. it is equipped with a confocal plane grating spectrometer, which allows optimizing the operation mode between high signal-transmission and high energy-resolution. the cxs set-up allows the use of coherent x-rays in scattering, imaging and spectroscopy applications. in particular, the transverse and longitudinal coherence length can be optimized for the particular experiment to maximize the coherent photon �ux on the sample. a large part of reciprocal space can be covered by a moveable 2048 x 2048 pixel soft x-ray ccd detector (moveable in situ by ±45° horizontally and vertically with adjustable pixel oversampling ratio). a 3d magnetic vector �eld of up to 1 t is available as sample environment. the characteristics of the ricxs beamline were designed to meet the high demands of the two techniques, which are high (coherent) photon �ux, a µm-size beam focus and full polarization control (linear and circular). it can be operated in the energy range 95 – 1400 ev, covering the resonant transitions of many relevant elements, such as silicon and phosphor l*cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the ue49 sgm ricxs beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a54. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a54 (2016) edges, lanthanide n4,5-edges, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen k-edges and transition metal l2,3-edges. the beamline is realized as a spherical grating monochromator (sgm) with a kirkpatrick baez refocusing stage. it is optimized for high transmission by minimizing the number of re�ections, with the liquid nitrogen cooled grating being the �rst optical element to directly accept the undulator radiation. the monochromator accommodates three laminar gratings: 180 l/mm (operation range: 95 – 270 ev, best energy resolving power e/∆e = 6500 at 95 ev), 410 l/mm (180 – 650 ev, e/∆e = 10000 at 210 ev), 900 l/mm (400 – 1400 ev, e/∆e = 12000 at 450 ev). figure 1: top-view of beamline ue49 sgm | ricxs. 2 instrument application typical applications for µ mrixs are: • study of low-energy excitations in solids (study of magnetic, orbital, nuclear and charge degrees of freedom and their interplay) • study of the electronic structure of solids (the size of band-gaps and band-widths) • study of materials showing phase separation with µm-real-space resolution typical applications for cxs are: • studies of nanomagnetic phenomena via x-ray magnetic circular or linear dichroism • x-ray holography, coherent di�raction imaging and ptychography • coherent resonant x-ray scattering in transmission and re�ection geometry 3 source the insertion device is the elliptical undulator ue49 with the following parameters: 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a54 (2016) type apple2 location l108 (low beta section) periode length 49 mm periods/pols 64 minimal energy at 1.7 gev 91.2 ev minimal gap 16 mm polarisation linear variable 0° ... +90° elliptical, circular table 1: parameters of insertion device ue49. 4 optical design to ensure maximum �ux, the optical beamline design consists of only three optical elements: a spherical vls grating with a vertical de�ection angle of 175° and a kirkpatrick baez refocusing stage. figure 2: optical layout of beamline ue49 sgm | rixcs. 5 technical data location 10.1 source ue49 monochromator spherical vls grating monochromator energyrange 90 1400 ev energyresolution 4000 12000 flux up to 7·1014 photons / s / 0.1 a / 0.1 % bw polarisation full polarization control focus size (hor. x vert.) 4 µ m x 1 µ m (hor. x vert.) height focus/�oor level 1100 mm free photon beam available no fixed end station yes table 2: technical data of beamline ue49 sgm | rixcs. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a54 (2016) references helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016a). cxs: coherent x-ray scattering at the ue49-sgm at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a56. helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016b). the µmrixs spectrometer at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a55. könnecke, r., follath, r., pontius, n., schlappa, j., eggenstein, f., zeschke, t., . . . föhlisch, a. (2013). the confocal plane grating spectrometer at bessy ii. journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 188, 133 139. 4 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a53 (2016) published: 01.03.2016 the u125-2 nim beamline at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. peter baumgärtel, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-15154, email: ingo packe, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12943, email: abstract: optical design and technical data of the high-resolution normal incidence monochromator (nim) beamline u125-2 nim are presented. 1 introduction normal incidence monochromators (nim) are typically used in synchrotron beamlines which are dedicated to experiments operating in an energy range of about 4 to 35 ev only. the decisive advantages of this type of monochromator design are that only small aberration errors occur and highest resolution can be easily achieved. the 10m-nim beamline (reichardt et al., 2001) was designed for the quasi-periodic undulator u125-2 (bahrdt et al., 2001). in this special kind of undulator source the period of the magnets is structured in a way that higher orders are suppressed. the design of the beamline’s monochromator is based on the so called o�-rowland circle mounting design (samson, 1967). this implies that the grating has to be rotated and slightly translated in order to get the highest resolution and a small spot size in the experiment. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the u125-2 nim beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a53. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a53 (2016) figure 1: views of beamline u125-2 nim. 2 instrument application at this beamline the users care for their own experimental setup which �ts to their application. typical user’s applications and experimental methods are: • absorption spectroscopy • �uorescence spectroscopy • photoelectron spectroscopy • photoionization of molecules and clusters • spectroscopic ellipsometry 3 source the insertion device is the undulator u125-2 with the following parameters: type planar hybrid, quasi-periodic location h03 periode length 125 mm periods/pols 32 n minimal energy at 1.7 gev 2.53 ev minimal gap 15.7 mm polarisation linear horizontal table 1: parameters of the undulator u125-2. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a53 (2016) 4 optical design figure 2: optical design of beamline u125-2 nim. all distances are given in mm. the optical elements are described in table 2. premonochromator optics m1: toroidal mirror, horizontal de�ection, 2θ=172°, platinum coated, water cooled, horizontal and vertica demagni�cation 17:6 if: intermediate focus m2: plane-elliptical mirror, vertical focussing on entrance slit (15:2), vertical de�ection 2θ=178° entrance slit (ens) slit setting: 0-2000 µm, water cooled, rotatable by ±2°, prepared for online laser di�raction slitwidth monitor monochromator o�-rowland circle mounting g1-3: spherical gratings, vertical de�ection, 2θ= 2°, water cooled e [ev] pro�le d[l/mm] r [mm] coating g1 3 40 blaze angle: 300 10041 au 0.8°(max: 12 ev) g2 5 40 laminar 1200 10044 pt g3 5 40 laminar 4800 9991 w exit slit (exs) slit setting: 0-2000 µm, rotatable by ±2°, prepared for online laser di�raction slit width monitor postmonochromator optics m3: toroidal mirror, horizontal de�ection, 2θ= 155°, ruthenium coated, vertical demagni�cation (1:1) of exit slit, horizontal demagni�cation 5:3 m4: toroidal mirror, horizontal de�ection, 2θ= 155°, ruthenium coated, vertical demagni�cation (1:1) of intermediate focus, horizontal demagni�cation 5:3 table 2: description of the optical elements. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a53 (2016) 5 technical data location 5.1 source u125-2 monochromator 10m-nim energy range 6(4) 40 ev energy resolution e/de = 85000 @ d = 1200l/mm, 2nd order, 10 µ m slits flux 1012 @ 21.75 ev [photons/s/0.1a/0.1%bw] polarization horizontal divergence horizontal 5.5 mrad divergence vertical 12 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 200 x 350 µm2 distance focus/last valve 1190 mm height focus/�oor level 1760 mm with concrete experiment platform without feet: 1450 mm (30, 50 and 100 mm feet are available) free photon beam available yes fixed end station no table 3: technical data for u125-2 nim beamline. references bahrdt, j., frentrup, w., gaupp, a., scheer, m., gudat, w., ingold, g., & sasaki, s. (2001). a quasiperiodic hybrid undulator at bessy ii. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a, 467–468, part 1, 130 133. reichardt, g., bahrdt, j., schmidt, j.-s., gudat, w., ehresmann, a., müller-albrecht, r., . . . sasaki, s. (2001). a 10 m-normal incidence monochromator at the quasi-periodic undulator u125-2 at bessy ii. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a, 467–468, part 1, 462 465. samson, j. (1967). techniques of vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy. new york: wiley. 4 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) published: 22.01.2016 elbe center for high-power radiation sources helmholtz-zentrum dresden-rossendorf instrument scientists: facility, accelerator: peter michel, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2603259, email: fel: mike klopf, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2602463, email: thz: sergey kovalev, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2602454, email: positrons: maciej oskar liedke, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2602117, email: gamma radiation: roland beyer, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2603281, email: direct electron beam: daniel bemmerer, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2603581, email: high power lasers: ulrich schramm, institute of radiation physics, hzdr, phone: +49(0)351 2602471, email: abstract: in the elbe center for high-power radiation sources, the superconducting linear electron accelerator elbe, serving two free electron lasers, sources for intense coherent thz radiation, mono-energetic positrons, electrons, γ-rays, a neutron time-of-flight system as well as two synchronized ultra-short pulsed petawatt laser systems are collocated. the characteristics of these beams make the elbe center a unique research instrument for a variety of external users in fields ranging from material science over nuclear physics to cancer research, as well as scientists of the helmholtz-zentrum dresden-rossendorf (hzdr). journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) 2 figure1: layout of the elbe center accelerator and beamlines: felbe: infrared radiation from free electron lasers; gelbe: bremsstrahlung; telbe: coherent thz radiation; pelbe: positrons; nelbe: neutrons, direct electron beams for radio biology and detector studies; petawatt lasers draco and penelope with electron laser interaction area. 1 elbe superconducting electron linear accelerator the radiation source elbe is based on a superconducting linear accelerator that can be operated in high average-power mode (quasi continuous wave mode, cw). electrons are pre-accelerated in a 250 kev-thermionic dc electron gun and are pre-bunched in a two-stage rf-buncher section. the main accelerator consists of two 20 mev superconducting linear accelerator modules operating at 1.3 ghz which are cooled with liquid helium. the rf power is generated by transistor amplifiers, controlled by the low level rf system. with an electromagnetic chicane between the modules, the micropulse duration and energy spread of the beam can be optimized. the accelerator is mainly controlled by the control system, and the electron beam parameters can be measured by multiple diagnostic tools (teichert et al. , 2006, 2014 and michel et al., 2008 and gabriel et al., 2000). specifications of the elbe linacf high-repetition-rate thz facility telbe max. energy 36 mev max. current 1.6 ma micro-pulse repetition rate 13 mhz/2n up to single pulse n=0, 1, 2…6 micro-pulse length 1 10 ps macro-pulse repetition rate 1 25 mhz or cw macro-pulse duration 0.1 40 ms max. bunch charge thermionic gun 100 pc max. bunch charge srf gun 1 nc (goal) 2 free-electron laser felbe the free-electron-laser facility, felbe, provides picosecond infrared pulses. two free-electron lasers cover the midand far-infrared spectral range from 4 250 μm. felbe specifications the felbe user labs are equipped mainly for time-resolved spectroscopy. the following additional equipment is available for users: journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) 3  various table-top nir and thz sources that can be synchronized to felbe  setups for single-color and two-color pump-probe experiments  time-resolved photoluminescence measurements  near-field spectroscopy and fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy  8 t split-coil magnet with optical access  pulsed magnetic fields up to 70 t (150 ms magnetic pulse duration) due to an optical transfer line to the adjacent dresden high magnetic field laboratory (mittendorff et al., 2015 and ozerov et al., 2014 and dienst et al., 2013 and kehr et al., 2011 and beck et al., 2013) 3 high-field high-repetition-rate thz facility telbe a new facility for the generation of low-frequency, high-field thz pulses, covering the lower thz range between 0.1 and 3 thz, is currently being commissioned. the fundamental generation principle is based on superradiance from electron bunches that are appropriately shorter than the inverse frequency of the desired thz pulse. pulses from telbe will be carrier-envelope-phase stable and can be provided at flexible repetition rates between a few tens of hz to 13 mhz. the accelerator will be operated in a new high-charge mode, providing bunch charges up to 1000 pc and pulse energies up to 100 μj. telbe specifications radiator type charge reprate pulseenergy bandwidth field cycles /pc /khz /µj /% /number undulator < 100 ≤ 1.3 x104 1 ~20 8 < 1000 ≤ 500 100 ~20 8 diffraction radiator < 100 ≤ 1.3 x104 0.25 100 1 < 1000 ≤ 500 25 100 1 the telbe laboratory is equipped for time-resolved spectroscopy:  two femtosecond laser systems  thz spectrometers  high-field thz source based on optical rectification  different end stations for time-resolved thz pump-probe experiments  10 t split-coil magnet with optical access user operation with preliminary parameters is envisaged to start in 2016 (gensch, 2013 and tavella, stojanovic, geloni, gensch, 2011). 4 mono-energetic positron source pelbe positron beams of variable kinetic energy and with adjustable repetition rate are used for positron annihilation lifetime studies (pals) and dopplerbroadening spectroscopy (dbs). both techniques allow for depth-dependent defect characterization studies in thin films, porosimetry, and basic research on positron and positronium annihilation. bunched positron beams are generated by means of pair production from high-energy electron bremsstrahlung (max. 36 mev) produced inside a converter from the superconducting linac. positrons are injected into a tungsten moderator, then thermalized and extracted at a fixed kinetic energy of 2 kev and transported by magnetic guiding fields to the measurement area. before reaching the sample under study, the positron beam is rebunched and post-accelerated to the desired energies. the repetition rate can be adjusted in order to cope with various annihilation lifetimes of up to about 150 ns. with variable positron kinetic energies samples can be investigated from the surface to a depth of about 2 μm. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) 4 pelbe specifications energy 0.5 20 kev repetition rate 1.625, 6.5, 13 mhz intensity 5・105 / s exemplary experiments  pore size distributions in micro-porous gas-separation membranes  porous structure of ultralow-k dielectrics for semiconductor applications  structural and thermal vacancies in metal alloys  defect-induced ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic oxides (jungmann et al., 2013 and elsayed, krause-rehberg, anwand, butterling, korff, 2011 and liedke et al., 2015 and beck et al., 2013) 5 bremsstrahlung facility gelbe electron energy range 6 16 mev flux on niobium foil target 109 s-1 (max. average current 0.7 ma) (2 cm) for production of γ-rays collimator 2.60 m long high-purity al tube detectors 4 hpge detectors surrounded by bgo escape suppression shields detector geometry 2 detectors at 127°, (relative to the incident beam) 2 detectors movable between 90° and 127° mounting of other detectors labr, baf possible γelbe is particularly suitable for:  photon scattering and photodissociation experiments  gamma-induced positron spectroscopy (gips) using positron annihilation lifetime studies (pals)  tests of photon detectors at high energies (massarczyk et al., 2014 and makinaga et al., 2014). 6 neutron time-of-flight facility nelbe hzdr operates the world‘s only photoneutron source at a superconducting electron accelerator. intense beams of fast neutrons with a repetition rate of more than 100 khz are produced for highresolution time-of-flight measurements with a background-free flight path in the range of 4-11 m. experimental setups include:  elastic and inelastic neutron scattering  neutron-induced fission  transmission measurements of the total neutron cross section (beyer et al., 2014 and schillebeeckx et al., 2012). 7 direct electron beam in air the direct electron beam may exit the vacuum chamber through a thin beryllium window. as the beam can be used in air, dedicated detector tests are possible as well as irradiation of living cells, thus enabling radiobiological experiments. a biological cell laboratory located close-by can be made available to users. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) 5 specifications of the electron beam beam property operation mode value number of bunches/ s cw 13∙106/ 2n ; n=0,1, 2, …6 single-pulse mode 1 1.3∙107 single electrons 1 105 charge/ bunch cw ≤ 7.77 pc single-pulse mode ~1 fc ~100 pc single electrons 1 20 elementary charges jitter of reference clock all ≈35 ps exemplary experiments:  detector time resolution in the picosecond range  rate characterization capability of detectors up to mhz/cm2  recombination loss in gasand liquid-filled ionization chambers  cell culture response to electron pulses of ultra-high pulse dose rate (wang et al., 2013 and naumann, kotte, stach, wüstenfeld, 2011 and karsch, pawelke, 2014 and laschinsky et al., 2013) 8 high power lasers draco and penelope advanced accelerator research on laser plasma based schemes and related secondary radiation sources is performed with the two independently operated petawatt laser systems draco and penelope. with draco building on commercial ti:sapphire ultra-short pulse laser technology, experimental areas for the investigation of high contrast laser-solid and laser-gas interaction are provided and presently offered to users on a collaborative basis. joint experiments with synchronized laser and electron beams are supported. penelope exploits unique energy efficient direct diode laser pumping technology and will provide higher pulse energies at unprecedented pulse repetition rate, optimized for ion acceleration studies. draco dual beam penelope (under construction) technology ti:sapphire diode pumped yb:caf2 pulse parameters 30 j / 30 fs 150 j / 150 fs (available 2017) 3 j / 30 fs 15 j / 150 fs (available 2016) repetition rate up to 10 hz up to 1 hz (zeil, et al., 2010, 2013 and siebold, röser, löser, albach, schramm, 2013 and jochmann, et al., 2013) references beck, m., rousseau, i., klammer, m., leiderer, p., mittendorff, m., winnerl, s. . . . demsar, j. (2013). transient increase of the energy gap of superconducting nbn thin films excited by resonant narrow-band terahertz pulses. physical review letters, 110(26), 267003. 10.1103/physrevlett.110.267003 beyer, r., schwengner, r., hannaske, r., junghans, a. r., massarczyka, r., anders, m. . . . wagner, a. (2014). inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from excited states in fe-56. nuclear physics a, 927, 41-52. 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2014.03.010 dienst, a., casandruc, e., fausti, d., zhang, eckstein, m., hoffmann, m. . . . cavalleri, a. (2013). optical excitation of josephson plasma solitons in a cuprate superconductor. nature materials, 12(6), 535-541. 10.1038/nmat3580 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) 6 elsayed, m., krause-rehberg, r., anwand, w., butterling, m. & korff, b. (2011). identification of defect properties by positron annihilation in te-doped gaas after cu in-diffusion. physical review b, 84(19), 195208. 10.1103/physrevb.84.195208 gabriel, f., gippner, p., grosse, e., janssen, d., michel, p., prade, h. . . . wuensch, r. (2000). the rossendorf radiation source elbe and its fel projects. nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms, 161, 1143-1147. 10.1016/s0168-583x(99)00909-x gensch, m. (2013). super-radiant linac-based thz sources in 2013. proceedings of fel13, new york, 24-28.8.2013, paper weibn0001. retrieved from jochmann, a., irman, a., bussmann, m., couperus, j. p., cowan, t. e., debus, a. d. . . . schramm, u. (2013). high resolution energy-angle correlation measurement of hard x rays from laser thomson backscattering. physical review letters, 111(11), unsp 114803. jungmann, m., haeberle, j., krause-rehberg, r., anwand, w., butterling, m., wagner, a. . . . cowan, t. e. (2013). first experiments with meps. journal of physics: conference series, 443, 012088. 10.1088/1742-6596/443/1/012088 karsch, l. & pawelke, j. (2014). theoretische untersuchung der sättigungskorrektion von ionisationskammern in gepulsten strahlungsfeldern bei beliebiger pulsdauer. zeitschrift für medizinische physik, 24(3), 201-210. kehr, s., liu, y. m., martin, l. w., yu, p., gajek, m., yang, s.-y. . . . ramesch, r. (2011). near-field examination of perovskite-based superlenses and superlens-enhanced probe-object coupling. nature communications, 2, 249. laschinsky, l., baumann, m., beyreuther, e., enghardt, w., kaluza, m., karsch, l. . . . pawelke, j. (2012). radiobiological effectiveness of laser accelerated electrons in comparison to electron beams from a conventional linear accelerator. journal of radiation research, 53(3), 395-403. liedke, m. o., anwand, w., bali, r., cornelius, s., butterling, m., trinh, t. t. . . . potzger, k. (2015). open volume defects and magnetic phase transition in fe60al40 transition metal aluminide. journal of applied physics, 117(16), 163908. 10.1063/1.4919014 makinaga, a., massarczyk, r., schwengner, r., beard, m., doenau, f., anders, m. . . . wagner, a. (2014). dipole strength of ta-181 for the evaluation of the ta-180 stellar neutron capture rate. physical review c, 90(4), 044301. 10.1103/physrevc.90.044301 massarczyk, r., schwengner, r., doenau, f., frauendorf, s., anders, m., bemmerer, d. . . . wagner, a. (2014). nuclear deformation and neutron excess as competing effects for dipole strength in the pygmy region. physical review letters, 112(7), 072501. may-tal beck, s., butterling, m., anwand, w., beck, a., wagner, a., brauer, g. . . . hen, o. (2013). study of neutron induced defects in ceramics using the gips facility. journal of physics: conference series, 443, 012076. michel, p. (2008). the radiation source elbe at the forschungszentrum dresden-rossendorf. nuclear science symposium conference record nss#08 ieee, 3078 10.1109/nssmic.2008.4775006 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a39 (2016) 7 mittendorff, m., wendler, f., malic, e., knorr, a., orlita, m., potemski, m. . . . winnerl, s. (2015). carrier dynamics in landau-quantized graphene featuring strong auger scattering. nature physics, 11 (1), 75-81. naumann, l., kotte, r., stach, d. & wüstenfeld, j. (2011). ceramics high rate timing rpc. nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment, 628(1), 138-141. 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.302 ozerov, m., romhanyi, j., belesi, m., berger, h., ansermet, j.-ph., van den brink, j. . . . rousochatzakis, i. 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(2011). few-femtosecond timing at fourth generation x-ray light sources. nature photonics, 5, 162-165. 10.1038/nphoton.2010.311 teichert, j., buchner, a., büttig, h., gabriel, f., michel, p., möller, k. . . . winter, a. (2006). rf status of superconducting module development suitable for cw operation : elbe cryostats. nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment, 557, 239-242. 10.1016/j.nima.2005.10.077 teichert, j., arnold, a., büttig, h., justusa, m., kamps, t., lehnert, u. . . . xiang, r. (2014). free electron laser operation with a superconducting radio-frequency photoinjector at elbe. nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment, 743, 114-120. wang, j., wang, y., gonzales-diaz, d., chen, h., fana, x., li, y. . . . wüstenfeld, j. (2013). development of high-rate mrpcs for high resolution time-of-flight systems. nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment, 713, 40-51. zeil, k., kraft, s. d., bock, s., bussmann, m., cowan, t. e., kluge, t. . . . schramm, u. (2010). the scaling of proton energies in ultrashort pulse laser plasma acceleration. new journal of physics, 12, 045015. 10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/045015 zeil, k., baumann, m., beyreuther, e., burris-mog, t., cowan, t. e., enghardt, w. . . . pawelke, j. (2013). dose-controlled irradiation of cancer cells with laser-accelerated proton pulses. applied physics b, 110(4), 437-444. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46 (2016) published: 11.02.2016 the femtospex facility at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. niko pontius, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: : +49 30 8062-13415, email: dr. karsten holldack, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13170, email: dr. christian schüßler-langeheine, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-14596, email: dr. torsten kachel, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12942, email: dr. rolf mitzner, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12942, email: abstract: the femtospex facility of the bessy ii storage ring is dedicated to ultrafast optical-pump and soft x-ray probe experiments. experimental end-stations for experiments in transmission, re�ection, and di�raction geometry are available. 1 introduction the femtospex facility of bessy ii is optimized for time-resolved experiments using polarized soft x-ray pulses (bergeard et al., 2014; boeglin et al., 2010; eschenlohr et al., 2013; holldack et al., 2010; izquierdo et al., 2014; radu et al., 2011; stamm et al., 2007; trabant, c. et al., 2013; wietstruk et al., 2011). it consists of a high-transmission monochromator, a fs pump laser system including harmonic generation and dedicated end stations for transmission, re�ection and di�raction experiments. magnetic �elds up to 0.5 t for transmission and 0.2 t for other geometries are available. a new end station with higher magnetic �elds in all geometries is in preparation. for a detailed description see holldack et al. (2014). an overview of the facility is given in fig. 1. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the femtospex facility at bessy ii . journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46 (2016) 2 monochromator the re�ection zone-plate-monochromator (zpm) beamline at the insertion device ue56-1 has been particularly designed and optimized with high transmission optics (holldack et al., 2014) to compensate for the relatively low �ux of 1x106ph/sec/0.1%bw of the femtoslicing source (khan et al., 2006). the optical layout is depicted in fig. 2 (left). a re�ection zone plate comprises focusing as well as energy dispersion for a particular design photon energy. to cover the absorption edges of the mostly studied elements between 410 to 1333 ev, a four inch substrate hosts nine zone plate lenses (fig. 2 right) that cover selected photon energies within that range. the images on top of the zone-plate photograph show the intensity distributions in the focus after each lens (brzhezinskaya et al., 2013; holldack et al., 2014). the optics is tailored to minimize pulse elongation and preserve the polarization properties of the elliptical light from the undulator. figure 1: optical layout of the full optical pump-soft-x-ray probe setup at the femtospex facility at the bessy ii storage ring (holldack et al., 2014). the horizontal dimension of the entire setup is ca. 50 m. synchronized to the 500 mhz master-oscillator driving the rf-cavities of the storage ring, a ti:sa oscillator seeds the two regenerative ampli�ers that are located in di�erent laser hutches. as a monochromator, either the high resolution plane grating monochromator (pgm) or the high �ux zone plate monochromator (zpm) can be selected by setting a switching mirror to the corresponding position. figure 2: optical layout (left) of the high transmission (t ∼ 0.2) zpm (brzhezinskaya et al., 2013; holldack et al., 2014). 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46 (2016) 3 pump laser system to allow for resonant pumping at high repetition rates, the laser system consists of two coupled ti:sa ampli�ers (legend elite duo, company: coherent) driven by a single oscillator (micra, coherent). the ampli�ers typically run at 6 and 3 khz for the slicingand the pump excitation, respectively, and at pulse energies of 1.8 mj. "slicing" of stored electron bunches is achieved by laser pulses from the �rst ampli�er resulting in ∼100 fs x-ray pulses while the second ampli�er yields pulses of ∼40 fs duration at 800 nm and as well at the second and third harmonic (400 nm and 266 nm, respectively) for the "pump" excitation of the sample. the pulse energies are su�cient to operate an optical parametric ampli�er (opa, opera solo, coherent) providing variable pump wavelengths for sample excitation from the uv (240 nm) to the mid infrared (6µ m) wavelength range, with wave-length-dependent pulse energies. a special laser feed-in is used to couple in the pump-laser beam in to the zpm beamline in a collinear geometry or under a small angle of 1.5°. figure 3: layout of the fs xmcd/xas chamber (femtospex magnetism). figure 4: view of the femtospex scattering station. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46 (2016) 4 femtospex magnetism (transmission) station the experimental setup for laser pump – x-ray probe on magnetic samples consists of a measurement chamber housing the magnet (up to 0.5 t parallel to the x-ray beam) and transmission sample, and the detector chamber with a fast avalanche photodiode (apd). an al foil mounted between the chambers prevents laser light to enter the detection chamber with the apd. a load-lock allows for fast sample transfer. the layout of the instrument can be seen in fig. 3. technical data are summarized in table 3. 5 femtospex scattering station a two circle uhv di�ractometer is available for di�raction (holldack et al., 2010; trabant, c. et al., 2013) or re�ectivity (izquierdo et al., 2014) studies. sample and detector angles can be varied independently. magnetic �elds up to 0.2 t in variable direction are available. scattered photons are detected with avalanche photodiodes (apds). the apds are screened from light of the pump-laser by al membranes and a light tight housing. low noise ampli�cation (up to 60db by hamamatsu and kuhne preampli�ers) allows besides analog pulse detection for time-correlated single-photon pulse counting. generally signals as low as ∼5 photons/sec from the sample can be detected. a photograph of the station is depicted in fig. 4, technical data are summarized in table 4. 6 source the insertion device is the elliptical undulator ue56-1 with the following parameters: type apple2 location h11 periode length 56 mm period number 30 minimal energy at 1,7 gev 58.5 ev minimal gap 16.6 mm polarisation linear horizontal, linear vertical, elliptical, circular table 1: parameters of insertion device ue56-1. 7 technical data source insertion device: ue56-1 monochromator re�ection zone plate monochromator (rzpm) photon energy range 410 1330 ev photon energy resolution 500 (2000) photon �ux (slicing mode) 1·106ph/sec/0.1%bw@6khz (100 fs pulses) divergence (horizontal, vertical) 0.2 mrad, 0.1 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 100µm x 40µm (slit) distance focus last valve 800 mm free photon beam no fixed end station yes table 2: technical data of the beamline ue56-1 zpm. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46 (2016) experiment in vacuum yes temperature range 30 450 k (low-t), 130 750 k (variable t) detector gaas photodiode, gated avalanche photodiode (1 ns) manipulators low-temprerature (he) cryostat, variable temperature cryostat magnetic�eld (longitudinal) 0.5 tesla magnetic�eld (transverse) 0.04 tesla table 3: technical parameters of the femtospex transmission station. experiment in vacuum yes temperature range 6 400 k detector photon detection (see detection special features below) manipulators x/y/z; two cycle goniometer sample environment •in-situ sample cleaving available •sample transfer system available •measurements at cryogenic temperatures possible magnetic �eld 0.2 t (variable direction) detection special features •fs-laser synchronized gated detection (avalanche photo diode) •single photon counting detection for low intensity measurements •laser light screened detection (>1012 attenuation) di�ractometer features •motor controlled two-circle •variable detector resolution uhv < 10-9mbar (turbo-molecular pump, ln-cooling trap) miscellaneous laser safety protected viewports table 4: technical parameters femtospex scattering station. 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a46 (2016) references bergeard, n., lopez-flores, v., halte, v., hehn, m., stamm, c., pontius, n., . . . boeglin, c. (2014). ultrafast angular momentum transfer in multisublattice ferrimagnets. nature communications, 5. boeglin, c., beaurepaire, e., halte, v., lopez-flores, v., stamm, c., pontius, n., . . . bigot, j. y. (2010). distinguishing the ultrafast dynamics of spin and orbital moments in solids. nature, 465(7297), 458461. brzhezinskaya, m., firsov, a., holldack, k., kachel, t., mitzner, r., pontius, n., . . . erko, a. (2013). a novel monochromator for experiments with ultrashort x-ray pulses. journal of synchrotron radiation, 20(4), 522-530. eschenlohr, a., battiato, m., maldonado, r., pontius, n., kachel, t., holldack, k., . . . stamm, c. (2013). ultrafast spin transport as key to femtosecond demagnetization. nature materials, 12(4), 332-336. holldack, k., bahrdt, j., balzer, a., bovensiepen, u., brzhezinskaya, m., erko, a., . . . foehlisch, a. (2014). femtospex: a versatile optical pump-soft x-ray probe facility with 100 fs x-ray pulses of variable polarization. journal of synchrotron radiation, 21(5), 1090-1104. holldack, k., pontius, n., schierle, e., kachel, t., soltwisch, v., mitzner, r., . . . weschke, e. (2010). ultrafast dynamics of antiferromagnetic order studied by femtosecond resonant soft x-ray di�raction. applied physics letters, 97(6). izquierdo, m., karolak, m., trabant, c., holldack, k., föhlisch, a., kummer, k., . . . molodtsov, s. l. (2014). laser-induced charge-disproportionated metallic state in lacoo3. phys. rev. b, 90, 235128. khan, s., holldack, k., kachel, t., mitzner, r., & quast, t. (2006). femtosecond undulator radiation from sliced electron bunches. physical review letters, 97, 074801. radu, i., vahaplar, k., stamm, c., kachel, t., pontius, n., duerr, h. a., . . . kimel, a. v. (2011). transient ferromagnetic-like state mediating ultrafast reversal of antiferromagnetically coupled spins. nature, 472(7342), 205-208. stamm, c., kachel, t., pontius, n., mitzner, r., quast, t., holldack, k., . . . eberhardt, w. (2007). femtosecond modi�cation of electron localization and transfer of angular momentum in nickel. nature materials, 6(10), 740-743. trabant, c., pontius, n., schierle, e., weschke, e., kachel, t., springholz, g., . . . schüßler-langeheine, c. (2013). time and momentum resolved resonant magnetic x-ray di�raction on eute. epj web of conferences, 41, 03014. wietstruk, m., melnikov, a., stamm, c., kachel, t., pontius, n., sultan, m., . . . bovensiepen, u. (2011). hot-electron-driven enhancement of spin-lattice coupling in gd and tb 4 f ferromagnets observed by femtosecond x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. phys. rev. lett., 106, 127401. 6 introduction monochromator pump laser system femtospex magnetism (transmission) station femtospex scattering station source technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a56 (2016) published: 21.04.2016 cxs: coherent x-ray scattering at the ue49-sgm at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. w. dieter engel, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 (0) 30 8062-14380, e-mail: dr. durga mishra, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 (0) 30 8062-14379, e-mail: prof. dr. stefan eisebitt, technische universität berlin, and max-born-institut für nichtlineare optik und kurzzeitspektroskopie im forschungsverbund berlin e.v., phone: +49 (0) 30 6392-1300, e-mail: abstract: the coherent soft-x-ray scattering experiment cxs has been developed to study nano-structured magnetic and nonmagnetic thin film samples in transmission or reflection geometry. a nanometer precision movable sample stage in a 1 tesla magnet vector field together with a movable ccd detector, variable in sample – ccd distance, allows both xmcd and xmld experiments in transmission and reflection as well as imaging techniques such as fourier transform holography and ptychography. 1 introduction the cxs end station (see figure 1) at ue49-sgm (helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, 2016) allows utilizing the high coherent photon flux from a bessy ii low-beta undulator for x-ray interference based experiments. the cxs is optimized for membrane window samples (typ. si3n4, mgo or glass) covered by functional layer systems with thicknesses between 1 – 400 nm and lateral structure sizes from few nm to several µm. the sample itself can be in size between 2 x 2 and 10 x 10mm2 in size. the sample holder consists of two rotatable parts, one is the sample holder itself with the option to rotate the sample by 340° and to connect the sample electrically. the second part is a yoke-like rotator with four slots for sensors, e.g. a photo diode, also rotatable by 340° relative to the sample holder. the cartesian parallel kinematic (noll et al., 2009) based sample table with absolute encoders enables the precise movement of the sample relative to the focus by ± 5 mm with 20 nm accuracy. an additional *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). cxs: coherent x-ray scattering at the ue49-sgm at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a56. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a56 (2016) multi-window membrane unit can be positioned in front of the sample holder containing different gold masks, pinholes and zone plates to optionally further shape and control the sample illumination. figure 1: coherent soft x-ray scattering end station at the ue49-sgm. the setup is very flexible in its scattering geometry via an in vacuum movable ccd detector, as shown in figure 2, which allows experiments to be performed in both transmission and reflection. the detector is a princeton ccd, back illuminated with a 2048 x 2048 pixel chip and 13.5 µm pixel size. in front of the ccd an aluminum foil is attached to absorb the visible stray light. in front of the foil, a slider with four windows is mounted, holding several beamstops, which can be moved relative to the ccd. due to the operation at a low beta undulator in conjunction with few optical element beamline design of the ue49-sgm beamline, the coherent flux is exceptionally high. coherence parameters of the illumination can be adjusted in situ. x-ray magnetic dichroism can be used for spectroscopy as well as for spectroscopic contrast in scattering or imaging experiments via the availability of a 1t magnetic vector field at the sample and full polarization control of the soft x-ray beam. the 3d magnetic vector field is achieved in a large bore superconducting magnet with 100 mm clear aperture in the incident beam direction, enabling the flexible scattering geometries and sample motion mentioned above. all internal and external parts of the cxs and the main parts of the beamline are controlled by a labview based computer software, including automatic scan programs, control of the super-conducting electromagnet and sample transfer. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a56 (2016) a b c d figure 2: in vacuum view showing the detector unit (a), the magnet (b), partly the sample stage (c) and the differential pumping stage (d). 2 typical applications all experiments are performed at a base pressure of 10−7 mbar and room temperature. it is planned for 2016 to implement a cryostat. all samples can be connected electrically via up to 16 terminals and can be measured in a 1t magnetic vector field. a) imaging • fourier transform holography (fth) in transmission and reflection (future feature) • scanning fth in transmission • ptychography in transmission • spectro-microscopy of nanostructures b) scattering • xmcd, xmld • soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (sxrms) • soft x-ray gisaxs • reflectometry • small angle x-ray scattering at normal and oblique incidence c) spectroscopy • x-ray absorption spectroscopy • xmcd, xmld 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a56 (2016) 3 sample environment • sample holder – variable for reflection and transmission – 16 electronic connectors – cryostat (future feature) • beam shaping unit – pinholes – zone plates – double slits – masks for fth • magnetic field of 1t vectorial 4 technical data location 10.1 source ue49 monochromator spherical vls grating monochromator energy range 90 1400 ev energy resolution up to 12000 polarization full polarization control focus size 1 x 4µm divergence 18mrad vertical, 26 mrad horizontal longitudinal coherence control via monochromator transversal coherence control via apertudes and sample position relative to the focus flux 7x1014 photons/s/100ma/0.1%bw sample-ccd detector distance variable: 27 52 cm sample movement xyz-stage: ± 5 mm in all directions with 20 nm accuracy sample rotation 340° diode section rotation 340° ccd rotation around the sample ± 20° up/down and left/right references helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the ue49 sgm ricxs beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a54. noll, t., holldack, k., reichardt, g., schwarzkopf, o., & zeschke, t. (2009). parallel kinematics for nanoscale cartesian motions. precision engineering, 33(3), 291 304. 4 introduction typical applications sample environment technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a89 (2016) published: 15.11.2016 xpp: x-ray pump probe station at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. matthias reinhardt, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062 14712, email: dr. wolfram leitenberger, universität potsdam, phone: +49 30 8062 14712, email: abstract: the x-ray pump-probe (xpp) experimental station predominantly aims at investigating hard and soft matter under a broad range of ambient conditions using time-resolved x-ray diffraction. 1 introduction the x-ray pump-probe (xpp) experimental station is dedicated to time-resolved material research of solid-state and soft condensed matter systems. the station utilizes a fiber-based femtosecond laser systems that yields optical pulses of 250 fs duration and 10 µj pulse energy at variable repetition rates of up to 1.25 mhz. the sample environment comprises an in-vacuum 4-circle diffractometer with cryostat for cooling down to 20 k. diffracted x-ray photons are detected with a hybrid pixel area detector allowing for ultrafast reciprocal space mapping. optical pump light and the x-ray probe pulses enter the vacuum chamber on quasi collinear beam paths. the goniometer axes allow for scanning of a large reciprocal space volume while preserving the illuminated pump area on the sample surface. hence, several in-plane and out-of-plane diffraction peaks can be measured under comparable optical pump conditions. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). xpp: x-ray pump probe station at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a89. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a89 (2016) the setup is specifically optimized for experiments at high laser repetition rates where fast heat removal from the excited samples is required. two cooling options are provided: 1. the sample holder is connected to a 4 k cryostat via flexible copper wires. while allowing full mechanical flexibility the sample can be cooled down to temperatures of less than 20 k without laser excitation. exciting the sample with the high repetition laser system leads to a typical static temperature increase of up to 100 k depending on laser power and sample heat conduction. 2. at ambient pressure the excited sample surface can be directly cooled with a cold nitrogen jet. the temperature range of the coolant extends from room temperature to 90 k. this configuration can either be used for efficient heat removal from the excited sample surface or for real cooling to cryogenic temperatures. samples are excited by ultrafast optical pulses emitted from an ytterbium-doped fiber laser. laser parameters are listed in table 1. alternative excitation concepts are currently developed, e.g., sample excitation with ultrashort current or voltage pulses. the xpp-station is fully operational since april 2015. 2 instrument application • thermal transport in nanoscale systems • coherent lattice dynamics • electronic and magnetic coupling to the crystal structure in multiferroic systems • phase transitions and phase change materials • new methods for time-resolved xrd 3 technical data the laser source is a multi-stage ytterbium-doped oscillator amplifier system (impulse, clark-mxr). it is synchronized to the rf-signal of the storage ring with accuracy better than 5 ps. the main laser parameters are: repetition rate adjustable by user from 200 khz to 25 mhz pulse energy adjustable by user: 0.8 µj @ frep > 2 mhz < 25 mhz 10 µj @ frep < 2 mhz average output power adjustable by user: max. 10 w frep = 2 mhz typical operation: 2 w frep = 208 khz pulse duration 250 fs center wavelength 1030 nm pump probe delay up to 5 µs frep = 208 khz with 4 ps resolution table 1: specification of the excitation laser. specifications of the beamline and of the sample environment are listed in table 2. the diffractometer in the vacuum vessel is shown in figure 1. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a89 (2016) monochromator u41-fsgm experiment in vacuum yes temperature range <20 k to room temperature detector • dectris, pilatus 100k hybrid pixel area detector • home-build fast scintillator (trise < 1 ns) + time-correlated spc • cyberstar scintillator detector • energy dispersive detector: (xflash, roentec; ∆e/e ≈ 170 ev @8 kev) manipulators diffractometer layout: 3 sample circles: circle with cryostat without cryostat ω -3° 33° 0° 90° ϕ -10° 100° 0° 360° χ 0° 180° 0° 180° 1 detector circle (θ): 0° 110° x-y-ztranslation for sample positioning adjustment of optical pump x-ray probe overlap via transversal positioning of focusing lens table 2: specification of the sample environment. figure 1: diffractometer in the vacuum vessel. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a89 (2016) references gaal, p., schick, d., herzog, m., bojahr, a., shayduk, r., goldshteyn, j., . . . bargheer, m. (2012). time-domain sampling of x-ray pulses using an ultrafast sample response. applied physics letters, 101(24), 243106. gaal, p., schick, d., herzog, m., bojahr, a., shayduk, r., goldshteyn, j., . . . bargheer, m. (2014). ultrafast switching of hard x-rays. journal of synchrotron radiation, 21(2), 380–385. herzog, m., bojahr, a., goldshteyn, j., leitenberger, w., vrejoiu, i., khakhulin, d., . . . bargheer, m. (2012). detecting optically synthesized quasi-monochromatic sub-terahertz phonon wavepackets by ultrafast x-ray diffraction. applied physics letters, 100(9), 094101. navirian, h. a., schick, d., gaal, p., leitenberger, w., shayduk, r., & bargheer, m. (2014). thermoelastic study of nanolayered structures using time-resolved x-ray diffraction at high repetition rate. applied physics letters, 104(2), 021906. shayduk, r., herzog, m., bojahr, a., schick, d., gaal, p., leitenberger, w., . . . bargheer, m. (2013). direct time-domain sampling of subterahertz coherent acoustic phonon spectra in srtio3 using ultrafast x-ray diffraction. physical review b, 87, 184301. shayduk, r., navirian, h., leitenberger, w., goldshteyn, j., vrejoiu, i., weinelt, m., . . . bargheer, m. (2011). nanoscale heat transport studied by high-resolution time-resolved x-ray diffraction. new journal of physics, 13(9), 093032. 4 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a50 (2016) published: 23.02.2016 the at-wavelength metrology facility at bessy-ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. franz schäfers, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12946; email: dr. andrey sokolov, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12986, email: abstract: the at-wavelength metrology facility at bessy ii is dedicated to short-term characterization of novel uv, euv and xuv optical elements, such as di�raction gratings, mirrors, multilayers and nano-optical devices like re�ection zone plates. it consists of an optics beamline pm-1 and a re�ectometer in a clean-room hutch as a �xed end station. the bending magnet beamline is a plane grating monochromator beamline (c-pgm) equipped with an sx700 monochromator. the beamline is specially tailored for e�cient high-order suppression and stray light reduction. the versatile 11-axes uhv-re�ectometer can house life-sized optical elements, which are fully adjustable and of which the re�ection properties can be measured in the full incidence angular range as well as in the full azimuthal angular range to determine polarization properties. 1 introduction the at-wavelength metrology facility (schäfers et al., 2016) consists of an optics beamline pm-1 (sokolov et al., 2014) and a re�ectometer (eggenstein et al., 2014, 2013) as a �xed end station in a cleanroom surrounding. it is dedicated to at-wavelength characterization and calibration of the in-house produced di�raction gratings and nano-optical devices as well as of mirrors and multilayer systems. it is coupled to a versatile 4-circle uhv-re�ectometer as a permanent end station which is located in a moderate clean-room hutch and which allows to carry out re�ectometry experiments on a very high precision level. the plane grating monochromator beamline attached to a bending magnet is operated in collimated light (c-pgm) (follath, 2001). the sx700 monochromator is equipped by new blazed *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the at-wavelength metrology facility at bessy-ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a50. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a50 (2016) gratings of our own production. the beamline is matched to re�ectometry requirements: over the large operating range from 10 to 2000 ev this bending magnet beamline has very high spectral purity achieved by (1) a four-mirror arrangement of di�erent coatings which can be inserted into the beam path at di�erent angles and (2) by absorber �lters for high order suppression. stray light and scattered radiation is removed e�ciently by in-situ exchangeable apertures and slits. the incident beam has a low divergence and a moderate energy resolution. the main feature of the 11-axes re�ectometer is the possibility to incorporate large samples (up to 4 kg and 360 mm in length) into the uhv-chamber. the samples are adjustable within six degrees of freedom by a novel compact uhv-tripod system. the re�ectivity can be measured in the full incidence angular range of 90° for both sand p-polarization geometry by azimuthal rotation of the sample around the beam direction. a variety of in-situ exchangeable detectors with di�erent angular resolution and dynamic range are available. 2 instrument applications • at wavelength metrology (quality control) of uv, euv and xuv-optics: multilayers, mirrors, gratings, zoneplates, crystals, thin �lms • re�ectivity, e�ciency, transmission, di�raction • scattering (specular non specular) • non-destructive investigation and characterisation of optical surfaces • in depth analysis of internal material structure including buried layers and interfaces • optical constants derived from accurate re�ectivity measurements 3 source the source is the bending magnet d1.1 with the following parameters: electron energy [gev] 1.7 magnetic �eld [t] 1.3 bending radius [m] 4.35 power on 1st optical element (300 ma) [w] 20 critical energy [kev] 2.5 source horizontal size (σx) [µ m] 50 vertical size (σy) [µ m] 40 source hor. divergence (σ ′x) [µ rad] 130 vert. divergence (σ ′y) [µ rad] 2 table 1: bessy ii source characteristics of the dipole section dip 1.1 4 optics beamline pm-1: optical design the optical layout of the beamline is described in in figure 1. m1 is a toroidal mirror which collimates the light vertically and focusses it approximately 1:1 horizontally. the plane mirror m2 is used to vary the deviation angle at the plane grating pg (sx700 monochromator with 600 and 1200 l/mm, respectively (schäfers et al., 2016). vertically, the di�racted light is focused onto the exit slit by the cylindrical mirror m3. the subsequent astigmatic refocusing of horizontal and vertical focus onto the 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a50 (2016) sample position in the re�ectometer is performed by the toroidal mirror m4. two systems for high order suppression provide a wide �exibility for light shaping upstream of the re�ectometer: 1. the high order suppression system (hios) is a four mirror system with di�erent coatings which can be inserted into the beam under selectable incidence angles to freely determine the highenergy cut-o�. 2. the filter and slit unit (fsu) houses a set of 12 absorber �lters and slits and pinholes of di�erent sizes upstream and downstream the �lters for beam shaping and stray light reduction. figure 1: optical layout of beamline pm-1 with re�ectometer end station 5 beamline all-over performance data location section dip 1.1 source dipole monochromator (gratings) sx700 (600 l/mm, 1200 l/mm) energy range 10 ev 2000 ev energy resolution e/∆e= 1000 10000 flux 1010 1011 photons/s/100 ma polarization horizontal-linear, elliptical divergence horizontal 3.5 mrad divergence vertical 0.5 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 0.2 x 0.15 mm2 fixed end station 4-circle uhv-re�ectometer absorption �lters mg, al, be, b, c6h8, ti, cr, fe, cu hios mirrors coatings si, alf3, c table 2: performance data of optics beamline pm-1 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a50 (2016) figure 2: photon �ux at the sample position in the re�ectometer, normalized to 100 ma ring current (blue (600 l/mm) and red curve (1200 l/mm)), in comparison with raytrace calculation with ray (points). typically bessy-ii runs with 300 ma. 6 re�ectometer the re�ectometer is coupled permanently to the optics beamline as a �xed end station. it is located in a moderate clean-room hutch. the uhv-optical bench comprises a four circle goniometer (two sample circles and two detector circles). the vacuum vessel has a diameter of 1 m and it can handle large samples up to 360 mm length and 4 kg weight. smaller samples (e.g. wafers) will be mounted via a load lock system without breaking vacuum. three circles are realized by huber-goniometers to set (1) the azimuthal angle φ (sor p-polarisation, respectively), (2) the incidence angle θ and (3) the detector arm 2θ. for o�-plane sample scans (-4° +4°) another motorized stage is hooked up onto the 2θ-goniometer to realize the 4th circle. the six axes sample adjustment and positioning system is based on a compact uhv-tripod system. it allows a two-dimensional scan of the sample surface within a range of approximately +/15 mm while maintaining all rotational degrees of freedom within +/1°. a pointing stability of this system of better than 50 µ m and 0.025° was reached. a couple of photodiode detectors with and without pinholes or apertures are available. figure 3: the clean-room hutch at the experimental �oor of bessy-ii with the m4-mirror chamber, the filter and slit unit (fsu) and the re�ectometer inside (light comes from the right side). 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a50 (2016) 7 re�ectometer all-over performance data monochromator optics beamline – pm1 experiment in vacuum 10−9 mbar max. sample size 360 x 60 x 60 mm3 max. sample size for load-lock 50 x 50 x 10 mm3 max. sample weight 4 kg sample surface scan 15 x 15 mm incidence angle scan range -180° ≤ θ ≤ 180° azimuthal angle scan range 0° ≤ φ ≤ 360° detector scan range (in plane) -180° ≤ 2θ ≤180° (o�-plane) -4° ≤ θd ≤ 4° min. step size for all motors 0.001° sample – detector distance 310 mm detector gaasp-photodiode with keithley electrometer 6517b detector size 4 x 4 mm2, slits or pinholes: 0.14 – 4 mm table 3: performance data of the re�ectometer references eggenstein, f., bischo�, p., gaupp, a., senf, f., sokolov, a., zeschke, t., & schäfers, f. (2014). a re�ectometer for at-wavelength characterization of xuv-re�ection gratings. spie proceedings, 9206, 920607-920607-12. eggenstein, f., schäfers, f., erko, a., follath, r., gaupp, a., löchel, b., . . . zeschke, t. (2013). a re�ectometer for at-wavelength characterisation of gratings. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 710, 166 171. follath, r. (2001). the versatility of collimated plane grating monochromators. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 467 468, part 1, 418 425. petersen, h. (1986). the high energy plane grating monochromators at bessy. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 246, 260 263. schäfers, f., bischo�, p., eggenstein, f., erko, a., gaupp, a., künstner, s., . . . zeschke, t. (2016). the atwavelength metrology facility for uvand xuv-re�ection and di�raction optics at bessy-ii. journal of synchrotron radiation, 23(1), 67–77. sokolov, a. a., eggenstein, f., erko, a., follath, r., künstner, s., mast, m., . . . schäfers, f. (2014). an xuv optics beamline at bessy ii. spie proceedings, 9206, 92060j-92060j-13. 5 introduction instrument applications source optics beamline pm-1: optical design beamline all-over performance data reflectometer reflectometer all-over performance data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a69 (2016) published: 09.05.2016 alice: a di�ractometer/re�ectometer for soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. radu-marius abrudan, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13445, email: dr. florin radu, helmholtz zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12951, email: � abstract: although the chamber named alice was designed for the analysis of magnetic heteroand nanostructures with resonant magnetic x-ray scattering, the instrument is not limited to this technique. static measurements involve the possibility to use scattering and spectroscopy synchrotron based techniques (photon-in photon-out, photon-in electron-out, and coherent scattering). dynamic experiments require either laser or magnetic �eld pulses to excite the spin system followed by x-ray probe in the time domain from nanoto femtosecond delay times. in this temporal range, the demagnetization/remagnetization dynamics and magnetization precession in a number of magnetic materials (metals, alloys, and magnetic multilayers) can be probed in an element speci�c manner. the versatility of the instrument was tested by a series of pilot experiments, pointing out alice as one of the most demanded instruments at the helmholtz-zentrum berlin. 1 introduction the alice chamber was built as a di�ractometer/re�ectometer for xrms applications and is in operation since december 2002. it combines a two-circle goniometer with an accessible range of 175° in 2θ. a magnetic �eld of ±7.1 koe is available with a yoke that can rotate freely within the horizontal scattering plane. the whole chamber is mounted on a support frame and can thus be moved to various places (undulator or dipole beamlines) within the experimental hall, depending on the requirements of the experiment and beamtime allocation. the sample holders are mounted on a cold-�nger of a janis �ow cryostat that can be run with both ln2 or lhe, where in the latter case sample temperatures down to 10 k can be reached. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). alice: a di�ractometer/re�ectometer for soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a69. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a69 (2016) di�erent sample holders can be accommodated on the sample manipulator. in the most common situation the samples are �xed vertically, perpendicular to the scattering plane and can rotate in the x-ray beam from normal to grazing incidence. use of di�erent signal channels is provided, including total electron yield (tey), florescence yield (fy), photo-diode (pd), and avalanche detector for xrms. depending on the sample holder used, di�erent detector signals can also be measured simultaneously. figure 1: view of the alice chamber. 2 instrument application samples: • single �lms • multilayers • bulk samples • solid samples • al membranes • sin membranes 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a69 (2016) measurements: • spectroscopy (tey, tr, fy, xmcd, xmld) • scattering (xrms, speckles) • holography experiments: • static • dynamic (pump-probe) figure 2: static experiments consists in x-ray scattering on magnetic multilayers (a) or x-ray absorption spectroscopy in total electron yield or transmission geometry (b). dynamic study of the magnetization precession in magnetic coupled layers (c) or laser pump x-ray probe experiments to study magnetization dynamics in magnetic alloys (d). 3 technical data monochromator available at: dipole beamlines and undulator beamlines scattering plane horizontal experiment in vacuum 10−8 mbar temperature range (on the sample) 10 475 k angular resolution 0.005° detector slit 30 µm 2 mm magnetic �eld up to 0.7 t detectors si diode & apd diodes manipulator motorized xyz xy resolution 1 µm z resolution 0.01 mm janis cryostat table 1: technical parameters of the alice chamber. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a69 (2016) references abrudan, r., brüssing, f., salikhov, r., meermann, j., radu, i., ryll, h., . . . zabel, h. (2015). alice—an advanced re�ectometer for static and dynamic experiments in magnetism at synchrotron radiation facilities. review of scienti�c instruments, 86(6), 063902. grabis, j., nefedov, a., & zabel, h. (2003). di�ractometer for soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering. review of scienti�c instruments, 74(9), 4048-4051. radu, f., abrudan, r., radu, i., schmitz, d., & zabel, h. (2012). perpendicular exchange bias in ferrimagnetic spin valves. nature communications, 3, 715. salikhov, r., abrudan, r., brüssing, f., buschhorn, s., ewerlin, m., mishra, d., . . . zabel, h. (2011). precessional dynamics and damping in co/cu/py spin valves. applied physics letters, 99(9), 092509. valencia, s., crassous, a., bocher, l., garcia, v., moya, x., cheri�, r. o., . . . bibes, m. (2011). interface-induced room-temperature multiferroicity in batio3. nature materials, 10, 753–758. 4 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a67 (2016) published: 18.04.2016 cissy: a station for preparation and surface/ interface analysis of thin �lm materials and devices helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. iver lauermann, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-15694, 42343, email: alexander steigert, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-15692, email: abstract: the cissy end station combines thin �lm deposition (sputtering, molecular beam epitaxy ambient-pressure methods) with surface and bulk-sensitive analysis (photo emission, x-ray emission, x-ray absorption) in the same uhv system, allowing fast and contamination–free transfer between deposition and analysis. it is mainly used for the fabrication and characterization of thin �lm devices and their components like thin �lm photovoltaic cells, water-splitting devices and other functional thin �lm materials. 1 introduction the experimental cissy setup was constructed for the surface and interface analysis of chalcopyrite cu(in1−xgax)(syse)2 “cigsse”, or “cis” thin-�lm solar cells, operable as laboratory surface analysis system using commercial x-ray and uv sources or as beamline end station at the bessy ii synchrotron facility. the station name was derived from cis and synchrotron. it houses an xes-300 (scienta gammadata) x-ray spectrometer for x-ray emission (xes) and a clam 4 (vg) electron analyzer for photoemission (pes) spectroscopy. these techniques deliver information about the chemical and electronic sample structure on a complementary depth scale. with probing depths up to half a micrometer, xes provides information of the near-surface sample bulk. pes in contrast only probes the �rst monolayers of a sample and hence is very surface sensitive. using the integrated output signals of either of the two spectrometers, x-ray absorption spectroscopy (xas) in electron or photon yield modes, respectively, *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). cissy: a station for preparation and surface/ interface analysis of thin �lm materials and devices. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a67. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a67 (2016) can be performed. the special feature of the cissy setup is the unique combination of these spectroscopies with in-system sputter and ambient pressure preparation capabilities for thin �lms. in the cissy end station, some of the crucial steps of the preparation of thin �lm solar cells and other thin �lm devices can be performed in-system, allowing the direct transfer from preparation to the analysis chamber, avoiding contamination. industrial thin �lm preparation methods like magnetron sputtering (for transparent conductive oxydes) or the ion layer gas reaction (ilgar) process, as well as various wet chemical deposition methods (for extremely thin bu�er layers, e.g between solar absorbers and selective contacts) are available. a physical vapor deposition (pvd) chamber equipped with molecular beam epitaxy (mbe) sources and metal dispensers allows the deposition of thin �lms of various materials. surface photovoltage (spv) of device components can be measured under uhv in an additional chamber either spectrally resolved or, using a laser diode, in the time resolved mode. furthermore, a programmable sample manipulator enables laterally resolved measurements (with the resolution limited by the excitation spot) or measurements on the constantly moved sample, thus reducing damage of radiation sensitive material, e.g. organics. this arrangement allows for the characterization of real-world sample surfaces and interfaces prepared under controlled conditions such as vacuum or inert gas. figure 1: view of the cissy station in the laboratory (glove box partly visible on the right side). 2 instrument application • analysis of surface and near surface elemental composition by soft x-ray pes (conductive solid inorganic or organic materials) • determination of surface chemistry (oxidation states) • analysis of band line-up in semiconductor multilayers • bulk analysis by xas and xes • determination of surface photo voltage • in-system preparation of thin layers (currently oxides, sul�des, alkali metals and alkali �uorides) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a67 (2016) 3 technical data monochromator flexible experiment in vacuum yes temperature range 100-600 k detector clam 4 hemispherical electron analyzer, xes-300 x-ray spectrometer manipulators pink x,y,z, rotation, tilt, heating with resistive heater and cooling with liquid n2, sample current measurement, application of sample bias, thermocouple preparation wet chemistry in glove box, sputter-deposition of oxides, sul�des and other compounds, mbe for metals and compounds, sputter cleaning table 1: technical parameters for the cissy chamber. references caballero, r., nichterwitz, m., steigert, a., eicke, a., lauermann, i., schock, h., & kaufmann, c. (2014). impact of na on mose2 formation at the cigse/mo interface in thin�lm solar cells on polyimide foil at low process temperatures. acta materialia, 63, 54 62. fu, y., sáez-araoz, r., köhler, t., krüger, m., steigert, a., lauermann, i., . . . fischer, c.h. (2013). spray-ilgar zns nanodots/in2s3 as defect passivation/point contact bilayer bu�er for cu(in,ga)(s,se)2 solar cells. solar energy materials and solar cells, 117, 293 299. johnson, b., klaer, j., merdes, s., gorgoi, m., höpfner, b., vollmer, a., & lauermann, i. (2013). limitations of near edge x-ray absorption �ne structure as a tool for observing conduction bands in chalcopyrite solar cell heterojunctions. journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 190, part a, 42 46. merdes, s., malinen, v., ziem, f., lauermann, i., schüle, m., stober, f., . . . schlatmann, r. (2014). zn(o,s) bu�er prepared by atomic layer deposition for sequentially grown cu(in,ga)(se,s)2 solar cells and modules. solar energy materials and solar cells, 126, 120 124. muydinov, r., steigert, a., schönau, s., ruske, f., kraehnert, r., eckhardt, b., . . . szyszka, b. (2015). water-assisted nitrogen mediated crystallisation of zno �lms. thin solid films, 590, 177 183. neuschitzer, m., sanchez, y., olar, t., thersle�, t., lopez-marino, s., oliva, f., . . . saucedo, e. (2015). complex surface chemistry of kesterites: cu/zn reordering after low temperature postdeposition annealing and its role in high performance devices. chemistry of materials, 27(15), 5279-5287. pistor, p., greiner, d., kaufmann, c. a., brunken, s., gorgoi, m., steigert, a., . . . lux-steiner, m.-c. (2014). experimental indication for band gap widening of chalcopyrite solar cell absorbers after potassium �uoride treatment. applied physics letters, 105(6). 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a67 (2016) sarmiento-pérez, r., botti, s., schnohr, c. s., lauermann, i., rubio, a., & johnson, b. (2014). local versus global electronic properties of chalcopyrite alloys: x-ray absorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. journal of applied physics, 116(9). 4 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a51 (2016) published: 25.02.2016 thz electron paramagnetic resonance / thz spectroscopy at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. karsten holldack, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13170, email: dr. alexander schnegg, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-41373, email: abstract: the thz beamline at bessy ii employs high power broadband femtoto picosecond long thz pulses for magneto-optical thz and fir studies. a newly designed set-up exploits the unique properties of ultrashort thz pulses generated by laser-energy modulation of electron bunches in the storage ring or alternatively from compressed electron bunches. experiments from 0.15 to 5 thz (∼ 5 – 150 cm−1) may be conducted at a user station equipped with a fully evacuated high resolution ftir spectrometer (0.0063 cm-1), lhe cooled bolometer detectors, a thz tds set-up and di�erent sample environments, including a superconducting high �eld magnet (+11 t 11t) with variable temperature insert (1.5 k – 300 k), a sample cryostat and a thz attenuated total re�ection chamber. main applications are frequency domain fourier transform thz-electron paramagnetic resonance (fd-ft thz-epr), thz-ftir spectroscopy and optical pump thz probe time domain spectroscopy (tds), with sub-ps time resolution. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). thz electron paramagnetic / thz spectroscopy at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a51. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a51 (2016) 1 thz beamline figure 1 depicts the general scheme of the thz beamline and the fd-ft thz-epr user station. at the beamline coherent synchrotron radiation (csr) is emitted by ultra-short electron bunches in low α mode (pulse length: < 10 ps, spectral range: 3 50 cm−1, see insert in fig. 1) or laser-energy modulated electron bunches in femto slicing mode (pulse length: 200 fs (rms), spectral range: 20 150 cm−1) from the 2° dipole source (d112) at an acceptance of 60 mrad (h) x 15 mrad (v). csr is than transmitted via a fully evacuated quasi-optical transmission line to the user station. figure 2 depicts a detailed layout of the experimental user station. in this set-up thz radiation extracted from the storage ring may be readily directed towards three di�erent detection schemes: • a fd-ft thz-epr spectrometer (red and orange traces in fig. 2) • a slicing diagnostics stage (green trace in fig. 2) • a thz tds pump probe set-up (blue trace in fig. 2) for fd-ft thz-epr, the thz beam is transmitted by an evacuated low-loss quasi-optical transmission line and focused on the external radiation port of a high resolution ftir-spectrometer (bruker ifs 125, min. bandwidth: 0.0063 cm−1), by o�-axis parabolic mirrors. after passing through the spectrometer, the radiation again propagates through a vacuum-sealed quasi-optical beam line, which focuses the thz radiation onto the windows of a sweepable superconducting magnet (oxford spectromag). the split-coil magnet is equipped with four outer, wedged, z-cut quartz windows. in the standard con�guration (voigt geometry, red trace in fig. 2) the external magnetic �eld is oriented perpendicular to the propagation direction of the radiation. figure 1: schematic layout of the thz user station with the thz beam indicated in red. the insert shows the �ll-pattern of the storage ring in low α mode. in the magnet housing a variable temperature insert (vti) equipped with additional four z-cut quartz windows is immersed. this con�guration allows for measurements from t = 1.5 k to 300 k, at external magnetic �elds between -11 and +11 t. the evacuated beam line incorporates a rotatable roof-top mirror, which acts as broad band polarization shifter. this device allows for orienting the magnetic component of the linearly polarized thz radiation parallel or perpendicular to the static magnetic �eld. alternatively, the radiation may be guided through the second pair of magnet windows (faraday 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a51 (2016) geometry, dotted trace in fig. 3) or to an additional optical cryostat (t = 1.5 k 300 k, orange trace in fig. 2 oxford optistat,) inside the ftir spectrometer. in all three con�gurations, highly sensitive detection may be achieved with either a liquid helium cooled si-bolometers (ir labs, lhe cooled to 4.2 k or super�uid he cooled to 1.6 k)), an insb bolometer (qmc, lhe cooled to 4.2 k) or a fast schottky diode thz detector (acst, rt; < 250 ps time resolution). alternatively, transient thz signals may be directly detected via a time domain spectroscopy (tds) thz set-up. thz tds allows for cross-correlation of thz pulses from the storage ring with the synchronized external fs-laser source (optical pump – thz probe). figure 2: optical layout of the fd-ft thz-epr/thz spectroscopy user station. red and orange: thz beam path of the fd-ft thz-epr detection scheme through the sample magnet and through the sample cryostat, respectively, green: slicing diagnostics, blue: thz tds pump-probe setup. 2 fd-ft thz-epr the dedicated fd-ft thz-epr facility combines a broad range of excitation and detection schemes with extreme sample environments (in particular high magnetic �elds and low temperatures). this combination renders fd-ft thz-epr an ideal tool for studies in spin couplings (in particular zero �eld splittings and exchange interactions) of high spin transition metal and rare earth ions. spin coupling energies are sensitive probes of the electronic structure and determine magnetic properties of compounds with unpaired electron spins. the latter are highly desired pieces of information, as high spin paramagnetic ions determine the function of many vital catalytic processes in proteins and synthetic complexes, as well as the properties of single molecule magnets. epr is well established for studies in the magnetic structure-function relationship of materials containing unpaired electron spins. however, conventional single frequency epr frequently fails in cases where spin transition energies exceed the quantum energy of the spectrometer (typically < 4 cm−1). recently, we have demonstrated that csr based fd-ft thz-epr (schnegg et al., 2009), with very broad excitation frequency (3 cm−1 – 150 cm−1) and magnetic �eld (-11 t +11 t) ranges, provides a unique tool to overcome this restriction in a single spectrometer. fd-ft thz-epr has been successfully applied to high spin ions in single molecule 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a51 (2016) magnets (dreiser et al., 2013, 2011; pedersen et al., 2011; pinkowicz et al., 2015) catalytic mononuclear integer high spin transition metal ion complexes (forshaw et al., 2013; nehrkorn, schnegg, et al., 2015; nehrkorn, telser, et al., 2015) and very recently even in proteins (nehrkorn et al., 2013). recent science highlights include the determination zero �eld splitting parameters in met myoglobin and hemoglobin (nehrkorn et al., 2013), the assignment of anisotropic exchange as source of the magnetic anisotropy in mn trimer single molecule magnets (dreiser et al., 2013; pedersen et al., 2011) and the determination of spin ground state parities by polarization dependent fd-ft thz-epr (nehrkorn, schnegg, et al., 2015). figure 3: examples for systems studied by fd-ft thz-epr at bessy ii. 3 thz spectroscopy apart from paramagnetic and molecular systems, as illustrated by fig.3, the setup extends conventional static high �eld ftir spectroscopy in solids, powders and granular matter (born et al., 2015; vogel et al., 2015) to very low wavenumbers (3 cm−1), which are only accessible at csr sources at su�cient dynamic range. moreover, the special time structure of thz emission in bessy ii’s low alpha mode as well as from laser-energy modulation (slicing) allows for time-domain experiments revealing ultrafast (sub-ps) charge carrier and phonon dynamics in thin �lms also under very high magnetic �elds. here, the fs-slicing laser or it’s harmonics (6 khz) are used as an excitation laser while the thz pulse from the storage ring as transmitted or re�ected from the sample is used a probe (braggaglia et al., 2015). references born, p., holldack, k., & sperl, m. (2015). particle characterization using thz spectroscopy. granular matter, 17(5), 531-536. braggaglia, v., schnegg, a., calarco, r., & holldack, k. (2015). ultrafast thz coherent synchrotron radiation response of phase change materials upon laser excitation. submitted (2015). dreiser, j., pedersen, k. s., schnegg, a., holldack, k., nehrkorn, j., sigrist, m., . . . waldmann, o. (2013). three-axis anisotropic exchange coupling in the single-molecule magnets net4[mniii2(5brsalen)2(meoh)2miii(cn)6] (m=ru, os). chemistry – a european journal, 19(11), 3693–3701. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a51 (2016) dreiser, j., schnegg, a., holldack, k., pedersen, k. s., schau-magnussen, m., nehrkorn, j., . . . waldmann, o. (2011). frequency-domain fourier-transform terahertz spectroscopy of the single-molecule magnet (net4)[mn2(5-brsalen)2(meoh)2cr(cn)6]. chemistry – a european journal, 17(27), 7492– 7498. forshaw, a. p., smith, j. m., ozarowski, a., krzystek, j., smirnov, d., zvyagin, s. a., . . . telser, j. (2013). low-spin hexacoordinate mn(iii): synthesis and spectroscopic investigation of homoleptic tris(pyrazolyl)borate and tris(carbene)borate complexes. inorganic chemistry, 52(1), 144-159. nehrkorn, j., martins, b. m., holldack, k., stoll, s., dobbek, h., bittl, r., & schnegg, a. (2013). zero-�eld splittings in methb and metmb with aquo and �uoro ligands: a fd-ft thz-epr study. molecular physics, 111(18-19), 2696-2707. nehrkorn, j., schnegg, a., holldack, k., & stoll, s. (2015). general magnetic transition dipole moments for electron paramagnetic resonance. physical review letters, 114, 010801. nehrkorn, j., telser, j., holldack, k., stoll, s., & schnegg, a. (2015). simulating frequency-domain electron paramagnetic resonance: bridging the gap between experiment and magnetic parameters for high-spin transition-metal ion complexes. the journal of physical chemistry b, 119(43), 1381613824. pedersen, k. s., dreiser, j., nehrkorn, j., gysler, m., schau-magnussen, m., schnegg, a., . . . bendix, j. (2011). a linear single-molecule magnet based on [ruiii(cn)6]3-. chemical communications, 47, 6918-6920. pinkowicz, d., southerland, h. i., avendaño, c., prosvirin, a., sanders, c., wernsdorfer, w., . . . dunbar, k. r. (2015). cyanide single-molecule magnets exhibiting solvent dependent reversible “on” and “o�” exchange bias behavior. journal of the american chemical society, 137(45), 14406-14422. schnegg, a., behrends, j., lips, k., bittl, r., & holldack, k. (2009). frequency domain fourier transform thz-epr on single molecule magnets using coherent synchrotron radiation. physical chemistry chemical physics, 11, 6820-6825. vogel, c., stemann, j., holldack, k., sekine, r., lipiec, e., & adam, c. (2015). thermal treatment of chromium(iii) oxide with carbonates analyzed by far-infrared spectroscopy. applied spectroscopy, 69(10), 1210-1214. 5 thz beamline fd-ft thz-epr thz spectroscopy journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a91 (2016) published: 17.11.2016 liquid �exrixs: a rixs endstation for molecular systems at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. annette pietzsch, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12191, email: abstract: the liquid �exrixs endstation is dedicated to resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments on liquid samples and gasses in the soft x-ray range. the liquids are injected into the chamber via a liquid jet system whereas gasses and also small amounts of liquids can be investigated using a liquid/gas �ow cell. the mcp-based rixs spectrometer allows for a resolving power of better than 1000. 1 introduction liquid �exrixs is an endstation for time-resolved and steady-state rixs measurements on liquid samples and for complementary use at fels and at bessy ii. the rixs spectrometer of the end station is a modi�ed graze iv (xes 350) with three gratings. these cover the range between 50 and 900 ev. the resolution amounts to approximately 40 mev at 50 ev and 0.7 ev at 900 ev. total �uorescence yield absorption measurements with a photodiode or partial �uorescence yield absorption measurements with the spectrometer are possible. liquid samples are prepared in vacuum as thin jets (diameter 5-30 µ m). the jet freezes after passing the interaction region in a liquid nitrogen cooled trap. to protect the beam line from the typical 10−3 mbar range in the measurement chamber during liquid jet operation, three di�erential pumping stages are used. the mcp-based detector is protected by an x-ray transmissive yet vacuum-tight thin foil. static and time resolved rixs measurements at liquids and gasses as well as non-linear processes are conducted with this experimental station at bessy ii and fels. depending on the x-ray spot size the jet speed in vacuum allows for refreshing the sample in the interaction region with mhz repetition rates. the apparatus is open to collaborative research at bessy ii and fels. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). liquid �exrixs: a rixs endstation for molecular systems at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a91. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a91 (2016) figure 1: view of the liquid �exrixs end station. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • static rixs of liquids and liquid solutions of molecules at bessy ii • pump-probe rixs of liquids and liquid solutions at fels • investigation of non-linear x-ray induced processes at fels • static and pump-probe �uorescence yield absorption at bessy ii and fels 3 technical data energy range soft x-rays from 50 to around 900 ev resolving power better than 1000 sample environment liquid jet in vacuum, three di�erential pumping stages towards the beam line, gas and liquid �ow cell can be mounted instead of jet temperature range jet temperature can be controlled with a water jacket detectors gaas-photodiode and rixs spectrometer with mcp, phosphor and ccd samples liquid and gas table 1: technical parameters of the liquid �exrixs end station. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a91 (2016) references josefsson, i., kunnus, k., schreck, s., föhlisch, a., de groot, f., wernet, p., & odelius, m. (2012). ab initio calculations of x-ray spectra: atomic multiplet and molecular orbital e�ects in a multicon�gurational scf approach to the l-edge spectra of transition metal complexes. the journal of physical chemistry letters, 3(23), 3565-3570. kunnus, k., rajkovic, i., schreck, s., quevedo, w., eckert, s., beye, m., . . . föhlisch, a. (2012). a setup for resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering on liquids at free electron laser light sources. review of scienti�c instruments, 83(12). mitzner, r., rehanek, j., kern, j., gul, s., hattne, j., taguchi, t., . . . yano, j. (2013). l-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy of dilute systems relevant to metalloproteins using an x-ray free-electron laser. the journal of physical chemistry letters, 4(21), 3641-3647. wernet, p., kunnus, k., schreck, s., quevedo, w., kurian, r., techert, s., . . . föhlisch, a. (2012). dissecting local atomic and intermolecular interactions of transition-metal ions in solution with selective x-ray spectroscopy. the journal of physical chemistry letters, 3(23), 3448-3453. wernet, ph., beye, m., de groot, f., düsterer, s., ga�ney, k., grübel, s., . . . föhlisch, a. (2013). mapping chemical bonding of reaction intermediates with femtosecond x-ray laser spectroscopy. epj web of conferences, 41, 05025. 3 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a80 (2016) published: 30.06.2016 lixedrom: high energy resolution rixs station dedicated to liquid investigation at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: prof. dr. emad flear aziz, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-15003, email: dr. jie xiao, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13451, email: dr. ronny golnak, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-15028, email: dr. marc tesch, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13443, email: abstract: lixedrom is an experimental station dedicated to high resolution rixs measurements on liquid samples. it is equipped with two vls gratings and advanced photon detector (mcp/phosphorous screen/ccd), covering soft x-ray range of 200 – 1200 ev. the e�cient di�erential pumping and cooling systems ensure successful executions of x-ray spectroscopy on liquid samples in vacuum. liquid samples are introduced into the vacuum chamber by micro-jet or �ow-cell techniques. 1 introduction lixedrom experimental station is equipped with high energy resolution x-ray spectrometer and dedicated to investigation of functional materials in solution and at surfaces and interfaces, with x-ray absorption (xas) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (rixs) techniques. the x-ray spectrometer includes two variable-line-spacing (vls) spherical gratings and an advanced x-ray photon detector (microchannel plate (mcp)/phosphorous screen/ccd camera assembly). the two gratings, one with 1200 l/mm line density covering energy range of 200 – 500 ev and the other with 2400 l/mm covering 400 – 1200 ev, are mounted on a motorized stage with 10 nm positioning *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). lixedrom: high energy resolution rixs station dedicated to liquid investigation at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a80. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a80 (2016) accuracy. the resolving power e/∆e is around 4000 for the high energy grating at 800 ev, while 5000 for the low energy grating at c k-edge, when a 10 µm x-ray spot size on sample is achieved. switching grating is swift (within one second), thanks to the compact design of grating holder and motor. the vacuum of graing/detector chamber and beamline (<5 x10−9 mbar) is well protected by pinholes, e�cient di�erential pumping and cooling systems installed between the sample chamber and grating chamber and between the sample chamber and beamline. the sample chamber is usually kept at 10−4 – 10−5 mbar with running liquid-jet inside, or ∼ 10−7 mbar with liquid �ow-cell. the liquid-jet and �ow-cell are the two applied techniques for the introduction of liquid samples into vacuum chamber. figure 1: schematic view of the lixedrom endstation. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a80 (2016) figure 2: top view of the lixedrom endstation. 2 instrument applications • investigation of hydrogen-bond network and hofmeister e�ects in aqueous solutions • determination of interfacial electronic properties (electron delocalization) at the solute-solvent interface • exploring the strength of charge-donation and back-donation at the metal-ligand bond in organometallic and porphyrin complexes • observation of electronic structure changes of catalysts in solution and electrolytes along the reaction path • investigating the surface chemistry of nanoparticles in solution activated by di�erent surfactants 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a80 (2016) 3 technical data monochromator two vls spherical gratings: radius 9.75 m / line density 1200 l/mm and radius 13 m / line density 2400 l/mm experiment in vacuum yes, grating/detector chamber < 5 x 10−9 mbar, sample chamber 10−4 – 10−5 mbar with liquid-jet or ∼ 10−7 mbar with �ow-cell scattering geometry horizontal, 90° angle with respect to beamline energy range 200 – 1200 ev resolving power e/∆e ∼ 4000 for vls2400 grating ∼ 5000 for vls1200 grating detector microchannel plate (mcp)/phosphorous screen/ccd camera assembly sample liquids (micro-jet and �ow-cell) and solids sample manipulator motorized xyz sample manipulator with micrometer precision temperature room temperature table 1: technical parameters of the lixedrom endstation. references lange, k. m., könnecke, r., ghadimi, s., golnak, r., soldatov, m. a., hodeck, k. f., . . . aziz, e. f. (2010). high resolution x-ray emission spectroscopy of water and aqueous ions using the micro-jet technique. chemical physics, 377(1–3), 1 5. 4 introduction instrument applications technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a81 (2016) published: 02.08.2016 femtospex molecules and surfaces: electron spectroscopy setup for time-resolved laser-pump/ x-ray-probe experiments at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. florian sorgenfrei, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12924, email: � abstract: the �exible end station “femtospex molecules and surfaces”, which will enable time resolved photoemission studies in the future at hzb, is presented. 1 introduction the femtospex molecules and surfaces end station is designed for time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy studies using an optical laser to pump the system under investigation. we are currently exploring in in-house projects the possibility to use the ppre bunch available during normal user operation (holldack et al., 2014) for time-resolved studies with a temporal resolution of about 60ps as well as using a hhg source for femtosecond time-resolved experiments. the chamber is equipped with a vg scienta artof (ovsyannikov et al., 2013) using a lens with an acceptance angle of 60 degrees. a typical spectrum using tas2 as sample and observing the charge density wave splitting is depicted in figure 1. figure 2 shows the setup at the pgm beamline at the slicing facility. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). femtospex molecules and surfaces: electron spectroscopy setup for time-resolved laser-pump/ x-ray-probe experiments at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a81. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a81 (2016) figure 1: ta 4f lines of tas2 cooled to ~25 k using 200 ev photons. the spin-orbit split doublet is accompanied by an additional charge density wave (cdw) splitting. figure 2: on-top view on the femtospex molecules and surfaces station. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a81 (2016) 2 instrument application typical applications are: • time-resolved pes • angular-resolved pes • xps • ups 3 technical data monochromator soft x-ray experiment in vacuum yes detector artof ew 60° lens electron spectrometer manipulators • vab manipulator with two rotation axes in theta-twotheta con�guration • wobble stick for adjusting the phi axis of the samples • apd for de�ning the temporal overlap • quartz slit for adjusting the halo/slice separation cryostat janis st-400 cryostat typical sample temperature ~25 k prepration chamber • sputter gun • residual gas analyser table 1: technical parameters of the femtospex molecules and surfaces station references holldack, k., ovsyannikov, r., kuske, p., müller, r., schälicke, a., scheer, m., . . . föhlisch, a. (2014). single bunch x-ray pulses on demand from a multi-bunch synchrotron radiation source. nature communications, 5, 4010. ovsyannikov, r., karlsson, p., lundqvist, m., lupulescu, c., eberhardt, w., föhlisch, a., . . . mårtensson, n. (2013). principles and operation of a new type of electron spectrometer artof. journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 191, 92 103. 3 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a124 (2017) published: 30.11.2017 solid �exrixs: a rixs endstation for solid systems at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. martin beye, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-14677, email: dr. pieter sybren miedema, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-14821, email: abstract: the solid �exrixs endstation combines an x-ray emission spectrometer with resolving powers above 1000 with a di�ractometer setup for solid sample systems. it is �exible in its use at di�erent beam lines and facilities. 1 introduction the solid �exrixs is an endstation for complementary application of rixs, di�raction (resonant scattering) and absorption measurements both at bessy ii and free-electron lasers. this endstation is equipped with a two-axis rotatable sample holding manipulator (one axis motorized). the sample stage can be cooled with liquid helium and in a di�erent con�guration also heated by electron bombardment heating to more than 1000°c. sample drain current can be measured for total electron yield absorption measurements and a photodiode (optionally with a biased mesh to repel electrons) can be used for di�raction / resonant scattering experiments as well as �uorescence yield detection. furthermore, the endstation is equipped with a modi�ed grace iv / xes 350 spectrometer that can cover a photon energy range from 50 to above 900 ev. resolving powers above 1000 have been shown to be easily achievable and can be furthered at the expense of count rate. the emission is dispersed from three di�erent gratings to cover the full energy range with optimal count rate. the dispersed light is detected by an mcp, phosphor screen, ccd combination. the system is completely softwarecontrolled so that long macros can be used for extended measurement plans. the detectors can be made blind to optical radiation so that it can be used in pump-probe setups to study dynamics at bessy ii and fels. non-linear x-ray spectroscopy can be conducted with this setup as well. the chamber is open for collaborative research at bessy ii and fels. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2017). solid �exrixs: a rixs endstation for solid systems at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a124. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a124 (2017) figure 1: view of the solid �exrixs endstation. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • rixs of correlated materials across phase transitions • rixs of catalyst materials • angle dependent �uorescence yield studies • soft x-ray resonant re�ectivity measurements • pump-probe rixs experiments • pump-probe �uorescence yield and scattering studies • non-linear x-ray spectroscopy methods: • time-resolved studies • nexafs • rixs 3 technical data monochromator �exible experiment in vacuum yes temperature range 20-550 k detectors photodiode, mcp manipulators four axes motorized + one by hand table 1: technical parameters of the solid �exrixs endstation. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, a124 (2017) references beye, m., hennies, f., deppe, m., suljoti, e., nagasono, m., wurth, w., & föhlisch, a. (2009). dynamics of electron-phonon scattering: crystaland angular-momentum transfer probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. physical review letters, 103, 237401. beye, m., hennies, f., deppe, m., suljoti, e., nagasono, m., wurth, w., & föhlisch, a. (2010). measurement of the predicted asymmetric closing behaviour of the band gap of silicon using x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. new journal of physics, 12(4), 043011. beye, m., schreck, s., sorgenfrei, f., trabant, c., pontius, n., schuszler-langeheine, c., . . . föhlisch, a. (2013). stimulated x-ray emission for materials science. nature, 501(7466), 191-194. beye, m., sorgenfrei, f., schlotter, w. f., wurth, w., & föhlisch, a. (2010). the liquid-liquid phase transition in silicon revealed by snapshots of valence electrons. proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 107, 16772-16776. 3 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a92 (2016) published: 17.11.2016 polarimeter: a soft x-ray 8-axis uhvdi�ractometer at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. andrey sokolov, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12986, email: dr. franz schäfers, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12946, email: abstract: a versatile uhv-polarimeter for the euv xuv spectral range is described which incorporates two optical elements: a phase retarder and a re�ection analyzer. both optics are azimuthally rotatable around the incident synchrotron radiation beam and the incidence angle is freely selectable. this allows for a variety of re�ectometry, polarimetry and ellipsometry applications on magnetic or non-magnetic samples and multilayer optical elements. 1 introduction the high precision 8-axis ultra-high vacuum compatible (uhv)-polarimeter (schäfers et al., 1999) is a multipurpose instrument which can be used as a multilayer-based self-calibrating polarization detector for linearly and circularly polarized uvand soft x-ray light (gaupp et al., 2013; macdonald et al., 2009). it can also be used for the characterization of either re�ection or transmission properties (re�ectometry) (eriksson et al., 2006; schäfers, 2000) as well as to determine polarizing and phase retarding properties (ellipsometry) of any optical element (uschakow et al., 2013). magneto-optical experiments are possible in transmission, as the xmcd or xmld (magnetic circular / linear dichroism) that are intensity measurements (mertins et al., 2002). additionally a polarization analysis of the transmitted or re�ected light is possible which allows for faraday-, voigtor kerr-e�ect technique (l-moke, t-moke) to investigate thin �lms as well as magnetic multilayers (mertins et al., 2001; zaharko et al., 2002). independent two-dimensional rotation of the detector enables any non-specular magnetic scattering experiment on magnetic dots or grains. a load-lock transfer chamber allows for quick and easy sample exchange. *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). polarimeter: a soft x-ray 8-axis uhv-di�ractometer at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a92. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a92 (2016) figure 1: schematic view of the polarimeter station. 2 instrument application typical applications are: • characterization of optical elements • re�ection, transmission properties (s-, p-pol.) • polarizing properties (phase retardation) • determination of polarization of incident light (stokes s0,1,2,3) • resonant magnetic scattering (specular and di�use) • intensity spectroscopy: mcd, lmd, kerr-e�ect (l, t-moke) • polarization spectroscopy: faraday-, voigt, kerr-e�ect methods: • elipsometry • polarimetry • re�ectometry 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a92 (2016) 3 technical data experiment in vacuum 10−9 mbar temperature range 280 480 k max. sample size 50 x 50 x 11 mm3 min. sample size 10 x 10 x 0.5 mm3 incidence angle scan range 0°≤θp, θa ≤ 90° azimuthal angle scan range 0°≤α , β ≤370° detector scan range (in plane) 0°≤θ2a≤180° (o�-plane) -10°≤θd≤27° min. step size for all motors 0.001° sample – detector distance 150 mm magnetic �elds (in-/o�-plane) -450 < h < 450 oe (long./transv.) detector gaasp-photodiode with keithley electrometer 617 (6514) detector size 4 x 4 mm2, 0.2 x 4 mm2 load-lock, magazine in-situ storage of up to 10 samples higher order �lters be, b, c6h8, ti, cr, fe collimator pinholes ∅ 0.2 – 2.0 mm table 1: technical data of the polarimeter station. references eriksson, f., ghafoor, n., schäfers, f., gullikson, e. m., & birch, j. (2006). interface engineering of short-period ni/v multilayer x-ray mirrors. thin solid films, 500(1-2), 84 95. gaupp, a., schäfers, f., macdonald, m., uschakow, s., salashchenko, n. n., & gaykovich, p. k. (2013). carbon k-edge polarimetry with cr/sc multilayers. journal of physics: conference series, 425(12), 122013. macdonald, m. a., schäfers, f., & gaupp, a. (2009). a single w/b4c transmission multilayer for polarization analysis of soft x-rays up to 1kev. opt. express, 17(25), 23290–23298. mertins, h.-c., abramsohn, d., gaupp, a., schäfers, f., gudat, w., zaharko, o., . . . oppeneer, p. m. (2002). resonant magnetic re�ection coe�cients at the fe 2 p edge obtained with linearly and circularly polarized soft x rays. phys. rev. b, 66, 184404. mertins, h.-c., oppeneer, p. m., kuneš, j., gaupp, a., abramsohn, d., & schäfers, f. (2001). observation of the x-ray magneto-optical voigt e�ect. phys. rev. lett., 87, 047401. schäfers, f., mertins, h.-c., gaupp, a., gudat, w., mertin, m., packe, i., . . . eriksson, m. (1999). softx-ray polarimeter with multilayer optics: complete analysis of the polarization state of light. appl. opt., 38(19), 4074–4088. schäfers, f. (2000). multilayers for the euv/soft x-ray range. physica b: condensed matter, 283(1-3), 119 124. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a92 (2016) uschakow, s., gaupp, a., macdonald, m., & schäfers, f. (2013). euv ellipsometry on mo/si multilayers. journal of physics: conference series, 425(15), 152011. zaharko, o., oppeneer, p. m., grimmer, h., horisberger, m., mertins, h.-c., abramsohn, d., . . . braun, h.-b. (2002). exchange coupling in fe/nio/co �lm studied by soft x-ray resonant magnetic re�ectivity. phys. rev. b, 66, 134406. 4 introduction instrument application technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a96 (2016) published: 25.11.2016 the crystal monochromator beamline kmc-1 at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientist: dr. franz schäfers, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie, phone +49 30 8062 –12946, email: abstract: the kmc-1 is a soft x-ray double crystal monochromator beamline for the energy range between 2 and 12 kev. the bending magnet beamline as well as the experiment are under uhv-condition. it incorporates high indexed si-crystals for high resolution and it is primarily used for haxpes experiments employing the hike (high kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy) chamber. 1 introduction the crystal monochromator beamline kmc-1 (schaefers et al., 2007) at a bessy ii bending magnet covers the energy range from soft (2 kev) to hard x-rays (12 kev) employing the n,-n double crystal arrangement with constant beam o�set. the monochromator is equipped with three sets of crystals, si (111), si (311) and si (422) which are exchangeable in-situ. beamline and monochromator have been optimized for high �ux and high resolution. the beamline and experiment are under uhv-condition. the multipurpose beamline is used for techniques such as hard x-ray high kinetic photoelectron spectroscopy (hike or haxpes), (bio)-exafs, nexafs, absorption, re�ection and �uorescence spectroscopy. due to the windowless uhv-setup the k-edges of the technologically and biologically important elements such as p, and s are accessible. the photon �ux is in the 1011–1012 photons/s range and a resolving powers e/∆e of more than 100.000 has been measured at selected energies. thus, haxpes with a total instrumental resolution of about 150 mev is possible at selected energies. the beamline is not permanently equipped with a particular experimental station but rather varying user experiments are connected to it according to the beamtime schedule. based on the allocated beamtime the hike end station is the main user of the kmc-1 beamline (gorgoi et al., 2009). *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the crystal monochromator beamline kmc-1 at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a96. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a96 (2016) figure 1: top-view of beamline kmc-1. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a96 (2016) 2 instrument applications typical applications are: • haxpes (hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) • exafs, nexafs, xanes • di�ractometry • re�ectometry 3 source the source is the bending magnet d1.1 with the following parameters: electron energy [gev] 1.7 magnetic �eld [t] 1.3 bending radius [m] 4.35 power on 1st optical element (300 ma) [w] 45 critical energy [kev] 2.5 source horizontal size (σ 4x) [µ m] 96 vertical size (σ y) [µ m] 47 source hor. divergence (σ x) [µ rad] 300 vert. divergence (σ y) [µ rad] 20 table 1: bessy ii source characteristics of the dipole section dip 1.1. 4 optical design the beamline and the double crystal monochromator kmc-1 have been optimized for highest possible �ux and high resolution (schaefers et al., 2007). this was achieved by (1) a windowless setup under ultrahigh-vacuum (uhv-) conditions up to the experiment, (2) by the use of only three optical elements to minimize re�ection losses, (3) by collecting an unusually large horizontal radiation fan from the bending magnet (6 mrad) with the one and only toroidal mirror, and (4) the optimization of the crystal optics to the soft x-ray range necessitating quasi-backscattering crystal geometry (θ bragg,max=82°) delivering crystal limited resolution. 5 technical data location 3.1 source d1.1 monochromator kmc-1 energy range 2 – 12 kev polarisation horizontal divergence horizontal 3 mrad divergence vertical 0.2 mrad focus size (hor. x vert.) 0.4 x 0.6 mm distance focus/last valve 670 mm height focus/�oor level 1728 mm free photon beam available yes fixed end station no table 2: technical data of beamline kmc-1. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a96 (2016) figure 2: optical layout of beamline kmc-1. figure 3: photon �ux at the sample position, normalized to 100 ma ring current. typically bessy-ii runs with 300 ma. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a96 (2016) figure 4: energy resolution of the kmc-1 beamline for the di�erent crystals. references gorgoi, m., svensson, s., schäfers, f., öhrwall, g., mertin, m., bressler, p., . . . eberhardt, w. (2009). the high kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy facility at bessy progress and �rst results. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 601(1–2), 48 53. schaefers, f., mertin, m., & gorgoi, m. (2007). kmc-1: a high resolution and high �ux soft x-ray beamline at bessy. review of scienti�c instruments, 78(12). 5 introduction instrument applications source optical design technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a95 (2016) published: 24.11.2016 the iris thz/infrared beamline at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. ljiljana puskar, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-14739, email: dr. ulrich schade, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 30 8062-13449, email: abstract: at bessy ii a large acceptance angle, multipurpose infrared beamline is available, comprising several end stations suitable for material and life science investigations. the beamline provides highly brilliant infrared radiation over the energy range from about 20,000 down to 30 cm−1 and even lower when bessy ii is run in the so-called low-α mode. 1 introduction infrared radiation from synchrotron sources has seen a steady increase in research over the last decade. at synchrotron light sources of third generation like bessy ii the emitted radiation in the infrared wavelength region is some orders of magnitude brighter than standard thermal broadband sources (e.g., globar). in addition, infrared synchrotron radiation is an absolute source being polarized and pulsed in the picosecond timescale. as a particular specialty, bessy ii provides a new technique (lowα ) to generate high power, stable and low-noise coherent terahertz (thz) radiation (abo-bakr et al., 2003). the iris beamline was inaugurated in december 2001 (schade et al., 2002) and is now used by a multi-disciplinary research community. 2 optical design the beamline uses radiation from the homogenous magnetic �eld (schade et al., 2000) of the dipole d11 and its optical layout (peatman & schade, 2001) is shown in figure 1. a plane extraction mirror is placed at about 900 mm from the dipole source in the plane of the storage ring allowing horizontal and vertical acceptance angles of about 60 x 40 mrad2, respectively. the mirror is split into two water-cooled halves positioned above and below the narrow high energy radiation fan in the ring plane, permitting most of *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). the iris thz/infrared beamline at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a95. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a95 (2016) the heat due to uv and x-rays to pass through to an absorber. the extraction mirror de�ects the beam upwards to a combination of two cylindrical mirrors. these mirrors then focus the beam outside the radiation shielding of the ceiling of the storage ring tunnel just behind a cvd diamond window. the diamond window separates the uhv of the storage ring from the vacuum system of the remainder of the beam line. the subsequent optical elements direct the light to the di�erent experiments. in addition, an ellipsometer (gensch et al., 2006) is attached to a vacuum ft-ir spectrometer. figure 1: schematic of the optical layout of the iris beamline. 3 beamline performance figure 2: calculated brilliance in the infrared spectral range for the iris beamline at bessy ii and for a globar source. 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a95 (2016) figure 3: in the mid infrared range, more than one order of magnitude more �ux can be fed through apertures smaller than 10 x 10 µ m2 when compared to a globar source. this allows one to perform di�raction-limited microspectroscopy. data were taken with a nicolet continuµm infrared microscope in confocal transmission geometry using the internal instrument aperture with no sample in the focal plane. figure 4: comparison of �uxes in the far ir/thz range. running bessy ii in the low-α mode yields coherent synchrotron radiation (csr) at the iris beamline with �uxes several orders of magnitudes higher than obtained with incoherent infrared synchrotron radiation (irsr) or with internal spectrometer sources (hg lamp). an rms noise of better than 0.1% is achieved from the csr source as indicated by the 100% line, the ratio of two subsequently recorded spectra. data were taken in vacuum using a bruker 66/v spectrometer (schade et al., 2007). 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a95 (2016) 4 experimental stations • vacuum ft-ir spectrometer nir, mir, fir • ellipsometer (operated by isas) mir • martin-pupplet spectrometer fir (thz) • near-�eld microscope fir (thz) • scanning microscope mir • vacuum microscope fir (thz), mir samples can be investigated with di�erent polarization states of the light under several geometries (e.g., transmittance, grazing and normal incidence re�ectance, di�use re�ectance, atr) and for di�erent environmental conditions, like pressure and temperature. 5 technical data location 3.1 source d11 energy range 2 – 10,000 cm−1 horizontal source acceptance 60 mrad vertical source acceptance 40 mrad polarisation linearly horizontal/vertical circularly left and right handed spectrometer fourier transform spectrometer energy resolution 0.125 cm−1 focus size at sample di�raction limited free photon beam available yes fixed end station microscopes, spectrometers, ellipsometer table 1: technical data of the iris beamline. references abo-bakr, m., feikes, j., holldack, k., kuske, p., peatman, w. b., schade, u., . . . hübers, h.-w. (2003). brilliant, coherent far-infrared (thz) synchrotron radiation. phys. rev. lett., 90, 094801. gensch, m., korte, e., esser, n., schade, u., & hinrichs, k. (2006). microfocus-infrared synchrotron ellipsometer for mapping of ultra thin �lms. infrared physics & technology, 49(1–2), 74-77. peatman, w. b., & schade, u. (2001). a brilliant infrared light source at bessy. review of scienti�c instruments, 72(3), 1620-1624. schade, u., ortolani, m., & lee, j. (2007). technical report: thz experiments with coherent synchrotron radiation from bessy ii. synchrotron radiation news, 20(5), 17-24. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a95 (2016) schade, u., röseler, a., korte, e., scheer, m., & peatman, w. (2000). measured characteristics of infrared edge radiation from bessy ii. nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section a: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 455(2), 476 486. schade, u., röseler, a., korte, e. h., bartl, f., hofmann, k. p., noll, t., & peatman, w. b. (2002). new infrared spectroscopic beamline at bessy ii. review of scienti�c instruments, 73(3), 1568-1570. 5 introduction optical design beamline performance experimental stations technical data journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90 (2016) published: 16.11.2016 speem: the photoemission microscope at the dedicated microfocus pgm beamline ue49-pgma at bessy ii helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie * instrument scientists: dr. florian kronast, , helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 8062-14620, email: � dr. sergio valencia molina, helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie phone: +49 8062-15619, email: abstract: the ue49-pgma beamline hosts a photoemission electron microscope (peem) dedicated to spectromicroscopy and element-selective magnetic imaging on the nanometer scale. the instrument is an elmitec peem iii equipped with energy �lter and helium cooled manipulator. laser driven excitations can be studied using an attached ti:sa laser. a variety of customized sample holders is available for imaging in moderate magnetic / electric �eld, temperature control, or local laser excitations. with x-rays the instrument is capable of 30 nm spatial resolution. 1 introduction magnetic nanostructures are at the heart of modern data storage technology. typical dimensions of magnetic bits are in the sub-100 nm region. in addition novel magnetoelectronics devices such as magnetic random access memory junctions are operated on the sub-100 nm m scale. an understanding magnetic properties of such low-dimensional structures is only accessible to spectro-microscopy tools capable of appropriate lateral resolution. this goal is achieved by combining a photoemission microscope (speem) with a dedicated microfocus pgm beamline (ue49 pgm). high photon �ux in combination with full polarization control makes this setup the ideal tool for space resolved and element selective investigation of nanostructures by means of chemical maps (x-ray absorption spectroscopy (xas)) and magnetic imaging (x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (xmco) and x-ray magnetic linear dichroism (xmld)). *cite article as: helmholtz-zentrum berlin für materialien und energie. (2016). speem: the photoemission microscope at the dedicated microfocus pgm beamline ue49-pgma at bessy ii. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90. 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90 (2016) figure 1: photograph of the speem setup. 2 instrument application the particular strength of this instrument is the element speci�city and quantitative magnetic contrast at high spatial resolution in combination with a variable sample environment. the instrument has been equipped with a lhe cryostat for sample temperatures down to 45 k. special sample holders have been developed. some of them combine temperature control in a range from 45 k to 600 k with the application of magnetic �elds of up to 75 mt and a voltage applied to the sample during imaging (sandig et al., 2012). customized power supplies and a dedicated software control allows for special features, such as lens tracking during application of magnetic or electric �eld, on-the-�y data recording, sub kelvin temperature control and stabilization, or macro based data acquisition. a ti:sa laser system attached to the microscope can be used to study laser driven e�ects such as phase changes or magnetic switching. di�raction limited laser spot sizes can be reached with a dedicated sample holder (gierster, pape, et al., 2015). di�erent modes of operation are possible. imaging of secondary electrons allows for xas spectroscopy or magnetic imaging with xmcd or xmld contrast. due to an energy �lter also spatially resolved photo electron spectroscopy (xps) and even angle resolved photo emission spectroscopy (micro arpes) at kinetic energies of up to 1000 ev is possible. even depth resolved xps using the standing wave technique can be done (gray et al., 2010; kronast et al., 2008). at typical working conditions of the microscope the �eld of view is about 3 –10 µm and matches ideally with the x-ray spot size of 10x20 µm. the photon �ux provided by the 1200 l/mm grating allows electron count rates close to the space charging limit and is su�cient to optimize spatial resolution and collection e�ciency. frame rates of 1-3 s at 5 µm �eld of view are possible. some examples of typical applications are listed below: • chemical maps by xas and xps (fang et al., 2014; moreno et al., 2010) • magnetic domain imaging by xmcd and xmld (boeglin et al., 2009) • phasetransitions / temperature dependent measurements (ewerlin et al., 2013) • field dependent measurements (kronast et al., 2011) • micro-spectroscopy on nanostructures, magnetic responses and interactions, probing of core shell structures (kimling et al., 2011) • magnetic transport and spin torque (heyne et al., 2010) • magnetic/magnetoelectric coupling in thin �lms and multifoerroics (cheri� et al., 2010) 2 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90 (2016) • laser induced magnetic switching or phase changes (gierster, ünal, et al., 2015) • time-resolved magnetization dynamics (fs-laser pump, x-ray probe) (miguel et al., 2009) 3 source the insertion device is the elliptical undulator ue49 with the following parameters: type apple2 location l108 periode length 49 mm periods/pols 64 n minimal energy at 1,7 gev 91.2 ev minimal gap 16 mm polarisation linear variable 0° ... +90° elliptical, circular table 1: parameters of insertion device ue49. 4 optical design the ue49-pgma beamline is one of three branches at the ue49 insertion device, an apple ii-type undulator with full polarization control. for highest brilliance the ue49 is located in one of the low-beta sections of the bessy ii storage ring. a schematic layout of the ue49-pgma beamline is shown in figure 2. the beamline comprises �ve optical elements, four mirrors and one grating. the cylindrical mirror m1 and the toriodal mirror m3 serve as switching mirror units and distribute the beam to neighboring branches. m4 is an ellipsoidal refocussing mirror, optimized for high transmittance and small spot size. the x-ray spot on the sample is a de-magni�ed image of the exit slit. at an incidence angle of 74° and a slit opening of 200 µm the spot measures 20 µm in horizontal and 10 µm in vertical direction (fwhm). the beamline is equipped with a plane grating monochromator that covers an energy range from 80 to 1800 ev. with the �nest grating (1200 l/mm) a spectral resolution (e/∆e) of 10000 at 700 ev can be achieved. the photon �ux ranges from 1011 to 1013 ph/s/100 ma. a detailed �ux table for this grating is shown in figure 3. using di�erent gratings with a lower line density (600 l/mm and 300 l/mm) the photon �ux can be increased at the expense of spectral resolution. main parameters of the ue49-pgma beamline are summarized in table 1 and table 2. 3 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90 (2016) figure 2: optical layout of beamline ue49-pgma. figure 3: photon �ux measured with the 1200l/mm grating. 4 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90 (2016) 5 technical data speem microscope spatial resolution 25 nm energy analyzer e < 0.3 ev monochromator pgm azimuthrotation yes temperatur control 45 600 k electric and magnetic �eld max. 75 nt during imaging beamline monochromator pgm energy range 80 to 1800 ev energy resolution 10.000 at 700 ev spot size on sample 10 x 20 µm full polarization control yes fixed endstation yes preparationchamber evaporation fe, co, ni, al... ion sputtering sample storage in vacuum up to 6 pump laser 800 nm wavelength 300 nj max. pulse energy 80 fs pulse duration repetition rate variable from single pulse to 2.5 mhz table 2: technical parameters for the speem station and the ue49-pgma beamline references boeglin, c., ersen, o., pilard, m., speisser, v., & kronast, f. (2009). temperature dependence of magnetic coupling in ultrathin nio/fe3o4(001) �lms. phys. rev. b, 80, 035409. cheri�, r. o., ivanovskaya, v., phillips, l. c., zobelli, a., infante, i. c., jacquet, e., . . . bibes, m. (2010). electric-�eld control of magnetic order above room temperature. phys. rev. lett., 105, 187203. ewerlin, m., demirbas, d., brüssing, f., petracic, o., ünal, a. a., valencia, s., . . . zabel, h. (2013). magnetic dipole and higher pole interaction on a square lattice. phys. rev. lett., 110, 177209. fang, h., battaglia, c., carraro, c., nemsak, s., ozdol, b., kang, j. s., . . . javey, a. (2014). strong interlayer coupling in van der waals heterostructures built from single-layer chalcogenides. proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 111(17), 6198-6202. gierster, l., pape, l., ünal, a. a., & kronast, f. (2015). a sample holder with integrated laser optics for an elmitec photoemission electron microscope. review of scienti�c instruments, 86(2). 5 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a90 (2016) gierster, l., ünal, a., pape, l., radu, f., & kronast, f. (2015). laser induced magnetization switching in a tbfeco ferrimagnetic thin �lm: discerning the impact of dipolar �elds, laser heating and laser helicity by xpeem. ultramicroscopy, 159, part 3, 508 512. gray, a. x., kronast, f., papp, c., yang, s.-h., cramm, s., krug, i. p., . . . fadley, c. s. (2010). standingwave excited soft x-ray photoemission microscopy: application to co microdot magnetic arrays. applied physics letters, 97(6). heyne, l., rhensius, j., ilgaz, d., bisig, a., rüdiger, u., kläui, m., . . . kronast, f. (2010). direct determination of large spin-torque nonadiabaticity in vortex core dynamics. phys. rev. lett., 105, 187203. kimling, j., kronast, f., martens, s., böhnert, t., martens, m., herrero-albillos, j., . . . meier, g. (2011). photoemission electron microscopy of three-dimensional magnetization con�gurations in core-shell nanostructures. phys. rev. b, 84, 174406. kronast, f., friedenberger, n., ollefs, k., gliga, s., tati-bismaths, l., thies, r., . . . farle, m. (2011). element-speci�c magnetic hysteresis of individual 18 nm fe nanocubes. nano letters, 11(4), 17101715. kronast, f., ovsyannikov, r., kaiser, a., wiemann, c., yang, s.-h., bürgler, d. e., . . . fadley, c. s. (2008). depth-resolved soft x-ray photoelectron emission microscopy in nanostructures via standing-wave excited photoemission. applied physics letters, 93(24). miguel, j., sánchez-barriga, j., bayer, d., kurde, j., heitkamp, b., piantek, m., . . . kuch, w. (2009). timeresolved magnetization dynamics of cross-tie domain walls in permalloy microstructures. journal of physics: condensed matter, 21(49), 496001. moreno, c., munuera, c., valencia, s., kronast, f., obradors, x., & ocal, c. (2010). reversible resistive switching and multilevel recording in la0.7sr0.3mno3 thin �lms for low cost nonvolatile memories. nano letters, 10(10), 3828-3835. sandig, o., herrero-albillos, j., römer, f., friedenberger, n., kurde, j., noll, t., . . . kronast, f. (2012). imaging magnetic responses of nanomagnets by xpeem. journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 185(10), 365 370. 6 introduction instrument application source optical design technical data 1 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) published: 25.02.2016 tereno: german network of terrestrial environmental observatories forschungszentrum jülich, helmholtz centre for environmental research, karlsruhe institute of technology, helmholtz zentrum münchen, german aerospace center, german research centre for geosciences heye bogena, agrosphere institute, forschungszentrum jülich, phone: +49(0)2461616752, email: erik borg, german remote sensing data center, german aerospace center, phone: +49(0)3981480183, email: achim brauer, department geoarchives, german research centre for geosciences, phone: +49(0)3312881330, email: peter dietrich, helmholtz centre for environmental research, phone: +49(0)03412351281, email: irena hajnsek, microwaves and radar institute, german aerospace centre, phone: +49(0)8153282363, email: ingo heinrich, department geoarchives, german research centre for geosciences, phone: +49(0)33128828988, email: ralf kiese, institute of meteorology and climate research, karlsruhe institute of technology, phone: +49(0)8821183153, email: ralf kunkel, agrosphere institute, forschungszentrum jülich, phone: +49(0)2461613262, email: harald kunstmann, institute of meteorology and climate research, karlsruhe institute of technology, phone: +49(0)8821183208, email: bruno merz, department geoarchives, german research centre for geosciences, phone: +49(0)3312881500, email: eckart priesack, institute of biochemical plant pathology, helmholtz zentrum münchen, phone: +49(0)8931873354, email: thomas pütz, agrosphere institute, forschungszentrum jülich, phone: +49(0)2461616182, email: hans peter schmid, institute of meteorology and climate research, karlsruhe institute of technology, phone: +49(0)8821183100, email: ute wollschläger, helmholtz centre for environmental research, phone: +49(0)3412351995, email: harry vereecken, agrosphere institute, forschungszentrum jülich, phone: +49(0)2461614570, email: steffen zacharias, helmholtz centre for environmental research, phone: +49(0)3412351381, email: journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) 2 abstract: central elements of the tereno network are “terrestrial observatories” at the catchment scale which were selected in climate sensitive regions of germany for the regional analyses of climate change impacts. within these observatories small scale research facilities and test areas are placed in order to accomplish energy, water, carbon and nutrient process studies across the different compartments of the terrestrial environment. following a hierarchical scaling approach (point-plotfield) these detailed information and the gained knowledge will be transferred to the regional scale using integrated modelling approaches. furthermore, existing research stations are enhanced and embedded within the observatories. in addition, mobile measurement platforms enable monitoring of dynamic processes at the local scale up to the determination of spatial pattern at the regional scale are applied within tereno. 1 the aim of tereno the general aim of tereno is to conduct integrated and long-term observation studies of climate change and global change impacts on the terrestrial system across germany (bogena et al., 2012; zacharias et al., 2011). in the context of tereno a terrestrial system is defined as a system consisting of the subsurface environment (pedosphere and hydrosphere), the land surface including the biosphere, the lower atmosphere, and the anthroposphere. these systems are organized along a hierarchy of evolving spatial scales of structures ranging from the local scale (i.e. ~100 m²) to the regional scale (i.e. >1000 km²). furthermore, temporal scales ranging from directly observable periods (i.e. sub-hourly to several years) to long time scales (centennial to multi-millennial) derived from geoarchives are considered. with regard to the latter, tereno focuses on precisely dated and annually to sub-seasonally resolved synchronized long-term data from lake sediments and tree rings. from monitoring and process studies on climate and environmental signal transfer into these archives, novel transfer functions will be developed. data sets from these archives can then be generated for a direct calibration and verification against present-day instrumental data. the result will be a database of highest precision on the natural background variability of climate and landscape evolution for multi-millennial time scales. tereno combines observations with comprehensive larger scale experiments and integrated modeling to increase our understanding of the functioning of terrestrial systems and the complex interactions and feedback mechanisms among their different compartments. a geographically distributed framework combining monitoring with regionalization is mandatory for covering this range of spatial and temporal scales. thus the spatial scale of a terrestrial observatory ideally covers the landscape scale (>104 km²), in order to facilitate thorough descriptions of the given climatic gradients, terrestrial and atmospheric feedback, socioeconomic disparities, and demographic gradients. by combining observatories within germany, larger scale atmospheric feedbacks and impacts can be investigated, and thus a more pronounced general link to the atmospheric research community can be established. 2 the tereno observatories within tereno, four terrestrial observatories were selected because they represent typical landscapes in germany and other central european countries, which are predicted to be highly vulnerable to the effects of global and climate change (figure 1). furthermore, the four terrestrial observatories within these regions can be expected to most appropriately exhibit the dominant terrestrial processes and the different roles of groundwater, surface water, soils, and their links to the atmospheric boundary layer. all of the regions selected are either already affected by climate change or will probably react sensitively in the foreseeable future. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) 3 figure 1: map of germany, indicating the locations of the four selected tereno observatories, including the experimental catchments and research stations (zacharias et al., 2011). within the observatories research facilities and test areas of smaller scale are operated to accomplish detailed process studies. following a concept of hierarchical scales (point-plot-field) these detailed information will be transferred to the regional scale. furthermore, the equipment of existing research stations (e.g. dedelow, demmin, scheyern, bad lauchstädt) is expended and embedded within the observatories. mobile measurement platforms will be applied for both the monitoring of dynamic processes at the local scale as well as the determination of their spatial patterns at the regional scale. figure 2 shows a schematic view of a typical tereno observation platform composed of the following measurement systems (please refer to the references for more detailed information):  measuring systems for the determination of regional precipitation fields using weather radars (1) or densification of precipitation gauging networks (2), e.g. diederich et al. (2015)  micrometeorological eddy-covariance towers (3) for the determination of atmospheric parameter and fluxes of water vapor, energy and trace gases, see e.g. mauder et al. (2013) journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) 4  sensor networks (4) for determination of environmental parameter at high spatial and temporal resolution, e.g. rosenbaum et al. (2012), baatz et al. (2014)  monitoring systems for the quantification of water and solute discharge in surface waters and groundwater (5), see e.g. stockinger et al. (2014), weighable lysimeter systems (6) with controlled lower boundary and soil sensors at different soil depths, e.g. hannes et al. (2015)  ground-based and airborne remote sensing platforms, e.g. microwave radiometer (7), airborne campaigns (8), e.g. hasan et al. (2014), jagdhuber et al. (2015)  acquisition of satellite-borne data (9), e.g. montzka et al. (2013), rötzer et al. (2014)  geoarchiving systems (10), e.g. for lake proxy calibration (e.g. kienel et al. (2013)  monitoring systems for the quantification of hourly tree growth increments and water use (11), e.g. simard et al. (2014) figure 2: schematic view of a typical tereno observatory platform (see text for more information). additional to the remote sensing components and field components described above an information infrastructure is required to secure the functionality of the observatories. this infrastructure is characterized by a high degree of automation and operationalization. these supplementing systems of the tereno observatories are e.g.: automatic and operational processing chains to near-real-time derivation of value added information products based on in-situ-data (borg et al., 2014, sorg & kunkel, 2015) or based on earth observation data or remote sensing data (missling et al., 2014). 3 the tereno data infrastructure each tereno observatory is responsible for the organization and storage of its own data, but interlinked using standardized interfaces within a distributed data infrastructure (kunkel et al., 2013, koldiz et al., 2012). during instrumentation of the four terrestrial observatories, local data infrastructures were implemented by the tereno partners (figure 3). in situ sensor data processing is accomplished by integrated time series management systems, developed and implemented by the tereno consortium. persisting and archiving of the sensor data is accomplished within the data storage component of the infrastructure. data storage in the database and registration of the sensor 11 journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) 5 metadata both require an underlying data model for time series data. a comprehensive data model for time series data was developed to store environmental observations along with sufficient metadata in order to provide a traceable and complete data processing from raw measurements to usable information. an observation data model was developed to represent the processes of data recording, import and publication adequately. it contains several components, which allow for detailed characterization of the data values, sites and variables, used sensors, configuration of the individual input files, transformation and averaging procedures, responsible parties, sample specifications and publishing information (kunkel et al., 2013). almost all data are accessible freely as soon as quality assessment of the data was performed set. the corresponding services are accessible from the tereno data portal exclusively, since the tereno data policy requires notification of the responsible scientists about data downloads (see chapters 3.1 and 3.2) figure 3: the design of the tereno infrastructure for the distribution of the data 3.1 the data portal teodoor the data portal teodoor facilitates the online provision of tereno data. it is hosted by forschungszentrum jülich and can be accessed via (kunkel et al., 2013). teodoor uses common standards for the metadata description of datasets based on the inspire directive for spatial data infrastructures ( allowing for search throughout the entire data base. standard protocols for accessing the data (such as ogc web services, are used to guarantee compatibility to the related individual data infrastructures of the tereno partners. the teodoor portal allows versatile community access to data sources. property rights for different data levels are regulated. three different levels have been established for data acquired within the project: unevaluated data (level 1) cannot be accessed prior to quality assessment. quality controlled data (level 2) can be accessed directly. derived data products (level 3) can be accessed either directly or according to the directives of copyright holders, in case the data are copyright protected. algorithms for the automated journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) 6 processing to provide these data layers are currently under development. it is also planned to issue document object identifiers (doi) to datasets for unique referencing and citation purposes (klump & bertelmann, 2013). 3.2 data policy data governance and data stewardship programs, data architecture and data management programs are much more effective if they are supported by a directive concerning the data management policy. a data policy statement (tereno, 2015), required for data processing and data exchange, was developed in a common approach by all tereno partners. a main aspect of the data policy was the definition of the data ownership (intellectual property rights) and data access rights concerning the directives of funding organizations differentiated by types of digital resources, their process status, the data creator and the data source. as a rule, all data are freely accessible within the tereno community and accessible also to the public as soon as at least a first quality check was performed on the data and no other usage restrictions are existent, e.g. due to ongoing phd-studies or external copyright issues. 4 outreach tereno is closely linked to other environmental observatory networks (e.g. icos, czo, fluxnet, lter etc.) and other institutions (e.g. environmental agencies, universities). the infrastructures of tereno (sites, instruments, data management etc.) are used in several project collaborations with partners from universities and other research organizations. tereno is also engaged in research training (e.g. annual summer schools and technical courses) as well as in supporting scientific education of universities (e.g. accomplishment of field excursions). references baatz, r., bogena, h., hendricks-franssen, h.-j. , huisman, j.a., qu, w., montzka, c. & vereecken, h. (2014): calibration of a catchment scale cosmic-ray soil moisture network: a comparison of three different methods. journal of hydrology, 516, 231-244. bogena, h., kunkel, r., krüger, e., zacharias, s., pütz, t., schwank, m., . . . h. vereecken (2012): tereno – ein langfristiges beobachtungsnetzwerk für die terrestrische umweltforschung. hydrologie und wasserbewirtschaftung, 56(3), 138-143. borg, e., c. schiller, daedelow, h., fichtelmann, b., jahncke, d., renke, f., . . . asche, h. (2014): automated generation of value-added products for the validation of remote sensing information based on in-situ data. iccsa 2014, guimarães, portugal, jun. 30 – jul. 3, 2014, proc. part i, 8579. lncs, springer (eds. murgante et al.), 393-407. hhtp://dx.doi/10.1007/978-3-31909144-0 hannes, m., wollschläger, u., schrader, f., durner, w., gebler, s., pütz, t., . . . vogel, h.-j. 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(2015): an iterative generalized hybrid decomposition for soil moisture retrieval under vegetation cover using fully polarimetric sar. ieee journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, 8(8), 3911-3922. kienel, u., dulski, p., ott, f., lorenz, s. & brauer, a. (2013): recently induced anoxia leading to the preservation of seasonal laminae in two ne-german lakes. journal of paleolimnology, 50/4, 535544. klump, j. & bertelmann, r. (2013): forschungsdaten. in: kuhlen, r., semar, w., strauch, d. (eds.), grundlagen der praktischen information und dokumentation, de gruyter, pp. 575-583. kolditz, o., rink, k., shao, h., kalbacher, t., kunkel, r., zacharias, s. & dietrich, p. (2012): international viewpoint and news: data and modelling platforms in environmental earth sciences. environmental earth sciences, 67, 1859. kunkel, r., sorg, j., eckardt, r., kolditz, o., rink, k. & vereecken, h. (2013): teodoor: a distributed geodata infrastructure for terrestrial observation data. environmental earth sciences, 69, 507–521. mauder, m., cuntz, m., drüe, c., graf, a., rebmann, c., schmid, h.p. & steinbrecher, r. (2013): a strategy for quality and uncertainty assessment of long-term eddy-covariance measurements. agricultural and forest meteorology, 169, 122-135. missling, k.-d., borg, e., krafft, c., molch, k. & tegler, m. (2014): data management and long term archiving of remote sensing and in-situ data at dfd status and trends. tereno int. conference 2014, sep. 29th–oct. 2nd 2014, university of bonn, germany. montzka, c., bogena, h.r., weihermüller, l., jonard, f., bouzinac, c., kainulainen, j. & vereecken, h. (2013): brightness temperature and soil moisture validation at different scales during the smos validation campaign in the rur and erft catchments, germany. ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 51(3), 1728-1743. rosenbaum, u., bogena, h.r., herbst, m., huisman, j.a., peterson, t.j., weuthen, a. & vereecken, h. (2012): seasonal and event dynamics of spatial soil moisture patterns at the small catchment scale. water resources research., 48(10), rötzer, k., montzka, c., bogena, h., wagner, w., kidd, r. & vereecken, h. (2014): catchment scale validation of smos and ascat soil moisture products using hydrological modelling and temporal stability analysis. journal of hydrology., 519, 934-946. simard, s., blume, t., heidbüchel, i., heinrich, i., dreibrodt, j., güntner, a. & helle, g. (2015): interactions and feedbacks of a temperate lake ecosystem in ne germany. geophysical research abstracts, 17, egu2015-10912. sorg, j. & kunkel, r. (2015): conception and implementation of an ogc-compliant sensor observation service for a standardized access to raster data. isprs international journal of geoinformation, 2015, 4, 1076-1096. journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, a52 (2016) 8 stockinger, m., bogena, h., lücke, a., diekkrüger, b., weiler, m. & vereecken, h. (2014): seasonal soil moisture patterns control transit time distributions in a forested headwater catchment. water resources research, 50(6), 5270–5289. tereno (2015): tereno data policy. retrieved 20.11.2015, from data policy.pdf/ zacharias, s., bogena, h., samaniego, l., mauder, m., fuß, r., pütz, t. . . . vereecken, h. (2011): a network of terrestrial environmental observatories in germany. vadose zone journal, 10(3), 955973.