item: #1 of 99 id: lsf-100 author: Trapp, Marcus title: BioRef: The Reflectometer for Biological Applications (V18) at BER II date: 2016-12-02 words: 858 flesch: 42 summary: 1 Introduction BioRef is a time-of-�ight neutron re�ectometer with strong focus on soft matter applications, in par- ticular at solid–liquid interfaces in the context of biological model systems under physiological condi- tions, including non-equilibrium situations. The Re�ectometer for Biological Applications (V18) at BER II. keywords: a99; applications; bioref; ectometer; facilities;; instrument; journal; large; neutron; research; scale; situ; time; v18 cache: lsf-100.pdf plain text: lsf-100.txt item: #2 of 99 id: lsf-105 author: Kruth, Max; Meertens, Doris; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Helios NanoLab 460F1 FIB-SEM date: 2016-03-14 words: 772 flesch: 27 summary: FEI Helios NanoLab 460F1 FIB-SEM. 30 nm 5 Detectors • ETD – Everhart Thornley detector • TLD – through-the-lens detector • ICE – in-chamber electron • ICD – in-column detector • STEM 3+ – STEM detector (BF, DF, HAADF) • MD – mirror detector • CBS – retractable backscatter detector • CCD – charge-coupled detector • Nav-Cam – in-chamber navigation camera 6 Specimen Stages • Flipstage 3 with in situ STEM 3 detector • 5 axis all piezo motorised • 100 mm XY motion • IGT-Loadlock • Quick Loader 3 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A59 (2016) 7 MultiChem Gas Delivery System • Pt, C, W for deposition • TEOS for insulator deposition • keywords: 460f1; a59; centre; detector; facilities; fei; helios;; jülich; large; nanolab; preparation; research; resolution; scale; sem; system cache: lsf-105.pdf plain text: lsf-105.txt item: #3 of 99 id: lsf-106 author: Meertens, Doris; Kruth, Max; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Helios NanoLab 400S FIB-SEM date: 2016-03-14 words: 756 flesch: 28 summary: • Elstar in-lens BSE detector (TLD-BSE) • Everhardt-Thornley external SE-detector (ETD) • external secondary electron and secondary ion detector (CDEM) • retractable STEM detector BF/ DF / HAADF • electron or ion beam current measurement 6 Specimen Stages and Sample Loading • high precision 5-axis motorised stage • XY movements: 150 mm piezo-driven • Z movement: 10 mm motorised • tilt: -10° to +60° • rotation: n x 360° (endless) piezo-driven • FlipStageTM for integrated TEM sample preparation and STEM imaging • OmniprobeTM Its exclusive FlipStage™ and in situ STEM detector can �ip from sample preparation to STEM imaging in seconds without breaking vacuum or exposing the sample to the environment. keywords: 400s; centre; electron; facilities; fei; fib; helios; high;; imaging; ion; jülich; nanolab; preparation; research; sample; scale; sem; system cache: lsf-106.pdf plain text: lsf-106.txt item: #4 of 99 id: lsf-107 author: Prokes, Karel; Yokoachiya, Fabiano title: E4: The 2-Axis Diffractometer at BER II date: 2017-01-26 words: 975 flesch: 34 summary: 1 Introduction The instrument is primarily suited for magnetic structure determination under various conditions, which includes magnetic �elds up to 17 T, temperatures down to 30 mK and hydrostatic pressures up to 10 kbar. The instrument runs under the system CARESS; automatic control of temperature and magnetic �eld is provided. keywords: a104; berlin; energie; facilities; für; helmholtz;;; instrument; journal; large; magnetic; materialien; monochromator; phase; research; scale; und; zentrum cache: lsf-107.pdf plain text: lsf-107.txt item: #5 of 99 id: lsf-108 author: Kardjilov, Nikolay; Hilger, André; Manke, Ingo title: CONRAD-2: Cold Neutron Tomography and Radiography at BER II (V7) date: 2016-11-28 words: 1635 flesch: 41 summary: In-plane neutron radiography for studying the in�uence of surface treatment and design of cathode �ow �elds in direct methanol fuel cells. Three-dimensional imaging of magnetic �elds with polarized neutrons. keywords: a98; analysis; beam; berlin; cold; energie; facilities; für; hilger;;; imaging; instrument; journal; kardjilov; lab; large; manke; materialien; materials; neutron; research; resolution; scale; size; table; tomography; und; view cache: lsf-108.pdf plain text: lsf-108.txt item: #6 of 99 id: lsf-110 author: Hoffmann, Jens-Uwe; Reehuis, Manfred title: E2: The Flat-Cone Diffractometer at BER II date: 2018-03-19 words: 1986 flesch: 48 summary: 3 Typical Applications • Representation of complex distributions of superstructure re�ections in the reciprocal space us- ing the Flat-Cone technique (Chmielus et al., 2011) • Determination of commensurate and incommensurate crystal and magnetic structures (Inosov et al., 2009a) • Di�use scattering arising from structural and magnetic short-range order (Kaiser et al., 2009) • Temperature, magnetic and electric �eld, as well as pressure dependent changes of crystal and magnetic structures (Lottermoser et al., 2004) • Investigations of structural and magnetic phase transitions • In-situ kinetics of chemical reactions (Fahr et al., 2001) 3 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 4, A129 (2018) 4 Data analysis and formats All data sets are stored into the international standard �le format Nexus (Könnecke et al., 2015) for easy data exchanges and converting. 6.3 Magneto-caloric materials A new research focusses on shape memory alloys for room temperature magnetic cooling as well as frustrated and quantum magnets for low temperature e�ects (Ustinov et al., 2009). keywords: a129; angle; cone; crystal; data; detector; dimensional; facilities; flat; hohlwein;;; journal; large; magnetic; materials; powder; ractometer; range; reciprocal; research; sample; scale; scattering; sets; space; tvnexus cache: lsf-110.pdf plain text: lsf-110.txt item: #7 of 99 id: lsf-111 author: Prokhnenko, Oleksandr; Smeibidl, Peter; Stein, Wolf-Dieter; Bartkowiak, Maciej; Stüsser, Norbert title: HFM/EXED: The High Magnetic Field Facility for Neutron Scattering at BER II date: 2017-06-07 words: 2382 flesch: 44 summary: A specially designed horizontal continuous �ow 3He-sample-cryostat allows combining high �elds with temperatures as low as ~0.6 K. The vacuum container of the cryostat has the shape of the magnet cone (Figure 2b). The former is the main mode at the moment and is used to study single crystal and powder samples in high �elds. keywords: a115; berlin; bird; coil; detector; energie; exed; facilities; facility; field; figure; für; guide; helmholtz; hfm; high;; hybrid; instrument; journal; large; low; magnet; magnetic; materialien; neutron; range; research; sample; scale; scattering; section; smeibidl; system; technical; und; zentrum cache: lsf-111.pdf plain text: lsf-111.txt item: #8 of 99 id: lsf-112 author: Zizak, Ivo; Gaal, Peter title: The KMC-3 XPP beamline at BESSY II date: 2017-11-29 words: 1620 flesch: 51 summary: 2 Instrument Application The KMC3 beamline is rather versatile and may be used for di�erent experiments, including energy dispersive re�ectometry and di�ractometry. The optical concept incorporates two focusing/refocusing options, which can be used alternatively to provide a large �exibility in terms of desired focal size, energy resolution (Fig. 2) and photon �ux (Fig. 3) for di�erent experiments. keywords: a123; beam; beamline; berlin; energie; energy; experiments; facilities; focus; für;;; journal; kev; large; materialien; monochromatic; optical; raction; ray; research; sample; scale; size; source; und; white; xpp cache: lsf-112.pdf plain text: lsf-112.txt item: #9 of 99 id: lsf-113 author: Zizak, Ivo title: The mySpot beamline at BESSY II date: 2016-12-21 words: 1288 flesch: 47 summary: The second mirror has three di�erent coatings, which can be used to suppress the higher harmonics to ensure the beam purity for di�erent energy ranges. This versatile monochromator allows for di�erent exper- iments to be performed, choosing the photon �ux and energy band width as needed for experiment: Multilayer for �uorescence analysis and di�use scattering, Si (111) for di�raction and EXAFS, and Si (311) for high-resolution XANES experiments. keywords: beam; beamline; divergence; energy; erent; experiment; focusing;; large; mirror; monochromator; multilayer; myspot; optics; position; resolution; sample; second cache: lsf-113.pdf plain text: lsf-113.txt item: #10 of 99 id: lsf-122 author: Knake-Langhorst, Sascha; Gimm, Kay title: AIM Research Intersection: Instrument for traffic detection and behavior assessment for a complex urban intersection date: 2016-04-12 words: 1158 flesch: 41 summary: Published: 12.04.2016 AIM Research Intersection: Instrument for tra�c detection and behavior assessment for a complex urban intersection Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institute of Transportation Systems * Instrument Scientists: - Sascha Knake-Langhorst, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Braunschweig, Germany, phone +49 531 295-3474, email: - Kay Gimm, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Braunschweig, Germany, phone +49 531 295-3453, email: Abstract: The Research Intersection as part of Test �eld AIM (Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility) is a �eld instrument for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior for a complex urban intersection in the city of Braunschweig, Germany. It is an instrument for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior for a complex urban intersection. keywords: a65; aim; application; assessment; behavior; braunschweig; eld; facilities; figure; für;; instrument; intersection; journal; langhorst; large; mobility; research; scale; sensor; systems; tra cache: lsf-122.pdf plain text: lsf-122.txt item: #11 of 99 id: lsf-123 author: Knake-Langhorst, Sascha; Gimm, Kay title: AIM Mobile Traffic Acquisition: Instrument toolbox for detection and assessment of traffic behavior date: 2016-05-25 words: 1174 flesch: 45 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A74 (2016) Published: 25.05.2016 AIM Mobile Tra�c Acquisition: Instrument tool- box for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institute of Transportation Systems * Instrument Scientists: - Sascha Knake-Langhorst, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Braunschweig, Germany, phone +49 531 295-3474, email: - Kay Gimm, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Braunschweig, Germany, phone +49 531 295-3453, email: Abstract: The AIM Mobile Tra�c Acquisition as part of Test �eld AIM (Application Platform for Intel- ligent Mobility) are �eld instruments for detection and assessment of tra�c behavior based on a mobile and �exible architecture approach. Figure 3: Visualization of a railway crossing tra�c scene with augmented object information. keywords: acquisition; aim; behavior; braunschweig; detection; eld; facilities; figure; für;; journal; large; mobile; poles; research; scale; schnieder; sensor; tra cache: lsf-123.pdf plain text: lsf-123.txt item: #12 of 99 id: lsf-125 author: Torstrick, Sven; Kruse, Felix; Wiedemann, Martin title: EVo: Net Shape RTM Production Line date: 2016-04-18 words: 1819 flesch: 51 summary: Its thematic priority is the development of optimized, reliable, productive and, hence, also cost e�ective production processes. The focus is not only on production of large scale part geometries, but also on technologies that allow large production rates for smaller parts, such as typical frames of aircraft fuselages or automotive parts. keywords: a66; data; dlr; draping; evo; facilities; figure; für; handling;;; injection; journal; large; line; measurement; mold; net; parts; ply; preform; press; process; production; research; robot; rtm; scale; shape; sub; technical; trimming; zentrum cache: lsf-125.pdf plain text: lsf-125.txt item: #13 of 99 id: lsf-126 author: Boin, Mirko; Wimpory, Robert C. title: E3: Residual Stress Neutron Diffractometer at BER II date: 2016-12-08 words: 2946 flesch: 47 summary: Upgrade Activities on the E3 Residual Stress Neutron Di�ractometer. Rotatable multifunctional load frames for neutron di�ractometers at FRM II - design, speci�cations and appli- cations. keywords: a100; activities; analysis; applications; beam; berlin; boin; bragg; detector; engineering; facilities; figure; helmholtz; hkl;;; instrument; investigations; journal; large; lattice; load; materials; measurements; neutron; new; order; raction; ractometer; range; research; residual; sample; scale; scattering; strain; stress; stresses; table; texture; wavelength; wimpory; zentrum cache: lsf-126.pdf plain text: lsf-126.txt item: #14 of 99 id: lsf-127 author: Franz, Alexandra; Hoser, Andreas title: E9: The Fine Resolution Powder Diffractometer (FIREPOD) at BER II date: 2017-01-26 words: 957 flesch: 44 summary: 1 Introduction The Fine Resolution Powder Di�ractometer E9 (FIREPOD) is an angle-dispersive powder di�ractome- ter optimized for a �at resolution function with a minimum width of the re�ections at the 2Θ-region with the highest density of re�ections. Sample size 1 cm3 - 5 cm3 Detector Eight area detectors (300 mm x 300 mm) Oscillating radial collimator for background reduction Polarized neutrons No Instrument options Variable sample – detector distance for �ve of the individual area detectors Sample environment OS, OF, HTF, VM3, VM5, DEGAS, RTSC Software CARESS, BEAN Table 1: Technical parameters of E9. keywords: a103; berlin; data; detectors; facilities; high;;; journal; large; monochromator; powder; ractometer; research; resolution; sample; scale; scattering cache: lsf-127.pdf plain text: lsf-127.txt item: #15 of 99 id: lsf-130 author: Conze, Ronald title: Drilling Information System (DIS) and Core Scanner date: 2016-04-01 words: 2256 flesch: 48 summary: Most of these topics are public and therefore a big outreach issue (see also: • Project data In ICDP and IODP, project data are usually con�dential and under secure access for registered science team members only during a moratorium period. 4.4 Evaluation and Visualisation DIS does not provide speci�c tools for the evaluation or visualization of the data and images beside a few basic graphical logs such as for numerical measurements, sample spots, and the lithological col- umn. keywords: a63; applications; available; core; curationdis; data; dis; drilling; expeditiondis; facilities; geosciences; germany; gfz;;; icdp; information; journal; large; main; material; operations; policies; projects; repository; research; sample; scale; scanner; scienti; server; services; site; speci; storage; system; technical; tools; training; typical; web cache: lsf-130.pdf plain text: lsf-130.txt item: #16 of 99 id: lsf-131 author: Giese, Rüdiger; Jaksch, Katrin title: GFZ Underground Laboratory in the Research and Education Mine “Reiche Zeche” Freiberg date: 2016-05-09 words: 2097 flesch: 42 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A68 (2016) 4.2 Available downhole tools and infrastructure on-site • SPWD - laboratory prototype equipped with four magnetostrictive actuators and four three- component geophones (GS 14L9, 28 Hz) for the application in horizontal dry boreholes • SPWD - wireline prototype equipped with four magnetostrictive actuators and four three-component geophones for the application in vertical �uid-�lled boreholes • Two pneumatic impulse hammer sources for the application at tunnel surface • Magnetostrictive actuator sources for the application at tunnel surface • Seismic borehole receiver tool equipped with four three-component geophone receivers (GS 14L9, 28 Hz) and 1 m spacing for the application in horizontal dry boreholes • 30 three-component geophone (GS 14L3, 28 Hz) anchors installed in 1 m and 2 m deep steel ropes • winch with 100 m cable for downhole tool application in the vertical BH3 • two carriages equipped with hoisting cranes to transport and apply seismic surface sources on rails installed along the galleries • workshop including tools for mechanical and electrical services • two compressors • internet connection 4.3 Typical Applications and Services O�ered The GFZ Underground Laboratory is a test site for geophysical measurements, single- and cross-hole experiments or tunnel surface to borehole trials. The galleries are equipped with thirty 3-component geophone anchors installed in 1 m and 2 m depths for tomographic measurements or the recording of radiation pattern of seismic borehole sources. keywords: a68; application; boreholes; centre; component; experiments; facilities; galleries; geophone; geophysical; geosciences; german; gfz; giese; high; horizontal;; imaging; journal; krauß; laboratory; large; migration; research; resolution; rock; scale; seismic; sources; surface; technical; underground; vertical cache: lsf-131.pdf plain text: lsf-131.txt item: #17 of 99 id: lsf-132 author: Harms, Ulrich; Kück, Jochem title: Superdeep Tests and Experiments at 9.1 km and 4 km date: 2016-05-31 words: 1806 flesch: 46 summary: The strategy to migrate these data into a modern repository has been evaluated in a paper by Klump et al. (2015). 5 Typical Applications and Services Offered The KTB deep laboratory of the GFZ is a primary site for deep borehole geophysical measurements, cross-hole experiments or surface to borehole trials for geoscientific or technical methods and equipment under in-situ borehole conditions. Figure 1: upper left: Aerial photo of KTB site, lower left: sketch of design of the two boreholes and geological profile to the right. keywords: a75; accessible; available; borehole; cable; centre; data; deep; depth; drilling; experiments; facilities; fluid; geophysical; geosciences; german; gfz; high;;;; journal; ktb; large; mpa; pressure; reports; research; scale; temperature; tools cache: lsf-132.pdf plain text: lsf-132.txt item: #18 of 99 id: lsf-134 author: Wiedenbeck, Michael; Rocholl, Alexander; Trumbull, Robert; Couffignal, Frédéric title: SIMS Lab Potsdam: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Potsdam date: 2016-05-10 words: 1603 flesch: 36 summary: In cooperation with colleagues at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig and the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf we are developing a network of SIMS facilities which will be able to provide access to essentially all classes of SIMS instrumentation. SIMS Lab Potsdam: Secondary Ion Mass Spec- trometry Lab Potsdam. keywords: a71; analytical; cameca; centre; facilities; facility; geosciences; german; gfz; helmholtz; high;; instrument; instrumentation; ion; journal; laboratory; large; mass; phone; potsdam; precision; pro; range; ratio; research; resolution; sample; scale; sims; system; telegrafenberg cache: lsf-134.pdf plain text: lsf-134.txt item: #19 of 99 id: lsf-135 author: Schmidt, Christian title: Hydrothermal Laboratory date: 2016-06-28 words: 678 flesch: 41 summary: 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A78 (2016) Published: 28.06.2016 Hydrothermal Laboratory GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences  Contact person - Christian Schmidt, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany, phone: +49 331 288 1406, email: Abstract: The hydrothermal laboratory is equipped with horizontal and vertical cold-seal pressure vessels for the synthesis of crystals or glasses or to study interactions between minerals/rocks, melts, and fluids at hydrostatic conditions. Cite article as: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. keywords: capsule; centre; external; geosciences; german; gfz; hydrothermal; laboratory; large; line; mpa; pressure; research; seal cache: lsf-135.pdf plain text: lsf-135.txt item: #20 of 99 id: lsf-136 author: Matzka, Jürgen title: Geomagnetic Observatories date: 2016-08-09 words: 1600 flesch: 35 summary: A focus area for GFZ geomagnetic observatories is the South Atlantic Anomaly, i.e. the area from South America to South Africa that is characterised by low, and decreasing, geomagnetic �eld strength. Geomagnetic observatories are a versatile tool to study these currents and the associated processes in Earth and its surrounding space environment. keywords: a83; absolute; centre; chulliat; data; e.g.; earth; eld; facilities; geomagnetic; geomagnetic observatories; geophysics; geosciences; gfz;; institute; intermagnet; journal; large; matzka; nitive; observatories; observatory; research; scale; south; space; time cache: lsf-136.pdf plain text: lsf-136.txt item: #21 of 99 id: lsf-138 author: Luysberg, Martina; Heggen, Marc; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Tecnai G2 F20 date: 2016-06-13 words: 845 flesch: 46 summary: High angle energy dispersive X-ray detector with a resolution of 136 eV for Mn K-alpha radiation. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A77 (2016) 2 1 System Overview Figure 1: FEI Tecnai G2 F20 transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of FEI Company) 2 Typical Applications and Limitations of Use Since the FEI Tecnai G2 F20 is not equipped with any Cs corrector its resolution is limited to 2.4 Å in TEM mode (point to point resolution) and 1.9 Å in STEM mode. keywords: a77; centre; electron; energy; ernst; f20; facilities; fei; high;; journal; jülich; large; research; resolution; ruska; scale; stem; tem cache: lsf-138.pdf plain text: lsf-138.txt item: #22 of 99 id: lsf-139 author: Grabe, Martin title: STG-CT: High-vacuum plume test facility for chemical thrusters date: 2016-08-17 words: 1892 flesch: 51 summary: The latter two impinge- ment e�ects are discussed in a review article by Dettle� (1991). Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A86 (2016) Published: 17.08.2016 STG-CT: High-vacuum plume test facility for chemical thrusters Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology * Instrument Scientists: - Martin Grabe, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Göttingen, Germany, phone: +49(0) 551 709 2476, email: Abstract: The STG-CT, operated by the DLR Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology in Göt- tingen, is a vacuum facility speci�cally designed to provide and maintain a space-like vacuum environ- ment for researching plume �ow and plume impingement from satellite reaction control thrusters. keywords: a86; control; cooling; cryopump; dettle; facilities; facility; gas; helium; high;;; impingement; institute; investigation; journal; large; liquid; mbar; plume; pressure; reaction; research; scale; section; space; stg; table; technology; temperature; test; thrusters; vacuum cache: lsf-139.pdf plain text: lsf-139.txt item: #23 of 99 id: lsf-140 author: Stierle, Andreas; Keller, Thomas F.; Noei, Heshmat; Vonk, Vedran; Roehlsberger, Ralf title: DESY NanoLab date: 2016-06-09 words: 3672 flesch: 38 summary: One is dedicated to X-ray re�ec- tivity measurements, the other to surface sensitive X-ray di�raction in a variety of geometries. ROD: a program for surface X-ray crystallography. keywords: a76; access; afm; atomic; available; beam; chamber; characterization; chemical; complementary; desy; detector; ection; electron; elemental; experiments; facilities; figure; force; gas; hamburg; high;;; instrument; instrumentation; journal; large; lateral; magnetic; measurements; microscopy; nanolab; photon; preparation; pressure; raction; rairs; range; ray; research; resolution; sample; scale; scanning; scattering; sem; single; sources; speci; spectroscopy; stage; stm; surface; synchrotron; system; techniques; temperature; tunneling; uhv; ultra; vacuum; variable; xps cache: lsf-140.pdf plain text: lsf-140.txt item: #24 of 99 id: lsf-141 author: von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm; Wittmann, Hella; Schuessler, Jan A. title: HELGES: Helmholtz Laboratory for the Geochemistry of the Earth Surface date: 2016-08-15 words: 2442 flesch: 38 summary: The se- lective enrichment of meteoric cosmogenic nuclides is performed using similar clean laboratory meth- ods on �ne-grained sediment or soil samples by a sequential chemical leaching. This low labo- ratory background in 10Be, coupled to the possibility to measure sample ratios 10Be/9Be of 10−15 at the AMS, allows the routine preparation of samples from rapidly eroding settings (> 2 mm/yr) or having very young (< 100 years) exposure ages. keywords: a84; ablation; available; centre; clean; concentration; cosmogenic; earth; element; facilities; femtosecond; geochemistry; geosciences; german; gfz; helges;; icp; isotope; journal; laboratories; laboratory; large; laser; low; mass; measurements; metal; methods; nuclides; plasma; preparation; processes; research; samples; scale; sediment; spectrometer; stable; surface; system; thermo cache: lsf-141.pdf plain text: lsf-141.txt item: #25 of 99 id: lsf-142 author: Ovsyannikov, Ruslan; Lau, Tobias title: The variable polarization undulator beamline UE52 PGM nanocluster trap at BESSY II date: 2017-02-14 words: 1120 flesch: 47 summary: Because the focal point of the beamline is occupied by the permanently installed UE52 PGM Co- ESCA end station, UE52 PGM nanocluster trap beamline does not deliver a focused beam, but rather a medium-sized beam pro�le of 0.65 mm × 0.70 mm, with a low divergence of 0.06 mrad in the horizontal and 0.14 mrad in the vertical direction at 700 eV photon energy as shown in Figure 2. Published: 14.02.2017 The variable polarization undulator beamline UE52 PGM nanocluster trap at BESSY II Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie * Instrument Scientists: - Dr. Ruslan Ovsyannikov, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie phone: +49 30 8062-17965, email: - Dr. Tobias Lau, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie phone: +49 30 8062-14786, email: Abstract: UE52 PGM nanocluster trap is a soft x-ray beamline at BESSY II that delivers an unfocussed low-divergence beam of variable polarization. keywords: bayer; beamline; divergence; hirsch;; journal; langenberg; large; magnetic; nanocluster; pgm; polarization; trap; ue52; zamudio cache: lsf-142.pdf plain text: lsf-142.txt item: #26 of 99 id: lsf-143 author: Lau, Tobias title: The Nanocluster Trap endstation at BESSY II date: 2017-05-23 words: 840 flesch: 43 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, A113 (2017) Published: 23.05.2017 The Nanocluster Trap endstation at BESSY II Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie * Instrument Scientists: - Dr. Tobias Lau, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie phone: +49 30 8062-14786, email: Abstract: The Nanocluster Trap endstation at BESSY II combines a cryogenic linear radio-frequency ion trap with an applied magnetic �eld for x-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies of cold and size- selected trapped ions. The ion trap can also be combined with a variety of di�erent ion sources (e.g., electro- spray ionization (Egorov et al., 2015) or laser evaporation) because of a �exible interface to the �rst ion guide. keywords: bayer; endstation; hirsch;; ion; journal; langenberg; magnetic; nanocluster; trap; zamudio cache: lsf-143.pdf plain text: lsf-143.txt item: #27 of 99 id: lsf-147 author: Kaschwich, Claus; Wölfel, Lars title: Experimental vehicles FASCar®-II and FASCar®-E date: 2017-05-22 words: 1748 flesch: 47 summary: Experimental vehicles FASCar®-II and FASCar®-E. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 3, A111. FASCar®-E is developed for testing in real tra�c environment and it has a road approval. keywords: -ii; a111; assistance; control; driver; driving; facilities; fascar; figure; free; hmi;;; human; institute; interactive; interface; journal; large; lateral; longitudinal; new; project; research; scale; systems; test; transportation; vehicle cache: lsf-147.pdf plain text: lsf-147.txt item: #28 of 99 id: lsf-151 author: Köhler, Claas Henning title: Airborne Imaging Spectrometer HySpex date: 2016-11-18 words: 3022 flesch: 56 summary: 2 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A93 (2016) 2.1.1 HySpex VNIR-1600 The HySpex VNIR-1600 features a silicon CCD detector covering the spectral range 416 − 992 nm with 160 channels. The spectrometer system consists of two individual sensors: a HySpex VNIR-1600 covering the VNIR spectral domain and a SWIR-320m-e for the SWIR. keywords: a93; airborne; calibration; camera; data; detector; dlr; experimental; facilities; features; fov; frame; german; high;;; hyspex; ight; image; imaging; imf; imu; institute; journal; large; level; measurements; navigation; opairs; optical; pixels; processing; remote; research; resolution; satellite; scale; sensing; sensor; setup; spatial; spectral; spectrometer; swath; swir-320m; system; technology; track; vnir; vnir-1600; width cache: lsf-151.pdf plain text: lsf-151.txt item: #29 of 99 id: lsf-152 author: Wesche, Christine; Weller, Rolf; König-Langlo, Gert; Fromm, Tanja; Eckstaller, Alfons; Nixdorf, Uwe; Kohlberg, Eberhard title: Neumayer III and Kohnen Station in Antarctica operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute date: 2016-08-17 words: 2617 flesch: 48 summary: Once during a �eld season, a sledge traverse from Neumayer III Station supplies Kohnen Station with fuel, food and scienti�c equipment. 6 Neumayer III Station Long-term observatories at Neumayer III Station Other observatories near Neumayer III Station Kohnen Station European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Other activities at Kohnen Station keywords: air; alfred; antarctica; base; core; data; deep; drilling; dronning; email; epica; facilities; für; german; gernandt; helmholtz;; ice; iii; institut; journal; kohnen; kohnen station; land; large; long; maud; meeresforschung; network; neumayer; observatory; phone; polarund; polarund meeresforschung; project; research; scale; shelf; station; term; wegener; zentrum cache: lsf-152.pdf plain text: lsf-152.txt item: #30 of 99 id: lsf-153 author: Wesche, Christine; Steinhage, Daniel; Nixdorf, Uwe title: Polar aircraft Polar5 and Polar6 operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute date: 2016-09-07 words: 2134 flesch: 49 summary: For further reading on this topic please refer to Tetzla� et al. (2015). Helm et al. (2007) presented �rst results over the percolation zone in Greenland and compared ASIRAS measurements with data derived from laser scanning and single beam laser for validation. keywords: a87; airborne; aircraft; alfred; antarctica; atmospheric; awi; core; cryosat-2; deep; dromlan; dronning; facilities; figure; für; helmholtz;;; ice; institut; journal; land; large; maud; measurements; meeresforschung; polar5; polarund; radar; research; scale; scienti; site; steinhage; system; thickness; wegener; zentrum cache: lsf-153.pdf plain text: lsf-153.txt item: #31 of 99 id: lsf-154 author: Trapp, Marcus title: V6: The Reflectometer at BER II date: 2017-05-24 words: 797 flesch: 42 summary: The instrument is equipped with polariza- tion analysis for studies of magnetic thin �lms, also in external magnetic �elds and at low temperature. For solid samples the angle of incidence is varied by a precise tilting of the sample surface relative to the (�xed) collimated neutron beam. keywords: a114; facilities;;; instrument; interfaces; journal; large; liquid; magnetic; neutron; research; sample; scale; solid; steitz cache: lsf-154.pdf plain text: lsf-154.txt item: #32 of 99 id: lsf-160 author: Abegg, Friedrich; Linke, Peter title: Remotely Operated Vehicle “ROV KIEL 6000“ date: 2017-08-23 words: 3604 flesch: 56 summary: ROV KIEL 6000 has been deployed in numerous environments such as e.g. the shallow waters of the North Sea (McGinnis et al., 2014; Rovelli, 2014; von Deimling et al., 2011), at Mid-Ocean Ridges with hot and cold seeps (Perner et al., 2011, 2010), in the artic region close to Spitzbergen (Lehmenhecker & Wul�, 2012), various region of the Atlantic, Indian (Amon et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2015), and Paci�c Oceans (Schmidt et al., 2017). Figure 1: ROV KIEL 6000, a) front view of the vehicle on deck of RV SONNE, b) deployed with A-frame and LARS, c) underwater, d) using the ORION manipulator to sample a manganese nodule. keywords: a117; cable; cameras; container; data; deep; depth; dive; erent; facilities; footage; frame; für; geomar; guration; helmholtz; high;;; hydraulic; images; journal; kiel; large; lars; lift; manipulators; mid; mode; navigation; oor; operation; ozeanforschung; position; power; research; rov; rov kiel; sampling; scale; scienti; sensors; ship; software; surface; system; telemetry; tools; underwater; vehicle; vessel; video; water; weight; winch; zentrum cache: lsf-160.pdf plain text: lsf-160.txt item: #33 of 99 id: lsf-161 author: Link, Peter; Vezhlev, Egor; Mattauch, Stefan; Ofner, Andreas title: TREFF: Reflectometer and instrument component test beamline at MLZ date: 2017-11-22 words: 1175 flesch: 43 summary: Major applications are characterization and performance measurements of all kind of neutron detectors, di�raction measurements of the re�ectivity and mosaicity of monochroma- tor crystals and re�ectivity measurements ensuring quality control of supermirror coatings or even Neutron Depth Pro�ling measurements. The Be-�lter e�ectively scatters out neutrons with wavelength less than 4.05Å, thus serving here as �lter for the λ /2 = 2.37Å neutrons. keywords: beam; detector; email; facilities; garching; germany; heinz;; instrument; jülich; leibnitz; maier; mlz; neutron; phone; research; sample; scale; test; treff; zentrum cache: lsf-161.pdf plain text: lsf-161.txt item: #34 of 99 id: lsf-162 author: Abegg, Friedrich; Linke, Peter title: Remotely Operated Vehicle “ROV PHOCA“ date: 2017-08-23 words: 2944 flesch: 56 summary: 431 600 2115, email: Abstract: The remotely operated vehicle ROV PHOCA is a deep diving platform rated for water depths of 3000 meters. 1 Introduction ROV PHOCA was manufactured by sub-Atlantic / Forum Energy Technologies (Aberdeen, Scotland) and was delivered to GEOMAR, Kiel in December 2010. keywords: a118; bubble; cable; cameras; container; control; data; deep; depth; dive; facilities; für; geomar; helmholtz;;; images; imenco; journal; kiel; large; lars; lift; manipulators; mode; navigation; ozeanforschung; phoca; power; recovery; research; rov; rov phoca; scale; sensors; ship; software; surface; system; telemetry; tools; vehicle; vessels; video; water; weight; winch; zentrum cache: lsf-162.pdf plain text: lsf-162.txt item: #35 of 99 id: lsf-165 author: Schmidt-Aursch, Mechita Christa; Haberland, Christian title: DEPAS (Deutscher Geräte-Pool für amphibische Seismologie): German Instrument Pool for Amphibian Seismology date: 2017-11-27 words: 1976 flesch: 39 summary: Journal of large- scale research facilities, 3, A122. Similar technical parameters for onshore stations and OBS are particularly advantageous for achieving a mixed data set of comparable content and quality. keywords: a122; approx; auxiliary; centre; consumption; data; depas; depth; facilities; german; gfz; gps; helmholtz;; instrument; journal; large; loggers; max; obs; ocean; onshore; operating; pool; power; research; scale; seismic; seismometers; sensors; sps; stations; temperature; weight cache: lsf-165.pdf plain text: lsf-165.txt item: #36 of 99 id: lsf-169 author: Neumann, Andreas title: STG-ET: DLR Electric Propulsion Test Facility date: 2018-11-05 words: 1995 flesch: 54 summary: Like in other EP facilities the DLR vacuum chamber uses cryo pumps when running EP thrusters. The beam dump must successfully minimize the possible sputtering and pollution of components, and must be able to dump the heat flux generated by a wide range of EP thrusters including most powerful thrusters. keywords: a134; balance; beam; chamber; diagnostics; dlr; dump; electric; facilities; facility; figure; high;;; journal; large; low; neumann; plume; propulsion; pumping; research; scale; stg; system; target; test; testing; thruster; vacuum cache: lsf-169.pdf plain text: lsf-169.txt item: #37 of 99 id: lsf-173 author: Hagemeier, Björn title: HDF Cloud – Helmholtz Data Federation Cloud Resources at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre date: 2019-10-25 words: 2571 flesch: 51 summary: 5.2 Compute service – Nova The Nova compute service is available on 16 compute nodes, the API and other management services of the Nova suite of services are available on the three management nodes. This is the �rst time at JSC that additional services can be o�ered on e. g. simulation results. keywords: a137; access; association; available; centre; cloud; compute; data; disk; facilities; hdf; helmholtz;;; images; infrastructure; journal; jsc; jülich; large; management; network; nodes; openstack; ram; research; resources; scale; service; storage; supercomputing; system; users; virtual; vms cache: lsf-173.pdf plain text: lsf-173.txt item: #38 of 99 id: lsf-176 author: Schuck, Götz; Zisak, Ivo title: CryoEXAFS: X-ray absorption spectroscopy station with cryogenic or in-beam operando electrochemistry sample conditions at BESSY II date: 2020-11-05 words: 1664 flesch: 31 summary: For the in-situ setup, sample cells and a potentiostat for in- beam electrochemistry are available and typical applications are XAS experiments on electrode- deposited metal catalyst films in contact with electrolyte at room temperature (Figure 2b). Journal of large-scale research facilities, 6, A139 (2020) 2 range (liquid Helium cryostat) as well as under in-beam, operando electrochemistry conditions (materials in solution or deposited on surfaces, for example electrodes). keywords: beam; beamline; berlin; conditions; cryoexafs; cryogenic; data; dau; detectors; electrochemistry; energie; energy; experiments; facilities; fluorescence; für; helmholtz;; large; materialien; operando; range; rapid; ray; research; sample; scale; station; und; xas; zentrum cache: lsf-176.pdf plain text: lsf-176.txt item: #39 of 99 id: lsf-177 author: Wong, Deniz Po; Schulz, Christian; Bartkowiak, Maciej title: PEAXIS: A RIXS and XPS Endstation for Solid-State Quantum and Energy Materials at BESSY II date: 2021-07-08 words: 991 flesch: 34 summary: Sample size < 10 x 10 mm2, thickness ∼ 1.5 mm Sample 10 - 330 K (closed cycle refrigerator) Low-T manipulator (solid samples) environment 77 - 1000 K (with special holder) High-T manipulator (solid samples) 77 - 370 K Fluid cell (liquid samples) Journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, A140 (2021) Published: 08.07.2021 PEAXIS: A RIXS and XPS Endstation for Solid- State Quantum and Energy Materials at BESSY II Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie * Instrument Scientists: - Dr. Deniz Wong, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 30 8062-13485, email: - Dr. Christian Schulz, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 30 8062- 13485, email: - Dr. Maciej Bartkowiak, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 30 8062- 13485, email: Abstract: PEAXIS (Photo Electron Analysis and resonant X-ray Inelastic Spectroscopy) is a dedicated endstation installed at the beamline U41-PEAXIS that o�ers high resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy measurements with incident photon energies ranging from 180 – 1600 eV. The endstation combines two X-ray spectroscopic techniques, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering (RIXS), which are important for probing the electronic structure and local and collective excitations of solid-state materials. keywords: berlin; endstation; energie; facilities; für; helmholtz;; instrument; journal; materialien; materials; peaxis; ray; research; rixs; sample; scale; solid; und; xps; zentrum cache: lsf-177.pdf plain text: lsf-177.txt item: #40 of 99 id: lsf-19 author: Ostermann, Andreas; Schrader, Tobias title: BIODIFF: Diffractometer for large unit cells date: 2015-08-18 words: 772 flesch: 24 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A2 (2015) Published: 18.08.2015 BIODIFF: Di�ractometer for large unit cells Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Technische Universität München Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science Instrument Scientists: - Andreas Ostermann, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14702, email: - Tobias E. Schrader, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10743, email: Abstract: The single crystal di�ractometer BIODIFF, which is jointly operated by the Technische Uni- versität München and JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jülich, is designed to handle crystals with large unit cells and is dedicated to the structure determination of biological macromolecules. 2 Typical Applications The main �eld of application is the neutron structure analysis of proteins, especially the determination of hydrogen atom positions. keywords: beam; biodiff; detector; facilities;; hydrogen; jülich; large; main; neutron; proteins; research; sample; scale; wavelength; zentrum cache: lsf-19.pdf plain text: lsf-19.txt item: #41 of 99 id: lsf-20 author: Meven, Martin; Sazonov, Andrew title: HEiDi: Single crystal diffractometer at hot source date: 2015-08-18 words: 613 flesch: -3 summary: 2 Applications (in general) • Structure analysis • Hydrogen bonds • Static and dynamic disorder • Harmonic and anharmonic mean square displacements • Twinning • Magnetic structure and order • Structural and magnetic phase transitions • Incommensurate structures 3 Applications (in detail) • Studies of atomic positions and bond distances in compounds with heavy and light elements or elements of similar electron shells • Temperature dependent studies for determination of phase transitions • Studies of order – disorder phase transitions, e.g. H bonds by determination of anisotropic mean square displacements using large Q range up to sin(Θ)/λ > 1 • Structure determination of compounds with highly absorbing elements (Gd, Sm, Cd, Dy) with short wavelengths • Studies on magnetic phase transitions and T dependencies (ferri, ferro and antiferro magnets, multiferroics) • Studies on HT superconductors (e.g. cuprates, FeAs pnictides) • Sample characterisation by pro�le analysis • Determination of sample orientation, e.g. for preparation of experiments on three axes instru- ments • Presentation of fundamentals of crystallography and structure analysis for education 2 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A7 (2015) Figure 2: Schematic drawing of HEiDi. Single crystal di�ractometer at hot source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Crystallography Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science Instrument Scientists: - Martin Meven, Institut für Kristallographie, RWTH Aachen and Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) keywords: aachen; compounds; e.g.; facilities; heidi;; jülich; large; magnetic; research; rwth; scale; studies cache: lsf-20.pdf plain text: lsf-20.txt item: #42 of 99 id: lsf-21 author: Georgii, Robert; Seemann, Klaus title: MIRA: Dual wavelength band instrument date: 2015-08-18 words: 685 flesch: 42 summary: 2 Typical Applications • Dynamics of magentic excitations • Determination of magnetic structures, especially large scale structures, i.e. helical spin density waves or magnetic lattices • Quasi-elastic measurements in magnetic �elds with high resolution • Determination of structures and dynamics in extreme environments, like pressure • Determination of layer thickness of �lms, for instance in polymer physics • Re�ectometry from magnetic multilayers • Polarisation analysis 3 Technical Data 3.1 MIRA-1 3.1.1 Primary beam • Neutron guide: NL6-N • Dimensions: 10 x 120 mm2 (width x height) • 3.1.4 Analyzer • 2 cavities • 2 bender • 3He-spin �lter 3.1.5 Detector • 20 x 20 cm2 2-D PSD with 1 x 2 mm2 resolution • 1 inch 3He �nger detector • 20 x 20 cm2 2-D PSD, time resolution < 1 ps 3.2 MIRA-2 3.2.1 Primary beam • Neutron guide: NL6-S • Dimensions: 60 x 120 mm2 (width x height) • Coating: sides m = 2.0, top/bottom m keywords: detector;; instrument; large; mira-2; neutron; resolution; sample; scale cache: lsf-21.pdf plain text: lsf-21.txt item: #43 of 99 id: lsf-23 author: Pedersen, Bjørn title: RESI: Thermal neutron single crystal diffractometer date: 2015-08-18 words: 815 flesch: 37 summary: • Partially crystalline compounds, like �bre structures, show a speci�c scattering, which is highly anisotropic and continously distributed in the reciprocal space. • Modulated structures show satellite re�ections at “incommensurable” positions. keywords: analysis; crystals; facilities; guide;; large; münchen; reciprocal; research; resi; sample; scale; scattering; single; space; universität cache: lsf-23.pdf plain text: lsf-23.txt item: #44 of 99 id: lsf-24 author: Hoelzel, Markus; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Dolotko, Oleksandr title: SPODI: High resolution powder diffractometer date: 2015-08-18 words: 742 flesch: 23 summary: The two-dimensional raw data are evaluated to provide di�raction patterns corresponding to di�erent detector heights ranging from 10 mm to 300 mm and variable detector height, accounting for vertical beam divergence e�ects. A potentiostat for charg- ing/discharging of Lithium ion batteries is available as well as a device to apply high electric �elds on ferroelectrics. keywords: detector; facilities; heinz; high;; leibnitz; maier; münchen; research; sample; scale; spodi; technische; technische universität; universität; universität münchen; zentrum cache: lsf-24.pdf plain text: lsf-24.txt item: #45 of 99 id: lsf-25 author: Hofmann, Michael; Gan, Weimin; Rebelo-Kornmeier, Joana title: STRESS-SPEC: Materials science diffractometer date: 2015-08-18 words: 936 flesch: 33 summary: STRESS-SPEC, the materials science di�ractometer, which is jointly operated by the Technische Universität München, the Institute of Ma- terials Science and Engineering, Technische Universität Clausthal and by GEMS, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, is located at the thermal beam port SR-3 of the FRM II and can easily be con�gured either for texture analysis or strain measurements. o�ers more �exibility than an Eulerian cradle and can be also used as automatic sample changer for texture measurements (Randau et al., 2015). keywords: hofmann;; journal; materials; measurements; neutron; ractometer; research; sample; science; slit; spec; strain; stress; technische; texture; universität; zentrum cache: lsf-25.pdf plain text: lsf-25.txt item: #46 of 99 id: lsf-26 author: Frielinghaus, Henrich; Feoktystov, Artem; Berts, Ida; Mangiapia, Gaetano title: KWS-1: Small-angle scattering diffractometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 925 flesch: 32 summary: • Sample holders: 9 horizontal x 3 vertical (temperature controlled) for standard Hellma cells 404-QX and 110-QX • Oil & water thermostats (range -40 °C – 250 °C), electric thermostat (RT – 200 °C) • 8-positions thermostated (Peltier) sample holder (-40 °C – 150 °C) • Magnet (horizontal, vertical) • Cryostat with sapphire windows • High temperature furnace • Pressure cells (500 bar, 2000 bar, 5000 bar) 4 Technical Data 4.1 Overall performance • Q = 0.0007 – 0.5 Å-1 • Maximal �ux: 1.5 · 108 n cm-2 s-1 • Typical �ux: 8 · 106 n cm-2 s-1 (collimation 8 m, aperture 30 x 30 mm2, λ = 7 Å) 4.2 Velocity selector • Dornier, FWHM 10 %, λ = 4.5 Å – 12 Å, 20 Å 4.3 Chopper • For TOF-wavelength analysis, FWHM 1 % 4.4 Polariser • Cavity with V-shaped supermirror, all wavelengths • Polarisation better 90 %, typical 95 % 4.5 Spin-�ipper • Radio-Frequency spin �ip probability better than 99.8 % 3 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A28 (2015) 4.6 Active apertures • 2 m, 4 m, 8 m, 14 m, 20 m 4.7 Aperture sizes • Rectangular 1 x 1 mm2 – 50 x 50 mm2 4.8 Sample aperture • Rectangular 1 x 1 mm2 – 50 x 50 mm2 4.9 Neutron lenses • MgF2, diameter 50 mm, curvature 20 mm • Packs with 4, 6, 16 lenses 4.10 Sample stage • Hexapod, resolution better than 0.01°, 0.01 mm 4.11 Detector 1 • Detection range: continuous 1.5 m – 20 m • 6Li-Scintillator 1 mm thickness + photomultiplier • E�ciency better than 95 % • Spatial resolution 5.3 x 5.3 mm2, • 128 x 128 channels • Max. countrate 0.6 MHz (τ dead = 0.64 µs) References Feoktystov, A. V., Frielinghaus, H., Di, Z., Jaksch, S., Pipich, V., Appavou, M.-S., . . . The scienti�c background of KWS-1 is placed in magnetic thin �lms. keywords: centre; forschungszentrum; forschungszentrum jülich; garching; germany; gmbh; heinz;; jcns; jülich; leibnitz; maier; neutron; polarisation; resolution; sample; scattering; science cache: lsf-26.pdf plain text: lsf-26.txt item: #47 of 99 id: lsf-28 author: Pipich, Vitaliy; Fu, Zhendong title: KWS-3: Very small angle scattering diffractometer with focusing mirror date: 2015-08-19 words: 786 flesch: 31 summary: High-�ux bridge between Bonse-Hart and conventional SANS di�ractometers • Colloid science: mixtures of particles, particles of micron size, silicon macropore arrays • Materials science: �lled polymers, cements, microporous media • Owing to its extended Q range, optimized �ux, and good wavelength resolution, KWS-3 has shown good performance and has become scienti�cally productive to the user community. keywords: distance; forschungszentrum;; instrument; jülich; mm2; neutron; range; resolution; sample; scale; scattering; science; small; å-1 cache: lsf-28.pdf plain text: lsf-28.txt item: #48 of 99 id: lsf-29 author: Mattauch, Stefan; Koutsioubas, Alexandros; Pütter, Sabine title: MARIA: Magnetic reflectometer with high incident angle date: 2015-08-18 words: 1050 flesch: 31 summary: Besides the described cryogenic temperatures and magnetic �elds MARIA can provide users with a fully equipped Oxid-MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy).The typical sample sizes are 10 × 10 mm2 and as targets we can provide Al, Cr, Pr, Fe, La, Nb, Ag, Nd, Tb, Sr, Mn, Ti and Co. 4 Technical Data 4.1 Primary beam • Neutron guide NL5-N: vertically focussing elliptic guide • Monochromator: Velocity selector • Wavelength: 4.5 Å – 10 Å (polarised) 4.5 Å – 40 Å (unpolarised) • Beside this standard setup the complete sample environment of the JCNS can be adopted to MARIA so that magnetic �elds up to 5 T and temperatures from 50 mK to 500 K are available. keywords: beam; centre; forschungszentrum; heinz; heinz maier;; jülich; lateral; leibnitz; leibnitz zentrum; magnetic; maier; maria; neutron; sample; scale; science; structures cache: lsf-29.pdf plain text: lsf-29.txt item: #49 of 99 id: lsf-30 author: Khaydukov, Yury; Soltwedel, Olaf; Keller, Thomas title: NREX: Neutron reflectometer with X-ray option date: 2015-12-21 words: 770 flesch: 36 summary: 3 Sample Environment A closed cycle crystat (down to 3.5 K) and an electromagnet for �elds up to 0.5 T applicable in all three space-directions with restrictions in �eld strength are provided. Trans- mittance supermirrors m = 3.5 with a polarising e�ciency of P = 99 % and keywords: detector; garching; germany; heinz;; institute; leibnitz; maier; max; mlz; planck; research; sample; solid; solid state; state; zentrum cache: lsf-30.pdf plain text: lsf-30.txt item: #50 of 99 id: lsf-31 author: Moulin, Jean-François; Haese, Martin title: REFSANS: Reflectometer and evanescent wave small angle neutron spectrometer date: 2015-08-18 words: 911 flesch: 28 summary: Characterisation of polymer thin �lm structure and their swelling behaviour in presence of var- ious vapors • Biological systems such as solid or liquid supported membranes (e.g determination of the mor- phology and localisation of proteins at interfaces) • Metallic multilayers (e.g magnetically active �lms) • Coatings GISANS complements these measurements and has been successfully applied to polymer thin �lms (lateral correlations e.g in dewetted systems, detection and identi�cation of polymer lamellae in immis- cible blends or semicristalline systems), composites, nanopatterned metallic surfaces for which Bragg truncation rods have been reconstructed. In all other cases the detector can be placed at any distance 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A9 (2015) Figure 1: Instrument REFSANS (Copyright by W. Schürmann, TUM). between 1.5 m and 12 m from the sample, thereby making it easy to control the explored angular range and optimise the resolution/ background intensity trade-o�. 2 Typical Applications The TOF re�ectometry and GISANS techniques can be used to characterise thin �lms in general. keywords: centre; detector; ectometry; geesthacht; gisans; heinz; helmholtz;; leibnitz; maier; range; refsans; sample; science; tof; typical; zentrum; zentrum geesthacht cache: lsf-31.pdf plain text: lsf-31.txt item: #51 of 99 id: lsf-32 author: Heinemann, André; Mühlbauer, Sebastian title: SANS-1: Small angle neutron scattering date: 2015-08-18 words: 965 flesch: 32 summary: Q < 1 Å-1 with primary detector • Qmin= 0.0001 Å-1 with secondary high resolution detector 4.6 Detectors • Primary detector: Array of 128 3He position sensitive tubes with an active area of 1000 x 1020 mm2 and 8 mm resolution. Lateral detector movement up to 0.5 m, counting rate capability up 1 MHz. keywords: a10; collimation; detector; facilities; guide; high;; instrument; journal; large; materials; neutron; primary; research; resolution; sample; sans-1; scattering; system; zentrum cache: lsf-32.pdf plain text: lsf-32.txt item: #52 of 99 id: lsf-33 author: Su, Yixi; Nemkovskiy, Kirill; Demirdiş, Sultan title: DNS: Diffuse scattering neutron time-of-flight spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 924 flesch: 22 summary: It has also been well demonstrated that polarised powder di�raction on DNS is complementary to standard neutron powder di�raction and may be extremely useful for magnetic structure re�nements, particularly in case of small moments by improving the signal to background ratio. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A27 (2015) Published: 19.08.2015 DNS: Di�use scattering neutron time-of-�ight spectrometer Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science Instrument Scientists: - Yixi Su, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10740, email: - Kirill Nemkovskiy, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10779, email: - Sultan Demirdiş, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 10717, email: Abstract: DNS is a versatile di�use scattering instrument with polarisation analysis operated by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, outstation at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ). keywords: centre; dns; forschungszentrum; heinz;; jülich; large; leibnitz; maier; mev; mlz; neutron; polarised; scattering; science; spin; zentrum cache: lsf-33.pdf plain text: lsf-33.txt item: #53 of 99 id: lsf-34 author: Holderer, Olaf; Ivanova, Oxana title: J-NSE: Neutron spin echo spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 974 flesch: 42 summary: The principles of neutron spin echo. By using the spin precession of polarized neutrons in magnetic �eld one can measure tiny velocity changes of the individual neutron during the scatter- ing process. keywords: echo; eld; facilities; forschungszentrum; heinz;; instrument; jülich; large; leibnitz; maier; neutron; nse; research; sample; scattering; spectrometer; spin; time; zentrum cache: lsf-34.pdf plain text: lsf-34.txt item: #54 of 99 id: lsf-35 author: Schneidewind, Astrid; Čermák, Petr title: PANDA: Cold three axes spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 722 flesch: 39 summary: T < 300 K) • Dilution insert (50 mK < T < 1 K) Vertical magnetic �eld: • Cryomagnet V5T Hmax = 5 T (1.5 K < T < 100 K) • Closed-cycle magnet V7.5T Hmax = 7.5 T �eld at low and high temperatures available 3He and dilution inserts available 2 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A12 (2015) With dedicated sample environments for strong magnetic �elds and very low temperatures, PANDA is ideally suited for the studies of magnetism and superconductivity on single crystals. keywords: facilities; high;; jülich; large; low; neutron; panda; sample; å-1 cache: lsf-35.pdf plain text: lsf-35.txt item: #55 of 99 id: lsf-36 author: Sobolev, Oleg; Park, Jitae T. title: PUMA: Thermal three axes spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 891 flesch: 34 summary: 2Θ < 120° (dependent on monochromator take-o� angle) • α 1: 20’, 40’, 60’ α 2: 14’, 20’, 24’, 30’, 45’, 60’ • Manually changeable: α 3: 10’, 20’, 30’, 45’, 60’ α 4: 10’, 30’, 45’, 60’ 4.4 Monochromators • Crystals: PG(002), Cu(220), Cu(111), Ge(311), size: 260 x 162 mm2; • Focus vertically and horizontally adaptable to incident energy 4.5 Analyzer • Crystals : PG(002), Ge(311); 210 x 150 mm2 vertical �xed focus horizontally adaptable to incident energy 4.6 Sample table • Diameter 800 mm • Max. load 900 kg • Amagnetic goniometer (± 15°) • Z translation (± 20 mm) • Optional Eulerian cradle 4.7 Main parameters • Monochromator take-o� angle: -15° < keywords: a13; analyzer; angle; beam; energy; facilities;; instrument; journal; large; monochromator; puma; research; sample; scale; time; universität cache: lsf-36.pdf plain text: lsf-36.txt item: #56 of 99 id: lsf-37 author: Franz, Christian; Schröder, Thorsten title: RESEDA: Resonance spin echo spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 787 flesch: 34 summary: There- fore, the MIEZE method enables high-resolution study of depolarising samples, under magnetic �eld and/ or within depolarising sample environments. 2 Typical Applications • Quasi-elastic measurements: e.g. to determine the dynamics of water in porous media, polymer melts, di�usion processes in ionic liquids as well as magnetic �uctuations in single crystals, powder samples and thin �lms • (Polarised) Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS): e.g. to investigate the di�raction pattern of magnetic structures and vortex lattices to choose suited re�ections for a line-width determination • Spherical polarisation analysis 3 Sample Environment At RESEDA the whole sample environment of the MLZ is applicable. keywords: analysis; depolarising; experiments;; mieze; neutron; range; reseda; sample; scattering; schmidt; spectrometer; spin; technische; time cache: lsf-37.pdf plain text: lsf-37.txt item: #57 of 99 id: lsf-38 author: Zamponi, Michaela; Khaneft, Marina title: SPHERES: Backscattering spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 909 flesch: 38 summary: The new designed chopper will be more e�cient due to optimised rotation speed and higher re�ectivity and mosaicity of the graphite crystals. Another gain in �ux will be achieved by a more e�cient phase-space transform chopper which is in the commissioning phase. keywords: backscattering; chopper; crystals; energy; facilities; forschungszentrum; high;; journal; jülich; large; leibnitz; neutron; phase; research; resolution; scale; spectrometer; spheres; wuttke cache: lsf-38.pdf plain text: lsf-38.txt item: #58 of 99 id: lsf-40 author: Lohstroh, Wiebke; Evenson, Zachary title: TOFTOF: Cold neutron time-of-flight spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 838 flesch: 32 summary: Clamp pressure cells (few GPa) 4 Technical Data 4.1 Primary beam • Neutron guide: NL2a-u • Number of chopper discs: 7 • Chopper frequency range: 400 min-1 – 22000 min-1 • Diameter of chopper disc: 600 mm • Cross section of neutron guide at the entrance: 44 x 100 mm2 • Cross section of neutron guide, 20 cm in front of sample position: 23 x 47 mm2 • Cross section of focussing guide: minimal 12 x 25 mm2 4.2 Main Parameters • Adjustable range of incident neutrons: 1.4 – 16 Å • Elastic energy resolution: 2 µeV – 3 meV • Range of energy transfers: -30 meV – 50 meV • Integral neutron �ux of the white beam at sample position: 1010 n cm-2 s-1 • Angular range of the detector bank: -15° to -7° and 7° to 140° 3 Introduction Typical Applications Sample Environment Technical Data Primary beam Main Parameters It is perfectly suited for both inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering and scienti�c topics include e.g.: • Di�usion in liquid metals and alloys • Hydrogen dynamics in soft matter systems such as molecular liquids, polymer melts or colloids • Molecular magnetism, quantum criticality in heavy fermion compounds, low energy excitations in multiferroic materials and novel magnetic phases • Dynamic properties of energy storage materials, such as solid state hydrogen storage materials, electrolytes for batteries and fuel cells, or gas storage materials • Energy-resolved quasi-elastic neutron scattering on proteins, vesicles, and biological materials • Kinetic studies of hydrogen binding, keywords: beam; chopper; detector; energy; figure; guide; high;; materials; mm2; münchen; neutron; range; resolution; sample; section; technische; toftof; universität cache: lsf-40.pdf plain text: lsf-40.txt item: #59 of 99 id: lsf-41 author: Keller, Thomas; Keimer, Bernhard title: TRISP: Three axes spin echo spectrometer date: 2015-12-18 words: 441 flesch: 21 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A37 (2015) Published: 18.12.2015 TRISP: Three axes spin echo spectrometer Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Instrument Scientists: - Thomas Keller, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 12164, email: - Bernhard Keimer, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany, phone: +49(0) 711 689 1650, email: Abstract: TRISP, operated by the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, is a high-resolution neutron spectrometer combining the three axes and neutron resonance spin echo (NRSE) techniques. ki < 7.0 Å-1 • Velocity selector Astrium type, as higher order wavelengths �lter 4.2 Monochromator • PG(002) or (004) variable focussing horizontal and vertical 4.3 Analyzer • PG(002) variable horizontal focussing • Heusler (111) (polarised neutrons) variable horizontal focussing 4.4 Spin echo • Resonance spin echo, enclosed by mu-metal magnetic screen. keywords: echo;; institute; max; planck; research; resolution; solid; spin; state; trisp cache: lsf-41.pdf plain text: lsf-41.txt item: #60 of 99 id: lsf-42 author: Schulz, Michael; Schillinger, Burkhard title: ANTARES: Cold neutron radiography and tomography facility date: 2015-08-19 words: 965 flesch: 26 summary: Based on a pinhole camera principle with a variable collimator located close to the beam port, the facility provides the possibility for �exible use in high resolution and high �ux imaging. Capacity: 500 kg • Travel: x = 800 mm, y = 600 mm • Rotation table: 360° rotation • additional high precision 5-axes HUBER table for small samples (< 10 kg) 3 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A17 (2015) 4.4 Detection systems • various detection systems with spatial resolutions as good as 30 µm • Camera box with mirror and scintillation screens of di�erent sizes from 6 x 6 cm2 to 40 x 40 cm2, screen thickness from 10 µm to 200 µm, plus X-ray screens • Standard detector: ANDOR cooled CCD camera, 2048 x 2048 pixels, 16 bit • Fast cooled scienti�c CMOS camera: ANDOR Neo 2560 x 2160 pixels, 16 bit, up to 50 fps full frame • Intensi�ed triggerable iStar ANDOR cooled CCD camera, 1024 x 1024 pixels, 16 bit • Intensi�ed NTSC video camera (30 fps) with analog frame grabber, MPEG-2 and DivX recording • DürrDental Image Plate scanner for arbitrary imaging plates, focus size 12.5 – 100 µm • Fuji BAS 2500 Image Plate scanner, focus size 25 – 100 µm • X-ray and neutron imaging plates • MAR345 image plate detector, 345 mm diameter, N-sensitive image plate 4 Introduction Typical Applications Sample Environment Technical Data Collimation and flux at the sample position 6 Neutron beam optics (optional) Sample table Detection systems keywords: a17; antares; beam; camera; detection; facilities; high;; imaging; large; münchen; neutron; ray; research; sample; scale; size; technische; technische universität; universität; universität münchen cache: lsf-42.pdf plain text: lsf-42.txt item: #61 of 99 id: lsf-43 author: Genreith, Christoph title: MEDAPP: Fission neutron beam for science, medicine, and industry date: 2015-08-19 words: 549 flesch: 27 summary: Due to their energy spectrum, fast reactor neutrons have the highest biological e�ectiveness of clinical neutron beams used in cancer treatment, comparable only to the e�ectiveness of heavy ions. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A18 (2015) Published: 19.08.2015 MEDAPP: Fission neutron beam for science, medicine, and industry Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Technische Universität München Instrument Scientists: - Christoph Genreith, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14756, email: Abstract: The instrument MEDAPP (Medical Applications), operated by the Technische Universität München, and the respective irradiation position are located at the world-wide unique fast neutron beam tube SR10 to which a uranium converter is attached. keywords: beam; facilities;; instrument; irradiation; journal; large; leibnitz; medapp; neutron; research; scale; spectrum; zentrum cache: lsf-43.pdf plain text: lsf-43.txt item: #62 of 99 id: lsf-45 author: Bücherl, Thomas; Söllradl, Stefan title: NECTAR: Radiography and tomography station using fission neutrons date: 2015-08-19 words: 634 flesch: 36 summary: Especially for large objects consisting of dense materials, the deep penetration of �ssion neutrons is well suited for their non-destructive investigation, still beeing sensitive for the detection of hydrogen containing materials. Radiography and tomography sta- tion using �ssion neutrons Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Technische Universität München Instrument Scientists: - Thomas Bücherl, ZTWB Radiochemie München RCM, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) keywords: facilities; heinz;; large; leibnitz; maier; münchen; nectar; neutron; objects; research; ssion; zentrum cache: lsf-45.pdf plain text: lsf-45.txt item: #63 of 99 id: lsf-46 author: Revay, Zsolt title: PGAA: Prompt gamma and in-beam neutron activation analysis facility date: 2015-08-19 words: 677 flesch: 35 summary: • Reactor physics (shielding material, new fuel element), radiation hardness testing with cold neu- trons (chips, scintillators) • Fundamental research (nuclear data, low-spin excited states in nuclei, partial and total neutron capture cross-section measurements) • Conditionally NAA after the PGAA irradiation 3 Technical Data 3.1 Neutron beam • Cold neutron spectrum from NL4b (last section of 5.8 m elliptical focussing) with an average energy of 1.83 meV (6.7 Å) • Two measuring conditions: for large samples with collimation: Beam size: 20 x 30 mm2 Neutron �ux max.: 2 · 109 n cm-2 s-1 thermal n. eq. for small samples with 1.1 m elliptical guide: Beam size: 11 x 16 mm2 Neutron �ux max.: 5 · 1010 n cm-2 s-1 thermal n. eq. 3.2 Detection system • , email: Abstract: Prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) is typically used for the determination of el- emental composition and concentration of solid samples (ca. down to ppm range). keywords: acquisition; analysis; beam; data; elements; facilities; gamma;; instrument; large; max; münchen; neutron; pgaa; research; samples; technische; universität cache: lsf-46.pdf plain text: lsf-46.txt item: #64 of 99 id: lsf-48 author: Klenke, Jens title: MEPHISTO: Facility for particle physics with cold neutrons date: 2015-08-19 words: 718 flesch: 43 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A21 (2015) Published: 19.08.2015 MEPHISTO: Facility for particle physics with cold neutrons Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Technische Universität München Instrument Scientists: - Jens Klenke, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14771, email: Abstract: The experimental area MEPHISTO, the measurement facility for particle physics with cold neutrons, operated by the Technische Universität München, is dedicated to those experiments in the �eld of nuclear and particle physics. The experimental area MEPHISTO, the measurement facility for particle physics with cold neutrons, is dedicated to those experiments in the �eld of nuclear and particle physics. keywords: area; beam; cold; decay; experimental; guide; hall;; instrument; mephisto; neutron; particle; physics; research cache: lsf-48.pdf plain text: lsf-48.txt item: #65 of 99 id: lsf-50 author: Hugenschmidt, Christoph title: CDBS: Coincident Doppler-broadening spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 402 flesch: 34 summary: Coincident Doppler-broadening spectro- meter Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Technische Universität München Instrument Scientists: - Christoph Hugenschmidt, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, phone: +49.(0)89.289.14609, email: Abstract: The CDBS, operated by the Technische Universität München, located at NEPOMUC, allows the detection of open volume defects and their chemical surrounding. E = 0.2 – 30 keV • Mean positron implantation depth: up to several µm (material dependent) • Beam size: adjustable between 0.3 – 3 mm Ø 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A23 (2015) Figure 1: Instrument CDBS at NEPOMUC (Copyright by W. Schürmann, TUM). keywords: annihilation; beam; cdbs; dbs; defects; energy;; positron; sample cache: lsf-50.pdf plain text: lsf-50.txt item: #66 of 99 id: lsf-51 author: Hugenschmidt, Christoph title: PAES: Positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectrometer date: 2015-08-19 words: 280 flesch: 22 summary: Positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectrometer Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Technische Universität München Instrument Scientists: - Christoph Hugenschmidt, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, phone: +49(0) 89 289 14609, email: Abstract: Positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectroscopy (PAES) is a newly developed application for surface studies with high elemental selectivity and exceptional surface sensitivity. 1 Introduction In PAES, the emission of Auger electrons is initiated by positron-electron annihilation that leads to several major advantages compared with conventional electron induced AES. keywords: annihilation; auger; electron;; paes; positron; sample; surface; technische cache: lsf-51.pdf plain text: lsf-51.txt item: #67 of 99 id: lsf-52 author: Egger, Werner title: PLEPS: Pulsed low energy positron system date: 2015-08-19 words: 303 flesch: 21 summary: 89 289 14609, email: Abstract: PLEPS, operated by the Universität der Bundeswehr München, located at NEPOMUC, is a unique tool for depth pro�ling of defects with positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy using a pulsed positron beam of variable energy. 1 Introduction Positron lifetime measurements allow to determine type and size of open volume defects (such as va- cancies, vacancy-clusters, dislocations, grain boundaries etc., and free volumes in polymers) in a wide variety of materials and provide information on defect-concentration. keywords: beam; bundeswehr; der; energy;; münchen; positron; typical cache: lsf-52.pdf plain text: lsf-52.txt item: #68 of 99 id: lsf-53 author: Dickmann, Marcel; Piochacz, Christian title: SPM: Scanning positron microscope date: 2015-08-19 words: 404 flesch: 32 summary: Recently, a sample chamber was connected to the SPM interface which enables spatially resolved positron lifetime measurements with a lateral resolution in the range of 0.1 mm. 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A26 (2015) Figure 1: Instrument SPM at NEPOMUC (Copyright by W. Schürmann, TUM). This device converts the continuous beam of NEPOMUC to a high-brightness, pulsed positron beam, which matches the demands of the SPM. keywords: beam; bundeswehr; der; interface; münchen; nepomuc; positron; spm; universität cache: lsf-53.pdf plain text: lsf-53.txt item: #69 of 99 id: lsf-54 author: Rossbach, Matthias; Mauerhofer, Eric title: FaNGaS: Fast Neutron Gamma Spectroscopy instrument for prompt gamma signature of inelastic scattering reactions date: 2015-10-12 words: 989 flesch: 36 summary: Prompt and delayed inelastic scattering reactions from �ssion neutron irradiation – �rst results of FaNGaS. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A32 (2015) Published: 15.10.2015 FaNGaS: Fast Neutron Gamma Spectroscopy in- strument for prompt gamma signature of in- elastic scattering reactions Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Nuclear Waste Man- agement and Reactor Safety Instrument Scientists: - M. Rossbach, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Nuclear Waste Management and Reactor Safety, 52425 Jülich, Germany phone: +49 2461 61 3114, email: - E. Mauerhofer, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Nuclear Waste Management and Reactor Safety, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: +49 2461 61 4094, email: Abstract: The FaNGaS instrument has been developed and constructed at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH for investigation of neutron inelastic scattering reactions using the �ssion neutron beam SR10 at the Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) operated by the Technische Uni- versität München in Garching. keywords: beam; detector; energy; facilities; fangas; gamma;; inelastic; irradiation; journal; jülich; large; neutron; nuclear; reactions; research; scale; scattering; ssion cache: lsf-54.pdf plain text: lsf-54.txt item: #70 of 99 id: lsf-55 author: Schiwietz, Gregor; Beye, Martin; Kachel, Torsten title: UE112_PGM-1: An open-port low-energy beamline at the BESSY II undulator UE112 date: 2015-11-09 words: 939 flesch: 41 summary: It features high resolving power, high throughput and small spot size at the experiment for X-ray energies between 17 eV and 690 eV. The X-ray beam is focused into a small spot with a diameter of about 80 m, without a significant halo.  Liquid or solid FlexRIXS –end stations with soft X-ray emission spectrometers for RIXS (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering) investigations of fluid and solid-state targets respectively, operated by HZB. keywords: beamline; berlin; energie; energy; follath; für; journal; large; materialien; plane; ray; schiwietz; und; undulator; zentrum cache: lsf-55.pdf plain text: lsf-55.txt item: #71 of 99 id: lsf-57 author: Barthel, Juri; Houben, Lothar; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Titan G3 50-300 PICO date: 2015-11-27 words: 912 flesch: 39 summary: These techniques include electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM) with annular detectors for bright-field, annular dark-field, and high-angle annular dark field imaging, off axis electron holography (OAEH), electron tomography (ET), and combinations of the previous techniques. 2 1 System Overview Figure 1: FEI Titan G3 50-300 PICO transmission electron microscope (photograph by courtesy of Christian Lüning ( keywords: centre; electron; energy; fei; field; high;; information; jülich; microscopy; pico; research; resolution; scale; system; tem; titan; transmission cache: lsf-57.pdf plain text: lsf-57.txt item: #72 of 99 id: lsf-58 author: Dr. Michel, Peter title: ELBE Center for High-Power Radiation Sources date: 2016-01-22 words: 2719 flesch: 46 summary: Penelope exploits unique energy efficient direct diode laser pumping technology and will provide higher pulse energies at unprecedented pulse repetition rate, optimized for ion acceleration studies. +49(0)351 2602117, email: Gamma radiation: Roland Beyer, Institute of Radiation Physics, HZDR, phone: +49(0)351 2603281, email: Direct electron beam: Daniel Bemmerer, Institute of Radiation Physics, HZDR, phone: +49(0)351 2603581, email: High power lasers: Ulrich Schramm, Institute of Radiation Physics, HZDR, phone: +49(0)351 2602471, email: keywords: +49(0)351; a39; accelerator; beam; detectors; elbe; electron; email; energies; energy; experiments; facilities; facility; field; free; high;;;;; hzdr; institute; journal; large; laser; magnetic; max; mode; neutron; nuclear; penelope; phone; physical; physics; positron; power; pulse; radiation; rate; repetition; research; review; scale; section; single; sources; spectroscopy; thz; time cache: lsf-58.pdf plain text: lsf-58.txt item: #73 of 99 id: lsf-62 author: Lackschewitz, Klas; Heinitz, Maike title: Research Vessel POSEIDON date: 2015-12-15 words: 1173 flesch: 52 summary: Basic equipment: • Sea water connection (aquarium pump); drain basin • Connection for mobile fume hood exhaust • Refrigerator/freezer combination, 4° C, 170 l, -40° C, 80 l volume • Laboratory basin with warm and cold fresh water, sea water • Heating cabinet, 50° C – 300° C 3.5 Scienti�c storage The scienti�c storage is located below the portside cargo hatch on the intermediate deck. There are 6 winches for scienti�c operation driven with low-pressure hydraulics. keywords: capturing; chemistry; data; deck; facilities; für; geomar;; khz; kiel; laboratory; large; midships; poseidon; research; scienti; sounder; stern; storage; vessel; water; winch cache: lsf-62.pdf plain text: lsf-62.txt item: #74 of 99 id: lsf-63 author: Klaus, Manuela; Garcia-Moreno, Francisco title: The 7T-MPW-EDDI beamline at BESSY II date: 2016-01-29 words: 1513 flesch: 42 summary: This setup enables to perform fast in-situ imaging (radiography/tomography) and diffraction analysis simultaneously at one and the same sample and therefore, to track phase transformations and (micro)structure evolution during dynamic processes such as metal foaming (García-Moreno et al., 2013). 2 Instrument Applications Due to the features of ED diffraction mentioned above and the very flexible setup EDDI is a multi- purpose instrument applicable in various fields of materials science. keywords: a40; analysis; beamline; detector; different; diffraction; dispersive; eddi; energy; facilities; fig; für; genzel;;; journal; kev; klaus; large; materialien; materials; mode; mpw; radiography; research; sample; scale; setup; synchrotron; tomography; und cache: lsf-63.pdf plain text: lsf-63.txt item: #75 of 99 id: lsf-66 author: Thust, Andreas; Barthel, Juri; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Titan 80-300 TEM date: 2016-01-29 words: 957 flesch: 34 summary: 6 Specimen Stages • piezo stage extension for ultra-precise sample positioning and linear drift compensation • double tilt low background holder ± 40 ° • high �eld of view single tilt holder ± 50 ° References Barthel, J., & Thust, A. (2008, Nov). Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A41 (2016) Published: 29.01.2016 FEI Titan 80-300 TEM Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C), Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen* Instrument O�cer: - Dr. Andreas Thust, Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.6644, e-mail: Deputy Instrument O�cer: - Dr. Juri Barthel, Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9277, e-mail: General Management: - Dr. Karsten Tillmann, Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: Abstract: The FEI Titan 80-300 TEM is a high-resolution transmission electron microscope equipped with a �eld emission gun and a corrector for the spherical aberration (Cs) of the imaging lens system. keywords: a41; barthel; centre; electron; ernst; facilities; fei; hrtem;; imaging; information; jülich; large; limit; research; resolution; ruska; scale; tem; thust; titan; transmission cache: lsf-66.pdf plain text: lsf-66.txt item: #76 of 99 id: lsf-67 author: Heggen, Marc; Luysberg, Martina; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Titan 80-300 STEM date: 2016-02-01 words: 777 flesch: 34 summary: 6 Specimen Stages • double tilt low background holder ± 40 ° • high �eld of view single tilt tomography holder ± 70 ° • dual-axis tomography holder ± 50 ° • on axis rotation tomography holder 360 ° • further in situ specimen stages available References Cui, C., Gan, L., Heggen, M., Rudi, S., & Strasser, P. (2013). StripeSTEM, a technique for the isochronous acqui- sition of high angle annular dark-�eld images and monolayer resolved electron energy loss spectra. Ultramicroscopy, 109(12), 1447-1452. keywords: centre; eld; electron; energy; ernst; fei; holder;; jülich; microscopy; research; resolution; ruska; stem; system; titan; transmission cache: lsf-67.pdf plain text: lsf-67.txt item: #77 of 99 id: lsf-68 author: Kovács, András; Schierholz, Roland; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Titan G2 80-200 CREWLEY date: 2016-02-04 words: 947 flesch: 34 summary: 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A43 (2016) 1 System Overview Figure 1: FEI Titan Titan G2 80-200 CREWLEY transmission electron microscope (photograph by cour- tesy of FEI company). FEI Titan G2 80-200 CREWLEY . keywords: a43; centre; crewley; detectors; edx; eels; electron; energy; facilities; fei; gatan;; journal; jülich; large; research; resolution; scale; spectroscopy; system; titan; titan g2 cache: lsf-68.pdf plain text: lsf-68.txt item: #78 of 99 id: lsf-70 author: Boothroyd, Chris; Kovács, András; Tillmann, Karsten title: FEI Titan G2 60-300 HOLO date: 2016-02-04 words: 885 flesch: 39 summary: These techniques include high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), energy �ltered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM) with high-angle annular dark �eld (HAADF) STEM imaging, o�-axis electron holography (EH), Lorentz microscopy, electron tomography (ET) and combinations of these techniques. Investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples with the FEI Titan G2 60-300 HOLO is possible after discussion with both of the instruments o�cers. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A44 (2016) Published: 04.02.2016 FEI Titan G2 60-300 HOLO Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C), Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen * Instrument O�cer: - Dr. Chris Boothroyd, Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9279, e-mail: Deputy Instrument O�cer: - Dr. András Kovács, Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.9276, e-mail: General Management: - Dr. Karsten Tillmann, Ernst Ruska-Centre, Jülich Research Centre, 52425 Jülich, Germany, phone: ++49.2461.61.1438, e-mail: Abstract: The FEI Titan G2 60-300 HOLO is a unique fourth generation transmission electron micro- scope, which has been speci�cally designed for the investigation of electromagnetic �elds of materials using o�-axis electron holography. keywords: a44; centre; electron; ernst; facilities; fei; holder; holo;; instrument; journal; jülich; large; microscopy; research; ruska; scale; titan; transmission cache: lsf-70.pdf plain text: lsf-70.txt item: #79 of 99 id: lsf-71 author: Pontius, Niko; Holldack, Karsten; Schüßler-Langeheine, Christian; Kachel, Torsten; Mitzner, Rolf title: The FemtoSpeX facility at BESSY II date: 2016-02-11 words: 1847 flesch: 48 summary: The ampli�ers typically run at 6 and 3 kHz for the slicing- and the pump excitation, respectively, and at pulse energies of 1.8 mJ. Slicing of stored electron bunches is achieved by laser pulses from the �rst ampli�er resulting in ∼100 fs x-ray pulses while the second ampli�er yields pulses of ∼40 fs duration at 800 nm and as well at the second and third harmonic (400 nm and 266 nm, respectively) for the pump excitation of the sample. Time and momentum resolved resonant magnetic x-ray di�raction on eute. keywords: a46; berlin; detection; energie; facilities; femtospex; für; helmholtz; holldack;; journal; kachel; large; laser; magnetic; materialien; monochromator; photon; pontius; pump; ray; research; sample; scale; station; transmission; und; zentrum cache: lsf-71.pdf plain text: lsf-71.txt item: #80 of 99 id: lsf-72 author: Schäfers, Franz; Sokolov, Andrey title: The At-Wavelength Metrology Facility at BESSY-II date: 2016-02-23 words: 1755 flesch: 50 summary: Typically BESSY-II runs with 300 mA. 6 Re�ectometer The re�ectometer is coupled permanently to the Optics Beamline as a �xed end station. The main feature of the 11-axes Re�ectometer is the possibility to incorporate large samples (up to 4 kg and 360 mm in length) into the UHV-chamber. keywords: beamline; bessy; ectometer; facilities; gratings; high;; journal; large; light; mirror; monochromator; optical; optics; plane; range; research; sample; scale; schäfers; size; source; uhv; wavelength cache: lsf-72.pdf plain text: lsf-72.txt item: #81 of 99 id: lsf-73 author: Kachel, Torsten title: The PM3 beamline at BESSY II date: 2016-02-19 words: 845 flesch: 46 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A48 (2016) Published: 19.02.2016 The PM3 beamline at BESSY II Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie * Instrument Scientists: - Dr. Torsten Kachel, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12942, email: Abstract: PM3 merges the developments of the former BESSY I SX700 III monochromator for ellipti- cally polarized VUV radiation and of BESSY II collimated plane grating monochromators. A signal-to-noise ratio close to the shot noise level, fast on-the- �y scanning and horizontal beam position control make PM3 one of the most productive dipole beamlines at BESSY II. keywords: a48; beamline; bessy; facilities; high;; journal; large; pm3; range; research; scale cache: lsf-73.pdf plain text: lsf-73.txt item: #82 of 99 id: lsf-74 author: Holldack, Karsten; Schnegg, Alexander title: THz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance / THz Spectroscopy at BESSY II date: 2016-02-25 words: 1834 flesch: 47 summary: THz TDS allows for cross-correlation of THz pulses from the storage ring with the synchronized external fs-laser source (optical pump – THz probe). Particle characterization using THz spectroscopy. keywords: a51; cm−1; domain; eld; electron; epr; facilities; fig; high; holldack;; journal; large; laser; low; magnetic; molecule; nehrkorn; optical; paramagnetic; radiation; research; scale; schnegg; single; spectrometer; spectroscopy; spin; thz cache: lsf-74.pdf plain text: lsf-74.txt item: #83 of 99 id: lsf-75 author: Kachel, Torsten title: The plane grating monochromator beamline U49-2 PGM-1 at BESSY II date: 2016-05-18 words: 600 flesch: 35 summary: 1 Introduction The plane grating monochromator U49/2 PGM1 delivers soft X-ray undulator radiation of linear polar- ization between 84 and about 1500 eV. High photon �ux combined with high stability and a compar- atively small spot size allow for photon hungry experiments like e.g. coincidence methods, photo- excitation on liquid jets or clusters. 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A72 (2016) Figure 1: Top-view of beamline U49/2 PGM1. keywords: a72; beamline; energy; facilities; grating;;; journal; large; monochromator; pgm1; research; scale; u49/2 cache: lsf-75.pdf plain text: lsf-75.txt item: #84 of 99 id: lsf-76 author: Baumgärtel, Peter; Packe, Ingo title: The U125-2 NIM beamline at BESSY II date: 2016-03-01 words: 837 flesch: 42 summary: Pt G3 5 - 40 laminar 4800 9991 W Exit slit (ExS) slit setting: 0-2000 µm, rotatable by ±2°, prepared for online laser di�raction slit width monitor postmonochromator optics M3: toroidal mirror, horizontal de�ection, 2Θ= 155°, Ruthenium coated, vertical demagni�cation (1:1) of exit slit, horizontal demagni�cation 5:3 M4: toroidal mirror, horizontal de�ection, 2Θ= 155°, Ruthenium coated, vertical demagni�cation (1:1) of intermediate focus, horizontal demagni�cation 5:3 Table 2: Description of the optical elements. The optical elements are described in Table 2. premonochromator optics M1: toroidal mirror, horizontal de�ection, 2Θ=172°, platinum coated, water cooled, horizontal and vertica demagni�cation 17:6 IF: Intermediate focus M2: plane-elliptical mirror, vertical focussing on entrance slit (15:2), vertical de�ection 2Θ=178° entrance slit (EnS) slit setting: 0-2000 µm, water cooled, rotatable by ±2°, prepared for online laser di�raction slitwidth monitor Monochromator o�-Rowland circle mounting G1-3: spherical gratings, vertical de�ection, 2Θ= 2°, water cooled E keywords: a53; beamline; design; facilities; horizontal;; large; nim; optical; research; scale; slit; u125; undulator; vertical cache: lsf-76.pdf plain text: lsf-76.txt item: #85 of 99 id: lsf-78 author: Pietzsch, Annette; Eisebitt, Stefan title: The UE49 SGM RICXS beamline at BESSY II date: 2016-03-03 words: 951 flesch: 38 summary: 2 Instrument application Typical applications for µ mRIXS are: • study of low-energy excitations in solids (study of magnetic, orbital, nuclear and charge degrees of freedom and their interplay) • study of the electronic structure of solids (the size of band-gaps and band-widths) • study of materials showing phase separation with µm-real-space resolution Typical applications for CXS are: • studies of nanomagnetic phenomena via x-ray magnetic circular or linear dichroism • x-ray holography, coherent di�raction imaging and ptychography • coherent resonant x-ray scattering in transmission and re�ection geometry 1 Introduction The UE49SGM RICXS beamline is a dedicated high-�ux-density beamline, which accomodates two permanent experimental set-ups for x-ray scattering: the Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (µ mRIXS) and the Coherent X-ray Scattering (CXS) end-stations. keywords: a54; beamline; berlin; coherent; energie; energy; facilities; für; helmholtz;; journal; large; materialien; ray; research; scale; scattering; sgm; ue49; und; zentrum cache: lsf-78.pdf plain text: lsf-78.txt item: #86 of 99 id: lsf-80 author: Pietzsch, Annette title: The μmRIXS spectrometer at BESSY II date: 2016-03-04 words: 498 flesch: 29 summary: 2 Typical applications • RIXS with micrometer focus on solid samples • Fluorescence yield absorption spectroscopy with micrometer focus • Temperature dependent measurements 3 Technical Data Energy range Soft X-rays from 90 to around 1000 eV, resolving power better than 2000 Sample environment Solid samples in vacuum, sample transfer Temperature range From liquid helium temperatures to 600 K Detectors Plane grating spectrometer with MCP stack + Delay line detector, GaAs photodiode Manipulators He cryostate with 4 degrees of freedom, all motorized Table 1: Technical parameters of the µmRIXS spectrometer. 1 Introduction The µmRIXS plane grating spectrometer consists of two parabolical mirrors with a plane grating in be- tween. keywords: chamber; facilities; für; grating;; journal; materialien; mcp; plane; sample; solid; spectrometer; µmrixs cache: lsf-80.pdf plain text: lsf-80.txt item: #87 of 99 id: lsf-81 author: Engel, Dieter; Mishra, Durga; Eisebitt, Stefan title: CXS: Coherent X-ray scattering at the UE49-SGM at BESSY II date: 2016-04-21 words: 1051 flesch: 37 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A56 (2016) Published: 21.04.2016 CXS: Coherent X-ray scattering at the UE49-SGM at BESSY II Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie * Instrument Scientists: - Dr. W. Dieter Engel, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 (0) 30 8062-14380, e-mail: - Dr. Durga Mishra, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 (0) 30 8062-14379, e-mail: - Prof. Dr. Stefan Eisebitt, Technische Universität Berlin, and Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., phone: +49 (0) 30 6392-1300, e-mail: Abstract: The coherent soft-x-ray scattering experiment CXS has been developed to study nano-structured magnetic and nonmagnetic thin film samples in transmission or reflection geometry. Coherent X-ray scattering at the UE49-SGM at BESSY II. keywords: a56; berlin; ccd; coherent; energie; facilities; für; helmholtz;; journal; large; magnetic; materialien; ray; research; sample; scale; scattering; sgm; transmission; ue49; und; zentrum cache: lsf-81.pdf plain text: lsf-81.txt item: #88 of 99 id: lsf-82 author: Reinhardt, Matthias; Leitenberger, Wolfram title: XPP: X-ray Pump Probe station at BESSY II date: 2016-11-15 words: 1031 flesch: 45 summary: Time-domain sampling of x-ray pulses using an ultrafast sample response. Detecting optically synthesized quasi-monochromatic sub-terahertz phonon wavepackets by ultrafast X-ray diffraction. keywords: a89; bargheer; detector; diffraction; facilities;; journal; large; laser; mhz; probe; pump; ray; research; sample; scale; station; time; ultrafast; xpp cache: lsf-82.pdf plain text: lsf-82.txt item: #89 of 99 id: lsf-83 author: Abrudan, Radu-Marius; Radu, Florin title: ALICE: A diffractometer/reflectometer for soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering at BESSY II date: 2016-05-09 words: 847 flesch: 37 summary: Although the chamber named ALICE was designed for the analysis of magnetic hetero- and nanostructures with resonant magnetic x-ray scattering, the instrument is not limited to this tech- nique. A di�ractometer/re�ectometer for soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering at BESSY II. keywords: a69; alice; berlin; experiments; facilities; helmholtz;; journal; large; magnetic; ray; research; sample; scale; scattering; zentrum cache: lsf-83.pdf plain text: lsf-83.txt item: #90 of 99 id: lsf-84 author: Lauermann, Iver; Steigert, Alexander title: CISSY: A station for preparation and surface/interface analysis of thin film materials and devices date: 2016-04-18 words: 1136 flesch: 37 summary: In the CISSY end station, some of the crucial steps of the preparation of thin �lm solar cells and other thin �lm devices can be performed in-system, allowing the direct transfer from preparation to the analysis chamber, avoiding contamina- tion. A station for prepara- tion and surface/ interface analysis of thin �lm materials and devices. keywords: a67; analysis; cells; cissy; deposition; devices; facilities;; journal; large; lauermann; materials; preparation; ray; research; sample; scale; solar; station; steigert; surface; system; thin cache: lsf-84.pdf plain text: lsf-84.txt item: #91 of 99 id: lsf-85 author: Aziz, Emad Flear; Xiao, Jie; Golnak, Ronny; Tesch, Marc title: LiXEdrom: High Energy Resolution RIXS Station dedicated to Liquid Investigation at BESSY II date: 2016-06-30 words: 772 flesch: 32 summary: It is equipped with two VLS gratings and advanced photon detector (MCP/phosphorous screen/CCD), covering soft X-ray range of 200 – 1200 eV. The e�cient di�erential pumping and cool- ing systems ensure successful executions of X-ray spectroscopy on liquid samples in vacuum. 1 Introduction LiXEdrom experimental station is equipped with high energy resolution X-ray spectrometer and ded- icated to investigation of functional materials in solution and at surfaces and interfaces, with X-ray absorption (XAS) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) techniques. keywords: berlin; chamber; energie; energy; facilities; für; grating; helmholtz;; liquid; lixedrom; materialien; ray; sample; und; zentrum cache: lsf-85.pdf plain text: lsf-85.txt item: #92 of 99 id: lsf-86 author: Kronast, Florian; Valencia Molina, Sergio title: SPEEM: The photoemission microscope at the dedicated microfocus PGM beamline UE49-PGMa at BESSY II date: 2016-11-16 words: 1821 flesch: 49 summary: Some of them combine temperature control in a range from 45 K to 600 K with the appli- cation of magnetic �elds of up to 75 mT and a voltage applied to the sample during imaging (Sandig et al., 2012). Temperature depen- dence of magnetic coupling in ultrathin NiO/Fe3O4(001) �lms. keywords: a90; beamline; control; dedicated; eld; energy; facilities; grating;;; imaging; instrument; journal; kronast; large; laser; magnetic; microscope; pgma; photoemission; ray; research; resolution; sample; scale; spectroscopy; speem; temperature; ue49 cache: lsf-86.pdf plain text: lsf-86.txt item: #93 of 99 id: lsf-87 author: Sorgenfrei, Florian title: FEMTOSPEX Molecules and Surfaces: Electron spectroscopy setup for time-resolved laser-pump/ X-ray-probe experiments at BESSY II date: 2016-08-02 words: 505 flesch: 34 summary: Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A81 (2016) Published: 02.08.2016 FEMTOSPEX Molecules and Surfaces: Electron spectroscopy setup for time-resolved laser-pump/ X-ray-probe experiments at BESSY II Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie * Instrument Scientists: - Dr. Florian Sorgenfrei, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, phone: +49 30 8062-12924, email: � Abstract: The �exible end station “FEMTOSPEX Molecules and Surfaces”, which will enable time re- solved photoemission studies in the future at HZB, is presented. Single bunch X-ray pulses on demand from a multi-bunch synchrotron radiation source. keywords: a81; electron; facilities; femtospex; figure;; journal; large; molecules; research; scale; spectroscopy; station; surfaces; time cache: lsf-87.pdf plain text: lsf-87.txt item: #94 of 99 id: lsf-88 author: Pietzsch, Annette title: Liquid flexRIXS: A RIXS endstation for molecular systems at BESSY II date: 2016-11-17 words: 790 flesch: 44 summary: Liquid �exRIXS: A RIXS endstation for molecular systems at BESSY II. Dissecting local atomic and intermolecular interactions of transition-metal ions in solution with selective x-ray spectroscopy. keywords: a91; bessy; exrixs; facilities; fels;; jet; journal; liquid; range; ray; research; rixs; scale cache: lsf-88.pdf plain text: lsf-88.txt item: #95 of 99 id: lsf-90 author: Sokolov, Andrey; Schäfers, Franz title: POLARIMETER: A Soft X-Ray 8-Axis UHV-Diffractometer at BESSY II date: 2016-11-17 words: 939 flesch: 45 summary: Exchange coupling in fe/nio/co �lm studied by soft x-ray resonant magnetic re�ectivity. Detector scan range (in plane) 0°≤Θ2A≤180° (o�-plane) -10°≤ΘD≤27° Min. step size for all motors 0.001° Sample – Detector Distance 150 mm Magnetic �elds (in-/o�-plane) keywords: a92; detector; facilities; gaupp;; journal; magnetic; mertins; optical; polarimeter; polarization; range; ray; research; schäfers; soft cache: lsf-90.pdf plain text: lsf-90.txt item: #96 of 99 id: lsf-91 author: Beye, Martin; Miedema, Pieter Sybren title: Solid flexRIXS: A RIXS endstation for solid systems at BESSY II date: 2017-11-30 words: 698 flesch: 39 summary: 2 Instrument application Typical applications are: • RIXS of correlated materials across phase transitions • RIXS of catalyst materials • Angle dependent �uorescence yield studies • Soft X-ray resonant re�ectivity measurements • Pump-Probe RIXS experiments • Pump-Probe �uorescence yield and scattering studies • Non-linear X-ray spectroscopy Methods: • Time-resolved studies • NEXAFS • RIXS 3 Technical Data Monochromator �exible Experiment in vacuum yes Temperature Range 20-550 K Detectors Photodiode, MCP Manipulators Four axes motorized + one by hand Table 1: Technical parameters of the Solid �exRIXS endstation. Sample drain current can be measured for total electron yield absorption measurements and a photodiode (optionally with a biased mesh to repel electrons) can be used for di�raction / resonant scattering experiments as well as �uorescence yield detection. keywords: bessy; beye; endstation; exrixs; facilities;; journal; ray; research; solid; und cache: lsf-91.pdf plain text: lsf-91.txt item: #97 of 99 id: lsf-92 author: Schäfers, Franz title: The crystal monochromator beamline KMC-1 at BESSY II date: 2016-11-25 words: 835 flesch: 42 summary: Beamline and monochromator have been optimized for high �ux and high resolution. 1 Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A96 (2016) Figure 1: Top-view of beamline KMC-1. keywords: a96; beamline; bessy; crystal; energy; facilities; high;;; journal; kmc-1; large; monochromator; research; resolution; scale; source cache: lsf-92.pdf plain text: lsf-92.txt item: #98 of 99 id: lsf-95 author: Puskar, Ljiljana; Schade, Ulrich title: The IRIS THz/Infrared beamline at BESSY II date: 2016-11-24 words: 1062 flesch: 43 summary: Running BESSY II in the low-α mode yields coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) at the IRIS beamline with �uxes several orders of magnitudes higher than obtained with incoherent infrared synchrotron radiation (IRSR) or with internal spectrom- eter sources (Hg lamp). Measured characteris- tics of infrared edge radiation from BESSY II. keywords: a95; beamline; bessy; data; facilities; figure;;; infrared; iris; journal; large; peatman; radiation; research; scale; schade; source; spectrometer; synchrotron; thz cache: lsf-95.pdf plain text: lsf-95.txt item: #99 of 99 id: lsf-98 author: Bogena, Heye Reemt title: TERENO: German network of terrestrial environmental observatories date: 2016-02-25 words: 2771 flesch: 30 summary: The data portal TEODOOR facilitates the online provision of TERENO data. Kunkel, R., Sorg, J., Eckardt, R., Kolditz, O., Rink, K. & Vereecken, H. (2013): TEODOOR: a distributed geodata infrastructure for terrestrial observation data. keywords: a52; atmospheric; bogena; centre; change; climate; data; detailed; determination; different; e.g.; earth; email; environmental; et al; facilities; figure; forschungszentrum; german; helmholtz;;;; information; infrastructure; institute; journal; jülich; kunkel; large; moisture; monitoring; observation; observatories; phone; policy; regional; remote; research; scale; scale research; sensing; soil; spatial; studies; systems; tereno; terrestrial; time; vereecken; water; zacharias cache: lsf-98.pdf plain text: lsf-98.txt