item: #1 of 238 id: mev-1 author: Riyanto, Edy; Prawara, Budi title: Mikrostruktur dan Karakterisasi Sifat Mekanik Lapisan Cr3C2-NiAl-Al2O3 Hasil Deposisi Dengan Menggunakan High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Thermal Spray Coating date: 2012-03-09 words: 1935 flesch: 50 summary: KESIMPULAN Deposisi lapisan keramik matrik komposit (ceramic matrix composite) berbasis chrome carbide dengan partikel penyisip NiAl yang memiliki variasi ukuran telah dilakukan menggunakan high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) thermal spray coating. Sedangkan partikel yang memiliki ukuran kecil akan mudah untuk meleleh penuh membentuk droplet cair dan berdeposisi ke arah samping membentuk lapisan yang memiliki permukaan yang halus [8], [9]. keywords: al2o3; coating; cr3c2; dan; dengan; kekerasan; lapisan; nial; nilai; partikel; permukaan; semakin; spray; thermal; ukuran; yang cache: mev-1.pdf plain text: mev-1.txt item: #2 of 238 id: mev-10 author: Putrasari, Yanuandri; Untoro, P; Hasan, Sulaiman; Huda, Naili; Sebayang, Darwin title: Modification of Surface Roughness and Area of FeCrAl Substrate for Catalytic Converter using Ultrasonic Treatment date: 2012-03-09 words: 4326 flesch: 53 summary: Meanwhile, on FeCrAl ultrasonic powders (Figure 5.c), the sign indicates the Al2O3 grains. evidence to the influenced of ultrasonic treatment on chemical composition of FeCrAl surface, although the percentage of each chemicals is not displayed. and SiC powders stick on FeCrAl after ultrasonic treatment process was a proof that Modification of Surface Roughness and Area of FeCrAl Substrate for Catalytic Converter Using Ultrasonic Treatment (Y.Putrasari, P. Untoro, S. Hasan, �. Huda, D. Sebayang) pp. The surface roughness, morphology, and chemical components of FeCrAl catalytic converter substrate after ultrasonic treatment were analyzed using atomic force microscope (AFM) and examined with scanning electron microscope (SEM) in combination with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). keywords: afm; al2o3; area; fecral; powders; roughness; sic; substrate; surface; treatment; ultrasonic cache: mev-10.pdf plain text: mev-10.txt item: #3 of 238 id: mev-100 author: Rachman, Noviadi Arief; Risdiyanto, Agus; Ramdan, Ade title: Modeling of Electric Field Around 100 MVA 150/20 kV Power Transformator using Charge Simulation Method date: 2013-07-04 words: 4096 flesch: 63 summary: This paper discussed electric field modeling around power transformator by using Matlab to find the safety distance. Keywords: electric field, charge simulation method, discrete charge, power transformator. keywords: charge; electric; field; figure; point; power; transformator cache: mev-100.pdf plain text: mev-100.txt item: #4 of 238 id: mev-104 author: Alam, Hilman Syaeful; Irasari, Pudji; Dewi, Dyah Kusuma title: Analytical and Numerical Deflection Study on the Structure of 10 kW Low Speed Permanent Magnet Generator date: 2012-12-06 words: 3918 flesch: 60 summary: Based on the relationship between strain and torque curves for elastic material, shaft deflection is calculated by the equation [12]: 𝑑𝑑2𝑣𝑣 𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥 2 = 𝑀𝑀 𝐸𝐸𝐼𝐼 (17) where 𝑣𝑣: the elastic deflection curve [m], M: the maximum moment on the shaft By entering the boundary conditions of the bearing deflection equals to 0 then according to Eq.(17) shaft deflection is 0.0518 mm, which is found at the end part or in the area of F1. keywords: air; deflection; figure; gap; pmg; rim; shaft; stress cache: mev-104.pdf plain text: mev-104.txt item: #5 of 238 id: mev-11 author: Erdani, Yuliardi; Rudiansyah, Hendy title: Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Tele-Kendali Komputer Via Jaringan PSTN dengan Modul DTMF dan Mikrokontroller Attiny2313 date: 2012-03-09 words: 2657 flesch: 50 summary: Rangkaian dekoder DTMF yang digunakan adalah rangkaian tipe Single Ended Input seperti terlihat pada rangkaian di Gambar 2. Terdapat empat pilihan perintah yang dapat dikerjakan program tersebut, yaitu shutdown, restart, dan membuka file. keywords: adalah; alat; control; dan; dari; data; dengan; dtmf; gambar; ini; komputer; komunikasi; melalui; mikrokontroller; pada; pengendali; perintah; program; sebagai; telepon; untuk; yang cache: mev-11.pdf plain text: mev-11.txt item: #6 of 238 id: mev-12 author: Erdani, Yuliardi; Setiawan, Aris Eko; Pratama, Maulana Aria title: Rancang Bangun Kendali Sekuen untuk Sambungan Jala-Jala Listrik Menggunakan Cycloconverter date: 2012-03-09 words: 2844 flesch: 43 summary: Sama seperti penggunaan pada perancangan rangkaian trigger penyulutan thyristor, IC optocoupler LTV-4N35 selain berfungsi sebagai penguat tegangan pada rangkaian yang dibuat, IC inipun berfungsi sebagai isolator antara rangkaian mikrokontroler dengan rangkaian elektronika daya. Berbeda dengan thyristor gate-nya harus di-trigger tertentu, maka untuk men- dilakukan dengan memberikan tegangan dengan besar tertentu, terlihat pada yang digunakan pada rangkaian ini adalah MOSFET bertipe IRF634. keywords: baru; cycloconverter; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; frekuensi; gambar; gelombang; ini; keluaran; listrik; mosfet; pada; pembangkit; pulsa; rangkaian; sebagai; tegangan; thyristor; trigger; untuk; yang cache: mev-12.pdf plain text: mev-12.txt item: #7 of 238 id: mev-127 author: Hidayat, Taufik; Alam, Hilman Syaeful title: Quality Evaluation of the Modified Diesel-Electric Train (KRDE) date: 2013-07-16 words: 2993 flesch: 58 summary: The facilities that exist in almost every area of operations, such as supporting building, workshops, track, pit gauge, servicing horizontal ladder, overhead cranes, lifting jacks, etc., are designed for locomotive maintenance, so that they are not suitable for KRDE maintenance. Due to short time available for maintenance, in fact KRDE maintenance is not possible to be conducted. keywords: damage; electric; figure; krde; maintenance; system; train; tso cache: mev-127.pdf plain text: mev-127.txt item: #8 of 238 id: mev-128 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Preface MEV Vol 3 Iss 2 date: 2012-12-18 words: 966 flesch: 43 summary: Estiko Rijanto (Control System and Mechatronics Engineering) MANAGING EDITOR Tinton D Atmaja, M.T. (Information System and Electrical Engineering) PEER REVIWERS Dr.-Ing. Sc (Industrial Engineering) Ghalya Pikra, M.T. (Energy Conversion) SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER Noviadi A Rachman, M.T. (Electrical Engineering) SECRETARIAT Andri J Purwanto, S.T. (Mechanical Engineering) Mella P Susantika, A.Md. keywords: engineering; journal; lipi; mechatronics; power; technology cache: mev-128.pdf plain text: mev-128.txt item: #9 of 238 id: mev-130 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Appendix MEV Vol 3 Iss 2 date: 2012-12-18 words: 10165 flesch: 45 summary: mulai dari solar 100% (D100), penambahan etanol 2,5% (DE2,5), 5% (DE5), 7,5% (DE7,5), dan pada campuran 10% etanol (DE10). Kajian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data primer dan sekunder melalui wawancara, diskusi dengan pihak terkait, serta mempelajari hasil kajian dan peraturan yang ada. keywords: adalah; bandung; contact; control; dan; dari; dengan; diesel; engineering; frf; fuel; generator; hasil; ini; issn; journal; lipi; listrik; magnet; mechatronics; menggunakan; method; metode; model; motor; number; pada; penelitian; power; pusat; ref; research; sine; swept; system; tab; technology; tegangan; teknik; tenaga; university; untuk; vehicular; vol; voltage; yang cache: mev-130.pdf plain text: mev-130.txt item: #10 of 238 id: mev-136 author: Candra, Dodiek Ika; Tamayo, Camilo Andreas Wilches title: Optimization for Biogas Power Plants using Automatic Control of Gas Pressures date: 2013-06-18 words: 3208 flesch: 59 summary: If gas pressure in digester or post digester is less than minimum pressure, then gas pressures are classified as pdig_less or psto_less. As an example case: If pressure P digester is normal AND difference percentage of volume between two tanks is normal (= 38 >= 38 >= 55 >= 55 Kinetic Viscosity cSt - 1.3 - 2.4 1.9 - 4.1 = 5.5 = 5.5 Carbon Residue % <= 0.15 <= 0.15 <= 0.35 - - Ash Content Specification of gas turbine [6] Specification Value Type PG 5341 Manufacturer GEC Alstom Capacity 18.0 MW Compressor + Turbine speed 5,100 rpm Compressor stages 17 Turbine stages keywords: combustion; figure; fuel; gas; gas turbine; increase; nozzle; power; ppo; ratio; sample; table; turbine; vibration cache: mev-402.pdf plain text: mev-402.txt item: #117 of 238 id: mev-404 author: Nugroho, Gesang; Dectaviansyah, Dicky title: Design, manufacture and performance analysis of an automatic antenna tracker for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) date: 2018-07-31 words: 3965 flesch: 53 summary: Besides the tracking performance, the signal connection quality of telemetry modem between UAV and antenna tracker when using an omnidirectional antenna, directional antenna with antenna tracker, and directional antenna without antenna tracker were also compared. To solve this problem, antenna tracker is made to track the UAV continuously so that the directional antenna can always be directed to the flying UAV. keywords: antenna; antenna tracker; axis; control; figure; gcs; signal; system; tracker; tracking; uav cache: mev-404.pdf plain text: mev-404.txt item: #118 of 238 id: mev-406 author: Yousufuddin, Syed title: Combustion duration influence on hydrogen-ethanol dual fueled engine emissions: An experimental analysis date: 2018-12-30 words: 3934 flesch: 44 summary: This is mainly because of the high diffusivity of hydrogen and reduction in carbon atoms for ethanol combustion and ethanol–hydrogen combustion. Due to the high diffusivity of hydrogen and reduction in carbon atoms for ethanol combustion and ethanol–hydrogen combustion, the CO concentration remains low. keywords: combustion; compression; duration; emissions; engine; ethanol; figure; hydrogen; nox cache: mev-406.pdf plain text: mev-406.txt item: #119 of 238 id: mev-408 author: Andriani, Dian title: Preface MEV Vol 8 Iss 2 date: 2017-12-28 words: 4202 flesch: 37 summary: Bases de Manresa, 61-73 08242 - Manresa (Barcelona), Spain Prof. Taufik Director of Electric Power Institute, California Polytechnique San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, United States Prof. Dr. Tagawa Yasutaka Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Naka-machi 2 - 24 – 16, Koganei – shi, Tokyo, 184 – 8588, Japan Prof. Dr. Bambang Riyanto School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. Pekik Argo Dahono School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. keywords: bandung; december; engineering; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; lipi; m.t; mechanical; mechatronics; mev; power; research; technology; university cache: mev-408.pdf plain text: mev-408.txt item: #120 of 238 id: mev-409 author: Andriani, Dian title: Appendix MEV Vol 8 Iss 2 date: 2017-12-28 words: 5547 flesch: 29 summary: Dalila Mat Said, “A compact design of multi-feeder data logging system for power quality measurement with a multiplexer and a single PQ transducer,” 08(1): 1-10 Dwi Lastomo, “Optimization of SMES and TCSC using particle swarm optimization for oscillation mitigation in a multi machines power system, ” 08(1): 11-21 Egi Muhammad Idris Hidayat, “Design and implementation of hardware in the loop simulation for electric ducted fan rocket control system using 8-bit microcontroller and real-time open source middleware,” 08(1): 60-69 Estiko Rijanto, “Comparison between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion battery SOC and SOH estimation: a simulation study,” 08(1): 40-49 Febrizal, “The performance of surface barrier discharge in magnetic field driven by half bridge series resonance converter,” 08(2): 95-102 Fri Murdiya, “The performance of surface barrier discharge in magnetic field driven by half bridge series resonance converter,” 08(2): 95-102 Hendri Novia Syamsir, “A compact design of multi-feeder data logging system for power quality measurement with a multiplexer and a single PQ transducer,” 08(1): 1-10 Herlambang Setiadi, “Frequency stability improvement of micro hydro power system using hybrid SMES and CES based on Cuckoo search algorithm,” 08(2): 76-84 Herlambang Setiadi, “Optimization of SMES and TCSC using particle swarm optimization for oscillation mitigation in a multi machines power system, ” 08(1): 11-21 Irhan Febijanto, “The impacts of a biofuel use on the gas turbine operating performance,” 08(2): 103-114 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vi Irwan Purnama, “Increasing efficiency of a 33 MW OTEC in Indonesia using flat-plate solar collector for the seawater heater,” 08(1): 33-39 Iwan Rohman Setiawan, “Increasing efficiency of a 33 MW OTEC in Indonesia using flat-plate solar collector for the seawater heater,” 08(1): 33-39 James Shippen, “Simulation of lumbar and neck angle flexion while ingress of paratransit (angkot) in Indonesia as a preliminary design study,” 08(2): 70-75 Kadek Heri Sanjaya, “Simulation of lumbar and neck angle flexion while ingress of paratransit (angkot) in Indonesia as a preliminary design study,” 08(2): 70-75 Latif Rozaqi, “Comparison between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion battery SOC and SOH estimation: a simulation study,” 08(1): 40-49 Midriem Mirdanies, “Experimental review of distance sensors for indoor mapping,” 08(2): 85-94 Muhammad Redho Kurnia, “Simulation of lumbar and neck angle flexion while ingress of paratransit (angkot) in Indonesia as a preliminary design study,” 08(2): 70-75 Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal, “Frequency stability improvement of micro hydro power system using hybrid SMES and CES based on Cuckoo search algorithm,” 08(2): 76-84 Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal, “Optimization of SMES and TCSC using particle swarm optimization for oscillation mitigation in a multi machines power system, ” 08(1): 11-21 Muji Setiyo, “AFR and fuel cut-off modeling of LPG-fueled engine based on engine, transmission, and brake system using fuzzy logic controller (FLC),” 08(1): 50-59 Qinghe Wu, “Performance comparison of consensus protocol and l-φ approach for formation control of multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots,” 08(1): 22-32 Reza Aulia Yulnandi, “Design and implementation of hardware in the loop simulation for electric ducted fan rocket control system using 8-bit microcontroller and real-time open source middleware,” 08(1): 60-69 Roni Permana Saputra, “Experimental review of distance sensors for indoor mapping,” 08(2): 85-94 Stratis Kanarachos, “Comparison between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion battery SOC and SOH estimation: a simulation study,” 08(1): 40-49 Suroto Munahar, “AFR and fuel cut-off modeling of LPG-fueled engine based on engine, transmission, and brake system using fuzzy logic controller (FLC),” 08(1): 50-59 Yukhi Mustaqim Kusuma Sya’bana, “Simulation of lumbar and neck angle flexion while ingress of paratransit (angkot) in Indonesia as a preliminary design study,” 08(2): 70-75 Yusmar Palapa Wijaya, “A compact design of multi-feeder data logging system for power quality measurement with a multiplexer and a single PQ transducer,” 08(1): 1-10 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vii Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 08, 2017 AFFILIATION INDEX Centre for Mobility & Transport, Coventry University, Coventry, UNITED KINGDOM 40 Centre for Technology of Energy Resources Development, Deputy for Technology of Informatic, Energy and Mineral- BPPT, Tangerang Selatan, INDONESIA 103 Centre of Electrical Energy Systems (CEES), University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, MALAYSIA 1 Department of Automotive Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Magelang, INDONESIA 50 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau, INDONESIA 95 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau, Riau, INDONESIA 95 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok, INDONESIA 33 Department of Electrical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology, Surabaya, INDONESIA 76 Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Coventry University, Coventry, UNITED KINGDOM 70 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ujung Pandang State Polytechnics, Makassar, INDONESIA 11, 76 Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UNITED KINGDOM 85 Electronics Engineering, Polytechnic Caltex Riau, Riau, INDONESIA 1 Industrial Design, Keimyung University, Daegu, SOUTH KOREA 70 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 40, 70, 85 School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, CHINA 22 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, INDONESIA 60 School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 11, 76 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 viii Technical Implementation Unit for Instrumentation Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 33 UPMB Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, INDONESIA 11 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 ix Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Editor of MEV would like to thank the wisdom and advice of many individuals who dedicated their considerable time and expertise in safeguarding the quality and high standard of academic integrity of the journal. Feri Yusivar, M.Eng Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia Kampus UI Depok 16424 Depok, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA Dr. Agus Purwadi School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. keywords: 08(1; authors; bandung; department; engineering; indonesia; indonesia dr; institute; issn; journal; lipi; manuscript; mechatronics; power; research; technology; university cache: mev-409.pdf plain text: mev-409.txt item: #121 of 238 id: mev-41 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Appendix MEV Vol 2 No 1 date: 2011-07-07 words: 880 flesch: 44 summary: Judul dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Abstrak, sedangkan dalam bahasa inggris adalah Abstract; justified, bold, TNR 12, spasi 1. e. Isi abstrak singkat, jelas, dan tidak melebihi 200 kata tanpa memuat Gambar atau Tabel; justified, TNR 10, spasi 1. 7. Panjang naskah naskah minimal 2.000 kata dan tidak lebih dari 10 halaman, termasuk Gambar dan Tabel tanpa lampiran. keywords: dan; dengan; engineering; indonesian; institute; sciences; spasi; technology; tnr cache: mev-41.pdf plain text: mev-41.txt item: #122 of 238 id: mev-415 author: Rexhepi, Vezir; Nakov, Petar title: Condition assessment of power transformers status based on moisture level using fuzzy logic techniques date: 2018-07-31 words: 4755 flesch: 38 summary: This fuzzy rule refers to the standard regarding power transformer condition status [24]. Assessment of power transformer condition is the basis for reliable operation and optimal repairs schedule. keywords: assessment; condition; condition assessment; level; logic; model; moisture; monitoring; oil; operation; power; status; system; transformer;   cache: mev-415.pdf plain text: mev-415.txt item: #123 of 238 id: mev-416 author: Hakim, Arif Rahman; Handoyo, Wahyu Tri; Wullandari, Putri title: An energy and exergy analysis of photovoltaic system in Bantul Regency, Indonesia date: 2018-07-31 words: 4157 flesch: 55 summary: Currently, solar energy is one of the most widely developed renewable energy sources. The instrument that is used in this research consists of Solar Power Meters (Lutron SPM-1116SD) to measure the intensity of solar energy with Watt/m² units, Anemometer (Lutron YK-2005AM) that measures wind velocity with m/s units, Thermometer (Lutron TM-946) to measure ambient temperature, and Clamp meter (Sanwa DCM2000DR) with max input DC / AC 1000V / 2000 A to measure the current, voltage, and frequency of electricity parameters. keywords: efficiency; exergy; power; radiation; system; temperature; value; 𝑉𝑚 𝐼𝑚; 𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝐼𝑠𝑐 cache: mev-416.pdf plain text: mev-416.txt item: #124 of 238 id: mev-420 author: Amin, Amin; Ismail, Kristian; Hapid, Abdul title: Implementation of a LiFePO4 battery charger for cell balancing application date: 2018-12-30 words: 4389 flesch: 51 summary: The charger was used to charge LiFePO4 battery cell and made up with an input voltage of 43 V to 110 V. Experimental results on a 160 AH LiFePO4 battery for some state of charge shows that the maximum battery voltage has been limited at 3.77 to 3.78 V, and the maximum charging current could reach up to 10.64 A. The results show that the charger can maintain battery voltage at the maximum reference voltage and avoid the LiFePO4 battery from overcharging. keywords: balancing; battery; cell; charger; charging; converter; current; lifepo4; power; voltage cache: mev-420.pdf plain text: mev-420.txt item: #125 of 238 id: mev-427 author: Dewantoro, Gunawan; Suprayudi, Anton; Santoso, Daniel title: Enhancement of motionability based on segregation of states for holonomic soccer robot date: 2018-12-30 words: 4602 flesch: 57 summary: The controller received some parameter values from the main controller to generate robot motion according to the game algorithm. [3] Z. Jian, “Control improvement of soccer robot motion based on genetic algorithm,” Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, vol. keywords: ball; handling; motion; motor; robot; speed; state; system; value cache: mev-427.pdf plain text: mev-427.txt item: #126 of 238 id: mev-428 author: Andriani, Dian title: Preface MEV Vol 9 Iss 1 date: 2018-07-31 words: 3850 flesch: 38 summary: Vezir Rexhepi*, Petar Nakov (Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Boulevard “Sveti Kliment Ohridski”, 8, 1000, Sofia Bulgaria) Condition assessment of power transformers status based on moisture level using fuzzy logic techniques Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, July 2018, vol. MEV Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 09, Issue 1, July 2018 AIM AND SCOPE Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal aims to provide authoritative global source of scientific information for researchers and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and industries. keywords: bandung; engineering; indonesia; issn; journal; july; lipi; mechatronics; mev; power; prof; system; technology; university cache: mev-428.pdf plain text: mev-428.txt item: #127 of 238 id: mev-429 author: Andriani, Dian title: Appendix MEV Vol 9 Iss 1 date: 2018-07-31 words: 6649 flesch: 54 summary: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia Kampus UI Depok 16424 Depok, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA Dr. Agus Purwadi, M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. Mustafa No. 23, Bandung, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA Dr. Arwindra Rizqiawan, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. keywords: article; author; bandung; engineering; indonesia; journal; lipi; manuscript; mechatronics; power; research; technology; title; university; use cache: mev-429.pdf plain text: mev-429.txt item: #128 of 238 id: mev-432 author: Tamba, Tua A.; Chandra, Jonathan; Hu, Bin title: Stability analysis of a hybrid DC-DC buck converter model using dissipation inequality and convex optimization date: 2023-07-31 words: 5832 flesch: 51 summary: Results and Discussions A. DAE representation of buck converter model For the SHS model in equation (2), the polynomial DAE representation in equation (9) can be constructed by noting that the system mode has such that. Results and Discussions A. DAE representation of buck converter model B. Stability analysis of DAE system using dissipation inequality C. SOS programming algorithm for stability of DAE model D. Simulation experiments IV. keywords: buck; converter; dae; equation; function; model; polynomial; power; shs; sos; stability; vol cache: mev-432.pdf plain text: mev-432.txt item: #129 of 238 id: mev-433 author: Rif'an, Muhammad; Yusivar, Feri; Kusumoputro, Benyamin title: Sensorless-BLDC motor speed control with ensemble Kalman filter and neural network date: 2019-12-17 words: 4292 flesch: 52 summary: With a disturbance of 50 % of the rated-torque, the proposed algorithm is able to maintain motor speed with a speed error of 3 % and error estimated position is approximately 2 electrical angle. Currently, BLDC motors have been global utilization in many manufacturing because of their superior peculiars, like big starting torque, great efficiency, low noise during function and high ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage. keywords: algorithm; bldc; enkf; ensemble; error; motor; network; neural; sensorless; speed; 𝐸𝑦𝑘 cache: mev-433.pdf plain text: mev-433.txt item: #130 of 238 id: mev-436 author: Ristiana, Rina; Rohman, Arief Syaichu; Rijanto, Estiko; Purwadi, Agus; Hidayat, Egi; Machbub, Carmadi title: Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency date: 2018-12-30 words: 5631 flesch: 68 summary: Estimation of unavailable state variables is called state observer. The error of observer response (state observer versus time) Table 2. keywords: case; control; electric; energy; lqi; observer; state; system; vehicle cache: mev-436.pdf plain text: mev-436.txt item: #131 of 238 id: mev-437 author: Putrasari, Yanuandri; Praptijanto, Achmad; Nur, Arifin; Santoso, Widodo Budi; Pratama, Mulia; Dimyani, Ahmad; Suherman, Suherman; Wahono, Bambang; Wardana, Muhammad Khristamto Aditya; Lim, Ocktaeck title: Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various loads condition date: 2018-12-30 words: 3514 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: dual-fuel hydrogen; hydrogen engines; diesel-hydrogen; diesel-hydrogen efficiency; diesel-hydrogen emissions. The research and development of hydrogen engines by Das concluded that hydrogen could be used on both gasoline and diesel engines without any modification to its systems keywords: addition; combustion; diesel; efficiency; emissions; engine; fuel; hydrogen; journal; rpm cache: mev-437.pdf plain text: mev-437.txt item: #132 of 238 id: mev-439 author: Widiyanti, Widiyanti; Mizar, Muhammad Alfian; Wicaksana, Christian Asri; Nurhadi, Didik; Moses, Kriya Mateeke title: Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture date: 2019-12-17 words: 3438 flesch: 52 summary: Comparison results of CO exhaust emission (in vol%) Figure 2. This research aimed to determine the exhaust emission levels of CO and CO2 generated from a gasoline motor fueled with a mixture of bioethanol containing 96 % corncob and RON 90 fuel and to identify which variation of fuel mixture has the lowest exhaust emission level of CO and CO2. keywords: bioethanol; co2; corncob; emissions; energy; exhaust; fuel; gasoline; mixture; ron; vol cache: mev-439.pdf plain text: mev-439.txt item: #133 of 238 id: mev-444 author: Andriani, Dian title: Preface MEV Vol 9 Iss 2 date: 2018-12-30 words: 4551 flesch: 38 summary: Dao Minh Duc a, *, Pham Dang Phuoc a, Tran Xuan Tuy b, Le Thi Thuy Tram c (a Faculty of Engineering Technology, Pham Van Dong University, Vietnam; b Faculty of Mechanical, University of Science and Technology, Vietnam; c Department of Electrical and Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 MEV Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 09, Issue 2, December 2018 AIM AND SCOPE Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal aims to provide authoritative global source of scientific information for researchers and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and industries. keywords: bandung; battery; december; efficiency; engineering; hydrogen; indonesia; issn; journal; lipi; mechatronics; mev; power; research; technology; university cache: mev-444.pdf plain text: mev-444.txt item: #134 of 238 id: mev-445 author: Andriani, Dian title: Appendix MEV Vol 9 Iss 2 date: 2018-12-30 words: 7750 flesch: 46 summary: Abdul Hapid, “Implementation of a LiFePO4 battery charger for cell balancing application,” 09(2): 81-88 Achmad Praptijanto, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Agus Purwadi, “Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency,” 09(2): 89-100 Amin, “Implementation of a LiFePO4 battery charger for cell balancing application,” 09(2): 81-88 Ahmad Dimyani, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Anton Suprayudi, “Enhancement of motionability based on segregation of states for holonomic soccer robot,” 09(2): 73-80 Arief Syaichu Rohman, “Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency,” 09(2): 89-100 Arifin Nur, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Arif Rahman Hakim, “An energy and exergy analysis of photovoltaic system in Bantul Regency, Indonesia,” 09(1): 1-7 Bambang Wahono, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Carmadi Machbub, “Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency,” 09(2): 89-100 Cyriel Diels, “Preliminary investigation of sleep-related driving fatigue experiment in Indonesia,” 09(1): 8-16 Daniel Santoso, “Enhancement of motionability based on segregation of states for holonomic soccer robot,” 09(2): 73-80 Dao Minh Duc, “Study on the transient response of lower limb rehabilitation actuator using the pneumatic cylinder, ” 09(2): 65-72 Dicky Dectaviansyah, “Design, manufacture and performance analysis of an automatic antenna tracker for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV),” 09(1): 32-40 Egi Hidayat, “Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency,” 09(2): 89-100 Estiko Rijanto, “Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency,” 09(2): 89-100 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vi Gesang Nugroho, “Design, manufacture and performance analysis of an automatic antenna tracker for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV),” 09(1): 32-40 Gunawan Dewantoro, “Enhancement of motionability based on segregation of states for holonomic soccer robot,” 09(2): 73-80 Kadek Heri Sanjaya, “Preliminary investigation of sleep-related driving fatigue experiment in Indonesia,” 09(1): 8-16 Khusnul Hidayat, “Efficiency improvement of photovoltaic by using maximum power point tracking based on a new fuzzy logic controller,” 09(2): 57-64 Kristian Ismail, “Implementation of a LiFePO4 battery charger for cell balancing application,” 09(2): 81- 88 Le Thi Thuy Tram, “Study on the transient response of lower limb rehabilitation actuator using the pneumatic cylinder, ” 09(2): 65-72 Machmud Effendy, “Efficiency improvement of photovoltaic by using maximum power point tracking based on a new fuzzy logic controller,” 09(2): 57-64 Marek Gašparík, “Pendulum energy harvester with amplifier, ” 09(1): 25-31 Michal Černý, “Pendulum energy harvester with amplifier, ” 09(1): 25-31 Michal Dzurilla, “Pendulum energy harvester with amplifier, ” 09(1): 25-31 Miloš Musil, “Pendulum energy harvester with amplifier, ” 09(1): 25-31 Muhammad Khristamto Aditya Wardana, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel- hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Mulia Pratama, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Nuralif Mardiyah, “Efficiency improvement of photovoltaic by using maximum power point tracking based on a new fuzzy logic controller,” 09(2): 57-64 Ocktaeck Lim, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Petar Nakov, “Condition assessment of power transformers status based on moisture level using fuzzy logic techniques,” 09(1): 17-24 Pham Dang Phuoc, “Study on the transient response of lower limb rehabilitation actuator using the pneumatic cylinder, ” 09(2): 65-72 Putri Wullandari, “An energy and exergy analysis of photovoltaic system in Bantul Regency, Indonesia,” 09(1): 1-7 Rina Ristiana, “Designing optimal speed control with observer using integrated battery-electric vehicle (IBEV) model for energy efficiency,” 09(2): 89-100 Shaun Hutchinson, “Preliminary investigation of sleep-related driving fatigue experiment in Indonesia,” 09(1): 8-16 Suherman, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Syed Yousufuddin, “Combustion duration influence on hydrogen-ethanol dual fueled engine emissions: An experimental analysis,” 09(2): 41-48 Tran Xuan Tuy, “Study on the transient response of lower limb rehabilitation actuator using the pneumatic cylinder, ” 09(2): 65-72 Vezir Rexhepi, “Condition assessment of power transformers status based on moisture level using fuzzy logic techniques,” 09(1): 17-24 Wahyu Tri Handoyo, “An energy and exergy analysis of photovoltaic system in Bantul Regency, Indonesia,” 09(1): 1-7 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vii Widodo Budi Santoso, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Yanuandri Putrasari, “Thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various load conditions,” 09(2): 49-56 Yukhi Mustaqim Kusuma Sya'bana, “Preliminary investigation of sleep-related driving fatigue experiment in Indonesia,” 09(1): 8-16 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 viii Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 09, 2018 AFFILIATION INDEX Centre for Mobility and Transport, Coventry University, Coventry, UNITED KINGDOM 8 Department of Electrical and Electronics, Technological Colleges Quang Nam, Quang Nam, City, VIET NAM 65 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 32 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jubail University College, Jubail, SAUDI ARABIA 41 Electrical Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 57 Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, INDONESIA 73 Faculty of Engineering Technology, Pham Van Dong University, Quang Ngai City, VIET NAM 65 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA 25 Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering University of Ulsan, Ulsan, SOUTH KOREA 49 Faculty of Mechanical, University of Science and Technology, Da Nang City, VIET NAM 65 Instrumentation Development Unit, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 89 Loka Riset Mekanisasi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan, Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Bantul, INDONESIA 1 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 8, 49, 81, 89 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, INDONESIA 89 School of Mechanical Engineering University of Ulsan, Ulsan, SOUTH KOREA 49 Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sofia, BULGARIA 17 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 ix Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Editor of MEV would like to thank the wisdom and advice of many individuals who dedicated their considerable time and expertise in safeguarding the quality and high standard of academic integrity of the journal. Fl, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Sunit Hendrana Research Center for Physics - LIPI Gedung 440, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Banten 15314, INDONESIA Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. keywords: article; author; bandung; efficiency; engineering;; indonesia; issn; journal; lipi; manuscript; mechatronics; power; research; technology; title; university; use cache: mev-445.pdf plain text: mev-445.txt item: #135 of 238 id: mev-447 author: Murdiya, Fri; Febrizal, Febrizal; Stevany, Cecilia; Sano, Havel Alindo; Firdaus, Firdaus title: The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead lines: ATP-EMTP computational approach date: 2019-11-15 words: 5213 flesch: 55 summary: [3] R. Zoro, G. K. Atmajaya and B. Denov, Lightning protection system for high voltage transmission line in Indonesia, 2nd International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems (ICHVEPS), Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, pp. Lightning strikes have several parameters that affect the performance of line arresters (LA), namely lightning charge, and impulse energy. keywords: arresters; current; figure; impulse; lightning; lines; model; phase; power; transmission; voltage cache: mev-447.pdf plain text: mev-447.txt item: #136 of 238 id: mev-45 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Preface MEV Vol 2 No 2 date: 2011-12-22 words: 823 flesch: 41 summary: Jurnal ini tebit dua kali dalam satu tahun Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power and Vehicular Technology adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI). Tiga makalah berbahasa Inggris dan empat berbahasa Indonesia. keywords: dan; editor; engineering; ini; jurnal; listrik; mechatronics; pada; tahun; yang cache: mev-45.pdf plain text: mev-45.txt item: #137 of 238 id: mev-451 author: Pratama, Mulia; Gruosso, Giambattista; Santoso, Widodo Budi; Praptijanto, Achmad title: Vehicular networking and computer vision-based distance estimation for VANET application using Raspberry Pi 3 date: 2019-12-17 words: 6176 flesch: 55 summary: = 0 (7) thus 𝑣 = 𝑥 2 + 𝑦2 − 𝑥𝑦𝑟 > 2, 𝑍 can be obtained by 𝑍 = 𝑐 ′/√𝑣, this value was the first order approximation of vehicle distance one interested. Haar Cascade Classifier used for vehicle detection as this method comparably the fastest to date. keywords: camera; distance; figure; haar; image; latency; measurement; meters; noise; p3p; research; system; vehicle; vehicular; video cache: mev-451.pdf plain text: mev-451.txt item: #138 of 238 id: mev-452 author: Wirtayasa, Ketut; Irasari, Pudji; Kasim, Muhammad; Widiyanto, Puji; Hikmawan, Muhammad Fathul title: Load characteristic analysis of a double-side internal coreless stator axial flux PMG date: 2019-12-17 words: 4030 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: coreless stator; axial flux permanent magnet generator; load characteristics; resistive load; resistive -inductive in series. [4] A. Daghigh, H. Javadi, and H. Torkaman, “Improved design of coreless axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator with low active material cost,” in The 6th International Power Electronics Drive Systems an d Technologies Conference (PEDSTC2015), 2015, pp. 532–537. keywords: coreless; flux; generator; load; magnet; power; stator; voltage cache: mev-452.pdf plain text: mev-452.txt item: #139 of 238 id: mev-455 author: Azhari, Budi; Wijaya, Fransisco Danang title: Quasi-flat linear PM generator optimization using simulated annealing algorithm for WEC in Indonesia date: 2019-12-17 words: 4270 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Design optimization; copper loss; simulated annealing; quasi-flat LPMG. Results and Discussions A. Resulted design of quasi-flat LPMG The resulted initial and optimized dimensions of the quasi-flat LPMG design are shown in Table 2. keywords: algorithm; design; energy; figure; generator; loss; lpmg; optimization; power; stator; wave cache: mev-455.pdf plain text: mev-455.txt item: #140 of 238 id: mev-46 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Appendix MEV Vol 2 No 2 date: 2011-12-22 words: 1654 flesch: 54 summary: Nugraha Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 31, 85 Aep Saepudin Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 73 Agus Salim Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 57 Andri Joko Purwanto Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 57 Anwar Muqorobin Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 41, 85 Arif Santoso Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 41, 85 Arifin Santosa Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 73 Arko Djajadi Department of Mechatronics, SGU 51 Arsi Azavi Department of Mechatronics, SGU 51 Dalmasius Ganjar Subagio Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 105 Edwar Yazid Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 95 Erikson Sinaga Department of Mechatronics, SGU 51 Estiko Rijanto Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 31, 85 Ghalya Pikra Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 57 Hendri Maja Saputra Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 31, 85 Irhan Febijanto Pusat Teknologi Pengembangan Sumberdaya Energi, BPPT 11 Maralo Sinaga Department of Mechatronics, SGU 79 Maulana Arifin Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 73 Midriem Mirdanies Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 31, 85 Momoh Jimoh E. Salami Department of Mechatronics Engineering, IIUM 65 Nani Rahayu Department of Mechatronics Engineering, IIUM 65 Noor Cholis Basjaruddin Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Bandung 23 Nurul Amalina Bt Ahmad Kasim Department of Mechatronics Engineering, IIUM 65 Pudji Irasari Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 1 Riza Muhida STKIP Surya, Surya Research and Education Center 65 Rizqi Andry Ardiansyah Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 31, 85 Roni Permana Saputra Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 41, 85 Rusman Rusyadi Department of Mechatronics, SGU 51, 79 Teguh Pudji Purwanto Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri, UGM 41 Tinton Dwi Atmaja Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 105 Vita Susanti Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 85 Winda Astuti Department of Mechatronics Engineering, IIUM 65 Yosafat Surya Murijanto Department of Mechatronics, SGU 79 Zaidan Eddy Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 57 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology ISSN: 2087-3379 (cetak) Vol. 02, No 2, 2011 ISSN:2088-6985 (online) v JOURNAL OF MECHATRONICS, ELECTRICAL POWER AND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Volume 2 (2011) AUTHOR INDEX Adi Santoso Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik, LIPI 31 Aditya Sukma keywords: dan; dengan; electrical; engineering; institute; lipi; listrik; mechatronics; mekatronik; penelitian; pusat; tenaga; tnr cache: mev-46.pdf plain text: mev-46.txt item: #141 of 238 id: mev-466 author: Cenit, Mikecon; Gandhi, Vaibhav title: [Retracted] Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs date: 2019-11-28 words: 238 flesch: 24 summary: MEV Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 61-71 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN: 2088-6985 p-ISSN: 2087-3379 doi: 2088-6985 / 2087-3379 ©2019 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCEPM-LIPI). Republish version of this document can be found at ©2019 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences. keywords: article cache: mev-466.pdf plain text: mev-466.txt item: #142 of 238 id: mev-468 author: Prasetyo, Bayu; Aziz, Faiz Syaikhoni; Handayani, Anik Nur; Priharta, Ari; Bin Che Ani, Adi Izhar title: Lux and current analysis on lab-scale smart grid system using Mamdani fuzzy logic controller date: 2020-07-30 words: 5632 flesch: 56 summary: Then at the distributor level, they have also begun to develop many systems to maintain the stability and the availability of electric power for consumers, for example installing bank capacitors and smart grid systems. The project such as smart grid system on a smart home by controlling the load based on the SOC battery condition where the battery input was obtained from a hybrid solar panel system with a wind generator [14]. keywords: contact; control; current; fuzzy; grid; intensity; lab; light; membership; output; pln; scale; system cache: mev-468.pdf plain text: mev-468.txt item: #143 of 238 id: mev-475 author: Nazih, Mostafa title: Safety assessment of high voltage substation earthing systems with synthetic geotextile membrane date: 2019-12-21 words: 3894 flesch: 44 summary: CDEGS results for the initial grid design with no textiles shows an earthing resistance of 0.122 Ω achieving the safety criteria within and around the site with tolerable touch voltages about 1100 V and 816 V, respectively (based on IEEE 80:2013 criteria for a 70 kg (inside) and 50 kg (outside) person including a footwear resistance of 2000 Ω per foot). 2) Modified grid design Although the addition of geotextile raises tolerable touch voltage by about 25 %, the overall earthing resistance increases by about 61 % with unsafe touch voltages within the substation. Safety assessment of high voltage substation earthing systems with synthetic geotextile membrane Mostafa Nazih * Building, Infrastructure and Advanced Facilities, Jacobs 452 Flinders St., Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia Received 9 December 2019; accepted 21 December 2019 Abstract High voltage substations built within areas prone to vegetation or with unfavourable subgrade conditions are paved with the addition of punched geotextiles and non-conductive synthetic fabrics underneath switchyard surfacing. keywords: earthing; geotextile; grid; resistivity; soil; step; substation; surface; touch; voltage cache: mev-475.pdf plain text: mev-475.txt item: #144 of 238 id: mev-477 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 10 Iss 1 date: 2019-12-17 words: 4200 flesch: 39 summary: Muhammad Rif’an a, *, Feri Yusivar b, Benyamin Kusumoputro b (a Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia; b Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia ) Sensorless-BLDC motor speed control with ensemble Kalman filter and neural network Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2019, vol. Ketut Wirtayasa a, b, *, Pudji Irasari a, Muhammad Kasim a, c, Puji Widiyanto a, Muhammad Fathul Hikmawan a (a Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia; b Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science an d Technology, Taiwan; keywords: bandung; engineering; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; lipi; load; mechatronics; mev; power; research; system; technology; university cache: mev-477.pdf plain text: mev-477.txt item: #145 of 238 id: mev-478 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 10 Iss 1 date: 2019-12-17 words: 6586 flesch: 54 summary: Fl, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Sunit Hendrana Research Center for Physics - LIPI Gedung 440, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Banten 15314, INDONESIA Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Feri Yusivar, M.Eng. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia Kampus UI Depok 16424 Depok, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA Dr. Agus Purwadi, M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. keywords: article; author; bandung; engineering; indonesia; journal; lipi; manuscript; mechatronics; power; research; title; university; use cache: mev-478.pdf plain text: mev-478.txt item: #146 of 238 id: mev-480 author: Joelianto, Endra; Christian, Daniel; Samsi, Agus title: Swarm control of an unmanned quadrotor model with LQR weighting matrix optimization using genetic algorithm date: 2020-07-30 words: 7562 flesch: 57 summary: [14] Hönig, J.A. Preiss, T.S. Kumar, G.S. Sukhatme, and N. Ayanian, “Trajectory planning for quadrotor swarms,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. If this condition is not met, then there will be no change in the value of the function, resulting in a collision between swarm agents. keywords: agent; control; equation; quadrotor; swarm; tracking; ⎥ ⎥; 𝐽𝑥𝑥 cache: mev-480.pdf plain text: mev-480.txt item: #147 of 238 id: mev-482 author: Subagio, Dalmasius Ganjar; Subekti, Ridwan Arief; Saputra, Hendri Maja; Rajani, Ahmad; Sanjaya, Kadek Heri title: Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine date: 2019-12-18 words: 5588 flesch: 56 summary: CNC milling machine deviation in the three axis (adapted from Werner, 2018 Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine Dalmasius Ganjar Subagio*, Ridwan Arief Subekti, Hendri Maja Saputra, Ahmad Rajani, Kadek Heri Sanjaya Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Komp LIPI Bandung, Gd 20, Lt 2, Bandung, West Java, 40135 Indonesia Received 24 October 2019; accepted 18 December 2019 keywords: axis; cnc; deviation; figure; indicator; machine; measurement; milling; results; table cache: mev-482.pdf plain text: mev-482.txt item: #148 of 238 id: mev-484 author: Aditya Wardana, Muhammad Khristamto; Lim, Ocktaeck title: A study effects of injection pressure and wall temperature on the mixing process of NOx and NH3 in Selective Catalytic Reduction system date: 2020-07-30 words: 5664 flesch: 48 summary: That reaction has an effect after long period application of SCR system in the diesel engine. B. Injector effect on exhaust simulation gas The distribution of the exhaust pressure can predict the streamline reaction in the optical box. keywords: ammonia; box; exhaust; flow; gas; model; pressure; scr; scr system; simulation; system; temperature; urea; value cache: mev-484.pdf plain text: mev-484.txt item: #149 of 238 id: mev-485 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi; Andriani, Dian; Darussalam, Rudi title: Smart Grid communication applications: measurement equipment and networks architecture for data and energy flow date: 2019-11-25 words: 8386 flesch: 45 summary: Smart Grid network should be classified in the typical payload, data sampling, latency, and reliability This article aimed to disclose Smart Grid communication in a logical way to facilitate the understanding of each component function. keywords: ami; architecture; area; area network; communication; control; data; energy; grid; ieee; management; measurement; metering; monitoring; network; phasor; pmu; power; routing; smart; system; technologies; technology; vol cache: mev-485.pdf plain text: mev-485.txt item: #150 of 238 id: mev-486 author: Arifin, Maulana title: Rotordynamics analysis of solar hybrid microturbine for concentrated solar power date: 2020-07-30 words: 3290 flesch: 49 summary: Radial compressor and turbine assembly modeling with turbo-shaft and bearing [10] M. Arifin / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 11 (2020) 38-44 40 angular rotor velocity or rotor speed; 𝜀 and 𝜀̇ are the journal bearing relative eccentricity and the time change rate of the journal relative eccentricity; 𝛾 is the whirl velocity of the journal bearing. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the input signal vs. time domain for compressor and turbine M. Arifin / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 11 (2020) 38-44 41 Figure 4 presents the influence of rotor speed on the tip displacements at the compressor and turbine concerning the time domain. keywords: bearing; compressor; journal; krpm; power; rotor; speed; tip; turbine; turbo cache: mev-486.pdf plain text: mev-486.txt item: #151 of 238 id: mev-487 author: Pikra, Ghalya; Rohmah, Nur; Pramana, Rakhmad Indra; Purwanto, Andri Joko title: Open feed organic heater pressure analysis on single-stage regenerative organic Rankine cycle performance date: 2020-07-30 words: 5096 flesch: 56 summary: 30-37 37 layouts in organic Rankine cycle (ORC) systems,” Energy, vol. [6] F. Sun, Y. Ikegami, B. Jia, and H. Arima, “Optimization design and exergy analysis of organic Rankine cycle in ocean thermal energy conversion,” Appl. keywords: exergy; heat; power; pressure; 𝑄𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙; 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑡 cache: mev-487.pdf plain text: mev-487.txt item: #152 of 238 id: mev-488 author: Muharam, Aam; Mostafa, Tarek Mahmoud; Ahmad, Suziana; Masuda, Mitsuru; Obara, Daiki; Hattori, Reiji; Hapid, Abdul title: Preliminary study of 50 W Class-E GaN FET amplifier for 6.78 MHz capacitive wireless power transfer date: 2020-07-30 words: 4687 flesch: 49 summary: These selected researches in power amplifier for WPT applications can be seen in Table 1. Selected researches in power amplifier for WPT applications Ref Year Topology Frequency (MHz) Power Out (W) Gap (mm) Load (Ω) WPT Method Efficiency (%) keywords: amplifier; class; efficiency; figure; frequency; load; mhz; power; system; transfer; voltage; wireless cache: mev-488.pdf plain text: mev-488.txt item: #153 of 238 id: mev-490 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 10 Iss 2 date: 2020-05-31 words: 3686 flesch: 37 summary: MEV Front Cover Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 10, Issue 2, 2019 AIM AND SCOPE Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal aims to provide authoritative global source of scientific information for researchers and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and industries. Tel: +62-022-2504770 (ext. 203) Fax: +62-22-2504773 Business hour: Monday to Friday 08:00 to 16:00 GMT+7 e-mail: Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 10, Issue 2, 2019 ONLINE SUBMISSIONS keywords: bandung; engineering; exoskeleton; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; lightning; lipi; mechatronics; mev; power; research; technology cache: mev-490.pdf plain text: mev-490.txt item: #154 of 238 id: mev-491 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 10 Iss 2 date: 2020-05-31 words: 7908 flesch: 50 summary: Achmad Praptijanto, “Vehicular networking and computer vision-based distance estimation for VANET application using Raspberry Pi 3,” 10(1):7-16 Ahmad Rajani, “Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine,” 10(2):93-101 Anik Nur Handayani, “Smart grid photovoltaic system pilot scale using sunlight intensity and state of charge (SoC) battery based on Mamdani fuzzy logic control,” 10(1):36-47 Ari Priharta, “Smart grid photovoltaic system pilot scale using sunlight intensity and state of charge (SoC) battery based on Mamdani fuzzy logic control,” 10(1):36-47 Benyamin Kusumoputro, “Sensorless-BLDC motor speed control with ensemble Kalman filter and neural network,” 10(1):1-6 Budi Azhari, “Quasi-flat linear PM generator optimization using simulated annealing algorithm for WEC in Indonesia,” 10(1):29-35 Cecilia Stevany, “The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead lines:ATP-EMTP computational approach,” 10(2):49- 59 Christian Asri Wicaksana, “Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture,” 10(1):24-28 Dalmasius Ganjar Subagio, “Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine,” 10(2):93-101 Dian Andriani, “Smart Grid communication applications: measurement equipment and networks architecture for data and energy flow,” 10(2):73-84 Didik Nurhadi, “Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture,” 10(1):24-28 Febrizal, “The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead lines:ATP-EMTP computational approach,” 10(2):49-59 Feri Yusivar, “Sensorless-BLDC motor speed control with ensemble Kalman filter and neural network,” 10(1):1-6 Firdaus, “The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead lines:ATP-EMTP computational approach,” 10(2):49-59 Francisco Danang Wijaya, “Quasi-flat linear PM generator optimization using simulated annealing algorithm for WEC in Indonesia,” 10(1):29-35 Fri Murdiya, “The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead lines:ATP-EMTP computational approach,” 10(2):49- 59 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vi Giambattista Gruosso, “Vehicular networking and computer vision-based distance estimation for VANET application using Raspberry Pi 3,” 10(1):7-16 Havel Alindo Sano, “The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead lines:ATP-EMTP computational approach,” 10(2):49- 59 Hendri Maja Saputra, “Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine,” 10(2):93-101 Kadek Heri Sanjaya, “Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine,” 10(2):93-101 Kamil Faqih, “Smart grid photovoltaic system pilot scale using sunlight intensity and state of charge (SoC) battery based on Mamdani fuzzy logic control,” 10(1):36-47 Ketut Wirtayasa, “Load characteristic analysis of a double-side internal coreless stator axial flux PMG,” 10(1):17-23 Kohei Arai, “Smart grid photovoltaic system pilot scale using sunlight intensity and state of charge (SoC) battery based on Mamdani fuzzy logic control,” 10(1):36-47 Kriya Mateeke Moses, “Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture,” 10(1):24-28 Mikecon Cenit, “Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs,” 10(2):61-71 Mostafa Nazih, “Safety assessment of high voltage substation earthing systems with synthetic geotextile membrane,” 10(2):85-91 Muhammad Alfian Mizar, “Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture,” 10(1):24-28 Muhammad Fathul Hikmawan, “Load characteristic analysis of a double-side internal coreless stator axial flux PMG,” 10(1):17-23 Muhammad Kasim, “Load characteristic analysis of a double-side internal coreless stator axial flux PMG,” 10(1):17-23 Muhammad Rif’an, “Sensorless-BLDC motor speed control with ensemble Kalman filter and neural network,” 10(1):1-6 Mulia Pratama, “Vehicular networking and computer vision-based distance estimation for VANET application using Raspberry Pi 3,” 10(1):7-16 Pudji Irasari, “Load characteristic analysis of a double-side internal coreless stator axial flux PMG,” 10(1):17-23 Puji Widiyanto, “Load characteristic analysis of a double-side internal coreless stator axial flux PMG,” 10(1):17-23 Ridwan Arief Subekti, “Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine,” 10(2):93-101 Rudi Darussalam, “Smart Grid communication applications: measurement equipment and networks architecture for data and energy flow,” 10(2):73-84 Tinton Dwi Atmaja, “Smart Grid communication applications: measurement equipment and networks architecture for data and energy flow,” 10(2):73-84 Vaibhav Gandhi, “Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs,” 10(2):61-71 Wahyu Primadi, “Smart grid photovoltaic system pilot scale using sunlight intensity and state of charge (SoC) battery based on Mamdani fuzzy logic control,” 10(1):36-47 Widiyanti, “Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture,” 10(1):24-28 Widodo Budi Santoso, “Vehicular networking and computer vision-based distance estimation for VANET application using Raspberry Pi 3,” 10(1):7-16 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vii Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 10, 2019 AFFILIATION INDEX Bachelor Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 24 Building, Infrastructure and Advanced Facilities, Jacobs, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA 85 Department of Design Engineering and Mathematics, Middlesex University London, London, UNITED KINGDOM 61 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, D.I. Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 29 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, INDONESIA 49 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN 17 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, INDONESIA 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, INDONESIA 1 Department of Electronics, Informatics and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, ITALY 7 Department of Information Science, Saga University, Saga, JAPAN 36 Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 24 Electrical Engineering Postgraduate, Electrical engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 36 Graduate school of technological and vocational education, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, TAIWAN 24 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 7, 17, 29, 73, 93 Research Unit for Clean Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 73 School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA 17 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 viii Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Editor of MEV would like to thank the wisdom and advice of many individuals who dedicated their considerable time and expertise in safeguarding the quality and high standard of academic integrity of the journal. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Narankhuu Jamsran Thomas Air LLC, Mongolia Tushig center 204, Seoul Street- 23, 4th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Ph.D. Dept of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang Jl. keywords: article; bandung; centre; department; engineering; indonesia; journal; komp; lipi; lipi jl; mechatronics; power; research; sangkuriang; technology; university; use cache: mev-491.pdf plain text: mev-491.txt item: #155 of 238 id: mev-493 author: Faqih, Kamil; Sujito, Sujito; Sendari, Siti; Aziz, Faiz Syaikhoni title: Smart guided missile using accelerometer and gyroscope based on backpropagation neural network method for optimal control output feedback date: 2020-12-22 words: 5735 flesch: 49 summary: Smart missile systems use the backpropagation neural network method. Smart missile maneuver system is divided into several types of clusters according to the target direction, research on the missile direction cluster has been developed by Jan Farlik [21]. keywords: air; algorithm; control; data; defense; figure; maneuver; missile; network; neural; research; system; target; technology; training cache: mev-493.pdf plain text: mev-493.txt item: #156 of 238 id: mev-495 author: Syabana, Yukhi Mustaqim Kusuma; Park, Gun Bae title: A study on the applicability of batik for public transportation design in Indonesia date: 2020-12-22 words: 7969 flesch: 42 summary: We highlighted mind mapping, including vernacular design, design concept, applicability, identity, pattern, essence to be applied in public transportation equipment design, as seen in Figure 5. A study on the applicability of batik for public transportation design in Indonesia Yukhi Mustaqim Kusuma Sya’bana a, *, Gun Bae Park b a Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Komplek LIPI Jl. keywords: applicability; application; batik; colors; concept; culture; design; development; equipment; figure; identity; indonesia; material; mechatronics; motifs; power; product; sustainable; technology; transportation; values; vol cache: mev-495.pdf plain text: mev-495.txt item: #157 of 238 id: mev-499 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 11 Iss 1 date: 2020-07-30 words: 4295 flesch: 37 summary: Bayu Prasetyo a, Faiz Syaikhoni Aziz a, Anik Nur Handayani a , Ari Priharta a, Adi Izhar Bin Che Ani b (a Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia; b Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia) Lux and current analysis on lab-scale smart grid system using Mamdani fuzzy logic controller Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, July 2020, vol. MEV Front Cover Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 11, Issue 1, 2020 AIM AND SCOPE Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal aims to provide authoritative global source of scientific information for researchers and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and industries. keywords: analysis; bandung; engineering; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; lipi; mechatronics; mev; power; pressure; research; sciences; system; technology cache: mev-499.pdf plain text: mev-499.txt item: #158 of 238 id: mev-5 author: Nugraha, Aditya Sukma; Rijanto, Estiko title: Ocean Current Energy Conversion System in Wallacea Region Using Variable Speed Control Approach date: 2012-03-09 words: 4160 flesch: 52 summary: 27-34 28 Presently, there are four types of green energy based on renewable ocean’s energy that are becoming promising for future use those are: tidal energy, wave energy, ocean thermal energy, and ocean current energy With the above Thermohaline circulation as the first basis, research on design of electrical power plants using ocean current energy in the Wallacea region is valuable. keywords: control; conversion; current; energy; figure; ocean; ocecs; power; region; speed; system; turbine; wallacea; water cache: mev-5.pdf plain text: mev-5.txt item: #159 of 238 id: mev-50 author: Ismail, Kristian; Ismail, Syamsu title: Development of Discrete Power Supply with Charge Pump Method for High Powered Sonar System date: 2012-07-26 words: 3196 flesch: 52 summary: E. Perhitungan Kapasitor Setelah diperoleh harga kapasitansi pada saat dihubung paralel dan pada saat dihubung seri, maka selanjutnya perlu dihitung tegangan akhir pada proses pengosongan dan tegangan akhir pada proses pengisian di waktu jeda. Energi  = W x T (2) Dengan W adalah daya beban dan T adalah waktu pembebanan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa energi yang diperlukan untuk mensuplai transducer selama transmisi 10 ms adalah = 10.000 x 10-2 = 100 watt det. keywords: adalah; catu; charge; dan; dapat; dari; daya; dengan; dimana; gambar; ini; kapasitor; menggunakan; pada; pengisian; perhitungan; persamaan; power; pump; saat; seri; sistem; sonar; sumber; tegangan; untuk; waktu; yang cache: mev-50.pdf plain text: mev-50.txt item: #160 of 238 id: mev-500 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 11 Iss 1 date: 2020-07-30 words: 6942 flesch: 54 summary: Fl, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Sunit Hendrana Research Center for Physics - LIPI Gedung 440, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Banten 15314, INDONESIA Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Feri Yusivar, M.Eng. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia Kampus UI Depok 16424 Depok, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA Dr. Agus Purwadi, M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. keywords: 2nd; article; bandung; blg; centre; engineering; indonesia; journal; komp lipi; lipi; lipi jl; mechatronics; power; research; sangkuriang; use cache: mev-500.pdf plain text: mev-500.txt item: #161 of 238 id: mev-503 author: Setiawan, Muhammad Nanda; Suryana, Evan Rizky; Parytta, Leo; Andaro, William title: Pole placement and LQR implementation on longitudinal altitute holding control of wing in surface effect vehicle date: 2020-12-22 words: 5288 flesch: 51 summary: Systems response to the unit step input M.N. Setiawan et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 11 (2020) 86-94 91 applied to the close loop simulation. Systems response of doublet input elevator M.N. Setiawan et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 11 (2020) 86-94 92 keywords: altitude; angle; control; equation; input; lqr; pole; response; system; vehicle; ⎥ ⎥ cache: mev-503.pdf plain text: mev-503.txt item: #162 of 238 id: mev-508 author: Admono, Tri; Ahmudiarto, Yoyon; Romadoni, Amma Muliya; Abdurahman, Iman; Salim, Agus; Lusijarto, Teguh Tri; Mulyadi, Mochammad Agoes title: Numerical investigation of the effect of triangle strut in vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) date: 2020-12-22 words: 3250 flesch: 52 summary: Numerical investigation of the effect of triangle strut in vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) Tri Admono a, *, Yoyon Ahmudiarto a, Amma Muliya Romadoni a, Iman Abdurahman a, Agus Salim a, Teguh Tri Lusijarto a, Mochammad Agoes Mulyadi b a Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Komplek LIPI Jl. Abstract Strut is used in vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) to restraint the framework. keywords: figure; losses; pressure; strut; triangle; turbine; vawt; wind cache: mev-508.pdf plain text: mev-508.txt item: #163 of 238 id: mev-509 author: Rijanto, Estiko; Adiwiguna, Erik; Sadono, Aryo Putro; Nugraha, Muhammad Hafil; Mahendra, Oka; Firmansyah, Rendra Dwi title: A new design of embedded monitoring system for maintenance and performance monitoring of a cane harvester tractor date: 2020-12-22 words: 5558 flesch: 46 summary: A new design of embedded monitoring system for maintenance and performance monitoring of a cane harvester tractor Estiko Rijanto a, *, Erik Adiwiguna a, Aryo Putro Sadono a, Muhammad Hafil Nugraha a, Oka Mahendra b, Rendra Dwi Firmansyah b a Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) The CAN logger 5102 GPS data logger, with two CAN interface and a built-in GNSS receiver, was directly connected to a farm tractor’s CAN-bus to log all ISOBUS messages keywords: bus; chopper; computer; control; data; figure; harvester; hydraulic; logger; monitoring; power; sensors; sugarcane; system; technology; tractor cache: mev-509.pdf plain text: mev-509.txt item: #164 of 238 id: mev-511 author: Zikri, Zikri; Derisman, Aken; Muslim, Muslim; Purwanto, Wawan; Imran, Al Ichlas title: Study on the production of hydrogen gas from water electrolysis on motorcycle engine date: 2022-07-29 words: 5088 flesch: 52 summary: Departing from this problem, an effort is needed to create a vehicle that uses hydrogen gas, because hydrogen fuel has become an alternative energy source that can be produced from environmentally friendly sources, and what is no less important is that it will only produce water from its combustion. An emission test is conducted to see the difference in exhaust gas emissions between motorbikes using Pertamax fuel and motorbikes using hydrogen gas fuel. keywords: electrolysis; energy; fuel; gas; hydrogen; hydrogen gas; motorcycle; process; reactor; research; test; tube; water cache: mev-511.pdf plain text: mev-511.txt item: #165 of 238 id: mev-512 author: Waskito, Adi; Firmansyah, Rendra Dwi; Syamsi, Djohar; Baskoro, Catur Hilman Adritya Haryo Bhakti; Lisdiana, Anisya; Wahab, Herkuswyna Isnaniyah title: Optimization of ozone chamber using pulse width modulation for sterilization and preservation on fruits and vegetables date: 2020-12-22 words: 3655 flesch: 53 summary: The advantage of using a lower applied voltage is the opportunity to have ozone generators using non- conventional dielectric materials that have much lower dielectric breakdown voltage, such as mica, alumina ceramic, thin enamel, and polymer layers materials [4]. Ozone could be generated on-site using ozone generators with oxygen as the gas source. keywords: chamber; cycle; duty; figure; food; generator; ozone; power; preservation; pulse; time; vol; voltage cache: mev-512.pdf plain text: mev-512.txt item: #166 of 238 id: mev-513 author: Tamami, Niam; Sumantri, Bambang; Kristalina, Prima title: Local positioning system for autonomous vertical take-off and landing using ultra-wide band measurement ranging system date: 2021-07-31 words: 5944 flesch: 57 summary: Figure 11 shows UWB distance measurement using the SSS-TWR algorithm. Figure 13 shows UWB distance measurement using the SDS-TWR algorithm. keywords: anchor; autonomous; distance; error; figure; measurement; position; positioning; system; tag; twr; uwb; vtol cache: mev-513.pdf plain text: mev-513.txt item: #167 of 238 id: mev-515 author: Cenit, Mikecon; Gandhi, Vaibhav title: Design and development of the sEMG-based exoskeleton strength enhancer for the legs date: 2020-12-22 words: 7877 flesch: 47 summary: [70], which talks about the specifics related mainly to exoskeleton designs. Memory shape materials can be used as actuators for exoskeleton systems because it does not require external or onboard functioning energy, thereby increasing energy efficiency keywords: body; control; design; exoskeleton; figure; force; human; journal; muscle; power; ranges; robotics; semg; signal; spring; technology; user; vol cache: mev-515.pdf plain text: mev-515.txt item: #168 of 238 id: mev-517 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 11 Iss 2 date: 2020-12-22 words: 4466 flesch: 37 summary: MEV Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 11, Issue 2, 2020 AIM AND SCOPE Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal aims to provide authoritative global source of scientific information for researchers and engineers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and industries. Electrical Power: including power generation, transmission system, new and renewable energy, turbine and generator design and analysis, grid system, and source assessment. keywords: bandung; control; design; engineering; exoskeleton; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; lipi; mechatronics; mev; power; research; system; technology cache: mev-517.pdf plain text: mev-517.txt item: #169 of 238 id: mev-518 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 11 Iss 2 date: 2020-12-22 words: 8566 flesch: 48 summary: AFFILIATION INDEX Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN 22 Automotive Products and Electronics Laboratories, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Kanagawa, JAPAN 22 Computer, Electrical, Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, SAUDI ARABIA 22 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, INDONESIA 95 Department of Design Engineering and Mathematics, Middlesex University London, London, UNITED KINGDOM 64 Department of Engineering Physics, Multimedia Nusantara University, Tangerang, INDONESIA 86 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, REPUBLIC OF KOREA 45 Department of Physics Energy Engineering, Surya University, Tangerang, INDONESIA 86 Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Tangerang, INDONESIA 86 Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 11 Electrical Engineering Postgraduate, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 55 Engineering Physics Study Program - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, INDONESIA 1 Externship Researcher of Engineering Physics Study Program - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, INDONESIA 1 Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology (FTKEE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka, MALAYSIA 22 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Selangor, MALAYSIA 11 Industrial Design Laboratory, Art and Design Faculty, Keimyung University, Daegu, REPUBLIC OF KOREA 75 Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machinery Laboratory, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GERMANY 38 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 x Instrumentation and Control Research Group - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, INDONESIA 1 Intelligent Power and Advance Energy System, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, INDONESIA 55 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 22, 30, 38, 45, 75, 95, 102, 111 Research Centre for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 111 Research Unit for Clean Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 30 Technical Implementation Unit for Instrumentation Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, INDONESIA 102, 111 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Narankhuu Jamsran Thomas Air LLC, Mongolia Tushig center 204, Seoul Street- 23, 4th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Ph.D. Dept of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang Jl. keywords: 2nd; article; bandung; blg; centre; engineering; indonesia; indonesia dr; issn; journal; komp lipi; lipi; lipi jl; mechatronics; power; research; sangkuriang; technology; university; use cache: mev-518.pdf plain text: mev-518.txt item: #170 of 238 id: mev-52 author: Romdlony, Muh. Zakiyullah; Amin, Amin title: Design and Implementation of Anti-windup PI Control on DC-DC Bidirectional Converter for Hybrid Vehicle Applications date: 2012-07-31 words: 4379 flesch: 56 summary: Regulasi tegangan dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode kendali tertentu yang akan menghasilkan sinyal penyaklaran. Penentuan nilai Tt ini dipengaruhi oleh besarnya sinyal hasil keluaran PI yang diturunkan per satuan waktunya. keywords: adalah; akan; anti; arah; arus; baterai; beban; bus; control; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; digunakan; dua; eksperimen; energi; gambar; hasil; histeresis; ini; integral; kendali; konverter; loop; metode; nilai; oleh; pada; pengendali; power; sinyal; sistem; sumber; technology; tegangan; untuk; windup; yang cache: mev-52.pdf plain text: mev-52.txt item: #171 of 238 id: mev-520 author: Irasari, Pudji; Wirtayasa, Ketut; Widiyanto, Puji; Hikmawan, Muhammad Fathul; Kasim, Muhammad title: Characteristics analysis of interior and inset type permanent magnet motors for electric vehicle applications date: 2021-07-31 words: 4833 flesch: 46 summary: Eq = Eph The first term is permanent magnet torque, related to the linkage flux that generates the induced voltage Eq, while the second term is the reluctance torque affected by inductance/reactance and currents on the d and q axes [21]. However, with a higher saliency ratio, the interior PMM produces higher maximum torque and speed at both constant torque and field weakening regions than the PMM inset, which is 92.87 Nm and 6310 rpm, consecutively. keywords: characteristics; cogging; current; figure; flux; inset; interior; magnet; pmm; power; rotor; speed; torque cache: mev-520.pdf plain text: mev-520.txt item: #172 of 238 id: mev-523 author: Rukman, Nurul Shahirah; Fudholi, Ahmad; Utari, Putri Adia; Aisyah, Cheku Nurul; Purwanto, Andri Joko; Pramana, Rakhmad Indra; Martides, Erie; Kristi, Ant. Ardath; Asim, Nilofar; Yazdi, Mohammad Hossein; Moria, Hazim; Hasan, Husam Abdulrasool; Darwish, Zeki Ahmed title: Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel date: 2021-07-31 words: 4455 flesch: 47 summary: A design that focuses on the water and air heating component has been proposed to improve bi-fluid PVT system. The electrical characteristics of bi-fluid PVT system using flexible solar panel were discussed. keywords: air; cooling; energy; flow; mass; panel; power; pvt; system; water cache: mev-523.pdf plain text: mev-523.txt item: #173 of 238 id: mev-524 author: Fudholi, Ahmad; Musthafa, Mariyam Fazleena; Jin, Goh Li; Darussalam, Rudi; Rajani, Ahmad; Setiawan, Andri; Anwar, Anwar; Yazdi, Mohammad Hossein; Moria, Hazim; Othman, Mohd Yusof; Ruslan, Mohd Hafidz; Sopian, Kamaruzzaman title: Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis date: 2021-07-31 words: 5630 flesch: 50 summary: PVT collector systems using air as heat transfer medium are known as PVT air collector systems. On the other hand, the validated model was used to study the performances of PVT air collectors using exergy analysis for the mass flow rate ranging from 0.007 kg/s to 0.07 kg/s and solar radiation ranging from 385 W/m2 to 820 W/m2. keywords: air; collector; efficiency; exergy; experimental; figure; pvt; solar; system; temperature; theoretical; thermal cache: mev-524.pdf plain text: mev-524.txt item: #174 of 238 id: mev-526 author: Arboleda, Edwin Romeroso title: Design, construction, and evaluation of transformer-based orbital shaker for coffee micropropagation date: 2022-12-29 words: 5209 flesch: 57 summary: It is composed of power supply, motor controller, input selector, motor and orbital shaker platform. Keywords: DC motor; orbital shaker; rotating mechanism; speed controller; step-down transformer. keywords: coffee; culture; design; figure; level; motor; orbital; platform; power; shaker; speed; tissue; vol cache: mev-526.pdf plain text: mev-526.txt item: #175 of 238 id: mev-527 author: Jumrianto, Jumrianto; Royan, Royan title: Proteus ISIS simulation for power factor calculation using zero crossing detector date: 2021-07-31 words: 5958 flesch: 69 summary: Square wave as an indicator of phase difference at phase difference 31.5°: (1) Current phase input waves to IC 74LS86; (2) Wave input of phase voltage to IC 74LS86; (3) Wave output of IC 74LS86 as phase angle in time Figure 13. (1) Current phase input waves to IC 74LS86; (2) Wave input of phase voltage to IC 74LS86; (3) Wave output of IC 74LS86 as phase angle in time Jumrianto and Royan / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 12 (2021) 28-37 33 output pulse keywords: cos; current; figure; input; phase; phase voltage; voltage; wave; wave input cache: mev-527.pdf plain text: mev-527.txt item: #176 of 238 id: mev-528 author: Nofriyani, Nofriyani; Manurung, Robeth Viktoria; Debataraja, Aminuddin; Dwisaputra, Indra title: Phosphate ion sensor fabrication based on conductive polymer polypyrrole film coatings in doped phosphate using thick film technology date: 2021-07-31 words: 3678 flesch: 46 summary: Polymer polypyrrole and di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate as sensitive membranes are electrodeposition on carbon electrodes. Keywords: carbon electrode; electropolimerization; phosphate; polymer polypyrrole; thick film. keywords: carbon; electrode; figure; film; output; performance; phosphate; sensor; solution; technology; testing; voltage cache: mev-528.pdf plain text: mev-528.txt item: #177 of 238 id: mev-53 author: Irasari, Pudji; Alam, Hilman Syaeful; Kasim, Muhammad title: Magnetic Simulation and Analysis of Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator using Finite Element Method date: 2012-07-26 words: 4516 flesch: 57 summary: dan Eph yang nilai Bg nya diperoleh dari perhitungan analisis (Eph(calc)). Fluks magnet yang dianalisis adalah pada celah udara, gigi dan alur stator untuk mengetahui pola distribusi dan fluktuasinya. keywords: adalah; alur; beban; besarnya; celah; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; fasa; fluks; gambar; generator; gigi; grafik; hasil; kerapatan; kira; kondisi; lilitan; magnet; medan; nilai; nominal; oleh; pada; parameter; permanen; persamaan; simulasi; stator; tanpa; tegangan; tersebut; udara; untuk; yang cache: mev-53.pdf plain text: mev-53.txt item: #178 of 238 id: mev-530 author: Febriyana, Royke Vincentius; Pernyata, Ramadhan S.; Andansari, Dita title: Two-sided manual machining method for three-axis CNC milling machine for small and medium-sized enterprises date: 2022-07-29 words: 5504 flesch: 50 summary: Materials and Methods The basic principle for doing the two-sided machining process in a four-axis milling machine is to keep the x-, y-, and z-axis on the back-side process at the same position as it is on the front side. [6] W. Qin, “Design and Analysis of a Small-scale Cost-effective CNC Milling Machine,” Thesis, Illinois: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2013. keywords: axis; figure; machine; machining; markings; material; method; milling; point; process cache: mev-530.pdf plain text: mev-530.txt item: #179 of 238 id: mev-533 author: Hikmawan, Muhammad Fathul; Wibowo, Agung; Kasim, Muhammad title: Geometrical and dimensional tolerance analysis for the radial flux type of permanent magnet generator design date: 2021-12-31 words: 7444 flesch: 41 summary: Figure 16 shows a graph of the resizing process of component feature tolerance allocation values. Reference [11] has conducted a sensitivity analysis to determine its impact on the electrical parameters of PMG using the finite element method (FEM) by changing the design variable in the range of tolerance values. keywords: air; allocation; analysis; component; deviation; features; figure; gap; magnet; method; process; surface; tolerance; tolerance value; value cache: mev-533.pdf plain text: mev-533.txt item: #180 of 238 id: mev-534 author: Romdlony, Muhammad Zakiyullah; Irsyadi, Fakih title: Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of DC motor as an instructional media for control system design and testing date: 2021-12-31 words: 3622 flesch: 45 summary: The trend of dynamic response in HIL simulation is similar to real hardware simulation. HIL simulation is an alternative way to reduce the development cost. keywords: control; hardware; hil; loop; plant; process; set; simulation; system cache: mev-534.pdf plain text: mev-534.txt item: #181 of 238 id: mev-541 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 12 Iss 1 date: 2021-07-31 words: 4475 flesch: 34 summary: Nurul Shahirah Rukman a, Ahmad Fudholi a, b, Putri Adia Utari c, Cheku Nurul Aisyah a, Andri Joko Purwanto b, Rakhmad Indra Pramana b, Erie Martides b, Ant. Ardath Kristi b, Nilofar Asim a, M. H. Yazdi d, Hazim Moria e, Husam Abdulrasool Hasan f, Zeki Ahmed Darwish g (a Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia; b Research Centre for Electrical Power and Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 v Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia; c Centre for Deep Sea Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia; d Department of Electric Power Generation Stations, Network and Supply Systems, Institute of Engineering and Technology, South Ural State University, Russian Federation; e Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Yanbu Industrial College, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; f Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, Al Esra'a University College, Iraq; g Ministry of Education, United Arab Emirates) Niam Tamami, Bambang Sumantri, Prima Kristalina (Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia) Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 iv Local positioning system for autonomous vertical take-off and landing using ultra-wide band measurement ranging system Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2021, vol. 12, no.1, p. 18 keywords: engineering; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; mechatronics; mev; power; prof; research; system; technology; university cache: mev-541.pdf plain text: mev-541.txt item: #182 of 238 id: mev-542 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 12 Iss 1 date: 2021-07-31 words: 7153 flesch: 54 summary: Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Narankhuu Jamsran Thomas Air LLC, Mongolia Tushig center 204, Seoul Street- 23, 4th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Ph.D. Dept of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang Jl. Fl, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Dr. Sunit Hendrana Research Center for Physics - LIPI Gedung 440, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Banten 15314, INDONESIA Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. keywords: 2nd; article; author; bandung; blg; centre; engineering; indonesia; indonesia dr; journal; komp lipi; lipi jl; mechatronics; power; research; sangkuriang; use cache: mev-542.pdf plain text: mev-542.txt item: #183 of 238 id: mev-544 author: Saputra, Zanu; Manurung, Robeth Viktoria; Debataraja, Aminuddin; Nugraha, Muhammad Iqbal; Lu, Tien-Fu title: Carbon electrode sensitivity enhancement for lead detection using polypyrrole, ionic liquid, and nafion composite date: 2022-07-29 words: 4234 flesch: 40 summary: [13] E. Nagles, V. Arancibia, C. Rojas, and R. Segura, “Nafion- mercury coated film electrode for the adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of lead and cadmium in the presence of pyrogallol red,” Talanta, vol. 99, 2012. MEV is Scopus indexed Journal and accredited as Sinta 1 Journal ( How to Cite: Z. Saputra et al., “Carbon electrode sensitivity enhancement for lead detection using polypyrrole, ionic liquid, and nafion composite,” Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, vol. keywords: bismuth; carbon; determination; electrode; film; ionic; lead; liquid; nafion; sensor; solution; stripping; vol; voltage cache: mev-544.pdf plain text: mev-544.txt item: #184 of 238 id: mev-545 author: Charlotha, Charlotha; Manurung, Robeth Viktoria; Debataraja, Aminuddin; Dwisaputra, Indra; Subkhan, Subkhan; Syamsu, Iqbal title: Fabrication of nitrate ion sensor based on conductive polyaniline doped with nitrate using thick film technology date: 2022-07-29 words: 4617 flesch: 30 summary: It was found that nitrate sensors with nitrate-doped conductive polymer, polyaniline, as the sensitive membrane responded well to detecting nitrate elements in precision farming and the sensitivity showed that for every 1 mg/l concentration in nitrate standard solution, the voltage increases by 0.0007. Keywords: electropolymerization process; performance of nitrate sensor; the polyaniline; thick-film technology. keywords: electrode; figure; journal; nitrate; polyaniline; polymerization; process; reference; research; sensor; technology; testing; voltage cache: mev-545.pdf plain text: mev-545.txt item: #185 of 238 id: mev-547 author: Susanti, Vita; Sudibyo, Henny; Subekti, Ridwan Arief; Pikra, Ghalya; Pramana, Rakhmad Indra; Purwanto, Andri Joko; Devi, Merry Indahsari; Syukri, Agus Fanar; Saputra, Roni Permana title: Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot date: 2021-12-31 words: 5755 flesch: 50 summary: % 100 % Motor 0 % 100 % Stepper driver 0 % 100 % Battery 0 % 100 % Body 60 % 40 % Microcontroller 0 % 100 % Mosfet IRF520 0 % 100 % IR sensor 0 keywords: calculation; component; dcl; power; product; research; robot; rom20; subsystem; technology; uvc; value; vol; weight cache: mev-547.pdf plain text: mev-547.txt item: #186 of 238 id: mev-549 author: Wijaya, Fransisco Danang; Imawati, Iftitah; Yasirroni, Muhammad; Cahyadi, Adha Imam title: Effect of different core materials in very low voltage induction motors for electric vehicle date: 2021-12-31 words: 4997 flesch: 54 summary: In order to reduce the dependency on permanent magnet material, the utilization of induction motors can play a key role [3][4][5]. Extra or very low voltage system of induction motor for EVs has been discussed in [7][8][9] to avoid the high voltage human risks, expensive and complex insulation of high voltage system, and reduce dV/dt (the instantaneous rate of voltage changes with respect to time) which may affect the system reliability and * keywords: core; design; efficiency; figure; induction; losses; m19_24; materials; motor; power; scim; speed; stator; torque; value cache: mev-549.pdf plain text: mev-549.txt item: #187 of 238 id: mev-55 author: Saputra, Hendri Maja; Abidin, Zainal; Rijanto, Estiko title: Analysis of Inverse Angle Method for Controlling Two Degree of Freedom Manipulator date: 2012-07-26 words: 3966 flesch: 54 summary: Simulasi untuk ketiga metode dibuat dalam satu program, dimana ketiga metode memperoleh masukan (gangguan) yang sama, lalu dari nilai masukan tersebut dilakukan perhitungan sudut balik untuk metode matriks Jacobian, metode matriks posisi, dan metode matriks rotasi. Tujuan makalah ini adalah merekomendasikan metode yang optimal untuk digunakan sebagai kompensasi gangguan rotasi akibat pergerakan platform dengan asumsi kendaraan berada pada posisi tertentu (tidak ada pergerakan translasi). keywords: balik; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; galat; gambar; gangguan; ini; jacobian; matriks; metode; pada; persamaan; rotasi; sudut; terhadap; untuk; yang cache: mev-55.pdf plain text: mev-55.txt item: #188 of 238 id: mev-550 author: Kommey, Benjamin; Tamakloe, Elvis; Adom-Bamfi, Gideon; Opoku, Daniel title: An alternative design and implementation of a solid state on-load tap changer date: 2021-12-31 words: 4161 flesch: 44 summary: MEV is Sinta 1 Journal ( accredited by Ministry of Research & Technology, Republic Indonesia An alternative design and implementation of a solid state on-load tap changer Benjamin Kommey a, *, Elvis Tamakloe b, Gideon Adom-Bamfi b, Daniel Opoku b a Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology PMB KNUST- COE, Kumasi, Ghana b Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology PMB KNUST- EE, Kumasi, Ghana Received 5 September 2021; Accepted 19 November 2021; Published online 31 December 2021 Abstract Power quality and reliability are of great importance in the modern world, whether it be the power generated by the power utilities or the power consumed by the customer respectively. On-load tap changers (OLTC) have therefore been used since the inception of electrical engineering. keywords: changer; journal; load; microcontroller; power; state; system; tap; technology; transformer; unit; voltage cache: mev-550.pdf plain text: mev-550.txt item: #189 of 238 id: mev-553 author: Yudo, Hartono; Amiruddin, Wilma; Santosa, Ari Wibawa Budi; Mursid, Ocid; Admono, Tri title: Study on the characteristics of pipe buckling strength under pure bending and external stress using nonlinear finite element analysis date: 2021-12-31 words: 3800 flesch: 49 summary: The numerical results on nonlinear buckling strength of straight pipe under bending and external pressure When the pipe acts elastically, Figure 3 depicts the correlations between non-dimensional pressure and pipe length. With rising L/D, the buckling strength of straight pipe subjected to external pressure decreases until it reaches a constant value at the long pipe. keywords: analysis; bending; buckling; moment; pipe; pressure; strength; value cache: mev-553.pdf plain text: mev-553.txt item: #190 of 238 id: mev-554 author: Romdlony, Muhammad Zakiyullah; Rosa, Muhammad Ridho; Syamsudin, Edwin Muhammad Puji; Trilaksono, Bambang Riyanto; Wibowo, Agung Surya title: Design and application of models reference adaptive control (MRAC) on ball and beam date: 2022-07-29 words: 3886 flesch: 53 summary: In other studies, various adaptive methods for BBS systems have been carried out. Keywords: model reference adaptive control; modified feedback gains; ball and beam system. keywords: adaptive; amplitude; ball; bbs; control; feedback; mrac; reference; system cache: mev-554.pdf plain text: mev-554.txt item: #191 of 238 id: mev-556 author: Rusli, Leonard; Nurhalim, Brilly; Rusyadi, Rusman title: Vision-based vanishing point detection of autonomous navigation of mobile robot for outdoor applications date: 2021-12-31 words: 4656 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Houghline transform (HoughlineP); road lines detection; simple blob detector; vanishing point determination. Graph of detected road angles in environment 1, the road beside soccer field at SGU Campus L. Rusli et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 12 (2021) 117-125 123 The detected road angles in the road in front of ICE as shown in Figure 15 have values from 0 to 5 degrees. keywords: angle; detection; figure; lines; obstacle; point; road; robot; vanishing cache: mev-556.pdf plain text: mev-556.txt item: #192 of 238 id: mev-558 author: Utami, Louise Indah; Yuliyani, Ika; Suprianti, Yanti; Iriani, Purwinda title: Load optimization on the performance of combined cycle power plant Block 4 PT Indonesia Power Priok POMU date: 2022-07-29 words: 6114 flesch: 61 summary: B. CC analysis Figure 12 contains two variables, namely the ratio of GT load and ST load which is a function of CC net load. The sum of the ratios of GT load to ST load will be equal to 1. keywords: cycle; figure; hrsg; load; net; optimization; power; steam; turbine; 𝐺𝐿𝑃 cache: mev-558.pdf plain text: mev-558.txt item: #193 of 238 id: mev-559 author: Manuel, Nelson Luis; İnanç, Nihat; Erten, Mustafa Yasin title: Control of mobile robot formations using A-star algorithm and artificial potential fields date: 2021-12-31 words: 6068 flesch: 56 summary: Follower robots track the leader's position in real time. Follower robots receive information about the leader's position and maintain the desired distance and angles in relation to the leader robot. keywords: control; distance; experiment; figure; follower; leader; mobile; position; robot cache: mev-559.pdf plain text: mev-559.txt item: #194 of 238 id: mev-56 author: Pikra, Ghalya; Purwanto, Andri Joko; Santoso, Adi title: Effect of Regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle (RORC) on the Performance of Solar Thermal Power in Yogyakarta, Indonesia date: 2013-07-03 words: 4723 flesch: 53 summary: LIPI is developing parabolic trough by using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for electricity generation system, because it has low temperature heat sources. ORC system ensures high efficiencies for small-scale applications and/or low temperature heat sources, compared with other alternative technologies keywords: cycle; efficiency; heat; power; rankine; regenerator; rorc; system; temperature cache: mev-56.pdf plain text: mev-56.txt item: #195 of 238 id: mev-560 author: Hartanto, Sri; Desmayadi, Desmayadi title: Plumbing leakage detection system with water level detector controlled by programmable logic controller type Omron CPM2A date: 2022-12-29 words: 5300 flesch: 51 summary: Research methodology flowchart S. Hartanto and Desmayadi / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 13 (2022) 137-146 139 Controllers are generated for random systems with different values of the prediction horizon, the system delay, and the dimensions of the state, control input, and system output. MEV is Scopus indexed Journal and accredited as Sinta 1 Journal ( How to Cite: S. Hartanto and Desmayadi, “Plumbing leakage detection system with water level detector controlled by programmable logic controller type Omron CPM2A,” Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, vol. keywords: control; journal; leakage; level; output; plc; power; relay; research; system; value; vdc; vol; water; wld cache: mev-560.pdf plain text: mev-560.txt item: #196 of 238 id: mev-566 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 12 Iss 2 date: 2021-12-31 words: 5011 flesch: 37 summary: Muhammad Zakiyullah Romdlony a, Fakih Irsyadi b (a School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Indonesia; b Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia) Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of DC motor as an instructional media for control system design and testing Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 iv Technology, 2021, vol. Muhammad Fathul Hikmawan a, b, Agung Wibowo b, Muhammad Kasim a, c (a Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia; b Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia; c School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Australia) Geometrical and dimensional tolerance analysis for the radial flux type of permanent magnet generator design Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2021, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 68-80, 17 ill, 9 tab, 24 ref. keywords: control; design; electrical; engineering; indonesia; institute; issn; journal; mechatronics; mev; power; prof; research; robot; technology; university cache: mev-566.pdf plain text: mev-566.txt item: #197 of 238 id: mev-567 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 12 Iss 2 date: 2021-12-31 words: 9039 flesch: 46 summary: Ardath Kristi, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Anwar, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Ari Wibawa Budisantosa, “Study on the characteristics of pipe buckling strength under pure bending and external stress using nonlinear finite element analysis,” 12(2):110-116 Bambang Sumantri, “Local positioning system for autonomous vertical take-off and landing using ultra-wide band measurement ranging system,” 12(1):18-27 Benjamin Kommey, “An alternative design and implementation of a solid state on-load tap changer,” 12(2):104-109 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 vii Brilly Nurhalim, “Vision-based vanishing point detection of autonomous navigation of mobile robot for outdoor applications,” 12(2):117-125 Cheku Nurul Aisyah, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Daniel Opoku, “An alternative design and implementation of a solid state on-load tap changer,” 12(2):104-109 Elvis Tamakloe, “An alternative design and implementation of a solid state on-load tap changer,” 12(2):104-109 Endro Junianto, “A review of single-phase pressure drop characteristics microchannels with bends,” 12(1):38-44 Erie Martides, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Fakih Irsyadi, “Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of DC motor as an instructional media for control system design and testing,” 12(2):81-86 Fransisco Danang Wijaya, “Effect of different core materials in very low voltage induction motors for electric vehicle,” 12(2):95-103 Ghalya Pikra, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87-94 Gideon Adom-Bamfi, “An alternative design and implementation of a solid state on-load tap changer,” 12(2):104-109 Goh Li Jin, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Hartono Yudo, “Study on the characteristics of pipe buckling strength under pure bending and external stress using nonlinear finite element analysis,” 12(2):110-116 Hazim Moria, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Henny Sudibyo, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87- 94 Husam Abdulrasool Hasan, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Iftitah Imawati, “Effect of different core materials in very low voltage induction motors for electric vehicle,” 12(2):95-103 Indra Dwisaputra, “Phosphate ion sensor fabrication based on conductive polymer polypyrrole film coatings in doped phosphate using thick film technology,” 12(1):45-50 Jooned Hendrarsakti, “A review of single-phase pressure drop characteristics microchannels with bends,” 12(1):38-44 Jumrianto, “Proteus ISIS simulation for power factor calculation using zero crossing detector,” 12(1):28-37 Kamaruzzaman Sopian, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Ketut Wirtayasa, “Characteristics analysis of interior and inset type permanent magnet motors for electric vehicle applications,” 12(1):1-9 Leonard Rusli, “Vision-based vanishing point detection of autonomous navigation of mobile robot for outdoor applications,” 12(2):117-125 Mariyam Fazleena Musthafa, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 viii Merry Indahsari Devi, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87-94 Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Mohd Hafidz Ruslan, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Mohd Yusof Othman, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Muhammad Fathul Hikmawan, “Characteristics analysis of interior and inset type permanent magnet motors for electric vehicle applications,” 12(1):1-9 Muhammad Fathul Hikmawan, “Geometrical and dimensional tolerance analysis for the radial flux type of permanent magnet generator design,” 12(2):68-80 Muhammad Kasim, “Characteristics analysis of interior and inset type permanent magnet motors for electric vehicle applications,” 12(1):1-9 Muhammad Kasim, “Geometrical and dimensional tolerance analysis for the radial flux type of permanent magnet generator design,” 12(2):68-80 Muhammad Yasirroni, “Effect of different core materials in very low voltage induction motors for electric vehicle,” 12(2):95-103 Muhammad Zakiyullah Romdlony, “Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of DC motor as an instructional media for control system design and testing,” 12(2):81-86 Mustafa Yasin Erten, “Control of mobile robot formations using A-star algorithm and artificial potential fields,” 12(2):57-67 Nelson Luis Manuel, “Control of mobile robot formations using A-star algorithm and artificial potential fields,” 12(2):57-67 Niam Tamami, “Local positioning system for autonomous vertical take-off and landing using ultra- wide band measurement ranging system,” 12(1):18-27 Nihat İnanç, “Control of mobile robot formations using A-star algorithm and artificial potential fields,” 12(2):57-67 Nilofar Asim, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Nofriyani, “Phosphate ion sensor fabrication based on conductive polymer polypyrrole film coatings in doped phosphate using thick film technology,” 12(1):45-50 Nurul Shahirah Rukman, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Ocid Mursid, “Study on the characteristics of pipe buckling strength under pure bending and external stress using nonlinear finite element analysis,” 12(2):110-116 Prima Kristalina, “Local positioning system for autonomous vertical take-off and landing using ultra- wide band measurement ranging system,” 12(1):18-27 Pudji Irasari, “Characteristics analysis of interior and inset type permanent magnet motors for electric vehicle applications,” 12(1):1-9 Puji Widiyanto, “Characteristics analysis of interior and inset type permanent magnet motors for electric vehicle applications,” 12(1):1-9 Putri Adia Utari, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 ix Rakhmad Indra Pramana, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Rakhmad Indra Pramana, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87-94 Ridwan Arief Subekti, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87-94 Robeth Viktoria Manurung, “Phosphate ion sensor fabrication based on conductive polymer polypyrrole film coatings in doped phosphate using thick film technology,” 12(1):45-50 Royan, “Proteus ISIS simulation for power factor calculation using zero crossing detector,” 12(1):28- 37 Roni Permana Saputra, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87-94 Rudi Darussalam, “Experimental and model validation of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) air collector: exergy analysis,” 12(1):10-17 Rusman Rusyadi, “Vision-based vanishing point detection of autonomous navigation of mobile robot for outdoor applications,” 12(2):117-125 Tri Admono, “Study on the characteristics of pipe buckling strength under pure bending and external stress using nonlinear finite element analysis,” 12(2):110-116 Vita Susanti, “Domestic component level analysis for multipurpose autonomous robot,” 12(2):87-94 Wilma Amiruddin, “Study on the characteristics of pipe buckling strength under pure bending and external stress using nonlinear finite element analysis,” 12(2):110-116 Zeki Ahmed Darwish, “Bi-fluid cooling effect on electrical characteristics of flexible photovoltaic panel,” 12(1):51-56 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 x Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 12, 2021 AFFILIATION INDEX Centre for Deep Sea Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), INDONESIA 51 Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, Al Esra'a University College, IRAQ 51 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Kırıkkale University, TURKEY 57 Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, INDONESIA 81 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, INDONESIA 95 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia, INDONESIA 95 Dept. of Electric Power Generation Stations, Network and Supply Systems, Institute of Engineering and Technology, South Ural State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION 10, 51 Department of Energy, Ministry of Environment, REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES 10 Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Yanbu Industrial College, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA 10, 51 Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, INDONESIA 110 Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA 18 Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung, INDONESIA 45 Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, INDONESIA 45 Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, INDONESIA 38, 68 Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, PMB KNUST- COE, GHANA 104 Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, PMB KNUST- EE, GHANA 104 Mechatronics Department, Swiss German University, INDONESIA 117 Ministry of Education, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 51 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), INDONESIA 1, 10, 38, 51, 68, 87, 110 Research Centre for Electronics and Telecommunications, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, INDONESIA 45 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 xi Research Center for Policy and Management of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, INDONESIA 87 Robot Intelligence Laboratory, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, UNITED KINGDOM 87 School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA 1, 68 School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, INDONESIA 81 Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA 10, 51 System and Information Technology Department, IVET University, INDONESIA 28 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 xii Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Editor of MEV would like to thank the wisdom and advice of many individuals who dedicated their considerable time and expertise in safeguarding the quality and high standard of academic integrity of the journal. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Ph.D. Dept of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang Jl. keywords: 2nd; analysis; bandung; blg; centre; characteristics; department; electrical; engineering; indonesia; indonesia dr; issn; journal; komp lipi; lipi jl; mechatronics; power; research; sangkuriang; technology; university; use cache: mev-567.pdf plain text: mev-567.txt item: #198 of 238 id: mev-57 author: Muhida, Riza; Zaidi, Ahmad Firdaus A.; Tamsir, Afzeri; Irawan, Rudi title: Design of a DC-AC Link Converter for 500W Residential Wind Generator date: 2012-12-12 words: 5232 flesch: 56 summary: It has been indicated by Vendor of this 500W wind turbine that rated wind generator output for this model is 500W at wind speed of 7m/s where the rotational speed was at 600 rpm while the start-up speed for the wind generator to operate was at wind speed of 3m/s. It is clear that the global market for the electrical power produced by wind turbine generators has been increasing steadily, which directly pushes the wind technology into a more competitive area. keywords: circuit; control; energy; fig; frequency; generator; inverter; output; power; rig; speed; trigger; turbine; voltage; wind cache: mev-57.pdf plain text: mev-57.txt item: #199 of 238 id: mev-573 author: Arthaya, Bagus Made; Christian, Raymond; Tamba, Tua Agustinus; Tükel, Dilek Bilgin title: Design and kinematic analysis of a two-DOF moving platform as a base for a car simulator date: 2022-07-29 words: 7496 flesch: 50 summary: Eventually, (9) can be used to analyze moving platform motion in roll and pitch plane by using inputs in the form of incremental values of the corresponding variables. Comparison between platform tilting angle and motor engle in roll (left) and pitch (right) planes: (a) in roll-plane; (b) in pitch-plane B.M. Arthaya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 13 (2022) 48-59 56 caused by the inaccuracy of the rotating encoder used to measure the motor angle. keywords: angle; figure; model; motion; motor; pitch; plane; platform; roll; simulator; technology; tilting cache: mev-573.pdf plain text: mev-573.txt item: #200 of 238 id: mev-575 author: Ganji, Ehsan; Mahdavian, Mehdi title: Improvement of power grid stability and load distribution using diesel excitation controller date: 2022-07-29 words: 5025 flesch: 45 summary: 2nd revision 12 May 2022; Accepted 20 May 2022; Published online 29 July 2022 Abstract One of the requirements for controlling hybrid power systems is designing an appropriate excitation system, flexibility, protection, and coordination of all components to improve system stability. Keywords: hybrid power systems; improve system stability; non-linear control models; excitation system; load distribution. keywords: controller; diesel; distribution; figure; load; machine; output; power; system; voltage cache: mev-575.pdf plain text: mev-575.txt item: #201 of 238 id: mev-576 author: Prakosa, Jalu Ahmad; Wang, Hai; Kurniawan, Edi; Agmal, Swivano; Kholili, Muhammad Jauhar title: Experimental studies of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) cost matrices weighting to control an accurate take-off position of bicopter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) date: 2022-12-29 words: 6000 flesch: 54 summary: Develop cost matrices of LQR calculation to get minimal errors of angle control from bicopter experimental results. The stability of angle control could be calculated by error, e, which was the difference between a measured angle and a set angle. keywords: angle; bicopter; control; cost; equation; figure; helicopter; lqr; matrices; roll; variation; weighting; yaw;   cache: mev-576.pdf plain text: mev-576.txt item: #202 of 238 id: mev-58 author: Nur, Arifin; Putrasari, Yanuandri; Reksowardojo, Iman Kartolaksono title: The Effect of Ethanol-Diesel Blends on The Performance of A Direct Injection Diesel Engine date: 2012-07-31 words: 4431 flesch: 56 summary: Campuran bahan bakar yang diujikan mulai dari solar 100% (D100), penambahan etanol 2,5% (DE2,5), 5% (DE5), 7,5% (DE7,5), dan pada campuran 10% etanol (DE10). Terbakarnya campuran bahan bakar pada fase akhir pembakaran akan membuat pembakaran yang terjadi menjadi tidak sempurna. keywords: akan; bahan; bakar; buang; campuran; dalam; dan; dari; de5; dengan; diesel; emisi; engine; etanol; fuel; gambar; gas; ini; motor; nilai; pada; pembakaran; performance; proses; rasio; rata; solar; terhadap; udara; untuk; yang cache: mev-58.pdf plain text: mev-58.txt item: #203 of 238 id: mev-580 author: Sujito, Sujito; Hadi, Ridho Riski; Gumilar, Langlang; Syah, Abdullah Iskandar; Falah, Moh. Zainul; Duy, Tran Huy title: Long-term forecasting for growth of electricity load based on customer sectors date: 2022-12-29 words: 5548 flesch: 46 summary: Results and Discussions A. Effect of correlation of forecasting variables In this study, the data used consisted of two types of variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. Forecasting methods are divided into three types, namely, monitoring, causal, and time series methods [17]. keywords: coefficient; correlation; electrical; energy; forecasting; growth; independent; linear; load; mape; power; regression; research; results; variable; vol cache: mev-580.pdf plain text: mev-580.txt item: #204 of 238 id: mev-585 author: Nurdiansyah, Rizal; Windarko, Novie Ayub; Rakhmawati, Renny; Abdul Haq, Muhammad title: State of charge estimation of ultracapacitor based on equivalent circuit model using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system date: 2022-07-29 words: 6866 flesch: 39 summary: From the results of characteristic testing with varying current patterns on charging and discharging conditions that have been carried out on Ultracapacitor energy storage, training will be carried out on the ANFIS toolbox to build a Fuzzy Inference System. Coulomb counting [1] Simple and easy Inaccurate current measurement will cause SOC estimation error, and the error will increase with long-term accumulation. keywords: anfis; charge; charging; circuit; current; energy; estimation; power; results; soc; state; storage; ultracapacitor; value; voltage cache: mev-585.pdf plain text: mev-585.txt item: #205 of 238 id: mev-59 author: Yanto, Asmara; Abidin, Zainal title: Development of Swept-sine Excitation Control Method to Minimize the FRF Measurement Error date: 2012-12-07 words: 3814 flesch: 64 summary: Hz dan waktu swept Tr = 4 s. Kesalahan ini dapat diminimalisasi sehingga menjadi 3,22% dengan mengontrol kembali eksitasi swept-sine dengan menggunakan sinyal S535 swept-sine meskipun dengan span frekuensi dan waktu swept yang sama pada sinyal linear swept-sine. Span frekuensi dan waktu swept pada eksitasi S535 swept-sine dipertahankan sama dengan span frekuensi dan waktu swept pada eksitasi linear swept-sine. keywords: adalah; dan; dari; dengan; eksitasi; frekuensi; frf; fungsi; pada; pengukuran; s535; sine; sinyal; sistem; swept; yang cache: mev-59.pdf plain text: mev-59.txt item: #206 of 238 id: mev-592 author: Yudo, Hartono; Setiawan, Andi; Mursid, Ocid; Iqbal, Muhammad title: Torsional strength analysis of universal joint’s ZP-11A due to yokes modification and materials date: 2022-12-29 words: 5272 flesch: 52 summary: Original yoke model 29.1 85.64 42.42 20.17 Yoke modification 1 28.44 84.96 86.75 20.28 Original yoke model 29.37 84.84 42.41 20.31 Yoke modification 1 28.38 84.91 86.6 20.45 Yoke modification 2 27.27 84.79 41.68 20.3 Yoke modification 3 27.01 84.84 38.53 20.3 keywords: figure; joint; mises; model; modification; mpa; results; shaft; shear; stress; von; yoke cache: mev-592.pdf plain text: mev-592.txt item: #207 of 238 id: mev-594 author: Nazih, Mostafa title: Effect of lightning mast placement on underground power cable jacket stress within high voltage substations date: 2022-12-29 words: 7166 flesch: 47 summary: The gradient causes underground cable jacket stress that can exceed its insulation strength and cause a breakdown of the jacket compromising its integrity and the cable lifetime This pattern is also in line with the self-limiting characteristics of lightning surge propagation within earthing grids and the associated reduction in underground cable jacket stress. 7) Case– III.1 results The attainable jacket stress voltage with variable separation distance from the lightning mast is shown in Figure 14. keywords: cable; case; earthing; electrode; figure; jacket; jacket stress; lightning; mast; power; separation; stress; underground; voltage cache: mev-594.pdf plain text: mev-594.txt item: #208 of 238 id: mev-595 author: Mejiartono, Sarid; Hikmawan, Muhammad Fathul; Nugraha, Aditya Sukma title: Numerical and experimental study of mixed flow pump as turbine for remote rural micro hydro power plant application date: 2022-12-29 words: 7085 flesch: 52 summary: E. PAT test results Tests performed on mixed flow pumps as turbines can only be performed for rotational speeds of 400 rpm and 800 rpm. MEV is Scopus indexed Journal and accredited as Sinta 1 Journal ( How to Cite: S. Mejiartono et al., “Numerical and experimental study of mixed flow pump as turbine for remote rural micro hydro power plant application,” Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, vol. keywords: curve; discharge; efficiency; energy; figure; flow; pat; power; pump; results; simulation; speed; table; test; turbine; water cache: mev-595.pdf plain text: mev-595.txt item: #209 of 238 id: mev-6 author: Irasari, Pudji; Nugraha, Aditya Sukma; Kasim, Muhammad title: Analisis Getaran pada Generator Magnet Permanen 1kW Hasil Rancang Bangun Pusat Penelitian Tenaga Listrik dan Mekatronik date: 2012-03-09 words: 3548 flesch: 56 summary: Getaran dalam gerakan melingkar yang terjadi pada mesin putar memang tidak bisa dihindari, tetapi dengan pengujian besar getaran yang terjadi, akan dapat diketahui getaran tersebut menyebabkan kerusakan atau tidak. Hal ini akan mempengaruhi struktur komponen yang lain misalnya, fondasi mesin, karena tata letak geometris dari fondasi akan ikut menentukan besaran getaran yang keywords: adalah; dan; dengan; gambar; generator; getaran; hasil; ini; kecepatan; nilai; pada; pengukuran; respon; rpm; sumbu; tabel; untuk; yaitu; yang cache: mev-6.pdf plain text: mev-6.txt item: #210 of 238 id: mev-604 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 13 Iss 1 date: 2022-07-29 words: 5755 flesch: 36 summary: Muhammad Zakiyullah Romdlony a, Muhammad Ridho Rosa a, Edwin Muhammad Puji Syamsudin a, Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono b, Agung Surya Wibowo a, c (a School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Indonesia; b School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia; c Department of Electronics Engineering, NSCL Laboratory, Jeonbuk National University, South Korea) Design and application of models reference adaptive control (MRAC) on ball and beam Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2022, vol. (a Electrical Engineering and Informatics Department, Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung, Indonesia; b Research Center for Telecommunication, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia; c Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Indonesia; d Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Australia) Carbon electrode sensitivity enhancement for lead detection using polypyrrole, ionic liquid, and nafion composite Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2022, vol. keywords: control; department; engineering; indonesia; issn; journal; mechatronics; mev; model; nitrate; paper; power; prof; research; robot; system; technology; university cache: mev-604.pdf plain text: mev-604.txt item: #211 of 238 id: mev-605 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 13 Iss 1 date: 2022-07-29 words: 7277 flesch: 55 summary: Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40135, INDONESIA Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Ph.D. Dept of Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang Jl. Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta 55281, INDONESIA Dr. Arwindra Rizqiawan, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. keywords: 2nd; 2nd fl; article; author; bandung; blg; centre; engineering; indonesia; journal; komp lipi; lipi jl; mechatronics; power; research; sangkuriang; use cache: mev-605.pdf plain text: mev-605.txt item: #212 of 238 id: mev-644 author: Ramadhan, Nur Jamiludin; Indrawanto, Indrawanto; Nguyen, Hoe Dinh title: Five-axis parallel mechanism system (PMS) CNC partial link control system based on modified inverse kinematic of 6-DOF UPS parallel manipulator date: 2023-07-31 words: 5796 flesch: 43 summary: General CNC machines motion control system cannot be used to control five-axis PMS CNC milling machine because of the different mechanism. Keywords: Stewart platform; parallel manipulator; parallel mechanism structure; machine tools; CNC control system. keywords: actuator; cnc; code; control; figure; length; linear; machine; motion; parallel; platform; point; robot; system cache: mev-644.pdf plain text: mev-644.txt item: #213 of 238 id: mev-648 author: Jaya, Arman; Irianto, Irianto; Rahman, Afif Aulia; Sung, Kyungmin title: Design and implementation of capacitor array as DC converters for electrical lighting in limited area date: 2023-07-31 words: 3876 flesch: 52 summary: [17] Y. Sato, M. Uno, and H. Nagata, “Nonisolated multiport converters based on integration of PWM converter and phase- shift switched capacitor converter,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 𝑒 −𝑡 𝑅𝑅 (3) where 𝑉𝑜(𝑡) is Output voltage capacitor (V), 𝑉𝐶(𝑡) is the voltage is stored in the capacitor (V), RC is time constant (s), t is charging time in capacitor (s), 𝑒 is Euler’s number 2.7182. keywords: array; capacitor; converter; increase; input; power; switching; voltage cache: mev-648.pdf plain text: mev-648.txt item: #214 of 238 id: mev-652 author: Ramadiansyah, Mohamad Luthfi; Yazid, Edwar; Ng, Cheng Yee title: Numerical investigation of the effect of ocean depth variations on the dynamics of a ship mounted two-DoF manipulator system date: 2022-12-29 words: 7061 flesch: 51 summary: Recall the Euler’s equation, the torque value is defined as equation (9), 𝑑 𝑑𝑑 𝜕𝜕 𝜕�̇� − 𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝛩 = 𝜏 (9) 𝐿�𝛩, �̇�� = 𝐾�𝛩, �̇�� − 𝑃(𝛩) (10) The term 𝑅 is rotational matrix from homogeneous transformation matrix, �̇� is linear velocity, �̇� is angular velocity, and �̂� is direction vector of the joint. keywords: manipulator; ocean; ship; torque; ̇ �; � ̇; � −; � 𝑐𝑐𝑠; � 𝑠𝑖𝑛; 𝐼𝑧𝑧2; 𝑚2𝑟𝑥2; 𝜃𝑙2 cache: mev-652.pdf plain text: mev-652.txt item: #215 of 238 id: mev-655 author: Luthfiyah, Hilda; Qowiy, Okghi Adam; Malakani, Arga Iman; Arthanto, Dwi Handoko; Setiawan, Fauzi Dwi; Ramanel, Teddy Anugrah; Putra, Gilang Mantara; Kamar, Syamsul; Suryandi, Asep Andi title: An optimized stator and rotor design of squirrel cage induction motor for EMU train date: 2023-07-31 words: 6790 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: squirrel cage induction motor; stator slot; rotor slot; motor efficiency; motor power factor. This is done by optimizing the stator slot and rotor slot design to get efficiency and power factor targets. keywords: design; efficiency; equation; figure; induction; performance; power; research; rotor; rotor slot; scim; slot; speed; stator; traction; value cache: mev-655.pdf plain text: mev-655.txt item: #216 of 238 id: mev-66 author: Leksono, Edi; Pradipta, Justin; Tamba, Tua Agustinus title: Modelling and Identification of Oxygen Excess Ratio of Self-Humidified PEM Fuel Cell System date: 2012-07-31 words: 4150 flesch: 50 summary: Kontrol umpan balik dan model predictive control yang mengatur kecepatan suplai oksigen dari kompresor untuk menjaga rasio kelebihan oksigen (perbandingan antara oksigen yang bereaksi dan oksigen yang dipasok ke katode) Fan yang terpasang pada sistem fuel cell Horizon H-1000 berfungsi sebagai pendingin dan sekaligus sebagai pemasok oksigen untuk kebutuhan reaksi fuel cell. keywords: arx; cell; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; digunakan; fan; fuel; gambar; hasil; identifikasi; katode; kelebihan; masukan; model; non; oksigen; pada; pem; pengukuran; rasio; sebagai; sistem; stack; tegangan; udara; untuk; yang cache: mev-66.pdf plain text: mev-66.txt item: #217 of 238 id: mev-662 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi; Said, Dalila Mat; Idrus, Sevia Mahdaliza; Fudholi, Ahmad; Ahmad, Nasarudin; Andriani, Dian; Rajani, Ahmad; Mirsaeidi, Sohrab; Abimanyu, Haznan title: Component degradation and system deterioration: An overview of early termination of PV-DG microgrid system date: 2022-12-29 words: 10156 flesch: 37 summary: [69] G. Liu, Y. Zhang, F. Luo, and J. Yuan, “Design of wireless sensor network routing for renewable energy microgrid,” IOP Conf. Ser. A. Exploratory on microgrid system The exploration of the electrification system is expressed in an overview shown in Figure 1. keywords: battery; component; degradation; deterioration; energy; failure; issues; line; loss; microgrid; performance; power; reduction; research; section; storage; study; supply; system; termination; transmission; vol cache: mev-662.pdf plain text: mev-662.txt item: #218 of 238 id: mev-668 author: Irawan, Elysa Nensy; Abdul Majid, Nuur Wachid; Venica, Liptia; Aslami, Fahrur; Fujita, Goro title: Analyzing the growth and trends of vertical axis wind turbine research: Insight from a bibliometric study date: 2023-07-31 words: 5036 flesch: 46 summary: This study aims to determine the growth of VAWT research, the number of VAWT studies in various countries and the most influential authors to find opportunities for research collaboration, and the challenges of future VAWT research. Based on the analysis, VAWT research has tended to increase from 1970-2021, although there was a decrease from 1987-2006. keywords: analysis; axis; cfd; data; energy; journal; research; software; turbine; vawt; vawt research; vol; wind cache: mev-668.pdf plain text: mev-668.txt item: #219 of 238 id: mev-671 author: Khomarudin, Riki; Marojahan Banjar-Nahor, Kevin; Hariyanto, Nanang title: Quasi-dynamic hosting capacity in radial distribution feeder date: 2023-07-31 words: 4747 flesch: 45 summary: This model also has different customer capacities. At the voltage limit, the peak voltage value is still in the maximum range of 1.05 p.u at system voltage, as shown in Figure 10. 4) Quasi-dynamic simulation in customer 4 Calculation of the capacity of the 4th customer taking into account the voltage limit; the result is 62.285 MWp. keywords: capacity; current; customer; distribution; equation; figure; hosting; maximum; photovoltaic; power; results; simulation; value; voltage cache: mev-671.pdf plain text: mev-671.txt item: #220 of 238 id: mev-677 author: Kirana, Rizky Cahya; Purwanto, Nicco Avinta; Azis, Nadana Ayzah; Joelianto, Endra; Santosa, Sigit Puji; Budiman, Bentang Arief; Nguyen, Le Hoa; Turnip, Arjon title: Failure assessment in lithium-ion battery packs in electric vehicles using the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) approach date: 2023-07-31 words: 7774 flesch: 39 summary: The primary contribution of this paper is to highlight the risks associated with electric vehicle battery systems during vehicle operation based on historical data. According to [14][27], electric vehicle battery systems should be equipped with at least one safety feature, including a fuse. keywords: analysis; batteries; battery; cause; cell; circuit; current; failure; fire; fmea; ion; lithium; modes; nov; potential; power; safety; system; technology; tesla; vehicles cache: mev-677.pdf plain text: mev-677.txt item: #221 of 238 id: mev-68 author: Putrasari, Yanuandri; Nur, Arifin; Muharam, Aam title: The Influence of Two Cylinder Diesel Engine Modification (IDI to DI) on Its Performance and Emission date: 2013-06-20 words: 4081 flesch: 55 summary: Bsfc values of DI diesel engine in general are bigger than the IDI diesel engine’s which also indicates a failure modification in term of performance. Diesel engine combustion system (a) DI and (b) keywords: chamber; combustion; diesel; emission; engine; figure; fuel; idi; modification; system cache: mev-68.pdf plain text: mev-68.txt item: #222 of 238 id: mev-680 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 13 Iss 2 date: 2022-12-29 words: 5458 flesch: 34 summary: Zainul Falah b, Tran Huy Duy c (a Intelligent Power and Advance Energy System, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia; b Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia; c Electrical Engineering Department, Dalat University, Vietnam) Long-term forecasting for growth of electricity load based on customer sectors Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2022, vol. Tinton Dwi Atmaja a, b, c, Dalila Mat Said a, c, Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus a, c, Ahmad Fudholi b, d, Nasarudin Ahmad a, Dian Andriani e, f, Ahmad Rajani a, b, c, Sohrab Mirsaeidi g, Haznan Abimanyu h, (a Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia; b Research Centre for Energy Conversion and Conservation, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia, c Centre of Electrical Energy System, Institute of Future Energy, UTM, Malaysia; d Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia; e Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia; f Research Organization for Life Sciences & Environment, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia; g School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, China; h Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia) Component degradation and system deterioration: an overview of early termination of PV-DG microgrid system Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2022, vol. keywords: energy; engineering; indonesia; issn; issue; journal; malaysia; mechatronics; mev; national; power; prof; research; study; system; technology; university cache: mev-680.pdf plain text: mev-680.txt item: #223 of 238 id: mev-681 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 13 Iss 2 date: 2022-12-29 words: 8774 flesch: 38 summary: Comparison on standalone and grid integrated system,” 13(2):157-178 Wawan Purwanto, “Study on the production of hydrogen gas from water electrolysis on motorcycle engine,” 13(1):88-94 Yanti Suprianti, “Load optimization on the performance of combined cycle power plant Block 4 PT Indonesia Power Priok POMU,” 13(1):24-35 Zanu Saputra, “Carbon electrode sensitivity enhancement for lead detection using polypyrrole, ionic liquid, and nafion composite,” 13(1):95-100 Zikri, “Study on the production of hydrogen gas from water electrolysis on motorcycle engine,” 13(1):88-94 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 x Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 13, 2022 AFFILIATION INDEX Centre of Electrical Energy System, Institute of Future Energy, UTM, MALAYSIA 201 Chemistry Department, University of Warwick, UNITED KINGDOM 24 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, MALAYSIA 113 Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering, Cavite State University, PHILIPPINES 147 Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, THAILAND 36 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women, INDIA 157 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, JAPAN 60 Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Bheemanna Khandre Institute of Technology, INDIA 157 Department of Electronics Engineering, NSCL Laboratory, Jeonbuk National University, SOUTH KOREA 15 Department of Manufacturing Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing, INDONESIA 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN 125 Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, INDONESIA 179 Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean, and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UNITED KINGDOM 179 Discipline of Engineering and Energy, Murdoch University, AUSTRALIA 101 Electrical Engineering Department, Dalat University, VIETNAM 214 Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, INDONESIA 214 Electrical Engineering, State Polytechnic of Jakarta, INDONESIA 72, 95 Electrical Engineering and Informatics Department, Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung, INDONESIA 72, 95 Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA 60 Energy Conversion Engineering Department, Bandung State Polytechnic, INDONESIA 24 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 xi Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA 201 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA 201 Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, INDONESIA 48, 125 Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Phenikaa University, VIETNAM 1 Future Energy, GHD Pty Ltd, AUSTRALIA 189 Industrial Design, Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA 79 Institute of Semiconductor Technology (IHT), Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA), GERMANY 72 Intelligent Power and Advance Energy System, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Negeri Malang, INDONESIA 214 Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Halu Oleo, INDONESIA 88 Jurusan Teknik Otomotif, Universitas Negeri Padang, INDONESIA 88 Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung, INDONESIA 72 Mechatronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, INDONESIA 48 Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, TAIWAN 88 Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 95 Nissinbou Industries, Inc, JAPAN 137 Product Design Department, Samarinda State Polytechnic (Politeknik Negeri Samarinda), INDONESIA 79 Program Studi Mesin Otomotif, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, INDONESIA 88 Research Center for Photonics, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 101 Research Center for Quantum Physics, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 101 Research Center for Smart Mechatronics, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 113, 125 Research Center for Telecommunication, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 72, 95 Research Centre for Energy Conversion and Conservation, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 201 Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 201 Research Organization for Life Sciences & Environment, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), INDONESIA 201 School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, CHINA 201 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, INDONESIA 15 School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, INDONESIA 15 Software Engineering Department, Dogus University, TURKEY 48 Solar Energy Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA 201 Teknik Elektro, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, INDONESIA 137 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 p-ISSN 2087-3379 xii Suhono H Supangkat, M.Eng., CGEIT. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords: article; author; brin; control; department; electrical; energy; engineering; indonesia; indonesia dr; issn; journal; m.t; manuscript; mechatronics; power; research; research center; system; technology; text; title; university; use cache: mev-681.pdf plain text: mev-681.txt item: #224 of 238 id: mev-7 author: Pratikto, Pratikto; Nazaruddin, Yul Yunazid; Leksono, Edi; Abidin, Zainal title: Pengembangan Sistem Kontrol Traksi Mobil Elektrik Berbasis Rekonstruksi Keadaan Kecepatan Model Roda date: 2012-03-09 words: 3403 flesch: 56 summary: [9]. ��� = ��� + �� − ��� − ��� − �� − � � ��� � (1) dengan ��� , �� , ��� , ��� , �� , �, � dan � masing masing adalah gaya longitudinal roda depan, gaya longitudinal roda belakang, gaya gesek longitudinal ekivalen udara, gaya resistansi akibat putaran roda + $ % & + �0� � (19) Sehingga �� = −�0� � + % & (20) Bila �� konvergen ke �� � = # &. (21) diperoleh hubungan % & = �0� � (22) Sistem kontrol yang diperoleh diperlihatkan pada Gambar 3. keywords: dalam; dan; dapat; dengan; elektrik; gambar; kecepatan; kendaraan; kontrol; mobil; model; pada; roda; sistem; slip; traksi; untuk; yang; � =; � � cache: mev-7.pdf plain text: mev-7.txt item: #225 of 238 id: mev-705 author: Sukra, Kurnia Fajar Adhi; Priyanto, Heru; Indriatmono, Dedy; Wijayanto, Muhamad Agus; Ikhsanudin, Irfan Yahya; Ermansyah, Yoga Akbar title: Impact of road load parameters on vehicle CO₂ emissions and fuel economy: A case study in Indonesia date: 2023-07-31 words: 4869 flesch: 57 summary: MEV is Scopus indexed Journal and accredited as Sinta 1 Journal ( How to Cite: K. F. A. Sukra et al., “Impact of road load parameters on vehicle CO2 emissions and fuel economy: A case study in Indonesia,” Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, vol. Impact of road load parameters on vehicle CO2 emissions and fuel economy: A case study in Indonesia Kurnia Fajar Adhi Sukra a, *, Heru Priyanto a, Dedy Indriatmono b, Muhamad Agus Wijayanto c, Irfan Yahya Ikhsanudin c, Yoga Akbar Ermansyah d a Research Center for Transportation Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, South Tangerang, 15310, Indonesia b Research Center for Energy Conversion and Conservation, National Research and Innovation Agency, South Tangerang, 15310, Indonesia. keywords: chassis; co2; emissions; energy; fuel; indonesia; power; road; table; test; vehicle cache: mev-705.pdf plain text: mev-705.txt item: #226 of 238 id: mev-71 author: Setiono, Gerald Wahyudi; Tanaya, Prianggada Indra; Hendradji, Henricus Riyanto title: Analysis and Development of Walking Algorithm Kinematic Model for 5-Degree of Freedom Bipedal Robot date: 2012-12-17 words: 4245 flesch: 74 summary: Bipedal robot “ARCher 32” [4] uses aluminum for the legs, feet and the hip to avoid the heavy weight because bipedal robot only consists of two legs and it is required to have a high mobility. Key words: bipedal robot, kinematics model, kinematics analysis, 5-degree of freedom, walking algorithm. keywords: bipedal; leg; motion; robot; t =; time t; value cache: mev-71.pdf plain text: mev-71.txt item: #227 of 238 id: mev-737 author: Romdlony, Muhammad Zakiyullah; Khayr, Rashad Abul; Muharam, Aam; Priandana, Eka Rakhman; Sasmono, Sudarmono; Rosa, Muhammad Ridho; Purnama, Irwan; Amin, Amin; Fachri, Ridlho Khoirul title: LSTM-based forecasting on electric vehicles battery swapping demand: Addressing infrastructure challenge in Indonesia date: 2023-07-31 words: 4565 flesch: 55 summary: But as mentioned later, only one model is commonly used by electric vehicle batteries due to ease of implementation. [9] H. Wu, G. K. H. Pang, K. L. Choy, and H. Y. Lam, “An optimization model for electric vehicle battery charging at a Figure 8. keywords: availability; battery; charging; current; electric; figure; forecasting; lstm; method; model; power; vehicles; vol cache: mev-737.pdf plain text: mev-737.txt item: #228 of 238 id: mev-773 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Preface MEV Vol 14 Iss 1 date: 2023-07-31 words: 5687 flesch: 34 summary: Dr. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, INDONESIA Prof. Keum Shik Hong Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Prof. Taufik Director of Electric Power Institute, California Polytechnique, UNITED STATES Prof. Dr. Adi Soeprijanto Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), INDONESIA Assoc. keywords: agency; analysis; brin; converter; design; engineering; indonesia; innovation; issn; journal; mechatronics; mev; national; power; prof; research; system; technology; university cache: mev-773.pdf plain text: mev-773.txt item: #229 of 238 id: mev-774 author: Pikra, Ghalya title: Appendix MEV Vol 14 Iss 1 date: 2023-07-31 words: 6562 flesch: 48 summary: Research Center for Energy Conversion and Conservation - BRIN, INDONESIA Dr. Sunit Hendrana Research Center for Physics - LIPI, INDONESIA Dr. Eka Firmansyah Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Gadjah Mada University, INDONESIA Dr. Arwindra Rizqiawan, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA Laksono Kurnianggoro, Ph.D. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, SOUTH KOREA Yusie Rizal, Ph.D. Cand. Research Center for Smart Mechatronics - BRIN, INDONESIA Dr. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, S.T., M.T. School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA Dr. Eng. keywords: article; author; brin; center; engineering; indonesia; indonesia dr; journal; m.t; manuscript; mechatronics; research; research center; title; university; use cache: mev-774.pdf plain text: mev-774.txt item: #230 of 238 id: mev-78 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Appendix MEV Vol 03 Iss 1 date: 2012-07-31 words: 1146 flesch: 65 summary: Budi Prawara Material Engineering Indonesian Institute of Sciences Ir. [6] D. B. Payne and J. R. Stern, “Wavelength-switched passively,” in Proc. keywords: engineering; indonesian; mechatronics; spaced; title; tnr cache: mev-78.pdf plain text: mev-78.txt item: #231 of 238 id: mev-8 author: Susanti, Vita; Hartanto, Agus; Subekti, Ridwan Arief; Saputra, Hendri Maja; Rijanto, Estiko; Hapid, Abdul title: Pengurangan Subsidi BBM dan Polusi Udara Melalui Kebijakan Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG Untuk Kendaraan di Propinsi Jawa Barat date: 2012-03-09 words: 5454 flesch: 60 summary: Populasi kendaraan di wilayah tersebut meliputi Depok, Cibinong, Bogor, Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang, Purwakarta, Cirebon, dan Bandung yang berjumlah 878.505 unit. Dalam kurun waktu dari tahun 1988-2000 populasi kendaraan berbahan bakar gas terus meningkat, tetapi sejak tahun 2001 jumlahnya mulai menurun dan pada tahun 2004 diperkirakan hanya ada 500 unit kendaraan yang menggunakan BBG. keywords: adalah; bahan; bakar; bbg; bbm; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; emisi; gas; ini; jawa; jumlah; kabupaten; kendaraan; konversi; kota; maka; menggunakan; pada; pengurangan; sebesar; subsidi; tabel; tahun; tersebut; untuk; yang cache: mev-8.pdf plain text: mev-8.txt item: #232 of 238 id: mev-80 author: Atmaja, Tinton Dwi title: Preface MEV Vol 03 Iss 1 date: 2012-07-31 words: 962 flesch: 41 summary: Estiko Rijanto (Control System and Mechatronics Engineering) MANAGING EDITOR Tinton D Atmaja, M.T. (Information System and Electrical Engineering) PEER REVIWERS Dr.-Ing. Dr. Irhan Febijanto (Renewable Energy Development and CDM Project; BPPT) Dr. Yuliadi Erdani (Informatics Engineering; Politeknik Manufaktur) Riza Muhida, Ph.D. (Mechatronics Engineering; STKIP Surya) Dr.Ir. keywords: engineering; journal; mechatronics; power; technology cache: mev-80.pdf plain text: mev-80.txt item: #233 of 238 id: mev-86 author: Sutisno, Sutisno; Adi, Andreas Prasetya title: Vibration Disturbance Damping System Design to Protect Payload of the Rocket date: 2012-12-17 words: 2906 flesch: 53 summary: The objective of this studi is to design vibration disturbance system to protect payload of the rocket. Avoiding influence of vibration disturbance can be done using silicone gel material whose typical damping factors are relatively high. keywords: damping; disturbance; figure; frequency; payload; rocket; shock; system; time; vibration cache: mev-86.pdf plain text: mev-86.txt item: #234 of 238 id: mev-88 author: Wresta, Arini; Budhijanto, Wiratni title: The Effect of the Addition of Active Digester Effluent for Start-up Accelerator in Anaerobic Digestion of Soybean Curd Industry Waste Water (Basic Research for Biogas Power Generation) date: 2012-12-06 words: 3961 flesch: 50 summary: The first digester was only fed with soybean curd waste water while the second digester was fed with soybean curd waste water and active digester effluent from a digester processing cow manure which was very rich in anaerobic microorganism consortium. Key words: active digester effluent, start-up, anaerobic digestion, soybean curd waste water, anaerobic bacteria, methanogenic process, electric energy. keywords: anaerobic; bacteria; biogas; curd; digester; effluent; methane; power; process; soybean; starter; waste; water cache: mev-88.pdf plain text: mev-88.txt item: #235 of 238 id: mev-95 author: Soetraprawata, Demi; Turnip, Arjon title: Autoregressive Integrated Adaptive Neural Networks Classifier for EEG-P300 Classification date: 2013-06-13 words: 5110 flesch: 64 summary: 𝑢𝑢(𝑘𝑘) = 𝑔𝑔−1�𝑥𝑥(𝑘𝑘)��𝑦𝑦𝑑𝑑 (𝑘𝑘) − 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥(𝑘𝑘))� (6) Since 𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥(𝑘𝑘)) and 𝑔𝑔�𝑥𝑥(𝑘𝑘)� are unknown, neural networks can be used to learn to approximate these functions and generate suitable classifiers. Neural networks are general modelling tools that can approximate any continuous or discrete nonlinear function to any desired accuracy over a compact set [9-11, 16, 17]. keywords: classification; classifier; eeg; neural; subject cache: mev-95.pdf plain text: mev-95.txt item: #236 of 238 id: mev-96 author: Turnip, Arjon; Soetraprawata, Demi title: The Performance of EEG-P300 Classification using Backpropagation Neural Networks date: 2013-12-09 words: 4922 flesch: 62 summary: However, subject 8 had the worst improvement (0.3%) of average classification accuracy over all of the experiments (Table 2). Improvement of average classification accuracy (%) Subject/ Configuration I II III IV Average (I–IV) keywords: accuracy; average; bpnn; classification; eeg; rate; subject; transfer cache: mev-96.pdf plain text: mev-96.txt item: #237 of 238 id: mev-97 author: Risdiyanto, Agus; Rachman, Noviadi Arief; Arifin, Maulana title: Effect of Contact Pressure on the Resistance Contact Value and Temperature Changes in Copper Busbar Connection date: 2012-12-06 words: 3622 flesch: 49 summary: (a) Gambar permukaan kontak yang mengalami penyempitan (hot spot); (b) Gambar penyempitan kontak. pada bagian sambungan karena tahanan kontak yang besar. keywords: akan; arus; baut; busbar; contact; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; gambar; ini; kontak; listrik; mpa; nilai; pada; pengujian; pengukuran; sambungan; tahanan; tekanan; temperatur; untuk; yang cache: mev-97.pdf plain text: mev-97.txt item: #238 of 238 id: mev-99 author: Riyanto, Edy; Rijanto, Estiko; Prawara, Budi title: A Review of Atomic Layer Deposition for Nanoscale Devices date: 2012-12-07 words: 5031 flesch: 50 summary: [3] K.-S.An, W. Co, K. Sung, S.S. Lee, and Y. Kim, “Preparation Of Al2O3 Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition Using Dimethylaluminum Isopropoxide and Water and Their Reaction Mechanisms,” Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, Vol.24, pp.1659-1663, 2003. [7] X. Jiang., R. Chen., S.F. Bent., “Spacial Control Over Atomic Layer Deposition Using Microcontact-Printed Resists,” Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol.201, pp.8799-8807, 2007. keywords: al2o3; ald; atomic; chemical; deposition; films; growth; layer; layer deposition; materials; mems; precursor; process; reaction; substrate; surface; technology; temperature cache: mev-99.pdf plain text: mev-99.txt