Microsoft Word - 242-1542-3-PB GT J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN: 2088-6985 p-ISSN: 2087-3379 © 2015 RCEPM - LIPI All rights reserved. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license. Accreditation Number: 633/AU/P2MI-LIPI/03/2015. doi: 10.14203/j.mev.2015.v6.75-82 ALGORITHM OF 32-BIT DATA TRANSMISSION AMONG MICROCONTROLLERS THROUGH AN 8-BIT PORT Midriem Mirdanies *, Hendri Maja Saputra, Estiko Rijanto Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Komp LIPI Bandung, Jl. Sangkuriang, Gd. 20. Lt. 2, Bandung 40135, Indonesia Received 24 July 2015; received in revised form 13 October 2015; accepted 21 October 2015 Published online 30 December 2015 Abstract This paper proposes an algorithm for 32-bit data transmission among microcontrollers through one 8-bit port. This method was motivated by a need to overcome limitations of microcontroller I/O as well as to fulfill the requirement of data transmission which is more than 10 bits. In this paper, the use of an 8-bit port has been optimized for 32-bit data transmission using unsigned long integer, long integer, and float types. Thirty-two bit data is extracted into binary number, then sent through a series of 8-bit ports by transmitter microcontroller. At receiver microcontroller, the binary data received through 8-bit port is reconverted into 32 bits with the same data type. The algorithm has been implemented and tested using C language in ATMega32A microcontroller. Experiments have been done using two microcontrollers as well as four microcontrollers in the parallel, tree, and series connections. Based on the experiments, it is known that the data transmitted can be accurately received without data loss. Maximum transmission times among two microcontrollers for unsigned long integer, long integer, and float are 630 µs, 1,880 µs, and 7,830 µs, respectively. Maximum transmission times using four microcontrollers in parallel connection are the same as those using two microcontrollers, while in series connection are 1,930 µs for unsigned long integer, 5,640 µs for long integer, and 23,540 µs for float. The maximum transmission times of tree connection is close to those of the parallel connection. These results prove that the algorithm works well. Keywords: transmission algorithm; 32-bit data; data transmission; 8-bit port; microcontroller; C language. I. INTRODUCTION In a complex system, the use of multiple microcontrollers is typically required to handle each sub section. Therefore, a communication among microcontrollers is needed [1, 2]. The number of the microcontrollers that can be connected and the number of data that can be sent are very determines in the communication media selection. The communications media on the microcontroller is limited and data size that can be sent is usually 8-10 bits. Research that applied communication between microcontrollers via UART using Zigbee wireless have been carried out by Reddy [3] and Thakur [4]. A similar thing has been done by Saputra [1] using a YS-C20K type of wireless module. In Leeman research [5], communication between microcontrollers via UART was performed using RS-232 cable, while Solanke [6] using a wireless RF at frequency 433.92 MHz. Data communication via UART / YS-C20K will be troublesome if the communication is done among many microcontrollers simultaneously. Research that applied communication via the CAN bus have been done by Prickett [7] and Kutlu [8], however, communication using this medium requires an additional interface. Moreover, it is difficult to be implemented on an 8-bit microcontroller with the minimum system which does not provide an embedded CAN controller i.e. ATmega8/ ATmega8535. Communication among the microcontrollers also can be made using an 8-bit port. Research that applied communication among the microcontrollers through an 8 port have been done by Saputra [1] and Mirdanies [2], however the number of data are limited to 8 bits only (0- 255 decimal). Communication among the microcontrollers through multiple 8-bit ports can also be done by adding port expander [9], but this * Corresponding Author.Tel: +62-22-2503055 E-mail: M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 76 method is not optimal due to the addition of several devices and coding is not practical. This paper proposes a new algorithm for 32- bit data transmission among microcontrollers through one port which is consisted of 8 bits. The data types used are long integer, unsigned long integer, or float types [10]. This method is used to overcome the limitations of the microcontroller I/O for connectivity among microcontrollers without the use of additional interfaces, and requirement of data transmission more than 10 bits. Communication can be done among many microcontrollers simultaneously using parallel, tree, or series connection. Experiments have been done using four ATMega32A microcontroller boards [11]. II. METHOD/MATERIAL An example connection between two microcontroller can be seen in Figure 1. Several pins used on the port partialy functioned as identifier while others as data. Pins configuration for unsigned long integer, long integer, and float types can be seen in Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. Pins used as data in both unsigned long integer and long integer data types are pin 0-4, while in float data type are pin 0-3. In the second block of data transmission, pin 0 in long integer and float serves as an identifier that the data sent is positive (0) or negative (1). Pin 4 on float serves as the identifier that the data sent is an integer (0) or fractions (1). Pin 5 in any data type serves as the identifier from the transmitter indicating that the data is ready to be read by the receiver. Pin 6 as an identifier from the transmitter indicating that the data sent is the last data, and pin 7 serves as the identifier from the receiver which indicates that the data has been read/received. Connection among microcontrollers described in this paper is not limited for two microcontroller, but can be used for communication with many microcontrollers at the same time in parallel, tree, or series connections. An example of each connection type used can be seen in Figures 5, 6, and 7. Specifically in tree connection, an additional confirmation step is required for sending data to a specific microcontroller. This step to ensure that the data transmitted to the microcontroller target is correct. Therefore, the number of microcontrollers that can be installed is limited to 2 64 units. Pin configuration used in this step can be seen in Figure 8. Pins 0-5 are used to store data, while the pin 6 is the identifier from the transmitter that the data is ready to be read and pin 7 is the identifier from the receiver that the data has been read. A. Algorithm of 32-bit Data Transmission Data transmission flowchart among microcontrollers for unsigned long int, long int, and float types can be seen in Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11. Figure 1. Connection between two microcontrollers Figure 2. Pins asignment for unsigned long integer type ·0 ·1 ·2 ·3 ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 data identifier data per block last data data has been received Figure 3. Pins assignment for long integer type Figure 4. Pins assignment for float type ·0 ·1 ·2 ·3 ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 data identifier negative/positive (on the second block transmission) data per block last data data has been received ·0 ·1 ·2 ·3 ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 data identifier data per block last data data has been received negative/positive (on the second block transmission) integer or fraction M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 77 At the transmitter microcontroller, the 32-bit data is extracted into binary number using equation 1 and equation 2, then it is sent through a series of 8 bits. _ % 2 (1) _ _ 2⁄ (2) where is a binary value that will be stored on data pins. The equations is repeated until _ 0. At the receiver microcontroller, the binary data received through 8-bit port is reconverted into 32 bits with the same data type. This algorithm has an acknowledgment or an identifier that ensures the data has been received so errors can be avoided. The waiting process for this acknowledgement is 100 ms, if no acknowledgement arrived, then process will be stop and system will return to 0 value (that means an error/mistake occured). There are differences in the phases of data transfer in each type as shown in Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11. Unsigned long int consists of two phases: transmission of the identifier of data type and data/value. Long int consists of three phases: transmission of the identifier of data type, identifier of positive or negative sign, and data/value. Whereas float consists of five phases: transmission of the identifier of data type, identifier of positive or negative sign, decimal value, number of zero value behind the comma, and fractional value. Figure 5. Series connection Figure 6. Parallel connection Figure 7. Tree connection Figure 8. Confirmation step for sending data to a specific microcontroller in tree connection type ·0 ·1 ·2 ·3 ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 data identifier data is ready to read data has been received Figure 9. Flowchart of unsigned long int data transmission Initialization Set identifier: data to be transmitted is unsigned long int (pin 1 = 1) and set identifier: data is ready to read (pin 5 = 0) Transmitter Receiver Initialization Read identifier, call procedure to read unsigned long int, and set identifier: data has been read (pin 7 = 0) Set identifier: data isn't ready to read (pin 5 = 1) Set identifier: data hasn't been read (pin 7 = 1) Set pins 0-4 = 0, set identifier: data is ready to read, and set identifier: now is last block (pin 6 = 0) Read data and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read and set identifier: now isn't last block (pin 6 = 1) Set identifier: data hasn't been read Convert input_value to binary: binCounter = input_value % 2 input_value = input_value / 2 enter each bit of binCounter to pins 0-4 and set identifier: data is ready to read Read data (pin 0-4), and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read Set identifier: data hasn't been read . . . Enter bit in the last block of binCounter to pins 0-4, set identifier: data is ready to read, and set identifier: now is last block Read data, merge, and change to decimal, then set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read and set identifier: now isn't last block Set identifier: data hasn't been read If input_value = 0 then Else then . . . . . . M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 78 There are an additional steps in tree connection before sending data, i.e. unsigned long integer, long integer, or float types, that can be seen in Figure 12. Input_value mentioned in Figure 12 is a number of specific microcontroller (0-63). Afterwards, the next process is the same as in Figure 9, Figure 10, or Figure 11. B. Data Transmitter/Receiver Procedures In order to implement the algorithm, a program has been created using C language with CodeVision Advanced AVR v3.10 IDE. Four functions have been created for data transmission, those are int dataSend_unsigned_long_int(unsigned long int input_value) int dataSend_long_int(long int input_value) int dataSend_float(float input_value) int dataSend_MikroKe(int micro) Figure 10. Flowchart of long int data transmission Set identifier: data to be transmitted is long int (pin 0 = 1) and identifier: data is ready to read (pin 5 = 0) Read identifier, call procedure to read long int, and set identifier: data has been read (pin 7 = 0) Set identifier: data isn't ready to read (pin 5 = 1) Set identifier: data hasn't been read (pin 7 = 1) . . . Enter each value of binCounter to pins 0-4, and set identifier: data is ready to read Read data (pin 0-4), and set identifier: data has been read Initialization Transmitter Receiver Initialization Set pins 0-4 = 0, set identifier: data is ready to read, and set identifier: now is last block (pin 6 = 0) Read data and send identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read and set identifier: now isn't last block (pin 6 = 1) Convert input_value to binary: binCounter = input_value % 2 input_value = input_value / 2 enter each bit of binCounter to pins 1-4, set pin 0 as identifier of positive value (0) or negative value (1), and set identifier: data is ready to read Read identifier (pin 0) and save to var. multiplier, read data (pin 1-4), and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Enter bit in the last block of binCounter to pins 0-4, set identifier: data is ready to read, and set identifier: now is last block Read data, merge, and change to decimal, and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read and set identifier: now isn't last block Set identifier: data hasn't been read If input_value = 0 then Else then . . . . . . Figure 11. Flowchart of float type data transmission Separated fractions and integer of var. input_value fractions=input_value-floor (input_value) input_value = floor (input_value) Then convert var. input_value to binary. binCounter = input_value- floor(input_value/2)*2 input_value = floor (input_value/2) enter each bit of binCounter to pins 1-3, set pin 0 as identifier of positive value (0) or negative value (1), set identifier: data is integer (pin 4=0), and set identifier: data is ready to read . . . . . . Initialization Transmitter Receiver Initialization Send identifier: data to be transmitted is float (pin 2 = 1) and identifier: data is ready to read (pin 5 = 0) Read identifier, call procedure to read float, and set identifier: data has been read (pin 7 = 0) Set identifier: data is'nt ready to read (pin 5 = 1) Set identifier: data hasn't been read (pin 7 = 1) Set pins 0-4 = 0, set identifier: data is ready to read, and identifier: now is last block (pin 6 = 0) Read data and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read and identifier: now isn't last block (pin 6 = 1) Read identifier (pin 0) then save to var. multiplier, read data (pin 1-3) then save to var. data1, and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read Enter each bit of binCounter to pins 0-3, set identifier: data is integer, and set identifier: data is ready to read Read data (pin 0-3) then save to var. data1, and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read If all of var. input_value (integer) has been sent, then count the number of 0 after comma and insert to pin 0-3, then set identifier: data is ready to read Read data (pin 0-3) then save to var. jml0, and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Convert var. fraction to integer value, then set input_value = fraction. Convert var. input_value to binary. binCounter = input_value - floor(input_value/2) *2 input_value = floor(input_value/2) enter each value of binCounter to pins 0-3, set identifier: data is fraction (pin 4=1), and set identifier: data is ready to read Read data (pin 0-3) then save to var. data2, and set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read Set identifier: data hasn't been read Enter bit in the last block of binCounter to pins 0-3, set identifier: data is fraction (pin 4=1), set identifier: data is ready to read, and set identifier: now is last block Read data, merge, reconvert var. data2 to fraction (using var. jml0), and convert to decimal: data1 = (data1 + data2) x multiplier set identifier: data has been read Set identifier: data isn't ready to read and set identifier: now isn't last block Set identifier: data hasn't been read If input_value = 0 then Else then . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 79 where input_value filled with values that will be sent. micro filled with numbers of specific microcontroller that will receive the data. All these functions will return to 1 if it is successful or otherwise will return to 0. The receiver microcontroller simply call one of the following two procedures. int dataReceive() int specificDataReceive (int micro) If the connection type used is tree type, then call the procedure int specificDataReceive (int micro) on the receiver microcontroller. Parameter micro is filled with the microcontroller number (0-63). If the connection used is not tree type, then call the procedure int dataReceive () on the receiver microcontroller. This function will automatically call other functions according to the data type that the transmitter used, and return 1 if successful and otherwise is 0. Functions that are called are as follows. long int dataReceive_long_int() unsigned long int dataReceive_unsigned_ long_int() float dataReceive_float() The function returns a value that is received whose type is unsigned long int, long int, or float. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Experiments have been conducted to test the accuracy and speed of data transfer between two microcontrollers (Figure 1) as well as using four microcontrollers in series (Figure 5), parallel (Figure 6), and tree (Figure 7). The data transmitted and received is displayed on a PC terminal via com 3 and com 5 to view the results. Port B is used for experiments between two microcontrollers. For experiments using 4 microcontrollers ports are assigned as follows. In series connection, the transmitter uses port A while the receiver uses port B. In parallel connection, the transmitter uses ports A, B, and C, while the receiver uses port B. In tree connection, both the transmitter and receiver use port B. Measurement of data transmission time is performed using the timer microcontroller [11] as shown in Figure 13. The time calculation algorithm can be seen in Figure 14. At the start of the data transmission process, the transmitter set port D.6 = 0, then timer will start calculate using 16-bit timer, after the data transmission process is completed then set the port D.7 = 0, finally data transmission time can be calculated from the time interval. A. Data Accuracy Experiments Several data from minimum to maximum for each data type are used in experiments. Figure 15 and Figure 16 are described example data which sent from the first microcontroller and data received by the second microcontroller. It can be seen that the data transmitted from the first microcontroller can be received without any damage or data loss by the second microcontroller. The range of values that can be used for each data type are listed in Table 1. Figure 12. Flowchart of confirmation step for sending data to a specific microcontroller in tree connection Initialization Transmitter Receiver Initialization Read input_value and convert to binary: binCounter = input_value % 2 input_value = input_value / 2 enter each bit of binCounter to pins 0-4 and set identifier: data is ready to read (pin 6 = 0) Read data (pin 0-4), merge, and change to integer, then send identifier: data has been read (pin 7 = 0) Set identifier: data is'nt ready to read (pin 6 = 1) Set identifier: data hasn't been read (pin 7 = 1) Call data transmission procedures for unsigned long integer, long integer, or float Figure 14. Algorithm of data transmission time calculation Figure 13. Connection for calculation of transmission time M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 80 B. Data Transmission Time Experiments Experiment of transmission times is done by sending sampling value from minimum to maximum. The number of data used in experiment is 11 for each type. In the float, the maximum number of digit used is seven digit [12, 13]. The transmission time between two microcontrollers for unsigned long int, long int, and float can be seen in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Based on Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 it can be seen that maximum data transmission times for 32 bits between two microcontrollers for unsigned long integer, long integer, and float are 630 µs, 1,880 µs, 7,830 µs. Unsigned long integer has the fastest time of data transmission than long integer and float. This is related to the number of processes/steps used in float is more than long integer, and number of processes used in long integer is more than unsigned long integer. The experiments results of data transmission time using four microcontrollers in series, parallel, and tree connections using unsigned long int, long int, and float can be seen in Figures 17, 18, and 19. X-axis in Figure 19 is float value which is represented as data sequence as can be seen in Table 4. Based on Figures 17, 18, and 19, it can be seen that data transmission time of unsigned long integer, long integer, and float are almost Figure 15. Data transmitted from the first microcontroller Figure 16. Data received by the second microcontroller Table 1. Data types with the range of values Data types Value Unsigned Long Int 0 to 4,294,967,295 Long Int -2,147,483,647to2,147,483,647 Float ±1.175e-38 to ±3.402e38 (seven digit precision) [12,13] Table 2. Data transmission time of unsigned long int No Unsigned Long Int Time (µs) 1 0 50 2 390,451,572 550 3 780,903,145 570 4 1,171,354,717 620 5 1,561,806,289 620 6 1,952,257,861 610 7 2,342,709,434 620 8 2,733,161,006 630 9 3,123,612,578 630 10 3,514,064,150 630 11 4,294,967,295 630 Table 3. Data transmission time of long int No Long Int Time (µs) 1 -2,147,483,647 1820 2 -1,717,986,919 1880 3 -1,288,490,189 1880 4 -858,993,460 1820 5 -429,496,730 1740 6 0 50 7 429,496,729 1730 8 858,993,459 1820 9 1,288,490,188 1870 10 1,717,986,918 1860 11 2,147,483,647 1810 Table 4. Data transmission time of float No Float Time (µs) 1 -999,999.9 7290 2 -12,345.67 7830 3 -123.456 6220 4 -12.3 2920 5 -0.1 1750 6 0 460 7 0.1 1720 8 12.3 2890 9 123.456 6180 10 12,345.67 7810 11 999,999.9 7260 M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 81 equal between tree and parallel connections with the average absolute difference on unsigned long integer is 69 μs, long integer is 66 μs, and float is 54 μs, while series connection is slower with an average difference on unsigned long integer is 1,160 μs to parallel, long integer is 3,334 μs to parallel, and float is 9,543 μs to parallel. It is due to the data transmission performed gradually over three microcontrollers. The maximum transmission time on (a) unsigned long integer using parallel connection is 630 μs, tree is 700 μs, and series is 1,930 μs, (b) long integer using parallel connection is 1,880 μs, tree is 1,930 μs, and series is 5,640 μs, (c) float using parallel connection is 7,830 μs, tree is 7,890 μs, and series is 23,540 μs. Based on the above experiments results, in order to maximize the range of available data and to minimize the transmission time, the following data type selection is recommended: In the case of transferred data is positive integers, then use unsigned long integer type. If transfered data is negative and positive integers, long integer type is preferable to be used. Finally, the float type should be used when the transferred data has fractions. IV. CONCLUSION A 32-bit data transmission among microcontrollers using an 8-bit port can be realized by using the algorithm described in this paper. The data types used are long integer, Figure 17. Unsigned long int type data transmission time Figure 18. Long int type data transmission time Figure 19. Float type data transmission time 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 T im e  ( µ s) Value Tree Parallel Series 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 ‐3,000,000,000 ‐2,000,000,000 ‐1,000,000,000 0 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 T im e  ( µ s) Value Tree Parallel Series 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 T im e  ( µ s) Value Tree Parallel Series M. Mirdanies et al. / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol. 06 (2015) 75-82 82 unsigned long integer, or float types. The algorithm has been successfully implemented using the C language with CodeVision AVR v3.10 Advanced IDE. It has been successfully tested for the communication among ATMega32A microcontrollers. Based on the experiment results, it is known that the data transmitted using 32-bit long integer, unsigned long integer, or float can be accurately received without errors or data loss. Maximum transmission times between two microcontrollers for unsigned long integer, long integer, and float are 630 µs, 1,880 µs, and 7,830 µs. Unsigned long integer has the fastest time of data transmission than long integer and float. Maximum transmission times using four microcontrollers in parallel connection for unsigned long integer is 630 µs, long integer is 1,880 µs, and float is 7,830 µs. Maximum transmission times in tree connection for unsigned long integer is 700 µs, long integer is 1,930 µs, and float is 7,890 µs. Maximum transmission times in series connection for unsigned long integer is 1,930 µs, long integer is 5,640 µs, and float is 23,540 µs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors would like to thank to Rifa Rahmayanti and the Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) that has supported this research and all those who have helped conducting this research. REFERENCES [1] R. P. Saputra et al., "DC brushless motor control design and preliminary testing for independent 4-wheel drive REV-11 robotic platform," Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, Dec 2011, pp. 85- 94. [2] M. Mirdanies and R. P. Saputra, "Control system of solar tracking mechanism using combination of astronomy algorithm and light sensor," in Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Energi, Mekatronik, dan Teknologi Kendaraan (RIMTEK 2013), Bandung, 2013, pp. 213-222. [3] M. R. Reddy et al., "Touch screen and Zigbee based wireless communication assistant," International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD), vol. 1, no. 4, Aug 2013, pp. 6-10. [4] D. S. Thakur and A. 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