MEV J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol 07 (2016) 7-20 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN:2088-6985 p-ISSN: 2087-3379 © 2016 RCEPM - LIPI All rights reserved. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license. doi: 10.14203/j.mev.2016.v7.7-20. Accreditation Number: (LIPI) 633/AU/P2MI-LIPI/03/2015 and (Ministry of RTHE) 1/E/KPT/2015. A CFD MODEL FOR ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE, WATER AND THERMAL DISTRIBUTION, AND MECHANICAL RELATED FAILURE IN PEM FUEL CELLS Maher A.R. Sadiq Al-Baghdadi* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Najaf, Kufa, Iraq Received 25 January 2016; received in revised form 03 May 2016; accepted 08 May 2016 Published online 29 July 2016 Abstract This paper presents a comprehensive three-dimensional, multi-phase, non-isothermal model of a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell that incorporates significant physical processes and key parameters affecting the fuel cell performance. The model construction involves equations derivation, boundary conditions setting, and solution algorithm flow chart. Equations in gas flow channels, gas diffusion layers (GDLs), catalyst layers (CLs), and membrane as well as equations governing cell potential and hygro-thermal stresses are described. The algorithm flow chart starts from input of the desired cell current density, initialization, iteration of the equations solution, and finalizations by calculating the cell potential. In order to analyze performance, water and thermal distribution, and mechanical related failure in the cell, the equations are solved using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) code. Performance analysis includes a performance curve which plots the cell potential (Volt) against nominal current density (A/cm2) as well as losses. Velocity vectors of gas and liquid water, liquid water saturation, and water content profile are calculated. Thermal distribution is then calculated together with hygro-thermal stresses and deformation. The CFD model was executed under boundary conditions of 20°C room temperature, 35% relative humidity, and 1 MPA pressure on the lower surface. Parameters values of membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and other base conditions are selected. A cell with dimension of 1 mm x 1 mm x 50 mm is used as the object of analysis. The nominal current density of 1.4 A/cm2 is given as the input of the CFD calculation. The results show that the model represents well the performance curve obtained through experiment. Moreover, it can be concluded that the model can help in understanding complex process in the cell which is hard to be studied experimentally, and also provides computer aided tool for design and optimization of PEM fuel cells to realize higher power density and lower cost. Key words: CFD; PEM; fuel cell; multi-phase; hygro thermal stress. I. INTRODUCTION Water management is one of the critical operation issues in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PMFCs). Spatially varying concentrations of water in both vapour and liquid form are expected throughout the cell because of varying rates of production and transport. Water emanates from two sources i.e. the product water from the oxygen-reduction reaction in the cathode catalyst layer and the humidification water carried by the inlet streams or injected into the fuel cell [1]. One of the main difficulties in managing water in a PEMFC is the conflicting requirements of the membrane and the catalyst gas diffusion layer (GDL). On the cathode side, excessive liquid water may block or flood the pores of the catalyst layer, the GDL or even the gas channel, thereby inhibiting or even completely blocking oxygen mass transfer. On the anode side, as water is dragged toward the cathode via electro-osmotic transport, dehumidification of the membrane may occur, resulting in deterioration of protonic conductivity. In the extreme case of complete drying, local burnout of the membrane can result. Devising better water management is a key issue. Thermal management is also required to remove the heat produced by the electrochemical reaction in order to prevent drying out of the membrane, which in turn can result not only in * Corresponding Author. Tel: +96-47719898955 E-mail: tel:%2B9647719898955 M.A.R.S. Al-Baghdadi / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol 07 (2016) 7-20 8 reduced performance but also in eventual rupture of the membrane [2]. Thermal management is also essential for controlling the water evaporation or condensation rates. The difficult experimental environment of fuel cell systems has stimulated efforts to develop models that could simulate and predict multi-dimensional coupled transport of reactants, heat, and charged species using CFD methods. A comprehensive model should include equations and numerical relations needed to fully define fuel cell behavior over the range of interest. Early multidimensional models described gas transport in the flow channels, gas diffusion layers, and the membrane [3-5]. Iranzo et al. [6] developed a multi-phase, two-dimensional model to describe the liquid water saturation and flood effect, and have been studied transport limitations due to water build up in the cathode catalyst region. Djilali [7] developed a CFD multiphase model of a PEMFC. This model provides information on liquid water saturation and flood under various conditions, however it does not account for water dissolved in the ion-conducting polymer to calculate water content through the membrane. Hu et al. [8] and Fouquet [9] developed an isothermal, three-dimensional, two- phase model for a PEMFC. Their model describes the transport of liquid water within the porous electrodes and water dissolved in the ion- conducting polymer. The model is restricted to constant cell temperature. The need for improving lifetime of PEMFCs necessitates that the failure mechanisms be clearly understood, so that new designs can be introduced to improve long-term performance. Weber and Newman [10] developed one- dimensional model to study the stresses development in the fuel cell. Bograchev et al. [11] studied the hygro and thermal stresses in the fuel cell caused by step-changes of temperature and relative humidity. However, their model is two-dimensional. In addition, constant temperature was assumed at each surface of the membrane. An operating fuel cell has various local conditions of temperature, humidity, and power generation across the active area of the fuel cell. Nevertheless, no models have yet been published to incorporate hygro-thermal stresses in three- dimension. Therefore, in order to acquire a complete understanding of the damage mechanisms in the membranes, mechanical response under steady-state hygro-thermal stresses should be modelled and studied under real cell operation conditions. II. MODEL DESCRIPTION This paper presents a comprehensive three- dimensional, multi-phase, non-isothermal model of a PEMFC. It accounts for both gas and liquid phase. It includes the transport of gaseous species, liquid water, protons, energy, and water dissolved in the ion-conducting polymer. The model features an algorithm to improve prediction of the local current density distribution. It takes into account convection and diffusion of different species, heat transfer, and electrochemical reactions. It also incorporates the effect of hygro- thermal stresses. More specifically, this paper describes the development of the model, the determination of properties for use in the model, the validation of the model using experimental data, and the application of the model to explain observed experimental phenomena. Formulas governing the process inside a PEMFC have already been disclosed in the previous papers [20-24]. In order to make it self-content to some extent, some important equations are re-presented. A. Computational Domain In order to save computing resources and shorten simulation times, computational domain is limited to one straight flow channel. It consists of gas flow channels, and membrane electrode assembly (MEA) as shown in Figure 1. B. Model Equations 1) Gas Flow Channels In the fuel cell channels, the gas-flow field is obtained by solving the steady-state Navier- Stokes equations. The continuity equations for the gas phase and the liquid phase inside the channel is given by: Figure 1. Computational domain M.A.R.S. Al-Baghdadi / J. Mechatron. Electr. Power Veh. Technol 07 (2016) 7-20 9 ( ) 0g g gr ρ∇⋅ =u (1) ( ) 0=⋅∇ lllr uρ (2) The following momentum equations are solved in the channels, and they share the same pressure field. ( ) ( )[ ]Tggggg ggggg Pr uu uuu ∇⋅∇+      ⋅∇+∇− =∇−⊗⋅∇ µµ µρ 3 2 (3) ( ) ( )[ ]Tlllll lllll Pr uu uuu ∇⋅∇+      ⋅∇+∇− =∇−⊗⋅∇ µµ µρ 3 2 (4) The mass balance is described by the divergence of the mass flux through diffusion and convection. Multiple species are considered in the gas phase only, and the species conservation equation in multi-component, multi-phase flow can be written in the following expression for species i: ( ) 0 1 =             ∇ +⋅ +∑       ∇ −+      ∇ +∇− ⋅∇ = T T Dyr P P yx M M yy M M Dyr T igigg N j jjjj j ijigg uρ ρ (5) where the subscript i denotes oxygen at the cathode side and hydrogen at the anode side, and j is water vapour in both cases. Nitrogen is the third species at the cathode side. The Maxwell-Stefan diffusion coefficients of any two species are dependent on temperature and pressure. They can be calculated according to the empirical relation based on kinetic gas theory [12]: 21 23131 375.1 1110         +               ∑+      ∑ × = − ji k kj k ki ij MM VVP T D (6) In this equation, pressure is in [atm] and the binary diffusion coefficient is in [cm2/s]. The values for ( )∑ kiV are given by Fuller et al. [12]. The temperature field is obtained by solving the convective energy equation: ( )( ) 0=∇−⋅∇ TkTCpr ggggg uρ (7) The gas phase and the liquid phase are assumed to be in thermodynamic equilibrium; hence the temperature of the liquid water is the same as the gas phase temperature. 2) Gas Diffusion Layers (GDL) The physics of multiple phases through a porous medium is further complicated here with phase change and the sources and sinks associated with the electrochemical reaction. The equations used to describe transport in the GDL are given below. Mass transfer in the form of evaporation ( )0>phasem and condensation ( )0