Microsoft Word - Vol03_No1 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 Accreditation Number: 432/Akred-LIPI/P2MI-LIPI/04/2012 p-ISSN 2087-3379 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 03, Issue 1, July 2012 INSURED EDITOR Head of Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr.Eng. Estiko Rijanto (Control System and Mechatronics Engineering) MANAGING EDITOR Tinton D Atmaja, M.T. (Information System and Electrical Engineering) PEER REVIWERS Dr.-Ing. Moch Ichwan (Vehicular Technology; LIPI) Ir. Edi Leksono, M.Eng., PhD. (Electrical Engineering; ITB) Dr.Eng. Estiko Rijanto (Mechatronics and Control Systems; LIPI) Ir. Arko Djajadi, Ph.D. (Mechatronics; Swiss German University) Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan (Renewable Energy Systems; UGM) Dr. Irhan Febijanto (Renewable Energy Development and CDM Project; BPPT) Dr. Yuliadi Erdani (Informatics Engineering; Politeknik Manufaktur) Riza Muhida, Ph.D. (Mechatronics Engineering; STKIP Surya) Dr.Ir. Rizqon Fajar, M.Sc. (Fuels and Lubricant; BPPT) ADVISORY EDITOR Rachmini Saparita, PhD. (Interdisciplinary Engineering) COPY EDITORS Naili Huda, M.Eng.Sc (Industrial Engineering) Achmad Praptijanto, M.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering) Nur Rohmah, M.T. (Chemical Engineering) PROOFREADER Ghalya Pikra, M.T. (Energy Conversion) SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER Noviadi A Rachman, M.T. (Electrical Engineering) SECRETARIAT Andri J Purwanto, S.T. (Mechanical Engineering) SECTION EDITORS Merry I Devi, S.T. (Industrial Engineering) Vita Susanti, S.Kom. (Computer Science) LAYOUT EDITORS Aam Muharam, M.T. (Electrical Engineering) Arief A Firdaus, S.I.Kom. (Communication Science) WEB ADMIN Dadan R Saleh, M.T. (Informatics Engineering) GRAPHIC DESIGNER M. Redho Kurnia, S.Sn. (Graphic Design) Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is a journal aims to be a leading peer- reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research papers, review articles and case studies focused on mechatronics, electrical power, and vehicular technology as well as related topics. MEV is published and imprinted by Research Center for Electrical Power and Mechatronics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences and managed to be issued twice in every volume. For every edition, the online edition is published earlier than the print edition. JOURNAL ADDRESS Secretariat Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics – Indonesian Institute of Sciences Komp LIPI Jl. Sangkuriang, Building 20, 2nd Floor, R 209, Bandung, West Java, 40135 Indonesia Telp: +62-022-2503055/2504770 Fax: +62-22-2504773 e-mail: Homepage:; Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 Accreditation Number: 432/Akred-LIPI/P2MI-LIPI/04/2012 p-ISSN 2087-3379 i Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 03, Issue 1, July 2012 FOREWORD FROM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF This issue of Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology (MEV) is the first issue after the journal has been acreditated by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in April 2012. It is also the first time for the journal that all the processes are carried out through Open Journal System (OJS). The OJS implementation gave challenge to the most of the authors, members of the editorial board, and the peer reviewers by transforming the business process to electronics journal (e-journal) method. Driven by strong integrity and commitment, finally the on-line edition of this issue could be released in July 2012. Seven papers have been selected to be published in this issue after having passed some levels of reviews and revisions based on the standard operating procedure of the journal. Two topics are related to mechatronics, two topics to electrical power, and three topics are concerned with vehicular technology including both technology aspect and research policy aspect. The total number of paper pages is 56 pages, just the same as that of the previous issue. The policy up to the current issue is that authors are not charged at all. On the other hand, the editorial board is planning to lift the quality up by promoting papers written in English to reach international readers as well as registering the journal to the international academic citation index. Moreover, the editorial board is also considering to gradually encrease the number of journal’s pages. All of this plan will give consequence on financial burden. Therefore, in the future issues, financial policy will change based on that condition. We wish to offer our thanks to all editorial board members and administration division of the Research Center for Electrical Power and Mechatronics for their continuing unwavering support. Also, we would like to acknowledge our gratitude to this issue’s peer reviewers: Ir. Arko Djajadi, Ph.D., Dr. Yuliadi Erdani, Dr.-Ing. Moch Ichwan, Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan, Ir. Edi Leksono, M.Eng., PhD., Riza Muhida, Ph.D., Dr.Ir. Rizqon Fajar, M.Sc., and Dr. Irhan Febijanto. We hope this publication would contribute to the enhancement of science and technology. Bandung, July 2012 Editor-in-Chief Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology e-ISSN 2088-6985 Accreditation Number: 432/Akred-LIPI/P2MI-LIPI/04/2012 p-ISSN 2087-3379 ii Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Volume 03, Issue 1, July 2012 LIST OF CONTENTS Direction and Policies Needed to Support Hybrid Electric Car Research Ridwan Arief Subekti, Agus Hartanto, Vita Susanti 1-8 Analysis of Inverse Angle Method for Controlling Two Degree of Freedom Manipulator Hendri Maja Saputra, Zainal Abidin, Estiko Rijanto 9-16 Development of Discrete Power Supply with Charge Pump Method for High Powered Sonar System Kristian Ismail, Syamsu Ismail 17-22 Magnetic Simulation and Analysis of Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator using Finite Element Method Pudji Irasari, Hilman Syaeful Alam, Muhammad Kasim 23-30 Design and Implementation of Anti-windup PI Control on DC-DC Bidirectional Converter for Hybrid Vehicle Applications Muh. Zakiyullah Romdlony, Amin 31-38 Modelling and Identification of Oxygen Excess Ratio of Self-Humidified PEM Fuel Cell System Edi Leksono, Justin Pradipta, Tua Agustinus Tamba 39-48 The Effect of Ethanol-Diesel Blends on The Performance of A Direct Injection Diesel Engine Arifin Nur, Yanuandri Putrasari, Iman Kartolaksono Reksowardojo 49-56