item: #1 of 22 id: mecca-6759 author: Fořtl, Jan; Beer, Johannes; Keller, Jens; Macek, Jan; Borchsenius, Fredrik title: PHYSICAL MODEL OF SI-ENGINE PROCESS AND GAS EXCHANGE FOR REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION IN ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM date: 2018-12-01 words: 35514 flesch: 10 summary: �>H�86A8JA6I:9�7N�I=:�E>E:�8DBEDC:CI� >IH:A; �*C� I=:�DI=:G�=6C9�� I=:� I>B:� >CI:DC� >H� >BEA:B:CI:9� >CID� I=:�C6GN�9>;;:G:CI>6A� :FJ6I>DCH�HDAK:G���C9�DG9:G�,JC<: &JII6��JH>C<�;DAADL>C<�:FJ6I>DC�;DG�I=:�8=6C<:�D;�<6H�HI6I:�� � �� K w ; �R � ~�K?; < L v �K>; ; <� � �sy � ~�K?; < v �K>; < v ��IOKH� }�� � �� ���� � .=>H�;DGBJA6I>DC�G:HJAIH�>C�6C�>9:CI>86A�I>B:�HI:E�;DG�6AA�I=:GBD9NC6B>8�KDAJB:�:A:B:CIH�;DGBJA6I:9�7N� I=:�;>AA>C< :BEIN>C<�6EEGD68=�6C9�68DJHI>86A�E>E:�:A:B:CIH �$I� >H�6AHD�EDHH>7A:� ID�;DGBJA6I:� AD86AAN� 9>;;:G:CI�>CI:DC�I>B:�HI:E ��16AA�;G>8I>DC���IOKH�>H�86A8JA6I:9�6H�6�;JC8I>DC�D;�,:NCDA9H�CJB7:G �� ���� �� � �2<,><<287�*7-��A9.,=.-��.7./2=<� �DI=�CJB:G>86A�B:I=D9H�JH:9�>C�I=:�8DBEA:M��H:8I>DC�� ��6C9�I=:�H>BEA>;>:9�68DJHI>8��H::�H:8I>DC�� ��� � � +>E:��8DBEDC:CI�L:G:�I:HI:9�;DG�HI67>A>IN�7N�9:;>C>C<�9>H8DCI>CJDJH�>C>I>6A�K6AJ:�EGD7A:BH��HD�86AA:9� ,>:B6CC�EGD7A:BH��6C9�8DBE6G:9�ID�I=:>G�:M68I�6C6ANI>86A�HDAJI>DC �.=:�,>:B6CC�HDAK:G�JH:9�>C�I=:� H>BEA>;>:9�E>E:�EGDK>9:H�7:II:G�HI67>A>IN�L>I=�;:L:G�9�ED>CIH�I=6C�I=:�EG:K>DJHAN�JH:9�JEL>C9�H8=:B: � .=:G:;DG:��=><=:G�8G>I>86A��!'�CJB7:G�86C�7:�JH:9 �(6M>BJB�EDI:CI>6A�D;�EG:H:CI:9�H>BEA>;>86I>DCH� L=:C�6EEA>:9�DC�6AA�E>E:�8DBEDC:CIH�>C�9:I6>A:9�BD9:A�G:HJAIH�>C�6�G:6A I>B:�;68IDG�,.�� ���H::�!><�� � �� ME:8I:9�688JG68N�7:C:;>I�>C�>CI6@:�B6C>;DA9�8DBEDC:CIH�JEHIG:6B�D;�6�I=GDIIA:�K6AK:��6C9�9DLCHIG:6B� D;�6�IJG7D8=6G<:G��>H�6�E6GI�D;�8JGG:CI�>CK:HI><6I>DCH �.=:�EG:H:CI:9�6EEGD68=�=6H�ID�7:�:MI:C9:9�7N� :C:GDC��6AHD�A>C:6G>O:9��6C9�;DGBJA6I:9�;DG�:CI>G:�<6H�8DBEDH>I>DC��: < ��6>G��7JGC:9�;J:A�� JC7JGC:9�;J:A��ID�7:�67A:�ID�86EIJG:�IG6CHEDGI�EGD7A:BH�>C�I=:�EG>B6GN�>CI6@:�6C9�:M=6JHI�GJCC:GH�9>G:8IAN� 8DCC:8I:9�ID�8NA>C9:GH � � ��� �87,5><287� .=:�:C<>C:�EGD8:HH�6C9�<6H�:M8=6C<:�L:G:�9:H8G>7:9�L>I=�I=:�JH:�D;�����*� H�>C�I=:�9:I6>A:9�BD9:A�� EGDK>9>C<�6AA�C:8:HH6GN�>C;DGB6I>DC�;DG�8DCIGDA�EJGEDH:�D;�I=:�H:A:8I:9� ��'��� 8NA>C9:G�-$ :C<>C: �� .=:�BD9:A�L6H�H>BEA>;>:9�ID�>IH�;6HI GJCC>C<�K:GH>DC�7JI�A68@>C<�I=:�G:FJ>G:9�BD9:A�>C;DGB6I>DC �.=:� BD9:A�G:6A I>B:�;68IDG�D;�,.��� ��>H�8ADH:�ID�G:6A�I>B:�86E67>A>IN�DC�I=:�H:G>6A� �/�:FJ>EE:9�L>I=�6� B>8GDEGD8:HHDG�D;����(#O�8AD8@�;G:FJ:C8N � *CC<�G:H:6G8=�68I>K>I>:H�ID�G:9J8:�CJB:G>86A�:;;DGI�;DG�I=:��+/�I>B:�8DCHJB>C<� ��E>E:�8DBEDC:CIH� 6G:�9>H8JHH:9 �.=:�8DBEA:M�6EEGD68=�;DG�86A8JA6I>C<�6AA�I=G::�IG6CHEDGI�8DCH:GK6I>DC�A6LH�L6H�H>BEA>;>:9� (15) FJ6I>DC�;DG�B>99A:�HI6I:�86C�7:�I6@:C�;GDB�':0:FJ:�4 E6<:���5� � z �K>; 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l6h �; mp �; q �; s �; u �; v �; w �; � *7-; � -daji; � .=:; � 0dajb:; � 6aa; � 6c9; � 7ji; � 8=6c<:h; � =:6i; � >c; � >c;dgb6i; � >ci:ih; � ac; � ad69; � add@; � b>8gdegd8; � bd; � bd9; � c:><=7dg; � cjb; � dc8:; � de; � dg9; � dh8; � e6; � edi; � eg; � egde; � egdk>9; � g:9j8:; � h8=:b:; � hb6aa; � hdak; � hdjc9; � i6@:c; � i6hdegdhidgdkq; � i=:; � i=:>g; � id; � ijg7d8=6g<:g; � j:; � jee; � jehig:6b; � jel; � jh:9; � jt; � k; � k6g>67a; � l; � l=>a; � ljmm; � sy; � y; � °; � � cache: mecca-6759.pdf plain text: mecca-6759.txt item: #2 of 22 id: mecca-6770 author: Fialová, Eva title: AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES AND EUROPEAN DATA PROTECTION LAW date: 2020-07-20 words: 4725 flesch: 52 summary: Nevertheless, it shall always be the controller who is responsible for personal data processing. The reason for the obligation is the above-mentioned character of personal data processing during the operation of the autonomous vehicles. keywords: art; assessment; autonomous; autonomous vehicles; available; case; communications; connection; consent; controller; data; data controller; data processing; data protection; data subject; design; directive; driver; electronic; european; european data; eva; fialová; freedoms; gdpr; huge; information; law; legal; means; natural; necessary; new; obligation; operation; page; passengers; personal data; persons; privacy; processing; purposes; regulation; right; risk; services; subjects; union; vehicles; údaj cache: mecca-6770.pdf plain text: mecca-6770.txt item: #3 of 22 id: mecca-6771 author: Vaculín, Ondřej; Gellrich, Michael; Matawa, Robert; Witschass, Steffen title: TESTING OF AUTOMATED DRIVING SYSTEMS date: 2020-07-20 words: 2890 flesch: 49 summary: Comfort Systems such as Headlight or Rain Assistant – such systems take duties from drive, which are not directly connected with vehicle dynamic functions, 2. Information and Warning Systems such as Driver Alert, Lane Departure Warning or Traffic Sign Recognition Systems – such systems just inform driver about certain state of vehicle, driver or infrastructure, 3. keywords: aeb; aspects; assistance; automation; braking; control; development; driver; driving; dynamic; end; environment; figure; functions; gellrich; ground; human; human driver; jam; lane; matawa; mecca; michael; modes; ncap; obrázek; order; page; physical; proving; regulation; robert; scenarios; sct; set; steffen; systems; tail; task; testing; tests; time; traffic; tsv; vaculín; vehicle; warning; witschass cache: mecca-6771.pdf plain text: mecca-6771.txt item: #4 of 22 id: mecca-6841 author: Páv, Karel title: IMPLICATION OF CYCLE-TO-CYCLE VARIABILITY IN SI ENGINES date: 2018-04-01 words: 5054 flesch: 51 summary: The calculation for ignition delay is simple but the standard deviation in combustion variability factor Ab,v has to be evaluated for values lower or equal to 1 only due to its asymmetrical distribution ( ) ( ) 1 1 1 )( 1 1 )( , 2 , , 2 , , ≤ A - - = - - = Σ Σ vb vb vb vign vign A n A ASDEV n A ASDEV (15) The burn‑ rate‑related parameters are the maximum heat‑release rate or mass burning rate, the crank angle at 50% of mass burned KAREL PÁV Technická univerzita v Liberci, Katedra vozidel a motorů, Studentská 2, Liberec 461 17, Czech Republic Email: ABSTRACT The paper deals with utilization of an adaptive combustion model in order to simulate cycle‑to‑cycle combustion variability of SI engines. keywords: adaptive; aign; analysis; angle; calculation; calibration; change; combustion; computational; consumption; crank; cycles; cycle‑to‑cycle; cycle‑to‑cycle variability; cylinder; delay; deviation; different; distribution; engine; equation; factors; figure; fraction; fuel; function; gas; hoření; ignition; implication; independent; in‑cylinder; karel; level; main; mass; maximum; mean; measured; median; model; motoru; normal; obrázek; operational; optimum; order; page; paper; phase; points; pressure; pro; process; páv; při; rate; relative; results; simulation; spark; standard; terms; timing; values; variability; variation; vbb; zážehu; λ � cache: mecca-6841.pdf plain text: mecca-6841.txt item: #5 of 22 id: mecca-7262 author: Sháněl, Vít; Španiel, Miroslav title: COMPOSITE ABSORBER IN COLLISION SIMULATIONS OF A BUS date: 2017-07-03 words: 2689 flesch: 60 summary: This paper details the numerical modeling of composite absorbers and an assessment of the influence of such deformation elements on a bus during frontal collision with a car. The absorber consists of four parts: 1 – front plate, 2 – deformation elements, 3 – rear plate, 4 – supporting structure. keywords: absorber; behavior; bus; bus vít; car; collision; composite; connector; crash; crushing; deformation; displacement; elements; energy; figure; force; frontal; half; impact; initial; ith; mecca; miroslav; model; obrázek; page; response; sháněl; significant; simulations; structure; tubes; velocity; vít; španiel cache: mecca-7262.pdf plain text: mecca-7262.txt item: #6 of 22 id: mecca-7326 author: Jelínek, Jakub; Růžička, Milan; Kafková, Alžběta title: NEW ADVANCED METHODS IN SIDE CRASH TESTING date: 2021-06-09 words: 2838 flesch: 55 summary: The aim is to get ideally perfect match between full crash model as given at the beginning of the project and ALIS reduced model. For illustration there is a comparison of initial ALIS run, with all variables equal to 1, and full crash model shown on Figure 6. keywords: acceleration; actuator; advanced; al"b$ta; alis; biomechanical; compression; crash; design; doe; door; dycot; factor; figure; initial; input; jakub; jelínek; kafková; loads; main; methods; milan; model; new; obrázek; offset; page; parameters; physical; pillar; pulse; r!"i#ka; responses; results; scale; simulation; sled; structure; surface; system; testing; variables; velocity; virtual cache: mecca-7326.pdf plain text: mecca-7326.txt item: #7 of 22 id: mecca-7328 author: Toman, Rastislav; Heřmanová, Jolana title: EVALUATION OF PLUG-IN PARALLEL HEV TOPOLOGIES USING OPTIMAL CONTROL METHODS AND VEHICLE DYNAMICS SIMULATION date: 2021-06-09 words: 15099 flesch: 54 summary: MECCA_20-02_web Evaluation of Plug-in Parallel HEV Topologies Using Optimal Control Methods and Vehicle Dynamics Simulation RASTISLAV TOMAN, JOLANA HE!MANOVÁ MECCA 02 2020 PAGE 21 Evaluation of Plug-in Parallel HEV Topologies Using Optimal Control Methods and Vehicle Dynamics Simulation RASTISLAV TOMAN, JOLANA HE!MANOVÁ 10.14311/mecdc.2020.02.03 RASTISLAV TOMAN CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Technická 4, Praha 6, 166 07, Czech Republic; JOLANA HE!MANOVÁ CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Technická 4, Praha 6, 166 07, Czech Republic; ABSTRACT Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powertrains with parallel topologies are among the frequently used layouts, because of their easy applicability on an existing conventional powertrain, by the addition of hybrid modules with mild, full, or a plug-in capability. ÍZENÍ ENERGETICK#CH TOK$ VE VOZIDLE, DYNAMICKÉ PROGRAMOVÁNÍ, ECMS, PONTRYAGIN$V MINIMÁLNÍ PRINCIP, TOPOLOGIE PARALELNÍHO HYBRIDNÍHO HNACÍHO ÚSTROJÍ, PLUG-IN HYBRID, SIMULACE DYNAMIKY VOZIDLA, GT-SUITE EVALUATION OF PLUG-IN PARALLEL HEV TOPOLOGIES USING OPTIMAL CONTROL METHODS AND VEHICLE DYNAMICS SIMULATION Evaluation of Plug-in Parallel HEV Topologies Using Optimal Control Methods and Vehicle Dynamics Simulation RASTISLAV TOMAN, JOLANA HE!MANOVÁ MECCA 02 2020 PAGE 22 1. keywords: acceleration; accuracy; additional; aer; algorithm; battery; behavior; calculation; chapter; charge; co2; combined; concepts; conditions; consumption; control methods; cost; cost function; cycle; different; discretization; discretized; driving; dynamics; ecms; electric; equation; equivalence; evaluation; evlim; exponent; factor; figure; final; fuel; function; function 𝐽𝐽; gear; hev; hev topologies; homologation; hybrid; ice; icev; implementation; inputs; jolana; limits; map; maximum; mecca; methods; mode; models; node; optimal control; optimal cost; optimal problem; optimality; output; overall; parallel; penalty; penalty function; plug; points; policy; powertrain; principle; problem; rastislav; ratio; resolution; results; rpm; sensitivity; set; shifting; simulation; single; soc; soc 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆0,1230; speed; state; state penalty; state variable; strategy; suite; table; terminal; terminal state; tests; time; toman; topologies; topology; transmission; use; values; variable; vehicle; wltp; 𝐽𝐽'(𝑥𝑥; 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 state; 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆+,− 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆+./; 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆0,1230; 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆21.4; 𝑇𝑇%; 𝑝𝑝&(𝑥𝑥 cache: mecca-7328.pdf plain text: mecca-7328.txt item: #8 of 22 id: mecca-7562 author: Macek, Jan title: PHYSICAL 1D MODEL OF A HIGH-PRESSURE RATIO CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR FOR TURBOCHARGERS date: 2021-09-08 words: 20413 flesch: 78 summary:                    ( 41 ) 2 2 t tr r r c cdc dcdp dr c dr r dr dt r dr       ( 42 )  2 2 ; 2 1 tr r p t r t tr r r r r r t r p db d b r br dcdc dcm dTdr dr c c c dr dr dr drrb db b r c dcdc dc dcdrc c c c c dr rb p r p dr c T dr dr                             c c RK bR c R c r m r                       ( 41 ) 2 2 t tr r r c cdc dcdp dr c dr r dr dt r dr       ( 42 )  2 2 ; 2 1 tr r p t r t tr r r r r r t r p db d b r br dcdc dcm dTdr dr c c c dr dr dr drrb db b r c dcdc dc dcdrc c c c c dr rb p r p dr c T dr dr                             keywords: / ; 2 tan; angle; arctan; axial; blade; c c; c dr; c k; c ; cascade; coefficient; compressor; cos 2; cos cos; cos x; diffuser; dr m; f f; f m; f t; f ; flow; impeller; k r; k ; m c; m m; m r; m t; m w; m x; m y; model; out ; p m; r b; r c; r dr; r inf; r p; r r; r u; r z; r ; radial; s b; s s; sep r; sign m; sin; sw ; s ; t c; t s; t t; t ; tan cos; tan tan; u c; u w; velocity; w r; w w; w ; y t; y y; y ; z t;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: mecca-7562.pdf plain text: mecca-7562.txt item: #9 of 22 id: mecca-7564 author: Záruba, Petr; Jelínek, Jakub; Kalinský, Michal title: DYNAMIC TESTING OF BUSES AND THEIR COMPONENTS date: 2017-07-03 words: 2785 flesch: 48 summary: aspx?c=A110718_135127_automoto_fdv FIGURE 9: Distance of survival space template and B pillar in relation to friction coefficient OBRÁZEK 9: Graf vzdálenosti prostoru pro přežití a B sloupku v závisloti na třecím koeficientu FIGURE 10: Illustration of physical test validation OBRÁZEK 10: Korelace fyzického testu a virtuální simulace OLE_LINK26 OLE_LINK27 OLE_LINK28 _Ref312143099 _GoBack result_box _Ref497901876 result_box2 result_box3 result_box4 result_box5 result_box6 result_box7 result_box8 result_box9 result_box10 result_box11 result_box12 result_box13 _Ref498511156 _Ref499718432 The main objective of bus manufacturers is to maximize transporting capacity and, with a typical number of 30 passengers, the vehicle mass of a tested vehicle is increased by more than one ton of additional mass. keywords: beams; bus; buses; center; components; computation; czech; deformation; drop; dynamic; ece; elements; energy; figure; gravity; homologation; impact; jakub; jelínek; kalinský; manufacturer; mass; material; mesh; method; michal; model; numerical; obrázek; passengers; petr; physical; pillar; position; process; r66; regulation; results; rollover; simulation; space; structure; survival; süd; test; testing; time; tüv; validation; vehicle; virtual; záruba cache: mecca-7564.pdf plain text: mecca-7564.txt item: #10 of 22 id: mecca-7565 author: Pakosta, Jiří; Achtenová, Gabriela title: JOINT SHAFT TEST STAND date: 2017-07-03 words: 2096 flesch: 60 summary: Brief overview of joint shaft is covered in [2]. The article describes the newly created test stand for testing of joint shafts in the laboratories of the Department of Automotive, Combustion Engine and Railway Engineering. keywords: achtenová; air; angle; axis; bend; constant; design; drive; driving; dynamometer; gabriela; input; jiří; joint; joint shaft; measurement; open; output; pakosta; possible; rotation; rpm; set; shaft; shaft test; speed; stand; table; temperature; test; test stand; testing; torque; vehicle; velocity cache: mecca-7565.pdf plain text: mecca-7565.txt item: #11 of 22 id: mecca-7566 author: Achtenová, Gabriela title: IDEAS FOR TESTING OF PLANETARY GEAR SETS OF AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSIONS date: 2017-07-03 words: 6554 flesch: 79 summary: [5] introduced the idea of usage of closed loop test stand for testing of planetary gearboxes. The technological gearbox is loaded with a torque diminished by efficiency of the previous parts of test stand. keywords: aabbmo; aamocrowna; bbaamo; bbrbcrownb; closed; efficiency; electric; figure; gear; iimm; imm; imm iimm; immm; mlossblossa; mm ; mmm; mosuna; motor; naloss; pgs; planetary; power; ppppp; preload; sets; stand; sunao; test; torque;  ;  abamo;  3871,33871,21;  aamorarb;  mbabaaa;  mbamoamo;  mbmoabmo;  ;  ;  ; ;  ; ; ; ;  ; ;   cache: mecca-7566.pdf plain text: mecca-7566.txt item: #12 of 22 id: mecca-7567 author: Richtr, David title: TOOL FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF MECHANISMS OF NEW ENGINES BASED ON DASY date: 2021-09-08 words: 4521 flesch: 49 summary: DASY software with genetic algorithm was used FIGURE 11: Dependence of cam phaser phase angle on oil pressure OBRÁZEK 11: Závislost fázové změny camphaseru na tlaku oleje FIGURE 12: Impact of oil pressure loss on valve lift curve OBRÁZEK 12: Vliv poklesu tlaku oleje na zdvihovou křivku ventilu Tool for the Synthesis of Mechanisms of New Engines based on DASY DAVID RIChTR MECCA 02 2017 PAGE 8 for calibration and optimization of the model. Data such as valve acceleration curves, actual speed and the forces acting on the rocker arm were available from experiments. keywords: actual; actual rotation; approach; available; belt; calibration; cam; camshaft; change; consumption; curve; dasy; data; david; design; dynamics; elements; engine; example; exhaust; exhaust valve; figure; hydraulic; individual; intake; lift; maximum; mecca; mechanism; model; new; obrázek; oil; optimization; page; parameters; phaser; points; possible; pressure; results; richtr; rotation; rotation speed; separation; simulation; single; software; speed; spring; stiffness; sub; synthesis; system; thermodynamic; time; timing; tool; toothed; values; valve; valve separation; ‑cylinder cache: mecca-7567.pdf plain text: mecca-7567.txt item: #13 of 22 id: mecca-7569 author: Toman, Rastislav; Macek, Jan title: EVALUATION OF THE PREDICTIVE CAPABILITIES OF A PHENOMENOLOGICAL COMBUSTION MODEL FOR NATURAL GAS SI ENGINE date: 2021-09-08 words: 18346 flesch: 54 summary: The second right-hand side term in the main equations, describes the energy out-flow through the valves, with the mass flow rate of the cylinder exit flow �� ���. The second right-hand side term in the main equations, describes the energy out-flow through the valves, with the mass flow rate of the cylinder exit flow �� ���. keywords: accounts; area; average �; bar; burnup; calibration; capabilities; cascade; chamber; charge; combustion; combustion model; compression; constant �; current; cylinder; decay; density �; development; different; dissipation; egr; energy; engine; entrainment; equation; error; evolution; experimental; figure; flame; flame speed; flow; flow model; fuel; function; gas; geometrical; geometry; hand; high; ice; initial; instantaneous; intake; integral; kernel; kinetic; laminar; length; main; mass �; maximum; mean; microscale; mixture; model; model turbulent; motion; multiplier; natural; objective; operating; optimal; paper; parameter �; phenomenological; plug; points; predictive; pressure; process; production; quantity; rate; right; scale; sensitivity; set; siturb; size; spark; speed; sub; swirl; systems; table; taylor; term; test; time; tpa; tumble; turbulent; turbulent combustion; turbulent flame; unburned; values; velocity; � � cache: mecca-7569.pdf plain text: mecca-7569.txt item: #14 of 22 id: mecca-7570 author: Ramesha, D. K.; Rajmalwar, Nishad; Varma, T. Sreeharsha; Swamy, K. M. Mrithyunajaya title: STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF ETHANOL AS AN ADDITIVE WITH A BLEND OF POULTRY LITTER BIODIESEL AND ALUMINA NANOPARTICLES ON A DIESEL ENGINE date: 2021-09-08 words: 4798 flesch: 51 summary: The properties of diesel fuel and PLOME are listed according to ASTM standards in Table 4. This work aims to find an alternative fuel for diesel engines. keywords: acid; addition; additive; alumina; alumina nanoparticles; b20plome30a; b20plome30a15e; biodiesel; blend; brake; bte; characteristics; combustion; content; cylinder; delay; diesel; diesel engine; effects; efficiency; emissions; engine; ethanol; figure; flask; fuel; higher; hrr; ignition; increase; issue; litter; load; lower; mecca; methyl; minutes; mixture; mrithyunajaya; nanoparticles; nishad; nox; obrázek; oil; opacity; oxygen; page; parameters; peak; performance; poultry; poultry litter; pressure; process; rajmalwar; ramesha; rate; smoke; sreeharsha; study; swamy; table; temperature; transesterification; ubhc; variation; varma; viscosity; vol; změna; závislosti cache: mecca-7570.pdf plain text: mecca-7570.txt item: #15 of 22 id: mecca-7571 author: Žák, Zdeněk; Emrich, Miloslav; Takáts, Michal; Macek, Jan title: IN-CYLINDER HEAT TRANSFER MODELLING date: 2016-12-12 words: 21361 flesch: 56 summary: The code (4) � � ������������� B���� p ��� T����� w ��� � A�� B ��� p ��� T ��� w ��� (4) w � C� S� � C� �� �������� ���� �p � p�� � C� S� � A�� �� ���� ���� ���� �p � p�� (5) p� � p��� ������ � ��� (6) Gas exchange period: C� � ���� � ����� B π �� ��� � A�� � A�� B π A�� � �� (7) Rest of cycle: C� � ���� � ����� B π �� ��� (8) Gas exchange period: C� � �; Compression period: C� � �; Combustion and expansion period: C� � ���� ��� �� The relation developed by Hohenberg stated in (9) and The code � � ������������� B���� p ��� T����� w ��� � A�� B ��� p ��� T ��� w ��� (4) w � C� S� � C� �� �������� ���� �p � p�� � C� S� � A�� �� ���� ���� ���� �p � p�� (5) p� � p��� ������ � ��� (6) Gas exchange period: C� � ���� � ����� B π �� ��� � A�� � A�� B π A�� � �� (7) Rest of cycle: C� � ���� � ����� B π �� ��� (8) Gas exchange period: C� � �; Compression period: C� � �; Combustion and expansion period: C� � ���� ��� �� The relation developed by Hohenberg stated in (9) and [8]: � � ����� V����� p ��� T���� �S� � ���� ��� � A�� V ��� p ��� T ��� �S� � A��� ��� (9) Eichelbergs' correlation is an often used formula, partly due to its simplicity (10) and keywords: adapted; annand; black; calibration; code; coefficient; combustion; compression; correlation; cycle; cylinder; diesel; dotted; effect; eichelberg; engine; equation; exchange; expansion; figure; formula; gas; heat; hohenberg; line; model; multiplier; obrázek; original; period; piston; radiation; ramanaiah; rest; setup; sitkei; standard; suite; swirl; taylor; template; toong; transfer; upravený; user; w �; woschni; černá; čárkovaná cache: mecca-7571.pdf plain text: mecca-7571.txt item: #16 of 22 id: mecca-7572 author: Žák, Zdeněk; Hatschbach, Petr title: EVALUATION OF EXPERIMENTS ON A TWIN SCROLL TURBOCHARGER TURBINE FOR CALIBRATION OF A COMPLEX 1-D MODEL date: 2016-12-12 words: 9068 flesch: 55 summary: For the measurement of twin scroll turbocharger turbine under different admission levels, it was needful to develop a specific turbocharger test bed with separated turbine sections. A specific feature of the twin entry turbine measurement is the separation of turbine sections. keywords: adiabatic; admission; b. �; balance; bearings; blade; calibration; case; coefficient; compressor; compressor power; conditions; data; difference; discharge; efficiency; energy; enthalpy; entry; entry turbine; evaluation; figure; flow; flux; fluxes; formula; gas; heat; hot; impeller; isentropic; level; losses; mass; measured; measurement; model; obrázek; outlet; overall; partial; power; pressure; pure; rate; ratio; regression; results; scroll; section; shaft; specific; speed; temperature; test; total; turbine; turbine efficiency; turbine power; turbine wheel; turbocharger; turbocharger turbine; turbíny; twin; velocity; wheel cache: mecca-7572.pdf plain text: mecca-7572.txt item: #17 of 22 id: mecca-7574 author: Morkus, Josef title: TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HYBRID DRIVES date: 2016-08-08 words: 2959 flesch: 59 summary: A combination of combustion engine and electric motor, i.e. a hybrid drive, is one of the ways of reducing the fuel consumption and emissions of motor vehicles. Hybridní pohony také se objevují v užitkových vozidlech, off-road aplikacích, člunech atd. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: HYBRIDNÍ POHONY, ELECTROMOTOR, BATERIE, PODPORA SPALOVACÍHO MOTORU, DOJEZD, SMĚR VÝVOJE ABSTRACT The hybridization of motor vehicle drives is one of the major trends of recent years. keywords: applications; axle; baterie; batteries; battery; benz; braking; bus; cars; combination; combustion; connected; control; development; diesel; drives; driving; electric; electric motor; energy; engine; expensive; figure; gearbox; hybrid; hybrid drives; hybridním; josef; mecca; mitsubishi; mode; morkus; motor; nebo; obrázek; outlander; page; place; plug; power; racing; range; rear; regulations; režimu; road; sales; seats; second; solution; speed; stops; support; toyota; transmission; trends; turbocharger; use; vehicles; volvo; vozidel; zadní cache: mecca-7574.pdf plain text: mecca-7574.txt item: #18 of 22 id: mecca-7575 author: Břoušek, Josef; Bukvic, Martin; Jandura, Pavel title: EXPERIMENTAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE EŠUS GEN2 date: 2016-08-08 words: 3585 flesch: 62 summary: The choice of components and design solutions is evaluated here with regard to the current trends in the development of battery electric vehicles. This vehicle now serves as an open platform for educational purposes and the testing of existing and currently developed components designed for electric vehicles. keywords: axle; battery; bms; box; bukvic; břoušek; cells; components; concept; control; design; dmds; drive; driving; dual; efficiency; electric; electric vehicle; energy; experimental; experimental electric; ešus; ešus gen2; figure; gear; gen2; gen2 vehicle; housing; installation; jandura; josef; machine; main; management; martin; material; maximum; mecca; model; motor; obrázek; operation; page; pavel; pawl; pmsm; powertrain; prototype; requirement; shaft; speed; sst; system; torque; traction; traction battery; transmission; type; use; vehicle; vehicle ešus; weight cache: mecca-7575.pdf plain text: mecca-7575.txt item: #19 of 22 id: mecca-7576 author: Achtenová, Gabriela title: OVERVIEW AND TRENDS IN AUTOMOTIVE GEARBOXES OF STANDARD POWERTRAINS date: 2016-12-12 words: 3269 flesch: 65 summary: From the data we derive an overview of number of different transmission types corresponding to the number of different brands and models. MEAN ENGINE TOQUE RELATED TO DIFFERENT TRANSMISSION TYPES 0 keywords: amt5; amt6; amt7; automated; automatic; automotive; car; clutch; cvt; diesel; different; engine; figure; gearboxes; market; mean; models; number; obrázek; overview; passenger; petrol; powertrains; range; revue; speed; spread; standard; torque; transmission; trends; types; vehicles; years cache: mecca-7576.pdf plain text: mecca-7576.txt item: #20 of 22 id: mecca-7580 author: Beroun, Stanislav; Brabec, Pavel; Dittrich, Aleš title: VEHICLE SI ENGINE WITH MPI OF LIQUID STATE LPG date: 2016-03-14 words: 9243 flesch: 55 summary: OBRÁZEK 2: Závislost tlaku nasycených par LPG na teplotě pro obsah propanu a butanu v LPG 50/50 [2]. 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 [deg CA] pr es su re [b ar A B S] 245 250 255 260 265 te m pe ra tu re [K ] 3000rpm-8ms-calcul 3000rpm-8ms-measur temp-3000rpm-8ms-calcul FIGURE 3: The calculated and measured plots of LPG pressure inside the EPI illustrate acceptable correlation in describing the injection mechanism for liquid LPG (the differences at the initial phase of liquid LPG charging from EV to EPI are likely caused by a transport delay between EV and VEPI inside the EPI). The calculation results are confirmed by recording plots of LPG pressure inside the end part of injector (EPI) and the temperature on the outlet nozzle (ON) of the LPG injector. keywords: air; ba95; balance; bar; calculation; cylinder; density; ea111.03e; effect; element; engine; engine intake; engine load; epi; epi intake; epi liquid; epi lpg; figure; following; gas; heating; icing; injector; inside; intake manifold; intensive lpg; kapalného lpg; liquid lpg; liquid state; load; low lpg; lpg charge; lpg composition; lpg droplets; lpg engine; lpg evaporation; lpg figure; lpg fuel; lpg gaseous; lpg injection; lpg injectors; lpg lpg; lpg pressure; lpg spray; lpg stanislav; lpg steam; lpg temperature; measured; mixture; model; motoru; mpi; nozzle; obrázek; outflow; outlet; petrol; plot; plpg; potrubí; power; relationship; running; si engine; state lpg; step; thermal; vaporized lpg; vehicle; vepi; volume; vstřik lpg; vstřikovače lpg; wet lpg; wet steam cache: mecca-7580.pdf plain text: mecca-7580.txt item: #21 of 22 id: mecca-7696 author: Kohout, Petr; Kindermann, Jan title: CRITICAL SHIFTING WINDOW IN SWITCHABLE ROCKER FINGER FOLLOWER date: 2021-11-10 words: 6553 flesch: 65 summary: SYMBOLS AND ACRONYMS CA crank angle CAE computer aided engineering CP crossover point CSW critical shifting window iEGR internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC mechanical lash at cam MLL mechanical lash at latching pin OEM original equipment manufacturer SRFF switchable roller fi nger follower VVA variable valve actuation VVL variable valve lift VVT variable valve timing 13 CSW - critical shifting window iEGR - internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC - mechanical lash at cam MLL - mechanical lash at latching pin OEM - original equipment manufacturer SRFF - switchable roller finger follower VVA - variable valve actuation VVL - variable valve lift VVT - variable valve timing 𝑣𝑣!##@%&' - relative velocity difference at CP1 𝑣𝑣!##@%&( - relative velocity difference at CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&') - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&() - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&') - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&() - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 α - rotation angle of camshaft from initial state β - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at outer cam profile γ - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at inner cam profile relative velocity difference at CP1 13 CSW - critical shifting window iEGR - internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC - mechanical lash at cam MLL - mechanical lash at latching pin OEM - original equipment manufacturer SRFF - switchable roller finger follower VVA - variable valve actuation VVL - variable valve lift VVT - variable valve timing 𝑣𝑣!##@%&' - relative velocity difference at CP1 𝑣𝑣!##@%&( - relative velocity difference at CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&') - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&() - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&') - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&() - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 α - rotation angle of camshaft from initial state β - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at outer cam profile γ - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at inner cam profile relative velocity difference at CP2 13 CSW - critical shifting window iEGR - internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC - mechanical lash at cam MLL - mechanical lash at latching pin OEM - original equipment manufacturer SRFF - switchable roller finger follower VVA - variable valve actuation VVL - variable valve lift VVT - variable valve timing 𝑣𝑣!##@%&' - relative velocity difference at CP1 𝑣𝑣!##@%&( - relative velocity difference at CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&') - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&() - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&') - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&() - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 α - rotation angle of camshaft from initial state β - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at outer cam profile γ - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at inner cam profile velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 13 CSW - critical shifting window iEGR - internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC - mechanical lash at cam MLL - mechanical lash at latching pin OEM - original equipment manufacturer SRFF - switchable roller finger follower VVA - variable valve actuation VVL - variable valve lift VVT - variable valve timing 𝑣𝑣!##@%&' - relative velocity difference at CP1 𝑣𝑣!##@%&( - relative velocity difference at CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&') - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&() - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&') - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&() - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 α - rotation angle of camshaft from initial state β - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at outer cam profile γ - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at inner cam profile velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 13 CSW - critical shifting window iEGR - internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC - mechanical lash at cam MLL - mechanical lash at latching pin OEM - original equipment manufacturer SRFF - switchable roller finger follower VVA - variable valve actuation VVL - variable valve lift VVT - variable valve timing 𝑣𝑣!##@%&' - relative velocity difference at CP1 𝑣𝑣!##@%&( - relative velocity difference at CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&') - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&() - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&') - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&() - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 α - rotation angle of camshaft from initial state β - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at outer cam profile γ - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at inner cam profile velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 13 CSW - critical shifting window iEGR - internal exhaust gas recirculation MLC - mechanical lash at cam MLL - mechanical lash at latching pin OEM - original equipment manufacturer SRFF - switchable roller finger follower VVA - variable valve actuation VVL - variable valve lift VVT - variable valve timing 𝑣𝑣!##@%&' - relative velocity difference at CP1 𝑣𝑣!##@%&( - relative velocity difference at CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&') - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛾𝛾%&() - velocity on inner cam lobe at contact point during CP2 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&') - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP1 𝑣𝑣))*+(𝛽𝛽%&() - velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 α - rotation angle of camshaft from initial state β - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at outer cam profile γ - angle between cam profile first point and contact point at inner cam profile velocity on outer cam lobe at contact point during CP2 ! Same applies for cam tolerances, TABLE 7: Results for inner cam profi le tolerance and wear TABULKA 7: Vsledky pro profi lovou toleranci a opot!ebení vnit!ní va%ky Inner cam profi le tolerance CP1 CP2 keywords: angle; angular; cam; cam lobe; cam profile; camshaft; case; contact point; cp1; cp2; critical; critical shifting; crossover; csw; deg; design; difference; exhaust; figure; finger; follower; higher; infl; initial; inner; inner cam; kohout; lash; lift; lobe; manufacturing; mechanical; mlc; nominal; outer; outer cam; pin; point; position; profile; relative; relative velocity; results; rocker; roller; shifting; shifting window; srff; switchable; system; table; tabulka; tolerance; valve; valvetrain; variable; velocity; velocity difference; wear; window; 𝑣𝑣"))*+(𝛽𝛽%; 𝑣𝑣"))*+(𝛾𝛾% cache: mecca-7696.pdf plain text: mecca-7696.txt item: #22 of 22 id: mecca-7697 author: Adámek, Mikuláš; Toman, Rastislav title: RANGE EXTENDER ICE MULTI-PARAMETRIC MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION date: 2021-11-10 words: 8669 flesch: 55 summary: Range Extender engines are designed to provide a specifi c power output Pe (generally enough for the vehicle to achieve the highway speed), usually around 30 kW. The engine is expected to provide this power output at wide -open throttle conditions and for most of its lifetime. Resulting engine designs are usually rather conservative, not optimized for the best effi ciency. keywords: -objective; -suite; adámek; analysis; area; block; bore; bsfc; cad; calibration; ciency; cient; coeffi; combination; combustion; con; concept; conditions; crank; cylinder; data; deg; design; diameter; different; displacement; effi; electric; engine; equation; exhaust; extender; feasibility; feasible; figure; flame; flow; friction; fuel; general; geometry; heat; ice; ice multi; important; intake; international; knock; laminar; length; lift; load; main; mass; maximum; mean; mikulá; model; multi; multi -parametric; multiplier; operating; optimal; optimization; package; page; parameters; parametric; piston; possible; power; predictive; pressure; pro; range; rastislav; rate; ratio; relation; results; rex; rod; sae; scale; scenarios; second; sensitivity; set; simulation; siturb; size; small; spark; speed; stroke; structural; sub; table; thermodynamic; time; toman; total; transfer; turbulent; use; v035; v05; valve; vmax; volume; 𝐿𝐿6; 𝑆𝑆4; 𝑆𝑆5 cache: mecca-7697.pdf plain text: mecca-7697.txt