10 Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022) Research Article Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth and Quality Flower Production of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Indicum L.) Md. Ehsanullah, Ahasan Ullah Khan*, Md. Kamruzzam, and Sarah Tasnim Received : June 29, 2021 Revised : November 5, 2021 Accepted : November 10, 2021 Online : November 11, 2021 Abstract A field study was conceded to assess the effect of plant growth regulators on growth and quality flower production of chrysanthe- mum at Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Gazipur, Bangladesh. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with ten (10) treatments and three replications. The treatments of plant growth regulators concentration were T1-50 ppm GA3, T2-100 ppm GA3, T3-150 ppm GA3, T4-400 ppm CCC, T5-600 ppm CCC, T6-800 ppm CCC, T7-250 ppm MH, T8-500 ppm MH, T9-750 ppm MH and, T10-Control. The maximum spreading of plant (27.0 cm) was observed when plants were treated with GA3 @ 150 ppm where the minimum plant spread (16.8 cm) was recorded in plants treated with CCC @ 800 ppm. The higher number of suckers (33) per pot was produced when pots were treated with GA3 @ 150 ppm whereas, application of CCC at three different concentrations produced lower number of suckers. The highest number of flower (40) was recorded with 150 ppm GA3, where minimum number of flowers (25) per pot in 800 ppm CCC. The plants sprayed with 50 ppm GA3 took 48 days to flower initiation, whereas, it took 70 days with 750 ppm MH. the highest plants recorded (7.40 cm) with 800 ppm CCC, whereas, lowest size (6.50 cm) was obtained with the application of 500 ppm MH. The maximum vase life of flowers was recorded for the treatment 800 ppm CCC (15 days), which was at par with 13 days vase life obtained by spraying 600 ppm CCC. Therefore, it is concluded that the GA3 acted as growth promoter and the CCC acted as growth retardants on yield and quality of chrysanthemum. Keywords chlormequat chloride (CCC), flower, Gibberellins (GA), growth promoter, meleic hydrazide, production 1. INTRODUCTION Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum L.) is a widespread saleable attractive importance flower crop belongs to the family Compositae or Asteraceae, sub family Asteroideae, order Asterales, subclass Asteridae, tribe Anthemideae. It is significant as floricultural, ornamental and medicinal used in modern time [1]–[3]. This flower crop is native to East Asia and has been grown in garden for more than 2500 years [4]–[6]. It is globally the second economically most vital floricultural crop following rose, and one of the most significant ornamental species [2]. It is one of the most important ornamental crops around the world, it is produced as both cut flower in field and pot plant [7]. Many plants, which have been identified as yet through pharmacology, folk medicine [8], homoeopathy and ethnopharmacology [9], are being investigated for their medicinal usage and may be proved so in due course of time. The C. indicum flower is a good source of common quercitrin and myricetin, which is significant for the progress of possible pharmaceuticals [10]. The flower of the C. indicum contains major 3 oils viz 1,8-cineole, camphor, borneol and bornyl acetate [11]. This crop use as nerve sedative, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-angiogenic, anti-atherosclerosis and nematocidal goods [12]. The leaves remedy and use as colds, headache, bronchitis, rheumatism, swellings, boils and expectorant, bitter and stomachic, respectively. The C. indicum flower has a strong aroma and many of the previous studies focused on the essential oil of this plant [13]–[15]. Khan et al. [16] observed that the plant height (54.0 to 66.0 cm); number of leaves per plant (208-240); leaf size (4.5 to 8.5 cm); plant spread (19.0 to 32.0 cm); number of branches (4 to 12); number of flowers (25-40); stalk length (8.8 to 13.3 cm) and days of first flowering (55 to 70 days) varied; respectively in T7 (100% rice husk) to T3 (100% cocodust). The different color of leaves and flowers in chrysanthemum flower crop and also the maximum flower period was observed early December-February in germplasms. Taweesak et al. Copyright Holder: © Ehsanullah, Md., Khan, A. U., Kamruzzam, Md. and Tasnim, S. (2022) First Publication Right: Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science Publisher’s Note: Pandawa Institute stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Article is Licensed Under: https://doi.org/10.47352/jmans.2774-3047.98 OPEN ACCESS https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.id https://doi.org/10.47352/jmans.2774-3047.98 https://crossmark.crossref.org/dialog/?doi=10.47352/jmans.2774-3047.98&domain=pdf&date_stamp=2022-01-13 J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci. 11 [17] observed that the irrigation effect on plant height of chrysanthemum. The growth of chrysanthemum grown in two soilless systems included tray system and trough system. No significant differences in flower characteristics were observed between the two systems except for flower color. The commercial cultivation of chrysanthemum with good quality flowers and higher yield is needed for consumption in local market and to provide livelihood especially to the marginal and small farmers [18]. Good quality flower production depends upon various factors such as genotype, environment, spacing, disbudding, pinching, substrate, use of growth regulator etc. [19]. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are now being commonly used for inducing more acceptable plant characteristics like compact growth, dwarfness, increased number of healthy branches and promote flower initiation [20]. Similarly, pinching of apical bud has a significant influence on flowering and yield [21]. Thus, growth regulators and pinching can play an important role in the improvement of flowering and yield of Chrysanthemum. Keeping in view the above points the present experiment was undertaken to compare the effects of growth regulators and hand pinching for higher flower yield in chrysanthemum. Gibberellins (GA3) play an important role in growth and flowering of ornamental plants. Foliar application of gibberellic acid enhances vegetative attributes along with flower initiation [22]. An experiment was conducted by Dorajeerao and Mokashi [22] and noted that foliar allocation of 3000 ppm CCC produced maximum number of flowers per plant, as compare to other concentrations. The plant growth regulators promote growth and yield in ornamental plants. Keeping in view the above points the present investigation, plant growth regulators has been evaluated on the growth, and quality flower production in chrysanthemum crop. The general objective of this study is to assess the growth regulators for quality flower production of the chrysanthemum. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Materials 2.1.1. Experimental Site The present investigation was carried out at the experimental farm of Landscape, Ornamental and Floriculture Division, HRC, BARI, Gazipur during the period from July 2007 to June 2008. The study area situated in 23.9917° N longitude and 90.4137° E latitude at an altitude of 9 meter above the sea level. 2.1.2. Planting material Seed of genotype of CM-022 were used in the experiment during the period from July 2007 to June 2008. 2.2. Methods 2.2.1. Pot preparation and Treatments The experiment was conducted in earthen pots of 12 cm size. The pots were washed and cleaned thoroughly before filling up of potting media. In this planting media using plant growth regulators like Gibberellins (GA), Chlormequat Chloride (CCC) and Meleic Hydrazide (MH) concentration. There were ten treatments in the experiment, comprising different plant growth regulators in quality flower production of chrysanthemum (Table 1). The treatment of plant growth regulators concentration used in the experiment were 50 to 750 ppm. 2.2.2. Design and layout of the experiment The experiment was laid out in Randomized Treatments Plant growth regulators concentration T1 50 ppm GA3 T2 100 ppm GA3 T3 150 ppm GA3 T4 400 ppm CCC T5 600 ppm CCC T6 800 ppm CCC T7 250 ppm MH T8 500 ppm MH T9 750 ppm MH T10 Control Table 1. Variables. J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci. 12 Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. One plant was planted in a pot, containing the potting media according to the treatments and five plants were constituted the unit of treatment. 2.2.3. Seedling raising, transplanting and fertilization Primarily cuttings of CM-022 were prepared for planting in the sand in mid-August, 2007. Immediately after rooting, the mini plantlets were transferred to pot containing media that consists of one-part coarse sand, one part garden soil, one part cocodust, one-part cowdung, a quarter part of wood ashes and two table spoonfuls of bone meal in mid- September, 2007. Subsequently 10 g TSP and 3 g MP per pot were applied. Urea @ 2, 3 and 3 g per pot was applied at 20, 30 and 40 days after transplanting respectively for getting best growth and flowering of plants [23]. 2.2.4. Irrigation and weeding Weeding and mulching were done in the pots whenever it was necessary to keep the pots free from weeds. Chrysanthemum plants need frequent irrigation. The pots were irrigated every alternate day to keep the media moistened. 2.2.5. Staking of plant Each plant was supported by 40 cm long bamboo stick to facilitate the branches of the plant to keep erect. The plant in each pot was fastened loosely with the bamboo stick by jute string to prevent the plant from lodging. 2.2.6. Harvesting of flowers The spikes were harvested when the flower attained commercial stage (Flower open before shedding of pollens from the outer row of the disc florets). 2.2.7. Collection of data Data were collected on the following parameters for interpretation of the result of the experiment. The parameters were number of leaves plant -1 , plant spread, Number of suckers plant -1 , Leaf length, Number of branches plant -1 , Days to flowering, Stalk length, Number of flowers plant -1 , and Flower size. Number of leaves plant -1 : Number of leaves per plant was recorded by counting all the leaves from 5 plants and the mean was calculated. Plant spread: The plant spread was measured in cross way (North-South and East-West) by measuring scale. The average of the two measurements was done and expressed in cm. Number of suckers plant - 1 : Number of suckers plant -1 was recorded by counting suckers from 5 individual plant and then mean was calculated. Leaf length: The length of leaf was measured by a measuring scale from leaf base to the tip and was expressed in cm. Number of branches plant -1 : Number of branches per plant was recorded by counting all the main branches from 5 Table 2. Effect of plant growth regulators on plant characteristics in Chrysanthemum. Growth regulators (ppm) Plant spread (cm) Number of leaves Leaf length (cm) T1 22.9b 125b 11.00b T2 25.0ab 135ab 12.00ab T3 27.0a 140a 13.35a T4 22.5b 117bc 9.90cd T5 18.5c 95d 8.63d T6 16.8cd 94d 8.47d T7 19.0c 96d 10.89bc T8 20.8bc 118bc 10.74bc T9 21.0bc 119bc 10.80bc T10 17.0cd 108c 9.20c CV (%) 15.25 16.00 14.92 Note: T1-50 ppm GA3, T2-100 ppm GA3, T3-150 ppm GA3, T4-400 ppm CCC, T5-600 ppm CCC, T6- 800 ppm CCC, T7-250 ppm MH, T8-500 ppm MH, T9-750 ppm MH, T10-Control J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci. 13 plants and the mean was calculated. Days to flowering: It was recorded by counting the days from planting to first visibility of flower bud in the plant from each pot. Stalk length: Length of stalk was measured from base to the tip of the spike and was expressed in cm. Number of flowers plant -1 : Number of flowers produced per plant was counted and recorded. Flower size: Flower size was measured in cross way following North-South and East-West position by a measuring scale and the average of the two measurements was done and expressed in cm for a single flower. Later on, the mean of individual flower size from 5 selected plants was calculated. 2.2.8. Statistical analysis The data recorded on different plant and floral parameters were statistically analyzed through analysis of variance with the help of ‘MSTAT’ software. The difference between treatment means were compared by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1. Effect of plant growth regulators on plant characteristics in chrysanthemum Table 2 showed that the different plant characteristics exhibited differences among the ten treatments under study. In general, GA3 treated plants showed significant improvement in plant spread compared to other treatment variables. The maximum spreading of plant (27.0 cm) was observed when plants were treated with GA3 @ 150 ppm which was closely followed by the application of GA3 @ 100 ppm. The minimum plant spread (16.8 cm) was recorded in plants treated with CCC @ 800 ppm. Foliar application of GA3 might have influence on cell division and cell elongation that resulting in enhanced vegetative growth of plants. In contrast, CCC may act as growth retardants and thereby inhibited biochemical processes resulting in less spreading of plants. The findings agree with those of Joshi et al. [24] and Kim et al. [25] in Chrysanthemum and Thu et al. [26] in carnation . The variation in number of leaf production was pronounced by the application of different growth regulators. However, the highest number of leaves (140) was produced by the application of GA3 @ 150 ppm as foliar spray (Table 2). This was closely followed by the other concentrations of GA3 @ 100 ppm. The effects of the GA3 treatments were observed at par but significantly superior to the rest of the treatments. All the concentrations of CCC were at par recording minimum number of leaves. This is similar with the findings of Padmalatha et al. [27] who observed a greater number of leaves by the application of GA3 and a smaller number of leaves by foliar application of CCC. The leaf length was also significantly increased with the application of GA3 at different concentrations, of which GA3 @ 150 gave the longest leaf length (13.35 cm). Leaf length highly reduced even in respect of control with the use of CCC growth regulators irrespective of concentrations. These findings confirmed that GA3 acted as growth promoter and that of CCC as Figure 1. Effect of growth regulators on the production of suckers in Chrysanthemum. J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci. 14 growth retardants on different plant characters of chrysanthemum. 3.2 Effect of growth regulators on the production of suckers in Chrysanthemum The higher number of suckers (33) per pot was produced when pots were treated with GA3 @ 150ppm followed by GA3 @ 100ppm (29), whereas, application of CCC at three different concentrations produced lower number of suckers (Figure 1). Use of CCC @ 600 and 800ppm produced the lowest number of suckers, which was much less than control treatment. This is in agreement with the findings of Mzabri et al. [28]. The higher number of sucker production by using GA3 might be due to increase the number and size of leaves as a result of higher translocation of the photosynthates and eventually that would have been used for the production of propagules (suckers). 3.3 Effect of growth regulators on the production of flower in Chrysanthemum In general, GA3 at different concentrations produced the higher number of flowers (Figure 2). The highest number of flower (40) was recorded with 150 ppm GA3, which was significantly superior to those observed by spraying 100 ppm GA3 and 50 ppm GA3. Application of 800 ppm CCC produced minimum number of flowers (25) per pot, which was at par with 600 ppm CCC (27) and 400 ppm CCC (31). This was in line with the findings of Kim et al. [25]. The increase in number of flowers for GA3 treated plants might be due to increase in number of leaves and leaf area compared to control and other treatments. This might have resulted in the production and accumulation of more photosynthates that were diverted to the sink (flower) and give increased number of flowers. 3.4 Effect of plant growth regulators on floral characteristics in chrysanthemum Irrespective of concentrations, GA3 significantly reduced the number of days to initiation of flowering (Table 3). The plants sprayed with 50 ppm GA3 took 48 days to flower initiation, whereas, it took 70 days with 750 ppm MH. Among the growth regulators GA3 caused faster initiation of flowering and ACC and MH delayed it in respect of control. Flower size was not significantly affected by the application of growth regulators at different concentrations (Table 3). However, it was recorded highest (7.40 cm) when plants were sprayed with 800 ppm CCC, whereas, lowest size (6.50 cm) was obtained with the application of 500 ppm MH. This was closely followed that obtained by the use of 750 ppm MH. This was in line with the findings of Padmalatha et al. [27] and Uddin et al. [29] in chrysanthemum. Here, food reserves may have been diverted to only fewer sinks that enhanced to produce bigger flowers. Length of flower stalk significantly increased when plant was treated with GA3 regardless of different concentrations (Table 3). The application of 150 ppm GA3 produced maximum length of flower stalk (15.0 cm), which was identical with those produced by 100 and 50 Figure 2. Effect of growth regulators on the production of flower in Chrysanthemum. J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci. 15 ppm GA3. This was in line with the findings of Gabrel et al. [30]. This might be due to the fact that gibberellic acid promotes cell division and cell elongation resulting in longer stalks. The growth regulators CCC and MH at different concentrations gave the shorter stalk compared to control. 3.5 Effect of growth regulators on the vase life of Chrysanthemum Use of growth regulators showed an increasing vase life of flowers in respect of control (Figure 3). The maximum vase life of flowers was recorded for the treatment 800 ppm CCC (15 days), which was at par with 13 days vase life obtained by spraying 600 ppm CCC. This is in line with the findings of Padmalatha et al. [27] in chrysanthemum. This might be due to the fact that CCC acted as growth retardants that may reduce the cell size and stomatal opening and thereby reduce the area for transpiration for which it maintained better water balance. 4. CONCLUSIONS The study revealed that growth regulators had significant impact on the plant characters, quality and vase life of flower. The performance of the chrysanthemum also depended on the concentration of the growth regulators. The GA3 @ 150 ppm performed better than other concentrations, Table 3. Effect of plant growth regulators on floral characteristics in Chrysanthemum. Treatment (ppm) Days to flowering Flower size (cm) Stalk length (cm) T1 48e 7.10 14.40a T2 53d 7.20 14.70a T3 55cd 7.30 15.00a T4 58c 7.10 7.00d T5 60bc 7.20 8.00cd T6 62b 7.40 8.00cd T7 65ab 6.80 9.00bcd T8 68a 6.50 8.00cd T9 70a 6.60 10.00bc T10 57c 6.90 12.00b CV (%) 13.64 17.50 12.41 Note: T1-50 ppm GA3, T2-100 ppm GA3, T3-150 ppm GA3, T4-400 ppm CCC, T5-600 ppm CCC, T6-800 ppm CCC, T7-250 ppm MH, T8-500 ppm MH, T9-750 ppm MH, T10-Control Figure 3. Effect of growth regulators on the vase life of Chrysanthemum. J. Multidiscip. Appl. Nat. Sci. 16 whereas, CCC at all concentrations had some adverse effect on the plant performance. Therefore, it is concluded that GA3 acted as growth promoter and that of CCC as growth retardants on yield and quality of chrysanthemum. AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author Ahasan Ullah Khan — Department of Agroforestry and Environmental Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet - 3100 (Bangladesh); Department of Entomology, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet - 3100 (Bangladesh); orcid.org/0000-0002-7029-8215 Email: ahasanullahsau@gmail.com Authors Md. Ehsanullah — Department of Entomology, Govt. shahid Akbar Ali Science and Technology College, Thakurgaon - 5120 (Bangladesh); Department of Entomology, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet - 3100 (Bangladesh); Md. Kamruzzam — Department of Soil Science, Govt. shahid Akbar Ali Science and Technology College, Thakurgaon - 5120 (Bangladesh); Sarah Tasnim — Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur - 1706 (Bangladesh); Department of Crop Genetics and Plant Breeding, Institute of Crop Science, Beijing -100081 (China); REFERENCES [1] M. C. Song, H. J. Yang, T. S. Jeong, K. T. Kim, and N. I. 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