j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 38–41 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences velocity distribution of 43ca+ ion cloud in the low temperature limit in a quadrupole penning trap dyavappa b. m.∗ department of physics, government first grade college for women, kolar, india abstract penning trap has electric field created by dc voltage applied between ring and end cap electrodes and magnetic field is applied along symmetry axis, as the electric field confines ions in the axial direction through an electric potential minimum and the magnetic field confines the ions in the radial direction. the trapping potential created by the dc voltage applied between the end cap and ring electrodes in the low temperature limit is cancelled by coulomb interaction of ions and the total energy is mainly kinetic energy of ions. the velocity distribution of 43ca+ ions along axial direction, in radial plane and total velocity distribution due to resulting motion of both axial and radial motion of ions in low temperature limit in a quadrupole penning trap are presented here. these results reveal the properties of 43ca+ ion cloud and are useful to study confining techniques for different types of ions in low temperature limit and a qubit can be encoded in the hyperfine ground states of 43ca+ isotope for ion trap quantum computation. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.132 keywords: quadrupole penning trap, velocity distribution function, 43ca+ cloud. article history : received: 08 august 2020 received in revised form: 24 january 2021 accepted for publication: 29 january 2021 published: 27 february 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction 43ca+ ion has only one valence electron and has simple energy level structure, has long-lived d-states, therefore it can be used for quantum computation [1, 2, 3], for building an ion clock [4] and also for laser cooling. the large fine-structure splitting of ∆νfs = 6.7t hz between the p1/2 and p3/2 states in 43ca+ion as shown in figure 1 allows a large detuning of the raman light fields from the p− levels and thus high fidelity gate operations, as spontaneous emission processes are largely suppressed, which is requirement for ion trap quantum computation. and encoding the qubit in the hyperfine ground states ∗corresponding author tel. no: +91 9483113600 email address: dyavappabm@gmail.com (dyavappa b. m. ) ensures that decay from spontaneous emission is completely avoided and thus, very long coherence times may be achieved potentially and the qubits will ideally depend only in second order on the external magnetic field [5]. a thorough knowledge of different properties of ions including velocity distribution along axial direction, in radial plane and the total velocity distribution is necessary. the quadrupole penning trap is made with two end-cap electrodes and a ring electrode. the equation of ring electrode is r 2 r20 − z2 z20 = +1 and equations of two similar end-cap electrodes is r 2 r20 − z2 z20 = −1, where r0 is the inner radius of the ring electrode in the radial plane and z0 is half of the vertical distance between the two end-cap electrodes such that r0 = √ 2 z0. the trap potential created by the dc voltage applied between 38 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 38–41 39 the end cap and ring electrodes is given by [6, 7]. v (r, z) = v0 r20 + 2z 2 0 ( 2z2 − r2 ) (1) the vector potential of the magnetic field b is [4, 5] a = 1 2 (b × r) = 1 2 b(−yx̂ + xŷ) (2) the lorenz force in an electromagnetic field with an electric field e and magnetic field b on 43ca+ion of mass m, charge q, moving with a velocity v is given by [8] f = q [e + (v × b)] (3) f = q [( 2v0 d2 xx̂ + 2v0 d2 yŷ − 4v0 d2 z ẑ ) + b (ẏx̂ − ẋŷ) ] (4) the axial, pure cyclotron, reduced cyclotron and magnetron frequencies of 43ca+ion are given respectively by [9, 10, 11] fz = 1 2π √ 4qv0 md2 , fc = qb 2πm f ′c = fc + √ f 2c − 2 f 2z 2 , fm = fc − √ f 2c − 2 f 2z 2 (5) the velocities of 43ca+ion in the axial direction, radial plane and in space are vz = √ kbt m , vr = √ 2kbt m , v = √ 3kbt m (6) figure 1: energy level scheme of 43ca+ isotope, a qubit can be encoded in the hyperfine ground states for ion trap quantum computation [5] 2. theory we assume that the 43ca+ion cloud is in thermal equilibrium through electrostatic coulomb interaction between ions. the rotation of 43ca+ion cloud in magnetic field is equivalent to neutralization by opposite charge of ions and the distribution of magnetically confined ions in thermal equilibrium without rotation can be treated as ions confined and neutralized by a figure 2: (i): penning trap with 43ca+ions confined in trap space, b: magnetic field, v0: storage voltage, (ii) magnified view of motion of a 43ca+ions confined in trap space in a penning trap showing reduced cyclotron, magnetron and axial motions cylinder of opposite charge. the probability of velocity distribution in thermal-equilibrium is [12] dp ( vr,φ,z ) = 2π (πkt )3/2 ( m 2 )1/2 v × exp [ −m ( v2 −ωφvφ/2 2kbt )] drdφdzdvr dvφdvz (7) where ωφ is the rotational frequency of 43ca+ion cloud as a whole determined by the temperature of the ion cloud. the energy of single 43ca+ion is [12] e = m 2 [ v2r + ( vφ r − qbr 2mc )2 + v2z ] +q [ vt (r, z) + vq (r, z) ] (8) the momenta in radial plane, azimuthal and axial directions are [12] pr = mvr = m dr dt , pφ = mr 2 dφ dt + qb 2c r2 = mrvφ − ωc 2 mr2, pz = m dz dt = mvz (9) 2.1. velocity distribution of 43ca+ ion cloud at the low temperature limit in a penning trap 43ca+ ions are confined in the low temperature limit when the electrostatic potential energy [12] qv q (r, z) � kbt (10) qv t (r, z) + qv q (r, z) + m 2 ωφ ( ωc −ωφ ) r2 = 0 (11) the energy along the axial direction in the low temperature limit is [12] ez = 1 2 mv2z = 1 2 kbt (12) the energy in the radial plane in the low temperature limit is [12] er = 1 2 mv2r + mv2φr2  + ( ω2c 8 ) r2 + ωc 2 vφ (13) 39 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 38–41 40 if we neglect coulomb interaction potential vq (r, z) then the probability of velocity distribution in the low temperature limit is [12] dp ( evr,vφ,vz ) = a′′′ex p [ −m ( v2z + v 2 r 2kbt )] dvr d ( vφ r ) dvz (14) the probability of velocity distribution in z-direction in the low temperature limit is [12] dp (vz) = ( 2 πmkbt )1/2 ex p [ − ( mv2z 2kbt )] vzdvz (15) the probability density of velocity distribution in z-direction in the low temperature limit is [12] ρz (vz) = ( 2 πmkbt )1/2 [ ex p ( − 1 2 mv2z kbt )] vz (16) the probability density of velocity distribution in axial direction increases sharply up to √ mv2z /2kbt = 0.854 at ρz = 3.019× 1025, decreases abruptly and remains almost a constant in low temperature limit as shown in figure 3. figure 3: the axial probability density of velocity of 43ca+ion cloud in the low temperature limit the probability of velocity distribution in the radial plane in the low temperature limit is [12] dp ( vr,φ ) = ( 1 kbt ) ex p ( − 1 2 mv2r kbt ) mvr dvr (17) the probability density of velocity distribution in radial plane in the low temperature limit is [12] ρr (vr ) = ( 1 kbt ) ex p ( − 1 2 mv2r kbt ) (18) the probability density of velocity distribution in radial plane increases sharply up to √ mv2r /2kbt = 1.4072 at ρr = 4.89 × 1022, decreases abruptly and remains almost a constant in low temperature limit as shown in figure 4 the total probability of velocity distribution is [12] dp (v) = ( 2m π ) 1 2 ( 1 kbt ) 32 ex p ( − 1 2 mv2 kbt ) vdv (19) figure 4: the radial probability density of velocity of 43ca+ion cloud in the low temperature limit figure 5: the total probability density of velocity of 43ca+ion cloud in the low temperature limit the total probability density of velocity distribution is [12] ρ (v) = ( 2m π ) 1 2 ( 1 kbt ) 3 2 ex p ( − 1 2 mv2 kbt ) v (20) the total probability density of velocity distribution in trapping region increases sharply up to √ mv2/2kbt = 1.4086 at ρ = 3.399 × 1032, decreases abruptly and remains almost a constant in low temperature limit as shown in figure 5. the axial, radial and total probability densities of velocity distribution increase sharply up to √ mv2z /2kbt = 0.854, √ mv2r /2kbt = 1.4072 and √ mv2/2kbt = 1.4086 respectively, at ρz = 3.019 × 10 25, ρr = 4.89×10 22and ρ = 3.399×1032 respectively, beyond which decrease abruptly, remain almost constant for the low temperature limit as shown in the figure 6. the radial probability density of velocity distribution is less than the axial probability density of velocity distribution, which in turn less than the total probability density of velocity distribution. 3. conclusion the probability density of velocity distribution of 43ca+ion cloud along axial direction and in radial plane together results 40 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 38–41 41 table 1: the values of axial, radial and total probability densities of velocity of 43ca+ion cloud in the low temperature limit mv2 2kb t √ mv2 2kb t t (k) kbt ( 10−23 j ) ρz (vz) ( 1025 ) ρr (vr ) ( 1022 ) ρ (v) ( 1032 ) 0 0 ∞ ∞ 0 0 0 2 1.4142 4 5.52 2.69719 0.66645 3.3882 4 2 2 2.76 0.992243 4.9034 0.9171 6 2.4495 1.3 1.79 0.365019 2.7814 0.19158 8 2.8284 1 1.38 0.134288 1.3272 0.03359 10 3.1623 0.8 1.1 0.04940 0.61254 0.005714 12 3.4641 0.6667 0.92 0.018174 0.26943 0.0009229 14 3.7417 0.57 0.7866 0.006686 0.11593 0.000149 16 4 0.5 0.69 0.0024595 0.048617 0.00002253 18 4.2426 0.44 0.6 0.0009048 0.020568 0.0000035288 20 4.4721 0.4 0.55 0.00033286 0.0082545 0.000000657 figure 6: the axial, radial and total probability density of velocity of 43ca+ion cloud in the low temperature limit total probability density of velocity distribution under low temperature limit. the radial probability density of velocity distribution is less than the axial probability density of velocity distribution, which in turn less than the total probability density of velocity distribution. these results reveal the velocity properties of the 43ca+ion cloud and are useful to design and carry out experiments on stored 43ca+ ions, with velocity related parameters under low temperature limit and also for ion trap quantum computation in quadrupole penning trap. references [1] a. steane, “the ion trap quantum information processor”, applied physics b: lasers and optics 64 (1997) 623. 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(3) 2. theory the isotope-ratio mass spectrum of ca isotopes is drawn by using data from the mass spectrometry data base. the accuracy of mass measurements in penning trap is determined by the resolving power of masses of isotopes. the resolving power of masses of isotopes of ions is defined as the ratio of the centre frequency of the resonance line to the full width at half maximum of the resonance line. therefore the mass resolving power (m.r.p.) of masses of isotopes of ions is given by [1, 2, 3] (m.r.p.)ion = m δm = f0 ∆ f1/2 , (4) where m → mass of ion and δm → full width at half maximum in mass spectrum, f0 → centre frequency of the resonance line, ∆ f1/2 → full width at half maximum of the resonance line. the mass spectrum of ions [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ of isobars is obtained by time of flight mass spectrometry simulations. in time of flight mass spectrometry ions are accelerated by an electric field of known strength e with potential v and all those ions which have the same charge state q, will have same kinetic energy with velocity v due to the acceleration. the specific charge (q/m) of ions is given by [7] q m = 1 2 [ e2 b2v ] = 1 2 [ v2 v ] , (5) where q → charge state of ion, m → mass of ion, b → magnetic field, e → electric field, v → electric potential, v → velocity of ion. the velocity of the ion accelerated by electric field depends upon its specific charge q/m the time taken by the particle to reach the detector is called time-of-flight t f and it can be measured. the specific charge of ions is determined through the measurement of time to reach the detector in time-of-flight mass spectrometry. heavier ions reach the detector slower than the lighter ones as the mass of moving ion is m ∝ t2f . the time is measured from the instant the ion leaves the cooler ion trap to the instant that reaches the detector, it is used to find specific charge of it and the ion is determined from the known parameters. the time-of-flight is given by [4] t f = d √ 2v √ m q ⇒ m q = 2v [ t f d ]2 ⇒ q m = 1 2v [ d t f ]2 . (6) ∴ m = 2qv [ t f d ]2 , (7) where d → distance traveled by the ion, v → electric potential,m is mass and q is charge state of ion. when the ions are excited by continuously sweeping the rf field, the motional frequencies of ions respond to the external rf at a given step, consequently some of the ions gain enough energy to escape the trap. this change in the motion of ions due to rf field drive causes increase in kinetic energy in the radial plane and can be detected by a time-of-flight technique. the mass resolution of isotopes of ions is related to specific charge and cyclotron angular frequency as [6] m δm ∝ q m b ( trf √ n ) = ωc ( trf √ n ) = 2π fc ( trf √ n ) ⇒ fc∝ 1 m , (8) where q→ charge state of ion, m→ mass of ion, b→ magnetic field, trf→ time of rf drive, n→ number of cycles of rf field, ωc→ cyclotron angular frequency. the resolving power of masses of isotopes of ions is proportional to the time of excitation of rf field, which results in the motional resonances of the isotopes of ions that can be observed in motional resonances spectrum. the lifetime of unstable isotopes limit the time of excitation as they are in very short duration of time. the temporal stability of the magnetic field due to shielding current in pair of coils of wire limit the radial confinement of the stable and long-lived isotopes. the exchange of the ions of isotopes in the trap is required for comparison of cyclotron frequencies of two different ions and measured at different times during which the magnetic field strength changes. superconducting magnets require temperature and pressure stabilization to reduce temporal variation of the magnetic field strength. the mass determination in isotopes separator on-line trap is on the basis of the fact that the two ions of isotopes whose charge state is same but their masses are different. the ratio of their cyclotron frequencies is equal to the inverse of ratio of their masses kept in the same magnetic field [6]. therefore if the charge state of two ions of isotopes is q1=q2 kept in the same magnetic field b then fc1 fc2 = m2 m1 , (9) where fc1 and fc2 are cyclotron frequencies of isotopes of ions of an element with masses m1 and m2 respectively. 3. experimental procedure 3.1. design the isotopes separator on-line trap consists of three ion traps connected end to end together in an order of rf paul trap, cooler penning trap and precision penning trap as shown in figure 1 [8, 9]. the rf quadrupole ion trap consists of 4 rods structure to which a rf field is applied for alternate rods, and 181 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 180–185 182 this is used for beam preparation and hence it is also called beam buncher. the cooler penning trap is a large cylindrical penning trap which is placed in the homogeneous magnetic field of superconducting magnets, which is used to cool the ions. the precision penning trap is a quadrupole penning trap in which ions are detected through time of flight. figure 1. schematic diagram of isotopes separator on-line trap [8, 9] 3.2. working a quadrupole penning trap is designed with three-electrode infinite hyperboloid revolution of structure, which consists of two end-cap electrodes and a ring electrode, a homogeneous magnetic field is superposed on electrostatic quadrupole field. the magnetic field b confines ion beam of isotopes of charge state q and different masses in the radial direction, while the electric field quadrupole potential vdc , confines ions in the axial direction, as it prevents the ions from escaping along the magnetic field lines. the motion of trapped ions in a penning trap is not a simply pure cyclotron motion with frequency fc but a combination of three harmonic eigen motions, viz. an axial oscillatory motion with frequency fz, two circular motions called modified cyclotron motion with frequency f ′ c and magnetron motion with frequency fm which are related to each other as [1] fc = f ′ c + fm. (10) the precise value of pure cyclotron frequency in an isotope separator on-line trap is [6] fc = ( q m ) b 2π ⇒ fc ∝ 1 m ( ∵b, q → constants ) (11) the motion of ions of isotopes can be driven by oscillating electric field which changes the amplitudes of the oscillatory motion of ions and azimuthal electric quadrupole field causes the excitation of ion oscillatory motion directly at the side band frequency fc. the mass determination of ion of unknown isotope in isotopes separator on-line trap mass spectrometry is achieved by the direct excitation of axial oscillatory motions of same charge state ions of isotopes at their pure cyclotron frequencies from the relation m2 = m1 fc1 fc2 as the magnetic field is known [6]. 3.3. cooling and bunching in rf quadrupole ion trap a rf field is applied to the 4 rods structure which creates an oscillating quadrupole electric field that confines the ions of isotopes or isobars along the symmetry axis of trap. the rods are segmented and an appropriate shape dc potential is applied to the segments to drag the ions close to the end of the 4-rods structure where the ions are trapped. the first step is stopping and preparation of the high energy of ≈ 30 − 60kev ion beam of isotopes or isobars. the ions of isotopes or isobars are decelerated electro statically by applying repelling potential and then injected into the central region of 4-rods structure being filled with buffer gas. the rf quadrupole ion trap cools the ion beam of isotopes through buffer gas cooling by collisions. the ions of high energy of ≈ 30 − 60kev lose kinetic energy up to a few kev due to the collision with the buffer gas, and then finally accumulated as a small ion cloud of isotopes or isobars in the trapping region. thus cooled ions of isotopes or isobars are accumulated in beam buncher and enter into cooler penning trap later, where contaminants are removed. the cold ion cloud bunch of selected isotopes or isobars of an element can be ejected out off the trapping region, transported and then injected into the cooler trap through a potential adaption in a pulsed drift tube. 3.4. the cooler trap the cooler trap is a large cylindrical penning trap placed in the homogeneous magnetic field of ≈5t superconducting magnets. the ions transported from the rf quadrupole ion trap are captured in the cylindrical penning trap and cooled through mass selection technique. the cooler cylindrical penning trap is optimized for high quality mass selection to resolve isotopes or isobars. isotopes are different species of the same element with same atomic number (same number of protons and electrons) but differ in mass number (the number of nucleons) and hence specific charge (charge to mass ratio) will be different for different isotopes with same charge state, therefore the isotopes travel with different velocities and take different time durations to reach the detector. when ions of isotopes which have same charge state but different masses are trapped in constant magnetic field, then heavier ions of the same charge state reach at lower speeds as [6] fc = q m b ∝ 1 m ∝ v ∝ d t ( ∵b, q are constants ) (12) ∴ m ∝ t (∵d is constant) (13) isobars are different elements with same mass numbers (same number of nucleons) but differ in atomic number (the number 182 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 180–185 183 of protons and electrons) and hence specific charge (charge to mass ratio) will be different for different isobars, therefore the isobars travel with different velocities and take different time durations to reach the detector. for ions of isobars which have same mass but different charge state in constant magnetic field, the velocity of ions with higher charge state will also increase [6]. fc = q m b ∝ q ∝ v ∝ d t (∵b, m are constants)(14) ∴ q ∝ 1 t (∵d is constant) (15) the cooled and clean bunches of ions are transferred into the precision penning trap, which are used for highly accurate mass measurements. 3.5. precision penning trap mass spectrometer an azimuthal rf field of frequency frf drives the motion of ions, the amplitude of the cyclotron motion of the stored ions increases due to resonance of driving frequency of rf field with cyclotron frequency ( f rf = fc) in quadrupole penning trap. the rf generator switched to sweep mode is used to feed rf energy into the trap through the antenna. the rf power is kept very low of the order of a few mv to weakly probe the motion of the trapped ion cloud. if the rf power is kept high, then it will resonantly drives the trapped ion cloud in the trap and causes to escape from the trap. when the ions are excited by continuously sweeping the rf field, the motional frequencies of ions respond to the external rf at a particular step, consequently some of the ions gain enough energy to escape from the trap, then the signal height is reduced and appears as a dip in the motional resonance spectrum, which is directly proportional to the number of ions lost from the trap. the cooled ions are ejected from the trap due to the excitation of the motion of ions by rf field, and drift through the inhomogeneous fringe magnetic field b to reach the detector of ions. the magnetic moments of the orbits of ions also increase due to magnetic field. an axial force arising from the inhomogeneous magnetic field increases the axial momenta of the ions by orbital magnetic moments. the time-of-flight of ions is determined as a function of the frequency of the rf field, as ions in resonance with the rf field reach the detector faster than those ions that are not in resonance. the mass can be extracted in conjunction with a reference mass measurement after the determination of the frequency of stored ion from the time-of-flight detection technique . 4. results and discussion 4.1. mass spectrum of calcium isotopes the isotope ratio mass spectrum of calcium isotopes shows 3 peaks as shown in figure 2. the tallest peak corresponds to table 1. mass resolving powers of calcium isotopes ions of calcium isotopes mass resolving power 40 20ca + 794.0675 42 20ca + 789.60086 44 20ca + 900.089 40ca+ as specific charge of it is lesser than that of both of 42ca+ and 44ca+, the second short peak next to it corresponds to 42ca+ as its specific charge is greater than that of 40ca+ and the third short peak next to it corresponds to 44ca+ as its specific charge is greater than that of 42ca+. the mass resolving powers of 40ca+, 42ca+, 44ca+ are [10] (m.r.p.)40 20ca + = mca+ δmca+ = 39.961765 39.981125 − 39.9307996 = 794.06751 ≈ 794.0675 (16) (m.r.p.)42 20ca + = mca+ δmca+ = 41.9586 41.9802842 − 41.9271452 = 41.9586 0.053139 ≈ 789.60086 (17) (m.r.p.)44 20ca + = mca+ δmca+ = 43.9555 43.9763821 − 43.9275475 = 43.9555 0.0488346 ≈ 900.089 (18) therefore the mass resolving powers of 40ca+, 42ca+, 44ca+ as calculated from equation (1) are 794.0675, 789.60086 and 900.089 respectively as presented in table 1. figure 2. isotope ratio mass spectrum of ions of 40ca+, 42ca+, 44ca+ isotopes drawn by using isotope-ratio mass spectrometry data base 4.2. mass spectrum of co, n2 and c2h4 isobars the ions [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ of isobars can be produced by collisions of isobars with electrons. the 183 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 180–185 184 table 2. masses of isobars calculated from mass spectrum of ions ions of isobars mass (amu)[ 28 (co) ]+ 27.99489[( 28 n2 )]+ 28.00699[ 28 (c2 h4) ]+ 28.031297 mass spectrum of ions [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ isobars obtained by time of flight mass spectrometry simulations is shown in figure 3. the mass spectrum consists of three peaks, one corresponds to each of ions [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ of isobars [11]. the isobars are identified from identifying the values of time of flight of isobar in mass spectrum and the mass of corresponding isobar is calculated from the value of time of flight. this accurate value of mass is compared with the estimated values of masses of the isobars and the corresponding isobar is identified from approximately equating it to the estimated value of its mass. the masses of ions [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ of isobars are calculated from time of flight using equation (19) as shown below. from figure 3 the time of flight that corresponds to first peak is t f = 762.27882 ns, then m = 2qv [ t f d ]2 (19) m = 2 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 25 [ 762.27882 × 10−9 10 × 10−3 ]2 (20) ⇒m = 46.48552 × 10−31kg = 27.99489 amu = mco (21) from figure 3 the time of flight that corresponds to second peak is t f = 762.43137ns, then m = 2 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 25 [ 762.43137 × 10−9 10 × 10−3 ]2 (22) ⇒m = 46.504128×10−31 kg = 28.00699 amu = mn2 (23) from figure 3 the time of flight that corresponds to third peak is t f = 762.77432 ns, then m = 2 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 25 [ 762.77432 × 10−9 10 × 10−3 ]2 (24) ⇒m = 46.54597×10−31kg = 28.031297 amu = mc2 h4 (25) the ions of isobars [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ are identified from mass spectrum as shown in figure 3. the mass of the isobar that corresponds to the first, second and third peaks were calculated using equation (19) as 27.99489 amu, 28.00699 amu and 28.031297 amu with corresponding time of flight of 762.27882 ns, 762.43137 ns and 762.77432 ns respectively as presented in table 2. figure 3. mass spectrum of ions [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ of isobars drawn by using mass spectrometry data base 4.3. mass spectrum of k isotopes the mass determination of 4119 k + isotope in penning trap mass spectrometry is achieved by the excitation of axial motions of same charge state of 3919 k +and 4119 k +ions by driving rf field at the pure cyclotron frequencies fc (3919 k + ) and fc(4119 k+ ) respectively as the magnetic field is known. as the mass of most abundant isotope m(3919 k+ ) = 38.963707amu is well known, and hence the mass of less abundant isotope m(4119 k+ ) can be determined. the pure cyclotron frequencies of fc (3919 k + ) and fc(4119 k+ ) from figure 4 are 98.426156 khz and 93.624975 khz respectively. the mass of ion 4119 k + of potassium isotope is given by [6] fc (3919 k + ) fc(4119 k+ ) = m(4119 k+ ) m(3919 k+ ) (26) ⇒ m(4119 k+ ) = fc (3919 k + ) fc(4119 k+ ) m(3919 k+ ) = 98.426156 × 103 93.624975 × 103 ×38.963707 × 1.66 × 10−27 (27) ∴ m(4119 k+ ) = 67.996595 × 10 −27kg = 40.9618amu (28) the mass of 4119 k + calculated using equation (27) is 40.9618amu as presented in table 3. 5. conclusion the mass resolving powers of 40ca+, 42ca+, 44ca+ are 794.0675, 789.60086 and 900.089 respectively. the ions of isobars [28(co)]+, [(28n2)]+ and [28(c2h4)]+ are identified in mass spectrum which correspond to time of flights of 762.27882 ns , 762.43137 ns and 762.77432 ns respectively. the pure cyclotron frequencies 184 dyavappa / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 180–185 185 table 3. masses of potassium isotopes calculated from mass spectrum of potassium ions ions of potassium isotopes interchange cyclotron frequency values mass (amu) 39 19 k + 98.426156 khz 38.963707 41 19 k + 93.624975 khz 40.9618 figure 4. time of flight detection of cyclotron resonance of isotopes of potassium ions 3919 k +and 4119 k + at magnetic field 0.25t by rf excitation from 90-105 khz drawn by using mass spectrometry data base of ions 3919 k + and 4119 k +from motional resonance spectrum are 98.426156 khz and 93.624975 khz respectively and hence the mass of ion of less abundant potassium isotope 4119 k + is determined to be 40.9618 amu. acknowledgments we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] k. blaum, yu. n. novikov & g. werth, “penning traps as a versatile tool for precise experiments in fundamental physics”, contemporary physics, 51 (2010) 149. 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the xrd pattern is 63.1%. the high degree of crystallinity obtained is attributed to the high percentage of crystallinity index, cir (i.e. 63.1%). the morphology revealed aggregates of conical and needle-like structure. the ftir revealed o–h stretching, c–h stretching vibration and c=o bond stretching functional groups. these characteristics are indicative of the potential of the material in water purification. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.206 keywords: cellulose, crystallinity, moringa oleifera, morphology, water purification article history : received: 22 april 2021 received in revised form: 27 may 2021 accepted for publication: 03 june 2021 published: 29 august 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction water is a source of life and human existence depends to a large extend on its availability. water is obtained from different sources such as rain, dam, river, stream, borehole, well and lake e.t.c. the importance of water cannot be over-emphasized in our daily living. it has a broad impact on health, food, energy, economy and also necessary for human survival. the level of purity of water utilized in daily life is very significant since it has a definite effect on human health. likewise, water is an essential component of all living systems. the quality of drinking water has become a major concern since contaminants and toxic compounds are mostly accumulated in the body system thereby causing serious hazard to human health. hence, there is a need ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2347030614850 email address: agafolabi@gmail.com (a. f. afolabi ) for water purification to afford access to potable water for human consumption. imported chemicals for purifying water are expensive and have unfavorable effects on human health [1,2]. therefore, there is a dire need to use locally sourced and environmentally friendly organic material for water purification. moringa oleifera is non-toxic and has an added favourable opportunity over the chemical purification of water due to the medicinal and therapeutics properties such as cholesterol lowering, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antihypertensive, antiepileptic, antidiabetic, antifungal activity, antitumor and antimicrobial properties [3-6]. moringa has been discovered to be used in different health care products including body and hair conditioners and moisturizers. moringa oleifera is a plant material composed of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose [7]. cellulose has a degree of polymerization of about 10,000 insoluble polysaccharide which con140 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 140–143 141 sist of linear chains of glucopyranose units linked by a β-1,4 glycosidic bond. the common formula is (c6h10o5)n [8]. furthermore, cellulose is a prominent structural composition of the cell wall of different plants. cellulose also exists in a broad diversity of class of living, such as algae, fungi, bacteria, and even in some sea animals such as tunicates. a lot has been accomplished in the use of moringa oleifera for water purification, creating general interest in the researcher of moringa oleifera utilization. despite the attractiveness of this research, several challenges remain unresolved in the effective use of moringa oleifera. some of the challenges are: moringa oleifera seeds contain soluble organics that increase the residual organic carbon of the treated water which may serve as food for pathogens (microorganism that can cause harmful effect to the body system) and the large consumption of particles of moringa oleifera seeds precipitate into the body could also pose health challenges to the body. in this research, all the soluble organics and particles in moringa oleifera seeds which could pose health challenges to the body when consumed were eliminated during isolation of cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds which give pure and refined sample. the aim of this research is to identify the intrinsic potential of the cellulose of moringa oleifera seed for the purification of water. 2. materials and methods 2.1. materials the locally sourced organic material used in this research is moringa oleifera seed. it was removed from the shell, dried, grinded with a grinder and sieved to obtain fine particles. purification process was adopted to isolate cellulose and remove components that are not cellulose which include lignin, hemicelluloses, fats and inorganic contaminants. acetic acid, sodium chlorite (naclo2) and sodium hydroxide (naoh) were obtained from pascal scientific ltd and used as analytical chemical reagents. 2.2. methods a liquor ratio of 15:1(v/w) cooking condition was employed, the moringa oleifera seed particles was pulped with 20% of naoh at a temperature of 90◦c for 1 hour 30 minutes. after digestion process, the cooked pulp was filtered, screened and cleaned by rinsing properly with water without alkali. the pulped was left in the oven at 105◦c until the water was completely dried. 200 ml of hot water, 6g of naclo2 and 1.5 ml of acetic acid were mixed with 10g of bone dried sample of pulp in a titration flask. at 70◦c, the mixture was placed in the water bath and heated for 30 minutes. another 6 g of naclo2 and 1.5 ml of acetic acid were mixed and included, submitted to heat for next 30 minutes before putting the water bath power off. the sample remained in the water bath for 24 hours. after digestion, it was filtered and cleaned by rinsing properly with water until the chlorine and the acid were washed away. the sample acquired was left in the oven at 105◦c until the water was completely dried to obtain the cellulose. 3. characterization the crystallinity index of the isolated cellulose from moringa olienfera seeds was obtained using a philips pw diffractometer with cu-kα monochromator at voltage of 15kv, scanned at wavelength λ=1.54å with 2θ angle range from 5◦ to 90◦. the scanning electron microscope which was used to determine surface morphology was achieved using 15 kv accelerated voltage of jeol/eo jsm-6390 and has a resolution up to 100µm. the variation in functional groups was determined by fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectrophotometer induced by various treatments within a wavelength range of 700–4000cm−1. 3.1. theoretical background the interplanar spacing (d-spacing) was obtained as in equation (1) [9,10] d = nλ 2sinθ (1) where, the interplanar spacing of the crystal is d, order of reflection is n, wavelength of the incident x-ray is λ and angle of incidence is θ. the crystallinity index was calculated as following equation (2) [11,12] cir = i200 − iam i200 × 100 (2) where, highest peak intensity of the crystalline fractions is i200 and low intensity peak of the amorphous region is iam. the crystallite size (l) was calculated using scherrer’s equation [13] l = k ×λ b × s inθ (3) where, constant value given as 0.91 isk, wavelength of the incident x-rays is λ, bragg’s angle (◦) is θ, and intensity of the full width at half maximum (fwhm) proportional to a high intensity peak of the diffraction plane is b. 4. results and discussions 4.1. x-ray diffraction (xrd) xrd pattern of isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds revealed crystalline characteristics peaks at 2θ = 14.39◦, 15.33◦, 22.47◦ and 34.50◦, indicating the crystal structure of cellulose i with allomorph cellulose iβ (monoclinic) [14]. the crystalline peaks indicate that the crystal structure is attributed to planes (110), (110), (200) and (004) respectively. it shows that the occurrence of intra and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding in the cellulose through hydroxyl group can ignite the arrangement of crystal order in the cellulose [15]. from the isolated cellulose, the peaks 14.39◦ and 15.33◦ were observed around 15◦ and the peak 15.33◦ was broad due to the amorphous nature of the material used [16,17]. the isolated cellulose shows prominent peak at 22.47◦ which exhibited higher crystallinity because of the efficient elimination of the amorphous parts. the value of crystallinity index(cir ) is 63.1%, 141 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 140–143 142 figure 1. x-ray diffractogram of isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds figure 2. scanning electron micrograph of isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds crystallite size(l) is 1.95nm, d-spacing is 3.9å and fwhm is 0.07331. since the proportion of crystallinity index is high, then the degree of crystallinity is justified to be high. the high proportion of crystallinity index is ascribed to removal of some of the amorphous constituents and rearrangement of the crystalline regions into a more ordered structure [9]. 4.2. scanning electron micrograph (sem) the morphological features of the cellulose isolated from moringa oleifera seeds are shown in figure 2. the surface morphology showed that the particles have conical and needle-like feature. the isolated cellulose has an average length and diameter of .2µm and 88.9µm respectively. it was disjointed from one another, indicating the total elimination of hemicelluloses and lignin. this is similar to previous researches on the cellulose from oil palm empty fruits bunch extraction and characterization and cellulose nanocrystals from corncob extraction and characterization for application as reinforcing agent nanocomposites [12,18]. 4.3. fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy figure 3 shows the fourier transform infrared spectra of the isolated cellulose. some important functional groups ocfigure 3. fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectra of isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds cupied by the cellulose which however revealed basic potentials of the material for water purification are highlighted. the spectra showed wide band centered at 3311 cm−1 appointed to o–h stretching. this functional group commonly present in the cellulose. there is also a feature in this region from the nh stretching of amide group which reect the cationic tendency of the cellulose. this is similar to the result of characterization and use of moringa oleifera seeds as a biosorbent for removing metal ions from aqueous effluents [19]. at 2887cm−1, there exist spectra of characteristics of c– h stretching vibration. in the region between 1687cm−1 and 1308cm−1 there are bands appointed to c=o bond stretching. the carbonyl group appears in the structures and there is a band at 1610cm−1 accompanied with the amide group. the presence of hydroxyl, carbonyl and amine groups are responsible for the coagulative capacity in water purification [20,21]. 5. conclusion the xrd determines the high percentage of crystallinity index of the cellulose and the degree of crystallinity was found to be high. the xrd pattern also revealed that the crystal structure is cellulose i with allomorph cellulose iβ (monoclinic). the characterization of isolated cellulose using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir) revealed o–h stretching, c–h stretching vibration and c=o bond stretching functional groups. the presence of hydroxyl, carbonyl and amine groups are responsible for the coagulative capacity in water purification. acknowledgments the authors gratefully appreciate dr. ige, o.o. and dr. alo, f.i. of the department of material science and engineering, obafemi awolowo university ile-ife, osun state, nigeria for their effort in the analysis of the samples. dr. adekoya mathew, mr. olasoji, m.o. and the department of materials and metallurgical engineering of the federal university of technology, 142 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 140–143 143 akure, nigeria are also appreciated for their support during the period of the research. references [1] u. a. abdulwahab, s. s. sumaila, w. m. manja, b. opoku & j. ibrahim “assessment on the potential of moringa oleifera seed extract in the clarification of turbid surface water”, international journal of scientific and research 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room, and resuspension of the settled virus from the surfaces. to this end, this study is presenting the early review of the process and evidence of aerosol transmission of sars-cov-2 particles. there are significant results of many studies including those under peer review that support aerosol and airborne transmission which government agencies should consider for reducing the transmission rate. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.162 keywords: aerosol transmission, sars-cov-2, pandemic, air recirculation, respiratory droplet article history : received: 27 january 2021 received in revised form: 17 june 2021 accepted for publication: 19 july 2021 published: 29 august 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: o. j. abimbola 1. introduction the second wave of the covid-19 disease is already at the peak in some counties in europe while gradually peaking up in some others such as nigeria where some daily confirmed cases are above a thousand. the rate of spread of coronavirus disease (covid-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) through the transportation of respiratory droplet, (aerosol) over a wide geographic area gives the reason to be declared a global public health emergency or pandemic by the world health organization (who) [1]. the hazards of the pandemic greatly increase morbidity ∗corresponding author tel. no: +(234)706924xxx email address: aladodoshehu@gmail.com (s. s. aladodo) and mortality globally and cause significant economic, social, and political disruption [2]. as of december 20th, 2020, the total confirmed cases of covid-19 have exceeded 77 million nearly doubled the figure recorded as of october 2020 in 215 countries of the world with over 1.7 million mortality [3]. nigeria has been one of the countries affected by the pandemic with over seventy-eight thousand (78,000) cases recorded as of late december and over one thousand two hundred (1,200) death cutting across the country. the first confirmed case in nigeria was announced on 27 february 2020, when an italian citizen in lagos tested positive for the virus [4]. the multiple routes of transmission of covid-19 disease such as respiratory droplet, contact, fomite, or air make it difficult to independently investigate each route of transmission. evidence have shown 234 aladodo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 234–238 235 that in addition to the mentioned modes of spread, transmission of sars-cov-2 through aerosol is imminent especially in closed indoor settings with poor ventilation and high probability of air recirculation [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. this study aims to review the mechanism of aerosol suspension, transportation, deposition, and the evidence of aerosol transmission of covid-19. based on the established evidence of aerosol transmission, infection control methods were proposed to mitigate the aerosol transmission of the respiratory particles (sars-cov-2). 2. aerosol sizes, suspension, and deposition the atmospheric aerosol is a suspension of fine solid and/or liquid matter which are either natural or emitted directly into the atmosphere by anthropogenic and biogenic sources or formed indirectly in the atmosphere by gas-to-particle conversion processes. it encompasses a wide range of particle types having different sizes, shapes, compositions, and optical properties [8]. generally, its typical diameters range over four orders of magnitude, from a few nanometres to a few tens of micrometers otherwise referred to as aerodynamic diameter. based on the size, aerosol can be classified into monodisperse (synthesized in the laboratory for experiment) and polydisperse which occur naturally with different sizes usually represented with a relative term particle size distribution. it has two distinct categories, fine and coarse particles. the fine particles are generally referred to as aerosols with diameters less than 2.5 µm, while coarse particles are aerosols above 2.5 µm. these categories can be regrouped into modes. in the domain of coarse particles, there is usually only one mode which is called coarse mode and in the domain of fine particles are usually three modes: nucleation (< 20 nm in diameters), aitken (≈ 20 nm to ≈ 100 nm in diameters), and accumulation modes (≈ 0.1 µm to ≈ 2 µm in diameters) [8]. the size and composition determine the ability of particles to serve as nuclei upon which other droplets in the atmosphere react and settled with. these aerosol processes involve different stages of formation, nucleation, condensation, and coagulation. during nucleation gas molecules or ultra-fine particles (nanoparticlee.g. sars-cov-2) aggregate and can form a cluster that can condense into small liquid particles. this can be of the same molecules nucleating together (homogenous) or the nucleation happens on the surface of foreign particles (heterogeneous e.g. sar-cov-2 and mouth aerosol). when a lot of nucleated particles are formed and super saturation becomes low, condensation takes place instead of nucleation (figure 1). at this point, there is no further formation of new particles. instead, already existing particles start to grow. while coagulation occurs when two aerosol particles come in contact, collide and stick together. a collision can happen due to the brownian motion of the particles in air, gravitational, phoretic, electrical, or other forces which all depend on the aerosol diameters. in the process, externally mixed particles become internally mixed and some small particles are lost due to the formation of larger particles, but the volume of particles is preserved [9]. suspension of aerosol in the atmosphere greatly depends on aerosol type and modes of emission. the coarse mode aerosols are mechanically disintegrated parts of soils and their formation and emission greatly rely on the wind through the dragging of the particles on and off the surface (saltation) at a wind velocity referred to as erosion threshold velocity. for the anthropogenic aerosols that are directly emitted into the atmosphere due to human activities such as coughing, talking, sneezing as in the case of sars-cov-2 with the mouth aerosol. once suspended in the atmosphere, many factors determine the residence time in the air such as physical properties, size, type, altitude range. the suspension period (residence times) of aerosols vary significantly, from a few seconds for very large particles that soon after emission fall back on the ground, to years for sulphate aerosols stable at high altitudes in the stratosphere going through many phases during the cause of staying [10, 11]. during the residence time, aerosol can be transported from emission sources to sink areas. some of the aerosols e.g. desert dust can be transported over very long distances horizontally, commonly over several thousands of kilometers or more which have been proven by several studies with sahara and asian dust over the atlantic ocean, mediterranean sea, and other parts of the globe [13, 14, 15]. some can be transported vertically in layer plumes into the stratosphere such as volcanic ash particles while others reside very close to the sources of emission such as sulphur dioxide (s o2) [16]. the removal mechanism of the aerosol is what is refers as deposition, its mechanism is complex and depends on the locations and properties of the aerosol particles. it can be divided into dry and wet deposition. dry deposition can either be deposition at the surface or gravitational sedimentation while wet deposition is in-cloud and below-cloud scavenging [17]. the dry deposition at the surface is an aerosol deposition process in which particles are removed from the atmosphere by the interaction with the surface, or more precisely with the atmospheric surface layer and a thin layer of air next to the surface (quasi-laminar sublayer). the dry deposition flux directly depends on the aerosol concentration: fdd = υddη (1) where η is the aerosol concentration and υdd is the deposition velocity in ms1. the deposition velocity depends on size, shape, the density of particles, properties of the surface, and the turbulence in the surface layer. the smallest particles in aitken mode (e.g. sars-cov-2) are subjected to brownian motion, collide with the surface and get deposited while the bigger size and coarse mode particles can be deposited through interception and impaction respectively [18]. coarse mode particles can also be subjected to gravitational settling due to the gravitational force that makes the particles fall and because of their large sizes, and it makes their atmospheric lifetime very short. wet removal mechanisms are processes that act on aerosols via atmospheric hydrometeors (cloud droplets, rain, snow, fog) and deposit them to the surface. both in-cloud and below-cloud mechanisms can be efficient in aerosol removal and are reversible, because all hydrometeors that scavenged aerosols can also evaporate, releasing aerosols back into the air [17]. 235 aladodo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 234–238 236 figure 1. possible path of evolution of a particle, from nucleation to coagulation [12]. 3. viral aerosol transmission it has been established by many studies that body fluids can be aerosolized through daily activities such as coughing, and medical procedures. deposited particles can be aerosolized through re-suspension due to floor cleaning, and biological specimens can be aerosolized through improper laboratory procedures. in all, the infectious virus particles can be easily suspended in the atmosphere and as a result infect others [7 and some ref therein]. the suspended infectious aerosol particles (sars-cov-2) can now be transported as either homogenous nucleated, heterogeneous nucleated, condensed, or coagulated aerosols and later deposited on any surface by either dry or wet deposition or directly inhale with the fine aerosol in air. experimental research has demonstrated the variety of respiratory viruses which includes the middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (mers-cov), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov), norovirus, and influenza virus could be transmitted by aerosols under certain conditions such as climatic and environmental [19, 20, 21, 22]. 4. evidence of aerosol transmission of sars-cov-2 according to jones and brosseau [23] there were three criteria set for aerosol transmission of the virus to be imminent (1) the mouth aerosol containing virus must be from an infectious person, (2) the virus must be able to exist and infective in aerosol for its residence time, and (3) the target tissues must be accessible to an aerosol with required viral load. several studies have shown in the case of first criteria that sars-cov-2 particles are discharged into the atmosphere through respiratory droplets of infected person [3, 4], and it has been frequently detected in the throat, conjunctival, and anal swabs. when a person coughs, talks or breathes, they throw in any direction between 900 to 300,000 liquid particles from their mouth which ranges in size, and a cough can send them traveling at speeds up to 60 mph which keeps them suspended in the air for some time [24]. since breathing and speaking occur more frequently than coughs and sneezes, they have a critical role in viral transmission, particularly from asymptomatic cases and bigger size droplet (> 50 µm) has a higher probability of containing the virus than smaller size droplet before dehydration [25]. one minute of loud-speaking could produce thousands of oral droplets per second, of these at least 1000 virus-containing droplet nuclei could remain airborne for more than 8 min hence there are high chances of likelihood to be inhaled by others and thus trigger new infections [26]. the viability of the sars-cov-2 virus in aerosol according to the second criteria has been investigated experimentally by several authors. van doremalen et al. [27] demonstrated that sars-cov-2 can survive for more than three hours in the air under control conditions of temperature 21 oc 23 oc and relative humidity 65 %. also, a uk variant of sars-cov-2 could remain viable in aerosols for at least 90 min under experimental conditions (artificial saliva and tissue culture media). another investigation reveals that sars-cov-2 in respire-ablesized aerosols could persist and maintain infectivity for up to 16 h [28]. these are just a few in many studies pointing out the persistence and viability of coronavirus in aerosols. according to song et al. [7] epidemiological studies are difficult to interpret concerning the role of transmission unless other routes can be ruled out. different recent studies have investigated the role of air transmission of sars-cov-2 ruling out other routes such as read [29], shen et al. [30], and lu et al. [31] and airborne route appeared to be a major contributor for the super spreading of the virus in an air recirculation environment. some occurrences of covid-19 disease across the globe where aerosol transmission might have played a role are tabulated in table 1. 5. control and elimination of aerosol transmission the main measure to curtain the aerosol transmission of infectious disease is ventilation. this promotes the air dilution around a source dispersing the aerosol, and the removal of respiratory viruses through brownian motion in an open atmosphere [36, 37, 38]. the use of face masks which is recommended by the nigeria centre for disease control (ncdc) probably blocks some aerosol from leaving the mouth and reduces the chances of inhaling the aerosol contaminated with the virus in the air [4, 7, 24]. 236 aladodo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 234–238 237 table 1. some of the cases indicating possible aerosol transmission of sar-cov-2 virus. place/country date findings author(s) lab (usa) 13/04/2020 sar-cov-2 particles remain infectious in aerosol for up to sixteen hours. fears et al. [28] hospital (china) 08/03/2020 deposited samples in icu and air samples in makeshift hospital patient toilet were positive for sar-cov-2 virus. liu et al. [32] environment hospital (china) 03/04/2020 four surfaces out of one hundred and seven surfaces in the hospital environment sampled tested positive. ding et al. [33] outdoor air (italy) 15/04/2020 sars-cov-2 rna was detected on outdoor particulate matter (pm) suggesting that, in stable atmospheric condition and high concentrations of pm, sars-cov-2 could create clusters with outdoor pm. setti et al. [34] cases public transport (usa) 11/02/2020 two died and at least 103 people have infection among 1,111 crew and 2,460 passengers in the grand princess cruise ship. moriarty et al. [35] restaurant (china) 26/01/2020 aerosol transmission of an outbreak in a restaurant in guangzhou, china which is explainable only to air-conditioned ventilation while the distance between the occupant is greater than one meter. lu et al. [31] 6. conclusion severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sarscov-2) particles have been established as an aerosol, based on their size, shape, and state. as an aerosol particle, it can nucleate, condense, and coagulate with either its type or other aerosol particles which can be suspended, transported, and deposited on various surfaces. studies have shown with the significant number of evidence that sars-cov-2 is transmissible through the inhalation of infected aerosol particles present in the air most especially in air recirculated environments. the chain of transmission through aerosol could be broken with full ventilation of airtight environment and face masking. acknowledgments we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] j. sun, w.-t. he, l. wang, a. lai, x. ji, x. zhai, g. li, m. a. suchard, j. tian & j. zhou, “covid-19: epidemiology, evolution, and crossdisciplinary perspectives”, trends mol. med., (2020). 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passivation layer was introduced at the interface to improve the performance of the cell. the influence of temperature and irradiance on the performance of perovskite cells was studied on the one hand with defects at the interfaces and on the other hand with the integration of a passivation layer of defects. the results show a decrease of the performance ratio for the non-passivated cell due to the defects present at the interfaces of the said cell. the models developed under scaps-1d were validated by applying it to a real module found in the literature under the same conditions. the performance calculation shows a satisfactory qualitative and quantitative agreement. the results relative to the performance ratios obtained for the simulated models show that perovskite is on the right track for a potential future candidacy to the most suitable technologies for sub-saharan africa. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1250 keywords: modeling, perovskite solar cells, interface defects, performance ratio. article history : received: 30 december 2022 received in revised form: 23 march 2023 accepted for publication: 30 march 2023 published: 14 may 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: k. sakthipandi 1. introduction africa has an almost unlimited potential for solar energy, estimated at about 10 tw [1]. however, africa is among the regions in the world with the lowest coverage of electrical energy. photovoltaics being the ideal alternative, solar fields are covering more and more surfaces using first generation modules which are relatively expensive and which moreover see their yields decrease under the influence of the temperature. studies have shown the production capacity of thin-film technol∗corresponding author tel. no: +22893089314 email address: edso.anate@gmail.com (essodossomondom anate) ogy compared to first generation technology for sub-saharan climate conditions [2,3]. thus, this study is situated in the context of predicting the photovoltaic production under real subsaharan conditions of third generation thin film modules based on perovskite. the challenge is to evaluate the influence of climatic factors, in particular temperature, on the photovoltaic performance of these solar photovoltaic modules. the interest of this technology is its very high efficiency of 25.5% in 2020 [4–6]. in addition, perovskite is a low-cost material with exceptional structural and optoelectronic properties. tolerant in volume defects [6–8], it is not so when it comes to defects at the interfaces which in addition to lowering the yield, 1 anate et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1222 2 makes it less stable in the long term. of neutral, acceptor or donor nature, once at the interfaces, they significantly degrade the performance of the cell [7]. the most effective technique to minimize the influence of defects is passivation which uses materials with specific properties. organic compounds with the carbonyl group are widely used to passivate perovskite cells [9] by exploiting the coordinated bonds based on lewis’s acid-base chemistry [10–12]. wang et al. showed the passivation ability of theophylline (c7h8n4o2) on perovskite cells [9]. in this work, we examine the performance precisely the performance ratio of perovskite cells under sub-saharan african conditions by simulation. three perovskite modules, one of which is real [13] and two others modeled under scaps, are simulated under the same conditions. the purpose of the study of the latter two is to evaluate the impact of defects when the modules are operated in real conditions at high temperatures. 2. methodology we first model the cell under the scaps-1d software version following the fto/etl/perovskite/htl/au structure by integrating at the etl/perovskite and perovskite/htl interfaces the neutral, acceptor and donor defects of the order of 108 1011 cm−2 following street et al. [8,14]. these three types of defects come either from vacancies (vx) such as vma, vpb, vi , or interstitials (xi) like mai, pbi, ii, or substitutions (xy) such as mapb, pbma, mai , pbi , ima, ipb of the constituents (x or y= ma, pb, i) [7] of the perovskite or of foreign elements. they can carry different electric charges behaving as electron acceptor, donor or neutral. then a passivation layer based on theophylline is introduced following the structure fto/etl/theophylline/perovskite/htl/au. the cell with defects at interfaces and the one with passivation layer were used to model tow modules. the data (voc, isc and pmax) from these models in addition to those from the real module which is from literature [13] are used in the hybrid levenbergmarquardt-analytical extraction program proposed by kata et al. to extract the parameters (iph, i0, n, rs and rsh) needed for the simulation under ltspice [15]. finally, the sub-saharan temperature and sunshine conditions are entered into the ltspice module through the translation relations [15]. as an output, a current-voltage characteristic under real conditions is obtained for each measurement. table 1 provides the information on module modeling considerations with reference to the real module. figure 1 shows the method for evaluating the performance ratio of the module. solar irradiance and temperature data are taken from a measurement site in ouagadougou (burkina faso) due to the unavailability of that site in kara (togo) at the moment. these data such as temperature and irradiance are measured at the same time as module i-v characteristic, module voltage and module current by using multimeters simultaneously whereas a pyranometer was used to measure the irradiance as describe by kata et al. [15]. two days are chosen to represent the dry season for one and the rainy season for the other. the figure 1: diagram of the performance ratio evaluation figure 2: effects of acceptor defects density at etl/absorber interface performance evaluation is based on the calculation of the performance ratio (pr) of the three modules. the real efficiency (real) of the ltspice module is determined for each day’s measurement using equation 1. the performance ratio allows comparison of this performance between the three modules under the same conditions. this ratio refers to the ratio of the real efficiency under real conditions (real) to the efficiency under standard test conditions (stc) (stc) in equation 2. this standard test conditions include the temperature of 25◦c, am1.5 and an irradiance of 1000 wm−2. real = pmreal s ∗ greal , (1) 2 anate et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1222 3 table 1: characteristics of the simulated modules pv module base on : passivated cell cell with defects real cell number of cells 55 in series 55 in series 55 in series efficiency (%) 27.87% 24.73% 17.9% voc (v) 71.61 63.86 58.7 isc (a) 0.325 0.323 0.323 vmax (v) 64.9 58.3 48.42 imax (a) 0.318 0.314 0.298 pmax (w) 20.6 18.25 14.43 figure 3: effects of neutral defect density at abs / htl interface figure 4: i-v characteristic of the simulated module pr = real s t c , (2) where pmreal is the maximum power under real conditions, s the surface of the module and greal is the real condition solar irradiance. figure 5: energy band diagrams without (a, b) and with (c, d) passivation 3. results and discussion we studied the sensitivity of the defects at both interfaces varying from 1 to 1015 cm−2. the drop in performance is felt from 1011 cm−2 at the etl/perovskite interface for the three types of defects. figure 2 illustrates this effect for the acceptor type with a drastic drop in voc of 0.66 v, a jsc of 4.53 macm−2, a ff of 78.83% and a yield of 2.35% at 1015 cm−2. at the perovskite/htl interface, the drop already starts at 106 cm−2 for all three types as well. at the perovskite/htl interface (figure 3), we note a decrease in voc of 0.142 v and jsc of 1.915 macm−2 for neutral defect densities ranging from 106 to 109 cm−2 which results in the loss of 2.34% of the ff and especially the yield which falls from 27.17% to 21.66% or a loss of 5.51%. this overall decrease can be explained by a low mobility of holes and therefore a low collection at the interface due to the introduction of larger neutral defects. similar observations are made at other interfaces. by applying the theophylline defect passivation layer whose electronic properties are derived from the work of ejuh et al. [16], the results are presented in graphical form. figure 4 shows the i-v characteristics of the ideal, passivated and nonpassivated cells. a significant improvement in the voc of the passivated cell compared to the non-passivated one is observed. this increase provides information about the recombination reduction. we also observed the behavior of the band diagrams of the two modeled cells. the presence of defects (charged point de3 anate et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1222 4 figure 6: comparison of the electrical characteristics of the cell without and with passivation figure 7: performance ratio for a clear day (dry season) fects) at the interfaces manifests itself on the band diagram as unfavorable band edge curvature (possibly due to unintentional doping effect)[7,17]. passivation reduced this unfavorable band curvature by eliminating the defects and their effect at the interface [17] to promote better performance such as improved open figure 8: performance ratio for an overcast day (rainy season) circuit voltage by widening the potential barrier at the junction. figures 5.a and 5.b show the band diagrams at equilibrium and at voc for a cell with defects, respectively, followed by figures 5.c and 5.d at equilibrium and at voc for a passivated cell, respectively. 4 anate et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1222 5 here we present the performance of the modeled cells before and after passivation. the effect of the three types of defects at the perovskite / htl interface is shown by a decrease in the graphs of figure 6 from 106 cm−2. the effect of passivation on the other hand is illustrated by straight lines giving as information the annihilation of the effect of these defects. we present here on figures 7 and 8 the production capacity in prediction of the performance under real conditions in subsaharan africa. the choice of two days for our study reflects the rainy season for the overcast day and the dry season for the clear day. the performance ratio of the three modules reaches 80% over most of the day for both days (figures 7 and 8). for the clear-sky day, this ratio exceeds 90% between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., a period during which there is often high irradiation. the strong dependence of the power of the module on the irradiation means that one could recover 90% of the power pmax s t c on more than half of the day, this one could even reach 94% and 96% respectively for the modules with not passivated and passivated cells then 98% for the real module. during the same period, high module temperatures exceeding 47◦c are recorded. however, the highest prs are obtained during this period, moreover, there is no decrease in the ratio for the highest module temperatures of the day which are about 68 ◦c. this means that the perovskite solar modules show only a small decrease in efficiency with high temperature. the real module and the module with passivated cells have very close ratios for both day conditions. however, the non-passivated cell shows much lower ratios over all the measurements. this low ratio is explained by the presence of defects at the interfaces of the cells of this module. the evolution of the performance ratios of the real and passivated modules shows the relevance of the simulated models. moreover, by observing the ratios of the two days we can say that the program responds well to the variations of the solar irradiation. referring to figure 8, it can be seen that perovskite modules have good ratios for overcast skies, which is an asset for some regions of sub-saharan africa that have longer rainy seasons with irregular irradiation. this interesting performance of perovskite allows us to consider perovskite as a potential future candidate of the most suitable technologies for the subregion. 4. conclusion this study was devoted to the evaluation of the performance of perovskite cells under the conditions of sub-saharan africa. different defects at the interfaces, namely neutral, acceptor and donor types, have been studied on the perovskite cell modeled under scaps-1d. the simulation of the model showed a strong sensitivity of the defects at the etl/perovskite and perovskite/htl interfaces of the cell. the results also show the performance improvement by introducing a passivation layer. the simulation of the perovskite solar cell in real conditions of sub-saharan africa is done. the hybrid levenberg-marquardtanalytic parameter extraction method proposed by kata et al. was used to extract the modeling data under ltspice. the performance ratio of perovskite cells can reach 98% at module temperatures around 68 ◦c in sub-saharan african conditions. these results are quite interesting and encouraging for a possible use in the subregion. references [1] bad, “énergies renouvelables: pourquoi l’afrique est la future grande puissance mondiale | banque africaine de développement bâtir aujourd’hui, une meilleure afrique demain,” nov. 22, 2021. 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department, faculty of science, university of hail, saudi arabia abstract in this research, the effects of van der waals forces on the structural, elastic, electronic, and optical properties of bulk transition metals dichalcogenides (tmds) were studied using a novel exchange-correlation functional, vdw-df3. this new functional tries to correct the hidden van der waals problems which are not reported by the previous exchange functionals. molybdenum dichalcogenide, mox2 (x = s, se, te) was chosen as a representative transition metal dichalcogenide to compare the performance of the newly designed functional with the other two popular exchange-correlation functional; pbe and rvv10. from the results so far obtained, the analysis of the structural properties generally revealed better performance by vdw-df3 via the provision of information on lattice parameters very closer to the experimental value. for example, the lattice constant obtained by vdw-df3 was 3.161 å which is very close to 3.163 å and 3.160 å experimental and theoretical values respectively. calculations of the electronic properties revealed good performance by vdw-df3 functional. furthermore, new electronic features were revealed for mox2 (x = s, se, te). in terms of optical properties, pbe functional demonstrates lower absorption than vdw-df3, as such it can be reported that vdw-df3 improves photon absorption by tmds. however, our results also revealed that vdw-df3 performed well for mos2 than for mose2 and mote2 because of the lower density observed for the s atom in mos2. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2022.1094 keywords: van der waals, pbe, hexagonal, vdw-df3, dichalcogenides. article history : received: 29 september 2022 received in revised form: 21 november 2022 accepted for publication: 02 december 2022 published: 14 january 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: taoreed owolabi ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348069316888 email address: yitas@basug.edu.ng ( y. s. itas ) 1. introduction the study of transition metal dichalcogenides has grown in popularity as a condensed matter physics research area and as a potential resource for a range of applications that could 1 s. a. yamusa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1094 2 affect scientific and high-tech advancement. dft explanations on how electrons in the many-body systems interact with each other depending on the so-called approximations of the exchange-correlation (xc) functional [1]. moreover, much of the successes in dft came from the fact that these functions often produce accurate results. however, there are some situations where failures are reported by many of these functional [2]. therefore, there is a need to understand the accurate xc functional to adequately describe the behavior of the many-body electronic system. one good example of failure by xc is the inability to fully describe a long-range electron interaction also called dispersion forces. van der waals problem by local density approximation (lda) and perdew-burke-ernzerh (pbe) exchange functional remains a challenge that needs urgent improvement [3] the problem of lack of dispersion forces otherwise referred to as van der waals (vdw) forces, is one of the most disturbing problems in dft. therefore it becomes one of the most traded topics in condensed matter physics and material science. it can be understood by the fact that over 800 dispersion-based dft studies were reported in 2011 compared to fewer than 80 in the whole of the 1990s [4]. recent studies have revealed that lda exhibits overestimations of the lattice constants for a and c of 0.4 % and 5.2 %, and gga underestimates c by 4 % while overestimating a by 0.58 %, respectively. this problem persisted in tmds, especially in terms of their mechanical, electronic, and optical characteristics [5]. in this research, a full demonstration of the effects of van der waals forces on the mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of tmds was carried out with mox2 (x = s, se, and te). transition metal dichalcogenides are types of materials that can be metallic or semiconducting [6]. the semiconducting tmds represent the layered materials [7], they can also be classified as direct or indirect energy band gap materials. for example, mos2, mose2, ws2, and wse2 are direct band gap semiconductors. in this study mos2, mose2 and mote2 were considered. molybdenum dichalcogenides mox2 (x = s, se, and te) in the most stable phase 2h-mx2 belong to the space group p63/mmc (194), it has a hexagonal crystal structure with wyckoff positions of 2c and 4f with z coordination value of 0.3779. literature studies revealed that the study of the effect of van der waals forces on this material using the new exchange functional vdw-df3 has not been conducted. although mos2 has been reported as good material for hydrogen storage [8], there are need to explore the potentials of other di-chalcogenides such as mose2 and mote2. based on the obtained results, vdw-df3 may demonstrate promising results on the electronic and optical properties of tmds. table 1 demonstrates the results on the effect of the pre-existing exchange functional with the experimental values. reports from table 1, revealed that there are still more problems to solve regarding the effect of van der waals, for example, the obtained value for the lattice parameter with pbe is 3.680 å, that of rvv10 is 2.186 å which is far away from the experimental value of 3.163 å obtained. therefore there is a need to use better exchange functional such as vdw-df3 for better improvement in the next generations’ sustainability science and technology to pave way for optoelectronic applications. 2. research method the three materials were first optimized using three selected exchange-correlation functional (pbe, rvv10, and vdw-df3) by setting the brillouin zone sample 12 × 12 × 3 monkhorst pack k-mesh and 800 ev plane wave cut-off energy. the optimization was performed till the total energy and force converged to 10−3 ev, this is true for all three materials (mos2, mose2, and mote2). the calculations were performed via ab initio density functional theory (dft) using plane-wave basis as implemented in the quantum-espresso package, this includes the optimization, and determination of equilibrium lattice parameters, and electronic band gaps. an auxiliary package to the quantum espresso thermo_pw [1] was also used in the calculation of the elastic constants and optical properties. to make an accurate comparison, kohn-sham equations were applied by implementing the dft ab initio quantum computing framework within the perdiew-burke-emzahope (pbe) exchange functional [9], rvv10 and our novel vdw-df3 functional. calculations were performed using a non-spin polarized dft to save computational costs. to ensure accurate results in this study, tmds were appropriately relaxed to appropriate geometries. for all three systems, the length and the height were chosen as 12.03 å each. the chiral/translation vectors were constructed such that the maximum force, stress, and displacements were set at 0.05 ev/å each. 3. results and discussion 3.1. structural and elastic properties the equilibrium lattice parameters for the three systems were determined by fitting energy volume in the standard equation of the state. this can also be obtained by polynomial fit to the energy-volume data [10]. the lattice parameter can be determined from equilibrium volume as: a0 = ( v k )1/3 (1) where k is the ratio c/a for the materials mox2 (x = s, se, and te). the crytallogrphic structure of mos2, mose2 and mote2 are presented in figure 1. the lattice parameters were calculated such that the three systems can be viewed as having a hexagonal p6_3/mmc symmetry with a lattice constant of 3.66 å. the mo-s and s-s bond lengths are 2.415 å and 3.131 å respectively which agrees with the available literature [11]. in the case of mose2, the bond lengths of mo-se and se-se atoms were 2.424 å and 3.113 å, respectively. to obtain significant results from our calculations, 2 s. a. yamusa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1094 3 figure 1: crystal structure of 2h-mx2: (a) unit cell, (b) top view lattice parameters of mote2 were also studied, these were ensured to be 2.423 å and 3.116 å respectively. to further understand the vdw-df3 effects, we calculated the formation energy based on the lattice parameters earlier reported [12, 13]. the results are presented in table 2. the result predicted the output of the effects of van der waals under pbe, rvv10, and the novel vdw-df3 exchange functional. table 1 presented the result of the calculated equilibrium lattice parameter of molybdenum chalcogenide mox2 for the three exchange-correlation functional (pbe, rvv10, and vdw-df3) compared to the available experimental and theoretical results. table 1: the calculated lattice parameters with the three functional are compared with the available experimental and theoretical results pbe (å) rvv10 (å) vdwdf3 (å) theor. results [15] expt. ref. a(å) 3.680 2.186 3.161 3.163 3.160 [14] mos2 c(å) 13.37 13.394 12.296 12.442 12.290 [16] a(å) 2.314 3.523 3.293 3.295 3.288 [17] mose2 c(å) 13.001 13.036 12.918 13.088 12.920 [18] a(å) 3.874 3.489 3.551 3.617 3.520 [19] mote2 c(å) 13.906 13.965 13.817 14.261 13.970 [11] it can be seen that the vdw-df3 successfully describe accurately the lattice parameter of the three systems with only 1 % error. this shows that the functional performed excellently in the determination of the lattice parameters of a bulk mox2. molybdenum chalcogenide mox2 (x = s, se, te) is a hexagonal crystal with 2h-mox2 as the most stable phase. for this type of crystal, there are only five independent elastic constants. the five elastic constants were used to check the stability of the optimized structure using the born stability criteria [20] and to determine the mechanical properties of the materials for the three correlation functional. the calculated properties were compared with the available literature both experimentally and theoretically [21, 22, 23], which is presented in table 2. the born stability criteria were checked using equations (2) (4 [24]. c11 > |c12| (2) 2c213 < c33 (c11 + c12) (3) c44, c66 > 0, (4) where c66 = (c11 − c12) /2 and ci j are the five independent elastic constants for the hexagonal materials. as presented in table 2, vdw-df3 revealed high mechanical stability for all systems. therefore it can be reported that vdw-df3 xc functional significantly improves correction to van der waals problem in tmds. 3.2. electronic properties the electronic band structures of the molybdenum chalcogenides mox2 (x = s, se, te) were calculated along the high symmetry point of the brillouin zone by following the kpaths γ − m − k − γ for all the three systems. results of the three xc functional (pbe, rvv10 and vdw-df3) were obtained as presented in figure 2. the valence band maximum (vbm) and conduction band minimum (cbm) located at γ and between γ − k, respectively, were used to determine the band gaps as shown in table 3. to further explain the efficiency of vdw-df3 xc functional, the electronic band structure and density of states were calculated for mos2, mose2 and mote2 systems, the results presented in figure 2 show that mos2 demonstrated band gap of 0.79 ev, mose 2 revealed 0.88 ev and mote2 was found to be 0.67 ev. this results showed significant improvement in narrowing the band gap of tmds by vdw-df3 xc functional which brought them to new applications for optoelectronics [25]. therefore vdw-df3 xc functional make significant contribution towards turning tmds from wide gap to narrow gap semiconductors. in terms the partial density of states (pdos), calculations were performed to determine contributions by different s, p, d, f orbitals, the results are illustrated in figure 2 (b, d and f). to further elaborate on the nature of the band gap of the three systems, the total density of state (tdos) and partial density of state for the mos2, mose2, and mote2, are illustrated in figure 2. in terms of mos2 (figure 2(b)), the lower valance bands at -6.95 to 0.28 ev are composed mainly of mo4d states and s-3p states, zero states were seen from 0.28 to 0.58 ev. the conduction bands are mainly due to mo-4d and s-3p states located at 0.68 to 3.92 ev, there are lower contributions above 4.002 ev up to the conduction bands. for mose2 (figure 2(d)), the valance bands are composed of mo-4d and se-4p states located at -5.99 to 0.24 ev, the width 0.47 ev to 0.0.36 ev is the fermi level of zero states and above 0.35 ev is mainly composed of mo-4d and se-4p states for conduction bands. for mote2, valance band contribution starts from the energy range of -5.69 to 0 ev mainly by mo-4d te-5p states, fermi level was show from 0 ev to 0.2 ev, and the conduction bands contribution is the energy range above 0.74 ev mainly by mo-4d and te-5p. it can beseen that vdw-df3 was able to 3 s. a. yamusa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1094 4 table 2: elastic constants in gpa, bulk modulus b in gpa, young modulus e in gpa, and shear modulus g in gpa for three functional for mox2, (x = s, se, and te) material funct. c11 c12 c13 c33 c44 b g e b/g σ pbe 214.39 51.92 13.43 55.27 17.73 57.860 97.784 40.13 1.442 0.218 mos2 rvv10 218.01 53.89 18.86 69.27 4.48 65.303 73.342 27.933 2.338 0.313 vdw-df3 94.21 76.71 25.85 305.07 5.00 79.171 50.102 17.964 4.407 0.395 pbe 78.34 64.68 46.85 403.90 2.36 83.32 83.698 47.07 1.046 5.001 mose2 rvv10 88.32 68.71 53.27 387.93 3.53 88.38 89.207 50.233 1.118 4.994 vdw-df3 87.94 69.88 47.15 459.24 4.31 91.39 91.845 58.691 1.495 4.361 pbe 116.84 30.71 36.83 111.78 25.16 61.577 85.590 33.741 1.825 0.268 mote2 rvv10 119.70 33.14 20.33 69.05 26.98 48.538 82.769 34.039 1.426 0.216 vdw-df3 122.44 31.08 13.33 54.48 27.91 42.193 82.021 34.873 1.210 0.176 figure 2: electronic band structure and density of state of mos2 (a) and (b), mose2 (c) and (d), and (e) and (f) for mote2 using three the fuctionals table 3: the energy gap of mos2, mose2, and mote2 with the three exchangecorrelation functionals system pbe (ev) rvv10 (ev) vdw-df3 (ev) ref. mos2 0.84 0.85 0.79 this work mose2 0.84 0.75 0.88 this work mote2 0.73 0.67 0.67 this work figure out all orbitals contributions as against pbe and rvv10 xc functionals. 3.3. optical properties the optical properties of mos2, mose2, and mote2 bulk crystals with polarization along x-direction (in-plane) are calculated using independent particle approximation by solving time-dependent density-functional theory (tddft) and linear response technique [3], using the sternheimer approach within thermo_ pw code [1], a proprietary branch of the quantum espresso project [4]. the calculated real and imaginary parts of frequency-dependent microscopic dielectric function in the energy range of 0 to 21 ev were plotted. the imaginary parts of the dielectric function of mos2 (figure 4), mose2 (figure 5), and mote2 (figure 6) were obtained from interband transition for the parallel and perpendicular direction of the electric field as computed from equation (3) [5], however, the real part of the frequency-dependent dielectric function was obtained from kramers-kroning relation as shown in equation (6) [2]: �2(ω) = 2πe2 ω�0 σκ,ν,c ∥∥∥∥λ̄. 〈ψck|u.r|ψνk〉∥∥∥∥2 δ (eck − eνk − e) . (5) where λ̄ is the polarization vector of light and the integral is over the brillouin zone, u, ω, e, ψck, ψ ν k are the polarization vector of the incident electric field, frequency of light, the electronic charge, and conduction and valance band wave function at k, respectively. �1(ω) = 1 + 2 π p ∫ ∞ 0 ω′�2(ω′) ω′2 −ω2 dω′, (6) where p denotes the integral’s principle value. the computed real and imaginary dielectric functions of mos2, mose2, and 4 s. a. yamusa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1094 5 figure 3: real and imaginary dielectric functions for mos2 with respect to the (a) pbe (b) rvv10 and (c) vdw-df3 functionals figure 4: real and imaginary dielectric functions for mose2 with respect to the (d) pbe (e) rvv10 and (f) vdw-df3 functionals mote2 within the three functionals are plotted in figures 3, 4 and 5, respectively. the result shows that the interband transition due to mo-4d and s-3p, se-4p, and te-5p states move to lower energies from mos2, mose2, and mote2, respectively. both mos2, mose2 and mote2 materials show anisotropy [8] in the energy range from 0 to 7.5 ev and isotropy at higher 5 s. a. yamusa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1094 6 figure 5: real and imaginary dielectric functions for mote2 with respect to the (a) pbe (b) rvv10 and (c) vdw-df3 functionals energy. to further confirm the band gap in the three systems, a bound state can be seen at 2.0 ev, 1.1 ev and 1.2 ev for pbe, rvv10 and vdw-df3 functional respectively, the results obtained by vdw-df3 was found to be in good agreement with previous theoretical results [15]. similar results were also obtained for mose2, mote2, these were presented in figures 4 and 5, respectively. to describe optical absorption, the imaginary dielectrics for all systems were studied. favourable results were obtained by vdw-df3 functional, for example higher optical absorptions were observed for mos2 (figure 3c) at 22.5 cm−1 which corresponds to 2.80 ev, this is the absorption in the visible range, other functionals only demonstrated absorption in the infra-red range, which significantly underestimates the absorption characteristcs of tmds. 4. conclusion to conclude this work, results so far obtained brought out new hidden properties of tmds which failed to be reported by pbe and rvv10 functionals. calculation of the elastic properties revealed that tmds are more stable with vdw-dft3, higher moduli of elasticity such as young’s moduli, shear moduli and bulk moduli were significantly improved with well agreement with theoretical results. from the results of electronic properties, it revealed that bulk tmds can be turned from being a wide gap semi conductors to being a narrow gap semiconductors, it also shows that d’orbital majorly contributed to narrowing the band gap in all the sysyems. higher optical absorption are also repoted by vdw-df3, this brought the systems under study as potential candidates for optoelectronics [25]. acknowledgement the authors acknowledge dr. abdu barde college of vocational and technical study, department of science and laboratory technology, dutse, jigwa state, and the university of technology malaysia for financial support, facilities, and services of high-performance computing on this research work. references [1] i. g. kaplan, modern state of the conventional dft method studies and the limits following from the quantum state of the system and its total spin. density functional theory-recent advances, new perspectives and applications, intechopen, (2022). 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(3) where α is the geologic dip or attitude; l is the length or depth extent; z1 is the depth of burial; z2 is the depth to the bottom of the rod from the ground level; and x is the distance from the centre (o) to observation point. also from figure 1: z2 = z1 + l sin α, (4) therefore, substituting equations 2 and 3 into equation 1, we get: v = ±q  1( x2 + z21 ) 1 2 − 1( z22 + (x − l cos α) 2 ) 1 2  . (5) also, substituting equation 4 into equation 5, we get: v = ±q  1( x2 + z21 ) 1 2 − 1( (z1 + l sin α) 2 + (x − l cos α)2 ) 1 2  . (6) the parameters in equation 6 were considered in generating charge of the rod, depth of burial, geologic dip, length of the rod, depth to the bottom of the rod and distance in order for the theoretical potential distribution data generated to be concise and accurate. visual basic (vb) version 6.0 program was used for this study. potential distribution response was generated at 2 m interval and the polarized rod was inclined at different attitudes and depths of burial. sp profiles were generated for the potential distribution values in milliv olt(mv ) by plotting it against distance (in metre) from the observation point. interpretation was solely based on visualization of amplitude pattern of the sp profiles (qualitative interpretation). 3. results and discussion twenty (20) sp anomaly curves were generated with different dips/attitudes (0◦, 30◦, 60◦ and 90◦) and depths of burial (0.5 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m and 20 m). we also generated six (6) superimposed sp anomaly curves for same depth of burial but different dips and six (6) superimposed sp anomaly curves for same geologic dip but different depths of burial. the anomalies were analyzed for the effect of depth of burial and attitude on the amplitude and symmetry of sp anomaly curves. figures 2 and 3 (0◦and 30◦ dip) are replica of each other, except for the difference in the values of points at which they inflected. it is observed that, as the geologic dip increases, the geometry of the curves turned to be cone-like. at points of inflection, values of sp decrease with the increase in depth of burial. for a polarized rod with 0◦, the inflexion points of the anomaly curves are located at the middle of the rod (figure 2). the result of the study by [19] validates this, as their investigation over dykelike structure gave birth to gradual increase to sp values over the target. 52 t. s. fagbemigun et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 51–56 53 figure 2: sp profiles for 0◦ geologic dip. at relatively shallow depth (< 2.0 m), the peak negative amplitude remains virtually the same with the shoulder over the down dip side of the target (figures 10 11). the peak positive amplitude shoulder is therefore, maximum on the down dip side. figures 4 and 5 display the sp anomaly curves for 60◦ and 90◦ dips. these curves are characterized with negative peak amplitudes. the negative peak at lower depth of burial is sharp compared to the deeper depth of burial. the maximum and minimum negative sp values are −3.2 mv and −380 mv respectively. in all the anomalies generated except for dip angle of 0◦, the top of the target is located beneath a peak negative amplitude sp (figures 3 5). the sp anomalies for a vertically dipping rod is symmetrical about the top of the rod while the anomalies become asymmetrical as the dip angle is decreased from 90◦ (figures 2 5). the study by [3] corroborates with the results of this study in terms of symmetrical nature and amplitude of the sp anomaly curves. figure 3: sp profiles for 30◦ geologic dip. the superposition of sp anomaly curves of varying depth of burial with the same geologic dip show that, well pronounced negative amplitude is that of 0.5 m with sp value of −380.03 mv . the average maximum sp value of negative amplitude is −380.58 mv. therefore, with same dip angle but varying depth of burial, the sp anomaly decreases in the peak negative amplitude as the depth of burial increased (figures 6 9). with same depth of burial but varying dip angle, the anomaly curves become asymmetrical with decreasing dip angle from 90◦. figures 7 9 show the same signature as discussed by [2] of sp investigation, which revealed weiss anomaly of the maden copper mine, indicated that the source of signature could be spherical. it was established that vertically oriented pipe is associated with or characterized by relatively high-amplitude over the target [20] and this is not far fetch from this study. however, at deeper depth (> 2.0 m), the peak negative amplitude of the sp anomalies decreases in amplitude as dip angle is decreased from 90◦ (figures 12 and 13). the displacement 53 t. s. fagbemigun et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 51–56 54 figure 4: sp profiles for 60◦ geologic dip. between the peak negative and peak positive of the sp anomalies generated at relatively shallow depth of burial (< 5.0 m) is equal to the linear extent (l) of the polarized rod or target. 4. conclusion the interpretation of sp anomaly curves shows that the inflection points of the anomaly curves are located at the middle of the rod for a polarized rod with 0◦ dip. the displacement between the peak negative and positive amplitude of the sp anomalies is equal to the linear extent (l) of the polarized rod or target of shallow depth of burial or zero dip. however, the sp anomaly decreases in the peak negative amplitude for fixed dip angle but increasing depth of burial. the anomaly curves become asymmetrical with decreasing dip angle from 90◦ for fixed depth of burial and the anomalies for a vertically dipping rod is symmetrical about the top of target. in conclusion, depth of burial and geologic dip has great influence on the amplitude figure 5: sp profiles for 90◦ geologic dip. figure 6: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 0◦ at different depth of burial. 54 t. s. fagbemigun et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 51–56 55 figure 7: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 30◦ at different depth of burial. figure 8: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 60◦ at different depth of burial. figure 9: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 90 at different depth of burial. and the symmetrical nature of self potential anomaly curve over an inclined object. although numerical modeling is limited befigure 10: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 0.5 m depth of burial at different dip. figure 11: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 2 m depth of burial at different dip. figure 12: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 10 m depth of burial at different dip. cause of the interaction required on the field it is assumed the earth material is isotropic and homogenous. therefore, the lim55 t. s. fagbemigun et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 51–56 56 figure 13: superposition of sp anomaly curves for 20 m depth of burial at different dip. itations of the numerical modeling are unable to account for the influence of the earths subsurface physical properties and environmental effects. nonetheless, they still serve as frontier in exploration in geosciences as this study would serve as quality control on interpretation mindset of geophysicists. acknowledgments we appreciate mr. o. a. sanuade, mr. j. o. amosun and dr. a. b. eluwole for their advice and contributions towards the success of this work. we also thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper references [1] a. bokulich & n. oreskes, models in the geosciences. handbook of model-based 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[20, 21]. they introduced the new universal decay law (udl) to study α and cluster decay modes. the authors made use of the α-like r-matrix theory and the microscopic mecha250 w. a. yahya / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 250–256 251 nism of the charged-particle emission. a generalization of the viola-seaborg formula was given by ren et al. [22] for cluster radioactivity half-lives. modified versions of the ren formulas, called new ren a and new ren b, have also been presented [23]. the new ren a included nuclear isospin asymmetry while new ren b included both nuclear isospin asymmetry and angular momentum. gharaei and zanganeh [24] have studied the half-lives of cluster decay for some isotopes using temperature dependent proximity potential (with the prox. 2010 and prox. zheng potentials). they found that the width and height of the coulomb barrier in the temperature-dependent proximity potential are less than its temperature-independent version. recently, the modified coulomb and proximity potential model was employed to study the α-decay of 186−218po [25]. zdeb et al. [1] proposed a phenomenological model which is based on the gamow theory for the calculation of α-decay half-lives. in the gamow-like model, the square well potential is chosen as the nuclear potential, while the potential of a uniformly charged sphere is taken as the coulomb potential. in ref. [4], the authors presented the α decay half-lives of nuclei with z > 51 (up to z = 120) using a modified form of the gamow-like model. most of the isotopes of mercury (hg) are radioactive with half-lives less than a day. seven of the isotopes are stable. the hg radioisotope with the longest half-life is 194hg, with a halflife of 444 years. some of the applications of hg isotopes are: in medicine, in nuclear gyroscopes and magnetometres. the radioisotope 197hg, for example, is useful for diagnostics of kidney and cerebral diseases [26]. the α-decay half-lives of some astatine isotopes have been studied in ref. [27] using a modified coulomb and proximity potential model with one adjustable parameter. the α-decay half-lives of some mercury isotopes have also been studied in ref. [28] using about 25 different versions of the nuclear potential. in this study, the gamow-like model, its modified version (the modified gamow-like model), the temperature-independent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppm) and the temperaturedependent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppmt) have been employed to calculate the α-decay half-lives of 171−189hg isotopes. the results are compared with the available experimental data. the article is organised as follows. the modified gamow-like model, the temperature-independent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppm) and the temperaturedependent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppmt) are described in section 2 for the calculation of α-decay halflives. the results are presented and discussed in section 3 while the conclusion is given in section 4. 2. theory 2.1. modified gamow-like model in the modified gamow-like model, the interaction potential between the alpha particle and daughter nucleus is given by [4]: v (r) = { −v0, 0 ≤ r ≤ r vh (r) + v`(r), r ≥ r (1) where v0 is the depth of the square well, the hulthen type of screened electrostatic coulomb potential vh = az1z2e2 ear − 1 (2) the centrifugal potential v`(r) = ( ` + 12 )2 ~2 2µr2 (3) z1 and z2 are the proton numbers of the α particle and daughter nucleus, respectively, a is the screening parameter, and ` is the orbital angular momentum that the α particle takes away. the radius of the spherical square well is computed by adding the radii of both the α particle (a1) and the daughter nucleus (a2): r = r0 ( a 1 3 1 + a 1 3 2 ) (4) where r0 is a constant, an adjustable parameter. the α decay half-life is calculated using [1, 4]: t 1 2 = ln 2 λ 10h. (5) here, h is the decay hindrance factor due to the effect of an odd-neutron and/or an odd-proton. the value of h is zero for even-even nuclei. in ref. [4], the values of a, r0, and h were determined to be: a = 7.8 × 10−4, r0 = 1.14 fm, h = 0.3455. (6) for odd-odd nuclei, hnp = 2h. the decay constant λ is obtained via: λ = νp (7) where the penetration probability p is given by p = exp [ − 2 ~ ∫ b r √ 2µ (v (r) − ek) dr ] . (8) here, µ = ma1 a2/(a1 + a2) is the reduced mass of the daughter nucleus and the α particle, m is the nucleon mass, ek = qα(a − 4)/a is the kinetic energy of the emitted α particle. the classical turning point b is obtained through the condition v (b) = ek. in this model, the frequency of assault on the potential barrier is evaluated using ν = ( g + 32 ) ~ 1.2πµr20 , (9) 251 w. a. yahya / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 250–256 252 where the parent nucleus radius r0 is obtained via r0 = 1.28a 1/3 − 0.76 + 0.8a−1/3. (10) the main quantum number g is obtained using g =  22 n > 126 20 82 < n ≤ 126 18 n ≤ 82 . (11) 2.2. the coulomb and proximity potential model (cppm) the total interaction potential between the emitted α particle and the daughter nucleus in the cppm contains (for both the touching configuration and for separated fragments) the nuclear, the coulomb and the centrifugal terms [29]: vt (r) = vprox(z) + vc (r) + ~`(` + 1) 2µr2 (12) where µ is the reduced mass of the interaction system and ` is the angular momentum. the coulomb potential vc (r) is defined as: vc (r) = z1z2e 2  1 r for r ≥ rc 1 2rc [ 3 − ( r rc )2] for r ≤ rc . (13) here, z1 and z2 are, respectively, the charge numbers of the daughter and emitted nuclei. the radial distance rc = 1.24 (r1 + r2). the term vprox(z) represents the proximity potential and z = r − c1 − c2 is the distance between the near surfaces of the fragments, where r is the distance between the fragment centres [16]. the presence of the proximity potential causes a reduction in the height of the potential barrier. the proximity potential has been used in the preformed cluster model by malik et al. [30]. the proximity potential vprox can be obtained by calculating the strength of the nuclear interactions between the daughter and emitted α particle: vprox(z) = 4πbγr̄φ ( z b ) mev (14) where the term bγr̄ depends on the geometry and shape of the two nuclei, and the mean curvature radius r̄ is given as r̄ = c1c2 c1 + c2 . (15) the süsmann central radii of fragments c1 and c2 are computed using ci = ri 1 − ( b ri )2 + · · ·  (16) where the diffuseness of nuclear surface b ≈ 1 fm and ri are given by ri = 1.28a 1/3 i − 0.76 + 0.8a −1/3 i fm (i = 1, 2). (17) the universal function φ ( � = zb ) is given in the form [24]: φ(�) = { − 1 2 (� − 2.54) 2 − 0.0852 (� − 2.54)3 � ≤ 1.2511 −3.437 exp (−�/0.75) � ≥ 1.2511 (18) the nuclear surface energy coefficient γ is defined as γ = 1.460734 [ 1 − 4 ( n − z n + z )2] mev/fm2 (19) where n and z denote the neutron and proton numbers of the parent nucleus, respectively. the prox. 2010 potential has been used in this work. according to the wkb approximation [24, 31, 32], the penetration probability p of the emitted α nucleus through the potential barrier is calculated using: p = exp [ − 2 ~ ∫ rout rin √ 2µ [v (r) − q] dr ] (20) where the classical turning points rin and rout are determined from v (rin) = v (rout) = q (21) and the reduced mass µ is calculated using µ = ma1 a2/a, where m is the nucleon mass, a1 and a2 denote the mass numbers of the emitted and daughter nuclei, respectively, and a is the parent nucleus mass number. the α-decay half-life is then computed using t1/2 = ln 2 νp (22) where the assault frequency ν has been taken to be 1020 s−1. 2.2.1. temperature-dependent proximity potential the thermal effects are studied by using the temperature dependent forms of the parameters r, γ and b. they are given by [24]: ri(t ) = ri(t = 0) [ 1 + 0.0005t 2 ] fm (i = 1, 2) (23) γ(t ) = γ(t = 0) [ 1 − t − tb tb ]3/2 (24) b(t ) = b(t = 0) [ 1 + 0.009t 2 ] (25) where tb is the temperature associated with near coulomb barrier energies and b(t = 0) = 1. in this work, we have adopted an alternative form of the temperature dependent surface energy coefficient in the form γ(t ) = γ(0) (1 − 0.07t )2 [33]. the temperature t (in mev) can be obtained from e∗ = ekin + qin = 1 9 at 2 − t (26) where e∗ is the excitation energy of the parent nucleus and a is its mass number, and qin denotes the entrance channel q-value of the system. the kinetic energy of the emitted α particle ekin is obtained from ekin = ( ad/ap ) q. (27) 252 w. a. yahya / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 250–256 253 3. results and discussions the α-decay half-lives of the mercury isotopes (z = 80) within the mass range 171 ≤ a ≤ 189 have been calculated using the gamow-like model (glm), modified gamow-like model (mglm1) using the variable parameters of ref. [4], the temperatureindependent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppm), and the temperature-dependent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppmt). the proximity 2010 potential has been employed in the cppm and cppmt calculations. we have also calculated the α-decay half-lives of the isotopes using the modified gamow-like model (mglm2) with new parameter values. the new values for the parameters a, r0, and h in the modified gamow-like model (mglm2) were obtained through least squares fitting procedure. the values of the three adjustable parameters obtained for the hg isotopes are r0 = 1.2457fm, h = 0.1891, a = −2.159 × 10−3 (28) the database have been taken from the nubase2016 [34, 35, 36]. the reaction qα value has been computed via [29]: qα = ∆mp − ∆md − ∆mα + k ( zεp − z ε d ) (29) where ∆mp, ∆mα, and ∆md denote the mass excesses of the parent nucleus, the alpha particle, and the daughter nucleus, respectively. the term k ( zεp − z ε d ) denotes the screening effect of atomic electrons [37]; k = 8.7 ev , ε = 2.517 for z ≥ 60, and k = 13.6 ev , ε = 2.408 for z < 60 [38]. the angular momentum ` are obtained from the selection rule given by [23, 39, 40]: ` =  δ j for even δ j and πd = πp δ j + 1 for odd δ j and πd = πp δ j for odd δ j and πd , πp δ j + 1 for even δ j and πd , πp . (30) here δ j = ∣∣∣ jp − jd∣∣∣, where jd , πd , jp, πp are the spin and parity values of the daughter and parent nuclei, respectively. the alpha-decay half-lives computed for the 19 hg isotopes( 171−189hg ) are shown in table 1. the first four columns show, respectively, the mass number (a), the calculated qα values, the calculated temperature and the experimental α-decay half-lives (expt.) ( log [ t1/2(s) ]) . the last five columns of the table show the computed α-decay half-lives using the glm, mglm1, mglm2, cppm, and cppmt, respectively. all the models give reasonable values of the half-lives when compared to the available experimental results. the root mean square standard deviation σ has been evaluated using the formula: σ = √√√ 1 n n∑ i=1 [( log10 t theory 1/2,i − log10 t expt 1/2,i )2] (31) where t theory1/2,i are the half-lives obtained using the five models and t expt1/2,i are the experimental half-lives. the standard deviation have been calculated in order to compare the agreement between the experimental half-lives and theoretically calculated half-lives using the various models. the computed standard deviations (σ) using the different models are shown in table 2. the second column of the table shows the calculated standard deviations for the hg isotopes. from the table, the mglm2 has the least standard deviation with a value of 0.5013 followed by the glm with a standard deviation value of 0.5885, less than the standard deviation of cppm. the mglm1, cppm, and cppmt have respective standard deviation values of 0.6130, 0.6866, and 0.5949. one observes that the cppmt has a lower standard deviation value compared with the cppm. this shows the importance of using temperature-dependent form of the proximity potential model. all the models give standard deviation values less than 0.7. however, among the five models, the glm and mglm2 seem to be the most suitable for the determination of the α-decay half-lives of the hg isotopes. it should be noted these hg isotopes were studied in ref. [28] using about various proximity potential models. however, the authors considered experimental values of 171−177hg only. this makes it difficult to compare the standard deviations. 90 95 100 105 110 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 neutron number (n) lo g [ t 1 /2 (s )] 171-189 hg expt glm mglm1 mglm2 cppm cppmt figure 1. comparison of the calculated α-decay half-lives of hg isotopes between the various models and experiment. 90 95 100 105 110 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 neutron number (n) q ( m e v ) 171-189 hg figure 2. plot of the calculated qα values against neutron number (n) for the hg isotopes. the calculated half-lives log [ t1/2(s) ] for the hg isotopes using the five models have been plotted against the neutron 253 w. a. yahya / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 250–256 254 table 1. calculated α-decay half-lives, log [ t1/2(s) ] , of hg (z = 80) using glm, mglm1, mglm2, cppm, cppmt. log [ t1/2(s) ] a qα(mev ) t (mev) expt. glm mglm1 mglm2 cppm cppmt 171 7.7011 0.9218 -4.1549 -3.4908 -3.3518 -3.7442 -3.9665 -3.7652 172 7.5571 0.9107 -3.6364 -3.3033 -3.5380 -3.7354 -3.8178 -3.6243 173 7.4111 0.8994 -3.0969 -2.6643 -2.5327 -2.8705 -3.1276 -2.9279 174 7.2661 0.8882 -2.6990 -2.4462 -2.6902 -2.8297 -2.9492 -2.7573 175 7.1051 0.8761 -1.9957 -1.7283 -1.8488 -2.1095 -2.4407 -2.2496 176 6.9301 0.8630 -1.6467 -1.3748 -1.6321 -1.6953 -1.8640 -1.6738 177 6.7686 0.8508 -0.8246 -0.6132 -0.5042 -0.6952 -1.0459 -0.8497 178 6.6105 0.8387 -0.5237 -0.2744 -0.5467 -0.5267 -0.7492 -0.5606 179 6.3935 0.8229 0.1461 0.7478 0.5927 0.5200 0.0658 0.2534 180 6.2916 0.8142 0.7321 0.9145 0.6241 0.7394 0.4550 0.6418 181 6.3175 0.8135 1.1249 1.0050 1.0923 1.0300 0.6013 0.7944 182 6.0288 0.7930 1.8947 1.9638 1.6562 1.8607 1.5193 1.7046 183 6.0717 0.7935 1.9049 1.9747 1.8009 1.8322 1.3184 1.5035 184 5.6951 0.7672 3.4442 3.4213 3.0873 3.4225 2.9941 3.1775 185 5.8061 0.7723 2.9129 3.1016 2.9081 3.0392 2.4621 2.6457 186 5.2376 0.7327 5.7140 5.6765 5.2962 5.8501 5.2691 5.4498 187 5.2628 0.7324 7.9777 5.7360 5.7394 6.1107 5.3940 5.5811 188 4.7405 0.6945 8.7218 8.5148 8.0682 8.9273 8.1268 8.3040 189 4.6699 0.6876 9.1818 9.1566 9.3338 10.0638 9.1191 9.3085 table 2. calculated root means square standard deviation (σ) using the different models. model σ ( hg ) glm 0.5885 mglm1 0.6130 mglm2 0.5013 cppm 0.6866 cppmt 0.5949 90 95 100 105 110 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 neutron number (n) t ( m e v ) 171-189 hg figure 3. plot of the calculated temperature (t in mev) against neutron number (n) for the hg isotopes. 90 95 100 105 110 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 neutron number (n) ∆ t 1 /2 glm mglm1 mglm2 cppm cppmt figure 4. plot of the ∆t against neutron number (n) for the hg isotopes using the different models. number in figure 1. from the figure, the half-lives can be seen to increase with increase in neutron number for the hg isotopes. aside n = 107 (corresponding to a = 187), the models give very good descriptions of the half-lives. it should be noted that near double magicity of the parent nucleus 202hg (z = 80, n = 122) was suggested in ref. [28]. figure 2 shows plots of the qα values against neutron number for the hg isotopes while the calculated temperature of the hg plotted against the neutron number in figure 3. the temperature values decrease with increase in neutron number which is equivalent to increase in the half-lives. that is, the calculated temperature is inversely proportional to the α-decay half-lives. 254 w. a. yahya / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 250–256 255 the difference between the theoretical and experimental αdecay half-lives have been computed using ∆t1/2 = log10 [ t theor1/2 /t expt 1/2 ] . (32) this factor ( ∆t1/2 ) has been plotted for all the models used in this work in figure 4. it can be observed that most of the points are near zero and within ±0.5. the figure shows that the mglm2 model gives the lowest ∣∣∣∆t1/2∣∣∣ values while the cppm model gives the highest ∣∣∣∆t1/2∣∣∣ values. this agrees with the results shown in table 2. 4. conclusion in this work, the α-decay half-lives of hg isotopes in the mass range 171 ≤ a ≤ 189 have been studied using the gamowlike model (glm), modified gamow-like model (mglm1), the temperature-independent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppm), and the temperature-dependent coulomb and proximity potential model (cppmt). the prox. 2010 proximity potential has been employed for the cppm and cppmt calculations. for the set of isotopes, new parameter values were obtained through a least squares scheme using the modified gamow-like model (termed mglm2). it is shown that the modified gamow-like model (mglm2) with new local parameter values and the glm are the most suitable methods (among the methods considered here) for calculating the α-decay halflives for the hg isotopes. in general, all the models give αdecay half-lives that are in good agreement with the experimental data with the maximum standard deviation values less than 0.7. references [1] a. zdeb, m. warda & k. pomorski, “half-lives for α and cluster radioactivity within a gamow-like model”, phys. rev. c 87 (2013) 024308. 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charges in the bulk material after light absorption that enhances low loss in energy charge generation and collection were generated freely. in this research work, solar cell capacitance simulator (scaps-1d) was used to harnessing the real device hybrid perovskite (psc) solar cell with material parameters obtained from literatures and experiment used in the definition panel and the arrangement of an hybrid (fto/zno/czts/pscs/czts/htm) model in the scaps-1d simulator. from the simulated results obtained the band gap diagram and other curves were constructed. the efficiency greater than twenty percent (> 20%) was achieved, which shows that having a combination of two different absorber were achievable and calling for great attention from the researchers. keywords: sandwiched, perovskite, efficiency, band gap, harnessing article history : received: 09 april 2019 received in revised form: 22 may 2019 accepted for publication: 27 may 2019 published: 19 june 2019 c©2019 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: w. a. yahya 1. introduction the perovskite solar cells (pscs) originally came out as the result of unrelenting efforts on dssc researches. the perovskite solar cells have become a rapidly growing area of the photovoltaic world and of huge desire to the scientific community with its improvement. perovskite solar cells have attracted salient attention of the academic community since the first reported article in 2012 [1]. graphene was introduced into perovskite solar cell and an efficiency of 15.6% was obtained [2]. in 2015, 20.1% efficiency was recorded when the poly∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348062814778 ∗∗corresponding author tel. no: +2347031195750, +2348065976299 email addresses: itbello13@pgschool.lautech.edu.ng (i. t. bello ), oadedokun@lautech.edu.ng (o. adedokun) triarylamine (ptaa) was used as a new htm with another perovskite material, formamidinium iodide (hc(nh2)2pbi3) [3]. there is also a vast potency for better engineering work and effective solar cells which are anticipated to reach excess power conversion efficiency (pce) of over 20 per cent. perovskite solar cells have increased in pce at an unbelievably great rate in comparison with other solar cells. currently, the significant negative aspect of perovskite based solar cells was not known. although the life-times of the cells are not yet proved since there is no evidence to suggest that their life-time is any higher or less than that of pure organic devices. the use of lead in perovskite compound is not ideal since there is potential for a lead alternative to be used in perovskite compound instead, lead can be used in a much smaller amount than that of what is currently present in either lead or cadmium based 57 i. t. bello et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 57–61 58 batteries. finally, the optical density of the perovskite materials is yet to be fully discussed, although its optical density was still lower than other active materials but higher than that of silicon. as a result, the light-harvesting perovskite devices require thicker layers which may cause some limitations in the fabrication of a solution processed devices whereby achieving high uniformity with such thick layers will be difficult. improvement of the precursor materials for solution based perovskite deposition and associated coating and processing techniques will be a key development for any solution processed devices will ultimately yield lower production costs. although at present the best perovskite solar cells are vacuum deposited. while vacuum based processes are relatively easy to scale up, the capital equipment cost of doing so can rapidly become astronomical. to achieve a truly low cost-per-watt devices, perovskite solar cells will require to have the much heralded trio of high efficiency, long life-times and low manufacturing costs. perovskite based devices have so far demonstrated enormous potential for achieving this but have not yet been achieved for other thin film technologies [4]. there are many simulation software models used to simulate solar cells devices numerically, such as large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallel simulator (lammps), silvaco atlas, solar cell capacitance simulator (scaps) etc. in this research work, scaps software will be used to simulate a perovskite based solar cell. scaps (solar cell capacitance simulator) is a one-dimensional simulation program with seven semiconductor input layers developed by a group of photovoltaic researcher at the department of electronics and information system, university of gent, belgium [5]. 2. device structure the cell model used in the simulation is n-fto/n-zno/pczts/p-pscs/p-czts/htm. this cell structure consists of fluorine doped tin oxide (sn2o:f), as the window layer, namely, a conductive n-type zno, perovskite (ch3nh3pb3-xclx) and a cu2znsns4 (czts) which are p-type semiconductors. figure 1. shows the solar cells layers structure. the cell illuminated through the transparent conductive oxide (tco), which serves as a window layer, passes across the electron transport layer (ntype zno) which serves as a buffer layer and enters the absorber layer to the hole transport material. 3. methodology and simulations numerical simulation technique of solar cells devices has over the years proved to be a viable tool for studying and understanding the properties of solar cell devices such as the optical, electrical and mechanical properties of complex solar cell devices [5]. it also helps to reduce processing cost and time spent on solar cell device fabrication by providing useful information on how to vary the production parameters to improve the device performance [7][8]. scaps-1d simulator based its simulations on the solutions of the three basics semiconductor equations; poissons equation, continuity equation of electron and continuity equation of hole. scaps-1d software solves these three figure 1: model of sandwiched simulation structure [6]. coupled partial differential equations numerically for the electrostatic potentials electron and hole concentration as a function of positions x. poisson’s equation is given as ∂ ∂x ( � ∂ψ ∂x ) = −q �0 [ p − n + n+d − n − a + ρde f (n, p) q ] (1) where ψ is electrostatic potential, � is dielectric constant and q is an electronic charge. the first two terms in the right are free charge carriers per volume, third and fourth are ionized donor and acceptor-like dopants i.e, localized states and ρde f is defect charge density. thus, the conservation of free electrons and free holes in the device is expressed as continuity equations ∂n ∂t = − ∂jn ∂x + g − un(n, p) (2a) ∂p ∂t = − ∂jp ∂x + g − u p(n, p) (2b) where p,n – free carrier concentrations, nd,a charged dopants, ρde f (n, p)– defect distributions, jn, j−p the electron and hole current densities, un,p− the net recombination rates, gthe generation rate. scaps-1d was used in this work to harnessing the real device hybrid perovskite (psc) solar cell with material parameters defined in table 1.0 which were used in the definition panel of the scaps-1d simulator. the absorption coefficients of the materials used were determined by the simulator based on the input parameters (table 1.0) and the arrangement of the model as allowed by the scaps-1d simulator. from table 1.0, shown above, absorber layers were varied while the other parameters are kept constant. various efficiencies were generated based on the thickness variation of the absorber. all simulations in this work were performed under ambient temperature (300k). the electrical parameters (voc , js c , f f ) and efficiency generated by scaps-1d would then be used to determine the optimum thickness of the absorber layer. from, this, the j-v, c-v, c-f and q.e of the best solar cells from the simulation will be determined and the effect of sandwich in the solar cell. 58 i. t. bello et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 57–61 59 table 1: materials parameter used in simulation [7][8][9]. parameters fto zno psc czts thickness (µm) 0.5 0.05 varied varied band gap (ev) 3.5 3.35 1.55 1.55 electron affinity (ev) 4.0 4.21 3.9 4.5 dielectric constant 9 9 6.5 10 conduction band-dos nc(cm−3) 2.2.1018 2.2.1018 2.2.1018 2.2.1018 valence band-dos nv(cm−3) 1.8.1019 1.8.1019 1.8.1019 1.8.1019 electron thermal velocity (cm/s) 1.0.107 1.0.107 3.0.107 1.0.107 hole thermal velocity (cm/s) 1.0.107 1.0.107 3.0.107 1.0.107 electron mobility cm−3 · v−1 · s−1 2.0 25 1.6 100 hole mobility cm−3 · v−1 · s−1 1.0 100 0.2 20 donor density nd(cm−3) 2.0.1019 1.0.1018 0 0 acceptor density na(cm−3) 0 0 6.1018 8.22.1018 figure 2: (a) the band diagram of perovskite. (b) the band diagram of sandwiched perovskite 4. results and discussion 4.1. the bandgap diagram figure 2, show the band diagram of the sandwiched perovskite device. the band gap line up model of the simulated device of an hybrid fto/zno/czts/pscs/czts/htm was constructed from the data obtained from the scaps under the ambient temperature (300k). the band diagram of perovskite depends on the compositional variation of the component entails in the processing and synthesis of the absorber materials such as organic, metal and anion composition of the material. the band gap of the absorbing material is a crucial parameter for photovoltaic actions, as the absorber layer is the key material in any solar cell devices [10]. thus the band alignment is the type ii broken band gap with a band gap of approximately 1.55ev which is concurrent with the theoretical condition as reported by [11]. however, it was shown from figures 2a and 2b above, that the band alignment of perovskite solar cells shows single junction in the band gap while that of sandwiched perovskite band gap shows three junctions which confirmed the presence of a sandwiching materials embedded within the absorber layer. 4.2. j-v curve characteristic of simulated device j-v curves are the parameters used to determine the electrical output power of any solar cells. the j-v curve characteristic was obtained with the simulation of data in the table 1.0 was shown in figure 3 with open circuit voltage (voc) = 0.80v, short circuit current(jsc) = 25.12ma/cm2, fill factor (ff) = 49.99% and percentage conversion efficiency (pce) = 20.09% as the cell output parameters under the standard simulated sunlight of am1.5g and working conditions of ambient temperature and frequency of 106hz. 4.3. effect of variation in the sandwiched absorber layer thickness solar cell absorber layer plays an important roles in the fabrication and harnessing optimum values of the solar cell efficiencies. solar cell device performance depends solely on the electrical characteristic and variation of the absorber thickness. thereby this research simulation work tries to fix out the effect 59 i. t. bello et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 57–61 60 figure 3: sandwich i-v curve characteristic of the combination of czts absorber layer and organometallic (perovskite) layer, embedded in one solar cell. it was observed that the short circuit current and percentage conversion efficiency of the sandwiched absorber solar cell were 25.12ma/cm2 and 20.09% which are higher than the simulated perovskite device output in this work. from figure 4, it was observed that figure 4: pscs and sandwiched pce against thickness at 200 nm the efficiency of perovskite is around 15.2% while that of sandwiched perovskite was greater than 16.15% efficiency. also, at 250 nm the efficiencies of 16.52% and 17.58% were of observed for perovskite and sandwiched perovskite respectively. at 300 nm, an efficiency of 17.51% was observed for perovskite solar cell while 18.57% was observed for sandwiched perovskite. however, 18.24% and 19.48% efficiencies were observed at 350 nm for both perovskite and sandwiched perovskite solar cells respectively. lastly, at 400 nm the efficiency of perovskite was observed to be 18.79% and that of sandwiched perovskite was around 20.09%. thus, the apprefigure 5: pscs and sandwiched qe against wavelength ciable increment in the efficiencies values of sandwiched perovskite has shown the positive effects of sandwiching absorber layer the solar cells. 4.4. quantum efficiency of the solar cell the quantum efficiency is the ratio of the number of carriers collected by the solar cell to the number of photons of a given energy incident on the solar cell. however, quantum efficiency is the fraction of the excited carriers that combine radiatively to the total recombination. figure 5 is the q.e plot against the wavelength which showed that more than 90% of the wavelength between 300 nm and 890 nm radiatively recombine and less than 10% of such wavelength recombined through other processes (auger and srh). the results implied that, at the 400nm thickness, sandwiched layer absorbs almost all the incident photons to create the electron-hole pairs and the photogenerated carriers are almost separated and transported to the hole transport materials and electron transport material by the built-in field with minimum recombination. therefore it can be considered that higher thickness is the optimal length of photovoltaic action. the quantum efficiency may be given either as a function of wavelength or as energy. figure 5, showed that sandwiched layer can absorb incident photons up to 800nm, which implied that sandwiched absorber layer can perform better than perovskite layer which can only absorb photons around 750nm because of the higher the wavelength the lower photon energy. 5. conclusion in conclusion, perovskite and sandwiched perovskite-based solar cell has been successfully simulated using one-dimensional solar cell capacitance simulator (scaps-1d). the output results of the simulation were recorded and plotted across the thickness variation of the absorber layers which varies from 60 i. t. bello et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 57–61 61 200nm to 400nm. it was found out that the higher the absorber thickness the higher the efficiencies and other electrical parameters output in the solar cell. the efficiencies of 18.79% and 20.09% were recorded for the perovskite and sandwiched perovskite-based solar cells respectively. acknowledgments the authors would like to appreciate prof. marc. burgelman and his co-researchers at the university of gents, belgium for making scaps-1d available for use. one of the authors also thanks the tetfund for grant used in this work and others. the authors also thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped them in making improvements to this paper. references [1] m. m. lee, j. 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[4], abolarin et al. [5], kuboye et. al [6], omar & kuboye [7], adeyefa [8], abdullahi et al. [9], adeniyi & mohammed [10], olabode [11], adesanya et al.[12], omar & suleiman [13] 218 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 219 and familua & omole [14]. specifically, numerical methods for solving equation (1) were proposed by omar and kuboye[15], areo and omole[16] and mohammed[17]. these current methods solved directly equation (1) but its accuracy in terms of error can still be improved. therefore, this paper examines the derivation and implementation of the efficient numerical algorithm for solving fourth order ordinary differential equations directly and it focuses on improving the accuracy of the existing methods. 2. methodology this section considers derivation of block methods for direct solution of fourth order odes. 2.1. derivation of first block method(fbm) power series approximate solution of the form y(x) = k+5∑ j=0 a j x j (2) is used as interpolating polynomial where k=5.the fourth derivative of equation(2) gives: yiv(x) = k+5∑ j=4 j( j − 1)( j − 2)( j − 3)a j x j−4 (3) equation (2) is interpolated at x = xn+i, i = 0(1)2 and 5 2 and equation (3) is collocated at x = xn+i, i = 0(1)5 and 5 2 . interpolation and collocation equations are combined together to give a non-linear system of equations of the form: k+5∑ j=0 a j x j n+i = yn+i k+5∑ j=4 j( j − 1)( j − 2)( j − 3)a j x j−4 n+i = fn+i (4) the unknown variables a′j s in (4) are gotten with the use of gaussian elimination approach which are substituted into equation (2) and this yields a continuous implicit scheme of the form k−3∑ j=0 α j(t)yn+ j + α 5 2 yn+ 52 = h 4 k∑ j=0 β j(t) fn+ j + h 4λ 5 2 fn+ 52 (5) where t = x−xn+k−1h  α0(t) α1(t) α2(t) α 5 2 (t)  =  −9 5 −27 10 −13 10 −1 5 8 34 3 5 2 3 −18 45 2 17 2 1 64 5 208 15 24 5 8 15   t0 t1 t2 t3  (6) 219 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 220  β0(t) β1(t) β2(t) β 5 2 (t) β3(t) β4(t) β5(t)  = t  t0 t1 t2 t3 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10  (7) where t =  297000 290304000 404694 290304000 75279 290304000 −102185 290304000 72576 290304000 36288 290304000 −2880 290304000 −7200 290304000 −2080 290304000 −192 290304000 3441528 11612160 5154498 11612160 2433933 11612160 323717 11612160 32256 11612160 15232 11612160 −1728 11612160 −3072 11612160 −800 11612160 −64 11612160 6797304 5806080 10732194 5806080 5745021 5806080 1207573 5806080 −145152 5806080 −6048 5806080 10944 5806080 12384 5806080 2720 5806080 192 5806080 560520 2268000 690174 2268000 419859 2268000 267195 2268000 −129024 2268000 −46592 2268000 11520 2268000 9600 2268000 1920 2268000 128 2268000 1716984 5806080 3760866 5806080 3494877 5806080 153384 5806080 −290304 5806080 −72576 5806080 27072 5806080 16704 5806080 3040 5806080 192 5806080 187272 11612160 129150 11612160 −353709 11612160 −650629 11612160 −169344 11612160 −3136 11612160 20160 11612160 7392 11612160 1120 11612160 64 11612160 428760 290304000 508266 290304000 −76719 290304000 −322779 290304000 290304 290304000 266112 290304000 118080 290304000 2880 290304000 3680 290304000 192 290304000  the coefficient of first and higher derivatives of (5) give α′0(t) α′1(t) α′2(t) α′5 2 (t)  =  27 10 26 10 −6 10 34 3 30 3 6 3 45 2 34 2 −6 2 208 15 144 15 124 15  1 h (8) 220 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 221  β′0 β′1 β′2 β′5 2 β′3(t) β′4(t) β′5(t)  = s  t0 t1 t2 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9  (9) where s =  −134898 96768000 −50186 96768000 102185 96768000 −120960 96768000 −72576 96768000 6720 96768000 19200 96768000 6240 96768000 640 96768000 5154498 11612160 4867866 11612160 971151 11612160 161280 11612160 91392 11612160 −12096 11612160 −24576 11612160 −7200 11612160 −640 11612160 3577398 1935360 3830014 1935360 1207573 1935360 −241920 1935360 −120960 1935360 25536 1935360 33024 1935360 8160 1935360 640 1935360 690174 2268000 839718 2268000 801585 2268000 −645120 2268000 −2795520 2268000 80640 2268000 76800 2268000 17280 2268000 1280 2268000 1253622 1935360 2329918 1935360 1533845 1935360 −483840 1935360 −145152 1935360 63168 1935360 44544 1935360 9120 1935360 640 1935360 −129150 11612160 707418 11612160 1951887 11612160 846720 11612160 18816 11612160 −141120 11612160 −59136 11612160 −10080 11612160 −640 11612160 169422 96768000 −51146 96768000 −322775 96768000 4838405 96768000 532224 96768000 275520 96768000 76800 96768000 11040 96768000 640 96768000   α′′0 (t) α′′1 (t) α′′2 (t) α′′5 2 (t)  =  13 5h2 −6 5h2 10 h2 4 h2 17 h2 −6 h2 48 5h2 16 5h2   t0 t1  (10) 221 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 222  β′′0 (t) β′′1 (t) β′′2 (t) β′′5 2 (t) β′′3 (t) β′′4 (t) β′′5 (t)  = u  t0 t1 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8  (11) where u =  −25093 48384000 102185 48384000 −241920 48384000 −181440 48384000 20160 48384000 67200 48384000 24960 48384000 2880 48384000 811311 1935360 323717 1935360 107520 1935360 76160 1935360 −12096 1935360 −28672 1935360 −9600 1935360 −960 1935360 1915007 967680 1207573 967680 −483840 967680 −302400 967680 76608 967680 11558 967680 32640 967680 2880 967680 139953 378000 267195 378000 −430080 378000 −232960 378000 80640 378000 89600 378000 23040 378000 1920 378000 1164959 967680 1533845 967680 −967680 967680 −362880 967680 18950 967680 155904 967680 36480 967680 2880 967680 117903 1935360 650629 1935360 564480 1935360 15680 1935360 −141120 1935360 −68992 1935360 −13440 1935360 −960 1935360 −25573 48384000 −322775 48384000 967680 48384000 1330560 48384000 826560 48384000 268800 48384000 44160 48384000 2880 48384000   α′′′0 (t) α′′′1 (t) α′′′2 (t) α′′′5 2 (t)  =  −6 5 4 −6 16 5  t0 (12)  β′′′0 (t) β′′′1 (t) β′′′2 (t) β′′′5 2 (t) β′′′3 (t) β′′′4 (t) β′′′5 (t)  = v  t0 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7  (13) 222 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 223 where v =  20437 9676800 −14515 9676800 −145152 9676800 20160 9676800 80640 9676800 3494 9676800 4608 9676800 323717 967680 322560 967680 304640 967680 −60480 967680 −172032 967680 −67200 967680 −7680 967680 1207573 967680 −1451520 967680 −1209600 967680 383040 967680 69350 967680 228480 967680 23040 967680 −53439 75600 258048 75600 186368 75600 −80640 75600 −107520 75600 −32256 75600 −3072 75600 1533845 967680 −2903040 967680 −1451520 967680 947520 967680 935424 967680 255360 967680 23040 967680 650629 1935360 1935360 1693440 62720 1935360 −705600 1935360 −413952 1935360 −94080 1935360 −7680 1935360 −64555 9676800 580608 9676800 1064448 9676800 826560 9676800 322560 9676800 61824 9676800 4608 9676800  discrete schemes and its derivatives are derived by evaluating (5) as well as its derivatives at grid points and non-grid points which are used to form the block yn+1 yn+2 yn+ 52 yn+3 yn+4 yn+5  =  1 1 1 1 1 1  [ yn ] +  1 2 5 2 3 4 5  [ hy′n ] +  1 2 2 25 8 9 2 8 25 2  [ h2y′′n ] +  1 6 4 3 125 48 9 2 32 3 125 6  [ h3y′′′n ] + h4  0 0 0 0 0 579232268000 0 0 0 0 0 1967670875 0 0 0 0 0 1075412518579456 0 0 0 0 0 5850956000 0 0 0 0 0 18534470875 0 0 0 0 0 478759072   fn−4 fn−3 fn− 52 fn−2 fn−1 fn  + h4  413 10368 −8977 90720 9292 70875 −2279 36288 29 3780 −6593 9072000 428 567 −122 81 140288 70875 −2672 2835 4 35 764 70875 33640625 18579456 −30109375 9289728 89375 20736 −19109375 9289728 171875 688128 −437875 18579456 16137 4480 3267 560 6948 875 −243 64 207 448 −4887 112000 28928 2835 −7936 567 1441792 70875 −27136 2835 32 27 −7936 70875 1609375 72576 −484375 18144 23500 567 −671875 36288 15625 6048 −2375 10368   fn+1 fn+2 fn+ 52 fn+3 fn+4 fn+5  (14) 2.2. derivation of second block method(sbm) equation(2) is interpolated at x = xn+i, i = 0(1)2 and 9 4 and equation(3) is collocated at x = xn+i, i = 0(1)5 and 9 4 . the same steps used in deriving the first block method are also employed and this produces the block method 223 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 224  yn+1 yn+2 yn+ 94 yn+3 yn+4 yn+5  = [ yn ] +  1 2 9 4 3 4 5  [ hy′n ] +  1 2 2 81 32 9 2 8 25 2  [ h2y′′n ] +  1 6 4 3 243 128 9 2 32 3 125 6  [ h3y′′′n ] + h4  0 0 0 0 0 690432721600 0 0 0 0 0 1169642525 0 0 0 0 0 11919084392936012800 0 0 0 0 0 57935600 0 0 0 0 0 220168505 0 0 0 0 0 568625108864   fn−4 fn−3 fn−94 fn−2 fn−1 fn  + h4  76921 1814400 −1139 6480 594688 3274425 −6749 181440 7421 1270080 −11717 19958400 11248 14175 −7558 2835 8978432 3274425 −1576 2835 344 3969 −1352 155925 3705501897 2936012800 −169057287 41943040 229379121 55193600 −247763043 293601280 540947889 4110417920 −425211849 32296140800 84159 22400 −2349 224 148224 13475 −5031 2240 1377 3920 −8667 246400 150272 14175 −10496 405 8388608 297675 −15872 2835 17888 19845 −256 2835 1668125 72576 −115625 2268 7520000 130977 −378125 36288 509375 254016 −147625 798336   fn+1 fn+2 fn+ 94 fn+3 fn+4 fn+5  (15) 3. analysis of the method properties of the methods are examined in this section. 3.1. order of block methods in finding the order of the block methods,the method proposed by lambert[3] is employed whereby taylor series expansion are used in expanding the y and f-functions and by further comparing the coefficients of h,this gives the block methods to be of order [7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]t . 3.2. zero-stability a linear multi-step method is said to be zero-stable if the roots rs, s=1,2,..., n(grid and non grid points) of the first characteristics polynomial defined by p(r) = det(ra ′ − b ′ ) satisfy |rs| < 1 and the root |r| = 1 having multiplicity not exceeding one.(lambert [3]) where a ′ =  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  224 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 225 , b ′ =  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1  therefore r=0,0,0,0,0,1. hence the zero-stability of first block method is confirmed which is also applied to the second block method. 3.3. convergence according to awoyemi[1], equation(5) converges if it is zero-stable and consistent.this implies that the developed methods converged. 4. test problems the following fourth order initial value problems[i.v.p] are solved in order to examine the accuracy of the methods problem 1: yiv = x, y(0) = 0, y ′ (0) = 1, y ′′ (0) = y ′′′ = 0, h = 0.1 e xactsolution : y(x) = x 5 120 + x source: mohammed[17] problem 2: yiv − y = 0, y(0) = 1, y ′ (0) = 0, y ′′ (0) = −2, y ′′′ (0) = 0, h = 1320 e xactsolution : y(x) = −14 e x − 1 4 e −x + 32 cos(x) source: areo and omole[16] problem 3: yiv = (y ′ )2 − yy ′′′ − 4x2 + ex(1 − 4x + x2), y(0) = 1, y ′ (0) = 1, y ′′ (0) = 3, y ′′′ (0) = 1, h = 0.132 e xactsolution : y(x) = x2 + ex source: familua and omole [14] the following acronyms are used in the tables below es exact solution cs computed solution fbm – first block method 225 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 226 sbm – second block method eim[17] error in mohammed[17] eiao[16]error in areo and omole[16] eiok [15]error in omar and kuboye[15] eifbm error in first block method eisbm error in second block method eifo [14] error in familua and omole [14] table 1. es and cs of fbm for problem 1 x es cs 0.1 0.100000083333333340 0.100000083333333340 0.2 0.200002666666666690 0.200002666666666690 0.3 0.300020250000000040 0.300020250000000040 0.4 0.400085333333333350 0.400085333333333400 0.5 0.500260416666666650 0.500260416666666760 0.6 0.600647999999999960 0.600648000000000070 0.7 0.701400583333333330 0.701400583333333550 0.8 0.802730666666666700 0.802730666666666700 0.9 0.904920750000000050 0.904920750000000160 1.0 1.008333333333333300 1.008333333333333500 table 2. es and cs of sbm for problem 1 x es cs 0.1 0.100000083333333340 0.100000083333333340 0.2 0.200002666666666690 0.200002666666666690 0.3 0.300020250000000040 0.300020250000000100 0.4 0.400085333333333350 0.400085333333333400 0.5 0.500260416666666650 0.500260416666666650 0.6 0.600647999999999960 0.600648000000000070 0.7 0.701400583333333330 0.701400583333333220 0.8 0.802730666666666700 0.802730666666666810 0.9 0.904920750000000050 0.904920750000000160 1.0 1.008333333333333300 1.008333333333333300 5. discussion of results in tables 1 and 2, exact and computed solutions of fbm and sbm for solving problem 1 are shown. table 3 reveals the efficiency of these block methods (eisbm and eisbm) as compared favourably with eim[17] and eiok[15]. furthermore, exact and computed solutions of the newly developed block table 3. comparison of eifbm and eisbm with eim[17] and eiok[15] for solving problem 1 x eifbm eisbm eim(2010) eiok(2016) 0.1 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 7.000024e-10 1.002087e-12 0.2 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 8.9999912-10 0.000000e+00 0.3 0.0000000e+00 5.5511151e-17 2.599993e-09 0.000000e+00 0.4 5.5511151e-17 5.5511151e-17 5.100033e-09 0.000000e+00 0.5 1.1102230e-16 0.0000000e+00 7.799979e-09 1.002087e-12 0.6 1.1102230e-16 1.1102230e-16 1.180009e-08 2.755907e-12 0.7 2.2204460e-16 1.1102230e-16 1.180009e-08 3.507306e-12 0.8 0.0000000e+00 1.1102230e-16 1.410006e-08 3.507306e-12 0.9 1.1102230e-16 1.1102230e-16 1.880000e-08 4.175549e-12 1.0 2.2204460e-16 0.0000000e+00 1.008335e-08 4.759970e-12 table 4. es and cs of fbm for problem 2 x es cs 0.0031250 1.000009765628973500 1.000009765628973700 0.0062500 1.000039062563578400 1.000039062563578400 0.0093750 1.000087890946866900 1.000087890946867100 0.0125000 1.000156251017263000 1.000156251017263500 0.0156250 1.000244143108567400 1.000244143108567400 0.0187500 1.000351567649961900 1.000351567649962400 0.0218750 1.000478525166021100 1.000478525166021300 0.0250000 1.000625016276719800 1.000625016276719600 0.0281250 1.000791041697446400 1.000791041697446800 0.0312500 1.000976602239017000 1.000976602239017000 table 5. es and cs of sbm for problem 2 x es cs 0.0031250 1.000009765628973500 1.000009765628973900 0.0062500 1.000039062563578400 1.000039062563578400 0.0093750 1.000087890946866900 1.000087890946866900 0.0125000 1.000156251017263000 1.000156251017263500 0.0156250 1.000244143108567400 1.000244143108567100 0.0187500 1.000351567649961900 1.000351567649962100 0.0218750 1.000478525166021100 1.000478525166021100 0.0250000 1.000625016276719800 1.000625016276719600 0.0281250 1.000791041697446400 1.000791041697445900 0.0312500 1.000976602239017000 1.000976602239017200 table 6. comparison of eifbm and eisbm with eiao[16] for solving problem 2 x eifbm eisbm eiao (2015) 0.0031250 2.2204460e-016 4.4408921e-016 4.440892e-16 0.0062500 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 2.176037e-14 0.0093750 2.2204460e-016 0.0000000e+000 .771916e-13 0.0125000 4.4408921e-016 4.4408921e-016 7.666090e-13 0.0156250 0.0000000e+000 2.2204460e-016 2.367773e-12 0.0187500 4.4408921e-016 2.2204460e-016 5.932477e-12 0.0218750 2.2204460e-016 0.0000000e+000 1.287681e-11 0.0250000 2.2204460e-016 2.2204460e-016 2.517841e-11 0.0281250 4.4408921e-016 4.4408921e-016 4.546752e-11 0.0312500 0.0000000e+000 2.2204460e-016 7.712331e-11 ’ table 7. es and cs of fbm for problem 3 x es cs 0.103125 1.119264744787591900 1.119264744969084200 0.206250 1.271599493198048500 1.271599504741302500 0.306250 1.452110907065013100 1.452111029006491400 0.406250 1.666216862500122800 1.666217515460942200 0.506250 1.915347109920916500 1.915349507140536000 0.603125 2.191581593606204900 2.191588302867649500 0.703125 2.514440293333696500 2.514456732090109900 0.803125 2.877516387746607200 2.877551937602963200 0.903125 3.282936158805099100 3.283006004031709900 1.003125 3.733049511495175400 3.733176679391747100 226 kuboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 218–227 227 table 8. es and cs of sbm for problem 3 x es cs 0.103125 1.119264744787591900 1.119264744966372600 0.206250 1.271599493198048500 1.271599504536039800 0.306250 1.452110907065013100 1.452111026692671300 0.406250 1.666216862500122800 1.666217502634746300 0.506250 1.915347109920916500 1.915349459022614800 0.603125 2.191581593606204900 2.191588166231517800 0.703125 2.514440293333696500 2.514456393591375100 0.803125 2.877516387746607200 2.880551715825508700 0.903125 3.282936158805099100 3.283004543615038400 1.003125 3.733049511495175400 3.733174005515217600 table 9. comparison of eifbm and eisbm with eifo [14] for solving problem 3 x eifbm eisbm eifo[14] 0.103125 1.8149238e-010 1.7878077e-010 9.02145880e-10 0.206250 1.1543254e-008 1.1337991e-008 1.216821428e-09 0.306250 1.2194148e-007 1.1962766e-007 1.21681228e-09 0.406250 6.5296082e-007 6.4013462e-007 1.713796095e-09 0.506250 2.3972196e-006 2.3491017e-006 1.481970916e-08 0.603125 6.7092614e-006 6.5726253e-006 3.058338503e-08 0.703125 1.6438756e-005 1.6100258e-005 4.941858156e-08 0.803125 3.5549856e-005 3.5007632e-005 7.128679089e-08 0.903125 6.9845227e-005 6.8384810e-005 1.058773080e-07 1.003125 1.2716790e-004 1.2449402e-004 1.445520074e-07 methods for the solution of problems 2 and 3 are demonstrated in tables 4, 5, 7 and 8. these methods outperform method proposed by areo and omole [16] in terms of accuracy. in addition, the performance of these methods in solving problem 3 is not encouraging as the accuracy is lower when the comparison is made with eifo [14]. however, the capability of these methods in solving the nonlinear equation is established in table 9. finally, it is evident in tables 3, 6 and 9 that sbm is better than fbm in solving fourth order odes. 6. conclusion in this paper, new numerical algorithms for solving fourth order initial value problems of odes via multistep collocation approach were developed. the use of approximated power series as a basis function and its fourth derivatives as collocating equation were considered. the derived methods are efficient in the solution of fourth order odes as depicted in tables 3, 6 and 9. the accuracy of these numerical models is found better compared with some of the existing methods in terms of error. hence, fbm and sbm are viable numerical methods for solving fourth order initial value problems. acknowledgments we thank the referees and editor for the creative comments in making improvements to this paper. references [1] d. a. awoyemi, “class of continuous methods for general second order initial value problems in ordinary differential equations”, international journal of computer mathematics 72 (2009) 29. 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[17] u. mohammed, “a six step block method for solution of fourth order ordinary differential equations”, the pacific journal of science and technology 11 (2010) 259. 227 j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 116–120 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences characterizations of galena as potential photosensitizer in a natural dye-sensitized solar cell akinsola samson ibukuna,b,∗, alabi aderemi babatundea, adedayo kayode seunc, nicola coppeded a department of physics, university of ilorin, ilorin, nigeria. b crown-hill university, eiyenkorin, kwara state, nigeria. c department of physics, university of maiduguri, nigeria. d institute of materials for electronics and magnetism, parma, italy. abstract dye is one of the principal parts for high power conversion efficiency in a dye-sensitized solar cell. conspicuous developments have taken place via the work of several researchers in engineering of novel dye structures so as to enhance the performance of the system. the properties of a natural mineral dye were studied in this work. the structure of the dye was determined and discovered to have contains constituents which could enhance better absorption of solar radiation for use in a dye-sensitized solar cell (dssc). the lead sulphide and iron content of the mineral dye studied as revealed by the x-ray diffraction analysis done suggest this. the x-ray fluorescence (xrf) done revealed that the concentration of lead and iron (fe) is high as compared to other elements present in the material, probably as a result of the fact that it is a geological sample (of the earth) and which may even suggest its colour and hence makes it absorbs solar radiation of visible region at its wavelength (around 380 nm – 800 nm). the functional groups present in the dye as obtained from the fourier transform infrared spectroscopy are the amine, carbonyl and the hydroxyl groups, all which confirms the suitability of the dye material in photosensitizing a semiconductor in a dssc. the absorption spectra of the dye within the visible region of electromagnetic radiation shows that the material has high, increased and stable absorption of visible light which is suggesting a more durable natural dye for a dssc than the easily degraded natural dyes of plants source. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.184 keywords: galena, mineral, dyes, photosensitizers. article history : received: 26 march 2021 received in revised form: 07 may 2021 accepted for publication: 08 may 2021 published: 29 may 2021 ©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348166602544 email addresses: siakinsola711@gmail.com (akinsola samson ibukun ), remi050970@gmail.com (alabi aderemi babatunde), kphysicsq@gmail.com (adedayo kayode seun), nicola.coppede@gmail.com (nicola coppede) 1. introduction as at the end of 2017, roughly 1.8% of the globe electrical energy came from solar photovoltaics (pv ), which has a vital prospect to have a key role in all major future energy matters with an installed capacity of about 5 terawatts by 2050 [1]. dye-sensitized solar cell (dssc) has its genesis from the 116 dawodu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 116–120 117 suggestion of o’regan and gratzel and was classified as the third generation of photovoltaic devices for the conversion of visible light into electrical energy [2]. since the advent of dyesensitized solar cells (dsscs) in 1991, extensive researches are seriously ongoing on it as an alternative to silicon-based solar cells, and even the thin film solar cells; owing to their simple structure, transparency, flexibility and low production cost. regardless of these advantages, the low efficiency of dssc when compared to the long-ranged silicon-based cells is a limitation to their commercial implementation [3]. currently, dssc has the potential of converting photons from sunlight to electrical energy at an efficiency of 13%, according to [4]. a concerted and intensive effort is being put towards the optimization of various components of dssc with the aim of fabricating more efficient and stable cells. dyesensitized solar cells which are liquid-based consist of a fluorine doped tin oxide frontcontact (fto) on glass, nanoparticle photoanode covered in a monolayer of sensitizing dye, a hole conducting electrolyte, and finally graphite or platinum coated fto counter electrode (back contact). in dye-sensitized solar cells, the dye is one of the key components for high conversion efficiencies of power. in recent time, obvious progress has been achieved in the engineering of novel dye structures in order to enhance the performance of the system. for a while, ruthenium based organic complexes have been the most stable and effective dyes used for dsscs. as a result, that these dyes are characterized by its toxicity, relatively expensive, and difficult method of synthesis, increasing activities for using natural dyes have been reported [5]. in particular, the amphiphilic homologues of the pioneering rutheniumbased n-3 dye have beendeveloped. these dyes show several merits when put side by side with the n-3 dye such as: a higher ground state pka of the binding moiety which increases electrostatic binding onto the titanium dioxide surface at lower ph values, the decreased charge on the dye reducing the electrostatic repulsion between adsorbed dye units and hence increasing the dye loading, the oxidation potential of these dyes is shifted cathodically compared to that of the n-3 sensitizer, which increases the reversibility of the ruthenium iii/ii couple, and finally lead to enhanced stability. [4] stated that the sensitizers which are currently used in production of solar cells are transition metal coordination complexes like ruthenium (ii) carboxylated polypyridyl complexes, because of their high charge-transfer absorption within the entire visible range of electromagnetic radiation and highly efficient metal-ligand charge transfer transition (mlct). however, natural dyes are better desired than these synthetic dyes because of being more economical, easily attainable, abundant in supply and environmentally friendly. also, they invariably have large absorption coefficient due to allowed π to π * transitions. these pigments are derived from various figure 1: absorption spectra of galena dye plant parts such as flower petals, leaves, roots and fruits pulp/bark. therelatively quick degradation of even the natural dyes obtained from plants as compared with the metal coordination complexes calls for considering of an alternative natural dye with cost effectiveness and good stability. natural dye can be categorized into biological and mineral dyes. the biological are the ones obtained from plants while mineral dyes are from natural minerals ofthe earth. in this study, dye obtained from natural mineral; galena was characterized and the suitability in absorbing solar radiation for excitation of electrons in generating electricity via a dssc is considered. 2. materials and method rock-like mineral; galena, was obtained from a community market around the location of study, ilorin, nigeria (lat. 8.49280 n, long. 4.59620 e). the natural substance was grinded with an electric industrial grinder into a powder. the dye was separately extracted from the powder using an organic solvent (isopropyl alcohol). the structural property of the dye was studied by carrying out x-ray diffraction (xrd). the quantitative analyses of the dyes were done using the x-ray fluorescence (xrf) technique, to obtain the elemental composition of the dyes. the functional groups present 4 in the dyes were determined using the fourier transform infrared (ftir)spectroscopy. the absorption spectra of the dye was studied within the visible region of the electromagnetic radiation and it was done using the uv-visible spectrophotometer. 3. results and discussion 3.1. optical properties absorption of electromagnetic radiation is the process by which certain energy is being taken up with photon by matter. the absorption spectra of galena dye is given in figure 1. electromagnetic spectrum comprises of radio wave, infrared, visible light, region (about 380 nm – 800nm), since 117 dawodu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 116–120 118 figure 2: absorption spectra of ruthenium-based dye, n-719 (product no. 703214). source: [6] the dye is being studied as a potential photosensitizer in a dye-sensitized solar cell (dssc) which absorbs solar radiation within the visible region of the electromagnetic radiation. it was observed (from figure 1) that the dye has absorption of solar radiation within the visible region. considering figure 2, the absorption of solar radiation, based on the absorbance value of a typical ruthenium-based dye (a synthetic dye) is just a little higher than that of the mineral dye; which shows a promising substitute to the relatively expensive synthetic dye. it is indeed a potential photosensitizer in a dssc, as substitute to dyes of plants sources.in addition, galena is a natural semiconducting material with an energy gap of about 0.4ev. indeed, it’s a strong absorber of solar radiation. the dye extract exhibited a strong absorption broad band in the visible region with a peak at around 408 nm (absorbance value of 0.2424 a.u. inferably, very little composition of the dye for absorbing the electromagnetic radiation was present. further work can still be considered on solvents or process of making the galena powder well dissolved for a uniform analysis by the uv-vis spectroscopy. galena is fundamentally a lead ore i.e.; lead sulphide and lead is metal. this intense absorption in the visible region has been reported for anthocyanin and is the reason for the efficient harvesting of photons in natural dssc. anthocyanins are group of naturally occurring phenolic compounds responsible for the colour of many flowers and fruit.ruthenium-based dye exhibit ligand-centered charge transfer (lcct) transitions (π -π*) as well as metal-to-ligand charge transfer (mlct) transitions (4d π*) that can be observed in the absorption spectra of n-719 dye (figure 2). the absorption bands at lower energiesrepresent the mlct transitions (λ1 and λ2) whereas the more energetically demanding transitions (λ3 and λ4) correspond to lcct transitions. promotion of an electron from π – bonding orbital to an antibonding π orbital* is denoted by π π* transition. section of molecules which can undergo such detectable electron transitions can be referred to asch table 1: elemental composition of galena elements concentration ca < 411.684 sc < 78.741 ti 263.183 ± 50.390 ppm v < 203.917 cr < 141.133 mn < 38.203 fe 965.357 ± 44.279 ppm ni 318.054 ±36.217ppm cu 345.412 ± 21.042ppm zn 141.191 ± 11.137ppm ga 490.431 ± 40.761 ppm pb 3690.413 ± 462.395 ppm se 188.198 ± 32.007 ppm br < 412.070 rb < 26.176 sr < 30.008 y < 1220.770 -romophores since such transitions absorb electromagnetic radiation (light), which may hypothetically be perceived as colour somewhere in the electromagnetic spectrum. the absorption spectra of galena dye given in figure 1 shows absorption bands (408 nm and around 573 nm) at more energetically demanding transitions which is close to lccttransitions within the visible region, hence favoring a good absorption of solar radiation for the operation of a solar cell. 3.2. quantitative analysis the elemental composition of the galena dye was summarized in table 1. from the analysis it was observed that the elements with the prominent concentrations in the dye material are lead (pb) and iron (fe) with 3690.413 ppm and 965.357 ppm respectively. the high concentration of pb and fe in the sample could be as a result of the fact that it has its source from the earth (being a natural mineral). also, the iron concentration in the dye material could be responsible for its lustrous black colour (see figure 3) which could eventually favours it high absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the visible region. although iron (fe), copper (cu), silver (ag) etc. are naturally parts of the common impurities of galena ore. the results discussed under the optical properties and as seen in table 2 justify this fact and also as revealed by the result given by the xrd pattern. colours in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. these colours absorb at different wavelengths of light (table 2), which in turn carry different magnitude of energy.the ma118 dawodu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 116–120 119 figure 3: image of galena (source:[7]) table 2: corresponding wavelength of colour in the visible region elements concentration red 622-780 orange 597-622 yellow 577-597 green 492-577 blue 455-492 violet 390-455 terial being considered has a colour close to the ones within the wavelength range of 390 nm – 577 nm, as it is in table 2. 3.3. fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (ftir) analysis of the dye an ftir spectrum of the galena dye is shown in figure 4. the functional groupspresent in an organic dye responsible for the absorption of solar radiation are actually the amine, hydroxyl and the carbonyl groups. in addition to the high absorption coefficient in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, the presence of hydroxyl and carbonyl anchoring groups in the dye as revealed by the stretching vibrations at 2883.1 cm−1, 2933.4 cm−1, 2970.7 cm−1 and 1654.9 cm−1 respectively will enable their adsorption unto the surface of semiconductor to be used in a dssc. the presence of the aminegroup in the dye is revealed by the vibration at 3332.2 cm−1. the absorption bands for bending vibrations are typically found in the fingerprint region (1400 – 600 cm−1). these vibrations correspond to the likely metalbonded compounds present in the region which characterfigure 4: ft-ir spectra of galena dye figure 5: xrd pattern of galena sample obtained for an organic dye ization carried out using the x-ray diffraction (xrd) technique revealed. 3.4. 3.4 x-ray diffraction characterization the dye material was subjected to x-ray diffraction. the xrd pattern obtained for the dye was given in figure 5. the 2θ peak values considered are as follows: 26.00, 30.10, 43.10 and 52.50 corresponding to diffraction from planes (1 1 1), (2 0 0), (2 2 0) and (3 1 1) respectively for the galena. the xrd patterns confirms the presence of lead sulphide, in the dye material, as thismatches with the jcpds card no. [05-0592]. it is confirmed to be of face-centeredcubic crystal. the multiple peaks obtained from the x-ray diffraction point to the fact that it is also polycrystalline. the crystal plane (2 0 0) is the prominently seen in the xrd pattern. this is in agreement with the report of [8]. the prominent peak in the xrd pattern corresponds to the galena, (pbs) mineral in the galena ore sample as other mineralogical content of the ore could be sphalerite (zns), pyrite (fes2), chalcopyrite (cufes2), etc. the confirmed pbs, a semiconducting material, in the galena ore actually makes it a potential absorber / good photosensitizer in a natural dssc. 119 dawodu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 116–120 120 4. conclusion this research focuses on the properties of a mineral dye which make it suitable as a potential photosensitizer in a dyesensitized solar cell (dssc). the dye, though from a material being used for different purposes, among which is cosmetics in some part of africa for decades, is discovered to possess, through the characterizations carried out, tendencies of being a good absorber of solar radiation in the visible region of electromagnetic radiation. this is expected to yield an improved power conversion efficiency of the cell. references [1] a. le donne, t. vanira & b. simona, "new earth-abundant thin filmsolar cells based on chalcogenides", frontiers in chemistry. 7 (2019) 1. 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[1, 2]. as part of awareness campaigns, different kinds of precautions have been suggested towards preventing mosquito’s bite. some of the precautions that can be taken are: to keep home, environment and surrounding clean, to remove all stagnant water and containers, to cover all containers properly to prevent ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348160559365 email address: felyak_e@yahoo.co.uk (felix yakubu eguda ) dengue mosquito breeding there, to use mosquito repellents to avoid mosquito bite, to use mosquitoes net around bed while sleeping etc. [1]. different studies have shown the importance of mathematical approaches in understanding dengue disease transmission and evaluating the effectiveness and/or costeffectiveness of control strategies [1]. in recent years, the field of public health has benefited tremendously from the use of mathematical models to study the spread of infectious disease. most epidemiological models are represented using systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations [3]. differential transformation method is a semi-analytical method of solving both linear and nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations (ode) to obtain approximate series solutions. this method which was derived from the taylor’s series expansion has been used to solve problems in mathematics and physics [4], fractional differentialalgebraic equations [5], fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations [6], fractional-order integrodifferential equations [7], differential equation [8] and problems in epidemic models [9]. 82 eguda et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 82–87 83 2. materials and methods 2.1. model formulation two populations consisting of human and vector population will be considered in this work. the model sub-divides these populations into a number of mutually-exclusive compartments, as given below. the total population of human and vectors is divided into the following mutually exclusive epidemiological classes, namely, susceptible humans ( s h (t) ), humans with dengue in latent stage ( e1 (t)), humans with dengue ( i1 (t) ), humans treated of dengue ( r1 (t) ), susceptible vectors ( s v (t) ), vectors with latent dengue ( ev (t) ), vectors with dengue ( iv (t) ). 2.2. derivation of model equations let nh (t) and nv (t) denote the total number of humans and vectors at time t, respectively. hence, we have that, nh (t) = s h (t) + e1 (t) + i1 (t) + r1 (t) and nv (t) = s v (t) + ev (t) + iv (t) susceptible humans are recruited at a rate h while the susceptible vectors are recruited at a rate v. susceptible humans contract dengue at a rate λdv = βv h (ηv ev + iv) nh , where ηv < 1 , this accounts for the relative infectiousness of vectors with latent dengue iv compared to vectors in the iv class. susceptible vectors acquire dengue infection from infected humans at a rate λdh = βhv (ηa e1 + ηb i1) nh , where ηa < ηb this accounts for the relative infectiousness of humans with latent dengue e1 compared to humans in the i1 class [10]. the model equations for dengue disease transmission incorporating treatment as a control measure are given below: s h = λh −µh s h −λdv s h e1 = λdv s h − (γ1 + µh ) e1 i1 = γ1 e1 − (τ1 + µh + δd1) i1 r1 = τ1 i1 −µh r1 s v = λv −µv s v −λdh s v ev = λdh s v − (γv + µv ) ev iv = γv ev − (µv + δhv ) iv 2.3. differential transformation method (dtm) an arbitrary function f (t) can be expanded in taylor series about a point t = 0 as f (t) = ∞∑ k=0 tk k! [ dk f dtk ] t=0 (1) the differential transformation of f (t) is defined as f (t) = 1 k! [ dk f dtk ] t=0 (2) then the inverse differential transform is f (t) = ∞∑ k=0 tk f (t) (3) if y (t) and g (t) are two uncorrelated functions with t where y (k) and g (k) are the transformed functions corresponding to y (t) and g (t) then, the fundamental mathematical operations performed by differential transform can be proved easily and are listed as follows table 1: the fundamental mathematical operations by differential transformation method (dtm). source: [11, 12] transformed function original function y (t) = f (t) ± g (t) y (k) = f(k) ± g(k) y (t) = a f (t) y (k) = af(k) y (t) = d f (t)dt y (k) = (k + 1)f(k + 1) y (t) = d 2 f (t) dt2 y (k) = (k + 1)(k + 2)f(k + 2) y (t) = d m f (t) dtm y (k) = (k + 1)(k + 2)...(k + m)f(k + m) y (t) = 1 y (k) = δ(k) y (t) = t y (k) = δ(k − 1) y (t) = tm y (k) = δ(k − m) = { 1, k = m 0, k , m y (t) = f (t) g (t) y (k) = ∑k m=0 g(m) f (k − m) y (t) = e(λt) y (k) = λ k k! y (t) = (1 + t)m y (k) = (m(m−1)...(m−k+1))k! 2.4. analytical solution of the model equations using differential transformation method (dtm) in this section, the differential transformation method (dtm) is employed to solve the system of non-linear differential equations which describe our model for dengue fever. let the model equation be a function q (t), q (t) can be expanded in taylor series about a point t = 0 as q (t) = ∞∑ k=0 tk k! [ dkq dtk ] t=0 , (4) where, q (t) = {sh (t) , e1 (t) , i1 (t) , r1 (t) , s v (t) , ev (t) , iv (t)}(5) the differential transformation of q (t) is defined as q (t) = 1 k! [ dkq dtk ] t=0 (6) 83 eguda et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 82–87 84 table 2: values for parameters used for analytical solutions parameter description values unit reference λh, λv recruitment rate into the population of susceptible humans and vectors respectively. 500,10000000 year−1 [14] µh,µv natural death for humans, vectors respectively. 0.02041,0.5 year−1 [13] βv h effective contact rate for 0.5 dengue from vectors to humans 0.5 year−1 [14] βhv effective contact rate for 0.4 dengue from humans to vectors 0.4 year−1 [14] τ1 dengue treatment rate for i1 (0,1) ind−1year−1 [14] γ1 progression rate to active dengue 0.3254 year−1 [14] γv progression rate to active dengue (vectors) 0.03 year−1 [14] δd1 disease induced death dengue 0.365 year −1 [13] δhv disease induced death dengue (vectors) 0 year−1 [14] ηv , ηa, ηb modification parameters for ev, e1, i1 0.4,1.2,0.5 year−1 [13] then the inverse differential transform is q (t) = ∞∑ k=0 tk q (t) . (7) using the fundamental operations of differential transformation method in table 1, we obtain the following recurrence relation of equation (1) as s h (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 [ λh −µh s h (k) − βv hηv nh k∑ m=0 s h (m) ev (k − m) − βv h nh k∑ m=0 s h (m) iv (k − m)  (8) e1 (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 βv hηvnh k∑ m=0 s h (m) ev (k − m) − βv h nh k∑ m=0 s h (m) iv (k − m) − (γ1 + µh ) e1 (k) ] (9) i1 (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 [ γ1 e1 (k) − (τ1 + µh + δd1) i1 ] (10) r1 (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 [ τ1 i1 (k) −µh r1 (k) ] (11) s v (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 λv − βhvηanh k∑ m=0 s v (m) e1 (k − m) − βhvηb nh k∑ m=0 s v (m) i1 (k − m)  (12) ev (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 βhvηanh k∑ m=0 s v (m) e1 (k − m) − βhvηb nh k∑ m=0 s v (m) i1 (k − m) − (γv + µv) ev (k) ] (13) iv (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 [ γv ev (k) − (µv + δhv ) iv (k) ] (14) with the initial conditions s h (0) = 3503, e1 (0) = 490, i1 (0) = 390, r1 (0) = 87, s v (0) = 390, ev (0) = 100, iv (0) = 190 (15) the parameter values are nh = 4470, nv = 610, λh = 500, λv = 1, 000, 000, µh = 0.02041,µv = 0.5,βv h = 0.5,βhv = 0.4, τ1 = 0.75,γ1 = 0.3254,γv = 0.03,δd1 = 0.365, δhv = 0,ηv = 0.4,ηa = 1.2,ηb = 0.5 (16) we consider k = 0, 1, 2, 3. cases a1 to a3 are the variation of different values of τ1 case a1: high dengue treatment rate, τ1 = 0.75 s h (1) = −237.6147983, s h (2) = 12320.67062, s h (3) = −146425.8636, s h (4) = 1347694.18, e1 (1) = −522.0979067, e1 (2) = 6637.369770, e1 (3) = −82219.53607, e1 (4) = 775491.4995, i1 (1) = −283.36390, i1 (2) = 75.92177345, i1 (3) = 691.1992607, i1 (4) = −6884.757898, r1 (1) = 290.72433, r1 (2) = −109.2283043, r1 (3) = 19.72355993, r1 (4) = 129.4992219, s v (1) = −14008.26174, s v (2) = 260942.4174, 84 eguda et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 82–87 85 s v (3) = −3239718.545, s v (4) = 30208553.32, ev (1) = −3515.845638, ev (2) = 61669.12070, ev (3) = −717387.0983, ev (4) = 6204920.468, iv (1) = −4742.00, iv (2) = 86488.76230, iv (3) = −1051663.250, iv (4) = 9591046.752. (17) then the closed form of the solution where k = 0, 1, 2, 3 can be written as s h (t) = ∞∑ k=0 s h (k) t k = 3503 − 237.6147983t +12320.67062t2 − 146425.8636t3 +1347694.180t4 e1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 e1 (k) t k = 490 − 522.0979067t +6637.369770t2 − 82219.53607t3 +775491.4995t4 i1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 i1 (k) t k = 390 − 283.36390t +75.92177345t2 + 691.1992607t3 −6884.757898t4 r1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 r1 (k) t k = 87 + 290.72433t −109.2283043t2 + 19.72355993t3 +129.4992219t4 s v (t) = ∞∑ k=0 s v (k) t k = 390 − 14008.26174t +260942.4174t2 − 3239718.545t3 +30208553.32t4 ev (t) = ∞∑ k=0 ev (k) t k = 100 − 3515.845638t +61669.12070t2 − 717387.0983t3 +6204920.468t4 iv (t) = ∞∑ k=0 iv (k) t k = 130 − 4742.00t +86488.76230t2 − 1051663.250t3 +9591046.752t4 (18) case a2: moderate dengue treatment rate, τ1 = 0.5 s h (1) = −237.6147983, s h (2) = 12320.67062, s h (3) = −146421.4193, s h (4) = 1347571.999, e1 (1) = −522.0979067, e1 (2) = 6637.369770, e1 (3) = −82223.98033, e1 (4) = 775613.8858, i1 (1) = −185.86390, i1 (2) = −2.662451550, i1 (3) = 720.7191613, i1 (4) = −6848.453788, r1 (1) = 193.22433, r1 (2) = −48.43782929, r1 (3) = −0.1142032264, r1 (4) = 90.09047788 s v (1) = −14008.26174, s v (2) = 260933.9106, s v (3) = −3239404.789, s v (4) = 30202664.15, ev (1) = −3515.845638, ev (2) = 61660.61400, ev (3) = −71707.62417, ev (4) = 619913.9432, iv (1) = −4742.00, iv (2) = 86488.76230, iv (3) = −1051663.335, iv (4) = 9591049.860. (19) then the closed form of the solution where k = 0, 1, 2, 3 can be written as s h (t) = ∞∑ k=0 s h (k) t k = 3503 − 237.6147983t +12320.67062t2 − 146421.4193t3 +1347571.999t4 e1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 e1 (k) t k = 490 − 522.0979067t +6637.369770t2 − 82223.98033t3 +775613.8858t4 i1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 i1 (k) t k = 390 − 185.86390t −2.662451550t2 + 720.7191613t3 −6848.453788t4 r1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 r1 (k) t k = 87 + 193.22433t −48.43782929t2 − 0.1142032264t3 +90.09047788t4 s v (t) = ∞∑ k=0 s v (k) t k = 390 − 14008.26174t +260933.9106t2 − 3239404.789t3 +30202664.15t4 ev (t) = ∞∑ k=0 ev (k) t k = 100 − 3515.845638t +61660.61400t2 − 717076.2417t3 +6199139.432t4 iv (t) = ∞∑ k=0 iv (k) t k = 130 − 4742.00t +86488.76230t2 − 1051663.335t3 +9591049.860t4 (20) case a3: low dengue treatment rate, τ1 = 0.25 s h (1) = −237.6147983, s h (2) = 12320.67062, s h (3) = −1464169750, s h (4) = 1347571.999, e1 (1) = −522.0979067, e1 (2) = 6637.369770, e1 (3) = −82223.98033, e1 (4) = 775613.8858, i1 (1) = −88.36390, i1 (2) = −56.87167655, i1 (3) = 720.7191613, i1 (4) = −6848.453788, r1 (1) = 95.72433, r1 (2) = −12.02235429, 85 eguda et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 82–87 86 r1 (3) = −0.1142032264, r1 (4) = 90.09047788 s v (1) = −14008.26174, s v (2) = 260925.4039, s v (3) = −3239404.789, s v (4) = 30202664.15, ev (1) = −3515.845638, ev (2) = 61652.10730, ev (3) = −71707.62417, ev (4) = 619913.9432, iv (1) = −4742.00, iv (2) = 86488.76230, iv (3) = −1051663.335, iv (4) = 9591049.860. (21) then the closed form of the solution where k = 0, 1, 2, 3 can be written as s h (t) = ∞∑ k=0 s h (k) t k = 3503 − 237.6147983t +12320.67062t2 − 146416.9750t3 +1347450.373t4, e1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 e1 (k) t k = 490 − 522.0979067t +6637.369770t2 − 82228.42463t3 +775735.7158t4, i1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 i1 (k) t k = 390 − 88.36390t −56.87167655t2 + 731.9789850t3 −6805.559035t4, r1 (t) = ∞∑ k=0 r1 (k) t k = 87 + 95.72433t −12.02235429t2 − 4.657514297t3 +45.77245152t4, s v (t) = ∞∑ k=0 s v (k) t k = 390 − 14008.26174t +260925.4039t2 − 323909.2451t3 +30196827.38t4, ev (t) = ∞∑ k=0 ev (k) t k = 100 − 3515.845638t +61652.10730t2 − 717666.8033t3 +6193410.4t4, iv (t) = ∞∑ k=0 iv (k) t k = 130 − 4742.00t +86488.76230t2 − 1051663.420t3 +9591052.958t4. (22) 2.5. numerical simulation and graphical representation of the solutions of the model equations the numerical simulation which illustrates the analytical solution of the model is demonstrated using maple software. this is achieved by using some set of parameter values given in the table 2. the following initial conditions for the human populations s h (0) = 3503, e1 (0) = 490, i1 (0) = 390, r1(0) = 87, s v (0) = 390, ev (0) = 100, iv (0) = 190 are considered. figure 1: solution of susceptible population using dtm figure 2: solution of exposed population using dtm figure 3: solution of human population with dengue using dtm 3. discussion of results the figures 1 to 6 give the numerical profiles of the solutions (17), (19) and (21) using dtm. figure 1 shows increase in the population of susceptible individuals while figure 2 indicates a decreasing population of the exposed owing to the progression out of exposed class to class of human with dengue. figure 3 implies a decrease in the population of human infected with dengue which later increases. figure 4 implies the treated 86 eguda et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 82–87 87 figure 4: solution of treated human population using dtm figure 5: the effect of different treatment rates on human population with dengue using dtm figure 6: the effect of different treatment rates on treated human population using dtm human population increases sharply to a point and then decreases. figure 5 indicates that increasing the treatment rate of individuals in the infected population leads to a reduction in the number of infected individuals which is due to progression into the treated population while figure 6 shows that increasing the treatment rate of individuals in the infected population leads to a corresponding increase in the treated population. 4. conclusion we formulated a compartmental model to investigate the dynamics of dengue fever in a population with treatment as a control measure. differential transform method (dtm) was employed to obtain the series solution of the model. numerical simulations were carried out to determine the long term behavior of dengue fever model which shows that treatment plays a vital role in reducing the disease burden in a population. the results of the simulations were displayed graphically. acknowledgments we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] g. r. phaijoo, & d. b. gurung, “mathematical model of dengue fever with and without awareness in host population”, international journal of advanced engineering research and applications 1 (2015) 2454. 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(2) observations that deviate from the distribution’s general shape or pattern are called outliers [3]. the relationship between the observed and the dependent variable can be estimated by ols regression, by minimizing the sum of squares [4]. ols also has limitations when the assumptions are violated [5]. estimates from ols are not precise due to the high variances and covariances [6]. the presence of outliers in the data makes the ls estimator unstable, inefficient, and unreliable [7]. agricultural data has outliers because of factors that cannot be regulated, and these outliers will increase the standard errors [4, 8]. the presence of outliers affects the performance of ols, and a robust regression is used [9]. when modelling data using regression analysis, various assumptions are tested but these assumptions are violated. this model needs to be tested on the error structure for the necessary assumptions before prediction [10]. the researcher can transform the variables to fulfil the assumptions, but this cannot eradicate the outliers in the data that affect the forecast and estimate of the parameters [11]. data with outliers is common in the field of agriculture [11, 12]. to overcome this problem, robust estimators have been introduced. m-estimation is the most common method of robust regression, it was introduced by [13], it is a generality to the method of maximum likelihood estimation. before we used the robust methods to reduce the outliers, four machine learning algorithms such as random forest, support vector machine, boosting and bagging are used to select the significant parameters that determine the moisture content of the seaweed. the major contributions of this study are: i. to determine the significant parameters for the moisture content removal of seaweed during drying and reduce the number of outliers. ii. to propose a hybrid model that combines robust mestimators and machine learning models to improve the prediction accuracy. 2. flowchart of the study figure 1 shows the flowchart of the various stages in the study. 2.1. stage i this involves the inclusion of all possible models. n! (n − r)!r! + number of single factor, (3) where n is the number of single factors, r is the number of orders. equation (3) can be used to compute the total number of all possible models. figure 1: flowchart of the procedure for the hybrid model 2.2. stage ii test for the assumptions of linear regression. the residual vs fitted plot, normal q-q plot are kolmogorov-smirnov test are used to verify the assumptions. next, each machine learning model is used to select 15, 25, 35 and 45 highest important variables for optimization and easy comparison, to determine the moisture content removal of the seaweed after drying. we selected the number of variables because features selection can only provide the rank of important variables and does not tell us the number of significant factors [14]. similarly, there is no rule to decide the number of parameters to be included in a prediction model [15]. furthermore, the algorithms cannot tell us the number of significant variables except the ranks [16]. 2.3. stage iii after the selection of the significant parameters, the prediction is done and the validation metrics such as mape, sse, mse and r-square are computed. the outliers are also computed, and the robust method is introduced to build the hybrid model. 3. materials and methods 3.1. data description the data were collected from 8th april 2017 to 12th april 2017, between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm during the drying of seaweed by using v-groove hybrid solar drier (vghsd) at semporna, south-eastern coast of sabah, malaysia. there are 435 parameters after the inclusion of the second order interaction in this study. 3.2. machine learning algorithms machine learning can learn from data and use the algorithms to understand and forecast the future [17]. machine learning algorithms can be used to determine the rank of significant explanatory variables that contribute significantly to the response variable. these high-ranking variables selected using variable importance can reduce the training time, complexity 2 o. j. ibidoja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 3 of the model and improve accuracy [18]. four machine learning algorithms such as random forest, support vector machine, bagging and boosting are used in this study, to determine the significant parameters that determine the moisture content removal of the seaweed. 3.2.1. random forest a random forest (rf) is a mixture of classification and regression trees (carts). it uses the highest number of votes (classification) or the mean forecasts (regression) of all the trees [19]. it uses the idea of bagging, and it is an ensemble learning method [20], [21]. if l is a learning set ,with a group of n pairs of features, with the output (x1, y1) , (x2, y2) , (x3, y3) . . . (xn, yn ) , if xi ∈ x and yi ∈ y . a class of p-features xi ( f or i = 1, 2, . . . , n) is a n × p matrix x,where the rows i = 1, 2, ..., n relates as xi, with columns j = 1, 2, 3, ..., p as x j. algorithm: for b = 1 to n 1. create a bootstrapped sample d∗b from the training set d. 2. grow the tree by using the m from the bootstrapped sample d∗b. for a specific mode i. select m variables randomly. ii. identify the top split variables and values. iii. divide a node using the top divided variables and values. replicate the steps 1–3 till the stopping conditions are satisfied. 3.2.2. suppor vector machine (svm) support vector machine can be used for regression and classification problems [22]. svm has the capacity to reveal nonlinear connections with kernel function [20, 23]. the svm was developed by cortes & vapnik [24]. a good tutorial and explanations were given by [25, 26]. in support vector regression, the � loss function is usually minimized. beyond this particular bound, a straightforward linear loss function is applied, and any loss less than � is set to zero: l� = f (x) = { 0, if |yi − f (xi) | < � yi − f (xi) − �|, otherwise (4) for instance, suppose f (x) is a linear function f (x) = β0 + xtiβ, then the loss function is given as n∑ i=1 max ( yi − x t iβ−β0 − �, 0 ) (5) the � is the tuning parameter and can be written as the constrained optimization problem: minimize 1 2 ‖β‖2 (6) subject to{ yi − xtiβ−β0 ≤ ε − ( yi − xtiβ−β0 ) ≤ ε . (7) if there are observations who do not lie within the ε band around that regression line,then there is no solution to the problem. the slack variables ζi and ζ∗i are used ,this allows the observations to fall outside the ε band around that regression line. minimize 1 2 ‖β‖2 + k n∑ i=1 ( ζi + ζ ∗ i ) (8) subject to yi − xtiβ−β0 ≤ ε + ζi − ( yi − xtiβ−β0 ) ≤ ε + ζ∗i ζi,ζ ∗ i ≥ 0 (9) 3.2.3. boosting boosting is used to improve the accuracy of algorithms [27]. boosting starts with an algorithm or method to discover the rough rules of thumb. it is called the “base” or “weak” learning algorithm many times. the base learning algorithm creates a new weak prediction rule each time it is called, and after many rounds, the boosting algorithm must merge these weak rules into a singular forecast rule that, ideally, will be significantly more precise than any of the weak rules [28]. suppose we have this model matrix x = [ x1, x2, . . . , xp ] �rn×p, outcomes variable vector y ∈ rn×1. the regression coefficients vector is given as β ∈ rp, the value of predicted for the outcome variable is denoted by xβ, and the residuals are denoted by ε = y − xβ. for regression purposes, least squares boosting (lsb(ε)) gives an accurate description of the data and regularization [27]. the algorithm for lsb(ε) is as follows: algorithm: lsb (ε) choose the rate of learning ε > 0 and iterations number n. define at β̂0 = 0, r̂0 = y, k = 0. 1. do this for 0 ≤ k ≤ n 2. establish the covariates ũ jk and jk as below: ûn = argmin u∈r  n∑ i=1 ( r̂ki − xinu )22 for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , p, jk ∈ argmin 1≤n≤p n∑ i=1 ( r̂ki − xinũn )2 3. revise the present errors and regression coefficients as: r̂k+1 ← r̂k − ε̃u jk β̂k+1jk ← β̂ k jk + ε̃u jk and β̂ k+1 j ← β̂ k j , j , jk 3.2.4. bagging breiman [29] introduced bagging (bootstrap aggregating) to decrease the variance of classification and regression tree models. it is used to improve the present method and leads to an improvement in the accuracy. bagging is used as an intensive methods to enhance erratic estimation. for a high dimensional 3 o. j. ibidoja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 4 data problems, bagging can be used to find a good model. suppose we have a feature ϕ (x,l) to predict y from x, if there is a training sequence {lk} consisting of n objects , from l distribution, the aim here is to use the {lk} to build a more accurate predictor than ϕ (x,l) as a specific training set predictor ϕ (x,l) [29]. if y is not discreet and we put ϕ (x,lk) with the mean of ϕ (x,lk) over k. we get continually many samples via the bootstrap { l(a) } , an from l, and form { ϕ ( x,l(a) )} . if y is continuous, then ϕa as ϕa (x) = averageϕa ( x,l(a) ) . the { l(a) } will form replicate datasets with m cases are randomly chosen from l and by applying replacement. each (ym, xm) can appear many times in a any specific l(a). the technique to construct ϕ is an important factor to know if bagging improves precision or reliability. theoretically bagging is described as follows: i. build a bootstrap sample l∗i =( y∗i , x ∗ i ) (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , m) centred on an empirical distribution of these pairs li = (yi, xi) (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , m). ii. use the plug-in principle to ascertain the bootstrapped predictor θ̂∗m (x); which is, θ̂ ∗ m (x) = gm ( l1, l2, l3, . . . , lm ) (x). iii. θ̂m;b (x) = e∗ [ θ̂∗m (x) ] means the bagged predictor. the bagging algorithm is as follows: input: data d = {(x1, y1) , (x2, y2) , (x3, y3) , . . . , (xm, ym)} ; learning algorithm base l; base learner’s numbers j. process: for j = 1, 2, . . . , j: bs j = bootstrap(d); %create the bootstrap sample from d θ j = l ( bs j ) % train the base learner θ j from the bootstrap sample end output: 1j ∑j j=1 θ j (x) % for regression studies 3.3. robust estimation method outliers are common with contaminated data and how to determine the observations is a challenge. a robust method can deal with the influence of outliers. contaminated data can be analyzed using robust estimation [6], [30, 31, 32]. a robust method is used to solve the problems of traditional methods because of these outliers. to know the best method for the robust estimation methods, m estimation methods m huber, m hampel and m bi-square are compared. the m-estimation method attempts to minimise that the function ρ (•) operates on the residual. m-estimators define: β̂m = argmin β n∑ i=1 ρ (ei (β)). (10) the ρ is ρ−type m-estimation. assume σ is known and the residuals approximate β be ei = yi −βt xi. the β in m-estimate minimizes the objective function: n∑ i=1 ρ { ei (β) σ } . (11) figure 2: (a) residuals vs fitted (b) residuals vs normal q-q the σ robustly estimate and the scale σ̃m in m-estimator has solution: 1 n n∑ i=1 ρ ( ei σ ) = 1 n n∑ i=1 ρ ( yi −βt xi σ ) = k, (12) where the β has the p×1 parameter vector, and then the function ψ yields:∑ i ψ (ei) ∂ei ∂βi , for j = 1, 2, . . . , p. (13) the function ψ (e) = ∂ρ(e) ∂(e) derivatives the influence function. 4 o. j. ibidoja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 5 table 1: robust regression m-estimation description methods objective function weight function bi-square  k2 6 { 1 − [ 1 − ( e k )2]3} for |e| ≤ k k2 6 for |e| > k  [ 1 − ( e k )2]2 for |e| ≤ k 0 f or |e| > k huber { 1 2 e 2 for |e| ≤ k k |e| − 12 k 2 for |e| > k { 1 f or |e| ≤ k k |e| for |e| < k hampel  e2 2 , 0 < |e| < a a |e| − e 2 2 , b < |e| ≤ c −a 2(c−b) (c − e) 2 + a2 (b + c − a) , b < |e| ≤ c  1 f or 0 < |e| < a a |e| for b < |e| ≤ c a c |e|−1 c−b for b < |e| ≤ c table 2: kolmogorov-smirnov test for normality test statistic value p-value remarks 0.1641 2.2e-16 the residuals do not come from a normal distribution. then the weight function defines: w (e) = ψ (e) e , (14) where function ψ (e) states:∑ i w (ei) ei ∂ei ∂βi = 0, for j = 1, 2, . . . , p (15) and the object becomes to obtain the following iterated reweighted least square problem: min ∑ i w ( e(k−1)i ) e2i , (16) where k indicates the iterate number. table 1 shows the summary of the m estimators and their respective weight function. 4. results and discussion from the plot in figure 2a, the residuals vs fitted plot shows that there is no pattern since the residuals did not spread out. there is evidence of non-linearity and heterogeneity. figure 2b shows the normal q-q plot, the residuals are not normally distributed, this also supports the result of kolmogorov-smirnov test in table 2. the possible outliers are the observations 272 and 355. the observation 272 determine more the moisture content removal of the seaweed than the model predict. though, it is an extreme case, but still affect the moisture content removal. the observation 355 has a negative residual and determine less the moisture content removal of the seaweed than the model predicts. the normality assumption is checked with the kolmogorovsmirnov test for a two-taied test. from the results in table 2, the p-value =2.2e-16, which is less than 0.05, it means we have enough evidence to say that the residuals do not come from a normal distribution. this also explains why we have this type of qq plot in figure 2. the results in table 3 are the evaluation of each machine learning algorithm for 15, 25, 35 and 45 high ranking variables that determine the moisture content removal of the seaweed. based on the mean absolute percentage error (mape), mean squared error (mse), r2 and sum of squared error (sse), random forest outperforms support vector machine, bagging and boosting for the 15, 25, 35 and 45 significant parameters. this also confirms the results of [33], where random forest absolutely performed better than the other methods. random forest when 45 significant parameters that determine the moisture content of the seaweed were selected gave mape of 2.125891, mse of 7.330011, r2 of 0.9732063 and sse of 14029.64 gave the best performance. all the validation measures such as mape, mse, r-square and sse imply that significantly better results are obtained by random forest to the determine the moisture content removal of the seaweed. table 4 is the summary of the original model without using robust method and the hybrid models ,which combines machine learning models and robust estimation techniques. it also shows the number and percentage of outliers using 2-sigma limit.the percentage for the outliers is the number of observations outside the 2-sigma limit. it shows the percentage of outliers outside the 2-sigma limit for the original model without using robust method and the hybrid model. this sigma limit can improve the outputs quality and eliminate the source of deficiencies [34]. based on the results in table 4 for the original model, for 5 o. j. ibidoja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 6 table 3: evaluation metrics for the 15, 25, 35 and 45 high-ranking important variables machine learning model high-ranking important variables selected high-ranking important variables selected mape mse r2 sse random forest 15 2.458969 9.910512 0.9637737 18968.72 25 2.337353 9.010273 0.9670644 17245.66 35 2.174667 7.790909 0.9715216 14911.80 45 2.125891 7.330011 0.9732063 14029.64 support vector machine 15 8.614626 45.25618 0.8347612 86620.32 25 7.980399 35.80985 0.8691446 68540.05 35 7.568951 34.00095 0.8757802 65077.81 45 7.351331 32.38644 0.8816661 61987.65 bagging 15 12.25897 74.29053 0.7284423 142192.10 25 9.778194 47.33173 0.8269861 90592.93 35 8.413645 36.41955 0.8668739 69707.02 45 8.151903 33.65611 0.8769752 64417.80 boosting 15 8.168942 142.4542 0.5310293 272657.30 25 8.697362 136.3236 0.5543729 260923.30 35 8.183671 140.1463 0.5368431 268240.10 45 8.203304 134.0864 0.5569358 256641.30 table 4: percentage of outliers outside 2 sigma limits for hybrid models machine learning model robust regression method 15 highest important variables 25 highest important variables 35 highest important variables 45 highest important variables µ± 2σ(%) µ± 2σ (%) µ± 2σ (%) µ± 2σ (%) random forest original 118(6.17) 113(5.90) 112(45.85) 118(6.17) m bi-square 118(6.17) 117(6.11) 75(3.92) 99(5.17) m hampel 72(3.76) 88(4.60) 92(4.81) 93(4.86) m huber 83(4.34) 90(4.70) 88(4.60) 102(5.33) support vector machine original 108(5.64) 98(5.12) 86(4.49) 87(4.55) m bi-square 64(3.34) 18(0.94) 84(4.39) 89(4.65) m hampel 66(3.45) 62(3.24) 85(4.44) 86(4.49) m huber 81(4.23) 83(4.34) 96(5.02) 99(5.17) bagging original 98(5.12) 96(5.02) 97(5.07) 84(4.39) m bi-square 126(6.58) 97(5.07) 95(4.96) 78(4.08) m hampel 101(5.28) 97(5.07) 90(4.70) 85(4.44) m huber 113(5.90) 99(5.17) 97(5.07) 89(4.65) boosting original 193(10.10) 168(8.78) 194(10.12) 194(10.12) m bi-square 77(4.02) 77(4.02) 133(6.95) 79(4.12) m hampel 76(3.97) 76(3.97) 72(3.76) 80(4.18) m huber 83(4.34) 81(4.23) 67(3.50) 85(4.44) 15 highest important variables, the maximum is boosting with 193 (10.1%) outliers, while the minimum is bagging with 98 (5.12%). for the 25 highest important variables, the maximum is boosting 168 (8.78%) , while the minimum is bagging with 96 (5.02%). for the 35 highest important variables, the maximum is boosting 194 (10.12%), while the minimum is 6 o. j. ibidoja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 7 support vector machine with 86 (4.49%). for the 45 highest important variables, the maximum is boosting 194 (10.12%) , while the minimum is bagging with 84 (4.39%). based on this results, bagging with 45 variables importance gave the best performance because it has the lowest number of outliers of 84. based on the results in table 4 for the hybrid model, for the 15 highest important variables, bagging m bi-square has the highest number of outliers of 126 with 6.58% ,while support vector machine m bi-square has the lowest number of outliers with of 64 with 3.34%. for the 25 highest important variable random forest m bi-square has the highest number of outliers of 117 with 6.11% ,while support vector machine m bi-square has the lowest number of outliers with of 18 with 0.94%. for the 35 highest important variable boosting m bi-square has the highest number of outliers of 133 with 6.95% ,while boosting m huber has the lowest number of outliers with of 67 with 3.50%. for the 45 highest important variable random forest m huber has the highest number of outliers of 102 with 5.33% ,while bagging m bi-square has the lowest number of outliers with of 78 with 4.08%. based on this result, bagging m bi-square gave the best performance because it had the lowest number of outliers of 78 and used the highest number of high ranking variables. 5. conclusion the aim of this study is to develop a hybrid model, to forecast seaweed drying parameters that determine the moisture content removal that would enhance the quality of the seaweed. four predictive models such as random forest, support vector machine, bagging and boosting were built with m huber, m hampel and m bi-square to develop a hybrid model that can improve the predictive accuracy of the seaweed contaminated data. in summary, the best model to determine the moisture content removal of the seaweed big data is the bagging m bisquare, it gave the best performance because it had the lowest number of outliers of 78 and used the highest number of high ranking variables. for future study, a hybrid model with imbalanced data or missing values can be investigated. acknowledgement the authors are grateful to the ministry of higher education malaysia for fundamental research grant scheme with project code rgs/1/2022/stg06/usm/02/13 for their assistance. we are also grateful to the editor, associate editor, and anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions to improve the quality and clarity of the paper. references [1] d. n. gujarati & d. n. porter, basic econometrics, 4th ed. new york, usa: the mcgraw-hill companies, (2004). 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[4,6,12,15,19], ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2347033885836. email addresses: jamiluadamu88@gmail.com (j. adamu ), mbabdulhamid67@atbu.edu.ng (b. m. abdulhamid), princedavison4@gmail.com (d. t. gbande), aminuhalliru1@gmail.com (a. s. halliru) players’ motions are described by second order differential equations. whereas in refs. [1,23,25] motion of the players are described by first and second order differential equations. in ref, [24], rikhsiev studied simple motion differential game of optimal pursuit with one evader and many pursuers on a closed convex subset of the hilbert space l2. a sufficient condition for optimality of pursuit time is obtained, when the initial position of the evader belong to the interior of the convex hull of the initial position of the pursuers. simple motion differential game of many players with geometric constraints on the control functions of the players is studied in [13]. by using lyapunov function method for an auxiliary problem, they obtained sufficient conditions to find the pursuit time in rn. vagin and petrov in ref. [22] studied a pursuit differential game problem with finite number pursuers and one evader in the hilbert space rn. motions of each player is described by nth order differential equation. control functions of the players are subject to geometric constraints. they 12 adamu et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 12–16 13 obtained sufficient condition for completion of pursuit. the work in ref. [26] leong and ibragimov studied simple motion pursuit differential game with m pursuers and one evader on a closed convex subset of the hilbert space l2 . control functions of the players are subjected to integral constraints. the total resource of the pursuers is assumed to be greater than that of the evader. strategy of pursuers were constructed sufficient to complete the pursuit from any initial position. in ref. [23] pursuit differential game problem for the socalled boy(evader) and crocodile (pursuer) in the space rn is studied. boy’s motion is described by first order differential equations and that of the crocodile by second order differential equation. control functions of the pursuer and evader are subject to integral and geometric constraints respectively. they obtained sufficient conditions of completion of pursuit. in this piece of research, we study pursuit differential game problem in a hilbert space l2, where motions of the pursuers and evader described by first and second order differential equations respectively. control functions of the pursuers are subject to integral constrains. whereas, geometric constraint is imposed on the control function of the evader. 2. statement of the problem consider the space l2 = % = (%1,%2, . . . ) : ∞∑ k=1 %2k < ∞  , with inner product 〈·, ·〉 : l2 × l2 → r and norm || · || : l2 → [0, +∞), defined as follows: 〈x, y〉 = ∞∑ k=1 xkyk, ||%|| =  ∞∑ k=1 %2k 1/2 , where x, y,% ∈ l2, respectively. we consider a differential game described by the following equations:{ p j : ẋ j = u j(t), x j(0) = x j0, j ∈ j, e : ÿ = v(t), ẏ(0) = y1, y(0) = y0, (1) where x j, x j0, ui, y, y0, y1, v ∈ l2, u j = (u j1, u j2, . . . ) is a control parameter of the pursuer p j and v = (v1, v2, . . . ) is that of the evader e. here and below j = {1, 2, . . . }, ||x j0 − y0|| > l j, where l j ≥ 0 are given numbers. in the space l2, we define a ball (respectively, sphere) of radius r and center at x0 by b(x0, r) = {x ∈ l2 : ||x − x0|| ≤ r} ( respectively, by s (x0, r) = {x ∈ l2 : ||x − x0|| = r}). definition 2.1. a function u j(t) = (u j1(t), u j2(t), . . . ) with borel measurable coordinates such that∫ θ 0 ||u j(t)|| 2dt ≤ ρ2j, (2) where ρ j is given positive number, is called an admissible control of the jth pursuer. definition 2.2. a function v(t) = (v1(t), v2(t), . . . ) with borel measurable coordinates such that ||v(t)|| ≤ σ, t ≥ 0, (3) is called admissible control of the evader. if the pursuers p j and evader e chose their admissible controls u j(·) and v(·) respectively, the solutions to the dynamic equations (1) are given by: x j(t) = x j0 + ∫ t 0 u j(s)d s, (4) y(t) = y0 + ty1 + ∫ t 0 ∫ r 0 v(s)d sdr. (5) it is not difficult to see that∫ t 0 ∫ r 0 v(s)d sdr = ∫ t 0 (t − s)v(s)d s (6) therefore equation (5) becomes y(t) = y0 + ty1 + ∫ t 0 (t − s)v(s)d s, (7) one can readily see that x j(·), y(·) ∈ c(0,θ; l2) , where c(, 0,θ; l2) is the space of functions h(t) = (h1(t), h2(t), · · · , hk(t), · · · ) ∈ l2, t ≥ 0, such that the following conditions hold: (1) h j(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ θ, j = 1, 2, · · · , are absolutely continuous functions; (2) h(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ θ, is a continuous function in the norm of l2. with this instead of differential game described by (1) we can consider an equivalent differential game with the same control functions described by:{ p : ẋ j = u(t), x j(0) = x j0 e : ẏ = (θ− t)v(t), y(0) = y1θ + y0 = y0. (8) indeed, if the evader uses an admissible control v(t) = (v1(t), v2(t), . . . ), then according to (1), we have y(θ) = y0+y1θ+ ∫ θ 0 ∫ r 0 v(s)d sdr = y0+y1θ+ ∫ θ 0 (θ−t)v(t)dt,(9) and the same result can be obtained by (8) y(θ) = y0 + ∫ θ 0 (θ−t)v(t)dt = y0 +y1θ+ ∫ θ 0 (θ−t)v(t)dt,(10) also, the same argument can be made for the pursuer p j, therefore in the distance ‖y(θ)−x j(θ)‖ we can take either the solution of (1) or the solution of (8). the attainability domain of the pursuer pi from the initial position xi0 up to the time θ is the ball b(x j0,ρi √ θ). indeed, by cauchy-schwartz inequality we have∣∣∣∣∣∣x j(θ) − x j0∣∣∣∣∣∣ 13 adamu et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 12–16 14 = ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣x j0 + ∫ θ 0 u j(s)d s − x j0 ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∫ θ 0 u j(s)d s ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ ∫ θ 0 ||u j(s)||d s ≤ (∫ θ 0 12d s ) 1 2 (∫ θ 0 ||u j(s)d s|| 2 ) 1 2 ≤ ρ j √ θ on the other hand, let x̄ ∈ b(x j0,ρ j √ θ). if the pursuer p j uses the control u j(s) = x̄−x j0 θ , 0 ≤ s ≤ θ, then we have x j(θ) = x j0+ ∫ θ 0 u j(s)d s = x j0+ ∫ θ 0 x̄ − x j0 θ d s = x j0+x̄−x j0 = x̄. in a similar fashion we can show that the attainability domain of the evader e from the initial position y0 up to the time θ is the ball b(y0,σ θ2 2 ). definition 2.3. a strategy of the jth pursuer is a function u j(t, x j, y, v), u j : [0,∞) × l2 × l2 × l2 → l2, such that the system{ ẋ j = u j(t, x, y, v(t)), x j(0) = x j0, ÿ = v(t), ẏ(0) = y1, y(0) = y0 has a unique solution (x j(·), y(·)), and that x j(·), y(·) ∈ c(0,θ; l2), for an arbitrary admissible control v = v(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ θ, of the evader e. a strategy u j is said to be admissible if each control formed by this strategy is admissible. definition 2.4. the system described by (1) in which the controls u j(·) and v(·) satisfy the inequalities (2) and (3) respectively is called game g. definition 2.5. pursuit is said to be completed in l-catch sense in the game g if there exist strategies u j of the pursuer p j such that for any admissible control v(·) of the evader e the inequality ‖y(τ) − x j(τ)‖ ≤ l j is satisfied for some j ∈ {1, 2, . . . } and some time τ ∈ [0,θ]. research problem: in the game g, find sufficient condition for completion of pursuit. we define the half space φ j = { α ∈ l2 : 2〈y0 − x j0,α〉 ≤ θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) + ||y0|| 2 − ∣∣∣∣∣∣x j0∣∣∣∣∣∣2} . 3. main result in this section, we present the main result of the paper. theorem 3.1. if y(θ) ∈ φ j, then pursuit can be completed in the game g. proof to prove this theorem, we first introduce dummy pursuer with state variable z and motion described by the following equation. ż(t) = w(t), z(0) = x j0, where the control function w(t) is such that (∫ θ 0 ||w(t)||2 dt ) 1 2 ≤ ρ̄ = ρ j + l j √ θ . clearly, ρ̄ > ρ j and (ρ̄−ρ j) √ θ = l j for all j ∈ j. we construct the strategy of the dummy pursuer as follows: w(t) = { y0−x j0 θ + (θ− t)v(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ θ, 0, t > θ. (11) to show that the strategy (11) is admissible, we use the fact that y(θ) ∈ φ j. this means 2〈y0 − x j0, y(θ)〉 ≤ θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) + ||y0|| 2 − ||x j0|| 2 (12) in accordance with the inequality (12) and using the state equation of the evader (10), we have: 2 〈 y0 − x j0, ∫ θ 0 (θ− t)v(t)dt 〉 (13) = 2〈y0 − x j0, y(θ) − y0〉 = 2〈y0 − x j0, y(θ)〉− 2〈y0 − x j0, y0〉 = 2〈y0 − x j0, y(θ)〉− 2||y0|| 2 + 2〈x j0, y0〉 ≤ θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) + ||y0|| 2 − ||x j0|| 2 − 2||y0|| 2 + 2〈x j0, y0〉 = θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) − ||y0|| 2 − ||x j0|| 2 + 2〈x j0, y0〉 = θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) − ( ||y0|| 2 + ||x j0|| 2 − 2〈x j0, y0〉 ) = θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) − ||y0 − x j0|| 2. (14) using inequality (13), we have∫ θ 0 ||w(t)||2dt = ∫ θ 0 ∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣ y0 − x j0θ + (θ− t)v(t) ∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣2 dt = ∫ θ 0 (∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣ y0 − x j0θ ∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣2 + 2 〈 y0 − x j0θ , (θ− t)v(t) 〉 + ||(θ− t)v(t)||2 ) dt = ∫ θ 0 ||y0 − x j0||2 θ2 d s + 2 ∫ θ 0 〈 y0 − x j0 θ , (θ− t)v(t) 〉 dt + ∫ θ 0 (θ− t)2||v(t)||2dt ≤ ||y0 − x j0||2 θ + 2 θ 〈 y0 − x j0, ∫ θ 0 (θ− t)v(t)dt 〉 + σ2 ∫ θ 0 (θ− t)2dt ≤ ||y0 − x j0||2 θ + 1 θ ( θ ( ρ2j −σ 2 θ 3 3 ) − ||y0 − x j0|| 2 ) + σ2 θ3 3 = ρ2j < ρ̄ therefore the strategy (11) is admissible. 14 adamu et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 12–16 15 suppose that the dummy pursuer z uses the strategy (11). one can easily see that w(θ) = y(θ). indeed, z(θ) = x j0 + ∫ θ 0 ( y0 − x j0 θ + (θ− t)v(t) ) d s = x j0 + ∫ θ 0 ( y0 − x j0 θ ) dt + ∫ θ 0 (θ− t)v(t)dt = x j0 + y0 − x j0 + ∫ θ 0 (θ− t)v(t)dt = y(θ). using the strategy of the dummy pursuer, we define the strategies of the real pursuers p j, j ∈ j as follows: u j(t) = ρ j ρ̄ w(t). (15) the admissibility of this strategies follows from the fact that the control w(·) is admissible. therefore it is left to show that∣∣∣∣∣∣y(θ) − x j(θ)∣∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ l j. indeed, using cauchy-schwartz inequality we have∣∣∣∣∣∣y(θ) − x j(θ)∣∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣∣z(θ) − x j(θ)∣∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣x j0 + ∫ θ 0 w(t)dt − x j0 − ∫ θ 0 u j(t)dt ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∫ θ 0 w(t)dt − ∫ θ 0 ρ j ρ̄ w(t)dt ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ ∫ θ 0 ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ( 1 − ρ j ρ̄ ) w(t) ∣∣∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣∣∣ dt = ( ρ̄−ρ j ρ̄ ) ∫ θ 0 ||w(t)||dt ≤ ( ρ̄−ρ j ρ̄ )  (∫ θ 0 12dt ) 1 2 (∫ θ 0 ||w(t)||2 dt ) 1 2  ≤ ( ρ̄−ρ j ρ̄ ) ρ̄ √ θ = (ρ̄−ρ j) √ θ = l j. this complete the prove of the theorem. illustrative example let ρ j = 5, σ = 8, θ = 1 in the game g. we consider the following initial positions x j0 = (0, 0, . . . , 3, 0, . . . ), y0 = (0, 0, . . . ) of the players, where the number 3 is jth coordinate of the point x j. observe that ρ j √ θ = 5, σθ 2 2 = 4, ∣∣∣∣∣∣x j0 − y0∣∣∣∣∣∣ =( 02 + 02 + · · · + 32 + 02 + . . . ) 1 2 = 3 > 0. we show that y(θ) ∈ φ j. it is suffices to show that the inclusion b(0,σ θ2 2 ) ⊂ ⋃ j∈j b(x j0,ρ j √ θ), holds, where 0 is the origin. indeed, let z = (z1, z2, . . . ) be arbitrary nonnegative point of the ball b(0, 4) : ∑ ∞ j=1 z 2 j ≤ 16. then ∣∣∣∣∣∣z − x j0∣∣∣∣∣∣ = (z21 + · · · + z2j−1 + (3 − z j)2 + z2j+1 + . . . ) 12 =  ∞∑ j=1 z2j + 9 − 6z j  1 2 ≤ ( 16 + 9 − 6z j ) 1 2 = ( 25 − 6z j ) 1 2 ≤ 5. this means that hypothesis of our theorem is satisfied, therefore pursuit can be completed in the game g. 4. conclusion we have studied a simple motion pursuit differential game problem in which countable number of pursuers chase one evader in the hilbert space l2. control function of the pursuers and evader are subject to integral and geometric constraints respectively. pursuers’ motions are described by 1st order differential equations and that of the evader by 2nd order differential equation. in this piece of research the strategies of the pursuers are constructed and sufficient condition for completion of pursuit were obtained. for further research, value of the game and optimality of the pursuit times can also be investigated. acknowledgements the authors would like to thank the reviewers for giving useful comments and suggestions for improvement of this paper. references [1] j. adamu, k. muangehoo, a. j. badakaya, j. rilwan, “on pursuit-evasion differential game problem in a hilbert space”, aims mathematics, 6 (2020) 7467. 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okpara university of agriculture, umudike, nigeria bdepartment of chemistry, federal university of technology owerri, nigeria abstract sulfathiazole (sftz) is an antibacterial drug that contains organosulfur compound. it is used as a short-acting sulfa drug. the metal complexes of sulfa-drug have gained considerable importance due to their pronounced biological activity. the sulfa-drugs have received great attentions because of their therapeutic applications against bacterial infections. mn(ii) complex of sulfathiazole was synthesized by reaction of sulfathiazole with mncl2 ·4h2o. the mn (ii) complex was characterized based on uv, ir, 1h nmr spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction. the electronic spectrum of the ligand showed intra charge transfer which were assigned to the chromophores present in the ligand, while that of the complex suggested intra ligand charge transfer (ilct) and ligand to metal charge transfer (lmct). in the ir spectrum of sulfathiazole the n −h stretch of s o2 n h appeared at 3255.23cm−1. in the ir spectrum of the metal complex this band was absent. this suggested the deprotonation of the n − h of s o2 n h during complexation reaction. this showed that sulfathiazole acted as a monodentade ligand. 1h nmr spectrum of [mn(sftz)] complex showed the involvement of nitrogen atom of s o2 n h. the crystal structure of [mn(sftz)] complex belongs to monoclinic system, space group p1, with cell parameters of a = 4.519 å, b = 8.704 å, c = 12.608 å, v = 493.5 å 3 , β = 95.69◦. molecular docking suggested that the ligand/complex binded effectively with the e.coli and s.aureus because their global binding energies were negative. the binding interactions of ligand/complex with e. coli and s. aureus were predicted. molecular docking predicted the feasibility of the biochemical reactions before experimental investigation. it was concluded that sulfathiazole behaved as a monodentate ligand towards mn (ii) ion. the binding energy and interaction of [mn(sftz)] with e.coli and s. aureus have also shown that inhibition of the bacterial species are feasible. the mechanism of action of [mn(sftz)] with e. coli and s. aureus is now well understood. keywords: sulfathiazole, spectra bacteria, complex, docking article history : received: 15 june 2019 received in revised form: 01 september 2019 accepted for publication: 02 september 2019 published: 13 october 2019 c©2019 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: w. a. yahya 1. introduction sulfathiazole (figure 1) was the first therapeutic agents used systematically for the cure and prevention of bacterial infections. furthermore, sulfadrugs and their metal complexes, pos∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348065297631 email address: ifeanyiotuokere@gmail.com (i. e. otuokere ) sess many applications as diuretic, antiglaucoma or antiepileptic drugs, among others. sulpha drugs show important biological activity e.g mechanism of action is based on the competitive antagonism of paba (p-aminobenzoic acid) and the sulfanilamide [1, 2]. it has been reported that the activity of the metal complex is much better than the ligand alone [3, 4]. studies on their metal chelates have much physiological and pharmacological relevance because the metal chelates of sulfadrugs have 95 otuokere et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 95–102 96 been found to be more bacteriostatic than the drugs themselves [5, 6]. the role of metal ions in living systems has been well established in recent years. the use of transition metal complexes as medicinal compounds has become more and more prominent. these complexes offer a great diversity in their action; they do not only have anti-cancer properties but have also been used as anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-diabetic compounds [7]. metal ions play pivotal roles in many biological processes, and the study of the roles of these metal ions in biological systems falls into the rapidly developing interdisciplinary field known as bioinorganic chemistry. when compared to other branches of natural sciences, bioinorganic chemistry seems to be a young discipline. however, there is a copious amount of information on the effects of metals on biological systems. for instance, the toxicities of metal ions such as mercury, lead and chromium on the environment have been well publicized [8, 9]. metal complexes containing the sulphonamide group has found importance because of their applications as biological, biochemical, analytical, antimicrobial, anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activity [10, 11, 12]. they also find application as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and in the industry as anticorrosion agents [13-17]. molecular complexes of sulfonamides have been reported [18]. syntheses, characterization, thermal and antimicrobial studies of binuclear metal complexes of sulfa-guanidine schiff bases have been reported [19]. the metal complexes of sulfaguanidine were assessed to be more potent than the free ligand [19]. it is in view of this pharmacological importance of sulphonamide that we have reported the synthesis, characterization and molecular docking studies of mn-sulphathiazole. figure 1: structure of sulfathiazole 2. material and methods all chemicals and reagent used in this experimental work were of analytical grade. pure sulfathiazole, and mncl2 ·4h2o salt were all imported from sigma–aldrich laboratories. the solvents are ethanol, methanol, acetone, chloroform, sodium hydroxide, benzene and dimethyl sulfoxide. synthesis of [mn(sftz)]: the complex was prepared following a reported procedure [21]. mn (ii) salt solution was prepared by dissolving 3.96 g(0.02 mol) mncl2 ·4h2o in 25 ml of distilled water. the solution of the metal salt was added slowly with stirring in a separate 20 ml of distilled water containing 5.1 g of sulfathiazole (0.02 mol) at room temperature maintaining the ph between 6.0 6.5 by adding dilute solution of koh. the synthesis was carried out with stirring at room temperature. after 1 hour, the complex separated out. the complexes were washed well with distilled water, recrystallized, filtered and finally dried in vacuum and weighed and melting point recorded. melting points of the complex was determined using mpa160 melting point apparatus. atomic absorption spectroscopy was carried out on duck-2010 spectrometer (duck instrumental company) [20]. infrared spectrum was collected on perkin elmer paragon 1000 ft-ir spectrophotometer (spectrum bx) equipped with cesium iodide window (4000 − 350cm−1) in k br pellets. the uv-visible spectrum was obtained on a perkin elmer (lambda 25) spectrometer (200−800 nm) using distilled water as solvent. the 1 h nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra were obtained using varian 400 mhz unity inova, using dmso as solvent. in the crystallographic studies, appropriate amounts of the crystal was collected and deposited on bruker d8 diffractometer operating in transmission mode usin germanium monochromated cukα1 radiation, λ = 1.5406 å, linear position-sensitive detector covering 12◦ in 2θ, 2θ mode range 3.5◦ 70◦, step size 0.017◦ and 17 h data collection time. fox software was used for structure determination and refinement. molecular docking: the three-dimensional structure of escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus and were obtained from the protein data bank, pdb 1e91 and 1stn respectively. the protein structures were subjected to a refinement protocol using molegro molecular viewer. molecular docking was performed using patchdock server: an automatic server for molecular docking [22]. refinement was done in firedock server: an automatic server for fast interaction refinement in molecular docking and processed with molegro molecular viewer [23-26]. 3. results and discussion crystallographic data and structure refinement parameters for [mn(sftz)] is given in table 1, whereas the powdered xray diffraction is shown in figure 2 figure 2: powdered x-ray diffraction of [mn(sftz)]. the crystal structure of [mn(sftz)] complex belongs to monoclinic system, space group p1, with cell parameters of a = 4.519 å, b = 8.704 å, c = 12.608 å, v = 493.5 å 3 , β = 95.69◦. elemental and physical properties of sulfathiazole and its metal complex are shown in table 2 the elemental analysis of sulfathiazole and its mn(i i) complex showed that the experimental values are in agreement with the calculated values the colour of the new product suggested the formation of complex because transition metal complexes 96 otuokere et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 95–102 97 table 1: crystal data and structure refinement for sulfathiazole and its (mn(ii) complex parameters [mn(sftz)] temperature (k) 298 wavelength (å) 0.71073 crystal system monoclinic space group p 1 a(å) 4.519 b(å) 8.704 c(å) 12.608 α(◦) 90 β(◦) 95.69 γ(◦) 90 volume (å 3 ) 493.51 (1.0v) table 2: elemental and physical properties of sftz and [mn(sftz)] ligand/complex % mn colour melting point yield (%) found ◦c (calculated) sftz — white 202 – 202.5 — [mn(s ft z)] 17.50 pink 141 142 86 (17.77) are coloured. the change in melting point also indicated the formation of new complex. the infrared spectra data of sulfathiazole and its mn(i i) complex are presented in table 3 figure 3: ir spectrum of sulfathiazole [21]. figure 4: ir spectrum of [mn(sftz)]. a comparison of ir spectrum of sftz and that of the complex was made (figures 3 and 4). the infrared spectrum of sftz showed a broad band at 3354.00 and 3321.00 cm−1 [21]. this band was assigned n − h stretch of the primary amine due to asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations of the two n − h bonds. in the ir spectra of the mn(i i) complex, this vibration frequency remained unchanged. this suggested that n h2 was not involved in complexation. vibration frequency 1323.00 cm−1 and 1140.00 cm−1 were assigned to be vas(o=s=o) and vs(o=s=o) in sftz. in the complex, these frequencies showed up at 1319.79 and 1138.39 cm−1 in [mn(sftz)]. it is evident that sulfonyl group was not involved in coordination to mn. in sftz spectrum c − n stretching vibration was observed at 1497.00 cm−1. in the spectrum of the complex, these functional group was observed at 1494.05 cm−1 [mn(sftz)]. this observation suggest that coordination did not occurred through c − n in [mn(sft)]. the n − h stretch of s o2 n h appeared at 3255.23 cm−1 in the free ligand. in the ir spectrum of the metal complex this band was absent. this suggested the deprotonation of the n−h of s o2 n h during complexation reaction. the uv spectral data of sulfathiazole and its mn(i i) complex are presented in table 4, while the spectra are present in figures 5 and 6. figure 5: uv-vis spectrum of sulfathiazole. the uv-vis spectrum of sftz showed a band centered at 269 nm. it was assigned π − π∗ due to intra-ligand charge 97 otuokere et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 95–102 98 table 3: infrared spectral data of sulfathiazole and its mn(i i) complex ligand/complex vas(o=s=o) vs(o=s=o) v (n h) v (cn) (n − h) (cm−1) (cm−1) (cm−1) (cm−1) (cm−1) (primary amine) (s o2 n h) sftz 1323.00 1140.00 3354.00, 3321.00 1497.00 3255.23 [mn(s ft z)] 1319.79 1136.39 3350.32, 3320.10 1494.05 absent table 4: the uv spectral data of sulfathiazole and its complex. ligand/metal complex λmax(nm) assignment sft 269 π−π∗(ilct) [mn(s ft z)] 270 π−π∗(ilct) 230 lmct figure 6: uv-vis spectrum of [mn(sftz)]. transfer (ilct).the uv-vis spectrum of [mn(sftz)] showed a band centered at 270 nm which has been assigned ilct due to π−π∗. the chromophores that may exhibit this transition are s=o and c=n. a sharp peak centered at 230 nm suggested ligand to metal charge transfer (lmct). the 1 h − n mr spectral data of sulfathiazole and its mn(i i) complex are presented in table 5. the spectra are shown in figures 7 and 8. figure 7: 1 hn mr spectrum of sulfathiazole [21]. in the 1 hn mr spectrum of sftz, the aromatic protons appeared at 6.51 and 7.43 ppm while the thiazole protons are observed between 6.71 and 7.18 ppm [21]. nh2 protons were observed at 5.80 ppm. in the spectrum of the metal complex, these chemical shifts remained relatively unchanged. in the hnmr spectrum of sftz, the hydrogen that appeared as a singlet at 12.4 ppm is no longer observed in the spectra of the metal complex. this is attributed to the loss of hydrogen atom of figure 8: 1 hn mr spectrum of [mn(sftz)]. the (o2s − n − h) group of sftz when coordination occurred through the nitrogen to the metal centre. based on the uv, ir, 1 hn mr spectra and x-ray powder diffraction, the structure (figure 9) has been proposed for [mn(sftz)]. figure 9: proposed structure of [mn(sftz)]. the solutions tables of the molecular docking are shown in tables 6 9. the crystal structure of the e. coli rna degradosome component enolase and s. aureus nuclease are shown in figures 10 and 11 respectively. the crystal structure of e. coli contains four protein chains (a, b, c and d) and 506 water molecules. the crystal structure of s. aureus nuclease is made up of one protein chain (a) and 83 water molecules. the molecular docking and molecular interactions of sulfathiazole with e. coli are presented in figures 12a and 12b. the molecular docking and molecular interactions of [mn(sftz)] with e. coli are presented in figures 13a and 13b. the molecular docking and molecular interactions of sulfathiazole with s. aureus 98 otuokere et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 95–102 99 table 5: 1 h − n mr spectral data of sulfathiazole and its complex. ligand/ thiazole protons o2s − n − h n h aromatic complex (δ ppm) (δ ppm) (δ ppm) (δ ppm) sft 6.71 7.18 12.4 5.80 6.51-7.43 [mn(s ft z)] 7.02 -7.45 absent 5.80 6.51-7.43 nuclease are presented in figures 14a and 14b. . the molecular docking and molecular interactions of [mn(sftz)] with s. aureus nuclease are presented in figures 15a and 15b. figure 10: crystal structure of e. coli rna degradosome component enolase. figure 11: crystal structure of s. aureus nuclease. figure 12: (a) crystal structure of e. coli rna degradosome component enolase docked with sulfathiazole. (b) molecular interactions of sulfathiazole with e. coli rna degradosome component enolase. the best ranking in table 6 is solution 2 with global energy -46.74 kcal/mol. this suggested that sulfathiazole has the figure 13: (a) crystal structure of e. coli rna degradosome component enolase docked with [mn(sftz)]. (b) molecular interactions of [mn(sftz)] with e. coli rna degradosome component enolase. figure 14: (a) crystal structure of s. aureus nuclease docked with sulfathiazole. (b) molecular interactions of sulfathiazole with s. aureus nuclease. figure 15: (a) crystal structure of s. aureus nuclease docked with [mn(sftz)]. (b) molecular interactions of [mn(sftz)] with s. aureus nuclease. ability to inhibit e. coli. the attractive vander waals and atomic contact energy (ace) showed negative values. these suggested that sulfathiazole docked effectively with e. coli. the molecular interactions (figure 12b) show that e. coli formed hydrogen bonding with sulfathiazole using ala 247(c) and glu 250(c). steric interaction between e. coli and sulfathiazole were observed with gly 156(c), glu 157(c), asn 161(c), ala 260(c), asn 162(c), val 163(c), and asp 164(c). the best global energy in table 7 is -40.08 kcal/mol (so99 otuokere et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 95–102 100 table 6: solution table of sftz docked with e. coli(vdw = vanderwaals; ace = atomic contact energy). rank solution global attractive repulsive ace number energy vdw vdw (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) 1 2 -46.74 -15.12 1.68 -16.11 2 5 -39.59 -14.83 1.49 -12.46 3 9 -34.11 -12.29 1.08 -10.99 4 10 -25.97 -13.63 0.99 -4.88 5 6 -21.88 -13.34 3.23 -3.65 6 1 -21.72 -12.16 0.20 -2.46 7 4 -17.18 -13.71 3.19 0.16 8 7 -11.34 -8.06 2.10 -2.04 9 3 -5.73 -12.05 18.51 -2.15 10 8 3.31 -12.71 29.59 -1.56 table 7: solution table of [mn(sftz)] docked with e. coli(vdw = vanderwaals; ace = atomic contact energy). rank solution global attractive repulsive ace number energy vdw vdw (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) 1 9 -40.08 -11.96 3.61 -15.77 2 4 -38.68 -14.27 2.68 -12.57 3 1 -35.93 -13.63 2.29 -11.48 4 6 -33.85 -11.60 1.10 -11.54 5 8 -29.70 -11.47 1.62 -9.17 6 10 -29.18 -9.28 0.71 -10.35 7 3 -20.15 -10.26 1.42 -5.76 8 5 -19.49 -10.86 3.63 -6.83 9 7 -18.03 -12.44 4.59 -2.38 10 2 -10.31 -13.92 8.90 1.35 table 8: solution table of sftz docked with s. aureus (vdw = vanderwaals; ace = atomic contact energy). rank solution global attractive repulsive ace number energy vdw vdw (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) 1 1 -25.35 -11.53 3.66 -7.77 2 9 -24.36 -13.36 1.42 -5.00 3 2 -21.31 -9.73 2.95 -6.32 4 6 -19.93 -8.76 1.77 -7.08 5 3 -19.27 -6.79 0.61 -7.54 6 8 -18.63 -11.33 1.99 -3.87 7 7 -16.25 -9.00 2.49 -5.05 8 10 -10.07 -5.26 2.43 -3.60 9 5 -9.98 -8.36 5.39 -4.11 10 4 -9.65 -5.51 2.56 -4.53 100 otuokere et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 95–102 101 table 9: solution table of [mn(sftz)] docked with s. aureus (vdw = vanderwaals; ace = atomic contact energy). rank solution global attractive repulsive ace number energy vdw vdw (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) 1 4 -23.56 -9.86 4.80 -9.09 2 8 -23.48 -10.23 1.83 -7.94 3 1 -22.65 -11.19 4.93 -8.21 4 5 -16.39 -9.69 1.59 -3.65 5 9 -13.64 -6.72 4.14 -6.44 6 2 -13.17 -6.45 5.68 -5.97 7 6 -11.25 -7.38 2.10 -3.20 8 7 -7.27 -4.41 2.60 -4.43 9 10 -5.71 -4.97 2.29 -1.96 10 3 0.59 -11.04 38.87 -9.47 lution 9). this suggested that [mn(sftz)] has the ability to inhibit e. coli. the attractive vander waals and atomic contact energy (ace) were also predicted. their negative value predicted effective binding. the molecular interactions (figure 13b) showed that e. coli formed hydrogen bonding with [mn(sftz)] through gly 166(b) and hoh 208(b). steric interactions between [mn(sftz)] and e. coli occured with his 158(b), ala 247(b), ser 249(b), gln 166(b) and asp 316(b). the best ranking in table 8 is solution 1 with global energy -25.35 kcal/mol. this suggested that sulfathiazole has the ability to inhibit s. aureus. the attractive vander waals and atomic contact energy (ace) showed negative values. these suggested that sulfathiazole docked effectively with s. aureus. the molecular interactions (figure 14b) showed that s. aureus formed hydrogen bonding with sulfathiazole using hoh 225(a) and hoh 291(a). steric interaction between s. aureus and sulfathiazole were observed with gln 80, lys 116, tyr 115 and pro 117. the best ranking in table 9 is solution 4 with global energy 23.56 kcal/mol. this suggested that [mn(sftz)] has the ability to inhibit s. aureus. the attractive vander waals and atomic contact energy (ace) showed negative values. these suggested that [mn(sftz)] docked effectively with s. aureus. the molecular interactions (figure 15b) show that s. aureus formed hydrogen bonding with [mn(sftz)] using hoh 295(a), hoh 242(a) and glu 52. steric interaction between s. aureus and [mn(sftz)] were observed with pro 42, lys 110, tyr 41, glu 43 and glu 52. 4. conclusion complex of manganese ion with sulfathiazole was successfully synthesized. the colour, ir, uv 1 h nmr spectra and xray powder diffraction suggested that new products were formed. this also shows that sulfathiazole can be used to remove toxic metals from the environment or from the biological system. this is because they can be complexed with sulfathiazole. molecular docking study predicted the binding energies and interactions between the compounds and bacterial strains. it helped us to understand the mechanism of action of the proposed complex. a thorough investigation should be carried out to find out whether the synthesized drugs can be safely used as a metal based anti-bacterial drug for the treatment of bacterial infections. we also recommend toxicology test for the complexes. acknowledgments we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] g. m. h. golzar, “synthesis and characterisation of cobalt complex of sulfathiazole with acetic acid”, j. saudi chemical society 17 (2013) 253. 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[7] developed a novel mathematical model describing the co-infection dynamics of malaria and typhoid fever. [8] formulated a deterministic co-infection model between malaria and hiv in human population. ref. [9] developed and analyzed the stability of disease free equilibrium point (dfep) of a co-infection model between dengue virus and chikungunya in closed population. [10] developed a mathematical model for dengue-zika co-infection and carried out their synergistic relationship in the presence of prevention and treatment. ref. [11] proposed a co-infection of altered vector infectivity and antibodydependent enhancement of dengue-zika interplay. ref. [12] formulated and analyzed a co-infection model of dengue fever and leptospirosis diseases. in [13], a deterministic model for dengue, malaria and typhoid triple co-infection was developed but limited only to the stability (local and global) analysis. the authors in ref. [14], developed a seir co-infection model of dengue and malaria but only established the local and global stability. in this study, we propose a sir-si deterministic model of dengue virus and malaria co-infection and determine the stability analysis, sensitivity analysis and carryout numerical simulation for the co-infection model. the remainder of this paper is arranged as follows: in section 2, model descriptions, flow diagram (depicting the co-infection interactions) and the model formulation are presented. section 3 is devoted to results and analysis; invariant region, disease free equilibrium point, basic reproduction number, stability analysis, parameters estimation, sensitivity analysis and numerical simulation. discussion of findings is presented in section 4. finally, conclusions are drawn in section 5 and some possible directions for future studies are presented. 2. model formulation 1 the data used in this study are secondarily sourced from [7, 15]. in accordance with previous studies on mathematical model of dengue virus [10, 16, 17, 15] and malaria model [19, 20, 21, 22], we formulate a sir-si deterministic model of dengue and malaria co-infection. in this model, the total human population nh is partitioned into seven classes; susceptible human s h, infected human with dengue virus ihd , infected human with malaria ihm, infected human with both dengue virus and malaria idm, recovery of infected human from dengue virus ,malaria fever and co-infected individuals are rhd , rhm, rdm respectively. the vectors population are subdivided into; susceptible dengue vector s vd , dengue carrier vector ivd , susceptible malaria vector s vm and malaria carrier vector ivm. the recruitment rates for human, dengue and malaria vectors respectively, are λh, λd and λm. the recovery rate from dengue and malaria 1stability and sensitivity analysis of dengue-malaria co-infection model are σ,α, transmission rate of dengue and malaria vectors to human per unit time are ηd, ηm, probability of dengue and malaria vectors to be infected are denoted by ηvd, ηvm respectively. recovered human from malaria become susceptible at γ and acquired immunity ρ rate. the co-infected individuals recover at the rate ψ; but those individuals either recover only from dengue and join rhd with probability of qψ, or recover only from malaria and join rhm with probability of ψl(1 − q), or recover from both diseases and join rdm with the probability of ψ(1 − l)(1 − q). the human natural death rate denote µh while dengue and malaria vectors death rate are µd ,µm respectively. τ, δ are dengue and malaria induced death rates while φ, θ are dengue and malaria related death rates. the following assumptions are made to formulate the co-infection model: the total population is not constant, the susceptible rates are recruited through birth or immigration and the number increases from malaria recovered and co-infectious recovered individuals by losing their temporal immunity. recovered individuals from dengue virus is permanent. figure 2 shown the flow diagram for the interactions between dengue and malaria co-infection model in human population. the time dependent dynamical figure 1. flow diagram depicting dengue virus and malaria co-infection dynamics system associated with the parameters interaction is shown as follows. s ′h = λh + γrhm + πrdm − (ηd ivd +ηm ivm ) nh s h −µhs h i′hd = ηd ivd nh s h − ηm ivm nh ihd − (σ + τ + µh + φ)ihd i′hm = ηm ivm nh s h − ηd ivd nh ihm − (α + ρ + δ + µh + θ)ihm i′dm = ηm ivm nh ihd + ηd ivd nh ihm − (ψ + µh + θ + φ)idm r′hd = σihd + qψidm −µhrhd r′hm = αihm + ψl(1 − q)idm − (γ + µh)rhm r′dm = ψ(1 − l)(1 − q)idm − (π + µh)rdm s ′vd = λd − ηvd (ihd +idm ) nh s vd −µd s vd i′vd = ηvd ihd nh s vd + ηvd idm nh s vd −µd ivd s ′vm = λm − ηvm (ihm +idm ) nh s vm −µms vm i′vm = ηvm ihm nh s vm + ηvm idm nh s vm −µm ivm (1) 97 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 98 table 1. parameters description of dengue and malaria co-infection model parameters description λh recruitment rate of human population λd recruitment rate of dengue vectors λm recruitment rate of malaria vectors ρ rate of human acquired immunity from malaria α rate of human recovery from malaria σ rate of human recovery from dengue ψ rate of human recovery from both dengue and malaria γ rate of immunity warning for rhm to become susceptible ηd transmission rate of dengue vectors to human per unit time ηm transmission rate of malaria vectors to human per unit time ηvd probability for dengue vectors to be infected ηvm probability for malaria parasite vectors to be infected qψ proportion of co-infected human recovery from dengue only ψl(1 − q) proportion of co-infected human recovery from malaria only π rate at which rdm become susceptible τ disease induced death rate for human infected with dengue δ disease induced death rate for human infected with malaria φ dengue related death rate θ malaria related death rate µh natural death rate of humans µd natural death rate of dengue vectors µd natural death rate of malaria vectors 3. results and analysis 3.1. invariant regions in this section, we obtain the bounded region of solution for the dengue-malaria model. the total human population is given by nh = s h + ihd + ihm + idm + rhd + rhm + rdm, then n′h = s ′ h + i ′ hd + i ′ hm + r ′ hd + i ′ dm + r ′ hm + r ′ dm (2) =⇒ n′ = λh −µh nh (3) solving equation (3) as t →∞ yields dh = {(s h, ihd, ihm, idm, rhd, rhm, rdm) ∈< 7; 0 ≤ n ≤ λh µh } for the dengue vector population, if there is no spread of infection, then n′d = λd −µd nd (4) dd = {(s vd, ivd ) ∈< 2; nd ≤ λd µd } similarly, for malaria vector population, we obtain n′m = λm −µm nm (5) dm = {(s vm, ivm) ∈< 2; nm ≤ λm µm } therefore, the feasible solution of dengue-malaria model is given by d = {(dh × dd × dm)< 11 + } thus, the solution of dengue-malaria model is bounded in d. theorem 3.1. if at t = 0 and {s h(0), ihd (0), ihm(0), idm(0), rhd (0), rhm(0), rdm(0) , s vd (0), ivd (0), s vm(0), ivm(0)} ≥ 0, then the solution of dengue-malaria model are nonnegative at t > 0. 3.2. existence of disease free equilibrium point 2 to investigate the condition of existence of the disease free equilibrium point and also the asymptotic behaviour of the dengue-malaria co-infection model in this section, we will investigate whether the diseases die out or become endemic. this can only be addressed through the asymptotic behaviour of the diseases. this behaviour depends largely on the equilibrium point, that is time-independent solutions of the system. since these solutions are independent of time, we set the left hand side of system (1) to zero. s ′h = i ′ hd = i ′ hm = i ′ dm = r ′ hd = r ′ hm = r′dm = 0 and s ′ vd = i ′ vd = s vm = i ′ vm = 0. 2stability and sensitivity analysis of dengue-malaria co-infection model 98 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 99 thus, the equilibrium point is given by e0dm = [s h(0), ihd (0), ihm(0), idm(0), rhd (0), rhm(0), rdm(0), s vd (0), ivd (0), s vm(0), ivm(0)] = [ λh µh , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, λd µd , 0, λm µm , 0 ] (6) 3.3. basic reproduction number r0dm the linear stability of the equilibrium point e0dm is established using next generation matrix method on system (1) to obtain the threshold behavior r0dm. hence, we introduce two matrices; matrix a for rates of new infection and b is the transfer rate of in or out of a compartment. taking the partial derivative of the right hand side of (1) at dfep with respect to ihd, ihm, idm, ivd , ivm, we obtain a =  0 0 0 ηdλh µh nh 0 0 0 0 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 0 0 0 0 ηvdλd µd nh 0 ηvdλd µd nh 0 0 0 ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh 0 0  b =  −κ1 0 0 0 0 0 −dt 0 0 0 0 0 −κ2 0 0 0 0 0 −µd 0 0 0 0 0 −µm  ∴ b−1 =  − 1 κ1 0 0 0 0 0 − 1dt 0 0 0 0 0 − 1 κ2 0 0 0 0 0 − 1 µd 0 0 0 0 0 − 1 µm  where κ1 = (σ + τ + µh + φ), κ2 = (ψ + µh + θ + φ),dt = (α + ρ + δ + µh + θ) and β = ψ(1− l)(1−q) from equation (1). the basic reproduction number r0dm of dengue-malaria co-infection model is the number of secondary infections of dengue or malaria in the population due to a single dengue or malaria infective individual. the reproduction number is the spectral radius of ab−1 defined as r0dm := p(ab−1), and is given by r0dm = max  √ ηdηvdλdλh µhµ 2 dκ1 n 2 h , √ ηmηvmλmλh µ2mµh dt n 2 h  (7) 3.3.1. local stability of disease free equilibrium point 3 the jacobian matrix j0dm of dengue-malaria model (1) at e0dm is obtained as seen in matrix (8). −µh 0 0 0 0 γ π 0 −ηdλh µh nh 0 −ηmλh µh nh 0 −κ1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ηdλh µh nh 0 0 0 0 −dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 0 0 −κ2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 σ 0 qψ −µh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ρ ψl(1 − q) 0 (−γ−µh ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 β 0 0 (−π−µh ) 0 0 0 0 0 −ηvdλd µd nh 0 −ηvdλd µd nh 0 0 0 −µd 0 0 0 0 ηvdλd µd nh 0 ηvdλd µd nh 0 0 0 0 −µd 0 0 0 0 −ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh 0 0 0 0 0 −µm 0 0 0 ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh 0 0 0 0 0 0 −µm  (8) theorem 3.2. the disease free equilibrium e0dm is locally asymptotically stable if r0dm < 1 and unstable if r0dm > 1. 3stability and sensitivity analysis of dengue-malaria co-infection model 99 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 100 proof 3.1. . the local stability of e0dm is establish by the jacobian matrix (8) at e0dm. the characteristic polynomial of j0dm is determine by det(j0dm − ti) = (−µh − t) ×(−µh − t) × (−γ−µh − t) ×(−π−µh − t)(−µd − t) ×(−µm − t) × det(ĵ0dm − ti) = 0 where ĵ0dm is given by ĵ0dm =  −κ1 0 0 ηd λh µh nh 0 0 −dt 0 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 0 −κ2 0 0 ηv dλd µd nh 0 ηvdλd µd nh −µd 0 0 ηv mλm µm nh ηv mλm µm nh 0 −µm  using the properties of determinant, we obtain det(ĵ0dm−it) = det  −dt − t 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 0 0 −κ2 − t 0 0 0 ηvmλm µh nh ηvmλm µh nh −µm − t 0 0 0 ηvdλd µh nh 0 −µd − t ηvdλd µh nh 0 0 0 −ηdλh µh nh − t −κ1 − t  det  −dt − t 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 −κ2 − t 0 ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh −µm − t  × det −µd − t −ηvdλdµd nhηdλh µh nh −κ1 − t  = 0 (9) the five eigenvalues of j0dm are (−µh − t) × (−µh − t) × (−γ − µh − t)×(−µd − t)×(−µm − t) = 0 and the other five eigenvalues are obtained from the solution of matrix equation (9) by det  −dt − t 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 −κ2 − t 0 ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh −µm − t  = 0 det −µd − t −ηvdλdµd nhηdλh µh nh −κ1 − t  = 0 the above determinant becomes t3 − (dt + κ2 + µm)t2 − ( κ2(dt + (dt + κ2) + (1 − r20m)dt µm ) t +(κ2 − r20m)dt µm = 0 (10) t2 + (µd + κ1)t + (1 − r 2 0d )µdκ1 = 0 (11) the above eigenvalues of equation (10) and (11) are also negative. therefore, the disease free equilibrium point are locally asymptotically stable iff r0d < 1 and r0m < 1. 3.3.2. global stability of disease free equilibrium point 4 the global asymptotic stability of the dfep is investigated using carlos castillo-chavez conditions as described in [23]. from the co-infection model (1), we define the time dependent derivatives by x′ = f(x, z) (12) z′ = g(x, z), g(x, 0) = 0 (13) where x = (s h, rhd, rhm, rdm, s vd, s vm) and z = (ihd, ihm, idm, ivd, ivm) denote uninfected and infected populations respectively. to guarantee the global asymptotic stability, the following conditions must be satisfied. (a) x′ = f(x, 0); x∗ is globally stable (b) g(x, z) = dzg(x∗, 0)z − ĝ(x, z), ĝ(x, z) ≥ 0 ∀ x, z ∈ ω theorem 3.3. the equilibrium point e0dm = (x∗, 0) of system (1) is globally asymptotically stable if r0dm ≤ 1 and the conditions (a), (b) are satisfied. proof: f(x, z) and g(x, z) is given by f(x, z) =  λh + γrhm + πrdm − ηd ivd +ηm ivm nh s h −µhs h σrhd + qψidm −µhrhd ρrhm + (1 − qψ)ihm − (γ + µh)rhm βidm − (π + µh)rdm λd − ηvd (ihd +idm ) nh s vd −µd s vd λm − ηvm (ihm +idm ) nh s vm −µms vm  g(x, z) =  ηd ivd nh s h − ηm ivm nh ihd − (σ + τ + µh + φ)ihd ηm ivm nh s h − ηd ivd nh ihm − (α + ρ + δ + µh + θ)ihm ηm ivm nh ihd + ηd ivd nh ihm − (ψ + µh + θ + φ)idm ηvd ihd nh s vd + ηvd idm nh s vd −µd ivd ηvm ihm nh s vm + ηvm idm nh s vm −µm ivm  for x′ = f(x, 0), system (1) is reduced to x′ =  s ′h = λh + πrdm + γrhm −µhs h s vd′ = λd −µd s vd s vm = λm −µms vm with x∗ = ( λh µh , λd µd , λm µm ) (14) given g(x, z) = dzg(x∗, 0)z − ĝ(x, z), ĝ(x, z) ≥ 0 g(x∗, 0) =  −κ1 0 0 ηdλh µh nh 0 0 −dt 0 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 0 −κ2 0 0 ηvdλd µd nh 0 ηvdλd µd nh −µd 0 0 ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh 0 −µm  (15) 4stability and sensitivity analysis of dengue-malaria co-infection model 100 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 101 dzg(x ∗, 0)z =  −κ1 0 0 ηdλh µh nh 0 0 −dt 0 0 ηmλh µh nh 0 0 −κ2 0 0 ηvdλd µd nh 0 ηvdλd µd nh −µd 0 0 ηvmλm µm nh ηvmλm µm nh 0 −µm  ×  ihd ihm idm ivd ivm  =  −κ1 ihd + ηdλh µh nh ivd −dt ihm + ηmλh µh nh ivm −κ2 idm ηvdλd µd nh ihd + ηvdλd µd nh idm −µd ivd ηvmλm µm nh ihm + ηvmλm µm nh idm −µd ivm  ĝ(x, z) =  ĝ1(x, z) ĝ2(x, z) ĝ3(x, z) ĝ4(x, z) ĝ5(x, z)  =  ηd ivd nh ( λh µh − s h) + ηm ivm ihd nh ηm ivm nh ( λh µh − s h) + ηd ivd ihm nh − ( ηm ivm ihd nh + ηd ivd ihm nh ) ηvd nh ( λd µd − s vd )(ihd + idm) ηvm nh ( λm µm − s vm)(ihm + idm)  (16) since ĝ3(x, z) < 0 in equation (16) and condition (b) requires ĝ(x, z) ≥ 0. hence, condition (b) is not met as ĝ(x, z) < 0 for all x, z ∈ ω. thus, it implies that the defp may not be globally asymptotically stable if r0dm < 1. therefore, the endemic equilibrium exist with dfep if rodm < 1. whence, we can deduced that the dengue-malaria model exhibits backward bifurcation when the basic reproduction number r0dm = 1. 3.4. parameters estimation and sensitivity analysis 3.4.1. parameters estimation and initial value 5 the parameters in table 2 are obtained (or estimated) in line with the work of [7, 15], from kenyan region where malaria and dengue virus are said to be endemic. conservatively, the following initial values are estimated. the total human population is estimated to be 52, 000, 000 and the susceptible human are assumed to be 25, 000, 000 which is about half of the population at the onset of the diseases. for vectors population, 10, 000, 000 is assumed to be susceptible malaria mosquitoes with 2, 000, 000 malaria carrier mosquitoes. dengue susceptible mosquitoes are estimated to 5, 000, 000 and 100, 000 for dengue carrier mosquitoes. therefore, the initial infected human with malaria is estimated to be 10, 000 and infected human with dengue estimate is 5000. 3.5. sensitivity analysis of the model in order to identify the dominant parameter for the spread and control of dengue and malaria infections in the population, we performed the sensitivity analysis. as described in carlos 5stability and sensitivity analysis of dengue-malaria co-infection model table 2. parameters values of dengue-malaria co-infection model parameter value/day source λh 467 [7] µh 0.00004 calculated λd 221056.75 estimated ηd 0.000451 estimated ηvd 0.13502 estimated σ 0.035 estimated π 0.003 estimated τ 0.0245 estimated φ 0.00023 estimated µd 0.00005 calculated ηm 0.000408 [7] ηvm 0.15096 [7] γ 0.06 [0,1] [7] α 0.038 [7] ρ 0.37 [7, 15] δ 0.0019 [7] θ 0.00025 estimated µm 0.00005 calculated castillo-chavez [23], the sensitivity index of r0dm with a parameter say β is expressed as υ r0dm β = ∂rodm ∂β × β r0dm (17) since rodm is defined by r0dm = { √ ηdηvdλdλh µhµ 2 dκ1 n 2 h , √ ηmηvmλmλh µ2mµh dt n 2 h } therefore, we evaluate the sensitivity index of r0d and rom separately as follows: 6 υ r0d ηd = ∂r0d ∂ηd × ηd r0d = 1 2 > 0 υ r0d ηvd = ∂r0d ∂ηvd × ηvd r0d = 1 2 > 0 υ r0d σ = ∂r0d ∂σ × σ r0d = − σ 2κ1 < 0 υ r0d τ = ∂r0d ∂τ × τ r0d = − τ 2κ1 < 0 υ r0d φ = ∂r0d ∂φ × φ r0d = − φ 2κ1 < 0 υ r0d µd = ∂r0d ∂µd × µd r0d = −1 < 0 υ r0d µh = ∂r0d ∂µh × µh r0d = − σ + τ + 2µh + φ 2κ1 < 0 6stability and sensitivity analysis of dengue-malaria co-infection model 101 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 102 υ r0m ηm = ∂r0m ∂ηm × ηm r0m = 1 2 > 0 υ r0m ηvm = ∂r0m ∂ηvm × ηvm r0m = 1 2 > 0 υ r0m α = ∂r0m ∂α × α r0m = − α 2dt < 0 υ r0m ρ = ∂r0m ∂ρ × ρ r0m = − ρ 2dt < 0 υ r0m δ = ∂r0m ∂δ × δ r0m = − δ 2dt < 0 υ r0m θ = ∂r0m ∂θ × θ r0m = − θ 2dt < 0 υ r0m µm = ∂r0m ∂µm × µm r0m = − α + ρ + δ + 2µm + θ 2dt < 0 the parameters with positive sensitivity indices are ηd,ηvd,ηm,ηvm and the negative indices includes σ,τ,φ,µd,α,ρ,δ,θ,µm. the positive sign parameters have great influence in the spread of the diseases and their co-infection in the region. whereas, the parameters with negative sign have potential influence on the control of the spread of dengue, malaria and their co-infection. hence, the center for disease control is expected to make policies and control measures in this regard to combat dengue, malaria and their co-infection in an endemic region. 3.6. numerical simulations 3.6.1. effect of malaria recovery rate (α) on infectious (ihm) population as seen in figure 2, it is shown that α plays a significant influence in decreasing malaria infection. when the value of α increases from 0.038 to 1, the infectious population due to malaria decreased, where the contact rate ηm is kept constant. figure 2. effect of malaria recovery rate on infectious population 3.6.2. effect of dengue recovery rate (σ) on infectious (ihd ) population in figure 3, as the value of σ varies from 0.035 to 0.99, the number of dengue infection decreases when the contact rate ηd is kept constant. hence, this can be use by policy makers to combat the disease. figure 3. effect of dengue recovery rate on infectious population 3.6.3. effect of dengue contact rate (ηd ) on co-infectious (idm) population in figure 4, the contact rate of dengue ηd varies from 0.000451 to 0.040451, the number of co-infectious population increases as the recovery rate is kept constant. thus, the center for disease control and policy makers are expected to apply vector control measures and mechanism to reduce the expansion of co-infection in the region. figure 4. effect of dengue contact rate on co-infectious population 3.6.4. effect of dengue-malaria recovery rate (ψ) on co-infectious (idm) population the recovery rate described in dengue-malaria model is either the individual recovery from dengue only, recovery from malaria only or both dengue and malaria infections. as shown in figure 5, increasing ψ play a significant role in reducing both dengue and malaria infections in the region. 102 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 103 table 3. parameters value and sensitivity indices parameter sensitivity indice sensitivity index <0d basic reproduction number of dengue µh -ve -0.001787 ηd +ve +0.5 ηvd +ve +0.5 σ -ve -0.001046 τ -ve -0.000732 φ -ve -0.000007 µd -ve -1 <0m basic reproduction number of malaria ηm +ve +0.5 ηvm +ve +0.5 α -ve -0.007794 ρ -ve 0.075885 δ -ve -0.00049 θ -ve -0.00005 µm -ve -1 figure 5. effect of recovery rate on co-infection population 4. discussion in this paper, we develop a deterministic mathematical model that studies the dynamics of dengue virus and malaria fever in an endemic stage. base on the qualitative and numerical analysis of the data sourced from [7, 15] with conservative estimates, the results depict some interesting insights into the underlying relationship between dengue virus and malaria fever and provide information that are useful to combat the diseases. the qualitatively analysis of the model shows that there is a bounded invariant region where the model is mathematical and epidemiological well posed. the basic reproduction number of the model was derived using the next generation matrix method. stability and sensitivity analysis of the disease free equilibrium point (dfep) were established. the result shows that the dfep is locally stable if r0dm < 1 but may not be asymptotically stable. therefore, the endemic equilibrium exist when rodm < 1 with dfep and this implies that the model undergoes backward bifurcation. we demonstrated numerically using maple 17 , the effects of basic parameters for the spread and control of dengue and malaria co-infection. from the results, we conclude that an increase in dengue and malaria recovery rates plays a great role in reducing dengue and malaria infections respectively, in the region. similarly, the recovery rate for co-infectious individuals also contributes greatly to reducing the co-infection in the population if its value increases as seen in figure 5. another findings obtained is that, increasing dengue vectors contact rate has a great influence on spreading the co-infection in the population. we computed the r0dm = 19.70 > 1, indicating that dengue virus and malaria fever are endemic in the area. thus, we recommend that center for disease control set out preventive measures in reducing the spread of both diseases and increase the measures on recovery co-infected individuals. 5. conclusion and recommendation as demonstrated in this study, the co-infection between dengue virus and malaria fever may have devastating impacts in the tropical/subtropical communities. the model helps in identifying distinct features and underlying relationships between dengue and malaria co-infection. this will be of help to policy makers to devise strategies for controlling the diseases. for future studies, we recommend a formulation with optimal control parameters to determine the strategies for mitigating the spread and control of dengue and malaria co-infection. data and materials. the data used for this co-infection model are from previous articles published. acknowledgment the authors are grateful for the data gathered from the previously published articles. 103 ayuba et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 96–104 104 references [1] p. yongzhen, l. shgaoying, l. shuping, & l changguo, “a delay seiqr epidemic model with impulse vaccination and the quarantine measure”, computers and mathematics with 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effective line-of-sight (los) link even during the worst weather conditions. the geoclimatic factor is an important quantity that must be considered in the design of terrestrial links for effective wireless communication. this work utilized satellite data from the european center for medium-range weather forecasts (ecmwf) to compute the point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor for yenagoa and its environs. the research was necessitated by the paucity of research on this subject matter for yenegoa. the results of the research show that point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor in the study area vary with season. the average point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor at 70 m above the ground level are:136.433 n-unit/km and 6.638633e-05 respectively. this implies that radiowaves propagating in this region at the said altitude is most likely to be super refractive in both rain and clear air atmospheric conditions. rain or worst condition refers to the period when atmospheric components such as hydrometeor, lithometeor, aerosol have significant effects on propagated radio signals. clear-air conditions means when maximum possible signal is received such that the most threatening atmospheric components (rain drops) have negligible effects on propagated signal. the results will be useful for radio engineers in the design and configuration of inter-terrestrial microwave links in yenagoa and its environs for optimum quality of service. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1081 keywords: gsm, wan, inter-terrestrial, microwave, geoclimatic factor, refractivity gradient article history : received: 22 september 2022 received in revised form: 27 december 2022 accepted for publication: 07 january 2023 published: 27 january 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: w. a. yahya 1. introduction the condition of the atmosphere is very important for proper planning of terrestrial radio links, navigation and remote sensing installations like radar [1]. the quality of a radio signal and the extent to which it travels within ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348032412347 email address: lawalyusuf.b@gmail.com (y. b. lawal ) a particular medium are determined by some atmospheric weather parameters which dictate the medium’s refractive index. temperature, pressure, and humidity are the major atmospheric parameters that determine the refractive index in the troposphere [2]. temporal and spatial variations in these parameters have a great effect on the propagation conditions. radio point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factors are major quantities whose values must be taken into consideration when designing inter-terrestrial radio links. these quantities 1 y. b. lawal & e. t. omotoso / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1081 2 are solely a function of water vapor pressure, temperature, and pressure which are the said atmospheric parameters. precise estimation of refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor are highly essential in order to determine the multipath fade depth of a communication link [3]. fading is a phenomenon whereby there is a gradual drop in the signal strength of a radio wave as it propagates through the atmosphere. the signal is gradually reduced in the atmosphere because of the various obstacles such as hydrometeors, litheometeors, etc. it encounters. the gradual drop in radio signal results in a fractional power of the transmitted signal reaching a target receiving antenna. multipath fading is a major impairment problem in wireless communication systems such as wireless sensors, mobile telephony, radar systems, tv/radio broadcast etc [3, 4]. the effects of the clear-air fading mechanism due to extreme refractive layers in the atmosphere include, but are not limited to beam spreading, antenna decoupling, surface multipath, and atmospheric multipath [5]. to achieve a seamless inter-terrestrial communication link within a locality, there is a need to carry out accurate estimation of refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor values. a few research works have been carried out to determine refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factors in some areas in nigeria as presented in table 1. unfortunately, none has attended to the computation of these local parameters in yenagoa except olla and oluwafemi (2018) [6] which predicted them using spatial interpolation. the result is adjudged to be grossly unreliable because only six spatial data points were used generate k-map of nigeria. geoclimatic factor is an important parameter in the planning and design of inter-terrestrial radio links. accurate estimation of geoclimatic factor within a blanket of altitude aids in the identification of worst month condition. thus, leading to proper adjustment of propagation parameters to minimize fade depth margin. the spatial and temporal variability of geoclimatic factor has made it a parameter of interest for local radio engineers. geoclimatic factor is a function of refractivity gradient. consequently, refractivity gradient is a variable that depends on refractivity, a scale-up term for refractive index. according to itu-r, equation (1) expresses the relationship between refractivity n and refractive index n [10]. n = (n − 1) × 106 (1) the value of refractivity gradient determines the degree of curvature of radio signal propagating in the atmosphere for a particular range of altitude. the relationship between refractivity and altitude in the first kilometer above the ground level is linear [11, 12, 13]. for instance, if refractivity n1 is measured at an altitude h1 (km) and another value n2 is obtained at a higher altitude h2 (km) which are less than or equal to 1 km, then the refractivity gradient dn/dh is given by equation (2) [13]. this equation is always negative due to a decrease in the value of refractivity n as altitude increases. dn dh = n2 − n1 h2 − h1 (2) the degree of curvature of radio signals is generally classified into four categories based on the value of refractivity gradient for a given height range [14, 15]. a radio signal is said to be normally refracted if the refractivity gradient is −40 n/km, otherwise, it is abnormally refracted according to equations (3a)(3d) [16]. sub-refraction; ∂n ∂h >−40 n/km (3a) standard refraction; ∂n ∂h = −40 n/km (3b) super refraction;−157n/km < ∂n ∂h <−40 n/km (3c) ducting; ∂n ∂h <−157n/km (3d) figure 1: common classification of atmospheric refraction conditions [17] a sub-refracted radio signal is one with a very large refractivity gradient such that the radio path bends towards the earth but with a curvature less than that of standard refraction as illustrated in figure 1. super refraction is a condition in which the rays bend more rapidly towards the earth when compared with normal refraction. ducting is an extreme case of super refraction in which the degree of curvature of radio signals exceeds that of the earth’s surface curvature. during this condition radio signals especially from radar, may hit the earth surface and suffer multiple reflections instead of hitting the intended target. although ducting may be of great advantage for long-distance non-line-of-sight transmission, such transmitters must be equipped with sufficient transmitting power. 2 y. b. lawal & e. t. omotoso / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1081 3 table 1: reports of previous studies on determination of geoclimatic factors previous studies methodology k-factor for nearest station k-factor for yenagoa remarks etokebe et al., (2016) [7] nimet data was employed to determine g and k at 65m height for calabar. 6.537e05 (calabar) nil emmanuel et al., (2018) [8] ecmwf data was employed to determine g and k at 100m height for 17 stations excluding yenagoa 2.39e04 (port harcourt) nil neither g nor k was computed for yenagoa olla and oluwafemi (2018)[6] nimet data was employed to determine g and k at 65m height for 6 stations excluding yenagoa. the results were used to generate k-map for nigeria 2.791e04 2.791e04 six (6) data points are insufficient to generate data map of nigeria by interpolation and extrapolation techniques oluwafemi and olla (2021)[9] nimet data was employed to determine g and k at 65m height for 6 stations excluding yenagoa. 2.39e04 (port harcourt) nil a propagating radio wave, as shown in figure 1, may miss its target if the actual refractivity gradient within the site is not taken into consideration. 2. methodology 2.1. research location this research work evaluates the necessary point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor for the propagation of tropospheric radio waves in yenagoa and its environment. the study area is yenagoa, the capital of bayelsa state, a coastal city in the south-south geo political zone of nigeria. yenagoa is bounded between latitude 4.90 – 4.92◦ n and longitude 6.07 – 6.27◦ e. about 65% of the entire state is covered by water from the atlantic ocean, while the area covered by land is about 15 metres above mean sea level [18, 19]. it is characterized by two climatic seasons: dry and wet seasons. generally, rainfall is experienced in all months of the year in the niger delta region of nigeria. december, january, february and march which are the months with least amount of rainfall make up the dry season [20, 21, 22]. the land mass witnesses a frequent high volume of annual rainfall due to its proximity to the atlantic ocean. this accounts for the reason why attenuation due to rain remains a major threat to radio signals, especially during the rainy season. this research focuses on the determination of radio refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor which are localized radio propagation parameters. 2.2. data acquisition and computational analysis ten years (2009-2018) monthly meteorological data of yenagoa containing air temperature, relative humidity, pressure and dew point temperature at ground level and 70 m above were retrieved from the archive of the european center for mediumrange weather forecast (ecmwf) [23]. the ecmwf erainterim satellite has a grid and temporal resolutions of 0.75◦ by 0.75◦ lat/long and 24 hours respectively [24]. the values of relative humidity at the two levels were converted to water vapor pressure, e, by using equation (4) while the refractivity was calculated using equation (5) [25]. the data analysis was carried out using microsoft excel software while sorting of the refractivity gradients was accomplished using the necessary empirical equations for determining normal and abnormal refractions (sub-refraction, super-refraction, and ducting). the necessary empirical equations and conditions for the classification of radio refractions in the troposphere are indicated in equations (3a)-(3d). the surface and point refractivities n at 70 m above the ground surface were computed using equation (4) [26]. n = 77.6p t + 3.73 × 105 e t 2 (4) e = h × 6.1121 exp ( 17.502t t+240.97 ) 100 , (5) where p = atmospheric pressure (hpa), t = temperature in degree celsius (◦c), e = water vapour pressure (hpa) defined by equation (5) [27], h = relative humidity (100 %) and t = absolute temperature (k). the refractivity gradients were calculated using equation (2), where n1 is the refractivity at the ground surface (h1), n2 is the refractivity at 70 m height (h2). h1 is the ground surface height (i.e 0 m) and h2 is 70 m. the itu-r recommended formula for computing geoclimatic factor k is given in equation (6) [10, 28, 29] k = 10−4.6−0.0027dn1, (6) where dn1 is the point refractivity gradient, a simple notation representing dndh , the subject of equation (2). the monthly, seasonal, and annual variations of k were studied based on available data. statistical analysis was also carried out to deduce the prevailing type of refraction in the study area and give appropriate recommendations. 3 y. b. lawal & e. t. omotoso / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1081 4 3. results and discussion 3.1. monthly variation of point refractivity gradient the monthly point refractivity gradients for all the months between 2009 and 2018 inclusive were computed and presented in figure 2. according to the classifications of atmospheric refractions in equations (3a)-(3d), it was observed that the prevailing propagation conditions are super-refraction and ducting. similar conditions were reported by [12] for the same station. the results, as presented in figure 2, indicate that refractivity is generally high during the rainy months while low values are predominant in the dry months. the trend of the refractivity gradients shows that the monthly variation has the shape of a stretched letter “m” with double peaks annually. the first peak was observed between may and june which signifies the intense period of the rainy season in the coastal region as reported by [7, 30, 31]. the dip in august could be attributed to the famous august-break which results in a low refractivity gradient due to a decrease in rainfall [31, 32]. the second peak occurred in september which signifies the resumption of frequent rainfall after the august break. figure 2: annual variation of point refractivity gradient 4. seasonal variation of refractivity gradient and kfactor the seasonal variation of refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor were studied based on the computed monthly values. figure 2 depicts that each month exhibits a unique trend over the years of study. for instance, there is a consistent gradual decrease in the refractivity gradient from january to march of every year. the unique nature of each month informed the decision to average the refractivity gradient values of the corresponding months for all the years. table 2 and figure 3 present the monthly mean of the refractivity gradients from 2009 to 2018. the figure revealed the variation of the refractivity gradient over the two seasons. refractivity gradient rises gradually at the onset of the rainy season specifically from march and becomes fairly steady at a mean value of -68.27 n-units/km between may and july. this is the maximum average refractivity gradient for the entire study period. there is a slight fall in august due to rainfall seizure table 2: monthly average point refractivity gradient and k-factor for yenagoa (2009-2018) months refractivity gradient (n-unit/km) k-factor (k) january -161.604 6.86011e-05 february -227.353 0.000103241 march -214.234 9.51548e-05 april -139.13 5.96557e-05 may -70.0804 3.88344e-05 june -67.9087 3.83137e-05 july -68.2645 3.83985e-05 august -87.6277 4.33106e-05 september -75.8705 4.02578e-05 october -84.3443 4.24355e-05 november -230.899 0.000105542 december -209.879 9.26135e-05 annual average -136.433 6.38633e-05 figure 3: monthly average point refractivity gradient for yenagoa (20092018) associated with this month. the slight fall observed during the august-break is due to the movement of inter-tropical discontinuity (itd) between the northern and southern parts of nigeria. generally, the itd reaches its maximum northward position in august translating to a low amount of precipitation in the south [32]. hence, the refractivity gradient dropped to 87.63 n-units/km. the surge between september and october is due to the resumption of frequent rainfall which signifies the end of rainy seasons in the coastal region. the sharp decline between october and november is occasioned by the cessation of the rainy season. it was observed that the refractivity gradient reduces significantly from -84.34 n-units/km in october to -230.90 n-units/km in november. the month of january is commonly characterized by intense harmattan which causes lower humidity and temperature compared with previous months [33]. this accounts for the slight increase to -161.6 n-units/km in january, followed by a continuous reduction in humidity due to severe solar radiation between february and june [34]. the overall average refractivity gradient during the rainy and dry seasons stands at -75.68 n-units/km and -197.18 n-units/km, respectively. the geoclimatic factor which is an exponential function of 4 y. b. lawal & e. t. omotoso / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1081 5 figure 4: monthly average geoclimatic factor for bayelsa (2009-2018) the point refractivity gradient exhibit a similar trend but in the inverse order. high values prevail during the dry season while low values were dominant during the rainy season as depicted in figure 4. the months of november, february, and march recorded maximum monthly means of 1.06e-04, 1.03e-04, and 9.53e-05, respectively. on the contrary, low values of 3.83e05, 3.84e-05, and 3.88e-05 were recorded in june, july, and may, respectively. the mean values during the rainy and dry seasons are 4.03e-05 and 8.75e-05. the overall annual average point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor are 136.43 n-units/km and 6.39e-05, respectively. these results are closely in agreement with the values obtained for calabar by etokebe et. al., (2016) [7]. calabar is also a coastal region in southern nigeria and shares the same climatic features as yenagoa [35]. the results also align closely with the work of [9] which obtained an average geoclimatic factor of 2.39e4 for port harcourt, another coastal city located about 94 km away from yenagoa. 5. conclusion the monthly point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor for yenagoa between 2009 and 2018 have been computed using meteorological data retrieved from the archive of ecmwf. the values obtained are similar to results obtained for other coastal stations in nigeria as evidenced in previous studies. although, refractivity gradient is generally low during the dry months, the lowest value was observed in november as shown in figure 4. this implies that extremely poor propagation condition (ducting) is likely to occur in november due to the extreme values of point refractivity gradient and geoclimatic factor. the derived parameters are recommended for link budget calculations in the design of terrestrial microwave links. acknowledgments the authors wish to express their profound gratitude to the ecmwf for providing satellite data used for this research. we also appreciate our colleagues whose comments and suggestions have helped to improve the paper. references [1] m. m. tanko, m. s. liman, w. l. lumbi, u. s. aliyu, & m. u. sarki, “field strength variability mapping of nigeria”, journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences (jnsps) 4 (2022) 746. 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[7] carried out a on hidden markov model in multiple testing on dependent count data, [8] showed that the exponentiatedexponential geometric distribution can be applied to fit underdispersed or over-dispersed count data, in the same manner [4] demonstrated that dirichlet process mixture prior of generalized linear mixed models (dpmglmm) can fit either overdispersed or under-dispersed count data well. [9] sufficiently showed that multi-level zero-inflated poisson (zip) regression model can adequately fit both over-and underdispersed count data that have zero counts. the authors adopted 224 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 225 em algorithm along with the penalized likelihood and restricted maximum likelihood (reml). [10] adopted multilevel zeroinflated poisson (zip) regression and zero-inflated negative binomial (zinb) and applied the models to fit count data relating to decay, missing and filled teeth of children aged 12 years old. a related and recent study was carried out by [11], the authors proposed multilevel zero-inflated generalized poisson (zigp) that is suitable in fitting both overand under-dispersed count data and compared with multilevel models of zero-inflated poisson, zero-inflated negative binomial. the result showed that the multilevel zigp produced more accurate parameter estimates, particularly for under-dispersed data. in this study, bayesian multilevel modelling was proposed and implemented for some basic distributions used in fitting count data (poisson, negative binomial and geometric), zero inflated and hurdle models, and identify a most suitable model for fitting under-and over-dispersed respectively. the remaining part of this paper is sectionalized as follows; multi-level modelling is described in section 2, parameter estimation and model selection can be found in 3. section 4 is the results of simulation study and that of real-life data. lastly, summary and conclusion in section 5. 2. model description 2.1. multilevel modelling the multilevel modelling technique follows a similar process involved when fitting the generalized linear model. in glm, a link function links the response y variable to the predictor(s), same with multilevel modelling. let ( f ) be an inverse link function that links the response variable y to the predictor, then υ is the linear combination of the predictors transformed by the inverse link function ( f ), and d be a parametric model (distribution), the model can be simply be written as yi ∼ d ( f (υi) ,θ) (1) and linear predictor: υ = xβ + k� (2) the data is made up of the response variable y, x and k, while β, � and θ are the model parameters to be estimated. while β is the fixed effect coefficient at population level, while � is the coefficient at group-level. the bayesian estimation technique by monte carlo markov chain (mcmc) procedure considers � as a parameter relative to maximum likelihood that considers � as error term [12]. 2.2. zero-inflated distribution if y follows zero-inflated poisson (zip) distributions, given by p(y = y) = { ω + (1 −ω) exp(−λ), y = 0 (1 −ω) exp(−λ)λy/y!, y > 0 } (3) where is ω in the range0 < ω < 1 , in order to accommodate more zeros than those allowed under the poisson assumption(ω = 0), and the case of ω < 0imply zero inflated. [9] estimated multi-level parameters of zip regression in the generalized linear mixed models (glmms) context. the authors generalized the zip model so that the model will be able to withstand more complex correlation structure. zero-inflated negative binomial for counts is formed from zip, the mean and variance defined as: e(y ) = (1 −ω)λ = µ, (4) the use of regression models based on zip was established by [13-15 ], [5]. following [5] we have: log(λ) = xβ and log (ω/1 −ω) = zυ (5) where x and z are matrices of covariates, β and υare vector of parameters. assuming two linear predictors are related in some ways, [16] provided a simplest form of (3) which is refers to the zi p(τ)model as follows: log(λ) = xβ, log (ω/1 −ω) = τxβ (6) where τ is a scalar parameter, which implies thatω = (1 + λ−r )−1. following equation (3) in multi-level case, [9] identified the extension of zip model to include random components wi and ui within logistic and poisson linear predictors to take care of dependence of observations in given clusters. the random effects wi and uiare specific to the ith cluster. in a three-level hierarchical situation of yi jk, the kth observation of the jth individual within the ith clusters is measured through random effects associated with the linear predictors as follows: log [ φi jk (1−φi jk ) ] = ξi jk = ati jkα + wi + si j log(λi jk) = γi jk = xti jkβ + ui + vi j (7) the covariates ati jkand x t i jk are not always the same α and β are the corresponding vectors of regression coefficients. si jand vi jare variations at subject level. 2.3. hurdle models if the distribution of y follows zero-truncated poisson distribution it follows that: π0y > 0 p(y = y) = (1 −π0)e−λλy (1 − e−λ)y! y = 0 (8) reparametizing the zero-inflated poisson model in equation (3) withπ0 = ω + (1 − ω)e−λ, [16], gave poisson hurdle regression model is given as; log (λ) = xβ, log[− log(1 −π+) = τxβ (9) where π+ = 1 − π0 is the probability of clearing the “hurdle” and generating a non-zero count. 225 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 226 2.4. prior distributions prior distribution is specified at population and group-level. at population-level parameters have an improper prior [17]. at group level it is assumed that parameters ε comes from a multivariate normal distribution having zero mean and unknown covariance matrixς. epsilon ∼ n (0,σ) (10) covariances are between group-level parameters are generally of different groupings factors and assumed to be zero. by implication, kand ε can be divided to form several matrices ki and parameter vectors εi , where i indexes grouping factors, thus, the model can be simplified to �i ∼ n (0,σi) (11) sometimes, it can be assumed that group-level parameters for different levels of the same grouping factors are not dependent. if the other level is indexed by j, (11) leads to: �i j ∼ n ( 0, m j ) (12) the covariance matrices m j will become the model parameters. no-u-turn sampler (nuts) by (2014) [18] is used for m j as instead of the inverse-wishart prior distribution used in most studies and packages. inverse-wishart distribution is used because it has good conjugacy characteristics for gibbs-sampler. the choice of inverse-wishart prior distribution was criticized in the studies by [19], and [20]. the parameters of m j is selected in terms of correlation matrix ωj and a vector of standard deviations σ j through, m j = d ( σ j ) ωjd ( σ j ) (13) and d ( σ j ) imply the diagonal matrix with diagonal elements σ j. then, prior would be specified for d ( σ j ) ωjd ( σ j ) . in the case of ωj, lkj-correlation prior by [21] is used, with ζ > 0. that is, ω j ∼ lk j (ζ) sectionparameter estimation and model selection sampling from the posterior require appropriate sampling procedure, two basic sampling procedures are discussed here. first is the hamiltonian monte-carlo (hmc) sampler, also known as hybrid monte-carlo [22-23]. [18] extended hmc to no-uturn sampler (nuts), because hmc has some drawbacks as discussed by [17]. the nuts sampler allows setting parameters, and eliminates the need for hand-tuning, [18] stated that setting the parameters automatically makes it least efficient as compared to a well-tuned hamiltonian monte-carlo. software package by r core team (2020) was used to fit the model with brms package by [17] along with stan processor without which the analysis cannot be run, it can be assessed on http://cran.rproject.org/bin/windows/rtools/. the watanabe-akaike information criteria proposed (waic) by [24] and leave-one-out cross validation loo-cv by [25,26] were used for model selection in this study. the waic was used for estimating the out-of-sample expectation and considered an improvement upon the dic, with waic, correction for effective number of parameters to adjust over-fitting is added. according to [27], waic can be computed in two possible ways, first is calculated using simulation θs, s = 1, .......s and given as pw aic1 = 2 n∑ i=1 log  1s s∑ s=1 log p(yi|θ s)  − 1s s∑ s=1 log p(yi|θ s) (14) for the second waic computation approach, the variance of individual terms in the log predictive density is added up over the ndata points and express as follows: pw aic2 = n∑ i=1 varpost ( log p(yi|θ) ) (15) the advantages of waic over aic and dic was adequately discussed by [27] in the case of leave-one-out cross-validation (loo-cv) in bayesian analysis, the data are repeatedly subdivided into a training set ytrain and a holdout set yholdout with the objective of fitting ytrain yielding a posterior distribution ptrain (θ) = ptrain (θ|ytrain). the bayesian loo-cv estimate of out-of-sample predictive fit is l ppdloo−cv = n∑ i=1 log ppost(−i)(yi) (16) and estimated as n∑ i=1 log  1s s∑ s=1 log p(yi|θ is)  (17) lower waics and loos suggest better model fit. 2.5. pareto-k-diagnostics the shape parameter k of the generalized pareto distribution can be used to assess the reliability and approximate convergence rate of the pareto smoothed importance sampling (psis). it follows that if, k < 0.5(that is, ‘good’) then the central limit theorem holds. similarly, if0.5 ≤ k < 1, (that is, ‘ok’) then the variance of the raw importance ratios is infinite, but the mean exists. in the same manner, if k > 0.7(that is, ‘bad’), unreasonable convergence rates is observed and unreliable monte carlo error estimates, and finally, if k ≥ 1 (that is, ‘very bad’), then neither the variance nor the mean of the raw importance ratios exists. 3. result 3.1. simulation study simulation of over and under-dispersed count data was carried out and the response count variable was obtained from discrete weibull distribution. on simulating count data from discrete weibull (dw) distribution, [28] identified that the parameter β of dw should contain the range0 ≤ β ≤ 1; irrespective the value of parameterq. for under-dispersed count data, β should be specified such that β ≥ 2, irrespective of the value of q. analysis for simulation study was carried using software package by 226 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 227 figure 1. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and type [29], and r package “dwreg” by [30]. random numbers consisting of 500 observations were generated and two predictors were uniformly generated in interval (0, 1) and (0, 2) for overand under-dispersion respectively. for over dispersed, beta=0.8 and for under-dispersed beta=2.1. the parameter of discrete weibull follows that θ0 = 0.25, θ1 = 0.35, θ2 = 0.5 and the corresponding equation for logit link is as follows log (q (1 − q)) = 0.25 + 0.35x1 + 0.5x2 (18) all pareto k estimates are good (k < 0.5) if p waic estimates greater than 0.4. we recommend trying loo instead. table 1 shows results for under-dispersed simulated count data. the best two performed model are geometric and hurdle poisson distribution indicated with ** and * respectively with lowest waic and loo, following implementation using brms, a package for bayesian multilevel modelling in r. from table 1, it shows that waic=loo for all the models. table 2 shows results for over-dispersed simulated count data. the best two performed model are negative binomial and zero inflated negative binomial distribution indicated with ** and * respectively with lowest waic and loo, following implementation using brms, a package for bayesian multilevel modelling in r. all the model shows that waic=loo expect for poisson model. 3.2. 4.2 application to health insurance data 3.2.1. data description the data set was obtained from national health insurance scheme (nhis), and it contains excess zero count. sample of 116 users of nhis users was obtained from september 2016 to july 2017. response variable is number of encounter (encounter), out of 116 observed, eighty two (82) persons made claims. encounter is the time a user of national health insurance scheme (nhis) visits the health facility, and possibly makes claims. the predictors include type of encounter (type), which is either primary or (secondary= 0, primary= 1) figure 2. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and age figure 3. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and sex figure 4. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and drugsadm primary are users who registered primarily to use the health facility, while secondary are users who were referred from another health facility to that of state hospital ota, because of availability of specialists. another predictor sex (male=1 and female=0), biological age of patients (age). number of drugs administered (drugsadm) that is, both oral and injection. drugs-out-of-stock (drugsos) is another predictor. the 227 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 228 table 1. simulated under-dispersed count data from discrete weibull model model elpd waic p waic waic elpd loo p loo looic waic=looic poisson est. se -628.1 10.2 1.9 0.1 1256.2 20.3 -628.1 10.2 1.9 0.1 1256.2 20.3 yes negbin est. se -629.3 10.1 1.9 0.1 1258.5 20.2 -629.3 10.1 1.9 0.1 1258.5 20.2 yes geometric est. se -717.3 12.9 0.9 0.1 1434.6** 25.8 -717.3 12.9 0.9 0.1 1434.6** 25.8 yes hurdle poisson est. se -620.5 13.1 3.3 0.2 1241.0* 26.1 -620.5 13.1 3.3 0.2 1241.0* 26.1 yes hurdle negbin est. se 621.2 13.1 3.3 0.2 1242.5 26.2 621.2 13.1 3.3 0.2 1242.5 26.2 yes zero inflated poisson est. se -629.1 10.1 2.0 0.1 1258.3 20.2 -629.1 10.1 2.0 0.1 1258.3 20.2 yes zero inflated negbin est. se 630.2 10.1 1.9 0.1 1260.5 20.2 630.2 10.1 1.9 0.1 1260.5 20.2 yes table 2. simulated over-dispersed count data from discrete weibull model model elpd waic p waic waic elpd loo p loo looic waic=loo poisson est. se -1984.6 108.6 21.6 3.1 3969.2 217.2 -1984.7 108.6 21.7 3.1 3969.4 217.2 no negbin est. se -1217.4 27.9 3.9 0.5 2434.8** 55.8 -1217.4 27.9 3.9 0.5 2434.8** 55.8 yes geometric est. se -1228.7 27.9 4.2 0.6 2457.4 55.8 -1228.7 27.9 4.2 0.6 2457.4 55.8 yes hurdle poisson est. se -1682.3 87.6 19.0 2.9 3364.6 175.1 -1682.3 87.6 19.0 2.9 3364.6 175.1 yes hurdle negbin est. se -1229.7 27.7 4.5 0.4 2459.4 55.5 -1229.7 27.7 4.5 0.4 2459.4 55.5 yes zero inflated poisson est. se -1680.7 87.6 18.7 2.9 3361.3 175.2 -1680.7 87.6 18.7 2.9 3361.4 175.2 yes zero inflated negbin est. se -1218.2 27.9 4.0 0.5 2436.4* 55.9 -1218.2 27.9 4.1 0.5 2436.4* 55.9 yes 228 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 229 figure 5. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and drugos figure 6. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and type along with age figure 7. marginal plot of relationship between encounter and type along sex idea of national health insurance scheme (nhis) is that treatments and drugs administered attract 10 percent of the total cost. it becomes disadvantage to patients having cases of drugsos. out of 116 users, 97 are primary, while 19 are secondary users, 70 out of 97 (72.16%) primary users did not make claims within the period observed. 4 out of 19 secondary users did not make claims (21.05%). out of 116 nhis users of the health facility, 64 are females and 52 are males. 41 females had zero claims (64.06%), while 33 males had zero claims (63.46%). 11 females and 8 males are secondary users, while 53 females and 44 males are primary users. the data can be obtained https://data.mendeley.com/drafts/6hcf5mf7fy. mean of the response variable (encounter) is 0.7068, while variance is 1.7916 which potentially suggests over-dispersion. further test on the data shows that the dispersion parameter is δ=1.49799, indicating that the data set is over-dispersed with δ>1.the dispersion test was performed using aer package in r by [31]. from table 3 shows results for the real-life over-dispersed count data. the best two performed model are geometric and negative binomial distribution indicated with ** and * respectively with lowest waic and loo, following implementation using brms, a package for bayesian multilevel modelling in r, in all the models waic loo as shown in table 6. as earlier stated; for any observation for k > 0.7indicate unreasonable convergence rates is observed and unreliable monte carlo error estimates. table 4 shows that hurdle negative binomial (4) has the highest of such observations, poisson, negative binomial, and hurdle poisson model has 3 of such observations while geometric, zero inflated poisson and zero inflated negbin has two (2) each. each parameter is presented in table 5 with the posterior mean as the ‘estimate’ and the ‘est.error’ as the standard deviation of the posterior distribution, the table also contain a two-sided 95% credible intervals (l-95% ci and u-95% ci) established on quantiles. from table 5, the ‘intercept’, ‘type’ and ‘type:sex”interaction has a negative posterior mean. for “type”, the model predicts longer periods for encounter for secondary users than primary users; ‘sex’ (0.19) accounts for more encounter than ‘age’ (0.01). “drugsos (0.41) tells us that there significant cases of drugs-out-stock which suggest ineffectiveness of nigeria health insurance scheme. drawing samples from (nuts) follows that for each parameter, efficient sample is a real measure of effective sample size, while rhat is the would-be scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, rhat = 1). figure 1 shows that encounter has positive relation with type; the figure suggests that the effect of encounter on type is higher for secondary user of the facility since it is higher on zero end than 1. figure 2 shows that encounter has positive relation with age; the figure suggests that as age increases encounter increases figure 3 shows that encounter has positive relation with sex; the figure suggests that male account for more encounter than female. figure 4 shows that encounter has positive relation with type; number of drugsadm increases with number of encounter figure 5 shows that encounter has positive relation with type; number of drugsos increases significantly with number of encounter figure 6 shows that as primary users of the facility increases, the number of encounter increases across ages 229 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 230 figure 8. density and trace plots for all covariates figure 7 shows that as primary users of the facility increases, the number of encounter increases across sexes figure 8 shows that the density plots for the tail area of the distribution, which corresponds to l-95% ci and u-95% ci in table 5 and trace plot, the trace plot shows that the chains are stable. 4. summary and conclusion in this study bayesian multi-level model was proposed and implemented. the no-u-turn sampler (nuts) sampler was used to sample from the posterior distribution, and implementations were done using the ‘package brms’ in r. simulation study was carried out for both over-and under-dispersed and response variables were generated through discrete weibull distribution while the predictors generated from uniform distribution. results from under-dispersed revealed that geometric distribution is the most appropriate model to fit count data using multi-level approach. while for over-dispersed simulated data, negative binomial shows to outperform the poisson, geometric, hurdlepoisson, hurdle-negbin, zero-inflated-poisson, zero-inflated-negbin. pareto k diagnostics shows that for under-dispersed and overdispersed simulated data all k are less than 0.5, which makes all the observations to be good, also all waic were the same as loo-ic except for poisson in the over-dispersed simulated data. real-life data set of count of encounter of patients from national health insurance scheme was used for further analysis. the model that performs best was the geometric distribution followed by negative binomial model. contrary to the simulated data not all waic were the same as loo-ic, except for poisson model in the over-dispersed simulated data. the need to carry out loo-ic was informed by having observa230 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 231 table 3. real life data model elpd waic p waic waic elpd loo p loo looic waic=loo poisson est. se -127.4 15.3 15.9 6.3 254.8 30.6 -129.7 15.9 18.2 7.0 259.3 31.8 no negbin est. se -122.3 12.8 10.6 3.5 244.6* 25.6 -124.0 13.5 12.3 4.3 248.0* 27.0 no geometric est se. -120.8 12.3 7.4 2.3 241.6** 24.6 -121.5 12.5 8.1 2.7 242.9** 25.0 no hurdle poisson est. se -132.6 13.3 11.4 4.2 265.1 26.6 -135.0 14.2 13.8 5.4 269.9 28.5 no hurdle negbin est. se -131.6 12.7 5.0 1.3 263.3 25.5 -133.1 13.3 6.4 2.3 266.2 26.5 no zero inflated poisson est. se -126.7 14.8 12.8 5.1 253.3 29.6 -127.8 15.1 13.9 5.4 255.6 30.1 no zero inflated negbin est. se -122.7 12.9 9.4 3.3 245.3 25.9 -123.4 13.2 10.2 3.7 246.8 26.4 no table 4. pareto k diagnostics model pareto k diag. remark count pct min neff obs. k>0.7 poisson (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 112 1 2 1 96.6% 0.9 1.7% 0.9% 1367 236 17 4 3 negbin (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 112 1 3 0 96.6% 0.9% 2.6% 0.0% 1068 446 19 3 geometric (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 114 0 2 0 98.3% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 1036 88 2 hurdle poisson (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 108 5 1 2 93.1% 4.3% 0.9% 1.7% 859 413 16 7 3 hurdle negbin (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 109 3 3 1 94.0% 2.6% 2.6% 0.9% 2909 594 135 9 4 zero inflated poisson (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 111 3 1 1 95.7% 2.6% 0.9% 0.9% 1885 165 26 10 2 zero inflated negbin (-inf, 0.5] (0.5, 0.7] (0.7, 1] (1, inf) good ok bad very bad 113 1 2 0 97.4% 0.9% 1.7% 0.0% 1509 213 50 2 231 adesina / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 224–233 232 table 5. population-level effects estimate est. error l-95% ci u-95% ci eff.sample intercept -0.36 0.63 -1.63 0.83 2290 type -1.33 0.65 -2.57 -0.06 1972 age 0.01 0.01 -0.02 0.03 2024 sex 0.19 0.48 -0.73 1.13 2839 drugsadm 0.06 0.03 -0.00 0.13 3444 drugsos 0.41 0.17 0.10 0.74 2609 type:age 0.01 0.02 -0.02 0.05 1818 type:sex -0.18 0.56 -1.26 0.90 2897 tions for all the cases. figures 1 to figure 7 contains marginal plots to identify the relationship between the response variable (encounter) and covariates; type, sex, drugsadm, age, and drugsos. as identified by [8] that geometric family have the ability to model count data effectively, the same has been demonstrated in this study using bayesian multi-level regression approach. future direction can consider fitting multi-level regression model to fit count data using distribution such as the weibull-exponential distribution and exponentiated generalized weibull proposed by [32] and [33] respectively. acknowledgements my appreciation goes to the medical director of the state hospital, ota, ogun state where the data set was obtained. i also appreciate the inputs of reviewers and editors on the manuscript. references [1] m. s. workie & a. m. lakew, “bayesian 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[2, 3], jator [4, 5], fatunla [6], yusuph and onumanyi [7], siraj-ul-islam, et al.[8], adewale et al. [9]. we adopt the method of lines approach which is commonly used for solving time-dependent partial differential equations (pdes), whereby the spatial derivatives are replaced by finite difference approximations see ngwane and jator [10]. the method of lines (mols) allows the conversion of pdes into odes by complete or partial discretisation of the independent variables resulting in algebraic equations. if partial discretization is carried out and with only one remaining independent variable, then this results in the system of odes which is an approximation of the original pde. thus, one of the underscored features of the mol is the use of existing, and generally well established, numerical methods for odes, for more literature on this approach see brugnano and trigiante [1], ramos and vigo-aguiar [11], cash [12] and jator and li [13]. 2. derivation of the method second order ordinary differential equation of the form is considered y′′ = f (x, y) (1) subject certain conditions, where a, b are real numbers, f is a continuous function on (a, b) and y ∈ c2[a, b]. a 2-step block methods for the problem of the form (1) is considered. the grid points given by xn, xn+1 = xn + h, xn+2 = xn + 2h, are considered for solving the problem in (1) on the interval [xn, xn+2]. we assume a trial solution y(x) of (1) by a polynomial p(x) given by y(x) ' p(x) = m−1∑ i=0 ai x i (2) which on differentiating yields y′′(x) ' p′′(x) = m−1∑ i=2 i(i − 1)ai x i−2 (3) with the ai ∈ r real unknown parameters to be determined. and m = r + s; r is the number of interpolation points and s is the number of collocation points. 2.1. specification of the method in this work the interval of integration considered is [xn, xn+2], we thus consider two different categories of off-set points viz-aviz the points x i 3 , for i = 1, 2, 4, 5 and x i 4 , for i = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. 2.1.1. case 1 here, we consider the specification where the off-set points are x i 3 , for i = 1, 2, 4, 5. interpolating (2) at the points x i 3 , for i = 1, 2 implies r = 2 and collocating (3) at points x i 3 , for i = 0(1)6 implies s = 7 so that (2) and (3) becomes y(x) ' p(x) = 8∑ i=0 ai x i = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + · · · + a8 x 8 (4) which on differentiating twice yields y′′(x) ' p′′(x) = 8∑ i=2 i(i − 1)ai x i−2 = 2a2 + 6a3 x + 12a4 x 2 + · · · + 56a8 x 6 (5) 27 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 28 from the imposed collocation condition, the following system of algebraic equation is obtained a =  1 xn+ 13 x2 n+ 13 x3 n+ 13 x4 n+ 13 x5 n+ 13 x6 n+ 13 x7 n+ 13 x8 n 13 1 xn+ 23 x2 n+ 23 x3 n+ 23 x4 n+ 23 x5 n+ 23 x6 n+ 23 x7 n+ 23 x8 n 23 0 0 2 6xn 12x2n 20x 3 n 30x 4 n 42x 5 n 56x 6 n 0 0 2 6xn+ 13 12x2 n+ 13 20x3 n+ 13 30x4 n+ 13 42x5 n+ 13 56x6 n+ 13 0 0 2 6xn+ 23 12x2 n+ 23 20x3 n+ 23 30x4 n+ 23 42x5 n+ 23 56x6 n+ 23 0 0 2 6xn+1 12x2n+1 20x 3 n+1 30x 4 n+1 42x 5 n+1 56x 6 n+1 0 0 2 6xn+ 43 12x2 n+ 43 20x3 n+ 43 30x4 n+ 43 42x5 n+ 43 56x6 n+ 43 0 0 2 6xn+ 53 12x2 n+ 53 20x3 n+ 53 30x4 n+ 53 42x5 n+ 53 56x6 n+ 53 0 0 2 6xn+2 12x2n+2 20x 3 n+2 30x 4 n+2 42x 5 n+2 56x 6 n+2  , x=  a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8  ;b=  yn+ 13 yn+ 23 h2 fn h2 fn+ 13 h2 fn+ 23 h2 fn+1 h2 fn+ 43 h2 fn+ 53 h2 fn+2  e= (1,x, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)t where yn ≈ y (xn) , fn ≈ f (xn, yn, y′n). hence, we state the following theorem without proof. theorem 2.1. [14] let (4) and (5) be satisfied, then the 2-step continuous linear hybrid multistep method is equivalent to the equation y(x) =bt (a−1k ) t e (6) where b, a and e are as defined above. applying the above theorem, the following continuous hybrid method is derived y(x) = 2∑ i=1 α i 3 yn+ i3 +h 2 2∑ j=0 β i 3 fn+ i3 (7) where α and β are function of t given as α 1 3 = −3t+2, α 2 3 = 3t−1 β0=h2 [ 21 32 t 6− 459 4480 t− 27 160 t 7+ 12 t 2+ 814480 t 8+ 863108894− 49 40 t 3− 441 320 t 5+ 203120 t 4 ] β 1 3 =h2 [ −243 2240 t 8+ 2728 t 7− 279 80 t 6+ 26140 t 5− 261 40 t 4+3t3−2762360480 t+ 8999 90720 ] β 2 3 =h2 [ 243 896 t 8− 513 224 t 7+ 1233160 t 6− 4149 320 t 5+ 35132 t 4− 15 4 t 3+ 18689120960 t− 769 181440 ] β1=h2 [ −81 224 t 8+ 8128 t 7− 363 40 t 6+ 27920 t 5− 127 12 t 4+ 103 t 3− 139 864 t+ 1987 136080 ] β 4 3 =h2 [ 243 896 t 8− 459 224 t 7+ 963160 t 6− 2763 320 t 5+ 9916 t 4− 15 8 t 3+ 10921120960 t− 1609 181440 ] β 5 3 =h2 [ −243 2240 t 8+ 2735 t 7− 171 80 t 6+ 11740 t 5− 81 40 t 4+ 35 t 3− 347 12096 t+ 263 90720 ] β2=h2 [ 81 4480 t 8− 27 224 t 7+ 51160 t 6− 27 64 t 5+ 137480 t 4− 1 12 t 3+ 479120960 t− 221 544320 ] (8) where t= x−xnh , evaluating (7) at non-interpolating points i.e at the points x=xn+ i3 for i= 0, 3, 4, 5, 6 which is equivalent to t = i 3 yn= 2yn+ 13 −yn+ 23 +h 2 ( 863 108864 fn+ 8999 90720 fn+ 13 − 769 181440 fn+ 23 + 1987 136080 fn+1 − 1609 181440 fn+ 43 + 263 90720 fn+ 53 − 221 544320 fn+2 ) yn+1= −yn+ 13 +2yn+ 23 +h 2 ( −221 544320 fn+ 977 90720 fn+ 13 + 16451 181440 fn+ 23 + 1357 136080 fn+1 + 71181440 fn+ 43 − 31 90720 fn+ 53 + 31 544320 fn+2 ) yn+ 43 = −2yn+ 13 +3yn+ 23 +h 2 ( −137 181440 fn+ 209 10080 fn+ 13 + 433 2240 fn+ 23 + 4927 45360 fn+1 + 25720160 fn+ 43 − 1 672 fn+ 53 + 31 181440 fn+2 ) yn+ 53 = −3yn+ 13 +4yn+ 23 +h 2 ( −19 181440 fn+ 17 560 fn+ 13 + 2987 10080 fn+ 23 + 4927 22680 fn+1 + 3893360 fn+ 43 + 41 5040 fn+ 53 − 11 90720 fn+2 ) yn+2= −4yn+ 13 +5yn+ 23 +h 2 ( −95 54432 fn+ 389 9072 fn+ 13 + 7085 18144 fn+ 23 + 4633 13608 fn+1 − 3893 18144 fn+ 43 + 1061 9072 fn+ 53 + 409 54432 fn+2 ) (9) 28 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 29 differentiating α 1 3 , α 2 3 and all the β i 3 , i = 0(1)6 and evaluating the derivative of (8) at the points x=xn+ i3 ,i = 0(1)6, equivalent to t= i3 . hy′n+3yn+ 13 −3yn+ 23 = h 2 [ −459 4480 fn− 27623 60480 fn+ 13 + 18689 120960 fn+23− 139 864 fn+1+ 10921 120960 fn+ 43 − 347 12096 fn+ 53 + 479 120960 fn+2 ] hy ′ n+ 13 +3yn+ 13 −3yn+ 23 = h 2 [ 199 72576 fn− 1973 20160 fn+ 13 − 18 128 fn+23 + 4157 90720 fn+1− 851 40320 fn+ 43 + 416720 fn+ 53 + 289 120960 fn+2 ] y ′ n+ 23 +3yn+ 13 −3yn+ 23 = h 2 [ −731 362880 fn− 13 320 fn+ 13 + 6347 40320 fn+23− 3971 90720 fn+1+ 257 13440 fn+ 43 − 109 20160 fn+ 53 + 253 262880 fn+2 ] hy ′ n+1+3yn+ 13 −3yn+ 23 = h 2 [ −1 1920 fn+ 1537 60480 fn+ 13 + 39587 120960 fn+23 + 4927 30240 fn+1− 2201 120960 fn+ 43 + 2096720 fn+ 53 − 43 120960 fn+2 ] hy ′ n+ 43 +3yn+ 13 −3yn+ 23 = h 2 [ −571 362880 fn+ 691 20160 fn+ 13 + 1299 4480 fn+23 + 33533 90720 fn+1+ 1223 8064 fn+ 43 + 796720 fn+ 53 + 59 51840 fn+2 ] hy ′ n+ 53 +3yn+ 13 −3yn+ 23 = h 2 [ −29 362880 fn+ 51 2240 fn+ 13 + 13313 40320 fn+23 + 5081 18144 fn+1− 5519 13440 fn+ 43 + 73576 fn+ 53 + 1313 362880 fn+2 ] (10) the schemes in (9) and (10) form the requited method for solving (1) numerically. 2.1.2. case 2 here, we consider the specification where the off-set points are also x i 3 , for i= 1, 2, 4, 5. interpolating (2) at the points xi+n, for i= 0, 1 implies r= 2 and collocating (3) at points x i 3 , for i = 0(1)6 implies s= 7 so that (2) and (3) becomes y(x)'p(x) = 8∑ i=0 ai x i =a0+a1 x+a2 x 2 +· · ·+a8 x 8 (11) which on differentiating yields y′′(x)'p′′(x) = 8∑ i=2 i(i−1)ai x i−2 = 2a2+6a3 x+12a4 x 2 +· · ·+56a8 x 6 (12) from the imposed collocation condition, the following system of algebraic equation is obtained a =  1 xn x2n x 3 n x 4 n x 5 n x 6 n x 7 n x 8 n 1 xn+1 x2n+1 x 3 n+1 x 4 n+1 x 5 n+1 x 6 n+1 x 7 n+1 x 8 n+1 0 0 2 6xn 12x2n 20x 3 n 30x 4 n 42x 5 n 56x 6 n 0 0 2 6xn+ 13 12x2 n+ 13 20x3 n+ 13 30x4 n+ 13 42x5 n+ 13 56x6 n+ 13 0 0 2 6xn+ 23 12x2 n+ 23 20x3 n+ 23 30x4 n+ 23 42x5 n+ 23 56x6 n+ 23 0 0 2 6xn+1 12x2n+1 20x 3 n+1 30x 4 n+1 42x 5 n+1 56x 6 n+1 0 0 2 6xn+ 43 12x2 n+ 43 20x3 n+ 43 30x4 n+ 43 42x5 n+ 43 56x6 n+ 43 0 0 2 6xn+ 53 12x2 n+ 53 20x3 n+ 53 30x4 n+ 53 42x5 n+ 53 56x6 n+ 53 0 0 2 6xn+2 12x2n+2 20x 3 n+2 30x 4 n+2 42x 5 n+2 56x 6 n+2  , x=  a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8  ;b=  yn yn+1 h2 fn h2 fn+ 13 h2 fn+ 23 h2 fn+1 h2 fn+ 43 h2 fn+ 53 h2 fn+2  e= (1,x, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)t applying the above theorem, the following continuous hybrid method is derived y(x) = 1∑ i=0 αiyn+i+h 2 2∑ i=0 β i 3 fn+ i3 (13) 29 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 30 where α and β are function of t given as α0= −t α1= 1+t β0= 105h2 t−112h2 t3 +56h2 t4 +378h2 t5−252h2 t6−324h2 t7 +243h2 t8 13440 β 1 3 = − 3(−85h2 t−56h2 t3 +42h2 t4 +168h2 t5−168h2 t6−72h2 t7 +81h2 t8) 2240 β 2 3 = 3(347h2 t−560h2 t3 +840h2 t4 +546h2 t5−1092h2 t6−180h2 t7 +405h2 t8) 4480 β1= 563h2 t+1680h2 t2−3430h2 t4 +3528h2 t6−1215h2 t8 3360 β 4 3 = 3(−41h2 t+560h2 t3 +840h2 t4−546h2 t5−1092h2 t6 +180h2 t7 +405h2 t8) 4480 β 5 3 = − 3(−5h2 t+56h2 t3 +42h2 t4−168h2 t5−168h2 t6 +72h2 t7 +81h2 t8) 2240 β2= −11h2 t+112h2 t3 +56h2 t4−378h2 t5−252h2 t6 +324h2 t7 +243h2 t8 13440  (14) where t= x−xn−1h . evaluating (13) at the points x=xn+ i3 for i= 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 which is equivalent to t= −2/3,−1/3, 1/3, 2/3, 1 the following main methods are obtained yn+ 13 = 2yn 3 + yn+1 3 −h 2 ( 2803 fn 544320− 1265 f n+ 13 18144 − 1657 f n+ 23 60480 − 1777 fn+1 136080 + 1049 f n+ 43 181440 − 11 f n+ 53 6048 + 137 fn+2 544320 ) yn+ 23 = yn 3 + 2yn+1 3 −h 2 ( 1291 fn 544320− 1217 f n+ 13 30240 − 10711 f n+ 23 181440 − 1567 fn+1 136080 + 163 f n+ 43 60480 − 67 f n+ 53 90720 + 53 fn+2 544320 ) yn+ 43 = − yn 3 + 4yn+1 3 +h 2 ( 661 fn 272160 + 1789 f n+ 13 45360 + 2147 f n+ 23 30240 + 6817 fn+1 68040 + 841 f n+ 43 90720 − f n+ 53 15120− 11 fn+2 272160 ) yn+ 53 = − 2yn 3 + 5yn+1 3 +h 2 ( 535 fn 108864 + 475 f n+ 13 6048 + 5167 f n+ 23 36288 + 5725 fn+1 27216 + 1321 f n+ 43 12096 + 193 f n+ 53 18144 − 53 fn+2 108864 ) yn+2= −yn+2yn+1+h2 ( 47 fn 6720 + 27 224 fn+ 13 + 459 f n+ 23 2240 + 563 fn+1 1680 + 459 f n+ 43 2240 + 27 224 fn+ 53 + 47 fn+2 6720 ) (15) differentiating (14) and evaluating the derivative of (13) at the points x=xn+ 3i for i= 0(1)6 which is equivalent to t= −1,−2/3,−1/3, 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1 the following additional methods are obtained y′n= − y h n + yn h +1 −h ( 253 fn 2688 − 165 448 fn+ 13 + 267 f n+ 23 4480 − 5 32 fn+1+ 363 f n+ 43 4480 − 57 f n+ 53 2240 + 47 fn+2 13440 ) , y′n+ 13 = − yn h + yn+1 h +h ( 4019h fn 362880 − 571h f n+ 13 60480 − 679h f n+ 23 3456 + 4577h fn+1 90720 − 3673h f n+ 43 120960 + 113h f n+ 53 12096 − 457h fn+2 362880 ) , y′n+ 23 = − yn h + yn+1 h +h ( 2293h fn 362880 + 223h f n+ 13 1728 + 7561h f n+ 23 120960 − 3551h fn+1 90720 + 1193h f n+ 43 120960 − 131h f n+ 53 60480 + 17h fn+2 72576 ) , y′n+1= − yn h + yn+1 h +h ( h fn 128 + 51 448 h fn+ 13 + 1041h f n+ 23 4480 + 563h fn+1 3360 − 123h f n+ 43 4480 + 3 448 h fn+ 53 − 11h fn+2 13440 ) , y′n+ 43 = − yn h + yn+1 h +h ( 2453h fn 362880 + 7421h f n+ 13 60480 + 23593h f n+ 23 120960 + 33953h fn+1 90720 + 3445h f n+ 43 24192 − 103h f n+ 53 12096 + 7h fn+2 10368 ) , y′n+ 53 = − yn h + yn+1 h +h ( 599h fn 72576 + 1345h f n+ 13 12096 + 28459h f n+ 23 120960 + 5165h fn+1 18144 + 48551h f n+ 43 120960 + 1123h f n+ 53 8640 − 1481h fn+2 362880 ) , y′n+2= − yn h + yn+1 h +h ( 47h fn 13440 + 327h f n+ 13 2240 + 111 896 h fn+ 23 + 1651h fn+1 3360 + 93 640 h fn+ 43 + 219 448 h fn+ 53 + 453h fn+2 4480 ) (16) here, it is noteworthy that (9) and (10) are combined to form a block for case 1 while (15) and (16) form another block for case 11. for each case, (1) is solved which is a system of second-order ordinary differential equations resulting from the semidiscretization of a second-order pde. 3. analysis of the method 3.1. order and local truncation error (lte) the lmms (8), and (13) are said to be of order p if c0=c1=c2= · · · =c p+µ−1 = 0, c p+µ,0. 30 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 31 here c p+µ is the error constant and c p+µh p+µy( p+µ)(xn) is the principal local truncation error (lte) at the point xn. the c′s are given by c0=α0+α1+α2+· · ·+αk c1= (α0+α1+α2+· · ·+αk) − (β0+β1+· · ·+βk) cq= 1 q! (α1+2 qα2+· · ·+k qαk)− 1 (q−3)! (β1+2 q−1β2+· · ·+k q−3βk),q= 2, 3, . . . the lte associated with any of (8) and (13) is given by the difference operator l[y(x) :h] = 2∑ i=1 α i 3 y(xn+ i 3 )−h2 2∑ j=0 β i 3 y′′(xn+ i 3 ) (17) where y∈c2[a, b] is an arbitrary function. expanding (17) in taylor’s series about the point xn, the expression is obtained as: l[y(xn) :h] =c0y(xn)+c1hy ′(xn)+c2h 2y′′(xn)+· · ·+cρ+2h ρ+2yρ+2(xn) (18) expanding each scheme in (9) and (10), the following principal truncation errors are obtained: c0p+2=− 19y(9)[x]h9 119042784 +o[h]10, c1p+2= 31y(9)[x]h9 1190427840 +o[h]10, c2p+2= y(9)[x]h9 4723920 +o[h]10 c 4 3 p+2= 31y(9)[x]h9 595213920 +o[h]10, c 5 3 p+2= 31y(9)[x]h9 595213920 +o[h]10, c′0 p+2= 8881y(9)[x]h9 5952139200 +o[h]10 c′ 1 3 p+2= − 409y(9)[x]h9 1700611200 +o[h]10, c′ 2 3 p+2= 1201y(9)[x]h9 5952139200 +o[h]10, c′1 p+2= − 463y(9)[x]h9 11904278400 +o[h]10 c′ 4 3 p+2= 1201y(9)[x]h9 5952139200 +o[h]10, c′ 5 3 p+2= − 409y(9)[x]h9 1700611200 +o[h]10, c′2 p+2= 8881y(9)[x]h9 5952139200 +o[h]10 the above blocked method (9) and (10) is of uniform order p= 7 expanding each scheme in (15) and (16), the following principal truncation errors are obtained: c 1 3 p+2= 349y(9)(x)h9 3571283520 +o(h)10, c 2 3 p+2= 2y(9)(x)h9 55801305 +o(h)10, c 4 3 p+2= − 2y(9)(x)h9 55801305 +o(h)10 c 5 3 p+2= − 349y(9)(x)h9 3571283520 +o(h)10, c2p+2= y(9)(x)h9 32659200 +o(h)10, c′0p+2= y(9)(x)h9 765450 +o(h)10 c′ 1 3 p+2= − 1691y(9)(x)h9 3968092800 +o(h)10, c′ 2 3 p+2= y(9)(x)h9 62001450 +o(h)10, c′1p+2− 11y(9)(x)h9 48988800 +o(h)10 c′ 4 3 p+2 y(9)(x)h9 62001450 +o(h)10, c′ 5 3 p+2− 1691y(9)(x)h9 3968092800 +o(h)10, c′2p+2 y(9)(x)h9 765450 ++o(h)10 the above blocked method (15) and (16) is of uniform order p= 7 the lmm (8) (same for (13)) is said to be consistent if it has order p≥1 and the first and second characteristic polynomials which are defined respectively, as ρ(r) = k∑ j=0 α jz j (19) and σ(r) = k∑ j=0 β jz j (20) 31 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 32 where r is the principal root, satisfy the following conditions: k∑ j=0 α j= 0 (21) ρ(1) =ρ′(1) = 0 (22) and ρ′′(1) = 2!σ(1) (23) henrici [15], lambert[16]. consider the main method in (9) given as yn+2= −4yn+ 13 +5yn+ 23 +h 2 ( −95 54432 fn+ 389 9072 fn+ 13 + 7085 18144 fn+ 23 + 4633 13608 fn+1 − 3893 18144 fn+ 43 + 1061 9072 fn+ 53 + 409 54432 fn+2 ) (24) the condition (21) is satisfied. the first characteristic equation for (9) is given as: ρ(r) =r2+4r 1 3 −5r 2 3 (25) ρ′(r) = 2r+ 4 3r2/3 − 10 3r1/3 (26) here ρ(r) = 0, ρ′(r) = 0. therefore, (22) is satisfied. the second characteristic polynomial for (9) is given as σ(r) = −95 54432 + 389 9072 r 1 3 + 7085 18144 r 2 3 + 4633 13608 r+ 3893 18144 r 4 3 + 1061 9072 r 5 3 + 409 54432 r2 (27) σ(1) = 10 9 (28) ρ′′(r) = 2− 8 9r5/3 + 10 9r4/3 . ρ′′(r) = 20 9 (29) hence condition (23) is satisfied. conclusively, the hybrid method is consistent. consider the main method in (15) given as yn+2= −yn+2yn+1+h2 ( 47 fn 6720 + 27 224 fn+ 13 + 459 f n+ 23 2240 + 563 fn+1 1680 + 459 f n+ 43 2240 + 27 224 fn+ 53 + 47 fn+2 6720 ) (30) the condition (21) is satisfied. the first characteristic equation for (15) is given as: ρ(r) =r2−2r+1 (31) ρ′(r) = 2r−2 (32) here ρ(1) = 0, ρ′(1) = 0. therefore, (22) is satisfied. the second characteristic polynomial for (15) is given as σ(r) = 47 6720 + 27 224 r 1 3 + 459 2240 r 2 3 + 563 1680 r+ 459 2240 r 4 3 + 27 224 r 5 3 + 47 6720 r2 (33) σ(1) = 1 (34) ρ′′(r) = 2. ρ′′(1) = 2 (35) hence condition (23) is satisfied. conclusively, the hybrid method is consistent. 32 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 33 3.2. zero stability to establish hat the methods are zero stable, each of the method in block form are solved simultaneously to obtain all the yi and y′i’s for appropriate index i, (see modebei et al.[17]). for the method (9) and its additional methods in (10), they are taken in block form and solved simultaneously to obtain y i 3 for i = 1(1)6 to obtain the following block method. for block method (9)-(10) yn+ 13 = yn+ hy′n 3 +h 2 ( 28549 fn 1088640 + 275 f n+ 13 5184 − 5717 f n+ 23 120960 + 10621 fn+1 272160 − 7703 f n+ 43 362880 + 403 f n+ 53 60480 − 199 fn+2 217728 ) yn+ 23 = yn+ 2hy′n 3 +h 2 ( 1027 fn 17010 + 194 945 fn+ 13 − 8 81 fn+ 23 + 788 fn+1 8505 − 97 f n+ 43 1890 + 46 f n+ 53 2835 − 19 fn+2 8505 ) yn+1= yn+hy′n+h 2 ( 253 fn 2688 + 165 448 fn+ 13 − 267 f n+ 23 4480 + 5 fn+1 32 − 363 f n+ 43 4480 + 57 f n+ 53 2240 − 47 fn+2 13440 ) yn+ 43 = yn+ 4hy′n 3 +h 2 ( 1088 fn 8505 + 1504 f n+ 13 2835 − 8 945 fn+ 23 + 2624 fn+1 8505 − 8 81 fn+ 43 + 32 945 fn+ 53 − 8 fn+2 1701 ) yn+ 53 = yn+ 5hy′n 3 +h 2 ( 35225 fn 217728 + 8375 f n+ 13 12096 + 3125 f n+ 23 72576 + 25625 fn+1 54432 − 625 f n+ 43 24192 + 275 f n+ 53 5184 − 1375 fn+2 217728 ) yn+2= yn+2hy′n+h 2 ( 41 fn 210 + 6 7 fn+ 13 + 3 35 fn+ 23 + 68 fn+1 105 + 3 70 fn+ 43 + 6 35 fn+ 53 ) y′n+ 13 = y ′ n+h ( 19087 fn 181440 + 2713 f n+ 13 7560 − 15487 f n+ 23 60480 + 586 fn+1 2835 − 6737 f n+ 43 60480 + 263 f n+ 53 7560 − 863 fn+2 181440 ) y′n+ 23 = y ′ n+h ( 1139 fn 11340 + 94 189 fn+ 13 + 11 f n+ 23 3780 + 332 fn+1 2835 − 269 f n+ 43 3780 + 22 945 fn+ 53 − 37 fn+2 11340 ) y′n+1= y ′ n+h ( 137 fn 1344 + 27 56 fn+ 13 + 387 f n+ 23 2240 + 34 fn+1 105 − 243 f n+ 43 2240 + 9 280 fn+ 53 − 29 fn+2 6720 ) y′n+ 43 = y ′ n+h ( 286 fn 2835 + 464 945 fn+ 13 + 128 945 fn+ 23 + 1504 fn+1 2835 + 58 945 fn+ 43 + 16 945 fn+ 53 − 8 fn+2 2835 ) y′n+ 53 = y ′ n+h ( 3715 fn 36288 + 725 f n+ 13 1512 + 2125 f n+ 23 12096 + 250 fn+1 567 + 3875 f n+ 43 12096 + 235 f n+ 53 1512 − 275 fn+2 36288 ) y′n+2= y ′ n+h ( 41 fn 420 + 18 35 fn+ 13 + 9 140 fn+ 23 + 68 fn+1 105 + 9 140 fn+ 43 + 18 35 fn+ 53 + 41 fn+2 420 ) (36) for block method (15)-(16) similar operation is carried out; a numerical method is zero-stable if the solutions remain bounded as h→0, which means that the method does not provide solutions that grow unbounded as the number of steps increases, modebei et al.[17]. to show the zero-stability of the block method (36), we take h→0 the method may be rewritten in matrix form as a0yn=a1yn−1 (37) yn= (y 0 n , y 1 n ) t y 0n = (yn+ 13 , yn+ 23 , yn+1, yn+ 43 , yn+ 53 , yn+2) t y 1n = (y ′ n+ 13 , y′n+ 23 , y ′ n+1, y ′ n+ 43 , y′n+ 53 , y ′ n+2) t for method (36) a0=i12×12 identity matrix and a1=i12×12 matrix given by a1=  a11 0 0 a22  , a11=  1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  , a22=  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  33 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 34 the characteristic polynomial of the matrix a11 is given as |a11−λi|, that is λ5(λ−1)= 0 with root λ j= 0 for j= 1, . . . , 5 and λ6= 1. the characteristic polynomial of the matrix a22 is given as |a22−λi|, that is λ5(λ−1) = 0 with root λ j= 0 for j= 1, . . . , 5 and λ6= 1. for method (15)-(16) a0=i12×12 identity matrix and a1=i12×12 matrix given by a1=  a11 0 0 a22  , a11=a22=  1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  the characteristic polynomial of the matrix aii is given as |aii−λi|, i= 1, 2, that is λ5(λ−1) = 0 with root λ j= 0 for j= 1, . . . , 5 and λ6= 1. definition 3.1. the two step hybrid block method (9)-(10) (or (15)-(16)) is said to be zero stabile if the number of root of the first characteristic equation |ρ(r)| < 1 and if |ρ(r)| = 1, then the multiplicity of ρ(r) must not exceed 2. hence, the are zero stable. 3.3. convergence of the methods definition 3.2. convergence: an lmm is said to be convergent if and only if it is consistent and zero-stable. by the above definition, the derived hybrid methods are convergent. 4. numerical examples in this section, the performance of the developed two-step hybrid block scheme is examined. the exact and approximate solution are tabulated. the tables below show the numerical results of the newly developed scheme with the exact solution for solving the problem and the result of the developed scheme are more accurate than existing methods. for simplicity, method in (9)-(10) would be termed hybrid 2-step block method 1 (h2bm1), and method in (15)-(16) would be termed hybrid 2-step block method 2 (h2bm2) example 1. consider the pde (ngwane and jator [10]). κ ∂y2 ∂x2 − ∂y ∂t = 0 y(0,t) =y(1,t) = 0, y(x, 0) = sinπx+sinωπx, κ>1 (38) the analytic solution is y(x, t) =e−π 2κtsinπx+e−ω 2π2κtsinπx following ngwane and jator [10], (38) becomes dy2m dx2 = 1 κ y(x , tm+1)−y(x , tm−1)] (∆t) (39) ym(0,tm) =ym(1,tm) = 0, ym(x, 0) = sinπx+sinωπx, κ>1 table 1: exact and numerical solution for example 1 x exact h2bm1 error 0.0 1.65341e-9 1.65341e-9 0 0.1 6.16242e-10 6.16242e-10 2.78e-12 0.2 2.29678e-10 2.29678e-10 4.45e-12 0.3 8.56029e-11 8.56029e-11 4.20e-12 0.4 3.19048e-11 3.19048e-11 5.00e-12 0.5 1.18911e-11 1.18911e-11 6.45e-12 0.6 4.43194e-12 4.43194e-12 7.31e-12 0.7 1.65181e-12 1.65181e-12 3.28e-12 0.8 6.15646e-13 6.15646e-13 4.11e-13 0.9 2.29456e-13 2.29456e-13 5.99e-13 table 2: exact and numerical solution for example 1 9 exact h2bm2 error 0.0 1.65341e-9 1.65341e-9 0 0.1 6.16242e-10 6.16242e-10 3.24e-12 0.2 2.29678e-10 2.29678e-10 7.21e-12 0.3 8.56029e-11 8.56029e-11 2.22e-12 0.4 3.19048e-11 3.19048e-11 8.45e-12 0.5 1.18911e-11 1.18911e-11 1.15e-12 0.6 4.43194e-12 4.43194e-12 1.18e-12 0.7 1.65181e-12 1.65181e-12 5.08e-12 0.8 6.15646e-13 6.15646e-13 2.48e-13 0.9 2.29456e-13 2.29456e-13 4.79e-13 where tm=m∆t, m= 0, 1, . . . ,; m ym(x)≈y(x, tm),y(x) = [y0(x), y1(x), . . . ,ym−1(x)] t , hence (39) becomes the system d 2 ym (x) dx2 = f (x , ym) which is in the form of (1), where f (x, tm) =ay+g and a is an m−1 square matrix, g is a vector of constants. bhsda is l -stable block hybrid second derivative algorithm in ngwane and jator [10]. tables 1 and 2 shows the comparison of exact solution and the mothers h2bm1 and h2bm2 respectively. for example 1. table 3 shows the comparison of maximum errors obtained for example 1 using the derived methods and the method in ngwane and jator[10]. this shows the superiorly of the derived methods over existing methods. figure 1 show the surface plots for the exact solution and numerical solutions for example 1. example 2. consider the pde ([14]): ∂y2 ∂x2 + ∂y2 ∂t2 = −32π 2sin(4πx), x∈[0, 1] y(±1,t) =y(x,±1) = 0, t>0 (40) table 3: comparison of maximum errors obtained in different methods for example 1 at t= 1. κ h2bm1 h2bm2 bhsda 1 1.076 × 10−11 1.022 × 10−12 2.64 × 10−6 2 1.024 × 10−12 1.085 × 10−12 1.32 × 10−6 3 1.045 × 10−12 1.045 × 10−12 1.32 × 10−6 5 1.035 × 10−12 1.055 × 10−12 1.32 × 10−6 10 1.019 × 10−12 1.041 × 10−12 1.32 × 10−6 34 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 35 figure 1: surface plots for the exact and numerical solution for example 2 table 4: exact and numerical solution using h2bm1 for example 2. κ h2bm1 h2bm2 bhsda x exact h2bm1 error 0.0 6.634320126e-16 6.634320126e-16 0. 0.2 0.5590169122545 0.5590169122520 2.51e-12 0.4 -0.9045084378512 -0.9045084378511 1.00e-12 0.6 0.9045084354472 0.9045084354462 1.00e-12 0.8 -0.5590169311454 -0.5590169311421 3.37e-12 1.0 -4.658833273e-16 -4.658833273e-16 0. for n= 10, x∈[−1, 1] table 5: exact and numerical solution using h2bm2 for example 2. x exact h2bm2 error 0.0 6.634320126e-16 6.634320126e-16 0. 0.2 0.5590169122545 0.5590169122589 4.49e-12 0.4 -0.9045084378512 -0.9045084378577 6.52e-12 0.6 0.9045084354472 0.9045084354428 5.53e-12 0.8 -0.5590169311454 -0.5590169311433 2.12e-12 1.0 -4.658833273e-16 -4.658833273e-16 0. for n= 10, x∈[−1, 1] the analytic solution is y(x, t) = sin4πxsin4πt. following ngwane and jator [10], (38) becomes dy2m dx2 = − y (x , tm+1)−2y (x , tm) +y(x , tm−1)] (2∆t) −32π2sin(4πx) (41) ym(±1,tm) =ym(x,±1) = 0, where tm=m∆t, m= 0, 1, . . . ,m; ym(x)≈y(x, tm),y(x) = [y0(x), y1(x), . . . ,ym−1(x)] t , hence (41) becomes the system d 2 ym (x) dx2 = f (x , ym) which is in the form of (1), where f (x, tm) =ay+g and a is an m−1 square matrix, g is a vector of constants. bvm and bum are boundary value methods and the block unification methods in biala [14]. tables 4-5 shows the comparison of the exact solution and the methods h2bm1 and h2bm2 respectively for example 2. table 6-7 shows the maximum error and cpu time obtained for different methods. table 9 shows the maximum error and cpu time obtained in biala [14]. table 6: comparison of maximum errors obtained in different methods for example 2 at t= 1 n h2bm1 l∞ error cpu time h2bm2 l∞ error cpu time 16 2.257e-7 0.112 5.547e-7 0.121 32 2.787e-7 0.898 1.712e-7 0.871 64 8.234e-7 2.785 2.337e-7 2.662 128 3.114e-7 11.211 4.785e-7 12.009 256 2.779e-7 31.812 1.112e-7 30.101 table 7: comparison of maximum errors obtained in different methods for example 2 at t= 1 n bvm l∞ error cpu time bum l∞ error cpu time 16 9.662e-0 0.483 1.251e-1 0.531 32 2.582e-2 1.235 2.578e-2 1.031 64 6.433e-3 5.358 6.459e-3 5.516 128 1.607e-3 43.641 1.607e-3 46.923 256 2.000e-0 512.843 4.016e-4 532.657 this show that the derived methods performs accurately, superiorly and affluently in terms of the computer time, and errors obtained in examples 2. figure 2 shows the surface plots for the exact and numerical solution for examples 2. example 3. we consider the pde (jator [15]). ∂y2 ∂t2 + ∂y2 ∂x2 = sin(y), x∈[−3, 3] y(x, 0) = 4arctan(e x√ 1−c2 ), yt(x, 0) = − 4ce x√ 1−c2 √ 1−c2 (1+e 2 x√ 1−c2 ) , 0 < t<1 (42) the analytic solution is y(x, t) = 4arctan(sech(x)t), c is velocity of the wave. the problem is solved for c= 0.5, ∆t= 0.125 following ngwane and jator [10], (38) becomes dy2m dx2 = − y (x , tm+1)−2y (x , tm) +y(x , tm−1)] (2∆t) +sin(ym)(43) ym (x, 0) = 4arctan ( e x√ 1−c2 ) , ymt (x, 0) = − 4ce x√ 1−c2 √ 1−c2 1+e2 x√1−c2 , 0 < t<1 35 olaiya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2022) 26–37 36 figure 2: surface plots for the exact and numerical solution for example 3 figure 3: surface plots for the exact and numerical solution for example 3 table 8: exact and numerical solution using different methods for example 3 x exact h2bm1 h2bm2 sbvm 0.125 0.12195641127 0.12195641122 0.12195641178 0.121956 0.25 0.11346954831 0.11346954852 0.11346954877 0.113469 0.375 0.10557254177 0.10557254144 0.10557254129 0.105573 0.5 0.09822454418 0.09822454411 0.09822454412 0.0982256 0.625 0.09138842135 0.09138842122 0.09138842129 0.0913892 0.75 0.08502738529 0.08502738541 0.08502738557 0.0850284 0.875 0.07910885264 0.07910885215 0.07910885213 0.0791101 1.00 0.07360212510 0.07360212548 0.07360212544 0.0736035 table 9: approximate and numerical solution for example 3 x h2bm1 error h2bm2 error sbvm error 0.125 7.2e-10 5.1e-10 1.30e-7 0.25 2.1e-11 4.6e-10 2.94e-7 0.375 3.3e-11 4.8e-10 4.51e-7 0.5 7.2e-11 8.0e-10 6.49e-7 0.625 1.4e-10 5.5e-10 8.41e-7 0.75 1.2e-10 3.7e-10 1.03e-6 0.875 4.9e-10 3.3e-10 1.25e-6 1.00 3.8e-10 7.7e-10 1.44e-6 where tm=m∆t, m= 0, 1, . . . ,m; ym(x)≈y(x, tm),y(x) = [ y0(x), y1(x), . . . ,ym−1(x)] t , hence (43) becomes the system d 2 ym (x) dx2 = f (x , ym) which is in the form of (1). where f (x, tm) =ay+g and a is an m−1 square matrix, g is a vector of constants. sbvm is symmetric boundary value method in jator [15]. table 8 shows the exact and numerical solution using the different methods for example 3 while table 9 shows error obtained for example 3. figure 3 shows the surface plots for the exact and numerical solutions of h2bm1 and h2bm2 for example 3 5. conclusion the development of some numerical schemes has been proposed in this work. this was developed via the interpolation and collocation techniques using power series function as trial solutions. the methods were effectively illustrated some partial differential equations (pde) and the results obtained were accurate. the analysis of the new methods showed that all satisfy the properties of numerical methods for the solution of differential equations. namely, consistency, zerostability, continuity and convergence. references [1] l. brugnano, l. & d. trigiante, “solving differential problems by multistep initial and boundary value methods”, gordon and breach science publishers, amsterdam, (1998). 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63.1%. the calculated values of hydrogen bond intensity (hbi), lateral order index (loi) and total crystalline index (tci) are 0.93, 1.17and 0.94 respectively exhibited high degree of crystallinity and well arranged cellulose crystal structure. the isolated nanocellulose has an average length and diameter of 14.3 nm and 36.33 nm respectively. furthermore, the ftir peaks revealed the presence of c-h bending, c-o stretching and o-h stretching functional groups. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.202 keywords: crystallinity index, crystal structure, hydroxyl group, moringa oleifera, nanocellulose article history : received: 20 april 2021 received in revised form: 14 june 2021 accepted for publication: 27 june 2021 published: 29 august 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: a. h. labulo 1. introduction moringa oleifera is a well known plant material with numerous potential uses which belong to the family of moringaceae [1,2]. moringa oleifera is a plant material composed of organic nutrients, lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. one of the prominent structural compositions of different green plants cell wall is cellulose. moreover, nanocellulose can be prepared from cellulose [3]. the fact has been established that cellulose with appearance of nanostructures (nanocellulose) is among the paramount organic materials of recent times [4]. nanocellulose exhibits unique characteristics due to the nanoscale size. the properties of the nanocellulose can be tailored to increase their performance for specific applications [5,6]. chemical method ∗corresponding author tel. no: email address: agafolabi@gmail.com (a. f. afolabi ) of treating nanocellulose is based on the source, the resulting material can change in crystal arrangement (crystal structure), degree of crystallinity, morphology and surface chemistry [7]. nanocellulose has been a research key in nanomaterial because it is a sustainable biomaterial which has low toxicity. nanocellulose is isolated using various distinct approaches such as oxidative, acid hydrolysis, oxidative, enzymatic and mechanical treatments of cellulose. the most common approach for isolating nanocellulose from wood and other plant materials is acid hydrolysis [8,9]. many researchers have investigated the isolation of nanocellulose from agricultural residues such as banana [10], sisal [11], tomato peels [12], calotropis procera fibers, onion waste, citrus waste, coconut [13], sesame husk [14], cotton, rice husk [15], oil palm [16], groundnut shells [17], macrophyte typha domingensis, potato peel, jute, spruce bark, agave angustifolia fibers, 148 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 148–153 149 figure 1. schematic diagram of experimental procedure of nanocellulose mango seed, sugarcane bagasse, corncob, bamboo, straws, soy hulls, olive stones, miscanthus giganteus, kapok and flax fibers. the potential and industrial application of the isolated nanocellulose is based on the structural and other properties of the nanocellulose. the aim of this research is to synthesis, characterize and determine the structural properties of nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seed. 2. materials and methods 2.1. materials the locally sourced organic material (moringa oleifera seeds) was removed from the shells, dried and grinded with a mixer grinder (bajaj gx 10 dlx, mumbai, india). it was sieved to obtain fine particles using a pascal engineering wiley mechanical sieve shaker, england. analytical chemical reagents used are naoh, naclo2, acetic acid and h2so4. the chemical reagents were obtained from the pascal scientific ltd. the schematic representation of experimental procedure is shown in figure 1. 2.2. methods a liquor ratio of 15:1(v/w) cooking condition was employed, the moringa oleifera seed particles was pulped with 20% of naoh at a temperature of 90◦ for 1 hour 30 minutes. after digestion process, the cooked pulp was filtered, screened and cleaned by rinsing properly with water without alkali. the pulped was left in the oven at 105◦c until the water was completely dried. mixture of 200 ml hot water, 6 g of naclo2, 1.5 ml of acetic acid and 10g of bone dried sample of pulp in a titration flask were placed in the water bath at 70◦ and heated for 30 minutes. another 6 g of naclo2 and 1.5 ml of acetic acid were added to the mixture and switched off the water bath after submitted to heat for the next 30 minutes. the sample was left in the water bath for 24 hours. after digestion, it was washed, filtered and cleaned by rinsing properly with water until the chlorine and the acid were washed away. the sample acquired was left in the oven at 105◦until the water was completely dried to obtain the cellulose. 2.3. preparation of nanocellulose the nanocellulose of the sample was prepared by acid hydrolysis in accordance with the method developed by bondeson [18] with little change. the cellulose sample was treated with 60 % sulfuric acid (h2so4). the hydrolysis was conducted by using a hot plate to heat the suspension in a round bottom flask with reflux condenser and intermittently stirred with a magnetic stirrer at an average temperature of 45◦ for 60 minutes. the hydrolyzed cellulose sample was distinctly washed and drained to remove excess h2so4 until the sample was neutral and dried. the reflux condenser was used to cool the acid so that the acid will not escape. 3. characterization the crystallinity index of the isolated nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds was acquired by making use of a philips pw diffractometer with cu-kα monochromator at the voltage of 15kv, scanned at wavelength λ=1.54å with 2θ angle range from 5◦ to 90◦. the surface morphology was determined by scanning electron microscope using15 kv accelerated voltage of jeol/eo jsm-6390 and has a resolution up to 100µm. fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectrophotometer was used to determine variation in functional groups induced by various treatments within a wavelength range of 700–4000cm−1. 3.1. theoretical background the interplanar spacing (d-spacing) was obtained as [19,20] d = nλ 2 sin θ (1) where n is the order of reflection, d is the interplanar spacing of the crystal, θ is the angle of incidence and λ is the wavelength of the incident x-ray. the crystallinity index was determined using equation (2) [21,22] cir = i200 − iam i200 × 100 (2) where, low intensity peak of the amorphous region is iam and highest peak intensity of the crystalline fractions is i200. the crystallite size (l) was calculated using scherrer’s equation [23] l = k ×λ b × sin θ (3) where, constant value given as 0.91 is k, bragg’s angle (◦) is θ, wavelength of the incident x-rays is λ and intensity of the full width at half maximum (fwhm) proportional to a high intensity peak of the diffraction plane is b. the surface chains (x) is the proportion of crystallite interior chains [24] was calculated as x = (l − 2h)2 l2 , (4) where l is the crystallite size and h = 0.57 nm is the layer thickness of the surface chain. 149 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 148–153 150 figure 2. x-ray diffractogram of isolated nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds. 4. results and discussion 4.1. x-ray diffraction (xrd) of isolated cellulose and nanocellulose the xrd pattern of the isolated cellulose in figure 2 revealed crystalline characteristics peaks at 2θ = 14.39◦, 15.33◦, 22.47◦ and 34.50◦ while nanocellulose has distinct peaks at 2θ = 14.95◦, 15.01◦, 22.53◦ and 34.67◦ in agreement with isolation and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals from agave angustifolia fibre [25]. the crystalline peaks indicate that the crystal structure is attributed to planes (110), (110), (200) and (004) respectively. furthermore, there is a noticeable crystal peak observed at 50.12◦ similar to the peaks in the xrd results of cellulose and α-cellulose from date palm biomass waste [26]. the peaks at 21.58◦, 24.88◦ and 32.24◦ in the pattern of the cellulose were not noticed in the pattern of nanocellulose in figure 2. this is due to the fact that the bond of the cellulose was broken after the sulfuric acid hydrolysis. the most prominent peaks of the isolated cellulose and nanocellulose are 22.47◦ and 22.53◦. the crystallinity index of isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds (62.6%) is lower than the crystallinity index of the nanocellulose (65.4%), this contributed to high degree of crystallinity of the nanocellulose [27,28,29,30]. additionally, the high crystallinity of nanocellulose depends on the three hydroxyl groups in fundamental chemical structure of cellulose which have potential to instigate large intra and intermolecular hydrogen bonding included in the cellulose chains, granting the crystalline packing of cellulose chains into greatly compact system (crystal structure) [31]. the diffraction peaks of the nanocellulose were narrowed, longer and became sharper due to the efficient elimination of the amorphous parts. this shows that the nanocellulose is highly crystalline [32]. table 1 showed the values of dspacing (d), full width at half maximum (fwhm), crystallinity index (cr i), crystallite size (l), and surface chains (x) also known as the crystalline proportion of the crystallites of the isolated nanocellulose. figure 3. scanning electron micrograph of cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds figure 4. scanning electron micrograph of nanaocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds. 4.2. scanning electron microscopy (sem) analysis of isolated cellulose and nanocellulose figure 3 shows the surface morphological features of the isolated cellulose. the surface of the isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds was rough due to amorphous nature of the materials [28]. the isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds has an average length of 46.20 µm and diameter of 88.90 µm. the particles were dissociated from one another, indicating the elimination of hemicelluloses and lignin. this is similar to the report of nazir et al. [22]. the surface morphology of the isolated nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds in figure 4 is predominantly rod-like with conical feature. in addition, the nanocellulose is clean, smooth and disjointed from one another owing to the removal of impurities and non-cellulosic components from the materials. furthermore, non-agglomerated structure of the nanocellulose is expressed as highly porous with noticeable diameters, thus able to provide large surface areas [26]. the isolated nanocellulose has an average length and diameter of 14.30 nm and 36.33 nm respectively. 150 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 148–153 151 table 1. structural analysis of the isolated nanocellulose from the xrd patterns sample 2θ(◦) d(å) l(nm) fwhm x cr i(%) isolated cellulose 22.43 3.95 1.95 0.07 0.17 62.60 isolated nanocellulose 22.53 3.90 2.13 0.06 0.22 65.40 4.3. fourier transform infrared (ftir) of isolated cellulose and nanocellulose the fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectra of the isolated cellulose and nanocellulose are shown in figure 5. the prospect of the ftir was to ascertain the functional groups of the cellulose and nanocellulose isolated from the moringa oleifera seeds. absorption bands in all spectra of the isolated cellulose were observed at 3335.43 cm−1, 2913.17 cm−1, 2345.16 cm−1, 1577.27 cm−1, 1426.66 cm−1, 1156.49 cm−1, 1015.50 cm−1 and 661.67 cm−1. the spectra of the isolated cellulose showed wide band centered at 3335.43 cm−1 appointed to oh stretching vibration of hydroxyl groups and absorbed water having strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding with alcohol compound class [33,34]. the wide absorption band of the isolated nanocellulose observed at 3340 cm−1 in figure 5 is strong corresponded to the vibration of the o–h group having a compound class of alcohol. this is in agreement with preparation and characterization of novel microstructure cellulosic sawdust material [35]. this functional group commonly present in the cellulose. the characteristics spectra of c–h vibration occur at 2910 cm−1. the absence of peak between 1740 cm−1 and 1726 cm−1 signifies that there is no ester linkage of lignin or ester group of the hemicellulose due to the sulfuric acid hydrolysis [32]. furthermore, disappearance of the hemicellulose and lignin in the ftir spectrum verifies that the cellulose is crystalline. the peaks in the region between 1025 cm−1 – 1321 cm−1 are associated to the c-o stretching [26]. additionally, the band at 664 cm−1 is a characteristic associated with the c-h bending [36]. total crystalline index (tci), hydrogen bond intensity (hbi), lateral order index (loi) and lateral order index (loi) of the nanocellulose from moringa oliefera seeds were obtained from the spectra of the ftir spectroscopy. the calculated values of tci and loi are 0.93 and 1.17 respectively. the values signify more ordered cellulose structure and structure high degree of crystallinity. this result is similar to previous research on green solvent for water hyacinth biomass deconstruction [37]. the other indicator of high degree of intermolecular regularity and ordered nature of cellulose is hbi value. the hbi value of the isolated nanocellulose is 0.94 which indicates high degree of intermolecular regularity. this is in agreement with the result on native cellulose: structure, characterization and thermal properties [23]. this result show that there were additional chains of cellulose in a highly coordinated form which leads to higher hydrogen bond intensity among neighbouring chains of cellulose and produce a more packing structure of cellulose and higher crystallinity. figure 5. fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectra of isolated cellulose from moringa oleifera seeds figure 6. fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectra of isolated nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds 5. conclusion the structural properties of the isolated nanocellulose were successfully examined in this research. the isolated cellulose and nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds revealed the 151 afolabi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 148–153 152 most prominent peaks at 2θ = 22.47◦ and 22.53◦ respectively. the crystallinity index values were 62.60% and 65.40%. in addition, the nanocellulose is predominantly rod-like with conical feature. the isolated cellulose has an average length of 46.20 µm and diameter of 88.90 µm while the average length and diameter of the obtained nanocellulose are 14.3 nm and 36.33 nm respectively. the ftir revealed the presence of c-o stretching, o-h stretching and c-h bending functional groups. the tci, loi and hbi values of the nanocellulose from moringa oleifera seeds were 0.93, 1.17 and 0.94. these results indicate more ordered cellulose structure and high degree of crystallinity. acknowledgements the authors gratefully appreciate dr. ige, o. o. and dr. alo, f.i. of the department of material science and engineering, obafemi awolowo university ile-ife, osun state, nigeria for their effort in the analysis of the samples. dr. adekoya mathew, mr. olasoji, m. o. and the department of materials and metallurgical engineering of the federal university of technology, akure, nigeria are also appreciated for their support during the period of this research. references [1] s. m. mangale, s. g. chonde, a. s. jadhav & p. d. raut “study of moringa oleifera (drumstick) seed as natural absorbent and antimicrobial agent for river water treatment”, journal of natural product and plant resource 2 (2012) 89. 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chemical composition with qualitative and quantitatively assessed from the period of post monsoon ( january) in the year 2020. therefore, ten underground water sample were taken from different areas in nagapattinam region and analysed for the following qualities such as color, odour, temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, hydrogen ion concentration, calcium, magnesium, chloride, potassium, sodium, nitrate, and sulphate and trace metals like manganese, lead, chromium, copper, iron, arsenic, cadmium and zinc. the physico chemical parameters indicate the quality of ground water varies from bore well to bore well. higher values of any parameter in a borehole indicate that the water is not fit for drinking. therefore, the public is advised that the groundwater source in the study area should be monitored before it is used for domestic and drinking water purposes and that the government should adopt some treatment technology in the current study regions to minimize the hardness and salinity for provide safe water to the public. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1160 keywords: nagapattinam, ground water, monsoon, physico-chemical parameters article history : received: 31 october 2022 received in revised form: 05 january 2023 accepted for publication: 10 january 2023 published: 12 march 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: dr. k. sakthipandi 1. introduction groundwater plays an important role in the ecological functions of various ecosystems. due to human activities, the groundwater system provides proper circulation for water recirculation; water is being abused and contaminated in ordinary ∗corresponding author tel. no: +91 9994648947 email address: gopi@egspec.org (c. gopi ) conceivable. this pollution causes water quality to decline. half of the groundwater used in metropolitan areas in developing countries comes from wells and boreholes, and many in india rely on these resources. contamination of heavy metals with its surrounding could be a major world concern, as a result of toxicity and threat to human life and ecosystem [1]. heavy metals are superimposed with water system from artificial and natural sources [2]. water quality is more important than quantity in any water. groundwater’s physical and chemi1 c. gopi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1160 2 cal qualities support its use as a source of water for municipal, agricultural, and domestic purposes [3]. nagapattinam district is a part of the south indian state of tamil nadu, forming parts of the cauvery river basins and vennar sub-basins. geographically, the district lies between latitudes 10◦46′16′′ and longitudes 79◦50′50′′78 as shown in figure 1. from june to september starts south west monsoon and north east monsoon begins from october till january. low rain fall observed in southwest period [4] from march to may summer start and end. it is one of the state’s fastest growing cities, rapid urbanization and industry. groundwater supplies have been put under a lot of strain as a result of urbanization. in the major part of the state, depth of the water level in pre-monsoon may 2019 is 2-5 m bgl and post monsoon january 2020 is greater than 2-5 m bgl shown in figure 2. 2. materials and methods in the post-monsoon period of 2020, water samples were taken from ten sample points in nagapattinam and the surrounding area (january) in the depth of 40 ft. apha [5] was used to collect and analyze the samples. for drinking water, all of the settlements in the research region rely on groundwater. during the collecting and handling of the samples, all precautions were taken. polyethylene containers were used to collect groundwater samples. the ph, electrical conductivity was determined on the spot using digital equipments after sampling. water samples were analyzed for chemical parameters such total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity, hydrogen ion concentration, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, nitrate, phosphate, sulfate and trace metals like iron, manganese, chromium, copper, lead, zinc and cadmium. figure 1: location map of study area 3. results and discussion table 1 lists the locations of ground water sampling stations in the research region. the analytical results of physical and chemical parameters of ground water were compared to the world health organizations 1985 standard guideline values for drinking and public health objectives table 2. figure 2: peizometric surface data for pre monsoon and post monsoon seasons table 1: details of ground water sampling stations in the study area s/n sampling stations sample id source of water 1 kadambanoor s1 bore well 2 sengamangalam s2 bore well 3 palaiyur s3 bore well 4 boothangudi s4 bore well 5 nagoore s5 bore well 6 nagapattinam s6 bore well 7 sikkal s7 bore well 8 pappakovil s8 bore well 9 north poigainallur s9 bore well 10 south poigainallur s10 bore well table 2: who and bis standard of drinking water parameters who (48) (2011) bis 2012 (49) study area samples permissible limit permissible limit min-max (mg/l) ph 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.7 ec 500-1500 590-1100 tds 500-1500 500-2000 538-956 th 100-500 200-600 246-722 calcium 75-200 75-200 110-532 magnesium 30-150 30 66-103 magnesium 30-150 30 66-103 sodium 50-200 86-180 potassium 10-dec 0.98-3.08 chloride 250-600 250-1000 154-386 bi carbonate 200-500 241-624 sulphate 250-400 200-400 53-89 phosphate 1.1-3.8 nitrate 45 14-19 3.1. ph and electrical conductivity ph is a measurement of a solution’s acidity or felicity. it is defined as the co (h+) hydrogen ion activity coefficient, which 2 c. gopi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1160 3 table 3: physico-chemical data of drinking water quality parameters of groundwater samples sample ph ec ca2+ mg2+ na+ k+ cl− hco−3 so 2− 4 no − 3 po 3− 4 tds th sar s-1 6.8 600 350 96 180 1.1 289 256 82 14 1.1 742 615 53 s-2 7.8 700 270 82 155 1.37 352 289 78 15 3.2 853 262 56.9 s-3 7.3 850 327 103 114 1.27 262 456 73 15 2.8 924 551 61.6 s-4 8.7 590 220 92 126 0.98 275 241 89 16 3.1 950 246 59.4 s-5 6.5 1100 233 71 86 1.63 386 250 84 19 3.8 920 316 48.4 s-6 7.3 863 310 72 165 2.08 352 624 85 17 3.4 781 444 45.9 s-7 6.6 846 352 102 131 1.91 240 375 53 18 3.2 732 492 40.7 s-8 8.6 978 110 66 132 1.91 258 425 67 16 2.2 538 258 33.6 s-9 6.7 1005 402 75 172 3.08 154 562 72 19 2.1 676 535 35.6 s-10 7.5 630 532 98 124 1.64 356 342 83 19 2.6 956 722 50.3 mini. 6.5 590 110 66 86 0.98 154 241 53 14 1.1 538 246 33.6 maxi. 8.7 1100 532 103 180 3.08 386 624 89 19 3.8 956 722 61.6 table 4: correlation coefficient values between the water quality parameters of groundwater samples in the study area during monsoon 2020 correlation ca++ mg++ na+ k+ cl− hco−3 so 2− 4 po 3− 4 no − 3 ph ec tds ca++ 1 mg++ 0.106 1 na+ -0.374 -0.07 1 k+ 0.0131 -0.29 0.497 1 cl− -0.032 -0.11 -0.35 -0.68 1 hco−3 -0.087 -0.31 0.367 0.573 -0.37 1 so2−4 -0.445 -0.17 0.002 -0.24 0.556 -0.24 1 po3−4 -0.251 -0.17 -0.6 -0.53 0.481 0.001 0.007 1 no−3 0.228 -0.23 -0.33 0.41 -0.01 0.231 -0.11 0.386 1 ph -0.03 -0.26 -0.03 -0.14 0.121 -0.11 0.45 -0.06 -0.4 1 ec 0.219 -0.63 -0.31 0.293 -0.17 0.434 -0.35 0.303 0.487 -0.32 1 tds 0.204 -0.05 -0.48 -0.62 0.537 -0.42 0.57 0.467 0.078 0.044 -0.39 1 can only be calculated theoretically and cannot be measured empirically. the ph scale is a relative scale. it is relative to a set of standard solution which ph is established by international agreement. the ph level varied from 6.5 to 8.7. the maximum value found at s-4 and minimum value is mainly basic in nature [6]. the variation of electrical conductivity is 590 to 1100 µs/cm .in the minimum value found at s-4 and maximum value found at s-5 is within the desirable limit 3.2. total dissolved solids total dissolved solids (tds) indicate the salinity behavior of ground water sample. tds values varied from 538 to 956. if tds is more than 500 mg/l it is not suitable for drinking [7, 8, 9]. in the present study tds values are higher than the prescribed limit given by who. the tds concentration “found to be in above permissible limit may be due to the leaching of various pollutants into the ground water which can decrease the portability and this may results gastrointestinal irritation in human and also have laxative effect. high level of total dissolved solids may aesthetically be unsatisfactory for bathing and washing purposes” [10]. the tds variation indicates a low concentration at s-8 and high concentration at s-10. tds indicates that there is a low concentration of soluble salt in groundwater that is safe to drink. [11, 12, 13]. 3.3. total hardness the total hardness values are observed in the range of 246 to 722 mg/l post monsoon of 2020. total hardness values are within the maximum permissible limit of world health organization in all the sample station except s-1 and s-10. this may be due to presence of bicarbonates, chloride and sulphates of ca and mg present in the water. the total hardness values are observed in the range of 246 to 722 mg/l post monsoon of 2020. total hardness values are within the maximum permissible limit of world health organization in all the sample station except s-1 and s-10. this may be due to presence of bicarbonates, chloride and sulphates of ca and mg present in the water. 3.4. chloride chloride ion is one the anion present in water and waste water as inorganic compound but chlorine in drinking water does not create harmful even at higher concentration it is harmless. if the concentration exceeds the maximum permissible limit it produces cathartic effect in the samples chlorine ranges from 154 mg/l to 386 mg/l. lower the concentration at s-9 and higher concentration at s-5. as a result, it has a high concentration in groundwater, where temperatures are high and rainfall is low. the porosity and permeability of the soil also play a role in raising the concentration of chlorides [10]. 3 c. gopi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1160 4 3.5. nitrate concentration of nitrogen in groundwater in the range of 14 to 46 mg/l. it shows the site s-3, s-9 and s-10 are found higher concentration and other sites having lower concentration. but who limit for drinking water standard is 45 mg/l. nitrate concentration higher than this limit unfit for drinking .the present amount of concentration is mainly due to agricultural activities. the usage of larger quantity of nitrogen containing fertilizer in the land which may cause leaching from the root of the plants, soil and accumulate in water. 3.6. sulphate in adults, water containing 1000 mg/l magnesium sulphate serves as a purgative. (bhagavathi perumal and thamarai [14, 15]. sulphate occurring in water due to the municipal and industrial activity nearby discharge. also human activity is one of the major anthropogenic attribute to runoff and rainfall. concentration of sulphate varies from 53 mg/l to 89 mg/l. low concentration observed at s-7 and high concentration s-4. the maximum permissible limit of sulphate in water is 400 mg/l. 3.7. phosphate due to the activities of agriculture and anthropogenic increase the phosphate content in water [16]. the phosphate concentration observed in the groundwater samples from the study area varied from below detection level of 1.1 mg/l. phosphate found moderately low at many locations. 3.8. calcium and magnesium the desirable quantity of calcium is 75mg/l. the ca ionic concentration found low as 110 mg/l in sample station s-8 (532 mg/l at s-10) was observed high concentration but the permissible limit of calcium for water 200 mg/l. except s-8 all other samples show above permissible limit. due to low dissolution of magnesium the concentration is less in ground water than calcium [17]. the magnesium concentration is ranges from 66 to 103 mg/l where higher assessment found at s-3 and lower value found at sample station s-8. the acceptable limit of magnesium in water is 150mg/l. 3.9. sodium and potassium there is no guideline proposed for potassium ion but the concentration of sodium is ranges from 86 to 180 mg/l. s-9 and s-6 are found in maximum and minimum concentration respectively also, the concentration of sodium in ground water influences more in agricultural activity. 3.10. iron iron is the essential element for the organism. it occurs naturally in the environment as its ore like hematite. it acts as the central metal atom in the hemoglobin and transport the oxygen in the blood through organs. the deficiency of iron create anemia. the prescribed limit of iron content in drinking water is 0.30 mg/l by who. in the present study area, the maximum value is 0.26 and minimum value is 0.01.the iron content of the entire sample found below detection limit (bdl). 3.11. manganese manganese is the most abundant metals recover from earth crust in the form of oxides and hydroxides. it behaves as trace element and toxic metal due to the industrial activity, soil erosion, volcanic eruption, and human activity which increase the contaminant in ground water which change the odor and taste of the water also deposit within the pipes may break or form black precipitate. the allowable limit of manganese in ground water is 0.4 mg/l but in the present study area the maximum value is 0.08 and minimum value is 0. the manganese content of the entire sample found below detection limit. all the samples found below permissible limit. 3.12. chromium chromium is one of the most abundant heavy metal in nature it occur in the combined state but it exist as trivalent as well as hexavalent in nature as trace. it acts as removal of glucose from blood. but hexavalent chromium causes allergic reaction on human. tannin and paint industry discharge most of the chromium in ground. who has prescribed 0.05mg/l as prescribed limit. present study all the samples found below detection limit (bdl). 3.13. lead lead is a toxic heavy metal which is present in the natural environment but due to the human and industrial activity the concentration of lead increases day by day. it passes to environment through the vehicular exhaust and may causes serious health problem to child hood below six years. it also causes blood pressure, kidney damage [18]. in this study all the samples are found below the detection level. 3.14. copper copper is one of the common heavy metal found in environment. it enters into groundwater through agricultural wastes, pesticides; industrial waste and it create corrosion on pipes. it is the essential element for human health but high concentration copper in drinking water give liver and kidney damage. the acceptable limit of copper in ground water is 2 mg/l as prescribed by who. in the present study area the maximum value is 0.04 and minimum value is 0.01. the copper content of the entire sample found below detection limit (bdl). 3.15. zinc zinc is an essential trace element. it enters into water on location ore are found. lack of zinc in drinking water results slow growth and diarrhea in children, wounds not heal fastly, suppress the immune system with treating the cold and infection in ear, also preventing low respiratory infections. it may be found in excess due to industrial activity, galvanic industry, and battery production industry. from this is observed to avoid larger quantities of nitrogenous and phosphate fertilizer in agricultural lands. this creates the awareness towards excess use of pesticide [19]. the adverse effect of zinc toxicity is stomach aches; vomiting, fever and diarrhea. all of the samples in this investigation were found to be under the who’s permitted level of 3 mg/l. 4 c. gopi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1160 5 3.16. cadmium cadmium is the commonly found metal in the world as ores of carbonate, sulphide and zinc. it naturally occurs in environment from the fertilizer, polluted ground water and sewage sludge, mining and effluents from industry. anemia, bronchitis are the adverse effect shown when cadmium concentration higher than the permissible limit. who has prescribed 0.003mg/l as the permissible limit. in the current study sample are found below detection level (bdl). 4. statistical studies correlation studies correlation coefficient is the mutual relationship between the two factors. the direct correlation exists when increase in the value of one parameter is associated with other parameter. the positive correlation observed only when increase in one parameter causes the increase in the other parameter vice versa” [20]. the correlated coefficients between varieties of water quality parameters are measured using the table 4. the correlation co-efficient ‘r’ was calculated using the equation r = n (σxy) − (σx) (σy)√[ nσx2 − (σx)2 ][ nσy2 − (σy)2 ] (1) the value of the correlation coefficient (r) ranges between +1 and -1. if the value ranges from +0.8 to 1.0 and -0.8 to -1.0 has characteristic the parameter is strongly, the value +0.5 to 0.8 and -0.5 to -0.8 has the characteristic the parameter is moderately and the value ranges from +0.00 to 0.5 and -0.00 to -0.5.(13) as the characteristic the parameter is weakly. the strong positive correlation of tds (0.537), (0.57) with chloride and sulphite. weak correlation of tds (0.24), (0.467), (0.0078) and (0.044) with calcium, phosphate, nitrate and ph. the correlation coefficient of ec with calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, phosphate, nitrate. ph is weakly correlated with sulphate (0.45). the correlation coefficient of nitrate is positively correlated with calcium, potassium (0.41) and phosphate. phosphate is weakly correlated with chloride (0.481).bicarbonate and sulphates are positively correlated with sodium. potassium (0.131) and magnesium (0.106) are strongly correlated with calcium. from the result most of the ion positively correlated with no3-. this may be due to increase in agriculture activity, animal, human and poor drainage waste. 5. conclusion groundwater in and around nagapattinam, nagapattinam district, is firm, fresh, and alkaline in character, according to physicochemical investigations. the parameters like, magnesium, sodium, phosphate, sulphate, potassium, electrical conductivity, nitrate, total dissolved solids (tds), and chloride results within the allowable limit. water chemistry signifies that higher ec and tds shown in nearby costal region prescribe saline water traces. almost most of the parameters showed higher values like calcium, ph, total hardness. higher values of total hardness and ph indicate saline water intrusion in the particular area. s1, s3, s9 and s10 location requires some treatment for minimization of those parameters. it may be due to increase in prominent people habits and the pollutants may leach inside the ground water. the majority of parameters were reported less than the allowable limit. the low concentration of ions in the sample does not give any adverse effect for utilize the water for house hold and drinking purposes. except s1, s3, s9 and s10 all other sample in the present region suitable for drinking purposes. trace metal contamination in the present study area showed that s1 to s10 below the permissible limit. statistical application carried out by using the correlation analysis indicates that ec, dissolved solids, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, nitrate and phosphate are the dominant ions in the study area due to the leaching of fertilizer impact [21]. the physicochemical parameters found in the entire study indicate that the quality of ground water differs from bore well to bore well. any parameter with a higher value in a borehole indicates that the water is unfit to drink [22].therefore, the public is advised that the groundwater source in the study area should be monitored before it is used for domestic and drinking water purposes and that the government should adopt some treatment technology in the current study region to minimize the hardness and salinity for provide safe water to the public references [1] g. selvarajan, s .punitha, “estimation of physico-chemical parameters of ground water in kilvelur taluk, nagapattinam district, tamilnadu, india”, int. res j environmental sci. 7 (2018) 37. 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ilara−mokin, ondo state. nigeria bdepartment of mathematics and statistics, federal university wukari, wukari, taraba state. nigeria. cdepartment of pure and applied mathematics, ladoke akintola university of technology, ogbomoso, oyo state. nigeria. abstract new challenges like the outbreak of new diseases, government policies, war and insurgency etc. present distortion, delay and denial of persons’ access to art, thereby fuelling the spread and increasing the burden of hiv/aids. a mathematical model is presented to study the transmission dynamics and control of hiv infection. the qualitative and quantitative analyses of the model are carried out. it is shown that the disease-free equilibrium of the model is globally asymptotically stable whenever the basic reproduction number is less than unity. it is also shown that a unique endemic equilibrium exists whenever the basic reproduction number exceeds unity and that the model exhibits a forward bifurcation. furthermore, the lyapunov function is used to show that the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable for a special case of the model whenever the associated basic reproduction number is greater than unity. the model is calibrated to the data on hiv/aids prevalence in nigeria from 1990 to 2019 and it represents reality. the numerical simulations on the global stability of disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium justify the analytic results. the fraction of the detected individuals who are receiving treatment and stay in the treatment class plays a significant role as it influences the population of the latently-infected individuals and aids class as the treatment prevents the individuals from progressing into the aids class. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1389 keywords: hiv/aids, basic reproduction number, global stability, bifurcation, lyapunov function. article history : received: 09 february 2023 received in revised form: 22 march 2023 accepted for publication: 26 march 2023 published: 19 april 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: p. thakur 1. introduction efficient and effective testing is a gateway to hiv treatment and it is an important element of efforts to stop the aids epidemic [1]. a positive diagnosis allows an hiv-infected person to receive antiretroviral therapy (art) [2]. the art sup∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348060548485 email address: saheed.ajao@elizadeuniversity.edu.ng (saheed ajao ) presses the replication of the virus and this prevents transmission to one’s sexual partner. thus, early access to antiretroviral therapy (art) and support for continued treatment is important not only to improve the health status of hiv-infected individuals but also to prevent the transmission of hiv [3]. in 2021, 28.7 million people were receiving art globally, and the global art coverage was 75%. at the end of 2021, only 52% of children aged 0 to 14 years had received art and world health organization recommends that more efforts should be put in place to scale up treatment, most especially for 1 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 2 children and adolescents [3]. in the who african region, where two-thirds of the disease burden exist, access to treatment is an issue for people living with hiv due to many factors. in south africa, discrimination and stigmatization still remain major obstacles to hiv response efforts which also affect children. according to a un report, african children are neglected when it comes to hiv treatment [4]. unaids reported that despite the global scientific advances in providing better treatment for children and adults, children with hiv in indonesia have difficulties accessing antiretroviral therapy. the deeply rooted societal and gender inequalities create barriers to women, children, and adolescents accessing quality prevention and care services and thereby making the situation worse [5]. the report of [6] explained how government policy creates a barrier to hiv treatment. several factors have been identified as barriers to hiv treatment (see [7-10]). the modelling of the transmission of infectious diseases is now influencing the theory and practice of disease management and control. mathematical modelling now plays a significant role in policy decision-making regarding the epidemiology of diseases in many countries [12]. several models have been developed to study the dynamics of hiv transmission (see [1316]). apentang et al [17] studied the impact of the implementation of hiv prevention policies therapy and control strategies among hiv/aids new cases in malaysia. the study revealed that the use of condoms and uncontaminated needle-syringes are important intervention control strategies. yang et al. [18] studied the global dynamics of an hiv model, which incorporates senior male clients and their results showed that diagnosis, treatment and education have a positive impact on controlling hiv transmission, while senior male clients increase the number of new cases of hiv and prolong the time of the outbreak. dubey et al. [19] modelled the role of acquired immune response and antiretroviral therapy in the dynamics of hiv infection. ghosh et al. [20] worked on an hiv/aids model of an si-type with the inclusion of media and self-imposed psychological fear and their results revealed that awareness is more effective in eradicating hiv infection. the existing models in the literature failed to consider the partitioning of detected individuals who are receiving treatment and those who do not access treatment. hence, we proposed a mathematical model to study the transmission dynamics of hiv in nigeria. we assume that a fraction of individuals that are detected moves to the treatment class while the remaining fraction moves to the aids class. the paper is structured as follows: section 2 contains the method used in the study, section 3 has the numerical simulations and discussion of results, while the conclusion follows in section 4. 2. method 2.1. model formulation here, we give the description of how the hiv model is designed and formulated. the overall population of humans at the time (t) is denoted by n(t) and is partitioned into six distinct classes namely: the susceptible population s (t), the hivlatently infected l, the hiv-infected undetected class hu , the hiv-infected detected class hd, the treatment class hw , and the aids class a. thus n(t) = s (t) + l(t) + hu (t) + hd(t) + hw (t) + a(t) (1) the susceptible individuals are assumed to be recruited into the population at the rate π and get infected after effective contact with hiv-infected people in the latent, undetected, detected, treatment and aids classes at the rate λ, which is given by λ = β(l + η1 hu + η2 hd + η3 hw + η4 a) n (2) where β is the contact rate, η1,η2,η4 ≥ 1 and η3 ≤ 1 are the modification parameters which compare the level of transmissibility of the disease in hu, hd, a, and hw classes with respect to people in l class. it is assumed that a fraction � of newly infected individuals progresses to the latently-infected class and the remaining fraction with compromised immunity moves to the hiv-undetected class. a fraction ω of people in the latent class who are detected progresses to the detected class while the other fraction 1 − ω proceeds to the undetected class. the population of the hiv-detected class increases as a result of the detection of the undetected individuals at the rate γ and diminishes as a result of fraction α of detected individuals who are receiving treatment that progresses to treatment class and the remaining fraction 1 −α that progresses to aids class. we assume that those that are receiving treatment move to the latent class at the rate φ. the aids class reduces as a result of death due to the disease at the rate δ. each population size reduces as a result of natural death which occurs in all classes. the flow chart of the model showing the interaction among the classes is depicted in figure 1. thus, with the assumptions above, we present a deterministic model of hiv infection as follows: ds dt = π−λs −µs dl dt = �λs + φhw − (κ + µ)l dhu dt = (1 − �)λs + (1 −ω)κl − (γ + µ)hu (3) dhd dt = ωκl + γhu − (τ + µ)hd dhw dt = ατhd − (φ + µ)hw da dt = (1 −α)τhd − (µ + δ)a where λ = β(l + η1 hu + η2 hd + η3 hw + η4 a) n (4) n = s + l + hu + hd + hw + a (5) for convenience, we re-write the above equation (3) as thus: ds dt = π−λs −µs 2 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 3 figure 1. schematic diagram of the model dl dt = �λs + φhw − t1 l dhu dt = (1 − �)λs + w l − t2 hu (6) dhd dt = xl + γhu − t3 hd dhw dt = y hd − t4 hw da dt = zhd − t5 a where t1 = κ + µ t2 = γ + µ t3 = τ + µ t4 =φ + µ t5 = µ + δ w =(1 −ω)κ x =ωκ y =ατ z = (1 −α)τ 2.2. model analysis 2.2.1. basic properties this section explores the basic dynamical features of the model (3). we claim the following: lemma 2.1. the closed set d = { (s, l, hu, hd, hw, a) ∈ r 6 + : n ≤ π µ } is positively invariant with non-negative initial values in r6+. proof. summing up all the compartments of (3) with δ = 0 we have dn dt = π−µn it follows that dn dt ≤ π−µn then n(t) ≤ n(0)e−µt + π µ (1 − e−µt) if n(0) ≤ π µ , then n(t) ≤ π µ . hence, all solutions of the model having their starting values in d stay there for t > 0. this means that d is positively invariant and in this region, the model is considered to be epidemiologically meaningful and mathematically well-posed. hence, we can study the dynamics of the basic model (3) in d. 2.2.2. stability of the disease-free equilibrium the disease-free equilibrium of the model (6) denoted by e1 is given by e1 = (s 0, l0, hu0, hd0, hw0, a0) = ( π µ , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) (7) by adopting the approach of the next generation matrix method as given by [25], the matrices f (new infection terms) and v (transition terms) are as given below: f =  �β �βη1 �βη2 �βη3 �βη4 (1 − �)β (1 − �)βη1 (1 − �)βη2 (1 − �)βη3 (1 − �)βη4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  (8) and v =  t1 0 0 −φ 0 −w t2 0 0 0 −x −γ t3 0 0 0 0 −y t4 0 0 0 −z 0 t5  (9) then r0 = ρ(fv−1), is given by r0 = β  (1 − �)[t1t3t4t5η1 − xy t5φη1 + t1t4t5γη2 +t1t5yγη3 + t1t4zγη4 + y t5γφ] +�(xt2 + γw)[t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + zt4η4] +�t3t4t5(t2 + wη1)  t5(t1t2t3t4 − xy t2φ− wyγφ) (10) where ρ is the spectral radius of the dominant eigenvalue of the matrix fv−1. hence, using the theorem 2 of [25], the following result is established: lemma 2.2. the disease-free equilibrium of model (6) is locally asymptotically stable whenever the basic reproduction number r0 < 1 and otherwise if r0 > 1 the threshold r0 represents the basic reproduction number of the disease, which is the average number of secondary infections emanating from a single infection source in a population consisting of only the susceptible people [26]. the implication of lemma 2.2 is that a small introduction of infected individuals into the community/population will not produce a substantial outbreak of the disease when the basic reproduction number is less than unity and therefore the disease vanishes. in the next theorem, we show that the disease can be eradicated irrespective of the initial sizes of the sub-populations when r0 < 1 through the exploration of the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium. theorem 2.3. the disease-free equilibrium (7) of the hiv model is globally asymptotically stable whenever r0 < 1 3 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 4 table 1. description of the parameters used in the model (3) parameter description value source π recruitment rate 618893 [21] β contact rate 0.0785 estimated µ natural death rate 0.022 [22] α fraction of detected individuals that are treated 0.29 assumed φ progression rate from treatment class to latent class 0.201 assumed γ detection rate of undetected individuals 0.392 estimated � fraction of newly infected people with uncompromised immunity 0.9 assumed κ progression rate of people in the latent class 0.01 [15] η1,η2,η3,η4 modification parameters 1.17,1.2,0.04,0.18 assumed δ death due to the disease 0.33 [23] τ treatment rate 0.89 [24] ω fraction of latent individuals that are detected 0.1 assumed proof. using the lyapunov function defined by f = e1 l + e2 hu + e3 hd + e4 hw + e5 a (11) by differentiating (11), we have f′ = e1 l ′ + e2 h ′ u + e3 h ′ d + e4 h ′ w + e5 a ′ (12) where e1 = (1 − �)β(xη1 −γ) − n(t2 x + γw) e2 = �β(γ− xη1) −γt1 n e3 = �βs (wη1 + t2) + t1[(1 − �)η1βs + t2 n] e4 = ( φ[(1 − �)βs (xη1 −γ) − n(t2 x + γw)] −βs η1[�(t2 x + γw) + γ(1 − �)] ) t4 e5 =  �βs [(t2 x + γw)(t4η2 + yη3) + t4t3(wη1 + t2)] +(1 − �)βs [t1t4(η2γ + t3η1) − yφ(xη1 −γ) +yη3γ] + n[yφ(t2 x + γw) − t1t2t3t4]  zt4 then by substituting (6) into (12), it becomes f′ = e1(�λs − t1 l + φhw ) + e2((1 − �)λs + w l (13) − t2 hu ) + e3(xl + γhu − t3 hd) + e4(y hd − t4 hw ) + e5(zhd − t5 a) simplifying (13) further leads to f′ =  −nt5(yφt2 x + yφγw − t1t2t3t4) −�βs (t2 x + γw)[zt4η4 + t5t4η2 + t5yη3] −(1 − �)βs [t5t1t4η4γ + t5t3η1 −y t5φ(xη1 −γ) + t5yη3γ + zt4γt1η4] −�βs t5t4t3(wη1 + t2)  a zt4 f′ = t5 n[yφ(t2 x + γw) − t1t2t3t4] zt4 ( s n r0 − 1 ) a f′ ≤ ( t5 n[yφ(t2 x + γw) − t1t2t3t4] zt4 ) (r0 − 1)a since s ≤ n in d, therefore,f′ ≤ 0 if r0 ≤ 1 with f′ = 0 if and only if a = 0, l = 0, hu = 0, hd = 0, hw = 0. also, the largest invariant set in (s, l, hu, hd, hw, a) ∈ d : f′ = 0 is the singleton e1. by lasalle invariance principle [27], every solution having its starting values in d, approaches e1 as t → ∞, and therefore, the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable whenever r0 < 1. the theorem implies that the disease can be eliminated irrespective of the initial sizes of the subpopulations of the model whenever the basic reproduction number does not exceed unity. 2.2.3. existence of endemic equilibrium the existence of endemic equilibrium is being investigated here and the condition for the persistence of the disease is being explored. let e2∗ = (s ∗∗, l∗∗, h∗∗u , h ∗∗ d , h ∗∗ w , a ∗∗) represents the endemic equilibrium state. also, let the force of infection at endemic equilibrium be represented by λ∗∗ = β(l∗∗ + η1 h∗∗u + η2 h ∗∗ d + η3 h ∗∗ w + η4 a ∗∗) n∗∗ (14) then solving the model equations in terms of the λ (force of infection) at the steady state, we will get the following: s ∗∗ = π λ∗∗ + µ (15) l∗∗ = [�t2t3t4 + φyγ(1 − �)]λ∗∗s ∗∗ t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw = q1λ ∗∗s ∗∗ (16) 4 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 5 h∗∗u = [(1 − �)(t1t3t4 −φy x) + �wt3t4]λ∗∗s ∗∗ t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw = q2λ ∗∗s ∗∗ (17) h∗∗d = t4[t1γ(1 − �) + �(xt2 + wγ)]λ∗∗s ∗∗ t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw = q3λ ∗∗s ∗∗ (18) h∗∗w = y [t1γ(1 − �) + �(xt2 + wγ)]λ∗∗s ∗∗ t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw = q4λ ∗∗s ∗∗ (19) a∗∗ = zt4[t1γ(1 − �) + �(xt2 + wγ)]λ∗∗s ∗∗ t5[t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw] = q5λ ∗∗s ∗∗ (20) by the substitution of (16), (17), (18), (19), and (20) into (14), we have λ∗∗ = β(q1 + η1 q2 + η2 q3 + η3 q4 + η4 q5)λ∗∗s ∗∗ s ∗∗ + q2λ∗∗s ∗∗ + q3λ∗∗s ∗∗ + q4λ∗∗s ∗∗ + q5λ∗∗s ∗∗ (21) λ∗∗ = β(q1 + η1 q2 + η2 q3 + η3 q4 + η4 q5)λ∗∗s ∗∗ s ∗∗(1 + vλ∗∗) (22) where v = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 q1 = [�t2t3t4 + φyγ(1 − �)] t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw q2 = [(1 − �)(t1t3t4 −φy x) + �wt3t4] t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw q3 = t4[t1γ(1 − �) + �(xt2 + wγ)] t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw q4 = y [t1γ(1 − �) + �(xt2 + wγ)] t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw q5 = zt4[t1γ(1 − �) + �(xt2 + wγ)] t5[t2(t1t3t4 −φy x) −φyγw] hence, λ∗∗ = r0 − 1 v > 0 when r0 > 1 ∴ λ∗∗ has a positive unique solution when r0 > 1. hence, the following result is obtained: lemma 2.4. there exists a unique endemic equilibrium of the hiv model equation (6) whenever the basic reproduction number r0 > 1. the above result indicates the existence of forward bifurcation which is verified in the next analysis. 2.2.4. bifurcation analysis the bifurcation is a phenomenon that describes the changes in the behaviour of a dynamical system as a result of changes in the parameter values or initial conditions of the model. this helps to determine if the disease can be cleared off when the basic reproduction number is less than unity. we will adopt the center manifold theory [28] as described by [29][see appendix b] to establish the kind of bifurcation that the model exhibits. the center manifold theory is used to determine the stability of equilibrium and plays a vital role in bifurcation theory because of the changes in behaviour of the system that take place on the center manifold. if β is chosen as the bifurcation parameter for model (6), then at r0 = 1, we have that β = β∗ = t5(t1t2t3t4 − xy t2φ− wyγφ) (1 − �)[t1t3t4t5η1 − xy t5φη1 + t1t4t5γη2 +t1t5yγη3 + t1t4zγη4 + y t5γφ] +�(xt2 + γw)[t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + zt4η4] +�t3t4t5(t2 + wη1)  (23) if the variables of (6) are changed as follows: s = x1, l = x2, hu = x3, hd = x4, hw = x5, a = x6 and we use the vector notation x = (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)t , then (6) can be re-written in the form d xdt = f(x) where f = ( f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6) t such that (6) becomes d x1 dt = π−λx1 −µx1 = f1 d x2 dt = �λx1 + φx5 − t1 x2 = f2 d x3 dt = (1 − �)λx1 + w x2 − t2 x3 = f3 (24) d x4 dt = x x2 + γx3 − t3 x4 = f4 d x5 dt = y x4 − t4 x5 = f5 d x6 dt = z x4 − t5 x6 = f6 (25) the jacobian (24) at disease-free equilibrium e1 is given by j(e1) =  −µ −β∗ −β∗η1 −β ∗η2 −β ∗η3 −β ∗η4 0 �β∗ − t1 �β∗η1 �β∗η2 �β∗η3 + φ �β∗η4 0 (1 − �)β∗ + w (1 − �)β∗η1 − t2 (1 − �)β∗η2 (1 − �)β∗η3 (1 − �)β∗η4 0 x γ −t3 0 0 0 0 0 y −t4 0 0 0 0 z 0 −t5  (26) the matrix (26) has a simple zero eigenvalue at β = β∗ and hence center manifold theory [28] as described by [29] can be used to analyse the dynamics of the system. the jacobian matrix (26) has a right eigenvector denoted by w = (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6)t and a left eigenvector v = (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)t corresponding to the zero eigenvalue. then w1 = β∗ ( t3t4t5[w2 + η1w3] + (xw2 + γw3) ×[t4t5η2 + t5yη3 + t4zη4] ) t3t4t5µ , w2 = w2 > 0, w3 = w3 > 0 w4 = xw2 + γw3 t3 , w5 = y [xw2 + γw3] t3t4 , w6 = z[xw2 + γw3] t3t5 and v1 = 0, v2 = v2 > 0, v3 = v3 > 0, 5 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 6 figure 2. fitting of hiv model (3) to the data of prevalence cases of hiv/aids infection in nigeria between 1990 and 2019 [30]. 0 10 20 30 0 1 2 3 x 10 5 time(years) d e te c te d cl a ss 0 10 20 30 0 5 10 15 x 10 4 time(years) t re a tm e n t c la ss 0 10 20 30 0 5000 10000 15000 time(years) a id s c la ss 0 20 40 6 7 8 9 10 x 10 7 time(years) s u ce sp ti b le c la ss 0 20 40 0 5 10 15 x 10 4 time(years) l a te n t c la ss 0 20 40 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 time(years) u n d e te ct e d cl a ss figure 3. plot of the different classes of the model when r0 < 1 (r0 = 0.4) with β = 0.0085 and other values used are in table 1 v4 = ( (t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + t4zη4)[�β∗v2 + (1 − �)β∗v3] +φy t5v2 ) t3t4t5 , v5 = β∗η3(�v2 + (1 − �)v3) + φv2 t4 , v6 = β∗η4(�v2 + (1 − �)v3) t5 computation of a and b by finding the associated non-zero partial derivatives of f(x) at disease-free equilibrium, the associated bifurcation coefficients a and b as given by the center manifold the0 20 40 6 7 8 9 10 x 10 7 time(years) s u c e sp ti b le c la ss 0 20 40 0 2 4 6 8 x 10 5 time(years) l a te n t c la ss 0 10 20 30 0 1 2 3 x 10 4 time(years) u n d e te c te d c la ss 0 10 20 30 0 1 2 3 x 10 5 time(years) d e te c te d c la ss 0 10 20 30 0 5 10 15 x 10 4 time(years) t re a tm en t cl a ss 0 10 20 30 0 5000 10000 15000 time(years) a id s cl a ss figure 4. plot of the different classes of the model when r0 > 1 (r0 = 3.3) using the values of the parameters in table 1 0 100 200 300 400 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 x 10 7 time (years) l + h u + h d + h w + a figure 5. plot of the total number of the infected classes (l+ hu + hd + hw + a) at different initial conditions when r0 = 0.4, with β = 0.0085 and other values of the parameters used are given in table 1 ory [28][see appendix b], are defined by a = n∑ k,i, j=1 vkwiw j ∂2 fk ∂xi∂x j (0, 0) b = n∑ k,i=1 vkwi ∂2 fk ∂xi∂β∗ (0, 0) then, we obtain a = −2 β∗ µ π  (v2� + v3(1 − �) ) × (w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + w6) × (η1w3 + η2w4 + η3w5 + η4w6 + w2)  (27) and b = (v2� + v3(1 − �))[w2 + w3η1 + w4η2 + w5η3 + w6η4] (28) 6 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 7 0 100 200 300 400 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 x 10 7 time (years) l + h u + h d + h w + a figure 6. plot of the total number of the infected classes (l+ hu + hd + hw + a) at different initial conditions when r0 = 3.3, with � = 1, ω = 0 and other values of the parameters used are given in table 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 10 5 time (years) l a te n t c la ss α=0.1 α=0.25 α=0.4 α=0.55 α=0.7 figure 7. graph of the population of the latent class against time when the fraction of the detected population receiving treatment is varied from (28), b is positive as usual and a is negative from (27). since a < 0 (negative), then the hiv infection model exhibits a forward bifurcation. this implies that the epidemiological condition r0 < 1 is necessary and sufficient for the elimination of hiv infection. 2.2.5. global stability of the endemic equilibrium we consider the global stability of endemic equilibrium of the hiv infection model for a situation when � = 1 and the fraction of the latently infected people that are detected equals zero (ω = 0) and also we let β∗ = βn . then, with these assumptions the model‘s basic reproduction number when � = 1 and ω = 0 is given by ror = β∗ π ( yγκ t5η3 + zγκ t4η4 + γκ t4t5η2 +κ t3t4t5η1 + t4t3t2t5 ) t5µ (t4t3t2t1 − yγκφ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x 10 4 time (years) a id s c la ss α=0.1 α=0.25 α=0.4 α=0.55 α=0.7 figure 8. graph of the population of the aids class against time when the fraction of the detected population receiving treatment is varied also, the model with � = 1 and ω = 0 possesses a unique endemic equilibrium point represented by e∗2r , which is given by e2r ∗ |�=1,ω=0 = (s ∗∗, l∗∗, h∗∗u , h ∗∗ d , h ∗∗ w , a ∗∗) and that s ∗∗ > 0, l∗∗ > 0, h∗∗u > 0, h ∗∗ d > 0, h ∗∗ w > 0 and a ∗∗ > 0 when ror > 1 theorem 2.5. the endemic equilibrium of the reduced model having � = 1 and ω = 0 is globally asymptotically stable whenever ror > 1. proof. using the goh-volterra type of lyapunov function, we have m = s − s ∗∗ − s ∗∗ln s s ∗∗ + l − l∗∗ − l∗∗ln l l∗∗ + c ( hu − h ∗∗ u − h ∗∗ u ln hu h∗∗u ) + d ( hd − h ∗∗ d − h ∗∗ d ln hd h∗∗d ) + e ( hw − h ∗∗ w − h ∗∗ w ln hw h∗∗w ) + f ( a − a∗∗ − a∗∗ln a a∗∗ ) (29) where c = β∗s ∗∗[t3t4t5η1 + γ(t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + zt4η4)] + γyφt5 t2t3t4t5 (30) d = β∗s ∗∗[t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + zt4η4] + yφt5 t3t4t5 (31) e = β∗η3s ∗∗ + φ t4 (32) f = β∗η4s ∗∗ t5 (33) 7 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 8 taking the derivative of (29), we have ṁ = ṡ − s ∗∗ ṡ s + l̇ − l∗∗ l̇ l +( β∗s ∗∗[t3t4t5η1 + γ(t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + zt4η4)] +γyφt5 ) t2t3t4t5 × ( ḣu − h ∗∗ u ḣu hu ) + β∗s ∗∗[t4t5η2 + y t5η3 + zt4η4] + yφt5 t3t4t5 × ( ḣd − hd ∗∗ ḣd hd ) + β∗η3s ∗∗ + φ t4 ( ḣw − h ∗∗ w ḣw hw ) + β∗η4s ∗∗ t5 ( ȧ − a∗∗ ȧ a ) ṁ = 2β∗s ∗∗(l∗∗ + η1 h ∗∗ u + η2 h ∗∗ d + η3 h ∗∗ w + a ∗∗) + 2µs ∗∗ −µs − β∗s ∗∗ 2 s (l∗∗ + η1 h ∗∗ u + η2 h ∗∗ d + η3 h ∗∗ w + a ∗∗) − µs ∗∗ s − β∗s l∗∗ l (l + η1 hu + η2 hd + η3 hw + a) + φh ∗∗ w − hw l∗∗ l − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu ( β∗s ∗∗[η1 h∗∗u + η2 h ∗∗ d +η3 h∗∗w + a ∗∗] + φh∗∗w ) + ( β∗s ∗∗[η1 h ∗∗ u + η2 h ∗∗ d + η3 h ∗∗ w + a ∗∗] + φh∗∗w ) − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd ( β∗s ∗∗[η2 h ∗∗ d + η3 h ∗∗ w + a ∗∗] + φh∗∗w ) +( β∗s ∗∗[η2 h ∗∗ d + η3 h ∗∗ w + a ∗∗] + φh∗∗w ) − (β∗η3s ∗∗ + φ)hd h∗∗ 2 w h∗∗d hw β∗η3s ∗∗h∗∗w + φh∗∗w − β∗η4s ∗∗hd a∗∗ 2 f h∗∗d + β∗η4s ∗∗a∗∗ then ṁ =β∗s ∗∗l∗∗ ( 2 − s ∗∗ s − s s ∗∗ ) + µs ∗∗ ( 2 − s s ∗∗ − s ∗∗ s ) + β∗s ∗∗η1 h ∗∗ u ( 3 − s ∗∗ s − hu l∗∗s h∗∗u ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu ) + β∗s ∗∗η2 h ∗∗ d ( 4 − s ∗∗ s − hd l∗∗s h∗∗d ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd ) +β∗s ∗∗η3 h ∗∗ w  5 − s ∗∗ s − hw l∗∗s h∗∗w ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd − hd h∗∗w h∗∗d hw  +β∗s ∗∗η4 a ∗∗  5 − s ∗∗ s − al∗∗s a∗∗ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd − hd a∗∗ h∗∗d a  +φh∗∗w ( 4 − hw l∗∗ h∗∗w l − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd − hd h∗∗w h∗∗d hw ) the arithmetic mean surpasses the geometric mean, then we have the following inequalities 2 − s s ∗∗ − s ∗∗ s ≤ 0, 2 − s ∗∗ s − s s ∗∗ ≤ 0, 3 − s ∗∗ s − hu l∗∗s h∗∗u ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu ≤ 0, 4 − s ∗∗ s − hd l∗∗s h∗∗d ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd ≤ 0, 5 − s ∗∗ s − hw l∗∗s h∗∗w ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd − hd h∗∗w h∗∗d hw ≤ 0, 5 − s ∗∗ s − al∗∗s a∗∗ls ∗∗ − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd − hd a∗∗ h∗∗d a ≤ 0, 4 − hw l∗∗ h∗∗w l − lh∗∗u l∗∗hu − hu h∗∗d h∗∗u hd − hd h∗∗w h∗∗d hw ≤ 0 therefore l ≤ 0 when ror > 1. hence, by the lasalle invariance principle [27], every solution of the model tends to e2r∗ as t →∞ for r0r > 1. the epidemiological implication of this is that hiv infection will persist in the community irrespective of the initial sizes of the subpopulations of the model whenever r0r > 1. 3. numerical simulations and discussion of results we fit the hiv model to data on hiv/aids prevalence in nigeria from 1990 to 2019 as presented in table 2 (see appendix. a) sourced from [30]. we use the likelihood function to estimate the values of the contact rate (β) and the detection rate of the undetected class (γ). the estimated values of β and γ are 0.0785 and 0.392 respectively. the total population of nigeria in 1990 stood at 95214256 based on [31] and the initial conditions used for the simulations are as follow: s (0) = 94999422, l(0) = 0, hu (0) = 0, hd(0) = 214834, hw (0) = 0 and a(0) = 0. the time interval of 0 to 29 corresponds to the time interval between 1990 to 2019 and the values of the parameters used for the simulations are given in table 1. the results of the numerical simulations of the model are presented in figures 2 8. in figure 2, we fit the hiv model to data in table 2 and also obtain the estimated values for the contact rate (β) and the detection rate (γ). the model fits well with the real data and thus the model represents reality. figure 3 illustrates the behaviour of each compartment when the basic reproduction number is greater than unity. the susceptible class keeps decreasing while the other infected compartments l, hu, hd, hw and a are increasing which indicates the persistence of the hiv infection. figure 4 shows the trajectories of the model when the basic reproduction number is less than unity. the population of the susceptible declines and the infected classes l, hu, hd, hw and a are reducing after some period, which means that the disease can be controlled if r0 < 1. figures 5 and 6 illustrate the verification of the global stability properties of the disease-free equilibrium and endemic 8 ajao et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1389 9 equilibrium. the long-term dynamics of the model as depicted by figure 5 shows that the trajectories converge and the disease vanishes irrespective of the initial sizes of the subpopulations when the basic reproduction number is less than unity and figure 6 shows that the disease persists when the basic reproduction number is greater than unity. in figure 7, the plot shows the population of latently infected individuals when the fraction of the hiv-detected individuals that are receiving treatment is varied. the population of the latently infected increases as this fraction increases. this is due to the fact that hiv infection has no cure but can be managed. the graph in figure 8 shows that the population of the aids class reduces as the fraction of detected individuals receiving treatment increases. 4. conclusion we propose a mathematical model to study the transmission dynamics of hiv and conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses of the model. the model’s disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable whenever the basic reproduction number is less than unity. also, there exists a unique endemic equilibrium for the model whenever the basic reproduction number is greater than unity and it is shown that the model exhibits forward bifurcation which implies that the necessary condition r0 < 1 is sufficient for the elimination of the disease. using the lyapunov function, we further showed that the disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium are globally asymptotically stable whenever the basic reproduction number is less than unity and greater than unity respectively. the proposed model fits with the data on hiv/aids prevalence in nigeria from 1990 to 2019 as it represents the reality. the simulation shows that the disease can be controlled when the basic reproduction number is less than unity and persists if otherwise. the simulations that illustrate the global stability of the model justify the analytic results. the effect of increasing the fraction of the detected individuals that are receiving treatment is examined and it increases the population of the latent class and reduces the population of the aids class, since the disease has no cure, the treatment is meant to improve the health of a patient by reducing the viral load to an undetected level and prevent a patient from progressing into aids. hence, there is a need to intensify efforts in the treatment of those who are being detected. acknowledgments the authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions. references [1] d. t. hamilton, d. a. katz, w. luo, j. d. stekler, e. s. rosenberg, p. s. sullivan, s. m. goodreau, & s. cassels, “effective strategies to promote hiv self-testing for men who have sex with men: evidence from a mathematical model”, epidemics 37 (2021) 100518. https: //doi.org/10.1016/j.epidem.2021.100518 [2] k. giguère, j. w. eaton, k. marsh, l. f. johnson, c. c. johnson, e. ehui, a. jahn, i. wanyeki, f. mbofana, f. bakiono, m. mahy, & m. maheugiroux, “trends in knowledge of hiv status and efficiency of hiv testing services in sub-saharan africa, 2000–20: a modelling study using survey and hiv testing programme data”, the lancet hiv 8 (2021) 284. https: //doi.org/10.1016/s2352-3018(20)30315-5. 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[29]). consider the following general system of ordinary differential equations with a parameter φ. d x dt = f (x,φ), f : rn × r → rn and f ∈ c2(rn × r) where 0 is an equilibrium point of the system(that is, f (0,φ) = 0 for all φ) and 1. a = dx f (0, 0) is the linearization matrix of the system around the equilibrium 0 with φ evaluated at 0; 2. zero is a simple eigenvalue of a and all other eigenvalues of a have negative real parts; 3. matrix a has a right eigenvector w and a left eigenvector v corresponding to the zero eigenvalue. let fk be the kth component of f and a = n∑ k,i, j=1 vkwiw j ∂2 fk ∂xi∂x j (0, 0) b = n∑ k,i=1 vkwi ∂2 fk ∂xi∂φ (0, 0) then the local dynamics of the system around the equilibrium point 0 is totally determined by the signs of a and b. i. a > 0, b > 0. when φ < 0 with |φ| � 1, 0 is locally asymptotically stable, and there exists a positive unstable equilibrium; when 0 < φ � 1, 0 is unstable and there exists a negative and locally asymptotically stable equilibrium; ii. a < 0, b < 0. when φ < 0 with |φ| � 1, 0 is unstable; when 0 < φ � 1, 0 is locally asymptotically stable, and there exists a positive unstable equilibrium; iii. a > 0, b < 0. when φ < 0 with |φ| � 1, 0 is unstable, and there exists a locally asymptotically stable negative equilibrium; when 0 < φ � 1, 0 is stable, and a positive unstable equilibrium appears; iv. a < 0, b > 0. when φ changes from negative to positive, 0 changes its stability from stable to unstable. correspondingly a negative unstable equilibrium becomes positive and locally asymptotically stable. 10 j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1264 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences solar energy storage by fuel cell technology at abomey-calavi (benin) odilon joseph towanou, hagninou elagnon venance donnou, gabin koto n’gobi∗, augustin enonsi leodé, basile kounouhéwa laboratoire de physique du rayonnement (lpr), physics department, university of abomey-calavi (uac), abomey-calavi, benin republic abstract west africa has a great amount of sunshine power, varying between 5 kwh.m−2.day−1 and 7 kwh.m−2.day−1. this power constitutes high energy source in the region. however, several locations in that area have no access to energy because of the lack of suitable technology and projects exploiting the source. the fundamental problem related to sun power or to renewable energies in general is the lack of efficient technology for energy storage. batteries are generally used for this storage, but once charged, the excess of the energy from the solar photovoltaic panels (pv) is lost. therefore, it is very important to find a system to recover the excess in order to optimize its use. in this context, hydrogen is considered a very promising candidate to fulfill this function and could become a highly developed energy vector in the future. the very numerous works undertaken over the past decade for the production of electricity by hydrogen fuel cells bear witness to this. the objective of this study is to test a more reliable solar energy storage system by using fuel cell technology. to achieve this, three steps have been necessary: (i) make an electrolyser using materials, (ii) produce hydrogen using a system of pv panels and (iii) convert the hydrogen produced into electricity through a fuel cell. the results obtained indicate a production of 0.020m3 of hydrogen after 150 min with a yield of 85.86%. the production of electricity by a 2 v fuel cell gives an efficiency of 0.0042%. even if this value is low, a part of the lost energy has been recovered. in view of these results, the improvement of the device for converting chemical energy into electricity deserves to be deeply explored in west africa. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1264 keywords: hydrogen in fuel cell, electrolysis, energy storage, benin article history : received: 30 november 2022 received in revised form: 12 march 2023 accepted for publication: 14 march 2023 published: 22 april 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction in recent years, issues related to the energy transition and the carbon-free energy production have aroused several interests and reflections [1]. indeed, fossil fuels are more than ever, largely responsible for the pollution of the atmosphere and the main cause of global warming. the massive introduction of ∗corresponding author tel. no: +22997228700 email address: kotgabin36@yahoo.fr (gabin koto n’gobi) electricity based on renewable energies such as solar energy in the production of power has therefore become a priority for the states. with the quick industrial advancement and decreasing costs, they will play an important role in future energy frameworks [2]. however, the development of these sources of energy, with an intermittent regime, requires the use of reliable storage means in order to avoid the problem of destabilization of the distribution network and to make this production suitable to consumer’s demand [1]. this has therefore led to the emergence of storage as a crucial element in the management 1 towanou et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1264 2 of energy from renewable sources, allowing energy to be evacuated into the grid during peak hours when it is more valuable. the use of energy storage techniques is then becoming increasingly essential to ensure the accessibility of electrical energy in remote regions [3]. lead-acid batteries, which are among the most widely used solar components, cannot withstand high cycle rates, nor store a large amount of energy in a small volume [3]. this is why other types of storage technologies are being developed and implemented. in this context, the hydrogen synthesized from this renewable electricity is considered to be a fairly important storage vector [4]. the combination of solar pv and fuel cell power could offer a feasible solution to the challenge of continuous power supply, especially in geographic areas where renewable resources are abundantly available [4, 5], as in west africa. the depletion of fossil fuel skocks consequently places hydrogen as one of the major energy carriers of the future and the electrolysis of water at low temperature indeed offers prospects for the future with high potential [6, 7]. discovered by sir william grove in 1839, the concern of the fuel cell is not a recent technology. it has been the subject of numerous works since centuries. today, several researchers and industrial companies are still working constantly, giving much more interest to hydrogen production in order to improve energy storage’s performance. authors, such as faias et al. [8], achkari & fadar [3], ibrahim et al. [9], ofualagba et al. [10], zhang et al. [11], staffell et al. [12] , okolie et al. [13], yue et al. [14] found that fuel cell technology is too expensive to compete with cheap methods of generating and storing electricity, but its future development and its advantages need its integration into the list of the main suitable renewable energy sources. other authors have demonstrated the interest of fuel cell application in micro grid systems, based on some attractive characteristics such as being a clean, non-polluting and highly flexible energy resource [5]. pellow et al. [15] estimate that energy storage with a regenerative hydrogen fuel cell represents an attractive technology to reach efficient energy storage. it can lead to the development of more sustainable, efficient and robust hybrid renewable energy systems. according to singla et al. [4] and belmonte et al. [15], benchrifa et al. [1], derbal et al. [17], the production of hydrogen by thermochemical cycles is more promising than the conventional methods of reforming and gasification of fossil resources with the advantage of having lower impact on the environment. rabih [6] has contributed to a better understanding of the electrochemical phenomena, responsible of the storage and release of electricity as well as the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. as for akinsola et al. [18], they constructed a fuel cell using three different materials with different electrodes ((bitter leaf and copper electrodes (bcu), bitter leaf and carbon electrodes (bc) and water leaf and carbon electrodes (wc)). the authors then noticed that the cells made from bitter leaf with a carbon electrode have the highest open circuit voltage, short circuit current and generated power and increase with time. it is clear that the storage of energy from the production of hydrogen by the electrolysis of water and its conversion into electricity via the fuel cell is a technology which deserves special attention for its use in the optimal evacuation of electrical energy produced from renewable energy sources. unfortunately, in benin, as in many west african countries the technology is still at an embryonic stage and little work has focused on this domain of research in order to ensure its mastery such as the studies of fopah-lele et al. [19], jumare [20]. the objective of this study is to produce hydrogen from the electrolysis of water in order to supply a fuel cell for the production of electricity. the renewable energy source used is a solar field installed to supply the physics department in the university of abomey-calavi. the electrolyser was made using a well-defined method with suitable materials. the quantity of hydrogen produced according to the chosen experimental protocol is measured using a gas recorder and is stored in an air chamber. from a proton exchange fuel cell (pem) powered by the air chamber, electricity is produced. finally, the production yields of hydrogen and electricity are evaluated. 2. materials and methods 2.1. materials 2.1.1. the electrolyser the production of hydrogen from the electrolysis of water requires the construction of an electrolyser. the material used for this purpose is presented in figure 1. it is composed of plexiglass, vices, nuts, seals, stainless steel plates, a connection pipe, end fittings, a valve and an air chamber. 2.1.2. the gas logger the gas recorder used during the experiment is presented in figure 2. its essential characteristics are as follows: pmax = 0.5bar; qmax = 6m3.h−1; qmin = 0.04m3.h−1; qt = 0.6m3.h−1. 2.1.3. the fuel cell figure 3 shows the fuel cell (phywe, pem fuel cell, order number : 06747.00, germany) that was used to generate electricity in this study. it is a proton exchange membrane (pem) battery with a voltage equal to 2 v. 2.2. methods the experimental protocol for the realization of the electrolyser, production and storage of hydrogen as well as the production of electricity is presented in sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. during the experiment, we can enumerate two phases which are not synchronized. first, hydrogen is produced and stored. then this gas stored at the end of this first phase is used to produce electricity. the yield calculation method for the various operations mentioned above is set out in section 2.2.4. 2.2.1. realization of the electrolyser for the realization of the electrolyser, we first took the measurements of various samples of materials. the cutting of the stainless-steel plates and the plexiglass according to the dimensions (1cm by 1cm by 2mn thick for the stainless-steel plates and 13cm by 13cm by 1cm thick for the plexiglass) was carried out. the stainless-steel plates and the two pieces of plexiglas 2 towanou et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1264 3 figure 1: material used to build the electrolyser (a) plexiglas, screws and nuts, (b) gaskets, (c) stainless steel plates, (d) connection pipe, (e) end caps, (f) valve and g ) inner tube figure 2: gas logger figure 3: fuel cell : (a) view from the side and (b) view from the top have been perforated. the stainless-steel plates were then arranged one after the other, leaving between them approximately 2 mm of space occupied by rubber seals serving as insulation. everything is held together by the two pieces of plexiglas. we thus obtain the electrolyser illustrated in figure 4. figure 4: electrolyser : (a) view from the top, (b) view from the side 2.2.2. production of hydrogen by the electrolysis of water a very specific protocol was followed for the production of hydrogen: • measure a mass m= 4g of sodium bicarbonate in a tank; • add 1.5 l of water to the same tank, shake to homogenize; • carry out the assembly by placing a voltmeter in parallel with the terminals of the electrolyser to measure the electrical voltage; • measure current intensity over time; • close the circuit and start the stopwatch; • during the experiment, check and note the value of the voltage u and the intensity i; • measure the amount of gas produced using the gas logger; • estimate production time. the electrolyser is powered by a mini solar field made up of 8 power solar panels of 180 wc each installed on the roof of the physics department. the current supplied by this source varies during the day. figure 5 shows the assembly carried out as well as the the power source of the electrolyser. under the effect of gravity, the mixture contained in the tank (1) reaches the level of the electrolyser (5) thanks to the connection pipe (3). this mixture undergoes the action of electric current to form a gaseous mixture consisting essentially of hydrogen and oxygen. this gaseous mixture reaches the bottom of the bottle containing water (7) where part of the oxygen dissolves, but the hydrogen which cannot dissolve rises to the surface creating bubbles. it thus continues on its way through the gas meter (8) to be finally stored in the air chamber (2). 2.2.3. production of electricity by the fuel cell the production of electricity by the fuel cell takes place in several stages. it is: • perform the purge (supply the cell with hydrogen for a few seconds to remove impurities from the cell); • close the lower fuel cell valves; • connect the hydrogen tank to the pipe on the anode side; 3 towanou et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1264 4 figure 5: : hydrogen production and storage system: (1) electrolytic solution tank, (2) air chamber, (3) connection pipe, (4) multimeter, (5) electrolyzer, (6) current clamp, (7) bottle containing water, (8) gas logger • the pipe on the cathode side is supplied with oxygen from the air the fuel cell is therefore supplied at the anode by the hydrogen produced and at the cathode by the oxygen in the air. the latter mounted in series with a resistor allowed us to know the variation of the voltage and the intensity produced by the battery as a function of time. figure 6 presents an overview of the test bench made for the production of electricity. 2.2.4. estimation of the efficiency of the electrolyser and the fuel cell during electrolysis of water, the amount of hydrogen released responds to faraday’s first law which states that the amount of substance released during electrolysis at an electrode is proportional to time and electric current. the amount of electricity (q) carried by a current (i) for a duration (∆t) is given by equation 1: q = i × ∆t (1) the experiment lasted for ∆t =150 minutes for a average current evaluated at i = 1.64 a and an average voltage of u = 37 v. the hydrogen production yield is given by [21]: r1 = v (h2ex perimental) v (h2theorical) (2) v (h2ex perimental) is the volume of hydrogen produced by the electrolyser. the theoretical hydrogen volume v (h2)theorical is evaluated as follows: v (h2theorical) = nqvm zf (3) vm is the molar volume (vm = 24l.mol−1 ), f the faraday constant, f = 96,500c.mol−1 and z is the number of electrons necessary to produce a gas molecule. for hydrogen (2h+ + 2e− → h2), z = 2,n is the number of positive plates of the electrolyser. in the case of this study n is equal to 7. the efficiency of the fuel cell is given by the ratio between the energy supplied (e f ) by the cell and that received (er ) during electrolysis: r2 = u i∆t u p ipt (4) up is the average voltage of the fuel cell evaluated to 0.5 v and ip the average current (0.1a), t is the duration of the electricity production experience by the fuel cell (480s). figure 6: : electricity production by the fuel cell 3. results and discussion 3.1. results 3.1.1. evolution of hydrogen production the volume of hydrogen produced noted during the experiment enabled us to collect data on the evolution of this production over time. these data made it possible to obtain the figure 7. at the end of the 150 min of water electrolysis, a volume of 0.02 m3 of cumulative hydrogen was produced. this accumulation can be adjusted by simple linear regression. three production accumulation phases can be reported (0-50min; 50100min; 100-150min). during the first 50 minutes, the cumulative volume of hydrogen has a lower slope evaluated at 8.8×10−5m3.min−1. the hydrogen production at the end of this period is estimated at 0.0044 m3 according to the graph in figure 7. the following 50 min show a less marked linearity in the hydrogen production with a higher slope of the cumulation estimated at 1.12.10−4m3.min−1. indeed, between 50 and 80 min, there is an increase in the accumulation of hydrogen evaluated at 39.73%. but between 80 and 90 min there is a sudden jump in the total from 0.0073 m3 to 0.0096 m3 evaluated at 23.95%. from 90 min to 100 min, there is a very slight increase in the cumulative gas production (0.096 to 0.01 m3). during the last phase (100 min to 150 min), the production of hydrogen doubled. it went from 0.01 m3 to 0.02 m3 with a slope of 2.10−4m3.min−1. we therefore observe an increase in the evolution slope of the cumulative hydrogen production from 8.8.10−5m3.min−1 to 2×10−4m3.min−1 during the three phases. the instantaneous quantity of hydrogen produced and stored is not constant but therefore increases over time. these results are confirmed by the work of rabih [6]. 4 towanou et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1264 5 figure 7: : evolution of the volume of hydrogen produced as a function of time 3.1.2. variation of the intensity of the current at the level of the electrolyser during the hydrogen production phase, the intensity passing through the electrolyser varied as a function of time. figure 8 illustrates this variation over the duration of the experiment. there is a fluctuation of the intensity of the current over time. it reaches its peak after 60 min of experimentation around 2.4 a. the lowest value of the intensity of the current after the start of the operation is 1.2 a observed after 140 min of hydrogen production. this variation in the intensity of the current at the level of the electrolyser would be due to the intermittence of the sunshine which does not prevent the evolution of the production of hydrogen over time. during the experiment, it was also noticed that a decrease in the intensity of the current lowers the production and that an increase leads to an increase in the production. this observation is true because the volume of hydrogen produced at each moment depends on the quantity of electricity. moreover, in the work of yue et al. [14], the authors state that a higher current defines a higher hydrogen production rate. 3.1.3. production of electricity through the fuel cell during the experiment, the supplied current and the voltage at the terminals of the fuel cell were measured. the data collected made it possible to obtain the graphs in figure 9. the voltage and the current intensity measured from the fuel cell show a variation in the form of a bell over time. these two electrical quantities evolve in an increasing way for a period of about 120 s where they reach their peak evaluated at 1.019 v and 0.25 a. after 120 s, the voltage and the intensity decrease until they cancel out after 480 s. as a result, a strong correlation is observed between these two electrical quantities. the voltage across the terminals of the fuel cell is therefore a linear function of the intensity of the current. these results are consistent with the work of saı̈sset et al. [22] and soldi et al. [21]. 3.1.4. efficiency of water electrolysis and power generation the values of the efficiency of the water electrolysis operation, of the electricity production by the fuel cell and of the figure 8: : current intensity as a function of time figure 9: : electrical quantities measured during the production of electricity by the fuel cell as a function of time, a) voltage produced by the fuel cell and b) intensity produced by the fuel cell whole system are presented in table 1. table 1: hydrogen and electricity production efficiency hydrogen production electricity production fuel cell (electrolyser) (fuel cell) electrolyser yield (%) 85.86 0.0042 0.36 the efficiency values of water electrolysis were estimated at 85.86%; that of the fuel cell at 0.0042% and the one of the electrolyser-fuel cell at 0.36%. these values are quite low, in particular those of the cell and consequently of the electrolyserfuel cell system. this could be due to the different losses recorded during the process of transforming chemical energy into electrical energy. 3.2. discussion the electrolysis of water efficiency values and the production of electricity by the fuel cell are compared with the results obtained in other similar studies encountered in the literature. the different yield values observed are summarized by authors in table 2. the values of the production of hydrogen efficiency by the electrolysis of water proposed in the studies of soldi et al. [21] and laurencelle [24] are between 63 and 85%. these values are 5 towanou et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1264 6 table 2: comparison of hydrogen and electricity production yields authors efficiency of fuel cell overall (electrolyser) (%) efficiency (%) performance (%) yilanci et al.. [7] 0.88-9.7 soldi et al. [21] 68.05-85.02 4.36-4.99 tsakiris [23] 59 23 ogawa et al. [28] 40-55 giddey et al. [30] 35-45 gautam and ikram [26] 50-60 ceran [27] 25-45 pellow et al. [15] 47 30 töpler and lehmann [32] 40 hodges et al. [31] 55 35-39 quite close to that obtained in the present study which is 85.8% and thus confirm our results. in view of these results, the experimental protocol adopted for the realization of the electrolyser can be validated. several other authors such as tsakiris [23], laurencelle [24], cheung et al. [25], gautam and ikram [26], pellow et al. [15], ogawa et al. [28], giddey et al. [30], labbé [29], hoogers [31], töpler and lehmann [32], hodges et al. [33], stolten et al. [34], srinivasan [35] studied the power generation efficiency of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell. the values proposed by these authors vary from 35% to 60% and are much higher than the yield obtained in this study, evaluated at 0.0042%. it is therefore noted that the greatest losses observed are concentrated during the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy via the fuel cell. they could be due to the fact that the electrolyser cells do not produce hydrogen at the storage pressure. according to the work of yilanci et al. [7], soldi et al. [21], tsakiris [23], laurencelle [24], ceran [27], pellow et al. [15], hodges et al. [33], stolten et al. [34] the overall efficiency of electricity production from the proton exchange fuel cell is between 0.88% and 39%. this yield, even though low, is much higher than the yield of the present study estimated at 0.36% and is due to the very low yield observed at the level of the battery. however, it should be noted that according to achkari and fadar [3], even if the idea of storing energy in hydrogen is not desirable by the authors due to the low yield of the technology, they are convinced that the fuel cell is still likely to play a role in the future due to the large storage potential. research efforts will undoubtedly lead to its large-scale use in the years to come. the system proposed in this study deserves to be improved in order to increase the efficiency of the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. this involves, for instance, reviewing the heat exchange between the electrolyser cells and their environment, monitoring the increase in the operating temperature of the electrolyser and of the battery, which is generally a source of malfunction in system and gas storage pressure. 4. conclusion in the present study, electricity was produced by a fuel cell fueled by hydrogen obtained by the electrolysis of water. an experimental protocol was followed both for the realization of the electrolyser and for the production of hydrogen and electricity. the yields of these different operations were evaluated and compared with those proposed in the literature. the main results are as follows: • after 150 min of experimentation, a quantity of 0.02 m3 of hydrogen gas has been produced and the evolution curve of this production follows a simple linear regression; • the voltage variation curve as a function of the intensity of the current measured at the terminals of the fuel cell is a linear function; • the gas and electricity production yields are evaluated at 85.86% and 0.0042% respectively. the overall efficiency of the electrolyser-fuel cell system is estimated at 0.36%. these values except those of the electrolyser are quite low and much lower than those encountered in the literature. in short, a part of the energy lost by renewable energy systems via batteries can be recovered. the low yield obtained shows that it is necessary to improve the whole system, possibly size and design a fuel cell or optimize the storage of the hydrogen produced. significant research and development efforts remain to be provided in order to improve the performance of our system and to identify applications that are well suited to their use. hydrogen, as a storage element and as a fuel, offers a concrete solution to the intermittency of renewable energy sources, energy losses in batteries and the depletion of fossil resources while respecting the environment. acknowledgments the authors thank the bachelor school in renewable energy of the faculty of science and technology (fast) at the university of abomey-calavi (uac) through the ”laboratoire de physique du rayonnement (lpr)” and the abomey-calavi university’s mastercard foundation program for funding our participation to the 3rd german-west african conference on sustainable and renewable energy systems (susres) at the university of kara (togo). references [1] r. benchrifa, a. bennouna & d. zejli, “rôle de l’hydrogène dans le stockage de l’électricité a base des énergies renouvelables”, revue des energies renouvelables 7 (2007) 103. 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[4] have investigated the onset of thermal convection in an oldroydian nanofluid layer saturating a porous medium using a darcy-brinkman model revolving vertically with a uniform angular velocity. yu and choi [5] changed the maxwell model by considering the influence of nanolayers on the electromagnetic field. another appealing strategy for heat transfer development in industrial systems is the use of porous media in nanofluids. porous media are normally saturated, hard-open cells that are often filled with fluid to allow fluid to pass through the voids. porous media improve heat conductivity by increasing the contact area between liquid, solid and nanofluid, hence boosting the efficiency of conventional thermal systems. due to its use in many practical applications such as chemical reactors, heat exchangers and fluid filters, the increase in thermal conductivity of nanofluid with the use of porous media has attracted many researchers for the use of materials with high porosity in the current era for many technological problems. natural convection in an ac/dc electric field was studied by jones [6] and chen et al. [7] for electrically accelerated heat movement in fluids and its applications. convective heat transfer through polarized dielectric liquids was studied by stiles et al. [8]. they found that the convection pattern identified by the electric field is similar to that of the well-known bénard cell convection. in their study of the effects of electro-thermal convection on dielectric rotating fluid, shivakumara et al. [9] discovered that an ac electric field accelerates convection initiation and boosts heat transfer. the dielectric nanofluid may be used for instrument transformers, regulating and converter transformers and other electrical devices. sharma et al. [10] have researched of heat convection in a dielectric rheological nanofluid layer employed an ac electric field. a maxwellian model was used to explain the rheology of the nanofluid and it was shown that for bottom-heavy nanoparticle distributions, the electric field and the stress relaxation parameter destabilize both stationary and oscillatory modes. sharma et al. [11] investigation into thermosolutal convection of an elastic-viscous nanofluid in a porous medium with rotation and magnetic field led them to the conclusion that stationary convection is stabilized by the magnetic field and the taylor number, while stationary convection is destabilized by the solutal rayleigh number, nanoparticle rayleigh number, thermo-nanofluid lewis number and modified diffusivity ratio the rivlin-ericksen fluid issue in a darcy-brinkman porous medium was studied by sharma et al. [12]. thermosolutal convection in a porous medium and its relationship to the rotation was examined by sharma et al. [13]. kumar et al. [14] researched thermosolutal convection in jeffrey nanofluid with porous medium and sharma et al. [15] studied electrohydrodynamics convection in dielectric oldroydian nanofluid layer in porous media. for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid boundaries, poonam et al. [16] looked into the electrohydrodynamic convection in thermal instability of jeffrey nanofluid in porous media. shivakumara et al. [17] investigated on the problem darcy-brinkman model of electrical convection in a porous dielectric fluid. chand et al. [18] examined the convection of an electric field saturated by nanofluid in a porous medium. ramanuja et al. [19] researched mhd swcnt-blood nanofluid flow through porous medium in the presence of viscous dissipation and radiation effects. akinpelu et al. [20] studied hydromagnetic double exothermic chemical reactive flow with convective cooling through a porous medium using bimolecular kinetics. this concise survey of the literature shows that research has been done on the current issue, the initiation of thermal convection. 2. mathematical formulation of problem an infinitely extending electrically conducting horizontal layer of an incompressible rotating non-newtonian oldroydian nanofluid of thickness d is taken under gravity g (0, 0, −g) . the rotating vertical angular velocity is ω(0, 0, ω) . the temperatures t and volumetric fractions of nanoparticles φ are taken to be t0 and φ0 at z = 0 and t1 and φ1 at z = d (t0 > t1 and φ1 > φ0). this dielectric nanofluid layer is dominated by a uniform vertical electric field. figure 1: physical configuration 3. governing equations the conservation equations for mass and momentum using boussinesq approximation are ∇.q d = 0, (1) ρ f ε ( 1 + λ ∂ ∂t ) [ ∂ ∂t + 1 ε q d.∇ ] q d =  [−∇p + ( φρp + (1 −φ) ρ f {1 −β (t − t1)} ) g + fe + 2ρ ε (ω× q d)] ( 1 + λ ∂ ∂t ) − µ k1 ( 1 + λ0 ∂ ∂t ) q d  , (2) where q d, p,ε,λ,λ0,φ,ρ f ,ρp,β,µ and k1 are the darcy velocity, pressure, porosity, relaxation time, retardation time, 2 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 3 nanoparticles volume fraction, the density of the base fluid, the density of nanoparticles, coefficient of volume expansion, coefficient of viscosity and medium permeability respectively. fe is the electrical force given by fe = ρe e − 1 2 e2∇k + 1 2 ( ρ ∂k ∂t e2 ) , where ρe is the density of charge, k is the dielectric constant, e is the electric field. the term ρe e is due to the free charge known as coulomb force. here, the term ρe e is neglected as compared to the term −12 e 2∇k for most dielectric fluids. the modified pressure term is p = p − 1 2 ( ρ ∂k ∂t e2 ) , (3) where p is the hydrodynamical pressure. maxwell equations are ∇. (k e) = 0,∇× e = 0. (4) from equation (4), e can be shown as e = −∇ϕ, (5) where ϕ is a measure of electric potential’s root mean square. it is also assumed that k = k0 [ 1 −γ (t − t1) ] . (6) γ > 0, where, 0 < γ∆t << 1. thus, the modified equations of motion for rotating oldroydian nanofluid saturating a porous medium in the presence of an electric field become ρ f ε ( 1 + λ ∂ ∂t ) [ ∂ ∂t + 1 ε q d.∇ ] q d =  ( 1 + λ ∂ ∂t ) [−∇p + ( φρp + (1 −φ) ρ f {1 −β (t − t1)} ) g − 1 2 (e.e)∇k + 2ρ ε (ω× q d)] − µ k1 ( 1 + λ0 ∂ ∂t ) q d  . (7) the nanoparticles’ equation of continuity is[ ∂ ∂t + 1 ε (q d.∇) ] φ = db∇ 2φ + ( dt t1 ) ∇ 2t. (8) a porous medium’s saturating nanofluid’s heat-energy equation is (ρc)m ∂t ∂t + (ρc) f q d.∇t = km∇ 2t + ε(ρc)p [ db∇φ.∇t + ( dt t1 ) ∇t.∇t ] . (9) the boundary conditions appropriate to the problem are w = 0, ∂ϕ ∂z = 0, t = t0, φ = φ0 at z = 0 w = 0, ∂ϕ ∂z = 0, t = t1, φ = φ1 at z = d } . (10) using the non-dimensional variables  (x∗, y∗, z∗) = (x,y,z)d , t ∗ = t αm σ d2 , q ∗ d = q d d αm , p∗ = pk1 µαm ,φ∗ = φ−φ0 φ1−φ0 ,ϕ∗ = ϕ γe0 ∆t d , t∗ = t−t1t0 −t1 , e ∗ = e γe0 ∆t d , k∗ = kk0 , where σ = (ρc)m(ρc) f and αm = km (ρc) f . the non-dimensional forms of equations (1) and (5) (9) are (asterisk is removed for convenience): ∇.q d = 0, (11) 1 va ( 1 + λ1 ∂ ∂t ) [ 1 σ ∂ ∂t + 1 ε q d.∇ ] q d = ( 1 + λ1 ∂ ∂t ) [−∇p − rnφêz − rmêz + rat êz + ret êz −re ∂ϕ ∂z + √ ta(vêx − uêy)] − ( 1 + λ2 ∂ ∂t ) q d  , (12) 1 σ ∂φ ∂t + 1 ε q d.∇φ = 1 le ∇ 2φ + na le ∇ 2t, (13) ∂t ∂t + q d.∇t = ∇2t + nb le ∇φ.∇t + na nb le ∇t.∇t, (14) e = −∇ϕ, (15) k = [ 1 −γt (t0 − t1) ] , (16) where the non-dimensional parameters are λ1 = λαm σd2 is the deborah number, λ2 = λ0αm σd2 is the strain-retardation time parameter, pr = µ ρ f αm is the prandtl number, dr = k1 d2 is the darcy number, va = εpr dr is the vadasz number, le = αm db is the lewis number, ra = ρ f gβdk1 ( t 0−t1 ) µαm is the thermal darcyrayleigh number, rm = [φ0ρp +(1−φ0 )ρ f ]gdk1 µαm is the basic density rayleigh number, rn = (ρp−ρ f )(φ1−φ0 )gdk1 µαm is the concentration rayleigh number, na = dt ( t 0−t1 ) db t 1 (φ1−φ0 ) is the modified diffusivity ratio, nb = ε(ρc)p (φ1−φ0 ) (ρc) f is the modified particle-density increment, √ ta = 2ωρk1 εµ is taylor number and re = kγ2 e20 (t0−t1 ) 2 k1 d2 µαm is the ac electric rayleigh number. in terms of non-dimensional form, boundary conditions (10) transform to w = 0, ∂ϕ ∂z = 0, t = 1, φ = 0 at z = 0 w = 0, ∂ϕ ∂z = 0, t = 0, φ = 1 at z = 1 } . (17) 4. basic state solution the basic state is stated as{ q d = (u, v, w) = (0, 0, 0) , p = pb (z) , t = tb (z) , φ = φb (z) , k = kb (z) , e = eb (z) , ϕ = ϕb (z) . (18) when there is no motion, equations (13) and (14) require the temperature and the volumetric fraction of nanoparticles to satisfy the equations d2φb dz2 + na d2tb dz2 = 0, (19) d2tb dz2 + nb le dφb dz dtb dz + na nb le dtb dz dtb dz = 0. (20) using the boundary conditions (17), equation (19) can be integrated to give φb (z) = −natb + (1 − na) z + na. (21) 3 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 4 substituting φb from equation (21) into equation (20), we get d2tb dz2 + (1 − n a)nb le dtb dz = 0. (22) equation (22) along with the boundary condition (14) gives the solution as tb = e −(1− n a )nb z/le ( 1 − e−(1−na )nb (1−z)/le 1 − e−(1−na )nb/le ) . (23) the terms of second and higher order in the expansion of an exponential function in equation (23) are neglected as they are small and so one gets the best approximate initial stationary state solutions as{ tb = 1 − z, φb = z, kb = 1 + γ∆t z, eb = e0 γ∆t (1+γ∆t z) , ϕb = − e0 (γ∆t )2 log (1 + γ∆t ) , (24) where, e0 = −γ∆tϕ log(1+γ∆t ) at z = 0. 5. the formulae for perturbations by adding minute disturbances to the state variables, we can gently perturb the initial condition indicated by equation (24) so that  q d = (0, 0, 0) + q ′ d (u ′, v′, w′) , t = tb + t ′, φ = φb + φ ′, p = pb + p′, k = kb + k′, e = eb + e′,ϕ = ϕb + ϕ′. (25) using these perturbations given by equation (25) and neglecting the terms of higher powers and products of perturbations (i.e., applying linear stability theory) in equations (11) (16), the resulting linearized non-dimensional perturbed equations are: (( 1 + λ2 ∂ ∂t ) + 1 σva ( 1 + λ1 ∂ ∂t ) ∂ ∂t )2 ∇ 2 + ta ( 1 + λ1 ∂ ∂t )2 ∂2 ∂z2  w′ =  [( 1 + λ2 ∂ ∂t ) + 1 σva ( 1 + λ1 ∂ ∂t ) ∂ ∂t ] ( 1 + λ1 ∂ ∂t )[ −rn∇2hφ ′ + (ra + re)∇2h t ′ − re∇2h ∂ϕ′ ∂z ]  , (26) 1 σ ∂φ′ ∂t + w′ ε = 1 le ∇ 2φ′ + na le ∇ 2t′, (27) (28) ∂t′ ∂z −∇ 2ϕ′ = 0. (29) the boundary conditions (17) for the infinitesimal perturbations become w′ = 0, ∂ 2 w′ ∂z2 = 0, ∂ϕ ′ ∂z = 0, t ′ = 1, φ′ = 0 at z = 0 w′ = 0, ∂ 2 w′ ∂z2 = 0, ∂ϕ ′ ∂z = 0, t ′ = 0, φ′ = 1 at z = 1  . (30) 6. the normal mode analysis for the system of equations (26) (29), the analysis can be made in terms of two-dimensional periodic waves of assigned wave numbers. thus, we assign the quantities describing the dependence on x, y, t of the form exp ( ikx x + iky x + st ) , where kx and ky are the wave numbers in x-direction and ydirection, respectively and a2 = k2x + k 2 x is the resultant wave number, s is the growth rate, which is a complex constant. the above consideration allows us to suppose (w′, t′,φ′,ϕ′) = (w, θ, φ, ψ ) exp ( ikx x + ikyy + st ) . (31) using expression (31), the equations (26) (29), reduces to ( (1 + λ2 s) + 1 σva (1 + λ1 s) s )2 ( d2 − a2 ) + ta(1 + λ1 s) 2 d2  w =  ( (1 + λ2 s) + 1 σva (1 + λ1 s) s ) (1 + λ1 s)( a2rnφ − a2 (ra + re) θ + a2re dψ )  , (32) s σ φ + w ε = 1 le ( d2 − a2 ) φ + na le ( d2 − a2 ) θ, (33) sθ − w = ( d2 − a2 ) θ + nb le (dθ − dφ) − 2na nb le dθ, (34) dθ − ( d2 − a2 ) ψ = 0, (35) where a = √ k2x + k2y. the equations (30) for a free-free boundary are: w = d2w = θ = φ = dψ = 0 at z = 0 and z = 1. (36) therefore{ w = a1sinπz, θ = a2sinπz, φ = a3sinπz, ψ = a4cosπz, (37) where a1, a2, a3 and a4 are the constants. substituting (37) in equations (32) (35) and using the boundary conditions (36), we get a b c d 1 −j − s 0 0 1 ε na j le j le + s σ 0 0 −π 0 −j   a1 a2 a3 a4  =  0 0 0 0  , (38) where a = m2 j + π2ta(1 + λ1 s)2, b = −a2 (1 + λ1 s) m(ra + re), c = a2(1 + λ1 s) mrn, d = −a2π(1 + λ1 s) mre, j = ( π2 + a2 ) , and m = ( (1 + λ2 s) + 1 σva (1 + λ1 s) s ) . where, the thermal darcy-rayleigh number, ra =  − a2 π2 +a2 re − σle σ(π2 +a2)+sle [ π2 +a2 +s ε + (π2 +a2)na le ] rn + π2 +a2 +s a2 [ π 2 +a2 1+λ1 s ( (1 + λ2 s) + 1 σva (1 + λ1 s) s ) + σvaπ2 σva (1+λ2 s)+(1+λ1 s)s (1 + λ1 s) ta]  . (39) 4 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 5 7. stationary convection for the validity of the principle of exchange of stabilities (i.e., steady case), we have s = 0 ( s = r + iω = 0 ⇒ r = ω = 0 ) at the marginal stability. putting s = 0 in equation (39), we get the thermal darcyrayleigh number at which marginally stable steady mode exists, as ra =  (π2 +a2)2 a2 − a2 π2 +a2 re − ( le ε + na ) rn + π2(π2 +a2) a2 ta  , (40) which expresses the stationary thermal darcy-rayleigh number ra as a function of the dimensionless wave number a, electric rayleigh number re, taylor number ta, nanofluid lewis number le, modified diffusivity ratio na, concentration rayleigh number rn and medium porosity ε. it is clear from the equation (40) that ra is independent of stress relaxation time λ1, strain retardation time λ1 for stationary modes since these vanish with the vanishing of s (growth rate). the minimum value of ra is obtained by putting ∂ra ∂a2 = 0 and which on simplification implies that{ (ac) 8 + 2π2(ac) 6 − ( π2re + π2ta ) (ac) 4 −2π2 (1 + ta) (ac) 2 −π2 (1 + ta) } = 0. (41) therefore, the critical wave number ac shows a substantial increase when the electric rayleigh number re increases and is independent of nanoparticles. to obtain the critical wave number we substitute the electric field i.e., re = 0 and we get ac 2 = π2 √ 1 + ta, (42) which is the critical wave number for stationary rayleigh number in the absence of ac electric rayleigh number re. 8. results and discussion to study re, ta, le, na, rn,ε on the stationary convection, we examine the behavior ∂ra ∂re , ∂ra ∂ta , ∂ra ∂le , ∂ra ∂na , ∂ra ∂rn and ∂ra ∂ε analytically. from equation (40) we obtain ∂ra ∂re = − a2( π2 + a2 ), (43) which is always negative for all wave numbers. thus, ac electric field has destabilizing effect for both bottom-heavy and topheavy distribution. equation (40) gives ∂ra ∂ta = π2 ( π2 + a2 ) a2 , (44) which is always positive for all wave numbers. thus, the taylor number has stabilizing effect for both bottom-heavy and topheavy distribution in the system. equation (40) further yields ∂ra ∂le = − rn ε , ∂ra ∂na = −rn. (45) it is clear from equation (45), the nanofluid lewis number le and the modified diffusivity ratio na enhance the stationary convection if rn < 0 and postpone the stationary convection if rn > 0. equation (40) also depicts that ∂ra ∂rn = − ( le ε + na ) , (46) which is always negative for ( le ε + na ) > 0. the nanoparticle rayleigh number postpones the stationary convection for both bottom-heavy and top-heavy configurations. ∂ra ∂ε = lern ε2 . (47) if rn < 0, thus the medium porosity delays the stationary convection for bottom-heavy configuration and if rn > 0 the medium porosity advances the stationary convection. 9. numerical discussion the variation of thermal darcy-rayleigh number with respect to wave number has been plotted using equation (40) for stationary case, whereas the experimental values and the fixed permissible values of the dimensionless parameters are re = 100, ta = 100, le = 200, na = −5 and na = 5, rn = −0.1 and rn = 0.1 and ε = 0.6 . the stationary thermal rayleigh number does not depend upon stress relaxation time and strain retardation time, since it vanishes with the vanishing of s (growth rate). thus, the oldroydian nanofluid acts like a newtonian nanofluid. figures 2 and 3 show the variation of ra for stationary convection with respect to the non-dimensional wave number for three different values of re = 100, 300, 500 for bottom-heavy and top-heavy distribution and fixed permissible values. the graph indicates that the value of ra drops as re rises, indicating that re has a destabilizing influence on both bottom-heavy and top-heavy configurations. figure 2: variations of ra for distinct values of the re for bottom-heavy distribution figures 4 and 5 show that ra increases with an increase in ta which implies that ta has a stabilizing effect on stationary 5 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 6 figure 3: variations of ra for distinct values of re for top-heavy distribution figure 4: variations of ra for distinct values of ta for bottom-heavy arrangement figure 5: variations of ra for distinct values of ta for top-heavy arrangement convection for both bottom-heavy and top-heavy pattern of the system. from figures 6 and 7, it is found from the graphs that with an increase in the values of le, ra increases for bottom-heavy distribution, whereas ra decreases for top-heavy configuration with increase in the values of the lewis number. hence, ra stabilizes the bottom-heavy arrangement and destabilizes the top-heavy arrangement. figures 8 and 9 show that ra increases slightly with increase in na for bottom-heavy arrangement and ra decrease slightly figure 6: variations of stationary ra for different values of le for bottom-heavy distribution figure 7: variations of ra for different values of le for top-heavy distribution with increase in the modified diffusivity ratio for top-heavy arrangement. hence na stabilize the system for bottom-heavy arrangement and destabilize the system for top-heavy arrangement. figure 8: variations of ra for different values of na for bottom-heavy arrangement figures 10 and 11 show the variation of ra for stationary convection with respect to the non-dimensional wave number for different values of rn. it is depicted from the graphs that for the cases of bottom-heavy and top-heavy configuration, ra decreases with the increase in rn which causes the destabilizing 6 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 7 figure 9: variations of ra for different values of na for top-heavy arrangement effect on the system. figure 10: variations of ra for different values of rn for bottom-heavy arrangement figure 11: variations of ra for different values of rn for top-heavy arrangement the effect of the medium porosity ε on ra is displayed in figures 12 and 13. it is found that with an increase in the ε, ra decreases and increases, respectively for bottom-heavy and topheavy configurations. thus, a porous medium destabilizes the system for the bottom-heavy pattern and stabilizes the system for the top-heavy pattern. figure 12: variations of ra for three different values of ε bottom-heavy distribution figure 13: variations of ra for three different values of ε top-heavy distribution 10. conclusions the effect of rotation on thermal convection in an electrically conducting nanofluid saturated by porous medium has been studied using linear stability theory by employing an oldroydian model which incorporates the effects of the electric field, brownian motion, thermophoresis and rheological parameters for bottom-heavy and top-heavy distribution of nanoparticles. the conclusions of the present study are given below: 1. ac electric field has destabilizing for both bottom-heavy and top-heavy distribution of nanoparticles. 2. the taylor number ta has stabilizing for both bottomheavy and top-heavy distribution of nanoparticles. 3. the effect of lewis number (non-dimensional parameter accounting for brownian motion parameter db) tends to stabilize the stationary convection for bottom-heavy distribution and destabilizes for top-heavy configuration. 4. modified diffusivity ratio has stabilized the system for bottom-heavy and destabilized the system for top-heavy configuration. 5. the concentration rayleigh number postpones the stationary convection for both bottom-heavy and top-heavy distribution. 7 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1137 8 6. medium porosity has destabilizing effect for bottomheavy distribution and stabilizing effect for top-heavy distribution on stationary convection. acknowledgments the third author gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of csir-hrdg for jrf. references [1] s. u. s. choi, “enhancing thermal conductivity of fluids with nanoparticles”, siginer, d. a., wang, h. p. 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computes the shape of the interface during water withdrawal and flows through the basins and sources of the line. in addition, this study obtains an analytical solution to the linear problem for the non-withdrawal scenario. finally, the study identifies the maximum rate of water withdrawal before the initial breakthrough of salt water for different density ratios. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1512 keywords: free surface, tropical island, porous medium, freshwater lens, island tub, green’s function. article history : received: 21 april 2023 received in revised form: 19 may 2023 accepted for publication: 22 may 2023 published: 22 june 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction the provision of drinking water in tropical islands often relies on a freshwater lens trapped in the soil beneath the surface. however, this supply is threatened by various factors, such as the interface between freshwater and saltwater layers, surface channels, and pumping practices. to ensure continued access to freshwater, it is crucial to conserve the freshwater lens and use efficient extraction practices to prevent saltwater intrusion and depletion of the freshwater supply [1]. figure (1) provides a visual representation of this process. according to the united nations, around 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and this number is expected to increase due to population growth and climate change [2]. small island developing states email address: suhaibrahim3@tu.edu.iq (suha ibrahim salih al-ali ) (sids) are particularly vulnerable to water scarcity because of their limited resources, geographic isolation, and susceptibility to natural disasters [3]. climate change exacerbates the water scarcity crisis in sids by increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, causing saltwater intrusion, and reducing precipitation [4]. for example, the pacific island nation of tuvalu faces severe water shortages due to droughts and over-extraction from the freshwater lens, which has led to soil and groundwater salinization [5]. some island communities are responding to these difficulties by implementing creative solutions such as rainwater collection, desalination, and water conservation techniques. these solutions, however, necessitate money and technical skill, both of which may be limited in sids [6, 7]. furthermore, policies that promote water security and sustainability in these vulnerable areas are required [8, 9]. the interface between low-density top liquids and higherdensity liquids in a two-layer water object changes shape when 1 al-ali & al-awsi / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1512 2 figure 1. a diagram indicate the focus of research-pulling freshwater over the underground seawater on an island liquid is preferentially removed from one layer, according to research [10]. one of the primary goals of this research is to validate the deformed interface shape. the goal of this study is to look into the variables that could cause the interface to advance towards the extraction port, resulting in liquid extraction from both levels and mixing. the research focuses on a single island with defined top left and right bounds that contains a freshwater lens atop a saltwater layer [11]. to address this issue, academics employ the darcy act as a foundation, which contains boundary conditions on both sides and the island’s bottom. this study is in the field of hydrology, and it focuses on saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers, which can cause a variety of environmental and economic problems [12]. the authors assume the presence of a freshwater lens above a saltwater layer, which is a common condition in realworld scenarios like aruba. the findings of the study can be used to develop policies and management methods to reduce saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers [13]. section 3 of the study employs an analytical technique [14] to address the issue raised in section 2. the fourier series and its properties are used as the principal tool for problem analysis [15, 16]. it was explained in detail how the series’ resulting factors are implemented in matlab to generate a solution. the fourier series is a mathematical approach that uses sine and cosine functions to describe periodic functions as a sum of the sin and cos functions. it is frequently employed in a variety of domains, including signal processing, communication systems, and control theory [17]. the fourier series’ handling qualities are critical to solving the problem stated in section 2, as they allow the authors to analyse the system’s periodic nature. 2. formulation of free surface case problem on the island, there is a porous medium with dimensions of -l < x < l , which contains fluid of varying densities, specifically two layers of freshwater and saltwater. the properties of these fluids can be described using the following equations. ωi = pi + ρigy, y = ξ(x), (1) where i = 1, 2 and y = ξ (x). equation (1) represents the sum of total pressures, which remains constant even when gravity changes. this is called the compression of heads in the two layers. the variables, ρi andpi represent the density and pressure of each layer of fluid, respectively. the interface between the two fluids is denoted by y = ξ (x), and the surface of the less dense fluid is assumed to be in contact with air. since the air is assumed to be in a stable state, the pressure at the horizontal surface of the less dense fluid must be equal to the atmospheric pressure, which is denoted by p1 = 0. additionally, we assume that there is no flow through the fluid surface interface and no flow in the lower layer, i.e., ωi = ρ1gy. (2) when dealing with a non-persistent pressure situation, it is physically impossible to obtain a fixed solution. thus, the pressure along the interface of two fluid layers must match, specifically at the point where y = ξ (x). this means that the pressures of both fluid layers, denoted by p1 and p2, must be equal i.e., p1 = p2, (3) at this interface point. this condition ensures that the fluids are in hydrostatic equilibrium and that there is no net force acting on the interface. assuming no fluid flow across the surface interface and in the lower layer (i.e., ω2 = 0) and with y = ξ (x), we can obtain: p2 = −ρ2gy. (4) by matching the pressures at the fluid interface, we can conclude the following: ω1 = (ρ1 −ρ2) gy, (5) and by dividing (5) by ρ1g to be ω1 = ρ1gzω1 we will have the following equation: ω1 = (1 −ψ). (6) in order to simulate the process of extracting liquids from a freshwater lens on a tropical island, a tub was positioned at coordinates (xs, ys). to achieve this, we applied the following formula to ω1: ω1 → m 4π ln[(x−xs) 2 + (y + ys) 2]. (7) we then applied the equation ω1 = p1gzω1, taking into account that µ = zp1 g as (x, y) approaches (xs, ys). ω1 → µ 4π ln[(x−xs) 2 + (y + ys) 2]. (8) assuming that the tub pressure force and density ratio between the two layers are represented by the balanced ratios of l and ψ, and the island’s aspect ratio is represented by the balanced ratio of µ, we can rewrite the given equations as follows: using the expression ∇ω1 = ρ1 gz z ∇ω1, where q = −κ∇ω1 represents 2 al-ali & al-awsi / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1512 3 the speed, we can use darcy’s law to find the relation between q, z, and ∇ω1: q z t = −κρ1g∇ω1. (9) since t = z ρ1 g , we can simplify equation (9) as follows: q = −∇ω1. (10) equation (10) shows that q is directly proportional to −∇ω1. the parameters l, ψ, and µ have balanced ratios that represent the tub pressure force, the density ratio between the two layers, and the island’s aspect ratio, respectively. 3. freshwater lens on an island with no-withdrawal to solve the linear problem, laplace’s equation is used with the conditions specified in equation ∇ 2ω1 = ∂2ω1 ∂x2 + ∂2ω1 ∂y2 = 0 −l < x < l, ζ (x) < y < 1, (11) which is subject to a range of conditions:ω1 = 1, y = 1 −l < x < lω1 = y, x = l 0 < y < 1. we assume ω1 = ω and use the formula given in equation ω (x, y) = y+ n∑ k=0 s k sinh [( k l ) π (y − 1) ] sin [( k l ) πk ] .(12) and equation ω = (1 −ψ) y = 1 y = ζ (x)ωy − ζ′ (x) ωx = 0, (13) defines additional conditions that must be met, including ω = (1 −ψ)y = 1 and ωy = 0 at y = 0, where we take a small value of ζ assume a large value of ψ. ωy = 1+ n∑ k=0 s k ( k l ) π cosh [( k l ) π (y − 1) ] sin [( k l ) πx ] .(14) at y = 0, equation (14) becomes: −1 = n∑ k=0 s k ( k l ) π cosh ( − k l ) π sin [( k l ) πx ] . (15) to apply orthogonal, we multiply both sides of (15) by sin ( j l ) πx, integrate over the range−l to l, and get: ∫ l −l sin ( j l ) πx d x = ∫ l −l n∑ k=0 −s k ( k l ) π cosh ( − k l ) π sin2 ( j l ) πx d x, (16) assume that ak = s k ( k l ) π cosh ( − k l ) π, i.e. s k = 2[(−1)k − 1] kπ . from which we can conclude that: ak = 2l[(−1)k − 1] (kπ)2 cosh( kl )π . (17) therefore, the fourier series approximation is: ω1 (x, y) = y + n∑ k=0 s k [( k l ) π (y − 1) ] sin [( k l ) πk ] . (18) using (13) and evaluating it at y = 0, we get an approximation of ζ = ω1−ψ : ζ = ω 1 −ψ  n∑ k=0 s k shin ( k l ) π sin [( k l ) πx ] . (19) the linear island problem involves the interface between freshwater and saltwater, and the depth of this interface is determined by the density rate. the ghyben-herzberg relation, which is based on hydrological principles, provides a formula for determining the depth of the interface in a system that is in a constant state of balance. the depth of the interface, according to this relationship, is proportional to the ratio of the freshwater head to the total head, where the total head is the sum of the freshwater head and the depth of the interface below sea level [18]. therefore, if the freshwater head increases, the depth of the interface will also increase, and if the freshwater head decreases, the depth of the interface will decrease as well. the resulting approximation of ζ is given in figure (2) shows the resulting approximation of ζ for an island with width l=100 and a density ratio of 1.01. the measurements were conducted with varying intensity ratios, and it was discovered that the best measurement was achieved at a density value of ψ = 1.01 with n = 300 points. to analyse the interface between freshwater and saltwafigure 2. a diagram determine w-plane and z-plane for free surface condition ter in the linear island problem, researchers use the fourier series approximation, a mathematical technique that breaks down 3 al-ali & al-awsi / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1512 4 complex functions into simpler functions that can be more easily studied. according to the fourier series approximation, the depth of the interface is inversely proportional to the density rate, which means that as the density rate increases, the interface depth decreases, and vice versa. the ghyben-herzberg relation, which states that ζ = ω1−ψ , also supports this relationship between the interface depth and the density rate. in a system in constant balance, when freshwater is present above the interface, the depth of the interface above sea level is equal to the depth of the interface below sea level. both the fourier series approximation and the ghyben-herzberg relation are crucial tools for understanding the interface between freshwater and saltwater in the linear island problem [19, 30]. these principles have practical applications in fields such as hydrology and groundwater management, where researchers can use them to better understand groundwater systems and make informed decisions about resource management and conservation [20]. 3.1. integration of the free surface problem equation to solve a problem numerically, we need to find an appropriate solution that satisfies the governing equation and boundary conditions. in the case of laplace’s equation, we use green’s function f to find a single solution that meets the necessary boundary requirements for the area of concern [21]. green’s function f can be derived using the free surface condition, which is a solution to the equation: ∇ 2 f ( x, y, x0, y0 ) = δ (x − x0, y − y0) , (20) where the function is subject to the boundary conditions: f (±l, y, x0, y0) = 0, 0 < y < 1. (21) f (x, 1, x0, y0) = 0, −l < y < l. (22) to solve this equation using integral equations or finite element methods, we only need to find a solution for on the boundary. this is achieved by using green’s second identity and applying the boundary clauses of equations (21) and (22), which ensures that the integration line of remains on the boundary [22]. the appropriate green’s function f for this problem needs to satisfy the conditions of equations (20), (21), and (22) [23]. one way to find this function is by using the techniques of portfolio conversions of angles in composite variables and applying the solution on the w-plane to the physical (real) plane. we can consider logarithms to be individual at w = w0, where w0 = u0 − iv0 and w̄0 = u0 − iv0. we need a function that evaluates to zero on the real axis, and so we test: f = re [ln (w − w0) − ln(w − w̄0)] . (23) there are different methods to find the appropriate green’s function f for a particular problem, depending on the boundary conditions and the governing equation. some examples of these methods include the method of images, separation of variables, and the method of integral equations. f (z) = a ∫ z 0 (τ− x1) 2l1 (τ− x2) 2l2 . . . (τ− xn) 2ln dτ+c.(24) to convert from the w-plane to the z-plane for each li as shown in figure (3), the conversion should be applied to the inner corners of the polygon. functions of form (24) were used to transform the real axis into a polygonal path. beginning with the assumption that w = 1 corresponds to z = i + l, the appropriate values were offset in (23) to obtain the desired outcome. figure 3. diagram determine w-plane and z-plane for free surface condition z = a ∫ w 1 (w − 1) −1 2 (w + 1) −1 2 dw + i + l = a ∫ w 1 (w − 1) −1 2 dw + i + l. (25) and by using the definitions cosh2θ− sinh2θ = 1 we obtain z = a ∫ w 1 (sinh2θ) −1 2 sinh θ dθ + i + l. (26) to clarify the given expression, let us rewrite it as follows: let w = cosh [ z−(i+l) a ] . since cosh(d) cannot be zero unless d is complex, we can use cosh y = cos iy and set cos (−ila ) = 0, which yields a = −il2π . using this, we can rewrite w as: w = cosh [ z − (i + l) −i2lπ ] = cosh [ π (z − i) 2l − π 2 ] = cos i [ π (z − i) 2l − π 2 ] = cos i ( z − π 2 ) = sin z, (27) and when z = x + iy we will obtain w = sin πx 2l + cosh π(y − 1) 2l +i sinh π(y − 1) 2l cos πx 2l . (28) using the schwarz-christoffel transformation, we can obtain the following function: [missing function]. f = ln ∣∣∣∣∣ w − w0(w − w̄0 ∣∣∣∣∣ , (29) and now let us say that f = sin πx 2l cosh π(y − 1) 2l , (30) g = sinh π(y − 1) 2l cos πx 2l , (31) 4 al-ali & al-awsi / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1512 5 we will obtain a w − w0 w − w̄0 = ( f − f0) + i(g − g0) ( f − f0) + i(g + g0) , (32) and when you take the real part of f, we find that (25) simplified to the follows: f = 1 2 ln ( f − f0) 2 + (g − g)2 ( f − f0) 2 + (g + g)2 . (33) 3.2. derivation of the free surface problem equation we will now derive the complementary equation for the undefined interface, which needs to satisfy the following equation, as mentioned earlier: ∇ 2ω1 = ∂2ω1 ∂x2 + ∂2ω1 ∂y2 = 0 −l < x < l, ζ (x) < y < 1.(34) these equations are subject to the following boundary conditions: f (x) ω1 = 1, y = 1,−l < x < lω1 = y, x = ±l, 0 < y < 1. (35) we also impose the condition that the pressure must match along the interface between saltwater and freshwater where y = ζ (x). furthermore, we assume that there is no flow through the interface, leading to the following conditions: ∂ω1 ∂n ,−l < x < l ω1 = y, x = ±l, 0 < y < 1 (36) when considering fluid dynamics, it is important to keep in mind the effect of negative pressure which results from the pulling of liquids. to address this issue, green’s second identity is commonly used as a tool in solving related equations [24, 225]. by utilizing the condition that the laplacian of a function ∇2ω1 is equal to zero (∇2ω1 = 0), we can simplify the equation and arrive at the expression below: ω1 → µ 2π ln √ (x − xs) 2 + (y − ys) 2. (37) here, f is a function that satisfies laplace’s equation, i.e., ∇2 f = 0, except at a specific point (x0, y0). along the free surface, ∂ω/∂n = 0 and similarly, along the other three boundaries (top, right side, and left side), f = 0. as a result, the second term in equation (1) falls away, leading to:∫ γ ω ∂f ∂n −ω ∂ω ∂n = 0. (38) however, we must also consider what happens along the boundaries s1, se1 se2 , wheres1 is the limit along the boundary and the top, se1 is the ring around the source (i.e., where the liquid passes through), and se2 is the ring around a single point on the surface. therefore, we obtain:∫ s 1 ω ∂f ∂n d s = ∫ se1 f ∂ω ∂n d s = ∫ se2 ω ∂f ∂n d s = 0. (39) assuming that a single point is enclosed within the ring se1 , which causes all the liquid to pass through it, we can consider its specific behaviour. ω → 1 4π ln [ ( fs − f0) 2 + i(gs − g0) 2 ( fs − f0) 2 + i(gs + g0) 2 ] . (40) we start by considering a function of a point (x0, y0). now, let’s consider ∂ω ∂n as an integral of se1 . this integral represents the speed of the liquid out of the tub. we can express this as follows:∫ s 1 −f ∂ω ∂n d s = −f ∫ se1 ∂ω ∂n d s = f ∫ se2 µ 2π . 1 r d s = fµ 2π ∫ 0 2π r. 1 r dθ = fµ, (41) where r = [(x−xs)2 + (y−ys)2] 1 2 is the distance from the source point (xs, ys) to the point (x, y). in other words, the flow from the tub has force µ, so the contribution from the integration of se1 is µf(xs, ys). therefore, we can write: µ 4π ln [ ( f0 − fs) 2 + (g0 − gs) 2 ( f0 − fs) 2 + (g0 + gs) 2 ] + ∫ s1 ω ∂f ∂n d s = ∫ se2 f ∂ω ∂n d s = 0, (42) where ( fs, gs) is the location of the source point, and ( f0, g0) is the location of the point at which we are evaluating the function. we can think of the integral along the se1 line as the integration of a function with a constantly changing value along this line where (x, y) → (x0, y0). ∫ ∂f ∂n d s is ”the flow” of ”the source” due to the effect of f. since the loop around the tub point (x0, y0) is a semicircle, the flow volume due to the source the tub f is q = π. thus, the second integration in (42) could be ωπ(x0, y0). therefore, we can write: µ 4π ln [ ( f0 − fs) 2 + (g0 − gs) 2 ( f0 − fs) 2 + (g0 + gs) 2 ] + ∫ s1 ω ∂f ∂n d s −ωπ(x0, y0) = 0. (43) note that there is a single point of integration on s1 such as (x, y) → (x0, y0), which is the surface point. to deal with this single point, we extract from the method of collecting and subtracting ω0 under integration, giving us the following formula: µ 4π ln [ ( f0 − fs) 2 + (g0 − gs) 2 ( f0 − fs) 2 + (g0 + gs) 2 ] −ωπ(x0, y0) + ∫ s1 (ω−ω0) ∂f ∂n d s + ω0 ∫ se1 ∂f ∂n d s = 0. (44) 4. outcomes and discussion the study examined the impact of density ratios on the formation of the interface and depth of the freshwater lens in free 5 al-ali & al-awsi / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1512 6 surface models. it used both analytical and numerical methods to solve the problem of individual free surfaces. the fourier series and its orthogonal properties were employed to calculate the interface without the need for pumping or pulling on the island. the study also explored the impact of the presence or absence of a source/tub on the island on the maximum pulling rates at different density ratios. with no statistically significant difference between the analytical and numerical solutions, the results demonstrated that the lowest intensity situation resulted in the greatest pulling rate. the findings were consistent with previous research [26, 27]. finally, the study assessed the efficiency of the numerical chart and found that the execution of the program with a low n-value produced results that were just as accurate as those with a high n-value. the research provides valuable insights into the impact of density ratios on free surface models and offers practical solutions for calculating interfaces and freshwater lens depth. the study’s methodology and results can be used in various applications, including environmental management and coastal engineering. 5. conclusion the study aimed to examine the impact of withdrawing water from the freshwater layer of an island that has fixed boundaries at its bottom, left, and right. the unknown interface between two layers of fluids of different densities on an island with consistent boundaries was calculated by integrating relevant parameters such as the island’s pulling rate and density ratio. the study used an analytical approach based on the fourier series to calculate a solution to the linear problem, and it was found to provide a good solution to the non-linear problem formulated. the height of the calculated interface through the analytical approach was consistent with the height predicted by the ghyben-herzberg relation [29, 30, 31], which describes the equilibrium interface between freshwater and saltwater in a coastal aquifer system. interestingly, the study also found that there is a maximum pulling rate for different density ratios after which fixed solutions cease to exist. these findings are consistent with the results of previous studies conducted on similar systems [32]. the study highlights the importance of understanding the complex hydrological processes that occur in coastal aquifer systems and the potential impact of human activities on these systems. references [1] w. li, x. chen, l. xie, z. liu & x. xiong, “ reply to comments on: li et al.(2019)” bioelectrochemical systems for groundwater remediation: “the development trend and research front revealed by bibliometric analysis”, water 11 (2020) 1532. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12061603. 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on the interval [a, b], the results are novel and very important in numerical approximation. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2022.1021 keywords: system of non-linear integral equations, reproducing kernel hilbert spaces, fixed point theorem article history : received: 20 august 2022 received in revised form: 12 september 2022 accepted for publication: 13 september 2022 published: 01 october 2022 c© 2022 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction non-linear volterra integral equations have many applications in several fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. for example, particle transport problems in astrophysics theory, electrostatics, potential theory, mathematical problems of radiative steady state, heat transfer problems, and many other mathematical modeling are described by volttera integral equations [1-9]. in this paper, we introduce the following system of non-linear volterra integral equations for t ∈ [a, b]: f (t) = α(t) + ∫ t a f(t, s, f (s), g(s))d s, (1) ∗corresponding author tel. no: email address: jabar.hassan@su.edu.krd (jabar s. hassan ) g(t) = β(t) + ∫ t a g(t, s, f (s), g(s))d s, (2) where α,β ∈ h[a, b] is a direct sum of reproducing kernel hilbert space v [a, b] consisting of those absolutely continuous functions whose derivative is square-integrable on [a, b]. f and g are given functions that satisfy fixed regularity conditions. f and g are unknown functions that need to be determined. recently, reproducing kernel hilbert space methods have been widely studied by many researchers to solve linear and non-linear problems such as partial and ordinary differential equations, as well as integral, fractional, and integral differential equations [4,7,9]. obviously, considering the existence and uniqueness of solutions to such kinds of problems is very important in pure and applied mathematics. in view of the fact that most real phenomena and non-linear problems in the world can not be solved analytically, researchers use numerical methods to obtain their approximate and numerical solutions in an 1 hassan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 4 (2022) 1021 2 appropriate space. in this work, we examine the local and global existence and uniqueness of solutions to a system of non-linear volterra integral equations in the reproducing kernel hilbert space h[a, b]. this space is a very favorable space in numerical approximation since its reproducing kernel function is a transcendental function in [a, b]. 2. preliminary notation this section is assigned to present basic notation, definitions, and theorems which will be used later. definition 1. let s , ∅. a hilbert space h of continuous real-valued functions f : s → r is called reproducing kernel hilbert space if there exists a function k : s × s → r in h such that 〈 f (·), k(·, s)〉h = f (s), and k(·, s) ∈ h for all f ∈ h and all s ∈ s . such a function k = k(·, ·) is said to be a reproducing kernel function of h [4,6]. definition 2. let v [a, b] be the space of all absolutely continuous functions f : [a, b] → r such that f ′ ∈ l2[a, b] [4,6]. theorem 1. the function space v [a, b] equipped with the inner product [4] 〈 f1, f2〉v [a,b] = f1(a) f2(a) + ∫ b a f ′1 (t) f ′ 2 (t)dt, and associated with the norm || · || = √ 〈·, ·〉v [a,b], is a reproducing kernel hilbert space and the reproducing kernel function k = k(·, ·) is defined by: k(t,τ) = 1 2 sinh(b − a) ( cosh(τ + t − b + a) + cosh(| τ− t | −b − a) ) . definition 3. the function space h[a, b] = v [a, b] ⊕ v [a, b], consists of those functions ~h : [a, b] → r2 where ~h = (h1, h2) such that h1 and h2 belong to v [a, b]. definition 4. the inner product of the space h[a, b] is defined by : 〈~f ,~g〉h[a,b] = 〈 f1, g1〉v [a,b] + 〈 f2, g2〉v [a,b], where f = ( f1, f2) and g = (g1, g2). such a space is called direct sum of the reproducing kernel hilbert space v [a, b]. 3. existence and uniqueness in this section, we discuss the banach fixed point theorem to show the local and global existence and uniqueness of solutions to (1)-(2). to do this first, we need to introduce some basic tools. let ~h ∈ h[a, b] and let a = {(t, s) : a ≤ s ≤ t ≤ b}. define maps t~h : [a, b] → r and l~h : [a, b] → r by: t~h(t) = ∫ t a f ( t, s,~h(s) ) d s, l~h(t) = ∫ t a g ( t, s,~h(s) ) d s, such that the following conditions are hold for (k = 0, 1): c1) ∂ k ∂tk f and ∂k ∂tk g are uniformly bounded functions on a× r2. c2) for some positive constants m and n such that i) ∣∣∣∣ ∂k∂tk f(x, s, ~f1(s)) − ∂k∂tk f(y, s, ~f2(s))∣∣∣∣ 6 m (|x − y| + ‖~f1 − ~f2‖2 ) ; ii) ∣∣∣∣ ∂k∂tk g(x, s, ~g1(s)) − ∂k∂tk g(y, s, ~g2(s))∣∣∣∣ 6 n (|x − y| + ‖~g1 − ~g2‖2 ) . theorem 2. let ~h ∈ h[a, b]. then t~h ∈ h[a, b]. we first assert that t~h is absolutely continuous in [a, b]. by condition (c1) for (k=0); f is uniformly bounded on a× r2 and condition (c2) part (i) there are positive constants m and m1. let i j = {[a j, b j]}nj=1 be a finite collection of non-over lapping intervals in [a, b], and let ε > 0 such that: n∑ j=1 ∣∣∣∣b j − a j∣∣∣∣ < ε( m1(b − a) + m ). since, n∑ j=1 ∣∣∣∣t~h(b j) − t~h(a j)∣∣∣∣ = n∑ j=1 ∣∣∣∣ ∫ b j a f ( b j, s,~h(s) ) d s − ∫ a j a f ( a j, s,~h(s) ) d s ∣∣∣∣ = n∑ j=1 ∣∣∣∣ ∫ a j a f ( b j, s,~h(s) ) d s + ∫ b j a j f ( b j, s,~h(s) ) d s − ∫ a j a f ( a j, s,~h(s) ) d s ∣∣∣∣ 2 hassan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 4 (2022) 1021 3 6 n∑ j=1 ∫ a j a j ∣∣∣∣f(b j, s,~h(s)) − f(a j, s,~h(s))∣∣∣∣d s + ∫ b j a j ∣∣∣∣f(b j, s,~h(s))d s∣∣∣∣ 6 n∑ j=1 ∫ a j a m1 ∣∣∣∣b j − a j∣∣∣∣d s + ∫ b j a j md s = n∑ j=1 ( m1(a j − a)|b j − a j| + m|b j − a j| ) 6 ( m1(b − a) + m ) n∑ j=1 ∣∣∣∣b j − a j∣∣∣∣ < ε. hence, t~h is absolutely continuous on in [a, b]. next, we want to show ∂ ∂t t ~h(·) ∈ l2[a, b]. leibniz rule implies for almost every t ∈ [a, b] that ∂ ∂t t~h(t) =f ( t, t,~h(t) ) + ∫ t a ∂ ∂t f ( t, s,~h(s) ) d s. then, ∫ b a ∣∣∣∣ ∂ ∂t t~h(t) ∣∣∣∣2dt = ∫ b a ∣∣∣∣∣f(t, t,~h(t)) + ∫ t a ∂ ∂t f ( t, s,~h(s) ) d s ∣∣∣∣∣2dt ≤ 2 ∫ b a ∣∣∣∣f(t, t,~h(t))∣∣∣∣2dt + 2 ∫ b a ∣∣∣∣∣ ∫ t a ∂ ∂t f ( t, s,~h(s) ) d s ∣∣∣∣∣2dt. it follows from condition (c1) for (k=0,1 ) there are positive constants n, d and the cauchy-schwartz inequality that∫ b a ∣∣∣∣ ∂ ∂t t~h(t) ∣∣∣∣2dt ≤ 2 ∫ b a n2dt + 2 ∫ b a ( ∫ t a ( ∂ ∂t f ( t, s,~h(s) ))2 d s ∫ t a 12d s ) dt, implies∫ b a ∣∣∣∣ ∂ ∂t t~h(t) ∣∣∣∣2dt ≤ 2 ∫ b a n2dt + 2 ∫ b a ( ∫ t a ( ∂ ∂t f ( t, s,~h(s) ))2 d s ∫ t a 12d s ) dt 6 2n2(b − a) + 2(b − a) ∫ b a ∫ t a ( ∂ ∂t f(t, s,~h(t) )2 d sdt 6 2n2(b − a) + 2(b − a) ∫ b a ∫ b a d2d sdt = 2n2(b − a) + 2d2(b − a)3 < ∞. therefore, t~h belongs to h[a, b] by definitions (2) and (3). similar arguments one can use to show that l~h belongs to h[a, b]. theorem 3. let ~f ∈ h[a, b]. then l ~f ∈ h[a, b]. the proof is analogous to the proof of theorem 2. set α,β ∈ h[a, b]. define operators γ : h[a, b] → h[a, b] and λ : h[a, b] → h[a, b] such that: γ~h(t) = α(t) + t~h(t); λ~h(t) = β(t) + l~h(t); for all ~h ∈ h[a, b]. we divide the interval [a, b]into n equally sub-intervals a ≤ t0 < t1 < ... < tn ≤ b; where 4t = t j − t j−1 j = 1, 2, ..., n and 4t = b−an . the inner product in h[t j, t j + 4t] is defined by: 〈~f ,~g〉h[t j,t j +4t] = 〈 f1, g1〉v [t j,t j +4t] + 〈 f2, g2〉v [t j,t j +4t], for all ~f ,~g ∈ h[t j, t j + 4t]. as a result, we see that the operators γ : h[t j, t j + 4t] → h[t j, t j + 4t] and λ : h[t j, t j + 4t] → h[t j, t j + 4t] become γ~h(µ) = α(µ) + ∫ µ t j f ( µ, s,~h(s) ) d s; λ~h(µ) = β(µ) + ∫ µ t j g ( µ, s,~h(s) ) d s; for all µ ∈ h[t j, t j + 4t]. lemma 1. let ~h ∈ h[t j, t j + 4t] and 4t < 1 [7]. then∥∥∥~h∥∥∥ 2 ≤ √ 2 ∥∥∥~h∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] . remark 1. assume that α(t j) = β(t j) for all j = 0, 1, ..., n − 1. theorem 4. let ~h1,~h2 ∈ h[t j, t j + 4t]. then∥∥∥∥γ~h1 − γ~h2∥∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] 6 δ(4t) ∥∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] , where δ(4t) ≤ c √ 4t, for some positive constant c. 3 hassan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 4 (2022) 1021 4 since∥∥∥∥γ~h1 − γ~h2∥∥∥∥2h[t j,t j +4t] = (γ~h1(t j) − γ~h2(t j))2 + ∫ t j +4t t j ( ∂ ∂t γ~h1(t) − ∂ ∂t γ~h2(t) )2 dt = ( α(t j) −β(t j) )2 + ∫ t j +4t t j ( f ( t, t, ~h1(t) ) − f ( t, t, ~h2(t) ) + ∫ t ti [ ∂ ∂t f ( t, s, ~h1(s) ) − ∂ ∂t f ( t, s, ~h2(s) )] d s )2 dt implies,∥∥∥∥γ~h1 − γ~h2∥∥∥∥2h[t j,t j +4t] 6 2 ∫ t j +4t t j ( f ( t, t, ~h1(t) ) − f ( t, t, ~h2(t) ))2 dt + 2 ∫ t j +4t t j ( ∫ t ti [ ∂ ∂t f ( t, s, ~h1(s) ) − ∂ ∂t f ( t, s, ~h2(s) )] d s )2 dt by (c2) we get constants m1, m2 such that∥∥∥∥γ~h1 − γ~h2∥∥∥∥2 h[t j,t j +4t] ≤ 2 ∫ t j +4t t j m21 ∥∥∥∥~h1(t) −~h2(t)∥∥∥∥2 2 dt + 2 ∫ t j +4t ti ( ∫ t ti m2 ∥∥∥∥~h1(s) −~h2(s)∥∥∥∥ 2 d s )2 dt. then, ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣γ~h1 − γ~h2∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣2 h[t j,t j +4t] 6 2 ∫ t j +4t ti m21 m 2 3 ∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥22dt + 2 ∫ t j +4t ti ( ∫ t ti m2 m3 ∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥2d s)2dt 6 2m21 m 2 3 ∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥22 (4t) + 2 3 m22 m 2 3 ∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥22 (4t)3 = 4t ( 2m21 m 2 3 + 2 3 m22 m 2 3 (4t) 2 )∥∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥∥2 2 . by using lemma 1 that ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣γ~h1 − γ~h2∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣2 h[t j,t j +4t] 6 δ2(4t) ∥∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥∥2h[t j,t j +4t], therefore, ∥∥∥∥γ~h1 − γ~h2∥∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] 6 δ(4t) ∥∥∥∥~h1 −~h2∥∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] , where δ(4t) < c √ 4t, and c = √ 2m23 ( m21 + 1 3 m 2 2 4 2 t ) < √ 2m23 ( m21 + 1 3 m 2 2 ) if 4t < 1. theorem 5. let f, g ∈ h[t j, t j + 4t]. then∥∥∥∥λ f − λg∥∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] 6 σ(4t) ∥∥∥∥ f − g∥∥∥∥ h[t j,t j +4t] , where σ(4t) ≤ c √ 4t, for some positive constant c. the proof is similar to the proof of theorem 4. theorem 6. let f and g satisfy conditions (c1) and (c2). then there exists a unique solution ~h = ( f, g) ∈ h[a, b] to (1) and (2). for all ~h = ( f, g) in the space h[a, b]. it is clear that ~h 7→ γ~h and ~h 7→ λ~h are maps from h[t j, t j +4t] into h[t j, t j +4t]. from theorems 4 and 5; since 4t is an arbitrary positive constant and if we pick 4t small enough such that 4t < 1c2 then we conclude that δ(4t) < 1 and σ(4t) < 1. therefore, by theorems 4 and 5 the operators γ and λ are contraction mapping on h[t j, t j +4t], respectively. it is clear ( h[t j, t j +4t],‖·‖h[t j,t j +4t] ) is a complete matrix space. hence, the banach contraction mapping theorem guarantees that the operators γ and λ have a unique fixed point ~h = ( f, g) in h[t j, t j + 4t]. let ε(4t) = min{δ(4t),σ(4t)}. the existence and uniqueness of solutions in the entire interval [a, b] for (1) and (2) can be achieved by iterating the local existence result. this is accomplished by taking [a,ε(4t)], [ε(4t), 2ε(4t)], ...[nε(4t), b]. 4. conclusion we studied the local and global existence and uniqueness of solutions to a system of non-linear volterra integral equations (1)-(2) in the reproducing kernel hilbert spaces v [a, b] and h[a, b]. the results are very significant in numerical methods since the reproducing kernel function of the space v [a, b] is a smooth function on the compact interval [a, b] and it can be used to solve a wide variety of linear and nonlinear problems. references [1] k. a. dawodu, “extension of admm algorithm in solving optimal control model governed by partial differential equation”, journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences 3 (2021) 105. https://doi.org/10.46481/jnsps.2021.159. 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environmentally friendly, is a major issue in transesterification reaction. the use of deep eutectic solvent (des) as catalyst, is believed to be a significant step in the direction of attaining a sustainable bio-economy. in this study, deep eutectic solvent was synthesized from different mole ratios of k2co3/glycerol. the synthesized des was used as catalyst in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel from jatropha curcas oil. box-behnken design (bbd) was used to determine the factors that significantly affect the biodiesel yield. optimum fatty acid methyl ester (fame) yield of 98.2845% was achieved at optimum conditions of 1:32.58 mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol, 8.96% w/w concentration of des, and 69.58 minutes. gc-ms analysis revealed that the produced biodiesel contained 98.87% ester content. the properties of the biodiesel produced were characterized and found to agree with those of astm d6751-12 standard. thus, suggesting the synthesized des is a promising catalyst in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel from jatropha curcas oil. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1048 keywords: deep eutectic solvent, fatty acid methyl ester, jatropha curcas oil, potassium carbonate, transesterification. article history : received: 08 september 2022 received in revised form: 30 october 2022 accepted for publication: 09 november 2022 published: 21 january 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: k. sakthipandi 1. introduction due to the continuous rise in the world’s population, the demand for global energy keeps growing. increasing energy demand necessitates the production of sustainable energy, which can be in the form of bio-fuels [1-2]. one of such bio-fuels is biodiesel. the direct usage and mixing of raw oils, thermal cracking, micro-emulsions, and transesterification are the ∗corresponding author tel. no: +243 7036088332 email address: acl645035@gmail.com (abdulwasiu abdurrahman) basic ways of producing biodiesel [3]. in particular, transesterification is the most prevalent process for making biodiesel because the resulting biodiesel has higher cetane number, lower emissions, higher combustion efficiency and renewability [4]. acids, alkalis, enzymes, and ionic liquids are used to catalyze the reaction[5]. acid and alkali catalysts are more commonly utilized in the manufacture of biodiesel because of their low cost compared to enzyme catalysts. however, the acid-catalyzed transesterification process necessitates a large mole ratio of methanol to oil, it takes a long time to complete the reaction 1 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 2 compared to alkali catalysts, and the acidic catalysts are caustic and unfriendly to the environment [4, 6-7]. when considering biodiesel production, it is also important to consider the physical state of the catalyst to be employed. while homogeneous catalysts make it difficult to separate catalyst from liquid mixtures, heterogeneous catalysts require harsh operating conditions (such as longer reaction time and high temperature) to produce biodiesel. as already mentioned, ionic liquids (ils) have the potential to be used as catalysts in biodiesel production. the ability to recycle ils at the conclusion of the reaction, and the ease with which products may be separated, are two advantages of using a typical heterogeneous catalyst. therefore, as a result of combining the benefits of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, ils have gained appeal as a catalyst in biodiesel synthesis [8-11]. however, large-scale commercial applications of ionic liquids remain a challenge due to complicated synthesis techniques and high cost of the raw materials needed for the synthesis[12]. a cheaper alternative to ils are the deep eutectic solvents (dess) [13]. due to their potential as an ecologically friendly solvent with favorable features over ionic liquids, such as simplicity of production in high purity at reduced cost, low toxicity, biodegradability, and non-reactivity with water, dess are currently in use in both research and industry [14]. dess have gained much attention in the biodiesel industry, where they may be used as an extracting solvent, catalyst, or co-solvent [15-16]. dess are excellent solvents for the separation of glycerol (by-product) from biodiesel [17]. abott et al. [18] demonstrated that a glycerol-based deep eutectic solvent is effective in separating glycerol and biodiesel from the final reaction mixture generated by ethanolysis in the presence of koh from rape seed and soybean oils. dess were found to be successful in removing glycerol, mono– and diacyl glycerols, and also as an alkali catalyst, for crude biodiesel made from palm oil by hayyanet al. [19]and shahbaz et al. [20-21]. zhao & baker [22] analyzed the feasibility of producing biodiesel by mixing traditional ils with dess. huang et al. [23] discovered a simple and energy-efficient method to initiate commercial cao for biodiesel synthesis with no pre-treatment by adding a novel des that can detach the inert layers of caco3 and ca(oh)2on the commercial cao surface during the reaction to obtain good fame yield, while the reaction was still running. hayyan et al. [24] used a phosphonium-based deep eutectic solvent (p-des) combined with alkali treatment to esterify poor quality crude palm oil. using ideal circumstances, the oil’s free fatty acid content was reduced from 9.5 to 1%. gu et al. [25] developed a choline-based deep eutectic solvent with glycerol as a co-solvent to catalyze transesterification of rapeseed oil for biodiesel synthesis. under optimal circumstances, a 98 % fame yield was attained. granados et al. [26] reported excellent yields of fatty acid alkyl esters of 90.3 and 92.4 by using potassium carbonate at concentrations of 2 and 3mol percent. excess methanol was used to move the reversible reaction’s equilibrium to the product side, while a co-solvent (such as tetrahydro-furan, thf) was added to overcome the mass transport limit in a heterogeneous system [27]. however, these organic solvents (such as methanol and thf) are often volatile, flammable, poisonous, and environmentally hazardous [28]. in addition, the little amount of soap created reduces yield and increases the creation of emulsions in the product, making separation of biodiesel from glycerine more difficult. in an alkali catalyzed chemical transesterification reaction, petracic, [7] investigated the usefulness of a des (choline-chloride: ethyleneglycol with a molar ratio of 1: 2.5) for the extraction of glycerol from biodiesel. it was determined that the dess had little to no effect on the extraction efficiency, hence a further process adjustment to lower the amount of total glycerol and glycerides was advised. in the area of catalysis, alhassan et al. [29] successfully employed chcl:koh, chcl:p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate, chcl:glycerol and chcl:fecl3 as catalyst and co-solvent for hydrothermal liquefaction of de-oiled jatropha curcas cake, and later applied chcl:p-toluenesulfonic acid as heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts to produce biodiesel from pongamia pinnata seed oil [30]. also, chcl:p-toluenesulphonic acid was used as catalyst in co-liquefaction of jatropha curcas seed [31], while, yong et al. [32] utilized chcl:oxalic acid to convert biomass furfural to fumaric acid and maleic acid in the presence of h2o2. although the aforementioned dess performed well as catalyst in the biodiesel production, a side reaction between hydroxyl groups of the salt, and the acids from some types of dess composed of chcl and carboxylic acids was observed [5]. as a result of side esterification reactions observed in choline chloride based-dess, petračić et al. [29] prepared eutectic mixtures des (k2co3 : c2h6o2 = 1 : 10) which was used for feedstock deacidification. a total acid value of the waste cooking oil was reduced from 2.362 mg koh/g to 0.574 mg koh/g. while sander et al. [33] employed potassium carbonate-based solvent (potassium carbonate:ethylene glycol) to lower the total acid number of crude biodiesels using coffee feedstock. the time and mass ratio of des to oil were optimized, and these were shown to be favourable variables for the prospective industrial scale-up of the process. the industrial applications of dess, which are comprised of an organic salt and a hydrous metal salt, are limited [5, 34], hence, there is need to further explore the uses of these classes of dess. since glycerol is a key by-product of the production of biodiesel and the jatropha plant is vastly available and recognized as a significant source of biodiesel [1], des, produced from glycerol and potassium carbonate, was employed as a catalyst in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel. in particular, the aim of this research is to investigate the impact of mole ratio, time and concentration of potassium carbonate des on the yield of biodiesel synthesized from jatropha curcas oil. in previous studies, koh was used as the primary catalyst for transesterification, and potassium carbonate based-des as a secondary catalyst for purification, deacidification, separation, and extraction, while in this study, the des was produced from glycerol and potassium carbonate, and it was employed as a catalyst in the transesterification reaction. 2 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 3 2. experimental procedure 2.1. materials jatropha curcas oil, with a free fatty acid (ffa) content of 6.68% was obtained from national research institute for chemical technology narict, zaria, nigeria, while glycerol, methanol, and k2co3 were obtained from romtech scientific supplies company limited, zaria. the chemicals had 98% purity and were employed for the preparation of dess without additional purification or drying. 2.2. synthesis and characterization of des 2.2.1. synthesis of des different molar ratios of potassium carbonate to glycerol (as shown in table 1) were used to produce des samples. in order to combine the salt with the hydrogen bond donor, a magnetic stirrer hot plate was utilized. each des mixture was shaken for 2 hours at 400 rpm at 353 k until a homogeneous transparent colorless liquid was obtained. des samples were produced at atmospheric pressure with moisture content tightly controlled. 2.3. determination of viscosity viscosity and density of des play significant roles in processes involving mass transport. the viscosity of the oil was measured using a brookfield rotary digital viscometer ndj-8s at 40oc. a spindle was attached to the viscometer and set at 60 rpm. 200 ml of the oil was poured into a beaker and the spindle was lowered into the beaker and allowed to attain the same temperature with the sample. the reading at 25% shear rate was taken. 2.3.1. fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy analysis ftir was utilized to investigate the interactions between the des’s constituents, and determine if des was formed through hydrogen bonding, by observing the stretch or shift in each functional group. the ftir spectroscopy experiments were carried out using microlab pc software of fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (model 630, agilent technology).all samples were scanned over a wave number range of 400-4000 cm−1. the spectra of the samples were recorded in 16 scans at 4 cm−1 resolution and plotted in the transmittance mode. prior to each measurement, the quality of the background signal was evaluated and a background spectrum was recorded using the same settings as for the sample measurement if necessary (residual peaks after cleaning > 0.2 % transmittance). the spectra were submitted to an automatic baseline correction performed with microlab pc software. 2.4. reduction of free fatty acid (esterification) the jatropha oil employed in this study has a significant amount of free fatty acid (ffa) (6.68 %), which is not suitable for the production of biodiesel via transesterification. as a result, it became essential to lower it via esterification. crude jatropha oil was put into a conical flask and heated to 60◦c. a combination of concentrated h2so4 (1% w/w) and methanol (30% v/v) was heated separately at (60◦c) before being added to the heated oil in the flask. the mixture was agitated for an hour and then allowed to settle for another two hours, and then ffa value of the oil was determined. 2.5. experimental design in this study, the reaction temperature was kept constant at 60◦c and the agitation rate was kept constant at 300 rpm, as indicated in the esterification experiment [35]. response surface methodology (rsm) and box–behnken design (bbd) were used to investigate the primary reaction parameters (such as k2co3/glycerol ratio, catalyst (des) concentration, and reaction duration) and optimize the reaction conditions for fatty acid methyl ester yield (fame) production. in the regression and graphical data analysis, the design expert 6.06 program was employed. the model’s statistical analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the analysis of variance (anova). 2.6. transesterification 40g of the esterified jatropha oil was transesterified in conformity with the design layout matrix, shown in table 3. the mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol was in the range of 1:20 to 1:40, time was varied from 30 to 120 minutes and concentration of des varied from 8 to 10% w/w. the mixture was stirred at 300 rpm with a magnetic stirrer hot plate at a temperature of 60◦c. the reaction mixture stabilized into a biphasic system at the end of the reaction. due to variances in viscosity and density between the two products, two layers developed in the separating funnel. the topmost layer was biodiesel (fame), whereas the lower layer was crude glycerol. the separation was allowed to run overnight in order to allow the separation of the fame layer and the free glycerol and other contaminants that can degrade the final quality of biodiesel. 3. result and discussion 3.1. characterization of des different molar ratios of glycerol to potassium carbonate were used to prepare the dess. table 1 shows these ratios along with their abbreviations and observations, during the preparation process. during the synthesis stage, dess samples were formed in a white viscous gel within the first 30 min. after 60 min of mixing, a liquid phase started to appear with some precipitation. therefore, the period of mixing was extended to 120 min in order to get a homogenous liquid phase des. des1 to des8 were not successful, as the two components did not form des, as the products were in either turbid white liquid or a mixture of colourless liquid and solid, throughout the process and after cooling to room temperature. adding more glycerol achieved the necessary balance between the two des constituents and guaranteed complete miscibility. thus, des9, des 10 and des11 remained in colourless liquid phase at room temperature, and the unsuccessful dess were not considered for further investigation in this study. the physical properties of the synthesized des (in particular, des 9) are shown in table 2. des 9 was considered, 3 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 4 table 1. mole ratio and abbreviations of des synthesized mole ratio abbreviation appearance 1:3.5 des 1 turbid white liquid 1:4 des 2 turbid white liquid 1:5 des 3 turbid white liquid 1:6 des 4 turbid white liquid 1:7 des 5 colorless liquid with solids 1:8 des 6 colorless liquid with solids 1:9 des 7 colorless liquid with solids 1.10 des 8 colorless liquid with solids 1.20 des 9 colorless liquid 1.30 des 10 colorless liquid 1.40 des 11 colorless liquid table 2. properties of des synthesized property des synthesized viscosity @ 40◦c 0.428 pa.s density 1.322g/ml ph 10.53 figure 1. ft-ir result of (a) k2co3, (b) glycerol, and (c) des since it was successfully synthesized at a lower mole ratio than des 10 and des 11. the density and viscosity conform to that reported by naser et al. [36]. the ph is important in applications related to catalytic reactions. a ph of 10.53 was obtained, which indicates the basicity of the mixture. this implies that when the des is used as catalyst, the reaction will follow a base-catalyzed transesterification mechanism. figure 1 shows the ft-ir of k2co3, glycerol, and synthesized des. in figure 1 (a, b and c), the region between 3000 and 2800 cm−1shows the existence of c–h stretching bands of the alkanes ch3 and ch2 for the des. the peak at 3022.9cm−1 indicate the absence of o-h in k2co3 in figure 1a, while the presence of o–h stretching bands between 3200 and 3500 cm−1 in figure 1 (b and c) is attributed to hydroxyl group. figure 1 reveals that a shift in the o-h stretching vibration of glycerol indicate that the change in vibrational state occurred because a portion of the cloud of electrons of the oxygen atom was transferred to the hydrogen bond, reducing the force constant. thus, the shift of the o-h stretching vibration (3209.1cm−1) indicates the existence of a hydrogen bond between the glycerol and k2co3 when the des was formed. this is in agreement with the observation reported in the literature[37–41]. thus the ft-ir spectra reveal the intermolecular attraction between the salt and the hydrogen bond donor (glycerol). 3.2. production of biodiesel using des as catalyst prior to the production of biodiesel, the ffa of the jatropha curcas oil was reduced from its initial value (of 6.68%) via esterification. the ffa of the jatropha curcas oil were reduced after the first 3 hours to 2.427 %, after 4 hours to 1.112 %, and then to 0.409 %, which is within the range of standard oil for the production of biodiesel. box–behnken design (bbd) was used to optimize the reaction conditions for the production of fatty acid methyl ester yield (fame), based on the primary reaction parameters (such as k2co3/glycerol mole ratio, catalyst (des) concentration, and reaction duration), as shown in table 3. the esterified oil was transesterified with methanol at a molar ratio of 1:6, utilizing k2co3/glycerol des as a catalyst; with the reaction temperature set at 60◦c, and the system agitated at 300 rpm. fame yields in the range of 88.97–98.15% were obtained at des component ratios of 1:20, 1:30, and 1:40, reaction times ranging from 30 to 120 minutes, and des concentrations ranging from 8 to 10% w/w, as indicated in table 3. 3.2.1. modified quadratic model for transesterification process response surface methodology (rsm), based on bbd, was used to investigate the primary reaction variables. to match the experimental data, a quadratic polynomial equation in terms of real components was established using response surface methods, as illustrated in equation (1). % biodiesel yield = +98.00+2.95a+0.64b+0.44c−4.21a2 − 0.90b2 − 1.31c20.50ab + 0.20ac − 0.38bc (1) where: a mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol, bconc. of des c reaction time. as already mentioned, for the regression and graphical data analysis, the design expert 6.06 program was employed. the model’s statistical analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the analysis of variance (anova). based on the analysis of variance (anova) results (table 4), a second-order polynomial model (equation 1) appears to illustrate the relation between the yield and the important factors. the regression model’s significance is shown by a very high f value (204.34) and a modest p-value (0.0001). a, b, c, a2, b2, c2 are significant model terms. a reasonable determination coefficient (r2 = 0.9962) indicates that the independent variables (k2co3/glycerol 4 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 5 table 3. design layout for the transesterification reaction serial no. (in order of lowest to highest biodiesel yield) run no. mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol conc. of des (%w/w) time (min) actual yield of biodiesel (%w/w) 1 7 20.00 9.00 30.00 88.97 2 1 20.00 8.00 75.00 88.98 3 10 20.00 9.00 120.00 89.65 4 17 20.00 10.00 75.00 91.32 5 14 30.00 8.00 30.00 94.48 6 13 40.00 9.00 30.00 94.90 7 6 40.00 8.00 75.00 95.45 8 2 40.00 10.00 75.00 95.80 9 12 30.00 8.00 120.00 95.90 10 5 30.00 10.00 120.00 96.35 11 11 40.00 9.00 120.00 96.39 12 8 30.00 10.00 30.00 96.45 13 3 30.00 9.00 75.00 97.67 14 15 30.00 9.00 75.00 97.93 15 16 30.00 9.00 75.00 98.10 16 4 30.00 9.00 75.00 98.15 17 9 30.00 9.00 75.00 98.15 figure 2. comparison between the actual (experimental) fame yield and predicted yield molar ratio, catalyst concentration, and reaction duration) can account for 99.62 % of the sample variation in biodiesel generation. to confirm the model validity, the model prediction was compared with experimental data as shown in figure 2. it was found that the model was successful in capturing the correlation between the process parameters to the response with a correlation coefficient.the high adjusted determination coefficient (adj.r2 = 0.9913) verifies the model’s importance, and the comparatively low variation coefficient (cv = 0.32 %) suggests the good accuracy of the experimental data. a precision greater than 4 establishes the model’s adequacy by assessing the signal-to-noise ratio. the three-dimensional graphs of a second-order prediction model for the fame yield response are shown in figures 3 (a, b and c). as shown in figures 3 (a) and (b), the fame production improved significantly when the mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol was adjusted to its midpoint. this is consistent with the results shown in table 4 (the mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol has the highest calculated f-value and the lowest p-value). this is due to the fact that the quantity of salt supplied to glycerol has a substantial impact on the creation of hydrogen bonding, which can lead to improved des activity as a catalyst in the transesterification reaction. when the surplus mole ratio is utilized, it means that the amount of salt utilized was greater than the matching hydrogen bond donor, resulting in the precipitation of the additional salt that was unable to form hydrogen bonds with the hydrogen bond donor. fame yield increases as the concentration of the catalyst (des) increases, as seen in figure 3 (a) and (c). a low catalyst dose does not generate enough methoxide to achieve a high fame yield. while due to probable side reactions such as saponification, an excessive catalyst dose does not result in a high yield. as a result, the optimal concentration zone is depicted in figures 3 (a), (b) and (c). it is important to note that reaction time is a significant operating parameter because of its direct impact on the cost and quality of biodiesel. to obtain a complete reaction, sufficient but not excessive response time must be supplied. the optimal transesterification reaction time was determined to be between 30 and 120 minutes, as indicated in (b) and (c). in particular, after 75 minutes of response time, there is no discernible influence on yield. 3.3. optimization solution one of the main goals of the optimization process is to maximize fame yield. table 6 depicts several optimization solutions. as previously stated, the amount of time and catalyst concentration have a direct impact on the cost and quality of 5 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 6 table 4. anova for selected factorial model source sum of squares df mean squares f value prob > f model 167.03 9 18.57 204.13 < 0.0001 significant a 69.74 1 69.74 766.80 < 0.0001 b 3.27 1 3.27 35.96 0.0005 c 1.53 1 1.53 16.79 0.0046 a2 74.78 1 74.78 822.27 < 0.0001 b2 3.40 1 3.40 37.34 0.0005 c2 7.21 1 7.21 79.22 <0.0001 ab 0.99 1 0.99 10.89 0.0131 ac 0.16 1 0.16 1.80 0.2212 bc 0.58 1 0.58 6.39 0.0393 residual 0.64 7 0.91 lack of fit 0.47 3 0.16 3.70 0.1195 not significant table 5. predicted and adjusted r-squared std. dev. 0.30 r-squared 0.9962 mean variation 94.98 adj r-squared 0.9913 coefficient (c.v.) 0.32 pred r-squared 0.9538 press 7.75 adeq precision 39.784 biodiesel. the mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol also has a significant impact on biodiesel production, therefore a mole ratio of 1:32.58, a concentration of 8.96 percent w/w of des, and a duration of 69.58 minutes are identified as the optimalreaction conditions. based on numerical optimization, as shown in table 6, the optimum fame yield of 98.2845 % is predicted to be attained at a 1:32.58 mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol, 8.96 % w/w concentration of des, and 69.58 minutes. experiments were conducted at the indicated optimal conditions, producing fame yields of 98.20 %, 98.20 %, 98.22 %, with an average value of 98.21 %, as shown in table 7. thus, the experimental and predicted value(s) are in good agreement. the relative error between the anticipated and real data is 0.0789 %, indicating that bbd and rsm successfully achieved the optimization of des-catalyzed biodiesel synthesis from jatrophacurcas oil. 3.4. effect of the effluent des as catalysts the ability to reuse a catalyst is considered vital to lowering biodiesel production costs. thus the catalytic performance of the des, utilized as a catalyst, is an essential metric to consider. the performance of reused des in the transesterification process is reported in table 8. the performance of the des as a catalyst changed significantly after it was reused. deactivation of the hydrogen bond in the des, inability to separate the des from the reaction effluent, and the existence of residual reaction mixture in des might have contributed to a decrease in the des catalytic strength. table 8 shows the fame yield(s) obtained from the initial (synthesized)des (98.22%), from the des obtained from the first run (71.98%), and the des obtained from the second run (53.24%).therefore, following the application of des in two cycles, the yield of fame decreased. (a) (b) (c) figure 3. plots of response surface of fame yield against reaction parameters: (a) k2co3-glycerol mole ratio and conc. of des interaction: (b) k2co3glycerol mole ratio and time: and (c) time and conc. of des interaction 3.5. properties of the biodiesel produced the produced biodiesel was subjected to analysis, to verify its properties. the properties were then compared to the expected standards (astmd6751), as shown in table 9. the biodiesel produced in this study has a viscosity of 4.27mm2/s, 6 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 7 table 6. optimized parameter for the transesterification mole ratio of potasium carbonate/glycerol conc. of des(%w/w) time (min) yield of biodiesel (%w/w) desirability 34.96 8.63 84.67 98.1643 1.000 32.13 8.84 74.77 98.2353 1.000 33.79 9.20 103.67 98.3144 1.000 35.31 9.41 65.35 98.1606 1.000 34.22 8.69 103.56 98.1709 1.000 33.69 8.77 99.53 98.2959 1.000 34.69 8.84 80.65 98.3464 1.000 32.58 8.96 69.58 98.2845 1.000 35.66 8.81 95.63 98.2006 1.000 34.34 8.76 85.51 98.3365 1.000 table 7. optimized conditions and validation for transesterification process predicted optimal conditions and yield a(ratio) b (wt.%) c(min) yield (%w/w) 32.58 8.96 69.58 98.2845 actual experiments (validations) yield 1 (%w/w) yield 2 (%w/w) yield 3 (%w/w) average yield (%w/w) 98.20 98.20 98.22 98.207 predicted yield (%w/w) actual yield (%w/w) deviation 98.2845 98.207 ± 0.1% table 8. comparison of fame yield from the synthesized des and the reused des at optimized conditions s/no catalyst fame yield (%w/w) 1 des 98.22 2 des from run 1 71.98 3 des from run 2 53.24 which is within the astm biodiesel standard range [21]. this is relevant, considering that the atomization of the fuel being injected into an engine combustion chamber is affected by the viscosity of the fuel [42]. another crucial aspect for optimum engine performance is fuel density; the higher the density, the more difficult it is to pump the gasoline. the produced biodiesel has a density of 0.882g/cm3, which is also within the standard range [20]. another essential attribute of fuels is the cetane number, which is a measurement of a diesel’s combustion quality during compression ignition. engine performance, cold starting, warm up, and engine combustion roughness are all affected by the ignition quality, which is determined by the cetane number. the volatility of the fuel is related to the cetane rating, with higher ratings for more volatile fuels. if a high cetane fuel ignites too quickly, it may result in incomplete combustion and smoke; by not giving enough time for the fuel to combine with air for full combustion [42]. the synthesized biodiesel has a value of51.18 cetane number, which is within the acceptable range for use in diesel engines. the acid value, pour point, and cloud point of the jatropha oil biodiesel were all within astm d6751 specifications. despite the fact that astm does not specify a limit for biodiesel saponification value or iodine value, the attributes of the biodiesel generated are very similar to those reported in the literature [15]. gc-ms analysis reveals that the biodiesel produced contains 98.87% ester content and 1.13 % non-ester composition, as shown in table 10. this further confirms the quality of the biodiesel produced. 4. conclusion in the transesterification process to produce biodiesel from jatropha curcas oil, des (made from glycerol and k2co3) was utilized as a catalyst, in this study. the work shows that the des is a promising catalyst in the transesterification reaction, with a biodiesel yield of 98.22%, with ester content of 98.87 %. using response surface methodology (rsm) and box–behnken design (bbd) to investigate the primary reaction parameters, the mole ratio of k2co3/glycerol of 1:32.58, concentration of des of 8.96% w/w and time of 69.58 minutes served as the optimum conditions for the transesterification reaction. also, the study shows that after the third run of reusing the catalyst, a 53.24 % yield of biodiesel was obtained, which shows there is a certain (albeit low) level of reusability of catalyst. nevertheless, the study shows that the synthesized des is a promising catalyst in the transesterification reaction to produce biodiesel. acknowledgement the authors would like to express their gratitude to the administrations of ahmadu bello university, zaria, and university of abuja for their collaborative efforts and permission to publish this work. 7 abdurrahman et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1048 8 table 9. physical properties of jatropha oil biodiesel property produced biodiesel astmd6751 standard density at 400c (g/cm3) 0.882 0.86–0.90 viscosity at 400c (mm2/s) 4.27 1.6 –6.0 acid value (mg koh/g) 0.74 ≤ 0.8 cetane number 51.18 ≥ 47 pour point 0c -2 −15 to 16 cloud point 0c 10 −3.0 to 12 iodine value (mg i/100g oil) 104.133 —– saponification value (mg koh/g oil) 192.8 —– table 10. gc-ms of the produced biodiesel peak no name of the compound molecular formula retention time (min) peak area (%) 1 dodecanoic acid, methyl ester c13h26o2 24.408 0.03 2 methyl tetradecanoate c15h30o2 29.271 0.09 4 hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester c17h32o2 33.791 16.38 5 heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester c18h36o2 35.717 0.22 6 8,11-octadecadienoic acid, methyl c19h34o2 37.332 30.43 7 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester c19h36o2 37.479 22.44 8 methyl stearate c19h38o2 37.797 8.96 9 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, ethyl ester c20h36o2 38.392 0.08 10 oleic acid∗ c18h34o2 39.908 0.30 11 glycidyl palmitate c19h36o3 40.857 4.94 12 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, 2,3dihydroxypropyl ester c21h40o4 43.125 2.72 13 glycidyl oleate c21h38o3 43.987 9.99 14 adipic acid, butyl 3-heptyl ester c22h42o4 44.154 0.85 15 6-octadecenoic acid, (z)∗ c18h34o2 44.571 0.50 16 docosanoic acid, methyl ester c23h46o2 44.721 0.21 17 tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester c25h50o2 47.856 1.52 22 2,2-dimethyl-3-(3,7,16,20tetramethyl-heneicosa-3,7,11,15,19pentaenyl)-oxirane∗ c29h48o 49.525 0.34 total composition 100 total non-ester content (*) 1.13 total ester content 98.87 * indicates non-ester compounds references [1] p. maheshwari, m. b. haider, m. yusuf, j. j. klemeš, a. bokhari, m. beg, a. al-othman, r. kumar, a. k. jaiswal, “a review on latest trends in cleaner biodiesel production: role of feedstock, production methods, and catalysts”, journal of cleaner production 355 (2022) 131588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131588. 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university, oye-ekiti, nigeria abstract linear programming has served as a great tool in dealing with transportation problems to make a positive difference in economic and social activity. in this work, data of the national union of road transport workers (nurtw) is analysed to minimizing the cost of maintenance and repair of buses taking the route from sango park to different routes. data collected from the park are represented using tables and solved using the maple computer software application. the transportation problem is solved such that the transportation cost is minimized which leads to the profit being maximized. this is achieved by estimating the values of some identified parameters in the problem. this work will be beneficial to every other motor parks controllers to decide on some decision making that may bring to the union profit. this work will help the nurtw in sango to spend less on the vehicles and save more as income. keywords: linear programming, transportation problem, parameters, sensitivity article history : received: 26 september 2019 received in revised form: 26 october 2019 accepted for publication: 29 october 2019 published: 12 november 2019 c©2019 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction one major problem encountered by companies or organizations is the transportation problem. the transportation problem was given shape as a problem in 1871 by a french economist and mathematician called gaspard monge, the transportation problem was first studied in 1920 as a problem by aleskey nikolayevich, [1]. here, we study the sango nurtw which runs the transport service both in ogun state and outside the state. since the transportation problem is to find a way of minimizing cost (or time spent) or to maximize profit, the goal of every transportation is to meet the request of the destination. ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348032801624 email address: tolulope.latunde@fuoye.edu.ng (tolulope latunde) in this study, we only have two destinations, one destination is seen from the other, they are respectively the place where the vehicles will stop eventually when it leaves the park and the park itself. the optimization of transportation problem can apply to so many areas like the genetic algorithm, networking, modelling and many more. the transportation method in use is a type of linear programming problem that utilises the simplex technique. it is applied to the problems related to the study of the efficient transportation routes i.e., how efficiently the product from different sources of production is transported to the different destination such as the total transportation cost is minimum. here, we revise the solution of the formulated transportation problem until the optimum solution is obtained, thus we varied the values of parameters in the model to study the behaviours of each parameter of the model. 116 latunde et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 116–121 117 since usually the objective of the transportation problem is to either minimize the distance to be covered, total transportation cost or to maximize profit. the transportation problem can be defined mathematically as; suppose xi j ≥ 0 is the number of passengers traveling from ith origin to the jth destination the model of the problem given the cost of transportation c will be, minimize z = m∑ i=1 n∑ j=1 ci j xi j (1) s ub ject to n∑ j=1 xi j ≤ ai f or i = 1,2, ...,m i.e supply m∑ i=1 xi j ≤ b j f or j = 1,2, ...,n i.e demand. ∀xi j ≥ 0 if ∑n i=1 ai = ∑n j=1 b j, this means that the number of passengers available is equal to the number of available spaces in the vehicles to transport them. if not, it will be considered unbalanced transportation in this work. 2. literature review in recent times, books have been written, papers published and presentation made diversely on the transportation problem, we generally that in a layman language, the transportation problem is one of the optimization problems. a new way of solving the transportation problem from the park to different destinations was introduced in [2], the method used was readers friendly, easily accessible and can be quickly understood. the last table can be used to decipher the roads that serve as the best to be plied as well it explains the roads that need more vehicles to be added to increase the income rate. the cost coefficient of the objective function was dealt with thoroughly seeing into the multi-objective problems of transportation in [3]. a minimization work from the origin to the destination was carried out. the fuzzy programming technique was utilized to solve the problem that was converted from constraints to a deterministic solvable problem. asase did a great work on the transportation problem also, he used the guinness ghana limited in kumasi as a case study , he explained the transportation problem, created a table and solved using the vogel, north-west corner, least cost method as well as for test for optimality, he used the stepping stone method and the modified distribution method (modi) [4]. a k-objective transportation problem was formulated in [5] by fuzzy numbers and used alpha-cut to obtain a transportation problem in the fuzzy sense expressed in linear programming form. an additive fuzzy programming model for the multiobjective transportation problem was introduced. the method aggregates the membership functions of the objectives to construct the relevant decision function. weights and priorities for non-equivalent objectives are also incorporated in the method. their model gave a non-dominated solution which is nearer to the best-compromised solution. in the paper optimal solution of a transportation problem, a method was developed in [6] to get the initial basic feasible solution (or near to the optimal solution) of transportation problem. also, the algorithm provided in this paper gives the idea for the optimality in comparison with modi method as the flow of steps by step procedure. the paper helps in explaining vividly the algorithm used, the test of optimality and numerous numerical examples. however, some researchers have worked in the areas of sensitivity analysis and its application to transportation. parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of an optimal control model for capital asset management where the parameters of the formulated model of asset management are classified according to their degree of sensitivity was worked on in [7]. also, the sensitivity of parameters in an optimal control model of the electric power generating system to determine the behaviour of the model’s parameters in [8]. pandian and kavitha proposed a new bound technique for cost sensitivity ranges of solid transportation problems [9]. in this work, the maple software is used to derive the expected income and also determine the best routes that needed to be invested in the most by analysing the sensitivity of the parameters involved in the model. 3. statement of problem given that some passengers are to travel to different destinations from an nurtw transport company, there is a need for the nurtw to optimize the cost of transportation, determine the best ways of allocating vehicles by either increasing or decreasing the number of vehicles on a particular route. the total cost of transporting the passengers from the park i to the destination j is not changing from every other transportation problem. this is given by letting i = park and then j = destinations, prior ai and b j above xi j is the number of passengers to be transported from sango park i to the different destinations: n∑ j=1 ci j xi j = c11 x11 + c12 x12 + ... + c1n x1n (2) the total cost tc of transporting the passengers from sango park to the different destinations. tc = m∑ i=1 n∑ j=1 ci j xi j = c11 x11 + c12 x12 + ... + c1n x1n c21 x21 + c22 x22 + ... + c2n x2n . . . cm1 xm1 + cm2 xm2 + ... + cmn xmn 117 latunde et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 116–121 118 the nurtw agrees generally in sango to offer services of transporting her passengers from sango both intra-state and interstate as listed below. intra-state sango-atan sango-ewekoro sango-ifo sango-owode sango-idi-iroko sango-abeokuta sango-ijebu ode sango-ijebu remo sango-iperu inter-state sango-lagos (ikeja) sango-ondo (akure) sango-oyo (ibadan) sango-osun (oshogbo) sango-ekiti (ado-ekiti) 4. data collation and analysis all data were gotten from sango park in march 2019 at sango, ogun state. data were gotten by conversation and interviewing one of the sango nurtw official staff. the destination: this is the destination the vehicles go to from the park. it is the place the passengers paid for a service to be delivered to them. the trip: this is the to and fro movement a vehicle completes weekly. we should note that daily means all the vehicles can travel every day, turn means it depends on the total number of vehicles available and it is determined by how early the vehicles arrive as they will leave respectively as they have come. fuel: this is the average amount of fuel consumption (in litres) per trip. b/rt: (buses per route)these are the number of buses the nurtw for sango agreed to travel in a day. hrs/trip: this is the total number of hours it takes a vehicle to travel to the destination and to travel back to the park if it leaves immediately. t. fare: the t.fare here means transportation fare. in essence, it is the cost a passenger is charged for transportation service, better explained as the transportation fare per person in naira n. table 2 is an average data from different distributors, hence it might be a little bit expensive or cheaper depending on the bargaining power. in table 3, public drivers and sango nurtw mode of servicing their vehicles differ. the road differs, some are bad, some are fair and others are good, on that basis, some drivers will have to service their vehicles fortnightly, some every week and most service their vehicles monthly. this implies that a vehicle will get serviced at the rate of n8700 per month implying that averagely a vehicle will be serviced for n256.7 daily. we carefully noticed that the analysis above in table 4 is not true for all route, as stated earlier above, some route may cost more as some roads are bad e.g the sango to owode-iroko, this road attracts twice the amount most times. fuel : this is gotten by the litres of fuel used in a trip, as at the time of this thesis, a litre is n145, therefore, the fuel consumption cost is the total number of litres multiply by 145 in (naira). parking charges : this is the amount a vehicle driver will pay at the garage of the destination, this is because nurtw, sango does not have a parking space of her own. b/trp : this short form for bus per trip. it is the number of buses per trip that can be on the road at a time. hrs/trip : this is the short form for hours per trip. the time taken for a bus to reach the destination and fro. cvs/day : this is the short form for cost of vehicle service per day. vrm/day : this is the short form for vehicle repair and maintenance per day. income/trip : this is gotten by multiplication of the transport fare twice, twice because a trip is to and fro then multiplied by the number of people in a bus. the total number of passengers in a bus is 14 i.e (t fare × 2 × 14), expense/day : this is gotten from adding the fuel consumption cost + the parking charges + servicing vehicles cost per day + vehicles maintenance per day. income/day : this is gotten from subtracting vehicles expense per day from income for a trip per day. parking charges : this is the multiplication of the amount of parking charges per bus by the number of buses per on the road at a time. fuel : this is the multiplication of fuel used in a trip by the number of buses on the road at a time (b/trp). cvs : this is the cost vehicle service multiplied by b/rt vrm : this is the cost of vehicles repair and maintenance multiplied by b/rt, income/trip : this is gotten by multiplying the income per trip of the bus by the total number of buses that can be on the road at a time. total expense : this is the sum of by parking charges, amount of fuel used, cvs and vrm. total income : this is the difference between income/trip and the total expense. 5. model description the formulation of the problem is based on data gotten from the park and the immediate table 5. nurtw (sango park) allows the maximum of 140 buses in total to travel the road to all road to these respective destinations every day. meanwhile, these buses can be assigned to leave the park. solving the above linear programming problem, we derive n1,069,345.7. however, our goal in this work is to sensitize each parameter of the model to derive optimal allocation. thus from table 6, we increase all routes in twos respectively from the atan destination to the ekiti destination, we keep repeating this process for all the routes till 10 buses are added to all the routes. 118 latunde et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 116–121 119 table 1: data on trips s/n destination trip(weekly) fuel(ltrs) b/rt hrs/trip t. fare n 1 atan daily 15 20 1 150 2 ewekoro daily 15 20 1 200 3 ifo daily 20 15 1.5 300 4 owode daily 15 20 1.5 300 5 idiroko daily 25 10 2 400 6 abeokuta turn 30 10 2.5 500 7 ijebu-ode thrice 70 3 5 1500 8 ijebu-remo thrice 75 3 6 1700 9 iperu thrice 75 3 6 1800 10 lagos daily 20 15 2 300 11 ondo five times 35 7 3 700 12 oyo turn 70 2 4 1150 13 osun turn 85 2 5.5 2300 14 ekiti turn 95 2 7 2550 table 2: data on vehicle repair and maintenance (vrm) s/n item cost durability 1 break disk 10500 2 years 2 break lining 3000 1 months 3 break pad 1800 3 weeks 4 car battery 15000 2 years 5 front bearing 7000 5 months 6 fuel pump 5500 2 years 7 release bearing 3000 2 years 8 shock absorber 11000 2 years 9 shock filling 1800 6 months 10 tyre 24000 4 months total 82,600 table 3: cost of vehicle service (cvs) s/n service item amount monthly cost per day 1 engine oil (5ltrs) 5000 166.7 2 oil filter 1700 56.7 3 oil treatment 650 33.3 total 8700 256.7 we then run every addition by the maple software to ascertain the outcome and to determine the profit that will be generated, it was noticed that some routes yielded more income than the others as the buses plying the routes were increased. table 7 represents the optimal result of the formulated model. bus: this is the representation of each route respectively from the atan destination being x1 to the last destination i.e ekiti represented as x14. total no of buses: this is the new total number of buses assumed to be on the road at once from sango park. former b/rt : (former buses per route) this is the total number of buses plying a particular at once before the increase. new b/rt: (new buses per route) this is the total number of buses plying a particular at once after the increase. income generated: this is the result compiled by the maple software after the buses have been respectively increased in naira n. it is important to note that when none of the bus plying the route was increased, the income generated remains the same as the income generated in table 6 i.e n1,069,345.7. the highest income generated is from x14 which is the ekiti destination producing n1,617,172.7. 5.1. discussion on result table 8 shows our recommendation as to know which the routes needs increment of more vehicle to ply them and the outcome of our result is represented in figure 1 where it can be interpreted on the graph to see that the income generated by the x14 being the ekiti destination yields the highest income. figure 1 below shows the income generated by every bus. the buses are labelled respectively from the atan destination as x1 to ekiti as x14. the bus that generated the highest income is the x14, the bus plying ekiti. the problem was solved in maple software and represented in table 8 and figure 1 whereby the optimal value of n1,617,172.7 is obtained instead of the n1,069,345.7 after selecting the optimal allocation of vehicles to best routes by sensitising the parameters of the model. however, to determine the optimal vehicle allocation, we varied the values of parameters representing each vehicle in the model with respect to its location to understand how each parameter behaves. thus we recommend that ekiti routes should get more buses to ply it to optimize the cost transportation. this will yield extra n 547,827 more as profit. 6. conclusion due to some uncertainties in the cost of vrm, cvs and some other input parameters, non-linear constraint optimization problem shall be considered in future works to tackle this. 119 latunde et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 116–121 120 table 4: cost of vehicle repair and maintenance per day s/n item item cost durability durability (day) cost (day) 1 break disk 10500 2 years 720 14.6 2 break lining 3000 1 months 30 100 3 break pad 1800 3 weeks 21 85.7 4 car battery 15000 2 years 720 20.8 5 front bearing 7000 5 months 150 46.7 6 fuel pump 5500 2 years 720 7.6 7 release bearing 3000 2 years 720 4.2 8 shock absorber 11000 2 years 720 15.3 9 shock filling 1800 6 months 180 10 10 tyre 24000 4 months 48 500 total 82,600 804.9 table 5: total income per day s/n fuel(ltrs) fuel n parking charges n b/trp hrs/trip t.fare n cvs/day n vrm/day n income/trip n expense/day n income/day n 1 15 2175 0 20 1 150 256.7 804.9 4200 3236.6 963.4 2 15 2175 0 20 1 200 256.7 804.9 5600 3236.6 2363.4 3 15 2900 0 15 1.5 300 256.7 804.9 8400 3169.6 4438.4 4 15 2175 0 20 1.5 300 256.7 804.9 1609.8 4041.5 4358.5 5 25 3625 0 10 2 400 256.7 1609.8 11200 5491.5 5708.5 6 30 4350 150 10 2.5 500 256.7 804.9 14000 5561.6 8438.4 7 70 10150 350 3 6 1500 256.7 1609.8 42000 12366.6 29633.5 8 75 10875 350 3 6 1700 256.7 1609.8 47600 13091.5 34508.5 9 75 10875 300 3 6 1800 256.7 804.9 50400 12236.6 38163.4 10 20 2900 0 15 2 300 256.7 804.9 8400 3961.6 4438.4 11 35 5075 200 7 3 700 256.7 1609.8 19600 7141.5 12458.5 12 70 10150 300 2 4 1150 256.7 1609.8 32200 12316.5 198835 13 85 12325 350 2 5.5 2300 256.7 1609.8 64400 14541.5 49855.5 14 95 13775 350 2 7 2550 256.7 2414.7 71400 16796.4 54603.6 total 645 93525 2350 13850 3593.8 18507.7 387800 103454.54 269815.5 963.4x1 + 2362.4x2 + 4438.4x3 + 4358x4 + 5708.5x5 + 8438.4x6 + 29633.5x7 + 34508.5x8 + 38163x9 + 4438.4x10 + 12458.5x11 + 19883.5x12 + 49855x13 + 54603.6x14 x1 ≤ 20 x2 ≤ 20 x3 ≤ 15 x4 ≤ 20 x5 ≤ 10 x6 ≤ 10 x7 ≤ 3 x8 ≤ 3 x9 ≤ 3 x10 ≤ 15 x11 ≤ 7 x12 ≤ 2 x13 ≤ 2 x14 ≤ 2 x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x13 + x14 ≤ 132 table 6: the total income of all buses on the road at a time s/n dest. parking charges n b/rt fuel t.fare n cvs n vrm n income/trip n total expense n total income n 1 atan 0 20 43500 3000 5134 16098 84000 64732 19268 2 ewekoro 0 20 43500 4000 5134 16098 112000 64732 47268 3 ifo 0 15 43500 4500 3850.5 12073.5 126000 59424 66576 4 owode 0 20 43500 6000 5134 3219.6 168000 80830 87170 5 idiroko 0 10 36250 4000 2567 16098 112000 54915 57085 6 abeokuta 1500 10 43500 5000 2567 8049 140000 55616 84348 7 ijebu-ode 1050 3 30450 4500 770.1 4829.4 126000 39274.5 86725.5 8 ijebu-remo 1050 3 32625 5100 770.1 4829.4 141000 37099.5 88900.5 9 iperu 900 3 32625 5400 770.1 2414.7 151200 36708 114492 10 lagos 0 15 43500 4500 3850.5 12073.5 126000 59424 66576 11 ondo 1400 7 35525 4900 1796.9 11268.6 137200 49990.5 87209.5 12 oyo 600 2 20300 2300 513.4 3219.6 64800 24633 39767 13 osun 700 2 24550 4600 513.4 3219.6 128800 29083 99717 14 ekiti 70 2 27550 5100 513.4 4828 142800 33592.8 109207.2 total 7900 132 455875 62900 33884.4 118318.9 17579400 690054.3 1069345.7 120 latunde et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 116–121 121 table 7: result of sensitivity analysis analysis on the model s/n bus total no of buses former b/rt new b/rt income generated n 1 x1 142 20 30 1,080,770.7 2 x2 142 20 30 1,115,520.7 3 x3 142 15 25 1,115,520.7 4 x4 142 20 30 1,114,721.7 5 x5 142 10 20 1,128,221.7 6 x6 142 10 20 1,155,520.7 7 x7 142 3 13 1,367,471.7 8 x8 142 3 13 1,416,221.7 9 x9 142 3 13 1,452,766.7 10 x10 142 15 25 1,115,520.7 11 x11 142 7 17 1,195,721.7 12 x12 142 2 12 1,269,971.7 13 x13 142 2 12 1,569,691.7 14 x14 142 2 12 1,617172.7 table 8: optimal allocation based on sensitivity of the parameters s/n destination former b/rt recommend b/rt 1 atan 20 20 2 ewekoro 20 20 3 ifo 15 15 4 owode 20 20 5 idiroko 10 10 6 abeokuta 10 10 7 ijebu-ode 3 3 8 ijebu-remo 3 3 9 iperu 3 3 10 lagos 15 15 11 ondo 7 7 12 oyo 2 2 13 osun 2 2 14 ekiti 2 12 figure 1: the graph of income generated against number of buses by routes however, as a result of sensitivity analysis carried on the parameters of the formulated model, we recommend that additional buses should be considered to the best route of sango-ekiti to optimize income and minimize cost. references [1] s. sarbjit, “note on transportation problem with new method for resolution of degeneracy”, universal journal of 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[2] have introduced and studied pre-functions of a real variable. motivated by their work, we have defined pre-functions of a com∗corresponding author tel. no: +91 9840084991 email address: muthunagai@vit.ac.in (k. muthunagai ) plex variable. functions which possess a sequence { fn(z,β), z ∈ c,β ≥ 0} are called pre-functions of a complex variable z, if they tend to one of the elementary functions as n → ∞ and β → 0. pre-functions also possess some of the properties possessed by the elementary functions but not properties like periodicity. pre-functions were found to be very simple and useful in the study of differential equations. for the methods and solutions of various differential equations one can refer [310]. 2. the pre-exponential function of a complex variable exponential functions play a significant role in almost every branch of mathematics. in this section, we have determined a set of functions called pre-exponential functions, owning a sequence that generalizes the exponential function ex p(z). 1 thirumalai et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 2 for any complex number z, the series form of preexponential function is given by, pexp(z,β) = 1 + z1+β γ(2 + β) + z2+β γ(3 + β) + z3+β γ(4 + β) + .... = 1 + ∞∑ n=1 zn+β γ(n + 1 + β) , β ≥ 0, (1) β being the parameter. figure 1: graphs of pexp(z, 0), pexp(z, 1) and pexp(z, 2) figure 1 represents the behaviour of the pre-exponential functions pexp(z, 0), pexp(z, 1) and pexp(z, 2) in order. note that when β = 0, pexp(z, 0) = exp(z). in general, pexp(z, n) = ∗pexp(z, n − 1) − zn n! = pexp(z, n − 2) − zn−1 (n − 1)! ..., n = 1, 2, 3, .. figure 2: z-plane specifically, pexp(z, 1) = exp(z) − z pexp(z, 2) = exp(z) − z − z2 2! pexp(z, 3) = exp(z) − z − z2 2! − z3 3! = exp(z) − s 3 where s 3 is the partial sum of pexp(z, 3). for n ∈ n, pexp(z, n) = exp(z) − s n (2) where s n = ∑n r=1 zr r! . also, note that pexp(z, n) = 1, ∀ z ∈ c as n →∞. replacing z by −z in (1), we have, pexp(−z,β) = 1 − (−1)β { z1+β γ(2 + β) − z2+β γ(3 + β) + z3+β γ(4 + β) − ... } = 1 + (−1)β ∞∑ n=1 (−1)n zn+β γ(n + 1 + β) . (3) in (3), replacing β by 0 pexp(−z, 0) = 1 − z 1! + z2 2! − z3 3! + ... = exp(−z) (4) in short, pexp(−z, n) = exp(−z) − s n where s n = ∑n r=1(−1) r zr r! . 3. pre-trigonometric functions of a complex variable the pre-trigonometric functions of a complex variable are defined by y1(z,β) = pcos(z,β) = 1 − z2+β γ(3 + β) + z4+β γ(5 + β) − z6+β γ(7 + β) + ... = 1 + ∞∑ n=1 (−1)n z2n+β γ(2n + 1 + β) , z ∈ c, β ≥ 0 (5) and y2(z,β) = psin(z,β) = z1+β γ(2 + β) − z3+β γ(4 + β) + z5+β γ(6 + β) − ... = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n z2n+1+β γ(2n + 2 + β) , z ∈ c, β ≥ 0. (6) table 1 gives the expressions for the pre-trigonometric functions when β takes the values 0,1,2 and 3. 2 thirumalai et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 3 figure 3: w-plane figure 4: pcos(z, 1) = 1 − z 3 3! + z5 5! − z7 7! table 1: expressions for the pre-trigonometric functions s.no (z,β) pcos(z,β) psin(z,β) 1 (z, 0) cos(z) sin(z) 2 (z, 1) sin z − z + 1 1 − cos z 3 (z, 2) −cosz − z 2 2 + 2 z − sin z 4 (z, 3) −sin z + z − z 3 6 + 1 cos z + z2 2 − 1 4. euler’s formula for a complex number z, exp(iz) = cos z + i sin z. (7) using (1), the above expression can be rewritten as pexp(iz,β) = 1 − (i)β { z2+β γ(3 + β) − z4+β γ(5 + β) + z6+β γ(7 + β) + ... } +i(i)β { z1+β γ(2 + β) − z3+β γ(4 + β) + z5+β γ(6 + β) − ... } = 1 − (i)β{1 − pcos(z,β) − i psin(z,β)}, β ≥ 0 (8) figure 5: pcos(z, 0.6) = 1 − z 2.6 γ(3.6) + z4.6 γ(5.6) − z6.6 γ(7.6) figure 6: psin(z, 1) = z 2 2! − z4 4! − z6 6! figure 7: psin(z, 0.6) = z 1.6 γ(2.6) − z3.6 γ(4.6) − z5.6 γ(6.6) figure 8: pcosh(z, 1) = 1 + z 3 3! + z5 5! + z7 7! which is the general form of euler’s formula for preexponential function. clearly eiz = pexp(iz, 0) = pcos(z, 0) + i psin(z, 0) = cos z + i sin z. using −iz in place of iz, we have pexp(−iz,β) = 1 − (i)β{1 − pcos(z,β) + i psin(z,β)}, (9) which results in e−iz = cos z − i sin z, when β = 0. 3 thirumalai et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 4 figure 9: pcosh(z, 0.7) = 1 + z 2.7 γ(3.7) + z4.7 γ(5.7) + z6.7 γ(7.7) figure 10: psinh(z, 1) = z 2 2! + z4 4! + z6 6! figure 11: psinh(z, 0.7) = z 1.6 γ(2.6) − z3.6 γ(4.6) − z5.6 γ(6.6) figure 12: m3,0(z, 1) = 1 − z4 4! + z7 7! − z1 0 10! 5. relation between pre-circular and preexponential functions using euler’s formula, the relation between circular and exponential functions, we arrive at the following: pcos(z,β) = (−i)β pexp(iz,β) + (i)β pexp(−iz,β) 2 − (i)β + (−i)β 2 + 1 psin(z,β) = (−i)β pexp(iz,β) − (i)β pexp(−iz,β) 2i − (−i)β − (i)β 2i . ptan(z,β) = i (−i)β − (i)β − (−i)β pexp(iz,β) + (i)β pexp(−iz,β) (−i)β pexp(iz,β) + (i)β pexp(−iz,β) − (i)β − (−i)β + 2 psec(z,β) = 2 (−i)β pexp(iz,β) + (i)β pexp(−iz,β) − (i)β − (−i)β + 2 table 2: expressions for the pre-hyperbolic functions s.no (z,β) pcosh(z,β) psinh(z,β) 1 (z, 0) cosh(z) sinh(z) 2 (z,1) sinh z − z + 1 cosh z − 1 3 (z,2) cosh z − z 2 2 sinh z − z 4 (z, 2n) cosh z − ∑n r=1 z2r (2r)! sinh z − ∑n r=1 z2r−1 (2r−1)! pcosec(z,β) = 2i (−i)β pexp(iz,β) − (i)β pexp(−iz,β) + (i)β − (−i)β pcot(z,β) = −i (−i)β pexp(iz,β) + (i)β pexp(−iz,β) − (i)β − (−i)β + 2 (−i)β − (i)β − (−i)β pexp(iz,β) + (i)β pexp(−iz,β) (10) whenever they exist. for β = 0, these results give the relation between circular functions and exponential functions. 6. pre-hyperbolic functions of a complex variable the pre-hyperbolic sine and cosine functions are defined by h1(z,β) = pcosh(z,β) = 1 + z2+β γ(3 + β) + z4+β γ(5 + β) + z6+β γ(7 + β) + ... = 1 + ∞∑ n=1 z2n+β γ(2n + 1 + β) , z ∈ c, (11) and h2(z,β) = psinh(z,β) = z1+β γ(2 + β) + z3+β γ(4 + β) + z5+β γ(6 + β) + ... = ∞∑ n=0 z2n+1+β γ(2n + 2 + β) , z ∈ c. (12) table 2 gives the expressions for the pre-hyperbolic functions when β takes the values 0, 1, 2 and 2n. 7. relation between pre-hyperbolic and preexponential functions pcosh(z,β) = (−1)β pexp(z,β) + pexp(−z,β) 2 − 1 − (−1)β 2 , psinh(z,β) = (−1)β pexp(z,β) − pexp(−z,β) 2 − (−1)β − 1 2 , ptanh(z,β) = (−1)β pexp(z,β) − pexp(−z,β) − (−1)β + 1 (−1)β pexp(z,β) + pexp(−z,β) − 1 + (−1)β , psech(z,β) = 2 (−1)β pexp(z,β) + pexp(−z,β) − 1 + (−1)β pcosech(z,β) = 2 (−1)β pexp(z,β) − pexp(−z,β) − (−1)β + 1 , pcoth(z,β) = (−1)β pexp(z,β) + pexp(−z,β) − 1 + (−1)β (−1)β pexp(z,β) − pexp(−z,β) − (−1)β + 1 , if exists. assigning β the value 0, we find these relations reducing to the relations between exponential and hyperbolic functions. 4 thirumalai et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 5 8. extended pre-functions of a complex variable from generalized pre-trigonometric and pre-hyperbolic functions of a complex variable we have, pexp(−z,β) = 1 − (−1)β { z1+β γ(2 + β) − z2+β γ(3 + β) + z3+β γ(4 + β) − .... } = 1 + (−1)β ∞∑ n=1 (−1)n zn+β γ(n + 1 + β) . trisection of the above series leads us to three infinite absolutely convergent series for z ∈ c and β ≥ 0. they are m3,0(z,β) = 1 + ∞∑ n=1 (−1)n z3n+β γ(3n + 1 + β) m3,1(z,β) = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n z3n+1+β γ(3n + 2 + β) m3,2(z,β) = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n z3n+2+β γ(3n + 3 + β) , (13) with the initial conditions m3,0(0,β) = 1, m3,1(0,β) = 0, m3,2(0,β) = 0. one can easily verify m′3,0(z,β) = −m3,2(z,β) m′3,1(z,β) = (−1) β z β γ(1 + β) + m3,0(z,β) − 1 m′3,2(z,β) = m3,1(z,β). rewriting the above system in matrix form, we have  m3,0(z,β) m3,1(z,β) m3,2(z,β)  ′ =  0 0 −1 1 0 0 0 1 0   m3,0(z,β) m3,1(z,β) m3,2(z,β)  +  0 (−1)β z β γ(z+β) − 1 0   m3,0(z,β) m3,1(z,β) m3,2(z,β)  =  1 0 0  (14) we find the infinite series represented by m3,0(0,β) = 1, m3,1(0,β) = 0, m3,2(0,β) = 0 to be the solutions of the system of non-homogeneous equations given by (12). the expressions in (11) define the extended pre-trigonometric functions for n = 3 . specifically when β = 1 , we have m3,0(z, 1) = 1 + ∞∑ n=1 (−1)n z3n+1 γ(3n + 2) = m3,1(z, 0) − z + 1 m3,1(z, 1) = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n z3n+2 γ(3n + 3) = m3,2(z, 0) m3,2(z, 1) = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n z3n+3 γ(3n + 4) = −m3,0(z, 0) + 1 (15) figure 13: m3,0(z, 0.5) = 1 − z3.5 γ(4.5) + z6.5 γ(7.5) − z10.5 γ(11.5) figure 14: m3,1(z, 1) = z2 2! − z5 5! + z8 8! figure 15: m3,1(z, 0.5) = z1.5 γ(2.5) − z4.5 γ(5.5) − z7.5 γ(8.5) figure 16: m3,2(z, 1) = z3 3! − z6 6! + z9 9! 9. absolute convergence, analyticity and univalence of prefunctions we know that every absolute convergent series is convergent. but the converse is not true. in this section we have discussed about the absolute convergence of pre-exponential function using ratio test. pexp(z,β) = 1 + ∞∑ n=1 zn+β γ(n + 1 + β) 5 thirumalai et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 6 figure 17: m3,2(z, 0.5) = z2.5 γ(3.5) − z5.5 γ(6.5) − z8.5 γ(9.5) figure 18: pexp(z, 0.8) = 1 + z 1.8 γ(2.8) + z2.8 γ(3.8) + z3.8 γ(4.8) consider ∣∣∣∣∣ an+1an ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ γ(n + 1 + β)γ(n + 2 + β) ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ (n + β)!(n + 1 + β)! ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ (n + β)!(n + β + 1)(n + β)! ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ 1n + β + 1 ∣∣∣∣∣ lim n→∞ ∣∣∣∣∣ an+1an ∣∣∣∣∣ = 0 in similar lines the absolute convergence of the other prefunctions can also be proved. as the pre-exponential, pretrigonometric, pre-hyperbolic and extended pre-functions are all polynomials with infinite number of terms, they are analytic throughout the complex plane, (i.e.) they are entire functions. also they are univalent. as any function that is both analytic and univalent is conformal, so are pre-functions. 10. the transformation w = 1pexp( z,β) in this section, we have obtained the image of |pexp(z,β) − 2| = 1 under the transformation w = 1pexp(z,β) . w = 1pexp(z,β) ⇒ pexp(z,β) = 1 w and pexp(z,β) = 1 + ∑ ∞ n=1 zn+β (n+β)! . |pexp(z,β) − 2| = 1 ⇒ ∣∣∣∣∣1 + ∞∑ n=1 zn+β (n + β)! − 2 ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ 1w − 2 ∣∣∣∣∣ ⇒ ∣∣∣∣∣ ∞∑ n=1 zn+β (n + β)! − 1 ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ 1 − 2ww ∣∣∣∣∣ approximating the series to only one term we have∣∣∣∣∣ z22 − 1 ∣∣∣∣∣ = ∣∣∣∣∣ 1 − 2ww ∣∣∣∣∣ [n = 1,β = 1] now ∣∣∣∣∣ 1 − 2ww ∣∣∣∣∣ = 1∣∣∣∣∣1 − 2w ∣∣∣∣∣ = |w| |1 − 2(u + iv)| = |u + iv| (u − 2 3 )2 + v2 − 1 9 = 0 which is a circle in the w-plane. figures 2 and 3 are visualization of the given transformation. 11. visualization of certain pre-functions the extended trigonometric functions m3,0(z), m3,1(z) and m3,2(z) are found to be the linear independent solutions of the differential equation z ′′′ + z = 0. the properties possessed by these functions are similar to that of the classical trigonometric functions but for periodicity. due to lack of periodicity we see the graph to be oscillating with interlacing zeros. the parametric equations y1 = m3,0(z), y2 = m3,1(z), y3 = m3,2(z) will generate a surface y31 − y 3 2 + y 3 3 + 3y1y2y3 = r 3. for β = 1, the graphs of pre-trigonometric and extended pre-trigonometric functions are found to be oscillating and at the same time loosing periodicity. the graphs in figures 4-18 show how specific pre-functions behave for some fixed values of β. 11.1. special cases following are some of the special cases obtained as a result of our study about the pre-functions of a complex variable. 1. from the first identity of (13), we obtain m3,0(z1 + z2, 1) = m3,1(z1 + z2, 0)−(z1 + z2) + 1(16) by replacing z by z1 + z2 in it. 2. trisecting the series (1) for pexp(z,β), three infinite absolutely convergent series namely n3,0(z,β), n3,1(z,β), n3,2(z,β) for z ∈ c, β ≥ 0 have been obtained and these series define extended hyperbolic functions for n = 3. proceeding in similar lines as it has been done for n = 2 and n = 3, n-section of the infinite series pexp(−z,β) and pexp(z,β) give rise to generalized extended trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. 6 thirumalai et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 7 3. generating function for pre-laguerre polynomial can be obtained from pexp(z,β), by replacing z using −zyz−1 . 1 (1 − z) pexp ( −zy 1 − z ,β ) = 1 (1 − z) { 1 + (−1)β ∞∑ r=0 (−1)r zr+βyr+β (1 − z)r+βγ(r + 1 + β) } = 1 (1 − z) + ∞∑ r=0 (−1)r+β γ(r + 1 + β) zr+βyr+β (1 − z)r+β+1 = 1 (1 − z) + ∞∑ r=0 (−1)r+β γ(r + 1 + β) zr+βyr+β(1 − z)−(r+β+1) = 1 (1 − z) + ∞∑ r=0 (−1)r+β γ(r + 1 + β) zr+βyr+β ∞∑ t=0 (r + t + β)! (r + β)!t! zt = 1 (1 − z) + ∞∑ r,t=0 (−1)r+β (r + t + β)! γ(r + β + 1)(r + β)!t! yr+β ∞∑ t=0 zr+t+β for a fixed value of r and taking r + t = n, the coefficient of zn is (−1)r+β (n + β)! γ(r + β + 1)(r + β)!(n − r)! yr+β. taking all possible values of r into account, the total coefficient of zn is obtained to be n∑ r=0 (−1)r+β (n + β)! γ(r + β + 1)(r + β)!(n − r)! yr+β = ln(y,β), s = n − r ≥ 0 or r ≤ n. here ln(y,β) represents the laguerre polynomial when β = 0. ln(y, 0) = n∑ r=0 (−1)r n! (r)!(n − r)! yr = ln(y) 1 (1 − z) pexp {( −zy 1 − z ,β ) − 1 } = ∞∑ n=0 zn+βln(y,β) 4. we can also obtain the generating function for prebessel polynomial using pre-hyperbolic sine function. in psinh(z,β), replacing z by zx2 , we have (3n + 1 + β)! −(n + 1 −β)! psinh ( zx 2 ,β ) = (3n + 1 + β)! −(n + 1 −β)! { ∞∑ n=0 z2n+1+βx2n+1+β 22n+1+βγ(2n + 2 + β) } = ∞∑ n=0 (3n + 1 + β)!z2n+1+βx2n+1+β −(n + 1 −β)!22n+1+βγ(2n + 1 + β) = ∞∑ n=0 (3n + 1 + β)!z2n+1+βx2n+1+β −(n + 1 −β)!22n+1+β(2n + 1 + β)! for a fixed n and setting k = 2n + 1, the coefficient of zn is n∑ k=0 (k + n + β)! (n − k + β)!(k + β)! xk+β 2k+β = yn(x,β), k ≤ n. here yn(x,β) represents the bessel polynomial when β = 0. yn(x, 0) = n∑ k=0 (k + n)! (n − k)!(k)! ( x 2 )k = yn(x) (3n + 1 + β)! −(n + 1 −β)! psinh ( zx 2 ,β ) = ∞∑ n=0 zn+βyn(x,β) 5. replacement of z using zx2 yields the generating function for pre-legendre polynomial (3n + α + 1)! (3m + n + 1 + α)!(2n + m + 1 + α)! psin ( zx 2 ,α ) = (3n + α + 1)! (3m + n + 1 + α)!(2n + m + 1 + α)! ∗ { ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n z2n+1+α x2n+1+α 22n+1+αγ(2n + 2 + α) } = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n(3n + α + 1)!z2n+1+α x2n+1+α (3m + n + 1 + α)!(2n + m + 1 + α)!22n+1+αγ(2n + 1 + α) = ∞∑ n=0 (−1)n(3n + α + 1)!z2n+1+α x2n+1+α (3m + n + 1 + α)!(2n + m + 1 + α)!22n+1+α(2n + 1 + α)! (17) fixing n and taking α = −(n + 2m + 1−β), the coefficient of zn is m∑ m=0 (−1)m+β (2n − 2m + β)!xn−2m+β (m + β)!(n − m + β)!(2n−2m+β)(n − 2m + β)! = pn(x,β), (18) m ≤ n. here pn(x,β) represents the legendre polynomial when β = 0. pn(x, 0) = m∑ m=0 (−1)m (2n − 2m)!xn−2m m!(n − m)!(2n−2m)(n − 2m)! = pn(x) =⇒ (3n + α + 1)! (3m + n + 1 + α)!(2n + m + 1 + α)! psin ( zx 2 ,α ) = ∞∑ n=0 zn−2m+βpn(x,β) (19) 12. conclusion in this paper, we have introduced and investigated the properties of pre-functions and extended pre-functions for a complex variable. by fixing the value of β, we were able to graph these pre-functions and extended pre-functions. for suitable choices of z, we observe that these functions reducing to leguerre, bessel, and legendre polynomials, among other special functions. some more special functions can be derived by assuming simple functions for the variable z. references [1] s. g. deo & g. w. howell,”a highway to trigonometry”, bull.marathawada mathematical society 1 (2000) 26-62. 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federal university wukari, taraba state, nigeria abstract this study characterizes the bioactive molecules from the bulb of calotropisprocera and investigates the antimicrobial activities of the crude extracts. theoretical studies on the two isolated compounds in the crude extract were also accomplished.the bulbs were air dried, pulverized, and subjected to extraction procedures by maceration using 500 ml each of normal-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. the crude extracts were further tested onmicroorganisms and phytochemical screening using standard procedures. in addition, the bioactive compounds in the extract were screened against dna gyrase of two gram negative bacterial species; escherichia coli and salmonella typhiusing molecular docking simulation techniques and further subjected to admet profiling,using the swiss adme online server. the crude ethyl acetate extract has the highest effective activity against escherichia coli (mic 2.5mg / ml and mbc/mfc 5mg / ml), staphylococcus aureus (mic 2.5mg/ml), candida albicans, salmonella typhi and candida stellafoidea (mic 5mg/ml). β-amyrin acetate and taraxasterol are the two phytochemicals in the purified white crystalline fractions and were found to fasten to the active sites of dna gyrase of the gram negative bacterial species via hydrophobic and hydrogen bond interactions, with binding activity value of -9.6 kcal/mol and -9.5 kcal/mol, respectively. also, admet investigations of the compounds revealed their sound oral bioavailability and excellent pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles. the findings of this study could provide a platform for discovering safe and potent antibiotics against pathogenic microbes ravaging our society. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1576 keywords: phytochemical screening, anti-microbial screening, calotropisprocera, pharmacokinetics article history : received: 26 may 2023 received in revised form: 23 june 2023 accepted for publication: 24 june 2023 published: 23 august 2023 © 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: e. a. emile ∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 7031667488 email address: khandora2000@gmail.com, muluh.khan@fulokoja.edu.ng (m. e. khan ) 1. introduction natural products are the most successful precursors of future drug leads [1-5]. it has been, it is, and will continue to 1 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 2 provide distinctive structural variety that presents opportunities for discovering, mainly new low molecular weight lead molecules [6]. biosynthesis and a critical analysis of proteins, fatty acids, nucleic acids and carbon derivatives is known as primary metabolism and the molecules are called primary metabolites [7]. the mechanism by which an organism biosynthesizes bioactive molecules or secondary metabolites is a unique one [8]. these metabolites generally, are not actually needed for growth, development or reproduction of an organism but are produced either for adapting the organism to its surrounding environment or to act possibly for defence mechanism against predators in assisting survival of the organism [9]. biosynthesis of these metabolites is gained from the fundamental processes of photosynthesis, glycolysis and the krebs cycle to procure biosynthetic intermediates which, ultimately, results in the formation of these secondary metabolites [7]. though the number of building blocks is limited, the formation of new secondary metabolites is infinite. utmost important constructing blocks employed in the biosynthesis of these metabolites are those obtained from the intermediates: acetyl coenzyme a (acetyl-coa), shikimic acid, mevalonic acid and 1-deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate. these are involved in countless biosynthetic pathways, involving numerous different mechanisms, actions reactions, inactions and interactions. calotropisprocera, asmall tree is widely spread in tropical and subtropical africa [10]. it is called different names in english and locally, like “sodom apple, usher, dead sea apple, swallow-wort, giant milk weed ”tumfafiya or baabaa ambalee in hausa, ewe-bomubomu in yoruba, otokwuru in igbo and konzar atumbagh in tiv [11]. the plant is hardy, pubescent, evergreen, erect, a compact shrub up to 4.5 m tall, and is covered with cottony tomentum. the stem is usually simple, rarely branched, woody at base and covered with fissures. various parts of this plant have the ability to produce large quantities of latex when cut or broken [12]. calotropisprocera (asclepiadaceae) is recognised by most traditional systems of medicine as ‘madar” in unani medicinal system. earliest hindu writers mentioned the plant and its primeval name occurred in the vedic literature was “arka” alluding to the form of leaves, which was used in the sacrificial cremation described by the sanskrit writers [13]. the latex exuded by calotropisprocera is valued for its high medicinal and pharmaceutical activity due to its high content of bioactive compounds such as;cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, terpenes, resins, lipids, flavonoids, tannins and steroids [14]. this latex possesses different biological activities including: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitumor, antiviral, hepatoprotective, antiulcer, anthelmintic, insecticidal, herbicidal, antioxidant and spasmolytic activities [15]. theoretical chemistry concepts such as in silicomolecular docking, pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiling has found immense applications in the discovery of new bioactive molecules for the treatment of various diseases [16-18]. molecular docking entails the prediction of the binding interaction of bioactive compounds (ligands) with the active sites of a target macromolecule (receptor). the ligands with the most stable conformations with the target protein are the most promising drug candidates [19]. molecular docking technique has been widely used in pharmaceutical research in recent years because of its fast and cost effectiveness in screening data base of bioactive ligands [20-25, 18]. likewise, pharmacokinetic investigation which is concerned with the fate of therapeutic ligands in the biological system forms an essential component of modern drug discovery. this deals with the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (i.e., admet) potentials of bioactive ligands. in silico admet profiling of drug candidates helps to minimize attrition rates during the preclinical and clinical stages of drug development [26-28].this study is aimed at isolation, characterization and application of in vitro & in silico techniques to explore the bioactive molecules present in bulbs of calotropisprocera. 2. methods 2.1. sample collection the fresh bulbs of the plant identified as calotropisprocera (figure 1) was collected from millionaires’ quarters, lafia l. g a. of nasarawa state nigeria, in august, 2019 and was authenticated at the college of forestry and fisheries, federal university of agriculture makurdi, benue state nigeria with voucher no fh/0086, deposited at the college herbarium. the bulbs were washed with clean water to removed dirt and air dried at room temperature. the dried fruits were then pulverized into coarse powder with mortar and pestle, then sieved with a sieve of 0.55 mm pores and stored in cellophane bags at room temperature until required for experimental use. figure 1: plant and bulbs of calotropisprocera 2.2. extraction 500g of the plant material was weighed and extracted by the process of maceration, allowing the pulverized powdered material to soak in an appropriate solvent in a closed vessel at room temperature. three chosen solvents were employed, in the following order, normal-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. the plant sample was macerated with two litres of each of the solvents for 72 hours with agitation. the above was filtered and the filtrate concentrated under reduced atmospheric pressure using a rotary evaporator at 37oc, to recover some of the 2 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 3 solvent. this procedure was repeated for the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts. they were then allowed to dry. the various solvents extracts were coded for quick identification during further analysis. 2.3. screening for phytochemicals crude extracts from the used solvents were phytochemically evaluated for the presence of anthraquinones, saponins, tannins, steroids, terpenes, reducing sugars, flavonoids and alkaloids using standard scrutiny as reported by [29, 30]. phytochemical screening results showed the presence of saponins, tannins, steroids/sterols, tannins, terpenoids, flavonoids, reducing sugars, and cardiac glycosides. 2.4. bioassay antibacterial and antifungal activities of the normalhexane, ethylacetate and methanol crude extracts were investigated using clinical isolates of some pathogenic microbes such as: staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus faecalis, escherichia coli, vancomycin enterococci, neisseria gonorrhoae, profeusmirabili, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella typhi, candida albicans, candidakrusei and candida stellafoidea. dispersion method was used for screening the extracts. mueller hinton agar was used as the growth medium for microorganisms, sterilized at 121°c for 15 min, poured into sterile petri dishes and were cooled and solidified. the said crude extracts (0.4 g) were allowed to dissolve in 10.0 ml of dimethylsulphoxide (dmso) to acquire a concentration of 40.0 mg/ml. a disinfected medium was then seeded with the standard inoculum (0.1 ml) of test microorganisms and were equitably spread over the surface of the medium with sterile swabs. using a 6mm standard cork-borer, a well was cut at the centre of each inoculated medium. a concentration of 5.0 mg/ml of the already weighed crude extract was then launched into each well on the inoculated medium. the inoculated medium was incubated at 37oc for 24 hours, after which the medium was observed for the zones of inhibition which were measured with a transparent ruler [31]. minimum inhibition concentration (mic) of these extracts were carried out using broth agar dilution method. mueller hinton broth was prepared by dispensing 10.0 ml into test tubes and pasteurised at 37°c for 6 hours, then cooled. mcfarland’s turbidity standard scale number 0.5 was prepared to give a turbid solution. normal saline (10.0 ml) which was dispensed into sterile test tubes and the test microbes were inoculated and incubated at 37oc for 24 hours. thereafter, the tubes were observed for turbidity. the lowest concentration of extracts in the sterile broth that indicated no turbidity was recorded as the minimum inhibition concentration (mic) [32]. the minimum bactericidal and minimum fungicidal concentration (mbc and mfc) were carried out to determine the concentration of extracts that could stop growth of tested microorganisms. mueller hinton agar was prepared, pasteurised at 121oc within 15 minutes, poured into sterile petri dishes and allowed to cool. the contents of the test tubes with the evaluated mic were then sub-cultured onto prepared media, incubated at 37oc for 24 hrs, after which the plates were visualised for any colony growth. mbc/mfc plates with lowest concentration of extract, without a colony growth were considered as the mbc/mfc [32]. 2.5. spectroscopic characterization 1h and 13cnmr spectra of β -amyrin acetate (cp17) and taraxasterol (cp35) were run using cdcl3 as solvent on agilent-nmr 500mhz spectrophotometer at strathclyde institute of pharmacy and biomedical sciences, university of strathclyde glasgow, united kingdom. 2.6. molecular optimization and docking procedures antimicrobial studies on the crude extracts revealed that they possess profound bioactivities against escherichia coli and salmonella typhi. also, phytochemical screening divulged the presence of β -amyrin acetate and taraxasterol. guided by these findings, the two bioactive ligands were subjected to geometry optimization using the semi-empirical (pm3) method of spartan’14 software to obtain their minimum energy geometries. molecular docking simulation was used to screen the compounds against dna gyraseof escherichia coli and salmonella typhi. the 3d structure of the target protease (pdb code: 5ztj) was retrieved from protein data bank at www. rcsb. org/pdb. the water molecules, hetero-atoms, and cocrystallized ligands attached to the retrieved protease were removed using the biovia discovery studio interface. the target protein was further processed via the addition of polar hydrogens and kollman charges with the aid of auto dock vina tool v1.5.7. finally, the docking calculation between the ligands and the target dna gyrase was performed using pyrx software of auto dock vina tool by centring the vina search space at x: -26.4401 å, y: 23.0598 åand z: 22.0813 åwith dimensions of x: 51.6292 å, y: 53.0044 åand z: 51.8136 å[26-27, 33-34]. 2.7. drug-likeness estimation this is the evaluation of oral bioavailability of therapeutic compounds. here, in silico technique forms a pivotal part of modern drug discovery owing to the fact that most drugs are administered via the oral route. the assessment of oral bioavailability of β -amyrin acetate and taraxastero were performed using the lipinski’s rule of five and the veber’s rule. according to the lipinski’s rule, a drug must have its molecular weight (mw) ≤ 500, number of hydrogen bond donors (hbd) ≤ 5, octanol/ water partition coefficient log p ≤ 5 and number of hydrogen bond acceptors (hba) ≤ 10 for it to be orally bioavailable and violation of more than one of these indices could translate to poor drug-likeness potentials of a ligand. veber’s rule, on the other hand stipulates that, for a drug to be orally bioavailable, the number of rotatable bonds (nrb) must be < 10 and topological polar surface area (tpsa) must be < 140 å2. the nrb, tpsa, mw, hbd, hba, and log p value of the bioactive ligands were computed using the swiss adme (http: //www.swissadme.ch/www.swissadme.ch/) online tool [2627, 33-34]. 3 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 4 2.8. admet profiling the high failure rates of drug candidates at the late stage of drug development has made prediction of pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles of therapeutic ligands at the early stage of drug development a necessity. the phytochemicals were profiled for their gastrointestinal (gi) absorption, blood brain barrier (bbb) permeation, p-glycoprotein (p-gp) substrate potentials, and cytochrome-p450 enzymes inhibition using the swiss adme online server at http://www.swissadme.ch/ index.php. furthermore, osiris data warrior v5.5.0 chemoinformatics program was used to perform in silico toxicity assay on the ligands using the following toxicity endpoints; mutagenicity, reproductive effect, and irritating effect [26-27, 3334]. 3. results 3.1. phytochemical and antimicrobial screening phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of the crude extract results are presented in tables 1 and 2, respectively. table 1: phytochemical screening of the bulb extacts of calotropisprocera class of compound normalhexane ethyl acetate methanol saponins + + + tannins + + + flavonoids + + + steroids/sterols + + + alkaloids + + + reducing sugars + + + cardiac glycosides + + + anthraquinone + key = (+) indicate, present, (-) indicate, below detectable limits 3.2. elucidated structures of the bioactive compounds figure 2 presents elucidated structures of the two bioactive ligands present in the crude extract of the bulbs of calotropisprocera. experimental and literature data for 1h and 13cnmr analysis are presented in tables s1-s4 in the supplementary file (below). figure 2: elucidated chemical structures of bioactive compounds in the extract 3.3. molecular docking outcome the molecular docking simulation derived binding affinities and diagrams of interaction of the ligands with the active sites of the dna gyrasetarget are presented in figure 3. figure 3: binding affinity and diagrams of interaction of the investigated bioactive ligands with the active sites of dna gyrase 4. oral bioavailability and admet profiles of the phytochemicals oral bioavailability of a therapeutic ligand is a function of some of its physicochemical properties. tables 3 and 4 present 4 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 5 table 2: sensitivity/zone of inhibition (mm) of the crude extracts against microorganisms test organism ea meoh hexane ciprofloxacin tetracycline fluconazole nectricillin resistant staph. aureus s (24) s (21) s (20) r (0) s (29) r (0) vancomycin resistant enterococci r (0) r (0) r (0) s (28) s (30) r (0) staphylococcus aureus s (27) s (24) s (21) r (0) s (32) r (0) escherichia coli s (28) s (23) s (20) s (35) r (0) r (0) neisseria gonorrhea s (26) s (22) s (18) r (0) s (25) r (0) profeus mirabilis r (0) r (0) r (0) s (32) r (0) r(0) pseudomonas aeruginosa r (0) r (0) r (0) s (30) s (27) r (0) salmonella typhi s(24) s (21) s (18) s (41) r (0) r (0) candida albicans s (25) s (22) s (20) r (0) r (0) s (32) candida krusei r (0) r (0) r (0) r (0) r (0) s (30) candida stellafoidea s (23) s (20) s (17) r (0) r (0) s (34) legend =� s= sensitive, r= resistance, ea= ethyl acetate extract, meoh= methanol extract, hexane= n-hexane extract, numeric value in brackets = diameter of zone of inhibition in millimetres; drug concentration: ciprofloxacin = 20 µ g, tetracychine = 20 µg, fluconazole = 20 µg the descriptors of oral bioavailability and admet profiles of the ligands, respectively. table 3: oral bioavailability profiles of the phytochemicals ligand rule β-amyrin acetate taraxasterol lipinski’s yes yes hba 2 1 hbd 0 1 mw (gmol-1) 440.7 426.7 clogp(o/w) 7.0 7.1 veber’s yes yes nrb 2 0 tpsa ( å2) 26.3 20.23 hba; hydrogen bond acceptor, hbd; hydrogen bond donor, mw; molecular weight, clogp; consensus octanol water partition coefficient, nrb; number of rotatable bond, tpsa; topological polar surface area 5. discussion phytochemical screening of the crude extracts of the plant divulged the presence of reducing sugars, saponins, steroids, tannis, alkaloids and flavanoids. anthraquinones were below detection level (table 1). this is corroborated with the work of (35), when they analysed the root bark of terminaliaschimperiana. screening for antimicrobials was carried out against nectricillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin resistant enterococci, escherichia coli, profeus mirabilis, salmonella typhi, pseudomonas aeruginosa, candida albicans, neisseria gonorrhea, candida krusei and candida stellafoidea. parameters determined were the zone of inhibition (zi), minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) and minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration (mbc/mfc). the antibacterial and antifugal results obtained showed that ethyl acetate extract had the highest diameter of zones of inhibition (28 mm) against (35 mm) for the tested microbes. over all, ethyl acetate has the highest efficacy and efficiency of the applied solvents, followed by methanol and the n. hexane. out of the eleven (11) microorganisms employed, seven (7) had various degrees of activities, with the exception of, vancomycin resistant enterococci, profeus mirabilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa , and 5 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 6 table 4: in silico pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles of the phytochemicals ligand cyp450 substrate gia p-gp+ bbb mutagenic irritant reproductive effect tumorigenic logkp (cm/s) β -ac yes yes no no none none none none -2.6 ta yes yes no no none none none none -2.4 gia; gastrointestinal absorption, bbb; blood brain barrier penetration, p-gp+; p-glycoprotein substrate β-ac; β -amyrin acetate, ta; taraxasterol candida krusei, all of which had zero activities, as seen in table 2. the proton analysis (1h nmr spectra) of β -amyrin acetate (table s2), showed the presence of the trademark amyrinolefinic proton (1h-12) resonating as triplet at δ 5.16 ppm due to deshielding caused by the π bond. the proton nmr signals at δ 0.85, 0.98, 0.94, 0.81, 1.11, 0.85, 0.77, and 0.92 ppm depict eight methyl groups all singlets with an additional methyl group at δ 2.02 being the acetate methyl protons. at δ 4.47ppm, the double doublet is due to the lone proton on c-3 bonded equatorial to an acetate ester. broad singlet at δ 0.85 ppm of c-29 and c-30 methyl protons is a pointer to the characteristics of β – amyrin. furthermore, 13c nmr of the lone proton δ 4.47 (table s1), is assigned h-3 by hsqc correlation with δ 80.35 and hmbc3j correlation to methyls δ 15.71 (c-23), δ 28.30 (c-24) and δ 170.94 ppm (c-1’) from the acetyl moiety. hsqc correlation of δ 21.53 to δ 2.02 (3h) is evident of electron rich δ 170.94 ppm (c-1’) of the acetyl moiety. the acetate is attached to the first hexacyclic component at c-3. δ 5.16 and correlates with δ 121.68 ppm on hsqc and is ascribed h-12. it shows a hmbc2j correlation with the secondary carbon δ 23.75 (c-11) and 3j quaternary carbon δ 42.07ppm (c-14). h-12 bonds to the electron rich alkenyl carbon (c-12) and splitting with δ 1.80 (h-11) thus, resolved as triplets. δ 33.42 (c-29) axial and δ 23.86 ppm (c-30) equatorial correlations to 1h-19a, 1h-19b and 3h-28 indicates their association to ring e of amyrin. moreover, δ 0.85 (c-30 & c-29) 2j correlation to the quaternary δ 31.10 ppm (c-20) indicates the β – functionality of these methyls. the compound / molecule was established as β – amyrin acetate (figure 2a), on the basis of spectral data (1d1h-nmr, 13c nmr, 2d hsqc, hmbc spectroscopy, melting point 242oc, and tlc. more so, comparison with literature data (36-37), confirmed the molecule as β –amyrin acetate. studies show this compound to possess profound anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial and anti-rheumatism activities (38) and (39). spectroscopic signals in the pmr (table s4) and 13c nmr (table s3) spectra of taraxasterol were assigned completely using oneand two-dimensional (2d) nmr methods (hsqc and hmbc). the weak-field region of the pmr of the compound contains signals for three protons. based on cross-peaks in the hsqc, the first two protons at 5.10 ppm belong to c-30 with chemical shift 107.25 ppm. the doublet of doublets at 4.70 ppm corresponds with the proton on c-3 (80.75 ppm) of ring a. cross-peaks with c-2 and a quaternary c atom at 37.74 ppm (c-4) are found in the hmbc spectrum for h-3. cross-peaks with protons at 0.78 ppm (1h, triplet; corresponds with the c atom with chemical shift (cs) 55.42 ppm) at hsqc. the protons with chemical shift 0.91 ppm in the hsqc correspond with signals for c atoms with chemical shifts 28.06 and 16.36 ppm of the gem-dimethyls c-23 and c-24. their protons also correlate with tertiary (55.42 ppm) and quaternary (37.74 ppm) c atoms c-5and c-4, respectively. their characteristic atoms c-6 (18.37 ppm) and c-7 (34.13 ppm) are found using the hsqc spectra. protons h-1 and h-5 and protons of the methyl with chemical shift 0.86 ppm, give correlations in the hmbc spectrum with a quaternary c atom with δ 38.01 ppm. these are c-10 and methyl c-25. in the hsqc spectrum, the last signal correlates with h-9 with δ1.33 ppm which, in turn, correlates with c-10 and yet another quaternary c atom with chemical shift 40.62 ppm (c-8), c-8 couples with methyl protons at 0.99 ppm (on c-26 with δ16.36 ppm). the doublet for methyl protons h-29 at 1.08 ppm in the hsqc spectrum corresponds with the c atom at 25.60 ppm(c-29). corresponding cross-peaks in the hmbc spectrum between methyl protons in ring d at 1.08 ppm and c atoms at 38.30 (c-19) and 154.65 ppm (c-20) in addition to c-29 at 25.60 ppm and a proton at 2.15 ppm (h-19) confirm that the assignments were correct. methyl protons with cs 0.94 ppm, which correspond in the hsqc spectrum with the c atom at 19.58 ppm (c-28) have correlations in the hmbc spectrum with c atoms at 34.41 and 48.70 ppm (tables s3 and s4). these assignments in comparison with literature data (40-41), confirmed the compound to be taraxasterol (figure 2b). the presence of carbon spectrum in 145ppm and 178ppm at the 13c nmr indicate the presence of fatty acid impurities. this compound was reported to have many biological properties, including anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour activities [42]. oral bioavailability (drug-likeness) prediction for therapeutic ligands is a fundamental evaluation in novel drug discovery and development owing to the fact that oral delivery remains the most common path of drug delivery into the systemic circulation [34]. this essential parameter was assessed for the two phytochemicals taking cognisance of lipinski’s rule of five and the veber’s rule. the results, thus, presented in table 3, implies that they obey both rules. thus, the extract could be taken through the oral route. a major cause of high attrition rate in drug discovery and development is poor pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles of drug candidates. a way of circumventing this challenge is early prediction of admet profiles of drug candidates. table 4 presents the in silico admet profile of the two investigated 6 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 7 phytochemicals. all the ligands were found to possess good gastrointestinal absorption. the blood brain barrier (bbb) is a layer of endothelial cell that demarcate the brain from blood [44]. the assessment of bbb permeating potentials of the compounds shown in table 4 portrayed that none of the compounds can penetrate the bbb and as such would not have any influence on the central nervous system. also, p-glycoproteins (p-gp) are intracellular and extracellular membrane transporters of xenobiotic in the body [45]. it reduces cellular concentrations of its substrates leading to their poor pharmacokinetic profiles. all the investigated phytochemicals were found to be none substrates of p-gp (table 4). furthermore, cytochrome 450 (cyp450) monooxygenase is a group of enzymes central to the metabolism and excretion of drugs. the bioactive ligands were screened against five isoforms of the enzyme. the result (table 4) revealed that all the phytochemicals are substrate of cyp450 enzyme indicative of their high probabilities of been bio-transformed and eventually made bio available upon oral administration [46]. another important pharmacokinetic parameter worthy of consideration especially for therapeutic compounds that requires transdermal administration is the skin permeability (logkp). the logkp data of β -amyrin acetateand taraxasterol presented in table 4 revealed that both the compounds have poor skin penetration potentials due to the negative values of their logkp (45). additionally, the toxicity profiles (table 4) of the compounds revealed that none of them is mutagenic, tumorigenic, irritating, or pose any adverse effect on the reproductive system. 6. conclusions crude extracts of the bulbs of calotropisprocerawere investigated for the antimicrobial activities against eight bacteria and three fungi species. the extracts were found to exhibit significant inhibitory activities against the microbes with the crude ethyl acetate extract having the highest effective activity against escherichia coli (mic 2.5mg/ml and mbc/mfc 5mg/ml), staphylococcus aureus (mic 2.5mg/ml), candida albicans, salmonella typhiand candida stellafoidea(mic 5mg/ml). the phytochemical screening of the extracts confirmed the presence of β -amyrin acetate and taraxasterol. theoretical studies on the binding interaction of the two identified phytochemicals with the active sites of dna gyrase of escherichia coli and salmonella typhi revealed that the compounds bind to the target macromolecule via hydrophobic and hydrogen bond interactions with binding affinity of -9.6 kcal/mol and -9.5 kcal/mol for β -amyrin acetate and taraxasterol, respectively. the phytochemicals were found to be better inhibitors of dna gyrase when compared with the standard ciprofloxacin ligand which binds to the target macromolecule with binding affinity of -7.6 kcal/mol. in addition, in silico drug-likeness and admet investigations on the compounds showed that they obey both the lipinski’s rule of five and the veber’s rule in addition to displaying excellent pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles. acknowledgements the authors acknowledge the technical support of strathclyde institute of pharmacy and biomedical sciences, university of strathclyde glasgow, united kingdom and college of forestry and fisheries, federal university of agriculture makurdi, benue state nigeria. references [1] b. b. mishra, & v. k. tiwari, “natural products: an evolving role in future drug discovery”, eur. j. med. chem. 46 (2011) 4769. 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47.43 49.20 48.00 43.30 47.40 47.81 10 37.08 37.15 36.70 37.40 36.80 36.80 37.00 11 23.75 23.75 22.70 23.90 22.70 23.70 23.48 12 121.68 121.93 116.80 122.20 129.80 122.30 121.82 13 145.21 145.41 142.70 145.70 142.70 145.50 145.28 14 42.07 41.92 41.30 42.10 42.80 41.60 42.18 15 26.36 26.36 27.40 26.00 27.90 27.00 26.12 16 26.80 27.14 27.10 26.30 26.20 26.20 27.37 17 32.70 32.70 49.20 32.60 32.50 32.60 32.04 18 48.04 47.84 33.30 48.10 55.60 47.50 47.22 19 46.85 47.03 48.70 47.30 40.80 46.99 46.93 20 31.10 31.30 29.10 31.30 41.70 31.30 31.34 21 38.20 37.35 35.10 34.30 31.30 34.80 34.83 22 34.56 34.94 37.50 37.40 42.80 37.20 37.26 23 15.71 15.71 15.43 16.10 16.70 16.85 28.22 24 28.30 28.31 29.70 28.20 29.70 28.40 15.47 25 16.01 15.80 15.40 16.10 16.60 16.00 15.72 26 16.92 17.01 17.54 17.20 16.10 17.00 16.97 27 26.21 26.62 21.32 24.40 18.10 26.00 25.56 28 28.60 28.62 28.00 28.20 27.90 28.80 28.44 29 33.42 33.56 33.70 33.90 27.50 33.40 33.44 30 23.86 23.91 25.90 23.80 25.30 23.60 23.48 11 170.94 171.53 170.91 171.00 173.71 171.10 171.01 21 21.53 21.53 29.80 21.53 21.20 21.30 21.80 9 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 10 table s2: 1h experimental and literature data nmr of β− amyrin acetate position experimental data 1h (δ ppm) okoyeet al., 2014 1h (δ ppm) ushieet al., 2018 1h (δ ppm) abdullahiet al., 2017 1h (δ ppm) ercilet al., 2004 1h (δ ppm) chaturvedula and prakash, 2013 1h (δ ppm) wau, 2016 1h (δ ppm) 1 1.61 1.49 1.31 1.65 2 1.64 1.55 1.67 1.60 1.64 3 4.47 3.20 3.20 4.47 3.23 3.26 4.50 4 5 0.81 0.71 0.86 0.81 0.87 0.69 0.87 6 1.60 1.53 1.58 1.57 1.54 7 1.52 1.28 1.36 8 9 1.63 1.95 1.65 1.58 1.58 10 11 1.80 1.84 1.96 2.25 1.86 12 5.16 5.16 5.50 4.83 5.12 5.18 5.18 13 14 15 2.00 1.99 2.00 16 0.79 1.60 0.97 17 18 2.28 1.89 2.04 2.23 1.97 19 1.63 1.59 1.93 2.24 1.67 20 2.27 21 1.72 1.66 1.31 1.13 1.38 22 0.88 1.63 1.39 23 0.77 0.77 0.82 0.90 0.83 0.77 0.86 24 0.98 0.98 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.91 0.87 25 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.91 0.94 0.94 0.97 26 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.79 0.76 0.96 27 1.11 1.11 0.97 1.04 0.97 1.21 1.13 28 0.81 0.81 1.00 0.83 0.99 1.09 0.83 29 0.85 0.85 1.10 0.86 0.85 0.87 30 0.85 0.85 1.20 0.87 0.78 0.87 11 21 2.02 2.01 2.07 1.57 2.06 2.05 10 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 11 table s3: the 13c nmr experimental and literature data of taraxasterol position experimental data 13c (δ ppm) khalilovet al., 2003 13c (δ ppm) reynoldet al., 1985 13c (δ ppm) alavi and yekta, 2008 13c (δ ppm) shakurova et al., 2008 13c (δ ppm) mahato and kundu, 1994 13c (δ ppm) 1 38.45 38.40 38.44 38.90 38.80 2 23.60 23.60 23.70 27.70 23.70 3 80.75 80.80 80.96 79.00 79.00 4 37.74 37.70 37.79 38.70 80.94 38.80 5 55.42 55.40 55.40 55.20 55.40 6 18.37 18.10 18.18 18.40 18.30 7 34.13 33.90 33.99 34.00 34.10 8 40.62 40.80 40.91 40.80 40.90 9 50.47 50.30 50.39 50.40 50.50 10 37.00 37.00 37.04 37.00 37.10 11 21.50 21.40 21.46 21.50 21.50 12 25.52 25.50 26.15 26.10 26.20 13 38.80 38.80 39.15 39.20 39.20 14 41.85 41.90 42.03 42.10 42.00 15 26.60 26.60 26.64 26.50 26.70 16 39.00 39.10 38.29 38.40 38.30 17 34.41 34.40 34.53 34.40 34.50 18 48.70 48.60 48.63 48.70 48.70 19 38.30 38.30 39.28 39.40 39.40 20 154.65 154.40 154.64 154.60 154.54 154.70 21 25.62 25.40 25.61 25.50 25.60 22 38.93 39.30 38.85 38.90 38.90 23 28.06 27.80 27.94 28.00 28.78 28.00 24 16.36 16.40 16.51 15.40 16.48 15.40 25 15.51 15.40 16.34 16.90 14.54 16.80 26 16.36 16.20 15.89 16.00 16.11 15.90 27 14.85 14.60 14.72 14.90 14.09 14.80 28 19.58 26.10 19.49 19.40 19.53 19.50 29 25.06 19.40 25.49 25.50 25.94 25.50 30 107.25 107.00 107.12 107.20 107.23 107.10 11 khan et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1576 12 table s4: 1h nmr experimental and literature data of taraxasterol postion experimental data 1h (δ ppm) khalilovet al., 2003 1h (δ ppm) alavi and yekta, 2008 1h (δ ppm) mahoto and kundu, 1994 1h (δ ppm) 1 0.92 0.92 2 1.67 1.67 3 4.70 4.70 3.22 3.22 4 5 0.78 0.78 0.77 6 1.52 1.46 7 1.35 1.35 8 9 1.33 1.33 10 11 1.51 1.48 12 1.65 1.65 1.03 13 1.56 1.56 14 15 1.65 1.65 0.93 16 1.17 1.26 17 18 0.99 0.99 19 2.15 2.15 20 21 2.48 2.48 22 1.41 1.41 23 0.91 0.91 0.77 0.71 24 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.77 25 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 26 0.99 0.99 1.02 0.97 27 0.96 0.96 0.93 28 0.94 0.94 0.85 0.98 29 1.08 1.08 1.02 0.96 30 5.10 4.79 4.62 4.66 12 j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1453 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences modeling and analysis of a fractional visceral leishmaniosis with caputo and caputo–fabrizio derivatives dalal khalid almutairia, mohamed a.abdoonb, salih yousuf mohamed salihb, shahinaz a.elsamanib, fathelrhman el gumac, mohammed berirb,c,∗ adepartment of mathematics, college of education (majmaah), majmaah university, p.o.box 66, al-majmaah, 11952, saudi arabia. bdepartment of mathematics, faculty of science, bakht al-ruda university, duwaym, sudan. cdepartment of mathematics, faculty of science and arts in baljurashi, albaha university, albaha, saudi arabia. abstract visceral leishmaniosis is one recent example of a global illness that demands our best efforts at understanding. thus, mathematical modeling may be utilized to learn more about and make better epidemic forecasts. by taking into account the caputo and caputo-fabrizio derivatives, a frictional model of visceral leishmaniosis was mathematically examined based on real data from gedaref state, sudan. the stability analysis for caputo and caputo-fabrizio derivatives is analyzed. the suggested ordinary and fractional differential mathematical models are then simulated numerically. using the adams-bashforth method, numerical simulations are conducted. the results demonstrate that the caputo-fabrizio derivative yields more precise solutions for fractional differential equations. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1453 keywords: leishmaniosis, modelling, caputo, caputo–fabrizio, sudan. article history : received: 16 march 2023 received in revised form: 21 may 2023 accepted for publication: 19 june 2023 published: 26 july 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction visceral leishmaniasis, or kala azar, is a lethal vector-borne illness. india, bangladesh, and nepal have achieved substantial headway in lowering vl cases. east africa has made less progress, especially with south sudan’s continuous endemicity and vl outbreaks during the past 40 years. lack of infrastructure, clinical staff, idps, and hunger have hampered vl management in, and longer-term hazards to diagnostic kits and medications. pentavalent antimonials have been the backbone ∗corresponding author email address: midriss@bu.edu.sa (mohammed berir ) of vl treatment for decades, and resistance to them, as previously demonstrated in the indian subcontinent, provides another major barrier to vl treatment and management. to prevent monotherapy and minimize treatment duration, first-line 30-day sodium stibogluconate ss is substituted with a 17-day injectable combination regimen of ssg and pm in who recommendations in 2010 and sudan ministry of health guidelines in 2011. since 2012, ambisome has been donated to who for these purposes. in east africa, ssg/pm combo treatment had a 5% recurrence rate. relapse may be due to insufficient cellular immunity following therapy due to hiv, tb, or malnutrition, or inadequate treatment resulting in considerable chronic parasitaemia after initial clinical cure. in places like sudan, where 1 almutairi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1453 2 active patient follow-up is difficult and not common, vl recurrence rates are passively evaluated by vl re-treatment admissions as a proportion of overall vl admissions. passive monitoring shows an increase in re-treatment rates in recent years [1-7]. in the last 30 years, fractional calculus and nonlinear equations has become more well-known and important. fractional differential equations are used in physics, chemical engineering, mathematical biology, and finance [8-16]. simulating a fractional model simultaneously with a caputo derivative and a cf derivative. in addition, modeling and graphing with the fractional derivative is a highly effective technique for demonstrating leishmaniasis using matlab. this could be done to better comprehend the infection. using fractional derivatives as a research strategy for natural occurrences may result in more precise findings than other methods. as a result of this model’s use of a non-singleton kernel, the cf derivative has significantly improved predictive abilities. 2. preliminaries definition 2.1. riemann-liouville fractional integral (rli) operator of order α > 0 for a function y (τ) is given by [17]: dαy (t) = 1 γ(n −α) ∫ t 0 (t −τ)n−α−1yn(τ)dτ = in−αyn(t), t > 0. (1) definition 2.2. for y ∈ h1 (0, t) , t > 0, t > 0, α ∈ (0, 1] then the cf fractional operator [17] is given by cf 0 d α t y (t) = b(α) 1 −α) d dt ∫ t 0 y(τ)e−α t−τ 1−α dτ, 0 < α < 1. (2) in this expression b (α) satisfies the condition b (0) = b (1) = 1. definition 2.3. caputo derivative of order 0 ≤ n − 1 < α < n with the lower limit zero for a function y (τ) is given by [18]: iαy (t) = 1 γ(α) ∫ t 0 (t −τ)α−1y(τ)dτ, t > 0. (3) 3. anthropologic visceral leishmaniosis model with caputo derivative in this section, we describe the leishmaniasis model, which includes four subpopulations:susceptible, infectious, recovered, and recovered with permanent immunity, for the human population, and two compartments for the reservoir population: susceptible and infected. in addition to that, we have two compartments for sandflies: susceptible and infected. the human population is the only population in the model that has permanent immunity. the positivity, reproduction number, and equilibrium solutions of the model that was established in this work have all been determined to be free of leishmaniasis. additionally, the leishmaniasis cases, along with their respective localities and global stability properties, have also been determined. we obtain the model formulation by using a new variable: sh (t) = s h nh , ih (t) = ih nh , ph (t) = ph nh , rh (t) = rh nh , sr (t) = s r nr , ir (t) = ir nr , sv (t) = s v nv , iv (t) = iv nv , sh (t) = s h nh , m = nv nh and n = nv nr . the system of differential equations is given by: c 0 d α t ih = abmiv nh − ( α1 + δ + ah nh −δih ) ih, c 0 d α t ph = (1 −σ)α1ih − ( α2 + β + ah nh −δih ) ph, c 0 d α t ir = abniv sr − ah nh ir, c 0 d α t iv = acihs v + acphs v + acir s v − av nv iv, c 0 d α t sh = ah nh − [ abmiv + ah nh −δih ] sh, c 0 d α t rh = σα1ih + (α2 + β) ph − [ ah nh −δih ] rh, c 0 d α t s r = ar nr − abniv sr − ah nh sr, c 0 d α t sv = av nv − [ acih + acph + av nv ] sv, (4) with initial conditions: sh (0) = c1, ih (0) = c2, rh (0) = c3, sr (0) = c4, ir (0) = c5, sv (0) = c6, iv (0) = c7 . 4. anthropologic visceral leishmaniosis model with fc derivative in this section, we obtain the fractional model formulation under caputo–fabrizio derivatives: sh (t) = s h nh , ih (t) = ih nh , ph (t) = ph nh , rh (t) = rh nh , sr (t) = s r nr , ir (t) = ir nr , sv (t) = s v nv , iv (t) = iv nv , sh (t) = s h nh , m = nvnh and n = nv nr the system of differential equations is given by: fc 0 d α t ih = abmiv nh − ( α1 + δ + ah nh −δih ) ih, fc 0 d α t ph = (1 −σ)α1ih − ( α2 + β + ah nh −δih ) ph, fc 0 d α t ir = abniv sr − ah nh ir, fc 0 d α t iv = acihs v + acphs v + acir s v − av nv iv, fc 0 d α t sh = ah nh − [ abmiv + ah nh −δih ] sh, fc 0 d α t rh = σα1ih + (α2 + β) ph − [ ah nh −δih ] rh, fc 0 d α t s r = ar nr − abniv sr − ah nh sr, fc 0 d α t sv = av nv − [ acih + acph + av nv ] sv, (5) with initial conditions: sh (0) = c1, ih (0) = c2, rh (0) = c3, sr (0) = c4, ir (0) = c5, sv (0) = c6, iv (0) = c7 . 5. stability analysis in this part we discuss the stability of epidemiological model, the equilibrium points, eigenvalues value and the jacobian matrix for the model (1). 2 almutairi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1453 3 table 1: description of the variables for model. variable description nh (t) human host population nr(t) reservoir host population nv (t) vector population s h (t) susceptible humans ph (t) recovered and have permanent immunity ih (t) infected humans rh (t) recovery humans rs(t) susceptible reservoir ir(t) infected reservoir s v (t) susceptible sandflies iv (t) infected sandflies table 2: parameters values of the leishmaniasis model. parameter description value source a biting rate of sandflies 0.2856 day−1 [16] b progression rate of vl in sandfly 0.22 day−1 [16] c progression rate of vl in human and reservoir 0.0714 day−1 [16] ah human recruitment rate 10.1009 day−1 estimated ar reservoir recruitment rate 19.7795 day−1 estimated av vector recruitment rate 38858.62 day−1 estimated µh natural mortality rate of humans 4.341e − 6 day−1 [2] µr natural mortality rate of reservoirs 0.0017 day−1 [1] µv natural mortality rate of vectors 0.0668 day−1 [1] α1 treatment rate of vl 0.02 [2] α2 pkdl recovery rate without treatment 0.033 [20] σ recovery rate from vl infection after treatment 0.9 [1] 1 −σ developing pkdl rate after treatment 0.1 [1] δ death rate due to vl 0.011 [16] β pkdl recovery rate after treatment 0.9 [1] 5.1. equilibria the equilibrium points of dynamics (5) are computed solving the nonlinear system. table 3: the equilibrium points of the system. ei equilibria e1 (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 711.58, 1) e2 (32.5436, 0.1132, 711.5801, 22.7897,−29.7254,−1.9314, 0, 0) e3 (−31.1459,−0.0488, 711.58,−21.8109, 33.9641,−1.7693, 0, 0) e4 (85.0303,−72.8759, 711.5801, 59.5451,−82.2121,−71.0578, 0, 0) e5 (2.8182, 0.0062,−2.8244, 0, 0,−1.8244, 714.4046, 0) e6 (2.8182, 0.0062, 711.5801, 252.9373, 0,−1.8244, 0, 0) e7 (0, 0, 0, 0,−7.2892e11, 7.2892e11, 0, 0) e8 (0, 0, 0, 5.1155e8, 0, 0, 0, 0) 5.2. the jacobian matrix for the model: here, we talk about this epidemiological model stability. the disease-free equilibrium point is given as e1 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 711.58, 1) and the endemic equilibrium points e8 = (0, 0, 0, 5.1155e8, 0, 0, 0, 0). j (e1) =  −0.031 0 0 0.0157 0 0 0 0 0.002 −0.933 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −4.297e−8 15907.35 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.02 −3.438e−11 0 0 0 0 0.011 0 0 −0.0157 −4.297e−8 0 0 0 0.018 0.0933 0 0 0 −4.297e−8 0 0 0 0 −15907.35 0 0 −4.297e−8 0 −0.02 −0.02 0 0 0 0 0 −3.438e−11  (6) j (e2) =  −0.031 0 0 0 8035456.6 0 0 0 0.002 −0.933 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −4.297e−8 −0.0006 0 0 11435742383.06 0 0.000002 0.00002 0.00002 −3.438e−11 0 0 0 14.225 0 0 0 0 −8035456.6 0 0 0 0.028 0.0933 0 0 0 −0.00000003 0 0 0 0 0 0.0006 0 0 −11435742383.06 0 −0.00002 −0.0002 0 0 0 0 0 −0.000000027  (7) table 4: variable values. eigenvalues stability λ (17.833, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,−17.833) unstable λ∗ (−3.438e−11,−2.8e−8,−2.8e−8, −4.297e−8,−0.31,−0.933,−035456.6,−1.14e10) stable 5.3. the basic reproduction number the basic reproduction number is a baseline statistic in epidemiology and is represented by r0, which stands for the predicted value of the secondary infections rate per time unit. using the equation’s fractional model (1), we have fours infected classes, rewrite the system of equation 1 for the susceptible and 3 almutairi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1453 4 infected classes in the general form: d x dt = f (x) − v (x) , (8) where f (x) =  abmiv sh 0 abmiv sr ac(ih + ph + ir )sv)  , and v (x) =  (α1 + δ + µh) ih (α2 + β + µh)ph − (1 −σ)α1ih µr ir µviv  . (9) figure 1: systems of fractional orders model for α=0.99. figure 2: systems of fractional orders model for α=1 (first part) now, the jacobian of f (x) and v (x) of the disease free equilibrium point is: f =  0 0 0 abm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 abm ac ac ac 0  , and v =  α1 + δ + µh 0 0 0 −(1 −σ)α1 α2 + β + µh 0 0 0 0 µr 0 0 0 0 µv  (10) we have r0 = ρ ( fv−1 ) = √√√√√√√√√ ac[µr abm (α2 + δ + µh + (1 −σ) α1) + abn(α1 + δ + µh)(α2 + δ + µh) ] µv µr (α1 + δ + µh)(α2 + δ + µh). (11) lemma 5.1. the disease-free equilibrium e0 is locally asymptotically stable if r0 < 1 and unstable if r0 > 1. 6. numerical simulation and graphical representations this section is devoted to finding the approximate solutions of the proposed models (4) and (5) under fractional operators of caputo and caputo-fabrizio, respectively. we simulate our model using some highly reliable numerical techniques. the finite difference scheme for the initial value problem yields the following numerical techniques for the underlying operators: c xr+1 = x0 + (∆t)ω γ(ω + 1) r∑ k=0 [ (r − k + 1)ω − (r − k)ω ] f (xk) + o ( ∆t2 ) , cf xr+1 = x0 + (1 −δ)f (xr ) + δ∆t r∑ k=0 f (xk) + o ( ∆t2 ) , (12) table 1 shows a description of the variables in the model. figures 1 and 2 were obtained with the caputo (4) and cf methods (5) using the parameters in table 2. tables 3 & 4 show a summary of equilibrium points and the corresponding eigenvalues of the jacobian matrix. 7. conclusion a fractional model was simulated by using a caputo derivative as well as a cf derivative simultaneously. in addition, modeling and graphing with the aid of the fractional derivative is a very effective approach that can be used to show leishmaniasis with the use of matlab. this may be done in order to better understand the infection. when doing research on natural events, using fractional derivatives as a strategy might lead to more precise findings than other approaches. due to the fact that this model employs a non-singleton kernel, the cf derivative has much enhanced prediction capabilities. this research was carried out in the hope that it will be a useful resource for future applications and explorations of simulation by using a caputo derivative, and to investigate new methods such as those in refs. 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studied through the growth equations of exposed and infected humans. the inadvertent errors in the recurrence relations (dtm) of equations for dengue disease transmission including initial conditions have been removed. furthermore, the semi-analytic solutions of the model are obtained and verified with the built-in function asymptoticdsolvevalue of wolfram mathematica. it has been found that results obtained from the dtm are valid only for small-time t (t < 1.5), as t becomes large, the human population (exposed and recovered) and infected vector population become negative. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.170 keywords: sir model, differential transformation method (dtm), dengue fever, treatment article history : received: 01 march 2021 received in revised form: 2 april 2021 accepted for publication: 01 april 2021 published: 18 may 2021 ©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction dengue fever is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that is mostly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. the disease is spread by aedes mosquito due to day-biting [2]. dengue fever is the fastest-spreading vector-borne viral disease affecting 40 per cent of the world’s population, and now endemic in over 100 countries. over the last two decades, the number of dengue cases registered to who has increased from 505,430 cases in 2000 to over 2.4 million in 2010, and ∗corresponding author tel. no: email addresses: gstuteja@gmail.com (gurpreet singh tuteja ), tapshisingh@ymail.com (tapshi lal) 4.2 million in 2019. between 2000 and 2015, the number of registered deaths increased from 960 to 4032 [3]. a second potential vector, aedes albopictus, resides in temperate regions (north america and europe), where it may give rise to occasional dengue outbreaks [4, 5]. the spread of infectious diseases is studied through various epidemiological models, including observational studies, interventional studies apart from mathematical modelling using the compartment model [6]. the pioneering work using the sir model for contagious diseases is done by [7, 8, 9]. in the compartment model, the population is primarily divided into three distinct mutually exclusive compartments: susceptible s(t ), infected/infectious i (t ) and recovered r (t ) at any 82 tuteja & lal / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 82–88 83 time t , based on the epidemiological status of the population [10]. for the first time, the dtm was used for solving electrical circuit problems [11]. the application of dtm in finding solutions for the set of non-linear ordinary differential equations obtained using the sir model for various epidemiological diseases including typhoid [12, 13], malaria [14] and seasonal diseases [15] has been studied. in this sir model for dengue disease, we consider two separate but dependent sets of non-linear ordinary differential equations related to human and vector population [16, 17]. the purpose of this paper is to find semi-analytical solutions to the dengue fever (sir) model including the effect of treatment as a measure of control. the semi-analytic solutions are obtained by using the differential transform method (dtm) and are confirmed by using a built-in function: asymptoticdsolvevalue of wolfram mathematica and are discussed graphically also. the paper is organized in the following sections: in section 2, the sir model for dengue fever with model parameters including treatment is briefly described. the existence, uniqueness and positivity of the solution to the epidemiology problem are discussed in section 3. section 4 presents a theoretical concept and implementation of dtm. in section 5, numerical solutions are obtained with a graphical discussion. finally, concluding remarks in section 6. 2. formulation of the problem two sets of populations consisting of human and vector are considered in figure 1. the population is divided into some mutually exclusive compartments as given below. the total human population is divided into the following mutually exclusive epidemiological classes: susceptible humans sh (t ), humans with dengue in latent stage eh (t ), humans infected with dengue ih (t ), humans treated for dengue rh (t ) (recovered), while the vector population is divided into three classes: susceptible vectors s v (t ), vectors with dengue in latent stage e v (t ), vectors with dengue i v (t ). the class of treated vectors (rv (t )) is not taken into consideration. let nh (t ) and nv (t ) denote the total number of humans and vectors at time t , respectively. hence, we have that, nh (t ) = sh (t ) + eh (t ) + ih (t ) + rh (t ) and nv (t ) = s v (t ) + e v (t ) + i v (t ), where nh (t ) > 0, nv (t ) > 0, sh (t ) > 0, s v (t ) > 0, eh (t ) ≥ 0, ih (t ) ≥ 0, rh (t ) ≥ 0, e v (t ) ≥ 0, i v (t ) ≥ 0. the susceptible humans are recruited at a rate λh , while the susceptible vectors are recruited at a rate λv . the susceptible humans’ contract to dengue at a rate: λdv = βv h (ηv e v + i v ) nh , (1) where ηv < 1, this accounts for the relative infectiousness of vectors with latent dengue e v compared to vectors in the i v class. susceptible vectors acquire dengue infection from infected humans (infected blood is passed to a vector through a bite) at a rate: λd h = βh v (ηa eh +ηb ih ) nh , (2) where ηa < ηb this accounts for the relative infectiousness of humans with latent dengue eh compared to humans in the ih class [1]. the model equations for dengue disease transmission including treatment as a control measure are: d sh d t =λh −µh sh −λdv sh , (3) d eh d t = λdv sh − (γh +µh )eh , (4) d ih d t = γh eh − (τh +µh +δdh )ih , (5) d rh d t = τh ih −µh rh , (6) d s v d t =λv −µv s v −λd h s v , (7) d e v d t = λd h s v − (γv +µv )e v , (8) d i v d t = γv e v − (µv +δd v )i v , (9) where λh ,λv are the recruitment rates and µh , µv are natural death rates of susceptible human and vector population, respectively. βv h and βh v are the effective contact rate for dengue from vectors to humans and humans to vectors, respectively. the treatment rate for infected humans is τh . γh and γv are the progression rate of the human and vector population from the latent class (exposed) to the active dengue class, respectively. the disease induced deaths in human and vector are denoted by δdh and δd v . ηv , ηa , ηb are the modification parameters of e v , eh and ih , respectively. 3. existence, uniqueness and positivity of solution we will use the lipchitz condition to verify the existence and uniqueness of solution [18] for the model equations (3)(9): e1 =λh −µh sh −λdv sh , e2 = λdv sh − (γh +µh )eh , e3 = γh eh − (τh +µh +δdh )ih , e4 = τh ih −µh rh , e5 =λv −µv s v −λd h s v , e6 = λd h s v − (γv +µv )e v , e7 = γv e v − (µv +δd v )i v . let b denote the region, |t −t0| ≤ δ, ||x−x0|| ≤ α, where x = (x1, x2, . . . xn ), x0 = (x10, x20, . . . xn0) also suppose that a(t , x ) satisfies the lipschitz condition: ||a(t , x1) − a(t , x2)|| ≤ k||x1 − x2|| whenever the pairs (t , x1), (t , x2) belong to b where k is a positive constant, then there is a positive constant δ ≥ 0, such that there exists a unique and continuous vector solution x (t ) of 83 tuteja & lal / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 82–88 84 figure 1: dengue fever model the system in the interval |t − t0| < δ. the condition is satisfied by the requirement that ∂ai ∂x j ,i , j = 1, 2, 3, ..n, be continuous and bounded in b. considering the model equation (3)(9), we are interested in the region 0 ≤ α ≤ r [13]. let b denote the region 0 ≤ α ≤ r , then equations (3) – (9) will have a unique solution if ∂ai ∂x j ,i , j = 1, 2, 3, ..7 are continuous and bounded in b. for e1:∣∣∣∣ ∂e1∂sh ∣∣∣∣ = |− (µh +λdv )| < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e1∂eh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e1∂ih ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞,∣∣∣∣ ∂e1∂rh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e1∂s v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e1∂e v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e1∂i v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞. for e2:∣∣∣∣ ∂e2∂sh ∣∣∣∣ = |λdv | < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e2∂eh ∣∣∣∣ = |− (γh +µh )| < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e2∂ih ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞,∣∣∣∣ ∂e2∂rh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e2∂s v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e2∂e v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e2∂i v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞. for e3:∣∣∣∣ ∂e3∂sh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e3∂eh ∣∣∣∣ = |γh| < ∞,∣∣∣∣∂e3∂ih ∣∣∣∣ = |− (τh +µh +δdh )| < ∞,∣∣∣∣ ∂e3∂rh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e3∂s v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e3∂e v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e3∂i v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞. for e4:∣∣∣∣ ∂e4∂sh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e4∂eh ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e4∂ih ∣∣∣∣ = |τh| < ∞,∣∣∣∣ ∂e4∂rh ∣∣∣∣ = |−µh| < ∞, ∣∣∣∣∂e4∂s v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞, ∣∣∣∣ ∂e4∂e v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞,∣∣∣∣∂e4∂i v ∣∣∣∣ = 0 < ∞. these partial derivatives exist, are continuous and bounded, similarly for e5, e6, e7. hence the model has a unique solution. the positivity of the solution is presented in the following theorems: positivity of the solution: we show that the model equations (3)–(9) are biologically and epidemiologically meaningful and well-posed as the solutions of all the stated variables are non-negative [16]. if sh (0) > 0, eh (0) ≥ 0, ih (0) ≥ 0, rh (0) ≥ 0, s v (0) > 0, e v (0) ≥ 0 and i v (0) ≥ 0, then the solution region sh (t ), eh (t ), ih (t ), rh (t ), s v (t ), e v (t ) and i v (t ) of the system of equations (3)–(9) is always non-negative. we consider each differential equation separately and show that its solution is positive. theorem 1: positivity of susceptible human population: consider the differential equation (3): d sh d t =λh − (µh +λdv )sh (t ) ≥ −(µh +λdv )sh (t ), λh > 0 being recruitment rate of humans, we can write as: d sh sh = −(µh +λdv )d t on integrating, the solution is sh = sh0e− ∫ t 0 (µh +λdv )d t . it is clear from the solution that sh (t ) is positive since sh0 = sh (0) > 0 and the exponential function is always positive. theorem 2: positivity of latent human population: consider the differential equation (4): d eh d t = λd h sh (t ) − (γh +µh )eh (t ) ≥ −(γh +µh )eh (t ), sh (t ) is positive in time t and λd h > 0 being humans’ contract rate to dengue, we can write as: d eh eh = −(γh +µh )d t . 84 tuteja & lal / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 82–88 85 on integrating, the solution is eh = eh0e− ∫ t 0 (γh +µh )d t . it is clear from the solution that eh (t ) is positive since eh0 = eh (0) ≥ 0 and the exponential function is always positive. theorem 3: positivity of infected human population: consider the differential equation (5): d ih d t = γh eh (t ) − (τh +µh +δdh )ih (t ) ≥ −(τh +µh +δdh )ih (t ), γh being the progression rate of humans from latent class to active dengue class and eh (t ) ≥ 0, we can write as: d ih ih = −(τh +µh +δdh )d t . on integrating, the solution is ih = ih0e− ∫ t 0 (τh +µh +δdh )d t . so, it is clear from the solution that ih (t ) is positive since ih0 = ih (0) ≥ 0 and exponential function is always positive. theorem 4: positivity of recovered human population: consider the differential equation (6): d rh d t = τh ih (t ) −µh rh (t ) ≥ −µh rh (t ), τh > 0 being the treatment rate for infected humans and ih (t ) is positive in time t , we can write as: d rh rh = −µh d t . on integrating, the solution is rh = rh0e− ∫ t 0 µh d t . it is clear from the solution that rh (t ) is positive since rh0 = rh (0) ≥ 0 and the exponential function is always positive. theorem 5: positivity of susceptible vector population: consider the differential equation (7): d s v d t =λv − (µv +λd h )s v (t ) ≥ −(µv +λd h )s v (t ), λv > 0 being recruitment rate of vectors, we can write as: d s v s v = −(µv +λd h )d t . on integrating, the solution is s v = s v 0e− ∫ t 0 (µv +λd h )d t . it is clear from the solution that s v (t ) is positive since s v 0 = s v (0) > 0 and the exponential function is always positive. theorem 6: positivity of latent vector population: consider the differential equation (8): d e v d t = λd h s v (t ) − (γv +µv )e v (t ) ≥ −(γv +µv )e v (t ), s v (t ) is positive in time t and λd h > 0 being vectors’ contract rate to dengue due to infected humans, we can write as: d e v e v = −(γv +µv )d t . on integrating, the solution is e v = e v 0e− ∫ t 0 (γv +µv )d t . it is clear from the solution that e v (t ) is positive since e v 0 = e v (0) ≥ 0 and the exponential function is always positive. theorem 7: positivity of infected vector population: consider the differential equation (9): d i v d t = γv e v (t ) − (µv +δd v )i v (t ) ≥ −(µv +δd v )i v (t ), γv > 0 being the progression rate of vectors from latent class to active dengue class and e v (t ) ≥ 0, we can write as: d i v i v = −(µv +δd v )d t . on integrating, the solution is i v = i v 0e− ∫ t 0 (µv +δd v )d t . so, it is clear from the solution that i v (t ) is positive since i v 0 = i v (0) ≥ 0 and exponential function being positive always. hence, the stated problem is epidemiologically meaningful, well-posed and has a unique solution. 4. differential transform method (dtm) the differential transformation of the k t h derivative of f (x ) is defined as: f (k ) = 1 k ! [ d k f (x ) d x k ] x0 . (10) we obtain, f (x ) = ∞∑ k=0 f (k )(x − x0)k , (11) is called the inverse differential transformation of f(k). in real applications, the function f(x) can be expressed as a finite series and equation (11) can be expressed as: f (x ) = n∑ k=0 f (k )(x − x0)k . (12) so, we have f (x ) = n∑ k=0 (x − x0)k 1 k ! [ d k f (x ) d x k ] x0 . (13) from equations (10) and (11), the following properties are obtained: 1. if z (x ) = f (x ) ± g (x ), then z (k ) = f (k ) ±g (k ). 2. if z (x ) = αf (x ), then z (k ) = αf (k ). 3. if z (x ) = f ′(x ), then z (k ) = (k + 1)f (k + 1). 4. if z (x ) = f ′′(x ), then z (k ) = (k + 1)(k + 2)f (k + 2). 5. if z (x ) = f (l )(x ), then z (k ) = (k+1)(k+2)...(k+l )f (k+l ). 6. if z (x ) = u(x )v (x ), then z (k ) = ∑k l =0 f (l )g (k − l ). 7. if z (x ) = αx l , then z (k ) = αδ(k − l ), where kronecker delta, δ(k − l ) = { 1,k=l 0,k,l using the fundamental operations of differential transformation method, let sh (k ),eh (k ), ih (k ), rh (k ), s v (k ), e v (k ) and i v (k ) denote the differential transformations of sh (t ), eh (t ), 85 tuteja & lal / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 82–88 86 ih (t ), rh (t ), s v (t ),e v (t ) and i v (t ) respectively, the recurrence relation to each equation of the system (3)–(9) is: sh (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 { λhδ(k ) −µh sh (k ) −βv hηv nh k∑ m=0 sh (m)e v (k − m) − βv h nh k∑ m=0 sh (m)i v (k − m) } (14) eh (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 { βv hηv nh k∑ m=0 sh (m)e v (k − m) + βv h nh k∑ m=0 sh (m)i v (k − m) − (γh +µh )eh (k ) } (15) ih (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 {γh eh (k ) − (τh +µh +δdh )ih (k )} (16) rh (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 {τh ih (k ) −µh rh (k )} (17) s v (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 { λv δ(k ) −µv s v (k ) − βh v ηa nh k∑ m=0 s v (m)eh (k − m) − βh v ηb nh k∑ m=0 s v (m)ih (k − m) } (18) e v (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 { βh v ηa nh k∑ m=0 s v (m)eh (k − m) + βh v ηb nh k∑ m=0 s v (m)ih (k − m) − (γv +µv )e v (k ) } (19) i v (k + 1) = 1 k + 1 { γv e v (k ) − (µv +δd v )i v (k ) } (20) the recurrence relations (14), (15), (18) and (19) are the rectified forms of (8), (9), (12) and (13) of the study [1]. the semi-analytical solutions and numerical solutions have significantly changed due to these corrections. 5. numerical and graphical simulation of the model equations with the initial conditions sh (0) = 3503, eh (0) = 490, ih (0) = 390, rh (0) = 87, s v (0) = 390,e v (0) = 100, i v (0) = 130, we compute the semi-analytical solutions for k = 4 using following values of the parameters: nh = 4470, nv = 620, λh = 500, λv = 1, 000, 000, µh = 0.02041, µv = 0.5, βv h = 0.5, βh v = 0.4, γh = 0.3254, γv = 0.03, δdh = 0.365, δd v = 0, ηv = 0.4, ηa = 0.2, ηb = 0.5 [5]. 5.1. low dengue treatment(τh = 0.25) sh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 sh (k )t k = 3503 + 361.8919131767338t + 8.365058543813413t 2 − 686.2825200034454t 3 + 197.4722799192922t 4, eh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 eh (k )t k = 490 − 102.83504317673376t + 5.722527622691168t 2 + 685.5659739627513t 3 − 253.23941572498939t 4, i h (t ) = 4∑ k=0 ih (k )t k = 390 − 88.3639t + 11.342391324645417t 2 − 1.7816527943897462t 3 + 56.05381198239061t 4, rh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 rh (k )t k = 87 + 95.72433t − 12.02235428765t 2 + 1.026991360724097t 3 − 0.11659352306745382t 4, sv (t ) = 4∑ k=0 s v (k )t k = 390 + 999794.7744966443t − 263054.4930350626t 2 + 48072.332846142934t 3 − 6858.820737023293t 4, e v (t ) = 4∑ k=0 e v (k )t k = 100 − 42.774496644295304t + 13117.134652512259t 2 − 6547.277795576331t 3 + 1717.2934391692909t 4, i v (t ) = 4∑ k=0 i v (k )t k = 130 − 62.t + 14.85838255033557t 2 + 128.69494943339998t 3 − 65.19145214599749t 4 these solutions are the same as obtained from the in-built function asymptoticdsolvevalue of wolfram mathematica 13. following is the program: a s y m p t o t i c d sol v ev al ue [ {s′h [t ] −λh +µh sh [t ] + (βv hηv /nh )sh [t ] e v [t ] + (βv h /nh )sh [t ]i v [t ] == 0, e ′h [t ] − (βv hηv /nh )sh [t ] e v [t ] − (βv h /nh )sh [t ]i v [t ] + (γh +µh )eh [t ] == 0, i ′h [t ] −γh eh [t ] + (τh +µh +δdh )ih [t ] == 0, r′h [t ] −τh ih [t ] +µh rh [t ] == 0, s′v [t ] −λv +µv s v [t ] + (βh v ηa /nh )s v [t ] eh [t ] + (βh v ηb /nh )s v [t ]ih [t ] == 0, e ′v [t ] − (βh v ηa /nh )s v [t ]eh [t ] − (βh v ηb /nh ) s v [t ]ih [t ] + (γv +µv )e v [t ] == 0, i ′v [t ] −γv e v [t ] + (µv +δd v ) 86 tuteja & lal / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 82–88 87 i v [t ] == 0, sh [0] == sh[0], eh [0] == eh [0], ih [0] == i h[0], rh [0] == r h[0], s v [0] == sv [0], e v [0] == e v [0], i v [0] == i v [0]}, {sh [t ], eh [t ], ih [t ], rh [t ], s v [t ], e v [t ], i v [t ]}, {t , 0, 4}] 5.2. moderate dengue treatment(τh = 0.50) sh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 sh (k )t k = 3503 + 361.8919131767338t + 8.365058543813413t 2 − 686.2380770354108t 3 + 254.42405449756384t 4 eh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 eh (k )t k = 490 − 102.83504317673376t + 5.722527622691168t 2 + 685.5215309947168t 3 − 310.1875748678114t 4, i h (t ) = 4∑ k=0 ih (k )t k = 390 − 185.8639t + 65.5516163246454t 2 − 18.725982040526862t 3 + 59.912219486045935t 4, rh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 rh (k )t k = 87 + 193.22433t − 48.43782928765t 2 + 11.25480808602788t 3 − 2.3981754133248154t 4, sv (t ) = 4∑ k=0 s v (k )t k = 390 + 999794.7744966443t − 263053.6423639217t 2 + 49525.708598154626t 3 − 7943.074169380729t 4, e v (t ) = 4∑ k=0 e v (k )t k = 100 − 42.774496644295304t + 13116.28398137132t 2 − 8000.645040876618t 3 + 2812.4460625275524t 4, i v (t ) = 4∑ k=0 i v (k )t k = 130 − 62.t + 14.85838255033557t 2 + 128.6864427219906t 3 − 76.09064314682345t 4 5.3. high dengue treatment(τh = 0.75) sh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 sh (k )t k = 3503 + 361.8919131767338t + 8.365058543813413t 2 − 686.1936340673763t 3 + 311.3702737048312t 4, eh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 eh (k )t k = 490 − 102.83504317673376t + 5.722527622691168t 2 + 685.4770880266824t 3 − 367.13017863962915t 4, figure 2: susceptible, exposed, infected human (τ = 0.5) i h (t ) = 4∑ k=0 ih (k )t k = 390 − 283.3639t + 144.1358413246454t 2 − 53.93038836999731t 3 + 71.07183667576527t 4, rh (t ) = 4∑ k=0 rh (k )t k = 87 + 290.72433t − 109.22830428765t 2 + 36.777076894665t 3 − 10.299602854229525t 4, sv (t ) = 4∑ k=0 s v (k )t k = 390 + 999794.7744966443t − 263053.6423639217t 2 + 50978.94257164284t 3 − 9299.822488317648t 4, e v (t ) = 4∑ k=0 e v (k )t k = 100 − 42.774496644295304t + 13115.43331023038t 2 − 9453.870507653413t 3 + 4180.0925091263725t 4, i v (t ) = 4∑ k=0 i v (k )t k = 130 − 62.t + 14.85838255033557t 2 + 128.6779360105812t 3 − 86.98877080872326t 4. the graph of susceptible, exposed, infected human population with moderate treatment and exposed, infected vectors is plotted against time t figures 2 and 3. it is found that the susceptible and infected human population grows with time t while the exposed human population becomes negative after t = 2.25, being population graph, it can’t be negative (limitation of dtm). similarly, the graph of the infected vectors becomes negative. the effect of the treatment as a control measure can be studied from figures 4 and 5, where the effect of better treatment on infected population is found positive initially, the recovered population also increases initially and then consequently decreases (after t = 1.70, for high treatment rate) due to fast growth of infected population. 6. conclusions the compartmental model for dengue fever with treatment control measure [1] has been re-investigated and the 87 tuteja & lal / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 82–88 88 figure 3: exposed and infected vectors figure 4: infected human with different treatment (τ) figure 5: recovered human with different treatment (τ) inadvertent errors have been removed from the recurrence relations of the model equations due to dtm. the existence, uniqueness and positivity of the solutions have been established. the semi-analytical solutions of the model equations are re-computed using the dtm and built-in function asymptoticdsolvevalue of wolfram mathematica and are found to be the same. it has been found that results obtained from the dtm are valid only for a small interval of time t (t < 1.5), as t becomes large, the exposed, recovered human population and infected vector population becomes negative. for smaller t, the better the treatment is, recovery will be faster figure 5. acknowledgments we thank the anonymous referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] f. y. eguda, a. 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solar cells capacitance simulator (scaps) code, which is capable of solving the basic semiconductor equations. employing numerical modelling, a solar cell with the structure al |zno : al| in2s 3 |cigs | pt was simulated and in it, a double acceptor defect (-2/-1/0) with a density of 1014 cm−3 was set in the absorber in the first instance. this initial device gave a power conversion efficiency (pce) of 25.85 %, short circuit current density (jsc) of 37.9576 macm−2, photovoltage (voc) of 0.7992 v and fill factor (ff) of 85.22 %. when the density of multivalent defect (-2/-1/0) was varied between 1010 cm−3 and 1017 cm−3 the solar cells performance dropped from 26.81 % to 16.87 %.the champion device was with multivalent defect of 1010 cm−3 which shows an enhancement of 3.71 % from the pristine device. on varying the cigs layer thickness from 0.4 µm to 3.6 µm, an increase in pce was observed from 0.4 µm to 1.2 µm then the pce began to decrease beyond a thickness of 1.2 µm. the best pce was recorded with thickness of 1.2 µm which gave jsc of 37.7506 macm−2, voc of 0.8059 v, ff of 85.2655 %. on varying the in2s 3 (buffer) layer thickness from 0.01 µm to 0.08 µm, we observed that there was no significant change in photovoltaic parameters of the solar cells as buffer layer thickness increased. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.133 keywords: scaps, cigs, multivalent defect, buffer layer, absorber article history : received: 30 august 2020 received in revised form: 02 february 2021 accepted for publication: 04 february 2021 published: 29 may 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: t. owolabi & b. j. falaye 1. introduction cigs is a quaternary compound semiconductor which is an alloy of cuins e2 (cis) and cugas e2 (cgs) and comprises four elements namely: copper, indium, gallium and selenium. it is a direct band gap material [1] whose energy band gap could be varied from 1.06 ev – 1.70 ev by changing the indium to ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348063307256 email address: danladielibako@gmail.com (d. eli) gallium ratio [2]. according to hamanche [3], cigs is the most promising candidate for efficient and low-cost solar cells based on the advantages of the optical and electrical properties of the material [3]. in spite of these attractive features of cigs material, there are factors which could affect the performance of solar cells whose absorbers are made from this material. such factors include defect density in semiconductor layers and interfaces of the solar cell, absorber layer and buffer layer thicknesses, bandgap of semiconductor materials, working temperature of the solar cell among others. 48 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 49 multivalent defects are defects caused by transition metals which usually occur as impurities or as part of the structure of some semiconductors [4]. transition metals are metals which have valence electrons in two shells instead of only one. they therefore exhibit multiple oxidation states and can transit from one charge state to another by accommodating a variable number of electrons in their d-orbitals. when multivalent elements occur as impurities in semiconductors, it is not always clear how many of their valence electrons would be used for charge exchange. for example, if tin (sn) is doped on divalent zinc (zn) or magnesium (mg) site. we are not sure if it will behave as +iv element or a +ii element. there is really the possibility that a multivalent impurity would transit from one oxidation state to another and their transition would appear as deep level inside the band gap of the material. deep levels which are associated with a change in oxidation state tend to deteriorate the electronic properties of semiconductors. as they form recombination centers and carrier traps [4]. we therefore investigate in this work, the effect of multivalent defect density, thickness of absorber and buffer layer on the performance of cigs solar cells using scaps-1d. this software was used to calculate the short circuit current density (jsc), open circuit voltage (voc), fill factor (ff) and efficiency (η) which are photovoltaic parameters used for the assessment of solar cells’ performance. the spectral response of the solar cells in the face of varying defect density, absorber layer thickness and buffer layer thickness were also studied. 2. materials and methods 2.1. cell structure the solar cells simulated have the structure al|zno : al|in2 s 3|cigs |pt| as shown in figure1. the main parts of the cells are cigs absorber and the in2s 3 buffer layers. the cigs absorber is responsible for trapping light from the sun. it is considered environmental friendly because of the absence of cadmium in its structure. the material has a direct band gap and high absorption coefficient requiring just a few micrometers to absorb the maximum incident photon. the wide band gap of this material has also been found to be variable depending on the composition of the cigs material [5]. the in2s 3 is chosen as the buffer since it is stable, has a wider band gap and is considered nontoxic, when compared with other buffers such as cds. it is also transparent and photoconductive [6]. a transparent conductive oxide (tco) layer (acting as the window) made of zno:al is deposited on top of the buffer layer as it is transparent to most of the solar spectrum because of its wide band gap.although zno:b (boron doped zinc oxide) could be more beneficial for the solar cells because it lowers absorption losses leading to an increase in the quantum efficiency of the solar cells[7], zno:al is used in this research because it is a low cost tco and it is also highly conductive. front and back contacts usually made of metallic elements are introduced in the cells’ structure for the conduction of photogenerated charge carriers in and out of the solar cells. al is used as the front contact in this work, because it is lightweight, non-magnetic and corrosion resistant. it is a good conductor of electricity; more conductive figure 1. model of the simulated solar cell. than copper and less expensive than silver. a back contact of pt is preferred to the commonly used molybdenum since it is nontoxic when compared with molybdenum and gives a cell with higher efficiency [8]. 2.2. numerical modelling the method used for this work is numerical simulation. numerical simulation often gives insight into the interpretation of measurements even as it aids in the assessment of the potential merits of a cell structure [7]. some softwares among which is scaps-1d can be used to analyze the effect of the variation of materials parameters, that is, the presence or absence of particular properties or the varying of all properties in the range of values, for the optimization of solar cells’ efficiencies. this helps the producers of solar cells with the needed insight to effect necessary changes in their production methods in order to improve product performance. scaps1d simulation results have a good agreement with the results of existing experimental works [9] and this is the major motivating factor for its use in this research. scaps computes the steady state band diagram, recombination profile and carrier transport in one dimension, based on poisson’s equation (equation 1) together with the continuity equations (equations 2a and 2b) for holes and electrons. ∇· �e = q( p − n + n) (1) ∂n(x, t) ∂t = 1 q ∂jn ∂x + gn(x, t) − rn(x, t) (2a) ∂p(x, t) ∂t = 1 q ∂jp ∂x + g p(x, t) − rp(x, t) (2b) where e = electric field; � = permittivity of semiconductor; q = electronic charge; n = concentration of electrons; p = concentration of holes; n = net charge due to dopants and other trapped charges; jn and j p = current density of electrons and holes; gn and g p = rates of electron and holes generation in 49 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 50 figure 2. simulation procedure. figure 3. scaps solar cell definition panel. the semiconductor device; rn and rp are rates of electron and hole recombination in the solar cells. figure 2 shows the steps that were taken in the simulation, starting with the launch of scaps. 2.3. simulated parameters the material parameters were selected from experimental results [10,11,12]. table1 gives a summary of the parameters for each layer in the simulation. defect parameters in the layers and interfaces were sourced from literatures [1, 13, 14, 15] as shown in table 2. the work functions of the front contact (al) and back contact (pt) are 4.26 ev and 5.93 ev, respectively [16]. a working temperature of 300 k, solar spectrum am1.5 and a scanning voltage of 0 v 1.3 v were used for all simulations. the solar cell definition panel shown in figure 3 is the environment where the physical properties of the various layers of the solar cells were inputted. figure 4. energy band diagram in the cigs solar cell. 3. results and discussion 3.1. performance parameters from initial simulation in the initial device set up for this work, a multivalent defect in the form of a double acceptor (-2/-1/0) defect with a gaussian energy distribution, defect energy level (et) = {0.1, 0.4} ev above ev and a concentration of 1.0×1014 cm−3, was introduced into the cigs (absorber) layer. this defect which is mainly caused by cui i i (cui i i is a double acceptor and iii represents a group 3 element such as indium or gallium) defect is common in cigs absorbers [17]. details of other defects set in the simulation are given in table 2; the resulting performance parameters of the opencircuit voltage (voc ), shortcircuit current density (js c ), fill factor (ff) and efficiency determined using jv characteristics are compared with those derived from experimental work [18]. the comparison which is shown in table 3 reveals that there is a good agreement between data from calculations and those from experiment hence validating parameters used in the simulation. the j-v curve and quantum efficiency curve are also obtained and shown below. the parameters of the different layers used in the simulation are also given in table 1. in the quantum efficiency (spectral response) curve shown in figure 6, there is an observed increase of spectral response in the short wavelength between 350 nm(0.35 µm) and 400 nm(0.4 µm). the curve reveals a maximum efficiency of approximately 100 % occurring between 400 nm(0.4 µm) and 1000 nm(1 µm) but this high efficiency begins to fall off after 1000 nm(1 µm). this fall is very likely due to incomplete absorption of the long wavelength photons. this analysis pertaining to the quantum efficiency, agrees very much with those reported in literatures [1,19]. 3.2. effect of multivalent defect concentration in cigs (absorber) layer the density of absorber layer defect has a direct effect on photovoltaic cell performance because as the concentration of 50 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 51 table 1. materials parameters for cigs |in2s 3|zno : al| solar cell [10,11,12]. layer parameter cigs in2s 3 zno : al thickness (µm) 2 0.04 1.6 band gap, eg(ev ) 1.2 2.5 3.3 electron affinity, χe(ev ) 4.25 4.25 4.6 relative permitivity �e 13.6 13.5 9 nc, effective density of states (1/cm3) 2.2 × 1018 1.8 × 1019 2.2 × 1018 nv, effective density of states (1/cm3) 1.8 × 1019 4.0 × 1013 1.8 × 1019 electron mobility, µn(cm2/vs 100 400 100 hole mobility, µp(cm2/vs 25 210 25 acceptor concentration na(1/cm3) 1.0 × 1016 0 0 donor concentration nd(1/cm3) 0 1.0 × 1018 1.0 × 1018 table 2. defect parameters of buffer, window and interfaces [1, 13, 14, 15]. parameters in2s 3 zno:al cigs/in2s 3 in2s 3/zno:al interface interface defect type acceptor 0.04 1.6 capture cross section for electrons σn(cm2) 1.0 × 10−15 1.0 × 10−12 1.0 × 10−14 1.0 × 10−12 capture cross section for holes σh(cm2) 5.0 × 10−13 1.0 × 10−12 1.0 × 10−14 1.0 × 10−15 energetic distribution gaussian gaussian single single energy level with respect to reference (ev) 0.6 above ev 0.6 above ev 0.6 above ev 0.6 above ev characteristic energy level (ev) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 total density (cm−3) 1.0 × 1014 1.772 × 1016 concentration (cm−2) 1.0 × 1010 1.0 × 1010 figure 5. j-v curve of cigs solar cell with initial parameters. defects increase, the minority charge lifetime reduces. this is evident from τ = 1 σvth nt (3) equation 3 above where τ is the minority charge lifetime, σ is electron/hole capture cross section, vth is thermal velocity of electron/holes and nt is total density of defects but σvth = c and c is the capture constant of electron/holes so τ = 1cnt meaning that the life time τ is inversely proportional to the product of defect density and capture constant of the charge carrier. with table 3. results from initial simulation compared with experimental data. voc js c ff efficiency (v ) (ma/cm2) (%) (%) experimental [18] 0.7410 37.8000 80.60 22.60 simulation 0.7992 37.9576 85.22 25.85 figure 6. quantum efficiency curve with initial parameters. reduction in life time, the diffusion length of electrons and holes reduces. diffusion length is the average distance a charge carrier can travel in a semiconductor material before it recombines. di f f usion length, l = √ dτ (4) 51 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 52 meaning that if defect density increases, τ reduces and diffusion length reduces also. in equation 4, d is the diffusion coefficient for electrons/holes with a reduction in diffusion length, the probability of collection of photogenerated charge carriers at the terminals reduces; this in turn lowers the photocurrent for the solar cell, and increase the chances of recombination hence increasing the recombination loss in the absorber [20]. defects could be introduced either intentionally or unintentionally into semiconductors during the growth process, during processing of the device or from the working environment [21]. theoretical studies which are confirmed by results of measurement show that most of the existing defects in chalcopyrite solar cells, are multivalent in nature [22, 23]. in this study, the impact of varying multivalent defect concentration is observed by choosing the values of the defect density in the range of 1010 cm−3–1017 cm−3. table 4 gives the performance parameters of the cigs solar cells with various values of multivalent defect density in the absorber. it would be observed that the table 4. dependence of cells performance on multivalent defect density in cigs absorber layer. multivalent voc js c ff η defect (v ) (ma/cm2) (%) (%) density (cm−3) 1010 0.82086 37.96297 86.0388 26.8116 1011 0.82083 37.96297 86.0371 26.8102 1012 0.82059 37.96292 86.0196 26.7967 1013 0.81785 37.96244 85.8998 26.6700 1014 0.79924 37.95760 85.2210 25.8537 1015 0.74993 37.90711 83.6588 23.7824 1016 0.70338 37.29294 80.0979 21.0106 1017 0.67284 33.33359 75.2251 16.8716 solar cells’ performance does not change much when the defect density is below 1014 cm−3. this result tallies with the finding of similar study [24] in this regard. figure 7 shows that all electrical performance parameters start degrading at a defect density of ≈ 1015 cm−3. voc goes down from 0.82086 v to 0.67284 v , representing a decrease of 22.38 %. js c falls from 37.96297 ma/cm2 to 33.33359 ma/cm2 corresponding to a decrease of 13.89 %. these drops may be attributed to recombination within localized energy levels created by defects which cause current leakage [25]. as a result, the conversion efficiency goes down from 26.8116 % to 16.8716 % representing a decrease of 58.92 %. since solar cell efficiency is the amount of energy in the form of sunlight that can be converted into electricity by a solar cell, this 58.92 % decrease in conversion efficiency brought about by an increase in concentration of multivalent defect in the absorber layer poses a disadvantage to the functioning of the solar cell. according to a study [26], an efficient solar cell will have a high short circuit current density jsc, a high open circuit voc and a fill factor as close as possible to 1 (or 100 %). the fill factor is a measure of the ideality of a solar cell. in figure 7, the fill factor is observed to depart more from its ideal value of 100 % with an increase in the density of multivalent defect in the absorber leading to less efficiency and ideality of the solar cells. the multivalent defect density which produces an optimum performance of the solar cells is 1010/cm3 at an open circuit voltage voc of 0.8209 v , short circuit current density jsc of 37.96300 ma/cm2, fill factor ff of 86.0388 % and conversion efficiency η of 26.8116 % (as shown in figure 8). this implies that multivalent defect densities (double acceptors, in this case) in cigs solar cells should be controlled in such a way that they do not exceed this value. figure 9 shows the quantum efficiency (qe) as a function of wavelength for different values of defect density in the cigs layer. when the wavelength is in the range of 300 nm(0.3 µm) – 1200 nm(1.2 µm) the absorption efficiency decreases with increased multivalent defect density in the cigs layer. this is because as defect density increases the recombination (which causes loss of charge carriers) phenomena becomes more pronounced and since quantum efficiency is the ratio of the number of carriers collected by the solar cell to the number of incident photons [19], quantum efficiency drops. 3.3. effect of varying in2s 3 (buffer) layer thickness the influence of the thickness of in2s 3 buffer layer on performance of the photovoltaic cell is shown in figure 10. the thickness of the buffer was varied from 0.01 µm through 0.08 µm. although the variation of all photovoltaic parameters with increasing buffer thickness is not very significant, a reduction in the efficiency of the solar cells with increasing thickness of the buffer was noticed, in line with the findings in literatures [27, 28, 29]. this is caused by absorption of some photons in this layer [27] as a large number of short-wave length photons are absorbed before reaching the absorber layer while photons having wavelengths greater than that associated with the band gap of the buffer cannot generate electron-hole pairs and are therefore lost as heat. whereas a thin buffer layer means majority of photons can pass through the buffer into the absorber without being absorbed, increasing the buffer layer thickness causes a drop in efficiency of the solar cells. this is due to photon loss occurring inside the buffer layer. when a smaller number of photons make it through the buffer, less electron-hole pairs are created and this means less electricity is generated. this agrees with the findings [29]. the observed reduction in js c is caused by less production of electron-hole pair as a smaller number of electronhole pairs can reach the absorber layer with increase in buffer layer thickness. a decreased short circuit current means that less photogenerated carriers are produced and this lowers the efficiency of the solar cells. apart from the very little initial decrease in voc when buffer layer thickness is increased from 0.01 µm to 0.02 µm, the open circuit voltage remains constant showing that the buffer layer thickness has little or no effect on voc. from figure 10, there is a slight increment in fill factor when buffer layer thickness is increased from 0.02 µm to 0.03 µm thereafter, ff begins to drop again. these changes must have resulted from valence band discontinuities at the interfaces that appear as spikes [14]. the best efficiency of the solar cells after variation of the buffer thickness is 25.9813 % and this is achieved 52 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 53 figure 7. variation in performance of cigs solar cells with multivalent defect density. figure 8. j-v curves of cigs solar cells with various values of multivalent defect density. for a thickness of 0.01 µm at an open circuit voltage voc of 0.8030 v , jsc of 37.9591 ma/cm2 and fill factor of 85.2329 % (as shown in figure 11). figure 12 shows the quantum efficiency (qe) as a function of wavelength for different values of buffer (in2s 3) layer table 5. dependence of solar cells’ performance on buffer layer thickness. thickness voc jsc ff η of buffer (v) (ma/cm2) % % (µm) 0.01 0.8030 37.9591 85.2329 25.9813 0.02 0.7997 37.9586 85.2183 25.8698 0.03 0.7993 37.9582 85.2211 25.8556 0.04 0.7992 37.9576 85.2210 25.8537 0.05 0.7992 37.9569 85.2206 25.8529 0.06 0.7992 37.9560 85.2202 25.8521 0.07 0.7992 37.9549 85.2198 25.8512 0.08 0.7992 37.9536 85.2193 25.8502 53 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 54 figure 9. quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength for different values of defect density in cigs layer. thickness. when the wavelength is in the range of 300 nm (0.3 µm) – 1200 nm (1.2 µm), we observed that the spectral response curves overlap because the absorption efficiency remains constant for all values of buffer layer thickness. this spectral response in relation to varying buffer layer thickness further proves that buffer layer thickness has little or no effect on cigs solar cells investigated. 3.4. effect of varying cigs (absorber) layer thickness an important parameter which also affects the performance of cigs solar cells is the thickness of the absorber layer. the effect of thickness of the absorber layer on the solar cell’s performance parameters voc , js c , ff, pce is seen in figure 13. when the thickness of cigs absorber layer was varied from 0.4 µm to 3.6µm, the solar cell’s efficiency was seen to increase from 23.96 % to 25.94 % for an increase in thickness, of 0.4 µm – 1.2µm respectively. this increase is attributable to absorption of more photons as absorber layer thickness increases. this translates to the production of a significant number of electronhole pairs which then leads to an improvement in efficiency of the solar cells [12]. this is good for the performance of the solar cells since it means that more of the sun’s energy would be converted to electricity in the solar cells. beyond an absorber thickness of 1.2µm, the efficiency begins to drop due to decreased collection of photo-generated charge carriers which is caused by charge recombination. this tallies with similar finding [24] js c increases with increasing absorber thickness since longer wavelength photons are absorbed in thicker layers of the absorber and they enhance the amount of photo-generated carriers which in turn boosts efficiency and therefore produces solar cells which perform better. fill factor ff remains nearly constant but voc kept decreasing as a result of recombination of charge carriers [20] which increases in thicker layers of the absorber. this is not good for the performance of the solar cell as the efficiency of the solar cell has a direct dependence on open circuit voltage v oc. for optimum performance, the absorber thickness of the cigs solar cells should be kept at 1.2 µm. the photovoltaic cell parameters corresponding to this optimum value are v oc of 0.8059 v , jsc of 37.7506 ma/cm2, ff of 85.2655 % and conversion efficiency of 25.9403 % (as shown in figure 14). table 6. dependence of solar cells’ performance on absorber layer thickness. thickness voc jsc ff η of absorber (v) (ma/cm2) % % (µm) 0.4 0.8126 34.5688 85.2896 23.9577 0.8 0.8097 37.2321 85.2886 25.7114 1.2 0.8059 37.7506 85.2655 25.9403 1.6 0.8024 37.9045 85.2379 25.9258 2.0 0.7992 37.9576 85.2210 25.8537 2.4 0.7961 37.9805 85.2398 25.7724 2.8 0.7933 37.9930 85.2467 25.6934 3.2 0.7909 38.9921 85.2450 25.6128 3.6 0.7887 38.0000 85.2375 25.5452 figure 15 shows the quantum efficiency (qe) as a function of wavelength for different values of absorber (cigs) layer thickness. when the wavelength is in the range of 300 nm (0.3 µm) – 1200 nm (1.2 µm) the absorption efficiency increases with increased absorber (cigs) layer thickness. this is because as absorber (cigs) layer thickness increases the number of absorbed photons increases consequently, a higher number of electron-hole pairs are produced and the quantum efficiency increases [1]. for all values of absorber (cigs) layer thickness, it is observed that the spectral response curves show a decrease of the long wave length collection. this is most likely due to incomplete absorption of the long wavelength photons [30]. 3.5. performance of optimized parameters based on the optimized multivalent defect density, absorber layer thickness and buffer layer thickness, an efficiency of 27 %, current density of 37.75 ma/cm3, voltage of 0.829 v and fill factor of 86.26 % were obtained as depicted in figure 16. compared with the experimental data obtained by jackson et al.[18] were an efficiency of 22.6 % was reported, the optimized cell in this work shows an improvement of 16.30 % in efficiency. aside the alkali post deposition treatment (pdt) done on cigs absorbers which were used in the experimental solar cells referred to in table 8 their efficiencies could be improved upon by carefully controlling the concentration of multivalent defect in their absorbers as this form of defect is prevalent in chalcopyrite materials. table 7. optimized parameters of the device. optimized parameters absorber buffer thickness (µm) 1.2 0.01 multivalent defect density (cm3) 1010 – 54 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 55 figure 10. variation in performance of cigs solar cell with buffer layer thickness. figure 11. j-v curves of cigs solar cells with various values of buffer layer thickness. 4. conclusion in this work, we undertook numerical simulation to investigate multivalent defects and the influence of absorber layer thickness and buffer layer thickness on al|zno : al|in2s 3|cigs figure 12. quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength for different values of buffer (in2s 3) layer thickness. |pt| structured solar cells using scaps code. the efficiency of the initial device which was found to be 25.85 % with a multivalent defect density of 1014 cm−3 experienced a boost to 27 % when the solar cell was optimized with an absorber layer thickness of 1.2 µm, buffer layer thickness of 0.01 µm and a 55 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 56 figure 13. variation in performance of cigs solar cells with absorber layer thickness. figure 14. j-v curves of cigs solar cell with various values of absorber layer thickness. multivalent defect density of 1010 cm−3 in the cigs absorber layer. the results obtained revealed that when the density of multivalent defect in the absorber was varied from 1010 cm−3 through 1017 cm−3, the efficiency of the cigs photovoltaic cells dropped from 26.81 % to 16.87 % representing a decrease of figure 15. quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength for different values of absorber (cigs) layer thickness. 58.92 %. this result clearly shows how detrimentally multivalent defects can affect the performance of cigs solar cells. as expected, increasing the absorber layer thickness caused an increase in efficiency until an optimal thickness of 1.2 µm was achieved while increase in buffer layer thickness from 0.01 µm 56 lawani et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 48–58 57 table 8. photovoltaic parameters corresponding to optimized parameters of the cigs solar cells compared with those of experimental researches. simulation voc jsc ff η (v) (ma/cm2) % % initial 0.7992 37.9576 85.2200 25.8500 optimized absorber layer thickness (µm) 0.8059 37.7506 85.2655 25.9403 optimized buffer layer thickness (µm) 0.8030 37.9591 85.2329 25.9813 optimized multivalent defect density (cm3) 0.8209 37.9630 86.0388 26.8116 final optimization 0.8290 37.7541 86.2600 27.0000 experimental data 0.7570 34.8000 79.1000 20.8000 [31] experimental data 0.7440 36.7000 80.5000 22.0000 [32] experimental data 0.7410 37.8000 80.6000 22.6000 [18] figure 16. j-v curve of cigs solar cell with optimized parameters. through 0.08 µm caused a slight decrease of 0.51 % in efficiency. acknowledgments the authors wish to express their gratitude to prof. marc burgelman and his colleagues at the university of gent for providing scaps-1d software which was used in this work. we also thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] m. hasan, m. islam & a. khan, “comprehensive analysis of cds/in2s 3/zns buffer layers on performance of cigs solar cell”, (bachelor’s degree project, military institute of science and technology, bangladesh (2017). 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accuracy that could be improved. therefore, this article developed a more accurate higher derivative self-starting block scheme for the numerical solution of second-order fodes with fuzzy initial and boundary conditions imposed. linear block approach using taylor series expansion is adopted for the derivation of the proposed method and the basic properties are established using the definitions of stability and consistency for block methods. according to the numerical results, when compared to the exact solution in terms of absolute error, the new method proposed in this article outperformed existing numerical methods. it is thus concluded that the proposed method is effective for solving second-order fodes directly. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1087 keywords: fuzzy initial value problem, fuzzy boundary value problem, second order, two-step, block method, linear, nonlinear article history : received: 24 september 2022 received in revised form: 20 january 2023 accepted for publication: 12 february 2023 published: 04 april 2023 © 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction second-order differential equations have many applications, especially in the field of engineering, biology, chemistry, electronics, physics, etc. unfortunately, unpredictable scenarios may be encountered which introduced the concept of uncertainty [1] and the application of fuzzy derivatives in fuzzy differential equations (fdes) to handle these situations [2]. there are three differentiations used to describe the differential or derivative of a fuzzy function. the first is the hukuhara derivative ∗corresponding author tel. no: +60 49286354 email address: adeyeye@uum.edu.my (oluwaseun adeyeye) (h-derivative), which was introduced in [3], the second is the seikkala derivative introduced in [4], and the third is the generalized derivative (g-derivative) introduced in [5]. this study focuses on the h-derivative in order to define the differential equations considered in this article, which follows the definition by the authors whose results were considered for comparison in the numerical examples with the newly developed block method. the second-order fode of the form given in the equation below is considered in this article, ŷ′′(x) = f (x, ŷ(x), ŷ′(x)),∀x ∈ [a, b] (1) 1 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 2 from equation 1, ŷ′′(x) = d 2 ŷ dt2 = f (x, ŷ(x), ŷ ′(x)) is a hderivative and ŷ is a fuzzy function of crisp variable x. since the function is fuzzy, there exist solutions known as lower and upper solutions because the parametric form of the α-level is given as ŷ ′′ (x,α) = f (x, ŷ(x,α), ŷ′(x,α)),∀α ∈ [0, 1], where f = min { f (x, ŷ(x,α), ŷ′(x,α)) } and f = max { f (x, ŷ(x,α), ŷ ′ (x,α)) } . the above types of problems in the parametric form of fuzzy function may be difficult to solve directly, and sometimes it is not possible to obtain exact solutions. as a result, researchers were interested in employing various numerical approaches to obtain an approximate solution for second-order fodes. several types of numerical methods developed by numerous researchers for second-order fodes with initial and boundary conditions include the homotopy analysis method in [6, 7], decomposition method [8], laplace and differential transformation method in [9, 10], least-square method [11], and rungekutta method in [12-14]. the biggest drawback of these approaches is the reduction of the second-order fodes to the system of first-order fodes, which leads to computational burden and also impacts solution accuracy. to bypass the rigor of reduction, block methods were introduced for the direct solution of second-order fodes in [15-17]. however, due to the order of the block methods developed by these studies, it is observed that there is still room to improve the accuracy of their obtained results in terms of absolute error. hence, the motivation of this study is to develop a new block method with the presence of two higher derivative terms with the aim of obtaining better accuracy. in comparison to existing methods, the newly developed method has the advantages of better accuracy, being self-starting, and incurring a low computational burden in the development and implementation of the block method. the following is how this article is structured: the essential definitions for fuzzy set theory are presented in section 2, and the construction of the two-step block method with third and fourth derivatives is presented in section 3 with the use of the linear block approach. section 4 highlights the block method’s properties, section 5 considers linear and nonlinear numerical examples, and section 6 concludes the article. 2. preliminaries this section recalls some definitions which will be adopted in this article. the section discusses basic definitions of triangular fuzzy numbers, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, fuzzy set support, α-level set, and hukuhara differential. these concepts are required to establish the different parameters of the crisp theory’s uncertain behavior. these concepts play an important role when fuzzy differential equations model real-life situations. definition 1: triangular fuzzy number [18] consider three numbers (µ, v, w) ∈ r3,µ ≤ v ≤ w, then m(x) denotes the triangular fuzzy number given as: m(x,µ, v, w) =  0, x < µ x−µ v−µ , µ ≤ x ≤ v w−x w−v , v < x ≤ w 0, x > w (2) the corresponding α-level set is defined as mα = [ µ + α (v −µ) , w −α(w − v) ] ,α ∈ [0, 1]. (3) definition 2: trapezoidal fuzzy numbers [18] consider four numbers (µ, v, w,δ) ∈ r4,µ ≤ v ≤ w ≤ δ, then the trapezoidal fuzzy number m(x) is given as: m(x,µ, v, w,δ) =  0, x < µ x−µ v−µ , µ ≤ x < v 1, v ≤ x ≤ w w−x w−v , w < x ≤ δ 0, x > δ (4) the corresponding α-level set is defined as mα = [ µ + α (v −µ) ,δ−α(δ− w) ] ,α ∈ [0, 1]. (5) definition 3: fuzzy set support [18] a set â has fuzzy set support with x universal set defined as, s upp(â) = { x ∈ x|mâ(x) > 0 } (6) it contains all elements in x which have membership degree of fuzzy element greater than zero. definition 4: α-level set [18] consider that, m ∈ r f , the α-level set is defined as, mα = {x ∈ r|m(x) > 0} , α ∈ [0, 1]cl(suppm), α = 0 , (7) with its closed, bounded interval [m(x), m(x)]. m(x) and m(x) are lower and upper bound of mα respectively. definition 5: hukuhara differential [3] a function f : (u, v) → r f is called h-differentiable, if for h > 0 sufficiently small, then h-difference f (x) − f (x − h), f (x + h) − f (x) exists and ∃ an element f ′(x) ∈ r f such that, lim h→0 f (x) − f (x − h) h = lim h→0 f (x + h) − f (x) h = f ′(x). (8) then f ′(x) is called the h-derivative of f at x. 2 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 3 3. methodology given that the second-order fode defined in equation 1 be a mapping f : r f → r f and ŷ0 ∈ r f with α-level set ŷ0 ∈ (̂ y(0,α), ŷ(0,α) )α α ,α ∈ [0, 1]. the partition of the has the set of grid points 0 = x0 < x1 < x2 <,...,< xn = x with exact solution as ( ŷ (xn,α) )α α = ( ŷ (xn,α), ŷ (xn,α) )α α and approximation solution also denoted as (̂ y(xn,α) )α α = (̂ y(xn,α), ŷ(xn,α) )α α at which points, h = x−x0n , xn = x0 + nh, 0 ≤ n ≤ n. the two-step linear block method with the presence of third and fourth derivatives in second-order form is stated below as, (̂ yn+η )α α =  1∑ v=0 (ηh)v v! ŷ(v)n + 2∑ d=0  2∑ v=0 ψdvη f (d) n+v   α α ,η = 1, 2 (9) with the first derivative expression for the block method form given as (̂ y′n+η )α α = ̂y′n + 2∑ d=0  2∑ v=0 ωdvη f (d) n+v   α α ,η = 1, 2 (10) expanding equations 9 and 10 produces the expressions in equations 11, 12, 13, and , 14. (̂ yn+1 )α α =  ŷn + ĥy ′ n + [ψ001 fn + ψ011 fn+1 + ψ021 fn+2 +ψ101 f ′ n + ψ111 f ′ n+1 + ψ121 f ′ n+2 + ψ201 f ′′ n +ψ211 f ′′ n+1 + ψ221 f ′′ n+2]  α α (11) (̂ yn+2 )α α =  ŷn + 2ĥy ′ n + [ψ002 fn + ψ012 fn+1 + ψ022 fn+2 +ψ102 f ′ n+1 + ψ112 f ′ n+1 + ψ122 f ′ n+2 + ψ202 f ′′ n +ψ212 f ′′ n+1 + ψ222 f ′′ n+2]  α α (12) (̂ y ′ n+1 )α α =  ŷ′n + [ω001 fn + ω011 fn+1 + ω021 fn+2 + ω101 f ′ n +ω111 f ′ n+1 + ω121 f ′ n+2 + ω201 f ′′ n + ω211 f ′′ n+1 +ω221 f ′′ n+2]  α α (13) (̂ y ′ n+2 )α α =  ŷ′n + [ω002 fn + ω012 fn+1 + ω022 fn+2 + ω102 f ′ n +ω112 f ′ n+1 + ω122 f ′ n+2 + ω202 f ′′ n + ω212 f ′′ n+1 +ω222 f ′′ n+2]  α α (14) by applying taylor series expansions (̂ y(x + h; α) )α α =  n∑ i=0 hi i! f i(x; α) α α (15) which is given in [19] to expand each term in equations 11-14 yields (̂ yn+ j )α α = (̂ y(xn + jh; α) )α α =  n∑ i=0 ( jh)i i! f i(xn; α) α α , j = 0, 1, 2, (16) (̂ yn+ j )α α =  ŷ(xn; α) + jĥy ′(xn; α) + ( jh)2 2! ŷ′′(xn; α) + ( jh)3 3! ŷ′′′(xn; α) + .... + ( jh)n n! ŷn(xn; α)  α α . (17) after that, the unknown coefficients ψdvn and ωdvn are obtained from ψdvn = a−1 b and ωdvn = a−1 d, where a =  1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h 2h 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 h 2 2! 22 h2 2! 0 h 2h 1 1 1 0 h 3 3! 23 h3 3! 0 h2 2! 22 h2 2! 0 h 2h 0 h 4 4! 24 h4 4! 0 h3 3! 23 h3 31 0 h2 2! 22 h2 2! 0 h 5 5! 25 h5 5! 0 h4 4! 24 h4 4! 0 h3 3! 23 h3 3! 0 h 6 6! 26 h6 6! 0 h5 5! 25 h5 5! 0 h4 4! 24 h4 4! 0 h 7 7! 27 h7 7! 0 h6 6! 26 h6 6! 0 h5 5! 25 h5 5! 0 h 8 8! 28 h8 8! 0 h7 7! 27 h7 7! 0 h6 61 26 h6 6!  α α , b = α (ηh)2 2! (ηh)3 3! (ηh)4 4! (ηh)5 5! (ηh)6 6! (ηh)7 7! (ηh)8 8! (ηh)9 9! (ηh)10 10!  α , d =  ηh (ηh)2 2! (ηh)3 3! (ηh)4 4! (ηh)5 5! (ηh)6 6! (ηh)7 7! (ηh)8 8! (ηh)9 9!  α α . therefore,  ψ001 ψ011 ψ021 ψ101 ψ111 ψ121 ψ201 ψ211 ψ221  α α =  19h2 60 h2 5 −h2 60 911h3 20160 −16h3 315 113h3 20160 53h4 20160 h4 80 −11h4 20160  ,  ψ002 ψ012 ψ022 ψ102 ψ112 ψ122 ψ202 ψ212 ψ222  α α =  76h2 105 128h2 105 2h2 35 34h3 315 −32h3 315 −2h3 315 2h4 315 16h4 315 0  ,  ω001 ω011 ω021 ω101 ω111 ω121 ω201 ω211 ω221  α α =  5669h 13440 64h 105 −42h 13440 303h2 4480 −1h2 8 47h2 4480 169h3 40320 8h3 315 −41h3 40320  ,  ω002 ω012 ω022 ω102 ω112 ω122 ω202 ω212 ω222  α α =  41h 105 128h 105 41h 105 2h2 35 0 −2h2 35 1h3 315 16h3 315 1h3 315  . the obtained values of the coefficients are substituted in equations 11-14 which is the required two-step block method 3 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 4 with the presence of third and fourth derivatives as given below.(̂ yn+1 )α α = ŷn + ĥy ′ n + h 2 [ 19 60 fn + 1 5 fn+1 − 1 60 fn+2 ] +h3 [ 911 20160 gn − 16 315 gn+1 + 113 20160 gn+2 ] +h4 [ 53 20160 mn + 1 80 mn+1 − 11 20160 mn+2 ] , (̂ yn+2 )α α = ŷn + 2ĥy ′ n + h 2 [ 76 105 fn + 128 105 fn+1 + 2 35 fn+2 ] +h3 [ 34 315 gn − 32 315 gn+1 − 2 315 gn+2 ] + h4 [ 2 315 mn + 16 315 mn+1 ] , (18) (̂ y′n+1 )α α = ŷ ′ n + h [ 5669 13440 fn + 64 105 fn+1 − 421 13440 fn+2 ] +h2 [ 303 4480 gn − 1 8 gn+1 + 47 4480 gn+2 ] +h3 [ 169 40320 mn + 8 315 mn+1 − 41 40320 mn+2 ] , (̂ y′n+2 )α α = ŷ ′ n + h [ 41 105 fn + 128 105 fn+1 + 41 105 fn+2 ] +h2 [ 2 35 gn − 2 35 gn+2 ] + h3 [ 1 315 mn + 16 315 mn+1 + 1 315 mn+2 ] (19) where g = d f (x,α)d x , m = d2 f (x,α) d x . the block method in equation 18 has corrector form,( a0ŷn+k )α α = ( a1ŷn−k )α α + h ( b1ŷ ′ n−k )α α + h2 ( c0 fn+k + c 1 fn−k )α α +h3 ( d0gn+k + d 1gn−k )α α + h4 ( e0 mn+k + e 1 mn−k )α α where, a0 = ( 1 0 0 1 )α α , a1 = ( 0 1 0 1 )α α , b1 = ( 0 1 0 2 )α α , c0 = ( 1 5 −1 60 128 105 2 35 )α α , c1 = ( 0 1960 0 76105 )α α , d0 = ( −16 315 113 20160 −32 315 −2 315 )α α , d1 = ( 0 91120160 0 34315 )α α , e0 = ( 1 80 −11 20160 16 315 −2 315 )α α , e1 = ( 0 5320160 0 2315 )α α , ŷn+k = (̂ yn+1 ŷn+2 )α α , ŷn−k = (̂ yn−1 ŷn )α α , ŷ′n−k = (̂ y′n−1 ŷ′n )α α , fn+k = ( fn+1 fn+2 )α α , fn−k = ( fn−1 fn )α α , gn+k = ( gn+1 gn+2 )α α gn−k = ( gn−1 gn )α α , mn+k = ( mn+1 mn+2 )α α , mn−k = ( mn−1 mn )α α . 4. properties of the proposed method this section will first mention the required definitions and theorems to investigate the properties of the developed two-step third-fourth derivative scheme, and thereafter apply these theorems and definitions to the method. 4.1. convergence and stability properties theorem 1: a block method is convergent iff it is consistent and zerostable. [22] proof the aim of the proof is to show that zero stability and consistency are necessary conditions for convergence. suppose that the block method defined in equation 9 is convergent, the first condition for zero-stability follows by considering equation 1 with a trivial solution ŷ(x) = 0. applying equation 9 to this problem yields the difference equation̂yn+η − 1∑ v=0 (ηh)v v! ŷ(v)n − 2∑ d=0  2∑ v=0 ψdvη f (d) n+v   α α ,η = 1, 2 (20) since the method is assumed to be convergent, for any x > 0, then lim h→0 nh→0 ŷn+η = 0 (21) for all solutions of equation 20 satisfying ŷs = ςs(h), s = 0, 1, ..., k − 1 where lim h→0 ŷs = 0 (22) let ψ = reiφ be a root of the first characteristic polynomial p(ψ) = 0, r ≥ 0, 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π. it can be verified then that the numbers ŷn+η = hr n cos(nφ) (23) define a solution to equation 20 satisfying equation 22. if φ = 0, φ , π, then ŷn+η − ŷn − ŷ ′ n sin2φ = h2r2n (24) since the left-hand side of this identity converges to 0 as h → 0, n →∞, nh = x the same must be true of the right-hand side; therefore, lim n→∞ ( x n )∞ r2n = 0 (25) this implies that r ≤ 1. in other words, it is proven that any root of the first characteristic polynomial of (9) lies in the closed unit disc. note that any root of the first characteristic polynomial of equation 9 that lies on the unit circle must be simple. for the other condition, which is consistency, let us first show that c0 = 0. consider equation 1 with trivial solution, ŷ(x) = 1. applying equation 9 to this problem yields the difference equation equation 20. choose ŷs = 1, s = 0, 1, ..., k − 1. given that by hypothesis the method is convergent, it is deduced that lim h→0 ŷs = 1 (26) since in the present case ŷn is independent of the choice of h, equation 26 is equivalent to saying that lim h→∞ ŷn = 1, (27) 4 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 5 and passing to the limit n → ∞ in equation 20, it is deduced that αk + αk−1+, ..., +α0 = 0. (28) recalling the definition of c0, equation 28 is equivalent to c0 = 0 (i.e. p(1) = 0). to show that c1 = 0, consider equation 1 with trivial solution, ŷ(x) = x. applying equation 9 to this problem yields the difference equation in equation 20. for a convergent method every solution of equation 20 satisfying lim h→0 ςs(h) = 0, s = 0, 1, ..., k − 1 (29) where ŷs = ςs(h), s = 0, 1, ..., k − 1, must also satisfy lim h→0 ŷn+η = x. (30) since according to the previous theorem zero-stability is necessary for convergence, we may take it for granted that the first characteristic polynomial p(ψ) of the method does not have multiple roots on the unit circle |ψ| = 1, therefore p ′ (1) = kαk+, ..., +2α2 + α1 , 0. (31) let the sequence (xn) n n = 0 be defined by ŷn = knh, where k = ψdkη + ψd(k−1)η+, ..., +ψd2η + ψd1η + ψd0η kαk+, ..., +2α2 + α1 . (32) this sequence clearly satisfies equation 30 and is the solution of equation 20. furthermore, equation 31 implies that x = ŷ(x) = lim h→0 nh=x ŷn+η = lim h→0 nh=x knh = k x (33) c1 = (kαk+, ..., +2α2 + α1) −(ψdkη + ψd(k−1)η+, ..., +ψd2η + ψd1η + ψd0η) = 0. (34) equivalently, p ′ (1) = σ(1). thus, since the necessary conditions in terms of zero-stability and consistency is satisfied, so the block method is convergent. definition 6: consistency [20] a block method is consistent if it has order ρ ≥ 1. definition 7: zero-stability [20] a block method with matrix difference equation in the following form a0ŷn+k = a 1ŷn−k + b 1ŷ ′′ n−k + b 2ŷ ′′ n−k + · · · + b 1ŷ (m−1)n−k +hm ( c0ŷ mn+k + c 1ŷ mn−k )α α + h(m+1) ( d0ŷ (m+1)n+k + d 1ŷ (m+1)n−k )α α +h(m+2) ( e0ŷ (m+2)n+k + e 1ŷ (m+2)n−k )α α , (35) with ŷ an+k = (̂ yan+1, ŷ a n+2, ..., ŷ a n+k )t and ŷ an−k = (̂ yan1(k−1), ŷ a n−(k−2), ..., ŷ a n )t , is zero-stable if the first characteristic polynomial takes form p(ψ) = det(ψv a 0 − a1), (36) and the root of p(ψ) = 0 satisfy |ψv| ≤ 1, v = 1, ..., , k. definition 8: region of absolute stability [26] to obtain the polynomial for the absolute stability region of the block method. the expressions for the corrector take the form: det  −(w)k + a1 + q  k∑ j=0 b jwk− j  + q2  k∑ j=0 thec jwk− j  +q3  k∑ j=0 d jwk− j  + q4  k∑ j=0 e jwk− j    α α , q = λh. the absolute stability region is then obtained by plotting the polynomial roots using the boundary locus technique. if the obtained roots of the polynomial lie in the unit circle, then the block method is absolutely stable and its region is called the region of absolute stability. note that large absolute stability regions mean that large time-step size can be used during the implementation of the method to solve the differential equation [27-29]. definition 9: a-stable according to [20], a numerical method is said to be a-stable if its region of absolute stability contains the whole of the lefthand half-plane. definition 10: l-stable according to [20] a general linear multistep method is lstable if it is a-stable and, in addition, when applied to the scalar test equation ŷ ′ = λy, λ is a complex constant with reλ < 0, it yields ŷn+1 = r(hλ)̂yn, where, |r(hλ)|→ 0 as re(hλ) →∞. however, a clause is encountered as given in the following definition definition 11 according to [21] an a-stable linear multistep method cannot have an order greater than two. therefore, based on definition 8, the properties of a-stability and l-stability cannot be explored for the block methods developed in this article. this is because the block method developed have order greater than two. hence, the stability property with respect to choosing a stepsize value is limited to just absolute stability alone. although, much attention was not placed on choosing h-values from the stability region because the hvalues were chosen the same as the authors for comparison. these definitions for block methods in crisp form is adopted to the proposed method for fodes to prove the convergence properties for the proposed method in the next subsection. 4.2. convergence and stability analysis of proposed method order and error constant the linear operator associated with equation 9 is defined as: l(̂y(x), h) = ̂yn+η − 1∑ v=0 (ηh)v v! ŷ(v)n + 2∑ d=0  2∑ v=0 ψdvη f (d) n+v   α α , η = 1, 2, (37) 5 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 6 with l(̂y(x), h) = c0̂y(xn) + c1ĥy′(xn) + c2h2̂y′′(xn) + ... +cz+1h z+1̂yz+1(xn) + cz+2h z+2̂yz+2(xn)  α α . the method is said to be of order z if c0 = c1 = · · · = cz = cz+1 = 0, cz+2 , 0, and cz+2 is the error constant. following the approach by [28], the order of the two-step third-fourth derivatives block method with corrector equation 18 is nine with an error constant c11 = (3.8174e − 08, 7.617e − 08) t , and the order of the derivative part ten with an error constant c12 = (6.5076e − 08, −7.6349e − 09) t . the derivative formulae will be used to obtain the first derivative term in equation 1. expressing the corrector scheme 18 as blocks using previous definitions for the block methods. a simple iteration has been implemented to approximate the value of ŷn+1 and ŷn+2. in the code, we iterate the corrector to convergent and the convergence test employed, and the order of the correctors in nine [23] zero-stability applying above definition in fuzzy form for the proposed method gives p(ψ) = det(ψv a 0 − a1)αα, (38) p(ψ) = ∣∣∣∣∣∣ψv ( 1 0 0 1 ) − ( 0 1 0 1 )∣∣∣∣∣∣ α α . the root of p(ψ) = 0 satisfies the condition |ψv| ≤ 1, v = 1, 2. convergence the proposed method is convergent because it is zero stable and consistent. absolute stability region the polynomial of the proposed block method to plot its region of absolute stability is obtained as:  ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ ( w 0 0 w2 ) + ( 0 1 0 1 ) + q ( 0 1 0 2 ) +q2 [( 1w 5 1w2 60 128w 105 2w2 35 ) + ( 0 1960 0 76105 )] +q3 [( −16w 315 113w2 20160 −32w 315 −2w2 315 ) + ( 0 91120160 0 34315 )] +q4 [( 1w 80 −11w2 20160 16w 315 0 ) + ( 0 5320160 0 2315 )] ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣  α α , (39) r(w) =   11q8 396900 − 37q7 88200 + 19q6 52920 + 44q5 4725 + 13q4 3600 − 2q3 35 − 9q2 35 + 1]w 3 + [ 43q 8 793800 + 53q7 52920 + 508327q6 33868800 − 31547q5 793800 − 35639q4 100800 − 44q3 45 − 20597q2 20160 − 2q − 1  w  α α the absolute stability region is thus plotted as shown in figure 1, which implies that large time-stepsizes can be utilised with the method. from figure 1, it is seen that for the absolute stability region, all the roots of polynomial lie on the unit circle. figure 1. absolute stability region of proposed method 5. results this section details the application of the developed block method for the solution of second-order (linear and nonlinear) fodes (fivps and fbvps) and the obtained results are compared with the exact solution and existing methods. comparisons between exact and approximate solutions are shown in tables and graphs. x−axis shows the value of the approximation solution, y−axis show the value of α-level values, ŷ, ŷ are the lower and upper bounds of the exact solution respectively, ŷ, ŷ are the lower and upper bounds of the approximate solution respectively, e = ∣∣∣∣ŷ − ŷ∣∣∣∣ computes the absolute error of the lower bound approximation, e = ∣∣∣∣∣ŷ − ŷ ∣∣∣∣∣ computes the absolute error of the upper bound approximation, h is the step size, tsbm: two-step block method with third and fourth derivatives, ebhdef: extended block hybrid backward differentiation formula [16], bdf: block differentiation formula [15], bbdf: block backward differentiation formula [15], oomb: optimization of one-step block method [17], rk5: runge kutta method order five [14], oham: optimal homotopy asymptotic method [7], fdm: finite difference method [30]. example 1. given the second-order linear fivp ŷ′′(x) = −̂y(x), ŷ(0,α) = 0, ŷ′(0,α) = (0.9 + 0.1α, 1.1 − 0.1α), with exact solution ŷ (x,α) = (0.9 + 0.1α) sin(x), ŷ (x,α) = (1.1 − 0.1α) sin(x), 6 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 7 table 1. lower and upper solution of example 1 α tsbm e ebhdef e bbdf e bdf e h = 0.1 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 0 0.0000e+00 2.8094e-11 5.4048e-08 3.0991e-08 0.2 0.0000e+00 2.8719e-11 5.5249e-08 3.1647e-08 0.4 0.0000e+00 2.9343e-11 5.6450e-08 3.2335e-08 0.6 0.0000e+00 2.9966e-11 5.7651e-08 3.3023e-08 0.8 0.0000e+00 3.0592e-11 5.8853e-08 3.3711e-08 1 0.0000e+00 3.1216e-11 6.0054e-08 3.4399e-08 α tsbm e ebhdef e bbdf e bdf e h = 0.1 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 0 1.1102e-16 3.4337e-11 5.4048e-08 3.7838e-08 0.2 1.1102e-16 3.3713e-11 5.5249e-08 3.7151e-08 0.4 1.1102e-16 3.3089e-11 5.6450e-08 3.6463e-08 0.6 0.0000e+00 3.2464e-11 5.7651e-08 3.5775e-08 0.8 0.0000e+00 3.1840e-11 6.1255e-08 3.5087e-08 1 0.0000e+00 3.1216e-11 6.0054e-08 3.4399e-08 figure 2. numerical solution of example 1 with lower/upper solution and at x = 1, ŷ (1,α) = [ y (1,α), y (1,α) ] , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. the results obtained for example 1 are shown in table 1 and figure 2 displays the complete iterations graph with stepsize h = 0.1 and h = 0.01 partition of the time interval x ∈ [0, 1]. it is observed from table 1 that the approximate solution obtained by new proposed method in comparison to the exact solution in terms of absolute error is very impressive, as it give same results as the exact solution at certain points. the results are graphically shown in figure 2. in the figure the behaviour of the linear fivp solution is seen to monotonically increase as shown in the graph. this follows from the property that a function’s output will not appear more than once during the course of a monotonically rising interval. it is worth noting that y(x) rises in lockstep with x. the exact and approximate solutions are also compared using the graph and it shows the approximate solution completely overlapping the exact solution which indicates high accuracy of the proposed method. table 2. lower and upper solution of example 2 α tsbm e ebhdef e bbdf e bdf e h = 0.1 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 0 6.661338e-16 9.8449e-14 2.4250e-10 1.5988e-10 0.2 3.663736e-15 3.4927e-13 5.7971e-10 3.9122e-10 0.4 1.532108e-14 9.7144e-13 1.2016e-09 3.7933e-09 0.6 5.129230e-14 2.2859e-12 2.2597e-09 2.6125e-09 0.8 1.498801e-13 6.4525e-12 3.9207e-09 6.6967e-08 1 3.850253e-13 4.7628e-12 6.3971e-09 1.1110e-08 α tsbm e ebhdef e bbdf e bdf e h = 0.1 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 h = 0.01 0 1.345191e-13 4.2267e-11 4.07084e-08 1.26440e-07 0.2 7.431833e-12 2.6623e-11 2.98235e-08 9.1889e-08 0.4 3.907541e-12 1.5982e-11 2.13238e-08 7.34552e-08 0.6 2.774669e-12 9.0485e-11 1.48046e-08 3.52946e-08 0.8 9.001688e-13 8.1274e-11 9.93257e-09 1.51728e-08 1 3.854694e-13 4.7628e-12 6.39707e-09 1.11097e-08 figure 3. numerical solution of example 2 with lower/upper solution example 2. given the second-order non-linear fivp ŷ′′(x) = −(̂y′(x))2, ŷ(0,α) = (α, 2 −α), ŷ′(0,α) = (1 + α, 3 −α), with exact solution ŷ (x,α) = ln((xα + x + 1)eα), ŷ (x,α) = ln((3x − xα + 1)eα−2), and at x = 1, ŷ (1,α) = [ y (1,α), y (1,α) ] , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. the results obtained for example 2 are shown in table 2 and figure 3 displays the complete iterations graph with stepsize h = 0.1 and h = 0.01 partition of the time interval x ∈ [0, 1]. it is observed from table 2 that the approximate solution obtained by the new proposed method in comparison to the exact solution in terms of absolute error is very impressive. just as the previous example, the results graphically shown in figure 3 are monotonically increasing showing the behaviour of the nonlinear fivp. likewise, the approximate solution completely 7 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 8 table 3. lower and upper solution of example 3 α exact solution tsbm e ebhdef e h = 0.1 h = 0.1 0 -0.100004086851013030 1.94289e-16 4.131e-07 0.2 -0.080004095094799887 8.32667e-17 4.137e-07 0.4 -0.060004103338586523 1.59594e-16 4.141e-07 0.6 -0.040004111582373492 6.93889e-17 4.149e-07 0.8 -0.020004119826159905 2.56739e-16 4.149e-07 1 -0.000004128069946763 1.35559e-16 4.161e-07 α exact solution tsbm e ebhdef e h = 0.1 h = 0.1 0 0.100003908832573600 2.77555e-17 9.094e-03 0.2 0.080003917076360453 1.52655e-16 9.094e-03 0.4 0.060003925320147089 4.85722e-17 1.267e-01 0.6 0.040003933563933947 1.66533e-16 8.459e-02 0.8 0.020003941807720582 6.24500e-17 4.291e-02 1 -0.000004128069946763 1.35559e-16 4.161e-07 overlaps the exact solution which indicates high accuracy of the proposed method. example 3. given the second-order linear fbvp ŷ′′(x) + ŷ(x) + x = 0, ŷ(0,α) = ŷ(1,α) = (0.1α−0.1, 0.1−0.1α), with exact solution ŷ (x,α) = −x + (0.1α− 0.1) cos(x) + (1.13376 + 0.054630α) sin(x) ŷ (x,α) = −x + (0.1 − 0.1α) cos(x) + (1.24303 − 0.054630α) sin(x) and at x = 1, ŷ (1,α) = [ y (1,α), y (1,α) ] , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. the results obtained for example 3 are shown in table 3 and figure 4 displays the complete iterations graph with stepsize h = 0.1 partition of the time interval x ∈ [0, 1]. from table 3 and the graph in figure 4, impressive monotonocally dereasing results are still observed. the absolute error accuracy is high compared with the existing ebhdef method and the overlapping behaviour of the approximate solution with the exact solution is evident. example 4. given the second-order non-linear fbvp ŷ′′(x) = − [̂y′(x)]2 ŷ(x) , x ∈ [0, 1], ŷ(0,α) = (0.9+0.1α, 1.1−0.1α), ŷ(1,α) = (0.9+0.1α, 2.1−0.1α), with exact solution ŷ (x,α) = √ 1.4 + 0.1α √ 0.1(9 + α)2 14 + α + 2x, ŷ (x,α) = √ 1.6 − 0.1α √ −0.1(−11 + α)2 −16 + α + 2x, figure 4. numerical solution of example 3 with lower/upper solution table 4. lower and upper solution of example 4 α tsbm e ebhdef e fdm e h = 0.1 h = 0.008 h = 0.008 0 0.000000e+00 0 0 0.2 4.4408920e-16 2.57e-06 9.27e-07 0.4 2.4424906e-15 2e-06 8.55e-07 0.6 1.5321077e-14 1.26e-06 5.92e-07 0.8 9.6207486e-12 5.88e-07 2.94e-07 1 0.000000e+00 0 0 α tsbm e ebhdef e fdm e h = 0.1 h = 0.1 h = 0.008 0 0.000000e+00 0 0 0.2 4.4408920e-16 2.05e-06 8.15e-07 0.4 8.8817841e-15 1.63e-06 7.65e-07 0.6 1.7763568e-15 1.03e-06 5.35e-07 0.8 1.3322676e-15 4.87e-07 2.67e-07 1 0.000000e+00 0 0 and at x = 1, ŷ (1,α) = [ y (1,α), y (1,α) ] , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. the results obtained for example 4 are shown in table 4 and figure 5 displays the complete iterations graph with stepsize h = 0.1 and h = 0.008 partition of the time interval x ∈ [0, 1]. it is observed from table 4 that the approximate solution obtained by the new proposed method in comparison to the exact solution in terms of absolute error is very impressive as it give same results as the interval boundaries. the results are graphically shown in figure 5 and the behaviour of the nonlinear fbvp solution is seen to monotonically increase. the comparison of the exact and approximate solutions on the graph also shows high accuracy as the plots overlap. this indicates the high accuracy of the proposed method. in addition, the time in seconds required to compute the approximate solution of the numerical examples is given in the table below. the program code was written with matlab 2015a on a laptop with 8gb ram and intel core i5-3427u cpu. 8 hussain et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1087 9 figure 5. numerical solution of example 4 with lower/upper solution table 5. time taken to compute approximate solutions α example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 time/sec time/sec time/sec time/sec 0 0.4767 2.0844 0.9204 0.4457 0.2 1.3682 1.9451 1.5024 0.4097 0.4 1.3742 2.0163 1.4550 0.4072 0.6 1.0563 1.9995 1.3675 0.3741 0.8 1.8364 2.1498 1.4603 0.3982 1 0.8937 2.0415 1.4031 0.3813 α example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 time/sec time/sec time/sec time/sec 0 0.9037 2.2057 1.3941 0.3928 0.2 0.8487 2.0648 1.3404 0.3877 0.4 0.8703 2.7846 1.4259 0.4361 0.6 0.8650 2.1738 1.4331 0.2778 0.8 0.8650 1.9303 1.4310 0.3267 1 0.8937 2.0415 1.4031 0.3813 6. conclusion the major objective of this research to enhance the accuracy of the solution (in terms of absolute error) by developing a numerical technique for solving second order fodes (fivps and fbvps) directly. as a result, this article developed a twostep block method for second-order fodes with the presence of third and fourth derivatives. the proposed method outperforms other methods discovered in the literature as shown in the tables and graphs of the numerical results obtained. in addition, the method eliminates the requirement for complicated subroutines in conventional methods that require starting values or predictors. the proposed block method has proven to be a viable strategy with increased accuracy for solving both linear and nonlinear fivps and fbvps. the method developed using linear block approach with low computational complexity also satisfied all convergence conditions for the block methods. hence, the proposed method in this article is more suitable for obtaining the approximate solutions of second order fivps and fbvps. acknowledgments we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. references [1] s. s. mohammed, “on fuzzy soft set-valued maps with application”, j. nig. soc. phy. sci. 2 (2020) 26. https://doi.org/10.46481/jnsps.2020.48 [2] l. a. zadeh & s. chang, “on fuzzy mapping and control”, ieee trans. syst. man cybern. 2 (1972) 30. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789814261302 0012 [3] m. l. puri & d. a. ralescu, “differentials of fuzzy functions”, j. math. anal. appl. 91 (1983) 552. https://doi.org/10.1016/0022247x(83)90169-5 [4] s. seikkala, “on the fuzzy initial value problem”, fuzzy sets syst. 24 (1987) 319. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-0114(87)90030-3 [5] b. bede & s. g. gal, “generalizations of the differentiability of fuzzy-number-valued functions with applications to fuzzy differential equations”, fuzzy sets syst. 151 (2005) 581. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2004.08.001 [6] a. f. jameel, m. ghoreishi, & a. i. m. ismail, “approximate solution 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kehinde akinolac, enock olugbenga darec adepartment of chemistry, federal university of lafia, lafia, nasarawa state, nigeria bdepartment of chemistry, federal university of petroleum, nigeria cdepartment of chemistry federal university of agriculture, abeokuta, ogun state, nigeria abstract vertically-aligned nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes (v-n-cnts) were synthesized via the chemical vapour deposition (cvd) technique. 1ferrocenylmethyl(2-methylimidazole) was employed as the source of the fe catalyst and was dissolved in different ratios of acetonitrile/benzophenone feedstock which served as both the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen sources. the morphological difference in n-cnts was as a result of increased oxygen concentration in the reaction mix and not due to water vapour formation as observed in the oxygen-free experiment, indicating specifically, the impact of oxygen. raman and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) revealed surface defects and grafting of oxygen functional groups on the sidewall of n-cnts. the ftir data showed little or no effect as oxygen concentration increases. xps analysis detected the type of nitrogen species (i.e. pyridinic, pyrrolic, graphitic, or molecular nitrogen forms) incorporated in the n-cnt samples. pyrrolic nitrogen was dominant and increased (from 8.6 to 11.8 at.%) as oxygen concentration increases in the reaction precursor. an increase in n content was observed with the introduction of a lower concentration of oxygen, followed by a gradual decrease at higher oxygen concentration. our result suggested that effective control of the reactant mixtures can manipulate the morphology of n-cnts. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2020.105 keywords: chemical vapour deposition, nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes, 1-ferrocenylmethyl(2-methylimidazole), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy article history : received: 11 may 2020 received in revised form: 08 august 2020 accepted for publication: 09 august 2020 published: 15 november 2020 c©2020 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes (v-cnts) have been found to be fascinating for various range of applications, such as catalysis (as catalyst support) [1, 2, 3], electronics [4, 5, 7] ∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 8062295936 email address: labulo@yahoo.com (ayomide hassan labulo ) and biological [8, 9, 10] devices. this is as a result of the controllable diameter and surface area of v-cnts [11] which can be explored in the fabrication of materials of particular interest. the major drawbacks of v-cnts are their low selectivity and reactivity at the surface. these drawbacks can be overcome by surface functionalization and nitrogen-doping which tailor their physicochemical properties [12]. doping of cnts 205 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 206 with heteroatoms, such as b, p, s and n, into the sp2 carbon framework has been reported [13, 14, 15, 16]. these electronrich atoms help fine-tune the electronic properties of cnts [2]. also, nitrogen incorporation into cnts alters the wall thickness, crystallinity and diameter of cnts [17]. the nitrogen embedded into cnts can take various forms. the most common are graphitic-nitrogen, pyrrolic-nitrogen, pyridinic-nitrogen and molecular n2 stuck in the interior of cnt structures [18, 19, 20]. the nitrogen composition largely depends on the solubility of nitrogen in the catalyst nanoparticle during the reaction at a specified temperature. it has been shown that the type and concentration of nitrogen obtained depend on the nature of the catalyst employed (i.e. ferrocene or ferrocenyl derivatives), synthetic temperature, gas flow rate and type of nitrogencontaining precursors [21, 22, 23]. several methods have been employed in the synthesis of n-cnts; namely arc-discharge [24], laser deposition [25] and chemical vapour deposition (cvd) [26]. of these, the cvd technique has been the method commonly used for large-scale n-cnt synthesis [27]. however, the control of the reaction conditions in cvd technique is somewhat tricky, as catalyst poisoning due to limiting carbon diffusion rate and formation of amorphous carbon on fe substrate surface is common [28, 29]. many researchers have reported the introduction of oxygen [30], water [31, 32] and co2 [33], ethyl benzoate [34] among other reaction gases to improve n-cnts quality and catalyst activity [35]. however, an excess level of oxygen-containing species could lead to n-cnts etching [29, 32, 36]. recently, sakurai et al. [37] reported that the introduction of the oxygencontaining molecule (e.g. h2o) during cvd synthesis enhanced the growth of cnts and prolong catalyst lifetime at temperatures above 750 ◦c. this resulted in the removal of amorphous carbon through water vapour etching to give a graphitic nanostructured carbon network [26]. fatuba et al. [38] also reported that the addition of oxygen-containing aromatic compounds (i.e. growth enhancer), such as methyl benzoate and benzaldehyde into the reaction mixture tailored the size and controlled the n-cnts wall numbers and alignment [38]. the essential role of the growth enhancer compared to previously reported approach (such as h2o), is to control the wall numbers, diameters and to reactivate catalyst particles [39, 40, 41]. in this study, we report for the first time, the use of benzophenone in the reactant mixture to modify n-cnts growth and morphology. benzophenone was also employed to improve the solubility of the ferrocenyl imidazolium catalyst in acetonitrile. we elucidate the effect of oxygen on the type of nitrogen incorporated in n-cnts. the morphology, surface area and stability of n-cnts were studied at varying oxygen concentration levels. 2. experimental 2.1. materials and characterization ferrocene (≥ 97%), ferrocenemethanol (98%), 2-methylimidazole (≥ 98.2%) and sodium borohydride (95%), potassium hydrogen phthalate (≥ 99.5%) were obtained from sigma aldrich ltd. south africa. acetonitrile (hplc grade, 99.9%), toluene (≥99.5%) and ethanol (98%) were purchased from merck chemicals south africa. nitric acid (55%) and sulphuric acid (98%) were purchased from saarchem, south africa. 10% hydrogen in argon (purchased from afrox gases, south africa) was used as a carrier gas for the synthesis of n-cnts. images of the synthesized n-cnts were obtained by using scanning electron microscopy (sem) (joel jem 1010) and transmission electron microscopy (tem) (joel jsm 6100). higher magnification images of n-cnts were obtained from high-resolution transmission electron microscope (hrtem). elemental analysis was conducted on a leco chns elemental analyser. the crystallinity of the n-cnts was determined with a rigaku/dmax rb powder x-ray diffractometer using graphite monochromatized high-density cu kα radiation (λ= 0.15406). the thermal stabilities of n-cnts were determined using a q seriest m thermal analyzer tga/dsc (q600). the fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectra of n-cnts were recorded on a perkinelmer spectrum rx1 ftir spectrometer by embedding the samples into kbr pellets. the adsorption-desorption isotherms and surface area of n-cnts were determined on a micrometrics tristar ii surface area analyser. the graphitic nature of the n-cnts was determined by a raman spectrometer (deltanu advantage 532tm). four accumulated spectra were collected to access the homogeneity of the samples. the synthesized n-cnts were purified in nitric acid under microwave irradiation using a cem discover sp microwave instrument. the surface chemical composition of n-cnts was analysed using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps). xps analysis was conducted on a quantum 2000 instrument using a monochromated al kα source and charge neutralizer, with a pass energy of 117.4 ev. the peaks were deconvoluted using casaxps programme. the surface charge on the n-cnts in ultra-pure water was determined with a malvern zetasizer (ns500). boehm titration was conducted to quantify the acidic functional groups on the n-cnt surfaces. potassium hydrogen phthalate (khp) was used as the primary standard for the standardization of naoh solutions using phenolphthalein as the indicator [42]. 0.20 g of each n-cnts samples were placed in separate bottles. 25 ml naoh (0.05 m), na2co3 (0.025m) and nahco3 (0.05 m) were added to the bottle, sealed and shaken for 24 h. the solutions were then filtered and titrated against standardized hcl or naoh [43]. different functional groups (i.e. phenolic, carboxylic, lactonic and hydroxyl groups) were calculated based on the amount of acid or base consumed. 206 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 207 2.2. synthesis of 1-ferrocenylmethyl(2-methylimidazole) (fcmech3) the general procedure described by pan et al. [44] was used to synthesize fcmech3. briefly, ferrocenemethanol (1 mm) and 2-methyl-1h-imidazole (1.1 mm) was refluxed in acetic acid for 9 h at 60 ◦c. the product formation was monitored using preparative tlc plates with a solvent system of ch2cl2/meoh (4:1). the product was neutralized with 50% koh in distilled water to remove the acetic acid and then puried by column chromatography. the final product was washed in na2so4 and finally dried under vacuum to obtain yellow crystals. detailed characterization of fcmech3 has been reported in our previous work [45]. 2.3. synthesis of n-cnts n-cnts were synthesized by pyrolyzing fcmech3 catalysts in acetonitrile at 850 oc using the cvd method. in the experiment, different concentrations of benzophenone were added to the reaction mixture to study the effect of oxygen on the growth of n-cnts. the cvd procedure and set-up described by oosthuizen et al. [46] was followed. briefly, 0.25 g of the catalyst was added to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g of benzophenone to produce 1, 2, 3 and 4 wt.% oxygen, respectively. the mixture was dissolved in acetonitrile (as carbon and nitrogen source) to make a 10 g solution . the reactant mixture was injected using a syringe at 0.8 ml min−1 through the quartz tube placed in a muffle furnace. the mixture was swept through the tube by 10% hydrogen in argon carrier gas for 100 ml min−1. after 30 min of reaction, the furnace was allowed to cool to room temperature, and the product was collected from the hot region of the furnace. n-cnts from 1-4 wt.% oxygen is denoted as n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3% and ncnts-4%, respectively. n-cnts-0% was synthesised by dissolving fcmech3 catalyst in acetonitrile. for comparison, ncnts-fe was synthesized using ferrocene and toluene as catalyst and solvent, respectively. 2.4. purification procedure for n-cnts n-cnts were purified using microwave digestion. briefly, n-cnts (0.8 g) were dispersed in nitric acid (6 m) by ultrasonic agitation for 45 min. after sonication, each sample was purified by a microwave assisted irradiation. this was done by placing 50 ml of the dispersed sample in a thermal resistant teflon (milestone (tfm)) vessel on a sample rotor available for 4 vessels. the microwave was set at 100 w power and ramped from room temperature to 100 oc for 30 min. after digestion, the obtained suspension was filtered on 0.1 µm ptfe membrane. the collected solid samples were washed with deionized water until a neutral ph was obtained. afterwards, the n-cnts were washed with alcohol and dried in an oven at 100 ◦c for 24 h. 3. results and discussion 3.1. tem analysis the morphology of n-cnts was studied by tem. the obtained images are shown in figure 1. the incorporation of nitrogen correlated with the bamboo-like structure typical of ncnts [47] (figure 1a-f). the use of fcmech3 as a catalyst in acetonitrile and benzophenone gave mainly clean n-cnts (figure 1) and in good yield (table 1). this could be attributed to the cleaning effect of oxygen as it reacts with amorphous carbon to form co2. n-cnts and carbon sphere (cs) are obtained in toluene solvent. table 1. summary of the effect of oxygen from benzophenone on the yield of n-cnts synthesized by using 1-ferrocenylmethyl[2-methylimidazole] catalyst in acetonitrile at 850 ◦c samples yield (%) n-cnts-0% 74 n-cnts-1% 68 n-cnts-2% 63 n-cnts-3% 61 n-cnts-4% 58 the n-cnts yields decrease as the concentration of oxygen increases due to the formation of co2 from unreacted carbon and oxygen. the tem images of n-cnts-1% and n-cnts2% (figure 1a and b) showed a curly tubular structure. this could be as a result of fe catalyst left inside the n-cnts with smaller diameters [48]. the bamboo compartment of n-cnts1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3% and n-cnts-4% decreased as the concentration of oxygen increased (table reftab2). all ncnts obtained are opened at the tips, while some region along the tube gave stacked cup-like cones. this suggests that the bamboo structures were obtained by tip growth mechanism [49]. the cup-like cones appear to be more prominent as the oxygen concentrations increased (figure 1c and e). n-cnts-0% and n-cnts-fe exhibit relatively straight tubes and a wall thickness of ∼15 nm. the wall thickness decreases as the concentration of oxygen from benzophenone increases (table 2). this is due to a reduction in the number of corrugated carbon layers and the closure of tubes which resulted in reduced compartment distances [50]. table 2 shows the effect of oxygen on the inner diameter (id) and outer diameter (od) of the synthesized n-cnts. from the results, it is believed that oxygen plays a vital role in modulating the morphology and diameters of n-cnt [39]. the od decrease as the oxygen content in the reaction mixtures increases. this is due to the effect of oxygen on the catalyst leading to a decrease in fe particle size as a result of catalyst migration, sintering, and precipitation processes [51, 52]. it was suggested that oxygen enhances the catalyst activity by removing amorphous carbon which prevents n-cnts surface 207 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 208 figure 1. tem images of n-cnts obtained from (a) n-cnts-0%, (b) n-cnts-1%, (c) n-cnts-2%, (d) n-cnts-3%, (e) n-cnts-4% and (f) n-cnts-fe poisoning [41]. n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2% and n-cnts-3% gave smaller id (14±7 nm to 16±5 nm). however, larger id n-cnts was obtained for n-cnts-4% (i.e. 33±8 nm). this is due to excess oxygen content, leading to etching of the outer walls which largely affects n-cnts quality. figure 2 shows the hrtem images of n-cnts with varying oxygen contents. an increase in the d002 interlayer spacing of the graphitic carbon was observed as the od decreases. the interlayer d-spacing increased from 0.339 nm (n-cnts1%) (figure 2b) to 0.344 nm (n-cnts-3%) (figure 2d). the increase in the d002 spacing is due to the curvature of smaller diameter n-cnts and higher strain caused by the structural defect on the nanotube walls [53]. also, the regular bamboo compartment for n-cnts-4% (figure 2f) was destroyed. this is attributed to supersaturation of molten fe catalyst particles with carbon [54]. it could also be as a result of highly reactive oxygen at the surface or within the molten fe nanoparticles which form feo (i.e. fe + o2 →feo + o), leading to etching of the graphitic carbon. 3.2. sem analysis the morphology of n-cnts was analysed using sem. the obtained images are shown in figure 3 (a-f). figure 3 a-e manifested the effect of oxygen on n-cnts growth and alignment. this was as a result of the reaction of oxygen with very reactive hydrogen radical involved in the hydrocarbon-based growth of nanotubes [20]. this helps to scavenge unreactive hydrogen which inhibits the growth of sp2 like graphitic sheets [30]. for example, the vertical alignment was observed for n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2% and n-cnts-3% (figure 3 b-d) compared to ncnts-fe (figure 3f) the alignment was depleted at higher oxygen concentration (as observed in n-cnts-4%). this could be attributed to the partial oxidization fe-catalyst which reduced catalyst density, leading to reduced n-cnts nucleation [55]. figure 2. eect of oxygen on n-cnt wall thickness and diameters: hrtem images of (a) n-cnts-0%, (b) n-cnts-1%, (c) n-cnts2%, (d) n-cnts-3%, (e) n-cnts-4% and (f) etched wall of n-cnts4% at moderate oxygen concentration (i.e. n-cnts-2%), the nanotubes walls are free of amorphous carbon (figure 3c) as compared to n-cnts-4% (figure 3e) with more amorphous carbon and lesser tubes (table 1). 3.3. thermal studies the thermal stabilities of n-cnts with different oxygen wt.% loading was studied as shown in figure 4. tga analysis was measured in air at 25-1000 ◦c to give an idea of the oxygen content and the purity of the samples. the first mass loss due to loss of water appears before 100 ◦c. n-cnts-1% shows a significant weight loss at 386 ◦c while n-cnts with 2-4 wt.% oxygen showed a weight loss between 390-530 ◦c. n-cnts-0% is the most thermally stable with the decomposition temperature at 589 ◦c. the oxygen treated n-cnts started to decompose at the on-set point between 334 and 430 ◦c (table 3). all n-cnts showed weight loss after decomposition above 87% with a residual mass between 9.6-0.5%. from dtg curves, the maximum mass loss temperature for 1-4% oxygentreated n-cnts is between 392 and 514 ◦c. further investigation by raman, xps and ftir analysis was done. 3.4. crystallinity of n-cnts figure 5 shows the raman spectra of n-cnts-0%, n-cnts1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3%, n-cnts-4% and n-cnts-fe. the two prominent peaks observed at ∼1330 and ∼1573 cm−1 are assigned to the dand g-bands, respectively. the intensity ratios of the dand g-bands (id/ig ) shows the defect level of graphitic carbon materials [56, 57, 58]. the id/ig ratio of ncnts-0% and n-cnt-fe is 0.74 and 0.66, respectively (table 4). after introduction of oxygen from benzophenone in the reactant precursor, the id/ig ratio increased to 0.97, 0.93, 0.85 and 0.79 for n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3% and n-cnts4%, respectively. this is as a result of incorporation of surface 208 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 209 table 2. effect of oxygen on n-cnts diameter and wall thickness oxygen wt. % ave. od±sd (nm) ave. id±sd (nm) wall thickness (nm) ave. compartment distance (nm) n-cnts (%) n-cnts-0% 48±25 38±31 15 18±11 90 n-cnts-1% 37±31 19±5 11 17±9 85 n-cnts-2% 33±21 14±7 9 15±8 76 n-cnts-3% 34±19 16±5 8 13±9 74 n-cnts-4% 41±15 33±8 7 11±8 65 n-cnts-fe 75±16 48±12 14 20±12 83 table 3. thermal features of n-cnts at different oxygen concentration. toxidation refers to the temperature of primary oxidation. entry catalyst on set point (oc) toxidation (oc ) 1 n-cnts-0% 430 572 2 n-cnts-1% 378 450 3 n-cnts-2% 397 410 4 n-cnts-3% 346 428 5 n-cnts-4% 334 420, 514 6 n-cnts-fe 386 392 oxygen functionalities and n atoms which produces more defects and disorders on the graphitic structure of the n-cnts. the lower id/ig ratio in n-cnt-fe and n-cnts-0% indicates that fewer defects are introduced in the carbon lattices due to less nitrogen atom intrusion into the graphitic carbon network compared to n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2% and n-cnts-3%, respectively. the width of the g-band peak also indicates the level of doping in n-cnts [59, 60]. table 4 shows that the gband width of n-cnts with varying concentrations of oxygen follows the order of n-cnts-1% > n-cnts-2% > n-cnts3% > n-cnts-4% > n-cnts-0% > n-cnts-fe. this result suggested a possible increase in n-doping at lower oxygen concentration. table 4. ig /id ratios of the n-cnts samples d g id/ig n-cnts-0% 1341 1591 0.74 n-cnts-1% 1342 1601 0.97 n-cnts-2% 1354 1599 0.93 n-cnts-3% 1365 1595 0.85 n-cnts-4% 1369 1590 0.79 n-cnt-fe 1374 1581 0.66 3.5. surface chemistry of n-cnts figure 6 shows the ftir spectra of n-cnts from 0-4% of oxygen and n-cnts-fe. peaks at around 2927 and 2625 cm−1 are assigned to the o–h and ch3 stretching vibrations [61], respectively. the prominent band at 2381 cm−1 is assigned to the characteristic absorbance of co2 groups [62], while peaks at 1763, 1567 and 1030 cm−1 are assigned to stretching vibrations of c=o, c=n and c-o functional groups, respectively [63]. the peaks at 1375 cm−1 are assigned to stretching vibrations of c-nh3 [64]. the presence of c=n and c-n functional group on the purified n-cnts indicates the substitution of graphitic sp2 carbon with nitrogen, leading to the bamboo configuration observed in tem images [65]. for n-cnts-0%, the intensity of the c=o band peak at 1763 cm−1 was weaker than that from 1-4% oxygen, which becomes broader as the concentration of 209 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 210 figure 3. sem images of (a) n-cnts-0%, (b) n-cnts-1%, (c) n-cnts-2%, (d) n-cnts-3%, (e) n-cnts-4% and (f) n-cnts-fe oxygen increases. the increase in the intensity of the c=n peak at 1567 cm−1 for n-cnts from 1-4% oxygen can be related to the increase in nitrogen-doping level, which correlates with raman analysis results (table 4). the results of boehm titration of n-cnts-0%, n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3%, ncnts-4% and n-cnts-fe are shown in table 5. according to this method, nahco3, na2co3 and naoh, neutralize carboxyl groups, carboxyl groups and lactones; and carboxyl groups, lac210 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 211 figure 4. (a) tga curves and (b) dta of purified n-cnts synthesized from 0-4% wt. oxygen figure 5. raman spectra of n-cnts tones and phenols, respectively. therefore, different functional groups can be calculated from the volume of acid and bases used. the acid functional groups on n-cnts-1%, n-cnts2%, n-cnts-3% increases a little as the oxygen concentration increases compared to n-cnts-0% and n-cnts-fe, while the amount of basic functional groups significantly increases. this indicates that the oxygen functionalities on the surface of ncnts synthesized in the presence of oxygen are more basic than n-cnts synthesized in acetonitrile only [66]. from the results, n-cnts-1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3% contains high concentration of basic group (≥ 1.025 mmol/g) (table 5). additionally, n-cnts-2% has the highest concentration of the phenolic group. zeta potential (ζ ) measurement provides information on the adsorption of ions (h+ and oh−) from aqueous suspension and dispersibility which lead to the formation of net charge on figure 6. ftir spectra of n-cnts the n-cnts [67]. these net charges lead to the formation of the electrical double layer which stabilizes the suspension and prevents particle aggregation. the properties of nanoparticles are largely affected by their colloidal stability. nanoparticles with zeta potential less than -25 mv or above +25 mv are said to have a high degree of stability [67]. table 6 shows the variation in the zeta potential of n-cnts-0%, n-cnts1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3%, n-cnts-4% and n-cnts-fe nanofluids. our result showed that the zeta potential follows the 211 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 212 table 5. boehm titration of n-cnts samples acidic groups (mmol/g) basic groups (mmol/g) phenolic carboxylic lactonic n-cnts-0% 0.766 0.813 0.070 0.889 n-cnts-1% 0.085 1.025 0.680 1.025 n-cnts-2% 0.181 1.142 0.0826 1.542 n-cnts-3% 0.062 0.851 0.348 1.416 n-cnts-4% 0.016 0.664 0.529 0.784 n-cnts-fe 0.0860 0.612 0.481 0.741 table 6. zeta potentials of n-cnts in ultrapure water samples zeta potential (mv) n-cnts-0% -37.6 n-cnts-1% -51.4 n-cnts-2% -57.0 n-cnts-3% -54.0 n-cnts-4% -43.2 n-cnts-fe -38.8 order n-cnts-2% > n-cnts-1% > n-cnts-3% > n-cntsfe > n-cnts-0% > n-cnts-4%. the zeta potential increases as the concentration of oxygen increases but drops sharply at higher oxygen concentration. according to this measurement, the oxidized n-cnts are negatively charged in the aqueous phase as a result of oxygen-containing functional group ionization [68]. the effect of oxygen on the porosity of n-cnts-0%, ncnts-1%, n-cnts-2%, n-cnts-3% and n-cnts-4% was characterized by bet analysis. the nitrogen-adsorption isotherms of all n-cnts are of type iv with different hysteresis loops in the high-pressure regions (p/po = 0.7–1), suggesting the presence of mesoporous structure [69]. as shown in table 7, the surface areas of n-cnts follows the order: n-cnts-2% > ncnts-1% > n-cnts-3% > n-cnts-fe > n-cnts-0% > ntable 7. bet surface area and pore volume of n-cnts-0%, n-cnts-1%, ncnts-2%, n-cnts-3%, n-cnts-4% and n-cnts-fe samples surface area (m2g−1) pore volume (cm3 g−1) n-cnts-0% 95 0.37 n-cnts-1% 127 0.35 n-cnts-2% 130 0.57 n-cnts-3% 122 0.53 n-cnts-4% 89 0.39 n-cnts-fe 110 0.46 cnts-4%. this indicates that the surface area of the n-cnts can be modified by the introduction of oxygen into the reactant mixture. 3.6. elemental analysis the elemental composition and the bonding environment of the c, o and n species were determined by xps analysis, and the result is presented in table 8. figure 7 shows the highresolution n 1s energy region of selected n-cnts (n-cnts0%, n-cnts-3%, and n-cnts-fe). the deconvolution of the spectra gave three distinct n 1s peaks centred at 398.50, 400.18 and 401.20 ev assigned to pyridinic, pyrrolic and graphitic nitrogen, respectively [70]. a steady increase in the level of nitrogen-doping was observed during the cvd synthesis, followed by a gradual decrease due to an increase in oxygen con212 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 213 figure 7. xps n 1s spectra of (a) n-cnts-0%, (b) n-cnts-3% and (c) n-cnts-fe centration (table 8); a result consistent with raman and tga data. compared with n-cnts-0% and n-cnts-fe, the ncnts-3% gave higher pyrrolic-nitrogen species which could be attributed to the presence of active site caused by the lower amount of oxygenated species on the graphitic carbon framework [71]. at a low oxygen concentration in benzophenone, pyridinic-n species was formed (table 8). at a high oxygen content, pyrrolic-n was obtained [72]. this may be due to the change in the elemental ratio (c: n: o) in the precursor mixture. the amount of nitrogen incorporated into n-cnts obtained in our study is higher compared to other studies [34, 73]. this was attributed to the higher amount of nitrogen contained in the ferrocenyl imidazolium catalyst. additionally, the decrease in nitrogen content could be ascribed to the presence of o in benzophenone which we believe inhibits nitrogen incorporation into n-cnts. deconvolution of o 1s spectra of n-cnts-0%, n-cnts-3% and n-cnts-fe peaks gave two bands centred at 531.26 and 533.40 ev assigned to c=o and c-o [74], respectively. the elemental analysis results (table 8) corroborate xps result with increased nitrogen-doping triggered by addition of varying amount of oxygen. table 9 shows the detailed analysis of c 1s peaks of ncnts-0%, n-cnts-3% and n-cnts-fe. the deconvoluted c 1s peaks produced five components at 284.3, 285.8, 287.0, 287.9 and 289.4 ev, assigned to c=c, c-c, hydroxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl functional groups, respectively [75, 76]. from the figure 8. xrd patterns of the n-cnts xps analysis, the carboxyl and carbonyl functional groups increase as the sp2 carbon decreases. for example, the atomic percentage of c=o increased from 3.8 (n-cnts-0%) to 8.8% (n-cnts-3%). the oxidation of c=c is confirmed by an increase in c-c components, which led to the formation of new functional groups on n-cnt surfaces. 3.7. powder xrd pattern studies the xrd profiles of n-cnts (i.e. 0-4 wt.% oxygen) and n-cnts-fe showed the crystalline nature of n-cnts (figure 8). all diffraction patterns showed the formation of (002) crystalline carbon plane (i.e. 26◦), indicative of cnts formation [77]. other peaks at 44.5◦, 49.1◦ and 77.6◦ correspond to (100), (221) and (401) reflections of the graphite structure of n-cnts, respectively. the weak peaks at 37.6◦ and 43.5◦ are assigned to fe3c and fe2o3, respectively, which are stuck inside the core of n-cnts [78, 79]. the xrd diffraction pattern for n-cnts showed a decrease in the intensities of (002) peaks as the alignment increases, particularly, from n-cnts-1% to n-cnts-3%. also, the diffraction peak intensities of the (002) plane for ncnts-1%, n-cnts-2% and n-cnts-3% are weaker than those of n-cnts-0% and n-cnts-fe. this shows that n-cnts-fe and n-cnts-0% have fewer structural defects since n-doping create faults in the graphitic layers. this result agrees with the raman results (table 4). the interlayer d-spacing increases from 0.339 to 0.352 nm as oxygen concentration increases (table 10). the increase in the d002 spacing is due to curvature of smaller diameter n-cnts and higher strain caused by the structural defect on the nanotube walls. this result is consistent with d002 spacing obtained from hrtem analysis. 213 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 214 table 8. relative atomic concentration and nitrogen species distribution from elemental and xps analysis elemental analysis xps analysis samples c (at.%) o (at.%) n (at.%) c (at.%) o (at.%) n (at.%) pyrrolic (at.%) pyridinic (at.%) graphitic (at.%) nitrogen molecule (at. %) n-cnts-0% 80.36 11.62 8.02 72.72 8.36 9.92 8.60 2.30 0.70 0.30 n-cnts-3% 71.82 13.04 15.14 77.00 9.40 13.36 11.80 1.24 0.80 0.20 n-cnts-fe 79.35 15.35 7.30 84.54 7.72 8.27 7.50 0.27 0.60 0.10 table 9. intensities of c 1s peaks samples 284.3 ev 285.8 ev 287.0 ev 287.9 ev 289.4 ev c=c sp2 (%) c-c sp3 (%) c-o (%) c=o (%) cooh (%) n-cnts-0% 75.5 5.9 13.6 3.8 1.2 n-cnts-3% 75.3 4.7 11.4 8.8 0.8 n-cnts-fe 76.9 4.2 14.8 2.5 1.6 table 10. x-ray structural parameters of n-cnts-0%, n-cnts-1%, n-cnts2%, n-cnts-3%, n-cnts-4% and n-cnts-fe. d002 values are obtained from hrtem and correlated with those from the xrd analysis entry samples d002 values (nm) intensity of c002 peaks fwhm at c002 peaks crystalline size (nm) 1 n-cnt-fe 0.348 488.41 2.446 3.06 2 n-cnt-0% 0.333 181.49 1.461 1.17 3 n-cnt-1% 0.339 129.72 1.548 1.41 4 n-cnt-2% 0.340 256.25 2.400 2.54 5 n-cnt-3% 0.344 247.13 2.616 2.61 6 n-cnt-4% 0.352 185.92 2.637 1.91 4. conclusion this study presented the role of oxygen and nitrogen-doping as a promising method to improve the physicochemical properties of n-cnts. this has critical implications for reproducibility in n-cnt synthesis, particularly on the effect of oxygen in diameter and wall thickness control. it can be concluded that the introduction of an appropriate amount of oxygen promotes n-cnts growth with clean walls and reduced diameters. from xps analysis, pyrrolic-n was predominantly incorporated into the crystalline cnt structure at a high oxygen concentration. nitrogen-doping was further confirmed by tga analysis and raman spectroscopy. lastly, the understanding of the effect of oxygen species on the morphology and surface area of ncnts during synthesis is critical in vast numbers of industrially promising supported metal nanoparticles catalyst design. acknowledgments this research was financially supported by the national research foundation (nrf) south africa. we are grateful to the school of chemistry and physics, university of kwazulu-natal (ukzn) for creating a conducive research laboratory for this work. ayomide is grateful to prof. vincent nyamori, prof. 214 labulo et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 2 (2020) 205–217 215 bernand omondi and mrs rashidat labulo for proofreading this manuscript. references 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[1] developed a combination of viscous dissipation with radiation parameters. the cone angle has a significant result on heat transfer and fluid flow conduct within the porous medium. the consequences of viscous dissipation, holmic dissipation, thermal radiation, and mass exchange outcomes on uneven hydromagnetic boundary thickness float of a stretching plane were developed by anjali devi et al. [2]. abd el aziz [3] is interested in the impact of thermal radiation along with mixed heat and mass transfer on hydromagnetic with the flow over a porous stretching level. mhd float was scientifically clarified with radiation via a stretching sheet surrounded by a porous medium, as specified and examined by anjali et al. [4]. makinde et al. [5] have analyzed the chemical response results from the stretching surface in the existence of interior heat invention. the radiation and chemical response outcomes on the mhd boundary layer glide of a stretching surface were examined by seini et al. [6]. abdul et al. [7] have investigated, via a stretching flat surface, the effect of thermal radiation on mhd fluid flow. the pressure of thermal radiation on the mhd flow via the stretching surface was discussed by chen et al. [8]. further, raju et al. [9] concentrated on resting the movement of casson fluid through a slippery wedge and noticed a decrease in the increasing temperature area estimations of the eckert number. electrically directing casson liquid flow over an item that is neither a perfect level/vertical slanted/cone in the presence of a steady, attractive field is also a significant concern. sabetha et al. [10] determined the thermal radiation results on hydromagnetic free convection drift previously and impetuously began vertical plate. hiteesh [11] studied the absence of transverse magnetic discipline, the border layer regular drift and heat transfer of a viscous incompressible fluid resulting from stretching plate with viscous dissipation impact. the convection heat transfer side by way of a constantly shifting heated vertical plate, including suction or injection analyzed by al-sanea [12]. unsteady free convection and mass change glide over a limitless vertical permeable plate in the commentary of suction/injection are to come upon with learning about by takhar et al. [14]. the impact of suction /injection on unsteady free convection couette float and warmth switch of an active viscous fluid with vertical permeable plate is explained by jha et al. [16]. shamshuddin et al. [17] developed a particular cover of flow that isn’t dissipative, and in-depth graphical illustrations are offered for the fine of the magnetic subject parameter. further, shah et al. employed the dissimilar case of nanoparticles. additionally, entropy optimization with activation electricity and chemical response is also studied. the 2nd regulation of thermodynamics is utilized to discover the entropy technology in velocity. heat and mass switch of williamson nanofluid causes a magnetohydrodynamic perimeter layer to move with the flow across a stretched sheet explored by reddy et al. [19]. the magnetohydrodynamic (mhd) flow of casson nanofluid impact over an extended surface was developed by hayat et al. [20]. dawar et al.[22] investigated the mhd casson-nanofluid, carbon nanotube, and radioactive heat transfer revolving channels. ali et al. [21] studied the blood moves with the casson fluid below the influence of mhd magnetohydrodynamics in axis-symmetric cylindrical tubes. the mhd williamson fluid via a bent sheet and below the influence of non-thermal heat source or sink cnts is analyzed by kumar et al. [23]. c. sus [24] for the first time, nanofluids were proposed by elevating nanometer and sized particles interested in the bottom fluid. the (swcnts) single-walled carbon annotates own a better heat transfer assessment, and surface drag compels (mwcnts) multiwall carbon annotates described by haq et al. [25]. further, liu et al. [26] examined glycol, ethylene, and engine oil with the existence of mwcnts, and they concluded that cnts with ethylene glycol have an advanced thermal conductivity. recently, the approach of nanofluid precedent above a stretching sheet was obtained by needed and lee [27]. the boundary deposit flow of nanoparticles concluded a stretching/shrinking exterior had been examined by nadeem bejan [28]. further, hayat et al.[29] obtained the nonmaterial fluid flow in a circulating method. the nanofluid flow throughout the entropy generation considers the circular heat source, which is studied by nouri et al. [30]. das et al. [31] have analyzed the mhd flow of nanofluid through a porous medium. further, sheremet et al. [32] examined the identical fluid in the crimped cavity. the flow of nanofluid in an enlarged porous sheet is observed by alharbi et al. [33]. zueco[34] exploited a community simulation technique (nsm) to check the consequences of viscous dissipation and radiation on unsteady free convection mhd on a vertical porous plate. hamzeh et al. [45] aims to investigate the properties of heat transfer and magnetohydrodynamics casson nanofluid in the presence of a free convection boundary layer fluid flow on a stretching sheet using cnts in human water/blood as the base fluid. the unsteady separated stagnation-point flow of hybrid nanofluid with viscous dissipation and joule heating is investigated numerically in this examined by amira zainal et al. [46]. zainal et al. [47] have investigated viscous dissipation and mhd hybrid nanofluid flow towards an exponentially stretching/shrinking surface. taza et al. [48] have studied heat and mass transmission more conveniently, such as in hybrid-powered engines, pharmaceutical processes, microelectronics, domestic refrigerators, and engine cooling. aditya et al. [49] have been examined by considering buongiorno’s two-component non-homogeneous model with the inclusion of electrification of nanoparticles and viscous dissipation. adedire et al. [50] examined the concentration profiles in the single and the interconnected multiple-compartment systems with sievepartitions to transport chemical species with second-order chemical re2 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 3 action kinetics. ramanuja et al. [51] have examined casson nanofluid flow over a growing or contracting porous medium with different permeability and thermal radiation.[54] have obtained numerical experiments show that the methods compete favourably with existing processes and efficiently solve stiff and oscillatory problems. nanofluids are obtained by reacting oxides, metals, carbides, or carbon nanotubes (cnts) with nanoparticles. generally, in base fluids, nanoparticles are regularly floating, consisting of water, kerosene, ethylene glycol, and engine oil in some areas. cnts used inner nanofluids, which are available in two types in carbon nanotubes (swcnts), and colloidal deferment of nanoparticles in a base fluid is used to create these fluids. this model investigates the stagnation flow on swcnt and blood nanofluids of mhd fluid in the existence of a porous medium, viscous dissipation, and investigation under the impact of injection/suction in addition to thermal radiation parameters are studied and analyzed through this examination. numerical techniques solved the resulting equations. symbolic computational software such as matlab bvp4c solver is used. the effects are presented graphically. 2. formation of the problem the physical description of the problem is illustrated in fullydeveloped steady-mixed convection flow of human blood utilized as base fluid, and swcnt as the nanoparticles over a state, incompressible, laminar flow of swcnt-based nanofluids saturated with human blood is embedded in the medium porous surface that allows the liquid to enter or exit during progressive developments or constrictions. the porous plates are separated by distancea. one part of the cross-segment converse to separation by 2a (t)between the walls, which is to a great extent less than the channel’s width and length. a consistent segment of the flow field is shown in the cartesian coordinate system, which is chosen within such a manner as exposed in fig.1. one and the other channel partitions are perceived to have distinct permeability issues and expansion or convention are systematically at a dependents-time velocity v0which represents the uniform suction v0 > 0 and injection v0 < 0channel which is supposed to be infinite in the distance. because of their magnetic characteristics, these nanoparticles are considered. in the proposed issue, the casson liquid model is exposed to blood and swcnts nanoparticles which are scattered into it for upgraded heat move. the above assumptions portrays leading equations in support of the nanofluid flow by 2-dimensional boundary cover equations are assumed as a continuity equation, momentum equation, and the energy equations as mentioned by vijayalakshmi et al. [41]; bestman [42]; srinivas et al. [43] and radha krinshnama charya et al.[44]. ∂u ∂x + ∂v ∂y = 0 (1) figure 1. schematic of problem ∂u ∂t + u ∂u ∂x + v ∂u ∂y = µn f ρn f ( 1 + 1 β ) ( ∂2u ∂x2 + ∂2u ∂y2 ) − µn f φ ρn f k ( 1 + 1 β ) u − b20σn f µn f u ρn f − 1 ρn f ∂p ∂x (2) ∂v ∂t + u ∂v ∂x + v ∂v ∂y = µn f ρn f ( 1 + 1 β ) ( ∂2v ∂x2 + ∂2v ∂y2 ) − µn f φ ρn f k ( 1 + 1 β ) v − b20σn f µn f u ρn f − 1 ρn f ∂p ∂y (3) ∂t ∂t + u ∂t ∂x + v ∂t ∂y = kn f (ρcp )n f ( ∂2t ∂y2 ) − 1 (ρcp )n f ∂qr ∂y + µn f (ρcp )n f ( 1 + 1 β ) ( ∂u ∂y )2 + q′′′ (ρcp )n f + q0 (ρcp )n f (t − t0) (4) where uand v denote the velocity fundamental quantities, with the directions of x-axis andy-axis, pdenote the dimensional pressure t be the time,φ&k are the permeability and porosity of the permeable medium, φ (η) is the dimensionless concentration of the fluid, temperature t ,kn f denote the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid, β be the blood casson fluid parameter,ρn f be the efficient density of the nanofluid, the efficient dynamic viscosity of the nanofluid be µn f , (ρcp )n f denote the heat electrical condenser of the nanofluid, and vdenote the kinematic viscosity. the non-uniform heat absorbed by generation per unit volume q′′′is defined as: q′′′ = b(x0)m+1k vx0 [ f 1(η)a∗(t1 − t0) + b ∗(t − t0)] here a∗represents the velocity of heat transfer for the spacedependent and b∗ represents an exponentially decaying parameter of space and internal temperature-dependent heat absorption. where a0 = v0a−1 and a1 = v1a−1 are the wall permeability quantities;t0, t1are the temperature of the upper and lower 3 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 4 walls;twis the temperature taking place at the wall;t∞is the temperature of free stream fluid flow. the substantial effects of the such as nanofluid ρn f ,µn f , (ρcp)n f , and kn f are involved in the outcomes of the distance distribution on cnts are compensated for using spinning oblique nanotubes with a very large axial ratio and given as, which might be outlined. 2.1. mathematical model for the thermal physcial property of a nanofluid table 1 mathematical model for the thermal physical property of a nanofluid the viscosity, density, heat capacitance and the effective thermal conductivity of the nanofluid are defined as given by h.c. brikman [52] and r. i. hamilton et al. [53] respectively: where, nthe nanoparticle is shape factor , vn f = µn f ρn f ,φthe volume of the utility of nanoparticles,ρ f concentration of the base fluid, ρs-be the density of the nanoparticle, µ f -viscosity of the base fluid, (ρc p) f , (ρc p)sthe capacitance heat of the base fluid along with nanoparticle is a combination with solid nanoparticles, and k f ; ksthermal conductivities of the base fluid and nanoparticle correspondingly. the thermo-physical properties of changed base fluids and nano-particles are revealed in table 1. by introducing the complimentary flow utility, the same represents flow velocity components u and v can be written through conditions of the free flow function in flow. u = ∂ψ ∂y and v = − ∂ψ ∂x (5) partial differential equations that are non-linear and condensed addicted to non-linear ode’s deliberated for that purpose the stream function whereψ = ψ(x, y)routinely satisfy continuity equation, indicates stream function appropriate to mass conservation and f (η) is dimensionless flow function. u = xva−2 fn(η, t), v = −va −1 f(η, t) ; ψ = xvf(η, t)/a (6) here η = ya , fn = ∂f ∂η the governing equations (2) are based on these assumptions are given by vijayalakshmi et al. [41]: ∂u ∂t = µn f ρn f ( 1 + 1 β ) ∂2u ∂y2 − µn f φ ρn f k ( 1 + 1 β ) u − b20σn f µn f u ρn f − 1 ρn f ∂p ∂x (7) usage of the irradiative heat flux is basic in rosseland’s estimate for radiation brewster [39], and the thermal flux is defined as: qr = − 4σ∗ 3k∗ ∂t 4 ∂y (8) here and k∗ be the “absorption specific” coefficient, σ∗be the stefan-boltzmann constant. we had been constrained that the temperature variations contained by using the glide are satisfactorily slighter such that the term t 4strength is stated as a direct function of temperature. this is consummated by increasing t 4 in taylor’s sequence about t∞ and ignoring higher-order expressions, thus assuming a small temperature difference in flow given below: t 4 � 4t 3∞t − 3t 4 ∞ (9) using eqs(9) and eqs(8) becomes ∂qr ∂y = −16σ∗t 3∞ 3k∗ ∂2t ∂y2 (10) under these assumptions, the leading equations are given by vijayalakshmi et al. [41]; bestman [42]; srinivas et al. [43] ∂t ∂t = kn f (ρcp )n f ( ∂2t ∂y2 ) + 1 (ρcp )n f  16σ∗t 313k∗ ∂ 2t ∂y2  + µn f (ρcp )n f ( 1 + 1 β ) ( ∂u ∂y )2 + q′′′ (ρcp )n f + q0 (ρcp )n f (t − t0) (11) the temperature of the nanofluid in the channel can be calculated as follows: tw = t∞ + b ( x a )m1 θ(η) (12) the dimensionless form of temperature from eq. (12) where θdimensionless temperature function, ηsimilarity variable, m1 denote the index power-law of the temperature and b is the constant of the fluid. the pressure gradient of the kind by vijayalakshmi et al. [41]; bestman [42]; srinivas et al. [43] and radhakrinshnama charya et al. [44] is thought to generate the pulsatile flow. a(1 + ceiwt) = − 1 ρn f ∂p ∂x (13) by inserting the dimensionless variables and parameters listed below: x = x h , y = y a , t = ωt ′ , p = p aρn f h u = ωu ′ a ,θ(η) = t − t0 t1 − t0 (14) at this moment, we eliminate pressure commencing from equations(12) using (13) and (14) with reference from vijayalakshmi et al. [41] the following is obtained; (1 + ceiωt) = − ∂p ∂x (15) a2 a1r (1 + 1 β ) ∂2u ∂y2 − 1 a1 ∂p ∂x − 1 a1 ( a5 m 2 + a2 da ) u − ∂u ∂t = 0 (16) eqs(12) using (14) (15) eqs becomes:( a4 a3 + 4 3a3 rd ) 1 r pr θ ′′ + a2 a3 eca∗ r ( ∂u ∂y )2 + b∗qh a3r θ− ( ∂θ ∂t ) = 0 (17) 4 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 5 table 1. mathematical model for the thermal physical property of a nanofluid physical quantity mathematical model influential dynamic viscosity of the nanofluid µn f = µ f (1 −φ) −2.5 the influential density of the nanofluids ρn f = φps + (1 −φ)p f the heat capacitance of nanofluid (ρcp)n f = φ (ρcp)s + (1 −φ)(ρcp) f thermal conductivity of sphericalnanoparticles approximated kn f = k f [ 2k f +ks−2φ(k f −ks ) 2k f +ks +φ(k f −ks ) ] the electrical conductivity σn f = σ f [ 1 + 3(σ−1)(σ+2)−(σ−1)ϕ ] using the following dimensionless similarity variables, where darcy parameter, the frequency parameter, eckert number, prandtl number, heat source parameter, radiation parameter. da = k a2 , r = ωh2 v f , ec = a2 (c p) f ω2(t1 − t0) pr = (pc p) f vn f k f , qh = q0a2 (ρc f ) f v f , a1 = φ ρs ρ f + (1 −φ) , a2 = (1 −φ) 2.5 , a3 = φ (ρcp)s (ρcp) f (1 −φ), rd = 4t 31 σ ∗ k f k∗ a4 = [ 2k f + ks − 2φ(k f − ks) 2k f + ks + φ(k f − ks) ] a5 = 1 + 3 ( σs σ f − 1 ) φ( 2 + σs σ f ) + ( − σs σ f + 1 ) ϕ  (18) the corresponding boundary conditions are: f (1) = 1, f (−1) = 1, f ′ (1) = 0, and f ′ (−1) = 0. (19) θ(−1) = 1,θ(1) = 0, i f θ(0) = 1 + δθ′(0) (20) it was once initiated that there is an appropriate settlement between analytical and numerical solutions. dimensionless shear stress at the partitions is described as heat transfer. the pace of the partitions is a prerequisite for nusselt quantity non-dimensional, which is characterized by hatami et al. [40] τ = x(1 −φ)−2.5 r ( f ′′(η) ) η=−1,1 (21) nux = − kn f k f ∂t ∂η /(t1 − t0) = −φ2θ(η)η = −1, 1 c f = 2µn f ρ f (uw (x)) ( ∂u ∂y ) y=0 = −φ2θ(η)η = −1, 1 qw = −kn f ∂t ∂y /y = 0 3. results and discussion we investigated in this study the combined property of thermal radiation, heat generation, and viscous dissipation resting on the swcnt and blood nanofluid flow modal that incorporates nanoparticle volume fraction. within the numerical computation, the properties of the blood and swcnt are utilized (reference table 2). the consistency and accuracy of our accurate solutions and numerical trials of the significant parameters are highlighted through graphs in this section. the governing equation (15) and (16) through the boundary conditions (18) and (19) were worked out by employing the rungekutta strategy through the shooting method (matlab solver, bvp4c package software). to achieve these results, mathematical computations are exposed by making an allowance for a distinct norm of non-dimensional governing parameters. the impacts of governing substantial parameters are explored in detail. specifically; eckert number(ec), magnetic parameter (m), nanoparticle volume parameter(φ), heat generation parameter (qh ), prandtl number (pr), darcy number (da), casson parameter (β), and a∗, b∗ are velocities of heat transfer for the spacedependent; with the following assigned values to the respective parameters: \ m = 2, a = 0.5, b = 0.1, m1 = 0.2, r = 2, da = 0.5, qh = 0.1, a ∗ = 0.2, b∗ = 0.2, nr = 0.5, ec = 0.2 through figure 2, the result ofa∗on the temperature distribution θ(ς) is illustrated and from this, we conclude that a∗ starts declining against the temperature profile which is being enlarged after a certain range. it is observed from figure 3 that the impact of b∗on temperature profile θ(ς) decreases. after these factors, the speed profiles are accelerated. it can be seen from figure 4 the difference of eckert number (ec) through the temperature profile. the incidence of eckert number in casson nanofluids enhances the development of thermal vitality, which results in the advance with temperature distributions and in consequence of thermal deposit thickness. the result of the undeniable viscosity of nanofluids supplies vitality from the waft because of the rise in heat electricity through frictional heating and transforms it into interior electricity. variations of various heat-generating parameter values are dependent on the temperature; the profile is revealed in figure.5. when qh grows positively, heat production takes up residence in the thermal limit layer. the casson nanofluid thermal electricity improves due to a large amount of heat. this process raises the thickness of the thermal boundary layer, implying that 5 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 6 figure 2. impact ofa∗onθ(ς) figure 3. impact ofb∗on θ(ς) warmness strength is activated and, as a result, the temperature of the fluid rises. the impression of the thermal slip parameter δon the temperature profile and the velocity profile is depicted through figure 6. we observed that the thermal slip parameter leads to increases in the temperature distribution and the thermal boundary layer thickness; besides, this outmost impact is noticed at the outside of the channel. figure 7 shows the impact of the slip parameter on the rate of casson nanofluid. we noticed that the slip parameter δ at a certain point the velocity of the casson fluid enhanced. figure 8 depicts the effect of da on velocity profiles of casson nanofluid, and it is observed that velocity accelerates with rising values of darcy number. the impact of attractive boundary m on velocity and temperature profiles is shown through figure 9 and figure 10. from this, we noticed that the velocfigure 4. impact ofecon θ(ς) figure 5. impact of qh on θ(ς) figure 6. impact of δ on θ(ς) 6 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 7 figure 7. impact ofδ on f ′(ζ) figure 8. impact ofdaon f ′(ζ) ity profiles decline for swcnt with rising values of m resulting thickness of the boundary layer is reduced at a faster rate. physically, the lorentz energy, which opposes movement, occurs due to the used transverse magnetic flow and is responsible for reducing fluid velocity. besides, as the temperature profiles are improved, the temperate limit layer thickness expands. the impact of blood parameters β on the velocity and temperature distributions is shown in figure 11 and figure 12; it is noticed that for the increasing value ofβ, the velocity profile decreases for swcnt. it is because of blood with β will increase the plasticity of blood fluid expands with motive the deceleration in velocity. it’s due to the blood’s malleability, when β decreases, the flexibility of the fluid increases, causing the pace to slow down. in addition, the temperature profile of the flow escalates for increasing values of m. in figure 13, the impact of volume fraction φon the temperature profile for human blood-based nanofluid with swcnt is displayed; it is noticed that for both human blood flow and swcnt, as the φ rises, the temperature of the nano-fluid also increases. it is additionally referred to as those changes in φ infigure 9. impact of m on f ′(ζ) figure 10. impact of m on θ(ς) dicating the adjustments in temperature after which shows the significance of nanofluid. the impact of a on velocity and temperature profiles are portrayed through figure 14 and figure 15; it is noticed that the temperature profile θ(ς)escalates and the velocity profile f ′(ζ) decelerates with the impact ofa. in figure 16, the outcomes of the m1 on the temperature profile are displayed; the temperature of the nanofluid decreases to swcnt with increasing value of m1, which leads to a decline in velocity boundary deposit thickness. 3.1. physical properties of base fluid and nano-particles thermo substantial properties regarding the base fluid and nanoparticles of carrier fluid human blood and swcnt nanoparticles are given below table 2 3.2. skin friction and nusselt number for the cases of unsteady contraction/expansion from table 3 it is seen that the coefficients of space with temperature-dependent a∗and b∗with relatively high-temperature 7 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 8 table 2. physical properties of base fluid & nanoparticles (blood and swcnt) physical properties solid nanoparticles swcnt base fluid blood cp(j/kg k) 425 3617 κ(w/m k) 6600 0.52 ρ (kg/m3) 2600 1050 figure 11. impact of β on f ′(ζ) figure 12. impact ofβon θ(ς) source/sink, the skin friction coefficient stable in nature whereas the nuselt number will be enhanced. with the improved values of da, both skin friction and nusullt number decrease. the enhanced values βreduce skin friction on velocity, in addition, to enhancing the heat transfer moderately. the pores of skin friction remain stable, convenient and incomplete gradual reduction inside heat transfer velocity used with increasing values ofnr &qh . in this case of m, friction (c f )and nusselts numfigure 13. impact of φon θ(ς) figure 14. impact of a on f ′(ζ) ber decrease. for the effect of the parameters ec, φ anda, both the values of skin friction, nusselts number declines, whereas form1, both skin friction and nusselt number increases. 3.3. skin friction and nusselt number for steady contraction situation in the above table 4, we can see that the enhanced values of a∗as well as b∗have no impact resting on skin friction, although these values concentrated the heat transfer velocity. the skin friction values for the variations in daremained constant whereas local nusselt number values will be increasing. the enhanced values of β covers the oscillatory nature for pores 8 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 9 table 3. the impact of various parameters on skin friction ( c f ) and nusselt number (nux)for the cases of unsteady contraction/expansion a∗ b∗ da β nr qh m ec δ φ a m1 c f nux 0.0 19.471388 3.193296 0.2 19.471388 3.290621 0.4 19.471388 3.387946 0.0 19.471388 3.015712 0.2 19.471388 3.290621 0.4 19.471388 3.646890 0.001 66.175569 3.259443 0.05 24.559828 3.307261 0.1 21.627181 3.298364 0.1 19.471388 3.290621 0.3 8.683747 3.562513 0.5 6.435490 3.624260 0.5 19.471388 3290621 1.0 19.471388 5.542735 1.5 19.471388 7.858197 -0.1 19.471388 3.015712 0.0 19.471388 3.144902 0.1 19.471388 3.290621 1 19.246748 3.292558 10 21.302554 3.274551 20 23.677717 3.252965 0.1 19.471388 3.516654 0.2 19.471388 3.290621 0.3 19.471388 3.064588 -0.2 8.072545 3.021844 0.0 11423853 3.118250 0.2 19.471388 3.290621 0.1 19.471388 3.290621 0.3 35.873231 8.780344 0.5 19.180772 27.79143 0.1 34.402685 4.064004 0.3 27.006243 3.661321 0.5 18.710125 3.254065 0.0 19.471388 3.267488 1.0 19.471388 3.401005 2.0 19.471388 3.579480 and skin friction although there is an insignificant variation for heat transfer rate. influence of mis not affecting skin friction whereas heat transfer velocity is decreased for the same m values. there is an oscillatory characteristic in pores and skin friction and a fast increased within the heat transfer velocity which is meant for rising values ofa. raising values of the slip parameter φescalate the both skin friction and nusselt number. for the influence ofm1, the skin friction values remain constant and the local nusselt number decrease. 4. validation similarly, table 4 is organized to explain nu at the employing the runge-kutta strategy through the shooting method estimated for different values of relevant model variables for both swcnts and mwcnts nano fluids. from table 3 and table 4, it can be observed that the weight of rate of heat transport accelerates for a high magnitude of both φ and pr and declines for a higher value of the eckert number(ec). eckert number (ec) is related to the dissipation term, and the more considerable importance of eckert number (ec) enhances the thermal field. therefore, the opposite result for the higher significance of the eckert number (ec) verses nu is perceived table 5 5. conclusion in this article, the stagnation flow on swcnt and blood nanofluids of mhd fluid in the existence of a porous medium, viscous dissipation, and injection/suction in addition to thermal radiation parameters are studied and analyzed through this examination. the resulting equations were solved by numerical techniques. the tables and graph values for the tempera9 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 10 table 4. the impact of various parameters on skin friction ( c f ) and nusselt number (nux)for steady contraction situation a∗ b∗ da β nr qh m ec δ φ a m1 c f nux 0.0 19.997073 2.555168 0.2 19.997073 2.647360 0.4 19.997073 2.739552 0.0 19.997073 2.462266 0.2 19.997073 2.647360 0.4 19.997073 2.880635 0.001 68.577628 2.542118 0.05 25.222523 2.654748 0.1 22.208947 2.651121 0.1 19.997073 2.647360 0.3 9.274754 2.907525 0.5 7.085115 2.970431 0.5 19.997073 2.647360 1.0 19.997073 4.751474 1.5 19.997073 6.972890 -0.1 19.997073 2.462266 0.0 19.997073 2.549819 0.1 19.997073 2.647360 1 19.769175 2.649027 10 21.854765 2.633497 20 24.264288 2.614779 0.1 19.997073 2.860118 0.2 19.997073 2.647360 0.3 19.997073 2.434603 0.2 8.119202 2.475313 0.0 11.560063 2.542268 0.2 19.997073 2.647360 0.1 19.997073 2.647360 0.3 36.522610 6.779180 0.5 91.966641 20.72406 0.1 35.32447 3.026218 0.3 27.732563 2.846351 0.5 19.215453 2.625739 0.0 19.997073 2.765707 1.0 19.997073 2.328076 2.0 19.997073 2.100096 table 5. the numerical values of the nusselt number −φ ′ (1) pr ec φ −φ ′ (1) swcnts mwcnts 20 1.5 0.01 0.067257 0.201779 21 0.107184 0.254538 22 0.127169 0.307473 20 1.6 0.067655 0.202565 1.6 0.068047 0.203369 1.5 0.02 0.246742 0.517264 0.03 0.427643 0.835802 ture field, skin-friction coefficient, velocity profiles, local nusselt number with the effects of parameters magnetic enclosure thermal radiation, thermophoresis, prandtl number, permeability parameter, and eckert number are exposed and obtained. the numerous observations of the current examined about the following conclusions. 1. human blood as well as the base fluid is drastically utilised first time to attain the solution for casson nano-fluids. it’s extremely noticed that rate decreases with increasing cnt quantity portion, and advances in cnt quantity division will increase the blood temperature, which affects in and gives an improvement to the heat transfer velocity. 2. the velocity expressed increases through increasing the velocity fraction parameter about the temperature and concentration profiles are decreased and increased bya. 3. an increase of the swcnt solid φquantity section and eckert quantity yields an addition with nano-fluids tem10 ramanuja et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1054 11 figure 15. impact of a on θ(ς) figure 16. iimpact of m1 on θ(ς) perature, leading to the direction of sudden radiation in the heat transfer rates. 4. increasing values of the slip parameterδreduces the pace subject. the concept of base fluid provides parameter enhancement in the temperature. 5. the viscous dissipation affects the flow within the temperature profile and decreases with the insignificant value of the (pr)prandtl quantity. 6. an eckert number (ec)shows a small effect c f decreased but nux has increased with the enlargement of the (ec) eckert number. the temperature distribution θ(η) is increased as the eckert number (ec) and radiation parameter increase. 7. the thermal radiation, heat generation/absorption, and permeability parameters throughout decreases with advancement in prenatal number, the unsteadiness, the suction, and the magnetic parameter. 8. as an essential position in dissipating heat the temperature of the fluid decreases through enhancement with nanoparticle quantity section for swcnt as a result of elevated thermal conductivity. an expansion in the swcnt’s quantity suction increases the casson-nanofluid temperature, which affects inflation in the heat transfer velocity. 9. swcnts hold an identical consequence resting on the velocity with temperature profiles for casson nanofluid flow. the resistance impedance in the direction of flow confirms higher results used for the swcnt case than for the pureblood case. acknowledgement the authors are grateful to the reviewers for their painstaking efforts in improving the quality of the manuscript. references [1] n. j. salman ahmed., t. m. yunus khan, sarfaraz kamangar & azeem, “effect of viscous dissipation and radiation in an annular cone”, aip conference proceedings 1751 (2016). 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[3], kim et al. [4], routbort et al. [5] and donzelli et al. [6]. the theoretical and experimental findings in chandrasekhar [7] are based on the newtonian fluid’s capacity to convect steadily ∗corresponding author tel. no: +918570975865 email addresses: pl maths@yahoo.in (pushap lata sharma), deepakbains123@gmail.com (deepak bains) in the absence of a porous medium while subject to rotation and a magnetic field. papamarkos et al. [8] described a method based upon octagonally symmetric design and iir digital filterations. a study of non-newtonian nanofluids like rivlinericksen, maxwellian and modified darcy-maxwell model for s.c. is employed by rana et al. [9], chand [10] and singh et al. [11], respectively. linearised stability theory was used by lapwood [12] to investigate convective flow in a porous material. nield et al. [13] introduced convection in porous media. convection with internal heating in a porous material saturated by a nanofluid was examined by nield et al. [14]. the results reveal that the inclusion of nanofluid particles increases the system’s instability. later, nield et al. [15] provided brief introduction to the book nield et al. [13]. tzou [16, 17] investigated how 1 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 2 natural convection affected nanofluids’ thermal instability. several researchers nield et al. [18, 19, 20], sheu [21] and chand et al. [22, 23, 24] used the buongiorno [2] model to investigate nanofluids’ thermal instability in porous media. ramanuja et al. [25] also used porous medium in their problem. the development of objects in an astrophysical plasma environment is caused by thermal instability, which is studied by kaothekar [26] for partly ionised thermal plasma. this plasma has a relation to astrophysical condensations. chand et al. [27] studied t.i. effect on oldroydian nanofluid by considering realistic boundary conditions. nield et al. [20], sharma [28], yadav et al. [29], chand et al. [30, 31], govender [32] and chand et al. [33] examined the of nanofluid’s thermal instability in rotation. some of them examined rotation’s interactions with suspended particles, many non-newtonian fluids, couple-stress rotation’s interactions with porous media, and rotation’s interactions with itself. they discovered that a system’s thermal instability depends heavily on rotation. yadav et al. [34] employed magneto-convection in rotatory layer of nanofluid and electrothermo-convection in a horizontal layer of rotating nanofluid is examined by chand et al. [35]. additionally, several of them created rotation-based industrial applications, including those found in nuclear reactors, power plants, the petroleum sector, geophysics etc. nanofluid oscillating convection in a porous media was explored by chand et al. [36]. gautam et al. [37] established the concepts of free-free, rigid-free, and rigidrigid boundary conditions for the electrohydrodynamic t.i. of a jeffrey nanofluid layer saturating a porous medium and concluded that the rotation parameter stabilises the system for bottom and top-heavy layouts. a porous-medium-saturated jeffrey nanofluid flow was studied by rana [38] for the effects of rotation. for both bottom and top-heavy arrangements and provided evidence that the rotation parameter stabilises the system. sharma et al. [39] studies the electrohydro dynamics convection in dielectric rotating oldroydian nanofluid in porous medium. the idealisation of uniform gravity used in theoretical research, while appropriate for lab applications, is seldom warranted for large-scale convection events happening in the earth’s atmosphere, ocean, or mantle. gravity must thus be viewed as a changeable quantity that changes with distance from a surface or other reference point. pradhan et al. [40] investigated the thermal instability of a fluid layer in a changeable gravitational field and discovered that boosting the gravitational field vertically accelerates the commencement of convection. a porous media with an internal heat source and an inclined temperature gradient was studied by alex et al. [41] to see how changing gravity affected thermal instability. straughan [42] used both linear theory and nonlinear energy theory to analyse the issue for the case of stiff boundaries in a spatially changing gravitational field and discovered that the nonlinear conclusions were remarkably similar to the linear ones. chand et al. [43] looked into how changing gravity would affect a layer of nanofluid in a porous medium and found that the gravity parameter had a big impact on fluid stability. theoretically and visually, chand [10] investigates thermal instability of maxwell non-newtonian fluid with varying gravity. using a higher order galerkin method, yadav [44] investigated the joint effects of variable gravity fields and throughflow on the beginning of convective motion in a porous medium layer. the results showed that both the throughflow and gravity variation parameters serve to delay the motion’s onset. mahajan et al. [45] analyses the effects of several fundamental temperature and concentration gradients on a layer of reactive fluid in a varied gravity field utilising both linear and non-linear analysis. surya et al. [46] examine the thermal instability of a horizontal layer of liquid heated from below that is contained between thermally conductive porous walls under the influence of a fluctuating gravitational field. as limiting examples of the permeability parameters of the borders, the impact of the gravity variation growing vertically upward for various particular situations of the boundary conditions is derived and graphically depicted. in a layer of porous media, the effects of rotation and varying gravitational strengths on the beginning of heat convection were computed by yadav [47]. the findings demonstrate how the gravity variation parameter and the rotation parameter both delay convection’s arrival. with increased rotation and gravity variation parameters, the measurement of the convection cells diminishes. shekhar et al. [48] investigates numerically how varying gravity affects rotational convection in a porous material that is poorly packed. the linear, parabolic, cubic, and exponential functions are taken into account for variations in gravitational force. while the darcy number increases convection cell size, convection cell size falls when the variable gravity parameter and rotation parameter are increased. additionally, it has been found that the system is more stable for exponential gravity functions than for cubic gravity functions. chand et al. [49] investigated the impact of variable gravity on the thermal instability of rotating nanofluids in porous media and discovered that, in the presence of rotation and also for nanoparticle rayleigh numbers, decreasing the gravity parameter has a stabilising effect while increasing it has a destabilising effect. by taking into account its numerous applications in various fields like geophysics, astrophysics, food processing, oil reservoir modeling, building of thermal insulations and nuclear reactors etc. this brief review of the literature leads one to believe that such a problem was nonexistent; hence, the current problem of thermal instability of rotating jeffrey nanofluids in porous media with variable gravity was chosen. 2. mathematical formulation here, we examine a rotating horizontal jeffrey nanofluid layer heated from below in a porous medium with medium permeability k1 and porosity ε and angular velocity ω(0, 0, ω) bordered by plane z = 0 and z = d, working upward under the influence of variavle gravity. furthermore, it is assumed from nield et al. [18] and chand et al. [49] that there is variable gravity along z -direction i.e. g = (1+δh(z))g, where δh(z) is the variable gravity parameter. when the top boundary layer is at z = d, the temperature t and volumetric fraction ϕ of nanoparticles are assumed to be t1 and ϕ1, respectively, with t0 > t1 and ϕ0 > ϕ1. 2 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 3 figure 1: physical configuration for the sake of simplicity, oberbeck-boussinesq approximation is used and darcy’s law is taken to be true by nield et al. [18] and chand et al. [49]. thus from buongiorno [2], chandrasekhar [7], nield et al. [18] and chand et al. [33, 49] the pertinent governing equations for the study of spinning jeffrey nanofluid in porous medium are ∇.q = 0 (1) 0 = −∇p + ( ϕρp + (1 −ϕ) {ρ0 (1 −α (t − t1))} ) g − µ k1(1 + λ) q + 2ρ0 ε (q × ω) (2) for nanoparticle, the continuity equation is given by (buongiorno [2]) ∂ϕ ∂t + 1 ε q.∇ϕ = db∇2ϕ + dt t1 ∇ 2t (3) for the nanofluid, the equation of thermal energy is given by (buongiorno [2] and chand et al. [49]) (ρc)m ∂t ∂t + (ρc) f q.∇t = km∇ 2t +ε (ρc)p [ db∇ϕ.∇t + dt t1 ∇t.∇t ] (4) where q is the fluid velocity, p is the pressure, ρ0 is nanofluid density at z = 0, ρp is nanoparticles density, ϕ is the volume fraction of the nanoparticles, t is temperature, t1 is the reference temperature, α is thermal expansion coefficient, g is gravitational acceleration and k1 is medium fluid permeability, µ is coefficient of viscosity, ε is the porosity of the porous media, λ = λ1 λ2 the jeffrey parameter (which is the ratio of stressrelaxation-time parameter, λ1 to strain-retardation-time parameter, λ2), the fluid’s heat capacity in porous medium is (ρc)m, (ρc)p stands for heat capacity of nanoparticles, (ρc) f stands for fluid’s heat capacity, km is the fluid’s thermal conductivity, the brownian diffusion coefficient is db and dt is nanoparticles’ the thermophoretic diffusion coefficient (chand et al. [49]). we presumed nanoparticles’ temperature and volumetric fraction as constant. thus, boundary conditions (chandrasekhar [7] and nield et al. [18]) are{ w = 0, t = t0, ϕ = ϕ0 at z = 0 w = 0, t = t1, ϕ = ϕ1 at z = d (5) on introducing non-dimensional variables as (chandrasekhar [7]) (x∗, y∗, z∗) = (x, y, z) d , q∗ = q d κm , t∗ = tκm σd2 p∗ = pk1 µκm , ϕ∗ = ϕ−ϕ0 ϕ1 −ϕ0 , t∗ = t − t1 t0 − t1 where κm = km (ρc) f , σ = (ρc)m(ρc) f are fluid’s thermal diffusivity and thermal capacity ratio, respectively. relaxing the star (∗) for 3 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 4 simplification. the reduced non-dimensional form of equations 1,2,3,4 are: ∇.q = 0 (6) 0 = −∇p − 1 1 + λ q − rm(1 + δh(z))k̂ +rd(1 + δh(z))t k̂ − rn(1 + δh(z))ϕk̂ + √ ta ( q × k̂ ) (7) 1 σ ∂ϕ ∂t + 1 ε q.∇ϕ = 1 ln ∇ 2ϕ + na ln ∇ 2t (8) ∂t ∂t + q.∇t = ∇2t + nb ln ∇ϕ.∇t + na nb ln ∇t.∇t (9) where dimensionless parameters are rm = (ρpϕ0 +ρ0 (1−ϕ0 ))gk1 d µκm is density rayleigh number, rd = ρ0α(t0−t1 )gk1 d µκm is rayleigh darcy number rn = (ρp−ρ0 )(ϕ1−ϕ0 )gk1 d µκm is nanoparticle rayleigh number, ta = ( 2ωρd2 µ )2 is taylor number, ln = κm db is lewis number, na = dt (t0−t1 ) db t1 (ϕ1−ϕ0 ) is nanofluid modified diffusivity ratio, nb = ε(ρc)p (ϕ1−ϕ0 ) (ρc) f is modified nanoparticle-density increment. the reduced non-dimensional boundary conditions are:{ w = 0, t = 1, ϕ = 0 at z = 0 w = 0, t = 0, ϕ = 1 at z = 1 (10) 3. basic states and it’s solutions the time independent basic states for nanofluid are expressed as (nield et al. [18, 19] and chand et al. [49]):{ q(u, v, w) = 0 ⇒ u = v = w = 0, p = pb(z), t = tb(z), ϕ = ϕb(z) (11) the basic variable represented by subscript b. using equation (11) in 6), (7,8), (9), these equations reduce to 0 = − d dz pb(z) − rm(1 + δh(z)) + rd(1 + δh(z))tb(z) −rn(1 + δh(z))ϕb(z) (12) d2 dz2 ϕb(z) + na d2 dz2 tb(z) = 0 (13) d2 dz2 tb(z)+ nb ln d dz ϕb(z) d dz tb(z)+ na nb ln ( d dz tb(z) )2 = 0(14) solving equation 13 with boundary conditions equation 10, we get ϕb(z) = (1 − na)z + (1 − tb)na (15) using (15) in equation (14), we have d2 dz2 tb(z) + (1 − na)nb ln d dz tb(z) + na nb ln ( d dz tb(z) )2 = 0 neglecting the higher order term, we have d2 dz2 (tb(z)) + (1 − na)nb ln d dz (tb(z)) = 0 (16) using boundary conditions (10), the solution of differential equation 16 is tb(z) = e− (1−na )nb ln z [ 1 − e− (1−na )nb ln (1−z) ] 1 − e− (1−na )nb ln (17) according to buongiorno [2] hypothesis, the approximated solutions for equations 15 and 17 are given as tb = 1 − z, and ϕb = z (18) these approximated solutions 18 agrees well with the results obtained by nield et al. [18, 19, 20], sheu [21] and chand et al. [49]. 4. perturbation solutions superimposing infinitesimal perturbation on the basic states in ordered to examine the stability of the system, the basic states equation 11 are written in following form (nield et al. [18, 19, 20] and chand et al. [49]){ q(u, v, w) = 0 + q′(u, v, w), p = pb + p′ t = tb + t′ = (1 − z) + t′, ϕ = ϕb + ϕ′ = z + ϕ′ (19) using (19) in equations (6, 7,8,9), and linearize by ignoring the products of primes and for convenience discarding primes (′) . we obtain the reduced equations (6,7,8,9) as ∇.q = 0 (20) 0 = −∇p − 1 1 + λ q − rn(1 + δh(z))ϕk̂ +rd(1 + δh(z))t k̂ + √ ta ( q × k̂ ) (21) 1 σ ∂ϕ ∂t + 1 ε w = na ln ∇ 2t + 1 ln ∇ 2ϕ (22) ∂t ∂t − w = ∇2t − 2 na nb ln ∂t ∂z + nb ln ( ∂t ∂z − ∂ϕ ∂z ) (23) and boundary conditions are ϕ = 0, t = 0, w = 0 at z = 0 and z = 1 (24) it should be noted that rm is unrelated in equations 21,22 and 23, it is simply the basic static pressure gradient measurement. operating equation 21 with k̂.curl.curl, we get (i.e. making use of result curl.curl = grad.div −∇2) 1 1 + λ ∇ 2w = −rn(1 + δh(z))∇ 2 hϕ +rd(1 + δh(z))∇ 2 h t − √ ta ∂ξ ∂z (25) 4 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 5 now eliminating p from equation (21), i.e. by operating it with i ∂ ∂y and further with − j ∂ ∂x , respectively and further solving, we get ξ = (1 + λ) √ ta ∂w ∂z (26) now, using (26) in equation (25), we have 1 1 + λ [ 1 1 + λ ∇ 2w + rn(1 + δh(z))∇ 2 hϕ −rd(1 + δh(z))∇ 2 h t ] + ta ∂2w ∂z2 = 0 (27) 5. stability analysis by normal mode the disturbances analysing by normal mode analysis as follow (chandrasekhar [7]):[ w, t,ϕ ] = [w(z), θ(z), φ(z)] ex p(ikx x + ikyy + nt) (28) where growth rate is represented as n and the wave number along x and y directions are kx and ky, respectively. using equation 28 in equations 22, 23 and 27, we get 1 1 + λ [ 1 1 + λ ( d2 − a2 ) w + rd(1 + δh(z))a 2 θ −rn(1 + δh(z))a 2 φ ] + ta d 2w = 0 (29) 1 ε .w − na ln (d2 − a2)θ + [ n σ − (d2 − a2) ln ] φ = 0 (30) w+ [ (d2 − a2) + nb ln d − 2 na nb ln d − n ] θ− nb ln dφ = 0(31) where d = ddz and −a 2 = k2x + k 2 y = ∂2 ∂x2 + ∂2 ∂y2 , ∇ 2 = d 2 dz2 − a 2 = d2−a2. the a is the dimensionless resulting wave number. the boundary conditions by considering normal mode are written as chandrasekhar [7] (freefree boundary condition) w = d2w = θ = φ = 0 at z = 0 and z = 1 (32) assume that the solutions for w, θ and φ are of the form (chandrasekhar [7]) w = w0 sin(πz), θ = θ0 sin(πz), φ = φ0 sin(πz) (33) these solutions in (33) satisfy the boundary conditions (32). substituting solution (33) into equations (29,30,31) and integrating each equations individually within limits z = 0 to z = 1, we gain the following matrix equation  j 1+λ + (1 + λ)π 2ta − a2rd(1 + δh(z)) a2rn(1 + δh(z)) 1 −(j + n) 0 1 ε na ln j jln + n σ   w0 θ0 φ0  =  0 0 0  (34) where j = π2 + a2 is the entire wave number. the eigenvalue to the system of linear equation 34 is given as rd = [ j 1 + λ + (1 + λ)π2ta ] (j + n) a2(1 + δh(z)) − [ na ln j + (j+n) ε ] j ln + n σ rn (35) 6. stationary convection for steady state, put n = 0 in equation 35, we obtain rd = (π2 + a2)2 a2(1 + λ)(1 + δh(z)) + (π2 + a2)(1 + λ)π2ta a2(1 + δh(z)) − ( na + ln ε ) rn (36) the rayleigh darcy number for stationary convection reveal by the equation 36 is a function of a, λ, δh(z), ta, na, ln, ε, rn. in non-appearance of jeffrey’s nanofluid (λ = 0), the equation 36 reduces to rd = (π2 + a2)2 a2(1 + δh(z)) + (π2 + a2)π2ta a2(1 + δh(z)) − ( na + ln ε ) rn(37) equation 37 agrees well with the results obtained by chand et al. [49] for stationary convection. in non-appearance of jeffrey’s nanofluid (λ = 0) and rotation (ta = 0), the equation 36 reduces to rd = (π2 + a2)2 a2(1 + δh(z)) − ( na + ln ε ) rn (38) equation 38, agrees well with the results obtained by pradhan et al. [40]. in non-appearance of jeffrey’s nanofluid (λ = 0), rotation (ta = 0) and constant gravity (δh(z) = 0), then the equation 36 reduces to rd = (π2 + a2)2 a2 − ( na + ln ε ) rn (39) equation 39, agrees well with the results obtained by nield et al. [18] and chand et al. [49]. according to nield et al. [18], the critical value of equation 36 is accomplished at a = π, so 5 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 6 table 1: on the onset of stationary convection (rd)c variation of constant variables variable gravity’s impact on stationary convection z in graphs λ ta ln rn ε na δ h(z) = z2 − 2z h(z) = −z2 h(z) = −z h(z) = z 0.3 λ 0.6 0 1 100 500 -1 0.6 5 0.5 stabilising stabilising stabilising destabilising 0.9 100 ta 200 0 1 0.6 500 -1 0.6 5 0.5 stabilising stabilising stabilising destabilising 300 100 ln 500 0 1 0.6 100 -1 0.6 5 0.5 stabilising stabilising stabilising destabilising 1000 -1 rn -0.5 0 1 0.6 100 500 0.6 5 0.5 destabilising destabilising destabilising destabilising -0.1 0.3 ε 0.6 0 1 0.6 100 500 -1 5 0.5 destabilising destabilising destabilising destabilising 0.9 1 na 5 0 1 0.6 100 500 -1 0.6 0.5 stabilising stabilising stabilising destabilising 10 figure 2: variability of (rd)c w.r.t. z for distinct values of h(z) by taking distinct values of λ for stationary convection the critical rayleigh-darcy number is specified as (rd)c = 4π2 (1 + λ)(1 + δh(z)) + 2π2(1 + λ)ta 1 + δh(z) − ( na + ln ε ) rn (40) in non-appearance of rotation (ta = 0), jeffrey’s nanofluid (λ = 0), nanoparticles and at constant gravity (δh(z) = 0), we figure 3: variability of (rd)c w.r.t. z for distinct values of h(z) by taking distinct values of ta obtained the rayleigh darcy number given as (rd)c = 4π 2 this agrees well with the results obtained by lapwood [12] for regular field. 7. oscillatory convection here, possibility for oscillatory convection is considered. for oscillatory convection, put n = ini in equation 35, we have rd = [ j 1 + λ + (1 + λ)π2ta ] (j + ini) a2(1 + δh(z)) 6 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 7 figure 4: variability of (rd)c w.r.t. z for distinct values of h(z) by taking distinct values of ln figure 5: variability of (rd)c w.r.t. z for distinct values of h(z) by taking different values of rn − [ na ln j + (j+ini ) ε ] j ln + ini σ rn (41) by equating the real and imaginary components of equation 41, we get a2 jrd(1 + δh(z)) ln + ( na ln + 1 ε ) jrna 2(1 + δh(z)) = [ j 1 + λ + (1 + λ)π2ta ] j2 ln − [ j 1 + λ + (1 + λ)π2ta ] n2i σ (42) and rd σ + rn ε − j a2(1 + δh(z)) × [ j 1 + λ + (1 + λ)π2ta ] ( 1 σ + 1 ln ) = 0 (43) figure 6: variability of (rd)c w.r.t. z for distinct values of h(z) by taking different values of ε figure 7: variability of (rd)c w.r.t. z for distinct values of h(z) by taking different values of na where j = π2 + a2. the frequency of the oscillatory mode is calculated as follows n2i ln a2σ = j2 a2 − jrd(1 + δh(z))[ j 1+λ + (1 + λ)π 2ta ] − j(1 + δh(z))[ j 1+λ + (1 + λ)π 2ta ] (na + ln ε ) rn (44) in order for ni to be real it is necessary that j(1 + δh(z))[ j 1+λ + (1 + λ)π 2ta ] [rd + (na + ln ε ) rn ] 6 j2 a2 (45) where j = π2 + a2. the equations 43,44,45 becomes as the absence of the jeffrey nanofluid (λ = 0), rotation (ta = 0) and constant gravity (δh(z) = 0) rd σ + rn ε − (π2 + a2)2 a2 ( 1 ln + 1 σ ) = 0 (46) 7 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 8 n2i ln a2σ = (π2 + a2)2 a2 − rd − ( na + ln ε ) rn (47) and rd + ( na + ln ε ) rn 6 (π2 + a2)2 a2 (48) the above result obtained in 46,47,48 are good agreement of results obtained by nield et al. [18] and chand et al. [36, 49]. according to nield et al. [18], the critical value of the wave number is accomplished at a = π , therefore, by setting a = π in equations 46,47,48, we obtain the result for the stability boundary case as rd σ + rn ε = 4π2 ( 1 ln + 1 σ ) (49) n2i ln a2σ = 4π2 − [ rd + ( na + ln ε ) rn ] (50) and [ rd + ( na + ln ε ) rn ] 6 4π2 (51) these results obtained in equations 49,50,51 are same as that of obtained by nield et al. [18] for particular case. 8. results and discussion variable gravity factors’ impacts on density rayleigh number, nanoparticle rayleigh number, lewis number, porosity of porous media, modified diffusivity ratio, and rotation on stationary convection have been graphed, and their stabilising or destabilising effect has been explored below. the variable gravity parameters are as follow: h(z) = z2 − 2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z and h(z) = z. figure 2 shows the graph for (rd)c with respect to z for distinct values of λ = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 by fixing other parameters as ln = 500, na = 5,ε = 0.6,δ = 0.5, ta = 100, rn = −1. it is discovered that when the gravity parameter changes, such as when it becomes h(z) = z2 − 2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z it stabilises, however when it becomes h(z) = z, it destabilises. these match those in straughan [42] for the variable gravity parameter. figure 3 depicts the graph for (rd)c with respect to z for various values of ta = 100, 200, 300 setting other parameters like ln = 500, na = 5,ε = 0.6,δ = 0.5, rn = −1,λ = 0.6. it is found that ta has a stabilising impact when the gravity parameters are h(z) = z2 −2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z, but a destabilising effect when the gravity parameter is h(z) = z. this is in good accord with the finding reported by chand et al. [49], which states that reducing the gravity parameter has a stabilising impact on stationary convection while raising the gravity parameter has a destabilising effect. figure 4 depicts the curve for (rd)c with respect to z for distinct values of ln = 100, 500, 1000 while holding other parameters constant like na = 5,ε = 0.6,δ = 0.5, ta = 100, rn = −1,λ = 0.6. it is found that ln has a stabilising impact when the gravity parameters are h(z) = z2 −2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z, but a destabilising effect when the gravity parameter is h(z) = z. this is in excellent accord with the finding from chand et al. [49] that reducing the gravity parameter stabilises stationary convection while raising the gravity parameter destabilises it. figure 5 shows that (rd)c decreases with increase in rn (as = −1,−0.5,−0.1). thus rn has destabilizing effect for all variable gravity parameter on stationary convection. figure 6 shows that (rd)c decreases with increase in ε (as = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9). thus ε has destabilizing effect for all variable gravity parameter on stationary convection. figure 7 depicts the graph for (rd)c with respect to z for various values of na = 1, 5, 10 setting other parameters like ln = 500,ε = 0.6,δ = 0.5, ta = 100, rn = −1,λ = 0.6. it is found that na has a stabilising impact when the gravity parameters are h(z) = z2 −2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z, but a destabilising effect when the gravity parameter is h(z) = z. 9. conclusion this article investigates the thermal instability of spinning jeffrey nanofluids in porous media with changing gravity. the problem is examined for free-free boundary conditions using galerkin technique and normal mode analysis. equation 40 is the essential rayleigh-darcy number for stationary convection, and it has been studied whether this number stabilises or destabilises stationary convection with regard to changing gravity. equation 45 yields the adequate condition for the oscillatory mode’s frequency, while equation 44 also finds the oscillatory mode’s frequency. in table 1, the varied gravity’s effects in stationary convection are illustrated visually by changing one parameter at a time while keeping the other parameters constant by assigning them certain constant values. the main conclusions from table 1 are: 1. jeffrey parameter (λ), taylor number (ta), modified diffusivity ratio (na) and lewis number (ln) have stabilizing effect on stationary convection when variable gravity parameters varies as h(z) = z2 − 2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z whereas have destabilizing effect when variable gravity parameter varies as h(z) = z. in other words, stationary convection has a stabilising impact for lowering the variable gravity parameters and destabilising the system for raising the variable gravity parameters. 2. when the variable gravity parameter fluctuates as: h(z) = z2 − 2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z and h(z) = z, the nanoparticle rayleigh number (rn), porosity of porous medium (ε) destabilise the system. 3. variable gravity perameters h(z) = z2 − 2z, h(z) = −z2, h(z) = −z delay the motion’s onset. 4. nb has no effect on (rd)c. 5. the variable gravity parameter h(z) = z2 − 2z has more stabilizing impact on stationary convection rather than other variable gravity parameters taken in this paper. 8 sharma et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1366 9 6. the sufficient condition for the oscillatory mode’s frequency is obtained and is represented by equation 45. acknowledgments the second author gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of ugc for nfsc. references [1] s.u. choi & j. a. eastman, “enhancing thermal conductivity of fluids with nanoparticles”, argonne national lab.(anl) (1995). 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(1) in 1922, a mathematician banach [1] proved a very important result regarding a contraction mapping, known as the banach contraction principle, which states that every self-mapping t defined on a complete metric space (x, d) satisfying ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348062814778 email address: danustazz@gmail.com (yusuf ibrahim ) ∀x, y ∈ x, d(t x, t y) ≤ λd(x, y), where λ ∈ (0, 1) has a unique fixed point and for every x0 ∈ x a sequence {tn x0}∞n=1converges to the fixed point. subsequently, in 1962, edelstein [2] proved the following version of the banach contraction principle. let (x, d) be a compact metric space and let t : x → x be a self-mapping. assume that for all x, y ∈ x with x , y, d(x, t x) < d(x, y) =⇒ d(t x, t y) < d(x, y). then t has a unique fixed point in x. in 2012, wardowski [3] introduced a new type of contractions called f-contraction and proved a new fixed point theorem concerning f-contractions. let (x, d) be a metric space. a mapping t : x → x is said to be an f-contraction if there exists τ > 0 such that ∀x, y ∈ x, d(t x, t y) > 0 =⇒ τ + f(d(t x, t y)) ≤ f(d(x, y)), 88 yusuf ibrahim / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 88–94 89 where f : r+ → r is a mapping satisfying the following conditions: f1 f is strictly increasing, i.e. for all x, y ∈ r+ such that x < y, f(x) < f(y); f2 for each sequence {αn}∞n=1 of positive numbers, limn→∞ αn = 0 if and only if lim n→∞ f(αn) = −∞; f3 there exists k ∈ (0, 1) such that lim α→0+ αk f(α) = 0. we denote by ζ, the set of all functions satisfying the conditions (f1) − (f3). wardowski [3] then stated a modified version of the banach contraction principle as follows. let (x, d) be a complete metric space and let t : x → x be an f-contraction. then t has a unique fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {tn x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. in 2014, hossein, p. and poom, k. [15] defined the f-suzuki contraction as follows and gave another version of theorem. let (x, d) be a metric space. a mapping t : x → x is said to be an f-suzuki-contraction if there exists τ > 0 such that for all x, y ∈ x with t x , t y d(x, t x) < d(x, y) =⇒ τ + f(d(t x, t y)) ≤ f(d(x, y)), where f : r+ → r is a mapping satisfying the following conditions: f1 f is strictly increasing, i.e. for all x, y ∈ r+ such that x < y, f(x) < f(y); f2 for each sequence {αn}∞n=1 of positive numbers, limn→∞ αn = 0 if and only if lim n→∞ f(αn) = −∞; f3 f is continuous on (0,∞) we denote by ζ, the set of all functions satisfying the conditions (f1) − (f3). let t be a self-mapping of a complete metric space x into itself. suppose f ∈ ζ and there exists τ > 0 such that ∀x, y ∈ x, d(t x, t y) > 0 =⇒ τ + f(d(t x, t y)) ≤ f(d(x, y)). then t has a unique fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x0 ∈ x the sequence {tn x0}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. following this direction of research (see examples, [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17]), in this paper, fixed point results of piri and kumam [11], ahmad et al. [9], suzuki [18] and suzuki [19] are extended by introducing common fixed point problem for multivalued generalized f-suzuki-contraction mappings in strong b-metric spaces. definition 1.1. (hardy and rogers [14]) (1) there exist non-negative constants a, satisfying ∑5 i=1 ai < 1 such that, for each x, y ∈ x, d( f (x), f (y)) < a1d(x, y) + a2d(x, f (x)) + a3d(y, f (y)) + a4d(x, f (y)) + a5d(y, f (x)). (2) there exist monotonically decreasing functions ai(t) : (0,∞) → [0, 1) satisfying ∑5 i=1 ai(t) < 1 such that, for each x, y ∈ x, x , y, d( f (x), f (y)) < a1(d(x, y))d(x, f (x)) + a2(d(x, y))d(y, f (y)) + a3(d(x, y))d(x, f (y)) + a4(d(x, y))d(y, f (x)) + a5(d(x, y))d(x, y). (3) for each x, y ∈ x, x , y, d( f (x), f (y)) < max{d(x, y), d(x, f (x)), d(y, f (y)), d(x, f (y)), d(y, f (x))}. lemma 1.1. [13] from definition 1.1, (1) =⇒ (2) =⇒ (3). denote by c b(x), the collection of all nonempty closed and bounded subsets of x and let h be the hausdorff metric with respect to the metric d; that is, h(a, b) = max{sup a∈a d(a, b), sup b∈b d(b, a)} for all a, b ∈ c b(x), where d(a, b) = inf b∈b d(a, b) is the distance from the point a to the subset b. 2. main results definition 2.1. let 0 be the family of all functions f : r+ → r such that: (f1) f is strictly increasing, i.e. for all x, y ∈ r+ such that x < y, f(x) < f(y); (f2) for each sequence {αn}∞n=1 of positive numbers, limn→∞ αn = 0 if and only if lim n→∞ f(αn) = −∞; (f3) f is continuous on (0,∞). definition 2.2. let ψ be the family of all functions ψ : [0,∞) → [0,∞) such that ψ is continuous and ψ(t) = 0 iff t = 0. definition 2.3. let (x, d) be a strong b−metric space. mappings t, s : x → c b(x) are said to be multivalued generalized f-suzuki-contraction on (x, d) if there exists f ∈ 0 and ψ ∈ ψ such that, ∀x, y ∈ x, x , y, 1 1 + s d(x, t x) < d(x, y) and 1 1 + s d(y, s y) < d(y, s t x) ⇒ ψ(nφ(x, y)) + f(s4 h(t x, s y)) ≤ f(nφ(x, y)) in which nφ(x, y) = φ1(d(x, y))(d(x, y)) + φ2(d(x, y))(d(y, s t x)) + φ3(d(x, y)) ( (d(y, t x)) + d(x, s y) 2s ) + φ4(d(x, y)) ( (d(x, s t x)) + h(s t x, s y) 2s ) + φ5(d(x, y))(h(s t x, s y) + h(s t x, t x)) + φ6(d(x, y))(h(s t x, s y) + d(t x, x)) + φ7(d(x, y))(d(t x, y)) + d(y, s y)) (2) for which φ : r+ → [0, 1), with ∑7 i=1 φi(d(x, y)) < 1, is monotonically decreasing function. comsidering the definition s t x := {s y ⊆ c b(x) : ∀y ∈ t x}, we have the following result. theorem 2.1. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let t, s : x → c b(x) be multivalued generalized fsuzuki-contraction mappings. then t and s has a common 89 yusuf ibrahim / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 88–94 90 fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {t n x}∞n and {s n x}∞n converge to x ∗. proof let x0 = x ∈ x. let xn+1 ∈ t xn and xn+2 ∈ s xn+1 ∀n ∈ n. if there exists n ∈ n such that d(xn, t xn) = d(xn+1, s xn+1) = 0 then xn+1 = xn = x becomes a fixed point of t and s , respectively, therefore the proof is complete. now, suppose that d(xn, t xn) > 0 and d(xn+1, s xn+1) > 0 ∀n ∈ n then the proof will be divided in to two steps. step one. we show that {xn}∞n=1 is a cauchy sequence. let d(xn, t xn) > 0 and d(xn+1, s xn+1) > 0 ∀n ∈ n. (3) therefore, we have that 1 s + 1 d(xn, t xn) < d(xn, t xn) and 1 s + 1 d(xn+1, s xn+1) < d(xn+1, s xn+1) ∀n ∈ n. (4) by definition 2.3, we get f(h(t xn, s xn+1)) ≤ f(nφ(xn, xn+1)) −ψ(nφ(xn, xn+1)). since that nφ(xn, xn+1) = φ1(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ2(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+1, xn+2)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1)) ( d(xn, xn+2) 2s ) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1)) ( (d(xn, xn+2)) 2s ) + φ5(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1) ≤ φ1(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ2(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+1, xn+2)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1)) ( d(xn, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xn+2) 2s ) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1)) ( d(xn, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xn+2) 2s ) + φ5(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1) ≤ φ1(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ2(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+1, xn+2)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1)) ( s[d(xn, xn+1) + d(xn+1, xn+2)] 2s ) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1)) ( s[d(xn, xn+1) + d(xn+1, xn+2)] 2s ) + φ5(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1) ≤ φ1(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ2(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+1, xn+2)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1) + φ5(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1) = [φ1(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xn+1))](d(xn, xn+1)) + [φ2(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ3(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ4(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ5(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xn+1))](d(xn+2, xn+1) = φ′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ ′′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) (5) then by (5) and definition 2.3, we get f(d(xn+1, xn+2)) ≤ f(φ′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ ′′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1))) −ψ(φ′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) + φ ′′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1))). (6) on contrary, if d(xn+1, xn+2) > d(xn, xn+1), then φ′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn, xn+1)) +φ′′(d(xn, xn+1))(d(xn+2, xn+1)) < d(xn+1, xn+2) and therefore (6) becomes f(d(xn+1, xn+2)) ≤ f(d(xn+1, xn+2)) −ψ(d(xn+1, xn+2)). but, from (3) and the fact that ψ(d(xn+1, xn+2)) > 0, this is a contradiction. thus, we conclude that f(d(xn+1, xn+2)) ≤ f(d(xn, xn+1)) −ψ(d(xn, xn+1)) < f(d(xn, xn+1)). (7) by (7) and definition 2.1(f1), we have that d(xn+1, xn+2) < d(xn, xn+1) < d(xn−1, xn) ∀n ∈ n. (8) therefore {d(xn, xn+1)} is a nonnegative decreasing sequence of real numbers. thus there exists γ ≥ 0 such that lim n→∞ d(xn, xn+1) = γ. from (7) as n →∞, we have that f(γ) ≤ f(γ) −ψ(γ). this implies that ψ(γ) = 0 and thus γ = 0. consequently we arrive at lim n→∞ d(xn, t xn) = lim n→∞ d(xn, xn+1) = 0. (9) now, we claim that {xn}∞n=1 is a cauchy sequence. on contrary, we assume that there exists � > 0 and n, m ∈ n such that, for all n ≥ n� and n� < n < m, d(xn, xm) ≥ � and d(xn−1, xm) < �. (10) it implies that � ≤ d(xn, xm) ≤ d(xn, xn−1) + sd(xn−1, xm) < d(xn, xn−1) + s�. (11) by (11) and (9), we have that � ≤ limsup n→∞ d(xn, xm) < s�. (12) 90 yusuf ibrahim / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 88–94 91 by triangle inequality, we have that � ≤ d(xn, xm) ≤ d(xn, xm+1) + sd(xm+1, xm) ≤ d(xn, xm) + 2sd(xm+1, xm). (13) by (9),(10), (12) and (13), we have that � ≤ limsup n→∞ d(xn, xm+1) < s�. (14) similarly, we have that � ≤ d(xn, xm) ≤ d(xn, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xm) ≤ sd(xn, xm) + (s 2 + 1)d(xn, xn+1). (15) by (9),(10), (12) and (15), we have that � ≤ limsup n→∞ d(xn, xn+1) < s�. (16) observe that d(xn, xm+1) ≤ d(xn, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xm+1) ≤ d(xn, xn+1) + s[d(xn+1, xm) + sd(xm+1, xm)] ≤ d(xn, xn+1) + s[d(xn, xn+1) + sd(xn, xm) + sd(xm+1, xm)]. (17) by (17), we have that � s ≤ limsup n→∞ d(xn+1, xm+1) < s 2�. (18) by (9)and (10), we select n� > 0 ∈ n such that 1 s + 1 d(xn, t xn) < 1 s + 1 � < � ≤ d(xn, xm) ∀n ≥ n(�) ⇔ 1 s + 1 d(xn, t xn) < 1 s + 1 � < d(xn, xm) ∀n ≥ n(�) and 1 s + 1 d(xn+1, s xn+1) < 1 s + 1 � < � s ≤ d(xn+1, xm+1) ∀n ≥ n� ⇔ 1 s + 1 d(xn+1, s xn+1) < 1 s + 1 � < d(xn+1, xm+1) ∀n ≥ n� it follows that from definition 2.3, we have, for every n ≥ n� f(h(xn+1, xm+1)) ≤ f(nφ(xn, xm)) −ψ(nφ(xn, xm)). (19) since that d(xn, xm) ≤ nφ(xn, xm) = φ1(d(xn, xm))(d(xn, xm)) + φ2(d(xn, xm))(d(xn+2, xm)) + φ3(d(xn, xm)) ( d(xn+1, xm) + d(xn, xm+1) 2s ) + φ4(d(xn, xm)) ( (d(xn+2, xn) + d(xn+2, xm+1)) 2s ) + φ5(d(xn, xm))(d(xn+2, xm+1) + d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xm))(d(xn+2, xm+1) + d(xn, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xm))(d(xm, xn+1 + d(xm, xm+1))) ≤ φ1(d(xn, xm))(d(xn, xm)) + φ2(d(xn, xm))(d(xn+2, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xm)) + φ3(d(xn, xm)) ( d(xn+1, xm) + d(xn, xm+1) 2s ) + φ4(d(xn, xm)) ( (d(xn+2, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xn) + d(xn+2, xn+1)) + sd(xn+1, xm+1)) 2s ) + φ5(d(xn, xm))(d(xn+2, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xm+1) + d(xn+2, xn+1)) + φ6(d(xn, xm))(d(xn+2, xn+1) + sd(xn+1, xm+1) + d(xn, xn+1)) + φ7(d(xn, xm))(d(xm, xn+1) + d(xm, xm+1))). (20) by (12), (14), (16), (18) and (20), we have that limsup n→∞ d(xn, xm) ≤ limsup n→∞ nφ(xn, xm) < φ1(�)(s�) + φ2(�)(s 2�) + φ3(�)(�) + φ4(�)( s2� 2 ) + φ5(�)(s 3�) + φ6(�)(s 3�) + φ7(�)(s�) ≤ max{s�, s2�,�, s� 2 , s3�, s�} = s3� and therefore � ≤ limsup n→∞ nφ(xn, xm) < s 3�. (21) similarly � ≤ limin f n→∞ nφ(xn, xm) < s 3�. (22) by (19), (21) and (22), we have that f(s3�) = f(s4 � s ) ≤ f(s4limsup n→∞ d(xn+1, xm+1)) ≤ f(limsup n→∞ nφ(xn, xm)) −ψ(limsup n→∞ nφ(xn, xm)) ≤ f(s3�) −ψ(�). (23) by (23) and the fact that � > 0, this is a contradiction. hence {xn} is a cauchy sequence in x. by completeness of (x, d), {xn}∞n=1 and {xn+1} ∞ n=1 converge to some point x ∗ ∈ x, that is, lim n→∞ d(xn, x ∗) = 0 and lim n→∞ d(xn+1, x ∗) = 0. (24) there exists increasing sequences {nk}, {n + 1k} ⊂ n such that xnk ∈ t x ∗ and xn+1k ∈ s x ∗ for all k ∈ n. since t x∗ and s x∗ are closed and lim n→∞ d(xnk, x ∗) = 0 and lim n→∞ d(xn+1k, x ∗) = 0, we get x∗ ∈ t x∗ and x∗ ∈ s x∗. step two. we show that x∗ is a common fixed point of t and s . it suffices to show that 1 1 + s d(xn, t xn) < d(xn, x ∗) and 1 1 + s d(xn+1, s xn+1) < d(xn+1, x ∗), f or every n ∈ n, (25) 91 yusuf ibrahim / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 88–94 92 implies f(d(t x∗, x∗)) ≤ f(nφ(x ∗, t x∗)) −ψ(nφ(x ∗, t x∗)) and f(d(s x∗, x∗)) ≤ f(nφ(s x ∗, x∗)) −ψ(nφ(s x ∗, x∗)), respectively. on contrary, suppose there exists m ∈ n such that 1 1 + s d(xm, t xm) ≥ d(xm, x ∗) or 1 1 + s d(xm+1, s xm+1) ≥ d(xm+1, x ∗). (26) by (26), we have that (s + 1)d(xm, x ∗) ≤ d(xm, t xm) ≤ d(xm, x ∗) + sd(t xm, x ∗) or (s+1)d(xm+1, x ∗) ≤ d(xm+1, s xm+1) ≤ d(xm+1, x ∗)+sd(s xm+1, x ∗), and therefore d(xm, x ∗) ≤ d(t xm, x ∗) = d(xm+1, x ∗) and d(xm+1, x ∗) ≤ d(s xm+1, x ∗) = d(xm+2, x ∗). (27) by (8), (26) and (27), this is a contradiction. hence, (25) holds, and therefore f(d(xn+1, x ∗)) = f(h(t xn, s x ∗)) ≤ f(nφ(xn, x ∗)) −ψ(nφ(xn, x ∗)), (28) and f(d(xn+2, x ∗)) = f(h(s xn+1, t x ∗)) ≤ f(nφ(xn+1, x ∗)) −ψ(nφ(xn+1, x ∗)). (29) since that d(x∗, t x∗) ≤ nφ(xn, x ∗) = φ1(d(xn, x ∗))(d(xn, x ∗)) + φ2(d(xn, x ∗))(d(xn+2, x ∗)) + φ3(d(xn, x ∗)) ( d(xn+1, x∗) + d(xn, s x∗) 2s ) + φ4(d(xn, x ∗)) ( d(xn, s x∗) + d(s x∗, xn+2) 2s ) + φ5(d(xn, x ∗))(d(s x∗, xn+2) + d(xn+1, s x ∗)) + φ6(d(xn, x ∗))(d(xn, xn+1) + d(xn+2, t x ∗)) + φ7(d(xn, x ∗))(d(t x∗, x∗) + d(x∗, xn+1)) ≤ max{(d(xn, x ∗), d(xn+2, x ∗), d(xn+1, x∗) + d(xn, s x∗) 2s , d(xn, s x∗) + sd(s x∗, xn+2) + d(s x∗, xn+2) 2s , d(s x∗, xn+2) + d(xn+1, s x ∗), d(xn, xn+1) + d(xn+2, t x ∗), d(t x∗, x∗) + d(x∗, xn+1)} (30) and d(x∗, s x∗) ≤ nφ(xn+1, x ∗) = φ1(d(xn+1, x ∗))(d(xn+1, x ∗)) + φ2(d(xn+1, x ∗))(d(x∗, xn+3)) + φ3(xn+1, x ∗)) ( d(xn+2, x∗) + d(xn+1, x∗) 2s ) + φ4(d(xn+1, x ∗)) ( d(xn+1, s x∗) + d(s x∗, xn+3) 2s ) + φ5(d(xn+1, x ∗))(d(xn+3, s x ∗) + d(xn+2, s x ∗)) + φ6(d(xn+1, x ∗))(d(xn+1, xn+2) + d(xn+3, s x ∗)) + φ7(d(xn+1, x ∗))(d(s x∗, x∗) + d(x∗, xn+2)) ≤ max{d(xn+1, x ∗), d(x∗, xn+3), d(xn+2, x∗) + d(xn+1, x∗) 2s , d(xn+1, xn+2) + sd(xn+2, s x∗) + d(s x∗, xn+3) 2s , d(xn+3, s x ∗) + d(xn+2, s x ∗), d(xn+1, xn+2) + d(xn+3, s x ∗), d(s x∗, x∗) + d(x∗, xn+2)}. (31) by (24) and (30), we have that lim n→∞ nφ(xn, x ∗) = d(t x∗, x∗). by (24) and (31), we have that lim n→∞ nφ(xn+1, x ∗) = d(s x∗, x∗). by (28)and (29) and by the continuity of f and ψ, we have that f(d(x∗, t x∗)) ≤ f(nφ(x ∗, t x∗)) −ψ(nφ(x ∗, t x∗)), and f(d(x∗, s x∗)) ≤ f(nφ(x ∗, s x∗)) −ψ(nφ(x ∗, s x∗)). hence, since t x∗ and s x∗ are closed then we have x∗ ∈ t x∗ and x∗ ∈ s x∗, that is, x∗ is a fixed point of t and s . in theorem 2.1, when t = s = u, then we have the following result. corollary 2.1.1. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let u : x → c b(x) be a multivalued generalized f-suzukicontraction mapping. then u has a fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {u n x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. in corollary 2.1.1, when u is a single-valued then we have another new result as follows. corollary 2.1.2. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let u : x → x be a single-valued generalized f-suzukicontraction mapping. then u has a fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {u n x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. in theorem 2.1, when t and s are two single-valued then the 92 yusuf ibrahim / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 88–94 93 following result holds. corollary 2.1.3. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let t, s : x → x be two single-valued generalized fsuzuki-contraction mappings. then t and s have a common fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {t n x}∞n=1 and {s n x}∞n=1 converge to x ∗. in theorem 2.1, when (x, d) is a complete b−metric space then the following new result holds. corollary 2.1.4. let (x, d) be a complete b−metric space and let t, s : x → x be two single-valued generalized f-suzukicontraction mappings. then t and s have a common fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {t n x}∞n=1 and {s n x}∞n=1 converge to x ∗. in corollary 2.1.4, when t = s = u, then we have the following result. corollary 2.1.5. let (x, d) be a complete b−metric space and let u : x → c b(x) be a multivalued generalized f-suzukicontraction mapping. then u has a fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {u n x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. corollary 2.1.6. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let u : x → c b(x) be a multivalued generalized fsuzuki-contraction mapping such that there exists f ∈ 0 and ψ ∈ ψ, ∀x, y ∈ x, x , y, 1s+1 d(x, u x) < d(x, y) ⇒ ψ(n(x, y)) + f(s4d(u x, uy)) ≤ f(n(x, y)) in which n(x, y) = max{d(x, y), d(y, u 2 x), (d(y, u x)) + d(x, uy) 2s , (d(x, uy)) + d(u 2 x, uy) 2s , d(u 2 x, uy) + d(uy, u x), d(u 2 x, uy) + d(u x, x), d(u x, y)) + d(y, uy)}. (32) then u has a fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {u n x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. proof from lemma 1.1, since (2) ⇒ (32) then by the corollary 2.1.1 the result follows immediately. corollary 2.1.7. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let u : x → x be a single-valued generalized f-suzukicontraction mapping such that there exists f ∈ 0 and ψ ∈ ψ, ∀x, y ∈ x, x , y, 1s+1 d(x, u x) < d(x, y) ⇒ ψ(n(x, y)) + f(s4d(u x, uy)) ≤ f(n(x, y)) in which n(x, y) = max{d(x, y), d(y, u 2 x), (d(y, u x)) + d(x, uy) 2s , (d(x, uy)) + d(u 2 x, uy) 2s , d(u 2 x, uy) + d(uy, u x), d(u 2 x, uy) + d(u x, x), d(u x, y)) + d(y, uy)}. (33) then u has a fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {u n x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. proof from lemma 1.1, since (2) ⇒ (33) then by the corollary 2.1.2 the result holds. corollary 2.1.8. let (x, d) be a complete strong b−metric space and let t, s : x → x be two single-valued generalized fsuzuki-contraction mappings such that there exists f ∈ 0 and ψ ∈ ψ, ∀x, y ∈ x, x , y, 1s+1 d(x, t x) < d(x, y) and 1 s+1 d(y, s x) < d(y, s t x) ⇒ψ(n(x, y))+f(s4 h(t x, s y)) ≤ f(n(x, y)) in which n(x, y) = max{d(x, y), d(y, s t x), (d(y, t x)) + d(x, s y) 2s , (d(x, s y)) + d(s t x, s y) 2s , d(s t x, s y) + d(s y, t x), d(s t x, s y) + d(t x, x), d(t x, y)) + d(y, s y)}. (34) then t and s have a common fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {t n x}∞n=1 and {s n x}∞n=1 converge to x ∗. proof from lemma 1.1, since (2) ⇒ (34) then by the corollary 2.1.4 the result holds. corollary 2.1.9. let (x, d) be a complete b−metric space and let u : x → c b(x) be a multivalued generalized f-suzukicontraction mapping such that there exists f ∈ 0 and ψ ∈ ψ, ∀x, y ∈ x, x , y, 12s d(x, u x) < d(x, y) ⇒ ψ(n(x, y)) + f(s6d(u x, uy)) ≤ f(n(x, y)) in which n(x, y) = max{d(x, y), d(y, u 2 x), (d(y, u x)) + d(x, uy) 2s , (d(x, uy)) + d(u 2 x, uy) 2s , d(u 2 x, uy) + d(uy, u x), d(u 2 x, uy) + d(u x, x), d(u x, y)) + d(y, uy)}. (35) then u has a fixed point x∗ ∈ x and for every x ∈ x the sequence {u n x}∞n=1 converges to x ∗. proof from lemma 1.1, since (2) ⇒ (35) then by the corollary 2.1.5 the result holds. 3. example let x = [0, 1]. t, s : [0, 1] → c b([0, 1]) be defined by t x = [0, x2 ] and s y = [0, y 2 ] such that s t x = [0, x 8 ] for all x ∈ [0, 1]. let d be the usual metric on x. taking f(t) = t10 and let x < y, then ∀x, y ∈ [0, 1] d(x, y) > 0 and d(y, s t x) = |y− x8 | > |y− y 8 | = 7 8 y > y 4 . now, for s = 1, we have that 1 2 d(x, t x) = 0 < d(x, y) and 12 d(y, s y) = y 4 < d(y, s t x). without lose of generality, let φ1(d(x, y)) = φ2(d(x, y)) = φ3(d(x, y)) = 1 5 ; and φ4(d(x, y)) = φ5(d(x, y)) = φ6(d(x, y)) = φ7(d(x, y)) = 1 102 . therefore, we have that f(h(t x, s y)) = ln (h(t x, s y)) + h(t x, s y) = 1 10 ∣∣∣∣∣ y2 − x4 ∣∣∣∣∣ = 110 ∣∣∣∣∣y − y2 − x4 ∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ 1 10 (∣∣∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣∣∣) = 1 10  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  + 110  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  93 yusuf ibrahim / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 88–94 94 ≤ 1 10  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  + 110  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − x8 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣ x8 − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  = 1 10  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  + 110  ∣∣∣ x 8 − y 2 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − x8 ∣∣∣ 2  + 1 10 (∣∣∣∣∣ y2 − x8 ∣∣∣∣∣) ≤ 110  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  + 1 10  ∣∣∣ x 8 − y 2 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − x8 ∣∣∣ 2  + 110 (∣∣∣∣∣ y2 − x8 ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣ x8 − x4 ∣∣∣∣∣) = 1 5  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  + 15  ∣∣∣ x 8 − y 2 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − x8 ∣∣∣ 2  + 1 10 (∣∣∣∣∣ y2 − x8 ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣ x8 − x4 ∣∣∣∣∣) + 1102 (|x − y|) + 1102 (∣∣∣∣∣y − x8 ∣∣∣∣∣) + 1 102 (∣∣∣∣∣ x8 − y2 ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣ x4 − x ∣∣∣∣∣) + 1102 (∣∣∣∣∣ x4 − y ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣y − y2 ∣∣∣∣∣) − 1 102 [ (|x − y|) + (∣∣∣∣∣y − x8 ∣∣∣∣∣) + ( ∣∣∣∣∣ x8 − y2 ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣ x4 − x ∣∣∣∣∣)] + (∣∣∣∣∣ x4 − y ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣y − y2 ∣∣∣∣∣) − 110 (∣∣∣∣∣ y2 − x8 ∣∣∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣∣∣ x8 − x4 ∣∣∣∣∣) − 1 10  ∣∣∣y − x4 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − y2 ∣∣∣ 2  − 110  ∣∣∣ x 8 − y 2 ∣∣∣ + ∣∣∣x − x8 ∣∣∣ 2  . = φ1(d(x, y))(d(x, y)) + φ2(d(x, y))(d(y, s t x)) + φ3(d(x, y)) ( (d(y, t x)) + d(x, s y) 2s ) + φ4(d(x, y))( (d(x, s t x)) + d(s t x, s y) 2s ) + φ5(d(x, y))(d(s t x, s y) + d(s t x, t x)) + φ6(d(x, y))(d(s t x, s y) + d(t x, x)) + φ7(d(x, y))(d(t x, y)) + d(y, s y)) −ψ(nφ(x, y)). 4. conclusion fixed point results of piri and kumam [11], ahmad et al. [9], suzuki [18] and suzuki [19] are extended by introducing common fixed point problem for multivalued generalized f-suzukicontraction mappings in strong b-metric spaces. in specific, corollary 2.1.1 and corollary 2.1.2 generalize and extend the work of ahmad et al. [9] and kumam and hossein [5], respectively. acknowledgments i thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped me in making improvements to this paper. references [1] b. banach, “sur les operations dons les ensembles abstraits et leur application aux equations intégrales”, fundam. math. 3 (1922) 133. [2] m. edelstein, “on fixed and periodic points under contractive mappings”, 37 (1962) 74. [3] d. wardowski, “fixed point theory of a new type of contractive mappings in complete metric spaces”, fixed point theory appl. 2012 (2012) 94. [4] d. wardowski & n. v. dung, “fixed points of f -weak contractions on complete metric spaces”, demonstr. math. 1 (2014) 146. 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specific absorption rate (sar) of human blood helps to ascertain the values for optimum laser power, time, and temperature variation for fair therapy to avoid blood-irradiation pollution but to enhance its rheological properties when using lasers. prior knowledge of blood sar evaluating its dielectric properties is significant, but this is under investigation. we investigate the appropriate sar threshold value as affected by temperature variation using fundamental blood dielectric parameters to optimize the effect of low-level laser therapy based on physiological and morphological changes of the stimulated diabetic blood. studies were carried out with agilent 4294a impedance analyser at frequencies (40hz – 30 mhz) and designed cells (cuvettes) comprises of electrodes were used in the preand post-irradiations measurements. at different laser power outputs, blood samples were subjected to various irradiation durations using portable laser diode-pumped solid state of wavelength 532 nm. results showed laser at low energy is capable of moderating morphologically the proportion of abnormal diabetic red blood cells. hence, there is a significant effect using a laser at low energy, as non-medicinal therapy in controlling diabetic health conditions. the positive biostimulation effects on the irradiated diabetic blood occurred within absorbance threshold sar values range of 0.140 ≤ 0.695 w/kg and average temperatures range of 24.2 ≤ 28.0◦c before blood saturation absorbance peak. there is morphological stimulation at a laser power of 50 mw for an exposure time of 10–15 minutes and 60 mw for 5–10 minutes of laser therapy that demonstrates better blood rejuvenated conditions. this occurred within the threshold sar of 0.140 ≤ 0.695 w/kg and average temperatures range of 24.2 ≤ 28.0◦c. therefore, the diabetic blood irradiated using laser output powers of 70 and 80 mw during exposure durations of 5,10, 15 and 20 minutes rather bio-inhibits positive blood stimulation which has resulted to crenation due to excessive irradiation. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.182 keywords: dielectric properties, specific absorption rates, diabetic blood, low-level laser therapy, impedance, diabetic blood. article history : received: 24 march 2021 received in revised form: 15 april 2021 accepted for publication: 24 april 2021 published: 29 may 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: w. a. yahya 66 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 67 1. introduction laser technology has significantly impacted in medicine and medical research studies due to its quick advancement and acceptance of non-invasive treatment techniques [1]. the applications yield an all-encompassing range of biomedical fields. this includes its attempts in the treatment of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. the low-level laser-induced therapy has demonstrated to be minimally invasive and an encouraging surgical technique in diabetes treatment, tumour treatment in brain, liver, lung and colorectal, etc. [2, 3, 4]. nd:yag lasers and diode lasers with a wavelength close to infrared light are mostly used in the treatments due to blood and tissues ability of photoresponse. the absorbed light can inhibit stimulation and deteriorates blood if not monitored based on the absorption level of the blood, the laser power, and exposure duration. this will aid to check the excessive temperature upsurge build-up in the blood. the optical and blood thermal properties resulted from characteristics of the laser device determined the distribution of temperature and the level of the induced changes in the blood or tissues [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. the specific absorption rate (sar) quantified the amount of energy absorbed by the blood or tissue. it is expressed in watts per kilogram of the blood weight [5, 6, 9, 10]. the emitted laser radiations during medical practices are absorbed by the blood penetrating through the exposed cells and plasma, thereby producing heat around and within the exposed blood or tissue. there is a non-thermal effect which includes changes within the plasma contents and cellular levels. while the thermal effect is capable of causing harm by varying the blood temperature which results in cells and other blood constituents’ damage if not taken into consideration [4, 8, 12, 15]. the sar serves as an optimisation model of the human blood or tissue from any adverse effect and the immediate surroundings. this is done by determining the amount of energy absorbed or dissipated by the blood, for reliable measurement and evaluation of safe limits for electromagnetic energy absorption by human blood [6, 7, 8, 13]. due to the use of headphones, there is a substantial amount of research in the literature that addressed the sar assessment, although little or no document has been done in lasers. collins and his group work on human head sar determinations through magnetic resonance imaging (mri), the authors estimated a head average sar level range of 3.0 – 3.2 w/kg [7]. it is unlikely for a significant temperature increase in the brain to occur as a result of perfusion but sar limits in any 1 g of head tissue may be exceeded. the sar values are relative to measured temperature changes which had a sharp increase in absorbed heat especially at the place near the ear skull due to constantly used of mobile phones [4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17]. since there are near to nothing that has been researched in the area of low-level laser for diabetes blood, it is pertinent to evaluate the sar value relative to temperature variation for the ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348067988338 email addresses: gemanamsly@gmail.com (sylvester j. gemanam), terver.daniel@yahoo.co.uk (terver daniel ) diabetes blood during laser therapy. this is to enhance effective irradiation procedures during laser therapy and minimize what may negatively affect blood glucose levels. diabetes mellitus is a complex and chronic disease and increasing health concern as the incidence increases worldwide [18]. it is responsible for the disruption of the lipid profile, especially increased susceptibility to lipid peroxidation, which results in increased atherosclerosis, a major complication of diabetes mellitus [3]. therefore, comparing the diabetes blood sar with that of the non-diabetes blood in terms of temperature variation, then its morphology and physiological analysis of the smear blood cells will aid with low-level laser biostimulation. this research sought to investigate appropriate sar threshold values with respect to temperature variations for the optimal effect of low-level laser therapy in terms of physiological and morphological changes on the diabetes blood. then do the same with non-diabetes human blood and compare to observe any difference in elucidating the effects of low-level laser biostimulation as a way to enhance diabetes mellitus practical non-medicinal therapy and prevention of some blood transfusion diseases. 2. experimental materials and methods a programmable automatic rlc analyser, model 4194a, adjustable frequency ranging from 40 hz to 30 mhz and oscillation level of 500v was used to measure the capacitance, c p and dissipation factor d f with a delayed time of 0.05 sec. the impedance, z and conductance were calculated to determine the blood samples dielectric response using a designed blood cuvette as sample holder with two opposite pure copper electrodes connected to the impedance analyser [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19]. the dielectric permittivity was known to be expressed as a complex number ε∗(ω) = ε′(ω) − iε′′(ω) (1) where ε′(ω) is the real part known as relative permittivity or dielectric constant and ε′′(ω) the imaginary part, represents the loss factor as functions in angular frequency, ω. the dielectric constant ε′(ω) was evaluated using: ε′(ω) = c pd ε0 a (2) where, d denotes the distance between the electrodes and a is the cross-sectional area of the electrode. the imaginary part of the dielectric constant, ε′′, was ascertained using the relations [5, 15, 18, 20]: ε′′(ω) = ε′ tan δ (3) σ = ε′′r ωε0 (4) then, s ar = σ|e|2 2ρ (w/kg) (5) where δ is called the loss angle, tan δ is called dielectric loss tangent and for low-loss dielectrics, δ is very small, σ is the 67 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 68 conductivity of the blood (s/m), ε0 is the permittivity of free space (8.854×10−12 f/m), ω = 2π f ( f is the frequency in hz), ρ is the density of the blood (kg/m3) and ε ′′ r is the relative permittivity. |e|2 is the electric field strength (field amplitude) (v2/m2) of the wave (beam) [9, 16, 17]. the wave energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude (e2), where the amplitude is proportional to pressure. but in electromagnetic waves, the amplitude is the maximum field strength of the electric and magnetic fields. also, the intensity of an electromagnetic wave and the energy carried is proportional to e2 and b2. therefore, for a continuous sinusoidal electromagnetic wave, the average intensity iav is expressed as given below [5, 15], iav = cε0e2 2 (6) equation (6) is known as the poynting vector magnitude equation, and the irradiance (iav) is relative to electric field squared ( e2 ) given by e2 = 2iav cε0 (7) where c in the equation is the speed of light 3.0 × 108m/s and other symbols retain their usual meanings as explained above [2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12]. 2.1. research ethical approval and blood sample collection the research approval was given by the university clinic management and controls as well as human ethics approval from jepem usm, under study protocol code of usm /jepem /16060208 before data were collected. the anticoagulant ethylene diamene tetra acetic acid (edta) treated samples of venous blood were collected from 64 patients (32 diabetic patients with average blood fast sugar level of 9.28 mmol/l and 32 non-diabetic patients without other blood related diseases). the sample patients’ age ranges from 22 to 54 years (mean age of 36 years) were used in the study work. all samples were collected from adults with no serious medical history of illness or under medication for major diseases and non-pregnant women. blood samples were collected from the wellness centre of universiti sains malaysia (usm), pulau pinang malaysia, observing all the necessary safety conditions. this was done through the prior consent of the patients. each of the samples was divided into two which were used as control and radiated samples for this study. the blood morphology and physiology conditions of the two grouped samples were properly examined using optical microscopy connected to the desktop scanner. 2.2. samples stimulations and experimental calculations the obtained blood samples from 64 patients were properly stirred and pipettes into the designed cuvettes connected to impedance analyser for data, before and after irradiation. the irradiation was carried out by using a portable diode-pumped solid state laser of wavelength 532 nm at different output powers of 50, 60, 70, and 80 mw. the power adjustment was done using an optical radiation power meter. the exposure duration was timed out for different intervals of 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes for each of the laser power adjusted. the above equations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) were used for the various calculations to ascertain the sar values for both the diabetic and non-diabetic blood. the data for blood capacitance (c p) and dissipation factor (d f ) was gotten within the frequency range of 40 hz to 30 mhz of the impedance analyser. this was carried out after calibration using a standard 100 ω resistor for the instrument load data measurement and phase compensation, within room temperature of 21◦c. also the temperatures of the blood samples were maintained and taken at room temperature. this is because the acidity of blood in vitro varies to such an extent with temperature that for accurate determination of its ph, the inconvenience of working with temperaturecontrolled apparatus it has been the practice to take measurements at room temperature and then make the appropriate corrections [4, 21]. the data were taken as a function of different frequencies corresponding to dielectric response and energy deposited in the blood by the lll irradiation within a different time duration. 3. results the research evaluated the diabetic blood specific absorption rate from blood-laser therapy (blt) by 532 nm wavelength laser under observed laser parameters and sample properties. it is observed that an increase in sar values has direct effects on temperature changes in the blood. however, there is no rapid temperature rise since the absorbed energies are used in breaking down the ions and molecular chains form by the free radicals as a course of photochemical reactions (catalysis) and biostimulation of the blood constituents [2, 17, 22]. the sar values dropped sharply as the turn-off point is attained at blood saturation peak when there is no more energy absorption rather heat is given off to balance the system, then triggered the temperature to its highest points. the temperature build-up gradually as long as there is continuous irradiation therefore the blood temperature becomes excessively high and rather cause more damages to the diabetic blood. table 1 showed blood properties and laser parameters used in the evaluation of the appropriate sar optimal values for biostimulation of both bloods. 3.1. the effect of blood temperature on diabetic blood sar. the values of experimental results demonstrated the corresponding effects of the average maximum blood temperature and its specific absorption rate from different exposure power and durations. within an average temperature range of 24.2 ≤ 28.0◦c the diabetic blood samples were examined to improve the health conditions of erythrocytes morphological structure positively after exposures as shown in table 2. this occurred within a little temperature variation because the photochemical reactions generally do not result in a significant rise in temperature. photochemical effects involved either a change in the course of biochemical reaction due to the presence of an electromagnetic field or photodecomposition due to high energy photons that rupture molecular bonds [23]. there is an 68 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 69 table 1. blood and laser parameters used for sar evaluation of both blood samples material properties/laser parameters laser power (mw) exposure duration (mins) calculated av. blood density(kg/m3) av. initial temp. (◦c) final temp. (◦c) laser spot sectional area(m2) laser intensity (w/m2) 50 5 10 15 20 1020 23.2 24.2 27.4 28.0 29.2 1.26 × 10−5 3968.25 60 5 10 15 20 1020 23.1 27.4 27.7 29.2 30.4 1.26×10−5 4761.91 70 5 10 15 20 1020 23.2 28.0 29.2 30.4 30.6 1.26×10−5 5555.56 80 5 10 15 20 1020 23.2 29.2 30.5 30.6 32.9 1.26×10−5 6349.21 observed significant decreased of the immature cells to a slight increase in the erythrocytes count as a result of the reticulocytosis decreased (that’s the decrease rate of the formed reticulocytes). the reticulocytes decreased served as the useful indicator of glycaemic been under control. the radiated blood shows a higher resistance as stimulated by absorbed laser photon light. the absorbed energy also lowers the blood coagulation system, improves the red blood cells into biconcave form and disc liked shape after stimulation forming a normocytic. within this temperature range and corresponding values of diabetic blood absorption rate, there were noticeable optimal positive biostimulation effects on the irradiated samples that can be considered effective for low-level laser therapy. the resulting absorption rate values occurred within the range 0.140 ≤ 0.695 w/kg excepts for exposure to 50 mw for 20 minutes, where the diabetic blood reaches the optimal saturation peak at 15 minutes of exposure and took a downward trend to 0.326 w/kg. this implies raising the blood temperature directly causes the heat transfer in the blood and the specific absorption rate to the saturation point thereafter occur a reverse effect on sar. the radiated blood within this particular exposure has shown more cell damage and haemoglobin released in plasma and twice extracellular potassium than in non-irradiated blood (tables 2, 3, and 4). 3.2. specific absorption rate (sar) of diabetic and non-diabetic blood the experimental results here compared between the specific absorption rate (sar) of non-diabetic to diabetic blood samples calculated via blood parameters: conductivity and blood density. the sar values for both irradiated bloods (diabetes and non-diabetic) samples were observed to increase with increasing frequency untill attains saturated plateau before taking a descending direction. this increase reflects the biological impacts of blood-based thermal effects on key features. the observed blood samples specific absorption rates are shown in figures 1 and 2 below and some highlighted values in tables 2 and 3 which shows the evaluated sar values of the irradiated diabetic blood with the corresponding low-level laser biostimulation effects comparably higher than that of the nondiabetic blood counterparts. the morphological and physiological changes due to the biostimualtion effects of irradiation were captured through a microscope with a charged coupled device (ccd) camera connected to the computer operated by software as in figures 3 and 4. the higher sar values of diabetic blood might be due to the high absorption capability rate of the high glucose present in the blood of diabetic patients [19, 24]. this produces reactive oxygen species (ros) derived from flavin, reduced nicoti69 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 70 table 2. the effect of blood temperature on the sar of diabetic blood duration/power (min) 50mw 60mw 70mw 80mw sar (w/kg) av.temp var(◦c) sar (w/kg) av.temp var(◦c) sar (w/kg) av.temp var(◦c) sar (w/kg) av.temp var(◦c) 5 0.615 24.2 0.489 27.4 0.140 28.0 2.064 29.2 10 0.647 27.4 0.695 27.9 1.666 29.2 2.412 30.5 15 0.674 28.0 0.893 29.2 0.837 30.4 1.506 30.6 20 1.195 29.2 0.326 30.4 2.060 30.6 1.552 32.9 table 3. efficacy (optimization) of normal patient’s blood irradiated and sar at characterized frequency of 40hz duration (min) 50mw 60mw 70mw 80mw sar (w/kg) blood physiology sar (w/kg) blood physiology sar (w/kg) blood physiology sar (w/kg) blood physiology 5 0.173 stimulate 0.178 stimulate 0.791 bloat cells 0.121 bloat cells 10 0.528 stimulate 0.390 stimulate 0.427 bloat cells 0.443 bloat cells 15 1.417 bloat cells 0.754 bloat cells 0.576 all crenate 0.941 lake & haemolysed 20 0.631 crenate 0.540 crenate 0.003 lake & haemolysed -0.130 lake & haemolysed table 4. efficacy /optimization of diabetic patient’s blood irradiated and sar at characterized frequency of 40hz duration (min) 50mw 60mw 70mw 80mw sar (w/kg) blood physiology sar (w/kg) blood physiology sar (w/kg) blood physiology sar (w/kg) blood physiology 5 0.615 stimulate 0.489 stimulate 0.140 stimulate 2.064 bloat cells 10 0.647 stimulate 0.695 stimulate 1.666 bloat cells 2.412 all crenate 15 0.674 stimulate 0.893 bloat cells 0.837 all crenate 1.506 lake & haemolysed 20 1.195 bloat cells 0.326 crenate 2.060 lake & haemolysed 1.552 lake & haemolysed namide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadph), and hemeprotein due to photosensitization of the cell chromophores. it is a key enabler for the various activation of signalling pathways, and the role of bio-stimulation in cells since laser light depends on them [2, 18, 20, 21, 23] (figures 1,2, 3 and 4). 70 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 71 figure 1. frequency characteristics of sar values of non-diabetic blood irradiated using a laser at an output power of 50 mw under different time duration. figure 2. graph of sar values of diabetic blood frequency characterization irradiated using a laser at an output power of 50 mw under different time duration figure 3. (a) smeared control non-diabetic blood morphology and (b) diabetic blood morphology showing bloats rbcs, immature rbcs and some blast cells in blue circle. magnifications 40x 4. discussions this research work was conducted to elucidate the low-level laser biostimulation effects as a way to enhance diabetes mellitus practical non-medicinal therapy and prevention of some figure 4. (a) smeared diabetic blood irradiated within 10 and 15 minutes. (b) smeared diabetic blood stimulated > 15 minutes durations showing cell crenation due to excessive irradiation at 50 mw power output. magnifications 100x. (c) smeared non-diabetic blood irradiated for 15 minutes showing bloat cells circled in blue and cells crenation in red circles. (d) smeared non-diabetic blood stimulated > 15 minutes durations using laser at 50 mw power output showing cell crenation magnifications 100x blood transfusion diseases. this was observed with respect to the blood specific absorption rate relative to temperature variation. the research findings support the appropriate irradiation conditions for low-level laser therapy for diabetic mellitus optimising the efficacy of laser non-invasive treatment of diabetes mellitus. the result findings in figure 1, the irradiated blood identified as sar (5m) reaches a maximum sar value of 1.35 w/kg at 100 khz frequency, also known as absorption peak after stimulation using a laser output power of 50 mw for a period of 5 minutes irradiation. at this point, the blood absorption rate yields the highest level which further frequency characterization and exposure often result in a sudden downward trend of lower sar values. at high frequencies, the blood polarisation is not in the same phase with the applied energy as well as the blood sar, therefore blood releases more heat than its absorption capacity. it is also noted that thermal effects apt to strongly occur beyond this peak. thermal energy causes high blood temperatures associated with an imbalance between heat production and dissipation. within this region, the blood is known to starts deteriorating at the point of becoming shrinking 71 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 72 and crenation. the sar peak result value of 1.65 w/kg for 10 minutes of irradiated blood identified as sar (10m) increased with increasing frequency and reached its plateau at 265 khz frequency mark. excess heat was observed when the blood irradiated for 15 minutes; the sar value was extremely high and reached a saturation point at 640 hz with 2.79 w/kg. this even prevents the blood from being polarized at the high oscillation frequency. the detrimental deteriorating effect was observed for the human blood irradiated for 20 minutes since high exposure reversed the sar trend downward right from the polarization stage, therefore, dropping its value instantly. in table 2, the findings show the stimulating effects after irradiating the blood of non-diabetic patients’ samples, with different laser power and exposure duration to compare any occur effect with the diabetic blood. the morphology and blood physiology of the irradiation power of 50 and 60 mw for 5 and 10 minutes irradiation duration have no negative effects on results with slight moderate stimulations there are non-diabetes blood. the exposure for 15 minutes, effects on the irradiated blood are slightly excessive shown bloat and little crenate cells. the results obtained at all the laser powers for 20 minutes’ blood stimulation period have lower sar values while blood physiology was not satisfactory with bloat, crenate, and haemolysis effects (morphology and physiology conditions of the irradiated blood shown in figure 4). this is because the absorption capacity of the blood is saturated and reflects the radiant heat from its absorption at these points resulting in crenation based on the laser intensity level as also shown in table 3. the results in figure 2 presented the sar values of diabetic blood under frequency characterizations of varying laser power output and exposure durations (morphology in figure 3b). in the graphical representations of sar for diabetic blood been irradiated at the power of 50 mw for 5 minutes indicated as sar (5 m) increased with increasing frequency to saturation and absorption peak at the point of 1.906 w/kg. at a frequency of 1.1 khz, the sar values took a downward trend. here, the blood molecules cannot regulate any higher frequency beyond and its rate of absorption retrogressed immediately. before saturation point, exposed diabetic blood morphology observed to be maintained, although it is not sufficient to completely stimulate it. the radiation here does not help to renew the aging process of the plasma and cell membrane of diabetes mellitus. diabetic blood exposed for 10 and 15mins (indicated as sar (10m) and sar(15m) respectively) gives a better stimulating result when examined its morphological and physiological status. the blood temperatures within these exposure durations were moderate (average temperature range of 24.2 ≤ 28.0 ◦c of the irradiated diabetic blood) and the irradiated blood shows a higher resistance, lower coagulation system, and improved the red blood cells to biconcave and disc liked shape that is normocytic as shown in figure 4a. also showed a slight increase in the erythrocytes count and decrease in the reticulocytes. there was no bloat appearance of the blood cells noticed after the exposures and showed an absorption rates range of 0.140 ≤ 0.695 w/kg. within this average temperature range and corresponding values of the absorption rate there were noticeable optimal positive biostimulation effects on the irradiated samples that can be considered effective for the use of low-level lasers for treatment of diabetes mellitus. the blood reaches the maximum sar at frequencies 4.3 khz and 398 hz, and the corresponding sar values were 3.072 and 1.577 w/kg respectively. exposure of 20 minutes indicated as sar (20m) did not produce good results due to excessive heating for long periods of time as observed in figure 4b. and most diabetic blood cells became crenated due to shrinkage of cells that change the cell membrane. it inhibits the process of stimulation that can increase the resistance of cells that protect the k+ ion efflux but accelerates the blood deterioration [12]. the microscopic examination of the blood morphology and physiological conditions in figures 3 and 4 above reveals its stimulus on the basis of different biostimulation effects from sar, temperature variation, and laser parameters. the examined smeared of diabetic blood irradiated using a 50mw output laser power for exposure of less or equal to 5 minutes indicates that energy from the green laser is insufficient for erythrocyte to maintain its shape and correct defect. the effectiveness of diabetic blood stimulations was achieved with a 50 mw stimulated laser output power for a duration of 10 and 15 minutes. the smeared of exposed blood for more than 15 minutes produce unsatisfactory results. where there are free intracellular ca+2 concentrations that affect the efflux of k+ions [12, 16], it results in the crenation of the blood cells as in figure 4. this is due to excess free radicals that caused changes in the molecular chemical structures as well as confirmation by altering h-bonds of membrane proteins [1, 18, 19]. table 4 summarized the stimulating effects of the irradiated diabetic blood based on the morphological/physiological conditions with different laser output power and of time periods with corresponding evaluated sars at 40 hz frequency. there are positive stimulation effects when lower laser output powers of 50 mw for 10 and 15 minutes then 60 mw for 5 and 10 minutes’ duration were used for the irradiations. at an output power of 70 mw, the positive stimulation effect lasted only 5 minutes. although all other laser output power exposures with different duration results are unsatisfactory bloat cells and full of crenation. 5. conclusion we concluded from this research study that the lllt stimulates the diabetic blood to effective cell rejuvenation showing positive biostimulation effects. the specific absorption rate (sar) of blood served as a special tool to regulate and enhance the efficacy of the low-level laser blood therapy. this occurred at absorbance threshold sar values of 0.140 ≤ 0.695 w/kg within an average temperature range of 24.2 ≤ 28.0◦c before saturation absorbance peak for the diabetic blood and the nondiabetic blood show positive stimulation within the sar range of 0.173 ≤ 0.528 w/kg before turn-off peak absorbance point. the blood-laser therapy demonstrated a robust positive influence on the immune system cells and all blood exchange pro72 gemanam et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 66–73 73 cesses. these humongous effects help to improve not only the biostimulation as diabetic blood-laser therapy but indirectly capable in reduction of a certain number of transmission-associated graft-versus-host diseases (ta-gvhd) involved during blood transfusion. whereas anything above the absorbance threshold of the sar range inhibits the effectiveness of the laser therapy and causes more deteriorating effects on the diabetic blood. contrary, at higher laser powers and time exposure, diabetic blood shows crenation due to profuse heating. this formed cell membrane shrinkage with an abnormal notching. the diabetic blood shows better stimulation within the low-level laser output powers of 50 mw for 10 and 15 minutes then 60 mw for 5and 10-minutes duration. therefore, lllt has a positive blood stimulation effect by rejuvenating the diabetes blood cells and regulating the glucose negative effects within the blood as 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article history : received: 28 april 2021 accepted for publication: 15 may 2021 published: 29 may 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye in the acknowledgment section of this article, the first and second sentences that read “this research was financially supported by the national research foundation (nrf) south africa. we are grateful to the school of chemistry and physics, university of kwazulu-natal (ukzn) for creating a conducive research laboratory for this work” should have read “the authors acknowledge the school of chemistry and physics, university of kwazulu-natal (ukzn) for creating a conducive research laboratory for this work”. in addition, the sentence that reads “ayomide is grateful to prof. vincent nyamori, prof. bernand omondi, and mrs. rashidat labulo for proofreading this manuscript” should have read “ayomide is grateful to mrs. rashidat labulo for proofreading this manuscript”. ∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 8062295936 email address: labulo@yahoo.com (ayomide hassan labulo ) doi of the original article: 10.46481/jnsps.2020.105 131 j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences numerical simulation of nonlinear and non-isothermal liquid chromatography for studying thermal variations in columns packed with core-shell particles abdulaziz g. ahmada,b,∗, nnamdi f. okechia, david u. uchea,c, abdulwasiu o. salaudeend adepartment of mathematics programme, national mathematical centre abuja, nigeria bdepartment of applied mathematics, federal university of technology babura, nigeria cdepartment of mathematics, university of abuja, nigeria ddepartment of applied mathematics (chemistry unit) programme, national mathematical centre abuja, nigeria abstract a high-resolution flux-limiting semi-discrete finite volume scheme (hr-fvs) is applied in this study to numerically approximate the nonlinear and non-isothermal flow of one-dimensional lumped kinetic model (1d-lkm), for a fixed-bed column loaded with core-shell particles. the developed model comprise a system of convection-dominated partial differential for mass and energy balances in the mobile phases coupled with differential equation and algebraic equation in the stationary phase. the solution of the model equations is obtained by utilizing a hr-fvs, the scheme has second-order accuracy even on the grid coarse and its explicit nature has the potential to resolve the arisen sharp discontinuities in the solution profiles. a second-order total variation diminishing (tvd) runge-kutta technique is used to solve the system of odes in time. several forms of a single-solute mixture are produced to investigate the influences of the fractions of core radius on thermal waves and concentration fronts. moreover, a particular criterion is introduced for analyzing the performance of the underlying process and to identify the optimal parameter values of the fraction of core radius. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1350 keywords: non-isothermal chromatography, non-linear isotherm, one-dimensional lumped kinetic model, high-resolution scheme article history : received: 15 january 2023 received in revised form: 06 march 2023 accepted for publication: 10 march 2023 published: 24 april 2023 © 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: j. ndam 1. introduction in recent years, chemical engineers and researchers are increasingly interested in high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) to further improve the performance of classical column. an innovative and valuable tool used for the separation and quantification of the multi-component mixture due ∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 80326117615 email address: agarbaahmad@yahoo.com (abdulaziz g. ahmad) to the different affinities of adsorption for the components is known as hplc. this technique is commonly used in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries where the traditional operations in the thermal unit, such as distillation and extraction, are unsuitable [1–3]. for both large and preparative scales this process is equally popular, especially for the purification of proteins and other higher valuable products. figure 1 illustrates a typical demonstration of a single-column hplc. here, the sample is injected via inner region, which propagates the 1 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 2 solute along z-direction of the column by advection and axialdispersion. separation efficiency of hplc can be made better by using small diameter particles to be loaded into the column in order to reduced the resistance of intra-particulate mass transfer due to short diffusion distances [4–6]. these loaded core-shell particles were designed and operated in the columns of hplc to contempt the utilization of technical types of equipment. recently, the use of core-shell particles has created significant interest in both analytical and preparative liquid chromatography. it was applied to segregate peptides and other molecules, such as nucleotides, and proteins [5, 7]. aside from that, several theoretical investigations involving the use of core-shell particles were made by analyzing models of liquid chromatography in one-dimensional (1d) forms [1, 3]. kaczmarski and guichon [8] consider the general rate model to substantiate the benefits of thin-shell coated beads. also, the same general rate model is employed by gu et al. [4] to optimize and examine the influences of core radius fraction in isocratic elution of multicomponent mixture. several authors have recently emphasized the importance of studying the differences of core-shell and fully porous particles by formulating and solving a number of chromatographic models via core-shell particles [9–11]. inspired by the work of brandt, et al., [12]. temperature has a wide impact on all chromatography processes, and there are several ways to analyze its significance [13, 14]. for example, increasing the temperature decreases viscosity while rising solubility and diffusivity. moreover, the peak shape, the efficiency of the column, complete-time analysis and retention time has temperature influences due to the thermodynamics, and adsorption kinetics are temperature-dependent [15, 16]. further, the use of a steady condition of temperature during the process increases reproducibility. even though, effects of thermal property are typically ignored in the columns of liquid chromatographic because the effect of heat adsorption is assumed to be inconsiderable, many more chromatographers have figured out that temperature is critical to the process optimization [13]. on contrarily, a number of researchers have investigated thermal impacts in gas chromatography [17–19]. there are additional contributions in the literature that examine the thermal influences in liquid chromatography columns, which are also accessible [3, 13, 14, 20–24]. a number of mathematical models for simulating the underlying chemical process at various extent of complexities are available in the literature to aid in the understanding of physical phenomena [15, 16, 25, 26]. this modeling approach allows us to comprehend what occurs within the column, and also during the separation process. the most influential and widely employed models that exist in the literature include the equilibrium dispersive model (edm), the model based on linearized driving force, the lumped kinetic model (lkm), and the general rate model (grm) [1–3, 27]. the mass transfer rate in the edm is considered to be infinite, but the local concentration’s rate of change in the lkm is presumed to be finite [1–3]. grm is a model that incorporates intra-particle diffusion which includes mass transfer across the interface among the both phases (i.e., stationary and mobile). it is also referred to as the most comprehensive model [1]. a nonlinear 1d-lkm incorporating core-shell particles is numerically approximated in this article. this work extends the analysis of 1d-lkm non-isothermal model [28]. unlike the past study, this prevailing non-isothermal 1d-lkm helps to examine the effect of core radius fractions on thermal and concentration fronts along the axial gradients of the eluent in the column. the formulated model comprises of a system of convection-dominated partial differential for mass and energy balances in the mobile phases coupled with differential and algebraic equations in the stationary phase. the solution of the model is obtained by utilizing a hr-fvs. the scheme deals with integral form of conservation laws and also it has potential to produce numerical result that can resolve sharp discontinuity and achieve higher order accuracy. afterwards, a runge-kutta approach for second-order tvd is used to simulate the system of odes in term of time [30]. some certain test problems are considered to illustrate the simultaneous elution of thermal and concentration fronts. furthermore, we hope that the key parameters that influence the elution profiles within the column are identified. the article arranged as follows. in section 2, a nonlinear and non-isothermal 1d-lkm incorporated with core-shell particles is developed. in section 3, the numerical simulation of the non-isothermal 1d-lkm is obtained for the boundary conditions discussed by dankwerts condition. section 4 outlines a number of simulated case problems, and ultimately, section 5 contains the conclusions. 2. mathematical model formulation of the process in this section, the following assumptions are employed to configure and develop the model equations: (i) the column is considered to be thermally insulated and homogeneously loaded with ore-shell particles, (ii) the fluid is incompressible with constant rate of volumetric flow, (iii) the stationary and mobile phases have negligible interaction between them, (iv) the axial heat conductivity coefficient are independent of the flow rate, (v) the temperature does not affect physical properties such as density, viscosity, heat capacity, or coefficients of transport (e.g. axial dispersion and heat conductivity), (vi) the linear driving force model is utilized to determine the overall adsorption rate, and (vii) the heat transfer resistance of the solid phase is concentrated at the particle surface. let t symbolize the coordinate time while the coordinate in axial direction alongside the column length is donated as z, the symbol rp represents the unvarying size of cored beads parked in the column and fraction of core radius is ηcore = rc/rp where rc symbolized the radius of the inert core. the solute will propagate via the column’s z-direction with advection and axial-dispersion. the one-dimensional equations for the balance of mass and the heat for a solute mixture elution in the mobile phase via column loaded with spherical core beads are 2 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 3 expressed as ∂c ∂t + u ∂c ∂z − dz ∂2c ∂z2 + f(1 −ηcore)k(φ ∗ −φ) = 0, (1) ∂t ∂t + u ∂t ∂z − λz ξ f ∂2t ∂z2 + f(1 −ηcore) 3hp rpξ f (t − t s) = 0. (2) from the equations above, the symbol c represents the solute mixture in the mobile phase, the interstitial velocity is donated as u, the symbol dz represents the axial-dispersion coefficient, while the symbol � denotes the external porosity and the phase ratio is expressed as f = 1−� � . also, the symbol φ represents the non-equilibrium average loading of concentration in the particular solid phase, in the mobile phase the temperature is indicated as t , and coefficients of heat conductivity along with the axial coordinates is represented as λz. moreover, ξe = ρscsp, ξ f = ρ lclp, ρ s and ρl indicate the solid and liquid phases’ densities per unit volume, respectively, t s stands for the temperature of the stationary phase, while csp and c l p symbolize the solid and liquid phases’ respective heat capacities. in the solid phase, the corresponding mass and heat balance equations are written as ∂φ ∂t =k(φ∗ −φ), (3) ∂t s ∂t = −∆ha ξe ∂φ ∂t + 3hp rpξe (t − t s) . (4) from the equations above, the symbol k stands for the mass transfer rate coefficient, ∆ha represents the enthalpy of adsorption and the coefficient for heat transfer among the mobile and solid phases is symbolized as hp. for the ι-th number of components in the mixture, the symbol φ∗(c, t s) shows a temperature dependency relationship among the specific phase in solid part of concentration at equilibrium φ and the temperature, is defined as [16] φ∗(c, t s) = aref c exp [ −∆ha rg ( 1 t s − 1 tref )] 1 + brefι cι exp [ −∆ha rg ( 1 t s − 1 tref )] , ι = 1, · · · , nc. (5) here, the coefficient aref is symbolizing the henry’s constant at a reference temperature, the symbol brefι is representing the nonlinearity coefficients, the symbol tref represents the reference temperature, and rg is universal gas constant. in addition, the model includes the following additional dimensionless parameters, which minimize the parameters in terms of number, this facilitates the analysis of the model. pez,m = lu dz , pez,h = ξ f lu λz , x = z l , τ = ut l , κ = lk u , βs = 3lhp urpξe , βl = 3lhp urpξ f , (6) the column length is represented by the symbol l, and the peclet-numbers of both heat and the mass transfer via axial direction are indicated by the symbols pez,h and pez,m , accordingly. on utilizing eq. (6) in eqs. (1)-(4), we get the following equations below after some manipulations ∂c ∂τ = − ∂c ∂x + 1 pez,m ∂2c ∂x2 − f(1 −ηcore)κ(φ ∗ −φ), (7) ∂t ∂τ = − ∂t ∂x + 1 pez,h ∂2t ∂x2 − f(1 −ηcore)βl(t − t s), (8) ∂φ ∂τ =κ(φ∗ −φ), (9) ∂t s ∂τ = −∆ha ξe ∂φ ∂τ + βs(t − t s). (10) appropriate initial conditions that are suitable for the computational solution of the model equations (c.f. eqs. (7)-(10)) in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. the following are the initial conditions for an equilibrated column: c(x,τ = 0) = cinit, t (x,τ = 0) = tinit, φ(x,τ = 0) = φ∗init, t s(x,τ = 0) = tinit. (11) here, the initial temperature is represented by tinit, the symbol cinit is the initial equilibrated concentration of the single component solute, and φ∗init is obtained from eq. (5). the inflow conditions which dankwert’s boundary conditions (bcs) investigate at the column inlet are listed below [9, 31]. the injections in the inner circular region are described as follows: c(x = 0,τ) − 1 pez,m ∂ci(x = 0,τ) ∂x = { cinj, if 0 ≤ τ ≤ τinj, 0, if τ > τinj, (12a) t (x = 0,τ) − 1 pez,h ∂t (x = 0,τ) ∂x = { tinj, if 0 ≤ τ ≤ τinj, tref, if τ > τinj. (12b) in this eq. (12a), cinj represents the concentration of the injected component, the dimensionless time of injection is represented by τinj, and tinj represents the temperature of the injected component. moreover, the thermal conditions at the boundary provided by eq. (12b) allow the temperature of the injection sample to fluctuate. further, the injected temperature donated by tinj could be adjusted from the reference temperature of the bulk phase tref . at the right end of the column, the neuman conditions are considered: ∂c(x = 1,τ) ∂x = 0 , ∂t (x = 1,τ) ∂x = 0. (12c) the chromatographic process mathematical model is now complete. the subsequent task is to employ the suggested fluxlimiting hr-fvs in order to solve the developed model equations. 3. numerical scheme in order to approximate the current model equations numerically, a flux-limiting semi-discrete method hr-fvs is applied, 3 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 4 table 1: values of the model parameters used in the test problems parameters values column length l = 4.0 cm radius of the column r = 0.2 cm radius of solid particle rp = 0.004 cm interstitial velocity u = 1.5 cm/min porosity � = 0.4 density of heat capacity of solid ξf = 4 kj/l density of heat capacity of liquid ξe = 4 kj/l axial dispersion coefficient dz = 0.01 cm2/min axial conductivity coefficient λz = 0.04 kjcm−1min−1 mass transfer coefficient k = 1 cm/min heat transfer coefficient hp = 1 w(cm2k)−1 reference temperature tref = 300 k initial temperature tinit = tref inlet temperature tinj = tref initial concentration cinit = 0 mol/l inlet concentration cinj = 1 mol/l dimensionless injection time τinj = 1.5 adsorption equilibrium constant aref = 1 figure 1: sketch of solute injection in the thermally insulated chromatographic column incorporating core-shell particles which have been widely discussed in the literature for approximating 1d-models [9, 10]. to simulate the ode system in term of time, the second-order tvd runge-kutta method is used. for the derivation of this numerical scheme, let us descritise the computational domain. let n stand for the number descritisation, xl+ 12 to be the interval of left and right boundaries, ∆x is the cell width and xl symbolizes the cell center. further, let us assign the following xn+ 12 = l, x 12 = 0, xl+ 12 = l∆xl, (13) xl = xl−12 − xl+ 12 2 , ∆xl = xl− 12 − xl+ 12 = l n + 1 . (14) the domain of cartesian grid [0, 1] that is fully covered by the cells ψl = xl− 12 − xl+ 12 for l ≥ 1. furthermore, the average initial data wl(0) in each interval are formulated as wl(0) = 1 ∆x ∫ x l+ 12 x l− 12 w(x, 0)d x, w ∈ {c, t, q, q∗}, l = 1, 2, · · · , n. (15) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 c (x ,τ ) [m o l/ l] η core = 0.0 η core = 0.4 η core = 0.8 (a) figure 2: these display the non isothermal single-solute elution profile for distinct values of fraction of core radius ηcore. specifically, ∆ha = −10 kj/mol. table 1 lists all of the other parameter values that were chosen once we discretized the computational domain and the associated initial data for τ = 0 is specified for each mesh interval, the subsequent task is to employ the proposed scheme. integrations of eqs. (7)-(10) over ψl give dcl dτ = − ( cl+ 12 − cl− 12 ) ∆xl + 1 ∆xlpez,m [ ( ∂c ∂x ) l+ 12 − ( ∂c ∂x ) l− 12 ] (16) − fκ(φ∗l −φl), dtl dτ = − ( tl+ 12 − tl− 12 ) ∆xl + 1 ∆xlpez,h [ ( ∂t ∂x ) l+ 12 − ( ∂t ∂x ) l− 12 ] + (17) − fβl(tl − t s,l), dφl dτ =κ(φ∗l −φl), (18) dt s,l dτ = −∆ha ξe κ(φ∗l, j −φ1,l, j) + βs(tl − t s,l). (19) the derivatives appearing in eqs. (16) and (17) are approximated as [ ∂c ∂x ] l± 12 = ± [ cl±1 − cl ∆xl ] , (20)[ ∂t ∂x ] l± 12 = ± [ tl±1 − tl ∆xl ] . (21) 3.1. koren hr-fvs according to the first order method, the values of concentration and with temperature of the cell-interface in eqs. (16) 4 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 τ 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 c (x ,τ ) [m o l/ l] pe z,h =600, η core =0.6 pe z,m =50 pe z,m =100 pe z,m =600 (a) ∆ h a = -10 kj/mol 0 2 4 6 8 10 τ 299.6 299.8 300 300.2 300.4 300.6 t (x ,τ ) [k ] pe z,h =600, η core =0.6 pe z,m =50 pe z,m =100 pe z,m =600 (b) ∆ h a = -10 kj/mol figure 3: influence of pez,m on the model of non isothermal for the single-component elution by utilising two different ηcore values. table 1 lists all of the other parameter values that were considered and (17) are approximated as numerically cl+ 12 = cl, cl− 12 = cl−1, tl+ 12 = tl, tl− 12 = tl−1. (22) for the second-order hr-fvs, the developing flux-limiting formula is utilized in eqs. (16) and (17) to numerically approximate the values of temperature and concentration of the cell interface [9, 30]: cl+ 12 = cl + 1 2 φ1(γl+ 12 )(cl − cl−1), (23) tl+ 12 = tl + 1 2 φ2(λl+ 12 )(tl − tl−1), (24) here, the symbols φ1 and φ2 are the flux-limiting formula for the concentrations and temperature, respectively. also, γl+ 12 , j and λl+ 12 , j are the concentration and temperature gradient ratios, accordingly. γl+ 12 , j = cl+1 − cl + δ cl − cl−1 + δ , λl+ 12 = tl+1 − tl + δ tl − tl−1 + δ . (25) in order to avoid division by zero, we have taken the value of δ = 10−10. moreover, the limiting functions are expressed as φ1(γl+ 12 , j) = max [ 0, min ( 2γl+ 12 , j, min ( 1 3 + 2 3 γl+ 12 , j ))] , (26) φ2(λl+ 12 , j) = max [ 0, min ( 2λl+ 12 , j, min ( 1 3 + 2 3 λl+ 12 , j ))] , (27) where φ1(γl+ 12 , j) and φ2(λl+ 12 , j) are sequentially defined for the concentration and temperature. likewise, cl− 12 and tl− 12 can be evaluated by just replacing the index l by l − 1 in the equations above. finally, the built-in rk-45 in matlab is used to simulate the resulting ode-system in eqs. (16) and (17). the entire scheme described above was programmed and simulated in matlab. 4. evaluating criterion for the process performance in this section, we presents an evaluation for the performance criterion that can be utilized to improve product quality, according to the findings of hováth and fellinger [29] research. for applications to industries, preparative chromatographic methods required to be optimized in terms of their yield, productivity and efficiency. to describe this criterion procedure, we used a two-component mixture with component 2 having a higher reference affinity to the solid phase than component 1. i.e. a1ref < a 2 ref . let ζ 1 represent the non-dimensional time when the fraction of component 1 be more than an appropriate benchmark (i.e, c1 < �c1,inj), where � = 10−6. in a similar way, let ζ2 stand for a non-dimensional time when the concentration of component 2 drops below a particular level (c2 < �c2,inj). the amount of time that has elapsed between the injections of consecutive two values, i.e. as cycle time, is represented by ζcyc and is written as ζcyc = ζ2 − ζ1. (28) the cut time is defined as the time it takes to complete component 1 fractionation pur = ∫ ζcut ζ1 c1(x = 1,ζ)dζ∫ ζcut ζ1 [c1(x = 1,ζ)dζ + c2(x = 1,ζ)dζ] , (29) where ck(x = 1,ζ) = 2 ∫ 1 0 ck(x = 1,η,ζ)ηdη, k = 1, 2. (30) the productivity (pr) is defined by the quantity of a required compound manufactured per cycle’s time. also, the purity of 5 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 c (x ,τ ) [m o l/ l] k = 1 min −1 k = 100 min −1 (a) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 299.4 299.6 299.8 300 300.2 300.4 300.6 300.8 t (x ,τ ) [k ] k = 1 min −1 k = 100 min −1 (b) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 c (x ,τ ) [m o l/ l] h p =0.5 w(cm 2 k) -1 h p =2.0 w(cm 2 k) -1 (c) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 299.7 299.8 299.9 300 300.1 300.2 300.3 t (x ,, τ ) [k ] h p =0.5 w(cm 2 k) -1 h p =2.0 w(cm 2 k) -1 (d) figure 4: impacts of both coefficients of mass as well as transfer of heat (k and hp) for unchanged ηcore = 0.8 and ∆ha = −10 kj/mol. table 1 lists all of the other parameter values that were considered the suitable peak area is placed equal to 99%. for component 1, it is obtained as pr = ∫ ζcut ζ1 c1(x = 1,ζ)dζ ζcyc . (31) the proportion of considered component evaluated in segregated order and the complete amount of that injected component over the column inlet is referred as the quantity yield (y). for the component 1 case, it is obtained as y = ∫ ζcut ζ1 c1(x = 1,ζ)dζ∫ ζ2 ζ1 c1(x = 1,ζ)dζ . (32) 5. numerical test cases numerous numerical test cases for simulating the influences of ηcore, pez,m , k and hp, on the elution profiles are presented in this section. these characterize the core radius fraction, the axial peclet number, the mass transfer coefficient and the heat transfer coefficient, respectively. in addition, we have taken the nonlinearity coefficients zero (i.e., bι = 0 l/mol in eq. (5)). moreover, a process performance criterion for the parameters ζcyc, ζcut, pr, and y are simulated. furthermore, the solute is injected through the column inner zone in all of the cases we investigated. in the plots in figures 2-7, the solute component is denoted as c. while, the mobile phase temperature is denoted by the symbol t . the values of all needed parameters are taken from the scopes used in the applications of hplc [32] and are classified in table 1. in figure 2, we display the elution profile plots of both concentration and temperature of a single-component solute, for three distinct values of ηcore (i.e. ηcore = 0, 0.4, 0.8). additionally, the value of adsorption enthalpy of the process is taken as ∆ha = −10 kj/mol. it is obvious that operation of nonisothermal results in notable temperature differences within the column, as shown in given figure 2(b). as shown in figure 2(a), these temperature variations have no visible effect on the concentration profile due to the considered low value of ∆ha. it is also worth noting that as ηcore increases from 0 to 0.8 increases, the elution profiles become sharper, and as a result, their retention times reduce accordingly, i.e. by increasing the value of ηcore, the column efficiency gradually improves. at 6 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 c (x ,τ ) [m o l/ l] η core = 0.0 ∆ h a = -10 kj/mol ∆ h a = -20 kj/mol ∆ h a = -40 kj/mol (a) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 299 299.5 300 300.5 301 301.5 302 302.5 303 t (x ,τ ) [k ] η core = 0.0 ∆ h a = -10 kj/mol ∆ h a = -20 kj/mol ∆ h a = -40 kj/mol (b) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 c (x ,τ ) [m o l/ l] η core = 0.8 ∆ h a = -10 kj/mol ∆ h a = -20 kj/mol ∆ h a = -40 kj/mol (c) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ 299 299.5 300 300.5 301 301.5 t (x ,τ ) [k ] η core = 0.8 ∆ h a = -10 kj/mol ∆ h a = -20 kj/mol ∆ h a = -40 kj/mol (d) figure 5: effects of ∆ha on the model of non-isothermal for single-component elution including two different values of ξcore. specifically, plots in 2-d for the single solute elutions profiles are presented at ξcore = 0 & ξcore = 0.8. table 1 lists all of the other parameter values that were employed the same time, the column’s absorption capacity gradually decreases due to a reduce in the thickness of the layer including in porous. figure 3 demonstrates the impact of the non-dimension parameter pez,m of concentration and temperature on the profiles of elution by utilizing the value of ηcore = 0.6 and an unchanged value of pez,m = 600. the lesser value of pez,m develops wider (spread) peaks, and thus the column efficiency decreases. in contrast, a higher pez,m value results in narrower peaks, which improves column performance. all plots clearly show analogous impacts of different pez,m . figure 4 illustrates the results of k and hp for an unchanged ηcore = 0.8. it is clear that lower values of these dimension parameters result in broader elution profiles, while for high values of these parameters, the profiles are sharpened. the plots also show that the parameter hp has a minor influence on the given profiles, whereas k has a significant impact on both profiles. figure 5 presents the influence of ∆ha on the eluent profile for two distinct ηcore values of a single-solute. as the operating condition for non-isothermal (∆ha = −10, −20 & −40 kj/mol) produces remarkable temperature differences, as it’s clearly observed from figure 5. also, increasing the magnitude of ∆ha affects the solute profile as well, and causing the concentration profile to become sharper while the peak moves upward. further, variation of the particles size of core-shell decreases the retention time of the solute profile by making them narrower and sharper. in figure 6, for isothermal and non-isothermal conditions, we describe a process performance by simulating the following terms: ζcyc, ζcut, pr, and y (c.f. eq. (28)-(29)) over ηcore for ∆ha = −10 kj/mol. it can be clearly observed that the time cycle as well as the cut time is decreasing from 36 to 12 and 97 to 10, respectively, as varies from entirely particles that are porous i.e. ηcore=0.0 to the particles of core shell i.e. ηcore=0.8. moreover, a rise in the productivity can be seen up to ηcore = 0.74 and it gradually falls later. furthermore, the y continuously increases for an upward increment of the ηcore value. so, the cycle time, cut time, productivity and yield profiles are similar 7 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ζ c y c isothermal non-isothermal (a) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 0 20 40 60 80 100 ζ c u t isothermal non-isothermal (b) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 p r ×10 -3 isothermal non-isothermal (c) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 y isothermal non-isothermal (d) figure 6: isothermal and non-isothermal comparison for the process performance assessment. here, the value for ∆ha = −40 kj/mol is taken for the model of non isothermal process operating condition. firstly, the plot (a) presents ζcyc, secondly, the plot (b) shows ζcut, thirdly the plot (c) depicts productivity (pr) and the last plot (d) displays yield (y) represents as a functions of ηcore for c1,inj = 1 = c2,inj. table 1 lists all of the other parameter values that were considered for both isothermal and non-isothermal operations, as presented in figure 5. in figure 7, we discussed a performance process to the assessment for both conditions of isothermal and non-isothermal. however, here we change the magnitude of ∆ha from ∆ha = −10 kj/mol to ∆ha = −40 kj/mol over ηcore. the cycle and cut times are both decreasing, as can be seen from varying 36 to 12 and 97 to 10, respectively, when we get away from particles that are completely porous (i.e. ηcore=0.0) to the particles of core-shell (i.e. ηcore=0.8). similarly, the performance ascends upward and drops thereafter around ηcore = 0.74. moreover, the yield rises upward continuously. however, significant deviations in the cycle time and productivity profiles of nonisothermal and isothermal operations are detected. in the case of non-isothermal operating conditions, the reduction in cycle time decelerates slightly, but yield and productivity improve. 6. conclusion the effects of temperature variations were theoretically investigated on fixed-bed columns filled with core-shell particles. for that purpose, a nonlinear 1d-lkm was developed and solved numerically. it was found that rapid and better separations of complex samples can be obtained in columns filled with core-shell particles. the findings showed that profiles with sharper peaks and shorter residence times are produced by core radius fractions with higher values. thus, the diffusion path within the adsorbents was reduced, which boosted the column’s efficiency. furthermore, the numerical results show that heat and concentration front interactions were investigated, which indicates an increase in the process performance assessment. consequently, hplc can be optimized by using core-shell particles with a sufficient core radius fraction loaded in the column. 8 ahmad et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1350 9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ζ c y c non-isothermal isothermal (a) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 0 20 40 60 80 100 ζ c u t non-isothermal isothermal (b) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 p r ×10 -3 non-isothermal isothermal (c) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 η core 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 y non-isothermal isothermal (d) figure 7: isothermal and non-isothermal process comparison for the process performance assessment. specifically, the value for ∆ha = −40 kj/mol is taken for the process of non-isothermal operating condition. in the first plot (a) presents ζcyc, moving to second plot (b) shows ζcut, as well as the third plot (c) depicts productivity (pr) and the last plot (d) displays yield (y) represents as functions of ηcore for c1,inj = 1 = c2,inj. table 1 lists all of the other parameter values that were considered acknowledgements the authors would like to express their sincere thanks for the financial support given by the national mathematical centre abuja, nigeria. references [1] g. guiochon, a. felinger, d. g. shirazi & a. m. katti, fundamentals of preparative and nonlinear chromatography, elsevier academic press, new york (2006). 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because correlation may occur across more than one dimension. the existing multilevel analysis techniques of the primal linear mixed-effect models are limited to natural clusters which are often not realistic to capture in real-life situations. therefore, this paper proposes dual linear mixed models (dlmms) for modeling unobserved latent clusters when such are present in data sets to yield appreciable gains in model fitness and predictive accuracy. the methodology explored the development and analysis of the dual linear mixed models (dlmms) based on the derived latent clusters from the natural clusters using multivariate cluster analysis. a published data set on political analysis was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed models. the proposed dlmms have yielded minimum values of the models’ assessment criteria (akaike information criterion, bayesian information criterion, and root mean squared error), and hence, outperformed the classical plmms in terms of model fitness and predictive accuracy. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1437 keywords: clustered data, primal and dual clusters, linear mixed-effects models, model fitness, predictive accuracy article history : received: 05 march 2023 received in revised form: 13 may 2022 accepted for publication: 14 may 2022 published: 11 june 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: o. adeyeye 1. introduction the multilevel modeling technique follows a similar process involved when fitting the generalized linear model [1]. in particular, a linear mixed model (lmm) is one of the approaches in modeling normally distributed clustered data [2]. in clustered data, observations within a cluster show similarity between themselves because they share common features different from observations in the other clusters. in a given popu∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348134983581 email address: ybello@fudutsinma.edu.ng (yusuf bello) lation, different clustering may surface because correlation may occur across more than one dimension [3]. they further argued that clustering is in essence a design problem, either a sampling design or an experimental design issue. even if data is collected in an unclustered way, there is still natural clustering in the population. as an illustration from nigeria ′ s crime analysis, the initial dataset comprised 36 states grouped into six geo-political zones and 12 police zonal commands that share spatial and socioethnic similarities. however, the optimal number of clusters provided new structure classifications based on crime rates sim1 yahya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 2 ilarities different from the initial spacial and socio-ethnic similarities [4]. it is posited here that the observations in the newly formed clusters based on multivariate clustering similarities are more correlated than in the natural clusters based on sampling and experimental design similarities. the former would better account for the differences between the clusters and improve model fitness and predictive accuracy. the natural clusters and latent clusters are respectively described as ‘primal clusters’ and ‘dual clusters’. the linear mixed-effects models (lmems or simply lmms) on the primal clusters and dual clusters are respectively described as primal linear mixed models (plmms) and dual linear mixed models (dlmms). this paper proposes efficient dlmms for modeling data with latent clusters with appreciable gains in model fitness and predictive accuracy. 2. the concept of lmems on latent clusters and model assessment criteria the general concept of lmems on latent clusters is to maximize correlation of observations within clusters, model fitness and predictive accuracy. the latent clusters were formed from natural clusters using the multivariate cluster analysis. both the natural and dual clusters contain the same observations, although the cluster structures differ. the argument for comparing models formed from same data set with differing data structures was demonstrated by [14]. agglomerative algorithm is a common approach in cluster analysis for classifying observations that share common properties into groups. the algorithm starts by calculating the distances between all pairs of observations followed by stepwise agglomeration of close observations into groups. euclidean distance is the most commonly used distance measure in numerical data, while ward method is the most frequently used linkage method [5]. lmm is a linear model with an extension of accounting for dependency among clustered observations. in biological and social sciences, a model-based cluster analysis utilizes lmm in the grouping of individuals into one of two or more clusters according to their longitudinal behaviour similarities. [6, 7]. in contrast to those studies that utilize expectation-maximization algorithms in cluster formations, this study conjoins lmems and multivariate cluster analysis to develop efficient techniques for modeling unobserved latent groupings in a data set. the degree of clustering in a data set is measured by the intraclass correlation (icc). the icc is the proportion of total variance in the data that is due to the clusters [8]. the argument in the multilevel analysis on latent clusters is that the increasing clustering in dlmm would simultaneously reduce the indices of the model assessment criteria. many indices are available to measure the performances of competing models [9], however, the models’ assessment criteria in this work are the root mean squared error (rmse), akaike information criterion (aic) and the bayesian information criterion (bic). the rmse indicates the absolute fit of the model to the data. smaller values of rmse indicate better fit results. the lmm improves model fitness and predictive performance, and this is because a multilevel model produces fitted values, ŷ, that are on the average closer to the observed y than those obtained by fitting simply the fixed part of the model. again, even in the multilevel analysis, when the estimated random effects tend to be biased towards zero; it pulls the fitted values in the direction of those of the fixed part of the model that results in bias estimates. furthermore, simpler models such as random intercept models produce larger bias relatively than the complex models such as random intercept and slope models [10]. therefore, by analogy, the more the estimated random effects tend to be larger, the more the ŷ moves closer to y, and hence the lower the rmse. the simplest information criterion widely applicable to nonnested models is the aic [11, 12]. this traditional aic is not appropriate in clustered data, and therefore marginal aic (maic) is the most widely used in model selection in lmms [12]. a related criterion to the maic in their marginal likelihoods is the bic [13]. the presence of random effects in lmms results in smaller aic and bic than in the lms [14]. 3. the linear mixed model consider a vector y of data from j clusters, the lmm as define by [2, 15] is y j = x jβ + z jυ j + � j (1) where y j is the n j vector for cluster j, where j = 1, 2, · · · , j is the cluster index, β is the p-vector of fixed effects, υ j is the qvector of random effects for cluster j, x j and z j are respectively the n j × p and n j × q matrices of covariates for the fixed and random effects of full rank. it is assumed that υ j and � j follow independent and multivariate gaussian distributions such that [16]: [ υ j � j ] ∼ n ([ 0 0 ] , [ t 0 0 σ2 i ]) (2) were t is q×q positive definite covariance matrix of the random effects, υ j is assumed independently for each j, � j associated with different clusters are assumed independent of each other, and that � j is assumed independent of υ j [15]. in a marginal model y j = n(x jβ, v j) v j = z jt z ′ j + σ 2 i (3) with a marginal likelihood given as l(y j/β̂, θ̂) = − 1 2 log|v̂ j| − 1 2 (y j − x jβ̂) ′ v̂ j −1 (y j − x jβ̂) (4) 3.1. cluster effects the cluster effect or the dependency among clustered observations is measured by the icc, and is defined as icc = σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e (5) where σ2υ and σ 2 e are random effects variance and random error variance respectively. 2 yahya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 3 to show that the cluster effect is higher in the dual clusters than in the primal clusters, that is, icc(d) > icc(p): let p and d describe plmm and dlmm respectively, σ2e(p) = σ 2 e, σ 2 e(d) = σ 2 e − δ1, σ 2 υ(p) = σ 2 υ, σ 2 υ(d) = σ 2 υ + δ2, where δ2 ≥ δ1, δ2 and δ1 are small increment of random effects variance and decrement random error variance, respectively,. case 1: if δ2 = δ1, such that δ2 −δ1 = 0, then icc(d) − icc(p) = σ2υ + δ2 (σ2υ + δ2) + (σ2e −δ1) − σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e = σ2υ + δ2 (σ2υ + σ2e ) + (δ2 −δ1) − σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e = σ2υ + δ2 (σ2υ + σ2e ) − σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e = δ2 (σ2υ + σ2e ) (6) since (6) results in a positive difference, then icc(d) > icc(p) case 2: if δ2 > δ1, such that δ2 −δ1 = δ3 > 0, then icc(d) − icc(p) = σ2υ + δ2 (σ2υ + δ2) + (σ2e −δ1) − σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e = σ2υ + δ2 (σ2υ + σ2e ) + (δ2 −δ1) − σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e = σ2υ + δ2 (σ2υ + σ2e + δ3) − σ2υ σ2υ + σ 2 e = σ2υ + δ2 (σ + δ3) − σ2υ σ , where σ = σ2υ + σ 2 e = δ2σ 2 e + δ1σ 2 υ σ(σ + δ3) (7) since (7) results in a positive difference, then icc(d) > icc(p) 3.2. root mean squared error the rmse is the difference between observed data and the predicted values from the model, and it is defined as rms e = √√ ∑j j=1 ∑n j i=1(yi j − ŷi j) 2∑j j=1 n j (8) where j is the number of clusters, n j is the number of observations in the jth cluster, yi j and ŷi j are the ith observed and estimated y in jth cluster, respectively [17]. 3.3. marginal akaike information criterion the commonly used information criterion is the aic [11]. this criterion which is based on kullback-leibler distance is defined as aic = −2log[ f (y/ψ̂(y))] + 2k where f (y/ψ̂(y)) is the maximized likelihood, and k is the number of parameters. this aic is not appropriate in clustered data, and hence the maic is widely used in the clustered data [12]. the maic in the lmm uses the likelihood of the implied marginal model y ∼ n(xβ, v ) with v = in + zt z ′ . the number of estimable parameters then is p + q, with β = (β1, · · · ,βp) and q the number of unknown parameters θ in v . thus, the maic is defined as maic = −2log[ f (y/β̂, θ̂)] + 2( p + q) (9) where f (y/β̂, θ̂) is the maximized marginal likelihood. however, the maic is positively biased, and favours smaller models without random effects [18]. 3.4. bayesian information criterion the is obtained by taking the maic (9) and replacing the constant 2 in the penalty by log(n) to obtain bic = −2log[ f (y/β̂, θ̂)] + log(n)( p + q) (10) this definition ensures that bic bears the same relationship to maic for model (1) as bic bears to aic in regression and so should inherit some of its properties [13]. 3.5. cluster effects on model assessment criteria cluster effects in mixed models are explained by the random effects variance of the models, and including the random effects has an effect on the covariance matrix, v j. as an illustration, consider a random intercept model from a data where five observations are taken on each cluster, so that n j = 5 for all j. therefore, z j is a matrix of dimension 5 × 1 and r j = σ2×i5×5. then v j =  1 1 1 1 1  ×σ2υ × ( 1 1 1 1 1 ) + σ2 ×  1 0 · · · · · · 0 0 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 0 0 · · · · · · 0 1  =  σ2 + σ2υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ2υ σ 2 + σ2υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ2υ σ 2 υ σ 2 + σ2υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ2υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ 2 + σ2υ σ 2 υ σ2υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ 2 υ σ 2 + σ2υ  (11) the elements in the diagonal, σ2υ + σ 2, are correlations between two observations from the same cluster, and the elements at off diagonal, σ2υ, are the covariances between any two units on the same cluster. by relating the two terms, the intraclass correlation between two observations from the same cluster is σ2υ/(σ 2 υ + σ 2) [14]. denoting v j as v j(p) and v j(d) for the plmm and dlmm respectively, therefore, if the icc(d) > icc(p) as in (6) and (7), then v j(d) > v j(p). 3 yahya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 4 from (4), we respectively ascribe the marginal likelihood for the plmm and dlmm as l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(p) and l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(d), such that l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(p) = − 1 2 log|v̂ j(p)|− 1 2 (y j−x jβ̂) ′ v̂−1j(p)(y j−x jβ̂)(12) and l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(d) = − 1 2 log|v̂ j(d)|− 1 2 (y j−x jβ̂) ′ v̂−1j(d)(y j−x jβ̂)(13) similar to the basic concept of fraction that a negative fraction increases with the increase in the denominator, the second term in (13), −12 (y j − x jβ̂) ′ v̂−1j(d)(y j − x jβ̂), is relatively higher than in (13) because of the increase of the inverse of the matrix v̂−1j(d) relative to v̂ −1 j(p). again, in the basic concept of logarithm that a negative logarithm decreases with the increase of a number, the first term in (13), −12 log|v̂ j(d)|, is relatively lower than in (12) because of the increase of the inverse of v̂ j(d) relative to v̂ j(p). although, the first term and second term in (13) decrease and increase respectively, the increase outweights the decrease, such that l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(d) > l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(p) (14) the presence of negative sign in the −2log[ f (y/β̂, θ̂)] for the information criteria in (9) and (10) has changed the direction of the inequality in (14), such that l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(d) < l(y j/β̂, θ̂)(p). the p and q are the same in both the plmm and dlmm, and therefore maic(d) < maic(p) and mbic(d) < mbic(p) (15) the lmm improves model fitness and predictive performances because it incorporates clustering effects when estimating the fixed parameter. this adjustment enhances it to produce fitted values, ŷ, that are on the average closer to the observed y than those obtained by fitting simply the fixed part of the model [10]. in our proposal, dlmm has higher clustering effect than plmm that enhances it to produce fitted values, ŷ, that are on the average closer to the observed y than those produced by the plmm. 4. cluster algorithm: the agglomerative algorithm the agglomerative procedure depends on the definition of the distance between two clusters. for a particular case where metric a = (s −1x1 x1, · · · , s −1 xp xp ) is used for the standardization of the variables, the euclidean distance di j between two cases i and j with variable values xi = (xi1, xi2, · · · , xip), x j = (x j1, x j2, · · · , x jp, ) is defined by di j =  p∑ k=1 (xik − x jk)2 s xk xk  1 2 where s xk xk is the variance of the kth component [19]. ward algorithm computes the distance between groups and joins the ones that do not increase a given measure of heterogeneity “too much”so the resulting groups are as homogeneous as possible. if two objects or groups say, p and q, are united, one computes the distance between this new group (object) p + q and group r using the following distance function d(r, p + q) = nr + np nr + np + nq d(r, p) + nr + nq nr + np + nq d(r, q)− nr nr + np + nq d(p, q) (16) the heterogeneity of group r is measured by the inertia inside the group. this inertia is defined as ir = 1 nr ∑nr i=1 d 2(xi, x̄r) [20]. 5. illustration and analysis a published data set on political analysis was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed models. the dataset dcese provided with the ceser r package came from [21]. it contains information on 299 (i = 1, 2, · · · , 299) observations across 47 countries ( j = 1, 2, · · · , 47). the outcome variable is the effective number of electoral parties (enep). the explanatory variables are the number of presidential candidates (enpc), the proximity of presidential and legislative elections (proximity); the effective number of ethnic groups (eneg), the logarithm of average district magnitudes (logmag), and an interaction term between the logarithm of the district magnitude and the number of ethnic groups (logmag eneg = logmag × eneg). 5.1. comparison between primal and dual linear mixed models we begin with a preliminary comparison of the plmm and dlmm using primal and dual cluster data sets with j = 47 number of groups, and subsequently test the significance of the comparison. the comparison is in terms of the variancecovariance components and their impact on model fitness and predictive accuracy. the summary outputs of the models are presented in table 1. it reveals from the summary in table 1 that while σ2e is higher under plmm, the σ2υ and icc are relatively higher under dlmm. there is a 61 percent decrease of σ2e from plmm to dlmm, and respectively 64 and 38 percent increase in σ2υ and icc from plmm to dlmm. the aic, bic and rmse are lower in dlmm than under plmm by 18, 17 and 38 percent, respectively. hence, the proposed dlmm has increased the homogeneity of the observations within clusters and the heterogeneity of the clusters, which in turn increased the model fitness and predictive accuracy. the plmm and dlmm in table 1 are described as ‘full models’ because they compose of significant and nonsignificant explanatory variables. we shall now determine if we can obtain similar gains in the model assessment criteria when only significant variables are included in the models. the 4 yahya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 5 table 1. summary outputs for the lm, plmm and dlmm clustering estimate effect lm plmm dlmm covariate lm plmm dlmm σ2υ 1.8460 5.0900 intercept 1.2374 3.2081 4.5972 σ2e 1.4790 0.5823 enpc 0.8636 0.5092 0.1995 icc 0.5552 0.8973 proximity -0.0173 -0.1921 0.0190 aic 1168.80 1073.09 881.98 eneg -0.1208 -0.1764 -0.3091 bic 1194.70 1102.69 911.58 logmag -0.1982 -0.0956 0.0413 rmse 1.6689 1.1345 0.7024 logmag eneg 0.3663 0.0652 0.0274 models with only significant variables are described as ‘reduced models’. the enpc is the only significant variable in both the plmm and dlmm. the summary of the reduced models is in table 2. the icc in dlmm has increased by 38 percent from plmm, and this increase is the same as it was in the full model. the aic, bic, and rmse have smaller values under dlmm than under plmm by 18, 18, and 38 percent, respectively. similarly, the percentage decrease is almost the same as it was in the full model. although the magnitudes of the aic and bic have reduced when non-significant explanatory variables are excluded in both the full plmm and dlmm; however, the percentage difference between the plmm and dlmm is almost the same in both the full and reduced models. the plmm and dlmm in table 2 are random intercept models, we recast them to random intercept and slope models to assess the effects of increasing complexity in dlmms. the summary of the random intercept and slope models is in table 3. the icc in dlmm has increased by 20 percent from plmm, which is lower than in the random intercept model. the aic, bic and rmse have lower values in dlmm than under plmm by 17, 17 and 32 percents, respectively. a similar percentage differences are recorded between the plmm and dlmm as were in the random intercept models; however, the difference is smaller in rmse. the comparison reveals a superiority of random intercept and slope dlmm over random intercept dlmm in terms of model fitness. the comparison reveals a superiority of random intercept and slope dlmm over random intercept dlmm in terms of model fitness. this coincides with the work of [14] when random intercept and slope model has smaller value of aic than in the random intercept model. the model predictive accuracy is higher in dlmm than in plmm, and also it is higher in random intercept and slope dlmm than in random intercept dlmm. higher predictive accuracy signifies smaller rmse. the above comparison used single sample outcome, j = 47, and hence it has not satisfied statistical testing procedure. therefore, we obtained fifteen sample combinations of the plmms and the corresponding dlmms and compared their respective outcomes. some sample combinations were replicated to explore possible outcome variability. figure 1. random effects variance figure 2. random error variance 5.2. assessing clustering effects between the plmms and dlmm the icc is a function of σ2υ and σ 2 e , and they are presented in table 4 and figures 1 and 2. it shows that σ2e decreases and σ 2 υ increases significantly from plmm to dlmm. the decrease in the σ2e signifies a homogeneity of observations; that is, the increase of correlations/ dependency of observations within the dual clusters. the increase in the σ2υ signifies heterogeneity of clusters; that is, the between cluster variations. the two variance components have greatly affected the icc, which is significantly higher in the dlmms. this signifies higher grouping structure in the dual clusters, and higher clustering effects in the dlmms. 5 yahya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 6 table 2. significant explanatory variable in random intercept models icc aic bic rmse plmm dlmm plmm dlmm plmm dlmm plmm dlmm 0.5603 0.8972 1066.84 876.36 1081.64 891.16 1.1360 0.7053 table 3. significant explanatory variable in random intercept and slope models icc aic bic rmse plmm dlmm plmm dlmm plmm dlmm plmm dlmm 0.7340 0.9149 1052.11 869.71 1074.31 891.91 0.9570 0.6472 table 4. random effects variance, random error variance and icc from plmms and dlmms σ2υ σ 2 e icc cluster plmm dlmm plmm dlmm plmm dlmm 40 2.3330 3.7956 1.0920 0.6377 0.6811 0.8561 41 1.3060 3.6943 1.4520 0.5564 0.4734 0.8691 42 1.7770 4.6620 1.4990 0.5310 0.5425 0.8978 43 1.9850 4.4058 1.1760 0.5158 0.6280 0.8952 43b 1.9740 5.4642 1.4920 0.6113 0.5695 0.8994 44 1.9340 4.8178 1.4780 0.5924 0.5668 0.8905 44b 1.9570 4.8289 1.4510 0.5736 0.5743 0.8938 44c 1.9490 5.6101 1.4790 0.5677 0.5685 0.9081 45 1.9130 5.1335 1.6680 0.6533 0.5343 0.8871 45b 1.8770 5.3469 1.4900 0.5747 0.5574 0.9030 45c 1.8700 5.1142 1.5880 0.5965 0.5407 0.8956 46 1.7570 4.9810 1.6820 0.6280 0.5110 0.8881 46b 1.8580 5.1988 1.4920 0.5783 0.5546 0.9000 46c 1.8800 5.3696 1.5060 0.6018 0.5552 0.8992 47 1.8460 5.0900 1.4790 0.5823 0.5552 0.8973 mean 1.8811 4.9008 1.4683 0.5867 0.5608 0.8920 figure 3. the plot of icc for the model assessment 5.3. assessing model fitness and predictive accuracy between plmms and dlmms the model assessment criteria are presented in table 5 and figures 4, 5 and 6. the dlmms have smaller aic and bic than plmms, this figure 4. the plot of aic for the model assessment indicates a significant gain in model fitness in the dlmms over plmms. in addition to the relative selection of the best-fitted model carried out using the aic and bic, we supplemented the selection with the assessment of the model ′ s predictive accuracy. the rmse is significantly lower in the dlmms, and this 6 yahya et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1392 7 table 5. model assessment criteria from plmms and dlmms aic bic rmse cluster lm plmm dlmm lm plmm dlmm lm plmm dlmm 40 915.9 806.2 720.0 940.2 834.0 747.8 1.609 0.965 0.735 41 847.5 798.0 659.4 871.4 825.2 686.6 1.568 1.117 0.677 42 1057.1 971.1 772.1 1082.3 999.9 800.9 1.670 1.144 0.671 43 1074.0 963.8 799.4 1099.5 993.0 828.6 1.564 1.011 0.663 43b 1084.2 991.8 827.6 1109.5 1020.7 856.5 1.694 1.139 0.720 44 1143.8 1048.0 860.0 1169.5 1077.5 889.5 1.675 1.137 0.711 44b 1034.4 943.0 777.4 1059.4 971.5 805.9 1.696 1.118 0.693 44c 1138.1 1041.8 848.7 1163.8 1071.0 878.1 1.681 1.136 0.696 45 1052.5 979.8 816.0 1077.5 1008.4 844.5 1.743 1.198 0.738 45b 1154.6 1060.3 866.4 1180.4 1089.8 895.9 1.672 1.141 0.699 45c 1094.9 1011.3 826.9 1120.2 1040.3 855.9 1.715 1.174 0.709 46 1064.9 993.7 818.4 1090.0 1022.4 847.1 1.732 1.205 0.723 46b 1156.4 1060.9 868.5 1182.2 1090.4 898.0 1.678 1.140 0.701 46c 1150.6 1056.9 875.8 1176.3 1086.3 905.3 1.683 1.145 0.714 47 1168.8 1073.1 882.0 1194.7 1102.7 911.6 1.669 1.135 0.702 mean 1075.8 986.6 814.6 1101.1 1015.5 843.5 1.670 1.127 0.704 figure 5. the plot of bic for the model assessment figure 6. the plot of rmse for the model assessment explains the significant gain in model predictive accuracy in the proposed dlmm over the existing plmms. 6. conclusion the paper proposed the development and analysis of dlmm on the dual clusters derived from the primal clusters. the clustering similarity in the dual clusters was based on the commonly occurring phenomenon or the experimental designs, and the similarity in the dual clusters was based on the multivariate clustering algorithms. findings revealed that observations in the dual clusters are more correlated than in the primal clusters. the proposed dlmm is relatively more efficient than the classical plmm based on the results of the models’ assessment criteria (aic, bic, and rmse) in which the dlmm yielded minimum values of the assessment criteria. therefore, the proposed dlmm outperformed the classical plmm in terms of model fitness and predictive accuracy. acknowledgment we acknowledge with thanks for the careful reading and suggestions from the referees of this paper. references [1] o. s. adesina, “bayesian multilevel models for count data”, journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences 3 (2021) 224. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.168 [2] n. m. laird & j. h. ware, “random-effects models for longitudinal data”, biometrika (1982) 963. 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in the lawsone structure on the efficiency of corrosion inhibition in mild steel. quantum chemical parameters of lawstone inhibitors in neutral and protonated conditions have been calculated. fukui’s function analysis predicts that the active side of the inhibitor will be adsorbed on the mild steel surface. mc simulation is used to understand the adsorption patterns of lawsone compounds on metal surfaces. the organic inhibitor l-nh2 has better performance as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in neutral or protonated conditions. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1371 keywords: lawsone, substituents, dft, mp2, monte carlo, corrosion inhibitors article history : received: 26 january 2023 received in revised form: 21 february 2023 accepted for publication: 30 march 2023 published: 14 june 2023 © 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: k. sakthipandi 1. introduction metals are damaged by corrosion as a result of corrosive environmental interactions [1, 2]. corrosion causes significant economic losses, and harms the environment [3, 4]. the corrosion inhibitors that are currently in use are inorganic and unfriendly to the environment. therefore, organic inhibitors based on eco-friendly natural ingredients prevent potential corrosion. plant extracts have reportedly been used as corrosion inhibitors that are safe for the environment [4]. the majority of natural materials are highly effective inhibitors. it is because natural product molecules like alkaloids and flavaloids, which are sources of π-electrons, also include heteroatoms n, o, and s ∗corresponding author tel. no: email address: rizal@unram.ac.id (saprizal hadisaputra) [4]. the natural chemicals that have adsorbed on the surface of the metal and shield it from corrosion attack are responsible for the high value of corrosion inhibition efficiency. el-etre et al. investigated lawsone as corrosion inhibitors on metals in various environments, including as acids, in experimental study that was previously published. the figure for inhibitory efficiency that was highest was 95.78% for carbon steel, followed by 93.44% for zn in a nacl media and 88.77% for ni in an hcl medium [5,6]. in a different investigation, dananjaya et al. evaluated the lawstone as a corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in an acidic media and discovered that it was 93.14% effective [5]. theoretical investigations have shown that substituents in the inhibitor structure can raise the value of inhibitory efficiency. the mechanism of corrosion inhibition has frequently been explained by theoretical investigations [7]. the challenges that 1 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 2 experimental research have identified have been successfully addressed by theoretical studies [8]. molecular structure can be determined using quantum chemistry techniques, which can also be used to explain reactivity and electronic structure. the experimental studies that have already been conducted can be supplemented by quantum chemical computations [9]. the current investigation focuses on the electrical characteristics of the quantum parameters of the lawone derivative. it is thought that substituents alter how far electrons shift inside the inhibitor, which in turn affects how well corrosion is inhibited. 2. methodology 2.1. quantum chemical parameters to understand experimental results and explore reaction pathways, quantum chemical simulations have been used extensively [10]. the structural significance of corrosion inhibitors and adsorption on metal surfaces has been satisfactorily described using dft [11–12,13]. gaussian 09 [14] implements for density functional theory (dft) and ab initio mp2 6-311++g (d,p) for quantum chemical calculations in the gas and solution phases. the reactivity of a molecule can be described by quantum chemical characteristics. charge population and condensed fukui function are two more variables that can be used to determine local selectivity [16]. koopmans’ theorem states that the values of ehomo and elumo are related to ionization potential i =− ehomo and electron affinity a=− elumo, respectively. the ability of an atom or collection of atoms to draw electrons toward itself is known as electronegativity χ= i+a2 . atomic resistance to charge transfer is measured by hardness (η) [18, 19]. the hardness value can be used to calculate by η= i−a2 . the quantity of electrons exchanged: ∆n= χfe−χinh2(ηfe+ηinh) , where χfe and χinh represent, respectively, the absolute electronegativities of iron and organic inhibitors. the absolute hardness of iron and organic inhibitors, respectively, are denoted by the symbols ηfe and ηinh. the number of electrons transported is determined using the theoretical values of fe = 7.0 ev and fe = 0 [20, 21]. the fukui function can be used to calculate by f+= q(n + 1) q (n) and f= q(n) – q(n-1) where the charge an atom has upon accepting electrons is denoted by q(n+1). the charge on an atom in a neutral molecular state is defined by the formula q(n). the charge left on an atom after it loses electrons is known as q(n-1) [22, 23]. 2.2. mc simulation calculations material studio 7.0 was used to do mc simulations [24– 25]. the interaction of lawsone derivatives with 100 water molecules on the surface of mild steel was simulated using mc techniques to find the configuration with the lowest adsorption energy [26]. the fe (110) field can be used to depict the surface of mild steel. because it is the most stable and has a medium atomic density, the fe(110) field is employed [27]. a 20 vacuum layer on the c axis and an 8x8 supercell were included in the simulation box (19.859002 x 19.859002 x 34.187956) used to simulate the fe(110) field [28]. the water dissolving action was simulated by adding 100 geometrically optimized water molecules, each of the organic inhibitors (l-h, l-nh2, l-och3, and l-no2), and the fe(110) surface to a simulated box using the kompass force field [25]. to simulate the actual corrosion environment, a mc simulation was performed. 3. results and discussion the lawone was evaluated as a corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in hydrochloric acid environment in earlier studies by dananjaya et al. the weight loss strategy utilized produced a 93.14% inhibitory efficiency score [5]. henna plant extract, an aromatic hydroxyl chemical, is the source of lawsone. the metal surface will be able to create a more stable structure thanks to the lawsone phenol group’s ability to transfer electrons to it. this can inhibit redox reactions and guard against corrosion attacks on metals [29]. in addition, both donor and electron withdrawing groups have the potential to affect the value of inhibition efficiency. first, technique validation was done in this theoretical study. to ensure the accuracy of the technique and the set of bases employed, method validation is done. this is done so that results from theoretical and experimental investigations can be compared. figure 1 depicts the lawsone’s geometric structure. it can be contrasted with the findings of theoretical research and an experimental x-ray study that salunke-gawali et al. [30] previously reported. table 1 shows that there is a 0.0504-unit difference in the bond distance. the basis sets are suitable for application since the results of the variations in the lawsone’s binding distances are fairly modest. the surfaces of mild steel (fe) can adsorb lawsone compounds and substituents (nh2, och3, and no2) under neutral or protonated circumstances [31]. electron transfer is investigated by demonstrating the characteristics of molecular orbitals [15]. ehomo is typically correlated with an organic inhibitor’s ability to provide metals with electrons [32]. table 3 demonstrates that the organic inhibitor l-nh2 has a larger ehomo value and a tendency to be able to donate electrons to fe metal, as measured by -8.6774 ev. the values for electron transport are l-nh2, l-och3, l-h, and l-no2, in that order. as opposed to organic inhibitors l-h, l-och3, and l-no2, l-nh2 is expected to have a higher level of inhibitory efficiency. in addition to accepting electrons from metal d-orbitals, which results in the creation of back bonds, the value of inhibitory efficiency can also be acquired by donating electrons to the empty d-orbitals of metal ions [33]. as a result, accepting electrons from the empty d-orbitals of metals is made easier by a lower elumo value. table 3 shows l-nh2 had the greatest elumo at 0.1850 ev and l-no2 had the lowest at -0.4789 ev. these findings suggest that the organic inhibitors of l-no2 are more likely to receive electrons from the fe d orbital, predicting a decline in efficiency. the reactivity of atoms and molecules can be characterized by their ionization potential [15]. due to the atoms’ low ionization potential, they are able to donate electrons from organic inhibitors to the metal surface by simply releasing their outer electrons. the high ionization potential value indicates that electrons do not easily escape from the outer shell, which means that there is difficulty in the process of transferring electrons 2 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 3 figure 1: structure of lawsone (r= -nh2, och3, no2) table 1: comparison of the crystal structure of the lawone compound in the experimental study [30] and the theoretical study of dft/6-311++g (d,p) bond (å) exp [30] theory bond (å) exp [30] theory c1-o1 1.220 1.22029 c5-c6 1.394 1.39450 c2-o2 1.264 1.34507 c5-h5 0.950 1.08516 c4-o3 1.259 1.22792 c6-c7 1.390 1.39891 c1-c9 1.483 1.48758 c6-h6 0.950 1.08654 c1-c2 1.530 1.50585 c7-c8 1.389 1.39335 c2-c3 1.388 1.35348 c7-h7 0.950 1.08638 c3-c4 1.407 1.46702 c8-c9 1.393 1.39914 c3-h3 0.950 1.08799 c8h8 0.950 1.08522 c4-c10 1.491 1.49688 c9-c10 1.397 1.40743 c5-c10 1.392 1.39639 table 2: quantum chemical characteristics (in ev) of organic inhibitors in gaseous media estimated by dft and mp2 using a 6-311++g(d,p) level of theory inhibitors ehomo elumo ∆e i a χ η ∆n l-h dft/b3lyp -7.5272 -3.4436 -4.0836 7.5272 3.4436 5.4854 2.0418 0.3709 ab initio mp2 -9.8483 0.1905 -10.0388 9.8483 -0.1905 4.8289 5.0194 0.2163 l-nh2 dft/b3lyp -6.2537 -3.2066 -3.0471 6.2537 3.2066 4.7302 1.5236 0.7449 ab initio mp2 -8.7414 0.3086 -9.0500 8.7414 -0.3086 4.2164 4.5250 0.3076 pp-och3 dft/b3lyp -6.6268 -3.3718 -3.2550 6.6268 3.3718 4.9993 1.6275 0.6147 ab initio mp2 -9.2486 0.1502 -9.3988 9.2486 -0.1502 4.5492 4.6994 0.2608 pp-no2 dft/b3lyp -7.8570 -4.1963 -3.6607 7.8570 4.1963 6.0266 1.8304 0.2659 ab initio mp2 -10.3033 -0.6196 -9.6837 10.3033 0.6196 5.4615 4.8419 0.1589 from organic inhibitors to the fe surface [34]. table 3 shows the low ionization potential value on l-nh2 is 8.6774 ev while the highest ionization potential value is on l-no2 of 9.9471 ev. the organic inhibitor l-nh2 is more reactive to metal fe so that it can cause a strong interaction between organic inhibitors and metal fe. it can be predicted that the organic inhibitor l-nh2 can increase the value of inhibition efficiency. pan et al. have reported that the experimental ionization potential value for 1,4naphthaquinone using ir ld/vuv pims was found to be 9.52 ev [35]. the results obtained were almost close to the ionization potential value of the organic inhibitor l-h (lawsone) of 9.7926 ev using the ab initio method in aqueous media. therefore, the ab intio mp2 at 6-311++g (d,p) method is valid to use. 3 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 4 table 3: the quantum chemical characteristics (in ev) of organic inhibitors in aqueous environments determined using dft and mp2 with a 6-311++g(d,p) level of theory inhibitors ehomo elumo ∆e i a χ η ∆n l-h dft/b3lyp -7.4219 -3.5035 -3.9184 7.4219 3.5035 5.4627 1.9592 0.3923 ab initio mp2 -9.7926 0.1162 -9.9088 9.7926 -0.1162 4.8382 4.9544 0.2182 l-nh2 dft/b3lyp -6.1835 -3.3157 -2.8678 6.1835 3.3157 4.7496 1.4339 0.7847 ab initio mp2 -8.6774 0.1850 -8.8625 8.6774 -0.1850 4.2462 4.4312 0.3107 l-och3 dft/b3lyp -6.6273 -3.4733 -3.1541 6.6273 3.4733 5.0503 1.5770 0.6182 ab initio mp2 -9.2483 0.0465 -9.2949 9.2483 -0.0465 4.6009 4.6474 0.2581 l-no2 dft/b3lyp -7.8475 -4.0904 -3.7571 7.8475 4.0904 5.9690 1.8785 0.2744 ab initio mp2 -9.9471 -0.4789 -9.4682 9.9471 0.4789 5.2130 4.7341 0.1887 table 4: the quantum chemical characteristics (in ev) of protonated organic inhibitors determined using dft and mp2 in a 6311++g(d,p) in gaseous media inhibitors ehomo elumo ∆e i a χ η ∆n pronated l-h dft/b3lyp -11.6394 -8.2804 -3.3590 11.6394 8.2804 9.9599 1.6795 -0.8812 ab initio mp2 -13.6748 -4.7081 -8.9667 13.6748 4.7081 9.1915 4.4834 -0.2444 pronated l-nh2 dft/b3lyp -10.7471 -8.1474 -2.5998 10.7471 8.1474 9.4473 1.2999 -0.9413 ab initio mp2 -13.1058 -4.7557 -8.3501 13.1058 4.7557 8.9308 4.1750 -0.2312 pronated l-och3 dft/b3lyp -10.9319 -8.2570 -2.6749 10.9319 8.2570 9.5945 1.3374 -0.9699 ab initio mp2 -13.4060 -4.8469 -8.5591 13.4060 4.8469 9.1264 4.2795 -0.2484 pronated l-no2 dft/b3lyp -12.0519 -8.7101 -3.3418 12.0519 8.7101 10.3810 1.6709 -1.0117 ab initio mp2 -14.0941 -5.1383 -8.9558 14.0941 5.1383 9.6162 4.4779 -0.2921 table 5: quantum chemical characteristics (in ev) of protonated organic inhibitors in aqueous media as computed using dft and mp2 in a 6-311++g(d,p) level of theory inhibitors ehomo elumo ∆e i a χ η ∆n pronated l-h dft/b3lyp -8.1177 -4.6654 -3.4523 8.1177 4.6654 6.3915 1.7262 0.1762 ab initio mp2 -10.2720 -1.0814 -9.1907 10.2720 1.0814 5.6767 4.5953 0.1440 pronated l-nh2 dft/b3lyp -7.0450 -4.6338 -2.4112 7.0450 4.6338 5.8394 1.2056 0.4813 ab initio mp2 -9.4592 -1.2120 -8.2472 9.4592 1.2120 5.3356 4.1236 0.2018 pronated l-och3 dft/b3lyp -7.4235 -4.7650 -2.6586 7.4235 4.7650 6.0943 1.3293 0.3407 ab initio mp2 -9.9305 -1.3124 -8.6181 9.9305 1.3124 5.6215 4.3091 0.1600 pronated l-no2 dft/b3lyp -8.4192 -5.0341 -3.3851 8.4192 5.0341 6.7267 1.6925 0.0807 ab initio mp2 -10.4484 -1.4066 -9.0418 10.4484 1.4066 5.9275 4.5209 0.1186 theoretical values of fe = 7 ev and fe = 0 ev can be used to calculate the amount of electron transfer from organic inhibitors to fe metal surfaces. the inhibition efficiency value obtained from the electron donation of organic inhibitors to fe metal coincides with the electron transfer value [37]. organic inhibitors’ ability to give electrons can do so to mild steel’s surface (fe 110). according to table 2-5, the values for electron transfer are as follows: l-nh2 > l-och3 > l-h > l-no2. table 3 shows that the greatest electron transfer value in lnh2 was measured at 0.3107 ev using the mp2/6-311++g 4 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 5 figure 2: homo, lumo orbitals, mep and esp of the studied molecules (d,p) technique. these findings provide credence to the idea that organic inhibitors can bind to metal surfaces during electron donor-acceptor interactions. l-nh2 is therefore expected to be the best corrosion inhibitor. the homo, lumo, esp, and mep molecular orbital coefficients can represent the region around a molecule, and the electron probability density can provide information about the size and electrophilicity of the molecule [38]. figure 2 illustrates the visualization of homo, lumo, esp, and mep using the dft/6-311++g (d,p) approach to describe the mechanism of adsorption on metal surfaces. in order to identify the reactive side of a molecule, esp visualization offers a visual way for comprehending regions that have higher electron density than other regions. in esp, the color red denotes the highest negative electrostatic potential, blue denotes the most positive electrostatic potential, and green denotes zero electrostatic potential [15]. red, orange, yellow, green, and blue are in ascending order of electrical potential [31]. on the oxygen atom of the lawstone carbonyl in the organic inhibitor l-nh2, there is a yellow hue. it is possible that oxygen atoms will get up on the surface of the metal fe (110) by adsorptive means. however, the fukui function is a more accurate way to assess the electron density of the area of the molecule that is exposed to electrophilic or nucleophilic attack [39]. fukui function was proposed by parr and yang 1984 [40] as a measure of local reactivity indicating the presence of reactive site regions in molecules such as nucleophilic and electrophilic attack [41]. the preferred site for nucleophilic attack is the atom in a molecule that has the maximum functional value (f+) due to its association with elumo. 5 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 6 table 6: fukui functional analysis of l-h, l-nh2, l-och3, pp-no2 molecules l-h nn n+ f+ fc1 -0.3892 -0.3764 -0.3521 0.0242 0.0129 c2 -0.3095 -0.2896 -0.2386 0.051 0.0199 c3 0.1960 0.2655 0.3007 0.0415 0.0695 c4 0.2357 0.1893 0.2046 0.0153 -0.0464 c5 0.3801 0.3155 0.3413 0.0258 -0.0645 c6 0.1601 0.2399 0.2834 0.0435 0.0798 c7 -0.7657 -0.6214 -0.5695 0.0518 0.1443 c8 0.3974 0.4442 0.5449 0.1007 0.0467 c9 0.0173 0.0293 0.0270 -0.0023 0.0119 c10 -0.8073 -0.7433 -0.7462 -0.0030 0.0641 o11 -0.3682 -0.2058 -0.1222 0.0836 0.1624 o12 -0.3918 -0.2495 -0.1551 0.0944 0.1422 o13 -0.2239 -0.1801 -0.0594 0.1207 0.0437 l-nh2 nn n+ f+ fc1 -0.3939 -0.3661 -0.3428 0.0232 0.0278 c2 -0.3352 -0.3209 -0.3015 0.0194 0.0144 c3 0.1255 0.2094 0.2422 0.0329 0.0839 c4 0.1674 0.1023 0.1057 0.0033 -0.0651 c5 0.7316 0.7209 0.7438 0.0229 -0.0107 c6 0.2215 0.2871 0.3259 0.0388 0.0656 c7 -1.0085 -0.8464 -0.8297 0.0167 0.1621 c8 0.6826 0.6309 0.6519 0.0210 -0.0517 c9 -0.0923 -0.0581 0.0037 0.0618 0.0342 c10 -0.7777 -0.7120 -0.7230 -0.0110 0.0657 o11 -0.3733 -0.2305 -0.1309 0.0996 0.1428 o12 -0.4217 -0.2731 -0.2040 0.0692 0.1486 o13 -0.2321 -0.1923 -0.0572 0.1351 0.0398 n14 -0.5461 -0.4994 -0.3365 0.1629 0.0467 l-och3 nn n+ f+ fc1 -0.3773 -0.3638 -0.3401 0.0237 0.0135 c2 -0.4298 -0.4051 -0.3838 0.0213 0.0247 c3 0.1725 0.2412 0.2745 0.0334 0.0687 c4 0.3175 0.2375 0.2323 -0.0052 -0.0800 c5 0.5314 0.4988 0.4992 0.0004 -0.0327 c6 0.1279 0.1853 0.2101 0.0247 0.0574 c7 -0.2970 -0.1380 -0.0629 0.0751 0.1590 c8 0.1008 0.1620 0.2823 0.1202 0.0612 c9 -0.1741 -0.1835 -0.1872 -0.0037 -0.0093 c10 -0.5862 -0.5174 -0.5504 -0.0330 0.0688 o11 -0.3681 -0.2174 -0.1288 0.0886 0.1507 o12 -0.3942 -0.2484 -0.1674 0.0810 0.1458 o13 -0.2453 -0.1946 -0.0523 0.1423 0.0507 o14 -0.3666 -0.3370 -0.2289 0.1081 0.0296 c15 -0.2889 -0.2944 -0.3132 -0.0188 -0.0056 l-no2 nn n+ f+ fc1 0.3589 -0.3603 -0.3591 0.0012 -0.7192 c2 -0.3791 -0.3404 -0.2778 0.0626 0.0386 c3 0.3035 0.3356 0.3809 0.0453 0.0321 c4 0.3187 0.2703 0.2703 0.0000 -0.0484 c5 0.4743 0.4862 0.5675 0.0814 0.0118 c6 0.1983 0.2693 0.3215 0.0521 0.0711 c7 -0.6848 -0.6217 -0.5946 0.0271 0.0631 c8 0.8653 0.8424 0.8908 0.0484 -0.0229 6 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 7 c9 -0.3609 -0.2941 -0.2849 0.0092 0.0667 c10 -0.9140 -0.8509 -0.8439 0.0070 0.0631 o11 -0.3236 -0.1723 -0.0865 0.0858 0.1513 o12 -0.2651 -0.1732 -0.0992 0.0740 0.0919 o13 -0.2064 -0.1374 -0.0504 0.0870 0.0690 n14 -0.5459 -0.5019 -0.4841 0.0178 0.0440 o15 0.0364 0.1259 0.2000 0.0741 0.0895 o16 -0.0538 0.0282 0.0892 0.0611 0.0819 figure 3: adsorption of organic inhibitors (l-h, l-nh2, l-och3, l-no2) on ferrous metal surfaces in the mc fe(110)/inhibitor/100h2o system table 7: adsorption energy of organic inhibitors (l-h, l-nh2, l-och3, l-no2) fe(110)/inhibitor/100h2o system using mc simulation systems adsorption energy of inhibitors kcal.mol−1 adsorption energy of water kcal.mol−1 neutral inhibitor fe(110)/l-h /100h2o -129.5897925 -13.84984664 fe(110)/l-nh2 /100h2o -143.4672645 -14.48869095 fe(110)/l-och3 /100h2o -142.3615059 -13.74108729 fe(110)/ l-no2 /100h2o -113.8560443 -12.27065388 protonated inhibitor fe(110)/l-h /100h2o -134.9297789 -13.26018364 fe(110)/l-nh2 /100h2o -140.5591996 -12.53631498 fe(110)/l-och3 /100h2o -139.2186163 -12.76122573 fe(110)/ l-no2 /100h2o -88.50163792 -12.41283883 7 hadisaputra & savalas / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1371 8 the preferred area for electrophilic attack is the atom in the molecule that has the maximum value of the fukui function (f-) because it is associated with ehomo [42]. the value of findicates the ability of an atom to donate electrons to the empty d orbitals of metal fe (110) [8]. table 7 using the dft/6311++g (d,p) method shows that the maximum f+ value of organic inhibitors l-h on atoms (c8, o12, o13), l-nh2 on atoms (o11, o13, n14), loch3 on atoms (c8, o13, o14), l-no2 on atoms (o11, o13, o15). the atom acts as an electron acceptor because of the back-donation from the fe metal surface [8]. the maximum fvalues of organic inhibitors lh, l-nh2 and l-och3 are found on atoms (c7, o11, o12), l-no2 on atoms (o11, o12, n14), respectively. each organic inhibitor on the o11 and o12 atoms tends to donate electrons to the fe (110) surface so as to form coordinate bonds [43-44]. the most effective way for characterizing the interaction between substrate and adsorbate is the mc simulation approach. the lowest desired adsorption energy arrangement for the adsorbate component on the fe(110) surface can be found using mc simulation [45]. figure 3 shows the most stable adsorption energy configuration of each lawsone derivatives under the conditions of 100 water molecules and the fe (110) surface. understanding the nature of the adsorption process can be aided by measuring the distance between the atoms in organic inhibitors and the surfaces of fe metal. the van der waals force is regarded as being the primary interaction in chemical adsorption (chemissorption) if the value of this distance is less than 3.5. these results prove that the organic inhibitor l-nh2 has a distance between oxygen atoms in o1 of 3.256 å, o2 of 3.132 å and o3 of 3.379 å and to the surface of fe (110). the carbonyl (c=o) and hydroxyl (o-h) atoms can donate electrons to the fe (110) surface to form complex compounds. since more oxygen atoms contribute as electron donors to the fe (110) metal surface, the visualization findings of the esp and fukui functions confirm this conclusion. in a mc simulation, the lowest energy system across all systems is sought after [46]. the adsorption energy is linked to the energy generated while the relaxed adsorbate is adsorbed on the substrate [47, 48]. table 7 shows that the highest negative adsorption value for the organic inhibitor l-nh2 is -142.3615 kcal/mol. this is caused by the interaction between the mesomeric effect and the nh2 substituent, which serves as an electron donor and facilitates the transfer of electrons to the vacant fe (110) orbital. in order to create stable coordination bonds, l-nh2 possesses a lone pair of electrons on the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. in order to create the most stable adsorption layer and shield mild steel from corrosion attack, l-nh2 is therefore more likely to be adsorbed on the surface of fe (110) [49, 50]. 4. conclusion the effect of substituents (nh2, och3, no2) to the lawsone structure was studied as a corrosion inhibitor in mild steel using quantum chemical calculations and mc simulations. it is possible to predict quantum chemical characteristics from 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(ebenezer o. oniya ) potential indoor source of air pollution. its subsequent classification as a carcinogen has led to investigation and monitoring of the indoor concentration of the gas in several countries of the world [1-8]. the source of the noble gas is from the decay of ra-226 in bedrock and soil and migrates through soil pores by gas-phase diffusion and advection to the surface and its sink process is by radioactive decay [9, 10]. due to some important characteristics of radon as a tracer of atmospheric processes, there has been a growing interest in recent decades in monitoring environmental radon. being a noble gas, it is not chemically reactive with other elements. 132 olubi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 132–139 133 its relative solubility in water and non-attachment to aerosols makes it highly insusceptible to dry or wet atmospheric removal processes. its half-life of 3.82 days is comparable to the life times of short-lived environmental pollutants (e.g nox , so2, co, o3, ch4) and atmospheric residence times of water and aerosols [10]. the noble gas has become very useful as a tracer of the influence of the terrestrial environment on air mass composition. some areas of application of ground-based radon observation include atmospheric, pollution studies and climatic studies [11-16]. observed anomalous behaviour of radon in soil and groundwater during earthquake events has been employed as a precursor for impending earthquakes [17, 18]. despite the progress that has been made in radon instrumentation, access to data on atmospheric radon concentration is still to a large extent, lacking in the public domain. africa for instance, has only one mention of a radon observatory in the literature; an ansto-developed detector installed at a global atmospheric watch (gaw ) station at cape point, south africa [10]. ground based radon measurement methods have not been applied to study atmospheric processes as have been done in europe. as a matter of fact, the only radon time series characterization to have been reported was published recently for the first time on the continent [19]. in the unavailability of measuring equipment, a theoretical approach to developing predictive models for radon concentration in the atmosphere may be a viable step in generating synthetic data for the noble gas, using machine learning to train available experimental data. theoretical models have been developed by several researchers in the literature to predict radon behaviour and concentration for various conditions and applications [17, 18, 20-22]. several studies in the literature have reported the variation of atmospheric radon and its progenies with changes in meteorological parameters like temperature, pressure, humidity and windspeed [23-25]. [26] used these meteorological variables as independent predictors in the development of a multiple linear regression model for estimation and prediction of the time series of radon and thoron progeny concentrations. random forest (rf) methodology is a machine learning technique developed by leo breiman and is useful for classification and prediction problems [27]. its algorithm operates by sampling small divisions of the data, grows a tree predictor that is randomized on each small division, then aggregates these predictors together. it applies bootstrap aggregation and random feature selection to individual classification or regression trees for prediction [28]. apart from the speed and ease of implementation of random forests, their predictions are remarkably accurate, with the ability to process a very large input data whilst dealing with overfitting. they also perform well with small to medium data [29]. their good predictive abilities have made them highly applicable to regression and classification problems in the atmospheric sciences [30-31]. the grid search (gs) is one of the algorithms for hyperparameter optimisation and tuning of models with an expectation of the most accurate results. with a specified subset of the hyperparameters space of the training algorithm, the algorithm conducts a search with the aim of producing the best combination of parameters yielding the most remarkable results. to apply a grid search, boundaries need to be specified because some parameters within the algorithm’s parameter space may contain unlimited values. the high dimensional space problem with grid search algorithms is easily resolved with parallelization of the of the process since the hyperparameters are usually not dependent on each other [32]. multiple stepwise regression is efficient in the selection of contributing factors used in establishing models that can do statistical prediction. the critical objective it sets to achieve is to discover the most cordial relationship between predictor variables that would accurately forecast the predicted variable. the regression process begins with the input of the mostly contributing predictor variable to the prediction model. additional variables are continuously added as long as they are of any essence to the regression equation. [33, 34]. this present work develops stepwise regression (swr) and grid search-based random forest regression (gs-rfr) models through which radon concentration can be estimated and predicted using much more available meteorological parameters (air temperature (at), atmospheric pressure (ap), absolute humidity (ah), relative humidity (rh), wind direction (wd) and wind speed (ws) as predictors. a comparison is also made between both models in terms of performance. the proposed model will help not only to predict radon concentration, it may also help to generate estimated or synthetic radon data that can approximate measured data, for regions that lack measuring instruments for atmospheric radon but have access to meteorological data. it will also help estimate radon data for sites where measurements have been interrupted. 2. theory 2.1. description of random forest regression a random forest is described, according to [35], to consist of n regression trees that are randomized also referred to as a family. for any individual (i-th) tree, the predicted value at the query point y can be represented as mn (x; θi , dn ), where θ1, . . . , θn are independent random variables that are not dependent on dn . resampling of the training set is first done using θ before individual trees are grown. the finite forest estimate for regression as a result of the combination of the trees is mn,n (x;θ1, ...θn , dn ) = 1 n n∑ i =1 mn (x;θi , dn ) (1) in the case of classification, the random forest classification makes use of the majority vote among the classification trees. the forest estimate for classification is mn,n (x;θ1, ...θn , dn ) = { 1 if 1n ∑n i =1 mn (x;θi ,dn )> 1 2 0 if otherwise (2) 133 olubi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 132–139 134 2.2. description of grid search optimization the implementation of the grid search technique involves upper and lower bound vectors v = v1, v2, . . . , vq and w = w1, w2, . . . , wq respectively, defined for each component of hyperparameters h = h1, h2, . . . , hq where q is the number of hyperparameters. the optimization and parameter search procedure involves taking n equally spaced points within the search space over an interval of the form [vi , wi ] which includes of vi and wi . the algorithm searches through n q possible points and a selection of the optimum values results, following the evaluation of each grid point in space [36]. 2.3. stepwise regression based on the forward and backward selection, stepwise regression is a self-determining process for in the selection of independent variables. multiple linear regression (mlr) has the form y = βo +β1 x 1 +β2 x 2 +β3 x 3 ···+βp x p +ε (3) in equation (3), y is the output variable and x 1, x 2, x 3. . . are predictor variables. βi are regression parameters, βo is an intercept and ε is the random error term. the process is summarised below; 1. if after the performance of simple multiple linear regression of n predictor variables, all the variables show remarkable significance, then the whole model containing all n variables is adopted. 2. if results show otherwise, simple n-variable linear regression is performed with each of the predictor variables and the process selects the variable which gives lowest p-value for t-test. 3. a subsequent n−1 variable regression is performed taking the selected variable in step 2 as common. 4. step 3 is repeated with each significant variable becoming added to the model in a stepwise manner. the test for significance by stepwise regression can be applied at two levels. the first being for addition of variables and the second, for removal of variables [37]. 2.4. performance measuring parameters three performance measuring parameters were used to assess the developed models namely correlation coefficient (cc), root mean square error (rmse), mean absolute error (mae). correlation coefficient is defined as c c = ∑n i =1 ( yi ∗ − y ∗ ) ( yi − y ) √∑n i =1 ( yi ∗ − y ∗ )2 √∑n i =1 ( yi − y )2 (4) where where yi ∗ and yi are the mean values of the predicted and actual outputs. rmse is defined as: r m se = √√√√ 1 n n∑ i =1 (yi − yi ∗)2 (5) n represents the number of samples contained in the dataset mae is defined as: m ae = 1 n n∑ i =1 |yi − yi ∗| (6) 3. methods 3.1. description of sites the data used in this work was published by [38], being data measured in two korea antarctic research program stations namely king sejong (ksg) and jang bogo ( jbs). measurements have been done jointly with the australian nuclear science and technology organisation (ansto). the korea polar research institute (kopri) operates the ksg station (62.217◦ s, 58.783◦ w ). the station functions as a regional world meteorological organisation (wmo) global atmospheric watch (gaw ) station. the jbs is 10 m above sea level with coordinates (74.623◦s, 164.228◦e). a detailed geographical description of the sites is seen in [39]. 3.2. radon and meteorological data at jbs, radon measurements have been made using a 1200 l two-filter dual-flow-loop radon detector custom built by ansto. installed approximately 40 m east of the main station, air is sampled at 55 l min−1 through 50 mm high-density polyethylene pipe from approximately 6 m above ground level. in order to avoid thoron (220rn; t0.5 = 55.6 s) from entering into the pipe and contaminating sampled air, a 400 l delay volume is coupled within the sampling line. at approximately 170 m from the radon detector, meteorological data was collected from a 10 m tower with instrumentation composed of a sonic anemometer, temperature and humidity probe, barometer and a windspeed logger. in post processing, all observations are aggregated to hourly values [39]. a radon detector similar in operation to that in jbs but with a volume of 1500 l was used for radon data collection in ksg with meteorological data collected from a nearby observation system [40]. the dataset used was measured between december and february with 1818 and 1955 datapoints for jbs and ksg respectively. table 1 shows the statistical analysis from jbs and ksg. the mean, standard deviation and range are presented. while the mean and range describe the content of the dataset, the correlation coefficients depict the level of linear relationship between the target and predictor variables. both tables indicate weak correlation between ar n and the descriptors indicating that a purely linear regression model may be insufficient to represent the relationship between the descriptors and target. 3.3. computational methodology 3.3.1. swr model a flow chart of the stepwise process is presented in figure 1. whenever a variable x is added in each step, all the predictor variables in the model are assessed for their significance p. if it has been reduced below a specified threshold. 134 olubi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 132–139 135 table 1: statistical analysis of dataset from jbs correlation coefficient mean standard deviation range ar n (bq/m 3) 1 0.937 0.743 5.213 ws (m/s) -0.32 3.723 3.284 17.600 wd (o ) -0.27 167.766 112.667 359.700 at (o c) 0.22 -3.055 3.814 19.300 rh (%) -0.11 57.524 16.121 72.400 ap (hpa) -0.16 982.704 7.370 36.700 ah (g/m3) 0.073 2.317 0.822 4.05 table 2: statistical analysis of dataset from ksg correlation coefficient mean standard deviation range ar n (bq/m 3) 1 63.344 30.921 314.060 ws (m/s) -0.05 7.043 3.463 18.600 wd (o ) -0.09 235.993 96.123 358.500 at (o c) 0.40 -0.023 1.447 11.600 rh (%) 0.12 84.583 8.763 41.200 ap (hpa) -0.02 987.753 9.369 43.000 ah (g/m3) 0.39 4.111 4.111 4.070 figure 1: the stepwise regression flow chart 3.4. building of gs-rfr model the computation of the gs-rfr model development was achieved using python software. the radon concentration and the descriptors, which include (air temperature (at), atmospheric pressure (ap), absolute humidity (ah), relative humidity (rh), wind direction (wd) and wind speed (ws), after randomization, was partitioned into training and testing sets in the ratio of 8:2 respectively. the rfr model development was done with the training set, while the general predictive ability of the model was assessed using the 20% test set. a helpful purpose for randomization is that it enhances computation efficiency by ensuring unbiased spread of data during both the training or testing phase. the performance algorithm was optimized through an optimum selection of hyperparameters using grid search (gs) with cross validation. table 3 below shows the hyperparameters that were tuned as suggested in the literature [41, 42]. during the hyperparameters tuning, the 5-fold cross validation was used as the fitness function. verification of the rf model with the optimum hyperparameters was carried out on the testing set. * 4. 4. results and discussion 4.1. comparison of performance between the swr and gsrfr for the two datasets, the performance of the two models developed by swr and gs-rfr is depicted in figure 1. the predictive capabilities of the two models were assessed using the performance measuring parameters: correlation coefficient (cc), root mean square error (rmse) and mean absolute error (mae). tables 4 and 5 shows the estimated predictive performance for the two regression methods based on correlation coefficient, root mean square error and mean absolute error. figure 2 compares the performance of the test set on the models developed using the data from ksg and jbs. the figures show better performance by the gs-rfr model over the more traditional swr. considering rmse, an improvement of 64.09 % and 15.19 % was obtained on the training and test datasets, respectively at ksg while at jbs, an improvement of 75.04 % and 28.04 % was obtained on the training and test datasets, respectively (table 6). the optimum hyperparameters for the rfr algorithm for each dataset is summarized in table 7. table 4. predictive performance of the two regression models in terms of correlation coefficient (cc), root mean square error (rmse) and mean absolute error (mae) for ksj dataset. the gs-rfr model presents the smallest rmse on the two datasets employed. it also achieved the highest correlation coefficient on both training and test sets. the plots in figure 3 show the correlation between predicted and measured values of radon concentration. it can be seen that the gs-rfr model 135 olubi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 132–139 136 table 3: hyperparameters description no hyperparameters definition 1 max_depth the maximum depth of decision trees (dt). 2 min_samples_split the minimum number of samples for the split 3 min_samples_leaf the minimum number of samples at the leaf node 4 n_estimators the number of trees in the forest of the model 5 max_features the number of features considered during the selection of the best splitting table 4: predictive performance of the two regression models in terms of correlation coefficient (cc), root mean square error (rmse) and mean absolute error (mae) for ksj dataset method cc rmse (bq/m3) mae (bq/m3) training test training test training test gs-rfr 0.99 0.83 8.57 20.26 5.38 14.07 swr 0.64 0.61 23.86 23.89 0.01 0.10 (a) (b) (c) (d) figure 2: performance comparison between the developed models for training (tr) and test (ts) sets on the basis of rmse on (a) ksg training dataset (b) ksg test dataset (c) jbs training dataset (d) jbs test dataset made a potential success in describing the non-linear relationship between atmospheric radon concentration and influencing meteorological parameters considering strong correlation coefficients it achieved. 5. conclusion in this work, modelling of atmospheric radon as done using the more traditional stepwise regression (swr) and a novel 136 olubi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 132–139 137 table 5: predictive performance of the two regression models in terms of correlation coefficient (cc), root mean square error (rmse) and mean absolute error (mae) for ksj dataset method cc rmse (bq/m3) mae (bq/m3) training test training test training test gs-rfr 0.98 0.82 0.17 0.46 0.11 0.32 swr 0.61 0.66 0.66 0.63 0.06 6553 table 6: improvement of gs-rfr over swr in this study jbs ksg training set test set training set test set 75.04 % 28.04 % 64.09 % 15.19 % table 7: selected optimum hyperparameters after the grid search hyperparameters jbs ksg max_depth 2000 2000 min_samples_split 2 3 min_samples_leaf 1 1 n_estimators 650 50 max_features 3 3 (a) (b) (c) (d) figure 3: performance comparison between the developed models for training (tr) and test (ts) sets on the basis of rmse on (a) ksg training dataset (b) ksg test dataset (c) jbs training dataset (d) jbs test dataset. 137 olubi et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 132–139 138 grid search based random forest regression (gs-rfr). datasets from two radon stations in antarctica were used in the building of the models. important factors such as air temperature, atmospheric pressure, absolute humidity, relative humidity, wind direction and wind speed were used as predictors. comparing both models, the results show that the gs-rfr model performed better on both datasets in the training and testing phases. it presents a respective training and test improvement of 64.09 % and 15.19 % on one dataset and 75.04 % and 28.04 % on the other. atmospheric radon data, which is finding more relevance today in the atmospheric sciences, is still scarce and not readily available. the precision and robustness of the developed models would be of significant interest in determining the concentration of radon (222rn) activity concentration in the atmosphere for various physical applications especially in regions where field measuring equipment for radon is not available but have meteorological parameters are. acknowledgment the korean polar research institute is acknowledged for making the employed radon and meteorological data available online. we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making 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however, at higher pre-test temperatures, the soils become less plastic. the free swell index of the lateritic soils increased with increasing pre-test drying temperatures (up to 60 ◦c) before decreasing when the temperature rose to 110 ◦c. this study has revealed the effect that pre-test drying temperatures may have on the properties of lateritic soils, and these may produce soil properties that do not likely indicate the actual field performance of the tested soils. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1109 keywords: lateritic soil, pre-test drying temperature, index properties, oven drying, soil classification. article history : received: 05 october 2022 received in revised form: 21 january 2023 accepted for publication: 27 january 2023 published: 04 february 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: oladiran johnson abimbola 1. introduction lateritic soils/laterites are residual soils that are highly weathered. they are usually low in silica but have sufficient concentrations of iron and aluminum sesquioxide to have been cemented to some degree. lateritic soils are restricted to ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348037857241 email address: afotayour@hotmail.co.uk; lekan.afolagboye@eksu.edu.ng (l. o. afolagboye ) tropical and subtropical regions of the world and occur as the capping of hills; therefore, they provide excellent borrowing areas for extensive use in various construction activities [1]. the properties and behavior of lateritic soils vary because of differences in degree of weathering (laterization), parent rock, climate, position in the soil profile, and topography [2, 3]. in civil engineering, the determination of soil index and engineering properties is important and integral to any engineering construction and design. to determine these 1 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 2 properties, tests such as consistency limits, grain size distribution, compaction, and strength tests are carried out using or on disturbed samples, and the test procedures completely re-mould the samples. that is, the samples must be carefully prepared to the required standards. for instance, one of the general specifications of sample preparation for most of these standard laboratory tests requires either air-drying or drying in an oven at a temperature usually between 60 ◦c to 110 ◦c. this is required to obtain fully dried soil, with the assumption that water present in the soil pore spaces could be removed by heating without destroying or changing the soil composition/structure. however, previous works have shown that this assumption may not be true for all soils [4, 5]. previous workers such as [6, 7, 8] reported that the method of drying and generally the method of sample preparation may significantly affect the index properties of some soils such as weathered, tropical/subtropical residual soils or soils that contain organic matter and halloysite or allophane. terzagi et. al. [9] reported the atterberg limits and grain size distribution of residual soils from indonesia tested at natural moisture content (nmc) and when air dried and oven dried. when tested at nmc, the soil had liquid limit (wl), plasticity index (ip) and amount of fine of 184%, 38%, and 95%, respectively. at nmc, the soil is classified as high plastic or organic silt. after air-drying, the amount of fines, wl and ip decreased to 19 %, 79 %, and 6 %, respectively. when oven-dried, the amount of fines was 15 % and the soil became “non-plastic”. the soil classified as silty sand (sm) when air-dried and oven dried. hence, the index and engineering tests may yield inconsistent results or significantly different results as they are influenced by the degree of pre-test drying temperature (nmc, oven-dried or air-dried) used prior to testing. these changes are attributed to increased cementation due to oxidation of the iron and aluminum sesquioxides or dehydration of allophane and halloysite [10]. in addition, pre-test drying may alter the structure, physical behavior, and clay content of a residual soil by causing aggregation of fine particles. the resultant larger particles remain bonded together even on wetting or after dispersion by standard dispersion techniques [5, 11]. previous studies have shown that lateritic soils are structured and contain significant concentration of iron and aluminum sesquioxides hence their properties are likely to be affected by the pre-test method of drying and generally the method of sample preparation [6, 7, 8]. in addition, the sensitivity of different lateritic soils to pre-test drying, and sample manipulation is different depending on climatic conditions [12]. the present study is therefore aimed at further understanding the properties/behavior of the residual lateritic soil whose behaviors are termed problematic by investigating the effect of pre-test drying temperature on the geotechnical and index properties of lateritic soils. these problematic behaviors can’t be explained by the accepted principles established for temperate soils [13]. in addition, to provide further insights as to why the plasticity classifications of the soil are sometimes not in agreement with the major component of the soil and in situ observations. three different genetically derived lateritic soils were selected for this study. 2. geology of the study area ado-ekiti is one of the areas of southwestern nigeria underlain by the pre-cambrian basement complex rocks. the rocks of the pre-cambrian basement complex are classified as “migmatite gneiss-quartzite complex,” “schist belts”, and “pan-african granites” [14]. except for the schistose rocks, ado-ekiti contains most of the rock lithologies that comprise the precambrian basement complex of southwestern nigeria [15]. these rocks include charnockite, migmatite gneiss, granite, and granite gneiss. migmatite gneiss is characterized by a fine-grained texture and alternating bands of dark and lightcolored minerals. quartzites are ridge-shaped, non-foliated rocks. with only a trace amount of feldspar, quartz makes up the majority of the quartzite’s mineral composition. the constituent minerals in the granites do not exhibit any preferred orientation. they range from having a fine-grained to porphyritic texture. the granites also contain compact crystals that interlock with one another. charnockite has a dark gray color and a texture that ranges from medium to coarse. charnockite can be found along the edges of granites [16, 17]. 3. methodology the lateritic soils used in this study developed over three different rock types. these rocks are granite, charnockite, and quartzite. the granite is made of quartz (66.3 %), biotite (12.2 %), albite (20.3 %), and opaque minerals [16]. quartzite is mainly made up of quartz (about 95.1 %) and other minerals such as feldspar. the charnockite, on the other hand, is made up of quartz (21.3 %), microcline (16.7 %), plagioclase (36.8 %), biotite (16.5 %) and others [17]. disturbed lateritic soil samples (that developed over quartzite and granite) were collected from active burrow pits where lateritic soil is presently being quarried for different construction purposes in ado-ekiti, southwestern, nigeria while samples of lateritic soil that developed over charnockite were collected from a road cut exposure. the samples were collected from the laterite horizon because lateritic soil from this zone is the most preferred for most construction activities [3], [18]. the collected samples were stored in airtight sealed polythene bags to keep their water contents intact. in all, a total of five soil samples were taken from soils that developed over the three rock types. the lateritic soil samples were tested at their natural moisture content (nmc) and three other states obtained through drying. these include air-dried soil, and soils oven dried at 60 ◦c and 110 ◦c. 3.1. drying process the soil samples that were not tested at their nmc were prepared under the following drying conditions: 2 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 3 i. air drying: the soil samples were spread on a clean wide pan and the spread samples were exposed to normal ambient temperature (25 to 30 ◦c) for three — four weeks. during this period, we regularly turned the soil over to avoid local drying out. it is sufficing to say that it takes at least four weeks to reduce the moisture content of the air-dried samples to a relatively constant value. ii. oven drying at 110 ◦c: this entails drying the soil samples to a constant mass in an oven at a temperature of 110 ± 5 ◦c as stipulated by [19]. the period of heating is 24hrs. iii. oven drying at 60 ◦c: this entails drying the soil samples to a constant mass in an oven at a temperature of 60 ± 5 ◦c. during heating, we constantly measured the weight of the samples and stopped the heating process when the weight of the samples became constant. 3.2. index and engineering tests procedure the index and engineering properties of these genetically different lateritic soil samples at their natural moisture content, air dried, and oven dried (60 ◦c and 110 ◦c oven drying) states were determined according to british standard 1377 [19] with some modifications where necessary. the particle size analysis was carried out using british standard 1377-2. to ensure proper segregation of the soil particles, we soaked the soil samples in calgon solution for a day before wet sieving. we conducted the particle size analysis using sieve analyses and hydrometer test. soil fractions retained on and passed through sieve no. 200 (75 µm), respectively, were used for sieve analyses and hydrometer test. the consistency limits were also determined using british standard 1377-2 on soil fraction passing sieve size 425 µm. the determined consistency limits of the soils include liquid limits and plastic limits. before the consistency limits tests, the sieved soil fractions were mixed with water and left to hydrate for 24 hrs. we determined the wl and plastic limit (wp) of the soils using the casagrande percussion cup and thread rolling methods, respectively. for determining the moisture-density relationship of the soil samples, compaction test was carried out on fractions of the soils that passed through 425 µm sieve following the specification of british standard 1377 – 4. we carried out the compaction test using the standard proctor compaction efforts. the specimens for the moisture — density relationship test is about 10.2 cm and 11.2 cm in diameter and height, respectively. we performed the unconfined compression test (uct) on lateritic soil following the specification of british standard 1377 – 7. the specimens were compacted at their optimum moisture content (omc) using the standard proctor compaction effort. the specimens used for the test measured 5 cm and 10 cm in diameter and height, respectively. the compacted soil sample were loaded under a stress-strain controlled condition. the strain rate was set at 1.25 mm/min. we compressed the soil specimen till failure and monitored the deformation at each point of loading. the peak stress attained during loading correspond to the unconfined compressive strength. free swell index (fsi) was carried out on fractions of lateritic soil that pass-through sieve size 0.425 mm. according to rao et. al. [20], fsi can be considered as an index property of expansive soil, and it reflects the potential for expansion of the soil. holtz and gibbs [21] defined the fsi as the ratio of the difference in volumes of soil in water and kerosene to the volume of soil in kerosene. it is mathematically expressed as: fs i = vd − vk vd × 100, (1) where vd (ml) = final volume of soil in a graduated cylinder containing distilled water, vk (ml) = final volume of soil in a graduated cylinder containing kerosene. therefore, fsi is expressed in (%). 4. results and discussion sg is an indicator for engineering behavior of lateritic soils in that, it’s the weighted average of the specific gravities of the minerals which comprise the soil. however, weathering and age of formation of parent rocks are fact factors to be considered while determining sg. table 1 shows the specific gravity of the studied lateritic soils for all pre-test drying methods. at nmc, the table revealed that the average sg values of quartzite derived lateritic soil, charnockite derived lateritic soil and granite derived lateritic soil are 2.648, 2.686 and 2.670, respectively. the difference between the sg of the three lateritic soils may be due to the variation in texture and mineralogy of the parent rocks. compared with lateritic soil tested at nmc, the sg of the three genetically different lateritic soils were lower and decreased as the drying temperature increases from air to oven drying at 110 ◦c. the difference is, however, not significant. sunil and krishnappa [22] studied “the influence of drying on the properties of lateritic soils and observed that the sg of the air and oven dried lateritic soils did not vary significantly from each other. at nmc and all the pretest drying temperatures, the average sg of charnockite-derived lateritic soil is higher compared to the other lateritic soils. this could be attributed to the mineral constituent of the parent rock which contained more heavy and opaque minerals compared to granite and quartzite [16]. generally, the high sg values of the soils are indicative of a high degree of laterization. 4.1. particle size distribution table 2 shows the results of particle size distribution of the lateritic soils as determined at their nmc, after air drying and oven-drying at 60 ◦c and 110 ◦c, respectively. the table reveals that the grain size distribution of the lateritic soils is affected by the parent rock factor. at nmc and all pre-test drying temperature, the lateritic soils are well-graded. the amount of sand size fractions in the lateritic soils are high. quartzite derived-lateritic soils 3 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 4 table 1: effect of pre-test drying temperature on the specific gravity of the lateritic soil parent rock drying method sg average quartzite nmc 2.642 2.648 2.645 2.652 2.653 2.648 air dried 2.643 2.644 2.643 2.643 2.643 2.643 oven dried at 60 ◦c 2.642 2.642 2.645 2.641 2.641 2.642 oven dried at 110 ◦c 2.634 2.634 2.636 2.636 2.631 2.634 charnockite nmc 2.687 2.688 2.685 2.685 2.686 2.686 air dried 2.688 2.687 2.685 2.686 2.684 2.686 oven dried at 60 ◦c 2.675 2.677 2.675 2.676 2.676 2.676 oven dried at 110 ◦c 2.661 2.661 2.664 2.665 2.663 2.663 granite nmc 2.668 2.674 2.672 2.668 2.666 2.670 air dried 2.667 2.668 2.67 2.662 2.664 2.666 oven dried at 60 ◦c 2.664 2.665 2.661 2.659 2.663 2.662 oven dried at 110 ◦c 2.654 2.655 2.654 2.655 2.653 2.654 table 2: grain size distribution of the lateritic soils at different pre-drying temperature parent rock nmc air dried oven dried at 60 ◦c oven dried at 110 ◦c g (%) s (%) si (%) c (%) g (%) s (%) si (%) c (%) g (%) s (%) si (%) c (%) g (%) s (%) si (%) c (%) quartzite 1.3 55.0 19.8 23.9 1.2 56.5 18.5 23.8 1.2 58.6 19.5 20.7 1.1 60.8 19.6 18.5 0.9 54.2 20.0 24.9 0.7 57.5 16.3 25.5 1.1 58.9 19.3 20.7 1.0 60.7 18.7 19.6 0.7 56.0 18.5 24.8 0.6 57.1 17.5 24.8 0.9 58.9 18.3 21.9 0.8 61.4 18.3 19.5 1.0 54.9 20.4 23.7 0.9 57.2 17.3 24.6 1.5 58.4 19.0 21.1 1.5 61.0 18.4 19.1 1.0 54.0 19.8 25.2 1.3 57.0 14.9 26.8 1.2 58.7 19.1 21.0 1.1 61.0 18.8 19.1 average 1.0 54.8 19.7 24.5 0.9 57.1 16.9 25.1 1.2 58.7 19.0 21.1 1.1 61.0 18.8 19.2 charnockite 0.7 46.7 20.7 31.9 0.6 49.2 20.4 29.8 0.6 51.0 20.7 27.7 0.6 53.3 20.5 25.6 0.9 46.1 20.0 33.0 0.8 48.9 19.7 30.6 0.8 50.8 19.9 28.5 0.8 53.2 19.6 26.4 0.5 46.0 20.4 33.1 0.4 49.0 19.7 30.9 0.4 51.1 20.5 28.0 1.1 52.6 20.3 26.0 0.5 45.0 21.8 32.7 0.5 48.8 22.4 28.3 0.5 51.3 21.0 27.2 1.2 52.4 20.9 25.5 0.6 45.0 21.0 33.4 0.8 48.2 21.6 29.4 0.6 51.0 20.6 27.8 0.9 52.9 20.4 25.8 average 0.6 45.8 20.8 32.8 0.6 48.8 20.8 29.8 0.6 51.0 20.5 27.8 0.9 52.9 20.3 25.9 granite 1.4 48.3 20.8 29.5 0.9 50.4 21.4 27.3 0.9 52.0 18.8 28.3 0.8 54.2 18.7 26.3 0.9 48.4 18.5 32.2 1.0 50.1 19.2 29.7 1.0 51.8 17.9 29.3 0.9 53.7 18.1 27.3 0.7 49.0 18.6 31.7 0.6 50.0 19.1 30.3 1.3 51.4 18.2 29.1 1.2 53.6 18.1 27.1 1.0 48.5 19.5 31.0 0.9 50.4 20.4 28.3 1.4 51.2 19.1 28.3 1.3 53.4 19.0 26.3 1.0 48.6 19.3 31.1 0.9 49.6 19.8 29.7 1.2 51.6 18.5 28.7 1.1 53.8 18.5 26.6 average 1.0 48.6 19.3 31.1 0.9 50.1 20.0 29.1 1.2 51.6 18.5 28.7 1.1 53.7 18.5 26.7 nmc, natural moisture content; g, gravel; s, sand; si, silt; c, clay have more than 50% sand content at all the pre-test drying temperatures. from table 2, it could be observed that the amount of clay and sand fractions are affected by method of drying that is the pre-test drying temperature. the percentage sand and clay fractions of the lateritic soils increased and reduced, respectively, with an increase in pre-test drying temperature. for instance, the average clay size fractions decreased from 24.5 to 19.2 %, 32.8 to 25.9 % and 31.1 to 26.7 % in quartzite, charnockite and granite derived lateritic soils respectively. furthermore, it was also observed that the decrease and increase, respectively, in percentage clay and sand contents was mostly influenced by oven-drying at 110 ◦c than oven-drying at 60 ◦c and air drying when compared with nmc. the average percent increase in sand content for lateritic soil derived from quartzite was 4.2 %, 7.12 %, and 11.31 % at drying temperatures of air-drying, 60 ◦c, and 110 ◦c, respectively. the average percent reduction in clay content for soil derived from charnockite was 9.15 %, 15.24 %, and 21.04 % at pre-test drying temperatures of air-drying, 60 ◦c, and 110 ◦c, respectively. basma et al. [6] made similar observation while studying the influence of drying methods on the properties of clays. the silt fractions of the soils, however, remain virtually constant at all the pre-test drying temperature. the decrease and increase in clay and sand fractions, respectively, of the lateritic soils may be attributed to particle aggregation as a result of drying (that is increase in temperature of pre-test drying). according to previous work, drying promotes loss of adsorbed and inter-particle water [23]. this mechanism leads to aggregation of smaller fine particles, inter-particle attraction and separation of small particles [6]. this eventually produce an increase in capillary stress which allows close contact of particles in addition to development of strong coulombic and van der waal bonds which are not easily reversible [5]. 4 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 5 4.2. consistency limits table 3 shows the results of consistency limits of the lateritic soils as determined at their nmc, by air drying and oven-drying at 60 ◦c and 110 ◦c. the wl and ip of charnockite-derived lateritic soil were constantly higher than lateritic soils derived from granite and quartzite at all the pre-test drying temperatures used in this study. the wl and ip of the lateritic soils reduced with increase in pre-test drying temperature (table 3). the significance of this effect is that nmc samples gave the highest wl and ip values while samples oven-dried at 110 ◦c gave the lowest values. in quartzite-, charnockiteand granite-derived lateritic soils, the averages ip decreased from 41.9 %, 56.7 % and 52.6 % when the samples were tested at their nmc to 37.6 %, 50.5 % and 48.0 % when the samples were tested after oven-dried at 110 ◦c, respectively. increase in pre-test drying temperature, according to sunil and deepa [24], leads to aggregation and clustering of soil particles. the agglomeration of particles reduces the soils available surface area available for water interaction. this in turn will make the soil to absorb less water and consequently reduces the wl and ip. the results of particle size distribution also confirmed this observation. as earlier reported, the amount of clay and sand fractions in the lateritic soils are affected by the pre-test drying temperature. the percent clay and sand contents, respectively, decreased and increased as the pre-test drying temperature increases. similar to the grain size distribution, it was also observed that the decrease in wl and ip for the three tested lateritic soils was mostly influenced by oven-drying at 110 ◦c more than oven-drying at 60 ◦c and air drying when compared with nmc. in charnockite-derived lateritic soil, the results in this research show a reduction in the ip when oven dried at 110 ◦c giving the highest reduction of 11.37 % while oven-dried at 60 ◦c and airdried samples gave 8.57 % and 6.41 % reduction from nmc value. in granite-derived lateritic soil, a reduction of 6.16 % (oven-dried at 110 ◦c), 1.38 % (oven dried at 60 ◦c), and 0.22 % (air dried). the sensitivity of a soil, as revealed in the literature, to pre-test drying depends on the type of clay mineral present and its state of hydration[6, 25]. it has been revealed that soils containing kaolinite are less sensitive to pre-test drying [25]. 4.3. plasticity charts the decrease in consistency limits because of increase in pre-test drying temperature may become a significant factor as this may change the classification of the soil. to examine the effect of pretest drying temperature on the plasticity classification of the lateritic soils, the values of wl and ip in table 3 were used to plot the points on casagrande and polidori [26] plasticity charts (figures 1 and 2). it was observed that polidori’s plasticity chart gives a fair classification of lateritic soils based on soil fractions [27]. on the casagrande’s plasticity chart (figure 1), the soils all plotted in the clay zones i.e., above the a-line. the soils are classified as either ci or ch. it was observed that even figure 1: casagrande plasticity classification of the lateritic soil. a) quartzitederived lateritic soil b) charnockite-derived lateritic soil c) granite-derived lateritic soil. cl: inorganic clays of low plasticity; ci: inorganic clays of intermediate plasticity, ch: inorganic clays of high plasticity; ml: inorganic silts of low compressibility; mi: inorganic clays of intermediate plasticity; mh: inorganic silts of high compressibility 5 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 6 table 3: consistency limits of nmc, air dried, and oven dried lateritic samples. parent rock nmc air dried oven dried at 60 ◦c oven dried at 110 ◦c wl (%) wp (%) ip (%) wl (%) wp (%) ip (%) wl (%) wp (%) ip (%) wl (%) wp (%) ip (%) quartzite 42.60 24.40 18.20 41.30 23.30 18.00 40.40 22.90 17.50 37.80 21.20 16.60 41.80 24.40 17.40 40.30 23.10 17.20 40.20 22.50 17.70 37.80 21.10 16.70 42.10 24.10 18.00 41.20 23.40 17.80 40.30 22.60 17.70 37.80 21.30 16.50 41.00 23.90 17.10 40.10 23.10 17.00 39.90 22.10 18.00 37.20 21.40 15.80 41.90 24.20 17.70 41.20 23.10 18.10 40.40 23.20 17.20 37.60 21.20 16.40 average 41.88 24.20 17.68 40.82 23.20 17.62 40.24 22.66 17.58 37.64 21.24 16.41 charnockite 56.30 22.20 34.10 54.30 22.20 32.10 52.70 21.40 31.30 53.50 21.20 32.30 57.10 22.60 34.50 55.20 22.60 32.60 53.70 21.30 32.40 50.10 19.80 30.30 56.80 22.40 34.40 54.60 22.40 32.20 52.40 21.70 30.70 49.40 19.40 30.00 56.50 22.30 34.20 54.70 22.30 32.40 52.20 21.20 31.00 49.20 20.20 29.00 56.70 22.40 34.30 54.30 23.20 31.10 52.80 21.40 31.40 50.50 20.10 30.40 average 56.68 22.38 34.30 54.62 22.54 32.10 52.76 21.40 31.36 50.54 20.14 30.40 granite 53.10 25.10 28.00 52.20 24.10 28.10 51.30 24.20 27.10 48.50 22.30 26.20 52.40 24.90 27.50 51.40 23.50 27.90 51.00 24.10 26.90 48.20 21.50 26.70 51.80 25.40 26.40 50.60 24.10 26.50 50.60 23.20 27.40 47.50 21.50 26.00 53.10 24.70 28.40 52.00 24.50 27.50 50.50 23.00 27.50 47.70 23.00 24.70 52.60 25.00 27.60 51.30 23.70 27.60 50.90 23.80 27.10 47.90 22.10 25.80 average 52.60 25.02 27.58 51.50 23.98 27.52 50.86 23.66 27.20 47.96 22.08 25.88 nmc, natural moisture content; wl, liquid limit; wp, plastic limit; ip, plasticity index though the silt and sand fractions (combined) of the lateritic soils were more than the clay fractions, the lateritic soils are classified as ch or ci soils. the pre-test drying temperature does not change the classification of the quartzite-derived lateritic soil (figure 1a) and charnockite-derived lateritic soil; except for two samples oven-dried at 110 ◦c. the classification of these samples changed from ch to ci (figure 1b). in samples where the classification does not change, a closer look at relative shift in position of the points on the casagrande’s chart distinctly shows that lateritic soils are becoming less plastic as the pre-test drying temperature increases. in granite derived lateritic soils, the pre-test dying temperature change the classification of the soil oven dried at 110 ◦c (figure 1c). on the polidori’s plasticity chart (figure 2), the soils plot above the c-line (silt zones). the soils are classified as either ml or mh. the pre-test drying temperature does not change the classification of the quartzite-derived lateritic soil (figure 2a) and charnockite-derived lateritic soil; except for two samples oven-dried at 110 ◦c. the classification of these samples changed from mh to ml (figure 2b). in granitederived lateritic soils, the pre-test drying temperatures change the classification of the soil oven dried at 110 ◦c (figure 2c). 4.4. compaction parameters the moisture content-dry density relationships of the lateritic soils were obtained at their nmc, air-dried and ovendried (60 ◦ and 110 ◦c) conditions. table 4 shows the results of optimum moisture content (omc) and maximum dry density (mdd) of the lateritic soils. the mdd of charnockite derived lateritic soil were constantly higher than lateritic soils derived from granite and quartzite at all the pre-test drying temperatures. the mdd and omc increased and reduced, respectively, with increase in pre-test drying temperature (table 4). the soil samples tested at their nmc gave the lowest mdd (highest omc) values while samples oven-dried at 110 ◦c gave the highest mdd (lowest omc) values. in quartzite-, charnockiteand granite-derived lateritic soils, the average mdd increased from 1787 kg/m3 1858 kg/m3 and 1703 kg/m3 when the samples were compacted at their nmc to 1926 kg/m3, 1954 kg/m3 and 1857 kg/m3 when the samples were compacted after ovendried at 110 ◦c, respectively. on the other hand, the average omc of quartzite, charnockite and granite derived lateritic soils, respectively, decreased from 21.88 %, 21.68 % and 24.63 % (nmc) to 17.33 %, 18.2 % and 19.56 % when oven-dried at 110 ◦c. these results agree with the findings of previous researchers [11, 24]. the changes in the compaction parameters of the lateritic soils as a result of pre-test drying temperature may be attributed to the effect of particle aggregation and re6 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 7 table 4: compaction parameters of the lateritic soils parent rock nmc air dried oven dried at 60 ◦c oven dried at 110 ◦c omc (%) mdd (kg/m3) omc (%) mdd (kg/m3) omc (%) mdd (kg/m3) omc (%) mdd (kg/m3) quartzite 22.40 1772 21.50 1797 19.00 1874 16.90 1940 21.60 1794 20.80 1819 19.30 1865 17.40 1924 22.10 1781 20.50 1828 19.50 1859 17.70 1915 21.40 1800 20.90 1815 19.20 1867 17.30 1928 21.90 1788 20.95 1811 19.30 1865 17.30 1923 average 21.88 1787 20.93 1814 19.26 1866 17.33 1926 charnockite 21.80 1856 21.20 1870 20.00 1904 18.40 1948 21.40 1864 20.80 1881 19.70 1912 18.20 1954 21.60 1859 20.40 1892 19.90 1906 18.00 1960 21.90 1853 20.80 1880 19.90 1910 18.20 1950 21.70 1857 20.80 1882 19.80 1903 18.10 1958 average 21.68 1858 20.80 1881 19.86 1907 18.20 1954 granite 24.60 1704 24.10 1719 22.80 1760 20.00 1843 24.40 1710 23.70 1732 22.30 1775 19.40 1862 25.00 1692 23.80 1729 23.00 1754 19.30 1865 24.50 1707 23.90 1723 22.70 1764 19.60 1857 24.60 1702 23.90 1728 22.80 1762 19.50 1858 average 24.63 1703 23.87 1727 22.70 1763 19.56 1857 duction in micropores [28]. the reduction in omc may be attributed to the decrease in specific area of the soils brought about by agglomeration of clay fractions to form silt/sand particles. the increase and decrease, respectively, in mdd and omc for the three tested lateritic soils were also mostly affected by oven-drying at 110 ◦c more than oven-drying at 60 ◦c and air drying when compared with nmc. for instance, in charnockite-derived lateritic soil, mdd increased by 5.17 % (oven dried at 110 ◦c), 2.64 % (oven dried at 60 ◦c) and 1.51 % (air dried) when compared to the value at nmc. 4.5. unconfined compressive strength (ucs) the results of the uct for the three genetically different lateritic soils as influenced by different pre-test drying temperatures are shown in table 5. as the pre-test drying temperature increases, the ucs decreased. for lateritic soil derived from quartzite, ucs (average) decreased from an average value of 229.80 kpa (nmc) to 220.18 kpa (oven-dried at 110 ◦c). in lateritic soil derived from charnockite, ucs (average) decreased from 287.60 kpa to 270.68 kpa for nmc and oven-dried at 110 ◦c conditions, respectively. although the mdd of the soils increased with increase in pretest drying temperature, the lateritic soils seemed to lose their strength as the temperature increases. similar observations have already been reported by various researchers [29], [30]. the reduction in strength may be attributed to the alteration/destruction of soil structure and loss of soil cohesion due to aggregation and clustering of the soil particles. lateritic soils table 5: variation of ucs of the lateritic soils with pre-test drying temperature parent rock nmc air dried ucs (kpa) oven dried at 60 ◦c oven dried at 110 ◦c quartzite 229.40 218.81 223.40 218.80 228.40 222.90 221.40 217.90 230.50 229.42 225.90 228.30 230.90 223.40 220.80 215.70 229.80 223.60 222.90 220.20 average 229.80 223.63 222.88 220.18 charnockite 286.80 275.30 272.77 272.30 285.60 275.60 280.80 275.30 290.10 276.40 276.40 264.90 287.90 278.20 270.50 270.20 287.80 276.40 275.10 270.70 average 287.60 276.38 275.12 270.68 granite 263.80 252.40 253.80 252.40 265.90 250.20 252.90 241.80 261.70 253.40 251.40 249.40 264.90 257.10 250.30 245.30 264.10 253.10 252.20 247.30 average 264.08 253.23 252.10 247.23 are known to partially derive their strength from cohesion, increase in particle aggregation due to increase drying tempera7 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 8 figure 2: polidori plasticity classification of the lateritic soil. a) quartzitederived lateritic soil b) charnockite-derived lateritic soil c) granite-derived lateritic soil. cl: inorganic clays of low plasticity, ch: inorganic clays of high plasticity; ml: inorganic silts of low compressibility; mh: inorganic silts of high compressibility ture will likely cause a loss in cohesion, hence a loss in ucs. similar to other properties, oven drying at 110 ◦c produced the highest percentage reduction in ucs. in granite derived lateritic soil, for instance, the average ucs decreased by 6.27 % (oven dried at 110 ◦c), 4.49 % (oven dried at 60 ◦c) and 4.05 % (airdried) when compared to the value at nmc. in quartzite derived lateritic soil, the average ucs decreased by 4.19 %, 3.01 % and 3.23 %, respectively, when oven dried at 110 ◦c, oven dried at 60 ◦c and air-dried. 4.6. free swell index the free swell is a simple test used for estimating the swelling potential of a soil. the values of fsi for the three lateritic soils are shown in table 6. it is observed that the maximum value of fsi for the lateritic soils was at 60 ◦c oven drying. this was followed by fsi of samples oven-dried at 110 ◦c and air-dried samples except in quartzite derived lateritic soil. table 6: free swell index of the lateritic soils parent rock nmc air dried oven dried at 60 ◦c oven dried at 110 ◦c quartzite 38.89 42.11 47.62 42.11 40.00 42.86 45.45 40.00 38.89 42.11 45.45 40.00 36.84 40.00 46.00 40.90 39.00 41.90 45.90 41.20 average 38.72 41.79 46.09 40.84 charnockite 42.11 45.00 52.38 47.37 42.11 45.00 54.55 50.00 44.44 50.00 52.38 47.37 42.11 42.11 53.70 48.30 42.80 46.00 52.50 49.00 average 42.71 45.62 53.10 48.41 granite 42.86 45.45 50.00 47.83 45.45 47.83 50.00 47.83 42.86 45.45 52.17 50.00 43.48 45.83 51.50 48.20 44.00 46.30 49.80 49.00 average 43.73 46.17 50.69 48.57 the increase in fsi up 60 ◦c oven drying may be due to the clay minerals present in the soil developing a high repulsive force with increasing temperature. consequently, according to basma et. al. [6], “this caused the clay particles to separate more and developed a flocculated structure which led to more water being needed to make up for the deficiency upon wetting and hence more swelling”. the decrease in fsi when the pretest temperature increased from 60 ◦c to 110 ◦c may be due to loss of plasticity and increasing aggregation of the soils. 5. conclusions in this present study, the effect of pre-test drying temperature on the properties of lateritic soils was examined. for this 8 l. o. afolagboye et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1109 9 reason, three genetically unrelated lateritic soils were selected for this study. three pre-test drying temperatures were used and this includes air-drying, and oven-drying at both 60 ◦c and 110 ◦c. different tests were carried out on the three lateritic soils to study the influence of the aforesaid pre-test drying temperatures on particle size, specific gravity, consistency limits, free swell, compaction parameters, and strength properties. the index and engineering properties at their nmc are influenced by the parent rock factors. drying the lateritic soils to 110 ◦c reduced the plasticity index, specific gravity, clay content, liquid limit, omc, and unconfined compressive strength of the lateritic soils. the decrease in properties such as plasticity index, omc and unconfined compressive strength may be attributed to particle aggregation (which reduced the soil surface are) and loss of cohesion. this study also revealed that lateritic soils dried at 110 ◦c may lead to underestimation of the ucs. the increased in pre-test drying temperature slightly reduced the silt content and plastic limit of the soils. the pre-test drying temperature did not significantly change the soils’ plasticity classification, however, at higher pre-test temperature (namely 110 ◦c) the soils are generally less plastic. the mdd and sand content of the soils increased as the pre-test drying temperature increases. in general, the free swell index of the lateritic soils increased with increasing pre-test drying temperature (up to 60 ◦c) before decreasing when the temperature rose to 100 ◦c. the study has shown the effect pre-test drying temperature may have on the properties of lateritic soils. however, the fact that in most engineering and earthworks, materials wined are normally stockpiled. this process of stockpiling normally leads to some sort of air-drying. finally, it can be concluded that air-drying seems more suitable as pre-test heating method because it will reflect the in-situ field condition. references [1] r. k. goswami & c. mahanta, “leaching characteristics of residual lateritic soils stabilised with fly ash and lime for geotechnical applications”, waste management 27 (2007) 466. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2006.07.006. 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irritation/itching. however, all these treatments are only used to manage the disease each time it surfaces. therefore, the main target of this work is to search for a safer and more effective remedy for psoriasis from the reservoir of phytochemicals present in carica papaya via in silico studies due to its anti-psoriatic and anti-inflammatory properties. reported phytochemicals isolated from carica papaya were subjected to computational simulations using the pyrx docking tool and were docked against janus kinase 1 (jak1) and tumor necrosis factor α (tnfα) target receptors. the results obtained were visualized using pymol, and biovia 2019. analysis of the results identified both chlorogenic acid and coumaroylquinic-acid with docking scores (-8.6 kcal/mol and -7.9 kcal/mol) respectively as potential inhibitors for the jak1 receptor. the identified compounds also possessed excellent admet, drug-likeness, bioactivity, and activity spectra for substances (pass) prediction properties. their binding mode and the molecular interactions with the targets also affirmed their potency. in comparison with the standards (methotrexate and cyclosporine), chlorogenic acid and coumaroylquinic-acid have better admet properties, binding affinities, drug-likeness, pass properties, bioactivities, oral bioavailability, binding mechanism, and interactions with the active site of the target receptor and are hereby recommended for further analysis towards the development of a new therapeutic agent for psoriasis treatment and management. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1116 keywords: psoriasis, carica papaya, molecular docking, anti-inflammatory, skin disorder article history : received: 12 october 2022 received in revised form: 26 december 2022 accepted for publication: 05 january 2023 published: 27 february 2023 © 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: k. sakthipandi 1. introduction psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory noncontagious autoimmune skin condition that results in a rash with itchy, burning, ∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 8069151819 email address: mabdul-hammed@lautech.edu.ng (misbaudeen abdul-hammed) and scaly patches [1]. this disease is common on the skin of the scalp, knees, elbows, lumbosacral regions, and trunks and may appear anywhere on the body’s skin [2]. psoriasis affects 2 to 3% of the world population of any age, skin color, and sex but is more prevalent in adults than children. the condition often starts to manifest around the age of 20. psoriatic arthritis affects 10 to 15% of the population and about 7 mil1 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 2 lion americans (2%–3% of the population) suffer from psoriasis. each year, between 150,000 and 260,000 new cases are diagnosed [3]. some conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes tend to increase the risk of developing psoriasis [4], while several conditions are linked to psoriasis which includes cardiovascular disease, severe depression, and lymphoma [5, 6]. chronic interactions between invading, activated immune cells and hyperproliferative keratinocytes cause it to occur, which depend heavily on the immune system. psoriatic lesions have high levels of t cells, especially th1 and th17 [7], while dendritic cells that produce tnf and inos also heavily infiltrate psoriatic skin and polarize t cells to the th1 and th17 subtypes [8]. psoriasis can be in minor patches or complete body coverage depending on the degree of severity and type. the degree of severity of psoriasis depends on environmental exposure and family history [9]. as the rate of occurrence of psoriasis is between 2 to 4% of the world’s population, researchers are on the verge of seeking permanent treatments for the disease. the treatment presently available for psoriasis is only used to manage the disease, which are; topical medications, these are often used to treat mild to moderate psoriasis. they include the use of topical corticosteroids, vitamin d analogs, anthralin, retinoids, and calcineurin inhibitors. the skin thins due to the abuse of corticosteroids. anthralin and vitamin d analogs (calcipotriene and calcitriol) slow the development of skin cells, get rid of scales, and smooth the skin. along with other therapies, these analogs relieve mild to severe psoriasis, but they also irritate the skin. similar to topical retinoids, which may reduce inflammation but irritate skin and heighten sensitivity to sunlight. additionally, oral retinoids increase the risk of birth abnormalities and are not advised for use by women who are pregnant or nursing. tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are two calcineurin inhibitors that similarly lessen inflammation and plaque buildup, but they also come with a higher risk of skin cancer [10]. phototherapy (ultraviolet light) which uses uv can lead to thinning of the skin on exposure. although skin cell turnover is slowed by uv exposure, which also lessens scaling and irritation, also small quantities of sunshine each day may help with psoriasis, prolonged contact with the sun can exacerbate the condition and harm the skin [11]. systemic treatments (retinoids, methotrexate, cyclosporine, acitretin, hydroxyurea, fumarates) are used to treat patients with severe psoriasis, but they come with serious side effects. retinoids may result in hair loss and lip irritation. methotrexate treats psoriasis by reducing the growth of skin cells and reducing inflammation, but it can also make you tired and upset your stomach. methotrexate can harm the liver over time and reduce the synthesis of platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. cyclosporine has comparable immunosuppressive effects as methotrexate, but it should only be used temporarily due to the danger of infection, cancer, renal issues, and high blood pressure when taken at large dosages or ongoing treatment [12]. each time the disease manifests, all of these therapies are solely employed to control it [13]. so, to effectively treat psoriasis, new and safer chemical agents are thus urgently needed. the need to manage psoriasis has usually been a lifelong one which used to result in a significant cost to mental wellbeing such as higher rates of depression and negative impact on individuals in a society. social exclusion, discrimination, and stigmatization have always been associated. in the research and development of new drugs, phytochemicals are rapidly emerging as significant alternative medicinal and pharmacological agents. as opposed to synthetic medications, they have fewer or no adverse effects after administration, a unique mode of action, and a wide range of chemical constituents, all of which improve their therapeutic interaction with a variety of biological targets [14]. phytochemicals derived from papayas such as flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins, and phenols have been found to have anti-psoriatic and antiinflammatory effects associated with psoriasis [15]. this study aims at investigating the anti-psoriatic and antiinflammatory potential phytochemicals found in the papaya plant against two psoriasis targeted enzymes; jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) and tnfα (pdb id: 2az5) through molecular docking coupled with admet studies, pharmacokinetic evaluation, drug likeliness among other analyses at a therapeutic dose as used previously in the study on enzyme inhibitors of sarscov2 main protease [16, 17] and human tyrosinase-related protein [18]. 2. materials and methods 2.1. preparation of ligands one hundred and three phytochemicals extracted from carica papaya with their various classes of phytochemicals which are, 18 phenols, 5 amino acids, 2 carotenoids, 9 fatty acyls, 24 fatty acids, 24 flavonoids, 9 steroids, 4 terpenoids, and 3 glycoside, 2 lactones and 3 organosulfur compounds were used in this investigation study. methotrexate and cyclosporine are used as standard. pubchem database (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nhi.gov) [19] was used to obtain the 2d/3d conformers of these ligands and the standard used. the 2d structure of these 103 ligands was converted to 3d using spartan’14 software and the conformational search was also implemented using spartan’14 as well with molecular mechanics in which the stable conformers were carefully chosen and optimized using density functional theory (dft) with b3lyp function and 631+g(d) as a basis. 2.2. preparation of the target receptor the xray structure of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) and human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) (fig 1) was downloaded from the protein data bank with a resolution of the retrieved structure given as 2.10å and 1.81å respectively in protein data bank (pdb) file format. the protein was prepared by removing the impurities including water molecules present using discovery studio software to escape interference. the binding pocket of the initial inhibitors present in 2az5 and 6n7b was used to determine the binding parameters as preferences. 2 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 3 figure 1. the crystal structure of (a) tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) and (b) human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) 2.3. determination of receptors’ active sites tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) and human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) binding pockets, ligand interactions, and all amino acids in the active site were established using castp (http://sts.bioe.uic.edu/castp/index.html) and biovia discovery studio [20]. concerning the two receptor active sites complexed with their respective ligands, the obtained data were compared and validated against the previously published experimental data [21-23] 2.4. admet profiling and drug likeness analysis absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (admet) of the docked ligands were evaluated using the admet sar2 database (http://1mmd.ecust.edeu.cn/admetar2/) (www.admetexp.org) [24], which is a free web tool used in evaluating admet properties while drug-likeness (lipinski rule of 5) were inspected using molinspiration online tool (http://molinspiration.com/) [25]. 2.5. ligands oral bioavailability assessments oral bioavailability assessments of the ligands were achieved using the swissadme web server (http://www.swissadme.ch/) [26]. 2.6. prediction of activity spectra for substances (pass) the biological activities of the ligands and the standard drugs used in this research study were carried out using a web server [27]. 2.7. molecular docking protocol molecular docking and scoring of optimized ligands and the standard drugs against tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnfalpha) (pdb id: 2az5) and human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) were obtained using pyrx software. the inhibition constants (ki) in µm of the ligands and the standard method were obtained using their binding affinities (∆g) in kcal/mol as shown in (equation 1), thus showing their potency against the target receptors (2az5 and 6n7b). ki = ex p(∆g/rt ) (1) where r= gas constant (1.987×103 kcal/mol); t=298.15k (absolute temperature); ki= inhibition constant and ∆g = binding energy . 3. results and discussion 3.1. structural and active site analysis of prostate cancer target receptors 3.1.1. tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) the xray crystallographic structure of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) (fig. 1) contains 148 amino acid residues complexed with an inhibitor (6,7 dimethyl3-[(methyl-{2[methyl-({1-[3(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-1hindol3yl}methyl)-amino] ethyl}amino)methyl]-4-chrome-4-one). the resolution of the protease as revealed by xray diffraction was 2.10 å, crystal dimension is a = 165.25 å, b = 165.25 å, and c = 63.72 å with angles α (900), β (900), and γ (120) respectively. r values (free, work, and observed) are 0.278, 0.220, and 0.2127 respectively. tnfα plays a crucial role in the exacerbation of inflammation in psoriasis. its main function is to control the immune system’s cells. tnf is an endogenous pyrogen that can cause fever, apoptotic cell death, inflammation, cachexia, and cancer while also inhibiting virus replication and triggering il1 and il6producing cells in response to sepsis. several human disorders, including alzheimer’s disease, cancer, severe depression, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease have been linked to dysregulation of tnf production [28-31]. amino acid residue at the active site is as follows leu57, tyr59, ser60, gln61, tyr119, leu120, gly122, tyr151 [21]. 3.1.2. human janus kinase jak1 the x-ray crystallographic structure of human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) (fig.1) contains 302 amino acid residues complexed with n[3(5chloro2methoxyphenyl)1methyl1hpyrazol4yl]1hpyrazolo[4,3c]pyridine7carboxamide. the resolution of the protease as revealed by x-ray diffraction was 1.81å, crystal dimension is a = 170.28 å, b = 42.78 å, and c = 44.98 å with angles α (900), β (900), and γ (900) respectively. rvalues (free, work, and observed) are 0.264, 0.220, and 0.222 respectively. through interactions with signal transducers and transcriptional activators, the janus kinase (jak) family, which consists of four receptor associated protein tyrosine kinases (jak1, jak2, jak3, and tyk2), is involved in the interferon and cytokine signaling process [32]. seven jak homology domains make up the jak kinases (120130 kda) [33]. the catalytically active region of the protein that is in charge of its physiological action is known as the c-terminal kinase module (jh1) and it has been demonstrated that the catalytically inactive jh2 domain controls the jh1 domain’s activity [34]. two src homology 2 (sh2) domains (jh3 and jh4) are located at the n-terminus, followed by the ferm domain (jh5–jh7). the atp binding site, which is located in the jh1 domain, has been targeted by several small molecule inhibitors. amino acid residue at the active site is as follows leu881, gly887, glu883, gly884, gly887, lys908, glu957, leu959, gly962, glu966, arg1007, asn1008, leu1010, gly1020, asp1021 [21, 22]. 3 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 4 table 1. admet profiling of the selected hit compounds and standard drug ligands absorption and distribution metabolism extn. toxicity bbb hia logs caco-2 2c19 1a2 3a4 2c9 2d6 b am aot ei ec hi c l-1 0.96 0.99 -1.85 0.79 + + iii + + l-2 -0.44 0.98 -0.56 0.55 + iii + l-3 0.97 0.97 -2.42 0.93 + iii + + l-4 0.9 0.98 -2.58 0.53 iii + l-5 -0.99 0.99 -1.61 0.93 + iii + + l-6 -0.44 0.96 -1.69 0.5 iv + l-7 -0.76 0.98 -1.35 0.92 + iii + + l-8 -0.73 0.97 -0.22 0.85 + iii + + l-9 -0.24 0.91 -2.48 -0.92 iii l-10 0.98 0.96 -1.75 0.62 iii + l-11 -0.3 0.9 -2.46 -0.92 iii l-12 -0.39 0.99 -3.74 -0.95 + iii + l-13 -0.31 0.77 0.45 -0.84 + iii + l-14 -0.44 0.77 0.28 -0.96 + iii + l-15 0.97 0.84 -3.5 0.71 + + iv + + l-16 0.99 0.84 -0.14 0.83 + iii + + l-17 0.56 0.91 -4.04 0.9 + + iv + + l-18 0.96 0.91 -4.04 0.71 + + iv + + l-19 0.97 0.84 -3.5 0.71 + + iv + + l-20 0.99 0.84 -0.14 0.83 + + iii + + l-21 0.97 0.84 -3.5 0.86 + + iv + + l-22 0.97 0.84 -3.5 0.77 + + iv + + l-23 0.97 0.84 -3.5 0.59 + + iv + + l-24 0.97 0.84 -2.02 0.86 + + iii + + l-25 0.98 0.92 -3.67 0.68 iii + + l-26 0.95 0.89 -2.75 -0.7 iii l-27 0.94 0.89 -2.59 -0.66 iii sd-1 -0.99 0.9 -3.06 -0.86 iii sd-2 0.91 0.93 -1.76 -0.85 + iii bbb= blood brain barrier, hia=human intestinal absorption, as =aqueous solubility. extn. = excretion; b=biodegradation (+/-) biodegradable (+), non-biodegradable (-). am =ames mutagenesis (+/-); aot= acute oral toxicity(+/-) acute toxic (+), non acute-toxic (-); hi = human either-a-go-go inhibition (+/-), c=carcinogenicity (+/-) carcinogenic (+), non-carcinogenic (). l1 = 2,6dimethoxyphenol, l2 = gentisyl alcohol, l3 = cinnamic acid, l4 = sinapinic acid, l5 = salicylic acid, l6 = caffeic acid, l7=phydroxybenzoic acid, l8=pcoumaric acid, l9=coumaroylquinic acid, l10=chlorogenic acid, l11=translinalool oxide, l12 = phydroxyl benzoic, l1 = citric acid , l14 = malic acid, l15= nhexadecanoic acid, l16= butanoic acid, l17=linoleic acid, l18=oleic acid, l19=palmitic acid, l20=nbutyric acidl, l21=noctanoic acid, l22=myristic acid l23=stearic acid, l24=nhexanoic acid, l25=cisvaccenic, l26=dehydrocarpaine i, l27=dehydrocarpaine ii, sd1=methotrexate, sd2=cyclosporine 3.2. admet (pharmacokinetics) analysis of the selected compounds adsorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (admet) profiling of ligands is a crucial step in the early stages of the drug discovery process for expediting the conversion of hits and lead compounds into approved candidates for therapeutic development. a high-quality drug candidate is highlighted by drugs’ efficacies against therapeutic targets in conjunction with good admet profiling at a therapeutic dose [35, 36]. as part of the drug admet profile, a drug must possess good human intestinal absorption (hia), solubility (log s) which ranges between 1 and 5, should be a non-inhibitor of cytochrome p450 enzymes, and should be non-ames toxic (am), non-carcinogenic(c), non-inhibitor of herg(hi), and no or low level of toxicity [37]. all the 103 compounds isolated from carica papaya understudies were screened using admet sar2 webserver, 27 passed the analysis, the result was shown in table 1 and they were subjected to further analysis. notably, all the selected hit compounds and the standard (std) have excellent chances of being absorbed in the human intestine (hia), some of the selected hit compounds and std2 can penetrate the blood brain barrier (bbb+), although only drugs that are specifically targeted for the central nervous sys4 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 5 table 2. drug likeness properties of the best hits and two standard drugs (sd) compounds heavy atoms (ha) molecular weight (mw) ro5 violations hydrogen bond donor (hbd) hydrogen bond acceptor (hba) milogp l1 10 138.12 0 2 3 1.37 l2 12 164.16 0 2 3 1.43 l3 24 338.31 0 5 8 0.04 l4 11 146.15 0 0 2 2.01 l5 11 154.16 0 1 3 1.34 l6 10 140.14 0 3 3 0.71 l7 11 148.16 0 1 2 1.91 l8 16 224.21 0 2 5 1.26 l9 10 138.12 0 2 3 1.87 l10 12 170.25 0 1 2 1.94 l11 25 354.31 1 6 9 0.45 l12 16 222.28 0 2 3 3.83 l13 13 192.12 0 4 7 1.98 l14 9 134.09 0 3 5 1.57 l15 18 256.43 1 1 2 7.06 l16 6 88.11 0 1 2 1.00 l17 20 280.45 1 1 2 6.86 l18 20 282.47 1 1 2 7.58 l19 18 256.43 1 1 2 7.06 l20 6 88.11 0 1 2 1.00 l21 10 144.21 0 1 2 3.02 l22 16 228.38 1 1 2 6.05 l23 20 284.48 1 1 2 8.07 l24 8 116.16 0 1 2 2.01 l25 27 396.73 1 0 2 9.36 l26 34 476.70 1 1 6 6.60 l27 34 474.69 1 0 6 6.79 sd1 33 454.45 2 7 13 1.97 sd2 85 1202.63 2 5 23 3.61 l1 = 2,6dimethoxyphenol, l2 = gentisyl alcohol, l3 = cinnamic acid, l4 = sinapinic acid, l5 = salicylic acid, l6 = caffeic acid, l7= phydroxybenzoic acid, l8=pcoumaric acid, l9=coumaroylquinic acid, l10=chlorogenic acid, l11=translinalool oxide, l12 = phydroxyl benzoic, l13 = citric acid , l14 = malic acid, l15= nhexadecanoic acid, l16= butanoic acid, l17=linoleic acid, l18=oleic acid, l19=palmitic acid, l20=nbutyric acidl, l21=noctanoic acid, l22=myristic acid l23=stearic acid, l24=nhexanoic acid, l25=cisvaccenic, l26=dehydrocarpaine i, l27=dehydrocarpaine ii, sd1=methotrexate, sd2=cyclosporine tem must penetrate the blood brain barrier; oral drug may not always require to achieve this [38]. and all the hit compounds and std have excellent aqueous solubility (logs) values, falling within the recommended range of (-1 to -5). this shows that the selected hit compounds and the standard have good absorption and distribution potential. the metabolic activities of the selected hit compounds were assessed using microsomal enzyme (cytochrome p450 inhibitors) which catalysed reactions involved in the metabolic activities of the drug. as observed in table 1, l1, l15 to l24 are non-inhibitors of all the cyp450 inhibitors. moreover, critical observation of the results obtained in the table 1 revealed that all the selected hits are non-carcinogenic, furthermore, the potential of a drug molecule to cause mutation in dna is revealed by ames toxicity value and could be a major reason for excluding a drug molecule along the discovery process, as shown in table 1, all the selected hit compounds are non-ames toxic. similarly, the majority of the hit compounds possess type iii acute oral toxicity (ld50) values (slightly toxic) which could easily be converted to type iv (non-toxic) during hit lead optimization. l6, l15, l17, l18, l19, l21, l22, and l23 possess type iv which makes it nontoxic while sd1 possesses type ii which means it is highly toxic. interaction of drug candidates with human ether a-go-go (herg) is one of the important factors to consider in selecting a good drug candidate. a good drug candidate is expected to be a non-inhibitor of herg, because herg inhibition may lead to blockage of the potassium ion channel of the myocardium, which will affect the heart, causing chronic health challenges, and that may lead to death [39]. as observed in table 1, all selected hits and stds are non-herg in5 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 6 table 3. the docking scoring, binding affinities, and inhibition constant (ki) of the interaction of passed ligands and the standard drug with human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) compounds binding affinity (∆g), kcal/mol inhibition constant (ki), µm dehydrocarpaine-ii -10.5±0.0 0.02 chlorogenic-acid -8.6±0.0 0.50 dehydrocarpaine-i -7.9±0.0 1.60 coumaroylquinicacid -7.9±0.0 1.60 cis-vaccenic -6.9±0.0 8.8 sinapinic-acid -6.5±0.0 18.8 caffeic-acid -6.6±0.0 15.9 pcoumaric-acid -6.3±0.0 24.2 phydroxyl-benzoicacid -6.4±0.0 20.4 cinnamic-acid -6.1±0.0 33.9 linoleic acid -5.8±0.0 56.2 oleic-acid -5.7±0.0 66.5 translinalool-oxide -5.6±0.0 85.7 stearic acid -5.6±0.0 78.8 citric-acid -5.5±0.0 101.4 myristic-acid -5.4±0.0 110.4 gentisyl alcohol -5.4±0.0 110.4 palmitic-acid -5.3±0.0 130.7 nhexadecanoic-acid -5.2±0.0 168.3 2,6dimethoxyphenol -5.2±0.0 168.3 octanoic-acid -5.1±0.0 183.1 hexanoic-acid -4.5±0.0 504.0 malic-acid -4.4±0.0 596.6 nbutyric-acid -3.9±0.0 1387.0 butanoic-acid -3.9±0.0 1387.0 methotrexate -8.9±0.0 0.36 cyclosporine -8.0±0.0 1.62 hibitors. summarily, all the selected hit compounds and stds show excellent admet properties and are better drug candidates against the target receptors. 3.3. drug-likeness analysis of the selected ligands as proffer by lipinski 2004, orally active drugs must obey the rule of five (ro5) which are, molecular weight (mw) ≤ 500, octanolwater partition coefficient (log p) ≤ 5, hydrogen bond donor (hbd) ≤ 5, and hydrogen bond acceptor ≤ 10 and no more than one violation is allowed [40]. drug-likeness of the selected phytochemicals with standard drugs was carried out to make a model that can successfully predict whether a molecule is druglike or not [20]. out of 27 ligands isolated from carica papaya that passed admet screening, all of them obeyed the lipinski ro5 with violations of 1 and 0 except the two standard drugs having a violation of 2. these properties were estimated by an online server called molinspiration table 4. the docking scoring, binding affinities, and inhibition constant (ki) of the interaction of passed ligands and the standard drug with tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) compounds binding affinity (∆g), kcal/mol inhibition constant (ki), µm dehydrocarpaine-ii -7.6±0.0 2.7 dehydrocarpaine-i -7.5±0.0 3.2 chlorogenic-acid -6.2±0.0 28.7 coumaroylquinicacid -5.5±0.0 93.3 cinnamic-acid -5.0±0.0 215.0 sinapinic-acid -4.9±0.0 256.9 pcoumaric-acid -4.9±0.0 256.9 cis-vaccenic -4.9±0.0 256.9 caffeic-acid -4.8±0.0 304.1 phydroxyl benzoicacid -4.8±0.0 304.1 translinalool oxide -4.8±0.0 304.1 linoleic acid -4.5±0.0 504.7 stearic acid -4.4±0.0 597.1 oleic-acid -4.4±0.0 649.0 nhexadecanoicacid -4.4±0.0 649.0 palmitic-acid -4.2±0.0 836.8 noctanoic-acid -4.2±0.0 836.8 myristic-acid -4.2±0.0 836.8 citric-acid -4.1±0.0 990.5 gentisyl alcohol -4.0±0.0 1172.6 2,6dimethoxyphenol -3.8±0.0 1643.2 nhexanoic-acid -3.7±0.0 1945.2 malic-acid -3.3±0.0 3819.8 nbutyricacid -3.2±0.0 4521.9 butanoic-acid -3.2±0.0 4521.9 methotrexate -6.4±0.0 23.3 cyclosporine -4.3±0.0 770.9 (http://www.molinspiration.com/) [41], and are shown in table 2. 3.4. molecular docking analysis molecular docking procedures can be used to recognize the interaction between a small ligand and a target molecule and to determine if they could behave in combination as the binding site of two or more constituent molecules with a given structure. a potential active drug is expected to have inhibitory values from 0.1 and 1.0µm and it should not be greater than 10nm. the inhibition constant was calculated using ki = exp [ ∆g/rt]. where ki = inhibition constant, ∆g = binding energy, r = gas constant (1.937×103kcal/mol); t=298.15k (absolute temperature) [42]. figure 1 shows the structure of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) and human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) that was used as the target proteins for this research. the 27 ligands that passed both admet and druglikeness parameters were docked separately with the 6 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 7 table 5. oral bioavailability analysis of the selected compounds and the standard drug ligands m.f m.w tpsa #r.b xlog p3 esol logs b.s. frac. csp3 #pain alert s.a c1 c28h46n2o4 474.68 77.32å² 0 5.66 -6.35 0.55 0.86 0 7.34 c2 c16h18o9 354.31 164.75å² 5 -0.42 -1.62 0.11 0.38 1 4.16 c3 c28h48n2o4 476.69 76.99å² 0 5.97 -6.56 0.55 0.89 0 7.45 c4 c16h18o8 338.31 144.52å² 5 -0.07 -1.75 0.56 0.38 0 4.07 sd1 c20h22n8o5 454.44 210.54å² 10 -1.85 -1.19 0.11 0.25 0 3.58 sd2 c62h111n11o12 1202.61 278.80å² 15 2.92 -8.15 0.17 0.79 0 10.00 m. f = molecular formular, m.w = molecular weight, #rb = rotatable bond, b.s = bioavailability score, s.a = synthetic accessibility c1=dehydrocarpaine ii, c2=chlorogenic acid , c3=dehydrocarpaine i , c4=coumaroylquinic acid, sd1=methotrexate , sd2=cyclosporine table 6. bioactivity properties of the selected ligands and standard drug with human janus kinase jak1 (pdb id: 6n7b) bioactivity c1 c2 c3 c4 sd1 sd2 autodock vina docking score (kcal/mol) -10.5 -8.6 -7.9 -7.9 -8.9 -8.0 ki (µm) 0.02 0.50 1.60 1.60 0.36 1.62 milog p 6.60 1.94 6.79 1.87 -1.97 3.6f1 ligand efficiency (le)/kcal/mol/heavy atom) 0.31 0.72 0.23 0.79 0.27 0.09 le scale 0.30 0.58 0.30 0.61 0.31 0.03 fit quality (fq) 1.04 1.25 0.78 1.30 0.88 2.96 ligand efficiency dependent lipophilicity (lelp) 21.37 2.71 29.22 2.37 -7.30 38.36 c1=dehydrocarpaine-ii, c2=chlorogenic-acid, c3=dehydrocarpaine-i , c4=coumaroylquinic-acid , sd1=methotrexate, sd2=cyclosporine table 7. bioactivity properties of the selected ligands and standard drug with tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) (pdb id: 2az5) bioactivity c1 c2 sd1 sd2 autodock vina docking score (kcal/mol) -7.6 -7.5 -6.4 -4.3 ki (µm) 2.70 3.20 23.30 770.9 milog p 6.60 6.79 -1.97 3.61 ligand efficiency (le) /kcal/mol/heavy atom) 0.22 0.22 0.19 0.05 lescale 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.03 fit quality (fq) 0.75 0.74 0.63 1.59 ligand efficiency dependent lipophilicity (lelp) 30.338 29.92 10.16 71.36 c1=dehydrocarpaine ii, c2=dehydrocarpaine i, sd1=methotrexate, sd2=cyclosporine receptors, (pdb id: 2az5) and (pdb id: 6n7b), the major cytokines (tnfα) exacerbated in psoriasis, and inflammatory pathways particularly jak1 which are responsible for the initiation, progression, and exacerbating the disease’s development. the docking results of the passed ligands with both good admet and drug-likeness profiles were reported in table 3 and 4. dehydrocarpaine-ii had -10.5kcal/mol, chlorogenic-acid had 8.6kcal/mol, dehydrocarpaine-i and coumaroylquinic-acid had -7.9kcal/mol, cis-vaccenic had 6.9kcal/mol while methotrexate and cyclosporine had -8.9kcal/mol and -8.0kcal/mol binding energy values with the target protein (pdb id: 6n7b). dehydrocarpaine-ii and dehydrocarpaine-i had -7.6kcal/mol and -7.5kcal/mol while methotrexate and cyclosporine had table 8. pass prediction of the passed ligands and standards compounds pa pi activity chlorogenic-acid 0.52 0.02 antipsoriatic 0.6 0.03 antiinflammatory 0.7 0.02 immunosuppressant coumaroylquinic-acid 0.51 0.02 antipsoriatic 0.71 0.02 immunosuppressant 0.65 0.02 antiinflammatory methotrexate 0.23 0.11 antipsoriatic cyclosporine 0.86 0 immunosuppressant 0.42 0.19 antieczematic 0.27 0.09 antipsoriatic 0.28 0.18 antiinflammatory -6.4kcal/mol and -4.3kcal/mol binding energy values with the second target protein (pdb id: 2az5). this show that dehydrocarpaine-ii, chlorogenic-acid, and dehydrocarpaine-i have higher binding affinity than the two standard drugs, methotrexate and cyclosporine. 3.5. oral bioavailability analysis of the selected ligands and standard the compounds with good admet and drug-likeness profiles were docked with the choice target receptor. and the compounds that interact with the amino acid residue in the active site pocket were subjected to oral bioavailability analysis obtained through the swissadme web tool (http://www.swissadme.ch/) [26]. the bioavailability radar of the compounds and the standard is presented in figure 2, showing the pink area of the 7 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 8 table 9. receptor amino acids forming hydrogen bond and other electrostatic/ hydrophobic interaction with passed ligands compounds binding affinity (∆g), kcal/mol 6n7b receptor amino acids forming hbond ligands electrostatic/hydrophobic interactions involved inhibition constant (ki), µm chlorogenic acid -8.6±0.0 phe282, leu959, asn1008, arg1007, val889, leu1010, asp1021, lys908 0.50 coumaroylquinicacid -7.9±0.0 lys908, asp1021, gly887, asp1003, arg1007, glu925 gly1023 1.60 methotrexate -8.9±0.0 his918, gly887, phe886, asp1021, gly1020 ala906, leu1010, met956, gly1023, arg1007, asn1008, val889 0.36 cyclosporine -8.0±0.0 asp880, glu883, arg879, pro960 his918, asn1008, leu1010, ala906, val889, gly882, asp1021, asp921, phe958, leu959, arg1007, leu881, glu966, lys970, asp1003, 886 1.62 radar for the optimum zone for each of the properties (polar, flex, lipo, size, insolu, and insatu). the recommended ranges for the properties as revealed in table 4 are -0.7 and +5.0 for lipophilicity (xlogp3), 500g/mol for molecular weight (mw), 20-130 å2 for total polar surface area (tpsa), ≤6 for solubility (logs), 0.25-1.0 for fraction of carbon in the sp3 hybridization (insatu), and ≤9 for rotatable bond for an effective drug candidate [38]. the molecular weight (<500), as well as the solubility of water (esol logs) for the selected compounds, were analyzed in the acceptable range with an exception for sd2 (1202.61 g/mol). the partition coefficient (xlog p3), a very crucial parameter ranges for all the compounds from -0.07 to 5.66 with an exception for c3 (5.97). the saturation; a fraction of carbons in the sp3 hybridization range from 0.25 to 0.86 and both sd1 and sd2 has rotatable bonds of more than 9 while c2, c4, sd1, and sd2 failed the polarity with tpsa value of 164.75å², 144.52å², 210.54å², and 278.80å² respectively. c2 and c4 can still be orally bioavailable because they are not too flexible while the two standards are predicted not to be orally bioavailable, because too flexible and too polar [26]. the passed ligands are further subjected to other analyses. 3.6. bioactivity test of the selected ligands and standard drug table 3 reveals the bioactivity properties of the selected ligands and standards showing the ligand efficiency (le) with a recommended range of ≥0.3, fit quality (fq) with a recommended range of ≥0.8, and ligand efficiency dependent lipophilicity (lelp) with a recommended range of -10 to 10 [43], which was calculated using eqn, 2-5. all the selected ligands were reported in table 6 and 7, only c2 and c4 in table 6 has an excellent bioactivity profile with all their values within the recfigure 2. the bioavailability radar for the selected hit compounds and standards (c1) dehydrocarpaine-ii; (c2) chlorogenic-acid; (c3) dehydrocarpainei; (c4) coumaroylquinic-acid; (sd1) methotrexate; and (sd2) cyclosporine ommended range and are subjected to further analysis. ligand efficiency (le) = −(b.e)÷heavy atoms (h.a)(2) l.e scale = 0.873e − 0.026 × h.a − 0.064 (3) fq = le ÷ lescale (4) lelp = logp ÷ le (5) 3.7. prediction of activity spectra for substances (pass) biological activity prediction of the selected compounds and standard a computer-based program for an online web server pass software [27] was used for the prediction of the biological activity of the selected compounds. as shown in table 8 the 8 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 9 table 10. binding mode and binding interaction for passed ligands ligands binding interaction binding mode chlorogenic acid coumaroylquinic acid methotrexate cyclosporine value of the probability to be active must be greater than the probability to be inactive. this works in hand with the activity spectrum concerning the high probability to be active (pa) to the probability to be inactive (pa > pi). all the ligands in table 8 show excellent biological activity against psoriasis, chlorogenic-acid, and coumaroylquinic-acid displayed antipsoriatic activity, anti-inflammatory, and immunosuppressant activity. they both can be further explored in the development of novel drugs for the management, prevention, and curing of psoriasis. 9 abdul-hammed et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1116 10 3.8. binding mode and molecular interactions of the best hit compound and the standard in the lead optimization stage of drug development, the molecular interactions and binding mode involved in the binding of ligands to the target receptors’ active site are of utmost importance. it aids in improving the potency and efficacy of the selected hit compounds. notably, all analyses performed so far on the phytochemicals from carica papaya, chlorogenic-acid, and coumaroylquinic-acid showed outstanding results owing to their excellent binding affinities and inhibition constant, excellent admet properties, drug-likeness properties, bioactive, orally bioavailable analysis and pass analysis. the binding modes of chlorogenic-acid and coumaroylquinic-acid suggest that these compounds neatly fit at the active site of jak1 where lys908, arg1007, asn1008, leu959, gly887, asp1003, and asp1021 particularly stabilize these compounds through conventional h-bonding. hydrophobic/electrostatic interactions are also reported to participate and for 6n7b chlorogenic-acid, the hydrophobic interactions include val889, leu1010, asp1021, and lys908 while for 6n7b coumaroylquinic-acid we have gly1023. similarly, the standard drugs (methotrexate and cyclosporine) formed a conventional hydrogen bond with his918, gly887, phe886, asp1021, gly1020, and asp880, glu883, arg879, pro960. hydrophobic/electrostatic interactions with ala906, leu1010, met956, gly1023, arg1007, asn1008, val889 and his918, phe958, asn1008, leu959, leu1010, arg1007, ala906, leu881, val889, glu966, gly882, lys970, asp1021, asp1003, asp921, phe886. as expected, arg1007 and some other important amino acid residues are common to chlorogenicacid, coumaroylquinic-acid, and the standard drugs (methotrexate and cyclosporine) showing that they shared similar binding pockets and interactions with the active site of human janus kinase jak1. the molecular interaction and binding mode are displayed in the tables below. 4. conclusion the anti-psoriatic potential of carica papaya was explored via in silico studies. the structure-based screening was employed by using molecular docking simulation, admet profiling, lipinski rule of 5 (ro5), and other analysis for the target fishing of phytochemicals isolated from papaya against 2 possible targets of psoriasis. major cytokines, tumor necrosis factorα (tnf-α) exacerbated in psoriasis and inflammatory pathways particularly janus kinase 1 (jak 1). this computational analysis reflects that papaya can serve as excellent antipsoriatic and anti-inflammatory agents by targeting human antiinflammatory molecular targets (jak 1). the results obtained revealed chlorogenic acid (8.6 kcal/mol) and coumaroylquinic acid (7.9 kcal/mol) as probable inhibitors of janus kinase 1 (jak 1) compare to the two standard methotrexate (8.9 kcal/mol) and cyclosporine (8.0 kcal/mol) due to their excellent binding energies, admet profile, drug-likeness, oral bioavailability properties, pass properties, bioactivity, outstanding binding mode and molecular interactions with the target receptor and can serve as promising chemical scaffolds for the development and improvement of inhibitors to treat psoriasis. acknowledgements the authors are thankful to all the members of the computational and biophysical chemistry research group, department of pure and applied chemistry, ladoke akintola university of technology, ogbomoso nigeria who helped in the completion of this manuscript. references [1] c. e. m. griffiths & j. n. w. n. barker, “pathogenesis and clinical features of psoriasis”, the lancet 370 (2007) 263. 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[13] developed a novel formula that explicitly expresses any fractional-order derivatives of shifted chebyshev polynomials of any degree with respect to the shifted chebyshev polynomials themselves. they combined this formula with tau and collocation spectral methods. recently, bhrawy et al. [14] treated multi-term linear fdes having variable coefficients employing a quadrature-shifted legendre tau technique. the shifted chebyshev operational matrix was recently presented by doha et al. [15] and used in conjunction with spectral methods to solve multi-term linear and non-linear fdes according to ivps and bvps conditions. additionally, in [16, 17], the authors introduced the spectral tau method for the numerical solution of a few fdes, while in [18], pedas and tamme created the spline collocation methods for solving fdes. in recent years, esmaeili and shamsi [19] instigated a direct solution method for solving a particular family of fractional ivps employing a pseudospectral method. moreover, esmaeili et al. [20] introduced a computational method with regard to the müntz polynomials and collocation method for the fdes solution. furthermore, the algorithms utilized in the current work are associated with those applied by saadatmandi and dehghan [12], doha et al. [13-15], as well as bhrawy et al. [14] to create accurate algorithms for a variety of uses. the classical jacobi polynomials, represented by ju,vi (x)(i ≥ 0, u, v > −1) [21] are crucial to the study and use of spectral methods and have been widely employed in mathematical analysis and real-world applications. the benefit of using general jacobi polynomials is that they may be used to calculate solutions using the jacobi parameters a and b (refer to [22]). therefore, to generalize, it is beneficial to perform a systematic study with regards to jacobi polynomials (u, v > −1) having general indexes. this may then be immediately implemented in other contexts rather than generating approximation findings for each specific indices pair. this is the reason we introduce the jacobi polynomials family having indexes u, v > −1 in this work. to solve numerically linear fractional and variable order problems with initial conditions, this work introduces the shifted jacobi operational matrix (jom) of fractional derivative. this method relies on the jacobi tau method. additionally, we present an appropriate technique for approximating the nonlinear fractional and variable order ivps on the interval [0, l] using the spectral shifted jacobi collocation approach relying on jom in order to determine the solution y(t). at (n − m + 1) points, the non-linear fractional and variable orders collocate. these equations produce (n + 1) non-linear algebraic equations that may be resolved employing newton’s iterative method after being combined with m initial conditions. finally, test problems are used to show how accurate the suggested algorithms are. we point out that saadatmandi and dehghan [12] and doha et al. [15] introduced the two shifted legendre and chebyshev operational matrices, correspondingly, and that several more extremely interesting situations may be produced directly as special cases emerging from the shifted jom [23]. as a result, we were inspired to pursue the shifted jacobi polynomials because it is the most generalized of the orthogonal polynomials. this paper is structured accordingly: first, we commence by going over several fundamental information about jacobi polynomials and fractional calculus theory that is necessary for supporting our findings in section 2. the jom for atanganabaleanu caputo (abc) is obtained in section 3. the spectral tau, jom of abc derivative, as well as collocation methods are all applied in section 4 to solve general linear and nonlinear abc. the variable-order abc-derivative jom is found in section 5. the suggested methods are used in several cases in section 6. in addition, section 7 provides a conclusion. 2. basic concepts and notations this section defines the caputo derivative, cf-derivative, as well as atangana-baleanu caputo (abc)-derivative in which fractional order and variable order are concisely highlighted. 2.1. fractional derivatives caputo fractional-order differential equation is expressed by [1] as: cdαy(t) = 1 γ(1 −α) ∫ t 0 y′(s)d s (t − s)α , (1) where 0 < α < 1. the most popular fractional derivative is the caputo derivative, which is frequently used in engineering and science domains. definition 2.1.1. to 0 < α < 1, y(t) ∈ h1(ı, ),  > ı, the fractional-order of the cf-derivative is defined by [29]: cfdαy(t) = m(α) 1 −α ∫ t 0 y′(s)e −α(t−s) 1−α d s, (2) in which m(α) denotes a normalization function. definition 2.1.2. for 0 < α < 1, y(t) ∈ h1(ı, ),  > ı, the fractional-order of the abc-derivative is represented by [30]: abcdαy(t) = m(α) 1 −α ∫ t 0 y ′ (s)eα [ −α(t − s)α 1 −α ] d s, (3) in which 0 < α < 1, m(α) resembles a normalization function, while eα denotes mittag-leffler function. to broaden the abc-derivative for the case of n < α < n + 1 having y(s)(a) = 0 f or s = 1, 2, ..., n, we have abcdαy(t) = abcdα(dny(t)) = m(α) 1 −α ∫ χ 0 y(n+1)(s)eα [ −α(t − s)α 1 −α ] d s, y(n+1)(s) = d(n+1)y(s) = ddαey(s), (4) in which dαe represents ceil α. 2 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 3 definition 2.1.3. the fractional integral of the abc-derivative may be expressed by [30]: ab 0 i α t {y(t)} = 1 −α m(α) y(t)+ α m(α)γ(α) ∫ t 0 y(s)(t−s)α−1d s.(5) definition 2.1.4. the abc-derivative having variable-order α(t), 0 < α(t) < 1 of function y(t) may be expressed by [31]: abcdα(t)y(t) = m(α(t)) 1 −α(t) ∫ t 0 y ′ (s)eα(t) [ −α(t) 1 −α(t) (t − s)α(t) ] d s, (6) where eα(t) is the mittag leffer function. theorem 2.1. suppose β > 0. then, the variable-order abc-derivative may be expressed as [31]: abcdα(t)tβ = m(α(t)) 1 −α(t) γ(β+1)tβeα(t),β+1 [ −α(t) 1 −α(t) tα(t) ] .(7) 2.2. some properties of sjps the following recurrence formula can be used to create the famous jacobi polynomials, which are specified in the interval [−1, 1]: j(u,v)i (t) = (u + v + 2i − 1)[u2 − v2 + t(u + v + 2i)(u + v + 2i − 2)] 2i(u + v + i)(u + v + 2i − 2) j(u,v)i−1 (t) − (u + i − 1)(v + i − 1)(u + v + 2i) i(u + v + 2i)(u + v + 2i − 2) j(u,v)i−2 , for i = 2, 3, ..., where j(u,v)0 (t) = 1 and j (u,v) 1 (t) = u + v + 2 2 t + u − v 2 . we now define the shifted jacobi polynomials by instigating the change of variable t = 2tl − 1 to apply these polynomials with respect to the interval t ∈ [0, l]. let the shifted jacobi polynomials j(u,v)i ( 2t l − 1) be expressed by j(u,v)l,i (t). then, j (u,v) l,i (t) can be generated from: j(u,v)l,i (t) = (u + v + 2i − 1)[u2 − v2 + ( 2tl − 1)(u + v + 2i)(u + v + 2i − 2) 2i(u + v + i)(u + v + 2i − 2) j(u,v)l,i−1(t) − (u + i − 1)(v + i − 1)(u + v + 2i) i(u + v + i)(u + v + 2i − 2) j(u,v)l,i−2(t), i = 2, 3, ..., (8) where j(u,v)l,0 (t) = 1 and j (u,v) l,1 (t) = u+v+2 2 ( 2t l − 1) + u−v 2 . the analytic form with regards to the shifted jacobi polynomials j(u,v)l,i (t) of degree i may be expressed as j(u,v)l,i (t) = i∑ k=0 (−1)i−k γ(i + v + 1)γ(i + k + u + v + 1) γ(k + v + 1)γ(i + u + v + 1)(i − k)!k!lk tk, (9) where j(u,v)l,i (0) = (−1) i γ(i+v+1) γ(v+1)i! , j (u,v) l,i (l) = γ(i+u+1) γ(u+1)i! . of these polynomials, the most commonly utilized are the shifted chebyshev polynomials with respect to the first kind tl,i(t), the shifted legendre polynomials pl,i(t), as well as the shifted chebyshev polynomials with respect to the second kind ul,i(t). moreover, for the non-symmetric shifted jacobi polynomials, two essential special cases with regards to shifted chebyshev polynomials of third and fourth kinds vl,i(t) and wl,i(t) are also taken into account. the following relations connect these orthogonal polynomials with respect to the shifted jacobi polynomials. tl,i(t) = i!γ(0.5) γ(i+0.5) j (−0.5,−0.5) l,i (t), pl,i(t) = j (0,0) l,i (t), ul,i(t) = (i+1)!γ(0.5) γ(i+1.5) j 0.5,0.5 l,i (t), vl,i(t) = (2i)!! (2i−1)!! j (0.5,−0.5) l,i (t), wl,i(t) = (2i)!! (2i−1)!! j (−0.5,0.5) l,i (t). the orthogonality condition with respect to the shifted jacobi polynomials is expressed as ∫ l 0 j(u,v)l, j (t)j (u,v) l,k (t)w (u,v) l (t)dt = hk, (10) where w (u,v)l (t) = t v(l − t)u and hk =  lu+v+1 γ(k+u+1)γ(k+v+1) (2k+u+v+1)k!γ(k+u+v+1) , i = j, 0, i , j. let y(t) refers to a polynomial with degree n. now, we may write these in terms of shifted jacobi polynomials given by y(t) = n∑ j=0 c j j (u,v) l, j (t) = c t , (11) in which the coefficients c j are provided as follows c j = 1 h j ∫ l 0 w (u,v)l (t)y(t)j (u,v) l, j (t)dt, j = 0, 1, .... (12) suppose the shifted jacobi coefficient vector c, as well as the shifted jacobi vector φ(t), is expressed as ct = [c0, c1, ..., cn ], (13) 3 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 4 and φ(t) = [j(u,v)l,0 (t), j (u,v) l,1 (t), ..., j (u,v) l,n (t)] t , (14) accordingly. therefore, the first-order derivative with respect to the vector φ(t) may be written as dφ(t) dt = d(1)φ(t), (15) in which d(1) denotes the (n + 1) × (n + 1) operational matrix of derivative written as d(1) = (di j) = c1(i, j), i > j,0 otherwise, in which c1(i, j) = lu + v(i + u + v + 1)(i + u + v + 2) j( j + u + 2)i− j−1γ( j + u + v + 1) (i − j − 1)!γ(2 j + u + v + 1) × 3f2  −i + 1 + j, i + j + u + v + 2, j + u + 1 ; 1 j + u + 2, 2 j + u + v + 2  (the proof can be found in [24], and the general definitions of a generalized hypergeometric series, as well as special 3f2, may be found in [25], accordingly on pp. 41 and 103–104). for instance, for even n, we obtain d(1) =  0 0 0 . . . 0 0 c1(1, 0) 0 0 . . . 0 0 c1(2, 0) c1(2, 1) 0 . . . 0 0 c1(3, 0) c1(3, 1) c1(3, 2) . . . 0 0 ... ... ... . . . ... ... c1(n, 0) c1(n, 1) c1(n, 2) . . . c1(n, n − 1) 0.  (16) 3. generalized sjps operational matrix to fractional calculus this section’s major goal is to expand the jacobi operational matrix (jom) of derivatives for atangana-baleanu caputo (abc) [32, 33]. theorem 3.1. suppose ψ(t) vector be sjps defined in eq.(11) such that α > 0. then abcdαψ(t) ' abcd(α)ψ(t), (17) in which dα denotes the operational matrix (m + 1) × (m + 1) that may be expressed as: let φ(t) vector be sjps defined in eq.(14). here, suppose α > 0, then the ϑ in om eq.(18) is obtained using sjps as follows ϑi, j,k = m(α) (1 −α) j∑ ł=0 (−1)i+ j−k+łγ(i + v + 1)γ(i + k + u + v + 1)γ( j + v + 1)γ( j + ł + u + v + 1) h jγ(k + v + 1)γ(i + u + v + 1)(i − k)!lkγ( j + v + 1)γ( j + u + v + 1)( j − ł)!ł!lł a j,ł. (19) proof. abcdαtv = m(α) 1 −α ∫ t 0 y (n+1)(s)eα [ −α(t − s)α 1 −α ] d s, v > 1, v > dαe = m(α) 1 −α ∫ t 0 γ(v + 1) γ(v − n) s v−n−1 eα [ −α(t − s)α 1 −α ] d s i f 0 < α < 1, bαc = n = 0, ψ(t) is solve f or ∫ t 0 s v−1 eα [ −α(t − s)α 1 −α ] d s abcdαju,vl,i (t) = i∑ k=dαe (−1)i− jγ(i + v + 1)γ(i + k + u + v + 1) γ(k + v + 1)γ(i + u + v + 1)(i − k)!k!lk abcdαtk = i∑ k=dαe m(α) 1 −α ψ(t) (−1)i−kγ(i + v + 1)γ(i + k + u + v + 1) γ(k + v + 1)γ(i + u + v + 1)(i − k)!lkγ(k)4 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 5 where ψ(t) = µ∑ j=0 ak, j j u,v l, j(t) ak, j = 1 h j j∑ ł=0 γ( j + v + 1)γ( j + ł + u + v + 1) γ( j + v + 1)γ( j + u + v + 1)( j − ł)!ł!lł ∫ 1 0 ψ(t)w (u,v)l t łdt abcdαju,vl,i (t) = i∑ k=dαe µ∑ j=0 (−1)i−kγ(i + v + 1)γ(i + k + u + v + 1) γ(k + v + 1)γ(i + u + v + 1)(i − k)!k!lk ak, j j u,v l, j(t) = m∑ j=0 ( i∑ k=dαe ϑi, j,k)j u,v l, j(t). corollary 1. in the case of u = v = 0, it is apparent that the jom of derivatives for integer calculus aligns with legendre operational matrix of derivatives with respect to integer calculus as gained by saadatmandi and dehghan (refer [12] eq. (11)). corollary 2. in the case of u = v = −0.5, it is evident that the jom of derivatives for integer calculus aligns with chebyshev’s operational matrix of derivatives with respect to integer calculus as gained by doha et al. (refer [15] eq. (3.2)). 4. applications of the operational matrix of fractional derivative this section solves an fde in order to demonstrate the great significance of an operational matrix based on slps of fractional derivatives. we follow the same steps when using sjps. 4.1. linear fdes consider the linear fdes abcdαy(t) = b1 d βky(t) + ... + bk d β1y(t) + bk+1y(t) + bk+2q(t), for k = 1, 2, .... (20) the initial conditions are y(v)0 = dv, v = 0, ..., n, (21) in which bk denotes real constant coefficients with n < α ≤ n+1, 0 < β1 < β2 < ... < βk < α, in which abcdβ refers to the abcderivative of order β. to solve eq.(20), we present an approximation of the function q(t) ' m∑ i=0 qi j (u,v) l,i (t) = q t ψ(t), (22) abcdαy(t) ' ct abcd(α)ψ(t), (23) where q = [q0, ..., qm]t is a known vector. employing eqs.(22),(23) and (13), the residual rm(t) for eq.(20) can be written as rm(t) ' ( ct abcd(α) − bk+1c t − bk+2 q t ) ψ(t). (24) we now establish m − n linear equations as in a typical tau method by applying 〈rm(t),p j(t)〉 = ∫ 1 0 rm(t)pi(t)dt = 0, i = 0, 1, ..., m − n − 1. (25) moreover, by substituting eq.(13) and eq.(14) with eq.(21), we get y0 = c t ψ(0) = d0, y(1)0 = c t d(1)ψ(0) = d1, ... y(n)0 = c t d(n)ψ(0) = dn. (26) eqs. (25) and (26) generate (m−n) linear equations, which may be solved using arbitrary coefficients with respect to the vector c. 4.2. nonlinear fdes consider the non-linear fdes abcdαy(t) = f(t, y(t), dβ1 y(t), ...dβk y(t)). (27) the initial conditions are y(v)0 = dv, v = 0, ..., n, (28) in which n < α ≤ n + 1, 0 < β1 < β2 < ... < βr < α, as well as abcdα resembles the abc-derivative of order α. we put in mind that f can be non-linear in general. ct abcd(α)ψ(t) ' f(t, ct ψ(t), ct d(β1 )ψ(t), ..., ct d(βk )ψ(t)). (29) furthermore, upon substituting eq.(13) and eq.(14) with eq.(28), we now have y0 = c t ψ(0) = d0, y (v)0 = c t d(v)ψ(0) = dv, v = 1, 2, ..., n. (30) to discover the solution y(t), we collocate eq.(29) by employing first (m−n) points shifted legendre roots of p̄m+1(t). these equations along with eq.(30) establish (m + 1) non-linear equations, which can be resolved by employing newton’s iterative method. 5 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 6 5. jom of variable-order abc-derivative this section is devoted to tackling the problem using the sjps om of variable order. λ(t) = [1, t, t2, ..., tn]t . (31) thus, the vector ψ(t) can be expressed as: ψ(t) = a(u,v)λ(t), (32) in which a(u,v) is (n + 1) × (n + 1) denotes a square matrix that specified by: (ai, j)0≤i, j≤n =  (−1)n−i γ(n+β+1)γ(n+i+α+β+1) γ(i+β+1)γ(n+α+β+1)γ(n−i+1)γ(i+1)li , i ≥ j, 0, otherwise. (33) hence, by employing eq.(32), we now have λ(t) = a−1ψ(t). (34) using the om for variable-order fractional differential operator dα(t)ψ(t), and eq.(32), we now have dα(t)ψ(t) = dα(t)(aλ(t)) = adα(t)[1, t, t2, ..., tι]t . (35) here, the atangana-baleanu caputo (abc) derivative with respect to the variable order provided in eq.(4) may be employed. then, we may obtain eq.(35) as given below: dα(t)ψ(t) = [0, γ(2) γ(1 −α(t)) t ∞∑ k=0 ( −α(t)1−α(t) t α(t))k γ(kα(t) + 2) , γ(3) γ(1 −α(t)) t2 ∞∑ k=0 ( −α(t)1−α(t) t α(t))k γ(kα(t) + 3) , ..., γ(ι + 1) γ(1 −α(t)) tι ∞∑ k=0 ( −α(t)1−α(t) t α(t))k γ(kα(t) + ι + 1) ]t , dα(t)ψ(t) = ab(t)λ(t), (36) in which b(t) =  0 0 0 . . . 0 0 γ(2) γ(1−α(t)) ∑ ∞ k=0 ( −α(t)1−α(t) t α(t) )k γ(kα(t)+2) 0 . . . 0 0 0 γ(3) γ(1−α(t)) ∑ ∞ k=0 ( −α(t)1−α(t) t α(t) )k γ(kα(t)+3) . . . 0 ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 . . . γ(ι+1) γ(1−α(t)) ∑ ∞ k=0 ( −α(t)1−α(t) t α(t) )k γ(kα(t)+ι+1)  (37) substituting eq.(34) into eq.(36), we get dα(t)ψ(t) = ab(t)a−1ψ(t), (38) in which ab(t)a−1 denotes the om of the variable-order abcderivative dα(t)ψ(t). here, the approximate solution may be given as dα(t)y(t) ' dα(t)(ct ψ(t)) = ct dα(t)ψ(t) = ct ab(t)a−1ψ(t),(39) ct ab(t)a−1ψ(t) = f[t, ct ψ(t), ct ad(1) a−1ψ(t), ..., ct ad(n) a−1ψ(t)], 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. (40) here, we employ the collocation points, tu = 2u+1 2n+2 , u = 0, 1, ..., n, in converting the system of equations given in eq.(40) into an algebraic equations system as follows: ct ab(tu)a −1 ψ(tu) = f[tu, c t ψ(tu), c t ad(1) a−1ψ(tu), ..., ct ad(n) a−1ψ(tu)], ct ψ(0) = y0 (41) ultimately, the arbitrary vector c in eq.(9) may be gained by solving the algebraic equations system provided in eq.(41). 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t 0 0.05 0.1 y( t) a approximate exact 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t 0 0.05 y( t) b approximate exact 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t 0 0.05 y( t) c approximate exact figure 1: comparison between exact and approximate solution for (a)α = 0.95, (b)α = 0.9 and (c)α = 0.85 for example 6.2. example 5.1. suppose the following[36] abcdαy(t) = y2(t) − 2(t + 1)−2, 6 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 7 α method t = 0.1 t = 0.3 t = 0.5 t = 0.7 t = 0.9 0.85 lom 2.19158e-3 2.89152e-3 4.26507e-3 4.40040e-4 3.13683e-3 prco 2.36581e-3 4.24947e-3 6.00249e-3 7.71664e-3 9.42102e-3 mtslp 1.08027e-2 5.75464e-3 3.35770e-3 1.33299e-3 5.46216e-4 jom(0,0.5) 3.00081e-3 5.85134e-4 2.97585e-3 2.07844e-3 1.57973e-4 jom(0.5,0) 3.28839e-3 1.50328e-3 5.29734e-3 2.26751e-3 1.67970e-3 0.9 lom 1.26158e-3 2.08766e-3 2.57667e-3 5.91395e-4 1.94142e-3 prco 1.18803e-3 2.39605e-3 3.56382e-3 4.72981e-3 5.90684e-3 mtslp 1.10428e-2 7.41747e-3 5.88865e-3 5.57577e-3 3.34146e-3 jom(0,0.5) 2.51233e-3 1.28073e-4 2.28507e-3 1.93179e-3 7.25019e-4 jom(0.5,0) 2.01129e-3 1.21534e-3 3.35330e-3 1.02220e-3 1.41226e-3 0.95 lom 4.88352e-4 1.16544e-3 1.10247e-3 5.09878e-4 8.67245e-4 prco 4.09639e-4 9.83473e-4 1.55920e-3 2.14596e-3 2.74713e-3 mtslp 9.83430e-3 8.58128e-3 7.92322e-3 7.35794e-3 6.82360e-3 jom(0,0.5) 1.77326e-3 6.45112e-4 1.54473e-3 1.53799e-3 1.01582e-3 jom(0.5,0) 8.75527e-4 7.70414e-4 1.55386e-3 1.52607e-4 9.24438e-4 table 1: the absolute error obtained by employing various values of α for example 6.2. α method t = 0.1 t = 0.3 t = 0.5 t = 0.7 t = 0.9 0.85 lom 8.14287e-4 1.92419e-3 1.00572e-2 4.67247e-2 1.15441e-1 prco 1.02731e-3 7.40800e-3 1.19908e-2 5.84856e-2 1.50751e-1 mtslp 4e-3 2.74688e-3 1.97787e-3 1.91297e-2 7.45086e-2 jom(0,0.5) 8.01348e-4 1.93026e-3 1.00587e-2 4.67324e-2 1.15433e-1 jom(0.5,0) 8.16107e-4 1.91932e-3 1.00499e-2 4.67267e-2 1.15445e-1 0.9 lom 6.70490e-4 1.42673e-3 8.20714e-3 3.66835e-2 8.89397e-2 prco 8.64541e-4 1.70507e-3 9.89488e-3 4.55878e-2 1.14652e-1 mtslp 4e-3 2.06924e-3 2.35421e-3 1.18382e-2 3.19227e-1 jom(0,0.5) 6.62878e-4 1.42923e-3 8.20792e-3 3.66879e-2 8.89366e-2 jom(0.5,0) 6.71528e-4 1.42406e-3 8.20355e-3 3.66839e-2 8.89426e-2 0.95 lom 4.13897e-4 7.86685e-4 5.01340e-3 2.15783e-2 5.13325e-2 prco 5.90418e-4 8.64405e-4 6.50201e-3 2.77896e-2 2.90733e-1 mtslp 4e-3 6.57765e-3 3.02391e-3 1.94353e-3 1.90389e-2 jom(0,0.5) 4.11399e-4 7.86925e-4 5.01366e-3 2.15797e-2 5.13320e-2 jom(0.5,0) 2.94860e-4 3.13253e-4 3.61277e-3 1.25339e-2 2.53848e-2 table 2: the absolute error obtained employing various values of α for example 6.3. for y0 = −2 and the exact solution y(t) = −2 (t+1) in case of α = t 0, figure 3 displays the approximate values of α = 0.85, 0.9, 0.95 and m = 6. a good approximation that is comparable to the exact answer can be obtained via an operation matrix based on sjps. 6. numerical examples the numerical examples of linear and non-linear fractionalorder and variable-order scenarios will acquire some solutions in this section. our computational findings will measure the difference between the exact and approximate solutions using absolute error. the matlab r2020b software is used to code and perform all of the numerical programs, whereas the cpu is for the next. • jom jacobi operational matrix method derived in this study. • cpskom chebyshev polynomials with respect to the second kind operational matrix method derived in this study. • lom legendre operational matrix method [26]. • prco predictor-corrector method provided in [27]. • mtslp mixture two-step lagrange polynomial as well 7 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 8 α method t = 0.1 t = 0.3 t = 0.5 t = 0.7 t = 0.9 0.85 lom -1.74986 -1.50024 -1.35680 -1.23342 -1.13618 prco -1.60319 -1.52292 -1.41361 -1.32635 -1.25359 mtslp -1.67179 -1.45348 -1.31389 -1.22725 -1.17437 jom(0,0.5) -1.76123 -1.50623 -1.35787 -1.23557 -1.13710 jom(0.5,0) -1.74359 -1.49912 -1.35666 -1.23182 -1.13669 0.9 lom -1.78420 -1.52494 -1.36023 -1.22657 -1.11789 prco -1.65250 -1.54279 -1.42052 -1.32416 -1.24500 mtslp -1.78773 -1.58943 -1.45396 -1.35011 -1.26552 jom(0,0.5) -1.79249 -1.53108 -1.36213 -1.22826 -1.11925 jom(0.5,0) -1.77931 -1.52306 -1.36002 -1.22533 -1.11773 0.95 lom -1.82307 -1.54990 -1.35819 -1.21279 -1.09254 prco -1.71332 -1.56366 -1.42509 -1.31793 -1.23183 mtslp -1.89701 -1.64139 -1.47105 -1.34753 -1.25202 jom(0,0.5) -1.82560 -1.55437 -1.36040 -1.21334 -1.09386 jom(0.5,0) -1.82039 -1.54740 -1.35792 -1.21227 -1.09156 1 exact -1.81818 -1.53846 -1.33333 -1.17647 -1.05263 table 3: the approximate solutions obtained employing various values of α for example 6.4. α method t = 0.1 t = 0.3 t = 0.5 t = 0.7 t = 0.9 0.85 lom 0.13534 0.20345 0.24998 0.28275 0.31040 prco 0.19782 0.22782 0.27041 0.30270 0.32864 mtslp 0.164103 0.22650 0.25520 0.28130 0.30738 jom(0,0.5) 0.12887 0.20271 0.24847 0.28210 0.30963 jom(0.5,0) 0.13737 0.20354 0.25049 0.28286 0.31040 0.9 lom 0.11432 0.19514 0.24890 0.28804 0.31966 prco 0.16976 0.21614 0.26616 0.30394 0.33403 mtslp 0.10613 0.18237 0.23502 0.27718 0.31138 jom(0,0.5) 0.10899 0.19386 0.24741 0.28717 0.31881 jom(0.5,0) 0.11608 0.19533 0.24944 0.28817 0.31989 0.95 lom 0.08994 0.18737 0.24973 0.29612 0.33192 prco 0.13780 0.20414 0.26292 0.30695 0.34158 mtslp 0.051491 0.15966 0.23010 0.28087 0.32011 jom(0,0.5) 0.08644 0.18564 0.24848 0.29510 0.33113 jom(0.5,0) 0.09129 0.18767 0.25026 0.29628 0.33233 1 exact 0.08375 0.19264 0.26323 0.31422 0.35351 table 4: the approximate solutions obtained using different values of α for example 6.5. as the fundamental theorem with respect to fractional calculus stated in [28]. example 6.1. we now consider the bagley–torvik equation governing the motion of a rigid plate immersed in the newtonian fluid given as follows abcd1.5y(t) + d2y(t) + y(t) = t + 1. here, y0 = t0, y ′ 0 = t 0 and y(t) = t + 1 denotes the exact solution. using slps, the approximate solution for m = 3 is y(t) = [1.5 0.5 0 0]ψ(t) = t + 1, which equals to the exact solution. using sjps(0.5,0), the approximate solution for m = 3 is y(t) = [1.4 0.4 0 0]φ(t) = t + 1, which equals to the exact solution. for sjps(0,0.5), the approximate solution for m = 3 is y(t) = [1.6 0.4 0 0]φ(t) = t + 1, which equals to the exact solution. 8 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 9 t error error error error error error lom prco mtslp cpskom jom(0,0.5) jom(0.5,0) 0.1 7.71674e-12 1.09802e-4 1.1e-2 2.09480e-9 8.56178e-11 2.50289e-11 0.2 7.77495e-12 4.53577e-4 2.24064e-2 3.26627e-9 8.53458e-11 3.76301e-11 0.3 8.81307e-12 1.09934e-3 3.46062e-2 3.66969e-9 8.97760e-11 3.88097e-11 0.4 2.77689e-11 2.12757e-3 4.60297e-2 3.46035e-9 2.89525e-10 3.28610e-11 0.5 3.48143e-11 3.61364e-3 5.77915e-2 2.79354e-9 3.63677e-10 2.40773e-11 0.6 1.56708e-11 5.63079e-3 6.74063e-2 1.82454e-9 1.62011e-10 1.67516e-11 0.7 4.39398e-11 8.25300e-3 7.82267e-2 7.08644e-10 4.65697e-10 1.51773e-11 0.8 1.58296e-10 1.15567e-2 8.50985e-2 3.98864e-10 1.66967e-9 2.36475e-11 0.9 3.41676e-10 1.56209e-2 9.75044e-2 1.34269e-9 3.60013e-9 4.64555e-11 table 5: the absolute error for example 6.6 for m = 4 t error error error error error erorr lom prco mtslp cpskom jom(0,0.5) jom(0.5,0) 0.1 1.75338e-4 6.54123e-4 e-2 1.75338e-4 1.75338e-4 1.75338e-4 0.2 3.38732e-3 3.95957e-3 2.70108e-2 3.38732e-3 3.38732e-3 3.38732e-3 0.3 9.96953e-3 9.35838e-3 3.72260e-2 9.96953e-3 9.96953e-3 9.96953e-3 0.4 1.88528e-2 1.27167e-2 4.22493e-2 1.88528e-2 1.88528e-2 1.88528e-2 0.5 2.93188e-2 8.50431e-3 4.70844e-2 2.93188e-2 2.93188e-2 2.93188e-2 0.6 4.06491e-2 8.72007e-3 5.81601e-2 4.06490e-2 4.06490e-2 4.06490e-2 0.7 5.21251e-2 4.36191e-2 8.11371e-2 5.21250e-2 5.21250e-2 5.21250e-2 0.8 6.30285e-2 1.00115e-1 1.20052e-1 6.30284e-2 6.30284e-2 6.30284e-2 0.9 7.26408e-2 1.82050e-1 1.77509e-1 7.26406e-2 7.26406e-2 7.26406e-2 table 6: the absolute error for example 6.7 for m = 4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 y( t) =0.85 =0.9 =0.95 exact figure 2: comparison between approximate solutions for α = 0.85, α = 0.9 and α = 0.95 with the exact solution for example 6.3. example 6.2. suppose we have the following model[34]: abcdαy(t) = −k(1 − y(t)), 0 < α < 1, and y0 = 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t -1.9 -1.8 -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -1 y( t) =0.85 =0.9 =0.95 exact figure 3: comparison of approximate solutions for α = 0.85, α = 0.9 and α = 0.95 with the exact solution in case α = t0 for example 6.4. the exact solution is as follows: y(t) = −k(1 −α) m(α) − k(1 −α) eα ( kα m(α) − k(1 −α) tα ) + [ 1 − eα ( kα m(α) − k(1 −α) tα )] + m(α)y(0) m(α) − k(1 −α) eα ( kα m(α) − k(1 −α) tα ) . 9 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 y( t) =0.85 =0.9 =0.95 exact figure 4: comparison between approximate solutions for α = 0.85, α = 0.9 α = 0.95 with exact solution in case of α = t0 for example 6.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 y( t) exact lom mtslp prco figure 5: the approximate solution and exact solution for example 6.6 for m = 4 table 1 and figure 1 compare the absolute error for the two methods for k is constant k = 0.1,α = 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, and m = 4 respectively. an enhanced approximate solution comparable to the exact solution can be obtained using an operation matrix based on sjps. example 6.3. suppose we have the following[35] abcdαy(t) = −y(t) + t4 − 0.5t3 − 3 γ(4 −α) t3−α + 24 γ(5 −α) t4−α, for y0 = 0, while the exact solution is expressed by y(t) = t4 − 0.5t3. table 2 and figure 2 compare the absolute error for the two approaches for α = 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, and m = 6. a good approximate solution that is comparable to the exact answer can be obtained using an operation matrix based on sjps. example 6.4. suppose we have the following[37] abcdαy(t) = (1 − y(t))4, 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 y( t) exact lom mtslp prco figure 6: the approximate solution and exact solution for example 6.7 for m = 4 the exact solution in case of α = t0 is expressed by y(t) = 1+3t−(1+6t+9t2 )1/3 1+3t and y0 = 0. the problem is solved with m = 8, and the numerical results are shown in figure 4. example 6.5. consider the following linear variable-order fdes[38]: abcdα(t)y(t) + ety(t) = et(t2 + t3 + 1) + m(α(t)) 1 −α(t) 2t2 eα(t),3(− α(t) 1 −α(t) tα(t)) + m(α(t)) 1 −α(t) 6t3 eα(t),4(− α(t) 1 −α(t) tα(t)), where α(t) = 0.5t + 0.1, y0 = t0 and the exact solution is provided by y(t) = t2 + t3 + 1. the absolute error for m = 4 is shown in table 3. an enhanced approximate solution that is comparable to the exact answer can be obtained using an operation matrix based on sjps. example 6.6. we now consider the following non-linear variable-order fdes given by[39]: abcdα(t)y(t) + y2(t) = t2 + t4 + 2t2−sin(t) γ(3 − sin(t)) . where α(t) = 0.5t + 0.6, y0 = 0 and the exact solution is expressed by y(t) = t2. the absolute error for m = 4 is shown in figure 5. operation matrix relying on sjps may give an enhanced approximate solution that is comparable with the exact solution. 7. conclusion we came up with a general formulation for the fractional and variable order jacobi operational matrix (jom), which is utilized to approximate atangana-baleanu caputo (abc) derivatives in numerical solutions. the shifting jacobi tau and 10 basim et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1221 11 collocation approaches served as the foundation for our strategy. since the abc fractional derivative enables the inclusion of traditional initial conditions in the formulation of the issue, the fractional derivatives are described in the abc sense. here, the findings presented in the preceding section show how accurate these algorithms are. additionally, only a few shifted jacobi polynomials are required to produce a good outcome. we can recommend some future studies for this paper: solve system of fractional and variable order differential equations by use jacobi and more orthogonal polynomials. references [1] k. s. miller, & b. ross, “an introduction to the fractional calculus and fractional differential equations”, wiley, (1993). 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low water periods thanks to an archimedean screw turbine which operates at low flow rates and height of fall on the river. djonou located in southern benin a few kilometers from the university of abomey-calavi. the geometrical and hydraulic parameters of the screw were therefore determined and the device was modeled using autocard software. a prototype was then made with local recycled materials and tested on the river. the screw specifications indicate an inside and outside radius of 0.072 m and 0.135 m. the length of the screw was set at 0.46 m for a blade radius estimated at 0.137 m. the number of screw blades is equal to 2 with a flow rate of 0.049 m3/s. the inclination angle of the screw is 25◦. the device on the experimental site produces a voltage of 16 v and provides a current of about 0.12 a which can power a 2 w lamp. this performance of the prototype made on a small scale is a reliable indicator of the optimal use of this technology in the national hydraulic network of benin to supply populations with electrical energy. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1263 keywords: hydroelectricity, flow, experimentation, energy inaccessibility, archimedean screw, low water period article history : received: 30 november 2022 received in revised form: 12 march 2023 accepted for publication: 14 march 2023 published: 21 may 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction technological advances associated with population growth mean that the need for energy continues to increase. this problem is even more sensitive in rural areas where the use of conventional resources often proves to be very costly. in addition, there are several constraints, such as the geographical location of these areas and the very high cost of connecting electricity production sites to the conventional network, thus making the ∗corresponding author tel. no: +22997228700 email address: kotgabin36@yahoo.fr (gabin koto n’gobi ) search for an alternative energy source essential. recent studies and forecasts by the international energy agency (iea) alert us and inform us that the massive use of fossil energy resources will certainly lead to the total depletion of these reserves. the awareness of international opinion of the need to turn to green energies is therefore becoming more and more palpable in terms of the fight against global warming and the protection of the environment. the iea explains that renewable energy resources are like those derived from natural processes and replenished at a rate faster than they are consumed [1]. they can therefore meet the growing energy demand and are ready to 1 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 2 provide the world with a reliable energy system [2, 3]. among these sources, hydroelectricity is the leading source of renewable electrical energy with an installed global capacity of approximately 4306 terawatt hours per year, i.e. 70% of global renewable energy production and 15.6% of global electricity production in 2019 [4]. unfortunately, the high cost of hydroelectric installations makes it difficult to access in underdeveloped countries, despite the fact that the latter are full of hydraulic resources. this is the case of benin which has an important hydraulic potential unexploited until now. it is therefore necessary to think of means of energy production by hydroelectricity at a lower cost [5, 6, 7]. the archimedean screw which is a technology that makes it possible to exploit low water flow rates and low head heights on hydroelectric sites such as small rivers or streams [8-16] and in areas remote areas that are difficult to access via the national electricity grid [17] is therefore an asset for benin. its design is environmentally friendly and allows fish and other aquatic life to pass through without danger; there is no requirement for deforestation, displacement of people and does not require construction of large dams, penstocks etc. [6, 13, 14, 18, 19]. in order to improve the performance of this technology, several investigations have been carried out in the literature. in the work of yulistiyanto et al. [20], maulana et al. [13], alkistis et al. [19], maulana et al. [15], abdul et al. [9], khan et al. [21], betancour et al. [22], abdillah et al. [23], imawati et al. [24], eswanto et al. [25], erinofiardi et al. [26] the authors studied the influence of the geometric and hydraulic parameters of the archimedes screw, namely the angle of inclination of the shaft, the number of blades, the variations in flow, the slope of the shaft , the direction of the axis of rotation, the speed of rotation, its angle of slope, the diameter ratio between the inner and outer diameters, the length of the axis and the pitch on the power and efficiency of the screw. according to the work of warjito et al. [6], the authors believe that the archimedes turbine has no fixed design theory. several theories and design-simulation procedures have therefore been developed for this turbine by certain authors such as alonso-martinez et al. [10], saroinsong et al. [11], purece, and corlan [12], dellinger et al. [14], slaboch et al. [18], fiardi [27], siswantara et al. [28], yulianto et al. [29], dragomirescu [30], thombare et al. [31], rosly et al. [32], abdullah et al. [33], muller [34], yulianto et al. [35], rohmer et al. [36], simmons et al. [37], erinofiardi et al. [38], yoosefdoost and lubitz [39], hedia et al. [40] followed by an on-site or laboratory experimentation phase discussed by some authors. ubando et al. [41] for their part have examined different methods of manufacturing archimedean screw turbines such as the 3d printing method still in their early stages of development and additive manufacturing as having a relatively lower environmental impact than conventional manufacturing of turbine blades. gogoi et al. [5] and kumar et al. [6] meanwhile have shown that the electrification scenario in rural areas can be improved specially where there is a continuous flow of a river or a canal with small water flow by the installation of the low-cost archimedes screw turbine. darmono and pranoto [42] investigated the numerical analysis of the effect of the number of threads on the turbine blades by the computational fluid dynamics method and ansys fluent software. velásquez et al. [43] used a gravitational vortex hydraulic turbine (gwvht) to determine the optimal position (h) of the slide to increase the efficiency of the hydroelectric plant using computational fluid dynamics (cfd). this hydroelectric technology is low head and has a vertical channel to extract energy from water vortices. based on these findings and to demonstrate the feasibility of using this technology in benin, this study aims to carry out and experiment with the archimedes screw on a small scale on a river in southern benin near the university of abomey-calavi. in a specific way in a first time, the geometrical and hydraulic parameters are determined. then a design of the system under autocard followed by a realization of the device with local materials of recovery are made. finally, on-site experimentation will make it possible to ensure the operation of the turbine and to identify a few electrical quantities. this test, which constitutes a first experience of an archimedean screw turbine in benin, will be carried out during low water periods when the water levels are low in order to better assess the efficiency of the device. 2. materials and methods 2.1. materials 2.1.1. study site the djonou river is located in the south of benin in the commune of abomey-calavi, arrondissement of godomey and about 1 km from the university of abomey-calavi. it crosses the houédonou bridge to reach lake nokoué, which is the largest lake in benin. it can be located at longitude 2◦18′44.291”e and latitude 6◦24′529”n. this area is characterized by two rainy seasons (april-july; october-november) and two dry seasons (december-march; august-september). the average interannual rainfall in the study area is 1100 mm [44]. this site was chosen to test the prototype that will be produced with the aim of producing electricity to supply a domestic load. figure 1 provides an overview of the study region and its location in africa. 2.1.2. data used various measurements were carried out on the study site during the low water period in order to determine the minimum hydraulic parameters of this river. the data collected are, among other things, the speed of the water flow and the depth of the river. the depth varies according to the bathymetry. to assess the flow in the absence of a measuring device, we had defined distances on the water several times and placed a light polystyrene object on it which will have to cover these predefined distances. the movement of the object between two positions was timed. note that this measurement was carried out several times in order to reduce measurement errors. from these two parameters, we estimated the average speed of water flow. from the section of the archimedes screw the flow rate of the water will be determined. table 1 gives some experimental values of the hydraulic parameters of the djonou river during the low water period. 2 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 3 figure 1: geographical location of the djonou river in godomey in benin. location in africa table 1: some experimental values of hydraulic parameters land length speed of depth of close (m) flow (m/s) the lake (m) 0.5 0.62 0.80 1 0.65 1.25 1.5 0.71 2.5 2 0.79 3.5 2.5 0.83 4 3 0.96 4.8 4 1.25 5 2.2. methods 2.2.1. geometric and hydraulic parameters to determine the geometrical and hydraulic parameters of the archimedes screw, certain characteristics will be fixed to facilitate the study. in figure 2, the screw parameters are shown. the geometric parameters of an archimedean screw are: • the outer radius ra • the inner radius ri • the pitch of the screw s • the total length l • the threaded length lb • the number of blades n • the inclination of the screw β the hydraulic parameters are: • the inflow q • the geodesic head h in the work of [45], the author asserts that the screw performs well when the angle of inclination varies from 22◦ to 45◦ we therefore fixed the value of this angle at β = 25◦. the number of blades used for the design of the turbine is fixed at n equal to 2 referring to the work of maulana et al. [14] who showed that turbines with two blades have a more inclined pressure distribution so that it has better stability. the length of the screw lb is taken equal to 0.46 m. the geodesic drop height is set at 0.3 m depending on the topography of the site. finally, the outer radius ra is 0,135m. in order to determine the various geometric parameters of the screw, the determination of the radius ratio (ρ), the inclination ratio (λ), the volume ratio (v) and the volume ratio per revolution (λ.v) is paramount [8, 16, 17, 28, 45]: ρ = ri ra . (1) λ = s v tan (β) 2πra . (2) v = vu tan (β) πra2 s v , (3) where ri is the inner radius in m; s v denotes the surface in mm2. vu, the volume of the displaced fluid per revolution (m3), is a function of (λ.v ) [12, 46] and given by : vu = 2π2r3a (λ.v ) tan β . (4) the radius ratio ρ must of course be between 0 and 1 [46]. table 2 is a summary of the different values of these parameters depending on the number of blades. from eq.(1), we can deduce the inner radius ri(m) : ri = ρra. (5) the pitch s (m) which constitutes the distance between the blades is determined using the inclination ratio λ contained in table 2 [16, 36, 46]: s = 2piraλ tan (β) . (6) the determination of the distance between the trough and the screw s sp (m) is given by eq. (7) [36, 46]: s sp = 0.0045 √ 2ra. (7) 3 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 4 figure 2: representation of the hydraulic and geometric parameters of an archimedean screw micropower [45] figure 3: modeling of the archimedean screw rod figure 4: modeling of the (a) central shaft of archimedean screw and (b) the threads around the shaft archimedean screw the dimensions of the trough r (m) are a function of the outside radius of the auger and the distance between the trough and the auger: r = s sp + ra. (8) the hydraulic parameters of the archimedean screw are deter4 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 5 figure 5: (a) built-in support of the archimedean screw trough and (b) modeling of the archimedean screw contained in the trough figure 6: archimedean screen: (a) prototype of the archimedean screw made and (b) measurement of the tension during the experiment on the site table 2: archimedean screw ratio parameters for different numbers of blades [47] number of radius the inclination volume (m) volume ratio blades ratio ratio ratio per revolution (n) (ρ) (λ) (v) (λ.v ) 1 0.5358 0.1285 0.2811 0.0361 2 0.5369 0.1863 0.2747 0.0512 3 0.5357 0.2217 0.2697 0.0588 4 0.5353 0.2456 0.2667 0.0655 5 0.5352 0.2630 0.2647 0.0696 mined by eqs. (9-15). the volume flow q(m3/s) is calculated by: q = s vv. (9) with s v the area of the right session in (m2) and v the average speed of the fluid flow (m/s). the flow rate q of water flowing through an archimedean screw can be broken down as follows [28, 36]: q = qe + q f + qs, (10) where qe is the effective q f water flow, the leakage rate between the trough and the blades and qs the leakage rate due to overfilling. when the screw is under filled or at the optimal filling point, the flow rate qs is zero. several flow rates are involved in determining the operating flow rate of the screw qe. the most commonly used leakage flow model is that established for the archimedes screw pump. the leakage rate q f is given by equation (11) [34, 46] : q f = 5s spra √ 2ra. (11) the axial transport speed is given by equation (12) [12, 48]: cax = s n 60 , (12) where n(r pm) is the rotational speed of the archimedean screw which is given by [28, 46]: n = 56 (2ra) 2 3 , (13) with cax as the axial speed in m.tr/s, and p is the pitch of the screw. the average wetted surface s moy (m2) orthogonal to the axis of the screw is defined in order to express the flow rate qe as a function of cax: s moy = vu s n . (14) n is the number of blades or threads of the turbine. the flow rate qe is then given by [12, 48]: qe = nvu n 60 . (15) 5 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 6 2.2.2. mechanical and electrical power the mechanical power of the screw shaft pm is determined from eq. (16) [12, 16, 33]: pm = ηtρwater gqh, (16) where ηt is the efficiency of the screw. in the case of this study, the efficiency of the screw is taken as 92% [32]. h is the geodesic drop height. the torque of the archimedes screw m (n.m) is given by eq. (17): m = 60pm 2πn . (17) the electrical power pe of an archimedean screw turbine is determined as follows: pe = ηg pm. (18) where ηg is the generator efficiency (95%). 3. results and discussion 3.1. results 3.1.1. the characteristics of the archimedean screw in table 3, the dimensions of the archimedean screw are summarized. table 3: archimedean screw dimension settings description dimension ri inner radius (m) 0.072 ra outer radius (m) 0.135 s pitch (m) 0.0107 β angle of inclination of the screw 25 s sp distance between the auger and the trough (m) 0.0023 s v surface of the trough (m2) 0.0592 r radius of the trough (m) 0.137 n rotational speed (rpm) 134 n number of blades 2 cax axial speed (m.tr/s) 0.023 vu per revolution (m3) 0.0053 v water velocity (m/s) 0.83 lb screw length 0.46 s moy average wet surface (m2) 0.46 q f the leak rate (m3/s) 0.000806 qe effective water flow (m3/s) 0.0236 qs the overfill flow (m3/s) 0.024 q river flow (m3/s) 0.049 h drop height (m) 0.30 pm mechanical power (w) 133 m the torque at the screw (n.m) 9.48 pe theorical electrical power (w) 126 the values observed in this study were compared with those obtained by other authors in the literature who have designed and experimented with the archimedean screw (table 4). the geometric and hydraulic characteristics of archimedean screws collected in the works of brada, 1993, 1999 [49, 50], lashofer et al. [51, 52, 53], lubitz et al. [54], lyons [55], yulistiyanto et al. [20], maulana et al. [12], saroinsong et al. [8], alonso-martinez et al. [7], khan, et al. [17], rohmer et al. [36], erinofiardia et al. [38] and dellinger et al. [48] indicate that the interior and exterior radius of the archimedean screw vary respectively from 0.030 m to 0.525 m and from 0.055 m to 0.265 m. the pitch of the screw is between 0.054 m and 1.22 m with a number of screw blades ranging from 1 to 10. the angle of inclination of the screw is generally chosen between 17◦ and 45◦ the length of the screw and the water flow rate can reach 5.3 m and 1.2 m3/s respectively. drop heights varying from 0 to 2.5 m are encountered with rotation speeds of up to 395 rpm. except for the pitch of the screw, these parameters are similar and close to those obtained in this study. these values therefore confirm the results of the present study. 3.1.2. modeling of the archimedean screw under autocard the archimedean screw is the main element of this design because it is the basis for the production of electrical energy. but it is really essential to know that it is she who produces the mechanical energy thanks to the potential energy of the water which causes the latter in its rotation. figure 3 gives an overview of the design of the archimedean screw rod in autocard. figures 4 and 5 show the modeling of the archimedean screw shaft, the threads around the screw shaft, the incorporated support of the trough and the contained archimedean screw respectively. in the trough. 3.1.3. practical realization the description of the essential elements having participated in the realization of the device is as follows: • nets: we used number 45 polyvinyl chloride (pvc) to make the threads (blade) of the screw, taking into account the geometric parameters mentioned. similarly, we used polyvinyl chloride (pvc) number 16 with its covers to make the central axis of the screw on which we place the threads of the screw. pvc was used not only because it is light and easy to move with a small amount of water on its surface, but also because its maintenance will be very simple compared to other materials such as aluminum; • drive shaft: we used a metal rod for the screw drive shaft. it connects the screw to the generator via other elements in order to transmit the rotation speed to the generator; • bolts: they allowed us to fix certain elements of the turbine to their different locations without friction. the elements fixed by the bolts are among others: the shaft of the turbine, the bicycle chainring and the driving tooth; • speed multiplier: we used a number 12 bicycle cog that we attached to the shaft of the screw to drive the generator with a chain and another motor cog with a radius smaller 6 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 7 table 4: comparacian de las especificaciones para cada diseao del sistema. authors inner outer screw threaded number screw debit drop rotation radius radius pitch length of blades inclination (m3/s) height speed (m) (m) (m) (m) (◦) (m) (rpm) brada [49, 50] 0.525 0.265 1.05 5.3 3 26-34 0-0.35 1.8-2.2 48-79 lashofer et al. [51, 52, 53] 0.403 0.18-0.22 0.8-1.2 3 3-5 18-32 0.02-0.22 0.5-1.7 20-80 lubitz et al. [54]; lyons [55] 0.038 0.078 0.117-0.2 0.584 3 17-35 0.0004-0.0012 0.14-0.28 0-280 yulistiyanto et al. [20] 0.076 0.142 0.22 2 35 0.00364 maulana et al. [16] 0.077 0.143 0.287 2 0.025 295 saroinsong et al. [12] 0.030 0.055 0.132 0.055 3 30 395 alonso-martinez et al. [11] 0.032 0.56 0.972 3.20 3 22 1.2 < 2 73.2 abdullah et al. [33] 0.07 0.13 0.07 1 1 30-45 khan, et al. [21] 0.426 0.80 1.22 5.2 1-10 0.82 2.2 rohmer et al. [36] 0.21 0.42 0.96 3 30 0.15 2.5 erinofiardia et al. [38] 0.032 0.142 0.054 0.646 1 22 0.0012 0.25;0.38;0.41 106 dellinger et al. [48] 0.052 0.09 0.192 0.40 3 18-30 0.001-0.004 0-0.35 present study 0.072 0.135 0.0107 0.46 2 25 0.049 0.30 134 than that of the bicycle. thanks to this association, the transmission ratio will be 8, which means that when the archimedes screw turns once, the generator turns eight times in order to have a high rotation speed, hence the speed multiplier effect; • driving chain: we used the power chain not only because these links are better suited to our system but also because it is available; • generator: it receives the mechanical work provided by the screw to produce electrical energy continuously. we used a generator with 40 w power, 310 v dc voltages, 1500 rpm rotation speed and 0.129 a current; • trough: the trough is the most important element for the safety of auger users. it is the one that will inhabit the archimedes screw and will also reduce the sound noise produced by the archimedes screw. we incorporated the trough as well as the deflector in an aluminum support in order to facilitate the movement of the turbine. figure 6 shows a display of the multimeter (voltage) when the screw is moving following the flow of water on the djonou river. during the experimental phase, the device was able to power a 2 w electric lamp under a voltage of 16 v by supplying a current of approximately 0.12 a. the power produced is estimated at 1.92 w for a flow rate of 0.049 m3/s. 3.2. discussion by comparing the electrical quantities obtained in this study with the experiments carried out in the literature on similar and small-scale devices, we note in the work of yulistiyanto et al. [20], fiardi et al. [27], maulana et al. [16], saroinsong et al. [12], abdullah et al. [33] that the authors obtained output powers estimated respectively at 16.23 w (61.61%); 0.098w; 116.10 w (0.025 m3/s; 55%); 16.97w (350 rpm); 9.03 w (2.06 10−3 m3/s; 72%). similarly, the experimental performances of the screw turbine for very low head hydroelectric resources are presented in the work of erinofiardia et al. [38]. the screw turbine with an outer diameter of 142 mm and a water flow of 0.0012 m3/s with a head of 0.25 m, can produce a maximum power of 1.4 w with an efficiency 49% at 22◦ bank angle. these different powers recorded on small-scale archimedean screw turbines are corroborated by the results obtained in this study. however, some power values are higher than the values presented for this study. the optimal determination of the height of fall, the length of the screw using the angle of inclination and the investigation of the relationship of the input speed to the angular speed of a wheel on the yield, could therefore avoid the overflow leaks noted on our device (leakage rate at overfilling evaluated at 0.024 m3/s) due to loading and thus improve the performance of the turbine produced. 4. conclusion in this study, an archimedean screw hydraulic turbine was designed, built and tested on the djonou river in benin. the characteristics of the device made from local recycled materials made it possible to measure a few electrical quantities, in particular the voltage and the intensity of the current. the main results of this work can be summarized as follows: • the geometrical parameters of the archimedes screw turbine indicate an internal and external radius evaluated respectively at 0.072 m and 0.135 m. the number of screw blades is equal to 2 with the radius of the trough estimated at 0.137 m. the threaded length is 0.46 m for an inclination angle of 25◦; • the hydraulic parameters give a flow rate of 0.049 m3/s for a fall height of 0.3 m; • the theoretical maximum electrical power of the device is 126 w. during the experimental phase on site, the device produced a voltage of 16 v and provides a current 7 adjassa et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1263 8 intensity evaluated at 0.12 a which made it possible to power a lamp of 2w for a flow of 0.049 m3/s. the experimental power is estimated at 1.92 w. this experimentation, which constitutes a pilot phase which will result in large-scale production, requires improvements in order to increase the performance of the archimedes screw, particularly in terms of its geometric parameters. in the future, we are therefore thinking of modifying the geometry of the screw in order to study its impact on electricity production. acknowledgments the authors of this article sincerely thank the bachelor school in renewable energies of the faculty of science and technology (fast) of the university of abomey-calavi (uac) through the “laboratoire de physique du rayonnement (lpr)” and the mastercard of abomey-calavi university for funding our participation to the 3rd german-west african conference on sustainable and renewable energy systems susres at the university of kara in togo. references [1] s. i. akinsola, a. b. alabi, m. a. soliu, & t. akomolafe, “optimization of method and components of enzymatic fuel cells”, nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 143. 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1st instar (lc50=4.024, lc90= 39.273 mg/l), 2nd instar (lc50=8.767, lc90=51.069 mg/l) and 3rd instar (lc50=13.761.lc90=81.809 mg/l) doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.198 keywords: culex quinquefasciatus, vector control, nanotechnological, zno/sio2 nanocomposite article history : received: 15 april 2021 received in revised form: 05 july 2021 accepted for publication: 24 july 2021 published: 29 august 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: t. o. owolabi 1. introduction application of chemical insecticides in order to kill mosquito larvae or pupae in the water is known as larviciding. larviciding is generally more effective and target-specific than adulticiding (applying chemicals to kill adult mosquitoes). the most common synthetic chemicals used in controlling mosquitoes’ larvae are methoprene, pyrethroids, diflubenzuron, malathion, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt), organophosphate temephos ∗corresponding author tel. no: email addresses: gemanamsly@gmail.com (ezra abba ), ezra.abba@gmail.com (nsor charles ayuk) and as well as phytochemicals [1-3]. however, synthetic chemicals (insecticides) are known to cause serious environmental problem thereby killing non-target organism and affecting human health. moreover, continuous application of synthetic chemicals (insecticides) results in control failures due to development of resistance by the mosquitoes (vectors) [4]. hence, it has been reported that zno and sio2 nanoparticles provides a lay down of a novel green nanotechnology to control insect pest including mosquitoes’ larvae [5-8]. zno/sio2 nanocomposites have been synthesized using various techniques such as chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, chemical etching and sol gel process and they are used in different applications such as an262 ezra et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 262–266 263 timicrobial, photonic crystals, photocatalysts, gas sensors, vacuum fluorescent display and varistors etc., [9-19]. but based on our search, there was no report on the effect of zno/sio2 nanocomposites against mosquito larvae except for the individual zno and sio2 nanoparticles. culex quinquefasciatus is a vector of lymphatic filariasis. the breeding site of culex species includes; gutters and water retention sites having organic matter. filariasis has been reported to be a public health problem in africa as well as other part of the world [20-22]. thus, to prevent mosquito bornediseases and improve the quality of public health, it is necessary to control mosquito larvae. in this study, zno/sio2 nanocomposite was synthesized using gum arabic and was tested against the larvae of culex quinquefasciatus. the formation of zno/sio2 nanocomposite was confirmed using ultraviolet– visible (uv–vis) spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy (sem) coupled energy dispersive x-ray (edx) spectroscopy and fourier transforms infrared (ftir) spectroscopy. 2. materials and methods 2.1. collection of gum arabic (acacia senegalensis) a fresh a. senegalensis extrudes were collected from billiri local government of gombe state. the gum extract were neatly collected and allowed to dry properly under the sun. the gum arabic was crushed to powder using pestle and mortar. 2.2. synthesis of zno/sio2 nanocomposite one gram (1 g) of gum arabic was poured into a beaker containing 40 ml of distilled water which was magnetically stirred for 10 minutes at 90◦c. following this, 2 g of zn(no3)6 .6h2o and 2 g of silica gel were added and stirred for 30 minutes. upon addition of zn(no3) 6 .6h2o and silica gel the aqueous solution changed to milk colour. with time the solution became viscous. a cloudy formation at the bottom of the beaker indicated the formation of resin. the resin obtained was placed in a furnace at 450 oc for two hours to obtain zno/sio2 nanocomposite [23]. 2.3. characterization of the green synthesized zno/sio2 nanocomposite zno/sio2 nanocomposite was characterized using ultravioletvisible spectroscopy, fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (ft-ir) and scanning electron microscopy (sem) coupled with energy dispersed x-ray techniques. 2.4. collection of culex quinquefasciatus larvae culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae were collected from different areas of gombe metropolis. using ladle and a collection bottle, the ladle was lowered into the water (breeding site) at an angle of about 45o until one side is just below the surface of the water. while dipping, care was taken not to disturb the larvae which may cause them to swim downward. the larvae were maintained and fed in the laboratory with glucose for the larvicidal bioassay. the collection was done based on previous literature [23]. figure 1. uv-visible spectrum for zno/sio2 nanocomposite. 2.5. larvicidal activity of zno/sio2 nanocomposite the test was carried out according to our previous work [24]. 0.1g of zno/sio2 nanocomposite was weighed and diluted with distilled water in a 1000 ml volumetric flask and shaked to obtain 100 mg/l concentration. the bioassay was done by placing different instars (1st – 3rd ) of the larvae into 200 ml of plastic container with four replicates and a control in each of the instars, each replicate comprised of twenty-five larvae. 100 ml of dechlorinated water was added in each of the replicates. finally, 10 mg/l, 20 mg/l and 25 mg/l of the zno/sio2 nanocomposite concentrations were inoculated into each of the replicates. and percentage mortality was calculated as follows: 2.6. statistical analysis percentage mortality, probit analysis, chi square and correlation analysis were calculated and tabulated using (spss, 2016). 3. result and discussion 3.1. ultraviolet visible analysis absorption spectrum of synthesized zno/sio2 nanocomposite at different wave lengths ranging from 260 to 380 nm revealed the maximum absorption wavelength of 280 nm, (figure 1). elsewhere, maximum absorption wavelength of 300 nm was reported for cao/sio2 nanocomposite [25]. this optical property is in the same range with the one in the current. 3.2. ft-ir analysis figure 2 depict the ft-ir spectrum of zno/sio2 nanocomposite analyzed from 450-4000 cm−1 which exhibited prominent peaks at 3457.75, 1654.65, 1067.44, 701.43, and 455.97 cm−1. the band at 1067.44 cm−1 corresponds to asymmetric stretching vibration of si-o-si bond. the peaks at 701.43 cm−1 corresponds to si-oh bond [9-19,26-28]. the band at 3457.75 cm−1 indicates ho-h stretching mode for silanol group and adsorbed water. and band at 1654.65 cm−1 indicates bending mode of adsorbed water. the zn-o and si-o bond is indicated by the peak at 455.97 cm−1 [919, 25-27]. thus, this information confirmed the formation of zno/sio2 nanocomposite. 263 ezra et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 262–266 264 figure 2. ft-ir spectrum of zno/sio2 nanocomposite. table 1. larvicidal activity of synthesized zno/sio2 nanocomposite on culex quinquefasciatus larvae. lc50 ; lethal concentration that kills 50% of larvae, lc90 ; lethal concentration that kills 90% of larvae, r: correlation coefficient; χ2 ; chi square instars conc (mg/l) mortality % mortality lc50 (mg/l) lc90 (mg/l) χ2 r 1st instar 10 17.5 70 4.024 39.273 0.076 0.999 20 20 80 25 21.5 86 2nd instar 10 14 56 8.767 51.069 1.543 0.908 20 16 64 25 19 84 3rd instar 10 11 44 13.761 81.809 2.75 0.826 20 12 48 25 19 76 3.3. sem/edx analysis figure, 3a depict sem image, 3b depict elemental data and 3c depict edx spectrum of zno/sio2 nanocomposite. the sem image showed large and dispersed particles of silica coated zno nanoparticles. the edx spectrum showed different element apart from the expected zn, si and o. the presence of other element is due to gum arabic used in the synthesis because gum arabic has been reported to contained; al, ba, ca, fe, k, mg, mn, p, s and sr [28]. from figure 3b, percentage composition of si, zn and o were 38.02, 37.42 and 7.21 % respectively. 3.4. larvicidal test result: the exposure of culex quinquefasciatus larvae to different concentrations of the synthesized zno/sio2 nanocomposite for 24hrs demonstrates their larvicidal efficacy. table 1 show that larval mortality significantly increased with the increase in concentrations of zno/sio2 nanocomposite. the mortality rates of concentrations; 10, 20 and 25 mg/l for 1st instar were 70%, 80%, 86%, 2nd instar were 56%, 64%, 84%, and 3rd instar were 44%, 48% and 76% respectively. this study revealed that the synthesized zno/sio2 nanocomposite larvicidal activity decreases from 1st instar to 3rd instar. thus, lethal concentrations of the nanocomposite on the larvae of culex quinquefasciatus were found to be (lc50=4.024 mg/l, lc90= 39.273 mgl/1), (lc50=8.767 mg/l, lc90=51.069 mg/l) and (lc50=13.761 mg/l, lc90=81.809 mg/l) for 1st, 2nd , and 3rd instar respectively. in our previous studies, ag-co and cu/ni bimetallic nanoparticles were synthesized through green pathway and it larvicidal activities were tested against culex quinquefasciatus larvae. the lc50 for 1st, 2nd , and 3rd instars were 5.237, 9.310 and 13.626 mg/l respectively [29]. and the lc50 for 1st, 2nd , and 3rd instars were 14.75, 18.25 and 18.50 mg/l respectively [30]. hence, zno/sio2 nanocomposite proved to be more effective against culex quinquefasciatus larvae than ag-co and cu/ni bimetallic nanoparticles as reported by [29-30]. 264 ezra et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 262–266 265 figure 3. (a) sem image (b) elemental result and (c) edx spectrum of the synthesized zno/sio2 nanocomposite 4. conclusion in this research, zno/sio2 was synthesized using gum arabic and characterized by uv-visible, ftir, sem and edx techniques. the larvicidal activity of zno/sio2 nanocomposite was tested against culex quinquefasciatus larvae using desired concentrations which showed significant results. this study showed that, the application of zno/sio2 nanocomposite can serve as a replacement of insecticide in mosquito vector control. 265 ezra et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 262–266 266 references [1] t. a. elijah, o. o. omolara, i. a. haleemat, m. roshila, h. l. ayomide, s. b. olusola & o. o. charles, “investigation of the larvicidal potential of silver nanoparticles against culex quinquefasciatus: a case of a ubiquitous weed as a useful bioresource”, j nanomat (2016) 1. 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the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells (pscs). spiro-meotad is the most popular material, which is expensive and can be easily affected by moisture contents. there is need to find an alternative htm with sufficiently high resistance to moisture content. in this paper, the influence of some parameters with cuprous oxide (cu2o) as htm was investigated using solar cell capacitance simulator (scaps). these include the influence of doping concentration and thickness of absorber layer, the effect of thickness of etm and htm as well as electron affinities of etm and htm on the performance of the pscs. from the obtained results, it was found that concentration of dopant in absorber layer, thickness of etm and htm and the electron affinity of htm and etm affect the performance of the solar cell. the cell performance improves greatly with the reduction of etm electron affinity and its thickness. upon optimization of parameters, power conversion efficiency for this device was found to be 20.42 % with current density of 22.26 macm−2, voltage of 1.12 v , and fill factor of 82.20 %. the optimized device demonstrates an enhancement of 58.80 %, 2.25 %, 20.40 % and 30.23 % in pce, jsc, ff and voc over the initial cell. the results show that cu2o in lead-based psc as htm is an efficient system and an alternative to spiro-meotad. keywords: perovskite solar cells, inorganic htm, device simulation, cuprous oxide, defect density article history : received: 26 april 2019 received in revised form: 16 may 2019 accepted for publication: 18 may 2019 published: 30 august 2019 c©2019 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction the ecxiting properties, including tuned band gap, small exciton energy, excellent bipolar carrier transport, long charge diffusion, and amazingly high tolerance to defects [1-7], perovskite halides have demonstrated promising abilities for a numerous of optoelectronic applications, including photovolataics, ∗corresponding author tel. no: +2348063307256 email address: danladielibako@gmail.com (d. eli ) light-emmision, photodetectors, x-rays imaging, lasers, gamma ray detection etc [8-14]. perovskite solar cells (pscs) based on lead have demonstrated remarkable breakthrough in almost a decade since after its invention due to its advantages of low cost, high efficiency and simple fabrication process. its efficiency has grown from 3.9 % in 2009 to over 23 % in late 2018 [16, 17]. despite its remarkable attainment, these power conversion efficiencies are still low as compared to inorganic solar cells such as crystalline silicon (c−s i, 25.7 %), gallium arsenide (gaas, 28.8 %) 72 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 73 etc [18]. methyl ammonium lead iodide (ch3nh3pbi3) with a band gap of 1.50 ev that covers absorption within wide range of visible spectrum was reported by various experimental and theoretical studies [18, 19]. generally, psc is made up of hole transporting layer, electron transporting layer and absorber layer. the function demonstrated by each layer in psc should be understood in order to enhance the performance of the device [20]. the most routinely used electron transporting material (etm) is t io2 because of its suitable energy level for electron injection, high electron mobility, good stability and environmental friendliness [3, 4, 7, 18]. it is often a difficult task to make good choice of hole transporting materials which are needed for extracting holes effectively from the perovskite layer while preventing electrons from recombination. the most commonly used hole transport material is spiroometad which is organic in nature [21]. it is made up of basically two additives, 4-tert-butylpyridine (tbp) and bis (trifluoromethane) sulfonamide lithium salt (li-tfsi), which are used to improve the conductivity and hole mobility of spiromeotad. the most commonly used htm demonstrate hygroscopic nature, tendency to crystalize, and vulnerability to both moisture and heat, as such must be replaced with a cost effective and stable htm having high hole mobility with ease of synthesis [18, 22, 23, 24]. robust metal oxide [25, 26], carbon [27, 28], and other inorganic materials [18, 29] have shown outstanding behaviours in stabilizing the device, but in the meantime, the optimization of pce in these devices is still necessary for accelerating the commercialization. inorganic p-type semi-conductor such as cu2o is considered to be an alternative to organic htms [30]. pce has been greatly enhanced and reached up to 11.03 % when cu2o film was prepared via a facile process of cu sputtering and controlled thermal oxidation [30, 31]. except for experimental work, it is also equally important to investigate all aspects of the device theoretically in order to fully understand the device mechanism and optimize the device performance. considering cu2o as htm in lead based pscs, very few works have been demonstrated so far. for example, perovskite (ch3nh3pbi3) solar cells with cu2o as htm was simulated using scaps, while only the effect of thickness of the absorber on the performance of pscs was investigated [32, 33]. a device model that involve the simulation of various htms with cu2o inclusive, was done but with no sufficient investigation on various parameters (only thickness of absorber) was carried out [34]. in addition to the thickness of the absorber, there are also many other important parameters which could affect the performance of pscs. these include doping concentration in the absorber layer, thickness of the etm and electron affinity of etm and htm. for example, proper choice of suitable electron affinity of etm and htm can prevent exiton quenching at the interface, thus can assist in enhancing device performance. as such, a comprehensive study of these parameters needs to be investigated in order to uncover further understanding and thus improve device performance. in this paper, simulation of lead based ch3nh3pbi3 pscs with cu2o as htm and tio2 as etm was done with scaps. the influence of all above mentioned parameters on the performance of pscs were studied systematically. 2. device simulation parameters the structure of our simulated psc is considered with layer configuration of glass substrate/tco (transparent conducting oxide)/tio2 (etm) absorber layer ch3 n h3 pbi3/cu2o (htm)/ metal back contact. the structure and the band diagram is shown in figure 1 (a) and (b). from the band structure, the valence band offset at the ch3nh3 pbi3/cu2o interface is +0.08 ev , which can be considered beneficial for the flow of holes to the back-metal contact in order to avoid their recombination with the electrons in the perovskite layer. the conduction band offset is +0.30 ev at the tio2 /ch3nh3 pbi3 interface, which is also necessary for the flow of photo excited electrons to the front electrode. neutral gaussian distribution defect is selected in the absorber layer and characteristic energy is set to be 0.1 ev [18]. two defect interfaces are inserted for carrier recombination. one defect interface is tio2/ch3nh3pbi3 and the other one is ch3nh3pbi3/cu2o. the nature of the defect is set as gaussian and defect density is set as 1 × 1018 cm−3 [18, 32]. table 1 shows the defect parameters which are used in the simulation. basic parameters for each material used in the simulation are summarized in table 2. thermal velocities of hole and electron are selected as 107 cms−1 [18, 32, 35, 36]. the optical reflectance is considered to be zero at the surface and at each interface [18]. parameters are optimized in the study by using control variable method. the initial total defect density of the absorber layer is assumed to be 2.5 × 1013 cm−3. the current density–voltage curve has been drawn with these initial parameters as shown in figure 2(a). the short-circuit current density (jsc) of 21.77 macm−2, open-circuit voltage (voc) of 0.865 v , fill factor (ff) of 68.27 %, and pce of 12.86 % are obtained. the simulated device performance is consistent with the experimental results of lead-based pscs [30, 31]. this consistency shows that input parameters are valid and close to the real device. in the incident photonto-current efficiency (ipce) of the device shown in figure 2(b) which is featured with a high platform between 300 nm and 850 nm with the maximum of 90 % at 570 nm. optical absorption edge is red shifted to 800 nm which corresponds to a band gap of 1.55 ev in ch3 n h3 pbi3. the ipce covers the whole visible spectrum which is closer to the experimental work [30, 31]. 3. results and discussion 3.1. influence of doping concentration (na) of absorber layer in order to enhance the performance of solar cells, doping is a key process considered. depending upon the type of dopants, doping can either be n-type or p-type. like the other crystalline semiconductors, the shallow point defects in absorber could cause unintentional doping at room temperature. the performance of psc can be enhanced by introducing appropriate 73 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 74 table 1: defect parameters of interfaces and absorber [18, 32] parameters ch3 n h3 pbi3 t io2/ch3 n h3 pbi3 interface ch3 n h3 pbi3/cu2o interface defect type neutral neutral neutral capture cross section for electrons (cm2) 2 × 10−15 2 × 10−16 2 × 10−15 capture cross section for holes (cm2) 2 × 10−15 2 × 10−16 2 × 10−15 energetic distribution gaussian single single energetic level with respect to ev(ev ) 0.500 0.650 0.650 characteristic energy (ev ) 0.1 0.1 0.1 total density (cm−3) 1 × 1015 − 1 × 1019 1 × 1018 1 × 1018 table 2: simulation parameters of pscs devices parameters fto etm (t io2) absorber htm (cu2o) thickness (µm) 0.4 0.05 0.45 0.15 band gap energy eg (ev ) 3.5 3.26 [32] 1.55[32] 2.17[32] electron affinity χ(ev ) 4.0 4.2[32] 3.9[18] 3.2[32] relative permittivity �r 9 10 6.5 7.11[32] effective conduction band density nc(cm−3) 2.2 × 1018 2.2 × 1018[32] 2.2 × 1018[32] 2.2 × 1018[32] effective valance band density nv(cm−3) 2.2 × 1018 2.2 × 1018[32] 2.2 × 1018[32] 2.2 × 1018[32] electron mobility µn(cm2v−1 s−1) 20 20[18, 32] 2[32, 33] 80[32, 39] hole mobility µp(cm2v−1 s−1) 10 10[18, 32] 2[32, 33] 80[32, 39] donor concentration nd (cm−3) 1 × 1019 1 × 1017 0 0 acceptor concentration na (cm−3) 0 0 1 × 1013[7, 32] 1 × 1018[18, 32] defect density nt (cm−3) 1 × 1015 1 × 1015[18, 32] 2.5 × 1013[18, 32] 1 × 1015[18, 32] figure 1: (a) the structure of perovskite solar cell in the simulation and (b) energy level diagram of cu2o in the device dopant in absorber layer [18, 37]. the self-doping process can be adopted for nor p-type doping in absorber layer. it has been demonstrated experimentally that n-type or p-type self-doping in ch3 n h3 pbi3 lead towards the manipulation of carrier density, majority carrier type and charge transport by changing the thermal annealing or precursor ratios in the solutions [37, 38]. formation of ch3 n h3 pbi3 involves organic and inorganic precursors named methyl ammonium iodide (mai) and lead iodide (pbi2). the ratio between precursors (pbi2/mai) decides the doping of the absorber. upon thermal annealing, pbi2 rich absorber layer is n-doped and pbi2 deficit absorber layer is pdoped [39]. furthermore, ch3 n h3 pbi3 is unstable in air and humidity. when moist air comes in contact with device then pbi2 is generated and oxidation state of lead is changed. this process is the cause of introducing impurities in absorber layer. the effect of doping concentration on the performance of perovskite solar cell is studied by choosing the values of na in the range of 1014–1017cm−3. table 3 gives the pce of psc with various values of doping concentration. it is worth noting that pce is maximum when the value of na is 1 × 1015 cm−3. jsc also has the same behaviour. the results above demonstrate that charge carriers are transported and collected more efficiently at the same irradiance when na of the absorber is 1 × 1015 cm−3. therefore, proper selection of na is necessary for the improvement of performance of pscs. on the other hand, jsc and voc decrease when values of na increases beyond 1×1015 cm−3. the variation in the cell performance with the doping concentration can be explained in terms of built-in electric field which is enhanced with the increase of doping concentration. the charge carriers are separated and increased by the increase of electric field resulting in the enhanced performance of pscs [18, 40]. the decrease in jsc with increasing doping concentration could be explained from the perspective of auger recombina74 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 75 figure 2: (a) j–v curve of psc with initial parameters, (b) ipce spectra of the device with initial parameters tion. auger recombination rate increases with further increase of doping density beyond 1 × 1015 cm−3. it is also clear that total recombination rate also increases when doping density increases beyond 1 × 1015 cm−3. the scattering and recombination increases due to increasing doping density thus suppressing hole transportation [18, 41]. therefore, optimum doping density enhances the voc and jsc which in turn increases the pce. while further increase in doping density is not favourable due to high recombination and scattering. there should be lower carrier concentration in lead perovskite so that carrier mobility can increase within the absorber. the optimum performance with jsc of 22.10 macm−2, voc of 0.85 v , ff of 73.97 % and pce of 13.82 % is obtained under the doping density of 1 × 1015 cm−3. the comparison is shown between j–v curves with different value of na in figure 3(b). with the optimization, pce was enhanced by 7.38 %, and jsc increases 1.52 %, as compared with the device having initial value of na = 1 × 1013cm−3. figure 3(a) shows the simulation results by changing the value of doping concentration from 1×1015 to 1×1017cm−3 with respect to photovoltaic parameters (pce, voc, jsc, and ff). figure 3: (a) variation in performance parameters of psc with doping concentration of absorber, (b) j–v curves of psc with different values of doping concentration. 3.2. influence of electron affinity of etm and htm one of the important factor considered in t io2/ perovskite/ cu2o is band offset which becomes a determining factor as to the carrier recombination at the interface and is the measure of voc. by varying the values of electron affinities of t io2(3.7–4.3 ev ) and cu2o(3.1–3.7 ev ), the band offset can be adjusted. figures 4(a) and 5(a) show variation of pce, voc, jsc and ff with electron affinity of etm and htm respectively. the values of 3.7 ev and 3.3 ev give the best pce for t io2 and cu2o respectively. when the electron affinity of etm is high (greater than 3.7 ev ), then voc and jsc decrease slightly. pce of 20.29 %, jsc of 22.55 macm−2, voc of 1.10 v and ff of 81.72 % were obtained upon optimizing value of electron affinity of etm, as shown in table 4 and pce of 13.11 %, jsc of 21.87 macm−2, voc of 0.87 v and ff of 69.31 % were obtained upon optimizing value of electron affinity of htm, as shown in table 5. it is evident that proper etm and htm selection with suitable electron affinity can reduce the recombination of car75 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 76 table 3: dependence of solar cell performance on the doping concentration of absorber layer parameters na(cm−3) jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) 1014 21.80 0.86 69.02 12.99 1015 22.80 0.85 73.97 13.82 1016 21.96 0.79 76.43 13.21 1017 19.20 0.60 73.45 8.40 riers and performance of pscs can further be optimised [42]. figure 4: (a) variation in performance parameters of psc with electron affinity of etm, (b) j–v curves of psc with different values of electron affinity of etm. 3.3. influence of thickness of etm and htm figure 6(a) is the plot of solar cell parameters; voc , js c , ff and pce versus thickness of the etm; t io2. in both cases voc , js c , ff and pce are gradually decreasing due to fractional absorption of incident light by the t io2 layer, the bulk recombination and surface recombination at the interface [15]. thickness of etms has been varied from 0.001 to 0.160 µm which shows a decrease in photovoltaic parameters with increase in etm thickness, as shown in table 6. similarly, figfigure 5: (a) variation in performance parameters of psc with electron affinity of htm, (b) j–v curves of psc with different values of electron affinity of htm. ure 6(b) shows reverse case as voc , js c , ff and pce increase with increase in htm up to 0.02 µm. above 0.02 µm we noticed a constant value for voc , js c , ff and pce, which means the thickness that gives optimum performance is from 0.04 to 0.16 µm. the slightly increase with increase in thickness up to 0.02 µm suggests the higher conductivity of the t io2 and partial absorption of the light. pce of 15.52 %, jsc of 22.10 macm−2, voc of 1.01 v and ff of 69.81 % are obtained at a thickness of 0.001 µm which is the optimized value of htm thickness and pce of 12.87 %, js c of 21.77 macm−2, voc of 0.87 v and ff of 68.27 % are obtained, as shown in table 7. 76 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 77 table 4: dependence of solar cell performance on the electron affinity of etm parameters ea(ev ) jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) 3.7 22.50 1.10 81.72 20.29 3.8 22.49 1.10 81.20 20.10 3.9 22.25 1.09 77.50 18.78 4.0 22.07 1.05 71.14 16.49 4.1 21.93 0.97 69.21 14.64 4.2 21.77 0.87 68.27 12.87 4.3 21.58 0.77 67.36 11.13 table 5: dependence of solar cell performance on the htm parameters ea(ev ) jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) 3.1 21.59 0.87 64.10 12.01 3.2 21.77 0.87 68.27 12.87 3.3 21.87 0.87 69.31 13.11 3.4 21.88 0.87 68.48 12.96 3.5 21.74 0.86 61.94 11.64 3.6 21.54 0.83 55.03 9.90 3.7 21.28 0.75 51.43 8.16 table 6: dependence of solar cell performance on the etm parameters t (µm) jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) 0.0010 22.10 1.01 69.81 15.52 0.0025 22.05 0.97 69.37 14.89 0.0050 22.00 0.95 69.12 14.37 0.0100 21.93 0.91 69.84 13.81 0.0200 21.86 0.89 68.50 13.27 0.0400 21.79 0.87 68.33 12.93 0.0800 21.73 0.86 68.27 12.81 0.1600 21.64 0.86 68.30 12.76 table 7: dependence of solar cell performance on the htm parameters t (µm) jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) 0.0010 21.23 0.82 55.61 9.66 0.0025 21.24 0.82 55.73 9.76 0.0050 21.29 0.84 56.41 10.12 0.0100 21.51 0.87 62.00 11.58 0.0200 21.76 0.87 68.15 12.84 0.0400 21.77 0.87 68.27 12.87 0.0800 21.77 0.87 68.27 12.87 0.1600 21.77 0.87 68.27 12.87 table 8: dependence of solar cell performance on the absorber parameters t (µm) jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) 0.2 17.57 0.83 74.16 10.78 0.3 20.32 0.85 71.75 12.32 0.4 21.43 0.86 69.51 12.83 0.5 21.99 0.87 67.05 12.82 0.6 22.20 0.87 64.72 12.52 0.7 22.21 0.88 62.50 12.22 0.8 22.10 0.88 60.48 11.82 0.9 21.93 0.87 58.67 11.41 77 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 78 table 9: optimized parameters of the device optimized parameters etm(t io2) absorber (ch3 n h3 pbi3) htm(cu2o) doping density (cm−3) – 1 × 1015 – electron affinity (ev ) 3.7 – 3.3 thickness (µm) 0.0010 0.4000 0.1600 table 10: photovoltaic parameters of cu2o based perovskite solar cells reported in the experimental work in the literature and simulated results using scaps. simulation jsc(macm−2) voc (v ) ff pce (%) initial 21.76 0.86 68.26 12.86 optimized na of absorber 22.09 0.85 73.97 13.82 optimized thickness of absorber 21.43 0.86 69.51 12.83 optimized ea of etm 22.55 1.10 81.72 20.29 optimized ea of htm 21.87 0.87 69.31 13.11 optimized thickness of etm 22.10 1.00 69.81 15.52 optimized thickness of htm 21.77 0.87 68.27 12.87 final optimization 22.26 1.12 82.20 20.42 [30] 17.50 0.95 66.20 11.03 [31] 19.02 0.99 73.63 13.97 figure 6: (a) variation in performance parameters of psc with thicknss of etm, (b) j–v curves of psc with different values of thickness of etm. figure 7: (a) variation in performance parameters of psc with thickness of htm, (b) j–v curves of psc with different values of thickness of htm. 3.4. influence of thickness of absorber layer there is another parameter, thickness of absorber layer, which affects the performance of solar cell. the influence of thickness78 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 79 figure 8: (a) variation in performance parameters of psc with thickness of absorber, (b) j–v curves of psc with different values of absorber thickness. figure 9: j–v curves of psc with optimized parameters. of absorber on the solar cell parameters; voc , js c , ff and pce is shown in figure 8(b). pce is lower when thickness of the layer is too small (0.2 µm) due to the poor light absorption. pce of pscs increases with the increase of the thickness of the absorber 0.20 to 0.40 µm before it starts decreasing. for thickness beyond 0.4 µm, the collection of photo generated carriers decreased because of charge recombination. the pce of the device increases when thickness of the absorber layer increases. pce decreases when thickness is larger than 0.40 µm. considering, the effect of thickness of the absorber, the optimized parameters are pce of 12.83 %. js c of 21.43 ma/cm2, voc of 0.86 v , and ff of 69.51 %, as shown in table 8. it is evident from literature that pin hole free structure of methyl ammonium lead iodide perovskite can be obtained by using dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso) and using polyethylene glycol (peg) also gives a better effects on the surface morphology [18, 43, 44]. by using solvent retarding method (sr), optimal thick and uniform perovskite film can be deposited [45]. 3.5. performance of optimized parameters at the end, considering all the factors as doping concentration, electron affinity and thickness, we obtained pce to be 20.42 % with current density of 22.26 macm−2, voltage of 1.12 v , and fill factor of 82.20 %, which shows an improvement of 58.80 %, 2.25 %, 20.40 % and 30.23 % in pce, jsc, ff and voc over the initial cell. the final optimized parameters and optimised j–v curve are shown in table 9 and figure 9 respectively. we compared our simulated results with the experiment work published by other researchers and the related data is summarized in table 10. in the literature, the best efficiency of 11.03 % has been achieved for pscs with cu2o as htm. the voc , ff and js c still need to be increased to achieve 20.42 % efficiency. this could be achieved by further improving the film morphology and crystalline quality of both the absorber and cu2o layer. doping of cu2o by replacing either part of cu or part of o by other element might/can further modify the charge carrier concentration and mobility of htm. 4. conclusion in this work, the lead-based perovskite solar cells with cu2o as htm are studied by one dimensional simulation programme. the results show that optimum doping concentration in the absorber layer gives improved pce. high values of doping concentration leads to decrease of pce due to higher recombination rates. to reduce the recombination rates at the interfaces, proper selection is made for the electron affinity of etm and htm. by choosing the electron affinity of etm as 3.7 ev , pce of pscs increases from 12.86 % to 20.29 %, and by choosing the electron affinity of htm as 3.3 ev , pce of pscs increases from 12.86 % to 13.11 %. with the optimised thickness of 0.001 µm, for etm layer, the pce of the device increases from 12.86 % to 15.52 %. with the optimised htm thickness of 0.16 µm, thus, pce increases up to 12.87 %. the overall pce, ff, js c , and voc , of 20.42 %, 82.20 %, 22.26 macm−2, 79 d. eli et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 1 (2019) 72–81 80 and 1.12 v respectively were obtained by using all optimised parameters. the results show that cu2o as alternate htm has the potential to be used with ch3 n h3 pbi3 and can replace the spiro-meotad which is costly htm for perovskite solar cell. acknowledgments we thank the referees for the positive enlightening comments and suggestions, which have greatly helped us in making improvements to this paper. the authors would also like to thank professor marc burgelman, department of electronics and information systems, university of gent for the development of the scaps software package and for allowing its use. references [1] j. s. manser, & p. v. kamat “band filling with free charge carriers in organometal halide perovskites”, nature photonics 8 (2014) 737. 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the harmful impact of the pandemic on the economy of nations is far greater than anything suffered in almost a century. the main objective of this paper is to apply structural equation modeling (sem) and machine learning (ml) to determine the relationships among covid-19 risk factors, epidemiology factors and economic factors. structural equation modeling is a statistical technique for calculating and evaluating the relationships of manifest and latent variables. it explores the causal relationship between variables and at the same time taking measurement error into account. bagging (bag), boosting (bst), support vector machine (svm), decision tree (dt) and random forest (rf) machine learning techniques was applied to predict the impact of covid-19 risk factors. data from patients who came into contact with coronavirus disease were collected from kaggle database between 23 january 2020 and 24 june 2020. results indicate that covid-19 risk factors have negative effects on epidemiology factors. it also has negative effects on economic factors. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2021.173 keywords: covid-19, structural equation modelling, latent variables, random forest, boosting. article history : received: 14 march 2021 received in revised form: 27 may 2021 accepted for publication: 11 september 2021 published: 29 november 2021 c©2021 journal of the nigerian society of physical sciences. all rights reserved. communicated by: b. j. falaye 1. introduction the negative impact of covid-19 is felt by everyone in one way or another. the pandemic has created a situation whereby some people are more likely to experience severe illness because they have medical conditions that increase their risk. these are commonly called risk factors. examples include age, race, gender, poverty and overcrowding, certain occupations and pregnancy [1]. epidemiologic factors are definable entities that have ∗corresponding author tel. no: the potential to bring about a change in a health condition or other defined outcome [2], while macroeconomic factors are a trend or condition that comes from or applies to a broad aspect of an economy rather than a certain population. common macroeconomic factors include gross domestic product, the rate of employment, phase of business cycle, rate of inflation and money supply [3]. from the time when it was first discovered in wuhan in december 2019, the 2019 novel coronavirus also known as covid19 has quickly transmit to all regions, metropolises, and au395 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 396 tonomous provinces in china and has infected many countries in asia, europe, oceanic, north america, south america, and africa [4]. this novel virus has posed a serious challenge to preventing the spread of the deadly virus disease in many countries and regions and has had a great impact on economic, financial, commercial, and social development [5]. during the peak of this pandemic, most cities in different nations of the world have embraced closed management techniques which make businesses to operate on their own with little or no influence from the outside world. the purpose of this is to prevent further transmission of the virus and to lower the likelihood of more patients being infected [6, 7]. however, in the past few months, due to the unproductivity of most business and industrial activities in nations of the world, the great number of poor people have been confined to their house, and this has resulted to several social, economic and financial problems. it has also had an enormous impact on the economic and financial development of nations of the world [7]. covid-19 is hypothetically a single-stranded enclosed viruses with an dna with size of around 26 – 32 kilobyte [8]. world health organization (who) declared coronavirus as global public health emergency on 30 january 2020. this is because of to the sudden eruption of respiratory disorder. the novel coronavirus was classified by who as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) and was termed the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) [9]. respiratory symptoms, fever, dry cough, fatigue, sputum production, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, myalgia or arthralgia, chills, nausea or vomiting, nasal congestion, diarrhea, hemoptysis and conjunctiva congestion are common symptoms of such infection. in critical cases of covid-19 disease, the symptoms can lead to kidney failure, death and severe acute respiratory syndrome [10]. in the light of the above development, the appearance of the novel covid-19 disease had elicited immense concerns on the science and art of preventing disease among the populace. this is also proved to have declining universal socioeconomic effects in due course. if the pandemic is left unchecked to continue wreaking havoc without any vigorous, reliable and sustainable effort or policy to improve health of the populace, then many economies around the globe will witness more reduced economic activities, and many will get poorer than before [11]. the economic impact of covid-19 on the nations of the world cannot be overemphasized. industrial plants and business facilities have been collapsed in a number of affected nations [11]. also, the delivery of goods and services through a transnational corporations’ worldwide network has been interrupted. for instance, the worsening universal economic impact of the covid-19 endemic, and the feud between saudi arabia and russia have made brent crude prices to sell lower $22 per barrel. this happens to be the least selling price since 2003 [12]. with the impending economic downturn as a consequence of the endemic, the situation can only be salvaged if adequate measures are put in place [12]. for people living in underdeveloped and developing countries with densely-populated houses, limited hygiene, and unavailability of funds to ease avoiding contacts with people, the needy are at higher risk of getting infected. furthermore, the world is at the risk of seeing more people fall below the poverty line as a result of the high cost of medical treatment, increased economic shock, financial crisis, and increased number of deaths. as these viruses transcend borders, the global impacts will keep on spreading. it has been reported that about 94% of businesses across the globe have been negatively affected, and are now experiencing covid19 interruptions [12]. while it is expected that the covid-19 threat will sooner or later disappear just like as the ebola, zika, and sars viruses that have plagued the nations of the world in the last few years. nevertheless, social-economic impact will still linger even after the virus is gone. machine learning (ml) algorithms have been applied to solve problems in different domain by analyzing and interpreting large quantity of data. machine learning has aided in the detection and identification of diseases, as well as drug discovery, medical imaging, smart health records, radiotherapy, robotic surgery and pharmaceutical development. many researchers use machine learning algorithms to solve economic and financial problems. supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning are all forms of machine learning. how well a machine-learning system works depends on the type of data it uses, how well the learning algorithms function. structural equation modelling (sem) is a sophisticated multivariate analytic approach commonly utilized in social sciences. it may be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from determining basic connections between variables to doing more complicated studies of measurement equivalency for simpler notions. a number of sem analytical methods are combined. these include comparisons of variance between and within groups, which are usually linked to anova. it also incorporates path analysis, which involves solving equations that describe the influence of one or more variables on others in order to evaluate the strength of their connection. as a result, path analysis illustrates the predicted causal links between the variables being investigated. since the beginning of the pandemic, some studies have been conducted to provide better understanding of the covid-19 factors that are making negative impact on the global economy. in this paper ml algorithms and structural equation modelling (sem) was applied to predict the impact of covid-19 pandemic on global economy. ml algorithms have proved over the years that they are very efficient and robust algorithm that successfully cope with huge data. they can therefore be used to prudently predict the impact of covid-19 risk factors on economic factors. this paper analyzes the correlation among covid-19 risk factors, economic factors, and epidemiology factors and their impact on the covid-19 crisis. having an understanding of this will further help in policy formulation that will assist in mitigating against the effect of the pandemic. moreover, it has the potential to positively impact labor productivity and economic growth of any nation. the major contributions of this paper are: 1. a survey of different ml algorithms and sem that have been applied to predicting covid-19 risk factors, eco396 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 397 nomic factors, and epidemiology factors was presented. 2. application of machine learning techniques and sem on epidemiological data of covid-19 infection cases in south korea was discussed. 3. performance of the all ml algorithms and sem was evaluated using different performance metrics. the rest of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 is the literature review. section 3 discusses the materials and methods used in this work as well as our employed performance measurements. the results and the discussion are presented in section 3 and section 4 is the conclusion. 2. literature review covid-19 has captured the attention of researchers around the world. in this section, we present reviews of the impacts of covid-19 on business, economies, transportation and so on. the coronavirus outbreaks have spread to 215 countries worldwide with a total of 43,824,534 cases, 1,165,290 deaths and 32,205,492 recovered from these diseases by 27 october 2020 [13]. the pandemic has tremendous consequences in the economy, although the exact magnitude of the effect is still uncertain. many countries around the world had already implemented partial or absolute lockdowns [14]. governments take emergency steps to control the epidemic, such as social distancing, quarantine and care of the reported cases to control the illness on one side. the authors [15] suggested image processing of time series crude oil price through the integration of directed acyclic graph to convolutional neural network (dag). the results indicated that combining dag with cnn increases forecast accuracy by 14.18%. and it was established that covid-19 negatively impacts the nigerian crude oil price, suggesting a decreasing trend in the crude oil prices. the effects of financial markets on the covid-19 pandemic was discussed in a study by [16]. during the period of 22 january 2020 through 17 april 2020, the researcher uses covid-19 confirmed cases, death and market prices of stocks from 64 countries. the outcome was that the stock markets have a negative reaction to growth in covid-19 cases. in other words, stock market decreased as the number of reported cases grew. in addition, they find proactive response on financial markets with the rise in the numbers of suspected cases as opposed to the increase in deaths. the developing countries were severely impacted by the covid-19. the authors [17] mentioned the effect of covid-19 on transportation in lagos, nigeria. this study was based on an email and social media administered to the residents of the lagos state from 18th to 24th may 2020, to assess the effects of covid-19 on transport in lagos. findings have shown that the transportation has been negatively affected by the pandemic. there is also a positive association between covid-19 and transportation with its effect on people’s economic, social and religious practices. the estimated rate of deaths in india from sars-cov-2 for 6 weeks from day 0 to 100 on 14 march 2020 was predicted by ghosal et al [18] using multiple and linear regression. findings indicate that week 6 death counts are not statistically significant while week 5 death count is statistically significant. for sixtyfour days, two months and three days the author [19] compiled data from the nigeria center for disease control. they employed three different linear regression such as quadratic, cubic, and quartic. the result shows that quartic linear regression model with an autocorrelated error of order one performed better. sharif et al [20] examined the linkage within spread of covid-19, oil price volatility shock, the stock market, geopolitical risks as well as us economic policy. in their application, they show the unprecedented effect of covid-19 on geopolitics, economic policy instability and the market volatility of lower rate bands, as well as oil price shocks, through the wavelet dependent granger causality tests. the findings show that the covid-19 has a considerably higher impact on the geopolitical risk than on the us financial uncertainty. the authors in [21] examined the effect of covid-19 on the correlation between crude oil and agriculture. the cross-correlation between the crude oil of brent and agriculture future of london sugar, london wheat, usa cotton and usa orange juice have been studied using a multifaceted cross-relationship analysis. the results demonstrated the strongest link between brent crude oil and london sugar future and three other future agricultural markets. they also investigated the impact of covid19 on cross-correlations between crude oil and agriculture. the findings exhibited the greatest cross correlation between brent crude oil and the london sugar future market among other three future agriculture markets. the results showed that covid19 persistence has become stronger and the correlation between the multifractal relations between the crude oil and the sugar future markets are strongest. overall analysis show that covid19 has a strong impact on the correlation between the crude oil and selected future agriculture market and multifractal properties. in this analysis, the authors in [22] employed four different machine learning techniques such as linear regression (lr), least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (lasso), support vector machine (svm), and exponential smoothing (es) to predict the threatening factors of covid-19. the study considered three types of model such as the number of newly infected cases, the number of deaths, and the number of recoveries in the next 10 days. the results showed that the es performed better than the remaining three machine techniques. six machine learning techniques such as decision tree, support vector machine, naive bayes, logistic regression, random forest, and k-nearest neighbor algorithms were used by [23]. the model predicted that covid-19 patients would recover from the virus for minimum and maximum days, that the patients with high levels of risk would not recover from the covid-19 pandemic, the patients with potential recovery and those likely to recover quickly from covid-19. the results show that decision tree performs better than other algorithms. the spread of sars appears to be influenced by the weather. during the first 16 weeks of the pandemic, [24] conducted a worldwide scale research that included 134,871 virologic climatic demographic data from 209 nations. the relationship between covid 19, population density, and climate was studied using structural equation modeling (sem). the findings of 397 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 398 the study revealed that the spread of covid 19 is influenced by both climate and population density. the author [25] investigated the factors that might impact public perceptions of indonesia’s pembatasan sosial berskala besar (psbb). partial least squares and structural equation models were used and data were collected from 856 respondents across indonesia’s provinces. the advantages of the psbb, positive perception, negative perception, threatening perceptions of covid-19 and attitude toward the psbb policy were all utilized to evaluate these policies. more than half of the attitudes toward psbb policy implementation can be explained by the model, which takes into account perceived advantages, negative and positive views, and the danger posed by covid-19. the authors in [26] used structural equation modeling to examine the relationship between socio-demographic variables (gender, age, level of education, place of residence, and employment status) and covid-19 preventive behaviour and the threat appraisal of covid-19, fear of covid-19, trust in covid-19 information sources, and covid-19 conspiracy beliefs. covid19 assessment of threat, confidence in covid-19 information sources, and fear of covid-19 are all significant predictors of covid-19 preventative activity, according to the results. covid-19 conspiracy theories have a negative correlation with threat assessment and trust in covid-19 information sources. covid-19 danger assessment has an important and direct role in explaining covid-19 phobia. a study conducted by [27] used structural equation modeling to predict how work-life balance will be affected by factors such as their own health and emotional well-being as well as their current relationship status as well as their location of employment. findings showed that elements including physical and mental health, activities, relationship status, and place of employment directly affected the work-life balance. there was a notable gender gap among dentists, with far fewer women than men. structural equation modeling was used by franzen et al. [28] to simulate a group of young individuals who were polled shortly after the conclusion of switzerland’s initial lockdown. to find out why and how much they helped in averting the pandemic by following the advice to stay at home as much as possible. they believe that people who believe they are at danger, or who have relatives in the risk category, are more likely to follow safety precautions than people who do not believe they are at risk. coronavirus social separation procedures were well followed during the first shutdown, according to research. young individuals felt the virus posed little personal risk, but society as a whole was at risk. furthermore, the findings show that support for preventative measures is the most significant factor in fostering collaboration in the effort to contain the spread of covid-19. 3. methodology 3.1. description of dataset the dataset used in this research comprises of epidemiological data of covid-19 infection cases in south korea which were obtained from kaggle database [29] and macro-economic data was obtained from yahoo finance [30]. the dataset is made up of data from 23/01/2020 to 24/06/2020 recorded daily, patient id, sex, age, country, province, city, infected by, contact number, symptom onset date, confirmed date, released date and state which consists of released, deceased and isolated. in this study, due to the nature of the dataset, we extracted sex, age, state, confirmed date, released date while the macroeconomic dataset obtained from yahoo finance which consists of south korea exchange rate (kr), jakarta composite index (jk), kospi composite index (ks) as shown in table i. it displays sex (male=1, female=2), age (numeric), state (released=1, deceased=2, isolated=3), dr is obtained from subtracting released date from confirmed date. table i shows that sex, ks, jk and kr is negative moderately skewed while age, state and dr is positively skewed. the data distribution of sex, age, state, jk is platykurtic since the data distribution is less than 3 while dr, ks and kr is leptokurtic since the data distribution is greater than 3. sex and state have a very low variance while age, dr, ks, jk, kr have a very high variance. this is an indication that the data points are widely spaced from each other and this may also result in high degree of error. with this intuitive knowledge at hand, table ii is the variance reduction of dataset. fig. 1 shows a scatter plot of matrices, with bivariate scatter plots below the diagonal, histograms on the diagonal and pearson correlation above the diagonal. a scatter plot shows a relationship sex, age, state, dr, jk, ks and kr. the pearson correlation coefficients of the data shows a positive relationship between sex and age, negative relationship between state and dr, positive relationship between ks and jk, jk and kr and ks and kr. also, the diagonal of fig.1 shows the histogram of all the observed variables. there is more female than male in the sex variable, there is more recorded cases of covid-19 within the age of 20s than the age of 90s. in the state variable, there is more released of patient of covid-19 than death. dr, jk, ks and kr are numeric values. 3.2. structural equation modelling structural equation modeling (sem) is also known as the causality model or covariance structural model. it is a method for defining, estimating and evaluating the causality model [31]. it comprises a range of statistical analytical methods including confirmatory factor analysis, variance, covariances, regression and latent growth curve. it is a very broad and linear method of statistical modeling that tests hypotheses according to theories. this model was first presented by wright [32-33]. sem equation are split into measurement model and structural equation model. measurement model primarily tests the correlation between latent and significant variables while structural equation model tests mainly causality among the latent variables. the key characteristics of scientific research are the estimation, relativizing variables and disclosure of causality [34]. moreover, observable or manifest variables such as sex, age, state, dr, jk, ks and kr can be calculated while latent variables such as covid-19 risk factors, epidemiological factors and macroeconomic factors cannot be directly measured as shown in fig. 2. in such cases, regression equalities should be defined which demonstrate how endogenous and exogenous structures are related and which benefits from a statistical technique, which has 398 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 399 table 1. variance reduction of dataset variables number of sample minimum median mean variance skewness kurtosis sex 3782 0.00 2.00 1.54 0.25 -t0.19 1.05 age 3782 0.00 40.00 40.38 408.03 0.31 2.33 state 3782 1.00 1.00 1.66 0.87 0.72 1.55 dr 3782 1.00 1.00 10.93 204.23 1.50 5.20 ks 3782 0.00 1938 1815.04 163848.07 -1.18 5.50 jk 3782 0.00 4091 3767.94 3153274.83 -0.24 1.84 kr 3782 0.00 1110 1086.97 19496.45 -3.29 29.63 table 2. variance reduction of dataset variables number of sample minimum median mean variance skewness kurtosis sex 3782 0.00 2.00 1.54 0.25 -0.19 1.05 age 3782 0.00 4.00 4.04 4.08 0.31 2.33 state 3782 1.00 1.00 1.66 0.87 0.72 1.55 dr 3782 0.10 0.10 1.09 2.04 1.50 5.20 ks 3782 0.00 1.93 1.82 0.16 -1.18 5.50 jk 3782 0.00 4.09 3.76 3.15 -0.24 1.84 kr 3782 0.00 1.11 1.08 0.02 -3.29 29.63 a broad range of applications to combine measurement principles such as sem [35]. the risk factors of covid-19 include age, race/ethnicity, gender, some medical conditions, use of certain drugs, poverty and crowding, certain occupations and pregnancy [36]. due to the sparsity of data of covid-19 risk factors, we considered only the sex (sex) and age (age) of epidemiology of south korea covid-19. epidemiology factors consists of state (state) of covid-19 patients and duration (dr) is obtained from subtracting released date from confirmed date of epidemiology of south korea covid-19. covid-19 has catastrophically affected economy. the survival of economy greatly relies on the crude oil price and other macro-economic factors [37]. in this study, we considered three macro-economic factors such as south korea exchange rate (kr), jakarta composite index (jk) and kospi composite index (ks). fig. 3 is the schematic diagram of structural equation modeling of impact of covid-19 risk factors on epidemiology and economic factors. circles are displayed as latent variables; squares are displayed as manifest, measured or observed variables; arrows displayed the paths from latent variables to observed variables; residuals and variances are indicated as double headed arrows. the latent variables are i, y, z while the observed variables are sex, age, state, dr, kr, jk, kr. the paths from latent variables to observed variable are λ1 to λ6. ϕ1 to ϕ3 double headed curve arrows are path from each latent variables while θ1to θ10 are the double headed curve arrows for both observed and latent variables. the structural equations of impact of covid-19 risk factors on epidemiology and economic factors can be represented as: i = α + sexβ1 + ageβ2 + ξ1 (1) y = ρ + stateβ3 + drβ4 + ξ2 (2) z = γ + krβ4 + jkβ5 + ks β6 + ξ3 (3) i = yη + zπ + ξ4 (4) where i is the covid-19 risk factors, y is the epidemiology factors, z is the economic factors, α,ρ,γ are the intercept, β1, β2, β3, β4, β5, β6 are the predictor observable variable, ξ1,ξ2,ξ3, ξ4 are the residual error,η,π are latent predicted variable. 3.3. machine learning 3.3.1. bagging (bag) bagging which is an acronym for bootstrap aggregating is a parallel ensemble technique. it provides a way to decrease the variance of prediction model throughout the training phase by producing extra data. this is accomplished through arbitrary sampling and substitution from the original data. decisions made by multiple learners can be integrated into a single prediction. in the case of classification, it is clearly a vote to combine these decisions. models of bagging bear the same weight as good models of bagging because an executive can use a collection of expert advice based on their previous right predictions to achieve other outcomes. it is considered right which one gets more votes than other groups. if more votes are expected, they are reliable because more votes are present [38]. bag is used in this paper because of its capacity to minimize the variance of 399 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 400 table 3. correlation coefficient of observed variables sex age state dr ks jk kr sex 1.00 0.12 -0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 age 0.12 1.00 0.08 -0.01 0.08 0.11 0.08 state -0.03 0.08 1.00 -0.28 0.11 -0.01 0.12 dr 0.03 -0.01 -0.28 1.00 0.20 0.25 -0.07 ks 0.02 0.08 0.11 0.20 1.00 0.76 0.15 jk 0.02 0.11 -0.01 0.25 0.76 1.00 0.23 kr 0.01 0.08 0.12 -0.07 0.15 0.23 1.00 table 4. summary of impact of covid-19 risk factor (i) on epidemiology factor (y ) and economic factor (z). latent variables estimate std.err z-value p-value i =∼sex 1.00 age 21.84 16.62 1.32 0.19 y =∼state 1.00 dr -68.89 199.89 -0.35 0.7 z =∼ ks 1.00 jk 5.60 0.21 26.23 0.0 kr 0.10 0.01 13.98 0.0 covariances i ∼∼ y -0.00 0.00 -0.32 0.75 i ∼∼ z 0.00 0.00 1.31 0.19 y ∼∼ z -0.00 0.01 -0.34 0.73 variance sex 0.24 0.01 34.89 0.00 age 1.46 1.98 0.74 0.46 state 0.86 0.03 34.17 0.00 dr -23.53 73.83 -0.32 0.75 ks 0.07 0.00 17.30 0.00 jk 0.08 0.11 0.73 0.47 kr 0.02 0.00 43.29 0.00 i 0.01 0.00 1.27 0.20 y 0.01 0.02 0.34 0.73 z 0.09 0.01 19.94 0.00 a decision tree classifier. bag enables a trade-off balance between variance and bias by reducing the variance and carefully adjusts the prediction to an estimated result. the mathematical equation that depicts the parameters used in bagging is in equation 5. h ( di, c j ) = m∑ m=1 αm hm(di, c j) (5) where hm is the weak classifiers, diis classified to the classes c j and αm is the constant parameter. 3.3.2. boosting (bst) boosting is a successive ensemble technique that decreases bias error and produces outstanding prediction models. the word ’boosting’ describes a set of methods that transforms a poor learner into a strong learner. stochastic gradient boosting (bst) method is a hybrid of boosting and bagging proposed by friedman [39]. bst is a set of learning algorithm with a combination of boosting and decision tree, which classifies the value of all trees by weighing all trees. the new model is constructed along the path of gradient descent of the loss function of the previous tree. it is important to note that the loss function between classification and actual function is reduced by the training function of the classification function [40]. bst technique was selected for use in this paper because the algorithm continues its iteration until a learner with superior results compared to a random guess is achieved. bst approach therefore helps in increasing the capability of machine learning and improving prediction accuracy. the mathematics equation of the loss function is given in equation 6 and 7: ρ (yk, fk (x)) = k∑ k=0 yklog  efk (x)∑k k=1 e fk (x)  (6) ŷk = − [ ∂ρ(yk, fk(x) ∂fk (x) ] = yk − pk(x) (7) where y is the output variable, x is the input variables, k is the 400 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 401 table 5. parameters estimate of structural equation modeling parameter value λ1 0.15 λ2 0.80 λ3 0.08 λ4 -3.54 λ5 0.77 λ6 0.99 λ7 0.23 θ1 0.98 θ2 0.36 θ3 0.96 θ4 -11.52 θ5 0.40 θ6 0.03 θ7 0.95 θ8 1.00 θ9 1.00 θ10 1.00 ϕ1 -0.01 ϕ2 -0.07 ϕ3 0.14 table 6. performance evaluation of machine learning algorithm rmse mse mase bag 0.0541 0.0029 0.7758 bst 0.0512 0.0026 0.7685 svm 0.0584 0.0034 0.8954 rf 0.0003 0.0187 0.2229 dt 0.0033 0.0577 0.8902 number of classes, pk(x) is the probability. 3.3.3. support vector machine (svm) svm procedure categorizes both linear and non-linear data. svm uses a non-linear mapping to transform the training set to a high level. in this new dimension, svm explores the ideal linear hyperplane separation as a decision limit by which the tuples of a class of one class are split from another. there are two class data that can be separated by a hyperplane with the proper, non-linear upper dimensional mapping. in contrast to the other approaches, hyperplanes are highly robust for overfitting [41]. svm is considered in this research due to its ability to handle numerous continuous and categorical variable. svm technique is used in this paper because it has a low bias and a high variance, nevertheless, the trade-off can be modified by tuning the c parameter, which determines the number of infractions of the border permitted in training data, raising the bias while reducing the variance. equations 8, 9 and 10 for svm are stated below: wt .x + b = 1 (8) wt .x + b = −1 (9) the set of inequalities can be combined to form: y[wt .x + b] ≥ 1 (10) the equation can be formulated as a minimization problem given in equations 11, 12 and 13: min w,τ j (w,τ) = 1 2 wt w + c n∑ i=1 τ (11) subject y[wt .x + b] ≥ 1 to lagrangian function, we then have l (w, b,α,β) = j (w,τ)− n∑ i=1 α ( y [ wt .x + b ] − 1 + τ ) − n∑ i=1 βτ(12) the optimal point of the lagrangian function is given as max w,β min w,b,τ l(w, b,α,β) (13) differentiate (12), we obtain ∂l ∂w = 0, w = n∑ i=1 αyx (14) ∂l ∂b = 0, n∑ i=1 αy (15) 401 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 402 figure 1. pairwise scatter plots of the dataset figure 2. impacts of covid-19 risk factors with respect to epidemiology and economic factor ∂l ∂τ = 0 (16) the quadratic programming problem will be form by substitutfigure 3. schematic diagram of structural equation modeling of impacts of covid-19 risk factors on epidemiology and economic factors. circles are displayed as latent variables; squares are displayed as manifest, measured or observed variables; arrows are displayed as paths from latent variables to observed variables; residuals and variances are indicated as double headed arrows. 402 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 403 ing (14), (15) and (16) to equation (12), we then have min α γ (α) = n∑ i=1 α− 1 2 αiα jyiy j k(xi, x j) (17) where k(xi, x j) is the kernel function, w is the weight, x is the input, b is the bias, α,β are the positive real constants. 3.3.4. random forest (rf) random forest (rf) is a decision-making ensemble classifier that has various types of trees. an arbitrary sequence of features at each node is used to evaluate the division to create an individual decision tree. each tree is based on the individual values of a random variable. we are able to shape an rf using bagging along with the selection of the random attribute, using the cart method, in order to increase the trees. rf uses the random linear combination of the input attributes. the subcluster of features is not chosen randomly, but new attributes are created, which reflect a linear combination of existing features [42]. rf model will assist in the construction of numerous decision trees and their merging to produce a more accurate and reliable prediction. rf is an ensemble learning technique that applies the idea of bagging. it provides a compromise between variance and bias by lowering the variance and judiciously finetunes the prediction to a desired result. 3.3.5. decision tree (dt) decision trees (dt) are an easy model which classify by dividing training data into pieces and mainly holding the result of each part [43]. it is a natural non-parametric supervised learning model, also called classification and regression tree (cart) which produces accurate classifications with easily understood regulations. dt models transparency makes them highly relevant for economic and financial purposes. in addition, continuous and discrete data can be dealt with using dt. our choice of dt model in this work is based on it ability to fit the training data flawlessly fine. 3.4. performance evaluation three measures such as root mean square error (rmse), mean square error (mse) and mean absolute scaled error (mase) are used to calculate the prediction efficiency of impacts of covid-19 risks factors with respect to epidemiology factors and economic factors. 3.4.1. root mean square error (rmse) rmse is defined as: rms e = √√ 1 n n∑ n=1 ( in − în )2 (18) mean square error (mse) mse is defined as: ms e = 1 n n∑ n=1 ( in − în )2 (19) mean absolute scaled error (mase) mase is defined as: mas e = 1 n n∑ n=1 |in − în| 1 n−m ∑n n=m+1 |in − în−m| (20) where in is the real covid-19 risk factors, în is the predicted values and m is the seasonal period of in. 4. result and discussion this section presents the experimental results of structural equation modeling and machine learning techniques such as bagging (bag), stochastic gradient boosting (bst), support vector machine (svm), random forest (rf), decision tree for predicting impacts of covid-19 risk factors with respect to epidemiology and economic factors. we compared the performances of the algorithms under consideration using root mean square error (rmse), mean square error (mse) and mean absolute scaled error (mase) to discern which is more accurate in predicting the impacts of covid-19 risk factors. as stated earlier, we used data from the kaggle database for covid-19 infection cases in south korea. statistical correlation analysis was used to determine the strength of the association between observed variables. table iv is the result of correlation coefficients of observed variables. a correlation coefficient of 0.12 was noted between the sex and age of covid-19 risk factors, this indicates a weak positive linear relationship between them. a correlation coefficient of -0.28 was noted between state and dr of epidemiology factors, this indicates a weak negative linear relationship. there is a strong positive relationship between ks and jk while between jk and kr there is a weak positive relationship between them. however, ks and kr also show a weak positive linear relationship of the three economic factors such as jk, ks and kr. table v displays the estimate of latent and observe variable, covariance and variance of the covid-19 risk factor (i), epidemiology (y ) and economic factor (z). the estimate, standard error, z-value and p-value are also shown in the table. the estimate of latent variable i and the observed variables such as sex and age are estimated as 21.84 with a standard error estimate of 16.62, zvalue is 1.52 but it was observed that there is no statistically significant linear dependence of the mean of i with respect to age. this means that no effect was observed. also, the estimate of latent variable y and the observed variable such as state of covid-19 (state) and duration of covid-19 (dr) are estimated as -68.89 with a standard error estimate of 199.89, z−value is -0.35 but it is insignificant at the 0.05 level. there is statistically significant linear dependence of the mean of latent variable z with respect to jk and kr. the covariance result of latent variable indicates that the covariance between i, y and y, z is approximately -0.00, which indicates that the relationship is negative while the covariance result of i, z is approximately 0.00, which indicate that the relationship is positive. the small variance of sex, age, state, jk, ks, kr, i, y, z it shows that the data points appear to be very similar to average and to one another, while dr with high variance shows that the 403 oyewola et al. / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 395–405 404 data points are very widespread from the average and from each other. table vi is the parameter estimate of structural equation modeling. there is a positive relationship between latent and observed variable as shown in λ1, λ2, λ3,λ5, λ6, λ7 except in λ4 which shows a negative relationship between them. the parameter estimates of θ1, θ2,θ3,θ5,θ6,θ7, θ8,θ9,θ10 also shows a positive relationship between them except in θ4 which shows a negative relationship. ϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ3 is the impact of covid19 risk factors (i) with respect to epidemiology factors (y ) and economic factors (z). there is a negative effect of covid-19 risk factors (i) on epidemiology factors (y ), negative effect also obtained on epidemiology factors (y ) and economic factors (z) but positive effect was obtained from covid-19 risk factors (i) and economic factors (z). table vii report rmse, mse and mase of the extracted predicted value of covid-19 risk factors. rf outperform the rest of the algorithms with smaller accuracy result than other methods, which means that the approaches are more effective than others. the findings show that rf perform well. 5. conclusion structural equation modeling (sem) has provided a means to understand direct impact of covid-19 risk factors with respect to epidemiology factors and economic factors. latent variable sem has provided the necessary tools for developing several equations to describe the covid-19 behavioural impact framework. it has the potential to quantify and test the relationships between latent and observed variables. they measure the uniformity and plausibility of the assumed model in relation to the findings observed. furthermore, a researcher can examine both direct and mediate relationships. findings indicate that covid-19 risk factors have negative effects on epidemiology factors. it also has negative effects on economic factors. the result indicates that there is no statistically significant linear dependence of the mean of covid-19 with respect to age. this means that no effect was observed. also, the estimate of latent variable epidemiology and the observed variable such as state of covid-19 and duration of covid-19 is insignificant at the 0.05 level. also, there is a negative effect of covid-19 risk factors on epidemiology factors, negative effect also obtained on epidemiology factors and economic factors but positive effect was obtained from covid-19 risk factors and economic factors. future research areas will consider impacts of covid-19 on other factors such as environmental factors, socioeconomic factors, educational factors and so on. references [1] e.j. williamson, a.j. walker, k. bhaskaran, s. bacon, c. bates, c.e. morton, h.j. curtis, a. mehrkar, d. evans, p. inglesby, j. cockburn, “factors associated with covid-19-related death using open safely”, nature, 584 (2020) 430. 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[2-25] dwell under the nonrelativistic wave equation leaving out the relativistic wave equation. this motivates the present work. in the present study, the authors want to examine the entropic system under the relativistic klein-gordon equation using kratzer-hellmann potential. the accuracy of shannon entropy for any calculation can be checked by the uncertainty relation of shannon entropy that relates position space and momentum space with the spatial dimension. this is otherwise called bialynick-birula, mycielski (bbm) inequality given as s (ρ) + s (γ) = d(1 + ln π), (1) 165 onate & onyeaju / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 165–171 166 where s (ρ) = − −4π δ ∫ inf 0 ρ(r) log ρ(r) dr, s (γ) = − −4π δ ∫ inf 0 γ( p) log γ( p) d p, (2) ρ(r) and γ(p) are probability densities. d refers to the spatial dimension, and ln π is a constant term. in this work, numerical results will be generated for equation (1) to verify whether the results from the relativistic klein-gordon equation will satisfy the bbm inequality. the kratzer-hellmann potential comprises of kratzer potential and hellmann potential. the physical form of kratzer-hellmann potential is v (r) = de ( r − re r )2 − ( a − be−δr r ) , (3) where de is the dissociation energy, re is the equilibrium bond length, a and b are the strengths of the hellmann potential, r is internuclear separation while δ (screening parameter) characterized the range of the hellmann potential. the two sub-sets of the potential (3) have received attention in the bound states and other areas of sciences. the hellmann potential is known to be suitable for the study of inner-shell ionization problems. the potential was equally studied for alkali hydride molecules by varshni and shukla [26]. recently, the hellmann potential was used in ref. [27] as a tensor interaction for the breaking of energy degenerate doublets in the dirac equation. the kratzer potential, on the other hand, forms a potential pocket that is useful for vibrational and rotational energy eigenvalues [28]. the combination of these potentials is considered necessary because of their applications. 2. parametric nikiforov-uvarov method (pnum) this pnum is a straight forward method that uses transformation of variable. the pnum is short and accurate for solving bound state problems. according to tezcan and sever [29], the reference or standard equation for the pnum is( d2 d s2 + c1 − c2 s(1 − c3 s) d d s + −ξ1 s2 + ξ2 s − ξ3 s2(1 − c3 s)2 ) ψ(s) = 0. (4) according to ref. [29], the eigenvalues and eigenfunction respectively can be obtained using [29, 30] nc2 − (2n + 1) c5 + c7 + 2c3c8 + n (n − 1) c3 + (2n + 1) √ c9 + ( 2 √ c9 + c3 (2n + 1) ) √ c8 = 0, (5) ψn,` (s) = nn,` s c12 (1 − c3 s) −c12− c13 c3 ×p ( c10−1, c11 c3 −c10−1 ) n (1 − 2c3 s) ,(6) the parameters in equations (5) and (6) are deduced as follows c4 = 1 − c1 2 , c5 = c2 − 2c3 2 , c6 = c 2 5 + ξ1, c7 = 2c4c5 − ξ2, , c9 = c3 (c7 + c3c8) + c6, c10 = c1 + 2c4 + 2 √ c8, c8 = c 2 4 + ξ3 c11 = c2 − 2c5 + 2 (√ c9 + c3 √ c8 ) , c12 = c4 + √ c8, c13 = c5 − (√ c9 + c3 √ c8 ) (7) 2.1. the klein-gordon equation (kge) with kratzer-hellmann potential the kge is use to describe spinless particles in the domain of relativistic wave equation [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]. the klein-gordon equation for space-time scalar potential s (r) and the time component of the lorentz four-vector potential v (r) arising from minimal coupling, in the relativistic unit (~ = c = 1), reads[ p̂2 + (m + s (r))2 − (e − v (r))2 ] r(r) = 0, (8) where p̂ is the momentum operator, m is the particle’s mass, e is the relativistic energy and r(r) is the wave function. the kge above has a potential 2v in which the nonrelativistic limit cannot give the solutions of the schrödinger equation. a critical investigation was done by alhaidari et al. [39] who proved that s = ±v . this is the nonrelativistic limit for the potential 2v . thus, in the relativistic limit, the interacting potential becomes v instead of 2v . therefore, to obtain a solution of the kleingordon equation for any arbitrary `−state whose energy equation in the nonrelativistic limit equals the solution of the schrödinger equation, equation (8) becomes [39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45][ p̂2 − m2 + e2 − v (r)(m + e) − `(` + 1) r2 ] r(r) = 0, (9) the solutions of the klein-gordon equation above and some diatomic molecular potential models have been obtained for different molecules [46, 47, 48, 49, 50], and the results compared with experimental values. to get rid of the inverse squared term in equation (9), we need to adopt a suitable approximation scheme. in this work, we adopt the following approximation that is valid for δ � 1, 1 r2 ≈ δ2( 1 − e−δr )2 . (10) plugging equations (3) and (10) into equation (9) and making a simple transformation of the form y = e−δr , equation (9) turns to be [ d2 dy2 + 1 − y y − y2 d dy + ay2 + by + c y2(1 − y)2 ] rn,`(y) = 0, (11) a = υ + bδβ δ2 (12) b = 2υ − (b + a + 2dere)δβ δ2 , (13) c = e2 − m2 + βϑ− `(` + 1)δ2 δ2 , (14) β = m + e, (15) ϑ = 2dereδ− de + aδ− der 2 eδ 2, (16) υ = m2 − e2 + deβ. (17) 166 onate & onyeaju / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 165–171 167 comparing equation (11) with equation (4), equation 7 numerically becomes c1 = c2 = c3 = 1, c4 = 0, c5 = − 1 2 , c6 = 1 4 − a, c7 = −b, c8 = −c, c9 = 1 4 − a − b − c, c10 = 1 + 2 √ −c, c11 = 2 ( 1 + √ −c ) + √ 1 − 4(a + b + c), c12 = √ −c, c13 = − 1 2 − 1 2 √ 1 − 4(a + b + c) − √ −c (18) substituting c1 to c9 in equation (18) into equation (5), we have energy equation for the kratzer-hellmann potential as υ −β(ϑ + de) + `(` + 1)δ2 δ2 =  (ϑ− de − bδ)β− n(n + 1) − 1 2 − 2`(` + 1) − ( n + 12 ) √ 1 − 4(a + b + c) 1 + 2n + √ 1 − 4(a + b + c)  2 . (19) the energy equation obtained for kratzer-hellmann potential in equation (19) above has subset energy equations for kratzer potential, yukawa potential, and coulomb potential. however, the wave function for the kratzer-hellmann potential is obtained by substituting c10to c13in eq. 18 into eq. 6 to have r(s) = n sη(1 − s) 1 2 + λ 2 p(n2η,λ)(1 − 2s), (20) where η = √ υ − 2dereδβ− aδβ δ2 + βder2e + `(` + 1), (21) λ = √ (1 + 2`) + 4βder2e. (22) and n is a normalization factor which can easily be calculated using normalization condition. using∫ ∞ 0 |r(r)|2 dr = 1, (23) the normalization factor can easily be obtained. consider the transformation y = e−δr and another transformation of the form x = 2y − 1, with a relation of the form 1 − x = 1 − ( 1−x 2 ) , when invoked on equation (23), using an appropriate integral, we have the normalization factor as n2n,` = − n!2δηγ(2η + λ + n + 1) γ(2η + 1)γ(λ + n + 2) . (24) 2.2. kratzer-hellmann potential and entropies the three entropies mentioned in the introduction will be calculated here using equation (20). 2.2.1. shannon entropy to obtain shannon entropy, we plug equation (20) into equation (2). for s (ρ), we define a transformation of the form s = 1 − y, and using the appropriate integral given in the appendix, we have s (ρ) = 8πη(n!)γ(2η + 1)γ(λ + n + 3)γ(2η + λ + n + 1) γ(2η + n)γ(λ + n + 2)γ(2η + λ + n + 3) × log [ (0.99)2η(0.01)1+λ γ(2η + n + 1) γ(2η + 1) ] . (25) to obtain s (γ), we define x = −1 + 2y and then, using integral and formula in the appendix, we have s (γ) = − 4πγ(2η + n + 1)γ(2η + λ + n + 1) γ(2η + n)γ(2η + λ + n + 2) × log (0.99)2η (0.01)1+λ × [γ(2η + n + 1)]2 n! [ γ(2η + 1) ]2  . (26) 2.2.2. rényi entropy rényi entropy is a generalization of shannon entropy and is defined as [51] rq(ρ) = 1 1 − q log 4π ∫ ∞ 0 ρ(r)q dr. (27) the q is called tsallis index. following the procedures used to obtain shannon entropy for position space, we have rq(ρ) as rq(ρ) = − 2.5314δq−1 1 − q (28) × [ 2η(n!)γ(2η + 1)γ(λ + n + 3)γ(2η + λ + n + 1) γ(2η + n)γ(λ + n + 2)γ(2η + λ + n + 3) ]q . for the momentum space, we follow step by step as in the shannon entropy for momentum space to have rq(γ) as rq(γ) = − 1.2657δq−1 (1 − q) (29)[ 2γ(2η + n + 1)γ(2η + λ + n + 1) γ(2η + 1)γ(2η + λ + n + 2) ]q . 2.2.3. tsallis entropy the tsallis entropy was introduced by tsallis [52]. the concept acts as a basis for generalizing the statistical mechanics. this tsallis entropy is defined as tq(ρ) = 1 q − 1 ( 1 − 4π ∫ ∞ 0 ρ(r)q dr ) , q , 1. (30) the tsallis entropy reduces to the usual boltzmann-gibbs entropy as the tsallis index q approaches one. with the wave function in equation (20) and following previous procedures, we have tsallis entropy for position space as tq(ρ) = 1 q − 1 + 4πδq−1 q − 1 (31)( 2ηγ(2η + 1)γ(λ + n + 3)γ(2η + λ + n + 1)(n!) γ(2η + n)γ(λ + n + 2)γ(2η + λ + n + 3) )q following the procedures to obtain momentum space of shannon entropy, the tsallis entropy for momentum space is obtained as tq(γ) = 1 q − 1 (32) × [ 1 + 2πδq−1 ( 2γ(2η + n + 1)γ(2η + λ + n + 1) γ(2η + 1)γ(2η + λ + n + 2) )q] . 167 onate & onyeaju / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 165–171 168 3. results and discussion figure 1. s (ρ) against b figure 2. s (γ) against b in figure 1, we plotted s (ρ) against one of the potential strength at the first excited state with ` = 1, re = 0.1, a = 1, δ = 0.25, de = 2.5 and m = 2de. there is less concentration of electron density and so, less concentration of the wave function which makes the system unstable as the potential strength increases. in figure 2, s (γ) is plotted against the potential strength (b) at the first excited state with ` = 1, re = 0.1, a = 1, δ = 0.25, de = 2.5 and m = 2de. there is a more concentration of the spreading of electron density which leads to more concentration of the wave function as the potential strength goes up. thus, there is stability of the system as b goes up. in figures 3 and 4, we examined the variation of the product of rényi and tsallis entropies respectively against the potential strength (a) at the first excited state with ` = 1, re = 0.1, b = 2, δ = 0.25, de = 2.5 and m = 2de and in both cases, there is an inverse variation between the product of the entropy and the potential strength. the point of intersection for the entropies (shannon, rényi and tsallis) is determined by plotting s = rt /s t ; t = (rt /tt ) − 0.0a against a potential table 1. shannon entropy relation with n = ` = 1, re = 0.1, b = 2, δ = 0.25, de = 2.5 and m = 2de. a s (ρ) s (γ) s t = s (ρ) + s (γ) 1 -1.561445865 10.47908433 8.917638464 2 -0.884937778 10.33123825 9.446300475 3 -0.568858951 10.18281361 9.613954654 4 -0.396386446 10.05310205 9.656715603 5 -0.254891378 9.898107966 9.643216588 table 2. renyi entropy relation with n = ` = 1, re = 0.1, q = b = 2, δ = 0.25, de = 2.5 and m = 2de. a r(ρ) r(γ) rt = r(ρ) + r(γ) 1 0.4291810608 2.803088803 3.232269864 2 0.3386588921 2.886297376 3.224956268 3 0.2792173453 2.936768150 3.215985495 4 0.2373724018 2.970645793 3.208018195 5 0.1937069142 3.004709576 3.198416490 table 3. tsallis entropy relation with n = ` = 1, re = 0.1, q = b = 2, δ = 0.25, de = 2.5 and m = 2de. a t2(ρ) t2(γ) tt = t2(ρ) + t2(γ) 1 0.077255921 8.181988939 8.259244860 2 0.048103385 8.674956863 8.723060249 3 0.032699075 8.980995892 9.013694967 4 0.023632579 9.189394955 9.213027534 5 0.015737688 9.401349043 9.417086731 table 4. shannon entropy s (ρ) for kratzer, coulomb and yukawa potentials at different excited states. n kratzer coulomb yukawa 0 -0.614945865 -0.36740543 -0.373228924 1 -0.489475768 -0.32198215 -0.330603267 2 -0.323785845 -0.19261467 -0.206643987 3 -0.191326241 -0.11715545 -0.130089665 table 5. shannon entropy s (γ) for kratzer, coulomb and yukawa potentials at different excited states. n kratzer coulomb yukawa 0 5.670453776 4.870762243 4.873986446 1 4.879443281 4.163817555 4.192208735 2 3.991974378 3.519430921 3.530045080 3 3.268931407 2.980665799 3.001043671 168 onate & onyeaju / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 165–171 169 figure 3. r(ρ)r(γ) against a figure 4. t (ρ)t (γ) against a strength as shown in figure 5. table 1 presented the numerical results for shannon entropy. the results were numerically verified and confirmed the bialynick-birula, mycielski (bbm) inequality that gives a standard relation s (ρ) + s (γ) ≥ d(1 + log π). for d = 1, d(1 + log π) = 1.497206180. however, the lower bound from table 1 is 8.917638464. this verifies the accuracy of the present work. in tables 2 and 3, we numerically presented the rényi entropy and tsallis entropy respectively for position space and momentum space. in both entropies, the position space and momentum space varies inversely with one another. in tables 4 and 5, results of s (ρ) against s (γ) for the subset potentials were given. the results of these subset potentials are similar to the results of the mother potential. the result for kratzer potential was obtained by putting a = b = 0. the result for coulomb potential was obtained by putting b = de = 0. the result for yukawa potential was obtained by putting a = de = 0. the results in tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 showed that a diffused density distribution γ( p) in momentum space is associated with a localized density distribution ρ(r) in the position space or configuration space. the physical meaning is that a decrease in the position space corresponds to an increase in the momentum space and figure 5. entropies (s = rt /s t + 0.03a; t = rt /tt + 0.05) against the potential strength a vice visa. 4. conclusions we calculated the shannon information, rényi information and tsallis information for position and momentum entropies of a relativistic klein-gordon equation. in the first excited state i.e. the shannon uncertainty yields the minimum value of 8.917638464 which maintains the normal condition for the entropic uncertainty relation with respect to bbm inequality. the s (ρ), s (γ), r(ρ), r(γ), t (ρ) and t (γ) plotted against the potential strengths determined the concentration of the electron and wave density. the results obtained for the relativistic kleingordon equation were found to obey bbm inequality. the results for both the rényi entropy and tsallis entropy followed the pattern of the results of the shannon entropy. appendix ∫ 1 0 yα(1 − y)β2 f1(−n, n + 2(α + β); 2α + 1; y) 2dz = n!γ(α + 1)2γ(β + n + 2) βγ(α + n + 1)γ(α + β + n + 2) ∫ 1 −1 ( 1 − x 2 )η ( 1 + x 2 )ν × [ p(η,ν)n (x) ]2 d x = 2γ(η + n + 1)γ(ν + n + 1) n!ηγ(η + ν + 2n + 1)γ(η + ν + n + 1) ∫ 1 −1 ( 1 − x 2 )s ( 1 + x 2 )ν × [ p(s,ν)n (x) ]2 d x = 2γ(s + n + 1)γ(ν + n + 1) n!sγ(s + ν + 2n + 1)γ(s + ν + n + 1) 169 onate & onyeaju / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 3 (2021) 165–171 170 p(a,b)n (1 − 2x) = γ)a + n + 1 n!γ(a + 1) 2 f1(−n, n + a + b + 1; a + 1; x) 2 f1(a, b; c; y) = γ(c) γ(a)γ(b) ∞∑ n=0 γ(a + n)γ(b + n) γ(c + n) yn n! ∫ 1 −1 (1 − s)a−1 (1 + s)b [ p(a,b)n (s) ]2 d s = γ(a + n + 1)γ(b + n + 1) n!aγ(a + b + n + 1) 2 f1 ( −n, n + v + u + 1; v + 1; 1−x2 ) = γ(n + v + 1) γ(v + 1) p(v,u)n (x) = 2 f1 ( −n, n + v + u + 1; v + 1; 1 − x 2 ) . references [1] c. e. shannon, “a mathematical theory of communication”, bell system technical journal 27 (1948) 379-423. 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[1] investigated a lateral stretching sheet of mhd power-law fluid with differing thermal conductivity. the authors reported a shrinking boundary layer structure with growth ∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 8032056439 email address: kunlesalawu2@gmail.com (s. o. salawu) in the magnetic field term at all phase of fluid categories considered in the report. more so, salawu et al. [2] analyzed magnetohydrodynamic viscous liquid flow across a nonlinear stretchy plate where the model ordinary derivative equations of the system was solved using the collocation-approximation. sarkar and makinde [3] explored the viscous fluids heat transport and magnetohydrodynamic flow across an exponentially stretching layer accounting for viscous dissipation and radiation effect. nadeem et al. [4] explored the magnetohydrodynamic rheological fluid flow on an angular boundary layer flow. the analysis showed that a boost in the magnetic field strength, the regular and tangential velocity profiles diminish while the skin friction coefficient increase. meanwhile, the studies conducted on the flow along a stretch1 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 2 ing sheet has become a great deal of interest among researchers in respect of significant contributions in manufacturing and engineering activities. sakiadis [5] analyzed the continuously moving flat surface on a laminar boundary layer and obtained a computational solution for the boundary layer equations. crane [6] extended this by reporting on the time-independent linearly stretchy flow and specified the solutions in a closed form. such a study was also extended by wang [7] by incorporating partial slip effect, whereas tshivhi et al. [8] investigated such a concept over a flat stretchable sheet when the flow is initiated spontaneously from rest. okedoye et al. [9] analyzed slip fluid motion confined in a permeable stretchable material while the impact of partial slip due to vertical stretching sheet on stagnation-point flow with thermal transport was assessed by zaimi and ishak [10]. salawu et al. [11] examined the crossdiffusion impact on magnetohydrodynamic fluid flow through a stretched sheet with velocity slip. a case of mhd dissipative fluid flow occasioned by a non-linearly stretched material with heat-mass transfer was numerically evaluated by upreti et al. [12]. it was pointed out from the analysis that the thermal field is enlarged by the enhancement of the magnetic field. such an investigation was also extended to the transport of casson liquid configuration in a three-dimensional sheet with pores and joule heating effect by sreenivasulu et al. [13] while fatunmbi and okoya [14] inspected hydromagnetic micropolar fluid thermal transport characteristics over a stretching material featuring the prescribed thermal flux and plate temperature heating conditions. the studies of non-newtonian fluids have inspired scientists and engineers in recent times owing to its many uses in science and technology including food processing, drug and pharmaceutical productions, chemical engineering works and many more, salawu et al. [15-16]. examples of non-newtonian fluids include gels, paints, blood, printers ink, lubricants with polymer ingredients, cosmetics and toiletries. among various non-newtonian fluid theories, there exists the tangent hyperbolic fluid model commonly utilized in numerous laboratory and chemical engineering processes. this fluid model displays a shear thinning attributes such that there exists a decline in the viscosity as the shear rate rises, hassan et al. [17]. this unique feature of tangent hyperbolic fluid makes it a sought after in bio-engineering operations, for instance, the thinning attributes of blood flow in the body serves as a prevention to the obstruction of arteries and veins such that coagulation effect is minimized, alsharif et al. [18]. in view of such striking characteristics, various researchers have applied this fluid model to analyze various flow problems under different configurations. mamatha et al. [19] examined the motion of hydrodynamic tangent hyperbolic liquid mixed with dust particles in a porous stretching plate with convective heating. a numerical evaluation of such a phenomenon towards a stagnation-point in the occurrence of radiative heat, nonlinear convection, haphazard motion and thermo-migration of nanoparticles was scrutinized by khan et al. [20]. meanwhile, the distribution of such a liquid with nanomaterials mixture in a nonlinear stretchable material was scrutinized by mahanthesh and mackolil [21] for a stagnation fluid. these researchers reported a rise in the viscous drag due to enhancement in the power-law index and magnetic field terms. oyelakin and sibanda [22] inspected the influence of exponentially based viscosity on the motion of hyperbolic tangent fluid. the report showed that a decrease in the viscosity triggered a spike in the velocity while lowering the heat and species intensity. sophus and ackerman [23] found point metamorphosis that mapped a given differential equation and introduced the lie group analysis classical approach. this approach brings together nearly every known technique of exact integration for all the associated ordinary and partial differential equations. many researchers employed this technique to determine the similarities among given differential equations. using this technique, the number of variables that control the partial differential systems can be effectively reduced, salawu and dada [24]. the dilution of values transforms the partial differential system into ordinary systems. using lie group analysis approach, convective dynamics problems have been studied on different flow configurations in various science and engineering branches, zakir and zaman [25]. similarly, ullah and zaman [26] engaged this approach while studying the transport and thermal effects of a tangent hyperbolic flowing liquid through a stretched plate with navier slip effect. further, ullah et al. [27] engaged this approach to extend the work of [26] by incorporating suction/injection coupled with heat generation. the authors examined the partial differential equations representing a natural convective unstable flow movement using the lie symmetry transformation approach. the classical lie group transformation is applied twice sequentially in this study to change the transport model into a set of ordinary derivative equation. the above studies however ignored the impact of variable heat conduction in the temperature field. thermal conductivity describes the characteristic quantity of fluids that allows them to conduct heat. for accurate prediction of thermal propagation processes, the influence of temperature-based thermal conductivity has to be considered. shahzad et al. [28] investigated such an effect on a viscous fluid in the existence of a stretching layer by utilizing the shooting process and the perturbation procedure in analyzing the numerical solution. similarly, alsherif et al. [29] took into account the case of a stretching cylinder, considered a viscous fluid flow alongside variable thermal conductivity. the investigation depicted that growing the curvature of the cylinder causes the fluid temperature to rise rapidly. an examination of temperature based thermal conductivity coupled with thermal radiation impact of a viscous fluid in a porous stretching material was evaluated by hayat et al. [30]. ullah et al. [31] reported on power-law convective mhd liqud flow across a linearly stretchy plate alongside thermal conductivity influence. recently, such a concept has been widely investigated by various researchers, aziz and shams [32] on diverse flow configurations and conditions. in view of the discussion above and the consequential applications of essential fluids parameters in manufacturing and engineering works, the present work aim to determine the motion and thermal transport of hydromagnetic tangent hyperbolic liquid over a permeable vertical stretchy surface using lie group analysis approach. in particular, this study extends that of [26, 2 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 3 figure 1. configuration of the flow model 31] by considering porous media with the inclusion of variable heat conductivity, thermal radiation and a buoyancy effect which were ignored by previous authors. a unique similarity transformation approach is developed using the lie group analysis which is adopted for transforming the nonlinear partial derivative transport model into a more simplified ordinary derivative form. the resultant set of outlining equations is numerically tackled using the shooting algorithm in conjunction with fehlberg integration runge-kutta method. the physical characteristics of dimensionless terms obtained are clarified using graphs with appropriate discussion. 2. problem formulation analysis the underlisted assumptions have been identified as crucial for the formulation of the governing equations for the current investigation. is is assumed that the fluid movement is timeindependent, incompressible tangent hyperbolic fluid. the fluid movement is designed in a two-dimensional porous plate which stretches upwardly in a vertical route as displayed in figure 1. the flow is routed in x axis while y axis runs perpendicular to x axis. a restriction is placed on the flow in the region y > 0. there is slippery in the momentum and energy boundary layers. there is a surface mass flux on the sheet having a velocity of vw(x) as expressed in eq. (7). with the imposition of an external magnetic field normal to x direction but ignoring that of the induced magnetic filed influence and electric field as well. likewise, it is supposed that the radiative heat flux is negligible towards the x axis whereas it is applicable along y direction. furthermore, the assumption of varying thermal conductivity is held valid with the inclusion of heat source. other fluid attributes are are constant apart from the non-uniformity of the density in the momentum body force and the thermal conductivity. boussinesq approximation coupled with boundary layer approximation are applied in this study for the derivation of the main equations. for this study, the tangent hyperbolic fluid tensor is described as [26,31] τ = [µ∞ + (µ0 + µ∞) tanh(γγ) m]γ, (1) in eq. (1), τ describes the tensor stress while µ∞ depicts viscous shear rate at infinity whereas µ0 signifies the zero viscous shear rate and γ describes the material constant of timedependent whereas m connotes the power-law exponent while γ is expressed as: γ = ( 1 2 σiς jγi jγ ji ) 1 2 = ( 1 2 π ) 1 2 . (2) in eq. (2), π = 12 tr((∇v ) t + ∇v )2. the case µ∞ = 0 is accounted for owing to low influence of viscosity at infinity. also taking into account the tangent hyperbolic fluid detailing shear thinning characteristics, with the assumption that γγ < 1, eq. (1) then reduces to: τ = µo[γγ m]γ = µo[(1 + γγ− 1) m]γ ≈ µo[(1 + m(γγ− 1))]γ (3) 2.1. the governing equations combining the above-mentioned assumptions for the development of the transport model, eqs. (4-6) describes the transport equations for the present investigation (see [20,26,31]). ∂u ∂x + ∂v ∂y = 0, (4) u ∂u ∂x + v ∂u ∂y = (1 − m) ν ∂2u ∂y2 + √ 2νmγ ( ∂u ∂y ) ∂2u ∂y2 − σb2 ρ u + gβt (t − t∞) − ν kp u, (5) u ∂t ∂x + v ∂t ∂y = 1 ρc p ∂ ∂y ( k(t ) ∂t ∂y ) − 1 ρc p ∂qr ∂y + qo ρc p (t − t∞) + ν c pkp u2 + σb2 ρc p u2, (6) the respective flow boundary constraints are stated below u = cx + β ∂u ∂y , v = vw(x), t = tw + g ∂t ∂y at y = 0, (7) u −→ 0, t −→ t∞ as y −→∞. (8) the thermal flux radiation qr in eq. (6) is indicated in eq. (9) as (see sumalatha and bandari [33]) qr = − ( 4σ∗ 3k∗ ) ∂t 4 ∂y (9) from the above eqs.(4-9), u and v describe flow rtae modules in respect to x and y axes. the symbols kp,β and σ represent porous medium permeability, velocity slip factor and electrical conductivity whereas the density, volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, magnetic flux density and the thermal slip factor are sequentially denoted by ρ,βt , b and g. also, t signals the fluid temperature, g denotes gravitational acceleration, ν is the kinematic viscosity, vw describes surface mass flux, c defines 3 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 4 stretching rate and qo describes coefficient of heat source/sink, σ∗ connotes stefan-boltzmann constant while the coefficient absorption mean is taken as k∗. by the application of the rosseland approximation and assuming that the heat variation is low in the flow field, so that taylor’s series can utilized to expand t 4 to get t 4 ≈ 4t 3∞ − 3t 4 ∞, the temperature-based thermal conductivity is also specified as (see animasaun [34]): k(t ) = k∞[1 + ζ(t − t∞)], (10) in which k∞ denotes the upstream heat conduction, ζ typifies the thermal conductivity parameter. to transmute the outlining flow equations into dimensionless system, the underlisted quantities adopted: x x = ( a ν ) 1 2 , y y = ( a ν ) 1 2 , u u = 1 (aν) 1 2 , v v = 1 (aν) 1 2 , t = (tw − t∞)θ + t∞. (11) dropping the bar and substituting u = ∂ψ ∂y and v = − ∂ψ ∂x into eqs. (5-6) taking cognizance eqs (9) and (10), the underlisted are obtained( ∂ψ ∂y ∂2ψ ∂x∂y − ∂ψ ∂x ∂2ψ ∂y2 ) = (1 − m) ∂3ψ ∂y3 + √ 2maγ ( ∂2ψ ∂y2 ) ∂3ψ ∂y3 − ( σb2 aρ + ν akp ) ∂ψ ∂y + gbt (tw − t∞) a 3 2 ν 1 2 θ, (12) ( ∂ψ ∂y ∂θ ∂x − ∂ψ ∂x ∂θ ∂y ) = ( k∞ µcp (1 + ζθ) + 16σ∗ 3µcpk∗ t 3∞ ) ∂2θ ∂y2 + k∞ µcp ζ ( ∂θ ∂y )2 + qo aρc p θ+ u2wσb 2 aρc p(tw − t∞) ( ∂ψ ∂y )2 + u2wν akpρc p(tw − t∞) ( ∂ψ ∂y )2 , (13) also, the boundary conditions (7-8) transform to: ∂ψ ∂y = c a x + β √ a ν ∂2ψ ∂y2 , ∂2ψ ∂x2 = vw √ aν ,θ = 1 + g √ a ν ∂θ ∂y at y = 0, ∂ψ ∂y → 0, θ → 0 as y →∞. (14) 3. lie group scaling transformations the lie scaling technique depends on theory formulated to find all symmetry transformations that keep the system of equations unchanged. it helps in reducing the number of independent variables and in consequence transforms the pdes to an odes. using this method to generate similarity variables involves finding the invariant solution which does not alter the structure of the given equation under study. in this section, the simplified format of the lie group transformation approach is employed to derive the new similarity transformations for the transport equations. as such, the outlining flow equations can be changed to ordinary derivative equations. following [27,31,35] the transformation variables are defined υ : x∗ = xeεγ1, y∗ = yeεγ2, ψ∗ = ψeεγ3, θ∗ = θeεγ4, γ∗ = γeεγ5 (15) in eq. (15), ε depicts the parameter of the group whereas the transformation variables are represented by γ1,γ2,γ3,γ4,γ5. also, eq. (15) is called point transformation for the set of coordinates system (x, y,ψ,θ, γ) transforms into (x∗, y∗,ψ∗,θ∗, γ∗). the substitution of the transformation eq. (15) into eq. (12) and (13) results to the form: eε(γ1 +2γ2−2γ3 ) ( ∂ψ∗ ∂y∗ ∂2ψ∗ ∂x∗∂y∗ − ∂ψ∗ ∂x∗ ∂2ψ∗ ∂y∗2 ) = eε(3γ2−γ3 )(1 − m) ∂3ψ∗ ∂y∗3 + eε(5γ2−2γ3−γ5 ) ( √ 2mγ ( ∂2ψ∗ ∂y∗2 ) ∂3ψ∗ ∂y∗3 ) − eε(γ2−γ3 ) ( σb2 aρ + ν akp ) ∂ψ∗ ∂y∗ + gbt (tw − t∞) a 3 2 ν 1 2 θ∗e−εγ4, (16) eε(γ1 +γ2−γ3−γ4 ) ( ∂ψ∗ ∂y∗ ∂θ∗ ∂x∗ − ∂ψ∗ ∂x∗ ∂θ∗ ∂y∗ ) = eε(2γ2−γ4 ) ( k∞ µcp (1 + ζθ∗) + 16σ∗ 3µcpk∗ t 3∞ ) ∂2θ∗ ∂y2 + eε(2γ2−2γ4 ) k∞ µcp ζ ( ∂θ∗ ∂y∗ )2 + qo aρc p θ∗e−εγ4 + eε(γ2−γ3 ) ( u2wσb 2 aρc p(tw − t∞) + u2wν akpρc p(tw − t∞) ) ( ∂ψ∗ ∂y∗ )2 , (17) similarly, the boundary conditions transform to: eε(γ2−γ3 ) ∂ψ∗ ∂y∗ = c a e−εγ1 x∗ + β √ a ν ∂2ψ∗ ∂y∗2 eε(2γ2−γ3 ), ∂2ψ∗ ∂x∗2 eε(γ2−γ3 ) = vw √ aν , e−εγ4θ∗ = 1 + g √ a ν ∂θ∗ ∂y∗ eε(γ2−γ4 ) at e−εγ1 y∗ = 0, eε(γ2−γ3 ) ∂ψ∗ ∂y∗ → 0, e−εγ4θ∗ → 0 as y∗ →∞. (18) the preceding system of equations is invariant under the group transformation if the underlisted relationship exist among the exponents: γ1 + 2γ2 − 2γ3 = 3γ2 −γ3 = 5γ2 − 2γ3 −γ5 = γ2 −γ3 = −γ4 (19) γ1 + γ2 −γ3 −γ4 = 2γ2 −γ4 = 2γ2 − 2γ4 = −γ4 (20) 4 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 5 solving eq. (19) and (20) to obtain the following relations: γ1 = γ3,γ2 = 0,γ4 = γ1,γ5 = −γ1 (21) eq. (21) can then be introduced into eq. (15) to obtain the criterion for the transformation as: υ : x∗ = xeεγ1, y∗ = y,ψ∗ = ψeεγ1,θ∗ = θ, γ∗ = γe−εγ1 (22) applying taylor’s series to expand eq. (22) in the power of ε to the first order to obtain: x∗ − x = xεγ1, y ∗ − y = 0, ψ∗ −ψεγ1, θ∗ − θ = 0, γ∗ − γ = −xεγ1, (23) taking eq. (23), the following characteristic equation were obtained: d x xγ1 = dy 0 = dψ xγ1 = dθ 0 = dγ −xγ1 , (24) the following similarity transformations are derived by solving eq. (24) (see ulla and zaman, 2017): η = y, ψ = x f (η), θ = θ(η), γ = x−1γo (25) the non-dimensional odes obtained with corresponding boundary condition via the similarity transformations (25) into eqs. (16-18) are as follows: (1 − m) f ′′′ + mwe f ′′′( f ′′) + f f ′′ − (m2 + da) f ′ − ( f ′)2 + grθ′ = 0 (26) (1 + ζθ + nr)θ′′ + ζθ′2 + pr(qθ + f θ′) + precm2 f ′2 + precda f ′2 = 0 (27) f ′(0) = λ + α f ′′(0), f (0) = s, θ(0) = 1 + θ′(0), (28) f ′ → 0, θ → 0 as η →∞. (29) in eqs. (26-29), we = √ 2aγ symbolizes the weissenberg number, nr = 16σ ∗ 3k∗k t 3 ∞ defines radiation parameter, m 2 = σb 2 aρ denotes hartmann number, q = q0aρcp typifies the heat source/sink factor and b = √ a ν g is the thermal slip parameters whereas α = √ a ν β represents the velocity slip, da = νakp characterizes the darcy number and ζ implies thermal conductivity parameter. the primes signifies differential with respect to η, λ = ca is the stretching parameter, ec = u 2 w c p (tw−t∞) is eckert number, gr = gbt (tw−t∞) a 3 2 ν 1 2 x symbolizes the grashof number, s = vw√ aν is the mass suction and pr = µcp k∞ represents the prandtl number. the incorporated engineering quantities in the current investigation include the wall friction c fx and the thermal gradient nux which are orderly specified in eq. (30) as: ρ(ax)2c fx = τw, nux = xqw k(tw − t∞) (30) table 1. skin friction coefficient as compared with previous studies when we = m = 0 m akbar [36] fathizadeh et al. [37] present values 0 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1 −1.41421 −1.41421 −1.41421 5 −2.44948 −2.44948 −2.44949 10 −3.31662 −3.31662 −3.31663 50 −7.14142 −7.14142 −7.14143 100 10.0499 10.0499 10.0499 500 −22.38300 −22.38300 −22.38300 where τw = (1 − m) ∂u ∂y + mγ √ 2 ( ∂u ∂y )2∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ y=0 , qw = −k∞ ( 1 + 16σ∗ 3k∗k∞ t 3∞ ) ∂t ∂y ∣∣∣∣∣∣ y=0 (31) the dimensionless form of eq. (30) are specified in eq. (31) as: re 1 2 c f = [(1 − m) f ′′(0) + m 2 we( f ′′(0))2], re− 1 2 nux = − (1 + nr) θ ′(0), (32) where rex = ax2 ν signifies the local reynolds number. 4. numerical solution eqs. (26-27) comprises of a set nonlinear coupled differential equations with it’s associated wall conditions. owing to the non-linearity nature of the governing equations, eqs (2627) subject to (28-29) are tackled numerically using shooting techniques alongside runge-kutta fehlberg scheme by utilizing a computer algebra symbolic code of maple software. this algorithm relies on the adopted method. except otherwise, the subsequent default values as been adopted for the study based on related previous analysis as n = 0.4, we = 0.3, � = 0.2, nr = 0.3, m = 0.2, da = 0.3, pr = 3.0, q = 0.3, gr = 2.0, ec = 0.01, λ = 0.7, s = 0.3, α = 0.2, b = 0.5. the numerical code’s accuracy is validated by assessing the computational outcomes of the wall drag coefficient c f x offered in this study as compared with previously published works of akbar [36] and fathizadeh et al. [37] in respect to variations in the hartmann number (m). as recorded in table 1, the comparison showed a perfect harmony with the existing data in the literature under limiting circumstances and thus confirming the accuracy of our numerical code. table 2 depicts the influences of some entrenched parameters on the wall friction and heat gradient. as seen, an enhance or decline in the engineering quantities are observed due to the boundary layer viscosity. when the boundary film viscidness is stimulated the wall friction and nusselt effect are raised, but when thinner boundary film viscidness noticed the diffuse more to the ambient leading to a decrease in the wall effects. 5 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 6 table 2. numerical values for the skin friction (c f ), heat gradient (nux) m � λ da we ec q c f nux 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.01 0.3 0.8722973797 -0.5937107035 0.5 0.7677915589 -0.56754883934 1.0 0.4376848220 -0.48222768379 0.4 0.9077648755 -0.53183984435 0.7 0.9077648765 -0.53183984435 1.0 0.4765432364 -0.67408773863 1.5 0.2732784056 -0.80313254770 0.7 0.6779856282 -0.54475633672 1.0 0.6779856282 -0.54475633672 0.5 0.8498608064 -0.59162423311 0.7 0.8300639857 -0.58974089749 0.03 0.8735104313 -0.59064728168 0.07 0.8735104313 -0.59064728168 1.0 1.1540832041 0.0316335380 2.0 1.8442011437 1.9856306670 figure 2. plot of da&λ on velocity f ′(η) 5. discussion of outcomes this aspect displays and discusses the reactions of the dimensionless flow rate and energy profiles due to variations in the physical flow parameters. these physical parameters include the stretchy term (λ), grashof (gr), prandtl (pr), weissenberg (we) and darcy (da) numbers, heat source term (q), power-law exponent term (m), velocity slip term (α), radiation parameter (nr), hartmann number (m), mass suction parameter (s ), thermal conductivity parameter (ζ), and temperature slip term (b). figures 2-6 describe the influences of various physical flow parameter on the velocity field. fig. 2 illustrates the effects of figure 3. behaviour gr&we on velocity f ′(η) (da) darcy term on the dimensionless velocity in the existence of stretching parameter (λ). evidently, there is a decrease in the velocity as (da) increases. the flow behaviour in respect to a spike in darcy number (da) stimulates an opposition to the flow distribution that leads to a shrink boundary layer and thereby decelerates the fluid motion. in a related sense, an enhancement in the magnitude of the stretching term (λ) lowers the momentum boundary layer structure and consequently decelerates the locomotion. the impacts of grashof number (gr) and weissenberg term (we) on the dimensionless flow rate profile are presented in fig. 3. it is evident from the graph displayed that the velocity drop significantly by a rise in (we) owing to an increase in the viscosity whereas there is an acceleration in the 6 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 7 figure 4. effect of s &m on velocity f ′(η) figure 5. reaction q&m on velocity f ′(η) fluid motion as grashof number increases due to enhancement in the buoyancy force. as (gr) is raised, the buoyancy force dominates the viscous force and thus encourages the velocity distribution. fig. 4 portrays the impact of mass suction term (s ) coupled with that of the power-law exponent (m) on the velocity distribution. it is evident that enhancing the magnitude of the power-law exponent (m) raised the viscosity and as a result, there is a significant drop in fluid velocity. also, this plot figure 6. effect of α&m on velocity f ′(η) shows raising the magnitude of s and (m), the hydrodynamic boundary structure thickness declines and the velocity decelerates. the evaluation of the heat generation (q) term and the hartmann number (m) is plotted in fig. 5. evidently, an electromagnetic force is produced from the magnetic field interaction with the tangent hyperbolic electrically conducting liquid that create a drag in the flow movement as noted in the plot. the electro-conducting fluid’s interaction with the transverse magnetic field induces a retarding force on the liquid motion. similarly, a hike in (q) induces higher flow velocity rate owing to a decrease in the viscosity. fig. 6 offers the behaviour of (α) on the liquid motion. in this plot, a declining trend is observed in the velocity field as the slip term (α) rises. figures 7-12 offer the variations of some physical terms on the thermal field. firstly, the temperature profile showing the impact of (λ) in the occurrence of radiative heat (nr) parameter is plotted in fig 7. the graph elucidates that advancement in (λ) causes the temperature to fall whereas growing (nr) enhances the thermal profile. an advancement in the radiative heat flux corresponding to a rise in nr while the rosseland mean absorption coefficient declines and as such, the thermal field is enhanced as found in this figure. the results of the prandtl number (pr) and power-law index (m) on the thermal distribution are depicted in fig. 8. the graph demonstrates that a boost in the (pr) number lowers the thermal field by shrinking the energy boundary viscosity structure whereas the thermal propagation improves as (m) rises. the prandtl number connotes the diffusivity of the momentum ratio to the diffusivity of the heat, and also influence the relative momentum shear stress and thermal boundary layer. thus, a boost in the pr implies a reduction in the energy boundary film and consequently leads to a decline in the heat transfer. the reactions of thermal generation term 7 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 8 figure 7. influence of λ&nr on temperature θ(η) (q) and hartmann term (m) on the energy filed are displayed in fig. 9. the graph portrays the fluid temperature exhibiting identical growing patterns on (q) and (m). typically, both parameters cause a rising trend in the thermal boundary layer. an enhancement in (m) induces a higher electromagnetic force which inspires an obstruction to the liquid motion and thus increase frictional heating effect which boosts the surface temperature. similarly, a hike in q is an indication of extra energy being generated and thus, a rise in the temperature as found in this figure. fig. 10 elucidates the reactions of the thermal slip term (b) and weissenberg term (we) on the fluid heat propagation. the temperature boundary structure shrinks and the temperature falls with growth in b whereas the converse occurs with enhancement in we as noticed in this figure. a rise in (b) draws away the fluid from the heated region thereby lowers the temperature whereas as we rises in magnitude a frictional heat is generated due to rising viscosity. the reactions of mass suction term (s ) and power-law exponent (m) are plotted in fig. 11. this plot reveals that with advancement in s , the temperature distribution subsides whereas as (m) increases, the temperature distribution shoots up. likewise, the plot showing the variation in darcy term (da) and thermal conductivity term ζ in respect to temperature is sketched in fig. 12. it is noticeable that an increment in the (da) and ζ boost the temperature distribution due to extra heat generated by the resistance imposed on the fluid flow as da increases. in figure 13, the impact of ecket number (ec) on the heat propagation with variation in hartmann number (m) is established. as seen, temperature distribution is raised due to an induce magnetic joule heating that inspired the tangent hyperbolic fluid flow particles interaction. also, the magnetic joule heating effect is complemented figure 8. reactions of m&pr on temperature θ(η) figure 9. impact of q&m on temperature θ(η) by the porous joule heating that creates fluid friction and resistant to free flow, thus, particles collision and random motion is encouraged to increase heat transfer. therefore, rising heat distribution magnitude is observed all over the flow region. 6. conclusion a computation solution has been performed on the motion and thermal propagation of hydromagnetic tangent hyperbolic 8 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 9 figure 10. impact of b&we on temperature θ(η) figure 11. effect of s &m on θ(η) liquid passing a vertically stretched surface with varying thermal conductivity. the flow model is in steady 2-dimensional and incompressible stretchable plate enclosed in permeable media with the impact of radiative heat and internal thermal energy source. lie group analysis generates the similarity transformation which transformed the coupled differential equations with boundary conditions from partial to ordinary derivative equations, the solution to the equations are the offered computafigure 12. influence of da&ζ on temperature θ(η) figure 13. effect of ec&m on heat field θ(η) tionally via shooting approach alongside fehlberg runge-kutta method. the solutions are given graphically and deliberated while comparison with published studies show good agreement. the study also reveals that: • the fluid velocity accelerates with enhancement in the heat source term q and grashof number gr magnitude. however, augmenting the darcy term da, suction s term, velocity slip α, stretching term λ, hartmann number m, 9 disu & salawu / j. nig. soc. phys. sci. 5 (2023) 1103 10 power-law exponent m as well as weissenberg value we decelerates the velocity profiles. • a damped in the thermal boundary structure and the corresponding surface temperature distribution falls with a rise in the mass suction term s , prandtl number pr and thermal slip term b. • a rising thermal boundary film viscosity structure is formed with increasing the fluid heat conduction term ζ, radiative heat term nr, darcy number as well as the heat source parameter q. references [1] t. abbas, s. rehman, a. s. muhammad & i. utmankhel, ”analysis of mhd carreau fluid flow over a stretching permeable sheet with variable viscosity and thermal conductivity”, physica a: statistical 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for solution of second-order physical systems with oscillatory solutions. the sixth order algorithm was derived using interpolation and collocation of power series within a single step interval [tn, tn+1]. in order to circumvent the dahlquist-barrier and also obtain an accuracy-preserving algorithm, four off-step points were incorporated within the single step interval. a number of special cases of oscillatory problems were solved using the proposed method and the results obtained clearly showed that it outperformed other existing methods we compared our results with even though the bha is of lower order relative to such methods. some of the second-order physical systems considered were the kepler, bessel and damped problems. some important properties of the bha were also analyzed and the results of the analysis showed that it is consistent, zero-stable and convergent. doi:10.46481/jnsps.2023.1017 keywords: accuracy-preserving, algorithm, block hybrid method, oscillation, physical systems, second-order article history : received: 28 august 2022 received in revised form: 05 december 2022 accepted for publication: 11 december 2022 published: 14 january 2023 c© 2023 the author(s). published by the nigerian society of physical sciences under the terms of the creative commons attribution 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and doi. communicated by: t. latunde 1. introduction second-order physical systems with oscillatory solutions find applications in diverse areas of human endeavors like engineering and sciences. such systems are applied in vibration of mass-spring systems, astrophysics, control theory, mechanics, circuit theory, biology among others [1, 2]. in this research, an accuracy-preserving bha shall be derived for the direct in∗corresponding author tel. no: +234 7034884482 email address: sundayjo@unijos.edu.ng (joshua sunday) tegration of second order oscillatory physical systems of the form y′′(t) = f ( t, y(t), y′(t) ) (1) subject to the initial conditions y(t0) = y0, y ′(t0) = y ′ 0 (2) on the interval t ∈ [t0, tn ], where f : < × 0. suppose the function f (t, s0, s1, ..., sn−1) in (3) is non-negative, continuous and non-decreasing in t, and continuous and nondecreasing in sk for each k = 0, 1, ..., n−1 in the region <. if in addition f (t, y0, y1, ..., yn−1) , 0 in < for t > t0, then the initial value problem (3) has at most one solution in <”. the derivation will be carried out via a continuous scheme based on linear multistep method by incorporating four off-step points. the implementation of the algorithm will be effected in a block-by-block mode, thus making it self-starting (i.e. without the need for predictors). equations of the form (1) can be solved by first transforming them into their equivalent system of first order differential equations and then employing an appropriate method [46]. however, one of the setbacks of such approach is that some of the vital properties and characteristics of the higher order differential equations are lost in the course of the conversion. besides, coding such methods are often cumbersome since in most cases subroutines have to be incorporated to provide the starting values. some methods have also been proposed in literature for the direct solution of special second order differential equations. such equations are termed ‘special’ because they do not depend on y′, in order words they are of the form y′′ = f (x, y). these methods often require fewer function evaluations and less memory space [7-9]. over the years, several authors have proposed different methods for the direct solution of oscillatory problems of the form (1). ref[2] proposed an eleventh order block hybrid method for the direct solution of system of second order differential equations including hamiltonian systems. the method was derived from continuous scheme via hybrid method approach with several off-step points. the method was implemented in a block manner. ref[10] formulated a continuous explicit hybrid method for the solution of second order differential equations. the authors interpolated the basis function at both grid and offgrid points while the differential systems were collocated at selected points. the authors further derived starting values of the same order with the methods by adopting taylor series expansion to circumvent the inherent disadvantage of starting values of lower order. ref[11] developed an order eight implicit block method for the solution of second order differential equations. the authors adopted the hermite polynomial as basis function to construct the method that comprises first and second derivatives. the basic properties of the method were analysed and the method was implemented on some linear and nonlinear second order differential equations. other researchers that also developed direct methods for solving problems of the form (1) are [12-23]. 2. derivation and implementation of the bha 2.1. derivation of the bha the accuracy-preserving bha shall be derived by seeking a continuous approximate solution y (t) to the second order oscillatory problems of the form (1) on the interval [tn, tn+1]. this is expressed compactly in a vector form as, y (t) = [ 1 t t2 ... t7 ]  σ0 σ1 σ2 . . . σ7  (4) where σ0,σ1,σ2, ...,σ7are uniquely determined parameters in