item: #1 of 47 id: jopr-2434 author: Puri, Anindita Dewangga; Baskara, FX. Risang title: Analysis of Humor on Cartoon Comics "Be Like Bro": Pragmatics Study date: 2019-03-25 words: 3840 flesch: 62 summary: METHODOLOGY This research is a qualitative descriptive study in which Be Like Bro cartoon comic data is taken from a Facebook account. This thesis discusses the humor situation that occurs in that comedy series and the researcher found that there are linguistic aspects that are used to invite humor situation in this comedy. keywords: anindita; answer; bro; cartoon; comedy; comic; context; conversation; cooperative; data; dewangga; homework; humor; manner; maxim; meaning; participants; pragmatics; principle; puri; quantity; question; relevance; research; situation; speech; study; theory; violation cache: jopr-2434.pdf plain text: jopr-2434.txt item: #2 of 47 id: jopr-2504 author: Rosyidha, Alfin; Afdiyani, Irfi N.; Fatimah, Ayu D.; Nisa, Izzatun title: Rethinking Politeness Principle in Pragmatics Study date: 2019-03-25 words: 3476 flesch: 71 summary: There are six types of politeness maxim proposed by Leech, such as tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympathy maxim. Leech proposed six types of Politeness Principle, such as tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim, which as follows: 1. keywords: agreement; analysis; approbation; dragon; example; generosity; kung; language; linguistics; master; maxim; modesty; movie; panda; politeness; pragmatics; principle; self; shifu; students; study; sympathy; tact; utterances; viper; warrior cache: jopr-2504.pdf plain text: jopr-2504.txt item: #3 of 47 id: jopr-2523 author: Sartika, Endang; Marzuqoh, Sari; Majid, Khoirul title: The use of Declaration of Illocutionary Acts of the Korean-English Drama “I Hear Your Voice” date: 2019-03-27 words: 4629 flesch: 64 summary: The researcher found 40 declaration of illocutionary act utterance which is divided into five types of Declaration of Illocutionary acts and the dominant types was Sentencing. According to Searle cited by Leech (1991:105-106), stated that declaration illocutionary act is “A very special category of speech acts; they are performed, normally speaking, by someone who is especially authorized to do so within some institutional framework (classical examples are judges sentencing offenders, ministers of religion christening Journal of Pragmatics Research Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.30-29 Website: Endang Sartika , Sari Marzuqoh, Khoirul Majid babies, dignitaries naming ships, etc). keywords: act; acts; appointing; case; data; declaration; defendant; demising; drama; endang; english; episode;; illocutionary; jang; judges; korean; language; lawyer; naming; park; people; pp.30; pragmatics; prosecutor; research; result; sartika; searle; sentencing; seo; soo; speaker; speech; subtitle; table; time; types; utterances; voice; vol; website; world cache: jopr-2523.pdf plain text: jopr-2523.txt item: #4 of 47 id: jopr-2524 author: Mutiara, Rika title: Co-occurences of kok and other markers in colloquial Jakartan Indonesian date: 2019-04-03 words: 5583 flesch: 74 summary: The present study gives contribution on the study of co-occurences of DM kok and other markers (DMs and interjections) especially in their textual and emotive functions. Journal of Pragmatics Research Vol. 1, No.1, 2019, pp.43-61 Website: 49 DM take alone DM DM A: Aaah. keywords: ada; aunt; bird; case; colloquial; corpus; devil; dialogue; discourse; dm dm; dms; emotive; exc; functions; house;;; indonesian; information; ini; jakartan; kok; language; lha; lho; markers; mutiara; nggak; no.1; nya; occurences; okki; pragmatics; question; reason; research; response; rika; schiffrin; sense; shot; sih; speakers; study; textual; train; uncle; utterance; vol; wah; website cache: jopr-2524.pdf plain text: jopr-2524.txt item: #5 of 47 id: jopr-2532 author: Satria Raharja, Ahmad Ulliyadhi; Rosyidha, Alfin title: Maxim of Cooperative Principle Violation by Dodit Mulyanto in Stand-up Comedy Indonesia Season 4 date: 2019-04-08 words: 4824 flesch: 54 summary: The results of the analysis shows that all types of maxim were violated; 12 utterances violation maxim of quantity (24,4%), 13 utterances violation maxim of quality (26,5%), 22 utterances violation maxim of relation (44,9%), and 2 utterances violation maxim of manner (4,1%). This chapter discusses some related literature that consists of the definition of pragmatics, the theory of cooperative principle, the theory of politeness principle, and the definition of maxim violation. keywords: analysis; audience; cambridge; clear; comedy; comedy indonesia; communication; context; conversation; cooperative; data; dodit; dodit mulyanto; example; false; grice;;; humor; indonesia; information; kompas; language; laugh; manner; maxim; mulyanto; no.1; order; politeness; pragmatics; pragmatics research; press; principle; quality; quantity; relation; research; rules; saya; season; second; sentence; speaker; speech; stand; study; table; tertawa; topic; translation; tuk; university; utterances; violation; violation maxim; vol; website cache: jopr-2532.pdf plain text: jopr-2532.txt item: #6 of 47 id: jopr-2592 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: AN ANALYSIS OF DIRECTIVE SPEECH ACT FOUND IN “KOI MIL GAYA” MOVIE date: 2019-10-22 words: 4491 flesch: 73 summary: From the result of this study, the writer finds that there are 246 utterances of directive speech act produced by the characters in the movie as 196 data. While the most dominant type of directive speech act is in command. keywords: act; acts; code; command; data; directive; directive act; directive speech; example; form; gaya; hearer; imperative; journal; kmg; koi; mil; movie; number; pragmatics; request; research; sentences; speaker; speech; speech act; study; subject; suggestion; use; utterances; verb; writer cache: jopr-2592.pdf plain text: jopr-2592.txt item: #7 of 47 id: jopr-2598 author: Arifin, Win Listyaningrum title: A Discourse Analysis on “Under the Same Sun” from Scorpions date: 2019-04-26 words: 3848 flesch: 66 summary: In analyzing songs, discourse of song lyrics besides supported by grammatical aspects is also supported by lexical aspects. Otherwise, they get no positive response from other people who live in comfort. keywords: album; analysis; aspect; collocation; conjunction; context; contextual; cultural; discourse; doi; form; genre; grammatical; group; language; lexical; lyrics; music; people; personal; plural; pronoun; reference; repetition; research; rock; scorpions; sentence; singular; situational; social; song; sumarlam; sun; vol; war; words; world cache: jopr-2598.pdf plain text: jopr-2598.txt item: #8 of 47 id: jopr-3137 author: Lina, Marisa Fran title: GENDER AND AGE: LANGUAGE USE IN TV SERIES & THE IMPACT TO ENGLISH LEARNING date: 2019-10-22 words: 6087 flesch: 67 summary: Besides, by learning this journal, it is hoped that this article can be an example to the young generation early so that they do not participate in the decay of standard language specifically when they use in academic context. Meanwhile, the use of standard language is usually used in English learning context. keywords: apa; bahasa; bloggers; bukan; car; comedy; coulmas; dialect; dialectical; differences; downes; drugs; english; expression; father; fran; gender; generation; gitu; gue; hahaha; hidayat; identity; indonesia; ini; itu; iya; journal; kamu; kan; kita; kok; labov; language; like; lina; malam; marisa; miko; night; non; nur; older; olive; pak; pennebaker; people; polisi; pp.100; pragmatics; related; research; results; ryan; saturday; script; seperti; series; sih; slang; social; speech; standard; standard language; statement; talk; tara; theory; tidak; uncle; use; varieties; variety; vol; website; wildan; women; word; yang; young cache: jopr-3137.pdf plain text: jopr-3137.txt item: #9 of 47 id: jopr-3141 author: Widyastuti, Widyastuti title: THE ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS STRATEGEY USED BY THE MAIN CHARACTER OF NOVEL “THE SUN ALSO RISES” date: 2019-10-24 words: 7078 flesch: 67 summary: The following are the sub strategies of off record politeness strategy. 1) Strategy 1: Give hints 2) Strategy 2: Give association clues 3) Strategy 3: Presuppose 4) Strategy 4: Understate 5) Strategy 5: Overstate 6) Strategy 6: Use tautologies 7) Strategy 7: Use contradictions 8) Strategy 8: Be ironic 9) Strategy 9: Use metaphors 10) Strategy 10: Use Journal of Pragmatics Research Vol. 01, No. 02 (2019), pp.118-138 Website: 124 rhetorical questions 11) Strategy 11: Be ambiguous 12) Strategy 12: Be vague 13) The result of discussion off record politeness strategy as follows. keywords: acts; analysis; ashley; bald; barnes; bill; brett; brown; characters; cohn; conversation; dialogue; discourse; face; factors; good; group; guy; hearer; jake; jake barnes; journal; language; levinson; main; means; negative; novel; number; page; people; politeness; politeness strategy; positive; pp.118; pragmatics; record; record politeness; research; robert; slang; social; solidarity; speaker; spolsky; states; strategies; strategy; study; sun; use; utterances; vol; war; website; widyastuti cache: jopr-3141.pdf plain text: jopr-3141.txt item: #10 of 47 id: jopr-3143 author: Hassani, Nibros title: The Flouting Maxim on Twitter Influencers’ Tweets date: 2019-10-24 words: 5294 flesch: 61 summary: The data is taken from and Twitter App, where the researcher captured the tweets randomly and analyzed it by using maxim relevance principle as the tool of analysis. Nibros Hassani m ABSTRACT This study aims to discover the use of maxim principles on the tweets that made by certain of Indonesian social-media influencers which the method is conducted qualitatively. keywords: ambiguity; analysis; apa; comedy; communication; context; contribution; conversation; cooperative; cooperative principle; dalam; dan; data; dodit; film; flouting; followers; grice; hassani; hidayati; humor; idea; indonesia; influencers; information; instance; interaction; javanese; joke; journal; kalo; kamu; lagi; language; largest; linguistic; manner; maxim; meaning; media; min; mulyanto; new; ngobrol; nibros; no.02; object; online; order; parameter; pelanggaran; people; politeness; pp.139; pragmatics; principle; prinsip; prior; public; purpose; quality; quantity; relevance; replies; reply; research; result; sama; saya; shows; social; speaker; speech; stand; status; studies; study; term; topic; tweet; twitter; users; violation; vol; website; words; world; yang cache: jopr-3143.pdf plain text: jopr-3143.txt item: #11 of 47 id: jopr-3144 author: Mazulfah, Mazulfah title: The Future and challenge of Pragmatics in English Language Teaching date: 2019-10-24 words: 3020 flesch: 45 summary: He categorizes language competence into organizational competence and pragmatic competence. He proposes two models in his model which includes two elements: language knowledge and strategic competence. keywords: ability; activities; aspects; awareness; cambridge; communicative; competence; context; crystal; deals; development; different; english; grammatical; important; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; leech; linguistics; mazulfah; meaning; no.02; oxford; pp.156; pragmatics; press; research; social; speech; study; teachers; teaching; university; use; utterance; vol cache: jopr-3144.pdf plain text: jopr-3144.txt item: #12 of 47 id: jopr-3148 author: Hakim, Juhariyah Nur title: An Analysis on Pragmatic Force of Declarative Utterances Used by the Main Character in Mona Lisa Smile Movie and its Implication on Language Teaching date: 2019-11-12 words: 4166 flesch: 54 summary: To find the pragmatic forces of declarative utterances in the film entitled “Mona Lisa Smile” the researcher identifies the context of each datum in declarative utterance based on Austin’s classification of act performance in language. Based on the approaches above, the researcher wants to analyze the contexts of declarative utterances and identifying the pragmatic forces of declarative utterances uttered by the main character (Katherine Wattson) in the film entitled “Mona Lisa Smile. keywords: character; communication; context; data; declarative; declarative utterances; education; film; force; hakim; haryati; hearer;; journal; juhariyah; katherine; lisa; main; meaning; means; media; mona; mona lisa; nur; pp.166; pragmatic; research; smile; speaker; speech; sri; staunton; students; suparno; teaching; use; utterances; vol; wattson; website cache: jopr-3148.pdf plain text: jopr-3148.txt item: #13 of 47 id: jopr-3430 author: Keshavarz, Mohammad Hossein; Çetereisi, Yasemin; Asit, Gulay title: Pragmatic Features of the Speech Act of Compliment in a Turkish TV Drama date: 2020-04-07 words: 8446 flesch: 57 summary: The Main Characteristics of Turkish Compliments The qualitative analysis of the data led to the emergence of two major characteristics of Turkish compliments namely elaboration and exaggeration. Four main topics and functions, Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz, Yasemin Çetereisi, Gulay Asit 2 Hossein Keshavarz and two major characteristics of Turkish compliments emerged from the analysis of the data. keywords: ability; act; addressee; adj; american; appearance; asit; beauty; behaviour; bir; characteristics; characters; communication; complimenting; compliments; cultural; culture; data; differences; direct; drama; english; example; fact; female; finding; following; frequency; frequent; gender; good; gulay; herbert; holmes; hossein;;; international; journal; keshavarz; language; life; like; looks; main; manes; mithat; mohammad; nil; operas; particular; patterns; people; performance; popular; pp.1; pragmatics; present; regard; research; responses; results; role; sahra; sinan; skill; soap; speakers; speech; strategies; students; studies; study; sun; syntactic; table; topics; turkish; turkish compliments; university; use; vol; website; wolfson; women; yasemin; çetereisi cache: jopr-3430.pdf plain text: jopr-3430.txt item: #14 of 47 id: jopr-3543 author: Habibi, Firdaus; Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin; Alek, Alek title: Turn Taking in Mata Najwa Talk Show "Ragu-Ragu Perpu" Episode: A Conversational Analysis date: 2020-04-11 words: 6237 flesch: 54 summary: ABSTRACT The present research aims to investigate the key features of turn taking in Mata Najwa talk show about Ragu-ragu Perpu (doubtful of rules of law). In addition, the authors propose to describe the use of turn-taking features between speaker to listener in Mata Najwa talk show. keywords: alek; analysis; audiences; authors; case; communication; context; conversation; data; discussion; doubtful; episode; excerpt; features; fillers; firdaus; floor; habibi; hidayat; host;;; ideas; indonesia; information; instance; interaction; interlocutors; interruptions; itu; key; kind; law; mata; mata najwa; moderator; najwa; najwa talk; nuruddin; opportunity; overlapping; pauses; people; perpu; political; pp.80; pragmatics; president; process; program; questions; ragu; research; rule; social; speaker; speech; starting; strategies; taking; talk; terms; turn; types; utterences; vol; website cache: jopr-3543.pdf plain text: jopr-3543.txt item: #15 of 47 id: jopr-3648 author: Iqbal, Nayab; Azhar, Kaukab Abid; Shah, Zubair Ahmed title: Discourse and Power Relations: A Critical Discourse Analysis of a Pakistani Talk Show date: 2020-04-07 words: 6362 flesch: 58 summary: jo he~ inko me~ maanta hu~ dil se dost bhi maanta hu~ aur ek baRa insaan bhi maanta hu~ aur ek achcha aur paRha likha insaan bhi jo jis tarha se me~ keh rahaa hu~ lekin Jawwad bhae is baat se disagree nahi kar sakhte ke jitne hamare he ya log jis tarha zindagi me~ jo suhuuliyaat chahte he~ uski taraf to koi talluk hi nahi he unka aur baaqi reh gaya Pakistan me jo siyaasat daan he~ aur jo siyaasat ho rahi he aur Pakistan jis tarha chal raha he uske andar log jo he~ vo struggle ki taraf aye~ ge~ ya nahi aye~ ge~ ye sab se baRa question he H: sir struggle hi to kar rahe~ he~ J: keywords: aap; abid; ahmed; analysis; aneeqa; aur; azhar; baat; bhi; break; cda; common; control; conversation; country; critical; critical discourse; day; different; discourse; discourse analysis; discussion; fairclough; female; ge~; guest; he~; host;;; hum; hu~; ideology; interrupted; iqbal; issues; jawwad; kar; kaukab; language; media; meer; me~; nahi; national; nayab; pakistan; paper; particular; patterns; people; political; power; power relations; powerful; pp.26; pragmatics; present; press; program; relations; research; rules; shah; shows; social; society; songs; speakers; struggle; study; taking; talk; tarha; time; topic; turn; views; vol; way; website; years; zubair cache: jopr-3648.pdf plain text: jopr-3648.txt item: #16 of 47 id: jopr-3756 author: Jegede, Olusegun Oladele title: Pragmatic Reference in Elvis Gbanabom Hallowell's The Dining Table date: 2020-04-07 words: 3625 flesch: 65 summary: Although there are many poems with special referents, 'The Dining Table' is made up of a lot of referents such that virtually every word in the poem has a special usage. As a free verse, the poem made it possible for the Journal of Pragmatics Research Vol. 02, No. 01, (2020) pp.41-49 Website: DOI: 45 poet to pour out his experience poetically as he experienced it adopting special referents to disseminate his messages. keywords: blood; dining; dinner; english; events; expression; gun;;; important; jegede; language; linguistic; moon; night; nile; olusegun; pain; people; pepper; poem; poet; pragmatics; reference; referents; research; revolutionary; speaker; studies; study; table; things; tongues; tonight; use; war; words; world; wounds cache: jopr-3756.pdf plain text: jopr-3756.txt item: #17 of 47 id: jopr-4026 author: Widiningrum, Rindang title: Compliment Responses of The Main Characters in Indonesian and American Movies date: 2020-10-03 words: 4944 flesch: 71 summary: German compliment responses. The main characters of each movie are a couple, so there are compliments and also responses in those movies that can be analyzed. keywords: ability; appearance; appreciation; characters; compliment; context; data; differences; different; english; example; explaining; extract; female; good; hitch; journal; kelvin; mars; mila; movies; personality; pragmatics; praise; questioning; reassignment; research; responses; rindang; sara; silent; study; table; times; topics; venus; widiningrum; wierzbicka cache: jopr-4026.pdf plain text: jopr-4026.txt item: #18 of 47 id: jopr-4206 author: Jumanto, Jumanto; Rahayu, Emik title: Pondering a Global BIPA: Politeness and Impoliteness in Verbal Interactions date: 2020-10-03 words: 5181 flesch: 55 summary: Jumanto (2014), with his theory of distant language and close language, has asserted that language use is a matter of probabilities (2014: II-346). Distant language refers to distancing politeness to bring respect, while close language refers to closeness politeness to instill solidarity, the formula of which is stipulated in Table 1. keywords: anda; apakah; article; awkward; bapak; bipa; brown; close; close language; code; context; direct; distant; distant language; emik; expressions; face; forms; global; hearer; indirect; indonesian; indonesian language; informal; informality; interactions; international; interpersonal; issn; journal; jumanto; language; language use; like; linguistic; literal; mixing; native; new; non; people; personal; politeness; pondering; power; pp.97; pragmatics; probable; rahayu; research; rude; saya; sir; situations; solidarity; speakers; speaking; superiors; talk; teaching; theory; topic; types; university; use; utterances; verbal; vol; website; world cache: jopr-4206.pdf plain text: jopr-4206.txt item: #19 of 47 id: jopr-4445 author: Anwari, Anwari title: Speech Act Analysis of Madurese Wedding Ceremony in Kalidandan Village, Pakuniran, Probolinggo date: 2020-10-03 words: 4859 flesch: 60 summary: A study done by Licea-Haquet et al., (2019) stated that language comprehension involves the recognition of speech acts. Holtgraves (2008) demonstrated that English speakers can automatically recognize speech acts, and proposes that this allows an efficient (good-enough) processing of conversation turns. keywords: act; acts; anwari; austin; bedeh; ben; ceremony; children; communication; context; data; different; direct; directive; empean; hearer; illocutionary; illocutionary act; indirect; issn; jek; journal; kalidandan; lah; language; leech; literal; literal speech; madurese; madurese wedding; marriage; married; meaning; means; mode; mun; non; pakuniran; perlocutionary; pp.113; pragmatics; press; probolinggo; promise; research; searle; sentence; social; speaker; speech; speech act; study; tak; types; university; use; utterance; village; vol; website; wedding; wedding speech; wijana cache: jopr-4445.pdf plain text: jopr-4445.txt item: #20 of 47 id: jopr-4584 author: Soedjarwo, Gabriella Novianty title: Persuasion Act in the Proposal Movie date: 2020-04-01 words: 7375 flesch: 59 summary: There have been previous studies which talk about persuasion act. This study reveals in persuasion act in which the purpose is to make other party does what the persuader desires, the persuader also delivers the commissive speech act; the persuader promises to do something in return to the hearer. keywords: act; acts; american; andrew; attempt; austin; behaviour; certain; change; condition; data; demand; dialogue; editor; effective; fake;;; illocutionary; immigration; language; margaret; marriage; married; maxim; means; movie; officer; order; persuader; persuasion; persuasion act; pragmatics; researcher; situation; speaker; speech; speech act; strategies; strategy; study; successful; theory; utterance; words cache: jopr-4584.pdf plain text: jopr-4584.txt item: #21 of 47 id: jopr-4585 author: Christianto, Danin title: Speech Acts in EFL Classrooms date: 2020-04-01 words: 3974 flesch: 62 summary: The results showed that there were three types of speech acts found in the interactions between the teachers and students, namely locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. There are broad ranges of things which can be analysed from speech acts. keywords: act; acts; analysis; certain; christianto; classrooms; data; directive; efl; english; equivalent; expression; field;; illocutionary; interactions; journal; language; learning; meaning; perlocutionary; pragmatics; real; research; results; speech; speech act; students; study; teacher; teaching; types; use; utterances cache: jopr-4585.pdf plain text: jopr-4585.txt item: #22 of 47 id: jopr-4632 author: Faiz, Ahmad; Yulianti, Andi Indah; Septiana, Dwiani title: Trump's Speech about Jerusalem: An Analysis on Persuasive Strategies date: 2020-10-06 words: 6013 flesch: 62 summary: The first one is Trump’s speech about Jerusalem on 23rd March 2017 with the title “Remarks by President Trump at Israel Museum” (2017). Speech I This subchapter analyzed persuasive strategies act in speech I, with the title “Remarks by President Trump at the Israel Museum”. keywords: ahmad; andi; capital; character; city; credibility; data; datum; declarative; declarative sentence; east; emotions; ethos; example; factual; findings; hearers; indah; intelligence; israel; issn; jerusalem; journal; logos; middle; pathos; peace; people; persuasive; persuasive strategies; pp.160; pragmatics; president; research; sentence; septiana; speaker; speech; statement; strategies; text; trump; types; virtuous; vol; world; yulianti cache: jopr-4632.pdf plain text: jopr-4632.txt item: #23 of 47 id: jopr-4641 author: Rahmatika, Laily; Wahyudi, Agus Budi title: Netizens’ Responses towards the Covid-19 Pandemic Text: A Study of Speech Acts and Their Contents date: 2020-10-10 words: 7871 flesch: 54 summary: Commissive Responses There is netizen response towards Covid-19 which is commissive types. Declarative Responses There is netizen response towards Covid-19 which is declarative types. keywords: acts; ada; agus; allah; anti; areas; atau; bahasa; bisa; buat; budi; cases; chain; citizens; clarity; cluster; commissive; content; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; dalam; dan; dari; data; death; declarative; directive; doctor; dok; dr.tirta; effect; end; example; expressive; facebook; form; free; gamaras; good; government; handling; health; healthies; help; hospital; idr; illocutionary; illocutionary speech; ilokusi; increase; indonesia; information; ini; instagram; issn; jakarta; jangan; journal; kesehatan; kita; laily; loki; makan; marker; masks; masyarakat; media; method; ministry; necklace; netizens; neutral; new; number; optimistic; ordering; pada; pandemic; patient; people; perlocutionary; pessimistic; positive; pp.177; pragmatics; price; problem; protocols; psbb; public; rahmatika; rapid; real; representative; research; responses; responses tt; results; sastra; saya; scuba; semoga; september; social; speech; speech acts; states; study; substance; support; swab; system; techniques; test; text; tindak; truth; tutur; types; untuk; use; vaccine; verb; vol; wahyudi; website; workers; yang cache: jopr-4641.pdf plain text: jopr-4641.txt item: #24 of 47 id: jopr-4645 author: nurjanah, komariyah; widhyasmaramurti, widhyasmaramurti title: Gugon Tuhon for Javanese Women to Promote Character Building: A Pragmatic Perspective date: 2020-10-05 words: 6650 flesch: 61 summary: This study aims to explain the meaning of Javanese women behaviors GT as understood by the Javanese women. Therefore, conducting the research of Javanese women behaviors GT is expected to increase people's knowledge of Javanese local wisdom and be an effort in documenting Javanese language and culture. keywords: act; action; acts; aja; austin; behaviors; care; characters; children; cultural; culture; dalam; data; daughters; different; doorway; family; form; good; gugon; guidance; house; humanities; humans; illocutionary; indonesia; international; issn; jakarta; javanese; javanese women; jawa; journal; knowledge; known; komariyah; language; life; mannered; meaning; middle; mothers; mundhak; nurjanah; nutu; order; parents; people; perlocutionary; pp.127; pragmatic; prohibition; research; results; rice; sambiresik; shows; society; speech; student; study; teaching; text; theory; trees; tuhon; understanding; universitas; village; vol; website; widhyasmaramurti; women; y.o; young; yèn; √ √ cache: jopr-4645.pdf plain text: jopr-4645.txt item: #25 of 47 id: jopr-4892 author: Giyatmi, Giyatmi; Astuti, Purwani Indri; Wijayava, Ratih title: Speech Acts Found in English Tourism Slogans Used in Indonesia date: 2021-04-01 words: 5751 flesch: 56 summary: Having analyzed the tourism slogans found in Indonesia, the researchers concludes that (1) there are 4 types of speech acts used in tourism slogan, namely representative speech acts, directive speech acts, commissive speech acts, and expressive speech act, (2) There are 3 functions of speech acts used in tourism slogans, namely giving information dealing with the historical background, name, and hopes of certain town. Other researchers may have a research about tourism slogan that focuses on the figurative language used or they also can have a research on tourism slogans around the world such as Malaysia True the Asia, Japan Endless Discovery, Amazing Thailand, etc. REFERENCES Alkitri, S. (2011). keywords: aceh; acts; analysis; astuti; bali; belitung; bogor; city; commissive; culture; data; destination; directive; east; english; enjoy; equator; expressive; figure; functions; giyatmi; indonesia; information; island; issn; jakarta; java; journal; kinds; language; laosrirattanachai; linguistics; logo; lombok; marketing; palembang; panyametheekul; people; pontianak; pp.70; pragmatics; province; representative; research; researchers; river; slogans; solo; sparkling; speakers; speech; speech acts; sumatra; surabaya; tourism; tourism slogans; tourists; types; use; utterances; vol; website; west; wijayava; world cache: jopr-4892.pdf plain text: jopr-4892.txt item: #26 of 47 id: jopr-5016 author: Hajer, Abidi title: Metaphors Trump’s Discourse ‘Lives by’: are they Mere Pervasive Linguistic Clichés or Persuasive Tools? date: 2021-04-01 words: 5737 flesch: 52 summary: Although this metaphor is not novel as crime is likely to be equated with time in other metaphors, it is creative as it baldly infiltrates and arouses fear, covertly entices the people to revolt, and even draws attention to the precarious condition the Border is facing. This strategic use of metaphor has persuasive and manipulative ends and these two queries are going to be demonstrated in this research. keywords: analysis; approach; attention; author; cda; china; cmt; cognitive; common; conceptual; crime; critical; different; discourse; domain; donald; example; expressions; feelings; following; general; hajer; issn; journal; lakoff; language; linguistic; matter; meaning; media; metaphor; metaphorical; nature; new; novel; persuasive; political; power; pp.1; pragmatics; president; research; second; source; states; studies; study; target; theoretical; theory; things; thought; tools; trump; turner; understanding; united; urios; use; view; vol; war; website cache: jopr-5016.pdf plain text: jopr-5016.txt item: #27 of 47 id: jopr-5125 author: Wijana, I Dewa Putu title: On Speech Acts date: 2021-04-01 words: 6054 flesch: 58 summary: The research begins with the classification of speech acts done by some experts and continues with description of characteristics and validities carried out especially by Austin and Searle, and ends with speech act strategies developed by Parker and Riley, using examples taken from Indonesian, Javanese, Balinese, and English, four languages that the writer masters relatively well. Research findings show that there are various types of speech acts, and each speech act has its own validity conditions. keywords: act; act strategy; action; acts; addressee; akan; aku; balinese; buku; categories; category; characteristics; classification; context; data; different; difficult; directive; english; etc; example; explicit; expressive; felicitous; focus; following; formal; illocutionary; illocutionary act; indirect; indonesian; information; intentions; interlocution; issn; javanese; journal; kind; language; linguistic; literal; london; meaning; money; nonliteral; order; parker; performative; perlocutionary; person; pp.14; pragmatics; putu; questioning; research; riley; saya; sentences; situations; speaker; speech; speech act; strategies; strategy; studies; study; time; towel; types; university; use; utterances; uttered; verbal; vol; website; wijana cache: jopr-5125.pdf plain text: jopr-5125.txt item: #28 of 47 id: jopr-5127 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: Persuasive Strategies in Selected Brand Products’ Advertisement on Instagram: Rationalization Aspect date: 2021-05-27 words: 10111 flesch: 59 summary: First, a study was written by Alfian et al. (2019) entitled “Persuasive Strategies Used by Dr. Zakir Naik in his Speech in Oxford Union with Theme “Islam and the 21st Century”. Third, a study was written by Firmansyah & Kuntjara (2016) entitled “Persuasive Strategies Used by Agung Sedayu Group in the Infomercial, Metro TV”. keywords: act; action; activities; acts; ads; advertisement; advertisement number; advertiser; advertising; air; analysis; antangin; aqua; aroma; attitudes; bacteria; beauty; benefits; best; body; brand; captions; care; causes; clean; clothes; coffee; communication; complete; consumers; content; dan; dari; data; day; dengan; directive; drink; drinking; drugs; endurance; energy; extra; fabric; face; facial; family; filtering; fitria; foam; focus; food; form; free; friends; ginger; glowing; good; halal; hari; health; high; household; important; indonesia; influence; ingredients; ini; instagram; insurance; international; issn; itu; jelly; journal; juga; kamu; kandungan; karena; kulit; language; lemonilo; life; media; medicine; mineral; minum; natural; needs; number; oil; persuade; persuasive; persuasive strategy; pond; pp.108; pragmatics; pragmatics research; pristine; process; product; prospecting; protection; quality; rationalization; reason; redoxon; research; research vol; rinso; sakura; selain; skin; social; speaker; special; speech; standards; strategies; strategy; study; sudah; taste; tea; technology; triple; tubuh; untuk; uses; viruses; vitamin; vol; water; website; white; yang; zinc; zwitsal cache: jopr-5127.pdf plain text: jopr-5127.txt item: #29 of 47 id: jopr-5149 author: Nugroho, Arif; Astuti, Nuning Wahyu; Atmojo, Arief Eko Priyo title: Acts of Requesting as Realized by English for Specific Purposes Students date: 2021-04-01 words: 5562 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: acts of requesting, pragmatics, request strategies, Journal of Pragmatics Research Vol. 03, No. 01 (2021), pp.46-58 E-ISSN: 2656-8020 Website: 47 INTRODUCTION Successful communication in a foreign language not only depends on the acquisition of sentence structures and grammatical rules of the language but also entails the knowledge of pragmatics and cross-cultural communication. These questions come up because ESP students tend to have lower level of language awareness and it may affect the choice of request strategy in English. keywords: acts; analysis; astuti; atmojo; communication; competence; context; cross; cultural; culture; data; dct; efl; english; esp; glass; indirect; indonesian; interview; journal; knowledge; language; learners; nugroho; participants; play; pragmatic; purposes; reasons; request; request strategies; research; responses; results; role; scenario; selection; similar; social; speakers; specific; speech; strategies; strategy; students; study; table; teaching; use; utterances; water cache: jopr-5149.pdf plain text: jopr-5149.txt item: #30 of 47 id: jopr-5162 author: Azizah, Dinda Noor title: Hedges Function in Masculine and Feminine Feature’s Language: A Pragmatics Analysis date: 2021-04-01 words: 4304 flesch: 58 summary: Percentage differences of the use of hedges strategy in two gender Based on the analysis of the two First We Feast videos, it produces different trends and hedges strategies. Recapitulation of the number of hedges strategies used by both genders Hedges Strategy Feminine Masculine Total Frequencies Frequencies Indetermination 48 89 137 Subjectification 25 10 35 Depersonalization - 1 1 Figure 5.23. keywords: azizah; coates; data; differences; different; english; features; female; form; function; gender; halsey; hedges; hedges strategy; hedging; holmes; indetermination; journal; lakoff; language; level; lexical; linguistic; male; martín; mendes; personal; phrase; politeness; pragmatics; proposition; research; respondent; shawn; speech; states; strategies; strategy; strategy level; strategy strategy; study; subjectification; table; use; use hedges; women cache: jopr-5162.pdf plain text: jopr-5162.txt item: #31 of 47 id: jopr-5166 author: Nurdiyanto, Erwita; Resticka, Gita Anggria title: Sociopragmatics Competence in The Characteristics of Banyumas Community Blakasuta date: 2021-04-01 words: 9051 flesch: 53 summary: In connection with this, there is a peculiarity in the form of acts of speech Banyumas, namely at the beginning of speech, conveying the content and ending the speech. The form, type and strategy of Banyumas community speech is seen from the delivery technique which includes direct speech action, indirect speech action with certain sentence modes. keywords: accordance; act; action; attitude; banyumas; banyumas community; banyumas dialect; banyumas language; banyumas people; banyumas society; blakasuta; blakasuta banyumas; cablaka; case; certain; characteristics; command; communication; community speech; competence; context; cultural; culture; daily; data; dialect; different; direct; direct speech; egalitarian; example; factors; form; hair;; identity; indirect; issn; javanese; javanese dialect; javanese language; language; literal; literal speech; meaning; mode; news; nurdiyanto; outside; person; pp.28; pragmatics; principle; process; purpose; question; related; research; resticka; sentence; social; society; sociolinguistic; sociopragmatics; speakers; speaking; speech; speech act; speeches; strategy; studies; study; use; vol; way; website; words cache: jopr-5166.pdf plain text: jopr-5166.txt item: #32 of 47 id: jopr-5332 author: Rahmawati, Laili Etika; Hidayat, Nurul; Kurniawan, Andra title: Impoliteness of Directive Speech Acts in Online Indonesian Language Learning date: 2021-05-10 words: 4474 flesch: 53 summary: The fact is that there still a lot of impoliteness in directive speech acts committed by Indonesian language teachers to their students. In the following discussion, we will discuss some impoliteness of directive speech acts carried out by Indonesian language teachers. keywords: acts; attendance; attention; behavior; classroom; communication; coronavirus; cutter; dan; data; directive; directive speech; examples; face; google; group; impoliteness; indonesian; indonesian language; information; internet; jurnal; language; learning; means; media; method; network; online; online learning; ordering; orders; pandemic; partner; pembelajaran; pendidikan; process; qualitative; requesting; research; sentences; speaker; speech; speech acts; students; study; teacher; technique; triangulation; use; whatsapp; words cache: jopr-5332.pdf plain text: jopr-5332.txt item: #33 of 47 id: jopr-5373 author: Milal, A. Dzo'ul; Pramono, Angga Cahya title: Impoliteness Addressed to Different Genders and their Responses in The Kitchen Nightmares, a TV Reality Show date: 2021-06-10 words: 6877 flesch: 62 summary: Bald on record impoliteness is the strategy most frequently used, followed by negative impoliteness and positive impoliteness. Impoliteness strategies used by male and female haters of Habib Rizieq and Felix Siauw found in Instagram comments. keywords: attack; bald; boy; celestina; conflict; corresponding; countering; culpeper; data; defensive; different; entertainment; face; face attack; female; gender; hearer; host; impoliteness; impoliteness strategies; journal; kitchen; language; laugh; male; mock; negative; nightmares; offensive; old; participants; paulette; pete; positive; pragmatics; ramsay; reality; record; research; responses; restaurant; sarcasm; social; speaker; strategies; study; thin; type; use; women; worst cache: jopr-5373.pdf plain text: jopr-5373.txt item: #34 of 47 id: jopr-5386 author: Isti'anah, Arina; Puri, Anindita Dewangga title: Hedges in Students’ Reflective Feedback: Evidence from an Online Class during COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2021-05-10 words: 5328 flesch: 58 summary: Students have to figure out a combination of activities students use to achieve their learning goals (Cheng & Ding, 2021). During the Covid-19 pandemic, both teachers and students face difficulty engaging themselves in online classes. keywords: academic; adjectives; adverbs; articles; auxiliaries; categories; class; classes; commitment; course; covid-19; data; discussion; english; epistemic; examples; feedback; figure; function; hedges; hyland; journal; learners; learning; linguistics; materials; modal; new; online; online class; outbreak; paper; process; reflective; reflective feedback; research; responsibility; statements; students; teacher; truth; understanding; university; use; words; zoom cache: jopr-5386.pdf plain text: jopr-5386.txt item: #35 of 47 id: jopr-5721 author: Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: Integrating Politeness Principles and Strategies in Counselling Technique: A Phenomenological Study date: 2021-08-28 words: 4726 flesch: 59 summary: In summary, the counseling strategy could be employed to help pupils with their behavioral issues Keywords: Politeness principles, strategies; counselling technique, Phenomenological study 148 INTRODUCTION Those researches could be classified into three main themes namely politeness types, politeness principle and the effect of culture and linguistic choice on politeness. keywords: agreement; analysis; attitude; behavior; change; checklist; consultation; conversation; counseling; counseling technique; data; education; english; example; excerpt; figure; findings; generosity; good; interview; journal; language; lecturer; means; modesty; movie; negative; observation; people; phenomenological; politeness; politeness principle; politeness strategies; principle; reason; record; research; sir; social; speaker; strategies; strategy; students; study; sympathy; tact; technique; theory; use cache: jopr-5721.pdf plain text: jopr-5721.txt item: #36 of 47 id: jopr-5934 author: Mbisike, Rosarri C. title: A Survey of Infringements of Gricean Maxims in Some Precautionary Inscriptions on Medicine Packets date: 2021-09-04 words: 5182 flesch: 51 summary: As noted by Grice (1975), participants are expected to cooperate in communication, through observing a set of maxims, which he categorized as: maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. The theoretical framework adopted for the analysis of infringed maxims contained in the precautionary inscriptions is hinged on the Gricean notion of pragmatics. keywords: adequate; analysis; cases; children; communication; cooperative; data; gricean; implicature; information; infringements; inscriptions; instances; interpretation; issn; journal; lack; language; light; manner; maxim; meaning; medicine; message; non; observance; order; packets; patient; pp.160; pragmatics; precautionary; precautionary inscriptions; principle; quantity; reader; relation; research; speaker; study; thomas; use; vol; website; word cache: jopr-5934.pdf plain text: jopr-5934.txt item: #37 of 47 id: jopr-6197 author: Shahid, Muhammad Ali; Mahmood, Anser title: Maulana Tariq Jameel’s supplication for safety against COVID-19: A Pragmatic analysis date: 2022-04-01 words: 7877 flesch: 69 summary: َرب Sayyidna Ya'qub (a.s.) responded to his sons' worry by saying: I complain of my anguish and grief not to you, nor anybody else, but to Allah jalla thana'uh Himself, which translates as I complain of my anguish and sorrow to Allah jalla thana'uh Himself. doi: Submission Track: Received: 01-10-2021 Final Revision: 25-11-2021 Available online: 01-12-2021 Corresponding Author: Muhammad Ali Shahid ABSTRACT Supplication, the symbol of man's humility, is at the core of all religions, with Allah regarded as the Supreme Being who listens to people's prayers and rewards them accordingly, regardless of religion. keywords: act; actions; allah; almighty; arabic; assistance; attention; belief; beloved; calamity; certain; college; coronavirus; covid-19; data; dua; du’a; english; ethos; explanation; fact; faith; findings; forgiveness; general; god; good; havoc; heir; help; holy; human; humility; islam; islamic; jameel; journal; lectures; life; lives; lord; man; maulana; maulana tariq; mercy; muhammad; muslims; non; online; pakistan; pathos; pbuh; peace; people; person; persuasion; popular; power; practice; pragmatic; prayer; prophet; protection; public; ramadan; religion; religious; research; result; safety; sayyidna; sins; social; speaker; specific; study; supplication; surah; ta'ala; tariq; tariq jameel; teachings; time; urdu; way; work; world; worldwide; worship; youtube; تيرے; حبيب; ميں; والے; َرب; ٱَّللَّ; ہللا; ہيں cache: jopr-6197.pdf plain text: jopr-6197.txt item: #38 of 47 id: jopr-6428 author: Atmaja, Karta title: Internet Analysis of Figurative Language in Automotive Advertisement Slogans date: 2022-02-01 words: 4220 flesch: 60 summary: Figurative language refers to using words or phrases that stray from traditional meanings to convey complex meanings and produces images and beautiful meanings, strengthening and reviving inanimate objects. He further argues that understanding the meaning of figurative language is challenging because the meaning might be vague and difficult to comprehend at times. keywords: advertising; automotive; best; brand; car; company; data; datum; dreams; figurative; figurative language; figure; hyperbole; kennedy; language; like; litotes; meaning; metaphor; metonymy; object; paradox; people; personification; phrase; related; researcher; road; sense; simile; slogan; speech; statement; study; symbol; synecdoche; tagline; thing; type; use; volkswagen; word cache: jopr-6428.pdf plain text: jopr-6428.txt item: #39 of 47 id: jopr-6582 author: Pasaribu, Gumarpi Rahis; Daulay, Sholihatul Hamidah; Nasution, Putra Thoip title: Pragmatics Principles of English Teachers in Islamic Elementary School date: 2022-02-06 words: 4755 flesch: 53 summary: The form of Pragmatics politeness speech in the language of English teachers in Islamic elementary schools consisting of core speech and supporting speech, the form of the core speech based on the framework of Kreidler (1998) and Searle (Mey, 2001), (2) the standard units of speech that make up the overall structure of Pragmatics politeness in the English Teacher's language which has a specific function. Thus, it can be briefly concluded that the form of Pragmatics politeness speech in the English language teacher has many varieties, both in terms of the sub-illocutionary it contains and the number of speech units in the overall structure of the speech. keywords: act; action; acts; analysis; asking; behavior; classroom; communication; conditions; context; culture; data; elementary; elements; eligibility; english; english teachers; focus; form; information; islamic; islamic elementary; knowledge; language; learning; linguistic; meaning; methods; politeness; pragmatics; pragmatics politeness; press; principles; process; qualitative; research; schools; searle; second; sentences; social; speaker; specific; speech; speech act; student; studies; study; teacher; teaching; triangulation; units; use; utterance; verbs; words cache: jopr-6582.pdf plain text: jopr-6582.txt item: #40 of 47 id: jopr-6804 author: Keshavarz, Mohammad Hossein title: Impoliteness in Power-imbalance and Power-neutral Relational Contexts: Evidence from a Persian TV Drama date: 2022-02-07 words: 8181 flesch: 62 summary: (2003) state that the recipient of an impoliteness face attack has two main options available to them: either to respond or to remain silent and do not counter face attack. As the name implies, the offensive response involves countering a face attack aggressively with a face attack; whereas defensive strategies primarily counter face attack by defending one's own face… such strategies seek to deflect, block or otherwise manage the face attack (Culpeper et al. 2003, p. 1562). keywords: act; addressee; analysis; asheghaneh; attack; attacking; behavior; boro; bousfield; case; close; confrontation; contexts; culpeper; cultural; culture; data; defensive; different; direct; dog; door; drama; english; example; excerpt; expression; face; family; father; finding; friends; gisu; haj; home; hostile; hærf; identity; idiot; imbalance; impoliteness; interlocutors; interpretation; iranian; journal; language; like; linguistic; locher; mahmood; main; mouth; mæn; neutral; non; note; offensive; options; pegah; people; persian; peyman; position; power; pragmatics; present; recipient; reciprocal; reciprocal impoliteness; relational; relationship; research; response; results; reza; role; scene; series; silent; situations; soap; social; soheil; speaker; strategies; studies; study; sæg; talk; threatening; types; use; utterance; wife; yunes cache: jopr-6804.pdf plain text: jopr-6804.txt item: #41 of 47 id: jopr-6938 author: Zainal Abidin, Najah; Mohd Jan, Jariah title: A Pragmatic Analysis of Responses in Malaysian Parliamentary Discourse date: 2022-03-18 words: 6530 flesch: 56 summary: However, interviews and speeches differ from parliamentary discourse as parliament is a platform for both government and opposition to present their justification and criticism pertaining to legislative issues (Bayley, 2004) and parliamentary questions are used in scrutinizing government members, exposing wrongdoings, and ventilating public grievances. Parliamentary questions are also one of the most visible procedures used by MPs for position taking and credit claiming while making public the opponents’ shortcomings and misdeeds (Ilie, 2021, p.42). keywords: action; adalah; agenda; analysis; answer; answering; berhenti; berhormat; bull; bumiputera; clayman; context; dan; data; dengan; deputy; development; different; discourse; evasion; evasive; example; gift; government; growth; harris; heritage; honorable; iks; ilie; indirect; information; instance; interviews; issues; jerantut; journal; kasih; kepada; kr1; language; loan; malaysian; mara; meaning; menteri; merokok; minister; ministry; negative; overnight; parliamentary; people; peratus; percent; pertua; pertumbuhan; pihak; political; politicians; pragmatics; psychology; question; rakyat; rate; research; resistance; responses; saya; sebanyak; smoking; social; speaker; steps; study; success; tahun; terima; thomas; time; topical; tuan; types; untuk; value; yang cache: jopr-6938.pdf plain text: jopr-6938.txt item: #42 of 47 id: jopr-6941 author: Soehendro, Eunike Imanuela; Jumanto, Jumanto title: The Analysis of Impoliteness within Grammar Nazi Context in Twitter Tweets date: 2022-03-02 words: 6678 flesch: 53 summary: In addition, know how impoliteness strategies are described in posts of twitter that contain Grammar Nazi phenomenon, and find out the threats and benefits of the Grammar Nazi phenomenon to general people. In addition, a statement in the form of 70 data shows that 50% of Grammar Nazi perpetrators only insulted the victim (people who were learning to use English), without providing corrections for the victim's grammatical errors. keywords: accordance; author; bald; benefits; bullying; characteristics; correct; correction; culpeper; data; different; english; errors; excerpt; face; grammar; grammar nazi; grammatical; impoliteness; impoliteness strategy; information; journal; language; learning; media; mock; nazi; nazi phenomenon; negative; negative impoliteness; people; percentage; person; phenomenon; positive; post; record; research; results; ridicule; sarcasm; social; strategies; strategy; study; theory; total; twitter; type; use; withhold; words; writing cache: jopr-6941.pdf plain text: jopr-6941.txt item: #43 of 47 id: jopr-7023 author: Nurdiyani, Netty; Sasongko, Sasongko title: Students' Politeness to Lecturers in WhatsApp Application Measured Using Leech Maxim date: 2022-04-03 words: 6320 flesch: 59 summary: In-depth information will provide a complete picture of the application of student politeness maxims in WA messages to lecturers. This study aims to describe student politeness in communicating or sending messages to lecturers through the Whatsapp application. keywords: agreement; agreement maxim; analysis; application; approbation; attitude; benefits; brown; category; classroom; communication; consensus; data; education; elements; eshghinejad; example; face; following; generosity; generosity maxim; gmeet; information; journal; language; learning; lecturers; leech; levinson; link; ma'am; maxim; messages; method; modesty; modesty maxim; moini; online; pandemic; partner; party; people; phones; politeness; position; principles; process; research; respect; results; saya; scale; self; sentences; social; source; speaker; speech; strategies; students; study; sympathy; tact; teacher; teaching; technique; theory; time; use; whatsapp; words cache: jopr-7023.pdf plain text: jopr-7023.txt item: #44 of 47 id: jopr-7559 author: Yustika, Leilya Sari; Setiawan, Slamet; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi title: Flouting Maxim in “The Hundred-Foot Journey Movie”: An Opportunity to Improve Students’ Intercultural Literacy date: 2022-08-24 words: 6649 flesch: 57 summary: Flouting Maxim in “The Hundred-Foot Journey Movie”: An Opportunity to Improve Students’ Intercultural Literacy Leilya Sari Yustika Universitas Negeri Surabaya Slamet Setiawan Universitas Negeri Surabaya Pratiwi Retnaningdyah Universitas Negeri Surabaya DOI: Flouting Maxim in the Chance to Improve Intercultural Literacy Four flouting maxims found in the movie are done from a cross-cultural situation that happened between French and Indians that sometimes misunderstand and heat the situation with an enmity attitude. keywords: analysis; answer; aspects; attitude; awareness; characters; classroom; communication; competence; conversation; cooperative; cross; culture; deardorff; education; english; flouting; french; good; hassan; humor; indian; information; interaction; intercultural; intercultural literacy; interlocutor; international; journal; kadam; knowledge; language; learning; literacy; madame; mallory; manner; maxim; movie; new; opportunity; people; person; principle; process; quality; quantity; reason; relevance; research; restaurant; situation; social; speaker; students; study; teaching; things; understanding; university cache: jopr-7559.pdf plain text: jopr-7559.txt item: #45 of 47 id: jopr-7587 author: Haryati, Haryati title: Presupposition in The Mystery and Thriller Film of “Escape from Pretoria" date: 2022-08-10 words: 6303 flesch: 55 summary: The writer applies Yule’s theory (1996) to analyze the presupposition kinds, Halliday’s theory (2003) to analyze presupposition functions, and Subana’s formula to gain the percentage of each presupposition. Clearly, the listeners or writers must be able to interpret meanings, catch the messages or values from those utterances, and exceedingly that utterances contain presupposition triggers. keywords: annan; answer; data; datum; deals; entity; existence; existential; factive; film; function; heuristic; information; instrumental; interlocutor; journal; key; kind; language; lexical; mark; meanings; means; movie; noun; people; percentage; personal; phrase; pragmatics; presupposition; presupposition trigger; question; reaction; reason; representational; research; round; script; speaker; triggers; utterances cache: jopr-7587.pdf plain text: jopr-7587.txt item: #46 of 47 id: jopr-7708 author: Chintawidy, Permas Adinda; Sartini, Ni Wayan title: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatics Study of Request Strategies and Politeness in Javanese and Sundanese date: 2022-09-02 words: 6127 flesch: 60 summary: This study aims to examine and compare request strategies and politeness of two groups of native speakers from two different ethnic groups in Indonesia, i.e., Javanese and Sundanese. The data were analyzed by using the classification of request strategies by Blum-Kulka et al., 1989) and social contexts in terms of social power, social distance, and degree of imposition by Brown and Levinson (1987) to reveal the levels of directness and politeness of request employed by each group of speakers. keywords: act; acts; blum; contexts; cross; cultural; cultures; data; dct; degree; derivable; different; direct; direct strategy; distance; employ; english; ethnic; example; explicit; frequencies; groups; head; hedged; hint; imposition; indirect; indonesia; javanese; kulka; language; mood; open; participants; people; percentages; performatives; politeness; power; pragmatics; preparatory; query; request; request strategies; research; situation; social; social power; speakers; speech; statements; strategies; strategy; study; sundanese; sundanese speakers; table; total; use; values; want cache: jopr-7708.pdf plain text: jopr-7708.txt item: #47 of 47 id: jopr-7784 author: Yudhanto, Sigied Himawan; Risdianto, Faizal title: The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE date: 2022-09-02 words: 4257 flesch: 57 summary: The placement of album cover area is placed horizontally by applying an element of symmetrical balance so that it can seem solid even though the composition looks less balanced; this can be seen from the placement of the headline on the top left and the ornament. The Astronaut's skull artwork entitled in Indonesian Binasa (Perish in English) which is the basis of the DECADE album cover design, also strengthens this interpretation. keywords: acts; album; album cover; analysis; artwork; astronaut; band; binasa; black; code; color; communication; context; cover; cover design; death; decade; decade album; design; designer; elements; form;; image; interpretation; language; life; meaning; message; music; pragmatics; qualitative; record; record album; research; rock; semiotics; signifier; signs; skull; sky; space; speaker; speech; studies; study; theory; time; title; verbal; vinyl; vinyl record; visual; world cache: jopr-7784.pdf plain text: jopr-7784.txt