item: #1 of 69 id: jpcl-12344 author: Tobing, Donny W title: TINJAUAN HUKUM TERHADAP HUKUM ACARA PERSAINGAN USAHA DALAM PERSPEKTIF DUE PROCESS OF LAW date: 2017-11-19 words: 7845 flesch: 37 summary: 26 Membuktikan dalam arti yuridis tidak lain berarti memberi dasar-dasar yang cukup kepada Majelis Komisi yang memeriksa perkara yang bersangkutan guna memberi kepastian tentang kebenaran peristiwa yang diajukan. Apabila terdapat perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) di antara anggota Majelis Komisi, maka anggota Majelis Komisi yang dimaksud dapat meminta agar pendapatnya dimasukkan dalam pertimbangan 41 Binoto, Nadapdap, op.cit., hal. 69. keywords: acara; antimonopoli; atau; ayat; berdasarkan; bukti; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; dugaan; hal; hukum; kepada; komisi; laporan; law; majelis; majelis komisi; maka; melakukan; nomor; oleh; pasal; pelaku; pelanggaran; pelapor; pemeriksaan; penanganan; peraturan; perkara; perkom; persaingan; pihak; process; tahun; tentang; terhadap; terlapor; tersebut; tidak; undang; untuk; usaha; waktu; yang cache: jpcl-12344.pdf plain text: jpcl-12344.txt item: #2 of 69 id: jpcl-12353 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247b3c9620cd • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-12353.htm plain text: jpcl-12353.txt item: #3 of 69 id: jpcl-12355 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf24777fb3206d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-12355.htm plain text: jpcl-12355.txt item: #4 of 69 id: jpcl-12356 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247ff9751fef • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-12356.htm plain text: jpcl-12356.txt item: #5 of 69 id: jpcl-12357 author: Ulinnuha, Lutfi title: PENGGUNAAN HAK CIPTA SEBAGAI OBJEK JAMINAN FIDUSIA date: 2017-11-19 words: 7652 flesch: 45 summary: Ketentuan ini dapat juga diberlakukan terhadap Jaminan Fidusia berupa Hak Cipta, karena Hak Cipta sebagai hak kebendaan mempunyai ciri-ciri, salah satunya adalah droit de suit, artinya Pemegang Hak Cipta tetap mengikuti dalam tangan siapapun Hak Cipta yang melekat pada benda tersebut berada. kemudian diubah menjadi Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI), kemudian diubah lagi menjadi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) dan yang sekarang ini berubah menjadi Kekayaan Intelektual (KI) setelah ditandatanganinya keywords: adalah; atas; atau; bahwa; benda; bergerak; berwujud; cipta; ciptaan; dalam; dapat; dari; dengan; dijadikan; ekonomi; fidusia; hak; hak cipta; hal; hasil; hukum; ini; intelektual; itu; jaminan; jaminan fidusia; juga; karya; kekayaan; ketentuan; mempunyai; mengenai; menjadi; merupakan; nilai; nomor; objek; objek jaminan; pada; pasal; pencipta; penelitian; penggunaan; perjanjian; perlindungan; prinsip; sebagai; secara; suatu; tahun; telah; tentang; tersebut; tidak; undang; undang nomor; untuk; yang cache: jpcl-12357.pdf plain text: jpcl-12357.txt item: #6 of 69 id: jpcl-12358 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf24733fab2037 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-12358.htm plain text: jpcl-12358.txt item: #7 of 69 id: jpcl-13930 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247f494ea637 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-13930.htm plain text: jpcl-13930.txt item: #8 of 69 id: jpcl-13962 author: Prabowo, M Shidqon; UMAMI, YURIDA ZAKYY title: THE EXISTENCE OF A COMPANY IN THE SOCIETY AND ITS LEGALITY IN INDONESIAN LAW date: 2018-06-28 words: 4585 flesch: 52 summary: The society has recognized the existence of companies. Companies can be considered as the centers of the activities of the society. keywords: activities; activity; business; company; entity; law; liability cache: jpcl-13962.pdf plain text: jpcl-13962.txt item: #9 of 69 id: jpcl-14217 author: Setiawan, Andry title: DISSEMINATION OF COPYRIGHT LAW IN DIGITAL PRODUCTS IN SEMARANG CITY date: 2018-06-28 words: 2721 flesch: 47 summary: There are a handful of people who will benefit from the presence of digital products that are generally preferred by people nowadays, for example, the creators of digital products, digital product marketers, etc. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The Review of Copyright on Digital Products In the current globalization era, we are experiencing a very rapid development, especially in the field of science and technology which effect on human activities. In addition to physical copyrighted work products, there are also digital products on which the creator owns a copyright. keywords: copyright; creator; internet; products; rights; works cache: jpcl-14217.pdf plain text: jpcl-14217.txt item: #10 of 69 id: jpcl-14499 author: Lubis, Muhammad Ikhsan title: ONLINE BUYING AND SELLING TRANSACTIONS UNDER INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW date: 2018-06-28 words: 5728 flesch: 47 summary: It is hoped that this paper will give different insight and perspective for readers about online transaction. However, online transactions can be classified as an unlawful agreement (onbenoemde contract) in Book III of the Civil Code. keywords: buying; choice; contract; law; online; parties; principle; purchase; sale; transactions cache: jpcl-14499.pdf plain text: jpcl-14499.txt item: #11 of 69 id: jpcl-14514 author: Damayanti, Ratih title: THE STATE POSITION AS A PREFERENT CREDITOR OF THE TAX DEBT IN BANKRUPTCY date: 2018-06-28 words: 4978 flesch: 52 summary: (2) Preferent creditors are creditors who by law are granted the privilege of obtaining early repayment of receivables compared to other creditors. 65 - 77 taxpayer, prioritizing the various debts owned against other creditors. keywords: article; code; creditor; debt; paragraph; right; state; tax cache: jpcl-14514.pdf plain text: jpcl-14514.txt item: #12 of 69 id: jpcl-14560 author: ARGIYANTO, DESTU title: PROTECTION IN RETAIL INVESTORS DISADVANTED BY FAKE TRANSACTION PRACTICE (CORNERING THE MARKET) date: 2018-06-28 words: 3245 flesch: 42 summary: If the Directorate of Capital Market Inspection OJK recommends a case of capital market violation to enter the investigation stage it will be delegated to the Directorate of Investigation OJK. Indonesian Stock Exchange has barriers to the system used in an effort to maintain market liquidity in capital market violations. keywords: capital; capital market; exchange; market; ojk; securities; stock cache: jpcl-14560.pdf plain text: jpcl-14560.txt item: #13 of 69 id: jpcl-15700 author: Muniroh, Siti Dhurotun; Kamal, Ubaidillah title: THE INDICATION OF UNFAIR BUSINESS COMPETITION PRACTICE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AUCTION USING E-TENDERING date: 2018-11-26 words: 5154 flesch: 39 summary: So it is expected that the change of system in public procurement auction that were previously done through manual and become through electronic ought to be offset by the changes in abilities and capabilities of the parties involved in auction of public procurement through electronic especially the staffs on Procurement Services Unit (ULP) and Electronically Procurement Services (LPSE) divisions. On the implementation of public procurement auction through E-Tendering, Division of Procurement Services Unit (ULP) has detected indications of unhealthy business competition at the time of the bid evaluation with the Explanation based on Article 83 of Presidential Regulation Number 70 Year 2012. keywords: auction; conspiracy; goods; implementation; procurement; procurement services; services unit; ulp; unit cache: jpcl-15700.pdf plain text: jpcl-15700.txt item: #14 of 69 id: jpcl-16262 author: rahayu, derita prapti; YOKOTANI, YOKOTANI; Toni, Toni title: FORMULATION OF MINERBA LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICY AGAINST UNCONVENTIONAL MINE FLOATING CATEGORY (STUDY OF SOCIO LEGAL IN BANGKA DISTRICT) date: 2018-11-26 words: 2250 flesch: 54 summary: Policy problems in one area sometimes affect policy problems in other fields. Policy problems are only possible when humans make judgments about the desire to change some problem situations. keywords: bangka; formulation; law; policy; problem cache: jpcl-16262.pdf plain text: jpcl-16262.txt item: #15 of 69 id: jpcl-16686 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247a8aefa619 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-16686.htm plain text: jpcl-16686.txt item: #16 of 69 id: jpcl-16834 author: perwitasari, dita title: LEGAL CERTIFICATION IN ELECTRONIC CREDIT AGREEMENT date: 2018-11-26 words: 3022 flesch: 45 summary: As from legal certainty if there is a default on the parties or one of their parties. LEGAL CERTAINTY If we talk about the legal certainty of P2P lending, of course we will talk and discuss legal certainty in general. keywords: certainty; information; law; lending; p2p; services; technology cache: jpcl-16834.pdf plain text: jpcl-16834.txt item: #17 of 69 id: jpcl-16848 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf24773ea1209d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-16848.htm plain text: jpcl-16848.txt item: #18 of 69 id: jpcl-16875 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247e0a492037 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-16875.htm plain text: jpcl-16875.txt item: #19 of 69 id: jpcl-17748 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 76 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247abc45209d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-17748.htm plain text: jpcl-17748.txt item: #20 of 69 id: jpcl-18178 author: Arifin, Ridwan title: Indonesian Political Economic Policy and Economic Rights: An Analysis of Human Rights in the International Economic Law date: 2019-05-31 words: 9123 flesch: 39 summary: Human rights and the rights to this economy have a fairly close relationship, and there are many experts, for example Booysen, referring to human rights in relation to international economic law as international economic human rights. This paper highlighted that economic policies in the form of reducing subsidies and austerity measures undermine a wide range of human rights human rights frameworks. keywords: article; countries; dan; economic; economy; ekonomi; hak; human; indonesia; international; journal; law; online; policies; policy; rights; rights law; trade; vol cache: jpcl-18178.pdf plain text: jpcl-18178.txt item: #21 of 69 id: jpcl-18179 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf24806e6d20fd • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-18179.htm plain text: jpcl-18179.txt item: #22 of 69 id: jpcl-18531 author: Abubakar, Lastuti; Handayani, Tri title: Venture Capital Regulation Reform: Revitalization of Venture Capital as an Alternatives Financing Mentorship and Partnership Based date: 2019-05-31 words: 8653 flesch: 38 summary: Looking from the elements of Venture Capital financing, the fundamental difference between Venture Capital and other financing alternatives are especially bank credit, which based on loans. Some substantial developments in regulation of Venture Capital that provide opportunities to 17Journal Of Private And Commercial Law 3(1) (2019) 8-19 improve Venture Capital business activities include Sharia Capital business activities, expansion of Venture Capital businesses that involve Custodian Banks and Trustees and management of Venture Funds as a source of financing for Venture Capital. keywords: activities; business; contract; development; equity; financial; financing; participation; pmvs; pojk; ppu; regulation; sharia; venture capital cache: jpcl-18531.pdf plain text: jpcl-18531.txt item: #23 of 69 id: jpcl-18673 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247d4f4c2085 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-18673.htm plain text: jpcl-18673.txt item: #24 of 69 id: jpcl-18711 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 76 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247bdd1b2085 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-18711.htm plain text: jpcl-18711.txt item: #25 of 69 id: jpcl-18766 author: Hikmah, Nurul title: Problems in the Status of Object Ownership of Ijarah Muntahiyah Bittamlik Financing Contract in Sharia Banking Law date: 2019-05-31 words: 4563 flesch: 54 summary: Ownership status in contract ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik In principle, ownership status in ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik is the occurrence of a transfer of ownership. This is because in the contract ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik there are two contracts, namely a sale and purcha- se contract (al-ba’i), and ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik contract, which is a lease agreement terminated by the transfer of ownership at the end of the lease term as the initial agreement. keywords: agreement; bank; bittamlik; contract; ijarah; ijarah muntahiyah; lease; muntahiyah bittamlik; ownership; sharia; syariah cache: jpcl-18766.pdf plain text: jpcl-18766.txt item: #26 of 69 id: jpcl-19695 author: Kamal, Ubaidillah title: The Implementation Of The Indonesia Ministry Of Industry Regulation In Supervising The Indonesia National Standard (SNI) Number 47 / M-DAG / PER / 7/2016 For Baby Cloting Of Small And Medium Entreprises’s date: 2019-11-03 words: 7774 flesch: 38 summary: This is one of the causes that still often does not have SNI clothes for babies in Semarang City. The third factor is that there are still many producers selling baby clothes that are not SNI due to concerns about the decrease in the number of buyers because the prices of SNI products are more expensive due to SNI registration costs as well as production costs and the public is not aware, so clothing that is not SNI is still in demand in the market at a low price. keywords: application; baby clothes; development; indonesian; industry; national; national standard; number; products; regulation; sni; standard; supervision; trade cache: jpcl-19695.pdf plain text: jpcl-19695.txt item: #27 of 69 id: jpcl-19710 author: andaniswari, okky title: Well-known Mark Overseas Legal Protection and Local Brands in Trademark Rights Violations date: 2019-11-03 words: 4452 flesch: 42 summary: The variety of product brands offered by producers to consumers makes consumers faced with a variety of choices, depending on the purchasing power or ability of consumers. Middle-class people who don’t want to miss using famous brand goods buy fake goods. keywords: brand; goods; indonesia; law; merek; number; protection; rights; services; trademark cache: jpcl-19710.pdf plain text: jpcl-19710.txt item: #28 of 69 id: jpcl-19744 author: Nasrullah, Nasrullah title: Protection Of Patent Rights (Comparative Studies in Japan and Indonesia date: 2019-11-03 words: 3804 flesch: 52 summary: Common law doctrine concerning the protection of patent inventions is the “purposive construction” doctrine which is followed by British courts, the estoppel and equivalent file wrapper doctrine that applies in the United States which is not only followed by US courts but Japan also adopts this doctrine.6 The United States uses the Anglo Saxon legal system. The application of these two principles also has implications for patent protection for inventors. keywords: indonesia; invention; japan; law; patent; patent protection; protection; rights; system; technology cache: jpcl-19744.pdf plain text: jpcl-19744.txt item: #29 of 69 id: jpcl-19746 author: Susanti, Fandilla title: The Legal Efforts to Maintain the Authenticity of Trade Secrets through a License Agreement date: 2019-11-03 words: 3309 flesch: 54 summary: Creator / Owner of trade information does not give permission to users at all. Legal efforts to resolve Infringement of trade secrets, when using trade secret information without per- mission by the owner, cause loss to the owner of the trade secret. keywords: information; ipr; law; protection; secret; trade; trade secrets cache: jpcl-19746.pdf plain text: jpcl-19746.txt item: #30 of 69 id: jpcl-19774 author: Nissa, Khoirun title: Protection of Industrial Design Law in the Enhancement of Economic Development in Indonesia date: 2019-11-03 words: 4319 flesch: 39 summary: The provisions of Article 26 (3) of TRIPs are intended to provide guidance for the period of industrial design protection for 10 (ten) years in Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 2000 concerning Industrial Design also regulated for the protection of design industrial design industry for 10 (ten) years from the date of receipt of the application and cannot be extended. JPCL 3(2) (2019) 76-81 JOURNAL OF PRIVATE AND COMMERCIAL LAW Protection of Industrial Design Law in the Enhancement of Economic Development in Indonesia Khoirun Nissa1 1Master of Law in Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Received July 1 2019, Accepted November 1 2019, Published November 30 2019 DOI 10.15294/jg.v16i1.19774 Abstract Legal protection of Industrial Design in Indonesia through Law Number 31 of 2000, the government’s determination to protect the right holders of Industrial Design from various forms of violations such as plagiarism, piracy or imitation. keywords: design; design law; indonesia; industrial; law; number; property; protection; rights cache: jpcl-19774.pdf plain text: jpcl-19774.txt item: #31 of 69 id: jpcl-24246 author: Rauf, Widya Puspa Ningrum title: The Role of the Gorontalo District National Land Agency Service in the Implementation of the Systematic Complete Land Registration Program (PTSL) date: 2020-05-11 words: 7831 flesch: 45 summary: In 2017 based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2017, a Comprehensive System for the Implementation of Sys- tematic Land Registration (PTSL) was compiled, an activity organized by the government in the field of land in general and in the field of land registration in particular. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 1991, p. 9 2 Humas ATR / BPN together with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Communication Team p-ISSN 2599-0314 e-ISSN 2599-0306* E-mail : Address : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java Indonesia, 50229 JP CL Widya Fuspa Ningrum Rauf , The Role of the Gorontalo District National Land Agency Service ...2 Complete Systematic Land Registration hereinafter abbreviated as PTSL as formulated in Article 1 Number (2) of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency Number 12 of 2017 is the first time land registration activity carried out simulta- neously for all objects of land registration throughout territory of the Republic of Indonesia in a village or kelurahan or other similar name, which includes the collection and determination of physical and juridical data regarding one or several land registration objects for the purpose of registration. keywords: complete; district land; gorontalo district; land agency; land office; land registration; land rights; people; ptsl; registration program; systematic cache: jpcl-24246.pdf plain text: jpcl-24246.txt item: #32 of 69 id: jpcl-24252 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247cdea42085 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-24252.htm plain text: jpcl-24252.txt item: #33 of 69 id: jpcl-24447 author: Prisandani, Ulya Yasmine title: Corporate Governance Regulation and Technology: Indonesia’s Way to Move Forward date: 2020-05-11 words: 7079 flesch: 37 summary: Corporate governance regulations are still scattered and irresolute, causing leniency in the enforcement procedure in the case of non-compliance and vio- lation of rights. For that reason, multidisciplinary means should be employed in order to ensure improvement of corporate governance regulation and implementation in Indonesia. keywords: board; companies; company; company law; corporate; directors; governance; implementation; indonesia; journal; law; meetings; regulations; shareholders; technology cache: jpcl-24447.pdf plain text: jpcl-24447.txt item: #34 of 69 id: jpcl-24784 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf2476c95d1fef • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-24784.htm plain text: jpcl-24784.txt item: #35 of 69 id: jpcl-25344 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf24770efb20b5 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-25344.htm plain text: jpcl-25344.txt item: #36 of 69 id: jpcl-26400 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247f785b1fef • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-26400.htm plain text: jpcl-26400.txt item: #37 of 69 id: jpcl-26663 author: Fitriana Naridha, Alifah Nur; Setyowati, Ro’fah title: Optimizing The Performance of The Sharia Supervisory Council in Sharia Financial InstitutionsONS date: 2020-11-05 words: 7626 flesch: 42 summary: This study produced an understanding that the Sharia supervisory board must ensure that Islamic banks are in line with sharia principles as reflected in the fatwa, rules, and guidelines issued by the sharia supervisory board. In its implementation, Islamic banks function as collecting funds from the public in the form of deposits and investments, channelling funds to people who need funds from banks and providing services in the form of Islamic banking services, these three functions are the main functions of Islamic banks in Indonesia.3 The operation of Islamic banks has two risks first, the risk of material loss in each contract performed; second, the risk of violation of sharia compliance4. keywords: bank; banking; board; cl jp; dan; dps; dsn; institutions; islamic; jp jp; law; sharia; supervisory; syariah; vol cache: jpcl-26663.pdf plain text: jpcl-26663.txt item: #38 of 69 id: jpcl-26674 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247b2c7d20cd • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-26674.htm plain text: jpcl-26674.txt item: #39 of 69 id: jpcl-26977 author: Fidiyani, Rini; Ningsih, Ayup Suran title: Humanis And Responsible Childer Caring Model For Community in Ngijo Vilage, Gunungpati, Sub-District date: 2020-11-05 words: 1884 flesch: 29 summary: Year 2016 = 25 cases The condition of child abuse occurs as a contributor to the parenting model of children from parents to children. The issue of children today is the joint responsibility of the state to guarantee legal protection from all forms of violence. keywords: children; jp jp; law; parents cache: jpcl-26977.pdf plain text: jpcl-26977.txt item: #40 of 69 id: jpcl-27097 author: rihardi, satrio ageng; bhakti, indira swasti gama title: Legal Responsibilities of Foreign Investors in Establishing Unicorn Start-Up Companies in Indonesia date: 2020-11-05 words: 7891 flesch: 43 summary: established in Indonesia, especially the establishment of foreign companies. Company investors in start-up companies come as a whole from domestic JPCL 4(2) (2020) 114-136 JOURNAL OF PRIVATE AND COMMERCIAL LAW 122 CL JP JP JP JP investors and some even use foreign investors to intervene. keywords: cl jp; companies; company; data; indonesia; investment; investors; journal; jp jp; law; start; tax; taxes cache: jpcl-27097.pdf plain text: jpcl-27097.txt item: #41 of 69 id: jpcl-28660 author: Livia, Stella; Haryanto, Imam title: Law Enforcement On Distributors Who Retail Goods To Consumers In The MSMEs Sector date: 2021-05-04 words: 4984 flesch: 36 summary: Likewise with distributor business actors who maintain their Business as a retailer).12 The distributors carry out their duties as a distribution chain by selling goods offered at a much lower price than retailers. Competition law determines how competition should be.10 Business competition law is expected to protect the people's welfare from monopolistic Acts and create a conducive business climate. keywords: business; competition; distributors; goods; law; market; number; retail; usaha cache: jpcl-28660.pdf plain text: jpcl-28660.txt item: #42 of 69 id: jpcl-29301 author: Adhi, Yuli Prasetyo; Busro, Achmad title: Registration of Guarantee Rights After The Issuance of The Minister of Agrarian Regulation And The Layout / Head of The National Land Agency Number 5 of 2020 Regarding Integrated Security Rights Services Electronically date: 2021-05-04 words: 6247 flesch: 46 summary: To register Mortgage Rights, system service users must consist of individuals or legal entities who are creditors and Land Office service officers who have the task of serving Mortgage Rights. The results of the research show that electronic mortgage services can run well even though there are some obstacles in the implementation. keywords: el system; hukum; land; land agency; mortgage; online; rights; services; system cache: jpcl-29301.pdf plain text: jpcl-29301.txt item: #43 of 69 id: jpcl-29884 author: Atikasari, Hartini title: Trends And Issues of The Investment Legal Revolution Evidence of The Omnibus Law Job Creation date: 2021-05-04 words: 6106 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords: Foreign Investment; Investation; Investment Law; Omnibus Law on Job Creation JPCL 5(1) (2021) 32-49 CL JOURNAL OF PRIVATEAND COMMERCIAL LAW Available Online at: JP JP 33 INTRODUCTION The government has ratified and enacted Law Number 25 of 2007 concerning Investment (hereinafter referred to as Investment Law of 2007) as a renewal of the previous Investment Law which has been in effect for approximately 40 years. keywords: business; covid-19; creation; global;; indonesia; investment; investors; job; journal; law; regulations cache: jpcl-29884.pdf plain text: jpcl-29884.txt item: #44 of 69 id: jpcl-30028 author: Auliya, Meliyana; T. Makanuay, Vilha Ester; Latifiani, Dian title: Illegal Pawn Practices Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic To Survive date: 2021-05-04 words: 6143 flesch: 57 summary: Illegal pawning services also have a characteristic, namely that they do not have an appraiser and insure the goods being pawned, so people are advised to remain vigilant. OJK admits that it does not impose sanctions on unlicensed private pawning businesses, but leaves the decision to the public. keywords: agreement; business; goods; journal; law; ojk; pawn; pawning; pledge cache: jpcl-30028.pdf plain text: jpcl-30028.txt item: #45 of 69 id: jpcl-30123 author: Shindu Asih, Lintang; Sismarwoto, Edy title: The Role of the Government in the Development of Indonesian Sharia Banking date: 2021-05-04 words: 6009 flesch: 32 summary: Bank Indonesia as one of the government institutions has an important role in supporting the development of Islamic banking financial institutions in Indonesia. Because the progress of Islamic banking as a financial industry determines its development in the economy in Indonesia. keywords: banking; development; financial; government; indonesia; industry; institutions; islamic; law; sharia; system cache: jpcl-30123.pdf plain text: jpcl-30123.txt item: #46 of 69 id: jpcl-30262 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247b2ac12055 • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-30262.htm plain text: jpcl-30262.txt item: #47 of 69 id: jpcl-30265 author: Yuniar, Vania Shafira; Yuwono, Florentiana title: The Comparison Of Arbitration Dispute Resolution Process Between Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI) And London Court Of International Arbitration (LCIA) date: 2022-06-01 words: 6984 flesch: 33 summary: JOURNAL OF PRIVATE AND COMMERCIAL LAW 6 (1) (2022) 79-100 81 Available online at obtained from the results of literature studies such as statute uproach, court decisions, legal theory, and can be in the form of opinions of scholars with various sources such as books, legal journals, legal dictionaries and the internet are related to comparison of arbitration dispute resolution process between indonesian national arbitration board (BANI) and london court of international arbitration (LCIA). Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, all hearings of LCIA arbitrations are held in private. keywords: arbitrase; arbitration; bani; court; dispute;; hukum; law; lcia; online; parties; penyelesaian; resolution; sengketa cache: jpcl-30265.pdf plain text: jpcl-30265.txt item: #48 of 69 id: jpcl-30289 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247fb86c206d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-30289.htm plain text: jpcl-30289.txt item: #49 of 69 id: jpcl-30295 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247ffe5220cd • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-30295.htm plain text: jpcl-30295.txt item: #50 of 69 id: jpcl-30339 author: Ar Raidah, Salsabila Fakhriyyah title: Comparative Study Of Alternative Settlements In Indonesia And Timor Leste date: 2021-10-28 words: 3852 flesch: 49 summary: The results of this paper reveal that compared to Timor Leste which is still new, Indonesia has first implemented ADR practices within a formal legal framework. This is still the concern of the state government, especially the related ministry of justice in Timor Leste, to develop a legal umbrella in the regulation of ADR practices in Timor Leste12. keywords: adr; dispute; jp jp; law; parties; resolution; timor cache: jpcl-30339.pdf plain text: jpcl-30339.txt item: #51 of 69 id: jpcl-30360 author: Terry Febriken, Adrianus; Paulus, Darminto Hartono title: Business Law Perspective in The Protection of The Old City as A Cultural Reserve Area date: 2021-05-04 words: 3360 flesch: 45 summary: This research makes Kota Tua Jakarta the object of research because Kota Tua is a cultural heritage located in the capital city of Indonesia. And what are the problems and efforts of the local government in the conservation of old buildings in the Kota Tua Jakarta area? keywords: area; buildings; conservation; cultural; heritage; jakarta; kota; old; tua cache: jpcl-30360.pdf plain text: jpcl-30360.txt item: #52 of 69 id: jpcl-31702 author: Rahmanda, Bagus; Adhi, Yuli Prasetyo; Benuf, Kornelius title: Law Enforcement In The Field Of Music In The Spotify Application Program date: 2021-10-28 words: 4588 flesch: 48 summary: The occurrence of copyright infringement in music streaming applications is indeed increasingly difficult to detect in the online world distribution flow, then it has an obligation to fulfil and comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations, namely ensuring that there is legal security for all related subjects as a service provider. Kornelius Benuf Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia Submitted: August 23, 2021 Revised: September 10, 2021 Accepted: September 11, 2021 ABSTRACT Music and songs are one of the areas of Intellectual Property Rights which are protected in Article 58 letter (d) of UU Number 28 of 2014 about Copyright, namely Copyright Protection for Song or music creations with or without text. keywords: article; copyright; jp jp; law; license; music; rights; songs; spotify cache: jpcl-31702.pdf plain text: jpcl-31702.txt item: #53 of 69 id: jpcl-31796 author: Hediati, Febri Noor title: Implementation Of Legal Protection On Royalty Management Of Government Regulation Number 56 Of 2021 date: 2021-10-28 words: 3790 flesch: 45 summary: Collective Management Institute is a non-profit corporation that has been authorized by the composer, copyright holder, or related rights owners to manage economic rights in collecting and distributing royalties. In the created music/songs, there are 2 (two) inherent rights, namely moral rights, and economic rights. keywords: commercial; copyright; government; jp jp; law; music; regulation; rights cache: jpcl-31796.pdf plain text: jpcl-31796.txt item: #54 of 69 id: jpcl-31996 author: Pujiono, Pujiono -; Sulistianingsih, Dewi -; Fidiyani, Rini - title: Utilization Of Social Media As A Strategy For Business Actors In Dealing With The Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2021-10-28 words: 4745 flesch: 50 summary: Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and so on are now widely used for business media, from well-known products to homemade products. Social media can be categorized into 6 (six) major categories of social media, namely9: Social media, which is currently a trend for young people to express themselves, has become a great opportunity as an advertising medium and business promotion. keywords: actors; business; campus; data; jp jp; media; micro; social cache: jpcl-31996.pdf plain text: jpcl-31996.txt item: #55 of 69 id: jpcl-32161 author: Tjipto, Felix Pratama; Ong, Jason Pratama; Sulistio, Marshal Ramadhan; Harnowo, Tri title: Consumer Protection Law: The Case Study Of Grabtoko Company In Indonesian E-Commerce Transactions date: 2021-10-28 words: 10499 flesch: 29 summary: Legal Jurisdiction of BPSK BPSK is created to settle consumer transactions disputes. As for individual consumers, they can settle through the general courts or out of court settlement.56 Out of court settlement is held to reach a compensation or an injunction.57 If an out of court settlement has been selected, a lawsuit through the court can only be taken if the out of court attempt is declared unsuccessful by one of the parties or by the disputing parties.58 BPSK is an institution formed to resolve consumer disputes out of court. keywords: article; business; case; commerce; consumer; consumer protection; dispute; grabtoko;; ibid; indonesia; information; journal; jpcl; law; protection; regulations; resolution; transactions cache: jpcl-32161.pdf plain text: jpcl-32161.txt item: #56 of 69 id: jpcl-32777 author: Sukmaningtyas, Judith; Sa’adah, Nabitatus title: Legal Uncertainty Regarding Abuse of Authority That is Harming State Finance in Indonesia date: 2021-10-28 words: 5231 flesch: 44 summary: If there are reports or complaints from the public or non-governmental organizations to law enforcement officials, which report indications of irregularities or acts of corruption by government officials, the handling is directly carried out by law enforcement officers, both investigators at the Prosecutor's Office, the Police, as well as the KPK. There are several factors that still indirectly affect law enforcement in Indonesia. keywords: abuse; authority; corruption; government; hukum; indonesia; jp jp; law; number; state cache: jpcl-32777.pdf plain text: jpcl-32777.txt item: #57 of 69 id: jpcl-34332 author: Alamsyah, Hendra Wahyu; Nugraheni, Prasasti Dyah; Prabowo, Muhammad Shidqon; Andriani, Eva title: The Dark Side of Cultural Heritage Protection date: 2022-06-01 words: 6558 flesch: 47 summary: Prevention of the dark side of cultural heritage protection is carried out by providing understanding to each country and international organization to deal with the threat of cultural heritage conflict which can be pursued by adjusting policies and legal practices of cultural heritage protection. In this case, scholars, academics, legal practitioners, and government institutions do not consider more deeply the effect of protection on cultural heritage which motivates international organizations or other parties to target and attack cultural heritage.2 Lynn Meskel, an Australian-born archaeologist and anthropologist in her work at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) where she shows how the meaning of protecting cultural heritage and the potential for protecting world heritage sites has brought with it the threat of cultural heritage conflict that until now has generally become targets as a means of angering local and international communities, as witnessed in the Balkans, and Bamiyan, Aleppo, and Palmyra.3 keywords: conflict; cultural; destruction; heritage;; international; law; online; palmyra; people; protection; unesco; world cache: jpcl-34332.pdf plain text: jpcl-34332.txt item: #58 of 69 id: jpcl-35558 author: Abubakar, Lastuti; Handayani, Tri title: Legal Perspective: The Role of Infrastructure Guarantee Institution in Infrastructure Project Provision Through Public-Private Partnership Scheme date: 2022-06-01 words: 5952 flesch: 23 summary: The infrastructure guarantee aims to improve the creditworthiness and quality of PPP infrastructure projects by a means of a clear and consistent framework for evaluating and managing claims for guarantees; improving governance and transparency in the implementation of guarantee provision; facilitating and encouraging the success of transactions for Contracting Agencies (Ministries, SOEs, Regional Governments) by providing guarantees for PPP projects that are well- structured and ring-fencing government contingent obligations as well as minimizing shocks to the state budget 8. The legal basis for infrastructure guarantee by IIGF is Presidential Regulation No. 78 of 2010 on Infrastructure Guarantee in Public-Private Partnership Projects Conducted through Infrastructure Guarantee Institution (Presidential Regulation on Infrastructure Guarantee Institution). keywords: agency; agreement; business; development; entity; government; guarantee;; iigf; indonesia; infrastructure; infrastructure guarantee; ppp cache: jpcl-35558.pdf plain text: jpcl-35558.txt item: #59 of 69 id: jpcl-36356 author: Johan, Suwinto title: The Function of Commissioner Based on the Principles of Good Corporate Governance date: 2022-06-01 words: 4515 flesch: 44 summary: Commissioners tend to meddle with the power of shareholders who are also commissioners. The board of directors is in charge of the company's day-to-day operations, while the board of commissioners oversees the board of directors. keywords: board; commissioners; company; day; directors; governance;; komisaris; law; liability; perseroan; shareholders cache: jpcl-36356.pdf plain text: jpcl-36356.txt item: #60 of 69 id: jpcl-36443 author: Rahmanda, Bagus; Adhi, Yuli Prasetyo; Widarnati, Herni title: The Urgency Of The Organization And Legitimacy Of The Digitalization Of The General Meetings Of Shareholders Of The Limited Liability Company During The Covid-19 Time In Review Of The Ius Constitutum date: 2022-06-01 words: 7391 flesch: 39 summary: The Position of The Authentic Deed as Evidence of The General Meeting of Shareholders of A Limited Liability Company Held by Teleconference In the development of technology, especially during the Covid-19 period, which requires many activities to be carried out online or online, the provisions in the latest Limited Liability Company Law also provide breakthroughs with discourse and ideas to combine advances in information technology with the process of making authentic certificates. If the implementation of the GMS is carried out following the provisions of the Position of Notary Law (UUJN) and Limited Liability Company Law (UUPT) as described above, which is produced and signed in the form of an original document, not an electronic document following the provisions of Article 5 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transaction Law, it states: “Stipulations regarding electronic information and/or electronic documents as well as in the form of a letter as referred to in paragraph (1) must not be made in written form by law deed maker.” keywords: article; company; deed; gms;; law; liability company; meeting; notary; online; shareholders cache: jpcl-36443.pdf plain text: jpcl-36443.txt item: #61 of 69 id: jpcl-38536 author: Hediati, Febri Noor title: Protection of Patent Rights in the Genetic Engineering Development to Support the Development of New Capital City of Indonesia date: 2022-11-28 words: 5447 flesch: 32 summary: The Article 2 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture defines plant genetic resources for food and agriculture as genetic material derived from plants with actual or potential food and agricultural value. Article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture outlines the steps involved in utilizing plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, such as: 1) Strive for equitable agricultural policies that, where applicable, promote the development and maintenance of diverse agricultural systems that encourage the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity and other natural resources. keywords: capital; development; engineering; government;; indonesia; law; patent; plants; resources; rights; technology cache: jpcl-38536.pdf plain text: jpcl-38536.txt item: #62 of 69 id: jpcl-38541 author: Achmad, Andyna Susiawati; Indradewi, Astrid Athina title: The Notary's Responsibility Regarding Deliberate Dishonesty Actions date: 2022-11-28 words: 8392 flesch: 47 summary: Article 15 paragraph (1) UUJN stipulates that: “Notaries are authorized to make Authentic Deeds regarding all actions, agreements, and provisions required by laws and/or desired by interested parties to be stated in authentic deeds, guarantee certainty of the date of making the deed, keep the deed, provide Grosse, copies, and quotations. The conclusion of this research is most of the false statements found in authentic deeds came from the parties interested in the deed; however, this does not mean a notary cannot be involved. keywords: akta; article; deed; deliberate;; hukum; law; malpractice; notaris; notary; paragraph; parties; uujn cache: jpcl-38541.pdf plain text: jpcl-38541.txt item: #63 of 69 id: jpcl-38639 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247919af209d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-38639.htm plain text: jpcl-38639.txt item: #64 of 69 id: jpcl-38837 author: Prabowo, Muchammad Shidqon; Pratiwi, Ratih; Pambudi, Bagus; Coriala, Melyn Eta; Aziz, Mohamad Abdul title: Digital Literacy and Development of Santripreneur Asset Quality Through The Leadership Role of Kyai: A Case Study of Islamic Boarding Schools date: 2022-11-28 words: 8227 flesch: 36 summary: Islamic boarding schools need to respond to global challenges so that Islamic values do not fade with the incessant development of industrial and economic globalization. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions in the use of electronic media in Islamic boarding schools and analyze Kyai’s strategy in empowering santri entrepreneurship and government support in the role of Islamic boarding schools as a catalyst for the community’s economy. keywords: boarding; boarding schools; community; education; entrepreneurship;; information; islamic; islamic boarding; jurnal; kyai; law; pendidikan; pesantren; santri; schools cache: jpcl-38837.pdf plain text: jpcl-38837.txt item: #65 of 69 id: jpcl-39616 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf2478ca3b206d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-39616.htm plain text: jpcl-39616.txt item: #66 of 69 id: jpcl-43973 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf2479b975a63d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-43973.htm plain text: jpcl-43973.txt item: #67 of 69 id: jpcl-44355 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf247caf7420cd • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-44355.htm plain text: jpcl-44355.txt item: #68 of 69 id: jpcl-44391 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 77 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf2476cc0820cd • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-44391.htm plain text: jpcl-44391.txt item: #69 of 69 id: jpcl-44491 author: None title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare date: None words: 124 flesch: 78 summary: Cloudflare Ray ID: 7fbf24771e6d209d • Your IP: Click to reveal • Performance & security by Cloudflare Attention Required! keywords: cloudflare cache: jpcl-44491.htm plain text: jpcl-44491.txt