item: #1 of 450 id: jsser-101 author: none title: Editorial date: 2012-05-30 words: 1132 flesch: 52 summary: Ayrıca proje katılımcısı öğretmen ve bakanlık personelinin katılım ve katkıları, bu alanda Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2012: 3(1) ii together. Her bir bölümde yer Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2012: 3(1) iv elaboration on the subject of their research and provide very useful information for our readers. keywords: almaktadır; article; association; ayrıca; başlıklı; bilgiler; bir; cemil; citizenship; education; eğitimi; film; iii; international; issue; journal; kaleme; makale; makalede; marmara; participants; perceptions; prof; research; section; social; sosyal; students; studies; study; symposium; tarafından; teachers; title; turkey; use; yeni; yer; öztürk; öğretmenlerinin cache: jsser-101.pdf plain text: jsser-101.txt item: #2 of 450 id: jsser-102 author: none title: From Editor date: 2011-11-24 words: 1372 flesch: 44 summary: We as Social Studies educators need to take more action and responsibility to educate and advocate people in our community and in the world to make poverty history. On behalf of the Executive Board and members of ASSE, we warmly welcome all of our colleagues and friends and thank all of you for your dedication to Social Studies Education. keywords: alınmıştır; article; asse; attitudes; authors; bilgiler; bir; cemil; civic; colleagues; daha; demir; education; educators; elementary; eğitimcileri; eğitimi; felaketin; friends; gelen; heritage; ilköğretim; issue; için; journal; jsser; kaleme; kez; learning; makale; new; olan; olarak; poverty; preservice; reform; research; social; sosyal; studies; tarafından; teachers; title; van; verdiğimiz; world; yazarlar; yer; önemli; öztürk; öğretmen cache: jsser-102.pdf plain text: jsser-102.txt item: #3 of 450 id: jsser-1027 author: Sukesi, Erni; Emzir, Emzir; Akhadiyah, Sabarti title: Reading Habits, Grammatical Knowledge, Creative Thinking, and Attainment in Academic Writing: Evidence from Bengkulu University, Indonesia date: 2019-09-23 words: 5971 flesch: 45 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2019: 10(3),176-192 Reading Habits Reading habits have been identified as affecting the acquisition of academic writing skills. The results of the analysis suggest that positive correlations exist between (1) students’ reading habits and learning outcomes for academic writing, (2) knowledge of grammar and learning outcomes for academic writing, (3) creative thinking and learning outcomes for academic writing, and (4) students’ reading habits, knowledge of grammar, and creative thinking on the one hand, and student’s learning outcomes for academic writing on the other hand. keywords: ability; academic; academic writing; activities; activity; analysis; attainment; bengkulu; conclusions; correlation; creative; creative thinking; data; department; education; efl; english; factors; fkip; grammar; grammatical; grammatical knowledge; greater; habits; ideas; independent; individual; indonesia; journal; knowledge; language; learning; multicollinearity; new; normal; outcomes; positive; problems; process; reading; reading habits; regression; related; relationship; research; results; significant; skills; social; students; studies; study; sukesi; table; teaching; test; testing; text; thinking; understanding; university; variables; writing cache: jsser-1027.pdf plain text: jsser-1027.txt item: #4 of 450 id: jsser-104 author: Tarman, Bulent title: From the Editor date: 2013-11-30 words: 993 flesch: 49 summary: Adaylık bağlamında uzun bir süredir görüşmelere ara verilmiş olan Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinin devamı yönünde 14. JSSER/SBEAD ailesi olarak yeni bir sayımızla daha sizleri selamlıyor olmanın vermiş olduğu mutluluğu ifade ederek sözlerime başlamak istiyorum From the Editor, Hello, It is my pleasure to greet you with the new volume of JSSER/SBEAD. keywords: ailesi; barış; başlamak; bilgiler; bir; bülent; citizenship; daha; diğer; education; educators; eğitimcileri; freedom; gerek; gibi; hope; iii; için; jsser; new; olan; olarak; olduğu; peace; sbead; social; sosyal; studies; tarman; tranquility; tüm; vatandaş; volume; welfare; world; yeni; yönünde; özgürlük cache: jsser-104.pdf plain text: jsser-104.txt item: #5 of 450 id: jsser-105 author: Tarman, Bülent title: From the Editor/Editörden date: 2016-05-24 words: 927 flesch: 46 summary: Örneğin, sempozyumun açılış programında yapılan sunumlar esnasında engelli katılımcılar için Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi ii held among university students under the theme of “School and Children”; exhibition of comics which may be used in social studies teaching; exhibition of experiences and professional opinions of social studies teachers, as titled “When We Look Back”; and “Memory Card” activities, distributed daily for participants during the symposium to remind values, skills and aims used in social studies, were just few of these activities, introduced during this year symposium. This year, almost 300 oral presentation were presented under the main theme of “AVANT-GARDE and ECOLES (Pioneers and Main Trends) in Social Studies Education” in the symposium. keywords: activities; araştırmaları; asse; bilgiler; bir; dergisi; education; educators; exhibition; eğitimi; eğitiminde; international; issue; journal; olarak; research; sahipliğinde; school; sizleri; social; sosyal; students; studies; study; symposium; university; values;; year; yılki cache: jsser-105.pdf plain text: jsser-105.txt item: #6 of 450 id: jsser-1051 author: alhwayan, Ola Abd alkareem; Mahamid, Fayez title: The Effectiveness of a Counselling Program Based on Play in Reducing Sleep Disorders in Children of Sexual Abuse date: 2019-09-23 words: 7137 flesch: 53 summary: Predictors of group treatment outcomes for child sexual abuse: An investigation of the role of demographic and abuse characteristics. Journal of child sexual abuse, 19(5), 519-553. Kaduson, H., & Schaefer, C. (Eds.). keywords: abuse; alhwayyan; amman; anxiety; behavioral; childhood; children; common; counselling; data; differences; disorders; education; effectiveness; emotional; experiences; experimental; family; feelings; female; games; gender; group; health; hypothesis; improvement; jordan; journal; level; life; mahamid; methods; misurell; new; norton; participants; physical; play; play therapy; post; pre; problems; programme; protection; psychological; rank; relationship; research; researchers; results; sample; self; sense; session; sexual; sexual abuse; significance; skills; sleep; sleep disorders; social; stage; studies; study; symptoms; table; test; therapeutic; therapist; therapy; tools; toys; treatment; university; unpublished; violence cache: jsser-1051.pdf plain text: jsser-1051.txt item: #7 of 450 id: jsser-1053 author: Andriyani, Anak Agung Ayu Dian; Djatmika, Djatmika; Sumarlam, Sumarlam; Rahayu, Ely Triasih title: Learning from Face-Threatening Acts by Tourism Workers in Bali: The Impacts of Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding date: 2019-09-23 words: 6462 flesch: 53 summary: Research Questions Drawing on politeness strategies and FTAs as the cornerstone for our concepts, this study is guided by the following research question: “How do tourist workers deliver addresses and offers when communicating with Japanese tourists in Bali?” Guides for Japanese tourists are obliged to usethe Japanese language properly and correctly. keywords: acts; addition; andriyani; arabic; bali; basic; beach; beach worker; brown; communication; concept; context; cultural; culture; customers; data; degree; dialogue; domain; education; face; february; formal; freedom; ftas; futsuugo; harmony; honorific; hospitality; imposition; improper; indonesia; intention; interactions; japanese; japanese language; japanese tourist; journal; keigo; kuta; language; levinson; meeting; negative; offers; partners; people; politeness; positive; power; practitioners; provider; rahayu; research; respect; results; service; shachou; situation; social; speakers; speech; strategies; strategy; studies; study; surfboard; time; title; tourism workers; tourist; tri; use; utterance; word; workers; years cache: jsser-1053.pdf plain text: jsser-1053.txt item: #8 of 450 id: jsser-106 author: Ozturk, Cemil title: From the Editor-Editörden date: 2014-05-30 words: 861 flesch: 50 summary: The second contribution of the JSSER in this area was to set up and institutionalize an International Symposium on Social Studies Education. SBEB/ASSE’nin bu konudaki ikinci katkısı geçen ay üçüncüsünü gerçekleştirmiş olduğumuz Uluslararası Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Sempozyumunu (USBES/ISSE: International Symposium on Social Studies Education) başlatıp kurumsallaştırmaktır. keywords: activities; area; articles; asse; bilgiler; bir; cemil; citizenship; digital; editor; education; eğitimi; geçen; issue; journal; jsser; olduğu; prof; research; sbead; social; sosyal; students; studies; symposium; system; teachers; öztürk cache: jsser-106.pdf plain text: jsser-106.txt item: #9 of 450 id: jsser-107 author: Öztürk, Cemil title: From the Editor-Editörden date: 2014-11-30 words: 1004 flesch: 53 summary: In conjunction with the Faculty of Education of Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University we are organizing the Fourth International Symposium on Social Studies Education (ISSE) in April 2015. As a result, only three papers, whose peer-reviewing processes had completed could be published in this current issue: Rishabh Kumar Mishra “Social Constructivism and Teaching of Social Science”, Hatice Türe and Arife Figen Ersoy “Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenlerinin Hoşgörü Algısı” (Social Studies Teachers’ Perceptions of Tolerance) and Feryal Çubukçu “Values Education Through EDİTÖRDEN Merhaba, Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER)’nin Kasım 2014 sayısıyla yeniden birlikteyiz. keywords: academic; ailesi; arife; asse; bilgiler; bir; biri; constructivism; current; dergi; editor; education; educators; electronic; eğitimi; hatice; indexes; issue; journal; jsser; jsser’nin; literary; olarak; papers; prof; research; sayıda; social; social studies; sosyal; studies; teaching; texts; türe; usbes; values; years cache: jsser-107.pdf plain text: jsser-107.txt item: #10 of 450 id: jsser-1075 author: Suhartini, Sri; Sekarningrum, Bintarsih; Sulaeman, M. Munandar; Gunawan, Wahju title: Social Construction Of Student Behavior Through Character Education Based On Local Wisdom date: 2019-09-23 words: 5324 flesch: 44 summary: Character education is a strategic choice in the effort to shape student character in several countries (Berkowitz & Hoppe, 2009). Article Title (Size 12; Bold; Times New Roman) Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2019:10 (3),276-291 276 Social Construction of Student Behavior Through Character Education Based on Local Wisdom Sri Suhartini1, Bintarsih Sekarningrum2, M. Munandar Sulaeman3 & Wahju Gunawan4 Abstract This article discusses the social construction of student behavior based on local wisdom, which aims to describe the social construction of student behavior by utilizing local wisdom through character education. keywords: able; activities; atikan; atikan istimewa; bandung; behavior; care; character; character education; character values; children; community; concept; construction; cultural; culture; data; day; development; education; education research; elementary; environment; externalization; good; identity; implementation; indonesia; interaction; istimewa; journal; knowledge; learning; life; local; local wisdom; model; monday; moral; national; nationalism; objectivation; padjadjaran; parents; pendidikan; poe; poe atikan; process; program; purwakarta; regional; regulation; research; results; school; social; special; students; studies; studies education; study; suhartini; sundanese; teachers; values; wisdom; world cache: jsser-1075.pdf plain text: jsser-1075.txt item: #11 of 450 id: jsser-1076 author: Kuanysheva, Bakyt; Aubakirova, Rakhila; Pigovayeva, Nelli; Fominykh, Nataliia title: Technologisation of the Pedagogical Process Viewed as a Factor of Teacher Self-Development date: 2019-09-23 words: 10561 flesch: 34 summary: The objective of the study is to find out the peculiarities of the implementation of pedagogical technologies based on the professional experience of pre-school teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Key words: Pedagogical technology, technologization of the pedagogical process, pre- school education, innovation, professional development, professional experience, professionally important qualities of a teacher. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; application; approach; aubakirova; category; children; cognitive; content; courses; creative; data; desire; development; different; education; education research; educational process; educational technologies; educators; effective; establishments; experience; groups; growth; high; implementation; important; improvement; individual; innovations; innovative; introduction; journal; kazakhstan; knowledge; kuanysheva; learning; level; main; methods; modern; need; new; number; opportunity; participants; pedagogical; pedagogical process; pedagogical technologies; personal; personality; practice; pre; preschool; problem; process; professional; professional development; pupils; qualities; questions; rank; ranking; refresher; republic; research; respondents; results; satisfied; school; school education; school teachers; science; scientific; self; set; significant; skills; social; state; studies; studies education; study; support; survey; system; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; technologies; technologization; technology; time; tpp; training; university; use; work; years cache: jsser-1076.pdf plain text: jsser-1076.txt item: #12 of 450 id: jsser-1079 author: Bakri, Syamsul title: Teaching Values of Islamic Communism in Surakarta: Issues in the First Quarter of the 20th Century date: 2020-03-25 words: 7626 flesch: 55 summary: In response to such criticism, the editor of Islam Bergerak claimed that Muhammadiyah was just an association and not a religion, so criticizing Muhammadiyah did not constitute attacking Islam (Red, 1923). Gerakan Komunisme Islam Surakarta 1914-1942. keywords: 20th; advocacy; anti; april; associations; attitude; bakri; bergerak; capitalism; century; colonialism; commitment; communism; dan; dasoeki; doctrine; early; east; economic; education; engels; equal; fatalistic; fight; form; formalism; government; group; hindia; historical; history; idea; ideologies; ideology; indies; indigenous; indonesia; integration; interpretation; islam; islam bergerak; islamic; islamic communism; jakarta; journal; leaders; leftist; marx; medan; misbach; modern; moeslimin; movement; muhammadiyah; muslims; oppressed; oppression; order; people; perspective; political; popular; principle; public; quarter; radical; radicalism; religion; religious; research; resistance; revolutionary; sarekat; social; socialism; society; soekarno; source; spirit; strong; struggle; studies; study; surakarta; syncretism; system; teachings; term; thinking; thought; time; tjokroaminoto; trans; values; vergadering; view; way; world; yogyakarta cache: jsser-1079.pdf plain text: jsser-1079.txt item: #13 of 450 id: jsser-108 author: Tarman, Bülent title: From the Editor-Editörden date: 2015-11-24 words: 888 flesch: 46 summary: Herkesin heyecanla beklediğine ve hazırlandığına inandığım Sosyal Bilgiler Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi ii Pamukkale University will be our host institution. I believe that everybody is ready and excited, and started counting down for Association of Social Studies Educators’ yearly event of “International Symposium on Social Studies Education”. keywords: araştırmaları; assessment; bilgiler; bir; candidates; core; daha; dergisi; education; eğitimi; field; historical; issue; için; journal; olarak; preservice; research; scopus; social; sosyal; studies; symposium; tarafından; teachers; teaching; use;; year; yıl cache: jsser-108.pdf plain text: jsser-108.txt item: #14 of 450 id: jsser-1080 author: Suriansyah, Ahmad; Aslamiah, Aslamiah; Noorhapizah, Noorhapizah; Winardi, Iwan; Dalle, Juhriyansyah title: The Relationship between University Autonomy, Lecturer Empowerment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Indonesian Universities date: 2019-12-24 words: 9000 flesch: 40 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2019: 10 (4), 127-152 Table 2 Correlation Coefficients for OCB, LE, and UA Variables Variables OCB LE UA OCB 1.00 LE .743** 1.00 UA .578** .628** 1.00 Note: N = 307, ** correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) The circumplex model and the future of organizational citizenship behavior research. keywords: academic; analysis; autonomy; behavior; change; circumplex; citizenship; citizenship behavior; coefficients; cognitive; commitment; community; competitive; compliance; context; correlation; data; decision; descriptive; development; dimensions; doi; domains; education; education research; efficacy; employees; empowerment; et al; exchange; factors; findings; goals; governance; government; growth; higher; higher education; hussin; impact; individuals; indonesia; influence; innovation; institutions; international; items; job; journal; knowledge; leadership; learning; lecturer; line; making; management; model; moderate; moon; new; ocb; organizational; organizational citizenship; performance; political; professional; programs; psychological; purpose; questions; relationship; research; resilience; resources; responsive; results; role; scale; school; self; sense; significant; social; somech; state; status; studies; study; suriansyah; survey; table; teachers; teaching; universities; university; university autonomy; values; variables; work cache: jsser-1080.pdf plain text: jsser-1080.txt item: #15 of 450 id: jsser-1085 author: Kusumaningsih, Dewi; Djatmika, Djatmika; Santosa, Riyadi; Subroto, H. D. Edi title: Pedagogical Values in Indonesian Lyrics of Dangdut Songs: Evidences of Language Vulgarism and Gender Exploitation date: 2019-09-23 words: 7868 flesch: 56 summary: The objectives of the study are to see: vulgar language that present in dangdut song lyrics as the pedagogical evidence of gender exploitation, and internal structures for vulgar forms that intentionally appear in the song lyrics. Results show that vulgar language was indeed used, and even emphasized, in dangdut song lyrics, representing a continuing sexist attitude toward exploiting women. keywords: activities; activity; addition; adolescent; aku; analysis; audience; basic; body; bridge; certain; class; clause; cultural; dancing; dangdut; dangdut music; dangdut songs; data; development; devils; differences; duluan; early; education; example; exploitation; female; findings; folk; form; gender; goyang; group; hamil; important; individual; indonesian; journal; khusyairi; koplo; kusumaningsih; language; listeners; love; lower; lyrics; main; marginalized; meaning; media; merusak; middle; mochtar; moral; morality; music; musical; new; objects; obscene; parts; people; performance; phenomenon; phrases; popular; present; press; prostitute; putri; raditya; refrain; research; results; satu; sexism; sexual; sexuality; shows; singers; social; society; sociolinguistics; song lyrics; songs; status; structure; studies; study; suka; surakarta; terms; time; titles; university; use; values; verse; vulgar; vulgar language; vulgarism; way; weintraub; women; words cache: jsser-1085.pdf plain text: jsser-1085.txt item: #16 of 450 id: jsser-1087 author: Sagdieva, Ramilya; Husnutdinov, Damir; Mirzagitov, Ramil; Galiullin, Radik title: Kinship Terms as Proof of Genetic Relationship date: 2019-09-23 words: 5199 flesch: 57 summary: The purpose of this article is to conduct a comparative study of peculiarities of kinship terms in the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkish, Uzbek and Uyghur languages. This article is the first experience of the comparative study of kinship terms in the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkish, Uzbek and Uygur languages. keywords: aga; analysis; article; ata; authors; bala; basic; brother; category; common; comparative; connector; culture; daughter; development; dictionary; difference; education; elder; example; ezhe; father; features; generation; genetic; history; important; journal; kazakh; kelin; kindred; kinship; kinship terms; kyrgyz; kyz; languages; law; linguistic; material; method; mother; nation; particular; peoples; relationship; relative; research; russian; sagdieva; semantic; sex; similarities; similarity; sister; social; sound; speech; statistical; studies; study; subject; system; table; terms; turkic; turkic languages; turkish; uighur; university; use; uzbek; vocabulary; words; younger cache: jsser-1087.pdf plain text: jsser-1087.txt item: #17 of 450 id: jsser-109 author: Tarman, Bulent title: From the Editor-Editörden date: 2017-05-12 words: 800 flesch: 42 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi i FROM THE EDITOR (ii) Daha sonra ise sırasıyla bu sayıda şu çalışmalar bu sayıda yer alacaktır; Ahmed Hamed Al-Rabaani and Intisar Hamed Al- AAmri’nin “The Effect of Using Cartoons on Developing Omani Grade 4 Students’ Awareness of Water Issues and their Attitudes towards Using them in Teaching Social Studies” (iii) Jana Martincová and Pavla Andrysová “Professional preparation of students of social pedagogy in the Czech Republic” (iv) Jason Harshman “Developing Globally Minded, Critical Media Literacy Skills” (v) Joshua L. Kenna and Cyndi Mottola Poole “Social Science Pre-service Teachers’ Preparation to Teach About Asia: A Research Study” (vi) Daniel Armond Cowgill II and Scott M. Waring “Historical Thinking: An Evaluation of Student and Teacher Ability to Analyze Sources”, (vii) John H. Bickford III, “The Curriculum Development of Experienced Teachers who Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi iii contributed to make this issue ready for you. keywords: araştırmaları; awareness; bilgiler; bir; critical; daha; education; eğitimi; hamed; iii; issue; journal; literacy; media; minded; pedagogy; preparation; research; skills; social; sosyal; students; studies; teachers cache: jsser-109.pdf plain text: jsser-109.txt item: #18 of 450 id: jsser-1090 author: Solikhah, Imroatus; Budiharso, Teguh title: Investigating the Learning Outcomes of an INQF-Based English Language Teaching Curriculum in Indonesia date: 2019-12-24 words: 7760 flesch: 46 summary: 4) Re-formulate the statements of learning outcomes in stages by dividing learning outcomes based on academic group learning outcomes, course program learning outcomes, and unit learning outcomes. Now, what is lacking in the instructions for Kemenristekdikti’s (2015) learning outcomes presented above? keywords: able; academic; achievements; addition; analysis; appropriate; assessment; backward; budiharso; canada; clos; college; competence; concepts; content; courses; curriculum; data; design; development; education; elt; english; evaluation; example; following; formulation; general; graduates; groups; higher; ilos; indonesia; inqf; institution; journal; kemenristekdikti; knowledge; language; larsen; learning; learning outcomes; level; literacy; literature; materials; matrix; mctighe; methods; mission; national; objectives; outcomes; plos; problems; process; program; qualitative; quality; research; respondents; results; science; scientific; skills; social; solikhah; students; studies; study; subjects; teaching; template; theoretical; undergraduate; university; vocabulary; wiggins; writing cache: jsser-1090.pdf plain text: jsser-1090.txt item: #19 of 450 id: jsser-110 author: Harshman, Jason; Kılınç, Emin title: From the Editors date: 2016-11-23 words: 2309 flesch: 26 summary: Infusing global citizenship education in social studies education across K-16 classrooms involves more than covering global issues related to cultural and economic globalization. In January 2016, the editors of this special issue distributed a call for theoretical, research-based, and practitioner oriented manuscripts on teaching and learning that bring social studies and global citizenship education together. keywords: araştırmaları; bilgiler; citizenship; classroom; critical; cross; cultural; dergisi; digital; education; educators; eğitimi; global; globalization; issue; journal; learning; people; perspective; research; social; social studies; sosyal; special; students; studies; studies education; systems; teachers; use; work; world; cache: jsser-110.pdf plain text: jsser-110.txt item: #20 of 450 id: jsser-111 author: DeJarnette, Nancy K; Sudeck, Maria title: Advocating for a Cause: Civic Engagement in the Elementary Classroom date: 2016-05-24 words: 7421 flesch: 51 summary: These authors specifically designed a study in which elementary teacher candidates created and implemented an interdisciplinary unit in which service learning was embedded as a critical piece of academic instruction for elementary students. Finally, the researchers engaged in document analysis, which closely examined the ways teacher candidates enacted service learning in their instructional units. keywords: ability; action; advocacy; candidates; civic; classroom; clinical; community; content; curriculum; dejarnette; design; direct; education; efficacy; elementary; engagement; experience; eyler; figure; focus; future; group; growth; impact; increase; instruction; interdisciplinary; issues; journal; justice; knowledge; learning; little; maria; meaningful; nancy; plan; post; practice; pre; preand; problems; process; project; question; research; results; school; semester; service; service learning; skills; social; strategies; students; studies; study; sudeck; survey; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; type; understanding; units; world cache: jsser-111.pdf plain text: jsser-111.txt item: #21 of 450 id: jsser-112 author: Gaston, Alishia; Martinez, James; Martin, Ellice P. title: Embedding Literacy Strategies in Social Studies for Eighth-Grade Students date: 2016-05-24 words: 7992 flesch: 52 summary: Literacy instruction was a beneficial strategy to improve student achievement, motivation, and engagement. The test results warranted much consideration and reflection by teachers and administrators about what could be done to improve student achievement in social studies overall without focusing merely on test-taking strategies. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; alishia; checklist; class; classes; comparison; content; crct; data; direct; education; eighth; ellice; engagement; gaston; georgia; grade; groups; help; important; incorporation; information; instruction; intervention; james; journal; key; learning; levels; literacy; literacy class; literacy strategies; martinez; mean; motivation; new; performance; posttest; pretest; questionnaire; questions; reading; relevant; research; results; school; scores; social; social studies; state; strategies; students; studies; studies class; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; text; unit; use; vocabulary; wood cache: jsser-112.pdf plain text: jsser-112.txt item: #22 of 450 id: jsser-113 author: Aktan, Sümer title: How Can I Describe The Social Studies Curriculum? A Case Study date: 2016-05-24 words: 12598 flesch: 55 summary: Suggestions for more efficient application of social studies curriculum in village schools The final theme of the study deals with the questions with regard to the problems encountered in the social studies lesson and these questions are as follows: What can be done for an efficient teaching of social studies lesson? An investigation into the organization levels of social studies teachers with regard to constructivist learning environments in terms of several variables. keywords: activities; aim; aktan; analysis; ankara; attainments; attitudes; bilgiler; bilgisi; case; class; classroom; collection; conditions; context; conversations; culture; data; education research; efficient; emphasized; environment; evaluation; eğitim; fact; findings; following; form; general; guidebook; hand; hayat; history; illustrations; important; information; interview; journal; learning; learning process; lessons; level; life; literature; main; methods; multigrade; nature; new; objectives; observation; opinions; participation; perspective; place; possible; practice; primary; problems; process; qualitative; quality; questions; research; review; role; school curriculum; schools; science; scope; significant; simple; social education; social studies; society; sosyal; structure; students; studies curriculum; studies education; studies lesson; study; suggestions; sümer; teacher; teaching; teaching process; terms; textbooks; themes; use; village; village schools; years cache: jsser-113.pdf plain text: jsser-113.txt item: #23 of 450 id: jsser-1133 author: Shaimardanova, Milyausha Ravilevna; Akhmetova, Leysan Atlasovna; Nikishina, Svetlana Radanisovna title: Socialization of foreign university students through the formation of reading literacy date: 2020-03-25 words: 7302 flesch: 42 summary: Socialization of foreign university students through the formation of reading literacy Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020:11 (1), 42-63 42 Socialization of Foreign University Students Through the Formation of Reading Literacy Milyausha Shaimardanova1, Leysan Akhmetova2 & Svetlana Nikishina3 Abstract The article considers the concept of reading literacy as a means of successful socialization of foreign students of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. Due to the facts stated above the problem of foreign students socialization takes an important part in the educational process. keywords: ability; adaptation; analysis; authors; baseline; basis; behavior; communication; considered; country; course; cultural; culture; development; doi; education; english; experience; federal; following; foreign; foreign language; foreign students; formation; functional; higher; important; individual; institute; institution; international; journal; kazan; knowledge; language; learning; level; literacy; literature; main; means; multiple; people; person; problem; process; professional; question; reading; reading literacy; religious; representatives; republic; research; respondents; russian; second; shaimardanova; skills; socialization; society; stage; students; studies; study; table; tatar; tatarstan; tests; text; time; traditions; training; university; university students; use; work; writers cache: jsser-1133.pdf plain text: jsser-1133.txt item: #24 of 450 id: jsser-1134 author: Zinnatullina, Zulfiya; Davletbaeva, Diana; Mukhametshina, Rezeda title: Literature and Cinema: Ways of Interaction in the 21ST Century date: 2019-12-24 words: 5526 flesch: 57 summary: There is no consensus about the status of film adaptation, its fidelity approach or the influence of film to the text reception. Apart from film adaptation there is a screen version based on the work. keywords: adaptation; algorithm; art; arts; basis; book; british; century; characters; cinema; culture; details; different; director; education; emergence; example; fidelity; film; film adaptation; form; gaiman; genre; group; harry; holmes; influence; interaction; journal; kazan; kranz; kubrick; literary; literary work; literature; london; main; mellerski; minister; movie; new; novelization; parys; popular; possible; potter; primary; prime; reasons; research; result; role; scenario; screen; screen version; series; sherlock; social; source; studies; text; time; today; types; university; url; version; visual; ways; work; writers; writing; zinnatullina cache: jsser-1134.pdf plain text: jsser-1134.txt item: #25 of 450 id: jsser-114 author: Akar, Cuneyt title: Investigating the Students’ Perceptions of the Democratic Values of Academicians date: 2016-05-24 words: 13661 flesch: 60 summary: The academicians’ perceived level of having democratic values was found to be 2,43. Keywords: Academicians, University students, Values, Democratic values The Concept of Democracy keywords: academicians; acun; adalete; adaylarının; aegean; ages; akar; algılamaktadırlar; algılanan; algılanan demokratik; algıları; amacıyla; anadolu; analizi; analysis; anatolia; ankara; anlamlı; arasında; araştırma; araştırmaları; attitudes; average; aypay; açısından; behaviours; bilgiler; bilimler; bir; bulgular; buna; bölgesinde; central; cinsiyet; classroom; cronbach; culture; cüneyt; daha; davranışlarına; democracy; democratic; democratic values; demokrasi; demokratik değerlerinin; departments; dergisi; descriptive; değerlendirilmesi; değerlere; değerlerinin; difference; dimensions; diğer; doğanay; doğu; drmo; düşük; east; economics; edilmiştir; education; education research; elemanlarının; elemanlarının demokratik; enstitüsü; eğitim; eğitim fakültesi; factor; faculty; fakültesi; fakültesi dergisi; fark; fazla; feas; fen; finance; findings; freedom; gender; gibi; gifj; groups; gruplar; gruplararası; göre; görülen; görülmüştür; higher; hoşgörü; ilgili; ilişkin; importance; incelendiğinde; individuals; inner; ise; içi; için; i̇.; i̇i̇bf; i̇lköğretim; i̇ç; journal; justice; karşı; kültürü; kıyı; level; life; little; maliye; meb; meeting; model; olarak; olduğu; olma; olmadığı; olması; olup; oranla; ortalama; p<.05; paper; participation; perceptions; place; region; regional; related; research; residence; respect; results; role; rules; sahip; sarı; saygı; scale; science; scores; significant; social; social studies; society; sonuçları; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; statements; std; students; studies; studies education; study; söylenebilir; sınıf; table; tarafından; tarman; teachers; tek; temel; terms; tespit; test; toplam; total; tutum; tutumları; türkiye; universities; university students; uygun; uşak; values; variables; variance; varyans; verdikleri; verme; yapılan; yapılmıştır; yaşam; yaşayan; yaşayanlara; yer; yeri; yerleşim; yönelik; yüksek; çalışma; çok; öaöv; ölçeğin; önem; önemli; örneği; özgürlük; öğrencilerin; öğretim; öğretim elemanlarının; öğretim üyelerinin; öğretmen; öğretmenliği; üniversite; üniversitesi sosyal; üyelerinin; şekilde cache: jsser-114.pdf plain text: jsser-114.txt item: #26 of 450 id: jsser-115 author: Grammes, Tilman; Açıkalın, Mehmet title: Qualitative Data Collection and Interpretation: A Turkish Social Studies Lesson date: 2016-05-24 words: 15479 flesch: 55 summary: [USBES] (Symposium on Social Studies Education) yabancı bir araştırmacı Türkiye de ki “tipik” bir sosyal bilgiler dersi videosu isterse veya Avrupa Konseyinin Uluslararası Demokratik Öğrenme Projesi (European Council International Project on Democratic Learning) toplantısında mesela Hollanda veya İtalya’ dan bir meslektaşımız Türkiye de bir sosyal bilgiler dersinin nasıl işlendiğini bize sorarsa, ona Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden, farklı konular ve öğretim yöntemleri içeren üç veya beş tane ders dökümü veya videosu sunabilmek akademik dayanışma ve yardımlaşmanın gereğidir. Bu tür bir ders araştırmaları yöntemi İngiliz, Hollanda, Fransız ve Almaya’ da ki derslerin özellikle tartışma konuları ve yöntemleri açısından ne kadar çok ve nasıl farklılaştığını da göstermiştir. keywords: 3rd; 6(1; achievement; adeta; adresinden; agency; akıllı; alan; almanya; almond; american; analysis; ancak; approach; arasında; araştırma; araştırmaları; article; association; attitudes; ayrıca; ayrıntılı; açikalin; açıkalın; açısından; background; bakanlığı; bakış; bazı; başka; başlamıştır; belgeleme; belirtiyor; better; bildung; bile; bilgiler; bilimleri; bir; bir ders; bir sosyal; bir şekilde; bkz; book; brodsky; bruen; bu ders; bunun; bütün; canlı; case; chicago; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; civic education; classroom; commentaries; comments; comparative; comparative education; concepts; context; council; countries; creswell; cultural; culture; curriculum; daha; data; dayalı; democracy; democratic; dergisi; ders; dersin; derslerinde; derste; design; dewey; değerlendireceğimiz; değil; didactics; differences; different; discussion; diğer; documentation; documents; doi; doktora; durum; durumlarda; dökümü; dünyada; edilen; edinilmiştir; eds; education; education lesson; education research; educators; ein; empathy; english; enlarged; erdoğan; ethnic; eudmigrom; europe; european; eurydice; evaluation; example; eğilimler; eğitim; farklı; fazla; field; following; gagel; genel; general; genç; germany; gibi; global; global education; grammes; guba; göre; gözlem; gürsoy; güryay; hakkında; hakları; hand; hem;; human; human rights; iccs; iea; ilgili; important; individual; information; inquiry; insan; international; interpretation; ise; issue; iyi; içeren; için; içinde; i̇ngilizce; journal; jsse; kabul; kadar; karşılaştırmalı; kavram; kaydı; kayıt; kendi; keskin; kesten; kind; knowledge; konusunda; koran; kudret; kullanılması; kültürü; kılınç; language; learning; lesson; lesson research; levinson; life; lincoln; makalede; mathematics; meaning; mehmet; method; methodology; meyer; migration; milli; ministry; mirror; multiple; national education; new; nitel; notes; number; observation; okuyucuya; olabilir; olan; olarak; olduğu; olduğunu; olması; order; ortaya; paper; particular; peki; perceptions; perspectives; peshkin; policies; political; political education; politik; politische; practice; press; process; processes; prof; project; prospects; protocol; purpose; qualitative; qualitative research; question; reader; real; recording; research; researchers; reviewers; rights; rights education; role; sage; sayıda; schmidt; school; schur; schwalbach; science; science education; second; sel; single; skills; social; social research; social science; social studies; society; soru; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; special; state; step; students; studies education; studies lesson; study; subject; subjectivity; sunulmuştur; systems; sözcüğü; sürecinde; sürecini; sınıf; tamamen; tarafından; teacher; teaching; tezi; tilman; times; tipik; topic; tradition; translation; turkey; turkish; turkish social; typical; türkiye; türkçe; ulusal; uluslararası; understanding; unger; university; unpublished; urban; use; v13; vatandaşlık; verbatim; veri; veya; video; wergeland; wochenschau; words; world; xiii; yaklaşımı; yalnızca; yapmak; yapılan; yayınlanmamış; yerine; york; yorumcular; yorumlama; youth; yöntemleri; yüksek; zaman; çeviri; çeşitli; çok; çulha; örnek; özbaş; özellikle; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğretim; öğretmen; üsküdar; üzerine; şekilde; şey cache: jsser-115.pdf plain text: jsser-115.txt item: #27 of 450 id: jsser-116 author: Tarman, Bülent; Acun, ismail title: Social Studies Education and a New Social Studies Movement date: 2010-11-30 words: 4881 flesch: 49 summary: Bu hareket Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitiminin yapılandırmacı bir bakış açısıyla araştırmacı/sorgulayıcı yaklaşımla, eleştirel ve yansıtıcı düşünme, işbirliğine dayalı çalışma gibi becerilere vurgu yapılan, gerçek hayat problemlerini zengin bir sınıf ortamında işleyen bir Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi’ni yerleştirmeye çalışmıştı. Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitiminde Sosyal Bilgiler Labaratuarlarının Yeri ve Önemi, R. Turan, A. M. Sünbül, H. Akdağ (ed.). keywords: 1(1; 1960s; 1960’larda; abd’de; acun; adaylarının; akademik; akademisyen; alan; alanında; alınması; analiz; ankara; anlamda; approach; arasında; araştırma; araştırmalar; aslında; attıkları; aynı; ayrıca; açısından; bakış; başarısız; başka; başladılar; başında; belirlenmesi; benzer; bilgiler; bilgiler eğitimi; bilimler; bilimsel; bir; birliği; bulunmaktadır; buna; böylece; bülent; constructivist; curriculum; daha; dayalı; demircioğlu; dergisi; ders; devam; değildi; diğer; durumu; düşünme; eden; edilerek; education; education research; eleştirel; engle; eser; etkili; etmektedir; etmeye; experiments; eğitimcileri; eğitimi; eğitiminin; farklı; fazla; field; geleneksel; geliştirilmesi; geliştirmek; geniş; gereken; gereklidir; gerekmektedir; gerekse; gerektiğini; gibi; göre; göz; güncel; hareket; hareketin; hatta; hemen; hususunda; ideas; ifade; ilgili; important; indiana; inquiry; insan; iyi; içeren; için; içinde; i̇.; journal; kadar; kapsamlı; kararlar; knowledge; konulan; konusunda; koyduğu; kuramsal; kısa; learning; lisans; massialas; massialas’ın; materyal; meb; movement; nasıl; nedenle; neler; new; new social; nitelikte; olacaktır; olan; olarak; olduğu; olduğunu; olması; oluşturulması; ortaya; pek; planlama; politik; programı; programının; reflective; reform; reformcuların; research; resources; sbeb; sistematik; skills; social; social studies; sonra; sorgulayıcı; sorunlar; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; students; studies; studies education; studies movement; sınıf; takip; tarafından; tarihsel; tarman; teachers; teaching; temel; teorik; tespit; test; thinking; turkey; tüm; türkiye’de; ulusal; uygun; uzun; verilmiştir; verme; veya; vizyonu; yaklaşıma; yansıtıcı; yapılan; yapılandırmacı; yapılmalıdır; yapılması; yapısı; yazılı; yeni; yeni sosyal; yer; yerine; yeterince; york; yönelik; yüksek; yılmaz; zevin; çalışan; çalışmalar; çapında; çok; çoğu; önemli; önüne; örtük; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğretim; öğretmen; öğretmenlerin; ülke; üniversitesi; şekilde cache: jsser-116.pdf plain text: jsser-116.txt item: #28 of 450 id: jsser-117 author: Turan, İbrahim title: Student Attitudes toward Technology Enhanced History Education: Comparison between Turkish and American Students date: 2010-11-30 words: 4663 flesch: 49 summary: But the comparison of the data indicated that American students have higher computer- and Internet-usage skills than Turkish students do, and this difference is statistically significant (p = 0.001). The results also showed that Turkish students like history more than American students do, and this difference is statistically significant (p = 0.002). keywords: 1(1; ability; academic; access; achievement; activities; alpha; american; american students; amerikalı; araştırmanın; areas; attitudes; better; bilgisayar; bir; classrooms; computerand; courses; daha; data; derslerinde; destekli; deviation; differences; education; eğitim; graders; göre; high; higher; historical; history; history education; iki; increase; information; internet; için; i̇brahim; journal; karşı; knowledge; konya; kullanım; learning; level; materials; mean; motivation; olan; olarak; participants; positive; questionnaire; questions; research; results; scale; school; significant; skills; social; std; students; studies; study; table; tarih; teacher; technologies; technology; teknoloji; teknolojilerine; tui̇k; turan; turkish; turkish students; tutumları; türk; usage; usc; use; web; önemli; öğrencilerin cache: jsser-117.pdf plain text: jsser-117.txt item: #29 of 450 id: jsser-118 author: Katilmis, Ahmet; Eksi, Halil; Ozturk, Cemil title: The Efficiency of Being Scientific Value Focused Character date: 2010-11-30 words: 11843 flesch: 57 summary: Bu işlem için gerekli olan deney ve kontrol gruplarında bulunan öğrencilerin “kanıt kullanma ve etik” alt boyutundan aldıkları ön test ve son test puanlarına ilişkin aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma ile ön teste göre düzeltilmiş son test puanlarına ilişkin aritmetik ortalama değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu kapsamda deney ve kontrol gruplarında bulunan öğrencilerin bilimsellik ölçeğinin bütününden aldıkları ön test ve kalıcılık testi puanlarına ilişkin aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma ile ön teste göre düzeltilmiş kalıcılık testi puanlarına ilişkin aritmetik ortalama değerleri tespit edilmiştir. keywords: 1(1; ahmet; ait; akademik; alan; aldıkları; aldıkları kalıcılık; aldıkları ön; alt; alt boyutundan; altında; alınarak; amacıyla; analizi; ancova; ancova testi; ankara; anlamda; anlamlı; anlamlı bir; anlatımla; aracının; arasında; arasında deney; araştırma; araştırmanın; aritmetik; aritmetik ortalaması; aynı; ayrıca; açıdan; açıkladığı; bakabilme; bazı; bağlamda; bağımsız; başka; bilgiler; bilimlerde; bilimsellik; bilimsellik düzeylerinin; bilimsellik ölçeğinin; bilimselliğin; bir; bir fark; bireylerin; biri; birlikte; boyutuna; boyutundan aldıkları; bu araştırmada; bu farkın; bu hipotez; bu işlem; bu kapsamda; bulgular; bulunan; bulunan öğrencilerin; bulunmuştur; buna; bundan; bütünleştirilmiş; bütününden; büyüköztürk; cemil; character; character education; daha; demokratik; deney; deney grubunun; deney ve; deneysel; ders; devam; değerine; değerinin; değerleri; değerlerinin; değişen; değişkenliğin; difference; diğer; doctorate; dolayı; doğrudan; düzeltilmiş; düzeltilmiş kalıcılık; düzeltilmiş son; düzeyinde; düzeylerinin; düşünce; düşüncelerini; edebiliriz; ederim; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; effect; ekşi̇; elde; eleştirel; eleştirel bakabilme; eta; etkili; etkisini; etme; experimental; eğitimi; eğitimi programının; eğitiminin; f(2;70)=; faktör; fark; farklı; farkın; genel; genç; gerekli; gerekmektedir; gerçekleştirilen; gibi; group; grubu için; grubunda; grubunda bulunan; grubunun; grubunun kalıcılık; grubunun lehinde; grubunun ön; gruplar; gruplarda; göre; göre düzeltilmiş; görmekteyiz; görüldüğü; görülmektedir; görüşleri; görüşme; görüşü; gösteren; göstergesi; göstermektedir; göz; halil; hata; hem; hesaplanmıştır; higher; hipotez; ifade; ila; ile ön; ilgili; ilişkin; ilişkin aritmetik; ilköğretim; implementation; incelediğimiz; incelendiğinde; ise; istatistiksel; istatistiksel olarak; için; içinde; işlem; i̇nsanlar; journal; kabul; kalıcılık; kalıcılık testi; kanıt; kanıt kullanma; kapsamda; kapsamındaki; karakter; karakter eğitimi; kare; katilmiş; katkı; katılımcıların; kaynak; kazandırılmasına; kazanımlarıyla; kendi; kmo; kontrol; kontrol grubunun; konusu; kovaryans; kovaryet; kullanma; lehinde; lickona; madde; maddeden; maddelerin; manidar; mean; meb; merak; merak etme; milli; model; modelinin; müdahale; nasıl; nicel; odaklı; okul; okulun; olan; olarak; olarak anlamlı; olarak son; olarak tespit; olduğunu; olmadığını; olmak; olmanın; olmanın ön; olması; olumlu; olup; onların; oranı; ortalama; ortalama deney; ortaya; p<.01; post; problem; programlarının; programının; programının öğrencilerin; puanları; puanları arasında; puanlarına göre; puanlarındaki; puanlarının; puanlarının kontrol; research; sahip; sapması; saygı; scale; scientific; score; significant; social; social studies; son test; sonra; sonucunda; sonunda; sonuçları; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; standart; standart sapması; students; studies; studies education; söyleyebiliriz; söz; sınanmıştır; sınıf; tablo; temel; tercih; tespit; tespit edilmiştir; test; test aritmetik; test ortalama; test puanlarına; test ve; teste göre; testin; testler; thesis; toplam; toplumun; tutum; ulaşılan; university; unpublished; usa; uygulama; uygulamanın; uygulanan; uygulanmıştır; vardır; ve bu; ve kontrol; verilecek; verilen; verilerin; verirler; yani; yapılan; yapılandırılmış; yapılmıştır; yarı; yayınları; yeni; yer; yorumlanabilir; yönde; yönelik; yönelik ön; yöntem; yöntemleri; yüksek; zaman; zamanda; çok; çünkü; çünkü bu; ölçeğinin; ölçme; ön test; ön testler; örnekleme; özdeğeri; özgürlük; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğrencilerin bilimsellik; öğrencilerin karakter; öğretim; üniversitesi; üst; üzere; üzerinde; şeyler cache: jsser-118.pdf plain text: jsser-118.txt item: #30 of 450 id: jsser-119 author: Acun, İsmail; Demir, Metin; Goz, Nur Leman title: The Relationship between Student Teachers' Citizenship Skills and Critical date: 2010-11-30 words: 4868 flesch: 54 summary: Vatandaşlık ve Vatandaşlık Eğitimi Eğitim faaliyetleri, kalıp bir insan tipi yaratmayı değil; çağın şartlarına uyum sağlayabilen, toplum hayatında başarılı bireyler yetiştirmeye yönelik olmalıdır. Bununla birlikte bu sonuç eleştirel düşünme becerileri ile vatandaşlık davranışları arasındaki ilişkinin varlığına dair bir kanıttır. keywords: 1(1; acun; adaylarının; adaylarının eleştirel; adaylarının vatandaşlık; ait; akademik; akar; aktif; alan; aldıkları; alpha; amacı; amacıyla; analiz; ankara; arasında; araştırma; atfettikleri; açıkça; başka; becerileri; becerilerinin; bilgi; bilgiler; bilgiyi; bilimler; bir; bireyler; birinci; bulgular; bulunmuştur; bölümünde; büyük; cedtdz; citizenship; cornell; critical; critical thinking; daha; data; davranış; davranışlarının; demi̇r; demokratik; değerlendirme; değildir; değişken; doktora; doğru; düzeyde; düzeyleri; düşük; düşünebilen; düşünme; düşünme becerileri; düşünmenin; edilen; education; eleştirel; eleştirel düşünme; ennis; enstitüsü; etkili; eğitim; eğitiminin; fakültesi; farklı; farkında; gibi; göre; görülmektedir; göz; gülveren; hem; ifade; iki; ilgili; ilişki; ilişkiyi; importance; incelendiğinde; insan; ise; iyi; için; içinde; i̇lköğretim; journal; karar; katsayısı; kazandırılması; kendi; knowledge; konuda; konularına; kullanma; kullanılmıştır; kıncal; leman; level; lisans; metin; nasıl; nur; olan; olarak; olduğu; olduğunu; olma; olmadığı; olması; order; ortalamaları; ortaya; problem; programları; programı; research; sahip; scale; score; sergiledikleri; skills; social; sonuç; sorgulama; sorumlu; sosyal; student; studies; sınıf; tablo; tarafından; teachers‟; temel; tespit; tezi; thinking; toplum; ulusal; uygulamaya; uygun; uyum; uşak; vatandaşlık; vatandaşlık eğitimi; vatandaşlık yeterlilikleri; verdikleri; verilmiştir; yapılan; yaratıcı; yayınlanmamış; yayınları; yeni; yer; yeterlilikleri; yetiştirmek; yönelik; yücel; yüksek; zaman; çalışma; çalışmada; çok; çözme; ölçeği; ölçme; önem; önemli; önemlidir; önemseme; öğrencilerin; öğrenim; öğretmen; öğretmen adaylarının; öğretmenlerin; üniversitesi; üzerinde; şekilde cache: jsser-119.pdf plain text: jsser-119.txt item: #31 of 450 id: jsser-120 author: Dinc, Erkan; Dogan, Yasin title: The Views of Teachers on the Upper Primary Social Studies Curriculum and Its Practice date: 2010-11-30 words: 10597 flesch: 49 summary: Bu kısımda yer alan bir başka sorun da, öğrenci etkinliklerinin rubriklerde (derecelendirilmiş puanlama anahtarları) yer alan ölçütler doğrultusunda değerlendirilmesi durumunda öğrenci başarısının çok düşük çıkması olgusudur. Bu konuda onlara da bir eğitim sunulması gerektiği araştırmada ulaşılan bir diğer bulgudur. keywords: 1(1; accordance; activities; adıyaman; ait; aktaran; aktif; alan; algılama; altyapı; altıncı; alınan; amaçlamaktadır; amaçları; analiz; analysis; ankara; anlayışı; approach; aracılığı; arasında; araç; araştırma; araştırmalarında; araştırmanın; atfedilen; aykaç; aynı; ayrıca; açık; açısından; aşağıdaki; bakımından; bana; bazı; bazıları; bazılarının; başar‟ın; başka; belirli; belirtmişlerdir; ben; benzer; beşinci; bilgiler; bilgiler dersi; bilgiler programı; bilgiler öğretim; bilginin; bilgiyi; bilim; bilimler; bir; bir eğitim; bireylerin; bireysel; biri; birlikte; birçok; bruner; bu program; bulan; bulduklarını; bulgular; bulunan; bulunması; buna; bunların; bunun; burada; böyle; bütün; büyük; constructivist; content; coğrafya; current; curriculum; da bu; daha; dair; dayalı; ders; dersin; dersler; derslerinde; devlet; değerlendirilmesi; değerlendirme; değil; değişiklikleri; dikkat; dile; diye; diğer; di̇nç; dolayısıyla; donanım; doğan; doğanay; doğrultuda; doğrultusunda; dönemlerde; dördüncü; dört; düşük; düşünceleri; düşünme; eden; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; ekonomik; elde; ele; erkan; esas; eski; etkileşim; etkili; etkinliklerin; etmektedir; etmesi; etmişlerdir; eğitim; eğitimde; eğitimin; fakat; farklı; faydalı; fazla; fenomenografik; fensham; fiziksel; formu; gelecek; geliştirilmesi; genel; gereken; gerekiyor; gereksinim; gerektirdiği; gerektiğini; gereç; gerçekleştirilen; getirdiği; getirilen; getirilmiştir; geçen; gibi; giderilmesi; gunstone; gömleksiz; göre; görevlerinin; görsel; görüşleri; görüşme; görüşmeler; göstermektedir; gözden; gündeme; günlük; hakkındaki; hangi; hazırlanan; hazırlanmış; hem; henüz; hizmetiçi; ifade; ihtiyaç; iki; ikinci; iletişim; ilgili; ilişkin; ilk; insan; ise; iyi; içerik; içerikte; içerisinde; içeriği; için; işaret; i̇lköğretim; journal; kabul; kadar; kademe; kaliteli; kalıcı; kapsamlı; kapsamında; karşımıza; katılan; katılımcılar; katılımcının; kavramlar; kaynaklar; kayseri; kazanım; kazanımlar; kendi; kendilerine; kitabı; kitapları; kitaplarının; knowledge; kolay; konuda; konuların; konusu; konusunda; kılavuz; kısa; kısmı; learning; london; meb; merkezli; mesela; milli; nasıl; new; nitel; nitelikli; okula; okullarda; olan; olanakları; olarak; olarak sosyal; olarak yeni; oldukları; olduğu; olduğunu; olmadığı; olmamasıdır; olması; olmuştur; olumlu; olumsuz; olup; oluşmaktadır; oluşturan; onlara; onların; ortak; ortamında; ortaya; pegema; performans; plana; practice; primary; problem; program; programda; programların; programın; proje; qualitative; rağmen; research; sadece; sahip; sağlanması; science; seviyesine; social; social studies; sonra; sonuçlara; sorunlara; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; sosyo; studies; studies education; study; sunulan; söylenebilir; söz; sürecinin; sürekli; sınıf; sınıf sosyal; sınıflarda; sıra; tamamı; tarafından; tarih; tartışma; teachers; teknolojik; tekrar; temel; tesch; theoretical; toplumsal; tüm; türden; ulaşma; ulaşılan; upper; uygulamanın; uygulamaya; uygulanması; uygun; var; vatandaşlık; ve yeni; verilen; veya; views; vurgu; white; wood; ya da; yaklaşım; yalnızca; yani; yanı; yapan; yaparak; yaptıkları; yapılandırmacı; yapılandırmacı yaklaşım; yapılandırılmış; yapıldığı; yardımcı; yarı; yasin; yayıncılık; yaşadıkları; yaşayarak; yedinci; yeni; yeni programın; yeni sosyal; yer; yer alan; yerine; yeterince; yeterli; yetersiz; yine; yirmi; yola; yoğun; yukarıdaki; yönelik; yöneliktir; yönlendirici; yöntem; yönteminin; yöntemleri; yüksek; yüzden; yılında; zaman; çalışma; çalışmada; çalışmanın; çerçevesinde; çeşitli; çocuğun; çok; çoğunlukla; çıkan; çıkmaktadır; çıkılarak; ölçme; ölçüde; öncelikle; önemli; önemli bir; öneriler; özellikle; öztürk; öğrenci; öğrencilerin; öğrencinin; öğrenme; öğretim; öğretim programı; öğretmen; öğretmenlerimizin; öğretmenlerin; öğretmenliği; ülke; üniversitesi; üzere; üzerinde; şekilde; şeklinde cache: jsser-120.pdf plain text: jsser-120.txt item: #32 of 450 id: jsser-121 author: Kesten, Alper title: Computer technology in education and issues of power and equity date: 2010-11-30 words: 6629 flesch: 50 summary: Microsoft Word - JSSER Makale Son hali 2 Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2010: 1(1), 88-106 © 2010 Journal of Social Studies Education Research ISSN: 1309-9108 Computer technology in education and issues of power and equity Eğitimde bilgisayar teknolojisi: Güç ve eşitlik konusu Alper Kesten1 Abstract: This study aims to use ‘techniques of power’ classified (based on Foucault’s work) by Gore in order to illustrate power relations between supporters (or non-supporters) of computer technology and teachers. For this purpose, six out of eight techniques of power (surveillance, normalization, exclusion, classification, distribution and regulation) is used in formulating thoughts about computer technology and issues of power and equity. keywords: 1(1; access; alper; bennett; berson; bilgisayar; bir; business; category; ceo; change; childhood; children; claim; classification; classroom; computer; computer technology; cuban; current; different; digital; distribution; divide; education; education research; equity; example; exclusion; eğitimciler; eğitimde; eşitlik; federal; forum; foucault; gore; government; güç; information; inservice; institutions; instruction; international; internet; issues; journal; kesten; knowledge; learning; mason; new; non; normalization; opponents; ota; power; power relations; preservice; press; proponents; public; regulation; relations; report; research; schooling; schools; science; social; social education; social studies; society; statistics; students; studies; studies education; study; supporters; surveillance; teacher education; teachers; teaching; techniques; technologies; technology; teknolojisi; theory; time; university; use; way; york cache: jsser-121.pdf plain text: jsser-121.txt item: #33 of 450 id: jsser-1214 author: Lestari, Prembayun Miji; Djatmika, Djatmika; Sumarlam, Sumarlam; Purnanto, Dwi title: Javanese Women’s Political Discourse in Response to the 2019 Indonesian General Election date: 2019-09-23 words: 7039 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: Political conversation discourse, Javanese women in Indonesia, General election Fairclough critical discourse analysis, unen-unen (traditional Javanese idioms). The study is expected to provide an in- depth discussion for communication science development, one that relates to political discourse and Fairclough’s CDA model. keywords: 2019; analysis; attempt; campaign; candidates; communication; conflict; context; conversation; count; critical; critical discourse; current; dalam; dan; data; description; different; dimensions; discourse; discourse analysis; discourse practice; education; election; electoral; elements; explanation; fairclough; form; fraud; general; general election; idioms; indonesian; indonesian general; institutions; interpretation; isa; javanese; javanese women; journal; kpu; kritis; language; lestari; level; local; meaning; menang; model; nak; national; need; negative; neutral; newspapers; number; participants; particular; people; personal; phase; political; political conversation; political discourse; positive; practice; practice analysis; presidential; process; public; related; relations; relationships; research; researchers; response; sentence; shift; sing; situation; social; society; sociocultural; speech; statements; structure; studies; study; sumarlam; surakarta; textual; textual analysis; unen; universitas; use; vice; votes; wacana; women cache: jsser-1214.pdf plain text: jsser-1214.txt item: #34 of 450 id: jsser-1218 author: Vogler, Ken; Schramm-Pate, Susan; Allan, Audrey title: Relationship of Instructional Time Configuration, Gender and Race on Seventh Grade Social Studies Performance date: 2019-12-24 words: 8534 flesch: 54 summary: Error As presented in Table 4, the interaction among the variables instructional time configuration, gender, and ethnicity on seventh grade student social studies PASS test results was not statistically significant, nor was the interaction between instructional time configuration and gender. The minimum amount of instructional time is specified; however, the way time is allocated is not prescribed and thus enables schools to have considerable flexibility in instructional time configurations based on prioritized instructional and non-instructional activities. keywords: .001; academic; accountability; achievement; analysis; blk; block; block scheduling; carolina; configuration; data; day; education; education research; elementary; ethnicity; gender; grade; grade student; high; higher; hispanic; impact; index; instructional time; instrument; interaction; journal; learning; level; middle; minute; minute block; national; pass; performance; periods; population; poverty; questions; race; reading; research; results; sample; schedule; scheduling; school; scores; seventh; significant; social studies; south; standards; state; students; studies education; studies test; study; survey; table; teachers; test; test scores; testing; time; time configuration; traditional; variables; vogler; white; year cache: jsser-1218.pdf plain text: jsser-1218.txt item: #35 of 450 id: jsser-122 author: O'Brien, Jason L.; Smith, Jason M. title: Elementary education students’ perceptions of “good” citizenship date: 2011-05-22 words: 5800 flesch: 51 summary: “If reading and math are the building blocks of an education, social studies is the mortar that holds it all together” Johnnie Eames, social studies teacher. A Q-method study and survey of social studies teachers. keywords: candidates; categories; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; community; concept; critical; data; democracy; democratic; education; educators; elementary; engagement; findings; future; good; good citizenship; instruction; involvement; jason; journal; justice; kahne; laws; level; martin; methods; model; national; need; o'brien; participants; participatory; people; perceptions; perspective; political; pre; research; responses; responsible; service; service teachers; smith; social; social studies; society; states; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; teaching; understanding; voting; westheimer; world cache: jsser-122.pdf plain text: jsser-122.txt item: #36 of 450 id: jsser-123 author: AY, Tuğba SELANİK; Deveci, Handan title: Local Community Studies In Social Studies Course: An Action Research date: 2011-05-22 words: 9623 flesch: 45 summary: Araştırmada belirlenen temel ölçüt, öğrencilerin Sosyal Bilgiler dersindeki başarısı, yerel toplum çalışmalarına olan ilgisidir. Öğrencilerin sorun belirlemeleri ve çözmeleri ile ilgili olarak bir öğrenci, İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü alan gezisi sırasında İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürüne okulda fotokopi makinesinin toneri ve fotokopi kâğıdı konusunda sıkıntı çekildiğini ve bu sorunun çözümü için yardımcı olup olamayacağını sormuştur. keywords: action; activities; aile; aileleri; alan; alpu; alınan; amacıyla; anadolu; analiz; analizler; anayasası; ancak; arasında; araçlarından; araştırma; araştırmaları; araştırmanın; ardından; açılabilir; ağaçlandırma; aşağıda; bakanlıklar; bağlamda; becerilerinin; belirlemeleri; belirlemeye; belirlenen; belirlenmiştir; belirleyerek; belirtilmiştir; belirtmişlerdir; benefitting; bilgiler; bilgiler dersinde; bilinçlendirme; bir; birlikte; biçimde; biçiminde; bu araştırmada; bu etkinliğin; bulgular; bulunduğu; bulunmalarına; bulunmuşlardır; bunun; böylece; class; community; community studies; course; cumhurbaşkanlarımız; current; daha; database; davet; dayalı; days; dersinde; dersinde yerel; dersinin; desteklenmelidir; deveci̇; diğer; document; dosya; doğrudan; duyarlı; duydukları; düzenleme; düzenlenebileceğine; düzenli; düşünme; dışında; edilebilir; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; egemenlik; elde; elde edilen; elementary; eric; eskişehir; etkili; etkinlikler; etkinliklerinin; etkinliğin; etme; etmesi; etmişlerdir; etmiştir; ettikleri; evde; events; eylem; eğitim; farklı; fazla; gazete; geleceğe; gelişimi; genel; gerekli; gerçekleştirilen; gerçekleştirilmiştir; gezi; gezileri; gezilerinin; gezisi; geçerlik; geçmiş; gibi; girişiminde; grupla; göre; görüşlerini; görüşme; görüşmelerde; göstermektedir; gözlem; güncel; günler; günlük; günlüklerinde; günlüğünde; günümüz; haas; haberleri; hafta; haklarını; halk; handan; hazırlama; hem; history; ifade; ifade etmişlerdir; ile ilgili; iletişim; ilgili; ilgili olarak; ilgisiz; ilişkin; ilişkin olarak; ilköğretim; information; institutions; internet; internetten; ise; iyi; için; içinde; işlenen; i̇lçe; journal; kampanyası; kapsamında; karar; karşı; katkıda; kaynak; kaynaklarından; kayıtlarının; kendilerini; kitap; kitle; kişi; kişilerden; komite; konularda; konusunda; kullanımının; kuruluşlardan; kuruluşları; kurum; kurumlar; kütüphane; kısaca; learning; library; life; lisans; local; makro; merak; milli; modeli; morris; nasıl; ne şekilde; nedeniyle; nisan; odak; okul; okulda; okulun; olan; olarak; olaylardan; olduklarını; olduğunu; olması; olumlu; oluşan; oluşturma; organizations; paralellik; people; problem; process; programında; real; rehberlik; reproduction; research; resmi; retreived; saati; sağladığını; sağlamak; sağlanabilir; sağlanmalıdır; sağlar; school; selanik; selani̇k; sergisi; service; sivil; social; social studies; society; sonra; sonucunda; sonunda; sonuç; sorumluluklarını; sorun; sorunları; sorunun; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; sources; students; studies; studies education; study; sunu; sunulmaktadır; söylenebilir; sözlü; sürecinde; sınıf; sınıfta; sırasında; sırasında öğrenciler; tarafından; tarih; teaching; tema; temel; tezi; toplama; toplanan; toplanmıştır; toplum; toplum çalışmaları; toplumda; toplumda yer; toplumsal; toplumun; tuğba; tüm; ulusal; uygulama; uygulanacağını; uzman; vatandaşlık; verilen; verilerin; video; yanı; yapma; yapmalarına; yaprağı; yapılan; yapılan görüşmelerde; yapılandırılmış; yapılmıştır; yararlanma; yardımcı; yarı; yayınlanmamış; yaşadıkları; yaşamda; yaşamları; yer alan; yerel; yerel toplum; yerine; yoluyla; yönelik; yönelik olarak; yönünde; yüksek; zabıta; zabıtanın; çalışmaktır; çalışmaları; çalışmalarının; çalışılmıştır; çengelci; çevre; çevrelerinde; çeşitli; çocuk; çok; çoğu; çözmeleri; çözüm; öncesinde; önemli; özel; öğrenciler bu; öğrenciler ile; öğrencilerin; öğrencilerin sosyal; öğrencilerin yerel; öğrendiklerini; öğrenilenlerin; öğrenme; öğretmenler; üniversitesi; üzerinde; şekilde; şekilde ifade cache: jsser-123.pdf plain text: jsser-123.txt item: #37 of 450 id: jsser-1233 author: Ahmedi, Vjollca title: Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices Towards Formative Assessment in Primary Schools date: 2019-09-23 words: 4822 flesch: 45 summary: Teachers were tasked with a lot of training and other forms of professional development which also included advancing skills in using formative assessment (Osmani, 2011). The aim of this study is to ascertain whether there is a connection between the teachers’ attitudes towards formative assessment and the application of this assessment method. keywords: actions; ahmedi; application; assessment; attitudes; average; black; certain; change; classroom; connection; correlation; cronbach; data; differences; education; formative; formative assessment; implementation; important; instrument; items; journal; knowledge; kosovar; kosovo; learning; model; negative; perceptions; positive; practice; primary; process; reliability; research; results; schools; social; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; time; use; work cache: jsser-1233.pdf plain text: jsser-1233.txt item: #38 of 450 id: jsser-124 author: White, Cameron; McCormack, Susan; Marsh, Sabrina title: Our Journeys: Paths toward Social Education date: 2011-05-22 words: 7738 flesch: 55 summary: Given the ongoing debate and struggle with “defining” social education, our bulletin board outside our lab provides one definition to encourage dialog: We believe that social education emphasizes three areas of study: critical pedagogy, cultural/media studies, and social studies education. Many proponents for the traditional treatment of social studies education have no experience in the field leaving one to question the nature of the expert. keywords: apple; cameron; classroom; common; communities; community; course; critical; cultural; culture; curriculum; democratic; dewey; different; education; educators; emancipatory; experience; experiential; freire; giroux; history; ideas; important; individual; involved; issues; journal; journey; justice; kincheloe; knowledge; learning; life; marsh; mccormack; methods; national; need; new; path; pedagogy; people; personal; philosophy; possibilities; power; practice; press; process; question; realities; research; role; ross; sabrina; schools; sense; social; social education; social studies; society; spaces; state; students; studies; studies education; susan; teachers; teaching; theories; thinking; traditional; transformative; university; views; way; white; world; york cache: jsser-124.pdf plain text: jsser-124.txt item: #39 of 450 id: jsser-125 author: Ozturk, İbrahim Hakkı title: Problem of anachronism in history teaching: An analysis of fictional texts in social studies and history textbooks date: 2011-05-22 words: 6748 flesch: 53 summary: Tarih yazımının doğası gereği bu bir ölçüde kaçınılmaz bir durumdur. Kısa bir paragraf uzunluğunda olanlar olduğu gibi, bir sayfayı geçen metinler de bulunmaktadır. keywords: ait; algısı; alparslan; altında; anachronism; anadolu’nun; anakronizm; analiz; ancak; ancak bu; ankara; anlam; anlatan; anlatım; anlaşılmaktadır; anti; arasında; araştırma; ark; aslında; authors; aynı; ayrıca; açıdan; açık; açıları; açılarının; açısından; ağzından; bakış; bariz; bazen; bazı; başka; belirli; betimsel; bile; bilgiler; bilgiler ders; bilgiler ve; bir; bir biçimde; bir tarihi; birinci; birlikte; birçok; biçimde; bu durum; bugüne; bugünün; bunun; burada; bütün; büyük; cazgır; daha; ders; ders kitaplarında; değil; değildir; değişim; dikkat; dilsel; diğer; dolayısıyla; doğru; doğrudan; drama; durum; durumdur; dönemde; dönemin; edilmesi; education; erişilmiştir; errors; etmek; etmektedir; events; eğer; eğitim; facts; farklı; fictional; gelen; genellikle; gerekir; gerekli; gerekmektedir; gerçek; geçmişe; geçmişin; gibi; goff,1988; göre; görülmektedir; göz; gözüyle; günümüze; hakkı; hata; hatalarının; hatalı; herhangi; historical; history; hiçbir; hususa; ifade; iki; ilgili; incelenen; insanlarının; ise; isimleri; itibariyle; için; içinde; işaret; i̇.; i̇brahim; i̇lköğretim; i̇stanbul; journal; kabul; kadar; kapsamında; kavram; kavramlar; kaynaklanan; kaçınılmaz; kaşgarlı; kendi; kez; kitabı; kitaplarında; kişilerinin; konu; konusunda; kullanılan; kullanılmaktadır; kullanılması; kullanımı; kurgusal; kurgusal metinler; mahmut; mal; malazgirt; meb; mekan; metinler; mevcut; modern; nasıl; nicel; notions; okur; olabilir; olan; olarak; olayları; oldukça; olduğu; olgu; olguların; olgunun; olgusal; olguyu; olmadığı; olmaktadır; olması; olur; onun; ortaya; ortaöğretim; ortaöğretim tarih; pek; persons; perspectives; polat; presentism; research; sadece; sebep; siyasi; social; social studies; sonrasında; sonuç; sonuçları; sorun; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; studies; sultan; söylenebilir; söz; sıklıkla; sınıf; sıra; tamamen; tanımlanması; tarafından; tarih; tarih ders; tarih öğretiminde; tarihin; tarihinde; tarihsel; tarihçiler; tarihçinin; temel; terimi; textbooks; texts; time; tip; türkiye; tüysüz; use; uygun; vardır; ve tarih; veriler; veya; yaklaşım; yaklaşımsal; yandan; yani; yanlış; yansıtma; yanı; yapılan; yaygın; yayınları; yazarlarının; yazımı; yazımında; yeni; yer; yolu; yorumlanması; yorumların; yoğun; yukarıda; yönelik; yöntem; yıldırım; zaman; çalışmada; çerçevesinde; çerçeveye; çok; çoğu; çünkü; çıkan; çıkmaktadır; ölçüde; önemli; önüne; örneğin; öte; özellikle; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğretiminde; üzerine; şahsiyetlerin; şartları; şekilde; şeklinde; şimdicilik; şimşek cache: jsser-125.pdf plain text: jsser-125.txt item: #40 of 450 id: jsser-1257 author: Turan, Emine Zehra title: Human Rights Education in Religious Culture and Ethics Courses date: 2020-06-24 words: 8161 flesch: 54 summary: Table 3 Human rights mentioned in Religious Culture and Ethics courses Human rights, opinions Frequency are mentioned in the course content 11 are mentioned in the examples of the Prophet’s life 10 are mentioned in the Prophet’s life 3 are mentioned in the Holy Quran 4 are mentioned in teachers’ narrations 4 From past to present 2 10 participants who pointed out that human rights are mentioned in the examples of the life of the Prophet emphasized the existence of human rights in the course content. Human rights education, which includes the processes of teaching, learning and implementing human rights, aims to develop and disseminate human rights culture in a society. keywords: analysis; answers; book; citizenship; concept; content; countries; courses; culture; data; democracy; democratic; different; education; emphasis; equality; ethics; ethics courses; examples; finding; form; freedom; general; god; grade; human; human rights; international; interview; journal; justice; knowledge; law; life; lives; morality; need; objectives; opinions; order; participants; peace; people; program; prophet; religion; religious; religious culture; religious education; research; respect; responsibility; rights; rights education; skills; social; students; studies; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; tolerance; turan; turkey; universal; values; views; world cache: jsser-1257.pdf plain text: jsser-1257.txt item: #41 of 450 id: jsser-126 author: KAYA, Erdoğan; Cengelci, Tuba title: Pre-Service Teachers’ Opinions Regarding Using Films in Social Studies Education date: 2011-05-22 words: 6512 flesch: 49 summary: Katılımcılar özellikle belgesellerin önyargılar taşımalarının önemli bir sorun olduğunu vurgulamışlardır. İnsanlar aşağı yukarı bir 400 yıl kadar uzayda kalıyorlar. keywords: adaylarının; adaylarının sosyal; adayı; ailelere; alanında; altında; alınmıştır; amacı; analiz; animasyon; arasında; araştırmada; araştırmanın; araştırmasında; arkadaşlık; aynı; ayrı; ayrıca; açıklamıştır; açısı; açısından; bakımından; bakış; batılı; bağlamda; bağımsızlık; başında; beceri; becerilerini; belgesel; belirli; belirttiğine; ben; benim; bilgilendirici; bilgiler; bilgiler dersinde; bilgiler eğitiminde; bilgiler öğretmen; bilinçli; bir; birden; biçimde; biçiminde; biçimindedir; boyutunda; bulgular; bunun; burada; büyük; classroom; coğrafya; daha; daha çok; dayalı; dayanarak; dayanışma; dersinde; derslerinde; destek; değerler; dikkat; dile; diye; diyerek; diğer; dostluk; duyu; dördüncü; düşünme; düşünmektedirler; düşünüyorum; education; elde; eleştirel; erdoğan; etkili; etmeli; eğitici; eğitiminde; eğitiminde filmlerden; eğlenceli; fakültesi; farklı; fazla; filmde; filmin; filmlerdeki; filmlerden yararlanmaya; filmlere; filmlerin; filmlerin sosyal; films; gelmektedir; genel; genelde; geography; gerekiyor; gerekli; gerçekleştirilen; getirdikleri; getirilen; getirmişlerdir; getirmiştir; gibi; grup; göre; görerek; görsel; görüşlerini; görüşme; görüşünü; hale; historical; history; hitap; ilgili; ilgili olarak; ilişkin; ilişkin olarak; inançlara; ise; isimli; isimli öğretmen; için; içinde; işbirliği; journal; kadar; kalıcı; kapsamında; karşılaşılabilecek; katkı; katkıları; katılımcılar; kaya; kaynaklar; kimi; knowledge; konuda; konularda; konularının; konusunda; konuyla; kullanılabilecek; kullanımı; kuruluşlarına; kültürel; kültürleri; learning; liles; marcus; medya; nitel; odak; okullara; okuryazarlığı; olan; olarak; olayların; olduğunu; olmaları; olmalıdır; olması; olsun; olumsuz; oluyor; onların; organına; ortaya; plana; pre; problems; research; s.108; s.58; sahip; sağladığını; sağlaması; school; service; service teachers; ses; skills; social; social studies; sonra; sorunlar; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; stoddard; students; studies; studies education; study; sözleriyle; sürecinde; sınıf; tablo; tarafsız; tarafından; tarihi; tarihsel; teachers; teaching; temalar; temel; tuba; türk; ulusal; uygun; values; var; vardı; verilmesi; veya; vurgulamıştır; yanlış; yanında; yararlanmaya; yaratıcı; yağız; yer; yönelik; yıldırım; zaman; çalışmaları; çekilmesi; çengelci̇; çevre; çeşitli; çizgi; çocuklar; çok; önce; önemli; öneriler; önerisi; örnek; örneğin; özellikle; öğrencilerin; öğrenilenlerin; öğrenilmesini; öğrenme; öğrenmeye; öğretiminde; öğretmen; öğretmen adaylarının; öğretmen adayı; öğretmenler; üzerinde; üçüncü; şiddet; şimşek; şöyle cache: jsser-126.pdf plain text: jsser-126.txt item: #42 of 450 id: jsser-1262 author: Nganga, Lydiah title: Preservice teachers perceptions of teaching for global mindedness and social justice: Using the 4Cs (Collaboration, Critical thinking, Creativity and Communication) in teacher education. date: 2019-12-24 words: 10842 flesch: 51 summary: What is your understanding of global education and why is it relevant in social studies? As a result, the researcher designed this Nganga study to enrich the existing literature by illuminating the perspectives of preservice teachers relative to teaching for global social justice using the 4Cs framework. keywords: 4cs; activities; activity; analysis; appendix; better; book; boycott; children; classroom; collaboration; columbus; communication; creativity; critical; critical thinking; cultural; cultures; data; different; discussions; education; education research; educators; essential; example; experiences; following; foreign; framework; future; global; global education; global mindedness; globalization; group; helpful; ideas; important; information; instructional; issues; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; methods; mindedness; mock; multiple; nation; national; ncss; need; new; nganga; open; order; participants; people; perspectives; play; practices; preservice; problem; process; questions; reflections; research; result; role; skills; small; social; social justice; social studies; strategies; students; studies; studies education; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; themes; thinking; topics; u.s; understanding; unit; university; use; ways; world cache: jsser-1262.pdf plain text: jsser-1262.txt item: #43 of 450 id: jsser-1269 author: Carothers, Douglas; Aydin, Hasan; Houdyshell, Michael title: Teacher shortages and cultural mismatch: District and university collaboration for recruiting date: 2019-09-23 words: 9226 flesch: 51 summary: Get’em hooked early: Teaching high school teacher academy students the value of the library media center. The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) reported that the number of public school teachers employed in the United States exceeded 3.5 million for the first time in 2010 and that the size of the teaching force will continue to grow through 2025, the last year for which data were projected (Garcia & Weiss, 2019; Institute of Educational Sciences, 2015). keywords: academies; academy; activities; addition; american; analysis; black; camp; campus; career; carothers; children; collaboration; college; color; content; courses; cultural; data; day; different; districts; diverse; dual; educamp; education; education research; enrollment; ethnic; experience; florida; force; future; high; high school; higher; increase; institute; journal; likely; local; low; minority; mismatch; new; number; participants; perceptions; place; pool; populations; preparation; prepared; profession; programs; public; qualified; qualitative; questions; racial; recruiting; recruitment; research; responses; school; school students; shortages; social; special; state; students; studies; studies education; study; success; summer; supply; survey; teacher education; teachers; teaching; time; u.s; university; washington; week; white; work; year cache: jsser-1269.pdf plain text: jsser-1269.txt item: #44 of 450 id: jsser-127 author: Dolek, İskender; Demir, Selcuk Besir title: Preparation of Geography Teaching Materials through the Utilization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software date: 2011-11-23 words: 4965 flesch: 50 summary: Coğrafya öğretmenlerinin Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS)’ne ilişkin yaklaşımları. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin coğrafya öğretiminde kullanılması öğrencilerin coğrafya dersine yönelik tutumlarını olumlu yönde etkilemektedir (Baker, 2002, Aladağ, 2006; keywords: 2005; 2008a; adım; ait; aksoy; aktif; alan; analiz; ancak; arasında; araç; arc; arc gis; artvinli; aydoğmuş; aynı; ayrıca; aşamaları; baker; baloğlu; bednarz; beşir; bilgi; bilgi sistemleri; bilgiler; bilgisayar; bilimleri; bir; boyutlu; bölgeye; bölümünde; cameron; cbs; coğrafi; coğrafi bilgi; coğrafya; coğrafya derslerinde; daha; demirci; dergisi; dersi; dersinde; derslerinde; değerlerinin; doktora; drennon; dölek; dünyada; edilen; edilmesi; edilmiştir; education; education research; ekran; ekranda; elde; enstitüsü; erdoğan; etkisi; eğim; eğitim; farklı; fiziki; geography; gerekir; gerekmektedir; gibi; gis; göre; görüntü; harita; haritaların; haritanın; haritaya; hazırlama; ifade; ile; ilgili; images; information; ise; izohipslerin; için; işlemi; i̇le; i̇skender; i̇stanbul; journal; katman; konulara; koordinatlandırma; kullanılarak; kullanılmaktadır; kullanımı; kâğıt; learning; map’te; marmara; materials; materyali; materyallerinin; mekânsal; mevcut; model; mümkündür; nasıl; nedenle; olan; olarak; olması; ortaöğretim; phd; programı; projeksiyon; renklendirme; renklerin; research; sahip; sayıda; sayısallaştırılması; schools; secondary; selçuk; seçimi; sistemleri; sistemlerinin; sistemleri’nin; social; sosyal; students; studies; studies education; systems; sözel; süreci; sürecinde; tarafından; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; temel; tezi; thesis; tin; tüm; university; unpublished; usa; uğurlu; verilerin; veya; yapılmış; yararlanarak; yaygın; yayınlanmamış; yeniden; yer; yoluyla; yomralıoğlu; yönelik; yükselti; çalışmada; çok; ölçek; önemli; örnek; örneğin; özellikle; öğrencilerin; öğretim; öğretim materyali; öğretiminde; öğretmenlerinin; üniversitesi; üzerinde; şekilde; şeklinde; şimşek cache: jsser-127.pdf plain text: jsser-127.txt item: #45 of 450 id: jsser-128 author: Yesilbursa, Cemil C.; Barton, Keith C. title: Preservice teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of heritage education in elementary social studies date: 2011-11-23 words: 7040 flesch: 53 summary: The results of the museum interview and document analysis showed that all the preservice teachers in this study found heritage education valuable, and they stated that they were going to use heritage places or materials as teaching tools. We were interested in two issues: The first related to students’ attitudes toward heritage places, and the second related to their intention to use such places as a teaching tool. keywords: activities; artifacts; attitudes; barton; boland; buildings; cemil; classroom; community; course; cultural; culture; curriculum; document; education; educators; environment; events; experiences; heritage; heritage education; historic; historic places; history; human; hunter; ideas; important; item; journal; keith; knowledge; landscapes; learning; material; museum; objects; old; past; people; photographs; places; positive; posttest; present; preservice; pretest; primary; research; resources; service; sites; social; sources; states; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; understanding; united; university; use; visit; ways; yeşi̇lbursa cache: jsser-128.pdf plain text: jsser-128.txt item: #46 of 450 id: jsser-129 author: Akbulut Tas, Mükerrem; Demir, Özden title: An Evaluation of the Instruction of Generalization in Elementary School Social Studies Program date: 2011-11-23 words: 12018 flesch: 47 summary: Sonuç olarak bu araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre üç öğretmenin de öğretimi yapılacak olan ünite içerisinde birçok genelleme ifadesinin olmasına karşılık genelleme öğretimi ile ilgili bir içerik düzenlemesi yapmadıkları, ders kitabında yazılı olan bilgileri genellikle aynen aktarmayı tercih ettikleri söylenebilir. Başka bir deyişle bir genellemenin öğrenildiğini söyleyebilmek için, o genellemenin sadece sözel olarak ifade edilmesi değil, genellemede ifade edilen kavramlar arası ilişkilerin hatırlanması ve yeni durumlarda uygulanması gerekmektedir (Marzano ve diğerleri, 1988; keywords: adana; akbulut; alan; aldıklarımız; alt; altı; altında; alınarak; alınmıştır; amacıyla; analiz; analizinde; analysis; ancak; ankara; anlamlı; arası; arası neden; arasındaki; araştırma; araştırmacılar; araştırmanın; aynen; aynı; ayrıca; azdır; açıklama; açıklayan; açısından; aşağıda; aşağıdaki; baskın; bazı; bağlı; başka; belirlenen; belirlenmiştir; belirli; belirtilen; belirtilmiştir; belirtmişlerdir; belirttikleri; betimsel; bildiren; bilgiler; bilgiler ders; bilginin; bilgisi; bir; bir neden; bir olgusal; birinci; birlikte; birlikteyiz; birçok; biçimde; biçiminde; biçiminde ifade; biçimiyle; book; bu genelleme; bulunan; bunun; cause; cevap; content; course; coğrafi; coşkun; cümle; daha; data; dayalı; dağılımı; demi̇r; ders; ders kitabında; dersinde; dersinin; değil; değişik; dikkate; diğer; dolayısıyla; doğrudan; doğrultusunda; durum; durumda; durumlarda; dünya; dünyanın; dünyası; düzenlemesi; düzey; dışında; edgington; edilen; edilen neden; edilmesi; edilmiştir; education; effect; ekonomik; elde; elementary; erickson; erişti; etkiler; etkili; etkinlik; evet; evrensel; eğitim; faaliyetlerinin; farklı; farklıdır; farklılık; fazla; gelir; gelişmiş; genelleme; genelleme ile; genelleme olarak; genelleme sayısı; genelleme öğretimi; genellemelerin; genellemenin; genellikle; generalization; geçen; geçen kavramlar; gibi; göre; görüldüğü; görülmektedir; görülmüştür; görüş; göstermektedir; gözlem; gözlenmiştir; gümrük; güvenirliği; hakkında; hem; herhangi; hesaplanmıştır; hizmet; hiç; ifade; ifade edilen; ifadeler; ifadesi; ihracat; iki; ikinci; iklimi; ile; ile ilgili; ilgili; ilgili bir; ilgili kavramlar; ilgili olan; ilgili olarak; ilgili olgular; ilgili olmayan; ilişkiler; ilişkin; ilişkisi; ilişkisinin; incelenmiştir; information; insanlar; instruction; ise; ithalat; içerik; içerisinde; için; içinde; içindeki; işlerken; i̇lköğretim; japonya; journal; kabul; kapsamında; katılımcılar; kavramlar; kavramlar arası; kaydedilmiştir; kayıt; kim; kitabında; kitapta; kodlanmıştır; kodlayıcı; konu; konuları; konusu; kullanılarak; köprü; kültürler; küçük; lisans; martorella; marzano; mckinney; meb; merrill; metin; milli; mükerrem; nasıl; neden; nerede; neresindeyiz; nitel; nüfus; nüfusun; okulda; olabilir; olan; olarak; olarak bir; olduğu; olduğunu; olgular; olguların; olgusal; olgusal bilgiler; olmadığı; olması; olmayan; olup; olur; oluşturan; rağmen; relationship; research; sadece; sahibi; sahip; sanayi; sattıklarımız; sayıda; sayısı; sebepler; ses; social; social studies; sonra; sonucunda; sonuç; sonuç ilişkisi; soru; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; sosyo; sosyoekonomik; studies; studies education; study; sunal; sunulan; sunulmamıştır; sunulmuştur; söylenebilir; söz; sözel; sürecinde; sınıf; sınıf sosyal; sınıfta; sıra; tablo; tam; tarafından; tarihi; tarım; taş; teachers; teaching; tekniği; tekrar; temel; tezi; ticaret; tokyo; toplam; tüm; türk; ulaşılan; unit; uygun; uzman; vardır; verdikleri; verilen; verilerinin; veya; video; ya da; yakın; yapan; yaptıkları; yaptığı; yapılan; yapılmıştır; yayınlanmamış; yayınları; yeni; yer; yerinde; yeryüzü; yine; yoğunluğu; yüksek; yıldırım; çalışma; çalışıyor; çocuklar; çok; çukurova; çünkü; ö1’in; ö3’ün; ögeleri; ölçüt; önceden; öncelikle; önemli; önerme; önermede; örnek; örnekleri; örneğin; özden; özellikle; öğrenci; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğretimi; öğretimi ile; öğretiminin; öğretirken; öğretmenim; öğretmenlerin; ülkeler; ülkelerin; ülkemiz; ülkenin; ünite; ünitedeki; ünitesinde; üniversitesi; üretim; üst; şekilde; şimşek cache: jsser-129.pdf plain text: jsser-129.txt item: #47 of 450 id: jsser-130 author: Sahin, Mustafa; Gogebakan Yildiz, Derya; Duman, Rusen title: An Evaluation of the Theses on Social Studies Education in Turkey date: 2011-11-23 words: 8808 flesch: 53 summary: Anahtar Kelimeler: sosyal bilgiler eğitimi, yüksek lisans tezleri, doktora tezleri ∗ Bu çalışma 7-9 Ekim 2009 tarihlerinde Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Öğretmen Yetiştirme ve Eğitimi Genel Müdürlüğü ile Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi tarafından düzenlenen Dördüncü Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Kongresi’ne bildiri olarak sunulmuş, veriler güncellenerek yeniden yazılmıştır. Çalışmanın sosyal bilgiler eğitimi alanında hazırlanmış olan tezleri çeşitli açılardan inceleyerek, bu alanda yapılan tezlerin genel çerçevesini görmek bakımından yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir. keywords: adet; akademik; alanda; alanında; alanında yapılmış; altında; alındığı; alınmıştır; anahtar; ancak; ankara; arasında; araştırmada; araştırmanın; ardından; artış; ayrıca; açık; açısından; bakıldığında; başka; başlığı; beceri; belirlenen; belirlenmiştir; belli; benzer; beraber; beyin; bilgiler; bilgiler dersi; bilgiler eğitimi; bir; bir tez; biri; birlikte; bulgular; bunu; daha; dayalı; dağılımları; dağılımı; ders; dersine; derya; değer; değerlendirilmesi; değerlendirme; değerlendirme teması; dissertations; doctoral; doktora; doktora tezlerinin; dokuz; drama; duman; dört; düzeyinde; düşünme; edilen; edilmesi; edilmiştir; education; elde; ele; etkisi; eğitim; eğitim programları; eğitimi alanında; eğitiminin; eğitimiyle; farklı; fazla; field; gazi; gelişimi; genel; geçit; gibi; giren; grafik; grafikte; göre; görülmektedir; görülmüştür; göze; göğebakan; günümüze; hakları; hangi; harita; hazırlanan; hazırlandığı; hazırlanmıştır; hedefleri; hem; ifadeli; iki; ilgili; ilişkin; ilk; ilköğretim; incelendiğinde; incelenen; incelenmesi; incelenmiştir; insan; ise; izinli; izlemektedir; içeriği; içinde; işbirlikli; i̇stanbul; journal; kadar; kavram; kazandırma; kazandırma teması; kez; konu; konuları; konusu; kubaşık; kullanımı; kullanımı teması; kullanımının; lisans; lisans tez; lisans tezlerinin; master; materyal; merkezi’nde; milli; mustafa; müfettiş; nasıl; nedeni; okuyucuya; olabilir; olan; olarak; oldukça; olduğu; olmak; olmamalarına; olması; olmuştur; olup; prepared; probleme; programları; programları teması; programlarının; programı; programının; proje; research; ruşen; sayısı; sayısının; sekiz; social; son; sonrasında; sorunları; sorunları teması; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; stratejileri; studies; sunulmuştur; söz; sıra; tabanlı; tarafından; tarih; teknikleri; teknikleri teması; teknolojileri; temalarının; teması; teması altında; teması bir; teması iki; teması üç; temasında; temasının; temelli; tez; tez hazırlanmıştır; tezi; tezler; tezlerde; tezlerin; theses; toplam; tüm; türkiye’deki; ulusal; vatandaşlık; veli; veli teması; yanı; yapılan; yapıldığı; yapılmış; yaratıcı; yayıncılık; yeni; yeniden; yer; yeterlilikleri; yildiz; yök; yönelik; yöntem; yöntemleri; yüksek; yüksek lisans; yılda; yıllara; yıllara göre; yıllarına; yıllık; yılında; yılıyla; zeka; çalışmalar; çalışılan; çalışıldığı; çalışılmış; çalışılmıştır; çok; çoklu; çözme; ölçme; önceki; önemli; öykü; öğrenci; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğretim; öğretim teknolojileri; öğretim yöntem; öğretiminin; öğretmen; üniversitelere; üniversitesi; üzere; üzerine; şahi̇n; şeklinde; şurasında cache: jsser-130.pdf plain text: jsser-130.txt item: #48 of 450 id: jsser-131 author: Jansen, Barbara A. title: Civic Education and the Learning Behaviors of Youth in the Online Environment: A Call for Reform date: 2011-11-23 words: 7828 flesch: 41 summary: Youth civic engagement in the twenty-first century. Scholars offer a variety of factors contributing to the disengagement of youth from the civic and political process including lack of attention paid to youth by politicians and the political process, the limited experience and a narrow frame of reference of young people in the political process, their aversion to traditional politics, and to poor quality courses and a decline in civic education in schools. keywords: 21st; ability; access; barbara; behaviors; bennett; carpini; century; citizens; citizenship; civic; civic education; civic engagement; communication; communities; content; cultural; culture; curriculum; delli; digital; digital media; education; education research; educators; empirical; engaged; engagement; environment; evidence; government; hess; information; internet; issues; jansen; jenkins; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; lee; life; likely; literacy; livingstone; mcleod; media; national; need; new; new media; online; opportunities; participation; participatory; people; political; politics; practices; press; process; public; reform; research; scholars; school; shah; skills; social; standards; students; studies; study; technologies; technology; traditional; university; use; watkins; website; world; young; young people; youth cache: jsser-131.pdf plain text: jsser-131.txt item: #49 of 450 id: jsser-1311 author: Tannebaum, Rory P.; Tannebaum, Ashley E. title: Architecture + Design as a Means for Constructing an Experiential & Democratic Learning Environment in the Social Studies Classroom date: 2019-12-24 words: 5697 flesch: 52 summary: Because of the connection between classroom design and a students’ opportunity for experiential learning, it is essential that classroom teachers are familiar with broad concepts and ideas underlying both fields. Moreover, the fields of architecture + design and educational foundations have largely remained mutually exclusive and little has been written about how the strategic design of the physical classroom environment can be used to improve classroom spaces to align with the primary aims and mission of the field of education. keywords: aims; architecture; authors; best; broad; children; citizens; classroom; classroom space; collaboration; community; conceptual; conducive; democratic; design; dewey; education; educators; effective; environment; experience; field; growth; impact; journal; k-12; learning; lesson; manuscript; means; miniature; national; new; opportunities; pedagogical; peers; physical; practice; research; scholarship; school; social; social studies; society; space; students; studies; studies education; tannebaum; teachers; teaching; way; ways; work cache: jsser-1311.pdf plain text: jsser-1311.txt item: #50 of 450 id: jsser-132 author: Karaca, Feride title: Teacher and Student Perceptions about Technology Use in an Elementary School in Ankara date: 2011-11-23 words: 5074 flesch: 49 summary: In the literature, teachers’ belief and attitudes about technology use is Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2011: 2(2), 43-59 54 one of the most important factors affecting technology integration (Karaca, 2011, Teo, 2009; Van Braak et al., 2004). As technologies became more available in schools, educational researchers are challenged to explore the value of technology use in educational environments (Baylor & Ritche, 2002). keywords: access; activities; ankara; availability; barriers; beliefs; class; classrooms; computers; current; data; education; elementary; feride; important; information; integration; internet; journal; karaca; knowledge; lack; learning; lessons; literature; need; order; participant; perceptions; positive; process; questionnaires; research; results; school; service; settings; skills; social; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; technology use; teknoloji; training; turkey; use; years; çağıltay; öğretmen cache: jsser-132.pdf plain text: jsser-132.txt item: #51 of 450 id: jsser-135 author: none title: Editörden date: 2012-11-30 words: 2047 flesch: 48 summary: Bu da akademik bir disiplin olarak sosyal bilgiler eğitiminin geleceği bakımından sevindirici bir gelişme. Şule Egüz vatandaşlık eğitimiyle ilgili bir başka konuya ışık tutuyor: üniversite öğrencilerinde demokratik bir değer olarak hoşgörü. keywords: aksaray; alanında; april; asse; beş; bilgiler; bilimsel; bir; bülent; büyük; cemil; citizenship; daha; democracy; developments; eden; editor; education; educators; eğitimi; fact; field; important; international; issue; için; journal; jsser; jsser’nin; kasım; katılım; movement; new; nisan; olan; olarak; olduğu; olmak; participation; prof; programs; publication; research; rights; role; sağlam; sbead; sbeb; second; sempozyumun; social; social studies; sosyal; studies; studies education; symposium; tarafından; tarman; turkey; türkiye’de; uluslararası; university; vatandaşlık; yayın; yeni; çok; önemli; öztürk; üniversitesi’nin cache: jsser-135.pdf plain text: jsser-135.txt item: #52 of 450 id: jsser-136 author: Lafer, Stephen; Aydin, Hasan title: Educating for Democratic Societies: Impediments date: 2012-11-28 words: 10558 flesch: 47 summary: The purpose of this paper is to discuss features of democratic schools and to highlight some of the impediments that exist to developing schools that serve the most basic needs of democratic societies. Such schools are dependent upon their people as democracies are dependent upon their citizens. keywords: american; aydin; beings; best; business; capable; citizens; companies; corporate; corporations; decision; democracies; democracy; democratic; democratic society; development; education; education research; effective; essential; force; forms; free; freedom; freire; good; goodness; governance; hasan; help; high; human; human beings; humanity; individuals; journal; kind; knowledge; lafer; laws; learning; life; making; manner; meaning; means; nations; nature; necessary; need; new; opinions; order; people; pledge; policy; potential; power; problem; process; profit; proper; public; reading; real; reason; religion; religious; research; respect; rights; schools; self; sense; set; social; societies; society; states; stephen; students; studies; system; teachers; things; true; understanding; united; value; way; ways; work; world cache: jsser-136.pdf plain text: jsser-136.txt item: #53 of 450 id: jsser-137 author: Anderson, Derek L.; Barr, Don; Labaij, Christina title: Repetitive Microteaching: Learning to Teach Elementary Social Studies date: 2012-11-28 words: 9348 flesch: 56 summary: Student teachers and their cooperating teachers: Expectations and reality. Prof. Dr., Northern Michigan University, 2 Graduate Student, Northern Michigan University, 3 Graduate Student, Northern Michigan University, Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2012: 3(2), 21-44 22 Because middle and high school social studies teachers often teach lessons multiple times, preservice secondary education teachers get opportunities to observe repetitive lessons; and, during field experiences and student teaching, preservice teachers (PSTs) get to teach lessons multiple times themselves. keywords: 4th; able; activities; activity; anderson; answer; attention; authentic; barr; better; changes; christina; classroom; content; darling; data; deliberate; derek; development; discussions; don; education; educators; elementary; ericsson; example; experiences; field; focus; grade; grossman; groups; hammond; improved; journal; knowledge; labaij; later; learning; lessons; methods; michigan; microteaching; model; multiple; new; opportunities; order; pairs; paper; pck; pedagogical; performance; practice; preparation; preservice; programs; psts; questions; repetitive; research; shulman; social; social studies; students; studies; studies education; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; thinking; time; university; use; ways; work cache: jsser-137.pdf plain text: jsser-137.txt item: #54 of 450 id: jsser-1370 author: Alfaiz, Alfaiz; Hidayah, Nur; Hambali, IM; Radjah, Carolina Ligya title: Human Agency as a Self-Cognition of Human Autonomous Learning: A Synthesized Practical of Agentic Approach date: 2019-12-24 words: 7762 flesch: 45 summary: Several psychological development research works have attached human learning behavior in social life to the concept of nativism and empiricism, which are categorized under psychodynamic, behavioristic, and cognitive perspectives (Kowalski, 2011; Bakkenes et al, 2010; Goodall et al, 2017). Abstract This research aims to describe the personal and social cognition in human learning, analyze human agency as a self-cognitive strength to establishing adequate autonomous learning, explain a relationship between personal agency and human autonomy in a social system, and synthesize an agentic approach to shape self-cognition of human autonomous learning process. keywords: ability; action; activities; agency; agentic; alfaiz; approach; asean; aspects; assessment; autonomous; autonomous learning; autonomy; bandura; behavior; capability; cauce; character; chirkov; client; cognition; cognitive; community; concept; condition; construction; control; counseling; counselor; determinism; development; economic; education; efficacy; environment; et al; experience; form; framework; freedom; future; goals; guidance; higher; human; human agency; human autonomous; human behavior; implementation; independent; individual; indonesia; journal; learning; learning process; life; model; motivation; new; observational; personal; perspective; planning; press; proactive; process; processes; psychological; psychology; research; results; school; science; self; shows; social; social cognitive; stage; steinberg; students; studies; system; theory; training; understanding; university; values; view; vol cache: jsser-1370.pdf plain text: jsser-1370.txt item: #55 of 450 id: jsser-1374 author: Waters, Stewart; Hensley, Matthew title: A National Survey of U.S. Social Studies Teacher Educators’ Professional Habits and Preferences date: 2020-09-29 words: 6037 flesch: 35 summary: The sample population in this study clearly favored JSSR and TRSE, likely because these are two in a small number of peer-reviewed journals dedicated solely to social studies research and some of the participants for this study were recruited using listserves associated with these journals/organizations. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the types of research studies most commonly being conducted by social studies teacher educators, preferred research methods, professional organization affiliations, and preferred publication outlets. keywords: aera; american; association; certain; college; conferences; council; cufa; data; education; education research; educators; faculty; field; findings; gay; habits; information; journal; likely; methods; national; ncss; new; organization; outlets; participants; practice; preferences; preferred; professional; publication; quantitative; questionnaire; research; research studies; researchers; respondents; scholarly; scholars; social; social education; social studies; states; studies; studies education; studies teacher; study; survey; table; teacher; teacher educators; theory; types; united; university; waters; work; world cache: jsser-1374.pdf plain text: jsser-1374.txt item: #56 of 450 id: jsser-138 author: Pope, Alexander; Patterson, Timothy title: Two Sides of the Megalopolis: Educating for Sustainable Citizenship date: 2012-11-28 words: 9754 flesch: 54 summary: From these research questions, we describe the relevance of sustainable citizenship to social studies education in the United States before addressing the specific methods, findings, and implications of this study. Research Questions Field trip research is often the purview of environmental science (e.g., Farmer, Knapp, & Benton, 2007), but we see a clear connection between field trip experiences and the stated goals of social studies education. keywords: alexander; american; case; choices; citizenship; civic; college; conscious; consumerism; content; critical; curricula; democratic; development; eds; education; education research; educators; environmental; environmental education; experiences; farm; field; focus; food; framework; geography; impact; interviews; issues; journal; knowledge; land; learning; mcs; megalopolis; national; natural; new; patterson; people; place; pope; press; programs; questions; relationship; research; routledge; school; science; sites; snipes; social; social studies; society; space; state; students; studies; studies education; study; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable citizenship; teachers; teaching; timothy; trip; understanding; urban; visits; working; world; york cache: jsser-138.pdf plain text: jsser-138.txt item: #57 of 450 id: jsser-1389 author: IGE, Olugbenga A title: Impact of Computer-Assisted Instructional Strategy on Schoolchildren’s Social Skills date: 2019-12-24 words: 5081 flesch: 46 summary: In this paper, social skill is operationally defined as a product of learners’ diversity attitudes, social justice and leadership skills (Moely, Mercer, Illustre, Miron & Mcfarland, 2002). In this vein, this research aims to foster social skills in schoolchildren that would enable them give direction to their colleagues. keywords: ability; academic; ancova; attitudes; computer; concepts; constructivism; control; current; data; development; diversity; ecologies; education; effect; experimental; female; gender; group; guide; high; hypothesis; ige; influence; instructional; instructional strategy; journal; justice; leadership; learners; learning; lecture; male; marginal; means; method; model; nigeria; outcomes; prevention; research; rural; schoolchildren; schools; significant; skills; social; social skills; strategy; students; studies; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; treatment; vygotsky; zone cache: jsser-1389.pdf plain text: jsser-1389.txt item: #58 of 450 id: jsser-139 author: Kiroglu, Kasım; Elma, Cevat; Kesten, Alper; Egüz, Sule title: Tolerance as a Democratic Value in Higher Education date: 2012-11-28 words: 6149 flesch: 56 summary: Ölçek taslağı hazırlanırken Eğitim Fakültesi İlköğretim Bölümündeki her bir anabilim dalından 10’ar öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 50 öğrenciye nominal grup tekniği uygulanarak “Sizce hoşgörülü bir öğretim elemanının özellikleri nelerdir?” Cinsiyet Değişkenine İlişkin t-Testi Sonuçları Boyut Değişken N X Ss sd t p İletişim ve katılım Kadın Erkek 34 76 21,26 21,18 2,00 2,45 108 ,167 ,867 *p>0.05 Tablo 3’te de görüldüğü gibi cinsiyet değişkenine göre ölçeğin iletişim ve katılım boyutuna ilişkin öğretim elemanlarının görüşleri arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır keywords: alan; alma; alper; amacıyla; analiz; ancak; ankara; anlamlı; arasında; attitude; aynı; açısından; bakıldığında; bekâr; belirlenmiştir; bir; boyutuna; boyutuna ilişkin; boyutunda öğretim; boyutundaki; bulunmamıştır; cevat; cinsiyet; classroom; communication; daha; davranışlarına; demokratik; ders; değer; değişkenine; değişkenine göre; dile; doç; durum; dış; dış görünüş; education; egüz; elemanlarının; elemanlarının görüşleri; elemanlarının hoşgörü; elemanlarının sınıf; elemanı; elemanını; elma; evli; eğitim; faktör; fakültesi; fark; getirmelerine; gibi; giyim; göre; görülmektedir; görülmüştür; görünüş; görüşleri; görüşleri arasında; görüşlerinin; hem; hoşgörü; hoşgörülü; hoşgörüye; hoşgörüye ilişkin; ifadelere; iletişim; ilgili; ilişkin; ilişkin görüşleri; ilişkin öğretim; incelendiğinde; ise; itiraz; içi; için; i̇.; journal; karar; karşın; kasım; katılım; katılım boyutuna; kesten; kiroğlu; konularla; kruskal; kullanılmıştır; kıdem; lecturers; madde; mann; mayıs; medeni; olacaktır; olan; olarak; olduğu; olumlu; ondokuz; ortalama; ortalamalarına; ortamı; ortamının; ortaya; p>0.05; participation; positive; puanları; research; sahip; scale; school; seçme; siyasi; social; sonuçları; sonuçları tablo; sosyal; students; studies; study; söylenebilir; sürecine; sıcak; sınıf; sınıfta; sıra; tablo; tepki; testi; testi sonuçları; tolerance; tolerant; tutum; university; unvan; uygun; verilmiştir; views; wallis; wallis testi; whitney; yaklaştıkları; yapan; yapılan; yardımcı; yer; yrd; yönelik; yıl; çalışmanın; çeşitli; çok; ölçek; ölçeğin; ölçeğinin; önemlidir; önerilerini; özgürlüğüne; öğrenci; öğrenci davranışlarına; öğrencilerin; öğrencinin; öğretim; öğretim elemanlarının; öğretmen; üniversitesi; şule cache: jsser-139.pdf plain text: jsser-139.txt item: #59 of 450 id: jsser-140 author: none title: An Invest?gat?on on Pr?mary School Teachers’ Percept?ons of Effect?ve C?t?zensh?p Proficiency by Certa?n Var?ables date: 2012-11-28 words: 4824 flesch: 60 summary: İlköğretimde görev yapan öğretmenlerin etkili vatandaşlık yeterliklerinin branşlarına göre vatandaşlık değerleri, vatandaşlık bilgi becerileri boyutlarıyla ölçek toplamında anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaşmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. İlköğretimde görev yapan öğretmenlerin etkili vatandaşlık yeterliklerinin medeni durumlarına göre vatandaşlık değerleri, vatandaşlık bilgi becerileri boyutlarıyla ölçek toplamında anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaşmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. keywords: adaylarının; ait; ait sıra; algılarının; ankara; anlamlı; arasında; araştırma; avrupa; bakımından; becerileri; bekâr; bildirileri; bilgi; bilgi becerileri; bilgiler; bir; birliği; boyutlar; branş; bulunmuştur; cinsiyet; citizenship; daha; demokrasi; değerleri; doğanay; durum; durumlarına; düzeyinde; edilen; education; effective; elde; erkek; etkili; etkili vatandaşlık; evli; eğitimi; farklılaşmadığı; farklılaşmaya; farklılık; göre vatandaşlık; görev; görev yapan; görülmektedir; görüşlerine; göstermektedir; gündüz; halil; ilişkin; ilköğretim; iyi; için; i̇brahim; i̇lköğretimde; journal; katılan; kruskal; kıdem; mann; medeni; memnun; mesleki; mesleğini; olan; olarak; olduğu; olma; olup; ortalamasının; p>.05; primary; research; sağlam; sempozyumu; severek; social; sonucuna; sonuçları; sosyal; studies; study; sınıf; sıra; tablo; teachers; tercih; testi; toplam; toplamında; ulaşılmıştır; uluslararası; uşak; vatandaşlık; vatandaşlık bilgi; vatandaşlık değerleri; vatandaşlık eğitimi; vatandaşlık yeterliklerine; veri; wallis; whitney; yapan; yapan öğretmenlerin; yapılmıştır; yeterliklerine; yeterliklerine ilişkin; yıl; ölçek; öğretmenlerin; öğretmenlerin etkili; öğretmenlerin görüşlerine; öğretmenlerin vatandaşlık; öğretmenlik; öğretmenlikten; üniversitesi; üstel; şekilde; şişman cache: jsser-140.pdf plain text: jsser-140.txt item: #60 of 450 id: jsser-141 author: Yigit, Emine Özlem; Cengelci, Tuba; Karaduman, Hıdır title: Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Views about Reflection of Technology on Values date: 2013-05-22 words: 7857 flesch: 49 summary: Teknolojik iyimserlikte teknoloji doğal bir gelişme olarak değerlendirilmekte ve bu gelişmeye müdahale edilmezse toplumun mutlu yarınlara ulaşacağı ifade edilmektedir. Samaniego, C. M., ve Pascual, A. C. (2007). keywords: 4(1; adaylarının; adaylarının sosyal; adaylarının teknolojinin; adayı; aile; alan; amaç; analizi; ancak; ankara; arasındaki; araç; araştırma; araştırmanın; attitudes; ayrı; azalttığını; açık; açısından; bakış; bağlamda; başka; belirli; belirten; belirttikleri; bilgiler; bilgiler öğretmen; bilgisayar; bilgiye; bilim; bilimin; bilimsellik; bir; bireylerin; biri; birlikte; birliğine; biçimde; biçiminde; boyutlarıyla; bulunan; bunun; büyük; büyüköztürk; context; cultural; daha; dair; dayalı; dergisi; dersini; design; development; değeri; değerine; değerler; değişme; diğ; diğerleri; dolayısıyla; doğrultuda; doğrultusunda; durum; dünya; dürüstlük; düşündükleri; e. özlem; eden; edilen; education; education research; effects; elde; ele; estetik; etik; etkili; etkisine; etkiye; ettiğini; eğitim; farklı; farkında; fazla; gelişimine; gelişmeler; genellikle; gibi; gibi sosyal; göre; görüldüğü; görülmektedir; görüşleri; görüşlerinin; görüşünü; görüşüyle; göz; günümüz sosyal; günümüzde; günümüzde teknolojinin; hem; hiç; hıdır; hızlı; ifade; iki; ilgili; ilişkin; ilişkiye; important; incelenmesi; insan; insanlar; international; ise; itea; iyimserlik; içerik; için; jarvis; journal; kabakçı; karaduman; karşılıklı; katılımcıların; kavramına; kolaylaştıran; konuda; konulması; konusunda; koymaktadır; kötümserlik; kültürü; learning; life; mümkün; nelerdir; nolu; nolu öğretmen; odabaşı; olan; olarak; oldukları; olduğu; olduğunu; olgular; olmaları; olması; olmuştur; olumlu; olumsuz; onların; ortak; ortaya; pegem; people; pre; programında; reflection; rennie; research; rolüne; sahip; sayıda; sağladığını; science; scientific; sergileyen; service; social; social studies; society; sonucunda; sonuçları; sorumluluk; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; students; studies; studies education; study; söylenebilir; söz; süreç; sınırlı; sırasıyla; tamamen; tanımları; tarafından; teachers; technological; technology; teknogerçekçi; teknoloji ile; teknoloji ve; teknolojik; teknolojik iyimserlik; teknolojileri; teknolojinin; teknolojinin aile; television; temelinde; tezi; toplama; toplum; toplumların; toplumsal; toplumun; tuba; tuba çengelci̇; tutum; use; uçlu; values; var; ve değerler; veriler; verme; views; vurgu; world; yaklaşan; yaklaşım; yansıması; yanı; yapılan; yapılmış; yazılı; yaşamında; yaşamını; yeni; yer; yi̇ği̇t; yok; yoluyla; yönelik; çalışkanlık; çalışma; çalışmada; çalışmanın; çengelci̇; çerçevesinde; çok; çoğunlukla; çünkü; önem; önemini; özgürlük; özlem; özlem yi̇ği̇t; öğretim; öğretmen; öğretmen adaylarının; öğretmen adayı; üniversitesi; ürün; üzerinde; şekil; şeklindeki cache: jsser-141.pdf plain text: jsser-141.txt item: #61 of 450 id: jsser-142 author: Fry, Sara Winstead; Bentehar, Adil title: Student Attitudes Towards and Impressions of Project Citizen date: 2013-05-22 words: 8340 flesch: 50 summary: Challenges for Students The answers to the question “What was the most challenging part of your senior project or Project Citizen experience?” had the greatest amount of overlap between PC and SP groups. Given the potential of Project Citizen to be an effective model for civic education internationally as well as in the United States, we were surprised when our search for scholarship about Project Citizen in peer-reviewed journals uncovered few studies about this civic education curriculum. keywords: 4(1; active; adil; answer; attitudes; bentahar; center; challenges; change; citizen; citizenship; civic; civic education; civic responsibility; civitas; comments; community; critical; curriculum; data; davis; democratic; education; education research; educators; effective; experience; findings; fry; government; graduates; group; high; high school; implementation; important; international; issue; items; jerez; journal; knowledge; learning; life; literature; medina; open; participants; perceptions; policy; project; project citizen; public; question; questionnaire; research; responses; responsibility; responsible; results; review; sample; sara; school; senior; senior project; size; skills; social; social studies; states; students; studies; studies education; study; subscale; table; teachers; thing; time; understanding; united; winstead; work cache: jsser-142.pdf plain text: jsser-142.txt item: #62 of 450 id: jsser-143 author: Ersoy, Arife Figen title: Factors Affecting the Participation of Social Studies Teacher Candidates in Discussions on Controversial Issues date: 2013-05-22 words: 7614 flesch: 54 summary: Öğretmen eğitiminde tartışmalı konulara yer verilerek öğretmen adaylarının hem kendi vatandaşlık yeterlikleri hem de vatandaşlık eğitimi açısından mesleki yeterlikleri geliştirilmelidir. Öğretmen adaylarının tartışmalı konulara öğretmen eğitim programlarında yer verilmesine ilişkin görüşleri farklılık göstermektedir. keywords: 4(1; adaylarının; adaylarının tartışmalı; adayı; adayının; ailesinin; akran; alanyazında; alma; anadolu; ankara; anket; annesi; arasında; araştırma; araştırmanın; attitudes; aynı; ayrıca; açık; açıklamaktadır; açıklamam; açıklarım; açısından; bazı; belirtmiştir; bile; bilgiler; bilgiler öğretmen; bilgisi; bilimsel; bir; bir öğretmen; birinci; birlikte; birçok; biçiminde; bunun; büyük; candidates; citizenship; classroom; controversial; controversial issues; curriculum; daha; daha az; daha çok; data; ders; dersin; derslerde; derste; dikkat; discussions; diyerek; diğer; durumu; düzeyi; düzeyine; düşük; düşüncelerini; education; education research; ekonomik; elemanları; elemanının; erkek; erkek öğretmen; ersoy; etiketlenmekten; etkilemektedir; etkileyen; etkili; etmekte; etmenler; ettikleri; eğitim; eğitiminde; factors; farklı; fazla; fen; figen; gelir; genel; gibi; gördüğü; göre; görülmektedir; görüşlerini; göstermektedir; hakkı; hakkında; hassas; hem; hess; hicks; holden; hoş; ideas; ifade; ile; ilgili; ilişkin; international; ise; issues; için; journal; karma; karşın; katılmaktadır; katılımını; kendini; kimi; konuda; konulara; konuların; konunun; konusunda; konuyla; küçük; kız; kız öğretmen; larson; learning; level; lise; lisesi; maddeler; meslek; mezun; nedenle; nitel; olan; olarak; olarak öğretmen; olduğu; olduğunu; olmak; olması; olmayan; ortamında; ortaya; p<.05; participants; participation; pre; rahat; rahatlıkla; research; sahibi; saygı; service; siyasal; social; social studies; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; sosyo; students; studies; studies education; study; söylenebilir; söz; sürecinde; sınıf; sınıfta; sınıftaki; sıra; taraf; tarafsız; tartışmalı; tartışmalı konulara; tartışmaya daha; tartışılan; teachers; teaching; toplanmıştır; toplumsal; tüm; universities; uygun; uzlaşmanın; vatandaşlık; verileri; verirken; weaver; yanı; yaşamının; yer; yerleşim; yeterli; yöntem; yükseldikçe; zaman; zamanda; zor; çelişse; çok; çoğunluğun; çözüm; öncelikle; önemli; önerileri; özellikleri; öğrencilerin; öğretim; öğretim elemanının; öğretimine; öğretmen; öğretmen adaylarının; öğretmen adayı; üzerinde cache: jsser-143.pdf plain text: jsser-143.txt item: #63 of 450 id: jsser-144 author: Celikkaya, Tekin; Filoglu, Simge; Oktem, Nur Sema title: The Application Levels of Practices of Values Education in Social Studies Course by Teachers date: 2013-05-22 words: 9008 flesch: 54 summary: Alan yazında öğretmen adaylarının ve üniversite öğrencilerinin (Akın ve Özdemir, 2009; Altunay ve Yalçınkaya, 2011; Başçiftçi, Güleç, Akdoğan ve Koç, 2011; Coşkun ve Yıldırım, 2009; Dilmaç, Bozgeyikli ve Çıkılı, 2008; Fidan,2009; Koca, 2009; Moosmayer ve Siems 2012; Sarı, 2005; Tay, 2009; Yapıcı ve Zengin, 2003), yönetici, öğretmen ve öğrencilerin (Aktepe ve Yel, 2009; Balcı ve Yelken, 2010; Baydar, 2009; Bulach, 2002; Bunlardan biri ele alınan beceriler, değerlerin var olan tüm konularla ya da birçok konuyla bütünleştirilerek verildiği ve sınıf öğretmeni tarafından işlenişinin gerçekleştirildiği bütünleştirilmiş yaklaşımdır. keywords: 4(1; activities; adana; adaylarının; ahlaki; aitken; aittir; alan; aleyhinedir; almayan; alt; amacıyla; analizi; ankara; anlamlı; anlamlı bir; anlamlı farklılık; anova; approaches; arasında; araştırmanın; aritmetik; arkadaştan; ayrıca; açısından; bazı; belirginleştirme; belirlemek; belirlenmiştir; betimsel; bilgiler; bilgiler dersinde; bilimleri; bir; bireylerin; boyutları; boyutlu; boyutlu yaptıkları; boyuttaki; boyutundaki; boyutundaki etkinlikler; branş; bulgular; cinsiyet; course; daha; davranış; davranışlarını; dergisi; dersinde; dersinde değerler; değer; değer analizi; değer eğitimine; değerler; değerler eğitimi; değişkenine; değişkenler; değişmektedir; durumları; durumu; düzenlerim; düzeyde; düzeyinde; düşük; eden; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; elde; empati; erkek; etkili; etkinlikler; etkinlikler ile; etki̇nli̇kler; eğitimi; eğitimi ile; eğitimine; faktör; fakültesi; farklılık; frekans; gelişim; genel; gezi; gibi; gruplar; göre; görülmektedir; görüşleri; göstermektedir; hangi; hem; hem de; hizmet; hiçbir; ifadesine; iken; ile ilgili; ile sosyal; ilgili; ilgili yaptıkları; ilişkin; ise; iyi; için; içinde; i̇lköğretim; journal; katılan; kazanmalarını; kendi; konusu; konusunda; korelasyonu; kıdeme; kıdeme sahip; likert; lisans; maddelerin; maddesindeki; materyal; meb; merkezinde; mesleki; nur; olan; olarak; olarak öğretmenlerin; oldukları; olduğu; olduğunu; olması; olumlu; olup; ortalama; ortalamaları; ortalamasının; ortaya; p<.01)arasında; p<.05; pearson; research; s=.58; sadece; sahip; sahip öğretmenlerin; sağlarım; sağlayacak; scale; sema; simge; social; social studies; sonuçları; sorumluluk; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; studies; studies education; study; superka; sık; sınıf; t(211)=; tablo; takibi; takip; tarafından; tartışma; teachers; telkin; testi; tezi; toplam; uygulanma; values; values education; vardır; varyans; ve nur; veriler; veya; yapan; yaptıkları; yaptıkları etkinliklerin; yapılan; yapıldığı; yardım; yayımlanmamış; yer; yeri; yerine; yönde; yönelik; yönünden; yüksek; yıl; zaman; çalışmada; çeli̇kkaya; çok; öktem; ölçek; ölçeğin; önemli; örnek; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğretim; öğretmeni; öğretmenlerin; öğretmenlerin aleyhinedir; öğretmenlerin değer; öğretmenlerin yaptıkları; üniversitesi; üzeri; üzerinde; şeklindedir cache: jsser-144.pdf plain text: jsser-144.txt item: #64 of 450 id: jsser-1444 author: Wasino, Wasino; Suharso, Suharso; Utomo, Cahyo Budi; Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia title: Cultural Ecoliteracy of Social Science Education at Junior High School in North Java Indonesia date: 2020-12-21 words: 12061 flesch: 42 summary: This affects their perspective in formulating further processes in solving cultural environment issues. Key words: social science education learning, cultural eco-literacy, knowledge construction, students Introduction Social science curriculum issue which is not applicable for solving the problem of the damage to cultural environment such as historical heritage existing in the northern part of Java has been becoming a concern of academics in Indonesia. keywords: able; action; activities; activity; addition; analysis; approach; argument; aspects; attitude; awareness; building; care; case; cda; certain; community; conservation; construction; context; critical; cultural; cultural ecoliteracy; cultural environment; culture; curriculum; damage; data; direct; discourse; discussion; ecoliteracy activity; ecopedagogy; education; education learning; education research; environmental; heritage; heritage building; historical; historical heritage; history; human; idealism; identity; impact; implementation; important; indonesia; information; instrument; interview; issues; java; journal; kahn; knowledge; kudus; language; learning; main; model; nation; new; northern; objects; opinion; participants; people; place; plan; preservation; problem; process; progressive; provocation; questions; research; researchers; results; schools; science education; social science; social studies; society; stage; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; theory; thinking; understanding; values; wasino; yin cache: jsser-1444.pdf plain text: jsser-1444.txt item: #65 of 450 id: jsser-145 author: Simsek, Nihat title: As an Instructional Technology the Contribution of Geography Information Systems (GIS) to Social Studies Education and Teacher’s Attitudes Related to GIS-Bir Ö?retim Teknolojisi Olarak Co?rafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin (CBS) Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinin Ö?retimine date: 2013-05-22 words: 7077 flesch: 59 summary: Suggestions The distinction between GIS education and education with GIS should be made well. The bureaucratic obstacles to achieve data and the difficulties about the usage of GIS in classrooms are the main reasons for not giving importance of usage GIS in many country and our country. keywords: 4(1; addition; analysis; ankara; attitudes; average; baker; classroom; comments; computer; condition; course; data; difference; education; education research; gender; geographical; geography; gis; group; high; higher; important; information; items; journal; laboratory; learning; lectures; level; methods; new; nihat; opinion; positive; practice; program; research; results; scale; schools; science; secondary; seniority; significant; skills; social; social studies; software; students; studies; studies education; study; subproblems; systems; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; terms; test; type; university; usage; use; words; years; şi̇mşek cache: jsser-145.pdf plain text: jsser-145.txt item: #66 of 450 id: jsser-1450 author: Rapoport, Anatoli title: Development of Global Identity in the Social Studies Classroom date: 2020-03-25 words: 6823 flesch: 50 summary: The results of data analysis and original transcripts were used to determine what elements of classroom discourse and linguistic devices potentially impact the development of students’ global identities, how identity emerged from linguistic interaction (emergence principle), to what extent students’ and teachers’ temporary roles and orientations influenced global identity construction in classroom discourse (positionality principle), what categories and indices students and teachers selected as constructing elements of global identity (indexicality principle), and to what degree teachers’ choices were similar to or different from students’ choices. Global identity is an important prerequisite for the development of global citizenship. keywords: analysis; bucholtz; categories; china; citizenship; citizenship education; classroom; classroom discourse; concepts; construction; cultural; development; devices; different; discourse; education; education research; elements; emergence; ethnic; examples; excerpt; female; foreign; gee; global; global citizenship; global identity; globalization; hall; help; holocaust; identities; identity; indexes; indexicality; information; interaction; international; intersubjective; journal; knowledge; language; linguistic; macedonia; manchuria; meanings; names; norms; people; phrases; principle; rapoport; research; social; social studies; state; students; studies; studies education; study; teacher; theory; use; words; world cache: jsser-1450.pdf plain text: jsser-1450.txt item: #67 of 450 id: jsser-147 author: Keskin, Sevgi Coşkun; Yüceer, Deniz title: Danimarka’da Vatandaşlık Eğitimi-Citizenship Education in Denmark date: 2013-05-22 words: 7988 flesch: 51 summary: Sosyal ve Kültürel Faktörler- Sosyalleşme, Kültür ve Kimlik Bu öğrenme alanlarından özellikle “Politika- Güç, Karar Verme ve Demokrasi” ve “Sosyal ve Kültürel Faktörler- Sosyalleşme, Kültür ve Kimlik” öğrenme alanları sosyalleşmeye ve demokrasiye ilişkindir. Danimarka, anayasal monarşiyle yönetilen, Avrupa Birliği üyesi olan, bünyesinde çok farklı etnik grupları barındıran, ekonomik anlamda güçlü ve gelişmiş olan bir ülkedir (Yüceer ve Coşkun Keskin, 2012). keywords: 3.-9; 4(1; adresinden; aktif; alan; alanları; alanında; aldığı; almaktadır; alt; alınmıştır; amacıyla; amaç; ancak; ankara; anlaması; anlamda; anlayışlarını; anlayışı; aracılığıyla; arası; arasında; araştırma; avrupa; ayrıca; açılarını; açısından; açısını; aşağıda; bakımından; bakış; bazı; bağlamda; beceri; becerileri; belirtildiği; bilgiler; bilgiler dersi; bilgiler ve; bilgisi; bilimleri; bilinç; bilme; bir; bir şekilde; bireye; bireyin; bireylerin; biri; birlikte; birçok; bu bağlamda; bu öğrenme; bugün; bulunmaktadır; bunların; bunun; cinsiyet; citizenship; council; coğrafya; coşkun; daha; dair; danimarkalı; danimarka’da; danimarka’nın; dayalı; democracy; demokrasinin; demokratik; deniz; denmark; dergisi; dersi; dersinde; dersinin; dersler; değerlendirme; değerler; değerlerine; din; diğer; dolayısıyla; durum; dâhil; dünya; düzeyinde; düzeyleri; düşünme; dışında; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; ekonomik; elde; ele; eleştirel; enstitüsü; eğitim; eğitiminin; fakültesi; farklı; fikirlerini; filmler; formüle; gelişim; gelişmesi; genel; gereken; gerekli; gerekmektedir; gerektiği; gibi; gruplar; göre; görüldüğü; görülmektedir; görülmüştür; günlük; hak; hakkında; hakları; hedef; hem; historie; history; ifade; iki; iletişim; ilgili; ilişkin; ilişkisi; ilköğretim; imkânı; insan; insanların; internet; ise; içeren; içerik; içerisinde; için; içinde; journal; kapsamında; karar; karşılaştırılması; karşılıklı; katkıda; katılan; katılım; katılımını; kaynakları; kazandırılması; kendi; keski̇n; kimlik; konseyi; konular; konuların; konusunda; konuya; kronoloji; köken; kültürel; kültürlü; küresel; lisans; marmara; materyaller; medya; misyonu; nasıl; national; ncss; nitekim; okullarda; olan; olarak; oldukça; olduğu; olma; olması; olur; oluşturan; oluşturmaktadır; onlara; onların; ortaya; oyunlar; problem; program; programda; programlarının; programının; proje; refah; research; sadece; sahip; sahiptir; samfundsfag; saygı; saygılı; sağlayan; sevgi; sevgi coşkun; sisteminde; siyasi; social; social studies; sorular; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; students; studies; studies education; sunar; sürece; sürecinde; süreçleri; süreçte; sık; sınıf; sıra; tarih; tarih dersi; tarihinde; tarihsel; tartışma; temelli; tezi; topluma; toplumdaki; toplumların; toplumsal; toplumun; tutum; tüketim; türkiye’de; ulusal; uygulama; uygulanan; uygun; vatandaşların; vatandaşlık; vatandaşlık eğitimi; ve tarih; verilen; verilmektedir; verir; verme; yanı; yapan; yapılan; yapılmaktadır; yapısı; yapıya; yardımcı; yayınlanmamış; yazılı; yaşadığı; yaşam; yaşamda; yer; yere; yetiştirmek; yorumlama; yönelik; yöntem; yüceer; yüksek; zaman; zorunlu; çalışma; çalışmaları; çalışması; çalışılmaktadır; çerçevesinde; çeşitli; çok; çünkü; önce; önemli; önemlidir; örnek; örneğin; özellikle; özgürce; özgürlük; öğrencilerin; öğrencinin; öğrenciye; öğrenme; öğretim; öğretimde; öğretmen; ülkede; ülkenin; üniversitesi; üzere; üzerine; şekilde cache: jsser-147.pdf plain text: jsser-147.txt item: #68 of 450 id: jsser-148 author: Aktan, Sümer; Saylan, Nevin title: The Birth of An Academic Discipline: An Analysis of the Development of Social Studies as An Instructional Field: 1893-1916 date: 2013-11-30 words: 9071 flesch: 55 summary: Amerikan Tarih Derneği’nin Yedili Komite raporundaki önerileriyle karşılaştırıldığında, 1916 raporunun önerdiği yurttaşlık bilgisi ve demokrasinin problemlerini içeren bir sosyal eğitim programı gerçek anlamda bir devrim olmuştur (Evans, 2004). Bu kırılma daha sonra sosyal bilgilerin inşa edileceği bir temel olarak kullanılacaktır. keywords: 1916; abd’de; afrika; afro; ait; aktan; alanı; almış; altında; alışkanlıkları; amacı; amaçları; america; amerikalılar; amerikan; analysis; ankara; anlayışı; approach; aracılığı; arasında; aslında; aynı; açıdan; açısından; bakış; bazı; bağlamında; başlamıştır; başlayan; başlığı; belirli; beraberinde; bilgilerin; bilgilerin bir; bilgilerin gelişim; bilgisi; bilim; biliminin; bilimler; bilinci; bir; bir sosyal; bir öğretim; bireyin; biri; birleşik; biçimde; biçimlendiren; boyunca; bulunduğu; buna; bununla; bölümde; böyle; böylece; bütün; büyük; century; change; chicago; child; citizenship; civics; committee; company; consciousness; coğrafya; cultural; culture; curriculum; daha; dayalı; derneği; ders; dersinin; derslerin; development; dewey; değil; değişim; dikkat; disiplin; disiplinler; diğer; doktora; doğal; doğru; doğrultusunda; durum; dönemin; düzeyinde; düşünceleri; düşüncesi; dış; edecektir; eden; edilmiştir; edition; education; education research; ekonomi; ele; enstitüsünde; entelektüel; etkili; europe; evans; eğitim; eğitimde; eğitimin; farklı; field; gelen; geleneksel; gelişen; gelişim; gelişiminde; generations; gerektiğini; gerçek; getirmiştir; gibi; government; grusec; göre; görülmektedir; görüşleri; göç; göçmenlerin; haline; hampton; hand; hareketle; hayat; hazırlık; hem; historical; history; hizmet; ifade; iki; ile ilgili; ilerlemeci; ilgili; ilişkin; ilk; incelenmesi; individuals; insan; intellectual; inşa; ise; içeren; içerisinde; için; içinde; i̇ç; james; jones; jones’un; jorgansen; journal; kabul; kadar; katkıda; kendi; kitabı; komite; komitenin; konu; konular; konuların; koyduğu; kullanılması; kökenli; kültürel; kısım; laboratuar; lybarger; mcmillan; merkezli; meydana; modern; mümkün; nasıl; national; nedeni; nevin; new; new york; noktası; noktasında; odaklı; okul; okullarda; okulun; olan; olarak; oldukça; olduğu; olguların; olması; olmuştur; oluşan; oluşturan; onlu; order; ortaya; ortaöğretim; parçası; pedagojik; pegem; pek; period; perspektif; phenomenon; politik; press; problemleri; problems; process; programda; programlarında; programı; programının; raporda; raporu; raporunun; refah; report; research; revolution; robinson; robinson’un; rol; role; rolü; ruhunu; rules; sadece; sahip; sanayi; saylan; school; secondary; social; social education; social studies; socialization; society; somut; sonra; sonraki; sorunlara; sosyal; sosyal bilgilerin; sosyal eğitim; sosyalizasyon; sosyoloji; states; struggle; studies; studies education; study; sümer; süreci; sürecinde; sürecinin; süreç; sürülebilir; tam; tanner; tarafından; tarih; tarih dersinin; tarihin; tarihsel; taşımaktadır; temel; temelde; temin; theory; thomas; toplumsal; toplumun; transmission; türkiye’de; ulusal; united; university; vatanseverlik; ve bu; veren; verilen; ward; woyshner; yaklaşım; yaptığı; yapılacak; yapılan; yayınları; yaşam; yedili; yeni; yeniden; yer; yerine; york; yunan; yurttaşlık; yönelik; yüzyılın; yıllarda; yılında; zamanda; zamanın; zenginliğin; zihni; ziraat; çalışmalar; çalışmanın; çağ; çeken; çok; çıkan; önemli; önemli bir; öneriler; özellikle; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğrencinin; öğretim; öğretimine; öğretmenin; üretken; üzerinde; şehirleşme; şekilde cache: jsser-148.pdf plain text: jsser-148.txt item: #69 of 450 id: jsser-149 author: Yigit, Mehmet Fatih; Tarman, Bulent title: The Place and Importance of Values Education in and 5th. Grade Primary School Social Studies Textbooks date: 2013-11-30 words: 7948 flesch: 50 summary: Bu iki düşüncenin tam tersi olan bir yaklaşımla değer kavramına yaklaşan pragmatistler, değerlerin yere ve zamana göre değişebileceğini, dolayısıyla da herkes için aynı değerlerin söz konusu olamayacağından bahsetmişlerdir. Nitekim yapılmış olan bazı araştırmalar da göstermektedir ki dışarıdan gelen ödüllendirmeler ve teşvikler, bir süre sonra kişinin içinde daha önce bulunan yardımseverlik duygusunu zedelemekte (Batson ve diğerleri, 1978) ve öğrencinin kendi kendine motive (intrinsic motivation) olmasını bir süre sonra tamamen engellemektedir (Kohn, 1993; keywords: 4th; 5th; abstract; ahlaki; aile; akt; alan; altında; amacı; amacıyla; amaç; analizi; analysis; ankara; anlamda; anlamlarda; approaches; arasında; araştırmacılar; araştırmada; arz; aslında; aynı; ayrıca; açıdan; açıklama; açısından; bahsetmişlerdir; bakanlığı; bakış; basic; bazı; bağlamda; başka; başlıca; başında; belirtmiştir; belli; benlik; beraber; bilgiler; bilgiler dersi; bilgiler eğitimi; bilimler; bir; bir şekilde; bireyin; bireyler; bireysel; birisi; bu anlamda; buna; bunlardan; bunların; bunun; bülent; character; citizenship; clarification; curriculum; daha; democracy; demokratik; derece; dersi; dersinde; değer; değerler; değerler eğitimi; değerlerinin; different; diğerleri; doktora; dolayı; doğal; doğrultuda; durum; duyarlılık; duygu; düşünme; düşünülemez; eds; education; education research; effective; ele; empati; enstitüsü; etkili; etmektedir; eğitimden; eğitimi; eğitiminin; fakat; farklı; farkında; fatih; felsefe; gelen; gelişim; geliştirme; genel; gereken; gerekmektedir; gerektiğini; geçmiş; gibi; global; good; grade; grup; gruplar; göre; görülmektedir; görüş; gösteren; göstermektedir; gözlemlenmiştir; halinde; hedefleyen; herhangi;;;;; human; ilgili; individuals; insanların; ise; içerik; için; içinde; i̇lköğretim; journal; kabul; kapsamında; karakter; karar; karşı; karşılık; kavramına; kazandırılması; kazanmaya; kendi; kitabı; kitap; kohn; konuda; konusunda; kullanılan; kullanılmıştır; kültürel; küresel; lickona; life; london; meb; mehmet; milli; model; moral; mümkündür; nasıl; neden; neler; new; nitekim; okul; olan; olarak; olayları; oldukları; olduğu; olduğunu; olmak; olmaktadır; olmaları; olması; olmuştur; olsa; olumlu; order; ortaya; place; press; primary; princeton; principles; problem; processes; programında; raths; research; rights; rol; role; ryan; sadece; sahip; saintus; saygı; saygısı; school; selçuk; sense; simon; siyaset; social; social studies; societies; sonra; sonucu; soru; sorulmuş; sorumluluk; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; soyut; students; studies; studies education; study; sürekli; süresince; süreç; sınıf; sınıf sosyal; tarafından; tarih; tarman; tartışılacaktır; taylor; teachers; teaching; temel; textbooks; tezi; toplumda; toplumsal; toplumun; tüm; tür; unesco; university; uygun; values; values education; vatandaşlık; verilen; verilmesi; verme; veugelers; yaklaşan; yaklaşımlar; yaklaşımın; yanında; yapılan; yapılmış; yardımcı; yargılarını; yaşamanın; yeniden; yer; yeri; yerini; yi̇ği̇t; york; yorumlamıştır; yukarıda; yönelik; yıllarda; yılında; zajda; zamanda; çalışması; çağındaki; çengelci; çerçevede; çeşitli; çocukların; çok; çıkan; öneminin; önemli; örnek; özellikle; öğrencilerin; öğrencinin; öğrenme; öğretimi; öğretmenlerin; üniversitesi; üzere; üzerinde; şekilde cache: jsser-149.pdf plain text: jsser-149.txt item: #70 of 450 id: jsser-150 author: Pellegrino, Anthony M.; Kilday, Jessica title: Hidden in Plain Sight: Pre-Service Teachers’ Orientations Toward Inquiry-Based Learning in History date: 2013-11-30 words: 12715 flesch: 46 summary: Specifically too, developing lessons where student inquiry is employed requires more adept and frequent assessment to monitor and measure student learning—a paradigm with which many teachers struggle (Lesh & Doerr, 2003). However, it is also important to recognize that, regardless of teaching domain, there may be differences in how preservice teachers “cross the border” between theory and practice. keywords: activities; analysis; anthony; approach; beliefs; case; challenges; challenging; change; classroom; conceptions; conceptual; content; council; course; data; design; development; differences; direct; education; engagement; example; experience; following; framework; group; hidden; high; historical; historical inquiry; history; ideas; important; independent; information; inquiry; inquiry group; inquiry instruction; inquiry learning; instruction; jessica; journal; kilday; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; means; methods; middle; model; module; national; new; online; opportunity; order; participants; patterns; pellegrino; plain; plans; post; practice; preparation; presentation; preservice; preservice teachers; press; process; project; qualitative; questions; ratings; research; responses; role; school; science; secondary; sight; social; social studies; specific; standards; state; students; studies; studies education; study; survey; teacher education; teachers; teaching; theory; thinking; time; transition; understanding; useful; utility; york cache: jsser-150.pdf plain text: jsser-150.txt item: #71 of 450 id: jsser-1505 author: Daliman, Daliman; Sulandari, Santi; Rosyana, Iffah title: The Achievement of Entrepreneurship Competence and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Gender Role, Attitude and Perception of Entrepreneurship Controls Mediation date: 2019-12-24 words: 10410 flesch: 30 summary: The results of Daliman's study (2018) show that the theoretical model of student entrepreneurial intention is influenced jointly by knowledge and skills as Entrepre- neurial Intentions Level of Education Academic Major Academic Achievement Perceived Control Behavior Subjective Norm Personal Attitude Entrepreneurship Education Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2019: 10 (4), 392-426 entrepreneurial learning outcomes, with a combination of mediation which is essentially the final value of entrepreneurial learning achievement and student attitudes towards entrepreneurship as shown in Figure 2. Furthermore, the results are expected to provide a better understanding of the antecedents of student entrepreneurial intentions, especially with respect to learning through entrepreneurship courses. keywords: academic; achievement; ajzen; analysis; background; behavior control; behavioral; beliefs; business; character; combination; communication; competencies; competency; construct; courses; creativity; daliman; data; difference; education; education research; effect; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial attitudes; entrepreneurial behavior; entrepreneurial competence; entrepreneurial control; entrepreneurial intentions; entrepreneurial knowledge; entrepreneurial learning; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship education; et al; factors; female; female students; figure; form; gender; group; higher; hypothesis; indicators; individual; influence; innovation; items; journal; knowledge; learning; level; loading; main; male; management; model; norms; number; order; path; pendidikan; perceptions; positive; power; process; relationship; research; research results; results; significant; skills; small; social; student entrepreneurial; students; studies; study; subjective; subjects; table; test; theory; value; variable; women cache: jsser-1505.pdf plain text: jsser-1505.txt item: #72 of 450 id: jsser-1507 author: Murti, Bayu Dewa; Nababn, M.R; Santosa, Riyadi; Wiratno, Tri title: Extra Causers: Their Construction of Conflict between Religion and Science in Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and Their Pedagogical Values date: 2019-12-24 words: 8871 flesch: 58 summary: Extra causers in the passive voice Finally, extra causer constructions in the passive voice are also found in the novel, although not all types of extra causers occur in the passive voice, only inducers and assigners. Article Title (Size 12; Bold; Times New Roman) Journal of Social Studies Education Research SosyalBilgilerEğitimiAraştırmalarıDergisi 2019:10 (4), 446-469 446 Extra Causers and how they Create Conflict between Religion and Science in Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons, including Pedagogical Implications Bayu Dewa Murti1, M. R. Nababan2, Riyadi Santosa3 & Tri Wiratno4 Abstract This study investigates extra causers, their types, and their application in Angels and Demons, a novel by Dan Brown. keywords: actor; agent; angels; assigner; attributor; behavioral; brown; carrier; causers; clause; complication; conflict; construction; dan; demons; detective; different; education; evaluation; events; example; extra; extra causers; father; functional; genre; implications; inducer; initiator; investigation; journal; langdon; language; linguistics; man; martin; material; matthiessen; mental; moral; mortati; murti; mystery; narrative; novel; orientation; passive; phenomenon; presence; prime; process; processes; relational; religion; research; resolution; rose; science; secret; social; stages; studies; teaching; text; token; types; values; vatican; verbs; vittoria; voice cache: jsser-1507.pdf plain text: jsser-1507.txt item: #73 of 450 id: jsser-151 author: Kilinc, Emin; Dere, ilker title: High School Students’ Perception of the Concept of ‘Good Citizen’ date: 2013-11-30 words: 5913 flesch: 62 summary: SORU NO SORULAR K es in lik le K at ılm ıy or u K at ılm ıy or um F ik ri m Y ok K at ılı yo ru m K es in lik le K at ılı yo ru m 1 İyi bir vatandaş güncel olaylar hakkında bilgi sahibidir. F> 𝐸𝑀𝐿 Gruplariçi 708.93 545 1.30 Toplam 734.02 547 Farklı okul türlerinden gelen 552 kişilik bir öğrenci grubunun iyi vatandaşın bilgi temelli özellikleri ile ilgili algıları arasında fark olup olmadığını sınamak için eğitim aldıkları okul türlerine göre oluşturulan grupların bilgi temelli özelliklere ilişkin algılarının ortalamaları tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ile karşılaştırılmış ve test sonunda Fen lisesinden eğitim gören öğrencilerle ( = 4.03) keywords: algıları; anadolu; analizi; anket; anlamlı; anova; arasında; araştırma; avrupa; ayrıca; bayan; bağımsız; betimsel; bildirileri; bilgi; bilgi temelli; bilgiler; bir; birliği; bulgular; buna; bölüm; characteristics; cinsiyet; citizenship; concept; concern; daha; davranışları; demokrasi; dere; değer; değerlere; değişkenine; dikkat; diğerleri; dünya; eder; edilen; edilmiştir; edinme; eds; education; education research; elde; emin; endüstri; erkek; etkili; eğitim; faktör; fark; farklı; farklılığı; farkın; fen; frekans; good; göre; görülmüştür; görüşlerinin; gösterir; göstermektedir; hakkında; herhangi; high; ifade; iki; ikinci; ilgilendiren; ilgili; ilgili bilgi; itaat; iyi; iyi vatandaşın; için; i̇lişkin; i̇lker; i̇yi; journal; katılan; katılımcıların; kavramı; kaygı; kazanma; kilinç; knowledge; konular; kurallarına; lise; lise öğrencilerinin; lisesi; meslek; muhafazakarlık; okul; olan; olarak; olduğu; olmadığı; olup; ortaya; research; sahibidir; school; sempozyumu; significant; social; social studies; sonucunda; sonunda; sonuçları; sosyal; students; studies; studies education; sınıf; tablo; tarafından; tek; temelli; tespit; testi; toplam; toplumları; toplumsal; türü; uluslararası; unsurlar; uşak; varyans; vatandaşlık; vazgeçilmez; veriler; yapılan; yer; yönelik; yönlü; yöntemi; yüzde; çalışma; çok; çıkmıştır; önemli; özellikleri; öğrencilerinin; öğrencilerle; üniversitesi; üzerinde; şekilde; şekillendirmede; şişman cache: jsser-151.pdf plain text: jsser-151.txt item: #74 of 450 id: jsser-1524 author: Egorychev, Aleksander M.; Mardakhaev, Lev V.; Akhtyan, Anna G.; Sizikova, Valeriya V.; Shimanovskaya, Yanina title: Spiritual and Moral Meanings and Values of the Russian Culture as a Basis for the National and Civil Consciousness Upbringing in the Russian Youth date: 2019-12-24 words: 7537 flesch: 44 summary: Key words: Russian young people, Russian culture, spiritual and moral meanings and values, ideology of the Russian state, civil and patriotic consciousness. What are the basic spiritual and moral values of Russian culture? keywords: activity; analysis; ancient; attitude; basis; century; civil; civil consciousness; civilization; community; consciousness; contemporary; contemporary russian; country; development; education; education research; egorychev; focused; following; formation; generation; historical; history; institutions; journal; level; life; meanings; moral; moscow; national; new; organizing; orthodox; patriotic; patriotic consciousness; pedagogical; people; policy; political; problem; questions; relevant; research; researchers; results; russian; russian culture; russian nation; russian state; russian young; scientific; social; social studies; society; sociocultural; sociological; spiritual; state social; students; studies; studies education; study; survey; system; theoretical; traditional; university; upbringing; values; world; worldview; young; young people; young students; youth cache: jsser-1524.pdf plain text: jsser-1524.txt item: #75 of 450 id: jsser-1525 author: Atabekova, Anastasia; Gorbatenko, Rimma; Shoustikova, Tatyana; Radić, Nebojša title: Language analysis of convention on the rights of the child to enhance societal awareness on the issue date: 2019-12-24 words: 8588 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, the study of the Convention discourse should bear in mind the desirable generalized concepts and interpretations that would contribute to the equality of child rights across the world. The options offered by the research team contribute to the idea of governance of child rights and their reconceptualization with regard to current international development (Hanson & Nieuwenhuys, 2013; Ferguson, 2013; Holzscheiter et al., 2019). keywords: academic; actors; adoption; analysis; areas; art; articles; atabekova; audiences; august; awareness; child; child rights; children; codes; coding; cognitive; concepts; conceptual; content; convention; convention text; cultural; current; data; development; discourse; education; experts; family; form; human; human rights; implementation; international; interpretation; issues; journal; key; language; law; legal; legislation; literature; london; major; measures; nations; need; participation; particular; phenomenon; policy; practice; principles; professional; protection; questionnaire; regard; relations; representation; research; respective; respondents; results; rights; routledge; scholars; scope; semantic; settings; slots; social; stakeholders; structure; studies; study; subject; system; text; tools; united; units; university; verbal; visual cache: jsser-1525.pdf plain text: jsser-1525.txt item: #76 of 450 id: jsser-1527 author: Zvereva, Ekaterina; Belenkova, Nataliya; Kruse, Irina title: International Framework, National Legal Discourse on Educational Rights and Students’ Perceptions: Comparative analysis in Russia and France date: 2019-12-24 words: 7167 flesch: 46 summary: Key words: human rights, student rights, education, discourse, legal language. Researchers mention that human rights discourse covers, on the one hand, international human rights acts such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, 1966 International Covenant and other government documents, and, on the other hand, rely on the materials from the media, films, dramas, etc. (Khor, 2013). keywords: academic; analysis; atabekova; audiences; august; books; code; community; comparative; concept; constitution; countries; current; data; declaration; development; discourse; discourse analysis; documents; education; education research; features; federal; federal law; federation; france; french; general; grounds; higher; human; human rights; institutions; international; issues; journal; key; language; law; laws; legal; legal discourse; legislative; london; main; mentioned; nature; new; norms; particular; perceptions; policy; practical; present; professional; public; regard; research; respondents; rights; rights discourse; rights education; rudn; russian; russian students; social; specifics; state; status; structure; students; studies; studies education; study; subject; survey; systems; target; text; thematic; topic; training; trends; university; verbal; youth; zvereva cache: jsser-1527.pdf plain text: jsser-1527.txt item: #77 of 450 id: jsser-153 author: Escudero, Alexandro title: “Responsible trust”: A value to strengthen Active Citizenship date: 2013-11-30 words: 8300 flesch: 50 summary: Aims of the research The aims of this research are as follows: • To identify the reasons that lead the volunteers of the volunteer programme for the practice of Catalan language to meet people from different cultural identities. Participants Although there are a number of governmental and civic volunteer programmes to foster the use of the Catalan language among Catalan people and new speakers4, the Voluntariat per la llengua5 The Voluntariat per la llengua is not a teaching programme, nor a substitute for Catalan classes. keywords: active; active citizenship; alexandro; analysis; attitudes; background; barcelona; cases; catalan; catalan language; catalonia; categories; category; citizenship; civil; coding; cohesion; community; comparison; competencies; composite; contact; context; countries; cultural; culture; data; democracy; depth; different; education; education research; escudero; european; family; formal; formal education; groups; hoskins; identities; identity; immigrants; immigration; important; index; indicator; inductive; informal; intercultural; interviews; journal; language; learning; life; llengua; local; luxembourg; main; mascherini; multicultural; national; new; non; number; official; open; order; people; political; population; practice; process; programme; public; regional; relationship; research; responsible; sampling; sense; social; societies; society; spain; spaniard; speakers; strong; studies; system; theoretical; theory; training; trust; values; voluntariat; volunteering; volunteers; way; willingness cache: jsser-153.pdf plain text: jsser-153.txt item: #78 of 450 id: jsser-1530 author: Anisimova, Ellina Sergeevna title: Digital Literacy of Future Preschool Teachers date: 2020-03-25 words: 7670 flesch: 44 summary: The first works describing similar knowledge and skills defined them as “information literacy,” that is, a person’s understanding of the basic ideas of computer science, an understanding of the role of information technology in society, the ability to work with information flows (Ershov, 1988; Mikhailovsky, 1994; Sokolova, 2002). It includes competences that are variously referred to as computer literacy, ICT literacy, information literacy and media literacy” (“A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator”, 2018). keywords: activities; age; animation; anisimova; attitude; average; basics; categories; children; communication; computer; computer literacy; development; didactic; different; digital literacy; discipline; education; estimate; figure; final; following; future; game; group; high; impact; increase; index; indicators; information; information literacy; information technologies; interactive; international; journal; level; literacy; media; media literacy; modern; module; multimedia; necessary; network; old; person; points; preschool; professional; program; programming; project; quality; questionnaire; questions; research; results; skills; social; state; students; studies; study; survey; system; teachers; technologies; technology; tools; training; university; use; work; years cache: jsser-1530.pdf plain text: jsser-1530.txt item: #79 of 450 id: jsser-1531 author: Vinogradova, Nadezhda title: Analysis of the Image of Russia and Belarus Formed in The Union State Print Media (And Their Electronic Analogues) date: 2020-03-25 words: 4909 flesch: 41 summary: In many ways, the spatial component of the image of the country is formed, based on discussions or references to topics such as: frequent disputes about the state border (the collapse of the USSR, the separation of the Crimea from the Ukraine and accession to Russia (Belarus Today, Donbass no longer has anything in common with Kiev, 2019), the separation of the LPR and DPR from the Ukraine (Belarus Today, Whether the Ukraine can go west without Donbass, 2019), discussion of NATO actions on the deployment of weapons complexes in the EU countries bordering Russia and Belarus (Borisov, 2018), the Nord stream 2 issue (Belarus Today, Munich security conference is over, 2019) and references in different contexts to state territories and natural resources. Analysis of the image of Russia and Belarus formed in the union state print media Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020:11 (1), 254-266 254 Analysis of the Image of Russia and Belarus Formed in The Union State Print Media (And Their Electronic Analogues) keywords: analysis; analyzed; belarus; belarus today; belarusian; belarusian media; belgazeta; business; citizens; common; communication; context; cooperation; countries; country; development; economic; education; events; example; factor; federation; foreign; gazeta; identity; image; journal; leader; lukashenko; media; model; negative; neutral; news; newspaper; peoples; perception; political; population; positive; present; president; references; relations; reports; republic; research; rossiyskaya; russia; russian media; social; soviet; spatial; spatial image; state; studies; study; territories; union; unity; ussr cache: jsser-1531.pdf plain text: jsser-1531.txt item: #80 of 450 id: jsser-1532 author: Saenko, Natalya; Voronkova, Olga; Zatsarinnaya, Elena; Mikhailova, Mariya title: Philosophical and Cultural Foundations of the Concept of “Nihitogenesis” date: 2020-03-25 words: 5864 flesch: 49 summary: In addition, we build an understanding of the existence of culture in the form of a variety of 6These authors deal with the problem of ontologization of “possible worlds” in modern culture. Data were achieved using observation and description of the behaviour of modern man in virtual and real cultures; hermeneutic analysis of observation results, as well as a description of the results of virtualization and simulation of modern culture. keywords: absence; absolute; aesthetics; analysis; art; book; century; chaos; concept; contemporary; context; cultural; culture; destruction; education; emptiness; existence; form; girenok; history; house; human; images; journal; kagan; lishaev; loss; meaning; metamorphoses; modern; modernity; n.m; negation; negative; new; nihilism; nihitogenesis; nihitology; non; nothingness; ontological; ontologization; ontology; person; phenomena; philosophical; philosophy; postmodern; present; problems; process; processes; publishing; reality; research; results; russian; saenko; scientific; simulation; social; soloduho; state; studies; term; ugly; university; v.a; virtualization; world cache: jsser-1532.pdf plain text: jsser-1532.txt item: #81 of 450 id: jsser-1533 author: Gabidullina, Farida; Galiullin, Radik; Khakimova, Ilnara; Mansurov, Ilsur title: Elitist Education: Historical Experience of the Russian and Tatar Peoples date: 2020-03-25 words: 5388 flesch: 51 summary: Elitist education again begins its development; the growing value of the results of activity of elitist education as a mechanism of personal and social development, as well as the positive experience of its institutions, contributed to the recognition by the political and administrative elite of the importance of creating schools for gifted children (with in-depth study of subjects), as well as enhancing the role of higher education in the preparation of national talents and high-status professionals (cultural elite) The development of elite school education in England: dissertation dis. ... keywords: 19th; 20th; abilities; activities; analysis; brothers; building; century; children; concept; conditions; country; cultural; development; different; education; education research; educational institutions; elite; elitist; elitist education; experience; fact; federation; following; formation; gabidullina; half; high; higher; historical; history; institutions; intellectual; journal; kazan; language; level; literature; madrasah; main; muhammadiya; national; new; pedagogical; people; period; public; purpose; representatives; research; researchers; revolutionary; role; russian; samartseva; schools; sciences; second; social; society; soviet; spiritual; state; students; studies; studies education; study; system; tatar; teaching; time; training; university; women; work cache: jsser-1533.pdf plain text: jsser-1533.txt item: #82 of 450 id: jsser-1535 author: Stepanova, Valentina V.; Lutskovskaia, Larisa Yu. title: Language policy and youth development: international background and Russian multinational practice date: 2019-12-24 words: 8186 flesch: 39 summary: It specifies the rules of teaching state languages in pre-school, primary general and basic general institutions in national republics. The role of the Russian language among state languages of the country is to unite nations in the multicultural environment. keywords: academic; adyghe; altai; analysis; area; art; autonomous; case; challenges; children; communication; compulsory; constitution; country; court; cultural; cyrillic; dagestan; development; different; economic; education; education research; ethnic; federal; federal law; federation; general; government; higher; implementation; indigenous; instruction; international; issues; journal; july; june; karelia; key; language; language issues; language policy; latin; law; laws; legal; legislation; linguistic; local; lutskovskaia; mari; media; minorities; minority; minority languages; multinational; national; national language; native; native language; number; official; peoples; policy; political; regional; regions; republic; research; rights; role; russian; russian federation; russian language; school; secondary; social; sphere; state; state language; status; stepanova; strategy; students; studies; study; subject; support; supreme; tatarstan; teaching; titular; university; use cache: jsser-1535.pdf plain text: jsser-1535.txt item: #83 of 450 id: jsser-154 author: Anderson, Derek; Cook, Tanya title: Committed to differentiation and engagement: A case study of two American secondary social studies teachers date: 2014-05-30 words: 7021 flesch: 54 summary: The astonishing number of social studies content standards puts pressure on secondary social studies teachers, which is greatly heightened when students enter high school already behind in their content knowledge (Guidry et al. 2010). Intensifying accountability models since the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) have resulted in a greater emphasis on English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics, thus marginalizing social studies instruction, particularly at the elementary level (Anderson, 2014; Guidry et al. 2010). keywords: analysis; anderson; approach; barriers; beliefs; case; change; class; classroom; content; cook; depth; derek; development; differentiation; education; emphasis; essential; experiences; goal; guidry; high; higher; history; instruction; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; methods; multiple; observations; order; plan; planned; powerful; practice; process; purposeful; questions; research; school; secondary; social; social studies; standards; students; studies; studies instruction; studies teachers; study; style; successful; tanya; teachers; teaching; thematic; thinking; time; traditional; transmission; unit; war; week; work cache: jsser-154.pdf plain text: jsser-154.txt item: #84 of 450 id: jsser-155 author: Yalçın Wells, Şehnaz title: Bir Üniversite Müzesinde Aktif Sanat Eğitimi: Barber Enstitüsü Örneği-Active Art Education in a University Museum: The Example of the Barber Institute date: 2014-05-30 words: 5978 flesch: 55 summary: Müze eğitimi sanat eğitimi içinde önemli bir alandır. Ayrıca bu eğitim ortamının bir üniversite bünyesi içinde olması, dahası dünya çapında üne sahip bir sanat eseri olan binada bulunması, öğrencilere etkileyici bir deneyim sağlamaktadır. keywords: 5(1; aile; ailenin; ait; aktekin; aktif; alanında; amacı; amaçları; analizi; ankara; arasında; araştırma; art; art education; arts; available; aynı; ayrıca; bakanlığı; barber; barber enstitüsü; barber güzel; barber institute; bağlamında; başka; bellini; bilgi; bilgiler; bir; birey; biri; biridir; birlikte; birmingham; bubifa; bulgular; bulunan; bulunmaktadır; bunların; bunun; burada; buyurgan; böylece; bütün; collections; daha; degas; derece; dergisi; development; değildir; diye; diğer; doküman; doğru; durum; dünya; edilen; edilmiştir; education; elde; enstitüsü; enstitüsü’nün; erişim; erken; eserler; etkin; etkinlikleri; example; eğitimi; eğitiminin; fakat; fakültesi; farklı; fazla; features; fine; galeri; galerisi; gelişimi; gelişmeler; genel; gereken; gerekir; gerçekleştirilen; gerçekleştirilmiştir; gibi; greenhill; grup; göre; görmek; görsel; görüşme; gözlem; günay; güzel; hakkında; hem; herhangi; history; hooper; hudson; ile; ilgili; ilişkin; ilk; important; institute; interview; ise; için; içinde; i̇ngiliz; i̇ngiltere'nin; journal; kadar; kapsamda; kişi; koleksiyon; konu; konuda; konularında; konusu; konusunda; kuroğlu; kuruluş; kültür; lady; learning; maccario; manet; mercin; merkezli; method; mevcut; museology; museum; museum education; mümkündür; müze; müze eğitimi; müzecilik; müzede; müzelerde; müzelerin; müzenin; müzesi; nasıl; nelerdir; nitel; olan; olarak; olduğu; olmalı; olumlu; oluşturmaktadır; onur; ortaya; possible; poussin; programı; programının; research; resimlerin; resmi; rolü; rubens; sahip; sanat; sanat eğitimi; sanatlar; sanatsal; seidel; social; son; sonra; sosyal; students; studies; study; sunuş; söz; süreci; tarafından; tarihi; tarihsel; tartışma; teachers; temel; toplum; training; turkey; türkiye’de; university; uygulamaları; uygun; van; vardır; verilerin; veronese; veya; wells; works; yalçın; yapılan; yapılmaktadır; yaratıcı; yaygın; yayınları; yaş; yaşam; yönelik; yöntem; yöntemleri; yüzyılda; yıldırım; yıllarda; yılında; zaman; zengin; ziyaret; çalışmalar; çalışması; çağdaş; çeşitli; çizim; çocuk; çok; çünkü; önce; önder; önemli; önemlidir; örnek; özel; özellikleri; öğrencileri; öğrenme; öğretim; üniversitesi; ünlü; üzere; üzerinde; şehnaz; şekilde; şimşek cache: jsser-155.pdf plain text: jsser-155.txt item: #85 of 450 id: jsser-156 author: Karaduman, Hıdır; Ozturk, Cemil title: The Effects of Activities for Digital Citizenship on Students’ Attitudes toward Digital Citizenship and Their Reflections on Students’ Understanding about Digital Citizenship date: 2014-05-30 words: 12754 flesch: 48 summary: Yarı deneme modellerinden “öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu model”e göre desenlenen bu araştırmada, daha önce oluşmuş bulunan iki sınıftan yansız atama yoluyla bir deney bir de kontrol grubu belirlenmiş Öğrencilerin Sosyal Bilgiler Dersi Ödevlerine Yönelik Tutumlarının Ölçülmesi: bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2014: 5(1), 38-78 © 2014 Journal of Social Studies Education Research, ISSN: 1309-9108 Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Dijital Vatandaşlığa Dayalı Etkinliklerin Öğrencilerin Dijital Vatandaşlık Tutumlarına Etkisi ve Dijital Vatandaşlık Anlayışlarına Yansımaları1 The Effects of Activities for Digital Citizenship on Students’ Attitudes toward Digital Citizenship and Their Reflections on Students’ Understanding about Digital Citizenship Hıdır KARADUMAN2 and Cemil ÖZTÜRK3 Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, 6. sınıf sosyal bilgiler dersinde dijital vatandaşlığa dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilen etkinliklerin, öğrencilerin dijital vatandaşlık tutumlarına etkisini belirlemek ve gerçekleştirilen etkinliklerin öğrencilerin dijital vatandaşlık anlayışlarına yansımalarını incelemektir. keywords: access; activities; adresinden; ailelerin; ait; alan; aldıkları; alt; alındığında; amacıyla; amaçlarından; analizi; ancak; ancova; ankara; anlamlı; anlamlı bir; anlamlıdır; anlayışlarına; anlaşılır; aracılığıyla; aralık; arasında; arasında deney; araştırmada; araştırmada dijital; araştırmanın; attitudes; aynı; ayrıca; açıkladığı; açısından; aşağıda; aşağıdaki; aşırma; bana; bazı; bağlamda; bağlantılı; bağımsız; bağımsız olarak; behaviors; belirlenmiştir; belirtmiştir; belirttiği; ben; benim; beril; berson; bilgiler; bilgiler dersinde; bilgilerini; bilgisayar; bir; bir biçimde; biri; birlikte; bize; bizim; biçimde; biçiminde; bi̇t’in; boyutları; boyutuna; bu bağlamda; bulgular; bulunan; bulunan öğrencilerin; bunu; bölümüne; böyle; büyüköztürk; cemil; childnet; citizenship; communication; course; daha; data; davranışları; dayalı; dayalı etkinliklerin; dayalı olarak; deneme; deney; deney ve; deneysel; deniz; derecede; dergisi; dersinde; dersinde dijital; devam; değerlendirme; değerleri; değişkenliğin; digital citizenship; dijital; dijital etik; dijital haklar; dijital iletişim; dijital ortamdaki; dijital vatandaşlık; dikkat; dimensions; diye; diğer; doğrultuda; doğrultusunda; durum; dvtö; dvtö’nün; dünya; düzeltilmiş; edilen; edilmesi; edinilmiştir; education; education research; elde; erişim; ersoy; eskiden; eta; ethics; etik; etkili; etkinliklerin; etkinliklerin dijital; etkinliklerin sosyal; etkinliklerin öğrencilerin; etmiştir; experimental; eğitim; f(2;59)=; faktör; farklı; farkın; fazla; form; geliyor; geliştirme; genel; gerekli; gerektiğini; gerçekleştirilen; gerçekleştirilen etkinliklerin; getirmiştir; gibi; gibi öğrencilerin; gizlilik; gizlilik ve; greenhow; group; gruba; grubunda; grubunun; gruplarda; gruplarının; göre; görüldüğü; görülmektedir; görüşleri; görüşme; görüşmelerden; görüşüyle; göstermektedir; göz; güvenilir; güvenirliğini; güvenlik; güvenliklerini; hakkı; haklar; hata; haziran; health; hem; hem de; hipotez; hıdır; ifade; iki; ila; iletişim; ilgili; ilişkin; incelendiğinde; information; international; internet; internetten; ise; issues; istatistiksel; istatistiksel olarak; iste; içerisinde; için; içinde; i̇lköğretim; journal; kadll; kalıcılık; kapsamında; karaduman; karar; kare; kaynak; kazanımlarına; kendi; kendilerini; kendine; kişisel; kontrol; konuda; konudaki; konularda; konusunda; korsan; kovaryet; kredi; kullandıkları; kullanılan; kullanılmıştır; kullanımı; kullanımının; kumba; kötü; lehine; madde; mcneal; mesela; messenger; model; mossberger; msn; müdahale; nasıl; new; nitel; olabilir; olan; olarak; olarak anlamlı; olarak dijital; olarak gerçekleştirilen; olarak son; olduğunu; olmanın; olması; olmayan; olmuştur; olumlu; olumsuz; olur; onlara; online; ortalama; ortamdaki; ortaya; oyun; p<.01; pek; plagiarism; positive; privacy; puanları; puanlarından; qsr; reflections; research; ribble; rights; saptanmıştır; sağladığı; security; settings; sitelerden; siteleri; sitelerinin; social; social studies; society; son; son test; sonra; sonrasında; sonucunda; sonuçlara; sorumluluk; sorunlar; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; students; studies; studies education; study; symantec; söylenebilir; sözleriyle; sürecinde; sürecinde dijital; sınıf; sınıf sosyal; tablo; tanımlayan; tarafından; tarihinde; technology; teknik; teknolojilerinin; teknolojiyi; temel; test; tolbert; toplam; toplumsal; tutum; tutumlarına; tüm; türkçe; understanding; use; uygulama; uygulama sürecinde; uygulamalarına; uygulanan; uygulandığı; uygulanmıştır; uygun; uzman; vanfossen; vardır; varsa; vatandaşların; vatandaşlık tutum; vatandaşlığa; vatandaşlığa dayalı; vatandaşın; ve bu; ve dijital; ve güvenlik; ve internet; ve kontrol; veri; verileri; verilerinin; verilmiştir; veya; volkan; vurgu; yani; yansımalarına; yapan; yapmıştır; yapılacağı; yapılandırılmış; yararlanılmıştır; yarı; yasalara; yeni; yer; yerliler; yönde; yönelik; yüksektir; zaman; zamanda; zararlı; zengin; zeynep; çalışmaları; çevrimiçi; çeşitli; çocukların; çok; çünkü; ölçek; ölçeğin; ölçeği’nin; ön test; önemli; önüne; örtüşmektedir; özellikle; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğrencilerin dijital; öğrencilerin uygulama; öğrenme; öğretmenlerin; üniversitesi; üye; üzerinde; şekil; şekilde; şeklinde; şeyler; şimdi cache: jsser-156.pdf plain text: jsser-156.txt item: #86 of 450 id: jsser-1566 author: Shehu, Blerta Perolli title: Peer Acceptance In Early Childhood: Links To Socio-Economic Status And Social Competences date: 2019-12-24 words: 8347 flesch: 50 summary: According to Dijkstra (2004), the social status of the child implies the phenomenon of acceptance or rejection of children by their peer group, and as such is recognized as a strong determinant of child development. Previous research indicates that the style of interaction with peers in early childhood does not change at later stages of child development (Shuey, 2007); therefore, it is important to recognize this style and understand the factors that lead to acceptability or rejection by peers at the earliest stages of development. keywords: acceptance; analysis; area; average; behavior; better; child development; childhood; children; coie; communication; competence; correlation; data; development; early; economic; education; emotional; erikson; factors; families; family; field; future; good; group; high; higher; important; income; independent; influence; interactions; journal; level; likely; lower; opportunities; parental; parents; peer; peer acceptance; perolli; play; popular; positive; predictive; preschool; preschool children; press; problems; psychology; rejection; relationships; research; results; rubin; scale; score; shehu; skills; social; social competence; social development; social skills; social status; social studies; socialization; socio; sociometric; stage; status; studies; study; subjects; table; total; university; variable cache: jsser-1566.pdf plain text: jsser-1566.txt item: #87 of 450 id: jsser-158 author: Çubukçu, Feryal title: Reading and Values Education date: 2014-11-30 words: 5584 flesch: 59 summary: Kilpatrick, W.,Wolfe,G. & Wolfe, S.M. (1994) Books that build character: a guide to teaching your child moral values through stories. Keywords: Values education, teacher trainess, literary texts. keywords: behavior; best; character; crime; department; development; education; experience; feryal; freshmen; friend; good; group; health; help; intimate; journal; justice; kohlberg; life; likely; literary; literature; middle; moral; moral education; needs; non; november; number; partner; partner violence; people; physical; plays; principles; rate; reading; report; research; results; right; rules; school; self; sexual; social; society; stage; standards; stories; students; studies; study; table; teachers; terms; test; texts; times; university; use; values; values education; violence; women; world; year; year students; çubukçu cache: jsser-158.pdf plain text: jsser-158.txt item: #88 of 450 id: jsser-1587 author: Mudiono, Alif title: Teaching Politeness for Primary School Students in Indonesia: Mediating Role of Self Efficacy and Self Esteem of Learners date: 2019-12-24 words: 6076 flesch: 50 summary: Future researches can focus on studying how teacher politeness affects the students’ overall output and learning abilities and the negative effects on student behavior like lack of interest and innovation in homework should also be considered in future work. Self-efficacy and academic achievement in Australian high school students: The mediating effects of academic aspirations and delinquency. keywords: academic; achievement; agency; analysis; behavior; classroom; communication; data; different; education; effect; efficacy; emotional; emotional intelligence; emotions; environment; esteem; factors; greater; high; hypothesis; impact; important; indonesia; intelligence; items; journal; learners; learning; level; management; mudiono; negative; performance; politeness; positive; pragmatics; relationship; research; respondents; results; review; role; sample; school; sciences; seflefficacyl; seflesteeml; self; selfefficacy; significant; social; speaker; statistic; strategies; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; tests; theory; use; validity; values; variables cache: jsser-1587.pdf plain text: jsser-1587.txt item: #89 of 450 id: jsser-159 author: Türe, Hatice; Ersoy, Arife Figen title: Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenlerinin Hoşgörü Algısı date: 2014-11-30 words: 7933 flesch: 57 summary: Evrensel bir değer olan hoşgörü, insanların siyasi görüşü, dili, dini inancı, dünya görüşü, kültürel kimliği ne olursa olsun herkes için gereklidir (Karataş, 1995). Kavcar (1995), bireylerin hoşgörü beklemesi için kendilerinin de hoşgörü göstermesi gerektiğini belirtmiştir. keywords: adresinden; ahlaki; aile; alan; algısı; algısını; altı; alınmıştır; ama; analysis; ancak; ankara; anlayış; anne; arada; arasında; araştırmanın; araştırmaya; arife; atatürkçülük; aynı; ayrıca; ayrılığı; açıklamıştır; açılardan; açısına; babam; bakış; baskı; basının; bazı; başaran; başka; başkalarının; belirtmişlerdir; belirtmiştir; ben; bence; benim; berna; bilge; bilgiler; bilgiler öğretmenlerinin; bilimleri; bir; birbirine; bireyin; bireylerin; biri; birinci; birliği; biçiminde; bundan; bunu; böyle; bütün; canto; cinsiyet; daha; data; davranışlar; demokratik; deneyim; dergisi; derslerini; değer; değil; dile; dini; diyerek; dolayı; durumlarda; düşüncesini; düşünmektedir; düşünüyorum; education; empati; engellediğini; engelleyen; erkek; ersoy; esra; esra öğretmen; etkilediğini; etkileyen; etkili; etmek; etmiştir; eğitim; fakültesi; farklı; farklılıklara; fazla; figen; findings; gelenek; gelişimini; genel; geniş; gerekiyor; gerektiğini; gerçekten; getirmiştir; gibi; göre; görsel; görülmektedir; görüşleri; görüşme; görüşmede; göstermek; hakları; hamide; hani; hataları; hatice; haz; hep; hoşgörü; hoşgörü konusunda; hoşgörü ve; hoşgörülü; hoşgörüsüzlük; huzurlu; hırsızlık; ifade; iki; ikisi; iletişim; ilgili; ilişkin; inanç; insana; insanların; interviews; ise; iyi; için; içinde; işte; i̇.; i̇nsan; journal; kabul; kadın; karşı; karşılıklı; katılan; katılan sosyal; kavcar; kendilerinin; kendini; kepenekçi; kesinlikle; kimi; kişi; komisyonu; konudaki; konusunda; kurallara; kuçuradi; kültürel; lisans; mediha; merkezcilik; mesela; mete; milli; mutlu; neden; nedenle; nesnel; nitel; okuduğu; okul; olabilir; olamaz; olan; olarak; olduklarını; olduktan; olduğunu; olmadığını; olmak; olmaları; olmayı; olsun; olumlu; olumsuz; olunmaması; olur; oluyor; ona; onları; onun; ortak; ortaya; pasamonik; pehlivan; qualitative; rana; raziye; research; sabırlı; sahip; saygı; saygılı; school; sekizinci; siyasi; social; social studies; sonra; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; sperber; studies; study; söylemek; sözleriyle; sürekli; sınıfları; sınırlarının; tablo; tarafından; tarihi; tatar; teachers; temel; tolerance; tolerans; toplantısı; toplumda; toplumların; toplumsal; toplumun; tüm; türe; türkiye; türlü; unesco; var; vardır; vatandaşlık; ve bu; ve eğitim; veriler; verilerin; verme; vurgulamışlardır; yani; yapmak; yapılmıştır; yay; yayın; yazılı; yaş; yaşadığı; yaşamak; yedi; yeterli; yurt; yönelik; yüksek; yıl; yıldırım; zaman; zarar; zaten; zorunda; çağdaş; çocukların; çok; çoğu; çoğunlukla; çünkü; ölçüt; önce; öncelikle; önemli; örnek; örneğin; özellikleri; özgürlüklerini; öğrencilere; öğrencilerinin; öğretmen; öğretmen bu; öğretmenlerinin; öğretmenlerinin hoşgörü; üniversitesi; üzerinde; şeye; şeyi; şiddet cache: jsser-159.pdf plain text: jsser-159.txt item: #90 of 450 id: jsser-160 author: Mishra, Rishabh Kumar title: Social Constructivism and Teaching of Social Science date: 2014-11-30 words: 4922 flesch: 60 summary: I informally interviewed social science teachers of a government school who were teaching new social science textbooks namely Social and Political Life. However such kind of views shows that social science teachers are still believe in information loaded curriculum that can be used for examination purposes. keywords: activities; activity; cambridge; caste; class; classroom; critical; cultural; curriculum; discussion; diversity; education; experiences; family; forms; funds; government; group; ideas; issues; journal; knowledge; kumar; learner; learning; life; mind; mishra; moll; new; panchayat; pedagogic; people; practices; present; press; process; processes; research; rishabh; role; school; science; social; social science; society; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; views; work cache: jsser-160.pdf plain text: jsser-160.txt item: #91 of 450 id: jsser-1606 author: Hollstein, Matthew S; Smith, Gregory A. title: Civic Environmentalism: Integrating Social Studies and Environmental Education through Curricular Models date: 2020-06-24 words: 11545 flesch: 45 summary: Environmental education is not exclusive to the United States and many nations throughout the world practice some variation of environmental education (Ho & Seow, 2015; Chan et al., 2017; Veeravatnanond & Singseewo, 2010). Specifically, this is due to social studies and civic responsibility being framed as entirely separate from environmental education and environmental responsibility. keywords: action; active; activism; areas; australia; awareness; change; citizens; citizenship; civic; classroom; climate; community; concerns; consumption; council; countries; critical; cross; curriculum; democratic; department; development; dewey; disciplines; discovery; economic; education; education research; england; environmental education; environmental issues; environmental responsibility; environmentalism; eun; examples; existing; factors; focus; framework; framing; global; goals; government; green; growth; hollstein; human; hye; impact; important; individua; integration; issues; italy; journal; knowledge; korea; lange; learning; local; mayer; model; naaee; national; nations; ncss; need; new; order; paper; people; place; population; potter; primary; problems; regional; republic; research; responsibility; schools; science; scientific; sense; skills; smith; social education; social studies; south; standards; states; stories; students; studies curriculum; studies education; sustainability; teachers; teaching; theory; time; understanding; united; use; view; water; way; work; world; york cache: jsser-1606.pdf plain text: jsser-1606.txt item: #92 of 450 id: jsser-1611 author: Sokip, Sokip title: Emotive Behavior Control to Reduce Intolerance and Depression among Secondary School Students in Tulungagung Indonesia date: 2019-12-24 words: 6842 flesch: 41 summary: The present study attempts to examine the impact of emotive behavior control in determining self- efficacy among students through mediating role of depression and intolerance in students. To determine the impact of emotive behavior control on the self-efficacy among Secondary School Students in Tulungagung Indonesia 2. keywords: academic; analysis; anxiety; behavior; behavior control; behavior therapy; beliefs; career; cognitive; confidence; control; data; depression; education; effect; efficacy; emotional; emotions; emotive; emotive behavior; esteem; factor; figure; health; high; impact; individual; indonesia; intolerance; items; journal; learning; level; literature; mental; model; negative; order; performance; positive; present; promotion; psychology; questionnaire; rational; rational emotive; rebt; reduction; relationship; research; results; role; schools; secondary; self; significant; social; sokip; students; studies; study; table; test; theory; therapy; tulungagung; turner; validity; worth cache: jsser-1611.pdf plain text: jsser-1611.txt item: #93 of 450 id: jsser-162 author: Zayimoğlu Öztürk, Filiz title: Opinions of Social Studies Teachers Regarding the 4+4+4 Educational System date: 2015-11-24 words: 23921 flesch: 51 summary: “Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin 4+4+4’ün uygulamasında karşılaştıkları sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri nelerdir?” Veri Toplama Aracının Geliştirilmesi ve Uygulanması Araştırmada, Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin 4 keywords: .05; 10,1; 12,1; 19,7; 20,7; 24,7; 26,8; 4th; 5th; 5th class; 5th grade; 6(2; 8th; 9,1; abstract; activities; address; administrators; adresinden; alan; alt; alınmıştır; amacıyla; analizi; analysis; ancak; ankara; anlamlı; annual; answers; application; appropriate; aracı; aracının; araştırmaları; araştırmanın; araştırmaya; articles; association; averages; ayrıca; açık; açısından; bazıları; bildirmişlerdir; bilgiler; bilgiler dersinin; bilgiler öğretim; bilgiler öğretmenlerinin; bilim; bilimleri; bir; biraz; biraz katılıyorum; birlikte; branch; branch teachers; branş; bölüm; cevaplardan; change; cinsiyet; class teachers; classes; clear; collection; compulsory; compulsory education; concepts; content; country; coğrafya; curriculum; daha; data; deficiency; demir; department; dergisi; ders; dersine; dersinin; derslerinin; determined; developed; development; değerlendirilmesi; değişikliği; değişkeni; different; difficulty; discontinuous; distribution; diğer; doğan; doğrultusunda; durumu; dâhil; düzeyinde; economic; edilen; education research; educational; educational program; educational system; ekonomik; eksikliği; elde; elementary; equipment; erkek; evaluation; evet; eğitim; eğitim sistemine; eğitimde; eğitimin; faced; failure; farklı; farklılık; favorable; fazla; february; field; filiz; findings; fiziki; follows; frekans; frequency; gains; gender; geography; gerekli; gerekmektedir; geçiş; gibi; giren; girme; grade; grade social; graders; graduation; group; göre; görülmektedir; görüş; görüşleri; görüşlerinin; görüşme; güven; hakkında; hale; hand; hayır; hazırlanan; hazırlık; herhangi; history; hizmet; hizmetiçi; hours; ifadesine; ilgili; ilişkin; implementation; increase; information; infrastructure; innovation; insufficiency; ise; içerik; için; i̇nkılap; i̇smetoğlu; journal; kapsamında; karadeniz; karşılaştıkları; karşılaştığı; katılan; katılımcı; katılımcıların; katılıyorum; kesintili; kitapları; konular; kruskal; kullanılmıştır; külekçi; kıdem; leader; level; little; load; main; making; material; mathematics; measurement; meb; memişoğlu; mesleki; method; mezun; middle; milli; ministry; müfredat; national; necessary; needs; nelerdir; new; nitel; normal; number; okul; olan; olarak; oldukça; oldukça katılıyorum; olduğu; olduğunu; olması; olumlu; olunan; opinions; ordu; ortam; participants; people; percentage; period; physical; possible; preparation; present; primary; problem; process; professional; program; programının; proposals; purpose; pınar; quality; quantitative; questions; reform; research; results; saati; saatinin; sampling; sayısı; school; science; scope; second; section; seniority; service; setting; sistemine; social studies; social study; society; solution; sonucuna; sonuçları; sorunlar; sorunu; soruya; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; stage; statement; status; students; studies branch; studies class; studies education; studies program; studies teachers; study; subjects; sufficient; suggestions; support; survey; system; sınıf; sınıf sosyal; sınıflarda; sınıfta; table; tarafından; tarihinde; teaching; tekrar; temel; terms; test; textbooks; time; tool; toplum; total; training; transition; transition system; turkey; tüm; ulaşılmıştır; understanding; university; url; uygulamasında; uygulamaya; uygun; value; variable; verdikleri; verilen; verilmesi; verilmiştir; veya; wallis; way; week; yapan; yapma; yapılan; yapılmıştır; year; yeni; yer; yes; yeterli; yetersizlikleri; yetersizliği; yönelik; yöntem; yönünde; yükünün; yüzde; yıl; yıldırım; yıllık; zayi̇moğlu; zorunlu; zorunlu eğitim; çalışma; çok; çok katılıyorum; çözüm; ölçme; önerileri; özellikle; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğretim; öğretmeni; öğretmenlerinin; öğretmenliği; şekilde; şeklinde; şubat; şöyledir cache: jsser-162.pdf plain text: jsser-162.txt item: #94 of 450 id: jsser-1635 author: Moore, James R title: And Justice for All! Teaching the Reparations Debate date: 2020-06-24 words: 13550 flesch: 38 summary: This includes an analysis of American slavery—its extent, purposes, nature, and impact on African Americans—and an inquiry into the political, economic, cultural, moral, and social factors related to the reparations debate in the United States. The deliberate attempt to dehumanize Africans and justify slavery and segregation had a devastating impact on the mental and physical health of Africans and contemporary African Americans (Araujo, 2017; Flynn et al., 2017). keywords: 19th; activities; advocates; african; african americans; american slavery; americans; april; araujo; arguments; behaviors; beliefs; black; center; centuries; century; citizens; civic; coates; colonies; complex; contemporary; controversial; corporations; countries; country; course; crawford; crow; crucial; cultural; davis; debate; democracy; democratic; descendants; discrimination; economic; education; educators; employment; end; equality; european; example; facts; flynn; forms; framework; freedom; geography; government; great; groups; harpercollins; high; historical; history; housing; human; ideals; individuals; informed; institution; issues; jim; journal; justice; knowledge; labor; law; liberty; major; marger; methods; middle; modern; moore; moral; multiple; national; new; numerous; october; opinions; opponents; opportunities; participation; passage; past; pay; people; percent; policy; political; poverty; powerful; present; primary; problems; process; programs; property; public; questions; r.a; race; racial; racism; relevant; religious; reparations; reparations debate; research; resources; rights; schug; science; secondary; segregation; significant; skills; slavery; slaves; social; social studies; society; southern; states; steele; students; studies; studies education; taxes; teachers; teaching; today; trade; u.s; united; united states; values; victims; views; violence; vital; war; wealth; white; williams; winbush; world; years; york cache: jsser-1635.pdf plain text: jsser-1635.txt item: #95 of 450 id: jsser-164 author: Yılmaz, Ali; Kırtel, Ayşegül title: Determining Methods Used By Prospective Teachers Of Social Studies In Teaching About Historical Topics date: 2015-11-24 words: 15049 flesch: 57 summary: The findings about these activities within the framework of learning fields are presented in titles as follows: Methods and Techniques used in the framework of Culture and Heritage Learning Activities prepared by prospective teachers in the framework of Culture and Heritage learning were examined and distribution of used methods and techniques according to acquisitions are given in table 2. Methods and Techniques used in the framework of Science, Technology and Society Learning Area Activities prepared by prospective teachers in the framework of science, technology and society learning were examined and distribution of used methods and techniques according to acquisitions are given in table 3. keywords: 6(2; acquisitions; activities; adaylarının; adayının; akademi; alanı; ali; analysis; ancak; ankara; anlatım; answer; answer method; application; approach; araştırma; area; ayşegül; açısından; bal; bazı; bağlamda; bağlantılar; bilgiler; bilgiler öğretmen; bilim; bilimleri; bilimsel; bir; birisi; bulunan; candidates; cevap; concepts; connections; constructivist; consumption; course; coşkun; culture; curriculum; daha; data; dağıtım; dergisi; dersi; dersinde; dersinin; derslerinde; development; different; discussion; discussion method; distribution; drama; drama method; economic; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; effective; elde; environments; et ho; etkili; etkinlik; events; experiences; eğitim; fakültesi; farklı; fazla; field; files; framework; frequency; gezi; gibi; giriş; global; governance; grade; group; göre; görülmektedir; görülmüştür; gözlem; güç; hazırladıkları; hazırlamış; heritage; historical; history; history teaching; house; ilgili; ilk; important; incelendiğinde; information; institutions; ise; iyi; için; i̇lköğretim; journal; k m; kadar; kapsamında; kazanımlar; keskin; konularının; kullandıkları; kullanmayı; kullanılan; kullanılan yöntem; kullanılmadığı; kuş; kültür; küresel; kırtel; le m; learning; lecturing; lecturing method; lesson; life; m et; m y; materials; method; miras; national; nitel; observation; observation method; olan; olarak; oldukları; oldukça; olduğu; order; ortaya; ottoman; past; pegem; people; places; power; practice; preferred; present; primary; problem; process; production; programı; prospective teachers; purpose; qualitative; question; research; results; sakarya; schools; sciences; scientific; significant; situation; skills; social research; social sciences; social studies; society; solving; soru; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; states; students; studies education; studies methods; studies teachers; study; subject; sınıf; table; tarafından; tarih; tarihsel; tartışma; teachers; teaching; teaching methods; techniques; technology; teknikler; teknoloji; tercih; terms; tespit; today; topics; toplum; total; training; trip; turkish; tüketim; türk; tış m; university; use; uygulaması; uygun; waring; world; y ön; yapılandırmacı; yeni; yer; yerler; yönelik; yönetim; yöntem; yöntemini; yöntemleri; yıldırım; yılmaz; çalışması; çelikkaya; çerçevesinde; çevreler; çözme; ön te; önemli; öz m; öztürk; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğrenme alanı; öğretimi; öğretiminde; öğretmen; öğretmen adaylarının; öğretmenlerin; öğretmenlik; üniversitesi; üretim; şimşek cache: jsser-164.pdf plain text: jsser-164.txt item: #96 of 450 id: jsser-1644 author: Alnajdawi, Ann Mousa title: Exploring Jordanian Children’s Perceptions of the Characteristics of an Ideal School and Learning Environment date: 2019-12-24 words: 8525 flesch: 48 summary: School children aged 9–11 years participated in the study, and the data was collected through individual interviews. This study aimed to ascertain school children’s (aged 9–11) views about an ideal school and learning environment. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; ahmad; aims; alnajdawi; analysis; april; assle; attractive; boys; cambridge; characteristics; children; classroom; claxton; coding; comfortable; communication; corbin; cultural; curriculum; data; development; education; emotional; enjoyment; environment; future; gilavand; good; group; holistic; ideal; ideal learning; ideal school; importance; informal; information; international; jordanian; journal; knowledge; learning; learning environment; learning process; march; methods; needs; new; ones; open; participants; personal; personal communication; perspectives; physical; places; present; process; provide; public; research; respondents; review; school; school children; social; socio; spaces; strauss; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; theory; understanding; university; variety; views; welfare cache: jsser-1644.pdf plain text: jsser-1644.txt item: #97 of 450 id: jsser-1649 author: Sylaj, Vlora; Sylaj, Alije Keka title: Parents and Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Written Communication and Its Impact in The Collaboration Between Them: Problem of Social Study Education date: 2020-03-25 words: 8594 flesch: 43 summary: Teachers’ attitudes about written communication are at a higher level than level of collaboration with parents Table 4. Written communication and the level of cooperation Results indicate that there are statistically important differences between written communication Paired Samples Statistics Total of written communication & Total of the level of cooperation Mean N Std. 300 .744 .000 Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2020: 11 (1), 104-126 And the study of Marchant et al. (2001) also focused on parents’ preferred approach to school communication, whose findings show that established school communication should be structured around the needs of parents. keywords: academic; achievement; alpha; analysis; attitudes; children; collaboration; communication; community; connection; cooperation; correlation; credibility; cronbach; data; dempsey; development; differences; different; education; education research; effective; effective communication; epstein; factor; families; family; findings; help; high; home; hoover; impact; implementation; important; information; involvement; journal; kindergarten; kosovo; kosovo teachers; learning; level; mean; objective; order; parental; parents; partnerships; positive; preschool; press; problems; process; pupils; questionnaires; relationship; research; researchers; results; rural; sample; school; school communication; significance; skills; social; social studies; statistical; students; studies; studies education; study; success; support; sylaj; table; teachers; total; university; urban; way; work; written cache: jsser-1649.pdf plain text: jsser-1649.txt item: #98 of 450 id: jsser-165 author: Clark, J. Spencer title: “My assessment didn’t seem real”: The Influence of Field Experiences on Preservice Teachers’ Agency and Assessment Literacy date: 2015-11-24 words: 8297 flesch: 50 summary: While there are no studies that examine assessment literacy specifically in social studies methods courses, or the assessment literacy of preservice social studies teachers, there have been several studies examining preservice teachers assessment literacy in other content areas (DeLuca & Klinger, 2010; Mertler, 2004; Mertler & Campbell, 2005; Sigel & Wissehr, 2011). Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2015: 6(2), 91-111 © 2015 Journal of Social Studies Education Research, ISSN: 1309-9108 “My assessment didn’t seem real”: The Influence of Field Experiences on Preservice Teachers’ Agency and Assessment Literacy J. Spencer Clark1 Abstract To date, there is little or no research that specifically examines assessment literacy in social studies education, or the relationship between preservice teachers assessment literacy and their thinking about their own agency. keywords: 6(2; activities; agency; assessment; assessment decisions; assessment literacy; authoritative; britzman; buddy; campbell; capabilities; clark; classroom; colleagues; context; courses; curriculum; data; decisions; development; discourse; discussion; education; experience; field; franny; holden; instructional; interview; journal; learning; lesson; literacy; mertler; methods; new; participants; plan; practices; preservice; preservice teachers; profession; purpose; reflection; related; research; school; social; social studies; spencer; strategies; students; studies; studies education; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; thinking; time; traditional; use; ways cache: jsser-165.pdf plain text: jsser-165.txt item: #99 of 450 id: jsser-166 author: Tannebaum, Rory P. title: Preservice Social Studies Teachers' Perspectives and Understandings of Teaching in the Twenty-First Century Classroom: A Meta-Ethnography date: 2015-11-24 words: 8233 flesch: 43 summary: However, both the data analysis and data collection phases surfaced no articles specifically detailing how social studies teacher candidates associate democratic education with their own Returning to Susan Adler’s chapter regarding the state of social studies teacher education, this chapter seeks to focus specifically on the knowledge, dispositions, and conceptions of preservice social studies teachers. Because this study involved an exhaustive exploration into a robust body of literature in social studies teacher education, an open-coding (Merriam, 1998) process was implemented to continuously find relevant themes and codes to present as findings. keywords: 6(2; adler; aims; analysis; articles; author; beliefs; broad; candidates; case; citizenship; citizenship education; classroom; conceptions; course; data; democracy; democratic; democratic education; education; education research; educators; elementary; ethnography; experiences; extent; field; findings; journal; knowledge; kubow; limited; literature; meta; methods; participants; perspectives; present; preservice; preservice social; preservice teachers; program; qualitative; relevant; research; rory; ross; sense; social; social education; social studies; students; studies; studies education; studies teachers; study; tannebaum; teacher education; teachers; teaching; themes; theories; understanding; words cache: jsser-166.pdf plain text: jsser-166.txt item: #100 of 450 id: jsser-167 author: Denton, David W.; Sink, Cindy title: Preserving the Social Studies as Core Curricula in an Era of Common Core Reform date: 2015-11-24 words: 5832 flesch: 45 summary: Student teachers observed their mentor teachers for several weeks, and responded to open-ended Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2015: 6(2), 1-17 8 questions about the amount of instruction occurring in social studies and other subjects, and also the type of curricula mentor teachers used for social studies instruction. However, teachers were somewhat neutral when asked if they would spend more time on social studies if their district showed more leadership in the area of social studies instruction (M = 2.86). keywords: 6(2; achievement; activities; analysis; approach; bisland; cindy; common; concepts; content; core; curricula; david; denton; disciplines; education; educators; effective; effects; elementary; example; exploratory; grade; hinde; information; instruction; integrated; integration; journal; knowledge; learning; lessons; level; literacy; mathematics; national; reform; research; resources; results; school; science; sink; skills; social; social studies; standards; student; studies; studies education; studies instruction; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; test; tested; testing; time; training; use; vars; way cache: jsser-167.pdf plain text: jsser-167.txt item: #101 of 450 id: jsser-1676 author: Ilyasin, Mukhamad title: Exploring Excellency-Based Curriculum for Indonesian Primary Schools in Relation to the Social Community Environment date: 2019-12-24 words: 7026 flesch: 41 summary: Keywords: Curriculum Management, Excellency, Competitive Advantages Introduction This study explores the practices of primary school curriculum in Indonesia whose values and competences constitute Islamic values. It logically follows that education cannot be said to purely depend on the teacher, because the management of education, including curriculum management, also generally determines the success or failure (Awwaliyah, 2019). keywords: achievement; activities; activity; addition; advantage; analysis; aspects; basic; borneo; community; competencies; competitive; concept; content; continuous; curriculum; curriculum management; curriculum planning; dan; data; design; development; east; education; education research; effectiveness; environment; evaluation; excellency; form; general; goals; good; ilyasin; implementation; important; indonesian; institutions; integrated; integration; islamic; journal; kalimantan; kurikulum; learning; level; life; local; management; materials; model; national; needs; organization; pendidikan; performance; personal; planning; primary; principals; process; quality; questions; religion; religious; research; resources; respondents; results; school; school curriculum; sciences; sdit; sdit borneo; sekolah; skills; social; stakeholders; standards; students; studies; study; success; teachers; teaching; technology; values; vision; way cache: jsser-1676.pdf plain text: jsser-1676.txt item: #102 of 450 id: jsser-169 author: Waring, Scott M.; Torrez, Cheryl; Lipscomb, George title: Pay It Forward: Teacher Candidates’ Use of Historical Artifacts to Invigorate K-12 History Instruction date: 2015-11-24 words: 4945 flesch: 52 summary: Student teachers thinking historically. We developed a unit of study for our history and social studies teacher candidates that would address several issues: (a) motivate and inspire future teachers to use inquiry as a tool to build K-12 students’ historical understanding and facilitate purposeful utilization of artifacts with ease; (b) help future teachers increase their knowledge of local history; and (c) present a unit that could be easily used in a secondary history course and, with some modifications, could be adapted for elementary and middle school history classrooms. keywords: 6(2; artifacts; assignment; candidates; cheryl; children; classroom; council; course; curriculum; design; education; elementary; evidence; focus; george; grade; historical; historical inquiry; history; important; inquiry; instruction; journal; k-12; knowledge; learning; lesson; lesson plans; life; local; methods; national; plans; present; primary; research; scott; secondary; social; social studies; sources; students; studies; study; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; theory; time; torrez; understanding; use; war cache: jsser-169.pdf plain text: jsser-169.txt item: #103 of 450 id: jsser-170 author: Mathews, Sarah A title: Using Digital Participatory Research to Foster Glocal Competence; Constructing Multimedia Projects as a Form of Global and Civic Citizenship date: 2016-11-23 words: 10346 flesch: 57 summary: Eighty-seven percent of AFS students qualify for a Free and Reduced lunch as a result of their parents’ or guardians’ socio-economic status. The following section gives an overview of the four projects that were created by AFS students and the process these individual groups went through to create their presentations. keywords: 7(2; able; action; additional; afs; analysis; animals; awareness; bathrooms; cambridge; change; citizenship; civic; community; competence; conditions; critical; cultural; data; day; different; digital; dpr; education; education research; engagement; example; figure; florida; global; government; group; images; impact; individual; information; inquiry; interview; issues; jamaica; journal; knowledge; lbc; learning; level; littering; local; mathews; members; methods; miss; national; new; park; participants; participatory; participatory research; peers; people; place; problem; process; program; projects; questions; research; road; sarah; school; security; skills; social; social studies; society; solutions; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; think; university; use; video; violence; westheimer; work; working; workshop; world; york; young; youth cache: jsser-170.pdf plain text: jsser-170.txt item: #104 of 450 id: jsser-1713 author: Mokuria, Vicki Gefen; White, Diana Wandix- title: Cinder and Soul: The Biography of a Historically Significant African-American School in Dallas, Texas date: 2021-03-26 words: 7591 flesch: 55 summary: Other principals of N. W. Harllee school were E. C. Anderson—from 1953 to 1955; Thomas Tolbert—from 1955-1956; C. L. Dennard from 1956-1957; Harold Lang—from 1957-1971 (Schiebel, 1966). While the term “segregation” is never mentioned, it is evident (Rumbley, 1984; Schiebel, 1966) that Dallas public schools were strictly segregated by race from the very beginning. keywords: african; african american; american; approach; black; bone; building; cemetery; children; cinder; citizenship; cliff; communities; community; dallas; early; education; education research; educators; elementary; experiences; framework; gce; global; harllee; harllee school; historical; history; important; information; interview; journal; kind; life; local; mcelroy; memories; mokuria; n. w.; neighborhood; njoki; oak; order; paper; parents; participant; pemberton; people; place; present; principal; public; racism; research; researchers; rumbley; school; segregated; social; social studies; soul; street; students; studies; studies education; support; teachers; tenth; texas; time; understanding; university; w. harllee; walker; wandix; way; ways; white; world; years; young cache: jsser-1713.pdf plain text: jsser-1713.txt item: #105 of 450 id: jsser-172 author: Kopish, Michael A title: Preparing Globally Competent Teacher Candidates Through Cross-Cultural Experiential Learning date: 2016-11-23 words: 10981 flesch: 48 summary: In the U.S., for example, global education 2receives little attention in the K-12 school curriculum (Rapoport, 2009); this results in students having limited global knowledge and few global experiences. In this study, global education is a term used internationally to designate the academic field concerned with teaching and learning about global issues, events and perspectives (Hicks, 2003). keywords: 7(2; activities; age; american; analysis; awareness; candidates; case; challenges; change; citizenship; citizenship education; class; competencies; competent; content; country; course; critical; cross; cultural; curriculum; data; development; dialogue; different; eds; education; education research; educators; empathy; experiences; experiential; extent; future; gaudelli; gce; global; global citizenship; global competencies; global education; global issues; global knowledge; global perspectives; high; human; immigrants; immigration; information; inquiry; international; issues; journal; k-12; knowledge; kopish; lack; learning; little; local; merryfield; michael; need; new; opportunities; people; perceptions; personal; perspectives; practices; programs; project; qualitative; reflections; refugees; research; rights; skills; social; social education; social studies; states; students; studies; studies education; study; tcs; teacher; teacher education; teaching; themes; time; training; u.s; united; workshop; world; york cache: jsser-172.pdf plain text: jsser-172.txt item: #106 of 450 id: jsser-1737 author: Gapsalamov, Almaz Rafisovich; Bochkareva, Tatyana Nikolaevna; Vasilev, Vladimir Lvovich; Akhmetshin, Elvir Munirovich; Anisimova, Tatyana Ivanovna title: Comparative analysis of education quality and the level of competitiveness of leader countries under digitalization conditions date: 2020-06-24 words: 6379 flesch: 42 summary: Analysis of the image of Russia and Belarus formed in the union state print media Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020:10 (2), 133-150 133 Comparative analysis of education quality and the level of competitiveness of leader countries under digitalization conditions Almaz Gapsalamov1, Elvir Akhmetshin2, Tatyana Bochkareva3, Vladimir Vasilev4 and Tatyana Anisimova5 Abstract The quality of national education depends on many factors, which traditionally include adult literacy, the total share of students receiving general, secondary vocational and higher education, the level of the material and technical base, etc. Unlike university ratings (see, for example, the ratings of the best universities in the world, Times Higher Education and Quacquarelli Symonds), which take into account the performance of individual educational institutions, Universitas 21 ranks higher education systems among a relatively large number of countries at different stages of economic and social development. keywords: access; america; analysis; australia; authors; britain; communication; competitiveness; countries; country; denmark; development; different; digital; digitalization; economic; economy; education; education research; education systems; et al; finland; gapsalamov; general; global; government; great; higher; higher education; index; indicators; information; institutions; international; journal; knowledge; leaders; learning; level; life; literacy; main; market; national; national education; netherlands; new; number; population; process; quality; ranking; rating; research; scientific; social; society; states; students; studies; study; sweden; switzerland; systems; table; teachers; technologies; technology; transformation; united; universities; university; use; world cache: jsser-1737.pdf plain text: jsser-1737.txt item: #107 of 450 id: jsser-174 author: Leek, Joanna title: Global citizenship education in school curricula. A Polish perspective date: 2016-11-23 words: 9299 flesch: 43 summary: Abstract The purpose of this study is to present global citizenship education from a Polish perspective. Analyzing the issue, the first part of this paper presents the development of citizenship education, followed by the current status of global citizenship education in Polish schools. keywords: 2008; 7(2; activities; aims; analysis; attitudes; challenges; change; citizenship education; civic; civic education; community; contemporary; content; core; country; cultural; curriculum; davies; democracy; development; different; economic; education; education research; european; example; general; global; global citizenship; global education; history; human; identity; international; issues; joanna; journal; keating; kerr; knowledge; learning; leek; level; life; local; meaning; melosik; national; national curriculum; new; oxfam; participation; patriotism; people; perspective; poland; polish; polish curriculum; polish education; political; present; press; primary; problems; pupils; references; research; review; rights; school; secondary; sense; skills; social; social education; social studies; society; state; status; students; studies; studies education; system; teaching; themes; understanding; university; values; war; world cache: jsser-174.pdf plain text: jsser-174.txt item: #108 of 450 id: jsser-175 author: Byker, Erik Jon; Marquardt, Shelia title: Curricular Connections: Using Critical Cosmopolitanism to Globally Situate Multicultural Education in Teacher Preparation Courses date: 2016-11-23 words: 7878 flesch: 48 summary: Utilizing findings from an artifact analysis study of teacher candidates (n=51), the article discusses ways to assist teacher candidates in their development of becoming Critically Cosmopolitan citizens who embrace social justice by being informed by the global and multicultural. Teacher candidates are both intrigued and unsettled by the content. keywords: action; analysis; annotations; applications; article; artifact; asia; byker; candidates; citizenship; class; competencies; competency; context; cosmopolitan; critical; critical cosmopolitan; definitions; design; development; different; education; education research; erik; experience; eyes; freire; future; global; global citizenship; global education; help; ideas; interaction; issues; jon; journal; justice; marquardt; multiculturalism; new; people; perspectives; poem; power; preparation; research; resources; school; selected; sheila; shows; social; social justice; social studies; society; states; students; studies; studies education; study; teacher; teacher candidates; teacher education; teaching; themes; theory; understanding; united; university; video; ways; world; york cache: jsser-175.pdf plain text: jsser-175.txt item: #109 of 450 id: jsser-176 author: Krutka, Daniel G; Carano, Kenneth T. title: Videoconferencing for Global Citizenship Education: Wise Practices for Social Studies Educators date: 2016-11-23 words: 9650 flesch: 41 summary: Student perspectives on videoconferencing in teacher education at a distance. In 2016, the United Nations hosted its eighth annual “Remember Slavery Global Student Videoconference” day which linked “high school students at United Nations Headquarters in New York to their counterparts in Dakar, Senegal, and Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago” (n.p.). keywords: 7(2; action; activities; aim; approaches; awareness; carano; characteristics; citizenship; citizenship education; classroom; collaboration; communities; cosmopolitan; counterparts; countries; critical; cross; cultures; curriculum; daniel; deeper; different; digital; distance; education; education research; educators; example; experiences; face; faith; field; gaudelli; gce; general; global; global citizenship; global education; guest; humane; humanizing; information; intercultural; international; internet; issues; journal; journell; kenneth; krutka; learning; literature; local; media; methods; morality; n.d; new; online; opportunities; participants; peers; people; perspectives; pre; primary; problems; projects; purposes; research; richardson; schools; sessions; share; skills; skype; social; social studies; students; studies; studies education; support; teachers; technologies; technology; texas; time; treatment; u.s; understanding; united; university; use; value; videoconferencing; ways; world cache: jsser-176.pdf plain text: jsser-176.txt item: #110 of 450 id: jsser-177 author: Bickford, John H title: The Curriculum Development of Experienced Teachers who are Inexperienced with History-Based Pedagogy date: 2017-05-12 words: 15654 flesch: 55 summary: Students’ evidentiary writing (W.7.1) relied on primary sources as students considered conflicting or competing claims within two different trade books. Students could fill the front page of the timeline with properly sequenced dates and perhaps creative illustrations or appropriate photographs; students should explain each event’s historical significance on the backside. keywords: adaptive; americans; analysis; appropriate; argumentation; arts; assessments; authentic; becca; bickford; books; bus; children; circle; civil; class; classroom; close; common; content; curricular; daddy; debra; diagrams; different; diverse; documents; draft; education; education research; eleanor; elementary; elements; elsie; english; events; experience; explanatory; fiction; figure; freedom; harriet; historical; historical argumentation; historical fiction; historical thinking; history; history literacy; iii; informative; initial; initiatives; interest; john; journal; joyce; kids; language; learning; level; linda; literacy; martin; material; middle; monte; multiple; narrative; negative; new; nokes; north; novel; parks; people; perspective; position; practice; press; primary; primary sources; questions; reading; representative; research; review; rich; rosa; saies; samuel; sano; school; secondary; segregation; sentences; significance; similar; single; slavery; social; social studies; sources; specific; standards; state; students; studies; studies education; studies research; study; support; teachers; teaching; terra; text; thinking; timelines; topic; trade; trade books; train; understandings; vansledright; venn; war; ways; wineburg; wings; work; writing; york; young cache: jsser-177.pdf plain text: jsser-177.txt item: #111 of 450 id: jsser-1771 author: McCorkle, William David title: The Relationship Between Teachers’ Grade Level and Views on Immigration and Immigrant Students date: 2020-03-25 words: 7303 flesch: 54 summary: Though areas such as teacher beliefs about immigration and ELL students have been explored in relation to race and gender (Sas, 2009; Youngs & Youngs, 2001), there is a scarcity of research on the differences in attitudes between elementary, middle school, and secondary teachers on social issues. Conclusion Overall, this research points to the need for greater training and teacher education on issues of immigration, rights for immigrant students, and most importantly the awareness of immigration policy and false immigration narratives. keywords: american; analysis; anova; area; attitudes; awareness; beliefs; borders; broader; citizenship; construct; critical; current; differences; different; districts; education; educators; elementary; elementary teachers; false; government; grade; groups; higher; immigrant; immigrant students; immigration; immigration issues; inclusive; individual; issues; items; journal; knowledge; level; mccorkle; mean; middle; modern; narratives; p=<.01; policy; questions; related; relationship; relevant; republic; research; results; rights; school; school teachers; secondary; secondary teachers; significant; social; social studies; state; std; strong; students; studies; study; survey; table; teachers; teaching; undocumented; variance; views; youngs cache: jsser-1771.pdf plain text: jsser-1771.txt item: #112 of 450 id: jsser-178 author: Martincová, Jana; Andrysová, Pavla title: Professional preparation of students of social pedagogy in the Czech Republic date: 2017-05-12 words: 7399 flesch: 48 summary: As regards finding employment in the labor market, not only in the Czech Republic but also in other countries (Slovakia, the UK, Germany), social work is a strong competitor for social pedagogy. This means that not all experts on social work understand the relationship between the social work and social pedagogy as being as interconnected as is the case for experts from pedagogical disciplines. keywords: ability; activities; aim; analysis; andrysová; average; behavior; bip; bratislava; characteristics; concept; confidence; czech; data; development; disciplines; education; education research; educator; emotional; environment; flexibility; focus; general; group; high; individuals; jana; journal; konferencie; labor; level; low; martincová; medzinárodnou; motivation; new; one´s; orientation; pavla; pedagogue; pedagogy; people; performance; persons; preparation; problem; professional; program; program social; psychology; questionnaire; republic; research; respondents; scale; sensitivity; services; set; situations; skills; sociability; social; social educator; social pedagogy; social studies; social work; special; stability; students; studies; study; study program; subjects; tasks; team; time; university; values; variables; vedeckej; work; zborník; účasťou cache: jsser-178.pdf plain text: jsser-178.txt item: #113 of 450 id: jsser-179 author: Waters, Stewart; Mashburn, Natalie title: An Investigation of Middle School Teachers' Perceptions on Bullying date: 2017-05-12 words: 9395 flesch: 57 summary: Stop school bullying: A tale of two girls. This can have a negative impact on academic success and the social/emotional development of middle school students (Frey & Fisher, 2008; Nishioka et al., 2011). keywords: academic; administrators; aggression; answer; anti; assessment; association; average; behavior; bullying; bullying policy; bush; classroom; concerns; different; difficult; education; effective; forms; help; impact; involved; journal; likely; mashburn; middle; natalie; national; need; olweus; online; order; parents; participants; perceptions; physical; policy; prevention; program; questions; rate; related; relational; reported; research; researchers; respondents; response; role; scale; school; situation; social; stewart; students; studies; study; support; survey; table; teachers; time; training; type; verbal; victim; waters; year cache: jsser-179.pdf plain text: jsser-179.txt item: #114 of 450 id: jsser-180 author: Al-Rabaani, Ahmed Hamed; Al-AAmri, Intisar Hamed title: The Effect of Using Cartoons on Developing Omani Grade 4 Students’ Awareness of Water Issues and their Attitudes Towards Using them in Teaching Social Studies date: 2017-05-12 words: 3743 flesch: 52 summary: Thus, the researchers think about using a teaching tool which can make difference in students' water awareness and based on the literature it found that cartoons can make differences. The selection of cartoons as a teaching tool to promote students' water awareness is due to that water issue is controversial where some belief that as the government increase number of desalinations plants and people pay the cost of water consumption so why we should ask them to rationale its use. keywords: ahmed; attitudes; awareness; behavior; cartoons; control; different; education; effect; effectiveness; environment; experimental; fleischer; grade; group; hamed; idea; image; intisar; issues; journal; learning; lessons; main; oman; people; qaboos; questionnaire; rabaani; research; researchers; results; rule; science; social; social studies; students; studies; study; sultan; teaching; test; tool; university; use; water; water awareness cache: jsser-180.pdf plain text: jsser-180.txt item: #115 of 450 id: jsser-181 author: Kenna, Joshua L; Poole, Cyndi Mottola title: Social Science Pre-Service Teachers' Preparation to Teach About Asia: A Research Study date: 2017-05-12 words: 8506 flesch: 54 summary: The solution to this problem, therefore, lies in teacher education programs such as that found at SE University. Ukpokodu (2010) states that, “…teacher education programs are doing very little to prepare teachers to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach from a global perspective” (p. 124). keywords: american; asia; case; classes; content; council; countries; courses; cultures; curriculum; cyndi; data; education; education research; educators; eurocentric; experiences; fact; focus; future; geographic; global; global education; group; history; hong; important; information; joshua; journal; k-12; kenna; knowledge; lack; learning; merryfield; national; nations; new; participants; people; perspectives; political; poole; population; pre; preparation; program; research; schools; science; service; service teachers; similar; social; social studies; society; specific; sse; sse program; standards; states; students; studies; studies education; study; subedi; subject; teachers; teaching; textbooks; time; topics; u.s; united; university; way; western; world cache: jsser-181.pdf plain text: jsser-181.txt item: #116 of 450 id: jsser-182 author: Cowgill II, Daniel Armond; Waring, Scott M. title: Historical Thinking: Analyzing Student and Teacher Ability to Analyze Sources date: 2017-05-12 words: 10915 flesch: 56 summary: While it has been established that students often struggle with the analysis of primary source documents (Wineburg, 1991), it has also been shown that students, as young as seven years old, have the cognitive ability to engage with and analyze primary source information (Hicks, Doolittle, & Lee, 2004). With evidence to suggest that even the youngest students have the capability of analyzing primary source documents, coupled with the increased focus on these types of analytical skills, it is imperative that teachers utilize primary sources in social studies classrooms. keywords: ability; able; accurate; activities; american; analysis; analytical; appropriate; april; author; barton; battle; british; classroom; close; common; company; content; contextualization; core; corroboration; council; cowgill; daniel; deeper; depiction; documents; education; education research; events; evidence; green; historical; history; information; issues; journal; lack; lee; level; lexington; major; mind; national; need; order; participants; people; picture; pitcairn; place; primary; primary sources; process; reading; reference; research; school; scott; secondary; skills; social; social education; social studies; source; sourcing; standards; statements; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; teaching; text; thinking; time; troops; understanding; use; waring; way; wineburg cache: jsser-182.pdf plain text: jsser-182.txt item: #117 of 450 id: jsser-183 author: Harshman, Jason title: Developing a Globally Minded, Critical Media Literacy date: 2017-05-12 words: 9080 flesch: 47 summary: The “6 C’s” of what to address when teaching for critical global media literacy through film—colonialism, capitalsm, conflict, citizenship, and conscientious consumerism—are present across all of the films shared by the IB teachers. Grounded in cultural studies and framed by Andreotti’s (2006) theory of critical GCE and Appadurai’s (1996) concept of mediascapes, this article examines how eleven global educators in as many countries used films to teach about what they considered to be the “6 C’s” of critical global media literacy: colonialism, capitalism, conflict, citizenship, and conscientious consumerism. keywords: access; analysis; angela; appadurai; capitalism; categories; citizenship; colonialism; concepts; conflict; countries; critical; critical global; critical media; cultural; culture; data; different; digital; discussion; education; education research; educators; films; forums; global; global citizenship; global education; global issues; global media; global north; harshman; history; important; india; information; international; issues; jason; journal; learning; literacy; mass; media; media literacy; mediascapes; merryfield; messages; minded; mindedness; multiple; nadine; narratives; new; north; online; participants; people; person; perspectives; places; poverty; power; production; questions; research; researchers; resources; skills; social; social studies; south; states; students; studies; studies education; study; systems; table; teachers; teaching; technology; theory; thinking; time; topics; use; uses; women; work; world cache: jsser-183.pdf plain text: jsser-183.txt item: #118 of 450 id: jsser-185 author: Dmitrienko, Nadezhda A.; Gorbina, Marina A.; Porozhnyak, Natalya F.; Trusova, Tatyana V.; Konovalenko, Tatyana G. title: Formation of Students’ Professional Self-Actualization in Modern Educational Environment date: 2017-09-26 words: 5475 flesch: 22 summary: Innovative technology of forming students’ professional self-actualization differs from traditional technologies as it is mobile educational model which can be easily adapted to the students’ and subjects’ peculiarities while traditional technologies are usually based on teacher's authority and direct knowledge transmition. Table 2 Dynamics of developing students’ professional self-actualization Scales Starting stage of the experiment Finishing stage of the experiment Changing dynamics Personal structures St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 St .1 St. 2 St. 3 St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 Motivation 43 37 52 54 50 64 +11 +15 +12 keywords: activity; actualization; authors; changes; communicative; consciousness; control; creativity; cultural; development; dmitrienko; education; efficiency; environment; experimental; final; foreign; formation; groups; growth; higher; humanistic; indicators; innovative; journal; languages; learning; levels; life; maslow; methods; modern; moscow; motivation; organization; pedagogic; personal; personality; points; problems; process; professional; professional self; psychology; research; researchers; results; scales; self; selfactualization; significant; situations; social; stage; strategy; students; studies; study; synergetic; technical; technology; university; values; work cache: jsser-185.pdf plain text: jsser-185.txt item: #119 of 450 id: jsser-1855 author: Kartasasmita, Pius Suratman title: Beyond Project Compliance: Unintended Social Impact and the Emergency Call for Community Education in West Tarum Canal date: 2020-03-25 words: 8074 flesch: 45 summary: It is connected to the principles of community development (Harris, 1982) and helps to improve community capacity building in many areas including disaster management (Nielsen, 2005). Asset-Based Community Development and critical learning pedagogy stands to make important contributions to developing an applied critical pedagogy of community development in higher education (Missingham, 2017). keywords: acquisition; activities; adb; affected; agreement; ahs; allowance; approach; area; assets; assistance; better; canal; cash; collection; community; community development; community education; compensation; compliance; comply; conventional; correctional; cost; criminogenic; data; development; easier; education; effective;; facilitation; facility; fair; family; field; goi; group; helpful; illegal; impactful; important; indicators; issues; journal; kartasasmita; land; level; livelihood; living; model; needs; overall; payment; people; perception; principles; procedures; process; program; project; public; questions; r model; relocation; replacement; research; resettlement; respondents; restricted; risk; second; social; studies; study; survey; table; training; treatment; vulnerable; water; wtc cache: jsser-1855.pdf plain text: jsser-1855.txt item: #120 of 450 id: jsser-186 author: Fedotova, Olga; Ermakov, Pavel; Latun, Vladimir; Hovhannisyan, Haykaz; Avanesyan, Grant title: Traditional and Alternative Approaches to the Method of Situational Analysis in Russia: Evidence from the Case Study “Istanbul in the Life and Works of Martiros Saryan” date: 2017-09-26 words: 5054 flesch: 45 summary: Over the last years the issue was given increased attention in a number of PhD thesis (Gadikurbanova, 2015, Zubova, 2015, Naumova, 2014, Tulepbergenova, 2015), research papers (Nadarajah et al., 2010, Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2017: 8 (2), 145-160 148 Tunstall & Lynch, 2010, Baumgartner & Shankararaman, 2015, Aktan, 2016, Hedden, 2017) and textbooks (Situational analysis or the anatomy of case study method, 2002. Case study method in the history of Russian education. keywords: abstract; analysis; approach; article; case; case studies; case study; certain; complex; components; constantinople; content; culture; description; didactic; different; education; explanation; factual; fedotova; figure; finance; following; higher; history; information; issues; istanbul; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; life; martiros; materials; method; moscow; organization; party; period; phd; post; problem; professional; research; russian; saryan; school; sentences; situation; social; solution; solving; soviet; specific; state; structural; students; studies; study; study method; system; task; teaching; technology; text; thesis; training; university; use; work cache: jsser-186.pdf plain text: jsser-186.txt item: #121 of 450 id: jsser-1864 author: Alvey, Elaine title: Deferral, Agency, and Hope: Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers Making Sense of the Pedagogical Demands of Engaging Climate Crisis date: 2020-09-29 words: 11554 flesch: 51 summary: Climate Citizenship & the Role of Social Studies Despite the dominance of avoidance and deferral both in this conversation and in social discourse more generally, these students are conceptualizing the inclusion of climate crisis as part of their work as social studies teachers. Issues of ecological harm have largely been excluded from social studies education research, including social studies teacher education, and this omission, paired with the urgent need for climate crisis pedagogies, builds the case for research that seeks to understand the ways in which pre-service social studies teachers are making sense of the difficult knowledge of climate crisis and the ways they are conceptualizing this as part of their work as social studies educators. keywords: action; affective; alvey; analysis; britzman; challenges; chandler; change; citizenship; civic; classrooms; climate; climate change; climate crisis; collective; curriculum; deferral; democracy; difficult; difficult knowledge; discourses; discursive; discussions; dominant; ecological; education; education research; emotional; encounter; environmental; experiences; face; field; framework; function; future; group; harm; hope; houser; human; implications; important; issues; journal; justice; kissling; knowledge; language; larger; learning; life; marri; nature; need; news; pedagogical; pedagogies; people; political; possible; power; pre; problems; program; question; research; science; sense; service; service social; service teachers; small; social; social education; social studies; students; studies education; studies teachers; study; teachers; teaching; times; topic; trauma; university; urgency; urgent; wallace; ways; wells; work; world; worry; yale; young cache: jsser-1864.pdf plain text: jsser-1864.txt item: #122 of 450 id: jsser-187 author: Barkhatova, Daria; Nigmatulina, Elmira; Stepanova, Tatyana title: Social Informatics: Natural Tools for Students' Information Training in The Conditions of Embodied and Mental Approaches Being Employed date: 2017-09-26 words: 6059 flesch: 47 summary: The authors describe models of natural tools of computer science training in individual sections of the school course as the main results. Models of natural computer science teaching tools Barkhatova et al. keywords: abilities; abstract; activity; age; aids; algorithms; approaches; array; ball; barkhatova; capacities; cognition; cognitive; computer; computer science; course; data; development; education; human; important; individual; information; information training; journal; knowledge; krasnoyarsk; learning; life; main; material; means; mental; methods; natural; natural tools; new; objects; ones; pedagogical; perception; problems; process; processes; programming; psychological; research; school; science; social; society; state; students; studies; studying; system; teaching; technology; thinking; tools; training; type; university; use; visual cache: jsser-187.pdf plain text: jsser-187.txt item: #123 of 450 id: jsser-188 author: Volegzhanina, Irina S.; Chusovlyanova, Svetlana V.; Adolf, Vladimir A.; Bykadorova, Ekaterina S.; Belova, Elena N. title: Knowledge Management as an Approach to Learning and Instructing Sector University Students in Post-Soviet Professional Education date: 2017-09-26 words: 6830 flesch: 46 summary: To gain student knowledge in professional vocabulary, instructors asked the participants to learn the key word lists by heart. University knowledge and firm innovation: evidence from European countries. keywords: absorption; academic; advantages; answers; approach; better; business; case; communication; computer; content; criterion; development; didactic; difference; education; engineering; english; ersp; experiment; files; group; hypertext; industry; information; instructing; instructors; international; journal; knowledge; knowledge management; learning; level; management; new; number; ontology; participants; pedagogical; pedagogy; performance; phase; potential; professional; programme; progress; questionnaire; railway; representation; required; research; resources; results; sector; self; shows; siberian; significant; skills; social; soviet; students; studies; study; survey; table; technology; testing; tests; text; time; transfer; transport; universities; university; url; use; value; volegzhanina; way; web; works cache: jsser-188.pdf plain text: jsser-188.txt item: #124 of 450 id: jsser-189 author: Nikolaeva, Yuliya S.; Pak, Nikolay I. title: Newest Web-Technologies for Studying and Diagnosing Individual Abilities of Learners date: 2017-09-26 words: 4749 flesch: 50 summary: Studying of abilities: on the way to cognitive diagnostics of intelligence. First of all, the structure and composition of human cognitive abilities that are analyzable by average statistics was determined and the concept of cloud technology for the diagnostic toolkit was developed. keywords: abilities; actions; activity; assignments; attention; characteristics; cloud; cognitive; cognitive abilities; conditions; diagnosing; diagnostics; education; environments; expert; fig; figure; group; human; individual; information; journal; learner; learning; level; limited; minute; moscow; nikolaeva; operations; optimum; pak; pedagogical; problem; process; processing; psychological; quantity; reading; research; resource; results; science; scope; self; social; solving; speed; students; studies; studying; system; task; teachers; technologies; technology; thinking; time; university; way; website; work cache: jsser-189.pdf plain text: jsser-189.txt item: #125 of 450 id: jsser-190 author: Chigisheva, Oksana; Soltovets, Elena; Bondarenko, Anna title: Internationalization Impact on PhD Training Policy in Russia: Insights from The Comparative Document Analysis date: 2017-09-28 words: 4292 flesch: 27 summary: The definition of Jane Knight (2004) features it as a phenomenon more approachable in terms of national standards analysis, “the process of integrating international, intercultural and global dimensions into the purpose, functions – teaching/learning, research and service – or delivery of higher education” (Knight, 2004, p. 9). Literature Review A tremendous contribution to the study of the phenomenon of internationalization in higher education was made by Jane Knight, a renowned expert in the sphere. keywords: academic; analysis; approval; assessment; bologna; changes; chigisheva; comparative; degrees; development; doctoral; documents; eds; education; federal; federation; field; global; globalization; higher; higher education; institutional; internationalization; journal; july; knight; law; learning; level; new; order; pedagogical; personnel; phd; policy; postgraduate; procedure; process; programs; qualified; research; russian; russian federation; science; scientific; social; soviet; standards; state; students; studies; studies education; study; system; teaching; terms; training; trends; university; url cache: jsser-190.pdf plain text: jsser-190.txt item: #126 of 450 id: jsser-192 author: Luchaninov, Dmitry; Bazhenov, Ruslan; Shtepa, Yuliya; Nikolaeva, Natalia; Tcytcarev, Andrey; Kuimova, Marina title: Improving Student Readiness to Overcome IT-Related Obstacles During Pedagogical Interaction in Post-Soviet Education date: 2017-09-26 words: 4810 flesch: 38 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2017:8 (2),1-14 Improving student readiness to overcome IT-related obstacles during pedagogical interaction in post-Soviet education Dmitry Luchaninov1, Ruslan Bazhenov2, Yuliya Shtepa3, Natalia Nikolaeva4, Andrey Tcytcarev5, Marina Kuimova6 Abstract The relevance of the study deals with the importance of improvement of student readiness to overcome IT-related obstacles in post-Soviet social studies education. In this regard, this paper aims at identifying the concept of pedagogical interaction in the information and educational environment and revealing the effective use of pedagogical interaction to improve student readiness to overcome IT-related obstacles. keywords: activities; aleichem; analysis; competence; components; computer; conditions; development; educational; educational environment; educational process; electronic; environment; experiment; forms; group; iee; information; interaction; journal; learning; lms; luchaninov; methods; moodle; obstacles; organization; pedagogical; pedagogical interaction; post; practical; process; professional; readiness; research; sciences; sholom; social; social studies; soviet; state; student; student readiness; studies; studies education; study; subject; support; system; tasks; teaching; technology; tools; training; university; use; work cache: jsser-192.pdf plain text: jsser-192.txt item: #127 of 450 id: jsser-1925 author: Seitenov, Akhmetzhan; Aubakirova, Rakhila; Fominykh, Nataliia; Вelenko, Oxana title: Technological Dimension of Pre-School Teacher Training at Tertiary School: Fine Arts Concept- based Case Study date: 2020-06-24 words: 6232 flesch: 34 summary: Key words: technological development, pedagogical process, pre-school preparation, visual activity. Seitenov et al. Data analysis technique Quantitative analysis was used to analyse the changes in pedagogical process and children’s performance. keywords: activity; analysis; arts; children; cognitive; communication; computer; creative; creativity; data; design; development; digital; early; education; education research; efficiency; environment; experiment; fine; group; implementation; involved; journal; kazakhstan; knowledge; learners; learning; level; mean; methodological; methods; model; motivation; pedagogical; pedagogical process; performance; personality; post; preschool; process; professional; purpose; records; republic; research; results; scale; seitenov; self; skills; social; stage; students; studies; study; system; table; tasks; teachers; technological; technologies; technology; test; thinking; university; use cache: jsser-1925.pdf plain text: jsser-1925.txt item: #128 of 450 id: jsser-193 author: Dorzhigushaeva, Oyuna; Dondukov, Bato; Dondukova, Galina title: Buddhist Religious Education in the Context of Modern Russian Policy of Multicultural Education: A Case of the Republic of Buryatia date: 2017-09-26 words: 7331 flesch: 43 summary: Introduction Nowadays when complex socio-political processes develop in the context of strengthening of the “Buddhist factor” in the Republic of Buryatia, studying of Buddhist religious education gains particular importance. By order of the Russian Geographical Society, they went on several expeditions to Tibet under the guise of pilgrims and collected unique materials about Buddhist monasteries and Buddhist religious education. keywords: academic; academy; aga; analysis; arena; article; basics; believers; brcse; buddha; buddhist; buddhist culture; buddhist education; buddhist religious; buryatia; buryats; choinhorlin; concept; course; culture; dashi; datsan; development; doctrine; dorzhigushaeva; east; education; education research; ethics; federation; general; grade; help; hostel; india; institute; islamic; journal; main; ministry; modern; module; multicultural; multicultural education; national; number; old; orthodox; page; parents; people; philosophical; population; practice; project; pupils; religion; religious; religious cultures; religious education; representatives; republic; research; respect; russian; russian federation; scholars; school; science; secular; secular ethics; service; situation; social; society; soviet; specific; spiritual; sreda; state; students; studies; studies education; study; studying; teachers; textbook; traditional; tuva; ulan; university; url; way; web; world cache: jsser-193.pdf plain text: jsser-193.txt item: #129 of 450 id: jsser-1931 author: Nursalam, Nursalam title: Glocal Vision to Deconstruct Internationalization in Indonesian Higher Education date: 2020-03-25 words: 5729 flesch: 38 summary: This study aims to identify the features do students perceive the implementation of glocal vision curriculum and students’ perception on the implementation of glocal vision to deconstructing internationalization. Key words: glocal vision curriculum, glocal engagement framework, gender, internationalization. keywords: action; analysis; application; aspects; author; case; collaboration; communication; contexts; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; deconstruction; differences; different; dimensions; education; emotion; engagement; features; female; framework; gef; gender; globalization; glocal; glocal vision; higher; higher education; implementation; independent; indonesia; intellect; internationalization; journal; knowledge; learning; life; male; male students; mean; mmu; new; patel; perceive; perception; problems; questionnaire; real; relationships; research; results; social; students; studies; study; sustainability; table; use; value; virtual; vision; vision curriculum; world cache: jsser-1931.pdf plain text: jsser-1931.txt item: #130 of 450 id: jsser-194 author: Akvazba, Ekaterina O.; Gabysheva, Lyudmila K.; Medvedev, Pavel S.; Skok, Natalya I.; Ukhabina, Tatyana E. title: Transformation of Approaches to Organizing the Students' University Practical Training in the Area of Social Activity: A Post-Soviet Experience date: 2017-09-26 words: 5831 flesch: 33 summary: Description and purposes of the elements oriented to forming the educational process allows laying out the basic concept of higher education institution practical training (the bachelor's degree level) in the direction of social activity; it is given in Table 4 The concept of higher education institution practical training. Russia's system of higher professional education is currently undergoing profound change that is closely associated with the change in economic, social and political, cultural spheres of life of the society. keywords: abilities; acquisition; activity; akvazba; analysis; approach; assessment; certain; competences; concept; content; criteria; der; development; direction; education; education research; experience; extent; formation; general; graduate; higher; higher education; institutions; journal; knowledge; learning; level; main; management; master; methodological; methods; model; modern; new; objectives; ones; organization; personal; practical; practical training; practice; process; professional; professional activity; professional education; requirements; research; results; russian; skills; social; social activity; social studies; social work; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; system; technologies; training; tyumen; und; university; url; work cache: jsser-194.pdf plain text: jsser-194.txt item: #131 of 450 id: jsser-195 author: Maximova, Olga; Belyaev, Vladimir; Laukart-Gorbacheva, Olga title: Transformation of The System of Bilingual Education in The Republic of Tatarstan: Crossover Ethnolinguistic Controversies date: 2017-09-26 words: 8760 flesch: 46 summary: Introduction Post-modern societies develop in conditions of multiculturalism which brings about the necessity of a balanced ethnic and religious policy, and in particular, language policy. However, in various historical time spans, language policy did not always completely take into account the interests of both ethnoses, which was also reflected in educational programs of the republic's educational institutions. keywords: attitude; authors; bilingual education; bilingualism; children; conditions; cultural; culture; development; discussions; education research; educational; educational institutions; educational programs; equal; ethnic; ethnoses; extent; following; groups; hours; informant; information; institutions; interviews; journal; kazan; knowledge; language; language policy; learners; learning; level; literature; mandatory; maximova; methodological; methods; modern; moscow; national; new; official; ones; paper; parents; particular; particularities; people; person; policy; population; problem; programs; proportion; quantity; region; representatives; republic; research; respondents; results; russian; russian language; schools; scientific; scope; second; smaller; social; social studies; society; speech; sphere; state; studies; studies education; study; studying; subject; support; survey; system; tatar; tatar language; tatarstan; teaching; time; university; use cache: jsser-195.pdf plain text: jsser-195.txt item: #132 of 450 id: jsser-196 author: Tarman, Bülent; Chigisheva, Oksana title: Editorial for Special Issue: Transformation of Educational Policy, Theory and Practice in Post-Soviet Social Studies Education date: 2017-09-26 words: 1300 flesch: 13 summary: The eleven articles in this Special Issue focus on the topics within the following general strands:  transformation of post-Soviet social studies education curriculum under the influence of modernization and internationalization processes;  enhancing instruction in post-Soviet social studies education;  emergence of new assessment methods and techniques in post-Soviet social Sstudies education;  diversification of curriculum, instruction and assessment for various categories of learners in social studies education;  professional development of new age social studies researchers from post-Soviet states. I do believe that this Special Issue will help to extend the vision of transformation experiences in educational policy, theory and practice of post-Soviet social studies education from inner perspective and stimulate future discussions at the international level. keywords: abilities; approaches; article; authors; education; experience; interaction; internationalization; issue; knowledge; new; policy; post; practical; process; professional; republic; research; russia; self; social; social studies; soviet; special; students; studies; studies education; training; transformation; university cache: jsser-196.pdf plain text: jsser-196.txt item: #133 of 450 id: jsser-197 author: Charikova, Irina; Zhadanov, Victor title: Teacher to Student Epistemological Interaction in the Contemporary Paradigm of University Education date: 2017-09-26 words: 4246 flesch: 27 summary: So it implies a generalized ability of a teacher to mentally activate the motivation and need sphere of the learners' personality pushing it towards intellectual openness to new knowledge and towards sensible responsible actions in the constructive context of project image of being. Meanwhile, the very scientific problem is understood to have a status of a special form of knowledge, a structural unit of scientific knowledge which alongside with essentially debatable and polemic functions is viewed as a consequence of dissociation, controversy and Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2017: 8 (2), 117-129 incompleteness of knowledge – or, in fact, as the previously mentioned knowledge about ignorance (Mikeshina, 2005, p. 258 keywords: activity; charikova; cognitive; constructive; contemporary; content; creative; culture; development; education; education research; epistemic; epistemological; epistemology; fact; feldshtein; foundations; higher; human; humanitarian; important; information; intellectual; interaction; journal; knowledge; learners; life; living; methods; moscow; need; new; paradigm; pedagogical; personality; problem; process; professional; project; ready; research; russian; school; scientific; social; solving; space; students; studies; subjects; teacher; technologies; thinking; transformation; university; url; world cache: jsser-197.pdf plain text: jsser-197.txt item: #134 of 450 id: jsser-1975 author: Maunah, Binti title: Social and Cultural Capital and Learners’ Cognitive Ability: Issues and Prospects for Educational Relevance, Access and Equity Towards Digital Communication in Indonesia date: 2020-03-25 words: 9916 flesch: 46 summary: This study also hopes to strengthen the empirical findings on the positive relationship between social and cultural capital to students' cognitive ability. Table 6 shows the correlation between students' cognitive ability and their social and cultural capital orientation. keywords: ability; academic; access; achievement; activities; analysis; arts; average; background; bourdieu; capital orientation; children; china; chinese; class; cognitive; cognitive ability; college; competence; context; cultural; cultural capital; cultural competence; data; descriptive; development; difference; early; economic; education; education research; effects; english; environment; equity; exposure; extraversion; families; family; fathers; finding; gap; georgiou; global; high; high social; higher; home; impact; income; individual; indonesian; institutions; international; involvement; journal; language; learning; level; literacy; low; maternal; maunah; mothers; opportunities; orientation; outcomes; parental; parents; performance; personality; positive; practices; predictor; present; reading; relationship; research; respondents; results; review; role; school; science; significant; social; social capital; social competence; social solidarity; social studies; sociology; solidarity; status; students; studies; studies education; study; success; table; tan; test; university; variables; wang; zhang cache: jsser-1975.pdf plain text: jsser-1975.txt item: #135 of 450 id: jsser-1977 author: Muhafidin, Didin title: Improving Quality of Higher Education Using Academic Information System as a Public Administration Service: The Case of Indonesia date: 2020-03-25 words: 3607 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords: Enrolment system, Indonesia, Higher Education, Quality, Students, Introduction Many organizations around the world are always updating and redesigning their offerings to their clients for the sake of the development and survival of their enterprises, corporations, states, non- governmental organizations and also higher education institutions. In higher education institutions, in instance, the existence of electronic communications technology will facilitate the distribution of programs with real-time performance to the demands of customers such as copies of documents, teaching schedules, syllabuses, ratings, student finance documents and many others instantly (Almaiah & Man, 2016). keywords: accounting; administration; analysis; better; customers; data; delivery; development; education; efficiency; enrolment; equity; features; frontline; higher; higher education; indonesia; information; institutions; international; issues; journal; learning; line; management; mean; minutes; phase; problems; program; providers; quality; registrar; requirements; research; results; satisfaction; services; social; students; studies; study; survey; system; technology; time; university; use cache: jsser-1977.pdf plain text: jsser-1977.txt item: #136 of 450 id: jsser-1980 author: Suswandari, M.; Siswandari, Siswandari; Sunardi, Sunardi; Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi title: Social Skills for Primary School Students: Needs Analysis to Implement the Scientific Approach Based Curriculum date: 2020-03-25 words: 3648 flesch: 50 summary: This was also observed in SD N Sonorejo 01, which also did not solicit student activity in the classroom. Abstract This research aims to position the social skills of elementary school students as an important aspect in implementing the 2013 curriculum with a scientific approach. keywords: activities; activity; addition; answers; approach; aspect; assertive; class; classroom; curriculum; dan; data; discussion; education; elementary; elementary school; friends; group; important; indonesia; journal; kemasan; keterampilan; learning; members; observation; opinions; problems; process; regency; research; school; school students; scientific; scientific approach; sdn; siswa; skills; social; social skills; sonorejo; students; studies; sukoharjo; teacher; training; universitas cache: jsser-1980.pdf plain text: jsser-1980.txt item: #137 of 450 id: jsser-1981 author: Rahayu, Nuryani Tri; Warto, Warto; Sudardi, Bani; Wijaya, Mahendra title: Dynamics of Social Values and Teaching in the Global Era: Beyond Sekaten Tradition in Surakarta Kingdom date: 2020-03-25 words: 6357 flesch: 48 summary: This study also has practical implications for critically and comprehensively looking at cultural phenomena in the form of social traditions. One of the factors behind the shift is the influence of the mass media, especially broadcast television and new media forms that assign greater importance to modern pop culture than traditional local culture. keywords: activities; analysis; ceremony; city; commercialization; commodification; communication; community; cultural; culture; current; dan; data; development; economic; education; era; event; foreign; form; function; gamelan; globalization; government; groups; hand; heritage; identity; indonesia; industry; influence; information; international; involved; islamic; javanese; journal; kingdom; life; local; local culture; market; meaning; medium; methods; new; number; palace; people; perspective; preservation; process; qualitative; rahayu; relationship; religious; research; role; sebelas; sekaten; sekaten ceremony; sekaten tradition; shift; social; society; strong; structure; studies; study; surakarta; surakarta palace; symbols; teaching; time; tourism; tradition; universitas; values; wisdom cache: jsser-1981.pdf plain text: jsser-1981.txt item: #138 of 450 id: jsser-2002 author: Jimenez, Jeremy title: Race, Language, and the Passive Voice: Hardship narratives in U.S. Social Studies Textbooks from 1860 to the present date: 2020-06-24 words: 9453 flesch: 51 summary: Groups with the most ‘suffering’ mentions were religious sects, especially Quakers and Pilgrims/Puritans (found in 46% of my sample textbooks); this is perhaps unsurprising, given the deeply-ingrained traditional narrative in U.S. history textbooks of being a refuge for those persecuted for their faith (Fitzgerald, 1979). Elson (1964) discussed how 19th century U.S. textbook accounts frequently penned affect-inducing tales concerning elite white males: The King refused to furnish Columbus the ships he wanted. keywords: 20th; accounts; active; affect; american; american history; anderson; approximative; authors; beard; black; british; century; children; civil; clear; co.; company; constructions; contemporary; content; country; distance; distanciating; education; elementary; elites; experiences; farrah; geography; groups; hardships; high; hill; historians; historical; history; history textbooks; indians; indigenous; instance; jimenez; journal; language; later; likely; linguistic; marginalized; mcgraw; miller; ms history; narratives; nash; nation; native; non; northern; novick; oppression; order; passage; passive; people; perpetrators; persons; phillips; readers; research; sample; sample textbooks; school; sentence; settlers; slavery; social; social studies; soldiers; southern; southworth; spanish; spielvogel; states; states history; students; studies; study; suffering; table; textbooks; texts; time; today; u.s; united; united states; use; valence; victims; violence; violent; voice; war; ways; white; white people; world; world history; writing; years cache: jsser-2002.pdf plain text: jsser-2002.txt item: #139 of 450 id: jsser-2020 author: Harimurti, Yudi Widagdo; Fauzan, Encik Muhammad; Yulianingsih, Indra; Purbasari, Indah title: Consensus as Democratic Education on the Village Consultative Body Election in Bangkalan date: 2020-06-24 words: 9925 flesch: 41 summary: Furthermore, the study reveals that the Government of Bangkalan Regency drafts regulations by exercising the Regent’s stipulation ,i.e., giving options to approximately 256 villages in Bangkalan in which, respective model or option is applicable in selecting the nominees to fill in the posts of members of Village Consultative Body in the Regency of Bangkalan The nomination procedure is held through a direct voting among village society or consensus by consultative assembly. Predominantly, population in Indonesia consists of people who live in villages, thus it is increasingly important to study how democracy exercised within village societies and the outcome of which is expected to reflect how democracy is practiced in Indonesia as well as to contribute to democracy development by means of providing adequate education in democracy. keywords: addition; affairs; article; assembly; authors; bangkalan; bangkalan regency; body; bpd; bpd members; candidates; chief; community; conduct; conflicts; consensus; constitution; consultative; consultative assembly; data; deliberation; democracy; democracy education; democracy values; democratic; development; direct; direct election; education; education research; election; empowerment; filling; general; government; harimurti; head; home; house; implementation; indonesia; java; journal; laws; legal; level; listing; local; madura; means; mechanism; model; neuman; number; observation; pancasila; participants; people; political; posts; practice; principles; process; regency; regent; regional; regulation; related; religious; representative; republic; research; respective; rights; social; societies; society; state; studies; studies education; study; system; values; village; village consultative; village government; village societies; voting; way; women; yaqin; year cache: jsser-2020.pdf plain text: jsser-2020.txt item: #140 of 450 id: jsser-211 author: Karpov, Alexander O. title: Education for Knowledge Society: Learning and Scientific Innovation Environment date: 2017-10-29 words: 4652 flesch: 33 summary: Research methods include epistemic- didactic analysis of empirical material collected as a result of the study of research environments at schools and universities; conceptualization and theoretical modeling of the cognitively active surrounding, which provides an infrastructure of the research-type cognitive process. Research methods include epistemic-didactic analysis of empirical materials collected as a result of the study of research environments at schools and universities; conceptualization and theoretical modeling of the cognitively active surrounding, which provides an infrastructure of the research-type cognitive process. keywords: a.o; active; activity; basis; business; cognition; cognitive; commission; companies; components; concept; creation; creative; creativity; development; economic; education; environment; epistemic; european; forms; future; generative; higher; innovation; innovation environment; institutions; journal; karpov; knowledge; knowledge society; learning; level; london; methods; model; modern; new; organizations; place; process; production; professional; program; report; research; research education; role; schools; science; scientific; social; society; socio; space; step; structures; students; studies; system; teaching; technology; theoretical; thinking; training; type; universities; university; young cache: jsser-211.pdf plain text: jsser-211.txt item: #141 of 450 id: jsser-212 author: Tsyrenov, Vladimir Ts.; Erdyneeva, Klavdiya G.; Tudupova, Tuyana Ts.; Boronoyev, Pavel G.; Popova, Nataliya N. title: Readiness of educational activity subjects for results-oriented cooperation in the inclusive educational practice of higher school date: 2017-10-29 words: 8162 flesch: 42 summary: The analysis of scientific and theoretical sources and practice of educational activity with this category of students allows recognizing that difficulties of student life can be overcome, with reserves for this to be found in organization of the educational process. The value references system of students with health limitations and disabilities has been found out, and grounds have been provided for having to include the subjects that form a tolerant attitude to special needs people into the student-training content. keywords: activity; adaptation; analysis; answers; attitude; authors; communication; conditions; cooperation; development; disabilities; disabled; education; education research; educational activity; environment; experience; fact; form; group; half; health; health limitations; higher; higher education; hl people; important; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive education; introduction; journal; learning; level; life; limitations; necessity; needs; ones; people; positive; practice; problems; process; professional; program; psychological; question; readiness; research; respondents; results; school; social; social studies; society; space; special; state; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; support; survey; system; teachers; tsyrenov; university; university students cache: jsser-212.pdf plain text: jsser-212.txt item: #142 of 450 id: jsser-214 author: Bittman, Bonnie; Russell III, William Benedict; Kenna, Joshua; Beckles, Lloyd; Van Zandt, Carolyn title: The State of Social Studies Teacher Preparation: An Analysis of Program Requirements in the United States date: 2017-10-02 words: 6839 flesch: 49 summary: Data Collection As some states within the United States certify teachers in specific individual disciplines rather than a general social studies degree, the researchers had to examine each school’s website for social studies teacher degree programs within the school’s departments, education or others. The status of social science teacher education programs in American schools has not been investigated on a national level. keywords: accreditation; accredited; achievement; bitmann; certification; classes; classroom; colleges; content; council; courses; credit; credit hours; data; degree; department; education; education programs; education research; figure; hours; ingersoll; internship; journal; knowledge; licensure; management; median; mode; national; ncate; number; pedagogical; performance; policy; population; preparation; programs; quality; required; research; researchers; russell; schools; science; science education; social; social science; social studies; standards; state; student; studies; studies education; study; subject; table; teacher; teacher education; teaching; total; tpps; undergraduate; united; universities; university cache: jsser-214.pdf plain text: jsser-214.txt item: #143 of 450 id: jsser-215 author: Iskandarova, Diloro; Ladygina, Olga; Shambezoda, Khusrav; Zolotukhin, Alexey; Abdukhamitov, Valijon title: Problems of linguistic discrimination in the communicative space of Tajikistan: legal, sociolinguistic and educational aspects date: 2017-10-30 words: 8060 flesch: 40 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2017: 8(3),168-189 There are a wide range of international documents that contain provisions related to the rights of regional languages and languages of ethnic minorities (minority languages): the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. However, failure to fulfill its liabilities in the area of keeping and development of minority languages in its territory by the state is not always considered to be a breach of the equality principle that generates discrimination. keywords: area; article; basis; belonging; building; citizens; communicative; condition; convention; country; cultural; culture; declaration; development; discrimination; discriminatory; documents; ecology; economic; education; ethnic; ethnic minorities; forms; functioning; groups; higher; human; information; institutions; international; iskandarova; journal; keeping; language; language policy; law; legal; linguicism; linguistic; linguistic discrimination; linguistic minorities; linguistic situation; main; minorities; minority; national; native; native language; number; people; persons; policy; political; population; problems; protection; religion; religious; republic; research; rights; russian; russian language; situation; slavonic; social; society; sociolinguistic; space; special; sphere; state; state language; studies; study; tajik language; tajikistan; united; university; url; use; uzbek cache: jsser-215.pdf plain text: jsser-215.txt item: #144 of 450 id: jsser-216 author: Dudareva, Marianna; Goeva, Nina title: White Willow in Russian Literature: Folklore “Roots” of Image date: 2017-11-07 words: 3169 flesch: 71 summary: The image of white willow also has a metaphysical sense in Ivan Bunin's prose (the novel “The Life of Arseniev”): “Its old ruts were overgrown with grass, and old white willows still standing on the left and right along its deserted space looked lonely and sad” (Bunin, 2005). If there are no special questions concerning birch and oak in terms of nomination, then it is worth to pay attention to daphne willow because we can find this tree in different variations: willow, goat willow and white willow. keywords: archetypal; bunin; century; context; cradle; daphne; dudarev; education; female; folklore; forest; goat; gorky; hero; image; literature; love; meaning; metaphysical; mythological; night; old; place; poem; poetry; research; russian; semantics; social; songs; studies; tree; tsar; white; white willow; willow; works; world; zhukovsky cache: jsser-216.pdf plain text: jsser-216.txt item: #145 of 450 id: jsser-218 author: Panachev, Valery; Zelenin, Leonid; Opletin, Anatoly; Verbytskyi, Sergei title: Formation of pedagogical system for individual selfdevelopment by means of physical culture and sport date: 2017-11-02 words: 3477 flesch: 33 summary: Modern generated pedagogical system of individual self- development by means of physical culture provides: influence on realized and instinctive state of mind; students’ awareness of their physical and moral “I” by self-diagnosing, self-analysis, self- determination, self-education, self-control and reflection of physical culture and sport ideals, values and traditions; application of traditional and alternative methods aimed at correction of psychophysical conditions of students, opening of individual potential, development of reflexive consciousness, individuality and identity, manifestation of self-respect, orientation to I-concept of individual, birth of new self-estimation; inculcation of psycho hygiene skills, self-massage, eupnoea, application of yoga elements, self-defense actions, methods of physical development and health improvement in everyday life; acquisition of additional knowledge in the sphere of philosophy of self-development, biology, physiology, psychology, pedagogic, physical culture; theoretical and practical mastering of self-defense methods, rendering first medical aid, mastering of personal and social safety in extreme cases. In the process of university educational work the following problems are being solved with the assistance of such pedagogical system: improvement of physical development of students, achievement of high level of training, of functional state and organism’s resistance to the cold; training of moral, esthetic, motion culture, aspiration for health, beauty, love and harmony; development of requirement for self-actualization, self-developing activity, objective self-appraisal; moral development, correction of system of values; intellectual development, mentality; formation of vision. keywords: activity; analysis; attitude; average; control; culture; data; development; dynamics; education; experimental; formation; group; health; high; improvement; indicator; individual; introduction; lessons; level; low; means; methods; modern; moral; new; number; opletin; pedagogical; pedagogical system; perm; physical; physical culture; positive; problems; process; realization; research; self; selfdevelopment; social; sphere; sport; state; students; studies; system; training; university cache: jsser-218.pdf plain text: jsser-218.txt item: #146 of 450 id: jsser-219 author: Baisheva, Mariia; Golikov, Alexey; Prokopieva, Maria; Popova, Ludmila; Zakharova, Alexandra; Kovtun, Taniana title: The potential of folk tabletop games in the development of the intelligence and creativity of children date: 2017-11-07 words: 3850 flesch: 41 summary: Intellectual games as a means of intellectual development of younger schoolchildren. In the process of popular intellectual tabletop games, it is necessary to pay attention to the intentionality of the cognitive enrichment of the content, materials, and teaching methods. keywords: abilities; activity; children; creative; creativity; development; eastern; education; federal; flexibility; folk; games; goal; hemisphere; insight; intellectual; intellectual abilities; intellectual development; intelligence; journal; means; mental; methods; moscow; new; operations; pedagogical; potential; preschool; problems; process; psychology; research; results; russ; sakha; social; studies; study; tabletop; tabletop games; theoretical; thinking; university; variety; yakutsk; years cache: jsser-219.pdf plain text: jsser-219.txt item: #147 of 450 id: jsser-220 author: Baisheva, Mariia; Grigoryeva, Antonina; Neustroeva, Anna; Borisova, Tatyana; Sidorova, Evdokia; Iliynova, Tamara title: Spiritual dominance of the Sakha people traditional belief in the personality development of children date: 2017-11-07 words: 3861 flesch: 55 summary: Conclusion The traditional belief of Sakha people, with its codes, constant rituals, sustained in time, is the spiritual nucleus of the people. The phenomenon of the religious beliefs of the Sakha people is the discovery of a coherent self-organizing system of spiritual development of the human Aiy. keywords: aiy; ammosov; ancient; article; baisheva; beliefs; children; concept; creative; destiny; development; different; eastern; education; essence; federal; gods; harmony; human; ichi; idea; journal; khaan; knowledge; life; m.k; main; middle; nature; north; people; person; personality; physical; programme; religion; religious; research; sakha; sakha people; social; spirits; spiritual; studies; study; supreme; system; tengriism; traditional; turks; tusculum; university; values; views; world; yakutia; yakutsk cache: jsser-220.pdf plain text: jsser-220.txt item: #148 of 450 id: jsser-2213 author: Sarkadi, Sarkadi; Fadhillah, Dini Nur title: The Engagement of Learning Management on Civic Education for Civic Disposition Building in Senior High School date: 2020-09-29 words: 8474 flesch: 49 summary: Civic education learning management, which conducts discussions related to civic disposition (Isac, Maslowski, & van der Werf, 2011). Based on the identification of problems and previous research, the formulation of the problem-focused on this research is how the planning of civic education teacher learning management in high schools in civic disposition building. keywords: able; activities; assessment; attitude; bachelor; building; character; citizens; citizenship; civic; civic disposition; civic education; classroom; critical; data; degree; denial; development; education learning; education research; education teachers; educational; engagement; evaluation; fadhillah; form; good; high; human; implementation; important; indonesia; information; interview; jakarta; journal; knowledge; learning; learning management; learning process; life; management; management education; material; media; moral; nation; obligations; planning; problems; process; qualitative; related; research; researchers; respect; results; rights; sarkadi; school; senior; sma; social; state; strategies; students; studies; studies education; study; teacher; teaching; understanding; values; violations; years cache: jsser-2213.pdf plain text: jsser-2213.txt item: #149 of 450 id: jsser-223 author: Aydin, Hasan; Ozfidan, Burhan; Carothers, Douglas title: Meeting the Challenges of Curriculum and Instruction in School Settings in the United States date: 2017-10-02 words: 6599 flesch: 47 summary: Teachers must change in response to changing student populations, and teacher education programs must prepare their students to meet the demands of increasingly diverse K – 12 classrooms. These authors further assert that a differentiated curriculum must offer programs to address the social and emotional needs of diverse students as well as meeting their academic needs. keywords: american; aydin; better; center; challenges; changes; common; context; core; cultural; curriculum; demographic; department; development; digital; districts; diverse; diversity; education; education research; educators; effective; english; ethnic; federal; future; globalization; goals; government; herrera; high; immigrants; immigration; increase; instruction; issues; journal; language; leaders; learning; makers; multicultural; needs; new; online; policy; population; programs; public; refugee; research; result; school; settings; skills; social; society; standards; states; students; studies; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; testing; tests; training; u.s; united; use; white; world cache: jsser-223.pdf plain text: jsser-223.txt item: #150 of 450 id: jsser-224 author: Dudareva, Marianna; Pogukaeva, Anna; Polyantseva, Evgeniya; Karpova, Yulia title: Ships in Russian Literature: Folklore Aesthetics date: 2017-11-02 words: 2644 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: literature, poetics, folklore, ship image, the moon, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. In the creative works of Turgenev, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, and Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Tikhonov the ship, boat image is related to cosmic, moon, star symbolics, it also reads a mortal implication. keywords: 20th; asya; boat; century; character; cosmic; different; dostoevsky; early; education; folklore; house; image; journal; lermontov; literature; man; mayakovsky; moon; moscow; poetics; raft; research; riddles; ritual; russian; science; ship; social; star; studies; symbolics; tradition; turgenev; university; vol; works; world; yesenin cache: jsser-224.pdf plain text: jsser-224.txt item: #151 of 450 id: jsser-2243 author: Bozhkova, Galina Nikolaevna; Shatunova, Olga Vasilyevnа; Shastina, Elena Mikhailovna title: Influence of the Family on the Process of Forming a Child's Personality: Types of Families: A Case of Modern Youth Prose date: 2020-09-29 words: 8592 flesch: 54 summary: N. Abgaryan “Manyunya” Tolerance, love, understanding Crisis, problem families in works for preschoolers (young families) 1. I. Procházková “Elias and the Granny from the Egg” Selfishness, careerism Crisis, problem families in works for teenagers (older marriages) 1. As for family experience, the following types are distinguished: newlyweds (honeymoon families), young families (from six months to one and a half years before the birth of the first child), families expecting a child, families of middle matrimonial age (from 3 to 10 years), families of senior matrimonial age (from 10 to 20 years), and older married couples. keywords: abgaryan; adolescents; analysis; aromshtam; attention; authors; bag; bozhkova; centric; child families; children; coding; complete; content; crisis; data; different; dog; education; elias; et al; families; family; father; following; fombelle; formation; frosya; generation; girl; grandmother; grandparents; happy; influence; journal; leblanc; life; literary; literature; little; llama; love; madeline; main; manyunya; method; modern; mother; multi; neolocal; new; number; older; parents; personality; possible; preschoolers; problematic; problems; prose; qualitative; relationships; research; results; role; russian; sabitova; schoolchildren; share; social; spouses; story; studies; study; teenagers; texts; time; types; upbringing; value; works; years; yellow; younger; zhukova cache: jsser-2243.pdf plain text: jsser-2243.txt item: #152 of 450 id: jsser-225 author: Solnyshkina, Marina; Zamaletdinov, Radif; Gorodetskaya, Ludmila; Gabitov, Azat title: Evaluating Text Complexity and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level date: 2017-11-08 words: 3730 flesch: 44 summary: The findings indicate that text parameters utilized in T.E.R.A. contribute to better prediction of text characteristics than traditional readability formulas. Addressing the gap, we demonstrate how T.E.R.A. can be applied in academic practices and how a limited number of text parameters in all their varieties, are significant in selecting texts for academic purposes. keywords: abstractness; academic; analysis; cohesion; complexity; concreteness; deep; different; diversity; education; english; flesch; grade; graesser; indices; inspector; kincaid; kincaid grade; language; level; lexical; mcnamara; metrix; narrativity; number; parameters; readability; reading; referential; research; russian; scores; sentences; similar; simplicity; social; solnyshkina; studies; syntactic; t.e.r.a; table; text; value; vocd; words cache: jsser-225.pdf plain text: jsser-225.txt item: #153 of 450 id: jsser-2252 author: Volkova, Polina; Luginina, Anna; Saenko, Natalya; Samusenkov, Vadim title: Virtual Reality: Pro et Contra date: 2020-12-21 words: 5506 flesch: 48 summary: The effectiveness of the study is determined by the following conclusions: The dual nature of virtuality correlates with the dual nature of a human, who is both an actual biological organism functioning at the level of the information system and a potential social organism functioning at the level of the conceptual system; if the information system forms an orientation to the priority of the individual over the collective (egoism), then the conceptual system forms an orientation to the priority of the collective over the individual (altruism); in contrast to the information system, which restricts the entire diversity of the individual’s life to a reaction to the natural reflex, the conceptual system frees the individual from the dictate of the biological program through reflection; interaction with virtual reality can either fix the status of a passive consumer to an individual, whose consciousness as a correlate of an information system represents an ideal object for all kinds of manipulations, or initiate the birth of a creative person with a spiritual identity, which is acquired in the unity of information and conceptual systems; virtual reality as an integral component of the Global Internet, the actualization of which is determined solely by external actions from the side of the user (pressing a processor button, paying for the Internet, maintaining the equipment in working condition, etc.) Key words: virtual reality, emotivity, meaning formation, individual information system, meaning, value. keywords: activity; art; case; conceptual; consciousness; culture; education; existence; experience; external; fact; hand; human; individual; information; interaction; journal; language; life; linguistic; meaning; mechanism; moscow; natural; nature; new; non; object; organization; person; philosophical; point; process; reality; research; russian; scientific; self; simulation; social; society; space; state; studies; study; system; text; thinking; time; true; unity; university; verbal; virtual; virtual reality; virtuality; virtualization; volkova; works; world; york cache: jsser-2252.pdf plain text: jsser-2252.txt item: #154 of 450 id: jsser-226 author: Furyaeva, Tatiana V.; Markevich, Anna N.; Furyaev, Evgeniy title: Supported accommodation of young people with psychophysical disorders as a condition for social and pedagogical inclusion date: 2017-11-02 words: 5473 flesch: 32 summary: Keywords: social support of individuals, autism spectrum behavior disorders, social inclusion, social exclusion, structural-functional model of supported accommodation. In the article, results of sociological, and psychological-pedagogical studies of the issue of social inclusion of individuals at risks of their exclusion from society are presented; various types of social integration practices are typologically disclosed; the author’s structural-functional model of a supported living arrangement is substantiated; conditions and possibilities for its implementation by a public organization of parents having children with autism in the regional context as exemplified by a rural settlement are identified and shown. keywords: accommodation; activities; activity; adolescents; analysis; arrangement; asd; autism; behavior; capacity; children; conception; conditions; development; different; disabilities; disorders; education; exclusion; families; federation; forms; functional; furyaeva; health; homestead; inclusion; independent; individuals; institutions; journal; krasnoyarsk; law; legal; life; living; mental; model; needs; new; number; organizations; parents; particular; pedagogical; pedagogical support; pedagogy; people; person; practices; project; psychological; psychophysical; public; regional; research; russian; settlement; social; social inclusion; social support; society; socio; special; specific; spectrum; state; structural; studies; support; supported; system; young; young people cache: jsser-226.pdf plain text: jsser-226.txt item: #155 of 450 id: jsser-2261 author: Iswinarti, Iswinarti; Jadmiko, Gerdaning Tyas; Hasanati, Nida title: Cognitive Emotion Regulation: Its Relationship to Parenting Stress date: 2020-06-24 words: 7003 flesch: 51 summary: Research into dealing with parenting stress and CER among the parents of children with down syndrome over an eight-month period showed that high levels of maladaptive strategies were related to high parenting stress. This research aims to understand the correlation between cognitive emotion regulation and parenting stress, as moderated by the need to belong. keywords: analysis; appropriate; autism; behavior; cer; children; cognitive; cognitive emotion; coping; correlation; data; depression; developmental; disabilities; disability; education; effect; emotion; emotion regulation; experience; form; garnefski; greater; health; high; index; intellectual; iswinarti; items; journal; leary; level; life; maladaptive; mothers; need; negative; parenting stress; parents; people; person; positive; previous; problems; psychological; psychology; regulation; relationships; research; results; role; sense; significant; social; special; special needs; strategies; strategy; stress; studies; study; support; syndrome; university; variable; women cache: jsser-2261.pdf plain text: jsser-2261.txt item: #156 of 450 id: jsser-2263 author: Subaidi, Subaidi title: Strengthening Character Education in Indonesia: Implementing Values from Moderate Islam and the Pancasila date: 2020-06-24 words: 5372 flesch: 46 summary: The presence of moderate Islamic values is characterized by various societal conditions in Islamic education, such as where there is intolerance to anything from outside a group (Hamidah, 2019). Re s ults and Dis cus sion Below are the results of this research’s investigation into the use of Islamic values to strengthen students’ character education at Madrassa Amtsilati Bangsri, Madrassa Darul Falah, and Madrassa Tahfidz Yanbu’ul Holy Qur’an. keywords: actions; activities; addition; amtsilati; aspects; attitudes; balance; bangsri; buseri; character; community; context; dalam; dan; darul; data; different; education; english; environment; extreme; falah; field; flag; form; good; help; human; indonesia; islamic; journal; justice; kim; learning; life; madrassa; madrassa amtsilati; mccluskey; meaning; moderate; moderatism; nation; need; pancasila; pancasila values; patriotic; pendidikan; people; practice; prayer; principle; qualitative; qur’an; religion; religious; research; schools; social; strengthening; students; studies; study; subaidi; tahfidz; teachers; teachings; terms; times; tolerance; tolerant; understanding; values; wasathiyah; world; yanbu’ul cache: jsser-2263.pdf plain text: jsser-2263.txt item: #157 of 450 id: jsser-227 author: Gafiyatova, Elzara; Korovina, Irina; Solnyshkina, Marina; Yarmakeev, Iskander title: Deictic Elements as Means of Text Cohesion and Coherence in Academic Discourse date: 2017-11-08 words: 3695 flesch: 54 summary: Also, it should be mentioned that unlike text cohesion text coherence is realized primarily through endemic deictic elements, rather than through conventional ones. Along with other lexical means, intratextual deictic elements serve for text coherence as they connect text elements placed not in adjacent sentences, but in more distinct parts of a text (paragraphs, chapters, etc.). keywords: academic; academic discourse; antecedent; article; building; case; coherence; cohesion; context; conventional; coordinates; deictic; deictic elements; deixis; discourse; education; elements; endemic; english; fiction; function; gafiyatova; journal; kazan; language; lexical; linguistic; meaning; mechanism; paragraphs; point; procedure; real; referential; research; scheme; section; sentences; social; speech; studies; subsequent; text; text coherence; text cohesion; textual; theory; time; types; units; university; words; world cache: jsser-227.pdf plain text: jsser-227.txt item: #158 of 450 id: jsser-228 author: Dudareva, Marianna; Milovanova, Irina; Anisina, Yulia; Shorkina, Elena title: Mortal Subtext in O.E. Mandelstam’s Poem “Oh, How We Love To Be a Hypocrite”: Folklore Reality date: 2017-11-02 words: 2241 flesch: 68 summary: Based on popular notion of status of children and old men, we determine their borderline position between this and the other world. This drawing is taken from the above-mentioned article written by ethnographers who asked children to draw a line, a road leading to Ema, i.e. the other kingdom. keywords: armenia; article; child; children; closer; commentary; culture; death; fish; folklore; games; hero; image; life; mandelstam; poem; poet; poetry; research; researchers; road; russ; social; studies; text; theme; time; university; works; world; мoscow cache: jsser-228.pdf plain text: jsser-228.txt item: #159 of 450 id: jsser-229 author: Coppersmith, Sarah A.; Song, Kim H. title: Integrating Primary Sources, Artifacts, and Museum Visits into the Primary Years Programme Inquiry Curriculum in an International Baccalaureate Elementary Setting date: 2017-10-02 words: 9012 flesch: 52 summary: Primary sources can be accessed now more easily than ever (Mauch & Tarman, 2016), and be used as tools to prompt student inquiries. The interview protocol was designed to elicit the teacher’s perspective on student inquiry learning with the intent of later comparing perspectives with actual classroom inquiry observations using SAMPI (Research Question 1), and to learn how the primary sources training, use of artifacts and museum visits shaped their practice, (Research Question 2). keywords: analysis; archives; artifacts; barton; calendaria; classroom; content; coppersmith; creswell; curriculum; data; design; development; different; education; elementary; evidence; field; focus; french; george; grade; high; historical; history; ibo; ideas; immersion; important; inquiries; inquiry; inquiry learning; instructional; interview; journal; kit; knowledge; language; learning; lesson; level; levstik; making; maxime; methods; mid; mixed; museum; observations; practice; primary; primary sources; process; project; pyp; qualitative; questioning; questions; research; sampi; scale; school; second; setting; social; social studies; song; sources; spanish; student; studies; study; teachers; teaching; time; training; understanding; university; visits cache: jsser-229.pdf plain text: jsser-229.txt item: #160 of 450 id: jsser-2295 author: Syarif, Syarif title: Building plurality and unity for various religions in the digital era: Establishing Islamic values for Indonesian students date: 2020-06-24 words: 3375 flesch: 47 summary: Objective of the Study The objective of the study was formulated based on the effectiveness of e-learning platforms, so it could answer the question of how the pre- and post-experiment attitude scores of the respondents differ with the use of an e-learning platform. This should cover software innovations and their integration into e-learning courses. keywords: attitude; character; community; course; data; development; difference; education; effect; ethical; ethics; exposure; favorable; ict; information; islamic; islamic values; journal; learning; learning platform; level; mean; model; moral; online; participants; platform; post; principles; research; respondents; results; scores; significant; size; social; society; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; technology; test; values; work cache: jsser-2295.pdf plain text: jsser-2295.txt item: #161 of 450 id: jsser-230 author: Solnyshkina, Marina; Vishnyakova, Ol'ga; Gafiyatova, Elzara; Gabitov, Azat title: English Textbooks for Russian Students: Problems and Specific Features date: 2017-11-07 words: 3809 flesch: 51 summary: Solnyshkina et al. T.E.R.A marked the transition to another stage of the problem development as it also measures text cohesion and coherence. Another stage of the studies in the area was marked with the extension of the range of text parameters that assess their complexity (Solnyshkina & Kiselnikov, 2015). keywords: analysis; cohesion; complexity; concreteness; d.s; deep; deep cohesion; education; english; flesch; formulas; grade; graesser; help; high; indices; journal; kazan; kincaid; language; level; mcnamara; narrativity; parameters; readability; reading; referential; referential cohesion; research; results; russian; scores; sentence; simplicity; social; solnyshkina; spotlight; students; studies; syntactic; syntactic simplicity; t.e.r.a; table; text; value; word cache: jsser-230.pdf plain text: jsser-230.txt item: #162 of 450 id: jsser-231 author: Keefer, Natalie title: The Persistence of Deficit Thinking Among Social Studies Educators date: 2017-10-02 words: 9518 flesch: 58 summary: The area the sample was collected from provided a wealth of diversity in regards to rural, urban, and suburban schools and student social class, race, and ethnicity. From a social justice perspective, in order for social studies teachers to develop asset-based knowledge of students living in poverty, they must receive explicit training that challenges deficit thinking and stereotypes that lead to lowered expectations of students living in poverty. keywords: achievement; affluent; amanti; american; area; backgrounds; children; class; classroom; communities; culture; data; deficit; different; economic; education; education research; equity; experiences; families; family; florida; friends; funds; girls; gonzález; gorski; high; home; horses; interview; jim; journal; justice; keefer; kids; knowledge; lack; life; living; lower; lucy; middle; moll; monica; mother; national; negative; new; opportunities; parents; participants; pedagogy; people; perspectives; peter; pivotal; point; poor; population; poverty; preservice; problems; programs; race; regina; report; research; resources; rural; sample; school; social; social class; social justice; social studies; society; states; students; studies; studies education; studies teachers; study; teachers; teaching; themes; thinking; time; understanding; united; white; work; working; years; york cache: jsser-231.pdf plain text: jsser-231.txt item: #163 of 450 id: jsser-2314 author: Rustan, Ahmad Sultra title: Communication through Indonesian Social Media: Avoiding Hate Speeches, Intolerance, and Hoaxes date: 2020-06-24 words: 4842 flesch: 56 summary: Avoiding Hate Speeches, Intolerance and Hoax Ahmad Sultra Rustan1 Abstract This research explores the consequences of online conformity in terms of how people respond to fake news. The study aims to see whether the readers of the misinformation are more inclined (a) to have a negative or positive opinion of fake news; (b) to support or oppose the fake news story by targeting the story itself or its author; and (c) spread a fake news story through social media. keywords: article; attitudes; comments; communication; content; critical; data; design; development; education; facebook; fake; fake news; fake social; false; globalization; group; ict; indonesia; information; instagram; internet; journal; likely; lower; media; misinformation; networking; news; news story; online; participants; people; platform; positive; post; public; research; respondents; responses; results; science; share; social; social media; society; spread; story; studies; study; support; technology; time; users cache: jsser-2314.pdf plain text: jsser-2314.txt item: #164 of 450 id: jsser-2315 author: Nur, Iffatin; Susanto, Susanto title: Social Conflict in Indonesia: Safeguarding a Nation as a New Approach for Resolving National Disintegration date: 2020-06-24 words: 9719 flesch: 55 summary: Of course, this report does not paint a perfectly accurate picture of the real situation because not all of Indonesia’s regions were within its scope (Bagir et al., 2011; the Compilation Team, 2010). Ibn ‘Ashur (2001) defines al-maqāṣid al-'ammah as the wisdom, the secret, and the purposefulness of the sharī‘ah’s enactment in general without specifying one particular field. keywords: abu; addition; analysis; approach; ashur; auda; available; bbc; benefit; book; cases; category; cause; certain; charter; concept; conflicts; contemporary; country; culture; dar; data; discussion; disintegration; east; economic; education; ethnic; example; feb; fiqh; freedom; general; god; good; groups; hadith; human; humanity; ibn; ijtihād; imam; indonesia; isbn; islamic; islamic law; jan; jasser; java; journal; jurisprudence; justice; juwayni; law; laws; legal; life; main; maqāṣid; maqāṣid al; maqāṣid sharī‘ah; maṣlaḥah; meaning; medina; methods; movements; muhammad; muslims; nation; national; needs; new; non; nur; order; particular; parties; people; plural; political; previous; primary; principles; problems; prophet; purposefulness; qualitative; quran; radical; radicalism; reasoning; reform; religion; religious; report; research; rights; safeguarding; scholars; sharī‘ah; shar‘iyyah; shaṭibi; situation; siyāsah; social; society; soul; state; studies; study; sunnah; susanto; terms; texts; themes; things; understanding; unity; uṣūl; values; violence; wa al; wisdom; ḍaruriyyāt; ḥifẓ; ḥifẓ al cache: jsser-2315.pdf plain text: jsser-2315.txt item: #165 of 450 id: jsser-232 author: Alshorooqi, Fawaz; Rawadieh, Saleh Moh'd title: Media Implications in Bahrain’s textbooks in light of UNESCO's media literacy principles date: 2017-11-21 words: 9074 flesch: 44 summary: Fourth, the collected data revealed that the three areas of media literacy implications were more incorporated in the citizenship education textbooks than in the Arabic language textbooks. While conducting their study, the two researchers analyzed the implications of these textbooks based on the principles of media literacy stemming from UNESCO and its three fields, namely: knowledge and understanding of the media implications, assessment of media implications, and creation and use of media implications. keywords: ability; alshorooqi; analysis; appropriate; appropriate media; arabic; assessment; bahrain; citizenship; context; countries; creation; critical; cultural; curriculum; democratic; descriptive; development; education; education research; fact; framework; information; intermediate; international; journal; kingdom; knowledge; language; light; literacy education; literacy principles; media education; media implications; media literacy; messages; ministry; number; order; percentage; primary; principles; rawadieh; recurrences; research; researchers; results; rights; role; sample; school; secondary; sixth; skills; social; social studies; society; stage; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; target; teachers; textbooks; thinking; understanding; unesco; unesco media; use; year cache: jsser-232.pdf plain text: jsser-232.txt item: #166 of 450 id: jsser-233 author: Dev, Smitha Shiva; Qayyum, Nudrat title: Major factors affecting students’ perception towards faculty evaluation of teaching (SET) date: 2017-10-02 words: 6412 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Student evaluation, Perception, teaching practices, multidimensional, grade inflation Introduction In the light of such findings, some researchers observe student evaluations as useless numbers that only create competitions among the personalities of faculty members instead of signifying teaching effectiveness (Haskell, 1997; Neath, 1996; Spooren, Mortelmans, & Denekens, 2007, p. 668; Sproule, 2002). keywords: age; american; analysis; assessment; badri; class; college; count; course; dev; different; education; education research; effectiveness; evaluation; expected; factors; faculty; favorable; female; findings; gender; gpa; grade; higher; higher education; important; instructors; journal; learning; level; major; male; percent; percentage; perception; performance; personality; procedure; process; professors; qayyum; quality; ratings; real; research; researchers; results; review; sample; scale; scores; set; social; student evaluation; students; studies; studies education; study; system; table; teacher; teaching; tool; uae; universities; university; validity; variables; year cache: jsser-233.pdf plain text: jsser-233.txt item: #167 of 450 id: jsser-2332 author: Monkeviciene, Ona; Autukeviciene, Birute; Kaminskiene, Lina; Monkevicius, Justinas title: Impact of innovative STEAM education practices on teacher professional development and 3-6 year old children’s competence development date: 2020-12-21 words: 9934 flesch: 37 summary: Thus, a two-way direction can be Monkeviciene et al. 23 identified: professional development (training) for STEAM education (Bers et al., 2013; John et al., 2018; DeJarnette, 2018) and STEAM education practices for professional development. The conducted empirical research revealed the following new data on STEAM at an early age: a) early childhood teachers apply practices of STEAM education that target the development of children's soft (problem-solving, creativity, ability to learn, communication) skills more frequently and employ practices for nurturance of their hard (mathematical, technological, engineering) skills less frequently ; this imbalance is favourable for the development of a proactive and critically thinking child, who is able to make decisions in a responsible way, but it does not ensure the sustainable development of STEAM abilities; b) the application of innovative STEAM education practices has effects on teacher professional development; c) STEAM practices have a bigger integral impact on the development of 3-6 year-old children’s competences through the teacher professional development rather than directly. keywords: abilities; ability; activities; aids; aktürk; aldemir; analysis; application; ata; bers; campbell; childhood; childhood education; children; communication; competences; conducted; creativity; data; design; development; disciplines; doi; early; early childhood; education; education practices; education research; engineering; engineering education; environments; et al; exploratory; factor; fields; fig; hard; impact; implementation; influence; innovative; innovative steam; journal; kermani; knowledge; learning; mathematical; mathematical education; media; methods; model; monkeviciene; natural; new; old; park; practices; pre; problem; process; professional; professional development; questions; research; researchers; results; scale; school; science; science education; skills; social; soft; solving; steam education; steam practices; stem; studies; studies education; study; teachers; technological; technological education; technology; thinking; tools; use; value; ways; year cache: jsser-2332.pdf plain text: jsser-2332.txt item: #168 of 450 id: jsser-234 author: Utomo, Laksanto title: Curriculum Standardization for Advocate Education in Indonesia date: 2018-03-08 words: 4817 flesch: 33 summary: With the changing landscape of law, Burk (2014) too argues that the role of legal education needs to change. Only through mutually reinforced cooperation, the problem of professional education advocate can improve the quality of professional advocates. keywords: activities; advocate; advocate education; advocate profession; advokat; article; association; client; community; competencies; core; courses; court; curriculum; education; expertise; foreign; future; general; government; higher; higher education; implementation; indonesia; information; institutions; journal; law; lawyers; learning; legal; level; liberalization; management; market; national; needs; number; organizations; paragraph; pkpa; process; professional; professional education; programs; quality; reforms; requirements; research; role; schools; services; skills; social; special; specific; standardization; standards; states; studies; study; system; technology; universities; utomo; world cache: jsser-234.pdf plain text: jsser-234.txt item: #169 of 450 id: jsser-235 author: Hammar, Roberth Kurniawan Ruslak title: The Existence of Customary Rights of Customary Law Community and Its Regulation in the Era of Special Autonomy of Papua date: 2018-03-04 words: 4965 flesch: 48 summary: 9 Muhammad Isa, 10 argued that the functions or activities of customary rights to the land appear in the inward function of: a. Members of the legal alliance who have certain rights over the object of customary right, namely: 1) In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 21 of Year 2001 regarding Special Autonomy for Papua Province in Article 43 paragraph (1), (2), (3) and (4) that recognition, respect, protection, empowerment and development of customary law community rights and or individual rights of customary law communities on land is a necessity, whether viewed from an international, national and regional perspective. keywords: abidin; adat; area; arfak; arfak customary; article; autonomy; certain; citizens; community; customary; customary law; customary rights; dan; district; education; existence; family; forest; government; hammar; haseeb; hukum; indigenous; individual; jakarta; journal; land; law; law community; legal; manokwari; maria; members; muhammad; number; order; papua; peoples; recognition; regulation; research; rights; s.w; social; society; special; studies; sumardjono; tanah; territory; tribal; tribe; use; village; water; year cache: jsser-235.pdf plain text: jsser-235.txt item: #170 of 450 id: jsser-2355 author: Abidin, Abidin; Suryanto, Tulus; Utami, Pertiwi title: Beyond Muamalah Principles in Digital Payment Education and its Impacts on Corruption Prevention in Indonesian Public Sectors date: 2020-09-29 words: 8456 flesch: 40 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2020: 11 (3), 46-64 53 Data Collection Tool Questionnaires were distributed using the Google form application in mid-May in 2020 to answer four dimensions of questions: whether social education specifically the ethics of using digital payments has an impact, whether the digital literacy and medical information that has been carried out has an impact, whether participation or involvement is carried out useful or not, and whether the critical resilience of the impact of digital payment social education to corruption impacts. Undeniably, social education subsequently arises as a result of the changes in people's behavior as they find digital technology, digital payment in particular, more practical, inexpensive, effective, and efficient than the cash payment system amid Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. keywords: abidin; activities; anti; apjii; approach; aspects; attitudes; behavior; better; cash; changes; community; corruption; countries; covid-19; critical; data; delivery; development; digital; digital anti; digital literacy; digital payment; digital technology; economic; education; education research; electronic; environment; ethics; financial; global; government; impact; implementation; importance; indicators; individuals; indonesia; information; internet; involvement; jakarta; janowski; journal; large; life; literacy; lssr; media; muamalah; muamalah social; needs; new; participation; payment; people; percent; policy; positive; practices; prevention; previous; principle; problems; process; public; public services; question; research; resilience; respondents; responsibility; restrictions; results; scale; sector; services; skills; social; social education; social impact; social studies; society; studies; studies education; study; system; table; tax; technology; total; transactions; use; useful cache: jsser-2355.pdf plain text: jsser-2355.txt item: #171 of 450 id: jsser-236 author: Ilyas, Mohammed title: Expatriate Experience and the Fictional World of Diaspora date: 2018-03-04 words: 6785 flesch: 38 summary: There is a need to theorize Expatriate writings and allow it to have its own critical or literary theory like other writings have their respective critical theories namely Feminist, Marxist, Psychoanalytic or Freudian, Archetypal or Mythological and like that have governed their respective literary works. This research paper prepares a ground to demystify the concept of Expatriation, as understood in expatriate writings, mainly expatriate fiction, and which is often associated or misunderstood with Diaspora. keywords: african; alienation; american; asian; bharati; colonial; concept; countries; country; critical; cultural; culture; delhi; diaspora; diasporic; discourse; distinct; education; ethnic; exile; expatriate; expatriate writings; expatriation; far; fiction; foreign; genre; geographical; historical; homeland; hybrid; hybridity; hyphenated; identity; ideology; ilyas; immigrants; indian; individual; instance; issues; journal; kind; literary; london; marginalization; meaning; migration; mukherjee; multiple; naipaul; native; new; order; parts; political; process; question; reasons; research; return; rushdie; salman; self; sense; sensibility; situation; social; studies; study; terms; themes; theory; world; writers; writings cache: jsser-236.pdf plain text: jsser-236.txt item: #172 of 450 id: jsser-237 author: Emelyanova, Irina A.; Borisova, Elena A.; Shapovalova, Olga E.; Karynbaeva, Olga V.; Vorotilkina, Irina M. title: Particularities of speech readiness for schooling in pre-school children having general speech underdevelopment: a social and pedagogical aspect date: 2018-03-04 words: 6657 flesch: 58 summary: The relevance of the research is due to the necessity of creating the pedagogical conditions for correction and development of speech in children having the general speech underdevelopment. The materials of the paper may be of use for specialists rendering the psychological and pedagogical support for children having speech disorders in the educational process. keywords: animal; answers; assignment; children; clichés; coherent; coherent speech; communication; conversation; dialogical; dialogue; difficulty; disorders; education; emelyanova; experimenter; extent; fairy; following; general; general speech; hedgehog; help; independence; information; journal; lack; language; level; making; mistakes; monologic; monologic speech; objective; ones; particularities; pre; quantity; questioning; questions; replies; research; school; schoolers; semantic; situation; skill; social; speech; speech underdevelopment; studies; studying; tale; technique; time; underdevelopment; units; university; use; utterance cache: jsser-237.pdf plain text: jsser-237.txt item: #173 of 450 id: jsser-238 author: Shinysherova, Gaziza; Yessimov, Bolat; Childibayev, Jumadil; Tuleubayev, Zhaxybay; Ziyayeva, Gulnar; Alpysbaikyzy, Moldir title: Organizationally-Рedagogical Aspect of Preparation of Students to Professional Activity in the Process of Educational Practice date: 2018-03-04 words: 3726 flesch: 32 summary: Organization of educational and labour activity of students during educational and field practices in the form of student production teams is a business game, where situations of the future activities of teachers on the organization of student teams and other associations of pupils in the school are being played. From 2013 to 2016 the educational and field practices on the first and second course were conducted in the form of student teams. keywords: activities; activity; biology; creative; development; educational; efp; evaluation; experimental; field; field practice; form; formation; future; goals; institute; knowledge; laboratory; labour; organization; pedagogical; period; practical; practice; preparation; process; production; professional; pupils; research; results; school; scientific; self; skills; social; students; studies; study; subject; tasks; teachers; teaching; team; theoretical; training; university; work cache: jsser-238.pdf plain text: jsser-238.txt item: #174 of 450 id: jsser-240 author: Tabachuk, Natalia P.; Ledovskikh, Irina A.; Shulika, Nadezhda A.; Karpova, Irina V.; Kazinets, Victor A.; Polichka, Anatolii E. title: Information competency and creative initiative of personality and their manifestation in activity date: 2018-03-04 words: 6774 flesch: 27 summary: The process of the development of human information competency is inseparable from the integral process of personality development and it occurs as a staged introduction of an individual into the world of information relationships and information culture. These development trends of the information society influence both the development of personality as a subject of activity and of its relevant features, such as information competency and creative initiative. keywords: abilities; ability; activity; approach; authors; certain; cognitive; creative initiative; creative mental; creative personality; creativity; development; dialectics; education; experience; features; following; human; human information; individuality; influence; information competency; information society; internal; journal; kholodnaya; level; life; man; manifestation; meanings; mental; moscow; mutual; new; personality; process; processes; psychological; psychology; publishers; reality; reflection; research; self; social; society; structure; students; studies; subject; subjective; tabachuk; understanding; university; value; world cache: jsser-240.pdf plain text: jsser-240.txt item: #175 of 450 id: jsser-241 author: Khalina, Natalya V.; Kovaleva, Alla V.; Voronin, Maksim S.; Anikin, Denis V.; Valyulina, Ekaterina V. title: Asian educational discourse: construction of ontological security date: 2018-03-04 words: 5959 flesch: 46 summary: The general trend in Asian education is cultivating the culture of quality, which is considered as the next stage of Asian educational systems development after the quality of education stage (Mishra, 2006). As a response to globalization challenges, the Asia-Pacific region reforms its education management systems by: 1. creating new national strategies and educational objectives; 2. rearranging educational system at different levels; 3. making changes to marketing, privatization and diversification of education; 4. strengthening decentralization based on the institute of management; 5. focusing on education quality and standards, bringing tools to estimate education outcomes. keywords: abilities; altai; analysis; asian; assessment; author; barnaul; bgazhnokov; chinese; city; cognitive; cold; concept; countries; cultural; culture; development; different; discourse; education; environment; episodes; eurasian; features; following; globalization; human; imagery; impression; individual; journal; khalina; knowledge; landscape; level; life; management; mcadams; model; modern; moral; narrative; nature; network; new; nuclear; ontological; order; pacific; personality; place; process; production; quality; research; russia; security; self; skills; social; spatial; special; state; stories; story; strategies; structures; students; studies; study; survival; system; taiwan; tarman; temporal; terms; time; university; viability; vitality; world; york cache: jsser-241.pdf plain text: jsser-241.txt item: #176 of 450 id: jsser-242 author: Sheymardanov, Shamil title: Male Students’ Separate Education date: 2018-03-04 words: 4919 flesch: 45 summary: The particular concern about gender problems of school education was provoked by the educational reforms implemented in 1960s focused on strengthening individual and differential approach to the primary school students of both sexes. Male schools existed with pure majors, while female – with philological. keywords: 11th; 7th; academic; approach; boarding; cham; children; comparison; conditions; development; education; equal; factors; females; fontana; form; gender; group; higher; house; indicators; influence; institutions; international; journal; language; level; lyceum; male students; males; mathematics; nizhnekamsk; number; pedagogical; points; post; problems; process; publishing; research; results; russian; school; school boarding; separate; separate education; sexes; sfe; social; societies; springer; students; studies; teachers; training; years; young cache: jsser-242.pdf plain text: jsser-242.txt item: #177 of 450 id: jsser-243 author: Umami, Ida title: Moderating Influence of Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment Practices on Learning Outcomes in Indonesian Secondary Education date: 2018-03-04 words: 5612 flesch: 48 summary: Pedagogy, curriculum, teaching practices and teacher education in developing countries. Rachmatullah, Roshayanti, and Ha (2017), in another recent study on assessing the performance of Indonesian secondary school students, found that Indonesian middle and high school students showed lower performance compared to their peers in other nations. keywords: abidin; analysis; approach; assessment; changes; content; countries; curriculum; data; development; education; findings; government; haseeb; holistic; implementation; indonesia; international; issues; journal; knowledge; ktsp; learners; learning; level; material; moderate; national; objectives; opinion; order; outcomes; pedagogical; pedagogy; performance; practices; primary; questions; regulation; research; respondents; schools; secondary; self; skills; social; standards; students; studies; study; system; table; teachers; teaching; thinking; total; umami; use; years cache: jsser-243.pdf plain text: jsser-243.txt item: #178 of 450 id: jsser-244 author: Shastina, Elena; Shatunova, Olga; Borodina, Tatyana; Borisov, Anatoly; Maliy, Yury title: The role of reading in the development of giftedness in the context of globalization and national identity date: 2018-03-04 words: 3640 flesch: 46 summary: The problem of cultural development of the child (1928). The survey of respondents, university teachers living in multiethnic environment in the territories of Armenia and the Republic of Tatarstan, confirmed the importance of national literature in future teachers training. keywords: activity; age; authors; childhood; children; conditions; cultural; culture; development; education; elabuga; environment; factor; family; federal; gifted; giftedness; globalization; identity; importance; institute; journal; kalimullina; kazan; kfu; korableva; life; literature; national; native; pedagogical; people; process; reading; research; respondents; role; sciences; social; state; studies; survey; talent; tarman; teachers; university; views cache: jsser-244.pdf plain text: jsser-244.txt item: #179 of 450 id: jsser-245 author: Novikova, Svetlana; Romanova, Galina; Simonyan, Arsen; Ukraintseva, Irina; Khachaturova, Natalya title: Sociological Portrait of Applicants and Students of the Most Popular and Perspective Specialties of Secondary Vocational Education: a Comparative Aspect date: 2018-03-04 words: 5155 flesch: 39 summary: The goal of this article is to identify the main motives and meanings of applicants' choices of popular and prospective specialties of secondary vocational education and working professions during the psychological, pedagogical and sociological research to paint a sociological portrait of students of vocational education and specialties from the TOP-50 list. The results of the questioning of applicants and students are presented; the similarities and differences of the key motives, life plans, values of applicants and students who have chosen perspective professions of secondary vocational education are identified and summarized. keywords: analysis; applicants; characteristics; comparative; development; different; education; factors; family; future; high; image; important; institutions; journal; labor; life; methods; novikova; orientations; personal; popular; portrait; possible; professional; promising; quality; questionnaire; research; results; secondary; secondary vocational; self; sochi; social; sociological; sociological portrait; specialties; state; students; studies; study; system; table; teaching; technologies; training; ukraintseva; university; values; vocational; vocational education; work; working cache: jsser-245.pdf plain text: jsser-245.txt item: #180 of 450 id: jsser-246 author: Vlasova, Tatiana; Krasnova, Evgenia; Abraukhova, Valentina; Safontseva, Natalya title: Dynamics of Russian employers' perceptions on the training quality of specialists in the system of secondary vocational education date: 2018-03-04 words: 4322 flesch: 28 summary: Social partnership in vocational education and training. Making public-private partnerships work in higher education. keywords: business; center; children; college; competencies; content; cultural; culture; development; directors; don; economy; education; employers; future; graduates; higher; higher education; ideas; journal; market; means; online; organizations; partnership; pedagogical; professional; publication; quality; questions; region; research; results; rostov; russian; science; social; social partnership; specialists; sphere; state; students; studies; survey; system; teachers; training; university; url; values; vlasova; vocational; vocational education; youth cache: jsser-246.pdf plain text: jsser-246.txt item: #181 of 450 id: jsser-2460 author: Aryani, Farida; Umar, Nur Fadhilah title: Factors Affecting Z Generation on Selecting Majors in The University: an Indonesian Case date: 2020-09-29 words: 8870 flesch: 48 summary: Students who chose Natural Sciences tended to be influenced by internal factors, while students choosing Arts were Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2020: 11 (3), 109-133 mostly motivated by external factors. External Factors Influencing Students in Selecting University Majors There are four external factors influencing students in selecting a university major—quality of education, peers, financial reasons, and job opportunity. keywords: academic; achievement; akhlaq; analysis; arts; aryani; career; career choice; children; choice; cultural; culture; deciding; development; differences; dimensions; education; et al; external; external factors; factors; factors major; families; family; financial; future; gen z; gender; generation; guidance; high; indonesia; influence; influential; interest; internal; internal factors; international; internet; job; journal; kazi; major; major selection; making; media; natural; natural sciences; opportunity; parents; peers; problems; program; quality; questionnaire; reasons; related; research; role; school; sciences; selecting; selection; senior; significant; social; social sciences; social studies; students; studies; study; table; technology; test; theory; umar; university; university major; university students; vocational; work cache: jsser-2460.pdf plain text: jsser-2460.txt item: #182 of 450 id: jsser-247 author: Hassan, Sallahuddin; Othman, Zalila; Sabudin, Noor Sa' adah; Mohaideen, Zalina Mohd; Hidthir, Mohammad Helmi title: The Economic Impact of UUM International Students’ Expenditure on Business Activities in Changlun date: 2018-03-04 words: 6494 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract This study examines the potential impact from the expenditure patterns of UUM international students in Changlun on local development particularly among Changlun businesses. The motivation to undertake this study primarily hinges upon the aim of analyzing the short term impacts from the expenditure patterns of UUM international students on Changlun business activities. keywords: activities; appliances; beverages; binding; business; car; changlun; clothing; communication; computer; countries; data; economic; economy; education; entertainment; expenditure; food; haseeb; health; higher; home; impact; industries; international; international students; items; journal; leisure; local; locations; malaysia; month; monthly; multiplier; number; patterns; percent; petrol; public; research; respondents; rm400; services; short; social; spending; students; studies; study; table; term; times; total; universities; university; uum; uum international cache: jsser-247.pdf plain text: jsser-247.txt item: #183 of 450 id: jsser-2471 author: Utomo, Cahyo Budi; Wasino, Wasino title: An Integrated Teaching Tolerance in Learning History of Indonesian National Movement at Higher Education date: 2020-09-29 words: 17927 flesch: 44 summary: An important contribution of this research is that as the first in Indonesia, the study of the development of student tolerance knowledge based on learning the history of the Indonesian national movement is can be disseminated as a reference from history educators to refer to how to develop tolerance knowledge to create more harmonious social conditions. Maslow's framework of a humanistic approach can strengthen historical learning that is oriented towards strengthening student tolerance knowledge (Buss, 1979). keywords: able; acceptance; activities; analysis; approach; attitude; basis; behavior; cases; citizens; classes; classroom; community; concepts; conditions; conflict; contextual; critical; csd2; csd3; culture; data; development; differences; discourse; diverse; diversity; education; education research; efforts; ethnic; ethnicities; ethnicity; explanation; factors; formulation; framework; groups; harmony; hatred; historical; historical knowledge; history; history learning; history students; humanistic; idea; ideology; important; independent; individual; indonesian; indonesian national; information; interview; intolerant; journal; language; learning; lecturer; life; main; maslow; material; method; movement; multicultural; narrative; national; national movement; nationalism; needs; negeri; new; observation; opinion; pancasila; pancasila ideology; participants; peace; people; phenomenon; point; problems; process; public; qualitative; religion; religious; research; respect; results; role; semarang; social; social studies; society; spirit; state; strengthening; student tolerance; students; studies; studies education; study; sukarno; support; teaching; text; themes; theory; things; thoughts; tolerance; tolerance knowledge; undergraduate; understanding; universitas; utomo; values; violence; wasino; way cache: jsser-2471.pdf plain text: jsser-2471.txt item: #184 of 450 id: jsser-248 author: Osipova, Nadezhda G.; Elishev, Sergey O.; Pronchev, Gennadi B.; Monakhov, Danila N. title: Social and political portrait of contemporary Russian student youth date: 2018-03-04 words: 11289 flesch: 48 summary: The quantity of the students marking the other option (0,7%) decreased by 3,4% as compared to the 2015 figure (4,1%) and by 3,7% – to the 2013 survey results (see Fig. 10). 68,8% 70,3% 19,1% 9,9% 0,7% Do you think the modern Russian youth can contribute to the revival of Russia? keywords: activity; answers; attitude; authors; bachelor; causes; contemporary; crisis; degree students; difficult; economic; education; evaluation; faculty; federation; fifth; figure; following; forming; higher; institutions; journal; life; mass; master; media; modern; modern russian; moscow; moscow students; msu; negative; ones; organizations; osipova; patriotism; people; phenomena; place; points; policy; political; portrait; positive; quantity; question; reference; religious; research; respondents; results; russian; russian society; russian state; russian youth; said; senior; social; social studies; socialization; society; sociological; sociology; source; state; students; studies; survey; systemic; today; university; value; volunteering; widespread; years; young; young students; youth cache: jsser-248.pdf plain text: jsser-248.txt item: #185 of 450 id: jsser-249 author: Nikitina, Olga title: Identifying the demand for shaping the social skills of healthy behavior in Russian students date: 2018-05-12 words: 4794 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: healthy lifestyle, healthy behavior, student youth, life values, sociology of youth, health, Russia, young people, soft skills. Moreover, in this social and demographic group the demand has been revealed for an external organizer of healthy lifestyle, which speaks about the social skills of healthy behavior being not formed at an earlier age. keywords: analysis; author; bad; behavior; capital; certain; culture; daily; demographic; development; drinking; economics; education; environment; factors; future; groups; habits; healthy; healthy behavior; healthy lifestyle; human; important; individual; information; internet; journal; lack; lifestyle; nikitina; ones; people; physical; questionnaire; questions; quick; range; research; respondents; review; risk; russian; self; skills; social; social skills; social studies; society; sociological; soft; sports; students; studies; support; survey; tarman; time; university; values; works; young; young people; youth cache: jsser-249.pdf plain text: jsser-249.txt item: #186 of 450 id: jsser-2498 author: Situmorang, Jubair; Aslam, Mohd Mizan title: Exploring Religious Teaching and Attitudes of Traditional Muslim on Social Politics in Indonesia date: 2020-09-29 words: 7838 flesch: 40 summary: The term for traditional religious teaching in the Sultanate of Ternate is ‘Pangaji’ or ‘Torang Mangaji,' which means a place of Islamic religious teaching taught by an expert in managing matters of worship (sharia) or known as ‘Bobatu.' Revisiting Political Islam : Explaining the Nexus Between Political Islam and Contentious Politics in the Arab World ∗, 97(2). keywords: activities; agama; analysis; attitudes; behavior; beliefs; city; coding; community; content; culture; dan; data; democratic; development; dimensions; documents; education; education research; efforts; figures; future; government; groups; guidelines; importance; individuals; indonesia; influence; information; interviews; islam; islamic; issues; jakarta; journal; justice; lasswell; leaders; life; likely; meaning; modern; muslim; muslim political; muslim society; new; observations; old; pangaji; participants; patterns; people; political; political behavior; political life; political thought; politics; politik; practices; press; process; pustaka; qualitative; radicalism; religion; religious; religious education; religious teaching; research; respect; result; rights; role; second; sense; situmorang; social; social politics; social studies; societies; society; socio; spiritual; state; studies; study; sultanate; system; table; teaching; ternate; themes; things; thinking; thought; traditional; traditional muslim; typology; use; values; welfare; youth cache: jsser-2498.pdf plain text: jsser-2498.txt item: #187 of 450 id: jsser-250 author: Faizrakhmanova, Aigul; Averianova, Tatiana; Aitov, Valerie; Kudinova, Gulnara; Lebedeva, Inessa title: Coaching Method in Teaching History of Visual Arts to Students date: 2018-05-11 words: 3230 flesch: 56 summary: At the first stage, students set a goal for themselves, for example, in our case it is to master the basic knowledge of the historical periods of visual arts, each period's representative artists and their best-known works. At the second stage, students assess their own initial level of knowledge of history of visual arts based on questionnaires and self-study. keywords: artists; arts; average; coaching; coaching method; control; control group; education; efficiency; experimental; experimental group; following; group; highest; history; journal; lowest; map; method; number; official; pedagogical; period; portfolio; presentation; research; results; road; russian; social; stage; students; studies; study; teaching; technology; times; total; university; visual; visual arts; work cache: jsser-250.pdf plain text: jsser-250.txt item: #188 of 450 id: jsser-2506 author: Mathews, Sarah A; Reid-Brown, Carolyn title: Out of Many, One People: Jamaican Teachers’ Perspectives of Global Learning date: 2021-03-26 words: 8563 flesch: 52 summary: Landorf et al. (2018) present a definition of global learning: “Global learning is the process of diverse people collaboratively analyzing and addressing complex problems that transcend borders” (p. 4). These results problematize the practice of applying Western conceptualizations of global learning in international contexts and highlight the importance of learning from the Global South when thinking through the goals and processes of global education. keywords: awareness; braskamp; brown; christine; citizenship; class; community; context; countries; country; cultural; cultures; curriculum; daniel; development; different; diverse; diversity; education; education research; examples; female; global; global awareness; global education; global learning; global perspective; globalization; goals; grade; hair; high; individuals; information; international; interviews; island; issues; jamaican; jamaican teachers; journal; landorf; learning; level; limited; literacy; local; mathews; national; notion; opportunities; parish; participants; people; perceptions; perspective; places; practices; process; qualitative; question; reid; religion; religious; research; researchers; rural; school; skills; social; south; students; studies; study; subjects; teachers; traditional; vision; world cache: jsser-2506.pdf plain text: jsser-2506.txt item: #189 of 450 id: jsser-251 author: Ivygina, Alyona; Pupysheva, Evgeniya; Mukhametshina, Dinara title: The Role of Local History Texts in Implementing the Culturological Approach to Teaching the Russian Language: the Basic General Education Level date: 2018-05-11 words: 4029 flesch: 49 summary: Among the first researchers of Yelabuga history there are Nevostruyev, Kulyginsky (Valeev & Kornilov, 2007), Shishkin (1871), and Kudryavtsev (1898). Today, local studies are expanding their boundaries and a new area has appeared that has been actively implemented at the educational institutions of the town and its districts, school students of which have since 1994 studied a new course – Yelabuga history and studies. keywords: approach; byram; competence; conference; course; cultural; culture; culturological; education; federal; foreign; general; historical; history; house; i.v; implementation; institute; international; journal; kalimullina; kazan; korableva; language; lessons; literature; local; local history; materials; methodology; moscow; native; people; practical; program; publishing; research; russian; russian language; school; science; scientific; shishkin; social; state; students; studies; study; subject; tarman; tasks; teachers; teaching; text; town; university; ways; works; yelabuga cache: jsser-251.pdf plain text: jsser-251.txt item: #190 of 450 id: jsser-2512 author: Kuset, Şermin; Gur, Cağla title: Immigrant Mothers with Preschool Children in Northern Cyprus and Their Attitudes Towards Their Children date: 2021-06-29 words: 10315 flesch: 57 summary: Studies to be conducted with immigrant children and their parents are expected to guide experts as well as policymakers and practitioners in this field on the measures to be taken and the strategies to be developed. This is an even greater need for immigrant children. keywords: actions; activities; adaptation; addition; age; analysis; attitudes; behaviors; challenges; children; codes; communication; context; country; cultural; culture; cyprus; data; degree; development; differences; different; difficulties; discipline; education; education research; effective; environment; excerpts; expectations; experience; face; families; future; gür; high; home; household; immigrant; immigrant children; immigrant mothers; immigrant parents; important; individual; information; interaction; interviews; journal; kindergarten; kuset; labor; life; lower; master; method; migration; mothers; need; new; northern; observations; observer; parenting; parents; participants; phone; preschool; primary; problems; qualitative; quality; question; research; responses; results; rules; school; school household; secondary; social; society; spending; statements; studies; study; styles; sub; support; teachers; technology; themes; time; training; turkish; university cache: jsser-2512.pdf plain text: jsser-2512.txt item: #191 of 450 id: jsser-2514 author: Andrews, Kristina; Aydin, Hasan title: Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of Global Citizenship Education in the Social Studies Curriculum date: 2020-12-21 words: 10161 flesch: 45 summary: These questions were designed to investigate further the perceptions voiced in the discussion post responses in which the participants had provided their definitions of global citizenship and global citizenship education, as well as to describe what they believed their definition encompassed. In addition to recognizing the need for global citizenship education to be part of the curriculum, study participants identified many factors that they believed inhibit the incorporation and implementation of global citizenship into the social studies curriculum. keywords: andrews; awareness; aydin; banks; case; citizenship education; classroom; constructs; critical; cultural; cultures; current; curriculum; data; democratic; development; different; discussion; diversity; doi; education research; educational; ethnic; events; focus; framework; global citizenship; global issues; global society; globalization; group; human; individuals; international; interview; issues; journal; justice; knowledge; learning; local; male; multiple; myers; national; need; new; oaks; participants; perceptions; perspectives; pre; publishing; qualitative; questions; rapoport; research; researchers; respect; review; rights; school; service; service teachers; skills; social; social education; social studies; society; states; students; studies; studies curriculum; studies education; study; teachers; teaching; themes; thinking; understanding; united; unity; values; world cache: jsser-2514.pdf plain text: jsser-2514.txt item: #192 of 450 id: jsser-252 author: Gabidullina, Farida; Akhatova, Zifa; Karimova, Irina; Glukhova, Olga; Zakirov, Raif title: Ethical Discussions in the National Literature as a Form of Moral Education of the Students date: 2018-05-11 words: 3939 flesch: 52 summary: Bases of national education. Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9 (2), 295-305 295 Ethical Discussions in the National Literature as a Form of Moral Education of the Students Farida Gabidullina1, Zifa Akhatova2, Irina Karimova3, Olga Glukhova4, Raif Zakirov 5 Abstract The article is devoted to the problems of moral education of students through the ethical conversations at the seminars of the course history of Tatar literature. keywords: ability; character; content; conversations; development; dialogue; different; education; ethical; events; formation; gabidullina; historical; important; individual; journal; kalimullina; karabulak; korableva; life; literature; magsumov; material; method; moral; national; nature; novel; pedagogical; people; problem; process; research; respect; seminar; situation; social; soyembika; spiritual; state; story; students; studies; system; table; tarman; tatar; teacher; time; university; values; village; work cache: jsser-252.pdf plain text: jsser-252.txt item: #193 of 450 id: jsser-253 author: Alieva, Sariyat A.; Bilalov, Magomed K.; Gadzhiev, Ramazan D.; Radzhabova, Raisa V.; Salmanova, Dzhamila A. title: Pedagogical technology for identifying the level of patriotism formation in senior school students within actualisation of social commitment and initiative date: 2018-05-12 words: 6729 flesch: 36 summary: The tasks of the research are: - to detail the essence and the content of notions social commitment and initiative and pedagogical technology; - to find out the efficiency conditions for pedagogical technologies; - to determine criteria and indicators of the extent of formation of patriotism in senior school students; - to identify patriotism formation levels in senior school students; - to explore foreign experience in shaping the social commitment and initiative of children and youth. Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9(2), 329-348 329 Pedagogical technology for identifying the level of patriotism formation in Senior school students within actualization of social commitment and initiative Sariyat A. Alieva1, Magomed K. Bilalov 2, Ramazan D. Gadzhiev3, Raisa V. Radzhabova4, Dzhamila A. Salmanova5 Abstract keywords: actions; activity; alieva; authors; average; benefit; capacity; children; cognitive; commitment; conditions; country; criteria; culture; development; education; emotional; examples; experience; extent; feeling; formation; formation levels; high; indicators; initiative; interest; journal; levels; life; low; main; method; motherland; motivational; needs; notions; ones; patriotism; patriotism formation; pedagogical; people; projects; public; questionnaire; research; school; school students; schoolchildren; senior; senior school; social; social commitment; state; students; studies; survey; table; technologies; technology; total; training; understanding; upbringing; young; youth cache: jsser-253.pdf plain text: jsser-253.txt item: #194 of 450 id: jsser-254 author: Gerasimova, Vera G.; Melamud, Marina R.; Tutaeva, Dinara R.; Romanova, Yuliya D.; Zhenova, Nataliya A. title: The adoption of e-learning technology at the faculty of distance learning of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics date: 2018-05-12 words: 5078 flesch: 44 summary:  Competent, high-quality education - with the participation of a entire team of competent, highly qualified professionals creating the courses, e-learning becomes modern and high quality training. The authors processed the results of the survey of students and found that 92% of students believing that the use of e-learning reduces their time spent on the study of the subject. keywords: acceptance; access; advantages; approach; attitude; authors; blended; computer; courses; curriculum; development; digital; distance; distance learning; ease; economics; education; education research; effectiveness; electronic; environment; face; faculty; gerasimova; higher; information; internet; journal; knowledge; learning; material; methods; model; necessary; number; online; plekhanov; process; quality; research; respondents; results; russian; sciences; skills; social; students; studies; study; systems; tam; tarman; teachers; technologies; technology; time; tools; traditional; training; university; use; usefulness; years cache: jsser-254.pdf plain text: jsser-254.txt item: #195 of 450 id: jsser-2543 author: Lucey, Thomas title: Notions of Spiritual Capital - A Matter of Extinction for Social Education? date: 2021-03-26 words: 8106 flesch: 43 summary: Conclusion The title of this paper poses the question as to whether spiritual capital represents a concept that has relevance to social education or whether it represents a concept rooted in unscientific thinking. Results found that almost half of the participants considered spiritual capital to represent a concept related to spirituality. keywords: basis; beliefs; business; capital; children; citizenship; community; compassion; compassionate; concept; conceptions; concerns; control; corporate; critical; decision; definition; development; different; economic; eds; education; emotional; environments; example; finance; financial; guide; human; individual; journal; justice; knowledge; life; literacy; literature; loyalty; lucey; majors; making; moral; morality; narvaez; nature; paper; participants; patterns; people; personal; perspectives; potential; practice; press; principles; privileged; process; relationships; religion; research; respondents; responses; routledge; sense; social; social studies; society; spiritual; spiritual capital; spirituality; students; studies; studies education; study; survey; system; term; theory; traditional; university; values; view; westheimer cache: jsser-2543.pdf plain text: jsser-2543.txt item: #196 of 450 id: jsser-255 author: Anisimova, Ellina; Ibatullin, Rinat title: Project Method in Preparation of Future Preschool Teachers date: 2018-05-21 words: 4193 flesch: 49 summary: Scientists are still discussing positive and negative aspects of using information technologies in teaching of preschool children. Thus, question “Information technology for preschool children: harm or benefit?” is still open. keywords: anisimova; application; children; competence; computer; conference; development; didactic; disorders; education; federal; final; future; game; health; ibatullin; information; information competence; information technologies; institute; interactive; international; journal; kalimullina; kazan; korableva; level; method; multimedia; new; paper; pedagogical; points; preschool; process; professional; project; research; results; smart; social; stage; students; studies; tarman; teacher; teaching; technologies; technology; training; university; use; work cache: jsser-255.pdf plain text: jsser-255.txt item: #197 of 450 id: jsser-256 author: Ma'arif, Syamsul title: Education as a Foundation of Humanity: Learning from the Pedagogy of Pesantren in Indonesia date: 2018-05-12 words: 8026 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, the purpose of pesantren education system in general is guiding the students to have a good personality in accordance with Islamic teachings that they could become a preacher of Islam in the surrounding communities (Nor & Malim, 2014). By using some research questions, researcher sought to uncover the empirical reality of the theory and practice of pesantren education ever undertaken and developed in the past and still exist today with a specific learning method and proven to provide the development not only in education typical of the archipelago, but also on the national landscape, local and global at the same time. keywords: able; addition; archipelago; awareness; basic; character; children; community; concept; contemporary; country; cultural; culture; curriculum; dan; democracy; development; different; education; education research; education system; existence; experts; fact; formation; general; history; human; humanity; identity; ideology; important; indonesia; institution; islamic; issues; jakarta; journal; kiai; knowledge; learning; life; local; ma’arif; method; model; moderate; nation; national; needs; new; number; order; outside; paradigm; pedagogy; pendidikan; people; personality; pesantren; pesantren education; pesantren pedagogy; political; problems; process; public; radicalism; relationship; religion; religious; research; role; santri; schools; science; semarang; social; society; students; studies; study; system; teacher; teaching; theory; time; today; tradition; values; wahid; wisdom; women; world; yogyakarta cache: jsser-256.pdf plain text: jsser-256.txt item: #198 of 450 id: jsser-257 author: Shatunova, Olga; Sterz, Olga title: The Structure of the Person's Technical Aptitude and Factors of its Development date: 2018-05-11 words: 4364 flesch: 38 summary: To the most important abilities of the engineer we have attributed the developed spatial thinking and imagination, logical thinking, technical thinking, ability to design and design, mathematical and analytical abilities, high level of memory development, developed finger motor skills, high level of distribution and switching of attention. Key words: engineer, engineering activity, technical talent, technical abilities, technical thinking, motivation to achieve success. keywords: abilities; activity; aptitude; attention; average; children; creativity; culture; development; education; engineer; engineering; following; gifted; giftedness; handicraft; high; high level; important; individual; information; intellectual; journal; lability; level; main; mathematical; modern; motivation; new; olympiad; person; problems; process; research; results; runners; russian; schoolchildren; science; scientific; social; spatial; sterz; students; studies; study; success; teachers; technical; technical aptitude; thinking; university; winners; work cache: jsser-257.pdf plain text: jsser-257.txt item: #199 of 450 id: jsser-258 author: Anisimova, Tatyana; Sharafeeva, Landysh title: Methodical Training of Future Teachers as a Requirement of New Standards date: 2018-05-11 words: 4471 flesch: 37 summary: The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of existing basic professional educational programs for the preparation of bachelors of teacher education, which allows to conclude that it is necessary to introduce additional competencies. The study of the level of formation of labor activities in bachelors of teacher education [Electronic resource]. keywords: ability; able; accordance; activities; activity; analysis; anisimova; basic; competencies; computer; development; education; elabuga; evaluation; federal; future; general; implementation; information; internet; journal; kazan; knowledge; labor; lesson; main; mathematical; methodological; methods; modern; module; necessary; ost; pedagogical; pedagogical education; practical; problems; process; professional; programs; pupils; requirements; research; results; school; social; solving; standard; state; students; studies; study; tarman; teacher; teaching; tools; training; university; use; work cache: jsser-258.pdf plain text: jsser-258.txt item: #200 of 450 id: jsser-259 author: Fitriyah, Nur title: Productive Resources Management: How Visiana Bhakti Cooperative Samarinda Strives date: 2018-05-16 words: 6012 flesch: 40 summary: The cooperatives enjoy support from local and central governments, and a minister of cooperatives oversees development (Ministry of Cooperatives and SME, 2014) by providing subsidies and soft loans to strengthen their competitive advantages (Sulastri & Maharjan, 2002; Movsisyam, 2013). The role of cooperatives Cooperatives play the largest role in national businesses in Indonesian socioeconomic life (Hamid, 2005, p. 43; Damanik, 1986), and they have a strong impact on the national economy and manpower (Mohd. keywords: ability; analysis; annual; august; azhari; bhakti; bhakti cooperative; board; business; capital; changes; collaboration; competition; cooperative; credit; data; deposits; development; economic; education; efe; environment; external; external factors; facilities; factors; financial; findings; fitriyah; galor; government; human; ife; increase; indonesia; institutions; internal; international; interview; journal; loans; management; mandatory; members; mohd; movsisyam; needs; norhatan; opportunities; organization; participants; participation; parties; problems; productive; rahman; research; resources; results; role; samarinda; savings; services; social; strategies; strategy; strengths; structure; studies; study; support; swot; table; technology; threats; training; trust; tvri; visiana; visiana bhakti; weaknesses; work cache: jsser-259.pdf plain text: jsser-259.txt item: #201 of 450 id: jsser-260 author: Aminov, Tahir; Magsumov, Timur; Sayakhov, Ruslan; Yepaneshnikov, Vladimir; Nasipov, Ilshat; Aitov, Valerie title: Pedagogical Potential of Muslim Religious Sources in Overcoming Physical and Mental and Psychological Trials date: 2018-05-11 words: 6596 flesch: 60 summary: In the light of the discourse about the limitation of human knowledge, it is curious to note what factors religious sources put to use to determine its expansion. These are the issues that concern not only philosophers, but also representatives of all the sciences of human knowledge, including teachers (Mukhametzyanova A.Kh., 2015: 250). keywords: allah; aminov; attention; attitude; ayat; circumstances; component; creator; crisis; curious; different; difficult; disease; education; et al; evil; existence; fact; following; form; goodness; hadiths; hand; health; historical; history; human; ibn; important; individual; journal; knowledge; koran; krachkovskiy; kuliev; life; limitation; mental; mercy; moral; muhammad; muslim; nature; necessary; overcoming; pain; particular; pedagogical; people; person; phenomenon; physical; potential; presence; problem; psychological; questions; religious; research; russian; sirhindi; situations; social; society; sources; special; spiritual; state; studies; subject; support; sura; things; trials; university; use; works; world cache: jsser-260.pdf plain text: jsser-260.txt item: #202 of 450 id: jsser-2602 author: Novikov, Philipp title: Impact of COVID-19 emergency transition to on-line learning onto the international students’ perceptions of educational process at Russian university date: 2020-09-29 words: 11726 flesch: 42 summary: Online students: Relationships between participation, demographics and academic performance. The research topic relevance is determined by the substantial rise in popularity of online learning, which had been demonstrating exponential growth even prior to the events of 2020, which further accelerated its expansion. keywords: able; academic; adaptability; analysis; attendance; attention; author; classes; classroom; communication; connection; content; covid-19; cross; cultural; current; data; degree; devices; digital; doi; education; education research; emergency; emergency transition; empirical; english; environment; experience; face; face learning; faculty; findings; following; general; global; google; groups; higher; immediate; impact; importance; individual; information; international students; internet; issues; journal; language; learning process; lessons; level; literature; lockdown; long; majority; management; microsoft; necessary; negative; new; novikov; number; online learning; online lessons; opportunities; order; pandemic; participants; particular; perceptions; performance; present; process; quality; questions; rate; regard; remote; research; respondents; results; rudn; russian; satisfaction; situation; social; social studies; software; start; strengths; students; studies; studies education; study; survey; synchronous; system; tarman; teachers; teaching; technical; technology; term; threats; time; tools; traditional; training; transition; university; use; video; year cache: jsser-2602.pdf plain text: jsser-2602.txt item: #203 of 450 id: jsser-2603 author: Yudina, Natalia V.; Melnichuk, Marina V.; Seliverstova, Oksana A. title: Language Policy and Planning in Russia, China and the USA through the Lens of Mass Media of the 21-st Century date: 2020-09-29 words: 8942 flesch: 49 summary: The variables of power language considerably resemble some of those considered by soft power index, which gives grounds for further investigation of the interdependence between language and power. Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020:11 (3), 242-269 Language Policy and Planning in Russia, China and the USA through the Lens of Mass Media of the 21-st Century Natalia V. Yudina1, Marina V. Melnichuk2 & Oksana A. Seliverstova3 keywords: acquisition; act; american; analysis; associative; bilingual; books; case; china; chinese; collected; concept; connection; constitution; core; corpus; countries; country; crawford; cultural; culture; data; discourse; economy; education; education research; english; english language; external; federal; federation; field; figure; focus; following; foreign; frequency; government; idea; index; institutions; international; journal; language; language planning; language policy; learning; level; lexemes; linguistic; lpp; media; methods; native; nature; new; number; nye; official; order; overt; paper; people; planning; policy; political; population; power; power language; power policy; proficiency; programs; research; results; rights; russian; russian language; semantic; situation; social; soft; soft power; spread; state; status; structure; students; studies; studies education; study; system; tools; university; usa; use; view; wang; words; world; york; yudina cache: jsser-2603.pdf plain text: jsser-2603.txt item: #204 of 450 id: jsser-2609 author: Hamzah, Hamzah title: Civil Law Agreement and Its Implication on Regulation for Prevention of Corruption within Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2020-09-29 words: 7964 flesch: 43 summary: Contract agreements for the procurement of goods/services that can trigger corruption are contract agreements that have a large budget, such as covid-19 assistance funds. Thus, Civil law, serves as a basic guideline for learning business agreements that apparently grows an anti-corruption attitude capable of reducing frauds, especially the implications for preventing maladministration and abuse within the government public service offices. keywords: actions; activities; agreement; analysis; article; august; benefits; budget; business; circular; civil; civil law; code; coding; collusion; common; condition; context; contract; corruption; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; development; directorate; documents; education; efforts; emergency; ethics; evaluation; faith; findings; force; fraud; fraudulent; good faith; goods; government; hamzah; handling; implementation; implications; important; indonesia; information; international; journal; key; kpk; law; learning; legal; lkpp; majeure; management; monitoring; obligations; pandemic; paragraph; parties; pbj; performance; planning; policy; presidential; prevention; previous; principles; process; procurement; public; qualitative; reasons; regulation; related; research; retrieved; review; sanctions; services; services procurement; situation; social; society; state; studies; system; technology; unit; use; virus; work cache: jsser-2609.pdf plain text: jsser-2609.txt item: #205 of 450 id: jsser-261 author: Bochkareva, Tatyana; Akhmetshin, Elvir; Osadchy, Eduard; Romanov, Petr; Konovalova, Elena title: Preparation of the future teacher for work with gifted children date: 2018-05-11 words: 5227 flesch: 30 summary: Percentage of readiness of students to work with gifted children As can be seen from the diagram data in Figure 1, the percentage of students who are not ready to work with gifted students exceeds by 3.3 times the number of students ready to work with such students. The authors propose a technology for preparation of students, involved the production of Bachelors with high competencies in the field of working with gifted children in mathematics. keywords: abilities; analysis; basic; bochkareva; bogoyavlenskaya; brushlinsky; competencies; concept; content; development; education; education research; federal; field; future; future teachers; gifted children; gifted schoolchildren; giftedness; higher; institute; journal; level; mathematical education; mathematical giftedness; mathematics; methods; need; organization; pedagogical; pedagogical education; preparation; problem; process; professional; professional educational; professional training; programs; propensity; psychological; quality; readiness; research; results; schoolchildren; social; standard; students; studies; study; system; teacher; test; training; university; work; working cache: jsser-261.pdf plain text: jsser-261.txt item: #206 of 450 id: jsser-262 author: Sabitova, Aigul; Salimova, Daniya; Ibragimova, Elmira title: Motivated and Unmotivated Violations from the Norm in Children's Books in Orginizing Extracurricular Reading date: 2018-05-11 words: 3987 flesch: 60 summary: Observance of norms, clearness and transparency of texts for children does not mean absence of elements of language game in them. Key words: language game, analysis, idiostyle, norm of language, grammar violation Introduction The relevance of our study is motivated by several factors: first, the ambiguity of interpretations of the norm of the language, and second, so-called “fluctuations”, “movements” are normal today, when saying and writing “as everyone likes” becomes a common phenomenon. keywords: aleksin; alice; analogy; author; border; carroll; certain; children; culture; dragunskiy; education; example; forms; function; game; good; grammatical; help; horse; journal; koval; language; language game; linguistic; main; meaning; method; milne; native; new; norm; pooh; research; rules; russian; social; speech; stories; story; studies; stylistic; syntactic; teaching; term; texts; time; use; winnie; wonderland; word; works cache: jsser-262.pdf plain text: jsser-262.txt item: #207 of 450 id: jsser-2622 author: Nganga, Lydiah; Kambutu, John; Scull, Reed; Han, Keonghee Tao title: High School Students of Color in the U.S. Speak about Their Educational Experiences: Schooling, Culture and Pedagogy date: 2021-09-24 words: 10098 flesch: 47 summary: While some of the participants resented being ridiculed by White students, many (63%) mentioned that their teachers did not intervene or stop race-based jokes. An American Indian male reported that he felt “lonely in the classroom” adding that “I rarely speak in class because White students make me feel like I'm not important.” keywords: academic; african; american; analysis; apple; approach; backgrounds; black; care; caring; challenges; children; classroom; college; color; communities; critical; crp; cultural; cultures; curriculum; data; diverse; dominant; education; education research; educators; empathy; ethnicity; evident; example; experiences; gay; grant; groups; high; histories; history; inclusive; information; instruction; interviews; isolated; isolation; johnson; journal; kambutu; learners; learning; likely; lived; marginalization; materials; microaggressions; multicultural; needs; nganga; order; participants; pedagogy; people; perspectives; place; practices; press; process; qualitative; questions; race; racial; racism; research; researchers; resources; responsive; routledge; rural; school; settings; sleeter; social; social studies; state; stereotypes; stories; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; teaching; textbooks; theory; traditions; u.s; university; use; white cache: jsser-2622.pdf plain text: jsser-2622.txt item: #208 of 450 id: jsser-263 author: Boshkova, Galina; Shastina, Elena; Shatunova, Olga title: The Role of Grandparents in the Child's Personality Formation (on the Material of Children's Literature) date: 2018-05-11 words: 4585 flesch: 55 summary: Key words: The family reading, elder parents, formal grandmother, active grandmother, foreign and russian literature. The teachers' opinion is changing in the 21st century: the pedagogical discourse about the influence of elder parents on grandchildren is very 1Assoc. keywords: abgaryan; active; akhmetshin; analysis; artistic; attention; boshkova; boy; century; childhood; children; close; death; education; elder; elder parents; family; formation; frosya; grandchildren; grandfathers; grandmother; grandparents; grandson; hero; home; image; important; journal; kalimullina; korableva; life; literature; lobe; love; magsumov; main; modern; moscow; nanetti; parents; people; personality; reading; research; role; russian; sciences; social; story; studies; system; tarman; technology; time; tree; twentieth; village; woman; works; world; writer cache: jsser-263.pdf plain text: jsser-263.txt item: #209 of 450 id: jsser-264 author: Falyakhov, Irek title: Corporate Qualification of the Mentor in the Dual Education System date: 2018-05-11 words: 5059 flesch: 29 summary: Qualification “tutor” stipulates tutor’s theoretical knowledge of production training for the dual education system in the field of content, technologies, methods of training trainees, formation of communication methods in the group of trainees. Literature Review Analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature on the subject of the study allows us concluding that they: - provide theoretical, methodological and methodic fundamentals of training mentors of the Soviet period (Batyshev, 1985), (Vershlovskiy et al, 1987), (Mahmutov, 1981); - highlight issues of pedagogical mentoring (Senchenko, 1977); - develop theoretical and methodological fundamentals to improve qualification of specialists (Amirova, 2004), (Asadullin, 2000), (Kuzmina, 1990), (Panasyuk, 2004); Falyakhov - reveal substantive and technological aspects of formation of pedagogical abilities of specialists lacking pedagogical education (Arbuzova, 2006); - cover psychological and pedagogical features of education for adults (Zmeev, 2003), (Kulyutkin, 1985). keywords: able; activities; activity; analytical; basis; career; characteristic; cognitive; competence; component; conditions; corporate; corporate training; development; dual; dual education; education; education system; experience; formation; framework; group; high; implementation; individual; journal; knowledge; korableva; level; mentor; mentoring; methods; models; motivational; pedagogical; pedagogical competence; procedural; process; production; professional; programs; psychological; qualification; reflexive; research; self; social; studies; study; sufficient; system; tarman; tasks; technologies; trainees; training; tutor; value; wise cache: jsser-264.pdf plain text: jsser-264.txt item: #210 of 450 id: jsser-265 author: Seregig, I Ketut; Suryanto, Tulus; Hartono, Bambang; Rivai, Eddy title: Preventing the Acts of Criminal Corruption Through Legal Community Education date: 2018-05-16 words: 8234 flesch: 31 summary: This gives an optimistic reason that more and more citizens will have access to education, and social norms can tip further in corruption education. The sample of five subcategories of corruption education depends on the participants involved in the exchange of students. keywords: activities; acts; agencies; anti; appreciation; approach; attorney; board; bodies; cases; certificate; chief; civil; commission; community; community education; corruption; corruption crime; corruption culture; corruption eradication; corruption prevention; corruption wars; credits; crime; criminal; criminal acts; culture; data; development; education; education research; effect; empowerment; enforcement; eradication; field; financial; government; guidelines; head; hours; implementation; indonesian; influence; investigation; journal; lampung; law; legal; material; meetings; method; national; number; officials; pattern; people; police; positive; practice; prevention; program; public; question; regional; research; results; role; rupiah; seregig; service; socialization; society; special; state; strategic; studies; supervisory; suspects; training; upgrading; upgrading pattern; wars culture; year cache: jsser-265.pdf plain text: jsser-265.txt item: #211 of 450 id: jsser-2658 author: Solikhah, Imroatus; Budiharso, Teguh title: Exploring Cultural Inclusion in the Curriculum and Practices for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia to Speakers of Other Languages date: 2020-09-29 words: 7774 flesch: 51 summary: Conclusion This study aimed to examine the implementation of BIPA programs and establish how culture was integrated into BIPA teaching and the related language policy. Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2020: 11(3), 177-197 186 Participants The participants for this study were BIPA students, BIPA teachers, and other BIPA staff from 11 universities operating BIPA programs in Indonesia. keywords: academic; activities; addition; analysis; applied; approach; aspects; bahasa; basic; bipa; bipa programs; bipa teaching; budiharso; cambridge; centers; checklist; classroom; communicative; competence; content; countries; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; discourse; education; experiences; field; foreign; general; global; grammar; hamied; inclusion; indonesian; international; items; journal; language; language policy; language teaching; learners; learning; level; linguistic; master; materials; methodology; methods; months; national; needs; number; objectives; participants; planning; policy; ppsdk; practices; process; programs; purposes; qualitative; read; reading; research; responses; results; skills; social; solikhah; speakers; specific; students; studies; study; survey; table; teachers; teaching; teaching materials; themes; tifl; universities; university; vocabulary; vol cache: jsser-2658.pdf plain text: jsser-2658.txt item: #212 of 450 id: jsser-266 author: Rahayu, Sri; Ulfatin, Nurul; Wiyono, Bambang Budi; Imron, Ali; Wajdi, Muh Barid Nizarudin title: The Professional Competency Teachers Mediate the Influence of Teacher Innovation and Emotional Intelligence on School Security date: 2018-05-23 words: 5631 flesch: 41 summary: Key words: Teacher innovation, Emotional intelligence, Teacher professional competence, School effectiveness Introduction The role of education in life is important. Therefore, conducting a study of teacher professional competence (TPC) is necessary to mediate the effect of teacher innovation and their emotional intelligence on school effectiveness. keywords: ability; analysis; basis; change; characteristics; climate; community; competence; concern; culture; development; direct; education; effectiveness; emotional; emotional intelligence; emotions; environment; factors; good; high; higher; ideas; implementation; improvement; indicators; indonesia; influence; information; innovation; intelligence; journal; leadership; learning; malang; management; model; negeri; new; organizational; parents; performance; positive; process; professional; quality; rahayu; relationship; research; result; role; school; school effectiveness; self; significant; skills; social; source; students; studies; study; support; table; teacher innovation; teachers; technique; tpc; universitas; variables; work cache: jsser-266.pdf plain text: jsser-266.txt item: #213 of 450 id: jsser-267 author: priyono, priyono iyon title: Implementation of Learning Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective and Exciting (PAIKEM), conventional and learning motivation to student learning result date: 2018-05-03 words: 3989 flesch: 40 summary: This research used experimental design on two groups, a group of high motivation students and a group of low motivation students. Therefore, student motivation has an important role in determining learning results. keywords: academic; active; b_factor; cakul; conventional; conventional learning; data; dependent; differences; district; dongko; education; elementary; error; fifth; gamification; graders; group; high; high motivation; higher; journal; learning; learning results; low; low motivation; mathematics; mean; method; model; motivation; new; outcomes; paikem; research; results; sample; schools; sig; social; state; std; students; studies; table; teaching; test; value; variable; variances; year cache: jsser-267.pdf plain text: jsser-267.txt item: #214 of 450 id: jsser-268 author: Haris, Ikhfan; Naway, fory; T. Pulukadang, Wiwik; Takeshita, Hiroko; V. Ancho, Inero title: School Supervision Practices in the Indonesian Education System; Perspectives and Challenges date: 2018-05-23 words: 7472 flesch: 37 summary: Furthermore, the paper explores the selection of supervisors and tenure; resourcing and training of school supervisors. Finally, the paper also discuss and examine major challenges face by school supervisor and opportunities of school supervision in Indonesia and the way forward as suggestion/recommendation of this study Key words: education, school, supervision, supervisor, system Introduction School supervisors are an important part of a devolved accountability system and quality assurance framework of education (Saccomanno, 2016; Hamzah, 2013; International Institute for Educational Planning, 2007). keywords: academic; activities; areas; city; competences; coordinator; dan; dasar; data; development; district; district education; education; education office; effective; effectiveness; empowerment; feedback; government; group; guru; haris; head; high; implementation; important; improvement; indonesia; information; institutions; instruction; jakarta; journal; kabupaten; leadership; learning; level; literature; local; main; management; managerial; minister; ministry; monitoring; national; national education; needs; negeri; nomor; objectives; office; paper; pendidikan; pengawas; performance; planning; policies; policy; position; practices; primary; principals; process; professional; program; province; quality; reform; regulation; related; report; reporting; research; responsibilities; results; review; roles; school; school principals; school supervisors; secondary; sekolah; selection; senior; set; social; staff; student; studies; sub; supervision; supervisors; support; system; tahun; teachers; teaching; training; unit; universitas; working; year cache: jsser-268.pdf plain text: jsser-268.txt item: #215 of 450 id: jsser-269 author: Bickford, John H title: American Authors, September 11th, and Civil War Representations in Historical Fiction date: 2018-05-03 words: 8980 flesch: 58 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9 (2), 1-27 American Authors, September 11th, and Civil War Representations in Historical Fiction John H. Bickford1 Abstract Scholars have hypothesized that historical fiction books are more a product of the author, author’s nuanced world view, and the time period in which they were written than of the events and period depicted. While investigating how historical fiction trade books represented race, Native Americans, and war, Schwebel’s (2011, 2014) work contained comparably small data pools and conflated wars separated by centuries. keywords: 11th; academic; adult; american; american authors; analysis; audience; authors; bickford; books; century; changes; chick; children; civil; civil war; class; content; control; data; date; detailed; different; education; elementary; enemy; english; event; fiction; findings; group; historical; historical fiction; history; implicit; intended; intermediate; journal; level; likely; literature; loewen; main; messages; middle; narratives; new; new york; number; patterns; percent; period; power; practice; press; prior; publication; readers; reading; representation; research; researchers; retrieved; scholastic; schuette; schwebel; september; september 11th; social; social studies; students; studies; studies education; teachers; teaching; time; total; trade; trade books; underlying; vague; violence; war; war books; war historical; websites; williams; york; young; younger cache: jsser-269.pdf plain text: jsser-269.txt item: #216 of 450 id: jsser-270 author: Gashi-Shatri, Zamira Fadil; Zabeli, Naser title: Perceptions of students and teachers about the forms and student self-assessment activities in the classroom during the formative assessment date: 2018-05-08 words: 6457 flesch: 51 summary: Research has suggested that specific formative assessment practices have a direct impact on student learning and achievement. Estimating how big these gains might be is difficult but it seems reasonable to conclude that use of formative assessment can increase the rate of student learning by some 50 to 100% (Wynne, 2013). keywords: abilities; achievement; activities; andrade; assessment; brown; classroom; confidence; criteria; different; education; effective; esteem; evaluation; example; feedback; formative; gashi; goals; greater; harris; higher; information; journal; learning; levels; lower; n.d; performance; personal; practice; process; progress; prompts; pupils; questions; regulation; research; results; school; secondary; secondary school; self; selfassessment; shatri; significant; skills; social; strategies; student self; students; studies; table; teachers; test; upper; use; way; william; work; zabeli cache: jsser-270.pdf plain text: jsser-270.txt item: #217 of 450 id: jsser-271 author: Omar, Abdulfattah; Ilyas, Mohammed; Kassem, Mohamed Ali Mohamed title: Linguistic Politeness and Media Education: A Lingua-Pragmatic Study of Changing trends in ‘Forms of Address’ in Egyptian Media Talk Shows date: 2018-05-12 words: 8296 flesch: 52 summary: To put it simply, Leech explains that a successful interaction requires from speakers to maximize politeness forms and minimize impoliteness forms. According to Leech, politeness is measured by the speaker’s effort to maximize politeness forms and minimizing impoliteness forms. keywords: address; address forms; aesthetics; arabic; aspects; behavior; brown; changes; communication; context; cross; cultural; culture; different; education; egyptian; egyptian arabic; english; examples; expressions; face; fedorov; findings; forms; fuda; government; great; grice; guests; hearer; history; hosts; implications; impolite; interaction; international; interviews; journal; language; leaders; leech; levinson; lingua; linguistic; linguistic politeness; literacy; media; media education; names; new; officials; omar; people; person; politeness; political; pragmatic; programs; pronominal; pronouns; public; relationship; religious; research; respect; revolution; rules; second; shows; singular; social; society; socio; speaker; strategies; studies; study; system; talk; talk shows; terms; theory; titles; university; use; words; world; yusuf cache: jsser-271.pdf plain text: jsser-271.txt item: #218 of 450 id: jsser-272 author: Andreeva, Nadezhda M.; Artyukhov, Ivan P.; Myagkova, Elena G.; Pak, Nikolay I.; Akkasynova, Zhamilya K. title: Organizing blended learning for students on the basis of learning roadmaps date: 2018-05-11 words: 5741 flesch: 44 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9(2),47-64 47 Organizing Blended Learning for Students on the Basis of Learning Roadmaps Nadezhda M. Andreeva1, Ivan P. Artyukhov2, Elena G. Myagkova3, Nikolay I. Pak4, Zhamilya K. Akkasynova5 Abstract The relevance of the problem of organizing blended learning for students is related to the sharpening contradiction between the high potential of this educational technology and the poor methodological elaboration of its use in actual learning practice. keywords: academic; academic process; acquisition; activity; andreeva; assessment; assignments; blended; blended learning; communication; competency; component; computer; computer science; conditions; content; course; development; digital; discipline; education; effectiveness; environment; experiment; future; group; higher; history; ict; individual; information; journal; knowledge; krasnoyarsk; learning; level; means; methodological; methods; new; online; pak; pedagogical; people; performance; points; principles; process; requirements; research; results; roadmaps; science; self; skills; social; state; students; studies; subject; system; tarman; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; test; training; university; use; work cache: jsser-272.pdf plain text: jsser-272.txt item: #219 of 450 id: jsser-273 author: Hamzah, Hamzah title: Curriculum And Instruction Challenges In Clinical Legal Education In Indonesian Law Schools: Breaking The Legacy date: 2018-08-27 words: 4085 flesch: 44 summary: The academia realized that legal education must also provide opportunities to develop legal skills and Hamzah 221 competencies among the law graduates, in addition to a theoretical foundation. Keywords: Indonesian legal education, curriculum, law and education, reforms Introduction The curriculum in Indonesian law schools can be divided into two categories: first, Indonesian National Laws; second, the Legal system composed of civil, criminal, constitutional, administrative, and international law (Nurjaya, 2011). keywords: academic; addition; approach; civil; cle; clinical; clinical legal; clinics; colonial; competencies; conference; core; country; curriculum; dalam; dan; decree; development; dutch; education; faculty; government; graduates; higher; hukum; human; indonesia; institutions; international; issues; journal; justice; knowledge; law; learning; legal; legal education; lestari; model; new; practical; practice; professional; rahardjo; research; rights; schools; skills; social; students; studies; study; subjects; suhadi; system; tabah; teaching; universities cache: jsser-273.pdf plain text: jsser-273.txt item: #220 of 450 id: jsser-274 author: Atabekova, Anastasia A.; Gorbatenko, Rimma G.; Shoustikova, Tatyana V.; Valero-Garcés, Carmen title: Cross-cultural mediation with refugees in emergency settings: ICT use by language service providers date: 2018-08-18 words: 6627 flesch: 39 summary: Earlier pilot tools (see, for instance so-called “3D Virtual World for interpreter training” in Braun et al., 2013) should be taken into account and enriched through integration of empirical data The final stage of pilot experiment focused on interpreters’ use of digital tools and gadgets during their mediation activities in emergency settings including the situations when they had to mediate among refugees and host country authorities at the border crossing points, temporary shelter camps, etc. Moreover, both academic researchers in their scholarly papers and professional interpreters in their blogs mention such tools as LookUp, Interpreter’s Wizard etc., that are widely used for glossaries management and the respective data use right in the booth. keywords: academia; activities; analysis; atabekova; awareness; booth; border; clusters; communication; computer; conference; contexts; country; course; crossing; cultural; data; date; degree; digital; digital tools; education; emergency; experience; factor; fantinuoli; findings; focus; glossaries; human; humanitarian; ict; ict tools; industry; interpreters; interpreting; journal; language; management; mediation; particular; points; practice; present; process; professional; providers; refugees; relevance; relevant; research; respondents; results; scholars; service; settings; significant; social; software; specific; speech; state; studies; study; support; survey; table; tasks; technology; terminology; terms; tools; training; translation; translators; university; use; working cache: jsser-274.pdf plain text: jsser-274.txt item: #221 of 450 id: jsser-2745 author: Manshur, Fadlil Munawwar title: Typical Literary Works of Pesantren on Righteousness Teaching within Cultural Transformation date: 2020-12-21 words: 12953 flesch: 43 summary: Observation guidelines focus on research studies as follows; (1) Cultural transformation in Pesantren consisting of portraits of learning Arabic literature, Pesantren wisdom, and implementation of the internalization of Islamic values education; (2) Performers, participants who carry out Arabic literature learning activities, including assessing the experience they feel is shown through the expression of feelings, actions, facial expressions, and body movements; (3) Time, each Arabic literature learning activity within a period of one six months. The leadership of the Kyai as Ulama and Umara made the pesantren one of the centers for Arabic literature books as a result of cultural transformation in Sundanese- Java Pesantren. keywords: ability; activities; adab; allah; analysis; arabic books; arabic literature; aspects; attitudes; behavior; boarding; boarding schools; book; characteristics; community; cultural; cultural transformation; culture; curriculum; daily; data; development; different; discussion; education; education research; elements; environment; experience; faith; fiqh; focused; good; grammar; guidelines; hadith; important; indonesia; instrument; internalization; interviews; islamic; islamic boarding; islamic education; islamic values; java; journal; knowledge; kutub; kyai; language; law; learning; learning method; learning process; life; literary; literary works; literature learning; local; main; manshur; materials; meaning; method; modern; moral; nahwu; new; norms; observations; participants; period; pesantren; pesantren community; pesantren wisdom; philosophy; poetry; process; qadimah; qira'ah; qualitative; reading; related; religious; research; researchers; results; role; rules; santri; schools; sciences; scientific; sharaf; sharia; skills; social; social studies; society; sources; students; studies; studies education; study; sufism; sundanese; sundanese pesantren; system; teaching; texts; theme; time; tolerance; tradition; transformation; treasures; truth; types; typical; typical pesantren; understanding; values; west; wisdom; works; world; writing; years; yellow; yellow book cache: jsser-2745.pdf plain text: jsser-2745.txt item: #222 of 450 id: jsser-275 author: Sriharini, Sriharini; Izudin, Ahmad; Amilia, Fatma title: Assistance For Women With Disabilities On The Victims Of Sexual Abuse In Gunungkidul, Indonesia date: 2018-08-20 words: 7670 flesch: 50 summary: This was because society often projects women disabilities as a curse, idiocy, cripple (‘picek’: red Javanese), and so on (Ardiyantika, 2016; Maftuhin, 2016; Syafi’ie & Ali, 2014). Therefore, handling the case of women disability as victims of sexual violence needs a more comprehensive coverage. keywords: abuse; action; activists; addition; advocacy; amilia; annisa; approach; area; assistance; awareness; cases; change; community; court; crimes; data; declaration; development; disabilities; disability; disabled; discrimination; district; education; empowerment; fact; family; forum; gender; government; groups; gunungkidul; handling; human; indonesia; information; international; issue; izudin; journal; law; legal; marriage; model; movement; needs; new; ngos; people; persons; policy; problem; process; program; protection; psychological; psychologists; rape; regency; research; result; rights; sapda; service; sexual; sexual abuse; sexual violence; social; society; sriharini; state; studies; study; support; team; term; time; victims; village; violence; women; work; yogyakarta cache: jsser-275.pdf plain text: jsser-275.txt item: #223 of 450 id: jsser-2758 author: Israhadi, Evita Isretno title: The Social Impact of Force Majeure and The consequences of the Determination of the Covid 19 Disaster Status on Learning the Manpower Law date: 2020-12-21 words: 8638 flesch: 46 summary: Results show that the impact of social force majeure on Termination of Employment due to the determination of the Covid 19 disaster status imposed by the government has resulted in an increase in unemployment and increased economic difficulties for the community. First, researchers highlight the importance of increasing legal literacy of force majeure agreements, especially in situations of economic uncertainty. keywords: agreement; analysis; article; authority; bank; business; card; case; civil; code; companies; company; conditions; consequences; contract; corona; countercyclical; covid; covid-19; criteria; data; decree; development; difficulties; disaster; economic; education; education research; empirical; employment; financial; force; force majeure; government; human; impact; implementation; implications; indonesia; insurance; israhadi; job; journal; labor; law; law number; layoffs; learning; legal; majeure; management; manpower; months; national; natural; non; number; pandemic; paragraph; partnerships; pay; people; percent; period; policies; policy; ppp; pre; presidential; previous; private; problem; program; provisions; regulation; republic; research; services; severance; situation; social; spread; status; studies; study; system; termination; training; wages; workers; workforce; world; years cache: jsser-2758.pdf plain text: jsser-2758.txt item: #224 of 450 id: jsser-276 author: Lycke, Kara; Lucey, Thomas title: The Messages We Miss: Banned Books, Censored Texts, and Citizenship date: 2018-08-18 words: 9049 flesch: 45 summary: Carr (2008) and Lucey (2012) document the thin citizenship notions held by teacher candidates and student teachers. The Lorax X X X Maus: A Survivor’s Tale X X Of Mice and Men X X On the Origin of Species X The Rabbits’ Wedding X The Scarlet Letter X The Outsiders X X Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry X X “Tattoos and Piercings: Issues of Body Modification and the Workplace” (journal article) X Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2018: 9 (3), 1-26 To Kill a Mockingbird X X Twilight X X Where the Wild Things Are X X Table 3 Non-Print Texts, Organized by School Level Early Elementary Upper Elementary Middle Level Secondary Level Non-Print Texts3 The Calculator X X X X “Children in the Fields,” 60 Minutes X X Facebook X X Flatland (film) X X An Inconvenient Truth X X “Parents caught spanking children on audiotape real time,” ABC News (video) X X Strange Fruit (song) keywords: analysis; approach; banks; candidates; carr; case; censored; censorship; challenges; children; citizenship; classroom; conceptions; conditions; content; controversial; controversial issues; controversy; course; critical; culture; democracy; democratic; development; different; discussion; dominant; eds; education; education research; educators; efforts; elementary; example; experience; freedom; groups; history; ideas; importance; issues; journal; justice; kahne; learning; lesson; level; literacy; lucey; lycke; members; methods; narrative; new; notions; opportunities; participatory; patterns; perspectives; practice; preparation; present; preservice; processes; professional; project; reflections; related; research; responsive; school; secondary; semester; social; social studies; society; speech; structures; students; studies; studies education; study; taboo; teachers; teaching; texts; thin; topics; use; views; westheimer; york cache: jsser-276.pdf plain text: jsser-276.txt item: #225 of 450 id: jsser-278 author: Japar, Muhammad title: The Improvement of Indonesia Students ‘Engagement in Civic Education through Case-Based Learning’ date: 2018-08-18 words: 6620 flesch: 53 summary: The study by Hemphill (2015) on pre-service teacher perspectives of case-based learning in physical education teacher education has shown that (CBL) has the potential to promote critical thinking, contribute to students’ cognitive development and affect students’ value orientation. (2015).Pre-sevice teacher perspectives of case-based learning in physical education teacher education. keywords: active; ade; analysis; bullying; case; case study; citizenship; civics; civics education; class; classroom; concept; context; critical; development; different; discussion; education; education research; engagement; experiences; friends; group; high; human; human rights; implementation; important; indonesia; interview; issues; jakarta; japar; journal; knowledge; learning; life; march; national; new; opportunities; order; pancasila; pedagogical; people; political; practices; problems; process; research; results; rights; role; school; secondary; senior; social; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; thinking; understanding; university; values; vhia; voice cache: jsser-278.pdf plain text: jsser-278.txt item: #226 of 450 id: jsser-279 author: Martínez, Inmaculada García; Tadeu, Pedro José Arrifano title: The influence of pedagogical leadership on the construction of professional identity: a systematic review date: 2018-08-27 words: 6318 flesch: 45 summary: Thus, the research presented here arises from the convergence of both research lines and its purpose is the analysis of their relationship, based on the findings found in the different investigations that have been carried out at an international level. 1 Ph.D. Prof., University of Granada, 2 Ph.D. Prof., UDI – Polytechnic of Guarda, Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2018: 9 (3), 145-162 Theoretical framework International studies have identified teacher professional identity as one of the most important factors to achieve educational improvement. Therefore, to speak of teacher professional identity means inexorably to speak of the set of knowledge and competencies that enable teachers to practice teaching. keywords: articles; bolívar; capacity; case; center; collaboration; construction; context; day; development; directors; doi; education; experience; factors; garcía; hanuscin; identities; identity; impact; improvement; influence; international; journal; leadership; learning; level; management; martínez; new; organization; pedagogical; performance; practice; process; professional; professional development; professional identity; relationship; research; result; review; role; sample; school; science; secondary; skills; social; staff; studies; studies education; study; subject; systematic; tadeu; teacher education; teachers; teaching; time; training; way; work cache: jsser-279.pdf plain text: jsser-279.txt item: #227 of 450 id: jsser-280 author: Gabidullina, Farida; Zhundibayeva, Aray; Makarova, Venera; Galiullin, Radik; Mubarakshina, Ilzira title: The Realization of the Hermeneutical Approach to the Text in Practical Classes in the Literature during the Work with Students of Philological Faculty date: 2018-08-18 words: 5645 flesch: 54 summary: Method In this work based on the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and experimental teaching, we tried to give an example of the implementation of the hermeneutical approach in practical classes in literature in work with students of the pedagogical University and experimentally test the effectiveness of such work. In order to test the effectiveness of the hermeneutical approach in practical classes in literature in work with students of the pedagogical University we organized an experimental work. keywords: analysis; approach; author; chekhov; cherry; color; conclusion; connection; death; details; dialogue; education; feast; formation; gabidullina; garden; hermeneutical; hermeneutical analysis; heroes; interpretation; journal; korableva; language; life; literary; literature; maieutic; meaning; method; microcontexts; motive; orchard; past; plague; play; position; practical; process; ranevskaya; reading; research; skills; smell; social; socratic; sound; state; students; studies; symbol; text; time; understanding; university; vision; white; work cache: jsser-280.pdf plain text: jsser-280.txt item: #228 of 450 id: jsser-281 author: Yulianingsih, Wiwin; Supriyono, Supriyono; Rasyad, Ach.; Dayati, Umi title: The Involvement of Informal Sector Workers In Society Learning Activities at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri date: 2018-08-27 words: 3632 flesch: 44 summary: The involvement of informal sector workers such as food vendors in implementing learning society activities is induced, in which participation in that communities are involved because of extrinsic motivation. Informal sector workers play an enormous role in learning society activities, both in course institutions and in community activities, especially informal sector workers with course participants. keywords: activities; activity; bandung; camp; community; course; data; development; education; english; figure; findings; food; goals; habituation; impact; informal; informal sector; informants; inggris; involvement; journal; kampung; kampung inggris; kediri; learners; learning; motivation; negeri; pare; participants; participation; person; process; research; results; sector; sector workers; social; society; stage; studies; study; transportation; universitas; vendors; workers cache: jsser-281.pdf plain text: jsser-281.txt item: #229 of 450 id: jsser-2817 author: Suntana, Ija; Tresnawaty, Betty title: Political Knowledge and Political Behavior among Highly Educated Muslims in Indonesia date: 2020-12-21 words: 8672 flesch: 41 summary: Law students are less critical of political irregularities, while Political students are more tolerant of the phenomena. Another study concludes that there is a positive relationship between political knowledge and the actions of students who study it, especially for political science students. keywords: answer; attitudes; bandung; behavior; civic; communication; communication science; communication students; countries; data; democracy; descriptive; development; discussion; education; education research; effect; factors; formal; frequency; gender; general; groups; higher; indonesia; influence; interest; international; involvement; irregularities; islamic; issues; jakarta; journal; knowledge; law; law students; learning; lectures; legal; level; liberal; majority; media; muslim; negative; number; participation; people; percentage; perceptions; political; political attitudes; political behavior; political issues; political knowledge; political science; politics; positive; process; public; questionnaire; related; relation; relationship; religion; religious; research; researchers; respondents; results; review; role; science; science students; significant; social; society; state; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; suntana; table; terms; theory; trade; tresnawaty; uin; universities; university; views; war; women; yogyakarta cache: jsser-2817.pdf plain text: jsser-2817.txt item: #230 of 450 id: jsser-2819 author: Akhmetshin, Elvir; Vasilev, Vladimir; Zekiy, Angelina; Zakieva, Rafina title: Massive Open Online Courses as the Initial Stage of Development of a Digital University date: 2021-06-29 words: 9479 flesch: 46 summary: The creation and active use of universal educational massive open online courses focused on obtaining fundamental knowledge and practical skills requires very high developer qualification. The key features of massive open online courses include: (1) an accessible training format that is free for everyone; (2) the presence of educational video lectures; (3) practical work and test tasks, with the deadlines most often clearly spelled out; (4) the possibility of obtaining a certificate (including a paid one) upon successful completion of training; and (5) the emergence of new forms Akhmetshin et al. of communication and knowledge acquisition, such as discussion forums (Almatrafi & Johri, 2019). keywords: 2017; account; akhmetshin; analysis; answer; conditions; context; courses; data; design; developed; development; difficulties; digital; digital educational; digital technologies; digital university; digitalization; disciplines; distance; economy; education research; educational; educational process; effectiveness; et al; experience; feedback; figure; general; global; high; higher; implementation; improvement; increase; information; initial; international; journal; knowledge; learning; literature; massive; massive open; methods; model; modern; moocs; necessary; new; number; online; online courses; open; open online; paper; pedagogical; platforms; positive; possible; practice; problems; process; quality; research; resources; respondents; results; russian; sciences; social; stage; students; studies; studies education; study; survey; system; teachers; teaching; technical; technologies; technology; time; traditional; training; transformation; universities; university; use; work cache: jsser-2819.pdf plain text: jsser-2819.txt item: #231 of 450 id: jsser-282 author: Chandra, Teddy -; Martha Ng, Martha Ng -; Chandra, Stefani -; priyono, priyono iyon title: The Effect of Service Quality on Student Satisfaction and Student Loyalty: An Empirical Study date: 2018-08-18 words: 7013 flesch: 49 summary: However, no influences were found about student quality on student loyalty. The same result goes to the relationship between student quality and student loyalty. keywords: 2016a; administration; age; analysis; annamdevula; bellamkonda; better; business; campus; chandra; colleges; construct; customer; dib; duarte; education; fit; gender; good; higher; higher education; india; indicators; indonesia; influence; institutions; international; journal; level; lower; loyalty; major; management; marketing; measurement; model; mokhles; number; old; positive; private; program; province; public; quality; raposo; relationship; research; respondents; result; riau; satisfaction; satisfied; service; service quality; significant; social; student; student loyalty; student satisfaction; studies; study; table; universities; university; value; years cache: jsser-282.pdf plain text: jsser-282.txt item: #232 of 450 id: jsser-283 author: Barieva, Khene; Kireeva, Zarima; Zhou, Nan; Kadi, Svetlana title: The Overcoming the Communication Barriers of Students as means of a Personalization of Education date: 2018-08-18 words: 3715 flesch: 35 summary: The example of his individual map of communication barriers The student has articulated instrumental barriers (expert evaluation - 4, group assessment - 4, self- assessment - 3, average value - 3, 7) and barriers of individual responsibility (expert evaluation - 4, group assessment - 3, self-assessment - 3, average value - 3, 3). Within the framework of the study of the hindered communicative interaction, the levels of severity of communication barriers were diagnosed. keywords: account; activities; akhmetshin; assessment; barriers; behavioral; characteristics; children; choice; class; communication; communication barriers; criticism; educational; evaluation; external; features; framework; group; individual; instrumental; interaction; journal; lesson; level; map; mins; moral; overcoming; pages; pedagogical; problem; procedia; process; research; responsibility; results; sciences; situation; social; speech; stage; student; studies; teacher; volume; work cache: jsser-283.pdf plain text: jsser-283.txt item: #233 of 450 id: jsser-284 author: Saifullova, Razilia; Krapotkina, Irina; Pospelova, Nadezhda; Kayumova, Gelyusya title: The social status of teachers and education in the Russian empire of the second half of the XIX century date: 2018-08-18 words: 4089 flesch: 56 summary: The next indicator of social status we outlined the working conditions of Vyatka teachers. Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9 (3), 97-108 97 The Social Status of Teachers and Education in the Russian Empire of the Second Half of the XIX Century Razilia Saifullova1, Irina Krapotkina2, Nadezhda Pospelova3, Gelyusya Kayumova4 Abstract keywords: academic; activity; alexander; article; centuries; clergy; compulsory; conditions; country; data; department; development; district; education; empire; federal; figure; half; historical; history; important; information; journal; kazan; level; magsumov; material; military; modern; opinion; paper; people; persons; population; professional; province; reform; reign; research; russian; schools; second; service; situation; social; social status; society; statistical; status; studies; study; teachers; teaching; territorial; turn; university; vyatka; work; working; xix; year; zemstvo cache: jsser-284.pdf plain text: jsser-284.txt item: #234 of 450 id: jsser-285 author: Furgione, Brian; Evans, Kelsey; Jahani, Shiva; Russell III, William Benedict title: Divided We Test: Proficiency Rate Disparity Based on the Race, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status of Students on the Florida US History End-of-Course Assessment date: 2018-08-18 words: 9137 flesch: 53 summary: Student testing has steadily increased over time as legislation has placed a greater emphasis on standardized assessments. The null hypothesis being: there will be no significant predication of student proficiency on the U.S. History EOC based on race, gender, or SES status. keywords: .05; accountability; achievement; administration; american; analysis; assessment; average; beta; black; change; civics; coefficients; constant; content; county; course; data; dependent; disadvantaged; disparity; eco; education; education research; eoc; eoc assessment; error; exam; female; findings; florida; furgione; gap; gender; grade; high; hispanic; history; history eoc; journal; june; learning; level; literature; mean; model; naep; national; new; non; percentage; performance; policy; predictors; proficiency; proficient students; race; rates; regression; research; results; review; school; seventh; sig; social; social studies; socioeconomic; square; standardized; standards; state; statistics; status; std; students; studies; studies education; study; subgroups; table; testing; tests; u.s; united; variable; virginia; white; year cache: jsser-285.pdf plain text: jsser-285.txt item: #235 of 450 id: jsser-2853 author: Vinogradov, Vladislav; Shatunova, Olga; Sheymardanov, Shamil title: Do Resilient Schools Exist? Chances for Quality Education for Children from Dysfunctional Families date: 2022-03-24 words: 8392 flesch: 40 summary: This made it possible to, first, reasonably answer the question of the existence or lack of resilient schools as a pedagogical phenomenon, and, second, to determine the necessary grounds for building possible models of school resilience based on incomplete quantitative research data. The integrative model can be considered as the highest level of school resilience, achieved by the gradual development of the previous models. keywords: ability; academic; achievements; adverse; analysis; authors; behavior; characteristics; children; competencies; conditions; context; cornu; data; development; difficult; dysfunctional; economic; education; education research; effectiveness; environment; et al; example; existence; factors; families; family; future; high; important; individual; information; interaction; issues; journal; key; level; life; literature; low; masten; models; negative; new; objects; organizations; parents; pedagogical; personal; pinskaya; positive; practice; problem; process; professional; psychological; psychology; pupils; qualitative; quality; relationships; research; resilience; results; school; school resilience; schoolchildren; self; social; social studies; special; stability; state; strategies; students; studies; studies education; study; system; teacher resilience; teachers; teaching; theory; university; use; vinogradov; work; working cache: jsser-2853.pdf plain text: jsser-2853.txt item: #236 of 450 id: jsser-2854 author: Nurkholis, Nurkholis; Zauhar, Soesilo; Muluk, MR. Khairul; Setyowati, Endah title: Analysis of Personnel Patterns in the Regional Government of the East Java Province, Indonesia date: 2020-12-21 words: 5399 flesch: 43 summary: Citizen engagement and local government management. The results revealed a paradigm shift in organizing and conducting government bureaucracy, followed by changes in staffing patterns in local government. keywords: administration; affairs; analysis; approach; authorities; authority; bkd; bureaucracy; bureaucratic; centralized; civil; daerah; data; decentralization; development; east; east java; education; effectiveness; employees; employment; goals; governance; government; indonesia; integrated; java; java province; journal; law; level; local; local government; management; needs; number; nurkholis; objectives; organization; pattern; personnel; policy; problems; province; provincial; qualitative; regional; regional government; regulations; research; resources; role; servants; service; social; staffing; state; studies; study; system; targets; theory cache: jsser-2854.pdf plain text: jsser-2854.txt item: #237 of 450 id: jsser-2857 author: Batmang, Batmang; Gunawan, Fahmi title: Issues of Social Values in the Arabic Teaching of Islamic Higher Education Students in Indonesia date: 2020-12-21 words: 7763 flesch: 53 summary: A framework for retrieving Arabic documents based on queries written in Arabic slang language. In teaching Arabic languages, educators should pay attention to the cultural dimensions of the speakers of the target language. keywords: activities; addition; arabic; arabic language; arabic slang; arabic teaching; batmang; boarding; budiharso; campus; canh; case; center; certain; communication; community; context; cultural; culture; data; debate; design; development; dialects; different; education; education research; english; example; factors; formal; formal arabic; gontor; groups; gunawan; habit; higher; ideas; identity; indonesia; information; international; interview; islamic; journal; language; learning; linguistic; male; materials; maza; means; modern; moore; moral; new; official; participants; people; phenomenon; phrase; practice; process; questions; research; rules; school; sentences; slang; slang language; social; social studies; social values; solikhah; southeast; standard; students; studies; study; system; table; teaching; tool; university; upt; use; users; values; van; vocabulary; widodo; word cache: jsser-2857.pdf plain text: jsser-2857.txt item: #238 of 450 id: jsser-2858 author: Susilo, Suko title: The Role of Families in Cultivating Children’s Personality Values: An Analysis of Social Psychology Education date: 2020-12-21 words: 10674 flesch: 51 summary: Islam (2014) further explains that family values are traditional or cultural values that have been passed down from generation to generation, and they are related to structure, function, role, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals. Family values involve enduring beliefs about the importance of family and who should play the key roles in it (e.g., raising children, taking care of the home, and earning a living). keywords: abstract; adult; adult children; analysis; attitudes; behavior; beliefs; better; certain; children; community; couples; cultivation; cultural; cultural values; data; different; education; education research; effect; emotional; evaluation; example; families; family; family members; family values; form; functioning; good; good values; grandchildren; grandparents; greater; health; important; increase; individual; influence; instilling; instrument; islam; journal; kediri; levels; life; lives; marital; marriage; married; members; mental; model; number; opinion; parents; participants; people; personality; planting; positive; process; psychological; psychology; quality; questionnaire; questions; relationships; research; results; rokeach; role; sample; schwartz; sciences; self; sig; situations; social; social studies; society; source; spss; stress; studies; study; support; survey; susilo; table; test; traditional; umberson; understanding; value education; values; variable; welfare; wellbeing; women cache: jsser-2858.pdf plain text: jsser-2858.txt item: #239 of 450 id: jsser-286 author: Choiriyah, Siti; Kumaidi, Kumaidi; Kartowagiran, Badrun title: Developing Delta Internal Quality Assurance to Evaluate the Quality of Indonesian Islamic Universities date: 2018-08-18 words: 6700 flesch: 47 summary: In addition, the evaluation of process quality to output quality has a loading value equal to 0.57 with quadratic value 0.3249, so 32.49% variance of process quality influences output quality. This means that 10.24% variance of input quality influences process quality. keywords: academic; accreditation; addition; analysis; aspects; assessment; assurance; benchmarking; cfa; choiriyah; competency; criteria; curriculum; data; delphi; development; diqa; easy; education; evaluation; facilities; field; fit; good; graduate; greater; higher; higher education; infrastructure; input; instrument; internal; internal quality; islamic; items; journal; learning; lecturers; main; management; method; mission; model; needs; operational; outcomes; output; preliminary; process; program; prototype; quality; quality assurance; questionnaire; research; results; round; social; staff; standards; student; studies; study; system; table; tam; teaching; testing; universities; university; use; value; vision; vol cache: jsser-286.pdf plain text: jsser-286.txt item: #240 of 450 id: jsser-2866 author: Karmiyati, Diah; Rahmadiani, Nixie Devina; Hasanati, Nida title: Life Review Therapy for Improving the Psychological Wellbeing of Elderly Retired Women in Indonesia date: 2020-12-21 words: 6522 flesch: 49 summary: Better self-esteem can encourage individuals to respect themselves more, however, leading in turn to improvements in the dimension of psychological wellbeing. The aim of this study is to establish how self-esteem influences psychological wellbeing in elderly retired women. keywords: activities; adulthood; adults; age; aging; analysis; better; changes; control; depression; differences; education; effects; elderly; esteem; et al; events; experiences; experimental; gratitude; group; health; increase; individual; indonesia; international; intervention; journal; karmiyati; levels; life; life review; mean; negative; older; people; positive; posttest; pretest; process; psychological; psychological wellbeing; psychology; relationships; research; results; retired; retirement; review; review therapy; scale; scores; self; significant; social; studies; study; subjects; table; therapy; wellbeing; women; work; years cache: jsser-2866.pdf plain text: jsser-2866.txt item: #241 of 450 id: jsser-287 author: Abdulkarim, Aim; Ratmaningsih, Neiny; Anggraini, Diana Noor title: Developing Civicpedia as a Civic Education E-Learning Media To Improve Students’ Information Literacy date: 2018-08-18 words: 5564 flesch: 50 summary: 2) Search page contained civic education learning material for junior high school students in XML format. The responses from students in the implementation of Civicpedia in civic education learning show a very good assessment. keywords: abdulkarim; able; analysis; aspect; bandung; civic education; civicpedia; communication; critical; curriculum; data; design; development; dictionary; education; education learning; education research; good; high; home; implementation; indonesia; information; interface; journal; junior; knowledge; learning; learning media; learning process; level; literacy; main; material; media; menu; new; page; posters; process; product; quantitative; questionnaire; quiz; related; research; responses; results; school; score; sketch; skills; smpn; social; society; stage; stories; students; studies; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; users; videos; website; words; york cache: jsser-287.pdf plain text: jsser-287.txt item: #242 of 450 id: jsser-2878 author: Zuhdi, Muhammad Luthfi title: Nationalism in the Season of Revolution: Poetry of Syrian, Libyan and Egyptian Poets date: 2020-12-21 words: 8063 flesch: 69 summary: In 2011, the Arab Spring (Arabic: Al-Tsawrat al-ʿArabiyyah) flared up in Tunisia and spread to other Arab countries, most notably Egypt, Syria, and Libya. Indonesian University, Jakarta; Email: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2020: 11 (4), 304-330 conditions in Arab countries also encouraged the emergence of poets with certain tendencies in their poetry. keywords: analysis; arab; arab countries; arab nationalism; arab spring; arab world; arabic; armed; arrival; article; cave; center; change; children; civilization; conflict; countries; country; cultural; damono; data; day; deadly; democratic; demonstrators; economic; education; education research; egypt; egyptian; elections; expression; facebook; factions; fall; festival; fireworks; foreign; forms; friend; gaddafi; garden; government; groups; hands; homeland; hope; hosni; house; ideas; important; influence; institutions; international; islam; jokh; journal; language; leaders; libya; life; literary; literature; long; love; military; modern; nationalism; new; oil; oman; opposition; people; person; place; poem; poetry; poets; political; power; powerful; regime; research; resistance; revolution; revolutionary; role; sastra; season; sense; siblings; similar; simon; simpson; situation; social; social studies; society; sociology; soldiers; speaker; spread; spring; states; streets; strong; studies; studies education; study; sudan; suleman; syria; terms; themes; time; tools; tribes; troops; tunisia; war; world; zuhdi; العربى; على cache: jsser-2878.pdf plain text: jsser-2878.txt item: #243 of 450 id: jsser-288 author: Achaeva, Marina; Daurova, Anetta; Pospelova, Nadezda; Borysov, Viacheslav title: Intercultural Education in the System of Training Future Teachers date: 2018-08-18 words: 7332 flesch: 49 summary: In our opinion nursery rhymes, limericks, clerihews, i.e. the units of small poetic genre, are an effective way of formation of socially-cultural competences, a bright lingvocultural material in the process of intercultural education, a way of formation of cultural pluralism at such schools. In our opinion nursery rhymes, limericks, clerihews, i.e. the units of small poetic genre, are an effective way of formation of socially-cultural competences, a bright lingvocultural material in the process of intercultural education (Akhmetshin et al, 2017b; Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2018: 9 (3), 261-281 Gabidullina et al., 2018; Grahova & Gapsalamov, 2014), a way of formation of cultural pluralism at such schools. keywords: achaeva; american; april; britain; british; century; children; clerihew; competence; concept; content; cultural; culture; development; different; education; education research; effective; elabuga; english; example; federal; federation; folklore; following; foreign; formation; forms; future; general; genre; george; intercultural; intercultural education; international; journal; king; knowledge; language; limerick; lines; linguistic; literature; management; material; method; modern; moscow; multicultural; multicultural education; new; nursery; oxford; pedagogical; peoples; pluralism; poetic; popular; pospelova; possible; process; questions; research; respondents; rhymes; russian; schools; semantization; similar; small; social; specialists; standards; state; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; teaching; text; traditions; training; type; units; university; use; way; word; work; young cache: jsser-288.pdf plain text: jsser-288.txt item: #244 of 450 id: jsser-289 author: Ahtarieva, Raziya; Ibragimova, Elmira; Sattarova, Gulnaz; Turzhanova, Gulmira title: Integration as a Form of Acculturation of Foreign Student –Future Teacher in the Polyethnic Educational Environment of the University date: 2018-08-18 words: 5229 flesch: 38 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9 (3), 317-331 317 Integration as a Form of Acculturation of Foreign Student – Future Teacher in the Polyethnic Educational Environment of University Raziya Ahtarieva1, Elmira Ibragimova2, Gulnaz Sattarova3, Gulmira Turzhanova4 Abstract Adaptation of foreign students in the host country, developed during the process of acculturation, is complex and differentiated, since it occurs in the context of a dialogue of representatives of different nationalities, a dialogue of cultures. Keywords: acculturation, foreign students, polyethnic educational environment, globalization, migration, integration. keywords: acculturation; activities; activity; adaptation; agreement; ahtarieva; aktobe; answers; baishev; behavior; club; communication; conditions; conference; cultural; culture; degree; dialogue; different; education; environment; et al; foreign; foreign students; formation; future; important; institute; integration; interethnic; international; journal; kalimullina; kfu; korableva; language; life; magsumov; management; method; national; nationalities; nationality; native; new; non; paper; pedagogical; people; polyethnic; problem; process; question; representatives; research; respondents; russian; social; society; socio; speakers; students; studies; study; teachers; traditions; university; values; yelabuga cache: jsser-289.pdf plain text: jsser-289.txt item: #245 of 450 id: jsser-290 author: Tapung, Marianus Mantovanny; Maryani, Enok -; Supriatna, Nana title: Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Controlling Social Problems through the Development of Emancipatory Learning Model for Junior High School Social Studies in Ruteng City date: 2018-08-18 words: 4939 flesch: 39 summary: Critical thinking itself is one of the four characteristics (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity) that learners must have in the 21st century (Zevin, 2007). For effective empowerment of critical thinking skills, emancipatory learning was developed. keywords: active; activities; activity; assessment; classroom; control; critical; critical thinking; data; development; education; effectiveness; efforts; emancipatory; emancipatory learning; good; high; implementation; improvement; increase; journal; junior; learning; learning model; maryani; materials; model; mts; observation; participation; performance; pre; problems; process; qualitative; research; results; ruteng; school; skills; social; social problems; social studies; students; studies; subject; tapung; teacher; teaching; test; thinking; thinking skills cache: jsser-290.pdf plain text: jsser-290.txt item: #246 of 450 id: jsser-291 author: Batanero, José Maria Fernandez; Tadeu, Doutor Pedro; Cabero, Julio title: ICT and disabilities. Construction of a diagnostic instrument in Spain date: 2018-08-29 words: 6321 flesch: 61 summary: Diseño y validación de un instrumento de evaluación de la competencia digital del estudiante universitario. El proceso del análisis y la descripción con las especificaciones para confeccionar la matriz de las competencias y construir el perfil del cargo o de ocupación. keywords: .05; accessibility; analysis; application; batanero; bit; cabero; coefficient; cognitive; construction; content; de la; del; diagnosis; different; digital; dimension; disabilities; disability; educación; education; expert; following; general; hearing; ict; inclusion; instrument; investigación; items; journal; knowledge; las; learning; materials; medios; motor; needs; núm; para; people; persons; possibilities; process; programs; questionnaire; relevance; reliability; research; resources; revista; skills; social; software; spanish; special; standard; students; studies; study; table; tadeu; teachers; technology; tic; training; types; use; validity; version; visual; vol; websites; work cache: jsser-291.pdf plain text: jsser-291.txt item: #247 of 450 id: jsser-2912 author: Calkins, Leona T; Yoder, Paul; Wiens, Peter title: Renewed Purposes for Social Studies Teacher Preparation: An Analysis of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Initial Teacher Education date: 2021-06-29 words: 8685 flesch: 48 summary: Because of this Crocco and Livingston (2017, p. 361) call for “more focused and programmatic research on social studies teacher education” akin to research common in science and math with the goal of shaping policy and better preparing social studies teachers. Social studies teachers were more self-efficacious about instruction and classroom management than they were about student engagement and teaching in multicultural classrooms. keywords: ability; achievement; addition; ainley; analysis; bandura; bittman; calkins; carstens; classrooms; content; course; cuenca; data; development; diverse; eds; education; education programs; education research; efficacy; elements; engagement; english; et al; experience; fitchett; high; history; hoy; instruction; ite; jaffee; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; management; methods; moran; multicultural; national; new; participants; pedagogy; preparation; preservice; preservice social; preservice teachers; professional; programs; research; responsive; scale; schools; self; skills; social education; social studies; standards; states; student; studies education; studies research; studies teachers; study; talis; teacher education; teacher self; teachers; teaching; theory; training; tschannen; u.s; yoder cache: jsser-2912.pdf plain text: jsser-2912.txt item: #248 of 450 id: jsser-2917 author: Estelles, Marta; Romero, Jesús; Amo, Francisco José title: The Paradoxes of Citizenship Education: Frames and Factors Influencing Dispositions toward Discussing Political Issues in the Classroom date: 2021-06-29 words: 7790 flesch: 48 summary: Favorable 88 34.0 15 36.6 12 60.0 Reluctant 171 66.0 26 63.4 8 40.0 Discussion and Implications for Teacher Education Studying Teacher Education: The Report of the AERA panel on research and teacher education. keywords: assumptions; beliefs; better; childhood; children; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; civic education; civic engagement; classroom; conservative; critical; current; democracy; different; disposition; doi; education; education research; effect; engagement; estellés; et al; eurydice; findings; frames; framing; hess; ideology; implications; important; issues; journal; liberal; models; moderate; participants; participation; perceptions; political; political ideology; political issues; politics; preservice; preservice teachers; problems; public; question; questionnaire; relationship; research; results; review; right; romero; sample; scholars; schools; second; self; significant; social; social studies; statements; studies; studies education; study; table; teacher education; teachers; teaching; thinking; university; values; ways; westheimer cache: jsser-2917.pdf plain text: jsser-2917.txt item: #249 of 450 id: jsser-292 author: Gizatullina, Anna; Sibgatullina, Alfiya title: Forming a Foreign Language Teacher's Professional Competencies in a Multilingual Educational Environment date: 2018-08-18 words: 4817 flesch: 32 summary: Method The methods of study are determined by the objectives set; they include an analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature, research of various aspects on the issue under study, as well as an analysis of the practical experience of foreign language teachers; questionnaire (99 respondents students 2-5 courses, age 19-25 years, carriers of 8 different native languages), a questionnaire of 3 blocks, a total of 18 questions; observation participant observation during training sessions; conversation clarifying conversation with students participating in a questionnaire; conversations with teachers and heads of departments of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (20 people in total), percentage representation of the data Findings Analyzing the process of forming the professional competencies of students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages in the multilingual context, the authors came to the conclusion that a special role is dedicated to the theoretical foundations of modeling this process. Statistical processing of the obtained data confirmed the positive impact of the applied training methodology on the formation of professional competencies of future foreign language teachers. keywords: activity; analysis; authors; basis; competencies; context; cultural; different; difficulties; education; environment; experience; faculty; federal; following; foreign; foreign language; formation; future; german; gizatullina; goal; integration; issue; journal; knowledge; language; language teacher; learning; method; methodology; multilingual; multilingual education; native; pedagogical; perception; practice; principle; process; professional; questionnaire; research; school; second; sibgatullina; social; state; students; studies; study; studying; system; tasks; teacher; teaching; technologies; training; university; use; work cache: jsser-292.pdf plain text: jsser-292.txt item: #250 of 450 id: jsser-2924 author: Mukhtar, Saparuddin; Putri, K. Y. S. title: Technology Integrated on Media Literacy in Economic Studies on Higher Education date: 2021-03-26 words: 10158 flesch: 44 summary: Then, to identify the competency level of student media literacy and product feasibility using questionnaires data collection. Therefore, researchers aim to develop mobile-based applications to improve student media literacy in higher education. keywords: access; analysis; android; application; basic; case; change; communication; competence; content; critical; data; design; development; digital; digital literacy; document; easy; economic; economic development; economic education; economic literacy; economic studies; economy; eda; eda application; education; education research; education students; feasibility; feasible; higher; higher education; increase; information; information literacy; integrated; international; internet; interviews; jakarta; journal; knowledge; learning; learning process; level; literacy education; literacy learning; literacy skills; mass; mass media; materials; media education; media literacy; medium; method; mobile; mukhtar; need; new; new media; news; online; participants; percentage; process; putri; qualitative; questionnaire; reading; research; researchers; results; science; skills; social; social media; social studies; society; source; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technology; thinking; tool; total; understanding; university; use; uses cache: jsser-2924.pdf plain text: jsser-2924.txt item: #251 of 450 id: jsser-294 author: Zurqoni, Zurqoni; Retnawati, Heri; Arlinwibowo, Janu; Apino, Ezi title: Strategy and Implementation of Character Education in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools date: 2018-08-18 words: 10313 flesch: 43 summary: Development of student character through project based learning for social studies subject. The effect of hidden curriculum on character education process of primary school students. keywords: accordance; achievement; activities; addition; affective; approach; aspects; attention; attitude; canteen; care; character development; character education; character values; characters; classroom; cognitive; creativity; curriculum; data; design; development; difficulties; discipline; education research; educational; employees; environment; facilities; garbage; general; good; good characters; habituation; high; honesty; implementation; indonesia; intervention; java; journal; learning; learning process; life; literacy; members; model; moral; movement; multiple; national; objective; obstacles; order; paradigm; parents; period; positive; principal; problem; process; programs; reading; reinforcement; research; responsibility; results; retnawati; role; schools; senior; situation; skills; social; society; strategies; strategy; students; studies education; study; synergy; teachers; teaching; time; values; vocational; zurqoni cache: jsser-294.pdf plain text: jsser-294.txt item: #252 of 450 id: jsser-3001 author: Jaradat, Suhair A; Ajlouni, Aseel O title: Undergraduates’ Perspectives and Challenges of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case from the University of Jordan date: 2021-03-26 words: 9537 flesch: 46 summary: Jordan has followed strict nationwide procedures to stop the spread of the virus, one of which has been school closures and a shift to online learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ perspectives of online learning at the University of Jordan and determine the challenges they experienced as a result of shifting from face-to-face learning to a fully online learning environment. keywords: ajlouni; approach; challenges; communication; constructivism; coronavirus; countries; courses; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; distance; education; education research; environment; et al; experience; face; face learning; findings; health; higher; ict; impact; information; institutions; instructors; interaction; international; internet; issues; items; jaradat; jordan; jordanian; journal; knowledge; lack; learners; learning; management; materials; mental; mode; motivation; online education; online learning; owusu; p(f; pandemic; perspectives; poor; positive; quality; questionnaire; rajab; research; researchers; respondents; results; science; self; services; skills; social; soes; software; students; studies; study; support; table; teaching; technical; technological; technology; terms; time; tools; undergraduate; undergraduate students; universities; university; use; world cache: jsser-3001.pdf plain text: jsser-3001.txt item: #253 of 450 id: jsser-3043 author: Putri, K. Y.S.; Sugiyanta, Lipur; Safitri, Dini; Fathurrahman, Heri title: The Use the Elaboration phase in ICT and Social Studies to Educate Junior High School Students about the Covid 19 Pandemic date: 2021-06-29 words: 8502 flesch: 50 summary: That is despite social studies teachers having a positive attitude towards ICT integration in the learning process (Hong, 2016). Abstract This study aims to analyse the Elaborate phase in ICT and social studies to educate Junior High School students about Covid 19. keywords: activities; analysis; approach; attitude; coefficients; communication; correlation; covid; covid-19; curriculum; data; dependent; development; education; education research; effective; elaborate phase; elaboration; equation; high; high school; hypothesis; ict; impact; indonesia; influence; information; interaction; items; journal; junior; junior high; knowledge; kolmogorov; learning; learning process; level; life; linearity; media; multiple; needs; online; online learning; pandemic; probability; process; putri; questionnaire; regression; relationship; research; results; school; school students; science; significant; significant influence; simple; smirnov; social studies; students; studies education; studies research; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; use; value; variables cache: jsser-3043.pdf plain text: jsser-3043.txt item: #254 of 450 id: jsser-3046 author: Marmilova, Ekaterina; Kashirskaya, Liudmila; Karabasheva, Malvina; Kudryashova, Ekaterina title: Potential of Voter Turnout among Young People in the Case of Application of E-Voting, Postal Voting, and Three-Day Voting date: 2021-12-21 words: 6612 flesch: 50 summary: The most important requirement for elections in the event of multi-day voting is legitimacy and recognition of the results by all political forces and society. Abstract This study is aimed at discovering possible reasons for young people’s refusal to participate in elections in Russia and studying the attitudes of young people toward increasing voter turnout via electronic voting, postal voting, and three-day voting. keywords: absenteeism; activity; answers; astrakhan; citizens; convenient; culture; data; day voting; education; elections; electoral; electronic; electronic voting; example; federation; future; important; increase; introduction; journal; level; mail; mail voting; main; marmilova; moscow; participation; people; place; political; postal voting; problem; question; reasons; region; replies; research; researchers; respondents; responses; results; russian; russian federation; sample; social; state; studies; study; table; time; turnout; university; use; voters; voting; young; young people; youth cache: jsser-3046.pdf plain text: jsser-3046.txt item: #255 of 450 id: jsser-3075 author: Hidayah, Rifa title: Students’ Self-Adjustment, Self-Control, and Morality date: 2021-03-26 words: 7865 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: self-control, self-adjustment, student morality. Theoretically, this study will contribute for educational psychology in Indonesia, especially for the theme of student morality. keywords: ability; activities; adjustment; analysis; aspects; behavior; better; character; children; community; contribution; control; correlation; data; development; easier; education; effect; effective; environment; et al; factors; good; good self; harmony; help; hidayah; high; hypothesis; important; individuals; international; items; journal; learning; level; life; morality; people; personal; personality; positive; process; psychology; reasoning; related; relationship; research; results; role; scale; school; science; second; self; selfadjustment; significant; skills; social; society; square; stage; students; studies; study; table; tangney; technology; test; values; variable cache: jsser-3075.pdf plain text: jsser-3075.txt item: #256 of 450 id: jsser-3076 author: Mustaqim, Mustaqim title: The Effect of a Principal’s Instructional Supervisory Practice on Teacher Satisfaction in the Religious Ministry Schools of Semarang, Indonesia date: 2021-03-26 words: 7727 flesch: 44 summary: Teacher job satisfaction: the importance of school working conditions and teacher characteristics, Educational Review, 73:1, 71-97, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1705247 Vogt, P. (2005). Teacher job satisfaction across 38 countries and economies: An alignment optimization approach to a cross-cultural mean comparison, International Journal of Educational Research, 101, 1-10. Zepeda, S. J. (2012). keywords: acceptance; activities; administration; analysis; approach; behavior; chapagain; coefficient; commitment; correlation; data; degree; demographic; development; education; education research; educators; effect; experience; factors; findings; gender; high; important; influence; instructional; international; islamic; job; job satisfaction; johansson; journal; klassen; leadership; learning; level; management; managerial; mathematics; model; motivation; mustaqim; myrberg; new; organizational; overall; performance; positive; primary; principals; professional; properness; range; relationship; research; results; sample; satisfaction; satisfactory; scale; school; school teachers; science; secondary; self; semarang; sig; significant; social; students; studies; study; subject; supervision; supervisory; table; teacher satisfaction; teachers; teaching; technology; test; toropova; total; type; university; use; variables; variance; work; work acceptance; work satisfaction; years cache: jsser-3076.pdf plain text: jsser-3076.txt item: #257 of 450 id: jsser-3077 author: Warman, Warman title: Establishing the Governmental Policy to Promote Engagement within the Inclusive Education System in Indonesia date: 2021-03-26 words: 8660 flesch: 50 summary: Teacher Education and Special Education, 30(1), 1-12. Journal of Teacher Education, 59 (5). keywords: academic; addition; analysis; approaches; assessment; challenges; children; coffey; competence; convention; curriculum; cwds; cwsn; data; declaration; descriptive; design; development; different; disabilities; disability; disabled; education; education research; fair; features; frequency; general; good; hypothesis; implementation; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive education; indonesia; instruction; international; international journal; journal; juniar; knowledge; learners; learning; level; management; mastery; matter; mean; methods; ministry; nations; needs; participate; pedagogical; pedagogical competence; people; plan; preparation; problem; pulsifer; pupils; quality; questionnaire; research; results; review; rights; salamanca; salim; school; science; service; skills; social; solving; special; special education; statistics; students; studies; studies education; study; subject; system; table; teacher education; teachers; teaching; technology; test; total; training; unesco; unimportant; united; university; warman; way; yusuf cache: jsser-3077.pdf plain text: jsser-3077.txt item: #258 of 450 id: jsser-3078 author: Tonich, Tonich title: The Role of Principals’ Leadership Abilities in Improving School Performance through the School Culture date: 2021-03-26 words: 9697 flesch: 44 summary: School culture and change: An examination of the effects of school culture on the process of change. To collect data, this study used survey questionnaires, which were divided over three parts, namely the principal’s managerial style, school organizational culture, and school performance. keywords: 12(1; abilities; ability; alpha; analysis; approach; behavior; business; central; change; city; community; competence; cronbach; cultural; culture; data; development; district; doi; education; education research; effect; effectiveness; elementary; environment; fit; goals; good; greater; high; hypothesis; independent; indonesia; influence; instrument; international; items; journal; kalimantan; leadership; leading; learning; level; management; managerial; methods; model; new; normality; number; office; organizational; organizational culture; organizational performance; outcomes; palangka; palangka raya; pendidikan; people; performance; poor; primary; principals; private; public; quality; raya; related; research; respondents; results; role; sample; school; school culture; school organizational; school performance; school principals; significant; skills; social; source; standard; students; studies; studies education; study; success; table; tahun; teachers; technology; test; tonich; total; use; values; variable cache: jsser-3078.pdf plain text: jsser-3078.txt item: #259 of 450 id: jsser-3088 author: Panfilova, Valentina; Panfilov, Aleksey; Gerasimova, Yulia; Enina, Yulianna title: Adolescent Bullying Prevention Program in Educational Institutions: From Comprehensive Research to Modification date: 2021-09-24 words: 8947 flesch: 39 summary: It is determined that bullying prevention among adolescents should be aimed both at an individual student and at the level of school groups as actively as possible: the class, interest group, educational institution as a whole. It is proved that the proposed approach to the design, launch and promotion of preventive anti-bullying programs for adolescent students increases the awareness of subjects of the educational process about bullying, reduces the frequency of situations of school bullying, and improves the socio-psychological climate of the educational organization. keywords: adolescents; age; aggression; aggressiveness; analysis; anti; anxiety; attitudes; basis; behavior; bullying; characteristics; children; community; comprehensive; cruelty; data; design; destructive; development; educational; educational institution; educational organization; emotional; environment; esteem; features; following; group; higher; hostility; indicators; individual; institution; invariant; journal; level; mean; modification; necessary; number; offenders; organization; panfilova; participants; pedagogical; peers; personal; personality; phenomenon; physical; points; preventive; problem; process; program; psychological; p≤0.01; questionnaire; research; results; sample; school; school bullying; school social; self; severity; situational; skills; social; students; studies; study; subjects; table; teachers; teaching; terms; traits; values; victims; violence cache: jsser-3088.pdf plain text: jsser-3088.txt item: #260 of 450 id: jsser-312 author: Stepanova, Valentina V.; Meshkova, Irina N.; Sheremetieva, Olga A.; Maštálka, Jiří title: Refugee Flows at Border Crossing Points: Legal, Social and Language Aspects date: 2018-08-18 words: 7908 flesch: 48 summary: Then the refugee can send his/her application to OFPRA (French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons) to determine that they are subject to refugee status or subsidiary protection. Numerous migrants’ complaints as well as statements of service workers and organizations protecting refugee rights reveal that in France the procedure for obtaining asylum is much longer than in the neighboring states. keywords: administrative; agency; analysis; applicant; aspects; assistance; asylum; authorities; border; cases; certain; common; communication; conflict; convention; countries; country; crisis; crossing; different; education; end; english; european; federal; federation; flows; france; french; high; house; human; information; international; interpreters; interpreting; journal; language; law; laws; legal; level; life; living; mass; medical; migrants; migration; military; necessary; non; number; numerous; organizations; origin; people; person; present; problems; professional; protection; reasons; refugee; refugee status; report; requirements; research; residence; right; rules; russia; seekers; service; setting; skills; social; state; status; stay; stepanova; studies; study; subject; support; system; temporary; terms; training; unhcr; university; url; work; years; zones cache: jsser-312.pdf plain text: jsser-312.txt item: #261 of 450 id: jsser-315 author: Maydangalieva, Zhumagul A.; Benkovskaya, Tatiana E.; Yadrovskaya, Elena R.; Sosnovskaya, Irina V. title: Literary development of schoolchildren as an important issue of modern educational curriculum date: 2018-08-18 words: 6124 flesch: 40 summary: This is also confirmed by Yadrovskaya's paper The problem of creative works in school literature education (2009): Meanwhile, the greater attention was paid to creative works in the curriculum ed. The problem of creative works in school literature education. keywords: analysis; assignments; authors; belenkiy; classes; communications; conditions; constituents; creative; curriculum; education; extent; grades; journal; korovina; kutuzov; language; level; life; literary; literary development; literature; literature curricula; literature teaching; marantsman; maydangalieva; methodological; methodological system; methods; models; pedagogical; problem; process; reader; research; russian; schoolchildren; schoolchildren literary; secondary; social; structural; studies; successful; system; teaching; variable; variable model; works cache: jsser-315.pdf plain text: jsser-315.txt item: #262 of 450 id: jsser-317 author: Tarman, Bülent title: From the Editor - Editörden date: 2015-05-28 words: 919 flesch: 46 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi i FROM THE EDITOR Hello, We have realized May 2015 issue of Journal of Social Studies Education Research. İkinci makalemiz ise Joshua L Kenna & William Benedict Russell III’ün yazarlığını üstlendiği “Secondary Social Studies Teachers’ Time Commitment When Addressing the Common Core State Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi iii and Democracy Education Textbook and Curriculum in terms of Global Education” (Küresel Eğitim Çerçevesinde Vatandaşlık ve Demokrasi Eğitimi Ders Kitabı ve Öğretim Programı)” keywords: abant; araştırmaları; articles; baysal; başlıklı; bilgiler; bilimsel; bir; bülent; dergisi; detroit; education; eğitimi; indexing; issue; i̇zzet; journal; olan; peace; public; research; social; sosyal; studies; symposium; tarafından; teachers; terms; uygulamalarının;; öğretim cache: jsser-317.pdf plain text: jsser-317.txt item: #263 of 450 id: jsser-3173 author: Nasution, Nasution; Sarmini, Sarmini; Warsono, Warsono; Wasino, Wasino; Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia title: Using Coping Strategies of Informal Sector Traders amid COVID-19 in Indonesia for Social Studies Teaching Materials on Realizing SDGs date: 2021-09-24 words: 12093 flesch: 55 summary: Furthermore, the possibility of the number of infected people who have not been registered or 1 Drs., M.Hum., M.Ed., Ph.D., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 2 Prof., Dr., M.Hum., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 3 Prof., Dr., M.Hum., Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 4 Prof., Dr., M.Hum., Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, 5 MA., Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (3), 144-174 145 show the symptoms is expected to be much higher (Wu et al, 2020). Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (3), 144-174 147 keywords: actions; activities; activity; actors; affected; age; analysis; approach; areas; basic; business; buyers; case; community; conditions; consumers; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; daily; data; decrease; development; disease; economic; economy; education; education research; efforts; environment; et al; ethnic; experience; family; food; frozen; goals; goods; government; health; high; home; human; impact; important; income; indonesia; informal; informal sector; international; journal; knowledge; large; learning; level; life; limited; location; market; materials; meaningful; micro; model; nasution; needs; new; number; old; online; pandemic; people; place; policies; policy; poor; poverty; problem; process; production; products; quality; related; research; restrictions; results; sales; schools; science; sdgs; second; sector; sector traders; seller; selling; shop; situation; small; social; social studies; society; spread; stalls; status; strategies; strategy; street; students; studies; studies education; study; subject; surabaya; survival; survive; sustainable; teacher; teaching; technology; theory; time; traders; turnover; urban; use; vendors; world; years cache: jsser-3173.pdf plain text: jsser-3173.txt item: #264 of 450 id: jsser-3178 author: Bozhkova, Galina; Shabalina, Nadezhda; Ibragimova, Elmira title: Images of Fathers by Younger Generation in Modern Fiction: Socio-Psychological Analysis date: 2021-06-29 words: 9343 flesch: 55 summary: The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that this work is the first to analyze and classify the images of fathers in children’s and adolescent prose of the 21st century, as well as to reveal the frequency of the appearance of a certain type of father in Russian and foreign children’s literature and the influence of the father on the formation of the younger generation. The purpose of the article is to explore what influence fathers have on the formation of children-heroes and to analyze the socio- psychological types of paternal images in the pages of modern prose. keywords: 21st; abramova; adolescent; analysis; attention; authors; behavior; biological; borisenko; boy; bozhkova; century; character; children; classification; content; dad; data; daughter; development; education; elias; example; factors; families; family; father; fatherhood; formation; frequency; friend; generation; home; home father; images; important; influence; journal; judge; life; literary; literature; love; loving; main; man; material; modern; modern children; moscow; mother; mushrooms; papateka; paternal; paternity; pax; people; personality; peter; portrait; possible; problem; prose; psychological; psychologists; qualitative; question; relationships; research; results; role; single; snail; social; socio; son; stars; story; strong; studies; study; table; texts; time; types; works; writers; younger cache: jsser-3178.pdf plain text: jsser-3178.txt item: #265 of 450 id: jsser-318 author: Ayas, Cemalettin title: The Role of Media in Geography Courses from the Perspectives of Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers date: 2015-05-28 words: 6352 flesch: 61 summary: When the answers of geography teacher candidates to the question which of the geography programs on the internet do you know? Geography teachers do the lesson just with PowerPoint slides. keywords: 6(1; actual; analysis; ayas; better; bilgiler; board; candidates; cemalettin; classes; classroom; computer; courses; coğrafya; data; different; education; environment; excursion; field; geography; geography lessons; important; information; internet; journal; learning; lecturers; lessons; mandatory; maps; materials; media; method; monotonous; narration; new; opportunities; order; people; presentations; research; school; slides; smart; social; social studies; software; sosyal; students; studies; studies teacher; study; sufficient; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; textbooks; thinking; topics; university; use; videos; visual; way; written; öğretmen cache: jsser-318.pdf plain text: jsser-318.txt item: #266 of 450 id: jsser-320 author: Çener, Emin; Acun, İsmail; Demirhan, Gokhan title: The Impact of ICT on Pupils’ Achievement and Attitudes in Social Studies date: 2015-05-28 words: 6669 flesch: 58 summary: Thus, it is important to incorporate real life issues in dealing with social studies pupils. Although no single variable is important in explaining pupils’ attitudes towards social studies, their pre-test scores of achievement test, social studies attitudes and ICT scores altogether have an impact on pupils’ forming attitudes towards social studies. keywords: 6(1; academic; achievement; achievement test; acun; analysis; ankara; attitudes; bilgiler; block; cener; change; coefficients; computers; control; curriculum; data; education; educators; effect; emin; experimental; group; gökhan; ict; ict attitudes; impact; important; information; integration; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; measurement; positive; post; potential; pre; pupils; real; regression; research; scales; scores; significant; skills; social; social studies; sosyal; square; studies; studies education; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; test scores; tools; treatment; turkey; turkish; unit; use; variables; variance cache: jsser-320.pdf plain text: jsser-320.txt item: #267 of 450 id: jsser-3206 author: Chong, King Man Eric; Pao, Shun-shing; Ho, Lawrence Ka-ki; Ng, Hoi-yu title: After the Social Movements in 2019: Examining the Association between Online Civic Participation of Hong Kong’s Young People and their Real-life Civic Participation date: 2021-12-21 words: 9345 flesch: 42 summary: It concluded that Hong Kong young people were more active in online political participation than offline political participation, and that may due to only a few youths transformed their online political expression into offline social action. Abstract This paper investigates the relationship between online civic participation and their real-life civic participation among Hong Kong young people. keywords: active; activism; adolescence; analysis; anti; change; china; chinese; citizenship; civic engagement; civic participation; critical; data; dependent; development; digital; doi; education; effect; efficacy; engagement; et al; extradition; factor; government; high; hong; hong kong; hypothesis; information; interest; international; internet; issues; items; journal; kong; kong young; life; life civic; making; march; media; model; movement; new; news; offline; offline political; old; online; online civic; online participation; partial; participation; people; perspective; political; political participation; politics; questionnaire; real; related; relationship; research; respondents; sampling; sar; schools; self; significant; social; social media; social studies; society; squared; students; studies; study; table; time; total; university; use; variable; years; young; young people; youth cache: jsser-3206.pdf plain text: jsser-3206.txt item: #268 of 450 id: jsser-3209 author: Afhami, Sahal title: Role of Legal Consultants Education on Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Impact date: 2021-06-29 words: 10222 flesch: 38 summary: Afhami1 Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the role of corporate legal consultant education (ECLC) on Corporate Social Responsibility which has an impact on social life. The government needs to support the socialization of corporate legal consultant education and examine more deeply the regulations on Limited Liability Companies in order to contribute to the economic development of local communities and the wider community. keywords: activities; advocate; afhami; analysis; approach; article; association; benefits; business; capital; case; code; community; companies; company; consultant education; consultants; corporate; corporate legal; corporate social; csr; csr practices; data; development; eclc; economic; education; education research; environmental; ethics; external; field; formal; formal education; good; government; handling; hkhpm; human; impact; implementation; important; indonesia; institutions; journal; knowledge; law; law number; laws; legal; legal consultant; legal education; legal regulations; legal research; legal rules; liability; limited; literature; management; managers; market; market legal; national; non; number; paragraph; performance; poor; practices; previous; problems; professional; program; public; regulations; related; relationship; republic; research; responsibility; review; rights; risk; role; rules; sanctions; services; skills; social; social responsibility; social studies; society; stakeholders; standards; states; students; studies; studies education; study; support; sustainability; sustainable; system; training; values cache: jsser-3209.pdf plain text: jsser-3209.txt item: #269 of 450 id: jsser-3215 author: Zainal, Suadi; Yunus, Saifuddin; Jalil, Fadli; Khairi, Aizat title: The Policy of Local Government to Implement Peace Education at Secondary School Post Armed Conflict in Aceh Indonesia date: 2021-06-29 words: 11981 flesch: 47 summary: Findings The Aceh government’s policy response to the implementation of peace education The success of the implementation of peace education in formal schools requires political support in the form government policies that reflect the potential opportunities contained in the Aceh peace agreement, the LoGA, and peace education programs of the civil society organizations. On the one hand, it wants peace education to be carried out in schools specifically and supports peace education programs carried out by non-governmental organizations. keywords: aceh; aceh education; aceh government; aceh peace; acehnese; activities; addition; agreement; analysis; approach; armed; bureau; case; chances; children; citizenship; civic; civic education; community; concepts; conflict; conflict peace; context; creswell; critical; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; design; development; different; diversity; doi; east; education bureau; education curriculum; education programs; education research; education system; educational; essential; following; formal; government; groups; guide; harber; head; high; history; human; implementation; important; indonesia; international; interview; islamic; islamic education; journal; justice; learning; local; morals; needs; new; novelli; organizations; participants; peace agreement; peace education; peacebuilding; peaceful; pendidikan; policies; policy; political; positive; post; process; programs; qanun; qualitative; reform; region; religious; religious education; research; researchers; resolution; review; rights; role; schools; sciences; secondary; similar; skills; smith; social; societies; society; students; studies; studies education; study; subchapters; subjects; system; table; teachers; teaching; term; tolerance; transformation; understanding; unicef; values; violence; way; zainal cache: jsser-3215.pdf plain text: jsser-3215.txt item: #270 of 450 id: jsser-322 author: Çalışkan, Hüseyin title: An Investigation into the Organization Levels of Social Studies Teachers with regard to Constructivist Learning Environments in Terms of Several Variables date: 2015-05-28 words: 11540 flesch: 49 summary: Ocak (2012), Ağlagül (2009) ve Yılmaz (2006) da yaptıkları araştırmalarda, öğretmenlerinin yapılandırmacı öğrenme ortamını Bu sonuçlara göre genel anlamda öğretmenlerinin yapılandırmacı öğrenme ortamını düzenlemede lisans mezuniyet alanlarının tarih, coğrafya ya da sosyal bilgiler olmasının herhangi bir etkisinin olmadığı şeklinde yorumlanabilir. keywords: .44; 6(1; ability; alanı; alt; ancak; ankara; anlamlı; approach; arasında; araştırma; austin; ayrıca; ağlagül; belde; beliefs; belirlenmiştir; bilgiler; bilgiler öğretmenlerinin; bilgiyi; bilimleri; bir; brooks; case; class; cles; cognitive; conditions; conflict; constructivism; constructivist learning; context; course; coğrafya; cronbach; cırık; daha; data; degree; deniz; dergisi; dersi; derslerinde; değerlendirilmesi; difference; district; duty; dündar; düzenleme; düzeyde; düzeylerinin; eden; education; education research; environments; erkek; eğitim; factors; fakültesi; farklılık; female; field; fosnot; genel; geography; gerçek; gibi; group; gömleksiz; göre; götürmesi; güvenirlik; history; hüseyin; ifade; ilişkin; important; information; ise; items; için; i̇lköğretim; i̇lçe; jegede; journal; kabapınar; kadın; karşılama; kavramsal; kaynakların; kitabı; korkmaz; köy; learners; learning; learning environment; levels; levene; life; lisans; madde; materials; materyal; mezuniyet; model; naidu; needs; new; ocak; olan; olarak; oldukları; oldukça; olduğu; olması; opinions; ortamlarını; ortamını; ortamını düzenleme; ortaokullarda; p>.05; paylaşma; place; practice; problems; programmes; programının; province; real; reliability; research; resources; result; sahip; scale; school; scores; scott; screening; secondary; seniority; sex; significant; social studies; solution; sonuçları; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; students; studies education; studies teachers; study; sub; söylenebilir; sınıf; tablo; tarafından; tarih; teachers; teaching; technology; tenenbaum; tespit; test; thoughts; toplam; total; town; tüm; undergraduate; university; variables; variance; varied; village; work; yapan; yapmış; yapılandırmacı; yapılandırmacı öğrenme; yeni; yerleşim; yönelik; yüksek; yılmaz; çalişkan; çalışan; çeşitli; çok; çözüme; ölçeğin; öğrencilerin; öğrenen; öğrenme; öğrenme ortamını; öğretmenlere; öğretmenlerinin; öğretmenlerinin yapılandırmacı; üniversitesi; üzerinde; şekilde; şimşek cache: jsser-322.pdf plain text: jsser-322.txt item: #271 of 450 id: jsser-324 author: Günel, Elvan; Pehlivan, Ayşegül title: Examining the Citizenship and Democracy Education Textbook and Curriculum in terms of Global Education date: 2015-05-28 words: 17359 flesch: 47 summary: Araştırma bulguları içerisinde küresel boyuttan sıyrılarak ulusal anlamda örnekler üzerine şekillendirilmiş küresel eğitim alt temaları ile ilgili bulgular şu şekilde verilebilir: Küresel eğitim içerisinde verilen en önemli temalardan biri olan kültürleri anlama ve saygı duyma teması, küresel bir bilinç kazanmada, bireyin ırk, dil, din. etnik yapı, sosyo- Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2015: 6(1), 123-171 158 ekonomik durum, vb. durumlar açısından karşılaştığı farklı insanları anlamasını, karşılıklı bağ kurmasını ve dünyanın farklı yerlerinde olsalar da etkileşim içerisinde olduklarını bilmelerini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Boston (1997) ve Merryfield (1997), her eğitim programının kendi kurumsal inanç ve uygulamalarına göre bir küresel eğitim tanımı oluşturması gerektiğini savunmaktadırlar. keywords: 6(1; ability; activities; adresinden; aims; alan; alazzi; alger; alt; altında; amacı; american; analiz; analysis; ancak; ankara; anlama; arası; araştırma; araştırmanın; ardı; association; august; awareness; aynı; ayrıca; ayrımcılık; ayşegül; açlık; açıkalın; açısı; açısından; bakıldığında; bakış; banks; bass; bazı; bağlı; bağımlılık; beceri; beliefs; bilgi; bilgiler; bilinci; bilinç; bilme; bir; birbirine; bireyin; bireylere; birçok; boston; bulguları; bunun; bütün; büyük; carter; certain; ceylan; cinsel; citizenship; citizenship education; communication; concepts; conflicts; consciousness; context; countries; creswell; cross; cultural; cultures; current; curriculum; cırık; daha; dair; data; definition; democracy education; democratic; demokrasi; demokrasi eğitimi; dergisi; ders; ders kitabı; ders kitabında; developments; değerler; differences; different; dimension; disabilities; discrimination; diğer; doi; doküman; doğal; durumu; duyarlılık; duyma; dynamics; dünya; dünyada; dünyanın; dünyayı; economic; edilmiştir; education curriculum; education research; education textbook; education themes; educational; eighth; ekonomik; elvan; empathy; empati; engel; environmental; ethnic; etkileşim; etnik; events; eğitim; eğitimi ders; eğitimi öğretim; eğitimin; fakat; farklı; farklılıklara; farkında; fazla; findings; following; gender; geniş; gerektiğini; gibi; global citizenship; global consciousness; global dynamics; global education; global issues; global perspectives; globalization; grade; grade citizenship; göl; göre; göz; göze; göç; günel; hand; hanvey; harf; hiçbir; human; hunger; ifade; ile; iletişim; ilgili; important; inanç; incelemesi; incelendiğinde; indirilmiştir; individuals; insanların; interaction; interdependence; international; introduction; ise; issues; istenen; içerisinde; için; içinde; i̇lköğretim; jossey; journal; kabul; karşı; karşılıklı; kaymakçı; kazandırılmak; kendi; kendini; kirkwood; kitabı; kitabında; knowledge; konularda; kültürel; kültürleri; küresel; küresel bir; küresel eğitim; küresel vatandaşlık; küreselleşme; lakes; language; literature; mangram; manion; master; merriam; merryfield; migration; multicultural; multiple; mundy; nasıl; national; national education; natural; need; new; number; objectives; olan; olarak; olduğu; olduğunu; olma; olması; online; order; orientation; ortaya; parts; parçası; peace; people; perspectives; pike; policies; political; prejudice; present; primary; primary education; problems; profile; programlarında; programında; qualitative; questions; race; raising; rapoport; related; religion; resources; respect; responsibility; result; rights; sadece; sahip; savaş; saygı; schools; sensitive; sensitivity; sexual; single; skills; social; social education; social studies; societies; society; socio; son; sorunlara; sosyal; sosyo; standards; statements; structure; students; studies curriculum; studies education; study; sub; subject; system; sınıf; sınıf vatandaşlık; table; tarihinde; teacher education; teachers; teaching; temaları; temalarının; teması; temel; terms; terror; terör; tespit; textbook; tezcan; themes; thesis; tolerance; toplumsal; training; turkey; turkish; tüm; türkiye; ukpokodu; ulusal; understanding; university; unpublished; use; values; vatandaşlık; ve bu; ve küresel; ve ön; verilen; verilmediği; verilmesi; view; war; watson; way; world; yanında; yapı; yapılan; yargı; yazıcı; yaşanan; yeni; yer; yetiştirme; yönelik; yüzden; çarpmaktadır; çerçevesinde; çoklu; çözüm; çıkan; önemli; özellikle; özkan; öğretim; öğretim programında; öğretmen; öğretmenlerin; ülkelerin; üniversitesi; üzerinde; ırk; şekilde; şeklinde cache: jsser-324.pdf plain text: jsser-324.txt item: #272 of 450 id: jsser-325 author: Yurt, Eyüp; Polat, Seyat title: The Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligence Applications on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis date: 2015-05-28 words: 13256 flesch: 57 summary: Meta analiz hesaplaması sonucunda, çoklu zekâ öğretim uygulamalarının akademik başarı üzerinde geniş düzeyde ve olumlu yönde bir etkisinin bulunduğu anlaşılmıştır. Yapılan bu meta-analiz çalışmasında, çoklu zekâ öğretim uygulamalarının akademik başarı üzerinde olumlu bir etkisinin bulunduğu anlaşılmıştır. keywords: 6(1; academic; achievement; akademik; alan; analiz; analysis; analysis studies; ankara; anlamlı; applications; arasında; araştırma; araştırmanın; armağan; articles; average; aydın; başarı; başarı üzerindeki; başarıya; bias; bilgiler; bilgisi; bir; bir meta; bireyin; borenstein; buna; büyüklük; büyüklüğü; calculated; capacity; chemistry; classified; course; daha; data; ders; development; değeri; değerleri; different; dikkate; dissertation; diğer; doctoral; doktora; dunn; dâhil; düzeyde; edilen; education; education research; effect; effect size; effectiveness; elde; elementary; etki; etkililiği; etkisi; etkisinin; experimental; eyüp; eğitim; fail; farklı; farklılık; funnel; gardner; gerçekleştirilen; gibi; groups; göre; göstermektedir; güvenli; hafta; hafta ve; hedges; hesaplanan; homogeneity; homojenlik; ilköğretim; implementation; incelenmiştir; individual; instructional; intelligence; intelligence practices; ise; için; journal; kablan; kaşarcı; large; learning; level; lisans; makale; martin; matematik; mater; meta; meta analiz; method; multiple; multiple intelligence; new; number; olarak; olduğu; olmak; olması; order; ortalama; ortaöğretim; orwin; period; physics; plot; polat; practices; publication; research; results; review; rosenthal; rothstein; safe; sayısı; scatter; sciences; secondary; seyat; significant; size; social; social studies; sonucunda; sosyal; statistical; students; studies; studies education; study; success; süresine; sınıf; table; teaching; temel; test; tez; theory; thesis; turkey; type; türüne; university; unpublished; uygulamalarının; uygun; value; veya; weeks; yaklaşımına; yandan; yapılan; yayın; york; yurt; yöntemi; yönteminin; yüksek; zekâ; zekâ öğretim; çalışmada; çalışmaların; çalışması; çoklu; çoklu zekâ; özdemirli; öğrenci; öğrencilerin; öğrenme; öğretim; üzere; üzerindeki; şahin cache: jsser-325.pdf plain text: jsser-325.txt item: #273 of 450 id: jsser-3251 author: Zid, Muhammad; Casmana, Asep Rudi title: A Learning Model for Teaching “Population Geography” course in Higher Education through Case Study of International Women's Migration date: 2021-09-24 words: 9101 flesch: 47 summary: The purpose of this study was to determine a learning model for teaching Population Geography to geography education students in universities using international women's migration as a case study to increase their understanding of the material and their curiosity in the learning process. Geography education students are interested and curious about the success stories of Indonesian female workers in Saudi Arabia. keywords: 143; abilities; able; addition; adopted; case; case studies; case study; casmana; civic; classroom; course; critical; data; dta; education; education research; education students; engagement; environmental; examples; factors; fgd; geographical; geography; geography course; geography education; higher; important; indonesia; information; interesting; international; international migration; international research; international women; issue; journal; knowledge; learning; learning process; lecturers; main; method; migration; migration case; model; need; opinion; participants; population; population geography; problem; process; research; results; sarmi; school; semester; skills; social; student engagement; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; topic; understanding; use; women; women migration; work; yin; zid cache: jsser-3251.pdf plain text: jsser-3251.txt item: #274 of 450 id: jsser-3264 author: Situmorang, Jubair; Sahman, Abu; Suryanto, Tulus; Gani, Zulfandi title: Literation of Land Rights Law in (Tola Gumi) Protection of Indigenous Peoples and its Impact on Community Welfare date: 2021-06-29 words: 11193 flesch: 50 summary: On the one hand, this ruling provides space for indigenous peoples to obtain customary land rights and natural resources from the regional government in the form of an Indigenous Peoples Regional Regulation or a Regent Decree. This can be seen from the absence of a regional government regulation through a District Head Decree supporting customary land rights. keywords: agrarian; analysis; areas; article; basic; cc35; central; certain; coastal; communities; community; concept; constitutional; control; court; cultural; culture; customary; customary law; customary rights; data; decision; decree; development; economic; education; education research; efforts; environmental; forest; form; government; gumi; human; indigenous; indigenous communities; indigenous land; indigenous peoples; indonesia; international; islands; journal; land; land ownership; land rights; law; law number; laws; learning; legal; legal protection; life; literature; local; maluku; management; management rights; material; natural; needs; ngare; ngofa; north; number; ownership; ownership rights; paragraph; plan; policy; positive; previous; problem; protection; province; regional; registration; regulations; related; republic; research; resources; review; rights; role; situmorang; small; social; social education; social studies; social welfare; society; space; state; statutory; studies; studies education; study; sultanate; support; system; ternate; theme; theory; tobaru; tobaru indigenous; tola; tola gumi; tribe; use; values; welfare; welfare state; zone; zoning cache: jsser-3264.pdf plain text: jsser-3264.txt item: #275 of 450 id: jsser-328 author: Kenna, Joshua L; Russell III, William Benedict title: Secondary Social Studies Teachers’ Time Commitment when Addressing the Common Core State Standards date: 2015-05-28 words: 7814 flesch: 51 summary: That is, social studies teachers are expected to alter their instructional practices as a direct result of the implementation of the CCSS. Thus, social studies teachers are expected to alter their instructional practices as a direct result of the CCSS (Kenna & Russell, 2014). keywords: 6(1; arts; assessments; benedict; ccss; common; content; core; development; education; english; fact; familiar; florida; half; high; history; iii; information; instruction; joshua; journal; kenna; language; learning; literacy; little; mean; meeting; methods; new; number; order; participants; pedagogical; pedagogical methods; practices; professional; questionnaire; research; russell; school; secondary; secondary social; sessions; significant; social; social studies; stakes; standards; state; students; studies; studies education; studies teachers; study; teachers; teaching; test; testing; text; time; total; training; vogler; william cache: jsser-328.pdf plain text: jsser-328.txt item: #276 of 450 id: jsser-3282 author: Surana, Surana title: Teacher Self-and Collective Efficacy in Teaching Javanese: A Study of Indonesian Urban and Suburban Teachers date: 2021-06-29 words: 6401 flesch: 49 summary: An Exploration of the Relationship among Teacher Efficacy, Collective Teacher Efficacy, and Goal Consensus. Teacher Efficacy: A Construct Validation. keywords: achievement; advisory; bandura; challenges; characteristics; classroom; collective; collective efficacy; competency; cte; data; development; diagram; difference; education; efficacy; emotional; experience; goddard; high; higher; hoy; indonesian; information; institutional; javanese; javanese teachers; journal; learning; level; mastery; moran; motivation; oecd; personal; persuasion; predictive; professional; regression; research; responsibilities; results; roles; school; self; selfand; skaalvik; skill; social; source; state; student; studies; study; suburban; surana; table; teacher efficacy; teachers; teaching; test; tschannen; tse; university; urban; urban teachers; verbal; vicarious; years cache: jsser-3282.pdf plain text: jsser-3282.txt item: #277 of 450 id: jsser-3283 author: Yusuf, Furtasan Ali title: The Independent Campus Program for Higher Education in Indonesia: The Role of Government Support and the Readiness of Institutions, Lecturers, and Students date: 2021-06-29 words: 8685 flesch: 40 summary: Student readiness (X3) has a positive influence on a successful implementation of the Independent Campus Program (Y). The existing literature suggests that the readiness of higher education institutions and their lecturers and students, as well as government support, may influence the implementation of the Independent Campus Program in Indonesia, but no studies have yet analyzed in depth the effect of the abovementioned aspects of readiness and how they may help achieve the program’s objectives (Solikhah & Budiharso, 2019). keywords: academic; active; analysis; campus program; campus readiness; campuses; culture; curriculum; data; development; directorate; distribution; education; education institutions; education research; effect; error; freedom; general; government; government support; graduates; greater; higher; higher education; idr; implementation; implementing; independent campus; indonesia; influence; institutions; journal; kampus; learning; lecturers; level; management; maximum; mean; median; merdeka; ministry; model; new; performance; policy; positive; private; program; quality; readiness; research; results; significance; skills; social; social studies; source; spss; square; state; std; student readiness; students; studies; studies education; study; study program; successful; successful implementation; suitable; support; system; table; teaching; tertiary; test; universities; university; value; variables; yusuf cache: jsser-3283.pdf plain text: jsser-3283.txt item: #278 of 450 id: jsser-3289 author: Waters, Stewart; Pellegrino, Anthony; Hensley, Matt; Kenna, Joshua title: Forming School and University Partnerships to Learn and Teach with Primary Sources date: 2021-09-24 words: 11709 flesch: 45 summary: (Alexis, Intern, Reflection, 10/05/2019) BROADER UNDERSTANDING OF PRIMARY SOURCES Refers to the sharing of broader definitions (better understanding) and interest in using multiple formats of primary source sources in classrooms (maybe as a result of the SSCE 454 course). From this, we assert that through purposeful teaching with primary sources, social studies teachers can equip youth with the knowledge base and historical thinking skills necessary to engage in sophisticated study of the past. keywords: analysis; apprenticeship; better; candidates; case; classroom; clinical; clinical experiences; clinical practice; cognitive; collaborative; communication; course; coursework; data; design; developed; development; education; education research; educator; effective; example; expectations; experiences; findings; framework; historical; historical thinking; history; impact; inquiry; intern; internship; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; lessons; mentor; mentor teachers; methods; ncss; need; new; opportunities; partnerships; pedagogical; perspectives; practice; preparation; primary; primary sources; process; professional; program; project; questionnaire; reflection; related; relationship; research; school; service; skills; social; social studies; sources; students; studies; studies education; studies teacher; study; sub; support; table; teacher; teacher preparation; teaching; themes; theoretical; theory; thinking; thinking skills; time; trust; understanding; university; use; waters; ways; year; york cache: jsser-3289.pdf plain text: jsser-3289.txt item: #279 of 450 id: jsser-3291 author: Roqib, Moh. title: Increasing Social Class through Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia date: 2021-06-29 words: 9081 flesch: 51 summary: Islamic pesantrens aim to uphold a respect for history while also striving to establish modern and better influences. Pesantren students who are from lower- or struggling-class families have greatly benefited from the concrete figures, positive motivations, and nurturing models that they have received. keywords: able; addition; agency; analysis; approach; aspects; banyumas; boarding; boarding school; capable; care; case; central; change; character; children; class; classes; community; competence; cultural; culture; dan; data; day; depth; development; different; direct; economic; education; education research; environment; ethnography; experience; families; foundation; hand; higher; history; ibs; important; increase; indonesia; influence; information; institution; international; interview; isbah; islamic; islamic boarding; islamic education; issues; jakarta; java; journal; kiyai; knowledge; krapyak; leaders; learning; lecturer; life; living; lower; madrasah; methods; model; modern; muslim; new; number; order; organization; parents; participants; patterns; pendidikan; penelitian; people; pesantren; pesantren education; pesantren kiyai; phenomenological; phenomenon; place; political; pondok; practice; prayers; primary; procedure; process; public; purwokerto; qualitative; questions; religion; religious; research; responsibility; result; role; roqib; santri; school; science; skills; social; social class; social studies; society; spiritual; status; students; studies; studies education; study; success; support; technology; term; time; traditional; transformation; ulama; values; village; way; years cache: jsser-3291.pdf plain text: jsser-3291.txt item: #280 of 450 id: jsser-3292 author: Riyani, Mufti; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Brata, Nugroho Trisnu; Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia title: Making Peace with the Past: Peace Education in Post-Conflict Societies Through the Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy date: 2021-06-29 words: 17620 flesch: 49 summary: Social conflict in Indonesia: Safeguarding a nation as a new approach for resolving national disintegration. History teachers in post-conflict schools can take on the role of historians or work with historians. keywords: aceh; analysis; anxiety; applied; approach; areas; attitudes; awareness; behavior; beliefs; bias; case; cbt; change; characteristics; children; classroom; cognitive; collective; community; conative; concept; condition; conflict; conflict societies; consciousness; context; critical; cultural; curriculum; data; description; development; different; difficult; difficult history; difficult knowledge; east; education; education research; efforts; emotional; emotions; emotive; empathy; environment; et al; ethnic; events; experience; family; feelings; field; figure; findings; focus; form; friends; function; galtung; generation; good; grayman; group; high; historians; historical; history; human; impact; important; individual; indonesia; informants; information; international; interviews; journal; junior; knowledge; learning; level; lewin; life; lincoln; main; management; material; meaning; memories; memory; mental; methods; mind; narrative; needs; negative; new; notes; observation; oral; outside; participants; past; peace; peace education; peacebuilding; pedagogical; pedagogical conflict; pedagogy; people; perceptions; period; person; personal; perspective; phenomena; phenomenological; positive; post; practice; pressures; problems; process; processes; psychological; psychology; psychosocial; qualitative; region; regulation; relationship; research; researchers; resolution; results; review; riyani; role; school; self; situation; skills; social; social studies; societies; society; sources; specific; states; step; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; term; themes; theory; therapy; thinking; thoughts; time; trauma; unconscious; unconscious history; understanding; university; use; validity; values; violence; war; wasino; work; writing cache: jsser-3292.pdf plain text: jsser-3292.txt item: #281 of 450 id: jsser-331 author: Taylor, Julie Anne; Iroha, Okezie title: Social Studies Education and Public Art: The Detroit Billboard Project date: 2015-05-28 words: 6260 flesch: 60 summary: In Detroit, high school students engaged in persuasive writing and design while exploring community issues. High school students engaged in persuasive writing and design while exploring community issues and considering how to effect change. keywords: 6(1; action; american; anne; art; artists; arts; awareness; billboard; change; city; civic; communication; community; concerns; critical; democratic; designs; detroit; diggs; eds; education; figure; findings; heon; high; impact; implications; iroha; issues; journal; julie; knowledge; learning; messages; methods; mixed; new; okezie; opportunity; pearl; people; persuasive; political; posters; press; project; propaganda; public; questions; research; responses; responsive; school; service; social; stay; students; studies; study; survey; taylor; teaching; views; visual; writing; york; young cache: jsser-331.pdf plain text: jsser-331.txt item: #282 of 450 id: jsser-3314 author: Alhajri, Abdullah J. title: Kuwaiti social studies teachers' expectations for the futures of students ordinarily sit near the teacher date: 2021-06-29 words: 8947 flesch: 51 summary: Teacher expectations are inferences formed by the teacher about a student's ability to achieve in the classroom (Ormrod, Anderman, & Anderman, 2016), as well as about students' future performance based on students' present knowledge. Literature Review Before the concept of teacher expectations for students emerged, researchers used the term self- fulfilling prophecy to point to the body of research about teachers' impressions of their students. keywords: abilities; academic; achievement; agreement; alhajri; behavioral; classroom; close; conduct; deviation; differences; domain; education; effect; expectations; experience; female; findings; future; future conduct; future social; gender; high; impact; journal; kuwaiti; large; learning; level; locations; male; mean; medium; performance; positive; question; questionnaire; rank; research; results; sample; schools; score; seating; seats; self; significant; social; social conduct; social studies; standard; statement; students; studies; studies teachers; study; sum; table; teacher expectations; teachers; total; validity; vocational; wren; years cache: jsser-3314.pdf plain text: jsser-3314.txt item: #283 of 450 id: jsser-334 author: Farhana, Farhana title: Responsive Legal Approach to Law of Human Trafficking in Indonesia date: 2018-03-05 words: 5371 flesch: 46 summary: Law No. 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of Trafficking in Persons not purely responsive, because not yet meet all the characteristics of the type of responsive law. Therefore formulated the problem whether Law No. 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of Human Trafficking responsive laws that character ? keywords: accordance; aspirations; authoritarian; characteristic; community; configuration; convention; crime; criminal; democratic; development; education; enforcement; eradication; exploitation; factors; function; government; human; human trafficking; indonesia; international; issue; journal; justice; labor; law; law enforcement; laws; legal; legislation; mahfud; nations; needs; nonet; objective; order; parties; people; persons; policy; political; political configuration; power; product; protocol; public; research; responsive; responsive law; rights; rules; selznick; social; society; state; studies; trafficking; transnational; united; women cache: jsser-334.pdf plain text: jsser-334.txt item: #284 of 450 id: jsser-3344 author: Suhairi, Suhairi title: The Impact of the Sesan Customary Practice on the Traditional Marriage of the Lampung Pepadun Society in Instilling Sharia Social Values date: 2021-09-24 words: 9131 flesch: 52 summary: Marriage property has a function as wealth that husband and wife can use to meet their daily needs. Even based on historical records, Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12(3), 225-247 the tradition of giving this kind of marriage property has been carried out since the Middle Ages (Klein, 2000). keywords: adat; aji; analysis; assets; community; contract; cultural; culture; customary; customary law; customs; dan; data; divorce; documents; dowry; education; family; findings; focus; form; gift; giving; hadith; household; hukum; husband; implementation; indigenous; indigenous people; instilling; international; interviews; islamic; islamic law; journal; knowledge; lampung; lampung indigenous; lampung pepadun; lampung traditional; law; leaders; legal; life; literacy; literature; local; male; marital; marital property; marriage; marriage property; money; mutual; needs; participants; parties; people; pepadun; position; practice; previous; process; property; provisions; relatives; religious; research; researchers; rights; sesan; sesan custom; sesan property; sharia; sharia social; social; social studies; social values; society; socio; studies; study; suhairi; time; traditional; traditional marriage; traditional practice; traditional sesan; values; wedding; wife; wisdom; women cache: jsser-3344.pdf plain text: jsser-3344.txt item: #285 of 450 id: jsser-335 author: Chernaya, Anna V. title: Children`s rights concept in modern social and humanitarian discourse date: 2018-12-08 words: 10837 flesch: 47 summary: [66] are established in the Russian law in relation to the children's rights, providing some emphasis for the age-related stigmatization and to a considerable extent – for subordination of adults' rights and children's rights, i.e. human rights vs. child rights. Child Rights Education Toolkit: Rooting Child Rights in Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Schools (2014). keywords: a&i; abstract; adolescents; adults; age; analysis; approach; area; author; behavior; categories; century; chernaya; child rights; child`s; childhood; children; civic; concepts; conceptual; context; convention; cultural; culture; declaration; development; different; discourse; dissertations; education; education research; factors; family; federation; field; fulfillment; fund; global; hand; health; history; human rights; humanitarian; ideas; important; individual; information; initiatives; institutions; interests; international; invisible; journal; key; knowledge; law; legal; level; life; materials; methodological; moscow; nations; nations children; new; ombudsman; ones; opportunity; order; paper; parents; participation; personal; phd; philosophical; philosophy; political; problems; proquest; protection; psychological; psychology; public; report; research; results; rights; rights education; russian; school; sciences; scientific; social; social sciences; social studies; socialization; society; sources; sphere; standards; state; status; studies; studies education; study; subject; system; thesis; understanding; unicef; united; university; war; welfare; works; world cache: jsser-335.pdf plain text: jsser-335.txt item: #286 of 450 id: jsser-3356 author: Shabalina, Nadezhda; Bykov, Anton title: Problem of Forming a Literate Reader in the Digital Age Based on the Material of Modern Children’s and Youth Prose date: 2021-09-24 words: 12246 flesch: 59 summary: Therefore, this article will be interesting not Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (3), 175-203 178 only for teachers and parents but also for teenagers, since the image focuses on a character who is experiencing all the difficulties of the awkward age, who has already managed to achieve creative realization and respect among peers through reading books. Linde Literodura Zhenya Shchetinina Zhenya, who is gifted with the ability to fantasize, uses rhymes in order to convey her feelings 5 S. Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower Charles Fifteen-year-old Charlie loves reading books, dreams of becoming a writer 6 M. Zusak keywords: able; analysis; anka; article; authors; black; book; book thief; bozhkova; bykov; century; character; charles; charlie; chbosky; children; choice; classical; classification; competent; conclusion; content; creative; culture; data; dead; death; different; education; emotional; experience; fact; family; fiction; formation; frequency; future; generation; girl; green; help; images; important; influence; interest; internet; jason; journal; library; liesel; life; linde; literary; literature; literodura; love; main; mart; material; mitchell; modern; modern children; new; novel; order; ozhich; parents; pasternak; people; perks; person; place; problem; process; prose; question; reader; reading; reality; research; results; role; school; second; shabalina; social; souls; special; spoilers; studies; study; swan; tabashnikov; taste; teacher; teenager; text; thief; thinking; time; types; unformed; use; valya; wallflower; works; world; writers; younger; youth; zakhar; zhenya; zhvalevsky; zusak cache: jsser-3356.pdf plain text: jsser-3356.txt item: #287 of 450 id: jsser-336 author: Setyowati, Ro'fah; Purbasari, Indah; Fauzan, Encik Muhammad title: Consumers Spiritual Rights in the Islamic Banking Dispute Out of Court Settlement date: 2018-12-08 words: 6505 flesch: 40 summary: This was also reinforced by the study (Sufriadi, 2007) which showed the scope of dispute settlements at Basyarnas currently revolves around Islamic financial institutions disputes. The problem is that the provisions in Indonesia, Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/ 2014 concerning Alternative Disputes Settlement Institutions do not contain clauses related to these spiritual rights. keywords: accordance; adr; agency; alternative; alternative disputes; approach; arbitration; article; attention; authority; bamui; banking; basyarnas; business; consumer; context; council; court; decision; disputes; disputes settlement; economic; education; financial; financial institutions; financial services; form; indonesia; institutions; islamic; islamic banking; islamic financial; jak; journal; law; laws; legal; number; paragraph; parties; perspective; practice; principles; problem; protection; regulations; related; relationship; religion; religious; research; resolution; rights; services; services authority; settlement; settlement institutions; setyowati; sharia; social; spiritual; spiritual rights; spirituality; state; studies; study; theory; time; year cache: jsser-336.pdf plain text: jsser-336.txt item: #288 of 450 id: jsser-337 author: Mardiati, Yayuk; Leba, Katarina title: Employing Food Bank in Civic Education as a Pedagogical Tool in Project-based Learning date: 2018-12-08 words: 4182 flesch: 47 summary: Two classes of undergraduate students enrolled in required general civic education course in the odd semester of 2017 in the University of Jember participated in food bank project to help tackle impoverished community of Garahan village, Jember, East Java. The result indicated that food bank project is effective civic pedagogical skill. keywords: 2014; activities; bank; borg; civic; civic education; community; development; education; food; food bank; gall; government; groups; households; hunger; indonesia; inquiry; jember; journal; knowledge; krajcik; larmer; learning; leba; mardiati; mergendoller; model; need; new; pbl; pedagogical; people; poor; poverty; problems; product; project; question; research; school; science; showcase; skills; social; statistik; students; studies; study; university; village; world; york cache: jsser-337.pdf plain text: jsser-337.txt item: #289 of 450 id: jsser-338 author: Dewi, Maya Puspita; Rahmatunnisa, Mudiyati; Sumaryana, Asep; Kristiadi, JB title: Ensuring Service Quality in Education for Indonesia’s Sustainable Education date: 2018-12-08 words: 6083 flesch: 43 summary: Dewi 1 , Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa 2, Asep Sumaryana 3 , JB Kristiadi 4 Abstract The improvement of educational service quality to create sustainable education is not solely dependent on creating well-designed plans and regulations. The research was deployed by providing a case study aimed at investigating the implementation of educational service quality in Tasikmalaya, West Java. keywords: administrators; basic; building; capacity; case; central; central government; context; dan; data; development; dewi; different; documents; education; education research; educational development; educational service; effective; factors; good; government; higher; hill; implementation; indonesia; informants; information; interviews; journal; lecturers; level; local; local government; management; marketing; method; ndidde; needs; observations; organizations; plans; practitioners; primary; public; qualitative; quality; region; regulations; related; research; responses; role; school; secondary; service; service quality; social; spm; staffs; standards; students; studies; study; sustainable; swai; tasikmalaya; teachers; universitas; west cache: jsser-338.pdf plain text: jsser-338.txt item: #290 of 450 id: jsser-3386 author: Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman; Lubis, Saiful Akhyar; Tanjung, Sahrul; Lubis, Siti Hawa title: Coping Stress as a Form of Islamic Education Counseling for Students Who Work During the Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2021-09-24 words: 9134 flesch: 50 summary: Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the source of student stress came from within and from outside. Pedagogical Implication Symptoms of student stress at work increased during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the large number of college assignments and work pressure. keywords: abdurrahman; abilities; able; activities; addition; affected; allah; analysis; aspects; assignments; behavior; causes; collection; college; condition; coping; counseling; counselors; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; education; education counseling; education research; efforts; emotional; emotions; et al; experience; focused; form; god; good; guidance; health; human; impact; individual; indonesia; instrument; interview; islamic; islamic counseling; islamic education; journal; learning; lectures; life; literature; mental; muslim; negative; online; pandemic; participants; people; perceptions; physical; positive; prayer; pressure; previous; principle; problem; process; psychological; psychology; qualitative; question; religion; religious; remembrance; research; researchers; response; results; services; situation; social; sources; spiritual; strategies; strategy; stress; stress symptoms; student stress; students; studies; study; support; symptoms; theme; things; time; work cache: jsser-3386.pdf plain text: jsser-3386.txt item: #291 of 450 id: jsser-339 author: Sutono, Anang; Briandana, Rizki; Doktoralina, Caturida Meiwanto; Rekarti, Endi; Dwityas, Nindyta Aisyah title: Exploration of Marine Tourism in North Sumatra: An Analysis of Promoting Tourism date: 2018-12-08 words: 4303 flesch: 47 summary: North Sumatra Province, which includes Medan, shows great potential for the development of marine tourism. Moreover, poor quality infrastructure and human resources are also a threat to marine tourism in Indonesia. keywords: activities; agents; analysis; areas; attractions; briandana; case; coastal; communication; community; data; destinations; development; education; factors; fgds; figure; government; important; increase; indonesia; information; infrastructure; journal; local; management; marine; marine tourism; market; marketing; marpaung; media; ministry; north; north sumatra; opportunities; potential; products; promotion; research; resources; sector; services; social; strategies; strategy; studies; study; sumatra; sutono; tourism; tourism development; tourists; travel; visits cache: jsser-339.pdf plain text: jsser-339.txt item: #292 of 450 id: jsser-3393 author: Pham, Kien Thi title: Karl Marx’s Theory of the Productive Forces in the Present Fourth Industrial Revolution date: 2021-09-24 words: 7412 flesch: 49 summary: Labor power is the material factor of labor production. Distributed capitalism model as a reflection of changes in production forces in the digital economy. keywords: activity; article; capacity; capitalism; changes; concept; conditions; decisive; development; different; digital; documents; economic; economy; education; employees; engels; essential; factors; forces; fourth; high; historical; history; human; impact; industrial; industrial revolution; journal; knowledge; labor; labor documents; labor tools; level; life; marx; material; material production; means; natural; nature; needs; new; object; people; pham; political; process; processes; production; production process; productive forces; productivity; relationship; research; revolution; role; science; second; skills; social; society; studies; subject; technology; time; tools; use; wealth; workers; world cache: jsser-3393.pdf plain text: jsser-3393.txt item: #293 of 450 id: jsser-340 author: Sasongko, Wahyu title: Geographical Indications Protection Under The New Regulation In Indonesia date: 2018-12-08 words: 6063 flesch: 51 summary: In contrast to TM Law 15/2001, which only had three articles for regulations, the provisions for GIs in TM Law and GIs 20/2016 are more quantitative, as described below. This element differentiates between the GIs definition under TM Law and GIs 20/2016, as well as the GIs definition under TM Law 15/2001 and the definition of GIs under the TRIPs Agreement. keywords: 14/1997; 20/2016; 51/2007; agreement; applicant; application; article; book; certain; change; characteristics; coffee; definition; education; elements; factors; geografis; geographical; geographical indications; gis; gis 20/2016; gis protection; goods; government; human; indications; indikasi; indonesia; intellectual; journal; lampung; law; legal; national; natural; new; origin; paper; paragraph; products; property; protection; provisions; quality; registration; regulation; requirements; research; rights; robusta; rules; sasongko; section; set; sign; similar; social; states; studies; system; term; tm law; trademark; trips; trips agreement; use cache: jsser-340.pdf plain text: jsser-340.txt item: #294 of 450 id: jsser-341 author: Fauzan, Umar title: Ideology and Rhetoric: Framing MetroTV News in the Lapindo Mudflow Tragedy date: 2018-12-08 words: 6941 flesch: 58 summary: In summary, the structure of Metro news text has elements that must appear and choices in the orientation or in the sequence of events. [1G-6] 4) Reaction of the Residents The findings related to the reaction of citizens, as captured in Metro news text, are described in these examples: (10) Around 500 Lapindo mudflow victims from 10 villages in three districts in Sidoarjo rallied to commemorate five years of the Lapindo mudflow. keywords: analysis; budget; cda; certain; citizens; company; compensation; context; critical; critical discourse; data; different; dijk; disaster; discourse; discourse analysis; education; element; events; fairclough; fauzan; findings; government; headlines; ideological; ideologies; ideology; inequality; information; issues; journal; language; lapindo; lapindo mudflow; mass; media; message; metrotv; mudflow; mudflow tragedy; negative; news; news text; opinion; orientation; people; political; power; practice; program; public; relations; representation; research; researchers; rhetorical; sequence; sidoarjo; social; society; state; structure; studies; study; sub; television; text; title; tragedy; unit; university; use; van; victims; viewers; villages; wodak cache: jsser-341.pdf plain text: jsser-341.txt item: #295 of 450 id: jsser-3414 author: Hollstein, Matthew S title: Social Studies, Civics, and Fracking: Ohio Teacher Perceptions of Controversial Environmental Issues date: 2022-03-24 words: 10766 flesch: 54 summary: Controversial environmental issues such as fracking are social issues equal to others such as immigration, abortion, and gay rights. Specifically, social studies teachers must help students unpack the why and how good citizens should act, engage, and participate in our complex democracy. keywords: american; barriers; citizenship; civics; classroom; comfortable; concerned; controversial; controversial environmental; controversial issues; controversy; current; curriculum; data; decision; department; economic; education; education research; energy; environmental; environmental education; environmental issues; events; fracking; fracturing; framework; gas; geographic; good; government; hess; high; history; hollstein; hydraulic; important; information; issues; journal; kelly; knowledge; learning; level; model; national; natural; nature; ncss; new; ohio; operations; participants; personal; place; population; process; questions; research; resources; responses; rural; school; shale; significant; social; social education; social studies; state; status; students; studies; studies education; studies teachers; study; suburban; survey; table; teachers; teaching; theory; time; total; understanding; urban; use; world; york cache: jsser-3414.pdf plain text: jsser-3414.txt item: #296 of 450 id: jsser-342 author: Kurniawati, Sari; Sumaryana, Asep; Kristiadi, J.B.; Bekti, Herijanto title: Implementation of Specific Purpose Grant Policy of Education in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province date: 2018-12-08 words: 5669 flesch: 49 summary: Furthermore, what hinders the achievement of SPG policy implementation in education stems from the SPG allocation process. As previously explained, SPG policy implementation involves at least three ministries: Bappenas who determines the fields who receive SPG, the technical ministry who determines the subfields who receive SPG, and the Ministry of Finance who determines the regions that receive SPG. keywords: achievement; activities; agency; allocation; banten; basis; budget; collection; community; dan; data; development; district; education; education research; education spg; elementary; facilities; factors; financial; fund; government; graduation; head; high; implementation; influence; informants; infrastructure; jakarta; journal; kurniawati; level; ministry; national; pandeglang; policies; policy; policy implementation; political; primary; primary education; priorities; problem; process; province; public; purpose; regency; regional; regions; research; researchers; resources; results; school; secondary; secondary education; sector; social; spg; spg activities; spg policy; studies; study; year cache: jsser-342.pdf plain text: jsser-342.txt item: #297 of 450 id: jsser-3426 author: Saguni, Fatimah; Hamlam, Hamlan; Gusnarib, Gusnarib title: The Adversity Quotient Between Teacher Professionalisme on Student’s Autonomous Learning date: 2021-09-24 words: 11194 flesch: 47 summary: The level of teacher AQ is a determining factor for the quality of student learning outcomes. al., (2021) surveyed AQ students and analyzed the factors that influence them. keywords: abilities; ability; academic; achievement; activities; addition; adversity; aliyah; analysis; aq learning; areas; attitudes; autonomous; autonomous learning; autonomy; average; case; challenges; coefficient; competence; confidence; correlation; criteria; curriculum; data; developed; development; donggala; education; education research; effect; emotional; factors; findings; functions; goals; greater; group; high; high aq; higher; homogeneity; impact; independence; individuals; indonesia; intelligence; international; journal; language; learning; learning process; level; likely; literature; location; low; lower; madrasah; means; methods; motivation; normality; number; overall; participants; performance; person; positive; previous; problems; process; professionalism; quality; quotient; relationship; remote; research; respondents; responsibilities; results; roles; rural; saguni; sample; school; science; self; significant; singh; skills; social; staff; status; strong; student learning; students; studies; studies education; study; success; table; teacher; teacher education; teacher professionalism; teaching; test; total; traits; value; variables; weak; work cache: jsser-3426.pdf plain text: jsser-3426.txt item: #298 of 450 id: jsser-343 author: Lutskovskaya, Larisa; Zvereva, Ekaterina V.; Kalashnikova, Elena P. title: Interpreting for Forced Migrants in Health Care: Interpreters’ Training through Patients` Perceptions in Russia date: 2018-12-08 words: 5489 flesch: 35 summary: This goal required a number of tasks to be fulfilled: - to explore the research literature with a view to providing sufficient theoretical background regarding interpreting for refugees in healthcare settings; - to analyze the situation in Russia in terms of legal and administrative issues related to language support for migrant and refugees with limited or no official language proficiency; Lutskovskaya et al. - to conduct survey of the target audiences with a view to identifying health care interpreter’s working contexts and competences that are relevant in different settings within the language service provision for migrants and refugees; - to develop recommendations for curriculum development for university-based interpreter training to meet language and culture mediation tasks within healthcare settings. The impact of medical interpreter services on the quality of health care: A systematic review. keywords: abril; access; analysis; asylum; audiences; authors; barriers; border; care; challenges; citizens; communication; course; cross; cultural; curriculum; data; degree; different; education; effective; experiment; factor; federation; following; foreign; health; health care; healthcare; institutions; interpreters; interpreting; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; language; legal; linguistic; literature; lutskovskaya; mediation; mediator; medical; medical care; migrants; migration; needs; number; patients; perceptions; points; professional; provision; refugees; related; research; respondents; review; russian; services; settings; social; stage; status; students; studies; study; survey; target; temporary; terminology; training; university cache: jsser-343.pdf plain text: jsser-343.txt item: #299 of 450 id: jsser-344 author: Belenkova, Nataliya M.; Kruse, Irina I.; Wydra, Doris title: Language mediators’ support for refugees at border crossing points: enhancing societal tools for sustainable communication in multicultural communities of Austria, Germany and Russia date: 2018-12-08 words: 5910 flesch: 49 summary: Nowadays each European country faces the problem of refugee migration and consequently has the legislative framework that regulates the adaptation of a refugee in the new country of 1 Assoc. This fact can be explained by their various background and the wave of refugee migration that brought the forced displaced to Europe. keywords: activity; assistance; austria; belenkova; border; border crossing; border points; bundesamt; countries; country; crossing; crossing points; departments; different; documents; education; european; experience; federal; federation; flüchtlinge; für; germany; host; information; international; interpreters; interpreting; interview; issues; journal; language; language mediators; law; legal; life; main; mediation; mediators; migrants; migration; national; new; office; people; points; positive; practical; problems; procedures; professional; refugee migration; refugee status; refugees; research; respondents; role; russian; service; social; society; status; studies; study; support; survey; training; translation; translators; und; university; work; working cache: jsser-344.pdf plain text: jsser-344.txt item: #300 of 450 id: jsser-3444 author: Almahaireh, Abdallah Salem; Alzaben, Mamduh; Aladwan, Fatima; Aljahani, Mohammad title: The Level of Intellectual Security and its Relationship with Life Satisfaction among Mutah University Students date: 2021-09-24 words: 6786 flesch: 39 summary: The study aimed to reveal the level of intellectual security and its relationship to life satisfaction among students at the University of Mutah, Jordan. The study recommends paying attention to students struggling academically and providing therapeutic programmes to help them, and especially the males, in the development of life satisfaction. keywords: academic; almahaireh; arithmetic; average; college; correlation; data; degree; development; deviation; differences; dimensions; education; effects; face; family; females; gender; goals; health; high; ideas; important; individual; intellectual security; jordan; journal; learning; level; life satisfaction; males; moderate; mutah; mutah university; people; personal; psychological; quality; question; relationship; research; researchers; results; role; scale; significant; social; social life; society; standard; students; studies; study; table; terrorism; test; theory; total; university; university life; university students; values; year; α=0.05 cache: jsser-3444.pdf plain text: jsser-3444.txt item: #301 of 450 id: jsser-345 author: Marini, Arita -; Desy Safitri, Desy -; Muda, Iskandar - title: Managing School Based on Character Building in The Context of Religious School Culture (Case in Indonesia) date: 2018-12-08 words: 6615 flesch: 36 summary: Based on the statistical analyzed, the most important finding of the study was that character education in religious school culture, through the provision of worship facilities, religious ceremonies and religious symbols, had predictive effects on student religious character described by obedience in carrying out the teachings of one’s religions, the practice of religious tolerance towards others and living in harmony with other religions. Theoretical Framework This study hypothesizes that character building in religious school culture is the predictive variable for student religious character. keywords: activities; amos; analysis; availability; building; ceremonies; character; character building; character education; coefficients; correlation; culture; curriculum; data; day; education; elementary; evaluation; facilities; fasting; female; fit; friends; gfi; harmony; idul; index; indicators; indonesia; jakarta; journal; learning; lending; level; living; management; marini; model; national; obedience; positive; praying; process; ramadhan; region; religion; religious; religious ceremonies; religious character; religious school; religious symbols; religious tolerance; research; respect; school; school culture; sem; significant; social; standards; state; statistics; student; student religious; studies; study; symbols; table; teacher; teachings; tolerance; value; variables; worship cache: jsser-345.pdf plain text: jsser-345.txt item: #302 of 450 id: jsser-346 author: Jesuit, David K.; Endless, Brian title: Model United Nations and Experiential Learning: An Assessment of Changes in Knowledge and Attitudes date: 2018-12-08 words: 5848 flesch: 56 summary: In short, initial research on the results of participating in Model UN simulations for student learning suggested that the intense experience provided surface learning, but yielded little in the area of deeper learning. Other recent scholarship, however, comes to somewhat more optimistic conclusions with respect to Model UN learning outcomes. keywords: attitudes; changes; conference; council; deep; diplomatic; disagree; education; experience; general; important; interests; international; jesuit; journal; knowledge; learning; member; mission; model; model un; nations; neutral; outcomes; participants; permanent; political; post; preand; procedures; questions; ranks; recent; relations; research; role; science; security; significant; simulation; social; states; students; studies; study; surface; survey; table; united; usa; values; world cache: jsser-346.pdf plain text: jsser-346.txt item: #303 of 450 id: jsser-3462 author: Alajmi, Maadi Mahdi title: The Role of the College of Education at Kuwait University in Countering Violent Extremism among Students date: 2021-09-24 words: 7627 flesch: 46 summary: Study Questions The problem addressed in this study is represented in the following research questions: 1) What are the forms of violent extremism among the College of Education at Kuwait University to counter student violent extremism in terms of occupation, gender, age, and experience? Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (3), 204-224 215 RQ1: What are the forms of violent extremism among the College of Education at Kuwait University to counter student violent extremism in terms of occupation, gender, age, and experience? keywords: .05; age; alajimi; analysis; causes; college; counter; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; differences; different; education; experience; extremist; factors; faculty; forms; gender; groups; human; hypothesis; instrument; items; journal; kuwait; kuwait university; lack; level; mean; media; members; methods; occupation; opinions; participants; peace; people; prevent; questionnaire; research; results; rights; role; security; significant; social; society; spread; students; studies; study; table; teaching; terms; terrorism; test; university; value; violent extremism; ways; youth cache: jsser-3462.pdf plain text: jsser-3462.txt item: #304 of 450 id: jsser-347 author: Purwanti, Ani; Ispriyarso, Budi; Wijaningsih, Dyah title: Strategizing Local Regulation On Women Representation in Village Policy-Making as A Realization of Sustainable Development Goals: A Study in Semarang Regency date: 2018-12-08 words: 5786 flesch: 34 summary: This article explores the extent to which local regulation corresponds to the implementation of the Village Act concerning women representatives in the Village Representative Council (VRC). As a conclusion, we find that the mechanism of women’s representation as stipulated by the Semarang regency government is more focussed on quality than quantity, thereby stressing the role of women representatives and women constituent groups, not only in the context of policymaking in the VRC but also in village politics at large. keywords: 4/2018; act; action; affirmative; antlöv; article; community; constituents; council; decree; deliberative; democracy; development; education; election; equality; female; forum; gender; gender equality; goals; governance; government; group; implementation; indonesia; interests; international; journal; law; legislative; local; members; new; old; participation; policymaking; political; politics; purwanti; quota; regency; regent; regulations; report; representation; research; right; sdgs; semarang; semarang regency; social; society; state; studies; substantive; sustainable; system; tenure; village; village act; vrc; women; women representatives cache: jsser-347.pdf plain text: jsser-347.txt item: #305 of 450 id: jsser-3470 author: Syah, Nurhasan; Hidayat, Hendra; Yuca, Verlanda; Ardi, Zadrian; Magistarina, Elrisfa title: Examining the Effects of Ecoliteracy on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior through Adiwiyata Environmental Education for Indonesian Students date: 2021-12-21 words: 7569 flesch: 43 summary: The role of eco-school program (Adiwiyata) towards environmental literacy of high school students. The difference between students’ knowledge and attitudes toward student behavior of Adiwiyata schools Based on the data obtained, there is a positive and significant relationship between the ability of ecoliteracy, namely Environmental Knowledge (correlation coefficient 0.438, significance 0.002, and determination coefficient 0.1918), and Attitude (correlation coefficient 0.411, significance 0.004, and determination coefficient 0.1689), as well as ISB (Internal School Behavior). keywords: ability; activities; adiwiyata; adiwiyata program; adiwiyata school; approach; attitude; awareness; behavior; coefficient; collection; community; correlation; culture; curriculum; data; description; determination; development; ecoliteracy; ecoliteration; ecological; education; education research; effect; elementary; environmental; environmental attitude; environmental education; environmental knowledge; esb; essential; et al; figure; grade; green; high; hypothesis; impact; implementation; importance; indonesia; influence; international; isb; journal; knowledge; learning; level; management; negeri; non; novelty; pesisir; positive; process; program; questionnaire; relationship; research; role; sample; school; school behavior; school environment; science; significant; social; students; studies; studies education; study; sustainability; sustainable; syah; table; terms; testing; understanding; values cache: jsser-3470.pdf plain text: jsser-3470.txt item: #306 of 450 id: jsser-348 author: Omodan, Bunmi Isaiah; Tsotetsi, Cias T title: Student-Teacher Relationship as a Panacea for Students’ Academic Performance in Nigerian Secondary Schools: An Attachment Perspective date: 2018-12-08 words: 6681 flesch: 40 summary: Purpose of the Study This study examined the practices involved in student-teacher relationships vis-à-vis its correlational effect on academic performance of secondary school students in an attempt to proffer Omodan & Tsotetsi a lasting solution to the lingering problems affecting student performance in Nigeria, with the following objectives:  Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9 (4), 82-101 82 Student-Teacher Relationships as a Panacea for Students’ Academic Performance in Nigeria Secondary Schools: An Attachment Perspective Bunmi Isaiah Omodan1 & Cias T. Tsotetsi2 Abstract This study examines the practices involved in student-teacher relationships vis-à-vis its correlational effect on academic performance of secondary school students in an attempt to suggest solutions to the lingering problems affecting secondary school students’ academic performance in Nigeria. keywords: academic; academic performance; achievement; activities; africa; attachment; better; children; classroom; classroom engagement; correlation; development; education; ekiti; emotional; engagement; environment; findings; good; hughes; hypothesis; instruments; journal; learners; learning; level; motivation; nigeria; omodan; performance; pianta; positive; problems; psychology; public; quality; relationships; research; results; school students; schools; secondary; secondary schools; self; significant; social; south; spilt; state; student; student relationships; studies; study; system; table; teacher; teacher relationships; teaching; test; theory; tsotetsi; university; unpublished cache: jsser-348.pdf plain text: jsser-348.txt item: #307 of 450 id: jsser-349 author: Moore, James R title: Teaching about Human Rights: Female Genital Mutilation in America date: 2018-12-08 words: 8217 flesch: 31 summary: Human rights issues are important to secondary students and they will be interested in ways to become engaged in civic participation—the ultimate goal in social studies education. Moreover, these practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM), are incompatible with American ideals of equality, social justice, and human rights. keywords: abolishing; africa; american; appropriate; article; assembly; bureau; burrage; causes; civic; communities; community; consequences; controversial; council; countries; course; cultural; cutting; declaration; democracy; discrimination; education; educators; equality; federal; female; female genital; fgm; freedom; general; genital; genital mutilation; girls; goal; government; health; historical; history; human; human rights; ideals; illegal; immigrants; important; international; issues; journal; law; laws; legal; major; medical; middle; moore; moral; mutilation; nations; ncss; new; nyangweso; october; ohio; organization; political; population; practice; procedure; public; reference; relevant; research; rights; risk; school; secondary; social; social studies; states; students; studies; studies education; support; teachers; teaching; u.s; united; united states; universal; violation; women; world cache: jsser-349.pdf plain text: jsser-349.txt item: #308 of 450 id: jsser-3496 author: Montessori, Maria; Tiara, Monica; Ambiyar, Ambiyar; Islami, Syaiful title: Dialogue Method in High School Anti-Corruption Education date: 2021-12-21 words: 7596 flesch: 42 summary: Keywords: dialogue method, anti-corruption education, value learning, critical thinking, student’s character. Anti-corruption education is believed to establish an understanding on the importance of avoiding corrupt behavior in life and to strengthen the anti- corruption attitude and character (Basabose, 2019; Kadir, 2018). keywords: ability; analysis; anti; anticorruption; approach; attitude; case; character; civic; civic education; classroom; commitment; consequences; corruption; corruption education; critical; critical thinking; culture; dam; data; design; development; dialogue; dialogue method; education; education research; et al; findings; good; hauser; high; implementation; indonesia; international; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; level; line; method; montessori; moral; need; objectives; observation; opinions; participants; people; problems; process; professionalism; questions; research; results; school; sciences; score; skills; slogans; social; society; strategies; students; studies; studies education; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; technology; thinking; understanding; use; values; volman cache: jsser-3496.pdf plain text: jsser-3496.txt item: #309 of 450 id: jsser-350 author: Tannebaum, Rory P. title: Teaching About Religion Within Early Childhood and Elementary Social Studies: Exploring how Preservice Teachers Perceive their Rights and Responsibilities as Educators date: 2018-12-08 words: 6995 flesch: 52 summary: Teachers may fear offending either a parent or a student, they may choose to ignore religions that are not explicitly discussed in their state-provided standards, or – simply – they may not have a strong enough understanding of various religions or their legal rights to feel confident enough to teach about world religions and the place of religion in society (Carey, 2010; Frederick, 1988; Hartwick, Hawkins, & Schroeder, 2016; Moore, 2012). However, having better interaction between the two types of courses will, ideally, will help students see that the content the learn about in their World geography, history, and religion courses can and should be integrated into their own pedagogical decision-making within the K-12 classroom. keywords: amendment; beliefs; case; childhood; citizens; classroom; course; curriculum; data; different; early; education; educators; elementary; field; finding; freedom; individual; instance; interview; journal; k-12; knowledge; lack; learn; multicultural; need; november; parents; participants; place; present; preservice; preservice teachers; public; questionnaire; questions; religion; religious; research; rights; school; social; social studies; society; students; studies; studies education; study; tannebaum; teachers; teaching; understanding; ways; world; yin cache: jsser-350.pdf plain text: jsser-350.txt item: #310 of 450 id: jsser-3503 author: Ningsih, Tutuk; Yuwono, Dwi Margo; Sholehuddin, M. Sugeng; Suharto, Abdul Wachid Bambang title: The Significant of E-assessment for Indonesian Literacy with Character Education in Pandemic Era date: 2021-12-21 words: 9170 flesch: 46 summary: Hypothesis Based on the theoretical study and research questions above, the following hypotheses can be formulated: H1: There is a significant influence of e-assessment literacy (X1) toward character education (Y) on senior high school students. Normalized gain normality test on e-assessment reading literacy, reading literacy skill, character education Variable Factors Score 1 E-assessment reading literacy Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value 1,233 Probability 0,07 keywords: almerico; assessment; assessment literacy; assessment reading; bayan; budiman; building; character; character education; characteristics; children; coefficients; content; critical; data; dependent; development; different; education; education research; elements; equation; evaluation; experience; fiction; fiction literacy; findings; following; good; high; high school; hikayat; hypothesis; impact; indonesian; indonesian literacy; influence; integrated; islamic; journal; kolmogorov; language; learning; level; life; linear; literacy; literacy skill; literature; martin; mean; model; moral; mullis; multiple; ningsih; novel; online; private; probability; process; program; questionnaire; reading; reading literacy; regression; relationship; research; result; rubric; sample; school; school students; senior; senior high; significant; skills; sleman; smirnov; social; state; story; students; studies; studies education; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; text; use; value; variable; world; writing cache: jsser-3503.pdf plain text: jsser-3503.txt item: #311 of 450 id: jsser-3505 author: Istiningsih, Istiningsih title: An Among-Based Mentoring Model for Vocational Schools in Yogyakarta and Its Social Impact date: 2021-09-24 words: 8090 flesch: 40 summary: The hope is that this will help solve the problems in delivering agricultural extension in Indonesia. Agricultural extension has been neglected, so it has not helped farmers to become more productive and independent. keywords: abilities; ability; activities; addition; agricultural; agricultural education; agricultural extension; analysis; anderson; approach; attitudes; category; community; competencies; conventional; counseling; courage; creativity; data; development; easier; education; education research; evaluation; experience; extension; extension workers; farmers; farming; fertilizer; general; good; high; impact; implementation; increase; independence; individual; indonesia; information; instructor; instrument; interaction; istiningsih; journal; knowledge; limited; literature; making; material; mentoring; methods; model; number; observation; organic; organic rice; participants; people; pertanian; pesticides; problems; process; processes; production; productivity; qualitative; quality; related; relationships; research; results; rice; school; score; second; sector; seeds; semar; skills; social; students; studies; studies education; study; success; system; technology; use; vocational; welfare; workers; yogyakarta cache: jsser-3505.pdf plain text: jsser-3505.txt item: #312 of 450 id: jsser-3506 author: Jamilah, Sitti title: Moderate Islamic Education to Enhance Nationalism among Indonesian Islamic Student Organizations in the Era of Society 5.0 date: 2021-09-24 words: 7828 flesch: 35 summary: It is hoped that through moderate Islamic education and a strong sense of nationalism, Islamic student organizations throughout Indonesia can help support national development and realize a peaceful life for everyone. By focusing on the three research themes—namely moderate Islamic education, Islamic student organizations, and nationalism—this study will contribute to the literature by highlighting the importance of moderate Islamic education in Islamic universities in the era of Society 5.0. keywords: actions; activities; aspects; attitudes; basic; behaviors; campus; college; community; courses; culture; curriculum; data; development; digital; education courses; education research; educational; ethnic; form; goals; graduates; human; iain; identity; important; indonesia; intellectual; interviews; islamic; islamic education; islamic organization; islamic religious; islamic student; islamic values; jamilah; journal; knowledge; leadership; learning; lecturers; life; literature; mahasiswa; management; means; media; members; methods; moderate islamic; moderation; morality; nationalism; negative; observations; organizations; parepare; participants; people; practice; previous; principles; process; radicalism; religious; religious education; research; role; seminars; sense; social; society; southeast; spirit; state; student; student organizations; studies; studies education; study; sulawesi; support; tarbiyah; teaching; technology; terms; themes; unity; universities; values; way; workshops cache: jsser-3506.pdf plain text: jsser-3506.txt item: #313 of 450 id: jsser-3507 author: Assa'idi, Sa'dullah title: Religious Education Curriculum in Indonesian Islamic University in the Digital Age: Incepting Thematic Alquran of Fadlur Rahman date: 2021-09-24 words: 6767 flesch: 43 summary: The expected implication is that through the development and change of Islamic religious education curriculum in educational institutions and specifically in higher education in the digital era, it is not only about digital-based learning methods but must have Islamic characteristics to give birth to a younger generation of Muslims who have a positive perspective and behavior. The main data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, and literature related to the research theme, namely Fazlur Rahman's thoughts on Islamic education, Islamic education curriculum, and Islamic University. keywords: able; activities; age; aim; analysis; aspects; assa’idi; basic; behavior; changes; content; curriculum; data; development; digital; education; education curriculum; education research; environment; era; fazlur; fazlur rahman; generation; goals; human; ideas; important; indonesia; information; institutions; instrument; islamic; islamic education; islamic religious; islamic university; journal; knowledge; language; learning; literature; material; methods; modern; modernization; moral; muslim; new; observations; participants; pendidikan; positive; qualitative; qur'an; rahman; relevant; religious; religious education; research; rules; scholars; schools; science; scientific; social; standards; students; studies; studies education; study; system; teaching; technology; themes; thoughts; understanding; university; values; views cache: jsser-3507.pdf plain text: jsser-3507.txt item: #314 of 450 id: jsser-3508 author: Wahyudi, Wahyudi title: Peasants' Resistance to State-Owned Enterprises: Learning from an Indonesian Social Movement date: 2021-09-24 words: 9759 flesch: 54 summary: In the case of land conflicts, a contentious strategy is often adopted that tends to have an aggressive nature in carrying out various forms of contentious aspirational actions (Pruitt & Rubin, 2009). The threats began when the land-acquisition activists were stigmatized as PKI minions if they Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (3), 368-395 refused to hand over plantation land to PTPN XII. keywords: action; addition; agrarian; agreement; agriculture; analysis; approach; area; authorities; awareness; behavior; case; change; collective; communication; communities; community; company; conditions; conflict; conflicting; consciousness; considerations; critical; dalam; dan; data; development; differences; dutch; economic; education; education research; efforts; factors; family; farmers; farming; fight; food; forest; form; freire; gerakan; government; group; hectares; hgu; human; indonesia; informants; interest; issues; jakarta; journal; kabupaten; kalibakar; komunikasi; konflik; land; law; legal; level; local; malang; masyarakat; means; mobilization; movement; natural; nature; network; new; order; organic; organizations; ownership; parties; party; peasant; people; perceptions; petani; plantation; plantation company; plantation land; political; press; problems; process; production; pruitt; ptpn; ptpn xii; public; qualitative; related; relationship; research; resistance; resolution; resources; results; rights; rubin; smelser; social; social movement; social studies; society; sosiologi; state; status; structure; struggle; studies; study; support; theory; tilly; universitas; use; villages; wahyudi; way; win; working; xii cache: jsser-3508.pdf plain text: jsser-3508.txt item: #315 of 450 id: jsser-351 author: Dewi, Ida Kusuma; M.R. Nababan, M.R. Nababan; Santosa, Riyadi; Djatmika, Djatmika title: The Characters’ Background in the African-American English Dialect of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Should the Translation Retain It? date: 2018-12-08 words: 7767 flesch: 59 summary: The extensive number of phonological dialect features makes it very clear to readers how the AA characters speak distinctively. Berthele (2000), meanwhile, analyzes the dialect translation in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by concentrating on the character Jim in one chapter of the novel for 13 German translations. Studies into the translation of AAE dialects in novels into Indonesian have been conducted by Zuchridin Suryawinata (in Nababan, 2003) to assess the readability of the whole novel and Dwi Margo Yuwono for the translation of informal negations (Yuwono, 2008). keywords: aa characters; aae; aae dialect; aae phonological; adventures; african; african american; aku; american; american english; background; berthele; black; characteristics; characters; class; cluster; colloquial; consonant; dan; deletion; dewi; dialect; different; education; english; ethnic; example; features; figure; final; finn; harvey; huckleberry; indonesian; jack; jim; journal; lanehart; language; literary; mark; markers; neutralization; new; non; novel; number; original; oxford; phonological; phonological features; present; press; pronunciation; readers; realization; reduction; research; river; sentences; social; society; speakers; speech; spelling; standard; standard indonesian; studies; study; target; technique; thomas; tidak; times; tool; translation; twain; university; use; utterances; variation; vernacular; way; white; wolfram; word; york cache: jsser-351.pdf plain text: jsser-351.txt item: #316 of 450 id: jsser-3512 author: Atabekova, Anastasia title: Employers’ Contribution to Law Students’ Multilingual Communication Skills Training in Remote Mode due to Pandemic Emergency: Pilot Study date: 2021-09-24 words: 13032 flesch: 40 summary: Therefore, the purpose of the present research is to explore the impact that industry representatives as potential employers might produce on law students’ multilingual communication skills training in the remote mode due the unexpected global emergencies. Further, the section focuses on the features of multilingual communication skills training that Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (3), 396-431 413 students indicate as relevant through employers’ live inclusion in the remote mode training due to pandemic emergency Multilingual Communication Skills that Can Be Improved through Employers’ Live Inclusion in the Remote Mode Training due to Pandemic Emergency As it was mentioned earlier in the article, the multilingual communicative skills were considered as an integrated phenomenon whose construct is represented and materialized through a number of variables, namely reading, listening, speaking, writing, translation and interpreting skills. keywords: 1st; academic; activities; analysis; approach; assessment; atabekova; august; author; average; cefr; choice; cluster; coherence; comments; communication; communication skills; content; contributions; course; covid-19; criteria; curriculum; data; design; development; different; doi; education; education research; emergency; employers; end; english; errors; european; excellent; experimental; factor; features; following; foreign; framework; general; groups; higher; importance; inclusion; industry; information; institute; international; interpreting; items; journal; knowledge; language; law; law students; layout; learning; legal; level; line; listening; live; mastery; mode; module; multilingual; multilingual communication; need; number; pandemic; particular; percentage; period; pilot; pilot training; possible; professional; progress; questionnaire; reading; regular; relevant; remote; remote training; replies; representatives; research; respective; respondents; results; satisfactory; scholars; schooling; scores; second; skills; skills training; social; speaking; start; statement; stream; students; studies; study; style; subject; syllabus; system; table; teaching; technology; terms; testing; tests; text; theme; traditional; training; translation; university; use; writing; year cache: jsser-3512.pdf plain text: jsser-3512.txt item: #317 of 450 id: jsser-352 author: Halid, Amir; Abdul, Irawati title: The Development Model of Socio-Economic Institution of Community-Based Tourism Village in Botubarani, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia date: 2018-12-08 words: 4928 flesch: 48 summary: Community participation in village tourism development (Qualitative Descriptive Study on Community Participation in Tourism Village Development in Wirun Village, Mojolaban Sukoharjo District). Its aim, i.e. sustainable tourism product is operated in harmony with the local environment, society and culture, so that they become permanent beneficiaries and not the victims of tourism development (Adi, 2017). keywords: analysis; area; bolango; bone; bone bolango; botubarani; budget; community; community empowerment; development; district; economic; education; effect; empowerment; gender; gorontalo; government; impact; improvement; independent; independent tourism; influence; infrastructure; journal; kabila; level; local; model; number; participation; people; policy; potential; province; regency; research; resources; respondents; results; shark; significant; social; studies; tourism; tourism development; tourism village; type; value; variables; village; visitors; whale cache: jsser-352.pdf plain text: jsser-352.txt item: #318 of 450 id: jsser-353 author: Bin Mubayrik, Haifa Fahad title: The Present and Future State of Blended Learning at Workplace-Learning Settings in Adult Education: A systematic review date: 2018-12-08 words: 8334 flesch: 43 summary: Because there is much confusion and many unknowns concerning BL, training, and human performance management, and because of its growing importance to workplace learning, human resource professionals should keep abreast of BL research. Significance of the Study Findings from this paper will contribute to the fields of blended adult pre-service training and in- service training; adult education, including adult basic education for illiterate adults and homeless or unemployed adults; and BL research in both adult education and workplaces. keywords: adult; analysis; approach; articles; assessment; blended; blended learning; bonk; business; case; challenges; cost; course; criteria; current; data; development; different; doi; education; effective; employees; environment; et al; evidence; face; findings; future; graham; high; high high; hrd; implementation; important; international; job; journal; kim; kim et; knowledge; lack; learners; learning; learning settings; level; literature; major; management; medium; methods; months; mubayrik; new; online; organizations; paper; participants; positive; present; professionals; qualitative; quality; relevant; research; results; review; schildermans; schreurs; settings; size; skills; social; state; students; studies; studies education; study; support; survey; teaching; technologies; technology; teng; time; training; trends; united; use; workplace; workplace learning; workplace settings; years cache: jsser-353.pdf plain text: jsser-353.txt item: #319 of 450 id: jsser-354 author: Zabeli, Naser; Anderson, Jeffrey; Saqipi, Blerim title: Towards the Development and Implementation of Learner-centered Education in Kosovo date: 2018-12-08 words: 5654 flesch: 45 summary: Furthermore, it remains unclear whether Kosovo teacher practice has progressed to a level that can support broad adoption of LCE approaches. The Prospects of Reforming Teacher Education,: Libri Shkollor, Prishtina, Kosovo, ISBN: 978-9951-23-085-9. Saqipi, B. (2014). keywords: activities; anderson; approaches; categories; challenges; change; classroom; curriculum; data; development; dynamic; education; environment; findings; framework; group; ideas; implementation; importance; international; journal; knowledge; kosovo; lce; learner; learning; needs; new; ongoing; opportunities; philosophy; policy; practice; prishtina; process; professional; quality; questions; research; resources; respondents; role; saqipi; school; science; social; students; studies; study; support; survey; system; teachers; teaching; terms; themes; time; traditional; training; understanding; university; zabeli cache: jsser-354.pdf plain text: jsser-354.txt item: #320 of 450 id: jsser-3541 author: Bui, Dung Xuan; Bui, Thanh Xuan title: Rousseau’s Philosophical and Educational Innovation in Vietnam Today date: 2021-12-21 words: 4628 flesch: 52 summary: Human education needs to be tested for their nature for a long time and observe their students before saying the first word to it. Vietnamese education is close to recognizing this and changing in the process of education innovation. keywords: challenges; child; children; conscience; development; dung; education; educational philosophy; experience; general; goals; good; human; human nature; innovation; jacques; jean; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; life; methods; moral; natural; nature; necessary; needs; new; people; person; philosophical; philosophy; primary; process; reason; research; role; rousseau; self; social; society; students; studies; system; teachers; teaching; thought; time; training; understanding; values; vietnam; view; work; world; émile cache: jsser-3541.pdf plain text: jsser-3541.txt item: #321 of 450 id: jsser-356 author: Shuttleworth, Jay M.; Patterson, Timothy; Taylor Jaffee, Ashley title: Viewing videos of controversial issues instruction: What influences transformative reflection? date: 2018-12-08 words: 9985 flesch: 48 summary: The theoretical framework drew upon enlightened political engagement, and data was derived from the written reflections of pre-service social studies teachers in five different seminars. Thus, preparing pre-service social studies teachers to implement this kind of instruction occupies a critical role in the development of participatory democracy itself (Bickmore & Parker, 2014; Flanagan, 2013; Noddings & Brooks, 2017; Ochoa-Becker, 2007; Parker, 2008; Tolley, 2017; Totten & Peterson, 2007). keywords: analysis; analytical; application; classroom; coding; controversial; controversial issues; data; discussion; eds; education; education research; elementary; engagement; essays; example; experienced; finding; free; gem; hess; instruction; instructors; issues; journal; learning; lesson; likely; new; options; parker; partner; pedagogical; pedagogy; peer; political; practice; practitioner; pre; reflections; reflective; report; research; role; school; self; seminar; september; service social; service teachers; sherin; shuttleworth; sims; social education; social studies; speech; students; studies education; studies teachers; study; teacher education; teaching; thinking; topic; transformations; transposing; videos; videotaped; year; york cache: jsser-356.pdf plain text: jsser-356.txt item: #322 of 450 id: jsser-3564 author: Ivanova, Ganka; Dimova-Severinova, Doroteya title: The Role of Happiness in Applying Suggestopedia and Fostering the Language Learning Process date: 2021-12-21 words: 7458 flesch: 46 summary: Attitude towards creating a positive classroom atmosphere where students feel secure and willing to take the risks fosters foreign language learning is very important. This review paper gives perspectives on different theories linked to language learning and human emotions and raises questions of the effectiveness of traditional, conventional methods by comparing them to an alternative method called Suggestopedia. keywords: activities; activity; alternative; anxiety; approach; attention; classroom; cll; cognitive; communication; context; conventional; culture; dialogues; diener; different; dimova; direct; doi; education; emotional; emotions; english; experiences; feelings; focus; foreign; foreign language; grammar; happiness; human; impact; important; individual; ivanova; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning process; life; linguistic; literature; lozanov; meaning; memory; method; music; negative; new; personal; positive; positive emotions; process; psychological; psychology; reading; research; review; role; second; severinova; social; specific; state; students; studies; subjective; successful; suggestion; suggestopedia; teacher; teaching; term; theories; theory; time; traditional; training; translation; understanding; use; values; way; world cache: jsser-3564.pdf plain text: jsser-3564.txt item: #323 of 450 id: jsser-357 author: Hakam, Kama Abdul title: Tradition of Value Education Implementation in Indonesian Primary Schools date: 2018-12-08 words: 8806 flesch: 46 summary: GPBP essentially strengthens the value transmission approach in school value education by building a school culture that can facilitate all school elements to be accustomed to carrying out positive values in accordance with the school’s potential and local ethics. Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018:9 (4), 295-318 295 Tradition of Value Education Implementation in Indonesian Primary Schools Kama Abdul Hakam1 Abstract Following Indonesia’s 1998 reform, value education in the form of a specific subject is no longer applied. keywords: able; accustomed; activities; approach; atmosphere; basic; behavior; budi; character; character education; city; collaboration; community; constructionist; culture; curricular; data; day; development; directorate; education; education program; education research; environment; extra; form; gpbp; habituation; hakam; human; idea; implementation; importance; independence; individual; indonesian; intra; journal; judgment; law; learning; life; modeling; moral; moral education; national; national education; new; number; objective; order; pancasila; pbk; pekerti; pendidikan; pnp; policy; positive; potential; practice; primary; primary schools; program; province; pss; quality; reform; religious; research; results; school; school culture; social; sociological; stage; strengthening; students; studies; studies education; study; teachers; team; tradition; training; transmission; value; value education; value transmission; year cache: jsser-357.pdf plain text: jsser-357.txt item: #324 of 450 id: jsser-358 author: Dharmawan, Ruben; Nababan, M.R. Nababan; Tarjana, M. Sri Samiati; Djatmika, Djatmika title: Mistranslation and Maltranslation in A Medical Website: Evidences from Dorland’s Medical Dictionary date: 2019-03-07 words: 8192 flesch: 48 summary: Evidences from human-based translation techniques and Google translation techniques are served to evaluate in this study. Medical translations applies accuracy in medical knowledge that requires analysis involving medical science, thus linguistic text error (mistranslation) alone is not sufficient as the basis for analysis (Pym, 2004:27; Pym, 2015:18). keywords: 31st; acceptability; acceptable; accuracy; accurate; addition; albir; analysis; aspect; assessment; average; bad; borrowing; dalbernet; dan; dapat; data; dharmawan; dictionary; dmd; dorland; edisi; edition; education; english; entries; entry; equivalent; final; good; google; google translate; health; higher; human; indonesian; interpreter; journal; kkd; language; literal; maltranslation; meaning; medical; medicine; molina; nababan; newmark; non; original; patient; phrase; pure; pym; qualitative; quality; readability; readable; research; result; risk; scores; sentences; social; source; stimulator; studies; study; table; target; techniques; terms; text; translate; translate translation; translation; translation quality; translation techniques; translators; transposition; unit; use; value; vinay; website; weighted; word; wrong; đorđević cache: jsser-358.pdf plain text: jsser-358.txt item: #325 of 450 id: jsser-3590 author: Aladwan, Fatima; Alzaben, Mamduh; AlMahaireh, Abdallah Salem; Sulaiman, Mohammad title: The Meaning of Life and its Relations with Unhealthy Behaviors among Syrian Adolescent Refugees Enrolled in Public Schools in Jordan date: 2021-12-21 words: 7606 flesch: 54 summary: Having differences between respondents’ meaning of life level for the favor of females indicates that females realize the value of life. The result is also not consistent with the result reached by Fatooh (2016), who found no significant difference between respondents’ meaning of life level, which can be attributed to gender, the gaps between the results can be explained by that the participants in this study were in Amman while Fatooh (2016) participants were in the refugee's camps, which means that the refugees in the cities had differences in the meaning of life and unhealthy behaviors between the camps and cities. keywords: adolescent; adolescent refugees; aladwan; arithmetic; behaviors; care; correlation; data; deviation; difference; dimensions; drugs; education; experiences; extent; favor; females; frankel; gender; goals; independent; jordan; journal; lack; level; life; life level; meaning; means; moderate; needs; negative; perception; personal; physical; positive; problems; psychological; psychology; public; quality; refugees; relationship; research; researchers; respondents; result; scale; schools; sciences; significant; social; stage; standard; statistical; students; studies; study; syrian; syrian adolescent; table; test; unhealthy; unhealthy behaviors; university; value cache: jsser-3590.pdf plain text: jsser-3590.txt item: #326 of 450 id: jsser-360 author: Ridha, Syahrul; Utaya, Sugeng; Bachri, Syamsul; Handoyo, Budi title: Students’ Geographic Skills in Indonesia: Evaluating Learning Material Questions about GIS Using Taxonomy of Spatial Thinking date: 2019-12-24 words: 7509 flesch: 51 summary: Taxonomy of spatial thinking used to evaluate GIS learning material questions is explained in Figure 1. Concepts of Space in GIS Learning Material Questions Figure 3 shows that GIS learning material questions are dominated by non-spatial. keywords: analysis; bednarz; competency; complex; complex spatial; components; concepts; create; curriculum; data; design; developed; distribution; education; evaluation; example; explain; figure; geography; geospatial; gis; gis learning; golledge; high; ilmu; indonesia; information; input; journal; learning; learning material; lee; level; low; map; maps; material; material questions; national; non; output; primitives; processes; processing; questions; reasoning; representation; research; ridha; scholz; school; senior; skills; social; space; spatial; spatial thinking; standards; students; studies; study; subcategories; table; taxonomy; textbooks; thinking questions; tools; use cache: jsser-360.pdf plain text: jsser-360.txt item: #327 of 450 id: jsser-361 author: Omodan, Bunmi Isaiah; Dube, Bekithemba title: Bridging the Dichotomous Gaps between Trade Unionism and Management of Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria date: 2019-03-07 words: 5579 flesch: 40 summary: The result on each of the sampled tertiary institution shows that the level of trade union activities is moderate, which implies that there are active trade unions in tertiary institutions. The study revealed that there was a significant relationship between activities of trade unions and leadership style of management of tertiary institutions. keywords: academic; academic staff; actions; activities; ado; conditions; conflict; correlation; development; dissatisfaction; dube; education; ekiti; ekiti state; ekundayo; federal; findings; goals; high; hypothesis; industrial; job; journal; leadership; level; management; members; national; nigeria; non; objectives; omodan; pearson; performance; question; relationship; research; result; school; service; significant; significant relationship; social; staff; staff unions; state; studies; study; style; system; table; teaching; tertiary; tertiary institutions; trade; trade unions; unions; universities; university; workers cache: jsser-361.pdf plain text: jsser-361.txt item: #328 of 450 id: jsser-3618 author: Winarwati, Indien title: Peace Education and Learning on Marine Law in Social Conflict Handling date: 2021-12-21 words: 8658 flesch: 44 summary: Lessons learned about the authority of the management of marine resources in the Madura government in national law The purpose of this part is to study agrarian law that focuses on the management of marine resources and their relationship to fisheries resource conflicts that occur between fishermen in terms of peace education in national law. The theme that the researcher uses to answer the second problem formulation is the authority of agrarian law on handling fishery resource conflicts through peace education. keywords: affairs; agrarian; analysis; area; article; authorities; authority; business; central; city; city government; coastal; collection; community; conflicts; content; data; district; division; documents; education; education research; fisheries; fishermen; fishery; fishing; form; government; government affairs; government regulation; handling; indonesia; international; journal; law; learning; legal; local; local government; madura; management; management authority; marine; marine management; marine resources; maritime; national; national law; natural; new; number; paragraph; peace; peace education; pokmaswas; potential; power; previous; problem; province; provincial; provincial government; regency; regional; regional government; regulation; research; resolution; resources; second; security; social; social conflicts; state; studies; studies education; study; sub; theme; uses; values; winarwati; year cache: jsser-3618.pdf plain text: jsser-3618.txt item: #329 of 450 id: jsser-362 author: KOZİKOĞLU, ishak title: Investigating Critical Thinking in Prospective Teachers: Metacognitive Skills, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Self-Efficacy date: 2019-06-24 words: 7129 flesch: 42 summary: The need for critical thinking skills for prospective teachers arises day by day because professional and life challenges increase by the developments in information and technology. In critical thinking process, the individual need to utilize certain metacognitive skills and metacognition facilitates the development of critical thinking skills. keywords: academic; academic self; analysis; beliefs; coefficient; concepts; contribution; critical thinking; data; education; efficacy; higher; important; individual; journal; knowledge; kuhn; learning; literature; magno; metacognitive; metacognitive skills; order; order thinking; perceptions; positive; predictive; problem; problem solving; processes; prospective; prospective teachers; regression; regulation; related; relationship; research; results; role; scale; sciences; self; similar; skills; social; solving; solving skills; strategies; students; studies; study; table; teachers; terms; theoretical; thinking skills; thinking tendencies; university; variables; variance cache: jsser-362.pdf plain text: jsser-362.txt item: #330 of 450 id: jsser-3625 author: Alajmi, Maadi Mahdi title: The Effect of Blended Learning on the Degree of Students’ Acquisition of Geography Skills for the Eleventh Level at the Secondary Stage in Kuwait date: 2021-12-21 words: 8198 flesch: 54 summary: It balances student learning in the classroom and at home to solve homework and communicate with teachers and colleagues to implement projects and assignments. Traditional versus blended learning method: A comparative study on its effectiveness in business communication course. keywords: academic; achievement; acquisition; activities; alajmi; approach; blended; blended learning; calculated; classroom; concepts; control; data; degree; design; development; differences; education; education research; effect; eleventh; experimental; experimental group; face; facts; following; geographical; geography; geography skills; grade; group; high; hypothesis; information; instruction; instrument; international; journal; kuwait; learners; learning; level; linearity; mean; method; model; number; online; phenomena; post; pre; process; reliability; research; results; school; sciences; scores; secondary; significant; skills; social; statistical; strategy; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; thinking; total; traditional; use; value; variable; way cache: jsser-3625.pdf plain text: jsser-3625.txt item: #331 of 450 id: jsser-3655 author: Ghafur, Hanief Saha title: Analysis of ICT Development Supporting the E-Learning Implementation on Nadhatul Ulama Universities in Indonesia date: 2021-12-21 words: 9189 flesch: 41 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2021: 12 (4), 121-143 First, that the development of ICT contributes greatly in maximizing the use of e-learning based on moderate Islamic education, especially on campuses that have a strong internet network. Previous studies have stated that the development of ICT in education, especially in the adoption of e-learning systems, can be influenced by the theory of acceptance and use of technology (El-Masri & Tarhini, 2017). keywords: 143; academic; acceptance; access; activities; addition; analysis; application; best; campus; campuses; challenges; characteristics; communication; competence; computer; content; countries; courses; data; design; development; digital; education; education research; effective; et al; experiences; facilities; factors; field; ghafur; higher; ict; ict development; impact; implementation; important; indonesia; industrial; information; infrastructure; institutions; international; internet; interview; islamic; islamic universities; journal; knowledge; learning; learning learning; lecturers; literature; main; management; materials; methods; model; moderate; modern; motivation; nadathul; nadhatul; nahdatul; network; new; observation; online; order; participants; physical; ppptik; previous; problems; process; ptnu; quality; questions; research; researchers; results; review; revolution; role; services; social; states; students; studies; studies education; study; support; systems; teaching; technology; theory; training; ulama; unisma; universities; university; unusa; use cache: jsser-3655.pdf plain text: jsser-3655.txt item: #332 of 450 id: jsser-3659 author: Hammar, Roberth Kurniawan Ruslak; Samangun, Christina; Malik, Yosep; Luturmas, Agustinus title: Spatial Planning for Indigenous Law Communities to Solve Social Conflict Resolution in West Papua Indonesia date: 2021-12-21 words: 7692 flesch: 40 summary: The research is focused in the context of central government regulations on spatial planning based on local wisdom and local government spatial planning regulations related to preventing social conflicts with the indigenous peoples of West Papua in Papua Province. Spatial planning is understood as a system of a process of spatial planning, space utilization, and space utilization control (Tewdwr-Jones, 2012). keywords: accordance; agrarian; analysis; article; central; communities; community; conflicts; constitution; customary; customary law; data; development; education; environmental; form; government; hammar; implementation; indigenous; indigenous peoples; indonesia; international; journal; knowledge; land; law; law communities; law number; laws; legal; local; local wisdom; management; national; natural; number; order; papua; papua province; paragraph; peoples; planning; policies; positive; positive law; primary; principles; procedures; protection; province; regional; regional government; regulations; related; research; resolution; resources; rights; roles; social; social conflicts; space; spatial; spatial planning; state; studies; study; use; utilization; west; wisdom cache: jsser-3659.pdf plain text: jsser-3659.txt item: #333 of 450 id: jsser-366 author: Bentahar, Adil; O’Brien, Jason title: Raising Students’ Awareness of Social Justice through Civic Literacy date: 2019-03-07 words: 8355 flesch: 49 summary: For Sami (PC student), civic literacy refers to citizens’ awareness of the roles they play in society. The imposition of the French language and culture over Moroccan culture and Moroccan Arabic produced several negative consequences in Moroccan society, including a distrust of state-provided education available to Moroccan students. keywords: awareness; bentahar; change; citizen; citizenship; civic; civic education; civic literacy; commitment; community; countries; current; curriculum; data; democratic; dispositions; education; education research; engagement; experience; findings; goals; impact; important; international; interviews; issues; journal; justice; knowledge; literacy; local; male; means; methods; mixed; moroccan; moroccan students; morocco; need; new; o’brien; participants; participation; policy; political; positive; problems; program; project; project citizen; public; qualitative; questions; research; researchers; respect; responses; results; scale; school; skills; social; social justice; social studies; societal; society; structured; students; studies; study; survey; table; teacher; understanding cache: jsser-366.pdf plain text: jsser-366.txt item: #334 of 450 id: jsser-3661 author: Tuzcuoğlu, Ferruh; Akman, Çiğdem; Akman, Elvettin; Aksu, Duygu title: Public administration undergraduate education during the COVID-19 date: 2022-06-27 words: 9534 flesch: 42 summary: The number of students living in the villages is higher than the students living in the neighborhood, and this has brought various problems in terms of online education. Before taking the decision to switch to distance education, it is of great importance for higher education institutions to do the necessary studies to determine the number of students who do not have internet access and to make the necessary studies by higher education institutions to benefit from online education. keywords: access; administration education; age; analysis; answers; application; classes; code; connection; countries; courses; covid-19; covid-19 global; data; demirel; department; dergisi; different; digital education; distance education; documents; education; education process; education research; epidemic process; exams; face; figure; findings; formal education; frequency; global epidemic; global pandemic; graph; graphic; higher education; impact; information; infrastructure; internet; interviews; journal; learning; lessons; level; life; necessary; new; number; online; online courses; online education; pandemic; participation; political; problems; process; program; public; public administration; question; questionnaire; rate; research; satisfaction; satisfied; sciences; shows; social; students; studies education; study; survey; system; süleyman; table; time; training; tuzcuoğlu; undergraduate students; universities; university; world cache: jsser-3661.pdf plain text: jsser-3661.txt item: #335 of 450 id: jsser-3663 author: Shaleh, Muh; Awad, Faizah Binti; Rezki, Anita title: Counseling Based on Local Wisdom for Conflict Settlement in the Workplace: A Case Study in Kendari date: 2022-03-24 words: 6728 flesch: 50 summary: Indeed, reducing employee conflict can help increase employees’ productivity, motivation, and loyalty while decreasing medical costs, worker compensation claims, and litigation costs (Ekienabor, 2016). In this sense, employee counseling plays a very important role in the world of work, especially for career development and employees’ mental health (Thompson, et. al., 2014), because it helps employees to feel comfortable with themselves and their environment and to have an objective and positive view of others, so they are able to meet the needs of themselves and their families. keywords: advice; awad; behavior; beliefs; case; communication; community; conflict; counseling; counselor; cultural; culture; data; development; different; disputes; division; education; employees; environment; health; help; human; important; indonesia; interviews; issues; job; journal; kendari; leader; life; local; local wisdom; long; management; managers; new; observations; office; organizational; participants; people; performance; personal; problems; process; productivity; research; result; right; role; sara; services; shaleh; shame; social; society; studies; study; system; tensions; terms; theory; time; tolaki; values; wisdom; work; workers; workplace cache: jsser-3663.pdf plain text: jsser-3663.txt item: #336 of 450 id: jsser-3664 author: Hajam, Hajam title: Sufferance within a Cultural Framework as the Preaching Strategy of Sunan Gunungjati in Forming a Civil Society date: 2021-12-21 words: 11730 flesch: 56 summary: In West Java, from Cirebon Sunan Gunungjati began to develop Islamic da’wah to other areas: Majalengka, Kuningan, Kawali (Galuh), Sunda Kelapa, and Banten. Cirebon Sufism, or Javanese Sufism in general, has its own style that differs from Sufism in other areas, such as West Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. keywords: 16th; abbas; addition; amparan; approach; arabia; archipelago; area; arrival; art; asia; aspects; azra; banten; boarding; building; center; centuries; century; china; cirebon; cirebon people; cirebon sufism; cirebon sultanate; city; civilization; community; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; da’wah; demak; developed; development; early; east; education; education research; emergence; era; existence; figures; form; god; government; guardians; gunungjati; hajam; hidayatullah; historical; history; important; india; indonesia; influence; international; islam; islamic; islamic boarding; islamization; island; java; javanese; jawa; journal; kelapa; kingdom; layout; life; local; malacca; methods; middle; mosque; movement; muslim; new; noble; north; nurjati; nusantara; order; pajajaran; palace; panembahan; people; period; persia; pesantren; petitih; places; political; port; power; preaching; prince; process; prophet; regions; religion; religious; research; role; school; sheikh; social; social studies; society; source; southeast; spread; state; students; studies; study; sufism; sufism teachings; sultanate; sunan; sunan gunungjati; sunda; syarif; syekh; system; tariqa; teachings; time; title; trade; traders; traditions; values; village; wadirectsang; wahyu; walisongo; west; west java; western; wisdom; world cache: jsser-3664.pdf plain text: jsser-3664.txt item: #337 of 450 id: jsser-3675 author: Kholis, Nur title: The Legacy of a School: Developing Better Schools Based on Mutual Cooperation date: 2022-03-24 words: 8183 flesch: 50 summary: Previous studies of school legacy have been mainly conducted in the field of education politics, such as segregation schools (Bell, 1977; Horsford, 2010; Lemon, et. al., 2009; Reece & O’Connell, 2016; Saporito & Oni, 2006). Other researchers, meanwhile, have focused on school legacy for improving learning quality and cooperation among all school stakeholders (e.g., Cummins, 2015; Orr & Goodman, 2010; Raudenbush, 2009). keywords: academic; activities; affairs; analysis; aspects; better; blitar; budget; changes; class; collaborative; committee; communication; community; cooperation; cultural; culture; data; depth; development; education; effective; effectiveness; environment; external; good; guardians; hallinger; hard; improvement; internal; interviews; involved; journal; kholis; knowledge; leadership; learning; legacy; local; management; min; model; mutual; parents; participants; participation; parties; people; principal; process; programs; public; quality; regency; research; researchers; results; school; school committee; school culture; school principal; school stakeholders; social; soft; stakeholders; students; studies; study; superior; superior school; support; teachers; teaching; tegalsari; terms; time; vice; village; vision; work cache: jsser-3675.pdf plain text: jsser-3675.txt item: #338 of 450 id: jsser-3684 author: Sumanta, Sumanta title: The Values of Perfect Human Beings in the Dignity Seven of Insān Kāmil date: 2021-12-21 words: 6426 flesch: 62 summary: Recent research indicates that religion and spirituality are possible determinants of positive physical and mental health outcomes, which is consistent with previous findings (Koenig et al., 2012). Avicena’s philosophical thoughts included the definition of the soul (al-nafs) that he gave in Ma'ârij al-Quds, where he divided this into the vegetative soul (al-nafs al-nabâtiyah), the sensitive soul (al-nafs al-hayâwaniyah), and the human soul (al-nafs al-insâniyah) (Simuh, 1981), and this demonstrates that he considered many philosophers’ views. keywords: allah; attributes; beings; beliefs; book; concept; dalam; development; dignities; dignity; divine; education; example; existence; form; fundamental; ghazali; ghazâlî; god; hadith; health; hulûl; human; ideas; impact; inner; insan; insan kamil; insân al; islamic; jili; journal; kamil; knowledge; level; life; ma'rifah; mahrus; masyharuddin; mental; mind; muhaiyaddeen; muhammad; n.d; nature; noer; notion; order; people; perfect; perfection; person; philosophical; philosophy; physical; press; prophet; quran; religion; religious; research; school; science; second; self; simuh; social; soul; spiritual; spirituality; state; studies; study; sufism; sufistic; sumanta; tasawuf; tashawwuf; teachings; theory; thoughts; time; traits; understanding; unique; values; wujûd cache: jsser-3684.pdf plain text: jsser-3684.txt item: #339 of 450 id: jsser-3685 author: Rahawarin, Zainal A title: Values of Pancasila in the View of Nationalism in the Indonesia New Order Era date: 2021-12-21 words: 11047 flesch: 55 summary: Abdullah (1987) wrote a book titled Pemikiran Politik Islam Indonesia that focuses on two major subjects, namely the political challenges in Indonesia and the nexus of the state, the caliphate, civil society, and democracy (Pemikiran Politik Islam Indonesia). Article Title (Size 12; Bold; Times New Roman) Journal of Social Studies Education Research SosyalBilgilerEğitimiAraştırmalarıDergisi 2021:12 (4), 64-92 Viewing Pancasila in the Eyes of Nationalists in Indonesian New Order Era Zainal A. Rahawarin1 Abstract Indonesian political thinking is divided in two: political Islam and secular politics. keywords: aceh; allies; america; anshari; archipelago; arguments; army; assembly; banjar; book; bpupki; century; charter; colonial; committee; communist; community; compromise; concept; conflict; constitution; control; council; country; dan; darmo; data; debates; decree; democracy; diponegoro; divinity; doctrine; domestic; dutch; east; education; fight; figures; following; form; general; goal; god; government; hatta; historical; history; ideas; ideological; ideology; independence; indonesia; indonesian people; indonesian political; irian; islam; islamic; islamic ideology; islamic kingdoms; islamic political; islamists; jakarta; jakarta charter; japanese; java; journal; june; kalimantan; kartosoewirjo; kingdoms; kondo; level; life; madiun; manifestation; modern; movement; muhammad; muslim; musso; nasakom; national; national principle; nationalists; natsir; negara; new; organization; pancasila; party; pemikiran; people; philosophy; pillars; pki; place; point; political; politics; politik; politik islam; position; possible; power; ppki; presidential; principle; pustaka; questions; rahawarin; religion; religious; republic; research; result; revolution; second; secular; significant; social; soekarno; source; state; struggle; studies; study; sulawesi; sultanate; terms; thinking; thought; time; ulema; ummah; use; yamin; years cache: jsser-3685.pdf plain text: jsser-3685.txt item: #340 of 450 id: jsser-3687 author: Asmuni, Ahmad title: Moral Teachings and Spirituality in Manuscript Studies: A Critical Study of Social Values in the Digital Age date: 2021-12-21 words: 6753 flesch: 50 summary: Kejawen teachings offer esoteric knowledge about the spiritual, psychological, and social aspects of the ethnic Javanese community (Wasisto, 2021), and adherents rarely extend their teaching activities beyond Java, preferring instead to routinely provide guidance to the community. Asmuni 308 Data-Collection Procedures Data collection was conducted to obtain relevant research data in the form of interviews, observations, and document analysis, which included a manuscript study of Kejawen teachings. keywords: activities; age; analysis; ancient; asmuni; bad; behavior; beliefs; character; collection; commendable; community; creswell; cultural; culture; data; digital; education; era; ethical; ethnic; fasting; form; generation; god; good; guide; hanjawani; history; human; indonesia; intelligence; interviews; islamic; islamic teachings; item; javanese; journal; kejawen; kejawen islamic; kejawen spirituality; kejawen teachings; knowledge; life; literature; manuscript; mental; modern; moral; moral teachings; morality; negative; new; noble; observations; participants; pasa; people; person; philosophy; practice; qualitative; questions; religion; religious; research; rules; science; social; society; spiritual teachings; spirituality; studies; study; suluk; teachings; technology; terms; texts; theme; traditions; use; values; way; wildemuth; world; zhang cache: jsser-3687.pdf plain text: jsser-3687.txt item: #341 of 450 id: jsser-3688 author: Masrur, Masrur title: Digital Leadership to Improve the Pedagogical Competence of University English Lecturers in Samarinda date: 2021-12-21 words: 6886 flesch: 44 summary: This study investigates the impact of digital leadership on pedagogical competency. According to the findings of this study, digital leadership does indeed have a substantial impact on lecturers’ pedagogical abilities. keywords: 21st; abilities; academic; activities; analysis; aspects; century; competence; cultural; curriculum; data; development; digital; digital leadership; dimension; direction; education; education research; effect; english; et al; figure; ghozali; good; greater; hypothesis; important; increase; indicator; individual; innovative; international; journal; knowledge; leadership; learning; lecturers; linear; linearity; management; masrur; model; new; pedagogic; pedagogic competence; performance; professional; program; reliability; research; results; review; roelofs; role; samarinda; sample; sanders; sciences; significance; skills; social; students; studies; study; subordinates; table; teacher; teaching; technology; test; testing; understanding; universities; university; valid; validity; value; van; work cache: jsser-3688.pdf plain text: jsser-3688.txt item: #342 of 450 id: jsser-3698 author: Rustan, Ahmad Sultra title: Digital Communication and Social Media Interaction to Improve Academic Quality of Islamic Higher Education Lecturers date: 2021-12-21 words: 8217 flesch: 46 summary: Abstract This study aims to examine the role of communication technology, as well as social media, by lecturers and students alike, in improving the quality of learning. What is more, social media is more useful than communication technology when it comes to improving the quality of learning. keywords: academic; activities; addition; analysis; assignments; average; benefits; classroom; cloud; coefficient; college; college students; communication; communication technology; computing; course; data; diagram; digital; education; education research; et al; facebook; findings; greater; higher; higher education; hung; hypothesis; impact; increase; indicator; influence; information; international; internet; islamic; items; journal; knowledge; learning; lecturers; manca; mean; model; networking; networks; new; parepare; possible; process; professors; quality; questionnaire; reliability; research; results; rustan; sample; sciences; services; sharing; significant; sites; social; social media; social networking; social studies; square; students; studies; studies education; study; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; test; testing; total; types; use; value; variable; yuen cache: jsser-3698.pdf plain text: jsser-3698.txt item: #343 of 450 id: jsser-3726 author: Subur, Subur title: Online Learning on the Covid-19 Pandemic to Create Educational Access Inequality date: 2021-12-21 words: 10126 flesch: 51 summary: Online learning is heavily dependent on technology and the internet, so it has a major impact on students with poor connectivity and/or no access to digital devices for online learning. In the opinion of Patricia Aguilera- Hermida (2020), online learning has produced various reactions because of the rapid transition triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, so many students report that online learning experiences are unpleasant and there is a lack of supporting resources, such as access to learning centers, libraries, and interaction with teachers. keywords: ability; access; accessing; activities; addition; analysis; assignments; bentz; cellphone; challenges; children; competence; content; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; curriculum; data; difficulty; digital; disadvantaged; education; education research; et al; experiences; face; facilities; factors; families; field; form; friends; grade; help; home; human; hycner; implications; indonesia; inequality; information; international; internet; interview; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; level; limited; literacy; meaning; new; notes; online; online learning; order; pandemic; paper; parents; participants; participation; phenomenological; phenomenology; place; poorer; problems; process; pupils; qualitative; questions; research; resources; result; sage; school; shapiro; skills; social; socioeconomic; students; studies; studies education; study; subur; support; teachers; teaching; technological; technology; themes; time; tools; units; use; whatsapp; work; zhang cache: jsser-3726.pdf plain text: jsser-3726.txt item: #344 of 450 id: jsser-3727 author: Chakim, Sulkhan title: The Youth and the Internet: The Construction of Doctrine, Islam in Practice, and Political Identity in Indonesia date: 2022-03-24 words: 7636 flesch: 51 summary: When young people identify their position as part of the state, they seek to establish relationships with the broader community, including in non-religious areas, morality and values, and relationships with other religious people (Hemming & Madge, 2018). Abstract The role of young people in the virtual world tends to be an all-consuming one. keywords: ability; account; activities; actors; addition; agents; allah; analysis; aspects; attaki; attention; attitudes; behavior; chakim; comments; communication; community; construction; content; cultural; dan; data; different; digital; doctrinal; doi; education; example; followers; god; good; groups; hemming; hijab; ideas; identities; identity; individual; indonesia; information; instagram; interests; internet; irawan; islam; islamic; journal; knowledge; life; madge; media; messages; muslims; need; network; new; online; pemuda; people; political; politics; practice; process; production; puspitasari; radical; relationships; religion; religious; religious identity; research; role; sciences; self; shipley; skills; social; social media; social studies; society; space; spirituality; studies; study; syams; technology; tendency; tolerance; understanding; uploads; use; values; virtual; world; years; young; young people; youth cache: jsser-3727.pdf plain text: jsser-3727.txt item: #345 of 450 id: jsser-3731 author: Syarif, Syarif title: Understanding the Teaching of Religious Moderation from a Sufistic Perspective and Its Implications for Student Performance date: 2021-12-21 words: 8520 flesch: 46 summary: Abstract This study set out with the aim of understanding the teaching of religious moderation from a Sufistic perspective and its implications for increasing student competencies. The research adopted a qualitative approach, with data being collected through observation, interviews, and documentary studies that focused on the research themes of religious moderation, the Sufistic perspective, and student competencies. keywords: ability; academic; allah; analysis; attitudes; book; collected; commentators; commitment; competencies; cultures; data; dimension; education; education research; faculty; form; good; human; implications; indonesia; interpretation; islamic; islamic education; item; item number; journal; justice; knowledge; lecturers; life; local; meaning; moderate; moderation; muslim; national; need; non; number; participants; people; perceptions; perspective; questionnaire; quran; radicalism; related; religion; religious; religious moderation; research; researchers; respect; results; roqib; scholars; science; score; second; semester; skills; social; society; spiritual; strong; student competencies; students; studies; studies education; study; sufism; sufistic; sufistic commentators; swt; syarif; table; tafsir; teaching; thinking; thoughts; times; tolerance; tolerant; traditions; understanding; ushuluddin; values; verse; views; violent; way cache: jsser-3731.pdf plain text: jsser-3731.txt item: #346 of 450 id: jsser-3748 author: Alhrahsheh, Rakan; Ivanova, Ganka title: Exploring Digital Access as a Social Determinant of Health amongst UAE students date: 2022-03-24 words: 8769 flesch: 45 summary: Influence of digital access on social determinants of health As mentioned above, the UAE as a country has started to play a primary role when it comes to digital education and digital health access. The third part consisted of six questions that measured the Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2022: 13 (1), 193-216 204 homogeneity betwe education as a determinant of digital access to health and required marking from participants as well as relevancy: (1) “I can read and write,” (2) “I use Internet applications regularly,” (3) “I use digital access to book doctor’s appointments,” (4) “I use digital access to learn about reasons for health conditions,” (5) “I use digital access to search for a specialist,” (6) “Digital access has helped me a lot in keeping track of my health.” keywords: academic; access; activities; ain; alhrahsheh; applications; approval; average; better; communication; computer; conditions; connection; context; correlation; data; dependent; determinants; device; differences; digital; digital access; digital health; digital icts; digital skills; dijk; distribution; divide; doctor; economic; education; education research; effect; employment; factors; findings; framework; health; health outcomes; healthcare; higher; icts; impact; important; income; individual; information; internet; ivanova; journal; level; life; lives; material; mobile; model; motivational; online; opportunities; outcomes; participants; people; physical; platforms; questionnaire; questions; relationship; research; resources; results; sample; services; significant; skills; social; social determinants; social studies; status; students; studies; studies education; study; table; technology; terms; total; uae; university; usage; use; value; van; variables; work; ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ cache: jsser-3748.pdf plain text: jsser-3748.txt item: #347 of 450 id: jsser-3910 author: Carvalho, Marisa; Cabral, Ilídia; Verdasca, José; Alves, José Matias title: Strategic action plans for school improvement: An exploratory study about quality indicators for schools’ plan evaluation. date: 2022-03-24 words: 7225 flesch: 46 summary: As a result, school improvement plans are regarded as demand for improvement and a tool to guide the same. Some authors have argued that most stakeholders lack knowledge about strategic planning and implementation processes, debating about what should be known by the different stakeholders, what data are required to support planning and decision-making, and how to accomplish planning, implementation, and evaluation of school improvement plans (Acton, 2021; Fernandez, 2011; Schildkamp, 2019; Wanjala & Rarieya, 2014). keywords: academic; action; activities; alignment; analysis; carvalho; carvalho et; category; comprehensive; context; data; development; education; et al; evaluation; evidence; fernandez; goals; guidelines; implementation; improvement; improvement plans; indicators; journal; leadership; literature; meyers; ministry; mission; monitoring; national; needs; planning; plans; portugal; portuguese; practices; priorities; problems; process; processes; professional; proposal; qualitative; quality; quality indicators; related; relevant; research; results; saps; school; school improvement; second; social; specific; strategic; strategy; strunk; students; studies; study; support; teachers; vangronigen; vision cache: jsser-3910.pdf plain text: jsser-3910.txt item: #348 of 450 id: jsser-392 author: Olo, Daniela Peixoto; Correia, Leonida; Rego, Conceição title: Higher Education Institutions and Development: Missions, Models, and Challenges date: 2021-06-29 words: 8329 flesch: 42 summary: Many countries have responded positively to this challenge through a social transformation process, with an emphasis on higher education development, research, and innovative capacities (Azman et al., 2014). The findings show that HEIs can contribute to development through their missions, which are related to the models of higher education. keywords: 21st; analysis; austria; better; business; capital; central; century; challenges; community; companies; context; countries; country; creation; current; data; development; economic; economic development; education research; education systems; employment; entrepreneurial; european; eurostat; expenditure; finland; france; gdp; germany; globalisation; graduates; growth; heis; higher education; human; information; innovation; institutions; international; italy; journal; knowledge; learning; level; lower; main; mission; models; n.d; netherlands; new; norway; number; patent; people; performance; population; portugal; public; r&d; rate; regional; requests; research; review; sector; service; social; society; source; spain; students; studies; studies education; study; systems; table; teaching; technology; time; training; transfer; universities; university; van; years cache: jsser-392.pdf plain text: jsser-392.txt item: #349 of 450 id: jsser-3923 author: Bërdynaj Syla, Lirika; Saqipi, Blerim title: Understanding Change of Practices in the Homework Implementation Process in Primary Schools: Kosovo Case date: 2022-03-24 words: 5703 flesch: 51 summary: This research uses as starting point the concerns over lack of teacher feedback on student homework. The sub-questions this study aims to address are: What are the current teacher approaches to student homework? keywords: activity; approach; assignments; bërdynaj; children; class; context; cooper; curriculum; data; development; education; epstein; factors; family; feedback; homework; homework assignments; interviews; involvement; issue; journal; kosovo; lack; learning; need; overload; parental; parents; participants; policy; practices; present; primary; process; professional; purpose; research; role; saqipi; school; social; standard; students; studies; study; syla; system; tasks; teachers; teaching; theory; time; training; university; variables; voorhis cache: jsser-3923.pdf plain text: jsser-3923.txt item: #350 of 450 id: jsser-3924 author: Nurjanah, Siti; Santoso, Dri; Fatarib, Husnul; Jalil, Mat; Murdiana, Elfa title: Lessons Learned From Child Protection Rights in Religion Paradigm and National Law date: 2022-03-24 words: 8972 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: lessons learned, Islamic law, child protection rights, nasional law Introduction Every child has fair opportunities and parents have several obligations that they must perform, society, and the state. The second finding reveals lessons learned about child protection rights in positive law that applies in Indonesia. keywords: abuse; allah; analysis; article; bin; care; cases; child; child protection; children; civil; code; convention; culture; data; development; dignity; education; education research; efforts; et al; exploitation; family; form; future; god; good; government; hadith; health; hifz; human; human rights; important; indonesia; inheritance; international; islamic; islamic law; journal; justice; law; laws; learning; legal; lessons; life; literature; maintenance; method; muslim; national; national law; neglect; number; nurjanah; paradigm; paragraph; parents; people; position; previous; prophet; protection rights; protection system; provisions; public; qur'an; regulations; religion; religious; research; responsibility; rights; role; social; society; sources; state; step; studies; study; system; teachings; values; violations; violence; welfare; work; world cache: jsser-3924.pdf plain text: jsser-3924.txt item: #351 of 450 id: jsser-3945 author: Yawisah, Umi; Akla, Akla; Umam, Agusman Khotibul; Asad, Mahrus; Wahyudin, Wahyudin title: The implications of learning management system on education quality in the new normal era: Evidence from Islamic higher education date: 2022-06-27 words: 8846 flesch: 47 summary: A qualitative research design with a descriptive approach was used to explore two main themes: the advantages of using LMS applications and the disadvantages of using LMS applications. The advantages of using LMS applications in education were indicated by the suitability of the LMS applications with the needs of lectures in creating, distributing, and managing learning content anytime and anywhere. keywords: academic; access; activities; advantages; analysis; application; assessment; benefits; better; campus; classroom; covid-19; data; disadvantages; distance; education; education quality; education research; effective; english; era; et al; evaluation; face; features; findings; focus; google; higher; higher education; iain; iain metro; implications; information; institute; instrument; international; internet; interviews; islamic; journal; lack; learning; learning process; lecturers; lms; lms application; lms system; management; materials; methods; metro; needs; network; new; new normal; normal; normal era; online; online learning; pandemic; participants; period; practice; previous; problems; process; qualitative; quality; questions; research; researchers; results; role; semester; social; students; studies; studies education; study; support; system; teachers; teaching; technology; time; use; yawisah cache: jsser-3945.pdf plain text: jsser-3945.txt item: #352 of 450 id: jsser-3956 author: Ajlouni, Aseel; Rawadieh, Saleh; AlMahaireh, Abdallah; Abu Awwad, Ferial title: Gender Differences in the Motivational Profile of Undergraduate Students in Light of Self-Determination Theory: The Case of Online Learning Setting date: 2022-03-24 words: 10614 flesch: 48 summary: (2017) conducted a study among junior high school students and investigated general changes in student motivation. Studies on student motivation have demonstrated gender differences in motivational construct (Meece et al., 2009). keywords: academic; academic motivation; achievement; ajlouni; ajlouni et; ams; ardeńska; autonomous; basic; cadête; caleon; context; covid-19; deci; descriptive; determination; determined; differences; different; doi; education; et al; experience; external; extrinsic; factors; favor; females; findings; gender; gender differences; high; higher; impact; instructors; international; intrinsic; intrinsic motivation; jordan; journal; learning; level; liu; low; mean; moderate; motivated; motivation; motivation scale; motivation types; mwu; needs; new; online; online learning; orsini; pandemic; participants; process; profiles; psychological; psychology; regard; regulation; relatedness; research; results; sample; scale; school; score; sdi; self; setting; significant; social; statistics; stimulation; students; studies; study; subscale; support; table; test; theory; total; types; undergraduates; university; uoj; value; variable cache: jsser-3956.pdf plain text: jsser-3956.txt item: #353 of 450 id: jsser-397 author: Maguth, Brad M; Koskey, Kristin L.K. title: Preparing Urban Youth to Live-up to their Civic Promise? Researching Youth Positionality of Civic Engagement Using an Arts-Based Instrument date: 2019-03-07 words: 10177 flesch: 55 summary: Key words: Arts-based instrument, methodology, civic education, identity, urban, culturally relevant Introduction At the heart of social studies research is gaining new knowledge into policies, curricular and instructional strategies, and practices that advance civic competence in a culturally diverse, democratic society. However, a review of published research indicated a deficit in this area within social studies research. keywords: academic; analysis; analytical; area; arts; assigned; balance; categories; category; center; circle; civic; civic education; civic engagement; code; coding; color; community; cultural; data; district; drawing; education; education research; elementary; engagement; engaging; esteban; evaluation; evident; exemplar; family; figure; findings; focus; foundation; funds; gap; goals; grade; graders; guitart; high; identity; important; index; institutional; journal; kahne; koskey; learning; lifestyle; maguth; methods; national; participants; phase; positive; practical; process; program; research; researchers; response; round; school; score; second; self; sense; seventh; significant; social; social studies; students; studies; studies education; study; success; table; teachers; theory; time; urban; use; visual; wellbeing; youth cache: jsser-397.pdf plain text: jsser-397.txt item: #354 of 450 id: jsser-3985 author: Supena, Asep; Kusmawati, Adistyana Pitaloka title: Identification of student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Experiences of primary school teacher’s assessment in inclusive school date: 2022-06-27 words: 10597 flesch: 49 summary: This study has implications for the primary school teachers and inclusive schools if they have ADHD students. This assessment instrument becomes remarkably crucial because teachers working in inclusion schools with no “special education” background can use it readily to identify that there are ADHD students in the classroom (Girli et al., 2016; Wilton et al., 2018). keywords: able; activities; adhd; adhd students; analysis; assessment; attention; background; characteristics; children; class; classroom; college; concentration; control; data; deficit; depth; difficulty; disability; disorder; doctors; education; elementary; elementary school; experts; focus; group; hard; hyperactivity; identification; inclusion; inclusive; indonesia; information; instruments; interview; journal; knowledge; kusmawati; learning; main; material; medical; needs; people; person; previous; primary; principal; problem; process; psychologists; questions; research; results; school; school teachers; second; sibley; social; special; special needs; specific; students; studies; study; supena; teachers; teaching; training; understanding; university; way; ways cache: jsser-3985.pdf plain text: jsser-3985.txt item: #355 of 450 id: jsser-3997 author: Monge-Agüero, Mauricio; Baena-Luna, Pedro; García-Río, Esther title: The relevant motivator elements to be an academic entrepreneur date: 2022-06-27 words: 7310 flesch: 41 summary: Therefore, methods to promote academic entrepreneurial motivation must be available for this to happen. This study aims to understand the motivation behind academic entrepreneurs launching their business ideas as a company. keywords: academic; academic entrepreneurs; agüero; analysis; availability; average; business; business ideas; business opportunity; case; companies; company; configurations; consistency; coverage; creation; data; desire; development; different; economic; education; elements; entrepreneurs; environment; et al; existence; factors; frequency; high; ideas; important; influence; intention; international; journal; knowledge; literature; main; management; market; model; monge; motivation; need; offs; opportunities; opportunity; organisation; palos; personal; pls; potential; previous; relationship; relevant; research; resources; results; review; role; score; social; society; solution; spin; studies; study; table; technology; transfer; universities; university; wealth; work cache: jsser-3997.pdf plain text: jsser-3997.txt item: #356 of 450 id: jsser-400 author: Mukhroji, Muhamad; Nurkamto, Joko; Subroto, H.D. Edi; Tardjana, Sri Samiati title: Pragmatic Forces in The Speech Acts of EFL Speakers at Kampung Inggris, Indonesia date: 2019-03-07 words: 8084 flesch: 54 summary: Table 5. Frequency of speech act tokens No Kind of speech act Functions Token % N=108 1 Directives 7 subtypes: question, request, suggest, hope, instruct, invite, and order 38 35.3 2 Assertives 5 subtypes: Inform, conclude, assume, confirm, and accept 14 12.9 3 Expressives 3 subtypes: greet, thank, and compliment 28 25.9 4 Commissives 3 subtypes: promise, suggest, and agree 13 12.0 5 Declaratives 4 subtypes: thank, apologize, welcome, and congratulate 15 13.9 108 100 Based on Table 5, the frequency of occurrences for speech acts are ranked as follows:  Directives 35.3% Mukhroji, et. This implies that the acquisition of one type of speech act will guide a learner in becoming more skilled with other speech acts. keywords: action; acts; addition; analysis; assertives; austin; cambridge; certain; classroom; commissives; communication; competence; conditions; context; data; declaratives; directives; education; effect; efl; english; expressives; form; functions; illocutionary; illocutionary act; indonesia; inggris; intended; interactions; journal; kaburise; kampung; kinds; language; learners; learning; linguistic; listener; meaning; models; mukhroji; new; order; oxford; particular; performance; perlocutionary; pragmatic; press; proficiency; promise; propositional; request; research; sat; schiffrin; searle; settings; social; sotillo; speaker; speaking; specific; speech; speech acts; statements; strategies; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; thank; theory; types; university; utterance; words cache: jsser-400.pdf plain text: jsser-400.txt item: #357 of 450 id: jsser-4012 author: Ismajli, Hatixhe; Krasniqi, Beslinda title: Constructivist instruction practices in Kosovo primary education: The field of languages and communication curriculum date: 2022-03-24 words: 7754 flesch: 49 summary: Many researchers have conducted research studies on constructivist instruction practices concerning native and foreign language curricula (Ahmad et al., 2021; Bo, 2015; Jiang, 2020; Kaufman, 2004; Yang & Wilson, 2006). Moreover, constructivist teaching practices are becoming more prevalent in teacher education programs, showing significant success in promoting student learning. keywords: activities; albanian; analysis; approach; building; classes; classroom; communication; constructivist; constructivist instruction; constructivist practices; constructivist teaching; curriculum; data; descriptive; development; education; english; focus; fourth; grade; instruction; instructors; international; ismajli; items; journal; knb; knowledge; kosovo; krasniqi; language; learning; lesson; meta; mixed; new; observation; practices; press; previous; primary; process; questionnaire; research; results; review; schools; science; social; stage; statistics; students; studies; study; subjects; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; theory; thinking; times; topic; total; traditional; understanding; university; use; valid; work cache: jsser-4012.pdf plain text: jsser-4012.txt item: #358 of 450 id: jsser-4016 author: Maharani, Siti Dewi; Susanti, Rahmi; Indarti, Luluk Hanum; Syamsi, atikah title: Integrating HOTS-Based Student Electronic Worksheet: Teaching Styles in Elementary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2022-09-30 words: 8617 flesch: 46 summary: On the one hand, Prastowo (2011) noted that student worksheets are printed teaching materials in the form of sheets of paper containing lessons, summaries, and instructions for working on a learning task that must be completed by students aligning with the learning objectives. Meanwhile, Abdurrahman et al. (2020) stated that using student worksheets in learning can improve students’ critical thinking skills. keywords: ability; able; activities; addition; analysis; application; assessment; bloom; case; category; classroom; cognitive; content; covid-19; creswell; critical; data; design; development; digital; distance; education; education research; electronic; elementary; era; et al; face; fifth; figure; following; form; framework; good; grade; help; higher; hots; ichsan; information; instruction; interview; journal; knowledge; krathwohl; learning; learning activities; lessons; level; maharani; materials; media; method; mishra; model; new; niru; observations; online; pandemic; pedagogical; process; quantitative; questions; rambang; research; researchers; results; school; sew; skills; social; strategies; students; studies; study; subject; taxonomy; teachers; teaching; technological; technology; theme; thinking; tpack; use; version; worksheets cache: jsser-4016.pdf plain text: jsser-4016.txt item: #359 of 450 id: jsser-4022 author: Zhubi, Arjana; Ismajli, Hatixhe title: The Interconnection Between Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge in Primary School Lesson Planning date: 2022-06-27 words: 7539 flesch: 44 summary: Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. Researchers evaluated in which field of knowledge teachers need to develop more and change the teaching approach, and analysed the connections, interactions, opportunities and existing limitations between content, pedagogy and technology. keywords: age; approach; areas; average; classroom; content knowledge; context; data; design; development; differences; education; education research; experience; framework; higher; impact; integration; ismajli; journal; knowledge; koehler; kosovo; learning; lesson; methods; model; pedagogical; pedagogical content; pedagogical knowledge; pedagogy; planning; practices; pre; primary; prishtina; process; professional; programs; purpose; qualification; questionnaire; related; relationship; research; researchers; results; review; school; significant; skills; social; studies; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technological knowledge; technological pedagogical; technology; test; tpack; training; use; variables; years; zhubi cache: jsser-4022.pdf plain text: jsser-4022.txt item: #360 of 450 id: jsser-4035 author: Budiharso, Teguh; Makruf, Imam; Mujahid, Imam title: Porter’s Five Forces: Evaluating Education Management Practices in the Postgraduate Program of UIN RM Said Surakarta, Indonesia date: 2022-03-24 words: 9032 flesch: 47 summary: The research questions were as follows: 1) How can planning on strategic management policy define curriculum quality, staff, and organization in the S3 MPI? 2) How do internal and external factors apply using SWOT analysis to see the organization strategy implementation in S3 MPI? This research investigated strategic management in the postgraduate program at the Islamic Education Management School. keywords: academic; analysis; bargaining; brand; budiharso; business; buyer; carvalho; chang; company; competition; competitors; content; course; credits; current; curriculum; customers; data; dissertation; dmpi; dobbs; education; education management; education research; edwards; et al; evaluation; expertise; external; factors; fair; forces; global; goals; good; group; higher; hill; huang; implementation; industry; innovation; institutions; internal; international; islamic; journal; leadership; learning; long; low; low threat; mahlalela; management; market; meyers; mission; model; modern; mondkar; mpi; needs; new; objectives; opportunities; opportunity; organization; performance; planning; policy; porter; potential; power; process; products; program; proper; quality; quigley; research; results; review; satisfaction; school; science; score; social; staff; statement; strategic; strategic management; strategy; strengths; students; studies; study; substitute; supplier; surakarta; swot; swot analysis; table; teaching; term; threat; total; transformation; uin; universities; university; vangronigen; vision; weaknesses; westbrook cache: jsser-4035.pdf plain text: jsser-4035.txt item: #361 of 450 id: jsser-4055 author: Sylaj, Vlora; Hajrullahu Ramabaja, Adelina title: Exploring factors in the adaptation of the Ffrst grade student: Transition from preschool to first grade primary school date: 2022-09-30 words: 8804 flesch: 50 summary: The study also shows that teachers recommend training teachers for their professionalism in child adaptation. Parents express their satisfaction with the commitment of teachers in terms of child adaptation, but in the teachers involved in the research, we find room to still improve in this regard, as follows: Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2022: 13 (3), 56-78 69 And the parent himself should ask for suggestions regarding the adaptation of the child in the classroom, but also the work with the child in general (T8); We try hard in terms of adaptation, but it would be helpful not to burden the children with the curriculum provided for the first grade. keywords: academic; adaptation; adjustment; analysis; approach; attachment; attitudes; child; child adaptation; children; classroom; coding; communication; cooperation; culture; data; development; early; education; education research; emotional; experiences; factors; family; findings; grade; grade teachers; graders; help; important; individual; interviews; involvement; journal; lack; large; methods; model; number; opportunity; parental; parents; participants; peer; perceptions; positive; practices; preschool; primary; primary school; problem; process; psychology; qualitative; ramabaja; regard; relationship; research; researchers; role; school; school adaptation; social; student; student adaptation; studies; study; sylaj; teachers; terms; thematic; theory; topics; transition; work; years cache: jsser-4055.pdf plain text: jsser-4055.txt item: #362 of 450 id: jsser-4074 author: Kaya, Mehmet Melik title: Blind patriotism is out and constructive patriotism is in: Critical thinking is the key to global citizenship date: 2022-06-27 words: 7723 flesch: 47 summary: The research findings suggest that there are negative relationships between constructive patriotism and blind patriotism, between blind patriotism and critical thinking, and between universal citizenship and blind patriotism. In other words, the tendency to think critically would erode blind patriotism and be a component of constructive patriotism and, therefore, positively affect the perception of global citizenship. keywords: analysis; attitudes; bar; belonging; blind patriotism; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; coefficient; concept; constructive patriotism; correlation; countries; country; critical; critical thinking; criticism; culture; democratic; different; disposition; economic; education; education research; effect; factor; findings; global; global citizenship; homeland; important; increases; individuals; international; journal; kaya; level; model; negative; new; openness; path; patriotism; people; political; positive; pre; problems; question; reflective; relationship; research; respect; results; role; scale; scores; service; significant; skepticism; skills; social; social studies; staub; studies; studies education; study; support; table; tal; teachers; thinking; turkey; turkish; universal; university; values; world; yazıcı cache: jsser-4074.pdf plain text: jsser-4074.txt item: #363 of 450 id: jsser-4103 author: McCorkle, William David; Montezuma, Jessie title: The Relationship between Beliefs in Free Markets, Nationalism, and Immigration: Implications for Social Studies Educators date: 2022-09-30 words: 10949 flesch: 45 summary: The number of undocumented/DACA friends had a positive correlation with more inclusive immigration beliefs, which would be expected. Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2022: 13 (3), 1-30 Findings Descriptive Statistics (Research Question 1) Individual questions were combined to form a scale for each of the following constructs: free market ideology, theoretical beliefs on borders and migration, modern immigration beliefs, and nationalism. keywords: administration; americans; analysis; anti; asylum; attitudes; beliefs; borders; broader; capitalism; conservative; construct; control; correlation; countries; country; current; democrats; discussion; economic; economy; education; education research; factor; form; free; free markets; freedom; friends; government; greater; high; ideas; ideology; immigrant; immigration; immigration beliefs; immigration issues; immigration policies; important; inclusive; inclusive immigration; individuals; intervention; issues; items; journal; levels; libertarian; likely; majority; markets; mccorkle; mean; modern; modern immigration; montezuma; nationalism; negative; number; open; opposition; overall; participants; people; policies; policy; political; positive; questions; regard; regression; related; relationship; republicans; research; respondents; restrictive; right; role; scale; seekers; significant; social; social studies; states; strong; students; studies; study; support; supportive; survey; system; table; tariffs; teachers; theoretical; trade; trump; u.s; undocumented; united; views cache: jsser-4103.pdf plain text: jsser-4103.txt item: #364 of 450 id: jsser-4120 author: Zulham, Zulham title: The public behavior and the social role of national legal business education date: 2022-06-27 words: 7738 flesch: 44 summary: The business law education and online loans theme data source for coding online loan business legal education which provides learning about online loans in a business legal education environment that each data source has a code starting from code 1 to 11 (see Table 3). The second finding explains that the social role of business law education on the consumptive behavior of digital society; is shown in primary legal materials. keywords: analysis; article; behavior; better; business; business law; case; code; community; consumer; consumer protection; consumptive; content; control; data; data protection; decisions; digital; documents; education; education research; electronic; evaluation; financial; fintech; government; idr; impact; independent; indonesia; information; information protection; international; journal; knowledge; law; law education; laws; learning; legal; lending; literacy; loans; making; national; national education; national law; needs; online; online loans; paragraph; people; personal; positive; privacy; problems; protection; public; public behavior; quality; regulations; relevant; research; review; rights; role; rules; sanctions; self; services; social; social role; society; sources; studies; studies education; study; system; technology; transactions; understanding; use; zulham cache: jsser-4120.pdf plain text: jsser-4120.txt item: #365 of 450 id: jsser-4136 author: Hertanto, Hertanto; Mulyaningsih, Handi; Suripto, Suripto; Sudarman, Sudarman title: The relationship between different social factors and the intensity of student radicalism date: 2022-06-27 words: 10643 flesch: 41 summary: Each variable was found to have a relationship pattern with the intensity of student radicalism. Social factors must thus be comprehensively investigated because they act like two sides of a knife where on the one hand, under certain conditions, they can prevent radical behavior, but on the other hand, they can increase the intensity of student radicalism. keywords: actions; activities; acts; analysis; attitude; bar; behavior; capital; causes; chart; chi; close; collective; correlation; correspondence; data; deprivation; different; education; education research; et al; experience; factors; figure; finding; form; goals; greater; hertanto; high; high intensity; hypothesis; ilmu; independent; indonesia; influence; information; institutions; intensity; international; islamic; items; journal; level; low; low intensity; means; measure; media; medium; moderate; moderate intensity; muslim; norms; number; people; personal; policies; political; population; previous; questionnaire; questions; radicalism; radicalism intensity; radicalization; relationship; relative; relative deprivation; religiosity; religious; religious radicalism; religious tolerance; research; respondents; results; role; sample; school; second; significance; social; social capital; social causes; social factors; social studies; society; square; state; statistical; student radicalism; students; studies; studies education; study; support; table; teachers; terrorism; test; testing; tolerance; total; trust; understanding; value; variables; violence; violent; young; youth cache: jsser-4136.pdf plain text: jsser-4136.txt item: #366 of 450 id: jsser-4150 author: Prabowo, Sugeng Listyo title: A model for improving the competence of education teachers through in-service training in Malang date: 2022-06-27 words: 8139 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, the revitalization of education and training, as well as teacher certification, must aim to improve the performance of professional teachers (de Carvalho-Filho et al., 2020; Kanu, 1996; Looney & Looney, 2011) There is a pressing need for decentralization in the implementation of competence development initiatives for religious education teachers, including teacher training and career development programs. The method used in teacher training is highly influential on the mastery of teachers and training participants on the material presented. keywords: activities; adequate; analysis; appropriate; aspects; center; classroom; community; competence; content; data; development; education; education research; education teachers; evaluation; experience; facilities; field; findings; good; government; high; human; impact; implementation; indonesia; infrastructure; institution; instructors; international; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; malang; management; material; method; model; needs; objectives; participants; performance; place; prabowo; practice; problems; process; professional; program; quality; requirements; research; role; school; service training; skills; social; stage; students; studies; studies education; study; support; system; teacher; teacher competence; teacher training; teaching; technology; time; training; training center; training model; training needs; training participants; training program; work cache: jsser-4150.pdf plain text: jsser-4150.txt item: #367 of 450 id: jsser-4197 author: Yelubay, Yerkinay; Dzhussubaliyeva, Dina; Moldagali, Bakytgul; Suleimenova, Assem; Akimbekova, Shyryn title: Developing future teachers’ digital competence via massive open online courses (MOOCs) date: 2022-06-27 words: 9307 flesch: 37 summary: Keywords: Digital technologies, digital skills, digital competence, distance learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Introduction Today's students are surrounded by digital technologies and networks that have become highly prevalent and indispensable for imparting education. keywords: abilities; ability; activities; analysis; available; cognitive; collaborative; communication; competence; components; concept; content; control; course; create; data; develop; development; didactic; digital; digital competence; digital learning; digital skills; digital technologies; discussions; distance; education; education research; educators; environment; et al; ethical; european; evaluate; experience; experimental; framework; future; group; hypothesis; ict; information; international; internet; issues; items; journal; kazakhstan; knowledge; learners; learning; levels; literacy; massive; materials; methods; moocs; motivation; network; new; online; open; pedagogical; people; personal; posttest; practice; pretest; process; professional; prospective; research; researchers; resources; respondents; results; skills; social; statistics; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; test; testing; time; tool; treatment; university; use; value; video; year; yelubay cache: jsser-4197.pdf plain text: jsser-4197.txt item: #368 of 450 id: jsser-4232 author: Prabowo, Sugeng Listyo title: The effect of ISO and leadership quality on the sustainable development of academic competence and student performance date: 2022-09-30 words: 8299 flesch: 41 summary: The findings reveal that 1) ISO and leadership has a positive, significant influence on the sustainable development of PTKI lecturers’ academic competence, with the combined effect being much greater than the individual effects; 2) ISO, leadership, and sustainable academic competence development has a positive and significant influence on the academic performance of students, again with the combined influence being greater than the individual influences; 3) ISO has a significant indirect effect on student academic performance through the sustainable development of lecturers’ academic competence; and 4) ISO has an indirect effect on student academic performance through the sustainable development of lecturers’ academic competence. Thus, to improve student academic performance, one step that could be taken is to enhance the sustainable development of academic competence. keywords: ability; academic; academic competence; academic performance; analysis; better; coefficient; combined; competence development; competency; course; culture; data; determination; development; education; effect; et al; factors; good; greater; indirect; influence; iso; journal; leadership; leadership quality; lecturers; linearity; management; means; methods; model; non; normality; organizational; population; positive; prabowo; process; ptki; ptki lecturers; qms; quality; regression; research; results; sample; significant; significant effect; skills; social; square; standards; student; student academic; student performance; studies; study; sustainable; sustainable competence; sustainable development; system; table; teaching; test; testing; universities; university; value; variable; variation; work cache: jsser-4232.pdf plain text: jsser-4232.txt item: #369 of 450 id: jsser-4233 author: Muhajir, As’aril title: Inclusion of pluralism character education in the Islamic modern boarding schools during the pandemic era date: 2022-06-27 words: 9209 flesch: 39 summary: Article Title (Size 12; Bold; Times New Roman) Journal of Social Studies Education Research SosyalBilgilerEğitimiAraştırmalarıDergisi 2022:13 (2),196-220 Inclusion of pluralism character education in the Islamic modern boarding schools during the pandemic era As’aril Muhajir1 Abstract This study aims to investigate the challenges of developing character education based on Islamic pluralism in the curriculum of Modern Islamic Boarding Schools in the Pandemic era. Thus, modern Islamic boarding school education can realize the nation's ideals to become a peaceful, just, and prosperous society with a distinct national character. keywords: ability; academic; activities; addition; analysis; arabic; aspect; attitude; behavior; boarding school; building; case; challenges; character education; character values; children; community; cooperation; cultural; culture; curriculum; dan; darussalam; data; decree; development; education; education curriculum; education development; education research; environment; era; evaluation; form; formal; freedom; goals; gontor; gontor modern; good; government; health; higher; independence; indonesia; institutions; integrity; internal; interviews; islamic; islamic boarding; islamic education; islamic pluralism; journal; knowledge; learning; lecturers; life; literature; love; methods; ministry; modern; modern boarding; modern islamic; modern pesantren; moral; muhajir; muslim; mutual; national; nationalism; noble; number; online; pandemic; participants; pendidikan; people; pesantren; phenomenological; pluralism; pondok; previous; process; program; protocols; qualitative; quality; readiness; religion; religious; research; results; review; santri; school; sciences; second; social; social studies; step; strengthening; strong; students; studies; studies education; study; support; system; teachers; teaching; understanding; unida; university; values; vision; work cache: jsser-4233.pdf plain text: jsser-4233.txt item: #370 of 450 id: jsser-4234 author: Winoto, Suhadi title: Improving curriculum and lecturers: Challenges to quality based-technology date: 2022-06-27 words: 8124 flesch: 40 summary: Scientists view that quality education can change the attitudes and behavior of a person/group to mature themselves and get closer to God. Systems theory in an integrated conceptual framework and recognizing the interdependence between components of quality education and their supporting aspects is a vital concern for successful long-term quality education (Garira, 2020). keywords: academic; achmad; activities; analysis; aspects; attention; better; campus; challenges; community; competence; components; curriculum; curriculum development; data; development; digital; education; education curriculum; education research; educators; evaluation; facilities; goals; good; government; graduate; higher; higher education; human; iain; indonesia; institutions; international; islamic; jember; journal; khas; knowledge; learning; lecturers; literature; local; main; methods; minister; national; needs; number; objectives; outcomes; participants; pendidikan; policy; preparation; previous; primary; process; program; ptkin; qualified; quality; quality education; regulation; religion; religious; research; resources; results; role; second; shiddiq; skills; social; staff; standards; state; students; studies; studies education; study; support; system; teaching; technology; training; uin; uin kh; university; values; vision; winoto cache: jsser-4234.pdf plain text: jsser-4234.txt item: #371 of 450 id: jsser-4238 author: Muhafidin, Didin title: Policy strategies to reduce the social impact of stunting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia date: 2022-06-27 words: 7762 flesch: 51 summary: The nutritional problem, which is a major concern in the current era, has given rise to a large number of stunted children. This program focuses on villages with a large number of stunting children. keywords: access; activities; addition; adequate; age; agriculture; analysis; atalia; babies; birth; body; care; cases; children; chronic; cianjur; city; community; covid-19; dan; data; dengan; development; education; empowerment; factors; faktor; family; figure; food; good; government; growth; handling; head; health; high; highest; ikps; increase; index; indonesia; intake; intelligence; interview; java; journal; kesehatan; lack; life; low; malnutrition; maternal; months; muhafidin; national; number; nutrition; office; pada; pandemic; parenting; performance; pkk; poor; posyandu; pregnant; prevalence; prevention; problem; program; province; provincial; quality; regency; related; research; retardation; rice; risk; services; social; socialization; status; strategies; strategy; studies; study; stunted; stunting; tasikmalaya; tons; training; village; water; weight; west; west java; women; world; years; young cache: jsser-4238.pdf plain text: jsser-4238.txt item: #372 of 450 id: jsser-4251 author: Solikhah, Imroatus title: Revisiting the EFL curriculum in the outcome-based education framework and freedom to learn program date: 2022-06-27 words: 7927 flesch: 51 summary: To sum up, the change of CBC KKNI curriculum into OBE KKNI curriculum resulted in confusion. The secondary data from curriculum texts, the Higher Education Curriculum Arrangement, and KKNI curriculum documents were analyzed in three stages. keywords: analysis; approach; backward; basis; belajar; budiharso; campus; cbc; cbc kkni; content; courses; credit; curriculum; curriculum development; data; depdiknas; design; development; distribution; education; english; expertise; faculty; fgd; field; findings; formulation; framework; glo; group; higher; indonesia; islamic; journal; kkni; kkni curriculum; knowledge; language; learning; level; materials; mendikbud; merdeka; merdeka belajar; model; national; new; obe; obe kkni; outcomes; participants; pendidikan; policy; problems; process; program; public; qualification; qualitative; quality; questions; research; researchers; results; science; scientific; second; semester; skills; social; solikhah; spady; state; students; studies; study; teaching; terms; themes; theories; theory; undergraduate; units; university cache: jsser-4251.pdf plain text: jsser-4251.txt item: #373 of 450 id: jsser-4286 author: Pusztai, Gabriella; Fényes, Hajnalka; Engler, Ágnes title: The Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Religiosity on Hungarian Young Adults’ Marriage Behavior date: 2022-12-28 words: 6931 flesch: 46 summary: In the theoretical section of this study, we review the factors which influence marriage and marriage plans based on the literature, including findings in connection to cohabitation. In the second half of the 20th century, there was a general consensus among researchers about the claim that increased educational attainment had a negative effect on marriage, but some researchers believe that the extended participation in education caused marriages to be postponed though not avoided (Oppenheimer, 1988). keywords: adults; analysis; attainment; behavior; chance; cohabitation; common; data; demographic; dependent; economic; education; effect; explanatory; factors; family; favorable; financial; gender; higher; hungarian; hungary; hypothesis; influence; journal; literature; logistic; makay; marital; marriage; married; model; people; place; plans; policy; positive; postponement; proportion; pusztai; regression; relationship; religion; religiosity; religious; research; residence; respondents; results; rural; sample; second; single; situation; social; socioeconomic; status; studies; study; survey; unmarried; urban; variables; wald; women; years; young cache: jsser-4286.pdf plain text: jsser-4286.txt item: #374 of 450 id: jsser-431 author: IGE, Olugbenga Adedayo title: Using Action Learning, Concept-Mapping, and Value Clarification to Improve Students' Attainment in ICT Concepts in Social Studies: The Case of Rural Learning Ecologies date: 2019-03-07 words: 6972 flesch: 47 summary: In this experiment, I tried out three instructional teaching strategies, namely action learning, concept- mapping, and value clarification, on conventional lecture method to determine the impact on selected secondary school students' in social studies concepts. The current study identified appropriate teaching strategies to improve students' attainment in social studies concepts. keywords: ability; academic; academic ability; achievement; action; action learning; activities; analysis; attainment; average; case; change; civic; clarification; concept mapping; concepts; control; conventional; data; different; ecologies; education; education concepts; education research; effect; effective; experimental; gender; group; guide; high; hlalele; ict; ict concepts; ige; information; instructional; instructional strategy; international; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; lecture; low; main; male; mapping; maps; mean; method; outcome; participants; problems; questions; research; rural; scholars; school; secondary; significant; social; social studies; strategies; strategy; students; studies; studies concepts; studies education; study; subjects; teacher; teaching; test; theory; treatment; use; value; value clarification; variation cache: jsser-431.pdf plain text: jsser-431.txt item: #375 of 450 id: jsser-432 author: Bahzar, Moh. title: Authentic Leadership In Madrassas: Asserting Islamic Values in Teacher Performance date: 2019-03-07 words: 9052 flesch: 48 summary: Authentic Leadership 0,082 0,289 Teacher Perception 0,117 0,156 Involvement in decision making 0,070 0,241 Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2019: 10(1), 259-284 Communication processes 0,090 0,069 Delegation of authority 0,200 0,599 Authentic Leadership Practices The characteristics of authentic leadership for all 30 principals were classified into two categories based on the SALSA and questionnaire. Aacha (2010) indicates that school leadership is a process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, students, and parents toward achieving common educational aims. keywords: academic; addition; advocacy; amanah; analysis; approach; authentic; authentic leadership; authority; average; awareness; bahzar; balanced; better; communication; community; core; culture; data; decision; delegation; development; different; duties; education; effective; fatonah; gardner; implementation; indonesia; internalized; involvement; islamic; journal; kampala; leadership; leadership practices; leadership style; learning; level; ma principals; madrassa; making; management; meetings; moral; mts; muhammad; perception; performance; perspective; positive; practices; principals; process; processes; processing; professional; prophet; questionnaire; relational; research; respondents; results; salsa; school; secondary; self; social; staff; students; studies; study; style; subordinates; system; table; tabligh; teachers; teaching; test; transparency; trustworthy; university; values; way; wisdom; work cache: jsser-432.pdf plain text: jsser-432.txt item: #376 of 450 id: jsser-4335 author: Ruslan, Idrus; Irham, Muhammad Aqil title: The role of cultural literacy and peace education in harmonization of religious communities date: 2022-09-30 words: 12471 flesch: 39 summary: In its development, the characteristics of community cultural literacy are more dominated by the style of the Islamic kingdom which then forms the philosophy of life and social values of the community. The domain of the characteristic phase of community cultural literacy as part of creating harmonization between religious communities. keywords: able; accordance; achieve; activities; analysis; behavior; belunguh; brak; brak community; brak indigenous; capital; care; characteristics; communities; community; concept; conflict; cooperation; cultural; cultural education; cultural literacy; cultural values; culture; customary; customs; dan; data; development; different; diversity; domain; education; education research; environment; ethnic; example; findings; form; generation; good; government; groups; guide; harmonization; harmony; human; indicators; indigenous; indigenous communities; indigenous education; indigenous people; indonesia; international; interview; irham; journal; kepaksian; kepaksian sekala; kingdom; knowledge; lampung; law; leaders; leadership; life; literacy; local; minister; multicultural; mutual; national; non; norms; observation; participants; peace education; people; pesenggiri; philosophy; piil; politics; previous; process; questions; regional; relationship; religion; religious; religious communities; religious harmonization; religious harmony; research; researchers; resolution; responsibility; results; role; ruslan; saibatin; sakai; second; sekala; sekala brak; social; social studies; society; state; studies; studies education; study; sultan; support; system; theme; theory; tolerance; traditional; tribe; values; violence; west; wisdom; work cache: jsser-4335.pdf plain text: jsser-4335.txt item: #377 of 450 id: jsser-4340 author: Efendi, Nur title: Implementation of Total Quality Management and Curriculum on the Education Quality date: 2022-09-30 words: 11315 flesch: 39 summary: Pondok Pesantren education is an important part of efforts to improve educational quality. Pondok Pesantren education intends to change the behavior of students both regarding the level of progress in the process of intellectual development in particular, as well as the process of psychological development, including development of attitudes, understanding, skills, interests, adjustments. keywords: activities; addition; approach; aspects; behavior; boarding; changes; character; community; components; continuous; culture; curriculum; curriculum management; curriculum planning; customer; darullughah; data; design; development; different; education; education curriculum; education quality; education research; educators; efendi; effective; elements; et al; evaluation; experience; findings; focus; focuses; general; goals; good; government; higher; human; implementation; important; improvement; indonesia; information; institutions; international; interview; islamic; islamic boarding; islamic education; journal; knowledge; leaders; leadership; learning; learning process; literature; long; main; management; ma’had; model; modern; needs; new; observations; organizational; participants; pasuruan; pendidikan; performance; pesantren curriculum; pesantren education; phenomenological; phenomenon; planning; pondok pesantren; practice; previous; process; public; qualitative; quality; quality management; related; religious; research; researchers; results; review; role; schools; service; skills; social; staff; standards; strategic; students; studies; studies education; study; system; systematic; teachers; teaching; time; total; total quality; tqm; tqm practices; understanding; values; wadda’awah cache: jsser-4340.pdf plain text: jsser-4340.txt item: #378 of 450 id: jsser-4341 author: Kuzembayeva, Gulzhana; Taganova, Aru M.; Spulber, Diana; Maydangalieva, Zhumagul title: Teachers’ Perspectives on Using Information and Communication Technology in the Secondary School Practice: A Case Study date: 2022-09-30 words: 5926 flesch: 46 summary: Teachers Using ICT More than 90% of the respondents actively use ICT daily, and nearly half (49%) state that they also use technology in the educational process. The importance of specific requirements for ICT use is proved by the necessity to adapt to a changing reality in secondary education according to modern requirements, especially for elderly educators. keywords: age; analysis; author; barriers; classes; classroom; communication; computer; correlation; data; descriptive; development; digital; education; education research; elaboration; equipment; experience; high; ict; ict integration; ict skills; ict use; information; integration; item; journal; kuzembayeva; learning; lesson; level; modern; motivation; new; pandemic; perspectives; practice; process; professional; professor; relationship; research; resources; results; school; school education; school teachers; secondary; secondary school; skills; social; statistical; students; studies; studies education; study; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; topic; university; use; value; work; work experience; years cache: jsser-4341.pdf plain text: jsser-4341.txt item: #379 of 450 id: jsser-4353 author: Rapoport, Anatoli; Demir, Vahap title: Social Studies Teachers’ Interpretations of Global Citizenship date: 2022-12-28 words: 8097 flesch: 42 summary: Global citizenship education redefined: A systematic review of empirical studies on global citizenship education. Keywords: Global citizenship, global citizenship education, secondary education, social studies education Introduction For several decades, the attention to citizenship education has been mostly the result of belated attempts to coordinate curricular development in citizenship education with the rationalization of numerous emerging models of citizenship. keywords: characteristics; choices; citizenship; citizenship education; classroom; confident; conservative; critical; critical gc; cultural; curriculum; degree; demir; development; discourses; economic; education; education research; experience; familiar; familiar familiar; gce; global; global citizenship; global education; high; ideological; instruction; international; interpretation; journal; liberal; majority; middle; model; moral; moral gc; morris; national; new; number; oxley; participants; percent; percentage; political; political gc; preferable; professional; programs; purpose; rapoport; reason; research; respondents; role; school; secondary; self; social; social gc; social studies; society; spiritual; students; studies; studies education; studies teachers; study; table; teachers; teaching; types; unesco; world; years cache: jsser-4353.pdf plain text: jsser-4353.txt item: #380 of 450 id: jsser-4358 author: Ajlouni, Aseel O.; Rawadieh, Saleh M. title: Technophobia and Technophilia among Undergraduates: Cross-national Research in Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt date: 2022-12-28 words: 11464 flesch: 41 summary: Introduction Digital transformation (DT) and revolution characterize this era, where all sectors, such as commercial, educational, entertainment, military, and medical, rely on digital technologies and their generated data. The role of employees in digital transformation: a preliminary study on how employees’ digital literacy impacts use of digital technologies. keywords: academic; acceptance; addition; adoption; ajlouni; analysis; anova; anxiety; arabian; arabian undergraduates; attitude; awareness; behavioral; computer; consequences; constructs; countries; country; covid-19; cross; córcoles; data; development; differences; digital; divide; doi; doi:10.1016; economic; economy; education; education research; egypt; egyptian; et al; factors; fear; findings; goals; good; groups; high; higher; impact; index; individuals; influence; information; innovation; intelligence; internet; items; jordan; jordanian; journal; khasawneh; learning; levels; low; martínez; mean; moderate; moderate level; national; new; new technology; online; p<.05; pandemic; participants; positive; psychological; public; qatar; qatari undergraduates; questionnaire; rawadieh; related; research; researchers; results; review; sample; sciences; scores; second; services; significant; skills; social; students; studies; study; sustainable; table; technological; technologies; technology; technophobia; technophobia levels; test; transformation; undergraduates; university; use; value; variance; way cache: jsser-4358.pdf plain text: jsser-4358.txt item: #381 of 450 id: jsser-4360 author: Kuzembayeva, Gulzhana; Tashmukhambetov, Bauyrzhan; Maydangalieva, Zhumagul title: Needs and Barriers of Early Career Researchers at Regional Universities of Kazakhstan date: 2022-12-28 words: 9285 flesch: 36 summary: From the ECRs’ gender perspective, men are mainly found to engage in research to develop research skills (m = 4.41) because it is good for professional development (m = 4.38), promotes self-confidence as a teacher (m = 4.19) as it enhances teaching skill (m = 4.19). Nonetheless, women usually conduct research to develop research skills (m = 4.33), to become more critical and analytical about teaching practices (m = 4.19) because it is good for professional development (m = 4.12), and it will help them get the promotion (m = 4.10). keywords: academic; aktobe; analysis; attitudes; author; barriers; capacity; career; challenges; chigisheva; correlation; data; development; directions; early; ecrs; education; education research; elaboration; english; et al; experience; faculty; findings; frequency; funding; good; grants; higher; independent; information; institutions; interest; interviews; issues; journal; kazakhstan; knowledge; kuzembayeva; lack; languages; level; motivation; needs; p<0.05; professional; publishing; qualitative; rank; reasons; rectors; regional; regional universities; republic; research; research attitudes; research barriers; research engagement; research funding; research grants; research skills; researchers; respondents; results; russian; science; scientific; scientists; significant; skills; social; source; spearman; square; staff; statistical; studies; studies education; study; support; survey; table; teacher; teaching; time; total; understanding; universities; university; value; variable; vice; years; young cache: jsser-4360.pdf plain text: jsser-4360.txt item: #382 of 450 id: jsser-439 author: Kopish, Michael A; Nestor, Sarah title: After the Content Course: An Expert-Novice Study of Disciplinary Literacy Practices date: 2019-06-24 words: 8521 flesch: 47 summary: Key words: Teacher preparation, pedagogical content knowledge, social studies instruction, disciplinary literacy Introduction At many universities, social studies teacher candidates take the majority of their content courses outside Colleges of Education. To illustrate, at one medium sized public university of the 121 total credit hours social studies teacher candidates must successfully complete to graduate, 54 of those credit hours are taken in content-specific courses in other colleges. keywords: able; activity; analysis; area; bain; ben; candidates; card; categories; classroom; cognitive; concepts; connections; content; content knowledge; courses; credit; curriculum; data; decisions; different; disciplinary; disciplinary literacy; discipline; economics; education; education research; educators; events; example; experience; experts; field; figure; harris; historical; history; instruction; international; jennifer; journal; knowledge; kopish; lane; learning; literacy; making; mce; methods; middle; multiple; new; novice; order; participants; pedagogical; pedagogy; practices; preparation; professional; professor; programs; questions; research; school; secondary; skills; social; social studies; sort; sources; specific; students; studies; studies education; studies teacher; study; teacher; teacher candidates; teacher education; teaching; themes; thinking; u.s; understanding; war; wineburg; world cache: jsser-439.pdf plain text: jsser-439.txt item: #383 of 450 id: jsser-4400 author: Sulistyorini, Sulistyorini; Junaris, Imam; Syafi’i, Asrof; Mu’awanah, Elfi title: Strategic policy to improve professional madrasah-based management practices date: 2022-09-30 words: 7542 flesch: 47 summary: The process of implementing strategic decisions involves actions by public or private individuals (or groups) that are aimed at achieving the goals set out in previous policy decisions and are actions taken by either individuals/officials or public or private organizations to achieve the objectives outlined in policy decisions. This definition of modern management of education underscores that the effectiveness of school management is primarily dependent on a manager's capacity to make strategic decisions by structural measures (Gabriella et al., 2021). keywords: academic; acceleration; activities; activity; adriana; analysis; budiharso; commitment; committee; critical; data; decision; development; east; education; effendi; effendi et; et al; future; ghasemy; good; head; high; human; implementation; importance; indonesia; information; institutions; interview; islamic; java; journal; madrasah; making; management; members; models; new; observation; organization; participants; participatory; parties; performance; planning; policies; policy; principal; problem; process; program; quality; questions; reio; research; resources; results; roberts; school; scopelliti; shulhan; social; staff; strategic; strategic decision; students; studies; study; sulistyorini; support; swot; system; tarman; teachers; teaching; themes; training; vice; weiterbildung; wisdom; yoon cache: jsser-4400.pdf plain text: jsser-4400.txt item: #384 of 450 id: jsser-4401 author: Fitri, Agus Zaenul title: Inclusive education curriculum management with modification humanistic design date: 2022-09-30 words: 8642 flesch: 49 summary: Curriculum modifications are carried out by a team of curriculum developers in the school consisting of principals, class teachers, subject teachers, special education teachers, counselors, psychologists, and related experts. This study has limitation in that theories in inclusive curriculum are not yet comprehensive nor the number of participants are small number. keywords: ability; able; accompanying; activities; addition; analysis; approach; assessment; children; class; classes; classroom; collection; condition; content; curriculum; curriculum design; curriculum development; curriculum implementation; curriculum management; dan; data; design; development; different; disabilities; disability; education; education curriculum; education research; evaluation; field; fitri; goals; humanistic; implementation; improvement; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive curriculum; inclusive education; individual; indonesia; information; journal; learners; learning; level; life; main; management; material; media; methods; miles; model; modification; national; necessary; needs; new; objectives; obstacles; opportunities; parents; participants; pendidikan; planning; potential; principal; process; program; public; qualitative; regular; research; results; role; school; skills; social; special; special needs; stage; students; studies; study; subject; system; taba; teachers; teaching; theory cache: jsser-4401.pdf plain text: jsser-4401.txt item: #385 of 450 id: jsser-4402 author: Kuraedah, St; Gunawan, Fahmi; Alam, Samsu; Ubaidilah, M. Faruq title: Cultural representation in English and Arabic textbooks endorsed by Indonesian government: What do textbooks tell us about? date: 2022-09-30 words: 8918 flesch: 50 summary: Empirical evidence reported that foreign language textbooks help language learners develop linguistic skills and knowledge and preserve their cultural identity (Davidson & Liu, 2020). Cultural representation in English language textbooks: A comparison of textbooks used in mainland China and Hong Kong. keywords: activities; analysis; arabic; arabic textbooks; circle; content; critical; cultural; cultural representation; culture; curriculum; daily; data; different; discourse; education; english; english textbooks; example; foreign; foreign culture; foreign language; frequency; government; grade; health; high; identity; indonesian; intercultural; international; introduction; journal; junior; kachru; krippendorff; kuraedah; language; language textbooks; learning; local; local culture; ministry; moran; multicultural; names; people; person; perspectives; pictorial; pictures; practice; product; profession; representation; research; school; social; story; students; studies; study; table; target; teaching; textbooks; texts; textual; theme; theory; times; total; understanding; use; values; verbal; visual; words cache: jsser-4402.pdf plain text: jsser-4402.txt item: #386 of 450 id: jsser-4404 author: Kartiko, Yuwono; Suwarto, Suwarto; Anantanyu, Sapja; Kusnandar, Kusnandar title: The effect of green policy implementation on green entrepreneurship: Evidence from Indonesia’s micro, small, and medium enterprises date: 2022-09-30 words: 8672 flesch: 45 summary: Using 150 MSME actors as the research sample and the ordinary least squares estimation technique, this study found that green policy, which includes policy targets, MSME group abilities, MSME resources, incentives, and security, has a positive and significant impact on green entrepreneurship in Ngawi Regency. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, studies that discuss the impact of implementing green policies on economic activities, especially MSMEs, are still relatively minimal. keywords: activities; actors; analysis; aspects; availability; behavior; business; channel; clear; condition; countries; damage; data; development; economic; economy; education; effective; effectiveness; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; environmental; factor; financial; forest; government; green; green entrepreneurship; green policy; group; growth; high; hijau; horn; hypothesis; impact; implementation; implementers; incentives; indonesia; industry; industry msme; influence; instrument; journal; kartiko; level; management; model; msme; msme actors; msme resources; negative; ngawi; ngawi regency; number; objectives; performance; policies; policy; policy implementation; policy objectives; positive; processing; public; public policy; questionnaire; regency; relationship; relevant; reliability; research; researchers; resources; respondents; results; role; sample; scale; second; security; significant; social; studies; study; sustainability; table; targets; test; university; validity; value; van; variables; wood; wood industry; world cache: jsser-4404.pdf plain text: jsser-4404.txt item: #387 of 450 id: jsser-4405 author: Noor, Muhammad title: Collaborative Governance on the Smart City-based Regional Development of Balikpapan date: 2022-12-28 words: 8435 flesch: 43 summary: The trend of smart city development began with the 100 Smart City Movement by the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information as the leading sector (Perdana, 2020). The local government has begun to review various policies to support the program and also explores multiple information regarding regional readiness in implementing smart city development. keywords: actors; agencies; analysis; ansell; applications; approach; area; balikpapan; balikpapan city; balikpapan smart; branding; building; center; cities; city; city development; city government; city program; collaborative; collaborative governance; commitment; communication; community; concept; consensus; cooperation; daerah; data; decision; developing; development; east; economic; economy; education; environment; facilities; figure; gash; governance; government; growth; guidance; high; human; ict; implementation; index; indonesia; information; infrastructure; institutions; journal; kalimantan; kota; level; life; livable; living; local; making; management; media; national; needs; noor; participation; parties; people; pillars; plan; planning; policies; policy; private; problems; process; program; public; quality; regencies; regency; regional; research; resources; results; role; rpjmd; services; smart; smart cities; smart city; smart governance; social; society; stage; stakeholders; strategic; studies; study; success; support; sustainable; system; table; technical; technology; term; transportation; urban; vision; waste cache: jsser-4405.pdf plain text: jsser-4405.txt item: #388 of 450 id: jsser-4431 author: Tsauri, Sofyan title: Readiness to change state Islamic institute status to become state Islamic university from the aspect of lecturer human resources and education staff date: 2022-09-30 words: 9926 flesch: 39 summary: Several studies relevant to this study investigated PTIN, lecturer human resources, and education staff. The experience gained by human resource lecturers in community service activities can provide valuable lessons usable to support campus readiness. keywords: able; activities; analysis; aspect; building; campus; challenges; change; collection; community; condition; data; decree; design; development; education; education institutions; education personnel; education research; education staff; effective; evaluation; facilities; faculty; field; framework; future; goals; head; higher; higher education; human resources; iain; increase; indonesia; infrastructure; institutions; interviews; islamic; islamic education; jember; journal; khas; khas jember; knowledge; laboratory; learning; lecturers; main; management; mapping; meaning; methods; mission; needs; organization; pendidikan; performance; personnel; phenomenon; planning; policies; presidential; previous; problems; process; programs; public; qualitative; quality; readiness; related; relationship; religious; research; researchers; resource development; resources lecturers; role; science; second; service; skills; social; solution; staff; standards; state; status; students; studies; studies education; study; support; system; teaching; team; training; transfer; transformation; tsauri; typical; uin; uin khas; university; vision cache: jsser-4431.pdf plain text: jsser-4431.txt item: #389 of 450 id: jsser-4439 author: Weiler, Tanya; Murad, Md Wahid title: Motivational Factors Influencing Learners’ Academic Success in an Australian Enabling Education Setting date: 2022-12-28 words: 7968 flesch: 43 summary: This study aims to identify and analyze the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors that could influence learner success in enabling university pathway programs. It specifically seeks to identify the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors influencing learner success in enabling education programs. keywords: academic; academic success; achievement; analysis; australian; better; childcare; children; coefficient; course; data; disability; education; education programs; education research; empirical; extrinsic; factors; finding; help; higher; higher education; independent; influence; interest; intrinsic; journal; learners; learning; level; logistic; logistic regression; materials; model; motivational; motivational factors; multiple; murad; odds; participation; pathway; performance; positive; programs; questions; regression; relationship; research; results; sample; self; setting; significant; social; south; students; studies; studies education; study; subject; success; successful; support; survey; table; test; time; undergraduate; university; value; variable; weiler; work; yes cache: jsser-4439.pdf plain text: jsser-4439.txt item: #390 of 450 id: jsser-4486 author: Husen, Achmad; Casmana, Asep Rudi; Hasan, Rinie Octaviany; Erfinda, Yosi title: Implementation of Teaching Character Education, Particularly in Environmental Care Value, in Labschool Jakarta date: 2022-12-28 words: 9725 flesch: 54 summary: To make this happen, the teacher must have a way of building student character. This can be seen when high school students no longer have concern for the environment. keywords: able; activities; activity; addition; area; benefits; care; casmana; character; character education; characteristic; clean; cleanliness; data; different; discussion; education; education program; education research; environment; environmental care; example; flowering; focus; garbage; garden; good; group; help; high; home; husen; important; indonesia; international; interview; jakarta; journal; labschool; learning; living; love; main; moral; non; observation; observation program; organic; participants; people; planting; program; purpose; research; school; school environment; school students; second; social; students; studies; studies education; study; taiwan; teachers; teaching; trees; trip; trip observation; values; waste cache: jsser-4486.pdf plain text: jsser-4486.txt item: #391 of 450 id: jsser-4492 author: Binawan, Andang Listya title: New Concepts of Ecological-Social Justice: A Micro-Optic Reflection on Ecological Citizenship Education in Indonesia date: 2023-03-21 words: 9313 flesch: 49 summary: As stated in the fifth principle of the state ideology, Pancasila, “Social justice for all the Indonesians,’’ it remains essential that social justice is emphasized in citizenship education in the country. A micro-perspective reflection means, in concrete, that it will portray the Indonesian government's efforts in citizenship education from the perspective of ecological social justice. keywords: adiwiyata; approach; associated; award; awareness; behavior; binawan; broader; caring; changes; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; coding; community; concept; conceptual; context; contributive; contributive justice; dalam; dan; data; deeper; dobson; ecological; ecological citizenship; eds; education; education research; efforts; environmental; facilities; fifth; focus; forestry; fraser; friendly; gomberg; good; government; green; groups; habitus; ideology; important; individuals; indonesia; infrastructure; international; issues; journal; justice; karakter; life; lingkungan; management; meaning; micro; ministry; movement; nationalism; nature; negeri; new; pancasila; pblhs; peduli; pendidikan; people; perspective; political; politics; press; program; qualitative; question; recognition; reflection; relationship; research; review; rights; role; school; second; sekolah; sense; social; social justice; social studies; society; state; step; students; studies; studies education; study; theory; university; values; view; waste; work cache: jsser-4492.pdf plain text: jsser-4492.txt item: #392 of 450 id: jsser-4523 author: Moldagali, Bakytgul; Sultanova, Bibigul Mynbaevna; Akhtayeva, Nagima Khabdrashitovna; Suleimenova, Assem; Akimbekova, Shyryn title: Innovative Technologies: Digitalisation of Education date: 2022-12-28 words: 5908 flesch: 34 summary: Hence, the developed model of introducing innovative digital education technologies within the school educational process has proved effective and can be used in school education, considerably improving the quality. This move entirely helps form an organizational model using Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2022: 13 (4), 209-224 214 innovative technologies within the framework of learning digitalization in school education. keywords: aesthetic; analysis; aspirations; behavior; cognitive; communication; conditions; creative; criteria; cultural; cutting; data; developed; development; different; digital; dreams; education; emotional; esteem; form; framework; future; goals; health; high; image; implementation; innovative; intellectual; intelligent; interest; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; life; methods; model; moldagali; motivation; national; necessary; new; parameters; pedagogical; personal; personality; places; policy; practical; primary; process; quality; research; respectful; results; school; schoolchildren; sciences; self; situations; skills; social; society; stage; students; studies; study; successful; teaching; technologies; technology; testing; time; values; world cache: jsser-4523.pdf plain text: jsser-4523.txt item: #393 of 450 id: jsser-4543 author: Ivanova, Ganka; Alhrahsheh, Rakan; Aboutaleb, Amoura Hassan; Alazab, Ashraf Mohamed title: Teamworking and Concern for Standards as Part of Employability Readiness of UAE Students` Personality date: 2022-12-28 words: 7403 flesch: 44 summary: Discussion This study aims to determine the level of job readiness among UAE graduate students by testing the relationship between the independent variables “teamwork and attention to standards” and “job readiness” as a dependent variable. The practice of employability teamwork skills, International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, 1(1):16–2 DOI: 10.11648/j.ijvetr.20150102.11 Madar, A. R., & Buntat, Y. (2011). keywords: age; analysis; attention; average; concern; correlation; current; data; degrees; dependent; dependent variable; development; distribution; education; emirati; emirati students; employability; employees; employment; employment readiness; environment; factors; future; gender; good; government; graduate; high; hypothesis; important; interest; item; ivanova; job; journal; level; local; majority; mean; model; multiple; nationals; participants; personal; personality; questionnaire; questions; readiness; regression; research; results; sample; score; significant; skills; social; specific; standards; students; studies; study; table; teamwork; teamworking; test; total; uae; unique; university; value; variable; variance; workforce; working cache: jsser-4543.pdf plain text: jsser-4543.txt item: #394 of 450 id: jsser-458 author: Kayumova, Gelyusya; Sheymardanov, Shamil; Akhtarieva, Raziya; Zhundibayeva, Aray title: Developing Creative Potential of a Schoolchild by Means of Native Language date: 2019-03-07 words: 4901 flesch: 47 summary: For this, we believe it is important not to be limited to such tasks as writing essays, reports, abstracts, and so on, which will be performed by students independently at home but to include creative tasks in the course of the lesson. Findings The accumulation of experience and knowledge is a prerequisite for creative activity. keywords: ability; activities; activity; analysis; authors; bibinur; characters; children; classes; conditions; conversation; creative; creative potential; creativity; development; education; fact; fakhretdinova; formation; gabidullina; grade; group; important; journal; kazan; language; life; literary; literature; literature classes; main; matryona; method; modern; native; new; people; personal; potential; process; project; questions; research; results; role; schoolchildren; sciences; social; stage; students; studies; tasks; tatar; tatar language; tatar literature; teacher; textbooks; thinking; university; vocabulary; words; work; zakirzyanov cache: jsser-458.pdf plain text: jsser-458.txt item: #395 of 450 id: jsser-462 author: Dube, Bekithemba; Cias, Tsotetsi title: State-based curriculum making in a post colonial Zimbabwe: Making sense of Family, Religious and Moral Education in a global context date: 2019-03-07 words: 6056 flesch: 36 summary: The new curriculum in Zimbabwe, as a state-making project that is arguably devoid of, or has covert policy networks, has resulted in religious curriculum resistance. The necessity of religious teacher education is echoed by Schwartz (2006, p. 449), who states that, “teachers are the filters through which the mandated curriculum passes. keywords: accommodation; african; approach; challenges; christian; conflict; contested; curriculum; decoloniality; development; different; dube; education; england; family; fareme; freedom; gatsheni; government;; idea; international; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; level; making; malawi; moral; multi; need; new; new curriculum; paper; people; players; policy; post; power; practices; public; religion; religious; religious curriculum; religious education; religious players; research; resistance; schools; secondary; short; sithole; social; society; space; state; struggle; studies; studies education; study; subject; syllabus; teachers; teaching; theory; thinking; training; trajectories; tsotetsi; united; university; way; withdrawal; zimbabwe cache: jsser-462.pdf plain text: jsser-462.txt item: #396 of 450 id: jsser-464 author: Dube, Bekithemba title: Examination Mafiarisation, and the Ambivalence of Performativity in Zimbabwe: A Quest for Rebalancing Pedagogy date: 2019-06-24 words: 5257 flesch: 42 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2019:10 (2), 31-45 31 Examination Mafiarisation, and the contradictions of Performativity in Zimbabwe: A Quest for Rebalancing Pedagogy Bekithemba Dube1 Abstract This theoretical paper taps into Ball’ view of the terrors of performativity in order to critique examination mafiarisation in Zimbabwe. I critique examination mafiarisation, using Ball’s perspective, and in so doing, I attempt to answer two questions: What are the causes of examination mafiarisation? keywords: academic; approach; assessment; attempt; ball; burnard; causes; change; cheating; creativity; culture; curriculum; development; dube; education; educators; examination; examination mafiarisation; headmasters; incentives; journal; leaks; learners; learning; mafiarisation; means; morality; need; new; observation; paper; parents; pedagogy; performance; performativity; problematise; promotion; quality; quest; ranking; rebalancing; research; resistance; role; schools; section; social; studies; system; task; teachers; teaching; terrors; university; values; view; way; white; zimbabwe; zimsec cache: jsser-464.pdf plain text: jsser-464.txt item: #397 of 450 id: jsser-466 author: Bahri, Bahri; Sumaryana, Asep; Karnaesih, Erlis; Karlina, Nina title: The Implementation of the Allocation and Distribution of School Operational Assistance Program for Compulsory Education Units in Kuningan Regency, West Java Province date: 2019-03-07 words: 5527 flesch: 46 summary: The amount of SOAP funds given to schools is calculated on the basis of the number of students in each school. Kuningan Regency receives SOAP funds annually on the basis of the governor’s decree, which stipulates that each education unit will be allocated SOAP funds from the province in the form of grants for the management of the basic education unit. keywords: accordance; accountability; activities; allocation; assistance; bahri; bantuan; basis; bos; compulsory; costs; data; disbursement; distribution; district; education; evaluation; expenditure; families; funds; government; high; idr; impact; implementation; indigent; informants; information; interviews; java; journal; junior; kuningan; learning; management; middle; ministry; number; operational; pendidikan; policy; process; program; province; public; regency; report; research; results; school; sekolah; services; soap; soap funds; soap implementation; social; stages; state; students; studies; study; teachers; team; total; underprivileged; units; use; west; year cache: jsser-466.pdf plain text: jsser-466.txt item: #398 of 450 id: jsser-467 author: Ilhan, Fatih; Ozfidan, Burhan; Yilmaz, Sabit title: Home Visit Effectiveness on Students’ Classroom Behavior and Academic Achievement date: 2019-03-07 words: 6536 flesch: 55 summary: The purpose of this particular research was to establish the effects of teacher home visits on student success at school. Sawchuk (2011) also stated, “Teacher home visits are based on a common-sense idea: Parents are more likely to be engaged in their son’s or daughter’s progress through school if they feel that they have a real partner” (p. 1). keywords: academic; achievement; alpha; analysis; behavior; better; child; children; classroom; cronbach; data; deviation; different; education; factor; family; help; home; home visits; ilhan; impact; influence; information; interaction; interview; involvement; issues; journal; mean; ozfidan; parents; participants; performance; positive; quantitative; questions; relationship; research; researchers; respondent; results; scale; school; score; social; standard; statistics; students; studies; study; success; survey; system; table; teacher home; teachers; value; visits; yilmaz cache: jsser-467.pdf plain text: jsser-467.txt item: #399 of 450 id: jsser-4670 author: Pratiwi, Veronika Unun; Andayani, Andayani; Winarni, Retno; Anindyarini, Atikah title: Digital Storybook to Transform Character Education of Local Wisdom Figures for Elementary School Students date: 2022-12-28 words: 5686 flesch: 55 summary: This study has its limitation in that the study subjects are elementary students. Future research is suggested to assign research subjects involving high school students though independent study. keywords: abilities; activities; addition; analysis; assessment; bagong; book; characters; children; class; component; content; curriculum; data; development; digital; early; education; elementary; figures; findings; fourth; gareng; good; graders; help; indonesian; international; journal; knowledge; language; learning; local; materials; media; model; motivation; needs; petruk; picture; pratiwi; punokawan; reading; regency; research; results; school; sciences; score; semar; skills; social; storybooks; students; studies; study; subjects; sukoharjo; table; teachers; teaching; textbooks; thematic; theme; use; wayang; writing; writing skills cache: jsser-4670.pdf plain text: jsser-4670.txt item: #400 of 450 id: jsser-4671 author: Suryono, Joko; Wijaya, Mahendra; Irianto, Heru; Harisudin, Mohamad title: Synergy Empowerment and Social Transformation: Developing Entrepreneurship Independence in a Business School date: 2022-12-28 words: 9346 flesch: 44 summary: Advertise on WhatsApp, WhatsApp groups, and trade groups, for example, the SBS group, SBS alumni, and Sragen sewing SMEs. Many SBS alumni have increased. keywords: able; action; activities; actors; addition; advisors; alumni; analysis; approach; awareness; behavior; business; business school; care; case; change; collaboration; collective; communication; communities; community; company; conditions; confidence; cooperation; critical; culture; data; development; director; education; effective; empowerment; entrepreneurs; environment; example; family; focus; founders; friends; funding; good; group; growth; health; impact; independence; individual; information; institutional; interest; interpersonal; interpersonal communication; interview; journal; knowledge; language; leadership; learning; local; main; management; marketing; media; medium; members; mental; mentors; methods; mindset; model; network; new; obstacles; organizational; orientation; people; planning; problems; process; qualitative; research; resources; results; role; sbs; school; self; shared; sized; small; smes; social; sponsors; sragen; sragen business; strategic; students; studies; study; success; support; suryono; synergy; system; use; visionary; work; world cache: jsser-4671.pdf plain text: jsser-4671.txt item: #401 of 450 id: jsser-4672 author: Famularsih, Sari; Nuryatin, Agus; Handoyo, Eko; Fitriati, Sri Wuli title: Facility and Infrastructure Management at the International Class Program of the State Islamic University in Indonesia date: 2022-12-28 words: 6456 flesch: 39 summary: For example, the planning of infrastructure facilities was still unclear, such as funding and the person in charge of its managerial work. The process of evaluating the availability and use of infrastructure facilities for the ICP identifies the facilities that are necessary and can be added or replaced. keywords: accordance; activities; addition; analysis; ananda; art; availability; banurea; budget; budiharso; campus; class; common; data; david; dean; development; director; dyson; education; facilities; facility; faculty; famularsih; goods; higher; house; icp; indonesia; infrastructure; infrastructure facilities; infrastructure management; institute; international; interview; inventory; journal; kolios; laboratory; learning; limited; maintenance; management; needs; observation; planning; process; procurement; program; qualitative; quality; read; requirements; research; researchers; results; role; room; sius; social; special; standard; state; strategic; students; studies; study; teaching; technology; university; use cache: jsser-4672.pdf plain text: jsser-4672.txt item: #402 of 450 id: jsser-4673 author: Karmini, Ni Wayan title: Digital Literature and Independent Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Correlation Study date: 2022-12-28 words: 6226 flesch: 45 summary: The most dominant indicator in achieving student digital literacy lies in the technical literacy indicator, with an indicator achievement of 86.49%. Digital literacy positively affects skills that are important to support successful student learning (Techataweewan & Prasertsin, 2018). keywords: ability; accordance; achievement; analysis; coefficient; correlation; covid-19; data; denpasar; development; digital; digital literacy; education; face; factors; help; hindu; important; independent; independent learning; indicator; indonesia; information; internet; journal; karmini; learning; level; literacy; literature; low; material; means; memory; method; online; pandemic; positive; process; questionnaire; regression; relationship; research; results; score; self; significance; simple; skills; social; spss; srl; students; studies; study; support; table; teaching; technique; technology; test; time; total; university; use; value; variable cache: jsser-4673.pdf plain text: jsser-4673.txt item: #403 of 450 id: jsser-4674 author: Komariyah, Laili title: Contribution of Transformational Leadership and Years of Leader Experience on the Effectiveness of Faculty in the Post Pandemic date: 2022-12-28 words: 8127 flesch: 38 summary: A review of transformational school leadership research 1996– 2005, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 4(3), pp. 177-199. Table 4 Structural Officer Leadership Experience in the Faculty Leadership experience F % > 8 years 7 10 4.1 -8.0 12 17,1 1.1-4.0 32 45,7 < 1 year 19 27.2 Amount 70 100 Source: Output of pre-survey 2022 Table 4 shows that the majority of the respondents have leadership experience ranging between 1.1 and 4.0 years, with a rate of 45.7%, followed by employees with less than one year of service. keywords: alpha; analysis; assumption; budiharso; commitment; data; education; effectiveness; experience; faculty; figure; goals; good; high; higher; hypothesis; indirect; institution; instrument; international; journal; komariyah; kyriakides; leadership; leadership experience; level; linearity; long; low; management; mission; model; moderate; organizational; organizational commitment; organizational effectiveness; output; pandemic; pls; previous; principal; quality; relationship; research; respondents; results; sample; satisfaction; school; school effectiveness; service; shows; significant; sma; smart; social; source; spss; studies; study; table; teacher; test; testing; time; total; transformational; transformational leadership; university; valid; value; variable; vice; vision; work; years cache: jsser-4674.pdf plain text: jsser-4674.txt item: #404 of 450 id: jsser-4675 author: Sujaya, Krisna title: Principals’ Perception on the Quality of Online Learning in MTs in Ciamis District in the Post Pandemic date: 2023-06-17 words: 5705 flesch: 48 summary: In other research it was stated that online learning will work well, when there is growing awareness of students during the learning process to actively participate in it (Noesgaard & Ørngreen, 2015), seriousness of students in following the learning process, minimal disruption to student learning, and teacher concern in applying the learning method. Keywords: online, pandemic, principal, quality of learning, survey Introduction The quality of online learning during a pandemic is indeed not encouraging (Abbasi, 2020), because the level of students' absorption of subject matter is very low, low signal quality causes children to be unable to record the learning process properly, not all areas get a good signal, many students only study while lying on the bed or sofa (Akyüz & Samsa, 2009). keywords: analysis; answer; aspects; ciamis; constraints; covid-19; data; difficult; education;; good; higher; information; instrument; international; internet; journal; learning; learning method; learning process; lecture; level; low; management; method; motivation; mts; non; obstacles; online; online learning; outcomes; pandemic; perception; post; principals; process; quality; question; regency; research; results; satisfaction; satisfied; school; social; source; students; studies; study; success; sujaya; support; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technical; technology; use; zoom cache: jsser-4675.pdf plain text: jsser-4675.txt item: #405 of 450 id: jsser-4676 author: Farihin, Farihin title: The Influence of Digital Literacy on Administration Efficacy for Supervisor Teachers in Cirebon City in the Post-Pandemic date: 2022-12-28 words: 9363 flesch: 39 summary: Before taking further steps related to the development of teacher digital literacy, knowing the teacher’s level of digital literacy is critical. Digital literacy education (DLE) is essential, especially for those who lack digital literacy (Hohlfeld et al., 2008; Seale, 2009), to reduce the digital literacy gap. keywords: 21st; ability; academic; activities; administration; analysis; aspects; century; cirebon; city; cognitive; communication; competencies; content; critical; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; dependent; development; digital; digital literacy; digital technology; dimensions; duties; education; education administration; education research; environment; eshet; evaluation; farihin; gap; gls; hadjivassiliou; high; ict; implementation; information; items; java; journal; junge; knowledge; learning; level; life; literacy; literacy skills; literasi; literate; managerial; mastery; media; need; number; online; pandemic; people; performance; person; personal; private; process; professional; program; province; public; quality; questionnaire; reading; research; results; role; sample; school; significant; skills; social; society; students; studies; studies education; study; supervising; supervisor; support; table; teacher education; teachers; teaching; technology; test; time; understanding; use; value; variable; west; work; world cache: jsser-4676.pdf plain text: jsser-4676.txt item: #406 of 450 id: jsser-4685 author: Enright, Esther A; Toledo, William title: What Type of Citizen Am I? Examining the Development of Preservice Teachers’ Civic Identities date: 2023-03-21 words: 10024 flesch: 50 summary: Findings indicate that further research is needed to investigate a possible relationship between perceptions of civic identities and socio-political climates, exploring the intersection between place-based theories of learning and civic identity development in preservice teachers. Abstract This study advances our understanding of the role social studies methods courses can play in supporting pre-service teachers’ development of their awareness of civic identities. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; beliefs; capacity; characteristics; children; citizen; citizenship; civic; civic education; civic identities; class; community; content; contexts; course; critical; data; development; different; discussions; diverse; education; education research; elementary; empathy; engagement; enright; example; experiences; framework; future; good; group; high; identities; identity; identity development; important; influence; instruction; interactive; issues; journal; justice; kahne; knowledge; learning; memos; methods; mind; multiple; need; participatory; people; perspective; political; practices; preservice; preservice teachers; professional; research; researchers; responsible; school; social; social studies; students; studies; studies education; studies methods; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; theory; thinking; toledo; types; typology; understanding; university; use; ways; westheimer cache: jsser-4685.pdf plain text: jsser-4685.txt item: #407 of 450 id: jsser-4788 author: Wright-Maley, Cory; Hall, Delandrea; Finley, Shakealia Y title: Evaporative Economics: A Truth-Telling Metaphor to Displace the Trickle-Down Lie that Just Won’t Die date: 2023-06-17 words: 7335 flesch: 50 summary: Erin Adams and Kelly Koch (2020) drew upon Deirdre McCloskey’s (1983, 1998) works on economic metaphors to point out that “economists rely heavily on metaphors to make their arguments,” so much so that Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (2), 1-20 they may not even recognize their uses are metaphorical; and because “they are repeated so often, they become real” (para. 7). To that end, we have that economic metaphors are common and that they can occlude or reveal the truth. keywords: adams; american; april; commons; communities; desertification; distribution; doi; economic; economists; economy; eds; education; evaporative; false; freedom; growth; higher; hope; human; ideas; ideology; impact; income; individuals; inequality; journal; krugman; language; life; maley; market; mccloskey; metaphor; metaphorical; middle; narrative; new; october; para; people; percent; piketty; policies; policy; political; poor; powerful; press; public; rates; real; research; rich; rogers; role; routledge; section; september; shanks; social; social studies; societies; society; stiglitz; story; students; studies; studies education; supply; tax; teachers; teaching; telling; theory; times; trickle; true; truthful; university; use; wealth; working; wright; york cache: jsser-4788.pdf plain text: jsser-4788.txt item: #408 of 450 id: jsser-485 author: Pujiyono, Pujiyono; Setiawan, Fajar A.; Hutabarat, David M. T. title: A New Approach to Prevent Corruption in Indonesia: A Case Study on TP4 in Central Java, Indonesia date: 2019-03-07 words: 7068 flesch: 44 summary: In 2015, the AGI established a special task force consisting of local prosecutors to supervise the progress of government development projects. However, the TP4 was not solely intended as an internal crime and law enforcement team for government projects, even though it consists of prosecutors. keywords: absorption; administrative; analysis; anti; apip; approaches; article; attorney; august; budget; budget absorption; central; central java; chart; corruption; crime; curbing; data; development; doi; doubt; education; effective; enforcement; eradication; expenditure; findings; fraudulent; functions; general; goals; governance; government; government projects; high; hpo; indonesia; institutions; international; java; journal; july; law; legal; management; mechanism; office; officials; olken; percent; period; practices; president; prevention; procurement; progress; projects; prosecutor; public; pujiyono; quantitative; rate; realisation; report; repressive; research; rupiahs; social; source; state; studies; study; supervision; team; terms; tp4; tp4d; transparency cache: jsser-485.pdf plain text: jsser-485.txt item: #409 of 450 id: jsser-4873 author: Aransyah, Muhammad Fikry; Fourqoniah, Finnah; Riani, Lilia Pasca title: Enhancing Student Entrepreneurship Education Model through Design Thinking and Lean Canvas Approaches date: 2023-06-17 words: 7476 flesch: 35 summary: Entrepreneurship education programs are intended to equip students with an in-depth understanding of entrepreneurial concepts, mindset, and behavior, hands-on experience, and the ability to capitalize on opportunities. Entrepreneurship education program as value creation: Empirical findings of universities in Bandung, Indonesia. keywords: ability; academic; activities; approach; aransyah; beginner; business; business model; canvas; coaching; collaboration; community; competencies; competitions; comprehensive; content; creative; creativity; customer; data; design; design thinking; development; doi; ecosystem; education; education activities; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship education; faculty; form; government; ideas; implementation; incubation; indonesia; innovation; integration; journal; knowledge; lean; lean canvas; lectures; level; market; media; mentoring; methods; mindset; model; needs; new; opportunities; practical; problems; process; product; program; research; results; service; skills; social; solutions; solving; stage; students; studies; study; testing; thinking; training; understanding; university; user; value cache: jsser-4873.pdf plain text: jsser-4873.txt item: #410 of 450 id: jsser-4900 author: Suryaman, Suryaman; Zaki, Achmad; Suharyanto, Suharyanto; Winoto, Suhadi title: Tripartite Interconnection to Serve High Quality and Competitiveness of Vocational School Students for the Industry in the Digital Era date: 2023-06-17 words: 7791 flesch: 43 summary: Resource sharing for Vocational High Schools and Vocational Training Center The results of interviews and participation observations found various forms of resource sharing between vocational high schools and vocational training center vocational high school improve the competence and competitiveness of vocational high school students, including: 1) Conduct training for vocational high school students for certain skills for which tutors and tools are available at vocational training center, 2) Provide opportunities for vocational high school teachers to participate in training at vocational training center in special sessions for vocational high school teachers, 3) Senior high school 9.402 7,58 Vocational high school 21.878 10.20 Bachelor 4.308 8,43 Amount 45.686 100 Source: East Java in figures 2022 Table 2 shows that vocational high school graduates have the highest unemployment rate, with 21,878 people and with a rate of 10.20%. keywords: business; center; companies; company; competence; competition; competitiveness; cooperation; curriculum; data; east; education; experience; expertise; field; follows; form; graduates; high competitiveness; high schools; human; indonesia; industrial; industry; internships; interview; java; job; journal; large; learning; low; malang; management; match; number; observe; open; opportunities; parties; practice; process; program; qualitative; quality; rate; ready; research; researchers; resource; resource sharing; results; school; school graduates; school students; sharing; skills; smk; social; students; studies; study; suryaman; table; teachers; teaching; technology; training center; tripartite; tutors; unemployment; vocational; vocational high; vocational school; vocational training; work; working; workshops; world cache: jsser-4900.pdf plain text: jsser-4900.txt item: #411 of 450 id: jsser-506 author: sujito, Sujito; Budiharso, Teguh; Solikhah, Imroatus; Mutaqin, Wildan Mahir title: The effect of analogy variations on academic writing: How Indonesian EFL students perform with different cognitive styles date: 2019-03-07 words: 5727 flesch: 51 summary: Pithers R. T. (2002) Cognitive learning style: a review of the field dependent- field independent approach, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54:1, 117-132, DOI: 10.1080/13636820200200191 Poespoprodjo & Gilarso, T. (1989). Drawing upon the background, this study is directed by the following two research questions: 1) Do students who receive oral analogy achieve better performance on academic writing than those who receive written analogy? keywords: academic; analogical; analogies; analogy; analysis; better; cognitive; cognitive style; concept; content; design; different; direct; domain; education; familiar; field; gentner; independent; individual; information; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; mean; new; oral; oral analogy; outcomes; problem; process; relatively; research; science; scientific; social; structure; students; studies; study; style; subjects; sujito; table; target; teacher; teaching; test; theory; thinking; treagust; understanding; university; use; variable; way; writing cache: jsser-506.pdf plain text: jsser-506.txt item: #412 of 450 id: jsser-522 author: Baidi, Baidi title: The Role of Parents’ Interests and Attitudes in Motivating Them to Homeschool Their Children date: 2019-03-07 words: 7220 flesch: 52 summary: Similarly, Ice and Hoover-Dempsey (2011) elucidated Baidi that homeschooling parents have stronger efficacy in designing and fabricating effective learning. Asmani (2012) states that there are several reasons for parents to send their children to school at home, among others; (a) parents are not satisfied with education in regular schools; (b) through homeschooling parents expect to strengthen the relationship between parents and children, because time with children increases; (c) parents feel that the education system in formal schools does not support family values. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; activity; addition; alternative; analysis; areas; attention; attitude; baidi; behavior; better; children; coefficient; community; curriculum; data; development; education; elements; environment; experiences; factors; families; family; feelings; formal; goals; homeschooling; important; increase; independent; individual; influence; interest; jakarta; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; linear; means; methods; model; motivation; multiple; mulyadi; needs; new; object; outcomes; outside; parental; parents; person; personality; practices; process; psikologi; public; quality; questionnaire; reasons; regression; relationship; research; results; role; schools; significance; social; special; states; students; studies; study; support; surakarta; table; teachers; teaching; tendency; test; value; variables cache: jsser-522.pdf plain text: jsser-522.txt item: #413 of 450 id: jsser-559 author: Hambali, IM title: Examining the Relevance of Indonesian Vocational High School Career Outcomes to the Labor Market date: 2019-03-07 words: 7398 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords: Relevance, Vocational Schools Graduates, Labor Market Introduction This study primarily concerns with guidance and counseling on the career development of vocational school students in Pasuruan, Indonesia. Schools often ask students to manage production units and the subsequent marketing, and this has impacted attitudes and self-motivation, as well as increased the awareness that vocational high schools graduates do not necessarily become employees. keywords: activities; addition; adequate; alumni; analysis; business; career; career guidance; change; competence; counseling; data; decision; development; education; education research; efforts; employability; employment; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; experience; figure; government; graduates; guidance; hambali; high; high schools; important; individual; industrial; industry; institutions; international; interview; job; journal; labor; learning; level; life; management; market; marketing; needs; networks; new; participants; partnerships; pasuruan; personal; process; production; products; programs; promotional; quality; relevance; relevant; research; sample; schools; services; skills; social; staff; standard; students; studies; study; support; system; teachers; training; units; vet; vocational; vocational education; vocational guidance; vocational high; vocational schools; work; workforce; working cache: jsser-559.pdf plain text: jsser-559.txt item: #414 of 450 id: jsser-601 author: Sari, Eliana; Koul, Rekha; Rochanah, Siti; Arum, Wahyu Sri Ambar; Muda, Iskandar title: How Could Management of School Environment Improve Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for The Environment? (Case Study at Schools for Specifics Purposes) date: 2019-06-24 words: 9777 flesch: 26 summary: The principal should create school programs that focus on increasing teacher organizational citizenship behavior for the environment through training activities that are scheduled regularly. This study aims to estimate the effect of school environment, work engagement, and job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior for the environment. keywords: activities; average; behaviors; children; citizenship behavior; classroom; coefficient; commitment; composite; conditions; creative; data; education; education research; effect; effective; elements; emotional; employees; engagement; environment; et al; factors; fit; fraser; high; hypothesis; important; indicators; indonesia; influence; infrastructure; innovative; international; items; jakarta; job; job satisfaction; johnson; journal; leadership; learning; learning environment; making; management; mediates; model; number; ocbe; order; organizational behavior; organizational citizenship; organizational environment; path; perceptions; performance; pls; positive; positive effect; principal; process; professional; psychology; purposes; quality; questionnaire; relationships; reliability; reliable; research; results; role; sari; satisfaction; scale; school environment; schools; self; sem; skaalvik; social; special; specifics; standardized; students; studies; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; testing; total; use; validity; value; variables; wang; work; work engagement cache: jsser-601.pdf plain text: jsser-601.txt item: #415 of 450 id: jsser-650 author: Omodan, Bunmi Isaiah title: Democratic Pedagogy in South Africa: A rethinking Viewpoint for knowledge Construction. date: 2019-06-24 words: 6138 flesch: 47 summary: Towards Dialogic Teaching in Science Challenging Classroom Realities through Teacher Education. Nevertheless, the government and various notable education agencies have attempted to liberate the South African education system through various transformation agendas in an attempt to provide South African learners with education that fits their contextual needs. keywords: able; african; approach; botha; classroom; collaborative; communication; construction; content; critical; culture; curriculum; democracy; democratic; development; dialogical; disruptive; education; effective; environment; experiences; experiential; human; human rights; idea; important; information; interaction; issues; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; life; life orientation; means; method; methodologies; nel; new; omodan; orientation; pedagogy; people; practice; preez; problem; process; real; reasoning; research; rights; skills; social; society; solving; south; students; studies; system; teachers; teaching; thinking; university; use; way cache: jsser-650.pdf plain text: jsser-650.txt item: #416 of 450 id: jsser-682 author: Arifin, M; herri, herri; Puteri, Hesi Eka title: Personality, Grit and Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Vocational Higher Education: The Mediating Role of Job Involvement date: 2019-06-24 words: 7208 flesch: 42 summary: There was a role of job involvement affecting the effectiveness of personality and grit in determining the achievement of OCB lecturers. The work demands of the lecturer with the learning process that prioritizes practice rather than theory, requires the extra role and high job involvement. keywords: academic; analysis; arifin; average; behavior; business; citizenship; coefficient; construct; development; direct; duckworth; education; effect; effort; empirical; extra; factor; findings; grit; higher; important; indicators; indonesia; influence; job involvement; journal; lecturers; level; loading; management; measure; measurement; model; ocb; organizational; p<0.01; partial; path; performance; perseverance; personality; pls; polytechnic; positive; predictor; previous; psychology; related; relationship; reliability; research; role; social; staff; structural; studies; study; table; universities; university; value; variable; work cache: jsser-682.pdf plain text: jsser-682.txt item: #417 of 450 id: jsser-698 author: Supriyadi, Tedi; Julia, J; Firdaus, Endis title: The Problems of Gender Equality: A Reconstruction of Islamic Doctrine date: 2019-06-24 words: 7920 flesch: 65 summary: Peshkova’s (2009) study was a two-year of ethnographic fieldwork on women leadership in Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan. Introduction Claim: Women are Leaders Women are natural-born leaders. keywords: abi; ability; adam; addition; allah; aspects; bakrah; bandung; beirut; biased; bin; bukhori; change; concept; creation; dalam; dan; dar; doctrine; education; equality; eve; female; field; fiqh; firdaus; gender; hadith; hanbal; historical; ibn; imam; indonesia; interpretation; islam; islamic; issue; jakarta; journal; julia; justice; justification; katsir; kepemimpinan; leadership; legal; life; man; ma’shumah; meaning; mernissi; mission; mizan; muhammad; muslim; muslim women; nisa; origin; patriarchal; pbuh; people; perempuan; person; perspective; political; politics; position; prayer; president; prohibition; prophet; public; quran; qur’an; rakhmat; religion; religious; research; ribs; rights; role; scholars; social; society; spirit; studies; study; sufi; superiority; supriyadi; tafsir; tasawuf; teachings; tentang; time; ulemas; understanding; values; view; wadud; women; word; هللا cache: jsser-698.pdf plain text: jsser-698.txt item: #418 of 450 id: jsser-722 author: Jamil, M.; Jauhari, Iman; Dahlan, Dahlan title: The Response of Pesantren Community Toward the Ideology of Islamism: A Study of Pesantren Teachers’ Perception in North Sumatra date: 2019-06-24 words: 7520 flesch: 57 summary: In addition, they believe that the idea of establishing an Islamic state originate from the commands of the Qur’an and Hadith while the ideas of non-Islamic state came from human’s limited thought. In addition, s/he argues that history has shown that Indonesian leaders have not accommodated the interests of Muslims so far, and the leadership emerged from a non-Islamic system. keywords: addition; arguments; bombings; community; concept; country; dahlan; dan; darul; data; democracy; education; establishment; fighting; fiqh; fourth; god; group; hadith; hasanah; idea; ideology; ilmu; indonesia; infidels; institutions; interviews; islamic; islamic state; islamism; islamists; jamil; jauhari; jihad; journal; law; leaders; leadership; majority; martyrdom; meaning; mursyid; muslims; non; people; pesantren; pesantren teachers; questionnaires; qur’an; radicalism; religion; religious; research; researchers; response; right; scholars; second; sharia; social; state; students; studies; study; suicide; teachers; teachings; terrorism; tibi; ulumul; violence; war; way; women; world cache: jsser-722.pdf plain text: jsser-722.txt item: #419 of 450 id: jsser-725 author: Sutimin, Leo Agung title: Development of Students’ Knowledge of History: Acceptance and Rejection of the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation Narratives date: 2019-06-24 words: 6082 flesch: 46 summary: The research questions are as follows: (1) How do students construct their knowledge of history? (2) What main factors affect whether students accept or reject historical information? keywords: activities; acts; analysis; classroom; concept; confrontation; development; dialectical; dijk; discourse; discursive; discussion; documentary; education; events; federation; film; findings; historical; history; indonesia; information; internationalism; journal; knowledge; knowledge development; language; language use; learning; london; malaysia; marx; new; perspective; piaget; political; practice; press; prior; prior knowledge; process; research; routledge; sn11; sn4; sn7; social; soekarno; speech; students; studies; study; theory; understanding; university; use; vygotsky; york cache: jsser-725.pdf plain text: jsser-725.txt item: #420 of 450 id: jsser-753 author: Shawaqfeh, Baha' Suhail; Almahaireh, Abdallah Salem title: TechnoWellness and its relationship with Happiness and Optimism among the Jordan University students date: 2019-06-24 words: 7317 flesch: 51 summary: Previous studies have suggested that the level of optimism among university students is high or between intermediate and high levels (Hammodeh, 2015; Khalil, 2009; Darawshe, 2014; Qaddoumi, 2018) Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2019: 10 (2), 145-167 The high level of student optimism can be attributed to the fact that the students of the University of Jordan are more likely to secure work in the private sector compared to those of other universities in order to that they have a better chance to work. Thus, regardless of gender or university faculty, the students experience positive technology use during this positive period in their lives in which they are studying subjects that interest them and are optimistic about their future employment prospects. keywords: academic; almahaireh; anxiety; apps; averages; behavior; computers; correlation; data; deviations; differences; education; effects; emotions; factors; faculty; friends; future; gender; good; happiness; happy; health; high; higher; human; individual; internet; inventory; items; jordan; journal; level; life; mean; media; moderate; modern; negative; new; online; optimism; participants; pessimism; physical; positive; psychological; psychology; relationship; research; researchers; responses; results; sample; satisfaction; scale; self; seligman; shawaqfeh; significant; social; standard; std; stress; students; studies; study; table; technology; technowellness; total; university; university students; unpublished; use; variables; way; ways; work; world cache: jsser-753.pdf plain text: jsser-753.txt item: #421 of 450 id: jsser-763 author: Wibowo, Agung Prasetyo; Nababan, Mangatur Rudolf; Santosa, Riyadi; Kristina, Diah title: Reconfiguring Localization Quality Assessment for Video Games date: 2019-09-23 words: 6890 flesch: 48 summary: Componentially this connectionist perspective is structurally constructed to yield what we term as layers of assessment, with which the assessors will use to assess video game localization in regard to ecocriticism perspectives. In this layer, the tasks of the assessors are to reveal the relationship between cultural, normal and legal contents of video games with potential environmental and ecological issues emerging from video game localization as perceived from file size shift. keywords: additional; analysis; assessment; assessors; case; concerns; configurative; consumption; criticism; cultural; culture; data; different; digital; digital distribution; distribution; eco; ecological; education; elements; environmental; extra; fantasy; fight; file; file size; final; game; game elements; game localization; gold; iii; increase; interpretive; issues; japanese; journal; layer; level; like; localization; lqa; mechanics; media; model; original; paraphernalia; partial; peripherals; perspectives; physical; possible; post; power; power consumption; process; quality; relation; remake; research; severity; shift; ship; sim; size; social; square; studies; target; translation; trigger; uplift; version; video; video game; waste cache: jsser-763.pdf plain text: jsser-763.txt item: #422 of 450 id: jsser-792 author: Salimova, Daniya; Sabitova, Aigul title: Problems of Choosing the Main Language in a Bilingual Society of National Regions date: 2019-06-24 words: 7187 flesch: 51 summary: The reason for such a low level of Tatar language proficiency is (on a descending line): lack of the need for knowledge of the language in life, the complexity of the subject, the low level of teaching the Tatar language, lack of time, etc. Language education should meet the challenges of the time and prepare the younger generation for successful socialization and integration. keywords: answers; authors; bilingual; bilingualism; children; communication; consciousness; cultural; department; development; different; education; english; ethnic; example; fact; factors; federal; foreign; foreign language; future; interest; journal; kazan; knowledge; lack; language; level; life; linguistic; love; main; nationality; native; native language; necessary; need; non; number; people; percent; person; philology; possible; questions; real; republic; research; residents; respondents; results; russian; russian language; sabitova; salimova; school; science; second; social; state; students; studies; study; system; tatar; tatar language; tatarstan; teaching; time; today; training; true; university; way; work; world; years cache: jsser-792.pdf plain text: jsser-792.txt item: #423 of 450 id: jsser-796 author: Komarudin, Komarudin; Alkhudri, Ahmad Tarmiji; Ubedilah, Ubedilah; Syaifudin, Syaifudin; Casmana, Asep Rudi title: The Nationality Education Model: The Implementation of a Score-A Training Model for Youth Across different Cultures in Indonesia date: 2019-06-24 words: 5499 flesch: 46 summary: Syaifudin4 Asep Rudi Casmana5 Abstract This paper aimed to analyse to analyze the implementation of nationality education model for youth across different cultures through the SCORE-A model. When teaching nationality education model using SCORE-A, it probably can produce the new insight and reflective views from youths about nationality and identity. keywords: 308; able; analysis; assessment; awareness; background; case; citizenship; coaching; community; concept; conflict; context; country; creative; critical; cross; cultural; culture; data; design; development; different; economic; education; education model; education research; ethnic; experience; group; implementation; important; indonesian; insight; interview; jakarta; journal; komarudin; language; learning; media; method; model; nationality; nationality education; negeri; new; participants; problems; process; program; qualitative; race; religion; research; results; review; score; skills; social; spatial; studies; study; teaching; thinking; training; training model; youths cache: jsser-796.pdf plain text: jsser-796.txt item: #424 of 450 id: jsser-807 author: Nugrahani, Dyah; Nababan, M.R.; Santosa, Riyadi; Djatmika, Djatmika title: Translating Javanese Culture Expressions in a Novel: Techniques and Quality date: 2019-06-24 words: 7948 flesch: 55 summary: This study asks the following research questions to guide the research process: 1) What kinds of Javanese fixed expressions do translators take from the novels Burung-Burung Manyar, Pengakuan Pariyem, and Para Priyayi to perform cultural meaning translation? Nababan (2008) emphasizes that a Nugrahani, et al. translator must have cultural competence in both the source and target languages, otherwise the translator will not be sensitive to considering cultural fixed expressions. keywords: acceptability; accuracy; adaptation; aling; analysis; bahasa; bebasan; behavior; borrowing; burung; coconut; confession; content; corpus; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; data; deletion; different; education; english; equivalent; example; expressions; fgd; fixed; form; gentry; good; group; idioms; indonesia; jakarta; javanese; javanese culture; javanese expressions; jero; journal; kayam; language; life; literal; mangunwijaya; manyar; meaning; message; mikul; modulation; nababan; novels; nugrahani; original; para; paribasan; pariyem; pengakuan; people; phrase; priyayi; problems; process; quality; readability; reader; research; saloka; sanepa; sastrodarsono; sentence; social; source; specific; specific expressions; states; structure; studies; study; surakarta; table; target; target language; target text; technique; terms; text; transfer; translation; translation techniques; translators; university; use; wangsalan; way; weaverbirds; words cache: jsser-807.pdf plain text: jsser-807.txt item: #425 of 450 id: jsser-811 author: Lubis, Dahlia title: Religious Education for Aliran Kebatinan Community in Contemporary Indonesia date: 2019-06-24 words: 7360 flesch: 46 summary: This institution is under the Ministry of Religion with the main function of overseeing new religions and Aliran Kebatinan group and their activities. Setiawan (2018) revealed that the Directorate of Trust in God the almighty recorded 248 central organizations and 980 branch organizations that brought together Aliran Kebatinan followers. keywords: able; accordance; adherents; agama; aliran; aliran kebatinan; aliran kepercayaan; almighty; beliefs; cards; certain; certificate; children; citizens; community; constitutional; country; court; culture; dalam; dan; discrimination; education; family; field; followers; formal; god; government; group; human; identity; indonesia; institutions; islam; islamic; issue; jakarta; journal; kebatinan; kebatinan community; kebatinan followers; kepercayaan; knowledge; ktp; large; law; lessons; lubis; majority; marriage; ministry; minority; muslim; mysticism; national; new; number; office; official; official religions; organizations; penghayat; problem; regulation; religion; religious; religious education; republic; research; researchers; review; rights; sapta; schools; services; social; state; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; sumarah; teachers; teachings; tentang cache: jsser-811.pdf plain text: jsser-811.txt item: #426 of 450 id: jsser-821 author: Kenna, Joshua title: The Status of Field Trips Among Secondary Social Studies Teachers in Florida date: 2019-09-23 words: 5859 flesch: 55 summary: A short review of school field trips: key findings from the past and implications for the future. Do children learn on school field trips? keywords: academic; average; cost; curriculum; data; difference; education; elementary; experience; field; field trips; grades; hours; journal; kenna; kisiel; learning; locale; mean; motivations; museum; new; number; obstacles; opportunity; participants; percentage; population; practice; previous; research; russell; sample; school; science; secondary; secondary social; secondary teachers; self; sites; social; social studies; status; students; studies; studies teachers; study; table; teachers; test; time; title; total; trips; utilization; year cache: jsser-821.pdf plain text: jsser-821.txt item: #427 of 450 id: jsser-846 author: Hadarah, Hadarah; Gani, A. title: The Implementation of Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah’s Sufism Values in South Celebes date: 2019-06-24 words: 11433 flesch: 62 summary: Muhammad Yusuf (the name of Sheikh Yûsûf al – Makassarî when he was young) could do this because his leadership in Naqshbandiyah Sufi order had confirmed his position adequately in Lingga, the island where Sultan lived. al Siyasah al Syar'iyyah. keywords: abdul; ahmad; allah; allah swt; amin; area; aspects; beings; better; body; celebes; century; characteristics; characters; community; condition; cultural; culture; dan; datuk; deeds; degree; dhikr; education; essence; faith; feeling; fiqh; form; gani; ghazali; god; good; gowa; hadarah; hakekat; heart; human; ibn; ihsân; implementation; individual; indonesia; influence; isa; islam; islamic; journal; kingdom; knowledge; level; life; luwu; ma'rifat; ma'rifatullah; makassar; maqâm; matters; means; mental; method; minangkabau; model; muhammad; naqshabandiyah order; naqshbandiyah; naqshbandiyah sufi; noble; order; pattern; pbuh; people; perfect; perfection; perspective; phase; position; power; practice; presence; prophet; regency; relationship; religion; religious; research; scholars; science; second; sewang; sharia; sheikh; sins; social; soul; south; spiritual; spread; studies; study; sufi; sufi order; sufism; sulawesi; sultan; sunnah; swt; system; tarekat; tariqa; tasawuf; tauhid; tawajjuh; teacher; teachings; tenet; things; time; tiro; understanding; values; way; wirid; world; worship; yusuf; zahir; zikir; zuhud cache: jsser-846.pdf plain text: jsser-846.txt item: #428 of 450 id: jsser-861 author: Giyoto, Giyoto; Purnomo, SF. Luthfie Arguby; Untari, Lilik; Purnama, SF. Lukfianka Sanjaya; Asiyah, Nur title: Gaminguistics: Proposing an Ethnography of Communication for Video Game Avatars date: 2019-09-23 words: 9271 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: framework of communication, game avatars, game studies, video games, prosthetic culture. In terms of game avatars, the prosthetic culture attempts to elucidate that avatars own their own cultures, from which they live and communicate with their textual structures to allow the emergence of gamers’ learning and habituation. keywords: aarseth; action; acts; analysis; aspects; avatars; boxes; certain; classifiable; communication; communication framework; communicators; context; control; culture; cycle; data; death; dialogue; dictative; different; education; elements; enix; explorative; expressions; fantasy; features; final; framework; freedom; functions; game avatars; games; gaming; genres; giyoto; identity; information; instruments; interaction; interpretive; journal; konami; life; limited; linguistics; ludic; massive; media; modification; narrative; non; online; orientations; players; points; presence; prosthetic; rebirth; rehak; relationship; research; restrictive; roster; rpg; saving; second; social; spatiality; speech; square; strategy; studies; study; system; terms; textonic; theory; titles; traditional; traditional rpg; transmission; types; usability; user; verbal; video; video games; virtual; visual; world cache: jsser-861.pdf plain text: jsser-861.txt item: #429 of 450 id: jsser-885 author: Sadiku, Grevista S.; Sylaj, vlora title: Factors That Influence the Level of the Academic Performance of the Students date: 2019-09-23 words: 8150 flesch: 52 summary: The study sought to achieve the following objectives, namely: to determine the level of performance of students, to investigate the influence of parents education level on pupils’ performance, to establish the influence of family discipline on performance of pupils, to establish the level of parent support with teachers and vice versa, to establish the level of parent-teacher communication and vice versa, to establish the level of parent-teacher safety, and to investigate the level of parents' expectations and emotions with teachers. The first part was aimed at collecting data on demographic characteristics such as gender, date of birth, classroom, family status of parents, and parent education. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; children; christenson; collaboration; communication; cooperation; correlation; data; demographic; development; discipline; discussion; education; elementary; emotions; environment; expectations; families; family; findings; frequencies; grade; help; high; high level; higher; home; homework; impact; important; influence; instrument; involvement; journal; learning; level; low; mothers; parental; parents; percentage; performance; predictive; pupils; pupils performance; questionnaire; relationship; research; results; sadiku; safety; school; secondary; social; students; studies; study; support; sylaj; table; teacher; total; trust; valid; variables; versa; vice; work; years cache: jsser-885.pdf plain text: jsser-885.txt item: #430 of 450 id: jsser-901 author: Sukmayadi, Vidi; Yahya, Azizul Halim title: Indonesian Education Landscape and the 21st Century Challenges date: 2020-12-21 words: 5790 flesch: 47 summary: Indonesia education today: Dating back its history of Islam and imparting European education system. One of the most critical steps for Indonesian education was the establishment of The Taman Siswa School and education system by Ki Hajar Dewantara in 1922. keywords: access; act; challenges; changes; compulsory; countries; country; culture; current; curriculum; dan; development; digital; dutch; education; education quality; education research; education system; era; government; high; higher; human; indonesia; indonesian education; information; international; internet; islamic; jakarta; journal; landscape; learning; level; literacy; media; ministry; national; national education; needs; new; non; oecd; order; paper; pendidikan; people; percent; performance; pirls; pisa; policy; primary; program; progress; quality; rapid; reading; religious; research; school; secondary; sector; significant; social; structure; students; studies; studies education; study; sukmayadi; suratno; system; teachers; teaching; technology; time; world; yahya; year cache: jsser-901.pdf plain text: jsser-901.txt item: #431 of 450 id: jsser-904 author: Kireev, Boris; Zhundibayeva, Aray; Aktanova, Aiman title: Distance Learning in Higher Education Institutions: Results of an Experiment date: 2019-09-23 words: 6478 flesch: 45 summary: A large number of works were devoted to the use of e-learning in Kireev et al. training, both in the form of the MOOCs and blended learning (Porter, 2014; Pizzi, 2014; Veledinskaya at al., 2015; 2016; Mijares, 2017; Dunets et al., 2019; Kuderova et al., 2018; Frolov and Frolova, 2018; Natolochnaya et al., 2018; Gerasimova et al., 2018a,b). If one talks about reforming the traditional educational process at some leading Russian universities by means of e-learning, it is primarily introduced in the form of blended learning, combining digital, distance, and traditional, or classroom, forms of education. keywords: 3),387; academic; activities; assignments; blended; blended learning; business; class; control; courses; department; development; digital; distance; distance learning; economics;; education; electronic; engineering; entrepreneurship; environment; et al; european; experiment; faculty; federal; final; general; groups; higher; information; international; internet; issues; journal; kireev; learning; lectures; material; modern; moocs; necessary; number; online; open; pedagogical; process; research; resources; respondents; results; russian; social; state; students; studies; study; subject; survey; system; teachers; technology; time; time students; total; traditional; universities; university; use; website; work cache: jsser-904.pdf plain text: jsser-904.txt item: #432 of 450 id: jsser-906 author: Sokip, Sokip; Akhyak, Akhyak; Soim, Soim; Tanzeh, Ahmad; Kojin, Kojin title: Character Building in Islamic Society: A Case Study of Muslim Families in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia date: 2019-06-24 words: 7049 flesch: 46 summary: Effective character education engages the school staff as learning and moral community that shares responsibility for character education and attempts to adhere to the same core values that guide the education of the students. He states that a number of factors have adversely affected young people, and there is a new impetus to revive character education. keywords: able; adult; ahmad; behavior; beings; building; character; character building; character education; children; citizens; commitment; community; countries; creative; data; decisions; development; education; education research; educators; effective; effective character; environment; era; ethical; families; family; form; global; good; good character; guidance; human; important; increase; indonesia; involved; islamic; islamic education; journal; justice; juvenile; knowledge; learning; lickona; life; main; malaysia; moral; moral education; muslim; nature; necessary; need; new; parents; people; percent; perspective; positive; principles; psychology; rate; research; responsibility; responsible; role; school; self; skills; social; society; sokip; soul; staff; states; strong; students; studies; studies education; study; times; tulungagung; values; world; young; youth cache: jsser-906.pdf plain text: jsser-906.txt item: #433 of 450 id: jsser-911 author: Sudakova, Natalia E.; Astafyeva, Olga N. title: Inclusion as a Modern Cultural Unıversal: Reflection and Conceptualization date: 2019-09-23 words: 8961 flesch: 47 summary: Social inclusion becomes ideological in nature, changing the environment in which a person exists. Reflecting on social inclusion, our priority is to reduce poverty, as well as to ensure a decent minimum income for all citizens, where society primarily cares about the most vulnerable. keywords: ability; activity; approach; astafyeva; authors; basis; business; children; community; context; countries; country; creation; creative; creativity; culture; development; dialogue; different; disabilities; diversity; economic; education; education research; equality; existence; experience; fact; formation; forms; future; gender; global; good; health; human; ideas; importance; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive education; index; individual; international; journal; learning; life; main; modern; modern society; moscow; music; needs; new; opportunities; pedagogical; people; person; policy; practices; problem; process; realization; recognition; reflection; relevant; research; russian; scientific; self; social; social inclusion; social studies; society; sociocultural; space; special; studies; study; subject; sudakova; systemic; time; today; tolerance; tool; trends; understanding; unesco; unique; uniqueness; universal; value; way; work; world cache: jsser-911.pdf plain text: jsser-911.txt item: #434 of 450 id: jsser-916 author: Shatunova, Olga; Anisimova, Tatyana; Sabirova, Fairuza; Kalimullina, Olga title: STEAM as an Innovative Educational Technology date: 2019-06-24 words: 5043 flesch: 44 summary: Today there is an active movement from STEM to STEAM education (Tarnoff, 2011; Sousa & Pilecki, 2013). Members of the bipartisan commission for the development of STEAM education, established in 2013 in the US Congress, announced that only activation of both hemispheres of the brain will teach people to think creatively and innovatively, which will be crucial for the growth of the economy in the 21st century and the creation of high- performance jobs . keywords: ability; activities; activity; art; average; business; competencies; conference; creative; creativity; design; development; digital; disciplines; economy; education; elabuga; engineering; example; experience; experimental; federal; formation; future; groups; high; implementation; industry; initiative; integration; international; issue; journal; kazan; knowledge; level; mathematics; new; people; process; professional; project; research; results; schoolchildren; science; scientific; shatunova; skills; social; spaces; steam; steam education; students; studies; study; subject; tasks; teachers; technical; technology; thinking; training; universities; university; use; vol; work; working cache: jsser-916.pdf plain text: jsser-916.txt item: #435 of 450 id: jsser-917 author: Ivygina, Alyona; Pupysheva, Evgeniya; Mukhametshina, Dinara title: Formation of Sociocultural Competence among Foreign Students date: 2019-12-24 words: 9546 flesch: 38 summary: The cultural component is the determining factor in order to form sociocultural competence, since it is responsible for the perception and mastering of foreign language culture. The periodic diagnostics and monitoring of the sociocultural competence formation in students revealed the positive dynamics of the levels of sociocultural competence formation in students during the Russian as a foreign language courses. keywords: ability; advanced; analysis; authors; axiological; cognitive; communication; competence; competence formation; component; conditions; control; country; culture; data; department; development; education; environment; et al; etc; experiment; foreign; foreign language; foreign students; formation; gerasimova; group; high; higher; history; history texts; intercultural; intermediate; international; ivygina; journal; kfu; knowledge; language; language culture; language education; learning; level; linguistic; local; local history; low; mastering; material; means; methods; moscow; motivation; native; need; new; pedagogical; people; points; possible; preparatory; process; questionnaire; regional; research; results; russian; russian language; sciences; skills; social; sociocultural; sociocultural competence; stage; students; studies; study; tasks; teacher; teaching; texts; training; university; use; values; work; yei; yelabuga cache: jsser-917.pdf plain text: jsser-917.txt item: #436 of 450 id: jsser-918 author: Frolova, Galina; Bozhkova, Galina; Bykov, Anton title: Activities and projects aimed to promote reading in Yelabuga (the Republic of Tatarstan) and Pilsen (the Czech Republic) date: 2019-12-24 words: 6597 flesch: 48 summary: Research stages: 1) the study of psychological, sociological, and pedagogical literature, trends in the theory and practice of the formation of reading culture; 2) experimental work (conducting a survey); 3) experimental verification of the developed theoretical positions; systematization and generalization of the results. Readers contest in book illustrations and thus promote reading culture since cover ideas can be introduced after a teenager has read a book. keywords: activities; adolescents; analysis; answer; authors; book; club; contests; creative; culture; czech; czech republic; data; development; education; et al; events; experience; face; federal; fiction; figure; following; frolova; global; information; institute; interest; international; internet; issues; journal; kazan; kfu; leo; library; life; literary; literature; means; methods; modern; organized; paper; parents; participants; peers; pilsen; preferred; problem; projects; question; questionnaire; readers; reading; republic; research; respondents; results; russian; school; schoolchildren; social; students; studies; study; support; survey; tatarstan; teachers; technology; teenagers; tolstoy; university; works; world; writer; year; yelabuga cache: jsser-918.pdf plain text: jsser-918.txt item: #437 of 450 id: jsser-919 author: Borodina, Tatiana; Sibgatullina, Alfiya; Gizatullina, Anna title: Developing Creative Thinking in Future Teachers as a Topical Issue of Higher Education date: 2019-12-24 words: 6738 flesch: 39 summary: Journal of Social Studies Education Research Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2019:10 (4), 226-245 226 Developing Creative Thinking in Future Teachers as a Topical Issue of Higher Education Tatiana Borodina1, Alfiya Sibgatullina2 & Anna Gizatullina3 Abstract The relevance of the problem of the formation of creative thinking among students of pedagogical areas of training is explained by the current contradiction between the society’s need for creative, creatively thinking teachers and the insecurity of the system of professional pedagogical training necessary conditions for organizing the process of forming creative thinking among future teachers. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; authors; average; borodina; characteristics; conditions; creative; creative thinking; creativity; critical; data; development; different; dynamics; education; environment; experiment; factors; federal; fiction; foreign; formation; future; future teachers; general; higher; impact; influence; institute; international; journal; kazan; language; learning; level; manifestation; methods; moscow; need; new; non; pedagogical; personal; potential; problem; process; professional; psychology; questionnaire; reading; research; respondents; results; russia; social; state; students; studies; study; tasks; teachers; teaching; technology; testing; thinking; training; type; university; use; vocational cache: jsser-919.pdf plain text: jsser-919.txt item: #438 of 450 id: jsser-923 author: Pavlyshyn, Liudmyla; Voronkova, Olga; Yakutina, Marina; Tesleva, Elena title: Ethical Problems Concernig Dialectic Interaction of Culture and Civilization date: 2019-09-23 words: 5058 flesch: 51 summary: Science and civilization are not able to provide spiritual progress because spiritual culture includes moral, aesthetic and intellectual achievements of humanity. While it is understood as a level of social development of material and spiritual culture (for example, antique, Roman, modern civilization). keywords: ability; activity; art; century; civilization; concept; conditions; crisis; cultural; culture; development; different; economic; education; et al; example; existence; food; form; freedom; future; group; human; ibragimova; idea; impossible; individual; interaction; international; journal; knowledge; level; life; management; material; moral; nature; new; oswald; pavlyshyn; people; person; philosophy; pitirim; problem; progress; public; real; religion; research; result; russian; science; self; simon; social; social studies; society; sorokin; spengler; spiritual; studies; study; system; technology; term; things; university; values; world cache: jsser-923.pdf plain text: jsser-923.txt item: #439 of 450 id: jsser-924 author: Winaja, I Wayan; Prabawa, I Wayan Sukma Winarya; Pertiwi, Putu Ratih title: Acculturation and Its Effects on the Religious and Ethnic Values of Bali’s Catur Village Community date: 2019-09-23 words: 9984 flesch: 53 summary: An interview with a group of Catur village community citizens found that the Chinese community recognises Tat Twam Asi even though the concept is derived from Hindu teachings, namely the Brahman- Atman Aikyam. Winaja1, I Wayan Sukma Winarya Prabawa2, & Putu Ratih Pertiwi3 Abstract The primary aim of this paper is to identify the best practices for multicultural communities looking to co-exist in the same territory, using Catur village as a case study. keywords: acculturation; action; addition; ancestors; area; asi; assimilation; balinese; bangli; banjar; beliefs; buddhists; catur; catur village; chinese; chinese community; citizens; communicative; communities; community; concept; cultural; cultural acculturation; culture; customs; data; differences; different; dinas; diverse; diversity; education; effects; elements; ethnic; ethnicities; example; existence; foreign; forms; god; good; groups; harmonious; harmony; head; hindu; hinduism; history; humans; ida; indonesia; interviews; journal; karana; kaya; kintamani; lampu; leaders; life; living; local; local wisdom; members; multicultural; new; paradigm; parisudha; participants; people; place; practices; primary; process; pura; qualitative; regency; relationship; religion; religious; research; results; rights; ritual; sanggah; siu; social; society; studies; study; tat; temple; themes; theoretical; theory; time; tji; traditions; tri; twam; understanding; values; village; village community; winaja; wisdom; worship cache: jsser-924.pdf plain text: jsser-924.txt item: #440 of 450 id: jsser-927 author: Baharuddin, Baharuddin; Dalle, Juhriyansyah title: Transforming Learning Spaces for Elementary School Children with Special Needs date: 2019-06-24 words: 5862 flesch: 55 summary: Methods for achieving the goal Figure 1 illustrates the four phases of this study: understanding the problem and gathering the requirements, designing the system, developing system, and collecting user feedback. The study uses a four-phase iterative process to develop and analyze a prototype eLearning system: understanding the problem, designing the system, developing the system, and gathering user feedback. keywords: activity; administrators; approach; artifacts; baharuddin; children; computer; conference; content; dalle; data; design; development; diagram; disabilities; disability; disabled; education; feedback; figure; hearing; impairments; information; infrastructure; intellectual; interaction; interface; international; journal; learners; learning; main; materials; mutalib; needs; online; parents; physical; proceedings; process; prototype; questions; research; schools; similar; social; special; students; studies; study; sufficient; system; tasks; teachers; teaching; technology; time; understanding; usecase; users cache: jsser-927.pdf plain text: jsser-927.txt item: #441 of 450 id: jsser-931 author: Akhtarieva, Raziya; Ibragimova, Elmira; Tarasova, Aiziryak title: Dynamics of Acculturation Processes Among Foreign Students in The Multi-Ethnic Educational Environment of the Higher Educational Establishment date: 2019-09-23 words: 7496 flesch: 41 summary: This is also indicated by the active involvement of foreign students in interaction with Russian students and teachers, their participation in extracurricular life of the University. The purpose of the article is to study the dynamics of acculturation processes among foreign students in the multi-ethnic educational environment of the university. keywords: 2019; acculturation; acculturation processes; activities; adaptation; akhtarieva; analysis; answers; attitude; authors; club; communication; conditions; cross; cultural; culture; data; development; different; dynamics; educational; educational environment; elabuga; elabuga institute; environment; factors; federal; festival; foreign; foreign students; formation; friendship; future; group; identity; institute; integration; interethnic; international; issues; journal; kazan; kfu; language; level; life; multi; nationalities; nationality; new; number; pedagogical; people; process; processes; psychological; questionnaire; representatives; research; respondents; results; russian; science; second; situation; social; socio; space; stage; standards; students; studies; study; subsequent; table; teacher; traditions; training; university; values; work; world; year cache: jsser-931.pdf plain text: jsser-931.txt item: #442 of 450 id: jsser-933 author: Fedulova, Inna; Ivanova, Valentina; Atyukova, Olga; Nosov, Vladimir title: Inclusive Education as a Basis for Sustainable Development of Society date: 2019-09-23 words: 6264 flesch: 37 summary: EIConRus.2019.8657011 Zhavoronkov R.N. Technology of higher inclusive education for persons with disabilities, used in the United States of America. The aim of this study is to determine the role and place of inclusive education in developing the concept of sustainable development of society as a whole. keywords: analysis; basis; chelyabinsk; children; concept; conditions; convention; development; difference; disabilities; disability; disabled; education; education research; entrepreneurship; environment; et al; experience; fact; federal; federation; fedulova; general; group; growth; higher; higher education; impossible; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive education; individuals; institutions; interaction; international; issues; journal; law; life; model; needs; ordinary; people; persons; practice; problems; process; program; razumovsky; research; rights; russian; school; social; society; special; state; students; studies; studies education; study; support; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable development; technology; training; universities; university; url; vocational; work cache: jsser-933.pdf plain text: jsser-933.txt item: #443 of 450 id: jsser-95 author: Şimşek, Ahmet; Bal, Mehmet Suat title: An Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Perception of Historical Time Through The Time Tables date: 2010-11-30 words: 6744 flesch: 64 summary: uygulanabilir olduğu düşüncesiyle, insanın anlamlandırmaya çalıştığı, bu bağlamda biçimlendirme eğilimde olduğu tarihin de döngüsel olabileceği, (tekerrürden ibaret bir tarih) kabul edilmiştir. Düz bir çizgi olmaksızın bir başlangıçtan sona doğru bir hat üzerinde anlatılması 9 16,7 4 Sadece Lineer: keywords: 1(1; adaylarının; ages; ahmet; algıları; algılarının; alınmıştır; ana; analysis; ancak; ankara; anlamda; antik; aracılığıyla; arasında; araştırma; araştırmanın; augustinus; ayrı; aşağıdaki; bal; bazı; belirli; bilgiler; bir; birimlendirilmiş; bitirdikleri; biçimde; bu yapıda; bu şekli; bugün; bulgu; bunun; büyük; candidate; cetvel; cevabı; cevapları; concept; conclusion; daha; data; david; değişim; diem; dikkat; diğer; doğru; doğrusal; durum; döneme; dönemsel; döngüsel; dünya; düz; edilen; edilmiştir; education; education research; elde; ele; ettikleri; events; eğitim; farklı; formal; forms; frekans; gelecek; genel; geçmiş; geçmişin; geçmişten; gibi; group; göre; görülmüştür; günümüze; hat; havzaları; historical; historical time; history; ilerleyen; ilişkin; ilk; images; important; inişli; insan; insanın; interesting; için; içinde; journal; kabul; kadar; kavramı; kendi; konu; kronoloji; kullandıkları; kullandığı; kullanmışlardır; kullanmıştır; kullanılan; lineer; mehmet; metrik; milat; modern; nasıl; national; neden; olan; olarak; olarak şekil; olayların; olayın; olduğu; olduğunu; olmama; olmayan; olmuştur; olup; ortaya; osmanlı; past; perception; piramit; point; present; primary; research; resim; sadece; sahiptir; sayımız; school; semboller; senkronik; service; social; social studies; sonuç; sorulduğunda; sosyal; students; studies; studies education; study; suat; symbols; sürekli; sınıf; sıra; tablo; tarih; tarih şeritlerini; tarihin; tarihsel; tarihsel zaman; tarihte; teachers; teaching; temel; tercih; tespit; time; timelines; toplam; tren; turning; uygarlık; uygarlıkların; var; vermişlerdir; vs.; web; yaparken; yaptıkları; yapıda; yapısal; yayınları; years; yer; yüzden; zaman; zamanda; zamansal; zamanın; çalışma; çamuroğlu; çağ; çağlar; çizdikleri; çizen; çizen öğrenci; çizerken; çizgisel; çok; çünkü; çıkışlı; önemli; önemlidir; örnek; özlem; öğrenci; öğrencilerin; öğrencilerin tarih; öğretmen; öğretmenliği; üniversitesi; ürünü; üzerinde; şekil; şekiller; şekli; şeklinde; şeridi; şeritlerinde; şimdi; şimşek; şi̇mşek cache: jsser-95.pdf plain text: jsser-95.txt item: #444 of 450 id: jsser-950 author: Saenko, Natalya; Voronkova, Olga; Volk, Marina; Voroshilova, Olga title: The Social Responsibility of a Scientist: the Philosophical Aspect of Contemporary Discussions date: 2019-09-23 words: 5441 flesch: 35 summary: The ambivalent attitude should also be noted towards the possibilities of scientific knowledge: the coexistence of opportunities and risks is inherent in the nature of scientific research. From a moral point of view, there is the problem of introducing ethical criteria into scientific research, what these criteria may be, as well as the sensitivity of an individual scientist and scientific community as a social group in relation to moral responsibility for the consequences of scientific discoveries and technical inventions (Lincényi, 2017; Thalassinos et al., 2011; Jankalová and Jankal, 2017; Dobrovolskienė et al., 2017; Lafer & Tarman, 2019; Radwan, 2018; Bombiak, 2019; Sabitova et al., 2018; Laužikas and Miliūtė, 2019). keywords: addition; analysis; choice; community; complex; consequences; control; criteria; culture; decisions; development; discussions; education; education research; environmental; ethical; ethics; example; existence; experimental; fear; future; impact; interdisciplinary; issues; jonas; journal; knowledge; kuhn; life; means; modern; moral; natural; nature; need; new; non; opportunities; philosophical; philosophy; physics; political; power; problems; question; research; responsibility; right; risks; saenko; science; scientific; scientific research; scientist; social; social responsibility; social studies; society; socio; state; studies; sustainability; technological; technologies; technology; theories; theory; truth; university; use; values; view cache: jsser-950.pdf plain text: jsser-950.txt item: #445 of 450 id: jsser-952 author: Roberts, Amy; Nganga, Lydiah; James, Joanie title: Citizenship and Civic Education in Costa Rica, Myanmar, and the United States date: 2019-12-24 words: 10536 flesch: 50 summary: At some future point Myanmar civic education could extend beyond national borders. A framework for teacher education in global perspectives. keywords: 21st; achievement; case; center; century; citizenship; citizenship education; civic; civic education; classroom; communities; community; concepts; contexts; core; costa; costa rica; countries; country; critical; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; democracy; democratic; development; different; dilemmas; eds; education; education research; educators; engagement; english; events; farai; field; focus; follow; framework; global; goals; government; grade; group; history; ideas; important; instruction; international; interviews; issues; jaco; journal; knowledge; laramie; learning; levels; levinson; life; local; methods; myanmar; national; nations; network; new; opportunities; participants; participation; peace; pedagogy; perspectives; policy; political; practice; press; primary; public; questions; real; research; researchers; respect; review; rica; rights; roberts; rules; school; skills; social; social studies; states; strategy; students; studies; studies education; study; subjects; system; taxi; teachers; teaching; textbooks; themes; topics; traditional; transnational; understanding; united; university; use; values; world; wyoming; york cache: jsser-952.pdf plain text: jsser-952.txt item: #446 of 450 id: jsser-96 author: Yilmaz, Kaya title: A Critical Examination of Education Reforms Implemented in the Early Years of the Turkish Republic date: 2011-05-22 words: 9736 flesch: 52 summary: Critical Evaluation of the Reforms A review of the critiques on the alphabet and language reforms shows that not every scholar blindly supports the efforts at language reform. Turkish language reform. keywords: able; acceptance; aim; akural; alfabe; alphabet; alphabet reform; arabic; article; assembly; atatürk; batı; beliefs; bir; change; civilization; country; cultural; culture; dergisi; devrimi; different; dil; dogancay; eastern; eds; education; empire; end; european; eğitim; fact; foreign; generation; grand; harf; history; identity; ideological; important; institutions; islamic; journal; kaya; kemal; kemalists; korkmaz; köprülü; language; language reform; latin; latin alphabet; law; leadership; letters; lewis; like; literacy; metz; modern; modernization; movements; mustafa; national; nationalism; needs; neologisms; new; new turkish; olarak; old; ones; order; ottoman; ottoman turkish; past; people; persian; perspectives; planning; political; press; process; public; purification; purpose; rate; reform; reformers; religion; religious; republic; research; scholars; schools; script; secular; shaw; similar; social; society; socio; sosyal; state; structure; studies; terms; theory; ties; time; traditional; turkey; turkish; turkish alphabet; turkish language; turkish people; turkish republic; turks; type; türkiye; university; use; values; way; western; westernization; words; world; years; yeni; yilmaz; york; young; zürcher; önemli cache: jsser-96.pdf plain text: jsser-96.txt item: #447 of 450 id: jsser-968 author: Plaatjies, Bernadictus O'brain title: Investigating principal capacity in literacy Instructional leadership at selected primary schools date: 2019-09-23 words: 8312 flesch: 46 summary: I argue that specific capacities related to literacy instructional leadership include principals’ knowledge of the literacy curriculum, supervision of the literacy instructional programme, empowerment of literacy teachers through professional development activities, the manner in which principals promote print-rich literacy classrooms, and the importance of principals having a vision and mission for literacy instruction. Mbhalati (2017, p. v), referring more specifically to instructional literacy leadership, states, “guidance and support to literacy teachers by instructional leaders should be given high priority”. keywords: 2011; achievement; activities; african; analysis; approach; assessment; bean; capacities; capacity; caps; challenges; classroom; clear; content; contextual; curriculum; dagen; data; day; department; development; education; effective; finding; focus; free; high; important; improvement; influence; instructional; instructional leadership; jay; journal; knowledge; lack; leadership; learners; learning; lewis; literacy; literacy curriculum; literacy instruction; literacy leadership; literature; mission; monitoring; need; nelson; participants; plaatjies; practices; pretoria; primary; principals; print; process; professional; programme; question; reading; research; rich; role; school; skills; social; south; specific; spector; staff; state; strategies; students; studies; study; subject; supervision; support; teachers; teaching; training; understanding; university; van; vision; work; writing cache: jsser-968.pdf plain text: jsser-968.txt item: #448 of 450 id: jsser-97 author: none title: Editörden-From the Editor date: 2013-06-04 words: 1496 flesch: 49 summary: The most applauded action we organized recently has been April 2013, 2nd International Symposium on Social Studies Education. Bu sayıda da altı çalışmayı sizlerle buluşturuyoruz: (i) Sara Winstead Fry, Adil Bentahar “Student Attitudes Towards and Impressions of Project Citizen - Öğrencilerin Vatandaşlık Projesine Yönelik Tutum ve İzlenimleri”; (ii) Arife Figen���� Cemil ÖZTÜRK iii “Student Attitudes Towards and Impressions of Project Citizen - Öğrencilerin Vatandaşlık Projesine Yönelik Tutum ve İzlenimleri”; (ii) Arife Figen Ersoy “Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Tartışmalı Konulara Katılımını Etkileyen Etmenler - Factors Affecting the Participation of Social Studies Teacher Candidates in Discussions on Controversial Issues”; (iii) Nihat Şimşek “As an Instructional Technology the Contribution of Geography Information Systems (GIS) to Social Studies Education and Teacher’s Attitudes Related to GIS”; (iv) Özlem Yiğit, Tuba Çengelci, Hıdır Karaduman “Teknolojinin Değerlere Yansıması Konusunda Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Görüşleri - Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Views about Reflection of Technology on Values”; (v) Sevgi Coşkun Keskin, Deniz Yüceer “Danimarka’da Vatandaşlık Eğitimi - Civic Education in Denmark”; (vi) Tekin Çelikkaya, Sema Filoğlu, Nur Sema Öktem “Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Değerler Eğitimi Uygulamalarının Öğretmenler keywords: action; adaylarının; attitudes; bilgiler; bilim; bir; cemil; children; daha; ediyor; education; educators; eğitimi; fact; family; gis; homeland;; hundreds; iii; information; issue; journal; olan; olarak; peace; people; sayıda; sbead; sema; sempozyumun; sizlerle; social; social studies; sosyal; studies; symposium; tam; teachers; technology; turkey; turkish; values; vatandaşlık; world; years; çok; çünkü; öztürk; öğretmen; ülkelerde cache: jsser-97.pdf plain text: jsser-97.txt item: #449 of 450 id: jsser-98 author: none title: Editörden date: 2010-11-30 words: 3641 flesch: 51 summary: Hello, With this first issue, Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER/SBEAD [Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi]) -as the international refereed journal and the official publication of the Association for Social Studies Edu- cators (ASSE/SBEB [Sosyal Bilgi- ler Eğitimcileri Birliği])- starts its historic journey in the literature of social studies education. gogical projects that we plan to put into practice within the context of social studies education. keywords: 1(1; academic; acun; adlı; ahmet; akademik; alana; araştırmaları; article; asse; assist; bakımından; bilgiler; bir; bülent; cemil; chief; contribution; council; dergisi; doç; editorial; editörden; education; erkan; eğitimi; eğitiminin; fakat; field; hareketinin; hayatına; historical; history; hizmet; ilgili; ilişkin; important; instructors; international; ise; issue; için; i̇smail; journal; jsser; literature; makale; marmara; movement; national; new; new social; olan; olarak; onun; practice; prof; program; project; publication; related; research; role; sbead; sbead‟nin; sbeb; scientific; skills; social; social studies; sosyal; sosyal bilgiler; stage; student; studies; studies education; studies movement; tarman; teachers‟; technology; time; training; turkey; turkish; türkiye; türkiye‟de; ulusal; uluslararası; university; uşak; value; world; yard; yayın; years; yeni; yurt; önemli; öztürk; öğretim; üniv; üzerine cache: jsser-98.pdf plain text: jsser-98.txt item: #450 of 450 id: jsser-99 author: none title: Editörden date: 2011-05-26 words: 2102 flesch: 44 summary: Biz ikinci sayının hazırlıklarını sürdürürken Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika’da meydana gelen halk hareketleri, bir yandan küreselleşen dünyada ciddî siyasî ve ekonomik sonuçlar doğururken, diğer yandan da farklı alanlarda çalışan bilim adamlarının bu eski Osmanlı Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2011: 2(1) ii scientists whose ancestors built the Pax- Otomana (Ottoman peace) and lived in peace together with the ancestors of those people who resist to death against the present autocratic rules in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Bu yurttaşlar, bilgiye dayalı karar veren, problem çözebilen, farklılıkları zenginlik gören, insan, doğa ve çevre sorunlarının çözümünde ve Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2011: 2(1) iv variety as richness, who can take an active role in the solution of problems related to human beings, nature and environment and in political processes. keywords: 2(1; adlı; alan; anachronism; articles; asse; bilgiler; bilim; bir; büyük; cemil; citizenship; community; countries; country; course; curriculum; daha; democratic; different; education; educators; eğitimi; filmlerden; good; halk; hareketleri; history; human; important; insan; issue; için; jason; journal; kaya; kuzey; local; makalesi; middle; movements; north; olarak; ortadoğu; osmanlı; ottoman; peace; people; political; problem; region; research; rights; sahip; sayıda; sbead/; scientists; siyasî; social; social studies; society; sosyal; students; studies; texts; toplum; turkey; turkish; türkiye; vatandaşlık; years; yer; öztürk cache: jsser-99.pdf plain text: jsser-99.txt