item: #1 of 24 id: jsd-157 author: Stanisavljević, Jelena D. title: Editorial date: 2016-06-13 words: 683 flesch: 37 summary: Without the develop- ment of subject didactics, there is no progress in the education system. Teachers of subject didactics are especially responsible for the development of pre- service and in-service teachers and completely dedicated to the training systems in their respective faculties and schools. keywords: didactics; subject cache: jsd-157.pdf plain text: jsd-157.txt item: #2 of 24 id: jsd-167 author: Nikolakopoulou, Katerina; Koustourakis, Gerasimos; Komis, Vassilis; Ravanis, Konstantinos title: The Discourse for the Integration of ICT in STEM Education: Attitudes Expressed in Texts on Education in Greece (1984-2006) date: 2017-03-11 words: 8100 flesch: 48 summary: University authors, while the majority of them held conservative attitudes, as we have already mentioned, to a small degree, although proportionally the biggest of all the categories, support radical attitudes. Radical attitude, which is founded on the belief that schools are to change radi-4. keywords: attitudes; authors; discourse; education; ict; icts; integration; journal; stem; teachers; teaching; technology; use cache: jsd-167.pdf plain text: jsd-167.txt item: #3 of 24 id: jsd-180 author: Fluckiger, Cedric; Bachy, Sylviane; Daunay, Bertrand title: What role does the textbook play in the era of the Interactive Whiteboard? A didactic approach to teachers’ professional writings date: 2017-03-11 words: 9432 flesch: 54 summary: A didactic approach to teachers’ professional writings Cedric Fluckiger1, Sylviane Bachy2* and Bertrand Daunay1 1Théodile-CIREL, University of Lille 3, Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois, BP 60149, 59653 Villeneuve d’ascq Cedex, France 2Didactic Center, Academic Pole of Brussels, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, CP129/9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium *Email: Abstract This article presents the questions raised and the first results of an exploratory study in the field of didactics that investigates, from a subjectivist perspective, the processes of search, selection and adaptation of teaching or learning resources by teachers, and in particular when an interactive whiteboard (IWB) is used. In continu- ation of the studies on the “documentary work” performed by teachers, we seek to identify how this process varies according to the disciplines taught. keywords: class; content; digital; iwb; learning; research; resources; students; teachers; teaching; textbook; use; whiteboard; work; writings cache: jsd-180.pdf plain text: jsd-180.txt item: #4 of 24 id: jsd-182 author: Stojšić, Ivan; Ivkov Džigurski, Anđelija; Maričić, Olja; Ivanović Bibić, Ljubica; Đukičin Vučković, Smiljana title: Possible Application of Virtual Reality in Geography Teaching date: 2017-03-18 words: 7283 flesch: 48 summary: In the last few years, especially in 2016, significant progress was achieved in the de- velopment of immersive VR devices causing new way of thinking on possibilities to utilise this technology in education. For successful learning by applying immersive VR devices, proper preparation is re- quired (Vilotijević & Vilotijević, 2008). keywords: application; cardboard; devices; education; environment; geography; google; hmd; learning; mobile; new; reality; students; teaching; technology; use cache: jsd-182.pdf plain text: jsd-182.txt item: #5 of 24 id: jsd-185 author: Filipović, Sanja; Vojvodić, Milica title: Structural development of child's artistic expression date: 2017-03-11 words: 4110 flesch: 55 summary: The results of the research showed that artistic development indicates a tendency of rise until the age 6-7 and then it is followed with an abrupt fall which matches the moment of child's start of elementary school education. This is because the laws of stimulating artistic development are already known and because these two components are constantly changing as a condi- tion for notification of creativity. keywords: age; children; colours; development; expression; karlavaris; shape cache: jsd-185.pdf plain text: jsd-185.txt item: #6 of 24 id: jsd-186 author: Papazov, Blagomir title: On the Esthetic Value of Works of Art date: 2017-03-26 words: 2036 flesch: 57 summary: According to the American philosopher and professor of arts and design at the Uni- B. Papazov98 versity of Michigan Kendall Walton, assigning esthetic values to a work of art depends on whether we consider it within the appropriate art category. The massive shifts caused by avant-garde trends in different arts, the denouncement or re-interpretation of traditional norms of visualisation and per- ception of art on the one hand, and the advancing inter-art theories and inter-mediality between different types of arts on the other, have led to incompatibility of some foundation concepts used toguide artistic interpretation. keywords: art; arts; interpretation; nature; work cache: jsd-186.pdf plain text: jsd-186.txt item: #7 of 24 id: jsd-189 author: Škorc, Bojana title: Jelena Stanisavljević & Ljubiša Stanisavljević, „Concept Mapping in Anatomy and Morphology of Invertebrates“, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Biology, 2017 date: 2017-03-11 words: 665 flesch: 43 summary: Concept maps can be applied to many different phases of teaching process: planning and preparation, formative learning; revision/summarizing and assessment. The main characteristics of concept maps are presented as well as their functions in teaching process and impact on higher education. keywords: concept; teaching cache: jsd-189.pdf plain text: jsd-189.txt item: #8 of 24 id: jsd-190 author: Sumatohin, Sergey Vitalevich; Kalinova, Galina S. title: Biology Studies in Russian Schools date: 2017-03-26 words: 1721 flesch: 44 summary: The basic level of Biology studies in school corresponds with the basic stage of gen- eral education. Keywords: Biology education, integrated school subject the World Around Us, school subject Bi- ology, stages of general biology education, model curriculum, topics (fields) of study. keywords: biology; education; school; studies cache: jsd-190.pdf plain text: jsd-190.txt item: #9 of 24 id: jsd-192 author: Mabejane, Maseqao Regina; Nyabanyaba, Thabiso; Koliopoulos, Dimitris; Ravanis, Konstantinos title: The probable causes for the espoused inadequacies in science student teachers’ practice teaching in schools at the National University of Lesotho date: 2018-02-05 words: 9907 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: pre/in-service teacher education, student teachers, teaching practice Introduction Teaching is a complex, multitasking and multidimensional process that deals with varied intertwined factors that requires deep knowledge and understanding (Ball & Forzani, 2009); Göran, 2009; Hollins, 2011). Ben-Peretz (2011) observes from the research analysis of internationally conducted studies mostly done in the West on teacher professional knowledge that there is none that considers what is entailed in the teacher training curriculum and pedagogies em- ployed to teach the student teachers to teach, as well as the observing and documenting of the implementation by student teachers of the acquired knowledge. keywords: content; education; knowledge; learning; lesotho; lesson; practice; sts; student; teacher; teacher education; teaching; tes; tpts; training cache: jsd-192.pdf plain text: jsd-192.txt item: #10 of 24 id: jsd-197 author: Ilić, Vojislav L. title: Concepts of art education curriculum, tendencies and challenges date: 2018-02-19 words: 5845 flesch: 44 summary: 197_JoSD_template Original Article Concepts of art education curriculum, tendencies and challenges Vojislav Ilić Faculty of Philology and Arts Kragujevac, University of Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia Email: Through different ideas about competences, we can see the wishes of individual countries about what is expected of visual arts education. keywords: art; arts; countries; curriculum; education; goals; learning; students; teaching; understanding cache: jsd-197.pdf plain text: jsd-197.txt item: #11 of 24 id: jsd-198 author: Horvat, Saša; Rodić, Dušica D.; Segedinac, Mirjana D.; Rončević, Tamara N. title: Evaluation of Cognitive Complexity of Tasks for the Topic Hydrogen Exponent in the Solutions of Acids and Bases date: 2018-02-19 words: 6983 flesch: 56 summary: 198_JoSD_template Original Article Evaluation of Cognitive Complexity of Tasks for the Topic Hydrogen Exponent in the Solutions of Acids and Bases Saša Horvat*, Dušica D. Rodić, Mirjana D. Segedinac, Tamara N. Rončević Department of chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of sciences, Serbia *Email: Abstract The aim of this study was evaluation of cognitive complexity of tasks for the topic hydrogen exponent in the so- lutions of acids and bases and its validation. The evaluation of cognitive complexity was confirmed by a series of linear regression analysis where high values of correlation coefficients are obtained among the ex- amined variables: student’s performance and invested mental effort (dependent variables) and cognitive com- plexity (independent variable). keywords: acids; complexity; concept; effort; students; tasks; test; value cache: jsd-198.pdf plain text: jsd-198.txt item: #12 of 24 id: jsd-206 author: Rosen, Evelyne; Hamez, Marie-Pascale title: Digital Writing in French as a Foreign Language Handbooks: Exploring the Tasks and Challenges date: 2018-04-22 words: 7396 flesch: 66 summary: How are the specificities of digital writing taught? Literature review The implementation of digital writing tasks in language classes is part of a broader re- flection on the characteristics of writing tasks as defined in the Common European Framework of reference for languages (CEFR) published in 2001. How do textbook developers take advantage of these data and studies to propose digital writing tasks? keywords: approach; digital; ffl; handbooks; instructions; language; learners; tasks; writing; � %%1 cache: jsd-206.pdf plain text: jsd-206.txt item: #13 of 24 id: jsd-207 author: Popovic, Marko title: Explaining the entropy concept and entropy components date: 2018-04-05 words: 4052 flesch: 60 summary: Residual entropy, unlike thermal entropy, is independent of temperature and remains present at absolute zero. The third step is to show that thermal entropy and residual entropy add up to the total entropy of a thermodynamic system S: S = S0 + STM. keywords: energy; entropy; heat; method; system; thermal cache: jsd-207.pdf plain text: jsd-207.txt item: #14 of 24 id: jsd-208 author: Sumatokhin, Sergey Vitalevich title: Textbooks for biology applied in schools in Russia date: 2018-04-01 words: 3068 flesch: 46 summary: We will reveal some features of modern biology textbooks on the example of the sub- ject line of biology textbooks for grades 5-9, which is called the Life Line (authors: V. Pasechnik, S. Sumatokhin, G. Kalinova, A. Kamensky, G. Shvetsov, Z. Haponyuk). Keywords: biology textbook, programme content, functional approach, linear structure of biological programme content, concentric structure of biological programme content. keywords: biology; content; lines; structure; students; subject; textbooks cache: jsd-208.pdf plain text: jsd-208.txt item: #15 of 24 id: jsd-209 author: Solodukhina, Natalia N. title: The use of modern sources of information in shaping the geographic literacy of Russian school students date: 2018-04-04 words: 1249 flesch: 24 summary: Generally, these tasks concerning the control measuring materials (CMM) are aimed at eхplaining geographical features of territories, natural and social objects and phenomena where а source of geographical information (the map fragment, statistical data, drawings and so forth) is used. Geographic information for providing activities in these directions is a base necessary for identifying and solving economic, social and environmental problems arising from in- teractions between the human social system and ecosystem (Russian Geographical So- ciety [RGS], 2017). keywords: information; literacy; solodukhina; use cache: jsd-209.pdf plain text: jsd-209.txt item: #16 of 24 id: jsd-210 author: Konečnik Kotnik, Eva; Javornik Krečič, Marija; Ivkov Džigurski, Anđelija; Ivanović Bibić, Ljubica; Jagodič, Lucija title: Slovenian national minorities and emigrants in selected primary school curricula and textbooks date: 2018-04-23 words: 10060 flesch: 46 summary: The purpose of the paper is to determine whether these subjects include material on Slovenian national minorities and emigrants and objectives closely related to such material, which content and objectives are included and to what extent. Pupils in Slovenian pri- mary school address real issues concerning Slovenian national minorities and emigrants, while the message and quantitative representation differ, depending on the basic definition and purpose of the subject. keywords: chapter; emigrants; geography; issues; minorities; objectives; pupils; school; slovenian cache: jsd-210.pdf plain text: jsd-210.txt item: #17 of 24 id: jsd-211 author: Galkina, Elena A. title: Assessment procedures results of training in biology date: 2018-04-23 words: 2675 flesch: 32 summary: Results of the students’ achievements evaluation can be archived in a variety of ways: in a text format (descriptions, written analyses, recommendations, reviews, personality assessment); in a graphical form (pie or bar charts, ratings, models, statistics tables, etc.); in an electronic form (automated processing of test results, computer data-bases). When determining control measurement materials, it is necessary to make up a reg- ulation for the planning of the content of educational results. keywords: biology; control; evaluation; results; students; teacher cache: jsd-211.pdf plain text: jsd-211.txt item: #18 of 24 id: jsd-214 author: Stolić, Jelena M.; Draganić, Daliborka S.; Stanisavljević, Jelena D. title: Application of an Interactive Whiteboard in the Realization of Entomological Programme Contents date: 2018-04-23 words: 6196 flesch: 57 summary: Teaching cell division to secondary school students: An in- vestigation of difficulties experienced by Turkish teachers. IWB has a positive effect on student motivation, but some researchers warn that in- creased motivation in the use of IWB is correlated with the novelty factor and can even- tually be reduced (Weimer, 2001). keywords: biology; content; iwb; school; students; teachers; teaching; use; whiteboard cache: jsd-214.pdf plain text: jsd-214.txt item: #19 of 24 id: jsd-31 author: Milenković, Dušica D; Hrin, Tamara N; Segedinac, Mirjana D; Horvat, Saša title: Identification of Misconceptions through Multiple Choice Tasks at Municipal Chemistry Competition Test date: 2016-01-31 words: 5002 flesch: 49 summary: Slightly more than half of tested students had known that the structure of the diamond can be presented by the model of atomic crystal lattice, while a significant number of students thought that diamond structure can be presented by a model of ionic crystal lattice. Besides, it is shown that students are not familiar with crystal structure of the diamond, and with metric prefixes. keywords: chemical; chemistry; concepts; education; level; misconceptions; mixture; students; tasks; understanding cache: jsd-31.pdf plain text: jsd-31.txt item: #20 of 24 id: jsd-33 author: Herceg Mandić, Vera; Ivkov Džigurski, Anđelija; Ivanović Bibić, Ljubica; Đukičin, Smiljana title: Modeling the Geography Class through Problem-Based Teaching: a Case Study from Novi Sad, Serbia date: 2016-02-01 words: 5966 flesch: 59 summary: Students will learn how to compare the acquired information with that acquired by other students in the group, thus recognizing their own advantages and weaknesses in the process of learning. In solving problems, every student, or a group of students learning together, can choose their own method of working. keywords: class; data; geography; group; knowledge; learning; problem; solving; students; teaching cache: jsd-33.pdf plain text: jsd-33.txt item: #21 of 24 id: jsd-42 author: Dimitrijević, Jelena D.; Filipović, Sanja; Stanisavljević, Jelena D. title: An Analysis of Students’ Drawings for the Purpose of Considering the Efficiency of Teamwork (Programme Content: Marine Life Community) date: 2016-02-01 words: 6924 flesch: 52 summary: However, when working with students in lower grades, i.e. with children of younger ages that still do not have sufficiently developed verbal and writing skills, the teaching method applied needs to be updated to approach children and assist them in learning and development (Beal & Arnold, 1990). When drawing, students are given the opportunity to show their mental picture display much better than in verbal or written explanations (Dempster & Stears, 2014). keywords: biology; children; drawings; education; knowledge; research; results; students; teachers; teaching; team cache: jsd-42.pdf plain text: jsd-42.txt item: #22 of 24 id: jsd-43 author: Stanisavljević, Jelena D.; Pejčić, Milica G.; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša Ž. title: The Application of Context-Based Teaching in the Realization of the Program Content “The Decline of Pollinators” date: 2016-02-01 words: 6179 flesch: 52 summary: In terms of the quantity and quality of knowledge acquired by the students in the tested teaching field, the experimental didactic model of context- based teaching proved to be more effective. Methods The main task of this research is to experimentally verify the effectiveness of context- based teaching in accomplishing the content “The Decline of Pollinators”, as well as the effects on students’ motivation and interest. keywords: context; education; group; knowledge; learning; science; students; teaching; test cache: jsd-43.pdf plain text: jsd-43.txt item: #23 of 24 id: jsd-56 author: Zouhor, Zekri; Bogdanović, Ivana; Segedinac, Mirjana title: Effects of the Know-Want-Learn Strategy on Primary School Students’ Metacognition and Physics Achievement date: 2016-02-01 words: 5014 flesch: 63 summary: The analysis of the results obtained showed that for both variables (physics achievement and metacognition): (1) there was no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores for the group of students who had been taught traditionally, (2) there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores for the group of students who had been taught by the use of KWL strategy and (3) there was a significant difference in the post-test scores between the group of students who had been taught traditionally and the group of students who had been taught by the use of the KWL strategy. There is a significant difference between the PKTi score and the PKTf score for the group of students who were taught by using KWL strategy (group E). keywords: group; knowledge; kwl; learning; metacognition; physics; research; scores; strategy; students; test cache: jsd-56.pdf plain text: jsd-56.txt item: #24 of 24 id: jsd-61 author: Tomović, Nenad title: Ana A. Jovanović, Osnovi teorije prevođenja ['Basics of Translation Theory'], Factum izdavaštvo/Plejada. Beograd/Zagreb, 2015 date: 2016-02-01 words: 1199 flesch: 48 summary: Furthermore, it is important to mention that major problems and concerns in translation are often exposed by providing comprehensive analyses of translations and/or contrast- ing two translations of the same text, which are efficient explanatory tools, most likely to be welcomed by every reader of this book, and particularly by students of foreign lan- guages. Nenad Tomović Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Serbia Email: Although translation theory is important in education, especially in the education of future linguists, language teachers and high-school students who aspire to become translators, books on this subject have been scarce in the past two or three decades, with a few no- table exceptions. keywords: author; book; translation cache: jsd-61.pdf plain text: jsd-61.txt