item: #1 of 214 id: das-10291 author: Gámez-García, Diana Carolina; Gómez-Soberón, José Manuel; Corral-Higuera, Ramón; Almaral-Sánchez, Jorge Luis; Gómez-Soberón., María Consolación; Gómez-Soberón, Luis Alberto title: LCA as comparative tool for concrete columns and glulam columns date: 2015-06-30 words: 7694 flesch: 47 summary: The results are analysed in detail: RC columns produce damage 3.5 times more than G columns to the ecosystem quality (excluding land occupation and exposed independently, because the general trend of the whole was ruled only by it). The results are analysed in detail: RC columns produce damage 3.5 times more than G columns to the ecosystem quality (excluding land occupation and exposed independently, because the general trend of the whole was ruled only by it). keywords: building; columns; concrete; construction; cycle; damage; energy; fig; lca; life; materials; use cache: das-10291.pdf plain text: das-10291.txt item: #2 of 214 id: das-11008 author: Öztürker, Maryna title: Maximum Free Flow Capacity and Factors Affecting It date: 2015-06-30 words: 7636 flesch: 55 summary: Dependence of capacity P from speed v - coefficient of road adhesion φ. Dependence of capacity P from coefficient of road adhesion φ - rolling resistance coefficient f. Let us consider how the capacity P will be changing when rolling resistance coefficient f will be in the range from 0.005 up to 0.3. keywords: capacity; coefficient; driver; fig; maximum; road; speed; time; traffic; value cache: das-11008.pdf plain text: das-11008.txt item: #3 of 214 id: das-11455 author: Cinelis, Gintaris title: Review of the book by Richard Garber “BIM Design. Realising the Creative Potential of Building Information Modelling” date: 2015-04-07 words: 1126 flesch: 42 summary: However, the lack of essential books substantively representing BIM can be felt. The book covered BIM topic with a rich content and numerous examples. keywords: architecture; bim; book; design cache: das-11455.pdf plain text: das-11455.txt item: #4 of 214 id: das-12430 author: Vaičiukynienė, Danutė; Sasnauskas, Vytautas; Rinkevičius, Gediminas; Martinavičius, Deividas; Ivanauskas, Ernestas title: Cement hydration with ultrasound treated clinoptilolite date: 2015-06-30 words: 3289 flesch: 50 summary: org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.02.006 Snellings, R., Mertens, G., Cizer, Ö., Elsen, J. Early age hydration and pozzolanic reaction in natural zeolite blended cements: Reaction kinetics and products by< i> in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. The heat measurements of Portland cement paste hydration, containing clinoptilolite, showed that the clinoptilolite slightly increases the duration of hydration, but hydration temperature is lower than in the controls samples. keywords: cement; clinoptilolite; engineering; hydration; kaunas; min; portland; samples; strength; ultrasound; zeolite cache: das-12430.pdf plain text: das-12430.txt item: #5 of 214 id: das-12459 author: Valancius, Rokas; Jurelionis, Andrius; Vaičiūnas, Juozas; Perednis, Eugenijus title: Dimensioning of Solar Thermal Systems for Multi-Family Buildings in Lithuania: an Optimisation Study date: 2015-06-30 words: 4451 flesch: 52 summary: The market growth of solar thermal systems and photovoltaics in Europe depends on the policy of the governments towards the use of solar energy systems. Considering the targets of EU for renewables in the 20-20-20 programme, solar energy systems can play a significant role in many countries (Caouris et al., 2012). keywords: buildings; collectors; dhw; energy; family; kaunas; lithuania; solar; swh; systems; water cache: das-12459.pdf plain text: das-12459.txt item: #6 of 214 id: das-12568 author: Augonis, Mindaugas; Keras, Valerijus; Adamukaitis, Nerijus; Vaitekūnaitė, Eglė title: Research of local compression concrete reinforced by steel fibres date: 2015-07-21 words: 3607 flesch: 62 summary: There are investigated the stress- strain mode of fracture, increasing of local compression strength and the influence of fibers content. As- suming that steel fibres can to increase the resistance of local concrete area, it is possible to avoid the built-in parts in reinforced concrete structures. keywords: area; compression; concrete; fibres; fig; plate; steel; strength cache: das-12568.pdf plain text: das-12568.txt item: #7 of 214 id: das-12606 author: Šadauskienė, Jolanta; Ramanauskas, Juozas; Šeduikytė, Lina; Buska, Andrius title: Assessment of buildings with ventilated facade systems and evaluation of point thermal bridges date: 2015-07-21 words: 12147 flesch: 50 summary: Introduction Calculation of thermal transmittance value through building elements and thermal bridges χ = H - H0 through the repeated area of the envelop without fixing element, W/K. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2015/2/11 62 Since fi xing elements are crossing insulation layer in local arias, they infl uence on heat transfer is evaluated by point thermal transmittance coeffi cient χ, W/K. keywords: conductivity; fig; insulation layer; point; thermal; thickness; transmittance; transmittance coefficient; value; wall cache: das-12606.pdf plain text: das-12606.txt item: #8 of 214 id: das-12655 author: Cosmin, Fantaziu Mihaita; Chirilă, Răzvan title: Research on the Effect of Water Draining Through Vertical Drainage Systems in the Process of Soil Consolidation date: 2015-10-21 words: 2734 flesch: 43 summary: The specific functional requirements to each project, underlying geotechnical de- sign vertical drainage. Referring to Fig. 3, the stability of the model is secured by a safety factor of 1.62, for vertical drainages, and 1.71, for sand columns. keywords: consolidation; drainage; drains; engineering; fig; pressure; process; water cache: das-12655.pdf plain text: das-12655.txt item: #9 of 214 id: das-12660 author: Daukšys, Mindaugas; Pocius, Ramūnas; Venčkauskas, Lukas; Augonis, Mindaugas; Kelpša, Šarūnas title: Influence of the concrete mixture compaction time on density and compressive strength of hardened concrete samples date: 2015-07-21 words: 5586 flesch: 53 summary: From Table 4 we can see, that values of dispersion of dependence of concrete samples density on the duration of the compaction time can be described by gradual, linear and parabolic dependencies. Concrete mixture, placed in forms, was compacted by poker vibrator, when vibrating element was placed to the top part of the form. keywords: compacting; concrete; density; mixture; samples; strength; time; values cache: das-12660.pdf plain text: das-12660.txt item: #10 of 214 id: das-12862 author: Kylili, Angeliki; Fokaides, Paris A.; Vaiciunas, Juozas; Seduikyte, Lina title: Integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for sustainable constructions date: 2015-11-17 words: 4820 flesch: 44 summary: The building information model design of the water supply system under investigation is present- ed in Fig.1, while Table 1 presents the design characteristics, employed for the implementation of the LCA, for each of the designs; VPE water supply system (D1), steel water supply system (D2), copper water supply system (D3). However, this work has set its functional unit to one unit of water supply system, which totals approximately to 120m of piping. keywords: bim; building; copper; cycle; energy; lca; life; materials; supply; supply system; system; vpe; water; water supply cache: das-12862.pdf plain text: das-12862.txt item: #11 of 214 id: das-13019 author: Kučinskienė, Jurga; Kučinskas, Gintaras title: Experience Areas Landscape Design Features: Visualization Possibilities date: 2015-10-21 words: 3928 flesch: 61 summary: Methods Results Depending on the tools and desired result of experience areas landscape visualization projects we can divide into several categories. Visualization projects of experience landscape areas we can divide into several possible categories depending on the tools and desired results. keywords: areas; design; landscape; program; project; rendering; software; tools; visualization; yes cache: das-13019.pdf plain text: das-13019.txt item: #12 of 214 id: das-13022 author: Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Jūratė; Godienė, Giedrė title: Analysis of Legal and Theoretical Framework Creating the Methodology of Visual Pollution Assessment for Natural Landscapes date: 2015-10-21 words: 7868 flesch: 32 summary: The whole process of visual impact assessment of planned activity (development) has to be per- formed as follows: establishment of the quality indicators of the standard (protective) visual type of landscape (determining characteristics of visual spaces, proportions of opened and developed areas, principles of the layout of buildings and greenery, possible visual contextuality of buildings); establishment of the present visual character of landscape and comparison with the standard indi- cators of landscape visual quality; formation of the target spatial model of landscape (preparation of the conception of landscape formation) the visual indicators of which have to meet the criteri- ons of vitality, complexity, harmony, expressivity, uniqueness, functionality and meaningfulness; after characterizing physical and visual features of the designed structure the possible changes of landscape visual character have to be established and evaluated from the spatial (typical view- ing places and visual spaces, zones of visual influence), quantitative (levels of identity indexes of physical and visual characteristics of the structure) and qualitative (character of contextuality of the structure) point of view; in the stage of elaboration the proposals of improvement of visual re- lation between the designed structure and the contextual landscape have to be prepared according the visual influence of the structure on the main landscape components and overall scenery. The protection of landscape visual character is encrypted in the Law on Advertising (2013). keywords: analysis; architecture; areas; assessment; character; cultural; environment; evaluation; features; impact; impact assessment; landscape; national; objects; pollution; potential; project; quality cache: das-13022.pdf plain text: das-13022.txt item: #13 of 214 id: das-13023 author: Kostic, Aleksandra; Stankovic, Danica; Tanic, Milan title: Inclusion of ‘Green’ Principles in the Design of Pre-School Buildings date: 2015-10-21 words: 5318 flesch: 39 summary: Nowadays, green building and architecture in Serbia is a modern trend opposite to the period until 2011 when legislation did not even mention green and building in the same sentence; the only thing that was done during that eco-unfriendly period, regarding green building principles, consist- ed of copying foreign examples and getting familiar with this subject from their experiences. Also adds: “Green building is one whose construction and lifetime of operation assure the healthiest possible environment while representing the most efficient and least disruptive use of land, water, energy and resources”. keywords: architecture; building; construction; design; energy; engineering; environment; facilities; green; heating; preschool; principles; serbia cache: das-13023.pdf plain text: das-13023.txt item: #14 of 214 id: das-13048 author: Öz, Ayşe Müge; Ergönül, Sema title: Improving Occupant’s Satisfaction and Productivity in Sustainable Building Design date: 2015-11-18 words: 5715 flesch: 46 summary: But the viewpoint of green building occupants on this subject is also needed. 39-48 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.13.4.13048 © Kaunas University of Technology Improving Occupant’s Satisfaction and Productivity in Sustainable Building Design JSACE 4/13 Introduction Ayşe Müge Öz , Sema Ergönül Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul, Turkey Indoor environmental quality in green buildings is generally assumed to be superior to conventional buildings. keywords: air; building; comfort; energy; environment; green; indoor; lighting; occupant; office; performance; productivity; quality; satisfaction; study cache: das-13048.pdf plain text: das-13048.txt item: #15 of 214 id: das-13200 author: Piekienė, Nijolė; Stančius, Antanas title: Aspects for Evaluation of the Effect of Natural and Artificial Bodies of Water to Protected Areas’ Landscape date: 2015-11-17 words: 3234 flesch: 46 summary: Scientists investigating the environmental attractiveness - aesthetics, emphasizes Introduction 13 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2015/4/13 the aesthetics of the environment affects our daily activities, and the accelerating urbanization of natural landscape is rapidly changing human lives and the environment, reduces the landscape’s aesthetic potential. In the landscape of protected areas, assessing the development by the principles of sustainable development, is regarded so that the water does not become a more significant aes- thetic dimension of other landscape elements. keywords: architecture; areas; elements; environment; landscape; lithuania; national; park; water cache: das-13200.pdf plain text: das-13200.txt item: #16 of 214 id: das-13245 author: al-Swaidani, Aref Mohamad; ALIYAN, Samira Dib; Adarnaly, Nazeer title: Production of More Sustainable Mortar Using Finer Volcanic Scoria-based Blended Cements date: 2015-12-21 words: 8728 flesch: 56 summary: Blaine fineness (cm2/g) 2 days curing 7 days curing 28 days curing 90 days curing 57 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2015/4/13 Fig. 7 Correlation between compressive strength of C4/35% mortar and Blaine fineness of cement at different curing times Fig.7 Table 4 Cement type Blaine Fineness (cm2 C1/CEM I 2400 3200 4.27-117% 7.05-110% 7.94-106% 8.32-105% 4200 4.73-130% 7.28-114% 8.3-111% 8.57-108% 5100 4.92-135% 7.35-115% 8.4-112% 8.69-110% C2/25% 2400 2.95-100% 5.66-100% 6.81-100% 7.46-100% 3200 3.59-122% 6.08-107% 7.16-105% 7.78-104% 4200 4.13-140% 6.43-114% 7.47-110% 7.99-107% 5100 4.28-145% 6.45-114% 7.53-111% 8.03-108% C3/30% 2400 2.67-100% 5.29-100% 6.51-100% 7.29-100% 3200 3.25-122% 5.71-108% 6.91-106% 7.69-105% 4200 3.94-148% 5.99-113% 7.31-112% 7.87-108% 5100 4.02-150% 6.07-115% 7.38-113% 7.79-107% C4/35% 2400 2.53-100% 4.85-100% 6.26-100% 7.04-100% 3200 3.09-122% 5.37-111% 6.61-106% 7.42-105% 4200 4.01-158% 5.98-123% 7.33-117% 7.81-111% 5100 4.09-162% 5.95-123% 7.36-118% 7.85-112% 3.3.2. 6 Correlation between compressive strength of C3/30% mortar and Blaine fineness of cement at different curing times C3/30% 2400 8.04-100% 16.95-100% 26.43-100% 40.54-100% 3200 11.07-137.7% 21.26-125.4% 33.74-127.7% 49.35-121.7% 4200 17.41-216.5% 27.57-162.7% 39.38-149% 54.56-134.6% 5100 19.57-243.4% 29.97-176.8% 42.35-160.2% 56.91-140.4% C4/35% 2400 7.37-100% 15.69-100% 25.88-100% 39.37-100% 3200 10.09-136.9% 19.99-127.4% 30.56-118.1% 47.57-120.8% 4200 16.19-219.7% 25.38-161.8% 35.96-138.9% 51.73-131.4% 5100 18.12-245.9% 27.68-176.4% 41.08-158.7% 55.1-140% The fineness of cement is a major factor influencing its rate of hydration, since the hydration reaction occurs at the interface with water (Hewlett 1998). keywords: blaine; blaine fineness; cement; cm2; compressive; curing; days; fineness; mortars; results; scoria; strength cache: das-13245.pdf plain text: das-13245.txt item: #17 of 214 id: das-13555 author: Rudokas, Kastytis title: Heritage and Sustainability: the Matter of Temporal Shifting and Narrativity in Terms of Urban Development date: 2015-12-21 words: 6609 flesch: 54 summary: Hence, importance of Kaunas modernism lies in two-fold dimension of heritage sustainability. The contradiction leads towards second aspect of heritage sustainability. keywords: architecture; conservation; cultural; future; heritage; kaunas; order; past; present; processes; sustainability; terms; urban cache: das-13555.pdf plain text: das-13555.txt item: #18 of 214 id: das-13593 author: Vanagas, Jurgis title: Navigation on the Neris River and its Importance for Vilnius date: 2015-12-21 words: 7448 flesch: 66 summary: KEYWORDS: river Neris, etymology of its name, navigation, types of ships, rafts, floods. The main Lithuanian river Nemunas all the time was suitable for big barges, as second river Neris (Vilija) before the war was chiefly used only for small boats and raft transport for navigation between Kaunas and Jonava (40 kilometres), as well as between Vilnius and Ne- menčinė (32 kilometres). keywords: architecture; bank; canal; century; city; kaunas; lithuanian; navigation; nemunas; neris; neris river; rafts; river; ships; time; transport; vilnius; water cache: das-13593.pdf plain text: das-13593.txt item: #19 of 214 id: das-13820 author: Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Jūratė; Godienė, Giedrė; Kavoliūnas, Gintas title: Methodology of Visual Pollution Assessment for Natural Landscapes date: 2015-12-21 words: 4470 flesch: 31 summary: Landscape visual pollution is high. Landscape visual pollution is average. keywords: assessment; components; contrast; evaluation; impact; landscape; objects; pollution; potential; size; vpo cache: das-13820.pdf plain text: das-13820.txt item: #20 of 214 id: das-14478 author: Šerelis, Evaldas; Vaitkevičius, Vitoldas; Kerševičius, Vidas title: Mechanical Properties And Microstructural Investigation Of Ultra-High Performance Glass Powder Concrete date: 2016-06-14 words: 4751 flesch: 60 summary: In experiment 100 % of quartz powder was substituted by glass powder. Compo- sitions were modified substituting quartz powder to glass powder (Table 2). keywords: cement; concrete; glass; glass powder; gp100; mpa; powder; silica; strength cache: das-14478.pdf plain text: das-14478.txt item: #21 of 214 id: das-14479 author: Daukšys, Mindaugas; Brazas, Gintas; Klovas, Albertas; Šadauskienė, Jolanta title: Influence of different curing conditions on density and compressive strength of hardened concrete with various types of chemical admixtures date: 2016-06-14 words: 6769 flesch: 52 summary: The influence of super-plasticizing admixture (SP) on concrete specimens’ density and compressive strength under different curing conditions The dependence of density and compressive strength of hardened concrete (mixture’s compo- sitions BA4-0–BA4-6) from the amount of SP admixture in % of cement mass, under different curing conditions is presented in Fig. 1a and 1b. strength y = a·x2-b·x+c 1,91 3,97 52,50 0,010 0,10 very weak From Table 5 we can see, that values of dispersion of dependence of hardened concrete density and compressive strength on amount of SP admixture under different curing conditions can be described by polynomial dependencies. keywords: admixture; cement; concrete; conditions; curing; density; mass; method; specimens; standard; strength cache: das-14479.pdf plain text: das-14479.txt item: #22 of 214 id: das-14658 author: Condurat, Mihaela title: Chains of causality associated with the environmental impact of road transport system date: 2016-06-14 words: 4234 flesch: 36 summary: This paper aims to emphasize the necessity to take appropriate measures for road pavements maintenance and intervention, intended to prolong their life in order to minimize the overall ecological impact associated with the reconstruction of road pavement, which involves the release into the atmosphere of polluting emissions, usage of enormous granular materials quantities and energy consumption and thus, the exponential increase in the greenhouse effect. Student Technical University „Gh. Asachi” from Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services, Department of Transportation Infrastructure and Foundations Main research area Impact assessment of road transport system. keywords: asphalt; causality; co2e; emissions; fig; impact; life; pavement; road; transport cache: das-14658.pdf plain text: das-14658.txt item: #23 of 214 id: das-14893 author: Vaičiukynienė, Danutė; Vaitkevičius, Vitoldas; Kantautas, Aras; Vaičiukynas, Vilimantas; Krulikauskaitė, Jūratė; Rudelis, Valdas title: The utilization of biomass bottom ashes in cement system date: 2016-06-14 words: 2988 flesch: 49 summary: The results prove the feasible application of biomass bottom ashes as filler in road embankments. In the research (Beltrán et al., 2014) three series with different amount of biomass bottom ashes manufacture. keywords: ashes; biomass; building; calcium; cement; engineering; materials; portland; sio2 cache: das-14893.pdf plain text: das-14893.txt item: #24 of 214 id: das-15066 author: Nadolski, Vitali; Tur, Viktor title: A first attempt to determine the partial factors according to Eurocodes for the verification of ULS of steel elements for conditions of the Republic of Belarus date: 2016-07-01 words: 5703 flesch: 43 summary: Should the result be unsatisfactory, a new set of partial factors values shall be established and the calculation shall be repeated until the moment of achievement of the reliability level. Fig. 1 Partial factors values ensuring the achievement of the target reliability index bt = 3.8 for the imposed load Fig. keywords: account; action; design values; distribution; factors values; load; models; reliability; snow load; variables cache: das-15066.pdf plain text: das-15066.txt item: #25 of 214 id: das-15121 author: Povilaitienė, Ingrida title: Residents’ Sense of the Place in Galata Neighbourhood, in Istanbul date: 2016-09-13 words: 3175 flesch: 55 summary: Galata neighbourhood, Istanbul, place attachment, sense of place. There is a plethora of concepts describing relationship between people and spatial settings (e.g., place identity, place dependence, place attachment and etc.). keywords: attachment; feelings; galata; neighbourhood; people; place; sense cache: das-15121.pdf plain text: das-15121.txt item: #26 of 214 id: das-15351 author: Levinskyte, Aurelija; Banionis, Karolis; Geleziunas, Valdemaras title: The Influence of Thermal Bridges for Buildings Energy Consumption of “A“ Energy Efficiency Class date: 2016-09-13 words: 3898 flesch: 50 summary: Energy and Buildings, 2015; 106–118. Ibrahim M., Biwole P. H., Wurtz E., Achard P. Limiting windows offset thermal bridge losses using a new insulating coating. The building of “A” class can be designed using ordinary solutions of linear thermal bridges, bigger heat losses through thermal bridges can be covered by increasing thickness of thermal insulating layers and using windows of better thermal behaviour but as a result the costs of building house increase too. _ keywords: bridges; building; energy; heat; junction; linear; losses; wall cache: das-15351.pdf plain text: das-15351.txt item: #27 of 214 id: das-15376 author: Kosior-Kazberuk, Marta title: Determination of the Fracture Toughness Parameters of Cement Composite Using Specimens with Rounded Notch date: 2016-10-04 words: 3728 flesch: 54 summary: All specimens were weakened by U-notches characterized by different values of notch tip radius and the same notch depth of 30 Materials and Methods 61 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2016/2/15 mm (the ratio a0/d =0.30), that were formed during casting. Initial segments of P-DNMOD plots until reaching the maximum load for all radii of notch tip were showed in Fig. keywords: fracture; mechanics; notch; parameters; radius; stress; tip cache: das-15376.pdf plain text: das-15376.txt item: #28 of 214 id: das-15442 author: Giama, Effrosyni title: U-Value: A key role parameter for sustainable buildings date: 2016-11-14 words: 4302 flesch: 45 summary: A key role parameter for sustainable building construction is the appropriate building envelope’s thermal insulation in order to reduce its thermal losses. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2016/3/16 20 Introduction *Corresponding author: U-Value: A Key Role Parameter for Sustainable Buildings Effrosyni Giama*, Elli Kyriaki, Agis M. Papadopoulos Process Equipment Design Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Building D, 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece Received 2016/07/03 Accepted after revision 2016/10/04 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol. 3 / No. 16 / 2016 pp. keywords: buildings; construction; energy; engineering; fig; greece; insulation; regulation; value cache: das-15442.pdf plain text: das-15442.txt item: #29 of 214 id: das-15464 author: Ramírez-Tenjhay, Mayanin Gisela; Vázquez-González, Alba Beatriz; Gómez-Soberón, José Manuel; Cabrera-Covarrubias, Francisca Guadalupe title: Total replacement of recycled aggregate and treated wastewater: concrete recycling in extremis date: 2016-10-04 words: 5638 flesch: 47 summary: KEYWORDS: recycled aggregates, recycled concrete, sustainable materials, treated wastewater. new mortar usual aggregate ITZ a) new mortar recycled aggregate ITZ b) new mortar usual aggregate ITZ a) new mortar recycled aggregate ITZ b) ba 73 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2016/2/15 Based on the research conducted, there is evidence of the feasibility to use (limited in some as- pects of resistance and durability) the RCA and the TW as components of recycled concrete; con- sidering this as a truth, the possible applications of recycled concrete may not be 100% compara- ble to the CC, but the rational use of materials in the constructive elements of low requirements makes possible its application. keywords: aggregates; astm; civil; concrete; construction; engineering; méxico; rca; standard; strength; use; water cache: das-15464.pdf plain text: das-15464.txt item: #30 of 214 id: das-15557 author: Akande, Oluwafemi Kehinde; Olagunju, Remi E. title: Retrofitting and Greening Existing Buildings: Strategies for Energy Conservation, Resource Management and Sustainability of the Built Environment in Nigeria date: 2016-09-13 words: 4557 flesch: 35 summary: Presently, in Nigeria several thousands of housing units for the low income group are designed and constructed with little or no regard for low energy use and other ‘green’ design considerations. Until fairly recently, green considerations for existing residential buildings have received less attention. keywords: buildings; cost; energy; houses; housing; management; nigeria; retrofit; retrofitting; strategies; water cache: das-15557.pdf plain text: das-15557.txt item: #31 of 214 id: das-15789 author: Daukšys, Mindaugas; Brazas, Gintas; Šadauskienė, Jolanta; Augonis, Mindaugas; Kelpša, Šarūnas title: Productivity analysis of concrete slab construction by using different types of formwork date: 2016-09-13 words: 3974 flesch: 53 summary: The evaluation of formwork systems, as options, according to selected evaluation criteria, was performed by TOPSIS method and the results show that for the mounting of concrete slabs in the investigated building the rational option is to use SKYDECK panel slab aluminum formworks. Formwork systems are among the key factors determining the success of a construction project in terms of speed, quality, cost and safety of works. keywords: building; concrete; construction; criteria; engineering; formwork; slab; systems cache: das-15789.pdf plain text: das-15789.txt item: #32 of 214 id: das-15803 author: Kourtis, George title: Assessment of the Social Electricity Online Platform Tools and their Potential Impact on European Citizens date: 2016-11-14 words: 6268 flesch: 39 summary: In this paper, a pilot study performed in eight European countries involving more than 300 European citizens is presented, in order to demonstrate the influence of online learning modules and eco- feedback platforms on the everyday lives of people, in terms of rational energy use and energy savings. In this work, a pilot study performed in 8 European countries involving more than 300 European citizens is presented, to demonstrate the influence of online learning modules and eco-feedback platforms on the everyday lives of people, in terms of rational energy use and energy savings. keywords: application; consumption; electricity; energy; fig; learning; modules; online; participants; people; pilot; social; study cache: das-15803.pdf plain text: das-15803.txt item: #33 of 214 id: das-15820 author: Zingaila, Tadas; Augonis, Mindaugas; Šerelis, Evaldas; Kelpša, Šarūnas; Martinavičius, Deividas title: Influence of heat treatment regimes on mechanical properties of NSC-UHPC composite members date: 2016-08-01 words: 6202 flesch: 50 summary: Despite the fact that stan- dardised bond strength measuring method between NSC and UHPC have not been developed yet, Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2016/1/14 52 experiments were carried out by other researches (Harris et al. 2015, Muñoz et al. 2014, Tayeh et al. 2013a, Tayeh et al. 2013b) in order to measure the bond strength between ordinary concrete and UHPC. ACI Materials Journal, 2004; 101(2): 99-106. Momayez A., Ehsani M.R., Ramezanianpour A.A., Rajaie H. Comparison of methods for evaluating bond strength between concrete substrate and re- pair materials. keywords: bond; composite; concrete; heat; specimens; strength; treatment; uhpc cache: das-15820.pdf plain text: das-15820.txt item: #34 of 214 id: das-15821 author: Villalon, Ignacio; Martinavičius, Deividas; Gricius, Mindaugas; Kelpša, Šarūnas; Kasiulevičius, Mindaugas title: Evaluation of Base Ground Stiffness on Statically Indeterminate Framed Building Structures date: 2016-08-01 words: 17495 flesch: 61 summary: Therefore, in order to calculate modulus subgrade reaction using the analysed methods and considering these different properties between soil layers, authors propose to apply the influence factor ki to each soil layer. Therefore, in order to calculate modulus subgrade reaction using the analysed methods and considering these different properties between soil layers, authors propose to apply the influence factor ki to each soil layer. keywords: forces; foundation; layer; method; modulus; modulus ks; soil; subgrade cache: das-15821.pdf plain text: das-15821.txt item: #35 of 214 id: das-15927 author: Navickaitė, Kristina; Neves Bez, Henrique; Engelbrecht, Kurt; R. H. Bahl, Christian title: From a magnet to a heat pump date: 2016-08-09 words: 7790 flesch: 52 summary: The main purpose of the machine would be kept the same – to test and optimize active magnetic regenerators on a small scale before implementing them in larger, more complex prototypes, such as the rotary prototypes, built at DTU Energy (Bahl2013, Eriksen 2016). The main purpose of the machine would be kept the same – to test and optimize active magnetic regenerators on a small scale before implementing them in larger, more complex prototypes, such as the rotary prototypes, built at DTU Energy (Bahl2013, Eriksen 2016). keywords: et al; fig; fluid; heat; piston; regenerator; temperature cache: das-15927.pdf plain text: das-15927.txt item: #36 of 214 id: das-15929 author: Korjakins, Aleksandrs; Afanasjeva, Anastasija title: Development of Foam Ceramics Manufacturing Technology date: 2016-08-09 words: 5569 flesch: 54 summary: As it is known, conventional ceramic bricks has a relatively high thermal conductivity; therefore, in order to successfully compete in the building material market and to provide to the customers 81 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2016/1/14 options for building eco houses, manufacturers of ceramic materials have launched new ceramic materials with reduced thermal conductivity. Increased efficiency for the ceramic wall materials can be achieved by reducing the construction costs, labor intensity and mass of the building as well as by increasing their thermal resistance by developing new types of ceramic materials and technologies allowing to that will reduce the material intensity and energy costs. keywords: absorption; ceramic; clay; fig; foam; mass; material; strength; temperature; water; water absorption cache: das-15929.pdf plain text: das-15929.txt item: #37 of 214 id: das-16080 author: Mockienė, Jūratė; Keras, Valerijus; Cinelis, Gintaris title: Study of consequent damage of metal pivotal structure on maintenance in polluted surroundings date: 2016-12-22 words: 4391 flesch: 43 summary: In turn secondary cracking increases steel structure areas for corrosion and creates conditions for development of surface corrosion. Any concentration of stresses and deformations supplement the initial impact of roughness of technological processing and other micro uneve- nesses of structure element surfaces on surface stress distribution. keywords: air; corrosion; data; engineering; environment; exploitation; journal; metal; pollution; steel; structures; surface cache: das-16080.pdf plain text: das-16080.txt item: #38 of 214 id: das-16092 author: Mockienė, Jūratė; Jutas, Audrius; Vaičiukynas, Vilimantas title: Microstructure and aging influence on the mechanical properties of high-voltage poles date: 2016-10-04 words: 3657 flesch: 52 summary: 3 The diagram of corrosion area (A, cm2) influencing on indicator of corrosion affects R. Notes: 1-9 are numbers of specimens Fig. 4 The curves showing how a maximal depth of corrosion measured influences on the fracture point along to individual specimen length under tensile test 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 Specimen length, mm C or ro si on d ep th , m m No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 For the approximation of expected statistical distribution of experimental results, following equa- tion was used: where ave i i X X X = ; ∑= = n i iave Xn X 1 1 ; iX is mechanical property related value of individual specimen used; 9...1=i . 12 3 1 21 ...   mnn mn m nnn XCXCXCXCXCY ; if 1 nm . keywords: area; corrosion; differences; engineering; fig; microstructure; properties; samples cache: das-16092.pdf plain text: das-16092.txt item: #39 of 214 id: das-16155 author: MALAKTOU, ELENI LEFKIOS; PHILOKYPROU, MARIA; MICHAEL, AIMILIOS; SAVVIDES, ANDREAS title: Thermal Assessment of Traditional, Partially Subterranean Dwellings in Coastal and Mountainous Regions in the Mediterranean Climate. The Case of Cyprus date: 2016-11-14 words: 11454 flesch: 49 summary: Meir and Gilead (2002) carried out onsite measurements of air temperature and relative humidity during the hot, summer period on selected dwellings in three distinctly different climatic regions of Israel and provided evidence that subterranean spaces achieve significant reduction of temperatures and thermal stability. while, at the same time, many newly-built dwellings incorporated subterranean spaces. keywords: effect; ground spaces; maximum; minimum; outdoor; region; r² =; spaces; spaces c; temperature; ° c cache: das-16155.pdf plain text: das-16155.txt item: #40 of 214 id: das-16172 author: Kylili, Angeliki; Fokaides, Paris A.; Seduikyte, Lina title: Sustainability tools for the assessment of construction materials and buildings date: 2016-11-14 words: 4619 flesch: 44 summary: Holistic sustainability assessment tools that are able to evaluate and optimise the environmental performance of construction materials and buildings are considered a key for the development of advanced building designs and use of sustainable building materials and elements and green energy- efficient systems that will raise high the sustainability level of the European built environment. The existing energy policies and legislation are calling the construction industry for advanced building designs, use of sustainable building materials, green technologies and energy-efficient systems, and increased reuse and recycling rates of waste for improved energy efficiency and reduced energy consumption. keywords: assessment; building; construction; cycle; energy; environmental; impact; lca; life; materials; sustainability; sustainable cache: das-16172.pdf plain text: das-16172.txt item: #41 of 214 id: das-16174 author: Kyriakidis, Andreas; Michael, Aimilios; Illampas, Rogiros title: Parametric Numerical Assessment of the Energy Efficiency and the Environmental Impact of an Innovative Masonry Construction Component date: 2016-11-14 words: 8135 flesch: 47 summary: Despite the presence of thermal bridges, the proposed masonry system can attain U-values from 0.20 to 0.90 W/m2K, given that thermal insulation materials are used. Embodied energy values were estimated using data available in the literature (Hammond and Jones 2008a). keywords: architecture; building; clay; constituent; construction; energy; et al; insulation; journal; masonry; materials; performance; units; value cache: das-16174.pdf plain text: das-16174.txt item: #42 of 214 id: das-16200 author: Menicou, Michalis; Exizidou, Nopi; Vassiliou, Vassos; Christou, Petros; Assimakopoulou, Margarita; Tsairidi, Evangelia title: Economic Evaluation of Financial Incentive Schemes for Energy Retrofit Projects in Residential Buildings date: 2016-11-14 words: 9833 flesch: 48 summary: 32-45 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.16.3.16200 © Kaunas University of Technology Economic Evaluation of Financial Incentive Schemes for Energy Retrofit Projects in Residential Buildings JSACE 3/16 Even if the EU has made important progress towards meeting its climate and energy targets for 2020, the effects of financial instability due to the economic crisis are still apparent, especially in the southern European countries, acting as a great obstacle for residents to invest in energy retrofit projects in order to improve their house energy performance. However, many authors such as Menassa (2011), Gluch et al. 2004, Gough et al. 1996, Dowd 1998, Ye et al. 2000, Myers 1976, Luehrman 1998, Copland et al. 2004, and Dell’Isola 2003, state that the NPV approach in assessing energy retrofit projects has several limitations. keywords: case; cost; cyprus; economic; energy; funding; greece; heating; retrofitting; scenario cache: das-16200.pdf plain text: das-16200.txt item: #43 of 214 id: das-16260 author: Garbaliauskaitė, Rūta; Mlinkauskienė, Aušra title: TRANSFORMATION OF PROTECTED URBAN LANDSCAPES date: 2017-04-04 words: 2572 flesch: 43 summary: The attitude towards new architecture inside old town differed between society and specialists: specialists advocate that new architecture inside old town should be based on the principle of contrast, and they support further development of old towns. Whereas society members think that new architecture inside old town should resemble architecture of old buildings, and do not support further development of old towns. keywords: architecture; correlation; landscape; management; properties; town cache: das-16260.pdf plain text: das-16260.txt item: #44 of 214 id: das-16273 author: NG, P.L.; CHEN, J.J.; KWAN, Albert K.H. title: Improving Particle Size Distribution in Cement Paste by Blending with Superfine Cement date: 2016-11-14 words: 6272 flesch: 56 summary: In this study, the authors propose modifications to the existing mathematical equations of particle size distribution. The authors opine that the proposed equation of particle size distribution may be applied for mix design optimization of cementitious paste, including cementitious grout and the paste phase in mortar and concrete. keywords: distribution; equation; flow; packing; particle; particle size; paste; ratio; sfc; size cache: das-16273.pdf plain text: das-16273.txt item: #45 of 214 id: das-16278 author: Chrysochou, Nasso title: Frankish-Venetian Cyprus: Effects of the Renaissance on the ecclesiastical architecture of the island date: 2016-11-14 words: 5887 flesch: 62 summary: This allowed an in-depth comparison of the churches themselves but also a comparison with Venetian churches in Venice itself. In most examples of Orthodox churches in the late-Latin period, the elaborate diagonal ribs, roof bosses, and other sculptural elements of the Gothic churches were transformed into simplified transverse ridge ribs, supported on quadrants and corbels. keywords: aisled; apse; architecture; church; churches; cyprus; examples; fig; island; latin; orthodox; panagia; period; ratio; renaissance; use; της cache: das-16278.pdf plain text: das-16278.txt item: #46 of 214 id: das-16294 author: Vaičiūnas, Juozas; Geležiūnas, Valdemaras; Valančius, Rokas; Jurelionis, Andrius; Ždankus, Tadas title: Analysis of Drain Water Heat Exchangers and Their Perspectives in Lithuania date: 2016-12-22 words: 3962 flesch: 56 summary: KEYWORDS: drain water heat exchangers, energy savings, domestic hot water Introduction Space heating and cooling and domestic hot water supply represent the biggest share of energy in residential buildings (Torio and Schmidt 2010). In Lithuania, despite the fact that the costs incurred in the preparation of water at the right tem- perature is relatively high, the use in residential buildings of heat recovery from drain water still raises a lot of controversy, and drain water heat exchangers are not generally available for sale. keywords: drain; effectiveness; energy; exchangers; fig; heat; sensor; system; temperature; waste; water cache: das-16294.pdf plain text: das-16294.txt item: #47 of 214 id: das-16458 author: Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Jūratė; Ribelytė, Rūta title: Subjective identity of Kaunas Cityscape: Research Results and Their Relation with Objective Indicators of Urban Structure date: 2016-12-22 words: 4512 flesch: 48 summary: Theory of pattern language (Alexander, 1977) was used to determine possible measures for changing negative place identity to positive. The- ory of pattern language (Alexander, 1977) was used to determine possible measures for changing negative place identity to positive. keywords: areas; city; environment; identity; kaunas; new; objects; place; research; town cache: das-16458.pdf plain text: das-16458.txt item: #48 of 214 id: das-16500 author: Moussa, Ahmed Mohamed; Christou, Petros; Kyriakides, Nicholas title: The developments of the analytical fragility methods in seismic risk assessment – A review date: 2016-11-14 words: 7764 flesch: 47 summary: Probabilistic capacity models and seismic fragility estimates for RC columns subject to corrosion. There are several analytical approaches for the development of fragility curves that are presented in the literature. keywords: analysis; assessment; buildings; capacity; curves; damage; earthquake; engineering; fragility; ground; ida; method; response; seismic; structures cache: das-16500.pdf plain text: das-16500.txt item: #49 of 214 id: das-16598 author: SARI, Tuba title: Review On High-Rise Housing Projects in Istanbul: Toward A Sustainable Architecture date: 2017-04-04 words: 6275 flesch: 45 summary: Most of them are the accredi- tation systems required to provide some basic principles related to sustainable building design (Al-Kodmany, 2015). As another challenge related to the urban adaptation process, it is an undeniable truth that high- rise buildings consume much more energy compared to low rise buildings per square meter. keywords: building; design; energy; high; istanbul; projects; rise; rise buildings; sustainability; systems; towers; urban; use cache: das-16598.pdf plain text: das-16598.txt item: #50 of 214 id: das-16622 author: Korjakins, Aleksandrs; Holimenkovs, Aleksandrs title: Tyre Recycling with Thermal Solvolysis Method Using Microwave Radiation date: 2017-04-04 words: 3327 flesch: 52 summary: There are many different applications for used tyres today. Used tyres are one of the most widespread types of waste and one of the polymer materials which are most difficult to recycle. keywords: bitumen; crumbs; electric; materials; microwave; properties; recycling; rubber; solvolysis; tyres cache: das-16622.pdf plain text: das-16622.txt item: #51 of 214 id: das-16644 author: Sliseris, Janis; Gaile, Liga; Pakrastins, Leonids title: Non-linear buckling analysis of steel frames with local and global imperfections date: 2016-12-22 words: 7522 flesch: 62 summary: The structural geometry is changed to the scaled buckling mode and static analysis is performed �� = ��(1 − �(�)), (1) � � � � � ���� �(�)��� � = �� (�)�(�)�(�) �� �� � �(�)�(�) = � ∑ ������ � ��� − 1 ≤ 0 0 � ���� ≤ �� ≤ ���� , (2) �(�) = � �∗(�)�(� − �)���� , (3) �(� − �) = ������ � �(���) � ��� , (4) �� �� = �� ���� � �� = ���� � � = 1� � � �, (5) ��∗ = �� ���� ���(��) . The Gaussian filter G is used in the optimization to smooth the final values of imperfection density function by calculating convolution �� = ��(1 − �(�)), (1) � � � � � ���� �(�)��� � = �� (�)�(�)�(�) �� �� � �(�)�(�) = � ∑ ������ � ��� − 1 ≤ 0 0 � ���� ≤ �� ≤ ���� , (2) �(�) = � �∗(�)�(� − �)���� , (3) �(� − �) = ������ � �(���) � ��� , (4) �� �� = �� ���� � �� = ���� � � = 1� � � �, (5) ��∗ = �� ���� ���(��) . keywords: buckling; convolution �; − �; ∗) �; ≤ � cache: das-16644.pdf plain text: das-16644.txt item: #52 of 214 id: das-16664 author: Ogbonna, Alban Chidiebere; Mikailu, Abubakar title: Strength Properties of Hydraulic Cement Concrete Pavement Incorporating Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate. date: 2017-04-04 words: 3674 flesch: 55 summary: Standard specifications for concrete aggregate. 73-80 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.18.1.16664 © Kaunas University of Technology Strength Properties of Hydraulic Cement Concrete Pavement Incorporating Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate JSACE 1/18 Ogbonna Alban Chidiebere*, Abubakar Mikailu Department of Civil Engineering, Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi, P.M.B 1034 Birnin Kebbi G.P.O, Birnin Kebbi City, Kebbi State, Nigeria Introduction Coconut shell being a hard and not easily degradable material if crushed to size of coarse aggregate can be a potential material to replace coarse aggregate in concrete. keywords: aggregate; astm; coconut; coconut shell; concrete; engineering; shell; wsdot cache: das-16664.pdf plain text: das-16664.txt item: #53 of 214 id: das-16753 author: Gražulevičiūtė - Vileniškė, Indrė; Zaleskienė, Erika title: Management of cultural heritage areas in rural-urban interface zones in Lithuania: the elaboration of provisions of the National Landscape Management Plan date: 2017-04-04 words: 7094 flesch: 23 summary: The conditions for this type of interventions may be: II, III aesthetic classes, medium and high sensitivity of landscape, medium to low degree of urbaniza- tion, Ikivalakinis, Valakinis, Vienkieminis types of relicts of historic rural landscape, manor resi- dencies or urban heritage area, medium heritage value, national or regional heritage significance. The document identifies the zone of accumulation of cultural heritage areas of Vilnius region, the zone of accumulations of cultural heritage areas of Kaunas Region and Panemune, and the zone of accumulations of cultural heri- tage areas of Klaipeda region and western Samogitia. keywords: cultural; development; document; engineering; heritage areas; heritage management; heritage preservation; landscape management; management plan; national; rurban; zones cache: das-16753.pdf plain text: das-16753.txt item: #54 of 214 id: das-17099 author: Rekus, Donatas; Kriaučiūnaite-Neklejonoviene, Vilma title: Peculiarities of digital levelling using automatic digital levels in civil engineering date: 2017-04-04 words: 3070 flesch: 57 summary: This work contains investigations of leveling errors of digital levels. Changes in leveling methodology and sources of specific errors occur using digital levels for precise leveling. keywords: levels cache: das-17099.pdf plain text: das-17099.txt item: #55 of 214 id: das-17180 author: Fokaides, Paris A. title: Guest Editor Preface date: 2016-12-01 words: 520 flesch: 21 summary: It is with a great pleasure that I preface this special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Archi- tecture and Civil Engineering, which comprises invited papers submitted to the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency, organized in May 2016 in Nicosia, Cyprus. The 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency was orga- nized on the 5th and 6th of May 2016 in Cyprus by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the 1927 founded union of Cypriot businessmen, with a membership of 8,000 enterprises and 140 Professional Associations. keywords: conference; energy cache: das-17180.pdf plain text: das-17180.txt item: #56 of 214 id: das-17223 author: Parthiban, Siddeshwaran; Stelmokaitis, Gediminas; Doroševas, Viktoras title: Investigation of Sand Behaviour under Cyclic Loading date: 2017-08-31 words: 2893 flesch: 51 summary: The surface of sand grains is rough, with succes- sions of nanoscale asperities and depressions. 6 Direct shear test on sand A Fig. 7 Direct shear test on sand B 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Fa ilu re s he ar s tr es s, k Pa Normal stress, kPa Without vibrations With 50 Hz vibrations 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Fa ilu re s he ar s tr es s, k Pa Normal stress, kPa Without vibrations With 50 Hz vibrations 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Fa ilu re s he ar s tr es s, k Pa Normal stress, kPa Without vibrations With 50 Hz vibrations sA = 0,0346q R² = 0,894 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Se tt le m en t ( m m ) Uniform load (N/m2 sB = 0,0387q R² = 0,9066 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Se tt le m en t ( m m ) Uniform load (N/m2 ) ) Fig. 8 Settlement test sand A Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2017/2/19 62 Fig. 9 Settlement test sand B keywords: cyclic; engineering; fig; sand; vibrations cache: das-17223.pdf plain text: das-17223.txt item: #57 of 214 id: das-17348 author: Olagunju, Remi Ebenezer; EBONG, SAMUEL OKON; ZUBAIRU, STELLA NONYELUM title: FACTORS AFFECTING ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FOR CRIME PREVENTION IN NIGERIA date: 2017-04-04 words: 4049 flesch: 49 summary: Documented works in Nigeria by Nigerian architects are scarce or not available in areas like crime prevention design. The significant factors affecting architectural design for crime 25 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2017/1/18 prevention draw attention to the need for architects in Nigeria to acquire relevant knowledge on the processes and requirements for crime prevention design in order to effectively address crime prevention issues in their designs. keywords: architects; crime; crime prevention; design; factors; knowledge; nigeria; prevention; security cache: das-17348.pdf plain text: das-17348.txt item: #58 of 214 id: das-17349 author: Olagunju, Remi Ebenezer; ATAMEWAN, EUGENE EHIMATIE title: INCREMENTAL CONSTRUCTION FOR SUSTAINABLE LOW-INCOME date: 2017-08-31 words: 5721 flesch: 53 summary: Low income housing is housing whose occupancy is reserved exclusively for those families or persons that are poor and cannot afford luxurious apartment because their income level is low. The implication here is that housing deficit will be on the increase instead of decreasing because imported building materials are very expen- sive and make housing construction unaffordable to the low-income urban dwellers. keywords: architecture; building; construction; housing; income; journal; nigeria; respondents; study; units; urban cache: das-17349.pdf plain text: das-17349.txt item: #59 of 214 id: das-17531 author: Albatici, Rossano; Gadotti, Alessia; Rossa, Giulia; Frattari, Antonio title: Comparison of thermal comfort conditions in multi-storey timber frame and cross-laminated residential buildings date: 2017-08-31 words: 4143 flesch: 52 summary: 40-48 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.19.2.17531 © Kaunas University of Technology Comparison of Thermal Comfort Conditions in Multi- Storey Timber Frame and Cross-Laminated Residential Buildings JSACE 2/19 Introduction Keywords: thermal comfort, timber building, monitoring campaign, questionnaires, post-occupancy evaluation. This can lead to a lack of thermal comfort, particularly in summer, due to temperature fluctuations. keywords: apartment; building; campaign; comfort; engineering; system; temperature; timber; trento cache: das-17531.pdf plain text: das-17531.txt item: #60 of 214 id: das-17557 author: Vaitkevičiūtė, Vaiva; Jakubauskaitė, Kamilė; Vitkuvienė, Jurga title: Ecological Cleaning and Reusing of Wastewater. Possibilities, Advantages and Suggestions date: 2017-04-04 words: 4413 flesch: 52 summary: For slope terraces, sewage water overflows the upper bank and irrigates the sloped terrace. Although it is possible to filter sewage water, it could leave perma- nent damage to the soil as Berlin example demonstrates. keywords: architecture; area; berlin; cleaning; ecological; engineering; lithuania; sewage; system; technology; treatment; wastewater; water cache: das-17557.pdf plain text: das-17557.txt item: #61 of 214 id: das-17836 author: Bocullo, Vytautas; Vaičiukynienė, Danutė; Kantautas, Aras; Borg, Ruben P.; Briguglio, Charlo title: Alkaline activation of hybrid cements binders date: 2017-08-31 words: 3878 flesch: 54 summary: Two composi- tions of each raw ma- terial were selected to be tested – without OPC (control) and with 15% OPC substitute (the max- imum substitute in this experiment) to see what difference additional OPC contributes to, with re- spect to the chemical composition in hardened samples. XRD analysis of the binder showed that additional OPC formed C-S-H, which should have contributed to strength development, because it is the prima- ry binding agent in OPC concrete (Fig. 4a). keywords: ash; compressive; concrete; fig; fly; geopolymer; opc; samples; strength cache: das-17836.pdf plain text: das-17836.txt item: #62 of 214 id: das-17991 author: Keenahan, Jennifer; MacReamoinn, Reamonn; Paduano, Cristina title: Sustainable Design using Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Built Environment – A Case Study date: 2017-08-31 words: 5833 flesch: 52 summary: Similar to wind tunnel tests, it can be used to understand the interaction of wind flow through an urban environment and the effect of a proposed development on the local wind microclimate. Melbourne, W.H. and Joubert, P.N. Problems with wind flow at the base of tall buildings. keywords: building; cfd; comfort; design; dublin; environment; fig; model; pedestrian; results; tunnel; wind cache: das-17991.pdf plain text: das-17991.txt item: #63 of 214 id: das-18206 author: Ebong, Samuel Okon title: INFLUENCING BEHAVIOUR FOR CRIME PREVENTION THROUGH ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: AN OVERVIEW date: 2017-08-31 words: 4408 flesch: 50 summary: Flusty (1997) sees crime prevention design as the process of creating ‘interdictory spaces’ to influence behaviour. It concludes that design to influence behaviour could be achieved if the architect has knowledge of crime prevention design concepts, theories and principles, the basic technology and types of crime prevention systems, products, and the process involved in integrating security and design. keywords: access; architecture; behaviour; building; control; crime; design; influence; prevention; security; site; users cache: das-18206.pdf plain text: das-18206.txt item: #64 of 214 id: das-18208 author: Atamewan, Eugene Ehimatie; OLAGUNJU, REMI EBENEZER title: SUSTAINABLE LOW-INCOME HOUSING AND PRACTICABLE MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS IN BAYELSA STATE, NIGERIA. date: 2017-12-14 words: 6306 flesch: 51 summary: Finally, it is recommended that housing standards should be based on the concept of “low and upgradable” which is relaxed and flexible for the low-income group while also encouraging incremental housing approach including the provision of basic infrastructure services by the government to enhance liveability. According to Bourennane, (2007), due to failure of several housing delivery strategies some governments of developing countries have adopted new enabling regulations that include relaxation of development control codes and appropriate housing standards. keywords: area; building; housing; income; minimum; poor; respondents; standard; study; units cache: das-18208.pdf plain text: das-18208.txt item: #65 of 214 id: das-18299 author: Morsink-Georgali, Foivi-Zoi; Kylili, Angeliki; Fokaides, Paris A title: Life Cycle Assessment of Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collectors date: 2017-12-22 words: 4691 flesch: 46 summary: Sun is one of the most primarily forms of energy, and therefore the conversion of solar energy into electricity could led us in the minimization of greenhouse gasses, in energy savings, the achievement of 2020 & 2050 energy targets, the halt of the rising global temperature and at the end in a life concluding in a sustainable environment. It collects solar energy and uses that energy for solar water-heating systems in buildings, solar space heating and process heating applications. keywords: absorber; aluminum; assessment; cycle; energy; flat; impact; journal; lca; life; manufacturing; plate; scenario; solar cache: das-18299.pdf plain text: das-18299.txt item: #66 of 214 id: das-18406 author: Azizibabani, Mohammadhossein; Dehghani, Marjan title: The Role of Architecture in the Process of Moving Towards Sustainable Development date: 2017-12-14 words: 6573 flesch: 35 summary: This paper reviewed the concepts of sustainable development and sustainable design, and addressed them in the field of architecture. This leads to the formu- lation of the definitions and components related to a kind of design, which is in line with the objec- tives of sustainable development that are known as sustainable design and the production of this kind of design in the field of architecture is sustainable architecture. keywords: architecture; bim; building; construction; design; development; energy; environmental; movement; order; process; sustainability; use cache: das-18406.pdf plain text: das-18406.txt item: #67 of 214 id: das-18486 author: Condurat, Mihaela; Ionita, Gabriela title: The environmental performances of reclaimed asphalt and bituminous sand pavements for transition toward low carbon mobility date: 2017-12-22 words: 6153 flesch: 39 summary: Another benefit of bituminous sand road pavements is the reduced mixing tem- perature. One may notice that in order for bituminous sand road pavements to be used instead of con- ventional asphalt ones, these have to be advantageous in terms of costs, while still fulfilling the physical and mechanical characteristics. keywords: alternative; asphalt; co2e; cycle; emissions; life; materials; pavement; road; road pavement; sand cache: das-18486.pdf plain text: das-18486.txt item: #68 of 214 id: das-18620 author: Olagoke, Oluseyi Akinola; Bamisile, Olusola O. title: Evaluating Building Sustainability Literacy Level in Nigerian Architectural Education date: 2017-12-22 words: 3415 flesch: 32 summary: So, examining the content of the current curriculum and enforcing necessary alterations as the tenets of building sustainability will require (in the context of Nigeria’s geographical peculiarities) is itself needful (James 2003). Questionnaires were distributed both to both male and female students in order to determine, assess and evaluate their level of understanding and also to identify their concept of building sustainability; added to this random semi-structured elite interviews were carried out. keywords: architecture; building; education; journal; level; nigeria; students; sustainability cache: das-18620.pdf plain text: das-18620.txt item: #69 of 214 id: das-18961 author: Dyomin, Nikolay Mefodiyovych; Ivashko, Yulia Vadymivna; Li, Shuan title: THE INFLUENCE OF NATURAL LANDSCAPE AND CHINESE TRADITIONS TO TRANSFORMATION OF ART NOUVEAU AND NATIONAL ROMANTICISM ARCHITECTURE IN CHINA date: 2017-12-14 words: 6991 flesch: 39 summary: Keywords: Art Nouveau architecture, China, natural landscape, transformation. The acquaintance of Japanese artists and writers with the culture of Western Europe and the art of Art Nouveau contributed to the reverse process of the penetration of the stylistic features of Art Nouveau style into traditional Japanese culture, and in China, Art Nouveau received rapid ex- pansion due to the growth of the European settlements in the East coast. keywords: architecture; art nouveau; china; chinese; european; european art; german; landscape; method; national; nouveau objects; objects; qingdao; style cache: das-18961.pdf plain text: das-18961.txt item: #70 of 214 id: das-19082 author: Sannikava, Volha; Tur, Viktar title: Estimation of the Restrained Strains and Self-stresses under Two-way Restraint Conditions date: 2017-12-14 words: 5890 flesch: 66 summary: i jt t t t t t+ − +∆ϕ = ϕ −ϕ (17) with: Keywords: design model, expansive concrete, restrained expansion strains, two-way restraint conditions. keywords: concrete; expansion; model; restraint; self; strains; t t cache: das-19082.pdf plain text: das-19082.txt item: #71 of 214 id: das-19178 author: Jurevičienė, Jūratė; Riaubiene, Edita; Vrubliauskas, Dalius title: Sustainability of Heritage Preservation in Academic Education of Architects in Lithuania date: 2017-12-22 words: 3569 flesch: 20 summary: The investigation covered two aspects: critical analysis of existing problems of urban cultural heritage preservation in Lithuania and diagnose of the teaching sys- tem status. Considering revealed problems and needs integration of sustainability and urban heritage preservation should be proposed as one of major target for the improvement of existing educational system of architects in Lithuania. keywords: architecture; cultural; education; heritage; lithuania; preservation; protection; urban cache: das-19178.pdf plain text: das-19178.txt item: #72 of 214 id: das-19295 author: Mitxelena Etxeberria, Alex; Gómez Genua, Enkarni title: FROM ECOLOGICAL ARCHITECTURE TO BIOMIMICRY date: 2017-12-14 words: 4225 flesch: 54 summary: In this paper we want to propose some first ideas that can serve as inspiration to develop this paradigm of biomimetic architecture. We could consider as biomimetic architecture a solar house that modifies its space in relation to the sun. keywords: architecture; biomimicry; energy; environment; nature; needs; new; spaces; sustainability; way cache: das-19295.pdf plain text: das-19295.txt item: #73 of 214 id: das-19302 author: Urbonaitė-Vadoklienė, Inga; Antanaitytė, Gerda title: Adapting participatory design tools in design through research (DTR) models to develop sustainable projects in sensitive territories. Case analysis. date: 2017-12-14 words: 4352 flesch: 32 summary: Evaluation of project development model and interaction between par- ticipants; _ The article analyses three design through research project cases developed by authors, which share common goal - to improve the quality of the environment using innovative and contemporary solutions, deal with landscape sustainability and local identity issues by involving community into design process. keywords: case; community; design; development; municipality; participants; planning; process; project; territory; urban cache: das-19302.pdf plain text: das-19302.txt item: #74 of 214 id: das-19323 author: Gražulevičiūtė - Vileniškė, Indrė; Šeduikytė, Lina; Liutikaitė, Orinta title: Re-functioning of Inter-War Modernism Buildings in Kaunas (Lithuania): the Aspect of Users’ Comfort date: 2017-12-14 words: 5185 flesch: 40 summary: In the frame of this research the analysis of literature, including the peculiarities of heritage building re-functioning from the users’ comfort point of view and the historical context of the case study building, and the field study including the photographical survey and the measurements of thermal conditions during warm (August) and cold (March – April, with central heating) seasons were carried out. Keywords: heritage building, cultural heritage, re-functioning, sustainability, inter-war modernism, thermal comfort, Kaunas, Lithuania. keywords: architecture; building; comfort; commerce; crafts; engineering; functioning; heritage; heritage buildings; industry; kaunas; preservation; use cache: das-19323.pdf plain text: das-19323.txt item: #75 of 214 id: das-19331 author: OGBONNA, ALBAN CHIDIEBERE; MIKAILU, ABUBAKAR title: Characterization of Ternary Batched Concrete Parking Lots on the Ground Containing Saw Dust Ash and Egg Shell Powder date: 2017-12-22 words: 4309 flesch: 59 summary: The study concluded that mixture of saw dust ash and egg shell powder is a suitable supplementary cementitious material and can satisfactorily replace hydraulic cement up to 20% by weight in the construction and maintenance of concrete parking lot placed on the ground. Keywords: compressive strength, concrete parking lot, egg shell powder, flexural strength, saw dust ash, supplementary cementitious material. keywords: aci; ash; cement; concrete; days; dust; replacement; saw; strength cache: das-19331.pdf plain text: das-19331.txt item: #76 of 214 id: das-19501 author: FILIPPOVA, Viktoriya; SAVVINOVA, Antonina; DANILOV, Yuri; GADAL, Sébastien; Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Jūratė title: The Study of Cultural Landscapes of Central Yakutia for the Development of Scientific Tourism date: 2017-12-22 words: 6871 flesch: 40 summary: In modern cultural geography, the topic of special organization of cultural landscapes causes many discussions, which is connected with differences in understanding the notion of cultural landscape itself and the various approaches to the study of cultural landscape suggested by Russian scholars, namely: Y.A. Vedenin, V.L. Kagansky, B.B. Rodoman, V.N. Kalutskov, T.M. Krasovskaya, M.V. Raguli- na, R.F. Turovsky, M.E. Kuleshova, G.A. Isachenko, V.A. Nikolayev, E.Y. Kolbovsky, V.A. Nizovtsev et al. Proposal of landscape typology for scientific tourism On the basis of the analysis of spatial differentiation of natural landscape and historical and cultur- al objects of the Khangalassky region, cultural landscape areas with proposed types of scientific tourism are identified. keywords: architecture; area; complexes; cultural; development; engineering; khangalassky; landscape; lena; natural; objects; park; permafrost; region; research; russian; territory; tourism; yakutia cache: das-19501.pdf plain text: das-19501.txt item: #77 of 214 id: das-20005 author: Chen, Jiajian; Ng, Pui-Lam; Jaskulski, Roman; Kubissa, Wojciech title: Use of Quartz Sand to Produce Low Embodied Energy and Carbon Footprint Plaster date: 2017-12-22 words: 4129 flesch: 64 summary: To investigate the feasibility of practical use of quartz sand in plaster and quantify the effect on reducing the embodied energy and carbon footprint, a total of 30 plaster mixes with quartz sand content varying from 0% to 20% at various water/solid ratios were produced for laboratory testing, and the embodied energy and carbon footprint of each plaster mix were quantitatively estimated. One strategy to solve the problem is to employ quartz sand, an economic and abundant natural resource, to partially replace cement for plaster production to directly reduce the embodied energy and carbon footprint. keywords: carbon; plaster; quartz; ratio; ratio qs; sand cache: das-20005.pdf plain text: das-20005.txt item: #78 of 214 id: das-20006 author: Kubissa, Wojciech; Jaskulski, Roman; Ng, Pui-Lam; Chen, Jiajian title: Utilisation of Copper Slag Waste and Heavy-Weight Aggregates for Production of Pre-cast shielding Concrete Elements date: 2018-09-27 words: 6100 flesch: 57 summary: Performance of high strength concrete made with copper slag as a fine aggregate. One of the most important functional features of heavy concrete is its density. keywords: aggregate; concrete; copper; density; mixture; reference; slag; strength; water; weight cache: das-20006.pdf plain text: das-20006.txt item: #79 of 214 id: das-20175 author: WAHAB, Akeem Bolaji title: Characterization and Effects of Noise Levels of Portable Generators Used in Residential Buildings in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria: A Case Study date: 2018-09-27 words: 8738 flesch: 48 summary: = Point of measurement from external wall of building Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2018/1/22 58 Indoor Noise Levels of Generators in the Residential Buildings Table 4 showed that prior to the use of generators in residential buildings, indoor noise levels were comparably lowest (42.3 dB) in buildings in the suburban zone and highest in buildings (44.2 dB) in the core zone. The mean deviation of indoor noise levels before use of generators (50.34 dB, 47.91 dB) and during use of generators (70.20 dB, 65.18 dB) were obtained in core and suburban zone respectively. keywords: buildings; generators; ibadan; mean; measurement; nigeria; noise; noise levels; outdoor; study; study area; use; zone cache: das-20175.pdf plain text: das-20175.txt item: #80 of 214 id: das-20194 author: Tur, Andrei; Tur, Viktar title: Reliability Approaches to Modeling of the Nonlinear Pseudo-static response of RC-structural Systems in Accidental Design Situations date: 2018-09-27 words: 17761 flesch: 51 summary: The model uncertainty factor Rd can be derived using the following expression from Schlune et al. (2011): exp( )Rd R RV    , (8) where: 0, 4R R    is the sensitivity factor for resistance model uncertainty ( R <1 in order to account for separate safety assessment of resistance); RV  is the coefficient of variations of the resistance model uncertainly. In general case, based on energetic consideration (see Fig. 1): , 0 ( ) u ps u uP d F      , (9) (8) where: 0, 4R Rα = α – is the sensitivity factor for resistance model uncertainty ( Rα <1 in order to account for separate safety assessment of re- sistance); RVϑ – is the coefficient of variations of the resistance model uncertainly. keywords: analysis; coefficient; design; design resistance; factor; method; model; probability; reliability; resistance; resistance factor; safety; value cache: das-20194.pdf plain text: das-20194.txt item: #81 of 214 id: das-20199 author: Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Jūratė title: Review of the book by Allan T. Shulman and Randolph C. Henning „The Discipline of Nature: Alfred Browning Parker Architect In Florida“ date: 2017-12-22 words: 635 flesch: 32 summary: The philosophy and specificity of Alfred Browning Parker works is very clearly described by Allan T. Shulman. The book “The Discipline of Nature: Alfred Browning Parker Architect in Florida” presents works and life of a prominent American architect Alfred Browning Parker on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. keywords: architecture; parker cache: das-20199.pdf plain text: das-20199.txt item: #82 of 214 id: das-20531 author: Mahamid, Ibrahim title: Effects of Design Quality on Delay in Residential Construction Projects date: 2021-06-22 words: 6190 flesch: 56 summary: This study is conducted to establish the effect of design quality on project delay in building projects. Furthermore, it is the first study that addresses the effect of design quality on project delay in Palestine and the neighboring countries. keywords: building; construction; delay; design; factors; journal; projects; quality; schedule; study; time cache: das-20531.pdf plain text: das-20531.txt item: #83 of 214 id: das-20573 author: ACKLEY, ANIEBIETABASI UFOT; Teeling, Caterine; ATAMEWAN, EUGENE title: Factors Affecting the Shortage and or Provision of Sustainable Affordable Housing in Developing Countries - A Case-Study of Cross River State, Nigeria date: 2018-09-27 words: 5366 flesch: 41 summary: The interviewees suggested that poor implementation of government housing policies 84% (n=42), difficulty in purchasing land 94% (n=47), the high cost of building materials 96% (n=48), and lack of finance and access to credit facilities 80% (n=40) were significant challenges hindering the provision of sustainable affordable housing. 3 Factors affecting the shortage and provision of affordable housing: Source: Author’s field work, 2015 Factors n-50 % High rate of Rural-Urban Migration 48 96 Poor planning and maintenance of existing buildings 45 90 Poverty (Inadequate Finance) 40 80 Use of inferior building materials 43 86 Poor basic infrastructure provision by government 34 68 Poor implementation of government housing policies 42 84 High cost of rent 37 74 Destruction of facilities by occupants 30 60 Poor design and implementation 39 78 Environmental problems (Pollution, flooding, topography) 40 80 Difficulty in purchasing land for building 47 94 High cost of building materials 48 96 Difficulty to access credit facilities 40 80 High cost of maintenance 38 76 High risk of fire incidents 26 52 High cost of labour to build 35 70 Abandoned government housing projects 35 70 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2018/1/22 34 factors affecting the shortage and provision of affordable housing. keywords: architecture; building; cross; government; housing; journal; materials; nigeria; provision; river; shortage; state; urban cache: das-20573.pdf plain text: das-20573.txt item: #84 of 214 id: das-20862 author: Martinavičius, Deividas; Augonis, Mindaugas; Adamukaitis, Nerijus; Zingaila, Tadas title: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Concrete Filled Closed Section Steel Beams date: 2018-09-27 words: 12677 flesch: 66 summary: al. 2017) or steel HSQ beams (Pajari 2010 and Bzdawka 2012), but in the scope of reviewed papers, there was no information about HSQ beams filled with concrete. al. 2017) or steel HSQ beams (Pajari 2010 and Bzdawka 2012), but in the scope of reviewed papers, there was no information about HSQ beams filled with concrete. keywords: beams; concrete; deflection; experimental; load; model; specimens; steel; steel beams cache: das-20862.pdf plain text: das-20862.txt item: #85 of 214 id: das-20902 author: Kavaliauskas, Paulius; Daukšys, Mindaugas title: Research on Installation Technologies of Corrosion Protection for Steel Structures date: 2018-09-27 words: 10869 flesch: 52 summary: In Table 3 the pull-off tests were analysed in detail referencing the methodology of “Inspection of corrosion protective coating” and the effect of steel surface preparation depending on paint system was noticed. Test No. 3 40% A 60% B 20% A 80% B 100% B/C 5% C 95% Y/Z 30% C 70% Y/Z 15% C 85% Y/Z 10% C 90% Y/Z 5% C 95% Y/Z 5% C 95% Y/Z In Table 3 the pull-off tests were analysed in detail referencing the methodology of “Inspection of corrosion protective coating” and the effect of steel surface preparation depending on paint system was noticed. keywords: corrosion; figure; paint; paint systems; results; steel specimen; steel surface; surface preparation; systems cache: das-20902.pdf plain text: das-20902.txt item: #86 of 214 id: das-20987 author: Lisauskas, Tadas; Augonis, Mindaugas; Kelpša, Šarūnas title: The stress’s state analysis of carbon fibre reinforced concrete elements evaluating the bond influence date: 2018-11-27 words: 13674 flesch: 75 summary: 𝜉𝜉 = 𝜉𝜉��� ∙ �2,5 − 1,5 ∙ 𝐸𝐸� 𝐸𝐸� � 𝐸𝐸�𝐸𝐸� (5) 𝐸𝐸�,� – elasticity module of layers; 𝐴𝐴�,� – cross-section area; 𝜔𝜔 – distance between centres of layers; 𝑀𝑀�� – bending moment; 𝜉𝜉 – stiffness of layers joint 3. 𝜉𝜉 = 𝜉𝜉��� ∙ �2,5 − 1,5 ∙ 𝐸𝐸� 𝐸𝐸� � 𝐸𝐸�𝐸𝐸� (5) 𝐸𝐸�,� – elasticity module of layers; 𝐴𝐴�,� – cross-section area; 𝜔𝜔 – distance between centres of layers; 𝑀𝑀�� – bending moment; 𝜉𝜉 – stiffness of layers joint 3. keywords: sinh �; � �; 𝐴𝐴 �; 𝐸𝐸 �; 𝑀𝑀 �; 𝜉𝜉 �; 𝜏𝜏 � cache: das-20987.pdf plain text: das-20987.txt item: #87 of 214 id: das-21116 author: Jolanta, Šadauskienė; Pupeikis, Darius title: Review of BIM implementation in Higher Education date: 2018-09-27 words: 6105 flesch: 38 summary: The opportunities of BIM education leads to collaboration among the different public sectors, which relates Research and development (R&D) projects, BIM dissemination, the teaching of staff, the legalization of AEC and etc. CONCLUSIONS The analyses of disciplines related with BIM and their relations in KTU show that the strength of BIM development in FCEA study programmes is the interdisciplinary joint semester projects, where not only FCEA study programmes like Architecture, Civil Engineering, Building Services Systems are involved but also study programmes from Faculty of Electrical and Electronics like Automation and Control and Electrical Engineering. This is confirmed by the investigation of a current position and associated challenges of BIM education in the United Kingdom Higher Education (Underwood and Ayoade 2015). keywords: architecture; bim; building; construction; design; development; disciplines; education; engineering; information; lithuania; programmes; project; study cache: das-21116.pdf plain text: das-21116.txt item: #88 of 214 id: das-21134 author: Rekus, Donatas; Kriaučiūnaitė-Neklejonovienė, Vilma title: Analysis of the accuracy of different geodesic measurements methods for measuring roads date: 2018-11-27 words: 7019 flesch: 55 summary: After surveying roads were restored to the project position. After surveying roads were restored to the project position. keywords: data; deviations; railway; repair; road; state; surveying; works cache: das-21134.pdf plain text: das-21134.txt item: #89 of 214 id: das-21176 author: Ackley, Aniebietabasi; Ukpong, Edidiong title: Exploring Post Occupancy Evaluation as a Sustainable Tool for Assessing Building Performance in Developing Countries date: 2019-07-09 words: 7687 flesch: 38 summary: This study explored the use of POE as a sustainable tool to assess building performance in developing countries with Nigeria as a case study. The method of data collection was firstly through a systematic literature review where existing and current conceptual body of knowledge in peer-reviewed journals, electronic databases (Science Direct and Google Scholar), conference proceedings, and published articles were appraised; with a specific focus on key issues of POE, such as: its definition, evolution, phases, levels, dimensions, benefits and application as a sustainable tool for building performance. keywords: architecture; assessment; building; building performance; energy; evaluation; interviewees; journal; nigeria; occupancy; performance; poe; poes; post; research; study; tool; use cache: das-21176.pdf plain text: das-21176.txt item: #90 of 214 id: das-21204 author: Levinskytė, Aurelija; Bliūdžius, Raimondas; Kapačiūnas, Robertas title: The comparison of a numerical and empirical calculation of thermal transmittance of ventilated facade with different heat-conductive connections date: 2018-11-27 words: 15030 flesch: 50 summary: Table 2.The calculations results of the heat transfer coefficient with different heat conductivity thermal insulation Thermal insulation Heat-conductive connections Heat transfer U, W/(m²ꞏK) The calculation results also indicated: - the influence of thermal breaks is significant only for insulation systems with steel and aluminium alloys connectors; - the influence of heat conductive connectors increases with increment of thickness of thermal insulating layer. - the higher influence of thermal conductive connectors was determined when lower-conductive thermo-insulating materials are used; - the thermal transmittance of ventilated facade system increases up to 2 times when the aluminium connections are used, so they should not be used for low energy buildings; - the difference between heat transfer coefficients with different conductivity of thermal insulation show that 3-D simulation is more reliable method for evaluation of point thermal bridges because obtained results follow the trends of distribution of calculation results; - significant difference in results of the empirical and 3-D calculation method (the calculations with aluminium alloy connections gave even 130 % difference) require to corrected empirical method at least for calculation of the heat transfer through the building envelopes with high thermal conductivity connections such as aluminium alloy connectors. keywords: conductivity; connections; heat; insulation; wall; 𝐿𝐿 �; 𝑅𝑅 �; 𝜆𝜆 � cache: das-21204.pdf plain text: das-21204.txt item: #91 of 214 id: das-21255 author: Riekstins, Arne title: Digital Prototyping and Augmented Reality Models for Studies of Architectural Design date: 2018-09-27 words: 3558 flesch: 39 summary: The method will probably never substi- tute physical scale models but it is widely applicable to short term projects and proj- ects where many modifications need to be checked in almost real time. There are several ways of representing the final design in traditional methods – by architectural drawings (plans, facades and sections), renderings and scale models. keywords: application; architecture; design; making; model; physical; prototyping; scale cache: das-21255.pdf plain text: das-21255.txt item: #92 of 214 id: das-21268 author: Valancius, Rokas; Mutiari, Anies; Singh, Anju; Alexander, Cynthia; Arteta De La Cruz, Diana; del Pozo Jr, Federico E title: Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the Built Environment: Today Trends and Future Challenges date: 2018-11-27 words: 10053 flesch: 54 summary: The main application of solar energy systems is to act as clean power source connected to the electrical grid (Romero-Cadaval et al. 2015). The main application of solar energy systems is to act as clean power source connected to the electrical grid (Romero-Cadaval et al. 2015). keywords: capacity; cells; countries; development; efficiency; electricity; energy; future; grid; panels; power; price; pv systems; res; solar; systems; technology; world cache: das-21268.pdf plain text: das-21268.txt item: #93 of 214 id: das-21359 author: Perednis, Eugenijus; Valancius, Rokas; Cerneckienė, Jurgita; Stasiuliene, Laura; Vaiciunas, Juozas title: Analysis of the Criteria for Selecting Heating Systems for Residential Buildings in Cold Climate date: 2018-11-27 words: 6708 flesch: 50 summary: In recent years, district heating energy price dropped by 8% (LSTA 2018). Keywords: residential building, heating system, energy prices. keywords: boiler; building; efficiency; energy; fuel; gas; heat; heat source; heating; heating system; regulation; system; water cache: das-21359.pdf plain text: das-21359.txt item: #94 of 214 id: das-21426 author: Cardoso, Rui Silva title: Haussmann Structural Floors Repairs and Strengthening Techniques date: 2018-11-27 words: 9901 flesch: 61 summary: Timber floors The technical survey performed on several timber floors, Fig. 4-a), allow identifying different typologies along the stories. Timber floors The technical survey performed on several timber floors, Fig. 4-a), allow identifying different typologies along the stories. keywords: beams; concrete; fig; floors; iao; slab; timber; timber floors cache: das-21426.pdf plain text: das-21426.txt item: #95 of 214 id: das-21434 author: Daugėlaitė, Aurelija; Gražulevičiūtė - Vileniškė, Indrė title: Urban Acupuncture in Historic Environment: Research of Analogues date: 2018-11-27 words: 7106 flesch: 49 summary: Urban acupuncture interventions in historic urban environment can be beneficial for the ac- tualization of heritage, for highlighting of its’ valuable features, and attracting attention of the society. The architectural-urban context determines the type of urban acupuncture interventions. keywords: acupuncture; criteria; environment; evaluation; interventions; people; place; space; urban cache: das-21434.pdf plain text: das-21434.txt item: #96 of 214 id: das-21540 author: Žagarinskas, Mindaugas; Daukšys, Mindaugas ; Mockienė, Jūratė title: Research on Installation Technologies of Retaining Walls with Ground Anchors date: 2020-11-05 words: 14065 flesch: 58 summary: The views of the selected types of retaining walls ( The same types of wall installation and retaining wall options and criteria applied for their evaluation were also used with other evaluation techniques. The views of the selected types of retaining walls ( The same types of wall installation and retaining wall options and criteria applied for their evaluation were also used with other evaluation techniques. keywords: case; computation; cost; criteria; ground; ground anchors; matrix; option; wall cache: das-21540.pdf plain text: das-21540.txt item: #97 of 214 id: das-21542 author: Ždankus, Tadas; Černeckienė, Jurgita; Greičius, Leonas; Stanevičius, Vidas; Bunikis, Nerijus title: Wind Energy Usage for Building Heating Applying Hydraulic System date: 2019-07-09 words: 3313 flesch: 48 summary: 63-70 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.25.2.21542 Wind Energy Usage for Building Heating Applying Hydraulic System JSACE 2/25 Tadas Ždankus*, Jurgita Černeckienė, Leonas Greičius, Vidas Stanevičius, Nerijus Bunikis Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Studentu st. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas, Lithuania Introduction The most ordinary way to use wind energy for building heating needs is to convert mechanical wind energy into electrical energy and to use electrical energy for heating. Keywords: energy conversion, heating of the building, heat production, hydraulic system, wind energy. keywords: energy; heat; hydraulic; oil; system; valve; wind; wind energy cache: das-21542.pdf plain text: das-21542.txt item: #98 of 214 id: das-21579 author: Endzelis, Julius; Daukšys, Mindaugas title: Comparison between modular building technology and traditional construction date: 2018-11-27 words: 9913 flesch: 60 summary: The following evaluation criteria were selected for measuring the comparison of selected type of building construction:  K1 – 1m2 installation cost, Eur/m2;  K2 – construction time (work carried out consistently), work days;  K3 – work safety during construction work, points;  K4 – environmental protection, points;  K5 – man-hours, h/m2, h/m2;  K6 – quality of work performed, points;  K7 – machine-hours, h/m2. Three types of building construction were selected for the study as alternatives (Fig. 1): _ keywords: building; construction; criteria; figure; frame module; masonry; metal frame; points; work cache: das-21579.pdf plain text: das-21579.txt item: #99 of 214 id: das-21606 author: Dobravalskis, Mantas; Spūdys, Paulius; Vaičiūnas, Juozas; Fokaides, Paris title: Potential of harvesting rainwater from vertical surfaces date: 2018-11-27 words: 7038 flesch: 60 summary: Finally, less than 13% of all rainwater was not harvested and have splashed of the facade panel past the external gutter that is collecting facade runoff water. Finally, less than 13% of all rainwater was not harvested and have splashed of the facade panel past the external gutter that is collecting facade runoff water. keywords: experiments; facade; load; panel; rainwater; rwh; system; water cache: das-21606.pdf plain text: das-21606.txt item: #100 of 214 id: das-21698 author: Baltus, Vytautas; Jankauskaitė-Jurevičienė, Laura; Žebrauskas, Tadas title: Parametric Architecture Today and Tomorrow date: 2019-07-09 words: 2367 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords: parametric design, architecture, urban. Parametric design has its roots in the digital animation techniques, but recently, with emerge of advanced design systems and scripting techniques, it became dominant style for avant-garde practice, which “sell” projects to clients as performative solutions based on what clients want their buildings to achieve - spectacular views, efficient circulation, improved working conditions, increased productivity, better use of resources and materials, more efficient communication. keywords: architecture; design; engineering; kaunas; parameters; parametric; techniques cache: das-21698.pdf plain text: das-21698.txt item: #101 of 214 id: das-21714 author: Kudirka, Rokas; Daukšys, Mindaugas; Juočiūnas, Svajūnas title: Research on the Concrete Mixture Stability and Sliding on the Inclined Plane date: 2020-11-05 words: 10462 flesch: 62 summary: The experiment consisted of two steps: first, the research was conducted to obtain an effect of coarse aggregate content in aggregates mixture on the stability and sliding of concrete mixture, when the samples of fresh concrete are on the inclined plane without additional roughening of surface; second, the research was conducted to obtain an effect of inclined plane surface roughening on the stability and sliding of fresh concrete samples. By using Microsoft Excel program was identified the best dependence between the sliding speed and shear stress values of fresh concrete samples according to the best empirical coefficients values of equations. keywords: bt1; concrete; content; mixture; plane; plane inclination; stress; surface cache: das-21714.pdf plain text: das-21714.txt item: #102 of 214 id: das-22067 author: Gullbrekken, Lars; Time, Berit title: Towards upgrading strategies for nZEB-dwellings in Norway date: 2019-07-09 words: 4218 flesch: 52 summary: Norwegian building rules1 from the last 60 years have been used, as has the Norwegian knowl- edge system Byggforskserien (The Building Research Design Sheets) and Trehusboka (The Nor- 1 Norwegian building rules from 1965-2017 available from: bygningsregelverket-fra-1965--20172/bygningsloven/id2590707/ Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2019/2/25 38 wegian Wooden House Book). Building envelope thermal insulation development Since 1950, there have been increasingly strict building regulations concerning the technical de- mands for building parts. keywords: air; building; energy; houses; insulation; norwegian; upgrading; vapour cache: das-22067.pdf plain text: das-22067.txt item: #103 of 214 id: das-22074 author: Ruus, Aime; Tintera, Jiri title: Revitalization of wooden apartments as a tool to deal with shrinkage – case study from Valga date: 2019-07-09 words: 3688 flesch: 56 summary: Results and Discussion The paper focuses on the revitalization of apartment buildings lying within the heritage conserva- tion area of Valga town. Studies carried out in Tallinn Uni- versity of Technology (Kalamees, 2011) found that the average values of air leakage rates for wooden apartment buildings was q50=10 m 3/(hm2). keywords: air; apartment; building; case; energy; envelope; fig; journal; thermal; urban; valga cache: das-22074.pdf plain text: das-22074.txt item: #104 of 214 id: das-22099 author: Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug; Lolli, Nicola title: Costs and Procurement for Cross-Laminated Timber in Mid-Rise Buildings date: 2019-07-09 words: 4875 flesch: 54 summary: The board of Sit visited CLT producers and CLT buildings in Austria and CLT buildings in Norway, and listened to experts and experience from other builders. The project leader at Sit believes that Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2019/2/25 50 the cost for CLT buildings will be more competitive than concrete buildings once all actors in the building market have gained enough experience and knowledge. keywords: building; clt; competition; construction; cost; design; energy; moholt; procurement; project; sit; use cache: das-22099.pdf plain text: das-22099.txt item: #105 of 214 id: das-22263 author: Liisma, Eneli; Kuus, Babette Liseth; Kukk, Villu; Kalamees, Targo title: A case study on the construction of a CLT building without a preliminary roof date: 2019-07-09 words: 4150 flesch: 52 summary: CLT elements were used for the vertical and horizontal structure, Fig. 1. 55 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2019/2/25 In this case study no temporary tent or preliminary roof for weather protection was set up during the installation process and so considerably greater risk was taken because there was no proper moisture safety plan in the bidding stage of the project. On-site moisture safety was divided into full-scale monitoring of CLT elements for their actual moisture status and monitoring of reduced size CLT element polygons, which were compared with the building construction. keywords: building; clt; construction; elements; fig; horizontal; installation; moisture; safety; water cache: das-22263.pdf plain text: das-22263.txt item: #106 of 214 id: das-22393 author: Mlinkauskienė, Aušra; Jankauskaitė-Jurevičienė, Laura; Christensen, Per; Finocchiaro, Luca; Lobaccaro, Gabriele title: BIM Integration Possibilities in Different Study Cycles of Architecture Study Programme date: 2020-11-05 words: 9422 flesch: 38 summary: Norvegian Science And Technoogy University, Sus- tainable Architecture study programme: https://, 2018-06-20. In NTNU Sustainable Architecture study programme a first attempt was done in the laboratory of the first semester in which a session of tutorial on how to create a simple BIM model in REVIT and export it in different simulations environments for conducting further energy analyses has been introduced. keywords: architecture; bim; design; ktu; ntnu; programme; project; students; studies; study; study programme; technology cache: das-22393.pdf plain text: das-22393.txt item: #107 of 214 id: das-22422 author: Polikarpus, Martin; Kehl, Daniel title: Moisture safety of the construction with VCL using Hygrobrid technology date: 2019-07-09 words: 4358 flesch: 50 summary: Directional Sd-value curves of the 3rd generation VCL – blue curve: room → insulation; red curve – insulation → room (right) Methods Vapour Control Layer The simplified Glaser method according to DIN 4108-3: 2014 and SIA 180: 2014 is not applicable for external vapour-tight, green flat roofs, and vapour tight pitched roofs in wooden construction with inward laying moisture control layer. The vapour control layer is not only moisture variable but also direction variable, and it is compared in this examination with other moisture variable vapour control layers with small and large spread. keywords: air; control; fig; generation; humidity; layer; moisture; roof; safety; vapour; vapour control cache: das-22422.pdf plain text: das-22422.txt item: #108 of 214 id: das-22465 author: Bodur, Alper title: An Investigation on Post-Disaster Housing Resident Satisfaction in Subaşı After the Marmara Earthquake date: 2020-11-05 words: 5287 flesch: 54 summary: For this reason, it is inevitable to build permanent housing areas in the process of integration with the existing city in the broader frame. Permanent housing is the last stage to afford long-term permanent housing solutions for disaster victims (FEMA, 1998). keywords: disaster; earthquake; houses; housing; marmara; people; residences; turkey; yalova cache: das-22465.pdf plain text: das-22465.txt item: #109 of 214 id: das-23080 author: Gorgiladze, Badri; Mikiashvili, Gocha; Imnadze, Nino title: Adaption of Buildings Shape with Renewable Energy Consumption date: 2020-11-05 words: 4974 flesch: 47 summary: More effective focusing of solar energy will be possible by the mirrors arranged along cylindrical sur- face, but this would be justified in colder climatic conditions or in a case when the solar energy directly converted in a heat (or at a joint application of this tech- nique). More effective focusing of solar energy will be possible by the mirrors arranged along cylindrical surface, but this would be justified in colder climatic conditions or in a case when the solar energy directly converted in a heat (or at a joint application of this technique). keywords: architecture; building; energy; fig; glass; mirrors; panels; shape; wind cache: das-23080.pdf plain text: das-23080.txt item: #110 of 214 id: das-23228 author: Kuusk, Kalle; Kaiser, Ahmed; Lolli, Nicola; Johansson, Jan; Hasu, Tero; Gunnarshaug Lien, Anne; Arumägi, Endrik; Kalbe, Kristo; Hallik, Jaanus; Kurnitski, Jarek; Kalamees, Targo title: Energy Performance, Indoor Air Quality and Comfort in New Nearly Zero Energy Day-care Centres in Northern Climatic Conditions date: 2019-04-17 words: 5362 flesch: 47 summary: Energy performance with national NZEB solutions was benchmarked against the EC recommen- dation by using input data representing a standard use and applying the ISO 52000-1:2017 primary energy factors (PEF showed that the direct comparison of the building energy performance be- tween the EC recommendation and the national nZEB primary energy values produced inconsis- tent results because of the variation of both the primary energy factors and the energy calculation input data in national regulations. This could cause a deterioration of indoor air quality (depending on the location of the building) and energy performance. keywords: air; buildings; care; climate; consumption; day; energy; estonia; finland; heating; indoor; performance cache: das-23228.pdf plain text: das-23228.txt item: #111 of 214 id: das-23229 author: Dodoo, Ambrose title: Lifecycle Impacts of Structural Frame Materials for Multi-storey Building Systems date: 2019-04-17 words: 6893 flesch: 48 summary: The significance of material choice and the role of building systems in reducing overall lifecycle impacts of buildings are discussed and explored in some recent studies (e.g. Gustavsson and Sathre, 2006, Tettey et al., 2014). The anal- ysis shows that the choice of structural frame material as well as building system has signifi- cant effect on the primary energy use and climate impact of buildings. keywords: beam; building; building systems; concrete; energy; frame; ghg; lifecycle; production; systems; timber; timber frame; use cache: das-23229.pdf plain text: das-23229.txt item: #112 of 214 id: das-23230 author: Mjörnell, Kristina; Olsson, Lars title: Moisture Safety of Wooden Buildings – Design, Construction and Operation date: 2019-04-17 words: 4875 flesch: 53 summary: Due to the increased interest for wooden buildings by the market, new technologies based on cross-laminated timber (CLT) which gives a higher rigidity and strength to wooden structures have been developed, enabling the evolution of high-rise buildings. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2019/1/24 32 As part of the program, a number of field studies were made in order to increase knowledge on the hygro-thermal conditions that wooden buildings are exposed to during their lifetime including both construction and operation phase. keywords: building; construction; moisture; mould; protection; weather; weather protection; wood cache: das-23230.pdf plain text: das-23230.txt item: #113 of 214 id: das-23231 author: Hallik, Jaanus; Kalamees, Targo title: Development of Airtightness of Estonian Wooden Buildings date: 2019-04-17 words: 5413 flesch: 42 summary: The quality of workmanship through systematic measurements as well as prefabrication showed significant improvement in the full dataset and in both subgroups (log-buildings and lightweight timber buildings) corresponding to a 37% to 74% improvement, depending on the factor and group. 3. Comparison of air leakage rates and its distribution between companies that conduct systematic measurements (A – log buildings, B – volumetric prefabricated modules, C – prefabricated wall/roof elements). keywords: air; air leakage; buildings; energy; leakage; m3/(hm2; measurements; rate cache: das-23231.pdf plain text: das-23231.txt item: #114 of 214 id: das-23232 author: Geving, Stig; Norvik, Øyvind; Gullbrekken, Lars title: The Effect of Repeated Moisture Cycles on the Air Tightness of Traditional Clamped Vapour Barrier Joints date: 2019-04-17 words: 8016 flesch: 65 summary: The results showed that the first moisture cycle (drying) resulted in significant increase of air leakage for all the sample variants. Air leakages through building envelopes lead to higher energy consumption, may result in mois- ture accumulation problems in the building envelope, and it may also affect the indoor air quality (Airaksinen et al. 2003, Janssens and Hens 2003, Relander et al. 2012, Tuominen et al. 2014, Kalamees et al. 2017). keywords: air leakage; barrier; building; center; drying; joints; vapour cache: das-23232.pdf plain text: das-23232.txt item: #115 of 214 id: das-23234 author: Kalbe, Kristo; Kalamees, Targo title: Influence of Window Details on the Energy Performance of an nZEB date: 2019-04-17 words: 11094 flesch: 57 summary: Additionally – the PHPP software allows detailed input of window reveal and overhang shading data, as well as the input of window frame installation LTT values for each of the window sides. This paper examines the influence of window frame thermal transmittance, window frame width and window installation depth on the energy demand of the building. keywords: building; energy; heat; heat demand; thermal; window frame; window installation; � 𝐴; 𝐴 𝐴𝐴; 𝐴 𝐺𝐺 cache: das-23234.pdf plain text: das-23234.txt item: #116 of 214 id: das-23237 author: Bard, Delphine; Vardaxis, Nikolas GEORGIOS; Sondergard, Elin title: Acoustic Comfort Investigation in Residential Timber Buildings in Sweden date: 2019-04-17 words: 8424 flesch: 61 summary: The questions analyzed in this article are presented in Table 2, with some statistics which refer to the subjects (residents) living in LW wooden buildings only. About 8% of the total subjects would consider moving out due to noise pollution in their living environment: this corresponds to a small percentage for LW buildings (only 2%) but a considerable percentage for HW concrete buildings (9%). keywords: acoustic; buildings; home; noise; replies; sample; sound; tenants cache: das-23237.pdf plain text: das-23237.txt item: #117 of 214 id: das-23239 author: Kalamees, Targo title: Guest Editor Preface date: 2019-04-17 words: 974 flesch: 46 summary: The results indicate that impact noise can be an issue in timber buildings. Forum Wood Building Baltic is the main conference for technical topics of wooden buildings: building physics, fire safety, and wooden nearly zero energy buildings etc. keywords: building; energy; timber; wood cache: das-23239.pdf plain text: das-23239.txt item: #118 of 214 id: das-23607 author: Orfanoudaki, Chara; Tousi, Evgenia title: Policies for Environmental Awareness in Tourist Accommodation. The case of Greece. date: 2020-11-05 words: 6653 flesch: 46 summary: Subsequently, all the interventions determined during energy inspection must be carried out, with a view to reducing hotel energy consumption and the greenhouse gases produced. _ Taking into consideration all the above along with the fact that in Greece there are no statistical data for energy consumption in the Tourism sector, this research provides useful information re- garding environmental awareness in tourist accommodation. keywords: accommodation; buildings; consumption; efficiency; energy; energy consumption; energy efficiency; greece; hotels; saving; tourism; water cache: das-23607.pdf plain text: das-23607.txt item: #119 of 214 id: das-24084 author: Silva Cardoso, Rui title: Strengthening Haussmannian and Ski Resorts Hotels Wall Openings with Steel Beams and Steel Portal Frames date: 2020-11-05 words: 12827 flesch: 60 summary: Grade Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2020/1/26 72 The current normative documents as Eurocode, beyond others, do not provide any guidelines regarding wall opening strengthening techniques or even the design of openings created in ex- isting walls. Masonry wall opening strengthening At the bearings and since for masonry wall the bearing stress is limited to 700-2000 kN/m2, HEB Fig. keywords: b b; beam; fig; opening; steel; strengthening; wall cache: das-24084.pdf plain text: das-24084.txt item: #120 of 214 id: das-25104 author: Sherman, Gabrielle; Walkingstick, Tamara; Wallen, Kenneth; Pelkki, Matthew title: Architect Familiarity and Perceptions Surrounding Sustainable Design, LEED, and Engineered Wood Products in Arkansas date: 2020-11-17 words: 11222 flesch: 39 summary: Respondents reported on age and education level When rating the importance of sustainability goals in relation to engineered wood product use, “increasing use of renewable/recyclable materials to reduce environmental impacts” received the highest score, while “mitigating global climate change” once again received the lowest score (“increasing use of renewable/recyclable materials”; x̅ = 3.9, SD = 0.8… “mitigating global climate change”; x̅ = 3.3, SD = 1.2) . When rating the importance of sustainability goals in relation to engineered wood product use, “increasing use of renewable/recyclable materials to reduce environmental impacts” received the highest score, while “mitigating global climate change” once again received the lowest score (“increasing use of renewable/recyclable materials”; x̅ = 3.9, SD = 0.8… “mitigating global climate change”; x̅ = 3.3, SD = 1.2) . keywords: architects; arkansas; building; categories; climate; design; familiarity; leed; mean; products; sustainability; timber; use; wood; wood products cache: das-25104.pdf plain text: das-25104.txt item: #121 of 214 id: das-25142 author: Olanrewaju, Oludolapo; Ajiboye Babarinde, Sunday; Salihu, Comfort title: Current State of Building Information Modelling in the Nigerian Construction Industry date: 2020-11-17 words: 11158 flesch: 53 summary: To achieve the objectives of this study, a literature survey was conducted on BIM uses, BIM and software packages. Awareness Level of BIM Uses in the Nigerian Construction Industry Table 3 shows thirteen (13) BIM uses catego- rized into three stages of building construction (Design Stage, Construction / Building Stage, and Operation / Facility Management Stage). keywords: bim; brochure; building; construction; design; eko; energy; figure; industry; information; management; mean; olugboyega; software; sources; south; stage; uses cache: das-25142.pdf plain text: das-25142.txt item: #122 of 214 id: das-25175 author: Evgenia, Tousi; Konstantinos, Serraos title: Brownfield Management in Greece. The Case of Piraeus date: 2020-11-17 words: 5475 flesch: 41 summary: The first category named A-type sites, involves brownfield areas that attract private investors while categories B and C, collect the less appealing brownfields to private investors. Moreover, mapping of different variables affecting brownfield areas could offer a well rounded perspective on the con- temporary problems and conflicts that urban planning should resolve. keywords: area; brownfield; greece; land; new; piraeus; planning; port; redevelopment; research; sites; urban; uses cache: das-25175.pdf plain text: das-25175.txt item: #123 of 214 id: das-25391 author: Nutt, Nele; Kubjas, Ardo title: Moisture Buffer Value of Composite Material Made of Clay- Sand Plaster and Wastepaper date: 2020-11-17 words: 4774 flesch: 59 summary: MBV increases when adding paper plaster mixture to clay plaster mixture. MBV increases when adding paper plaster mixture to clay plaster mixture. keywords: clay; clay plaster; mbv; mixture; paper; plaster; plaster mixture cache: das-25391.pdf plain text: das-25391.txt item: #124 of 214 id: das-25465 author: Panteli, Christiana; Klumbytė , Eglė; Apanavičienė, Rasa; Fokaides, Paris A. title: An Overview of the Existing Schemes and Research Trends in Financing the Energy Upgrade of Buildings in Europe date: 2020-11-17 words: 6615 flesch: 42 summary: The SFSB initiative aims to reinforced longer-term investments on energy projects in the building sector by allocating €18 billion between 2014 and 2020. Beyond an alternative method for raising funds, crowdfunding allows communities and citizens to become shareholders and share investments on energy projects (CF4EE 2020). keywords: buildings; crowdfunding; efficiency; energy; energy efficiency; european; financing; investment; projects; public; schemes; sector cache: das-25465.pdf plain text: das-25465.txt item: #125 of 214 id: das-26079 author: Prozuments, Aleksejs; Borodinecs, Anatolijs; Zemitis, Jurgis title: Survey Based Evaluation of Indoor Environment in an Administrative Military Facility date: 2020-11-17 words: 8895 flesch: 40 summary: The results of the conducted survey revealed that there is a high degree of dissatisfaction with the indoor environment in military buildings, that is attributed to inadequate ventilation and overtemperature. Keywords: thermal comfort, indoor air quality, occupant survey, military buildings. keywords: air; building; comfort; energy; fig; humidity; level; military; personnel; quality; respondents; survey; temperature; thermal cache: das-26079.pdf plain text: das-26079.txt item: #126 of 214 id: das-2612 author: FERGUSON, James N. title: Building a Green Roof in Lithuania date: 2012-10-17 words: 4328 flesch: 60 summary: Hopefully, this will encourage more Lithuanian developers, architects, and engineers to consider green roofs as a viable solution. Introduction It has been a long uphill battle to interest clients in green roofs, solar power and other forms of passive energy roofs, since I came to Lithuania in 1997. keywords: building; city; green; lithuania; project; roof; site; structure cache: das-2612.pdf plain text: das-2612.txt item: #127 of 214 id: das-2613 author: MATIJOŠAITINĖ, Irina; NAVICKAITĖ, Kristina title: Aesthetics and Safety of Road Landscape: are they Related? date: 2012-10-17 words: 4620 flesch: 59 summary: The correlation analysis enabled us to identify weak relations between the quantity of car accidents and some aesthetic properties of road landscape. Keywords: Road landscape, aesthetics, safety, correlation analysis, linear regression analysis. keywords: accidents; correlation; landscape; p=0.000; research; road; safety; α=0.05 cache: das-2613.pdf plain text: das-2613.txt item: #128 of 214 id: das-2614 author: STANIŪNAS, Mindaugas title: Ecology of City: Levels and Components date: 2012-10-17 words: 6780 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: Urban ecology, level, component, assessment, impact. DARNIOJI ARCHITEKTŪRA IR STATYBA 2012. In essence urban ecology is an applied science (Niemelä, Kotze and Yli-Pelkonen 2009) and this branch of ecology can be used on two different levels depending on the standpoint (Alberti et al. 2003; Wittig 2009, Pickett et al. 2011). keywords: 2012; cities; city; ecology; energy; planning; sustainability; world cache: das-2614.pdf plain text: das-2614.txt item: #129 of 214 id: das-2615 author: KARA, Patricija; KORJAKINS, Aleksandrs title: Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Fluorescent Waste Glass and Coal/Wood Ash Concrete Wastes date: 2012-10-17 words: 5738 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: fluorescent waste glass suspension, coal/wood ash, recycled concrete aggregate waste. It is possible to see from present research that recycled concrete aggregate is a valuable resource as replacement for virgin aggregate in concrete carrying some environmental benefits. keywords: aggregate; caw; compressive; concrete; glass; mix; mixes; strength; waste cache: das-2615.pdf plain text: das-2615.txt item: #130 of 214 id: das-2616 author: KOSIOR-KAZBERUK, Marta title: Effects of Interaction of Static Load and Frost on Damage Mechanism of Concrete Elements date: 2012-10-17 words: 11475 flesch: 61 summary: The longer critical effective crack length ac and greater value of CTODc, needed for failure, is characteristic for damage concrete. 3. Results and Discussion Scaling resistance of concrete subjected to static load The test results for both non-air-entrained and air- entrained concretes are presented in Fig. 4 and 5. keywords: cmod; concrete; crack; cycles; fig; fracture; load; specimen; stress; test cache: das-2616.pdf plain text: das-2616.txt item: #131 of 214 id: das-2617 author: ROZENSTRAUHA, Ineta; SURVILA, Sergejs; KRAGE, Linda; DRILLE, Modris; SEDMALE, Gaida; PASTARE, Inese title: Recycling Possibilities of Sewage Sludge from Water Purification date: 2012-10-17 words: 5521 flesch: 52 summary: The optimal bulk density 2.28 g/cm3 observed for composition S2 containing the 20 wt % of sewage sludge, while the composition with highest content of sewage sludge (40 wt %) resulted with high bulk density ratio 2.30 g/cm3 by temperature 1180 ° C, subsequent increasing of density by higher temperatures until 1180 ° C and at the same time the rapid increase of thermal shrinkage 35 – 45 %. Keywords: recycling, sewage sludge, glass-ceramics. DARNIOJI ARCHITEKTŪRA IR STATYBA 2012. keywords: clay; sewage; sludge; svinka; temperature cache: das-2617.pdf plain text: das-2617.txt item: #132 of 214 id: das-2618 author: SETINA, Janina; KIRILOVA, Svetlana title: Clay Based Poultices for Desalination of Building Materials date: 2012-10-17 words: 3797 flesch: 48 summary: The following paper reflects the studies concerning properties and desalination ability of clay based poultices applied to an artificial stone material, low temperature burned brick “Sencis”, contaminated with water soluble sodium salts, i. e. chlorides, sulphates and nitrates as well as modelling of desalination process in laboratory conditions. Clay based poultice was kept wet for 20 days. keywords: clay; desalination; ratio; salts; sand; substrate cache: das-2618.pdf plain text: das-2618.txt item: #133 of 214 id: das-2619 author: ŽILIUKAS, Antanas; ŽIOGAS, Giedrius title: Analysis of Stress Concentration Area about the Brace of the Concrete Wall at Early Age date: 2012-10-17 words: 8929 flesch: 66 summary: 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 a 1,2 1,5 0,6 0,1 0,03 b 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,8 Fig. 2 shows the dependencies of concrete stresses due to its autogenous shrinkage and hardening time. 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 a 1,2 1,5 0,6 0,1 0,03 b 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,8 Fig. 2 shows the dependencies of concrete stresses due to its autogenous shrinkage and hardening time. keywords: concrete; shrinkage; stresses; σ rr; ⎜ ⎜; ⎟ ⎟ cache: das-2619.pdf plain text: das-2619.txt item: #134 of 214 id: das-26389 author: Azizibabani, Mohammadhossein; Daneshjoo, Khosro; Saharkhizan, Saeid title: Investigating the Impact of the Prefabrication Concept on the Design and Selection of Building Components, Case Study: Peripheral Walls in Mass Housing Projects date: 2020-11-17 words: 8889 flesch: 43 summary: This applied research reviewed the principles and concepts related to industrialization and prefabrication and extracted the goals, criteria, and indicators of achieving them, to determine a structure for the selection of peripheral walls system in the mass housing projects in Iran. Therefore, this research provides the necessary basis to design an application that contains the technical specifications of peripheral walls systems with continuous updating capability and providing the possibility of determining the importance of criteria and indica- tors to introduce suitable alternatives according to project conditions. keywords: assembly; building; components; construction; criteria; design; indicators; insulation; materials; panels; prefabrication; selection; speed; system; walls cache: das-26389.pdf plain text: das-26389.txt item: #135 of 214 id: das-27060 author: Tousi, Evgenia title: Interaction Among Social, Cultural and Environmental Factors in Vernacular Settlements. The Case of Korogonianika, in Lakonia, Greece date: 2020-11-17 words: 6742 flesch: 53 summary: In most of the cases, vernacular settlements reflect an ongoing inter- action among socio-economic, cultural and environmental factors. The rigid codex of principles that affected the organization of vernacular settlements in Mani has been documented since the period 330-1453 A.D. (ibid). keywords: area; case; constructions; field; korogonianika; mani; map; settlements; type; work cache: das-27060.pdf plain text: das-27060.txt item: #136 of 214 id: das-27580 author: Girčys, Vytenis; Daukšys, Mindaugas; Juočiūnas, Svajūnas title: Research on Installation Technology of Floating Stone Columns date: 2020-11-17 words: 9099 flesch: 52 summary: After ranking the criteria, it was found that the most important criterion when choosing geopile installation technology is installation price (Eur/m), the second place – load-bearing capacity (in scores), the third place - installation technology mechanization level (in scores), the fourth place – pile installation possibilities (in scores), the fifth place - the duration of pile installation (in scores), and the sixth place – the impact of pile installation technology on the environment (in scores). After ranking the criteria, it was found that the most important criterion when choosing geopile installation technology is installation price (Eur/m), the second place – load-bearing capacity (in scores), the third place - installation technology mechanization level (in scores), the fourth place – pile installation possibilities (in scores), the fifth place - the duration of pile installation (in scores), and the sixth place – the impact of pile installation technology on the environment (in scores). keywords: assessment; criteria; criterion; ideal; installation; matrix; method; pile; technology cache: das-27580.pdf plain text: das-27580.txt item: #137 of 214 id: das-27593 author: Pupeikis, Darius; Morkūnaitė, Lina ; Daukšys, Mindaugas; Navickas, Arūnas Aleksandras; Abromas, Svajūnas title: Possibilities of Using Building Information Model Data in Reinforcement Processing Plant date: 2021-06-22 words: 7920 flesch: 50 summary: Thus, the use of production raw materials and time to manufacture final products can be optimized by using BIM data. 81 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2021/1/28 However, the shift to using BIM in manufacturing requires additional training of personnel and the recruitment of new specialists to perform programming of the production equipment and custom- ization of BIM data (Piroozfar et al., 2019, Ignatova et al., 2018). keywords: alternative; bim; construction; criteria; data; engineering; fnis; fpis; fuzzy; ifc; information; production; reinforcement; table; workflow cache: das-27593.pdf plain text: das-27593.txt item: #138 of 214 id: das-27604 author: Tihomirovs, Pavels; Korjakins, Aleksandrs title: Porous Ceramics Produced from Glass and Clay date: 2022-06-16 words: 3832 flesch: 62 summary: Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2022/1/30 184 Following raw materials glass waste, clay and a gasifier have been applied for obtaining porous ceramic, and sintering technology was the subject of this research. A very important property of porous materials is their mechanical strength, which is mainly due to their composition and structure, preparation and treatment of raw materials as well as the tech- nology of production. keywords: burning; burning scheme; experiment; fig; minutes; minutes fig; scheme; temperature; ° c cache: das-27604.pdf plain text: das-27604.txt item: #139 of 214 id: das-27694 author: Šadzevičius, Raimondas; Skominas, Rytis; Radzevičius, Algirdas title: Assessment on the Technical State of Spillway Concrete Gravity Dams in Lithuania date: 2021-06-22 words: 6006 flesch: 50 summary: DiscussionThe analysis of results of Lithuania SCGD technical state evaluation performed in our research shows, that in investigated regions SCGD technical state is getting worse, due to insufficient supervision, age- ing and deterioration of structures. During the field observation, the main SCGD defects were determined; the general evaluation of SCGD technical state in defectiveness points were calculated (Table 2) in accordance Lithuanian construction technical regulations (STR 1.03.07:2017 2017). keywords: concrete; constructions; corrosion; dams; deteriorations; engineering; lithuania; points; results; scgd; state; structures; technical; šadzevičius cache: das-27694.pdf plain text: das-27694.txt item: #140 of 214 id: das-27711 author: Sertyesilisik, Egemen; Yilmaz, Seyma; Sertyesilisik, Begum title: Political Economy of Straw Houses: Traditional and Contemporary Way of Enhancing Sustainability of the Buildings date: 2021-06-22 words: 6616 flesch: 48 summary: For example, in Mongolia, straw bale buildings have approximately 80% less energy consumption compared to the conventional buildings (Bainbridge, 2004; Garas et al., 2009). Despite of the concerns for the moisture, Steen et al. (1994) state that there are straw bale buildings which don’t have any problem of deterioration of the bales in Washington which receive 75 inches of rain per year from 1970s and 1980s (Steen et al., 1994). keywords: architecture; bale; building; climate; construction; development; economy; energy; engineering; houses; material; straw; straw bale; straw houses; sustainability; usage cache: das-27711.pdf plain text: das-27711.txt item: #141 of 214 id: das-2778 author: Griciutė, Gintarė; Bliūdžius, Raimondas; Norvaišienė, Rosita title: The Durability Test Method for External Thermal Insulation Composite System Used in Cold and Wet Climate Countries date: 2013-03-13 words: 6780 flesch: 50 summary: Accelerated climatic ageing cycle methods Method Simulation of climatic impact, oC / duration Relative humidity, % Observation of deterioration during/after the test Equivalence to natural ageingUV Rain Cold Heat NT Built 495 +35 ± 5/1h Later on accelerated ageing test has been performed by J. Bochen in the same chamber (Bochen and Gil 2009). keywords: absorption; ageing; bochen; cycle; durability; etics; render; samples; tests; water cache: das-2778.pdf plain text: das-2778.txt item: #142 of 214 id: das-2781 author: Kara, Patricija; Korjakins, Aleksandrs title: Investigation of Thermal Properties of Cement Paste with Fluorescent Lamp Glass Waste, Glass Cullet and Coal/Wood Ashes date: 2013-05-28 words: 5095 flesch: 58 summary: Relationship between temperature and time during hydration for amber, green and flint glass waste powder cement pastes ground for 30 minutes The hydration process of glass cullet cement pastes with 20 % cement substitution was hindered for 5 hours in comparison to CTRL5 (Fig. 9). The present research intends to evaluate the influence on the temperature of hydration of cement paste mixes with local industrial wastes such as lamp glass waste powder/suspension, glass cullet, bottom/fly coal/wood ashes substitution at level of 20% and 30%. keywords: ash; cement; concrete; glass; glass waste; hydration; lamp; mixes; temperature; time; waste cache: das-2781.pdf plain text: das-2781.txt item: #143 of 214 id: das-2789 author: Klovas, Albertas; Daukšys, Mindaugas; Levulis, Linas title: The Distribution Analysis of Concrete Horizontal Surface Air Pores date: 2013-05-28 words: 3079 flesch: 64 summary: In the building industry, architects and building owners generally have strict requirements for the quality of concrete surface (Lemaire et al. 2005, Menard 1999). Palemono st. 3, LT-52159 Kaunas, Lithuania *Corresponding author: The main aim of this article was to determine blemishes of concrete surface as well as to perform the statistical analysis of pores distribution. keywords: concrete; formwork; mixture; quality; surface; table cache: das-2789.pdf plain text: das-2789.txt item: #144 of 214 id: das-2790 author: Bumanis, Girts; Bajare, Diana; Korjakins, Aleksandrs title: Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Lightweight Concrete Made from Expanded Glass date: 2013-05-28 words: 4365 flesch: 54 summary: One of them is to change expanded glass granule volume in lightweight concrete mixture. The w/c ratio was choose according to Cone slump of lightweight concrete mixtures GG300 and GG400 was identical – 240 mm. keywords: concrete; density; glass; granules; mixture; properties; sand; strength cache: das-2790.pdf plain text: das-2790.txt item: #145 of 214 id: das-2791 author: Zaleckis, Kestutis; Matijošaitienė, Irina title: Space Syntax Analysis of Kaunas: Some Methodological Aspects date: 2013-03-13 words: 4064 flesch: 55 summary: Local integration map with pedestrian axes (5 percent of the axes with the highest values are shown in black) 32 Fig. 4. Local integration map without pedestrian axes (5 percent of the axes with the highest values are shown in black) keywords: axes; city; continuity; integration; kaunas; lines; map; pedestrian cache: das-2791.pdf plain text: das-2791.txt item: #146 of 214 id: das-28092 author: Šatrevičs, Vladimirs; Voronova, Irina ; Bajare , Diana title: Investigation of Social Opinion on Green Lifestyle and Eco-friendly Buildings. Decision Making Criteria date: 2021-06-22 words: 8262 flesch: 46 summary: By us- ing this tool, international companies will fit their eco-innovation strategies according to the specific environmental feedback from these strategies in the respected countries (or will find themselves with disadvantage in using eco-innovation strategies). A design analysis for eco-fashion style using sensory evaluation tools: Consumer perceptions of product appearance. keywords: authors; awareness; behaviour; consumer; design; eco; energy; engineering; environmental; et al; factors; innovation; journal; materials; model; packaging; production; research; value cache: das-28092.pdf plain text: das-28092.txt item: #147 of 214 id: das-28355 author: Yu, Rongrong; Ostwald, Michael J. title: Comparing Architects’ Perceptions of the Usefulness of Digital Design Environments with their Aspirations for Sustainable Design in Australia date: 2021-10-27 words: 10309 flesch: 46 summary: The survey results (n = 70) suggest that despite considering sustainable design an important objective in their design practice, participants believe that digital design tools require further development and improvement. The United Nations’ (2015) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) articulate the critical impor- tance of sustainable design in the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. keywords: architects; ddes; design; design practice; design tools; participants; practice; research; results; survey; sustainability; tools; use cache: das-28355.pdf plain text: das-28355.txt item: #148 of 214 id: das-2838 author: Barbane, Inta; Vitina, Inta; Lindina, Lauma; Krage, Linda title: Investigation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Low-temperature Hydraulic Binder from Latvia’s Raw Materials date: 2013-03-13 words: 2529 flesch: 44 summary: Low temperature hydraulic binder or so called dolomitic romancement synthesis of mixture composed from local Quaternary period clay and dolomite (both in powder state) in mass ratio 24:76 is discussed in this paper. Dolomitic romancement – low temperature hydraulic binder. keywords: composition; dolomitic; marl; materials; silicate; temperature cache: das-2838.pdf plain text: das-2838.txt item: #149 of 214 id: das-2840 author: Enina, Agate title: Buildings of Performing Arts in Latvia’s Modern Movement date: 2013-03-13 words: 3866 flesch: 55 summary: In order to achieve this, it is necessary to evaluate architectural qualities of performing arts buildings both in the context of stylistic trends of the epoch and in the broader geographical context. The study is based on the analysis of the architecture of performing arts buildings. keywords: architects; architecture; buildings; fig; latvia; marta; movie; riga; staņa; theatre cache: das-2840.pdf plain text: das-2840.txt item: #150 of 214 id: das-2848 author: Sperberga, Ingunda; Cimmers, Andris; Rundans, Maris; Ulme, Dainida; Krage, Linda; Sidraba, Inese title: The Suitability of Chemically and Thermally Activated Quaternary Clays of Latvia as Raw Material for Geopolymer Binders date: 2013-05-28 words: 3495 flesch: 48 summary: Results of the investigations showed the influence of alkalies on the transformation of clay/illite structure by curing of activated clays at different temperatures for various time. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was carried out on powders of activated clays (after hardening) using FTIR spectrophotometer 21 Prestige, Shimadzu Corp. in transmittance mode (interval of wave number ranging was 1300-400 cm-1). keywords: clay; deventer; koh; latvia; materials; strength; temperature; van cache: das-2848.pdf plain text: das-2848.txt item: #151 of 214 id: das-28497 author: Younis, Ghada M. title: Design Strategies for Healing Internal Environments and Workplaces. A Theoretical Framework date: 2021-10-27 words: 11065 flesch: 51 summary: As suggested in the trajectory of this survey thus far, the principles of health, healing environments, and biophilic built environments have expanded across time to include non-healthcare settings and urban infrastructure. It is hoped that this survey of the literature may add to holistic and system- ic understandings of healing environments. keywords: architecture; balance; cities; design; elements; environment; healing; health; human; journal; life; nature; people; physical; principles; research; space; strategies; study cache: das-28497.pdf plain text: das-28497.txt item: #152 of 214 id: das-28576 author: Torabi, Mahsa; Mahdavinejad, Mohammadjavad title: Past and Future Trends on the Effects of Occupant Behaviour on Building Energy Consumption date: 2021-10-27 words: 14394 flesch: 48 summary: The utilization of simulation tools and running energy consumption studies in the design process help architects estimate the energy demand of the initial design and give them the chance to alter the design in order to enhance efficiency. Ahmed et al. collected 429 valid questionnaires to evaluate the effect of domestic energy consumption behaviour on overall energy consumption in Libya and the way it affects the peak demand, capacity, future trends, and national energy budget (Mohamed et al., 2015). keywords: behaviour; building; cases; comfort; consumption; countries; data; energy; energy consumption; et al; fig; kim; number; occupant; papers; research; rise; simulation; studies; study cache: das-28576.pdf plain text: das-28576.txt item: #153 of 214 id: das-2873 author: Gražulevičiūtė - Vileniškė, Indrė; Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Jūratė; Narvydas, Artūras title: Challenges and Dimensions of Sustainability in Social Housing: General Consideration and the Case of Kaunas date: 2013-03-13 words: 8748 flesch: 39 summary: In the first part the evolution of social housing from the 18th century until nowadays was analyzed and evaluated and the main trends of architectural expression of social housing were distinguished and shortly characterized. The idea of sustainable architecture and the trends of its expression were presented and the composite trends of social housing in urban settings with dimensions of sustainability were formulated and characterized. keywords: architecture; areas; building; concept; design; development; environment; housing; housing units; kaunas; new; postmodernist; projects; social; sustainability; technologies; trends; units; urban; use cache: das-2873.pdf plain text: das-2873.txt item: #154 of 214 id: das-28882 author: Özkaynak, Merve; Şeker, Burçin Şenol title: Structural Assessment of the Sustainability of the Historical Clock Tower as a Landmark date: 2022-06-16 words: 4616 flesch: 53 summary: With technological advances, clock towers were built with mechanical clocks. First built in Europe, clock towers were built in various cities of Anatolia during the Ottoman Period. keywords: analysis; architecture; city; clock; clock tower; earthquake; engineering; journal; properties; static; structure; tower cache: das-28882.pdf plain text: das-28882.txt item: #155 of 214 id: das-29012 author: Gagarin, Sergey; Gagarina, Olga; Semakina, Alsu; Platunova, Guzel; Rubtsova, Irina title: The Assessment Features of Noise Pollution in the Residential Area of the Subjects of the Russian Federation date: 2021-10-27 words: 6308 flesch: 51 summary: A number of researchers in the EU countries use the global comfort index to assess the negative impact of noise levels on humans (Luzzi et al, 2016, Luzzi et al, 2019). Discussions The European Noise Control Guidelines provide thresholds for night noise levels in sleeping rooms (LAmax, inside) and outside (Lnight, outside). keywords: area; buildings; federation; guidelines; level; maximum; night; noise; noise level; russia; subjects; time cache: das-29012.pdf plain text: das-29012.txt item: #156 of 214 id: das-29176 author: Tsirigoti, Dimitra; Zenginis, Dimitrios; Bikas, Dimitrios title: Energy and Aesthetic Upgrading Interventions: Assessing Urban Block Renovation Scenarios date: 2021-10-27 words: 15924 flesch: 48 summary: The comparison of scenario 1 (thermal insulation) and scenario 3 (green roof) Urban block form Heating demand Cooling demand Total demand Discontinuous 1.0 % 5.6 % 1.7 % Continuous 0.2 % 4.0 % 0.7 % Table 6 Improvement for the heating and cooling demand (percentage of reduction) for the discontinuous and the continuous urban block form through the Green roof scenario (3). Comparison to the base case (all floors) Urban block form Heating demand Cooling demand Total demand Discontinuous 56.8 % 48.3 % 55.7 % Continuous 58.2 % 49.5 % 57.2 % Results 3.1. keywords: block; block form; buildings; cooling; demand; energy; energy demand; energy efficiency; energy performance; fig; heating; heating demand; renovation; scenario; solar; urban cache: das-29176.pdf plain text: das-29176.txt item: #157 of 214 id: das-29217 author: Azizibabani, Mohammadhossein; Bemanian, Mohammadreza; Yeganeh, Mansour title: Investigation of the Effects of Applying Social Sustainability Components on Residential Satisfaction date: 2021-10-27 words: 10112 flesch: 36 summary: Residential satisfaction Regarding the second question of the research, according to the results of the conceptual model test based on quantitative data, residential desires related to social sustainability components have had a reverse effect on the perceived quality of these components and residential satisfaction. Residential satisfaction Regarding the second question of the research, according to the results of the conceptual model test based on quantitative data, residential desires related to social sustainability components have had a reverse effect on the perceived quality of these components and residential satisfaction. keywords: architecture; complex; components; housing; model; quality; residents; satisfaction; social; spaces; sustainability; variables cache: das-29217.pdf plain text: das-29217.txt item: #158 of 214 id: das-29240 author: Zemitis, Jurgis; Borodinecs, Anatolijs; Bogdanovics, Raimonds; Geikins, Aleksandrs title: A Case Study of Thermal Comfort in a Temporary Shelter date: 2021-10-27 words: 8441 flesch: 62 summary: 7 Change in indoor air temperature depending on precipitation rate The indoor air temperatures and how they change during the rain periods are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8 Change in indoor air temperature during the precipitation To see how the thermal comfort varies in the temporary shelter the measured predicted mean vote (PMV) was analyzed. keywords: air temperature; comfort; data; fig; period; pmv; rain; results; temperature; tent; time cache: das-29240.pdf plain text: das-29240.txt item: #159 of 214 id: das-29269 author: Hamad, Rami J.A.; Tayeh , Bassam A. ; Al Aisri , Hamdan A. title: Critical Factors Affecting the Success of Construction Projects in Oman date: 2021-10-27 words: 9853 flesch: 46 summary: This study aims to examine the critical factors affecting the success of construction projects in Oman. The client-related factors have the highest impact on the success of construction projects in Oman, followed by consultant-, contractor- and external environment-related factors. keywords: client; construction; construction projects; contractor; delay; engineering; et al; factors; journal; management; oman; project; quality; rii; success; tayeh; time cache: das-29269.pdf plain text: das-29269.txt item: #160 of 214 id: das-29423 author: Tousi, Evgenia; Sinou, Maro; Perouli, Antonia title: Urban Acupuncture as a Method of Open Space Regeneration in Greek Ex-Refugee Areas. The Case of Nikea, Piraeus date: 2022-06-16 words: 7009 flesch: 40 summary: Reinforcement of accessibility and connectivity of open urban space network _ Ex- plorations in micro-scale urbanism include also impromptu bottom-up initiatives that express local- ized needs, introducing participatory urban spaces. keywords: acupuncture; architecture; area; case; city; greek; key; planning; refugee; scale; spaces; spatial; study; urban; urbanism; work cache: das-29423.pdf plain text: das-29423.txt item: #161 of 214 id: das-29744 author: Dewi, Ova Candra; Rahmasari, Kartika; Hanjani, Tika Ardina; Ismoyo, Agust Danang; Dugar, Amardeep M. title: Window-to-Wall Ratio as a Mode of Daylight Optimization for an Educational Building with Opaque Double-Skin Façade date: 2022-06-16 words: 4886 flesch: 54 summary: Additionally the dynamic nature of the Indonesian sky causes daylight conditions to change rapidly in a short span of time. While high illuminance and colour identification provided by daylight enhance conditions for vision, it can also produce high luminance reflections on display screens and solar glare discomfort (Mahdavi et al. 2013). keywords: architecture; building; daylight; energy; engineering; journal; lighting; north; sky; study; wwr cache: das-29744.pdf plain text: das-29744.txt item: #162 of 214 id: das-29756 author: Domeneghini, Jennifer; Macke, Janaina; Sarate, João A. R. title: Walkability Drivers for Sustainable Cities: a Pedestrian Behavior Survey date: 2022-06-16 words: 7562 flesch: 47 summary: The tools that assess walkability fail to access different types of walking behavior, and they do not link pedestrian behavior with the definition of a sustainable city (Su et al., 2017). Thus, walkability depends on an understanding of walking behavior according to the morphology of the spaces. keywords: analysis; drivers; et al; journal; mobility; neighborhood; pedestrians; people; perception; places; sidewalks; social; urban; walkability; walking cache: das-29756.pdf plain text: das-29756.txt item: #163 of 214 id: das-30226 author: Azizibabani, Mohammadhossein; Bemanian, Mohammadreza title: Role of the Architectural Application of Nature in Improving the Quality of Semantic Depth in Iranian Urban Housing date: 2022-06-16 words: 7175 flesch: 44 summary: Nature has always been the context of human activities, and the construction of any kind of build- ings that aims to meet human needs and expectations always requires touching nature and con- templating the threefold relationship between man, nature, and architecture. Nature dispar- ity schools of thought have sought to humanize nature. keywords: aan; architecture; components; depth; design; elements; fig; hierarchy; housing; indicators; nature; quality; spaces cache: das-30226.pdf plain text: das-30226.txt item: #164 of 214 id: das-30328 author: Aliakbari, Farzaneh; Moghadam, Sara Torabi ; Lombardi, Patrizia title: Indoor Air and Light Quality Assessment in a University Campus Classroom date: 2022-06-16 words: 10368 flesch: 52 summary: The study provides some significant insights based on the obtained results, highlighting the importance of incorporating student health and wellness into educational building design and operations, including visual comfort and indoor air quality conditions, which are often worse than the stipulations in standards. This study selects a specific measure-based tool and its rela- tive indicators to realistically measure the most important factors of IEQ in the campus buildings influencing student health and wellness. keywords: air; architecture; assessment; building; classroom; data; engineering; et al; health; ieq; indicators; indoor; journal; light; quality; students; study; system; wbs; windows cache: das-30328.pdf plain text: das-30328.txt item: #165 of 214 id: das-30357 author: Hult, Mathilda ; Karlsmo, Sara title: Life Cycle Environmental and Cost Analysis of Building Insulated with Hemp Fibre Compared to Alternative Conventional Insulations – a Swedish Case Study date: 2022-06-16 words: 7368 flesch: 57 summary: There are limited studies of hemp fibre as insulation material in the Swedish context, which may be due to the fact that hemp fibre has been illegal to grow in Sweden since the 1970s, but in 2003 certain plants can be approved for cultivation (Kunglig Majestäts kansli 1972). In addition to different climate impacts, insulation materials also have different costs, which can affect the choice of material (Kymäläinen & Sjöberg 2008). keywords: area; biogenic; building; cellulose; climate; data; emissions; fibre; glass; hemp; house; insulation; materials; net; study; wool cache: das-30357.pdf plain text: das-30357.txt item: #166 of 214 id: das-30374 author: Rastogi, Rishabh; Solanki, Sushil Kumar title: Environmental Impact Analysis of Functional Retrofitting Measures in Buildings date: 2023-06-26 words: 6837 flesch: 42 summary: Functional Retrofitting This category of retrofitting focuses on the replacement and modifications of building systems for its redefined use or enhancement of operational efficiency of the building. Details of Functional Retrofit Cases Basis of Selection of Cases Building retrofit cases having major interventions in three different levels of retrofit interventions (building envelope, equipment & service systems & deep retrofitting) were considered. keywords: building; construction; consumption; efficiency; energy; engineering; envelope; equipment; impact; journal; life; potential; reduction; retrofitting; service; systems; 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 cache: das-30374.pdf plain text: das-30374.txt item: #167 of 214 id: das-30375 author: Chernila, Abigail; Tousi, Evgenia title: The Issue of Post-Industrial Brownfields in Piraeus, Greece: Suggesting International Best Practices in the Era of Globalization date: 2022-06-16 words: 7388 flesch: 38 summary: This paper presents a general overview of industrial brownfield sites around the Port of Piraeus in the capital of Greece and makes suggestions for further development and improvement, taking into ac- count international best practices. Theoretical Framework About de-industrialization To analyse and interpret the nature and role of post-industrial brownfield sites, it is important to briefly review the international experience on the de-industrialization process. keywords: architecture; area; brownfield; case; development; engineering; european; greece; industrialization; journal; land; new; piraeus; policies; port; regeneration; sites cache: das-30375.pdf plain text: das-30375.txt item: #168 of 214 id: das-30746 author: M. Hameed Al-Delfi, Ahmed; S. Salman , Abdullah title: Investigating the Impact of Educational Space Design in Fostering Social Distancing: A Case Study of the University of Technology Buildings, Iraq date: 2022-10-26 words: 11023 flesch: 48 summary: The study results show an impact and a close relationship between the elements of educational space design as a spatial composition and the effectiveness of social distancing. Keywords: educational space design, university buildings, social distancing, space syntax. keywords: analysis; buildings; design; distancing; effectiveness; integration; level; model; permeability; sample; space; space design; space syntax; spatial; study; value; wayfinding cache: das-30746.pdf plain text: das-30746.txt item: #169 of 214 id: das-30791 author: Kavathekar, Anita; Bantanur, Shaila title: Study of the influence of indoor plants as an indicator of biophilic design on CO2 concentrations in a classroom of higher education institute date: 2022-10-26 words: 7177 flesch: 57 summary: The current pilot study focuses on examining the effect of indoor plants on indoor air quality by measuring CO2 levels. Keywords: biophilic design, classroom, CO2 concentration, indoor air quality, indoor plants. keywords: air; areca; co2; co2 concentration; concentration; distance; india; indoor; plants; quality; rhapis; study cache: das-30791.pdf plain text: das-30791.txt item: #170 of 214 id: das-30953 author: Eshruq Labin, Ahlam; Sqour, Saqer ; Rjoub, Abdelmajeed ; Al Shawabkeh, Rami ; Al Husban, Safa title: Sustainable Neighbourhood Evaluation Criteria -Design and Urban Values (Case study: Neighbourhoods from Al-Mafraq, Jordan) date: 2022-10-26 words: 8766 flesch: 40 summary: Keywords: neighbourhood, sustainable neighbourhood, walkability. The study relies on relevant literature on sustainable neighbourhoods such as UN-Habitat (2013), Elgadi and Ismail (2016), Jasim et al. keywords: activities; buildings; compound; district; engineering; jordan; neighbourhood; pedestrian; residential; university; urban; villa; walkability cache: das-30953.pdf plain text: das-30953.txt item: #171 of 214 id: das-30963 author: Turunen, Heidi title: Research Dialogue between Materials and Products in Architecture date: 2022-10-26 words: 9266 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: architecture, interdisciplinarity, materials development, materials life cycle, materials research. By combining these two aspects of the life cycle and where the architecture exists, the process and the outcome can be approached more holistically to facilitate materials research and development. keywords: architecture; aspects; chart; design; development; information; knowledge; life; material; materials research; phase; process; research; use cache: das-30963.pdf plain text: das-30963.txt item: #172 of 214 id: das-31545 author: Mela, Athina; Varelidis, George title: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use and attitudes towards urban public spaces date: 2022-10-26 words: 5711 flesch: 54 summary: The pattern of Urban Public Spaces Visitation The patterns that follow citizens’ visits to urban public spaces during the pandemic were divided into four sections: frequency of urban public space visits during the week (Fig. 1), the time spent going to the urban public destination (square, park, grove, playground) from their home (Fig. 2), the preferred period during the day for this visit (Fig. 3), and finally the type of activities for which they chose to visit the urban public spaces during the pandemic (Fig. 4). 85-95 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.31.2.31545 Effects of the COVID -19 Pandemic on the Use and Attitudes Towards Urban Public Spaces JSACE 2/31 Athina Mela*, George Varelidis Laboratory of Urban Planning and Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, University of West Attica, 250 Thivon & P.Ralli Str., 12241 Athens, Greece Introduction Abstract The benefits of interaction with urban public space, particularly green spaces are numerous for citizens, especially those who live in metropolitan areas. keywords: attica; covid-19; day; engineering; et al; green; impact; pandemic; ref; residents; spaces; use; visits cache: das-31545.pdf plain text: das-31545.txt item: #173 of 214 id: das-32300 author: Díaz, Ricardo Ochoa; Pérez Rojas, Andrea; Grimaldo León, Gloria title: Use of Blast Furnace Dust in the Production of Asphalt Concrete for Pavements, Performance and Environmental Contribution date: 2023-06-26 words: 4493 flesch: 48 summary: 224-232 DOI 10.5755/j01.sace.32.1.32300 Abstract Introduction This study analyzed the possible use of a residue from the steel industry, blast furnace dust, as aggregate in asphalt mixtures for pavements, as a possible solution to the problems of generation and accumulation of industrial waste in the production of steel, as well as the exploitation of non-renewable materials for infrastructure construction. 225 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2023/1/32 Currently, there is a growing interest in using industrial waste as a component in asphalt mixtures, as it has been shown that the addition of some of these wastes significantly improves the me- chanical properties of the mixture (Pourtahmasb et al., 2015) (Delongui et al., 2018), resulting in greater pavement durability. keywords: aggregate; asphalt; bfd; engineering; fatigue; furnace; m-100; m-50; materials; mixture; modulus; use cache: das-32300.pdf plain text: das-32300.txt item: #174 of 214 id: das-32505 author: Aitkaliyeva, Gulzat; Yelubay, Madeniyet; Vaičiukynienė, Danutė; Ismailova, Aiganym ; Amitova, Aigul; Ibraimbayeva, Gulnaz title: Mineral Additives Based on Industrial Waste for Modifications of Bitumen Polymers date: 2023-06-26 words: 4560 flesch: 43 summary: In this article, the results of using SCA as standard additives for modified polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with bitumen waste is presented. Preparation of modified bitumen and study of its main properties To carry out the modification of bitumen, the method of physical mixing in one stage was used. keywords: additive; asphalt; bitumen; et al; increase; journal; materials; polymer; properties; sca; table; waste cache: das-32505.pdf plain text: das-32505.txt item: #175 of 214 id: das-32519 author: Fachrudin, Hilma Tamiami title: Adaptive Workplace with Indoor Health and Comfort Approach Toward Sustainable City date: 2023-06-26 words: 5197 flesch: 53 summary: Workplace ventilation is used to change the air in the room and enter sunlight into the space. This shows that health protection and distance of workbench are prioritized in the work- place to support workplace comfort. keywords: air; architecture; building; comfort; design; health; layout; lighting; quality; room; space; ventilation; workplace cache: das-32519.pdf plain text: das-32519.txt item: #176 of 214 id: das-3277 author: Augonis, Mindaugas; Zadlauskas, Saulius; Krašauskas, Laimonas title: Investigation of width of vertical cracks in reinforced concrete box-girder viaducts date: 2013-09-13 words: 3148 flesch: 60 summary: In this case, we obtain that the experimental short-term value of vertical crack width will be reached when 1.5 wire bunches will not operate. The changes in width of viaduct vertical cracks were measured using a four-axle vehicle with the weight of around 40 tonnes and it was driven over the viaduct deck in the speed of 30 km/h. The experimental measurements of the changes in width of vertical cracks are presented in table 1. keywords: bridges; concrete; crack; girder; loads; width cache: das-3277.pdf plain text: das-3277.txt item: #177 of 214 id: das-3281 author: Cinelis, Gintaris; Janilionis, Vytautas title: Building Information Modeling in Architectural Digital Design Education: Questions and Answers date: 2013-03-13 words: 10146 flesch: 49 summary: What is the state of digital architectural design?, SIGraDi 2008 - This paper summarizes results of research in BIM application in architectural design, attempts to determine the problems, capture the trends of object-oriented modeling in computer aided architectural design (CAAD) education. keywords: answers; bim; design; evaluation; fig; knowledge; modeling; modeling fig; objects; question cache: das-3281.pdf plain text: das-3281.txt item: #178 of 214 id: das-32822 author: Barone, Elina; Velicko, Edvins; Gaujena, Baiba; Vilnitis, Martins title: Plywood Panel with UHMW Polyethylene Board Ballistic Resistance date: 2023-06-26 words: 5396 flesch: 56 summary: First, the experiment tested individual UHMWPE panels and laminated plywood material to mon- itor the ballistic damage. The board with an arrangement of 2x32 cm laminated plywood outside and UHMWPE material inside the room captures 4 bullets; the bullets pass through the plywood layer and stop in the polyethylene. keywords: bullet; energy; engineering; fig; journal; material; panels; plywood; polyethylene; riga; sample; sanborn; uhmwpe cache: das-32822.pdf plain text: das-32822.txt item: #179 of 214 id: das-32982 author: Jacnevs, Vladislavs; Borodinecs, Anatolijs title: Theoretical Evaluation of Structural Insulated Panel Walls in Baltic Climatic Conditions date: 2023-06-26 words: 4037 flesch: 49 summary: It can be stated that unlike SIP walls, performance of widely used timber frame walls regarding a water vapour diffusion was largely investigated during past years. An example of such situation was noticed in SIP walls with vinyl siding in Alaska (Trechsel et al., 2010). keywords: building; climate; data; engineering; fig; humidity; layer; moisture; mould; performance; sip; wall cache: das-32982.pdf plain text: das-32982.txt item: #180 of 214 id: das-3543 author: Bruzgevičius, Patrikas; Burlingis, Arūnas; Stankevičius, Vytautas; Pupeikis, Darius; Norvaišienė, Rosita; Banionis, Karolis title: Investigation Into Thermal Capacitance of the Building Envelope date: 2013-03-13 words: 15242 flesch: 56 summary: The purpose of this research is to determine the actual effective thermal capacitance of the building envelope in respect of the place of thermal layer in the enclosure. In all three cases, thermal resistance of the envelopes coincides; only the position of thermal insulation layer in the envelopes is different. keywords: building; layer; layer thickness; number; temperature; time cache: das-3543.pdf plain text: das-3543.txt item: #181 of 214 id: das-3981 author: Jurevičienė, Jūratė; Burinskiene, Marija title: The Landscape of Panemunė Castles: Value and Protection Problems date: 2013-05-28 words: 4978 flesch: 46 summary: The currently started inquiry of the residents of Raudonė settlement, the aim of which is to find out what aspects of the living environment, functions, cultural values are the most important for the local residents and how they are related to the castles, is supposed to correct the research results of Panemunė landscape cultural value. However, the adjustment of high cultural value landscape merely for the purposes of visiting tourism and not for the needs of local community can result not in its revival but in irreversible degradation processes of the cultural value of landscape. keywords: castles; heritage; landscape; lithuania; nemunas; panemunė; raudonė; research; territorial; territory; value; vilnius cache: das-3981.pdf plain text: das-3981.txt item: #182 of 214 id: das-4188 author: Bajare, Diana; Kazjonovs, Janis; Korjakins, Aleksandrs title: Lightweight Concrete with Aggregates Made by Using Industrial Waste date: 2013-11-07 words: 3884 flesch: 56 summary: References Babu K. G., Babu D.S., Cement and Concrete Composites 26; 2004, 605 p. Bajare D., Korjakins A., Kazjonovs J., Rozenstrauha I. Pore structure of lightweight clay aggregate incorporate with non- metallic products coming from aluminium scrap recycling industry. The manufacturing cycle of lightweight expanded clay aggregates were simulated in laboratory by sintering the clay - waste mixes in the rotary furnace up to 1200°C. keywords: aggregates; clay; concrete; density; lightweight; strength; water cache: das-4188.pdf plain text: das-4188.txt item: #183 of 214 id: das-4569 author: Urbonas, Liudvikas; Heinz, Detlef; Gerlicher, Tobias title: Ultra-High Performance Concrete Mixes with Reduced Portland Cement Content date: 2013-09-12 words: 3250 flesch: 61 summary: Both cement and GGBS in heat treated concretes only reached a low degree of hydration which barely changed in the following 2 years (Fig. 2). Good fresh concrete workability and high strengths were obtained for separate replacement of cement or quartz flour by fly ashes of different quality. keywords: ash; cement; concrete; fly; ggbs; heat; strength cache: das-4569.pdf plain text: das-4569.txt item: #184 of 214 id: das-4691 author: Menaa, Lazazi; Bouafia, Ali; Cherifi, A/K title: Design and Analysis of Technical Fabric - Confined Sand Wall Under Dynamical Impact Load date: 2014-03-05 words: 2915 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: bearing wall, dynamic load, impact load, technical textile, confined sand, protection structure. Mariotti and Millot (1986) have made banquettes with confined sand, using geotextile bags to reinforce the subgrade of ballast rails in Morocco. keywords: engineering; fabric; fig; impact; results; sand; structure; test; wall cache: das-4691.pdf plain text: das-4691.txt item: #185 of 214 id: das-4722 author: Andreadis, Niki Manou; Milona, Maria title: Water Designing for Sustainability, Purity and Comfort date: 2013-11-07 words: 3974 flesch: 51 summary: According to many studies water walls present a lower albedo than other building materials used. On one hand, architects use materials and forms to communicate ideas, while at the same time the use of water elements could become a point of gathering, a source of power, a place of culture and reflection, or a place of imagination. keywords: architecture; environment; fig; greece; hotel; order; people; wall; water cache: das-4722.pdf plain text: das-4722.txt item: #186 of 214 id: das-4779 author: Matijosaitiene, Irina; Samuchovienė, Ona title: Landscape Protection and Management Guidelines for Roads: Problems and Amendments for Lithuanian Legal Acts date: 2013-09-12 words: 5282 flesch: 43 summary: The analysis of the Lithuanian legal acts showed that: ▪ there is no strategy of road landscape management in Lithuania; the procedure of taking land for public needs (for landscape management near the roads) is complicated; ▪ the methodology for road landscape evaluation is non-existing, besides, the qualification of EIA developers is insufficient; ▪ the regulation of landscape protection and management is insufficient. Keywords: legal act, legislation, road, road landscape. keywords: acts; environment; landscape; lietuvos; lietuvos respublikos; management; protection; roads; trees; valstybės; vegetation; žinios cache: das-4779.pdf plain text: das-4779.txt item: #187 of 214 id: das-4820 author: Maciukenaite, Justina; Povilaitienė, Ingrida title: The Role of the River in the City Centre and its Identity date: 2013-11-07 words: 6840 flesch: 61 summary: However, in Lithuania river always has been the border of the city (protection from the world outside), not the axis. Furthermore, the analysis of the historical changes of river role (2) in the city and especially in the city centre will be done. keywords: centre; century; cities; city; city centre; development; identity; kaunas; lithuania; nemunas; people; river; riverside; role; settlements; space; trade; water cache: das-4820.pdf plain text: das-4820.txt item: #188 of 214 id: das-4836 author: Vilkelė, Giedrė Gudzinevičiūtė; Ramanauskas, Evaldas title: The Impact of the Specific Elements of Globalization on the Spatial Structure of Lithuanian Towns and their Valuation date: 2013-11-07 words: 3897 flesch: 48 summary: Size of new constructions and quality of architectural-urban solutions that are based only on economic aims, show the weakness of urban thought and understanding of globalization, weak abilities to request possibilities that are given by globalization to cherish town identity but not to suppress it. Size of new constructions and quality of architectural- urban solutions that are based only on economic aims, show the weakness of urban thought and understanding of globalization, weak abilities to request possibilities that are given by globalization to cherish town identity but not to suppress it. keywords: architecture; buildings; center; elements; fig; globalization; identity; shopping; towns cache: das-4836.pdf plain text: das-4836.txt item: #189 of 214 id: das-5664 author: Vileniškė, Indrė Gražulevičiūtė title: Relevance and Extent of Ecological Architecture date: 2013-11-07 words: 2213 flesch: 26 summary: In the practices of landscape architecture, architecture, and urban design it is crucial to understand that the concept of “empty space” does not exist and we always have some kind of natural and cultural context (Stauskas 2009). No. 4(5) JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING ISSN 2029–9990 Relevance and Extent of Ecological Architecture Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė* Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Studentu st. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas, Lithuania * 1. keywords: architecture; conference; design; landscape; sustainability; urban cache: das-5664.pdf plain text: das-5664.txt item: #190 of 214 id: das-5949 author: Bikas, Dimitrios; Chastas, Panagiotis title: Environmental Assessment of Typical Construction Solutions in Residential Buildings in Greece date: 2014-03-05 words: 28250 flesch: 61 summary: Ideal solutions from the LCA and TOSIS analysis – the contribution of U value of the element to the reduction of primary energy consumption by end use during the life cycle of the building element (kWh/m2); EU – the contribution of the U value of the element to the reduction of annual primary energy consumption by end use (kWh/m2×year); 75 – the duration of the life cycle of the building element (years). Typical construction solution of residential buildings in Greece For this study, different construction solutions of building elements which constitute the building envelope of residential buildings in Greece were selected. keywords: analysis; building element; climatic; construction; contribution; e e; e m; e −; end use; energy consumption; energy performance; life cycle; maximum u; reduction; tanc �; total e; u e; u total; u value; u≤ � cache: das-5949.pdf plain text: das-5949.txt item: #191 of 214 id: das-5950 author: Bikas, Dimitrios; Chastas, Panagiotis title: The Effect of the U Value in the Energy Performance of Residential Buildings in Greece date: 2014-03-05 words: 4690 flesch: 53 summary: 2. Reduction of annual energy requirements for heating for the change of U value of the vertical building elements for the four climatic zones Fig. 3. Reduction of annual energy requirements for cooling for the change of U value of the vertical building elements for the four climatic zones Fig. 4. keywords: climatic zone; energy; energy consumption; energy requirements; reduction; u value cache: das-5950.pdf plain text: das-5950.txt item: #192 of 214 id: das-5981 author: Wasfi, Amal title: Architecture as a Second Nature date: 2014-06-11 words: 5572 flesch: 51 summary: According to E. Royall (2010), as natural systems evolving continuously to meet dynamic changes, biomimicry is considered to be a spiralling, continuous process, taking nature as inspiration to generate “organs” (individual products) or “organisms” (systems and processes) for the purpose of integration into a sustainable system. From that we can move to initiate new architecture. keywords: approach; architecture; building; design; environment; human; model; natural; nature; new; systems cache: das-5981.pdf plain text: das-5981.txt item: #193 of 214 id: das-6127 author: Kara, Patricija title: Recycling of Glass Wastes in Latvia – Its Application as Cement Substitute in Self-Compacting Concrete date: 2014-03-05 words: 5534 flesch: 58 summary: Application of glass wastes as cement substitute has significant effect on the properties of concrete making it eco-friendly construction material with several benefits like: decrease of accumulated glass wastes in landfills, the reduction of non-renewable natural resource consumption, the reduction of cement content up to 20–30 % and the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Keywords: glass wastes, SCC. keywords: ash; cement; compressive; concrete; frost; glass; latvia; mixtures; packaging; portland; powder; recycling; strength; waste; waste glass cache: das-6127.pdf plain text: das-6127.txt item: #194 of 214 id: das-6199 author: Klumbytė, Eglė; Bliūdžius, Raimondas title: Classification and Valuation of Municipal Real Estate for Execution of Municipal Functions date: 2014-03-05 words: 11599 flesch: 38 summary: Therefore, to establish a reasonable ratio between the RE objects for privatization generating one-off income, and those used to generate steady income (lease, management under the right of trust), the authors propose applying the municipal RE current value ratio (1): max )1( 11 11 ⇒+ + += ∑∑∑∑ == == m k p j n T t t n A r s e se P i P VV (1) here: V e – current (present) value of municipal RE; s – serial number of municipal RE object for fulfilling a particular municipal function; r – number of municipal RE objects for fulfilling municipal functions; V e ‒ current value of RE object for fulfilling a particular municipal function; P A – income from the n th municipal RE object transferred for lease or management under the right of trust; j – number of municipal RE objects transferred for lease or management under the right of trust; , (1) where: Ve – current (present) value of municipal RE; s – serial number of municipal RE object for fulfilling a particular municipal function; r – number of municipal RE objects for fulfilling municipal functions; V e – current value of RE object for fulfilling a particular municipal function; PA – income from the nth municipal RE object transferred for 70 lease or management under the right of trust; j – number of municipal RE objects transferred for lease or management under the right of trust; T – number of lease periods when RE object is used under a lease of trust contract; t – serial number of a lease period; in – bank rate signifying the average profitability of the nth municipal RE object transferred for lease or management under the right of trust; Pp – one-off income from the privatization (sale) of the kth municipal RE object; k – serial number of municipal RE object for sale (privatization); m – number of municipal RE objects for sale (privatization); It is worthwhile noting that this equation reaches the maximum value only when the following condition is fulfilled (2): T – number of lease periods when RE object is used under a lease of trust contract t – serial number of a lease period; i n – bank rate signifying the average profitability of the n th municipal RE object transferred for lease or management under the right of trust; P p – one-off income from the privatization (sale) of the k th municipal RE object; k – serial number of municipal RE object for sale (privatization); m – number of municipal RE objects for sale (privatization); It is worthwhile noting that this equation reaches the maximum value only when the following condition is fulfilled (2): ∑ = + > T t t n Ae n i P V 1 )1( (2) here: e n V – current value of the n th municipal RE object transferred for lease or management under the right of trust; This suggests that the value of a municipal RE object is the greatest (and also its management is effective) if the sale (privatization) of the object in the current period generates more income than during the whole period of its lease or management under the right of trust. Hence, RE income value in use will equal to the sum of discount future income and discount residual value (Aleknavičius, 2008). keywords: depreciation; estate; estimation; functions; income value; management; market value; municipal; object; valuation; value; value method cache: das-6199.pdf plain text: das-6199.txt item: #195 of 214 id: das-6308 author: Daukšys, Mindaugas; Pilipavičius, Justas; Daugėlienė, Ala title: Complex Model for Assessment of Ex-industrial Building Conversion Options Into Lofts date: 2014-03-05 words: 4317 flesch: 40 summary: Complex model for assessment of ex-industrial building conversion options into lofts 30 According to the Internet survey, conducted in March- April of 2011 by Lithuanian daily “Lietuvos Rytas”, more than a third of respondents (38 %) would eagerly purchase loft-type apartments because of their affordability. They distinguished three drivers for buildings conversion to housing - social, economic and environmental. keywords: building; conversion; criteria; hard; living; loft; new; project; property; use cache: das-6308.pdf plain text: das-6308.txt item: #196 of 214 id: das-6336 author: Kelpša, Šarūnas; Augonis, Mindaugas; Daukšys, Mindaugas; Augonis, Algirdas title: Analysis of Crack Width Calculation of Steel Fibre and Ordinary Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members date: 2014-03-05 words: 15660 flesch: 62 summary: Calculated crack widths are compared to the experimental results. It is determined that due to lack of the specimens the large deviations of residual flexural tensile strength can be obtained and it can cause the significant errors of calculated crack widths. keywords: coefficient; concrete; crack; crack width; reinforcement; steel fibre; stress; tensile; tensile strength cache: das-6336.pdf plain text: das-6336.txt item: #197 of 214 id: das-6354 author: Grinys, Audrius; Bocullo, Vytautas; Gumuliauskas, Algirdas title: Research of Alkali Silica Reaction in Concrete With Active Mineral Additives date: 2014-03-05 words: 5524 flesch: 57 summary: Usually alkali – silica reaction is an acid-base reaction between calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), otherwise known as Portlandite, and silicic acid (H4SiO4) or Si(OH4), otherwise known as pozzolanic reaction, schematically represented as follows: For the experiment described in this paper fly ash from Poland was used as an active mineral additive that supresses alkali – silica reaction. keywords: aggregate; alkali; ash; asr; cement; concrete; content; fly; reaction; silica; sio2; specimens cache: das-6354.pdf plain text: das-6354.txt item: #198 of 214 id: das-6857 author: Fantaziu, Cosmin; Chirilă, Răzvan title: Study Achievement of Deep Excavations from the Point of View of Their Effects on Surrounding Existing Buildings date: 2014-06-11 words: 3769 flesch: 44 summary: The results are compared with measurements made to support deep excavation and settlements for new buildings and those are in the “zone of influence” them. Keywords: deep excavations, influence, settlements, source of risk, surrounding existing buildings. keywords: area; buildings; construction; excavation; fig; foundation; influence; settlements; soil; support cache: das-6857.pdf plain text: das-6857.txt item: #199 of 214 id: das-6871 author: Kielė, Andrius; Vaitkevičius, Vitoldas; Sasnauskas, Vytautas; Vaičiukynienė, Danutė; Bistrickaitė, Rėda title: Reinforcement Corrosion Degree Effect on Adhesion with Concrete date: 2014-06-11 words: 4467 flesch: 49 summary: Corrosion criteria in steel reinforcement concrete samples, using a variety of standard electrodes (according to ASTM C876-91) Copper/copper sulfate electrode; measured potential, mV Corrosion conditions > -200 Slight (10 % probability of corrosion) -200... 100%).The potentiometric measurements showed that the most favorable probability of steel reinforcement corrosion to perform is when the steel reinforcement is exposed to NH 4 NO 3 solution, potential difference is < -350 mV. Keywords – reinforcement, concrete, corrosion degree 1. keywords: adhesion; concrete; corrosion; group; reinforcement; samples; smooth; solution; steel; steel reinforcement cache: das-6871.pdf plain text: das-6871.txt item: #200 of 214 id: das-6932 author: Aleksandrs, Zajacs; Jurgis, Zemitis; Kristina, Tihomirova; Anatolijs, Borodinecs title: Concept of Smart City: First Experience from City of Riga date: 2014-06-11 words: 3949 flesch: 51 summary: 4. Cross-sector actions in district heating District Heating network The Joint Stock Company „RĪGAS SILTUMS” is the biggest District Heating Company in Latvia and in the Baltic countries which is engaged in the production, transmission, distribution and sales of heat, the simultaneous production of heat and generation of power in cogeneration plants, as well as the servicing of district heating networks and systems in Riga city. [Source: ANNUAL REPORT, JSC „RĪGAS SILTUMS”, 2012] Heat meters automatic remote reading system in JSC “Rigas siltums» - Riga city. keywords: action; biofuel; cities; city; data; development; energy; heat; heating; riga; siltums cache: das-6932.pdf plain text: das-6932.txt item: #201 of 214 id: das-7129 author: Nicuță, Ana; Găină, Alexandra Alisa title: Numerical Simulation of a Site Response Analysis with STRATA Software date: 2014-12-09 words: 9285 flesch: 54 summary: Spectral ratio between surface and bedrock (cohesive soil) Fig. 4 shows spectral ratio between surface and bedrock for the considered layer of cohesive soil deposit in relation with the maximum, minimum and average values. Spectral ratio between surface and bedrock (cohesive soil) Fig. 4 shows spectral ratio between surface and bedrock for the considered layer of cohesive soil deposit in relation with the maximum, minimum and average values. keywords: acceleration; case; earthquake; fig; maximum case; response; soil; surface cache: das-7129.pdf plain text: das-7129.txt item: #202 of 214 id: das-7135 author: Kosior-Kazberuk, Marta; Grzywa, Mateusz title: Recycled Aggregate Concrete as Material for Reinforced Concrete Structures date: 2014-06-11 words: 4581 flesch: 52 summary: The influence of recycled concrete aggregates on the behavior of beam-column 66 joints under cyclic loading. Use of recycled concrete aggregate. keywords: aggregate; beams; behavior; concrete; fibers; load; properties; steel; strength cache: das-7135.pdf plain text: das-7135.txt item: #203 of 214 id: das-7144 author: Zingaila, Tadas; Augonis, Mindaugas title: Analysis of Flexural NSRC-HSRC Composite Members Cracking Behaviour and Concrete Properties date: 2014-09-15 words: 22291 flesch: 56 summary: Partial use of high strength concrete can increase stiffness of the rein- forced concrete composite beams, ultimate capacity, initial cracking load and other parameters, when comparing with the beams which are made from normal strength concrete. It can be observed that elasto-plastic deformations for high strength concrete occurs at much higher strain level than for normal strength concrete. keywords: coefficient; compressive; concrete; limit strain; modulus; strain; strain relation; strength concrete; stress; tensile concrete cache: das-7144.pdf plain text: das-7144.txt item: #204 of 214 id: das-7225 author: Matijosaitiene, Irina title: Urban Crime in the City of New Haven: Residential Burglaries date: 2014-12-09 words: 9745 flesch: 54 summary: There are also significant though very weak positive relations between residential burglary risk band and segment length, significant though very weak negative relations between residential burglary risk band depth R4.00 (angular), depth R10 (topological), and global choice. There are also significant though very weak positive relations between residential burglary risk band and segment length, significant though very weak negative relations between residential burglary risk band depth R4.00 (angular), depth R10 (topological), and global choice. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2014/4/9 24 Acknow- ledgment keywords: analysis; burglaries; burglary risk; crime risk; haven; new; risk band; segments; street segments cache: das-7225.pdf plain text: das-7225.txt item: #205 of 214 id: das-7357 author: Ziolkowski, Robert title: Roundabouts as an Effective Tool of Traffic Management date: 2014-12-09 words: 7512 flesch: 52 summary: They have been successfully used to control traffic speeds in residential neighborhoods and are accepted as one of the safest types of intersection design though study of safety in Bialystok They have been successfully used to control traffic speeds in residential neighborhoods and are accepted as one of the safest types of intersection design though study of safety in Bialystok keywords: drivers; fig; mini; roundabouts; speed; traffic; vicinity cache: das-7357.pdf plain text: das-7357.txt item: #206 of 214 id: das-7420 author: Shepelevich, Nikolai; Molchan, Aleksei title: Numerical Investigations of the Stressed-Deformed State of Buried Pipelines Made of Reinforced-Concrete Pipes date: 2014-12-09 words: 8845 flesch: 51 summary: The GOST 6482-88 (Издательство стандартов, 1989), where the drawings of pipes (including the reinforcement) and design conditions of their laying were provided, was valid in the USSR and Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2014/4/9 68 Russia till recently. The GOST 6482-88 (Издательство стандартов, 1989), where the drawings of pipes (including the reinforcement) and design conditions of their laying were provided, was valid in the USSR and Russia till recently. keywords: diameter pipes; e soil; pipes; soil cache: das-7420.pdf plain text: das-7420.txt item: #207 of 214 id: das-7428 author: Augonis, Mindaugas; Balevičius, Robertas; Kasiulevičius, Mindaugas; Bistrickaitė, Rėda title: Analysis of Cracking Moment of Flexural Elements Reinforced by Steel and FRP Reinforcement date: 2014-12-09 words: 20347 flesch: 69 summary: If to assume that this coefficient linear vary from the beginning of elastic plastic zone until to concrete fracture it could be expressed as (Augonis 2013) 1 i el lim lim el ε ε λ λ ε ε − = − − , (6) where lim λ – ultimate value of the elastic plastic coefficient at the moment of failure, i ε –strain, lim ε – ultimate strain (strain at the moment of failure) ( ) c lim lim c f E ε λ = , el ε – ultimate elastic strain 0 4 c el c , f E ε ≈ . If to assume that this coefficient linear vary from the beginning of elastic plastic zone until to concrete fracture it could be expressed as (Augonis 2013) 1 i el lim lim el ε ε λ λ ε ε − = − − , (6) where lim λ – ultimate value of the elastic plastic coefficient at the moment of failure, i ε –strain, lim ε – ultimate strain (strain at the moment of failure) ( ) c lim lim c f E ε λ = , el ε – ultimate elastic strain 0 4 c el c , f E ε ≈ . keywords: concrete; moment; reinforcement; strain; stress; tensile concrete; ε =; ε ε cache: das-7428.pdf plain text: das-7428.txt item: #208 of 214 id: das-7458 author: Žurauskienė, Ramunė; Kudžma, Andrius; Žurauskas, Rimvydas title: Industrial waste and burning temperature effect to building ceramics’ properties date: 2015-03-10 words: 3205 flesch: 52 summary: where: L0 – distance between indentations in formed sample, mm; L1 – distance between indentations in burned sample, mm. (1)L = 100 0 10 ⋅ − L LL , % Burned in 1000 °C, 1030 °C ir 1050° C temperatures forming masses with sand and PGGW additive physical and mechanical properties shown in examples Fig. From the image, we see, that this temperature is too high for burning samples formed only from clay mixture (samples fracture burning in such tempera- ture). keywords: building; burning; ceramics; samples; temperature cache: das-7458.pdf plain text: das-7458.txt item: #209 of 214 id: das-7472 author: Korjakins, Aleksandrs; Radina, Liga; Tomase, Liga title: Obtaining Porous Ceramics Using Shredded Paper and Foamglass Pellets date: 2014-09-15 words: 6827 flesch: 52 summary: Density of porous ceramics samples can be easily regulated by changing the amount and type of foamglass pellets, but if the amount of filler is increased and amount of water is kept at the same level, plasticity of the mixture decreases and it is more difficult to get homogeneous mixture as well as to work it in the moulds. Density of porous ceramics samples can be easily regulated by changing the amount and type of foamglass pellets, but if the amount of filler is increased and amount of water is kept at the same level, plasticity of the mixture decreases and it is more difficult to get homogeneous mixture as well as to work it in the moulds. keywords: ceramics; drying; filler; foamglass pellets; paper; samples; shrinkage; strength; water cache: das-7472.pdf plain text: das-7472.txt item: #210 of 214 id: das-7479 author: Černeckienė, Jurgita; Ždankus, Tadas title: Usage of the Wind Energy for Heating of the Energy-Efficient Buildings: Analysis of Possibilities date: 2015-03-10 words: 4151 flesch: 47 summary: Article studies global renewable energy sources innovations, statistics and scientific and engineering experience to ensure the building’s thermal energy needs, produced by transforming wind energy. Distribution of the potential of one renewable source – wind energy – during the year is similar to the energy necessary for the building heating, thus production of the heating energy from mechanic energy of the wind is chosen for further scientific investigations. keywords: building; class; efficiency; energy; heat; heating; losses; power; system; wind; wind energy cache: das-7479.pdf plain text: das-7479.txt item: #211 of 214 id: das-7913 author: Šadauskienė, Jolanta; Banionis, Karolis; Paukštys, Valdas title: Air Permeability Tests of Masonry Structures date: 2014-12-09 words: 15467 flesch: 55 summary: In this paper obtained masonry structures air permeability analysis of the results shows that building envelope air permeability depends on the masonry structure of the material and the installation of the masonry technology. However, there is no evidence how air permeability changes through the masonry construction, when it is heterogeneous. keywords: air flow; air permeability; masonry; masonry joints; masonry structures; specimen; − �; ≠ �; � = cache: das-7913.pdf plain text: das-7913.txt item: #212 of 214 id: das-8801 author: Zaleskienė, Erika; Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė, Indrė; Gadal, Sébastien title: Perspective of multiscale planning of rurban development: case of Lithuania date: 2015-03-10 words: 7247 flesch: 24 summary: Considering the issues discussed above - 1) uncertainty related with landscape planning and rurban Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2015/1/10 16 landscape as a particular landscape type, 2) precautionary principle requiring anticipatory action, right to know, alternatives assessment, full cost accounting, and research based participatory decision process (Environmental..., 2014), 3) multiscale approach to landscape research and planning, the ideas of 4) sustainability science and 5) landscape sustainability in the interrelated dimensions of environment, economics, equity, aesthetics, experience, and ethics (Musacchio 2009), the approach towards rurban landscape planning and related research based on four major interrelated scales - global, regional, national, local - was developed. Consequently the precautionary principle in rurban landscape planning under condition of uncertainty requires multiscale scientific sustainability-based approach in planning and related research ranging from global to local level and from abstract to very specific and concrete place-based information. keywords: 2012; areas; development; documents; etc; landscape; landscape planning; lithuania; national; planning; plans; research; scale; sustainability; territorial; urban cache: das-8801.pdf plain text: das-8801.txt item: #213 of 214 id: das-9980 author: Niebrzydowski, Wojciech title: Brutalism in Poland on the example of the architecture of Krakow date: 2015-03-16 words: 9041 flesch: 59 summary: Discussion On the basis of analyses of Krakow buildings’ forms the key features and elements connecting them with brutalism can be distinguished. On the basis of analyses of Krakow buildings’ forms the key features and elements connecting them with brutalism can be distinguished. keywords: architects; architecture; brutalist; building; concrete; elements; form; hotel; krakow; new; poland; polish; walls cache: das-9980.pdf plain text: das-9980.txt item: #214 of 214 id: das-9986 author: Tamasauskas, Rokas; Monstvilas, Edmundas; Bliūdžius, Raimondas; Banionis, Karolis; Miškinis, Kęstutis title: Comparison of Calculation Methods of Renewable Energy Generated by Electric Heat Pumps date: 2015-06-30 words: 14038 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, the calculated amount of renewable energy generated by heat pumps is higher than it should be. 49 Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2015/2/11 All renewable energy sources contain some non-renewable energy and for this reason, the re- quirement of the 2010/31/EU Directive, stating that more than a half of the amount of energy used by nearly zero-energy buildings should come from renewable energy sources, can only be related to the amounts of renewable and non-renewable primary energy used in the buildings, rather than energy in general, i.e. generated using renewable and non-renewable sources. The calculation results proved that using merely heat pumps in nearly zero-energy buildings will not ensure the necessary amount of energy from renewable primary energy sources. keywords: building; electricity; energy; energy factors; energy performance; energy sources; equation; heat; heat pumps; power; value cache: das-9986.pdf plain text: das-9986.txt